#i guess that's just the story idea that naturally would come to her no matter what
notoneglance · 1 year
If I had a nickle for each time a fictional author was accused of plagiarizing a work only for it to later be revealed that they did write an original piece, it’s just that the other work was written by her future self, I would only have two nickles but it’s weird that it happened twice
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hyunniesgirl · 4 months
Bad intentions | Part 1
Pairing: nerd!Han Jisung x popular!reader(afab)
Summary: you thought you could turn Han Jisung into the perfect boyfriend material so you can get revenge on your cheating ex. Little did you know that you would end up getting much more than just a guy to show off.
Genre: fluff, angst, smut(for the story in general, this part has no smut)
Words count: 8,056
Slightly inspired in the movie She's All That
*This is the second fic to my series Love is a mess. The stories can be read as standalones but they are all connected so some details mentioned may sound off.
Disclaimer: Jisung is proud asf, OC has kind of a sad backstory and has anxiety(not explored very deeply but there are descriptions of her symptoms), this part is just suggestive so no smut
Part 2
This story is NSFW and is going to have +18 themes so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
A/N: okay for the sake of the plot let's pretend for a moment that Han Jisung can be considered anything other than smocking hot, alright?
A/N²: My idea was for all the stories from this series to be oneshots but I just kept writing and writing and this one was almost 13k already and I haven't even gotten to the good part so I thought "I almost never read anything over 10k" so I split the oneshot for the sake of my readers attention span.
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Jisung likes to think that he's better than all the guys fawning over you, he likes to think that even if he had a chance, he'd never lust over you. But well, sometimes a strong denial turns out to be an implicit affirmation.
It all started in social studies, he was trying to go over his notes for the test but the conversations happening at the same time didn't let him pay any attention to what was written in the sheets. There were five different conversations happening at the same time, but they all had the same subject: you.
Apparently, you had a boyfriend who cheated on you with a girl from a rival university? Or some trivial shit like that. Jisung doesn't understand why that matters to anyone but you and the said boyfriend. He doesn't understand why everyone feels like such a painful experience is any of their business. But he guesses it comes with the job.
Everyone knows you, you're the classic cheer captain, who dates — or dated — the infamous quarterback in the football team. People envy you, cherish you, they want to be you and he always thought they loved you, but after hearing so many snarky comments about you in the last 20 minutes, he's actually starting to pity you.
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You wanted to kill him, Seunghoon, that bastard. He destroyed a relationship of a year just to get in someone's pants? Fucking idiot. You hate him so much for cheating on you, but you hate him the most for not showing up kneeling at your door and asking for forgiveness. Who does he think he is? He would never have gotten his position on the football team if it wasn't for you, everyone knows that.
It's an understatement to say you are always the best in everything you put your mind into and if you're not the best by nature, you work hard until you become the best. You are smart, pretty, popularity is your thing, you're used to getting everyone's attention wherever you go. Everyone loves you, or at least they pretend well enough.
So when you started dating this guy, who was a nobody it was pretty shocking for everyone else. You turned him into the most popular guy so he could stay by your side, so you expected a little bit of loyalty from him. Guess that was expecting too much from a horny dog like him.
You did love Seunghoon, you wouldn't have dated him for a year if you didn't. But his character was always questionable, that, you won't deny. There's that saying that love makes you blind but you knew that he's no good and yet stayed with him, that's on you.
You can't stand the pity looks people give you when you walk down the hallway, they could at least pretend they are not talking shit about you behind your back.
To think the semester has only just started, you wish you could take a year off to make sure things die down nicely. But if you do, you'll definitely lose your position as cheer captain, there are too many people willing to get rid of you so they can get your title.
It's best for you to try and get rid of these thoughts, so you hold your head high turning on a corner, decided to pretend everything is okay. That's when you bump into someone, dropping the books you have in your hands and your phone screen down on the floor, gasping immediately, the last thing you need right now is a broken phone.
When you lean over to collect your things, the person who bumped into you does the same, going for the phone at the same time and touching hands with you. A strange wave of electricity makes your whole body shiver by that touch, making you snap your head in the direction of the person.
You know him. He's one of the members of 3racha, a music group everyone loves. Curiously, this is the first time you have seen him outside of a presentation. He's clearly different from the other members, wearing baggy clothes and displaying a hair that's undeniable too long with some questionable choice of colors on it. You can't even really see his eyes, however, he has something about him that makes you refuse to take your eyes off him.
He grabs your book and phone, ignoring your shameless stare. Standing up and handing your things to you.
“Sorry, I can pay for your phone's repair”, he says and for the first time in a minute you can divert your eyes from him, looking at the screen, absolutely shattered and sighing.
“No, it's okay. I was the one who was distracted”, you smile, tucking your hair behind your ear. Why do you feel the sudden urge to flirt with him? He's not even your type. Or at least, that's what you think.
He hums, not really interested, taking a paper out of his bag and writing something on it.
“Here, this is my number if you change your mind”, he gives you the paper, saying goodbye and disappearing somewhere in the hallway.
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When you finally meet Seunghoon, he doesn't even apologize, actually, he doesn't look regretful at all. He has a smug smile, as if what he did is not serious, as if he's better than you now.
You always had a thought in the corner of your mind that maybe he had some kind of inferiority complex when it came to you, but you didn't think he would go as far as to cheat on you just to prove he is better in some way.
“You don't harbor hard feelings, right?” He smirks, chin up. “I know you're much better than me, I'm sure you won't mind what happened and we can still be friends”, he's mocking you, you recognize that tone.
You're grasping the fabric of your skirt under the table, did he really pull you away from your practice to say this? The audacity of this man.
“Of course I don't mind”, you smile kindly, acting as unbothered as you possibly can. This is something you learned in so many years of having eyes on you all the time: pretend. You won't give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry or even get mad. If you are able to pretend you don't care at all about him, that's what you're gonna do.
“I'm glad-”, his smile falters a bit, you are sure he expected you to break. That shows how little he knows about you, you would never make a scene in public.
“Actually, I'm even seeing someone else already”, you blurt out, trying to make him more baffled and it works, he frowns and the look of confusion in his face is priceless.
“Well, that's great for you”, Seunghoon clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. “We should definitely go on a double date sometime”
“Of course, I'd love that”, you nod, standing up. “I'll be going now, but it was great seeing you”, you lie, turning around and walking back to the gymnasium.
When it sinks in what you just did, you want to hit your head against the wall. What the hell was that? Why would you even tell him you're seeing someone when you're not? For fucksake, you're sure he's too proud to let this go, he'll try to find out who it is that you're seeing and when he finds out you lied, you'll be done for, faced with utter humiliation again.
“Why would you tell him you're seeing someone?” Mina asks, looking at you like you are the dumbest person alive, and honestly, you do feel like that at the moment.
“I don't know”, you cry out, “I guess I wanted him to feel miserable”
“And look where that got you”, Miyeon says, worriedly.
“I know, I'm an idiot”, you tell them and your friends nod, making you glare at them. “Well, I guess I'll just have to find a new boyfriend”, you say, dreadfully.
“You know it's not that easy”, Mina says, “you built Seunghoon from the scratch to the guy he is today, it won't have the same effect if you get just anybody that people already see everyday, it has to be shocking”
“Well, I don't know”, you sigh, “is there even someone like that here?”
“I don't know”, Miyeon says, “you need someone charming, someone who people can't take their eyes off”
“It won't be good if he's already known, it should be someone who's usually invisible”, Mina completes.
You sigh, there's only one person you can think of who instantly fits that description.
“What about him?” Miyeon takes you out of your thoughts, pointing to someone behind you. “Isn't he part of 3racha?”
“I mean, he fits what we are looking for”, Mina says.
You turn around, finding the guy you bumped on a few days ago sitting at the table behind you, you're sure you can remember his name if you just try a little harder. He's sitting with Changbin, the other guy from 3racha who is kind of your friend.
“But is there something for you to do there?” Mina looks at him with squinted eyes, trying to see how you could improve him.
“He's cute”, you check him out shamelessly, nodding to yourself.
“I'm not sure if you could make Seunghoon jealous with cuteness”, she shrugs.
“He's not just cute”, you bit your bottom lip, thinking hard. “He could use a different haircut and maybe a new wardrobe but I see a lot of potential in there”
“Well”, Mina sighs in defeat, “let's make a bet them”
“Are you in middle school?” You ask her, rolling your eyes.
“If you can make Seunghoon regret cheating on you, I'll give up on trying for cheer captain next semester”, she ignores your question, stretching her hand for you to shake it.
“As if you were going to win anyway”, you joke.
Of course she could win, Mina is your best friend and also the best dancer you know, she could easily steal your position if you didn't try so hard to keep it, so you do what you have to do, shaking her hand even though you don't have a good feeling about it.
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It's been a few days since you decided to make Jisung your new boyfriend, you just haven't figured out how to approach him. For starters, you can't even find him in this damn university, how the hell can a member from a trio as popular as 3racha just walk around without being noticed? That's a mystery you'll have to solve later.
“Jisung? Why would you want me to set you up with him?” Changbin asks, confused.
“Well, I find him cute”, you shrug, that's not a lie.
“He's not your type, he's totally different from Seunghoon”, he stares at you with a brow raised, sipping from his drink.
“Why would I want someone like Seunghoon? My reputation is almost ruined because of that guy”, you say.
“You got a point”, Changbin sighs, “let me talk to him first”, he can feel something is up but with all the mess happening in his life already, he doesn't have the energy to dig any deeper.
Jisung stares at his friend for about five minutes, no words being said. Why would someone like you want to go out with someone like him?
He's pretty popular because of 3racha, but not near as popular as you or your friend group. Everyone knows he's an awkward guy, when he's on stage his personality changes, he's confident, it feels great, like he could conquer the world, but when he goes back to real life, he just doesn't feel the need to be perceived. Jisung doesn't have a reason to be popular outside of the stage, he's fine with being invisible.
“So, what do you think?” Changbin asks.
“I don't know”, Jisung shrugs.
“Think carefully, it's not everyday that someone like y/n wants to go on a date with an ordinary guy”, the older one insists.
Well, maybe he likes being ordinary. He always thought he wouldn't be like those guys who would do anything for a pretty girl, now it's his chance to prove it.
“You can tell her that I appreciate the thought, but I don't think it's a good idea”, Jisung says, confidently. Even though he wants to punch himself after saying it.
Changbin sighs.
“If you're sure about it”, he shrugs, standing up and walking to the kitchen.
What if he's just letting his prejudice get in the way of meeting someone nice? He sighs to himself, there's nothing he can do about it now.
Well, that's unexpected. Did you go so low as to be rejected by just anybody? How could Jisung not even accept a single date with you? Are you ugly? No, you're sure it's not that. Are you boring? It's not that either, of course. You don't think there's a single thing that would make him turn you down. Maybe you're not his type? No, you're everyone's type.
You won't give up, though. Han Jisung has too much potential for you to just leave him be, you're sure you can make him be even better than Seunghoon ever was. So you march to social studies, you asked Changbin who reluctantly told you that Jisung takes that class.
You enter the classroom earning a few glances, smiling kindly at the people you know and introducing yourself to the ones you don't.
Jisung is seated in the corner, writing something on his notebook, earbuds on. You walk up to him, sitting by his side and waiting for him to notice you, which doesn't take long. He feels a presence too close to him, making him turn to look at you.
He frowns, taking his earbuds slowly, trying to process your present so close to him.
“How can I help you?” He asks and you tilt your head, he's even cuter up close.
“I heard you turned me down”, you say, leaning over the desk to watch him.
“Yeah, sorry”, he shrugs nonchalantly, hurting your pride even more. He should feel at least a bit apologetic, shouldn’t he?
“What do I have to do for you to go out with me?” You push more. You even came here looking for him, you're not going to be discouraged just by a bit of indifference.
“Why do you want to go out with me anyway?” He frowns, it’s not that he doesn’t want to say yes, it’s just that every time that he feels tempted to actually lust over you his pride gets a little more hurt, did you think there was no chance of you being rejected by him?
“Well, I like you. You're cute”, you tell him as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
“You don't even know me”, he scoffs, ignoring the fact that you called him cute.
“That's exactly why I want to go out with you, dummy. So I can get to know you better”, you smile, knowing he won't be able to get out of this situation without telling you why he won't go out with you.
“Well, you’re not my type”, he clears his throat, adjusting himself on his seat and trying to sound convincing, you’re clearly everyone’s type. “And I don’t think we would have much to talk about”
You’re going to fight him on this, argue that you’re a very interesting person that can talk about a lot of things, but the professor enters the classroom, eyeing you and tilting his head in confusion, since you passed this class last semester.
“I’m going to let it go for now”, you stand, “but don’t think you’re getting rid of me”, you huff, walking out of the class. He sure is stubborn, but you’re more.
Jisung feels like he's in those movies with a stalker following him around. You know, when the protagonist is sure that someone is watching them but every time they look around there's no one there? Except that in his case, you're always there. Every place he goes has you in it, glaring at him.
You're not actually glaring at him, even though he thinks you're. You're just shocked that he still hasn't come around to accepting going out with you, so you have to stare at him because you have to understand him. Why is he so different from the other guys? Of course you don't think you're better than anyone, but since news of your break up with Seunghoon broke out, your phone has been blowing up with texts from guys you didn't even know had your number, saying weird things and asking you out. So why is the only person you want to hear from, not giving a shit about you?
You ask Changbin's help but he refuses to meddle anymore than he already has, saying that he knows your intentions are not entirely good so he won't help anymore.
“Did you know we have a class with your new crush?” Mina says while looking at herself in the mirror of the clothes store you're visiting.
“What?” You take your eyes out of your phone to look at her, you have been staring at your screen for thirty minutes, trying to fight the urge to just call Jisung. He gave you his number so you could charge him with the repair of your broken phone but you already had it fixed, maybe you could use that little incident to your advantage.
“We have French with him, you chose Spanish, right?” Miyeon asks, looking around to see if she likes anything.
“Are you for real?” You ask and she looks at you, nodding. “Do you think there are still open spots in your class?” You ask, lost in thoughts.
“You're not going to switch classes just so you can get close to him, right?” Mina turns around to look at you, a brow raised in questioning. “Right?” She presses after you don't answer.
“I kinda prefer French though”, you smirk, standing up. “The school's office is still open now, isn't it?” You ask and both of your friends exchange looks, sighing and shaking their heads, sure that you're a lost cause.
It was not difficult to switch classes, you used up all your charm with the office’s secretary so she wouldn't argue too much about it. You just need a warm smile, some tiramisu and to compliment her nails.
You enter the class smiling victoriously, seeing your friends seated side by side and finding Jisung sitting alone in the back. You waltz over there, putting your things on the desk and sitting by his side.
Jisung takes a deep breath, side eyeing you for a moment.
“Are you serious right now?” He sighs, “you know you can't just keep coming to my classes, right? That's lowkey stalking”, he argues, making you chuckle.
“I don't know what you're talking about”, you shrug, “I'm enrolled in this class”, you tell him, pulling a paper with your schedule printed on it and showing it to him. “This is the only spot available”
He looks around to check, biting his bottom lip, embarrassed. He should have checked before assuming things but that doesn't change the fact that you have been around him too much lately.
“Okay”, he sighs, fidgeting on his seat.
“If I'm really making you uncomfortable I can find somewhere else to sit”, you say, even though you want to make him give in and accept to go out with you, you don't want him to feel genuinely bothered by you.
Jisung on the other hand feel likes he can give in at any moment, the second time he saw you looking at him he wanted to stand up and just go to you, telling you he would accept to go out with you, fuck his pride.
“It's okay”, he clears his throat, “You can sit whatever you want”, he says, making you smirk.
“I mean, are you sure?” You lean in his direction, glancing at his lap.
Jisung chokes immediately, coughing so much he thinks he's going to die, you didn't mean what he thinks you do, right?
Class starts before you can mess with him a little bit more, you didn't think you would have so much fun teasing someone.
Jisung stands up and leaves as soon as the professor says the class ended, he doesn't want to stay close to you for a minute more. He couldn't pay attention to class because your scent kept coming his way. He would glance at you and you wouldn't even be acknowledging him, paying 100% of attention in class. It did make him upset that he didn't seem to cause the same reaction in you as you do to him.
Except that, as stated before, you're very good at pretending. You really wanted to tease him every time you caught him staring at you, you could see everything he was doing with your peripheral vision and you wanted to giggle with every time he pouted while looking at you.
That's proof enough for you that not being his type it's not the reason why he's reluctant to go out with you but you didn't even think about the possibility of him not liking girls at all.
“As far as I know, he does like girls”, Changbin tells you. “I'm not sure about guys though, maybe he does too?”
“Well, that's good then”, you sigh, crossing your arms and nodding to yourself, lost in thoughts.
Changbin stares at you for a moment, with a brow raised. “Binnie, can't you help me out? Just this once” You plead again, giving him puppy eyes.
“Nope, I'm not sure what your intentions are but what I know is that you don't do things without a reason”, he shakes his head.
You sigh, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue, you know how to convince Changbin but it's the first time in your life that you have to resort to such dirty methods.
“You know, I met someone really nice one of these days”, you tell him, smiling friendly. “She's really cute and she has been helping me in a class we have together”, Changbin glares at you. “I think you know her, but she doesn't seem to like you at all…” You pout, making a show.
“What are you trying to say?” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I'm trying to say that if you help me out, I can do the same”, you shrug, “you have so many virtues, Binnie, I'm confident I can make her see you in a different light”
You can at least try to convince her that Changbin is a good guy even though she's absolutely sure that he's bad news.
“Are you saying I should sell out my best friend so you can help me?” You see Changbin hesitate and that's when you push a little more.
“Come on, it's not like I'll do something awful to him”, you say, “I just want one date”
He sighs, nodding.
“Okay, alright”, he grunts. “I'll help you out just this one time and that's it”
“You're the best!” You say, clapping your hands excitedly.
This is definitely not how you thought the help would happen. The sun is burning your skin and the giggles of people around you are making you stressed. A pool party, why did he think this was going to be a good idea?
Just because you're at the same party as Jisung it doesn't mean you'll get a chance to talk to him or even accomplish your goal but even though the odds are against you, you are still going to try.
The day is too hot, the pool is bustling with people and you're uncomfortable in your bikini. In most days you love your body, you think you're pretty just the way you are but sometimes you have bad days, where you feel like everyone is staring at every single flaw you have.
You came to the party because you couldn't lose the opportunity but you can't see Jisung anywhere and your anxiety is only growing bigger. So as soon as you get the chance to escape, you do it. You wander around the frat house, looking for a place with no one, maybe Changbin's room is empty since he pretty much doesn't live in the house.
You walk up the stairs, swerving in the middle of the crowd who are talking and laughing with drinks in their hands, it's very overwhelming.
The corridor where the rooms are have less people, so you walk until the end to find Changbin's nameplate on the door. You knock twice to make sure there's no one there, the music in the pool is pretty loud so you can't hear if there are voices in the room but you wait a few seconds so people can get dressed if there is someone fucking there. You open the door slowly, finding the room empty. Hurrying inside and closing the door so no one sees you going in.
It's a pretty huge room with things that suit Changbin's personality to a T. There's gym equipment all over the place, a big bed in the middle, a door you can only guess leads to a private bathroom and a TV that you're not sure was ever used. But again, your friend only comes by the house once in a while since he lives in an apartment downtown with Chan and Jisung.
Changbin managed to convince Jisung that it would be a good way to promote 3racha if they threw a party and it didn't take much convincing to the frat president since that guy loves partying.
You sit by the bed, trying to take deep breaths. The burning sensation in your chest is easing a bit with the calm and silence of the room. Silence that is immediately interrupted by the door of the bathroom being opened, just to show a half naked Han Jisung coming out of there with just a towel wrapped around his waist.
You two stare at each other for a minute, both not sure what to do next, both frozen. You manage to stand up, turning your back to him, face burning with embarrassment.
“I'm sorry, I didn't know there was someone already here”, you clarify. “I- I knocked on the door”, you inform him as if that could change anything.
Jisung finds your reaction funny, he didn't take you for the shy type, who gets flustered by seeing a man like this.
“I was showering, I didn't hear the knock”, he says, walking to Changbin's wardrobe to get some clothes he leaves there for eventual emergencies since the frat house is closer than his house to the university.
“Yeah, I guessed that”, you gulp, trying to calm your beating heart. You didn't get to take a good look at him, but the little you did made you quite surprised. Jisung is pretty athletic and hot.
“You can turn around now”, he says. You do it slowly, still embarrassed.
“I'm sorry again”, you sigh.
“It's okay, it can happen”, he shrugs, sitting on the bed. He can't help but look at you too for a moment, you're wearing a deep green bikini that goes perfectly with the tone of your skin. You have a thin transparent shirt that doesn't leave much to the imagination making him bite his bottom lip. If you try to make a move on him again right now, he won't be able to say no.
However, his not very pure thoughts are interrupted by your uneasiness, shifting your weight from a leg to another, hands trying to cover your thighs. Did he look at you for too long? Did he make you uncomfortable? Jisung diverts his gaze from you immediately, he's always proud to say that he's not the same as the other guys who are just horny and nothing more, but look at him now.
“I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable”, he stands up, ready to leave the room, “I'm sorry”
“No, you didn't make me uncomfortable”, you say, taking a step closer to him to stop him from leaving. “I was already feeling not great”, you clarify.
“Did something happen?” He asks, worried.
“No- I-”, you stop yourself from talking more, why do you actually want to talk to him about your problems? You don't even know him. “I'm having a bad day, my self esteem is kinda low so I feel like everyone is staring at every single flaw I have”
Jisung stops for a moment, malfunctioning. His head tilting to the side as he stares at you with furrowed brows.
“Exactly which “flaws” are we talking about?” He asks, making quotes with his fingers.
“I don't know”, you glance down to your feet, feeling embarrassed. “There are so many girls here who are much prettier than me”, you sigh, “oh, I'm not jealous of them, they are great. I'm a huge activist of women hyping up other women”, you add quickly. “Usually I won't let myself compare to other people, but when I'm having one of these days I just can't help to think things like: is my hair pretty enough? Should I go on a diet? Maybe I should hit the gym more often so I can look like that”, you sigh, you sound ridiculous. You are supposed to make him want to go out with you, not scare him with all your insecurities.
Jisung stares at you for a few seconds, realization hitting him. So you're human too, he already knew that, but seeing the pretty and popular y/n come out of the pedestal people built for her, makes him believe that maybe you're very different from what he thought about you.
“I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this”, Jisung clears his throat, trying to not sound like an idiot, “but I think you're pretty and even though you may have some flaws, everyone has. I can assure you yours are not in your looks”
You feel your cheeks growing hotter, that's surprising, a guy never managed to make you blush.
“But you said I'm not your type”, you pout, seizing the opportunity to tease him.
“Well, I had to say something so you would stop coming after me”, he sighs, “clearly it didn't work”
“So, will you go out with me?” You ask, hopeful and he sighs.
“Why do you want to go out with me so badly?”
“I already told you, you're cute. Also, you make me feel at ease”, it's not a lie. Jisung is the first person other than your friends that effortlessly makes you comfortable.
“Fine”, he huffs, “I already gave you my number so just text me”, he tells you and you smile, is this finally happening? Did he finally say yes?
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You planned a whole date in an amusement park, it's cliche for a first date, although you never really went on a date there. You have never done this before for any guy you dated, but there's something about Han Jisung, you just want him to like you.
He's waiting for you in front of the park, looking nervous while scrolling through his phone. You bend down a bit, tilting your head to make him notice you.
“Hey”, you smile waiting for his greeting that doesn't come. Jisung is not easily impressionable but you just leave him speechless every time, he always takes a few seconds to take in your beauty before his brain starts functioning again.
That's the reaction you wanted from him and you are glad you managed to get it. You spent almost four hours getting ready, changed outfits at least ten times and did and redid your makeup over and over. In the end, you chose a natural look. You put on a tight high waisted skirt, a tank top and sneakers since you would be walking a lot. Your hair is down and your make-up is light, so it won't get smudged by hot weather.
“H-hi”, Jisung says, trying to recompose himself, he's not sure if he should comment on how pretty you look or if that would make you uncomfortable.
He can't help but think that it's wrong of him to be there with someone like you, someone totally out of his reach.
“What should we do first?” You ask excitedly, it's been years since the last time you went to an amusement park with your family.
“I think we can walk for a bit and see what catches our attention”, he says and you nod, walking into the park.
There are so many people, Jisung can't help but notice how you're looking around like a child getting to know a new place.
“Do you come often to these kinds of places?” He asks.
“Hm, not really”, you answer, turning around to look at him. “The last time was when I was a child probably”
“Oh?” He frowns. “You seemed excited, I thought your ex boyfriend must have brought you here at least a few times”
“Yeah, well, he was not really the romantic type”, you shrug, a sad smile on your lips.
Jisung doesn't like that, you always look confident and happy, he doesn't want to see you sad again.
“He is an idiot then”, he avoids your gaze, looking around while speaking, “If I had a girlfriend like you, I would move heavens and earth to make her happy”
You feel your heart skip a bit, your cheeks growing warmer and in a few seconds your whole face is burning. You can't believe Han Jisung is making you blush again, saying these words that are messing with your heartbeat.
“Should we go to the haunted house?” You ask awkwardly, trying to change the subject, pointing to the building at the end of the park. You try not looking at him, not sure if your cheeks are still red.
He hums, not really understanding why you look so flustered, he's sure you must hear this kind of thing all the time.
You two enter the house, looking around while walking into the dark. You were very confident in the beginning, you love horror movies, but jump scares are really not your cup of tea and that's the problem. The moment a doll(you assume) holding a knife with a ghost face mask pops out of nowhere you jump… into Jisung's arms. The way his arms immediately wrap around you in a protective position does something to your heart and honestly you feel hot all over.
You didn't even notice the little scares he got, or how he squeezed you every time some scary character showed up. The only thing you noticed was his unexpected strong arms embracing you the whole time until you left the haunted house.
Jisung didn't want to let you go. The moment he felt the cold breeze touching his skin, he knew he had to step back, you are not scared anymore. But he just doesn't want to. You look fragile, shy, endearing. Jisung shakes his head, he shouldn't be thinking this, he thought he would be immune to your charms, but it turns out that he understands now why all those guys fawned over you.
He tries taking a step back, threatening to get away from you but you snuggle closer to him, a hand swinging fast to your shoulder so you could grip his hand in place.
“Can- can you keep holding me for a bit?” You ask awkwardly, not really wanting to look him in the eye.
You had no idea you missed being touched this much, you never noticed how cold Seunghoon’s touch was until you felt Jisung's warm hands on you. You're embarrassed for looking so fragile in front of him but not enough for you to let go, not at that moment.
“Yeah, sure”, he tells you, coming closer again and squeezing you against his chest. “Should we walk around for a bit?”
You nod, too lost in his scent to say anything.
Jisung felt strange for a moment. He's not used to letting his instincts take control, he's a very restrained guy. But he can't help but peek at your thighs when the skirt you're wearing rides up a bit, you're tiptoeing while trying to shoot the target with the water gun you have in your hands, like that would help you win.
“Do you really want that plushie?” He asks when you lose once more. “You could probably buy a better one with the money you're spending”, he points out and you pout.
“Where's the fun in that?” You cross your arms in front of your chest. “It's so much more exciting to win the prize”
Jisung finds you cute, you are just so different from all the rumors and how he thought you would be. Other than being someone who's high and mighty or arrogant, you're cute and funny.
Defeated, he sighs, paying for another round. This time he's the one trying.
It's difficult the first time. He never played this game so he has to get used to and understand how to win.
Jisung doesn't notice but you're not looking at the booth or to the target, you're looking at his face. He looks more handsome when he's focused, he has his lips pressed in a thin line and his grip on the water gun makes you shudder just thinking about how that grip would feel on you.
After a few tries, Jisung wins, asking you to choose what plushie you want.
“That one”, you point to the big quokka hanging in the wall. “It looks a bit like you”, you say when you get the plushie, lifting enough so you can compare it with Jisung.
“I'm cuter”, he pouts.
“Definitely”, you assure him, hugging your new plushie while Jisung’s ears grow hotter.
“Should we go to the ferris wheel?” He asks, looking at the time. It'll probably be your last ride since it's already late.
“Yes!” You jump excitedly, “I never had the chance before”, you say while you two walk in the direction of the big attraction.
“Not even when you were a child?” He asks, remembering you said that was the last time you went to an amusement park.
“My parents are not very fun to be around and my little brother was too young”, you say, shaking your head, “I was never very proficient in doing things by myself so I just didn't go”, you shrug.
Jisung feels that there's more to unpack into that topic, but he's not sure if you want to talk about it with him or right now. So he just slides his arm over your shoulder, surprising you by his bold move. You can feel your cheeks growing hot, are you blushing again?
When you hear the gears turning, excitement spreads all over your body but as soon as the cabin stops in the air, you're not so confident anymore.
“It's quite high, isn't it?” you say, looking down, feeling a little dizzy.
“Are you afraid of heights?” Jisung asks, panicked, seeing your face turning pale.
“No, of course not”, you shake your head frantically while shrinking in your seat, “I can't, I'm always at the top of the pyramid in our cheer stunts”, you tell him.
A sudden wave of air brushes over the cabin, making it shake slightly and you turn even more pale if that's even possible.
“You know it's different right?” He grabs you by the arm, pulling you closer to him. Jisung slides one of his hands on your waist, squeezing you close to him and with the other hand he cups your face, making you look at him. “Keep looking at me, you don't have to look down”
Jisung doesn't know why he feels this urge to protect you, of all the people he knows, you're probably the one he thinks needs the least protection. You keep staring at him, he is pretty, his lips are plump and inviting.
“Are you going to kiss me?” You ask when he licks his lips, huge doe eyes staring at him and waiting.
“Do you want me to?” He asks back, not really sure of what to do. Jisung is not certain, his heart is beating fast and his hands are sweating, you look so beautiful, so close to him.
So when you nod, he just loses control of every part of himself that was holding him back. He's sure after this, there's no going back, he's lost forever, but maybe he doesn't mind if it means it's you he's lost in.
His lips are soft, clumsily pressing against yours. You can tell he's unsure of how to proceed then why does his grip on you make you burn? He's squeezing your waist against his body like you're going to disappear if he doesn't hold you strongly and the hand he has cupping your cheeks, slowly slides to your hair, pulling it lightly, making you whimper.
In an instant his lips are not on yours anymore, he's trailing kisses down to your neck. You shiver, feeling his warm lips against your cold skin.
“Ah, Ji-Jisung”, you gasp when he bites your neck, sucking the area so deliciously it makes you bite your lips so you won't moan.
He hears your plea, kissing you once again and you notice you are the one that didn't know how to proceed. You've been squirming in his hands this whole time without touching him at all. You take a hand to his face, caressing his cheek and the other goes to his hip, pulling you even closer to him but before you can go further, the shake of the cabin going back down takes you out of your haze. You're in public, you had absolutely forgotten about that.
You stop the kiss, giving a peck on his lips before moving away. He looks disheveled, lips swollen and eyes searching for yours in an attempt to know exactly what you are thinking. Did you like it? Did you hate it? Now that he got a taste of something he should have remained oblivious to, he's not sure he'll be able to let go.
The ride home was awkward, to say the least. You are silent the whole time and Jisung is freaking out. He can't help but think he screwed up really badly. How the hell could he make you lose all interest with just a couple of kisses? Did he go too far by giving you a hickey? Maybe you don't like this kind of thing, you're a cheerleader after all, your image is important.
You on the other hand, have too many thoughts running through your mind, never did a man make you feel so desired with just a kiss. The way he embraced you so possessively was too much for you, Seunghoon never did anything like that. You were always the one searching for his touch, for some affection but it was never quite enough. His touches never really gave you what you wanted, you always thought it was weird, you thought maybe there was something wrong with you.
But how could Jisung make you feel so many things with a simple touch? A simple kiss? You're so lost in thoughts that you don't even notice when the car stops.
“We’re here”, Jisung says, not really looking at you.
You look at him, seeing him biting his bottom lip while squeezing the wheel.
“I had fun”, you tell him, shyly. His head snaps at you, a deep scowl on his face.
“You did?” He asks confused and you giggle, tilting your head.
“Yeah”, you bite your bottom lip, leaning over him without breaking eye contact. “I thought I made it clear by almost melting in your arms while you kissed me”, you tease, seeing his ears growing red.
“I thought maybe I did something wrong, you were quiet”, he looks at you waiting for some more reassurance.
“I'm sorry”, you cup his face, caressing his cheek, “it's been a long time since I felt the way you made me feel, I needed time to recover”, you tell him, pulling him in for a brief kiss.
“Wait, but what about-”
“That's what I'm telling you”, you chuckle, bitterly, “can you imagine feeling more in a night than you ever felt in a year with someone else? It really makes a girl think”
“Ah”, he nods, understanding what you're saying now. “Then, can I call you when I get home?” He asks eagerly, now that he knows that you did enjoy your time with him.
“I'd be mad if you didn't”, you give a peck on his lips, getting out of the car and walking to your front door, waving goodbye to him.
Walking into your empty house you come back to reality. For a moment, just a moment, while having fun with Jisung, you forgot how lonely you really are. It's always been like this, you're already used to it.
Your parents always wanted a boy, so it was disappointing for them when they had a girl. They tried for years to have a boy, getting more and more frustrated as time went by. You were five when they finally made it, their desired son was born and you were left aside.
It's not like they gave you any attention before, but after your brother was born, you were completely forgotten. The first time you went to an amusement park was when you were eight. It was your birthday and you begged them to take you there but in the end you couldn't really enjoy anything. Your brother was too little to play in anything and your parents didn't really want to play with you.
You feel a single tear run down your cheek but you shake your head, you shouldn't be doing that right now. You had fun with Jisung but that's that, you don't want another heartbreak the same as with Seunghoon.
You feel your phone buzzing, taking it out of your pocket to see Jisung's name lightening the screen and an involuntary smile grows on your lips, completely ignoring what you just thought.
“Hey, did you arrive safely?” You ask, walking up the stairs.
“Yeah”, he says, not sure why exactly he wanted to call you. He already said goodnight to you, did he want to hear your voice again? Why is he being so weird tonight?
“Okay, that's good”, you chuckle, putting the phone on speaker to start undressing.
Jisung sits in his bed, he knows you're probably tired but he doesn't want to hang up.
“What are you doing?” He asks, hearing the shuffle on the other side of the line.
“I'm changing”, you answer nonchalantly, not knowing how red his whole face turns the moment you finish saying that.
He doesn't say anything, making you look to the phone to check if he's still there.
“Want some pictures?” You ask playfully, making him choke on his own breath, coughing violently.
“No, I mean we- we just had our first date- I- I don't want you to think- it's too soon”, he rambles saying all that in half a second, making you laugh genuinely while you wander around your room.
You snap a picture of yourself, sending it to him and he freezes when he sees the notification. When he opens the text though, you're wearing a cute pajama with bees stamped on it, making him laugh too.
“You're cute”, he says and you stop in your tracks.
“It's been years since someone last called me cute”, you pout, sliding under your covers.
Jisung guessed that much, your type of beauty is not on the cute side. You have sharp features, most people could say you're on the sexy side and he would too, before tonight. Now, under the cover of a popular hot girl, he found a girl who's hot and popular but can be cute and funny too.
“Goodnight, y/n”, he says, throwing himself back in the bed.
“Goodnight”, you say, feeling your eyes heavy after hearing his goodbye.
Part 2
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A/N: If you like what I write please reblog or let me know in the comments, feedback gives me motivation to keep writing.
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athanza · 1 month
Starlett - Part 3
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Final part
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Suddenly Irene looked unsteady and she held a hand to the wound on her side.
"Fancy seein' you here." She chuckled painfully.
"I know, I haven't changed a bit."
She laughed but immediately regretted it, groaning in pain.
"You uh," she said, blood dripping down her leg. "you wouldn't happen to have a stimpak on you would ya? I'm uh...I'm not feelin' too hot."
He looked her over, the gash was deep, she'd need more than one stimpak. "Unfortunately I don't think I do."
Suddenly her legs gave out from underneath her and she collapsed.
"Whoa." He said, catching her before she hit the ground.
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Irene woke up hours later, lying on her back in what looked like a small cave, her head resting on a saddle bag.
She didn't look any different than she did before the war, albeit a little dishevelled, Cooper figured that however Moldaver survived must've been how she did.
"Coop." Irene croaked.
He looked up from cleaning his revolver and saw her try to move.
"Easy there Starlett, you're pretty banged up."
She winced in pain again and lay back down. "I thought you were dead." She said, weak from the blood loss.
"I should be. So should you."
"Fate had other plans I guess."
Cooper scoffed quietly. She didn't press it, even though she wanted to know if Janey made it.
"You're gonna need some proper medical attention." He said. "Ain't much out here though."
"Eh, it's just a scratch." She joked, swallowing a mouth-full of blood.
Cooper got up and handed her a flask of water, half empty. She took a few sips and handed it back.
"I'm lookin' for Lee, you know where I can find 'er?
"I've been looking for her myself, I'm afraid I can't help you there, I've found nothing but dead ends. The bitch is hard to find even in a fucking desert."
He smiled a little at the very different tone coming out of her mouth than he remembered; she must've been in the wasteland for a little while, at least.
"I'm glad I found you cowboy. You're about the only fond memory I've got left. I needed that right about now."
"I'm not the man you remember."
"Doesn't matter. You've reminded me of something I haven't seen in years."
"And what's that?"
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The doorbell rang and Cooper opened it to find Irene looking remarkably understated compared to her shows, but she still had that aire of grace that she always carried with her no matter where she was.
"Come on in." He smiled, stepping aside for her.
"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay, I know its a lot of ask of someone you just met."
"It's the least I can do."
He closed the door and took her suitcase for her.
Janey appeared with Roosevelt, having been playing in the backyard and Cooper gestured to her.
"Irene, this is my daughter Janey. Janey this is Irene, the friend from work I was telling you about."
"Irene Taylor!?" She said, her eyes sparkling. "I've seen you on TV! Your voice is sooo beautiful! You definitely should have won the award on last month's show."
Irene and Cooper both laughed.
"Looks like you have a fan."
"That's very kind of you." Irene smiled sweetly.
"Janey, why don't you watch some cartoons while I show Irene to her room?"
"Ok." She beamed and sat down with Roosevelt in front of the TV.
Irene followed Cooper to the back of the house where the guest room was and looked at all the family photos as they walked through. Wedding photos, Janey's baby photos, a puppy photo of Roosevelt. When they finally reached the room she felt even more uncomfortable.
"This is you." He said, placing her suitcase on the bed.
"I'm so sorry to put you in this position Mr. Howard, I do appreciate it very much. I didn't know who else to come to."
"Don't worry about it." He smiled warmly. "I'm just glad you decided to leave."
"So am I. You made me realise the cause wasn't worth the abuse, no matter how much I told myself it was. Lee won't be happy but it'll be worth it in the end."
"I'm sure it will."
She smiled softly at him. "I'll let you get back to your daughter. You'll barely know I'm here."
"Nonsense," he said. "You're joining us for dinner, plus I'm sure Janey would love to spend some time with you."
She got choked up a bit at that. Everything she had done since getting into show business had been for other people, someone doing something like this for her was something special.
"Thank you Mr. Howard."
"Cooper." He replied.
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Irene lay sleeping and Cooper sat wondering what to do with her.
He couldn't spare any resources, and he didn't need stimpaks, so he had none. Could he carry her to Filly and get her to a doctor? Sure, but that was in the opposite direction of where he was headed, where they were both headed.
It would be more humane to shoot her now to save her the pain, but he couldn't bring himself to do it and it angered him.
"Fuck." He said, getting to his feet and picking up his gun, walking out of the cave in search of supplies.
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
I don't know if you know blue eye Samurai, but I hate how people talk about the protagonist.
I'm a non binary Trans man, and I actually identify a lot with Mizu (the protagonist), but I go here on Tumblr and I see a lot of posts that say: "I know everyone can see Mizu however they like, but I want everyone to know that the right interpretation is that she is a woman pretending to be a man... but everyone can think whatever they want, not forgetting that she is a woman of course."
And it's a bit annoying because when I see explanations of why is "wrong" to see Mizu as a Trans man, I see people going "Why can't there be representation of gender non conforming women!?" And "she wouldn't pretend to be a man if it wasn't for the society she lives in!"
The last one makes me especially angry, because of how many Trans men get erased from history with that same argument.
I don't know, I think it makes me mad because that fandom feels like a micro cosmos of the anti Trans masculinity a lot of Trans men have to face.
And it's not like I think it's wrong to see Mizu as a woman, but when everyone goes "of course she is a woman, why would she want to be a man for anything other than necessity?" I don't know how to feel.
I'm gonna steal my own words from that post about jeanne d'arc:
And the best part is, we can say all of this and also see her as part of women's history! Because women's history, too, does not have to be exclusively about woman-born or woman-identified women. It can be about a larger cultural experience. And Jeanne d'Arc suffered because of transphobia which is always fundamentally misogynistic. I would argue it even makes sense to say her death involved transmisogyny in a very literal sense. The thing about transfeminism is that it can free us from the need to view personal identification with the role of "woman" as vital to feminism. Being a woman, in whatever sense, is certainly not unrelated to feminism, but one can be a feminist and have any kind of personal or communal relationship with womanhood. Anyone can be inspired by the story of Jeanne d'Arc and her bold defiance of both misogyny and transphobia, no matter how she may have personally understood her gender.
People have this idea where if a character or historical figure (or even currently living person) is anything but a woman, then any kind of Feminist Story falls apart. Especially when it comes to misogyny! People act like someone being a trans man means all their experiences with misogyny are like. gone? Or the story is now, essentially, about a cis man being mistaken for a woman, and thus women are Not Allowed to feel any connection at all.
All of this on top of the fun hypocrisy that is "we can't say this person/character is a trans man because they wouldn't have that concept, but we can say they are a cis woman because those are both the only options and ciswomanhood is a natural and universal concept we can apply regardless of any other context :)"
& with Mizu its like. you literally can see her as a GNC woman. people calling him a trans guy or transmasc or genderqueer or anything else are not taking away your experience of her as a GNC woman. Transmasculinity is not just Negative Womanhood, the idea that transmasculinity is something which saps away representation/power/dignity/identity/value from (cis) women is like ATM 101.
But the whole way people treat trans men and misogyny really annoys me, I guess because the assumption is that for women, having to dress as a man to get respect inspires anger at one's position in society, but trans men are incapable of having any complex feelings about that. Like trans men must fully enjoy not being able to have sex with others, or go to a doctor, and having to live in fear of being outed and facing the brunt of transphobia and misogyny, and trans men also couldn't possibly be angry about misogyny that they experienced, and also nonbinary people don't exist and no transmasculine person could possibly be anything but fully comfortable being seen as a cis man all the time. Sure, some trans men are perfectly happy passing as cis men, but like. there is more than one trans man. & ignoring all other transmasc experiences besides The One is a form of erasure, it just passes as something else because technically you are acknowledging A transmasc existence.
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HER!!! I definitely had the most ideas story-wise for her that changed from the original canon out of anyone else in the cast
Obviously design notes under the cut-
Alright, a lot of this was trying to synthesize her MH and EAH designs together, but leaning towards the EAH side for reasons
Im also grafting MH Cupids personality onto EAH Cupid. I feel like she was wildly underutilized, and her only arc had to do with her crush on Dexter that I personally found irritating. So, I'm dashing that, and giving her back her serious business attitude when it comes to her job
She's very lively and bouncy and friendly, but she also has a disturbing capacity to be terrifying. Really taking after her Dad there.
Speaking of stealing MH traits, I'm giving her badass crossbow and pink eye glow back
Also! Apparently Cupid is a bone elemental, whatever the hell that means in the monster high world. I'm guessing that involves some control over bones, but I'm interpreting it a little differently. I wanted to keep it tied to Greek mythology, so I decided that, technically, her destiny is to be a psychopomp. Her natural magic revolves around the dead and guiding them to their final resting place, but because of her family she uses those natural inclinations to guide people to new relationships
The shawl with the wing shapes is enchanted to keep her wings hidden. They were given to her by Cupid, but they combined with her natural magic a little... Unsettlingly. When she takes it off the wings burst out and unfurl
She doesn't have a crush on Dexter, but they are super close. Dexter considers her his most trusted friend besides Darling. Instead of the gag being that Dexter is into Raven but Cupid is into Dexter, it's that Cupid is trying SO HARD to get them together, but neither one of them thinks that the other would like them because of wild self esteem issues, so no matter what scenario Cupid sets up neither of them do anything romantic. It drives her up the wall.
I like to think that she's aro/ace, but is still a total romantic. She just loves love! Even if romantic love isn't personally her thing
Also when she uses her natural magic her arms slowly turn black, like ink in a pool of water
Those headphones are permanent. Is she listening to something? Recording her podcast on the go somehow? Is nothing playing at all and she just wants to confuse people? Are they sound proof? You don't know!
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 month
One thing I will never understand is your other readers obsession with people finding out Leia is from the future and/or related to Padmé/Anakin. As far as I'm conerned, the entire story could progress with that secret never coming out and I would be perfectly happy. Enough of my rambling. Keep up the good work! Angst Gremlin Leia lives rent free in my mind...
I've thought about this a lot as questions about the reveal have come and gone at various points in the story. I'm getting a fewer of them these days, but at this point, I think I understand the impulse. My guess is the motive is generally one of two things, one more conscious than the other.
Firstly, I think people are just excited by the idea of the emotions and the drama. Even a vague reveal gives an opportunity for people to be heartbroken on Leia's behalf, patting her on the back or hugging her and consoling her. A specific reveal of things like who she's related to, how and when people died: there's just so much juicy drama in there, so many agonizing feelings to enjoy. And as a writer who pretty good an dragging out the angst in general, I think people get excited with the idea that I would really dip into the pit of misery, that I would draw deeply from that well of agony and make all the characters chug that bitter water. I can see the appeal of this kind of emotionality, but I've also obviously managed to find plenty of misery to slosh around without going that far. Still, I can understand the craving.
Partly because I think the first matter flows into part two, which is catharsis. Some of that is just emotional. Yes, everyone wants the agony of Anakin (let's be real, it's mostly Anakin) realizing the depths of darkness that Leia experienced with Vader. But there's also the payoff on the other side of that. The closeness that could come on the other side. And I think it's assumed that's what would happen because that's sort of the nature of Leia's arc that I've set up. The story begins not with politics, but with Leia's grief. It's not just a background motif. It's a persistent theme, and a character arc that is deeply important to the story. If Don't Look Back ends without clearly showing Leia moving past some stage of her grief, into a happier future, I'll basically have failed as an author. Since Leia's relationship with Anakin is so fraught because of her history with Vader, and since her grief means she aggressively keeps secrets to maintain control, it's pretty reasonable that there are people that assume a plot resolution of this arc will include her revealing the truth to someone. Maybe even many someones. It would be one pretty tangible way to show that growth.
All of their speculation aside, I've got a much better idea at this point of how much Leia is eventually going to reveal, to whom, and when. She may yet surprise me, but I'm much more settled in the beats of the arc of her grief specifically. And I've known pretty much since the beginning how this story was going to end. So everyone will just have to wait and see where we land.
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daughterofcain-67 · 7 months
𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 (𝔭𝔱7)
(Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Dean has now become a demon and he’s convinced you to travel with Crowley and himself. Afterwards, you and Crowley notice the changes Dean is going through and Crowley convinces you to try and persuade Dean to try and be a little less cocky with his killing sprees and tone things down a bit. How far are you willing to go with Dean and his downward spiral into his newfound demonic nature?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: implied smut, no graphic detail, intimate negotiations, Dean and the reader killing a demon… I think that’s it? This chapter’s a little shorter than the last couple of chapters.
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You were back in Cincinnati where this story began for you. Your clients at your little tattoo shop wondered where you had been all this time and you simply said you needed a short hiatus. Of course you couldn’t tell them the truth with this sort of thing. How could you? What kind of a normal human in their right mind would believe you when you say you had been helping two monster hunters in an angelic war?
Yet you were still replaying the events of two days ago in your head.
Dean Winchester’s death affected you more than you thought that it would. It was ridiculous, honestly, especially since you were still hurt by the idea of the Winchesters using you and tossing you aside so easily one day like they did to Crowley. You hated that you were even feeling the way that you did.
In order to distract yourself from your thoughts of your previous adventure, you went right back to work. You were drowning yourself in client’s designs and other tattoos or piercings. Your work was enough to keep you occupied at least for the time being.
You were sitting in your chair while you were working on a tattoo on someone’s back. The lady in front of her had asked for different colored dragons along with different jewels of the birth months for the loved ones that had passed on. You were focusing on the delicate details as much as you could while you listened to the music in your building.
“Y/N? Can I ask you something?” Your client asked, causing you to hum and thus giving her a signal to ask.
“How come you never really talk about yourself with your clients? Like obviously there’s more to you than meets the eye. But what is your family like? Do you have any loved ones that live here? Do you have a boyfriend or some sort of significant other?”
You were a little shocked by the client’s inquiry but you supposed it gives you something to talk about to kill some time, “I don’t really talk much about family because we aren’t exactly close… My mom died several years ago but we both hated each other and I never met my father.”
“Wow… that really stinks to hear. I’m sorry. What about siblings or even lovers?”
“Neither one. I don’t have brothers or sisters and… I guess over the years no one’s caught my interest. Never wanted to look because I hear too much about people’s heart breaking over something going wrong.” You admitted.
Then you recalled the way you felt when Dean betrayed Crowley. After that your mind went to Dean’s death and Sam’s reaction. You remembered realizing just how strong humans are, and in a way you admired them. But still, you didn’t need that type of attachment, nor the sentiment.
“I’ve seen what love does to people… and I’ve seen what happens when someone you love dies. It’s not worth the attachment.”
Your answer, though seemingly logical to you, was almost unsatisfactory for the lady in front of you.
“Well that’s a pessimistic point of view, isn’t it? Sure people’s hearts break but after those heart breaks there are lessons learned. Those lessons make you stronger. It’s better to love eve with the risk of getting hurt or losing someone. Feelings aren’t a thing to be fearful of. They’re what make you human, they make you appreciate life no matter the ups and downs.”
You stopped what you were doing and listened to each word your client said. You hadn’t expected to hear some sort of lecture on emotion on someone who’s supposed to act as a canvas.
When you were finally done with the client’s tattoo, she paid you and walked out of the door. The next thing you knew it was closing time and you were still thinking about the conversation with her. Maybe she was right… Maybe caring wasn’t so bad. The Winchesters taught you a lot about humanity and you could see why even Castiel appreciated life.
The adventure you were on is in your past, though. The Winchester brothers surely wouldn’t come looking for a demon. Even if they did, you weren’t sure you’d go with them.
But the moments where Dean actually smiled at you, gave you that sense of peace, making you forget about the eternal pain of what you were cursed with.. those moments stuck with you even if they were only a handful of moments.
Then you remembered the vision with your mother. What if you were becoming weak after all? You were learning to appreciate everything and yet those murderous urges were still there. You couldn’t help that. But what would happen if you chose to be human after all? Was an option like that even possible for you? And would you go to the bunker?
You shook those ideas from your head. That had to be the stupidest idea you’d ever come up with… being human to be with the Winchesters again. Even if you decided to be human, they would never take you.
While you were cleaning up your shop, you heard the door open. You must’ve forgotten to lock the door, so when you turned to see who was entering your shop you were shocked to see who was there.
“Hey, Sweetheart.”
The next thing you knew, Dean had his hand on your hip and he pulled you closer, taking you by surprise. Was Dean always some kind of ladies man - or acted like it? That was something Sam hadn’t told you about when you met the boys. But that was when you realized there was something off about him.
“You’ve changed….”
Then you watched him begin to smirk before you saw the way his eyes turned black, realizing that the mark finally changed him to what it wanted him to be. “You like the new me? I think it’s starting to grow on me a bit.”
He certainly had changed, He wasn’t the same Dean that you had been thinking of earlier that day when your client was giving you that pep talk. You knew the mark wouldn’t let Dean die, you knew that inevitably he would become a demon, but you didn’t know that it would happen this fast.
“What are you doing here, anyway? I told you not to look for me, remember? Just because you’re a demon doesn’t mean I wanted to see you again.” You said, pulling away and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Well, I’ve got a bit of a proposition for you.” Dean said, then he pulled out The First Blade.
“Where did you get that? I left it behind after your fight…”
“Crowley retrieved it and brought it back to me.” He spoke, “Now, about that proposition…”
“I’m listening?”
“Come with me. I left Sam at the bunker and told him not to look for me. He’d hold me back from all the fun stuff we could do. We could live care free, no regrets and nothing to hold us back from doing whatever we want to do.” He said as he took your hand and he handed you the blade.
Once you felt the blade again you remembered how good it felt to stab Metatron even if he hadn’t died. All of those things Sam and Dean taught you were nice and all, but you remembered the warning from your mother. When you were learning about humanity, maybe you were forgetting what you were meant to be. Now that Dean was a demon too, what would be so wrong with killing together?
You were conflicted, did you want to hold on to the lessons you’ve learned from the Winchesters or throw all of it away and forget about it?
You looked down at the blade and you could feel Dean’s gaze on you as if waiting for an answer, “How do I know you won’t just use me like you did Crowley when you were human?”
“Is that what’s holding you back? Please, that was just something I had to say to get Sam off my back to let me use the blade. Do you really think it matters how it’s done?” He asked you and you sighed for a moment before looking up at the taller demon again.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
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Three months have gone by since Dean found you in your tattoo parlor. Obviously you had to shut down since you wouldn’t be there and you didn’t have an apprentice or anything to take over.
Needless to say, you had succumbed to your demonic nature and embraced your past but only to a certain extent. You killed but you didn’t feel quite as ruthless as you thought you would feel. It was a mixture really. It was like you were on an emotional fence ever since you left with the other two demons.
You both, much to your dismay and irritation, were traipsing around with Crowley. The King of Hell seemed to like calling your little group the Three Musketeers from Hell. It had a nice ring to it even if you did hate the man’s guts.
The three of you had been dodging and even killing Abaddon’s demons when they came after Crowley and Dean. If not that, you three were in bars, you would watch the other two demons play pool with humans for money, goose ball, they had the time of their lives and you could tell Crowley was having a ball having a Winchester by his side.
You were watching Dean in one of the many bars you two had gone to over the span of these few months. He was singing karaoke and you were finding out with a quickness that Dean wasn’t very good at it when he was drunk. If he wasn’t singing to make a human’s ears bleed, you he typically slept with as many girls as he wanted to.
He clearly wasn’t joking when he said he wouldn’t be held back.
Typically, however, whenever Dean was done slumming it with some slutty blonde in a skin tight dress you would take the opportunity to get your fill of the first blade. Naturally Dean wouldn’t know too much about your own fun you had with the humans. You knew he wouldn’t care if you killed them or not, he just didn’t really have enough interest to ask so you had some fun of your own.
And it was delightfully therapeutic to take out your frustrations of your internal struggles on these humans.
“What’s got you all lost in thought, Chipmunk?” Crowley asked you, causing you to turn towards him.
“When did you get- oh why do I even ask?” You rolled your eyes and watched as Dean was being escorted off the stage and he made his way back to the bar.
“Wait - since when do you call me Chipmunk?”
“Eh, it was similar enough to the squirrel. You’re close enough to Dean. Might as well give it a shot.”
“Okay well I’ll cut out your tongue if you call me that again.” You said, causing Crowley to put his hands up in defense.
“Alright, alright. Point taken.” He said, “Just wanted to talk about these recent developments with Dean.”
You lifted a brow as you took a sip of some beer that you’d been drinking that night while the other demon spoke, “You aren’t the only one that thinks he’s taking things a bit far with his carelessness. We need to find a way to harness it.”
“We? Oh no, you were the one that got him into this mess in the first place. So you get to be the one that finds a way to harness it.”
“You know he won’t listen to reason. The only one he’d listen to is most likely you. Especially since you two have some kind of chemistry. Maybe if he doesn’t score with one of the locals tonight, you could use your… feminine charms.”
“What makes you think that I’d even be willing to use those certain charms you’re suggesting?” You asked and Crowley motioned to Dean who was already starting to get himself into trouble with security. He was already getting into a fight and they had to call more than one security guard to assist.
“Because he seems to respond more with action than words.” He answered.
“And what exactly are you wanting me to tell him or persuade him to do?”
“Tell him he’d get a lot more satisfaction working with me instead of slumming it in these bars. I’ll give you both more details if he’s willing to comply.” He continued as he buttoned up his jacket, preparing to leave.
“I know you’ve been putting on more of an act to pretend you’re, what the Winchesters say, full metal demon. But I know you’ve changed ever since your first encounter with the Winchesters. You may be one hell of a murderer but you’re a lousy liar. You’re more like your father than your mother.” He said and he looked down at you.
“Don’t take that as weakness. Your father, even though he is the Father of Murder and the king of his trade, he still cared and he even got married because he loved. Feelings, because you know what they are like, can be used to manipulate others. How do you think demons have been able to manipulate the Winchesters over all these years? It’s through the love they have for their brothers and adopted family members.”
You listened carefully, taking each word and you recalled the conversation with the last client you ever had before Dean came to your shop. You had learned a lot from the boys, and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to learn about what more of those feelings are like.
“Is it wrong to worry about Dean?” You asked and both of you watched the former hunter walking out of the bar.
“I wouldn’t say that it’s wrong. I even worry about him from time to time. Especially since he’s no longer the Squirrel I know. He’s more brazen, reckless, and he makes a hell of a mess for me to try and clean up.” He said and you let out a slight chuckle.
“Yeah, rookie demons are always so messy aren’t they?”
“That’s why I’m.. sharpening him up so to speak. So he can work on those skills of his before he gets himself killed, or turn into a full demon. He’s only half at the moment.” He said and you looked at him.
“Wait… Abaddon’s demons… you sent them?”
“Lower your voice, will you? I haven’t broken the news yet but I will eventually. It’s a means for our professional future you know.”
“Professional future?”
“Of course! I have a kingdom to run, you know. I can’t go partying around here forever. And having Dean by my side may prove to be beneficial. And the offer is extended to you as well, given you’d like the job offer.”
You scoffed for a moment, “You both just have a thing for double crossing each other, don’t you?”
“Hey, it’s sort of in my job description. You can’t expect me to be on the straight and narrow all the time.”
You chose not to respond, and you weren’t even sure if you wanted to know exactly what his plans were for this ‘professional future’ he was talking about. You didn’t really feel like asking about it either, not at the moment but you knew you had to keep this a secret from Dean, otherwise who knew how he would take it.
You and Crowley walked out of the bar to keep an eye on Dean. You started to wonder about something, “You used to be doped up on human blood, right?”
“Yes, although it clearly wasn’t my finest hour. Regrettably I think it was the lowest point of my long lasted lifetime.”
“I heard about that. Abaddon almost got the best of you then, huh?” You saw the discomfort on his face when he remembered that time but you continued anyway, “Could… could you tell me about what that was like? How much did it change you?”
“Why are you asking?”
“It’s just… I had this vision. My mother was in it and there was a human version of myself. I traded my life to save Dean’s or at least attempt to. And in the vision, my mother said that caring for anyone, especially a Winchester, would be the equivalent to some kind of torture.” You began.
“But ever since I saw the way Sam mourned for Dean when he initially died, I realized that humans… they have to be strong to deal with something like death, right? I mean, given that they aren’t hunters and constantly raise people from the dead on a regular basis.” Crowley looked at you with interest and he hummed a little.
“Well, I can admire some humans for their strength. As for what changes you can feel, well… You definitely start feeling those uncomfortable emotions like regret, maybe even worry, etc. Then there are other emotions that aren’t so bad. I’ll let you discover those on your own.” He told you.
“Now, I’ll leave you to it. Remember, we want to get Dean to harness his recklessness. Try to convince him somehow if you won’t stand in for one of the hookers he goes to the hotel with.”
The next thing you knew, he disappeared and you sighed. You honestly hated when he did that but oh well. You walked out of the bar and Dean pulled up with the Impala.
“Come on, let’s get out of this dump town already.” Dean said in his usual grumpy little grumble he had when he didn’t get his way.
“I swear, you’re just like a child. Maybe you shouldn’t even drive.”
“I can drive just fine. I can hold my liquor better than all those people in that bar.”
You just roll your eyes and got into the vehicle and stayed quiet while he drove off. Maybe Crowley was right too, maybe it wasn’t wrong to worry. You even wondered if you should call Sam.
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Several hours went by and you were in Montana now from whatever state you were at before. It was still dark out since it was the early hours of the morning but you were able to make it into the hotel. You both shared a room but you groaned a little when you realized you were stuck with one bed instead of two like normal, but you tossed your little backpack and wallet to the side.
You heard a plop on the mattress followed by Dean’s groan. You supposed being in a car for so long was a bit draining even for him.
“It’s a shame there aren’t any bars open right now.” Dean said.
“There aren’t many people in the world that want to be drinking at three in the morning you know.” You said as you sat down on the bed next to him.
You could feel more movement on the mattress and you felt Dean’s presence next to you, “Yeah I guess that’s true. Everyone else is either sleeping off the booze or having their own fun.”
You felt his arm snake around your waist, causing your insides to churn. Surely the human Dean didn’t want to become something like this. Something wasn’t right but you remembered what Crowley asked you to do.
“Speaking of having our own fun…” You began as you shifted on the bed to face him better. He lifted a brow as he looked at you, “You’re being a little reckless, aren’t you?”
“Reckless, huh? How’s that?”
“Well, you’re just a little new at this demon thing and I was just thinking that maybe Crowley and I could show you how to make things… a little more clean.” You said.
“Awe, Sweetheart, you know being neat doesn’t matter that much, and it doesn’t matter how reckless I am. Did that bastard Crowley put you up to this?”
You bit down on the inside of your cheek as you tried to think. Maybe Crowley was right yet again, and you were starting to hate how he seemed to be right about some things lately, but maybe Dean really wouldn’t listen if you just talked to him. And with the way he still had a hand on you, maybe being physical would be the only way to get through to him after all.
You had to admit, you could see why some girls at the bar found him so appealing. You weren’t sure if this would be a good idea. You had no clue if there was any way that Dean would be okay with this if he was human. But if this was the way to get through to him, then maybe it was worth a shot.
You moved to where you were straddling Dean’s lap and you placed a hand on his shoulder, “Does it matter who says it? Remember, I know how that mark feels. And I know how exhilarating it is to do whatever the hell you want.” Then you carefully let your hand down before letting your fingertips graze his own mark.
You lifted his arm up and placed a kiss on his mark, then you could feel him start to lose some of the tension as he watched you before you spoke again, “On the flip side, there’s a right and a wrong way to do things so you won’t get yourself in trouble with whatever hunters come your way.”
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about my tactics. There’s nothing wrong and you know that.” Dean said as he had his free hand on your hip before scooting you up more. But then you felt his touch on your own mark. But this time was different from all of the others. It felt good when he touched it. Maybe it was because he was a demon now too. Anyway you were trying not to get distracted.
“Well, I know that Abaddon’s demons are still after you because you killed her. And personally, I love killing them with you. Kind of rejuvenating.” You said as you leaned in before you started planting kisses on his neck.
“But with you being reckless in places like gas stations or with security cameras..” You said before you held his hand, “You’ll have human Feds on you along with other demons or hunters. We can’t have that, otherwise it’ll ruin the fun of this little adventure, won’t it?”
Dean intertwined your fingers, relaxing as he felt your lips along his neck and jawline, “You really like this so called adventure, huh?” He chuckled deeply.
“I do, and that’s why we can’t let you get caught so easily.” You reminded but then you felt Dean flip you over to where you were on your back.
You could feel your heart racing as you gazed up into those gorgeous eyes of his. You nibbled on your lower lip as he took the arm with the mark and placed it beside your head while his other hand was on your hip, gradually finding its way beneath your shirt. The feeling of his fingertips touching your skin was growing more exciting, yet so wrong in so many ways.
“You’re holding something back…” Dean said and you lifted a brow.
“Am I that easy for you to read?”
“Let your desires win for tonight, Doll. The mixture between feeling right and wrong? I’ve been there. Why don’t we use tonight so you can explore that feeling.” He said and his large hand went down to your thigh, guiding it so your leg would make its way around his waist and he’d have access to your covered core.
“How did you know I had mixed feelings?”
“Because you don’t know how much human is left in me. You don’t know if the human me would be in bed with a demon. Newsflash, Doll… I’m really starting to like this little condition of mine. No regrets. So there’s nothing for you to overthink about.” He said as he dipped his head down into the crook of your neck before planting hot kisses on your skin.
“We’ve killed and tortured demons together… we’ve been traveling the road and raising hell together… why don’t we try a new aspect of this adventure you love so much and then I’ll think about toning down that recklessness you’re so worried about.”
You moved away so Dean would get off your neck and you looked up at him. You could tell that there was very little humanity left in him. If you did this, there would be no strings attached on his end after all.
“So this is the way we’re negotiating?” You asked with a chuckle and Dean smirked.
“I get the feeling you had an agenda wether we have sex or not. But I gotta tell ya… I may be open to listen if this is where it’ll go. Besides, getting you laid might help you lose some of that worry you’ve got over nothing.”
A negotiation… that’s all this would ever be for either of you.
You bit your lip before you reached up and pulled him down by the back of his neck, your lips collided as you closed your eyes. His lips tasted of cinnamon, whisky, and some cherry pie he must’ve consumed sometime that day at the bar. You could smell the alcohol and smoke from the bar but you didn’t care. You felt him nibble on your bottom lip, causing a heat rise to your cheeks. Just how experienced was he with this kind of thing?
The kiss continued to grow more heated and hungry as the two of you discarded your clothes and proceeded to explore one another in ways even you never thought imaginable…
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Dean was sitting at the bar, drinking yet again after a bar fight. His knuckles were still a little bloody but he didn’t care. He could feel the stares from the patrons inside but it didn’t matter. He did what he had to do. Some random guy was being a dick to a lady and he had to defend her honor. Maybe it was a little more violent than it should have been but who cares.
He couldn’t ignore the stares of a certain demon that was there, it wasn’t you and it wasn’t Crowley.
However, he was meeting with Crowley and he just found out some news.
“You mean to tell me, you’ve been sending demons to kill me?” He asked, brows narrowing as he shifted in his seat to face the King of Hell.
“To make you sharp. If it weren’t for me sending the demon chum your way you would have been killed. The mark needs to be sustained and you need to get better at using it, otherwise..”
“Otherwise I turn into a full demon, yeah I get it. I got that six weeks ago. You lied, Crowley.” Dean said before taking a sip of his beer before he stood up.
“Who do you think you’re talking to, I’m not a saint so of course I lied.” Crowley said, “Now sit down, will you?” Dean just gave him a look, almost one of defiance as he continued to stand.
“Alright, I needed to keep you sharp for our future, of which we need to talk about.”
“Our future? Really?”
“Our professional future. If I have to spend one more night in this ‘feated party dish of broken dreams and ‘b’ ‘o’ I will cut off my own face.” Dean rolled his eyes at the dramatic remark, but the dramatic reactions are a part of Crowley’s character he supposed.
“Well I don’t know what you’re talking about because I’m good. Hell, I feel fantastic.” He said, holding his arms to his sides while he spoke. He was so sick and tired of people commenting on how they thought he was doing, questioning his skills in combat and whatnot. He wasn’t an idiot and he was tired of being treated like a child.
“Oh really? How many one hit wonders can you sing to death? How many of those stupid challenges on the menu can you consume?”
“Alright listen,” Dean said as he sat back down next to the demon, “the deal was we howl at the moon. No time stamp, no expiration date.”
“And we’ve done all of that. We’ve had our time of fun and all, and I’ll treasure these fleeting moments forever, but this is not what we should be doing for the rest of our lives. It’s time for us to accept what we are and go back to work. You, me, Y/N, the three of us.”
“Oh the Three Musketeers thing? As if…”
“Think of it, the King of Hell and Dean Winchester both by his side. Together the two of us could create the perfect Hell. We aren’t ending the party, just moving the party is all. Just a thought.” Crowley said as he got up.
“Right, and where exactly does Y/N fit into all this? She mentioned something about me being too reckless or whatever. What the hell was that about?”
“First of all, she’s more concerned about whatever none sense you’re putting yourself through than I am. I just gave a suggestion so she could help you get your head on straight. Speak to you in a way you may be able to understand after all.” Dean rolled his eyes.
“I offered a similar job offer, being by my side as well. It gives her something to live for rather than living amongst bloody humans and a Winchester that can’t get a grip of himself.” Crowley grumbled.
“Trust me, she knows I can get a grip of myself.” Dean smirked and the other demon acted like he was going to hurl.
“Please, spare me the details.”
Just as he was about to walk off, he realized there was something he should also mention to Dean, “By the way, I spoke to Moose earlier.”
“Um, what?” Dean asked and he turned around, looking at Crowley and he leaned his back against the bar counter.
“Seems he’s been tracking us for some time now. Apparently he got some phone from one of the demons you killed. Some things were said, perhaps too many things. Sorry about that. He may be here by morning.”
“So you sold me out. Perfect.”
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you. Y/N doesn’t know what’s going on with you. I don’t know how she feels but I know that I’m sure as hell tired of it.” He said starting to get ticked off.
“I sold you out, try doing you a damned favor. Everything I’ve done for you and for Y/N has been nothing but a favor. The mark, the First Blade, nursing you back to health, offering you a place by my side has all been a favor. Whether you see it or not.” He said, Dean simply looked at the demon and listened, not really sure if he should take it all to heart.
“Take the night. Think about it. You know where you can find me.”
Dean watched as Crowley walked away to go off who knows where.
He thought about last night with you. He figured that Crowley may have talked to you otherwise he knew you probably wouldn’t have thought to sleep with him in the first place no matter how good the night turned out to be. It was one hell of a way to get him to listen though. But he couldn’t help but wonder if you were against him too, if Sam had tried to contact you like he ended up contacting Crowley.
He stayed at that bar table for a few more hours and saw a few girls here and there he could hit on but then he saw you walking you through the door. He rolled his eyes and turned around to the bar and told the bartender to get him a refill.
“Well you look like Hell.” He heard you say and he scoffed a little.
“Did you know about Crowley’s sons of bitches coming to kill me?” He asked you as you sat next to him.
“He decided to take it upon himself to have a little discussion last night, yes.” He heard you reply and he rolled his eyes again.
“And did you know Sam’s been tracking us and now he’s looking for me?”
“No, he failed to include that detail. But are you surprised? You and Sam have this thing about going after each other for years. Of course he’s after you and you should’ve known that since the day you left.”
Dean hummed a little as he took a sip of his whisky before he looked at you again.
“So, you think I’m reckless, huh? I think Sammy’s on my tail because of those demons I killed so you may actually be right.” He said and you tilted your head a little.
“Was there any doubt?”
“You don’t want me to answer that.”
“Oh Dean… you and your trust issues.” You sighed as he watched you take a sip of your brandy.
“Can you blame me? The sex last night wasn’t even for a good time. It was just so I can dial things down a little.” He grumbled.
“For the record, even if Crowley did had something to do with it, or even if he hadn’t talked to me at all, my point would have still been the same. I’m not a liar like Crowley. I’m right about this and deep down you know it.” He heard you speak and he rolled his eyes with annoyance.
“What are you, my wife?”
“Oh shut up. If you want this howling at the moon thing with you and Crowley to continue, I get that. But a part of enjoying whatever life this is and whatever you’re deciding, at least be smart about it. Everything I said last night was to try and help you before you get yourself in trouble.”
“Fine, fine. What do you want me to say? Thanks for having a heart? You spoke your piece. Can we move on?”
He heard you sigh and when he glanced over at you again, his gaze softened a little, “Why don’t you and I get out of here? Sam’s probably on his way as we speak so we may need to get on the road again. I’d rather not have him find me and take me back to that blasted bunker.”
“You still want me to travel with you after you made the stupid assumption that I stabbed you in the back?”
“Well… Killing those demons by myself won’t be half as fun. Plus you aren’t nearly as big of a pain in the ass as Crowley.”
“Um.. thanks? I think?”
Dean got up and he tipped the bartender for the both of you and you guys got out of the bar so you could go to his Impala.
“You know… I guess I should thank you for picking me up in Ohio. This has probably been the most fun I’ve had in years.” Dean smirked a little.
“Speaking of fun.. I couldn’t help but notice we’ve had another demon with a death wish watching us the whole time we’ve been in the bar today.” He said and he watched you look up at him and it seemed to peek your interest.
“We’ve got some work to do, huh?” You asked and Dean smirked as he pulled out the First Blade.
Both of you turned around and saw a vessel that was about as tall but not quite as muscular as Dean walking towards you with an angel blade.
Dean started to fight off the demon and knocked him out before you managed to teleport the three of you to some abandoned alley where there would be no cameras around. Somewhere that wouldn’t get Dean into any kind of trouble, nice and secluded.
When the demon finally woke up, you held your hand up and pinned the demon up against the wall. Watching the demon struggle was already fun in itself.
“You and Abaddon’s followers… you know Crowley already told us he was sending you. All for the sake of exercise… He thinks you’re nothing but worthless scum. Which… you are, but I bet that makes you feel so small.” You said.
Then Dean walked over to the demon with his blade before he started to stab the demon repeatedly. You released the demon when it was initially wounded. It tried to swing at Dean but then Dean blocked the attack before pinning him against the wall and he stabbed the demon in the neck with the blade.
After a few moments of slicing and dicing with a bit of overkill, Dean stepped away from the body. His clothes were covered in blood and you looked at him. He was relentless but, it was what the mark wanted him to be.
You snapped your fingers and the demon went up in red smoke and you looked at the hunter in front of you.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. We can’t have cameras catching you all bloody.” You insisted and you snapped your fingers yet again and it was like the demon blood turned into red smoke and disappeared as well.
“There. Clean slate. That’s how you have fun killing without leaving evidence behind.” He heard you and he watched you walk away to the car, making him smirk a little.
Then, once you two made it into the Impala again you got into the car. Dean backed the car out of the parking lot and began driving away.
The first part of the ride was silent and Dean was growing lost in thought before he heard you start to speak again, “You know Sam isn’t going to stop looking for you. And you know you won’t be able to run forever.” He assumed you were referring to the discussion of Sam tracking the three of you down to find Dean.
“So… what do you plan on doing about it if you don’t want to be found?”
“That may have to be something I think about another time. At this point I’m thinking of changing my number just to stop getting calls from the guy.”
“I just hope you know what you’re doing with your brother…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Let’s get out of here.”
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Hey there!! Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far in the fanfiction! Sorry this chapter was a little short, it’s more of a filler chapter but there is more Demon Dean to come within the next chapters. Will Sam contact you before Dean changes for good? Or will Dean accept Crowley’s offer to stand by his side as a ruler of Hell?
Tag List:
@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @johannelis2302nely @alternativeprincess94 @doctorlexilouwhosblog @justtrying2getby-blog
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nightghoul381 · 7 months
Clavis 3rd Anniversary Event
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A Beast's Dream Realized by Beauty
Premium End
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Prince. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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Clavis: “Look, take action now.”
Boy: “Right now?”
Clavis: “Mmhmm. From the moment you have a dream, think about what you need to do, and start doing it.”
Clavis: “I’ll do it tomorrow, I’ll do it when… The moment you think that, your dream will remain a dream.”
Clavis: “You don’t have to do anything spectacular. If you take action that leads to your dream, even if it’s trivial…”
Clavis: “It all adds up and naturally, your dreams will come true.”             
--End Flashback--
It was a casual remark that was made as an extension of our chat.
However, there is a scene that flashes through my mind.
Clavis: “Hey, what’s your dream, mother?”
Leticia: “Oh, what happened all of a sudden?”
Clavis: “Mother, you always support my dreams.”
Clavis: “Even if I say I want to be a butler, a doctor, or a chef, it doesn’t matter.”
Clavis: “That’s why I want to support your dream.”
Leticia: “Fufu, thank you.”
Leticia: “My dream is to see Clavis as an adult.”
Clavis: “Me as an adult?”
Leticia: “Well Clavis, there are so many things you want to become, right?”
Clavis: “Yeah. Because I want to be a better man than Chevalier!”
Leticia: “…I see. Do all of your dreams come from Chevalier?”
Clavis: “Yes. Everything he can’t seem to do, I’m going to be able to do.”
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Clavis: “He’s so brusque, he could never be a gentleman or a butler…”
Clavis: “And even if he has knowledge, he can’t be a doctor or a chef because he’s not good with people.”
Clavis: “Not to mention the trapmaster!”
Leticia: “I didn’t think they’d be chosen on such a common ground, but… Fufu, I see.”
Clavis: “What, are you laughing?”
Leticia: “No? But your mother is looking forward to seeing what kind of adult you’ll become.”
Leticia: “You’re a prince, but you don’t have to be tied down by your status.”
Leticia: “Will you become a butler, a doctor, a chef… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that but—”
Clavis: “You don’t understand.”
Leticia: “Yes, I don’t understand. So, Clavis, do whatever you like as much as you like.”
Leticia: “I guess, that is my dream.”
Clavis: “…That’s a strange dream.”
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Clavis: “But, I’m going to make it happen. Because it’s my dream to repay my mother one day!”
Leticia: “Oh my goodness, I’m delighted. I’m looking forward to it.”
--End Flashback—
I thought my mother’s dream would come true easily.
In any case, it’s just a matter of growing up normally.
--But reality was not so easy.
Even the most simple of dreams—“to see my son as an adult”—never came true.
Someday it will come true, and then I’ll return the favor.
It was because I had such a naïve idea,
I had nothing to give back to my mother, who had given me so much.
--End Flashback—
(My mother was the kind of person who often came home with tears in her eyes)
(At the time I didn’t even understand that “that” was a mark of tears, but it must have been quite painful.)
She betrayed the queen she was serving, and she had the heavy responsibility of being the head maid,
Having to raise a prince under all that pressure…
There are many reasons why my mother shed tears, and I feel sorry for her.
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(If I had grown up sooner, I might have been able to save my mother.)
(Maybe I was able to make my dreams come true.)
(I didn’t know anything about that, and spent my childhood acting like a child.)
It’s a regret that lingers even now.
When I reveal these smoldering emotions to Emma for the first time, her pretty face distorts.
(….Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything after all.)
Clavis: “Haha, You would make such a face, wouldn’t you? That’s why I hid it.”
Clavis: “The past is the past. I’m a man of the present—and I’m sorry to my mother, but I can never repay her.”
(…a terrible lie.)
(I wonder if you’ll notice… I hope you don’t.)
When I laughed brightly, Emma’s eyes fixed on me…
Emma: “…Clavis.”
Emma placed the herbal tea in her hand on the bench railing.
Clavis: “What’s the matter? Your eyes are suddenly very focused.”
Emma: “No, just….I was just thinking.”
(What is it?)
Emma gently reached out to me and then,
Slender fingers were on my waist and she tickled with all her might.
Although I managed to put down the herbal tea I had in my hand, the tickling attack was more effective on my body than I expected.
(…hm…I feel like Emma’s face is glowing!)
As I tried to move my body to escape, tears blur my vision as she attacks where I’ll feel it most.
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Clavis: “… hgh… Haha! Why are… ngh… Stop, haha.”
I seriously felt like I was going to die laughing, and just as I was about to see heaven, her fingers let go.
(I thought I was going to die!)
Emma: “What do you mean ‘I can never repay her’.”
Emma: “I think you have repaid her enough now.”
(How is repayment… and what you’re doing now…connected?)
I casually wipe my tears and look at Emma,
Unlike me, in a terrible situation, she has a serious face.
Emma: “I have never met Lady Leticia, but I can tell you this much,”
Emma: “If she’s still watching over you from somewhere, she is definitely, absolutely, wishing you happiness.”
Emma: “She gave her undivided attention to you, at the cost of her own time because…”
Emma: “There is no other reason than that she just wanted you to be happy.”
Clavis: “…”
(Ah, I see…you wanted to comfort me.)
Emma: “If that’s the case, then the fact that you are the happiest man on the continent right now is the greatest way you can repay her.”
Emma: “So smile, smile and laugh a lot and I’m sure Lady Leticia will understand.”
(…The dead say nothing anymore)
(Therefore, there is no telling whether Emma’s ideas are right or wrong.)
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(But, I think my mother would say the same thing if she were still alive.)
I have lived with my regrets for many years alone, without telling anyone.
Maybe the reason I wanted to talk about it was because I wanted to feel Emma’s kindness.
Emma: “Clavis, if you can’t make your dreams come true, I will make them come true!”
Emma, chest puffed and proud, declares cutely and holds up her hands to close the distance.
This is not the time to get sentimental.
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Clavis: “Wait, wait, wait! There’s a difference between being happy and laughing a lot, calm down, my dear fiancée.”
Emma: “I’m glad you’re enjoying this so much.”
Clavis: “Oops, your face looks worse than before.”
(…Even with such an upset face, she’s still incredibly cute.)
I wanted to hold my head up in a different way.
Clavis: “But, my face is even worse isn’t it?”
Emma: “!?”
To prevent Emma from doing any more to me, I took the initiative and embraced her.
Emma’s ears grow bright red and becomes quiet, it’s so adorable I can’t stand it.
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Clavis: “But… you’re certainly right.” 7210
Leticia: “Thank you for being born…Please, live with a smile always on your face.”
--End Flashback—
(My mother’s last words, they’re in line with Emma’s sentiments.)
(…I’ve always regretted it.)
(But at this point, maybe it’s okay to break away from ‘regrets’)
No matter what path you take, there is no returning to the past.
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Clavis: “Thanks to you, I am the happiest man on the continent. Perhaps I could return the favor?”
I tighten my arms, clinging to Emma’s kind thoughts.
In the truest sense of the word, I may have finally been able to break free.
(If it wasn’t for Emma, I would have regretted it till the day I died.)
(…Firstly, I would never have been as happy as I am now, and repaying my mother would have been a pipe dream.)
(I should thank you for that…)
(And for making me laugh so hard…?)
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--It goes without saying that Jade is famous for its herbs, which are packed full of all kinds of benefits,
The baths, which combine herbs and hot springs, were the main purpose of this trip.
Benefits, benefits, benefits! Hot springs are said to be beneficial for beauty, health, and many other things.
I was secretly planning on introducing my hard-working fiancée to this country.
(But, that’s ostensibly why.)
If you just want to visit, you can rent out a hot spring to yourself,
There is no need to stay away from Emma, who has reached an extreme point of embarrassment.
Clavis: “I’m a man who has made all my dreams come true—but there are still many dreams that haven’t come true.”
Clavis: “First, I want to take care of you in the bath. I want to wash your hair, wash your body, and polish it with my hands.”
--End Flashback—
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(--I can’t do it.  I can’t stop smiling.)
Emma had initially fled to a corner of the room.
A few minutes ago, I chased her into the bath, caught her, and made him sit in a chair like this.
“I will make your dreams come true.” She proudly declared,
It seems that now she is finally ready to have her body washed.
(How is my fiancée so cute.)
I work my hands into a soapy, foamy lather and glide it over Emma’s skin.
I lift her slender arm and stroke it carefully, then I move my hand to her back, around her neck, and then to her breast.
Emma: “Nngh…”
Emma, holding her mouth shut and trying hard not to make a sexy sound, was bursting with cuteness.
(Makes me want to play a prank on you.)
When I poked the tip, Emma turned around with a bright red face.
Emma: “Clavis…”
Clavis: “Did that tickle?”
Emma: “…you know, don’t you?”
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Clavis: “Haha, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Emma: “…”
Clavis: “Okay, okay, I won’t do it again.”
Emma: “That would be fine, but…”
It seemed she didn’t turn around just to make a complaint,
Emma’s direct gaze never wavered.
Clavis: “What is it?”
Emma: “…I was just wondering if you could help me out a bit.”
Emma: “Why did you dream of taking care of me in the bath?”
(Oops, I didn’t expect you to ask me that…)
What I told Emma about as a dream that day was all spur of the moment.
It didn’t have a deep meaning because it was just a bunch of deceptions that came out of my mouth to hide my past regrets.
However, it was definitely a desire I was thinking about subconsciously.
(I never thought about the reason, but I guess--)
Clavis: “It’s obvious isn’t it?”
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Clavis: “My bashful, shy fiancée would never let anyone else do something like this.”
When I tickle her armpits, Emma’s body jumps.
Clavis: “But, if you only allow me…”
Clavis: “That’s love in the flesh, isn’t it?”
(…Oh, I see. What all my dreams about you have in common is that they can’t be done unless you’re loved.)
Emma: “…That reason is more cunning than I expected.”
Clavis: “Haha, really?”
Emma: “When I hear that, it makes me want to help with any dream you have.”
Emma: “But, please don’t do anything naughty!”
Clavis: “Nothing?”
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(I’m already feeling naughty…)
Emma: “Nothing.”
Emma spoke firmly and turned away.
Emma: “…here, I can’t hide anything.”
Emma: “With how much I love you Clavis… everything comes out from my body, doesn’t it.”
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Clavis: “…”
Clavis: “……”
(I want someone to praise me for not attacking you right now.)
Although I was able to hold out with the mental strength I had cultivated as a gentleman,
I place a kiss on Emma’s hair to calm myself down for a moment.
(But something... something, I have to distract myself….)
Clavis: “Do you have any dreams?”
(Next, I’ll make your dreams come true.)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Premium End | Epilogue
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t3chborb · 4 months
As depressing as the 2 Ramattra + Zenyatta spawn room interactions are, for me, 2 outta the 3 Ramattra + Echo interactions take the cake. Both are just... insane.
Echo: You... are an R-7000 unit. The one humans call... umm... Ramattra: Ravagers, yes. Squad killers, and... ruder things. Echo: Does it trouble you? Being so feared and hated? Ramattra: Once. Now, it gives me a warm little feeling inside.
... A few things:
(Putting a read more cuz the post got a bit long)
Being judged for being the model of omnic his soul just happens to occupy bothered him.
He likes it now. Which, good for him, but imagine liking being hated, especially when it used to bother you. Just how far gone you have to be for that?
... Does he truly like it now, or is he pulling an excuse out of his ass? Because the sheer strain in his voice when he finishes Echo's sentence kind of suggests otherwise.
Wait a minute... Does... does he hate his body??? That could explain why he's having a hard time talking about his model, yet is perfectly content with humans hating and fearing him, as that could be tied to his personal choices (standing up for the survival of his species, Null Sector, all that jazz), not something he can't control (his model, which is something he didn't choose and can't change)...
The other interaction doesn't get any better.
Ramattra: It's a shame none us have ever met Aurora, your predecessor. Echo: I hear that often. *throat clearing noise* What would you have asked her? Ramattra: The same thing I ask her every day. I wish she could answer.
The "asking every day" is potentially metaphorical, not pin-point accurate, which... honestly doesn't matter. He asks often enough to use such wording. That naturally begs the question, what is he asking?
When I first heard this interaction all the way back, I knew whatever he's asking has to be some rough shit, just based on the sheer nature of his character, and the fact Aurora is lowkey a God (weeell not entirely, according to Symmetra's short story, but whatever, close enough). But, it's hard to pinpoint what exactly he could be asking. Bro has a lot on his plate, and, at the time, there wasn't much evidence.
There certainly still isn't anything concrete to figure it out... but... since then, we have received this.
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Sooooo just on the fact of where this information comes from, it isn't anything too solid. It's from the PVE missions menu. Which is told strictly from the perspective of the Overwatch-the-in-universe-organization's members. They don't know what the audience does. They don't even know who's in charge of Null Sector beyond Genji's educated guess.
That means this entry existing in OW's archives is from Genji, who is the only one on the squad who has any idea who Ramattra is. Aaand, based on Zen's flashback in the PVE missions, Genji has never even met Ramattra. So what Genji knows about the guy comes strictly from Zenyatta (maaaybe Mondatta), either by Zen being observant enough to notice, or Ramattra straight up told him.
Aaaand Ram and Zen haven't seen each other in decades. Obviously, Ramattra has changed a lot since his Shambali days. So OW's archive might not be exactly up to date.
But, it is the best piece of information we have. And Jesus Christ, it hurts a lot by itself, but in the context of Echo's interaction, it's even worse.
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archiveikemen · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune Main Story: Chapter 9
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
Yoichi: Come, come, shall we get the party started?
Yoichi swiftly filled everyone’s cups with alcohol.
I was unsure of how to conduct myself in that situation, and Yoshitsune peered into my face.
Yoshitsune: Yuno, don’t hesitate to sit here.
Yoshitsune: If it’s bothering you, consider this an apology for the false accusations made against you earlier today.
Yuno: I-In that case…
Yuno: Understood! Thank you very much.
I tried taking a bite out of the food, but I was honestly too anxious to truly enjoy it.
Yuno: … Hm?
I suddenly felt someone staring at me, and I lifted my head and made eye contact with Kurama.
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Kurama: ...
Kurama was staring intensely at me with a frown on his face, seemingly disappointed.
Kurama: No matter how I see it, I don’t see anything special about you.
Kurama: Why did Tamamo pick such a boring woman to make a pact with?
Yuno: You say that, but…
Kurama: I find it hard to believe he would be interested in someone like you with no charm. What did you do to Tamamo?
(No charm… I don’t deny that point, but that’s so rude!)
Yuno: I didn’t do anything much to him… all I did was try and protect him because he was hurt.
Kurama: Tamamo made a pact with you just because of that?
The sharp look in his narrowed eyes made me flinch.
As I hesitated to say something in response to him, Yoshitsune came to my rescue.
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Yoshitsune: Enough from you, Kurama. Yuno already has her fair share of troubles.
Kurama: Are you defending this woman? This is very unlike you, Yoshitsune.
Kurama casually sipped on his alcohol.
Yoichi, who had been watching the situation unfold from the sidelines, shrugged his shoulders.
Yoichi: We don't often get to have a feast, so let’s all get along well.
Yoichi: So, Yuno, you’re not allowed to use honorifics with me starting from now.
Yuno: Huh?
Yoichi: “Yoichi-san” sounds too formal, I don’t really like it.
Yoichi: You’ll always feel tense if you keep using honorifics, right?
Yoichi: Especially when you’re currently in enemy territory and it’s making you nervous, all the more you should try to relax a little sometimes.
Yoshitsune: I agree. Your mind and body won’t be able to handle the stress if you don’t occasionally let your guard down.
Yoichi: That’s our General. You understand what I mean.
(They have a point… I guess.)
Strangely, I kind of agreed with what they were saying.
Yuno: Thanks, Yoichi.
Yoichi: No problem. You don’t mind, right, Kurama?
(Wait, Kurama too!?)
I had become wary of Kurama because of our exchange earlier on.
(I don’t think I speak casually with him after what just happened…)
Kurama: The way you talk to me doesn’t matter, it’ll all sound nothing more than a mere animal making annoying noises.
Kurama: I’m not interested in anything you say.
Yuno: Uhhh, I’d appreciate it if you would at least distinguish between me and an animal…
I assessed his behaviour and cautiously addressed him.
Yuno: Um, Kurama-san…
Kurama: Drop the “san”.
(Not even “san” is acceptable…)
Yuno: O-Okay. … Kurama.
Kurama: Don’t get the wrong idea. This isn’t permission for you to cosy up to me.
Kurama: You’re merely—
Yuno: It doesn't bother you that I'm informal with you… despite obviously being of unequal status?
Kurama: Correct. You're surprisingly bright for an animal.
Kurama: But I still refuse to acknowledge your pact with Tamamo.
(He’s as stubborn as a mull…)
I felt like I got to know Kurama’s personality a little bit better through this conversation.
(It’s going to be difficult to get close to him, though.)
Finally feeling more at ease, I took a sip of the alcohol.
My facial expression naturally brightened up at the subtle sour taste and smooth texture.
(Wow, this is really easy on the throat…!)
Yuno: This alcohol is delicious… the cup looks beautiful too.
Yoshitsune: Yoichi made that cup.
Yuno: Yoichi did!?
Yoichi: Yeah. The one Lord Yoshitsune is using was made by me too.
Yuno: Really? You’re very skillful, Yoichi.
I held up the cup to take a closer look.
It was crafted so carefully that it made the ones sold in the market look inferior.
Yuno: Maybe the alcohol tastes better because I’m drinking it from such a beautiful cup.
I muttered thoughtfully as I took another sip.
Kurama: The taste has nothing to do with the cup.
Yoichi: You’re awful at being sentimental. Fine by me, though.
(It’s alright…)
Perhaps due to the influence of alcohol and Yoichi’s laid back attitude, I felt the tension in my shoulders melt away.
(Although I’m only a pawn… I guess there's nothing wrong with enjoying this moment while it lasts.)
I started having such thoughts due to the guilt of being a hostage.
Yuno: These snacks taste great too.
Yoichi: Hmm, they do, but… nothing beats the ones Benkei makes.
Yuno: Is Benkei skilled at cooking?
(That's surprising, seeing as he looks like a typical warrior…)
Yoshitsune: Yeah, I often see him in the kitchen.
Yoichi: How about saying that his cooking is delicious?
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Yoichi: He might cry tears of joy if he finds out that you enjoy his cooking, Lord Yoshitsune.
Yoshitsune: I know that Benkei’s cooking is delicious. But it’ll become a problem if he doubles the portion the moment I praise it.
Yoichi: Ah… he's like an old granny from the countryside.
The impression of Benkei that I had in my mind crumbled.
Yuno: Um… what kind of person is Benkei?
Yoichi: What kind of people, hmm… he’s surprisingly an overly caring person. He’s always nagging at Lord Yoshitsune.
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Yoshitsune: … Yeah.
(That’s way too different from what I expected!)
(I’ve always thought that he seemed overprotective of Yoshitsune, and my impression turned out to be correct…)
(That’s interesting, but I’d better not pry.)
Yoichi: Hey, Yuno. The way you’re fidgeting makes it so obvious that you’re curious.
(Oh no! My body language gave it away…)
Yoshitsune: I mean… there’s more.
Yoichi: Anyway, back to the topic. Apart from being excessively caring, Benkei also tends to be very stubborn.
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Yoichi: Even now while he’s being a hostage in Kamakura, he’s probably sitting in a room and meditating.
Kurama: I can easily imagine him doing that.
Kurama finished his drink and wasted no time in reaching out for another bottle.
Kurama: I’m still not satisfied. Join me, Yoichi.
Yoichi: Oh, you want a drinking competition? Bring it on.
Yoichi: Lord Yoshitsune and Yuno will be the judges.
Yuno: T-This sudden?
Yoshitsune: This is a regular occurrence.
Yoichi pulled the bottle over and filled the cups of alcohol, and the two started drinking at the same time.
Yoshitsune: Don’t mind them. You can take your time to drink.
Yuno: Oh, alright! Are you sitting out of it, Lord Yoshitsune?
Yoshitsune: Trying to keep up with them will only cause trouble.
(You’re right. Look at how incredibly fast they’re emptying their cups…!)
Yoshitsune: Are you good at holding your alcohol?
Yuno: I wouldn't say I’m especially good, but I don't hate it.
Yuno: I enjoy participating in gatherings with alcohol. Even though I’m not much of a drinker, I always find it fun to just be there.
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Yoshitsune: I agree. It’s always nice to have a feast with your close companions.
Yoshitsune has a warmth in his eyes whenever he looks at Yoichi and Kurama.
Memories of my encounter with him on the battlefield resurfaced in my mind.
– Flashback Start –
Yoshitsune: Thank you for treating him.
Yoshitsune: The lives of my men are as important to me as my own, you just saved one of them.
– Flashback End –
(To Yoshitsune… Yoichi and Kurama are his close companions whom he cherishes.)
Yoichi: Ahh… I really miss Benkei’s snacks.
Kurama: Apart from that, I don’t get to play with a naginata being swung at me at full force when Benkei isn’t here.
(They’re talking about Benkei again. The members of the Rebel Army seem to have a close relationship.)
(Just like Yoshitsune, everyone else also cherishes one another.)
Watching their interactions made me feel a pain in my chest.
(... The members of the Shogunate were like this too.)
Both forces were the same when in came to the friendly interactions amongst their members.
Not long after my period as a hostage ends, the war between the Shogunate and Rebel Army will begin.
My chest tightened at the thought of that day approaching.
Yoshitsune: What’s wrong? You stopped drinking.
Yoshitsune stared at my empty cup.
Yuno: I was just thinking a little about some things.
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Yoshitsune: Thinking?
Yuno: Yes…
Yoshitsune: … I see.
I remained silent, and Yoshitsune didn't ask any further questions.
(Maybe he knows that I was thinking about the Shogunate…)
Yoshitsune: I think I’ll have a couple more drinks. How about you?
Yuno: Oh, then I'll have another cup as well.
(... I want to talk to Yoshitsune for a little more.)
I thought that, along with the alcohol, I could swallow the things I couldn't say.
Yoshitsune: I’ll pour you a cup.
Yuno: P-Please wait.
I hurriedly stopped Yoshitsune who had the bottle in his hands.
Yoshitsune: …? What is it?
Yuno: That won't do! I should be the one pouring drinks…
Yoshitsune: I mentioned at the start that there’s no need for you to be modest.
He placed a cup in my hand, and a sudden warmth rippled through my body when our fingertips touched.
Yuno: T-Thank you…
Yoshitsune: Yeah.
He filled my cup with steady hands.
Yuno: … I’ll pour you a cup next.
Yoshitsune: I humbly accept.
(What’s with me? I’m getting a little nervous. But this is a different kind of nervousness from the one I felt when I was suddenly brought to this party…)
This time, I picked up the bottle and filled Yoshitsune’s cup.
Our eyes met as we slowly brought our cups to our lips…
Yuno: … Delicious.
(It strangely tastes better than before…)
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Yoshitsune: Indeed, it’s delicious.
(Why did I get the thought that it’d be nice if Yoshitsune thinks the same way?)
(Why am I thinking of such things?)
Yoshitsune: It’s strange. When I’m with you…
Yuno: Huh…?
Just as Yoshitsune was about to say something…
???: Excuse me.
The hall’s doors were slid open discreetly.
A man stood in wait outside the hall.
(From his appearance, he looks like a servant.)
Yoichi: What’s the matter?
Man: My apologies for interrupting. I have an urgent message for Lord Yoshitsune.
Yoichi: Ahh… then allow me to verify it first.
Yoshitsune stopped Yoichi, who was about to stand up.
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Yoshitsune: It’s fine.
Yoichi: …
Yoichi frowned, but didn’t say anything in response.
Yoshitsune diverted his attention onto the man. His warm gaze from just a moment ago became more calm.
Yoshitsune: … Over here.
Man: Yes, My Lord.
The man entered the hall and approached Yoshitsune, and then—
Man: Minamoto no Yoshitsune! Prepare to die—
He pulled out a short sword and lunged at Yoshitsune.
(N-No way…)
— In an instant, Yoshitsune’s cold gaze fixed onto the man.
When I noticed that there wasn't a hint of fear in those eyes, a chill ran down my spine.
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Yoshitsune: Too slow.
Yoshitsune calmly got on one knee to stand from his seat, and he drew his sword at the same time.
Man: Wha…!?
Yoshitsune deflects the man’s short sword and points his sword at his throat.
Yoshitsune: So you’re the culprit.
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thefictionalgirl · 6 months
The youngest daughter
You heard about me a lot,
She mentions me all the time,
They mention me all the time,
How she had to protect me
from the problems I've never caused.
You heard about me right?
But what do you know?
The lazy and unreliable one
in every story?
That's only natural for you to believe,
Because you know I believe that too.
The one who is admired,
The one who is loved.
And the one who doesn't care,
never try to be enough.
One who's "too much"
all the damn time.
And I know you heard about me,
And I know you heard,
How I spend a lot,
Someone your blood and flesh,
gets not as much as you thought.
Mom favours her,
Dad loves her the best,
She does whatever she wants,
a luxurious nest.
You practically heard this a lot, what I'm going to tell you,
Listen to me even though you know–
They sacrificed a lot, for building her life,
She did nothing, but she's the one at the edge of a knife.
Uncivilised, uncompromising and not so nice
No matter who becomes a virtue, she's always the vice.
The oldest's anger and dissatisfaction,
maybe not always it's the case,
But whenever the question is raised,
"They love you the most, they treat you the best"
Arrogant, rebellious and the unpleasant,
She gets that alot, that's how you describe the youngest.
And for whom, parents never cared about you,
And for whom, you had to refuse the last piece of cake.
For whom, you had to give up on your room,
For whom, you'll not be praised even for how much you make.
And you try, to go back on words, to change the fate,
because of the little girl, you want to, but you cannot hate.
And I guess y'all know about these,
The cat, the mouse and the piece of cheese.
And the cat leaves and moves out,
The mouse didn't know how to cope up,
So that's why she always shouts.
But then, how about reading some things unknown ?
What happens to the girl, why doesn't she smile anymore? Why does she always frown?
Did she have to take the responsibility of always being good?
She didn't need to be compared, she didn't need to be called rude.
You were busy complimenting the comparison,
An Individual, who was never known and given a reason.
Good or bad, she never wanted them,
You all made her the antagonist here who loves to complain.
And with the tag of being spoiled one,
she became the alter ego of yours,
The princess with a large mansion
And who never endures.
Someday you leave,
Making her all alone,
She never cries,
She has now grown.
It's the best, cause you never want to see
The teenage self in her eyes again,
Where everything is immature- love, happiness or pain.
She never had the idea of how the world works, right?
She said, "no I'm fine" whenever you charged her,
But the question in her eyes didn't surrender.
Hopeful- she wanted you to try a bit more,
"She never shares, she just knows how to close the door"
You wanted to be a teacher, punish for her mistakes.
She just wanted a sister to share her aches.
Hard or soft, whatever the feelings were,
She just never trusted you again,
And why would she do it?
You became a traitor
You never took the share of her pain.
And where were you, when she was on her knees,
Praying to make it all stop?
You were not there when she got home.
You were not there when she was trying to build her rome.
She never blamed you for choosing your happiness.
But why's that different when it comes to her?
Why can't you all see
That she too has a lot of scars?
To have nothing,
It must be hard, it must be bad,
But I had you,
Then why have I always felt sad?
I cannot describe the mixed feelings,
Maybe this all happened because of us.
I love you more than my life,
I cried a lot, weren't my eyes enough obvious?
I was not a criminal, nor you were,
We could have made it better, I swear.
But you never ever tried,
And I always denied.
You left the room, you left me alone,
Now you ask me about my feelings? Why have I never shown?
Was it so easy for you to abandon everything?
I know it's not bad, but why can't I do nothing?
don't you know that this crappy delinquent always feels so low?
After all this time,
After screaming for so long,
You hear the depth of my voice,
What about my continuous melancholic song?
Can't you see it falling from my eyes?
Can't you see I'm tired of tossing the dice?
Constantly hoping to earn a six,
I'll pick the pieces up in order to fix.
I refuse to believe in cracks,
I will try, I'll try to give what it lacks,
But you can never give me back, the years I spent yearning in vain,
Even if you try to have a conversation with stories from the memory lane.
Distanced soul,
Unattached roles
How do you think it happened?
How do you know it's not for the best?
Because that's way she became her,
That's way of the youngest.
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deadbydad · 2 months
I want to give you my opinion on Cloud/Tifa/Aerith relationship. I found some ideas you wrote before to resonate a lot with my opinions. My impression of Cloud and Tifa relationship is that is based on guilt trip, projection and childish infatuation, mostly coming from Tifa. She was the center of attention among her friend when she was a child, which she admits that she liked. I guess Cloud as a child makes the promise to impress the popular girl, because he has a childish crush and because loners tend to be attracted to extrovert people most of the times, he wanted to pe part of Tifa's group of friends. There is also the sory of their fall from the bridge and how Cloud gets blamed, it can be traumatic to a child to be shunned for something that wasn't his fault and Tifa didn't help in this matter. Tifa, on the other side, I think she was impressed by the promise because, hey, a guy wants to join SOLDIERS and be there to protect me. After their village burned and their parents and childhood friend were gone, it kind of makes sense that both Tifa and Cloud want to maintain the connection between them because of their common backgrounds. Also there is a guy, Johnny, who likes Tifa, but I guess he is not cool enough for her. What I find weird about their whole "love" story is how they still have feelings. Like, seriously, after 5 years people move on and their mindest changes. Relationships don't work on a childish promise of "I will protect you", if they do, they will most probably crumble after a time. I believe that love is about complementary personality, same interests, understanding, maturity and playfulness from time to time. To me, playing both the Remake and Rebirth games without knowing the OG story, Cloud and Tifa relationship can't truly be a romantic one. It feels awkward and baseless and childish. She feels jealousy over Aerith after she meets her for the first time because it seems like Cloud might have feelings for her, which I find it, again childish and awkward. She was never a good friend with him and they met after 5 years, time in which both of them experienced different things. And for the most parts of her interaction with Cloud, I feel like she projects a persona on Cloud that she would like him to be, an ideal, but doesn't really know how to handle/act, and at times I feel like she is annoyed with his vulnerable, inconsistent moments of his. For example, in Chapter 13 in that temple in Rebirth, when Cloud is under Sephiroth influence and wants to attack Elena, she goes to stop him, he gives on attacking her, but pushes Tifa away and she shows a sad face, like most of the times. Where Aerith, tries to adapt on the situation, she tries to encourage him, smile, acknowledge his problems and not blame him. I think there is more depth in Aerith and Cloud's relationship and it feels more natural, they meet and simply connect, whereas Tifa and Cloud's seems shallow, just on the surface. I don't disagree that both Tifa and Cloud care about one another, but they lack romantically compatibility. I think that AC shows that even more, the ending and credits are quite enough proof. He might go back to their place in AC, but he will still feel the need to run away from to time to time, which it's not really a healthy behaviour if you would speak about a romantic relationship. I guess there could be made whole pages of analysis on every scene, these were just some stuff that stood out seeing the story for the first in both Remake and Rebirth and then watch AC.
This is why I don't like Tifa, because of how she treats Cloud and her jealousy issues when in reality...
Cloud never was hers to begin with, so I don't see why she has this mindset that 'he promised to save me so he must still like me' which is false
Tifa, in my opinion, needs to grow up and realize that Cloud isn't the only option.
There's Rude and Johnny who literally have crushes on her and I think Tifa and Rude would be so cute together.
There's also Reno, and Zack, and fucking Barret!
Tifa has options, Cloud just doesn't seem to be one of them and she has to move on from the fact that he likes Aerith.
Yes they both care for one another but not in the same way
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raahosh · 1 year
Hi, i love your stories so much. You have an amazing way of writing. I was wondering whether you do any requests. If yes, I would love to see a one shot about cassian with someone who is not considered his mate and how his love for her triumphs over any kind of mate bond.
cassian x reader.
summary: Cassian found his mate after years, but he's in a relationship with you.
warnings: none, I guess. I didn't know if you wanted smut but I didn't out because I know not everyone likes it.
The bond clicking was like a punch in the face for Cassian. He didn't know how to react or how he would proceed with days. He wanted to cry, scream and curse the Goddess to do what she was doing to him.
You both knew this day would come. Your bond hadn't made itself present, so you knew you weren't mates and were just waiting for the day you'd find your true ones. Of course, in his mind, it didn't matter. Bond or not, you were his, and the person he's actually bonded with wouldn't be a burden because she'd never be an option, but still, it was hard.
Strings connected Cassian to Nesta like nothing else did. It was like a magnet trying to connect them both. He was rejecting something natural, the primal wish his bones had to claim this bond, but he wouldn't. No, the Illyrian commander would never betray or cheat. His heart belonged to you, his mind, his soul, everything belonged to you, and no mating bond would change that,
Nesta didn't seem to like it either, her face consorting to a scowl, and, honestly, she looked like she would vomit at any minute. Not that Cassian would be a terrible idea of a mate, but she knew he was yours and yours only.
When Cassian finally got home, you were in the kitchen, hands occupied by a bowl of mashed potatoes. From the moment your gaze turned to him, you saw it; you knew it had happened and couldn't do anything about it.
You trusted the fae you lived your entire life with, knew that even if he found the—oh so craved—mate he would never do something that could hurt you. But it hurt anyway. Your stomach dropped to the floor, and now you were the one who felt like vomiting.
How can I bring similar reactions from two different females in so little time? Cassian thought to himself.
The container of mashed potatoes went to the counter, and your hands started shaking. Cassian was still glued in place, afraid of saying something and making things worse. Your heart ached, but you knew what you had to say. It would be selfish to contain him from something every fae dreams of having. A mate was something significant, something precious, rare, and wonderful.
"I don't know who it is, but... If you, for any reason, think she's the one, I won't be mad if you choose her. We always knew it would happen someday, and even saying that we can get through it, I don't know how it feels like, if it's strong or not, or if-" Cassian cut you off mid-sentence, not back to reality and out of the trance he was in.
"No, no, please. Never think that ever again, ok?" He held your face between his hands. "You're mine, and I'm yours. Nothing is ever going to change that." His heart was beating so fast he thought it would come out of his chest, ripping through his ribs and out of his flesh. He was breathing hard while you held your breath so tight that when you released it, you coughed lightly.
But it was too late. The tears started rolling down your eyes. Tears of everything, happiness, sadness, relief, anguish, love. You just cried while he held you so close that you could feel even his soul at that moment.
Both of you would never know why the cauldron didn't choose you to be mates, but it didn't matter. Not when you loved each other so dearly and for so long. Not when you breathed each other's breath, not when you both felt so deeply it hurt even who sees from the outside.
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chiisanakurisu · 6 months
Hi y'all, it's been a while since I last shared anything of my writings, so there is a fragment of the current story I'm working on, which was submitted to @gigagendergt's Gt Autumn writing contest 😊
CW: slight mention of death, mentions of natural disasters, indirect mention of transphobia
“You know, I’ve thought about organizing a little Amagüestu party, just for the four of us.”
It was an unusually warm October evening. I was in the porch, chatting with Carmina while Tommy played with Sophie by the vegetables garden.
“You know, roasted chestnuts, sweet cider…”
“I know what Amagüestu is!” I replied, slightly annoyed, “It’s just…I don’t think it’s the best idea right now, Carmina”.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well…I don’t think it’s the moment to celebrate anything, the way things are. After what happened and how we have been struggling…I don’t see a reason why it would be appropriate”.
The old woman chuckled. “Fía, the only reason we need to celebrate is us. We are here, and we are together. And precisely because of the way things are we need it. Don’t you think we all have earned a bit of joy?” Carmina signalled subtly at the two kids playing a few meters away.
I glanced at them, and my heart instantly felt warmer. A chubby teenager boy, holding a child no bigger than his palm and wrestling her with his other hand ever so gently. If it weren’t for the abyssal size difference, anyone would have thought they were siblings. And truth was, Tommy had turned out to be like an older brother for littlest Sophie.
Even if I wasn’t in the mood for a party, I had to admit Carmina was right; this place and getting to be part of this makeshift family had been a true blessing. After losing my home and having to be relocated, Carmina had been the first in the village to offer me her house to stay and practically took me under her wing. A few days later I would meet Sophie, a child whose very existence was already a miracle. Despite not being more than nine centimeters tall, she managed to fill the room with her inner light. The beginnings had been a bit rough, but we quickly became fond of each other and now life without her was unthinkable. And as for Tommy… the beginnings had been rough too, and unorthodox to say the least. But he had proven to be a reliable kid who too had wanted to protect Sophie since their first meeting, and they adored each other.
A mentally ill woman from the city, a small-town old lady, a tiny little girl and a runaway trans teenager. What a group. Not bad for being in the middle of nowhere after the collapse of civilization.
 “Alright, I’m in” I replied with a smile. “I really hope there are enough chestnuts and apples to do this…I heard harvest wasn’t good this year” I added, a bit concerned.
Carmina smiled too. “Then we’ll all have canned peaches, and it will still be good.”
A few days later, I was picking chestnuts from a large bag with the help of Sophie, who Carmina had instructed to only get “the finest ones”. The young girl was doing her job diligently, almost yelling at me every time she would find the tiniest defect I hadn’t been able to notice. I was an endearing sight, although of course I took her orders as seriously as she deserved.
Once we were done, I set aside the basket with the selected chestnuts and allowed myself to stretch my arms.
“Will you make frixuelos for the party, Curuxa?” asked Sophie, sitting with her back against the wicker basket.
I chuckled. “Don’t you think it’ll be too much food?”
“I bet there won’t be a single one to spare, no matter how many you make!” replied the girl enthusiastically.
“Okay, okay”, I conceded, “if I have flour left after I’m done with the apple pie I’ll make some, promise.”
Sophie beamed up in response. I wasn’t exactly an expert in getting the dessert right, but I guess she just loved too much the anise flavored crepes sprinkled with sugar.
I set my hand palm up next to the girl, offering her a ride to the kitchen. “Come on. You can help me knead the dough, but only after you’ve washed your hands.”
Sophie didn’t think twice before hopping onto my hand.
I made my way to the porch, holding a freshly made apple pie with both hands and the basket with the chestnuts hanging from my bent arm. Sophie, as usual, was in my shirt chest pocket, peering out in excitement.
We saw Carmina and Tommy already there, a few bottles with sweet cider on the table. Carmina was setting the table while Tommy carried the grill. I smiled fondly, remembering the older woman assigning tasks and deciding Tommy would help her carrying the heavier stuff since she would need “the strength of a young man”. The boy had blushed slightly at the validating comment, and then accepted the assigned task with a smile.
Once it was all set and with the scent of roasting chestnuts filling the air, we were ready to start.
It was a delightful evening. Four people who couldn’t be more different sitting at the same table, laughing and enjoying a simple, yet delicious meal. The three humans couldn’t help glancing adoringly at the tiny girl sitting on the table by my side, totally unbothered by the giants surrounding her and happily digging into a chestnut that was bigger than her head. I was so happy that she was feeling so safe and confident around us.
“You were so right about the frixuelos, Sophie” I commented amusedly, “they didn’t last more than what, half an hour?”
“Told you so!” replied the child, and we all chuckled.
The sun had just set, and so our little party was over. There barely were leftovers, aside from some spare chestnuts. Carmina took them and solemnly threw them to the ground. “This is for the deceased to eat” she declared ceremoniously. Nor Tommy or I knew of the ritual, but we both nodded in respect. Sophie did seem to know though, as she stared longingly at the nuts on the grass covered ground. I cupped my hand around the child in a supportive gesture, and she leaned into it. No more words were needed; wherever her mom was, she would be safe and loved.
It was a good thing we had managed to find each other in these troubled times.
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lolia21 · 5 months
I guess this is just what I do on this website now... 
Ok lets Go! 
One Piece, Law, and Femininity
Preface: Three warnings and a Request
Let's get this out the way. I do ship Law and Luffy. That doesn’t matter to this particular theory/analysis but it's better to be upfront about one's personal biases. I don't think it's canon nor do I think it ever will be. But if anyone wants to use this for their own ship theories, have at it. 
This writing “theory” I have doesn’t apply to children because they kind of inherently fall into a third category. Their age tends to naturally make them more vulnerable and in need of assistance. When it comes to gendered writing children tend to get a pass. There are many reasons why but that's not what this is about.
Sanji is a newer and only other expectation to this “theory”.  More on that at the end. 
Request: If you don't think Yamato is a dude, this is not for you. The whole point of talking about feminism in this regard is to talk about how femininity is performed and perceived. Gender is a social construct and how we construct it is important to the feminine conversation. If you cant accept and understand that... read a few essays and come back later. Seriously I am talking about roles, behavior and presentations of gender here. Also I want to support my son (he’s older than me but, still). 
Part 1: Oda Writes the Backstories of Female Characters the Same Way he Draws Them.
A lot of people push back on the idea that Oda only knows how to draw the same female character by pointing at characters like Big Mom or Dandan. So I would like to change the phrasing. Oda only knows how to draw attractive women characters one way. When they're old hags, he's got options. But if they’re even supposed to be mildly attractive then he’s got one option in a variety of colors and accessories. He writes their backstories in roughly the same way. They have a lot of big differences. I can honestly say most important people in one piece have unique and interesting back stories and goals. But the skeleton of almost all the women are the same. I only say almost because One Piece has a stupid amount of characters and there is a 10% chance that some minor character from some obscure island in East Blue somehow flew under my radar. But this rule does apply to all the main women characters. Let's talk about it. 
1a. Oda Loves Taking Away Women's Autonomy. 
Seriously Oda cannot resist putting women in positions where they are either slaves, or working in a group that they are opposed to, or living under constant threat of imprisonment, or some combination of those. Nami was enslaved at a young age by Arlong, Robin had to join CP9 because she needed protection from the world government and then almost got imprisoned by enies lobby. Vivi joined Cp9 to save her country. Hiyori spent years living with and presumably fxcking a man she hated hoping that one day someone else would be strong enough to defeat Kaido to get revenge. There are countless cases of women, specifically women, being sold to Celestial Dragons for the sole purpose of sexual slavery. Like shows up so fxcking often. Aces mom had to hold her child in her stomach for an extra 15  months to him from the marines and probably died because of it.  If Oda is writing an important woman character who is relatively young you better believe she spent years of her life not being in control of it. And if she's older, she either a mom of some kind or was a badass and settled down because some man in her life died, or both. 
1b. Women Need to be Saved in Order to Achieve their Goals and Men Need to be Supported. 
This is gonna be a little hard to explain but it all comes down to how problems are solved, who solves them and why. Kinda. I think the best way to explain it would be to give an example. Lets look at the first two members of the Strawhat Crew. Zoro’s goal is to be the strongest swordsman. Simple enough. He tries to fight Mihawk the moment they meet, he loses and swears to grow stronger and defeat him.  Nami has two goals, or more accurately she needs to accomplish one goal in order to achieve her true goal. Nami needs to get out from under Arlongs control in order to achieve her goal of mapping the whole world. She also wants her family to be able to live in peace and not be broke. Unless she accomplishes that first goal, she cannot accomplish the other two. She needs to be saved in order to continue her story. Because she’s  unable to save herself. Which is reasonable. She's just a person and Arlong is a super strong fish demon man. So Luffy saves her. He punches her problem away real good and she is now finally free to do what she wants. If you know anything about Laws character I'm sure you can see where this is going . Robin is the same, Luffy punches away the people that want to control her real good and declares that he will fight the entire world to let her have the chance to live freely.  
I brought this up with my dad and he brought up a great point. Marineford. He said well Luffy lost pretty bad in the paramount war and needed to be saved by many people. Even costing him Ace. But, I would like to point out that the people who did that, Akainu and Blackbeard are still roaming free. Luffy needed to be saved in the moment but he’s still going to be the one to resolve the issue. Like Luffy, Zoro, Franky, Jinbei, and Brook have all needed saving at some point during a fight. But they always get to square up and finish the ones that are important to them. And their goals don't require them to be saved before trying to achieve them. The point comes down to who's allowed to deal with the finishing blow to their main goals/ problems. Luffy isn’t going to punch Mihawk for Zoror, or make Ussops dad respect him, or whatever the fuck Jinbei wants. But he did fight Arlong for Nami, Cp9 for Robin and Doffy for Law. 
1c. Girls got to College to Get More Knowledge, Boys Go to Jupiter to Get More Stupider
The women of One Piece are objectively smarter than the men. Emotionally and Intellectually. Women in One Piece are normally more patient, less stubborn and willing to retreat when they have to. They also don’t get as love sick as the men. I mean Boa lets her feelings for Luffy get her into insane shit, but that's the joke. Like One Piece women aren’t really known for having someone's looks  affect them. There's a reason there is a most Beautiful Woman in the world with no male counterpart. Like Smoker is Zaddy and no one cares. Most of the guy characters who are overly sneaky and plotting are villains or assholes. That's not to say there aren’t smart men characters, Franky is a genius at his craft. But being smart and careful isn’t part of his character or reflected in his behavior. 
 Part II: Trafalgar D. Water Law,  The Saddest Little Uwu 
I haven't loved Law since the first time I saw him. I have loved him since punk hazard though which is pretty fxcking long. His strong Emo vibes and general refusal to go along with any of Luffy’s bits seemingly for the sole sake of keeping up an image that not one present cared about really endured him to me. I’m pretty trad goth and he reminds me of those emo kids that refused to wear pink or be nice just because they thought it wasn’t hard core enough. Then as the show goes on he develops into one of those healthy goths who know that being an outsider is about showing vulnerability, kindness and maybe dressing in a lil pastel. I really like Law and his weird role in the story so far. Ok, my I love Law rants are done let's get to what we need to get to.
Law before One Piece:
Trafalgar D. Waterlaw was born in Fleavance. He lived a pretty happy normal life, a doctor father, nurse mother and cute baby sister. Until he was about 7 or 8? Around that time the town of fleavance started experiencing some unknown illness. I will say in our real world it is pretty similar to what silicosis actually does to you. Minus the Vitiligo and some other symptoms.  In the world of One Piece its called amber lead poisoning and its almost completely fatal if not properly treated Which is hard to do on its own. But it's even harder in Law's case since the neighboring towns and probably the world government didn't really know what amber lead poisoning was or how it spread either. So they said fxck it, burn it down, kill everyone and call it a day. Problem solved!
So yeah, Law's family is dead, he escaped Flevance by hiding among corpses, and now he is slowly and painfully dying. 
Then it gets worse, it gets so much worse before it gets better. He pulls a Tim Drake and forces his way into the DonQuixote Family by threatening to kill himself and everyone else with a bomb. Because seeing everyone you know and love die painfully and then have the government cover that up will do that to you. Doffy sees a lot of himself in Law and decides, “yeah, this’ll do”. 
Doffys’ nicer but objectively less cool younger brother Corazon also sees a lot of Doffy in Law and decides to immediately put a stop to that shit. He slowly and secretly teaches Law how to enjoy at least some aspects of life. Shows him the first and true affection he’s been shown since his entire village died. It ‘s great. And then, TLDR, Corazon decides to betray Doffy, gets caught, stuff the Ope- Ope Fruit down Law's Throat so he can cure himself and then get shot to Death after saying I love you to Law for what is seemingly the first and last time. Also Sengokou was there.
We don’t really have a clear idea what Law did after this but we do know a few things. 
He became a pirate with the sole purpose of taking down Doflamingo 
 He seems to have chosen a submarine as a pirate ship in order to better hide from Doflamingo and also make it harder to attack him. Because Doffy is a devil fruit user. Even though Law is also a devil fruit user and this puts him in extreme danger. Especially since...
 He made a crew of people who are seemingly doctors 1st, friends 2nd and fighter 6th. Like none of Laws crew members appear to be even mildly good at fighting. I’m pretty sure Chopper could take most of them. 
He names his crew the Heart Pirates after Cora. Which implies that Spanish, just like real world Spanish, is canon in One Piece. And that also reminds me that Law is talking like a nun in his flashback. Is Law catholic? Or was he raised catholic? Either way it adds to the uwu and the trauma of it all. If you know, you know.
 He started working with Caesar Clown, a man he fxcking hates. In order to get closer to Doflamingos secrety secrets.
Pre-time  Skip Law
I’m skipping when we see him in Sabaody because all we learn is that he's edgy and has a bear. When we see him again after Marineford it's actually kind of interesting because we learn he’s also first and foremost a doctor before being a pirate. He saves Luffys life because that's what doctors do and Luffy doesn’t seem like a bad dude. 
Now the good shit.
Post Time Skip Law 
My booooyyy! Love of my life, my sad lil uwu. Law is introduced as one of the coolest, coldest, scariest Warlords. He will literally rip your fxckin heart out. Evanescence playing in the background and all. Luffy immediately undermines thats by not thinking he’s any of those things and tying chopper to his head. But we got a whole episode and a half of thinking he was actually too cool for school. Like we all thought he Shanks when he’s actually just Mihawk. Like his cool but also pretty easy to bully if he likes you even a lil and will let you get away with a lot. It’s just hard to get him to like you, at first. So we get through punk hazard, see what a glass canon Law is and move to Dressrosa. 
In between those two points we also see how sad Law is and how similar he is to both Robin and Nami in behavior. He was Robins darks sense of humor (from the trauma)  and general introvertedness (trauma!?) with Namis greed (did i mention trauma). Which makes sense for the back story we learn about. 
Dressrosa: The Holy Grail of Uwu Law 
Law, Luffy and Doflamingo in Dressrosa is what happens when you put Nami and Robins backstory in a blender with crack cocaine and Katya (the drag queen). It’s just this sad tired uwu man,that came to commit murder suicide, trying and failing to accomplish that goal. Only to be figuratively and literally dragged along by a lunatic that barely knows him. Like Law went to Dresrosa not hoping he would die but assuming he would and not really caring. He didn't have an exit strategy because he didn’t think he was exiting. His plan was to use Luffy as a shield, Ceasar as bait and then murder suicide himself and Domflamingo out of existence. He was so desolate by the time his second fight with him ended. He had no hope, his plans had failed and he even dragged a bunch of innocent people into the crossfire. He would die, the people of Dressrosa would die, the Strawhats would suffer and maybe die and all for Laws’ fruitless revenge. Then Luffy stopped that foot. And Law decided to stay. And Luffy beat up Doffy. And Law was free. For the first time in over ten years Law was free. 
Wano: Then He Stayed
Because he didn’t plan to make it this far. I laughed out loud when Law said they were enemies after Wano ended. Motherfxcker who? Law you don’t want to be pirate king. You barely want to be a pirate! Frankly at this point I think the only thing keeping Law from a non-deadly early retirement is Luffy, his bounty, and pride. And he can get rid (ignore) of two of those things (you won’t guess which!).  Law fought and almost died in Wano to fulfill the deal he made with Luffy. Even though Luffy would not have begrudged him on reneging on that deal. Law told him it was made in bad faith and he had fxck all to gain from fighting Kaido. But he did it, he believed in Luffy and Luffy punched the problem away like always. 
And this ends the story of the Saddest Uwu Boi, Trafalgar D. WaterLaw. 
Part III: You Have to See What I’m Getting At. 
Law’ backstory and character development is just that of any main woman character. Sad thing happened when he was a kid, putting him on the radar/ partially in debt to a bad man. He spent most of his life running from this bad man by working for/ with people he hated. He met Luffy. He tried to fight the bad man and system but didn’t have the strength of heart and/ or body to defeat him. Luffy punched the bad man real good and told Law he was pretty without makeup, he didn’t need it. Law was finally able to move freely as a person and decided to support Luffy in his immediate goals (and probably his long term ones too. Let's be honest he has nothing else to do)  even though that puts him and his crew in even more danger. But now he knew, Luffy would punch that danger just as good as the previous bad man. 
Honestly I don't know what this means or what purpose this knowledge serves. Like, this doesn’t change my opinion that lulaw will never be canon. This doesn’t change how I view Law as a character. This doesn’t change how I view Oda as a writer. This only serves the purpose of excising these thoughts from my head and putting them permanently on a website filled with people who will call me horrible things for even admitting I ship Luffy with anyone. So that's something I guess. 
About Sanji:
Sanji is going through a weird, unexpected but good character transformation right now. His writing is becoming more Law/Robin-esque. Which is weird and unexpected but very good. I have thoughts on that but its for a different post. I don't think it undermines my point though because this shift is relatively recent, only happening in the Whole Cake island arc and not fully forming until near the end of Wano. This either means a shift in how Oda choses to write male characters or a shift in how he views Sanjis’ role in the narrative. Only time will tell. 
*This unrelated but I’ m realizing Law shows just as much tiddy as Robin and Nami too.*
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skymaiden32 · 4 months
Bad News
AO3 link here
Fandom: Thunderbirds, Stingray
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
I thought I was done with this story. Brain said no and gave me three extra chapters.
Recommended you read some of Mariana Trench first, plus the first chapter since it's been a while.
Enjoy! ^^
Continuity: TOS
No matter how hard he tries, Gordon can't get his conversation with Shore off his mind.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Gordon sighed, watching as the hole in front of him was finally sealed. “That’s the last of it, Virg.” He updated his brother, who circled the damaged ship on the surface of the water. Gordon grimaced when he thought about how much the vessel was leaning. “I’m afraid it’s taken on too much water to remove by ourselves, but at least there’s no casualties. I can pull it back to the base myself.” 
The USS Rodgers, a brand new ship named for the late Colonel Gregory Rodgers, a senior officer of the United States Navy who’d died valiantly in the line of duty. And when Gordon said brand new, he meant brand new. This was supposed to be her maiden voyage. And she’d already had her first taste of danger, attacked senselessly by an unknown submersible. The ship had been carrying vital cargo, the nature of which International Rescue wasn’t under any circumstance permitted to know. 
Gordon huffed. A hole the size of Australia had been ripped into the side of the Rodgers when she’d been attacked. He’d been surprised that she hadn’t sunk. It had taken him a good hour to seal it up. He guessed he should count himself lucky the attackers were nowhere in sight. “Are you sure Thunderbird 4 can take that strain, Gordon?” Virgil’s voice interrupted his thoughts. 
“Not really.” He answered honestly. “But what other choice do we have?”
Gordon could hear Virgil’s frown across the airwaves. “We have more choices than you think, Gordon…” 
“I just feel like I have a duty to do this.” There was silence. It was Gordon’s turn to frown now. “Virgil, are you there?” Still nothing. “Virgil, you’re really worrying me here.”
After a few more tense seconds, his brother answered his calls. “Sorry for that, Gords. I just let the others know about your …idea…”
“And?” He listened closely.
He started listing the verdicts. “Brains says there’s no way, Dad said - in his words - 'Hell no', Scott’s probably glaring at you from One, John’s losing his mind up there…”
“Okay, I get it. You’re all freaking out.”
Virgil ignored him. “And Alan did a legitimate spit take all over the new upholstery. Grandma did not look happy…” He chuckled briefly, sobering up almost immediately. “If you try to pull that ship, Gordon, Thunderbird 4 will get ripped to shreds. I know you know that.” The aquanaut bit back a hiss. He should’ve known Virgil would figure him out. “And you know what else?”
Gordon inwardly groaned. “What?”
“You’ve been reckless.” Wow, Virgil was going right for the gut today. “More so than usual. The plans you’re coming up with on missions are getting more and more risky, and we’re getting worried.”
“What’s it to you?” Gordon grumbled. 
“What’s it to me?” Virgil shot back. His voice sounded further away, as if he’d stood up from his seat. “What’s it to me? You’re my brother, Gordon! We’re family! And the thing about family is that we all look out for each other no matter what.” His voice grew quieter still, although the soft rustling let Gordon know Virgil was sitting down again. “So tell us what’s gotten you so worked up.”
The aquanaut watched the watery expanse in front of him for a few moments, trying to work up the courage to talk about it. Chances were it wasn’t just Virgil who was listening, but that was good. What was haunting him cut deeper than he thought it would, and he didn’t think he’d be able to talk about it twice. He sighed. “You know when Commander Shore called me the other day?”
“Yeah, I remember.” Virgil answered. “Whatever he said, it really shook you. It wasn’t him working out you were International Rescue, was it?”
“What?!” Their father’s shocked and angry voice interrupted, almost echoing through the comms. Gordon and Virgil both froze. Guess this confirmed the whole family was listening.
Scott quickly came to their rescue. Virgil could practically feel his older brother’s face palm. “Father, he figured it out on his own. Nobody told him.”
“I know that, Scott. That’s not the point. In fact, it might be worse! If someone like Commander Shore can figure out who we are, anyone can.” 
“Dad, chill.” Gordon folded his arms, eyes still on the ocean ahead. He thought he saw something flash in the distance, but brushed it off. “I know how it sounds, but he said himself that he worked it out because he knows me and he knows how I operate submarines. He won’t say anything.” Jeff Tracy fell silent, but Gordon could tell that wasn’t the end of the conversation. “Besides, that’s not what he said that has me so tense.” Okay, that time he definitely saw something. “Huh, that’s weird. Wonder what that is…” He muttered, trying to get a better look. 
“What’s what, Gordon?” Scott asked, instincts on high alert.
“I saw something.” 
Jeff spoke up again. “Return to the Pod, Thunderbird 4. It might be the attackers. The Navy is on their way to retrieve the USS Rodgers.”
“FAB.” Gordon confirmed, already turning his ship in the direction of Pod 4.
“And don’t think we won’t be finishing our talk.”
Gordon rolled his eyes fondly. He’d been expecting that. “Yes sir!” The radio clicked off, leaving the aquanaut to continue speeding just below the surface of the water to his rendezvous point with Thunderbird 2.
“Gordon!” The radio crackled to life again, his eldest brother’s urgent voice getting his attention. “You’re being tailed!”
Thunderbird 4 jolted as she was hit with something. Gordon looked behind him. His eyes widened in shock. That was a Terrorfish. Right behind him. He swore. Even out of WASP, there wasn’t any escape from the war below the waves. But it didn’t make sense. International Rescue made a point to never get involved with this sort of thing. Why was Titan targeting Thunderbird 4?
He shook his head. He couldn’t think about that right now, or it was over before it even really began. He’d already been outrun, so his only option was to outmanoeuvre. In the blink of an eye, Thunderbird 4 dived, spun round, and fired. Gordon smirked when the Aquaphibian vessel was blown to pieces. He quickly pulled on his diving suit. Once he did so, he slipped out of the submarine to assess the damage. “Thunderbird 4 to International Rescue. Target successfully destroyed.” 
He could hear the relief in Scott’s voice. “FAB, Thunderbird 4. Head back to Pod and return to base.” As IR’s Field Commander gave his orders, Gordon plucked a small black mass off of his ship’s otherwise untarnished hull.
Gordon shook his head, rolling the object around in his fingers. “No can do, Scott. I was hit by something earlier.” He growled. “I know a tracker when I see one…” The implication hung in the air, and the idea of Titanica knowing the location of International Rescue’s base was terrifying. The aquanaut decided right then and there that it wouldn’t happen.
“Well,” Virgil sighed, “what do you want to do, then?” He asked. 
“If they want me, they can have me.” Outrage. “I don’t mean like that! I’m saying I set up a little welcome committee for them…”
“‘I’? Who is this ‘I’ you speak of?” Scott scoffed. “These people just tried to kill you! We’re coming with you.”
Oh no, Gordon thought. Absolutely not. “There’s no way either of you are coming with me. Look, you probably wouldn’t believe me, but that vessel belonged to an undersea race at war with WASP. I’m the only one in this family who knows what they’re really capable of. And there’s no way I’m letting you two get involved. Titan and his Aquaphibians are dangerous. I can’t lose anyone to him or his forces.” Silence followed. 
“Maybe so.” Virgil agreed. “But we can’t lose you either. Let us come too, even if it’s just to watch and step in if it gets too serious.” 
“We’ll leave it to you, Gords. We just wanna make sure you come home in one piece…” Scott added.
Gordon sighed. “Fine. Let’s pick a random island where I can wait for whoever’s coming, and you two can stay hidden…”
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