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rockinlibrarian · 2 years
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
This was an Ask Game Thingie from a couple weeks ago, but it's a yearly round-up thing, and Back In My Day on LiveJournal we used to pass around surveys like this and answer EVERY QUESTION, whether or not anybody Asked you any, and Year-End ones were great for, you know, wrapping up the year, and ultimately led me to writing full Year-End Wrap-up Posts that span a ton of different categories-- this year's coming later this week! So I've gone and filled out this whole thing because it's MY year-end wrap up and I can do it my way and have it on my blog like so!
How many words have you written this year? The word count on AO3 for 2022 says 51,282, but I assume this includes ALL the words of “Exploration of the Astral Plane” still even though only 3 of the seven chapters were actually published this year, and most of those were also WRITTEN last year. Likewise, I’ve WRITTEN a whole lot of words this year that have not been published yet (and will they ever be, one wonders?) So, grain of salt it.
2. How many works did you publish this year? Seven total listed works. That includes three new chapters of one work I originally published last year (see previous question) and three chapters of a work I haven’t completed yet (see next question). Five self-contained works (a couple of which have two chapters, but at least I published both this year. Wait, that’s a lie: “Chapter 2” of “Everything I Know About Writing the Loudermilk Twins” is actually the essay I put in the “Memory Work” Zine a few years back). Anyway, there are seven individual titles listed under 2022 on AO3.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? “A Captain With Seven Children”— because first off the concept is brilliant and kept getting more brilliant as I wrote, but can one really take credit for concepts, specifically considering I just happened to dream this one? But I took this seemingly-crack concept seriously, and that’s what led to bringing the inherent brilliance of it out. Secondly, it’s both so much fun and a nifty challenge to take the script of one of my favorite movies and see how it can be adapted to fit characters of a completely different time and culture and— only slightly different situation? One would think it’s a REALLY completely different situation, but the fact that it’s not SO far off after all is part of what makes it so much fun.
4. What work of yours has the most hits? “Not Just Stupid Kids,” which is ironic because I originally posted it anonymously. It would also have the most kudos if you discount what I believe is a weird glitch on somebody’s bookmark of “Chapter 19.5: Hidden. Safe. Somewhere,” which, don’t get me wrong, is a perfectly nice little fic, but it’s a throwaway interstitial thing for Legion which has a teeny fandom anyway, and there’s NO WAY it could get that many kudos naturally when there are so many better Legion fics to choose from. Apparently if you’re not signed in, you can kudo as a guest as many times as you want? And there’s one guest I believe has been through all my Legion fics multiple times this year, and kudoed them every time. But perhaps every time they open the link to “Chapter 19.5” it automatically kudos it again. This is the only sensible explanation.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? CLEARLY “Not Just Stupid Kids,” considering, like I said, I first posted it ANONYMOUSLY. Normally I post a ton of links on social media when I post something on AO3, “Hey everybody, come READ WHAT I WROTE!” but since I was embarrassed by that one (it’s a non-canon ship! I don’t DO those!) I didn’t. And somehow THAT one took off completely. I pondered, is it because it’s a ship? People follow specific ships? But the non-anonymous sequel has gotten a fraction of the reaction. Which can only lead me to conclude one thing: MAYBE IT’S ME PEOPLE DON’T LIKE.
6. Favorite title you used: Hmmm. I’m kind of torn: I liked coming up with a Community-formatted title, but I couldn’t decide between “Introduction to Eternal Crossover” and “Introduction to Infernal Crossover” so I combined the two, but I actually like either of the two separately better than the combination I went with in the end. So it’s more like my favorite potential title. I’m also strangely fond of “High on a Roof Stood a Lonely Seven,” which is the next chapter of “A Captain With Seven Children,” but is, barring miracles, not going to be actually posted until 2023.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Speaking of which, that would be Rodgers and Hammerstein. And that only because I’m specifically parodying “Sound of Music” lyrics. I hadn’t noticed that so many people name their stories and chapters after song lyrics until after I made this decision, and now I’m like, Come ON, at least MINE is a DIRECT reference to the story I’m writing.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Fiktor, ie Five and Viktor Hargreeves, ie the ONLY pairing I wrote this year, with a grand total of TWO. Non-canonical and should be completely ridiculous, so basically both fics are me trying to work out WHY the heck I love the concept of them together so much.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Well that goes without saying, then, doesn’t it?
10. What work was the quickest to write? If Scrivener history is to believed, I created the file for “Not Just Stupid Kids” —called “Unrelated Fiktor”— on July 31, and according to AO3, I published the first part (which I thought would be the whole thing) on August 1, so apparently I really WAS just trying to get it out of my system. I ended up adding “chapter” 2 on August 8, which ties it at 8 days with “Intro to Eternal/Infernal Crossover.”
11. What work took you the longest to write? “Exploration of the Astral Plane,” which according to my Scrivener history I started writing on 3/29/2020, and finally finished in September this year. Granted, it’s also seven chapters long, but I also apparently started writing the last chapter on 3/15/2021. That last chapter was close to finished for a very long time. It was just the penultimate chapter that was taking so long.
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Well, I count six unfinished stand-alones in Scrivener, and a couple more in Word (those are the OLD ones), and two multi-chapters that have already started being posted but just need to be finished. But whether they’ll specifically happen NEXT YEAR? We’ll see.
13. What’s your longest work of the year? Technically “Exploration of the Astral Plane” at 13,008 words, but not all those words were published this year. Only 5,417 words were, and about a third of those were written last year. So “A Captain With Seven Children” steals with 11,371 words published so far, and that’s only halfway done.
14. What’s your shortest work of the year? “Introduction to Infernal and Eternal Crossover” at 1,263, which edges out “Chapter 19.5” by 7 words.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Is this a different question from #12?
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? “Backstory”— this is true both for this year and total. Some people write fanfiction to imagine characters’ futures— I tend to write it to figure out their pasts. Go figure.
17. Your favorite character to write this year? I was going to say Oliver Bird out of force of habit and then I realized I haven’t actually written much for Oliver this year, considering he was unconscious for most of it.* My real answer when I think of it is probably Hypnos God of Sleep, but I haven’t actually finished that fic yet, even though it was supposed to be a quickie (it’s almost done! But LIFE happened). As for characters that aren’t basically OCs (yes I didn’t invent Hypnos, but I did invent his personality for my story), writing the Hargreeveses as children is always fun. Peeling back the later influences on their personalities to the roots of who they are, including things that hint at future developments— and also they’re funny. *I just re-read Chapter 6 of “Exploration,” which is the one chapter I wrote ENTIRELY this year, and Oliver actually spends a good portion of that awake and active and delightful, for probably about as many lines as Hypnos, so maybe he counts after all.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Huh. I guess I avoid writing characters that I can’t hear clearly in the first place. I can’t think of anyone whose voice I couldn’t get right or anything, if I can be as bold to claim that. Approaching the question from a different angle, Viktor Hargreeves. Dang his self-esteem issues. They were simultaneously “yes I relate very much to this feeling of Complete Nobody-ness, therefore it’s all too easy to write” and “UGH would you STOP already and just believe what Five and/or Maria depending on the fic is trying to TELL you?!” And as it turned out, the moment of this that bothered me the most was the same moment my beta reader Frimfram* called out, too, which just goes to show, if your characters are annoying you, they’re probably also annoying the reader. Oh, and he also has the added challenge of not realizing he was trans until he was 29 and a half, which makes the fact that I write a lot of childhood stuff an odd balancing act of pronouns. *(OH WAIT, she's on Tumblr, as @amperdash! Hi, @amperdash!)
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Look. I didn’t INTEND to explore any pairings THIS year. I’m not a shipper! And yet, hopefully I DO finally post more of or even finish “Tesseract,” which has a lot of lovely deep married-folk discussions happening between Alex and Kate, if not overtly romantic— no, some of it IS pretty romantic, especially for Demis like me who are all about deep partnership being romantic. Hey, maybe I’ll even finish the Wash/Zoe fic I started ten years ago or something. Who knows. Oh, it’s also possible for these “pairing” questions to refer to non-ship relationships, or “&”s on AO3, but I always forget to note those, anyway. Ironic, isn’t it? I’d probably have better answers if I looked at it that way. Relatedly, do you think I should go back through my fics and add the “&” tags that apply to each? They might get more attention that way.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most? That’s a good question, and I think it’s more confusing because I reread so much WHILE I’m writing, so I’m not sure how much I reread snippets of in process and how much I read as a completed whole. Maybe “A Captain with Seven Children,” because it is fun and also I'm still writing it, too.
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year? Now, if you click 2022 on the Stats page it says 303, but I was curious, so I added up all the kudos on the seven fics I supposedly published this year, and whaddya know, 303. But the majority of the 30 kudos on “Exploration of the Astral Plane” were actually received LAST year, when the fic was first posted; and it also isn’t counting the many kudos I keep getting on “The Invitation: an Epilogue” (still holding out as my most popular fic ever) and the less-often but still coming steady “The Puppy-fly Effect” and a few other random ones on other older fics, like the guest who frequently binges the complete Loudermilk Chronicles and rekudos every one (the “Placeholder” has even gotten two kudos!); and for that matter, how can you really count the absurd extra kudos on “Chapter 19.5,” anyway? There are 80 guest kudos there and I’m certain that’s only about 5 actual individual guests. I could go back through my email notifications and add up the kudos I ACTUALLY got this year (including the random 80 guest kudos on Chapter 19.5) but that’s a bit excessive.
22. Which work has the most comments? “Not Just Stupid Kids,” clearly the most popular work published this year. Most of the comments are like “Aw, don’t let the haters who say you shouldn’t ship adoptive brothers with complicated age-issues and much mental illness force you into anonymity and shame!” and I’m like, “No, seriously, it’s not THAT part that embarrasses me, it’s the fact that they’re NON-CANONICAL and exactly the sort of pairing I would be all ‘WHY CAN’T THEY JUST BE GOOD FRIENDS?!’ about any other time! Because I am freakish this way!”
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year? No, though it was lovely beta-exchanging with @amperdash. We’d get to cheer for each other! (You can read hers here: "Seong-min Ha has Superpowers"!)
24. Did you write any gifts this year? Not unless you count our Christmas card letter.
25. Did you receive any gifts this year? Not unless you count other people’s Christmas card letters.
26. What’s your most common category? Um, Gen? Like you had to ask?
27. What do you listen to while writing? I have an “Instrumental” playlist. I posted about that before.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year? I guess “A Captain with Seven Children,” but there’s a special place in my heart for “Everything I Know About Writing the Loudermilk Twins,” because they’re forever my babies.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I think I keep coming back to this one the most, and it’s a perfect example of why writing “A Captain with Seven Children” delights me so much. To set the mood, here is the exchange as it appears in “The Sound of Music”: Maria has just arrived at the Von Trapps’ and is pretending to dance in the ballroom when Captain Von Trapp takes her by surprise saying, “In the future, you’ll kindly remember there are certain rooms in this house which are not to be disturbed.” She nervously stutters out, “Yes, captain, sir.” Then he says, “Why do you stare at me that way?” “You don't look at all like a sea captain, sir,” she says. He bites back, “I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess.”
Now, this functions as a meet-cute— they’re taken aback by each other, she was being whimsical (which he surely needs in his life), and she’s embarrassed, and she’s staring at him because my gosh is he handsome and she was not prepared for that. But in my story this moment is absolutely not a meet-cute, but it is a first meeting that proceeds in almost the same way. Maria, being Maria, is still going to get impatient waiting and go poking around in the house; and Reggie is very much against his office being disturbed. But she’s not going to be struck dumb by how handsome he is— she’s going to be really distracted by how anachronistic he looks— old-fashioned even for her original timeline, and that was already 60 years earlier! So anyway here’s the scene:
“In the future, you’ll kindly remember there are certain rooms in this Academy which are not to be disturbed.” Maria jumped and succeeded in just barely not knocking the contraption over. “Yes, sir, Mr. Hargreeves, sir.” She gaped at the tall, thin man in the doorway. He looked like a Victorian shipping baron, with a monocle in one eye and a graying auburn goatee, a natty three-piece suit and cane. He squinted back at her. “Sir Reginald, if you please. Why do you stare at me that way?” “Well, you don’t look at all like I imagined the adoptive father of seven children, er, in the late 1990s, would look, sir.” “And how many of us have you been previously acquainted with?” “Well…none, actually.” “So I trust you will refrain from making further assumptions.” So the scene starts out almost exactly the same, in the office instead of a ballroom, but when Maria explains why she’s staring, Reggie is just GOING to react with a bit of snooty logic. And the weird thing is, I can totally hear Christopher Plummer saying it, too. I actually had to look BACK at the Sound of Music script because I wasn’t sure, anymore, which parts I wrote and which parts were from the movie. It just FITS so freaking well.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? BESIDES the popularity of “Not Just Stupid Kids”? WHILE writing, hmm. How many lines you can swap between Sir Reginald Hargreeves and Captain Von Trapp without being able to tell the difference!
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
My Brother’s Keeper
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“Well, now. With all that said and done, we can finally get to the sweet, sweet finale, right? You all do remember that I always win, yes? No matter what Asks you send in, no matter what words of encouragement? You think that a grand gesture was what had Phoebus bring back Guy? Well, I heard it said around the community….
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“’A single grand gesture will not bring in any semblance of forgiveness.’” Nor will any of us all forget. I certainly won’t. Though it was tons of fun seeing him think it helped any at all. Far more entertaining than I thought it would be. 
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“But as you see, I still need my Eye, and I am a gracious, kind, merciful Master. Even without those words of encouragement, I would have brought Guy back to Phoebus either way as a carrot to a stick. The Sin of Sloth can only do so much damage standing back and smiling as his brother Lust drowns. And more can be done with positive reinforcement in addition to punishment.
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“Now let’s see here…. Ah, yes.
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“I wasn’t lying: I did crack open Phoebus’s soul as a warning. But I shall admit: I did do a little more. His soul belongs to me, after all. I own it, and I shall do as I wish with it.
“I took a piece. And what I shall do with this piece.... well.
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“Trite. Rubbish. You all know how it is in your communities. If there are a hordes of people voicing their dislike for something, then it is for a reason, no?”
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“You are aware that many other siblings have broken apart and murdered each other, yes? Being born from the same father or mother means nothing to many. Look up the actual Cain and Abel of the Abrahamic Bibles. Upon Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Publius Septimius Geta. Upon Li Shimin, Li Jiangchen, and Li Yuanji. The Ottoman Empire even legalized fratricide starting with Mehmed II due to the struggles of Mehmed I. Brotherhood means nothing throughout mankind.
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“Do you even listen to yourself?”
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“I believe the Internet adage for this certain scenario is for you to ‘cope’.”
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“Oh, he got scared, all right. Far more than you’ll ever know.”
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“There shall be no other Gods before me....”
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“Hahaha! You almost made me like you. You. You’re a fun one.”
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“Blah blah blah blah-”
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“You took too long, I almost fell asleep.”
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“I am curious, this one. Do you talk to your salt shakers like little children? Your life up to this point must have been absolutely dreadful, going about in the dark to gather all the lost fatherless men like dolls to collect for your shelves. What would work for princes wouldn’t work for paupers. All to fill in a void carved out by the ones before you. 
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“How long will it be before that void swallows you up and those who care for you? I wonder...”
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“Words thrown in the wind. As all these would be.” The Master then crumples up all these messages and turn them into sea salt, sprinkling across the waves until nothing is left. “And now for one final touch. And don’t even think of going through the tags or the blog for a double-check...”
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shitthehousessay · 6 years
 Alright, it took a day (albeit I haven't really had much of a chance to work on it), but it's finally done. Here's my responses to the 102 questions^^. I probably put too much personal info on this site lol.
I’m doing this on my laptop because of how long it is, but answers are under the cut. Hope you enjoy random tidbits about me!
--Zero (the [other] Ravenclaw)
1. What is their full name?
While I usually use and prefer Zero Ace as an online name, my irl name is Solomon.
2. Zodiac sign
3. In detail describe how they look
I'm 5'10" with a build like Shaggy Rodgers. I'm about,,,, less than 120lbs (that's a guess really, it's probably way less or slightly more.). You ever see a cloud? Yeah, imagine one as black wavy/curly hair with red tips (natural, not dyed) that goes to about the bottom of my neck. Brown eyes, half philipino (no, I don't know any of the language), decent moustache, and I've been told by various people that they thought I was a stoner when they first met me.
4. How old are they?
I am 16
5. What clothes to they like to wear?
I don't really have any kind of set style either. I usually just go with whatever's comfy for me.
6. What’s their favorite piece of clothing?
I've got this really soft brown fake leather jacket that my dad got me about two or three years ago that I used to wear consistently, but I'm not sure if I have a 'favorite'.
7. Any piercings?
8. Do they have any other jewelry they wear?
I wear a Timex Ironman analogue watch that I got at Walmart a few years ago ('twas on sale) and a ring with a part that spins in the middle that I bought in like sixth grade at the Newseum in DC.
9. Any tattoos?
10. How old are they?
See above
11. What do they smell like?
Idk, disappointment probably
12. What are their four trinkets?
(I'm gonna do stuff on my school backpack for this one) -- I've got a Ministry of Magic keychain, a Pokeball keychain, a Spiderman keychain, and a Ravenclaw house emblem pin.
Roomba with a knife taped to it
14. What kind of magic are they good at?
Accidental Procrastination, aka Time Travel
15. What kind of magic are they bad at?
16. Of the four, six or seven magical elements which are they most connected to? Four: fire,air water earth. six: fire,air,water, wood,earth, metal. Seven:fire, air, water, wood, earth, metal, aither.
Not sure if this is asking about choosing a single element or a group, so I'm gonna go with water.
17. What does their gateway look like prior to their memory loss? What does it look like afterwards?
(I'm not sure what this is asking)
18. Do they have a familiar? If they do. What type of animal is it? What is it’s name? Is it still around after they lost their memory?
I have an old yellow cat named Iris and he's pretty cool. We share birthdays and he's one year older than me.
19. Have they ever cursed someone?
I have tried and I will continue to try.
20. How do they handle those headaches/migraines?
I sometimes put headphones in and listen to ambience after taking some medicine, but on some of my bad days I just wait for them to pass, even when it takes a few hours.
21. What tarot card do they connect the most with?
I'm gonna be honest: I know next to nothing about tarot cards.
22. Where were they born?
23. What is their favorite color?
Like a light blue or teal. Specifically though? #41A9B8
24. What is their least favorite color?
This is a tough one. I'm gonna go with like a rusty brown
25. Are they right handed, left handed or ambidextrous?
Right handed
26. What were they like as a child?
This would take a while, but I was a little shit, imo. (Also, kinda hard for me to remember specifically rn)
27. What were their parents like?
My dad's okay, he's not the best but he's doing great. My mom? Well, let's just say my opinion of her has always been pretty decent of her up until around when 2018 started.
28. Do they have any siblings? If the answer is yes how many?
Yes, I have three half brothers, two on my mom's side (who I wish would die) and one on my dad's side.
29. Do they have any other relatives they are close with?
I've got a lot of aunts (dad's side) that I consider myself close with, along with a few cousins. There's also my Grandma and Grandpa (dad's side) that I love a lot. I also have a nephew who's about I wanna say 5 or 6 years old who's a blast to hang out with.
30. What are they afraid of?
Spiders kinda scare me. And a few things associated with low self-esteem that I don't want to mention here.
31. What do they identify as?
I am a Demi-Pansexual dude
32. Do they have any allergies?
None that I know of
33. Do they have any other medical problems?
I can't think of any specifics right now
34. What about mental health issues?
Depression and Anxiety both are self-diagnosed though. I'm waiting until after highschool, or until the age where I can legally keep things like those to myself without having to tell my parents, before I go to get them diagnosed
35. What’s that personal hygiene regimen like?
Showers at least once a day, twice if possible. Remember to try to brush your teeth, too.
36. Favorite rock or gemstone?
Amythest because it's my birthstone
37. Favorite tree?
Redwoods are pretty cool
38. Favorite type of weather?
Not too hot, not too cold and sunny and cloudless or overcast and rainy, depending on mood
39. Least favorite type of weather?
The type of cloudless hot day that just saps your energy away like nothing else
40. What is their favorite season? (remember winter is summer and spring is fall)
41. How many languages could they speak before the memory loss? How many do they currently speak?
English and very broken French
42. Do they sing or play any instruments?
I sing from time to time (albeit not very good) and I have an ocarina that I really want to take time and learn
43. What do they tend to joke about?
Self-deprecation is my go-to, then there's vine humor and some standup, then just nonsense humor (See: bORGER)
44. After a stressful day how do they relax?
Nap a bit, then some music and/or video games
45. Guilty pleasures?
Idk, I can't think of any. Sonic ‘06, maybe is the closest thing that I have to one.
46. idiosyncrasies?
I guess you could list a lot of the usual ADHD stimming methods. I also adjust my glasses from the side sometimes whenever I’m nervous/anxious or when I want to appear confident. Adjusting my watch on my wrist is also something that I do a lot. I know I have a lot more, but :/
47. How do they act when they first meet someone new? How quickly do they warm up to them?
I can be kinda timid and quiet. I usually try to listen in on conversations involving that person/people to try to find somethings that I can remember and use for initiating conversations, especially if it’s with stuff that I know a bit about. It usually takes two or three semi-long times amd well interactions spent with me for me to start being comfortable around other people. I don't warm up too quickly, unless if you can get through my barriers pretty well
48. In what order would they prioritize Love, fame, money, power, and knowledge?
Love, knowledge, money, power, fame
49. List four or more things they love to do
Draw, read, talk with internet friends, play video games, browse the internet
50. List four or more things they hate to do
doing boring and uninteresting school work, being an unnecessary nuisance, hearing about family drama, engaging in school drama
51. List five or more things they have said that sum up who they are
"I'm laughing my ass off rn because the program the state is using for EOC testing was apparently hacked so we aren't testing today, but when my class heard it almost everyone started looking at me and saying I did it." [...] "Meanwhile: I nearly tripped over my backpack"
"Oh good, we get to make memes of stuff in the Louvre for extra credit. Looks like my grade is about to rise drastically."
"I’m gonna go provoke this cult so I can get asks in my inbox"
“I stole this haircut from a lion”
"I have many problems"
52. How do they react to (both verbal and physical) conflict?
I'm a pacifist so I try to stay out of situations like that (They bring up too many negative memories and emotions for me)
53. What kind of bad habits to they have?
I have a lot of trouble with a perfectionist mentality. It gets me into a lot of sticky situations
54. What kind of character faults do they have?
What even is self-esteem/ self-worth/ self-love????? To me, my needs come last. Self-doubt out the wazoooooo. Tons of unresolved shit. That's barely even scratching the surface.
55. What’s their best trait in their opinion?
I try to have a lot of empathy for people and I want to make people happy, even if I’m not happy.
56. What do they think of their appearance?
I like mine, at least a bit.
57. How do they interact with people in a position of authority?
Honestly, it just depends on the person. If the person in question is a dick, you better believe I’m not going to react well to their face.
58. Who did they look upto as a kid?
Mostly like video game characters from games that I played.
59. How do they interact with kids?
I like kids pretty well.
60. Do they want kids of their own someday?
I don't know. I don't think I'm at a point in my life where I can answer that right now.
61. Are they religious? If so what god/goddess or gods/goddesses do they worship?
I'm agnostic
62. What do they think the meaning of life is?
Idk... Maybe... Self-discovery, in a way.
63. What would they want their last words to be?
There are three roads. Maybe omething meaningful, like "Thank you," maybe something vague and prophetic like, "You won't have to wait much longer," or maybe, just maybe, something like, "I'll be back bitches!!!"
64. What do they want to do before they die?
I want to make at least one game and book that people enjoy and that I will be satisfied with
65. What/how do they want to be remembered for after they die?
I would like to be remembered fondly by people who knew me.
66. How do they express affection?
I'm usually very asocial, so if I make an active effort to maintain communication with someone, then they usually mean something to me. I also send memes and stuff. Also, I try to open up a little more around people that I trust
67. What do they normally eat for breakfast?
It usually just depends on how much time I have in the morning. Can range from poptarts to a slice of toast between two pieces of bread to leftover pizza
68. Do they like spicy food?
69. Favorite fruit and or vegetable?
Favorite fruit is probably mandarin oranges and my favorite vegetable is probably carrots
70. Do they like sweets?
On occasion
71. Do they drink alcohol? If they do, what do they act like when their drunk?
Nope, but probably like a damn fool
72. How do they take their tea/coffee?
I like sweet ice tea or maybe some herbal tea with a small bit of sugar or honey. As for coffee, I don't usually drink it, but I can drink it pure black or french vanilla
73. What food would they refuse to eat?
Most things that have a weird texture and/or smell
74. Is there anything they eat that most people would find unappealing?
You ever drink just straight sauces? Like A1 steak sauce or barbecue sauce? Yeah....
75. When going on the road what food could they not live without?
I need me some original ritz
76. What meal gives them a sense of nostalgia?
Not sure about nostalgia, but my school sells fresh-made chocolate chip cookies during lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and I get them a lot when I'm having bad days
77. What do they do when no one’s around?
I sometimes sing and maybe hop around, but I usually just do stuff that I do when people are around (like browse tumblr)
78. How would they react if a prized possession got stolen?
Cry, feel numb, or go ballistic. There is no in-between.
79. What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
A better computer, that's for sure
80. What would their favorite modern invention be?
The Nintendo Switch!!
81. In a new unfamiliar place what do they do?
Observe the surroundings from the sidelines before doing anything
82. Someone just threatened them what do they do?
It depends on the situation, but I either brush it off or I take precautionary measures (like a protective order if my life is being threatened)
83. A rather well rich looking woman just dropped her purse and didn’t notice. What do they do?
I might try to give it back.... after I check her wallet and get some cash as an award...
84. What’s the worst thing someone has said to them?
The one that sticks out the most is probably the time when one of my older half-brothers was yelling at me and said that if I ever wonder why people say that I act like a school shooter it's because I act like one most of the time (all this stemmed because I was frustrated over a book recommendation not posting and instead of letting me silently cool down, my mom and brother kept on talking crap about me and I decided to say "Just shut up for a few minutes").
Oh, but there’s also the time when I went with my dad to the divorce case’s hearing to testify against my mom and my brothers and the judge looked at me and said “You’re 16, right? In two  years, you’ll be 18. When I was 18 I was heading to war. So, if you’re gonna cry, go do it somewhere else because I don’t want anyone coming up here and being a crybaby in my courtroom.” That fucking stunned me when he said it.
 85. What is the strangest thing they’ve ever come across?
"can i hear your belly" has to be the weirdest and most unsettling direct message that I have ever gotten from someone who isn't a bot and it haunts me to this day
86. Someone just stole food from them what do they do?
I don't usually eat a lot, so if someone takes food from me I don't really care.
87. They meet a man at a crossroads. The man says they can have everything they’ve ever wanted. What happens next?
I would check to see if there was anything I want to make sure that my family and friends and people who are close to me that haven’t experienced mental illnesses like depression or anxiety to never develop any mental illnesses as long as they live, before anything.
88. As a child what would they say they wanted to be as an adult? ie. When I grow up I’m going to _______
My dream has always been and continues to be to become a successful video game developer and/or producer. I want to help create worlds to escape to when the real world becomes a bit too overbearing.
89. What’s their D&D alignment?
I consider myself a neutral good
90. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done?
Oof, that's a long list. Probably entering the crawlspace under my Grandma's house too fast and getting a part of my lower back pretty bad. Boy, did it leave a pretty big scar.
91. Have they ever got in trouble with the law or been arrested?
92. Do they know how to win a fight?
I like to think so. I'm not going to not play dirty if I feel like I'm in danger. Also try to use the environment to your advantage if possible.
93. Are they good at hand to hand combat?
I dunno. I doubt it, but I haven't really tried.
94. Have they ever stolen something?
I have, but really only minor things and only from people that I hate
95. Have they ever killed someone?
Not yet, :p
96. What/who do they find disgusting?
I can't look at stuff or pictures like decaying stuff (like dead stuff) without gagging
97. What upsets them the most?
Conflict mostly. The thought that I'm bothering people also does it. And I feel odd, to say the least about physical contact.
98. What anime character would they be?
I feel like maybe Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) or either Shinra or Mikado (Durarara!) could fit me.
99. What disney character would they be?
I didn't really know about this one, so I asked a few of my friends and one of them [the one who actually answered my question with an actual Disney character] said that I remind them of Sora from Kingdom Hearts, on the grounds that I've "got a good heart" and I'm "always confused". It was the nicest thing I've heard all week^^
100. What monster would they be?
Knife-wielding tentacle
101. What mythological figure would they be?
Tbh, I don't know enough mythology off the top of my head to answer this question.
102. List three songs that you associate with them.
Hmm.... this one is very tough for me because there are different songs that define different points in my life... As for songs that kinda aren’t bound by specific points in my life, even if I haven’t known these songs all my life, I'm thinking that these could fit the best here:
ECHO (feat. GUMI) by Crusher-P
Simple Life by Fox Stevenson
Canonball (Mythos Remix) from Megaman Zero 3
Anyway, I hope you now know a little more about me now. Do what you will with the information, I guess  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . It’s really late for me and I’m really tired so I may go ahead and get some sleep for tonight. Have a good one everyone^^ !
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(TW: this letter contains two real hate messages/threats I received which may be frightening to younger readers. Short mention of child sexual abuse.)
My dear lgbt+ kids,
I want to address something that happened on this blog a few months ago:
I published a post and it ended up in the wrong crowd.
More specifically, it was this post ("You are allowed to call yourself trans even if you can "explain away" your feelings in other ways.") and it ended up in the terf community.
If you don't know what that means: It stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminists. They often describe themselves as "gender critical". A (slightly oversimplified) summary of typical terf talking points is: There are only two genders, your "biological gender" determines everything about you, amab people are biologically determined to be predatory and violent, trans women are evil men who try to gain access to women's spaces for predatory reasons, trans men are evil women who are traitors to womanhood. Penis bad, vagina good and if you don't think you are your genitalia, you really really bad.
As a trans person on the internet, I have encountered people like that even before that fateful post. Every now and then, I'd get a message or a comment on tumblr, and after publishing my book, I got a couple of angry E-mails.
But after that post? Well, you may have seen some of the comments under the original post (if you already followed me back then) but you didn't see the messages - and we are talking like a hundred over them within two or three days. Stuff like "I have been collecting receipts on you for months and when I publish them, someone will find you and will kill you". "Stuff like "Just admit you are a pedo and kill yourself, it will be less painful that way".
I created this blog almost 8 years ago, I have seen hate mail before. But this massive wave of hate, that was new - and it wasn't as easy to shake off as I wanted it to be. When I look back, I assume it was really just one person (and perhaps some of their friends) who created a ton of fake accounts to keep messaging me after I blocked their real ones. But it was just so much.
As a child sexual abuse survivor, the pedo accusation was especially hard to deal with. I knew there isn't any "evidence" on that to collect because it's simply not true. But it left me paranoid: Had I accidentally shared a post by a known abuser? Am I friends with one and I am the only one who doesn't know it? What, exactly, have they been collecting on me?
Well, in the worldview of that blogger, trans men are apparently not only evil traitors to feminism, they are also all pedophile women who only want to be men to be able to abuse young girls. So, the evidence was... my existence as a trans man. Just me being alive. I am breathing, which is apparently enough to make me a danger to young girls.
I reached out to tumblr support and they advised me to change the settings on my blog, so people I don't follow can't message me or reply to my posts anymore. So I did that and I deleted the original post (I re-uploaded it later) and then, well, I disappeared. I filled my queue with some reblogs of my top posts, some new posts that still lay around in my drafts and then I logged off. For a while I wasn't sure if I'd ever log back in, to be honest.
Clearly, I did - and with a breath of relief, I noticed that my new settings helped. The re-uploaded post didn't attract any ugly attention.
I don't tell you all this to get pity or play the victim (and I do want to stress that the overwhelming majority of tumblr messages I received over these 8 years have been supportive or helpful! There are a lot of kind and wonderful people who read this blog.). I just want to be transparent about this negative experience. Maybe it'll help you feel less lonely if you ever end up in an online "sh*t storm" like that.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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aceofwhump · 3 years
Hi, Ace..... I needed to talk to someone and figure you were a good person to message.
There have been a handful posts going around the past months about how torture has become the current big whump community thing. ..... And how everyone isn't okay with it...... I'm starting to feel like I'm becoming more alienated from this community because I love torture. I love the traumatic ramifications of torture. That has always been my most-searched-for fanfiction type: "[charcter] tortured fanfic". I feel like this trope is the only ones that get bad-talked while none of the others do. I know and understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but.... I feel like I'm being told I can't write about/post/reblog things I actually enjoy ie torture and conditioning tropes.
My current hyperfixation is anime so I'm spending more time on my Anime blog versus my whump one, but I'm starting to feel like deleting my whump blog because clearly what I enjoy isn't "okay" in the community anymore.
Help me, Ace-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
First of all I want to give you a massive hug so here!!
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I'm so so sorry this all has made you feel so alienated and unwelcome to the point where you're thinking about deleted your whump blog. That's awful and I am so sorry. If you feel that's what you need to do then you should do whatever will make you the most happy and comfortable. But I promise you, you are welcome! I know it may not feel like it at times especially when these kinds of discussions start up again, but you absolutely belong here!
I have seen a lot of those discussions as well and I was afraid of this. Of people feeling just like how you feel. I've been trying to decide how I feel and if I should join in on them or not. Here is my perspective on the whole thing and maybe this will help.
A lot of what I'm getting from those discussions is that some members of the community see tons and tons of torture and dark stuff with no comfort and they then think that comfort has no place in the community because they don't see it. You, and others like you, see these discussions and now think you're not welcome because you like little to no comfort and enjoy lots of torture.
The community tends to go through times where certain tropes seem to be more popular than others but that doesn't make them any better or worse than other tropes nor does it mean that it's the only thing allowed.
I think a lot of people in the community lately have gotten confused and concerned that they don't belong here because of what they like. People are trying to settle on a definitive answer on what qualifies as "whump" and that discussion seems to happen all the time here. But there is not set "this is whump" "this is not whump" and there will never be.
I also think that people feel that things like torture, slavery, dehumanization and bbu, because they're so present, are overshadowing other things like environmental whump, accidents, sickfics, emotional comfort etc. People are concerned that the genre of whump is narrowing too far into becoming solely those types of fics and pushing out all the others to the point thst mew members think that's all thst whump is.
I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong. I'm just saying this seems to be how people are feeling based on the discussions I'm reading.
So I think it's less of "we hate these things and they should go away!" And more of a "okay this isn't my thing but I can't find content for the tropes I like and it makes me sad." Which has then turned into "oh no what I like isn't welcome here?"
Whump is so many things. So, so so SO many things. And they are ALL welcome. We all like different things and it comes down to curating your dashboard to fit the things you like. If you like torture, then fill your dash with blogs who post torture. If you like more comfort, find those we post more comfort. Everyone is allowed to post and talk about the things they enjoy.
I also want to say to everyone that if you want that content then people need to make it and support those who do create it. Write the stuff you love. Reblog the stuff you love.
For example, I tend to not be the biggest fan of bbu or hardcore conditioning so I just don't follow those who post a lot of it. Simple. But that doesn't mean it isn't amazing and a part of this community! Because it is and there are so many wonderful bloggers who post such great content for it!
My dear nonny, you are WELCOME in this community!!! What you feel is valid! What you love is valid and 100% a huge part of this community!! We love torture! We love the emotional ramifications of torture! Me personally, it's one of my favorites!!! I too spend tons of time searching for torture fics on AO3.
I am here to tell you and everyone else that reads that BOTH SIDES ARE WELCOME!!!! BOTH ARE CONSIDERED WHUMP AND ARE WELCOMED IN THE COMMUNITY!!!!
Those who love dark stuff!! Those who love lots of comfort!! And everyone in between!!
I will continue to say this until my face turns blue if I have to.
Curate your dashboard to reflect what you love. Block tags that make you uncomfortable. Support the creators who makes things you like by reblogging their work for others to see. Be kind to those who like what you don't. Create and write whatever makes you happy. And remember that whump is a wide genre full of so many things and all are welcome.
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maddiviner · 4 years
Could studyblogging jumpstart your personal grimoire?
A witch should be a lifelong learner. To practice effective magic, you must grow in new directions at a constant pace. A witch should approach magic with a sense of devotion to their own growth.
I’ve practiced magic and divination for two decades now. The most solid advice I can give? Start journaling. Start keeping a notebook. Start studying.
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Witches who keep a notebook record their research and ideas about the Craft. This helps them build a wide repository of knowledge, right there when they need it.
The format and content of my notebooks changed a lot over the years. But they all helped me become the witch I am today. I devoted the bulk of these notebooks to my journey in magic, techniques to try, and lessons learned.
There are few people who haven’t studied. In school, we pore over geometry and classic literature in hot pursuit of elusive high marks. We spent time learning about our interests. Whether that’s witchcraft, philosophy, or astronomy, notes are helpful.
Everyone learns in a different fashion. Still, studying and learning about the world remains with us from our first breath, to the last. My Craft took leaps forward when this dawned on me. I’d always enjoyed school. I realized that I could apply the same study techniques to witchcraft and the occult. 
What’s studyblogging?!
As a regular user of both Tumblr and Instagram, I soon came across the studyblogging trend. 
Caitlyn Tiffany of The Verge describes the studyblogging phenomenon as “a beautiful, stressful wonderland.” An apt description! But what is a studyblog? 
Studyblogging hashtags like #studyblr and #studygram  are popular (on Tumblr and Instagram, respectively).  
For someone just coming across the phenomenon, though? It can be difficult to penetrate this strange world. Expect calligraphic chaos, a plethora of highlighters, and fine-tuned aesthetics. 
Studyblogging focuses on the quest for knowledge. In practice, studyblogs share tips and handwritten notes on various subjects. Studybloggers encourage each other to be the best learners they can be. 
The photos of notes, assignments, and other tasks make up the bulk of the phenomenon. Studyblogs often feature photos of elaborate calligraphy and heavy illustration in note form.
Expect to see self-made diagrams of mitochondria. Essay outlines on postcolonial theory with nigh-perfect bubble lettering. Vast, illustrated mind-maps of Shakespearean themes. It's a big community, and there's room for a lot. Room for witches? I think so!
Studyblogging for Witches
In witchcraft, our grimoires function much like a non-magical student's study notes. The content, and some of the form, may differ, but the principles are the same.
The quest for an aesthetically-pleasing grimoire stymies many a beginner (and not-so-beginner) witch. The wise remind us that our grimoires needn’t be complex. Functionality is more important than aesthetics in most cases. 
That said, there is something worthwhile about keeping a grimoire that suits you. A  grimoire can speak to your soul, both by way of aesthetic appeal and your own abilities. For some of us, this might mean a lavishly-illustrated tome. Others might find minimalist styles more resonating. It varies.
The truth is that yes, your grimoire needn’t look a certain way or be perfect. Still, a level of aesthetic appeal can help with information retention. It can also boost your magical productivity. Humans respond in an intuitive fashion to that which they consider beautiful.
Aesthetics can help to put you into a liminal state. Liminality can be a powerful tool in self-improvement. This, in turn, is useful not only for normal studying, but also for the Craft itself. 
If you see art as part of your life path, you might find that approaching your grimoire as a work of art helpful. Part of this means realizing that it won’t be perfect, but also always striving to learn and grow.
Studyblogging, as a community, showcases a lot of excellent notebook and journal-keeping techniques. Studybloggers often provide tutorials and guides to effective learning methods. 
This is, of course, all while celebrating the joy of learning itself. Traditional studying methods can apply to magical topics. I have found that the techniques of the studyblogger can help with keeping a useful grimoire.
Ask your intuition if studyblogging is right for you!
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Will studyblogging help you? For some students, lurking or keeping a studyblog inspires and motivates them. It also increases accountability. By posting their goals and progress, studybloggers have an impetus to progress. 
In a way, it’s a bit like livestreaming a video game - it makes the experience more challenging, and also more exciting. The difference, of course, is that, in this case, your game is learning!
And the notes? Many find the calligraphy, fancy scripts, and illustration soothing. It can be a way of making otherwise impenetrable subjects more captivating.
Without a doubt, aesthetic presentation improves information retention for some people. Humans have a positive response to beautiful imagery. 
Some folks find the gorgeous landscape of studygram and studyblr overwhelming and anxiety-inducing. Gorgeous calligraphy notes, after all, aren't easy for most people. 
For some, posting about your studies on a blog might only increase worry. We're all different, and studyblog techniques are hardly universal in form.
You should use your intuition to decide whether to dip into this community. Ask yourself whether an audience will help your quest for deeper knowledge. 
Will you feel empowered, or nervous about it? If you struggle with comparing yourself to others, you might find studyblogging discouraging. 
I myself am somewhat of a perfectionist. For me, though, the artistic aspects of note taking and information illustration soothe me. Studyblogging suits me, but will it help you?
You should tailor your learning experience to your own strengths. If that means studyblogging won’t help you, be honest with yourself and don’t chase the anxiety of it all. Find another method of learning. 
Browse some existing studyblogs - I recommend EmmaStudies and StudyQuill. Ask yourself how it makes you feel. Do the images and writing seems inspirational? 
Would you enjoy sharing your work with the world? Studyblogging might become an ally on your magical path!
Taking the Plunge
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So, how do you start a studyblog? How do you get involved in the community?
The most popular studyblogging platforms are Instagram and Tumblr. Instagram lends itself to posting tons of pictures and very short-form posts. Tumblr favors longer prose. 
When I started studyblogging, I created both a studyblr and a studygram. I recommend starting a new account on the site of your preference for studyblogging.  
Follow some existing studybloggers as a way of introducing yourself to the community! Also, follow the hashtags #studyblr and #studygram, to start.
What to study?
Studyblogging features students focused on all kinds of topics. I’ve been studyblogging for over a year. In case you’re wondering, it's rare for someone to complain about my witchy take on studyblogging. 
You’ll find the studyblogging community very welcoming in most cases. But what will you study? I always recommend witches focus on only one or two things they’d most like to learn at a time.
Studyblogging lends itself well to in-depth topical research. This can mean learning the signs and language of astrology or the basics of gemstone magic.
Topics like shadow work or personal Tarot readings might be a bit too personal to blog about. Those might be better suited to normal, private journaling rather than a blog. My own studyblogging tends to focus on my writing preparation, astrology, and Tarot. 
Though I’ve been reading for over twenty years, there is always something new to learn about Tarot. Astrology, like Tarot, is a lifelong discipline. Though I’ve only recently made my first steps into it, there is much to learn. My writing, especially the book I’m working on, has its own notebook.
Possible topics include, but are in no way limited to:
Crystals and gemstones
Mythology and legends
Magical history
Energy work techniques
Seasonal and Lunar cycles
Tarot, Lenormand, or oracle deck divination!
It is important to choose topics that interest you in a personal way. At the same time, try not to get distracted. Witchcraft includes many paths of study. Try not to jump from topic to topic - finish what you start!
If you’re in school, you may already have a lot of the tools necessary for studying. If not, you can get them for an affordable price in most cases.
Paper matters!  You'll want a notebook or loose leaf binder paper. For hardbound notebooks, you can’t go wrong with a Leuchtturm 1917.  That popular notebook boasts dot grid paper, includes page numbers and a place for an index. 
Seeking something more aesthetic? Check out the Paperblanks series from Peter Pauper Press. You might also like the notebooks you can order from Citrus Bookbindery. For me, a binder (I use A5 size) works best, because I can add and remove pages as necessary. 
You can find some great guides out there about organizing grimoires. Much of that advice applies here. Your notebooks will soon fill the role of a grimoire.  They will contain your notes, research, and more.
It is usually best to have one notebook (or binder) for each subject you’re studying. As you move forward, you’ll have a collection of grimoire notebooks on different topics.
You’ll also need pens or pencils. Really, you only need one. If you feel like getting fancy, you can get multicolored fineliners. I prefer Sakura Micron pens. They use waterproof micropigments that don't bleed when you highlight over your writing.
Highlighters are fun! These add color to your notes and help emphasize the important things. If you want nice highlighters, I recommend Mildliners. Any highlighters will do, though - choose colors that appeal to you. I recommend several different colors, because that allows you to color-code your notes.
Plan out, at least in a rough fashion, how you’d like to organize your  notes. This can be rather freeform, or complex, depending on your preference. 
When I began my astrology journey, I knew what sections I would include in my stars grimoire. I also created a rough map of the path I’d take in my research. 
I began with the simple Zodiac signs. I then moved forward through the planets, houses, aspects and transits. My organization, loose though it was, benefited from my use of a binder which allowed me to add and remove pages. 
No matter the notebook, it is important to have, somewhere, a rough idea of where you’re going.
You will also find it important to set attainable, realistic, and measurable goals. For me, this was things like memorizing the astrological house system. I set the goal of reading my astrology textbooks completely and summarizing them. This kind of goal leads to personal accountability.
I also created a set of astrological flashcards for my Tarot-related work. It can be motivational to post your goals on your studyblog in some form. Then, you can provide your followers with regular updates on your progress.
Start posting!
Once you feel ready, go ahead and introduce yourself to the studyblogging community! An introductory post, explaining who you are, your goals, and methods, will help others get to know you. 
I recommend tagging your posts with studyblogging hashtags (mentioned above). Also include some witchcraft-related tags! This will help you connect with other witches who might be helpful on your journey.
Don’t be shy when it comes to posting photographs (taken with a phone or other camera) of your notes! You might not feel that your notes are as neat or pretty as other bloggers. Regardless, they’re unique and might resonate with others!
If you’re taking notes about a very personal topic, like shadow work, you might want to forgo the pictures. Some bloggers obfuscate or blur potentially sensitive parts of their notes. You’ll likely find nothing but encouragement for sharing your research topics, though!
Some studybloggers will also photograph their study space. Some of us even use photos of fun things like their breakfast or pets to illustrate their updates. If pictures don’t suit you, post regular bits about your life and your progress towards your goals. 
Get to know other bloggers! This is important, whether they’re witches or from the studyblogging community. Both can be helpful! 
Watch or read some of the tutorials you’ll find in the studyblogging community. These focus on things like calligraphy, organization, and memory techniques. 
While your notes needn’t have fancy headings, calligraphy can be fun to learn. I don’t currently use calligraphy in my notes, but am learning it on the side, so to speak. 
I find it relaxing, and you might enjoy it too. If not, don't feel bad - not everyone uses fancy handwriting, and that's okay!
Moving Forward
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If, after a few weeks, you find yourself really vibing with studyblogging, stick with it! Most witches would agree that there’s no real wrong way to be a witch. To me, though, there are wrong (and right) ways for you yourself to learn and grow in your craft. 
You need to find what works for you, what adheres to your soul and keeps you connected. If studyblogging ends up helping you, and I hope it will, keep going! 
After a while you might find yourself ready to move onto another topic. We all end up “graduating” forward onto other subjects. You’ll quickly find that your grimoires will be an invaluable record. 
They will contain not just your gathered information, but also your intuition, insight, and more. Cherish your notebooks - they will come to reflect your essence!
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
Hi! I’m new to the fandom and I’m simply curious (not trying to start a feud or anything), why don’t you like Steinberg?
Hello dear anon! And welcome to the fandom! 
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Oof. That’s a question. xD 
I’m going to try and stay as uh. neutral as possible. Because I’ve already written the post I know I failed but, the intent in answering this is also not to start a feud or hurt anyone’s feelings. 
Okay, so I got fairly negative in this chilis tonight, so I want to start by saying that even in light of the opinions I’m about to express, Black Sails is one of, if not my number one, favorite TV shows of all time. Certainly in recent memory - I’ve been hyperfixating on this show for 18 months with no sign of stopping, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone who worked on the show - even Steinberg. (The one exclusion is Michael Bay, he can go twist.)
AND I think Stienberg is an incredibly talented writer. Black Sails is one of my favorite shows because it does such a wonderful job of weaving stories, creating characters, and melding things in a way that is both unexpected and makes sense narratively. I have changed as a person because of the show, and they will have to pry James McGraw and Thomas Hamilton from my cold dead knives-attached-to-them hands. None of what I’m going to say is meant to detract from that.
I will also say that a lot of these issues are not particular to Steinberg and are in fact a systemic problem with American TV + Film. And I’m not leaving Robert Levine out of my criticism, it’s just that Steinberg had the biggest hand in the pot(he wrote a full half the episodes) and a lot of what I’ve heard as far as talking about the show comes from Steinberg. So, he gets the brunt. But it isn’t that I think Steinberg was the only problematic element of the show. 
Also, these are all my opinions and are colored by how I interact with my fandoms. I am not only a fandom veteran, but I work and pretty much live in the entertainment industry. I work in indie film and theatre and am surrounded by artists and creators of all walks of life, like, constantly. I know what is possible, and when I see something that can be improved, I want to note it because it is important to me to always be striving forward. Like Miranda says about Thomas, this isn’t out of malice, or out of hate. It’s because I genuinely love this show, and I love entertainment as a whole, and I think in order to get to a better, more inclusive industry we have to have hard conversations and look critically at the media we consume, and it is frustrating to me to time and again see the same faces in the room. 
But if that isn’t your cuppa, that’s fine! Fandom isn’t meant to be stressful and if all you want to do is watch a show about gay pirates that is your tomato and I applaud you. Have at it you funky motherfucker.
OH! One more. At some point I’m going to talk about Silverflint. When I do, it is NOT meant as a ‘you shouldn’t/cant ship this’ or ‘this pairing is bad’ or any negative attack on the people who ship that pairing. My criticisms in this post are exclusively about what it means for Steinberg as a writer and Black Sails’ representation of gay and mlm men. While it’s not my cuppa, this is a sail your own ship blog. 
My main criticisms of Steinberg & Co boil down to:
The homozygosity of the writers and directors shows a complete lack of desire to include marginalized people in the writing of a show that is about them. Which leads to:
The centering of white men while choosing a historical setting and time period that was in fact dominated by people of color and specifically a black woman, 
The gratuitous inclusion of violence against women, particularly sexual violence, and again, that the female characters are often sidelined for the central male characters. 
Black Sails is a show centered around queer, female, and black leads, and yet there were only two non white-male directors (one bi-racial man and one white woman) and only 7 female writers - one of whom was Latina. The entire rest of the major creative staff was white men. I’m not going to comment on sexualities but none of the writers or directors are out as queer according to a quick google search. 
Let me reiterate the important bit there. 
In Black Sails, where the last two seasons specifically feature around a real, actually-happened-in-history event that shaped black history in the Caribbean, there was not a single black writer on the entire show. 
This is the main difference between inclusion for inclusion’s sake, and actually centering marginalized voices. Black Sails has a ton of gay, POC, and female rep in front of the camera but practically zero representation behind it, which leads to storylines and implications that Steinberg and his writers, as white men, simply would never realize.
It’s like why Silver and Miranda never realized the true reasons James was waging war on England. They just did not have the life experiences to realize they were missing a piece of the puzzle, and so they filled in their own without even realizing they’d done so. 
Because no one in the room of Black Sails was a part of these marginalized identities, nuances get lost or mistranslated, motivations get muddled through a white man’s gaze(or a straight person’s) and implications that someone within those communities might think is obvious won’t even come up.
And again, because there were no writers or directors of color in the last two seasons (the biracial man directed episodes 2x02 and 2x04 - WHICH MAKES SENSE IMO) the entirety of the historical lore that the show bases itself on in its latter half is filtered through a white man’s lens. And so there is no discussion of how changing something changes the meaning, how leaving someone out or changing their role to be more minor might affect people for whom that is their heritage. How the entire story they’re telling might change with one simple exclusion or addition.
So, how does this relate directly to Steinberg, you ask? Well, simply, because it was his show. 
Steinberg(and Levine) were involved in every major decision about the show, from its conception, to the script, to choosing the writers and directors. They chose how they wanted the show to look, to think, what stories to tell and how they wanted to tell them. Their decisions(and the biases that formed those decisions) are woven into the show.
And look. I don’t for a second believe any of this was willful or malicious. I don’t think that John Steinberg and Robert Levine sat down one day and said ‘you know what would make the gays really angry? If we locked the only two canonically gay men up in a prison camp.’
But the decisions that were made in the show were based in ignorance in a way that shows more than just simple negligence or laziness(especially given the attention to detail in everything else). The things they leave out or change in the Maroon War plotline for instance are not small details easily missed. They are big, giant waving flags. They are things that are irreplaceable to still have the same events and stories and tell them respectfully. 
It shows an insane amount of privilege to, for instance, write a show airing during a time when the Black Lives Matter movement was at the forefront of the American conscience, include black characters and black storylines, and yet not include a single black voice on their creative team. 
In a show that centers a gay man’s love and his journey in attempting to process the horrible things done to him and his lover because of it, we are given just forty minutes of the entire show dedicated to their relationship - and just fifteen of those minutes actually feature the lover! 
(Relatedly, the entirety of the gay romantic rep is two kisses, and a forehead touch. That’s the entirety of your gay intimacy representation. And yet there are in the first two seasons alone - because that’s all I’ve clocked so far - something like twenty seven minutes of scenes involving a naked or half naked woman. Five minutes of that is explicitly wlw sex.
Again, I just want to reiterate this because it’s important in recognizing bias. 
There is fully twice as much female nudity in the first two seasons, as the entirety of the time the two gay characters have together on screen. )
Steinberg is a perfect example of how a lack of understanding why the diversity you are representing is important, matters. I dislike Steinberg because he, just like every other straight white cis man I have known, profited off of marginalized voices without including them or creating with them in mind.
Art does not exist in a vacuum. You cannot create something - especially something as back breakingly, intensely a labor of love as Black Sails - without putting several pieces of yourself into it. But those pieces color your narrative. They will expose things about you that you don’t even realize. And it’s in these places we are weakest, and why a diverse group of writers with a diverse group of experiences can help a piece be stronger. But for whatever reason, John Steinberg thought that he could make art with only people who looked and thought and experienced like him. 
The lack of representation behind the camera in Black Sails was evident in front of it and yet Steinberg is out here getting to pretend like he created the most inclusive groundbreaking show that ever existed. It is important to me, personally, to acknowledge that. And that it kind of makes my skin crawl in the way all media made by straight white (cis)men makes my skin crawl. I wish I didn’t have to feel that way about my favorite tv show just because it was created by a man of privilege, but here we are.
SO. I hope that helped? Feel free to take what you want and leave what you don’t! 
Below the cut is a more in depth look at things that I think show what I’m talking about, but that up there ^^ is the gist. <3 |D
The Maroons and the Maroon War
So the first thing I want to point out is that the Maroon War was a real thing that happened. It lasted ten years, and resulted in the most substantial victory the Maroons ever achieved against the British. Not only that, there was in fact a KICKIN’ badass female leader of the maroons named Queen Nanny, who is to this day honored as a national hero in Jamaica. While they weren’t able to drive the British out, the outcome of this war led to a mostly self-governing Maroon population in Jamaica from the mid 1700s on. This was a long term fight that had a very tangible and real outcome, even if it didn’t end in the destruction of colonialism. 
And what is this war turned into in Black Sails? A white ‘madman’s revenge’  that is doomed to failure after six months.
That, my dear pirates, is a problem for me. (And those familiar with my brand of spiceyness know that I do not ascribe to the ‘Flint is a Madman’ trope, but that IS what Steinberg ascribes to, what he seems to have written the show thinking.) 
There was no narrative reason to include the Maroon War in the narrative of Black Sails. The Maroon War didn’t happen until a decade after the Golden Age of Piracy, and aside from Silver’s wife being a black woman there is no mention of Silver ever having contact with them. To me, this feels like the choice of a showrunner who found a cool historical event and saw a chance to up the stakes of their white male heroes while getting in some sweet sweet POC rep. 
Except that they then took the major events of the Maroon War and gave them to their white characters, Flint and Silver. 
Here’s the thing. If you’re going to take a piece of culturally important history and use it for your show, you NEED to have sensitivity writers. You need to have people who are at least familiar with those events and who care about them to do them justice. Have an expert come in and read your script or go over your ideas. Or just like. Hire a black writer. Hire ONE black writer. As a treat.
The important Maroon figures, Nanny, Cudjoe, and Quao, all get sidelined or ‘sexified’ and then used as plot points for the white characters. Nanny gets split into two women - the older mother queen and Madi, the young naive warbent visionary. Quao(Mr. Scott is the closest, or Kofi possibly) gets killed off because the writers realized they didn’t exactly have a place for him in their writing. Cudjoe(Julius) gets a few scenes and one good speech but his entire role in the war gets given to Silver. And THEN. That sexy Queen Madi figure gets used as emotional bait for Silver and then has to learn he has betrayed her and destroyed the hope and freedom she had wanted to bring to her people. 
Gross, pirates. Gross.
Anne Bonny/Max/Mary Read - a heads up, this section includes a semi in-depth discussion of both Max and Anne’s sexual assaults. If that bothers you, the paragraphs talking about that begin with a ***
COOL NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT LESBIANS. Words my 20 year old self would never have imagined coming out of my mouth. 
Specifically, I want to talk about Max, and Anne, and their backstories both involving extreme sexual trauma at the hands of men. And then Mary Read and the once again sexification of female characters.
(Actually while I’m here another criticism I have of Steinberg is that his writing does not seem to recognize how queer people existed in the past - again, likely because he didn’t have any gay historians to be like ‘actually buddy that doesn’t make sense also why is Anne not dressing as a man? If you want to fuck with anything and insert modern day terminology and ideas into this show, make her non binary and REALLY piss off the hetties.’)
(This same ficitonal gay dramaturg who is definitely not me has also questioned John Steinberg repeatedly about where Mary Read is, unsatisfied with the answer ‘well we wanted her to be hot so we made her a sex worker and then had Anne have to rescue her but then we realized it would be weird not to include her actual character so we gave her a five second cameo at the very end of the series and also made her like 13.’)
Anyway! So my main point in bringing up Anne and Max is the sexual trauma they are exposed to in the show, particularly being that they are the two primary wlw in the show, who Steinberg has said he views as being completely gay, and what THAT whole unexamined idea looks like. 
***Max. My dear Max. There was literally no reason to have her be repeatedly r*ped(and for the love of god there was even less reason to make it that gratuitous and graphic). Max being assaulted like that did not add anything to the gravity of Eleanor’s betrayal. The traumatic event was being tossed aside by Eleanor, and that could have been just as emotionally damaging without the sexual assault. And the only reason for her to be continually assaulted was to bring her and Anne together. 
***The reason imo that Max’s r*pe plot was added was because it was the only thing these white straight men could come up with that felt emotionally damaging enough to them. The act of betrayal itself wasn’t enough, the act of being thrown away, of having a lover put your life in danger because of her own ambitions wasn’t enough, they needed her to be r*ped to really drive home the point. 
***Anne, on the other hand, is never shown being sexually abused, but we are given an explicit account of her own traumatic history and how Jack saved her from this vile beast who was passing her around to his friends.
But here’s the thing pirates - that never happened. According to every account we have of Anne Bonny, she chose her husband, and married him against her father’s wishes. They were probably relatively happy until her husband started being a pirate spy and Anne started cheating on him with Jack. 
And yes, when they were found out. Her husband had her beat. That’s not fucking cool, and if they really wanted to go the damsel in distress route they still could have had Jack ‘save’ her from that. But at no point was she sexually abused by her husband(at least not in any accounts I’ve read.) 
You know who did likely sexually abuse her or at least manipulate her and Mary for his own benefit? If you guessed our Rat man Jack Rackham, you would be correct, because when he found out about Mary and Anne’s (supposed, but probably real) relationship, it’s implied he extorted both of them into fucking him to keep their secret from the crew. 
The addition of sexual abuse to Anne’s past isn’t done to be true to her character and was in fact explicitly untrue. Now of course I don’t know the reasons why they chose to do this, but I can guess. Just as with Max, the most traumatic thing a male writer can think of for a female character is for them to be sexually abused.
And the most disturbing part of this to me? The parallels it has to the real world of why straight men think lesbians exist. These characters who would be called man haters in present day are given these incredibly traumatic man-centered histories. It brings up something very uncomfortable in me about particularly wlw sexuality being viewed as a reaction to trauma at the hands of men. It’s just gross, I dont like it, and honestly there is no fucking excuse for it besides a room full of white straight men writing this bullshit. A room that Steinberg chose, because they fit his ideas.
In Fact heck, the women of Black Sails in general
***I honestly struggle to think of a single female character who I think was treated fairly in Black Sails. Miranda and Eleanor are killed for taking sides and not understanding their partners, Madi is betrayed in the worst way possible, Max is given a pseudo empowering ending but has that fucking terrible start. Idelle ends off fairly well, but tied to a man she may or may not have any actual feelings for, in what is essentially a political marriage. And Anne has her entire identity tied to a man who will be dead in two years as she is robbed of any agency whatsoever without him. (Oh, and the whole r*pe thing. And also her support for Max’s r*pe or death until she started having fee-fees. Who wrote this stuff. >_>)
Even though the characterization of each and every one of these women is PHENOMENAL - and again I will repeat that I absolutely LOVE these characters as they exist in a vacuum. I think they are well rounded, real, feeling people given motivations and drives and FEELINGS and they SHOW THEIR ANGER and i LOVE THEM. 
But the show punishes them for it. Miranda is essentially fridged to move Flint’s storyline along, and to make room for Silver. Eleanor is killed for the emotional damage it will cause Rogers. Madi is placed at the center of a conflict she explicitly says she is willing to die for and then not only is her entire cause taken from her, but when she tells Silver to fuck off he - in possibly the most predictable white man move ever - says ‘no i will stay until you change your mind. I will never leave you. I don’t care about your choice in this matter, I will wait forever for you. I’m your biggest fan. I’ll follow you until you love me. papa, - paparazzi.’ 
And I touched on this before, but I want to talk in more detail about what is possibly my hottest take to date, the sexification of Mary Read and Queen Nanny, as they are presented in the show. 
Max is to Anne what Mary Read is, historically. She is the lover that Jack Rackham discovers with Anne, and then he joins them in their bed. They form a triumvirate that upholds Jack at the expense of the women. But for some reason, Steinberg didn’t want to just include Mary Read as an actual character. For some reason he needed to make Anne’s love interest a sex worker who was in need of saving (and who, coincidentally, we never see working the brothel after she becomes lovers with Anne, because she is now a madam. :) Gross.)
And Madi. My dear sweet fucking Madi who didn’t fucking deserve any of this bullshit send tweet. 
So, historically, Queen Nanny was the Queen, spiritual advisor, and the military tactician of the Windward Maroons. She would have filled both Madi and the Queen’s character roles(and Flint’s, but who’s counting. A BLACK GAY LEAD? Inconceivable. I digress.) But, I guess, because they were wishy-washing with Silver’s sexuality or felt they needed to give him a female love interest because of Treasure Island, or because they were leaning a bit too hard into the gay shit and needed to backpedal, they took Queen Nanny and split her into a character who is for all intents and purposes powerless in the war and Madi, who is young and naive and does not have any real world experience outside of the Maroon camp.
Because that’s sexy, or something. They could have had the Maroon Queen be a fucking badass lady who works and fights alongside Flint and Silver and one ups them and teaches them shit and has her own ideas about where the British can stick it, but instead they made her into the perfect caricature of a female monarch, letting the big strong men handle the dirty work or something. Because white male power fantasies. 
Just let women be powerful and not nubile and let them have character arcs over fucking thirty and let them be CENTERED in their own. fucking. narratives. 
God damnit Steinberg.
James Flint, mlm extraordinaire
Oh, my love. My most amazing child. The light of my life. My purest cinnamon roll. 
~~And now we’ve come to the dreaded Silverflint criticism part of our programming. Please please know and remember this isn’t a criticism of people who ship Silverflint. As I said up top, Your Tomato Is Not My Tomato and that’s cool. Please don’t take this next part as an attack on Silverflint as a fandom ship.~~
My criticism of Steinberg as it relates to Flint is related to:
What a romantic/sexual relationship with Silver being the basis of the tension and plot means for Flint in particular as a gay or mostly mlm man. 
Refusing to confirm Thomas and James being alive at the end and honestly the whole finale in general but like I’ll try and focus.
The major problem I have with Silver and Flint being coded as in love with each other is the implications there in terms of gay men’s relationships to other men. 
From every corner, men are inundated with the idea that any close relationship between them must be gay. That intimacy cannot exist unless there are sexual feelings involved. That a relationship cannot be close, deep and soul shattering and life altering, unless one guy secretly(or not so secretly) wants to bone the other dude. That two men cannot value each other as partners or friends or truly know each other unless they are gay.
Seeing both of the meaningful relationships Flint forms with other men be sexually coded feels a bit the same way as Anne and Max’s sexual assault plotlines does vis-a-vis being wlw. (Even with Gates, Flint never spoke about Thomas or his plans - Silver is absolutely the closest person to Flint besides Thomas and Miranda.) And this is just as true for Silver. Having both Flint and Madi - the two people he trusts - both be people he’s in love with also just feels. I don’t know. 
It feels like a confusion between male intimacy and male love that is so so familiar to me as a gay man I could choke on it. Where they wanted these men to have a deep and really lasting connection, but could only figure out how to do it if they were in love. Friendship wouldn’t have been enough - only romantic and sexual love is enough for the gay man(or men, at all).
Just because it isn’t queerbaiting doesn’t mean it’s good rep, and I would have liked to see truly deep male friendships that did not center on sexual attraction - particularly for Flint as a confirmed mlm(and Silver too, if you’re counting him. The same arguments for why I dislike Flint being paired with Silver are also true in the reverse.) 
Even if both Flint and Silver were confirmed mlm I still would have LOVED to see a platonic relationship between them. In fact I would have loved that EVEN MORE. Men! Who fuck men! Not needing to fuck each other to be important to one another! Who made this. Very delicious. 
But because there weren’t any queer writers on the show, writers who understand this kind of struggle that gay and mlm men face, they thought ‘oh, let’s also have them be in love with each other. More gay rep is better gay rep, right?’ False. THOUGHTFUL gay rep is better gay rep.
Okay and here’s my last thing. The fact that Steinberg refuses to say whether or not the explicitly mlm men are alive at the end of the show - that the words he specifically uses are ‘up for interpretation’ is. Fuck, it’s gross, okay? It’s fucking gross. 
I have been around enough men, enough people in power, enough people with leverage who also know how to play the field, to know that when someone wants a group’s support but does not agree with them, their go to phrasing is that it is ‘up for debate’ or ‘up for interpretation.’
Say the gays are alive. Steinberg refusing to acknowledge the reality of the ending of his show to maintain his own sense of artistic integrity is what, honestly, really sets me off about him and I don’t care if this is a nuanced take.
Like yes, death of the author. I honestly don’t care if he thinks they’re dead or alive. What I care about is that he thinks he can get away with being clever and leaning hard into a story is true/untrue’ - doesn’t realize what the implications of that are, and didn’t when he was writing, and didn’t have anyone else in the room who would think about it either. 
ANYWAY. So this is....my long drawn out explanation for why I do not like Steinberg. Uhhhhh tune in next week for more of my totally unpopular opinions!
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merskrat · 3 years
I’m literally living in such a state of anticipation just waiting to see what is going to come of this situation with my dad. He asked me to reach out to my brother, who is 16, and made it sound like everyone in the family has ignored him and that’s the reason he doesn’t want to visit us anymore. That didn’t really ring true to me, because I know that once my grandmother had to physically take his tablet away from him and force him to come out of his room just to get him to interact with the family just the smallest amount. I talked to my cousin, who I would trust with my life, about it and what he said basically boiled down to “I have been trying to befriend him for literal years, but he is so rude and so uninterested in doing anything other than playing games on his tablet that I gave up a long time ago.” I guess once my grandfather asked him if he wanted to help him feed the birds and my brother was like “why would I want to do that?” I emailed my dad because I didn’t want to get emotional about this over the phone, and told him about how blatantly disrespectful my brother is to all of us and how confused I was that he had been raised so differently than me—allowed to completely isolate himself by staring at a screen all day when I wasn’t even allowed to have a gameboy and was allowed about three hours of computer time a week. My brother has never been made to leave his (very narrow) comfort zone like I was. I performed musically, took sailing lessons, horseback riding lessons, etc. I was not given the option to back out of these activities even if I had wanted to, and I am a better person for not being allowed to isolate myself in my room reading books.
This made me delve into my stepmother and her emotional abuse, how I feel that she has turned my brother against our family because that is what she tried to do with me when I was a kid. I remember finally getting really upset about what she was saying about my grandparents and her response was that she “should have known I wasn’t mature enough for adult conversations.” A LOT of repressed memories are coming to the surface. How she said that my sister was going to be a trophy wife when she grew up...she was five. How she got so angry when I threw up during Sunday school once, even though it was in the bathroom, and I cleaned it up and went back to she wouldn’t miss the service. How when I asked her, in tears, for help with my OCD and she called me a hypochondriac and a liar and told me to go to my room. I guess the reason she “knew” I was lying is because once I complained about chest pain and when a doctor listened to my heart and said nothing was wrong they just...never followed up. Now I recognize that I was having chest pain from anxiety. I told my dad about how my basic needs were not being met when he was away during the week working. My stepmother never gave me lunch money, and if she did it was never more than a dollar left on the table, and I wasn’t allowed to wake her up in the morning under any circumstances. My friends had to buy me food and generally took turns getting me lunch, until the principal caught on and asked me if everything was ok at home. I lied to cover for her because I knew that I would be in trouble if the school called. She adopted me when I was ten, but would only be in my life for three more years after that. Everything was fine between us the summer after eighth grade and I happily went to the island to stay with my grandparents for the summer and to see my friends. My dad went back up for the weekend like he always did, and found that my stepmom had taken her car, the cats, all of her stuff, and my infant brother half way across the country to Minnesota. So he went, trying to save his marriage, and I stayed, honestly happy to be left behind and not having to be the new kid two years in a row. She completely cut off contact with me.
I also told my dad about the blog post I found later that year, written by her and read by many people in the community in which I lived, about how difficult it was for her to have a mentally ill daughter. I find it really interesting that my brother is so mentally ill that he can barely function, but she has not taken to the Internet to make his mental illnesses known to his community and to try to garner sympathy. I asked him to please imagine for a second how that made me feel to find that and read it.
It seemed incredibly obvious to everyone in our family that once she had her own biological child that she didn’t feel the need to continue to have a relationship with the adopted one, and even maybe that she manipulated the situation to make sure that it would just be the three of them from that point on. My brother was only a year old when she took off, and she left less than a week after I went to the island. As a child I didn’t want to say this out loud to anyone. I didn’t want to risk sounding jealous, insecure, immature, etc. But as an adult I don’t mind saying it, because that’s what happened. It honestly just shows how truly manipulated my thoughts were, to the point that I didn’t even want to acknowledge the reality of the situation, for fear of it being spun to make *me* look bad/more mentally ill.
He has said that both of them are waiting for me to make the first move in reestablishing a relationship. He said that my brother doesn’t want to switch rooms in their house because of the mural I painted on his wall. I reminded him that she has always been the one who established whether or not a relationship existed. At the end of what basically ended up being a manifesto of all of the ways she had torn our family apart, I said that I might be willing to reestablish contact with her if she started to take accountability and go to therapy. I also said that I would try to reach out to my brother but that it might be difficult for us to have a connection because he is almost an adult, is set in his habits, and if I’m right, she has been filling his head with awful things about our family like she did with me when I was a child, the only difference being that he has been under her influence for much longer and that she actually was able to isolate him from us, and use emotional incest to manipulate him into believing whatever she wanted him to believe (I did not use that term in the email to my dad because I know it would immediately make him, or anyone really, defensive because of how disgusting it sounds.)
My dad couldn’t email me back from his tablet but texted me what basically amounted to “I’m sorry I haven’t been a better parent. You have given me a lot to think about.” I have never felt so awful and so validated at the same time. He probably went back to their house from the island (where he works) last night, and I’m just wondering what is going to happen, if she is going to manage to manipulate her way out of any responsibility once again. My grandmother warned me not to criticize my brother if I cared about my relationship with my dad. I really felt all of this needed to be said though. My dad is away from his son during the week, so god only knows what she says and does during all that time that he is away. When he used to bring my brother to the island, he would bring him during the week and go to work, so he has no idea of how my brother interacts/doesn’t interact with us. I don’t know, I don’t know how she could spin any of this to make herself look good.
I told him, “I want you to be happy,” and he responded “I’m happy that you’re doing so well.” Idk, that kind of just broke my heart because it sounds like he just feels that happiness is off the table for him at this point. Every time we talk he’s like “I wanted to go do x but your mother and brother don’t want to, so we’re not.” And it just makes me sad af because I remember how much fun we used to have going to Maine, the Renaissance fair, tours of caverns, the beach, etc, and his wife and child would rather stare at a screen than go do something fun with him. Like we didn’t have a ton of money growing up and I’m sure they still don’t, but what money my dad did make he spent on experiences for us as a family.
So yeah...just waiting to see what’s gonna happen now.
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matthewschueller · 4 years
The 16 Best Things to Do in Portland Oregon - From a Local
Why Visit Portland Oregon? Advice From a Local.
Portland Oregon is a quirky, eclectic mix of crazy personalities and stunning natural beauty. Every time we fly back into Portland, we’re stunned by the view of Mount Hood overlooking the emerald green forests surrounding the city. There’s no place like it, and it continues to surprise us. The city is filled to the brim with evergreens, top-tier restaurants, green spaces, bike lanes, and unique neighborhoods. Just an hour from the coast or the mountains, the options for hiking and outdoor activities are limitless.
Besides the fact that Portland is basically a city within a giant forest, it has an interesting way about structuring its neighborhoods. Throughout the sprawl of the city, there are tons of neighborhood centers, each with its own unique personality and feel. What we love most about Portland is its irreducible attitude about not giving-a-shit about what anyone thinks about it. Portland is super weird, and it’s proud of that fact. From Voodoo Doughnuts, Powell’s City of Books (the world’s largest bookstore), to Darcelle’s (our personal favorite), anything here is accepted and loved as is!
Above that, Portland is an incredibly gay friendly city. Many have asked where the gay district Is in Portland, but really, we think the whole city is kind of gay. It’s awesome, and we feel totally 100% free and comfortable no matter what part of the city we’re in. Skip down to the 16th list-item below to see a bit more about the LGBTQ+ community in Portland.
It’s no surprise that Portland has become a popular destination for people from all over, and we’ve had many friends and family members ask, “What should we do in Portland? What should we see in Portland? Where should we eat in Portland!?" Well, we are here to answer all of that HERE!
Here are The 16 Best Things to Do in Portland Oregon
1. Get Lost in Powell’s City of Books
Powell’s City of Books is an iconic destination in Portland. The bookstore is 4 stories tall and takes up an entire city block. It holds more books for sale than any other bookstore on earth. It’s enormous, and you can actually get lost in there (I have)! On the top level, there’s an isolated room full of first edition and signed books, including original print copies from series like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. It’s amazing.
2. Eat as Many Donuts in Portland as Possible
We’ve all heard of Voodoo Doughnuts, and while this is a staple of Portland’s quirky eccentric attitude, these aren’t the best donuts in the city. Don’t get me wrong, we love Voodoo, but there are a couple Portland donut shops that have risen up above the rest over the last decade.
Pip’s Doughnuts
For something a little more classic, head to Pip’s Original Doughnuts and Chai. Known for having some of the most delectable chai in the greater Portland area, Pip’s offers donut holes topped with classic and seasonal custards and cremes. Whether you come in the winter for a rich Banana Custard and Salted Nutella doughnut or a little closer to spring to enjoy their Meyer Lemon Pear Butter doughnut, you will always be able to pair them with a perfect chai or matcha.
Blue Star Donuts
Blue Star crafts its donut creations out of a brioche base from scratch and pair that with fresh fruits, herbs and spices, even liqueurs. Whether your in the mood for something fresh like their Meyer Lemon and Key Lime curd creation, something rich like the Chocolate Almond Ganache, or a classic Old Fashioned (of which there are three varieties), Blue Star has a myriad of flavors that stem from the surrounding area to tantalize your tastebuds.
3. Shop on Nob Hill’s 23rd Avenue
Perched on the North West side of downtown, 23rd Avenue holds some of the best cafes and restaurants of the city. Stroll down 23rd Ave. and grab a coffee at Barista, browse unique gifts at Paper Source, check out the view on Restoration Hardware’s rooftop or find your favorite crystals at the small pop-in shops along the way. 23rd Ave is a beautiful neighborhood full of ornate victorian homes. Walking around the area is a treat, and this is a prime area for good shopping. One of our favorite places to grab a pick-me-up is Tea Chai Te. We love sitting out on their outdoor balcony overlooking 23rd Ave.
4. Have a Scoop at Salt & Straw
Their first storefront opened on 23rd Ave. and now Salt & Straw is pretty well known throughout the West Coast. With intense and crazy flavors, Salt & Straw typically boasts a line out the door and around the corner. Try their famous Sea Salt and Caramel Ribbon, Honey Lavender, Pear & Blue Cheese, or seasonal varieties like Bone Marrow & Smoked Cherries or vegan Coconut Milk with Cashew Brittle & Pandan! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to try as many flavor samples as they’d like while standing in line. Try them all!
5. Enjoy the View at Pittock Mansion
Pittock Mansion is a famously beautiful mansion overlooking downtown Portland from Forest Park. You can catch one of the best views of Mt. Hood from there, and in the Spring, the rhododendrons around the mansion are kind of magical. It’s one of the must-see places to anyone visiting! Pittock Mansion is best to visit on sunny days in the Spring, but is perfect for photography all year around.
6. Sip Lots and Lots of Coffee
This one is without saying. Portland has great coffee. Obviously, you have to try Stumptown. Their coldbrew is unbelievable—like nectar-of-the-gods-good. It’s chocked full of caffeine, so sip slowly! Check out their iconic location in the Portland Ace Hotel downtown. The lobby of the Ace Hotel is an iconic photo spot and an even better place for people watching. Other favorite coffee shops include Ristretto Roasters, Never Coffee, Heart Coffee, Barista and Good Coffee; just to name a few.
7. Find Some Peace at the Japanese Gardens
In the hills over downtown, the Japanese Gardens holds acres of rhododendron, blossoming trees and small ponds surrounded by bamboo. It’s a peaceful place to spend the day just far enough away from downtown. With views of Mount Hood, the famous Japanese Gardens attracts tourists from all around the world.
8. Stroll Down Mississippi Ave.
Mississippi Ave. is lined with some of the best restaurants and bars of the city. It’s really active any night during any part of the year, and is always bound to bring a good time. It also has a ton of cute trendy shops and cafes. Hanging out there is one of our favorite things to do on any given weekend! The food cart pod on Mississippi Ave. has cheap and tasty options including Matt’s BBQ and Little Conejo Food Cart. Our favorite spot to grab a bite on Mississippi is ¿Por Qué No?. This hugely popular taquería serves some of the best tacos and guacamole we’ve ever had. Food isn’t the only thing that has us coming back to this neighborhood, the bars are the best. Our favorites include Prost! for beer, Interurban for cocktails, and Psychic Bar for one of the most interesting witchy atmosphere’s we’ve experienced!
9. Eat at the Food Trucks
Portland’s street food culture also has made a name for itself. In the summer, you’ll see everyone out biking down to the food carts to grab Koi Fusion, Chicken and Guns, or Nong's Khao Man Gai. There are so many food trucks in Portland, we could do a whole blog just on which ones to try… and there are a lot we can recommend. Our advice, try as many as possible during your visit. The food culture here is just as good in the streets as it is in the sheets... or restaurants, oops.
10. Explore the Alberta Arts District
Few spots are more classically Portland than Alberta Avenue. The arts district is filled to the brim with Portland grunge. Graffiti stained walls, independent and bustling coffee shops, food carts and enough weed to get the entire state high. You can find yourself wanting to stick around Alberta Ave. for a while. Head to this neighborhood to admire the graffiti art, go bar hopping, or try any one of the incredible restaurants. We recommend Pok Pok, Pine State Biscuits, Proud Mary’s and Bamboo Sushi to start!
11. Hike in the Colombia River Gorge and See Multnomah Falls
The Columbia River Gorge is home to some of Oregon’s most iconic natural wonders. Located just a 30 minutes drive from downtown, Multnomah Falls is the most popular natural tourist attractions in the state. The historic falls plummet from the foothills leading up to Mount Hood and is perfectly framed by the iconic stone bridge located just in front. It’s a very short walk from the parking lot to the falls, but for those looking for a hike, there is plenty of trail beyond the falls. The Colombia River Gorge is full of adventurous trails that will lead you up paths to find countless waterfalls and epic views of the gorge.
Here are a few of our favorite hikes and views:
Hike in Oneonta Gorge —
Oneonta Gorge is itself a scenic canyon located in the Columbia River Gorge. The U.S. Forest Service has designated it as a botanical area because of the unique aquatic and woodland plants that grow there. There are four major waterfalls on the Oneonta Creek as it runs through the gorge. Middle Oneonta Falls can be seen clearly from a footpath and is very often mistaken for the upper or lower falls. The lower gorge has been preserved as a natural habitat, so there is no boardwalk or footpath through it as such. Thus, Lower Oneonta Falls can only be seen by walking upstream from the creek's outlet. Getting to the lower falls can require wading through water that, in some places, can be chest-deep, depending on the season and the relative amount of snow-melt. Bring your waders if you want to see the iconic lower falls!
Hike to Latourell Falls —
Latourell Falls is one of the easiest waterfalls to access while still having breathtaking height and power. Access from Portland takes you first to the Bridal Veil exit off of I-84E and then a quick double-back toward the city along the Historic Columbia River Highway. Park your car at the small lot and walk about 0.5 miles down the trail until you reach the falls. There is a 2.4 mile hiking loop if you want to enjoy the scenery around the area even more, see the falls from above and hit a second viewpoint at the Upper Latourell Falls.
Hike to Angel’s Rest —
One of the closest hike’s to the Portland metro area with rewarding views of the Columbia River Gorge. This is a moderately paced hike with clear paths, good elevation gain and is an easy day trip from the city. Due to its proximity this can be a slightly busy trail but is very peaceful at the early morning hours. If you want to secure your parking spot and have a climb with little disturbances definitely arrive before 9am.
Take Pictures at Vista House —
Vista House was built in 1917 on one of the most beautiful scenic points along the Historic Columbia River Highway. Prior to the construction of I-84, this building was intended as a place of respite and relaxation for those traveling along the highway. There is still an espresso bar with snacks during hours of operation, but the main reason to stop here are the breathtaking views in all directions.
12. Take a Day Trip to Cannon Beach — Haystack Rock
On one side of Portland you have the mountains, but on the other side is the beach! An hour and a half West from downtown Portland is Cannon Beach. Perhaps just as a popular as the falls, every traveler must plan a day to check out the Oregon Coast. You’ll find impressively wide beaches with powerful waves, along with striking cliffs and rock structures jutting from the water, like the famous Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach. Spend the day walking down the beach, sitting in the sun, and exploring the tide pools around the rocks. Pelican Brewing Co. at the edge of the beach is our favorite spot to hang out, grab a couple beers and watch the sun set over the historic Haystack Rock. We try to make it out to Cannon Beach at least a few times a year, we love it!
13. Drink All the Beers
Arguably, one of the best parts about visiting Portland is the sheer number and variety of breweries throughout the city. Honestly, you can make an entire trip centered around trying the beers here. We are regulars at 10 Barrel Brewing Co.’s rooftop bar in the Pearl District. We also love enjoying a local tap at Departures Lounge on the rooftop of The Nines Luxury Hotel downtown. Departures also has amazing sushi if you’re looking for a bite to eat! You’ll find us enjoying a local IPA but if hops aren’t your flavor try the local blondes, ale or stout! We have them all! Other great breweries to checkout are Deschutes Portland Brewery, Migration Brewing, Breakside Brewery, Rogue Brewery, Occidental Brewing, Baerlic Brewing, Ecliptic Brewing and many more!
14. Go Wine Tasting in the Willamette Valley
For every brewery in Portland there’s another winery outside the city waiting to help get your drink on. The Willamette Valley outside of Portland is known for its world class Pinot Noir. And really, the wineries are not far from Portland’s City Center. If you’d prefer to stay in the city, there are plenty of tasting rooms like Boedecker Cellars and Cerulean Wine. Our favorite wineries to visit just outside the city are Hawks View Winery, Domaine Drouhin, Brooks Vineyards, and Stoller Family Estate. Wander down to Willamette Valley Vineyards just an hour south of Portland for some of the best Pinot Noir the West has to offer. All of the above wineries have shipping available for those who’d like to bring some bottles home without the hassle of getting them through the airport.
15. Bar Hop around Portland and Drink the Night Away!
As a warmup, we’ve mentioned all the breweries and wineries to try around Portland. We’ve also mentioned some of our favorite bars along Mississippi Ave and the Alberta Arts District. Here are a few of our all-time favorite bars and shows around the city.
This is our favorite gay bar to hang at. It’s a pretty relaxed bar, no fluff. It’s comfortable, not intimidating, and an easy place to grab a drink and relax. I love this place because of how welcoming it is, and the drinks are honestly super cheap!
Blow Pony
This is a hugely popular queer event held once a month in Portland. It is a riot, and things get crazy. For those up for a party, it’s worth coming to Portland just for this! Wear as little as you’d like!
Darcelle’s XV
Darcelle has a history with the city. As the oldest practicing drag queen, Darcelle and her girls throw a comedy show four nights a week that will leave you on the floor. We went here for our bachelor party and had one of the best nights of our lives. They are so sweet, take no shit, and will give you a show you’ll never forget. 
16. Celebrate Pride in Portland
We love walking down Harvey Milk Street downtown, popping into Scandal’s for a bit and having a drink with friends. Portland is a big city, but still feels kind of small. The community here is super personal and extremely friendly. I remember my first time at Portland Pride and how I essentially just felt an overwhelming sensation of belonging. It’s tight knit, and people really look out for each other. The gay bars are scattered throughout the city, so it isn’t dominated to just one section of town. The free-spirited, anything-goes mentality is something I’ve only also seen in places like The Castro or the West Village. There are two gay beaches, one at Sauvie Island and another at Rooster Rock, in the Columbia River Gorge. There are also a ton of community and sports groups like the Portland Frontrunners, who I run with every Tuesday and Saturday.
More to Explore
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iwanthermidnightz · 5 years
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The following is the summary of Kate’s latest episode on Taylor. Forgive the back and forth and random points... Kate likes to ramble. It was literally an hour and a half of that but she did bring up some good points. This is her analyzing ‘The Archer’ among other things! For the record, I’m writing from her perspective/direct words.
-Thinks The Archer is beautiful, ethereal, and lush
-It’s very Donna Lewis, very Robyn, it’s a nostalgic sound, very Jack Antonoff, very Lorde Melodrama.. its a certain sound reverberating female celestial voices that reminds her of the 90s and she likes it
-It’s a promo single which means it’s released to promote the album, it’s not released to radio stations for airplay- no music video
-Sounds transitional, unfinished song… it’s building
-Released to convey a level of emotional vulnerability
-Taylor said in radio interviews in the UK that this album is very pure and it’s not in response to something like she said reputation was
-“Lover is about what songs would I write for the sake of writing songs? Most of them are about love in the sense that they’re a love letter to love itself”
-We’re in an era with VERY little information
-We’ve seen Joe twice in 2019 (go figure)
-Taymerica, Squad, Calvin, we see her all the time
-Then she gets in this mysterious private ‘relationship’ with Joe almost so much so that there’s no reason to speculate or think about her personal life because it’s so under the radar and she’s never officially talked about him
-She automatically likes his Instagram posts within 2 minutes which a lot of us think is some sort of thing Instagram does for people like her
-She has a theory Taylor and Taylornation can see stories without read receipts (duh)
-The Archer represents a person that's reflecting on their behavior and their patterns and thinking about their relationships in life and thinking about the role of self-sabotage as it relates to your personal relationships
-Talks about the dive bar situation, she needs to spend more time thinking about it
-She talks about the easter eggs leading up to the archer and debates whether Taylor planned this out 3 years ago because of the archer angel in the delicate mv, and the way the people in the delicate mv see right through her, it makes sense
-She always wondered what aspects of Taylors personal life is a media narrative. What has she actually confirmed herself? What are these songs really saying?
-She thinks the songs on reputation sound like really closeted anthems
-It’s none of her business what her sexuality is but it is her business to interpret her songs the way any open-minded person should
-So much of reputation she really read being about a relationship with a woman because it was so grounded in secrecy, quiet moments, darkest little paradise, happened for the first time, I don’t want you like a best friend, everybody thinks that they know us but they know nothing about us, I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us, I had a bad feeling… (yes she named them all in the same breath)
-Lyrics have never been about the protection and privatization of involuntarily public love, they’ve been lyrics about a perception of a forbidden love -It’s one thing to hide from the paparazzi, and to be like “something happens when everybody finds out, loose lips sink ships all the damn time”, recites ‘I Know Places’ basically- calls it a closeted anthem because Taylor literally comes out of closet doors on the 1989 tour.
-Thinks there are themes in Taylors songs that she might miss as a straight person and doesn’t want to discount them
-She was reading an article in Vulture written by none other than known Kaylor truther Jill Gutowitz, mentioned how Jill very openly talks about Gaylor and Karlie Kloss and even recently Tree Paine liked one of her tweets
-Tree Paine is a mastermind and has boots on the ground everywhere (Indeed she is!)
-Thinks the Tree Paine like was strategic
-Jill said in an article that there were implicitly queer lyrics placed throughout ‘The Archer’: ‘pace like a ghost’, ‘heroes die all alone’, ‘help me hold onto you’, dying alone and holding on to someone who isn’t right for you are all important tenants of the lesbian canon (shes quoting Jill)
-Kate did not pick up on any of that cause shes straight haha
-Mentions how Taylors fans are divided by those who think her songs are blatantly queer and those who don’t and believe the Toe relationship is real bc the media shows them that and they believe it firsthand (true)
-She quotes the reputation prologue “when the album comes out gossip blogs will scour the lyrics for the men they can attribute to each song as if the inspiration for music is as simple and basic as a paternity test and there will be slideshows and photos backing up each incorrect theory because it’s 2017 and if you didn’t see a picture of it it didn’t happen right? Let me say it again louder for those in the back… we think we know someone but the truth is that we only know the version of them that they have chosen to show us.”
-Kate says that those are her actual straightforward words and you can’t read that and say that it's not okay to believe in things we haven’t seen or that it’s calling her a liar to only believe what we’ve seen if she is telling us to our faces that we think we know her but the truth is we only know the version of herself that she has chosen to show us
-That is an admission of Taylor being strategic in what we know, and a ton we don’t know
-The prologue should’ve opened up the doors for an and all theories to be fair game but somehow it divided the fandom deeper than she’s ever seen
-Calling her a liar about what she’s told us thus far is not fair (it takes a mature person to understand that)
-The Taylor Swift strategic businesswoman who keeps us on our toes waiting for new music and clues is part of her success- not all. But there is a difference between that Taylor and the Taylor she is behind closed doors. She’s still a person. So to say she's a liar is not right.
-We can’t imagine what it takes to be in her position and not have lost her mind yet
-Maybe shes had a breakdown but we haven’t seen it (wasn’t that her disappearance before reputation?)
-Kate goes back to ‘The Archer’ and her internal struggle
-She read something that Taylor liked on Tumblr where someone said that The Archer is the song version of her poem called “If you’re anything like me”... epiphany.
-The song is about talking about her shortcomings while simultaneously accepting them and saying if you’re anything like me I’m sorry but you’ll be fine
-Kate recites the whole poem now lol
-Showcases a lot of strength in your weakness and pointing out the importance of going through these things in order to find oneself and to acknowledge that some things are just pillars of the way you are
-Back to the archer - this song is about the unwelcome justice system in her head in terms of patterns, knowing how she's going to react, in terms of wishing she were another way and objectively being able to see that but not being able to feel that is a very human experience to constantly be in between your head and your heart
-You only know your own experience, anyone that's hurt you stays in your subconscious or otherwise and we often react in response or defense of it and when she’s saying “no amount of friends at 25 will fill the empty seats at the lunch tables of your past and the teams that picked you last but darling, you keep trying”
-She has been criticized so many times and publicly taken down, shes felt like she can't do anything right at times
-Brings up the ME! Performance at the Billboard awards and no one talked about the performance, just that she ‘copied Beyonce’
-Stuff like that that was not intentional is often pegged on her for better or worse, correct or not
-To be accused of copying or being tone-deaf when shes probably orchestrated this team to make sure none of that happened would be so thankless and frustrating and sometimes the hate is louder
-At times in her career, she's had no choice but to jump to her own overwhelming defense
-You can't trust a lot of people if you are easily used and you do have to be somewhat cut and dry and I think that being put in an environment where it benefits you to be cut and dry because there are so many shady people but maybe she doesn’t really want to be
-She has no choice but to be black or white about her life and feelings and standing up for herself
-Back to The Archer- Kate doesn’t understand the point of “I’ve been the archer, I’ve been the prey”
-It’s kind of like I’ve been the attacker and I’ve been the victim, I’ve had the upper hand and I’ve had the lower hand, I’ve been the dumper and I’ve been dumped
-Kate thinks Taylor’s been on the attack and defense and she knows what it feels like to be treated the exact same way she treats people and therein lies the issue
-That’s a confusing thing to process in your head period and to communicate in a song is inevitably going to be a little bit frantic and convoluted but that's kind of the point. The anxiety of how you handle things and how you accept yourself despite the way you likely mishandle things
-Taylor starts out saying “I’m ready for combat” in the most reluctant, delicate voice that is not indicative of somebody ready for combat
-That sounds like somebody who is a reluctant participant in their own patterns and they don’t want to be doing it but they know they’re going to and they know they’ll do it again
-These patterns and issues that we have exhibit over and over the reason for self-loathing and it's almost harder when you’re older and can acknowledge that you do these things and they don’t work for you but I still do them anyway
-It’s that self awareness paired with the active participation in these bad habits that make a person really start to doubt themselves and in using figures of speech like “I cut off my nose just to spite my face”, like that cuts deep bc she's basically being like “I overreact and I know I do and on purpose”
-In acting out of anxiety and fear you often end up riding off alone
-At a point you see people come and go, you know how this whole song and dance goes, at a point you start to mourn it before it's over
-That’s kind of like “yeah I never figured out the best way to maintain these relationships and I’m tired of it, I never grew up, I don’t know why I am this way but since I know they come and go and since I’ve always ridden on the train alone that probably what I’ll do again but with your help, help me hold onto you… like I want you to be the exception”
-We all think of ourselves as a catch and a trainwreck and it’s not a bad thing
-Looking for someone’s flaws is something everyone does in relationships
-As it relates to in the past when she’s been burned by somebody’s dark side she wants to call it when she sees it and lock the door before she gets robbed but then there's the conflicting part where she’s like “well what I’m alright, what if I can trust you and I’m alright right here?”
-The entire song is kind of like a back and forth of opposing feelings
-To cut off your nose to spite your face is basically a metaphor for overreacting
-She brings up the Hiddleswift stunt and Taylor revealing that she was Nils Solberg for some reason (connecting it to the metaphor)
-We’re so quick to discount people's feelings just because they're in a position of fame and fortune and power but I think we would all feel no less us with money if anything everything’s intensified
-Taylor must have to put up a front all the time because she's not allowed to complain or have bad days when that is your normal and any therapist will tell you you can only heal operating out of your own normal.
-Pain is pain and when you start to compare pain is when you start to trivialize, minimize and not work through what you’re going through and you start to avoid/ignore it
-Taylors in a weird position where she probably has a more internal struggle that anybody
-Through her music we should acknowledge and think about what it’s like on that side, we owe her the respect to be like damn.. this must be hard
-Talks about the “all the king's horses” line and Humpty Dumpty
-All of the resources and people trying to help Taylor at her disposal and they still can’t fix this and that is an empty feeling, like a lost cause
-When Kate hears ‘The Archer’ she hears a highly anxious episode that is not just processing the individual situation going on but then doing a thing where you project it on every single thing that's ever going to happen in your life
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teacuphuman09 · 5 years
Inceptiversary 2019 MasterPost
It will soon be July and you know what that means! IT’S INCEPTIVERSARY TIME!!!!!!
In case you don’t know (and that’s fine, we love new blood in this fandom), Inceptiversary is the yearly celebration of the release of the film that keeps us darlings dreaming bigger: Inception. It takes place over five weeks (July 1st to August 5th) and includes fandom focused events, challenges, and content. It’s when we Inceptionites come together to strengthen the community, show appreciation, and welcome in a new generation of dreamers!
ALL SHIPS ARE WELCOME in the Inceptiversary festivities and we encourage you to explore a ship you haven’t before. You never know what you might find!
“But wait, teacup,” you say. “How am I to keep track of all these awesome events? How will I know what’s happening and what’s to come?”
I’m glad you asked, dear dreamer, because we have the super-organized and equally awesome @freighttraininmybrain over at the Inception Social Calendar and the miraculous trio of @flosculatory, @deinvatiwrites, and @dbshawnblog on the @Inceptiversaryblog keeping us from succumbing to Inception FOMO! So hold onto your grip on reality because the unbelievable details of this year’s Inceptiversary are laid out below!
1) Theme Weeks: 
Inceptiversary is structured over five glorious weeks, each of which caters to a theme in fandom. Fans are encouraged to post and reblog all manner of content related to each week’s theme. Memes, fics, fanvids, artwork, conspiracy theories; all will find a home! And you may just discover something you didn’t know you needed in your life.
This year’s Theme Weeks are:
Week 1, July 1 - 7 No Stone Unturned - Inception Gen Week 
This is a special Theme Week this year as we’ve paired it with a prompt challenge of the same name that will be run by @bayta-darell! The Inception fandom has a ton of love to go around, but what about the non-romantic kind of love? This week, we're focusing on all of the great platonic and familial relationships with a series of daily prompts. These are just meant as a starting point to get you inspired and by all means, disregard these as much as you want! All Inception content that isn't based on romantic or sexual relationships is welcome, and fanwork recommendations are certainly encouraged as well. Have fun, and happy Inceptiversary!
Day 1: Backstory
Day 2: Team Dynamics
Day 3: Character Study
Day 4: Rare/Underappreciated Characters (Philippa, James, Miles, Nash... anyone outside of our main dream team)
Day 5: Non-Canon Interactions
Day 6: World-Building
Day 7: Post-Canon
Week 2, July 8 - 14 It’s The End Of The World As We Know It: 
Zombies! Meteors! The Rapture! Girl Scouts! It’s the apocalypse and we want to know all about the survivors!
Week 3, July 15 - 21 Curtain Fic: 
Domestication at its best! Bring out all your happily ever afters and spend a week in bliss as your favourite ships ride off on magical rainbow unicorns and make all their dreams come true!
Week 4, July 22 -28 In Between The Lines: 
We all have them. Those headcanons about what went on behind the scenes of Inception. What happened to Tadashi? Is Ariadne hiding gills under all those scarves? Just what did the team do with all that time left over in the dream? And for Nolan’s sake, did the damn top fall over or not?
Week 5, July 29 - August 5 Crack/Fluff: 
It’s been a long month so kick back and relax with a large dose of everyone’s favourite guilty pleasure: Crackfic! We all need those fics that are purely for entertaining silly and happy ideas. They’re a soft place to land and a great opportunity to get wacky ideas out of your head! Indulge and enjoy the ride!
2. Watch Parties (@corinnetags, @noitsnacktime, @freighttraininmybrain ):    
Watch parties are an excellent way to meet other people in fandom and tend to create a ton of inspiration for future wips! All movies are connected to the cast of Inception in one way or another and will be held on either Slack or Discord or both depending on host availability/preference.  The schedule for all viewings can be found on the Inceptiversary Social Calendar.
3. Watch Party Bingo: (@withinmeloveresides1, @zuulee63)
On July 1st, 16th, and 31st, Inception Bingo during the Official (not really) Inception Watch Parties! You can check out the viewing times on the Inception Social Calendar. More info to come!
4. Inception 30 Day Challenge (@flosculatory): 
The 30 Day Challenge is such an interesting and entertaining look into the minds of your fellow Inceptionites! Learn how others feel about your favourite Inception moments and enjoy a look back at why we’re all still here, nine years after its release.
5. Trope/Kink Bingo (@teacuphuman09, @dreamhubbies):
One of the most popular aspects of Inceptiversary is the Trope/Kink Bingo, and goodness, does it ever deliver! Scoot on over to @inceptiversarybingo  for info on how to get your hands on your very own bingo card, then indulge your (not so) secret desire to write all the tropes and/or kinks your little fandom heart desires!
6) AELDWS: (@teacuphuman09):
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a stake in this year’s Arthur/Eames Last Drabble Writer Standing event. AELDWS was missed last year, but in 2019 it’s returning to its roots and eliminating one writer every week until a champion is crowned! (I’m coming for you, @deinvatiwrites)
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7)  Inceptionkitties: (@a-forger-and-a-point-man) 
The Caption Contest is back! Send in your purrfect puss pics, captioned with a quote from Inception and you could win all the fame and fortune of the Inception cat fandom! Get to it, meow!
8)  Inception Quiz (@thingsbeginningwitha, @betterpausenow, @freighttraininmybrain):
Known by some (me) as one of the most difficult quizzes of all time, the Inception Quiz tests your knowledge, dedication, and attention to detail of all things Inception. Think you can handle it? (You can!) More details to come!
9) Inception Positivity: (@flosculatory)
Do you have a fandom crush? Someone you admire or look up to? Someone you feel needs to know just how important and appreciated they are? Then jump over to @inceptionpositivity to fill out a submission form and send your love across the fandom!
10) Fic Recs: (@teacuphuman09)
Looking for a specific fic or wanting to read along with the Theme Weeks? @inceptionficrx (@teacuphuman09) has what the doctor ordered! We’ll have weekly reading recs as well as special recs for Wednesday Hump Day and Bunk Fic Fridays (@avacynner); little pick-me-ups and some pants-tingling to see you through the weekend!
11) Inception/007 Battle Royale: (@a-forger-and-a-point-man)
The who, what, where, and when has yet to be announced, but get ready for yet another fight to the (canon)death! More details to come!
12) Inception Big Bang: (@dreaminghigher)
Back after a few years off, the Inception Big Bang is a fantastic event that combines titillating fic ideas with gorgeous artwork! Head on over to @inceptionbigbang for more info, and hurry because sign-ups are almost closed!
13)  Fandom Auction for @nolaespoir: (@corinnetags)
Fandom lost an incredible talent and friend, Nolaespoir, and this year’s auction is in her name, with proceeds going to charities dedicated to suicide prevention and mental health. Check out the auction site and bid on some amazing items up for grabs!
14) Here’s a list of other Inceptiversary blogs and tags you should follow to keep up to date on the festivities:
First and foremost there is the Inception Blogs Masterlist, curated by the incomparable @a-forger-and-a-point-man
Are you a member of the InceptionSlack yet? It’s a great online platform that allows us to communicate directly and get to know each other! We have chat rooms for just about everything from career support to writing & art, and everyone is welcome! We have the best custom emojis, let me tell you! This is also where the Watch Parties will be hosted, so if you’d like an invitation, send @teacuphuman09 or @deinvatiwrites an ask!
Looking for something a little more Inception-centric than Slack? Want to be part of everything Inception related? The Inception Discord is the place to be! So head on over and check their platform out and enjoy some sweet, sweet discord!
Wondering about who’s who or the history of our fandom over the past nine years? @flosculatory and @gessorosso have put together two wonderful resources! The Friending Meme is a place to put your deets if you’re wanting to connect with others in the fandom and the Fandom Page (which now houses the Friending Meme!) is an ongoing collection of events and moments in fandom history. If you’d like to contribute something to the Fandom Page, please contact @gessorosso.
You should obviously be following #inception,  #inceptiversary, and your ship tags (tumblr.com/tagged/[search term]), but may we also suggest:
#christopher nolan
#emma thomas
#wally pfister
#hans zimmer
#tom hardy
#ken watanabe
#marion cotillard
#leonardo dicaprio
#dileep rao
#ellen page
#joseph gordon-levitt
#cillian murphy
#michael caine
#lukas haas
#tom berenger
#pete postlethwaite (RIP)
14) Where can I find the Inception Button I keep hearing so much about?
That’s it, that’s all (it’s not, there’s always more). So get ready because we’re just days away from Inceptiversary 2019!
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I don't know what to do, I want to read about politics and climate change and important things like that but it triggers my delusions and paranoia really bad. I want to stay informed but I also don't want to constantly be in distress. (I live in the USA so theres always stuff happening)
Well, the first thing you need to know is that if you are not in a place where you can use your knowledge about these things to do something constructive, then it’s okay not to engage. Cause nobody is benefiting from you reading bad news and then getting paralyzed by distress. Not you, not other people, not the environment - literally no one is benefiting from that. 
You exposing yourself to triggering political content you can’t safely engage with out of some obligation to stay informed isn’t actually helping anyone, it’s only hurting you. So if that’s what you’re doing, just stop engaging. Unfollow as needed, filter tags, blacklist “climate change”, “Donald Trump”, “immigration” and other words which are heavily associated with content you find triggering. 
If you want to stay political in some capacity and think you can safely do so, I still recommend blacklisting/filtering the associated tags and words - cause then you can, on an individual basis, choose whether you’re in the right mindset to read a potentially triggering post containing x word or x tag and if you’re not in a good place mentally, you can just choose to scroll past it. Another similar option is only checking sites/blogs with political content when you’re in a stable mindset instead of following them on your regular social media accounts and coming across their content randomly.
You can also, if you have the resources and the energy, start getting involved with movements you agree with and want to support on a local level. I am not doing activism at the moment, but I’ve heard from many people that getting yourself out there, engaging with your community and actually experiencing that you CAN make a difference (though usually on a very local level, at least at first) helps a ton on when it comes to the whole dread and hopelessness thing. 
So look at what steps you realistically can take to improve something and start taking those steps. This is not something everyone can do, and if you are not able to participate actively in any kind of activism for whatever reason, don’t beat yourself up about it. But getting involved in a relevant movement and getting in touch with other people who care and working towards making those small but necessary changes in your local community can do wonders for your belief in humanity and our future - so if you can do something, do it.
Basically, do whatever you safely can. If that’s taking responsibility for your consumption and doing what you can not to further burden the environment and living sustainably, do that. If it means giving a donation to organizations you agree with when you can, do that. If it means calmly educating people when certain topics you’ve read up on are brought up, do that. Do what you can when you can - but do not feel an obligation to do more than that.
Cause this is probably a controversial point of view in this age filled with constant “IF YOU SCROLL PAST THIS YOU DON’T HAVE A HEART” guilt tripping all over all social media - but if you are just not able to safely engage with certain political topics, like, at all, then I think that’s okay. If you are not in a place where you can take steps towards making political or personal changes of any kind because your mental or physical health issues are making it impossible for you, you do not have to force yourself to engage anyways. 
You are allowed to give yourself a break. You’re allowed to unfollow the political blogs, blacklist and filter triggering words and tags, and spend your online time looking at kittens and memes. That’s okay. You’re allowed to do that. Even if you wish you could do more - if you can’t, then you don’t have to keep pushing yourself past your limits. That statement doesn’t just apply to life in general, it applies to activism and politics as well.
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falcongumba · 5 years
Nick Grinder
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Photo by Desmond White
Nick Grinder is a Trombonist and composer living in NYC by way of the Bay Area. In this first installment of the blog I wanted to interview someone that I know well, I met Nick in my first year of college back in 2009, we were roommates for three out of four years of school and I’ve played with him more times than I can remember, he’s also one of my best friends and an important peer in the community. So I didn’t have to do much research to feel prepared for this interview. 
Since moving to NYC, Nick has managed to maintain a busy schedule as a freelance trombonist and participate in an ever-growing list of ensembles, secure positions in Broadway orchestras, play in recording sessions. Most recently, he has started to get some notice for his own work: His most recent album, Farallon (in which I play guitar), has been very well received. 
I wanted to get some insight into Nick’s professional development in the last few years as well as into his creative process. 
JT: So Farallon has been well received, I know it was a lot of work for you over a few years to get it done. How does it feel now that you are on the other side and the outcome has been mostly positive? 
NG: It feels good. I was really happy with how everyone interpreted the music, and the studio experience was really relaxed and natural. Just the sound Chris at Big Orange Sheep (studio in Brooklyn) got was really beautiful, and sort of was a perfect match for the music if that makes sense. In a way, it almost informed how we played over those two days, and I think vice versa. I didn’t go into the album as being a motive piece on The Farallon islands, it was really just a collection of tunes I had written over the years that made the cut, so to speak. It feels good to have moved on from that music, as I think it will free me up to write more in the present. I think if we don’t have markers, it’s hard to move on as an artist. I find myself writing the same tune over and over if I don’t record or perform enough to get it out of my system.
JT: That makes sense, so in that regard, how do you see Farallon in contrast to Ten Minutes (Nick’s first release)? Do you see it as an expansion on stuff you were working on back then or a departure from it? 
NG: I think it’s....an evolution, and in a way, I think Farallon is much less compositionally complex, but a bit more cohesive. I thought back on Ten Minutes the other day, and how some of the tunes were actually pretty good, and more in the “jazz” idiom, whatever that means nowadays. Sometimes I feel that writing harmony can box in creativity in a way, partially because pianistic interpretations can harken back to so much other music. I feel harmonically, Ten Minutes was a bit more complex than Farallon, but Farallon is more open. Part of that was you, Juan, and the fact that the guitar is such a different instrument than piano and doesn’t dominate the texture as much. So, to answer your question...I think it’s an extension and evolution. For the next one, it would be nice to really change things up. We’ll see. I try not to have a directive like that when I create, or at least not listen to it so much. It can be a good spark to start writing, but once things flow, you have to follow that.
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JT: Yeah that’s definitely true. I’m really envious of how pianists have this power of making everything sound fully orchestrated and just make so much color with harmony. But lately, I think that what I like about playing the guitar is sort of embracing that it won’t make everything sound as full as a piano but that in a lot of other ways it can kinda expand the scope of the music by just filling a variety of roles
NG: Yeah, I think it’s one of the real positives of guitar, and in a way, I’d imagine that while that is a bit more limiting, there’s probably more musical freedom in that. Kind of an interesting catch-22 maybe?
JT: Well your limitations are as much a part of what you end up making as your abilities, even if you play the piano.
I know you’ve always played the piano is this still the main way you write music? Can you tell me a bit about how that process works for you? I’ve played a lot of your tunes over the years but I’ve never actually seen how you compose. 
NG: Right, I don’t mean anything I’ve said as a dig on piano or piano players -  it’s just interesting as a concept as you said - too much freedom of choice can sometimes box one in. 
I write music any way that works....at the piano, at the trombone, or just with paper or Sibelius. Usually, I try to write harmonically complex music at the piano, just to hear and expand on what I’m hearing in that way, but that can sometimes be limited by my piano playing, and tendencies my piano playing has. I wrote the tune Farallon completely at the piano, and actually think it works better without any horns. My ear isn’t fantastic, so usually what I write on paper ends up being rhythmic ideas that I sus out on the horn or the piano. Sometimes I sing ideas into my phone on the train. Writing with Sibelius can be nice because you can hear what you write immediately, but the danger of that is you start writing for the computer - what sounds good on a machine might not sound good with people and vice versa.
I’ve definitely thought that something I wrote with Sibelius was the hippest shit ever, and after hearing people play it I realized something was missing, and I think it was sort of a casualty of that process.
JT: I understand that completely. It can be very convenient but that’s totally a risk of it. How do you think your own compositions have impacted your playing? Do you see these two things as being related? Are you writing to maybe expand what you can play on the horn or your horn playing is evolving because of what you write?
NG: I’d like to think it’s both. One of the things about writing outside of your instrument is that you have to learn what you wrote, which was the case for 5 Steps and some of the other note-y heads I’ve written. Rarely do I do those on the trombone. That head specifically was really hard for me to learn and ended up being a great thing to practice. I definitely remember writing harmony that I felt comfortable with improvising over, but it’s something I don’t consciously do often because I don’t feel I have a ton of skills in that arena I can showcase. Farallon, for example, is really difficult to improvise on, at least for me.  I really try to let the song do its thing when I’m writing it, and not impose my own will on it too much.
JT: That’s interesting, and it makes sense to me. One of the things that I love about the album is that it doesn’t seem like you wrote the music with the intent to “showcase” the trombone, or actually anyone else. That’s really mature and I don’t think you made a conscious effort to do that, am I wrong? 
NG: Thanks. That wasn’t intentional, but that also might have something to do with my relative lack of skills like that on the instrument...
JT: Oh Come on (laughs) You do make a living playing the Trombone…
NG: Ha, but the skills needed for that are different than the virtuosic stuff so many people are doing!
JT: Ok so that makes me wonder, how are you structuring your instrumental practice? what are some of the things you are going after in your playing? I know that it must be a difficult balance to find with all the different things that you have to do
NG: I’m thinking really broadly about my sound and when I attack the note and how clear that is - lining up my best sound with an attack that is in time, and clear. I do a lot of work relating to that with a metronome and tuner, and kind of just start from square one every day. Breathing, buzzing, long tones, slurs, those all help with that “prime directive” I have about time and attack.  There’s a lot of that sort of work needed with the trombone, at least I find that it helps. I am though, always trying to find ways to make that sort of maintenance musical - sometimes I start the day just improvising, really trying to feel what my chops require to be in a good place, to have that immediacy. Sometimes those are my best days on the horn. 
I need about 45 minutes to an hour to feel good for the day, and if I’m getting a good session in, I can do about 3-4 hours before I really need a break. A lot of that is exercises, scales, and patterns with a metronome and drone, and then improvising. I’ll take a tune or a set of changes through a few different keys and tempos, then work on Rochut or Bach. By then it will be about 3 hours, especially considering that I do a lot of similar exercises on bass trombone as well.
JT: The trombone is an instrument (just like any brass) that without that sense of keeping up with a regime of calisthenics your sort of starting baseline for just being able to play kinda goes away no? I remember a while back we were hanging with a saxophone player friend of ours and he was talking about all this advanced stuff he was working on, and you saying "I'm just trying to play in time man!" haha. I guess where I'm going with this is that in a way to me there's something really great and beautiful about that challenge of being confronted with the basics constantly, but I wonder if that's exhausting or mentally taxing for you and you wanna be working on some other stuff?
NG: Yeah, it absolutely is humbling and can be frustrating at times. And I think it was playing in tune! But playing in tune and in time is so challenging. When I came to New York I realized how dialed in older more experienced people was with just the “basics,” and how particular that sort of thing can be. I had a recording session a few months ago with some heavy people, I had no business being there really, and it happened to start at 7 am on a Sunday! From the first notes, the band of 18 people was just locked in. There was no question as to where time and pitch was, and I thought I was sticking out like a sore thumb. This was very “easy” music, but to play it at such a high level was really challenging. That instance is sort of a micro chasm for my attitude towards practicing. I sometimes go too far with “basics” stuff and feel I should be pushing myself more, at times, but the bread and butter of what I do I feel lay with that stuff.
JT: I understand that and, as an observer, I think that your work ethic in that regard is precisely why you’ve been finding yourself in so-called “places you have no business being in” more and more. I think that people know that you will take those things seriously even if you think that in some ways you are falling short. After all, we all want the music to sound great but finding people who are gonna take your project seriously and work at it is as important as finding someone who can play the music.
NG: I totally agree with what you’ve said. I think there’s a lot of luck and knowing when to talk and when not to talk. The whole thing about “not being an asshole” is really prescient! I remember talking to a really great musician about finding the right band, and he said it was so much more about finding that fit and people who care about your music than things like fame, etc. The more comfortable you are the better the music will sound. That’s what was so nice about being in the studio with you guys - it was really comfortable and while we got a ton done, it didn’t feel taxing because it was so relaxed and efficient.
JT: Same here. I wanted to ask you how you are managing all the different things you have to do these days? On top of being a busy freelancer, you have a pretty steady schedule on Broadway now. (The Broadway show Nick was playing, “Beautiful,” has since closed.)
NG: I’m trying to figure it out, but mostly still flying by the seat of my pants. The show has finally given a bit of financial stability, which is almost unheard of for freelance musician types, so I’m trying to capitalize on that to have designated creative time. I have managed to write a bit more since I got the show, and I have also been taking days off just to go hear music, which was something I was always felt too burnt out to do.  I still do everything I can to put creatively fulfilling gigs at the front and center, and I’m hoping that the show can actually help with that.  If I can get through every day having practiced, and through each week doing some creative listening/writing, I’ll be in a good place. That’s the goal for now with a lot of room for expansion.
JT: What are some of your goals for this next phase after this album? I know that you have some new music for a quartet that played recently
NG: I actually had a gig with interesting instrumentation shortly after we recorded the album - violin, flute, and trombone with rhythm section. I want to write some music for that group, and really get some orchestrations happening that highlight the “softer” iterations of the trombone, especially with mutes. There are so many different colors and textures one can get with mutes and other instruments.
And yes, we had a gig with a new quartet. That was a lot of fun. I might want to add a piano to that at some point, I’ve been hearing that for my next thing.
JT: That's great and I look forward to hearing all those projects. I think we did it! Unless you wanna add anything. But, I just wanted to say that it has been really great to see you grow and thrive over the years cause at this point you are one of the very few people I have around that I really came up with, very proud and happy for you!
NG: Man, thank you! I hope you know you have been a huge driver of creativity for me and an enormously positive influence on my music-making ever since we met. I think you’ve been like that for most people you’ve known who are musicians! So thank you for that. I admire your commitment to your sound and how you are always creating. It really is inspiring. 
There is one thing I’d like to add: The jazz world is very small, but even amongst its size, I worry we aren’t realizing how expensive it is to record and promote music, and how that can kind of skew who gets to make music and have it recognized. My relative success in the commercial field of music (and my willingness to accept massive amounts of credit card debt) really made the album a reality. So many truly amazing musicians and composers aren’t in that position, and their work really deserves to be heard. 
Releasing music is a massive amount of sacrifice and work no matter how much money you have, but I think it would behoove the art form and especially the gatekeepers of “fame/recognition” to consider even those recordings not on a label, not with a “big name” sideman and not in CD form. It’s understandable that there’s a ton of music to wade through, but there are stories that deserve to be heard and promoted that under the current model fall by the wayside. 
Ok, rant over. Thank you Juan!
JT: Yes!!! Amen and thank you. Love ya 
You can learn more about Nick on his website: https://www.nickgrinder.com/
Both of Nick’s releases are available in his Bandcamp page: https://nickgrinder.bandcamp.com/ 
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iturbide · 6 years
I had a question if you don't mind answering. Do you headcanon the Breidablik (not sure on my spelling, the summoning weapon) as having any other capabilities beyond simply summoning heroes? I always assumed it to do other things like showing the summoner a map of the battlefield or allow long distance communication with heroes. I was wondering what you thought.
Trust me I never mind ovo ~ also your spelling is exactly right 
But this is such a fascinating subject and I know that everyone has their own thoughts and concepts on how it works ( @grimastiddies​ definitely ascribes to the Breidablik being the source of tactical power), and I love seeing all the different amazing ways that people put together the information that the game has given us!  I’ve put a lot of thought in myself (I actually talked about it a little on the art blog a while back), and it gets a little bit weird so I’m going to cut for the inevitable wall of exposition.
A lot of this actually takes heavy inspiration from Norse mythology, since Heroes is clearly drawing a ton of their naming conventions from that source.  And one of the key things that people think of when they think ‘Norse Mythology’ is valkyries – for good reason, considering Wagner’s opera (we think of Vikings in horned helms entirely because of performances of his work, if that gives any indication of his impact on their popularity and public perception).  Technically, according to the known lore, valkyries served Odin and chose half of the dead from a battlefield to become part of Odin’s host of warriors in his hall of Valhalla….but I much prefer the thought that valkyries served no one god or goddess, and instead watched over battlefields and filled the halls of all the Aesir. 
What I find particularly interesting is how many people in Askr and Embla have weapons named after halls belonging to members of the Norse pantheon: Folkvangr, Alfonse’s weapon, is the name of Freyja’s hall; Fensalir, Sharena’s weapon, is the name of Frigga’s hall; Noatun, Anna’s weapon, is the name of Njord’s hall; Valaskjalf, Bruno’s weapon, is the name of another of Odin’s halls (specifically home of his son Vali); and Breidablik, the Summoner’s own weapon – and one no one else could use before Kiran arrived – bears the name of Baldr’s hall.  That’s kind of a weird coincidence, if you ask me, so it got me thinking: what if these weapons held by the Askrans and Emblians were once wielded by valkyries and acted as their means to fill the halls of the gods?  
So the concept I’ve developed is that, in the incredibly distant past, all of these weapons – blades, spears, axes, tomes, and whatever nonsense Breidablik is –  had the exact same summoning power.  They were entrusted to the valkyries assigned to each Aesir’s hall which allowed them to both take part in combat on the field and select worthy Heroes from it, who became part of the host of warriors serving the gods and goddesses of the pantheon.  But at some point before history, something happened, and the gods abandoned Zenith outright, leaving almost everything behind – up to and including the valkyrie weapons, which slowly lost their powers due to lack of care. 
Eventually human kingdoms began to find their footing, and in time they stumbled upon the ruins left by the gods.  Despite their weakened state, the valkyrie weapons were still incredibly powerful and unique arms, which ended up passed down through the royal families of Askr and Embla; but Breidablik, which never lost its Summoning power (an ability that could only be activated by valkyries, not humans), was unusable, and therefore it became enshrined in Askr along with the legend that in their time of need, it would bring forth a Great Hero capable of saving their world. 
And that brings us to Kiran. 
Kiran is a very, very strange case.  My own personal headcanon is that the Summoner, just prior to arriving in Askr, suffered a horrific trauma in their world…and when they were summoned, only their spirit arrived.  Their body is actually still trapped there, comatose in a hospital, while their soul now resides in Askr – and that is actually key to why they can wield Breidablik.  The valkyries were themselves believed to be spirits doing the bidding of the gods; the fact that Kiran is, for all their seeming solidity, a spirit presently bound to Askr effectively makes them a valkyrie, which gives them the ability to tap into Breidablik’s summoning powers where none have been able to before.  Unfortunately, Breidablik has not been immune to the atrophy that affected the other valkyrie weapons – but it has lost its combat powers, as opposed to the others that forfeit their summoning abilities. 
There is, however, the potential that any of these weapons could have their lost powers restored.  We’ve found ruins that allow us to refine weapons and utilize seals, after all…what if, somewhere out there in the wilds of Zenith, there’s a shrine that the valkyries used to perform restoration rituals when their weapons suffered wear or damage in battle?  What if it could be activated, and allow Breidablik to utilize all new powers (which, technically, are very old powers that it simply lost due to neglect)?  
Also, as for the tactical aspect (battlefield mapping and communication), I actually think that the Summoner’s phone is responsible for that!  It’s not actually a real phone, just a construct based on Kiran’s personal connection to it in their world (hence the reason why it never runs out of battery; it can’t connect to the internet or make calls, but it can still play their games and music).  The Fire Emblem: Heroes app is effectively an organizational and management application for them now, which allows them to easily manage the barracks, give new skills to Heroes, adjust equipment…and in battle, it displays an overhead map and enemy unit information by means of Kiran’s own valkyrie status.  By moving units in the app, a glowing trail appears in the overworld that shows the Heroes where to go.  I actually used that whole concept in a fic a while back, if you want to see it in action!
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hils79 · 6 years
Denver Shenanigans
I was going to do a whole write-up of my trip to Denver but, honestly, it would end up being huge. 
I’ve posted about my adventures on the ice at Pepsi Center, about meeting Tyson and Gabe, and embarrassing myself in front of Colin.
Here’s some other highlights.
We saw Marc Moser very briefly behind the bench before warmups at the first game we went to. One of my friends, who is local, mentioned I was over from the UK and like some sort of mystical Avs Santa Moser pulled a pop socket and pin out of his pocket and passed them to me. We couldn’t hear each other through the glass so we mostly communicated by mouthing words and using hand gestures but he asked me how I was enjoying my trip and I told him it was great.
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Big Z caught me taking a photo of him during warmups.
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Kerfy got out of his car to pose for a photo with a little kid and then stayed out for everyone else. We’re laughing here because we both got distracted by something someone else was doing and forgot we were supposed to be looking at the camera. Also, he’s very warm. Like I’ve got about 4 layers on here and I could still feel how warm he was when he put his arm around me for the photo.
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Long Beach Native Matt Nieto is the sweetest guy. He took the time to read the poster I was getting everyone to sign and asked me how I was enjoying my first visit to Denver. 
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Barbs was also really sweet. He asked me if we had a hockey league back at home and we talked about that a bit. He was disappointed to hear that my city doesn’t have any sort of well known soccer team.
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We did a tour of Pepsi Center while the Canes were practicing. Dougie Hamilton photobombed us.
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We ran into Lauren Gardner and Conor McGahey during the tour and they are absolutely the nicest people. Even though I’m sure they had places to be they stopped and chatted to us for a good 10 minutes. Lauren called me Red, hugged us all multiple times and told us to come up and see her before the game that evening. Conor is a total nerd (and I say that with love as a fellow nerd). We talked about comics and playing musical instruments (he plays sax). He always says hi to me on the radio when I tweet to say I’m listening and I got to thank him for that. Also, if you think his voice sounds good on the radio that’s NOTHING to what it sounds like in person. So rich and smooth. I could have listened to him talk all day.
I joked that I was milking how far I’d traveled and that every sign I was making was going to mention that I’m from the UK. Lauren said she’d try and get our signs on TV. Haven’t actually watched any of the games we were at to see if that happened yet.
I was really hoping to meet them both and was considering tweeting them to ask before this happened. Lauren is such an inspiration for women wanting to get into sport broadcasting. She really knows her stuff and is smart, warm and kind. I’m so sad she’s leaving Altitude but I know she’s going to do great things. And I got to tell her how much I love listening to her on the podcast. There’s always something missing when she’s not able to make it and one of the other guys fills in. 
They insisted on taking a photo with us before they left and then debated whether we should stand in front of the goal or in front of the Zamboni.
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We got to see where Coach Bednar does all his press stuff
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And where Lauren does all the intermission interviews
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We went shopping before the game and I came away with a ton of stuff including this amazing tshirt. Technically it’s a youth shirt but one of the perks of being short is that youth stuff fits me.
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As requested we went up to see Lauren before the game and she gave me a high five for getting a puck from Tyson. You could tell she’s feeling really emotional about leaving and she gave us all more hugs and said she was going to miss everyone.
The lights are super bright for the cameras so we all look really washed out while Lauren in her stage makeup looks flawless
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Our signs made it onto the Avs Twitter and look at this perfect timing of Tyson skating right in front of my sign. 
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The next day we went to Sobo which is the liquor store Mark Rycroft owns. We wanted to buy some gifts for friends/family and he was super nice. He walked us around, gave us recommendations based on our budget and insisted on getting a photo with us before we left. He was so excited that our group was from all over. 
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It’s pretty common knowledge that Tyson Barrie loves Dairy Queen and when I mentioned we don’t have it in the UK the rest of the group decided we must go there. So here I am having my first ever Blizzard (cookie dough). It was pretty good. 
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For our third game we all made signs for Gabe and wore Landeskog jerseys to show that we miss him. We all ended up on the jumbotron which was kind of cool (I clearly do not know how to draw the # symbol). 
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I survived Colin Wilson staring right at me while wearing a backwards hat
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Also, EJ looking like he’s about to murder me
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During one of the intermissions we met Bernie which was super fun.
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At the end of our final trip to practice I had a pretty decent collection of signatures on my poster. I’ve now bought a frame for it and I’m going to hang it over my desk in my bedroom. I appreciate Colin and Tyson signing next to each other even though I met them on different days. My two faves together. 
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I love that for our last game we all inadvertently ended up wearing jerseys with different players’ names on. We have a broad selection of faves. 
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Once the game was over and it was starting to hit me that I was leaving the next morning things took a turn for the amazing. The other #DenverShenanigans girls had been plotting and snuck off and bought me a game used Colin Wilson stick for my birthday. This whole trip was technically a birthday present for myself (I turn 40 in September but there’s no hockey in September). I honestly had no idea they’d been planning this and pretty much started crying in the middle of the bar at Pepsi Center. I’m so lucky to know such wonderful people. 
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And then @some-say-this-is-a-blog made me a beautiful quilt in Avs colours. I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve such amazing friends. 
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And that concludes my Denver Shenanigans. Honestly, Denver is one of the most friendly places I’ve ever been to. Even the TSA guys at the airport were friendly! 
We’ve already started making tentative plans to go back next year for the Stadium game but it’s going to depend on the schedule. I definitely want to go back next year but I want to do like I did here and go to block of home games. It’s a long way to travel for just one. 
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nupuracademy-blog · 5 years
Tips For Become A Professional Makeup Artist
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Daydreaming about how to become a Makeup Artist? It's no wonder. Getting paid to spend all day thinking about beauty trends, experimenting with different looks, and working with cool clients is what makes being a makeup artist a serious dream job, but like any other awesome gig, it also takes a lot of hard work. How exactly do you go from lipstick junkie to full-on pro? We called on industry insiders to fill us in.
John Stapleton has been working with M.A.C. Cosmetics for 18 years. As a senior artist for the brand, he's travelled around the globe, discovering (and applying!) new trends everywhere from Lebanon to Brazil to Japan. Then there's social-worker-turned-makeup-artist Katey Denno, who's made a name for herself working with models, celebrities, and big-time photographers. During her 25+ years in the beauty industry, she's developed techniques used by Make Up For Ever educators, as well as a curriculum for Sephora.
Aspiring artists put down that brush and take note. These experts were kind enough to share some valuable career advice. Starting with...
1. Practice. Practice. And then practice some more.
We all know practice makes perfect, and makeup artistry is no exception. Whether it's trying out different looks on yourself or your friends, the more you do it, the better you'll be. "Practice is key," says Simone. "Learning from professionals is important to becoming a truly great artist, but making practice part of your everyday routine is also critical."
John suggests getting hands-on experience by working at a makeup counter at your local mall or beauty store. "There you'll find a revolving door of personalities, skin types, ages, you name it," he says. "When people need beauty help, they turn to counter artists as their go-to experts. Customer service is a major aspect of makeup services, and the counter is the best place to get the most exposure and experience."
"Figure out what you're good at and what you need more practice doing," adds Katey. "Play with product on as many skin types, facial feature shapes, and ages as you can!"
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2. Research the makeup masters who've come before you.
Take the time to figure out what kind of looks catch your eye and who your makeup artist role models are. "Research who's come before you," Katey says, "and understand what you like about their work. Figure out which styles you're most attracted to." You can start by looking at books, magazines, websites, beauty vlogs, and celebrity images.
3. Get a Formal Education
If you're serious about becominga professional makeup artist, going to school is a great option to consider. There are tons of different programs across the country—do your homework and find out which is best for you. One such school is the Make Up For Ever Academy in New York, which, according to Simone, covers just about everything: "We offer a master program, which is comprised of four levels: beauty, fashion, TV and film, and stage and artistic. This is a six month-program that provides a certification upon completion. The Academy also offers intensive programs that range from one to seven weeks."
Another route is to obtain an associate of arts degree in cosmetology from a local community college. Whether you head to traditional college or beauty school, they'll help you prepare for whatever licensing exams and requirements your state has (find out what your state requires).
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4. Get online and market yourself.
Thanks to the internet, the beauty world has changed drastically: If you want to be successful, you have to have a web presence. "Social media has had a huge impact on makeup artistry," John says. "Think of all the YouTube and Instagram sensations out there! What's amazing is that there's a whole new way to experience ideas." Simone agrees that social media can help artists stay relevant: "The more you expose your work and are exposed to others', the more you'll grow."
Katey's seen first-hand how vital it can be for your career. "I didn't believe it until my then-agent gave me a stern talking to," she says. "Soon after, I launched my blog and landed a piece on Vogue.com about my favorite products. It was at that point I realized how important it is to establish yourself as a brand in this industry, as well as establish a daily presence in the world of social media."
5. No matter what, don't overdo it on the fangirling.
For many who want to be a professional makeup artist, working with celebrities is the ultimate goal. Katey emphasizes that if you're lucky enough to score a star client, you need to remain professional. "Remember that you're there to perform a service, not try and become best friends with someone you've seen in movies," she explains. "If a friendship grows, that's wonderful, but your job is to make sure your client is in the most relaxed state of mind. This often means intuitively knowing when it's time to talk and when it's time to stay quiet and let them sit with their thoughts, their phone, or their music."
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6. Take any job you can and bring your best attitude.
As you work your way up, take any job you can get to build experience, even if it doesn't pay. "Nothing is ever beneath you—no job is ever too small. You never know who you're going to meet, and where that person will end up next, so always treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated," says Katey.
7. Love your job.
Never lose the love for makeup and artistry that drew you to becoming a makeup artist in the first place! "Enthusiasm is important! Eighteen years later, I'm still with M.A.C. and my passion runs as strong as it did my first day. It encourages me to be unique and express myself through makeup art," says John.
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8. Wear flats.
Working as a makeup artist requires long days spent on your feet. It's a simple tip, but an important one: "Never wear high heels to work," says Simone.
9. Find a mentor.
See if you can connect with a makeup artist who will let you tag along to their jobs. If you can work as their assistant or as an intern, even better! Having a mentor who can show you the ropes is invaluable when you're starting out. "And one day, pay it back," says Simone.
More on How to Become a Professional Makeup Artist: Black Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Talk AboutTheir Careers.
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