#i gotta refollow a bunch of people
startrekdescribed · 8 months
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Threshold Day 2024 incoming.
[Image description: white text that says, "Dawn of the Final Day 24 Hours Remain." /end image description]
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imaginarianisms · 2 months
hey y'all im& typing this out mostly bc i& feel the need to like make it extra clear bc sometimes i& feel like im& not coming off clearly enough & i already talked about it w/ macy where we both agree & this is general & @ /nbh so !! if i'm& sending you a bunch of stuff in discord dms, that's in no way me& tryna rush you for replies or anything like that, that's just me& being excited about our munchkins & their dynamics, you can take as long as you want to reply to me or just not even reply to asks/memes & shit bc it doesn't bother me @ all i& just love writing when i& feel inspo & i get a lot of ideas & when i& do that i& tend to like blast that out bc of a) i& get excited & that's gotta Come Out & b) this is the most important reason but i& have did so i& easily forget so i& make sure to like let it all out before i& forget so i& could send yall 100 asks/memes/starters or w/e & you could answer 100 of them or some of them & i'd& still not expect anything back bc life is obviously difficult for a lotta ppl out here rn, my& own included, you can take as long as you need to reply to my& shit, when i& throw in stuff in our& dms thats literally just me& thinking "oh hmmm this sounds interesting i wonder what [x] would think of this" & just pop off. yall are not obligated to reply to every single thing i& say (although if that happens thats cool) or reply in exactly 000000000.1 seconds i'm& never gonna be out here rushing people. like. I& Get It TM. this blog is permanently on semihiatus & medium to very low sporadic activity, our& writing speed entirely depends on motivation, there's days where i& write a few replies in seconds, several replies in one day or months or even years where i& post nothing at all, there's no in between bc this is a hobby. lmao. like. in my& case i& like having a clean dashboard so i& won't be following back every single blog that follows me & i unfollow ppl who're pretty much cricket silence w/ me for extended long periods of time (this obviously doesn't apply to people on hiatus or people that i Know are inherently low activity or very busy irl or if we're extremely close) but it Does apply to mutuals who like literally Never respond to starters i've written, answer memes i've sent, or people who never send me asks/memes or ppl who Never respond to our threads & otherwise making no genuine attempt to interact beyond clicking the follow button & that's It & never speaking to me ever all while being clearly active on the dash as i've& said previously on my rules, but again on the flip side, i'm& more than happy to refollow sb again if they approach me with genuine interest, but all of that is just to make sure my dash is active & communication is essential which leads me& to my& next point. but At The Same Time i expect to be told that if i'm doing or talking too much bc otherwise I Won't Know. esp bc im& not a mindreader. bc it's happened on occasions in the past in the older days of me being on here like years ago where like sb would like ignore me w/o saying a word (& that's not inherently a bad thing but it Does sting especially bc i have bpd) as to why. like. you can tell me to like slow it down bc you're overwhelmed & i& can literally just write it down in a discord server channel ykwim?? it aint hard. im& autistic & i& also have bpd & did, im& traumatized & there are days where i& just straight up do not feel like doing anything & that's perfectly normal. yall feel me?? tl;dr; if i'm& sending you a bunch of stuff in dms, that's in no way me& tryna rush you for replies or anything like that, take your time, take care of yourself first, but At The Same Time i expect to be told that if i'm doing/talking too much bc otherwise I Won't Know ok ily
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temporalganomaly · 4 months
ah shit now i gotta refollow a bunch a people
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grinchy-skellington · 2 years
Slowly coming back to tumblr i just gotta refollow a bunch of people
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goldiipond · 4 years
is. is tumblr doing that thing again
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gildedruinsarchive · 3 years
hi team ! over the next couple of days,  i’m going to be shifting this blog to be plot based. 
i have unfollowed a significant amount of people -- mostly those who i have not written / plotted with simply so i can keep up with my dash.  if i unfollowed you & you want to interact,  please still approach me!  i’m not mutuals only & will happily refollow if we start plotting / writing. just trying to keep things a little more manageable. also am rlly gonna start unfollowing for drama ( tagged/untagged ) as well as untagged negativity / marvel discourse -- it def affects my mood so i gotta be more aggressive about this and i am sorry for that 🥺
i’m gonna be updating my relationships / mains page !! try to focus it a little more around people who i write & plot consistently with. let’s worldbuild 😌 
am most likely going to be dropping a lot of threads. i’ve taken so long in replying to some stuff that i feel like i’m a little less excited about it & would rather start fresh !! 
when i say plot based i do want to have more direction in threads certainly but i also really want to do things where our characters develop together. like i want threads that build off each other!! in depth plotting + stuff. i also have a bunch of side characters on my multi that are there to like ~add depth~ to plots / in character universes & stuff? ( that’s why they’re all exclusive to those i write with on thor - they’re all constructed based off of my backstory / verses here. ) 
^^^^ if this is something you’re interested in pleaaaaseee let me know!! im me!! send an ask!! i’d love to do more expansive ic stuff!!! 
idk thats all love u guys so much and im so grateful that yall have stuck with me for almost six months 🥺 i love thor and i love yall soooo much 
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sugared-violets · 3 years
Tag game time!
Tagged by @esperbuddy I appreciate u
1. Why did you choose your url?
Once I reblogged an ask game post that was like "send me a nickname!" and I got "pillow" from an anon and "purple frog" from a beloved mutual. Or maybe the other way around? It was like four years ago I forget 😅
2. Any side blogs?
Yep! @chickadeeinlove for aesthetic/cute/stim spam, and @bisexualbotanist for minecraft and stardew spam. Oh shit, and @purplenotebook for my writing! Haven't updated that one in a while lol. I say the first two are for spam 'cause I sometimes reblog those things onto this blog too, but if I'm on a real kick and don't want to bug people with a bunch of the same thing it just goes to the sideblogs.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Five or six years I think?
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Absolutely not, the only thing in my queue is that black eyed peas 3008 post lmao.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I obsessively followed facebook pages with names like "best of tumblr", "worst of tumblr", "a tumblr a day", etc, in middle school because I was bored and lonely and eventually realized I could be getting that shit from the source
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love hades a lot and Dionysus is one of my favorite gods in the game. Also purble
7. Why did you choose your header?
It's my kitten being cute what more explanation is there
8. What's your post with the most notes?
The "aro princess under a sleeping beauty curse is revived by her dog licking her" one
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Uhhh something like a dozen maybe? I honestly don't know, sometimes my tumblr just unfollows people without my knowledge and it takes me a while to realise so it's always kinda in flux
10. How many followers do you have?
One thousand and ninety! No, I don't know why.
11. How many people do you follow?
116! Two being mutuals I just refollowed while trying to figure out how many I have lmao (sorry!!). Also, fun fact, did you know there's a following cap at 5000? When I was first on tumblr I followed literally every person I saw who like. made or reblogged a funny post ever in hopes of populating my dash and eventually hit the cap. Purging all the very dead blogs I followed when I was 15 was a real undergoing.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Almost exclusively
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
It varies wildly from not touching it all day if I'm busy to watching stim videos for hours on end when I am in a deep depression. Most days I just hop on for a few minutes every couple hours to check out the dash though.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
I don't think so? I block a lot of people to keep my dash and notes discourse-free
15. How do you feel about the 'you need to reblog' posts?
I have phrases like "friendly/unfriendly reminder", "spread this like wildfire", "why is nobody talking about" content blocked because I find them so annoying. Also the "#reblog bait" tag because some people are kind enough to tag em. This has made my dash 1000% more bearable I highly recommend it
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! They're very fun and make me feel like I'm 15 again passing them around with my first mutuals
17. Do you like ask games?
See above!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
You're all tumblr famous in my heart ❤❤❤ (Also once I was mutuals with an Extremely popular blogger but she softblocked me when she (31) found out I was only 19 💔💔 No hard feelings though I get it)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Obviously?? If you're in my notes consistently enough for me to notice (I look at my activity Very rarely) I'm in love with you
I'm tagging: @condulences , @sketch-wolf , @zeyzem , @queenoftheskittleholics , @nvr-pass , @enby-umbreon, and if you're one of my mutuals that I couldn't find then consider yourself tagged, I'm very forgetful but I genuinely appreciate you all
edit: why did this post half-finished????? gotta retype all my tags smh
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oodlezsinbin · 6 years
This is random and has nothing to do with kink does anyone know how to unfollow all the blogs your following at once I'm only asking because I'm legit following 5,000 blogs and that's the limit of blogs you can follow and I know for a fact a ton of em gotta be deactivated by now cuz I've had tumblr for 7 years and just never unfollowed anyone I'm gonna follow a bunch of people back obviously but it would be easier to jus unfollow everyone and refollow than sitting through all 5,000 people I'm following and seeing who's active and not and who I care to continue to follow
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christianstepmoms · 6 years
It’s a subject of concern that’s again come to my attention, and I know I’ve said this quite a few times before but, I want to make it known that it’s a safe bet that certain beliefs, mutuals, posts, et al, that I’ve endorsed pre 2015-2016 of a problematic nature are in no way shape or form ones that I hold now.
I make it no secret I used to be a borderline alt-right chud that loved Millo Dollo Xtremmo and made a whole bunch of other really shitty gross racist/transphobic statements in the classic guise of “It’s just a joke! It’s just comedy! Gotta separate the Art from the Artist” and all the same recycled trash you hear spouted from your dime a dozen online computer idiot who likes to start fights in facebook comments.
But I’m digressing. 
Who I was in High School/Early College is not who I am now. I regret a lot of stuff I’ve said and done, and burned a lot of bridges that I’ll never be able to repair because of it. I live with that daily.
I do my best to scrub ugly shit ive said/reblogged etc. as I find it, but there’s a lot to get rid of and tumblrs shitty search function doesn’t work half as good as it should to help scope it all out. I would delete and remake just to avoid this confusion, but I really don’t want to have to go through the hassle of rebuilding a new page, losing the scattered posts that don’t suck, and refollowing 300+ people on a website that’s dying anyways. 
I really don’t recommend scrolling far back into my 60,000+ archived posts, because a lot of my old Reblogs just plain suck ass. But for those of you who do, and manage to mine up some real stinkers, just know that I probably don’t like that post either and haven’t yet found it myself to delete it.
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ihaveamemory · 3 years
my account got terminated for no reason and now i gotta refollow a bunch of people from memory :(
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hexgirlsenthusiast · 3 years
super fun of tumblr mobile to glitch out and unfollow me from a bunch of blogs i’m super happy about that now i gotta go refollow a bunch of people
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butdoicaretho · 4 years
I finally came up with the color theme i want my main to be and it took a full day 💀
But I still gotta think of a blog name that i like, what i want my description to say and organization for a bunch of other stuff, including side blogs 😭😭😭.
Not to mention trying to go through my old account and refollowing people. Blahhh im tired.
I’m gonna miss the memories of my old blog though, I thought it was cute and I’m gonna miss my top post too 😭
But I’m happy I’m making a change of blogs. I’ve been wanting to do so for a long time and omg this and the side blogs are so cute already, I just gotta finish 😫
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coerciflos-archive · 7 years
Small question is anyone still having trouble with the unfollowing glitch? My blog says I unfollowed a bunch of people including my sister ( i'm working on refollowing rn) and I lost a ton of followers one after the another is there something you gotta do to fix it or is this site doomed???? 😳😳😳😳
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phantosanucca-blog · 8 years
Well, good news is I have internets. But I gotta pretty much start all over and refollow a bunch of people.
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