#i guess she really is the only weird girl assistant to have helped both a defense attorney and a prosecutor
jaggedwolf · 1 year
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after enduring whatever the fuck the main cases were doing with ema, i'm glad she gets to be edgeworth's detective in the DLC. childhood dream achieved.
bonus: nick's response to losing the weird girl assistant loyalty battle
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artdcnaldson · 15 days
UGH ok twist my arm i guess!!!! as a little treat!!!! dr donaldson <3
so gynecologist art, yall, doctor donaldson. cat and i were in the dms TRUST. so art decides that he should probably have a backup plan, just in case tennis doesnt work out after college. he doesnt expect to actually need it because his tennis is going great, hes on track to go pro very soon. but JUST in case, he decides to use his good grades to study some kind of medicine. initially he had thought some kind of sports medicine, if nothing else then it would be good knowledge for himself down the line.
but after his grandma passes (not of a stroke) and he hears his family discussing how if only her gynecologist had paid better attention and taken her serious she might have lived longer (idk anything about medicine but probably some kind of cancer yknow?). anyway he sees that a his motivation and picks gynecology as his field. patrick absolutely teases him to death over it, "you're gonna be a pussy doctor? what so you just get to look at naked chicks all day? i'd quit tennis for that too". again he's not really expecting to need it, so he doesnt take it too hard. but he's kind of obviously the only guy in the course, and the girls all think he's kind of weird for wanting to pursue a field of medicine that isnt relevant to him. but after him telling the story about his grandmother they all coo and comfort him that its okey and they understand.
he does well in all his classes because he does truly find it interesting and wants to do his best to help women. but as he's getting ready to go pro, he has an accident on the court, as he's going to return a long ball he twists his ankle and takes a bad fall. his recovery is good, but his ankle will never be as it was before, and his chances of the big tennis dream slowly dies. and ultimately he's just unwilling to spend his life as a struggling tennis player, when he could be making a real difference.
now that he has his own practice he likes to tell that story to his new patients, especially the ones who seem tense with the fact that he's a man, who will be examining their most private area. it does well to ease their minds. hes been doing this for many years now, he enjoys the work, and the women who come to him are happy with his work. his patients are typically slightly older women, as they're not as phased by a male gynecologist, whereas most younger women arent as comfortable with the idea. he doesnt mind that, in fact he understands perfectly. honestly hes grateful for it, he fears the day he might have a patient whos just a bit too attractive and he'll have to struggle to keep his cool.
that day unfortunately comes sooner than he had hoped. its your first appointment with him after having him recommended by a friend, you had contacted him and told him how you were very unhappy with your current doctor and wanted to try something else. not having had a male doctor before, except like your dentist, youre very nervous for the appointment. not knowing what to expect from it, or how seriously he will take your issues. out of nervous habit youve gotten ready for the appointment as if it were a date rather than a clinical exam. showered, shaved, cute panties, hair and makeup done. its all totally unnecessary, but the moment you see him for the first time you thank the divine for looking your absolute best. GOD hes so hot. far too hot to be a doctor. lets just say that he wears scrubs because theyre so sexy, and they truly are criminally flattering on him. he sits on his chair, typing away as youre lead into the room by an assistant. as soon as he looks up and asks you to have a seat with him, you both know youre screwed. the tension is immediately noticeable as you discuss your reason for coming in, just a routine check because your last doctor wouldnt do it thorough enough and didnt listen enough to your issues.
he leaves the room while you strip off and leave your clothes in a neat little pile, panties clearly on top in the hope that he'll see them and think theyre cute. and he does, in fact his eyes keep fluttering to them as hes getting ready for the exam. he has to adjust his chair a little lower in the hopes that you cant see that he's getting hard. meanwhile youre going from soaking to sopping wet as you watch him put on the latex gloves, snapping them against his wrist.
he can tell that you're tense, but as its your first appointment with a male gynecologist, he assumes thats the reason, and not the fact that youre mortifyingly wet. he tries to calm your nerves by telling you what he'll be doing, he sits right in front of you on his chair and tells you how first he'll examine externally, just checking for anything irregular. then an internal exam with the same purpose, and then finally a physical exam where he will just have to feel your tummy as well as your pelvis to ensure everything is as it should be. totally routine stuff, nothing out of the ordinary, if anything hes far more attentive and careful to make sure youre comfortable. but the way hes saying it, his voice and the way he's looking at you has you clenching your thighs shut and trying to keep yourself from making a puddle on the table.
as he gathers his tools he asks you to place your legs in the stirrups, he sees you struggling a little to get your right leg properly in place, he gently grabs your leg and helps you place it properly. goosebumps cover you leg as he pulls his hand away again. you can feel how wet you are as youre not totally exposed to him, dripping wet, youve been less wet when hooking up with people. this is just from interacting with him briefly, really its embarrassing. hes so sweet asking if everythings alright, and if he can do anything to help you relax. and after squeezing your eyes shut and holding your breath for a second you finally get out that you just feel like youre really wet, and youre not youre not sure why, this doesnt usually happen. hes so sweet, trying to reassure you, telling you its perfectly normal. its a natural response from your body, if anything its a sign that youre healthy!
hes not lying, he really does mean what hes saying, it is good and it is normal. but hes never seen anyone be quite this wet during an appointment in his office. youre soaked, its practically dripping onto the table and forming a puddle. if he was sporting a semi under the table he might have referred you to a different doctor. but youre so pretty he cant help himself.
he really does try his best to stay professional and not let his attraction crack through and distract from his work. but fuck youre so tight around his latex covered fingers when hes doing the exam. and you only squeeze down tighter when he tries to reassure you, tell you youre doing good. its making it hard for him to focus on the task at hand. it takes everything in him to keep his hands from drifting and moving to find those sweet spots inside of you. he doesnt have to deprive himself for long tho as he accidentally brushed against your gspot. his cheeks turn bright pink as he hears a tiny moan escape your lips. and youd been so good at keeping them in the whole time too. but this one couldnt be contained. he stays good, doesnt say anything, just carries on with his work. but he almost lets out a moan of his own as he sees the ring of cream gathered around his gloved fingers.
he takes his work very seriously and he doesnt take the idea of losing his medical license due to malpractice lightly, so he wouldnt be just giving in to his urges. his resolve breaking doent come lightly, its a big deal to him. he goes home that day and jerks off in the shower while thinking about you, he knows exactly what your pussy looks like, what it feels like, how soaking wet you got for him. he cums again in his bed and humps his mattress while dreaming about you. he wakes up and decided he needs to see you again. asks his assistant to set up another appointment with you. when he asks what for, he stutters and says something about needing to do some tests just to be sure of something. hes lying, obviously, but he needs to see you again. he cant stop thinking about your tight little cunt...
ladybug your mind amazes me... <3
He can't risk medical malpractice, and he really is a good doctor, he loves his work, he wants to help people. And he's really never, ever reacted this way to a patient before, but god, he can't get you out of his mind.
So maybe he schedules a follow up for a week later. Maybe his heart is racing and his palms sweat when he walks into the examination room and sees you in the little fabric gown, hands in your lap, worrying your lip between your teeth.
He feels like a nervous teenager on a first date, not a fucking healthcare professional.
He listens to you speak about your concerns, walks through your test results from the week prior. Everything looks good, he says. Nothing felt abnormal, your body is working just how it's supposed to. Do you have any questions for me?
You shake your head, sweet and shy, aching for an excuse to get his hands on you again, but running low on things you can ask for.
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gillie266 · 1 month
Yeein' On That 'Haw Ch. 19-- Many For The Few
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” I droned, looming over Vi’s shoulder like a mosquito as she knelt next to that oh-so-familiar arcade machine. She delicately fiddled with it, seeming as inexperienced as she likely was. 
She turned around and pointed her flashlight at my face, wearing an annoyed expression. The light burned my retinas, causing me to hiss uncomfortably. “Dude, ask me that one more time and I’m making sure you never see your weird yeehaw loverboy again,” she said through gritted teeth. 
I groaned loudly. “But why?” I whined. 
“I told you,” she turned back to face the machine, which had been laid on its side on the ground. “Everything I know is here. Sure, I went to prison for a couple years which will likely affect my life more negatively than positively, but… it’s what I have. And I kinda like having a face and nose and such.” 
“But there’s women there! You like those!” I said in a loud, high-pitched voice. 
“There’s also women here, (Y/N). And they have heads. I like when they have heads,” Vi said, and I honestly couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. She continued, “I guess having a phone for a head kind of eliminates half the battle of figuring out if you’re attracted to them physically, but, y’know… can’t kiss girls when you don’t have lips to kiss ‘em with.”
I frowned. She had a point. I was only able to kiss Norm because the system glitched out at the last second and gave me my head back. Even then, I didn’t really get the chance to savor the moment. I kept reliving the memory in my head over and over again, fighting the urge to swoon like an idiot, but it didn’t compare to how it felt in the moment. Which was why I was so desperate to relive it. 
After some time standing in awkward silence, Vi broke it. “So… do you plan on helping me with this, or are you just going to stand there with your arms folded?” She didn’t even look at me. 
I perked up. “Oh, right, um…” My hands awkwardly hung in the air, eyes searching the arcade machine to try and find something to help with. 
“Actually, nevermind, I have a feeling you would somehow break it more if you were to lay a finger on this,” Vi mumbled. 
I pursed my lips. “You say that like I’m some sort of klutz.”
Vi paused to look at me, only pointedly raising an eyebrow before returning to her work in trying to get the machine to turn on again. I frowned, but didn’t say anything more. 
Once again, silence descended over us. I really didn’t like how awkward it was. We both agreed that we were fine with me returning to Dialtown, but there was still tension in the air that was so thick I could cut it with a knife. It felt wrong– this was going to be the last few moments I spent with my best friend, and we were just standing in silence? I didn’t like it. 
But… I had a feeling that if we tried talking to each other like we normally did, one or both of us would end up sobbing. So I kept my dumb mouth shut. 
It didn’t take much longer for Vi to perk up, her spine straightening from its hunched position that resulted from bending over the machine. “Got it! The little boxes started glowing again, so I assume that means they’re working again. Hopefully, your… soul or whatever doesn’t evaporate when you go inside.” She stood and stretched her arms over her head. “Help me lift this back up.”
I did as she asked, assisting her in movng the cabinet so it was once more upright and against the wall. Vi gestured to the machine. “Care to do the honors?”
No. No, I did not care to do the honors. But, oh well. I moved around to the back of the machine and leaned over to pick up the power cord. Then I carefully inserted it into the nearby wall outlet. I heard a brief crackling noise, followed by the low hum of electricity. I reeled back from the outlet for fear of getting myself electrocuted, but that thankfully didn’t happen. I looked back and found the room bathed in the pale blue glow of the screen and sighed in abject relief. It worked. Vi hadn’t permanently broken it.
I straightened and rounded the machine, taking a glance at my friend’s face before looking at the familiar menu screen. I swallowed hard, moving closer. The “load save” option on the menu had been greyed out, signifying that the previous save files were gone. Damn, now I felt bad. If any other people had been sucked into the game like I had… they were gone now. But why didn’t they get yanked out of it like I had? Maybe willpower had something to do with it. Or, because they had been in the code for so long, they just… became apart of it. Would that happen to me if I remained inside the game for long enough? I shook my head. It didn’t matter. That would only matter if Vi did end up finding a way to move in and out of the machine at will. And that didn’t seem very possible. 
With a heavy sigh, I looked back at Vi. “Alright. Well… let’s do this.” I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans. “I guess this is goodbye.”
“Yeah,” Vi muttered flatly. “I guess so.” 
We looked at each other for a long time. I wished I could say something meaningful. Literally anything, before I would run away to a video game universe for seemingly the rest of my life. But I couldn’t get any words to exit my lips. Instead, I stepped forward and gave her a hug. It wasn’t anything special– it didn’t feel like the last hug I would ever give her. But I guess that’s just it. There was only one thing we could control in this world, and it was ourselves. And we didn’t want it to feel like the last hug we would give each other. 
So it wasn’t, and so it won’t be. 
Without another word, I turned back toward the arcade cabinet and took hold of the joystick with a shaking hand. The other hovered over the interact button. I flicked the joystick once, twice. Then I pressed the button when it hovered over “New Game.”
My eyes searched the screen, reading as it prompted me to enter my name. I did. The screen flicked back to that solid, pale blue color, and I squinted as the light bathed my skin. I braced myself. 
It didn’t hurt as much this time. Maybe it’s because I had already experienced it once, but the feeling of being psychologically decapitated felt… somewhat numb, I suppose. Maybe fear– rather, my lack of it– played a part in it. I guess that makes sense. Right? Maybe because I knew it was all worth it, the agony was bearable for the few moments it existed before it vanished. 
I was lost. Well and truly lost. I suppose it was to be expected– I hadn’t been in this forest before. Well, yes I had, but nobody could know that. They couldn’t know that I knew exactly where I was going, exactly where to walk to get to my destination with the least hassle. Exactly how to move to keep the several pounds of phone strapped to my head from taking me to the ground. It wasn’t easy; but then again, it never had been. 
I had been mauled by swans again. It wasn’t because of my stupidity this time. They literally leapt out of a phone-goddamned bush and jumped me like some kind of crminal band. Thankfully, I managed to run away fast enough to avoid lethal injury. I was still pretty banged up, though. Several cuts adorned my skin, actively bleeding and probably infected by now. I was in the middle of the forest, after all. Who knows how many airborne pathogens were floating around?
Regardless, I marched through the foliage with a purpose and eventually located my destination. A small clearing, filled to the brim with uncut grass, weeds, thorn bushes, and cryptic signs plastered over the trunks of trees. And there, in the center of it all, laid a ramshackle shack, more like a shed than a proper home, sporting rotting wood and overgrown weeds growing out of every crack in its foundation. I took a breath. Finally. 
Looking down, I noticed the bear traps. They were rusted and old, and likely been set a while ago. Hell, they might not have even worked. Regardless, I carefully stepped over each of them, being careful not to get myself caught. If I lost a leg… that would make this a lot more difficult. 
I eventually traversed the clearing and made it to the shack’s front porch. I hadn’t noticed how… decorated it was. A rocking chair sat in the far corner, coupled with a small glass table. The glass was fogged up and mysteriously stained, and atop the table rested a worn ashtray, several empty beer bottles, and the occasional empty shotgun shell. I stifled a chuckle. This made sense. On the wall was an official document stating that this was private property, with an additional note scrawled along the bottom that read “I SHOOT ON SIGHT.” How friendly. 
Shaking off my nerves, I took a step closer to the door. From within, I heard the faint sound of a crackling radio playing country music, and smelled the scent of a small fire. I lifted my hand and rapped three times on the door. I heard some scrambling about inside before the music shut off, and there was a couple of loud curses as someone tripped over something and whatever was tripped over went crashing to the ground. Okay, now I couldn’t stifle a metaphorical smile. 
Soon enough, I saw the faint shadow of someone peering through the clouded peephole on the door. A low, muffled voice rang out from behind the tattered wood. “This is private land, pardner.”
I grinned. “Yeah, I know,” I said, voice a bit too high-pitched for my comfort. It was a bit embarrassing. “So?”
“So,” he continued, sounding a bit annoyed. “I suggest you leave ‘fore I decide t’ do what I usually do t’ trespassers.” 
My hands found their way to my pockets, and I rocked back and forth on my feet. I probably should have decided how to go about doing this before I walked up to the shack. I forgot that Norm didn’t know who I was yet. I supposed honesty would be the best way to deal with this. 
“Okay, so,” I began, making a placating gesture with my hands. “I was going to lie to you and tell you that I had been attacked and was lost and stuff, so that you would invite me inside.” I grimaced slightly. “Well, half of that is true, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, I’m not gonna do that. I’m gonna be honest. My name is (Y/N), I’m from another universe, we’ve met before but you forgot because my friend broke the arcade machine that you’re encased in. You’re a video game character, by the way. Can I come in?”
There was a period of dead, uncomfortable silence. For a moment, I was convinced that he was going to throw open the door and riddle me with bullets. But he didn’t. Instead, he spoke again, voice considerably less threatening, more confused and tense. “I don’ quite believe ya, pardner–”
I interrupted him. “Your name is Sergeant Norman G. Allen, you did bricklaying as a teen before getting a degree in theoretical astrophysics and joining the air force, then worked with NASA for a while. You were buds with President Callum Crown, and he sent you into a wormhole, where you time traveled and wound up here, leaving your wife and kids behind. You were exiled by Mayor Mingus, so you have a needless vendetta and want her dead. You feel out of place in this world because you don’t have a phone for a head, you wear your stupid American flag hat backwards, don’t know that God is a hobo, and you own a few too many cowboy hats for it not to be a fetish or something. Need I go on?” I folded my arms across my chest. 
“Alright, alright! That’s enough,” Norm loudly cut me off. “I get it. Jeez, y’didn’t ‘ave t’ spill my entire life story. A simple explanation would’ve sufficed.” I decided to omit the fact that we had fallen in love in another universe, because who knows how he might have reacted to that? I heard the clicking of a suspicious amount of locks before the door opened, revealing the familiar sight of a pensive-looking Norm. 
I practically beamed at him, despite having no face. “Hi,” I said giddily. 
The yeehaw man gave me a confused look. “Hi?” He echoed. We stood in silence for a moment as he took in my bloodied, scratched-up appearance. 
I cleared my throat pointedly. “Well, are you gonna invite me inside, or what?”
Norm snapped out of some sort of daze before opening the door wider, gesturing inside of his… house? Hovel? Whatever. “Uh, right. I’ll make some coffee.”
I stopped him with a gesture, extending my palm toward him. “Actually, I think some sort of alcohol would be best. You’re kind of in for a long story.”
As I stepped into the familiar shack, I couldn’t stop myself from grinning– metaphorically, of course. I didn’t think I would be this happy. But, now that I was here, I realized: While we had fallen in love by accident before, now we got to do it all over again. Correctly, this time. 
I was finally going to experience the cartoon romance this game was made for.
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tinyinvadr · 2 months
Alright, here we go, Rhombus of Ruin time! This is gonna be a shorter fic since it’s a shorter game, and after this it’s Psychonauts 2!
Psychoborrower in the Rhombus of Ruin
Chapter 1
This was it. The moment where all of my training was about to pay off. Against all odds, I did it. I conquered my fears, foiled an evil plot for world domination, and became a Psychonaut.
But that was only the beginning of my story.
I was heading out on my first official mission: to rescue Truman Zanotto, Grand Head of the Psychonauts. And for a mission like that, I couldn’t ask for a better team.
Piloting the jet were agents Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello. Camp counselors by day, super psychic agents by… well, it was still daytime, so I guess it’s more of a “when they’re needed” thing. Getting to go on a mission with them became a dream of mine from the moment I met them. They were so cool, and I learned so much from them.
Also with us was Grand Head Zanotto’s daughter, Lili. To people who don’t know her, she seems like an ordinary girl on the surface. But there’s a fire within her. Literally. She is… really good at burning things, it’s a little scary.
Stationed in the bathroom was Coach Oleander. Sure, he may have stolen a bunch of kids’ brains with the intention of putting them in armored death tanks only the day before, but after we helped him work out his issues, he was a changed man. Well… mentally, anyway. Not much we can do about the constipation. Poor guy had to have been on the toilet for an hour, at least.
And of course, where would I be without my best friend, my partner in crime fighting, and the guy who made all this possible?
In a short time, I’d come to have a very high opinion of Raz, especially considering how much I resented him at first. I found myself frustrated at his optimism, and I hated the advantage he had against me with him being a human. But it turned out that we had a lot more in common than I originally thought, and when I made the choice to reveal myself to him, he didn’t think any less of me.
I tried not to verbalize that too much, though. He already had a big enough head, he really didn’t need the extra ego boost.
Unfortunately, we weren’t making much progress on the mission at hand. Sasha managed to get in contact with HQ, but they dismissed him, assuming it was just something about camp. Which meant it was up to our little team to carry out this rescue mission without any assistance from the rest of the organization.
While Sasha and Milla worked on trying to track down Truman, the rest of us were left sitting around.
I felt really bad for Lili. She expressed that she’d been kind of cold towards her father recently, feeling embarrassed when he would visit her at camp, and her previous feelings of doubt that the Psychonauts were even needed anymore.
I wanted to reassure her, but I wasn’t sure what to say. Even though we’d both been going to camp together for several years, I kept my distance from the other kids, so we didn’t really know each other all that well. But hey, if I was able to form a strong bond with Raz in such a short time, I could easily do the same with her.
“Hey… We’ll find him.”
Lili sniffled. She’d been crying, but she might’ve still been getting over that cold she had. With everything Raz and I went through, I didn’t really stop to think about things from her perspective. The past couple days were really rough for her, too. She got kidnapped, and then the next morning, the same thing happened to her dad.
I noticed Raz had gotten quiet, which was weird for him. I would’ve thought it would be hard to get him to shut up. He was practically living his dream. Well, so was I, but I’m not nearly as chatty as him.
My question was answered when I heard his voice echo in my head.
Hey, Flint.
I’m practicing Clairvoyance. Trying to see things from other peoples’ perspectives, y’know?
Yeah, sure, but I’m just sitting on your shoulder right now. The only change in perspective you’re getting is shifting an inch to the right.
I guess… Hey, wait, look at me for a second.
I turned my head slightly so I was looking at Raz’s face. His eyes were shut tight, and he was deeply concentrating, his consciousness residing in my head instead of his own.
Whoa, I look huge!
Heh… yep.
Man, no wonder you were scared of me.
Please, as if I could be scared of you. You’re just a big goofball.
To be perfectly honest, I was terrified of Raz the first time I interacted with him in person. Especially since I was under the impression he was trying to sabotage me in the mental world, which turned out to just be my own paranoia. It wasn’t something I liked to think about, but it was the truth of how I felt at the time. Unfortunately, you can’t exactly hide your thoughts when you’ve got a guest in your mind.
It’s okay if you were scared. I get it. And I know we didn’t get off to the best start.
Hey, don’t worry about it. I was being stupid.
No, no, it makes perfect sense why you acted the way you did.
This could go on for a while. We both had a habit of being overly apologetic.
Let’s just agree that all of that is behind us.
You’ve got it, buddy. So, you excited for our first official mission?
Yeah… Wait, why are we still talking in my head? I’m right next to you.
Oh, right, sorry. My sister and I used to do this all the time, so I’m just used to it.
You have a sister?
Four siblings, actually.
Makes sense, considering your dad-
Nope, we’re done talking about this!
Heh… he’s too easy.
In a desperate attempt to kill boredom, Raz practiced PSI-Blasting at stuff in the jet. In doing that, he noticed one of the overhead compartments was locked, and marked with the Grand Head’s seal. He blasted it open, but all that was in there was a music box.
It toppled out of the compartment, and Lili caught it, a look a relief on her face.
“My Dad’s music box! What’s this doing here?”
Her first instinct was to try and form a connection with her father by using Clairvoyance on the music box, but she wasn’t able to reach him. Raz offered to try it for her, and it seemed to be working somewhat, but he described a strange interference that was blocking him out.
At that, Sasha instructed all of us to focus our thoughts on Raz and Truman in order to strengthen the connection. I contributed as much as I possibly could, but I didn’t really feel like I was much help. I’d seen Truman before when he would visit Lili at camp, but I didn’t know him on a personal level. Still, I focused to the best of my ability.
We were able to strengthen the connection enough to where Raz could see the lab where Truman was being held captive, but he wasn’t sure where exactly it was.
After digging around for clues, the situation became increasingly concerning. First of all, Truman was unconscious, with a Psychoisolation Bonnet over his head. As for the power source, it was a mineral Milla identified as Psilirium.
She and Sasha went on to explain that Psilirium is a rare and incredibly dangerous mineral that can cause psychics to hallucinate. Even just using Clairvoyance on someone who was standing near it was enough to make Raz dizzy.
He continued his search, and from there, we narrowed down the location of the lab. It was an abandoned Psychonauts facility located deep in the ocean, in a place called the Rhombus of Ruin.
There were plenty of legends about the place, mainly spread around by the Psychonauts themselves. After all, few were brave enough to venture to a place where people supposedly go missing, so it was the easiest way to keep the general public away from their research facilities.
We set a course for the Rhombus of Ruin. It would take a while to get there, and Raz was completely drained from the Psilirium exposure, so he was knocked out for most of the trip.
Lili was in better spirits since we had a location on her dad. She wound up the music box, letting its tune play.
“Don’t worry, Dad. We’re almost there.”
A couple hours later, we were finally approaching the Rhombus, and Raz also woke up around that time.
Sasha assured us that everything would be fine, but I had my doubts. Even with proper protective gear on, Psilirium sounded like serious business. On top of that, the last thing Raz heard before he came back to us was a warning straight from Truman’s mind, begging Lili to stay away because it’s too dangerous.
Just as we were flying over the Rhombus, something strange happened. The jet’s controls had been compromised somehow, and we were set to crash right into the ocean.
I held onto Raz as tightly as I could, but I lost my grip on his shirt as the plane took a nosedive. Everyone else had seatbelts on, but Coach and I weren’t so lucky. We both went flying towards the front of the plane. Thankfully, he caught me before I could crash into anything.
“Hold tight, Flint! We’re going do-!”
The impact knocked me out. What happened after that, I think I’m better off not knowing. I don’t wanna think about how long we were underwater, or how close I was to drowning. Let’s just say it’s a miracle I made it, and it’s a good thing Coach caught me when he did.
All I know for sure is that when I woke up, I had ended up in the heart of the Rhombus of Ruin.
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bstvst · 5 months
A Life Worth Watching (Pt 1/?)
With Every Heartbeat x Red Carpet Diaries
F!Dakota Winchester x reader (past), Victoria Fontaine x reader (eventual)
Word count: 736
A/N: This first chapter is basically a summary of events from WEHB and the beginning of RCD.
A(nother)/A/N: Really this is WEHB as past and context and RCD characters doing whatever I want because I'm too lazy to go back and replay all of RCD lol. So here's this AU I guess, I will try to follow the storyline of the first RCD book, but eventually I'm gonna do what I want lmao. But I'm saying reader/you/"sage" moved to Boston from Iowa, so the Iowa nickname is still usable. I apologize this took so long, but writing intros is hard for me, hopefully now that this is out it'll be easier to write.
Go live a life worth watching.
Those words still stay with you after all these years.
Those words from your first love, Dakota Winchester.
You had a love story for the ages. That's what she would say about you two. You both fell hard and fast in your senior year of high school. She was the outgoing, bubbly popular girl and aspiring director while you were the new transfer student. There was something that gravitated both of you together, staying just friends was never an option.
When you learned of Dakota's cancer, you never saw her other than this amazing, lively, wonderful person. You even helped her make a short film that got her an award at her dream school in California. That after party was where she told you she loved you for the first time.
When her cancer came back, you still stayed by her side, knowing that you needed to be with her throughout her second fight against her leukemia. It was hard watching someone you love go through something so hard, her bad days were bad, and she tried pushing you away as her way of "protecting" you, which didn't work. You stayed and reassured her that you wouldn't be going anywhere. To show her you really meant it, you shaved your head after helping shave hers. You even threw her a special prom at the hospital with her friends since she wasn't cleared to leave yet. This girl had to know that she was never going to get rid of you, not unless....
After she passed, it felt like you were just going through the motions of life. Nothing but a numb feeling as you moved through your monotonous daily routines.
Graduation came and you received a video of her recounting your past year. How your love story really was for the ages, and how you have to live a life that'll be exciting for her to watch.
So you accepted your offer from California's Grantmore University with a major in acting. Not only were you going to live a life worth watching, you were going to live in a way that honoured her legacy as a future feature-film director.
Your time in university would allow you to become more adept at acting and you truly fell in love with it, all because Dakota Winchester got you to act in a short film in your senior year of high school.
Even though Dakota made you promise to try and find love and be happy after she passed, you never really dated in university. It wasn't that you weren't being asked, you were just focused on school, and thinking about Dakota still hurt made your heartache just a little.
In your last year, you found out that one of your old classmates from Iowa, Chazz, was working for a talent agency and offered to represent you once you graduated.
Post graduation, your mom helped you out with signing for a small apartment on the edge of Los Angeles, and your attempts at trying to get cast were officially underway.
After many unsuccessful and downright weird auditions, you get a call from a new friend, Teja, who is an assistant director on the new Markus von Groot film, telling you that you should audition for one of their lead parts. When you went to the audition, Matt Rodriguez, one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood was there to be your scene partner and test the chemistry between the two of you. The audition process seemed alright, and while Markus seemed like a weirdo, this role would be huge for your career.
That leads you to tonight, the Friday of that same week, Chazz gave you a call and told you the amazing news that you were chosen to star opposite Matt Rodriguez in the Markus von Groot film that was sure to be the summer blockbuster.
You started freaking out, you were going to star in your first feature film, and with an established cast and crew at that. You just closed your eyes and looked up towards the sky, thinking about how Dakota would be so happy for you in this moment. You let the moment pass and begin calling your mom and your friends Amy, Mateo, and Lennox to tell them the good news.
Your life was really going to start, and you hoped Dakota had popcorn wherever she was.
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science-lings · 6 months
idk if I'm going to ever write for it so I'm gonna put it here, my reborn Yatagarasu AU. I guess if I get a little encouragement I'll want to write it more but I have to get some thoughts out or I will explode.
It started because I thought Beanix and Kay should meet and do crimes together. I think they should fight corruption and be overly dramatic while annoying Edgeworth. I mean, think about it, in the first game, Phoenix's whole thing was exposing notorious blackmailers and corrupted officials and generally being unafraid of facing mob families when everyone else is kinda scared to take any action.
before the cut to so much rambling, I need to get one question out of the way so...
anyway, lore below, I just didn't want to put that under the cut where no one will read far enough to see it lol
That and he also has experience with eccentric thieves. Also, they're both named after mythical birds and named specifically to be silly with their dialogue ('Mr. Wright, right?' "Kay 'kay?'). I also just want a reason for them to pose as father and daughter and be able to pull it off perfectly.
Now for actual plot stuff, I am of the opinion that Phoenix has acquired some weird-ass skills that he uses in weird-ass ways, I mean in canon he has a talent for bluffing and he uses it to absolutely dominate at poker. So I'm thinking this guy, who hasn't risked his life in over a year, fresh out of leads to fight the case with his disbarment, needs enrichment. This comes in the form of Kay investigating him out of interest as his role of 'that man' and discovering that he's pretty neat actually. She looks at his case files and finds him silly enough to recruit for a new project.
The re-emergence of the Yatagarasu is directly correlated to the dark age of the law and the increasing corruption practically everywhere. The law makers and law keepers of Japalifornia ignore the truth for their own self interest and that is Not Good. Kay recruits Ema, who is interning at the police department and on her way to becoming a detective turned forensic investigator. She is also stem girl extraordinaire who wants to use her tech for good and not to help the police. Funded by Franziska (because the best use of Manfred's fuck you money is actively fighting the corruption he was a part of) the Yatagarasu plan to expose as much corporate and legal filth as possible. Because to build a new legal system, the other one must be destroyed a bit.
In comes Phoenix, who through past cases and his work at the Borsht Bowl, just happens to have a pretty good amount of criminal connections. He's inconspicuous, already kind of undercover, and he knows how to get people to talk. He's disillusioned with the law and settled into a character that requires him to convincingly act at all times. Also his daughter is a magician and I think it would be really funny for him to learn a little sleight of hand and how to use throwing knives only for him to turn around and use those skills for Crime.
In return for info and his help with the Yatagarasu project, Phoenix gets more assistance in his investigation into Kristoph, which makes it easier to keep him and Trucy safe. Also in this AU Kristoph is worse and more invasive and more willing to cause problems if he catches Phoenix learning too much. Every one of their shared dinners consists of Kris poisoning Phoenix's wine and them switching it until they're both confused and Phoenix ends up drinking it but survives anyway.
Another part of this AU that I would want to touch upon would be Phoenix's reputation outside of being a fallen famous lawyer. I think that his work getting multiple mob members, prosecutors, a police chief, and generally terrifyingly powerful people incarcerated would get him noticed by people. I like to think that he's trying his best to look pathetic and depressed but the whispers around him make him sound kind of terrifying and it's only because of that that he feels secure enough to take Trucy along with him to the bowl for poker matches. He also is trying to learn her perceiving power, which he can't do but he does get really good at silently communicating with Trucy to the point that they become a kind of terrifying duo.
I just... weird girl crime group (Maya is not allowed, she'll just get falsely accused of murder again)
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rappaccini · 7 months
giant-size spider-gwen thoughts
ok so the release dates for this and smash 4 are fucked. tbh i'm kinda ok with that because at least we know it'll end with gwen making up with the janes, and em won't be responsible for kicking gwen out of her own world, which was my fear.
it might end on a cliffhanger too, given how giant-size opens with em gooping out on gwen in the middle of soundcheck.
also this isn't even a giant-size. it's just a fifth issue of smash with an old reprint of a latour run comic added to puff it up. i would've easily read another 25 pages of this and it doesn't even have a real ending, so that sucks.
so... how does smash end?
em's symbiote stays awake and remains a problem gwen has to continuously beat down.
but em seems to have gotten some amount of control over it because it's capable of working with gwen temporarily
the girls either fix their shit or it's unresolved but they're stable enough that gwen stays in the band
gwen isn't talking about 'not belonging on earth-65' anymore so hopefully she finds it in smash 4
em and glory are still a couple.
em still loves gwen. but i can't tell if she's still IN love with her, or if they agreed to stay friends with a queer vibe.
gwen doesn't seem to have confessed any feelings to em, so i guess there's no I Loved You All Along revelation. so gwenjay's still onesided but canon.
natasha was a real ally to gwen and not a twist villain.
is it orlando then? him being the money behind banner's experiments and wanting to possess em jay seems to imply that he was.
does mortis show up? gwen seems underwhelmed when they meet so have they met before? since she's dazzler's sister maybe she's the one who sicced the hulk on alison.
anyway. we know things work out, sort of. ok. one more issue of good before we get into the run we have to kill.
the actual issue
glory's hair looks amazing. best outfit too. love that.
slightly funny that glory and betty are like 'well. this is our life now' about em turning into a ragemonster live on tv.
i appreciate that glory gets a moment to assist gwen in the fight.
and that glory and em are clearly still being drawn like a couple, even if they can't say it or kiss.
and that when em bitches out on glory it's acknowledged that she's in the wrong and glory's only trying to help her. glory loves her! glory's good for her! somehow a writer both acknowledges em's feelings for gwen and that SHE ALREADY HAS A GIRLFRIEND.
love that nat's an ally of gwen's. gwen needs more super-friends on her world. kinda weird that she doesn't really have any. samantha wilson was the last one she had and they haven't spoken since gwen was in jail, jan van dyne dipped right after giving gwen her suit, and harry hasn't helped her in a fight since the predators arc.
betty's personality's back! i missed her pervy jokes. it is so. so. nice that someone writing for gwen remembered the janes' personalities. glory's the heart, betty's the comic relief, em's the leader, gwen's the lancer. i missed this. i hate that it's about to go away For Good.
so orlando octavius is the villain here. initially i had my reservations.
part of the appeal of gwen's world is the usual spider-man villains get such great reimaginings (shadow clones completely failed to understand this-- gwen's clones are spliced with the sinister six... of earth 616? fuuuuck off). her biggest villains are the heroes of other worlds (silk and jesse drew, daredevil, punisher, the storms, hulk, peter parker), the typical iconic spidervillains are either nonentities (electro's just a shady dude living his life selling drugs to teens in alleys, norman hasn't goblined at all, connors is just a redpilled science teacher), fully redeemed (harry, venom) or villains of the week, like kraven... and doc ock
gwen's ock is a pathetic, goofy little scientist minion of cindy's who has an organic octopus instead of mechanical arms. he was fun because he was unique!
so learning we were getting a second ock with more staying power didn't exactly have me thrilled... but orlando's great.
LOVE his design. the duster with the golden tentacle design? the nerdy--ass little initials on his glasses? love it. he's hot, he's slimy, he's rich, and he's a little bit of a bitch. AND he's a nepo baby.
interested in the implication that doc ock is dead. technically this still fixes the keep-gwen's-villains-unique problem. she can never fight doc ock again because he's dead. but she can fight a different octopus villain.
i appreciate that his tentacles, while mechanical, are much more fluid and organic-looking than the typical raimi ripoff look. i still like the organic ones better, but this is fine.
very interested in what orlando and otto's domestic life was like. how'd otto adopt him. what's the story there. did he kill his dad.
melissa flores even remembered that gwen-65's from forest hills. amazing. actual continuity.
so much queer shit here. the closet jokes keep coming. this author knows what's up with gwen.
i'm getting amanda conner era harley quinn vibes from the take on gwenjay here. we all know they're queer, but somehow it's still being dangled just out of reach.
very funny that gwen's the straight man of the gwenom-carnage duo when she's usually the one punching bricks. nice benchmark of her growth.
and like with nat, it's great that gwen's getting another superperson to team up with. even if she's trying to kill her half the time.
on that note: i do think if em were a guy, 'him' trying to kill gwen half the time wouldn't be played for laughs. i like that we're not switching to gwenjay being all flowers and sunshine like the shippers want, but there is something toxic about their relationship that needs to be acknowledged.
the entire gwen-mjarnage teamup has a bickering gfs vibe, right down to "do you wanna take a cab" and the swinging scenes are very shippy
so carnage and em are referred to by gwen as separate entities... but that's not how e65 symbiotes work. idk if that's unique to gwenom, if the writer forgot, or if gwen's in denial about some shit related to em jay
mortis is the second villain here. cool design. love the flower motif. wonder if she's introduced in smash 4.
mysterio's back! i was wondering why the backup was the halloween issue! nice to see he was remembered. still not really sure WHY he's working with orlando and mortis.
idk if carnage is literally a separate consciousness or if the writer forgot that em was also at the haunted house.
the Horrors (tm): so clearly they're both still afraid of gwenom and carnage... or are they afraid of each other's symbiote?
regardless god i miss gwenom. love her toothy hood.
... "being left in a closet" being a horror lurking inside gwen and/or em's minds. hm.
... about that ending.
the ending was very abrupt. like, we just Stop in the middle of the action without defeating any of the villains and suddenly em jay's putting herself on a bus.
so we really are gonna confirm gwenjay's canon... right before getting rid of em jay for the forseeable future. okay. i see. this really is the new 52 harley quinn era of spider-gwen.
i like that em acknowledges that she needs to get a grip on her symbiote. she does. overall flores has done great with both acknowledging that em has feelings for gwen and not excusing any of the shitty behavior she's flung at her. no, it's not ok for em to keep ditching glory for gwen. no, it's not okay for carnage to try to kill gwen half the time and for them to just pretend like it's fine.
em jay taking the initiative to figure her shit out on her own is fantastic. it actually fixes one of the biggest problems with gwenjay as a ship (not that it'll stop the gwiles shippers from insisting that em jay is Too Toxic For Her unlike their saint miles)... assuming she actually changes for the better, and ever shows up again.
not exactly thrilled that it seems like nat's the magical plot convenience button. where'd the storm siblings go? nat got rid of them. gwen's wanted for a crime she didn't commit? nat cleared her name. em jay's an uncontrollable rage monster? nat's going to fix that too. come on. we don't even get to see her do it.
i like that gwen's upset, because they're finally getting along again.
it doesn't seem like gwen about to give her a Confession of Love, so i guess they are genuinely just friends. works fine!
and i truly cannot tell if em jay and gwen got over em's crush on her at the end of smash 4 or if it's still on. because em says "i love you" but as a "friend" .... but dude.
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what the fuck is that hug then.
so gwenjay really does seem like it's canon-but-unrequited. which matters less bc ~our ship isn't together~ and more because gwen still isn't confirmed queer. we're closer than we've ever been before but we're still not there. okay. yup. i see.
so the cliffhanger clearly sets up the formation of gwen's sinister six... which we know won't happen because gwen's being sent to earth-616 For Good. sigh.
idk what's up with the cliffhanger screen. half the characters there are recognizably from earth-65 (mjarnage, gwen, dazzler, natasha, lila cheney, pixie, samantha, the z-list influencer villain gwen was fighting at the start of smash),
half of them could go either way. i can't tell if the artist just didn't stick with the 65 designs or if they're genuinely meant to be from another dimension, probably 616.
-> is that the earth-616 hulk?
-> is that woman with white hair and a black outfit with a white fur ruff supposed to be felicia hardy? felicia-65 is black.
-> gorilla guy. not sure who that is.
-> sue storm, clearly. but there's no fantastic four on earth-65 so did the artist just get her costume wrong or is that sue from another dimension
-> kraven, clearly, but definitely not the kraven from 65.
-> cindy moon, clearly. but that's not what cindy-65 looks like. that's cindy-616.
-> and... i have no idea who the army guy in the bottom right is, but something's up with his fists.
anyway i'm guessing that they're teasing possible additions to the sinister six that'll never exist now. damn.
.... orlando's getting a whole superhero suicide squad together to kidnap em jay, and gwen's about to leave her all alone to deal with that. uh oh.
also glory and betty are still in that closet.
and em jay left for god knows where without saying goodbye to her girlfriend. mess.
... how's gwen even going to leave for 616? she isn't alienated. she doesn't feel alone anymore. she's more secure in 65 than she's been in years. she has more allies now than she ever had. she wasn't even kicked out by the six. she knows she's needed here. her portal necklace still works so there's no reason why she can't come back.
looking forward....
.... so gwen finally reconnected with her friends and her world... and is about to lose it For Good
gwen finally knows em jay loves her, but it doesn't seem like she reciprocates
em's doing the work to fix her attitude and get control of her powers... but who knows when and if that'll ever come back
orlando's gathering a sinister six team to kidnap em jay... and gwen's about to leave em jay to deal with that all on her own.
.... i guess glory and betty are gonna have to yellowjacket their way through being trapped in that closet because they might literally be there Forever.
at least we know natasha can magically fix all the things keeping gwen from coming home offpage so anytime she wants to come back we can just do that shit with no setup
well. i'm not gonna buy the gwen-in-616 run because i want it to fail so i guess next week will be it for a while.
overall, flores is the best gwen writer since mcguire. she clearly loves this character, her supporting cast and their world, and has actually done the research on them. she even got gwenjay halfway to canon and left the door wide open for gwen to return to 65, which shoots another hole in the 616 For Good book before it even starts-- which is a good thing, because we need that thing to flop.
i'd wish she were the one getting the full run instead of phillips, but if gwen going to 616 is a mandate from editorial, that wouldn't have mattered; she'd have still been forced there. still at least we'd know what we'd be getting.
looking ahead i feel nothing but dread, anger, apathy and disappointment, because they're synergizing the hell out of the spiderverse. gwen's ten-year redesign seems to just be 'slap the atsv suit on her.' gwen's first big villain is going to be 616's kraven... so the exact canon event atsv gwen had that we glimpse in the movie. gwen's going to be stuck with miles, peter and the 616 spiders, and she's a candidate for the spider society event book that's coming. and we all know they're gonna try and force gwiles again if she's there long enough. thanks i hate it.
i have nothing against the creative team of the new run (yet) but i truly hope spider-gwen: the ghost-spider flops, burns, is panned and canned after 8-10 issues, and gwen quietly returns to 65 after that. but then we'll probably just have to do ANOTHER round of 616 synergizing when btsv comes out, and the gwilesification will be even worse then. and maybe even ANOTHER if that spider-women movie ever gets made.
anyway, smash+'giant' size was great except for this ending. and the only reason why this ending is bad is we already know nothing in it matters, so all the new threads feel pointless and bitter because we know we won't get any closure or followup on them. still worth a read, and by far the best of gwen's miniseries since the mcguire run.
and if nothing else, at least smash 4 won't feel like too much of a kick to the teeth when it drops next week.
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rd0265667 · 2 years
The offer(Chapter 4)
1.7k words
I walked into the nearest "The Twosome Place"  with that Yuna girl, she's wearing her hood once again and had her sunglasses on. With her mask on too, she was almost impossible to recognise
"One caramel macchiato, and one..." Yuna said, nudging me in the shoulder
"An espresso, thank you."
"So, Y/N, care to tell me abit about yourself?" "Well, erm, I'm Y/N as I told you, I'm an only child, before...before both my parents perished in a car accident." "I'm so sorry to hear that." "Don't be, You aren't the drunk bastard who killed them. There isn't much I remember about them though. I was orphaned at 5, no foster families or adoptive parents wanted me, no relatives to take me in either, so I stuck around at the orphanage until I was 14, then left to earn money. Couldn't really earn money while studying either, so I dropped out of high school to do odd jobs. That's my life so far I guess. How about you?" "Well, my name is Shin Yuna, and as I assume you can't tell, I am a Kpop Idol." The cogs began to click in my head. I saw her on some Music videos. Hmm, no wonder she looks so pretty. Wait what? You didn't hear that. Anyways, back to her "I'm a member of ITZY, I graduated from the Hanlim Arts School, and I'm in the middle of a comeback with my group."
She then began rambling about her life and members, as she seemed like an infinite ball of energy, but, something was a little weird.
"What about your family?"
Hearing that, she tensed up, and a sour look overcame the face that was so full of light just a moment ago. Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck, I pissed her off
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about them if you don't want to."
"No, it's fine, you told me about your family, it is only right I tell you about mine. I was abandoned by my parents. They don't want anything to do with me, and I don't want anything to do with them. All I have, all I had left was my Sister."
"She's....missing I guess. I haven't seen her in a very long time, and I miss her a lot."
"That's horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Have you tried finding her? Or the local authorities-"
"I'm sorry Y/N, could we not? Please?" She said as I saw beads of little water droplets drip from her eyes.
"Yeh, no worries, soooo, Could you tell me why we're having coffee together?" I said, trying my best to change the topic and cheer her up, which seem to kind of work, as I saw her wipe her tears and force out a little smile.
"Ah, yes. So, my group has been needing a Personal Assistant to help us around the dorm, but we don't really want someone who's a fan. Don't get me wrong, I love all our fans, but it would be a little weird to have a fan be our personal assistant. And you obviously don't know us from the fact that you didn't recognise me at the store. We want someone who's nice, kind, and you fill in the box nicely. Plus, and I say this with the least amount of offence intended, but even before we chatted, I could guess you needed a job."
"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?"
"It means, Y/N, you look like a hobo."
"Rude, but not wrong....Job sounds enticing though, and to be perfectly frank I need the money. What would my duties entail?"
"Pretty basic stuff, help us buy stuff we need, accompany us out should we need it, cooking and cleaning if necessary, but we usually clean up after ourselves so it should not be much of a problem. If need be, you will need to help our manager keep track of our schedules and escort us for practices and what not. Your meals will be provided for and you'll live in our dorm."
"That sounds good, but me, stay in a dorm with 5 girls? Seems a tad inappropriate doesn't it?"
Yuna smirked before reaching over the table and poking me in the cheek, saying, "Well. unless you're a pervert who plans to do unspeakable things to 5 young maidens, then I think we'll be fine."
I blushed at the sudden skin ship as I shook my head as she smirked. "Good, I'll tell JYP-nim, he'll interview you soon and if he accepts, you'll get the job. In the meantime, shall we chat a little more?"
There, hours seemed like minutes as Yuna and I chatted it up like old friends. She couldn't seem to stop, like a boundless battery had been attached to her. She told me stories about her members, her schoolmates and her life for the recent years, as I looked at her with amazement. We had not met for more than a day, but she seemed so overjoyed to have someone to genuinely talk to. I guess being an Idol is pretty lonely too. Through it all, her smile remained ever so vibrant. It was really refreshing. Suddenly, something flashed into my mind, she looks so familiar, like she was in my dream. Her name was, Gaeul I think? I'd never seen her before though.
"Getting bored of me already?" Yuna pouted as she saw me space out, as I shook my head and said, "Sorry, had a weird dream last night and something popped in my head, what did you say?" "JYP-nim is ready to see you, a car will be sent to pick us up in 20 minutes"
At JYP building
"Ah, Y/N, come in and take a seat."JYP said as I knocked on his door
I sat down in front of his office desk and flashed a small smile, only to be met with a stony stare
"Before we continue, I need you to understand one thing. I treat all my artists like my kids, and if anyone does anything to hurt or endanger them, I will see to it they have no future, anywhere. Is that clear?" "Yes Sir." "Now, before I hire you, I'd like to ask, who in the world are you? My people ran some background checks on you, and we found almost nothing. It's like you haven't existed until very recently. Why is that?" "Well, I'm unsure of that sir. Maybe you need to hire better people." I said, with a slight chuckle, before collecting myself once again under the now both stony and disapproving stare of JYP. Small talk, not my strong suit. "Well, to be honest, I am unsure why information on me is limited, and if that were to make you not trust me, I understand that, there's nothing I can do about that, lost most of my documents ages ago, however, What I can do is promise you that I will take care of your girls to the best of my abilities. I am new to this, and I will falter, but I will do my utmost. That much I can promise you." JYP continued staring at me, seemingly assessing me for any tells of me lying to him, before giving me a small smile and saying, " Well, that's good to hear. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be able to hire you if I wanted to, as an enigma is hard to trust, however, as Yuna personally vouched for you, I will make an exception. Aish, never been able to say no to that girl. Don't let me down kid." I smiled as I was jumping for joy in my head. First Semi-Stable Job I've ever had, and my employers seem to be really nice. This is great!
I walked out and looked at Yuna, who smirked at me. "Got it?" "How did you-" "JYP-nim doesn't know how to say no to me hehe. Let's go to your apartment to pack up your things, then I'll bring you to your new home."
Yuna and I walked into my grey box as a look of shock overcame Yuna's face "You live here? No offence but our toilet is bigger than this." "Hey, this apartment is the best that no money can buy. Don't judge alright, taking care of you girls is the first stable job I've had." Yuna slithered up to me, grabbing my arm again and resting her chin on my shoulder "I'm your hero, aren't I." I blushed once again, this girl is too damn cute, she's like a temptress or something, and she loves skin ship way too much I quickly swiped her hand off as she chuckled and watched as I packed. Literally a minute later, we were headed out of my grey box. What, did you expect me to need boxes? I have like 4 outfits, the bed came with the apartment, and other than that, I had just a small bag of insignificant junk.
As we headed to ITZY's dorm, Yuna fell asleep next to me. Like she trusted me, just like that. I could never, years of being treated like garbage by everyone left me with a healthy dose of trust issues. She looked so cute in her sleep though, her lips looked so--- oh for god sakes Y/N keep it in your pants. You work for her now. Fuck it up and she can simply fire you. Gotta be on my best behaviour.
Once we reached the dorm, I gently shook Yuna, as she groggily woke up, and somehow, just like that, she was up on her feet and as energetic as ever. How? I swear this woman is not human.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dorm. Opening the door, I saw four other faces. Two of them were closer up front, one with a neutral look and the other clearly with an unhappy face. Two other behind had small smiles as they timidly waved at me.
One of the girls who was in front, who kinda looked like that one Dragon, mumbled "Girls, hurry."
The other girl who was already in front rolled her eyes, as she stepped forward, with the two behind stepping up too, and Yuna joined them too, a smile etched on her face.
"Hana, Dul,Ses, all in us, hello, we are ITZY." The five said in unison.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'll be your assistants."
"Y/N, lets gooooo." Yuna said as she tugged me by the hand and rushed me in, past 4 very different girls, with different thoughts and feelings towards me.
This is gonna be interesting.
In the Dark
Knull sat upon his throne, holding a holovid projector as he looked, seeing a masked figure who glared back at him.
"You called for me?" "Yes my pet, I have been informed that the Prince of the Gap dimension has been banished to Earth. His information has just been sent to you.You are to kill him for me, or you know what happens. This prince has a bracelet on him, enchanted to always protect him from any harm. However, like all that the highfather does, it is flawed. The enchantment can be overwritten and will be deactivated if the prince fully and completely trusts them." The masked figure glared at him, rolling their eyes but said nothing. Obedience to Knull was forced, there was no choice involved. "The false gods and self-appointed defenders of the Earth. They shall pay for their hubris, and you shall be the piece that shatters them." "Yes my liege" In the background, Knull could hear some commotion
"Jisoo unnieeeeee, hurryyyyy" Knull chuckled," Ah your humans are always whining huh." "May I be excused." "Go, and I expect results. You know what happens if I do not get them."
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nicoleheichou · 3 years
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Now All I See Is Color - chapter 56: real overwhelmed girl shit
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In a world where soulmates exist, it's uncommon for most people to find theirs. A lot of them going their whole lives never experiencing the world in color because they've never met their soulmate. But that all changes for y/n when she becomes MSBY Jackals player, Miya Atsumu's assistant. They're about to experience the world in color together. But what does that mean for y/n when both her and Atsumu are in committed relationships?
Today's the big day, it's finally time for you to head to Nagano prefecture and tell Suna and Atsumu what you've decided. You were making the train ride alone, your friends offering to go with you for moral support but you declined them, choosing to spend the next 4 and a half hours alone to really think of your decision. You could feel the anxiety welling up inside you as you choose a seat by the window, hoping that the scenery would be able to ease your nerves. After all, you didn't want to make the wrong decision.
Doubts kept popping up in your mind. What if you made the wrong decision? What if you lose one of them? You didn't want to hurt anyone with your choice but there's the possibility that you could. You know that you love Rin but you can't deny that you feel something for Atsumu. Although they're both understanding of your feelings, you know that choosing both of them would be selfish, as much as you want to avoid hurting anyone, you know that it's inevitable. But you can't help but think back to Semi and Kuroo's suggestion. What if you could date both of them? Could that be a possibility? Would they be open to it? Or would that be weird because they're best friends? You quickly brush off the idea.
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Texting your friends helped to ease your anxiety and stress a bit. You knew what they were saying was right. Just because you set a deadline didn't necessarily mean that you had to make a decision right then and there. You only decided that because you didn't want to lead them on, you wanted to be able to give both men an answer because it was only fair to them, you didn't want to give the impression that you were just stringing them along or playing with their feelings. But you also want to make sure that you're making the right choice. You don't want to have any what-ifs, you want to be confident in your decision.
You let out a sigh before sinking into the seat. Wishing that it would swallow you whole. That would probably be the best outcome, that way you didn't have to hurt either one of them. "Ughhh!" You let out a frustrated but whispered yell, still aware of where you were. Why did things have to be so complicated? You wanted nothing more than to message the two men and ask them what they think you should do, but you can't. You can't because this was your idea, you decided that you needed space and that by the end of two weeks you would be able to give them a decision.
It's even harder to make a choice because they were both so understanding of your feelings. Why did they have to be so considerate? Why couldn't one of them be absolutely horrible so that you didn't have to feel bad for not choosing him? You hear them announce your stop over the intercom, pulling you out of your thoughts. You can feel your heart start to pound against your ribcage. In just a few hours you'd have to make your decision. In just a few hours, they'll finally know.
one more chapter for the main story and then we get into tsum's route! i'm really excited to finally get into the routes. lol. but that also means that we'll be done soon. 😭
the masterlist hit 700+ notes so thanks sm for that guys 🥺
edit: i was proofreading this and i guess i got distracted and posted it early. lmao. 😂 whoops.
comment or message me and tell me what you think!
Taglist: @bakugouswh0r3 @youidiot91 @https-sen @kyomihann @szeonn @chantalkate16 @onlyonew @ntimacy @underratedmage @90s-belladonna @simpletype @toshikamo @todomaniac @sumebreaks @sammistry @pansexualproblemchild @kozuelle @roselleviennesstuff @erensnubs @fantasycantasy @choozari @starsabove-me @halesandy @encrytpta @youraggedybitch @pablopascal @qualitygiantshoepsychic @iheartkuroorin @curiouslilbeast @cannibalcuriosity @fandomsgotmefucked @xhyunjinbbyx @grassbutneo @therealpussybangs @angelxsage @tetsuhoes @haikoochi @erinoikawa @starglow-xx @riceballsandanime @nashionalpotatocorner @fucktheworlddude @fo-love @xmyshya @bbyaj @kingggjaay @matsunshine @ashers-playpen @silver-liner @ayeputita
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Extraneous Variable 3
Error: n3
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader
Word Count: 3120.
“What the actual fuck!”
“LANGUAGE!” Kara scolds Alex, pointing at you. “My kid is here!”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but WE ARE KIDS TOO!” Alex runs to the front of the mirror, and you get out of her way. “This can’t be true! I’m gonna kill Brainy!”
She marches to the door looking like she will absolutely kill him. You wonder if you should do something, but Brainy can protect himself, besides you’re not a superhero anymore. You look at your moms. Kara and Lena are staring at each other, so shocked, nothing leaves their mouths.
Kara seems to be the first one to come down from her shock. “I’m you! I’m about your age!”
“Yep! We’re one in the same.” You agree with a big smile. Alex is close by, yelling at Brainy to reverse this mess. You try to ignore her.
“That��s so cool!” Kara holds Lena’s hand, who still hasn’t said a word. “Love, I’ve always wanted to know you as a teen. Hey, now we can say that we have! And, YAY, I’m going to kiss you as a teen.” Kara’s face goes towards Lena’s, who sleekly moves away. “Lena!”
“Nope.” Your mom finally lets out. “You’re her. I’m not doing that, it’s weird.” She points at both of you and sits on the chair that is closest by. Her hands cover her face, and she lets out an exasperated sigh. “I told you not to mess with alien tech. Look what you've done.”
“I didn’t do this! It was Brainy.” You defend yourself, pointing at him instead.
“In my defense, I’m just trying to undo the mess you made.” He also ignores Alex for the sake of defending himself.
“Well, you’ve made more messes than I have now.”
“Only if we look at this numerically.”
“How else would we look at it?”
“You star-”
“STOP IT!” Lena yells, making everyone in the room flinch at the sound of her teen voice coming out so loud. “Both of you, stop it! I have a damn company to run and how the hell am I supposed to do that looking like a teenage girl?”
Kara opens her mouth, but before she has a chance to speak, Lena snaps at her again.
“Kara, I swear to GOD if you say ‘language’ right now, I’m going to curse in five different languages!”
“Someone’s a moody teenager.” Alex mutters and you hold your laugh, biting your lip, knowing damn well not to add into Lena’s moodiness.
“I think I can-” Brainy starts.
“NO!” Alex slaps his hand away from the piece of tech. “Do not touch that again.”
“But-” He tries.
“NO!” Kara yells protecting the tech with her own body. “I’m scared you might turn someone into a zombie next and they’ll come for me.”
“In that case, you don’t have to worry. Zombies eat brains, so you’re safe.” Alex looks at Kara and you look to the other side trying to hide your laughter again. Aunt Alex as a teen is way too funny.
“Hey!” Kara interjects.
“I just have to-” Brainy starts again.
“NO!” It’s Lena who says it this time. “You heard them! Step away from the alien tech. Actually, can we all get out of here and leave it for the kid to figure this out?”
“You know, you can’t call me ‘kid’ anymore. I think I’m actually older than you are, right now.”
“And I am actually still your mother, so you better find a way to reverse this, or you will be in deep-deep trouble, young lady.” Lena says and you drop your head low. Why is she still so scary even looking younger than you?
“But if the 12th-level intellect can’t find the solution, what chance do I have?”
“Well, you have the motivation.” Lena smiles at you, blinking her big green eyes at you. “Find the solution, don’t get grounded for messing with alien tech when I specifically told you not to.”
“But how is this even possible?” Kara says, counting something on her fingers. She looks around confused. “We’re not all the same age, yet-”
“I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain this to you.” Alex says and this time you can’t hold your laugh anymore. You wheeze out a laughter and Kara furrows her brows at you in response.
“You don’t know, do you?” She asks Alex, who denies with her head.
“No idea.”
“Ok, that’s it. Everyone out of this lab. Let’s all wait upstairs.” Lena points outside and you watch Brainy, Alex and Kara leaving with their heads hanging low.
“But I need help.” You mumble, but are left unanswered. You don’t know if they didn’t hear you or are just choosing to ignore you for the sake of Lena not yelling at them.
“So, we’re not gonna kiss?” It’s the last thing you hear before the door closes behind them.
“KARA!” Actually, that’s the last thing before you find yourself all alone in your lab with the alien tech in front of you.
It’s not that you’re scared of it, but yeah, being a baby and then a boy wasn’t the best experience in your life. Now your moms and aunt are teens. One is moody, the other is a sarcastic queen, and the other one is… Just… Kara.
You: Need help. Brainy turned our moms into teenagers.
Jamie: WHAT! OUR moms? This is gold!
You: Yeah, well, Lena is still scary as a teen, so I need a solution ASAP. Help. Please?
Jamie: Don’t know how I can help, but yeah. Sure. On my way now.
Jamie shows up some time later. You try to fill her in on what’s going on. She can’t stop laughing. Seriously. She can’t be stopped.
“I’m serious!” You roll your eyes at her reaction. “This is bad! Really bad.”
“I know. I wish we had popcorn.” She jokes, grabbing her phone in her pocket and going to the lab door. “Come on, I gotta see this with my own eyes.”
“Jamie.” You try. She ignores you, still going to the elevator.
“You said they’re at Lena’s office, right?” She’s already inside the elevator when you decide to follow her. She smiles satisfied when she sees you. “Relax.” She says pushing the button for Lena’s floor. “We’ll say we need to assess the situation, or like, whatever.”
“Fine. Just be aware, your mom is a savage.”
“Oh, I’m counting on it. I’m going to film the whole thing. Whenever I say something she doesn’t like, I’ll use this video as proof I’m not as bad as she was.”
You two sneak into the top floor, but there’s no need. Your mom’s assistant was sent home. Lena probably didn’t want to explain how she was turned back into a teenager. You open a little crack on the door and Jamie sneaks in her phone so she can film them.
Brainy is no longer with them, so right now only the three of them are in the office. Lena’s on her chair, still doing some work even as a teen. Alex is on the couch and Kara is impatiently walking from one side to the other.
“Seriously Alex, what do you think? I could wear Superkid’s suit, and no one would know.” She asks, looking at Alex waiting for a response. It doesn’t come. “Alex?”
“There’s no need to repeat yourself, I ignored you just fine the first time.” It’s what Alex says. You and Jamie try not to laugh out loud.
“Rao, you’re the worst teenager ever!” Kara complains, throwing herself in the chair in front of Lena. “Lena. Hey.” No response. “Lenaaaaaa, do you have any snacks?”
“Kara, I’m trying to work.” Lena shots her down, making Kara roll her eyes.
“Why? We’re teens. We’re not supposed to work. Besides, it’s not like anyone can hear your voice or see your face right now. Am I right, Alex?”
“I stopped listening, so why don’t you stop talking?” It’s what Alex answers. You seriously have to cover your mouth not to make any sound.
“You’re not funny. Just very cruel.”
“Yes, well. It keeps me young.” She winks at Kara. You and Jamie laugh so loud, Kara stands up in one motion, grabbing Jamie’s wrist -the one with the phone still filming- and you watch your cousin being lifted over Kara’s head. She struggles trying to put her feet back on the ground.
“It looks like we have company.” Kara says finally putting Jamie back on her feet, and you get up from the floor and go inside the office too.
“I thought I told you to reverse this!” Lena says, looking at you. You shrug.
“Well, I needed to see how you’re all thinking.” You lie, trying to justify yourself. “Momma doesn’t seem to have changed at all and you’re still working, but aunt Alex seems to have turned into a teen completely.”
“I have not.” She stands up, crossing her arms. “It’s just nice to annoy Kara. Now, I would very much like to return to my old body.”
“Me too! Lena doesn’t even want to make out with me anymore.”
“Oh, dear God.” Lena gets up, going to her cocktail bar and pouring herself a glass of whiskey.
“What are you doing? You can’t drink! You’re not old enough!” You tell her and she looks at you with wide eyes.
“Yes, I am! I’m a forty-six woman in a teenage girl’s body!”
“Well.” You take the glass of whiskey out of her hands. “When I was a sixteen-year-old girl in a baby’s body you fed me baby food, so I guess we’re respecting that rule. That means no drinking for you.” You look at Kara. “And no, you cannot use my super suit and go save the world, because, like I told you, Superkid doesn’t exist anymore. Now, be nice and go buy us some snacks.” Then, you turn to Alex. “And you, stop giving Kara a hard time or I’ll call your wife and have her come and babysit all of you. Now, if you can excuse us, the older ones must figure out a way out of this mess.”
“She’s your daughter alright.” Kara mumbles, looking at Lena and you shoot her a warning look.
Kara follows you and Jamie out of the office and into the elevator. Jamie looks at both of you with a weird expression.
“I thought one was more than enough.” Then she agrees with her head, looking away. “I was right.”
“And you’re Alex’s daughter alright.” Kara steps out of the elevator when it gets on the ground floor and you hear Aly talking to her.
“Hello, Miss Luthor-Danvers! It’s good to see you.”
“Oh, um, yeah! It’s me!” Kara says and you look at Jamie rolling your eyes.
“You know what? The sooner we finish this, the better.” You push the button for the underground level, and it doesn’t take long for you and Jamie -kind of- start working.
You absolutely hate the fact that you started messing with alien technology in the first place. You should’ve listened to Lena when she told you not to touch it. Kara comes in and out with food, Jamie takes several naps next to you, but you keep working.
“Ok, honestly. That’s enough.” Jamie gets up, holding your arm. “We’re going home. They’re not going to die being teens for a day. I mean, you didn’t die being a boy, so they’re cool.”
“Lena told me to find the solution.”
“Yes, well. She said, ‘find the solution’ not ‘find it today’. So, we’re leaving.” Jamie sighs, tired. You look at the clock and agree with your head. “Let’s take our teens home.”
And despite protests, you all go home. It’s funny that none of them can drive, so Jamie is the one left driving all of you around in Lena’s fancy car. You can tell Lena is not enjoying the ride, but there’s not much she can do about it.
“And here we are.” Jamie says, stopping in front of your house.
“Why are our lives so goddamn weird?” It’s how Alex says goodbye, and you look at Jamie raising an eyebrow.
“Good luck with her.” You slip out of the car and follow your moms into the house.
“Well, I’ll go watch TV.” You hear Kara’s voice, and she makes her way to the living room. You look at Lena who just shrugs.
“Meh, guess I’ll do that too.”
“Ok, no.” You follow Kara and turn off the TV. She interjects, but you ignore. “You’re going to take a shower, and Lena is going to help me with dinner.”
“I don’t wanna.” Lena says, throwing herself on the couch and you breathe deep.
“Ok, come on. You guys are not actually teens. Stop being annoying!” You take the control out of Kara’s hand again, when she motions turning the TV back on.
“And you’re not our mom, so stop bossing us.” Kara complains. You breathe deep one more time.
“I wouldn’t have to boss you, if you would just act your age, young lady!” You hear yourself saying that and your eyes widen. “Look at what you’re making me say! My God, I hate myself right now.” You toss the control back at her. “Do whatever you want, I don’t care.”
You still go to the kitchen and get started on dinner. How dare they make you be the responsible adult in the house? They only look young. They’re not actually young. Right?
Jamie: Why does my mom keep acting like a young brat? Isn’t she supposed to be like 50 but look younger?
You: Maybe? My moms are also being immature right now.
Jamie: Do you think their minds are catching up to their body?
You: Maybe???
“Mom!” You call but hear no answer. “Lena!”
“Ugh, what? Can you just leave me alone for like a second?” Lena’s voice comes a while later.
You run to where they are. They’re sitting on the same couch holding hands.
“What’s going on here?” You ask and receive rolling eyes as an answer. Those little weasels!
“God, you’re so annoying for a teen. Are you sure you’re not a 60-year-old woman?” Lena says and you bite your tongue not to answer her. “We’re holding hands, ‘cause this one apparently needs human contact to survive.”
“Well, aren’t you a ray of pitch-black as a teen?” You go back to the kitchen and finish the dinner. But they’re awfully quiet in the living room, so you make your way there in silence to see what’s going on. “Wow, that’s a big kiss!”
You interrupt them, like Kara once has done to you and Maya. They are breathless and flushed and are now shooting daggers at you.
“Dinner is ready.” You say but none of them move. They’re really starting to annoy you. “Did you listen?”
“We’re choosing to ignore you.” Lena says and you close your eyes, breathing deep a few times. Come on, you’re not that annoying as a teen. She’s the worst.
“Get up, come on.” You make your way towards them, hold Kara’s arms and make her stand. “Come eat, and then we’re going to sleep. I can’t stand you both anymore. Go on, Kara. Don’t make me say it twice.”
At that she obeys. Lena still rolls her eyes at you once more, before getting up and going to the kitchen table. You thought it would be a lot more fun having your moms being your own age. You felt like they would understand you, but instead they’re so self-centered it is impossible to hold a conversation. There’s no doubt, their minds are catching up to their bodies for sure.
“Hey, hey, hey.” You stop them, before they run out of the kitchen. “You two are not sleeping together. And you still have to do the dishes and clean the kitchen.” You smile, actually excited you get to say that to them. “Go on.”
You don’t even care about the rolling eyes, and the mumbles under their breaths. You’re sitting while they do all the work. You get now why Lena likes bossing you so much. It is fun!
You don’t let them sleep together. You already saw way too much when you went to the living room earlier. So Kara’s stuck sleeping with you, and the moody teen gets to sleep alone in the other bedroom.
It’s early when you wake up. Jamie, Kelly and teen Alex show up at your house sooner than you’d like.
“Ok, I’m going to the lab, you stay here and try to wake my moms up.” You tell Kelly and look at Jamie who grabs the car keys at your signal. “You might have to hire an exorcist for Lena.”
“Can’t be worse than this one.” Kelly points at Alex with her head, who rolls her eyes in response. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at Alex and leave with Jamie.
“Do we roll our eyes that much?” You ask her and she agrees with her head.
“Not anymore. My God, that shit’s annoying!”
You go back to the lab, and surprise! You can’t do it alone. But since Lena’s not around – physically or mentally – you call Brainy, and he shows up a while later to help you.
“Ok, this time, I think we actually got it.” He says and you agree with your head.
“After we undo this thing, I swear to Rao I’m breaking this machine into a thousand pieces.” You look at Jamie. “Ok, call your mami. Time to bring them back.”
It’s not long until Kelly shows up with three moody teenagers fighting behind her. She looks as done as you imagine you would with their bullshit. You pray to Rao this works. You’re done with this tech, and this nonsense all together.
You shove them inside your lab. Show Kara which button to press – she’s the less annoying one – and the rest of you wait outside.
“You did it!” Kara says, opening the lab door, excitedly. You look at them looking normal again and breathe relieved.
“Thank Rao.” You hug both of your moms, while Kelly and Jamie hug Alex. “You two were terrible teenagers.”
“Well, you handled us very well, babygirl.” Lena kisses your forehead. “I love you guys. But, um, I have to go to work.”
Lena leaves in a hurry. Kara, Alex and Brainy also excuse themselves running out of your lab back to their jobs, and you find yourself alone with Jamie.
“Hey. Help me with this?” You give her a piece of wood and point at the alien tech. She nods with a big smile.
Bye, bye weird situations alien tech put you through. Hello, weird situations your life puts you through.
Once again thanks @oncemoonie for this fun prompt. I had too much fun with this series.
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Bumblebee (Extra)
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"Nothing exciting ever happens here, it's so damn boring. " your friend complained. You were sure if she knew half of what you did, she'd be thankful for the boring days.
"By the way, Mr. Henderson got a new assistant, I heard he's a real cutie, maybe we can get you a boyfriend."
"I'm not interested. " you didn't care for anyone but Bumblebee. Just the thought of him had you smiling. You opened your locker, switching books. "You keep saying that. Do you have a secret I should know about?" she raised a brow.
"Quit playing, it's nothing like that. I'm just interested in someone else already."
"I know, that's what you always say, when can I meet your mystery crush."
"It's a long distance thing, so who knows when." she just looked unimpressed. If you say so (Y/N)."
You kept walking, still chatting with your friend. Someone coming out hurriedly from a door in front of you made you backtrack. The male spun around, almost knocking into you. The frantic way in which he moved indicated that maybe he was looking for someone. When his brown eyes locked unto you, his smile got brighter.
He was decked down in a pair of slacks and a button up white shirt. The dark hair matched his pretty eyes. You weren't sure if he was a student of part of the faculty. You barely paid much mind to people other than the ones you conversed with on a regular basis.
"(Y/N)!" the excitement on the man's face was unnerving. What threw you completely off is his voice. It sounded exactly like the one in your dream that time with Bee. Your cheeks color, and you take some more steps back. "W-Who are you?" You can tell he wants to talk, but his eyes move to your friend.
"I'm uhhh, well that's a good question I'm.."
He's not really forming sentences, or making much sense. Your friend however is gushing.
"No need to get bashful, I can tell when I'm being a third wheel. See ya (Y/N)!" Her enthusiasm is high as she completely abandons you with this strange boy.
"She likes sushi!!" she calls, right before she's gone, all the way around the corner. You know she doesn't suspect that this guy is in any way harmful, but you don't have the same level of trust. The last guy that ran into you like this turned out to be a psychotic Decepticon hellbent on assassinating you. You aren't ready to replay that record anytime soon. You keep the distance between the both of you, watching him wearily.
"Listen, I don't know who you are, but this place is packed with people. There's no way you'd risk getting caught here." you're on the defense. But at least this time you're not alone in the building.
"What? Wait no no, I'm not a Decepticon (Y/N)." some more students buzz by, a few girls sending the male a little smile and wink. He doesn't even seem to register it. His focus is completely on you.
"I know I look different like this but I-" He takes a step forward, and you move back. He raises his hand to assure you there's no need to be afraid.
"It's me (Y/N). Bumblebee." You don't really believe at first, but when the quick glimmer of blue rushes over his orbs, you gasp in surprise. That look, the one he'd given so many times when you were just lounging around, There was no mistaking it.
"Bee..." He smiles in relief, rushing over and pulling you into his arms. He picks you up, spinning you around laughing, and you clutch unto him unprepared, letting out a small squeal.
"B-But how did you.." You just saw him this morning and he in no way looked like this.
"I'll tell you everything."
This was about to be one hell of a story.
The next few hours feel like torture. You're so anxious for school to let out so you can talk to Bee, who you found out was the assistant mentioned earlier. The entire day he spent practically at your side when he wasn't working. You were still adjusting to the fact that he was walking around in your school. Another shocker was his ease carrying out the job. Being an advanced robot probably helped a lot in that department. The ringing of the final bell goes off, and before you can seek out Bumblebee, he's already found you.
"(Y/N)!!" His call directs a lot of female attention in your spot, and you avert your eyes. There were no doubt a few bitter girls. Bumblebee catches up, taking your hand into his. The smile he sends you banishes the stares you once felt, and he guided you out the school doors. Out of earshot of the other students, Bumblebee goes on a full on rant.
"This is so awesome! I never thought being human was this incredible, of course humans are amazing. Not as amazing as you of course (Y/N). You guys do some much down here although you're so tiny. Doesn't it get tiring being this small. And the girls at your school are really curious too, they kept asking so many questions. "
They were definitely hitting on him.
"I'm just so happy to be able to be with you like this. When Optimus first told me about it I was so skeptical, but look at me, I'm human!" his yell earned a weird look from a passer by, and you pulled him off to the side.
"M-Maybe don't say stuff like that in the open okay Bee." he looks at the woman who just walked by, giving a little smile and wave. She just keeps walking forward.
"Huh, thought humans liked it when you waved." he looks down at his hand to maybe inspect it to see if he did it wrong, and you just watch him. Parts of this still barely made sense, but you had to admit, the human version of Bumblebee was almost as cute as the autobot one. He still held that innocence and curiosity.
"Hey Bee, If you're here, who's' with Sam?"
"Oh, Ironhide. He said being human is overrated. He's gonna be Sam's ride for a while. I can still transform you know, wanna see!" you shake your head.
"N-Not here!" he blinks. "Oh, right right. Good call." just like that he's grinning again.
"I'm so glad I can hold hands with you like this." he takes your hand softly in his, and you do love the warmth it gives off. It's the same way you always feel around him.
"Let's get back to my house." Maybe when you're in your own environment you'd be able to question him freely.
The moment you step through your door you fully expect your mother to be there. Because for once, you're able to show her the boy you've been madly in love with for months. But you meet nothing but silence. "Mom?" you enter, and Bumblebee follows close behind. When you make out the note stuck to the fridge you sigh.
"Hey sweetheart, I have an overnight shift. There's money for pizza on the table when you get hungry. Enjoy!"
"Hey Bee, can you come here for a second?"
"Yep!" He's by your side in seconds, and you pull out your phone, switching the camera.
"I just wanna take a picture to send to my mom. I was kind of hoping she'd be here, but she has to work late today. Say cheese." he turns to the camera and as you're about to snap the picture, he presses a kiss to your cheeks. You blush, a bit unprepared. The camera snaps it and you lower your hand, looking at him shyly. He just returns it with a cheeky smile. His eyes move down to the picture. "I love it." he mutters.
Although you know this is Bumblebee, to you it's still a bit strange. As a human, it almost feels like he's a different person. A lot more forward about everything. His eyes shift in your direction as you make your mini assessment, and something flickers in his brown orbs.
The minute they zero in on your lips, you take a step back lowering your head as you tuck the phone into your pocket. You start a trip to your room, and Bumblebee trails behind. The silence that follows has you a bit unnerved, so you decided now is as good a time as any to find out how it all came about.
"W-Well how about you tell me how this all happened Bee."
"Yeah.." His answer sounds distracted, and you peep to the side to read his expression as you're walking up the stairs. Upon entering your room, you open the door for him to step in. He does, closing it as he enters. His eyes dart from one side to the next, and the excitement returns tenfold. His eyes shine an electric blue, and you can only guess it's a lapse of control because he's so eager to see and understand it all.
"Your room is amazing!! " To you it isn't that great. There's a few posters on the walls of your favorite bands and artists. Your desk with all your school equipment and some little nicks and knacks to the side. The bed is situated a bit closer to the window that gives you a view of the neighborhood below.
"Thank you Bee."
His enthusiasm is so adorable, and it just reminds you why you adore the Autobot. He moves closer to the bed, poking the soft surface. "I-Is it alright if I sit down?" You nod.
"Of course Bee, make yourself at home." He's grinning, flopping back on the bed with a little cheer, and you giggle.
"For you I guess this is all brand new. You guys don't exactly sleep like the rest of us. "
That and his adjusted size, you probably would have a similar reaction if you were in his shoes.
"I'm glad you like it." You placed your bag down, taking a seat on the bed. Bumblebee sat upright, shifting closer to you, and you just titled your head with a smile.
"Nothing, I'm just really happy that we're this close."
There he goes again, saying stuff like that to make your insides flutter in the most heavenly way.
His body is now facing you, and you can practically feel the pull he's giving off as he looks at you. He bits his lower lip, and you can hear the small breath he takes as he begins to lean in. You pull back, standing and wringing your hands. "A-Are you hungry? We should get something to eat. '' you try to take a step to the door.
"Why do you do that?" you freeze in place. Bumblebee stands, and the hurt that he expresses causes your heart to constrict. He looks down at his palm as if searching for something.
"I thought if I looked like this it would bring us closer, but it seems to have done the exact opposite. Am I not appealing to you as a human?"
You rush over to him shaking your head. "Of course not Bee, you'd never be unappealing to me no matter how you look. Autobot or human, I love you regardless." As the words leave your lips, you become still. Neither of you have really said that particular word yet. You look away bashfully.
"I love you too (Y/N), so much."
He doesn't even need to say the words, you already know. Nevertheless, you love hearing it.
He takes your hands in his, and the warmth is familiar.
"Then why do you keep running from me?"
You need to explain, but it's just so embarrassing. The red that graces your cheeks only adds to Bumblebee's puzzle.
"Bee...do you remember when I kept avoiding you that week." His brows knit in utter confusion now. What did that have to do with anything. Truth be told he rather not remember. Because it was a tough week for him.
He was so convinced that he'd done something to tarnish your friendship, but he had no idea what it was. That's what drove him crazy. "I remember." He answers tightly.
"It wasn't because of anything you did, and I should have explained it all that day I was just so embarrassed about it all so I tried to deal with it on my own but I just made everything worse."
"I don't understand, what did you try to deal with?"
"Bee, I had a dirty dream about you."
"Dirty?" Oh how you wish you didn't have to explain that concept to him.
"A sexual dream." you clarified.
He stilled. "Sexual.." His brain seems to be computing the meaning behind the words. When he does, you can see the way his eyes become wide.
"B-But w-what I-I was still an h-how did you...I-I.." you cover your face.
"I-I'm sorry!!" you're mortified. "N-No it's fine I just never thought that you felt that way. For so long too." He sounds almost in awe. There were so many questions whirling in his mind. He knew since that day that he followed you to the warehouse that something was different. The way he felt about you was not the same as Sam or even Mikaela.
"(Y/N), how long have you...been in love with me?" He really needs an answer. It's important.
"I think..since that day that you touched me.."
Your hand moves to your cheek, the memory of it all rushing back. There was a light in his eyes that just struck you and nothing had been the same.
Bumblebee stands, and as he approaches, you kind of want to run. Not because you're scared, but the emotion that is revealed to you, it's so prominent, strong and almost raw. His hand reaches out, sliding against your cheek. You only manage one syllable before he claims your lips. A short sound leaves your lips, and his free hand secures around your waist, pulling you flush to his form. The sudden movement causes your hands to flatten on his chest. Your body is slowly but surely catching up with what's happening, and you grip at his shirt, letting out a moan.
He doesn't relent. The eager kisses feel as though he's been deprived of the opportunity for centuries. Bumblebee's hold is firm, soft, loving. Your melting just by the sensations that travel through your body. He is pretty good at this. He slowly backs you up, and you fall ungracefully unto the bed. He barely processes it. Because his lips still have you captive. One of his hands press into the mattress, and the other links with your own, fingers entangled. This very moment, you pray that'll never end. He finally pulls back to regain his breath, and you're also fighting to get yours. You're both heaving, and you grin at him. He smiles back, pecking your lips.
"I'm really going to enjoy being human."
There's no doubt about that.
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shokobuns · 3 years
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something sweet
maybe having someone to help you out in the stockroom wasn't so bad after all.
PAIRING: itadori yuuji x reader
GENRE: fluff, strangers to lovers
WARNINGS: almost stabbed, mentions of sharp things (boxcutters and broken glass), making out
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it’s not like you had a problem with the same menial tasks everyday.
in fact, you would even say that it was a fun way to spend your free period. it was better than doing some complicated assignment or even having to talk to people with your lack of sleep and patience. coffee never allowed for a proper nap no matter how exhausted you were and your teacher wouldn’t allow that anyways.
it was an easy job that you could do with minimal help. all you had to do was put the beakers away, clean up the floor once in awhile, maybe pop some bubble wrap when new packages arrived. being alone in the stockroom was nice because you were able to turn on some music on your headphones, do whatever dances you felt like doing as long as you were still doing your job. no help was needed or wanted.
“where should i put this?”
you jump, nearly stabbing the blonde haired boy behind you with a boxcutter. luckily, he was quick, jumping backwards with a yelp as you took a deep breath in to process the situation. you didn’t accidentally hurt the boy in front of you, did you? your face falls and the initial rush of fear turns into guilt. “i’m sorry! i didn’t know you were there!”
“it’s okay,’ he responds with a smile, unphased by the fact his shirt had almost been slashed, ‘i understand. you’re probably here alone most of the time, right?”
“yeah, i wasn’t expecting for anyone else to be here,” you sigh before realizing what he had probably walked in on before the whole ordeal, “wait.. did you see me doing anything?”
“you’re a pretty good dancer if that’s what you’re asking.”
embarrassment. your cheeks feel unbelievably hot and your stomach turns while embarrassment settles in your body. this period was your alone time, your chance to flail about and having someone else witness it? definitely not preferable. although, he does seem nice and he hasn’t made fun of you. not yet, at least.
his voice brings you out of your train of thought. “so, where should i put that thing?”
he carries on as if nothing happened. thank god. “the flask goes in that cabinet, bottom shelf. you’ll see more just like it.” you reply, pointing to the space.
he mumbles a quick thank you before doing unloading more of the new flasks onto the cabinet. you work on your own, choosing to count the new magnets on the other side of the room, doing your best to avoid him considering you just embarrassed yourself in front of the stranger by nearly injuring him for asking a simple question. though, he looks slightly familiar, he’ll probably be gone tomorrow and that’s all that matters.
behind you, yuji takes small glances while he puts away the flasks, waiting for you to turn around and ask for his name. hell, he’s waiting for any type of question. after all, who sees a random boy in their work space and doesn’t question it at all?
when the next day comes, you’re proven wrong because he sits in the chair, awaiting another order from you. you curse under your breath before putting on a faux smile. “do you need help with anything?”
“do you need help with anything?”
“no, thanks. i’m good on my own. you can go back to whatever you do in this period.”
he scratches his head, eyebrows furrowing together. “i thought you needed help. that’s what my math teacher told me when he sent me here.”
“not really? i can usually get a lot done on my own. who told you i needed help?”
“gojo. i’m his teacher assistant, but i don’t know how to do the math he’s teaching, so i can’t really help anyone.” he explains
“oh, yeah! i had him for calculus last semester,” your eyes light up at the mention of your favorite white haired mentor, “weird guy. good teacher.”
wait. gojo’s teacher assistant?
you’ve heard your friends talk about him, given that they were in that exact class the blonde haired boy was supposed to be in right now. the one guy that pe teachers fawn over and coaches try to recruit? why did they put him in the math department instead of pe? what’s his name again? yuki? yugi?
“you’re yuji itadori?”
“yuji itadori.” he confirms and you’re relieved. good thing you didn’t mess up his name.
no wonder he looked familiar. miwa was fascinated by his physical ability, you distinctly remember her pointing him out during lunch and telling you about how he was ‘scarily fast’ and could probably ‘lift ten of her at a time.’ although, it was from far away and he was partially blocked by a girl with short brown hair and megumi, the intimidating spikey haired quiet boy in some of your classes.
but yuji didn’t look like someone who could lift ten miwas up close. maybe he was hiding behind the oversized hoodie he wore, but he was a kind looking boy with wide eyes and messy tufts of strawberry blonde hair. throughout the short time you’ve seen him up close, he always had a slight smile on his resting face. in short, he looked approachable and was seemingly friendly.
“so, do you need help with anything?” he asks again and you decide that maybe he can be of use to you. especially if he has the strength that miwa had described.
“actually, yeah. can you lift those boxes over there and bring them to the other side of the room? they’re kind of heavy-”
she was correct because he lifts the box, which is supposedly about thirty kilograms according to your teacher, with ease. now, you don’t have to constantly go back and forth around the room just to put the packaged metal away in a farther cabinet and he can probably just put them away himself, too. it goes that way for the next hour and a half, both of you staying in your respective sides of the room, putting away your own respective items.
“thanks, itadori.”
“call me yuji.”
“will do.”
over the next two weeks, you two don’t talk as much as yuji had hoped.
he still remembers gojo’s words of encouragement, his push to get his favorite student to talk to the person who drops off notes to the teacher across the hallway from time to time. he’s never talked to you and he doubts you would even know that he existed in the first place. in fact, he was perfectly content with just stapling the papers that gojo would give him, maybe getting his own homework done in the period, but he was insistent.
“i’ve seen you staring outside the window whenever they pass by, yuji. just talk to them.”
“it’s okay.’
“no it’s not. get to know her. what if they’re nice? hmmmmm?”
“i’ll talk to her myself at some point.”
that was all it took for gojo to leave him alone, not that he didn’t like gojo or anything, especially with gojo being his second favorite teacher in the first place, but he’s content with his little crush. and again, he doubted that you would remember him in your history class and from the looks of it, he was right.
he just didn’t expect to be sent at the very stockroom that you would be in. for the rest of the semester. gojo had definitely set him up for something.
yuji was in that conflicting position in which he didn’t know whether to start a conversation or not because he didn’t want to bother you. but he also wanted to get to know you up close. of course he can sense your exhaustion himself through droopy eyelids that threaten to close and your dependence on caffeine, something he had learned about you so far in these few weeks. the only thing, it seems like.
as for you, a short talk with your science teacher confirmed that he wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon and though you will miss dancing around the stockroom by yourself, he wasn’t bad company. he mostly kept to himself, often being more rigid when you barely spared him a glance. at the times you would speak to him, he seemed more excitable and easygoing, listening to every word you say.
“come help me by unboxing these beakers, alright?” you patted the spot next to you before sliding the blade down the tape, “don’t worry. i’m not gonna stab you.”
“i guess i’ll help,” he snorts, “don’t you usually do these by yourself?”
“yeah, but since you’re spending the semester with me in here, we might as well get to know each other right?”
the whirring of the fan, the sound of your voice — it all seemed to fade into the background as his heart thumped hard in his chest. a million thoughts, both good and bad, race through his head as he formulated different questions, answers, and scenarios in his mind, all of them being a jumble of fantasy and panic.
you wave a hand in front of his face in an attempt to catch his attention. he seemed completely frozen, staring at you with dead eyes and it’s now that you realize you haven’t seen him up this close. honey brown eyes, the soft curve of his nose, and were those crinkles under his eyes, too? up until now, you only knew him as the ‘athletic man who was bad at math’, but he was also undeniably beautiful with his carved face and strawberry blonde hair.
“oh! i’m sorry! did you say you wanted to get to know me?”
“yeah, we’re kind of stuck in this room everyday for an hour and a half together. i might as well find out what your favorite color is or something.”
“red! my turn! what were you listening to when you almost stabbed me?”
“hey! it was an accident!” he giggles, slicing the tape seal down the middle and opening up the package and pointing right at it. “you see that? that could have been me. i should at least know what i’m being stabbed to.”
“meg thee stallion..”
“nevermind. she’s beautiful and i wouldn’t mind dying to her music.”
you snort, thinking up another question. maybe you should ask him about why that megumi guy was so gloomy? nope, might get too personal. what about the reason he’s here? nope, you already know.
“why don’t you do any sports even though you’re literally physically gifted?” you ask curiously. there’s still a smile on his face, but his expression becomes more wistful. you didn’t accidentally hit a spot, did you?
“my grandpa is in the hospital,” oh shit, you think, “i visit him everyday and if i was on a team, i would have to go to practice at the same time.”
“i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to hit a sensitive topic, but that’s sweet of you.’
“i don’t mind. and i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable.”
“no, it’s alright. let’s just keep asking questions then, okay?”
he nods.
in one hour, you learn that yuji itadori also likes karaoke, rice bowls, and that he’s just as bad at science than math. ironic. and yuji enjoys getting to know more about you, falling into easy conversation, becoming less of a nervous wreck. the more you speak, the deeper he falls into the trance and he silently thanks gojo for letting him get a closer look because you’re even better than what he could have imagined.
but the period is coming to an end and it’s time for him to carry off the last box of beakers to his side of the room. at least there’s time for another question and it’s his turn to ask.
“what’s your type?”
you place your fingers on your chin as you think for a moment, finding a common trait in every crush for a proper answer.
“i guess my type would be sweet boys. with pretty faces, like you, i guess.”
the response is nonchalant and you don’t think twice about it. maybe you were a little too tired to process how he’d interpret it or maybe a little too tired to filter yourself, but it slips out of your mouth like butter and you’re completely unphased. shameless, even.
meanwhile, the box drops to the ground and like before, every other noise besides his own heartbeat fades into the background, even the sound of shattering glass. heat creeps of his neck into his cheeks until his face is burning, his feet stuck in their place and his palms becoming uncomfortably sweaty. his mouth is wide open, but no words come out.
“yuji! we need to clean this, hurry up!”
your voice brings him out of his thoughts as he realizes what’s been done and immediately snaps back to carefully, but quickly, picking up the shards of glass and placing them in this box. “i-i’m sorry!”
“don’t worry. just leave the box on the counter and we’ll deal with it tomorrow.”
maybe you didn’t quite realize what you had said or what effect you had on him during that time in the stockroom because you continue everyday as if nothing happened.
it’s been, what? a little over a three weeks? and sitting next to you still causes his mind to go to odd places, ones with you. he starts to notice little things about you, too. how your tongue peaks out of your mouth when you’re peeling another sheet of bubble wrap off of some glassware, how you only count in even numbers when you take inventory of the containers.
god, you were adorable.
“did gojo ever tell you that there’s no cameras in here?”
“no? i thought they had security cameras everywhere.”
“that’s only hallways and classrooms. there’s none of them here. do you know what that means?”
his head is already turned in your direction, the perfect opportunity to lean in and catch his lips. it’s small and he’s hesitant at first, but before you know it, your hands tangle in his hair, bringing him closer to you. he tastes like something sweet, like cherries, and his lips are warm. one hand rests on your cheek, his thumb brushing against it endearingly. when he pulls away, both of you are panting for air, the packages long forgotten.
“this sounds bad, but i’m glad that you’re terrible at math.”
“thanks.” he laughs and admires the look of your heated cheeks and swollen lips before pulling you back in for another searing kiss.
sure. being in that room by yourself could be fun, a perfect break with menial tasks lacking human interaction. you were far too tired to be patient with other people. but there was an exception.
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© this is a work of @crybabygumi, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, copy, or repost.
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ikroah · 3 years
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The strangest gal I ever had never happy ‘less she’s mad. Oh, I got a woman mean as she can be, sometimes I think she’s almost mean as me. —“Mean Woman Blues,” Elvis Presley (1957)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #16 - Crimson Caravan
Collaborative Issue! Guest Artist: Esseress
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
Girls’ night! Girls’ night!
I want this issue to speak for itself so I’m going to cut right to gratuitously thanking our latest guest artist, Esseress, who did a completely phenomenal on these five pages. We’ve been working on it for a long time and I’m over the moon to finally bring it to you now on this blog. I love writing this comic, and I loved doing the lettering and composition for it, but my goodness do I love Esse’s art. It was a real privilege to have that art as part of It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’, especially since the artist was such an immaculately pleasant collaborator. If you’re reading this, thank you again for such a fun project (and talking about Naruto with me lol).
Original Pencils (click for full size):
This issue was one of my most fun composition challenges yet because something that you want to avoid in comics as much as possible, I think, is talking heads. You want to avoid shots that are static, overly repetitive, and uninteresting. Now the challenge is, how do you do that when your whole comic takes place in a small storeroom and is nothing but a conversation between two characters?
Playing with angles and expressions, and using repetition intentionally with the percussive referent of Agnes cutting into the floorboards, made for some really suspenseful page layouts that complemented the script in a major way. I’m especially proud of the third page, with its quick cutaway to the exterior of the office and the cutting continuing beneath Agnes’ dialogue. Also, did you notice that you only ever see Agnes’ left side this issue? You never get to look her in the eye this issue, and given how cagey she’s acting, that evasiveness was an intentional compositional choice. It was satisfying to pull off, but hear me, it took a lot of planning in the thumbnail stage to pull off well.
The other fun challenge of this issue was lighting. When you’re in a closet a night and don’t want to be seen, how do you see? The delightful answer was to have Agnes actually use that damn flashlight she wears on her shoulder; attentive readers will notice that this is the second time she’s used it in the comic, with the first time being back in Boulder City at the end of Volume 1. Hmm…guys, I wonder if it’s a bad omen that she only seems to turn it on when she’s about to commit or assist in a murder…
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Speaking of lighting! One last fun hiccup about this issue was the final page. The script I wrote called for it to transition from night to morning between the first and second panels, but in a case of unforeseen and magnitudinous pedanticism, it was while coordinating the lighting on that page with Esse that I looked up the actual time of sunrise in the Mojave Desert for the time of year this issue takes place, which is November 5th if you’re curious. Turns out the sun shouldn’t be rising until after 7:00 AM, which hardly makes McLafferty the exceptionally early riser her planner says she is. That’s not to say it’s actually 7:00 AM in the comic…go ahead and play the CinemaSins ding for the wrong sunrise time, or whatever. And it’s not like any of you would have known or cared if I didn’t say anything! It was just too weird of a writing quirk to not bring up. The lesson, folks, is to always remember your temporality when writing. It’ll help you sleep a lot easier.
EXT. CRIMSON CARAVAN, night. The lights are out and everyone in the caravan compound have retired to their barracks for the night. From inside one of the compound buildings comes a soft sound.
INT. CRIMSON CARAVAN OFFICE. AGNES SANDS is bent over on the floor of a storeroom, carving into the wooden floor with her bootknife. ROSE OF SHARON CASSIDY leans against the door behind her.
AGNES: So…have you ever killed anyone before?
AGNES continues cutting into the floor without looking at CASS as she speaks.
AGNES: And I don’t mean a raider or fiend or something, nothing in self-defense. I mean in cold blood.
CASS: You mean like you killed those Khans?
(NOTE: *IKROAH #14—Lou.)
CASS: Hmmm…no, I guess I haven’t. When it comes to bloody vengeance just for myself…
CASS: …be gentle, it’s my first time.
AGNES doesn’t react to CASS’ joke. CASS becomes equally serious.
CASS: …I’d imagine this ain’t your first rodeo, the way you asked.
CASS: I mean…this Benny guy, in Vegas. When we catch him, which notch on your blood-spattered bedpost is he?
AGNES stops cutting into the floor, raising her knife. CASS’s expression tightens with concern. The silence is uncomfortable.
AGNES: Second.
CASS: Oh, thank God.
AGNES: What?
CASS: No offense, but the way you got all serious, I worried for a second you might be some kind of serial killer nutjob.
AGNES: No, no, I’m sorry. I was just…thinking. I really know how to meet the wrong men, apparently.
CASS (smiling): Dead men, right?
AGNES frowns. Her knife plunges back into the wooden floor.
CASS: Wanna talk about it?
CASS: Not like we have anything else to do.
AGNES: I really don’t.
CASS: Fine. That said, though, I did imagine this whole revenge thing being a bit more…exciting. Can’t say I like being stuck in a closet.
AGNES (smirking): You get used to it.
CASS: Why, though? You picked the lock to her fucking office like a cheap office toy. Why not break into her barracks and we shoot the bitch now?
AGNES: First, because that’s a great way to get us both killed.
AGNES keeps cutting as she speaks, deeper and deeper into the floor.
AGNES: Second, you want her to know it was you, so we have to get her awake and alone.
AGNES: Third, her planner on her desk confirmed what I already suspected—that she’s an early riser—so we’ll see her sooner rather than later, while the rest of the company is still asleep.
AGNES: Fourth, we want to send a message to everyone else. So it has to be at least a little spectacular.
CASS: Oh…you’ve really thought this through.
AGNES stops cutting. She slowly lifts her knife out of the floor.
AGNES: Yeah.
CASS: Where’d a medic get so good at murder?
AGNES rises from bending over the floor to a kneeling position, turning back towards CASS and frowning.
CASS: Sorry. You probably don’t want to talk about that, either.
AGNES: Maybe another time. For now…
AGNES leans back, kneeling over an intricate cross-hatch, about three feet in radius, of deep cuts and gouges into the floorboards in front of her.
AGNES: …just trust me.
EXT. CRIMSON CARAVAN. Night turns to early morning, and ALICE McLAFFERTY, the boss of the caravan, walks up the steps of her office and enters.
AGNES (from inside, whispering): Alright. Now. Quickly.
From inside her office, a door is kicked open.
ALICE: What the hell, who are you—!?
CASS: Rose of Sharon goddamn Cassidy, of Cassidy fucking Caravans, you bitch!
ALICE: No, you’re—
The sound of a shotgun going off in the middle of the compound wakes up the whole caravan. Crows scatter from the courtyard while guards start rushing towards the office door.
AGNES: Alright, now let’s go! Shoot the floor here where I—
The guards close in on the office while wooden shrapnel falls from a new hole in the floorboards of the office, and AGNES and CASS drop through to the ground outside, and crawl away from the caravan guards under the hut just as they reach the McLAFFERTY’s front door.
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drakenology · 4 years
I Hate Everything About You - Dabi
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warnings: ANGST, smut, daddy kink, mentions of rape,violence, AND swearing (cause im a potty mouth)
author’s note: this lil story is inspired by my favorite song I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace. im a lil emo bitch ok? I recommend listening to the song to get a better perspective of how the emotions of the lyrics and the story goes hand in hand. the chorus goes like “I hate everything about you. why do i love you?” and I immediately thought of something angsty and raw to write. hope yall enjoy! this one might be a little long.
summary: You and Dabi have worked together as villians for as long as you can remember but you two don’t get along at all. is this truly hatred or is this repressed feelings coming to surface?
You hated heroism. You viewed it as weak and meaningless. When both of your parents were murdered by an anonymous killer and no one came to their rescue when they could very well have been saved, something dark took over your spirit. You snapped. At the tender age of 17, your parents did not receive justice for the act of violence committed against them. The police told you there “wasn’t enough evidence” and that the killer had most likely killed himself.
There were simply too many holes in the case for it to be solved. Obviously this infuriated you. So much in fact that you planned to blow up the entire police precinct.
And you did.
Now being on the run at only 17 you fell into a life of crime, committing yourself to being a villain who killed police officers off duty earning yourself the villain name “Cop Killer” from the authorities. Not to mention your very dangerous quirk called “Leech”. You were able drain anyone you gazed at of their blood, the gaze having to be completely focused on the person’s eyes. Once concentrated enough it becomes hard for the person to look away from you. To trigger your quirk, you have to say the word “leech” in order to essentially stop the flow of someone’s blood to their heart; their blood being extracted from their veins to yours. The blood only made your quirk stronger as you can now manipulate it and use it in combat. You had enough control to where you could take a little or take it all. The stolen blood was also good for increasing your stamina and speed for a short period, manifesting a weapon with the blood you stole and of course leeching the person of their blood entirely, instantly killing them. The murders you committed granted you the number one spot of Japan’s wanted list. You were also the youngest assasin in Japan at the time so you had to move around a lot. You spent your teenage years living in abandoned buildings and sketchy motels; robbing, stealing and of course murdering for survival.
The day you met the League of Villains was your 23rd birthday. As a treat to yourself, you had cornered one of the dirtiest cops you had ever encountered. He was a known sex trafficker, a thief as well as a disgusting rapist. You had him right where you wanted him; wearing a disguise to hide your true visage in order to avoid being recognized. You had pretended to be a love interest to the cop, sitting in the seedy hotel room he rented to have a little “privacy” with you.
“Oh baby, you don’t know what you do to me. I wanna see that pretty little mouth of yours around my cock. Get on your knees for me.” The police man said, the sleazy bastard unbuckling his belt. You nod, secretly being disgusted by this man. But you had to keep your cool. You got down on your knees and took his hard cock into your hands and pumped, looking him directly in the eyes as you did so.
“Yeah, baby. You’re so hot.” He groaned, keeping his eyes locked on yours almost instinctively as sweat collected on his brow.
“Thanks.. but your time’s up, you sick fuck.” you say, standing up on your feet. You straddle him, watching the cop’s eyes become terrified as he finally realizes who you really are.
“Leech.” You say as you watched your quirk take effect. The reaction was instant as he starts to gasp and grab at his heart, clinging onto his last minutes of life as he died on the hotel bed. You moan as his blood is transferred into yours, creating a dagger out of his blood. You slice his neck, licking whatever was left off of his cold throat. You laugh, searching his dead body to take whatever he had on his person; money, personal possessions and his gun. Just as you’re about to get up and leave you get the feeling that you aren’t alone. You turn and see none other than the villain you had seen all over local news.
He chuckles dryly, admiring your work at killing the cop underneath you.
“Well done, little girl.” He said, peering over your shoulder to get a good look at the mess you made of him. You go to ask how the hell he got into the room until you hear the sound of police sirens blaring outside. 
“We have the entire hotel surrounded. There are Heros on the way to assist us. Surrender now or face the consequences.” You hear the cops say on a megaphone.
“Shit.” You mumble, quickly grabbing your things; planning your escape in your head.
“Listen, I’ve admired your work since your attack on that police station, Cop Killer.” Shigaraki said. “We could use someone like you in the League of Villains. My friend Kurogiri here can get us both out of here in one piece. But only with your consent of course.”
You think for a moment. You’d rather make a smooth escape than risk being arrested. So you agree. 
“We’ll explain everything once we get back to base.” Kurogiri says, morphing himself through the cracks of the door. 
Kurogiri takes both you and Shigaraki and consumed you both into his portals, leading you to the secret hide-out of the League of Villains. You look around, your vision a little hazy from being in the dark portal. You see a few other people standing in the lobby. A guy with a weird mask on with two sides on it eagerly introduced himself as Twice. You see a cute girl that looked a little young to be in a place like this. 
“Toga Himiko. Nice to meet ya. Hey, you’re way prettier in person. The police drawing of you is really unflattering.” She says, waving at you. You smile meekly as you turn away to see this guy standing at the corner of the bar. He had burn scars all over his face and neck, dark hair and the most mysterious eyes you’ve ever seen. You met his gaze when you noticed him staring at you, sizing you up. You found his stare threatening and kind of alluring. You almost couldn’t look away. 
“Don’t stare at me for too long, Cop Killer. I know what those eyes can do.” He said sarcastically, not even caring to introduce himself. He felt familiar, like you’ve known him for a long time. You rolled your eyes and walked over to Shigaraki. 
“Look, if you think just because you got me out of a tight spot that I’m just gonna beg to work for you, you’re wrong. I work alone.” You said, adjusting the top of your outfit. 
“I know. But today that changes. You see, we’ve been watching you, Cop Kill-” He says, interrupted by your loud groan.
“My name is Y/N. Please just call me by my name. My mother didn’t name me Cop Killer.” You demand, folding your arms in protest. 
“But that’s what you are, Y/N. Don’t be ashamed.” Shigaraki says, inching closer to you. “Look, the services of the League of Villains aren’t free. We helped you. Now you help us. You understand don’t you, Y/N?” 
You sigh, wishing you had just leapt out of a nearby window back at the hotel instead of taking help from this creep. 
“Fine.” You say, looking down at your shoes. 
“Wonderful.” Shigaraki says, walking away from you. “Oh and one more thing. I hate back talkers.”
A few months pass and you’re well acquainted with all the villains of the organization. You were all usually partnered up for missions; you always alternating between Toga and Dabi, who had finally told you his “name”. You grew to be pestered by Dabi. You’d much rather be paired up with Toga than Dabi any day since you and Dabi just could not get along, you both arguing like an old married couple at every mission. You couldn’t stand him. His cockiness, his elitist attitude, his aloofness. He hated you because of your attitude, you thinking you knew better than everyone else. He thought you were a spoiled brat who hasn’t done anything remarkable to even earn a spot in the League. To you, he was everything you despised about some men. 
One night you were all playing a friendly game of Blackjack; which seemed to be a ritual between the members. Shigaraki didn’t bother playing but Kurogiri always seemed to watch. 
“Ugh.. Fold. What do I have to do to get a decent fucking hand, huh?” Twice said, his two voices seeming to contrast in differing personality. You laugh, slamming down a perfect hand worth 21. 
“I stand, bitches.” You say, winning yet another round. 
“I’m bored.” Dabi says, standing up and leaving the table. 
“Oh don’t be like that, Dabi. Come back!” Toga says, throwing her cards down. She sighs and stands up from the table. “Well, I guess that’s it. I’m goin to bed. Nighty night, Y/N. Twice.” Everyone went their separate ways. You walk into your room and change into something more comfortable and walk outside to get some air. To your dismay, Dabi was already standing outside in the same spot you liked to chill and think. 
“Yo.” He says, referring to you. You roll your eyes and walk over to him. 
“What?” You say, annoyed to the point where you just want to turn around and go back inside. 
“Aw, what’s wrong, Cop Killer? Don’t like me?” He asks, inching closer to you to whisper in your ear. You stand still for a moment and lunge at him, grabbing his throat and pushing him against the wall. 
“Stop fucking testing me.” You say sternly, looking him deeply in the eyes with the intention to kill. 
“Careful, little girl. You might just turn me on.” He says, grabbing your arm and pushing you back. You freeze, stunned at the sudden harsh movement from the tall man in front of you. ”You’re 5′4′’, sweetheart. If I wanted to, I could end you without even using my quirk. You ‘oughta be nicer to me.” 
You get angrier by the second, yelling and screaming about how much you hate him all while trying to take jabs at him, throwing punches at his face. Dabi dodges every swing, smirking at your abilities. He was impressed, but he’d never tell you that. 
“Huh. Keep it up and you might actually hit me.” He teased, swinging back at you, landing right on your jaw. You stumble and collect yourself, charging towards him once more. You were certain you’d hit him, the blood from someone you’ve killed earlier that day increasing your speed. 
“Fuck you.” You hiss, taking another swing at him and connect, landing right on his cheek. He smirks, wiping blood from his mouth. You get cocky and go for another punch only for him to dodge you. He grabbed your arm and twisted it, pinning you against the brick wall in front of him with your back facing him. 
“When?” He asked in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You hated that he could so easily overpower you, making you despise him even more. He releases you from his grip and stands close to you; you feeling the warmth of his skin radiating from his body. 
“Listen. You hate me and quite frankly I can’t stand you either. But you don’t see me attacking you. Try it again and I won’t be so nice next time, little girl.” Dabi said, grabbing your face to daringly look into your poisonous eyes to mock your quirk. You focus, ready to end this asshole. Suddenly his lips crash into yours. At first, you’re disgusted and fucking pissed. But then you feel yourself start involuntarily melting into his kiss. So you kiss him back with no shame, all bitter feelings leaving your mind as the kiss gets more intense. You feel his hands groping and caressing your body, his hands exploring to stop at your neck; wrapping it around. You gasp, feeling yourself get hot. 
“The first time I saw you, I thought you were the hottest girl I’ve ever seen. And then you spoke. And I couldn’t stand you. But I couldn’t shake this feeling of wanting to bend you over and punish you for your slick mouth. You need a good hard dicking to keep your mouth shut and I’m the one to give it to you. That’s what you want too, isn’t it?” He asked, starting to kiss your neck harshly. You moan, embarrassed at his words. He was right. You found him attractive as soon as you saw him but his attitude rubbed you the wrong way. But right here and now, you realize that you might have been hiding your true feelings behind a façade of hatred. You wanted him too and you couldn’t stand it. 
“I’m talking to you, Y/N.” He persists, biting into your neck. You mewl, shocked at how good he was making you feel. You almost couldn’t believe you were in this situation. It was confusing but formalities could come later. You wanted him now. 
“Yes, Dabi. I wanted you to fuck me the first time I saw you.” You say quietly, feeling him reach under your shirt and bra to grab at your naked breast. You bit your lip, feeling slick pool between your legs as you fall victim to his touch. 
“Get inside and go in my room. I expect you to have nothing on when I get there. Understood?” He demands, pinching your nipple lightly. You gasp, nodding at his request. 
“Words. You’ve already made me angry with that stunt you pulled punching me in the face. I wouldn’t try me further.” He said, grabbing your hair and pulling it to expose more of your neck. You moan, unable to control yourself suddenly. It’s like he knew exactly what to do to turn you on. Fucking asshole.
“Y-Yes, daddy- I-I mean Dabi.” You flush. Damn. You couldn’t believe you let that slip. He laughs, kissing your lips once more as he lets you go. 
“Daddy works just fine.” Dabi says smirking, watching you stumble towards the door to go back inside. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You knew you should just go into your own room but, God you wanted to see what he’d do to you for almost punching him. You wondered how rough he’d be, your panties soaking at the thought as you gulp and open his room door. You sat on his bed and took off your clothes, leaving your underwear on to tease him. Suddenly his door opens and it’s him. He looked you up and down, loving what he saw. But to his dismay you had on too many clothes still. 
“I thought I told you to get naked, little girl.” Dabi said, pushing you onto his bed. He stood above you, running his fingers down your stomach and stopping at the waistband of your panties. You shudder at his cold fingers. 
“You never said naked.” You tease, looking back at him. He frowns, shaking his head. 
“Man, you just love pushing my buttons don’t you? You’re gonna regret teasing me so much.” He says, pulling your panties down roughly, holding them up to his face. He smirked at the wet spot he saw on them, throwing them onto the ground. “This is gonna be fun.”
You hiss as he slid one measly finger inside you while rubbing your bundle of nerves with his thumb, the single finger not being enough to satisfy your craving for that certain pleasurable stretch. Somehow though, Dabi was making you feel good with that one finger. You roll your hips for more friction only to have Dabi hold you down with his other hand. 
“Stop squirming so much. It makes you look desperate, doll.” He teased earning a whine from you. As if to be a little forgiving he adds another finger, watching your face twist up in pleasure. You were visually trying to hide your moans, Dabi not liking that at all. 
“Come on now. It’s no fun if you don’t scream for me. Let everyone here know how good I make you feel.” He said, halting his movements. You nod, moaning loudly as he adds a third finger. Any shame or embarrassment is gone as he worked you up to your first orgasm. You grab at his sheets, trying to move for more friction only to once more be overpowered by Dabi. 
“You don’t listen too well do you? I said stop squirming. You’ll have your fill but good girls wait to cum. Understand? I expect you to address me correctly this time.” He says, grabbing your face to make you look at him. Something about knowing you could kill him with your eyes turned him on, because he knew he could keep you from doing so. All he had to do was please you, knowing you won’t be able to focus on anything but screaming his name let alone his eyes. 
“Y-Yes daddy.” You mewl, your eyes rolling back as he pulled out one of your breasts, sucking on your nipple harshly. The sound of your moans was music to Dabi’s ears, the only thing he ever wanted to hear come out of your mouth. He cooed praises into your ear, telling you hot sexy you are and how et your pussy is just for him. He crawls on top of you, pulling his fingers out of you as you whine at the sudden loss. He kissed you, ripping your bra off. He sat up and stared at the gorgeous naked woman underneath him. 
“You’re so hot when you’re not talking shit.” He says, playing with your boobs. He was unsure of where to start. He wanted to please every inch of your lovely curves, his eyes drinking in your hips up to your beautiful breasts. He nearly drooled at the sight of them, your nipples seeming to perk up when he looked at them. You stare back at the man on top of you, his scars almost complimenting his skin as you watched him take off his shirt. You bit your lip as you feel a nice sized bulge grind up against your dripping core. You didn’t even notice that his pants were off, drooling at the sight of his body overpowering yours. He grinded up against you, leaning in close to your ear. 
“Ready to get fucked, sweetheart?” He asked, nibbling on your ear lobe. 
“Yes, god, yes!” You gasp, feeling him take off his boxers. He positioned his dick at your entrance, tapping it against you to tease you. You moan, going to grab his cock and shove it inside you but you think twice, already in trouble with him. Dabi smirks, excited to break you as he shoved himself inside you and started to rut his hips into you. You moan sinfully at the sudden stretch, loving how he filled you. You feel him speed up, not even fully adjusted to his length as you clawed at his back for dear life. 
“You’re takin me so well, doll.” He said, grabbing your neck to lightly choke you. Your eyes roll back as you reveal a sinful ahegao face while he pounds you senseless. You’re moaning his name and telling him how good he feels inside you, cussing and screaming into the air as you feel yourself coming close to cumming.
“C-Can I-?” You ask, unable to finish your sentence as you feel yourself clenching around him. Dabi is relentlessly prodding at your g-spot, causing you to see stars as he notices he’s hitting that special spot. He smirks and angles himself so that he’s repeatedly hitting that spot, watching you cover your mouth as you scream. He snatched your hand away from your mouth and pinned it above your head. 
“Tell me you’re sorry for punching me, kitten.” He demands, harshly pinching your nipples. You shake your head no to tease him. “No? Must need more convincing, huh brat?” He pulls out of you, you letting out a pathetic sob at the loss. He roughly flips you on your stomach and plants a hard smack on your ass. You yelp, your pussy aggravated as it throbs at the feeling of pleasure. He yanks you towards him and shoves himself back inside you, you laying flat on your stomach. You kick and scream under him, feeling him so deep it blinds you. 
“Oh my god, daddy!” You whine, shoving your face into your pillow as he assaults your g-spot. 
“Say it.” He demands, landing another hard smack on your ass this one sure to leave a mark. 
“I-I’m sorry! Fuck, I’m sorry!” You scream, desperate for release. 
“Good girl.” He hisses. Dabi grabs your hair and lifts your head off the pillow wanting to hear the last moans you can give before you cum. 
“Go ‘head and cum for me. You’ve earned it.” He says. And just like that you clench around him hard, your orgasm washing over your body as you cum all over his dick. He rides out your orgasm, only to continue pounding you earning a sharp yelp from you as you throw your head into the pillow again.
“You didn’t think it was over did you? That’s cute.” He said, taking you further. At this point you’re overstimulated, the pleasure almost painful as he worked you to another orgasm. 
“God, I love you!” You scream to his delight as you cum quicker than your mind can keep up. 
“I love you too. Even though you’re fucking annoying.” He hisses, unable to hold himself back anymore. He cums hot inside you, grunting as he slaps your ass one last time before pulling himself out. You moan softly, breathing heavily as he cleaned you up. He kissed up your body, you unable to move from being completely fucked out of your mind. 
“When you socked me, I knew you were a keeper.” He laughed. 
“Shut up.” You say, smiling into your pillow. 
“HEY, YOU TWO DONE IN THERE? YOU COULD HAVE WOKEN UP THE ENITRE CITY WITH ALL THAT RACKET!” Twice shouted through the walls, turning your face red with shame. 
“SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!” Dabi yelled back, rubbing soft circles on your ass to soothe his harsh marks on both cheeks. 
bitch i.. i’m sick. 
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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In the Spotlight
A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfiction, approx. 1700 words. This scene occurs after the events of the romantic epilogue and includes some of what happens in the part 2 introduction. Mostly fluff!
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Uncomfortable Questions
Kyubei bowed low and held the position. It wasn’t his first time to report to Nobunaga, but it was his first time to do so without explicit instructions from his lord. He was nervous, but it didn’t show. Kyubei could hold an icy composure as well as Akechi.
“Report.” Nobunaga’s tone was flat, hiding his own frustration.
Hideyoshi and Masamune weren’t trying to hide theirs. The one-eyed dragon was pacing and Toyotomi’s scowl could have peeled paint.
“There is no evidence,” Kyubei cleared his throat, “that the forces at Kasugayama are involved in the attacks on Azuchi. However -” he paused. This was the part that made him sweat. “The disappearance of Lord Akechi and the lady chatelaine coincide with the vanishing of their ninja, Sarutobi Sasuke.”
“I don’t believe it.” Masamune stopped, one hand dropping to his sword hilt. “There’s no way that ninja got the drop on Mitsuhide.”
Hideyoshi nodded. “Agreed. My guess is that they are working together.”
Kyubei interrupted. “I find that unlikely, my lord. At least, in the manner you suggest. If I may?”
Nobunaga indicated he should continue.
“My sources tell me Shingen Takeda is ill, and between the loss of his ally and his ninja, Kenshin is unstable. Seeking conflict within his own forces as well as outside. It is unlikely he is aiding Kasugayama. Though he must have known Sarutobi's absence might . . .” He frowned, wondering how much he should imply, what he could suggest.
Ieyasu saved him the need. “Mitsuhide was making plans for an extended absence. I think we should consider that he has left, with Sasuke, to visit the chatelaine’s homeland.”
Mitsunari nodded. “This would make sense. There could be something about the events of the night he disappeared that forced them to leave sooner than he expected.”
“There’s more to it, and if I know that snake -” Hideyoshi’s rant was cut short by Nobunaga’s raised hand.
“Enough. I did not wish to bare Akechi’s secrets, but Ieyasu is correct. Mitsuhide sought my permission to take the chatelaine to her home. He was uncertain how long they would be gone.”
The room exploded with sound, warlords talking over one another. Hideyoshi was ranting about safety and plots; Masamune demanded permission to seek them out. Keiji was laughing. Ieyasu and Mitsunari were relatively silent, waiting for the excitement to die down.
Nobunaga’s carnelian eyes quieted each man in turn.
When he could be heard again, Kyubei continued. “I made contact with Ranmaru. He is seeking out the forces responsible for the attack on Azuchi, along with other spies in our network.”
“Ranmaru? That boy is afraid of his own shadow. Completely unreliable,” Hideyoshi muttered, not unkindly. “He should be here.”
Kyubei couldn’t help the slight smile at that. He didn’t approve of Ranmaru’s tangled loyalties, but one could not argue with his ability to act a part. “Of course, my lord. But Ranmaru insisted. And he does have many friends to rely on for information.”
Ieyasu stood. “This doesn’t answer my questions though. Where is the chatelaine? Is she safe? When will she return? We all know Akechi has his . . . plans. I’m not worried about him. He’ll turn up when and where he wants to. But she’s -”
“You’re worried about her!” Mitsunari beamed. “I knew you were just trying to hide it when you told me-”
“Shut up.” Ieyasu glared. “I’m just . . . the enemy could use her against us. We need to know where she is.”
“Agreed,” Masamune spoke up. “I will put together a team. We’ll find her.”
“My lords, I am afraid she and Mitsuhide are beyond any team.” Kyubei sighed. “The greater concern is what this impacts and how it will be used against us. The Ikko Ikki are moving. The Mouri clan have resumed pirating, and we know it was Kichou that executed the attack on Azuchi. In addition, we have rumors the shogun in exile is drawing a new following.”
Mitsunari frowned. “Yes, I reviewed several shipment records and troop movements from old loyalist daimyo. It appears we are not done with the shogun as of yet.”
Kyubei bit his lip. The scribe they’d installed should have been satisfied to live in luxurious exile, but it seemed the old shogun’s loyalist stirred his greed. Or maybe they were using him as a puppet. He had no way to know, as the spies in Ashitaka’s court had all fallen silent.
Nounaga spoke again. “Hideyoshi, you and Keiji will pursue the Mouri. Masamune, I want you to make contact with Kasugayama. Offer a truce. See what they can offer up about their missing ninja. They may be willing to hunt down our enemies with us, as it does them no benefit to see this land descend into chaos.” His gaze fell on Ieyasu. “You will join Kyubei’s efforts to track down Mitsuhide and the chatelaine. Your research and his current knowledge will yield results.”
“May I assist Lord Tokugawa?” Mitsunari’s innocent smile could have been worn by an angel. He was completely oblivious to the sudden grimace on his friend’s face.
“You may, in your spare time. I need your mind fixed on calculating provisions, troop movements, bridges, and roads. There will be fighting soon.”
Mitsunari acquiesced with a bow.
Kyubei delivered the rest of his report, and then was dismissed. He went straight to the Akechi mansion and opened a bottle of sake. Alcohol was a vice he rarely indulged in, but today he felt like he needed it. He’d exposed some of his lord’s business without permission. He had no idea how or if this would impact Akechi’s plans. And now . . . he’d be working with Ieyasu. It would be difficult to keep the secrets he needed to keep.
He kept drinking until the room spun and the lights all wore halos. Kyubei might have kept it up, but he ran out of bottles and couldn’t make the walk to fetch more. Instead, he fell asleep, sprawled out on the floor of his lord’s office.
Mitsuhide felt a mix of relief and distress when his little one explained the plastic stick on the bathroom counter. It meant they were not having a child together. Not yet, at any rate. And this was good. He was in no position here to father a child. But . . .
The image of himself holding a child. His. Hers. His heart felt too big for his chest, thinking of what such a child would be like. His very own son or daughter. One with his love’s sweetness. His eyes. Her nose. His perception. It made him ache, as if he had an old bruise, a wound that hadn’t healed. Which was completely irrational.
He looked out the train window at the rapidly passing countryside. Trees. Hills. Houses. Different and not so different from the world he knew. He should be spending this time planning the next few days, not moping. Kitsunes did not mope.
“Are you ok? Are you nervous?” His little mouse put her hand on his leg, comforting.
“Yes and yes.” Mitsuhide turned his head to give her a sideways smile. “I have never had to meet the parents of my betrothed.” He had expected Nobunaga to marry a woman to him for political purpose. Some well-bred woman who knew how to run a house and had courtly manners. A woman he would never love, but could put up with, at a distance. Yet here he was.
She laughed. “It will be ok, really. I talked to okaasan and she is excited to meet you. She’s happy for us.”
“And you father?” Mitsuhide raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sure he’ll get used to the idea. He’s just . . . to him, I’m still a little kid. But I’m sure once he sees us together, he’ll come around.”
Mitsuhide was less certain about that. He’d known several fathers and they fell into two categories, most of the time. There were the men who could care less about their children beyond their use to the clan. And there were the men that treated their children as things of wonder. Not that they coddled them - but they cared. About their education, their work, their friends. He was sure his lover’s otousan fell into that second group.
The train stop came sooner than he might have liked. The two of them disembarked. There were only a handful of people getting off the train here, so it was easy to spot her parents.
They were dressed conservatively. Her father was a little shorter than Mitsuhide, and a little thicker around the middle. His greying hair was thin on top, and he wore glasses. Her mother was small and wore a smile he would have known anywhere.
The parents caught sight of them at about the same time Mitsuhide’s study of them finished.
“Otou-chan! Okaasan!” His little mouse flung herself across the platform, and was swept up in a hug from both sides. Tears ran down her face, and her cheeks were stretched in a wide smile.
Mitsuhide felt out of place in this moment of familial warmth. He had no such experience himself, and did not want to intrude either way. He stood quietly, holding their bags. Waiting as they exchanged hugs, kisses, and stammered apologies and explanations. As if they could make up for half a year apart in a few minutes.
Her father finally looked up and met Mitsuhide’s eyes. His were dark and suspicious. Protective. “You.”
His little one smacked his arm. “Be nice, papa. This is my fiancé, Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide, this is my father, Minoru, and my mother, Youko.”
Mitsuhide bowed low. “I am pleased to meet you both.”
Her father didn’t reply, but her mother did. “We are so glad to meet you too! It was such a surprise . . . our little girl . . . disappearing and then -”
“And then coming back with a weird boyfriend,” her father interrupted.
Oh yes. This was already going very well. Just as expected. Mitsuhide straightened and put on his best ‘trust me’ smile. “If there were any way we could have done it differently, I promise we would have. I hope we’ll be able to lay any worries you have to rest.”
She stepped over to his side and took his arm. “Yes, I plan on explaining everything.” His little mouse was the one to look nervous now. And no wonder. After much discussion, they’d decided on telling her family a version of the truth.
In fact, Sasuke and Miyake were supposed to come out the following day to provide backup evidence for their story. But even with that, they were asking her parents to accept a lot all at once. Mitsuhide did not see their chances of success as being very high, but for her, he would try anything.
Next: Bonding
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pure-kirarin · 4 years
Forbidden fruit - Doflamingo x f!reader (nsfw)
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Summary : You fell for the trap, caught like a butterfly in a spider web, his spider web. You, a new counselor at impel down, met with the ex warlord Donquixote Doflamingo for a counseling session. However, he had other plans in mind... TW: smut, manipulation, unprotected sex. 
A/N : Heyo !! I am finally coming back with a DOFFY X READER smut this time. Actually it’s my first *blushes* and...honestly this is so..sinful...please don’t judge hahah. Buuut...any feedback is welcome and I had LOTS OF FUN writing this, so enjoy <3 
Why was the taste of forbidden fruit so tantalizing ? Why did the mere thought of him make you shiver and yearn for his touch ? What was with the tone of his voice and with his flesh thirsty lips that just drove you insane ? You cursed yourself for the time you set a foot in that place. If only you didn't wake up that day...It all started a month ago when you got a new job in the great prison also known as « Impel Down ». You were surprised at first when you heard from some of your sources that the prison  was recruiting a counselor for its prisonners. You were even more surprised when you heard that your candidature was taken. In fact, you have just got your diploma and you only worked in some local hospitals for a few months. It didn't even occur to you that no sane person would want to deal with the criminals of Impel Down. You were an idealistic and optimistic girl that had a strong faith in humanity. You were empathic and devoted to make these people's lives a little better. You didn't care what anyone did, who were you to judge after all ? At this point, you have never dealt with criminals and it showed, your innocence was going to get the best out of you.
A few days in, you learned that your presence was needed for a program set up by the world government to incorporate the less dangerous inmates in society later on and to help the most dangerous ones collaborate.
In just a few weeks you did an amazing job with the level one inmates. You became trusted and loved. These men were thrilled to see what they called « fresh meat », however, they didn't lay a hand on you as you were given a bracelet that called the gards whenever you felt in danger and also because you only accepted to meet up in your own office. Weirdly enough, you felt like you were making a change, it was a selfish feeling, the feeling of a girl that needed to prove to herself that she was needed. You started bringing the newspaper to some inmates that wanted it and even sneaking in some of their favourite food. You never felt endangered by these men. You started to gain confidence in your skills and in yourself. You were playing once again the rôle of the nurse, as if you were responsible for other people's mis-steps.
After a month of that rather fulfilling daily routine, you discovered on your planning that you were meeting for the first time an inmate from level six. It was a name that you knew well...Donquixote Doflamingo, the famous former warlord of the sea. No inmate from level six has ever wanted to take part of the program, so you were puzzled. You felt a bit scared just like your first day there, but then, you gained confidence when you remembered your good experience till now.
That day, you were convoked to Hannyabal -the chief warden's- office. He was a weird and disgusting looking man. He was also extremely gullible and easy to seduce. You knew it too well since that's how you convinced him to have no guards with you when you were working. You wanted to make the inmates feel comortable enough to trust you and talk with you after all. You stepped into Hannyabal's office, It was cold and gloomy, he asked you to take a seat  :
-Good morning Mrs. Y/N. You are looking good today.
-Good morning Sir. Thank you sir. You say, uncomfortable.
-So today you are meeting with an inmate from level six, Donquixote Doflamingo, he is extremely dangerous. Don't hesitate to use your bracelet if you feel in danger I will come to save you-- I mean, everyone will be right there to assist you ! This whole counseling thing is a formality, so please don't feel pressured or anything. The world government obliges us to offer counseling for inmates that ask for it...However, no one from level six has ever asked. If you'd like, If you're ready I will escort you to Doflamingo's cell.
-Thank you Sir. I would like that. You get up from the chair and take a folder with the ex warlord's information from the chief warden's insistant hands.
You both got going till you reach the elevator. You suddenly felt a bit stressed but you try not to show it. Level six was humid and extremely cold. Your legs were shivering a bit under your skirt. The blue atmosphere, lighted by the faint flame coming from the lantern, made you feel extremely uncomfortable.
- Doflamingo is staying in a solitary cell. He slits the key in the key hole opening a first door. A unique cell was there, at the back of the corridor in total darkness. I will come look for you after two hours. Are you sure that you don't want assistance ? I mean, it's true that he is chained in sea stones and can't do anything but still....
-Don't worry about me sir. I have some experience now Sir. Also, I have the bracelet with me. However....Could I ask for a little favor ? You said, getting closer to him.
-Y-yes of course ! He answers with heart-shaped eyes.
-You won't need to come get me later...I will do it myself...I just need those keys...your voice was sensual and soft.
-B-but...Mrs (Y/N)...
-I will be alright please...
-Alright...alright...He gives you the keys and the lantern. But don't tell anyone and give them back to me once you are done...Are we clear ?
-Thanks a lot ! You say with a bright smile, leaving a kiss on his cheek. You really are the best.
The chief warden leaves you after that, heart still pounding from your burning kiss. You have a little victorious smile then get close to the cell. Only the sound of your heels slamming against the stone floor was heard. As you get closer, you start hearing the slamming of chains. You bring the lantern closer to the cell and slit the key in before getting in and closing it behind you. You discover what you have guessed to be Donquixote Doflamingo. He was chained on the floor with a crazy smile on his face and curved sunglasses that prevented you from catching his sight. The cell was medium sized, there was also a little table and two chairs, which was probably a new addition just for your consultation. The man's face turns towards you, at his sight, you felt an incredible energy that made you take a step back. But you tried to bring yourself back to your senses. You had to assert yourself and your position. You weren't here to be scared but to help.
-So, it's Mr. Donquixote Doflamingo if I am right. You get close from the little table and put the lantern and the files on it. Then, you get closer to him, and you bend over to be at his height. I am Mrs. (Y/N). I will be your counselor for today following your request. I will unchain you but keep your handcuffs on...I would like to have a talk with you as we are sitting right there.
Even the worst criminals needed dignity, you thought. You were here to help your clients, and you were ready to treat everyone as human beings. You didn't feel comfortable speaking to a chained man on the ground. Once you unchain him, he gets up. He was extremely tall, even more than you have expected. He must have been around three meters tall and next to him, you looked like a little mouse, fragile and harmless. You didn't want to make him see through your intimidation, so stepped back and held your arm up ;
- This bracelet, if I press this button, the guards will come and an alarm system will be set off. So let's have a nice session and cooperate, Mr. .
His smile was crazy, No, no normal man would smile that way. You then heard his laugh, a throaty and menacing laugh. He looked at you with the look that you have never encountered in the eyes of any other inmate. You could feel it through his sunglasses, and that's when you realized that he wasn't just another inmate.
-Oh, drop the threats already, Miss (Y/N)...Let's have a nice session....
He just repeated what you said but out of his lips, it was so indecent that it made you blush, realizing the sloppiness of your phrasing. You cleared your throat and took a seat, then made a gesture with your hand pointing towards the other seat.
-Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable Mr. Donquixote. You say, ironically feeling extremely uncomfortable. You took advantage of the few seconds of silence to  examine his appearance discreetely. He looked a little different from the newspapers pictures. In person and without his usual eccentric attire, he looked more menacing. You didn't notice that you held your breath as he took a seat in front of you. His face was partially illuminated by the lantern. His tan skin looked like that of an oil panting under the dancing flame. Don't lose your calm. Don't get destabilized by that aura of him, you repeated in your head endlessly.
A pen was resting between your thumb and your index. You pretended to look at the files for a moment. Then, his voice came, low and intense.
-Oh...I will get comfortable. My. If I knew that you were this beautiful I would've asked to see you earlier. He says with a smirk, looking at your clevage without even a trace of embarrasment.
You gasped, surprised, it wasn't the first time that an inmate complimented you, in fact, it was common. Imagine a place full of men without even a woman in sight. Some of these men haven't seen a woman in more than ten years, they looked at you like caged beasts, but his look was different, he had a strong energy that made you feel naked. You were quick to put him back in what you thought was his place.
-Mr. Donquixote. That is inappropriate. Let's start the consultation right now.
-I do like the sound of Mr. Donquixote...But you can call me Doffy. Make yourself comfortable.
He says with an enigmatic smile, and you weren't sure what was his motive, but as naive as you were, you  kind of believed that maybe after staying so long alone, he wanted some kind of company, or to feel like someone he knew was there...After all, there weren't visits allowed in Impel Down unlike any other prison.
-So..Mr. Donquixote, you repeat, ignoring his request and turning the pages, looking at his info, you were incarcerated for opposing the world government, underworld illegal activities, allying with one of the yonkos and overthrowing a legitimate king and stealing his throne, am I right ?
He looks, amused, at your shaky hand, you were almost endearing to him, he almost wanted to take a bite. He corrects you then, smiling as always, looking at you and leaving you harmless as you couldn't look at him back, his eyes hidden behind the shaded glasses ;
-Oh I see that you reviewed your lessons pretty well. You just have something wrong right there. I didn't overthrow a legitimate king. I am the legitimate king of Dressrosa. I also orchestered the mass murder of my subjects by controlling them, just like this. He holds his hand up, amused, looking right in your fear-colored eyes. He suddenly gets close to your face, almost jumping towards you and you couldn't stop a little shriek of fear from crossing your lips. He then starts laughing, his laugh echoeing in the small cell.
-God, look at you, poor little lamb, are you already scared ? I'm just teasing you right there...There is nothing to be scared of...
He was getting close, too close for your own wellbeing. You weren't able to hide your turmoil anymore. He leans back again on the chair and looks at you, you were quite the entertainment. He surprisingly found you to his taste and he didn't even try to hide it. He was going to get his way anyways, but it was a nice bonus that you were of a delectable beauty. Looking at your lips, he licks his own, disarming you yet once again. You try to asses your now diminishing control and clear up your throat.
-Mr...Let's start shall we !! Well, why did you ask to see me ?
Alright, that was extremely stupid, but it was as if you almost forgot how to use words in his presence. You bite your lower lips, you felt so uneasy but you didn't want to be so transparent under his hungry gaze. You really did feel like a lamb and he was the starved wolf, you felt as if you were his prey right there.
-Do I need a reason to ask to see my counselor ?
-Oh..No you don't I was just...curious...
And here you are, acting totally unprofessional in his presence. You should assert yourself, you are the one asking the questions, you are the one in charge, even if that man is more than one meter taller. Your start twitching your leg as you keep writing something on your paper, it was a quirk that you had everytime when you felt stressed. The smallest of details caught his eye, as they say, the devil was in the details. He liked destabilizing you and he was surprised at how easy it was. He wondered how did you make it up to one month in this place full of dangerous criminals.
Your job as a counselor consisted at first of understanding the motives behind your client's actions and to create a trusting relationship in order to help integrate them later on. You didn't lose any further time and asked :
-So, tell me about your family. It was a basic question to get him to open up. Generally, relationships with relatives and family were meaningful for understanding the mind of a criminal.
-My family ? He laughs, so that's what you want to chat about, beauty ? You flinch at the sound of this word out of his lips. Alright. I will satisfy your curiousity. I killed both my father and my brother. I am sorry to disappoint you Miss (Y/L/N), if you are looking for a sad  story to feel empathy over, this isn't one. Everything I have done I did out of my own will.
He gets closer to your face, once again, and you feel paralyzed, as if you were just a puppet and he was pulling the strings. He have commited the worst thing a human can commit, parricide, and for a second your eyes looked at his restrained hands and you wondered how could a human's hands do such a thing. He had long and slender fingers, he had the hands of an artist, was that what the hands of a murderer looked like ?
-Oh sorry miss, did I scare you ? I was just playing a little bit, no need to feel so tense.
His voice was suave, dripping with poison. He was having his fun, you thought. He was pushing your buttons and enjoying every second of it. He was toying with your mind, knowing how little experience you had. He was reading in you because he wasn't one of these other patients you had dealt with, he showed you how tough you had to become in order to handle the tension from such manipulative creatures, monsters that would kill mother and father to get what they want.
-Mr Donquixote. I am trying to do my job right here, this isn't a game. Shaky voice, fake toughness.
But if you were aware of such things, where did that thrill come from ? Why did you see him as a man and not as a demon, despite his evil laugh and impredictable behavior ? Was it the demenaour of a charismatic male that was a warlord and a king just a few months ago that had that effect of you ? Or was it the same kind of irrational and stupid attraction that a middle schooler feels for bad boys ? But you weren't in middle school anymore and he was a criminal. You weren't the protagonist of some popular soap opera. You were a counselor and he was a man whose hands have killed more men than you could've imagined.
-Look at yourself trying to act tough and to impress me....Drop these little games already, we both know that it's useless... Miss (Y/N)...I didn't just want to talk to my counselor...I think that you would've guessed it by now...? You're a smart girl after all...
He says in a voluptuous whisper, and you forgot how to breathe for a second. No word crossed your lips,  you froze, skin cold while his breath was so hot on your flesh. What was wrong with you, getting flustered by his tricks ? You couldn't get caught in his spider web, you couldn't let him lead the session and act as he wanted. But...Why was everything he said so sensual ? Why did the way he talk make you feel helpless, make you feel like you wanted to see what is coming next ? You were flirting with fire, some morbid curiousity made you keep your mouth shut, waiting for the gratification of his next words just to push him away afterwards.
He leans in and licks your neck, from the starting of your clevage to that area behind your ear. You shiver, feeling his hot tongue on your skin and his steady breathing on your cheek. Your body that was so cold starts tingling, was it fear or anticipation ? He was a dangerous criminal and Hannyabal has warned you more than once. What were you waiting for to press the button on your bracelet ? Were you too scared to do it, or perhaps, did you want a taste of what's forbidden ?
-It's alright to indulge from time to time sweetheart...Come on...I see that you're dying for it.
You try to push him away, putting your tiny hands on his broad chest, blushing from his insinuations. It was unaccaptable, assuming that YOU were dying for it when HE was the one making these filthy advances. Your ego couldn't take it, and the thrill that was once there vanished as you threatened ;
-Are you out of your mind Mr ?! What you are saying is unacceptable ! If anyone ever found out about this you will-
-No one would. He cuts you right there. You made a huge mistake my dear. I will tell you what it is right now....You should never play with fire if you don't want to get consumed by it...
He places his cuffed hand on your throat, applying just a bit of pressure on it. Those hands that he used to...they were on your skin. The tension in your body released as you looked at him as if he had hypnotized you. His touch was extremely warm and you were curious for such a man. You were curious about how a man like him could love a woman. You wondered for a second about how such a man treats his lovers, and if the hands that killed were capable of taking someone to heaven. You didn't realize that you were slowly falling like a ripe fruit in the palm of his hand.
-I will press the button...
-You won't. His voice was firm, almost like an order. The pressure from his hand releases and his hand lays now on your cheek, caressing it softly. You didn't move, you didn't press the button. You felt a knot in your stomach, your cheeks extremely hot and your heart throbbing. You were ready to give years and years of life just to see what was going to happen. Before you even realized, you already hankered for that throbbing.
He placed his hand on your collarbone and it was slowly slipping, deliciously moving towards the fraction of your exposed chest, making you shiver. You felt terrified by the carnal desire that took over you, pure instinct. You felt frightened by your lusting over that forbidden fruit ; a complete stranger, a patient, a monster. He was thrilled by the look on your eyes, only encouraging him to go on. His hand now explored your bare chest under your shirt, making your breath heavier. It was the point of no return. You left your head roll back a little, letting out of a whisper of ease. He brushed and pinched your hard nipples, pushing your buttons, making you want him more and more. You bite your lower lip and murmur softly ;
-We really shouldn't be doing this...
-Do you want me to stop ? He said as he took off your shirt.
You cursed him for letting you have that choice, but he knew all too well that you were already dancing in the palm of his hand. You weren't able to say anything. He lifted you up easily and put you seated on the table. Your were startled by his move, scared and thrilled about what's going to happen. He softly caresses your neck, kissing it softly, whispering into your ear ;
-Say it and I will stop...He repeats.
Shit..Shit...shit ! I am not going to give in...no ? I am not going to give in to him, he is a criminal...I worked hard to get this job...I will lose my job...I won't give in to him...Will I ?...Your eyes were veiled by lust, he was dragging you in as if he was pulling you towards him by invisible threads. You were charmed and intimidated, he has such a sexual presence, you felt it through all your body and especially down there. You mumbled, your voice shaking, feeling ashamed but tempted ;
-Don't...your voice was a bearly audible whisper, to which he smiled, victorious.
-See ? It's not that hard....What a good girl you are. Here...I'll give you what you deserve...
His praising made you blush. You were yearning for his validation and affection. You moan softly when he slides his hand under your skirt, caressing your inner thigh. He squeezes your warm skin, getting closer to your slit.
He lays a finger on your dampening panties, feeling your depths over the fabric. You couldn't help but bite your lower lip, shameful.
-I haven't touched you and you're already so worked up doll ? He smiles in that detached way of his. I am very flattered.
-Please...touch me already. You look away, unable to face him.
He chuckled at your desperate words and one second after your skirt was down and your legs up on the table. Quite the sight. He licked his lips seductively before caressing your slit slowly over the fabric.
-What an impatient girl you are...It's almost cute.
He slides the fabric away now gently pressing on your entrance. His fingers were experienced and precise, he knew where exactly to touch you. He started caressing your clitoris in circular motions snatching moans out of your lips. You swallowed hardly, you weren't holding back anymore, fuck it. You already gave in to his touch. He continued to stroke you while his other hand gently squeezed your breast. You didn't understand how such hands could bring pleasure and also bring mourn. You whined, unable to wait more, wanting him to touch you more, to love you more. He slit a finger inside of you, effortlessly and you whined and squirmed under his touch.
-You are so wet that I feel like you're swallowing me...Such a horny slut.
Your blushed violently as he started thrusting his finger in and out of you in slow motions, driving you insane, leaving you yearning for more. Your hips were shaking with every thrust, he then suddenly added a second finger, carefully preparing you for his lenght.
-Oh....my...are you sad because I called you a slut ? He brushes your hair softly, but then why is there such a hungry look in your eyes ? You certainly enjoyed it, don't try to hide it...The eyes say it all.
You tightened around his fingers, feeling the pleasure coming in waves, taking over you. Your legs were so weak and you wanted to close them already to make the motion stop as his increasing paace was getting overwhelming. He stopped you from that, forcing you to take in the pleasure that you were asking for. All logic and reason was away, your head was so clouded to even think about the danger that you were putting yourself through. As you were close to climax, he took off his fingers, leaving you puzzled.
- I...
-Do you think that you deserve it ? No I don't think that you do..not yet...
He smirked, getting closer to your face then captured your lips in a passionate kiss. You were  taken aback as you kissed him back, hungry for more. You gathered your courage and slid your hands under his shirt, exploring his manly torso. You then lifted his shirt slightly, inviting him to take it off so you could feel his skin against yours. You just wanted to see all of him. If it was going to be a one time thing then, you wanted all of it...
Noticing this movement, he pulled back and took off his shirt, revealing perfectly sculpted abs. You were amazed by how good he looked despite being in prison. He was flattered by the eager look in your eyes and without giving you time to rest he started licking and sucking on your soft bud. You didn't expect him to do that but you couldn't say that you weren't waiting for it from the start.  He sure knew how to pleasure a woman as his tongue made you quiever. His movement were once again slow, it was some kind of soft torture and you wanted more of him. Your nails digged into his shoulders, trying to contain your sloppy moans. His hands were holding your legs spread out quite firmly so you don't move. He then proceeded to slide two digits into you in conjunction to his tongue circling your clit. At this point, you were moaning so loudly that you got scared that anyone would heard the two of you. You almost fell backwars rom how much you were trembling and Doflamingo gently held you with his strong arm ;
-Careful honey, we're just getting started...
-Please what ? He says with a smirk, teasingly tweaking your nipple before giving it a lick, reinserting his fingers inside of you.
-Hmm...Please..I want...I want you to..put it in...
-Shh...he whispers.
You felt shameless and humiliated but you felt no need to hold back as you were already playing with fire. You looked at the bulge forming through his pants and judging from the size you started to wonder wether you could take it in or not. You have never seen anyone bigger. He inserted a third finger, preparing you carefully for his lenght. He then took off his pants giving you a glimpse of his massive cock.  He laughs at your shocked look and pushes down his fingers in your mouth, which you instinctively start licking tasting your own wetness. You were panting in anticipation, your chest going up and down, heavy breathing.
-Don't be scared...It will fit in just fine..He says as he presses just the tip on your entrance. You slightly moved to slide it in but he kept you forcefully in place with his free arm.
-Who told you to move already, (Y/N) ?...
The sound of your name out of his lips made you want crave for him even more. He continued teasing you by sliding it in just a bit, making you expect it to go in then stopping. This sweet torture was making you lose all control but he seemed calm and in perfect control.
-Please...Please Doffy..I'd do anything I..I just...I want you
He looked to the side, unable to contain a little smile, an endearing smile. He puts his hand on your cheek with his thumb on your lips and can't help but say ;
-You are so cute. So desperate for me to fuck you, huh ? You would do anything...What a shameless girl...Wanting me to fuck you so badly while you were acting so tough earlier...He gently starts to push his cock inside, earning a moan from your sweet lips, Alright, I'll give it to you...
He suddenly thrusts it inside of you, making you let out a soft cry of surprise but also that of discomfort because of his size. It didn't take you long to accomodate to his size since he prepared you so well. You finally felt relieved and complete, having him fill you so perfectly. You encercled his shoulders with your arms, finding support on him. His thrusts were getting more and more intense and deep, hitting that spot that made you feel so good. You couldn't help but moan in his ears, showing him how much you felt good, engraving each sensation into your brain so you never forget about him. It was hard to believe that it was the same controlled man that was going in so slowly only minutes earlier. His pace was aggressive and unpredictible. You felt overwhelmed by pleasure, sinking your nails once again in his tan skin.
-You're taking me so well...You are getting so tight around me.
He groans and holds your hair back tightly, forcing you to look at his face ;
-Look at me while I am fucking you
Your heart was pounding so fast as you felt him go in and out. Your moans were getting louder to the point that you were biting your lower lip quite hard in a failed attempt to contain yourself. As you were getting closer to climaxing, he just stopped all movement and completely slid out of you, leaving you empty. You looked at him with huge eyes as he sit back on the chair, his erection dripping with precum.
-If you want it so badly then come get it, dear.
Without any hesitation, you stepped on your feet, almost falling, legs shaking in front of him. You then sit on his lenght taking him in entierly, making him smirk and groan. You felt hesitant to move at first, ashamed of that slutty side of you that no one before him, a stranger, a criminal, has ever seen. And maybe it's only because you knew who he was that you were able to be so decadent. You started moving your hips slowly, feeling him against your walls, nipples brushing against his strong torso. He caressed your hair, almost lovingly and grunts ;
-You're a good girl...Fucking yourself like this-
He then suddenly lifts you up while still inside of you.
-But you're going too slow, I'll fuck you good, because that's what you deserve...
He then holds you against the table once again, his pace much more intense than yours. You held onto the table really tightly letting a cry of surprise and pleasure. He spread your legs wider filling you with every inch of his warm cock. It was a feeling you have never felt before with any man, the feeling of being with someone who knew how to pleasure you, someone that could break you with a snap of his fingers but who decided to take you to heaven instead. At this point, you only wanted him to free you from that longing in your loins.
-I..I am going to...
You couldn't even finish your sentence. He was going deeper inside of you with each thrust. Now, his hand was around your neck. He was losing control as well as you swallowed him inside.He was also getting close to the paroxysm of pleasure.
-Come for me, sweetheart.
You got overwhelmed by his pace and you finally could let it all out, you felt your insides twitch and pulse with every thrust. You held him tighter, letting out high-pitched moans, feeling your legs tremble as you came around his cock. Your whole body was spasming and your breath louder but that didn't stop him from pounding you even harder. For a moment you felt as if you were going to pass out but you managed to say nonetheless;
-I..I..Please..Come inside...
Were you out of your mind or did he really unleash that dark side of you ? Maybe a bit of both, but you knew that you wanted him to fill you up. He was surprised himself, but your words turned him on even more. He then let out a loud groan as he filled you with his seed in a last thrust.
-You're naughtier than what I expected...
He caresses your cheek and slides out of you, some of his essence dripping out all along your thighs. You felt so satisfied and out of breath, letting yourself fall back on the table. He looked at you with a smirk .
-You did so well...Now I will take this...
He pulls his pants up and bends down to where your bag was. He flips it over and its contenants spill on the ground. He takes the key of the cell and hold it up while looking at you ;
-I'm gonna take this now as my payback...Thanks doll..
You were too tired to even move, thinking that you were fucked, unironically. You have succombed, you have lost, but why didn't you even feel even a slight shadow of guilt ? You looked at him turn his back to you, walking all along the hallway. The only thing that you were able to think of was wether you were going to see him again. He has just unleashed the beast inside. -------------------- Thank you for reading <3 Leave feedback if you liked it hihi
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