#i had a lombax s/i and all
jatchet headcannons (pt 1)
normally, I would go and see if there are any blogs with asks open and ask for their headcannons/personal opinions on what Jak and Ratchet would do in certain situations or something else involving them as a couple (such as @assassyart . Might try asking @dailyjatchet if I ever stop fearing being a nuisance).
But I decided to do this sorts thing myself, feel free to Reblog with your own opinions though.
Subject of today is: finding out their kid has dark and/or light eco.
first off, we can all agree that Jak would probably be terrified, he knows what it's like to have dark eco in his systems and would keep a close eye on his kid/s.
If it's lights eco, he would probably feel more at ease but still be worried. What if this means that somehow, the kid inherited his abilities? How long? what if it wasn't that, what if something happened to give them dark/light/both?
If it's Ratchet who discovers it first, he would probably call Jak to tell them of their child having dark/light eco (or tell them that their kid seems to be able to do certain things, like glow, change their skin colour, gain claws and horns or generate purple electricity).
Ratchet would still be worried for them though. No doubt this lombax has witnessed some of what dark and light Eco can do from Jak and knows the kid will have the same or similar experience.
Now when it comes to helping them cope or learn to control it, Jak would immediately step up to it. This man will be as slow and gently as possible with his child when teaching them how to use their powers. Even going as far as forgiving them if they accidentally hurt him. ("It's ok," He said. His arm was bleeding. his child looked fearful of what they had done, crying and staring at their hands as if they weren't their own. "Hey. I mean it. It was an accident, you just...need more time.")
Ratchet, while not being able to properly train their kid, would offer support and comfort.
Cheering for their kid during training? Done it many times and will do it again. Bad day at school? He's got their favourite snack and movie/song on.
I can randomly see it taking a while for these two to trust others with their kid after they find out about them having powers, including Clank and Daxter. Ligit takes them almost or a whole year before trusting that their kid will be fine.
Has more then likely had nightly discussions about their kids condition. Does their kid being a crossbreed have any side effects? Will nanotech make it better or worse? What if something goes wrong? Will this paint a target on their child's back? Especially if their untrained?
All in all, these two are very protective fathers that can and will panic at everything but mean well.
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liugeaux · 5 months
The Best Games of 2007 | Gaming Has Matured
This project has been a lot of fun. I didn't realize it, but I've been subconsciously making these lists for years. When looking at year-by-year groups of games, these top 10s have been jumping out at me. So, 2007 is already here and it's without a doubt the best list so far.
Remember, (I say as if anyone is reading) this post will be written as if it were published in Dec. of 2007, so all critiques will be from that perspective. LFG!
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#10 - Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Ratchet games have always been some of the best games in its respective genre. Tools of Destruction is no exception. It builds on the chaotic nature of its predecessors, brings the Lombax into HD, and adds a much-welcomed cinemax spin to the story. A surprisingly serious Ratchet & Clank was not a thing I saw coming, but in the end, it was more than welcomed.
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#9 - Halo 3
This year we "finished the fight" and despite its low spot on this list, Halo 3 was a triumph. Being #9 on a list of absolute bangers, says much more about the overall quality of the list than it does about Halo's appeal. Halo 3 is the best in the series so far, it's bigger and better than the first two in every way and is further proof that Xbox Live is the hottest thing in gaming right now.
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#8 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
The developers of Jak & Daxter traded in their cartoony platformer card for an Indiana Jones/Lara Croft-inspired adventure game named Uncharted. The story is cinematic and over-the-top, it's one of the most beautiful console games ever made and it just might be the PS3's first must-own title. It's got some technical hiccups here and there, but nothing is stopping it from being the belle of the Playstation 3's ball this year.
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#7 - Rock Band
Harmonix has done it again. The makers of Guitar Hero have leveled up the experience and built a full-band rhythm game. Quality control issues aside, the Rock Band instruments are the best the genre has seen thus far. That means no more loud clicky guitars. The drumming experience they've built is the most pick-up-and-play thing I've seen since last year's Wii Sports. They even allow you to sing the songs on its fantastic songlist. A list that can grow with purchasable songs in the DLC library. I played A LOT of Rock Band this year and I don't see that stopping anytime soon.
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#6 - Assassin's Creed
Ubisoft Montreal's spiritual successor to Prince of Persia is the sleek and captivating Assassin's Creed. Using deep world-building, high-concept sci-fi, and a charming historical context, Assassin's Creed pushes gaming forward in both narrative and technical ways. Like Uncharted, gameplay can get clunky from time to time and Altiar's climbing mechanics sometimes feel broken. Assassin's Creed may not be perfect, but it seems important and that's even more than Ubisoft was even asking for.
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#5 - God of War II
As the PS2's last hurrah, GOW2 only had to be better than its predecessor. The game ended up being much more than that. God of War 2 is the full realization of what Sony Santa Monica was trying to do the first time around. It's fast-paced, sharp, stressful, and rewarding. Kratos' story is more compelling, and his murder spree is more bloody. The combos are tight, and boss fights are epic. The opening scene is a level-long battle with the Colossus of Rhodes and that experience will stick with me for years.
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#4 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Activision has rewritten the rules for what a war video game can be. Modern Warfare is visceral, unsettling, and fascinating. By taking a Tom Clancy-esq approach to modern warfare, and sprinkling in a pinch of sci-fi, Infinity Ward paints the possibility of the world ending with such a clear picture that it is hard to not be emotionally affected, especially at the game's notorious climax. On top of that, the perks system introduced in multi-player has revolutionized the way players experience FPS deathmatches. Just when you thought war games were getting stagnant, COD4 blows the box wide open.
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#3 - Super Mario Galaxy
Coming off the odd Gamecube title Super Mario Sunshine, the 3D Mario games needed a serious boost both conceptually and qualitatively. Super Mario Galaxy is a nearly perfect game. It has boundless whimsy, surprisingly intuitive controls, a stunning presentation, and the cleanest gimmick in gaming today. Running around planets and jumping from one to another with gravity physics makes Super Mario Galaxy feel like a new genre. It threads the needle of feeling welcomingly familiar, while still feeling like a new idea. Galaxy is the only Wii game on my list this year and it's far and away the best Wii game of 2007.
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#2 - Portal
Speaking of important video games, Portal is transformative in ways I don't think we're even aware of yet. As a puzzle game, a first-person narrative showpiece, and an atmospheric comedy, Portal is unlike anything we've ever seen in the mainstream game space. Valve is having a moment right now and I don't think any other developer could have given us this tightly crafted, and weirdly quirky Portal game. They could have gotten away with a straightforward portal-based puzzle game that simply invents a game mechanic and then exploits it for 4 hours. Instead, the devs weave a hyper-charming world into the fabric of that mechanic and make a truly unforgettable experience. The cake may be a lie, but the brilliance of Portal is not.
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#1 - Bioshock
"Gaming Has Matured" is the name of this list and Bioshock is the strongest proof of that. Movies can transport you into a world you've never seen before and Music can spark your imagination in beautiful ways, gaming creates experiences. Bioshock is an experience. Never has a digital world felt so well-realized as Bioshock's Rapture. The underwater terror den littered with deadly splicers and the brutal and unrelenting Big Daddies set a mood that MUST be experienced. On top of that, the mythology of Rapture's rise and fall is unrivaled. Philosophy, the folly of man's hubris, techno-art-deco, every aspect of Bioshock is carefully crafted to make the story as compelling and believable as possible. The 3rd act plot twist is nothing short of spectacular. Bioshock is a masterpiece and creates a brand-new benchmark for narratively driven first-person shooters.
Notable Omissions
Crysis - Crysis got a lot of attention this year for its top-tier graphics and even toppier tierer technical requirements. I played it and other than its visual prowess, it's a pretty basic FPS. Not bad, but not list worthy.
The Orange Box - This might be the best bundle package in gaming history, but putting it on this list is like saying a band's greatest hits is their best album. That's cheating. Spotlighting the most impressive part of the package (Portal) is the right way to go.
Mass Effect - I'm not an RPG guy. I hear it's good, and maybe I'll play it eventually, but RPGs aren't my bag.
Ok! 2007 was one of the best years in gaming ... ever. I can't wait to talk about the next one.
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foxships · 2 years
hmmm thinking about shipping with vendra prog againnnn i still adore her
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olivia200312 · 3 years
Another Lombax?!~ Ratchet x Lombax! Reader
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Plot: Ratchet loses Clank in another dimension but is shocked when a female Lombax appears and offers to help.
This is kinda or is Rift Apart. Please watch trailers or 15 min gameplay. IT'S SO AWESOME!
I only watched how Ratchet and Rivet meet and how Rivet lost her arm. I didn't want to watch the rest since I don't want to lose my excitement. I WILL one day make videos of Rift Apart but it costs a lot of money. I'll wait until the price is down.
P.S. some fans are judgemental because I ship Ratchet and Rivet. So? It doesn't matter. Yes, I know that Ratchet and Talwyn are boyfriend and girlfriend because in the art book and live. Insomniac Games confirmed that. But I don't ship them. So don't judge me for shipping the Lombaxes together.
Today is a normal... or should I say a crazy day for a certain 18-year-old Lombax, along with his best pal, Clank? The Lombax is a male named Ratchet. Yes, he's named after the wrench. Ratchet wasn't on his home planet named Veldin, a hot deserted planet. Honestly, you can compare Veldin to places like America or Egypt.
Ratchet is now somewhere walking with Clank next to him. Both pals are heroes and everyone adored them a lot, even a mysterious female Lombax that has a fluffy tail. She has a tail like a raccoon, think about Sly Cooper for example. So anyway, the heroes looked around, until the famous crazy doctor appeared, Nefarious.
"Nefarious!" Ratchet shouted in anger, not happy to see his main enemy at all.
"What do you want, Nefarious?" Clank calmly asked with you can hear the anger in him.
Nefarious laughed while he is on his flying ship. He then grabs his new weapon gun and stared evilly at the heroes! "I will with the fight in my own dimension!" He then mysteriously opened a new dimension, causing Ratchet and Clank to get sucked in. Ratchet was screaming and the evil let out, like usual, his famous evil laugh. But then, Ratchet and Clank suddenly split! It just suddenly happened!
That's when the two best buddies lost each other by being in another dimension that they aren't familiar with. Ratchet screamed while he was like moving and spinning, his arms kicking in the air. Clank didn't understand yet what's happening but he was terrified.
Not only that but while the best friends were on a pirates' ship, a cannonball almost hit the pals but... they got separated! Clank suddenly got disconnected from Ratchet's back and he disappeared into another dimension.
With Clank~
Clank almost screamed when he hit a hard metal ground. He sadly lost his one arm so he had to use his only other arm to push himself up. He took a look around and saw that... he was in a completely different world! A world that he wasn't familiar with. He had now many questions. But how in Qwark's name did he got separated from his best friend?
Just as Clank asked where he was and where also Ratchet was, a figure landed beside him. Clank quickly looked and was shocked who he saw: it was a female Lombax!
The female Lombax was beautiful. She had F/C fur and with S/F/C stripes and had gorgeous F/C eyes. It completely suited her. Clank started to wonder how Ratchet would react to meeting a female Lombax. The small robot just also realized something: she had a fluffy tail! Like a raccoon's tail! Does it remind you of Sly Cooper himself?
"I knew that there's a male Lombax around! For years, I believed that I was the only one!" The female Lombax said as she fixed Clank's arm.
Clank smiled. "Then you will meet him soon. His name is Ratchet. He thought too that he was only Lombax left. My name is Clank."
"Y/N." She then shook Clank's hand and let it go. "I will try to do everything to bring you back to Ratchet."
"I appriacte it a lot, Y/N."
The Clank explained further about Ratchet. So, he was named after a wrench (if that's correct)? Y/N couldn't help but feel interested. By Clank's description of how Ratchet looks, he has beautiful emerald eyes and has gold fur with orange/brown stripes. Now Y/N really wanted to meet him in person. Since she has a good, kind, and strong heart, she will of course help Clank to get him back to Ratchet. It will be very challenging.
Y/N walked deeper into the building with Clank connected against her back. Like with Ratchet, right? Y/N wore a strong F/C armor and has a special hammer as her weapon. Ratchet has OmniWrench for example.
That's when Y/N saw a figure like a small meters away. It was a Lombax! A male Lombax! Hold on... is that Ratchet? That's him! Y/N gulped nervously and took a deep breath as she walked closer.
Ratchet heard footsteps behind him and he turned around. His eyes went wide when he saw a female Lombax! A female with a cute fluffy tail like a raccoon has! The young hero couldn't help but blush a lot. She was just... so gorgeous. She had F/C fur, S/F/C stripes that matched her fur, and had even E/C eyes.
"Hi," Y/N said with a nervous smile.
"H-Hi," Ratchet said also with a nervous smile.
"I, Uhm... brought your friend, Clank. I also fixed his arm." Y/n took Clank out and gave him to her.
"Clank!" Ratchet was very happy to see his best friend and pal that he took him immediately. He was very worried when Clank disappeared into another dimension. Ratchet looked at the female Lombax in awe and thanked her with all his heart.
But then both of them said at the same time: "Wow... another Lombax."
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hyperfixatinglove · 2 years
🎫 Here’s a gush pass, feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other selfshippers.
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My lombax love needs some gushing!
Unfortunately when I try to gush about this alien cat all I can think of is; I love him so much oh my god I adore you
It's ridiculous and adorable how long I've liked him! I had crush on this guy at 6 yo! Fucking 6! It was dormant for literal years and one day just slammed back with force of sledgehammer! So really, my longest f/o isn't my Ushio, but this galaxy saving green eyed goofball of Lombax!
He's such goofball! Cracking jokes, smirking, impulsively smacking enemies with his wrench (I love him with the default wrench weapon just ugh iconic & badass)!! He also used to be jerk but coming to know his best pal Clank (whom I clearly don't talk enough he's my other robot friend f/o!) but he's more.. rounded later? Sweetheart yes, but he can be asshat when he wants! Mostly just absolute sweetie.
He's so busy saving galaxy how many times now? 4 times (not counting smaller things he's saved, like TV station full of ppl)? In newest game he's so accustomed to it! I wish he'd get some down time! Though he did have a line in newest game abt not saving universe for years.. So he did? Time to imagine DOMESTIC SUNSHINE AND RATCHET
Life with Ratchet would be so amazing honestly, travel around galaxies, even dimensions and see beautiful galaxies and observe the people, the technology, the architecture, the flowers.. So many possibilities! Go on these adventures with the galaxy on our shoulders, him easing my anxiety with jokes and toothy smiles, the downtime when we're done and just hang around his desert home planet in Veldin with Clank..
I have this cute idea of us gifting each other weaponry & Ratchet fine-tuning my own trusted weapon with force field or just extend it so I have easier time to hit things. I haven't figured out what Sunshine could do that neither of them can, but maybe it's in some form of creative thinking or artistic thing!
Speaking of all that I really should make major lore dump on Ratchet/Sunshine.. Or timeline, or fix it scenario..
He looks so dashing in new game!! I'm always picky about his armor (I hate how they made him start with the shitty 2016 game armor)!!
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I need to update this meme with newest game armors lol
Never mind I only love this one:
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I love being able to see his expressions and his eyes in his armors!
I just.. his design is so beautiful and being able to see individual furs in newest game is blessing but I'm sad for the animators who had to painstakingly do that.
I'm also very picky about his characterization (personally, my faves are 1, Crack in Time, Deadlocked & Rift Apart, funny how those are also my fav games expect the last lmao), I feel like he was boiled down in some games, it feels bit jarring. For example he wasn't shown to be impulsive for several years before Rift apart!
My favorite daydream is just nuzzling his fur! Yeah, Sunshine my s/i is also Lombax but man the warm fur on the nose, those beautiful green eyes mere inches away..
He's also hilariously lucky for surviving so many disasters!
I just truly love this lombax so much it's nice to be able to remember and reflect on that! ♥
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the-spam-specialist · 4 years
Ashes Chp. 1
Fandom: Ratchet & Clank
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Family, Friendship, Alternate Universe (AU)
Characters: Ratchet, Clank, Alister Azimuth, Kaden
Summary: Fifteen years have passed since Tachyon attempted to wipe out the Lombax race.
Fifteen years since Tachyon was killed by the Lombax Praetorian Guard.
Fifteen years since Alister made his greatest mistake
Fifteen years since he saw Kaden be engulfed by the flames of the destroyed house.
Fifteen years since he heard the crying of an orphaned Lombax child.
The Lombax Society is in ruin. Fastoon has become a barren place with a race simply attempting to pick up the pieces and repopulate. The new generation lives in the ashes of the tragedy. Among the new generation is the lone orphaned Lombax who was put under the care of the shame of the Lombax race. And they do not always see eye-to-eye.
- - - - - - - - - -
All there was to see was destruction.
Explosions deafened those around as rumble was flung in every direction. Fires roared upon anything that dares sit in its path. The flames sprouted upwards until they licked at the skies. The sky as black as night with thick smoke that confiscated any freshness that the air had to offer. The sounds of coughs and imminent suffocation rung in the ears of many.
In the distance, laughing maniacally upon a mechanical throne, sat a vile creature taking pleasure in every life he took, no matter how young or old his victims were. The ground had become a minefield of corpses whose lives were ended much too soon. Families upon families of Lombaxes scurried away from the destruction in hopes of not becoming one of the deceased obstacles. Mothers held their crying children close. Fathers did their best to protect their loved ones. The Court of Azimuth was the only place to escape to. But how long it would last against the siege was still up in the air.
Regret flashed in a pair of eyes, watching the world crumble—red striped ears attempting to drown out the screams and cries echoing. Hands constricted into fists in anger at the actions leading up to this. Why didn't he listen? Why did he decide to trust a Cragmite with Lombax technology? He should have killed Tachyon when he had the chance. It was said in stories that the universe is a living being. One that lived and breathed like any other person. The personification went so deep as to bestow the universe a sense of humor.
If that indeed was the case...the universe had a truly cruel sense of humor.
Alister, the regretful Lombax, felt a hand clasp onto the fur on his head and pull him downwards. Yelling in pain, he ducked, bullets flying over where he was once standing and striking a building in the distance. Alister took deep breaths and pulled the hand off of him, only to come to his senses upon seeing who the hand belonged to.
"This is no time to be just sitting here and watching! We're still in the middle of the evacuation! You need to snap out of it and help protect those taking refuge in the Court of Azimuth!" Kaden, a young orange Lombax, snapped at him. His fur had been singed in several places, and his armor was moderately battle damaged.
"I...right. Of course," Alister said with a nod.
"Good. Now, look alive. We have company."
The two Lombaxes looked up and into the eyes of heavily armored Drophyd soldiers. Wicked smiles were stretched across their disturbing fish faces, every single one of their sharp teeth showing. One, in particular, was howling with laughter as he reloaded his blaster. No doubt the one that shot at Alister. The Drophyd at first glared at Alister, taking aim once more in hopes that it would actually hit its target this time. But a more interesting target came into view.
A young deep orange Lombax came running past, a Lombax infant in her arms, crying as it became more horrified by the second. The Drophyds looked at each other, communicating via the bubbles in their helmets. Kaden and Alister watched cautiously, ready to be fired at. But a look of horror came onto their faces as the Drophyds grew wicked smiles once more and took aim at the fleeing mother. The woman screamed and held her child close as a single shot was fired in front of her, causing her to fall. She wrapped her arms around her child in hopes of protecting it from harm. The others prepared to fire at what they saw as an easy kill. The mother looked away, telling her child that she loved them.
The shot sounded...as it flew up into the sky.
"You lousy, repulsive, water-choking ingrates!" Alister yelled, using his Praetorian Omniwrench to hit the Drophyds arm upward to redirect the shot. The Drophyd stumbled from the force of the changed blast, Alister utilizing the opportunity to smack the glass helmet with the wrench. The helmet cracked and sprung a leak, the fish inside panicking as its method of oxygen drained. Alister kicked the metal body in the chest, sending the suffocating Drophyd onto its back.
"Gotta say, I do love some seafood!" Kaden said, following suit. He extended his silver Omniwrench and jumped on whatever Drophyd he could, smashing the glass helmet, so they became nothing but pathetic flopping fish on the ground. In the end, they had only defeated the four, but it was four less they had to worry about.
The two rushed to the female Lombax's side, Alister checking her for injuries. Kaden got lower in an attempt to check on the child. They were still crying, meaning that they were still breathing—a good sign.
"Are you alright?" Alister asked, gently helping her up.
"I-I...I think so…" she said, looking down at her child.
"And the kit?" Kaden inquired.
"I think she's okay, too. Just scared...I can't say I blame her." She looked around at the carnage surrounding them. She then turned to the other two. "Thank you for protecting us."
"We need to protect whoever we can right now," Kaden said. He put a hand on her shoulder and pointed forward. "Now go to the Court of Azimuth. You'll be safe there. Both of you."
With that, the female Lombax ran off. Alister frowned as he watched her run, muttering to himself, "Please stay safe, Lorna…"
Kaden's voice snapped him back to the situation at hand, "We need to keep securing the perimeter until the evacuation teams finish evacuating the city. Let's go back and grab some of the other ground forces so we can-"
"I'm sorry."
The orange Lombax looked back at Alister, a look on his face, "What?"
"Kaden, I'm so...I'm so sorry. About all of this-"
"Alister, we don't have time for this-"
Alister snapped, "Don't you get it?! This is all my fault! We're watching our people get slaughtered right in front of us because of me! If I had just listened...if I hadn't given that foul Cragmite our technology-"
"AL! This is not the time for this!" Kaden snapped right back, making Alister's ears go flat. Kaden continued, "You're right! This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't given Tachyon the technology! But do you really think sitting here and degrading yourself over your mistakes is going to fix any of this?! No! So snap out of it, charge up your wrench, and, if you really are sorry, kill any Drophyd that dare crosses your vision!"
The white Lombax took a step back. The thing was, he knew Kaden was right in every single way. They didn't have time for this. The more time he spent whining about himself, the more lives were being taken. But, still, he couldn't merely hold this all in. "I just...I...I'm sorry...and to think, the resources Tachyon used could have gone towards your transdimensional portal device. The research team was so close, too..."
"That whole project was just a theory, anyway. We don't know if we could actually accomplish it. But, I'll admit, it would be handy if we could just escape through a hole in space-time. But the time for theoretical thinking is over. We need to keep buying the evacuation teams time."
"Right," a flash of concern suddenly crossed Alister's face. "Do you know if your family…?"
"I...wasn't able to evacuate them personally. We didn't know how far Tachyon's attack would go. But I assume they're safe. Vida will protect our son with every fiber of her being," Kaden said, hiding the slight concern that came onto his face for just a moment. "Now, let's go."
The two young Lombaxes continued to secure the perimeter. The slightest sign of a Drophyd was quickly disposed of the moment they saw it. Explosions and flames still ravished the city as the unlucky ones were consumed in them. Despite knowing they were losing people, Kaden and Alister tried their best to save anyone caught in the crossfire between them and Drophyds. Their defense eventually led them back near the Court of Azimuth, where the Lombax Praetorian Guard was rushing any civilian inside for shelter. The soldiers saluted as their general drew near, reporting that the evacuation was still in progress.
Fearful Lombaxes were gathered inside the large reinforced building. Families huddling together in fear while people volunteered to support those hurting. Medics were issued to those injured with burns and bloody wounds. Food and water were passed out to those who needed them. And blankets were given to each family, which were mainly used on the frightened children.
After surveying the Court of Azimuth's population, Alister stepped back outside to check the recent reports. A young gray Lombax addressed the information on the communicator. "The evacuation teams are making progress through the city. Things have been rough here and there, and they're trying their best to avoid attracting attention. Though such a task can be...difficult. Overall, though, evacuation is over halfway complete, and the Guard is slowly yet surely closing in on Tachyon. But the Drophyd defenses are heavy."
"Thank you for the report. As we accumulate more citizens, we must put more soldiers into the defensive line around the Court. No one is to leave. Understand?" Alister commanded.
"Yes, general," the young Lombax saluted.
"Good. When we've achieved 75% evacuation, I want you men to form a new defensive line on the west-"
"GENERAL! ANYONE! H-HELP!" A sudden voice cried out. Attention went to an injured white Lombax dawning evacuation team gear. Blood ran down his arm, and there were severe burns on his ears.
Alister stepped forward, but Kaden was already one step ahead of him. Kaden ran to the evacuation member and supported him with his arm and shoulder. "You're from the evacuation team. What happened? Where's the rest of your team?"
"Th-they're...I saw them…they..." the young Lombax ran a hand through his fur and gave a light sob. Kaden let him have a moment to gather himself. He continued, "We were...w-we were going through our evacuation process, but Tachyon infiltrated the inner-city already. When he saw us, he...I couldn't save them…"
Alister truly did have pity for this scarred Lombax, but he needed more information. "Where is Tachyon now? Where did he strike?"
"Tether Junction. His frontlines...Tachyon and his frontlines are at Tether Junction! We were too late!"
"Tether...Junction…" Kaden's eyes went wide. He looked at Alister, who knew exactly what he was thinking. He looked behind him in the direction of Tachyon's current attack. "Vida...VIDA!"
Before Alister could say anything, Kaden passed the injured Lombax off to one of the soldiers, activated his hoverboots, and accelerated off to the head of Tachyon's attack. Alister clenched his teeth and called after him, but it wasn't long before Kaden was already out of sight. The general activated his own hoverboots and prepared to give chase, but a blaster shot landing right in front of him stopped him in his tracks. Several Drophyd soldiers marched towards them, blasters aimed.
"They broke through the defensive line!" One of the soldiers called out.
"Stand your ground, men! Protect the citizens and the Court!" Alister commanded, firing an energy blast at one unfortunate Drophyd. However, while he appeared to be battle-ready, his mind was elsewhere. He kept looking at the city, the image of Kaden flying into the distance burned into his eyes. Looking around at the men he currently had present, he assessed their strength. Seven Drophyds...nine soldiers...if they played it smart, this battle could be won without him. He called out to a nearby soldier, "Listen up! You have these Drophyds outnumbered, so I'm leaving them to you! I'll be back!"
"But, sir-!"
"Do not talk back to your general! Stand your ground and fight!" Alister barked.
"Y-Yes, sir!" The soldier replied, flinching back ever so slightly at the harsh words.
With that, Alister activated his own hoverboots and, while dodging the crossfire, followed Kaden's path into the city. The smoke hit his eyes almost immediately. Water clouded his vision, and smoke clogged his lungs. Wiping his eyes and coughing, he tried to stay on the right road to Tether Junction. It was just like Kaden to drop everything and run into danger for his family. That Lombax loved his wife and child more than anything in the omniverse. The day his son was born was the happiest Alister had ever seen him. Sitting in the hospital next to his wife, holding the tiny hand of a Lombax who was the spitting image of him down to the color of his eyes. Alister had visited the day of the child's birth. It was that day he was bestowed the honor of being the boy's godfather. Kaden wore a smile for the entirety of the day. And while his son had only been part of his life for a few months, Alister knew Kaden would protect his son with his life. The white Lombax frowned. Perhaps if things had gone through with Lorna, he would know the feeling.
An explosion in the distance. Alister could feel the force of it, even from there. He quickly took cover inside a crumbling building so he could survey the situation. Not an ideal shelter, but it looked a little stable. Something was off, however. Not the building, but the explosion. Alister looked at a nearby street sign. Shockwave Road. He looked back at the explosion area. If it occurred northwest of Shockwave Road, then it must have happened either near or in...Tether Junction.
"Kaden…" Alister muttered in a slight panic, his pupils shrinking in distress. He quickly activated his hoverboots and accelerated down Shockwave Road and right towards the direction of the explosion.
Bits of debris scattered the area, and flames roared as they laid claim to more of the city. Alister looked around frantically at the destroyed buildings and homes. Tether Junction was a peaceful neighborhood with many family businesses. But any bit of peace the junction had was now scattered on the ground or embers flaring up and sailing into the sky. Tachyon's frontlines had already moved on to another part of the city, it seemed, but the damage done to the junction had already been done. As Alister studied the damage done to the area, he began to fear for his friend. He activated his hoverboots once more and made haste towards Kaden's home.
Alister approached the home only to be in complete horror. The once pleasant home of his friend, a place with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where they would play cards and chat and play with Kaden's son, was up in flames. Alister resorted to running, stopping at the entrance of the home. Smoke assaulted his eyes once again. Attempting to shield his eyes while looking into the house, Alister called out at the top of his lungs.
It was like the flames swallowed his voice and forbade it to reach anyone. Alister's heart began racing. He became short of breath. Calling them from here would be no use. Bracing himself and taking a step back, he charged into the flames, fur on his body becoming singed as a result. He covered his mouth and looked around. The heat of the fire yanked on his nerves, putting him in large amounts of pain. Trying his best to ignore it, he went deeper into the house. Everywhere he went, he saw nothing but flames. The house was being consumed. The living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the backyard were all empty. However, when Alister stepped into the backyard, he heard something. Something unsettling. He stopped to focus his listening...it was familiar. Crying...he heard crying...a baby's cry. The white Lombax's eyes burst open and gasped. The nursery.
Alister charged back into the house and ran to the staircase. It was highly unstable, and most of the stairs were missing. Alister used his wrench to pole vault himself, boosting himself with his hoverboots, up the stairs in a hurry. The moment he landed, he sprinted to the nursery. The moment he opened the door, he saw the very thing he had been terrified about. Flames surrounded two bodies on the floor—a baby bawling beneath them.
"KADEN! VIDA!" Alister called out, fearing the worst. But, with the tiniest glimmer, one of the Lombaxes started coughing. Looking up at him was Kaden, who had become severely burned. He could barely keep his eyes open. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. Alister cried out, "Kaden! I'm here! I'll get you all out of here-!"
Alister took a single step forward, and it was all over. The structure of the house has become too weak, and the ceiling above them collapsed, bringing the floor beneath them with it. The last thing Alister saw was the look in Kaden's eyes. When he was brought down by the ceiling and dropped through the floor, he was knocked out immediately. He knew his chance of survival was minimal.
No one knows how much time went by after the house collapsed. It could have been many hours or many days. All Alister remembered was taking a sharp inhale and coughing up ash after regaining consciousness. There was much debris on top of him. Wooden beams and furniture weighed down on him. His entire body hurt. That came to him well before his sight or hearing came back to him. He took deep breaths but making no attempt to get up. It was pointless until he had all of his senses back. Speaking of which, the memories of the events that happened before the house collapsed came back to him like a tsunami. Kaden...Vida...the child...he saw them on the floor. But Kaden...Kaden had looked at him. He was alive then. No doubt horribly injured, but alive. Alister thought that if he had survived the collapse, perhaps Kaden did too.
"Waaaaah! Waaaaah!"
Alister's ears twitched as his hearing finally returned. A baby...a baby was crying. Though it hurt to do so, Alister rubbed his eyes and attempted to locate the child. But all he saw was debris. Taking a deep breath, he gathered whatever strength he had and pushed down on the ground, pushing himself up as debris fell off of him. He collapsed once due to the pain, but he was quick to try again. He wouldn't give up that easily. But pushing himself up made his head cloudy. There was an apparent head injury. He didn't know if he would be able to remain conscious for long.
Surfacing among the debris, Alister brushed himself off and struggled to get up. Not even the Praetorian Guard boot camp made him hurt this much. No doubt he was suffering from several broken bones and burns. But, despite the pain, he brought himself to locate the crying child. Dragging himself along the floor, he cleared away anything in his path with difficulty. But nothing was more difficult than having to witness what he discovered under another pile of debris.
"No... no no no..." Alister muttered as he uncovered a familiar pair of Lombaxes. However, unlike last time, he knew that both were deceased. As neither of them showed signs of breathing. And, after checking, no pulses. The general couldn't form words. He couldn't process what he was looking at. Or, rather, he didn't want to process it. He was staring at the corpses of Kaden and Vida. Two of his closest friends. A loving couple just starting their life together. He covered his mouth to stifle his sobs. He pounded the ground with his fist. He had been too late. Once again, he was responsible for the deaths of the innocent.
Alister's ears twitched as he was forcefully pulled out of his sorrow, remembering the crying child. He realized just who was crying. It was coming from underneath Vida. Hesitantly and with another stifled sob, Alister gently moved Vida's arms away to reveal a little orange Lombax kit. In some ways, he didn't believe it. The parents didn't survive, but the child did. Vida must have protected him the entire time, shielding the child from the dangers with her own body.
Alister stared at the child for a few moments. His orange fur was littered with ashes. He had scrapes and burns here and there, but no lethal wounds appeared to inflict the child. He was going to live. The child was...going to live. Carefully, Alister removed the child from the ashes and took him into his arms, but the moment he did, his consciousness began slipping away again, as he predicted. He attempted to fight it to stay with the child, but it was no use. His vision was going black. While his voice was hoarse and choked up, he managed to convey a message to the child.
"I've got you...you're safe...now...Ratchet…"
Alister's world went black with the Lombax baby still crying in his arms.
- - - - - - - - - -
Haha look, I made a new fic and it's funny because I already have several unfinished projects, and now I'm sad
So this is another AU, always love working with those. Basically, this is an AU where Alister himself has to raise Ratchet. The Dimensionator was never finished. And Tachyon was defeated before he could complete the Lombax genocide. I'm sure it'll make more sense later on. Maybe not. Depends on how well I can pull this off.
Thanks for reading!
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All-Stars -Story Mode- CHAPTER 17
After a long hiatus and I am back again, first thing I want to do is to apologize for this taken so long for me to write this but there are errors to this, my friends had a hard time and I want you give them the support they needed. I thought I could write this down for you all to know.
And, there’s a new OC, Jin Bai Chen (Not mine but @mortal-kombattore-115‘s, just to let you all know.) is going to be going the story and most of it is based off a rp that we’re doing so I hope they wouldn’t mind that I wrote them down and I am sorry that I did that.
Before it begins I must give thanks and credit to the people for the artwork for the story:
(She had been through a lot so give her support the best you can.)
-Back to Cuphead, Mugman, and Frisk after their encounter with the Panzer Soldat-
Their feet had beaten the solid ground as they both met on impact, panting as their lungs were sputtering and coughing as they were slowing down the pace once they were far enough away from the area. Cuphead looked back to where they came from to see if they were followed by that metal tonic zombie but no sign of it anywhere.
“Can’t find that Panzer…” he breathed in and out with each breath as he pant, “That Panzer is nowhere to… To be found…. We are okay for.. For now…” as he fell down on the ground with his last breath.
“You had made Panzer angry…. We really do cause trouble wherever we go!” Mugman had exclaimed with his hands on his knees to breath in new air in his lungs and out through his mouth. The straw had slipped down like it was a noodie in a bowl of soup as Frisk nodded their head as they looked around the area they were in.
“Why are you like this, Cups…” Mugman groaned, “Why are you always like this, Cuphead?” as he looked at the exhausted Cup on the ground with Frisk shaking their head at this stupidity of Cuphead’s actions.
“Cups, what am I gonna do with you?” Mugman said as he placed his hand on his face as he shook it. Frisk looked around the area and saw a sign that they are on a new street of the Fallen City that closely resembles a 1970’s era-aged housing and noticed something that house number 1104 and what had gone behind it.
Frisk’s head tilted in the direction and then looked over to the two Cup brothers and then got their attention.
*You had gotten the two Cup brothers their attention. *You had told them that you had seen the same tail that Cuphead had subscribed to.
“You saw it?” Cuphead asked surprised as his head perked up from the ground to look around the area before him, his brother and their friend. “Where is it? Where is the tail? I need to f-”
*You quickly said “Language” to Cuphead as you somehow sensed he was going to swear. *Even Mugman knew what he was going to say and it’s not a very good word to say.
“It’s not a good thing to say, Cuphead, there might be children reading this right now.” Mugman  scolded as he looked at him, “I mean, really; what will parents say if they ended up getting your sailor mouth?”
Frisk waved at the two of them to get their attention which they had to snap their fingers at this point which it worked, they then went over to Cuphead and helped him back on his feet and then had them follow them at the house 1104 slowly and quietly for them to hear two new voices.
“Anything, Clank?”
“No, no golden bolts anywhere to be found.”
“Well, the scanners had said this was a nearby planet in the solar system in a galaxy that we are native here from the one we know.”
“Ratchet, if there are people living on this planet, we should be cautious if they are hostile.”
The two new voices continued to talk as Frisk, Cuphead and Mugman were listening in to their conversion, Mugman looked over to Cuphead and whispered “What should we do?” as Cuphead looked at his brother as he said “They are from another galaxy of sorts, they were here for golden bolts or something. What is that?”
Frisk looked at them and then held up their hands to reassure them as they looked at them and they had come up with a plan of their own.
*You had said that you will try to check to see if they are aliens and if they were good ones as they hoped. *They seemed convinced but worried that they will do something if your plan went wrong.
“Be careful Frisk.” Mugman muttered as they watched them go forward towards the end of the wall they were pressing against, bracing for something to happen as they looked down and saw a familiar item below their feet. *You found a stick!
Frisk held the stick with a one small leaf, the stick was almost about their height, but it was about close to their shoulder and they held it onto their hands tight and then, with one breath they had, he rounded the corner and what they saw was something that looked like a cat but not entirely a cat, they believed it was almost monster-like.
A thing on his back was a small robot, with glowing emerald green glass eyes with a round head with a red entia, metal he is made out of was chrome and brushed silver.
The robot does notice where there's a human child that had come through the door and said “Ratchet, there’s a child here.” that earned a “huh?” from a cat person who then turned around to see Frisk with an overgrown wrench, it looked like it’s futuristic techized wrench that could pass it off as a blunt weapon. They were surprised that this monster cat had a big wrench.
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[This is drawn by SamPostStuff on Tumblr]
“Oh, that child.” the cat person said as he lowered the omniwrench down and had it disappear in a quick flash of cyan blue when he moved it to behind his back. “Uh…” the cat looked around when he said this before getting onto one knee and said “Hey, kid, we- we’re not gonna hurt you.”
>Approach?            >Fight them
Frisk took a few steps towards them while Cuphead and Mugman looked on as they were peeking this exchange as it went on. “D-Do you think they will be able to talk to it.” Mugman asked out of tensely of his heart beating against the insides of his chest.
“I dunno, both an alien and robot didn’t seem to want to hurt Frisk.” Cuphead answered rather hastily as he was on top of Mugman like two people who were eavesdropping and seeing what was going on while hiding.
“Do you think this is what Heilda meant?”
“What, Mugs?”
“Extraterrial life outside our world?” Mugman answered the question that confused his brother, looking at him as Cuphead looked at him but both of them weren’t aware that a third person was with them right now.
“I think so,” Cuphead began with little caution, “but we better be careful, if we don’t do anything threatening toward them, we’ll be fine.” he finished when a familiar voice with a german accent spoke up “I do so agree, mein toon friends~”
Both boys screamed as they both fell downward when they heard Ultimis Richtofen above Cuphead and Mugman said this. Catching the attention of Frisk and the two aliens as the mad doctor laughed at the mess he made right now.
“Oh my…” Robot said from the cat’s back before hopping off his back to see this better, Ultimis Richtofen noticed this and then began fast-walking while he spoke “Zhis is a strange new creature und a device.” as the alien and the robot are now cautious but Frisk stood bravely in front of them.
“Hello?” The robot greeted awkwardly that surprised the doctor more as he smiled but Frisk held their hand out that angered the doctor but remained calm so no one will have the wrong idea. He clears his throat and says “Und are you two supposed to be, ja?”
“My name’s Ratchet, and this is Clank.” The alien introduced himself and the robot to the human before them with Frisk still standing in front of them, the doctor kneeled down to them and said “Frisk, can you please move away?” as the child moves hastily away but not entirely away from them knowing what the German will do if he was alone with someone if they are only ones in one area or room of any place.
“Fascating,” the sadistic doctor hummed, looking at them where he had his chin rested on his fingers, “Named after a tool I see.”
“Yeeah?” Ratchet said, taken a few steps back from this man, this man is reminding him of Dr. Nefarious and Chairman Drek combined. Ultimis Richtofen’s demeanor had changed from wicked to confused when he couldn’t recognize what cat breed he was.
“What are you looking at?” Ratchet asked in, being uncomfortable with the doctor’s staring at him. “Oh, I do apologize,” Richtofen answered hesitantly as if he was holding back a question, “but I do not recognize vhat cat breed you are, are you an unknown species?”
Frisk was shaking their hands to withheld the question from the alien but Ratchet answered “I have got that a lot, yeah, I am a Lombax.” to the German doctor whose eyes had light up at the word.
“A Lombax?” the Doctor cooed the answer out of his lips, “A Lombax, what is zhat?” he said confused too much to Cuphead’s annoyance and the Lombax’s complete confusion.
Clank, however, decided to try to break the awkward silence by saying “Please, if you had the time but we do not know who you are.” which catching the Doctor’s attention as he squawked “Vho am I?!” he laughed “VHO am I?”
“Yeah, that’s what Clank said.”
“Oh ja, I haven’t introduced meinself! How rude of zhe Doctor!~”  he said happily as he slapped his forehead before bowing down to them both. “I am Doctor Edward Richtofen, zhe doctor of zhe team of scientists smartest as you known as Group 935!~” he singed as he had his hand on his chest and then gesturing to Frisk, Cuphead, and Mugman as he continued “Und zhe child you had had met today vas Frisk und zhe two cups are Cuphead vith zhe red und white straw und Mugman vith blue und while straw.~”
“Why our straws had something to do-” Cuphead looked at his brother who was underneath him lying on his back, Mugman very quickly answered “I think Richtofen meant for Lombax and Robot to know which is which.”
Both got up on their feet after getting off of each other and then going over to the group that were in a pit of confusion, awkward and strange. “So, you're an alien?” Cuphead but realized what he said right away and wished he could take it back but Clank said “Alien, could be a word but I can assure you that we have come in peace, not here for a fight or war-”
“CUPHEAD, MUGMAN AND FRISK! WHERE ARE YOOOOOU!?” a familiar loud voice yelled into the air near them, Ultimis Richtofen scoffed in disgust as he said “Ugh…. This American.”
“American? Who?” Ratchet asked as he and Clank walked over to Frisk’s side as footsteps were coming their way. Richtofen answered “A simpleton vith maggots for a brain.” as Soldier comes in right when he heard him said that, pointing a finger  at the doctor as he yelled “I am gonna kill you if you keep on screaming about my intelligence!'' As everyone of their group came in with an injured cowboy and an unfamiliar cyborg holding his shoulder with P!Takeo helped him walk better with his arm around his shoulder, the feeling of metal meeting his skin was forein but he didn’t once say or utter a word of this.
P!Dempsey looked at them after he was one of the few that came in with Heavy who was ushering the imprisoned Heleghasts and Ink Bendy holding Radec on his shoulder who was looking at Ratchet and Clank as he had never seen anything like them before.
“Cuphead, Mugman, Frisk!” he called them out as he walked over to them, one step at a time before stopping and saying “We had been looking everywhere for you-” He noticed Ratchet and Clank when his eyes moved to see them for the first time as Clank greeted “Hello.”
“What is that?!” Primis Dempsey said as he had nearly tripped from the sight of the robot just greeted him friendly as Ultimis Richtofen held his hand up for Dempsey to stop him from pulling his gun out. With a chuckle, Richtofen said “Zhese are not our enemies, zhey are our new friends, zhe furry Lombax is Ratchet und zhe robot is named Clank.”
“Hey.” Ratchet waved as he looked at the Irish-American before him, Dempsey said “Hi…” as he wondered what the heck is a Lombax and why the world is doing this to him as Bruno and Primis Takeo are walking towards them with strange looks.
Takeo kneeled down to have a better look at Ratchet the Lombax, he looked like a cat with yellow fur with brownish orange stripes but he had a lion’s tail that swayed behind him as he was curious as well. “And who are you, sir?” Ratchet asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable from the stare he was giving him that Takeo seemed to snapped out of it, standing up and said “I’m sorry. I am Takeo Masaki, Ratchet and Clank.”
“Good to meet you, Mr. Masaki.” Clank said as he looked at the Lombax as the Lombax looked back at him. The rest of the RED team were a bit wary about this strange encounter with this Lombax and a small robot that is being friendly to the others.
Soldier is holding a rocket launcher close to his person, Heavy is looking at this with a smile on his face like this was the funniest thing in the world but he is laughing in his head at this, Scout was giving them a strange looks as he remembered the times that he had read too many comic books, Demoman was looking at them before looking at hs bottle of alcohol he had found and then landing it to Ultimis who was drunk as him as he is seeing this and gladly accepted it without a thought.
Sniper, somewhat, remained ideal towards this as he had been used to robots, zombies, and even aliens but despite this being though this new to him, he tipped his hat to him like he was greeting a stranger. Ratchet nodded as he acknowledged the greeting from the Australian as Clank did.
“Do you people live here?” Clank asked the question to Utlimis Richtofen who was standing upright as he was looking at the cyborg they were carrying when they came in until the question was registered into his head as the robot said “Hello?”
“Oh?, nein, ve do not live here, someone or something just had brought us here rather strange if you will question it so fondly.” he simply answered, “You were brought by what?” Ratchet asked, crossing his arms.
“Und dunkle for keeping Frisk entertained.” Richtofen thanked them both as he looked at them with a smile as Ratchet looked at him confused.
“Yeah, whatever that means.”
“It means “thank you.”” he said as he gave the Lombax an unamused look and his arms.
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[Drawn by TikTak known as This-Person-is-Slowly-Dying on Tumblr]
Frisk looked at Ratchet and Clank as Ratchet helped his friend back on his back, then two choices appeared that spooked the other newcomers but the fallen child paid no mind to this as this is the usual for this.
>[Can we set up camp?]
[Can we keep going?]
[Can we set up camp?]
“Oh, zhat seems like a good idea!” Richtofen chimed in, he looked around the area and then to the others and began to count each one of his members ``Let's see here… Zhe Pauling vaz zhe RED Team’s leader but vhen zhey vere taken avay, so, zhere five members und zhere vere eight of us but now zhere are four of us again. Zhen vith-”
“What are you doing Doc?” Primis Dempsey asked, crossing his arms with a scowl, Ultimis Richtofen stared daggers at him and answered “Counting our ranks, to a numbers, many of us in numbers before setting up camp for us to-"
"A number of us should keep watch on the Helghast soldiers AND the zombies, Doc." Sniper cut in, feeling insecure and annoyed by the Ultimis Doctor. The Doctor looked at the Australian now with the more annoyed look in his eyes.
“I am sorry mein friend, are you feeling insecure of zhis… situation ve are in?” Ultimis Richtofen questioned as he looked at the Sniper who is ushering the otherworldly soldiers to sit down while triple checking Colonel Mael Radec is still being held by Bendy or Ink Bendy for incense.
“Aye, ya think ya are the-”
“I am in charge now!” Richtofen shot back quickly as he had gotten Sniper to be quiet, “I am in charge from here on out until ve get our allies back, along vith mein other younger self! Zhe reasons vhy I had taken zhis position is zhat I know how to invent veapons, und even made a few Wonder veapons of mein own, I am smarter vith zhe brain zhat trumped over brawn und no time for any foolishness vith zhe likes of you, Bushman.” words poured out of his mouth like water that had been poisoned by corpses who were drowned in it.
Radec had never felt anything before but dread and respect for the German doctor, a twisted version of the Primis one but insane and toxic within the man who is a major general, one of the many of the Nazis and somewhat, reminded him of Visari, the man who he been leader and himself as a bodyguard for the leader who started the second extratatersal war.
“So, if you are all done talking, Sniper, I vill address you to do vhat you do best; run up to a far away place und shoot at anyzhing from zhat distance. If not, you are free to go hunt for food for zhe night so I can be at peace please.'' The Doctor finished finally with a grimmed smile, the Bushman glared at the insane man in the eyes before turning and walking away from the backward they were in.
Primis Tank Dempsey and Takeo Masaki looked at each other and then ran over to Sniper, catching up to him as the Doctor trumpthly stood there with a smirk. “Now, vhere vas I…?”
To where Sniper is, he was angered that he was insulted like that until he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. “Sniper!”
He stopped and turned to see who it was and sure enough, Primis Dempsey and Takeo had run over to him as they were down the street just three miles from the house. The street they were on had overgrown with weeds, plants and trees that reached the skies. Slowly burying the once rotting neighborhood into a green, colorful forest that was being taken back by mother nature.
“Ohat are you two doing here?” Sniper questioned, his voice sounded upset as both men catched up to him from running far from the backward that is soon to be confirmed into a camp.
“Going with you to hunt, I believe.” Takeo said as his hand is holding onto the handle of his sword, Sniper nodding, confirming what Takeo said is true, getting out his Back-Pit and then looking through his selections of different items he had.
Class: Sniper
Real Name: Mr. Mickey Mundy Gender: Male Birthdate: 04/6/1948 Birth Place: New Zealand Health Points:125/125 Overheal Points: 185/185 Quick-Fix Overheal Points: 158/158
Condition: Sniper
Normal: 100% (If wielding a different rifle except the classic, zoomed in, charging the classic at ether zoom level, with the huntsman; 27%, 27% and 54%) Backward: 90% (If wielding a different rifle except the classic, zoomed in, charging the classic at ether zoom level, with the huntsman; 27%, 27%, and 53%) Crouched: 33% (If wielding a different rifle except the classic, zoomed in, charging the classic at ether zoom level, with the huntsman; 9%, 9%, and 18%) Swimming: 80% (If wielding a different rifle except the classic, zoomed in, charging the classic at ether zoom level, with the huntsman; 21%, 21%, and N/A)
LV: 43% Gold: 143
Items (Bag): -Slouch hat [Equipped] -Lighter and box cigarettes -Jarate x5
Weapons: -Sniper rifle (Primary) >Huntsman (Primary)[Equipped] -Arrows. -Submachine gun (Secondary) -Shooting Star (Advanced laser sniper rifle) (Just in case there’s an Alien invasion again) -Kukri (Melee) -Razorback (A shield that can be attached by strap)
Back-Pit: -5 Blankets -Damaged pillow with a tears -Tent -Leather-bound notebook with an ink pen -Iron scraps x18 -Sticks x32 -Knife -Gunpowder x8 -Cloak -winter coat (For warmth use in winter only)
Sniper got out the bow and arrows and placed the sniper rifle inside the Back-Pit, placing the arrows in his quiver so he could pull them one after he used the first arrow. The Australian had noticed the text earlier that displayed his information; His real name, his place of origin, his health points, his bag, his weapons and the items inside his Back-Pit. Almost like a video game that can do that.
He then just shrugged it off as he could think about it later, he strums the string of his bow, whom is called “Huntsman”, in his hands, he looks at them both, Dempsey and Takeo, he wonder who-
Who will you take with you on the hunt?
>Tank Dempsey        Takeo Masaki
Sniper was taken off guard when he was presented with another choice to himself, text is simply moved between the two names presented within the box filled with texts, old style gaming texts.
He looked around the environment and then at two of them and it’s like time had stopped and the colors of the scenery had been stripped and there’s nothing but black and white where they once layed like the rainbow had been sucked dry.
Who will you take with you on the hunt?
Tank Dempsey        >Takeo Masaki
Who will you take with you on the hunt?
>Tank Dempsey        Takeo Masaki
Who will you take with you on the hunt?
Tank Dempsey        >Takeo Masaki
He tried to get out of the choice menu but the arrow kept moving between Primis Tank and Takeo, he tried to speak out for help but he couldn’t hear his own voice like it had been put on mute. He realized more that time had paused on them too, Dempsey and Takeo stood still, unmoving and unanimated, lifeless almost everywhere on them and they looked like nothing wrong is happening right now.
Whenever he moved the arrow selecting the choice, the colors came back to them but only for the arrow to go back to what it was previously pointing, making the other lose his colors once again.
It felt like time and colors had taken off without Sniper, leaving him in a timeless, colorless void until another option had appeared just under Tank Dempsey and Takeo Masaki’s names. The word is in yellow color or light golden color, better than the white text. It simply read as it follows:
Who will you take with you on the hunt?
Tank Dempsey        Takeo Masaki
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[Picture made in Garry’s mod, made by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Sniper looked at the word “Advice” for a moment as the arrow seemed to be pointed at it when he looked at it, it occurred to him that when he looked at the two names, the arrow seems to point at what he was looking for. Much as he doesn’t want to, he raises his hand towards and then gently presses it. The choice text went away and was replaced with the new advice board.
Each choice you will make, each decision you’ll pick, they will not only change your future but will shape the coming future heading your way.
Choices will not follow the same road but separately as what will depend on you to choose.
Philosophical meaning, strange advice it could give to a Bushman like himself. He looked at the text a little longer and finally realized: He was going to choose between Dempsey and Takeo to take with him. The advice board he was looking at had closed and disappeared within the 3 minutes upon the glaze of it, the Advice button was nowhere to be found and never to be used again.
Who will you take with you on the hunt?
>Tank Dempsey        Takeo Masaki
Sniper looked around the two for a moment, thinking of the pros and cons of one each of two Primis members. His first choice was Tank since he is a marine but if there is danger like a bear; he would yell and shout before attacking it willy-nilly, he is strong but bragging about things that he found annoying.
He looked at Takeo, he wasn’t sure about it but he is quiet for most of the time and he is the most skilled swordsman, able to sneak like Spy and Diego so he may be a guaranteed choice for him.
Who will you take with you on the hunt?
Tank Dempsey        >Takeo Masaki
>Takeo Masaki<
Sniper pressed the choice he wanted and almost intensity went back to normal, time resumed and colors drained back into the order of everything, even to P!Dempsey and P!Takeo as well. They sounded and acted the way they did was like something strange happened to Sniper.
“Snip, are ya alright?” Dempsey asked as the warrior remained idly, equally confused as his ally as he looked at the Australian made.
“I was…” Sniper began to explain, “I was thinking about who I would want to take with me to hunting and I picked Takeo.” as he pointed at Takeo when he finished saying this. Tank and Takeo looked at each other and the marine asked “What about me, can I come too?” with his hands on the rifle.
“We will separate,” Sniper planned to him, “cover more hunting grounds that way but if anything went wrong; we’ll meet back here. Got it, mate?”
Dempsey looked at him for a moment and thought about it just a little minute of this, he would have alone time to himself as he would walk around, time to take his mind off about what had been going on today and maybe think about it then theorize the thoughts of the situation so far. He nodding, not saying anything to the Bushman
“Good,” Sniper said as he walked to his left that leads into the wilderness, stopped and looking over his shoulder to Takeo and then called out “Are ya coming or whot?”
Takeo looked at Dempsey for a moment before walking with the bow-wielding mercenary to begin hunting, leaving Dempsey there by himself as he looked down at the ground for a few moments before walking the opposite direction away from where he is standing. -Almost an hour later…-
He had been walking around the forest or a strange type of the jungle for about an hour now, he kept his eyes out for any zombies in case they might be in the area while he’s around.
Birds were flying, singing their tune into the eerily calm and sweet of the forest-hybrid jungle, puddles or… rivers of water flowing through the pathways that are once roads meant for driving cars well this is what the roads are for now.
Moss and grass had over the cars that he did not recognize by coveted them so they will be able to grow plants and find ways with or without the soil.
Strange flowers, they were almost like they were a new species of some type, petals of the flower were light blue and strangely was crystalized and the light of the sun was reflecting off of the flower's petals.
A eerie cyan blue glow from that plant-
P!Dempsey then just shrugged off and went on the beaten road that seems to lead on forever until he just came across a house that… once a beautiful mansion that looked like a castle, vines of roses are covering the crumbling walls with a broken gate to the mansion, the field that the mansion is located is overrun with forest trees that is climbing their way up to be as tall as the building itself. Vines and moss is almost done with climbing on top of the mansion and its roof.
“Fancy mansion,” P!Dempsey softly said to himself as he began to walk towards the gate,  “Big enough for us to camp there for the night but it’s an hour away as the sun is going down. If I am lucky enough if it’s a large animal and when I kill it; we’ll eat like kings and queens.”
The thought of the big roasted animal as he and everyone eating the pieces of it as they all sat around the campfire and afterwards, the Helghasts will have their leftovers of the animal, he can’t get it out of his head as he could hardly taste the taste of the animal he had slain.
He looked at the gate, it was rusted over and looked unstable to stay up a little longer, he placed his hand on it and then gently pushed it. The gate creaked and it’s doors fell down, making a loud CLASH on the ground.
He stood there awkwardly for a moment before entering the forested courtyard as he scanned around the area itself while he walked towards the building itself with the assault rifle in his hands and taking caution as he looked around.
He noticed a few bodies laying around the entrance to the mansion, they are animal-like but almost human with the paws that looked like they were hands and they had fur all over them but they are clothed and had armor as the marine found strange. Animals can’t wear clothes as humans… can they?
There was a faint yell from inside the mansion, he looked at the barely half way opened double door entrance to the building and little spots of blood going into the inside of the large house that is fitted for a rich family if it’s still in a cleaned state.
Inside the mansion as he walked in as he looked around the mansion while he took two steps inside the manor as he called out “Is anyone in here?” before his boot hits something on the floor as it was glowing in a flickering light. It was a lantern with a cyan blue light glowing from within the lantern. It’s light was flickering and threatening light would go out but it never did, not once.
He kneeled down and picked it up, he looked around with the lantern’s light shining through the darkness, The room he is in, the entrance room was in complete disarray, futature was shredded and broken, the few pillars on his left and right had crumbled and fallen down as others are still standing to support the mansion and would eventually crumble as well but vines had climbed there way upward since the windows of this place was broken in like someone had threw rocks at them and they shattered.
*Primis Dempsey obtained a lantern!
The darkness within the manor was illuminated by the lantern as the water dripped from the ceiling due to the pipes having become leaky.
P!Dempsey then begins to walk forward to the stairs that is the end and the center of the stairs as that’s where the trail of blood spots leads to as he held onto the rifle in his hand while holding up the lantern in the other hand as the glowing cyan blue light shines through the dark halls and into the corridor filled with shadows but he heard a groan of… a dog whining?
Dempsey is now on high alert by this as he slowly walked over to where the whining/groaning was coming from as he took to the right towards the end of the hallway and what he saw had confused him the most: a dog, a German dog lavender mix,  wearing grayish red clothes and armor that was holding the side of his shoulder with blood pouring out of the wound that was caused by a nasty gushy bite.
“Hey,” he managed to say something as he walked over to the dog with the light shining on it, “Are you alright there?” but the dog continued whining in a high pitch tune but did point at the hole in the wall where a pool of crimson red liquid was twisting and turning into another path of it leading into darkness of the few rooms over. “Stay here,” he said as he raised the rifle to his shoulder and had the lantern shine it’s light into the darkened rooms and then walk into the hole “I’ll be back for you.” as he entered the shadows with courage, he is an intrepid man in the marines, the one who knows no fear.
But he couldn’t help but feel like there’s something bad inside this mansion, if seeing one humanoid dog bleeding wasn’t bad enough but something worse here may be bad too.
Two or five rooms later, he spots another humanoid white and black dog, a husky breed, wearing green clothing and wearing armor, the same armor as the bleeding dog was wearing as it talked, it said “Where did it go?” while it… or he was holding a lantern of his own, same color as the light and looking around the dark, looking for something.
“What the hell?” he said in a bit too loud in his moment of shock of what he was seeing before him that the Husky had heard him and turned around to see a human for the first time but he said “Human, stay there, don’t make a sound or-!!” something had just popped out of the shadows before he could finish.
It looked like human but this looked like it had been skinned alive, brain, sharp teeth, rib cage with organs exposed but staying inside like rocks, it’s hands are claws and feet and it’s toes are claw too but it was able to be on all fours on it’s own like an animal. It’s sharp teeth then dug into the husky, streaks of blood shot out as the armored dog began whimpering and screaming in pain and terror as Dempsey yelled “Hey! Get off of that dog! Get off of him freakbag!”
“H-help me…” last words of the dog choked out before that… Licker had continued it’s tragic feast into the dog’s rib cage and eating intestines and other organs before it’s attention had turned to the Marine as he could see that it didn’t have any eyes for it to see what it was looking at.
“Mortherf***ing sh*t son of a b***! Don’t move-!” he had to place the lantern onto his waist belt for him to continue to provide light so he could be able to use both his arms so he could open fire on the Licker but dang, this thing was fast!
Running on all fours for it to move fast as it jumped and running on walls as it screeched at him as bullets flew everywhere as it jumped down in front of the marine, letting out a deep wailing screech and then jumping onto Dempsey, pinning him to the ground.
“Get off of me…!” he groaned as he tried to get it off but this creature had kept it’s claw flat on his chest while raising it’s claw in the air and then bringing it down onto Dempsey.
15- hit! HP 60% out of 75
“F***!!” he yelled in pain as the Licker jumped out of him to continue it’s attack, Primis Dempsey got back up his feet with the wound on his side as the Licker once again screeched. P!Dempsey unsheathes a knife and gets into a hunting position as he keeps his eyes out for the mutated zombie, the lantern he had is still providing light for him but it is cracked by the lens of it.
Hearing for anything that is moving as he moved slowly in the dark, the screeching from within the shadows as he breathed slowly and remained calm for this, another screech from his right, he turned to find it with a soft gasp but didn’t find anything but then he heard a screech from his left as he turned to look but stepping onto a broken glass, making a cracking sound within the room.
Causing the Licker to grab him by the head and then scratch him as well as launching him to a wall with a yell and grunt in pain from the human.
20- Hit! HP 40% out of 75
“Damn…” He groaned as he stands up on his knees as he looked at the Licker as it lands on the floor by rolling then fall from the ceiling, still crawling on all fours and then it’s tongue came out, it’s inhuman almost like a frog as it is long and sliva was dripping off of it.
P!Dempsey groaned as he was too far away to get his knife but he wasn’t giving up easily so as the result of his determination, he went through his pouch after he dug his hand in it and pulled out something round, metal and green.
Before he knew it, Licker punched on his and raised it’s claw to strike him again but Primis Dempsey used up his strength to shove a grenade into its mouth and then pulled a pin out of it and then he used his foot to kick it off of him.
Licker looked confused to what it was that the Marine had shoved into its mouth when he got up and then ran for cover just in time before the grenade had exploded, bits of brain and teeth flying everywhere as he heard a thud on the ground. Clenching on his side, P!Dempsey got back on his feet to see if his plan had done the trick.
Sure enough, it did, a headless Licker body lying motionless on the ground with blood pouring out of its neck. He walked over to the body and then gave it a kick for a reaction but nothing so far. He then gritted his teeth and groaned “This is gonna be sore in the morning…” as he walked over to where he had dropped the lantern, it was beside the broken glass he had stepped on to alert the Licker and then he picked it and shone the light on the room again. The room itself was in disarray and disrepair but there’s a few items scattered about, a first aid spray on the floor, rifle ammo on the table with a note beside it and his knife he had dropped.
“Can’t believe my luck, someone must’ve dropped it in a hurry.” he said as he carefully walked towards the first aid spray and not to push himself too hard not to deepen the pain the Licker had caused him.
He looked at it as he picked it up from the ground and then read the interactions on the back.
Umbrella Corps. First Aid Spray Use this when you are injured in the case of B.O.W.S. Every Umbrella Corps. Member must carry this at all times when you are on missions of-
Rest of the spray’s instructions was scratched up as it is no longer eligible to read, Primis Dempsey had kept reading the words “Umbrella Corps” over and over as he muttered “I guess Frank West was right about the Umbrella.” and then prepares to spray it onto the wound the mutated zombie had caused on him. “Alright, let’s see if it can heal this one.” he muttered under his breath, he sprayed the liquidised medicine onto the injury, the first sting of pain shot through the abdomen before he could think but his brain can already tell it.
The smell of green herbs was in the air and the feeling of bleeding had slowed and then just stopped, just stopped like a switch had just turned off. He can’t feel anymore pain afterwards as he sighed in relief.
16+ heal! HP 56% out of 75
“Well, that wasn’t too hard.” the marine mumbled as he walked to the table just behind him and was on the left, he looked at the rifle ammo on the table and then slowly picked it up to examine it. They look like they go to a Wonder Weapon of a strange type, he places the ammo into his Back-Pit and then picks up his knife from the ground and then sheathes it back to his boiler.
He was going to leave but his attention reached back to the note on the table, he picked it up and the note read as follows:
To any survivors, if you are unfortunate enough to still be alive in this part of the ruins of Salt Lake City; keep your eyes open for any creepy fuckers that looked like they were skinned alive, “Lickers” is what Leon had described them from the Raccoon City Incident.
One thing they lacked was eyes, they are blind as bats but their hearing makes up for that so they will hear anything that stupidly makes a sh!t ton of noise and it will attract them to it. But one way to avoid them as much as possible was to move slowly and stay quiet if you see a Licker.
Make like your grandma and creep by them as slowly and quietly as possible okay? Not like I want to but I have to regroup with the rest of my squad after a sudden bombing from some unauthorized military order and when I do, we have half of our squad to avenge. -Chris
“Gee… Thanks for the tip.” Dempsey said, sarcastic while feeling stupid that he could’ve known about that sooner. He then heard a thud from where he came in and claws flickering from the hallway can be heard throughout by the echoes.
“Sh!t….” He cursed under his breath as he looked at the hole he came in with the lantern, he can hear them from his left and he slowly turned to look at what it was and saw it was a new Licker, on the wall near the latest corpse of the humanoid dog and it was eating it but then it crawled upward to the ceiling, seemingly leaving its dinner behind.
Dempsey took a couple of steps back in disgust as the Licker lifted it’s head from its meal and then looked to where it was blindly with a long tongue curling out of its mouth. True to its name, Licker had a long tongue covered in saliva before climbing up onto the ceiling but not without its snack, used its tongue to spear and then dragged the corpse towards it and then returned to eat it’s dinner.
“Okay,” Primis Dempsey muttered softly as he looked at the Licker, “Tank, you can do this....” before he walked slowly and softly passed the licker while it was eating above him, blood from it’s meal was dripping down blood and onto the marine like rain, crimson red rain.
“Ehhh…” Dempsey moaned in disgust, quietly as he heard the Licker finishing eating and dropping the body onto the fall. Thudding onto the ground and all silence afterward from the Licker, a second Licker had crawled out of the vent closest to the ceiling and towards the wall to the right and crawled on it quickly as the Tank passed it by.
“If one wasn’t bad enough in this building.” Dempsey thought as he kept the lantern on his person so he could get out a rifle and prepared just in case one of them had to somehow hear him.
Making his way to the exit as he kept his eyes out for not only two Lickers and then three or six more Lickers had come out from broken doorways and vents after they had busted it from the inside but Dempsey remained calm and cursing under his breath with the sight of several Lickers around.
Lickers in the group are eating another corpse of a man wearing a strange military uniform with a white and blue umbrella symbol snitched on each sleeve and these Lickers are eating the corpse as if like buzzards enjoying their latest roadkill. The marine of Primis furiously shook his head in disgust and looked away from the scene presented to him as he started to continue out of here without too much hesitation, as slow and quiet as possible.
He didn’t watch where he was going as he had accidentally kicked a vase laying on the ground and upon impact, it shattered into pieces and it alerted the Lickers he had walked past. “Oh sh!t!” he muttered as he heard one of them screeched from behind him as one thought, foreign and familiar to him had screamed one word only, it screamed:
He had time to question the thought as the flight had kicked in and letting adrenaline take control of his being, feet had suddenly grown wings as he ran out of sheer stamina. Lickers were fast enough to go after him as he turned around and while backing up, he began to shoot one of them in the brains, and blood-spattered about everywhere before opening fire on the other one as it had jumped to grab him.
The roaring and the screeching are not far behind him as he kept running and dodging each Licker that had leaped to pin him down. With a few scrapes and bruises from the Lickers, P!Dempsey was still persistent as hell as he was determined to get out of the mansion alive.
When he saw the opened door to the outside in relief, he believed he was going to make it but had a gut feeling that one of the Lickers had its tongue out and then shot at the marine, he turned around to see if they are still chasing him but he no time to react to the long fleshy slimy rope that belongs to the unforgiving Licker, it coiled around his neck and then he was pulled into Licker’s clutches as it gnarled its teeth at the man while he grabbed tightly on its tongue to break free but he had dropped the assault rifle to the floor when he had let go of it to grab and try to pull off Licker’s tongue or in this case rip it off with his bare hands if he has to.
“Let… Go, you… freak-bags!!” he spoke as Lickers began to swarm the helpless fighting man before them but then, he looked around him to see them as the marine yelled “Sh!t!” as he was trying to pry off the Licker’s grip while he was trying to fend himself but then… He heard footsteps coming from the entrance. They’re getting louder and louder until-
A traditional blue and gold Chinese hair ornament flew out of nowhere in fast speed and stringed the head of the Licker, blood spurted out a bit and onto the marine before he and itself fell to the floor together as he looked at the stunning hair ornament.
He landed with the grunt with the Licker hitting the ground and causing the hair ornament to fly off of it’s exposed brain and spun over to Dempsey. Getting on his feet as someone had dashed in and picked up the hairpin as Lickers are charging in from the ceiling.
The next he knew the rest of the Lickers had fallen victim to the hair ornament as he had picked himself off the floor and wiped the blood off of his face as he stood. He then finally saw an Asian light-skinned woman armed with just a hairpin had begun to battle and defeated at least four Lickers as it was now drizzled in blood as she held it firmly in her gloveless hands. Her coal-black hair tied in a bun, wearing a dark dress coat with dark gray 1910’s Tung suit top, navy blue leggings, and boots.
She is approaching him as she looks at him beforehand, stopping to where he is sitting, she then asks “Are you okay?”
“I’m… I’m fine.” he answered as he looked at her, the woman who saved him began to introduce herself to the marine; “My name is Jin Bai Chen.” as she leans in with her hand reaching out for him and with him accepting it, she helps him onto his feet once more.
“The name’s Tank Dempsey.” he introduced himself to her as well as he looked at her.
Jin looked to where he had dropped his assault rifle then picked it up off the floor and handed it back to him, “I believe this belongs to you.” she smiled.
“Thanks.” he said as he looked around the area then the fallen Lickers before them as he said “We have to get out here.” gently grabbing her by the arm and then pulling her forward with him as she replied, “Understood.”
They both exited the mansion in haste as they walked down the stone steps and then onto a path that leads to the opened gate,  towards the gate Dempsey has to say something to this woman.
"So." Dempsey responded as he walked by Jin's side. "What brings you here?" Jin looked at the man, he can tell that even her, she hardly remembered what had happened to her when she got here as well. "I do not remember," She began to say, "I was in Northern France when the outbreak began but then... I don't know in all honesty; I woke up in a house with talking cats."
This sounded silly yet strangely familiar to the marine, he had no idea why but it had sounded that way as he shook his head.
"That sounded ridiculous."
"I-It really is..." she replied, slightly embarrassed.
"Talking cats..." Dempsey muttered as Jin giggled quietly at the thought of it, Dempsey then looked at her now, "It's a stupid thought to think-" he had started to say but didn't finish when he heard a twig snapped, he suddenly stopped as the woman looked at him in confusion.
"What is the matter?" Jin said with worry.
"Shhh...!" He shushed, looking into the forest of the courtyard and he heard familiar groaning from within in the woods, then the familiar figures shambling and staggering came into the clearing: Zombies.
"Shit," he quietly yelled as he put his rifle away and scrambled to get out a pistol and a revolver out of his hoistors, "There's more of them!"
"What...?" She said as she looked to her side and saw more zombies coming to her side, "Zombies...!?" she responded as she and the marine were pressing their backs to each other, facing the dead surrounding them.
"Yeah! Stick by me, alright?!" he ordered as he kept his eyes on them.
"Understood." She replied, gripping her hair ornament.
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[Drawn by Icefir, picture featuring mortal-kombattore-115’s OC, Jin Bai Chen.] [Original]
Zombies, a horde of familiar undead are coming behind the trees on their left, another horde of zombies are coming in from the right side of this forested courtyard but they are unfamiliar to the marine as there’s one new detail to them.
Their eyes are not glowing yet they are devoid of color than their 115-tainted counterparts, they did not run as them but still they can still walk faster and they were wearing some kind of late 90's clothing
These strange zombies and 115 zombies are surrounding them but they are not helpless.
Dempsey muttered under his breath "Alright, which one of them is going first?" as he is looking at one of each of them to look at the other one after another.
As the undead began to approach the duo, Jin ran up to them and started slaying them one by one. The Marine didn't have time to think which one he would pick, so he shot the first one he could see.
"Die you undead f***s!" Dempsey shouted, being trigger happy. As he was shooting the zombies and looked at Jin to make sure she was okay, he noticed that Jin was... Quite fast killing the undead forces without the use of a firearm.
Zombies are not fast nor quick enough for her as she stabbed and kicked them to the ground with each fatal puncture to the brains. He wasn't sure or didn't want to be sure but Dempsey began to stare at her, admiring her badassery she displayed. "Who is she....?" he muttered to himself, he wasn't aware that a zombie was coming to him as he stared at her.
Jin looked back to see Dempsey wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and spotted the Untoten coming to him from behind, Jin alerted "Watch out!", making Dempsey come back in reality.
Dempsey spun around to see a zombie coming towards him, he blocked it temporarily with his forearm and used a pistol to blow a bullet into it. "Thanks, Jin!" He said and Jin nodded with a smile.
The duo have been killing the undead, one by one, making a clear path, as they were walking towards the gate, "That's right we are cutting through them!" the Marine yelled, "Literally."
"We are!" she responded. "Keep going!" "Yes ma'am." he replied.
They are fighting what felt like forever with their lungs devoid of air, they are killing the horde until they reach the gate, out of breath.
"We made it!" Jin responded, catching her breath.
"Y-yeah," he breathes out as he looks back behind him, the 115 zombies are lying dead but the new zombies are getting back up with bullet wounds in their heads, the surviving zombies are coming to them. "We better get along." he nudges her to get moving.
"Understood." Jin replied as they ran far from the mansion as fast as possible, the familiar forest-like jungle that overtook the neighborhood in ruins with a new teammate by his side.
"Do you think the undead forces are going to come back?" Jin asked.
"I doubt it," he started to speak, "if they are here then-" Dempsey realized about the situation, "Sh!t! Tak is with Sniper right now and they just had no idea that these meatsacks are here too!"
"Who?" she asked with confusion as Dempsey looked at her, "I'll explain on the way, let's go." he said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along as the sun is creeping behind the mountains, it's celestial light leaving the broken city to make way for lunar glow of the moon to take over for the night.
They journeyed through the neighborhood until Dempsey had found two familiar men, Takeo and Sniper as the warrior stood in front of a large creature that resembled a bear but different as Jin started to study the two men and to her, Takeo is from their timeline but Sniper's not.
Sniper looked at Dempsey with a bow rested on his shoulders and a quiver had only handmade 7 arrows in them, "About bloody time." He groad, "Takeo and I were waiting for ya, mate. He had found some kind of a bear for dinner, Tank." as Takeo remained silent as he stood fount of the dead beast.
Takeo hasn't noticed until now with a new woman next to the man, "Who is she, Dempsey?" Takeo asked, looking at Jin.
"Her name is Jin Bai Chen, Tak." Dempsey answered as the Australian looked at her as well with curiosity, "Is the sheila from your timeline, ya two?"
"Yes." She responded before Tank could answer. "You are?" Dempsey and Takeo said at the same time. Jin nodded in agreement. "Those clothes you two are wearing, are from my time. So I believe that we originate from there..."
"I see." Takeo said as Sniper steps up, "Five people from World War I, speaking of blubbering about, where are you from, Miss Chen?" He asked.
"Originally from China." Jin replied. "I am temporarily living in France, to provide labor for the French and British soldiers. You see, I am with the Chinese Labor Corps."
"Oi see but Jin, how did you get here from that timeline to here?" Sniper asked.
A question finally got into Dempsey's head, "Guys wait, Jin had saved my ass back in that mansion with Lickers and zombies. She was a badass when she helped me too." He said.
"Really." Takeo said.
Dempsey nods in agreement, "No shit, I am serious." as Sniper looked over to Jin, "How did this happen?" he questioned.
Jin then raised her hair ornament, which is now painted with the blood from the undead. Sniper looked surprised as well with Takeo who said "You used your hair ornament?"
"Yes." Jin replied. "But that was not the only thing I defended myself with."
"What is?"
"Shaolin monk kung flu." she answered.
"Shaolin monk, you are...?" Takeo said as he now believes who she was. Jin nodded. "I had been saved by a Shaolin Monk." Dempsey said in awe. "I'll be damned."
The woman began to smile at Dempsey's comment.
The Marine pounted as he blushed, Sniper smirked at the blushing face of Tank as he was going to tease him later but then he thought back about that advice an hour ago, was it right about this?
"Very well." Jin responded.
Sniper responds as well with "Oi guess Oi can agree to it as well, now, help with this big piece of meat, lads."
Four hands of both men helped carrying a slayed "bear" back to camp as it was much heavier than it looked back to camp, back to house number 1104 that had become a fortress thanks to their teammates and new found allies.
"Help with this...!" Sniper grunted as he, Dempsey, Takeo and Jin helped placing the bear onto the huge kitchen counter, the group of four all worked together to skin the bear so it can be properly cooked. It seemed to be quiet in the household until all too familiar, LOUD hard voice bellowed out "ARE YOU THREE BACK WITH DINNER!?"
It had come from Soldier, the man with low intelligence and a helmet that covers most of his eyes. "BLOODY HELL- Soldier!" Sniper had jumped out of his own skin as he had nearly dropped the knife he was using as others looked at him after they were too jumped by his sudden presence.
"We are trying to skin a bear that the Samurai had caught for dinner!!" He yelled as he was taking a few breaths in with his hand over her chest, nearly having suffered a heart attack. Jin looked over to Dempsey, "There's more?" she asked.
"More of us are here since this whole thing began, separate people from different lives, timelines and worlds." Takeo answered to her as the Soldier came over, inspecting this newcomer to their group.
"Wait until you;ll meet more, never know how many are here." Dempsey answered more as Soldier looked at Dempsey now and then back to Jin who was a bit uncomfortable with this man staring, "I see." she nodded as she looked at Dempsey, "For now, let us prepare for this feast."
Soldier, until now finally, Soldier said "Huh, a new recruit! since you are with Corporal Dempsey, I'll let you go this time!'' Then turned and trotted off, one two three four. One two three four steps of each foot as Dempsey facepalmed.
"Ignore Soldier, Jin," He groaned. Jin giggled, making Dempsey's cheeks bloom pink. After skinning it, they cut it into pieces for the group to eat. After an hour of cooking, Sniper then called out to the remaining people in the fortress that dinner is ready.
Frisk, the remaining members of RED, Helghast prisoners and everyone had come from their makeshift camping quarters to find a place to sit and eat as Jin looked at everyone with surprise and wary of both Helghasts and the Inky demon that is Bendy.
"There is no way that all of this is real." She thought to herself as Sniper had came back from the kitchen with spices, he seemed to read her mind for a moment as he said "I want to say the same thing as you, Jin." as he walked passed her as Cuphead, Mugman and Frisk had followed Sniper, catching Jin's attention unknowingly as Mugman said "I hope it's enough for everyone, golly."
Jin had given a confused look to all of this, two children who had cups for heads had her questioning her santy at this point of her life as Dempsey was going to find a spot to sit but had noticed Jin, walked over to her as he was a bit of concern. Dempsey asked "Are you alright Jin?"
Jin only responded at a level that only Dempsey can hear her, "I feel like I am under some hallucinogenic drug right now. There is no way that a talking cup has manifested into reality."
Dempsey shook his head as he hold her hand a little, "I understand, if zombies are not worse then-"
"Halllo~!!" Ultimis Richtofen's voice cooed out like a crow as Dempsey growled. "-Then this could be it, great."
They both see Ultimis Richtofen, emerging from the shed with Ratchet, Clank and Raiden in tow, walking over to the tired marine and a startled Shaolin woman.
"Guten Abend!" The Doctor greeted happily with a smile on his face, "Hey Richtofen." Dempsey growled. Richtofen then turned his focus to Jin, giving a warm smile. "And who is this lovely fraulein?"
"It's Jin." Dempsey said as he crossed his arms. The German then took Jin's hand and kissed it, disregarding the irritated American next to him as Richtofen cooed "Very nice to meet you, Jin! Now, judging from zhe clothing, you must be from zhis American's timeline, ja?~"
Jin was a little creeped out by this man who is overall friendly towards her, Jin replied "...yes."
"1918 I see." Richtofen purred as Bruno was making a big campfire, "German, the American looked angered." he said softly as he fed the fire with logs while Richtofen waved his hand to him "Oh hush, Bruno." as Jin had begun to examine the Frenchman. He looked like he's been in several quarrels in his life by his features as he looked at her and said "You are Jin, if I am not wrong, I am Bruno Delacroix."
"Bonjour Bruno" Jin responded. "C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer aussi." Bruno smiled and nodded. "You learned how to speak French?" Dempsey asked.
"Yes." she replied. "I have studied the language during my deployment in France." as Richtofen placed his index finger and thumb under his chin as the word "deployment" had caught the Frenchman's attention. "Deployment?" Bruno asked. "For what war?"
"The Great War." Jin answered, Ultimis Richtofen knew what war she was referring to since she, Primis Dempsey and Takeo are from around the time of World War I as he said "World War I."
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allgvne · 4 years
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@veldinstar​ said: “ well… if this is my last chance to say it… i love you. ” // OOP
before the fall : battle prompts.     /     accepting. 
     Perhaps Leo was an idiot to let Ratchet help him, while he was very well aware that his field of work was dangerous even for him. He often preferred to work alone, even if that meant that the job was harder to finish - at least then there would be no causalities other than himself. However, he trusted Ratchet & he knew how useful he could be in a fight. & what were the odds of something actually going wrong? Small, but never non-existent. 
     After taking cover from the enemy fire behind the countless of boxes within the warehouse, Leo was quickly glancing over his shoulder in order to see if they were still there. There were too many of them & the duo was slowly running out of ammo. This wasn’t going according to the plan to put it mildly. The bomb he had planted behind the enemy lines should’ve detonated already but for some unknown reason, it didn’t. & now, they were against a crowd of armed soldiers without ammo & without useful weapons. They were fucked. 
     “ Shit.. if the bomb ain’t goin’ off soon, we’re done for. “ he bit his bottom lip as he tried to stay alert of their surroundings. They’ve yet to be discovered from their hiding spot but that could change any moment.
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     Close calls happen every now & then but now, it was different. This time, Leo wasn’t doing it alone. He’d hate for his friend to lose his life just because of his stupid gig. & he wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for Leo’s dumbass accepting his help, assuming that things couldn’t possibly go wrong this badly. If somehow he could go back in time & stop Ratchet from accompanying him on this mission, he’d do it, without a doubt.
     But then, out of the blue, hearing the next words coming from his friend, Leo’s blood ran cold.
     I love you. 
     Leo hated the way those three simple words made him feel, coming from that snarky lombax’s mouth. He wasn’t fond of admitting his true feelings to him but he was very well aware of them. He knew there was something deeper to it. With all of those nights spent together, the moments they shared, it was barely just friendship anymore. 
     He didn’t know what to say to that, or if he should even comment on it at all. Those words must’ve been coming from the flow of adrenaline, the fear of not making it out of this warehouse alive.. & yet, Leo ate them up like the fool he was. 
     Instead of giving him a verbal answer, Leo grabbed the other’s jaw gently, pulling him in for a brief but passionate kiss. After all, if they were both going to die today, might as well go for it.
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kichimiangra · 4 years
To celebrate Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart... I rant about things I would have done differently with the Ratchet and Clank Movie (2016)
Ratchet and Clank fans who saw the movie give it a read and tell me what you think! This isn’t solid or well written, it is seriously just a long rant of “Then they do this! Then That!”
To be fair I am a huuuge Ratchet and Clank fan, I enjoyed the film, I know it's not good, and I'm not quite sure exactly what happened here? I don't know why they tried to do a star wars esque "Save the galaxy; I wanna be a hero!" story when the games would better be described as a "Buddy Road trip".  The relationship between the titular characters is non existent because the film instead decided it was more important to cram about 3 games worth of character development into Quark instead. I like the designs for the Galactic Rangers but other than that I hate them because I am 100% sure I know why they're there and they take even more screen time that should be spent on the titular duo. This is my list of demands if I had been someone who somehow got to demand how this movie got made: -First of all, and I hate myself for saying this... *Don't Hire James Arnold Taylor, David Kaye, and Jim Ward to reprise their roles as Ratchet, Clank, and Qwark respectively.* I love them, but I theorize it's their fault that the galactic rangers are even taking up space in this film. Lookit the movie poster! It list Paul Giamatti, John Goodman, Bella Thorne, and Rosario Daweson, before James and David. Jim Ward isn't mentioned in favor of Sylvestor Stallone. The whole point, (in my opinion) the Rangers were really a thing was to have a few more major characters.  John Goodman plays Grim and Sylvestor Stallone plays Von Ion. These parts are arguably smaller than Qwark or Nefarious... and I would say those two are more prominent that Clank!  But they try to get some names that will put butts in seats because UNFORTUNATELY people are stupid and many WILL go see a movie just because it has an actor they like in it. -Second... throw out the script.  Start over. *Buddy Road trip! * It's not hard.  You can't fit every planet into the film but you can fit enough for a road trip movie!  A few important ones? -Third... *CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS AND MOTIVATIONS.* I'm gonna be a bit detailed here.  First of all, NO MORE GALACTIC RANGERS PLOT! IT GOES BYE BYE!  And screw Qwark let him go back to being a frgging mid point boss!  This movie is about RATCHET and CLANK!  And you Know what they're gonna do? SOME RATCHETING and some CLANKING! And they are going to GROW AND DEVELOP TOGETHER! ---So this:  Clank gets made, gets the info on Dreks deathstar plans (But maybe we don't know that yet? Maybe we can play it Vague? Maybe we don't have Clanks whole origin story yet? That's for later...) and escapes to Veldin.  This is where he meets Ratchet.  Ratchet is building a ship to try and leave Veldin because it's a bupkiss nowhere desert planet!  Where's he going? GLAD YOU ASKED!!! He wants to go to the Blackwater City hover board tournament on planet Rilgar in which the trophy is being handed out by his celebrity hero: Captain Qwark. Why? We don't know this just yet but Ratchet is a Lombax abandoned on Veldin.  He's never even seen another Lombax, there's not a lot of them in Solana. He didn't grow up alone, but longs to find his lost family.  He thinks maybe... if he wins that Tournament, which will be Broadcasted around the galaxy and get a sponsorship with Gadgetron, being the face of the Hoverboard branch of the company for like 2 years (LEIK IN DA GAYM!) , his family will see it and they can be reunited. (hahaha no...)  Too bad Ratchet can't get his ship working without a robotic ignition (LEIK IN DA GAYM!) Clank crash lands and befriends Ratchet. Clank needs a Hero (HE'S HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO TILL THE END OF THE NIGHT!) to stop Drek and Ratchet knows just the guy!  His idol Qwark! Who he is also going to meet! At the Hoverboard tourney! So they agree to go together, Clank being able to turn the ship on and Ratchet able to pilot it.  They hop planet to planet for the first act because crap isn't going to hit the fan until they meet Qwark. So buddy road trip for a bit they help people along the way!  For example Ratchet only starts with the Wrench, but when they crash land on Novalis they meet up with Cora, who is the Presidents body guard and help her save the president (LEIK IN DA GAYMS!) and is rewarded by meeting the Plumber who fixes their crashed ship. Plumber is grateful that the Prez is safe (Maybe they related?) and gifts Ratchet the Weapon ring claiming he used to work for Gadgettron inventing all sorts of doodads, but they wouldn't put some on the market so gifts them to Ratchet, warning that the Attack ring is a little glitchy so you might not get what you want from it? So basically season 1 Ben 10's Omnitrix. Just for fun. They hop to another few places with the major take away being Clank being all like "Ratchet I am super logical and freshly baby and the galaxy is more important than the Local stuff so we gotta hurry to find Qwark!" but Ratchet is like "Sorry Clank my OCD won't allow it and we got time to kill before the tournament!"  The main point of this is Clank learning feels and empathy quickly from Ratchet and also gets to see Ratchet being a hero even if SpaceRat won't admit it.  They eventually end up on Rilgar and Ratchet enters the tourney with his home made garbage hoverboard because we are skipping the whole Skid McMarxx thing for time sake.  So Ratchet enters the hoverboard tourney, we get a cool music montage, it looks like he's gonna win! He's in first! BAM! His hoverboard craps out on him and leaves him tumbling to the pavement.  Someone passes him, he desperately tries to pull himself up, he tries to run to the finishline, more people pass him, he's in last place, he stops running. He's given up.  He screwed it up for both of them.  Now Clank won't meet and give his message to Qwark, and Ratchet won't get the sponsorship from Gadgetron that could get his face out there for his family to find him. Clank tries to cheer him up, but can only do so much.  Ratchet feels useless and defective and maybe that's why his family abandoned him? Maybe it wasn't an accident, maybe he just sucked?  But Clank knows a thing or two about being defective... so he tries to comfort Ratchet, but is interrupted when someone from the tourney approaches them and says that Captain Qwark was super impressed by Ratchets boarding skills and decided he wants to meet them. Things are looking up for the duo, but like.. you and I know Drekk told Qwark to keep an eye out fro a Lombax that's been ruining his plans and if he get's his hands on him, kill him and take Clank (LEIK STARWARS... Wait...?).  Qwark blows up Ratchets ass this whole being a hero thing so Ratchet can be known throughout the galaxy and Ratchets like "BALLER!  YEAH!  Sign me up!" and then he betrays them, I'm foggy on this part I ain't a screen writer! BUT ANYWAY Qwark can't just be blowing up his potential fans... that looks bad, so he plays along the whole "Oh yes I am Hero Qwark What is it you need from me?"  Clank then reveals his origin story of being a warbot in Drekks factory and what Drekks plans are.  This is confirmation enough and Qwark betrays the duo rips something out of Clank, leaving him robot-unconscious.  Ratchet defends Clank from Qwarks betrayal, Is it the Blargian Snagglebeast? I don't know who cares? And when he's done uses a leftover part from his broken hoverboard to fix Clank.  They have a minor Buddy fight.  Not a long one.  We don't have time for a long one we're getting close to the end here! Maybe Ratchets mad that Clank is one of Drekks warbots? Was this a trap? Clank then goes further into his backstory explaining he's a defect.  He had one purpose: to find someone to stop Drekk and give him that thingy. But Qwark made off with it. Maybe it was a virus to kill switch the deplanetizer? Who cares it was for Obiwan Kenobi and Qwark stole it. Now Clank has no purpose.  Ratchet though tells Clank that people aren't made with purposes, they find purposes and make purposes and Clank almost feels better about that level of freedom. Ratchet and Clank bond over being full of suck and how there are no real heroes out there to stop Drekk and Clank suddenly realizes that all of the traits that make a hero are right there in Ratchet!  All this movie he's watched Ratchet do hero shit and help others even if it's in a "Goddammit we're gonna miss the tournament but I have to save the orphans goddammit!" way.  They both decide that they need to be the heroes they want to see and agree to go stop Drekk themselves.They go after Drekk and have a final confrontation with Qwark and Clank retrieves his Macguffin. Then they go stop Drekk.  Clank has learned empathy and humanity, and Ratchet has got a found family in Clank.
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cosmiicgremlin · 4 years
Plotted starter for @allnostalgic​‘s Alister Azimuth~
It had been a hard decision. One that had taken Ratchet nearly two years to come to. It was only at Clank’s insistence and a deep need for closure that finally brought the lombax back to the painfully familiar desert planet. Yet now that Aphelion was finally entering the Vela Sector, he was beginning to have second thoughts. It’d been so long since that fateful day at the Great Clock. Since Alister almost killed him and caused irreparable damage to time and space. But it was all for the lombaxes. It was to bring them back-to bring Ratchet’s family back.
A strained smile crossed the lombax’s lips as he remembered that look of fondness in the older’s eyes as he told Ratchet the stories of his father’s childhood. The sparkle in Alister’s eyes while he spoke of Kaden had filled Ratchet with such lightness and joy. His smile quickly faded though as he remembered the dull emptiness in the other’s eyes as he lay so terribly still on the ground. Swallowing back the memories, Ratchet returned his focus to the nearing planet ahead.
His hands had begun to shake terribly and he was losing his resolve. Aphelion was quick to take over, switching to autopilot and heading for the nearby docking platform. Moments passed after they had landed and still Ratchet was unable to build up the nerve to step out of the ship. 
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“You do not have to do this, Ratchet.” He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice but then sighed, shaking his head in dismay. 
“I gotta, Aphelion.” He murmured. “I gotta go.” He closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly and then unbuckled himself from his seat. “I’ll be back.” He promised, finally stepping from the ship and into the warm arid air of Torren IV. 
His feet carried him to his desired location without a second thought and he quickly distracted himself from his destination by examining his surroundings since he had last been here. Things hadn’t changed much. The air was still warm and dry-just as he liked it-and there were still chunks of metal and scraps scattered about the area.
It wasn’t long before he found himself standing before the entrance to Alister’s home, holding his breath as he willed himself to cross over. Oh Orvus, it still smelled like him. He swallowed back the lump in his throat and took the step forward, feeling as though he was trespassing. His uncertain eyes fell upon the old chest laying on ground and his heart skipped a beat as he locked onto a worn photograph of two lombaxes. It was different from the one in the pocket watch. His father and Alister looked slightly older in this one. 
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The grief surged with every expelled breath, always reaching higher peaks, never sufficiently soothed by his long intakes of the dry desert air. Tears began to fill his eyes and his ears lowered down to the sides of his head in despair. His gaze fell to Alister’s workbench, eyes flickering over the layers of dust and untouched tools. It was in that moment that the sure knowledge that life would go on without him, that time was only stopped for him, undid him completely. All pretense of quiet coping was lost and he sank to the ground, not caring as his knees bruised against the hard ground. His gloved fingers clasped the faded photograph. The white furred lombax was smiling, and why shouldn't he? He was a Four-Bolt Magistrate of the Lombax Praetorian Guard and Elder Councilman for the Center for Advanced Lombax Research. But the universe did not care. It took him away anyways.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there silently weeping over the photo clutched tightly in his hands, but it had begun to grow dark. He didn’t care. He wasn’t ready to leave. Not yet.
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evilisk-played · 4 years
On That PlayStation 5 Blowout...
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I stayed up all night to watch the PS5 reveal conference and then fell tf asleep as soon as it finished. Now that I’ve had sleep, here's my thoughts.
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What I Liked:
I am a massive Ratchet and Clank stan (during the PS2 days, I was Team Ratchet all the way) so my reaction to Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is of obvious delight. I will say: Silver Lady Lombax looks bloody amazing. She has had one line and maybe five seconds of screentime and I think I already love her more than Ratchet. So cool~
I am also amazed that the same developers of Ratchet, Insomniac, are also putting out Spiderman: Miles Morales at the same time. Insomniac are *great*
I’m still not willing to splurge on a VR headset just for Astro Bot: Rescue Mission, so Astro’s Playroom will have to do.
Kena: Bridge of the Spirits looks *amazing*. Looks exactly like the type of animated movie I’d enjoy, only it’s not a movie, it’s a game.
Sackboy returns in Sackboy: A (Little)Big Adventure! I actually don’t like LittleBigPlanet that much anymore (while I loved LBP1, LBP2 and 3 just didn’t hit the same way) but it’s nice to see Sackboy come out of retirement. Also, this’ll be EZ Christmas present for the relatives
I still have yet to play Horizon Zero Dawn (I’m still waiting on a cheap physical copy before diving in) but Horizon 2 / Horizon Forbidden West is looking amazing.
I wasn’t really sure what Goodbye Volcano High was supposed to be just from its trailer, but hearing that it’s very Night in the Woods-inspired is very relevant to me, somebody who just started playing NitW. It has my interest.
Honorable Mentions to Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo. I probably won’t get those (because first person games make me nauseous) but they look really stylish. Especially Deathloop. Holy moly is that trailer graphically pleasing to look at.
Also, while I didn’t care for all the games, it is great that a good chunk of the leads in these games were women.
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What I Didn’t Like:
Because I have very narrow tastes, you can assume I didn’t care for any of the other titles lol. Seriously though, I was mostly interested in seeing first party titles.
I will say, even though I’m not the biggest Soulsborne stan, I’m not sure how to feel about the Demon’s Souls remake’s softened art-style. Feels like it lost a little of the original’s oppressive atmosphere. WITH THAT SAID, I do not object to the existence of the game itself. I am actually quite happy for DeS fans, and am pleased that Bluepoint is continuing the tradition of remaking PlayStation classics. This is solely to do with the art-style of the trailer.
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Thoughts on the PS5′s design
Ehhhhhhhhhhh. I dunno about this. I liked (and was hoping) the PS5 console itself would be two toned, that’s not what I take issue with. What I do dislike is the ugly asymmetry on the regular console (seen second from the left). It looks terrible. The apparent need for a stand is something else I dislike. I really, really prefer the console to be horizontal, flat on the ground (because of our TV setup, and also because a vertical console is just asking for trouble)
In all, this was a nice reveal. It’s good to have this type of thing again after Sony skipped out on E3 2019 and E3 was revealed to have imploded itself.
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felcn · 4 years
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@veldinstar​ said:  "Don't tell me you were actually /jealous/?" Ratchet has a smirk right on his face, looking at the angered expression upon Leo's face. This probably wasn't true... but he loved to get under the half-alien's skin just as much as he pulled at his tail. A teasing nudge as he adds, "I knew it.. you totally were!~ Awww~"
     “ Shut up. “ Leo growled under his breath, obviously annoyed by the other’s observation while they were walking home. Earlier when they were sitting in the local pub, they were having a good time - couple of drinks & laughs, just like they usually did. Hell, mostly Leo had no problem with fans of Ratchet coming over to him to chat, or whatever drunk fuckers came across them with their incoherent ramblings. 
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     But once there was someone approaching Ratchet in obviously seductive manner, Leo couldn’t help but to furrow his brows in annoyance. He could only watch as the young woman was complimenting the lombax excessively, her tone seeming more than just friendly to Leo’s ears. He wasn’t even sure if Ratchet was a aware of that & he just acted cool through the whole exchange. It wasn’t till Leo suggested leaving the place the interaction would stop & they’d began leaving the crowded pub. Noticing how the woman insisted on sharing couple last words with Ratchet, Leo would just roll his eyes as he exited the place all by himself. 
     As Ratchet caught up to Leo on their way home, he brought up the odd behavior of his companion - but he did not have the guts to admit his jealousy. Maybe in a sense, he was paranoid. Of course he trusted Ratchet to not do shit to him but fuck, he couldn’t control his feelings either way.
     “ Jesus fuckin’ Christ, will ya knock it out?! “ visibly peeved by the teasing, he raised his voice as he shot a heated glare towards his companion. There was no point denying it - he did feel a bit jealous.
     “ Y’realize she was tryin’ to hit on you the whole fuckin’ evening, right? Of course that would bother me, wouldn’t it bother YOU? “ 
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chaosworthyarchive · 5 years
⇀ starter | @cxsmicstar​
     {➹} – BEING LOST was nothing new for the accented hero. In fact, more times than not he sought out the unknown in his own little adventures being the explorer he was and it was only recently that he had gotten back into the venture. He wouldn’t lie, he had missed it. Missed the new sights, the excitement. Yet at the same time there was always a small uncertainty that went with it, that small moment of being off-course.
     Maybe that was why he had been starting at a very familiar looking lombax for the past minute or so. They were so oddly familiar in a place that was widely foreign to the hero that he found he couldn’t look away, at least not until his better sense kicked in. 
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     “Sorry ‘bout that, I didn’t mean t’ stare,” he quickly apologized, shaking his head and the urge away. “You just...look like someone I know, ‘s all.”
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pandorbax · 5 years
NAME: Kararaina
NICKNAME: Kara (tbh, i don't like my real name much but 6th generation of holding that name, just letting yous know :v)
FACECLAIM: Does my mum count? If not then Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure time) or Merlin (Seven Deadly Sins)
PRONOUNS: she, her
BIRTHDAY: May 23rd
AESTHETIC: Water, the colour blue, galaxy
THE LAST SONG YOU'VE LISTENED TO: Rihanna - "Stupid In Love"
FAVOURITE MUSE(S) YOU'VE WRITTEN: Eve Chamber and MCSM or Minecraft Story Mode (Eve is my main one atm)
WHAT INSPIRED YOU YO TAKE ON THIS MUSE: In 2005 after playing the first rac game, i had Eve's appearance in my head and gave her a name (which was the short meaning for evening or twilight) but couldn't draw her yet. In 2011, that's when i created her comparison to me cause i had no idea what to do until i met friends online whom told me all about ocs, otp, rp, etc... But as time flew by, i was so stuck in my thoughts and wondered what it'll be like for her to have her own personality for a change and me developing her characteristic change from the old Eve she once was. Now that i've learnt a lot, she has finally come out of her shell. Now i'm getting to the point where Eve and her friends are now involved in Anime style, but in my version (cause i like anime). Kittybax is similar to a lombax except her hands and feet are more primitive-like human hands and feet than the lombaxes.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE APSECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE: Her loyalty to her friends and her long lost brother, her kindness, her love of music (especially heavy metal and techno) and her 2 powers (water and [lightning - main power])
WHATS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING: Any king of music and anime movies (Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works), and maybe other movies (such as; The Lovely Bones, Just Like Heaven, The Light Between Oceans, etc...), fanfics
BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT MUSE: Think shes a hero and does everything on her own, even if the mission means "nearly to her death", and going back to her, "bad habits" again (locking herself away from everyone and the world).
TAGGED BY: @telubax
TAGGING: @adventruesofroalty, @vendra-the-space-witch if yous want and anyone else whoms reading this :3
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Merry Christmas~ Lombaxes x Human! Reader
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Requested by the lovely @Lillianwhite2203 on Wattpad."What about Ratchet, Alister, Clank and everything x reader? You can do whatever plot you want."
It's gonna be a human reader since there not metioned if the reader should be human or Lombax. kaden and Alister are alive in this one.
Note: the art goes to the owner!
It was a peaceful holiday in Veldin. It was in fact Christmas. Do even people in this planet celebrate holidays? Yes, because why not? Families and friends need to spend time with eachtother, right? Y/N lives with Ratchet, Clank and Grimroth in a garage. It was quite hard to live there instead in a house or apartment. But, meh, it was fine.
Christmas can be a wonderful holiday to celebrate. Kids open presents, even adults. People sit together and eat, chat, etc. Normally, there wouldn't be snow in hot places like Veldin and Gaspar, but do you know what happened? Something magical! There was snow in Veldin!
Y/N was surprised to see snow outside once she woke up in the morning. She couldn't believe once she saw snow! The sight was very beautiful. Not everyone loved snow, but it can be fun! You can do snowball fights, make angels, build snowmans and other stuff.
Right now, Y/N and Ratchet were in fact outside just playing in the snow. Adults can play too, you know? It doesn't matter if it was a adult or a kid. Everyone can have fun. Y/N and Ratchet were wearing warm clothes to keep theirselves warm from the snow. Clank was busy helping Grim decorating the tree that was inside the garage. Y/N and Ratchet promised to help later. Grim decided to let them play in the snow, since they need fun times too.
"Look at them. There were toddlers when I took them in and now they're adults. Such old times," Grim said with a smile while watching Ratchet and Y/N play.
"I agree, Grim. When I first met them, they were living in normal lives, but when they became heroes, they've changed in good ways," Clank explained.
Outside, a Lombax and a human were laughing while laughing and throwing snowballs at eachother. They were running and hiding too. They even build their own hide-outs so that they can hide and watch for any upcoming attacks from eachother.
Ratchet peaked his head out and was checking to see if Y/N had planning to do any upcoming attacks. He was looking for her. But what he doesn't know was that his human friend was behind him. Not right behind him, but standing 2 meters away.
"Hey, Fuzzball!" Y/N called out to her Lombax friend.
Ratchet was shocked to hear her voice behind him. How did she do that? She had her ways. He looked behind her to see her, but only to meet snow on his face. Y/N threw snowball!
Y/N bursted out laughing. She caught him good! She continued to laugh, but didn't knew that her Lombax friend was someone to be not messed around with.
"Come here!" Ratchet suddenly said and ran right up to her. He was just being playfull, not angry.
Y/N screamed playfully and started to run. Veldin had big and open places so it was big enough space to have fun.
"No no no no no no no!" Y/N shouted playfully.
She really tried her best to run fast and escape, but she was becoming tired from running that she was slowing down. Her Lombax friend was fast since heroes were trained very well. Ratchet then tackled Y/N on the snow, causing her to squeal in surprise.
"Ratchet!" She was even blushing a bit.
Ratchet laughed a bit and then smirked. "Pay back. You're messing with a wrong Lombax."
Y/N giggled nervously.
Ratchet was close to her. He leaned down, still smirking. He did saw that Y/N was nervous, but he will never hurt her. The Lombax had a big, warm and kind heart. Ratchet then suddenly nuzzled Y/N's face with his like a cat. Heck, he even purrs!
Y/N giggled and her gloved hand reached to his ear. There were differences between a female and a male Lombax. Males have tails and bigger ears, while the females had smaller ears and have no tail at all. However, some females can be born with big ears and tail like male Lombaxes have. It can be mistaken as a male, while in reality it's a female. Y/N finds them very interesting and special when females look a lot like males (A/N: What I mean is by when females' ears are big like males and have tail. Think about Sofie Spangenberg for example.)
Once Y/N's hand reached to his ear, she pets him, causing him to purr louder. Y/N even scratched him gently. Ratchet's tail was wagging slightly, causing Y/N to giggle. Let's just say that they do that for a while. They only do it when they're alone. Ratchet would go to her and snuggle up to her body, asking for attention. Y/N didn't mind. In fact, she finds it so cute.
They continued having their loving doving moment, until...
"Ratchet? Y/N? Come inside! Tonight we will have visitors!" Grim called.
Ratchet and Y/N blushed bright red and the Lombax got off of Y/N. He then helped her up and brushed snow off her back. Y/N smiled at him and he smiled back. Then they walked back together to the garage.
The visitors are someone that Ratchet knew. His biogical dad and godfather. Ratchet's dad was Kaden and the godfather was Alister.  His dad couldn't take his son back to Fastoon, where everything was ruined, destroyed and gone. Well, Kaden managed to rebuild some parts of his home town together with his best friend. Whole Fastoon isn't rebuild and it would probably take years to complete it. Alister had his own place since Fastoon isn't his home place anymore ever since he bertrayed his team. But he was still had permission to visit Fastoon. Kaden forgave him since his best friend understood his mistake.
Y/N doesn't knew who Kaden and Alister were. She did heard stories, but never met them. She had no idea that the visitors were Kaden and Alister.
Once Y/N and Ratchet were inside, Grim and Clank stood infront of them with small boxes.
"We need your help. Decorate the walls," Grim explained while he gave the small box to Ratchet. Clank gave the other small box to Y/N.
"Understood," Y/N said.
The Lombax and Y/N walked randomly in the garage and they started decorating the walls. Y/N isn't gonna lie, the garage looks very bored without decoratings. She wants to decorate the place somehow. Like posters of the garage or other stuff.
An hour passed by and everything was decorated. The place looked more nice, fun and especially welcoming. The visitors should be here soon. Oh yeah, did I forgot to metion that Felton will be coming over as well? Why not? Felton was Grim's brother. Felton lived in Pokitaru. One of the most beautiful planets in Solana Galaxy. Some planets look dangerous to go and explore, some planets look perfect to live in and some planets look fun and save to adventure. Novalis looked a lot like planet Earth. Novalis was the home planet of Cora. Planet Earth was located in Milky Way. That's the home planet of humans.
Y/N was dressed beautiful in a red dress. She doesn't weer high heels, just normal shoes since Y/N wasn't a big fan dressing fabulous. But since it's Christmas, she had to look good. She wasn't the only one. Ratchet was dressed good as well. A nice suit with black shoes. He wasn't the only one. Clank and Grim were wearing suits and black shoes as well. Everyone looked very good.
Once Y/N entered the room, Ratchet's jaw dropped a bit in shock. He never saw Y/N that beautiful before! Sure, she looked normal in her usual clothes and in her hero clothes when she was working, but never anything like that!
Y/N looked at him with a smile. "What?"
"N-Nothing, you look just... s-so beautiful." How sweet!
Y/N blushed and pecks his cheek as a thank you. "Thanks, Fuzzball. You look very good as well." She smiled.
Ratchet smiled back and scratched behind his head shyly. He can be shy sometimes.
Then suddenly Grim and Clank walked up to them with Felton and... two male Lombaxes? Y/N was shocked once she saw two male Lombaxes. She never expected to see more Lombaxes. She did met Angela Cross, a female Lombax that suddenly dissapeared without leaving a trace. No one knew where she did go.
Y/N went to Felton and hugged him. Felton chuckled and smiled while hugging her back. "Nice to see you too, girl." He pulled away. "Look at you. You've grown up into a beautiful young woman."
"Thanks, uncle." Y/N smiled. Yes, since Grim was Y/N's adopted dad, that ment that Felton was her adopted uncle.
Y/N then looked at the Lombaxes she never saw. One looked a lot like Ratchet. Ratchet didn't had stripes on his cheeks while the Lombax who looked a lot like him did. Heck, they even had same emerald eyes! The other Lombax was white with red stipes. He even had yellow eyes. They both even wear suits with black shoes of course.
"Y/N, meet Alister Azimuth and Kaden, Ratchet's biogical dad," Grim explained.
Y/N was shocked. Kaden was Ratchet's biogical dad?! That explained why they look so much alike!
She smiled kindly and shook Kaden's hand first. "Hello."
Kaden smiled back and greeted back as well. "Hello."
Once they both realised their hands, Y/N looked at Alister with a smile and shook his hand as well. But he did something shocking. Alister raised Y/N's hand gently and kissed her palm. Aaaw, what a gentleman! This affection caused Y/N to blush.
"General Alister Azimuth. Four-Bolt Magistrate of the Lombax Praetorian Guard. Elder Councilman for the Center for Advanced Lombax Research. And you, my dear girl, you look beautiful." Alister smiled like a gentleman.
Y/N blushed even redder. "T-Thank you, General."
"Just Alister is fine, my dear."
Then he let go of her hand.
Then the party began. Everyone were chatting, laughing, drinking, eating and even opening presents. Some of them got cool tools, clothes, decoratings... Y/N got beautiful clothes and even flowers.
Y/N walked towards the table where food and drinks were and grabbed an empty glass. She poured water in it since she wasn't an alcoholic. Good that at least Grim had water, juices and other safe drinks that wasn't alcohol. The snacks looked very delicious and the food looked so good that you want to taste it. Y/N grabbed a Christmas cookie and starts eating.
She was just watching everyone having fun, until a father Lombax came up to her. It was Kaden. "Hey."
Y/N looked at Kaden and smiled. "Hey, Kaden. How's the party going?"
"Good. I just came to drink water and eat a Christmas cookie. How about you?"
Kaden shows a tiny smile. "I enjoy it as well. I've been watching others having fun." He then looked at his son, who was talking to his godfather, Alister." Especially my son."
Y/N was curious about something. She wasn interested about Kaden's past. She was explained by Grim that he found Ratchet at the garage door as a baby. Ratchet was once the only Lombax in Solana Galaxy, until he came across Angela. She was the only female Lombax in Solana. It was a bit strange, because Ratchet didn't knew that Angela was his kind (or race). But Angela was no more. She's just... gone. Out there somewhere.
"Kaden, can I ask a question?"
Kaden looked at Y/N. "Sure."
"I don't want to be rude or make you uncomforable, but... how did Ratchet get here? I read in a book that Lombaxes home planet is Fastoon, that is located in Polaris."
Kaden's smile dropped by the question. He did explained to Alister what he did to Ratchet once he found his best friend. Alister was understanding. When Ratchet was born, it was the best moment for him. He was just so happy to have a kid with his beloved wife. Sadly, a few months later after Ratchet was born, Emperor Percival Tachyon attacked the planet with his army he build. That evil Cragmite grew hate on Lombaxes when he found out that they won the war. Well, Lombaxes are very strong and they had 5 fingers. Just like humans. When Fastoon was alive, some Lombaxes found a Cragmite egg, who was Tachyon himself. The Lombaxes took the egg and took care of it like a family member (A/N: I'm sorry if I'm wrong. It's been a long time since I heard the about Fastoon.
When Tachyon was born and growing up, he found out about his race and what Lombaxes did. He grew a lot of hate on them that he build his own army in secret. Not a single Lombax knew. Kaden, Alister and some other Lombaxes were once in a meeting room with Tachyon. Man, that evil Cragmite was a horrible lair. He introduced his technology to them and lied to them. The Lombaxes believed him, except for one Lombax. Kaden himself. Kaden knew that something was off. He warned Alister about it, but he didn't listen. And thanks to that, Alister did a horrible mistake that he got banned. Kaden even gave him a punch on the face for that!
Ever since Ratchet was born, Kaden chose Alister to be his godfather. Kaden really tried to give his son agood life, but ever since Tachyon attacked, he had to help his kind. Some Lombaxes were hiding, saved or killed. The Lombaxes used the Dimensionator to escape to their own Lombax dimension. Sadly, Ratchet's mother was killed while she protected the Dimensionator. Good that she hid Ratchet into a safe place. When Kaden found out that his wife was dead, he immediatly got his son and he managed to send his son to Solana Galaxy. The ship crashed in Veldin.
If you're wondering how Kaden survived then don't ask me. He had his ways. Kaden managed to build some part of Fastoon with others. It'll take years to re-build their planet back. Kaden was so proud of his son once Grim send him a message that Ratchet defeated Tachyon. Alister got the same message.
"... When Ratchet was born, it was the best moment of my life. Me and his mother were so happy. I chose Alister to be my son's godfather. But some months after my son was born, Tachyon attacked Fastoon with his army, killing many Lombaxes that were unlucky to escape. The others that escaped, used the Dimensionator to escape. I helped them. But when I came back for my wife and son, my wife was already gone... She protected the Dimensionator. She hid Ratchet in a safe place so I came for my son. Once I got him, I found a ship, set him down with info and OmniWrench, then I send the ship to Solana Galaxy, in hope that someone would take care of my son."
Y/N was shocked by the story. She felt so sorry for the Lombaxes. She couldn't believe what Tachyon did... at least he isn't alive anymore.
"I-I'm so sorry, Kaden..."
Kaden showed a soft small smile. "It's fine. It's in the past. I'm glad that my son defeated him. He is like the chosen one to defeat him. I wish that my wife was here to see our son..." His ears dropped a bit into sadness.
Y/N placed her hand on shoulder and gave him a warm smile. "His mom would be very happy to see her son alive and well. She's proud that her son defeated Tachyon. Your wife will be always in your heart and even Ratchet's."
Kaden smiled warmly. "Thanks. You remind me of my wife. She was a smart Lombax with strong comfort words. She would do anything to protect and help her loved ones. Just like you."
Y/N blushed a bit. She had no idea that she reminds Kaden of his dead wife that was also Ratchet's mother.
Suddenly Kaden hugged her very gently. "Thank you so much for helping and keeping my son safe. It means a lot to me and my wife."
Y/N hugged him back with a smile. "Your welcome."
Then they seperated and only smiled at eachother. Y/N was happy to make Kaden happy. She wasn't gonna lie. She's happy that she met Alister and Kaden. Then Y/N and Kaden joined others and they all had fun by spending time with eachother.
I hope you like the one shot! I tried my best by giving the reader attention since it's called Lombaxes.
The Reader will be a human or a Lombax. It's up to you. The requests will be accepted with plots. 
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rorykillmore · 6 years
okay so it’s @propheticnightwing‘s birthday today!!  she didn’t really ask for anything because her family’s keeping her busy but i wanted to make sure she got a little gift anyway, so i wrote a little bit of rp fic!
this is... in honor of ratchet/naruto, a panfandom ship that she and jay have working hard to build up to and that has been a long time coming. i figured with me potentially dropping sara soon, we might not get a whole lot of time to have her react to it, so i did this instead. i hope you enjoy it fate <3 ratchet and the legends have become so important to me over the years
It’s the morning after Valentine’s Day, and some of the glow is finally starting to wear off. Sara guesses she’s never been particularly good at allowing herself to be happy for too long, even here. The years she’s spent in this world still feel surreal in plenty of ways, least of all this one: the fact that she gets a shot at a stable relationship with Nyssa.
It’s something that would’ve been about a thousand times more complicated (if not impossible) at home. They both know that. So there’s always a lingering ‘but’ hanging over even days like yesterday, although Sara has gotten better at not lingering on them until mornings like this one.
Speaking of days like yesterday, though.
She hears someone come padding into the Waverider’s galley from where she sits at the table, sipping her usual morning coffee. Just instinctively (it’s an ex-assassin thing) Sara has trained herself to distinguish between the footfall patterns of everyone currently living on the Waverider, so she doesn’t even have to turn around to place the soft, almost silent feet as Ratchet’s.
Much to her bemusement, she hears something skitter and crash, and turns to see that Ratchet has collided with the counter out of apparent surprise at seeing her. The crash had resulted from the two clean coffee mugs he had just knocked onto the floor -- now broken. Sara raises her eyebrows. 
“Uh -- shoot, sorry!” Ratchet stammers, looking slightly aghast at the mess he’s made.  “I wasn’t -- I didn’t see you there. Sorry.”
Sara sips at her coffee noncommittally. “It’s like I don’t even have to try to sneak up on you these days. Careful with the broken glass.” His weird Lombax feet are barefoot this morning, after all.
“I’ll just... go find something to clean this up with,” Ratchet mutters, half-turning to exit the room.
“Ratchet. Hang on a sec.” He pauses, ears twitching as he glances back at her, and Sara continues,  “What’s got you all jumpy this morning?”
He hesitates, and Sara feels even more inwardly perplexed. Then she remembers the note he left her yesterday.  “Is this about your little fair date with Naruto?”
Ratchet looks so startled that in the next moment, Sara wishes she’d been a little more tactful.  “Is that not what we’re calling it?” she adds, a bit belatedly.
“No, I, uh -- it’s just --”  Ratchet rubs the back of his head briefly. “I didn’t... think you knew.”
If Sara’s being honest, she’s known for a very long time. Hell, she might be willing to bet she’s known longer than they have -- if she hadn’t picked up on it back on the Woodstock mission last year, it would’ve been impossible to miss how much it had hurt Naruto when Ratchet had gone back to his world.
“I’m the Captain. It’s my job to know things,” she states simply with another sip of her coffee. “Plus, y’know, you two sneaking off to an amusement park, alone together, on Valentine’s Day isn’t exactly Guys Being Dudes.”
“Guys Being -- ?” Ratchet evidently ultimately decides not to question that any further. He shakes his head. “He, uh. He asked me to go with him. I had no idea...”
“But you like him too,” Sara prompts gently. “Right?”
Ratchet gives her a sheepish smile, and though it isn’t visible, Sara imagines his cheeks are probably heating up beneath his fur. “Yeah, I -- of course. I like him a lot.”
Well. Romance aboard the Waverider has always been a bit messy, so by their standards, Sara supposes two teens circling around their crush isn’t even that dramatic. She smiles at him a little more warmly.  “Then I’m glad he asked you. And I’m glad you agreed to go.”
Ratchet shifts his weight briefly, but his ears do what Sara has come to recognize as a happy twitch.  “You don’t think it’ll get in the way of... uh, you know. Team stuff?”
Sara makes a point of rolling her eyes.  “Trust me, this ship has seen way worse inter-team romances than you two.”  She thinks briefly of Amaya and Nate, and then how much she misses Kendra. And Snart.  “Don’t worry about that. Just, you know... take it easy. You two have all the time in the world to figure this out -- no pun intended.”
Ratchet grins at her briefly, and then finally moves from his uncertain position at the other end of the galley -- sidestepping the mess of broken glass to come sit next to her at the table.  “It’s... different with him than it was with Heather.”
“Yeah?” Sara sets down her mug and rests her chin in one hand.  
“Yeah. I don’t really know how to explain it, it just feels more like -- like I’m seeing everything better.”
Sara’s smile turns soft.
It’s February 15th. Ratchet’s birthday is tomorrow, she realizes.
He’s done a lot of growing up. She can still see in his eyes the young teenager she first met two years ago, poking around her ship without permission. But at the same time, so much as changed.
“Kara would be proud of you,” she tells him a little more quietly.  
Ratchet’s expression shifts, briefly, some of the warmth and excitement is replaced by something a little more lost and sad.  “You really think so?”
“You know she would.” Sara pauses.  “I still have a pretty good feeling you’re gonna get to tell her all about it someday.”
About a hundred different complicated things pass over Ratchet’s face in that moment, and she knows he won’t be able to put most of them into words. But when he finally smiles at her again, it’s even warmer. And strangely more confident.  “Yeah. So do I.”
Sara’s not sure she can take much credit for the person Ratchet has become. For the relationship that’s blossomed under the roof of this ship, forged by all that he and Naruto have been through together. But she still feels proud.
Leaning a little towards him, she drops some of the seriousness of the moment and favors something a little more teasing.  “In the meantime, though, I expect you to give me the deets.”
And Ratchet laughs more brightly than she’s heard him do since the rifts brought him back, and as she watches and listens to the animated way he starts to delve into the story of his date, Sara reassures herself with the growing feeling that one way or another, they’re all going to be okay.
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