#i had NOTHING going on 4 days ago amd i was so happy
theblehthatbloos · 6 months
What is my life, I've been in the hospital bouncing back and forth between rooms since 10:30 and now my ex is hitting me up for baby names. I just wanna breathe again.
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armeenix · 6 months
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Unwanted Desires
CEO!Erwin smith x New secretary!Fem!Y/n
So I've had this series idea called unwanted Desires about CEO Erwin who owns a research business and y/n who was recently hired as his new secretary and the *unwanted Desires* that start to arise, but since I dont think I really have the motivation to write a whole long story like that I at least wanted to try and make a little short story from it! Maybe In the future I'll be able to start the full story. This short story will probably be a few posts long, maybe.
So yeah enjoy!
The last couple of months have been hectic to say the least. You've gone from a happy woman with an amazing boyfriend and job, to a woman who is hungry for revenge on both her boss and her ex boyfriend....And who is also crashing at an ex co-workers house. A little context is definitely needed.
About 4 months ago you had a simple and amazing life. You had an amazing paying job at Market research corporation, an amazing boyfriend, and a lavish apartment that you lived in with said boyfriend! You're boyfriend's name was Zeke Yeager, who also happened to be the owner of Marley corps! Now I know it seems like a bad idea to date your boss (it was) but he was just so....erm charming?
I mean sure he didn't pay you nearly as much as other companies would/should but hey he payed you in other ways. (those ways weren't too good either if you catch my drift) And sure he could be extremely controlling and toxic at times, but it was only because he cared about you so much! (You can see how delusional you were now) He was just so perfect in your mind and nothing could ever make you think otherwise....
Well I mean nothing could have ever made you think otherwise before.
"Before what?" You may be asking. Well thats a sore subject. Not for me though, just for you lol! Everything was going great until one evening when you and Zeke arrived home from work. You had gotten out of the car and began walking towards the lobby when you realized that he wasn't following behind you.
You curiously walked back to the car amd knocked on his window. "What y/n" he said in an agitated tone. "I uhm, I just wanted to see why you weren't coming inside with me?"
"Not that it's any of your business but, I'm going out."
At this point you could tell that he was losing his patience, and trust me when I say that when Zeke Yeager loses his patience it gets real messy real quick, so Instead of asking anymore questions you took a deep breath before nodding. You look back at him and gave him the best smile you could muster before speaking. "Okay..be careful baby. I'll see you when you get back."
You leaned into the window in hopes of getting a quick kiss goodbye but instead he turned his head away, before pressing play on the cars panel. His music began to loudly play as he quickly pulled out of his parking spot, leaving you standing there in shock.
"What the fuck...?"
* * *
The rest of your night was spent with you watching Netflix while eating some Chinese takeout. You tried your best to get your mind off of how Zeke had acted just a few hours ago but your thoughts just kept coming back to it.
Had you done something wrong? Or maybe it was that something had happened during one of his meetings today? Or maybe you had messed up one of the documents that he had asked you to finish that day? Not knowing was killing you! But the worst part was that zeke wasn't answering his phone. You knew for a fact that he was on his phone because everytime you sent a message he left you on fucking read!
After hours and hours of no response you gave up. If he didn't want to talk to you then he wouldn't have to. At least not until you got a proper apology. You knew that wasn't gonna happen any time soon but a woman can hope can't she? (No. No she could not.)
Your heart fluttered with hope as you picked up your phone only to see-
"I'm not coming home tonight."
Draft: "Fuck you."
You didn't send it. Who would have thought?
End of part 1 😋
I hope you guys enjoyed this lol
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atiny-exol · 4 years
He doesn't care pt. 4
Pt1+Pt2.+Pt2 (alternative ending) +Pt.3
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Pair: Demon! San x now Angel Reader
Warnings: yandere behavior, strong language, it mentions y/n suicide
Don't like it? Then please don't read it.
It was past midnight, not that you would care at all, time doesn't run out in heaven anyways.
3 months, 3 months are past since the last time you saw your ex-lover and predator. 3 months since you decided to end your life for a better one in heaven.
Heaven. Heaven feels like a place you could, and will, stay forever in. Everything is bright, you feel warm and loved from any other angel in this world.
It is different, way more different than the hell you lived in. But of course you would never dare to lay one step in this dangerous and dark place every again. Not after you met him.
Him. Eyes lovely and caring looking at you every time you pass near him. His warm hugs always comforting you when you thought about the horrible nights of rape and degradation again. He is perfect.
No he is more than perfect.
His name? Hongjoong. He is quiet small, soft blond locks and the prettiest brown eyes you ever saw. Nothing and you mean nothing would tear you two apart anymore.
Since the first day you arrived here, he was by your side, looking out for you and guiding you through the new world. Your new living.
After more and more time passed with you, you didn't even thought about San once more.
A deep sight left your mouth and you lightly opened your closed eyes again,looking at the bright white clouds laying around you.
,,I wish I could see how he feels right now." You mumbled, but instantly shook your head at your stupid thought.
Why would you care about him?
3 months. 3 damn months his little angel is gone.
Gone, with nothing left behind, just a few blood stains on his floor and an empty body without a soul.
The last weeks were horrible for the demon. No one could change or brighten up his mood anymore. Even his best friend and right hand couldn't help him to get out of the deep hole of depression and darkness.
Never, he felt like that for someone. Never he felt this rough and hard pain in his chest after one of his victims disappeared.
He knows that he did something wrong. He knows that he fucked up too hard this time and that nothing would make him happy anymore.
,,San?", a loud deep voice echoed through the room and the said man looked up from the spot he fixed the whole time.
,,What do you want Seonghwa. Is it important? When not, leave me alone." the demon said coldy and looked away again, not wanting to face his friend int he current state he is in.
,,I think our visitor has a big surprise for you."
,,What do you mean he is gone Mina? He would have told me when he has a mission down on earth!"
,,Listen Y/N. I know that it shocks you and that you miss him. That you are tired and sad that he didn't even say goodbye, but sometimes it goes like that.", Mina, another brightly smiling and friendly angel, with the ability to read the emotions of people, tried to cheer you up.
The only thing you can do is to nod at her statement and turn around to leave the room and go to your favorite spot again.
Waiting for Hongjoong to come back.
As soon as you arrived the place, you sit down on the white clouds, who felt like the softes pillow you can imagine.
You knew this spot, because of Hongjoong. Of course you knew it from him. He showed you everything, he made your life better again.
He once said that, if he has to leave you alone, if he isn't there and you feel lonely or scared you should visit this place. It will help you to calm down. And yes, he was right about that.
Gently you layed down and your head on another fluffy white cloud, before you slowly closed your eyes.
Not realizing that a dark shadow hovers over your sweet shiny halo.
,,You are sure that we can trust him?", San asked but in reality, not even a no from Seonghwa could change his mind anymore.
,,I'm sure San. Don't worry I know him for.. Quite a long time." Seonghwa said with a devilish smile and layed his hand on sans shoulder. ,,And don't forget that..-"
He slowly bents down to the younger male, while he continued. ,,He is under my control. I can do everything I want. Just with a snap of my fingers."
,,You are worse than the devil himself. Seonghwa."
,,No don't say that." he older said with a small chuckle and went to the guest who arrived earlier, slowly laying both of his hands on his shoulder, leaning down to his ear and chuckling darkly again.
,,I'm just mischievously. Or not Hongjoong?"
After a while of dosing around and softly sleeping, you opened your eyes again, this time clearly seeing the dark shadow staying over you.
Your eyes widen, and you immediately stand up with your heart beating harshly in your chest.
A dark shadow, means that a demon is near this area and the fear that it might be San made you feel uneasy.
The white wings on your back stiften as you heard a small chuckle, but then you turned around you just saw a tall, handsome man. Eyes shining red and teeth as sharp as a knife.
The look was horrifying for you and you rapidly backed away from the creature.
,,Hey hey little angel don't worry, don't worry. I won't hurt you just just have to come with me~" he said darkly, his raspy voice luring your into a trap.
,,G.. Go go away! It's forbidden for you to enter heaven!"
,,You know how much I care about rules?"
Just in the moment he wants to attack you, a smaller male pushed him away and stands infront of you.
,,My angel said stay away. If you won't respect the bondaries and rules you will die here. Don't forget that demon this is not your place." he shouted over to the hell creature and as soon as Hongjoong eyes went in a deep blue color the demon disappeared.
Tears over tears streamed down your face, but you instantly claimed down as you felt how the angel wrapped his arms and wings tightly around you. Your felt yourself more and more tired with each second, but you trusted him.
,,Thank you Hongjoong." you mumbled. ,,I love you"
You trusted him with your heart as you let yourself fall asleep in his arms. In the arms of the person you loved the most.
Not knowing that his once so white wings turned black as he disappeared with you to a place, you never want to see again.
,,Angel. Come on Angel wake up."
You heard a deep soothing voice near your ear and just as you opened you eyes, you identified the voice.
A scream out of horror is heard through the room as he you saw the demon stand infront of the bed you laying in, his hands slipped in his pockets and a smirk laying on his face.
,,Why are you screaming like that angel hm?" he said and walked closer to you. This move let you crawl away from him and shake in fear. Just thinking about him amde you sick and now you are trapped by him again?
,,G.. Go away! I- t.. This this is just a nightmare. Just a nightmare don't worry Y/N." you said quietly just for yourself, but San heard it anyway.
,,A nightmare? Oh come on my sweet little angel do you really want to hurt me like that?"
,,S...stay away! Hongjoong please! " you desperately screamed for him, for the one who would always save you. The one who loved you just as much as you love him.
,,Hongjoong? Oh Angel." the loud laughing of the demon sent chills down your back and you couldn't understand what is funny about that, not before the door opened and Hongjoong entered the room.
His white wings no longer having the bright white color, but a dark black. His eyes doesn't shine anymore, they are dull and black, no longer showing his friendly aura.
,,Here he is angel. Your sweet little lover!"
,,W.. What did.. What did you do to him?" another loud laughing echoed through the room, before you heard the former angel giggling at your question.
To your surprise it wasn't San who answered your question.
,,What he did to me? Nothing Y/N. I was always like that. I hated heaven you know? I hated the rules, the friendly angels I hated all of that and then I met someone who promised to pull me out of this world." he sighed deeply and looked in your eyes, now smiling as he realized how broken and teary your eyes look like.
,,The plan was to lull you into trusting me and then bring you back to where you really belong. To his side. Y/N. I just did you a favor."
,,A.. A favor! Are you kidding me? All the words.. The whole time, the affection all of this was.. A.. A.. Lie-" your voice breaks on the end, tears escaping your eyes and run down your cheeks, blocking your view so you couldn't see the cruel smile on the lips of both males.
,,I thought you love me!". ,,Oh really? I never did."
If your heart didn't break a few seconds ago, you would swear that you heard how it breaks right now. Sobs after sobs came out of you and you didn't even know what to say anymore.
He lied to you, he used you. He lurred you into a trap, a life you wanted to run away from, a man you wanted to run away from.
,,See angel I told you the world is dangerous. Everyone is lying to you."
You felt how the mattress slowly dipped down as San sits down next you. Immediately you tried to back away but the demon already had his arms tightly around your shaking figure.
,,Everyone is lying even an angel. You can't trust anyone. Not even yourself angel." he leaned down to your ear and whispered.
,,But don't worry. When you disappeared I realized how much I need you and I would never betray you angel. I would never."
His voice was so soothing and deep, you struggled but couldn't escape, as he whispered more and more sweet nothings in your ear, using his powers to manipulate you.
,,I care about you. I love you."
Your heart is broken, your felt betrayed and angry. If it wouldn't be for San you would throw a tantrum right now and destroy things, but you felt how all your powers slipped out of you with every new word he says to you.
2 weeks are passed since San can hold his queen back in his arms.
And 2 weeks passed since the love of your life betrayed you and handed you out to a man you hate the most.
Since this day you never were the same anymore, your eyes are dull, your halo didn't shine that bright anymore and your wings slowly turned grey.
Sans love for you is twisted, sick and you couldn't escape it anymore. No, you can never escape him.
San would always win over you. He is a demon after all.
A demon with the ability to control your mind and to make you a living doll, he can praise and treat like a queen the whole time.
That's what you are, a liveless doll.
,,Angel. Even if I love your wings they don't suit you."
With a emotionless expression you looked up from the spot you fixed before and tilted your head to the side, your voice nothing more than a whisper as you answered him.
,,What do you mean? "
,,Like I said they don't suit you and your new lifestyle. We should cut them off."San said with a devilish smile.
,,I think that would be a good punishment for running away hm? You didn't think you don't get one right? "
You softly shake your head, not even caring about the thing he said.
You just behaved like he wants you to behave.
You just live to make him happy.
And the only way he is happy, is with you as his lovely, submissive queen on his side.
,,No master. Of course I deserve a punishment."
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pixelatedrose · 5 years
Soulbound Part One
First | Next
Ao3 link
Word count: 1,328
Pairings: platonic LAMP, prinxiety, logicality
Warnings: none this chapter, it's really fluffy, though please please tell me if there's anything I should have tagged
Roman Creetiv and Logan Lojick are soulmates. They're platonic soulmates though. They both have the same Soul mark to prove it. But they both have one other soul mark, binding them to one other person. And when they find Patton Morrale, it just so happens that they're both his soulmate. Logan being his Soulbound Soulmate, and Roman being a platonic soulmate. But something feels missing. And it feels filled, shockingly so, when they meet a certain someone a year and a half after they found each other.
Chapter One
"See, Logan! I told you we have the same birthmark!!" Roman shouted in his little seven year old voice.
  Logan sighed dramatically, pushing up his glasses. "Stop calling it a birthmark, Roman. It's obviously a soul mark. And fine," the dark haired boy looked away from the red haired one. "I will admit you were right."
  The two boys sat in Roman's room with their shirts off, a sprawling galaxy tattoo spreading over their left shoulder and covering a third of their back. The two had identical marks. Soul marks. 
  Soul marks tied soulmates together, whether they were platonic or romantic, it didn't matter. Roman and Logan both had two each; the galaxy one that they both bore, a countdown clock on Logan's right wrist, counting down to the moment he'd meet his soulmate, and Roman couldn't see color. His mother told him it was because when he met his soulmate, he'd be able to.
  Roman jumped up in triumph. "THIS MEANS WE'LL BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!" He shouted loudly. A sudden wave of calm and nervousness over took him and he looked at Logan with a worried glance. "Right…?" He asked shyly.
  Logan sighed, but smiled all the same. "That's right, Roman," he stood up and linked arms with the other. "We'll be best friends forever."
  That was six years ago. Now, Roman stood bouncing next to Logan, who's timer was at one minute, 27 seconds remaining.
  "C'mon, Lo!! Would it kill you to be a little excited to meet your other soulmate?!"
  Logan looked away, walking normally. It was then that Roman saw his hands fidgeting endlessly.
  Despite having tried to not make a big deal out of the day, saying that he wanted it to turn out naturally, Logan had fixed his hair over a dozen times and had prepared his outfit days in advance, not wanting to be a complete mess when he met his other soulmate.
  But he still tried to act casual, despite it all.
  Roman had come over earlier that day, demanding he escort Logan to meet his soulmate, and Logan couldn't refuse, knowing Roman would just tag along anyway.
  Currently they sat in a cafe, Roman thinking it'd be so much more romantic than just wandering the streets.
  Roman eagerly eyes sued the timer on Logan's wrist. "20, 19, 18, 17-"
  Logan slapped a hand down on his wrist, the counting his friend was doing making him over-the-top anxious. "Roman please!"
  But inside he counted too.
  10, 9, 8, 7…
  Logan saw a short boy with curly blonde hair from across the cafe.
  6, 5, 4, 3…
  Their eyes met and something blossomed inside Logan.
  The boy ignored everything else and races full speed at Logan, startling both boys by throwing the dark haired boy into a hug.
  A shocked Logan could do nothing more than hold the cute faced boy in his arms.
  "You're the one…!!" The blonde boy said, his voice muffled, speaking into Logan's chest.
  The boy was warm and soft in Logan's arms, he fit there as if he was made just for that. His hair was soft and thick and Logan wanted nothing more than to bury his face in the golden locks. And it all felt so right. As if they'd known one another since the moment they'd both breathed.
  Suddenly the people in the cafe started to clap, a few cheering.
  Logan and the boy separated just slightly, though neither let go. They looked in shock at the people.
  "Roman, why are they applauding? What is there to celebrate? Did I miss something?"
  "Buddy," Roman said, clapping his friend on the back. "They're cheering for you!! It's not everyday that they get to see a couple of young kids meet their soulmate!!"
  "Oh my gosh, my timer!!" The blonde boy said looking down at his wrist as the cafe calmed down.
  Logan instinctively looked down at his own at the mention of a timer.
  Both their wrists blinked at 00:00:00:00:00 before both disappeared and were replaced by new text.
  Logan's now read, November 23, 2015, 2:34 PM. And underneath the date and time, In curly, cute light blue letters, a name was written.
  The blonde boy's wrist looked nearly identical, though the name written under the date and time was done in neat and pretty dark blue cursive, and read 'Logan' rather than 'Patton.'
  "Logan…?" The blonde boy asked. His voice was one that Logan had never heard before, but it felt warm and smooth and golden and so very right and familiar in his ears. That voice was meant to play in Logan's ears. It belonged there.
  "P-Patton?" Logan asked hesitantly, meeting his eyes once more. And this time truly seeing them.
  They were blue, like Logan's, but they held so much in them. They were happy eyes, and they were knowing. They were so deep and clear and pale and Logan was suddenly very scared of what would happen if ever stopped knowing this stranger.
  They hugged each other again, and there was no need for words.
  Roman and Logan may be platonic soulmates, but that was nothing to what Logan was feeling towards Patton.
  Logan and Patton were soulbound soulmates.
  Someone, and many people in fact, have more than one soul mark. They're friends that will last them till the end of time as well as romantic partners that will be as beautiful as the sun and moon on clear and warm day. You're friends may be your soulmates, but your partner is your soulbound soulmate. You can go your entire life never finding some of your soulmates, and live a relatively happy and normal life. Albeit spattered with episodes of depression and other mental issues in the later years.
  But you can go absolutely mad if you don't find your soulbound soulmate. In fact, it hasn't been heard of. Yes, some people go years without finding them, but they always do. It's the act of refusing a soulbound soulmate that makes one to insane.
  You're bound to them. There is no "I don't want my soulbound soulmate." You two are meant for each other.
  And that.
  That was what Logan and Patton had.
  Finally the two separated into flustered messes, realizing the scene they probably made.
  Patton held out a had to Logan shyly. "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly. My name's Patton Morrale."
  Logan took it instantly. "My name is Logan Lojick. Though I suppose you already knew that by now…" Logan said, turning Patton's hand over to fondly admire the tattoo on Patton's wrist, Logan's name forever inscripted upon it.
  Patton turned to Roman too, holding his hand out again. "Are you a friend? My name's-"
  Roman took it enthusiastically. "Patton! I kno-"
  And they both gasped and jumped away from each other, as if they'd been scorched from the touch.
  "I-I-!!" Patton stuttered as he looked around through his round frames.
  "Lo...Lo...Logan…!!!" Roman frantically battered at his friend, his green eyes frantic.
  "Roman? Patton! Are you Okay?!" Logan asked, gripping Roman's sleeve and clasping Patton's hand instinctively, though where that instinct came from he did not know.
  Roman and Patton turned to Logan and the two yelled at the same time; "LOGAN I CAN SEE!!!"
  As it turned out, Patton and Roman were also soulmates. For the three of them to all be interconnected? It was such a coincidence Roman amd Patton began calling it fate and destiny. Though Logan was having none of that kismet nonsense.
  A year and a half passed and Logan And and Patton had started dating, Logan finally getting over himself and Patton finally working up the courage to officially ask.
  And all the while it still felt like something was missing.
  None of them really knew what exactly it was.
  But right after they had made official, they met someone who seemed to fill the space.
Authors Notes 
This is the first part in a story I got permission to write based off of this post, thank you @ghostboi-bambi for letting me write this! I’m so excited and hope you don’t mind if I changed and added some details!! If you do, just tell me and I’ll be happy to change them!! Love y’all, bye!!
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ofalecs · 4 years
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✈️ — ⌜vernon chwe, cismale, he/him⌟  ↝  have you heard ? it seems like the heir of the SONG was very close to Liam Yu too. they go by ALEC and they were Liam's EX BOYFRIEND. their network is of  79M and they’re only TWENTY ONE … what a burden it must be. i heard they can be very FRIENDLY and ENERGETIC but these last few months, their MOODY and BRATTY personality has been showing more. the media is sure having a filled day with them! i hope this road trip with friends will help them. did you know that BLACK SKINNY JEANS, WARM SMILES, ALWAYS KNOWING THE RIGHT THING TO SAY TO WIN AN ARGUMENT, THE SMELL OF FRESH COFFEE EARLY IN THE MORNING  really show their true persona ? maybe Liam was the only one who knew that .. 
— Alec was born and raised in New York ,but he often visited Seoul  growing up as it’s the city his dad and grandparents are from. His mother is a neurosurgeon and his father owns a famous eletronics company.  Growing up an only child, he was a bit spoiled but on the other hand, there was always the pressure to meet his parent’s expectations.
— He was born on October 23rd, 1998. His zodiac sign is Scorpio with a moon in Sagittarius. Often secretive and mysterious, there are deep undercurrents at work. Highly motivated, nothing can deter him when inspired or driven towards a goal.
—  Personality wise he’s charismatic, energetic, friendly and loyal but can also be competitive impatient, moody and stubborn. If one of his close friends loved ones he’d do anything for you, really. Has a habit of drinking coffee late at night to help finish his projects for college. A decent sleeping schedule? Alec never heard of it. The type of friend that’s up at 4 am and will pick up your calls/reply to texts every time. He’s also fluent in english, korean and french and will speak french on occasion when he’s drunk. —  Alec’s currently on his last year at NYU double majoring in cinema studies and management. Two completely different things as you can notice. His dream was to be a famous director one day but Alec’s expected to take a part in his family business so he decided to try both. His parent’s are not very supportive about that and think he’s wasting his time. 
—  He met Liam through a mutual friend - Isaac - at a party and that day they just talked and flirted a little but nothing really happened because said friend got incredibly drunk and passed out and Alec had to drive him home and leave early. They met again a few months later, at Isaac’s birthday dinner. And this time they actually exchanged numbers after talking a bit more. From that it was fast, they were texting almost everyday and soon they started going out.  —  That all happened two years ago, Alec was 19 and on his first year of NYU when he started dating Liam. At the start it was amazing, they’d go in weekend getaway trips to the beach, hang out w/ each other’s friends, go to parties together. And they were happy. But with the age difference between them and Alec’s own insecurities things started to go down. Alec knew some of Liam’s friend didn’t approve of him amd some of his own ‘friends’ were telling him not to get too attached, that Liam had a bad rep when it came to relationships and that he’d soon get bored of him and leave.  Alec shouldn’t have listened, of course. But he was young and this was only his second serious relationship, the first one not really being a good reference.  He started to think that maybe they were right.  But on his mind, Liam was too good for him. Not the other way around.
— They started fighing a lot and decided to end things before they ended up resenting each other. Aftter that, they didn’t stay in touch for a while. Alec was busier than ever, he started working as an intern at his family’s company and often had to travel to different countries to oversee important business trades and take notes. The idea was that if he was busy enough he wouldn’t miss Liam so much. Didn’t work so well. Eventually they started talking again and that was where they were at when the accident happened. Almost back at a friends status. He was heartbroken and devastated about learning of Liam’s passing.  And spent weeks numb, working on autopilot. Upon recieving Moon’s letter, Alec hesitated for a while. Not knowing if it’d really be a good idea to come or not. But in the end he decided he had to come.
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midnightscherry · 5 years
Okay. This is the first time EVER I tried to write this and it came to my mind after all the time I listened to "When you're ready"
WARNING: English isn't my first language, so please forgive me for all the mistakes you find. <3
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"Ten years from now If you haven't found somebody, I will be in this same place, at the same time waiting for you"
Ten years passed so fast since that cold day, when our paths took different directions. He was being the successful singer, he was meant to be, but I tried to avoid every single thing of him because his memories still hurt in my heart and the last thing I knew about him was that he had a girlfriend to share his life with. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t the girl who he promised to be around of always. However, I already was doing what I wanted to be and after to spend so many years living in different places of the world, I was back in Toronto. Back in the place I used to call home.
This time I was back to opening my third restaurant after having done it in London and Spain. This time, I also promised myself I would deal with the administration of this new one to stay closer to my parents, as I promised them.
"I’m so proud of you, darling!" Mom said while she cups my face in her hands - many years away from people you love worth it - his smile was bright and she expresses pure happiness inside her while she looks around the last details of my new workplace
"Yeah…it was"
My first thought was Shawn, he was the person who hurt most be away of because I always saw him as my half and the day he decided to break up with me to make our dreams true, especially mines, something just dies a little inside of me.
"Why are you doing this?"- I scream out loud while I felt how my heart broke into pieces
-For us - He seemed so calm and sure about his choice, which made it worse.
-For us…You are fucking joking, shawn
I cried. I didn’t understand why he was doing this. After all, everything between us was okay.
-Maybe in ten years you will be the best chef in the world and you will understand why I decided to let you go.
-Yes. To dating girls who are in your celebrity level
-Don’t be fool, sky
-When did you stop loving me? I did something wrong? -
I couldn’t do anything but cry. Everthing hurt so much
Shawn grabbed my hand tightly and with the other touched my face as I closed my eyes with his touch.
-Sky, I love more than you could ever imagine
-I do love you too - I said with my eyes closed against his forehead.
I couldn’t face this. I didn’t want to
-Look at me. Sky, look at me, please - he begged
-Ten years from now if you haven’t found somebody, I will stay in this same place waiting for you"
He kissed my forehead
It was the last time I saw him"
He was right. I become into what I wanted to be and many of my dreams came true, even without him in my life.
"That British guy you were with?"
The voice of my mom brought me back to the reality
"Honey? " she said softly
"Andrew?" I asked
"Yes, Andrew. Is he coming?"
"We broke up, mom" I felt guilty
"why? When?" She seemed surprised
"Like 5 months ago mom. I told you. Also our thing didn’t work and He deserved someone better than me" My smile was weak this time
A bitter feeling invaded me. I thought I couldn’t never find somebody to be happy with because my heart was still attached to Shawn.
"It has been ten years since Shawn, honey. You know his parents and I have been friends for years and the last time I saw Shawn, it was at a dinner with them. He was back from tour, like three months ago, he arrived with a girl, his girlfriend. He seemed happy" She grabbed my hands before continue "He made you happy once, but you have to let him go"
She knew how this broke me inside. Why did Shawn can move on while I’m stuck in his promise?
"Tomorrow… Tomorrow will be May 4. In this same day ten years ago. he told me that I would realised why he let me go like that. He also promised me that he will be waiting for me" - I sobbed loud and mom squeezed my hand strong "If that doesn’t happen and He is happy with that girl I’ll let him go. Okay?"
Mom formed a big smile and embraced me like only mothers know to hug.
"I didn’t know that part of the story" she whispered amd wipped my tears
A feeling of mixing emotions were inside me
"I have to go honey, okay?" She says kissing my cheek. I nod "At night your dad, you and I will have a dinner to celebrate your goals. So we will wait for you, okay?
"oh and also your brother"
"Can’t wait" - I said excited. Know that i would see my brother was nice "Also can't wait to see that idiot"
"Keep working to open this soon. I'm so excited!" She moved her arms in excitement
The sound of her laugh was one of my reasons to live. And to know she was so proud of me made me feel better.
I looked around my new place and I felt proud. I knew it was me who did this.
"Bye darling!" She waved before dissapear through the door
"See you at night!" I scream. A smile formed on my lips
When my mom was finally gone I got back on my business, so I sit at a table and I started typing a few things that I had to finish.
A few minutes passed when I heard the door. Mom, I thought to myself so I didn’t look.
"Do you forget something?" I said in a funny tone while I keept typing notes on my laptop
"I left my heart with you ten years ago "
I frooze Inmediatly.
That voice.
I was on my back and I didn’t dare to look
My heart was beating faster.
"Well, 9 years, 12 months 364 days ago I left my heart in your hand and now I want to see the girl I’ve loved most in the world"
After hearing those words I turned back and he was really there. In front of me. In the same pair of black jeans that he used to wore with a bouquet of red roses in his hans.
I couldn’t believe it
His hair was shorter than the last time I saw him, his arms were stronger. He also looked older as I do too, after all we both grew up. But something that didn’t change was the way he looked at me. and I swear his eyes had more expression than ever.
He stepped forward
"I promised you that I would wait for you in the same park where we broke up - He stepped forward once more"
He stepped forward once more
"At the same day, at the same time" He laughed.
Damn, I missed that sound so much
"Well, I’m a little bit early and in your restaurant which is really nice, by the way. I knew that you would make it "He laugh. I knew he was nervous. I knew him. Every single detail about him even despite of all the years He was still the boy I loved, my boy.
He walked closer to me and for a moment everything stopped. We both were 19 again and nothing seemed to have been changed from there.
I stand up but, I couldn’t speak
After years I was in front of my love and I felt like I couldn’t breath of happiness
He noticed how nervous I was so he extended his hand to me
.-Hi, I’m Shawn and you look like a girl I used to adore so much, but I think you are older than her-
I couldn’t touch his hand
I didn't seem real to me
A bit of disappointment appeared in his eyes
-So you are, bub - I broke the silence.
The last thing I wanted was to break him
His eyes shine when I called him by that name, again.
"Actually, you look like an idiot I used to call boyfriend" I added this time
I could speak
I feelt free
Shawn laughed at that comment without stop looking me. He stepped closer and this time I could feel his breath in my face. His look on me made me feel weak.
"It is possible that you look more beautiful than the last time I saw you?" He said
"It is because I’m not crying this time"
And he smiled once more.I knew I was being an idiot. But the effect he was causing on me was powerful and I wasn’t brave enough to even touch his hand. He seemed so unreal this time.
I couldn’t resit
He was my boy
-I though you had a girlfriend - My voiced sounded serious but, I wanted to be sure about this.
even whe I didn’t want to hear his answer.
-Yes, but she deserved a boy who really love her. Not the guy who has been in love with his girl
He emphasized his
I couldn't smile more. My heart was beating faster and faster every single moment and when I felt his hand on my right cheek. I closed my eyes.
Kiss me now, please. I tought
"I know what are you thinking" He said as he move his thumb in my cheek
I smiled and open my eyes to find them looking directly to mine. He was smiling too
"uhmm. About What?" I said
"About how handsome I am" He laugh and cups my face in his both hands
I bited my lips because I couldn't resist more
"Every song I wrote for that day was about you and us. I couldn't stop thinking about you every single day of my life so far. I loved you and I love you now and I swear I want to marry you"
I heard his words and Shawn sighing before to put his forehead against mine. This time I could felt his essence and breathe against my skin. My breathe escaped once he kissed my forehead.
It felt like ten years ago but, this time he was here to keep me close and don't let me go again and then his mouth was on mine before I can even realised how it was to feel his warm lips again.
soft and sweet.
I wrapped my hands around his neck so tight as I felt a familiar warm inside my body
he was careful, but I needed more from him
after all those years
I had my boy in my arms
my love,
my only boy.
Feedback would it be appreciate or you just can't tell me how horrible my grammar is. Lol ❤
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Steve breaks up with Tony after finding out Bucky is still alive.
Steve fights everyone to save a soldier that didn't want to return. Goes against the accords. Starts an argument with Tony after Tony fixes Bucky's arm up and puts him through BARF and then proceeds to be happy and smug as he is not only reunited with returned memories winter soldier but also with the love they once shared. After everything Steve and Bucky take down Tony in Hydras Siberian bunker.
After a month of thinking Tony just went off the grid, something doesn't sit well with the rogues so they return to the compound to find that there is a search and rescue operation for Tony. Even though everyone that sided with tony are pissed at they rogues they needed more hands on deck.
They visit the Siberian bunker which was the last place they saw Tony. The find the suit there but not the man. They find a kidnapped genius in the arms of Madame Hydra who relocated in Germany.
Turns out Hydra kidnapped him so they can make a time machine to go back in time and stop Captain America from destroying Red Skull and stopping his plan.
They fight tooth and nail to get Tony back. When they do Madame Hydra activates the time machine. Tony, Bucky and Steve make a run for her and managed to stop her from entering. Bucky had thrown her across the room. Bright light surrounds everyone in the room and the next thimg the 3 know is that they have gone back to the 40s.
Tony manages to find a hideout in an old abandoned building for the 3. He knows they will be there for awhile as he needs to gather together enough parts to make a somewhat descent time machine. He tells the two to stay put amd make sure they don't run into themselves while Tony is gone. He walks out ignoring Steve calling out to him.
It only takes a week for everything to fuck up. Tony gets beaten up in an alley and is saved by a short skinny Steve and a tall not too bulky but still muscular Bucky. A day later because he refused to seek treatment and gets sick, he accidentally blurts out how he is from the future and he has their older versions hiding out in a safehouse. While in his sick state he also flirts with Bucky.
Once he wakes up and finds he's not sick anymore, he looks up to find an annoyed Winter Soldier and Steve standing at rhe foot of a makeshift bed glaring down at him while a sheepish Steve and a smug Bucky stand by the doorway.
He groans as he let's out a "please tell me I did not just flirt with James Barnes. Please tell me it's just a dream."
"no can do princess"
"how did I get here?"
"in your sickly state you walked in the rain all the way here. Almost got lost but kept saying you needed to fix a soldiers arm. We followed you to make sure you were alright. We didn't believe you then but now I can say that i am officially creeped out."
"amd why am I laying here with two grumpy super soldiers staring at me like they want nothing more than to tie me down and make sure I never leave this place?"
"give Bucky half a chance and he just might do that"
"not now Stevie"
"fuck my life"
Tony sits up and accepts a glass of water and food from the younger Bucky before staring at all 4 of them.
"okay so stars and stripes is gonna be Cap, pipsqueak's is gonna be Rogers, 4 seasons is gonna be Bucky while his flirty self is gonna be James. How is this my life right now"
It takes 2 more weeks to find out that no, not only is this a time machine but it had sent them to a different universe. One where pipsqueak is in love and dating Peggy Carter, James is a playboy, Howard lost his sons Tony and arno a year ago and they are officially fucked.
While Bucky and his Winter counterpart that sits in the back of his mind trying to figure out what makes Tony so special that Steve still wants him back even though he said that he still loves Bucky and would do anything for him, Steve is trying to keep a flirty Tony away from an equally flirty James Barnes and it's not planning out well.
Bucky sees what Steve sees throughout an entire week. Tony even when angry still treats the super soldiers with respect and makes sure that Bucky is alright while sort of keeping away from Steve. He is careful with the pipsqueak Steve and makes a special inhaler that works twice as better for his asthma and always checks in with Steve when Peggy isn't there for him. Even though the younger Bucky hasn't gone through the Trauma the winter soldier has gone through, he always treads carefully around the other man while maintaining his flirty charm. Bucky sees that no matter what bad things happen, Tony gets back up after learning his lesson amd keeps on fighting. He's caring and thoughtful and holy cow Bucky thinks he might be falling in love.
Well not might be, he definitely has and oh boy is jealousy kicking up a fuss. After a day of working he hits the showers. Once done he hears noises and goes to check it out. The corridor that leads down to a bunch od empty rooms as well as Tony's because he wants to be left alone is lit up just enough for Bucky to see that Tony amd his younger self are arguing.
"no seriously you don't want to go there with me. I'm double your age fpr crying out loud. I have baggage among baggage of problems that i don't want to get into. Seriously James just no"
"what are you afraid of? That I would do exactly what your Steve did to you? Cuz I won't. Oh don't give me that look gorgeous, i just worked my charm and talked Steve into telling me everything about you. I know hr doesn't like me but he likes you enough tp go on an excited little journey."
"shut it tall, dark and handsome. You don't wanna open that can of worms"
"oh but I do because your Steve seems so inclined on trying to keep me away from you"
"he's what?"
"everyone knew. That's why my Stevie is always around. To make sure you or me don't get hurt"
"he doesn't like me like that. He thought he did but gave it up for your winter soldier look a like."
"well since you are so sure why don't you just let me in"
"ugh god you are annoying"
Bucky clenches his hand as he watches a chuckling smirking James Barnes corner Tony against the wall. James grabs Tonys hands and pushes them above Tony's head before leaning down.
"since Steve told me to stay away from you because your his, why don't we go amd break his rules. Let me have you Tony. All of you. Fuck Steve"
Bucky feels something in him shatter as he hears Tony breathe out a "your right. Fuck Steve" before letting James lean down and kiss him. It's not until clothes are off and Tony's legs are wrapped around James' waist is when Bucky turns around and walks away. He decides to that he is gonna tell Steve his new feelings and what he saw.
The next day onwards, Bucky and Steve do whatever they can to make sure Tony and James aren't alone. They don't trust little Stevie so they still stick around when he is there as well. This annoys Tony and James to no end.
One night, after everyone goes to sleep, Tony sneaks out and heads over to Steve and James's building. God Tony loves Brooklyn. He smiles as he knocks on the door. Peggy answers it and ushers Tony inside and sends him of to James's room. As soon as enters he's pushed up and against the door. In a matter of seconds all clothes are off and Tony is being pounded into by James. They go at it, making sure they keep quiet right up until the sun comes up. The two cuddle and fall asleep with smiles on their faces.
Tony is woken up hours later by a shouting match. He sits up as he notices james isn't next to him. After a minute or two, the door slams open and Tony groans as his Steve and Bucky barge in like they own the place....okay so they technically do but that's besides the point.
"Tony get up and get dressed. We are leaving"
"okay first of all I don't take orders from you Cap. Second of all why the fuck would i follow you?"
"we tracked down your father early this morning, explained the situation and not only does he want to meet you but he has already started building the machine you so reluctantly want to build"
Tony doesn't give a flying fuck that he is naked. He hops out of bed and glares at the soldiers.
"what in the actual fuck Steve! Going behind my back once again"
"like what you did to us last night?"
"fuck you winter wonderland!"
"fun's over. Tony get your clothes on. We are leaving right now"
Tony stares at James from behind them and they have a silent conversation. Afterwards James reluctantly nods and Tony sighs. They don't even notice that Steve and Bucky have been watching.
"god i hate you so much. Fine. Im getting dressed"
"shower first and then dressed"
Tony raises a brow at his Bucky in confusion. He goes with it anyway as he wonders why the soldier said that.
"fine. Shower first and then the clothes come on. Wait for me in the kitchen"
Tony watches Steve turn around and drag both Bucky's with him before he closes the door and heads to the bathroom for a shower.
After a couple of minutes he jolts as he feels hands on his hips. He raises his head amd a brow in question.
"I told your two stalkers that i had to grab some things for my Stevie and Peggy. I jumped through the bedroom window"
Tony giggles as he turns around amd brings James down for a kiss. Things get heated in the cold shower and James ends up fucking tony against the wall. Awhile later James puts on the clothes he wore before and headed out the window.
James held himself up on the windowsill. Tony heads over and kisses James causing both of them to smile.
James says "we know where each other stays. We'll make it work" before winking and jumping out the window.
Tony let's out a content sigh before closing the window amd getting changed. He walks out smiling as he heads to the kitchen where he makes himself some shitty coffee and something to eat, ignoring the Soldiers questioning looks. Turns out that Tony was wearing one of James shirts and smiles a bit more as he eats.
When the 3 get back to the hideout, Bucky tells Tony to get changed into his own clothes and then pack. Tony glares and in retaliation packs his clothes amd keeps James' clothes on. He stomps outside placing his stuff in the old car they managed to steal amd sits in the back while tge soldiers pack everything else up. There's not much stuff that needs to be packed but it fills the boot and either side of Tony because he decides to sit In the middle that has no seatbelts. Steve just shakes his head and rides shotgun while a pissed Bucky starts the engine.
They head to Stark Manor and Tony makes sure to stay professional but he can't because Steve tells him there is plenty of security and Bucky says that they will know if tony leaves and he isn't allowed to see James or his friends again. Tony is down right pissed off but holds it in as he meets Howard and Maria Stark. A plan formulates in his head and he hides it behind a smile as he starts chatting away. He ignores Steve and Bucky's suspicious looks in favor of trying to get Howard on to his side which is fairly easy because this one is nothing lkke his real shitty father. This Howard even apologizes on behalf of his one which is a surprise because Howard never apologized.
A month of building the machine that will get him home, Tony tells Howard to group up a couple of people that he is happy to assist witj (becaise he knows exactly who they are) amd create a super solider serum that was used for a war ("how are you guys not in the middle of a war? I guess my universe is just stupid"). He even gives him names of 2 people who would benefit from this as well.
A week later Steve and Bucky are pissed when a smug Tony drags in their younger counterparts with Howard behind them. Howard tells the soldiers what he's gonna do and how the two along with Peggy are gonna be staying in the manor. The two soldiers groan as they once again have to keep Tony away from these guys which is hard because howard requires them as he wants to study their blood and run through some questions.
The next night Bucky heads to the kitchen to grab a drink when jealousy rears it's ugly head. He looks out a large window as a giggling Tony is being chased around by an equally giggly James in the rain while Steve and Peggy chat under some shelter. He growls as he sees James Catch Tony amd start tickling him. He feels and hears Steve's growly presence as they watch James pick a squealing Tony up and spin around. After a couple of spins Tony leans down and kisses James.
Steve slams his fist onto the bench. He tells Bucky to drag them inside before they get sick and heads down to the lab to see if he can talk Howard into building their machine faster.
It takes one more month before Howard and Tony create a machine to get the 3 lost warriors home and a machine to turn alt Steve and Bucky into Super Soldiers.
Steve and Bucky have it all planned out. They knew Tony wasn't going to tell them about the machine so they asked Howard. They tell Howard and his team to test the serum first. While the younger ones are in the machines set up for them and have been activated, steve nods towards Bucky. Ignoring everyones screams of shock, Bucky activates the time/universe jumping machine amd watches as Steve throws Tony over his shoulder amd they jump through the ! machine.
They are sent back to their time and universe which is great for Steve and Bucky. Not so great for the crying and screaming Tony that's mashed between the two. They hold Tony place as he screams out how he wants to go back. They don't let him.
2 years later Tony looks up in shock as a bright light surrounds him before disappearing, leaving a smirking buffed up James Barnes. James smiles happily before staring Tony directly in the eye.
"I finally found you. I've come to bring you home"
Within those two years the two original super soldiers have had no luck trying to win over Tony. They make sure that none kf Tony's dates comes back for more. They are protect amd possessive over him.
As they head down to Tony's workshop they become jealous angry people who are yelling at Tony to get back there and stay put. They don't grab Tony in time and see red as a smirking James drags Tony through the machine.
Tony's life becomes a cat and mouse from then on. He bounces around between both universes. 2 obsessive soldiers kidnap him and bring him back to his og universe while his boyfriend saves him and takes him back to where he wants to be. It's a hard life but for him it's totally worth it
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fckeverything-v · 5 years
 1. Do you bite or lick ice cream? Lick
 2. What is home to you? Alabama:/
 3. What was the last lie you told? I couldnt tell you
 4. Does everyone deserve the truth? Maybe not?
 6. Describe a moment in which you did something unacceptable in a bad situation. Walk away, move states..
 7. List two things that are more easily done than said. (No, I didn't mix them up.) Being alone & fuck irdk
 8. When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something? Mhm 4 years ago.
 9. How many all nighters have you pulled? A lotttt haha
 10. If humans didn't evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead? Woah people express that? no but humans would probably bone all the time.
 11. How many romantic "things" or "flings" have you had? Only 2 (technically 3) serious relationships. Many flings.
 12. What is your paradise? I dont have one :(
 13. What is your favorite background noise? (Ex. Water dripping, people talking.) Music
 14. How many hearts do you think you have broken? Only 1... maybe 2 soon. (not you hehe.)
 15. What is the most important thing about electronics? What does this say about you? Finding friendships through social media or other platforms. And mhm probably that im a lonely pos
 16. Why do people care about celebrities? Do you care about celebrities? Because they're pretty. Not really.
 17. What is the most annoying thing someone can do to you? Chew loud.
 18. Do you overexaggerate? What are the pros and cons of this? Eh, yeah. And I cant think of any pros.
 19. Have you played any instruments before? Which instruments? Piano, saxophone
 20. Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? No. I stare at it until i hate it.
 21. List 3 things you like about yourself?
 22. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? To not give up. As simple as that sounds.
 23. Do you have what it takes to raise a child? Why or why not? No. Dont you need to be mentally stable- i would hope so..
 24. How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? Play games for hours.
 25. When was the last time you felt awkward? Ha. Literally 5 minutes ago.
 26. Are you introverted or extroverted? Or a mixture of both? Introverted x100000
 27. What constitutes a good friend? Someone who doesnt give up on you amd atleast tries to understand.
 28. Would you rather have a lot of friends to hang out with or just one best friend? One best friend.
 29. In a regular day, what do you not want to hear? 'Hey hows your day going'
 30. What is your dream job? Fuck, is this still a question.. to be a homicide detective in the biggest city i can think of.
 31. Is it better to be lazy but smart or hardworking but unintelligent? Lazy and smart DUH
 32. What is a truth about yourself that others find hard to believe?
 33. What have you always wondered about the other gender? What it feels like to GET OFF. DUH.
 34. Which fantasy world would you like to visit the most? Um my own dreams i guess.
 35. Describe the worst friend you have ever befriended. Im not wasting my time describing that.
 36. Imagine that you have switched bodies with someone you don't know. You can't switch back. What do you do? Live it up. I think id feel happy honestly.
 37. If you found the recipe for immortality, would you sell it or would you burn it? Mh. Sell it, their problem now and im rich.
 38. What is the most important, applicable class you have ever taken? Current events.
 39. Name the last book you read. Dammed- chuck palahniuk
 40. Imagine that you are unable to express emotion. How would this affect your world? No change
 41. When was the last time you made the first move? Um never..
 42. What is your opinion on electronic music such as dubstep or trap? Trash
 43. What was the last tv show youve watched? Rick and Morty.
 44. Do you like and appreciate your life? I appreciate what i am trying to do.
 45. Do you like and appreciate yourself?
 46. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday
 47. What are you scared of? Heights.
 48. What is the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy thing you have ever done? Um live my life everyday probably.
 49. What are some of your hobbies? .... literally WORSE question. I smoke cigs. Is that a hobby?
 50. What is a superficial yet annoying mistake you constantly make?
 51. Are you a good friend? What makes you a good friend? If not, what makes you a bad friend? I feel like i am both. I try to be there for them. But also, im so hard to get so i feel like i might come off the wrong way a lot.
 52. Do you honestly learn from your mistakes? Honestly; nope.
 53. What have you learned the hard way? Not to care what people think. After wasting my whole life. Im starting to realize it doesnt matter.
 54. What is the most important thing to have in order to attain happiness? Follow your heart
 56. Are you a creative or a logical thinker? Both but probably logical.
 57. What is the smartest thing you have ever done?
 58. What is your ideal meal? Fuckk probably so good ass chicken with some gooooood asssssss mac and cheese. As lame as that sounds hahaha.
 59. What is the worst thing someone could do on a date? 1. Go on date with me
 60. Do you like animals? Which kind is your favorite? Yeah and dogs are cute but i love elephants.
 61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be? Christmas.
 62. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Of courseeeee (;
 63. What is the best thing that the internet has ever created? Video games.
 64. Do you like playing video games? Which video games? Woah you read my mind of sum? Shooter games.
 65. What is your opinion on beauty in today's society? Bullshit
 66. Are you a morning person? When do you usually wake up? No not really and like 5pm nowadays.
 67. Do you have a favorite Disney movie? Character? No
 68. Would you rather live in the city or in the countryside? City but i love the countryside
 69. Would you rather live near the ocean or in the mountains? Mountains
 70. What are the best things about winter? Cold. Even though i hate it. Snow. Even if i dont see it. Trees dying.
 71. What scares you most about the future? Literally everything.
 72. What makes you feel old? Doing nothing.
 73. How many hours do you spend on the computer or phone on average? Idk like 5.
 74. What are some of your New Year's resolutions? Be a better me.
 75. What is your life story in 6 words?
 76. Describe yourself in one word. Awkward.
 77. What bad habits do you do? Smoking
 78. What genre of music do you listen to? everything
 79. Most prominent childhood memory? I would say, but its embarrassing that that's the memory.
 80. Imagine if you had an older brother. If you already have one, what is it like? If you don't, how would this change your life? My life would be so different. Maybe i would have someone to talk to.
 81. Spirit animal?
 82. Do you believe in horoscopes? Yes
 83. What is the worst advice you've ever been given?
 84. List the 3 most important people in your life right now. 1. Fox 2. Fox 3. Fox
 85. Favorite memory of your family. :/
 86. What do you look for in a relationship? Happiness
 87. Do you have a role model? Why or why not? No. I dont need it. But now that i think about it i have one role model.
 88. What is your opinion on social media? Dumb
 89. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Pessimest
 90. List some things that you think are overpriced? Food
 91. What is your worst memory or creepiest experience? ..
 92. What superpower would ruin the world? Any of them
 93. What is something you swore you would never do when you grew up, but you did anyway? Exactly what im doing now. Nothing. Giving up. Dropping out
 94. What lessons have you learned from movies and which movies were they? Dont trust yourself when you know you arent okay. Fight club
 95. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Europe
 96. How do you approach people? I dont but i guess a smile.
 97. What is your opinion on first impressions? I think theyre okay. Only if you dont judge.
 98. What are some things you did as a child that you no longer do? Lol play with imaginary friends
 99. What languages can you speak? English
 100. What do you think society will be like in 30 years? Lol hopefully ill be dead bc that shit sounds terrible
 101. What do you do on your lazy days? Play games.
 102. What ended your last relationship? I had enough.
 103. Favorite food? Soul food
 104. What is the most terrifying dream you've ever had? Fuck im not saying.
 105. When was the last time you got seriously angry? Last night
 106. What was the last friendship you broke? My friend Ashley:(
 107. Do you have any pet peeves? Close minded people
 108. Who was the last person you gave a hug to? Zack
 109. When was the last time you got seriously stressed? Last night
 110. What part of your personality do you want to change? I dont have one.
 111. Who is the most positively influential person in your life right now? My sister Grace.
 112. What is your biggest motivation? My siblings. Faith & Grace.
 113. What did you want to be when you were little? Honestly i never knew.
 114. What are some things that you are good at? Smokin weed
 115. What is one thing you want to be good at? Social skills
 116. What distracts you the most, especially when you're trying to work? My mind
 117. How important is privacy to you? Eh pretty significant i guess.
 118. If you could create one social norm, what would it be? Be friends with everybody.
 119. What's the craziest lie you've ever told? Um.. i told my 2nd grade teacher my family died in a car crash.
 120. What story do you like to tell about yourself at parties? I dont go to parties haaha
 121. What is the lamest thing that you have seen someone do? have friends and socialize too much like woah calm down you know youre still alone.. right. Like its only you. Hahah jk. But irdk.
 122. What is the stupidest thing you've done to impress someone? a guy invited me over and ive never done anything sexual before so i pretended like i knew and i hurt his dick like bad. (We didnt have sex)
 123. What is your morning routine? Wake up, wash face, brush teeth, get dressed, and then boom feel sad
 124. What's the last thing you did that is worth remembering?
 125. If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you? Help
 126. What is your opinion on playing "hard to get?" Being sort of isolated like not opening up. Which is okay bc if they want you they'll wait.
 127. What are the pros and cons of straightforward? Cons, you may hurt feelings. Pro, you know yourself and what you want to say congratulations
 128. What do you consider "leading" someone on? Being fake happy.
 129. Are you the friendzoner or the friendzoned? Friendzoner
 130. What do you admire most about your friends? How beautiful he is. Inside & out.
 131. What do you admire most about your family? They're still here.
 132. What is your opinion on "going with the flow?" You may forget where you are trying to go. Or who you are.
 133. Do you enjoy talking or listening? Listening.
 134. When is it time to end a friendship? Idk
 135. What is the worst excuse you've ever come up with? Lol too many.
 136. If GPA didn't matter, what courses would you have taken? Doesnt matter.
 137. What are your favorite baby names? Ive always liked Riley for a girl name and idk havent thought Bout a boys name.
 138. When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone? Maybe a week or so ago. Or a few days ago.
 139. What instantly ruins a conversation? Lack of excitement
 140. Biggest turn ons and turn on offs. Affection. And idk
 143. When did you last do something outside of your comfort zone? God every day.
 147. What do you like about the 21st century? ???
 141. Biggest disappointment. Myself
 142. Do you have any self-restraint? A little.
 144. Prized possession(s)? little things
 145. What is your opinion on second chances? They might seem okay but idk.... depends i guess
 146. Text or call? Both, depends on whom im texting or callin
 148. What advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago? Life is hard and stupid but choices you make will stay with you forever so what are you gonna do, follow your heart or head? (head is better hope)
 149. How organized are you? Eh not really anymore.
 150. Favorite mode of transportation. My car
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chelleaslin · 5 years
Lukadrien June 2019 Day 13- Meeting in Secret
Part 4 in my Lukadrien story.
Luka’s head was whirling. It had been 4 hours after Ladybug and Chatnoir defeated the Akuma and freed him from Nawkmoths possessions. Yet, he still couldn’t wrap his head around what happen.
He remembered chasing Marinette to the top deck because she was chasing Chatnoir. She ran ahead of him and disappeared, he looked everywhere for her but he couldn’t find her. He remembered feeling suffocated, like he was in some kind of nightmare. Then, Juleka was there but he couldn’t stop panicking, suddenly though, there was a voice in his head.
It told him that he’d give him the power to forever keep his loved ones by his side, no one would leave him anymore.
It sounded perfect, almost too good to be true. Then came his end of the bargain, he wanted Ladybug and Chatnoir’s Miraculous’. It was then that Lukas foggy brain recognised the voice to be Hawkmoth. No, he couldn’t do that! He remembered trying to fight but to no advail, sunddenly, everything went dark.
That was the last thing he remembered.
He woke up at the feet of Ladybug amd Chatnoir, the pair were fist bumping. His head was ponding and his body felt a little tired and stiff, like he had just ran a marathon.
“W-where am I?” He slowly groaned as he tried to stand up. He stumbled a little only to be caught by Chatnoir.
“You were akumatised but don’t worry, your safe now.” He answered sadly, his eyes looked so pained and Luka couldn’t understand why. Lukas own eyes widen, Chatnoir words only just sunk in. Oh god, he let himself get akumatised, did he hurt people? The last thing he remebers was panicked then Juleka tried to help him and-
“Oh god! Juleka!” He cried, he whipped his head around everywhere but he couldn’t see her.
“Hey, it’s okay. Juleka’s your sister right? Purple hair?” Ladybug asked. Luka nodded. “The Akuma captured her but my Miraculous Ladybug would have taken her safety back home.” She smiled kindly.
“Thank you!” He croaked out, his eyes tearey. “Both of you.”
“It’s fine.” Ladybug smiled softly, “let me take you home-“
“I’ll do it.” Chatnoir butted in. Ladybug paused for a second giving Chatnoir an odd look. She opened her mouth, most likely to refuse his offer but he wasn’t taking no for an answer, “come on Luka.” He addressed to the teenager, still kneeling on the ground. Wordlessly, Luka took Chatnoir’s out stretched hand.
The second their hands touched, Lukas brow furrowed. There was something hauntedly familiar about his hand, the way it fit perfectly in his own. Chatnoir pulled him to his feet, they were now stand almostchest to chest. Luka looked down at Chat, was this hero always this short?
“Are you okay?” He looked at Luka with familiar, loving eyes. Luka’s head pulsed, he didn’t know if it was from the weird sense of déjà vu, The boy in front of him was giving him or the fact that he was recently akumatised. He stumbled a little as he closed his eyes, a dizzy spell over taking him. “Woah!” Chat gasped,wrapping his arms around Lukas waist and holding him still.
Suddenly every single one of Luka’s nerves felt like they had just been set alight. His heart started hammering hard and fast inside his chest that he was actually momentarily worried for his health. What was wrong with him? The only person that ever made him feel like this was Adrien and- Wait. Luka froze up, all his muscle tense. It couldn’t be, could it?
He took a step back and squinted his eyes at Chatnoir. Adrien’s hair was almost always perfect but he had seen it the few rare times it had been messy, and Chatnoir’s wild locks were almost spot on to that image in his mind.
On closer expection, he realised that, although Chatnoir’s eye were very catlike, they held the same soft glance in it that Adrien showed him, that he was showing him right now. He gasped as realiseation set in, his mouth gaping before he came to his senses.
“You’re-“ He was cut off my Chat, who looks very panicked.
“Yes, I’m going to take you home. Let’s go.” With out another word, he scouted Luka up in his arms and catapulted himself onto a nearby roof, ready to run towards the Seine River, to the Liberty.
The travel back to his home was silent. Chatnoir, Adrien, refused to speak. Luka didn’t have the confidence to start their heavily awaited conversation so he too choose to stay quiet. On another note, he really enjoyed being near Adrien again, the feeling of his warm body agaisnt his made his reeling mind feel confident tenet for the first time in weeks and the familiar scent of pure Adrien made him absolutely giddy.
They arrived on the top deck of the Liberty soon enough. Chat instantly let go of Luka, must to his complaint, and took a massive step back putting some distance between them.it was quiet for a few seconds, both boys avoiding eye contact but still trying to steal glances at the other.
“Adrien-“ The older boy sighed, sick of this little game already. He had gone so long without speaking to Adrien, he wasn’t going to speak what little time he had with him, not asking the questions that have been burning in his mind for the past month.
A obnoxious beeping sound interrupted him. Chatnoir visabley relaxed at the sound, making Lukas heart clench painfully.
“Meet me out here tonight, 11pm.” His rushed out, his eyes begging him. Luka relaxed as he realised that maybe all hope wasn't lost for the two of them. Luka nodded at him, giving him a shy smile, Chatnoir blushed under the mask before quickly making his leave. 
This all lead Luka to know, 10 past 11, wrapped up in a big jacket and waiting for Adrien to arrive. His nerves were eating him alive, he didn't know what to expect, was this going to be a beginning or an end? Was he even going to come? He retrieved his phone from his pocket, unlocking the screen and checking the time, he was late. 
“Where are you Adrien?” he whispered to himself as he squinted across the river, not figure in sight yet. 
“Right here.” A voice spoke directly behind him. Luka yelped, whipping around to face Chatnoir. 
“You fucking scared me!” he hissed, hand on his chest as he breathed through the adrenaline rush. Chatnoir crack up laughing, tears forming in the corners of his eyes as they fell into a familiar routine. Luka found himself chucking along with the golden haired boy, his loud laughs contagious. 
“I’ve missed this.” Chatnoit softly spoke as their laughter died down. Luka stiffened up at his words, this was it, the talk. The atmostphe around them became awkard as they realised that this could be it, the end of them. Luka fearing that Adrien meant every word he said on that interview, that he ignored Luka on purpose and that he was only here now to tell Luka to get over it, because he cant keep getting akumatised, its making his life harder. 
Adrien on the other hand, was terrified that he wouldn't became to fix his mistakes, that Luka was over it and over him. 
“Why?” Luka found himself saying. “Why did you do it?”  
Adrien stiftened at Luka’s sad and desperate tone of voice. guilt started to eat at him as he remembered Lukas akumatisation. 
“I-I didn't mean to- they caught me off guard and I panicked, I was selfish! I just thought about what Father would say and made some excuse but I regreated it instantly and I wanted to make it right, I still do..” He looked up at Luka, fresh tears in his eyes. Luka’s heart ached at the sight of Adriens tears, he wanted nothing more then to wipe them away and hold him close. he might have the chance to do actions like that again by the way Adrien seem genuinely upset with what happened at the press conference.
Luka stiffened as he remembered that that all happened three weeks ago. If Adrien truly was sorry, if he really loved Luka, why wait it out? why make Luka suffer all this time, like he was nothing to Adrien. 
“Then why didn't you?” Luka suddenly growled, tears forming in his own blue eyes, tears of anger or sadness he didn't know. “Why come here now? It’s been a month, Adrien, a fucking month!” 
chat started to stammer at Lukas outburst, unsure what to say to make it better. 
“My Father, he wouldn't listen to me. I told him that it was a lie, that I love you but he-”
“You love me?” Luka suddenly cut him off. his body was in shock, sure, he knew that he loved Adrien but they hadn't actually said the words to each other yet. for all he knew Adrien didn't have those type of strong feelings for him yet. 
“Yes.” Chat breathed, shocked that Luka had to even ask that, was he that bad of a boyfriend? “I love you so much! Im sorry I made such a mess of things and I’m sorry I didn't try hard enough to see you and make things right sooner.” Lukas heart started to beat faster, after all this time, Adrien was finally saying the words he wanted to hear but how were they going to date now? a lot of terrible things have happened to him and his family since the rumours started. he cant risk putting himself through that again, he cant keep letting his family suffer because Adrien wasn tready to come out yet. he loved him too, with all his heart but he needed to put himself first.
“I love you too Adrien.” he smiled tightly back, Adrien’s whole face lit up. “but we cant do this again.” That was it, he finally said it. Adrien’s once happy face completely crumbled, his looked so confused and lost that Luka almost took it back but the thought of what the last month had been like but him right back on track.
“Why? Please! Luka don’t do this.” Adrien begged, tears freely falling over his masked face. “I’ll do anything. I’ll confess to lying, Ill tell them that it was all made up, please?” Luka sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to try and contain his temper that he felt growing, Adrien wasn’t getting it.
“Even if you did do that! The picture of us kissing is still out there. how are you going to explain that?” Adrien was silent, he really didn’t know what to say. “The only thing to say is the truth.” Adrien paled as he clicked on to what Luka was hinting at. Luka sighed, lowering his voice to a gentler tone.
“I know your not ready to come out, I understand that its hard and I don’t want to force you to do anything this personal. but I can’t date a closeted person, no matter how much I love them. I already went through my journey of coming out and being with you, hiding and acted like I’m not thinking about holding you and kissing you constantly, it kills me. I feel like I’m back in the closet, pretending to be something I’m not to prying eyes. I cant do that to myself, I’m sorry”
Adrien was quiet as he stared out into the water below them. Everything Luka said to him running through his mind, along with a billion other things. “Perhaps sometime in the future out paths can cross again, that we might get our second chance.” Luka sadly choked out, their official break up only just starting to feel real to him. this was his biggest fear over the past few weeksand here he was, being the one to break them up.
“No.” Adrien suddenly whispered, Luka screwed his face up. did he hear him correctly?
“I said no!” He shouted, he finally looked Luka in the eye. Although his green eyes were tearful, he looked dead serious. “I’m ready, okay? I don’t want to lose you and ,ore importamtly, I don’t want to lose myself. I’m sick of hiding behind a mask!” He started to laugh, although it held no humour to its tone. “Metaphorically or Physically, Plagg, Claws off.”
Suddenly bright green electricity crackled of Adrien’s body. The light was so bright that Luka had to shield his eyes for a second, but only a second, as fast as it appeared it was gone again. He blinked a few times, willing his eyes to refocus before he saw Adrien standing before him, the Adrien he remembered not the superhero.
Luka smiled softly at the familiar boy until he noticed a tiny black blob floating next to him. His eyes widen, his mouth gaping ever so slightly. What is that thing? It looks like a cat? He tried desperately to voice his concerns but all that came out of his mouth were strangled noises. Adrien looked at the creature next to him and giggled, rolled his eyes at Luka and grabbed his face and- oh, they were kissing. Luka melted into his touch, it was so forgein yet so familiar and he had missed it so much. He kissed Adrien back with all his heart, love and soul, hoping that Adrien could understand everything he was trying to tell him through the passionate moventmwmt of his lips. God, knows that if Luka was ever able to find his voice he wouldn’t never truely be able to explain exactly what he felt for the younger boy, their were no known words in any language, dead or alive, that could ever express himself with.
After a few minutes of sweet kisses and tender touches, the two teenage boys finally pulled apart.
“I love you.” Adrien croaked, it was only them did Luka notice the boy was still crying. He hurriedly wiped away his salty tears and gave him a loving grin.
“I love you too.” He whispered back, “I take back everything I said earlier. If your willing to try, this is want I want. Now and forever onewards.” Adrien’s face broke into a massive grin as he tackled Luka into a hug. He felt like the luckiest man in the world to be able to call Luka his. Luka was too kind, too sweet, too loving am just simply too perfect for him, he was out of his league! He knew that his mistake was one off and he need to screw his head on straight and start treating Luka like the god he is.
“I promise, I’ll come out to anyone. No matter the consequences, I love you far to ,Uh to hide it.”
Luka just smiled and kissed him again. After they broke apart for the second time, they just held eachother, both boys desperate for the physical affection.
“Adrien?” Luka suddenly asked. The blonde haired boy hummed. “Did I see a tiny floating kitten earlier or have I lost it?”
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shitthehousessay · 6 years
 Alright, it took a day (albeit I haven't really had much of a chance to work on it), but it's finally done. Here's my responses to the 102 questions^^. I probably put too much personal info on this site lol.
I’m doing this on my laptop because of how long it is, but answers are under the cut. Hope you enjoy random tidbits about me!
--Zero (the [other] Ravenclaw)
1. What is their full name?
While I usually use and prefer Zero Ace as an online name, my irl name is Solomon.
2. Zodiac sign
3. In detail describe how they look
I'm 5'10" with a build like Shaggy Rodgers. I'm about,,,, less than 120lbs (that's a guess really, it's probably way less or slightly more.). You ever see a cloud? Yeah, imagine one as black wavy/curly hair with red tips (natural, not dyed) that goes to about the bottom of my neck. Brown eyes, half philipino (no, I don't know any of the language), decent moustache, and I've been told by various people that they thought I was a stoner when they first met me.
4. How old are they?
I am 16
5. What clothes to they like to wear?
I don't really have any kind of set style either. I usually just go with whatever's comfy for me.
6. What’s their favorite piece of clothing?
I've got this really soft brown fake leather jacket that my dad got me about two or three years ago that I used to wear consistently, but I'm not sure if I have a 'favorite'.
7. Any piercings?
8. Do they have any other jewelry they wear?
I wear a Timex Ironman analogue watch that I got at Walmart a few years ago ('twas on sale) and a ring with a part that spins in the middle that I bought in like sixth grade at the Newseum in DC.
9. Any tattoos?
10. How old are they?
See above
11. What do they smell like?
Idk, disappointment probably
12. What are their four trinkets?
(I'm gonna do stuff on my school backpack for this one) -- I've got a Ministry of Magic keychain, a Pokeball keychain, a Spiderman keychain, and a Ravenclaw house emblem pin.
Roomba with a knife taped to it
14. What kind of magic are they good at?
Accidental Procrastination, aka Time Travel
15. What kind of magic are they bad at?
16. Of the four, six or seven magical elements which are they most connected to? Four: fire,air water earth. six: fire,air,water, wood,earth, metal. Seven:fire, air, water, wood, earth, metal, aither.
Not sure if this is asking about choosing a single element or a group, so I'm gonna go with water.
17. What does their gateway look like prior to their memory loss? What does it look like afterwards?
(I'm not sure what this is asking)
18. Do they have a familiar? If they do. What type of animal is it? What is it’s name? Is it still around after they lost their memory?
I have an old yellow cat named Iris and he's pretty cool. We share birthdays and he's one year older than me.
19. Have they ever cursed someone?
I have tried and I will continue to try.
20. How do they handle those headaches/migraines?
I sometimes put headphones in and listen to ambience after taking some medicine, but on some of my bad days I just wait for them to pass, even when it takes a few hours.
21. What tarot card do they connect the most with?
I'm gonna be honest: I know next to nothing about tarot cards.
22. Where were they born?
23. What is their favorite color?
Like a light blue or teal. Specifically though? #41A9B8
24. What is their least favorite color?
This is a tough one. I'm gonna go with like a rusty brown
25. Are they right handed, left handed or ambidextrous?
Right handed
26. What were they like as a child?
This would take a while, but I was a little shit, imo. (Also, kinda hard for me to remember specifically rn)
27. What were their parents like?
My dad's okay, he's not the best but he's doing great. My mom? Well, let's just say my opinion of her has always been pretty decent of her up until around when 2018 started.
28. Do they have any siblings? If the answer is yes how many?
Yes, I have three half brothers, two on my mom's side (who I wish would die) and one on my dad's side.
29. Do they have any other relatives they are close with?
I've got a lot of aunts (dad's side) that I consider myself close with, along with a few cousins. There's also my Grandma and Grandpa (dad's side) that I love a lot. I also have a nephew who's about I wanna say 5 or 6 years old who's a blast to hang out with.
30. What are they afraid of?
Spiders kinda scare me. And a few things associated with low self-esteem that I don't want to mention here.
31. What do they identify as?
I am a Demi-Pansexual dude
32. Do they have any allergies?
None that I know of
33. Do they have any other medical problems?
I can't think of any specifics right now
34. What about mental health issues?
Depression and Anxiety both are self-diagnosed though. I'm waiting until after highschool, or until the age where I can legally keep things like those to myself without having to tell my parents, before I go to get them diagnosed
35. What’s that personal hygiene regimen like?
Showers at least once a day, twice if possible. Remember to try to brush your teeth, too.
36. Favorite rock or gemstone?
Amythest because it's my birthstone
37. Favorite tree?
Redwoods are pretty cool
38. Favorite type of weather?
Not too hot, not too cold and sunny and cloudless or overcast and rainy, depending on mood
39. Least favorite type of weather?
The type of cloudless hot day that just saps your energy away like nothing else
40. What is their favorite season? (remember winter is summer and spring is fall)
41. How many languages could they speak before the memory loss? How many do they currently speak?
English and very broken French
42. Do they sing or play any instruments?
I sing from time to time (albeit not very good) and I have an ocarina that I really want to take time and learn
43. What do they tend to joke about?
Self-deprecation is my go-to, then there's vine humor and some standup, then just nonsense humor (See: bORGER)
44. After a stressful day how do they relax?
Nap a bit, then some music and/or video games
45. Guilty pleasures?
Idk, I can't think of any. Sonic ‘06, maybe is the closest thing that I have to one.
46. idiosyncrasies?
I guess you could list a lot of the usual ADHD stimming methods. I also adjust my glasses from the side sometimes whenever I’m nervous/anxious or when I want to appear confident. Adjusting my watch on my wrist is also something that I do a lot. I know I have a lot more, but :/
47. How do they act when they first meet someone new? How quickly do they warm up to them?
I can be kinda timid and quiet. I usually try to listen in on conversations involving that person/people to try to find somethings that I can remember and use for initiating conversations, especially if it’s with stuff that I know a bit about. It usually takes two or three semi-long times amd well interactions spent with me for me to start being comfortable around other people. I don't warm up too quickly, unless if you can get through my barriers pretty well
48. In what order would they prioritize Love, fame, money, power, and knowledge?
Love, knowledge, money, power, fame
49. List four or more things they love to do
Draw, read, talk with internet friends, play video games, browse the internet
50. List four or more things they hate to do
doing boring and uninteresting school work, being an unnecessary nuisance, hearing about family drama, engaging in school drama
51. List five or more things they have said that sum up who they are
"I'm laughing my ass off rn because the program the state is using for EOC testing was apparently hacked so we aren't testing today, but when my class heard it almost everyone started looking at me and saying I did it." [...] "Meanwhile: I nearly tripped over my backpack"
"Oh good, we get to make memes of stuff in the Louvre for extra credit. Looks like my grade is about to rise drastically."
"I’m gonna go provoke this cult so I can get asks in my inbox"
“I stole this haircut from a lion”
"I have many problems"
52. How do they react to (both verbal and physical) conflict?
I'm a pacifist so I try to stay out of situations like that (They bring up too many negative memories and emotions for me)
53. What kind of bad habits to they have?
I have a lot of trouble with a perfectionist mentality. It gets me into a lot of sticky situations
54. What kind of character faults do they have?
What even is self-esteem/ self-worth/ self-love????? To me, my needs come last. Self-doubt out the wazoooooo. Tons of unresolved shit. That's barely even scratching the surface.
55. What’s their best trait in their opinion?
I try to have a lot of empathy for people and I want to make people happy, even if I’m not happy.
56. What do they think of their appearance?
I like mine, at least a bit.
57. How do they interact with people in a position of authority?
Honestly, it just depends on the person. If the person in question is a dick, you better believe I’m not going to react well to their face.
58. Who did they look upto as a kid?
Mostly like video game characters from games that I played.
59. How do they interact with kids?
I like kids pretty well.
60. Do they want kids of their own someday?
I don't know. I don't think I'm at a point in my life where I can answer that right now.
61. Are they religious? If so what god/goddess or gods/goddesses do they worship?
I'm agnostic
62. What do they think the meaning of life is?
Idk... Maybe... Self-discovery, in a way.
63. What would they want their last words to be?
There are three roads. Maybe omething meaningful, like "Thank you," maybe something vague and prophetic like, "You won't have to wait much longer," or maybe, just maybe, something like, "I'll be back bitches!!!"
64. What do they want to do before they die?
I want to make at least one game and book that people enjoy and that I will be satisfied with
65. What/how do they want to be remembered for after they die?
I would like to be remembered fondly by people who knew me.
66. How do they express affection?
I'm usually very asocial, so if I make an active effort to maintain communication with someone, then they usually mean something to me. I also send memes and stuff. Also, I try to open up a little more around people that I trust
67. What do they normally eat for breakfast?
It usually just depends on how much time I have in the morning. Can range from poptarts to a slice of toast between two pieces of bread to leftover pizza
68. Do they like spicy food?
69. Favorite fruit and or vegetable?
Favorite fruit is probably mandarin oranges and my favorite vegetable is probably carrots
70. Do they like sweets?
On occasion
71. Do they drink alcohol? If they do, what do they act like when their drunk?
Nope, but probably like a damn fool
72. How do they take their tea/coffee?
I like sweet ice tea or maybe some herbal tea with a small bit of sugar or honey. As for coffee, I don't usually drink it, but I can drink it pure black or french vanilla
73. What food would they refuse to eat?
Most things that have a weird texture and/or smell
74. Is there anything they eat that most people would find unappealing?
You ever drink just straight sauces? Like A1 steak sauce or barbecue sauce? Yeah....
75. When going on the road what food could they not live without?
I need me some original ritz
76. What meal gives them a sense of nostalgia?
Not sure about nostalgia, but my school sells fresh-made chocolate chip cookies during lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and I get them a lot when I'm having bad days
77. What do they do when no one’s around?
I sometimes sing and maybe hop around, but I usually just do stuff that I do when people are around (like browse tumblr)
78. How would they react if a prized possession got stolen?
Cry, feel numb, or go ballistic. There is no in-between.
79. What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
A better computer, that's for sure
80. What would their favorite modern invention be?
The Nintendo Switch!!
81. In a new unfamiliar place what do they do?
Observe the surroundings from the sidelines before doing anything
82. Someone just threatened them what do they do?
It depends on the situation, but I either brush it off or I take precautionary measures (like a protective order if my life is being threatened)
83. A rather well rich looking woman just dropped her purse and didn’t notice. What do they do?
I might try to give it back.... after I check her wallet and get some cash as an award...
84. What’s the worst thing someone has said to them?
The one that sticks out the most is probably the time when one of my older half-brothers was yelling at me and said that if I ever wonder why people say that I act like a school shooter it's because I act like one most of the time (all this stemmed because I was frustrated over a book recommendation not posting and instead of letting me silently cool down, my mom and brother kept on talking crap about me and I decided to say "Just shut up for a few minutes").
Oh, but there’s also the time when I went with my dad to the divorce case’s hearing to testify against my mom and my brothers and the judge looked at me and said “You’re 16, right? In two  years, you’ll be 18. When I was 18 I was heading to war. So, if you’re gonna cry, go do it somewhere else because I don’t want anyone coming up here and being a crybaby in my courtroom.” That fucking stunned me when he said it.
 85. What is the strangest thing they’ve ever come across?
"can i hear your belly" has to be the weirdest and most unsettling direct message that I have ever gotten from someone who isn't a bot and it haunts me to this day
86. Someone just stole food from them what do they do?
I don't usually eat a lot, so if someone takes food from me I don't really care.
87. They meet a man at a crossroads. The man says they can have everything they’ve ever wanted. What happens next?
I would check to see if there was anything I want to make sure that my family and friends and people who are close to me that haven’t experienced mental illnesses like depression or anxiety to never develop any mental illnesses as long as they live, before anything.
88. As a child what would they say they wanted to be as an adult? ie. When I grow up I’m going to _______
My dream has always been and continues to be to become a successful video game developer and/or producer. I want to help create worlds to escape to when the real world becomes a bit too overbearing.
89. What’s their D&D alignment?
I consider myself a neutral good
90. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done?
Oof, that's a long list. Probably entering the crawlspace under my Grandma's house too fast and getting a part of my lower back pretty bad. Boy, did it leave a pretty big scar.
91. Have they ever got in trouble with the law or been arrested?
92. Do they know how to win a fight?
I like to think so. I'm not going to not play dirty if I feel like I'm in danger. Also try to use the environment to your advantage if possible.
93. Are they good at hand to hand combat?
I dunno. I doubt it, but I haven't really tried.
94. Have they ever stolen something?
I have, but really only minor things and only from people that I hate
95. Have they ever killed someone?
Not yet, :p
96. What/who do they find disgusting?
I can't look at stuff or pictures like decaying stuff (like dead stuff) without gagging
97. What upsets them the most?
Conflict mostly. The thought that I'm bothering people also does it. And I feel odd, to say the least about physical contact.
98. What anime character would they be?
I feel like maybe Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) or either Shinra or Mikado (Durarara!) could fit me.
99. What disney character would they be?
I didn't really know about this one, so I asked a few of my friends and one of them [the one who actually answered my question with an actual Disney character] said that I remind them of Sora from Kingdom Hearts, on the grounds that I've "got a good heart" and I'm "always confused". It was the nicest thing I've heard all week^^
100. What monster would they be?
Knife-wielding tentacle
101. What mythological figure would they be?
Tbh, I don't know enough mythology off the top of my head to answer this question.
102. List three songs that you associate with them.
Hmm.... this one is very tough for me because there are different songs that define different points in my life... As for songs that kinda aren’t bound by specific points in my life, even if I haven’t known these songs all my life, I'm thinking that these could fit the best here:
ECHO (feat. GUMI) by Crusher-P
Simple Life by Fox Stevenson
Canonball (Mythos Remix) from Megaman Zero 3
Anyway, I hope you now know a little more about me now. Do what you will with the information, I guess  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . It’s really late for me and I’m really tired so I may go ahead and get some sleep for tonight. Have a good one everyone^^ !
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threenorth · 3 years
7 years - one of the best day's of my life.
(I always thought it was July *insert dates* but since the occasion of the anniversary I had to look back at the photo in where the girl holds a weapon of a doctor and it read it said June...
- I've decided to make this now because the actual day will cripple me..)
(Edit: on June 1st ill send this... But not the actual date because i will be not online or responding.)
Dear ,loml,Girl,Freind, Lauren,Rose
I had a mental break down on our third day in the cinema in where because I wanted to make you happy for the rest of your life, but i knew i wouldn't be able to so i left to the best of my ability to get out of your life because i knew that i would probably be the reason you never are as happy as I've always wanted you to be....
In the movie(tfios) tjis was reinforced i relaized within all disillusions of reality in my terrible mental state of mind that the only way hazel grace gor her happyness Augusts had to not be in her picture anymore.
i will have to let you go completely and it's gonna be extremely difficult for me to do that as you were and still are the girl i thought id marry and spend the rest of my life with... But the times they are changin' *blows a humonaca * Remember me to one who lives there... She once was a true love of mine.
So i decided it was for the best to cutt the ropes to the reinforced bridge and let it collapse under it's own weight and oh man it was an ugly and it hurt to watch it implode but it had to, i wasn't doing any better within my fight but i was about to be knocked down more than I could ever realise.
Maybe i can work on myself and try this therapy thing but they only told me i was depressed and there wasn't enough criteria to help with my other issues that i know was wrecking my life...
I was hoping you would stick around but i forced you away, i didn't want to hurt you as my demons were eating my mind that's the last thing i would want is to hurt you ever in anyway shape or form...
I wished everyday to hold you in my arms like the days previously so i hugged my pillow and cried till there wasnt any tears...
i don't like touch expect handshakes
I never even liked kissing my girlfriend's in person but you made me want to feel every inch bump and scar every little last part of you because you made me fit back together with one hug...and I've never felt so alive...
We never got to look under the stars by a camp fire with smores all cuddled up in a sleeping bag watching stars on your roof but you would of told me stories of the universe...
I would of told you how when i look to the stars i see the same beauty as you... those stars still do that.
I would of hoped you would of told me your life story that i never wanted to know because i knew it was rough, maybe you might of seen why i never spoke about mine in fear of traumatising you...
One day when dying your hair You asked me if i liked i blonde hair or black hair i didn't care as long as you were happy but I remember saying something like but your gonna have to dye your hair as i thought it was naturally black and you corrected me to say you were a natural blonde.. I could see you in your long blonde hair down to the knees and smile loaded to kill and that it does now, you would of had some books in hand on the way to your writers den log cabin the back woods of Washington or Oregon woods with a fireplace to make tea and write the book you wanted to make and i hope you write still... I stopped because it hurt to much.
Your smile even in black hair made me feel like this life was worth living and with a it cutt deeper -*sentence reacted*- then *redacted*
I waited years for my next trip to America and the day i would break news to you that i was coming and more so to co and i hoped it would be one day but i got three and i am forever grateful.
I remember hiding behide the door because I wanted to surprise you, and man you jumped through the roof then suffocated me with arms and played with my hair no one has ever done anything remotely close to that ever since as i want to keep my distance with everyone... Three days later i had to go to ohio ugh midwest family trump voters, the door was open and i didn't have time to knock i just had to go we had an hour before the flight and i was granted 5 minutes i had and would of hoped you would of known my voice i called out, i hadn't relaized with my undiagnosed autsim i caused you a panic attack and I'm truly sorry i caused you pain in anyway as you told me a year later and i was truly shocked my fear of hurting you had happened and even when i thought it was safe to rebuild a bridge it wasn't because i knew i couldn't control my actions... I was unstable and i had to leave again.
Back to the 5 mins on day 4 I told you i had to go but i never said goodbye Because to me it wasn't goodbye it was till we meet again... I was hoping shortly in the sense but i knew it might be awhile longer but not 7 fucking- *reacted*
I gave you the gifts i wanted on the first day but it was better to wait...
I gave you chocolate to remember the sweet taste of life.
I gave my favourite t-shirt to snuggle even with a dot of blood from my shaved face for those conservtives in the Midwest.
I gave you the weapon of the doctor to keep you safe when i couldn't be there.
I gave you an anchor necklaces to remind you that you calm the seas that are rough, and you wore it to your home coming with your blue prom dress oh man you were the girl id take to my ball/prom/home coming dance that's why i never attended mine.
I gave you a hallowed book to well at the time ultimately keep secrets in the library of old books and i was hoping it was big enough for the sonic screw driver but ultimately it would hold whatever secrets the girl wished to hide.
I gave you tea to help keep you warm and calm on those lonely bitter cold winter days, the lemon grass and ginger warms the soul and cleans.
I remember in my last turn away the hazel eye's of a girl and i saw the universe, i saw her long blonde hair and i want to make into French braids I don't know how to braid but I'd learn anything if you asked me to within reason... Because i have a few disabilities but I would try to do what ever i had to... In 2013 with my time to heal i was told to make some goals for my life...and here is some of them...
* go to college and get a degree (I spent 3 years working and trying to figure out what to do and 3 years doing it achieving this in 2018*)
* get a good job (*i got this this year because in 2019 i was diagnosed with high functioning autism and it made me spiral into doom where everything that happened to me made sense like why the kids use to call me Sheldon Cooper)
I just wanted a girl not any other girl but the girl who I found through a mutual tumblr and my word... 2012 what a year...
I have very few things left on this list and I have to make peace with that and i don't like looking up at the stars anymore but i know your on the other side of the world looking at the *more or less/slightly different* same stars.
I have a tattoo planned for you but I don't want you to know what one is you but I'm sure you're know.
You always had a way to see right through me so my re-creation my look of style was born from your vision for me with the twist of capt was my favourite avengure hes super human nothing more then enhancing his ability. I just tried to be a good man and ultimately I don't want you to feel bad for anything because your already as cute as i wanted you to become and now it's my turn to evolve and since working
I've been able to I must work out at the gym i must go to uncomfortable places,deal to my own problems one at a time little by little and i would hope by the time you read this I'm on new meds for my issues and funny how money can't buy happiness but it can buy me temporary relief but when I return whenever that is... if you are still out there wherever you are i want you to know i that.... live your life and you told me you don't want nothing to do with me so i will go my separate way, but i will always be here for you...
I thought id reach a few weeks ago because I had my first time went manic in 3 years but I couldn't control it i was stuck in mania for two weeks i tried tell you but I said things i never I asked the answers to things racing through my head... Amd now i have to live with the answers i feared and I alreday knew to be true i didn't want to know it i wanted to keep my dreams of being with you one last time this time the right time and you could of seen the man i wish i was, I'm just stuck in the middle of all these things...
Ultimately i want you to know that no matter what comes my way I've keep breathing I've never self harmed since promising you and my biggest trial is yet to start and your words haunt me but they must be the only words in my brain that aren't mine that i know aren't mine and I tried to keep my tabs on you to make sure that you were okay i didn't know if you would ever want to hear from me as the last thing i herd was i give you panic attacks and axiterty and now you give me panic attacks and axiterty.... I don't worry about them because you mean so much to me and don't worry about me I'll be okay eventually I'm in my final stages of evolution and I'm just a tad slow to catchup...
I've recently found out i have extremely flat feet that's why i gave up sports and couldn't run very far without pain and now i glasses to see clearly with an eye stigisim in where the over bearing load of one eye being more powerful has thrown my body... It is only the beginning finally and ultimately not the end but a beginning.
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to try get back to reality... It just so happens all my medical conditions from birth really fucked up my mental health.
I'm glad you are free and happy... I ju-*redacted*
If you ev-*redacted*
I'm *redacted*
I've been stuck in space for to long and now I'm grounded I'm trying to repair our friendship...
Edit 3: I've been referred to the hospital, it would appear that i was depressing myself to cope to turn my brain off from reailty and with my truma of bullying for years at schooling that ultimately fucked me over as when trying to revist reality causes me to be manic and psychosis with visual hulusnate....i had asthma and so i could never get deep enough breaths to recenter myself during axiterty attacks and i stopped taking them because i didn't need them for fitness but i needed them for my panjc attacks that then led to my depression that i didn't take my medications for just breathing fucking air.
It's funny how everything has intertwined it's self into my life of old...and my new live...
A girl that isn't the same person i once knew said You have to be brave enough to get your diagnosis, I'm scared but i know that i must.
I'll be o -
I'll be okay...
I wish i knew all my issues sooner before they come back haunt me but i never had all the answers and now i do...
7 years on from... (because i know the date... *the day we...)
I'm burning a sun to say goodbye.
I finally can say goodbye to you. If not in person but the only way I can.
This isn't a suicide letter.
I'm sorry
I *redacted*
I don't *redacted*
Don't *redacted*
Always Charlie,the Beautiful Mind,
Personal Sidenote;
I would of mailed a letter but I have no address.
I would of called but i never got a phone number.
Burn after reading...
i might write you a letter sometime again but I haven't decided when to as this is something I've wanted to do for years but didn't know what I'd say to you without hurting either of us.
0 notes
riverjynx · 7 years
Blindly, Hopelessly, Perfectly
Poe Dameron x Reader
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Days could go by in simple, monotonous smiles. Just half smiles. Its all you could conjur in the face of blind faith; the blind faith that it could somehow end up meaning something. A few friendly flirts and corny jokes later they might.
Nothing happened. It was just routine. Just doing your job. Just.
It wasn’t enough anymore. You weren’t helpless, you couldn’t afford to be. A mechanic barely makes enough to feed themselves even highly trained ones. But you couldn’t afford to complain either. Just do your job. Just.
The nights and day merged and you couldn’t distinguish between them anymore, and your painful ignorance to self care left you plummeting. You worked hard to tick everything off your checklist but the constant need of repairs created an endless loop trapping you inside your workplace, alone and exhausted.
Proving yourself worthy of being an important and irreplaceable member of the resistance was the task you accomplished after many daunting nights with no sleep, no interaction or food. This was the price you were willing to pay.
He watched you fall, Watched your smile fall with you. The days where you couldn’t move from exhaustian and he remembers picking you up each time. Each time. A smile, a hug, a reassurance a cocky grin as you flirted back and forth, stood your ground and never ever showed that the workload got to you.
The resistance required the blind faith you were all too happy to submit to and it nearly killed you. It hurt him a lot deeper than he liked to admit. This is how he witnissed first hand your inner strength to continue with your work, realise the time and effort you put into the resistance. It took your sweat, blood and tears to make the repairs in the bloody hole the First Order ripped in the galaxy. With no recognition
And he admired you.
Then he couldn’t stand it no more, friends were supposed to help each other. Gods he hated the word friend, he wanted so much more. A time and place, a time and place.
Another dark night droned on and you took a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding after switching BB-8 back on. The little tyke rolled around you beeping with happiness and joy and childlike giddiness. You allowed yourself this one moment to just relax slightly under the workload and sit on the floor laughing at BB-8’s antics. As he whizzed around the room in glee.
He saw. He saw this wonderful miracle unfold before him. You were happy, in all his days of knowing you, you’d never been so… So content.
And it warmed his soldiers heart. He wanted- no needed more. More of this kind of happiness from you when you finally accept you’ve done a good job and relax even a little to take the mandotory time to just breath.
There was another exchange of smiles when he picked up BB-8. (A little later than the alotted time but just so he could watch you just a little longer.) BB-8 was still brimming with joy as he zoomed around poe earning a deep chuckle.
It was more than just smiles. It was a thank you. But he couldn’t hold it in anymore and he needed to give you the help you adamantly denied.
“Gods Y/n when was the last time you slept?!”
Your unsureness of answering this sudden question brought your lack of strength and the physical numbness you were enduring to the front of your mind.
The nausea caused you to almost collapsed but you steadied yourself, you could handle yourself, you were no damsel in distress and you could certainly give and take punches emotional and physical. The mantra you taught yourself repeated as it blazed through your thoughts dashing any fear and guarding yourself with relentless stubborness to back down and a cheeky grin to hide your weary soul behind.
“Two days ago. Why my caring flyboy?”
“And the last time you washed?”
“I wash every day thank you very much. I make sure to do that. What about you marblemana with the heart of stone?”
“But the last time you properly took care of yourself; ate a full meal not just scraps, had a nice long hot bath not just a cold shower to wake you up into alert mode, Slept in a bed not on the floor for a few hours? Before you joined the resistance a year ago Y/n. Surely you understand where this is leading darlin’.”
You couldn’t say anything because it was all true. You didn’t allow yourself luxiouries, you could have them later, after work finished. Work never finished and you were neck deep in seconds.
“I miss you Y/n. The person I knew on Yavin 4, the person to joke with me and teach me how to build a makeshift droid. I really do miss those moments with you Y/n and I’m sorry to be selfish but you’re gonna for once put your stubborn defences down and share a bed with me so I know where you are and you will sleep a goodnights sleep. Also, the general herself is interfering with your heavy workload and its no longer yours alone to carry which it shouldn’t have been in the first place. Come back to me Y/n. Please, I will beg if I have to and you know I will so wipe that silly grin off your face.”
“You’ll beg? I’d like to see that.”
“I bet there’s a whole lot more you’d like to see as well…”
“Oh yes. I’d like to see you try and catch me!”
Before the last word even escaped your mouth you bolted with whatever energy you had left to Poe’s quaters. Gods you were free from your loop, unburdened and refreshed with a new vigour and enthusiasm where you could see the work you’ve done and what you’ve accomplished from your small office. And for once in a very long time, you were proud.
Yes you had given in to Poe easily without a fight because you knew it would happen, sooner or later, you knew that someday someone would demand you to break out of your loop because you couldn’t do it yourself. You never had the energy to make a stand against yourself except for now. Now was where you would live, not hoping for the future and relying on hope, but also seeing the change you were making, day by day amd bask in the happiness it brought you to make a difference somewhere.
Poe couldn’t not smile at your sleeping form, the gentle dozing where you were no longer at a bittersweet war with yourself. But a peace swept over you like a cotten blanket smothering you in warmth. Gods was he lucky. You gave him hope, hope that the resistance was stronger than it had ever been with brave souls thriving.
In his smile, he knew he loved you. In fact, he knew from the moment you stepped off the lander from Yavin 4 and your first words being:
‘Well don’t just stand there you skinny boys in suits, lets get to work!’
And this time he fell, he fell in love with you and he wouldn’t ever deny it.
“And to who do I owe this pleasure of waking up to this glorious face?”
“I guess my parents for making me.”
“Smartasses get soreasses.”
“I know.”
“Oh for gods sake Poe you always lead back to sex and stop winking with that pretty little face.”
“You were the one that said it you idiot.”
“You’re the one thats holding me so tight as if I might disappear- Poe can’t breath!
I hate you.”
“And I hate you too my little frumpkin.”
“I may be little but how dare you compare me to a frumpkin.”
“I could have said my little porg but frumpkin sounded better.”
“A deadly, disease ridden plant that regurgitates its faeces on predators to eat them. Yeah cute nickname Poe.”
“I know I’m just the best boyfriend ever.”
It was out in the open and he didn’t even mean to say it, of course he wanted to but not yet. Too late now though, he’d just face the rejection and carry on. He would still be here for them always.
“You can be when you want to be my flirtatious flyboy. But I love you all the same.”
Didn’t even miss a beat and through his happpiness, they sealed it with a kiss.
Stfu that was cute and you know it. Oooo I love it. I’m so happy now and its deadass long. Fuckin hell.
This is River, signing off.
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deathlyhogwarts · 7 years
Remus Lupin x Reader
A/N: i accidentally deleted the request and i’m really sorry 😖 but i remember what the prompts were, so happy christmas to me!!! also it’s not edited because i stayed really late to write this and i’m waking up at 4am tomorrow and i’m too tired to edit D:
1. “I’m not a person you should fall in love with.”
4. “Do you know how it feels when the person you love most tells you that you shouldn’t love them?”
19. “I’m just scared that you’ll leave me one day.”
word count: 2003
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You and Remus weren’t friends. You weren’t lovers, either. You were somewhere between these two things, but there wasn’t something you could label, at least not yet. You met a couple years ago and him being as solitary as he isーwell, not exactly solitary, because he had his three bestfriends always by his side, except when he was in the libraryーand closed up in himself, it wasn’t exactly easy to befriend him. He was simply afraid that he was going to hurt everyone that he cares about because of his state; because he’s a werewolf. That’s why, after two years of friendship, he hardly told you his secret, meaning that you created, you wanted to believe, a strong bond. He wouldn’t tell everyone that he was a werewolf.
Now, after another two years of friendship, you started thinking of him as more than just a friend; you started having strong feelings for your best friend and after a long time of debating what would happen if you’d tell him, you finally told him and acknowledged that he has feelings for you as well. That was a week ago.
However, you thought that now that you confessed your feelings for each other, everything will change. And it did, but not the way you expected.
Remus was ignoring you. You thought it was near full moon, so you decided to give him some space, but after a full week of going the opposite way whenever he saw you, not meeting your gaze and avoiding conversations and not even showing up to the classes you shared, you knew it was something else. That, and you checked the moon calendar, and full moon was in two weeks.
You tried reaching up to him multiple times: at breakfast, whenever you’d arrive there, his friends would tell you that he ate early, at lunch he was early as well and at dinner he didn’t even bother to show up. You tried waiting for him to show up in the common room, but he never did and you even stood up late to wait for him to appear, but it seemed like he didn’t even leave his roomーor you didn’t see him do so. After all, he was friend with James, who had the Invisibility Cloak.
Today, when you went in the Great Hall for breakfast, you were very surprised to see Remus standing at the Gryffindor table, along with James, Peter and Sirius. You sat in front of them, taking notice at the very nervous looking Remus in front of you.
“Good morning,” you said to all of them. Sirius and Peter responded, as James was preoccupied talking with Lily and Remus gave nothing more but a mumble, probably trying to say ‘morning’ back. “Haven’t seen you in a while, Remus,” you say softly, trying to hint the fact that you missed him. It wasn’t something that you’d expect, expressing your love towards someone amd them loving you back, then ignoring you for a week.
He continued to play with his food, although you didn’t think he even touched it and avoiding to look at you in the eyes. “Been sick,” he says quietly.
“Could we talk?” you ask.
He suddenly gets up, still looking nervous. “I’m sorry Y/N, I’m late to class.” And with that, he rushed out of the Great Hall, not even glancing back.
You turn your head to the rest of the Marauders, but only Sirius seemed to be with his mind here. “Hey, Sirius.” You grab his attention.
“Yes, love?”
“What’s up with Remus? Is he really sick?” you ask, concerned.
“I don’t think so, he seems pretty healthy physically to me.” He gives you a smile.
“And mentally?”
“Well, that, yeah, he seemed a bit off these past few days.” He frowns. “I reckon it’s got something to do with you,” he looks at you, no tint of accusation in his tone.
“What do you mean? Did I do something?” You furrow your eyebrows.
“You see, Remus doesn’t really talk about his feelings that much, especially when it’s about a girl. He told us that he really likes you, so I reckon he thinks that you don’t like him back and is trying to keep distance.”
“But we talked about this. A week ago. We both told each other about our feelings.”
His eyes lit up. “Really?” He smirks. “About time, if you ask me.”
“But this still doesn’t change the fact that he’s acting weird. He’s been ignoring me all week, for goodness’ sake!” You sigh.
“Then you should be the one talking to him about it, as I said, he seemed pretty good with us. It’s you he’s got a problem with.” He shrugged.
“Wow, you’re so good at giving advice.” You roll your eyes.
“I know, love,” he says, winking at you.
You were waiting outside Charms class, knowing Remus was in there and would get out any second. You were tired of him ignoring you, so you had to find some way of not letting him run away from you, because apparently, you were the reason he was acting like this.
When the bell rang, people started exiting the classroom, but you knew Remus was usually the last one to exit because he always made sure he gathered all his things and made all the notes he needed to study. So, as fewer people started filling the hall, you saw Remus walk out the door, his books clutched tight at his chest.
“Remus!” You stepped in front of him, smiling up at him.
He looked even more nervous than he was at breakfast, his shoulders were tensed and his grip on the books tightened. “I can’t talk right now, I have toー”
“To what, exactly?” You raised an eyebrow.
His eyes went wide. “I, er, to the common room, to, you know…”
“No, actually I don’t know and I’m tired of you making excuses just so you wouldn’t face me. I don’t understand, did I do something?”
“N-no, Y/N, you didn’t do anythingー”
“Then why are you ignoring me? A week, a bloody week you ignored me, do you know how that feels? Especially after we had that conversation,” you said clearly hurt, looking into his warm eyes that now filled with guilt.
“Could we talk somewhere more… private?” He looked around at all the students in the hall.
“As long as you actually talk to me, yes,” you say and you hear him sigh before he puts his hand on your back, softly leading you to wherever he wanted to talk.
You walked for a couple of minutes, exited the castle and he still continued to lead you, his hand still placed on your back, giving you a warm feeling inside. You also noticed that he was wearing his glasses, something that didn’t happen that often and it also made him ten times more attractive (not that he wasn’t already) and you found yourself thinking how much you missed him. And it wasn’t like any other time you missed him, because now you had open a part of your soul to him and that part was left empty without his presence.
You arrived near a big tree. He took his hand from your back and sat down near its roots, patting the soil next to him, signaling you to sit with him. You quietly sat down, waiting for him to speak up. He, however, was plainly staring at you with his pupils dilated. “Why have you been ignoring me, Remus? Do you… do you not feel that way about me anymore?” you asked, playing with your fingers.
He looks at you bewildered. “No, of course not! Who in their right mind would change their feelings that fast, especially if it’s about you…” he mumbled the last part.
“Then what is it? Because it doesn’t feel very well when you tell someone you love them and then they ignore you.”
He took a deep breath and looked at the ground, playing with the grass. “Look, Y/N, I’m not a person you should fall in love with,” he said frowning.
You were taken aback. Not a person you should fall in love with? What was that supposed to mean? After he told you he felt the same way, he was now taking it back? Was this some kind of way to play with your feelings? Because if it was, it sure as hell worked.
You didn’t say anything for a while, just looked at him in shock. He lifted his gaze to look at you, searching for a reaction and although he knew that what he said might have hurt you, he didn’t expect to see your eyes water and tears wanting to roll down your cheeks. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do that.
“Do you know how it feels when the person you love most tells you that you shouldn’t love them?” you whisper, a tear rolling down your cheek, not being able to stop it.
“Y/N, love, don’t cry.” He tried to reach out to your face and wipe the tears, but you pulled away.
“Then what the fuck do you want me to do? Scream? Run? Because I could do all of those,” you said coldly.
He swallowed thickly. “I don’t deserve you, Y/N. That’s why I’ve been ignoring you, I don’t fucking deserve you. I’m a monster, I don’t deserve to be loved by you . You’re gorgeous, kind, funny and I’m… a werewolf. I wouldn’t stand it if I would hurt you,” he said, looking into your eyes. He was hurt.
“How could you say that?” you said, frowning. "How could you even think that? You can’t possibly think that being a werewolf makes you unworthy of love, Remus. You’re the person that deserves love the most.“
“I’m just scared that you’ll leave me one day, that you’ll realise what I am and what I can do to you and you’ll just… be gone.” He blinks repeatedly, knowing that tears started to form in his eyes.
“No, Remus John Lupin, you listen to me right now.” You take his hands in yours, forcing him to look at you. “You’re the most kind, clever, beautiful, sometimes funny person I’ve ever met. There are reasons I fell in love with you, I didn’t just randomly did. I’m not scared of you nor I will ever be because I trust you and I know it’s not your fault. But it’s just who you are and I love it. I love you,” you said, squeezing his hands.
He still remained silent.
“Remus, I love you, okay? Thay’s not gonna change, please believe me.” You took his face in your hands. “I love you.”
Then, his lips twitched and formed the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. “I love you too, Y/N.” He sighs. “I’m sorry, I just… I can’t help but think about this and I don’t want to hurt you, I care too much about you.”
“It’s okay to have worries, but I’m not going to leave you.” You smile at him.
“I love you.” He smiles, relieved.
send me prompts!
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kimvtae · 7 years
(1/5)hey! so this is kinda long but i just wanted to let you know that ive always disliked reading fics (i read a couple of about my fave books a few years ago but they just werent for me so ive never tried reading any) but recently i got into reading bts reactions and imagines on here but I'd run out of like all of them, so I thought I'd try reading shorter fics like >1k words. again,i didnt really find anything i liked and i was just going through some tags yesterday and i came across fall for
Anonymous said: (2/5)you and i saw it was 10k+ and i was like oh boi but college fuckboy jungkook is my fave and i had time to kill so i thought, might as well read it! and i started reading it and i got hooked instantly and i actually stayed up late just to finish it all but my mom came up to me in the middle of the night and forced me to go to sleep and I couldnt finish it and literally all i was thinking about while trying to sleep and the first thought in my mind when i woke up and the first thing i did as
Anonymous said: (3/5)soon as i woke up was finish reading it and the drabbles and I've been thinking about it ALL day and i cant love it so so so so much and I'm so glad its the first long fic i ever read because i wasnt disappointed at all (at the same time i cant bring myself to read anything else bc ffy got my expectations so high and i feel like nothing i read will live up to it and disappoint me) and i wanted to thank you for writing it and tell you that you are a PHENOMENAL writer. the writing was perfect
Anonymous said: (4/5) the plot was perfect, the characters (including the side characters- i ADORED vmin) are perfect- it's just so perfect all round and i know for a fact that I'm gonna keep thinking about it for many many days. i was also wondering if you'd be writing any more drabbles for it? if you would i kinda have some ideas i would love to read- like maybe the first chapter from jungkooks pov (like not all of the details and everything ofc- but im just so curious to know what his reaction was when he
Anonymous said: (5/ 5)saw her at the first party, or when she approached him at the second one, or how he was feeling during and after having sex with his longtime crush lol) or maybe his pov during the forest scene, just some things I'd love but no pressure ofc!! only if u ever get the time amd motivation. anyway wow i cant believe i just wrote a whole fic myself lol but TLDR- YOU'RE AMAZING AND IM SO GLAD I FOUND U AND UR BLOG!!
oh my goodness I don’t even know where to start with this except to say thank you!!!! It meant the entire world to me to log on and see such long, nice messages about one of my favorite fics I’ve posted on this account, I honestly still can’t believe that people are even reading them here!!
I don’t think I’ll be writing anymore drabbles for ffy but there’s always a chance sometime in the future! but for now, the fic and the few drabbles is all there is, and thank you again! i’m so so happy to see that you liked it~
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reesebird · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://reesebird.com/2019/08/13/meeting-family/
Meeting family?
I apologise in advance this is long and complicated TW (mental abuse/alleged sexual abuse/physical attack) (Note: I am currently 29 years old)
My mother has always been a single mother. I am repeatedly told by her and her friends how she gave up her job and life and everything for me. She never ever ever tells me a thing about the past. To the point where one of her friends would let slip “when we were teens and snuck out to the cinema…” my mum was absolutely furious and got extremely angry at her friend for telling (trying to tell me) a story about her and also at me for “listening to her sh*t” I CANNOT know ANYTHING. And the only friend who let things slip has now died.
She is so secretive about my actual family that any friends (or friend’s parents) who’d ask about my dad or why she never married she’d never let me talk to them ever again (which made school awkward).
She is extremely controlling with my friends, if I go somewhere she HAS to drive me. She also has to pick me up. This is to confirm I am with who I say I’m with. If I’m vague or if she doesn’t see me actually meet my friend she will wait somewhere around the area and sometimes she sends her friends and her friend’s daughters out to spy on me. Example: One time I said I’m meeting “Natasha” at Starbucks at 11. Got dropped off in town. Natasha couldn’t meet until 1 and we went to Caffè Nero. My mum was furious at me because she walked past Starbucks and sat outside waiting for me and I never showed up. “Who were you with, where were you what were you doing, you’re a liar, this is why I don’t trust you” The next day I met a different friend “Kayleigh” and outside the place we were meeting was my mum’s friend’s daughter who watched me go in, who I sat with and immediately started typing on her phone. (I was 28 at the time this happened. Not young!). She’ll also go into shops or cafes or places my friends work and ask if I was in and who was I with and things like that.
She refuses to let me have my own bank card and my own money. I need to say what I want the money for, show her the items I bought and also reciepts.
For some random reason when I was a child (maybe 6,7,8?) she told me my Nan (Dad’s mum) wants contact with me. My dad’s side of the family live a 6 hour journey away but I chose yes, I want to see them. My mum let me meet my Nan briefly but made many snide comments about hating her and contact dropped off. I WAS allowed to meet my aunts and uncles. And their children (my cousins). I could meet anyone I wanted as long as it wasn’t my Dad. And I was to never ask about him (at such a young age I was terrified to go against my mum’s wishes).
When I was 14 I started to ask about my Dad. My mum went cold and ignored me for a week straight then she got her friend to tell me he’s a loser who has no money and he only wants mine (umm, what money does a 14 year old have worth stealing?) They also said he’s a pervert and only wants contact me because I’m young. They said he has sexually assaulted my mum’s friend, my mum’s friend’s daughter and has attacked my mum.
I never saw or spoke to the family much. I only ever remained in contact with one aunt and her children. I was under the impression Dad re-married and had a wife and 3 kids. I contacted the girl on social media and considered her my sister. My mum was so angry and got someone to hack into my account, send my sister a load of abuse and blocked her.
When I was 18 (in 2008) we went to a big family party for my aunt (the first family event we had been to and we could only go because my Dad wasn’t there). My sister was there and it was the only time we’d ever met and she hid because she was terrified of ME.
Now I need to make this bit clear: I WASN’T HERE FOR THIS NEXT EVENT. This happened outside and I was inside at the bar. The one friend I took with me was with my mum. A cousin who my mum has always made it clear she hated and she tried to make me hate (“he stole your toys when you were 4” “his mother got him tickets to Disneyland and all you got was a photo album, isn’t that unfair?” and so many sly comments and looks) had attacked my mum. I got there as he pushed her up against a fence holding a glass bottle to her face and my cousins (his sisters and brother and our other cousins) were pulling him off of her and helping her. He claims she started it but she says she never said anything directly to his face. My friend confirmed this. Though my friend has since been caught out in many lies amd eventually blocked me. And my mum? Well she’s getting more aggressive. Example: She’ll go to a restaurant my friend owns and I temporarily worked at and demand freebies, refuse to pay and call him a tight fisted “see you N tea” and constantly tell other customers (even new ones who just walked in) how much she hated the food there. Eventually he banned her then banned me from working there, because of her behaviour. And (stupidly) it’s only recently I’ve started to think maybe my mum did cause the incident.
My mum’s been extremely paranoid about the incident. She was scared of him for years because he’s “loose” and “got away with it unpunished” (I have since found out he got over £1,000,fine! But for years she constantly told me they “couldn’t find the security footage” so “the whole family have tool his side and it’s a massive cover up and they’re all involved”). She absolutely forbid me to speak to any of the family at all.
The family continued to send me letters, wedding invitations, birthday cards. My mum would rip them up and it all eventually stopped. Around 5 years ago (so about 6 years after the incident) my cousin I was closest to and who helped pull her brother off of my mum added me on social media. I told my mum about it, lucky for me she’s not on social media but as I said, she has spies and I knew her reaction if she did find out. She told me I can do what I want but she won’t be happy. Then she told me to accept so we can spy on the family. So I added my cousin and as many names as I could remember from the family. Only a few accepted.
Only a few months ago a blank profile contacted me on social media with a phone number saying that’s my Dad’s. I’ve been too scared to phone it because if it got back to my mum I can’t even imagine. Also I have always feared he is dangerous because of what my mum and her friend have said. But it’s always confused me how he’s married and has other kids if he’s so “dangerous” One thing I’ve noticed is he is very rarely in family pictures. I must’ve come across around 2 in total. I stalked his children, the girl I think of as my sister. Her dad is not mine. Not the same face, not the same (first) name. She is my dad’s brother’s. She is my cousin. I’m not sure why my mum freaked out all those years ago when I spoke to her specifically. How is she different to my other cousins?!.
Now one of my cousins has spoke about coming down to visit me. I’d love to see her and I hope she has answers. The problem is she didn’t exactly ask. She just sort of said she is coming down to visit and has already booked the hotel and travel. The few people I trust to cover for me and not blab to my mum have all said it’s extremely important I meet her because she’ll have all the answers. I’ve also been encouraged to call my Dad. But I am so scared of my mum and her reaction. She is mentally and emotionally abusive and she gets physical, too. And if I do the slightest thing wrong she gets her friends, and their friends, and their kids to call and message me what an awful person I am (last time was “I forgot my sandwich, can we turn the car round” because how dare I be demanding and spoilt and MAKE my mum turn around etc etc) so I am too afraid to do something REALLY wrong.
I am so afraid of being caught out in a lie that I’ve been honest and told my mum my cousin is visiting. She thinks it’s an ambush. It’s revenge for all those years ago. She thinks I’ll go to meet one cousin and the whole family will be there waiting to attack me. Then she ignored me all night and when she spoke the next day she said I can only meet my cousin if I’m with her and she’s gonna punch my cousin before my cousin punches us. I don’t think my cousin is aggressive or after revenge because we are actually friends and speak all the time (mum doesn’t know this). (Example of my mum’s paranoia: I asked for some money to go on holiday. She gave it to me, my own and she made up what i cant afford. but kept saying the holiday is not going to happen. She still believes it didn’t. All the pictures of me on holiday? Photoshopped! She thinks I ran off with her money. Where did I go if not on holiday?).
I don’t think my cousin is aware of the beef because before she booked the hotel she asked to stay with us. I don’t want to explain about my mum yet as I dont want to put my cousin off coming. It’s so important that I meet her. But I also have no idea how I’m going to hide her! I don’t know how to start explaining to her.
Side note: I’ve had my mum seen to by doctors and she outright denies any mental health issues and refuses to take any meds because “nothing is wrong”
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virqinn · 5 years
So this is a story of a college girl who was learning to lover herself little by little but still had major insecurities. She met this boy who asked for her number and she happily gave it to him. He made her feel so special. Nothing like ever before. All her past boyfriends either cheated on her or mentally abused her . but not this guy. He would call her perfect and beautiful,× he would show her the world. She felt so loved. He said I love you after a week. She called him crazy, he said crazy in love. They had all the same interests and he flew her to see his parents. She thought it was a fairytale. Soon time went by. She was happy. Then he said he lied about loving her before. She cried. They argued. She forgave. Things were better again. Until...she went on vacation with him and his parents. She thought of a prank and was going to change her name on his phone when she stumbled across these messages. "Hey babe, how are you? Wish You were here. Dont you want to be in a relationship with me? I love you!" ...she...she felt heart broken. Betrayed. What am i doing here? Why? What did i do? She felt numb. She Sat there in the dark thinking heart broken and she started at the man she loved who didn't love her back. That's when it started. The cycle. She threw the pillow at him and asked why? His response was always the same. I dont know. She was hurt. But she forgave. Things were better. Until they went to the movies. "Who are you texting? Put your phone away" she said. After the movies the said there good byes and went home. Till the next day she received screen shots "i love You baby. Im at the theaters I'll see you after. I cant wait to fuck you face down ass up" she cried at work. She felt numb again. Why did this happen am I not enough. He was texting her all through out the movies while I sat next to him. She sent him the screen shots. He pleaded guilty and asked for forgiveness. She accepted but still very broken. She didn't let it get to her. She acted happy. Then she saw more. " I love you baby. I'll buy you a plane ticket so you can spend Tuesday's with me" he said he worked Tuesday's. He lied. The cycle continued. "Im sorry baby" She forgave. Each time feeling more stupid, ugly, lonely, numb, and broken. Things started to slow down in there relationship. He never called her pretty or perfect. His affection dramatically declined. She felt hurt and rejected and had to beg for sex just to get scorned at. Life went on. She put a smile on her face. He moved and she served him day and night. 1 hour massages, clean clothes, home cooked meals, complements left and right. Yet she received nothing. Fast forward a month and they are back on family vacation in which she finds him snapchatting 3 other girls and his ex he loved very much. "I wish you were sleeping nexting me" he messaged her. "Really?" she replied. This tore the girl up the most as she was sleeping next to him when he sent that. Everyday her heart and confidence grew weaker. Your ugly, your fat, no one loves you, I hate you, kill yourself, you dont deserve to be happy, your weak!! She told herself everyday. She only found 3 things she liked about herself. Her hair, her eyes, her cheeks. She forgave him as usual and she continued her life putting him first and treating him like a king showering him with complements. Life moved on. She would catch him cheating amd she would forgive. They went through everything trrying to help their relationship in all the different places but his faithfulness. She changed herself to fit him. The sweet smiley girl who loved to give kisses and cuddles and giggled at the little things in life went cold. 3 years went by shed catch them, they'd argue, she forgave. She tried to turn to supstance for help. She thought xannax would hep numb her and full the void. She started using regularly until she overdosed and ended at the hospital. She continued this for months. And he contined with his games.
Things never really for better. They just lived with each other. Then his grandma died. He flew to florida for a week to attend her funeral. While there he met this girl called clair She was everything the girl was not. She never met her but in just one day her boyfriend was willing to drop his 3 year relationship to be with her. On the flight back he was texting her he insisted on breaking up with his gf for her the day he flew back. She just wanted to be friends for now. He said okay but he wants to be more than that in 9 months. He texted her through a second phone number his gf didnt know about. He was also texting other girls, 2 of which he planned on meeting up with the day he arrived and have sex. As soon as his plane landed his gf happly picked him up in which she received no hung or kiss She felt Rejected and ugly. They hung out the whole day but found out about his second phone number and the other girls through his bestfriends fiancee. They double date often and one day the fiancee invites the girl to talk. She confessed that she fucked her boyfriend a year ago on her birthday. She felt confused. How could he do this? The way he talks about her behind her back in the most ugliest way yet he cheated on her with that girl. They argued big time. They each went to therapy. He admitted of having a cheating problem and swore up and down he wasnt talking to anybody. That was a lie he was talking to 4 other girls. One in which she found out while her bf was in florida a girl slept over. He said nothing happened. Until the girl saw a text from her on his phone about not wantimg to be in a relationship at the moment. She confronted him about it and small he had to say was " good for her" this broke whatever peices of heart she had left. She cried for day for hours. She found herself constantly thinking about all those times. How stupid she was and idiotic. All those boys she passed up for a boy who didnt love her. He refused to break up with her and she refused to break up with him. Daily she would accuse him. Theyd break up but get back togther. He was always brutally honest. He never showed he love her and when she mustered up what ever confidence she had she would doll her self up for him. For him to only his phone. She'd sit on top of him gently griding and kissing him whilw he completely ignores her or acts annoyed. What ever confidence she had disappeared. Those 3 things she liked about herself went to 0. She would call her self ugly and worthless because thats how she felt. But she loved him because she could not love herself.
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