#i got confused with my sona too much lol
luxrayblues · 2 years
Can you do a Leon x Reader where Leon finds out that the reader has been hurt during a Pokémon battle (not a battle with him, non fatal)? SFW
Love this!!! This one is a little bit different c: you get to meet my fiancee's sona lol~ a little extra narrative in there c: hope you enjoy!
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Leon x reader - Overwhelmed
You had heard the rumors, but you hadn't listened well enough. A pokemon sanctuary a little ways from town which was owned by an aloof but incredibly kindhearted ex-trainer was guarded by a particularly feral noivern. What must have been the descendant of an alpha pokemon because of his huge size took it upon himself to keep anyone and everyone away from the sanctuary, which he deemed his territory. He meant well, wanting to protect his trainer and the pokemon within the sanctuary, but often he took things too far.
Your training session with your own pokemon in the woods had taken you farther than you'd gone before and you were startled by the sudden whoosh of wings and noisy screech as the noivern ignored your pokemon and went straight for you. You stumble back, falling into the dirt as your pokemon rush to defend you frantically. You couldn't believe the size and power of noivern as it threw your pokemon aside and clamped it's jaws around you, trying to rip you up into the air.
You were grateful for your pokemon fighting to keep you on the ground, but things were not going well for you. You shout out, the stress and physical struggle tiring you out quickly.
"JOHN!" A female voice shouts and you feel yourself hit the ground as noivern finally dropped you. As she runs up, you manage to ask her to call Leon, knowing he was expecting you and would be freaking out soon if you didn't show up.
You're unable to stay conscious any longer, overwhelmed by the attack. Darkness washes over you and your pokemon hurry to your side.
The woman had taken you in, bringing you to the sanctuary so she could temporarily patch you up. None of your wounds were fatal, but you had taken quite the beating out there. When she finally got you stable and patched up, she made the call to Leon as you had asked.
"Wh...what?!" He had been confused that it wasn't your voice, but once she explained why she was calling from your phone, his heart skipped beating. Touching his chest, Leon felt sick. He wasn't generally a fearful person, but he was terrified to hear that you had been injured and went through an intense moment of panic as she explained what had happened and where to find you.
"I'm on my way!" He hangs up, having to lean against the wall for a moment as his head was spinning, tears welling in his eyes. He had never felt this type of panic before, but you were his everything. "Y/N..." he mutters your name, looking down at the picture of you he had as his phone background. From the brief conversation he didn't know how bad it was, but he was led to believe that you had been hurt quite badly.
Leon had managed to pull it together enough to head out after only a short time. He called out charizard, knowing he should be able to find the sanctuary from the air since it wasn't too far, they sped for you. All the while his mind was racing, trying to prepare himself for seeing you hurt.
Charizard barely landed before he was already stumbling off of him, running for the house. The woman who'd saved you ushered him inside and to your bedside. He was relieved to see you, though he was still in a panic. All wrapped up in gauze like that, he couldn't help his tears. "Baby..." his voice cracks as he touches your cheek gently, checking over your unconscious form. He takes the offer to have a seat beside you, pulling the chair close so he could hold your hand, unable to help his tears as he waited for you to wake.
"I love you so much... my strong champion." He coos over you as you rest. It helped, though he didn't know it. His voice keeping nightmares from your resting mind until finally you began to wake.
Opening your eyes, you could see not only your very worried pokemon, but there was Leon with an expression you've never seen on him. He was visibly distressed, his hair even messy from anxiously touching it while he watched over you. "Y/N! Baby!" He squeezes your hand tightly and you can't help but to smile. You wanted to comfort him even though you were the one in pain.
He couldn't help the tears that welled in his amber eyes as he leaned over to kiss you. His lips press against your forehead and cheeks before finally finding your lips. He had been so afraid that the relief of seeing you awake was overwhelming for him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you and this only solidified it in his mind. He was in love with you. Deeply. He would give up most anything to be with you.
You could see all of it in his emotional expression, but you didn't have the words to explain that you felt the exact same way about him. Reaching up, you pull him into a weak hug. "I love you too." You whisper against his lips and kiss him deeply, passionate.
Leon holds you for a long time and you let him. It was a lot and you both needed to come down from the emotions of everything that had happened. You knew that you would both be coming out of this day with your relationship stronger than ever, though it would take Leon some time to be comfortable being away from you.
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kbthebearcat · 2 months
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So sometimes when I can’t think of anything to draw, or I CANT seem to draw anything I think of… I will just make random doodles to try and at least get some kind of drawing and practice in. I have quite a few of these. Most of the time they just end up being expressions with out full faces, and other times it’s random characters or vague doodles of existing characters (like the doodle of sorta-Donald there who looks annoyed and confused lol. Probably because I didn’t complete him and left him as a sketchy doodle lmbo… 😭) If you’re interested, I have a description for each doodle dump here under the cut!
So for the first one, not much to say… it’s the most recent doodle page I did and it’s just a bunch of expressions/faces. They are really fun for me to do when I don’t know what else to draw, and I don’t feel a lot of pressure making them. They just flow out without much effort or worry about them turning out good! Second one has this random anonymous figure that I was just practicing more expressions and posing with. Then I ended up drawing a random anthro cat that I honestly would like to draw more of because I like him and I think he came out cute. ;w;
Third one has less going on. Some random faces and then a random character I made up, it’s a little more stylized and cartoony than usual for me. I enjoyed drawing her!
And then lastly, we have that also doesn’t have too many doodles, but we’ve got an unfinished confused and annoyed Donald there. XD And then a lil random anthro bunny character that looks like he’s trying to get a waiter to come over??? IDK LOL. Then we’ve got a scared/disturbed-looking kitty face, and finally I think I ended up doing some kind of shark version of my sona KB there??? And she looks angry haha. Maybe I was kind of angry when I did this or bothered? I don’t really remember… 😅 But yeah! That’s about it!
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raidenloml · 4 months
3 from the askgane dor whichever characters u want >:]
ack!!!! ok so!!!
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
(this is a perfect question as ive been playing more splatoon 3 recently so i actually have a feel for the weapons i want my characters to use hihi + ill just list all of the ones i currently have chosen weapons for!)
turns out, this post grew way longer than i thought it would so uh woe read more be upon you
Definitely Splatana Wiper as main and (Luna) Blaster as secondary, he has a quick and agressive playstyle so these are the weapons he usually goes for (also his aim is absolute dog with chargers and splatlings are a little bulky and slow for him, he can use shooters when needed but he doesnt find them interesting to play)
Probably sticks with a vanilla Splat Charger, likes to play support/backline but still pressures the opposite team quite a bit whilst staying out of fire himself. Other than his proficiency with his main weapon he probably has some practice in with other weapon classes as well. (This is because he works for Ammo Knights hihi)
I'd imagine him being kind of well known for his absolutely bonkers k/d ratio because of his high awareness playstyle but he would definitely have the dumbest deaths in practice :')
Zel is a HUGE fan of heavy weaponry like this woman is absolutely insane about them and practices every single one she can get her hands on but her main weapon of choice in battle would probably be a Dynamo Roller or a Nautilus when she's feeling extra silly... as for why its mainly because it helps her stay physically strong and uhhh lifting super heavy weapon in practice means she doesnt have to go to the gym often
Definitely shooter class weapons, probably sticks to something like an N-Zap, Splash-o-Matic, Splattershot and Splattershot Pro but is quite handy with a Squiffer when needed. I imagine at some point A4 and Link would switch roles just before a match to confuse the opponent (very silly behaviour)
BONUS!!!!!!!! These are characters which i havent really thought of in a competitive sense or havent developed yet
itll be very messy going forward mainly because i want to yap so hard about these little inkfish thumbs up
Fern doesn't really play that much but would probably prefer Dualies, not sure which but she'd probably switch it up sometimes
Brella 100% (i dont know how to explain it i just feel it in my bones) her Brella would probably be decorated to the max literally her pride and joy (also known as her favourite fashion accessory as she's too busy with her job to actually use it in battle :( boowomp)
Amber: (<- Arsenic's younger sister!!!)
Brella/Bucket, i haven't really thought of her in battle but she'd probably just mess around a ton lol
Ise Rotag:
Ise was originally the character that was Link's like future partner??? their story was really nice but he got replaced by Arsenic after i abandoned the two for a few months and decided to revive Link again (you will see Ise more btw i fucking love his design and cuntyness) FOR THE WEAPON! Probably an Inkbrush honestly this guy loves to be annoying and sneak up on backliners when they least expect it, plays very aggressively as well... also his name has a really funny origin and if youre able to guess it ill uhh idk good job
I have 3 other characters but they all dont have names so uhm yeah ill just go quickly through these
oc based on coroika, inkling, probably something backline, dont imagine them in battle often
waiter, octoling, grim blaster (or so me from 2 years ago wrote down)
shut-in, inkling, new squiffer (again according to notes left to their design drawings)
2&3 were together and 1 was a sona for shits and giggles but uh theyll come back someday!! i promise!!! like their designs and relationship dynamics too much!!! they might even be Ise's new teammates!!!
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cetrouz · 1 year
I'm pretty much a veteran when talking about Atelier801 games and stuff. Though I don't know their recent plans or games, I have good memories of their past ones. But I have to say I'm surprised this company has lasted for so long because it has been 5-6 years since their games have fell out lol
Anyways, I'm gonna go through their games swiftly and talk about them because why not.
- Transformice (2010)
Oh Transformice... How could everyone forget. I had played this game since 2011 and it was of course the most iconic one of the bunch. Just a couple of mice getting the cheese and going back to the den. The concept is so simple yet it was so fun with the countless of maps created by the community and different rooms that offered special gamemodes. One of my sonas is from this game. I think it's still fun to play these days, although it is very empty and the lack of brand new events doesn't make the game exciting to come back to.
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- Bouboum (2013)
It's just an online bomberman. It's very basic but it doesn't make it less fun. Though it's likely my most disliked game of the bunch because of the huge lack of customization and the repetitive gameplay. The game itself is very grindy if you just want to get a pretty skin and I don't like how the obvious way to quickly get them is to pay money. But Atelier801 has always been a bit greedy with their customization options.
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- Fortoresse (2014)
A 2D shooting game, but one of the most broken, confusing, and glitchy ones. However I found a lot of fun too. I guess the weird mechanics and completely broken weapons made the game funny to play and that gives you equal amounts of rage and laughter. The game is not quite pay-to-win because it's way more easy to get currency compared to Bouboum, but the weapons and perks you do have get with currency, so it requires you to grind to get better.
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- Nekodancer (2014)
MY GOD Nekodancer was my jam. It's just a rythmn game like Friday Night Funkin' and that one Club Penguin game at the disco club, the only difference is that the PLAYERS submit YouTube videos to play in it. The sequence of arrows is generated with the beats of the video/song which was just a great concept at the time, allowing players to send their own music. There were always some weird videos people put in but nothing too bad, the absolute worse though is when someone put a metronome beat video because dear fucking god how do you beat this fucking shit
- Run For Cheese (2014)
Only those who know knows. A mobile game that was just an obstacle race with Transformice characters. It's pretty basic and honestly I can't see the reason for the creation of this game because I don't even remember how they monetize it. Hilariously enough, I had pretty high stats in the game which just shows me I was hooked with it when it still existed lol
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- Dead Maze (2018)
Project Zomboid rip-off but easier and visually cuter. It's like a PG version of PZ. To be honest I think I only played this game once and I don't remember shit except there was some kind of story idk, I guess someone hit with a car in the middle of nowhere and you got stranded. Can't say much about the game because I hardly played it.
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- Transformice Adventures
Apparently this game hasn't officially released but I did remember playing it...? It's just cute little rats fighting insects and I guess there was some hype to this game when it was announced. It was fun to play with friends. But I don't think there's anything else on it worth saying. It's just a cute game with a concept I've seen in 238 other games.
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There were other two games on the wiki list but I've never heard of them before so I never actually played it. There was also Celousco but it was cancelled (I remember when we got the news the game was cancelled, it was a bit sad). But anyways... Well that is it.
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itsskoll · 2 years
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Finished this one! Didn't actually take that long. Wished I'd made the details and relationship sections bigger and shrunk the team bit, but oh well.
Mr Syma in all his glory. He's charismatic, friendly, rebels against his rich parents and loves his pokemon. He likely has other pokemon, but I haven't decided what yet. He doesn't have much of a story rn since Scarlet and Violet aren't out yet lmao. Did wonder if he'd join Team Star but haven't decided yet. I'll wait until I play Violet.
His team rn consist of Quince, the sprigatito (his starter from Uva). Quince looks cute here but he's a spiteful lil kitty who hisses at anyone he doesn't trust. Didn't get along with Syma at first, but they reached a friendship. Lazslo, the shiny meowth (Kantonian, more of a pet). Syma got Lazslo as a young child and they've been thick as thieves since then. Lazzie is very much an emotional support pokemon. And Milkshake, the shiny giratina! Ain't that a weird one? Syma inherited Milkshake from his ancestors, Halcyon and Volo. Specifically, Hal caught the giratina from an ultra wormhole. Milkshake was pretty confused after being in statis for 200 years, but he gets along with Syma. Loves his cooking.
Relationship wise we got: Fans- Kyuna, Nessie and Mossy (discord friends who have the hots for him lol) Paternal Aunt- Cynthia. Syma admires her and likely gets a gabite from her. Ancestors- Halcyon and Volo. Hal is my PLA sona and Volo is my husband so ofc. They're his... greatx3 grandpas I believe? Boyfriends- Wren, my partner's sona and Arven! Casual/FWB- Professor Turo and Brassius. What can I say? Syma likes em older. Probably add more to the list after more npcs are revealed lol
Not too much else to say. He wears his pins on the orange flap of the jacket. He has claws and fangs as inherited from Hal's genes. His face is very Volo-like. He dyes his fringe to suit his outfit. Sometimes his eyes glow, y'anno. Normal stuff!
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songouda · 2 months
just putting down some thoughts for my db s/i, mozzarella (i don't really feel comfortable posting any artwork yet, so i figured i would try to put it in words first !!)
head's up, this is a really long post!
tw // brief mention of sex
backstory ig idk lol:
i don't really have much in the lines of backstory (this is mostly because i haven't finished DB Super yet and i'm not that knowledgeable of how DB's world works lol). but i do like the idea of mozzarella just being a homebody that has a garden and makes a living by selling their fruits n veggies. they met goku at a farmer's market and really hit it off from there !! it was love at first sight with goku ^-^ they are also a shapeshifter and just kind of. exist ! (i looked up shapeshifting on the db wiki and apparently there was a shapeshifting school ? i might incorporate that when i do my full db watch !) one idea that i have is that mozzarella had a previous form but eventually chose to stay permanently in their rat form. it's the form that makes them most comfortable. it took them a while to get used to their current form, but after a while, it became their default form. they aren't opposed to taking other forms for fun ! there is no limits to their shapeshifting ability, but bigger and more complex forms can be very exhausting. still, their shapeshifting isn't 100 perfect either; sometimes, if they aren't focused (which is often), the form they take will sometimes have large rat ears, a long rat tail, or huge whiskers ! typically, mozz will only shapeshift certain parts of their body for convenience's sake. for example, they'll transform their arms into huge bat wings in order to fly around quickly. this doesn't take up more energy to do.
i don't think there's any design variations from my actual sona. mozz will still be relatively average height (shorter than goku but taller than vegeta). they might be a little bit furrier and have a longer tail, but that's about it. oh, and they'll probably fit more into the style of DB/DBZ.
personality wise will be very consistent with my sona (and myself too). ditzy and easily confused but kind-hearted. does their best to be a good person but worries excessively about how people perceive them. a little weirdo for sure lmfao. the only interesting thing i might have to think about is the idea that saiyans are wired to be attracted to "strong" partners (vegeta said 'women' specifically but i'm just gonna say that gender doesn't matter here shhhhh). i don't know if mozzarella is particularly "strong" or "hot-headed" in the same why bulma and chichi and videl is (or, in videl's case, used to be). i'm leaning towards "no, they aren't;" they're probably pretty passive and typically go with the flow. still, they can be incredibly snarky at times and can come off as a bit of a know-it-all (intentionally or not). i think there is an inner strength there but it doesn't manifest in the same way that it does for the main DB girlies. still, mozzarella will throw hands if needed and does not take shit from anyone LMFAO. bascially "i'm not a fighter but don't test me." even if goku is the strongest in the universe, mozz will be more than ready to beat a mf up to defend him (they fucking HATEEE it when people disrespect goku, it's like their no. 1 pet peeve. they'd probably start crying but will still beat a mf up if needed.)
changes to the canon:
this is gonna be difficult to touch on because i haven't really figured it out in my head yet. the main difficulty is gonna stem from chichi. i love chichi to pieces (all chichi haters will die by my blade), so i don't want her to like. not exist LOL. i also don't want them to have gotten a divorce around the time that goku and mozzarella meet. my solution is that chichi and goku just never got together. basically, the "promise" that goku made to chichi was that they would meet again in the future (not that he would marry her) and that promise was fulfilled when they fought at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. they're just good friends and sparring partners. ofc, there's the question of gohan and goten existing, and i want them to exist !! an idea that i have is that goku and chichi slept together a few times in the past and thus, gohan and goten. i haven't decided why yet (failed relationship that ended amicably ? maybe chichi or goku or both wanted kids and they trusted each other enough to want to have children with each other ? they were just fooling around ?), but regardless, gohan and goten DO exist, and all of the events in DB and DBZ/Kai did happen as they normally would, just less gochi (i still <3 gochi tho). oh, and i imagine goku just has his own separate place and doesn't live with chichi. goten lives with her (gohan is grown and already left), and goku lives nearby so he can help out whenever he can. (mozz thinks he's a really good dad ^o^)
mozzarella's inclusion in the canon:
so my idea is that mozzarella and goku met sometimes during Super. the idea is that goku is a farmer (i think this concept was introduced in super) and uses the money for himself and for chichi and goten (both he and chichi work). considering both he and mozz sell their crops at the farmer's market, my idea is that they met here. basically, mozz was not involved in any of the crazy shit goku got up to prior to Super. after meeting, mozz was quickly introduced to goku's main circle of friends and was quickly swept up into all of the craziness goku got himself into. this includes meeting beerus and whis, golden freiza, universe 6, etc. also, bulma quickly ran mozz up to speed on everything that has ever happened to them pre-Super, so while they were pretty skeptical at first, they quickly believed her (mostly due to bulma's birthday party fiasco).
i'll stop this post here since it's getting pretty long, but the reblog is gonna focus on mozz's relationships with everyone else, including goku !!
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Might do TDOV piece so here's a concept. Idk if I'll go through with it since... time. But these cats are Gummydrop, originally Gummypaws, and Rushreed, originally Rushmarsh
''Text'' is just a placeholder for the actual text. Plus I don't want to put TDOV non-abbreviated not on TDOV and confuse people
Rambling under cut
Gummydrop (Tortoiseshell) was my first ever sona of any kind and one of my first ever WCOCs from all the way back in 2014 when I first started getting into Warrior Cats. Very self-inserty because that's what he was, he was the literally the kit of Brightheart, my favorite character at the time. I decided to revamp him, gave him a Warrior name after 8-9 years, a crumb of a backstory, and made him better reflect how I felt back then knowing what I now know (transed his gender lol), to live up to his self-insert roots
Rushreed (Tabby) is my Government Assigned Warrior Cat. I never made the account Rushmarsh when I rolled for it so I technically don't have one? But in spirit it is. But I feel comfortable changing it since it's easier for me to say with my speech impediment and lisp and it's just cooler. I'm not gonna say that's what I got first roll though. They're nonbinary using They/He pronouns since that's how I identified at the time and that's even how I originally wrote them even though I didn't intend for him to be a self-insert but they totally were. I don't see my time then primarily identifying as nonbinary as like a stepping stone or something in discovery for the most part so I wanted to honor it and keep Rushreed as is
I feel like these two being old self-inserts, I should draw them. These two represented me in times of my life where I was in various stages of being 'out' and even discovery, but even with that -- I was always trans. Putting way too much thought into a mere concept of a dumb kitty drawing but oh well
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omaiiee · 2 years
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sketches of my farmer May, heir to Silkemoon Farm
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laveenderdraws · 3 years
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Vee! My beloved sona got a massive design update, so it makes sense that they'd also get a new ref lol
Other than the color changes, their old design is pretty much still "canon" (it's their human "disguise")
More info about him under the cut!! !!TW Death Mention!!
First and foremost - how did Vee become a demon? Vee was possessed by a full shadow demon (basically a demon who's "lost themselves" over time, their physical forms are very... distorted). Vee's body couldn't handle the process and the damage sustained from their body trying to fit the distortion of the original demon, and they died. When Vee came back, they found their body kept reflections of what happened to them before dying, but instead of scars his body formed in shadow.
Vee has no recollection of dying or being dead at all. They only have their scars and the fact that they're part shadow demon to help them piece together what happened. Quite frankly they prefer it this way.
After becoming a demon, Vee's personality changes quite a bit - outwardly at least. They stop really trying to keep their emotions to themselves, which makes them much... louder... of a person as a whole. They are generally way more "chaotic" I suppose?? And, unfortunately, they become pretty violent. In their head, Vee has already payed the "ultimate price" for their (very tame) actions, and resolved that if he's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't, why shouldn't he? Obvioulsy they're not just going around attacking people, but they will not hold back if provoked (how easy they are to provoke varies).
Because they're a demon, Vee has powers!
He can make his body fully shadow - during which he can choose if he wants to be tangible or not. In that state he can also bring up to 2 other people with him - making their bodies shadow as well (granted he HAS to be touching them, so he's not likely to take anyone he's not comfortable with with him)
Vee can "flatten" their body against surfaces. As long as the item is Vee sized or larger they can put their body on it. This is also a power they can bring others into.
Vee cannot bleed. If injured in a way that would normally draw blood, their body simply "seeps" more of the shadow substance their body is largely made of.
Vee also feels reduced pain (for the most part)
They can float (if so desired)
Vee doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep. They continue to do so because they want some sense of normalcy
Vee can't use any of their powers too much or for too long without exhausting themselves. In the event he does exhaust himself, it would be the only time his body would require him to sleep. And, should he ever completely exhaust himself, he'd simply just black out and be unconscious for 13+ hours. Despite being hard to do, they have managed it, once.
Unfortunately, Vee has a very poor sense of time. Suddenly loosing a week of their life made keeping up with the rest very difficult and confusing for them. Vee also is highly sensative to lights (due to being made of shadow) and sounds (due to different ears), and will typically avoid going out and doing things during the day. There's even a threshold of too much light that, when met or surpassed, can physically hurt Vee. Which, granted, was a problem they'd had before, it's just that that threshold is much lower now.
Um, that's about it! If you read this all thank you! If you have any questions about Vee feel free to ask!
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mysteriouslee · 3 years
Sleep Time
tbh I kinda gave up on Tickltober lmao
this fic has @shy-anon-writes sona Caroline Hill, go check her out she's awesome
this fic takes place after amphibia and she babysits the girls
lets get to it
The girls are watching a movie while sprawled out on the couch, it was nice that they could just relax after working so hard in school. Their babysitter Caroline was taking care of them and Sasha was getting watched very closely, Caroline knew that girl was trouble and was not taking any chance of her adopted sisters Marcy and Anne getting into too much deep shit as that Sasha would always drag her friends into.
Sasha: oi stop watching me
Caroline: what are you talking about
Sasha: you keep on giving a stink eye
Caroline: chill out strawberry girl
Anne: pfft, I mean she's not wrong lol
Marcy: you do look like the angriest strawberry when you use your calamity powers
Sasha: fuck off all of you
Caroline: all right chill out strawberry lemonade, its about your bed time anyways, off you go
Sasha: no
Caroline: excuse me
Sasha: you fucking heard me I said no and plus we are enjoying our selves so screw off goldilocks
Anne and Marcy: *WHEEEZE*
Anne: you know I don't really wanna got to bed either
Marcy: not really *yawn* tired either
Caroline: betrayed by my own, then I'll have no choice
Anne and Marcy as knew what was going to happen due to Caroline's facial expression and ditched Sasha and ran to hide
Sasha: WTF where you guys running too- hey goldie lemme go
Caroline began attacking the blonde's ribs and she let out a loud squeal that Anne and Marcy could hear from downstairs
Sasha: fahahawk Ohohff
Caroline ignored the youngers pleas and carried Sasha in her right arm to look for the other too while continuing her attack on Sasha
Anne and Marcy were hiding in a closet and it was kinda a tight fit, even though they were dating Marcy couldn't stop a bluzh creeping on her face due to Anne being too close.
Anne: what's wrong Mar-Mar, am I too close
Marcy: I um
Anne: frog in your throat, lemme help you
Anne began kissing her girlfriend's cheek as Marcy let out a couple of giggles
Marcy: Anne stop, we are gonna get caught
Anne completely lovestruck: does it matter
Caroline out off nowhere: yes it does
Anne and Marcy tried to make a run for it but got caught
Caroline carries all three girls back to the living room
Caroline sits on Sasha and Anne's legs and held Marcy in her lap, she began blowing raspberries on Marcy's torso while digging into Anne and Sasha's stomachs.
Anne is confused on how much stronger Caroline had gotten since they had their first training because normally Anne could just push away at the young adult's arms
Marcy: stahahap merehehecy
Caroline: gee lemme think, no
Anne: whahahay
Caroline: I told you guys to bed and since you won't I'll just have to tire you out
Anne: thihis isnt rihihit
Caroline: what isn't right
Caroline stopped for a bit to hear Anne out
Anne: when did you get this strong
Caroline only smirked at the younger child below her
Caroline: I worked out more I guess
Marcy: lies
Sasha: pfft roast
Caroline: you guys wound my soul
Caroline continued her attack
Sasha: lehehet gohohoho
Caroline ignored the the pleas for mercy and ruthlessly continued the attack tenfold
eventually Caroline released them
Caroline: so what did we learn from-
Caroline saw the three girls slowly drift to sleep
Caroline: looks like I tired them out I wonder if I went too far on them but at least they'll sleep now
Caroline carried the girls off to bed and when she tried to put Anne in her own bed Marcy clung to her like glue and it made the young adult's heart melt so she let them be in the same bed as the sleepily cuddled up to one another
Caroline: hey Sasha if you are still awake, I 'll keep your secret safe
Sasha: the fuck does that mean
Caroline: you are the strongest out of all of us and I also noticed you seemed sad this week so it was obvious you let me get you
Sasha: bullshit
Caroline: quiet down Anne and Marcy are sleeping, if you ever need comfort, you can always come to me
Sasha mumbled a quiet thank you and Caroline only widened her eyes in shock
Sasha: don't think we aren't gonna get you back
Caroline: yeah yeah strawberry now get to bed
Caroline: good night
Sasha: Good night
Caroline was happy that she has gained a new sister although she might be too much of a handful
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skelemira · 3 years
Ooooh whats Rowan's lore? *grabs popcorn*
Gonna leave it after the cut (if I remember how to do the cut right on mobile lol) so I don't clog up feeds
So Rowan started out as a human. Her family was okay financially, probably lower middle class. Not rich enough to be truly comfortable, but not in a whole lot of danger debt-wise. She had a mother, a father, an older sister named Magnolia (Nolia for short) and a little brother named Cedar (lol do you see a naming pattern here I'm so creative). Her parents were... Okay. They weren't abusive or anything, but they weren't exactly doting. They didn't really have the time to be doting, since they both worked all the time. The siblings all got along really well, though, the type of siblings that stuck together initially because they lacked that true family relationship but slowly morphed into ride or die siblings.
So one day, little 14-year-old Rowan (Nolia was 16, soon to be 17, and Cedar was 10) gets home from school, pretty average, normal day.
She's sitting at the table doing her hw when someone knocks at the door and her parents (it was kind of weird, they were never home at this hour) rush to open it. There stands a man in a lab coat, holding an envelope. Rowan hated him instantly. Something about him seemed wrong.
He talked to her parents for a bit, and her parents asked her to go get Nolia and Cedar with some urgency in their voices. And.... If she was right in placing that tone.... Guilty excitement...?
She got her siblings and they came downstairs.
Turns out her parents had been closer to debt than she realized. So to get some more money and.... Relieve some financial burdens, they sold their kids to a group of scientists needing victi----research participants.
Of course there was a struggle, Nolia stepping up to try and defend her siblings, screaming at her parents, Rowan holding Cedar close while silent tears poured down both their faces.
But the scientist was prepared, and before anyone could react, three men appeared with rags, holding them over the kids' mouths.
She woke up in an empty white room.
Well... If you could call it white. It was more of a dinghy, hardly cleaned beige. These men were not with the government, she could immediately tell that.
Gonna sum up this part bc it involves torture but basically the scientists were experimenting to see if they could turn a human into a monster. They found only Rowan's soul was compatible. They used her siblings to keep her under control..... Only they had dumped Nolia and Cedar on the streets weeks ago. They simply reused footage to "prove" to Rowan they were still there.
They almost succeeded in their experiment. They forced so much magic into her soul that it started to flip.... But it was too much and Rowan flatlined. They dumped her body in the woods, only disappointed that they came so close.
A couple months passed. Her body decayed until only her skeleton remained. The decaying process was helped along by all the magic, which seemed to have concentrated in her bones, morphing them slowly until they were all connected.
She woke up.
She spent several years on the streets. She begged, she stole, and... She drank. Or at least she tried to. (She was allowed into bars because people thought she was a monster, and she wasn't wearing stripes, so that must mean she was an adult.) She quickly discovered that her alcohol tolerance was *legendary*. She drank bars dry having drinking contests with people (that's how she paid for all her drinks) but felt no different than before. Eventually someone dared her to try Everclear, and though she grimaced at the taste, she drank the entire bottle.
The bar was silent.
The taste eventually grew on her, a kind of self-inflicted punishment that soon became a routine, almost a comfort.
Now a good chunk of the next part has to do with my friend's sonas which I'm not going to talk about because they're not my characters, but suffice it to say they were amazing friends to her and helped her recover and get on her feet.
One such friend discovered her sleeping by Grillby's dumpster, and Grillby let her stay the night on his couch, setting up a job at Muffet's for her the next day. She and Muffet became really close friends and finally she started to have a more stable life. (She finds and dates Underlust Sans but that's another story lol which I would be happy to share in another ask~ but y'all these two are so cute plz)
So someone suggests she go see a therapist. Goodness knows she's got some trauma. So she agrees. The name of her therapist seems..... Eerily familiar but she decides to ignore her gut and go anyway. She walks into the therapist's office and---
And sees her mother sitting there, looking professional and well-rested and happy.
She runs.
Yeah so suffice it to say she isn't gonna trust therapy again for a bit lol, and it takes her even LONGER (and some good therapy sessions) to accept the fact that her mother was clearly better off without her and her siblings.
Yeah ya girl has a lot of issues, especially abandonment <3 she is very much a people pleaser and WILL put your needs high above her own. Anything to make you want to stay. Anything to make her feel needed or wanted.
So she's hanging out at Grillby's one day (he and his bartender like to try out different mixes on her, try to see if they can get her to make a face at a cocktail) when a huge party comes in. Rowan automatically shrinks a bit from discomfort because of the big crowd, and she continues her game with Grillby and the bartender (the bartender is my friend's sona that's why I'm not naming them lol). Then she hears something that makes her freeze mid-sip.
"Let's hear it for Magnolia!!!! The first of us to get tied down!" Followed by raucous laugh....ter...
She recognizes that laugh.
She flees the bar, with no explanation to anyone. She catches a glimpse of Nolia, with Cedar by her side, and both of their eyes squint slightly in confusion as she passes by them.
She makes it outside, looking around for where to go, unable to think in her panicked confusion when---
She goes ramrod straight and slowly turns, hands balled into fists to hide the violent shaking. Nolia bursts into tears, Cedar immediately clinging to her stiff form, his shoulders shaking as bad as her hands.
They.... Recognized her. They.........
Were *happy* to see her.
Slowly she hugged them back and they got to catching up. (So yeah if it wasn't clear Nolia was getting married, they both had survived on the streets together until Nolia was old enough to get a job).
Also something I forgot to mention lol is Rowan had found 2 kittens behind Muffet's, an older girl kitten fiercely protecting a little boy kitten. They immediately latched onto her after she made it clear she wasn't a threat, and she decided to name them after her siblings.
Also things worth noting, she smells like apples, she has magical red translucent hair, her soul wavers from more upside down like a monster's to more upright like a human's, she loves to bake, she is like the DEFINITION of cottagecore, she has magical tattoos on her face that change around to look like the Day of the Dead skulls (the colors get brighter or darker with her moods), and she drinks 2 bottle of everclear every time she goes to Grillby's. The paramedics in the area quickly become used to people calling the ambulance when she drinks (seriously look up everclear it's basically pure alcohol). She eventually stops drinking (not that it was *really* harming her since she had that alcohol tolerance and a body made primarily of magic at this point (plus alcohol isn't really gonna hurt her, she doesn't have kidneys lol) but she wanted to stop anyway. She loves to paint and teaches one of her friends to paint, tending to her friend's garden while her friend paints. She also loves to cook and bake, she eventually helps out with baking at Muffet's, though she refuses to bake the spiders into the pastries. Her scones are things of legend, they sell out as soon as she brings the tray out of the kitchen.
Yeah that was a lot lol and there's little things here and there that I missed so feel free to send in questions about her if you want to know anything! Or if you want to know how Rowan and UL Sans got together (spoiler: they eventually get married and it's so cute)
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
you could do number 6 for the general with alastair coming out (and thomastair ofc)!! (maybe him coming out to his dad or in a public place if you wanted more like... direction lol) only if you want to though!! <3
Sorry I kinda changed it a little cause I knew exactly how I wanted to do it in my head so this is him coming out to his dad! 💕
Alastair shifted nervously from foot to foot and absentmindedly picked at his fingers. He was about to come out to his family, Cordelia of course already knew but he was more worried about his father’s reaction. He had brought Thomas as moral support because he truly didn’t believe that he would get through it without Thomas being there.
   Someone grabbed his hands and Alastair tensed before realizing it was Thomas, he threw him a sheepish smile and Thomas smiled back. “You have to stop picking babe, you’re making yourself bleed.” Alastair frowned and looked down at his hands which were indeed starting to bleed. Alastair frowned at them and Thomas sighed before tilting Alastair’s head up with his finger.
   “You’ve got this, if anything goes wrong Cordelia and I will be right there okay?” Thomas leaned forward and kissed Alastair’s forehead, Alastair sighed and relaxed against him breathing deeply. 
   Alastair pulled away and straightened his shirt before throwing Thomas one more anxious glance and walking in. Cordelia was standing in the hall with Sona talking animatedly with her hands, she cast a look at her brother and smiled encouragingly as Thomas shut the door behind them. 
   “Where’s father?” Alastair asked softly, Sona turned to her son with bright eyes. “He should be getting back any-” The door opened behind them and Alastair jumped slightly, turning to see his father walking in. “Time.” Sona finished with a laugh that sounded so much like Cordelia that Alastair couldn’t help the smile that turned up the corners of his mouth. 
   “I have something I’d like to speak to you about.” He said glancing between his mother and father. Cordelia stilled as Sona smiled at Alastair, Elias turned to Alastair with an empty expression that sent his stomach plummeting. His hands shook and he made them into fists in an attempt to stop them, Thomas looked torn and Alastair knew Thomas was wishing he could touch him but he was glad when Thomas didn’t.
   Alastair walked stiffly to the sitting room and let out a breath as Thomas stood next to his chair, a silent presence that he was eternally grateful for. Cordelia sat down in front of him as if she could physically shield him from his father’s reaction. Sona sat on the couch opposite them, Elias joining a moment later.
   They watched him as he tried to get his thoughts together, his palms were sweating and his heart was racing. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to talk only to close it again as he lost his nerve. His father watched him distastefully. “Spit it out, boy.” He said tightly, his eyes watching Alastair with a loathing he could never understand. 
   “I-I’m,” He paused, his heart rate spiking and he glanced nervously at Thomas who smiled reassuringly at him, he felt Cordelia squeeze his hand in encouragement. “I’m gay.” He finally spit out, his eyes snapping shut so he didn’t have to see their reactions.
   After an exceedingly long stretch of silence, Alastair opened his eyes. His mother was watching him with sad but kind eyes, his father’s face was carefully blank. “Oh Alastair,” His mom said quietly, standing up to come over to him. “Alastair, it’s okay.” She reached out and placed a warm hand on his shoulder, he gave her a relieved smile. 
   It was short-lived though, his father shook his head slowly, his eyes trained carefully on Alastair. “No.” He said simply, his voice oddly calm. Alastair swallowed heavily and felt Thomas drop a comforting hand on his shoulder, it didn’t go unseen by his father. “No. I will not have a child who is gay.” Elias said, his calm facade starting to crack. 
   “Elias-” Sona started but was cut off when Elias stood suddenly. “I suggest you fix this quickly.” He snarled. Alastair stood up, feeling too intimidated sitting down. “Father I cannot ‘fix this’, it’s who I am and I refuse to keep acting like it isn’t.” Elias threw him a look that reminded him of a death glare.
   “If you do not drop this you will not be living here anymore, nor will you be my son. I will not have a son who is gay.” He spat the word as if it were the devil himself. Alastair flinched and automatically looked at Thomas who had his fists clenched at his sides, his eyes narrowed dangerously at Elias.
   Sona stepped forward quickly, placing a hand on her husband’s chest. “Honestly Elias, we can figure this out, there is no need to get rid of anyone.” Thomas moved to Alastair’s side and Elias ignored Sona’s words instead,  zoning in on Thomas.
   Alastair stepped in front of Thomas but his father ignored it. “You,” He started, his eyes never wavering from Thomas’s handsome face. “You did this. You confused him, you should rot in hell for this.” Alastair glared at his father and grabbed Thomas’s hand tightly, Thomas squeezed back. 
   “He did nothing wrong here. If you choose to be mad at someone be mad at me.” Elias’s eyes flashed and he was in front of Alastair in seconds. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m not mad at you.” He said venomously. “I am furious with you.” He said and his hand was coming up before Alastair knew what was happening.
   Alastair closed his eyes tightly and awaited the blow. The blow however never came but he still heard the sound of Elias’s fist hitting something and Cordelia gasping loudly as Sona shrieked. Alastair snapped his eyes open and found Thomas standing in front of him, his hand on his jaw.
   Red took over Alastair’s vision as he realized his father had actually struck Thomas, it was evident he hadn’t meant to and that Thomas stepping in front of him but that just fueled his anger. Poor, protective, self-sacrificing Thomas took the blow that was meant for himself.
   Stepping dangerously close to Elias, Alastair leveled him with a look of such fury that Elias took a physical step back. “I suggest you get a grip on yourself father. If you so much as look at Thomas the wrong way again by the angel I swear I will end you.” Elias’s eyes widened but Alastair didn’t back down. “He had it coming, the poof.” 
   Alastair was in Elias’s face in two seconds flat, his hands holding on tightly to the front of his father’s shirt, his mouth close to his father’s ears. “If you so much as talk badly to anyone in this room I will have you in the Silent City faster than you could say ‘poof’.” Alastair said threateningly.
   Alastair stepped back and grabbed Thomas’ arm before leaving the house quickly. He threw a look at Cordelia over his shoulder, silently telling her he’d talk to her later and she gave him a swift nod, her face set in anger.
   Once they were about ten minutes away from their house Thomas put a hand on Alastair’s arm to stop him. “Alastair,” He said in a low voice. “Are you okay?” Alastair glared at Thomas, his voice coming out sharper than he meant it to. “Of course I’m not bloody okay, I was just kicked out for something you made me do that I didn’t want to even do in the first place.” Thomas flinched back as if Alastair had struck him and Alastair cursed aloud, having forgotten that his father had actually struck him.
   “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, I’m angry at my father, not you.” Thomas nodded slowly, his eyes downcast in a way that made Alastair’s stomach sink. Alastair sighed and walked up to Thomas, pulling him closer so he could hug him. “I’m sorry Thomas you didn’t deserve that. I did want to, you didn’t force me to do anything.” He said into Thomas’s shoulder. Thomas shuddered and held him tighter.
   Alastair pulled away and turned to look at Thomas’s face. His jaw was already turning a nasty shade of purple, Alastair cursed again. “Thomas I’m so sorry, you didn’t have to get in the way look at what he’s done.” Alastair said sadly, gently tracing along Thomas’s jaw with his thumb. Thomas just sighed and leaned into the touch. “I’m quite alright Alastair, better me than you.” 
   Shaking his head Alastair rested his head against Thomas’s chest. “That was terrible. Where am I possibly going to go now? I can’t go to the Institute and I really haven’t many friends.” Thomas shook his head and wrapped his arms protectively around Alastair in a way that made him feel safer than it should.
   “Nonsense Alastair, you shall stay with us.” Alastair tensed and tilted his head up to meet Thomas’ brown eyes. “Thomas I can’t do that.” Alastair said sadly, memories of evil words spoken aloud echoing in his ears. Thomas gave him a challenging look. “And why not?” Alastair looked at him incredulously. “Thomas, you giant dolt why do you think? I can’t stay with your parents. Not after- not after what I’ve done.” Thomas shook his head viciously.
   “That’s not true, they love you.” Alastair sighed and thought about how kind they had been to him as of late. “Yes, but that’s because they don’t know what I’ve done.” Thomas was quiet for a moment before tightening his grip and stating quietly, “Yes they do.” 
   Alastair froze and slowly turned his head toward Thomas’s. “Sorry come again?” He asked quietly, Thomas scratched the back of his neck. “They do know, Matthew told them when they asked him what was wrong with me. They know and Alastair they’ve forgiven you a long time ago. They are well aware of the person you are now and how different that person is from the person you used to be.” Alastair let that sink in. 
   Sophie and Gideon had known about what he had said, the rumor he’d spread, and they were still nice to him? It made sense now why they were so weary at first but Alastair didn’t understand how they were so kind to him after that. Gideon especially had gone out of his way to make Alastair feel welcome and appreciated. 
   “Why was your father so-” He broke off trying to think of the word. “Kind?” Thomas asked lightly, Alastair nodded refusing to meet Thomas’s gaze. “I’m quite certain he sees himself in you.” Thomas said shrugging, his hand coming up to rub his jaw. 
   Alastair looked at him confused. “What could he possibly see in me that reminds him of himself?” Alastair asked, taken aback that this kind, brave, inspirational man could ever find something in common with someone like him.
   Thomas turned his eyes on Alastair, his eyes soft and fond, Alastair truly loved it when Thomas looked at him like that. “You two are quite alike actually, more so than you know.” Alastair threw him a desperately confused look and Thomas just shook his head a little. “I’m afraid that that will wait for another day, I’m sure he would be happy to talk to you about it though. Now, we should go home.” Thomas said a grabbed Alastair’s hand, gently guiding him to the Lightwood’s.
   He was worried about his mother and sister but he knew that Elias would never hurt them, he truly loved his wife and daughter, it seemed Alastair was the only one he didn’t like. Well, dislike was a bit of an understatement. 
   Alastair sighed as he let Thomas’s words ring in his head. He was going home now, to the Lightwood’s, with Thomas.
   He was going home.
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night-dragon937 · 3 years
Sorry i accidently Unfollowed trying to hit the ask button: Im a little anxious about this but, I want to know how best to refer to you/yall? I know, the basics of DID and im sorry if this just, comes off as wrong/bad, but im, assuming that DID is specific to each system (I think im using that term right? im sorry if im not) and i just want to know how best to, like. avoid making you feel bad/wrong? (like, im anxious about referring to you as, you or do i need to refer to you as, like. them? or yall?, because i think all of you is valid and great and deserves respect? individually and as a whole?) and i saw the post where like, people think the Host (I am so sorry if i am messing up these terms) is more valid then the others, and that made me sad because, I think everyone is valid? and its like, i dont want to refer to you as the wrong thing (eg: a singular person, incase that strips away the importance of being known?, or as multiple, incase that invalidates?) like, im sorry if any of this comes off as tone deaf. i also got anxious about asking because, I dont want it to seem like the first thing i think about is, this? when interacting, but its why i get really nervous about using you/yall? not that anything was done to make me feel like that, i just want to be respectful? I also dont want to ask tons of questions cause, i know what it feels like to be bombarded with questions about something like this and being treated less like a person, more like a thing to gawk at i guess? like, ive done my best to read up on DID to, better try to understand, but if its unique to each person, I dont want to generalize it? I also am trying not to refer to this as a disability? as im not sure if its, ok to? because it just felt, strange, referring to, what to me seems like a Group of people? as a disability? Im sorry if thats, incorrect or wrong, or even ableist? im genuinely not trying to be. I just, think its important to give everyone individuality and importance? and if you all ? are, different people with their own personalities (if im, understanding that right, i know its possibly different from one person to another?) Then i want to respect that to the best of my ablity? Sorry for all of the rambling and if this is too much a wall of text. im also extremely sorry if anything ive said/done in our interactions, or this ask were offensive? Its alright if you dont want to answer this of course, or if any of this was too personal/touchy, im not gonna get upset or anything and thats completely fair ? I honestly second guessed asking, but figured i needed to before i accidently messed up and said something wrong?
hey no need to apologize! we are willing to answer questions about our experiences with did/plurality! (in fact, it's nice when singlets/non-systems ask questions when they're unsure bc it shows that they care about respect n stuff)
each system's experience with their diagnosis is unique, yes! we have did, but there are various types of osdd that are diagnoses for systems as well
we have what's called a singletsona, essentially a "sona" that's a single person. we mostly have this irl for safety reasons, but we also understand that a constantly changing roster of many people can be confusing esp for neurodivergent people. so, generally, we go by night (cause we're the night system lol it fits perfectly!) and use they/them.
some people do want to interact with us individually (like. maybe four singlets so don't feel bad if you'd rather just interact with us as a whole, but we will let you know if we switch or about alter-specific things) and they refer to us either by who's fronting or by "night sys" or "night system" and refer to us with plural pronouns
you're so very sweet <3
so that refers to people who act as if the body belongs to the host and no one else in the system, the life belongs to the host and other alters shouldn't get as much of a say, or as if other alters aren't really people, like the host is.
you're not being tone deaf at all! even if you were, we'd still be willing to provide info
so, referring to a system depends on a few things. if you're referring to a singletsona, then singular pronouns/preferred pronouns. if you're referring to a single alter, then singular, but if you mean the whole system, then plural. also, if you feel weird about using "you," just know that you was originally a plural pronoun (but has changed in meaning and usage, like they! and thou was the singular)
we're generally pretty understanding and won't get offended unless one is being intentionally malicious (understanding what one is doing, what the affects of the actions are, and still choosing to do it)
we don't know enough to comment on osdd but did is absolutely 100% a disability because this impacts every aspect of our lives, for several reasons. there's the obvious sharing every life decision with a multitude of others with their own personalities and opinions, but did is a trauma based disorder and thus has a lot of symptoms of trauma. did is usually concurrent with ptsd and c-ptsd, and often others. this is bc dissociation is a learned (unhealthy) coping mechanism where we put ourselves literally anywhere but the physical present rw to avoid trauma at a young age, which impacts development of the personality (talking specifically about did). did is... so much more than having brain friends, its freaking out bc someone used a specific tone of voice even if it's not meant maliciously. it's coming to front and having no clue where you are or what's going on. it's being held accountable for actions you have no memory of (and are often out of character). it's often dealing with depression, anxiety, flashbacks, anxiety attacks... you get the point lol
the group of people isn't the disability, it's how traumagenic systems form that cause them to be disabilities, and how that affects daily life. that sounds contradictory. it's... not that any specific alter is debilitating, but the cause of the condition (trauma) and the effects of the condition (dissociative amnesia, etc) that make it a disability. does that make sense?
and you've been nothing but respectful! but thank you for checking, it means a lot to us, truly.
feel free to send more asks/reply to this if you have any more questions or need any clarifications in regards to this (we've been awake for far too many hours lol). also we love talking about our system and info dumping about our diagnosis/diabilities lol
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Okay but other og facts to highlight
Criminal of me if i don't mention InsaShi who was just, an "evil" version of Shira? Not really evil, like, she DID look evil but truly was just a lil fucked up in the funny way. I did thought of bringing her back as a Shira alter and make her have DID which wouldn't be too crazy for the character but idk man i don't want it to be weird or disrespectful y'know?
Also, i had another Sona, there was the og one being Uboa and then there was me me being Luluco. Uboa was more positive and cute and girly and actually more violent too while Luluco was more chill a lil horny and way more of a coward. I constantly debate on whether bring Uboa back or not. They did have a fused version which i could use as justification, idk man.
Speaking of which, Uboa was never actually a demon or anything like, all that mf did was have an homoerotic relationship with Shira and eat oranges.
Apparently Shira was friends with Nomi, Sonae and Shanlier???? (Dasha didn't even exist back then) Also went out for drinks with Shanlier that feels odd af now.
Bloody's former wife was a yandere, and, oh yeah, Sheina had a huge crush on Bloody. (I did change that to keep it as a platonic relationship, she respecta Bloody too much now). Also Zelda (or Zella idk man) actively tried to kill Sheina with firearms to keep her away from her wife which is funny ngl.
Also i just saying this out of memory but Juan actually had a crush on Bloody TOO, more downplayed (ofc that got retconed)
Of course, Shira's bike that i always forget about <3
There also was a genderbend version of all my characters who had different personalities and relationships than the og crew, that was fun.
Apparently Uboa HATED Luluco, that's some internalized shit right there 👁️👁️
HHHHHHH 😬 apparently in universe ppl were confused why Luluco liked both yaoi Yuri and hentai like ufffff the foreshadowing bro 😐
I still don't know who Kuro is but he apparently is one of the genderbends
This whole page was a gallery showcasing not only me exploring gender and sexuality but also showing that i had something going on in my head lol
Apparently i used to ship Takochu with InsaShi fsr
Apparently Sheina was scared of spiders
There was a fucking spider living in the house????
Oh fuck the birth of Takochu. Apparently that was only meant to be a nickname.
Estefany was not only a ghost but also bold af, also mean, and had a thing going on with InsaShi too
InsaShi apparently ate EXCLUSIVELY heads, for whatever reason.
There apparently was a report involved in Sheina's story, who InsaShi wanted dead. She seemed to be a joke character though.
Bloody fucking loved cookies, i think she specifically ate crackers too.
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
Elppa and Cactus headcanons: Elppa definitely hates Watermelon and Radish, because he doesn't know why they hate Clay so much. In fact, he finds all of the Apple-sonas quite sus. Cactus secretly likes sappy soulmate romance anime; you cannot and will not fight me on this. (Also I've to apologize for my Dragon post, I got the wrong word when trying to type "stim toys".)
Ah, welcome back Official Apple Party Headcanoner! Lol
Ooh, totally. Elppa is as confused as he is pissed about it all. He’d be absolutely fuming hearing Watermelon and Radish whine about their Clays, and he’d be in disbelief hearing what the others have to say about theirs.
And I wouldn’t dream of fighting you on Cactus and his sappy soulmate romance animes! XD He’s totally got a collection of rom-coms stuffed under his bed, too. Clay definitely knows about them but lets Cactus think he doesn’t.
Aww, our poor boy’s a hopeless romantic. <3
(Lol, and no worries. Your list explained it pretty well, and I literally didn’t even realize it said “stimulators” lmao, I read “stim toys” anyway. :D)
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luminecho · 4 years
Show Me What You’re Proud Of
RULES: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought  into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want  (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to  awesome works.
@sister-dear did this and tagged all their mutuals who create things! Took me a moment before the realization hit me that, oh shit, I’m a mutual who creates things. Sooo here we go! Super nervous for some reason jdkjkqwdm.
I haven’t posted a lot of stuff publicly, let alone actually made things in general, and as far as writing goes I don’t have anything finished yet, but I used this opportunity to create a new art & writing blog (@echoing-creations) so I can hopefully start posting some WIPs and short snippets of stuff there from now on! ^^ Otherwise, I’m just gonna try my best to show what I have.
Again, I don’t really have anything posted or even finished yet (at least that I’m proud of). But I’ll share two WIPs/sneak peeks of the LU longfic that I’ve been working on these past couple of months. Because I’m pretty proud of some of the scenes that I have written so far! Unfortunately I’m limited in my choice of what I can include, because spoilers, but here’s what I’ve got. (They’re still very subject to change.)
- “Everything Goes Away” - Prologue
He was in control now. Not some selfish deity or petty goddess. For once, his destiny didn’t have to be set in stone. He could rewrite his story, re-weave the strings of fate. And it all started with a single thread.
Forgive me.
- EGA - Chapter 3
A cacophony of sound broke out around them as the other heroes’ reactions grew muddled together and incoherent. All the while, Legend and Warriors didn’t move, didn’t blink. The world was a swirling vortex of noise around them, a raging whirlwind of confusion and betrayal, and the two heroes stood in the center of it all, the eye of a hurricane, frozen in time. Frantic colors and voices spun around them like a cyclone in motion, tasting of forgotten courage and broken promises.
But all storms came to an end. As the tempest of sound and color died down into a suffocating silence and the world stopped spinning and lulled to a halt, a single whisper rang out louder than a gunshot, piercing the air and finally forcing Legend to break eye contact with Warriors.
- BotW Link - Wow, the only thing on this list that I actually have a link for! This post never kicked off, which kinda sucks, because I can’t even begin to describe how ridiculously proud of it I was (and still am). It took me ages and I put in so much more effort than I thought I would going into it. But I don’t really mind that nobody saw it, because I love it and that’s all that matters! It was all a big experiment (particularly with drawing humans) but I’m very happy with the outcome :)
Ummm I’m not really that proud of anything else I’ve posted, and there’s a lot of stuff I’ve drawn that I’m not ready to share with people yet cause I’m kinda self conscious, BUT I do have a couple of drawings that I still really like!
- First one is a ref for a Warrior Cats OC that I’ve had for... ah, almost as long as I’ve been drawing, actually. She’s a favorite between my and my irl friend, and she’s gone through so many redesigns I can’t even keep track, lol. This is definitely my favorite design of her by far, though, and is probably gonna stick for quite a while.
- Second one is just a random doodle of my catsona. Honestly not much to say about it. It was done for my part of an animation meme collab for a friend’s birthday a while back, and I kept the drawing because I really liked how it turned out. I honestly kind of want to redraw it soon with an updated version of my sona’s design and use it as my tumblr icon? Maybe? 👀 I’ve been wanting draw my own banner for a while now, so maybe this can be part of my blog makeover, lol.
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And that’s that! Not much, I know. I spent all evening trying to pull together scraps of stuff I could maybe share, but chickened out of showing most of it in the end. I’m kind of shocked at how little I actually created this year. I feel like my art has been at an all time low recently. I just haven’t really been drawing as much. Hopefully giving myself time and distance from it will help me to gather the motivation to pick it up again soon and be able to look at it without judging myself too harshly. As for my writing... I’ve definitely written more frequently this year than I have for a long time, even if I have nothing to show for it. I’ve been finding myself using my writing as an outlet a lot more recently than I did in the past, and I’ve been getting better at writing things down rather than just daydreaming them and letting the scenes float away into the void of my mind, lol.
Tagging all of my own mutuals (and followers!) who are creators!! Share what you’re proud of, even if it’s small <3
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