#i guess this is what henry is to ronan and adam
unganseylike · 9 months
imagine if one of the gang dated someone outside the group. like yea there was some drama as a result of their insular group dynamics but it would be unimaginable if adam said like “hey im going out to dinner with emily tonight ” or some shit
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okay. so. Piper died??? Which kind of shocked me but she was literally making deals with a Demon so I’m not too upset. It was inevitable.
Okay. GANSEY DIES. I mean. YeAh. Duh. But like. I was hoping he wouldn’t — but then. THEN CABESWATER REVIVES HIM??? He’s slightly less human than before and tbh I don’t mind that.
HE’S THE ONE WHO TOLD HIM TO LOOK FOR GLENDOWER??? (Well I guess not told but still!!!)
And Henry??? HENRY??? Oh my Lord he’s just shoe-horned into the group and I honestly am so happy he is. Because at least he has actual friends now?? And him Blue and Gansey are gonna go on a trip across the world??? HELL YEAH!!
And ADAM CONFRONTING HIS PARENTS??? That was so sad and sweet amdvskbejdbshjdhe. And Ronan??? UGH. ORPHAN GIRL HAS A NAME????
Holy shit this series was a wild ride and I’m honestly so happy you recommended it to me. I am in pain though. This book made me go through SO MANY emotions.
Exact Same reaction I had 💀
I'm so obsessed with how Maggie wrote Gansey's death I think about it constantly I slipped a little bit into a fic I wrote where Aiden does-
"He slipped quietly from time." DO NOT DO THIS TO ME WHAT THE HELL 😭
Hehshjsgdka yes in the next book you get some hints about him <3
It was so depressing to see him go through the future and see how his mom would ignore him even tho she was saying she still wanted to see him ☹️☹️☹️ like accurate bbut still...
Hehe I'm glad you liked it :) have fun with the dreamer trilogy ✨️ (they're even freaking longer)
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adamprrishcycle · 1 year
Okay, you want to talk Ronsey, you better buckle up! (This is going to be long, sorry!)
As the formerly known TRK Anon, I can confidently say that trc is still somewhat fresh in my mind, so I have lots of examples to support my argument. Now, given that I have only read the series once, my character analysis might not be as deep or intense as yours.
If you don't know already, I am a huge Gansey lover/supporter/follower/fan/worshiper/bitch. (Will Patton’s rendition of Gansey drives me absolutely feral!!!!) I have loved him since the very first time we know about his existence (Which is page 15 of TRB). If Gansey is part of the equation, I ship it! Bluesey, Ronsey, Declansey, Adansey, HELL…even Chengsey (I could care less about Henry, so the fact that I acknowledge this ship is a big gesture on my part) I just want to make it clear that I am not an Adansey hater, it's just not my kind of jam (*shrugs*)
I know that what Gansey means to me, Adam is to you. But Adam was tough for me. Like REAL TOUGH to discern. It was not until halfway through TRK (practically when Pynch becomes canon) that I was finally able to appreciate him, to see him eye to eye and say: You ARE knowable. I will give it to Adam, he has the best, most memorable, character growth/development in the entire series (Ronan being a close second). But his stubbornness during TRB/TDT was so unbearable to me. He was such a DICK to Gansey. And yes, there were instances when Gansey deserved it (like the hospital scene) but most of their interactions (at the beginning of the series) are somewhat tense. They are constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to trigger/offend/provoke the other. There are MULTIPLE references to them fighting pre-canon, mostly about money, occasionally about who owns who. The whole DC trip was so stressful for all parties involved. In fact, Adam was so unapproachable that Gansey and Blue kept their relationship a secret because of how difficult he had been back then. (Honestly, I think he would have unalive them both) Plus, he is a hypocrite (I guess we all are) because when the rent thing happens, he goes to Gansey first and throws a fit about it!! But when he finds out that Ronan actually paid his rent, he is “cool” about it. He doesn’t argue with him. He doesn’t feel offended. He just accepts it (it being both the money and the fact). The one thing that really upsets me is Adam wanting the favor for himself. I understand why he wants it, but he knows it is Gansey’s life purpose to find Glendower. It feels like a betrayal, you know? I just cannot stand people being mean to Gansey, it triggers me!!!!
And yes, I get it, there are some good moments between them. Like the call with Mallory when Gansey is trying to make Adam laugh. Or Adam fixing/diagnosing the pig. Or the two of them being ushers on Raven Day. But these moments are so…normal (mundane?) that they don’t feel special.
To me, Adansey is a somewhat “toxic” ship. It is a one-sided relationship, because Gansey gives and gives and Adam refuses to take. Adam practically (and literally) loathes? abhors? despises? everything that Gansey stands for (money, friendship, status, family, you get the gist). How can you possibly love someone that is the poster child of everything you hate?! I think Adansey would be the perfect ship for enemies to friends to lovers.
But Ronsey, oh my dear Ronsey!!!! To me, Ronsey is all about Gansey and Ronan meeting before Niall’s death. The way Gansey describes Ronan before his father’s death is so intoxicating. Gansey mourning the joyful boy that Ronan used to be. Gansey getting emotional over Ronan’s laugh. Gansey being completely and utterly amazed by Ronan’s dream creations (“You incredible creature”). Ronan being unconditionally devoted to Gansey. Ronan being devastated that Gansey has other friends; that Gansey is going to DC with Adam and not him. Ronan and Gansey. Gansey and Ronan. Maybe I am not making any sense right now because my brain convulses just thinking about these two.
They have been through it all. God, there are so many moments pre-canon that I wish we could get to experience. Can you imagine Gansey panicking at the hospital with Ronan’s blood in his hands? Can you imagine Ronan teaching Gansey how to punch?! I can’t remember if canon ever confirms how Gansey acquired his journal, but can you imagine if Ronan bought it for him!?!?!
@singersargentboi said it best: “The thing I love about Ronsey is that even in the books theres this sort of unhinged devotion between them that toes the line at being romantic/sexual.” Let’s unpack this together. Exhibit A) Kavinsky’s substance party. O.M.G. Gansey being such a deranged version of himself that even Ronan cannot stop smiling about it. (“What is it my dog needs?” JUST KILL ME ALREADY) Exhibit B) Ronan dreaming the keys to the Camaro in such a steamy delicate way that I am pretty sure he woke up with a tent in his pants. Exhibit C) Gansey bribing a full-grown adult for Ronan. Exhibit D) Gansey constantly scolding/disciplining/bossing Ronan and somehow stopping the Lynch brothers from killing each other. Exhibit E) Ronan going back home against his dad’s wishes, but still turns to Gansey for comfort (“Can I go and see mom?”) And if all of this does not convince you, I’ll leave you with this: “Gansey was far more of a brother to Ronan than Declan had ever been.”
However, I come to you with a peace offering, a secret third option: RODANSEY. Throughout the series it is constantly noted that 3 is the perfect number for magic ;)
THANK YOU FOR SPILLING YOUR THOUGHTS INTO MY ASK BOX 😍 this is delish and wow a HOT TAKE (to me, a simple woman who will live and die on the hill of adam parrish 🫶) although I understand your grievances from a protect-gansey-at-all-costs point of view! I think you’re right about them having the potential to be a toxic ship because of how much they fight. What’s funny to me is how it seems like they don’t understand each other… yet there’s at least 3 times in TRB alone where they communicate just by looking at each other which is amazing considering from what we know they have only been friends a few years but they’re that close and on that exact same level together. But then… they’re not. I think Adam has just had to rely on himself for so long that he can’t reprogram his brain to think differently, and gansey has had loving parents and a good sibling relationship and intense friendships therefore he can’t even begin to understand adam. They’re on diff planets right? They can’t relate to each other in any way shape or form. But then…. love comes along and makes it work??!??! This is why I’m an adansey girl.
BUT everything you said about ronsey…. That ferocious love I will never ever be over it ever 🥹 unhinged devotion is exactly right. And we all know the when I’m gone dream me the world quote but FOR ME it’s “he couldn’t say it, though. There were a thousand reasons why he couldn’t say it” like???? We were just supposed to move on from that? I can’t I wont.
(side note cuz I gotta defend my boy declan and say he is the best brother ever and I will not expand at this time bc spoilers but the dreamer trilogy will)
Rodansey…… now you’re talking my language. Truce? 🤝 thank u for this ask it’s made my day xx
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Back in Business: Raven Cycle Characters as Things People I Know have Said Because These are Fun to Make
"’You're not gelatinous’ (Gansey with his infinite knowledge) ‘That's so mean, what do you mean I'm not gelatinous!?’ (Noah, a ghost)” "Who made a Candyland wiki?" - Ronan to Gansey at 2 am "One's a family" - Adam "If this is how the session's going to start, I'm going to start [twerking]" - Henry "This [search] is just a speedrun for how quickly [Ronan] and I can get kicked" - Blue "I love forgery" - Hennessey  "There's a hamster in here, it's starving and dead" - Adam about his last brain cell "'You get energy from your brain?' (Blue) 'I get nothing from my brain thank you very much' (Ronan)" "Define 'sleep with'. Cause I think you mean teddy bear, but I wouldn't be surprised if you meant sex" - Hennessey "Wouldn't you want back up if the spider monster comes to getcha?" - Hennessey to Ronan "Why is the third image furry porn?" - Gansey: aghast, dismayed, and traumatized "So he doesn't have a little stone rattling around in his big stone?" - Ronan to Adam after listening to him shit talk one of his Harvard professors "Okay, first of all [s]he doesn't have a rat brain..." - Ronan defending Chainsaw "Okay then I would like to fire man chick the chicken chicken" - Henry, very drunk (guess who was not when they said this…) "Cock" - Ronan "Don't cry on an empty stomach" - Gansey "[Noah], do you got squishy bones?" - Ronan "'Are we dumb' (Adam)  'Yea' (Ronan)  "Why...but probably' (Blue)" "You can't take the moonshine out of [Kavinsky]'s stomach" - Kavinsky drunk on moonshine "Rejoice my chicken brethren" - Henry fucking around at the Barns "Can I go animal handle?" - Ronan "You're very tall and [she] like[s] to be on top of tall things" - Ronan “explaining” why Chainsaw likes to sit on Adam’s shoulder so much "I've been trained in harassment, I can now harass in the workplace" - Gansey, but unintentionally “You’re like really fucked up version[s] of [Matthew]” - anyone who knew Matthew first to Ronan and Declan “You might see Bill Clinton in hell” - Blue * “You know bugs. You know they always have jacked legs” - Gansey attempting to flirt “Moth-er focker” - Gansey being really unhelpful while the gang is helping Ronan clean out one of the unused barns “It’s my santa skin” - Gansey dressing up as Santa “Why wasn’t I interested in carriage etiquette?” - Ronan sarcastically lamenting his lack of knowledge when he can’t answer Gansey’s incredibly niche question “What about grundle’s mom?” - Ronan intentionally messing up Grendel’s name to annoy Gansey (hc: Gansey fucking loves Beowulf) “If you cannot be a person, be a bodyguard” - Mr. Grey’s personal mantra “He’s fruity…like the juice” - Blue about Ronan
*Shout out to my English lit prof for cheekily saying this and then moving right back on to Paradise Lost without giving us a second to process
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declanscunt · 1 year
declan is like gansey in that they are both infinitely pairable. with declan its declansey, declan x henry, jordeclan, declan x that old man, declan x the GRAY man, decladam, declan x ashley if ur nostalgic, even declan x ronan if ur feeling super silly. with gansey its declansey, chengsey, bluesey, sarchengsey, ronsey, adamsey, noah x gansey, so on and so forth. like… literally what makes them this way? this is not a rhetorical question btw im genuinely intrigued by this. is it the mother issues? having big wet brown eyes? the masking? i guess they both are quite slutty deep down in a way thats almost intrinsic, unlike adam or ronan, who are horny but not sluts. well. answered my own question
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longdaytogo · 2 years
What would be the MBTI of the trc characters?
OP my knowledge on mbti's other than my own is next to zero but if I had to guess (and cheat off sources) :
ENTP: Hennessy and Niall bc they're just like me fr.
As for the rest:
Adam (istj), Ronan (infp), Blue (enfp), Gansey (esfj), Henry (enfj), Noah pre-dword (esfp)
...but then again what do I know.
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So, I read the book cover of The Raven Boys Bc it looked interesting and it I didn’t recognize any of it even though I’ve read many exerts? Is the first book different or are you just obsessed with some side characters?
i can't tell if you mean this as you read the first book or you read the back cover of the first book, but i suppose i do tend to focus on a lot of stuff that happens in the last three books so maybe that's why? as for characters i mainly tend to obsess over the main ones like ronan/gansey/adam/blue/noah/henry, but there's also opal and declan and the folks in the dreamer trilogy, so maybe that's what you're referring to? your guess is as good as mine pal
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Currently (re-)Reading...
The Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
I think, somehow, I like this even better the second time around? It's almost like the anticipation of what I know is coming actually makes the reading more enjoyable.
I guessed the "Noah" plot within the first few chapters the first time I read it, so that was never a surprise. But there's no way I could ever have guessed Ronan's powers, or the whole Cabeswater situation, so it's really interesting reading this book when I actually know where it's headed.
Also, the first time, I thought Ronan was pining for Adam, but I wasn't sure, and now that I know for certain, I'm picking up on so many cute little bits I missed before.
And I wasn't invested at all in Gansey or Blue until right near the end of the series, but now I'm already so fond of them, so I'm enjoying their plot much more this time!
Also, Chainsaw is so tiny and new, I'd forgotten that she's barely even a thing in the first book!
Kavinsky is such a good character. I mean, obviously he's a shitbrick and everyone hates him, but he's such a good character, because he's real and awful and alive. It's ridiculous to remember that he's really only in one book, because he makes such an impression. But then, Henry is mostly only in one book too, and he's a main character.
And after the first book, Noah is hardly there for most of the books too - he crops up just enough to remain relevant. But every single scene with him is amazing, because he's so sweet and sad, and oh god I love Noah so much.
This book was my favourite the first time around, mostly because it's Ronan's book. It's the perfect explanation of how much it hurts to be Ronan, how much it hurts to be Adam, how much it hurts to be a teenager, how much it hurts to be human. And I'm living it all over again, but with the added bonus that I'm no longer hoping that he's going to come out, that he loves Adam, that Adam will love him back, that they'll get a happy ending. Because now I know it all works out. I swear, if they fuck this up in the Dreamer books, I will destroy this world.
And, "Ronan's second secret was Adam Parrish."
I really loved seeing Blue and Gansey growing closer - I didn't appreciate it enough the first time around, because I just wasn't as invested in their characters. The last book was the best for their development, and I didn't really click with them until that point. But now I love them, so their parts are wonderful to reread!
And I loved meeting Henry again, already knowing more about his character. He was one of my favourites, and I wish he'd been introduced sooner.
I was less impressed with the main plot development. I was so underwhelmed by the ending last time, and now I know which bits are pointless, reading them again knowing they aren't leading anywhere is infuriating. I'm really hoping that there are either bits I missed they first time that will explain more of the plot, or that it's going to be resolved in the Dreamer trilogy. We'll see.
It just doesn't make sense. It explains how the demon was created, but not how it came to be locked away. Who locked it in that tomb? And how?
The first time I read this, I seem to have missed like, half a page. I was obviously rushing to finish it, because I missed the bit where Ronan finds the second ancient Camaro wheel, and decides there must be more to come, and also the part where Ronan calls Orphan Girl "Opal" at the end of the book. At least she's got a name. I wonder who picked it.
The whole time travelling Camaro thing had better be dealt with in the next books, but it would have been so much better if the whole plot had been rounded off in this series.
Honestly, I think the entire "demon" plot was completely unnecessary. All it did was round off the whole "Gansey and Blue's true-love-death-kiss" plot, which should have been resolved by Glendower and time travel. Because that side of the plot literally led nowhere.
It really, really winds me up that Glendower was already dead. I very much doubt that the demon would have been woken if Gansey hadn't gone looking for Glendower. So they world would not have needed saving if Gansey had died. So why was he saved?
I think Noah saved Gansey simply because they were friends - but they only became friends because Noah saved him. It's worse than a self fulfilling prophecy, because it has no start point, only a finish.
It just doesn't make sense that Noah would send Gansey looking for Glendower, unless it was simply Noah dicking around? The ultimate post-death prank.
Of course, Gansey's quest had other effects - it, and he, made his friends lives better, perhaps even saved some of them. But it also cost other people their lives. And the actual goal of the quest was never achievable. It's just so unsatisfying and so poorly explained.
Why was Glendower already dead, how did he die, why didn't his magicians save him, why was Gansey sent looking for him?
Once again, I finish this series feeling totally satisfied with the character arcs and totally unsatisfied with the plot resolution. Infuriating.
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theburningocean · 2 years
Ronan: Boomer
Gansey: I'm,, younger than you?
Ronan, patting Gansey's shoulder: You're an old man at heart, Dick
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ourravenboys · 3 years
i like to think the only reason gansey and co didn’t show up in mister impossible to drag ronan back from the brink of being on the fbi’s watch list was bc blue was like hm. digital detox! and threw all their phones in a river while they camped in the woods or something.
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strawbfairyy · 5 years
writing a college au trc fic should adam be studying to be an kindergarten teacher or college professor pls help
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justprettyqueer · 5 years
gangsey as artificial boilt sweet flavours
gansey: mint adam: cherry-cola ronan: coffee (with cream) blue: woodruff noah: banana henry: pineapple
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jostnns · 6 years
the love interest by cale dietrich is. a very good book. i recommend it if you like espionage, “oh shit i’m gay but hey that’s cool” revelations, and badass female characters
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theravenkin · 2 years
Idk if you're doing hc requests atm but do you have any hcs about the gangsey either romantic or platonic or both?
hmmm im just gonna braindump about the gangsey here i guess
blue and ronan are really good friends: i know basically the whole fandom agrees on this but like. i think they develop a relationship sort of similar to what ronan and noah's relationship was, but ronan sort of treats blue like a sister
blue teaches him (and the other boys) about antiracism, feminism, queerness, etc. and they all take really well to it, but ronan the most so
he's already a leftist by principle so like. he's like yeah fuck the status quo
the one who takes to it the least well...adam. dont hate me im not saying he's a bad person by any means, but he's the most independent thinker of them all, imo, and so he's like ok that may be true but i'm going to come to my own conclusions about things and form my own opinions. the only downside of this is that he doesn;t take the perspectives of other people into acount, so he bases his conclusions off of his own experience as a cishet-passing white man
i think he and blue fight somewhat often post-canon because blue tries to get him to think like her and he doesnt like it and purposefully says stuff to piss her off in response
i also think adam has some internalized ableism and homophobia so blue will say things like "but you're queer/disabled/poor, therefore you should think this way or that way" and it'll just alienate adam further
sorry that was kind of depressing. um. anyway
my original point was that i think blue turns ronan into a raging feminist, not necessarily because he has a strong sense of justice but more because he thinks it's fun to fuck the status quo
she has a harder time convincing him to buy into antiracism and like the land back movements and stuff. but she still tries and he doesn't fight it too hard, he's just stuck in his own mindset
speaking of ronan and feminism something that's really funny to me is that before blue, ronan has basically never interacted with a real female
like aurora was real, she was a real person, yeah. but she was also a woman created in the image of a man (which i think was an intentional move by maggie and i think it will come up later but that's a whole other post)
so basically ronan has been surrounded by maleness his whole life so like, of course the first time he set foot in fox way it was like a devil entering a church
post-canon, when they hang out at fox way, ronan gets to really experience that potent femaleness for the first time and he almost short circuits cus he's like huh
the others think it's hilarious
they have to constantly explain simple things about womanhood and femaleness to him and his entire world flips upside down every goddamn time
"why is it weird for you to not shave your armpits, are you supposed to shave them? like what the fuck" "ronan...while appreciate that attitude, i have to wonder: have you ever met a woman that's not me, ever? in your life?" "not really"
"what the fuck is a tampon" "im not sure you wanna know"
they have to explain to him finally that orla has been flirting with him this whole time and he is disgusted, he is revolted, he dedicates his life to his lord and savior jesus christ and this is the thanks he gets
um speaking of which. can you imagine the memes that circulate among that friendgroup
sometimes they interact entirely by quoting memes at each other it's beautiful
blue and ronan bond over meme songs that the other three hate
gansey and adam are trying to do homework and blue and ronan bust in rapping all the lyrics to "jesus is the one (i got depression)"
those two also are huge fans of insane clown posse. adam is terrified, gansey is endeared, henry is just along for the ride
henry! lets talk about henry
i hc henry as pretty unashamedly queer, he already was kind of an outcast at aglionby so why not
i hc that most of vancouver crowd is queer
ronan at first doesn't like henry at all because hes like, intruding the group
but also because henry is very comfortable in his gender and his queerness and that scares ronan
it scares adam too at first but then intrigues him, which scares ronan more
at some point ronan and henry have a really deep late-night talk where they talk about henry's queerness and his journey with that, and then henry tells ronan about his trauma and his relationship with his mom; ronan tells henry a little bit about his family trauma and he doesn't have to say much for henry to understand what he's trying to say and what he's feeling
henry tries to get him to talk about him and adam and is sort of successful--ronan blushes hard until henry lets up and quits teasing him
they have a much better relationship after that <3
one time henry and blue bond over being bi and the other three are like blue what the fuck you like girls
she gestures to her entire self and she's like yall hadn't figured that out already?
that's what makes ronan start feeling a little more comfortable--he's kinda like well if blue can do it i can do it, idk i just feel like he looks up to her in a lot of ways (would never admit it to anyone else or himself though)
while blue and adam do fight a lot, they're also very close friends
they make a lot of tiktoks together! i hc that adam really likes learning tiktok dances he's just too shy and proud to do it, but blue convinces him to when the others aren't around and those two are very good
like. the bi panic those two would cause, are you kidding me?
adam gets confident enough that he'll jokingly dance when they're all just hanging out and playing music
ronan is like "this is so dumb he's so cringy i hate him"
but adam is also very cute and attractive when he doesn't look miserable and he's loose-limbed and smiling sheepishly so. ronan is very conflicted
adam and blue dance and sing unplanned karaoke together. they have very similar music taste
adam constantly tries to make ronan playlists and play him songs that remind him of ronan...but ronan is like bro your music taste sucks
(it's actually immaculate, ronan is just silly)
that's all i have for now, thank you for the ask!!!
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Been meaning to do this for a while so here we go. An incomplete list of my fics on AO3:
1. You stole a piece of my heart and took it with you.
Fandom: All For The Game-Nora Sakavic, Carry On Series-Rainbow Rowell
Word count: 15k+
Neil Josten has been kidnapped and Andrew's life turns upside down, months after Baltimore happened. Somewhere in London, a particular Simon Snow gets hurt out of nowhere, leaving more questions than before. Will Andrew Minyard find Neil? Will Baz and Penny find out what is happening to Simon? What happens when all of them cross paths? Will they survive or will they lose what they fought so hard to gain?
Archive warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, major character death
Completion status: Complete
2. Can I call you tonight?
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater, All For The Game-Nora Sakavic
Word count: 90k+
And then they were roommates.
Adam and Andrew are best friends turned roommates turned co-workers. Andrew is searching for a new roommate since Adam lives at the Harvard campus with Neil Josten. And Andrew's roommate turns out to be a certain blue-eyed boy who Adam knows. Will Adam face Ronan Lynch again? After breaking his heart or will he choose to not face him at all? And will Neil find out that Andrew has a thing for him? Or will Andrew have to make a grand confession of love?
This is a story about friendships, caring and most importantly, finding love in the cracks that time leaves.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
3. My Daddy loves you, Mr. Lynch.
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater
Word count: 55K+
Adam Parrish is a successful lawyer, single dad living in New York with one of his best friends. Ronan Lynch is a kindergarten teacher, part-time farmer living in New York with his pet Raven.
It's been six years since they saw each other, after Ronan broke up with him and now Adam is turning 25 and Gansey and Blue kidnap Ronan for Adam's birthday.
What happens when his particularly attractive, magical ex-boyfriend enters his life again? And Adam is hearing things again. Is it just him or is his magic coming back to him? Will Adam allow himself to have it again, with his and his baby boy's heart on the line or will he let Ronan go? But what if some bonds are never meant to be broken? What if one particular baby is magical too? Maybe love and magic are the answers.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
4. Pinch of salt.
Fandom: All For The Game-Nora Sakavic
Word count: 50k+
At 25, Neil has everything, well kind of. An adorable two year old baby boy, two best friends who live on another continent where's he moving to and a chance at a new life, away from his past.
But what happens when a particular blond baker enters his life, or rather Neil enters his? And when Henry and Neil both find themselves slowly falling for the grumpy baker, namely Andrew Minyard?
Guess sometimes all you need is a little boy, old crushes and salted caramel cupcakes to find what you've been looking for.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
5. Falling Into You.
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater, All For The Game-Nora Sakavic
Word count: 30k+
Adam Parrish stood on the front porch, fully wet from head to toe. His dusty hair soaked and sticking to his forehead, a few strands of it poking his eyes. Ronan tucked the loose strands away from Adam's eyes and Adam stared at him, before Ronan realized what he was doing and pulled away.
Neil had just come face to face with Andrew Minyard himself, three years after he'd broken up with Neil because they wouldn't make it anyway. Because what they had was nothing, too little to mean something to Andrew and too much to mean to Neil.
A story about learning to love, again.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
6. Darling, don't let my love slip.
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater
Word count: 10k+
Ronan had decided to leave Henrietta after Aglionby had ended to join his mother in Ireland as Aurora had decided to move there a few years back after Niall's death. The Lynch family owned a large property and from what Adam had heard, Aurora now owned a large farming business. Ronan had never been one for colleges and degrees and jobs, so Adam really wasn't surprised when Ronan had told him. And anyways, the farmer lifestyle suited Ronan more, with cows and crops. Adam had seen him tend to his secret garden patch as if the plants were little children. It was not the fact that Ronan was leaving, Adam would never stop him; loving him or him from leaving.
It was just the fact that he was heartbroken.
Because he had been falling for Ronan Lynch, and now his love was slipping away.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
7. When the snow falls.
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater
Word count: 4.5k
"Ronan." What he meant was, Ronan.
"Adam." What he meant was, Adam.
"Kiss me."
"Fuck Parrish, we don't have mistletoe to kiss under", Ronan replied and grinned.
Sometimes all you need is the Christmas spirit and one bad date for you to finally kiss one Ronan Lynch. And no Ronan, you don't need mistletoe above your head for you to kiss somebody.
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Completion status: Complete
8. Can't remember to forget you.
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater
Word count: 57k+
Eight years, it has been eight long years since that one trip to Manali and that break-up that left both Adam Parrish and Ronan Lynch in search of something they didn't know they already had. For Ronan, choosing between breaking his own heart and Adam's dreams, it wasn't much of a choice. For Adam, choosing between his dreams and dreamer, it wasn't much of a choice either.
It has been eight years and now Blue and Gansey are getting married at Ronan's farms in Ireland and the gang is getting together for one intimate wedding of their best friends and Adam is here, to everybody's surprise. feelings and wounds resurface as Adam and Ronan revolve in each other's orbits again.
Do you chase your dreams or do you chase love? What happens when both of them clash and collide? Sometimes, for your heart, you let them.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
9. What are these fates that we share?
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater
Word count: 35k+
Fifteen years later, the Parrish-Lynch and Minyard-Josten household is thriving and happy as Adam-Ronan and Noah & Neil-Andrew and Henry live through everyday life. Little do they know, it's a small world and about to get smaller as their lives run into each other. Don't worry, it's all good.
In all honesty, Noah Parrish-Lynch and Henry Minyard-Josten shouldn't be friends, Noah is loud, bright and a big nerd while Henry is quiet, not as bright and not as much as a nerd (ew). Noah is scared of losing people so he pulls them closer, Henry is scared of losing people so he pushes them away. Their friendship has a rocky start and Henry hates Noah, right? So then why does pushing Noah away feel different? Noah thinks Henry doesn't care about him, but is that really the case? What happens when feelings get involved?
We'll just find out. (So will everybody).
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
10. All this time you were mine.
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater
Word count: 33k+
What happens when a very frustrated and not to mention, recently broken up Ronan Lynch steals his car and drives off in an unfamiliar city and ends up at Hollywood Boulevard? He meets Adam Parrish, of course. Ronan Lynch is not somebody who engages in a night of casual sex but there is something different about Adam Parrish that he cannot resist. Little does he know that there is more to Adam Parrish than what meets the eye.
Adam Parrish is what he describes himself as- A runway hooker with big dreams of learning everything about art. What happens when a runaway hooker meets wealthy but an asshole Ronan Lynch? He gets into his car, of course. Little does he know that his life is about to get just a bit interesting. A lot interesting actually.
A night of casual something turns into a week of a whirlwind of emotions, a lot of fashion and art, of course. What happens when they go their separate ways after their week, their deal, Ronan's business trip ends? Sometimes we don't know what we want is already ours.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
11. Why does it have to end with you?
Fandom: Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater
Word count: 26k+
Everything is a story. So is this. This is a story about magic, ancient energies and folklore and about the people who are tangled with the same. This is a story about ley lines and the people tied to them. About cyclus corvorum. The cycle of the ravens. When the magic slumbers to rejuvenate and replenish itself so it can run anew.
It had been twelve years. Since Ronan and Adam parted ways, not circling around each other's orbit anymore. Ronan is content with his life at the Barns with an honorary roommate named Henry Cheng. He isn't necessarily the happiest, but life has been good. From what he knows, Adam Parrish is an architect living his charmed life in Ireland. Ronan seemingly doesn't care, or so he thinks.
But what happens when he finds out about the phenomenon of the Cycle of the Ravens? What happens when he finds out that Adam has strayed too far away? What happens when Adam goes a little too far away from what was once home? Ronan races against time to save what was once his before it gets taken away for good.
Sometimes you know the answers, but you don't ask the right questions. This is a story about asking the right questions.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Complete
12. Boy Memorized.
Fandom: All For The Game-Nora Sakavic
Word count: 38k+ (currently)
Eight years after the world found out about Nathaniel Wesninski, he disappeared from it, leaving no traces behind. Some said he couldn't be found, some said he died. But what remained in the ashes was Neil Josten. Or as the world knew him, Nicholas John.
Eight years ago, Andrew Minyard felt the pang of loneliness for the first time in his left when the only boy that made him feel left him. He moved on, or at least tried to. If only he could know how to forget him. So he moved on, and Alan James Martin was born.
Nicholas John is an artist, known for his colorful illustrations and artistic sketches. Alan James Martin is a famed crime thriller author. He is also a father to his seven year old. When a meeting is scheduled for professional work, neither know that they're about to uncover the ghosts of their past. When Neil discovers what Andrew's life has become, he can't help but think about the life he's missed out on. When Andrew discovers that Neil is back, alive and well, he realises that some feelings were not quite gone. Griffin just wants Andrew to be happy.
Some things rarely fall into place easily, especially when it's the cracked pieces of your heart.
Archive warnings: -
Completion status: Incomplete
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spritelysprites · 3 years
a series of things surrounding my listening to trc audiobooks with my mum: 
her favourite raven boy is noah
she thinks the pig is obnoxious as hell (and she’s not wrong)
she agrees that blue reminds her of me in the stubbornness and determination to be weird as hell
she loved chainsaw so much, it was so funny
she hated monmouth manufacturing so much from the start. it only got funnier with the kitchen/bathroom description
she liked gansey right away, while I had the gut reaction that comes with a character fitting the description of “rich kid without much regard for anyone else’s feelings who can call up a helicopter on a whim and wears goddamn polo shirts”
oh yeah she thought noah’s “I’ve been dead seven years” comment was hilarious and when they found the body she sat bolt upright and was like “WAIT”
adam is her least favourite raven boy?? I don’t understand how but okay
she relates a lot to maura which makes sense given that while I was reading I related a lot to blue’s dynamic with maura
she ADORES calla, as she should
her favourite book was the dream thieves while mine is either that or blue lily lily blue
she literally spends every scene noah is in smiling
she doesn’t like declan but adores matthew (no surprise there)
when it was revealed matthew was one of ronan’s dreams she said “NO” really loudly, which is saying something given that most fictional plot twists she doesn’t care about
she has no patience for gwenllian (but that could be the audiobook narrator)
will patton’s voice is amazing just so you all know, he’s so fantastic and it creates such a cool and interesting atmosphere for the story
she is very invested in the lynch brother’s dynamics
she thought the toga party in trk was hilarious. every so often when I leave for school she asks if I have a toga party to go to. I am forced to say no. she calls me a loser.
as blue and gansey walk into the toga party there's a scene where someone sees blue and is like "holy fuck we got girls???" my mum thought that was the funniest thing ever
she didn’t pick up on ronan’s crush on adam (or adam’s crush on ronan) until the “the ocean burned” scene, when she turned to me and was like “oh my god are they going to kiss??” and I had to say “you’ll see I guess”
like. “adam parrish was ronan’s second secret” went straight over her head. I repeated it for her and was like “hmmmmm wonder what this could mean” and she was like “I honestly have no idea”
it was so funny. something would happen between them and she’d be like “wait, do they like each other? no, they’re friends. wait...”
I think she started suspecting around the hand lotion scene but immediately forgot until trk
to be entirely fair to her she’s in her fifties and took me coming out super well, heteronormativity has just made sure she didn’t have any expectations for them and I’m making it my mission to open the eyes of the Older Generations (tm)
yes I think I’m funny. yes I had her watch carmilla a couple years ago during my webseries phase
she legitimately thought they were going to kill opal to get gansey back
she also immediately understood that noah was permanently gone but neither of us fully get why noah would have mentioned glendower at all
she loves henry cheng. so much.
she keeps thinking the solution to their problems is to kill the orphan girl. I guess the night horrors set a precedent for that but also no. I love her. absolutely not. the gangsey kills opal over my dead body.
she ultimately decided that she liked the series and noah was definitely her favourite raven boy, although she absolutely loved maura and calla as well.
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