#i guess i'll give it the tags
fiveais · 1 year
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Here’s what I’ve been doing art-wise recently.
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verflares · 3 months
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(click for higher quality!) draconified link concept ive been chipping away at this past week ..... here's my funny little compendium concept for him:
"A heroic spirit has taken the form of this bestial dragon. Unlike it's kin, this creature exhibits an extremely aggressive disposition. It appears highly territorial, and will relentlessly chase down those who disturb its skywide patrols - of which it seems to be endlessly searching for either a long-time vassal or foe. Unfortunately, it seems the spirit within has long since forgotten exactly who it was looking for…"
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hothammies · 3 months
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concept designs for the zombie apocalypse au i'm working on - pt. 2 (small au details under the cut regarding their wardrobe)
max's design
takes off her jean jacket during supply runs / fights - used to be billy's jacket
signature weapon is a sawblade baseball bat - was taught how to swing from billy but the bat was modified by dustin
lucas' design
has started wearing jackets less and switched to dress shirts - the jackets were getting in the way of his new shoulder holster
signature weapon is a crossbow / revolver - the best marksman of the group and most knowledgeable with guns (his dad taught him everything as a war veteran) can really use anything!
dustin's design
found his vest off of some dead biker guy, thought it looked sick, and hasn't taken it off since - he puts pins on it to personalize it
no real signature weapon because he tends to stick away from fighting, more support - he knows basic fighting skills but is a beast with his crafted weapons (e.g. bomb traps, molotovs, etc)
is the pack mule when it comes to supply runs - he stays with mike and will to scout but brings a heavy backpack with possible backup supplies / weapons if need be
other notes: wanted to share that the apocalypse starts in 2019 while the kids were born in 2015. the first arc of the story takes place in apocalyptic 2028 and so on (their current designs are for arc 3). reason? i wanted them to experience some of the music and technology up to the 21st century :] i'll make a more official story thing later! maybe i'll write something for this au or draw a comic? idk my creative writing skills are pretty weak but we'll never know until we try LMAO
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deepseasecret · 2 months
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painting wips from the past year that i'll definitely finish one day but not now
i really wanna get back to these eventually, but for the past few months i've been working on a really big project! It should be out by the end of may and im really excited for people to see what i've been Cooking :]
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lucy-ghoul · 2 months
can't believe a show based on a videogame (usually games adaptations are notoriously bad, which isn't the case here tho) gave me the beauty and the beast/twisted mirrors/enemies to traveling companions/ruthless antihero+optmistic but still badass heroine who takes none of his shit/age gap but make it sexy dynamic of my dreams. as much as i love maximus and i think he deserves the best writing ever because 1. he's a clever deconstruction of the aspiring Knight bro who's actually a bit of a loser and, as much as lucy, sees the world in black&white at first and then doesn't get what he thought he wanted but what he needs (or at least i hope he'll eventually get it), and 2. he's a cutie and i want an epic love story for him too, it's very funny how they tried to give us a puppy kind of romance and the tumblr girlies still fixated on the "toxic ~she bites his finger off and he cuts hers off and sews it on his hand in what we'll pretend it's a symbolic marriage rings exchange or whatever~ asshole who used to be a nice guy/good girl™ with a lot of spunk and hidden anger but unshakeable morals" kind of relationship.
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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alcubierre-warpin · 1 year
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needed to share the photos i’ve been digging up, slay off the charts
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saphira-approves · 7 months
Something something professional artist jargon something something insert art knowledge here—whatever I want to talk about the book covers
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So you’ve got Eragon, with a 3/4 portrait of Saphira; she’s giving a benevolent side eye with almost a Mona Lisa smile, she’s got that gleam in her eye, she’s looking at you but not head on—listen, this was the whole reason I picked up the book in the first place when I was eleven, she was so clearly full of life and personality and I just really wanted to meet her. It’s a really good glimpse of her character before even opening the book. She’s engaging you, but also maybe judging you a little bit, and she has a lot of thoughts but she’s going to keep them to herself for right now, thank you.
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We’re skipping Eldest for right now because I have a point to make. Shush.
For Brisingr, we get a perfect side portrait of Glaedr, the grumpy old man. He’s not even side-eyeing the viewer like Saphira does; he is eyes forward, goal-oriented, noble and regal and, unless you’re worth his time, not really going to bother with you because he has Important Business to attend to. He is The Last of the pre-Fall dragons, his Rider is The Last of the pre-Fall Riders, he represents a bygone era that will never fully be resurrected, but can still inspire the present to fight for the future; he is no longer fully his own dragon, but a Relic, a Memory, a Symbol. He’s not anxious about it the way Eragon or Saphira might be; he has grieved for a century, he couldn’t be anxious about it if he tried. But he knows that keeping his integrity intact is important, and so this is how he presents himself: Noble. Regal. The Survivor. The Last.
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Fírnen graces the cover of Inheritance, bookending the original series by almost perfectly mirroring Saphira—and seriously, it is so satisfying to line the books up with these two at the ends. Though he’s got a 3/4 profile like Saphira, Fírnen is much more reserved. No Mona Lisa smile, no mischievous gleam in his eye; he simply looks at you, and you look back, and you wonder what he’s thinking. He is, in fact, a lot like Arya—anyone who’s read the previous three books up to that point and hasn’t been spoiled for the ending might be able to guess, just from this portrait, who the final egg would hatch for. It’s also a perfect expression for the Final Book, with the fate of Alagaësia and the dragons hanging in the balance: what world does this mysterious dragon emerge into? A war-torn apocalypse? A hard-won victory? What does his future entail, and thus, what do the futures of our favorite characters entail? You ask him so many questions, but all he will ever do is stare deep into your soul with his somber, too-knowing gaze.
And now for the main event:
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My beautiful precious son, the red-scaled Thorn, staring you down from the covers of both Eldest and Murtagh. I have loved the cover of the second book ever since I first picked it up, and my appreciation has only grown with time; needless to say I was very excited when the Murtagh cover dropped, and I got to see both of my favorite characters in one place. For both of these, Thorn takes the same stance: a full-frontal combative position, looking You, The Viewer directly in the eye, daring you to judge him, daring you to get in his way. I’ve always had my own opinions about what lay behind this show of force, and the context we get in Murtagh does not disappoint. He may be terrifying, he may be the scourge of the war, but underneath all that, Thorn is terrified. He’s traumatized, he’s claustrophobic, his body is too big for his age; he is painfully young still, and yet treated like a dragon ten times his age because that’s how he looks. He’s also sweet, and playful, and cares so much about his Rider, and wants desperately to keep Murtagh safe and happy. Just like Murtagh, he hides all of that—the fear and the softness both—behind a visage of ferocity, playing into the fears and preconceived notions people have of him, warning enemies away so they can’t get too close to what will actually hurt him. He dares you to try. He’s terrified you will try. He will fight tooth and nail if you do try.
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crimeronan · 1 year
been thinking about the rabies condition in writing lately, which is a GREAT post about stakes and characterization. basically exploring how if there's a 100% chance a character is doomed, then they can and will do extremely dangerous/damaging/contraindicated things for the slimmest hope of survival. which is one of my Favorite narrative devices
but while we're using health metaphors, i've been thinking about another somewhat complicated means of introducing character stakes, which i'm tentatively calling 'the autoimmune condition' for reasons that are. obvious
the premise itself is simple: the character has Something that they need to survive. they either can't live without this thing or they will lose something vital about themselves if they lose this thing. there is no replacement or alternative for the thing. what's most important are that the consequences for losing it are Extreme, rabies-condition-style
in the real life allegory, this is the immune system. which is great for being alive!
then the problem is introduced when this thing starts killing the character.
the character still needs it to live.
so: there is a 100% chance that you will die if you destroy the thing killing you. if you impair it through other means, there is a 100% chance of consequences, though the severity of those consequences is up to the author. (these are medication side effects in the real life allegory.)
if you do everything you're supposed to then you'll PROBABLY survive, but you're gonna have to play lifelong tug-of-war to balance everything, and you are often going to have to choose between two shitty options. bc there is no alternative.
this is a counterpart to the rabies condition in terms of stakes; with this condition, your character has to make complicated and difficult decisions about what they're sacrificing for their future. it's not the immediate life-and-death stakes of rabies, it's a slow decay instead.
what side effect consequences are they willing to take on?? and what are they NOT willing to take on?? where do their priorities lie in terms of symptom management?? what other solutions are they looking for?? what are they willing to sacrifice??
and perhaps most importantly: what exactly do they need to lose before they'll Accept the side effects / sacrifices that used to terrify them?? how high do the stakes need to be??
at what point is this character going to look back at the choices they've made up to this point, and realize that they no longer recognize themselves??
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transmascutena · 2 months
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love it when utena tries to play matchmaker. me when i'm definitely straight and care about romance soooo much just look at how i'm helping all my friends with it while very much not pursuing it myself
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(^ aromantic lesbian buddies)
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palettesofrenaissance · 3 months
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 (𝐈'𝐦 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞)
"On your knees."
His taunting grin falters, lessens, a flicker of realization crosses his face seeing that she's serious. He squeezes the edge of his desk he's leaned against behind him, clears his throat and raises his chin in defiance.
His pants are still open—from when he'd instructed for them to be undone when she'd already been pulling his dick out; and from when she'd squeezed him hard, causing him to shudder before beginning to pant as she worked him in an unforgivingly tight grip. He had to bite his lip and bite his words as she took over, completely ignoring his previous air of dominace and pumping him like a torturous punishment.
Between his choked breathes then, he knew that she knew he liked it.
Now, his dick bobs after her command; dark curls rest at its base, leading to the little trail up to his naval.
She glares. He swallows, a momentary struggle of fighting for dominance or giving in plays across his face before he nods once and submits, lowering to his knees before her.
From this angle, his heart speeds up and he resists the urge to reach for her. Instead, he softly glares at her as if annoyed.
She runs a hand through his hair. "Good boy," she praises—she teases—and is surprised to spot the glimmer of a plea beside the bewilderment in his eyes and spots his dick jumping at that: He likes this.
Slowly, her hand slides down to craddle his cheek at the same time a knee raises to his shoulder. Wide eyes that boarderline confusion and excitement glance from her thigh to her face.
"I want you to please me."
A shuddery exhales leaves him. His dick jumps again, and stiffens further. With only a half-hearted glare, he adjusts her leg as she balances with a hand on the desk beside them and he pulls up her skirt and pulls aside the bridge of her panties. She isn't wearing pantyhose tonight.
He's trembling the slightest bit as he watches her moisture create a thin line connecting the panties to her warm lips. The panties are slid down her luscious legs to the floor in front of him where she steps out of only one hole. His breaths, hot and shallow and rapid, hit her thigh he does an impatient and quite improper attempt to skim kisses up her thigh.
He burries his face inside her greedily, with groans to match and a tight hold on her ass to keep her there. Her free hand dives into his hair near instantly, her grip tightening as he eats her out selfishly, sloppily, mouth wide and tongue darting, licking, lapping at anything and everything that's her.
Gone is that previous, smug, dominant hat he wore and is instead indulging in a role previously much submerged and hidden.
While pleasing her, his nose presses against her swollen clit and she cries out suddenly, making her grip painfully tight on his hair but he only groans gutterly and pulls her impossibly closer by her ass. Unabashed, he moans against her, the vibrations causing her breath to catch and for her to keen.
There's going to be sore, finger-shaped bruises by the early morning, she knows. He bumps her clit again with his nose, realizes, then does it again purposely, shaking his head for good measure, wanting to pull all types of noises from her—noises he's never heard her make before, noises he hopes she's never made for anyone else. She sounds wonderful, like music and fueling his own lust.
When she's bitten her bottom lip and is humming comfortably, he breaks apart only for a moment to insert a finger into his mouth, wetting it, before sliding the long digit inside her gripping cunt. The instinctual flutter of muscles and the high-pitched gasp of pleasure she elicits fuels his ego and his decision to insert a second finger. And then a third.
He groans about her tightness and ease due to her wetness.
She's whimpering now—a sound he's always imagined to hear from her—and had a death grip on the desk in an attempt to control herself and not aggressively hump his face to orgasm. She's stubborn and doesn't allow herself the self-fullfilling like that often; he notices she's holding back so, while still tapping against her sensitive spot within her gripping, slippery pussy, he rapidly flicks his tongue across her clit, trying to get her there anyway. Harshly presses his tongue against her clit. Sucks it while gazing up at her, almost daring her.
He longs to touch himself, to squeeze his cock and pump out the load that's nearing the brim just from her and this alone, but he doesn't. Instead, his cock stands between his legs, leaking shamefully, suffering, and almost harder than he can stand. Her hand in his hair maneuvers his head to pull back. He flicks his tongue at her clit, laps at her labia, then pushes against her hand to return sucking her off. Every now and then he humps the air pitifully.
High-pitched and lust-filled, she sighs, "Yes! Just like—oh, god! More! Keep on... More!"
Of course, he obeys.
She still stiffles her noises by biting her lip, by pressing her palm to her mouth, by throwing her head back and swallowing her own moans, turning them into breathless sighs and whines.
He laps and flicks and sucks while her hand pulls at his hair unforgivingly—
He longs to have her hands wrapped around his throat, squeezing just as tightly—
His eyes flutter at the pain that mixes with his pleasure. His cock is painfully hard, his one hand is soaked in her juices, his other is sunken into plush of her ass, gripping like it's a lifeline. All he can hear and all he can feel and think of and smell is her, her, her.
But just as he's getting completely lost, just as he's thrusting his hips into the air in a pathetic chase for relief, she pulls away. His mouth is forced to disconnect, creating a loud suction. And he's panting—they both are—and he's glistening from his spit and her slick from his nose down his chin, and he looks disheveled overall, with a dazed glaze to his eyes and his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Please," he begs, which she never thought he'd do; it both surprises her and pleases her.
His shirt is rumpled, his hair in disarray, and his pants are still undone. A puddle of precum rests on the floor beneath his exposed, achingly hard cock, the proof of his pent-up frustrations.
Running on autopilot now, his hips thrust into the air once more before a hand of his begins working his cock urgently.
Reaching out for her with his other hand, he repeats, desperate, "Please."
But she backs away out of reach and his hand falls pathetically, him still in that submissive haze.
After wiping her mouth, adjusting her panties, skirt, and outfit, she breaths weakly, "That's it."
He's confused. And so close.
"That was..." She clears her throat, forcing her composure despite her body prickling with arousal heat and her pussy screaming for her to stay. "I'm leaving. I have to go. Have a... Goo—good night."
On unsteady legs and in uncomfortable wetness, she leaves him—still on the floor, still staring after her.
- - - -
it is 6am -_- this isn't proofread and is jotted down in one go
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cherrymoonvol6 · 6 months
truly one of the best aspects of the lunter/witteclaw parallels is that the switcheroo of human luz luring "witch" hunter away is just SO on point with the themes of the story and philip's entire motivation as a villain. it's not a matter of humans VS witches, or religion VS paganism, but at the core of it lays the idea that anything that deviates from the norm needs to be extracted and destroyed. and in philip's time, that meant that witches needed to be eliminated.
but! that has changed, overtime. philip's world no longer holds that as the rule. not because the people who think like him no longer exist, but because the people who have been the target of discrimination and hatred have come together as a community and fought for their rights to live their lives to their fullest. and because of these, uh, "modern" ideas, luz fills the role of "evelyn" despite not being a witch herself, because she hits all the important bits: she's also the kind of pest philip would've considered a cancer for society all those years ago. and therefore, she manages to hit all the important story beats for her caleb, aka hunter: she's the one who triggers his first act of defiance against belos; she's the one who introduces flapjack to him; she's the one that takes hunter by the hand and leads him away from belos.
even then, her status as a human is impactful in the way belos treats her: he considers her an "equal", as much as that can mean. he uses this fact to manipulate and guilt-trip her. but that also means that he underestimates her, and that finally allows luz to put this putrid cycle to an end, therefore making luz and hunter effectively the last evelyn and caleb to graze the earth.
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kindafooey · 1 year
Käärijan nation how are we feeling on this finest of evenings
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radioactivepeasant · 7 months
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
(Picks up where Viper left off)
"You know you've got like a whole bucket of cactus paddles down there?"
Jak sauntered back into the throne room from the hidden door and tossed Damas a sealed bag of roasted crickets.
"I should hope it's a full bucket, considering I picked those this morning."
Damas pulled out one of the cooked insects, plucked off the legs, and popped the rest into his mouth.
"You don't eat the legs?"
Jak draped himself over the edge of the throne to snatch a handful of crickets from the bag.
"They get stuck in my teeth," Damas complained, "I save them for my birds."
Daxter snickered. "Even Pecker?"
"If Pecker doesn't like the food, he's free to fly back to Onin," replied the king with an almost mischievous look.
"Oye, you didn't mess with anything in the kitchens, did you? The head cook is...tetchy."
"She's a miserable old cuss and she threw a knife at me," Jak said indignantly.
"She throws knives at everyone. You're lucky it was only a knife."
Around another mouthful of crickets, Jak made an appalled expression. "What else does she throw?!"
Damas grimaced and rubbed his forehead as if remembering an old injury. "Whatever is closest. Pans. Porridge. Whole onions. Cactus paddles with the spines still on."
Daxter started to come closer, but glanced at the dead snake still decorating the dais and thought better of it. "Hey, Jak doesn't need to go to the kitchens to experience that! All he has to do is get distracted while on the Leaper again and he'll have a mouth full of prickly-pear!"
"That wasn't my fault!" Jak protested hotly.
Damas raised a brow. "Oh? I hadn't heard about this one."
Hoping to avoid retelling the story, Jak quickly changed the subject.
"Wait, can you actually eat cactus?" he demanded.
He moved to sit cross-legged directly in front of the throne, and began examining the viper's mouth to get an idea of how to harvest the fangs later. Absentmindedly, he reached a hand back behind him, and was too deep in focus mode to register that this wasn't Daxter or Keira he was non-verbally bumming snacks off of. Nonetheless, Damas made a goodnatured scoff and placed several more crickets in his hand.
"You can eat specific kinds of cactus," Damas clarified. By the emphasis he placed on "specific", it was fairly obvious he was anticipating Jak trying to eat random cacti in town.
"Only the ones with the paddles like you saw, understand?"
"Sure, sure." Jak brushed this off. "But what do you make with them, though?"
Damas inspected the bag of crickets and sealed it back up to ensure that they would have some snacks during the coming meetings. "You use them for just about anything you need a vegetable for, honestly. I tend to grill them with lemon. Some people boil them for salads. Sig's mother is known in the East Quarter for frying it in batter and selling it in little cups."
"Ooh! We still haven't met Sig's ma!" Daxter chirped. He grinned wickedly. "We should ask her about Sig's embarrassing baby stories."
"She has no shortage of them," Damas agreed.
Daxter glanced back at Jak, happily munching crickets, and shuddered.
"On a scale of one to "Jak eats things raw if he can't figure out how to cook them", how hard is it to cook?"
Jak looked insulted. Damas snorted.
"After the afternoon appointments, I'll teach you one of the simpler methods. You won't need much- Jak, don't touch the fangs. We still need the evidence intact."
"I was just looking!" Jak defended.
"With your hands?"
With a gusty sigh, the teenager scooted back to the right of Damas’s seat. He looked a little cross, but it faded soon enough.
"What appointments do you have, anyway?"
Damas stood up to stretch. Precursors knew he wouldn't get a chance in the next few hours.
"Third bell after noon through fifth bell is reserved for Arbitration Court," he said. "Which is why I do not usually call you during those hours. My job as king is to uphold the safety of my people, ensure the continued functioning of the Beacon and the water filtration system, mediate disputes not serious enough for the Arena, and enforce laws agreed upon by myself and my council."
Jak made a face. "That sounds like a lot of being stuck inside."
Dryly, Damas asked, "Why do you think I planted an entire grove of date palms in here? I would have died of boredom years ago if I did not."
He turned to fix both boys with a stern look.
"Out of respect for your fellow Spargans, try not to fidget during Arbitration Court unless you notice something suspicious. After five is a monthly meeting with the northern clifftop farmers to discuss rent payments."
"You rent farmland?"
"They rent from me," corrected Damas. "I didn't clear boulders until my hands bled just to abandon my land when I became king."
Jak blinked. "Fair enough. Man, we should've charged Sandover rent, Dax."
"Pal, they thought we owed them compensation for being allowed to sleep on their porches and eat a bare minimum of their food," Daxter pointed out sourly.
He caught a troubled frown on Damas’s face after the statement.
"Hm. I would like your attention to be on the visitors most during the rent meeting and the council meeting after evening meal. If anyone has a problem with me, specifically, that's likely where they'll turn up."
Jak eyed the snake again. "And if they blow their cover, I get to take 'em out, right?"
"No." Damas narrowed his eyes and pointed at Jak as he sat down again. "I need to determine how far the plot goes. No killing the assassin or accomplices."
"What about after?" Jak pressed.
"I'm the aggrieved party, I'm the one who deals with them," Damas said in mild reproof.
Jak folded his arms. "I dunno, we're feeling pretty aggrieved, right Daxter?"
"Positively outraged," Daxter added, sounding more bored than offended. "More Jak than me, but he's the sensitive type. You know him."
"Yes," Damas said, shaking his head with a small smile, "Yes I do. The answer is still "no", Jak."
Jak huffed and settled more comfortably against the throne. "You never let me do anything fun," he joked.
"I don't, I really don't." Damas reached over to prod the back of Jak's head affectionately.
"I'm a horrible, mean, adult who only lets you risk life and limb four days out of the week instead of every three hours."
"The folks in Haven would think that was the worst kind of tyranny, not being able to make us do all their work for them," Daxter scoffed.
The lift began to rattle, and Damas cleared his throat.
"Well, back to work. Eyes open, my boys. Let us see if we can't catch a would-be assassin. Jak, don't touch the fangs."
"I wasn't!" Jak protested.
Neither of his companions looked convinced.
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hella1975 · 6 months
chapter 7: it’s a long way to ba sing se (part 2) is up now!
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kleotheundeadone · 4 months
Scenario: Angel Shows You His Poetry
(A/N: I head cannon Angel as being a fan of poetry, and writes some of his own in his spare time. Originally this was gonna be a little huskerdust oneshot, but after a very stressful 10 minutes I concluded that I did not know how to write for Husk. So until I figure him out, I turned this into a Scenario. I kept it pretty neutral, so feel free to interpret your relationship with him as romantic or platonic) ⚠WARNING, WARNING⚠ It's sort of angsty? KInd of? I dunno, i'm warning you anyway just in case
"Hey, what's this?"
You carefully pick up the pink binder filled to the brim with paper from off of the floor, the words "poetic shit" written in the center in swirly black lettering. "Oh hey, how'd that get out here? Nugs must have been messing around under my bed and pushed it out." As if on que, Fat Nuggets wiggles himself out from underneath Angel's bed, sniffing slightly as he waddles over to him. "What is it?" You flip it open for only a second before Angel pulls it out of your hands, tossing it onto his pillow nonchalantly as he sits down on his bed, Fat Nuggets cradled in his lower set of arms, already fast asleep. "Nothing nothing, just some like joke poetry nonsense I write sometimes whenever I'm feeling bored." You had never really taken Angel as the artistic type. It wasn't totally unbelievable, but it was kind of hard to picture. And out of all the things... Poetry? It was intriguing to say the least. "Can I see them?" Angel gave you a look. He was hesitant. Nervous even. But he quickly covered it up with a smirk as he grabbed the binder and flipped it open, pulling out a small handful of pages. "Of course! Here's some of my best work. It's some real Shakespearean stuff, believe me~." There was something tucked away beneath the surface of his expression. Something you couldn't quite place. You wanted to prod, but you decided against it. Maybe it's nothing.
The poems he showed you were about what you expected. It was basically the typical sex jokes he'd tell usually, only now they rhymed and were in glittery pink cursive writing. So why were you still disappointed? It was Angel. What did you expect? But still... You had a feeling there was more to it. More to him. "Oink!" Fat Nuggets poked his head up from Angel's arms, squirming further against him as he attempted to press his nose against the hand Angel was using to hold one side of the binder. "Ahaha! Nugs! Come on little fella, cut that out, eheha!" A page from the binder came loose as Angel lifted it up in order to get it away from Fat Nuggets curious snout, falling face-up in front of your feet. As you lean down to pick it up, you quickly notice that the page is older than the others you read, based off the slight yellow tinge and tears at the corners. "Woah woah, hey, hold on a second-" His words don't register in your mind as you begin to smooth out the pages creases, taking notice of the complete shift of writing style. It was written in regular black pen, in print instead of cursive, was much longer than his other poems, and it didn't rhyme. And as you carefully scanned the words on the page, you find yourself getting lost in the literature before you, unaware of the way his cheeks paled as you read silently.
Hot And Cold
How does one ever survive in the cold? I may never truly know the answer Yet in spite of such, I am living in it, overtaken by the icy frost I breathe in the air that surrounds the space between us, and my chest burns My lungs filled with ice crystals, and I shiver I'm cold So very very cold I beg of you, I beg Let me feel your warmth If not only for a moment A second A fraction of that time My mind freezes over, and I forget my name Tell me what my name is Unthaw my snow covered mind Whisper warmth into my skull and melt the ice away So I may know the feeling of being alive again You hold me, and I feel warm So so so warm Too warm It burns All I ever wanted was to feel warm But who am I to deny your heat? So I dare not turn you away Burn away my skin, and consume my flesh in flames Tear away my cooked remains, and lick my bones clean Bury me in the ground, and let the earth take root in my marrow May my sullied remains be worthy enough to bear fruit That is my only use My only use The flames between us glow dimly A raging forest fire, now a mere candle, flickering in the wind I am warm I know just who I am I am real, raw, and absolute I could just about say my name My name is... The candle flame flickers and goes out You're gone I feel cold I don't know who I am I'm so cold So so cold
You were speechless. You only start to realize you're tearing up when you notice your tears dripping onto the page. You wipe your cheeks with your sleeve before looking up towards Angel, his gaze locked onto you anxiously as he balled up and released his fists repeatedly. He didn't rush to take the page from you like you expected, or even tried to play it off like a joke. He just sat quietly, waiting for you to say something. Anything. You smiled softly as you held it out towards him. "This is beautiful Angel." He smiled back.
"Thank you. Just... Thank you."
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