#i guess thonk emoji
synf3ll-moved · 10 months
excessive selfship name rambling. sorry if this makes no sense i'm sick as fuck.
context: my F/O more or less drops his surname partway through the source canon (one may infer that this is because his family was shit). as i also intend to drop my legal name(s), i figured it'd be neat if we made up a surname for us. (i have an unusual idea of what is "romantic" LMAO)
SOOooOOoo i've been brainstorming surname ideas for a few months now. and:
i have not decided which one it is
i've not decided if i want to reveal what it is or not
i've not decided that, if i were to reveal it, if i should reveal it now or later
I'VE NOT DECIDED if i should reveal it in-story or just in a tumblr post, or only include it on the toyhouse profiles, or smn
i have not decided if i want it to be my IRL surname or not. (as i mentioned, i'm also changing my IRL names, and i have this idle fantasy of changing my surname to my F/O's... if i were to change it (/retcon his canon surname) in the selfship canon, that's the one i would use, too.)
it's such a pretty name, though... (even though i haven't decided which one it will be...) they all sound really cool TBH. they all have a similar theme (and half of them share similar letters and definitions).
the only reason i haven't decided is because i'm obsessing over initials. with the names i've chosen, they make initials that can reference things i don't want to be associated with.
another thing: i'd also like to have an actual ship name besides S/D. S/D is just our initials and isn't necessarially bad/undesirable/etc but everyone else has cool ship names (based on a word or name combination) and i want one, too 👿👿
word-based ship names are my favorite and are relatively common. they can be used like a title or nickname (like ineffable husbands for aziraphale/crowley good omens), or in [word]shipping format (eg paletteshipping for red/blue pokémon). name combination ship names -- eg spirk (spock/kirk star trek) are also very common. initial-based ship names seem to be less common now than they used to be, eg older spirk fiction probably uses K/S as the ship name. i guess.. i just mean to say that initials are kind of dated and not very unique, creative, or fun. we like to have FUN around here.
the problem is, i've pretty much discarded the idea of name combos because that's difficult to do when one of us has a three letter name. so, that means i have to decide on a word. this is also a problem when the english language has literally one million words (and i know a lot of them). i also don't want a word that something else (canon or selfship) is already using.
what to do... [insert mspaint thonk emoji]
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trashiny-draws · 5 years
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violetkatgrove · 6 years
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already off to a grand start
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crimson-eyes · 7 years
hmmmmm im tempted to just,,,,,,,, leave this other smallish job but also hmmm it’s kinda fun hmmmmm
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onehellofacrew · 7 years
((This is your admiral speaking: I say it in real life all the time, but...sometimes I legit wonder if I have ADHD. I’d be zoning out, someone calling my name, and I’d go “What?” repeatedly. I have some really bad maladaptive daydreaming issues, too, because NOTHING HOLDS MY ATTENTION. Or like, I can’t focus on anything without a YouTube vid on as background noise. I used to fidget a LOT by way of clicking my pen, or like, put a pencil into the hole of a ruler and SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPI-))
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deancaskiss · 3 years
i saw your post about getting anon asks, and it's the anon who originally asked about which episode you'd rewrite, which turned into the Regarding Dean fic. i guess i should use an emoji to identify myself or something lol
just wanted to say hi since i haven't done an anon ask in a while, and to say i adored the fic. i had to keep forcing myself to slow down while i was reading bc i was getting too excited. it's one of those fics i'll remember forever.
i'm really loving the holiday advent event and reading your drabbles for that.
please never stop writing <3
omg omg omg hi! I was just thonking about you the other day and i was wondering if you liked the fic (wondering… hoping… desperately praying that you did). But also, yeah, i just miss talking to yall. I think everyone is just busy with school and the holidays, but I miss getting asks from yall. I usually get quite a few a day, but it’s been quiet and I’m not getting any lately so i was just missing talking to yall. oooooh yes, an emoji would be very cute! But also just knowing you’re the nonnie who asked about episode fics, i just know you’re my regarding dean nonnie <3
heheh oh this made me so happy omg hi <3 I’m so glad to see you again and to be receiving a sweet little anon ask from you! Thank you so so much for saying you adored the regarding dean fic, oh gosh, I’m literally going o start crying because you have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that! I really hoped you’d like it, and knowing this fic was inspired by you, i was just so nervous but gosh I’m so glad you liked it! Omg omg omg wait that’s so cute you had to make yourself slow down when you read it because you were so excited! Literally that’s the best kinda feeling knowing someone enjoyed it so much they had to try and slow down because they were consuming the fic too fast heheh! Okay, now I’m definitely 100% crying! You’re gonna remember this fic forever?! *sobs happy tears* that’s like a writers dream come true; to write something that leaves such a strong impact on someone that they remember it. Wow. Just wow. Speechless. utterly lost for words. I love you <3
yesssss omg I’m so happy that you’re enjoying all the beautiful and amazing things that are being created by everyone for the advent calendar event, that makes me so happy and it’s so heartwarming to see that there is people who are participating and having fun with the prompts! also, oh my god, okay wait, someone is actually reading those little fics/drabbles and is liking them? Oh oh OH! Literally didn’t know if anyone was liking the holiday advent fics i’ve been writing, so hearing this just put the biggest smile on my face oh my gOD okay I’m hugging you so tight right now omg!
thank you omg you’re so sweet! <3 i promise to keep writing and sharing with you all <3
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shadowfae · 3 years
murder being normalized while sex is demonized is a pretty american thing though it seems like, but no wonder I guess in a country where you can buy pink rifles for your child but showing a nipple to feed your child is offensive. honeslty, everytime I talk to people about that where I am from we can just think about how odd that is
Real big thonk emoji here. :p
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sukikorra · 4 years
tagged by @goslingryans thank u love!!!! 💕
do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black
would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? right now, city, but i’d like to eventually live somewhere a little more remote
if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? surfing!
do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? yep!
what was your favorite book as a child? any book abt greek/roman history or dinosaurs
do you prefer baths or showers? showers
if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? an elf or a mermaid
paper or electronic books? paper
what is your favorite item of clothing? mom jeans
do you like your name? would you like to change it? yeah! i don’t think i would change it
who is a mentor to you? i guess my dad? idk i can’t really think of anyone
would you like to be famous? if so, what for? not really? but if i were to get famous i’d want it to be bc i discovered something super cool during a dig
are you a restless sleeper? sometimes
do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? i guess so yeah
which element best represents you? air
who do you want to be closer to? my friends that don’t go to my school
do you miss someone at the moment? yes omg so so much
tell us about an early childhood memory? in my gifted class in elementary school we used to play an online game called quest atlantis together (apparently it had a learning purpose but i don’t remember what it was) and it was so fun hahah
what is the strangest thing you have eaten? tbh i can’t think of anything that weird hahah
what are you most thankful for? my dog and my bf
do you like spicy food? yeah!
have you ever met someone famous? i was in the same room as shawn mendes one time but i didn’t get to actually meet him so i don’t think it counts
do you keep a diary or journal? nope, i tried but it lasted like a week lol
do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
what is your star sign? aquarius sun, capricorn moon, and sagittarius rising
do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? it depends on the cereal but i’d say somewhere in the middle
what would you want your legacy to be? that i was kind and maybe that i made a positive contribution somewhere in the archaeological field bc it would be cool to be remembered for making a new discovery or somethin :))
do you like reading? what was the last book you read? yes! the last book i read was the cruel prince by holly black
how do you show someone you love them? by sending them things that remind me of them (songs, tiktoks, etc), being there for them whenever they need to vent, complimenting them, etc
do you like ice in your drinks? yeah!
what are you afraid of? insects!!!!
what is your favorite scent? champagne, coconut, rose
do you address older people by their name or surname? it depends? like i call my professors by the surnames but i call my managers by their first names
if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? my style would probably be better and i’d live in a cute studio apartment in my collegetown and i’d also probably go to a bunch of field schools!
do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? the ocean! it’s much more exhilarating
what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? i guess i would keep it? idk
have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? i don’t think i have :/
what is one thing you would want to teach your children? morals, empathy, and communication
if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? ooo okay i really want a tattoo of ahsoka’s face markings on my arm somewhere. like so bad i think about it all the time
what can you hear now? friends bc i’m watching it w my brother lol
where do you feel the safest? in my boyfriend’s truck :)
what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? all of my mental health issues lol
if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? classical era i think
what is your most used emoji? 🥺
describe yourself using one word. indecisive
what do you regret the most? associating myself w a certain boy lol
last movie you saw? the old guard
last tv show you watched? friends
invent a word and its meaning: thonk! my bf and i always say “i just had a thonking moment” which basically means “i just realized something” lol idk if we invented that but i think it’s funny
i’m tagging - @fiirelords @sunstalgia @hermayone @norths @obiwankenobiness @ariistotles !!!
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geneclarksboobs · 4 years
The Beach Boys go to the Museum
A crackfic. Read if you want to immediately lose all your brain cells.
    Once upon a time, Brian Wilson was daydreaming about girls going to the museum which was very educational. More educational than daydreaming about girls which is good for you which is why he was daydreaming about going to the museum instead of girls. 
    “Yoo hoo brothers!” he said. 
    “What is it, big brother?” shouted Dennis and Carl Wilson from another part of the Beach Boys ResidenceTM
    “I have decided to go to the museum which is a very educational activity for us to do which will be beneficial for us,” said Brian. “I will call our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine.”
    “Oh ok, big brother,” the two younger Wilsons said. “As soon as we get out of the shower and clothe ourselves (which will probably align with the arrival of our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine), we shall take off in the Beach Boy MobileTM to go to the museum as you wish.”
    “Incredible,” said Carl Wilson. “We have finished showering and being clothed just as our cousin, Michael Edward Love, and our friend, Alan Charles Jardine, have arrived.”
    “Now we can go to the  Beach Boy MobileTM to go to the museum Brian Wilson, my big brother, wishes.”     “I hate this story,” said Michael Edward Love, a man with no taste.
“Do not attempt to break the fourth wall,” said Brian Douglas Wilson, extremely annoyed at Mike Love’s lack of taste.
“Harrumph >:( !” harrumped Michael Edward Love.
Suddenly, Bruce Arthur Johnston appeared out of Norway. “May I come too?”
“Permission accepted,” said Al Jardine
    The beach boys arrived at the Museum of Interesting Plot which interested them very much. They headed into the museum, where they bumped into GASP! The Beatles - an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960 with a line-up comprising John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, who are regarded as the most influential band of all time. 
    “THE BEACH BOYS!” the bug boys ejected.
    “THE BEATLES!” the sand children exclaimed.
    “What a coincidence that we have bumped into you guys in the exact same museum,” said John Lennon. “I bet you were trying to sneak behind us and steal our songwriting ideas >:O”
    “Absolutely not >:O” said Brian Wilson, putting his hands on his hip in a gesture of frustration. “I bet YOU were trying to sneak behind us and steal OUR songwriting ideas”
    “We were not >:O” said Sir James Paul McCartney.
    They started fighting and in the moment of anger, they broke!! The statue of David (not Crosby unfortunately for the statue of David Crosby has cursed the museum for over a century now)!!!!!!!
    “HEY” said The Manager of The Museum (which was an unfortunate name given to him by his parents sad emoji)
    “Oh no” said Brian Wilson.
“Oh no” said Carl Wilson.
“Oh no” said Dennis Wilson.
“Oh no” said Mike Love.
“Oh no” said Al Jardine.
“Oh no” said Bruce Johnston.
“Oh no” said George Harrison.
“Oh no” said Paul McCartney.
“Oh no” said Ringo Starr
“Yoko Ono?” said John Lennon. “My wife in the future, depending on the era.”
“Ouchies!” said Micky Dolenz.
“OMG” said The Manager of The Museum (who happened to also be a clone of  Ringo Starr) He was angry. Very angry. So angry, that he was angry. “You guys better pay for this.”
“But we can’t,” said the Beatles (for Brian Epstein did not give them their allowance that day)
“We can’t either,” said the Beach Boys (for they had already spent enough on getting a nintendo switch to play animal crossing: new horizons.
This is left the poor, poor Monkees. “Bruh we poor af.”
“Then you have to work to pay for it smh,” said The Manager of The Museum.
“OH NO!” said all of them at once.
“You must go around the museum to find three fragments of the broken statue that you have broken, which somehow have been transported into the museum which you must complete challenges to get!”
“Like Dora the Explorer?” asked George Harrison, the youngest member of the Beatles. 
    “Yea,” saidThe Manager of The Museum. “Ok bye im gonna play animal crossing: new horizons now :))))))”
    “Ok. We must split up into three groups.”
    “Wow, how convenient is that we have coincidentally walked into the hall of things that have to do with water,” said Denny Wilson. “It is as this was planned.”
    And then…………………….”oh my god a wave,” said M*ke Love.
    “QUICKLY INTO THE BEACH GEAR” shouted Brian Wilson as they proceeded to use the sims animation to change into their beach gear. “NOW WE MUST.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,”
“We thro Dennise into da water bc he is da only 1 who can surf XD” said Mke Luv as he tossed Deniise into da water liKE A BOSS AND HI-FIVES ALL ROUND WAPOOSH WAPOOSH TAHK YOU GUYS FOR WATCHING AND I’LL SEE U IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! *outro plays*
“Ahem,” said Ctrl. “We did not bring a surfboard,,,,,,,,so how is he supposed to surf??? Thonk emoji. Lmfao roasted XD”
“We use (drumroll pls) AL SARDINE as Da Surfboard Lmao!!!” said Miiiiiike lov e as they all jumped on Al Jardine.
“I did not feel a thing, lol” said ALAN JARDINE because he was a super strong boy (stock image of a blond guy flexing his muscles).
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
Surfing montage.
“Bruh we reusing animation bro,” said Denal Wilson.
“Oh look an island,” said Brain. Dey all hopped off and landed on the island. On the island was Kurt Cobain.
“Wow Mr Kurt Cobain,” said Broose Honda. “I did not know you lived on dis island.”
“I don’t rofl,” said Coq Au Vin as he handed them a statue fragment.
“Oh wow thx Coco Van,” as they flew away.
    “Lmao is that Stephen Arthur Stills, an American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist best known for his work with Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young,” joked Micky Dolenz, pointing to a mirror in front of Peter Tork.
    “Lol yeah,” said Stephen.
    Micky screamed.
    “Here you go broski,” said Stephen Stills, handing them a fragment.
    “But what did we do?” asked Mike Nesmith.
    “Allowing the author to make the awful, often repeated annoying joke about me and Peter Halsten Thorkelson looking like identical twins.”
    “Ok thanks brewski,” said the Monkees as they headed off. “Come on Peter, don’t just stand there.”
    “But I’m Stephen.”
    “Wait,” said Davy. “But Peter was standing there just now.”
    “No, I was standing there.”
    The Monkees looked at each other and had a collective sigh. It was not gonna be as easy as they thought.
    And to make this complication more complicated, the author decided to make David Crosby, Graham Nash and Neil Young walk into the scene.
    “Bro Stephen wtf,” said Neil. “I knew you were small but I didn’t think you could crawl into the vents like that.”
    “But I’m Peter??????????”
    “Oh no not again,” said Graham Nash, already getting another headache.
    “Wait, wait wait, just a moment,” said Davy Jones. “Go back a bit. What do you mean by crawling through the vents.”
    “Please do not question the plot,” threatened David Crosby. 
    “YUH DAVY” said Micky. “Come on now, Peter,” - he grabbed Peter’s hand -” we gotta advance the plot.”
    “But I’m Stephen.”     Micky looked at him with such an expression that expressed a deep amount of hatred for the author. “It doesn’t matter. You guys are the same person anyway.”
The other lads shrugged and took poor Peter Halsten Dorkelson who was too confuzzled and befuddled and bamboozled to be crying.
    “This is so boring,, (-_-)” said Jawn Jennon. “I think George Harrison fell asleep.”     “L M A O i did rofl lol,” said Heorge Garrison.
    “I am surprised because there is so much paperwork lying about that all look so boring!!” said Paul McEyelash.
    “Someone should clean this up smh,” said Ringone Starone.
    “YAAWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!” they all sed at 1nce. That yawn pushed a stack of paper off a table, which caused a chain reaction, leading to a bucket falling down, a train being activated, a cow mooing and the members of Queen being awoken from their frozen-in-som-kind-a-tube state.
    “BRO WTF WHOMST WOKE US UP (((p(>o<)q)))” said Roger Taylor, stretching. “I was still having my beauty sleep.”
    “(O.O) omg (O.O)(O.O) oh mah gawd (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)” said Freddie Mercury. “Are those (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O) the legendary (O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O)(O.O) bug boys????????”
    “Ja” said gH.
    “ヽ(★ω★)ノ” said Brian May
    “(¬_¬") smh you woke up my cheese toast,” said John Deacon.
    “I guess, we should thank u for waking us up,” said Freddeh.
    “We wuz nevah gonna wake up,” said Briaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Mei.
    “Take dis,” Rogah Taylah gave them a statue fragment that had landed in his hair.
    “Wow thanks that was EZ lmao,” said the bug boys as they went away.
    “(●^o^●)” said The Manager of the Museum as he stuck the broken statue fragments of the broken statue of the Museum of Interesting Plot Idea (well I think that what it was called Lmao I didn’t check don’t correct me doe lel)
    “It was’t very challenging at all doe…” said Sand Children. “And for a story with out name in the title, we did not seem to get much attention at all.”
    “Shut up you’ll get your moment later,” said the others pointing down to the rest of the story. “See look at that.”     “None of this is very good,” said Mike Hate, a man with no taste.
    They all went into their respective vehicles and drove away.
    “WAIT!!!!!!” said Dave Jone of the Monkees, pausing the time. “We did not resolve the plot point of us actually kidnapping Steven Stills?????”
    “Help me,” said Stepe.
    “STFU IT’S OUR STORY (◣_◢)” said the beach of the boys, so infuriated with them that smoke came out of their ears like a boiling kettle and their eyes started glowing red which indicated anger.
    “Oh ok sorry lel, he’s British Lol,” said Mike Nesmith.
    “STFU Myke Gessmith.”
    “;~;” said Mike Nukesmith.
    “Y do u guys always have to take the spotlight?!” asked the Beaky Bubs.
    “Bc we’re the author’s favourites, unfortunately,” said Micky, shivering at the memories of what had happened to them before in previous crack fics.
    “Sux for u lmao.”
    Uh how to end dis. Boom. Story done lel.
.Al Barmine
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syntriah · 5 years
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1: sexuality headcanon B,BI? a,ace? .. is biromantic ace a thing? somehtin like that asgdhasd im always so lost in this question cries
2: otp dont really ship him with anyone asdhj EDIT: HAPPINESS. I SHIP HIM WITH HAPPNIESS IMA  FOOL
4: notp no campers is a given gun emoji,, so er… quatermaster? 
5: first headcanon that pops into my headASDFGASDASD U WERE TELLIN ME THE OTHER DAY ABOUT THAT IMMORTAL THEORY AND I KEEP THINKIN ABOUT IT SAHDJKSD LIKE IT MAKES SENSE!!!! HE KEEPS GETTIN HURT BUT A BUNCH OF CRAP BUT THEN HES FINE! i guess its like… physical injuries? he does seem to be affected by colds and that kinda stuff? thonk emoji… bROKEN BONES? NO PROBLEM, HIT BY A CAR? PIECE OF CAKE! a cold? dedth
6: favorite line from this characterOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK THIS IS HARD, he has such good lines….. I REALLY LIKE THE "look guys! when there are people who are difficult to– it’s just that sometimes the nicest thing to do is… i uh- sOMETIMES! JUS T  SOMETIME S  O K!!  S O ME T IM  ES”  but recently the line “and remember campers! be safe and take no prisoners! :D” REALLY GOT ME ASDGHAJSKD
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8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this characterI GUESS THAT ONE TIME HE GOT KINDA ANGERY AT MAX IN SEASON 2 FINALE AND GHHGHGHGH I WAS JUST LIKE!! NO DAVEY!! STOP!! CRY EMOJI, of course he realized wot was habbenin and makes it all alright cries
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halorocks1214 · 4 years
hmmmmmm let's see ✂️ 🎤 🔥 💭 🎥 👟 🐶
Welcome back fren, I always love to have you in my inbox <3
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
I do have my ears pierced, yes, but it has been so goddamn long since I’ve worn any earrings (and I’ve been on and off about making sure they stay pierced) that I probs won't be surprised if I ever do wear earrings again they’ll be closed 
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
I have a general rule of thumb that for me to “like” a band I need to have three or more songs of theirs on my playlists, sooooooo going with that:
Marianas Trench
Panic! at the Disco
Fall Out Boy
IDK Imagine Dragons I guess
I appear to be basic, yes, but you can pry these guys from my cold, dead hands (also despite mainly being Cover Artists (tho PTX could be one, not really sure about the nomenclature on that lol), Home Free and Voice Play are such Gods of Acapella as well please give them a look)
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
BOY DO I LOVE SPICY FOODS. And that’s not sarcasm at all I love me some spice. But I am also Northern so my little baby tongue cannot handle too much riiiip. I always tell myself Imma get a little hotter every time but then I find myself only going one step above (the same one btw) over and over again and crying every time regardless
Anyways as for the spicy thing I like I love wings. BWW is a good restaurant when they’re not having a bad night (the wings only have BBQ on them but shhhh don’t tell anyone that)
💭 - Favorite foods?
But yeah outside of that I do love me some generic junk food. Also, Beef Jerky when soft and salty? Mmmmm that’s good. I also love (Mega Stufed, YES IT ONLY HAS ONE F I’M NOT YANKING YOUR CHAIN) Oreos and anything overly sweet. I eat frosting straight from the can yo, I can’t be stopped. Cheese Curds are my kryptonite, esp the greasy fried ones from like the County Fair
I’m not the healthiest person lmao
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
Oh man, gotta get my brain thonking for this one
Kubo and the Two Strings (ANYTHING LAIKA TBQH DOH)
The Greatest Showman
Is saying Disney in general cheating. I’d say it’s not
UNO THE MOVIE This question is just reminding me how much I don’t watch that many movies anymore, and no not because of Quarantine. My God, my attention span just gets worse and worse doesn’t it
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
Outside of Fluffy Slippers, tennis shoes that don’t squeeze my feet to death and are actually somewhat soft are always nice. I’m still wearing one pair rn even though I probably should have taken them off when I got home lol
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
I specifically don’t, but as of this post’s posting, my family and I have a cat (that I’m still not sure what breed she is, RIP) and a Great Dane, who’s the biggest dumbass to ever exist but we love him anyway
Send me emojis peeps
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kg2hub · 5 years
everythingisspooky replied to your post: ((each day i grow more tempted to either make this...
why is this a mood
((i’m just relatable™ i guess hgfddsfgfds (งツ)ว))
princce7 replied to your post “((each day i grow more tempted to either make this blog an ask/rp blog...”
as someone who made two ask blogs and has not kept up with theo ne that has questions: i wish ye luck
vioit-aj replied to your post “((each day i grow more tempted to either make this blog an ask/rp blog...”
Lou, if you do end up making this an ask blog, you don't have to draw a response everytime. You could also reuse pictures to make stuff easier. ...But if you do end up making ask blogs know that due to your popularity they'll probably always be overflowing-
((SDFHGFDSGSDFGHFDSFGFSDFGHGDFH i’m not even that popular lmao;;;; but also that is a Good Idea thonk emojis harder))
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sirenballad · 5 years
sweetpeawriter replied to your post: sweetpeawriter replied to your post: ...
I mean I had the word gay used towards EVERYONE when I was a kid. Queer wasn’t a thing UNTIL tumblr for me so…I guess I gotta rag on people who use the term gay for themselves by tumblr rules  🤣
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eldritch-elrics · 5 years
MEMES 2018
happy 2019 everyone! let’s take a look back at the memes of 2018.
i decided at the start of the year to keep a running list of memes i saw. here it is!
they’re in roughly chronological order but not always
some of these might not count as memes
some are probably from years other than 2018, but i noticed them in 2018
mostly tumblr memes but also some from youtube, etc
bolded are the ones that i found most important or prominent, at least in my sphere of the internet
anyway, on to the list
tide pods / forbidden snacks
mcdonalds alignment chart
connect four
do you know the way? / ugandan knuckles
fbi agent
knuckles dying
left exit off ramp
somebody toucha ma spaghet
shirtless kylo ren
it’s 2028
pop team epic characters
the return of cat no banana
boo boo the fool
google arts and culture
absolute unit
thinking face emoji, thonking
person at stall with coffee: change my mind
mii channel theme
steamed hams
that’s just how it is on this bitch of an earth
green m&m message
upside down mcdonalds sign
gru’s plan
a song but every other beat
roblox death oof
but go off i guess
gay/bi/lesbian distinguished/functional/disaster alignment charts
russians blocked from tumblr
krusty krab vs chum bucket
you guys are just mean
we need a disney princess who x
american chopper argument
braver than a us marine
spongebob nopants
gay keyboard smashing
“mine” by bazzi
hand sanitizer vs 0.01% of germs
the ok sign (gottem)
“click to see a ghost” (it’s not a ghost)
god tier vriska
if you don’t love me at my x
zuckerberg trial
regular couple / yaoi couple / yuri couple
wallmart yodeler
press f to pay respects
todd howard’s wikipedia page
infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history
x dies in infinity war
john mulaney
you know what that is? growth
guy shooting other guy on couch (who killed hannibal)
floating boy chasing running boy
the baking a cake song from lazytown
t pose to assert dominance
is this a pigeon?
lesbians who like thor
bart hits homer with a chair
childish gambino - this is america
trumpet boy
person alarmed by powerpoint
i don’t feel so good…
miiverse (who thought it was even remotely okay to put this here)
scene from the good place where janet has a cactus
it’s free real estate
we live in a society
t hanos
chinken nunget
the dancing trickster god guy with the wacky glasses
lightning shapes
standing in lettuce
todd howard in general
ihob - the b stands for burgers
crow talks over smaller bird
we’ve updated our privacy policy
this is so sad alexa play despacito
big dick energy
human and robot from i robot talking
list of best x characters
fingers in his ass
*snap* yep. this one’s going in my cringe compilation
polite cat
slaps roof of car
let’s go lesbians!!
young thug on the computer
fucking superb you funky little x
characters react to you having a tapeworm
teleportation arg
howard the alien
small your dick
alternate responses to “i love you”
more alignment charts, most notably bitch/thot/bastard edgy/depressed/dumbass
elon musk
different communities shaking hands or fist bumping over a shared thing
favorite character bingo
energy sword sunday
thank the bus driver
the comeback of minecraft
asbestos becoming legal
pensive emoji
drake, where’s the door hole?
my two brain cells communicating
twink boutta pounce
kung pow penis
johnny johnny
can you cast obsidian
do yall hear sumn?..
x happened at claire’s
responses to “i’d die for you”
manga/anime/netflix adaptation
moths and lamps
bongo cat
x do y challenge
zendaya is meechee
adding lucky luciano to photos
presidential alert
the scp foundation
skyrim dialogue: hey, you’re finally awake
setting other songs to the party rock anthem video
weird flex but ok
youtube outage
can i copy your homework?
attention all fortnite gamers, john wick needs your help
tik tok (i wanna be tracer, hit or miss, why do good girls like bad guys)
let’s get this bread
super smash bros world of light trailer
what sort of pics usually get sent at 3 am? ;)
one taught me love, one taught me patience, one taught me pain
"x, can i have y to do z?” “to do z?” “yeeeees"
a human, a monster, a prince from the dark
pikachu :0 face
detective pikachu
have a seat please. i would like to discuss steven universe with you
chonk chart
i’m making fucking mac and cheese
they did surgery on a grape
fantasy art of a creature holding a sword out to another creature
imagine doing x (this post made by y)
no nut november
frankenstein is the creator not the monster
fallout 76
that’s my emotional support x
tumblr nsfw ban, female-presenting nipples
the death of fingers in his ass sunday
domino effect
big chungus
12 notes · View notes
spiceferret · 6 years
poop loops. ghetsis time
do I like them: he is.........ok. i dont like him at all in game but our rp and him being the main reason we actually began roleplaying in the first place makes me attached to him
5 good qualities: BIG THONK EMOJI. i really dont know fdgxfcdg he’s a bit of a bastard all around in game and in anime. his hair is neat i guess
3 bad qualities: uhhhh everything. his hair? wack. his clothes??? wack. The way he doesnt even smile properly??? wack
favourite episode/etc: None he can eat ass
otp: ghetsis/zinzolin
brotp: .... h idk
ot3: idk
notp: ghetsis/colress
best quote: this motherfucker doesnt deserve me wasting time to look up his quotes on gaypedia
head canon: pretty much all the rp headcanons
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dragon--prince · 6 years
@aeki that’s a good theory tbh *insert thonk emoji* I noticed it when I was searching for grey slime, just seems unusual? idk. @nezclaw pointed out they also use meters as the official measurements for dragons, so i guess maybe they have a Brit on the team lol
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