#i guess i wouldn't get up for at least another two hours anyway
a9saga · 2 years
not to be dramatic but [puts the gazette's tokyo shinjuu on the aux]
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thehusbandoden · 11 months
You Flinch During an Argument -Bakugo Katsuki
I finished this yesterday but forced myself to wait to post it due to my one part a day pattern I've had going on.
Anyways~ as I said in Shoto's part, I did make this one a bit angstier, but I hope I didn't stray too far away from the original prompt :'). It's kinda bittersweet lol but I kinda like it.
Angst to fluff/Comfort | Kinda bittersweet~ | 993 words | female reader
Warnings!: arguing, yelling, being scared of your partner, parents arguing (the kids were not present), kids being left at school (not for very long), caps, excuses, self hatred, and insulting themselves (Bakugo). Please let me know if I miss any <33
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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You both had been fighting for at least half an hour, screaming at one another for this and that. It started with Bakugo 'forgetting' to pick up your sons from school, and has now escalated into you screaming at him for not 'caring about this family' and his yelling about how hard he works for your family.
No one was totally to blame, both parties had some points that were right, and some that were wrong. But it should have never reached that point.
Blazing anger filled Bakugo as he stepped towards you, planning on simply getting closer to you to somehow try and make you see his side of things. He didn't mean to forget about picking up his kids, he loves his kids, he was simply engrossed in talking about them to his friends as he gamed, totally forgetting about the time and the fact that they were at school, waiting for someone to pick them up.
In truth, Bakugo felt bad. Really bad. But you wouldn't stop, so he continued, his unwavering pride making it near impossible to simply apologize and leave the argument behind.
Storming towards you, Bakugo stopped dead in his tracks as you flinched from him, eyes holding a certain terror. Wait- did you- did you think he was going to hurt you?!
Apologies and 'are you okay's were caught in Bakugo's throat as he opened his mouth, too terrified to speak.
Y/n.. his y/n was scared..of him. HIs y/n- the person that tore him out of his 'I don't care about anything or anyone' stage. She brought him out of his dark pit of self loathing, hating himself for how weak he was, how he couldn't do anything compared to that idiot Deku. She brought light into his world, she is his light. His first and last love, his wife, his center, his other half, his partner, his reason for life, the mother of his children, his one and only lover, his queen, his everything.
And he scared her.
Screamed at her for something that was his fault.
Treated her so badly that she flinched away from him- terror filling her eyes.
Her gorgeous e/c eyes. The same eyes that his sons had inherited. Now he's brought tears to three sets of those goregous eyes. What a scum bag.
Pain seared through Bakguo as he embraced his y/n, knowing if he left now she would entirely break, thinking that he was giving up on her. On their love. When in reality, he would't be. He would never dream of leaving her, or their beautiful children.
Because no matter how much of an a-hole Bakugo may be, he would never stoop that low. Never. And so he held her, and continued to hold her as she tearfully cussed him out, telling him how much she loved him and how much of an a-hole he was for treating her like that, their kids like that.
He just held her, telling her that he was sorry, that he knew, that he would make it up to her -and their seven year old twins- somehow.
And for now, that was enough. His love, and comfort was enough as you clung to him, insulting him while telling him that you loved his idiotic self in the same sentence, telling him that you loved him too much to not be able to forgive him.
And that if he was serious about making things right, that you would help him.
Because you were Bakugo y/n*. You chose to take his name and become his wife. Bakugo has helped you through so many up and downs, so you would do the same for him. Because he truly loved you, and you truly loved him.
*Japanese last names go in front of the first name to pay respect to the family name, and that's why Kirishima and Bakugo's other classmates call him Bakugo instead of Katsuki -to pay respect to his family name-. So you would be (in Japan anyway) Bakugo y/n (if you choose to take his last name) and strangers/aquaintnesses/not so close friends and co-workers would call you Bakugo instead of y/n. Annd due to me not liking Bakugo a whole lot I call him Bakugo or Baka/Bakuhoe instead of Katuski and call Todoroki and Midoriya, Shoto and Izuku- do you get what I'm saying?? I hope you do <33
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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luveline · 8 months
hi queen 😙
could you please do one where the BAU are staying in another state for a case so they have to stay in a hotel and for some reason hotch has to come see reader in the morning or before bed or something so he knocks on the door of her room and she opens and she’s just standing there with like her hair in two braids and like matching pink pyjamas and hotch just has a little laugh because he’s never seen that side of her before?? 💕💕
this would be like season 1 or 2 hotch :D
cw reader has hair that can be put into two braids
He texts you first but you don't answer. Hotch isn't happy to encroach on your space so early but he can't remember what you said last night about the killer's motivations and he needs to know, desperately, in case this missing piece of the puzzle can stop another young man from being murdered. 
"L/N?" he asks, knocking on the door quickly. "Y/N, are you awake?" 
There's a definite sleeping groan. Hotch winces at the sound but what else can he do? You'll have to wake up in an hour anyway. 
"Y/N? I'm sorry to wake you, but I need to ask you about Cory, last night's victim? You said it seemed more like an arsonist than a murderer, what did you mean by–" 
The door swings open. "...that." Hotch stares at you. 
You have your hair braided away from your face, strands rocked free and frizzy. More amusing is the baby pink pyjamas you're wearing; adorable little slips of fabric, pants that stop mid-calf and a camisole with soft lace at the chest. Hotch immediately looks back to your face as he realises his once over, but he can't hold back a laugh. A small chuckle, harmless. 
"Are you laughing at me?" you ask tiredly, voice croaky but threaded with amusement. "You woke me up, okay? This is your fault. Did you bring me coffee, at least?" 
Hotch puts his empty hands up in defeat. 
"Come in, then, before someone else sees me." 
Hotch follows you inside. He doesn't feel any pressure or awkwardness, but he needs to make sure you aren't either, and so he takes a cross-armed position against the wall. You run your hand down a braid and pull out the elastic, absentminded as you shake out your hair. 
"I said it was more like arson because of the mess. Arsons like to ruin things. And I just don't see how it could be solely pleasure based after such a massacre," —you move to the second braid and repeat the process— "the adrenaline runs out eventually, but the blood was– it was everywhere. It would've taken effort. There are photos on my phone if you want to see." 
You gibe him your phone, open to photographs you took last night. Hotch clicks through them in disgust. Like you said, it takes a lot of effort to make a crime scene look like this. 
"We could be looking for someone with an impulse control disorder," Horch guesses. "Our pool of suspects would completely change. We've been looking for people who have untoward desires centred around teenage boys–" 
"But if we're searching for someone who can't control their impulses we could easily be looking at a teenage boy. He'd have reason to be with his victims that wouldn't cause concern." 
Hotch finds it very difficult to take you seriously in your pinks. He laughs again, and you know exactly what it is he's laughing at, waving him away as you bend down by your suitcase under the desk. "Go sharpen up, Hotchner. And get me a coffee, please." You glance at him from over your shoulder. "I'd like to see you in your pyjamas." 
"I'm sure you would, agent." 
Hotch thinks more than he should about you in your thin pyjamas, the way they hugged your thighs and the naked lengths of your arms, your ankles, he's ridiculous, but it's stuff he's not used to seeing. He's usually so focused. 
He brings you a coffee and an apology croissant, which you eat in pleased silence beside him, fully dressed, hair tamed. He can't not see you as you were that morning, eyes puffy with tiredness but a hundred times the professional he'd been. 
"I can feel you looking at me," you murmur. "Laugh again and I'm telling Gideon." 
"Ah, and he'd reprimand me."  
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" you ask, almost monotone as you drink your coffee. "Do you have the case file for Patrick Gorden? I wanna compare the blood splatter on the walls." 
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stellamancer · 4 months
obligatory (satoru gojo x reader)
notes: haha. the valentine's fic. it's funny i still have to post halloween fic. maybe i'll finish this week since i'm off work. uh anyway, for those who say my posts, i'm kind of hesitant to post this for two reasons: 1) it's removed from context— like you can still get a feel of what is going on, but there's no explanation as for why and 2) due to reason 1 it's tonally different than usual, at least according to my beta reader. my eternal gratitude goes to @momodita who helped me workshop this fic and continues to demand i write more gojo fics despite denying being a gojo fucker.
contains: implied f!reader (no pronouns), the return of gojo's pov (a little less whacky this time lmao), jealous gojo (because those who know me know i can't get enough), light angst or whatever the hell is going on there. additionally, for those who don't know giri choco is chocolate you give out of obligation to your coworkers and honmei choco is chocolate you give to someone you have romantic feelings for. part of the infinite loop verse.
wc: 1.8k
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“Here you go.”
Satoru graciously accepts Shoko’s offering: a thin, delicately wrapped box of Valentine’s Day chocolate. Naturally, it's giri choco; Satoru is well aware that Shoko would be caught dead before even thinking about giving Satoru honmei choco. That said, it looks like she's given more thought to her gift this year— the last few years she's just handed him a gourmet chocolate bar from some high end chocolatier. Actually, the last time she'd given him something wrapped up like this was…
“There better not be any liquor in this,” Satoru says in a petulant tone reminiscent of his high school days.
Shoko merely laughs. “As if I'd waste something like that on you.”
There's no way she’s forgotten how sick Satoru got the one time she did give him liquor filled chocolates. Not only had it made him sick to his stomach, it'd given him the worst headache of his entire life. If it were up to Satoru, liquor filled chocolates wouldn't even exist. “Welllll, thanks for the chocolate. I'll be sure to get you something good next month.”
Shoko gives him a relaxed smile. “Looking forward to it, Gojo.”
Knowing Shoko, she'll want liquor as usual. Maybe the same bottle of shochu that he got last year? She liked that, but then again, the same gift twice would be boring and Satoru is not about that. Whatever it is will be a little pricey, but Satoru doesn't mind it one bit— anything for one of his oldest friends.
Having given Satoru her yearly offering of chocolate, Shoko shoos him away so she can actually get to work. Satoru considers ambling around for another hour or two, but Ijichi will probably have a heart attack if he delays his mission briefing any longer. The sooner he does it the better, he guesses. Satoru starts sauntering toward the assistant managers’ office to find Ijichi, pulling at the ribbon on the box he received from Shoko as he goes. Inside are two rows of perfectly round chocolate truffles and Satoru picks one at random and pops it into his mouth. It's filled with a sweet raspberry cream that practically melts on his tongue. Shoko really went all out this year, but no matter how good these are they'd never match up to anything homemade.
Though, when he thinks about it, Satoru supposes he won't be getting anything like that this year.
When he gets to the assistant managers’ office he easily finds Ijichi, who, for once, is not bent over a mountain of paperwork, and with him is—
Handing Ijichi a box of chocolates.
For some reason, Satoru suddenly feels very, very annoyed.
“Well, well, well,” he says, the volume of his voice louder than intended, but he doesn't care. “What do we have here?”
Ijichi whirls around and lets out a squeak, his face red as can be. He starts to blubber and it almost feels like Satoru's caught him in the middle of something more illicit than receiving chocolates. If Satoru weren't feeling so annoyed, he'd find the whole sight rather funny.
You, on the other hand, are far calmer, indifferent even, as a slight frown mars your features. Something about it makes Satoru's blood burn hot.
“Did I just interrupt a heartfelt love confession?” Satoru asks dryly and Ijichi starts to freak out even more, and while Satoru notices the slightest twitch of your eye, you remain impassive.
“I hope you like the chocolates,” you tell Ijichi, outright ignoring Satoru and somehow that makes Satoru's blood run even hotter. “I kept in mind what you said about last year's so they're not as sweet.”
“Thank you!” Ijichi squeals and you give the man a sympathetic smile before you head toward the door where Satoru's standing. He knows he's blocking the way, but he doesn't move.
Will you say something to him?
You don't.
Instead, you keep your head down and squeeze past him. Or try to. You brush against his side and Satoru doesn't miss the way your body jolts when you make physical contact with him. But it only lasts a second, and when that second ends, Satoru tries to ignore the feeling of bitterness rapidly spreading throughout his chest.
He means to say something, anything to you, but the words get caught in his throat.
By the time they free themselves, you're already gone.
Satoru sighs and saunters over to Ijichi, who's been taking deep breaths to calm down after Satoru's little bout of teasing. He leans against one of the desks and crosses his arms. “So, you had a mission for me?”
“Right! Yes!” Ijichi squeaks again and takes a deep breath before he starts to explain. Satoru only half listens to the briefing, his attention more focused on the little box sitting on Ijichi’s desk. The mere sight of it spurs a complicated set of feelings. He doesn't understand. You've been giving Ijichi chocolates every Valentine's ever since you moved to Tokyo and it's never bothered him before so why now?
“Um, Gojo?”
“What?” Satoru almost snaps.
Ijichi doesn't answer right away, instead he clears his throat and then says. “It's giri choco.”
Satoru scowls. Of course it is. It's not like you'd give Ijichi honmei choco. You don't see him like that. “I know that.”
Ijichi swallows thickly. Nervously. “Just making sure.”
Then he falls silent, the air between them now terribly awkward.
“...do you want some?” Ijichi asks.
“It's your chocolate.”
“I don't mind sharing,” Ijichi says, reaching over and opening the box to reveal your homemade chocolates. They're nowhere near as perfectly round as the ones Shoko bought for Satoru, but he can tell you put effort into making sure they looked presentable. “Help yourself.”
Even Satoru isn't terrible enough to steal an entire box of chocolates meant for another man, but he does grab the nicest looking one and tosses it into his mouth.
It's bitter; a mix of dark chocolate and black coffee that's not only completely unpalatable to Satoru, but disturbingly reminiscent of the bitter feeling that's now threatening to eat him whole. He almost wants to spit it out.
But he doesn't.
Satoru swallows it all.
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The mission is uneventful, absurdly easy even, though Satoru took a little longer than he needed to by toying with the curses a little prior to exorcising them. Some would consider it a touch cruel, but Satoru doesn't care. Anything to rid himself of that pesky feeling from earlier.
If it were up to him, he would have headed straight home afterwards, but Yaga had asked him to come back and do some paperwork. Satoru had tried to reason with him, tell him he'd just do it tomorrow but the principal was insistent.
Satoru trudges to his office and throws open the door. Inside, someone lets out a surprised yelp.
It’s you.
Both you and Satoru stare at each other in surprise. Given that you've been avoiding both him and this entire corridor like the plague for the past two months, you're the last person he’d expect to find in his office, hovering over his desk. And yet…
You look away from Satoru, your expression awkward. This isn't like your encounter in the assistant manager's office earlier; you can't just walk out of his office without an explanation of why you're there.
Well, you can try, but it's not like Satoru will let you.
“Weren’t you supposed to be out on an assignment?” you finally ask. Satoru thinks you mean to sound annoyed, but your tone is watered down.
“I was, but it was so easy I could have done it blindfolded.”
Normally, you'd just roll your eyes or snap back about how he's a show off or his jokes are shit, but you remain quiet. He shouldn't be surprised, but it still makes him feel weird. Almost sad. Almost empty.
“Principal Yaga asked me to leave some paperwork on your desk,” you say, sounding uncharacteristically meek.
Satoru frowns a little. Yaga, huh? He never pegged him as a meddler. Satoru approaches the desk to look at the paperwork in question; he grimaces— it's a whole freaking stack.
You start to shuffle away from Satoru and toward the door as Satoru flips through all the papers. “Anyway, if you'll excuse me—”
“Wait a sec.” Satoru says and you glance back at him in confusion. There's something peeking out from under the stack of papers. Satoru gingerly fishes it out, revealing a familiar looking box. He holds it up and adds, “Did you leave this too?”
A myriad of varying emotions flashes across your face before you settle on an awkward sort of embarrassment. “I… did.”
It's weird. Satoru didn't expect you to be so straightforward given that under normal circumstances you always choose to be as obstinate as possible. Which Satoru doesn't mind in the slightest; it makes things exciting. There are few things more fun than prying the truth out of you with whatever means necessary. Answering him so readily like this… almost feels wrong.
“I accidentally made too much,” you explain.
Satoru stares at you. It’s not an excuse, not a lie. Honestly, adjusting the amounts to account for one less person probably slipped your mind until it was too late. You could have done anything with the extra chocolate, given more to each person, eaten it yourself, but instead…
You still chose to give it to him.
Satoru tries to ignore the strange feeling stirring in his chest.
“Anyway, eat it if you want, toss it if you don’t,” you add, almost hurriedly as you move closer to the door. You give a quick bow to excuse yourself and before Satoru can say anything else, you run off.
His eyes remain glued to the empty doorway where you were just standing for a second before looking back at the box of chocolates you left for him. Carefully, he unties the ribbon and pulls off the lid. Just like Ijichi’s chocolates, the ones in his box aren’t perfect, but something about them looks nicer than the ones Ijichi got. Satoru wonders if you consciously put in a little more effort when you’d realized you had extra. The thought makes him chuckle a little.
He delicately plucks one from the box and pops it into his mouth. It’s sweet, infused with a hint of strawberry and vanilla that makes Satoru crave even more. As soon as he’s done with the first he shoves another into his mouth, and then another. With each chocolate he eats, the painful feeling in his chest grows, but he ignores it.
Before he knows it, the chocolates are all gone. Satoru licks his lips, hoping for one last taste of that strawberry vanilla sweetness only to find nothing. All he has left is the empty box and an aching heart.
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if you read this whole thing, thank you and i hope you enjoyed it.
also yes, shoko got chocolates (tomo choco) too. they were similar to ijichi's, but with liquor instead of coffee.
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nymphie66 · 8 months
"God Bless America"
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Part Two
Part Three
Author's notes: This is my first fic on this blog, so wish me luck.
Soldier boy x f!reader; Warnings: Dark fic, we're ignoring the roe v wade turnover, mentions of abortion, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating.
Description: You fall pregnant with your team member (boyfriend) Soldier Boy's baby. He's obsessed with you and would love nothing more than to lock you down in a suburban home. Unfortunately, you're a modern woman and fed up of his whoring ways - and a supe at that. So instead of panicking when that test comes back positive you decide to remind Ben of what freedom America has granted you
Five times he had called you, and five times you had hung up on him. The wind was blowing in your hair as you drove down the highway, pop tunes blasting as you sang your wretched little heart out to them. You drove a classic open-top chevy, something that only Vought money could buy, the only upside to them exploiting your powers. The positive pregnancy test was stuffed in your bag, and you smiled as you remembered taking a picture of it and sending it off. It had been 36 hours since you went MIA, though Vought didn't really care, they knew a certain someone would sort you out.
That certain someone was desperately trying to get ahold of you, after receiving the picture of your positive pregnancy test and the words "guess you'll have to break it to your whores that you are more fertile than you think"
The other women meant nothing, Ben had assured you, simple blips in his dedication to you. You understood, to begin with, that he was a man with a large appetite, and you didn't mind. Your relationship had blossomed on this mutual understanding, that each had insatiable desires that sometimes required external satisfiers. That was until a few months in when Ben had restricted that understanding. Asked you to be his and only his. Which you complied with, as long as he did the same. And he did- or at least he swore he did. And you believed him, because who wouldn't believe America's golden boy?
You were happy, genuinely happy. Lost in the belief of love and adoration until you called Ben's hotel room and another woman picked up. Though after her voice all you could hear was your beloved's harsh scolding of her for picking up and the sound of a body flying across the room. That's when you knew, when the belief broke, and to think you had the test right there in your hands, that you were daresay excited over your next chapter with him.
He had always told you, how good you would look with his baby, how nobody else was worthy of carrying his child. You used protection, even if he didn't and were never worried that his lustful promises would come true. But then they did, nothing is perfect after all.
You threw the phone across the room, your abilities causing it to smash through the bedroom wall and then the next one. A heart once filled with joy and love suddenly soured into hate and revenge.
That's when you sent the picture and the message, and quickly hopped into your car, speeding down the highway, screaming to whatever heartbreak anthem was playing, your phone incessantly ringing.
Eventually, after perhaps the tenth ring, you decided to pick up, and in a sickly sweet - yet slightly psychotic, voice you answered him.
"Hello, Ben, Honey, whatever is the matter?'
"Are you fucking out of your mind woman!? Why the hell weren't you picking up!?" He was pissed off and that only widened your smile.
"So sorry honey, I was just preoccupied, you know its not safe to use a phone whilst driving."
"Well you better be driving your ass over here, we have much to fucking talk about."
"I would hate to third wheel though, I mean it wouldn't be fair to- ha! do you even know her name?" There was a silence which confirmed your suspicions, at least he had maintained that they meant nothing to him. "Anyway, I have to go I'm almost at the clinic."
"Clinic? You're going to get a scan? I want to be there I want to-"
"A scan?" You laughed cruelly, eyes on the road as you overtook various civilians. "No, no Ben, I'm getting an abortion, honey."
"The fuck you are that is my child-"
"And my body! Isn't it amazing what women can do in the modern age? As much as you can whore out your body to any woman with a pulse, I can get mine sorted out by a lovely doctor with a warm smile." You wish you could be there to see his face, as his world crashed down around him just as yours had moments ago. You knew how badly he wanted a child, how badly he wanted a child with you, and you could take that all away from him. "Just a simple procedure and our chemical mishap can be erased. God bless America."
"If you even fucking step foot in that goddamn clinic I will make you regret the moment you ever even fucking spoke those fucking words to me." Ben threatened down the phone and you felt a chill go down your spine, he was more serious than you were. But the enjoyment you got from tormenting him, from hurting him like he had hurt you outweighed any form of sense and you decided to take it a step further.
"Ben you're so right. I won't step foot into a clinic I swear." You put an extra essence of dumb innocence into your words that continued into your next sentence, ignorant of Ben's sigh of relief over the phone. "I'll just go to another man's bed - a real man's, and have him fuck that baby out of me.``
You heard a crushing noise before the line went dead, and you laughed happily. In reality, you had no idea what you were going to do with the foetus, but you knew that first, you had to get a check on your health. Who knew what you and Ben had created, hopefully, nothing like homelander but you wanted to check. Which was what brought you to a nondescript hospital, in an average town, and checked in under the boring cover name Vought had given you for such a scenario - that of needing medical attention whilst laying low.
The lovely doctor with the predicted warm smile told you everything was fine and that you were 12 weeks along, close out of the danger zone but not too far gone that certain options were ruled out. You could do whatever you wanted.
You thanked her and as you gathered your belongings, you couldn't help but put a hand to your abdomen. The thought of life inside you wasn't as repulsive as previously thought, in fact, the more you thought about it the more you assured yourself that you could handle a baby, Ben's involvement or not. You were going to keep the child - but he didn't know that.
Which is why when you left the hospital, you felt a sudden arm around your waist and cuffs placed on your wrists - power subduing ones, and you were quickly shoved into the back of the van. The encounter lasting no more than 20 seconds.
When you managed to look up at your assailant you weren't surprised to see him, Ben. His hair was ragged, his suit had evidently been hastily put on and his eyes were wild. It was one of the few times you actually found yourself scared of him.
You scampered to the back of the van, until your back hit its cool metal walls and there was nowhere else to go. Ben chuckled, darkly as he approached you, a lopsided grin on his face.
"I knew you wouldn't baby, I knew it." He said though it was more reassurance to himself than anything. You looked up at him with a fury, unwilling to submit to his arrogance.
"I still can Ben-" Your words were quickly cut off by his gloved grip around your neck as he hoisted you upwards towards him. You choked and pried at his hand, but it was no use. He was much, much stronger than you.
"It's cute that you think you have the privilege of free will in this situation." He laughed and he relaxed his grip on your neck, not enough for you to be comfortable but enough that his grip would still leave a mark. He jerked you closer towards him, your foreheads resting against each other. "I know I've been bad, baby, I do. And I'm sorry - you hear that? I'm fucking sorry. But I'm here now. Here for you, and for them."
With that, he placed his free hand on your stomach and looked down as he did it. A genuine smile on his face. You continued to struggle but you really were no match for him, not when you were like this. He looked at you and you tried not to recoil at his evident pride and satisfaction that he had you, right where he wanted you.
"We're going to have a happy family, baby. Just you wait."
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
my lover ― carlos sainz
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note, this is my first f1 piece, so what better way to join the f1 community on here than to write about my bestie bf mr. smooth operator. anyways, i'm mixing my two loves, taylor swift and f1 together for this. also, i made my first twitter edit and i had fun, so expect more coming soon. another note, i haven't been to the eras tour yet (seeing ms. swift in august :)), so this might be inaccurate. i don't want to watch videos because i see tons of tiktok and i want to least be a little surprised, so this is how i imagine it going :) summary, carlos and y/n go to a taylor swift concert where he has some tricks up his sleeve. warnings, mentions of sc**ter br*un (*barf emoji) word count, 643 words (a shorty but a goodie)
with races happening so frequently, you were worried you wouldn't be able to see taylor swift, but carlos made time. he cleared his schedule for 48 hours so you two could enjoy yourselves.
"carlos," you passed, your eyes widening as you took in the stage you had only seen in pictures.
carlos couldn't help but smile as he watched you take everything in. you had worked hard to get the tickets for the show and he was just happy to tag along and be your photographer and videographer for the night.
you were wearing a replica of one of her outfits while carlos wore a basic black shirt with a scooter on it but it was crossed out. when you first showed him, he was confused.
"why don't we like scooters?" he asked. you laughed and explained the story of scooter.
"carlos sainz?" you heard a couple of fans gasp as they noticed who was sitting next to them.
carlos smiled, giving them his full attention as she talked to him, then posed for pictures, "hey, can i ask you for a favor?" he stopped them before they went back to their conversation.
"of course!" the girls were freaking out. carlos sainz was talking to them!
"during lover," they knew automatically what his question was and they both melted, "i was planning on proposing to y/n." he whispered, glancing back at you, but you were already deep in conversation with the girls next to you and trading your friendship bracelets.
"do you think you could record it?"
"of course! oh, my gosh!" they gasped and carlos chuckled, "early congratulations."
"well, she hasn't said yes yet." he scratched the back of his neck.
"she will." the girl nodded.
carlos thanked them again before turning back to you. your arms were now covered in beaded friendship bracelets and he was confused about how it had happened.
"how did that happen?'
"well, i'm just very popular i guess." you shrugged, "look, this one's my favorite." you showed him your favorite one.
"beautiful, amor." he beamed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and kissing your head.
as the clock ticked down, you had gravitated from your seat up into a standing position. once the clock was at 0, you were screaming with everyone else.
lover was the first album of the songs she sang in the setlist, so the girls sitting next to you were ready to record the second lover started.
carlos could feel his heartbeat begin to pick up as the first notes of lover started. he felt around his pocket for the ring box and let out a breath when he found it.
"you okay?" you asked, glancing from him then back to the stage, afraid to miss anything.
"yeah." he nodded, swallowing hard for a second before looking you in the eyes, "i love you."
"i love you, too." you smiled.
"and i don't want to say much because this love explains everything i feel for you. i would love to do life with you and i hope you say "yes" to the question i'm about to ask." he pulled the ring out of pocket and the girls filming squealed, garnering the attention of everyone around you and they all whipped out this phones and squealed.
"will you marry me?" he asked, bending down and opening the box.
you covered your mouth in shock as your brain tried to catch up to what was going on in front of you, "carlos, oh, my god, yes! of course!" you bent down and cupped his face, kissing him.
everyone around your squealed, jumping up and down excitedly. he pulled away and slid the ring onto your finger, "you big romantic." you gasped, punching him jokingly in the shoulder.
"only for you." he kissed you again, hugging you as taylor continued to serenade you with music.
+ this :)
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damon-loves-pie · 1 year
“Thank You For Still Playing.”
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader.
Word count: About 3,300 words
Warnings: 18+, setting is mostly at a bar and all that goes with it, emotional talks about family, implied abuse but nothing descriptive, Enemies to lovers implied, fake relationship. (I think that is all. Please let me know if I missed something.) 
Summary:  Robin wants a fun night out and drags reader to Eddie’s show at the hideout even though Eddie and reader don’t always gets along. Steve meets someone who is insecure about reader and he states reader is dating the lead singer of the band, Eddie Munson, Not expecting the musician to join them. After talking both of them realize all their anger stemmed from something that happened in middle school. 
Author’s note: I am going to be completely honest, I didn’t plan for this story to end up like this. I had a whole different ending in mind but decided to go a different route halfway through. But I am actually super happy with how it turned out! 
I hope you enjoy as much I did writing it! 
Writing Masterlist
"Come on (Y/N), it would be fun and you like that kind of music anyway." Robin begs while I'm stocking the romance section, looking like she's thinking about getting on her hands and knees.
She had been asking me all week to go out with her this weekend.  
"Why would I want to go see Eddie Munson's band play at some shitty little bar?" I ask her, glancing up from the pile of tapes in my hand with an eyebrow raised.
"Because the drinks are cheap?" She shrugs sheepishly making me roll my eyes in response since the drinks at my house are cheap too.
Feeling defeated Robin moves and leans against the rack I was working on.
"Come on, please. I just need a fun night." Robin pleads, as I shake my head in rejection to her invite.
"Aren't you going with Steve? He's fun sometimes." I shrug, placing the last tape onto the shelf.
"Yes, but he's Steve and I need someone who's actually fun and won't leave me to talk to girls." She explains motioning over to the register where he was flirting with another customer yet again. Sighing I turn back towards her, desperation screaming in her eyes.
I guess I could deal with being around Eddie Munson for a few hours.
"Okay, I'll-
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! You don't understand how bad I need this." She thanks excitedly, clapping her hands together tightly.
"Only, and I mean only if you buy me at least one drink every hour we are there." I finish, pulling away from the rack.
"Anything you want, it's on me. I promise. We're going tomorrow since Becky and Keith are closing." Robin tells me, still smiling as we start to walk up to the register.
"And Steve here will be picking us up at eight." Robin continues, placing her hands on the counter.
"You actually got miss stick in her ass to agree to going?" Steve jokes, leaning towards us as I huff.
"I do not have a stick in my ass!"
"You do when it comes to Eddie." Robin admits as my mouth drops more.
"Thank you!" Steve says to her lifting his hand up.
"I do not have a stick in my ass when it comes to Eddie. He's just a dick to me for god knows what reason and I'm not going to force myself to be in situations with him on purpose." I say defensively seeing Steve rolls his eyes at me.
"I think you two just need to fuck out your problems if I'm being honest." He mumbles under his breath.
"As if that would ever happen." I grimace leaning onto my elbows, shaking my head.
"Wouldn't be the strangest thing to happen after everything." Robin reminds me as a customer walks in,  taking us back into the reality of our job the rest of the night.
It was leaning close to eight and I still wasn't ready to go.
If I'm being honest, I don't know what to wear tonight. Robin wants a fun time so do I dress up for that? Or do I dress down so Eddie didn't think I was dressing up see them play like some groupie?
Normally I wouldn't care what someone would think about what I wear and when but I already wasn't wanting to spend my night off at the local dive bar and didn't know what tonight actually had in store.
Settling on a short plaid skirt and plain black top I decided this would have to do tonight, slipping on a pair of fishnets and boots with it.  
It was not too much, but not too casual either which was perfect for what I was going for.
Steve and Robin arrived right on the dot, excited to go out for a change.
The bar was pretty full already as we arrived with it being a Friday night, the people of the town wanting to head out for a good time.
"Want a drink?" Robin asks us as we make our way to the bar.
"I need a drink." I laugh, eyes focusing on the crowd as I scanned threw.
Adverting my eyes to the stage I see Mr. Munson already staring with a smirk playing on his lips as we make eye contact.
"Oh god." I breathe, turning around quickly towards the bar.
"What?" Steve asks confused, turning around to see Eddie walking towards us.
"Hey, you guys made it to a show." Eddie smiles giving Steve and Robin a side hug while I tried to not look at them, tapping my fingers lightly on the counter.
"Well I wanted a night out and figured I could support a friend, a local business, and have a fun night all in one." Robin tells him, taking a seat onto one of the stools.
"Mmh, funny to see you here (Y/L/N)." He says directly to me,  leaning against the counter next to me.  
Adverting my gaze to his cocky brown eyes, I see the bartender approaching from the corner of my eye.
"You have Robin to thank for that." I say coldly to him before turning towards the pretty brunette who making small talk with Robin and Steve.
"Wouldn't dare to think you came here on your own will." He chuckles, leaning in closer to get her attention.
Tapping the counter he leans back,
"Lane, put these three's first round on my tab." He asks, backing away from the counter.
"These are my friends- well most of them." He finishes, sending me a wink as he goes to head back on stage.
"God he's such a dick." I tell them as I sip on straw.
"You took the free drink he bought you though." Steve reminds me as I knock my shoulder lightly against his.
"I would take a free drink from almost anyone." I argue as Robin laughs.
"Girls man." Steve shakes his head, spinning the stool to face the counter.
Giggling with Robin, I turn around to face the counter with him.
"Steve babe." I ask as he raises an eyebrow suspiciously.
"What do you want?" He asks.
"Since you're already probably going to be spending some money buying girls who have no interest in getting laid tonight drinks, - why don't you start with buying a round of shots for the two you know are going home with you?" I ask nicely, batting my eyelashes.
Steve goes to speak but looks defeated waving Lane over.
"To tonight." Steve says, holding up his drink.
"To tonight!" Me and Robin cheers, clinking ours with Steve's.
3 shots in and a mixed drink, I was starting to feel really good. The anxiety about tonight faded away as I realized I started swaying to the sound of Eddie's voice.
"You know, their band actually isn't terrible. I think I would be okay coming again." I tell the two as they nod.
"From what I heard before we got too far away in the upside down, he was great." Steve agrees.
"They are starting to get more recognition, they've been playing weekend shows the past month because more people keep requesting them." Robin tells us, leaning in so we could hear.
Nodding, I take a sip of my drink seeing Robin tapping her foot to the beat of the music.
"Want to go dance in the front?" I ask as she smiles, clearly surprised as I stand up.
"You wanted a fun night right?" I tell her, grabbing her hand.
Turning towards Steve, I laugh.
"Consider the stick removed for the night." I joke, waving him off as we go to move to the front of the stage.
Standing below the stage I started to sway my hips, holding hands with Robin as we cheered with the rest of the crowd.
Sending us a quick wink Eddie continued singing, the vein in his neck sticking out as he belted out the lyrics.
He actually looked kind of hot like this, his bangs sticking to his forehead as his fingers moved skillfully up and down the neck of his guitar, the other hand plucking at the strings.
If he wasn't such a dick, he would of looked fuckable.
Shaking the feeling off I turned towards Robin, waving our arms up in the air with the crowd.
After getting refills we found a table since the bar was full, taking a seat as Steve came up quickly, bending over to whisper at me and Robin.
"I don't have time to explain but I may have to find you guys other rides home and (Y/N) the girl walking up thinks you're dating a member of the band because she was worried about you." Steve scrambles to get out as we're approached by a blonde in a red dress before I could even question why he would say that.
"Erin! These are my friends and coworkers, (Y/N) and Robin. The one's I told you about." Steve smiles as she waves.
We all exchange introductions while she took a seat, smiling as we all discussed how the night was going.
"Did you guys enjoy the show?" Eddie asks walking up to our table as Erin's eyes grew.
"This is your boyfriend right?" She asks me causing my mouth to fall open.  
Eddie chuckles nervously, eyes roaming the girl as he see's Harrington's hand on her knee.
"Steve, why would you tell her that?" I ask him sternly as Erin looked confused between us.
Steve turned pale stuttering when Eddie wraps an arm around my shoulder before taking a seat next to me.  
"It's okay sweetheart, there's no reason to keep it a secret anymore. It's not Steve's fault." He plays as Erin smiles.
I look at Eddie who motions his eyes to Steve.
"Right." I agree knowing I should help my friend, turning towards the couple.
"It's just we thought it would be better to keep our relationship private for the sake of the band's fans." Eddie explains to Erin.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I shouldn't of told her. How about I go get a round for all of us to apologize?" Steve asks standing up.
"I'll help you." I tell him, removing Eddie's arm off of me.
We smile to the others before heading over to the bar.
"Steve why would you do that to me!" I whisper yell at him, smacking his arm slightly.
"I'm sorry, Erin thought you were my type and wondered if there was anything between us. I panicked and that was the first thing that came to my mind." He explains.
"God you are so lucky I love you." I groan.
"I'll cover any two nights you want at work." He offers as I glare at him.
"Four." I argue.
"Three." He retaliates as I sigh knowing it wasn't getting any better than that. He had gotten used to arguing with the kids.
"Deal." I tell him as he orders the drinks.
"So (Y/N), Eddie here says you play the guitar as well?" Erin asks as we arrive back at the table.
"Yeah actually I do." I tell her as Eddie scoots closer to me.
"She beat me in our middle school talent show with her skills." Eddie informs her as I glance over at him.
"Oh yeah, I remember you won that year." Robin snaps pulling my attention towards her.
"Was a lot for a young boy to take." Eddie laughs, nudging his shoulder with mine.
"You two look like you work great together." Erin awes at us.
"Yeah, I look up to the relationship these two have. Hoping one day I'll be as happy as they are." Steve agrees as I shoot daggers at him.
Gareth walks up tapping Eddie on the shoulder, giving us a confused look as Steve pleads with his eyes, worried his cover was about to be blown.
Gareth shakes his head, not even wanting to know what was going on with Eddie now as he goes to speak.
"Hey man, the van is loaded up but I'm going to go ahead and head home in a little while." He tells him.
"Could I catch a ride with you actually?" Robin asks standing up nervously.
"Wait how am I going to get home?" I ask her, holding her arm.
"Why can't Eddie take you since he's your boyfriend?" Erin asks confused.
"Boyfriend?" Gareth asks turning towards us.
"Yeah boyfriend Gareth. It's alright, we're telling people now since Steve spilled the beans. The band's fans will be fine." Eddie tells him winking as Gareth catches on that it's Harrington's fault.
"Oh, okay well that's good to know. And yeah Robin I'll give you a ride, come on." He motions towards the exit.
"Yeah we should probably get going too sweetheart." Eddie asks, connecting his hand with mine.
"We should shouldn't we?" I agree, wanting to get out of this situation as fast as possible.
"It was great meeting you Erin, and I hope we get to spend some time together soon." I smile, standing up.
"That would be great! Maybe we all could go on a double date sometime!" She suggests.
"That would be great! Steve we can talk about it Monday at work." I tell him, grabbing Eddie.
"Hope you two enjoy the rest of your night and thank you for coming to the show." He smiles, bowing slightly as I grab his hand to lead him outside.
"God I'm going to kill Steve." I groan as the cool night air hits my face.
"Come on it wasn't that bad." Eddie chuckles, motioning his pack of cigarettes towards me.
"Yeah, I'll take one." I sigh, grabbing the pack and lighter from him.
"Guessing I need to take you home?" He asks leading me towards his van.
"Yeah," I sigh stopping as he goes to walk to the drivers seat.
"Wait, fuck." I curse, pulling on my hair.
"What is it?" Eddie asks, walking back towards me.
"I can't go home tonight. I was supposed to crash at Steve's." I tell him, throwing my hands into the air.
"God I am going to kill him." I say taking a drag, Eddie sits there quietly smoking his cigarette before he scratches the back of his head.
"Look, I know it's not ideal. But if you're going to get in trouble going home, you could just crash at my place. I'll sleep on the floor, it's not a big deal." He offers. Inhaling, I look at him.
"You would really be okay with that?" I ask him.
"I mean yeah, I wouldn't want you to get hurt or something." Eddie shrugs.
"What do you mean get hurt?" I raise an eyebrow as he blows out smoke.
"Look (Y/N), it's a small town. Everyone knows how your dad is." He says quietly as I go to turn around, not feeling like being judged.
"(Y/N), I didn't mean anything bad about it. Hell my father was the same way." Eddie tells me, grabbing my hand.
"I'll just wait 10 minutes and call Robin and ask if I can crash there." I tell him.
"Come on, you know Buckley is going to be passed out as soon as she see's her bed. She's such a lightweight." He reminds me as I sigh.
"God, you're right." I agree, moving side to side on the heels of my feet.
"I'll stay the night with you I guess." I tell him as he leads me to the passenger side, opening the door for me.
"Don't worry about getting in trouble here, Wayne won't care and he's at work tonight anyway." Eddie says letting me into the trailer.
"My bedroom is back here." He motions as I follow him through the kitchen and down the hall.
His bedroom seemed to fit him as he hung up his guitar.
It was defiantly messy, meaning he probably didn't expect anyone to come back with him.
Clothes were thrown around the floor, mello-yello bottles littered across the stand and dresser.
Posters and handcuffs on the wall? My eyes widen as he notices my gaze.
"Oh uh, one of Hopper's stupid deputies tried arresting me for a joint my junior year but I managed to get away from him." He chuckles, playing with his rings.
"It was officer Callahan wasn't it?" I laugh, raising a brow at him.
"Yeah, it was." He tells me, smiling as he headed towards his dresser.
"He totally sucks." I smile.
I watched quietly while he rummaged through his drawers pulling out a worn out Metallica shirt and some boxers.
"Here, I know that your clothes couldn't possibly be comfortable to sleep in no matter how much you had to drink. The bathroom is the next room over." Eddie says handing me the clothes.
"Thank you." I mutter going to change.
When I come back the room looks cleaner and Eddie himself was in an old t-shirt and boxers as well.
"Like I said you can have the bed and I'll lay here." He motions towards the partially made bed.
I crawl in being ingulfed by the smell of old spice, weed, and cigarettes, realizing that's what I smelled when Eddie wrapped his arm around me.
"Goodnight, Eddie." I say as he turns off the light.
"Goodnight." He tells me.
I close my eyes waiting for sleep to take over hearing Eddie rustle below me.
This goes on for about 30 minutes till I speak up.
"Eddie, you can just lay up here with me if you want. I know it has to be uncomfortable down there." I sigh.
"Are you sure?" He asks as I hum in response.
I hear movement as he places his pillows onto the bed before crawling on.
We both lay there quietly in the dark.
"Are you awake?" Eddie asks, turning his whole body towards me.
"Yeah, I'm awake." I tell him, looking over.
"I couldn't stand you in middle school." He admits to me.
"In middle school? I thought you couldn't stand me now?" I ask, turning towards him.
"I was so angry a girl as pretty as you, could sing and play the guitar better than me." He laughs as I smile slightly.
"So that's why you don't like me? Because I won our middle school talent show?" I question.
"To be honest, I think it's because I knew you wouldn't have noticed me back then. I didn't have much, my hair was buzzed and I constantly wore hand me downs my uncle found at the thrift store since my dad had just been arrested. So it was easier to act like I didn't like you." Eddie says to me.
"But we aren't in 8th grade anymore? Why do you still give me attitude ninety percent of the time." I ask him.
"Sometimes when I'm on that stage I think about how it felt to not win when that's all I had to be excited for at the moment and I'm realizing it wasn't your fault especially since you went through your own hard times. " He sighs, before continuing.
"I just want to say I'm sorry, and that I've actually always thought you were pretty awesome." Eddie finishes.
"Can I tell you something?" I ask him.
"Hm?" He questions.
"You were never invisible to me, even back then. Plus no matter how mean you've been, I've always thought you were pretty awesome too." I admit, moving closer to him.
Tension started to build as we sat there.
"Can I kiss you?" Eddie barely whispers.
"Please." I smile, feeling his hands wrap around to pull me closer as I grip his shirt slightly.
Eddie's breath lingered on my lips before he softly pressed his against mine, my hand resting on his chest.
The kiss was soft and tender, pulling emotion from the conversation that just happened while we let ourselves go into the kiss.
"Thank you for coming tonight." He thanks, pulling away.
"Thank you for still playing." I tell him.
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chimachapterbooks · 3 months
In the Lair of Lavertus
“I can't sleep," said Cragger.
Laval rolled over on his sleep mat and peered at the Crocodile through half-closed eyes. "Do what you always do. Count swamp sheep."
"Tried that," said Cragger. "I also tried singing Crocodile lullabies to myself."
"Crocodiles have lullabies?" Laval asked.
"Sure," said Cragger. "They're mostly about what we're going to eat the next day."
"That sounds.. relaxing, I guess," said Laval. "So why can't you sleep?"
"I don't think I like this place," answered Cragger. "Or maybe I just don't trust our host."
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Laval, Cragger, and their friends were on a quest to free the Legend Beasts and restore the flow of CHI from Mount Cavora. On their journey through the mysterious Outlands they had encountered Lavertus, a very odd Lion who lived in a fortress he called his "Lair." He had offered the team to stay there and use it as a base, as long as they didn't go wandering around after dark.
Cragger got to his feet. "I'm going to take a look around. I think this Lion is up to something."
"None of us should go wandering," Laval warned. “Lavertus told us it isn't safe, and that, at least, I believe…”
"I know, I know, Lions love following rules," Cragger said, heading for the door. "Well, Crocs make their own." Laval went after him. "And we all remember what happened because of that. Sometimes, I think you break rules just for the sake of breaking them. Fine—if you're going, l'm going with you."
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"Why?" Cragger asked.
"To make sure you don't mess things up ... again," said Laval.
"Come on, we're on the same side now. You can trust me." Cragger flashed a toothy grin before turning away.
"I used to," muttered Laval, following after him.
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It was easy to see that Lavertus's home was designed to make sure any stranger would rapidly get lost inside.
Hallways looped around on themselves, doors led to solid walls, and staircases that went up somehow managed to leave you on a lower floor.
"Ive never seen anything like this," whispered Cragger.
"I wish I wasn't seeing it now," answered Laval. "What do you expect to find, anyway?"
"I don't know," said Cragger. "Nobody builds a house like this unless they have something to hide."
"Or they had the directions upside down," Laval said, shaking his head.
The two moved on. After another half hour of searching, they came upon a corridor lined with doorways on both sides. One by one, they opened the doors.
"Closet. Closet. Closet," said Laval.
"Staircase!" cried Cragger.
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Laval rushed over to see what the Crocodile had found.
But when he got there, Cragger was standing at an open door looking into another closet.
"Where are the stairs?" asked Laval.
"They were here a second ago," said Cragger, shutting the door. "Then they weren't."
"Hmmm. Try opening the door again," said Laval.
Cragger opened the door a second time. When he did, the staircase was back. “That’s weird,” said the Crocodile. "Let's go see what's down there."
"Got any breadcrumbs?" asked Laval.
"Huh?" snapped Cragger.
"To leave a trail to find our way back," said Laval. "What happens if the stairs disappear again when were halfway down?"
"Good question," said Cragger. After a short pause, he added, "You go first."
"Right," said Laval. "Because turning my back on you is my favorite thing to do. ... Not."
The pair stumbled down the staircase side by side. At the bottom, they found an iron door. To their surprise, it was unlocked.
"He must not have thought anyone would find this spot," said Laval.
"Or maybe he wanted whoever did find it to be able to get in, because he knew they wouldn't get back out again," answered Cragger. "You go first."
"Wait a second!" said Laval, turning around to face the Crocodile. "This whole thing was your idea! Why do I have to keep going first?"
"Um, because you're such a fierce fighter and you can handle whatever comes at us?"
Laval glared at Cragger. "Yeah, I'm fierce," he said.
"You might want to remember that if you have any tricks planned. Anyway, I'll go first, because we're supposed to be friends... and that's what friends do."
The Lion pushed the door open, even as Cragger said, “Tricks? Me?"
"Yes, you. Just because we're on the same side again doesn't mean—"
Laval stopped short and his eyes grew wide. He and Cragger had stumbled upon the biggest workshop either had ever seen. It was packed with strange devices, big and small. Some were incredibly complicated and others were extremely simple. At a glance, the only things Laval recognized were Speedor wheels and other parts of a Speedor bike.
"Incredible," said Laval. "Eris would love this!"
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"If Lavertus made all this, he must be some kind of inventor," said Cragger. "But he didn't tell us. Why keep that a secret?"
"I don't know," answered Laval. "But look at this stuff. Some of it looks like weapons. It could be dangerous. We'd better tell the others."
Just as Laval was speaking, the floor shifted underneath them. The Lion and Croc were knocked off their feet.
"Whoa!" said Laval. "What was that?"
"Laval, look!" cried Cragger, pointing at the iron door.
"The stairs are gone!"
Cragger was right. The doorway leading to the stairs now led to a solid wall.
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"We're trapped!" Laval realized.
"No, we're not," Cragger said, racing into the heart of the workshop. "There has to be something in here that can get us out."
"Cragger, don't!" Laval cried.
But it was too late. Cragger had bumped into one of Lavertus's inventions: a big metal cannon. It immediately shot out a tangle of ropes that wrapped around him.
Cragger toppled backward, falling into a stone chair.
The arms of the chair closed tight on either side of the Crocodile and held him fast.
"Hang on," shouted Laval. "I'll get you out."
But as he raced toward Cragger, the floor rumbled again. A small catapult on top of a tall shelf went off, launching a little rock at the head of a life-size Gorilla statue. The statue sprang to life, plodding forward and knocking into more inventions as it went. Soon, the air was filled with arrows, jets of flame, and bursts of water.
"Great job," called Cragger. "If we weren't doomed before, now we really are."
"Just ... stay there!" yelled Laval. "I'm coming!"
"Where do you think I'm going to go?" Cragger struggled against the ropes. "This thing makes one of Gorzan's hugs look like a bunny cuddle."
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Laval was about to reply when, suddenly, he heard a loud groan behind him. He turned just in time to see the loud groan behind him. He turned just in time to see the Gorilla statue tipping forward! Laval tried to spring out of the way, but he wasn't fast enough. The statue toppled on top of him.
"Oof!" the Lion exclaimed. The heavy statue pinned him to the ground.
"Laval! Are you okay?" Cragger called.
"Yeah, I think so," Laval said. "But I'm ... LOOK OUT!"
Laval's eyes grew wide as a flame cannon went off beside Cragger. In an instant, the Croc was surrounded by flames!
"CRAGGER!" Laval cried.
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For a moment, Laval couldn't see anything but embers and smoke. Then, he heard coughing. When the smoke cleared, Cragger was sputtering and waving his arms.
Instead of hurting the Croc, the flames had burned right through the ropes tying him up. He was free!
"Talk about luck." Laval exhaled. "Are you hurt?"
"Just a little singed," said Cragger. "You?"
Laval squirmed under the statue. "Been better. Could use a little help here."
Cragger moved toward Laval. But as he did, the floor shook again. The whole room turned, and the stairs by the doorway reappeared. All Cragger had to do was make a run for it and he would be free! But the room could shift any minute and they would disappear again.
Cragger met Laval's gaze for a split second. Then he turned and ran.
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"Cragger?" Laval's heart sank. The Crocodile wouldn't really leave him there?
Would he?
Suddenly, Cragger swerved and jumped over a marching group of Skunk mechs. He snatched a wrench from one of the mech's hands and skidded to a stop right beside Laval.
"Quick!" he said, using the wrench for leverage against the statue. "We'll push together-hurry!"
Together, the two managed to pry the Gorilla statue off of Laval. Cragger helped him to his feet. "Let's get out of here!" he shouted.
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Running faster than they ever had before, they shot through the room and made it out the door just as the floor was starting to turn again.
Together, they clambered back up the stairs. When they got to the top, the Lion and Croc leaned heavily against the wall, gasping for breath.
"Thanks," Laval said finally. "For a second there, I wasn't sure you were going to come back for me."
Cragger shrugged and gave a big Crocodile grin.
"We're friends, right? That's what friends do."
Laval smiled and clapped Cragger on the back. "It sure is."
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moongirlcleo · 1 year
Rogue x Reader x Sting
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summary: Rogue x reader mating season smut where he's been avoiding her and, with some help from Sting (do with that what you will; he can join in the fun too if you wanna sprinkle in some Sting action), she finally gets Rogue to talk to her? CW: Smut, Threesome A/N: These always get me so happy haha
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With a frustrated sigh, you throw the phone down. Mating season for the dragon slayers has come around once again and your boyfriend Rogue had decided to hide from you. "To keep you safe," he'd said. You called it cowardice. Nevertheless, he wouldn't relent.
With a frustrated sigh, you throw the phone down. Mating season for the dragon slayers has come around once again and your boyfriend Rogue had decided to hide from you. "To keep you safe," he'd said. You called it cowardice. Nevertheless, he wouldn't relent.
So, naturally, you did what any sane girlfriend would do in this matter. You went to his best friend.
"Sting?" You called, knocking on the guild master's office door. "You in there?"
You opened the door slowly to see the blonde sitting at his desk, a frown on his face. ".. Everything okay?" You asked, brow raised.
"Oh. Yeah, it's fine, yn. Just finishing up some paperwork," he grinned at you. "What's up?"
You walked in and sat down next to the desk with a sigh. "Well…. it's about Rogue." Sting nodded. "Okay, what about him?"
"It's his.. mating season or whatever you call it, and he refuses to talk to me, let alone see me. What can I do to help?"
"Oh shit, I forgot about that.. fuck," Sting murmured under his breath. He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking. "He's probably scared to break you."
You roll your eyes at the notion. "How would he know? He won't give me a chance to prove it one way or another. I'm not a delicate flower, Sting. Can you help me or not?"
Sting flashed a smile. "Of course I can. Or at least, I can try. You know Rogue can be stubborn as hell. You know where he is?"
"Sting," you groan. "If I did I wouldn't be here asking for your help, now would i?"
"Alright, alright yn. Relax. But.... if I'm gonna help you get laid, you owe me."
You give the blonde a look. "Owe you... how?"
Sting shrugged. "I dunno, whenever I need a favor, just help me out I guess."
"Deal. Now help me find this crabby boy." Sting grinned and motioned for you to follow. It took around an hour, but eventually, the two of you located Rogue in a cave not too far from the guild. "Oy buddy!" Sting called from the mouth of the cave. "Do me a solid and come talk to me." "No," came Rogue's brusque reply. "You brought yn and I told her not to be near me right now. You know better." Before you knew what you were doing, you replied. "What if Sting joins us? He helps me help you. He'll keep you from "breaking me" or whatever weird hang up you have." Beside you, Sting's jaw dropped. "The hell are you doing?" He muttered, face a bright pink. "Returning the favor," you replied with a smirk. "Plus, it's not like I haven't heard you guys talking about this little fantasy you two share anyway." Rogue's figure appeared at the mouth of the cave. Your heart lurched at the sight of him, sweating and looking worse for wear. If making this fantasy come to light was the only way to help your lover... so be it. "Are you sure you can handle that?" His voice remained calm, but you could see the temptation in his vermillion eyes.
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you nod. "He's not in his rut, so he can be a good mediator if you need it. But I'm perfectly sure I can handle you." The boys exchanged a glance before looking back at you. Rogue inhaled deeply. "Alright. But you need to come up with a safe word quickly. You standing here is... driving me insane." With a nod, you and Sting follow Rogue deeper into the cave as you share your safeword with them. It wasn't long before you see the little inlet that had been serving as Rogue's little living quarters. Multiple feathers were strewn about, the result of him ripping his pillows to shreds. "You sure you don't want to walk away from this?" His voice came from behind you. It was low, a warning. It was enough to send shivers down your spine, but you shook your head. "I'll never walk away from you. I knew what I signed up for, so stop worrying and start undressing." You turned to face your man, who looked all but ready to ravish you on site. "Fine, but I'm the one in control okay? Use that safeword if you need and just follow my directions. I'm... gonna try and be as careful as possible." Rogue said. Next to him, Sting nodded. "Sounds good. Now that that's settled, how are we doin' this?" Rogue bit his lip in thought for a moment before replying. "Yn, get undressed for us. I'm gonna fuck you while you take Sting in your mouth, okay?" You swallow and nod, and you slowly start undressing, giving the two a show. "Fuck..." Rogue whispered. "Yn..." His hands were around your waist the second your bottoms came off, rubbing small circles around the plush of your thighs. "I've missed you. Bend over for me, will you? Sting, come here. Get in front of her." The both of you do as Rogue ordered. "Ready for me, princess?" Sting smiled down at you. With a nod, you move to undo his pants, doing your best to keep your breath steady as Rogue pushed his fingers inside your center. "So wet for me already," Rogue murmured, adding a second digit. Your breath hitched as you took Sting inside your mouth, letting your tongue swirl around the unfamiliar sensation. "God damn..." he breathed. "Rogue, you never told me she was this skilled." "You never asked," your boyfriend replied, still eagerly pumping into you. "And you," he said, turning to you. "You seem ready, and I can't hold on much longer. I need you now." With quick movements, Rogue pulled your hips closer to him and pushed his cock inside you in one movement. Your eyes widened at the feeling, momentarily choking on Sting. "You alright?" The blonde whispered down to you. You give a shaky nod, and Rogue began. His thrusts were quick and erratic, as if he had been pent up for far too long, causing you to moan. "That was such a pretty sound," Rogue breathes. "Do it again." It was hard focusing on Sting when Rogue was driving into you as hard as he was, but you kept persisting. Both men were in the moment, making noises of their own which only spurred you on further. Rogue's nails dug into the sides of your waist, as if holding on for dear life. "Jesus, princess. No wonder Rogue is always talkin' about how magic you are. Your mouth is fucking sinful." Sting's eyes were shut, enjoying the moment. "Can you hold on for a few moments, Sting? I'm close and I want... I want to watch you fuck her." Rogue's voice came out small, surprised by his own admission. Sting snapped his eyes open and gave him a look. "You sure? Yn, is.. that alright with you?" You let go of Sting's cock with a small pop and reply. "Yeah, sounds like it's something Rogue really wants, too." "I just wanna see what you look like coming undone by someone other than me... and I trust him." Rogue's words come out in puffs, evident of his impending climax.
"You got any rules or somethin about it?" Sting asked. Rogue shook his head, continuing his erratic pace. "At this point, I'm so in the weeds I'd be fine with you coming inside her. Just don't hurt her. Listen to what she wants- hmmf fuck." Rogue spasmed a bit before grunting as his climax ripped through him, his spend filling you up. You bite your lip, looking back at your man. He looked better than before- less sick. "Fuck, that- that felt amazing," he panted. "You did really well." With a chuckle, you stand up to give him a kiss. "I told you I could. Trust me next time, would you?" "Alright, beautiful. I'm going to sit over there and watch you two. Just be warned though, now that I know you not only can handle me on my rut, but two of us, we're going to be doing this all night. "
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- ©2024 moongirlcleo do not repost, copy, translate, or modify
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thelampisaflashlight · 2 months
Shutterbug: Point and Shoot
[Dew and Aeon go to the lake to take pictures of the sunrise. Angst comes and goes in a blink. Baphomet persists.] Below the cut.
"Why do we have to get up so early for this?" Aeon whines, dragging his feet through the tall grass, slumped forward dramatically with an almost comical pout on his face as he follows Dew towards the lake.
"If you want to photograph the sunrise, you need to get up before the sun rises." the older man says, unbothered by the younger's antics, "Simple as that."
Aeon gives a little huff before a yawn slips from his lips, causing Dew to yawn as well, "It's so early though... There's a whole hour before the sun rises, and it only takes ten minutes to walk here from the dorms!"
Dew rolls his eyes and sets down the large backpack slung over his shoulder, gesturing for Aeon to do the same.
"If I let you sleep in any longer, you wouldn't be awake enough to help me set up, let alone take the pictures. You said you wanted to learn how to use an actual camera, and here we are."
The quintessence ghoul hums, "Here we are..."
With a sigh, Aeon casts his gaze over the lake, still lit by the stars that are only now starting to fade from view.
The ground is cool under his feet, and the toes of his sneakers are lightly soaked by the morning dew.
He inhales slow and deep and feels himself slowly beginning to wake.
"At least it's nice out here..." he says, turning towards Dew, who is rummaging through his bag, taking out a tripod and another, compact bag from within that looks worn in a well loved kind of way, "So... I never got to ask, since the others recommended that I go to you to learn about this stuff, but, uh, how long have you been into photography?"
"Aw, geez, it's been a long time..." Dew picks up a flat rock from the dirt, sliding it under one of the legs of the tripod, making it more level, "Couple decades now, I guess?"
"A couple... A couple what?? A couple decades??" Aeon balks, "But you've only been on the surface since..."
He counts on his fingers, but gets stuck.
"H-How is that even possible??"
Dew stands up, bracing against his knees as he does so, "Huh, guess that story slipped through the cracks... I mean, yeah, I..."
He places a hand on his chest.
"I don't mean me." he says, "I mean this guy."
He sweeps his hand up to his face and then downwards.
"My vessel."
Aeon blinks.
"Your vessel...?"
"Ough... they really don't tell you new summons anything..." Dew stretches and then grabs one of the folding chairs he made Aeon carry with them, "Pop a squat, Sparkles, we have some time to kill anyway."
Aeon tilts his head sideways, but does as he's told. Once he's settled, Dew sits down, looking out over the horizon.
"It's all kind of complicated, but the long and short of it is; My body, this face you're looking at, this isn't a glamour. It's not an approximation of what I would look like if I were human... it is human."
"I... Okay." Aeon looks at Dew sideways, "So... You're human then?"
"Was." Dew says, stretching his legs out, "I was, but I also wasn't. Sometimes... Sometimes, when the church needs a ghoul... No, that's... Let's just go with that, yeah?"
Aeon nods.
"The best way I can put it, is that this body belonged to someone else, and then another person -a demon- laid claim to it, but instead of forcing the other soul out... they kind of, I dunno, melded together?" Dew emphasizes his point by making a squishing motion with his hands, "So I'm, like, some kind of weird soul baby of those two people."
"Hehe... Soul baby..."
"Shut up, I said it was complicated."
"...You are forgiven, for now." Dew snorts, "Anyway."
Dew taps the side of his head.
"Basically means I have memories from two different lives mushed together in the old brain box, and to get to the point already, the first guy was a photographer."
"Ohhh... So you retained all of his memories of how to do this then?" Aeon asks, looking at the bags again, "That's pretty-"
Aeon pauses, brow furrowing.
"...What happened?"
Dew raises a brow, turning his head towards him, "Mn?"
"What happened to the photographer guy? Like, if you're..." he bites the inside of his cheek, "Am I not supposed to ask-"
"I never said you couldn't, and do I look bothered?" Dew questions, his posture too casual, too relaxed for him to be annoyed, "Do you really wanna know?"
Another pause.
"...Yes, please."
Dew closes his eyes for a moment and sits up slightly.
"Here, I'll show you how to set up the camera first so we don't forget why we're out here..."
And they do.
Dew makes Aeon do most of the set-up and adjustments to the equipment himself, "So you can get a feel for it."
When all is said and done, Dew lets him tweak camera's settings a bit more before motioning for him to sit back down.
"I've been into photography since I was a kid, couldn't tell you how old I was when I first held a camera, but I do know what my first clear picture was of." he says, leaning back in his chair, "We had this little terrier, Wilma, when I was little, and the thing couldn't sit still for the life of her, but I somehow managed to get her to stay put for a photo... Probably bribed her with an entire bag of biscuits, but I was really proud of how it came out."
"I don't really remember many of my early, early memories, especially not the ones from this guy, but I remember that." he utters softly, a hint of warmth blossoming on his cheeks and the tips of his ears, subtle embarrassment, "Being proud..."
"I can also remember being fucking miserable."
A cool breeze rolls across the grass, and Aeon uses it to hide the shiver that runs up his spine at Dew's words.
"...Before I go any further, do you still want to hear about this?"
Aeon swallows, then thinks.
"Do you really want to talk about it?" he counters, and Dew gives a little puff through his nose, "Really, though."
He shrugs.
"It was a long time ago, Sparkles."
"Doesn't mean it can't still hurt." Aeon whispers a bit too knowingly for Dew's liking, if the little noise in the back of his throat is any indication of that.
"...I died." he says after a moment of silence, "I died, Aeon."
"You... You died?"
"I don't know the full details, and I don't want to know, but yeah." he nods, "Yeah."
Aeon watches the cattails wave in the wind, processing what his packmate just said.
"I guess I got lost out in the woods nearby, and some siblings found me and brought my body back here." Dew continues, "There's a lot of... little details that flicker around in my head from time to time, fragments of memories, or maybe dreams I'm misremembering, but I mostly just remember, ya know, stuff like this."
He points at the camera.
"I didn't forget how to do things like read or write, and I knew things I liked and didn't like, but I forgot most of what made me this guy."
"Did he have a name?" Aeon asks, taking in Dew's features anew, from the sharpness of his nose, to the gentleness of his brow.
"Probably." Dew laughs, "Actually, yes, but that's also something I've decided I don't want to know. The files are all there, if I decide to deep dive into my past, but I already promised myself I wouldn't do that."
"...But you died."
"You're wondering how I'm here now, right?"
Aeon nods.
"Well, there was this goat-"
"Well, hello, Moonlight, how'd your little photography lesson with Dew go?" Swiss asks, legs kicked up over the armrest the couch in the common room as he half watches the morning news, eyeing a harrowed looking Aeon.
The ghoul stares blankly at the wall for a solid minute before he replies.
"...Have you hear the Bapho-tits story before or is Dew full-on fucking with me?"
Swiss almost pulls a muscle from the involuntary sit-up he does from wheezing too hard.
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1-800-c0sm1c · 9 months
꒰snooze !꒱
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after an intense match in the apex games, there's only one legend crypto would even dare let his guard down around.
character x legend!reader
includes crypto !
warnings : none.
word count : 1268
a/n : can you tell i've been streaming lovejoy's music recently with the cmwyl lyric i shoved in there ? yeah i'm obsessed sorry not sorry 🫶
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crypto was not one to let his guard down, ever. on the dropship, he was notorious for his silent and cold personality. how you managed to get him to warm up to you, let alone have an actual friendship with him was a mystery to your fellow legends.
after finishing a particularly rough match, you had offered crypto to come back with you to your apartment for a celebratory evening. he usually would be quick to decline, after all he always had work outside of the apex games that needed his attention. however, he's noticed he has a hard time saying no to you, especially when you look up at him with excitement in your eyes. crypto is sure he'd bang his head on any doorframe you seemed suitable for you two to go through if you looked at him the same way you always do.
he pretends to seem annoyed when agreeing, attempting to make the other legends around you on the dropship assume that he wasn't actually this quick to give in. although he highly doubts that anyone else's doe eyes would have the same effect on him that yours do, and he's not sure whether that's a blessing or a curse.
crypto's now relaxing on your couch, or at least, what he would consider relaxing. it's rare he gets a chance away from his work outside of when participating in the apex games, but he always can't help but feel a sense of guilt rush over him whenever he neglects it. so, even though it may not look like it, him sitting with his muscles tensed and brows furrowed, is his idea of taking a break.
you try your best not to laugh at him, the last thing you'd want to do is make him uncomfortable. but sometimes his awkwardness is amusing, and you choose to enjoy it while it lasts. "you look like you have a lot on your mind." you state, jumping up onto the couch next to him. "i always do." he replies, nonchalantly. you shrug in response, "yeah, i guess that's true. i just meant, you know, like you need a break." crypto pauses for a moment. he can't think straight when you're staring at him like that, like you see through him. was it that obvious how pent up he was? he guesses if it was obvious to anyone else they wouldn't have the courage to bring it up. not like you, never afraid to speak your mind, and incredibly stubborn.
"...아니, i'm fine." he finally answers, you don't look convinced in the slightest. "your eyebags look like they're working overtime at the local grocery store. when's the last time you got a full night's rest?" he looks away again, not sure whether he should answer honestly or not. he's probably gotten about 5 hours this week, and that's being generous. "it doesn't matter, i hardly notice when the time is passing anyway." he tries to play it off, hoping you wont press further, and surprisingly, you drop it. "yeah, sure. if you say so. if you're functioning i guess i can't get on your case about it." he lets out a breath of relief he hadn't even realized he was holding, and instantly regrets the answer he just gave you.
shit. maybe sleep was important. untensing his body even for such a short amount of time made the consequences of crypto's lack of sleep catch up to him real quick. he holds back a yawn, before attempting to strike up another conversation with you so he doesn't completely shut down. "you said you wanted to celebrate, what did you have in mind?" "oh, i don't know. i usually just end up with some cider in the hot tub by the end of the night. what do you think?"
he thinks its a horrible idea, but maybe if you begged him enough he'd think about it. just, not in his current situation. there'd be nothing more embarrassing than passing out in a hot tub and potentially drowning. plus, depending on who was around, removing his jacket was off limits for crypto. he's hoping you'll realize on your own how dumb of an idea that really was, and you'll be okay with just watching a movie or something. whatever gets him home the fastest.
you pout at him dramatically, "you wanna go home already? but you've been here for less than an hour. you'll have all the time in the world to be a boring nerd later, okay?" oh god, did he say that out loud? maybe it was too late for him, he was already totally delirious. he plays it off by looking annoyed, but with how exhausted he obviously looks it comes across more as a cranky toddler who's been woken up from their nap earlier than they'd like. you'd never tell crypto this as you value your life, but his grumpier side is actually really cute.
"what do you want to do then? since all my ideas are horrible.." you ask, heavy sarcasm in your tone that would make anyone else think you've spent too much time around crypto, but that he finds to be quite amusing. you're rubbing off on him too, just in hopefully less noticeable ways. he thinks about your question for a second, realizing he actually doesn't have any better suggestions and huffs a sigh and shrugs. "i don't know.." he mumbles.
you laugh under your breath and quickly clear your throat when he glances back at you, "well.. what do you usually do in your free time? outside of all the extra… stuff… you do?" he shrugs again nonchalantly, "i don't have time for other stuff." glancing down at his watch, he tries to pretend like the minutes aren't passing slower than ever. he can't even use the excuse that he's wasting his time. and even if he could, he wouldn't use it to guilt you.
"if you did have time, then. what would you do with it?" "sleep." crypto responds almost immediately. his eyes have started to get much more difficult to keep open, and he knows once they're closed they won't open again for a bit. you've noticed this, and subtlety move closer towards him until your shoulder touches his. you're not sure if it's the padding in his jacket or if he's really that out of it but he doesn't react at all to the distance between you being much smaller than it was before. "i mean, nobody's stopping you. i have a spare room or you can crash here on the couch if you want."
crypto quickly shakes his head, feeling slightly lightheaded afterwards. "that won't be necessary." you decide to test the waters by gently laying your head on his shoulder. this time he flinches, but he doesn't push you away. "are you sure? you look exhausted, i don't think you could make the walk back to your apartment." he scoffs, but doesn't deny his tiredness anymore. "whatever." crypto mutters.
you lift your head up to let him adjust on the couch, and he seems insistent on falling asleep sitting up perfectly straight. "that cannot be comfortable.." you laugh as you place your head back down and gently move his to lay on top of yours. crypto almost sputters out a protest but finds he's too tired to care anymore and instead simply says "wake me up in an hour." as he yawns. "yeah right. i'll see you in 8." you smile at your own remark, and crypto smiles too before closing his eyes finally and falling asleep.
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loopingpyre · 11 days
Yeah, fair enough on the needing more detail point, I sort of wanted to test the waters to see if you'd even care first, cause I wasn't gonna waste time typing out a whole thing if the notion of JRPGs being fundamentally flawed didn't interest you and then you deleted my ask. So I guess I'll now oblige and explain in more detail.
I've been playing a few of the SMT games because my girlfriend really likes them and I, being a good girlfriend (trying to!) want to show that I care about her interests. Prior to this I've only really played Persona 3 and 5 and Yakuza 7. For this, I played Soul Hackers 2, and Devil Survivor 1 and 2 (1 to Yuzu's ending, and 2 to Ronaldo's ending), and about an hour of SMT V, which I found boring, and she, having played the whole game (I'm pretty sure) agrees with me that it's boring, so I decided to not keep playing it (for now at least)
My main issue with most all of these games comes mostly threefold: the amount of time and commitment they take, the difficulty and in particular the manner in which it is imposed, and the heavily formulaic nature of their plots. These are sort of holistic issues, I guess, so I can't really neatly divide them, but I'll try.
First of all: the time commitment. Playing both Devil Survivors to a single ending took me around thirty to forty hours each, going off of my save files. (I was playing the 3DS versions, mind, and listening to all the voice acting, which surely extended the time played.) I understand that it gets faster on NG+, and in itself, this isn't exactly the biggest of deals, because video games in general take a long time (it's the way it is really), but JRPGs just feel like they take way longer than the average video game and this issue compounds when one considers the latter two flaws I've observed.
So, secondarily: The difficulty, and the way it's imposed. Soul Hackers 2 obviously is not a hard game, and there's not that much variance in its content, and it's not the longest of these sorts of games, either, so I wouldn't say it's the greatest offender here (using that term feels wrong...), but with Devil Survivor 1, I felt this the most. About 80 percent of the way through the game, which I'd generally found to be quite unchallenging for the most part, I found myself suddenly struggling against Belial (the fire demon). During a grinding session in which I was trying to level myself up so that I could weather my way through this (to my annoyance, as I found the grinding incessantly tedious, more on that later), my girlfriend looked over my shoulder, and said "why do your stats look like that?"
You see, my stats, at the time, all four, magic, vitality, agility, and uh... What was the fourth one. Strength! Yeah, um they were *all* at exactly 17 (give or take 1.) I explained to her, rather calmly, that I had done this because I couldn't really choose which of the four stats I wanted more of, and thought it would be best if I made all of these numbers perfectly balanced and equal.
This is an approach I almost always take in most any video game that offers any form of upgrade or skill tree: I struggle with overchoice, can't choose a priority to go for, so every time I have resources with which to upgrade, I just upgrade whatever is most recently neglected such that I have a generally well-rounded skill set and can do a bit of everything.
She, an SMT veteran, immediately went like, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO "
And explained to me that the way I was *supposed* to do this, was to specialize in one area or another, magic or strength or tanking damage with high health, or whatever. To which I said "HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT!" She insisted I should have just known it, I guess? Anyway, I considered this a grievous design flaw that irreparably impaired my enjoyment of the game. As I did not have an old save file with which to revert my statting decisions, and did not wanted to restart the entire game, nor did I want to grind the same fucking goddamned shibuya battle over and over and over and over and over again for god knows how many hours until I somehow corrected my stats
I opted to use my (hacked) 3DS to install an external cheat which inflated my protagonist's level to 99 with all four stats at their maximum of 40. I did this because I had decided I hated how this game was balanced and wanted to finish it and no longer waste my time. I felt pleased with this decision, because I was playing through the bad ending in which the cast brute forces their way out of the lockdown and ruining the world, while myself brute forcing my way out of the game and ruining the game balance. *ahem* I mean, fixing the game balance
My girlfriend said "I'm glad you had fun ruining one of my favorite games :(((" In response, I opined that Devil Survivor would have been better if it were a straightforward visual novel.
While Soul Hackers 2 does not have this specific issue, given that Ringo's stats are all mostly preset by the game and you can only mildly boost them here and there, I did instead take umbrage with the way that the later floors of the Soul Matrix dungeon were organized around teleporters which teleport you from one island of the floor to another, with no clear sense of rhyme or reason to their routing. I considered these teleporters to be arbitrary and stupid, as they were frustrating, and demanded that I have the capacity for rote memorization of the layout and teleporter placement of an entire dungeon whose corners broadly look all the damn same. I called these a blatantly egregious example of "fake difficulty".
She warned me never to touch several of the older SMT games.
I booted up Devil Survivor 2, with my girlfriend's advice about specialization in mind. I enjoyed the game a lot more than Devil Survivor 1, but, for the sake of mitigating gameplay frustration, I pirated the DLC. I quickly realized I would not enjoy the grinding, even with the reduction of grinding that the DLC enables, and cheated to have infinite money so I could have more fun with the game. I went for Ronaldo's ending, because he's sort of a leftist and his voice acting makes him sound like Knuckles the Echidna from Sonic the Hedgehog, and I thought siding with "communist Knuckles the Echidna" was a very funny image
Anyway, across all three of these experiences, I generally wondered, "do I like these? do I like their stories? do I like their gameplay?" and I feel like the answer is broadly sort of... yes, sometimes, but generally no?
I kinda just don't really understand the appeal of being railroaded into repetitive tasks for the sake of increasing numbers that then decide whether or not you win, rather than like, your actual skill, which is just down to pressing the same buttons over and over. I get that part of the appeal is the long-term strategy of building your party, and that's valid and all, but I tend to very quickly get frustrated with it because often times I fail to intuit the correct strategy ahead of time, and the solution turns out to be "rewind the clock back several hours!" and I don't want to do that and have to redo all the work I did up to that point, and then potentially have to rewind again if I do it wrong.
So, the appeal is supposed to be the strategy, I guess, which just takes a lot of dedication that I don't have in me, but if I dial that down to make it easier, then the game's reduced to pressing more buttons, and, just isn't really fun at all in the way it's supposed to be. And that all might be fine if the story was worth the effort, but... is it?
All of these games have very thin narratives which all more or less boil down to "humanity good" vs "humanity bad" vs "humanity bad but sometimes good so it's worth it (sometimes)" ideological conflicts that all end up with killing one or another divine or cosmic entity with omnipotence of one or another variety, and like, cool, I guess, is that worth 50-100 hours of effort? Is that something I'm invested enough in to throw myself into an entire series, hell, an entire genre, of games for? I'm not really sure that it is, to me, so. Weh?
Is that really all that there is to this entire game genre? Like, outside of indie games that mostly have their own issues (they're all very derivatively ripping off Mother 3 and/or Undertale and/or Chrono Trigger and not generally bringing a lot of new mechanical ideas, and even still they just kinda find their way back to the issue of the grind not being that fun most of the time)
And my girlfriend has just argued to most of this that maybe I just don't like the games, and I shouldn't force myself to like them, and she'd like to please stop rehashing this argument with me, and maybe she's right, maybe I just don't enjoy JRPGs, and that's okay, but uh...
I don't know. I want to try and see what she sees in them and find out if I can really care about them the way she does. She has a Jack Frost plushie that I sometimes play with, and it's cute, and I want to care about him more the way she does, not just because he's cute but because I've played these games and had fun and know who he is and definitely don't hate his stupid little face aaahh I love him so much
and I keep inventing fun little lore for Frosty the Jack Frost plushie (she calls him Frosty) about how he sells stuff he stole to the Black Market which is owned by Black Frost, and he's planning to kill King Frost and overthrow the Frost Monarchy, and all that, and she seems to find that cute even though she keeps contradicting it with lore and trivia from the games and I keep going "well I dunno *in the back of my mind: but maybe I want to know*" and like
I'm sorry if this seems like an insane unhinged rant but I just really love my girlfriend and I think it'd hurt a little to have to give up on something she really loves, even if I know, intellectually, that she loves me more, and that that won't change if I don't like SMT, and it's okay if I don't like them.
But I want to like them. I genuinely do. I don't know how to like them and I don't know how to tell her I want to like them and am not trying to start a fight with her over something she loves. I don't know. Am I missing something?
for the record I kind of like a lot of things Soul Hackers 2 does and I think I'd like it a lot more if it was finished but that's a can of worms I maybe shouldn't open....
Holy shit this is so much and thank you so much also for caring enough for my opinion because i have a whole lot to say here, and I adore these games.
Let's break it down point by point.
Belial is fairly challenging, the game is hard. And I think your girlfriend has done you a severe disservice. If she wanted you to min-max your stats in a certain direction, she should have told you about that straight up. I can understand her immediate reaction due to it being uncommon, but how is that your fault? The game is actually designed for it anyway.
You're given party members that focus on different niches, Yuzu and Midori and Keisuke can all perform powerful magic offensive roles, Atsuro is a strong tank, Kaido has powerful offensive stats, and you share a skill pool, so having a less specialised build is really only going to make it that much harder if you try to make your protag the main attacker, which some SMT vets seem to instinctively do in these games. Having a mix means you could play the healer, carry an extra element or phys attack or status condition to cripple a foe.
I personally would have leant towards a code that lets you boost levels faster, but I think her response to cheating was unreasonable. I think the game is balanced well even if you make an even spread but you're trying to have fun and try her thing. Kind of rude to you really, because sometimes you just need to cheat, these games are HARD. Remember that escort mission earlier on? Kind of needlessly tricky.
There's a reason that new versions of these releases have additional easy modes. In some of their PS2 game promotion, Atlus PR famously said 'we get off on your tears'. That mentality has somewhat changed since. Whilst some, like I, say that the difficulty is kind of part of the point, there's only so much you should have to put up with. I actively reccommend cheats in some games as a way to ease you in, when they are so challenging.
(Were you playing the DS version? The Yuzu ending certainly isnt a 'bad ending' on 3ds. The 8th day makes it one of my fave endings. Trying to complete every ending is a fool's endeavor in my opinion, and you should only lean towards what you think is best. Maybe look up an ending guide on the offchance the cool ending you want is hidden in some way so you never have to touch the game again unless you actually want to. The point is about you making Your Choice.)
Moving along, Ronnie my beloved. Love that guy, his route is easily the best. I love Soul Hackers 2 despite it's frustratingly flaws of 'they ripped half the game out and sold it as day 1 dlc' and 'the fucking soul matrix', and a lot of people just dismiss it out of hand based on early dungeon design and miss out on the way it deals with it's cast. Im so glad you can SEE IT.
Within many Shin Megami Tensei games, the stat grinding difficulty is the point insofar as you are fighting a world that is falling apart and wants you dead. And even so, you keep fighting and surviving. These titles can be rather samey as they go over their various aspects of humanity over and over, but thus can they really be made a representative of the JRPG genre? What about Pokemon, which is about adventuring and bonding with your creatures? SMT has a distinct theme they stick to that they repackage in different flavours. Fuck it, play old ones and cheat in them. Load up on macca and buy a gazillion healing items to cut down the grind and overall playtime.
I've noticed a distinct absence of the Persona games too? Which is strange given how they all differ from traditional smt in terms of theming.
My favourite RPGs are 'The World Ends With You' and 'The Caligula Effect 2'. Entirely different from SMT and dont focus on 'humanity' in that way at all and they absolutely aren't representative of more mainstream JRPGs.
(sidenote, what are your favourite RPGs out of curiosity? I can probably help you hunt down some specific titles that you would like more?)
I adore your Jack Frost lore. Why can't that work in canon? Little fairy friend SHOULD overthrow the frost monarchy!
(and that sort of stuff is encouraged in Atlus' other series Etrian Odyssey, which is a dungeon crawler where you make a team of customised guys (you can start anywhere).
I think the only thing you can really do is play more, but i dont think you should push yourself either or you could burn out and appreciate it less. I'm sorry that I don't have magical advice that will solve that conundrum.
Thank you so much for coming to me though, it means a lot and I hope this ramble does anything for you. Im trying to check on my phone that I covered everything in your post and Im so sorry if I missed anything (please point it out if so).
Best of luck?
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youuuimeanmee · 8 months
RWTGI 35.1 - 35.2 Thoughts
I forgot chapter 35.2 is already out WAAAHH
I say Kirishima's name a lot this time, maybe I should call him Kiri.
Okay, this chapter confirms my suspicion. So his family really did neglect him.
Uhh I don't think the diary is meant to prove himself as a victim. I bet it's to keep record of what makes him happy 😅
BAHHAHAH Gaddamit.
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I thought he was mourning, or at least self-reflecting. Who knew he was playing soccer 🤣 (where is your sympathy kid, tf) At least he knew not to play in the middle of people mourning, lol
Oh yeah, I just remember, Sumire (Kiri's great-aunt) did say his parents tried to get him to talk after that incident, but no matter how much they tried, he never answered them. Maybe it's because he's aware he's too different from them, they wouldn't understand him anyway? If that's the case, that's kinda amazing of Kiri for being able to (kinda) open up to Gaku even though he never met him, because just from a short meeting he knows his great-uncle is not normal like himself.
(If Kiri is your average kid, even if Sumire dropped some hints that Gaku is similar to him, he wouldn't be able to take the hint because he's too clouded with "no one understands me" prejudice. But no. Our Kiri here uses his brainn, bro)
Aww baby 🥺
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Turns out his "friend" is more normal than he thought, his plan failed, he got into trouble. He did so much, yet, didn't get anything in the end lolol
I'm surprised Kiri is the first one who asked to be adopted. I don't think Sumire or his parents ever told him that the man in front of him is a yakuza. He must've put two & two together and concluded it himself.
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If I could guess why Gaku accepted a brat like Kiri, it's may be because he saw his potential. I'm sure he never heard about Kiri until his sister introduced him, but the fact that she asked for his help is enough prove that his family couldn't handle him anymore. He never introduced himself as a yakuza but Kiri, with limited informations and short time, knew right away. He's not scared or nervous like normal people. In fact, he just focus on getting what he wants, and willing to do anything to get what he wants. Talented. Abnormal. Obsessed. Unhinged. Gaku could really use those traits. Even if he couldn't become his grandchild, at least he could become a reliable subordinate. Maybe that's why he accepted him so quick 😂
(Turns out there's another reason in the next chapter tho, so I'll save my thoughts for later.)
This is just a reminder to myself: Gaku barely provided Kiri with the neccessity needed, probably because he needs to test his worth if he wants to earn that "yakuza's grandchild" title. Or at least that's my theory. Maybe Gaku is just naturally apathetic. Maybe both.
Kiri might've liked Gaku to a certain degree because he's one of his few family who accepts him as who he is, but I'm pretty sure growing up with a man like him in a yakuza household has worsen his mental condition, until he meet Yoshino.
Wow. Turns out it's not the first time he waits for hours in the rain 🤣
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AUGH. beautiful. Beautiful. I'm crying 😭😭😭
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That's smart of the author. We wouldn't know if he really blushed because of her or if it's just the rain, lol
Yoshino saw a wolf. Renji saw a a guard dog 🤣
I don't like how Aoi kicked my son, but I have to agree with him here. Don't lick your blood on the floor, yuck.
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Daww look at his happy lil feet seeing his obsession crush 🥺🤭
We know that Kiri used to date older women to leech, but seeing it with my own eyes disgust me. Not just Kirishima, but that grown-ass woman too; having sex with a minor, what the fuck. That's what I like from the author tho, just bc the ML did it, it doesn't mean it's romanticized.
OOHHH the day when Kirishima is appointed to be Yoshino's guard dog. Never thought I'd see this day come so fast, I thought we gonna have to wait for ch 80 or smth.
Hmm? The guy who killed Kyousuke? Do we know him? Is it Suo Azami? Nah, if he's around the same age as Kiri, he's practically a baby at that time. Wait, didn't he change his face tho? How old is he again? Or myb it's not Azami at all, myb it's his boss, Akime Hishibe? Oh I forgot Shouma said he's already dead, but I highly doubt it. Maybe the mastermind is still alive.
Um, if Kirishima is owned by Gaku, and Gaku leaves him under Renji's care, does it mean he's now owned by Renji? He doesn't have to obey Gaku anymore?
I'm confused with this whole ownership thing now.
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Wait. A month? You gotta go big??
Wait wait wait.
Wow, oh wow. I need to recalibrate everything.
This panel gives chapter 2 a whole new layer. Wow.
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So like. He told her to sell her body not only because he was tired of her, but also because Renji told him he could make Yoshino go back to Osaka if he didn't feel like up to the task?
Though I don't think Kiri did that because he values his life; he did that merely because he thought she's boring and not worth his time. But then everything change 😂
Yo Renji. You're the one who said it's okay for Kiri to make Yoshino go back to Osaka. You said you'd take care of the rest, you even said he can be creative. He was doing such a great job at making her feel like she wanna leave, yet, you won't let him have his way?
Was Renji intentionlly flaming them both? Is this his plan all along; to have both children go screw each other in Tokyo and forget about Osaka for a year?
(Istg Renji's death flag has been up for a while now, I'm scared for Yoshino)
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Oh wow, Kiri really did not lie. Their interest really do align perfectly.
To continue my point above about why would Gaku accept Kiri into his house, it seems like he wanted to use Kiri's talent and obsessiveness towards Yoshino to make him protect her, because he feel indebted/guilty towards Renji? Was he feeling responsible for what happen to Kyousuke? If that's the case, this makes Akime seem even more sus bc he used to be Gaku and Renji's close friend.
Seeing Kirishima's reminiscence sure brings tears to my eyes. From obsession to genuine love and affection. He really does come a loong, long way, huh. Maybe I should make a meta about this particular scene but idk, let's see if I feel like it.
But I don't think he would've feel this way if Yoshino didn't acknowledge his quirks and treat him "normally." She really is amazing.
The way he's so scared when Yoshino didn't move for literally 1 second he decided to check her pulse, like she could just drop dead in a blink. Even though he has seen how strong she is up until now. That irrational fear of losing someone, he finally understand 🥺🥺
I'm really REALLY surprised Yoshino relented and agreed to eat parfait 🤣 Kirishima you always win huh 🤣
Aww, he returned to the same place when he first entered the yakuza household, eat the same parfait he used to eat, but now he's together with a friend/lover he treasures for life, enjoying the life he found boring at the beginning 🥺😭💞
These past chapters have been a treat. Even after he declares he loves Yoshino multiple times, we never stop doubting him because the fear he instilled at the beginning is too strong to dismiss. Just like Yoshino, we have this lingering doubt that he doesn't really love her, he's just obsessed. These flashbacks managed to shed some lights into his character, making him seem even more human. Kiri really HAS been trying to show how genuine he is -- in his own awkward way -- and it shows 🥹
Just 2 more chapters until we catch up to the raws, I can't wait. I've seen it, and all I can say is, it's beautiful. And Kirishima says some crazy stuff while sober. I just can't with him. I love him, I hate it.
See you next time 👋
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posting my cringe old shit i wrote on wattpad. #1
OH GOD. help me. | SMUT | [ P A I R I N G ] ; Ayato Aishi x Reader [ WARNINGS ] ; P in V, Unprotected sex, AND BAD STUPID SMUT. last fucking warning! under the cut you promise to willingly suffer for your actions of this smut.
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Prompt : Ayato (male Ayano Aishi) gets horny and starts making out with female!reader :)
I asked my bestie for a prompt so uh here we go 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
BURN!! ^^^(i might delete this chapter idfk) (maybe ill make a masc one >:v) Also this is my first smut so it might be bad 💀💔
Comment here what the adventure was like after the story 💙
(Also you guys are in ur house n shit Its also night Netflix And chill (Even though my bestie didn't say this but i thought to just add this 💀💔))
💔💔💔💔- Ayato's pov Oh my gosh. She fucking right there next to me. Im gonna blow up right now. She's so pretty. Her gorgeous E/C(eye color) colored eyes. The most beautiful H/L(Hair length) hair she has. She dressed up in her little favorite jammies. So cute and only for me.
I wanna fuck her.
I felt hard but ignored it, and grabbed one of the pillows and my legs with it to make sure she wouldn't see.
💙💙💙💙-Y/N's Pov
I felt Ayato's eyes lay on me, i felt tension growing.
I just continue on watching the movie, leaning onto Ayato. My hands move over to his hands and held it. He seemed suprised, but caressed my hands gently.
I kissed him on his cheeks. Smiling at him like a cute little doll.
A few minutes later during the movie
I felt his cold hands snake onto my thigh and rub it gently. I was getting butterflies. He used his free hand to reach for my chin and smiled at me. He kissed me softly. He whined a bit when i pulled away but we both smiled at each other. He pushed me to lay down on the sofa. "Y/N, please~," he said crawling over me. He covered my neck with gentle kisses. I shivered at how cold he was.
He scooted over closer and started to take off my pants and my undergarments.
Revealing my pussy. He took off his own and revealed his member, with some little precum on its tip. It was... Probably a bit big to say the least to fit it in. He inserted his long, cold, finger inside and started to pump it in and out.
"Does that feel good, My little sweetheart?~" said the man with lust-filled eyes. Admiring the scene of you being finger-fucked by him. And i mean, only, Him. "Ye-Yes~" you quietly moaned out. He stopped and inserted two fingers inside you this time and pumped it in and out slowly. You whined out; "P-please~ Ayato, put it in~" His fingers stopped again and smirked at you, his cock was throbbing anyway. He inserted in slowly.
"Tell me when it hurts or you when want to stop, okay?~ I dont want to hurt you THAT much~" he started moving in and out of you. He chuckled. Which, kind of made you a bit worried.
Only a minute passed and you were already moaning mess.
It hurt a little but you didn't care. "H-Haah!~ AYATO!~" You moaned out, "Thats fucking right, moan out my name. Let everyone know how much of a slut you are for me and me only, let everyone know you are mine~"
Now that? That was so fucking hot for you to handle.
He started to suck on your neck and leave hickeys and sped up. "You like it when i do this to you? Hm?" He said, he wasn't even close to being done with you.  You moaned, loving the feeling and sensations he had given you. You were close to your climax and so was he.
You came and he did too, of course he pulled out before doing so. "Oh my~..." He chuckled, You tried to sit up but you were pinned back down. "Now, now! We aren't completely done yet~" He rubbed your pussy, he chuckled and loved the thought for another round, the movie seemed to not be done yet, the time was 1:34 am, did you both care? Nope. You both continued.
For what felt like hours. And hours. You both had 3 rounds. The aftercare he gave you was nice though. He loved you so much. Your leg was very sore still though...
Guess you wont be able to walk tomorrow.
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anyways listen to bag of bones in album 'lush' by mitski bbyz baiiii xoxo
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excessive-vampires · 1 month
Dealing with Demons Chapter 10: Something Unnecessarily Personal Part 2: Cee
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump @d-cs
"So that's all you remember?" Sil asked and took a sip of her coffee. Per Avi's request we were at a cafe a few minutes' walk from the base.
They took a big gulp of their hot chocolate. They thought coffee was too bitter. Frappaccinos were an exception, but with the weather turning cold a hot drink was more appropriate and enjoyable.
The cafe wasn't busy, but it wasn't empty either, so we were sitting at the table farthest from other people to avoid being overheard. It wasn't loud and busy enough for Sil to cast a silence spell around us and have it go unnoticed so the two of them were keeping their voices low, barely above a whisper. The atmosphere was cozy, it reminded me of the diner I used to go to with Bev on special occasions. That place had the best chocolate cake I'd ever tasted at the time. In the last five years I'd found much better. Which was lucky, because the diner had closed a few years before I met Avi. Good things just don't last sometimes.
"It was dark. I don't have night vision." Their voice brought me back to the current discussion. Now was not the time to wander around in the past. "Not usually anyway."
"I can use my power to enhance my senses at will, but I wasn't doing that at the time."
"Okay... Look, can you at least tell me if the walls were wood, concrete, or dirt?"
"I couldn't see, but..."
Smelled like rotting wood.
"They were wood, I think. Poorly maintained and smelly. The floor couldn't have been dirt at least, or I would have gotten it on my feet. I think it was concrete."
Yeah, it felt rough and uneven.
"You weren't wearing shoes?"
"I was dressed casually. I didn't have anywhere to go that day, Cliff's lucky he didn't catch me in my pajamas."
Your pajamas might have looked more professional than what we were actually wearing.
I felt their mouth try to twitch up into a smile, but they stopped it. That wouldn't be a correct response to Sil's half of the conversation.
"And you're sure it was underground?"
"There were no windows, and the air had that stale feeling of an unused basement."
"Okay. I guess now we look at all properties that have ever been associated with Mason and look for poorly maintained basements with wood walls and concrete floors." Sil sighed and took another drink of her coffee. Her shoulders slumped.
She seems tired.
"You seem tired."
"I am tired. I haven't been sleeping well. Cases aren't usually like this. Usually we observe someone for a while, figure out what they're doing, and stop them if we need to. Or we track down a monster that's left a trail we can follow. Now there's all these dead ends, and no evidence, and so many different pieces to consider, plus I have to work with—" Sil cut herself off.
"With me." Avi's mood dropped and their chest got a little tight, but they hid it well behind a smile while staring into the remains of their drink.
My opinion of Sil soured a bit in Avi's defense, not that I thought of her as friendly to begin with.
"I'm sorry, I just mean that—"
"It's okay, I get it. I'm something of a wildcard. I don't think like a human, and I don't act like a human."
"You do. More than I expected you to at least. And trust me, you're at least much easier to work with than the fae."
Their smile got a little more genuine. Okay, so maybe Sil wasn't so bad.
"I haven't ever really dealt with the fae, they don't make deals because they don't typically plan on ever dying. But I've heard they're hard to handle."
"God, yes. I could sit here and bitch for hours about how much of a pain in the ass it is whenever we have to bring them in on a case."
Avi laughed. We'd never heard Sil curse before, I guessed she was a bit less uptight now that today's part of the mission was done.
Sil looked at them curiously. "You're... surprisingly easy to talk to. I never would have told Mike or Riley how much this case is getting to me."
"It's probably just because I'm in the loop but not really a part of the team. And maybe you should tell them, let them know how you feel."
"Maybe. But I can't. Every team needs a rock to rely on and for us that's me."
"I'm gonna go get another coffee to go, then I'm gonna head back to base."
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, Agent Silverman."
"See you tomorrow, Avi."
Avi got up and walked out of the door to the cafe. Then they ducked into the nearest alleyway and teleported to the closest alleyway to their apartment, startling a dumpster-diving stray cat, whose meow sounded hilariously like a scolding.
"Sorry," They said to the orange tabby, and started walking.
You're getting along pretty well with the team.
"Yeah, all we need is for Mike to tell us something unnecessarily personal and we'll have the whole set."
I sent them an image of laughing. They smiled.
Seriously, I think you're finally putting down some roots, you're becoming a real part of human society, like you always wanted.
"I wouldn't call a team of monster hunters part of human society."
Well I'd call it the most fun part of human society.
It was their turn to laugh.
Then the elevator doors opened and the laugh died in their throat. Cliff Mason was attempting to break into the apartment.
He had lockpicks in his hands and was hunched over the doorknob muttering to himself. He turned around at the sound of the elevator and froze when he saw Avi.
I don't know whose anger I felt, theirs or mine, but it made no difference. This was our home.
Avi surged forward and grabbed the taller man by the throat, then teleported us to the roof. Cliff wobbled dangerously on the edge, grabbing their arm for support as much as to try to stop them from choking him.
He managed to get out a few words around the vice of their fingers. "If you kill me, you'll never find the people I've taken."
"Fuck." They roughly pulled him away from the edge and forced him to his knees.
Avi was using strength far beyond what a human was capable of and my whole body hurt even as their power continuously worked to heal it. I only felt the pain detachedly, though. Probably because of the rage boiling our blood.
"Okay." Their voice was like a growl through clenched teeth. "Tell me right now where the people you've taken are and I promise not to kill you."
"Let go of me first so I can breathe!"
"Do I look like an idiot to you? You can breathe enough to speak and that's all you need."
"Let go, or I'll make you let go."
"Are you really in a position to be making threats?"
Then he smiled. Fear stabbed through the anger in us, Avi drew back a fist to punch him into unconsciousness, but he was faster. We should have been more observant. We should have thought to look at his hands.
Quick as a striking snake, Cliff let go of Avi's hand, spun around the silver ring on his middle finger, and dragged the sharp spike on it across their arm. It stung enough that their grip on his throat loosened, just a little bit, but that was all he needed. He pulled himself free, drew a rune in the air, and vanished.
Blood dripped from the deep scratch on Avi's arm, they couldn't heal the wound as fast as normal since it was silver that did the deed. They would have to bandage it up later.
But for now they just fell to their knees, then caught themself with their hands as they fell forward. The rough concrete scraped up their palms but after everything else we barely felt it. We were exhausted. Not so much physically, although the power needed to wield that much strength without tearing a human body apart certainly took its toll. No, it was emotional weariness that brought us to our hands and knees on the roof of our apartment building.
Cliff was powerful enough not to need a physical medium for his runes.
We were fucked.
In the dream I couldn't move my head. I had to look down, to watch. The numbers on the scale were rising so fast I couldn't possibly read them. With each passing second more shame built up inside me until I couldn't keep it in any longer and I cried out. As I did I heard familiar voices.
"So, was it worth it?"
"Have we tried cutting out dairy? And meat? And..."
"Is this really how you want to live your life?"
"You just need to try harder."
I screamed louder, trying to drown them out. Then things shifted, I was now in front of a mirror, frantically scrubbing at my upper arms.
The ink in them had twisted, morphing itself into vulgar and grotesque designs, I had to get rid of them before anyone saw.
I scrubbed until the skin felt raw, until it was left smooth and unblemished. I sighed in relief. Then I realized what I'd done.
No, no, no, how could I? I loved my tattoos! Why had I been ashamed? They were all I had left of—
There she was. In the mirror, her face stared back at me. Not angry, just sad and confused. I started crying.
Then Bev's face got paler and thinner. Her hair fell out, her skin got tight, there were bags under her eyes. I pleaded with the mirror not to show me this, anything but this, but soon where her face had been there was only a skull. It moved forward from the mirror and advanced until it had me cornered. It's jaw fell open and from it spilled forth—
Avi's phone's ringtone.
They jerked awake in the chair in front of the door, we must have fallen asleep for a little while. Couldn't have been long judging by how exhausted we were, but then again my stress dreams weren't exactly restful.
They checked their phone. The text was from Riley.
"Meet at the cafe asap."
"I guess I had better get ready."
Sorry about that.
"It's okay, not your fault." Avi yawned and stretched. Half the reason we'd been up all night was that I suspected my recurring stress dreams would show up the second we were asleep. I hadn't had them in over a year, but I had a feeling they'd make an appearance after what we'd just been through. The other half was to make sure Cliff didn't come back to try to take us while we were unconscious.
Avi walked over to the closet and leaned their head against the door. The wood was cool, and felt nice against their forehead. "Maybe you were right. We should have just left, gone somewhere far away."
If it makes you feel any better I'm starting to think that might not have worked.
"Yeah, yeah that's probably true. Okay, let's," they sighed. "Let's get some clean clothes on so I can get some caffeine in us and Riley's team can help me figure out what to do."
Sounds like a plan.
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sasster · 1 year
Funny Business
You know what I never do? I never talk about my character's pasts.
Okay, that's a lie.
Anyway. :)
Have a baby young adult Vineno, as your official introduction to the man!
If you see any typos, no you didn't <3
[Oh yeah, google doc]
It’s grisly work, what purple bloods are comfortable doing to their fellow trolls. As he watches yet another body fall limp at the blow of a flailing club, Vineno thinks that this might be a far cry from the actual responsibilities of the highest of the land dwelling castes. To say nothing of the smell of blood thick in the air and the deafening sound of laughter and horrified screams. It’s enough to give the purple blood a headache that’ll last him the rest of the week.
Needless violence, needless noise.
As if his prayer were being answered, all at once the shouting from either side of the fiasco is gone. Silence and the smell of death are all that hang in the aftermath. Vineno, for his part, is less than impressed by the entire display.
“Let me get this straight,” he speaks slowly as he steps around the carnage left behind by the subjugglators seeking to indoctrinate him into their sect. “There’s no real rhyme or reason to it? Wrong place, wrong time?”
That’d always been a burning question of his, but he was fortunate enough to make it this far into his life without having to deal with clowns this up close and personal.
“Maybe if they were faster and stronger, they wouldn't have anything to worry about.” One replies with a grin.
A few others roar with laughter behind her.
“Just that simple, huh?”
“Yep. You in?”
It’s not logic that he felt particularly interested in arguing against.
Easy enough to follow.
Vineno shrugs. 
“Yeah, why not? It’s about time I did my part in the name of the Messiahs.”
The other purple bloods cheer, quite boisterously, in response.
They are simple creatures.
“Alright, that’s what I like to hear!” The leader, he guesses, manages above her troupe. “Now we just gotta get some paint on you and the Grand Sunderer will be happy to meet ya’!”
What a name.
“Good plan.”
There is an increase in the volume of whooping as greasy hands pull him into the group.
“New guy has to get the drinks!” Someone calls from the back, and Vineno feels himself smile.
How contagious, their mirth!
“Easy enough.”
Hours must have passed from the raid, to the securing of drinks, to the two pairs of hands that slather his face in grease paint.
The two artists above him discuss the best design to adorn him with, barely glancing down to get his input on the matter.
“How’d you make it a whole ten sweeps without finding yourself a troupe anyway?” One asks.
He shrugs.
“Not much of a talker, huh?”
“‘Least he’s cute!” The other, awfully bubbly, chimes in.
This is more socializing than he ever bargained for.
Finally, the finishing touches are being put on his face and he is shown a mirror.
It takes a lot for him to bite back the laughter their handiwork conjures; Two thick gray markings, in a sea of white, come down from the bridge of his nose and around his eyes, then they skew sharply down his cheeks toward his neck.
Pure artistry.
“Snakes! They’re like. Minimalist snakes.”
“I see.”
“Sunderer will love to see it, we promise!”
He couldn’t care less. He only nods in response.
“Alright, alright. Let's get you out there!”
And then those greasy hands are on him again, tugging him up and out of the room.
What a handsy group of people.
“Vineno! Welcome to the family, brother!” Calls who must be the Grand Sunderer as he is tugged along by the two trolls that did his makeup. The pageantry of this lot is almost entirely too much to suffer.
They stand by a table at the end of a great hall that must be stuffed with all of the clowns this church had to offer.
Even better.
“Just like that?”
“Of course! Unless the drinks are bad.” The Sunderer is a large and jovial spirit, but the thinly veiled threat is a bit heavy handed.
They’re never seen outside of their church walls. Why should they be when they have such a good troupe to subjugate the masses?
Such a hard mark.
Vineno says nothing as the leader that got him into this mess brings him to the head of the table where the grand highblood pushes one of the drinks the newcomer supplied forward.
“You first,” their smile goes nowhere. “No funny business, eh?”
He eyes the drink for a moment before securing his hand around the glass and knocking it all back in one go.
“I am a terrible clown, I don’t do funny business.” He says as he sets the glass back down.
“Ah, there’s plenty of time to fix that!” Sunderer declares as they chug down their own drink which gets another uproar in response.
The rest of the clowns start to drink their fill.
The drinking lasts well into the morning and the following evening. If he’d known that these clowns were going to drink themselves into their graves, he would not have bothered wasting all of those vials of his poisonous mixtures in their booze.
Each of those morons must’ve had four times the amount he intended to give. Mixed with alcohol?
That sounds fatal.
Vineno steps around the bodies, twitching in their stupors, as he douses the last of the church in the gasoline from his pack. They were having so much fun they never even realized he slipped away from their celebration to grab it.
Simple, simple creatures.
As he passes by, the Sunderer grabs hold of his ankle. The grasp is much more feeble than their stature implies they should be capable of.
He says nothing as he looks down at them.
“What did you do?”
Their face contorts into something that must be anger.
Vineno shrugs and dumps the remainder of the canister directly onto their face.
“Supplied the drinks.” He says finally, flashing a grin that shows off his fangs as he pats around his pockets for the matches.
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