#i guess i got used to the mechanic of. if your character dies in this way they are errased and forgoten by everyone
i remember dnd people saying “Critical role has easy fights, almost no one dies or there is no way a TPK would happen because it would kill the merch making characters” or whatever and given the responses of last episode, no Matt cant even do a hard fight that makes sense narratively, because most of the fandom doesn’t play the game at all, or has the DM vs Player mentality too ingrained in their brains lmao
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ganondoodle · 6 months
I was at first in love with totk, and I still think mechanical wise, its quite impressive
And when I collected all the tears and saw the "story" I genuinely got upset in a good way (at first), because man! Did they really got the balls to go that far? Is there nothing I can do for her? Now I MUST do all the temples, see how it plays out and --oh, I've got this cutscene already. Why are all the people so dumb about Zelda, I KNOW where she is, Link say something-- Link??
After finishing all the temples and almost falling asleep, I stopped playing the game, looked up the last boss and remaining cutscenes and went "Thats it?"
Watching other people (including you) being critically about so many things, both character and mechanical wise, I've almost startled myself with a realization what the gnawing feeling I constantly had, actually was.
Totk feels like a fanfic.
And don't get me wrong, I love fanfiction, I think its great and important, I adore fanfic writers, I love finding gems, I love reading self indulgent stories, see new spins and interpretation of characters. I love the casual, the passion, the creativity!
But totk gives me the same feeling everytime I am reminded that Fifty Shades is a Twillight fanfic.
The world is there. The faces I know and grew to love are there. But everything is ever so slightly different, uncannily so. Just how some characters talk, how they act, how they were placed in the story. The Zonai appearing out of nowhere, but no, they always had been there you see, they were these super magical advanced people but they all died, the king is so tragic. And you see, the king is super cool and powerful and-- oh I dont get to interact with him outside of the tutorial. Did they try to do another King Rhoam-- but wait, that only worked because we didn't knew he was a ghost-- totk wait stop why do you take him out of the story, why couldn't he be a companion, he IS ABLE TO TALK THROUGH THE ARM LET THE OLD GOAT COMMENT ON STUFF?? If you bring up all this ancient stuff and you still got a ghost lingering, let him talk?? (I never ended up getting Mineru but I smell wasted potential as well)
Im not even mad, I am disappointed. It feels like the devs saw what all the lore hunters got attached to and talked about and then just... took the "cool". All the Zonai stuff could've easily been Sheikah tech, but got just reskinned to look more exciting instead of being its own thing.
Like... at this point I prefer what fans are doing over what Totk gave us. The characterization of Rauru (and everything Zonai), projects like you do of what totk couldve been, the little nuggets of actual highlights and details of love fans find in the game. I found much more enjoyment in these concepts than I got from a 70bucks game. And thats depressing.
I love fanfiction. I dont love it when my corporate 70 dollar, six year development, console exclusive game feels like a story that passionate fan couldve written miles better in a week (and I've already seen much cooler and interesting rewrites and ideas).
Zelda has been a huge part of my childhood and its depressing seeing it treated like that. It always was about the story, the epic, its The Legend of Zelda for crying out loud. To be courageous to enter a dungeon, to be wise and solve all the riddles. To become powerful over the journey you embarked on. Zelda to me is the campfire story you tell to others and go into the woods or the beach and imagine what monsters you would slay. Zelda is not the sandcastle you build in the sandbox and then add dinosaurs and star wars ships because you didn't had any other toys, and just stumble into and over some story to entertain yourself until lunch is ready.
I'd have an oracle of seasons over another totk any day at this point. They should've just make the mechanics of totk its own thing, but I guess they were scared it wouldn't sell if it doesn't have a Mario or Zelda skin straped over it.
Anyways, sorry for the mini rant - love your art, love your thoughts and insights, and I am looking forward to see more of it - Zelda related or not (your original characters look amazing, I adore your style sm)
Hope you have a great rest of the day!
*nods along through this entire rant*
idk how many of my rants you have read but yeah ... yeah ... and the further you think about it the further it all falls apart, the wasted potential of it all and the goddamn audacity of them to do those interviews in which they make it EVEN WORSE is just
i know the expectation for a direct sequel to botw was huge and understandbly so but i really REALLY think it would not have been that hard to make it a good follow up even taking into account that totk was originally a DLC, pretty much all of botws aspects could have been developed further, i dont know what could have happened to make totk have turned out like this .. literally it feels like something had to have gone wrong, its like someone who doesnt know zelda nor botw at all was given a few prompts and then just made some generic fantasy story while the rest worked on ultrahand for 5 years
the technical impressive things ARE technical impressive, but i dont think it was necessary nor served the game well in any way (and i LOVE building games- however totk is neither a building game nor a story game nor a zelda game nor an exploration game nor a sequel imo) but zelda, this zelda, is not made for that and i cant help but think it was mainly to encourage people to make some ridiculous mechs so it can go viral on tiktok (not trying to discredit them, it IS cool what they are doing but i .... have my doubts if zelda is the right place for that)
ill stop there bc i have ranted so much about everything i dont wanna repeat it here again; it just doesnt feel like a real game (derogatory), it feels extra bad bc i was not really into zelda when botw came out and while i did get it as soon as i could (months after release since i just started a minijob and didnt have the money) i only over time grew to love zelda this much again, devouring any theories and anything about it bc i loved it so much- i was never into it like this when a new title was announced and dont own any special editions so i bought the totk collectors bc i was just so damn excited for it after the 2019 trailer dropped (god i want that time back ... it looked so much more like it was going to be an actual sequel) even if i was already worried it wouldnt be good at that point given how much i started to sense stuff i dont like about the newer trailers
i recently sold it at our local gameshop bc it was like a thorn in my side given how expensive it was and how dissapointed i was in the game, i genuinely think that, technical impressiveness aside, totk is the onyl zelda i truly cannot stand (for alot of reasons) and im genuinely worried for the future of the franchise
i bought an Oki (Okami) figurine for what i got back and i feel much happier with that :3
(also on a note, i did finish the game two weeks after release but stopped playing it right then and hadnt touched it since, i also streamed all of what i played and its still up if you want to see my slow descend into madness fjkdhkdhjk though its been a long while since then and i by far did not talk about everything back then, just what my most immediate frustrations were while still playing)
(also the gameplay isnt as good as people make it out to be, so much is so frustrating and punishing to use i am kinda baffled it got through like that and most people call that its best aspect ..... though i guess if the rest is so much worse even mid gameplay can seem good ooooooooh how dare i)
also thank you for liking what i do!!! <3 it means alot to know it is appreciated by someone :D
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I just watched Jurassic world chaos theory and here’s a list of all my thoughts
Spoilers ahead
- LIMB DIFFERENCE BROOKLYN??? SHE LOOKS SO BADASS. I LOVE ALL HER NEW HAIRSTYLES. They’re so much better than the old ones (not that I didn’t like her old hair, I liked it when her roots grew in but I HATED the weird timeskip haircut at the end of cc)
- secondly, kenji getting a taste of his own medicine cause he now gets to know what it felt like to think you were betrayed by your closest friend.
- but yeah, rip kenji. That guy has been through enough. Like, if you put all his trauma in order it’s depressing. Dad abused him, manipulated him, left him on a Dino island and tried to kill all his friends. THEN he tried to make a new shady business and guilt kenji instead of just, giving him info about Brooklyn
- also Darius having a crush on Brooklyn I jokingly guessed AND WAS RIGHT
- New villain is really cool. The way she controls raptors is soooo interesting. I haven’t gotten to see any of the new Jurassic movies (I only saw Jurassic world) so idk if she’s in that one
- I really liked Mateo but I was getting flashbacks from season 2 (or was it three?) and totally thought he was gonna die. He talked too much about his daughter I totally thought he would’ve died and Darius break the news to her.
- also Darius was scaring me at the beginning, he seemed really depressed. I had seen 5 seconds of spoilers by accident of him in a bathtub and kenji walking in AND I WAS CONVINCED IT WAS SOME DARK TWIST AND THE SHOW WOULD END WITH HIM killing himself! I know it’s a kids show! But I watched legend of korra… so. There.
- Also at first I was uncomfortable with the way Yaz was being characterized as traumatized the most, but I ended up loving because it felt like a Purposeful Mis characterization only for it to be turned on it’s head. Let me explain, at the beginning us as viewers are told that Yaz has been really fucked up by all the monster attacks, and had to go to therapy in Wyoming. So we as viewers get worried that she’s going to relapse her ptsd after learning they’re being hunted. But while yes, she has normal reactions to Dino’s (fear) we learn therapy actually WORKED and she wasn’t SHELTERED. She ACTUALLY LEARNED COPING SKILLS and ended up being the most well adjusted among them. It was written so well. Because now we see Sammy who we thought was doing well, have horrible coping skills and fall into an anxious attachment style because her parents don’t talk to her anymore, her girlfriend is ignoring her (avoidant attachment kinda) and all of her friends are going through their own shit on their own and don’t talk to her. She’s having panic attacks and struggling, and Yaz got to be able to pay her back for all the compassion by showing her how she handles all the fear and sadness. I FUCKING LOVED THAT. THAT WAS SO GOOD. AND I ONLY REALIZE HOW GOOD IT WAS THE MORE I SIT IN IT. I spread out my watching because if I binged I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much.
- I also loved that they all represented different outcomes of trauma, and different coping mechanisms. Darius with the survivors guilt (again), Sammy with keeping herself busy so she doesn’t have to think about it, Ben becoming even more hyper vigillant/conspiracy theorist. Etc.
-Sammy was season mvp. She was the best character by far for me.
-She definitely needed to give Yaz her space tho, but I also hated how Yaz just assumed Sammy thought she couldn’t handle herself only because Sammy hadn’t seen her since her breakdown after the Dinos got loose. I loved watching it tho, the argument was so needed.
- I didn’t once think “there’s no way they’d act that way” because they were all characterized so well as trauma survivors.
- the only things I was like ehhh about were Kenji being a climber (since when??) and Ben having a girlfriend 😂.
- I loved that Darius was living on his own and brand was calling a ton because he was worried about him. Because Darius has only gotten MORE independent, his way of dealing with this problems is having alone time and doing things himself. I LOVE THAT AGGHHH.
- I was disappointed kenji had a new voice actor tho. He didn’t necessarily do a bad job, it was just really distracting for me.
- Not with Brooklyn though, I didn’t notice at all, I just thought Jenna Ortega was going something different now that Brooklyn is older. Her voice actor did so well. I loved all the layers I felt in all the flashbacks.
- One thing tho, I would’ve loved it if Brooklyn was actually dead (although the way they handled it made me REALLY believe she was dead, and I was pretty positive she was alive for most of the show)
- I love brooklyn!! But I do think killing one of the main characters would’ve upped the stakes more. But all of the drama and new dinos did that by itself. I felt on the edge of my seat the whole show!
- I also liked that Brooklyn and Kenji broke up. Might get some hate for that but it’s true. I never shipped it. But this show actually did make me like the ship more if that’s insane. Because I do think the dynamic of “we’re both jokingly egotistical and we bring out each other’s worst sides in a silly way”. I also think kenji needs happiness.
- And while I’m disappointed Ben has an off screen girlfriend, hopefully she shows up as a character later. Or they at least break up so he can have his bisexual king moment (go cry about it)
- I would also love mateo’s daughter becoming a character later, like her being a part of Brooklyn’s secret crew to take down the DPW etc. I don’t usually like the new characters super late in a series, but because of the way they’ve hinted at these characters, it makes me want to see them.
- I think she’d be a hacker or someone like Brooklyn just cause of what we’ve been shown of her.
- One thing I didn’t love, was not getting to see a complete wrapped up conflict. Like, kenji and Darius got better but mostly cause the action distracted them from getting to be genuinely hurt. And ESPECIALLY Sammy and Yaz’s conflict, although by Yaz helping her breathe it did kind of solve the conflict without words. But that’s just me.
- I also thought that Ben should be a lot less well adjusted. He’s had A LOT of trauma throughout the show, basically breaking his entire original archetype and replacing it with a new one. His whole character development was going from being scared and being a burden, to getting immensely used to hurting and living in the wild just to survive. When I originally thought of how he’d be out of the island, I thought he’d really struggle getting into fights to solve his problems, (like when he got into a fist fight with kenji) and being a little too wild for “civilization” (school, work etc.) and not fitting in. We also don’t really know why he’s not in college anymore. Did he graduate? Is he taking a gap year? We saw him in a dorm and it’s only been six years. Wasn’t he like, 15 at the start of the show? Well, I guess he would’ve graduated by then, but idk it depends. We actually have a lot of loose ends I want to be explored, like where is Sammy’s family? Why don’t her parents talk to her anymore? Is it cause she’s gay? I thought she had siblings?? Idk.
- tldr, I want ben to have more violent tendencies because he can’t work through his emotions. Not everyone heals in non harmful way 🤷‍♀️
- also cause I want his pyromania to come back idc if it was a facade to protect himself.
- That’s why I liked it so much when Darius said “I don’t chase dinosaurs anymore, just one…” BECAUSE IT INSINUATED HE WANTED TO KILL A DINO WHEN HES A DINO LOVER. Him not liking Dinos as much would’ve been badass but also out of character I guess
- it also made me think of that meme from totally spies “I don’t want to kill all the world! Just half! THE MALE HALF-“
- but omg this made me realize… if his boss that he talked to during that scene was talking to Brooklyn this whole time… if brook asked how Darius was she could’ve told her about how bad he was doing and Brooklyn wouldn’t have been able to tell him at all that it wasn’t his fault.
- although… I’ll be real with u… it totally was. When we found out WHY he wasn’t there? Eyah it was his fault 😭💀. I know that’s horrible it say and if I was him I would’ve done the same (just cause it’s awkward and he wanted to give her space) BUT THAT WAS ALMOST INCEL-LIKE BEHAVIOR FROM HIM, WHAT???
- anyways I made a lot of jokes I might copy and paste in a reblog we’ll see
That’s about it for now. Thanks if you read this far.
@riftwirecrystal tag
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When I was reading Bleach for the second time, I was surprised by how many characters in the Soul Society weren't actually souls from the living world, but were, like, born there and how this has been going on long enough to essentially form an aristocracy.
I had a specifically worded question about it for you, but it's completely gone now.
How's Renji and his snake-baboon? Personally, I think the swords and by extension Bankai should be able to talk smack more often and was disappointed that animal themed ones didn't become more of a thing.
To answer how I'm handling the "who is born in soul society and who just re-incarnates there?"
If you're a soul that died in particularly charged circumstances, Died particularly young, needed to be escorted by a Shinigami, had to be de-hollowfied or otherwise have wildly unfinished business from your previous life, you're more likely to be reincarnated with at least some of your previous identity. 50/50 chance you'll remember ANYTHING about your previous life though.
If you're a soul that lived a long or particularly fulfilling life, managed to get to the afterlife yourself, were a baby that dies before you were a year old and didn't have a fully developed memory, or are generally chill about the whole "being dead" thing, you're more likely to be reincarnated as a baby birthed in the afterlife, with no recollection of your previous life.
WHO is reborn, who is reincarnated, who goes to soul society and who goes to Hell is not actually Known by Soul Society- the sorting of the Dead is actually the provenance of the Demons of Hell, who have a running metric on every soul in the living and spirit worlds so the second you're dead they've got you sorted.
The Shinigami HAVE been able to make educated guesses about at least some of the metric by keeping extensive notes on the souls they help move on- Who linger and why, who turns into a hollow and why, who goes to Hell and Why etc. but the exact metrics and mechanisms used to assign people's place in the afterlife is a mystery- which is why Soul Society doesn't runite people in the afterlife and has such trouble keeping track of people in the Rukongai- they literally have no input or knowledge of who goes where, when or why.
As for Zabimaru: They (plural- the monkey and the snake) are doing well, though they were more than a little alarmed when Renji was suddenly transferred to the 11th division* after his time in the 5th and found out that, unlike literally every other person** they've met, Zaraki can just passively see and interact with Zanpaktou Spirits***.
*There is extensive chicanery afoot regarding Renji's career in the Gotei-13 **Note: a broader category than just "Human" ***He can't really harm them in spirit form, but he can talk with and generally annoy the shit out of them. This is Extremely Weird, but he's an Extremly Weird case.
Hilariously, Zabimaru gets along GREAT with Senbonsakura, it's just kind of a shame their humans are so bad at playing together.
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Delayed Fate
(A/N): Hello everyone this is my first fic where I don't take requests ((And first Namor Fic!))but get ideas by spinning three wheels in an app. One wheel has characters that I like, Second sentences that I will be using, the third is the AUs it would be set in. The third Wheel has only Soulmates AUs, but if I got inspired I might add another AU to future stories, just to make them more interesting. Without further or do, I hope you enjoy this one.
Character: Namor / Ku'ku'lkán
Alphabet AU: A...Aging stops at 18 until you find your soulmate so the two of you can grow old together.
Sentence number: 40 - "Anywhere with you is everywhere I want to be."
Warnings: black panther forever spoilers, angst, mentions of injuries, fluff at the end, grammatic error. (If i missed any warnings please tell me.)
Word count: 9,724
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Aging can be a terrifying process for most.
Growing older, becoming weaker, your body changing in ways you didn't expect or understand, and having to depend on others for the smallest of things. It is indeed terrifying. That is why some people would try and stay young as long as possible, and it's not by doing the usual thing where they would use pharmaceutical products or do surgeries. But they would be going as far as doing everything in their power to not meet their soulmate, the one person who they are meant to grow old with, to finally start their life together.
In this world, people stopped aging after their 18th birthday, when they are meant to go out and explore the world and meet people in hopes that one of them is their destined partner. But meeting a soulmate is like a cruel game of guessing because you would have to spend significant time with this person in order to see if you aged or not. When realizing that none of them aged the partners would either break up immediately or stay together for the sake of not being alone, but as said before, others would do everything in their power to disconnect themselves from people for the sake of an immortal life, which is foolish since there is no true immortality, everyone dies in the end, either by fate or beside the one they love.
That's why after (Y/n)'s 18th birthday she did not waste time and ventured into the world to meet people and have new experiences in hopes that one day she would meet the one who is meant for her and her for them. Now, the longest a person stayed 18 before meeting their soulmate was less than 50 years, so imagine her surprise, disappointment, and sadness when she spent almost 300 years alone.
In the first 100 years (Y/n) was crying, not only because she still haven't found the one, but also because she saw how the world around her was going by fast, her family was dying, her close friends who already found their soulmates were growing older, forcing her to be left behind as everyone around her was living their lives. She realized that she doesn't have a place around in her hometown so she decided to leave and find a home somewhere else. During her 200 years, she explored everything she could, the different cultures, learned different languages, and learned how to fight to protect herself from those who found out about her "Situation" and wanted to use her. Shield reached out to her and asked to help them build their organization with the promise of tending to her every need as long as she lived and she took it.
(Y/n) even came across magic users, which lead her to meet the ancient one who helped her accept this long life of hers, she stayed with them a good 40 years, learning what she could about magic since she did not have the talent for mystic arts. During that time (Y/n) has already several homes around the world, thanks to the money that she was investing and the money that Shield would provide her with, she owned several weapons, mechanics, firearms, and even traditional weapons. One day she heard of an artifact in the corners of Nigeria that might hold some magical power, she didn't know what it was but she knew that if it was dangerous she needed to keep it with her or at least deliver it to the ancient one.
That's how she met King T'Chanda and found out about Wakanda.
She remembered the look of pity he gave her when she told him her story, maybe that pity is the reason why he extended a hand of friendship, and to maintain this friendship she swore that she would never speak of his country's existence. Every few years she would go there and visit him, for a while he was the same as her. He lived as a young man for a long time, which made her understand the look of pity he gave her because he understood what she was going through. So her jealousy was also understandable when she came to visit one day and found him aged a few years with his hand wrapped around a beautiful woman who was pregnant. (Y/n) held no romantic feelings for the king, but she hoped selfishly that he would remain without a soulmate like herself, that she would at least have a friend like herself. But again, she forced herself to accept the reality that she would be alone for a very long time until something came to end her life, but up until that happens she would live her life the best she could.
Now, the great thing about the Wakandan Royal family is that they accepted her as she is, they did not give her weird looks nor did they attempt to experiment on her, like how most of the world acted. She remembered how annoyed she was when T'Chanda made his son T'Chaka call her "Great Aunt" and from then on she was called as such despite her very youthful look. But she accepted in the end and even enjoyed it a bit.
Then (Y/n) entered the 20th century and everything started to go crazy. She could handle the super soldier project because it was kind of expected after seeing in what way humanity's technology was taking, especially in the name of winning a war. Then there was the time when she found out that aliens existed, which means that alien invasion was inevitable so she took the right measures and that was staying away from it, because what can she do? Immortal or not she was still a human with no power, yes she has magical items that can be used as weapons but that would be risking exposing the existence of sorcerers so she decided to just stay back, after all, Fury assured her that he has a plan and that is by assembling a team of heroes.
Where was (Y/n) during all that? Having a very long vacation in Wakanda, where she was helping Shuri test her new inventions and helping her prank her brother. She would train with T'Challa and give him bits of advice that he might need as a future king. And, Of course, she would chat with T'Chaka and Ramonda and even lecture them, which was a funny scene for their children to see them being lectured by an 18-year-old girl. Yes, she had a really close connection to the Wakandan royal family, which was understandable when she helped T'Challa try and catch his father's assassin. (Y/n) got a lot of backlash because of it from Fury when he found out the truth. It caused her to be kicked out of shield, but she didn't care because she knew that if she stopped T'Challa from seeking revenge his anger would have blinded him further, and would have probably rebelled and caused further harm not only to himself and his family, so she allowed him to let out everything from his system knowing, in the end, he would be able to find his own way back.
So it was understandable how happy she felt when T'Challa came back with the said assassin wanting to help him recover after learning why he did what he did.
Then after that in a few years, the snap happened, and (Y/n) did not disappear like half of the universe. Because of Fury's disappearance, Shield contacted her begging her to come back and help them control the chaos, which she reluctantly did. She did not want to go but Queen Ramonda assured her that they will keep in touch and that Wakanda was probably more prepared than the rest of the world, which was engulfed in chaos.
(Y/n) might have lived centuries, but those 5 years felt longer and emptier. Jumping from country to country to help assert order, calling what is left of the Avengers to see if they had anything they could use, and when she has time she would contact Shuri and Ramonda. At the start of her, "immortality" (Y/n) would have depressive episodes that she struggled greatly with but thanks to the ancient one who helped her learn how to cope with it, she thought she got over it but there she was crying in her apartment wishing that all of it would just end, the loneliness is getting to her again and she was afraid that this time she won't be able to escape it.
Thankfully, Scott Lang showed up and gave them the hope to fix all of this. When they finally built the time machine (Y/n) told them that she was going back to Wakanda to tell them the good news, coincidentally, shortly after the time of her arrival the people who had disappeared in the middle of the battlefield materialized back. (Y/n) cried with joy as she saw T'Challa reunite with his family.
After the war was over (Y/n) resigned despite Fury's attempts to persuade her to stay, but she refused because she did not want to be alone anymore. She moved permanently to Wakanda, who welcomed her with open arms. She became an unofficial consultant to King T'Challa, whether it was concerning his people or his love life she was there to aid him, same with Shuri who always told her about different types of shields and weapons that she could create for (Y/n) to protect herself with since she was still just a human, she would keep Ramonda company when her children were too occupied with their work to be with her.
They were her family, her people, but she knew that one day she would have to say goodbye to them as she continued living, but she didn't expect that goodbye would come much too soon with T'Challa.
(Y/n) was with Shuri in the lab trying to help her think of how to bring the plant back to save him, if they could turn back time to save half the universe then why not bring back an extinct plant to save their king. But when T'Challa asked to see them, (Y/n) went while Shuri stayed back saying that she was so close and can't waste time.
"I… I have a request to make-" His words were cut off by a harsh cough, which caused (Y/n) to hurry to his side in an attempt to soothe him.
"Don't strain yourself." She lectured but T'Challa shook his head and waved his hand to those who were in the same room extracting them to leave them alone, before turning back to her.
"My great aunt…" He murmured with a tired smile, which caused (Y/n)'s heart to ache as she fought back tears.
"I know that I might be asking too much of you…" he uttered between gasps as he struggled to breathe. "Take it … as a dying man's … final wish…"
"Don't say that, Shuri and I will find a way to bring back the plant and you will be good again." she assured. "Just … please hang on a little bit longer."
He just smiled at her, which caused (Y/n) to break into tears, T'Challa squeezed her hand as a way to comfort her but it only made her cry more as his hold was also weak.
"I'm sorry to have caused you more pain…I know you had gone through enough loss… but…my time is coming soon, I can feel it." He tried to reason but (Y/n) only shook her head, refusing to acknowledge such truth. T'Challa decided to continue.
"Please look after them…" He finally confessed. "Not my mother and sister only…"
(Y/n) immediately understood the implication and looked at him and nodded as she wiped her tears.
"And don't tell Shuri…she is not ready… at least not now."
Throughout her life (Y/n) saw many different reactions to loss. Some cried and screamed until they had nothing else to let out. Others raged out, breaking everything in front of them and even fighting others. There are those few who ignored it and continue with life as if nothing had happened, very few accept it. but the reaction that she saw the most of, was acting hastily and irrationally. Whether it was by saying something they don't mean or doing something that they might regret later thinking it was the best decision while they were high on emotions. Both (Y/n) and the queen understood that things weren't safe enough to bring T'Challa's son, not only the world but also Wakanda, and if Shuri found out she would probably demand that the boy be brought back or she would go to him, which would risk his safety because they still don't know how she would act when she does meet him. So after the King's death, Ramonda and (Y/n) grieved with Shuri and did their best to help her cope with her emotions.
After a year of isolating herself in her lab, Ramonda decided to take Shuri out one night so she might connect with her daughter again, which (Y/n) encouraged. She expected many reactions after their return.
Anger, more sadness, neutral as if nothing happened, and the reaction she hoped for was happiness and acceptance, but what she did not expect was both of them to return with a look of pure fear and worry.
"There was this kid- well he looked like a kid but he isn't, he has wings on his ankles!... he just comes out from the water and started making demands-" Shuri was trying to explain to (Y/n) who was lost and trying to understand her.
"Shuri, breath dear, who are you speaking about?" (Y/n) Asked with great concern.
"He said his name was Namor."
When they explained her situation more clearly, (Y/n) to try and help them come up with a plan on what they should do, she told Ramonda how some will agree to just give him the American scientist to do whatever he wants with them and that others will demand a fight. She must be the neutral ground so that they won't dare judge any decision she makes. So she decided to just bring the scientist, to at least be protected by them, and then on they would negotiate with this "Namor" person.
"What if we took great aunt with us?" piped in Shuri and her mother and Okoye's not so whispered conversation. "Maybe even call in my favorite colonizer."
Ramonda was hesitant when she thought it was only Okoye and Shuri but having the great aunt with them reassured her a bit, that's why (Y/n) can't imagine how she must be as she stared up at the walls of the cave around her. She was the first to wake up after she, Shuri, and Riri were taken by the blue soldiers whom she assumed were Namor's. The women that were assigned to them, who were also blue, motioned for her to come with them, giving sleeping Shuri one last look (Y/n) hesitantly followed her to a room covered in murals, and in the middle of it He stood.
"I assumed you are Namor?" She questioned, earning his attention.
When their eyes met (Y/n)'s heart thumped heavily against her rib cage, her body felt as if something washed over her as if something was lifted, and looking at him she could tell he probably felt it too because he gave her a look of bewilderment. Before any of them could say anything another woman came and told him something and he replied to her an order before she bowed and left.
"It looks like the princessa is awake." He stated, his voice causing a shiver to go down her spine.
"If you dared to harm her, I swear to-"
"All of you surface dwellers are the same, always marching to fight without thinking." He replied.
"Says the guy whose people ambushed us on the bridge and then kidnapped us."
"If I remember correctly it was you who came to me willingly."
"And allow you to kill an innocent soul?"
"I will kill thousands if it meant the safety of my people!"
Before she could reply to him Shuri came in and stood between him and (Y/n), in an attempt to protect her after hearing his last statement.
"And if you dared to harm my great aunt it would be you who dies next!" She threatened while glaring at him.
"Great aunt?" Repeated Namor with a puzzled look as his eyes darted between Shuri and her. then it clicked, and he focused on (Y/n). "How old are you?"
"You know … up there it's rude to ask for a woman's age." (Y/n) jested as she deflected the question, not trusting him enough to tell him anything about herself.
Having a closer look at the boy in front of her she realized that he was also around her age, he had a lean yet fit body, and his face was bare from facial hair, the thing that is giving him some sense of maturity was the accessories that he wore but from the way that he was acting he must be like her, stuck in this young body until they met their significant other, she didn't know if he was older or younger than her but what she does now is that this long life can have different effects on people, and since he was so determined to protect his people to the level of taking innocent lives she can tell he was unbalanced.
He asked to talk to Shuri privately since she was only true royalty of Wakanda, but (Y/n) still insisted to keep a safe distance so she can see them, and every now and then her eyes met his when Shuri wasn't paying attention, it's as if he was examining her and she couldn't blame him because she was doing the same thing to him. (Y/n) protested when he offered for Shuri to see his home but the princess assured her that she was going to be safe, when she did come back after what felt like forever she was met with a tight hug.
"I'm fine." Shuri assured as she hugged her back.
"I'm just glad that you're back safe." (Y/n) pulled away enough to examine the princess, then glared at Namor who chuckled at your actions.
"Great aunt I'm fine… it… it was beautiful!" Shuri exclaimed excitedly.
Shuri started chattering away to (Y/n) about the city that she saw, the Talokan, its people, and the "sun" that he had built for them, Namor was right beside them listening in, probably to make sure she doesn't tell too much.
"She is the first from the surface to come to Talokan." He confined before pulling out a bracelet to give it to Shuri. "Please take this as a token of our gratitude."
Before Shuri could accept his gift (Y/n) stopped him, being suspicious.
"What is it?" Shuri was about to lecture her about being too paranoid, but Namor's answer confirmed her suspicions.
"It was made with the plant that saved Talokan." He informed as he continued to give the bracelet to Shuri and tight on her wrist, he was staring at (Y/n) as if silently challenging her to stop him again before turning back to Shuri.
"You are young, Princess." He Stated. "When you age as I do, you realize we all lose everyone we love."
"But when I lost my brother, it just felt different." Shuri said with grief in her voice. "He suffered in silence. When he finally asked me to help him I couldn't"
(Y/n) hugged her in an attempt to comfort her and the princess leaned into it as she fought tears.
"How does it make sense that the ancestors would give me gifts and skills to help me save my brother, and I couldn't?... Why?"
"I don't have an answer for that question." Replied Namor.
"But I do…" (Y/n) chimed in earning both their attention. "My dear, I won't go into a long rant about what the ancestors were planning for you. I have lived long enough and have come across many religions, but most of them if not all believed in similar things and that life challenges us to become better. It can be a very painful journey, but what I know for sure is that you can never come out as the defeated if you knew how to harvest those talents and skills along with those emotions you can be better, not only for yourself but for everyone around you."
Shuri sat there as if she was not convinced by what (Y/n) just said, even pulling herself away from her hold, which saddened her. Seeing the woman's frown Namor felt the need to comfort her, but he didn't know how until he finally said.
"My ancestors would often say, "Only the most broken people can be great leaders"." Those words earned him the two women's attention again.
"I admire what you have built here." Started Shuri. "And you've protected your people.  But as a princess of Wakanda, I will not stand for you killing that young woman."
They tried reasoning with the king but their efforts were in vain as every time they tried to reason with him, promising him that they will do everything to protect not only his people but also the secrecy of their existence, he refused. Their conversation was cut short when one of his people came and told him that the queen was there to speak with him.
"You said you wanted to burn the world." He said to Shuri. "Let's burn it together."
And before he left completely he gave a glance to (Y/n), which she returned. When they went back to Riri to tell her of the possible upcoming war, Shuri and (Y/n) tried to discuss their next move, not noticing when Nakia came shooting one of the women warriors, then the poor terrified girl who was tending to them.
"We need to go." Nakia urged but both Shuri and (Y/n) refused to.
"Give me the beads I can save her." the princess ordered.
"Shuri, I don't know who this lady is, but we need to listen to her." Riri pleaded, fear clear on her face.
"Listen, I hit her with a sonic round, it is lethal from this distance. There is no chance." Nakia informed.
"You don't understand this will mean war." Shuri argued back.
(Y/n), sick of their banter, pulled Shuri's hands away from the injured girl before pulling her own beads and started aiding her herself.
"Shuri, go." (Y/n) ordered.
"Great aunt-"
"I said GO!"
With that said Nakia pulled Shuri away knowing that there is no time to also convince (Y/n) to come with them, the princess was a priority and both of them knew that. The immortal woman refused to pull away from the injured girl until she was sure that the bleeding stopped, she was so focused that she did not notice when Namor came behind her, and upon seeing the blood he pulled (Y/n) away harshly to kneel beside the girl and hold her head in his hands.
"What happened my child?" He spoke in his language, which (Y/n) did not understand, she was about to say something but stopped when another warrior came and slammed her to the ground pinning her.
"The Wakandans….they came for her." she struggled to speak, before pointing to (Y/n). "She stayed…"
Namor looked to the pinned surface dweller who did not struggle against his warrior's hold, as if to show her submission.
"K'uk'ulkan…." The girl called, grasping his attention again. "Can you save me?"
At her question, Namor looked down at her wound and found it mostly closed and the bleeding has stopped thankfully.
"You are going to be safe my child." He said before turning to one of the warriors and giving him an order, the warrior knelt to pick up the girl and hurried out of the cave.
He stood up and walked to (Y/n), who could only see his feet, but she assumed that he was staring down at her, and he was. Another woman came dressed in red to speak with him.
"They came… while you spoke to the queen?" She questions. "We should not have trusted her, the queen has seen our home, what is stopping them from coming for Talokan?"
"I will…" He replied. "With her here."
Namor order the warriors to bring her to his hut, and even though they did it harshly by pulling her up and dragging her around like a rag doll (Y/n) still did not fight back and kept calm. She was forced to stand in front of him as they were left alone and Namor knew it was a struggle for the woman for he can see how her figure was shaking slightly, yet her face held a stern look.
"You attempted to kill my people." He started.
"You kidnapped their princess, what did you expect them to do? To set back and wait?" (Y/n) shot back, which earned her a scowl from the king.
"If that child have died it would be your head on a spike right now."
"But she didn't."
Namor was in front of her in an instant and grabbed her by the neck and squeezed, not giving her any chance to breathe, and just watched as (Y/n) struggled.
"I could snap your neck like a twig right now and they won't care. The Wakandans have proven to be just as worst as the rest of the surface dwellers after I have shown my home and people to her and you dare to still defend them in front of me."
"B..Because…" (Y/n) struggled to take breaths as she spoke. "You…are a rash … brat!"
With those words Namor let her go, causing her to fall to the ground as she took quick breaths.
"A brat?" He repeated. "I may look young but I assure you I am older than your great great grandfather."
"And I can be your great great GREAT grandmother." She retorted mockingly. "You are not special just because you lived long, because you are not acting it."
"How dare you insult me!" He seethed.
"No." (Y/n) stopped him from talking more as she stood on her feet. "You are the one who came out of nowhere demanded an innocent life delivered to you, and even when you had her you still wanted more. you didn't want peace from the start you just want the war to quench your own rage against humanity."
"They are the ones who threatened my people's existence by exposing their resources, causing them to hunger for it."
"Maybe they shouldn't have done that, but to be fair Wakanda did not know of your people's existence when they revealed themselves they were ready to fight the world by themselves, they didn't know of Talokan, or else it would have been a different story." (Y/n) continued. "Listen, what happened has happened and we cannot change it, but what we can change is what will happen next. Both the Wakandans and I have ways to assure Talokan's safety, we can-"
"I don't need your help!" He bawled. "I gave Wakanda their chance to yield and they threw it away."
"See! There you go again and you say why I call you a child."
Namor reached out to her and (Y/n) closed her eyes and held her hands up ready for pain but it didn't come, and when she opened her eyes slowly she could see that he had stepped back and given her his back as he faced the murals of his people.
"The only reasons you are still alive are two." He said as he turned back to face her, his face suspiciously calm. "The first is because you stayed to save one of my people, which I would be lying if I said I wasn't grateful for."
He started taking a few steps toward her making her take a few steps back until her back touched the door, he stopped in front of her and leaned forward, his face inches from her own. (Y/n) wasn't the same teenage girl who would get flustered over the smallest things, like a charming smile, or a wink but she doesn't understand why was her heart beating fast she was face to face with a man in an isolated cave that she can never escape from, who can kill her at any desired moment. She would have marked it as fear if she didn't feel her face heating up.
"You are welcome." She replied, trying to make light of her emotions. "And what is the second reason?"
"Isn't it obvious?" He asked rhetorically, before looking to the door behind her. "Llévala!"
Suddenly, the door opened almost making her fall but was caught by the same warriors who brought her here, instead of being as compliant as she was previously, she was struggling and demanding to be let go.
"The second reason is for you to stay here as my captive, that if the princess decided to do anything stupid it would be you who will pay for it."
He promised and motioned for his hand for them to take her away, but before she was out of earshot (Y/n) said one last thing.
"Don't do anything rash you brat! It's not only the Wakandans who will suffer!"
Namor believed that those words were a threat, which fueled his determination to go and give Wakanda a taste of who they are going against.
(Y/n) was pacing back and forth in her cell, anxiety eating her alive as she was biting her lip until it bleed and nail until it was gone. Looking outside her cell she saw the guards who didn't move an inch since they threw her there, she tried talking to them but they either didn't understand her or just ignored her. Searching for an escape was useless, she did try to use the beads to communicate with Shuri and warn her about Namor but a cave under the sea is hardly the perfect place to find a signal to the surface let alone to Wakanda. (Y/n) made a note to herself to tell Shuri about a possible new upgrade.
She was pulled out of her train of thought when she heard the sound of splashing. She wasted no time and pressed herself against the bars and started to call.
"NAMOR!" She shouted. "Namor! Is that you!?"
Saying nothing the king came from the corner, and looked at her and when her eyes met his own she could feel a chill of fear go down her spine. (Y/n) lived long enough to know what that look meant, but she hoped to any god that is hearing her that what she was thinking was not the truth.
"What did you do?" The question slipped out unconsciously. Namor averted his eyes with an angry huff at being confronted, but in his eyes, she could see a hint of shame, and that filled her with rage. "If you hurt Shuri in any way I promise I will kill you myself!"
(Y/n) saw many people die in her long life, most of them were really dear to her, but no matter how many times she goes through the heartache doesn't become easier, especially if she was there since their birth. The only reason she was able to go through T'Chaka and T'Challa's death was that she had someone to support her and people to look after to distract herself. But here she was alone, in a cave under the sea, facing the man who probably hurt Shuri and not being able to do anything.
"No harm came to the queen." He replied simply, and that fueled her rage.
"I was talking about the princess! Not the queen!"
"She is queen now."
Namor said nothing more as he started walking away leaving (Y/n) to realize what he had meant. Before he could close the door to his chamber he can hear a distant scream of distress and a series of curses of his name. He just groaned as he isolated himself in his room trying to block her voice as he thought about his next step before the week is up. However, he couldn't do any of that for the entire time he was fighting the urge to walk to that cell and stop her from crying, not by yelling at her but by trying to reason with her, to try and justify his actions, how it was the only way. Or maybe it was just to let her let out her anger against him, give her the satisfaction to curse at him, and probably even hit him, which he know will not do any real harm to him.
It drove him crazy, but what drove him even crazier is WHY was he feeling these urges towards a surface dweller. Was it because he understood her pain? To live for so long and see everyone around you die and not be able to do anything to stop it? to not being able to say goodbye to someone you knew since their birth?
He couldn't dwell on those questions more as he realized that it became quiet again, taking the chance that her screams will not distract him Namor went immediately to planning. Determined to bring Wakanda to submit to him.
"There is another machine in our waters"
Namor said from outside of the cell as he stared at the back of his immortal prisoner who decided to set in the corner with her back to the exit, completely ignoring the king, which annoyed him. but he couldn't find it in himself to voice this annoyance.
"We will go and destroy it." He informed. "But there will still be a guard over you and a maid to make sure you are fed and looked after."
When he said those words his eyes landed on the bowl of fruit that was untouched and it bothered him greatly. He knew she was immortal and cannot die so easily like himself, but he knew that they were still affected by physical pains, including hunger, and (Y/n) didn't have anything for almost a week now. The only thing he was sure of to keep her functioning was the few sips of water she would take now and then. He did try to trick her once into drinking juice but when he did that she still refused to take it. Whether it was out of grief or she was just being rebellious either way, it saddened him and angered him at the same time.
He didn't even know why was he trying to talk to her now. He tried talking to her since the day he told her of what happened, but she kept ignoring him, making him feel stupid as he had a one-sided conversation, trying to justify what he did and lecturing her on how what she was doing to herself was stupid but she didn't care.
Feeling that he had wasted enough time Namor huffed in anger before turning around to leave, then he finally heard her.
"You are going to regret it."
"What?" He questioned as he turned back to her, but she went back to being quiet. "What did you just say?"
"….You are going to regret it."
(Y/n) finally looked at him from over her shoulder. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying, her hair disheveled and her skin pale from lack of nutrition. He didn't say another as she turned again and gave him her back.
Namor would have probably lashed out at her, confronting her on the threat she threw at him, but she said nothing as he turned back and walked away. it was probably because her voice did not sound threatening or taunting, but rather a statement.
(Y/n) eyes tiredly opened as someone was shaking her awake and calling her name in a panic. When the fog cleared up she saw that standing above and holding her in their arm is none other than Shuri, whose eyes were full of tears yet still had a relieved smile on her face. She said something that she couldn't grasp before the young princess pulled her into a hug, and mustering any strength she had left (Y/n) hugged her back as a few tears escaped her eyes.
Looking up she noticed that Namor was standing there the entire time, observing the reunion in silence, but that wasn't what drew her attention, but rather a scratch mark on his face, and one of his ankles was wrapped in bandages, he was wearing a poncho that covered his upped body but she swears she could see more, and deeper scratches littering his body. Their eyes met and looking at him (Y/n) almost didn't recognize him, she didn't know how long she was out for, but she could swear that Namor looked more mature.
"What did you do to her?!" Shuri shouted at the King, snapping him out of whatever trance he was lost in, and turned to her.
"I did not lay a finger on her or mistreated her." He clarified. "She is the one who refused to eat or drink after… the news."
He said the last part quietly as he looked away in shame. When he said that more tears showed on (Y/n) at the memory and pulled Shuri back into a hug, squeezing her as hard as she can, which wasn't a lot but it was enough for the princess who hugged her back crying silently.
"I'm so sorry my dear." (Y/n) said her voice horse from not talking or consuming anything. "I…I wish I was there… I should have…"
"You have nothing to apologize for." Shuri assured as she cut her off. "Let's just go back home."
(Y/n) let out a sound of surprise as Shuri hooked her left arm under her legs and the right one on her back before lifting her up, which shocked the weak woman.
"Are you wearing some type of a new upgrade?.. Because I'm sure that I haven't lost THAT much weight for you to just lift me like I weigh nothing."
Her question made Shuri laugh as she carried her outside the cave, passing by Namor who stayed out of their way and just followed them silently. When they reached the edge of the pool Shuri was moving around (Y/n) to give her the latest update that would help her swim easily even in her weak state. During that, she would steal glances at Namor and each time his eyes never left her. She wanted to say something but couldn't or didn't know what to say, and from his few glances at Shuri, she can tell that he was also hesitant to speak. The sound of reeving power pulled her out of her thoughts as she saw the machine wrapped around her glitter with pulsed energy indicating that it was ready.
"We can go now, just make sure you stay close to me."
She instructed before reaching around her neck to activate the mask but (Y/n) stopped her, which earned her a confused look, but her great-aunt simply turned to the king who was still standing there. Namor's face showed no emotion but he was preparing himself for her to lecture him, insult him, curse him, let out her pent-up anger, and maybe even express her disappointment since she did warn him that his rash actions would cause him to lose in more ways than one. but he didn't count on her to give him a kind smile as if they were close friends.
"I will see you again."
Not a question, but a promise. If the feeling of surprise was obvious on his face then none of the women mentioned it as they dived into the water and left. When he broke out of his surprised state he just scuffed and went back to his chamber where he will paint a mural of the battle that took place against the black panther for his people's history. But in a different part of the room, one where it was mostly for himself he painted the immortal woman, when she interacted with him, when she saved the maid, and when she was his prisoner.
"I will see you again."
The promise echoed in his head, which made him unconsciously smile while he painted her smile, secretly excited and hoping for the next meeting to come soon.
(Y/n) sat on her private beach under the umbrella with a book in hand, trying to relax but her eyes kept scanning over the same paragraph without absorbing any of the words as she kept recalling what happened on her last visit to Wakanda which was last week.
"I'm sorry, what??" (Y/n) exclaimed as she stared at the screen that the A.I presented for both her and Shuri, who also was in disbelief.
"Your body aged 2 years." Griot repeated as he held up 2 pictures of (Y/n) on the glass screen and started noting the slight differences. "There are discreet changes, for example, Your muscles and bones have grown stronger, your weight changed, which brings up your metabolism lowering very slightly, but it is still noticeable like the start of wrinkles showing around the eyes and acne surfacing-"
"That's enough, Griot." Shuri cuts him off as she stares at (Y/n) who was in shock.
She always knew that she was still a mortal despite her long life but for it to finally start to come close to an end without her being aware of it was overwhelming. Shuri did not leave (Y/n)'s side since they found out, she did her best to comfort her great aunt, even starting teasing her and listing to all the possible people that she had met that could be her soulmate, but (Y/n) shot every possibility down for she already had someone in mind and instead of explaining it to the now queen of Wakanda she excused herself to have alone time.
Shuri thought that when she said she wanted to be alone was to be left in her room until (Y/n) was ready to talk, she didn't expect to talk to her great aunt via call scolding her on when and how she left Wakanda without saying anything. But they worked it out. And here she was now, convincing herself that she just needed time to think about what to do next and how to approach the situation when she was in fact too afraid to actually face it.
"So this is where you have been hiding?"
A familiar voice asked making her jump away and take a fighting stance, an instinct she has from years of fighting and being ambushed, but she stopped when she saw that standing in front of her was none other than Namor, but he looked different.
"Did you grow a beard?" Was the first thing that came out of her mouth, which made him chuckle.
"Yes, it is nice to meet you again too." He replied sarcastically.
Namor still looked young except for the small amount of facial hair that looked well taken care of, and he felt her staring because he subconsciously reached his hand to his face and started scratching his beard as he averted his eyes.
"I always wanted to grow one but never got the chance with my body stuck at a certain age." He started explaining. "You could imagine my surprise when a few months after my battle with Wakanda that hair started to grow on my face."
His eyes then met hears again, none of them saying anything but the silence was loud enough for (Y/n) to understand what he was trying to say. Saying nothing the woman sat back down at her spot but this time made space beside her and patted it encouraging the king to set beside her, which he hesitantly did. They stayed quiet for a long time before he finally spoke.
"You have your own part of the sea?" it was more of a statement than a question.
"It's called a private beach." (Y/n) explained. "You can imagine how crowded and dirty public beaches are, and since I have a lot of money I bought my own, not even fishing boats are allowed around here."
"This part of the water did look cleaner as I came closer and the creatures beneath are thriving from the lack of fishermen and filth."
"I do my best to have my own little piece of heaven in this world." She shrugged, trying to hide some of the happiness she felt from his comment.
It was silence again between them, only the sound of the crashing waves can be heard, which eased any anxiety the two might have felt.
"How are your people?  Since … well, you know…" She asked awkwardly just wanting to break the silence.
"They are well." He answered. "The black panther kept her promise on protecting my people's safety, although some of them are still unsure of the treaty."
"You say it as if you were ok with it." He tried to say something but she stopped him. "Don't even try to say you aren't, I know it was hard for you to submit."
She could practically see him tense for a moment as he clenched his jaws, probably angry but forced himself to calm down as he took a few breaths and closed his eyes.
"I will do anything for my people's safety… even if it means yielding to a worthy opponent."
"what wise words, I see you have grown more than just a beard and a mustache I see." (Y/n) teased him with a smile.
"A person grows in many ways throughout life…" He said before averting his eyes to the sea. "… Especially after meeting their soulmate."
(Y/n) eyes widened slightly as she too averted her eyes to the sea thinking about what to say next. She knew she can't escape the topic, but it didn't make it any easier to face it.
"When did you find out?"
"I wasn't sure at first." He started to explain. "When I noticed the changes in my body years ago I suspected that it could be either you or the panther."
"Then why didn't you say anything?" She asked annoyance clear in her voice. "It must have been nice having all that time to accept what is happening, but I only found out about my aging a couple of days ago."
"After the battle and everything that I have done, I wasn't sure if either of you wanted to see me again, let alone accept me as a soulmate." He explained as he turned fully to face her. "You must understand my hesitation to come up to the person I imprisoned or killed their mother and ask them to be with me."
 Of course (Y/n) understood, but it is still frustrated her that he knew and she didn't, that he had the time to get in terms with this new reality, then come to her and confront her…
"Wait… how did you know it was me?" She questioned. "You keep saying that you suspected that it was either me or Shuri."
"She called me." He answered. "She used the shell I gave her to call me and she told me it was about you and how to reach you."
"So much for a private beach." (Y/n) muttered to herself.
"Are you…. Are you disappointed?" He stuttered out the question causing (Y/n) to almost snap her neck with how fast she turned to him in shock.
There was a look of concern and uncertainty, dare she say even fear in his face as he tried repeating the question.
"Are you disappointed?" He asked again this time more firmly.
"About what?" She asked not because she was confused but rather because she was unsure if he was indeed asking her that.
"About me being your soulmate." He continued. "I know it must be how you feel given the brief past we had. But that was in different situations, we can start anew as you humans put it, to know each other more before deciding hastily to not see each other again and then-"
"Wait! Wait wait wait WAIT!"
(Y/n) interrupted him quickly catching the king by surprise at her sudden outburst, her hands were up wanting him to halt any more words but her face was facing down, so he was not able to see her expression. He started panicking a little when her shoulders were shaking slightly, thinking the reality of their bond upset her, but his confusion grew when she started giggling before letting out a bark of laughter. Her sudden change of behavior was alarming to the king, dare he say he was offended.
"Can I ask why are you laughing at my confession?" He asked calmly yet the silent anger behind it was very clear.
It didn't intimidate (Y/n), but she forced herself to calm down for her soulmate seems to have a very short temper, which she noted to herself to work on with him. She stopped her laughter but her smile was still showing.
"Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, but at what you said." When gave a confused look she started explaining. "You came here confessing to me how you thought your soulmate could be either the warrior queen of Wakanda who also happens to be the new Black Panther or some woman with no title nor magic power of some kind and you ask me if I was disappointed with having the king of an underwater city, who is worshiped as a god, for a soulmate."
He seems to understand her view on the matter, but he still shook his head as if disappointed. He reached forward slowly for her hand as if expecting her to pull away but when she didn't he was confident enough to grasp her hand. His rough fingers were tracing the lines in the palm of her hand.
"You are… a woman, a human woman who  doesn't have the power of the panther nor that of a god." He stated making her narrow her eyes at him.
"Buuut?" (Y/n) asked calmly yet that was this small hint of irritation, which made him chuckle. Seeing his smile made her show a smile of her own.
"But...You still walked this earth as one."
"As one you mean?" she trailed off confused.
"As a creature who pushes beyond the limitation they were given." He continued before looking up at her, his eyes holding softness towards her. "The panther told me of your past, or at least what she knows of it."
If he felt her hand tense in his hold he said nothing and just continued to rub the palm of her hand with his thump, it helped soothe her nerves but she still felt uneasy about what he had to say next.
"I don't know what you exactly did, but I know enough to tell from our short time together… that you didn't set back and watched as the world passed by around you. Learning everything the world has to give and returning it by helping those around you. You had a great part in building this world, even when they don't deserve it."
(Y/n) didn't know whether to roll her eyes or laugh at his last statement. They have to work on that attitude of his if they are going to act on what is happening between them.
"I understand how you feel." She finally said, getting the king's full attention. "But I decide who deserves me or my labors, whether they would misuse it or not I will be the judge of that and will take responsibility for it."
Namor said nothing and just nodded and looked away toward the crashing waves whether he respected her ideas or not he didn't show it. for a while, neither of them said anything, both of them collecting their thoughts on what to say next, and the sea king seems to beat her to it.
"What do you want to do?" He asked giving her a side glance of curiosity before looking back to the sea. His question was simple yet the real meaning behind it was real. Do you want to have anything to do with me?
"First, I want to know you more." She answered in all honesty. "I don't want to rush anything between us only to be hurt later on."
"We are soulmates." He said in an almost hurried manner probably from the fear of rejection, she gave him a reassuring smile.
"I know, I just wish to understand why did fate bind 2 different souls from 2 different worlds together."
(Y/n) explained genuinely while extending her hand to his face she stopped inches away from his face, silently asking for permission, which he gave by resting his cheek in the palm of her hand and closing his eyes as if relishing in the feeling of her hand caressing his face. She brought her other hand up to hold the other side of his face and stroked his checks while her other fingers were gently scratching his beard. She can tell Namor was enjoying her attention towards him but she had to break the moment by pulling away and causing a frown and confused look to show on his face.
"Second…" She said, reminding him of the unfinished conversation. "I need to contact some… special people I know."
"Do you mean the panther?" He asked, thinking she needed to tell her of their decision.
"Well, I will have to speak to her too, but no. I need to talk to some people who might help with our…. situation."
"Situation?" He repeated confused. (Y/n) bit her lip finding it hard to explain.
"You age very slowly… I don't." She said gently,  his eyes widened slightly as if he had just realized it himself, she didn't like the sadness that started showing on his face so she explained. "I will just ask them if they have a way to extend my life."
He just nodded and gave a small smile, but the sadness was still clear in his eyes. (Y/n) knows the pain of watching the people you love grow old and disappear with time and not being able to do anything about it, but from what Shuri told her, Namor experienced this since his eyes opened to the world around him. Like her, he probably also hoped that his soulmate would show up soon to escape the loneliness. But she turned out to be a mortal, and with the time-freezing spell being lifted after their meeting, she will age in human speed while he will return to watching silently as the world kept moving fast around him, seeing people come and go into their world… including herself…
"Hey…" (Y/n) called catching the king's attention, he was met with her attempt at a comforting smile, which eased some of the grief he was feeling. "Those people live far away from any body of water but maybe I can contact one of them to come here, or maybe you can join me? You Can see some of the world and maybe even meet new people? I can understand if you don't want to, but if you did then I promise you there will be a lot of traveling to strange places. Fair warning seas king your soulmate here loves to travel a lot."
She teased him at that last part still smiling. (Y/n) she was asking him too much, not that she expected him to come with her considering not only his responsibility to his people but also his hatred for humanity, but she still wanted him to know that he is always welcome to be with her whenever he wishes to. Namor looked her in the eyes, his piercing dark eyes that 2 years ago looked at her with such loathing, now held nothing but softness towards her.
"Anywhere with you is everywhere I want to be."
Those words were spoken with such sincerity before he leaned forward and placed a kiss on top of her forehead, leaving her shocked as she stared at him with wide eyes, but the shock melted off her face and was replaced with a playful grin as she hit his shoulder.
"Don't get all sentimental on me, I thought you were a relentless sea king, not a softy lover."
"I am your lover now?" Namor asked as he scooted closer to her.
"You focused on that and not the relentless part?" (Y/n) questioned back with a raised brow.
"If it means I'm yours in the end, then yes." He had such a happy grin on his face that made her blush with how handsome he looked.
"You are so arrogant." She stated with a small chuckle as she tried to hide her face.
"But I'm yours." He replied confidently as he tried to make her look at him again.
"You're hot-tempered."
"I prefer fiery."
"God, you're obnoxious."
"Still yours."
(Y/n) was trying to push him away with every word she threw at him while fighting back laughter, but Namor kept leaning forward to her, enjoying this little game between them and wanting to enjoy her expression longer.
"Don't tell me you're going to be this clingy all the time?"
"More like affectionate and protective."
"Yeah, I have seen you being "protective" before, I know what that really means."
"Good, that means I don't have to hide it."
"what? Wait-"
(Y/n) let out a small screech as the Talokan king throw himself over her, just to lock his arms around her so she cannot escape his hold. She struggled and even hit his arms playfully, ordering him to let her go, but he wouldn't budge and just buried his face in the top of her head and closed his eyes, having a look of pure satisfaction. Seeing that, caused (Y/n) to show a smile of her own and decided to just give up the playful struggle, closed her eyes, and just relished the feeling of finally being complete.
I hope you guys enjoyed my first Namor fic!
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rinwritesfics · 8 months
Plot: Your leave was cancelled, so Hawk improvises.
Warnings: suggestive material at the end
Word Count: 1717
Author’s Note: Thanks to the Discord for the help with this, both with Hawk’s concept appearance (@fakegingerr and @diviluscorner) and for divilu for the character – this one has been a long time coming.
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“Hawk!” you yelled from under the ship. “What did you do to my baby?”
“Your baby? It’s my ship!” he laughed.
“Not if you’re not taking care of her!”
He scooted under with you. “What did you find?”
“The reason the landing gear jammed.” You held up your gloved hands and played with the substance between your fingers, a disgusted look on your face. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s sticky, gritty, and all kinds of nasty.”
Hawk scrunched up his nose. “Gross.”
“Yeah, you’re telling me. It doesn’t smell like gear grease, so it had to come from the last mission.”
“What does it smell like?”
You held your fingers over to him and he sniffed, then his whole face contorted at the rancid smell. “Oh, is that where that smell is coming from? I thought something crawled in and died in this hangar bay.”
“Precisely why I don’t favor the idea of finding out what this is. I just want it gone.” You pulled your hand back and wiped it on a towel. He gave the towel a disgusted look and you laughed. “Oh, don’t worry. It’s the most threadbare towel I have. I’ll burn it and space the ashes once I’m done.”
Hawk laughed and you smiled as you watched him. You had it for him. You had it pretty good. Or pretty bad, it was hard to tell anymore. It probably started because he was the one you spent the most time with aside from the other mechanics. It may have even been because he actually cared about the tactics you used on his LAAT/i when you worked on it. It wasn’t all that often you worked on a ship the pilot would actually stay around to see fixed up. He’d started off teasing you, but then started wanting to learn over time.
“Y/N? You okay?” Hawk asked, breaking into your thoughts.
You turned away and blinked. “Yeah, sorry. I’m just a little tired. Guess I’m lucky I’ll get some time off soon with the leave.”
His face fell a little. “Yeah. I’m glad you get to go on that vacation you were talking about. But what will we do without you?”
You laughed. “Hopefully not get into too much trouble! Otherwise the other mechanics will make sure I never hear the end of it! ‘Oh, yeah, they broke this and this while you were gone and then I had to clean it.’”
He chuckled. “I’ll do my best.”
“Your best to stay out of trouble, or do your best to get into trouble?”
“Maybe a little bit of both, gotta keep life interesting for you.”
You turned back to the gooey purple stuff on the landing gear. “Oh, don’t worry. You always do. Hey, if you’re sticking around, mind grabbing me the dental pick from my tool kit? There’s a couple spots I’ll need to reach into that my fingers can’t.”
“Will you burn that, too, after cleaning?”
You laughed again. “Only to sterilize it!”
He crawled out of his spot and you watched the back of his head as he did. His maroon wing tattoos mirrored each other from the base of his skull and wrapped up to his temples. There was a pair of darker Jaig eyes hidden at the start of each wing, one eye on each. The tattoos were darkened still by the shadow of the close shave he had. You didn’t know the origin of the eyes, but they matched Captain Rex’s so there had to be a connection there and in regards to his piloting.
He then crawled back under with the tool which you grabbed from him, your hands just brushing each other. He looked like he was about to say something else, but a couple troopers called his name.
“Go on, I’ve got it.” You smiled, then turned back to the mess. “Go have some down time.”
He did a look between the door and you, then gave you an apologetic look before leaving.
. . .
“I’m sorry, what do you mean permission was retracted?”
“Exactly what it says. You’re needed here.”
“But this shore leave was guaranteed to me.”
The head mechanic gave you a sympathetic look and put his hand on your shoulder. “I wish there was more I could do. I’m sorry.”
You turned away numbly. Three months. You had been guaranteed this time off just like the others on your civilian team. You had planned everything with your friends back home three months in advance. Now it was all gone.
You meandered to the mess hall and numbly grabbed a tray before plopping down at an empty table. Your shift was over, Hawk’s landing gear was clean and functional, and now you had nothing to distract you.
Time passed, or maybe it didn’t because of how tired you were, so when Hawk showed up, you didn’t know how long you had been sitting, prodding at your food as if expecting it to stand up and do a dance.
“Hey-oh, what happened? Is the gear done for?” Hawk immediately sat beside you.
“Oh, no, your gear’s just like new.” You turned back to your full tray and Hawk pushed his away slightly to turn his full attention – and body – to you.
“Food worse than usual? Something hurt? What is it?”
“I’m staying here, Hawk. I’ve been denied my vacation. Too many campaigns need my expertise. Guess you’ll be seeing more of me than you thought.”
His mouth dropped open. “Hey, no, that’s not what I -”
“I know.” You gave him a half-smile to try to reassure him. “It’s not your fault.”
“Even though it’s not my fault, I’m still sorry to hear you won’t get that rest you need. That you won’t get to go exploring and spend time in the sun.”
“Thanks,” you said quietly, then pushed your tray away and rested your chin on your arms. “Oh, by the way, I found the source of that goo. It was organic, not mechanic.”
“What was it?”
“Trust me when I say you don’t want to know.” You sighed, then grabbed your tray and stood up, looking at it guiltily.
His voice was soft when he spoke. “Hey, I’ll take care of it. It’s okay.”
You gave him a small smile, a real one, then set the tray down and walked away. Even if you weren’t going on vacation, you were at least going to try to get some rest.
. . .
A few hours later, a knock came at the door of your quarters, rousing you from your sleep.
“Hey,” said Hawk. He stood before you in only the lower half of his kit, rubbing the back of his neck and looked like his mind was elsewhere. He looked really, really cute.
You blinked. Clearly you were delirious. “Hi.”
“I don’t mean to bother you, but -”
“What did you break?”
His eyes widened and he lifted his hands. “Nothing, I swear! I just wanted to show you something.”
You chuckled softly. “Okay, what did your brothers break?”
“Still nothing. I checked.”
Your brow furrowed. “What do you mean you checked?”
“It’s… easier to explain if I show you.”
. . .
“Hawk, where are we going? This isn’t the way to the hangar bay.”
“I know. Just trust me. Trust me like I trust you.”
You blushed. “Okay.”
After another minute, he let go of your hand in front of a door. “Trust me?”
You nodded and he placed his hands over your eyes. You heard the door open and he guided you in. When you heard the door close, you could feel his arms move away from you. “Open your eyes.”
When you did, you were stunned. The room was lit in warm light only by four lamps on the floor set to medium and a blanket canopy hung in the middle of the room. Under the canopy were a few pillows piled up and another blanket. A mess room tray had snacks on it, and a datapad sat next to it.
“Hawk, did you do all this?” you asked in a hushed tone. He had even gotten you the good snacks!
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I had a little help. I know it’s not the vacation you wanted, but -”
You threw your arms around his neck. “Thank you! This is so sweet!”
He hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist, and you pulled back quickly.
“I’m sorry, that was very inappropriate of me to do.”
“Wait, no, I uh… I liked it.”
You looked back up at him.
“Can I… can I admit something? You don’t have to reciprocate, I promise.” He paused a moment to confirm he still had your attention. Worry creased his brow and the low light in the room exacerbated the lines. “I like you. More than… more than a friend.”
“You’re not kidding, are you?” you asked softly, excitement starting to bubble in your chest.
“No, I’m serious.”
You hugged him again. “I’ve had a crush on you for a while, now.”
“Oh, thank the Maker.” He hugged you back.
After a moment, you pulled away. “Do you have anywhere to be soon?”
He shook his head. “Not unless something comes up. Why?”
You bit your lower lip. “Would you like to join me on my ‘vacation’?”
His eyes brightened. “I’d really like that.”
“Come on, then, help me pick a holovid. Maybe we can share my snacks.” You winked.
He picked you up and spun you around before settling you on the ground again, laughing at your squeal. “I’d really like to kiss you right now,” he said quietly.
“Me, too,” you whispered back and leaned to catch his lips with yours. The kiss was soft and sweet until he picked you up and carried you to lay amongst the pillows. You broke the kiss to giggle.
“What?” he asked.
“Oh, nothing. Just that hawks mate for life and you just laid me down in a mess of pillows that suspiciously could also be considered a nest.”
He laughed, then said softly, “I wouldn’t mind mating for life with you if I was a bird.”
“Me, too, Hawk.” You kissed him again in your nest of pillows, leaving the datapad completely forgotten.
Taglist: @trixie2023
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(I'm not a good artist, but here's the rough concept of what I pictured.)
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ouroboros-hideout · 7 months
It‘s time. Going to drop some headcanons and assumptions about the Colonel here.
Grab some snackies and feel free to comment your own thoughts about him if you like. Think everyone has his/her own view on the character, would be interested to hear them. And I already noticed I missed some information because I am like a blind little mole while playing games. So if there are STILL things I just missed, that are somehow connected to stuff I came up with pls let me know. Need to absorb all the little details about the dog.
And of course there are spoilers below the line. If you don‘t likey, don‘t looky.
1. He‘s not dead
That‘s like my absolute main hc. Said it in a post before and say it again: I was disappointed How he was treated especially in the end. Guess I could live with his death, if it was written differently, but for me it was extremely unsatisfying. First of all: he‘s a high performing, experienced military machine. It‘s said his strengths primarily lie in interrogation, that he‘s a natural born leader and organizational stuff is his thing, but he‘s a skilled fighter too. If you side with Reed you have to fight him and damn. He‘s a beast.
I don‘t like that the protagonist of a story (would be V in this case) has to win all fights. There should be more enemies who are invincible and fights would be resolved differenty. It’s a general thing I would like to see more often in games, especially rpgs with strong choice making mechanics. Yes, V is a skilled fighter and Alex definitely knows how to completely delete someone too, but I don‘t know. It felt really uninspired and didn’t do justice to the character. If I had to decide for a mixture of canon for my headcanon, it would be Alex catching him off guard (like when you‘re siding with Songbird) but he‘ll survive and lands in the hospital (the same way if you don‘t kill him at the end of the boss fight).
The hc would be that he took this opportunity and staged his death. Fake news, fake corpse at the funeral, Jago and Bennett doing a little show so it’s more believable. Let Myers and the gov think he‘s gone, while he has the opportunity to plot against them without them knowing. I want him to have an epic revenge arc.
2. His scars and cyberware
Not that confident with this one yet but I need a story for it. His bonked-in forehead, the ear and the arm need to be connected somehow. Not a coincidence that all of this is happening on the left side. I like to believe it happened at the end of the Midnight Storm mission. When Arasaka came to shore and they where forced to retreat. Maybe I missed that or it‘s just not clearly stated but for me it always sounded like they got the order to get the fuck away, but literally where left to die, because Arasaka was superior to them. They got attacked, many died and he lost his left arm. The what and hows I am not sure about. Feel like he got bonked really hard by something or someone and the arm was ripped off. Could have been a grenade or something, but don’t know if there would be different type of scars then. The last survivors found shelter, Kurt decided to fuck the orders, after Myers agreed on peace and the rest is history.
Part of that hc is, that he doesn‘t like his cyberarm. He adapted to it, but to me, he seems like a „less is more guy“. He surely has a lot of implants but compared to veterans like Bennett or Rinder he‘s rather low on chrome imo. Like the casual military gear for a person with his rank, he probably had to install but nothing more.
Since he is right-handed I’d say he got the cyberware on the right this arm earlier and it’s related to better aim or another improvement regarding the use of weapons. There‘s a little tiny lettering on it saying „Yukimura“. That‘s a type of smart gun. Wild Dog and Bald Eagle are both power weapons but could be some sort smart link cyberware anyway and they used smart assault rifles in the military.
3. Family/Childhood/Military
It‘s said in his military file, that he was a gang member at young age and enlisted in the Militech Forces soon as he reached legal age. Thing is: I basically don‘t know anything about american law or army regulations. Just did a quick research on that topic and found some stuff on Reddit that it is technical possible that you could avoid a prison term, especially in juvenile law, if you instead join the armed forces. I don‘t know if there is something like this in the Cyberpunk lore too, but I think it would be very fitting. So there was gang member Kurt, doing all the illegal stuff like theft, armed robbery and probably worse. Think he than grew up in a typical broken home situation. Divorced parents or they just didn't give a shit. Something like this. Then he or one of his goons fucks up, got caught and he joins Militech instead of spending a lot of years in prison. In one of his voice lines he says smth like: some don't have another choice than joining the army. Like to think that applies to him aswell. At the beginning it was just a way out for him. He then settled in very quickly and liked the solid structures and discipline, that he probably never had before in his life. The fact, that he was really good at the things he had to learn and had to do, gave him a lot of confidence - like a military glow up. Think he really enjoyed his time in the military to a certain point. The Power and respect he gained throughout the years. But also he never lost his rebellious side, like it's said in his psychological profile.
Could be possible that he wanted to join the army by free will also. But I like the plot, that he always was kind of an rotten apple, the military made him stronger and brought up hidden qualities in him, but in the end failed to reform him. Reed said something like: that's it the govs fault, that Kurt is the man, he is now. So they failed to keep him on the rightous path.
4. His first kill
Inspired by the message you can get from Alex. She’s asking V if he could remember his first kill. That’s a pretty cool question and hc material imo. In Kurts military file it‘s stated, that shortly after he joined the military he was picked to go to the military academy. So I guess he did something he stood out for, between all the other people who joined at that time. He definitely was judged very critical in the beginning and had a hard time because of his streetkid past.
He probably could have killed some ppl back then, but I‘d rather believe that he still was in the lower ranks of the gang, considering his age, and had to do rookie-shit, instead of big jobs involving killing ppl for example. My hc is, that there was another recruit in his unit who tried to skip a lot of training by getting heavy cyberware and taking a lot of boosting stuff to quickly become the best among them and getting chosen for a higher position faster. In the end all he got was a cyberpsychosis and eventually turned on his mates during a combat training. Kurt then managed to take him out and saved the others. In the end he was the one getting the wanted attention of the superiors. Connecting to this event, I think he has a low tolerance for people who don‘t know their boundaries and can‘t handle their chrome and themselves.
5. Jago
I think he really likes Jago, maybe even more then Bennett sometimes. I like to compare these two because of the „Run this Town“ mission. Bennett surely has a bonus because he’s been in the army with Kurt and is his most trusted and loyal man, but I can imagine Kurt enjoys to work with someone without military background. He would probably call it refreshing. Don’t know just really like their dynamic. Absolute pros in what they do and profiting from each others skills. Can imagine he often just asks Jago about his opinion, if he needs one, because he has a different view on things. Other than a soldier who‘s just used to follow orders most of the time.
6. Boxing
He‘s into boxing. Doing it himself and following professional sports alike. He definitely does some kind of sports. Daily workouts or something like this too, but he‘s eager to stay in shape for sure. Like to think he has some sort of Fight Club thing running inside of Barghest. They meet up one or two times per month and are boxing against each other. There’s a scoreboard, they show off their bloody noses and black eyes the next day. That HC came from the „Balls to the Wall“ mission. Loved that vibe. And he enjoys watching professional fighters. And betting on the fights for sure. AND imagine a highclass boxing fight in the Sapphire. Inviting all the rich folks, there’s a boxing ring instead of a stage. Following that Las Vegas vibe Dogtown has.
7. Collection
Although he is quite a show-off when dealing with his customers and business partners, boasting about fancy parties, expensive champagne, his successes and income, I think that he is otherwise a pretty grounded guy. The way he still dresses like the casual military man, no chic suits or other unnecessary things. The Black Sapphire is the only really glam looking place in Dogtown. Everything else that‘s run by him is purely practical. But: I think he has some sort of guilty pleasure. Like collecting historical or rare guns and other weapons. Or a collection of high priced liquors. Or maybe he‘s interested in cars and/or motorcycles like Aymeric. Would suit him.
8. Privacy
This one is very simple and rather short but I think he really values his privacy. His quarters (according to early concept art) is in the upper levels in the Black Sapphire. A big ass office and probably all the other stuff like bedroom etc. on one floor. Can imagine that all or the most of these rooms are off limits for everyone else. Everyone needs some save space to decompress.
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otakween · 6 months
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Digimon World 3 - Final Thoughts
I've beaten the third Digimon World woohoo!! It was a brisk 40 hours, the perfect JRPG length. Overall, it was way better than Digimon World 2, but maybe not better than 1?? I dunno. It was definitely more enjoyable than 1 gameplay-wise, but if I look at it big picture it was way more generic and less memorable. Defeating the first Digimon World felt like more of a triumph and beating 3 felt kinda hollow (because it was easy and anticlimactic).
Despite any gripes I have, I could see myself replaying this. I'm especially interested in a potential revisit (like 10 years from now lol) because I found out that the PAL version of the game (Digimon World 2003) is the true, complete version of the game. Whoops...
So uh...Lord Megadeath and Snatchmon huh...great naming sense guys, good job.
Confession: I straight-up ignored all of the side quests in this game. Skipped all of the card battles, never got the fishing pole, etc. In the end, I don't really regret it because those card battles were kind of pointless anyway.
Confession part 2: I WAS planning on getting back to the side quests in the post-game until I realized that there is no post-game in this game. This is one of those games where you beat the final boss and they kick you back to the start screen with no opportunity to save. I hate it when games do that TT__TT now there's now proof that I beat it!
That ending was kinda lame. I liked the final battle with all of the epic FMVs, but the epilogue with the kids was literally so boring. They did not make me care about any of these characters in the slightest.
Speaking of FMVs, this game had so many!! The FMVs combined with the awesome pixel art definitely made this game great. It was a little lame how half of the world was just the same environments but palette swapped, but eh...whatever. There was enough variation to keep me excited.
Travel in this game was BULLSHIT. I said in one of my previous posts "fast travel will probably come soon!" NOPE, never came. The worst was when you beat a boss and then they made you back track throughout the whole dungeon for no reason. Thank God I played this on an emulator because an unexpected death would have set me back AGES. Very often it would take me an hour in REAL TIME to get to the next place I needed to be. Entire game sessions were just me walking across the map. If it wasn't for this mechanic, the game would have been like 10 hours long lol. Definitely artificial padding.
I noticed a couple of digimon here and there that I had never seen before. I think this game had a great variety in its wild encounters, although it was kind of weird to battle so many ultimates and whoop their butts so easily.
Speaking of easy...I think this game was maybe too easy or at least too exploitable. Health items were dirt cheap so it was super simple to stock up on 99 of each at all times, the counter crest allowed me to deal massive damage beyond my digimon's levels. The final boss fight with Galacticmon was just a game of letting my digimon attack until they died, resurrecting them with a healing item, and repeating that cycle until the battle was finished. The resurrection item brings back all digimon in your party with their full health which is pretty OP. By the 2nd half of the game this strategy became unbeatable and battles became kind of stale.
SO many random battles, like an obnoxious amount. I would leave one random battle, take a single step and another one would be triggered. I listened to a lot of podcasts slogging through this.
One of the weakest parts of this game was the plot/writing, but that was also weak in Digimon World 1 & 2. At least the translation seemed pretty decent this time around. I guess the "stuck in the game world" cliche was kinda fun.
The other thing I ignored in this game was the bonus digimon you can pickup along the way. I did end up getting two of them, but I never used them. They start at level 1 and ain't nobody got time to level up digimon from level 1 halfway through the game. Also, I wasn't super interested in using Guilmon when my Renamon already had MegaloGrowmon in their digivolve roster. I kind of wish this game allowed you to catch the wild digimon because you could create some really crazy parties.
My "main digimon" that I ended up using the most was Kotemon in their Kyukimon form. This was unfortunate because I think Kyukimon is butt ugly, but oh well lol.
The blasted mechanic in battles was really great and I hope they bring it back in future games! It allows you a second chance when you're in a pinch and just feels epic. I rarely used the digivolve option in battles, so it was nice getting a "free" digivolve every now and then.
I could go on and on about this game apparently, but I'm gonna wrap it up here. I have many many more games to get through before I start the next season of the anime. Onwards!
I give Digimon World 3 a solid 6.5 out of 10
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Terraria has got to be the most funniest and chaotic game i have played (also spolier warning ig!!!), you start the game, make a character, create a world and then you're just plopped in there. No tutorial, nothing. You see some dude with brown (i think) hair and just press right-click, see a dialogue option labelled 'help' and think "oh! this gotta be how to go to the tutorial!" and NOPE! Think again fucker 'cause you better chop some wood and build a house because the night is dangerous (OoOoOoOh very spooky). So, you look up "Terraria Beginner Guide" (or something along the lines of that) and y'know you just get going, build houses, explore the underground, maybe built a hellevator, and you even built an arena (im so proud)! Then suddenly the text "You feel an evil Presence watching you" pops up and you know that you better get to your arena 'cause its very spooky big eyeball time (hooray).
So after you beat the very big Eye of Cthulu you get some loot, fast forward to The Wall of Flesh. This is it. The final challenge in Pre-Hardmode. The Gate to see if you have what it takes to go to Hardmode. And now, it begins. After you throw the doll of the person who pranked you out of a Tutorial into the lava below, you hear a roar, before a wall made out of flesh with two huge Eyeballs and a gaping wide Mouth comes at you. It was a great battle, with you seemingly being at equal with the giant fleshy wall. You threw everything you got at it: Bullets, Fire, Ice, even that Imp you found on the street. Ater a long Battle with many Hardships, you won. But only now....
The Fun really begins.
Oh, you thought that you could go out at night? Think again fucker, mf-ing Werewolves. You thought that Molten Armor/ Meteorite Armor was gonna protect you? Dont make me laugh. "Atleast I have my NPCs?" Wrong! You feel vibrations from deep below. Hardmode is the game's most challenging part imo, because not only is everything new, but also beefier, stronger, and more annoying to deal with. Oh, there's also a new Biome where, you guessed it! Everything kills you! It isnt as bad if you're more experienced and prepared alot of stuff, but unfortunately, most newer Players dont do that, and I've even seen some leave permanently because dying constantly wasnt fun anymore. But we dont quit, do we? No. Because our Mamas didnt raise us to be quitters! Uhh motivational quote, yadda yadda yadda etc. So. you actually persist, get better gear, and even kill a mechanical boss! So you get better weapons and gear, kill another Mechanical Boss and the last one is now dead. So you get clorophyte (No i will not look up how it's spelt and i really couldnt care less), get better-er gear and fight Plantera. This pink plant bitch is probably one of the best bosses in the game, and i am sad that it has some of the worst loot in the game imo. anyways, you unlock the temple, kill golem (Man Re-logic really need to buff this dude) get better-er-er gear and fight the lunatic cultist. Kill him, get the only drop (Man Re-logic really need to buff this dude's loot) and fight the celestial pillars. cool, you can now make weapons from SpAaAaAaaAAaace. Each of which correspond to a class (Solar=Melee, Vortex=Ranged,Nebula=Mage,Stardust=Summoner). but suddenly, the screen gets darker and more wonky, the music is gone and then,
The Moon Lord has Awoken!
Out of bloody nowhere, the final boss is here. The Final Challenge. The Wall between you and the End. After having improved so much and died so much, like, WOW those are alot of deaths, you are at the final blockade. And after a battle you will remember forever, you come out on top, victorious. You are at the top of the 2d Mountain. You have beaten everything. You have beaten
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nitrogenwaters · 2 years
[little gore warning] So I was watching a YT vid of someone reading out the Zombies’ comic and got up to comic #2 when the end is literally zombie Richtofen punching right through a mutated animal that was after him, and quickly turns against Victis again with the rest of the Bios out of the way.
Seeing this has only strengthened my wish that Trayarch should of made a Ultimis zombie Richtofen boss fight bc that would of been dope as hell.
First of all, even out of the MPD, he still has partial control of surrounding zombies, and can even command them to solve obstacles for him.
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Second, he still has consciousness and is fully aware of what is happening around him, making him literally the most deadly and threatening zombie you could even encounter in the whole Aether storyline (Brutus is stupid compared to Edward’s intelligence). He sure as hell would know how to fight back any potential threats if it presents itself, he had all that time fighting undead up until Moon and before joining Group 935 as well.
Third, he is granted the strength of the undead that they have of course. As I mentioned before, he punched through a undead Bio the Elemental Shard created like it was nothing.
(Edward has yassified nails confirmed!? 👀💅✨)
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Another thing, he got the zombies to pry open a steel door that was a few feet thick and probably tons of pounds using surrounding junk in the area.
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honestly, seeing Richtofen as a zombie and what he does during that time has gotten me really happy for no reason. Maybe I’m just hyper fixated on it too much, but I love seeing what he can do in battle outside of the games, which the characters are controlled by the player and their skill determined by said player. It gives us some knowledge of his combat and solving skills and how quick he is to use them.
Other honourable mentions that happenes in the comics:
Zombies will sacrifice themselves to protect Edward or he’ll doge out of the way.
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Edward of course, has a sense of self preservation and for the undead as well. He will retreat (or stop) the horde if too many will or have died from Victis’ attempts to keep them at bay.
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Edward lost his hat because he was body check by a monkey. (Don’t know why he didn’t bother to pick it back up, guess Victis was more important then his precious hat)
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Imagine (if he was a boss zombie) him having a in game doge mechanic if you aimed at him like the Ascension ones, but quicker and more agile. His horde would still be as strong as the regular dead, but they could avoid traps if activated and would swarm back to Edward if he was hurt in any way, making it hard to get a clear shot of him. If too many of his undead are killed, he will retreat to gain mass again.
Eventually he will become angered enough to face the player(s) head on and pick up a weapon or something and just make the player’s life a living hell in any way he can. He’ll get you to chase him around well avoiding his rain of bombs and Molotovs, he’ll chase YOU around if he gets his hands on a good Goblegum (better hope not death machine) or weapons from somewhere, and he’ll most definitely jump you from the shadows from anywhere and try to rip your heart out. Hell, let’s throw in a custom animation for just that, and make the player mash a button or two to avoid getting stabbed or their throat gets ripped out by his chompers (which would probably get you an instant down if he succeeds in doing so).
It would be a sick EE in general and hope one day I gain the skills needed to make a mod of this idea, or at least inspire someone to do it. Anyways, imma end this post here and show some leftover pics of Richtofen being a menace. Plus Samual beating the crap out of zombies with a gun.
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creatively-cosmic · 3 months
What up, Starry—You already know who it is! B)
Sorry about Tumblr being a buggy mess and crashing halfway through! I’ve experienced the frustration of losing writing due to crashes and it always sucks. But thank you for continuing to answer these questions and satiate my curiosity! Learning more about Missing Numbers is like reading a book that just keeps getting better and better and better with every new chapter. Also: don’t worry about the delays or how long responding takes! You come first and foremost. Your health/work/school/whatever it is ya got going on in your personal life, is infinitely more important than me getting an answer to a question. So please, take your time, as much as you need—I will wait.
(Also, young Red being just as much of a little shit as Blue was is surprisingly wholesome and I love that. And after seeing their heights I realized I’m the same height as Blue! That detail is not important in the slightest, I just thought it was funny.)
Anywho, let’s get into the meat and potatoes, shall we?
First things first: Y’all mentioned biology mechanics and the nature of Glitches? 👀 Well, guess what? I love that kinda stuff! My curiosity is piqued—please explain.
Second question though: What is Leaf’s Duty? What does she do and how do her powers(?) work? Are her abilities like how the move Imprison was in Fallen Leaf?
And third: What’s the relationship/dynamic between Leaf and Red? That comic y’all posted has me wondering what Leaf is warning others about.
That’s all for now though! Please take care of yourself. Have a good day/afternoon/night!
Ahh, thank you so much for your patience! its really appreciated,, im glad youve still been enjoying things- your comments (and your FANART OH MY GOD??) have still been giving us LIFE i truly cannot thank you enough!
Red and Blue’s childhood friendship and rivalry has always been something we’ve wanted to come off as just plain silly and enjoyable- I’m glad we’ve been succeeding in that, hehe. And Blue was actually originally going to be shorter (our height, actually), we just added a few inches to be nicer to him lol
Per usual now, we’ll keep the big stuff under the cut! It’s another long one: Consider this Leaf Lore Part Two.
For the Glitch stuff, we’ve been thinking and might make a BIG formal post going over all of Professor Maple’s speculation and studies, to make it a good access point for the worldbuilding of Missing Numbers. I can’t promise it’ll come soon, but! As a starting point, I do have a pre-written thing with information on different classifications of Glitch that should clear up a good bit to start with. 
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Unless we get any sudden further realizations, every Glitch, Corruption, and Anomaly in Missing Numbers (and arguably in Pokemon as a whole) can fall under these five classifications.
Leaf’s duty is the main aspect of what we failed to touch on in your previous question. So, I’ll finish that part of the story. :) 
To answer your questions, we first have to establish how she got her powers. When Leaf died, she did not get to rest peacefully. Most who die in this world don’t. The afterlife for the fallen and forgotten is not pretty. It is not merciful. There is no heaven for the ones who do not matter to God. 
The Distortion exists in layers. At it’s lowest, the farthest from contact with the main reality, is a void of unused, scrapped, and null data. A graveyard, or worse yet, a dump where things that can no longer exist in the surface world go to rot. Unused data. Scrapped NPCs. Removed characters, Pokemon, items. 
Assets of old games that never carried over.
Leaf's soul was discarded here when she was erased from existence at the end of Abandoned Loneliness. Left to rot with the unborn Ghosts that had haunted them both with the intent to drag someone of significance down with them. Hoping they too might escape. That they might receive mercy through her. 
Unfortunately, Leaf was the unloved child. So instead she fell to their ranks, swallowed up by the abyss that was their resting place- thrust as far from reality, from her home, from her friends, from her purpose as feasibly possible. Still conscious. Still aware. Still suffering.
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… Leaf was not one to accept things lying down. Leaf was a fighter. She hated injustice, unfairness. She wouldn’t stand for this. She wouldn’t lie down and give up. No matter how suffocating the darkness was. No matter how the bloodied hands tried to drag her further down. No matter how the chaos and corruption tried to break and dismantle her. 
No. Matter. What.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And if there was one thing that defined Leaf even more than her bleeding heart, it was that her will was unbreakable.
So she climbed. Climbing over the damned- the forgotten- the spiteful- the vengeful- everything trying to hurt her and pull her down. Focused solely on escaping, on going up. Until things began to become more tangible. Until she could see more than black and red. Until there was light, and color. Until data became form- albeit still broken, chaotic. Numbers. Misplaced bricks. Impossible plants. Incomprehensible collision. 
Glitch City.
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She broke through the floor of the second lowest layer of the Distortion, and though the surface’s light was still so far… She’d found solid footing. 
And here, though it may have been quieter… She wasn’t so alone.
The City had the odd few inhabitants. But the first that she met was a strangely familiar boy, a teenager that reminded her of someone she knew, but wrong. With a cocky, lopsided grin, unruly black hair, and bright red eyes. 
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Someone who wanted out just as badly as she did.
Leaf and Red never knew each other outside of Glitch City. But during their time trapped there together as children, they were friends. Leaf wasn’t the first person Red befriended there… 
But she was significant. They were allies with a shared goal, after all, and if one of them could find a way out, they could get out together! They worked in tandem to find hope, grasp at an escape. Everything they could, as a possibility. They were friends, after all. Right?
… Leaf didn’t wholly trust Red. It wasn’t personal, but there were things that were risky. She could see the instability of corruption plaguing him, and she wanted to ensure her loved ones’ safety more than she wanted to escape. The greater picture was something that she could wrap her head around, even if it was hard to grasp.
Red was not the same. Laser focused on his goal and uncaring of the consequences, it was a factor that, over time, divided them more and more as Leaf realized the severity of Red’s condition, and began to think…
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Maybe he was here for a reason. … Still, she tried to turn a blind eye. Let herself hope things weren’t that bad. 
The growing obviousness for his resentment towards Fire, though Red tried to hide it, didn’t help- her distrust towards him only grew, further clouded by her personal fears and dedication to protecting her loved ones.
And one day, while discussing a possible window for escape… She let a thought she’d been hiding slip. The final nail in the coffin.
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Afraid for her brother’s life, and angry seeing how Red reveled in the idea of hurting him, she left him behind and didn’t look back.
From there, we aren’t sure of the exact details of how she escaped. But we know she had help on the surface- from someone a little too curious about the nature of the Anomalous, who was all too eager to free a willing entity. Professor Ace Maple (specializing in “anomalies”, and original to the Missing Numbers story!) helped free her soul. 
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Of course, releasing a long-buried corrupted entity wouldn’t go unnoticed by the higher power that had put her there. But… It saw how careful she was. How she was now completely wary of all glitches. How she’d come to understand the dangers they posed to the world and the people in it.
So, the Almighty came to her in a Golden light. Extending an offer to her.
… Of course she accepted the bargain. It was all beneficial in her eyes. Her complete freedom, and the ability to protect those she loved most in ways she never could have before. What happened in their childhood would never happen again now.
Thus, Leaf was blessed with her body yet again. Rightfully hers, and aged to grow with her. Though she’d never again be a Vessel, that was okay. She was something far greater now. 
The chains could Imprison any code they touched, and they were completely under her control. With these, she could fight and restrain any anomalies necessary. She was also given the one-of-a-kind ability to freely move between the Main world, and the Distortion… To ensure that no activity occurred in either that could allow the escape of something catastrophic.
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Of course, things weren’t perfect. The world and the people in it had changed since she’d been gone. It had been years. People would be different.
Blue, for one. It was hard to face him again. Tensions never stopped being high between them. They both remembered, after all.
She mostly just cared about her brother, now. It took her a bit to find him, idle at the top of Mount Silver. 
It was heartbreaking to see the emptiness in his eyes. Him barely acknowledging her. The realization that he’d never… He’d never looked for her. Never tried to free her. 
Never even mourned. 
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She still loved him. She always would. He was her family. He was the only one who’d been anything like her.
It was okay that he got everything she had. It was okay that he’d completely replaced her. It was okay that he now had everything she ever wanted. It was okay that he wasn’t the one who looked for, found, freed her, instead of a complete stranger. It was okay that when he spoke it was soulless and objective and only reminding her of her duties. it was okay. it was okay. 
It was okay that he didn’t care. 
It was okay that he was living the life she should’ve wanted DESERVED that he was destined to.
It was okay that she had to protect him. It was part of her duty, after all.
She wasn’t bitter. She wasn’t mad. She loved him.
… And then there was Red- “Glitchy,” as she now called him, unwilling to give him the name that belonged to her brother. He never did give up on her. He was PISSED, mind you, that somehow she had escaped and left him and the others stuck down there behind- but he still refused to back down.
They were enemies now, though. As he grew more restless- and more powerful, much to Leaf’s horror- his imprisonment became a direct responsibility of hers. And as Professor Maple grew more curious about glitches, unknowingly bringing him closer and closer to true freedom, even though she felt indebted to them, she had to resist their studies. Warn them of everything- especially him.
“I thought you hated injustice. Don’t you think this is unfair?”
Still, she had to face him often. And even in his madness, and even in chains, Red could speak so… Persuasively. 
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“If you could escape, why shouldn’t I? You have the ability to free me.”
“And I know you’re hiding me from the others. Don’t they deserve to know?”
“You knew as a KID that Blue was looking for me. Doesn’t HE deserve it?”
“I think you know this isn’t the right thing to do.”
“You’re making a mistake.”
“But it’s okay. I’m not mad. I can be patient.”
“I’m sure you’ll come around.”
“After all, you’re just like me and you know it.”
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1moreff-creator · 10 months
Hi! I'm pretty new to tumblr and I have no idea if it's appropriate to come into your askbox to talk about my drdt chapter 2 theories but I'm not confident enough to make my own post and it's more a fun thought I just had than an actual theory
/! \ this will contain spoilers for drdt obviously as well as THH in case people who follow you somehow havent played the game
the gist of it is, someone who is not the culprit could have messed with the crime scene.
It's mainly because so far the chapters seem to have reference to THH in more ways than just with the motives (it is probably too soon for it to be a pattern and ngl i kinda hope its not because if it is, with what we know of Rose' money issues she might end up the ch3 culprit and I want her to live so badly. would make the whole series a bit too predictable also, although i dont personally mind that kinda stuff)
because like. Chapter 1 had someone who got close to the protag, ended up betraying their trust, chose the murder location to frame someone specific, failed their murder attempt and died as a result with the real culprit technically acting in self defense (although its not 100% the case for Leon)
and in chapter 2 we have the victim who died a pretty quick and violent death (at least im pretty sure chihiros cause of death was a violent hit to the head? been a really long while, i could remember wrong) but the murder scene make it seem more complicated. And the victim died just after they decided to change/improve themselves in some way also
In both cases someone who has nothing (at least probably, in Davids case) to actually do with the murder have some pretty big part of themselves exposed during the trial
idk who would mess with the murder scene and for what purpose (Vero. for funsies. What a Legend)
I'm probably wrong cause that doesnt really explain the evidence at the crime scene. like. at all, i know
like Idk what the spinny thing has to do with anything (I mean you could put a bunch of tape on the handles just 'cause, i guess? but it would make more sense if it were involved in some sort of mechanism which you wouldn't need if Arei was already dead)
same for the ball of clothes and the flickering light
Whoever put the fish there though, whether its the actual killer or not, I'm pretty sure they did it to make everyone think the crime couldn't have happened at night time and fish water was actually never part of the murder itself
that would make someone physically strong like Levi the killer tho and even though it would make sense (pretty sure at this point that Arei has his secret) I feel like its too soon for him to die? Eden got more development and makes more sense to me (which breaks my heart, I love her)
Hi! Don't worry, none of us know what we're doing in this website! :D
No need to be shy about making your own posts, but it's also fine to talk/ask me about whatever crosses your mind! So, your theories/thoughts.
The possibility that someone other than the killer screwed with the crime scene is one I've seen before, and technically speaking, something like that most likely happened. I think it was an accomplice of the killer (Eden!Blackened Levi!Accomplice gang rise up), but a third party is part of other theories.
The fish are the main thing: given Nico's account (fish were all still there when they last fed them, which can be deduced to be around 7:00 - 7:30 PM of the third day, the day most of episode 7 takes place in), whoever took the fish must have done it at around the time the characters believe the murder happened. But there's no reason for the killer to bring the fish unless they were trying to confuse the time of death, which would only matter if they can have an alibi at the time the fish disappeared. But if they have an alibi at the time the fish disappear, they can't have taken the fish! (Which, btw, eliminates Veronika. Unfortunate, they won't let women do anything these days, not even mess with crime scenes for funsies smh)
So either it was someone unrelated messing with the crime scene, or an accomplice took the fish there to give the real killer an alibi. I'm planning to do a post summarizing my theory on how exactly the whole mess happened, so uh, stay tuned ig. But if you're interested in the "David screwed with the crime scene" idea, I recommend reading thebadjoe's theory on the murder. I may not agree with it, but it's still a fantastic post and a really fun read!
As for most of the other stuff, yeah Arei's death probably wasn't very simple. Explaining the odd contradiction of her wrists being bound but a mechanism clearly being involved (as you mentioned, tape on bars and flickering light, among other stuff) is a whole mess. It's part of why I'm not really sure this is absolutely supposed to parallel THH. Like clearly there's some similarities, but it's basically impossible to know what aspects of a case would be similar and which ones wouldn't. So, uh, yeah. Who knows.
I do agree Eden's the killer though! Why else would she take the tape from the gym? If you don't know what I'm talking about, basically the gym lockdown and the tape disappearing seemingly overnight makes it impossible for anyone but Teruko, Ace or Eden (or I guess Rose if she's lying) to have taken the tape. But since the tape also disappears from the background right after Ace wakes up... yeah, just Teruko Ace or Eden. But we know Teruko didn't, Ace couldn't have done it without Teruko noticing, and Eden got knocked to the floor when the tape disappeared from the floor :p
And yeah, it hurts. It will be a sad day when the killer gets executed, regardless of who they are, but especially if it's Eden T_T
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rheiple · 2 years
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▪︎SUMMARY↦ Ever know what kind of shenanigans do you have to deal with when you're with the famous celestial twin bots?
▪︎CHARACTER/s↦ Sun x Reader x Moon
▪︎WARNING/s↦ Cussing, ooc Sun and Moon on the second Part but it's all for cracc purposes
▪︎WORD COUNT↦ 633; 737; 726
▪︎AUTHOR'S NOTE↦ MY PHONE DIED ON ME SO I COULDN'T POST THIS LAST NIGHT😭😭 Man Im having a bad luck this day rn ☠☠ These Drabbles are in a different timeline (timezone?idfk)and is kind of unedited so I apologize for that🕴
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Part I, Part II [Here]
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Your Problem, My Problem, Our Problem
"C'mon guys! These aren't bad!"
"Sunny get the fuck away from us."
The sun themed animatronic tried to convince his two best friends... Who are currently hugging each other to death at a corner he trapped them in.
He sighed. Well, it's better than nothing he guessed. This is a much better outcome than he thought it would.
A plan to get you guys to get along.
For the past few weeks, he noticed that you and Moonie were getting rather passive aggressive with each other. And that's not good at all! He doesn't want to see his friends fight all the time!
He knew he needed to stop the conflict between you two, and what better way to make them friends with the use of their  dislikes?
Dangling the cockroach on his right hand and the other holding the mouse, he took a small step forward. "See guys? These aren't harmful!"
You tried to shrink yourself on Moon's chest, whilst the other tried to hide behind your back.
Letting out a shaky sigh, you tried to think of a way to stop Sun from getting any closer.
"S-sunny, Sweetie, Sunshine. I love you, but I swear to God please put them back to where they belong- actually scratch that, get them out of the damn building please."
"But they're just little creatures! And besides, I saw an article on the internet about how they're actually clean!"
You feel Moon shifting behind you. You didn't bother looking back incase the Sun tried to do something without your gaze on him.
The lunar themed animatronic glarad at his counterpart. He started off with a grumble then began speaking properly... as proper as he can you guessed.
"Sunny... You and I both know that those evil fucks came from the shitty ass drain. The drains are connected to the sewers- and do I have to mention that the smelly sewers are one of the most filthy fucking places to ever exit on this planet??"
The sun robot clenched his teeth. He grinned wider, trying to conceal his annoyance.
"Y'know Moonie, my hands are getting kind of sweaty everytime you cuss... They might just slip out of my grasps anytime now!"
"Eat a-"
Both turned to put their attention on you.
Looking up at the solar animatronic, you told him, "Sunny.. Please, put them away and let's talk.. I don't know what we did wrong but we're sorry and we don't know how to make it up to you.."
"Starshine.. you and Moonie didn't do anything wrong." 
You furrowed your brows. "What?"
Moon tilted his head to the side, looking at him with confusion. "Then what.. is all this for?"
The sun looked away, putting his hands behind his back. "Well.. You guys weren't getting along for the past few weeks and I got scared! I thought that you guys would end up breaking your friendship because of something and well- I thought this would be a good Idea to make you guys get along!"
"Oh..." Was all you and Moon both said.
You scared your neck, looking rather embarrassed. "We're sorry Sun, we- umm we didn't mean to make you think we hate each other..."
Now it was him who furrowed his mechanic brows. Tilting his head to the side, he asked; "...You guys aren't mad at each other?"
Moon covered his mouth with one hand, looking away. "We.." He lets out a few fake coughs. "We... did something.."
"What something?"
You tugged on Moon's ribbon, a signal to do something before he reacts. "We... we're stressed because.."
"...We broke your art kit."
The sun blankly stared at the both of you.
It wasn't long before he smacked the rat on Moon's face and made the cockroach flew inside your clothes.
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Demonic Guardians
'Go back! We aren't suppose to do this! They're going to get mad at us if they caught us!'
"If they caught us."
The moon themed animatronic halted his movement, shrinking himself at the shadow of a building as to not get seen.
You're looking behind you, gazing at nothing. A few minutes passed and you started to walk on your merry way.
He waited, until your a feet away from him and that's where he began his little travel.
The sun tried to force the Moon to go back at the Pizzaplex, opted to wait for you there tomorrow instead of following you to your house.
Yet, with just a few words, he told him something that would distract him with that thought.
"Why wait when we could just follow them to their abode?.. To have them all to ourselves, and to watch over them as no vile creatures will ever lay any harm upon them... You and I are two sides of the same coin, we both missed them dearly after the incident... Surely, waiting for them is not enough now, is it?"
"..I thought so too."
The sound of jiggling keys both caught their attention. The nighttime attendant hid behind your neighbor's house, waiting for you to go inside safely and to invite himself in.
'What are going to do once you've gotten in?'
"And why do you want to know, Sunny boy?" 
'I don't have to read your mind to know you're going to do something bad.'
The lunar bot snickered. "As if I haven't done anything "bad" in the first place... And why bother asking if you already know?"
'Shh, they're sleeping."
They look at the window of your living room to see you passed out on the couch, in a... neck breaking position.
'Leaving the curtains open and sleeping in a bad position that the outcome for their posture would be terrible? We'll definitely have to fix that.'
The moon would have teased him for getting too caught up in this just like him, but he was too busy breaking in with by opening the window.
Quietly, as the skilled guard bot that he is, went inside to your room, closed the window, and finally went his way to you.
He changed your sleeping pose into a comfortable one, and went to get the blanket at your room to cover your darling self from the cold.
..With all that done, he... just sat down and stared at you.
Shifting from side to side, you scratched your head because of how itchy your pillow is being.
This went on a few minutes, until you looked to your side...
To see a shadow of a demon.
Your eyes went wide at this, however you didn't bother moving from your place. You tried to see what it looks like...
It looks, familiar in someway.
The shadow has four triangles on the sides of his round face. It seems to be wearing a hat... And it has four arms.
Now that you think about it, is it really a shadow? You know it's not suppose to look like it's solid and touchable. And as far as you're concerned, a shadow doesn't have pupils.
And with how big it is, you can't ignore the churn of fear in your stomach. However, with the moonlight shining some little parts of your room, it only gave you little comfort.
You assumed that that was your sleep paralysis demon, and well...
You just, stared at it. Until you're tired again and peacefully went back to sleep.
"Hey Sunny." You called for him while wiping a table at the Daycare.
His name coming out of your mouth made him jump onto his core, almost dropping the toys, but he was more concerned with how you lacked... a tone or emotion when you called for him.
He asked. "Y-yes Starshine?"
You did one last swipe at the table, and then proceeded to go on the other. "I think I just have my first sleep paralysis."
You took the remaining trash on the table. "Yea. And you know what? The sleep paralysis demons looked just like you and Moon combined. It was kind of crazy how real that felt you know."
He nervously laughed, not before replying with. "That's... something.."
"I know right."
The second bot hummed inside their shared minds.
'We are never doing that again.'
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Make Your Move
Sweeping the floor of your living room, you hummed along to the music on the radio.
Today is nice day to clean the house you thought mindlessly. It was rather a sunny day too, and it feels so lovely that you can't help but blast some music to help you keep intertained.
"Starshinneee! We're finished watering the garden!" Your sunny boyfriend yelled at from the backdoor.
Ah yes, Sun and Moon. You almost forgot they're here in your house for now.
You remembered, one night you were watching a news on the TV about a certain building was burning down. You immediately ran to the said building and saved the boys from "dying".
You chuckled, at the thought of not believing you're still alive with the stupid stunt that you pulled.
But as corny as it sounds, you're glad to see them well and "alive".
That thought alone made your cheeks warmer, you only noticed it now how much impact they have on you.
Shaking your head, you brushed the thought off and answered him back. "Yea Sunny?"
You noticed the music of the radio just ended, and is now playing a short commercial of a phone brand.
The Daycare Attendants peeked their heads at the hallway.
"Hello, Starlight.." The Moon greeted, grinning from ear to ear.
You raised your brow. "Did you do something Moonie?"
Putting his hand on his chest with a faux expression, he leaned onto his Sunny counterpart. "Now is that a way to greet your dear friend? I'm hurt, Starlight."
"Yea? Well why don't you both come in already and help me clean up."
The bots giggled and both took one step inside...
And unfortunately, the commercial ended. And a new song began to play...
The start of the song are 4 drum beats (you don't know what kind of drums) and then the sound of a saxophone..
It's feels.. familiar...
But the music.. it's... intimate.. too intimate.
You've heard this song before. How could you not? You've been on the internet ever since you were like 5. You remembered how they would use it for memes, and not to mention your mom would play this on the speaker whenever she cleans the house.
Ah, this song both brings back memories.
And right now, you're betting your sweet ass that in this day you'll be making a new memory with this song, and with your two favorite robots.
'Woah-oh-woah, o-oh~'
The two boys had a shock expression on their face as soon as they noticed how... romantic the song feels.
And if you look closely, you would see a shade of yellow (for Sun)  and blue (For Moon) on their cheeks.
'I feel so unsure
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
As the music dies, something in your eyes
Calls to mind a silver screen
And all its sad good-byes'
But, as soon as their shock came, it went away just as quick. Instead replacing it with ... a rather smug look.
They really didn't wanna pass up the opportunity to tease you, don't they?
'I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool~'
Sunny was the first one to speak up, putting a hand on his mouth to try and cover up his laughter. "My Starshine, are you suggesting something? You sure are bold with your moves there, Sunshine~"
Immediately hearing that, you pointed accusingly at the both of them. "You- I didn't do any of this! You guys literally saw me do nothing to the radio!"
'I should've known better than to cheat a friend
And waste the chance that I'd been given
So I'm never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you, oh'
The lunar bot puts his hands on his hips. Wiggling his brows at you. "Are you sure you didn't planned this Starlight?... Or perhaps the radio is helping you make your move?.. I certainly wouldn't waste the opportunity if I were you~"
You took a pillow from the couch and threw it at them,  distracting them with it while you dashed to your room to avoid the teasing.
But the last sentence that Moon said made you think of it for a second.. what the hell does he mean by that?
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binarystargames · 1 year
Liminal Void: Professions (like Classes but not really). What are we doing here?
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So I'm thinking about what I'm doing with Professions in Liminal Void. A Profession is like...a class, kind of/sort of? It's got a starting skillset (basically a broad Skill category), a little passive ability that differentiates it, a few changes to being able to recover/reload/recharge in combat, and a starting equipment package (which includes an outfit, a capital-T Tool, and two consumables).
Beyond the mechanical aspects, though, there's a few things I've been thinking about. What is the purpose of this, and should I extend it further?
Worker Professions
If you haven't read the free quickstart, I've got 6 in there:
And I'm also going to be adding 6 more:
Demolisher (person who breaks down ships/station walls/etc, has a big portable-wrecking-ball driver)
Doc (tor, making the distinction that this is probably not someone with theoretical so much as practical medical training)
Janitor (it's a janitor, has a self-propelled waterless cleaning device)
Surveyor (person in charge of measurement, has a ranging/highlight-for-targeting laser)
Sysadmin (has a movie-hacker-style device)
Welder (high-temperature specialist)
The idea is that for any given Level 0 scenario, you can pick 6 of these that best fit it (6 for easy randomization) and go, characterizing it in a different way. Your character is a lot more defined by equipment than this stuff, but it'll make a pretty big difference over time.
I'm quite confident in the first 6...some of the last 6 are kind of a stretch or might be too specific. We'll see. I might also add a few more if I come up with 6 more ideas.
Mercenary Professions
Obviously given the easy formulation (skillset, talent, outfit, tool, consumables) I've been looking at swapping "Tool" for "Weapon" conceptually (given the two mechanically work roughly the same way, it's just that weapons are better at offense, use ammo, and have very few uses outside of combat) and creating professions based around more martial (or non-tool-using) things.
Now. I have mixed feelings about this. The big thing I want to avoid is letting this into A Dedicated Combat Game. It's got the ability to do that for sure, but I want that to be opt-in - if a character is set up just to do that from the word go, it's going to slide way more in that direction by implication. If your character's main talent is "do guns better" then, well, guess what they're going to do, probably. I don't really want to set players up to just do that.
On the other hand, though, it's not like taking on mercenary contracts isn't a part of the game, and that can involve hiring help - or if someone dies, maybe that hired help becomes a permanent fixture. (Or even before then, I strongly promote the idea of troupe play for this.) And for that matter, some people just have a more martial outlook on life. Not everyone started their career as a space plumber or whatever, or even if they did, it's not really always the most relevant thing about them, you know?
Right now the compromise I'm thinking is:
Backgrounds that leverage 6/12 of the weapons (basically, not the more situational/"heavy weapon"/"this is basically only for cops" ones). Right now I'm thinking:
Hunter (typically of the bounty kind, has a Revolver)
Infiltrator (sneaky bastard, has a Rail Pistol)
Investigator (private eye/intel, has a Laser Pistol)
Marine (boarding/CQC specialist, has a Shotgun)
Sharpshooter (what it says, has a Rail Rifle)
Soldier ("being in firefights" specialist, has a PDW)
Explicit guidance to not start with these these at Level 0 for characters, except if it makes sense through play. For example in Escape from CICP-1 there are a few corpsec soldiers and raiders that could defect, so if one of them joined the party that could make sense, but everyone starting out is going to have a Worker Profession.
Guidance as to how best to use these when starting at Level 1: basically, make sure that your Background is something that helps them gel with the rest of the party.
Integration in play: describe what kinds of characters you meet and hire with these kinds of backgrounds. Explanation of retraining at Tier too, like if you were an Engineer but you basically only shoot people nowadays maybe that part's not so relevant anymore.
But we'll see. I might just put a bunch of the Talents I was gonna use for those 6 into a list for players to take during advancement.
As usual, I have none other than "I'm gonna try some shit out and hope it works", but I still like making a final header for these writeups so here you go.
Once again, there's a free quickstart for this game if you're interested.
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nagito-kissmaeda · 1 year
Curious: what are your general thoughts on the mainline Danganronpa games (Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair, Ultra Despair Girls, Killing Harmony)? Like which one’s your favorite/least favorite, etc?
Ooh fun!! I do have lots of thoughts. I guess I’ll do them in order of fave to least fave. Under a readmore because I had too much to say
SDR2 - BRILLIANT, absolute pinnacle. I think the main reason sdr2 works so well is that it understands most players will be returning from THH so it ramps the tension up to 11 right from the get go by revealing that everyone has lost memories straight away. Most of the murders are really cool, trial 5 is the best one in the series, obvz. The island setting is nice too, it’s very different from the first game but not in a way that is too jarring. Oh and the cast is the best I think. Obviously I have issues with Hanamura but they have the sense to kill him straight away so no biggie. My only other character issue is that I really wish they did more with Owari, she’s kind of nothing and that’s sad. Also tragic that Saionji didn’t get her character arc :(( OH AN TSUMIKI NEEDS TO NOT FALL OVER SO MUCH THATS STUPID
Komaeda is there and he is the most interesting and coolest character ever. +100000000 points
UDG: okay okay, controversial for me to put it so high I KNOW. It’s got so so so many problems and yet….it compels me. I love Komaru, she is my favourite protag and I always liked Fukawa, so it’s nice to see her sort of come into her own and get to be a bit of a hero. UM THE MUSIC IS THE BEST. I like when it goes YEAH YEAH YEAH. I also actually really like the setting of Towa city? It’s cool to see the effects the tragedy had on the world as a whole, and it’s fun to explore. Gameplay is messy, but I don’t hate it, I have played much worse.
I had a lot of issues with the warriors of Hope in general and do wish they stuck with the initial plan of having the remnants of despair be the boss fights. Sigggghhhhhh, so upset that it was taken from us. That would have been the COOLEST.
Wish the tickle machine wasn’t in it. Wish the pedophile was dead. Wish Kotoko didn’t fall down so much. Wish Fukawa toned it down with the incest jokes.
I need servant carnally.
THH: THE OG MY BELOVED. I have a lot lot lot of nostalgia for this one, it’s very soft to me, I feel like I grew up in hopes peak lol. For serious though, Hopes peak is a cool af setting, it’s such a weird school and the art direction is absolutely stunning. I mentioned in a previous ask that it’s probably a bit too slow going, but it’s fair because this really was the first game of its kind and they have to tell you how to play it.
The reACT mechanic is funny and useless. I am glad they got rid of it, but it makes me laugh when I see it.
I love all the characters, they are like children to me. I even like Yamada, it’s the truth. I think they majority of characters are more toned down in this game, which is to its benefit I would say. Some characters in later games are a Bit Much.
I also like all the motives! They actually make sense??? And it’s the only game where Monokuma doesn’t cheat with a, “kill before arbitrary time limit or everyone dies” which is the worst motive and I hate it.
The Fujisaki problem is very present, unfortunately. I still don’t think they were meaning to be offensive anyway, but ya know. I’m pretty chill with any interpretation, but I usually consider them a transwoman
V3 : Hm. I do not like. The school is very very big and so easy to get lost in, where the first two games feel very distinct and easily navigable. It’s also not much different than Hope’s Peak, which is a little boring.
I want to punt the Monokubs into a volcano. V3 feels even slower and longer than THH and I blame them. They talk so much and so often and it never progresses anything and UGH.
I’m iffy on way more characters. Like I mentioned before they can be a Bit Much. I’m meaning your Tenkos and Mius. They have One thing, and that’s all they do and are, which is uninteresting and ANNOYING. It feels like so many of them have been boiled down to one trait, even characters I like such as Tsumugi and Himiko are like that, but their trait is less loud so it doesn’t annoy me so much.
Motives are stupid and dumb almost always. Hate them. Fucking necronomicon makes me want to chew glass.
The protag switch is cool. I like it, but I miss Kaede every single day.
The ending I do not like. It would be a whole five more paragraphs for me to explain my issues in full, but it sort of betrays it’s own messaging and renders the rest of the game meaningless (at least in my opinion)
Cospox makes me want to die
The music and UI are very good though!!
This was so so so long. I have more Thoughts, but I will save you from them for Now
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I feel like you mentioned a while back that you wanted to get an ask about Malenia?? Well, either way here is an ask about Malenia. Tell me your thoughts on her, oh stupendous cosmic entity!
My Thoughts On Malenia Blade Of Miquella huh?
Well then I guess I should go ahead and say that my fascination with her, Miquella and the Haligtree Faction as a whole all began when I was trying to win her boss fight, needless to say it wasn’t going well even with my build at the time as optimized as I could’ve gotten it. So after Erdtree knows how many deaths I decided to see what info I could dig up about her lore wise which led me down a rabbit hole of proportions so epic it rivaled the one I fell down when I first got into Bloodborne. So after a day and a half of scraping the lore I could find on The Haligtree Faction together and making sure I understood it to the best of my abilities I went back at Malenia, died like forty or fifty more times before finally beating her first phase with enough Flasks to get through her Second phase.
I swear I know what I’m doing.
She is un-ironically one of my favorite soulsborne characters, only barely inched out by Maria Of The Astral Clocktower, and Ludwig The Holy Blade.
Her story is something that I *desperately* want to have expanded on just like Rykard’s (who in my opinion, has a story that’s a bit too cut and dry for a Soulsborne Game) not to mention the relationship she has with her brothers Miquella and Radahn mostly Radahn’s because both of them seem WAY to chill to have a fight that ended with Caelid becoming y’know Caelid. On the other hand Miquella seems a bit too squeaky clean to me for a Soulsborne Game, while I don’t think that the theory that he’s controlling Malenia or Mohg is true I don’t dismiss the fact that he was charismatic enough to not only successfully convince an entire army worth of people to join him but was also a master of Mechanics and Magic and his design overall just reminds me a lot of Grifith, but most blondes with long hair in games do so take that with a grain of salt (Now that I think about it The Haligtree is a lot like Falconia, but I should probably get back on track, this is about Malenia.) 
Her design is extremely interesting to me because of how extremely simplistic and down to earth it is, especially when compared with a lot of the other bosses like Radahn and his gold and embellished armor or Radagon and all the stuff going on with his broken teacup looking ass. Malenia’s dress is mostly brown and white while her arm and legs are surprisingly spartan despite being seemingly made of gold or a gold like substance. And speaking of her arm the shoulder pad thing she has it just does more to enforce that she’s a soldier or that’s what she views herself as. The only thing that goes against the entire motif she has is her helmet which is extremely embellished and covered in decorations like the wings on the side or the engravings on the top which might’ve been a gift from Miquella but that’s just a theory a GAME- *Get’s shot*.
Moving on from her design we have the aspect she’s probably most known for after being notoriously hard.
The Goddamned Scarlet Rot.
Which right off the bat I think is a misnomer, or at the very least isn’t telling us the full story.
I say this because in the real world Rot is something that is vital to life on earth as we know it, it decay’s the deceased matter from animals, plants and other things like them, allowing the nutrients to be returned to the earth after the decomposition is finished. In a lot of way’s the Scarlet Rot follows this process except on an EXTREMELY accelerated pace with some mutagenic properties tossed in, what i’m saying is The Goddess Of Rot that’s sealed away might not be a goddess of Death but a goddess of Rebirth, but aside from some theorizing with some at best shaky evidence it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting anything solid on that front until the DLC sadly.
I only really have two headcanons for her
the first headcanon is Malenia is definitely touch starved for prolonged physical contact, she "Desperately" craves another person's touch, even if it's just shaking someone's hand or being hugged, but unless they hold one of Miquella's needles or a ludicrous amount of bouleses it is forever a sensation reserved for her dreams.
The Second headcannon is that she's the worse person to choose in all of the lands between (Yes i'm including The Loathsome Dung Eater) when it comes to any form of diplomacy, not because she'd much rather fight but because she turns as stiff as a board when talking to any human being outside of Miquella, Loretta, and her cleanrot knights which she considers apart of her extended family.
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