#i got to watch him both destroy a leo and be destroyed by HIS OWN SON playing nagoriyuki
antiv3nom · 2 years
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sketchspook · 5 months
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The Father of Hell
Watched Hazbin and Helluva the other day. No expectations really, never paid much mind to it until watching, but I'm head over heels for the Lucifer there; love the little guy. Did a "redesign" for fun; feel waaaay fonder of the OG, however.
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Apologies to this tumblr account. Been having a rough time with job bouncing and instability, but I'm trying as best as I can since I don't want to just leave this account all dried up like I have. I'm going into a far better place, so I plan on just going apeshit with it once I can utilize my time. I want more Michael myers, more tf2, more dbd, just the absolute works. I want to draw Gummigoo from the digital circus, even. I want to commit to all sorts of things; the passion is there, our time together just... isn't there yet, yet.
This particular Lucifer Morningstar of mine, though he's rushed, I still have attachments to and he's got his own lil tidbits. Listing them below for my sake (VERY long, he's my boy and I wish I could dedicate more to him other than a one time post):
As tall as an redwood tree: the floor of the seven rings used to be stairs for him before he expanded and relinquished them to the other sins.
He played a huge part in giving the other sins their forms - mutilating himself in the process to ensure they had a foundation to build on. Legs to Asmodeus. A piece of his chest, down to his core, for Beelzebub. The original eyes on his face to Mammon; he's got enough to spare. (All I got atm)
His wings got fried like chicken on his way down and instead adopted heavy drapes to compensate for the weight of his wings being largely gone; part of him now, but he's able to take it off... roughly the weight of the moon.
Can't speak, no mouth! It's all telepathy; Charlie is the only one that he can converse with at length without fear of giving hallucinations for days to (at it's worst, schizophrenia indefinitely). Not actual words, just images of things and emotions not designed for things other than angels. It's lonely being at the top.
Even though his legs have been replaced by a tree-like entity of himself (crafted from the remaining ashes of his wings), he can teleport wherever he likes, but the ground is a little weird after, aside from the pride ring.
He can shrink, but never pass 20ft; goes blind after.
His hair tastes like apple dumplings and will keep you fed for a century! (Charlie's only snack once every 100 years)
In his presence, one feels watched from every angle and you are! Thoughts and emotions aren't safe from him. He already has dozens of replies, via symbols and mental images, at the ready for however you choose to voice yourself to him.
Be not afraid: though he can't converse with hellborn or sinners at length, he's a gentle giant. You're an imp from the wrath ring that wants to know what stars are? He has a vast amount of knowledge and know-how (He helped create the universe!) and he'll offer you a memory so far from earth, humans will never see it. If only he could get out more without destroying your farmland wherever he teleports (it won't grow back). Also a pushover. A rug you have people wipe their feet before entering. He was rebellious, outspoken once; never again.
The snake around his waist is the key to his... most "extreme" form. Face of a "Leo." They don't call him the "dreamer" for nothing - if you know, you know.
His violin and bow, the Morning and evening star. Lucifer and Noctifer. No strings, but upon playing, is a melody that Heaven can't replicate. He can spontaneously create without, but upon forgetting about it or it just leaving his mind for other things, it disappears; his violin is what gives substance for his dreams to continue existing without him. He hasn't played it since expanding the seven rings.
His fingers, how do I describe this, can grip both ways: put a palm on the back of his hand? His fingers can hold yours as though you were touching his palm.
His "ducks" are rats and gerbils (just cause one of the stray flames I drew of his hair looked like one and I didn't have the heart to get rid of it)
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rynnthefangirl · 10 months
Okay, so I finally got around to watching Fall of the House of Usher, and I have so many thoughts. I especially loved all the cool ways that the deaths of the siblings play into their individual characters, and I may or may not eventually do an analysis for each of them. But for right now I want to talk about one of my favorite stories and deaths in the show, Leo's.
So with Leo, everything with the cats is symbolic of his own sins plaguing him. Specifically, like many of the Ushers, Leo expects to get what he wants without bearing any responsibility for his actions, and this is exemplified by his relationship with Jules. He clearly wants to be in a relationship with Jules, and I think he does get more out of it that just sexual pleasure. However, he only cares what HE can get from the relationship, and doesn't consider his partner's desires and feelings. Leo regularly cheats on Jules, a betrayal he knows would hurt Jules but he simply does not care as long as he gets away with it. He values drugs more than he does his partner, and ignores or shuts down any discomfort or concern Jules has with his drug abuse. He won't even properly acknowledge Jules as his partner by bringing him around to meet the family, an action that would give more seriousness to their relationship and perhaps raise the expectations for how Leo should behave.
Leo's hallucination of killing Pluto is a subconscious manifestation of his failures as a boyfriend. It parallels his infidelity: he does something horrible that would break Jules' heart (fittingly as a result of drugs), and instead of feeling remorse for what he has done, he is more preoccupied with how to avoid getting caught. Except now it's no longer a girl that he can hide out on a balcony, but an irreplaceable beloved pet. Despite this severity of the situation, Leo persists in trying to hide his sins, to prioritize his own comfort and desires over honesty and trust.
So Leo goes to the pet store to find a replacement cat, and Verna is waiting for him. And this is where his test comes in, the chance to change his fate that Verna gives all the siblings. Option 1 is to leave with another cat who needs a home, and resign himself to the consequences of his crime. Had he done that, he certainly would have found that Pluto was actually unharmed, which may perhaps (although I could be excessively optimistic here) have even served as a wake up call that the drugs are becoming a problem. He would've died regardless, but he could've died peacefully and somewhat redeemed, instead of traumatizing himself and his boyfriend. Option 2 is to take the easy way out, the way that avoids all responsibility, and use his wealth and power to get the perfect replacement kitty Verna tempts him with. Leo of course, chooses the second option.
In fitting irony, Leo's attempts to avoid consequence straps him with the biggest consequence of all. The cat is seemingly out to get him, hissing and scratching as if she's directly punishing him for his choices. Interestingly, the cat herself also seems to mirror Leo. Leo satisfies himself with drugs and women, bringing them into the home he shares with Jules with no concern for Jules' feelings; the cat satisfies herself by killing small animals, bringing their corpses to the apartment with no concern for Leo's discomfort. Considering the animals as a symbol of Leo's infidelity, it's fitting that the first one is found in their bed as Jules is performing oral sex on Leo and that the discovery of it results in them being interrupted and Jules being hurt. The cat also explicitly stares down Leo in this scene, as if in judgement for him enjoying his boyfriend while he himself is unfaithful and gives nothing in return. Verna later herself explicitly draws a connection between cats and Roderick Usher, saying that they both destroy to fulfill a deficiency in themselves. The same could be said for any of the Usher children however, Leo included.
Of course, being tormented by a manifestation of his sins (combined with the drugs) begins to drive Leo insane. We see further parallels between the cat and Leo, as both suffer eye injuries at the hands of the other. Leo eventually tries to kill the cat with a hammer, which is naturally as fruitless an endeavor as taking a hammer to the abstract idea of personal failure. All he manages to destroy in his rampage is the home he shares with Jules— yes, the cat is a literal homewrecker.
I don't think Verna's choice in which cat to bring home was actually Leo's point of no return, but simply the last moment that she herself will try to intervene and convince him down another path. Even without Verna talking him down, Leo has two moments of near clarity during his rampage, both of which center around Jules. One is early on in his delusions, when he realizes that what he's seeing is crazy and muses that maybe Jules was right about the drugs. The second is when Jules comes home, and Leo realizes first that Jules cannot see the woman and cat in the wall and then that there is no woman and cat in the wall at all. In both these moments, Jules could serve as a lifeline to Leo, but to take hold of that lifeline Leo would need to put aside himself and his obsession, to ignore the cat taunting him and instead put his focus on his boyfriend. Admit that Jules was right about the drugs, admit that Jules can see more clearly than him. But Leo cannot do this. He sees the cat on the balcony, and all thoughts of Jules are wiped from his mind. He HAS to get the cat, he HAS destroy the symbol of his sins so he can continue to live free of consequence. And that final decision, that refusal to listen to Jules and put aside his immediate selfish impulses, dooms him. He flings himself right off the building, not only killing himself but emotionally destroying his boyfriend, as he was always going to do.
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milks-thoughts · 2 years
hi it me, the best ROTTMNT writer to ever exist I know 😌
I need the turtles trying to teach their s/o something, and they stance is just a little bit off so they come up behind them to fix their posture and 😳 I'D KILL FOR THAT 😍😍😍😍
bye bye love you boo 💋 /p
this isn’t beta read! nor is it proofread- any mistakes are there now. there is no getting rid of them, they are part of the writing now. this is so short I’m sorry
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“ can you teach me how to knit? “
That’s all you have to say before Raphs enthusiastically taking you to his room
Little did you know knitting is hard
you were trying your hardest at knitting, you really were! But you couldn’t get the movements right, and the needles were so hard to move. It was honestly frustrating. Your eyebrows furrowed together as you again attempted to start a chain, you didn’t know how Raph did it. Your thoughts were disrupted by his voice ringing out “ -you’re not doin it right, here let me show you! “ he would walk over to where you were sitting and leaned over you. His plastron hitting your head slightly. It didn’t bother you, since you were distracted by his big hands grabbing yours and leading your movements, his voice didn’t process in your ears as you tried keeping your blush down. You decided it was best to focus back in so you could do it without him leading your hands, has it always been this hot in here? it was probably just you. He eventually let go of your hands “ you alright? your face is all red, are you sick? “ you could only chuckle and shake your head “ I’m alright love “ you promised before going back to knitting, so what if you were purposefully accidentally messing up? you were happy to be spending time with him.
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You were genuinely so excited when you found out he could skate
“ can you teach me!? “
Didn’t even think about how hard skating is
You didn’t take in account that even when walking you kept falling over, so on wheels? Forget it your ass is grass. a few hard falls and scrapped knees later you eventually could balance on it. Trying to get going was the hard part, you brought your foot down and completely fell off. you landed on your rear-end so at least you weren’t bleeding again “ that must’ve hurt wheel bad “ you glared up at him, but your brows lifted as you chuckled. stepping back on you felt his hands on your waist as he walked next to you. “ your posture and stance is so bad “ Leo chuckled, you gave him a playful glare. your face was red though, Leo’s hand held onto you as you put down a foot and touched the floor. Letting out a excited cheer you smiled up at Leo he smirked “ I guess I’m your lucky charm Hm? “
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Coding was intriguing, to you at least
Watching Donnie spend hours on it while you do..your own thing was fun
“ can you teach me to code? It looks cool “
you poor unfortunate soul. Donnie was a amazing teacher, and nothing but patient at that. you just didn’t realize how hard coding actually was. “ okay! so- “ typing in the code you hummed in frustration. It didn’t work. Donnie reached over you, his hand taking on top of yours and like a puppet on a string he used your fingers to type in the code “ that will make it work. You weren’t listening dum-dum “ he gently reprimanded. You just simply leaned into his touch. you were on his bed, sitting in front of him. He simply laid down, it was the quiet hours of the night when both of you couldn’t fall asleep. you listened to all of Donnie’s rambles, tonight you wanted to use that knowledge. Typing away you noticed as he watched, even when you stilled or slowed down as your brain picked apart what you needed to do. Eventually you got it to work. It was a simple website for your art, but god was it amazing “ you finally did it, salutes “ his tone blunt and calm, but you could read the fine print, he was proud of you.
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You loved watching Mikey spray paint
It was obvious because of the hours you’d spend watching him
“ I wonder how I’d do spray painting? “
you got the answer to your own question: you’re shit at it. Mikey was painting next to you before he paused “ you’re holding it all wrong silly! “ he walked up behind you and grabbed your hand moving the paint can he took control off your arm and made a few strokes down like you were doing. His head resting on your shoulder, music blaring into your ears from the headphones he was wearing. Mikey simply smiled at you, his orange mask stained with paint from his messy fingers working it, you’ve come to realize Mikey has many masks. And not just Dr. Delicate Touch or Dr. Feelings. But he literally has a whole drawer full of him and his brothers masks, in case anyone needs a replacement. He let go of your hand as you continued the movements getting brought back by his comforting weight leaving your shoulder “ there we go! see now you’re holding it right, you should put on some music really get in the moment “
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gosecretscribbles · 2 months
Rise August Day 2: Karai
“– and I thought Raph was going to back down until Leo mentioned his teddy bear collection.”
Karai frowned slightly.  “He…collects bears?”
“Yeah!  Stuffed animals, you know –” Mikey scribbled in the air with his fingertip, etching the outline of a teddy bear.  The bright orange outline shimmered in the dark space of their shared ninpo.  “He used to have over two hundred, but the Shredder kind of destroyed most of them.  He’s up to twenty now.  Anyway, Leo threatened to portal them all into the Hudson if we followed him on patrol tonight.”
Karai sighed.  “How illogical.  Wasn’t he the most injured by the Krang?”
“Yeah, but…”  Mikey shrugged.  “I think that’s why he wants to patrol by himself.  He hated the crutches.  I think he wants to test his limits without worrying about us watching.  Well – me and Raph watching.  I think he forgot that Donnie records, like, everything.”
A sudden shimmer of teal sparked over Mikey’s orange form.  He grimaced. 
“Aw, man.  I think that’s Barry.  I told him we could do an extra mystics lesson tonight since we don’t have patrol.”
“Hmm.”  Karai shifted uneasily.  “Mystical forces can be deadly.  Do not let yourself grow overconfident, Michelangelo.”
“Not you, too!” he huffed.  “I get babied by everyone in the family.  But I’ve got just as much ninjocity as any of my brothers and three times the razzmatazz.  I know what I’m doing and I know when to stop – and when not to stop.”  He held out both hands.  They were still crisscrossed with faint scars, but here in the darkness, the scars glowed a molten yellow. 
Karai placed her hands over both of his.  “You do,” she said gently, warmly.  “And I have little doubt you will achieve mastery beyond any Hamato before you.  I simply do not wish you to master too much too quickly.  Those with great talent are often called upon to bear terrible burdens.”
Mikey’s eyes softened even as he flashed her a cheeky grin.  “Don’t worry, Uncle Ben, I promise I’ll go slow.  For now.  Spider-Angelo out!”
He squeezed her hands and vanished in a crackle of orange fireworks.
She sighed.  Ninpo mysticism could translate centuries-old Japanese and modern English, but not cultural references.  Or perhaps her progeny were also part-spider…?  With the way Michelangelo flung his chains, she wouldn’t be too surprised. 
She stood and stretched.  The dark space of the ninpo began to fade.  The space around her filled instead with a green landscape of rolling hills, forests, and rivers, an echo of the Japan she had been raised in.  The afterlife could take many forms.  When she had been released from her self-inflicted prison, her dead descendants had been charmed by her descriptions of the original Hamato village, and had recreated it here.  With modern additions.  Electricity was a marvelous invention, as was plumbing.  Even so, the rice paddies in the south had been set up according to ancient and well-proven agricultural science.  No one needed to eat, but there was something deeply soothing about growing a food so familiar to every generation of Hamato.  Her keen eyes picked out her father leading a few children through the paddies.  Telling them stories, likely as not, to teach them about their history.
She moved to join them.  Then Michelangelo’s words came back to her.  Leonardo was patrolling alone tonight. 
But no Hamato need ever be alone.
Karai closed her eyes and rekindled her ninpo.  She let her senses stretch once again into the dark space where their mystic energy touched across generations, across the very boundary between life and death.  It only took her a moment to find him.  When she opened her eyes, the space around her was dark once again.  Leonardo was in front of her, his own eyes closed, legs folded in a traditional seiza. 
She nearly spoke.  Then she recognized the look of concentration on his face.  He was frowning slightly.  His blue outline flickered and fuzzed like a sputtering fire.  Ah.  So he was attempting to activate his ninpo to visit her.  It was a good try, and he was very nearly present.  But, just in case…
It took a moment of intense concentration.  Then Karai stepped into the mortal world.
She was merely a ghost here, dissolved from the waist down into pale green smoke.  But she could see and hear well enough.  Leonardo’s blue ninpo outline was superimposed over his mortal body.  She looked around.  He was sitting on some kind of tall structure, square, with a rattling metal box at the opposite corner.  The city stretched out around them.  She walked the perimeter of the…rooftop?  Was it a roof?  It was very high.  A good vantage point, she decided, and easily defensible.  She would wake Leonardo if danger arose.  Until then, the nearby structures and the streets below were empty, save for a few stray cats.   She returned to her position in front of her many-great-grandson.
He jumped.  His outline vanished for a moment, and in the mortal world he nearly fell over.  He righted himself and reappeared immediately. 
“Gram-Gram!  I – uh, didn’t think that would work?”  He grinned widely.  “You look good!  No surprise there.  Good looks run in the family, am I right?”
She raised an eyebrow and sat down.  “I doubt you ran off on your brothers solely to compliment your own face.”
“I didn’t run off on – wait – Mikey told you?  That little snitch!  That’s it, his oil paints are going in the Atlantic, I swear to pizza supreme –” 
His outline winked out again.  His mortal form bent over, panting.  She waited calmly.  His ninpo reappeared a moment later, flickering more so than before.  He smiled crookedly. 
“Sorry, Gram-Gram.  Just debating how many turtles are going to live to see voting age.”
“Was your trip tonight that important?” Karai asked mildly.
“Uh, yeah!” He gestured grandly to the skyline.  “I wanted to admire the view.  New, improved, and Krang-free.  I don’t, uh.  Did Mikey tell you about the Krang?”
“He did,” she said quietly.  “I then realized the true identity of the oni who possessed my father."
“Whoa, whoa, time out!”  He made a T-shape with his hands.  “That suit was Krang tech?”
The pink face of the grinning oni swam in front of her mind.  She suppressed a shudder.  “Yes.  I regret that you inherited such a terrible enemy because I was not strong enough to stop him.”
He spread his arms, grinning.  “No worries, Gram-Gram!  Anatawa hitori ja nai.  You aren’t alone, either!  It took a whole generation of Hamato 2.0 to bring him down.  Plus a heroic sacrifice by yours truly!  But, uh –”  He leaned forward, like they were going to share a secret.  “From one prison dimension escapee to another, how do I, like, not do that next time?  There were like, zero facial products in there.  The Face Man slash Leader would like to keep these supple scales intact!”
She searched his eyes.  “Leonardo,” she said slowly, “why do you think there will be a next time?”
“I don’t!  Krang Prime is not getting out.  Soon as my power’s back, I’m going to drop the key into the sun.  But if I’d handled the key in the first place –”  He seemed to catch himself and consciously relaxed, leaning back on one hand and twirling the other in the air.  “I’m just saying, I’d rather avoid the whole sacrifice play.  I don’t want my brothers thinking it’s their turn next if I can’t ‘Fearless Leader’ the problem away.”
“Sacrifices are sometimes inevitable,” she said slowly.  “But a good leader makes that choice wisely.  All actions necessitate a trade.  If you choose to strike, you choose not to defend.  Even doing nothing is a choice, if the cost to act is too great.  The best choices use the strengths and weaknesses of yourself and your team to minimize risk and maximize effect.”
Leonardo’s casual posture hadn’t changed, but his eyes were now steady and focused.  Even his ninpo was shining more clearly.  It made him look older.  She could see the leader he would become written in his gaze.  
She also saw the mark of the prison dimension.  Her own soul bore it, too.  Intense isolation, however brief, reshaped them into creatures of solitude, until it was both natural and inevitable for them to isolate themselves still further.  After all, her she sat, high on a hill and far from her newly established village.
“Good leaders,” she continued gently, “also stay connected with their family.  Breaking bread and sharing stories keep you attuned to their needs.  What do your brothers need, Leonardo?”
He tilted his head, thinking.  Then his face lit up.
She threw back her head and laughed.
“What?  They do!” he protested.  “It’ll suck Raph out of the gym and Donnie out of the lab.  I’ll even get a bunch of toppings on the side so Mikey can assemble each slice of pizza differently.  Then we’ll turtle pile in the living room to sleep it off.”
“It sounds wonderful,” she said warmly, wiping her eyes.  “Very well.  Enjoy your meal, grandson.  I had better help my father with the children.”
Leonardo grimaced.  “There’s dead Hamato kids?  That’s messed up.”
“The Krang are merciless in every iteration. Many of them passed at the hands of that cursed suit.  But they will have full lives here, free from further tragedy.”
“Here’s hoping the same for us.  Um.”  He leaned forward suddenly and wrapped his arms around her.  She froze.  She couldn’t really feel him, but she felt his arms, their ninpos buzzing pleasantly against each other.  “Love you, Gram-Gram!”
He vanished with a bright blue pop.  She exhaled sharply, releasing her mystical hold on both the mortal world and the shared ninpo space.  It had left her more exhausted than she expected.  She sat for a moment, breathing the sweetness of the clear mountain air, the warmth of the sunlight.  It wasn’t quite the same as the mortal world.  But it was grounding nonetheless. 
Well.  Time to take her own advice. 
She stood and began making her way down the hill toward the paddies.  Her father was acting out a story that involved great splashing, to the delight of the dozen or so children now gathered around him.  One of them saw her coming and waved.
“Obaasan!” she cried.  “Jiisan says you were talking to the kappa!  Do we have kappa brothers?  Can they swim with us?”
“One day,” she said.  “Would you like to hear more about them?”
She smiled and went to join them.  
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yanyanderes · 1 year
(reverse isekai AU but they hasn't isekaied yet)
MC/Y.N : arm being rip out brutally by the main villian in the show and they're screaming and crying in pain
*how/what i think the turtle react/do*
Ralph : cries and sob even louder while squeezing the life side plushie for comfort. Sneer at the villian whenever they pop up on the screen
Leo : shed so much tears while watching. After that he buy/steal a plush of the villian to brutally torment it
Donnie : find every single flipping reason to slander the villian. He despite the villian with an amount of unbearable hatred
Mickey : angst fic material, he'll write a fic of him saving MC/Y.N after their arm got ripped out then having an epic fight battle with the villian which he win ofc
(pls correct me if im wrong-)
oh, you’re right there. very right. and you’re giving me many ideas.
they’re all very close to straight up breaking down when they first see it. now imagine their reactions if (y/n) is ever killed off.
raph is inconsolable. man can’t even speak. the same man who can barrel through walls with no trouble is now sobbing gibberish and hugging a plushie in his bed because his favorite fictional character died.
leo turns the villain’s plushie into his own personal punching bag. and stabbing bag. and slicing bag. bro destroys the thing and puts it back together so he can destroy it again. makes fun of his brothers for being so sad over a fictional character dying to cope with the fact he’s seconds away from straight up breaking down, too.
donnie is this 👌 close to tracking down where the storywriters live and threatening them and draining their bank accounts and ruining their lives, dude has to be locked up to keep him from killing anyone.
character death? what character death? (y/n) didn’t die! is what mikey says as he goes to (y/n)’s wiki page and re-edits it so his self insert revived them from the dead and they both live happily ever after. i wouldn’t be surprised if he taught himself how to animate just so he can animate that scene and keep up the delusion that his version is totally 100% canon.
and now i’m imagining them being isekaid into (y/n)’s world before they’re injured/killed, and they just. kidnap them. no hesitation, no questions asked. no risks. can’t lose them.
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Friendling!!! First off, *offers bouquet* and secondly, my (redacted) was PANICKINGGGGGG but then I got a hold of myself and that's why I'm here now.
I had the Saddest Thoughts™ about the Disaster Triplets, yeah? I had the fluff/crack train going!! I promise I did but then while we were running through the meadows of peace Angst clotheslined me and choke-slammed me into the soil.
Here's what they left me with! Remember when Shelldon essentially got destroyed? Around the end of S2, I believe; noted, I haven't watched S2 but I've seen clips plus some tidbits and stuff through here and I've come to the knowledge that Shelldon did indeed get ... well, deconstructed. 😔
And this is also very much inspired by a TikTok I came across a while ago!! To cut clear, it was a comic strip/fanart video of Donnie's reaction to his brothers breaking the news to him. Of how Shelldon got caught in the crossfire and... didn't make it. :(((
Broke my heart, truly it did. But then I scrolled through the comments and one mentioned how angsty it would be if Donnie found out that Leo's the one who told Shelly to protect Karai (?? I think! Like I said, haven't watched it 😅)
And. It had me thinking.
Angst scenario. So, so angsty. Much hurt. The boys break the news to Donnie. Donnie, of course, devastated. Probably goes into denial for a bit until the evidence is presented right in front of him. But then, Donnie finds out that Leo's the one who told Shelldon to stay behind. (THIS BROKE MY HEART TOOO LIKE MY POOR BLUEBERRY HE DIDN'T KNAUR)
Can you imagine how Donnie would feel? How utterly heartbroken, nay, betrayed he'd probably feel? The heartbreak would be shattering. Then, past the shock, the anger would filter through.
Donnie and Leo are twins. In this case scenario, Donnie and Leo and you are triplets. You're the one who'd be closer to Donnie, hands up in a placating gesture despite feeling extremely delicate yourself. You were so sorry. You were so, so sorry Donnie.
It's okay. It'll all be okay. Just, just don't —
You're probably the one to separate your twins from each other. I can't figure out how Donnie would react precisely; whether he'd become violent or turn terrifyingly cold. Would Leo approach his brother, feeling a rush of emotions just as strongly upfront and reaches forward for both, repentance and reassurance? Or would he shrink back under Donnie's gaze, shoulders hunched over to protect himself from forces unseen, his own realization catching up to him. It was... his fault? Him? No.. no, no it couldn't be. Shelldon was like a son to Donnie — practically was his son. And Leo had...
I don't know how they'd completely react, but I do have an idea of how Reader would. Or rather, completely my headcanon ping-pong tournament. 🤩
I know you'd be caught in the middle. (Someone said Donnie wouldn't talk to Leo for months and it was my 13th reason, basically-) You'd feel so strung between your brothers. Caught between placating Donnie, who becomes even more withdrawn and has an edge to himself that he never did before.
Leo? Leo's... terrified. Leo's so, so sad. Leo's depressed and he doesn't know how to cope and he wishes things didn't happen the way they did but it did and he just wants his brother back. He's still the face man, and his coping skills are still crap. But he's not making as many jokes, his smile is glass, his eyebags are horrendous underneath his mask, which is streaked and stained with tears he cried in the privacy of his room. You should know. You'd walked in multiple times.
The first couple of times, you'd left at his beckoning. The next, you strode right in and pulled him into your arms. He didn't say much outside of a territorial growl and chirrup (an insult to you, really) embracing his animalistic nature for a spell and pushed at your shoulders. But then you wrenched him back and straight up snarled in his face, snout-to-snout, and he broke.
He fully expected you to storm out, maybe spit in his face (get this man some therapy pls), treat him with the hatred he believed he deserved. You called him a dumb-dumb, tone biting in the quiet of the night, and crushed him against you in a hug that washed over him entirely.
He'd begged you not to hate him too in the shelter of your neck. He clung to you, shaking, apologies spilling out from the depths of his broken heart, whimpers and chirps and words slurring together.
You were a rock. Leo's used to you being so soft and warm, and over the time he had pushed you away, you grew cold. He'd misread the situation entirely (you had never left him, you were just waiting.) You didn't hate him, he comes to realize. It's a salve to his entire being. You nuzzle his shoulder, pet down his head and shell, press small caring kisses to his temple, assuring him that the bond between you all could never be broken. The world's big. This family is bigger. The love between you all transcends dimensions. It may seem small and suffocating right now, but it will all turn out to be okay.
And you weren't going anywhere. This is another obstacle- like the skate ramps when they first started out! It seemed big and scary then, hm? But then they conquered it, and now it's his favorite thing in the world. It's one of their favorite things in the entire world.
This is just another obstacle, you murmur as you press your forehead to his. Something you always do to calm either of your siblings down. Leo clung to you as you both settled and cuddled in his bed, and you held him close. Your brother. The color purple flashed through either of you guy's minds, and while it was an obstacle to overcome, you knew you'd all conquer it.
This wasn't like skateboarding at all — but the blueprint wasn't too far off. It'd just take time. This was a very delicate situation, and that's how you would handle it.
You squeeze Leo closer, let him cry it all out until he falls asleep. You'd get through this. Through the winding obstacle of thorns, you'd all get through this. But it was okay to not be okay, and you all were not okay right now.
One thing was for damn sure, and that was that you wouldn't give up on your family.
(The happy part of this is that once all's said and done, Donnie of course rebuilds him in the future because I said so and emailed so and texted so. I'm so spoiled by the au's and fanart on here of amazing artists and such giving Shelldon and Don-Bon their happy ending!! Also. Son™.)
You have RUINED me but I have been plauged by the thoughts... the thoughts...
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Summary: Being stuck in the middle of a conflict is never easy. Especially when it's family. Especially when it's your twins.
Warnings: Angsty angsty angsty
GN Reader!
How had things ended up this way? Your home was destroyed, your family was in shambles, and the relationship you held so tightly between you and your brothers was crumbling too fast to fix.
"That's not funny." Donnie had deadpanned when he'd first heard the news of Shelldon, "That is not a funny joke in any capacity."
"It's not a joke, Dee." You muttered, easing your hand onto his shoulder, "Shelly's... he's gone.. He's gone."
"That's not... it can't be.."
"He was supposed to be out of the way! How is he- He was out of the way!" Donnie shouts, his entire body tenses with an emotion he doesn't know how to express in the moment.
Leo however, seems to making himself smaller and smaller with every word from his brothers mouth, and the ever observant eyes of Donatello notice.
"Leonardo, what. did. you. do?" He asks lowly, shoving you away and stomping closer to Leo, glaring daggers.
"I told him to protect Gram-Gram. I didn't think he'd.. I didn't think this would happen!" Leo defends, trying to back away from Donnie, not daring to look his brother in the eyes.
"You... Shelldon..." Donnie seemed unable to put his thoughts into words, he balled his hands into fists, and you quickly stepped forward to put yourself between them.
"Donnie..." Leo started but Donnie shoved him away, causing Leo to fall back onto the ground.
"No, shut up, Leo! You... you .. Stay away from me! Don't you dare-" Donnie snarls, and you move to stand infront of him, your heart was pumping and tears pricked at your eyes.
"Donnie... please calm down.." you begged.
"Don't." Donnie mumbles, slowly backing up, "Don't." Then he ran off to some unknown hideaway, Mikey went to charge after him, but Raph caught his arm.
"Give him a minute. He'll... he'll come around." He muttered.
God if only he'd been right.
The hours turned to days, the days to weeks, and the weeks to months.
It was tearing you apart having to play the middle man, Donnie refused to even look at Leo, and Leo was heartbroken.
He never said so. But you could tell.
It felt like a thick fog was filling your lungs ans suffocating you slowly, you missed how close the three of you were.
You were triplets, the dynamic trio, the three musketeers- now it felt more like you were strangers, and you didn't know what to do.
The guilt was eating away at Leo, and Donnie spent most of his time cooped up and refusing to speak to anyone.
You quietly entered Leo's room, and he glanced up at you, but looked away quickly. At least he didn't tell you to go away..
You sat next to him, and he leaned over so his head was resting on your shoulder. Nothing was said, but no words were needed.
He just needed someone there so he wasn't alone, but you both knew he'd never ask for help. He didn't need too. You knew.
You rested your head atop his, the two of you sitting in silent comfort with the other. Time.
Fixing this was going to take so much time. But you were willing to take the time to fix it. You needed too...
Part two...? 👀 Maybe. Most likely. Hehehehe
I literally read this at like 2am last night and passed out right after. THE THOUGHTS PLAUGED MY DREAMS.
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sophiacloud28 · 3 months
Burn Out (One-Shot)
One-shot, Rise Leo, Apocalypse Timeline
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Taking Mikey's advice is both a blessing… and a curse.
You're hard to approach. Just like his twin, you're always working. Always making yourself useful, always listening, always helping. You look like you're dancing across headquarters, giving smiles, advice, time. Time you don't have as he watches you joke with Donnie while you both head to bed, his lights go out, and yours… don't. You are a mess of schedules atop of schedules, catching the slack he used to barely notice and now watches you destroy yourself over.
You're difficult. Not impossible, just… horrendously difficult as his own work catches up with him. Because as he watches you, he can't help but try harder. Try to make a difference in this infernal nightmare that he wishes would just… end.
It doesn't. It doesn't as he plans strategies and sends recon missions with some of them never returning. It just gets more, and more, and more until he finds himself carrying as much work outside of meetings as in them. Until he tries to catch a breath, realizes he can't, and finds himself in the same situation he can see you struggling in.
Funny. A horrible joke. And he's not sure what to make of the fact that it's this that guides him to your room as he feels absolutely beat.
"Still mending?"
Neither does he know what to make of the fact that you jump and look at him like he's caught you doing something you shouldn't be doing.
And, in a way, he supposes he has. He doesn't recognize the fabric you're working on, making him wonder where you got it and what you're doing with it. Hell, it makes him wonder what other secrets you've been keeping from them even if it's a question he already has the answer to. He's been watching you nearly break yourself for everyone, giving weight to Mikey's words and making him wish there were more hours in the day.
"Can I come in?" he asks and he's grateful when you shuffle and offer him a spot. He still drags himself in, though, beat and so completely washed out, he can't even look at the papers he's holding. Instead, he sits on the floor next to you, looking at the fabric in your hand.
It's blue. He kinda likes it.
"That's what's been keeping you up?"
And while he knows you probably won't say much, he hopes it's enough to carry something of a conversation if only because he needs it. Something you need too from the nod.
So he lets himself snort and hopes this takes him somewhere.
"Eh, serves me right for thinking that you never stop, then, huh? Then again, those bags definitely don't look Gucci, I'll tell you that."
"You're one to talk."
Only to chuckle when it not only does, but it gets him somewhere familiar. Somewhere he hasn't been in months.
Talking to his twin has been a strained affair. Donnie is too busy, just like he is.
… Dear god, he wants a break.
"Oh, yeah? How bad?”
“I could carry groceries with yours.”
Then again, as he chuckles and catches you smiling, if only a little, this could be seen as a break. A pause in the insanity that is their lives if only just to laugh and enjoy each other.
After all, while he is holding onto all that paperwork, he hasn’t taken one look at it yet. And you, who’s been carrying your weapon all over the place, have finally set it down even if…
Even if he can see the scabbard at your side.
He should not feel flattered. It’s a weapon. A method of self-defense. It’s nothing sentimental.
“Do you ever take it off?”
Yet, as he watches you blink and shuffle your work to look, he can't help it. He can’t help but almost smile as you pause in your sewing to put a hand on the blade, Mikey’s words ringing in his ears.
Yours and his. Forever intertwined. He can live with that.
“No, I — I keep forgetting it’s there.”
God, can he live with that.
“Probably a good thing even if I hope you don’t forget it when you need it.”
“I don’t. It’s kind of strange.”
He snorts, “Nope, that’s actually pretty standard. Feels that way to me.”
“Must have been rough when you lost one of your katanas, then, huh?”
He checks at his side. The blade he’s been left to carry now has an actual scabbard thanks to his twin, although sometimes he still reaches for his back, looking for both. It has been rough. It is rough. And he hates the fact that it chips at him.
Probably why he concentrates on your work instead of answering, even if he can’t help but frown at it.
“That’s new.”
“What is?”
“The thing on your finger.”
Although the fact that it makes you pause to look at the green, metal thing on your middle finger is a nice plus. Along with you chuckling, “It’s called a thimble and Donatello insisted. Said he had some scrap metal to spare after giving it to me like the perfect “fait accompli”. I wanted to punch him.”
“French for done deal.”
“You know French?”
“A little. And some Spanish.”
He gets up, unable to help the smile on his face. He wonders for a moment if he should, if it’s too out of left field.
Yet, as you finish the side and cut the thread, he can’t help but bring your face up so you look at him. As he watches your face struggle with emotions, he’s unable to stop himself from smirking as he says, “A woman after my own heart. Wouldn’t you say, hermosa?”
Just like he can’t help but laugh after you manage to take him by surprise and knock him back before covering him in the fabric you were working on.
Still got it. Could go without getting kicked, though.
He hears you sigh and paper getting shuffled around. He lifts the fabric over his head to watch you pick up the work he’s scattered around. And he blinks as, when you’re done and holding out the stack to him, you giggle in a way he’s sure he’s never heard before.
It’s light. It’s warm. It feels like sun rays on a balmy Spring day. It reminds him of better things, things he should fight for.
“What are you laughing at?”
And it makes him wonder if he can maybe, just maybe, have it.
“Sorry. I just… It matches your mask.”
If he can tell you that you don’t have to apologize for laughing like that as he frowns in confusion while taking off the fabric and trying to see if you’re right. If he can tell you not to look away when he takes off his mask to check your claim only to chuckle himself when the old fabric blends in with the new one. If he can get up while thanking you for the stack, putting it on your nightstand for the moment as he holds onto his mask and the fabric you’ve just finished working on from the hem work.
“Hey. You can look.”
So much so that he can feel his heart break a little when you wince before carefully, hesitantly looking up, your face a mixture of embarrassment and almost reverence.
You understand the importance of the masks. It makes breathing difficult and his heart a mess as he hands you back your work.
Only for the latter to near jump out of his plastron when he feels your hand touch his own to curl his fingers around the fabric.
“… For the tantō…”
… Oh.
It’s hard to breathe. Hard to think. It only gets harder as he asks for your help and you do, making him realize what the fabric is for.
It's a cape. Something to keep him warm, keep him somewhat safe when fighting. Something to allow for those grandiose entrances he’s been envious of Mikey for for a few weeks now. Something… to keep you close by.
He can smell you. Your scent is all over it. You’re right there in front of him, but you’re also…
Hugging him. Keeping him warm. Trying to keep him safe.
Oh. Oh no.
He thanks you. Your brittle smile as you respond nearly shatters his heart as he puts his mask back on before gathering his paperwork.
“You — You should get some sleep.”
“You should, too, Captain.”
And his own smile feels barely there at your reply, unable to help himself from sinking a little into his shell.
Your scent gets stronger. His face feels like it’s on fire. He… He wants to hold you.
He can’t. It’s too late. He fucked this up.
But maybe…
“Hey, hermosa?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Got a problem with being called beautiful, beautiful?”
“When I haven’t taken a shower in months, yes.”
Just maybe…
“I guess my point of view counts for nothing, then.”
“… Leo…”
“Not important. Just… if this… rips. Can I come to you?”
“The people –”
“I know. I just… I want it to be you. Please.”
“… Okay.”
“Thanks… hermosa.”
Mikey was right. Maybe he can give back what he stole. ‘Cause god does he want you to have it.
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nnnyxie · 1 year
donnie 💜🍇🔮👾☁️
Donnie, who is the first to intercept April’s call that fateful day.
Donnie, who doesn’t know how to feel when he’s made aware of the whole situation. He had answered April’s call with his usual flair, relaxed and amused at the fact that their best friend was still outside in the bitter New York autumn–winter weather; he slurped loudly on his steaming mug of coffee for emphasis. Because he’s a little bastard.
Donnie, who’s the first one out of his siblings to know.
Donnie, who sets his dumbstruck-ness aside in order to put forth what he does best: work and help. April sounded so distressed and that was enough. He could tell she was masking it, though, and that just augments the entire situation. He doesn’t bother saying much – seeing as Leo had been there to hear the main gist of the conversation. The twins move in perfect sync as they prep their individual stations: he’s set in one part of his lab while his robotic arms are in another, and by the end of it, the Med Bay is set up to his impeccable standards; his monitors are set separately with April’s tracker and a loaded screen ready for data collection on another.
He ends up doing a dramatic arm sweep when cleaning off one of his desks– a desk which was previously occupied by a load of junk that Leo had brought in earlier: snacks, a couple takeout containers, comics, a unicorn lovey, a half full pickle jar for some reason?
–and Leo can’t even be mad. He’s too preoccupied in his own mind.
But it’s a funny memory for them to look back on – solely for the way Donnie was so aggressive with it while focusing on something else entirely.
Donnie, who keeps a neutral standing once you and April arrive, but he’s just as worried as everyone else. When you both make eye contact– he feels it. The shiver at the center of his ninpo. The sense of familiarity is strange and overwhelming . . . he’s never met you before. So, what in the name of Ohm’s Law is this?
Donnie, who feels a fickle sense of kinship with you right from the beginning. He won't be the one to tell you that outright, tho. He was far more taciturn in his approach to you; compared to his blue banded brother, at least. He mirrored Leo's tactic of telling you what he was doing before or as he did it, and he moved with the hands of a kind-hearted scientist. Gentle, swift, and efficient. He may not have joined in on Leo's jokes or cute little comments to distract you – but he did give you a sympathetic expression in spite of himself.
Donnie, who offers his own bedroom to you when Leo and he are finished dressing your wounds. He had spoken with Mikey about what would be the best things to feed you, and after the intrinsic nudge he sensed, left the kitchen to whatever aftermath of thinly controlled chaos his brothers would achieve this time. After all, it's not everyday you come into caring for a whole child.
Donnie, who had kept track of your vitals the entire time you were asleep, dropping everything to check on you when something went awry. He forced April to go with him (though it didn't take much convenience) but blessedly, you didn't rouse to full consciousness outside of twitching in your sleep. He left April to soothe you even further back to slumber, loitering nearby, stiff and simply watching.
Donnie, who isn't good at emotions. At all. Didn't really like them, either. They were something that was difficult for him to properly process through and were unpredictable. But he does swear then and there that, in spite of all things… you were important.
Donnie, who says as much while they all discuss what to do with you at the living center of the Lair. Despite his desperate masking of his very off-kilter emotions, he was an open book.
He grit his teeth, he worried his lip, he returned Leo's incredulous eyebrow ridge raise with a glare so cold you could've put it in a drink and called it refreshing… and found that in the grand scheme of things, he didn't care.
There were much more important things to worry about at the moment.
That's what he tells himself.
That's what he tells himself as he ignores the fact that he's the one who's most adamant on taking you in. That's what he tells himself as he and Leo share a knowing look again. That's what he tells himself as his gauntlet beeps to alert them all that you're fully awake now. And that's what he tells himself as he and April descend the halls to you. To you. You.
Donnie, who doesn't stay around for all the excitement once you agree to staying. He had turned away and immediately went to work at getting the whole process started – and he most certainly did not turn away so quickly so everyone couldn't see the palpable shift in his aura. He would never admit it, but he was excited. And that was scary. He hardly ever knew you! As far as he was concerned, you were just a random street child that his best friend who wore their heart on their sleeve took in. And yes, that's true in every sense of the word, but everything happens for a reason, no?
Donnie, who's excited for change.
Donnie, who's entirely terrified that he's excited. For change.
Donnie, who may be terrified of what he's feeling, and when he can't filter through these new feelings, shoves them deep down to work through later. Much, much later. For now, he puts on his Big Boy gloves and rocks it as the genius he is.
Donnie, a veritable professional in all things [Name]. Albeit the road to get where you guys are now was paved with . . . well. Oddities. In instances, he regarded you as another “project” or living statistic breach. As peculiar as it may sound, this process is what aids Donnie in becoming much closer to you in such a short amount of time.
He wouldn’t consider himself to like kids: they were sticky, loud, nosy, reckless and gross . . . but you? You were an exception. You always are.
Donnie, who doesn’t admit you become his favorite in a first-rate amount of time, but it’s blatantly obvious that you become his favorite in a first-rate amount of time.
When you get over the initial shyness and come out of your shell (HA.) a lot more, you find yourself wandering into Donnie a lot. Be it in his lab — ... where this whole thing started, really. The catalytic incident happened like this: you bypass the extensive security system without a cinch, he nearly unleashed all seven gates of tech-grade hell on you by reflex because you actually scared the Softshell out of him– but when he realized it was only you, he simmered down to a cold and sulky puddle, if only a little tense. Turning you away was on the tip of his tongue but . . . something, something, stopped him.
Long story short, you ended up staying. He set you down on a nearby beanbag after a very lecturing warning to not touch anything, and turned back to his work. It might’ve come off as annoyance, but he just didn’t want you to get hurt: physically and emotionally.
(He just sucks a–word at showcasing his emotions /aff◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ Y’all get there eventually, don’t worry.)
Then you prove your worth! You’re respectful, and though your eyes shine with childish curiosity, you don’t disobey Donnie’s words and stay put. Lookie, no touchie. And that’s probably what catches Donnie’s attention at first– very early on; he doesn’t outwardly show it, and Donnie is not one to be easily impressed, but you? You impressed him. Greatly.
Also, you’re willing to listen to him!! He rambles on and on and you sit there with a cute little expression on your face. You’re invested, despite what may be showing on the outside, and just when Donnie has it pegged as everything he’s saying isn’t registering to you, you ask him relative questions.
He’s pretty much hooked from then on out.
You get privileges that nobody else does! He sets up a little corner reserved just for you in his lab, stocks up on your favorite snacks and drinks, and he creates so. many. things for you! Gift giving is his prime love language after all.
He sees you as a ~fresh mind~ And when you initially don't decline his interests in the sciences, he is practically vibrating with excitement! Proceeds to stuff your hungry little brain chock full of everything he knows, and beyond that!
However, even if you don't have a STEM-dominant mind, it's okay! If you happen to doze off while he's well into another one of his infodump rambles, he doesn't get mad. If anything, he's kind of... endeared?
He might tease you a little, but it's all from a place of love.
Concerning academics, the help from Unca Don-Bon always ensures that you at most get a passing grade for all your science-centered subjects! Not to mention the science projects and fairs. Oh man.
Y'all either dominate the entire school every time, or you come within nano inches of getting expelled every time.
Oh also also— this man scoffs at modern-age technology, you can't tell me he doesn't. You ALSO can't tell me he didn't create his phone from scratch. Heck he might've created his entire family's phones from scratch. Bro has his own OS and — when you come of age to start holding onto your own electronics — everything you own is patented by Genius Built™. Of course.
Don't insult him (or do. just for the laughs) by utilizing said modern-age technology. Just don't. (Do it. His reactions are golden every time.) He can appreciate good technology where he sees it, but it's not often. That's why it's so funny.
The most he did once when you gawked over the PS5 was scoop you up into his arms and give a condescending look so low to the contraption, it had you cackling the entire way as he ranted about the highs and lows of technology.
But hey! All your electronics are one of a kind! You can't ever say that~ Any updates or features that you want, he makes it happen. He completely personalizes it to your tastes to make it as comfortable for you as possible.
Your acquaintances are mad jealous of your cool tech and you can only knifecatmeme.jpeg your way through like a boss. (Golden ref. 🙌🏼❤️)
Donnie, who all too gladly helps you with your homework! April has to stop him from literally doing all your work for you.
—y’all be getting into the dumbest situations fr 😭 Be it conversations or infiltrating multiple high–standing scientific research facilities or simply discussing the economic state of the world or literally what's better: flavorless juice or pineapple smoothies, y’all gone be the main ones. That’s all.
(He gets you something yummy afterwards tho! As a treat. Bonus points if you don’t snitch. He always takes responsibility. He throws in an extra head ruffle or two. But he always, always makes sure you don't get in trouble. He's got your back, you have his. Partners in crime, best way to describe y'all.)
“If Little Jimmy has 12 apples and he gives 5.7 of those apples to his friend Becky, multiplies by the 7 to the nth power, then divides that all by the median of an octagon, how much horsepower was Little Jimmy’s dad conducting the neighbor’s car after 15.5 minutes exactly of installation?”
“. . .”
“. . . .”
“. . . . . Seven–”
“What in the fresh hell are they teaching you at that wretched, poor excuse of a school?”
(And Donnie loves school. That’s how you know it’s bad. Zeep, blatantly dissing the public education system? More likely than you would think!)
Cue April walking into the kitchen in her pajamas, all sleepy-eyed and confused, only to see her best friend and child reciting PEMDAS at the table. You start crying and Donnie sings the Pi Song with his best opera voice in support.
Donnie, who is very, very protective over you. He's the type to show, not tell, but believe me - once you're out of sight, he has a lot of colorful things to say to your offenders . . .
your foster mother being a prime example.
Needless to say, your foster mom is now completely ineligible to foster in the system any longer (as well as any and all forms of careers in all of New York. And the surrounding states. Probably the whole world.)
—and if anyone has anything to say about it, all he sees is the flashing image of a sweet little child, homeless and scared and alone, braving it out on the streets.
He'll never let anyone hurt you. His tech is always on standby when it comes to your safety.
And I mean, all his tech.
Donnie, kooky, scientific and calculating uncle Donnie –
. . . forthcoming, thoughtful, heart full of love Donnie, who may not be the best with his words, especially when expressing how much he loves you, but is one of the beloveds in your corner who says it the most.
“Haha! Aw, man. I love you, Purple Rain.”
“Mhmm. And I do suppose you’re enjoyable at most, my Young Apprentice!”
“Unca’ Don-Bon . . .”
“ . . . Ah, Sweet Galileo. I love you too, [Name], you already know I do.”
🫐‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪🪻 ִֶָ☾.
(we did it boys *passes out on your lap* Donnie Bonnie is doneeee!!! it was under high construction for quite a while, especially after Tumblr ate it, so this is a revamped version! but just as well, no? :'3 hope you enjoy this one, ceejie pie!! 🥰🤍)
i’m still a little sick (& delirious) so i’m so sorry if my reply doesn’t make sense—
okay so— as much as i LOVE and ADORE uncle don….
what if…. NOW HEAR ME OUT OKAY?!
WHAT IF ………. it was dad don™️
dad don that ensures a proper education. he’s explaining the (poorly taught) subjects to you better than any teacher ever could. is he a bit aggressive about it? yes. but does he reward you afterwards? also yes!!
dad don who never expected to be seen as any sort of father figure.
it’s donnie who nearly cries when you accidentally call him dad one day.
dad don who raises you to be strong, smart, and independent. dad don who’s so proud of you when you get awarded for any subject.
and donnie— he never expected to adore a child as much as he does you. but— the moment you looked at him and his inventions with such passion and curiosity… he just knew that you would be the only exception (youuu are the onlyyy exceptionnnn). the only kid he’d ever care for.
but going back to uncle tello— he’s the kind of uncle to do illegal pranks with you— especially when it’s towards your school (again, illegal?).
uncle tello can’t even hear you say “love you, uncle” without wanting to burst into tears— not because it’s uncomfortable but— because, he’s so overwhelmed with joy.
uncle donatello that secretly goes to your school on the first day of kindergarten because, he’s so scared that something bad could happen to you. he doesn’t want a ‘purple dragons’ incident (you’re literally 5??).
uncle don and dad don are both so attached to you because, he’s been one of your main caretakers since you were just 3 years old.
donnie has watched you grow into such an amazing person and he can’t help but feel so happy that he was able to witness it all.
teehee (michael jackson style)
(i really hope this makes sense…. i am loopy from meds)
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britt-kageryuu · 6 months
Leo is streaming. His model is in his Unicorn onesie, slippers, and mask. He's on his blue inflatable chair floating in a virtual pool. River is on a inflatable table next to him. He's doing an AMA, were viewers can redeem 'Turtle Treats' aka channel points to ask a question anonymously. There is a sign that lists some restrictions on the questions, and if you attempt you will just get your points back.
River: How are things going with your crush?
He turns quite red, and calms himself a bit.
Leo: Things are going fine! We run into each other every now and then at the Restuarant. We went on a couple dates. We don't want to put out to much about our relationship for privacy reasons. Okay next question!
River: Are going to go anywhere else after you finish school?
Leo: No, I really like the clinic, and want to stay there. Plus we have some big plans for the place, like we set up a little cafe type area in the waiting room for clients who might have to wait for their appointments!
A sign saying Sponsored/Not Sponsored by The Caffeinated Turtle Coffee and Tea swings down before 'breaking off' and falling out of frame. Leo looks confused.
Leo: Who keeps doing that? Anyway next question!
River: Are you into any anime/manga? Any favorite from your childhood?
Leo: Kinda for both. We didn't get many channels that had Anime on them when we were little, and it was a while before we got the internet installed, so we may have watched Pokémon, maybe some random DBZ, but didn't watch alot of it because of fighting over what to watch.
Leo pauses to take a drink before continuing.
Leo: But I have been watching some interesting ones recently, like Cells at Work, My Hero Academia, and Black Clover. Though all of us have our own tastes, and I won't tell you what the others like, ask them yourself. Next!
River: Do you have any odd house rules? Not game rules BTW.
Leo: Well this needs some explaining. Okay, a few years again we moved to our current home after an accident destroyed our old one. When we got here we started some renovations, like putting a huge tub in one of the bathrooms that fits all of us in it with room to spare! It looks like an Onsen. Well that left us with one actual Shower, since the huge tub is more for soaking than cleaning.
Another pause to take a drink and catch his breath.
Leo: So we are kinda extra, and tend to have Shower Concerts that last a long time. So if someone else wanted to shower after they would have to wait. So since no one wanted to try making a shower schedule, we now have a waterproof speaker in that bathroom that we can all control. So we play a set number of songs, or a really long song, and have to end our showers when they finish, or else we add an annoying song to the list.
River: Chat would like to say that's very weird.
Leo: Yeah, but it's that or scream at each other to get out of the Shower. Next question!
River: Do you know any other languages?
Leo: Yup! I know quite a bit of Spanish, but I'm a bit out of practice, so I might mess up my words. And we're all working on our Japanese. Dad didn't really teach us, because he didn't think he'd want to go back after leaving his family.
River: On that note, Do you have any family in Japan?
Leo: Maybe? We haven't really tried reaching or searching, because the last time Dad talked to anyone from his family was like, (he's trying to figure the right number) in like the 80's, 90's, and he doesn't really remember if he had any cousins, aunts, uncles, and the like. We might make some attempts in the future, but it's got to be an agreed upon decision. Next question please!
The stream went on for a while longer with chat getting very excited about this new information, and some trying to connect information, but some just get knocked out for obviously trying to dig for more personal information.
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Scattered Remains (TMNT 2012 and Rise! Crossover)
Summary: After April’s enhanced psychic powers destroy Donnie, she attempts to bring him back to life. But, the purple turtle she finds is not her own
Warnings: Spoilers for TMNT 2012 Season 4, Episode 22
A/N: I’m finally done with the first chapter! If this does well, I might create a comic based off of it on my art account!
Fic starts below cut
TMNT 2012 Masterlist
Rise of the TMNT Masterlist
Main Masterlist
“Red, is that really you?” Casey asks, as he cautiously approaches April.
“I think so. But Donnie,” she says with teary eyes, “What have I done.”
The group stands still for a moment before Leonardo breaks the tense silence.
“It’s not your fault April. You had no control,” he says.
“But it is!” she gasps, looking up at him through her tears, “It was all me in a way. If only-”
She pauses for a moment, focusing on the broken crystal shards.
“Donnie’s not gone! He wasn’t really destroyed, just molecularly scattered,” she says as she faces the turtles and Casey, “I can bring him back.”
The boys watch in anticipation as April’s powers hone in on Donnie’s energy. If she can bring him back, she can make her family whole again.
She has to bring him back.
The turtles and Casey watch as blue sparks fly through the air, forming the silhouette of a body.
The turtles watch, full of anticipation. Their brother wasn’t gone. He was coming back!
Their excitement quickly turns to horror as they realize the figure in front of them is not Donatello.
Though not their missing brother, April still managed to bring another mutant turtle to the place where Donnie had been vaporized minutes before.
This turtle seemed younger, maybe by a year or so.
Raphael breaks the stunned silence as he holds a sai against the neck of the unfamiliar turtle.
“Who the hell are you? And where’s my brother?”
“Woah, Raph! Chill out dude!” says Michelangelo, pushing his brother out of the way, “He’s just a kid. And he’s scared.”
Michelangelo was right. The mystery turtle was still pale and shaking even as Raphael released him from the ground.
“It's ok mystery dude! We’re not gonna hurt you…anymore,” says Michelangelo, glaring pointedly at his hotheaded brother.
Raph rolls his eyes in annoyance.
“What are you doing Mikey? This is some random mutant that April brought here with her freaky crystal powers. We have no idea what it’s capable of.”
“Mikey’s right,” says Leo after a long stretch of silence, “This turtle is just a lost kid. He was brought here with April’s powers, which means he’s our responsibility. We have to take him back to the lair.”
“Are you crazy Leo? We have to focus on finding Donnie. Our brother is lost somewhere and you're focused on a random mutant we found on the street!”
Before another argument could break out, the mystery turtle interjected.
“Your brother’s name is Donatello?”
The group of teenagers looked over in shock. Michelangelo was the first one to respond.
“Yeah, dude. He disappeared when April got possessed by a freaky alien crystal.”
“The same crystal that brought you here,” says April in shock, “I was trying to find Donnie, but it brought you instead.”
“So that means…you’re Donnie?” asks Casey.
“Yes,” says the other turtle, “Just not your Donnie..”
“We have to get back to the lair and talk to Master Splinter. We’ll come up with a plan to find our Donnie and get this Donnie back home.”
“Seriously Leo?” Says Raph, “You’re gonna believe him just like that? Even if he is a Donnie he’s not our brother. We can’t just take him to the lair.”
“Think about it Raph,” says Casey, “If April accidentally brought the other Donnie here, our Donnie is probably stuck wherever he came from. Trustingthe other Donnie is our best bet.”
Raph huffs, but doesn’t argue any further.
“That’s it then. We’re headed back to the lair,” said Leo, “April, you should probably come with us. Maybe you can help Donnie replicate the research that you and Donnie did on the crystal.”
April and other Donnie both nod in agreement.
“I might be able to use other me’s research to try to replicate a similar
kind of technology that could get me home,” said the alternate Donnie, “If all goes well we should be able to find your brother too.”
The group looks to Raphael, gauging his reaction.
“Fine,” he said after a beat of silence, “But that doesn’t mean we trust you. All we need you for is to get Donnie back.”
The group sits in tense silence as Raphael stalks off towards the Shellraiser.
“Don’t worry about Raph little dude!” says Michelangelo with a small smile,
“He’s just worried about Donnie. He’ll come around.
“Mikey’s right. It’s nothing personal…probably,” says Leo before looking over to the Shellraiser, “We need to get back to the lair and tell Master Splinter what happened.”
“It’s late, I should probably get home,” Casey finally speaks up, “Let me know if you come up with any ideas on finding Donnie.”
The group watches as his figure retreats into the night before following
Leo into the Shellraiser.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
How do you think the Rise turtles would react to a person that’s impenetrable to manipulation? They have a memory of steel too, so gaslighting is also a no. If one of them makes a comment like, “Your friends shifty, I don’t trust them” they’re like “bffr I’ve known them since 1st grade”. And when their friend is like, “hey (turtle) threatened me to stay away from you…” all timid bc they don’t think y/n’ll believe them, but they DO, bc they’ve seen signs of the turtles being crazy and they’ve slowly backed away from them. They finally cut them off with no warning and will fight TOOTH and NAIL to ensure both theirs and their friend’s safety. Like, I’m talking they have weapons at the ready bc they KNOW just how dangerous the turtles can be. Anyways, thanks for reading my ramble, I hope this wasn’t too much of an inconvenience
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Rambles are fun! Especially if they're about my hyperfixation(s)~
Feeling a bit sad so what am I gonna do? That's right, write about my favorite characters.
Tw: violence, mentions of murder, kidnapping, unhealthy glorifying, and obv manipulation
Turtles with MC who isn't Affected by Manipulation
(Before I move on with the headcanons, a reminder that only Leo tends to manipulate, maybe a little bit of Mikey, but mostly our blue homosexual)
He doesn't manipulate in the first place. In fact, if he's too far in his dependency, he can be the one manipulated.
However, if you can see any problems (his clinginess and violent nature) and distance yourself from him, it'll cause havoc.
The person he adores so much is leaving him! That can't happen at all!
If he's calm enough, he'll stalk you until he knows exactly what weapons they hold. Then, he strikes at your most vulnerable moment; sleeping, and relaxing are when it'll be.
If he goes full-on rampage, it could go two ways. Either you kill him, or he destroys your defenses and kidnaps you to the lair.
He won't stop until he's hugging and snuggling you again. Even if it means he's injured in the process.
I know it's not explicitly stated in the show (or at least I don't remember it being) that he has separation anxiety. So distancing yourself basically means death to those around you and a big reptilian teddy bear who never leaves your side.
"I'll never let go! I can't even bear to think about it!"
You already know he's busting out the big guns.
Right away, he's going to teleport you to a locked room or the lair in general. While he does so, he's going to take your weapons away, so now you're helpless in that term.
If you fight him with only fists and legs he'll tie you up and watch you tire yourself out. It's amusing to him, knowing very well everything would be easier if you just let in. Let him take care of you, let him show you that he's not useless and suited to serve you.
"There's no reason to struggle...I only want to keep you safe, keep you happy, keep you away from people who dirty you."
Then he's going try the manipulate you until your own mind tricks you into thinking that "this is the way it's supposed to be". He is definitely not the most patient person, but if it's with you, he'll do whatever it takes.
(Ok maybe I kinda got indulgent but it's fine. Everything is fine)
✦Danielston III✦
First of all, he's the most lucid of the four, so he's already planned out many solutions to several scenarios. Which can only mean he's prepared for what's coming to him.
By the time you start gathering your defenses and start separating yourself from him, he's already got your room set up in the lair and has microbots ready to destroy the weapons.
So when you wake up in an exquisitely comfortable room and vulnerable to everything. He'll begin talking about how there is a rational reason for his actions and that you aren't seeing it from the right perspective.
He tells no lies, only dark thoughts.
Also, not to mention that he has military-grade bombs and missiles.
"I don't get why you even try to overpower me when I not only have the best tech you'll ever witness but the fact I have the advantage over you: both intellectually and physically."
I think he's the most likely to manipulate after Leo.
He wants to change the way you see yourself. When I state this I mean that he wants to glorify you.
He says things like, "You are so perfect, so breathtaking, so lovely! This is why you are my divinity, my god~"
You can say no, and stop obsessing over me but he doesn't. He'll keep pushing and pushing.
So when you pull the 'fuck you' card he's going to take the message in a completely other direction. He'll believe you don't feel worshipped enough which pushes him more to do his unhinged characteristics.
He does have a weaponry advantage. His nunchucks give him the perfect long-distance range to bind you with it and stop your attacks so being careful is one thing you must keep in mind.
Brings you to the throne he built and decorated with no thoughts going through his head.
Consider him your loyal servant from then on.
Except you're never allowed to leave without him.
Sorry if MIkey's is messy. I'm kinda sleep deprived haha.
- Celina
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The Haven exchange plot line is so underrated and it's a crime it was never bought up again.
Because the potential is sooo good.
The battle of Beacon gets so much more fucked if they acknowledge that.
Like Cinder genuinely caring for RWBY and JNPR and knowing she's going to destroy them.
Having to make that choice.
Which you know, Beacon is all about choices.
And just, in another life this was Cinder's dream.
To be a huntress.
It's a fairytale that she never got to live out.
And than the maiden power shifts from a stranger to a friend.
Than it becomes I have to kill my friend for power.
And under that, because if I don't Salem will kill me and I will no longer serve a purpose to her.
Everything I've done will mean nothing.
Pyyrah getting seperated from Jaune and going to Cinder.
Not to fight her.
But because Pyrrah trusts her.
It's Rhodes all over again.
And she can't even cry because it's her own fault.
Mercury seeing what he could be, and knowing for the plan to work yes going to have to ruin Yang's reputation.
Pretending it doesn't hurt to see the hurt in her eyes.
Emerald who wanted a family knowing this is just an illusion and no matter how much it hurts she has to destroy it.
This was never supposed to last.
Oz holding a hand out to Cinder like I know she's behind this.
We can fix this.
I can save you.
You don't have to do this.
And Cinder shaking her head because she knows he's lying.
You can't even save yourself from her, how can you save me?
Just this bittersweet understanding of the situation they are in.
Oz saying he's proud that she was his student. That it's okay, he can take the fall.
They both knew he will return but he won't be the same
Cinder saying goodbye and setting the place ablaze.
She makes herself watch and puts his cane somewhere safe for Qrow to find.
Salem praises her but Cinder just feels hollow.
Jaune calling her a murderer, that Pyrrah trusted her and she has to pretend she doesn't remember him for her own comfort.
That she knows she doesn't deserve.
She's a monster.
She will always be on the run.
Stabs Weiss and feels like she stabbed herself.
It takes everything in her not to scream.
Emerald joining up with the rest of them and it hurts knowing just how easily she slots into their group.
Like she'd always been apart of it.
And somehow that hurts even more.
Also just fitting with the theme of the schools falling because of a friends betrayal.
Cinder, Emerald and Mercury betrayal caused the fall of Beacon.
Leo's betrayal caused the fall of Haven.
Ironwood's betrayal caused the fall of Atlas.
But those 3 still living unlike the other two and they live to regret it.
If they didn't already.
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Here is something I wrote for auvember!!
The three sets of brothers stood in the arena with their knuckles all white from holding their weapons so tightly.
They were sets with missing pieces. Those crucial pieces were part of a completely different set at the moment.
It had all started with the turtles who officially started their top side heroics in 2003.
According to them, it was just a regular patrol night.
Their Leo had heard a strange noise and went to go investigate. They, of course, followed after him only to see a portal they didn’t recognize and a glob of pink attached to him.
They tried to help him. Despite the obvious pain he was in, he managed to warn them not to touch him.
Raph did not want to listen to that and reached for whatever it was to get it off.
That’s when Leo moved away with an animalistic growl.
The three turtles watched in horror as the pink glob had taken over his entire arm and up under his mask.
His eyes had started filling with an eerie pink glow that matched whatever had gotten on him.
He went through the portal right after which closed behind him.
Similarly, the version of them that was finally allowed to go to the surface in 2012 were also on a patrol when everything went down.
They had been racing rooftop to rooftop towards where they’d meet up with Casey and April.
Leo had started trailing behind which was already unusual.
The further they went, the more Leo slowed down. Eventually he just stopped completely, spacing out as he looked into open air.
Once they noticed this behavior his brothers stopped and went back to the building next to where he was standing.
They called out to him but it almost seemed like he was listening to something else talk.
Just as Mikey was about to toss a water balloon to get him to snap out of it, Leo’s eyes began to glow red.
They closed the distance between them too late. Leo willingly hopped off the building into a portal that closed immediately after.
It was more complicated for the turtles who took their crime fighting more seriously in 2018.
Their story actually began in 2020 though, after they fist met and defeated their version of the krang.
They didn’t want to leave their Leo alone much at all because he had barely gotten done with healing and they all were recovering mentally after the most traumatizing time of their lives.
He was feeling just a tad bit suffocated and told them that. So, they left him alone for a bit in the living room to read his comics.
When they heard a scream coming from there they nearly fell over each other to get to him.
Leo was pinned down by several men in business suits. They looked far from human with their strength and vacant stares.
That and the sight of an open portal nearby caused the three of them to tear into the intruders.
They only realized they were robots when they were taken apart. The weird brain looking things inside that would run off into the portal only confirmed their suspicions.
Just as they had thought that they’d taken care of enough of them to let Leo stand up, one of the robots slammed a device onto the back of his neck.
Raph had slammed into the robot and sent it rag dolling into the portal.
Leo got up and took out his swords.
Raph barley managed to avoid getting cut when Donnie and Mikey yelled to warn him.
Without a hint of reaction, Leo had left them all behind through the portal that vanished with him.
Raph and Donnie had to stop Mikey from opening a portal that would nearly destroy his arms again.
They and the 2012 turtles had some knowledge with portals, but not enough to find out where exactly their Leos had gone.
The 2003 turtles had inter-dimensional allies they could ask for help.
They traveled to the land of their Battle Nexus after informing their Splinter and gained permission from the Daimyo to use his war staff.
The staff, having a mind of its own, brought both the remaining 2012 and 2018 turtles to the 2003 turtles.
After a hight amount of chaos, 3 attempted fights, and high scientific curiosity between Donatellos, they were finally able to explain to each other what they had experienced.
18 Donnie was not very surprised at all about alternative universes as he basically had photos already of most of them.
They all however had understood that the Krang, and some other alien nearly as evil called the Necro Monster, had banded together and took their Leos.
The reason why still wasn’t completely clear.
It obviously wasn’t good, but just how bad exactly was yet to be seen.
They would have to try to get the answers for themselves.
There was an attempt to bring their Leos back using the staff but whatever they tried didn’t work.
Something or someone was blocking them.
It left only one option, getting to their Leos themselves.
The Daimyo suggested a plan for him to send them all to where their brothers were but keep the staff in this universe so it would not fall into villainous hands.
Once they handled whatever was stopping the war staff from sending them back, it would bring them back.
The 2003 Splinter insisted on going with them at first. The Daimyo urged him to stay so he could be sent as backup in case anything went wrong.
That’s how all the turtles ended up right in front of Big Mama in her recently reconstructed office.
While the 2018 turtles were both shocked and enraged, she didn’t seem surprised to see them in the slightest.
A trapped door underneath them opened up and sent them falling into darkness.
There was a good amount of screaming until Raph created a projection and scooped them together.
They collectively had landed on something metal, sliding them fast further into the darkness.
Eventually there was light at the end of the tunnel. They got shot out into the brightness of the day and Big Mama’s arena.
Raph set everyone else down and plopped down besides them after he stopped his projection.
That’s how they ended up in the present situation.
Big Mama’s voice started booming over the speakers in the arena.
“Tut tut tut turtly boos, don’t you know it’s rather rude to drippy drop in unannounced?”
“Was that even English? You guys understanding any of that?” 03 Raph glances around.
“She’s mad we surprised her, dude.” 12 Mikey answers.
03 Raph raises an eyebrow.
“I’m fluent in crazy.” 12 Mikey brags.
“We’re here because you have our brothers! Hand ‘em over or I’ll shove my sai up your-!”
“No no, none of that ruffian riff raff language is allowed!” Big Mama interrupts 12 Raph.
“Fuck. You. Give Leo back!“ 18 Raph growls out loudly.
The 2003 and 2012 turtles stare at him in shock. None of them had actually ever been allowed to swear.
“Raph, you used our only f-bomb! We can’t go above a pg-13 rating!” 18 Donnie complains.
“Sorry Dee, I’ll let ya have it next time.”
“You will not! You bimbling buffoons ruined everything already and that sent me into quite a tizzy wiz. I was lucky enough that a splendiferous offer was thrown my way. I help with a little tournament in my Battle Nexus and not only will you be done away with, but I’ll get three universes worth of money and power!” Big Mama laughs gaudily.
“Yeah right lady, you wish this was as good as the real Battle Nexus!” 03 Raph shouts.
Big Mama looks ready for blood at this point.
“You want your brothers so badly? Here! Take them!”
Three entrances open up at the other end of the arena.
All the Leos walk out and towards their brothers.
03 Leo moved like his legs were being forced to work. However, there was a blind fury in the way he snarled and bared his teeth.
It was incredibly disturbing for the rest of the 03 turtles who knew how much he must be fighting against this.
12 Leo took each step with purpose, almost as if he knew exactly what he was doing and just how important it was to do it.
As his family watched this, their blood ran cold. If they didn’t see the red eyes they might have thought he was in full control of himself.
18 Leo walked robotically. There was no style or discernible uniqueness to it in the slightest.
It broke his brothers’ hearts. They knew he would hate the lack of flare and dramatics.
There were no words, no monologues, just each Leo starting their attacks.
03 Leo went after 18 Raph first.
Raph quickly defended himself with his projection and used his clones as a distraction.
03 sliced through them with ferocity.
“Why is he attacking me!?” 18 Raph questions.
“He probably thinks you can take him! Leo, bro, snap out of it already!” 03 Raph grabs at his brother.
03 Leo split kicks both Raphs away.
12 Leo readies both his swords as he runs at 03 Donnie and Mikey.
“Woah dude, stop! That demon in your head is lying to you! You’ll just get all old and turn into dust!” 03 Mikey warns.
“I don’t care what happens to me as long as I get what I want. I saw what I could have! I know it can be that way!” 12 Leo attacks them.
03 Mikey blocks his attacks.
“The ones called the turtles will now be called the ones who are eliminated.” 18 Leo says flatly.
“This one will be a piece of cake.” 12 Raph raises his sais.
“No! Watch out!” 18 Donnie shouts.
18 Leo tosses one of his weapons near 12 Raph which he easily dodges.
“Ha! He missed!”
“He doesn’t miss!”
The sword 18 Leo tossed is replaced with himself.
12 Raph had no hope in reacting in time. He barely notices an orange blur before he’s suddenly out of harm’s way.
He’s absolutely gobsmacked both of the fact that he was over 18 Mikey’s shoulder and that he could even move that fast.
“How did you do that!?”
“It runs in the family! Super quick!”
“This isn’t working! Everyone! How did you defeat this type of thing in your universes!?” 03 Donnie questions.
“Nardo got through to Raph so he could fight the Krang’s influence himself.” 18 Donnie answers.
“We usually just break those devices!” 12 Donnie advises.
“Our Leo just wouldn’t accept the deal!” 03 Mikey adds.
“Alright, nobody knows our Leos better than we do! Everyone take on their own!” 18 Raph instructs.
It was surprising for most of them to hear a Raph in charge and giving good orders, but they followed them quickly.
03 Leo recoiled slightly at his brothers coming closer.
“Leo, it’s going to be okay. You all saved me when I became a monster, now it’s my turn to help. You have to fight this! You can fight it!” 03 Donnie encourages.
03 Mikey puts away his nunchucks.
“Listen bro, I said it when you were sick, and I’ll say it again. You’re even more annoying than me when you get your mind set on something! And that’s saying something! You can totally fight that weird alien thing!”
03 Leo hisses and growls, thrashing around. It’s clear that he’s trying and failing to get a hold of himself.
03 Raph starts stomping over to him.
“Alright, enough is enough! You’ve been trying to protect us this whole time and I’m sick of it. We’re a team, you’re going to get help if you like or not ya knuckle head!”
03 Leo roars out before grabbing at his arm, his roars fading into his own screams as he begins tearing the krang part off.
“I….will not….let you…hurt them…!” He screams louder as he fully removes it and squishes it in his hand.
“I knew you could do it, bro!” 03 Mikey cheers.
03 Leo begins to sway, falling into 03 Raph’s outstretched arms.
“We’ve got ya, fearless leader. Take a rest already.”
12 Leo began his assault with attacking 12 Donnie.
“Why am I always the first!?”
“Not cool Leo, not cool!” 12 Mikey comes at him with his nunchucks to help Donnie out.
12 Leo ducks and picks up dirt to throw in his eyes.
12 Mikey instinctively puts his hands to his eyes in pain.
12 Leo kicks his plastron while he has the chance.
12 Raph gets behind him and holds his arms back.
“What are you doing!? Why would you ever make a deal with a demon!?”
“Why should I bother telling you? When have you ever tried to listen to me?” He hits his head back into Raph’s face.
12 Raph stumbles back, barely able to get himself together again in time to use his sai to catch Leo’s sword.
“I get it, I don’t always agree with you! But those guys told me earlier that demon that’s messing with your head only goes after people who are greedy! What are you trying to get!? Money!? Power!? You’re the guy who wouldn’t steal a sword from a rich jerk!”
“I want to be selfish for once! I want to have it all! We could have it all! I knew you wouldn’t listen to me unless I made you listen! If you serve the demon with me, we can all be happy.”
“What are you talking about!?”
“It promised to lessen my burden so that it wasn’t so heavy to carry. It promised that I could make decisions without having to worry if it got any of you hurt. It promised that I wouldn’t have to sacrifice anything anymore! Not my childhood, not my time, not my life!”
Raph stares at him with wide eyes.
“No! No more saying anything! No more snark! No more calling me lame! Do you think I want to only be known as boring and responsible!? I want to be cool! I want to be a leader you guys want! I try to make things fun! I just….try! I try and try and try my best until I’m just sick of it! But I’m not allowed to me sick of it or else sensei is disappointed! Mad! Anything but proud! So I’m getting what I want, and you’re all finally going to listen!”
Raph’s eyes only get wider. He glances behind Leo at Mikey and Donnie.
They share similar expressions and Raph knows they’re all on the same page of what must be done.
He shoves Leo back.
Leo tries to charge forward, but Mikey uses his nunchucks to wrap his chain around his left arm.
Donnie disarms his other arm with his bō.
Raph moves forward and grabs Leo tightly in a hug.
Mikey and Donnie join in.
“We didn’t know you were taking our jokes so hard. I alway rip on everybody. It wasn’t about you, but….I’m sorry. I’m sorry it hurt you. I thought it was easy being Splinter’s favorite. I was wrong, okay? You don’t have to go making deals with demons.” Raph apologizes.
“I always said it wasn’t fun being the responsible one. We mess around because we want you to take a break! We want you to have fun too, promise.” Mikey hugs him tighter.
“You can talk to us. We’re here, Leo.” Donnie insists.
Leo’s eyes slowly go back to normal and he hugs his brothers back tightly.
“Thank you.”
The 2018 brothers were having a slightly intense battle
18 Leo didn’t seem to have a limit anymore. He just kept portaling, running, dodging, jumping, slicing, anything and everything to avoid his brothers grabbing him.
Raph, Donnie and Mikey were breathing heavily as they attempted to think of a new strategy.
“Nothing we know about him is working! I can’t razz any tazz!” Mikey whimpers.
“That’s it, we’re tryna fight Leo, but that’s not Leo. They’re forcing him to be their way. It’s not just how he talks but how he moves too. We gotta grab him like he’s a robot!” Raph realizes.
“Robot….if he’s being controlled by tech, then I can hack that tech! It has to have a signal going to and coming from somewhere. I just need time.” Donnie looks at both of them.
“Now that I can do! Distraction time, baby!” Mikey jumps up and rushes towards Leo.
They do a back and forth with their movements. Mikey uses his chains and midair acrobatics to keep Leo’s attention and actions aimed at him.
Raph uses his clones when Leo gets too close to Mikey and to make sure he doesn’t have time or room to make portals.
Donnie furiously tapped away at his wrist screen and several other screens he created with his ninpo. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to try to hack something you’ve never seen before.
However, when it came to his brothers, he’d reconstruct science itself if he had to.
It started to get more serious as Leo began hurting himself from how he was moving.
Or rather, being moved.
The pressure forced Donnie to work even harder. Just when it seemed Leo was about to land a massive blow, he stopped.
Raph took this moment to punch the device on Leo’s neck. It drops uselessly to the ground.
Leo smiles in exhaustion.
“Took you guys long enough.”
Mikey quickly steadies him, smiling tearily.
“Welcome back, Leo.”
“Good to be back Miguel. It killed me to not be able to do any flips when I walked in. I could have said so many cool things.” He laments.
Raph and Donnie get closer to them.
“I agree, I’d give that entrance a 5/10.” Donnie states.
“From now on we’re sitting in the room with you when you read comics!” Raph insists.
“Yeah, fair enough. Right now we need to go kick some spider as-“
“Careful Leo, Raph already used our one f-bomb.” Donnie interrupts.
“What!? I missed that!?”
“Don’t worry, I have it recorded.”
“You’re the best.”
“Hate to interrupt, but I’m pretty sure you want the same thing we do.” 03 Raph walks over.
The 12 turtles join them as well.
“We make her pay for everything.” Donnie grips his bō.
“Let’s do it. On three you guys, one, two, three!” 18 Leo shouts.
“Hot soup!”
“We’ll work on that.”
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wonderingpanda · 3 months
So after a week the results came in and it seems you guys want to have four separate y/n’s; I hope it doesn’t get too confusing for any of you while reading this. Just remember L/L is Leo’s lover/love interest, R/L is Raph’s lover/love interest, D/L is Donnie’s lover/love interest and M/L is Mikey’s lover/love interest. Apologies in advance, I didn’t want to waste a bunch of space explaining the kids in detail so they they have their own little individual descriptions which kind of cut into the story at the beginning.
You may notice while reading that I’ve changed my writing format. This is just to see how it goes since during my last larger story I found it especially annoying to keep finding new ways to describe people talking and transition to characters dialogue. It may be lazy and petty but I just find it easier to write my longer stories like this. Don’t worry though, headcannons and smaller oneshots won’t be affected by this.
Now, I hate being extremely specific and try to make my Y/n’s as flexible as possible so a large number of people can enjoy the story but I’ve had this story for ages and at this point it’s hard to change some of the details so these are the things you need to know. All four of the readers will be given she/her pronouns. At their regular ages M/L is 14, the turtles and D/L are 15, April Casey and L/L are 16 and R/L is 16-17. Since I had also already pictured Raph’s kids as little turtle-lizard mutants, R/L is going to be an anthropomorphic lizard. I hope this is all ok. If you don’t like it then just read it different in your head.
Each piece of the story will also be prone to editing, I can almost certainly guarantee it. Nothing major, most likely just fixing grammar and spelling or rewriting sentences to flow better. I also don’t have a name for the baby yet so I need to add that in as well. Ok, I’m done ranting now, please enjoy the prologue to my own version of…
TMNT Next Generation
2012 Turtles x Fem!Readers
New York City is destroyed. Every building has either been over and smashed or abandoned. The streets are quiet. A set of green legs can be seen running through followed by more pairs of running green legs with mixes of human legs. Some are small while others are much bigger. Bombs are being detonated behind the group of running people, gunshots can be heard in the distance as robots continue to fire in pursuit of them. R/L is holding a crying lizard-turtle baby, trying to calm it down.
R/L: Raphael I fear if we do not find a safe zone soon the children will pass out from running.
RAPH: She’s right Leo, you got a plan or what?
LEO: I’m trying to think! Donnie is there anything you have that could help us right now?
DONNIE: I don’t know Leo I-I can’t really think of anything right now!
The baby continues to cry, Mikey runs up next to R/L and talks to him.
MIKEY: Aww hey there little guy, don’t cry. We’re gonna totally find a place to hide in a minute and then we’ll get you all changed and fed okay?
The baby quiets down and let’s out a small noise, staring at Mikey.
MIKEY: See everything’s gonna be fine you’ll see.
A large piece of scrap metal gets blown forwards narrowly missing the group.
M/L: Antonio watch out!
M/L protectively grabs Antonio, an orange masked 11-year-old mutant turtle with some human aspects, as they both run.
M/L: Just stay close to me okay. I’m not losing you.
ANTONIO: Already on it mum.
D/L: Hey Mary, Mary?
Mary, 10 with a pink mask and also part turtle, is panting heavily and slowly falling behind. D/L yanks her onto her shoulders.
D/L: Get on here now, we can’t risk leaving you.
MARY: Thanks *wheeze* mum.
CASEY: You all good buddy?
Casey looks down to his son, a yellow-wearing 12-year-old, speeding on roller skates.
ALEX: Don’t worry dad I’m totally fine woah!
Alex begins to trip on his skates and struggles to remain balance.
SORA: Alex here!
Sora, a blue masked 11 year old who is also of mixed species with more prominent turtle traits, grabs his hand and keeps him balanced while they run.
ALEX: Thanks for the save Sora.
SORA: No worries.
APRIL: Are we nearly at a safe zone?
L/L: I hope so. Yoshi, are you still feeling right?
Yoshi, a green masked 12-year old who, unlike his sister, appears more human-like, catches his breath and looks up.
YOSHI: Better than I was before.
Amongst the group are 3 more turtle lizard children. 10-year-old twins, Harriet (with a light turquoise mask) and Ethan (in a dark turquoise mask), who appear more lizardy and their sister Athena who’s a year older, wearing red mask and looks more like a turtle.
HARRIET: I don’t *huff* think I can *puff* keep this up *huff* much *puff* longer *huff*.
ATHENA: Hey don’t say that, we got this just keep going. After everything we’ve been through there’s no way you can let this get to you.
ETHAN: But we’ve been running for hours now I know dad said there’d be a safe zone eventually but I’m not sure anymore.
Bridget, another 11-year-old turtle looking human hybrid (wearing a purple mask), runs up towards the front where the main 4 brothers are.
BRIDGET: Dad from what I can see there aren’t any safe zones anywhere around, are you sure we’ll be okay?
DONATELLO: I- yes. We’ll be fine Bridget just stay strong okay?
Bridget looks at the ground in worry. Donnie sends Leo a look.
LEO: There’s no way we can get to a safe zone is there.
Donnie shakes his head in dismay.
RAPH: Well then what are we gonna do? We can’t just give up.
MIKEY: Uh dudes the kids are starting to give in.
Leo thinks deeply for a moment.
LEO: We’ll have to fight.
RAPH: Are you crazy!?
MIKEY: Dude there’s no way we can fight them off again!
DONNIE: You saw what happened last time we tried!
LEO: I know, I know but right now it’s our only hope. We’ll protect the kids for as long as we can.
RAPH: And if we fail?
LEO: Then we accept our fates.
BRIDGET: Wait dad?
DONNIE: Uh now might not be the best time dear we’re kind of busy.
BRIDGET: But it’s important.
The brothers share a look.
DONNIE: Alright what is it?
BRIDGET: You remember that project we were working on right? Do you still have it with you?
DONNIE: Oh no Bridget, we can’t use that thing it’s still in testing. I don’t even know if it works properly. We haven’t even tried sending something through.
BRIDGET: But in theory, if it works then it could save us right?
DONNIE: I suppose you’re correct.
LEO: What are you talking about Donnie.
DONNIE: Well, you see, back at the old safe zone Bridget and I were messing around with some gadgets thinking off possible designs for different machines to keep us busy when Bridget had an idea. She suggested trying to build a time machine.
RAPH: A time machine? Now you really have gone mad.
DONNIE: No I haven’t! Bridget helped me figure out the design and together we came up with a device that could possibly work but we got attacked before we could test it.
MIKEY: Wait didn’t we already meet a time travel lady like years ago?
RAPH: Oh yeah, Renet wasn’t it? Wonder what happened to her.
DONNIE: Well Mikey that’s exactly it we haven’t seen her in years so building a machine is logically the most reliable option here.
LEO: So what are you trying to say Donnie, what was Bridget thinking before?
DONNIE: She was implying that if we used the time machine to go back in time we could possibly alter the events that lead to this and save the future!
LEO: But you said it wasn’t tested yet?
DONNIE: It isn’t which is why using it comes at such a risk.
Another bomb sounds.
RAPH: So we either fight, run till we drop or risk our lives on one of Donnie’s genius inventions. Great!
LEO: Alright. Donnie, Bridget, if you think you can get that thing up and running then we’ll protect you guys while doing so. There isn’t much left so it’s now or never.
BRIDGET: Alright.
DONNIE: If you say so; are you sure about this Bridget?
BRIDGET: Like Uncle Leo said, it’s now or never.
LEO: Guys get up here!
APRIL: What is it Leo?
LEO: We might have a plan to escape these guys.
CASEY: You finally found a safe zone?
MIKEY: Nope, but if Donnie and Bridget can get their time travel thingy to work then we’ll all be saved!
D/L: Wait, time travel?
LEO: It’s a long shot but if we can protect them while they get the machine up and running then we might just be able to save ourselves and the rest of the world.
R/L: Are you sure this is the best course of action?
LEO: Positive.
APRIL: But what about the kids?
LEO: We’ll keep them safe too.
SORA: What? But dad, I can fight those guys too!
LEO: No way, not after last time.
Sora looks down.
LEO: *sighs* I need you to take your brother, Alex, your cousins and defend them with your life am I clear?
SORA: Yes dad.
HARRIET: I guess this is it.
ETHAN: I think I’m about to puke.
ATHENA: Don’t, just don’t.
MARY: Do you really think this could work?
BRIDGET: I hope so.
R/L: Here Yoshi, please keep baby safe.
YOSHI: You can count on me.
ALEX: Guys, they’re getting closer!
ANTONIO: I don’t want to die!
M/L: Antonio I need you to calm down. You’re not going to die, ok? Not on my watch.
L/L: Alright, I’m ready when you guys are.
LEO: Okay we got into combat in three…
The brothers ready their weapons.
LEO: Two…
The other adults prepare to fight.
LEO: One…
The kids look on nervously.
LEO: *Takes a deep breath* Go!
Mary hops of D/L’s shoulders and runs with the other kids. Bridget and Donnie get as far behind the others as possible, Donnie pulls out an odd looking watch and they begin to tinker with it.
The kids get into a group, Sora having her sword drawn and Yoshi holding the baby while Alex is holding a baseball bat. Athena is in a fighting stance with Harriet and Ethan behind her. Antonio and Mary are both clinging on to each other.
The adults have their weapons drawn in a wall to protect everyone behind them. They all let out battle cries and run in.
Leo deflects lasers with his katanas, D/L is bashing up whatever’s attacking them with her kanabō. April begins to show her fan at the enemy and Casey is whacking them away with his hockey stick. Raph and Mikey are both fighting side-by-side while M/L is using martial arts. L/L is attacking with Kakute, Shurikens and Kunais. Sora, Athena and Alex are fighting off the few enemies that made it to them while Yoshi is trying to keep the baby safe. Bridget and Donnie are still working with the watch, a few sparks fly about but they don’t focus on them. L/L is still fighting by herself until a gunshot hits her arm.
Y/N: Ah!
L/L stops fighting and Leo runs to her. Mikey and Raph look over but refocus as an attack narrowly misses them.
APRIL: Guys look out!
April quickly jumps in and deflects another shot with her fan. She continues to protect them while Leo holds L/L. Sora is struggling to fight and Yoshi nearly drops the baby.
Athena looks over to where Harriet and Ethan are cowering together.
ATHENA: Guys, stop being cowards and fight!
The twins look at each other before determinedly moving out of position and helping to fight.
D/L: Donnie, Bridget, please tell me you’re nearly finished!
DONNIE: Almost done, we just have a few more things to adjust!
ANTONIO: Hey you, over there!
One of the robots looks over to Antonio who’s pointing at them.
ANTONIO: Have a taste of my fist!
Antonio begins to punch the enemy in the stomach over and over to no avail. He looks up and gulps before the robot punches him in the face and sends him flying.
M/L: Antonio!
MIKEY: Wait M/L!
M/L gets kicked to the ground by another bot. Mikey runs over and picks up Antonio before going over to M/L.
ANTONIO: Dad, is mom okay?
MIKEY: You’ll be fine, we’ll be fine, everything’s fine!
RAPH: Donnie I swear to god!
DONNIE: I’m trying! Do you know how hard it is to manually formulate time travel!
Donnie stops when he hears Bridget sniff. He looks over to see she has tears in her eyes.
BRIDGET: Dad what if we can’t do it, what if the watch fails?
Donnie looks back at the scene behind them then at the watch and finally looks back to Bridget.
DONNIE: We’re gonna get this thing working if it’s the last thing I do!
Bridget looks at Donnie getting back to work and gives a firm nod before doing the same.
APRIL: Leo I know this is hard right now but you have to get back to fighting, I’ll protect L/L but we need you on the battlefield!
L/L: She’s right Leo, it’s only my arm I’ll be fine. The others need you.
LEO: Stay safe.
L/L: Always.
Leo stands up and keeps fighting off the robots.
MARY: I don’t want to do this anymore, I’m scared!
ATHENA: And you haven’t been scared this whole time?
MARY: Huh?
ATHENA: This has been going on for years. We’ve been running and fighting and hiding and running all over again, this isn’t anything new.
MARY: But Antonio, Aunty M/L and Aunty L/L-
ATHENA: Are fine. They were knocked down but they’re still breathing and that’s all that matters right now.
Mary looks on at Athena fighting bravely.
ATHENA: I’m just as scared as you are but if any of us give in at this point then there’s a chance we could all die!
MARY: I-I guess you’re right.
ATHENA: Now come on, pick yourself up and kick butt!
MARY: Yeah!
HARRIET: You still feeling the fight?
Harriet puts her hand up, Ethan grabs it.
ETHAN: You know it.
The two shake before letting out battle cries and continuing to fight.
SORA: Are you alright there brother?
YOSHI: I’m fine and so is the baby.
SORA: Good.
Sora gets back-to-back with Athena as they fight.
SORA: That was a pretty good speech you gave back there.
ATHENA: Don’t mention it.
Sora smiles as Athena fights seriously.
With the adults, Casey knocks away another enemy and faces L/L.
CASEY: Is everyone okay?
L/L: I hope so, it looks like Mikey and April are on the defence right now and Raph, R/L and Leo are with us on the offence.
CASEY: Alright, sounds good to me.
Casey turns around and is nearly shot until R/L steps in.
CASEY: Thanks for the save R/L.
R/L: There is no need to thank me we’re a team.
D/L: Alright three more guys incoming, you ready?
CASEY: As I’ll ever be.
R/L: I’m armed and prepared to fire.
CASEY: Goongala!
D/L: I can’t believe you still say that.
M/L is gaining consciousness with Antonio next to her.
M/L: Mikey?
MIKEY: Don’t move M/L. I can’t stop fighting right now but I need you to stay still, you were both hit pretty hard.
M/L: Both? *gasp* Antonio!
ANTONIO: Relax mum I’m right here.
M/L gives Antonio a big hug but the two quickly move away.
M/L: Ow! Sorry I should of been more careful.
ANTONIO: It’s all good.
APRIL: Are you feeling okay L/L?
L/L stands up holding her shot arm.
L/L: I’ll be fine for now.
APRIL: Can you still fight?
L/L: I think so.
APRIL: Great cause I could use your help against these guys.
L/L: Right, I’m on it!
SORA: Hey, everyone’s up and fighting again!
HARRIET: Hah, I knew we would make it!
MARY: Yes!
Leo looks behind at the children cheering and smiles. Suddenly there’s a loud bang. The ground shakes violently and everyone’s vision is temporarily blinded.
Sora, now lying on the ground, waves a hand in front of her face while coughing, she stares at the sight… a bomb had gone off.
Parts of the nearby buildings had been blown off and everyone was on the ground struggling as another wave of attackers began moving forward. Leo pushes himself off the ground wheezing and coughing before turning to look at Donnie and Bridget. His eyes widen as Donnie connects two wires and a portal opens.
LEO: They did it, they actually did it!
RAPH: Well it’ll all be for nothing if we don’t get moving like now!
Mikey pushes himself off the ground and helps up M/L and Antonio.
M/L: Ow!
MIKEY: Sorry M/L but we got to go!
APRIL: Casey!
CASEY: I’m alive, barely.
APRIL: Let’s get moving; we’re out of time.
April pulls Casey up.
Athena lifts herself up and turns to Ethan and Harriet.
ATHENA: Hey, get up!
Athena pulls up Harriet
HARRIET: Ah! It hurts.
ATHENA: I know, but trust me it’ll hurt a lot more when those things catch up to us.
Ethan pushes himself up.
ETHAN: Let’s get moving. You alright Mary?
Ethan helps Mary up.
MARY: I’ll be fine.
Yoshi opens his eyes and looks down in shock to find the baby safely wrapped in his arms. He gets up and hands the baby to Athena before looking over at Sora.
YOSHI: Are you going to keep lying there or are we still fearless heroes?
Sora looks up at him and sees the baby is okay. She lets out a weak smile and pushes herself up.
SORA: Fearless heroes. Forever and always.
R/L helps pull up D/L.
R/L: Are you alright D/L?
D/L: Been better but considering right now, I’ll be ok.
Leo pulls up L/L.
LEO: You ready to go home?
L/L: Yeah.
The kids rush over to their parents, being smaller and hit less by the blast they have more strength. Antonio joins them.
SORA: Dad are you okay? You’re walking really slow.
LEO: I’ll be fine let’s just get to that portal before-
Another gunshot fires this time hitting Casey in the back.
APRIL: Casey!
ALEX: Dad!
More gunshots go off but April repels them with her psychic powers. She uses a wave of energy to hold back the robots as she sits by Casey with tears in her eyes.
APRIL: You guys need to go I can’t hold them back for long!
MIKEY: No way we’re leaving you!
RAPH: We’re not going without you or Casey.
Donnie and Bridget run up to the group.
DONNIE: What happened?
APRIL: Casey’s hit!
ALEX: Dad?
DONNIE: Oh no.
APRIL: Guys I can’t-
Aprils powers fail and the robots begin storming forward.
MIKEY: What are we gonna do dudes. Ack! I can barely move my arm.
RAPH: I can’t go any faster than a snail.
R/L: I’m also lacking in physical strength.
D/L: Same here.
LEO: What about you L/L?
L/L sadly shows her wound’s been opened further.
L/L: Sorry Leo.
LEO: Looks behind him at the kids.
MARY: Mum you’ll be okay right?
ALEX: Dad, please get up!
HARRIET: Are you okay mum?
ETHAN: You guys aren’t hurt right?
BRIDGET: Will everyone be able to make it through?
Leo smiles sadly and looks down at his katanas in front of him.
LEO: Change of plans.
Everyone looks up at Leo.
LEO: The adults will stay here and fight best we can. Kids, you guys are going to go and run as fast as you can through that portal.
KIDS: What!?
SORA: Dad you can’t be serious!
YOSHI: There’s no way you’re leaving us!
SORA: Mum tell him you can’t!
L/L looks away sadly and closes her eyes.
ATHENA: Dad there’s no way I’m letting you fight here alone! You can’t just stay!
All the adults stay silent.
BRIDGET: At least you can come right dad? You weren’t hit by the blast you’re perfectly fine.
DONNIE: Bridget I love you so much.
MARY: Dad? What are you saying!?
DONNIE: You too Mary. But I swore to always have my brothers backs and to fight till the very end. If me staying here means you guys get out safe then I’ll do it.
MARY: Nu uh no way. Mum you’ll come with us won’t you?
D/L: I’m in just as bad a condition as everyone else sweetie. You’re going to have to go alone.
More gunshots follow and the sound of bombs can be heard getting louder. Leo crouches down to Sora.
LEO: Now listen here I’m trusting you to lead this mission.
SORA: B-but dad!
LEO: No buts. You’re going to go through that portal and lead your family on this mission. I know it’s scary but I also know that if anyone can do it it’s you.
Sora holds Leo’s hands and begins to cry.
Bridget looks around at everyone crying to their parents and faces Donnie.
DONNIE: Bridget I need you to take possession of the watch.
Bridget silently nods and takes the watch.
DONNIE: Do you remember all the features it has?
BRIDGET: Mhm. Left dial for latitude, right dial for longitude, bottom dial for month, top dial for day and the centre is for the year.
DONNIE: See, you know exactly what you’re doing. I even installed a small device that’ll lead you straight to the lair.
BRIDGET: The lair… as in-
DONNIE: That’s right, home. Now here, let me adjust the settings.
Donnie fiddles with the dials before handing the watch back to Bridget. She looks up at him for a second before giving him a big hug.
ANTONIO: Mum, dad, I don’t want to leave you guys!
M/L: There isn’t really much of a choice here buddy.
MIKEY: We’re not fast enough to catch up with you.
ANTONIO: But, but-
MIKEY: Hey I need you to promise me something. Do you think that you can keep everyone smiling and laughing while you’re away, for me?
ANTONIO: I promise.
ATHENA: I don’t want to leave you guys, you can’t just expect us to go without you!
RAPH: Sorry but you have to, we’ll only slow you down.
ATHENA: No you won’t!
RAPH: Hey who do you think knows better, the 38-year-old ninja or the mini warrior-in-training?
Athena puffs out her cheeks and glares at him.
RAPH: That’s what I thought. Now you’re going to go with you’re brothers, your sister, Alex, your cousins and you’re going to protect them no matter what. I’m relying on you to make sure everyone comes back in one piece okay?
RAPH: That’s my little warrior.
ETHAN: Are you guys really going to stay?
R/L: It is for your own protection.
Harriet cries and hugs her mum tight.
ALEX: Dad, come on you’re not really down are you.
CASEY: *Groans as he attempts to lift himself up* Sorry little dude.
APRIL: Come here honey.
Alex skates into April’s arms and hugs her tightly.
APRIL: I know you can do this. You mean so much to all of us so we need you to be brave enough to leave us and help them.
ALEX: Can’t you just use your psychic powers to stop this and save us all?
APRIL: I wish it was that simple.
A laser narrowly misses April’s head as she parts with Alex.
APRIL: Enough chit-chat, they’re here.
Everyone takes a fighting stance as more guns begin to fire. The adults start fighting with Casey still on the ground.
D/L: Go, go, go!
M/L: We love you all!
R/L: Come back safe!
L/L quickly pulls Yoshi back.
L/L: Take this and give it to our past selves.
YOSHI: What?
L/L quickly pulls him into a tight hug.
L/L: Remember you are more than what others make you, I love you so much. Now go!
MARY: No I don’t want to go!
Bridget begins pulling Mary back. Mary turns to her with tears.
MARY: We can’t just leave them.
BRIDGET: *Deep breath* We have to.
HARRIET: Guys come on we have to hurry!
Yoshi pulls Mary along and Bridget continues to run. The kids all run and jump through the portal one by one. Yoshi pulls Mary through leaving Bridget and Sora.
BRIDGET: If you don’t go I will; just make sure to grab the watch before going through, we need it to get back.
Bridget jumps through. Sora looks on at the parents fighting and focuses on Leo. Tears begin to fall from her eyes. Another loud bang goes off; bright light fills the space and Sora quickly grabs the watch before being forced into the portal, unable to see the remains of the explosion.
Hope you enjoyed! Please keep sending requests so I have more stuff to post as this story will likely take a while for me to finish. With that, have an amazing day/night wherever you may be!✨
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averyartylemon · 11 months
TMNT2012 7 Deadly Sins AU
I'm working on an AU for TMNT2012 based off of the 7 Deadly Sins. I came up with this while watching Lavendertowne's videos on The 7 Deadly Sins as Cute Girls and I think it turned out realy good! It's still in development, since I only thought if it like 3 hours ago, and I only have rough sketches and ideas of the storyline so far. I have only designed the turtles and April so far. The AU does not have a name yet.
Leo is Pride, Donnie is Lust, Raph is Wrath (har har), Mikey is Gluttony, April is Greed, Splinter is Sloth and Casey is Envy
Leonardo, Pride, is physically and emotionally abusive towards his brothers. He has really high expectations on them, often pushing them to their limits in training, and he thinks hes better then everyone else. Hes extremely narcissistic and will never admit when he's in the wrong.
Raphael, Wrath, is extra angry and violent. He kills his ememies, even petty thiefs. he's physically abusive, especially to Mikey. He's prone to destroying things when mad, and he's not afraid to use his weapons on his family.
Donatello, Lust, is a mad scientist and absolutely obsessed with April, even more unhealthy then in the show. Hes a stalker, and he tries to use science to find ways to force her to love him back. He would kill for her, quite literally. He knows everything about her (or so he thinks,) and his room is filled with her photographs.
Michelangelo, Gluttony, is not unaffected by his mistreatment, developing an eating disorder early on. Having food taken away was often a punishment, and he would eat a lot to make up for it when he gets his eating privelages back. He often goes days without eating and then will eat until he throws up. He cries when he eats. He's super skinny and boney, and his skin is scarred from abuse.
April, Greed, is power hungry and manipulative. She uses her powers for mind control and sucking the life force out of people. She manipulates Donnie and Casey into being obsessed with her because she's greedy for attention.
Splinter, Sloth, is neglectful and a terrible parent. He only ever taught the turtles to fight. Other then training, he was absent from their lives, and when they got old enough, he let Leonardo take control of training. His laziness caused them all to develop their unhealthy habits.
Casey, Envy, is jealous of the turtles for being strong fighters. His rivalry with Donnie is much more prominent as they both fight for April's love, unknowing that she's just using them and manipulating them for her own gain. They often get into physical disputes, and cannot even be in a room together without arguing.
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The AU is still very much in development, and I hope to refine and make more solid designs for them as soon as I can.
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