#i had never felt safer with a man in my LIFE
one-winged-dreams · 5 months
I'm definitely going to have to add Wedge as a platonic after that dream I just had.
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ragingbookdragon · 5 months
It comes as somewhat a surprise when the others realize that something has obviously happened between their resident Lieutenant and Private, as she’s quick to fall silent whenever he appears, and even more so make herself scare when she can when he’s around. It’s only the third time that Soap sees it that he says something, because if he doesn’t no one else will, and where’s the fun in that?
He watches her duck her head and leave the break room, Gaz, Soap, Price, and Ghost sitting alone at the breakfast table conversing over soggy cereal and cooling tea; Soap pushes a piece of bacon on his plate and asks, “Trouble in paradise, Lt?” the corner of his mouth arches with a slight grin when he hears the warning grunt come from Ghost.
“Seems like it,” he retorts, taking a sip of his coffee. “What’d ya do? Tell her ta fuck off?”
“Drop it, MacTavish,” Ghost warns darkly. “Nothing’s wrong.”
This time, Gaz jumps in. “C’mon, Lt., it’s obvious that something’s wrong. I mean, she won’t even look at you, let alone say anything unless you speak first.”
“An’ she’s callin’ ‘im ‘sir.’” Soap adds, pointing at him. “Christ, Lt., ya musta done a number on ‘er. Poor Puffin. So sweet and kind. Broke ‘er heart ya did.”
Price can tell that Ghost is close to snapping at the both of them but gets to it before he does. “Soap, Gaz, go catalogue our inventory for the mission next week.”
“Aw, but we already d—” Soap falls silent when Price shoots him a look and quietly grumbles to himself as he grabs his plate and cup, Gaz following in suit.
It’s only until the two soldiers are alone that Price asks, “What did happen, Simon?”
Ghost lets out a long sigh and rolls his head back, staring at the ceiling. “Pretty much told ‘er to fuck off.”
Price watches quietly as Ghost begins rattling to himself—he’s never really had to ask the man to explain himself. All he’s gotta do is prompt him to do so and Ghost does the rest.
“I just got mad. She’s always ‘round and practically up my arse, and I got caught up and instead of ‘andlin’ it properly, I shoved my fucking foot in my mouth and scalped her.” He rubs a hand over his face. “I meant to be gentler but once I started, I couldn’t stop. It just kept comin’ out. And now she fuckin’ hates me.”
He pulls his hand down and looks up at Price with a scowl—the man is smiling at him, but it’s that stupid smile that means more than Ghost wants to admit it does.
“Quit that.”
“You care about her,” Price murmurs, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, though his admonish is still harsh. “And instead of telling her how you felt like a grown adult, you took the ten-year-old way out and decided to be a cunt to her.”
“I didn’t mean to be such a cunt.”
“But the fact of the matter is that you did, and you’ve screwed up team fluidity and cohesion.” He looks at him. “You know a team divided—”
“Can’t stand,” Ghost finishes with an even worse scowl. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” He looks away. “I just don’t know how to even start tryin’ to fix it.”
“Well, apologizing might be a good start,” Price rumbles with a grin. “She’s a good kid, Simon. Her heart’s in the right place, even if it’s a bit much at times. Shows she cares. More than most do in our line of work. She’s a rare one.”
“I know,” he admits in a much, much softer tone. “I just don’t want her to lose that doin’ this.” His eyes meet Price’s, and they hold such a misery. “Look at us, Price,” he mutters, gesturing between them. “Middle age, unmarried, no kids, too fucked up for anything like that. She doesn’t…” he clenches his jaw. “She deserves a better path, a safer path, than this life. She deserves to go out and have a life where she comes home to a family.”
“That’s not your choice to make, son,” he replies gently, but there’s a firmness to it. “If this is what she wants to do, then she will. We can’t make her get out of service.”
Ghost growls low in his throat. “She has so much more potential than being cannon fodder. She could do somethin’ with her life. Somethin’ good. Somethin’ that won’t have her dying face down in the sand with a bullet wound in the back.”
Price simply watches him.
“But she’s so fuckin’ stupid. She wants to be here. She wants to spend whatever time she has dodgin’ bullets and wakin’ up every night in sweat ‘cause she can’t escape the dreams. No one wants to do this. We don’t want to do this. We do this because we have to. But her? She’s happy here.” He lowers his voice, it’s as if he’s in disbelief. “She’s happy here.” He looks at Price. “Why? Why is she so happy here?”
It's another long moment before Price speaks.
“You hear, son, but you don’t listen.” He moves the cup on the saucer. “She bounced around homes growing up, scraped by on the skin of her teeth. She has no one. But here, she has something. She has people who care for her, if nothing else, they won’t let her die alone.”
“Oh what? So, it’s found family bullshit?” Ghost spits. “If she dies, at least the team would mourn her?”
“Isn’t that what you’ve done too?” he replies, and Ghost falls silent. “People like Gaz, Soap, and myself are different than you and she are, Simon. We have homes. We’ve had families that have loved us, that do love us. But you two? Simon, you’ve made a home where you’ve had to. Made a family out of people you’ve bled for, would gladly bleed for. You’ve made something that’s yours. You made a family for yourself. And so did she. She’s made us her family. The one she never had the privilege to call her own.”
Price lets out a quiet hum, and pats his thighs, standing up and pushing his chair in.
“Think on what I’ve said, son. And if nothing else, apologize and leave it at that. Put the ball in her court and let her make the next move.”
As he walks off, he hears, “And if she doesn’t want it?”
He tosses a knowing look over his shoulder. “I’m sure she’ll take it.” His eyes twinkle as he adds, “Takes an awful strong woman to care about a man like you.”
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a-b-riddle · 19 days
Okay, but having to explain “the bear vs the man trend” to the 141.
CW: Sexism, harm against women.
Johnny’s immediate reaction is the man. “The man’d be easier to kill. Dinnae ken if I could fight a bear.” He answers. “But what kind of bear is it?”
You have to explain that killing either is not an option. The prompt is would you feel safer in the woods with a man or a bear.
Gaz asks if the man is armed because that could play into a factor for him. You say both have the ability to inflict harm to you and kill you. Now you just straight up ask which one?
Simon would unfortunately understand why you chose the bear, but waits until you have to spell it out for the others.
"As a woman, the worst thing a bear could do to me was kill me." You explain. You tell them about some of the other things women felt when choosing a bear.
The bear would look at me and see a human.
The bear would kill me for survival. The man would kill me for pleasure.
I trust my dead body with a bear more than I do a man.
They say nothing as you read the reasonings out loud. They understand your reasoning and the subject changes.
It's not until it's close to ten in the evening that you see Captain who was the coincidentally missing turning the hangout with the others earlier.
"Captain," you greet. "Is everything okay?" You can't help but notice the crease between his brows. The worried look in his eyes that gives him away.
“Just, a quick question if you don't mind." He said, waiting for confirmation to continue. You nod, curious as to why he had come all the way to your barracks.
"I spoke to the lads and well-" He clears his throat. "Hypothetically, if we were in the woods,” Price began, feeling foolish for asking you, but needing to know. “You’d pick us? Knowing it was us and who wer are. Right?” His question was more than just would you choose them over the bear.
Did you trust them?
In truth, you trusted them with your life. They had your back time and time again and you just never got that vibe from them. They were never "boys being boys" in the same way you had grown up knowing men to be.
"Boys being boys" around here was when one of the shadows had made a sexist remark so Johnny sneaking into their bathrooms and giving one of their three toilets an upper decker.
Ghost had played bodyguard after that, ensuring none of them dared to fuck with you.
Kyle had went into psychological warfare by finding pictures of the women they had back home and printing out the photos and hanging them up all over the base.
And Price had some choice words with Graves ensuring that the next one of his men to step out of line would get a fucking bullet to the head.
There weren't many men in this world who ever made you feel safe not only as a fellow soldier, but as a woman.
"Yeah," you reply. "I'd choose you."
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autistichalsin · 2 months
Some of my favorite, understated moments with heartbreaking implications for Halsin
1. Halsin threatening to turn into a mouse in the epilogue if the player brags about his achievements- he's so shy and humble that just being acknowledged for LITERALLY BUILDING A COMMUNE HIMSELF makes him want to hide. A mouse is a very symbolic choice here: not only easy to hide, but also easily overlooked and forgotten. The idea of his accomplishments being acknowledged is so terrifying for him that he wants to turn into an animal no one will notice, instead of his usual strong, large, noticeable bear.
2. "Sometimes, I think people look at me and imagine my feelings can't be hurt." This isn't the kind of thing that happens after one or two people act like jerks. This is years and years of cruel treatment, of his emotions being demeaned and mocked because of his size. Of people judging him before even meeting him- and forming an entirely wrong view of him. Halsin is a bighearted, tender, sentimental man, yet because he's big... Well, big people don't have feelings, surely. /s
3. "You and I may struggle to go unnoticed in such environs, Karlach[...] Folk of our stature can be a lure for drunkards seeking a brawl, I have found," combined with, "There is a particular discomfort to besting one you know to be weaker than yourself - even when needs must," from a different scene. People have sought him out and fought him because of his size (which had to have been terrifying, especially the first time), and he feels guilty when he takes out someone he knows is weaker, even if they STARTED it. How many times has the poor guy been traveling and then had to defend himself against someone 1/2 his size, making HIM look like the asshole to onlookers, and reinforcing that whole "people think I can't be hurt" thing?
4. "It was always destined to be so, if we prevailed. But the foreknowledge makes it no less bittersweet..." (About the players' paths diverging post brain battle), combined with "I see... After all my years of living, I know all too well that nothing lasts forever. Yet a parting can sting, nonetheless," if the player breaks up with him in the ending. This poor guy was having the time of his life adventuring with the group (and possibly falling in love there) yet never believed it would truly last (because of his abandonment issues). And then to have it confirmed.... he must have felt so awful in that moment, even if he was being dignified about it.
5. "You came for me... thank you. I feared Orin's accursed smile would be the very last sight I beheld," when Halsin is freed from Orin, combined with, "Orin's blades. I hoped my friends would save me..." If he is killed by Orin instead and Speak With the Dead is used on his corpse. The tone of his voice in the first line, especially added to that bit in the second... he never thought the player was coming to save him. He HOPED they would. Not "believed". Hoped. He thought he was going to die there- just like how he was in the Underdark for THREE YEARS and no one came to save him. And if it's confirmed... Yeah. That. (Sidenote: if you ask his corpse if he has any regrets, he says not telling Thaniel and Oliver goodbye, and not getting to see their land flourish. :( My heart. :( )
6. "I... have not had true confidantes for some time. The Shadow Curse robbed me of almost all my peers, and replaced them with the weight of responsibility. Perhaps that caused me to gild undeserving memories of my youth." Halsin was so miserable and stressed being Archdruid that he romanticized his past as a sex slave, viewing it as a safer, even happier alternative. There were actually times when Halsin thought he might rather be a sex slave than continue to be Archdruid. In a sense, for the 100 years the Shadow Curse was around, Halsin was just as much a prisoner as Thaniel was in the Shadowfell, but Halsin's prison had invisible bars. The Shadow Curse took away his entire support system, and being Archdruid forced him to be the strong one, always, never allowed to be weak or scared, forced him to take control of situations when he hated it, forced him to spend his time sorting out people instead of being in nature. And he was MISERABLE. For 100 years.
7. "You understand me almost perfectly. Only my late mother may have bested you." (Said if you get one question wrong at the love dryad test). He misses his mama. :( Especially when you consider that if you steal Balthazar's "Mother Dearest" and taunt him about it, Halsin disapproves (and is the only one to do so), while returning her gets you approval (which only Halsin approves of). And then the line when you look into a mirror while controlling him, "more like my father, with each passing day..." He really misses them. :(
8. "I am loathe to see anyone behind bars. It reminds me of my time as a guest of the goblins." He is, secretly, still quite traumatized from his time in the goblin pens, but he brushes it off. Just like every OTHER time he is hurt.
9. "I am aware [of having a habit of getting captured]. Perhaps I put too much faith in my skills of negotiation, or want to see good where there is none. It would be easy to resort to nature's fury whenever something stood in my way, yet I cannot help but feel I would be sullying the Oak Father's gifts. Naive perhaps... but I still draw breath." Halsin is aware he gets hurt often because of his desire to see good in people until he has no other choice, but refuses to give up anyway (which is backed up by that letter Gut had on her where she reveals Halsin TRIED to help the goblins, saying he could cure them of their tadpoles, only to be thrown in the cage, with Gut threatening to have his stomach cut open and maggots placed inside it.) Further, even though he is an Archdruid, and one of the most devoted, and explicitly has Silvanus's favor (Halsin says that gaining his favor was the only way he was able to open the portal to the Shadowfell), he still constantly worries about using Silvanus's powers, to the point of wondering if an actual threat to his safety actually merits using his powers. Which... combined with some other stuff, reads like one hell of a problem with self-worth.
10. "At least you were not present. Grim as [the ruined battlefield] is now, it was worse on the day of the battle. A vivid wound upon my memory[...] I was lucky - I lived, when so many did not. It would take me a day and a night to recite the names of all the friends I lost" combined with, "I was [present when the Shadow Curse was unleashed]. Part of my spirit was shorn away from me here, and never left," and, if Last Light falls, "All gone... devoured by the shadows. Oak Father preserve us, it's just like a hundred years ago[...] We are [still standing]. Yet there is a burden to being the survivor... the witness to others' tragedies. It only grows heavier with time." He has so much PTSD and survivor guilt from the Shadow Curse. :( No wonder it's all he can think about- to the point that some of the other companions even get annoyed at him for his obsession.
11. "I never quite realised how burdened I was, until I met you. The threat of the shadow curse, the politics of the grove... I was forgetting who I was, but you lifted the fog. Thank you." Not only does this tie in with the above, with his PTSD from the curse and his utter misery at being Archdruid, but this HEAVILY implies Halsin had depression. Like... that "fog" line hits HARD if you have or have had depression, because that's exactly what it feels like. And the "forgetting who I was" bit too. Not just losing his sense of self to the depression, but to the neverending responsibilities of being Archdruid. I keep repeating myself, but damn, this guy has really and truly spent an entire century being absolutely MISERABLE. :(
12. "Forgive me. I... lost the run of myself. Sometimes, if blood runs hot enough, it's difficult to tame the beast." With that little disgusted groan/sigh, the fury and disgust at himself visible on his face, and the way he rushes to get out the rest of it- he thinks he fucked up so badly that you're about to leave him, maybe forever. And then if you reject him after this? "Ah... I see. Well, of course. Back to camp then." He has the most heartbroken look on his face here, and the way he says "of course" like he just... knew this was coming the instant he accidentally wildshaped. He felt that the first time he let ANY of his imperfections show, the player would leave him. :(
13. "Death is nature's final slumber - it awaits us all. Do not punish yourself over those lost, or give in to despair - not while there are still folk in need of your help." (Said to a Dark Urge if they tell him they're not much of a hero and most people needing them end up dead) Not only is Halsin speaking from experience here, but it's very clear he is STILL doing exactly what he tells Durge not to do, to himself- punishing himself over those who were lost, struggling with devastating survivor guilt.
14. "The grove has cut itself off from the world, to jealously guard its own little pocket of nature. No one shall ever enter or leave again. And I have been evicted from the very place I was charged to safeguard. A telling summary of my time as Archdruid, perhaps..." If the Grove is sealed and you ask him about it later, this is what he says. Interesting that he views being evicted from the place he was in charge of protecting to be a "telling summary." He was forced to take the leadership role there, and yet it was clear he wasn't wanted or respected by a great number of the Druids (exempting Nettie, Rath, and Apikusis). He got a truly thankless job that took damn near EVERYTHING from him emotionally/mentally, causing him to develop depression and causing him to backslide in his previous healing from his trauma from his time as a sex slave, he still gave EVERYTHING to the Grove, and in return...... almost none of his Druids appreciated or even liked him. (I could seriously write at least five metas about how obviously miserable Halsin was at the Grove, despite caring for it deeply).
15. "You could have done anything, gone with anyone... yet you chose me." Said at the epilogue to a solo romanced player who went to the commune with him. There's so many layers of heartbreak here. He is still surprised, six months later, that the player chose him. He even thinks the player will regret it, and will decide they want an adventurer's life after all after seeing everyone else. He doesn't think he is good enough- doesn't think he deserves the player, and yet at the same time he loves them so much that he is heartbroken over the possibility they might agree with him. He thinks that given a chance, there is little chance they would actually choose him again. (He is put at ease quickly when the player promises they picked him for a reason, but even the explanation he gives for why he was so worrie is heartbreaking- that he's so used to a tumultuous life that he thinks something must go wrong. He has been so traumatized so many times over the years that he just has almost no ability to think that true happiness is possible [or deserved] for him.) Something about that is just heartbreaking, even though his ending is one of the happiest of any of the companions.
Someone give this sweet bear man a hug, please :(
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bountydroid · 2 months
Darlin' pt 4
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 5
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (Slowburn romance)
Description: Reader realizes her growing feelings for her traveling companion in Filly.
Notes: Okay, so I am SO proud of this part. Please let me know what you guys think. 
TW: Kinda angsty at the end.
"Find somethin' to do," Cooper says as he makes himself comfortable on a chair, watching the store across from him carefully. 
I huffed and crossed my arms before looking around. "A new shirt would be nice." I thought to myself as I looked down at my mud-covered clothing.
"You got any extra caps?" I asked, leaning up against the side of his chair.
"No." He responds shortly. 
I hummed in response. Just as I started to walk away I felt him grab my wrist, "Don't get into any trouble darlin'." He said, smirking, "Wouldn't want a repeat of last time. You'll scare away my target." 
Embarrassment crept up into my cheeks, "I'll be good." I mumbled. I was not sure If I was telling that to myself or him. Probably both to be honest, but it seemed to satisfy him as he let go of my arm. The last thing I wanted to do was mess up this job for him. He was finally warming up to me, and the idea of ruining that ate at the back of my mind.
Filly was an interesting town. It was packed to the brim with fiends and travelers alike. I couldn't help the nervousness that settled in my stomach as I got farther and farther away from my newfound companion. I felt safe with him, safer than I have ever felt in my life. Most people would think that strange. Safe with a ghoul? I thought back to the man who called me a freak for being with the ghoul as I blushed. He thought we were together. A couple. Butterflies found their way into my stomach as I thought about the possibility. Romance was something that I never thought I would experience beyond the tattered books my brother got me from a wandering trader.
"Stop being stupid, Y/n. He doesn't want you." I thought to myself.
Without any caps, I decided to find a place to sit and lay low. I was determined to stay out of trouble, so I found a nice tree to sit up against while I watched all the people go by. I found watching all the different kinds of people walk through extremely interesting. All different types of hair colors, hairstyles, clothing, and weapons. Not to mention odd couples, siblings, and partners. All the new experiences were overwhelming. I found myself sitting there watching for longer than expected. After I had my fill, I got up from the tree and started heading back to Cooper. 
"Right where I left you," I said to myself as his sitting form became clear. He had his hat covering most of his face, I assumed it was to avoid detection. The last town made it very clear that ghouls were not welcome.
As I made my over to him I saw his head tilt and his eyes peer up at me from under his hat. I smiled at him, "No trouble here."
He snorted in response as his eyes flickered over to the men wrestling each other across the way. "You might be the only one darlin'."
I leaned up against his chair again, letting some weight off of my feet. "My feet are-" I start to say before a person caught my eye. Her unique outfit and soft hair made her stand out from the rest of the crowd. 
"A vaultie," Cooper responds, anticipating my question before it even forms.
"Those are real?" I gasp before leaning forward, wanting to get closer to her. 
"Yeah, they are real." Cooper sighed as his hand shot back up to my arm. "Don't talk to her."
I frown but I keep quiet as I continue to watch her. He then kicked my foot gently to draw my attention back to him. "I mean it, darlin'."
"Fine," I say sighing as she disappears into the shop across the way. I felt sadness creep into my stomach as his hand dropped down to his lap and went back to fiddling with an empty Jet bottle. The butterflies from earlier returned as I thought about his touch. I bit my lip as I stared up at the sky.
"What has gotten into me?" I thought to myself.
We stayed there in silence for some time before a man and a dog came into town, making his way to the same shop the vaultie was in. I recognized him from the drawing. It was the bounty. I shifted in anticipation as he started making conversation with the vaultie at the front door.
"So now what?" I whispered, excitement laced in my voice. 
"Now... you find somewhere to hide," Cooper said back. "And you don't come out till' I say so, got it?"
I frowned, confused. "Hide?" 
"They ain't gonna let me just take him, darlin'." He responded, shifting in his seat as he readied for action.
The implication was clear. There was going to be another shootout. Not only was I unarmed, but I was unfamiliar with weapons altogether. Hiding was definitely the best course of action for me. 
"Right," I said as I looked around before making my way behind one of the buildings.
Once I was finally out of view I heard Cooper's familiar voice, "Whilzig!" He shouted.
I peeked around the corner to see him walking up to the bounty. At this point, they were too far away for me to hear. I could tell that the people of the town now saw him for what he was as all eyes were on him, a ghoul. "That is a lot of people." I thought to myself. I was starting to worry.
"Now last night a bounty came in through all six agencies!" He shouted again. 
I whipped back around and pressed myself to the building taking deep breaths as I tried to tamp down the panic in my chest. Once the first gunshot rang out I could hear the townspeople scrambling. "Maybe no one will give him any trouble?" I thought to myself. I was being naive again, but I didn't care.
"I got a thousand bottle caps for whoever kills that fucker!" I heard a woman scream out. "But you don't get shit if I kill him first."
"Shit," I whispered. I took one last deep breath before I peeked back around the building. I watched as Cooper moved in a circle, taking count of all the men lining up to fight for those caps. Our eyes met for a moment. While my eyes were filled with fear, his eyes were filled with confidence. He gave me a small smirk before continuing to circle around, waiting for someone to be brave enough to take a shot. 
Once the shots started, all hell broke loose. I could hear wood breaking and bodies being thrown. Some of the ammunition even made its way through the buildings and out the other side. 
In defense, I curled up in a ball on the ground. I was so worried about him that I didn't even realize that I could be shot too.
When there was a brief pause in gunfire, I fought the temptation to look out again. "Don't come out till I say so." His words echoed in my head.
As the shots started up again, I felt something pierce my arm. I fought the urge to shout in pain as tears started to run down my face. One of the men's shots went through the building and into my arm. I look down to see a nail and some wood splinters sticking out of me. 
"Fuck." I whimpered as I cradled the wound trying to take deep breaths.
As I did my best to steady my breathing I heard a robotic voice say, "She said stand down ghoul."
I look around the corner to see a knight making his way towards Cooper, "Knight Titus of the Brotherhood of Steel. Stand down, or be cut down."
I couldn't hear Cooper's response, but I saw a look of disbelief and amusement on his face. 
"Just do what he says, please," I whisper to myself. "Cooper." Just as I finish saying his name he lifts his gun at the girl and the knight makes a run towards her, jumping in front of her to take the bullet. 
I squeeze my teary eyes together as I turn back around. If Cooper was going to be killed by this knight. I didn't want to see it. 
Gunshots rang out again, this time it was just Cooper and the knight. To distract myself I looked back down at my arm, still bleeding. I had no idea what to do so I decided to pull the nail out. I took a deep breath in anticipation before giving it a good, hard yank. I couldn't help the loud cry that escaped my mouth. At the same time, I heard a body fly into some wood nearby. "It's not Cooper, it's not Cooper," I repeated over and over again as I fussed over my arm. 
"Well, I'd say come up here and get me, but it's hard to walk upstairs while wearing a 12-piece cast-iron skillet set." Cooper chuckled.
Relief flooded my body when I heard his voice. The sudden sounds of bullets, explosions, and crashing filled my ears. I closed my eyes tight as I waited for it all to stop.
Eventually, I heard the knight flying overheard, clearly having lost control of his suit. It was over. 
"Y/n?" I heard Cooper yell out. 
I unsteadily got up on my feet and shuffled out from behind the building, still cradling my arm. "I am here."
As his eyes raked me over and stopped at my arm a look of concern washed over his face. He jogged over to take a closer look.
"I'm okay." I try and convince him as he gently touches my wound. 
"Those crocodile tears suggest otherwise, sugar." Cooper responds, giving me a small smile. "Let's find you a stimpack."
I nod my head as he wraps his arm protectively around me and guides me towards the shop. He only lets go when we reach the dog, wounded and whining on the ground. He gently picks it up and brings it into the shop with us. After putting the dog down on the table, he starts to rummage through the junk in the shop. 
"There's gotta be one around here somewhere." He mumbles. 
Between sniffles I say, "When you find one, give it to the dog."
He lets out a small chuckle as he finally finds what he's looking for. "Well lucky for us I found two."
"And the bounty?" I ask as he makes his way towards me.
"Ah, I'll get him," Cooper says, brushing off my concerns before he quickly stabs me with the needle.
"Ouch!" I whine as he rubs my arm while shushing me.
"You are okay, Darlin'." He coos.
"The dog-" I start.
"I got the dog." Cooper interrupts before giving the dog the other stimpack, petting his head gently. A smile erupts across his face as the dog pops up, immediately feeling better. "There."
I smile wide as I watch him with the dog. "You like dogs."
He looks over at me still smiling as his eyes flicker over to my arm. The wound was healed and I am no longer cradling it, the pain completely gone. "Feelin' better?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
All the feelings I had experienced during the shootout came flooding back to me as my smile faded. I felt overwhelmed with sadness, fear, and relief. "I-" I started as tears filled my eyes. 
"I was so worried about you!" I cried out as I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him. 
Faster than it took to wrap my arms around him, I felt him rip me off. He dug his fingers into my shoulders as he held me at arm's length, shaking me gently. "Don't." He said sternly.
Embarrassment washed over me as I stared down at my feet. "I-"
"Just, don't." He interrupted, sighing before releasing me. "We will wait here until nightfall and then we'll follow Whilzig's trail. See if you can find anything useful around here while we wait."
"Okay," I whispered in response before shuffling to the other end of the store. The rejection stung so deeply that I could barely focus on what I was looking at. Right when he started to warm up to me, I ruined it.
tag list: @msrawog @valdemarismynonbinarylove @topiramateagreeable @whizbang-cap @sitkafay
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purple-babygirl · 4 months
my bucky?
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x f!reader (reader is little in the very beginning)
Word count: 7,390
Summary: Bucky's angel finally sees the hidden side of him.
Warnings: details of violence, kidnapping, getting shot, physical abuse by kidnappers, slapping, too much crying, angst
A/N: to all the nonnies that came to me once and asked "what if angel saw bucky beating someone up?" "what if angel gets kidnapped?", this is for you💜 i hope you have a good time with this one, loves x💜
Whenever he’d think of her, he’d think of jasmines. Soft, fragrant, pure-looking, fragile, beautiful jasmines. Like jasmines, she released her sweet perfume engulfed by the darkness of his night. Only he got to bask in her aroma. And like a jasmine in autumn, he’d fallen for her evergreen soul and he’d fallen hard.
Bucky knew she saw him through a pink lens. She ate up his lies like candy and although he felt bad, he knew it was for the best. He could visibly see her running out the door whenever he’d imagine someone opening her eyes to how cruel he actually was. It was selfish, but it was easier for him and safer for her this way. Better for both of them.
Luck wasn’t exactly his best friend though.
Bucky would never forget the look in her innocent, teary eyes as she watched him literally beat the life out of a man with all his might. He knew it was fairly stupid of him to do it in the back of his own garage, right next to his house where she was peacefully getting ready to call it a night. But he just couldn’t hold back when he saw the guy’s dumb face when his men brought him in.
“Miss?” She found Roseanne by the door, looking more nervous than usual.
She was shocked, no, terrified at the scene she couldn’t take her eyes away from. How and why was she even here in the first place?
Daddy said he’d be back for story time but he hasn’t been back yet. What was taking him so long?
She couldn’t fall asleep if his voice wasn’t lolling her to sleep. She couldn’t fall asleep if it wasn’t in his arms. Life without him just didn’t make sense anymore.
She got out of bed, slipped in her fluffy cat slippers and went on a little quest to find him. Bucky was always happy to see her so he’d forgive her for getting out of bed where he’d expected her to wait.
“Roseanne, have you seen my Bucky?” she asked with a smile.
“I think he’s busy right now, miss. You better wait in your room where it’s warm,” Roseanne tried to tempt her, using the cold as a good reason why she shouldn’t go outside where Bucky was.
The young woman looked distressed, like she was scared of something.
“What’s wrong, Roseanne? Is daddy okay?” she questioned the poor maid, her smile leaving her face.
“Yes, miss. Don’t worry. He’s just a little busy but he’ll be here soon.”
“Is he in the office?”
“I— I don’t know, miss. I think he is,” Roseanne lied.
She tilted her head suspiciously before running to the office to check it out, leaving Roseanne’s pleads for her to get back to the bedroom behind.
It seemed even more suspicious now that Bucky was nowhere to be seen in his office. It didn’t feel right and she had to find Bucky and make sure he was okay. Bucky always knew how to calm all her worries. He knew what to do and what to say.
Bucky protects her and is here for her.
But wait a minute, she didn’t hear his car leave. And if the car didn’t leave then Daddy was certainly in the house, she just missed him while looking.
She roamed the whole mansion, up and down, checking every room twice and she still couldn’t find her daddy.
Her mind was getting cloudier and she was getting more scared. Did daddy leave? Where would he go without letting her know that he’d be leaving? Why didn’t he kiss her forehead goodnight before leaving?
She made her way outside the main door and took sure steps to the large garage, once again taking no regard of Roseanne’s begging, confident in her smart train of thought.
When she arrived at the garage though, the pants she heard startled her to a halt as she ducked behind the black Range Rover.
Was that really Bucky? Her Bucky? Beating up a man to the point where his features weren’t recognizable anymore? That wasn’t possible. Her daddy was a sweetheart. He was the gentlest man she’s ever met and he wouldn’t hurt anyone like that. She knew he was feared because of his work, but he couldn’t kill anyone. Could he?
She peeked around and fell silent as a rock. The sight before her made her feel cold, leaving her poor mind perplexed.
On the first look, she couldn’t fathom what she was looking at. She wanted to look away. She did. But she couldn’t will her head to turn even just a little.
“How stupid do you have to be to think I wouldn’t know you were sent here to hurt my girl?”
A stronger pang hit her little heart when she realized this was happening because of her.
No, this was no bad dream though she’d hoped with all her heart that it was.
She’d made Daddy promise that he wouldn’t hurt anybody on her behalf. He’d promised to choose forgiveness if it was an option. It didn’t make any sense.
Was she too sleepy that she was seeing things? Did her little mind fall asleep without a story anyway and she was having a nightmare?
Sam had seen her first, wide eyes tearing up at the sight of her man smashing another’s face with his fist. He’d tried to tell Bucky, but it was too late. She’d already seen it all.
Those fingers that have ever so tenderly glided across her cheeks time and time again were hidden behind brass knuckles, covered in someone’s blood. That jaw that has only ever tensed from smiling too much around her was clenched, making him look scarier than she could’ve ever imagined him to be. His eyebrows were furrowed and his breaths heavy as he repeatedly and ruthlessly punched the man on the chair.
Her fear intensified when she’d recognized the beaten up man as their newest driver. She remembered him trying to repeatedly ask her if she wanted to go get ice cream with him when Bucky wasn’t home. She also remembered saying no like she was taught. She remembered Bucky promising to choose forgiveness if it was an option again and she saw him break his promise.
“Bucky, enough!” Sam pulled him away from the tied up guy, head nodding to the black vehicle.
Her head went dizzy when she thought of all the men she’d complained to Bucky about since they’d started their relationship. Have they all faced the same fate?
Who was this heaving, bloody-fisted beast before her? Did she ever know Bucky at all? Was he ever truthful about anything he’d told her or was it all just a big lie? How could she trust him with herself ever again? Who was her daddy really?
The walls around Bucky collapsed and he almost collapsed with them when he saw her face. She was there and she’d seen everything. His angel saw it all. His angel was scared. She was scared of him.
Her legs no longer wanted to hold her up once she heard his hoarse voice. The air was out of her lungs as she took slow steps back until she pressed herself to one of the grey walls behind her. The stuffie in her hands fell to the ground and with it her heart.
She wanted to run, but her cold body wouldn’t budge. Maybe if she could go back to the house right now, listen to Roseanne, stay in bed, and pretend this never happened, Bucky would miraculously come back with a perfectly healed, clean hand and they would peacefully have a cuddling session while his loving voice told her a story.
“Please don’t hurt me,” she begged, her voice above a whisper as she cowered away from him.
Bucky carefully walked closer, visibly watching her hands tremble. He raised his clean hand to caress her cheek like he always would when she needed him to calm her down.
He wasn’t expecting her to lean into his touch like she was used to, but it still shot daggers to his heart when she flinched, closing her eyes in fear and letting out the tiniest whimper.
“Angel, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Bucky’s broken voice had her heart clenching as she saw him trying to muster up a smile.
“Stay away from me,” she said in panic when he tried to take another step towards her.
“Please, Bucky, I’m sorry.”
She didn’t call him daddy or even her Bucky. She couldn’t.
“Baby, let me—”
She shook her head, running away from a shattered Bucky, almost tripping on her own feet.
“Go, we’ll take care of him,” Sam told him, patting his shoulder.
He watched her run as if she was escaping a wild lion, terrified and fearing for her life.
Bucky slammed his fist into the concrete wall where his love once leaned before slipping the brass knuckles off his probably broken fingers and hearing them clank on the ground. He rested both palms on the wall and let his head fall down as he breathed hard.
“Dragă, nu! Te rog, (love, no please)” Bucky begged, his hands grabbing her forearms to stop her from throwing more of her things into the suitcase.
Bucky ran like a mad man on the way to their house. He had no idea what he was going to say or how he was going to justify what she’d just witnessed him do.
She called him Bucky with glossed over eyes. She was bordering on little and he just gave her the trauma of her life. He had no answers to any possible question she might rightfully throw at him. Bucky only knew that he couldn’t lose her; she was the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
He busted through the front door and ran up the stairs only to be met with her frantically packing her things, fat tears soaking her face as she hiccupped out sobs.
“Please let me leave.” Her voice trembled and more tears left her eyes. His right hand had dried blood all over it and it made her skin crawl.
“Please don’t,” Bucky pleaded again, on the verge of crying himself.
“I’m really scared. Please don’t make me stay here,” she begged Bucky, trying to slip out of his grip.
“Angel, please believe me. I will never hurt you,” Bucky swore, his eyes brimming with tears.
“Angel, of course I love you! Please just stay and listen to me, baby.” Tears rolled down Bucky’s cheeks as he took a dress out of her hands before she could pack it.
“Did you ever really love me? Would you really never hurt me? Was anything you ever told me the truth?” Her voice was way too innocent as the questions left her trembling lips.
She didn’t even sound like she was blaming Bucky, she just sounded confused. Disappointed. Hurt.
“I wanna leave. Please let me leave,” she repeated, crying harder as she tried not to let herself crumble down on the floor of their bedroom.
“Angel, please don’t say that.” Bucky shook his head, holding onto her writs for dear life, “I can’t live without you, love. I can’t.”
She looked up at him and the look she gave him let him know she wasn’t little anymore.
Bucky despised himself for making her feel and think that way, “angel—”
“Why did you ever take me? Why did you bring me here?” She asked, the reproach hurting her too, “I didn’t know what love was before you. I trusted you. I trusted you with my heart, Bucky.”
She was saying everything that came to her mind, unable to keep her thoughts inside or else it felt like they might suffocate her. She was mad at herself for letting herself trust and love when she shouldn’t have.
“Are you used to doing this to people? Do you kill people, Bucky?” Her voice broke as she asked, already fearing the answer.
“Angel, please.”
“No, answer me.” Her eyebrows furrowed in sadness, anxious of the reply she was about to receive.
Bucky closed his eyes, not wanting to see her face when he told her his truth, “yes.”
“Yes.” Bucky nodded, hot tears leaving his closed eyes.
Her breath hitched at his answer, making more tears leave his eyes.
“D-Did you do this to the other guys I complained about before, too?”
“Did you kill them?” Her tone fell with her heart.
Bucky only swallowed, going dead silent at her question.
“Oh my god.” She cried, her knees almost giving out as she tried to get her arms free from his grip.
“No, no, angel, I only drove them out of town. They’re alive.” He assured her, leaving out the details about the probable permanent disabilities some of them left town with.
“Why?” She sobbed, her shoulders hurting from squirming in his grasp with no avail.
“They were bothering you.”
“So this makes it okay to kidnap them and beat them up?!” She screamed, her tears never drying up.
“I wanted to protect you,” Bucky whispered, his heart dropping at the realization of how his angel must see him now.
“Protect me from you then and let me go.” Her words shot daggers right into the mafia boss’ chest.
“I can’t believe I loved you so much.” She whispered, mostly to herself, lamenting her foolish, trusting heart.
“Angel, I can’t. You know I can’t.” He knew she was right, but he couldn’t let her leave.
She was his whole world; his life and everything good in it.
“Loved?” Bucky could hear his heart shattering.
“Loved,” she replied despite herself, knowing too well that she was lying.
Bucky finally let her arms go after her confirmation. He knew that if he tried to hold her back now she would only end up hating him. He would rather have her leave him than hate him. He wouldn’t be able to take it.
“I’ll tell the driver to get the car ready so he could take you to your grandma’s,” Bucky told her without looking up, wiping away his tears. For now.
She didn’t reply, and only continued shoving clothes into the bag.
“I just want you to know that I’ll always be here whenever you need me. I will always be yours, angel. Even if you’re no longer mine. I love you and I will love you until the day I die.”
But all of this was nothing compared to the fear that shot up her spine when she heard gunshots making contact with the car she was inside, forcing the driver to stop abruptly.
Bucky’s last words had her sobbing even harder as she fell to her knees the moment he left her alone in the room.
She didn’t want to leave him and she never saw a day like this one coming, but she knew it was only right that she did. They were different from the beginning and she was wrong to let herself live in a daydream for too long. She had no place in Bucky’s world.
The drive back to her grandma’s house was torture. The pain of being fooled could only be overruled by the pain of fearing the only man she’s ever loved. She couldn’t ignore the feeling that she was leaving a piece of her behind in the mansion that the car just drove away from. She knew that piece was her heart and she knew that she was most likely never going to get it back. It will forever remain with Bucky.
Her tears kept coming as she silently wept in the backseat.
Pathetic fallacy was at its highest and the skies were sobbing with her. It was cold and the roads were muddy, thunder hitting every now and then, making trees shudder where they were rooted.
She cried more knowing Bucky would no longer be there to hold her through thunderstorms.
The man and the guard next to him got out their own guns but it was too late for them to do anything as another couple of bullets were shot, going right through their heads. The driver fell lifeless, face first on the driving wheel and she felt her heart stop with his.
“Let me go for your own good,” she said, trying to keep her tone confident and her pain veiled.
Before she could even think of a route to run in, a bag was put over her head, her screams futile as she got violently dragged to another vehicle before it all went completely dark with a hit to the back of her head.
“I thought we were past that shit, babygirl. Three days didn’t teach you who’s in charge yet?” Lloyd Hansen, Bucky’s biggest enemy, asked her with a provocative smile.
She was in absolute agony.
She let oud a loud, pained scream, desperately trying to pull her arm from underneath his huge shoe.
They’d untied her an hour ago after she claimed she needed the bathroom, a guard on her tail as he led her through the abandoned building.
Once inside the toilet, she managed to pick up the upper part of the toilet seat. She gained the guard’s attention with a scream, going down on his head with the heavy ceramic piece as soon as he opened the door to check on her.
She managed to run as far as the hallway of the floor she was in before a very angry Lloyd grabbed her. She surprised him with a harsh slap across the face, taking the chance to run again when he froze for a second.
Lloyd got even angrier, stretching his leg and knocking one of her feet off the ground, making her fall over. He walked over her crawling body and evilly stepped on her right wrist.
“I can’t wait to kill you,” Lloyd said, not taking his foot off before he heard a snap and a loud screech from her.
Lloyd got hold of her hair, dragging her all the way back to the room where she was previously tied up.
He tied her to the same chair again, only this time one arm got the ropes while the other was left to redden and swell.
Now she was here, on the same chair, throwing empty threats as she’s almost given up hope that Bucky might find her.
“Aww, did you hear that, boys? Little slut right here is worried for our good,” Lloyd mocked her, laughter erupting and filling the room in response.
“You’re not getting out of here, babygirl,” he spat, his voice laced with venom, “this is where you die.”
“Let me go. I won’t say it again.” Her voice almost shivered with her heart at the end of her warning.
She was scared, and in so much pain, but she couldn’t let it show. She wouldn't even cry and was sweating like crazy from the ache in her dangling wrist. She was Bucky Barnes’ girl.
“You’re making the demands now? Not even a “please” to persuade me?” Lloyd moved his face closer to hers, slowly pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear with a smirk, “or do I have to heat you a bottle to get to meet your polite side?”
She felt her face go hot as her eyes filled with tears and she couldn’t stop herself from spitting in the bastard’s face, “fuck you”.
Next thing she knew was his rough hand slapping down hard on her cheek, making her go dizzy. Blood trickled out of her nose and down to her lips right after and she couldn’t hold back her tears this time.
She was tired. Terrified. She needed Bucky.
“Your filthy mouth isn’t anything short of your boyfriend’s, but don’t worry, if you don’t know how to be respectful to your masters I have ways to teach you, and believe me, I can’t wait to start your lessons.” Hansen smirked at her wrist before spitting back at her and leaving with everyone else.
She cried harder than she has ever before, tears and blood mixing. Her body was shivering and her arms aching from being tied up in the most uncomfortable position and smashed down under Lloyd’s boot.
There was no way out for here, was there?
She knew she was done for and she didn’t have any last wishes except for getting to tell Bucky that she loved him and that she will never stop loving him one last time.
She couldn’t even pay her pain or blood any attention when all she could think about was Bucky and how he would have never let anything like that happen to her.
She remembered his soft smile that only she got to meet. The way he’d lean forward to engulf her in a hug momentarily warmed her before the iciness of the empty room made her shiver again.
She didn’t dare linger on Bucky, however.
It’s been exactly 3 days and 21 hours since his angel left him and he still couldn’t believe it.
She left him. She left and now she was here in some old factory under some asshole’s mercy. She couldn’t escape the situation she was in no matter how hard she tried. She couldn’t give her mind any kind of relief. There was none. Before she realized, her head was falling forward and she was getting a temporary break from reality.
“Bucky, are you o—” Sam cut himself off when his sight landed on his best friend’s face.
Bucky’s eyes were red with yet to be shed tears, again.
His car never reached her grandma’s because his men were murdered on the way. His angel was no where to be found and neither was Bucky’s will to live.
He kept telling himself that it wasn’t true, that she was at work; that she would eventually come back and sleep in his arms again.
However, she didn’t even call. Didn’t even look at his multiple texts. She really was missing and Bucky couldn’t face it. Between denial and heart wrenching pain, he buried himself 9 feet under.
He’s looked everywhere, asked everyone, but still couldn’t find her. It was as if she’s disappeared, turned to air.
Bucky has deserted their bedroom ever since she walked out of the mansion, the bed still as messy as she left it after she dragged the sheets down with her packed bag. Every time Bucky would enter the room he would see her leaving him, so he’d stopped. That couldn’t be his last memory of her. He slept on the couch in his office now, if at all.
And soon enough, the Bucky he used to be when she was around was dead and another angrier, more violent and very impatient Bucky had replaced him. He was always mad, at everyone and everything. And he was drinking every night, sitting on his bar for as long as he could, just to get himself hammered enough to fall in a deep unconsciousness where he didn’t have her scared eyes invading his dreams.
Sam was seriously worried for him, but there was nothing he could do; no advice he could offer. Nothing would bring that Bucky back as long as his angel was gone.
Bucky’s wallowing and Sam’s overthinking were interrupted when Bucky’s phone rang, vibrating on the ceramic floor. Bucky quickly crawled over to it, hardly believing his eyes when he saw her name in the place of the caller ID.
“Angeră?” he answered, his voice hoarse from staying silent for too long.
“Awww, you call her angel?” the voice on the other side mocked.
“Who the fuck is this?” Bucky asked, standing up slowly as his anger and worry forced him to sober up.
“You know too damn well who this is,” Lloyd answered, his smile evident in his tone as he knew he had Bucky by the throat.
“Where is she?” Bucky asked immediately.
“Tied up somewhere cold.”
“I swear on my life, if you touch her—”
“Relax, she can take a few scratches,” he replied, chuckling as if it was a joke.
“You son of a bitch!” Bucky shouted, losing his mind at the mere image of his angel being hurt.
“I’d watch my mouth if I were you, Barnes,” he snarled confidently.
“What do you want?” Bucky asked through his teeth, just wanting to get to his girl as quickly as possible.
“Let me hear her voice.”
“No,” Lloyd chuckled.
“I wanna destroy you.” Hansen laughed.
“Let her go. She has nothing to do with this.” Bucky tried his best not to sound desperate but it was obvious that he was begging for his girl’s safety.
“That’s where you’re wrong, B. She has everything to do with this.” Lloyd walked into the room where she was with a smug smile.
“Let her go.” please
“If you sound so distraught just because I’d hogged her for a couple of days, imagine how you’ll be when I erase her off the face of the earth,” Hansen said, laughing at the thought of hurting Bucky this bad.
Her face toughened up at the realization that it was Bucky on the phone.
“If you do as much as touch a hair on her head, I’m gonna kill you and everyone you know,” Bucky promised, his heart hammering in his chest as he hastily started moving.
“I might’ve broken a bone or two, but that’s only because she was a bad girl.”
“You’re dead, Hansen. Fucking dead!” Bucky promised, throwing the bottle he was drinking from across the room.
“We’ll be waiting with popcorn.” He hung up on Bucky, laughing.
“He’s gonna kill you.” She smiled once he hung up, making Lloyd grab her hair.
She hissed, trying not to show she was in pain.
“Not if I kill him first, angeră.” Lloyd spat, throwing her head forward before leaving the room.
She was horrified at the thought of anything bad happening to Bucky, but she willed her heart to trust in him. She had no time to ponder but she was actually proud of the fact that Bucky could so easily end this awful, evil man and she couldn’t wait for him to do just that.
Still, she waited for him. Something inside of her told her Bucky would never abandon her, not even to death. So she waited. Waited with the longing of all the lovers that ever were until longing had exhausted her.
It was like a slow motion dream. Doors being kicked down, guns being fired and her Bucky entering the room with a man’s body held in his left fist by the neck.
Instead, Bucky found Hansen and smacked him so hard with his metal hand that a tooth flew out. He slapped him again and his nose was bleeding. They made eye contact one more time and she noticed the difference for the first time. That wasn’t Bucky. It wasn���t her Bucky. His eyes still softened for her but the hint of revenge in them was more dominant.
He doesn’t even talk; doesn’t negotiate. He doesn’t even ask for her to be released. He doesn’t need to.
His men were getting everything done. His only mission was to look for her now. His eyes met hers but he didn’t start walking towards her like she’d expected he would.
She thought she would be afraid meeting Bucky again after what she’d witnessed him do, but she actually didn’t. Not even a tiny bit.
She was rather happy, the feeling that she was safe again warming up her body so much that she’d started sobbing.
It was like no matter how long they were away from each other, they were still together, never estranged from one another.
Bucky was on his 40th slap/punch on the man’s bloody face when he noticed her crying. He temporarily threw the man’s tired body on the ground and rushed to his girl.
He kneeled before her shaking body, wanting nothing but to make sure she wasn’t hurt.
And she was.
She looked up and could still see the coldness in his eyes despite hers being blurred by tears.
“I missed you. Is my Bucky okay?” She asked, her voice drained but not scared like Bucky had feared and expected.
“Let’s get you home, angeră,” he replied, saving his answer for now as he noticed the finger marks on her cheek.
She nodded desperately, her tied hand reaching for him despite being behind her back.
“Stop right there,” Lloyd said, crocking his gun at Bucky.
“Bucky,” she whimpered, eyes glued to her man, her anchor.
“E în regulă, angera meu, (it’s okay, my angel)" Bucky replied, getting closer to her and sticking to her side.
“No, it’s not. He’s lying to you. Just like he’s lied to you about everything else,” the man chuckled.
“Shut up,” she whispered, trying to calm down her breathing.
“Give it up, Hansen. I beat you. Again and for the last time. You’re done.” Bucky racked the slide of his gun.
“He never loved you. Do you even know who he is most of the time?” Lloyd continued, not willing to give up until Bucky was reduced to nothing before him.
“Shut up,” she repeated, wishing her hands were free so that she could cover her ears with them.
“Do you have any idea about the other side of this man you gave yourself to you poor little thin—”
“Shut up!” She shouted with all her might, “don’t speak about him like that.”
“Do you even know what you’re defending?” Hansen yelled at her with a crazy, bloody smile on his face.
“I know,” she answered calmly, “I know everything.”
Bucky looked at her in surprise, not believing what he just heard. There was no way she knew. How would she know? How would she choose to stay if she actually knew?
“Oh so you know about frosty over here?” Hansen smirked, pointing to his head.
“That’s enough, Hansen,” Bucky warned, barely controlling himself.
“I do,” she answered once more, her answer shocking Bucky yet again.
“It’s okay, Bucky. I promise.” She sincerely promised, making it hard for Bucky not to tear up in the middle of the room.
“Aww, how sweet—” Hansen cooed and in a second 3 of Bucky’s bullets were in his head, neck and chest before he could say anything else.
She gasped, closing her eyes and turning her face away from the body as it collapsed on the floor with a thud.
She didn’t notice that Hansen had landed a shot at Bucky before he collapsed and Bucky didn’t even flinch as a bullet literally made it through his right shoulder. He didn’t feel the pain. He didn’t care about anything but his angel.
She was the only thing he could see and hear. Her wounds were his pain more than his own.
Bucky wordlessly kneeled down and untied her quickly. His gaze was glued to her wrists for a second before he rubbed the one that wasn’t swollen with his smoother thumb.
“What happened?” Bucky asked, referring to her other wrist.
“I'm gonna need a doctor to look at it.” Was all she gave him for an answer.
He silently opened his arms for her and she threw herself in them without an ounce of hesitation, crying more now that she was home.
She was so scared she wouldn’t get to feel like this again. She let herself let go. She then closed her eyes and finally succumbed to the cozy darkness now that she was safe.
Instead, Roseanne looked at her with a teary smile, “welcome back, miss.”
She lost all sense of consciousness that she didn’t hear Bucky shoot the man’s dead body a fourth and a fifth time with her in his arms as he took another look at her wrists.
When she opened her eyes again, she was back in Bucky’s bed, but Bucky wasn’t by her side.
“Roseanne, I missed you so much,” she replied, unable to stop her own tears.
“Thank goodness you’re okay,” Roseanne said, breaking the hug to let her rest her back.
She invited Roseanne for a hug with her good arm as she noticed the other was in what looked like a cast.
Lloyd had broken her wrist.
“Mr. Barnes is in his office,” she told her while adjusting the pillow behind her when she noticed her eyes roaming the spacious room.
“Is he mad?” she asked, more tears gathering in her tired eyes.
“At himself, maybe.” Roseanne shrugged politely.
“Please help me go to him, Roseanne.”
“One more thing though.” Roseanne chew on her lip.
“What’s wrong?”
He didn’t know what he would’ve done with himself if something had happened to her and he kept blaming himself as he sat there with his right arm in a sling.
“Mr. Barnes has been shot.”
Bucky didn’t care to look when the door to his office opened, not knowing that she was awake and too busy wiping his tears of regret.
He’s been like this since he got her home and in his bed again. His tears were unstoppable now that he saw the results of his lifestyle on the one girl he chose and held closest to his heart. In fact, he cried more every time he took a look at her angelic figure tiredly sleeping in his large bed as the doctor patched up her broken wrist.
She was so small, so pure and so so good for this world. Her face was fainter and the spark was gone and he was sure Lloyd didn’t feed her. The fading finger marks she had on her cheek, the rope burns around her wrists and ankles and the cast around her forearm slashed new wounds at his heart.
“Bucky,” she called out faintly, her head and body still aching a little, heart dropping when she saw him with his arm hanging, “are you okay?”
He stood up and helped her sit in his chair, not sure if it was okay for him to carry her and sit her on his desk like he usually would.
He hastily wiped his eyes with his hand to look at his baby.
“Hi, angel,” he tried to say with a smile but his voice cracked as another tear escaped down his red cheek.
She surprised him by using his chair as a step to get on top of his desk, pointing to the chair for him to sit back down.
Bucky was on eye level with the marks on her ankles as she settled her bare feet on his lap.
What was he going to say now that she was awake? And most importantly, what was she going to say?
“My Bucky,” she could recognize the difference between this man and the man who started her rescue right away.
Bucky was stunned to see she could see it despite everything. He didn’t want her to ever find out about that side of him and it killed him even more that she caught the difference. How on earth did she find something like this out?
“All yours, angel.” He tried to compose himself, for her.
She couldn’t bare seeing him like this. It was like she’s forgotten about everything that happened before this very moment and all she could do was sit up and hold his face to lovingly wipe his sorrows away with her left hand.
It was enough time away from Bucky.
“I’m okay, Bucky. I’m okay,” she tried to reassure him, only making him cry harder as the dam broke when she rubbed his shoulder.
“Iarta-ma, iubita mea. Te rog. Iarta-ma. (forgive me, my love. Please, forgive me)" He sobbed, moving his lips to the palms of her hands to leave wet kisses all over the reddened skin.
“I’m okay, I swear,” she repeated, not knowing what to do or say.
“I forgive you. Please don’t cry; we’re good,” she said it to him in the kindest tone like it was the easiest thing to say.
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you give me the chance to. Please, love,” Bucky cried like a child in her lap.
No, he couldn’t even remember a time when he cried like this as a child despite all that he’d gone through. He didn’t care though. He was going to do whatever it took for his angel’s forgiveness. He disappointed her, broke her heart and risked her life. Bucky was going to beg until the end of time if he could.
Bucky shook his head, crying harder, “no, you’re good. You’re too good to me, angel. Too good. I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve you. Never did.”
It sent a knife to his heart that she still sincerely called him her Bucky after everything she’s been through just because he was in her life; because he was selfish enough to bring her into his without a care.
He was still beating himself up over it. And how could he not when everything terrible that’s ever happened to her had happened because of him? He traumatized her more than anyone ever could have and he’s gotten her hurt time and time again.
This girl who’s made him feel like he could stand against the whole world all by himself with no fear just because she called him her lover. This girl who taught him loyalty, kindness and love and was now teaching him forgiveness. This girl was sitting before him with a broken wrist and heart telling him not to worry about it.
“Don’t say that, please. I’m alive right now thanks to you, my Bucky.” Her own tears rolled down her cheeks before she could stop them.
She loved him more than anything and wished she could make him see that. Oh how she was dying to make him see how safe and loved he made her feel.
“You mean you were taken and hurt thanks to me.” Bucky casted his eyes down, too ashamed to even look at her marked face.
“I get it if you still wanna leave me. And I will let you. I would never make you do anything you don't want. I just want you to know that I never lied to you about my love for you. You’ve been and still are the realist thing in my life, angel. Everything I said and did was true. I adore you.”
“Bucky, I—”
“I know it’s selfish to choose to speak about this now, but I’m afraid you’d leave before I get to tell you how in love with you I really am,” he sniffled, wiping his eyes again in vain before looking up at her, “I would die without you. Your love owns me, heart and soul. But.. if leaving me is what you choose.. and if leaving me will make you safe, I will accept it. I just need you to know that I’ve never lied to you. Angel, you are my whole life. You’re my one and only. I belong to you. I’m yours and I will die yours.”
She was speechless, too taken aback to stop herself from crying harder. Bucky’s never opened up to her about his feelings before. Not like this.
“Bucky, I love you,” she managed to whisper before he cut her off again. Before she could tell him that she felt the same way, that she was all his and will forever be his, that only him ruled over her heart.
“You don’t have to say that, angel—”
“Let me speak,” she demanded, her palm cupping his wet cheek as she grabbed him a tissue from his desk.
He nodded, biting his lip and bracing himself for the harshest ‘but’, preparing to get his heart ripped out of his chest.
“I don’t wanna leave you,” was the first thing she could get herself to say, desperately wanting to soothe his thumping heart.
Bucky’s eyes filled with more tears because he knew he didn’t deserve her.
“I forgive you. I want to tolerate this dangerous life because it lets me have you; be with you, which is the only place I ever wanna be.” She took a deep breath, her own tears continuing to fall as she wiped his.
“Baby,” Bucky whispers, hating to see her tears yet again.
“I knew you weren’t the nicest guy to others and I knew your line of business wasn’t the safest either. I just— it freaked me out when I actually got to see you inside of it. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”
Bucky lowered his head in shame again.
“In my head, especially when little, you’re incapable of hurting. In my eyes, you’re safety, Bucky. You’re home.” She brought his eyes back to hers with a hand on his cheek.
“I’m sorry, love,” Bucky was quick to apologize but she shook her head in reply.
“It might take me some time to get used to everything now that I know everything. But it didn’t affect my love for you, Bucky. Not one bit. I lied. I was so scared I would die without getting to tell you that. I still loved you more than ever even in that moment with your fist against another man’s cheek, and I guess that scared me even more. Because it was unlike the me I thought I knew. But this me, right here, is madly in love with you and she doesn’t care about anything other than being by your side for ever.”
“Angel,” Bucky sobbed, holding her hand to his lips, leaving appreciative, wet kisses on her palm, “you won’t regret it, baby, I promise. This is the last time you get hurt. I would die before I let anything like this ever happen to you again.”
“I know, and I trust you, my Bucky. If you’d give me time and if you’ll have me, I wanna be with you every moment of my life, forever.” She couldn’t not throw herself inside his arms, needing the closeness to reassure her this was real.
“I love you so much,” he whispered, holding her on his lap as tight as he possibly could.
“Lucky me,” she whispered in his shoulder.
Bucky felt himself coming alive again at the smell of jasmines in her hair and the feel of her warm body in his hold. She was a piece missing from him and now that she was back, he wasn’t going to waste a second without worshiping the steps she walked.
“I know I might need a while, but that doesn’t change anything. I still love you with my whole heart, Bucky,” she reassured, squeezing him to her even more.
“Take all the time you need, angel. I’ll be right here. I’ll wait forever if I have to.”
“Promise me something though.”
“No more killing people on my behalf.”
“What if they have a gun pointed at you?”
“Okay, only in that case then because it’s self-defense.”
“I promise.” Bucky smiled, sliding her hair behind her ear before kissing her forehead.
She pressed her forehead to his with a smile, “thank you.”
“We’re injury buddies now,” she joked when they pull away making Bucky laugh out loud for the first time in days.
“Does it hurt, angel?”
"Mine doesn't hurt, you?" He kissed her covered wrist gently.
"Does it hurt?"
They both asked at the same time, making each other laugh.
“Not as much anymore,” she replies, not wanting to remember how much it hurt when she was tied up in the cold room.
“Let’s eat so you could take your pain meds.” Bucky offered her his metal hand and she took it with her good one with a content smile.
Everything was going to be okay again. She knew it. Her hand was back in Bucky's and there was nothing their love wouldn't be able to pass. This might not be the Bucky she got in a relationship with, but it was the Bucky she wanted and was going to continue it with.
He was still and was always going to be her bucky.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
can i request a little bit of angst?
eddie is in his late twenties, finally got his shit together, a baby on the way with reader! and eddie’s OLDER brother shows up. he’s an asshole, exactly like their dad, tries hitting on reader, crashes on their couch, makes eddies life hell then it all comes to a head and they end up fighting!
I really love this request!!! 🫶🏻
Never proofread
I hope this is what you wanted, thank you for requesting <3
Happy ending
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If there was one thing in life Eddie didn't think he'd ever achieve, it was getting his life together. He never thought he'd make it out of the trailer park. And he definitely never thought he'd have a wife by his side and a baby on the way.
It took Eddie a long time to get on his feet. Selling drugs and living with his uncle was not the future he wanted for himself. He used his dirty money and got himself a shitty apartment, in the corner of the dirtiest neighborhood, but it was all his. And being on his own was something he could be proud about.
He was living in that apartment for around five years when he met Y/N. She moved into the apartment next to him, struggling to carry boxes through the front door. Eddie was happy he lived on the first floor, easily walking out behind her, trying his best to not seem creepy.
She turned around and screamed as she saw him. A hand over her chest. Eddie jumped at the scream, hands in the air to show he meant no harm.
"I am so sorry! I just wanted to see if you needed help." He offered with the friendliest smile he could manage.
Who would have thought in three years, he would have been marrying that girl.
Marriage life was the best thing Eddie has experienced, and he felt that fatherhood would be the same. He never knew how badly he craved a family until he was on the path of creating his own. He could start fresh, start a new family tree of the Munson name. A name that didn't have to be originated from prisoners, dealers, and being poor. He wanted the Munson name to be carried on through generations, with all good things behind it. Having a wife like Y/N take his name, told him he had a strong beginning.
She was around six months, her belly growing by the day. Together they made enough to buy a small home, in a safer neighborhood. Nothing too flashy, but it was their home and it meant everything. Eddie gagged at the thought of a white picket fence but he loved seeing it shine in the morning sun when Y/N watered the plants.
The nursery was nearly finished. The walls painted baby pink, and the furniture white. Eddie's favorite bands posted on the walls. He claimed their daughter needed to get her music journey started right away.
Eddie was the happiest he's ever been until an unwelcome visitor showed up at his door.
Y/N knew everything about Eddie, except his family. She knew Uncle Wayne and that was all. She respected that Eddie was private about his family and that he didn't care to share who they are.
So Y/N stood in shock when an older man stood at her door, the same shade of brown as her husband. A similar smile on the man's face, and a slightly bigger version of Eddie's nose.
"I'm looking for my brother," the man stated, looking her up and down. A tiny smirk on his face. But his smirk didn't give her butterflies, it made her stomach turn in a bad way.
She screamed for Eddie, a polite smile on her face. The longer Eddie took the more nervous she got.
"How far are you?" The man questioned, his hand reaching for her stomach.
She took a big sigh of relief when Eddie's hand shot out and stopped the man's touch from touching her. He stood in front of her. Completely blocking her view from the stranger.
"Little E, how the hell are you?" The stranger asked
"What are you doing here?" Eddie snapped. She watched as his body was stiff, she slipped her hand in his back pocket and stood on the side of him.
"Got out of jail, needed a place to crash. Wayne is going out of town and doesn't trust me alone in his place." The man rolled his eyes as he finished his sentence.
"I don't blame him since the last time you did you trashed it," Eddie said, his jaw was tight and his face was hard.
"Come on, E, help a brother out."
Eddie wasn't sure why he said yes, but he already regretted it watching the way his brother's eyes were glued to his wife.
"Quit staring," Eddie snarled, using his foot to kick him under the table.
Y/N hummed in the kitchen as she checked the chicken. Trying her best to keep her attention off of the two men at the dining table. She felt her body shudder underneath Michael's stare.
"Quite a woman you got there," Michael said, sipping on his beer
Eddie didn't say anything, accepting the silence instead.
Y/N smiled as she placed the food on the dinner table. Putting together a plate for Eddie and placing it in front of him.
"Gonna make me a plate, pretty girl?" Michael winked, his hand reaching forward to her wrist. She gulped and looked nervously at Eddie.
"Leave her alone." Eddie snapped
Michael put his hands up in surrender, making his own plate.
The three sat in silence.
Michael has been crashing on the couch for the past week, and every day he was getting on Eddie's last nerve.
Y/N worked from home and spent most of the day in her office, Eddie worked at a car dealership. He hated leaving for work and leaving her alone with Michael. He didn't trust Michael but Eddie's boss would also kick his ass for not showing up.
He kept his phone on him at all times, reminding Y/N to call the second she needed him to come home.
Michael said he found a friend to crash with and would be leaving shortly. Asking Y/N if she would help him clean his clothes and pack up his belongings. She honestly felt too scared to tell him no, silently scooping up his clothes and bringing them to the small laundry room. She excused herself to head into the shower. Eddie would be home within minutes so she felt safe to be in a vulnerable state, checking twice to make sure the door was locked.
Eddie pulled up in the driveway, bracing himself for another night of trying not to kill Michael with his bare hands. He walked in to see his house trashed, the cushion torn apart, and the cupboards all thrown open, he heard shuffling around in the bedroom. He raced to the noise to see Michael digging through their drawers.
"What the fuck? Are you trying to rob us?" Eddie asked in disbelief, Michael's backpack was filled with random items. Eddie yanked the bag out of his grip, dumping it all out on the bed.
He felt his blood boil when Y/N's ring fell out. But once his brain caught up with seeing the ring, his blood felt cold. She ONLY took it off when she was in the shower. Eddie turned his eyes to Michael, immediately shoving him against the wall.
"Where did you grab the ring?" He prayed with everything in him that she left it in the bedroom.
"She had it sitting on the bathroom counter, she couldn't see me with her back to me. Really hit the jackpot there, Eddie. Shes' smoking."
Eddie felt his stomach turn, he felt like he could throw up at any moment.
"You fucking pig. Don't talk about her." Eddie barked, twisting Michael's shirt in his grip.
"A really nice ass, I bet her tits ar-" But Eddie kicked Michael in the stomach before he could finish.
Y/N heard a commotion in the bedroom, fear in her stomach as she got covered herself in a towel and called Wayne. Racing out of the bathroom to see Eddie on top of Micahel, screaming and punching.
"OH MY GOD, EDDIE" She panicked, she knew getting in the way would put the baby in danger, but she has never seen Eddie so out of control.
The sound of her scream caused Eddie to freeze, and both men looked to see her.
"Eddie, stop," She said calmly. She placed her hand out, offering him to stand up. He took a deep breath and got off of Michael. Grabbing his bag and throwing it on him.
"You are out." Eddie snarled
Michael coughed as he tried to move his beaten-up body. Eddie rolled his eyes and dragged Michael to his feet.
"I have his clothes," Y/N said, quickly running out to the laundry room.
Michael smirked as Eddie looked over at him.
"What asshole?" Eddie asked.
"I see why you knocked her up. When she was bent over that washing machine." Michael groaned, rubbing himself over his jeans.
Eddie lost it again, immediately throwing his body on his.
Y/N came back with the clothes to see Michael unconscious, but the look in Eddie's eyes was unrecognizable.
She didn't fear him, but she was worried for him.
She breathed a sigh of relief when Wayne came through the door, yanking Eddie off of Micahel.
"Hey, hey, look at me," Wayne instructed, grabbing the sides of Eddie's face, forcing his eyes to look at him.
Eddie's body was shaking, his knuckles cut open, and his breathing was quick and harsh.
Eddie locked his eyes on Waynes, allowing himself to calm down.
"I'll take care of him, hug your wife and go clean up."
Eddie listened in seconds, turning around to throw himself in his wife's arms. Allowing her to hide in his neck. She rubbed his back and cooed in his ear.
She took him to the bathroom to clean up his hands. Kissing each knuckle as she cleaned the blood.
"I'm sorry I let him stay here." Eddie sighed, he couldn't believe he was that dumb. He watched Wayne do the same thing with Eddie's dad for years, and yet he did the same thing.
"Don't be. You wanted to help and that was sweet of you." She said, standing between his legs as he sat on the counter.
They heard the front door close, Wayne and Michael officially gone.
"I'm sorry my family is a mess, this I why I never wanted you to know them." He added. His hands reached down to rub her stomach.
"Wayne is your family, I'm your family, and she is your family. That's the only family I care to know. Wayne raised the man I love and he is the only one I need to know. I have the two best Munsons in my life." She said, leaning up to peck his lips.
"Well, I get to have three." He smiled, kissing her back and his hand stayed on her stomach.
This was his real family.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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pureastrologywisdom · 6 months
𝔖𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔭𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔶 ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔢𝔵𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔡
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4th house synastry
This in my opinion is some of the most beautiful synastry you can have with someone. When someone has a planet here its going into some of the deepest parts the other persons natal chart.
These people can get very attached to each other. The best planets to have coming into someones else’s 4th house are benefics, the luminaries and your ascendant. You may find if you have malefics in the fourth house it can cause chemistry but more destruction.
I have experienced someones moon go into my 4th house, this was the most beautiful connection. This person feels like the home I have always dreamed of and their arms felt like the safest place on earth. There is a deep and easy understanding of one another's needs and how to comfort one another. The 4th house and the moon are very similar with what they represent in a natal chart. Being with this person is like breathing, its so natural. Its not quite as uncomfortable as 8th house or 12th house synastry, you are still meeting the person in a private place, but instead of them worrying about you exposing things about them, its more like you have a pact where you say ‘your secret is my little secret too’. I will say if someone has come from an unstable home in the past or their childhood, having a fourth house connection can be scary because it can be overwhelming how comforting the other persons feels, as they never had that before.
My ascendant went into this same person 4th house, once again this makes one another easy to understand. Because the 4th house is a more private part of the natal chart having someone ascendant fall here is interesting. It’s as if the 4th house persons recognises the more intimate and private parts of themselves in the ascendant person, they often admire the ascendant persons for expressing things so easily that they find safer to keep behind closed doors.once again the ascendant person makes them feel so comfortable and safe. This synastry with the person honestly hit me harder than others where I has 12th and 8th house synastry. 
4th house synastry makes you feel as if you can see and have a life with someone, they are someone you want to build a life with and support each other from the foundation up.
Venus conjunct mars
THIS ONE! This was very powerful. It’s an immediate connection and instant attraction. It’s one where you can put your finger on it but you cant get this person out your head. I had my Venus conjunct his mars. I felt like a woman around him and I and him feel like a man in the ways we both wanted. There was this flow, a natural give and take. He made me feel so feminine and beautiful. He treat me exactly like I wanted to be treated and he courted me exactly how I wanted to be courted.
It's quite frustrating because once you experience this attraction its hard to feel the same intensity and same level of attraction in other connections or people after it. No one feels quite as right or attractive as that person. This is one where you will never forget each other.
You know no matter how much time has passed if you see each other again it will be as if no time has passed, that spark will never die and neither will the attraction. 
I will say there is other placements needed to turn the spark into a long lasting wildfire. This can be really difficult if you don’t have other placement to support it because it can create the dynamic of wanting to be with each other so strongly and keep trying and coming back but not being able to sustain it. 
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Thank you for reading, and let me know if you want more content like this <3
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jinbedreams · 2 months
It's been so fascinating to see how strongly people react to Toshiro in Dungeon Meshi. When I first read that scene I didn't feel hurt by Toshiro's rejection of Laois at all, I was more shocked at Laios raising a hand to him in anger because Laios had always felt like a man free from such anger and aggression. Although it was very powerful to see that Laios was capable of feeling such a way. I felt the scene was very emotionally charged and an important moment for both characters.
So when I started hearing about how hurt other people were at seeing Toshiro lash out in frustration towards Laios, and seeing people express discomfort towards Toshiro I was surprised but not confused. Honestly I was more surprised at myself for not having a similar reaction because I have also been subject to being led on in "friendships" that the other person secretly despised (or at least did NOT feel the same). It can be very hurtful to discover that someone has built a resentment towards you but never made any attempt to clear the air with you until a point of crisis.
I am autistic and I struggle a lot with relationships but in this instance I didn't see myself in Laios' shoes (although I have been there) instead I found myself relating to Toshiro. A man trapped by social expectations, rigid rules of engagement hammered into him from a young age, only to discover that there is someone who does not follow these rules at all. Even more bizarrely they seem completely free from any of the consequences that would befall Toshiro if he ever deviated from his carefully cultivated mask.
I can say from experience it is confronting to try and unpack your own high masking trauma while also feeling compelled to support the low masking autistic person in your life. Even if the other person means no ill will and has not truly done anything wrong, having them unknowingly walk all over you can be enough to push you to a breaking point. There is an intense frustration that comes with seeing someone else get away with not following the social rules you have beaten yourself painfully into shape to fit.
Yes Toshiro could have chosen any moment to correct Laios on his name, or clarify his discomfort or his personal boundaries, but that is operating under the assumption that Toshiro feels safe enough to do so. He is a stranger in a strange land, and often in that position it is a safer choice to subject yourself to a level of discomfort simply to keep the general peace. Where my fellow high maskers at? We make biting our tongue a fucking art.
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buckyalpine · 9 months
Ex!Bucky fluff
I’m about to break hearts rn but I’ll mend it with a mini life saver. I promise. I was in a silly goofy mood for angst but I can't just leave the ending like that.
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut, trying to regulate his breathing while practicing the grounding methods you had taught him, your soft voice guiding him through his panic attack.
"Tell me what you see around you"
"I-I see the curtains, the coffee table, the bookshelf- uh- the couch" You nodded, encouraging him to continue while his glassy eyes flicked around the living room. He looked at all the things you had hand picked for the space when you moved in together; the empty box he used as a shelter finally became a home after he met you.
"How about something you can smell"
"I-I can smell the laundry detergent on the blanket" It was Bucky's favorite scent because it smelled like lavender and lavender smelled like home. Home was you.
"What else my love" You cooed, "What can you touch"
"The pillow- it feels soft" Bucky's fingers dug into the sofa as he stayed frozen in place but he knew how soft the couch cushions were. After all you had picked them because you were obsessed with how plush they were.
"What is something that's real"
“You’re here with me”
"Oh, Jamie"
"You're always here" Bucky's voice cracked with emotion, the tears he had been holding in falling down his cheeks and staining his Henley.
You smiled sadly, shaking your head.
"I'm not, baby" Your voice was a gentle whisper, wishing you could reach out to cup his scruffy cheek, wiping the steady stream of tears that continued to pour down his face "But I wish I was"
Now I had planned on stopping here, insinuating reader had died. however if you don't stand for that, you may continue to read below.
Bucky couldn't take it.
6 months.
6 months he'd gone without you, hoping one day it would get easier but the day never came. He hoped the guilt of breaking your heart would balance with the fact that you'd be safer without him but not having you by his side was worse than any kind of torture he'd endured. He didn't think he was worthy of your love but now here he was, craving it more than ever.
He thought his love for you would make him selfless enough to carry on alone just to keep you out of harms way but his walls were crumbling further each day.
He needed you so bad.
He wanted to be selfish.
For his luck, you hadn't gone far. He'd made sure to keep tabs on you long after you left, anxiety eating him alive on days where you did something differently from your routine. Even if you were not together, he'd make sure you were protected.
You put away your groceries for the week, shuffling around the tiny apartment you'd moved back into 6 months ago, going through the motions as if your heart hadn't been split into two. No amount of convincing allowed him to believe he deserved you. You shook away that train of thought, a gentle knock at the door breaking you away from the small kitchenette.
You hesitated, debating on reaching for the knife you had hidden under the cupboard, something Bucky had taught you when he insisted on also teaching you self defense. The gentle knocking continued as you unlocked the handle without undoing the chain, gasping when you opened the door.
There he was.
The man you still cried over each night.
The man who still owned your entire heart.
The man who you adored with your entire being to the end of the earth and back. You shakily undid the chain, letting him inside, still too shocked to say anything.
"M'sorry" His voice came out a broken whisper, bottom lip already trembling seeing you wrapped up in a hoodie he thought had lost. "I'm sorry darling"
You didn't realize you'd broken down into tears until you felt him wrap you up, hugging you tightly to his chest, his own emotions overwhelming him.
"Please don't cry" Bucky wept into your hair as he clung onto you, rocking you in his strong arms, "Please baby, not over me, don't cry angel"
"I-I-al-already-c-cried-so-much" You choked and hiccupped between sobs, clinging onto Bucky harder as if he'd disappear into thin air the same way he did each night when you woke up from your dreams. The bed would feel cold and empty, the room too quiet and your heart all alone. "I'll-cr-y-if-I-w-want-t-to"
You let out a shaky huff, your brows knitted together into a pouty frown, trying hard to be angry with him, angry at the fact that he didn't allow you to love him the way he deserved, angry that he pushed you away instead of trying to workout a different solution. Bucky couldn't help but let out a wet chuckle between sniffles, giving you a soft squeeze and tilting your face up to peck your bottom lip which had been jutting out.
"I never want you to cry again love, I'll never make that mistake again" He swore, looking deeply into your eyes, cradling your head against where his heart was hammering against his chest. "Never again sweetheart, I'm so sorry I pushed you away baby, I can't do this without you, I love you so much"
You whimpered at his words, allowing him to lift you up, your legs moving on their own to wrap around his waist, burying your face into the crook of his neck. Bucky carried you all the way back and straight to the bedroom. He wanted nothing more than to hold and cuddle you, craving more with each passing minute until he was as close as he could possibly be. He stayed inside you, smiling against your sweat slicked skin, not bothering to pull out once the entire night.
"I'm finally home" He whispered against your skin, pressing soft kisses to your cheeks while you looked at him quizzically, giggling at his lips continues to dance across your lips, "It's not home without you"
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derehono · 4 months
The day that changed my life forever.
24th of February 2022 should have been my usual day. No, not usual. A wonderful day. I should have been checked with a doctor, gave notice to teachers in high school of my absence, and then fly away on vacation, my parents wanted it so much.
On 23rd of February 2022 I felt happy. I had a secure, happy life, preparing to finals, hanging out with my friends, already having an offer from university.
Until 5AM 24.02.2022.
I had not a single class in my school since then.
I haven’t seen my friend group in 2 years.
I didn’t have my finals.
We did not have that vacation.
“Daughter, wake up. This old psychotic man attacked us. We are leaving.”
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That was my first photo of the day, trying sarcastically keep myself normal. I remember that actual emptiness, reading my classmates texts about how their windows were shaking because of explosions, the sky was orange. They sent that video.
He called it “a special military operation”.
I collected random clothes, some hobby stuff just to keep my sanity, grabbed my pet, emptied my safety locker. I was scared that russians would intrude into our home and steal all my savings, so I throw away key to that lock. This key became my symbol of war, I have never found it even after return.
When I with my parents and pet got out of flat to car we heard for the very first time air raid siren. We would hear so many more of them, we would learn to differentiate them, but then we were confused.
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It was my second photo. People were going away. Foot, cars, bicycles. I remember such a surreal picture. Some moms were carrying their toddlers, one woman was carrying a bucket of water with turtles, other people were carrying cages with parrots, with dogs, with cats, with exotic pets despite air raid siren, temperature, rain. Everyone was so confused and scared.
Few days later the road we were riding was occupied. Bridges destroyed. Factories burnt. Supermarkets demolished. Houses in ruins. Road in holes. On the side of the road burnt cars with “DO NOT TOUCH, POSSIBLY EXPLOSIVE”. That gut wrenching feeling seeing photos of dead bodies and recognising the place.
But back then it was still lively, not a road of death. I remember reading news then. First victims, first shelling. Invasion from East. Invasion from Kharkiv region. Invasion from Crimea. Invasion from Chernihiv. Invasion from Zhytomyr. And we were in Zhytomyr region at that moment. Explosions in Kyiv. The border was destroyed.
I felt nothing. Just emptiness.
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This precious girl was keeping my head cool all the road. She was also scared and irritated, but she was so strong, such an amazing girl. I am so proud of her.
We were heading to my grandparents who lived closer to West Ukraine, so we would be safer. The road that takes usually just 4 hours but that time it took 13 hours. 13 hours of driving exhausted and nerved. We saw soldiers, trucks, jets, how barricades were built, signs were removed.
But we made it. We were lucky. Lucky to be alive, to have family alive and mostly close to West, further from russia. Even though, part of my extended family still was under occupation in Chernihiv region, suffering from such close border with belarus.
When we arrived, we were just silent. Then collected mattresses for shelter, asked grandpa to grab some patrol (we knew that they would definitely destroy reservoirs and literally next day the started doing that), and just fell asleep in something that we arrived in, being so scared.
That day I also cut ties with russian friend who I am shamed to admit having. He was proving me that this is just a military operation, no one would be harmed.
Then, arrived spring that I will never forget but at the same time never remember. I remember 10 people in one floor house. I remember the whistle of rocket that woke us up. I remember sirens. I remember news. I remember losing hope. I remember first photos after deoccupation of Kyiv region. I remember how forgotten friend of my dad suddenly called him saying that his city is fully destroyed, his neighbour right on his eyes was exploded attempting to get into the car and evacuate.
I remember my first mental breakdown. How I was crying in the darkness, but quietly so no one would notice.
We were able to return home three months later. But we are just lucky. Someone would never return. Someone is not even alive to see their home again. Someone’s home is forever destroyed.
I was lucky that I have secured my place at foreign university before war, but my whole family is still in Ukraine.
War is not over at all. 20% of Ukraine is occupied. So many displaced civilians, so many deaths. No one could even count, we do not have any access to bodies. Only way to identify is to deoccupy and find mass graves. No other means. Children are suffering from PTSD even in such a young age. Almost in every city, big or small, you would find graveyards covered in Ukrainian flag, grave of the soldier.
Maybe media does not talk that much of us, but it doesn’t mean that everything is alright. Avdiivka is destroyed, right now operation searching for people under debris of the civilian house after attack is undergoing.
And this is happening all the time.
Who was punished for Olenivka? Who was punished for destruction of Kakhovka Dam? Who was punished for all fully destroyed cities? Who was responsible for all that absolutely atrocious videos torturing Ukrainian soldiers?
Please, remember, Ukraine is still on fire. People are still dying. Soldiers cannot even counterattack because they do not have enough ammo, just for protection. Information war is also waging, sharing all that misinformation, Nazi narratives, russian propaganda.
russia is a terrorist state.
Glory to Ukraine.
Glory to the Heroes.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Sealed With A Kiss | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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Didn’t think I’d write anything for Bakugou’s birthday and then a random idea popped into my head and I wrote it all in one sitting. It’s been months since I’ve started and finished a fic, so please be kind! And Happy Birthday, Bakugou!💕
Summary: Not everyone wants the quirk that they're given. Ever since you were a child, you were cursed with a quirk where you’re able to see how someone will die when you kiss them. Unsure on whether your quirk is telling the future, or sealing their fate with a kiss of death, its safer for you to completely give up on finding love. Coming to terms over the years that you’ll have to watch all your friends get married and settle down, while you spend the rest of your life alone. That is, until you run into Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings: 18+, minimal plot, mostly smut, no beta, praise, dirty talk, fingering, multiple orgasms, public sex, protected sex, not as angsty as I thought it’d be!
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 6.4k.
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What would you do if you could tell someone the exact time and way that they’re going to die? Would you share that information with them, hoping that they can get their affairs in order and live those final moments to the fullest before kicking the bucket? Or would you keep quiet about it, holding onto the information as though it's a sordid little secret that needs to be buried and taken to your own grave?
Not that it matters anyway, because even if you held that information no one would believe you anyway, would they? Telling someone that they’re going to die in a car accident when they don’t even drive, or that they die during a snowstorm in July. It’s like people only ever believe what they want to hear, and it’s the same reason why even your best friend doesn’t know about your quirk. Imagine if you’d proved it, writing down your prediction and then waiting for it to happen. Counting down the days like you’re waiting for an exciting event, not waiting for someone to die. And then what? Someone dies and people want you to do it again, to prove that it wasn’t just a fluke. And then what? You’re kissing every single person that comes along just to tell them that they’re not going to make it to their next birthday?
Quirks should be a blessing, but yours was most definitely a curse.
“You know you really should start trying to settle down, you’re not getting any younger.” You could practically feel the disdain in their tone as you tried to avoid the question by taking a sip of your drink.
“You act like she’s going to die soon,” Your best friend Tatami laughed, shaking her head, “She’s got plenty of time.”
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. You should scoff at the saying, but in this instance, it was very much true. The entire Hen party was made more awkward by the fact that you didn’t like any of your best friends friends’. All socialites that would give up your deepest, darkest secrets to further themselves and get their names plastered all over the latest tabloids. You were lucky enough to have known her since childhood, but it didn’t make it any easier.
Every wedding you’d attended in the last few years was even more elaborate and outrageous than the last like each bride competed to show that they had the most magnificent life. And every time you were stuck in an uncomfortable bridesmaid dress, trying to avoid the same string of questioning that you knew was coming.
“Come on, Tatami.” One of the girls rolled her eyes, taking a large sip of champagne, “Why don’t you try to set her up with one of your old school friends? At least then she’d be with a man with ambition.”
You felt irritated by them talking about you as though you weren’t even in the room, never mind sitting on the opposite ends of a table. They made it seem as though you were incapable of finding a partner like no one would ever want you.
“Or you could try one of those dating websites, I almost married a rich tycoon from Russia on there before I settled down with my husband. It’s funny how things work out.”
Of course, no one even bothers to ask me whether I want a boyfriend or not– never mind a husband. You rolled your eyes at the idea of flying out to Russia to marry a rich oil tycoon.
“I’m happily single at the moment,” You force a smile, your hand tightening against your glass, “
“They are right though, darling.” Tatami gave you a soft smile, “You have been single for quite some time. I’m not even certain I remember the last time you even mentioned going on a date with anyone?”
That’s because you hadn’t. Not since you lost your boyfriend all those years ago. Why would you try to look for someone again knowing what you know now?
Growing up you’d eagerly awaited receiving your quirk, but the longer it took to manifest the more you’d come to terms that you were one of the quirkless. It wasn’t until you shared your first kiss at sixteen that you realised that maybe things weren’t quite as they seemed. Everyone anticipates their first kiss, hoping it would be one of those special, perfect moments that you’d remember for the rest of your life. But instead, the moment you’d shared yours, you’d been struck with a horrifying premonition.
It felt like a dream at first, a moment where you’d pinch yourself and realise that everything had been concocted in your mind. The vision of your first love walking into traffic on a cold, snowy evening. The cars were unable to stop against the icy terrain as they drove straight towards him, the lights bouncing off the road to make it difficult to see pedestrians as he was knocked to his back. You’d even told him about it after it happened, laughing about how vivid your imagination was– but not even three months later and it's like your nightmare came true.
You’d told yourself it was a coincidence, that it could've happened to anyone and it was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trying to heal your heart as you took time to recover from losing your first love until you met your next boyfriend. You were trying to allow yourself to be happy again, to forget the bad memories that haunted your past. Until it happened again– your first kiss with him gave you a vision. This time a villain attack endangered the city, your boyfriend was caught in the crossfire as a fire quirk ripped through his body and burnt him from the inside out.
It should’ve frightened you, much like the first time. But instead, you just felt numb. It was then you realised that you weren’t in fact quirkless, but instead of gaining a talent that was cool, flashy or useful to society– you inherited a curse.
Of course, there was no way you could explain your quirk to anyone, finding someone that believed you would be hard enough. But telling someone that you know when they’re going to die purely from kissing them? It sounded insane. Not to mention what it could do if the information fell into the wrong hands. Using the information for those dark, depraved benefits.
And to this day you weren’t even sure whether kissing someone showed the way they were going to die, or whether kissing them sealed their fate. Like you were the grim reaper handing out the macabre kiss of death.
Why would anyone want to be with you?
So it was easier this way, guarding your heart so you couldn’t feel the pain of losing someone you love again. A small price to pay to ensure that you didn’t harm anyone else, and the disappointed looks from your friends that you were still very much single were a small price to pay.
But you did feel alone.
Watching all your friends get married, settle down and have kids was harder when you knew you could never have those things. Maybe that's why it hurt even more. We always desire what we can’t have, after all.
“Let me set you up on one date and see how it goes,” Tatami’s annoying friend dipped her glass towards you from across the table, the champagne sloshing inside it, “I have this friend, not much of a looker, but he’s a quirk defence lawyer. It pays good money, and he’s looking to settle down–”
“It’s alright, I’m really not looking–” You felt awkward as each set of eyes around the table scrutinised you.
“Nonsense, he’d be perfect for you,” She continued, and you almost groaned as she pulled out her phone, “Let me text him now, I bet he could get you lunch in that new Sushi restaurant in the city.”
“Sorry, I just need the bathroom-” You almost shoved Tatami out of the booth as she stood up to let you out, her drink splashing as you tried to give her a reassuring smile before disappearing into the throng of people inside the busy nightclub. You weren’t even sure if you’d be able to find it back to your table at this point, but all you knew is you needed to get out.
The heat inside the club was suffocating, burning through you as you tried to find an exit. Weaving through the sea of people as you tried to remind yourself to breathe. Heaving a sigh as you noticed the sign to a smoking area as you followed the few people heading in the same direction. Stepping into the cool evening air is a welcome relief, the chill pricks against your skin as the heat slowly simmers down. Leaning against the rough brick wall as the back of your head knocks against it gently, closing your eyes to try and alleviate the irritation bubbling up inside you.
“Oi, you okay?” Your eyes opened into a glare to see the source of the voice, your nose scrunched in irritation at the blunt introduction.
A blond man stood a few feet away from you, cell phone in hand. The bright screen illuminated his face and cast a soft glow against his skin. You felt your heart betray you as it sped up at the sight of him, suddenly feeling self-conscious beneath his piercing ruby gaze.
“M’fine.” You mumbled, not about to dump all your issues on a random stranger.
“You don’t look fine,” He shrugged, glancing back down at his phone as he typed against the screen.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You sneered, your defences up.
“You just look pissed,” He smirked, and it only irritated you more.
Who did this fucking asshole think he was?
“Well I’ve got a random stranger bothering me, so perhaps I am.”
The answer has the opposite effect you were expecting as the blond beside you gives you a wide grin, shaking his head.
“Gotta be better than the desperate pricks inside there?” He tilts his head towards the club and you’ve gotta admit he’s right. You’ve been standing beside him for a minute and he hasn’t tried to buy you a drink or grab your ass.
“Guess you’re right.” You exhale softly.
“Whatever it is can’t be that bad anyway,” He shrugs, “You’re too pretty to be frownin’.”
You hate the way your heart throbs when he calls you pretty, it's pathetic really.
“You come here alone?”
Does he really think you’re that much of a loser to come to a club by yourself?
‘No, my friends are still inside.”
“So why are you out here alone?” He raises a questioning brow.
“Why are you here?” You crossed your arms against your chest defensively, turning the question back on him like he wasn’t doing the exact same thing you were.
“Got a big promotion today,” He shrugs it off like it’s nothing. Probably just another step on the never-ending corporate ladder to him, “My friends got me out to celebrate.”
“Is that why you’re standing outside on your own?” You shoot back, unable to miss the way his nostrils flare in irritation.
“Could say the same to you, sweetheart.” He scoffs, “Who’re you here with?”
“My best friend,” You smile softly, “She’s getting married.”
“Not very rowdy for a hen party.”
“Oh yeah?” You watch the way his tongue darts out between his lips to wet them, “You're not exactly the life of the party yourself, are you?”
“Just wanna go home,” He rolled his eyes, “My friends turn into assholes when they’re drunk.”
“Mine can be assholes at any time.” You were already expecting texts in the morning trying to invite you on a blind date you didn’t even want to go on.
“Dya want me to call you a cab?” The guy held up his phone, “I can get you a separate one if you don’t wanna share. It ain’t safe to be out here alone.”
“Very considerate of you,” You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop your heart from doing a little flip, “I can take care of myself.”
“Sure looks like it,” He scoffed, “That why you’re gonna hide out here for the rest of the night?”
“Shut up,” You almost pouted, “I’ll go back in.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He smirked.
“What’s your name?” You asked as he slipped his phone back into his black jeans pocket.
“Bakugou.” He answered after pausing for a second, “What's yours?”
You mumble your name and can’t stop your cheeks from scalding when he responds with a soft “Pretty.”
Standing in a comfortable silence between the handsome stranger you watched groups of people slowly leaving the club, some moving on to their next destination for the night and others trying to stop their friends from throwing up before they climbed into their designated cabs.
“Gonna take fuckin’ ages to catch a cab now, I hate this part of the city.” Bakugou groans, running his palm down the length of his face.
“You could go back in and party,” You shrugged, “I’m sure your friends are missing you.”
“Yeah? After you, sweetheart—” Bakugou made a mock chivalrous movement with his arm to invite you to go back inside first which you rejected. Moving back to stare into the sea of people with a small smile on your face, “Didn’t think so.”
You stood in a comfortable silence beside him for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. One of the first times in a long time that you felt yourself as you both listened to the rowdy cheers in the background.
“Do you ever just want to say fuck it and disappear?” You surprised yourself by speaking your thoughts out loud.
“Go somewhere where no one knows who the fuck you are or what the fuck you’re doin’?” Bakugou responded simply.
“All the time.” He murmurs.
“It just hurts when it seems like everyone else has their perfect little lives while you’re just waiting on the sidelines,” You sigh. Maybe it was easier offloading everything onto a random stranger, it wasn’t as though you had anyone else you could talk to, “It’s just lonely.”
“You don’t have to be lonely.” He replied as though it was the most simple answer.”
“It’s not that easy,” You shake your head.
“Who said it ain’t that easy?” Bakugou turned to face you, his frame towering over you as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Cause I’m always lonely.” You felt hot, pearly tears beginning to clump in your lash line as you thought about the nights you spent at home alone while all your friends were with their partners. The life that you’d always dreamed about, but never have. For once you just wanted someone to be there for you, with you, “It's just how it is.”
“You don’t have to be though, sweetheart.” He whispers.
“Yeah?” You murmurs, “Do you feel alone too?”
“Fuck,” He groans, leaning his forehead against yours as he stands with you for a moment, “C’mere.”
Bakugou took your hand in his as he walked you through the crowd of people outside the rowdy venue and down a dark dingy alley that was illuminated in fierce neon lights from the various clubs dotted along the high street. You followed behind him obediently as your heart danced against your ribcage, astounded by your daring behaviour. He could be a murderer or a psychopath for all you knew– just another stranger out looking for his next victim. But for some reason (maybe it was the liquid courage coursing through your veins) you felt safe with him.
He moves his hands to your hips as he pushed you back against the cool brick wall, slotting himself between your parted thighs as he looks down at you with crimson eyes. The scent of liquor was sharp on his breath as his lips hovered close to you, warmth fanning your face as he leaned to kiss you.
“No kissing,” You gasped as you tilted your head just in time to avoid his lips as he pressed a wet, scorching kiss against your jawline.
If he had an issue with it, he didn’t voice it. The only sound was a rough grunt rumbling from the back of his throat as his lips continued to pepper sloppy kisses along your neck. Your fingers swiftly carded through his messy hair, nails grazing his scalp as you tried to pull him closer. As though everything right now wasn’t enough, you needed more.
“Please,” You whine as you felt his teeth graze your pulse point, hips bucking as strong palms reached out to steady you. Keeping you still as he bit down on the supple skin hard, the sudden pain had you crying out for him as the ache blurred your vision. Or maybe it was the alcohol running through your system— warm lips suckling the fresh bite mark as you clench your thighs together in a feeble attempt to give your neglected clit some much-needed friction.
“Please, what?” He rasps against your neck, his tongue salving against the mark he’d left against your skin moments earlier.
This is the part where you should’ve stopped him. Making up an excuse about Tatami wondering where you are, or needing to get home and disappearing into the night. But you didn’t—
“Touch me,”
“You always beg random strange men to touch you, sweetheart?” He smirked, his hand reaching round to grab a handful of your ass, “Or am I just special?”
If only he knew how unlike you this really was, that no one had touched you so intimately in years. A thought that would’ve surely ruined the mood if Bakugou’s hand hadn’t slipped beneath your dress to cup your aching sex, the sensation had you gasping in surprise as the blonde smirked down at you.
“I’m just special, hah?” He answered his own question with a toothy grin, “Is that why your panties are dripping for me?”
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this insatiable. Evenings spent at home with your toys felt nothing like the way his warm hands felt against your skin, uncaring that you were in a dirty alleyway as you found yourself grinding into his touch.
“Fuck,” You murmur, your head knocking against the cold brick as Bakugou presses the heel of his palm against your clit through the sheer fabric. A heat blazes through his touch and scorches you as you writhe against him, desperate to create a delicious friction as he smirks down at how salacious you look at this moment.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet, bet I’d slide right in.” He grunts, surprising himself at his blunt words. Blaming his audaciousness on the alcohol Sero and Denki had plied him with not long ago, the liquor flowing through his veins.
“Please,” It’s quite pathetic really, just how easily this man has turned you into this. You’d managed to go years without the touch of a man, and now you’d felt it for a moment you were unsure how you’d ever lived without it.
“Oh, fuck.” He chokes back a groan as he pulls your panties to the side, the skirt of your dress now shamelessly bunched around your waist as he notes the glossy strings of your essence that cling to the flimsy fabric of your panties, “This all for me?”
His fingers drag through your slick shamelessly, testing it on his fingers as he feels the heat radiating from your core. He spends little time circling your puffy clit before continuing lower, dipping one thick digit inside your tight hole. You wish at this moment that you’d worn slightly prettier panties than the plain black ones you wore right now, but if Bakugou had any issues with them he certainly didn’t seem to mind as he pumped his finger in and out of your core.
“Shit, you’re so sensitive.” He groans at the way your body responds to him, thrashing against him as he places more pressure on your clit.
“Please, Bakugou.” Your thighs quiver as he continues pumping his finger inside you, feeling the way your walls hungrily try to suck him in deeper, to take all he's got to give and more.
“Wish we weren’t in a dirty fuckin’ alley right now, princess. I’d have you sit on my face.” He groans, feeling the way your cunt clenches around him at his lewd words. You’d never wished something so bad in your life, tempted to tell him you didn’t mind if there was an audience if it meant having his lips wrapped around your clit.
“I don’t normally do this shit,” He groans, nuzzling your neck.
“Fuck strangers in alleys?” You tease as he gives you a playful smirk against your skin.
“Somethin’ like that.”
You groan as he adds another finger to join the first, stretching you open as your nails dig crescent-shaped moons into the base of his neck, leaving reddened indents against his skin as he growls from the slight twinge of pain. The sounds coming from your cunt are downright crude, echoing around the empty alley as he deliberately curls his fingers to press against the spongy spot inside you.
“Shit, you’re fuckin’ dripping.” Bakugou grunts, watching your creamy slick dribble down his fingers and settle into his palm, his thumb pressing sloppy circles against your needy clit as you shamelessly rock your hips into his touch. Greedily searching for the orgasm that he’s more than happy to give to you.
“Look at you,” He goads, “You’re so fuckin’ easy. This sloppy ‘nd I’ve barely even touched you. Is this all it takes, sweet girl?”
You don’t have the heart to tell him how long it's been since anyone touched you like this, that no matter how hard you try to replicate his touch after today, you’ll probably never feel anything like this again. It’s like he’s tempting you to say something, to give him a witty comeback. But you can’t, not when his fingers are stroking you in all the right places, stretching you out in preparation for what you know is soon to come. You spread your thighs further apart to give him more access, a movement that has a wide grin from ear to ear appearing on his face. Standing on shaky heels as he ensures you stay upright with a palm on your waist.
He knows when he’s found it, like a lost ship searching for the bright glow of a lighthouse to guide it home. Pushing his calloused digits against the same spot that he knows will have you coming undone.
“Right there, huh baby?” He coos, “Yeah, I know, I know. Such a pretty pussy.”
You must look debauched now, your tongue lolling out as you pant pathetically with your head knocking against the cold brick wall. Allowing Bakugou– a complete stranger– to do as he so pleases with you.
“Oi, you listening to me?” He growls, and you can’t even remember what he’s just said. So lost in your own bliss as he continues to press the same persistent circles against your clit, “Course you ain’t, so desperate to cum, hm?’
“Please, Bakugou.” You mumble, breaking off into a salacious moan as he increases his pace eagerly trying to push you over the edge. He’s watching intently as you writhe against him, dangerously close to your release as you pulse around his digits.
“Fuck,” He almost snarls, the sound sending shockwaves direct to your needy cunt as you feel yourself vaulting into your bliss.
His fingers don’t stop their ministrations, even as you're crying out for him and gushing all over them. He instead, increases his pace, determined to have you completely intoxicated on him before he's even begun.
“You’re so goddamn noisy, ain’tcha?” He scoffs, finally pulling his digits from your spent cunt with a crude squelch. Unabashedly holding them up to his lips as he tastes you on his tongue, groaning as though he's tasted the sweetest ambrosia as he cleans you off his skin.
“Please, Bakugou.” You slur, legs shaky from the intense orgasm he’d gifted you as he pulls his fingers from his mouth.
Bakugou’s fingers are quick to unfasten his belt, letting the heavy buckle hang as he dipped his thumbs into the hem of his boxers to pull them down along with his jeans. Letting the material settle around the curve of his ass, just enough to free his aching cock. The sight of it had your thighs quivering in anticipation, the bulging head an angry pink colour as it oozed pre from the slit. Dribbling down the underside as the veins that forked along his girth made him appear even bigger, the length of it drooped down from the sheer weight as you wondered how on earth he could keep something that size hidden beneath his jeans.
“S’big,” You murmur, biting down on your lower lip as your cunt throbs in anticipation. Even his balls look huge, thick and weighty as you watch him give himself a teasing pump. His wrist rolling as he smears pre along the length. Ready to ignore how damp and filthy the floor looks in favour of dropping to your knees to worship his cock as it deserves.
“Think you can still manage it though, sweetheart.” He grins, “I know that pretty pussy’s good for it.”
You’re almost disappointed when he pulls a condom out from his wallet in his back pocket, seemingly you’ve found the only man in the entire bar with a conscience as he rips the foil packet open with his teeth. Lifting one of your thighs up to press against his hip as his cock slips between your folds, the fat tip catching against your entrance as he sucks in a breath.
“Don’t do that,” Bakugou groans, “You’ll make me wanna fuck you raw.”
“Do it then.” You challenge, wondering whether he really is like all the sleazy men your friends end up with.
“Another time, baby.” He glowers back, pushing the tip of the condom against the head of his cock as he slides it down his length.
The first push against your tight entrance has the air stolen from your lungs, a dull ache from the stretch in your core as his thick cock slowly breaches your sex.
“Holy fuck,” He grunts, his fingers dipping into the fat of your thigh as he holds it against his hip, “You’re so tight.”
He smirks at how desperate you are to feel him inside you, trying to drop yourself down on his length as he gives a few, shallow thrusts. Your fingers dig into his skin to try and get him to give you more, rewarding you by thrusting all the way inside. One sharp rut is all it takes to have him sheathed inside you, your walls moulding to the shape of his cock as he takes a moment to cherish the sensation of you wrapped around him.
“Told you I’d slide right in, perfect fuckin’ pussy.” He groans, slowly pulling back as he glances down between you to watch his cock slide out of your warm heat before you take every inch again.
There’s not much you can do in this position except stand there and take what Bakugou’s got to give, his rough thrusts push you against the wall as he almost sweeps you off your feet. His messy pubes tickle your clit with every forward motion as your essence leaks from your needy cunt and dribbles down his heavy balls.
His scent is intoxicating, the saccharine tartness has you tugging him closer. Burying your nose into his neck to smell the mixture of cologne and his natural scent. It’s almost comforting as you cling to him a little tighter, trying to commit it to memory so you can cherish it when you inevitably end up alone after tonight.
“Oh, god.” You cling to his broad shoulders, holding him tight as he sets a brutal pace. The fabric of your dress catches against the rough brick behind you as he leaves a trail of kisses against your cheek.
The sensation is overwhelming, the pleasure rapidly building inside you as he continues thrusting into you with hard, sharp ruts of his hips. For once, the only thing you can think about is the white-hot pleasure coursing through you. The soothing ache from his cock stretching you open is almost cathartic as you let him use your body as he pleases, his rough hands groping at your exposed skin as he presses more scorching kisses against your jugular, sharp teeth nipping at your skin.
“Oh fuck, Bakugou.” You cry out, louder than intended as your toes curl from his harsh movement.
“Shit– You want us to get caught, sweetheart?” He groans, his palm reaching up to cover your mouth, “Can’t kiss you to shut’cha up, can I? So I’ll have to do this.”
And maybe it’s better this way, your lips warm against his palm as your lipstick smears against it. Otherwise, with the way he was looking down at you, you probably would’ve kissed him.
Your moans are muffled by Bakugou now, his pace unrelenting as he gives rough thrusts inside you. The lewd squelch vibrates around the empty alley and mingles with the loud thrum of bass that vibrates from inside the club. The loud bustle of voices only feet away as anyone could turn down and see you both in such a compromising position— not that it would be anything unusual. You certainly aren’t the first couple to fuck down this alley, if the empty condom wrappers and bottles are anything to go by, and you surely won’t be the last. But it’s been so unlike you to allow yourself to submit to your pleasure, to live a little.
“You still with me, pretty girl?” He groans, “Pussy feels so good. Can feel you clamping down around me.”
You whined against his palm, feeling the pleasure intensifying inside you as Bakugou continued his rough pace. Drunken patrons hollered boisterously as they left the bar causing him to shield your body with his broad back, taking his eyes off you to ensure they didn’t decide to come down the alleyway to interrupt you.
“Fuckin’ pricks.” Bakugou snarled under his breath as he stilled inside of you.
Your entire body felt as though it was on fire, hovering dangerously close to the edge of your climax as your cunt clenched around his thick cock. Causing Bakugou to suck a harsh breath through his teeth as he brought his attention back to you, the corner of his lip curling into a sly smirk.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I didn’t forget about you,” He groaned, languidly moving inside you, “Gonna make you cum so hard.”
“Please,” You mumbled, muffled by his hand as he began rolling his hips, the bulging tip of his cock catching against the spongy spot inside you with each pronounced thrust.
“Fuck,” Bakugou snarls, moving his hand from your mouth in favour of slipping it between your bodies to thumb at your clit. The sensation has your knees buckling as your weight drops, no longer able to hold yourself up. But he’s strong, keeping you pinned between his body and the wall as he keeps his unrelenting pace, “Come on, pretty girl. I know you’re close, can feel you choking me.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” It’s embarrassing really, how one man— a stranger, can have you coming undone like this in public no less.
“So fuckin’ noisy, shit-” He grunts, his ruby gaze intense as he watches you come undone.
Bakugou steals your climax from you, his thumb is unrelenting against your clit as he feels your cunt clamp down around him. The loud cry that spills from your lips has him wincing as he hopes no one’s decided to look down the alley for a free show— something that would certainly make the front page this very morning. He eases you through your high, the white spots that dance across your vision make it feel like you’re seeing stars. A sea of constellations against your eyelids as you succumb to the pleasure.
“You look so pretty when you cum,” He groans, his face buried in the apex of your neck as he inhales deeply, committing your scent to memory as he cherishes the way your cunt clenches around his cock.
Bakugou pushes his fat cock inside you, as deep as he can go. Until his balls are snug against the swell of your ass as he feels the tremble of your cunt coming down from your high. His warm breath scorches your neck as he gives himself a moment's respite before picking up his pace once more, greedily using your body to chase his own release. His palm pushes your thigh up higher against his hip, changing the angle as the swollen tip of his cock finds what it was searching for. The euphoria already surging through your veins is enhanced by the attention from his cock knocking against the same spot inside you over, and over, and over.
“Think you can give me one more, sweet girl?” He rasps, watching your thick lashes flutter as tears blind your vision.
“I– can’t,” You manage to get out between broken breaths, unadulterated pleasure coursing through your veins.
“Yeah, you can.” He coos, his thumb persistent against your clit as he ruts into the same spot inside you, “C’mon, for me?”
The sensation building inside you is almost painful, still overwhelmed from your last intense climax the pleasure still bubbling to the surface as Bakugou is unrelenting. It’s too much, and yet not enough at the same time.
“Don’t hold back, sweetheart.” He groans, “Cum for me.”
Your body feels ungovernable as you succumb to the pleasure, a cry of his name tumbling from your lips that he doesn’t try to silence as he holds your quivering body. Preventing you from thrashing as he clings to you tightly, fingertips creating divots in your plush thigh.
“Oh fuck, there we go.” He snarls primally, nostrils flaring as he gives a few final shaky ruts of his hips, spilling his release inside the condom with a grunt as you both bask in the aftershocks of your release.
You’re certain if he let go of you now you’d collapse to the dirty floor, your legs no longer strong enough to support your weight as you cling to Bakugou. And he holds you back just as tight, dropping your sore thigh in favour of wrapping his arms around your waist as he remains buried inside your fluttering cunt.
He can still feel you spasming when he finally pulls out of you, sliding the condom off his spent cock as he shamelessly throws it onto the ground. Fixing your panties before pulling your dress back down around your thighs to hide your modesty before he moves to tuck his wet cock back inside his underwear and buttons his jeans.
You hadn’t expected him to hold you so tenderly, as though you were the world's most precious porcelain. But you both stand there for what feels like forever, basking in the afterglow as you sway side to side.
A large palm raised to cup your warm cheek, the calloused pad of his thumb brushing against the soft skin as he tilted your head to meet his gaze. Leaning forward as his eyes crossed to stare at your pouty lips, closing the distance slowly until you placed a palm on his chest.
“No kissing.” You repeated, turning your head as Bakugou pulled back, squinting at you.
“Still?” Bakugou grunts, “Why the no kissin’ bullshit?”
You couldn’t explain it to him, especially not after this. Wondering if it would be easier to make up a lie about your breath smelling or being nervous.
“I just can’t.” You sounded pathetic, internally wincing at the pitiful tone of your voice.
“Yeah, why?” He continued, “You got a boyfriend or somethin’?”
He actually looked hurt as he asked the question, his crimson gaze searching your eyes for any kind of deception as you shake your head no.
“I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Husband?” Bakugou pushes as you shake your head again.
“Then what’s the fuckin’ problem?” He spits, slightly more harshly than intended.
“You won’t like it,”
I don’t want to know when you die. You think to yourself.
“Like fuck I won’t.” He scoffed, “Fuckin’ dumbass.”
Bakugou caught you by surprise when he wrapped his palm around your neck, holding you so tenderly as he ducked his head forward. Catching you even more by surprise as he placed his chapped lips against yours, his tongue instantly slipping past your parted lips to delve deeper.
The first time you’ve actually felt something for someone this had to happen. The premonition played clearly behind your eyes as you felt Bakugou’s tongue mould against your own, a deep timber groan vibrating against your mouth as he lost himself in the kiss.
Of course, whatever higher power couldn’t just let you be happy for once, you had to see the fate in store for Bakugou Katsuki.
Pulling away from your lips as his tongue poked out to taste your lipgloss, the corner of his lips curled into a smug smirk as you stared up at him in complete horror. This wasn’t good—
You’d hoped that his death would be a peaceful one, dying a natural death surrounded by his loved ones at a ripe old age. But it was anything but, the terrifying vision now imprinted onto your memory. And you wished he never kissed you, not only so he wouldn’t die but so you wouldn’t have to see this vision every time you close your eyes.
With one kiss you’d sealed his fate.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, his chest heaving as he tried to regain his breath.
You’d convinced yourself that as long as you didn’t kiss him, it would be okay— but now you’d seen the future you knew nothing would be okay.
Humans are such selfish creatures.
“Yeah, fuck.” You groaned.
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mine truly and forever || j. miller
summary: joel comes back to you in whatever way he can. part two of “yours truly and forever”. 
warnings: smut, creampie, oral (male and female receiving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, unprotected sex, language, dirty talk
word count: 4k
A/N: this took me awhile to get out, sorry everybody! also, i really didn’t plan on writing a part 2 to this, but the demand was really high. not my best work, so i just fed you all with smut instead lmao
here’s my masterlist if you’d like to read more of my work!
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You had long since given up hope that Joel was coming back for you. 
Every morning, you woke and swallowed down the tightening in your throat, the knot in your stomach. You believed he had moved on. Maybe he found his brother and settled down with Ellie.
Anything was better than what was most likely. Anything was better than him being dead.
You rose with the sun and fell with it too, wondering every day if you’d ever see him again. If you’d ever get to laugh with him, or cry with him, or touch him. Some part of you thought that, maybe, your night spent together was just his desperation for some human touch. All you were to him was a way to satiate his desire. Maybe.
You tried not to think about it, but the thought of him him him seeped into everything you did. Feeding the cows? You thought about Joel. Harvesting? You thought about Joel. Cooking? You thought about Joel. Laying awake at night, eyes flitting across the darkness, searching for something? You thought about Joel. 
So, yeah, you’d given up on the idea of him awhile ago. 
It had been two years since that night. The night you gave yourself wholly to him. The night you let him into the most intimate parts of your body and soul. Since you let him crawl through you, seeing into your depths. 
The first few months after him were honeyed in hope. When your alarm went off, signaling something was trying to breach your perimeter, you rushed to the camera and prayed it was Joel. It was always just some stray infected or moose or something that wasn’t him. As the snow melted, your heart was loyal. You breathed in the belief of his words every morning. The slush on the ground a reminder that he’d be safer in the warm weather, that he’d come back to you sooner. The summer was warm. Your garden thrived, preparing for his return. You ate strawberries on your porch and basked in the golden sun, soaking in the heat. Your skin dripped in sweat, heart dripping in steadfast hope. 
In the winter, you faltered. You still hoped for his return, you still believed in his promise, but you started thinking about other possibilities. Though, you rarely entertained them. Another spring passed. And another summer. Another fall, winter, and spring. It was summer now, but the heat was more suffocating, the sunshine more of a nuisance.
Over the last winter, you grit your teeth and weathered your bones. You felt betrayal, deep in your gut. Had he lied? Just to keep you solitary? To keep you from chasing after him? To keep you away?
You didn’t know. You didn’t care. Did you?
You didn’t know.
You had given him everything, but he couldn’t keep a promise.
You forced yourself to separate the idea of him from who he really was. He was a man before he was yours. He craved the life that would offer him something to do. He craved you, but didn’t he crave others? Did he crave you, or did he crave someone to take care of him? 
Who was Joel Miller? Who was he, and who was he to you?
Was he even the type to come back to you? No. Probably not. Not when he’s lived through this for 22 years. Not when he’s seen his friends die. Not when he’s killed. He wasn’t the type to lay down and become a farmhand.
Besides, you saw the way he looked at Ellie. Part of you was sure that he’d never leave that girl. She meant more to him than he’d ever say. He was never just yours. He never would be. 
So you shoved the thought of him to the corners of your mind, rejecting it endlessly. You’d never let yourself think too hard about him, only ever letting his image flit about your mind like a lost butterfly. You shut him out and never sought him out again.
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Another morning fell into your lap. The sun barely peeked over the horizon when the sound of alarms ringing out through the property jolted you awake. You rolled your head to the side to stretch a sore muscle, hand reaching under your bed for your rifle. No reason for alarm. Whatever it was, a stray infected or an animal, no doubt, would fall into one of your traps, or you’d pick it off without wasting a single bullet. All in a day’s work.
You slid on the first pair of shoes you could find, slipping out the door and making your way towards where the camera had signalled the breach. You groaned as you realized just how early it was, the sun barely illuminating the ground you stepped on. 
You held your rifle out as your eyes scanned the fence line. Nothing. It must have been one of the traps that set off the alarm. Sighing, you push the buttons on the padlock and it opens the gate. 
Moving to the nearest trap, you peek the muzzle of the rifle into the hole. It was still dark, but you made out a figure standing at the bottom of the pit.
“Move and I’ll fucking shoot you,” you yelled. No response, just the sound of heavy breathing. “You infected?”
Your name was whispered into the air like a breath of something you never thought you’d hear again. That beautiful, rugged, rich voice. The voice that you loved, so dearly. The voice that you hated.
“It’s me, honey,” he was breathless. It was almost as if it was his first moment of rest in twenty years. 
Your heart skipped a beat, breath faltering for a moment. You didn’t let the tears threatening to pool in your eyes spill. Instead, you threw your rifle to the side and got on your knees, reaching into the dark pit. “Take my hand.” 
Extending your hand, you almost immediately felt his large, rough one envelop yours. You used most of your strength to pull him up, him hoisting himself up once he got a good grip. He falls on top of you with the momentum, catching himself before his figure crushes yours. You could feel his heavy breath on your face, painting invisible lines of what you both want. A sea in his eyes, pooling with everything that’s happened since he left you, with everything he wanted to say, everything he wants to say. You lean into him a little, breath hitching and brows furrowing when he finally attaches his lips to yours. 
It was like an oxygen mask, breathing you to life. It was more desperate than any kiss you had shared. He was here, in your hands. He was alive. He was heart and flesh and blood and he was with you again.
Your arms pulled him in close until he groaned into your mouth. You pulled away to study his face. He didn’t meet your eyes, instead, absorbing every feature of your face that he had missed for so long.
You began to lift his shirt to see why he had groaned, but his hand on your wrist stopped you. 
“Joel,” you warned. “Lift up your shirt.”
“Take me to dinner first, hey?” He chuckled. He was stalling. He didn’t want you to see whatever was under his shirt.
You gave him a warning look before he gave in. Sitting up, you gently lifted his shirt. There wasn’t a concerning amount of blood for once, just small lacerations here and there that might need a few stitches. However, the skin underneath the marks was full of vibrant purples and blues and yellows, painted across the flesh of his abdomen like some sick piece of art. A small gasp left your lips at the sight, but Joel tilted your chin up to look at him, pulling his shirt down with his other hand. 
“Just fell, darlin’. I’d do it all again to get to you.” 
Heat spread across your face, tinting your cheeks. All the resentment you had for him fizzled away (but was it really resentment if you could forgive him with just one kiss? Or maybe that was just the power Joel had over you). 
“Let me patch you up, cowboy,” you said as you stood up, grabbing your rifle and pulling him up with you. “Come on.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
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Leading him through the house by his hand, the silence settled nicely. Something unspoken lingered between you two, remnants of what happened still drifting. Ideas of what might happen were tempting.
You led him to the bathroom, instructing him to sit on the counter. You opened the cabinet and grabbed everything you’d need. 
“It’s like every time we meet, you’re on the verge of death, Miller,” you said as you laid your supplies out.
He grunted. “Not on the verge of death right now, honey. Just a little banged up, is all.” You told him to take off his shirt. He did so without a word of protest. “I’m just lucky I’ve always got my favourite girl to patch me up.” His hands reached for you, wanting you to be close to him. He grabbed your hips and positioned you in front of him, between his legs. You didn’t look away from the cuts and bruises on his chest and stomach. 
“Not always, apparently,” you muttered under your breath as you began to dab his chest with a damp rag, washing away the brutality of what he went through to get to you. His brows furrowed, his hand moving to your wrist. 
“Don’t be like that, honey.”
“Fuck you,” you whispered, pulling your wrist from his grasp and going back to your task. You were both silent as you cleaned his chest, both avoiding eye contact.
You grabbed the dated peroxide. “Might hurt.”
He nodded in acknowledgement. He made no noise when you applied it to the areas of concern, but the cords in his neck tightened nonetheless. 
“Sorry,” you whispered, the desire to sooth him and shut him up with your mouth still clawing at you. He grunts in acknowledgement. You continued to clean him up, till all his wounds were stitched and his skin was clean of blood. 
“Done,” you finally spoke, throwing out the dirty rags and cleaning up. You went to move past him to get out of the bathroom, but he slid off the counter and blocked your exit. Your face was only a few inches from his chest. “Joel,” you warned, “let me out.”
“Not 'till you tell me why you’re so mad at me, darlin’,” he said, his voice gruff yet soft. His hands slid up and down your arms, which were on your hips. 
You tried to push past him again, but he didn't budge. 
You huffed, and his eyes softened, large hands moving to cup your face. “You don't know how much I missed you,” he said, brows furrowed. 
You closed your eyes. “I do know.” You felt him press his forehead to yours, and you reciprocated, hands moving to hold his wrists. You didn't have the energy to be mad at him anymore. You just wanted him. 
“Then let me show you,” he whispered, breath fanning over your lips, driving you wild. Everything about him was intoxicating. 
His lips found yours again, still needy and fervent, but there was something more. Something hungry. Something growing, something left over. 
He pushed you against the bathroom counter, hands moving across your body, touching you everywhere, anywhere he could. His hands ghosted over your breasts, across your thighs, rubbing your hips, caging you in. You whined, “Touch me.”
“Anywhere. I just need more,” you said, breathless. 
At that, he placed you on top of the counter before he lifted your shirt from your body, “Nothin’ underneath? Knew I was comin’,” he said with a smirk. You were breathless as he kissed you again, sliding your pants off your body. He broke from your mouth to lay wet kisses on your neck and chest, biting and sucking his mark into your flesh. 
You whimpered when he gently ran a finger over your clothed core, bucking into his hand, desperate for anything more. He groaned when he felt how wet you were, your slick already pooling in your panties. He didn't have it in him to tease you. Not today. 
He slid your panties down your legs. You felt the heat of your core come in contact with the air, your slick beginning to drip down your thighs. He dropped to his knees, looking up at you with nothing but pure desire, want, need, and, dare you say, love? 
He kisses the soft inside of both thighs, your hands tangling in his hair, before his face hovers over your soaked core. He pressed his head into the inside of your thigh, running a finger through your folds. You moaned at the seating contact, watching as he brought his finger to his lips and captured your slick on his tongue. He moaned, “Missed this pussy.”
He played with your clit experimentally, just to see how wet you could get without his saliva, before the tempting sight of your pussy collapsed him. He dove in like a man starved, licking and sucking, spreading your folds apart to get further inside. Your hands still fisted in his hair as you moaned. He draped one hand across your abdomen to keep you still, hips bucking up into his mouth. 
His mouth was a magic ailment, drawing that familiar sensation from you in a matter of no time. The coil in your belly grew, hot and heavy, until his work on your cunt sent you over the edge, gripping his hair and moaning his name. 
“That's it, pretty girl. Give it to me,” he said as he worked you through your high. When he noticed you squirming, whispering “s’too much”, he moved from your core and up to your mouth. Your hands spread across his chest, still bare, as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Your juices were smeared across his face, glistening in the hair there. 
“Take me to bed, cowboy,” you said against his lips.
“Yes Ma’am,” he breathed. He picked you up, wrapping your legs around his body, and carried you to your bedroom. You pressed kisses across his neck and chest as he moved. 
When he laid you down on the bed, he caged you underneath him. You reached to his belt, unbuckling it and throwing it to the side. He removed his pants, and you began palming him over his boxers. He was rock hard, eating you out almost getting him there in itself. 
“Please,” you said, nearly inaudible. “Will you let me taste you?” You stroked his bulge. 
“Fuck, honey. How could I say no to that?” 
You rolled so you were on top of him, freeing his thick cock from its constraint. He sat up on the edge of the bed, you sinking between his legs. 
You stroked his cock, smearing the precum around the tip. He was sensitive. You could tell he hadn't had anyone since you, and he definitely didn't have the time to take care of himself. He groaned as you began giving kitten licks to his tip, hand fisting in your locks, not guiding you, just needing a place to find solace. 
“Gonna be the end of me,” he groaned when you put him fully in your mouth. He threw his head back, tears pricking your eyes when you tried to take him all. He was desperate for his release, but he was desperate to release inside of you even more. 
“Baby, m’ not gonna last. Wanna finish inside of you,” he groaned. You lifted your head from his cock, wiping the saliva from the corners of your mouth, eyes wet. 
“So pretty. C’mere,” he said, gesturing to his lap. 
You climbed atop him. “Wanna ride you,” you said, sucking into his neck. 
“Fuck, okay. Okay, you can ride me honey,” he said. You were absolutely ruining him. 
You kissed him silly, straddling his lap. He was so enamoured with you, everything you did. The way you tasted, smelled, sounded. He was pussy drunk. 
You parted from him to run his tip through your entrance, still soaked with your cum and his saliva, collecting your wetness. Lining him up with your entrance, you moaned into each other’s mouths when you sunk down onto him. Allowing yourself a moment to feel him sheathed fully inside you, stretching you out, filling you up, letting your body remember the way you blended together, you kissed him with a renewed passion, something you thought had died. 
You held onto his shoulders as support, his large hands gripping your hips, gritting his teeth. When you lifted yourself off of him and back down, you set a desperate pace, grinding yourself down on his cock. 
“Not gonna last long, pretty thing,” Joel groaned, eyes fixed on where you were connected. You were too set on your release to care, you just knew you wanted him inside you forever. 
“Don’t care,” you gritted out, panting and out of breath. The noises filling the air were downright unholy, but neither of you had it in yourself to care. “Want you to fill me up.”
Joel growled, “Fuck, honey. Fill you up so good, you’ll be dripping out of me. That what you want?” He asked, landing a smack to your ass as you bounced on his cock. You moaned. Your release was right around the corner, your cunt clenching hard on his cock, thighs beginning to tremble. Joel moved a hand to circle your clit, hell-bent on getting you there. “So pretty,” Joel said, almost whimpering. “So good for me. Squeezin’ me so good.”
His words went straight to the fire growing in your core, your slick pooling at the base of his cock. Finally, the coil snapped, your orgasm dancing down your legs and up your body. Your thighs and frame trembled as you tried, you really tried, to keep bouncing on his cock, but your thighs were too weak at this point to keep going. Fixed on release, Joel flipped you so you were caged underneath him, barely missing a beat before spearing his cock into you. He swallowed your overstimulated whimpers. 
“Gonna make a mess out of you. Fuck, almost there,” he groaned. 
“Inside, inside, please,” you choked out, still delirious from your previous orgasm. However, you felt another one building inside of you, the friction of his body as it rubbed against yours added to your previous stimulation was enough to get you there again. You lazily toyed with your swollen clit, not having enough energy to focus, yet you knew it wouldn’t take much.
Joel barely noticed your state as his hips faltered in their pace, hitting that sweet spot so good. You had barely any control left over your body, but as he groaned and the muscles in his front tightened, the feeling of his hot seed filling you up was enough to send you into a frenzy. He groaned into your neck, your loud, wanton moans filling the air. As he filled you to the brim, you shook underneath him, your third orgasm overtaking you. 
When he had recovered, Joel looked down to where you both met, taking note of the creamy ring formed around the base of his cock. He grinned, still breathless, as he gently unsheathed himself from your core, watching you squirm and wrinkle your nose at the overstimulation. He laid down next to you, and you naturally curled into him. 
It was still morning, the rest of the day still ahead of you, but as Joel pulled the blanket over the two of you and watched your chest heave, he had the feeling that time didn’t matter anymore.
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Your eyes fluttered open and met his. You noted how sore your body was, but the pull at your heart was no match. He had been watching you sleep, watching as you cuddled into his warmth and trusted him enough to hold you as you slept. The bright daylight filled the room, lighting up all his features, shining on the pretty grey in his hair and beard. 
“How’d you sleep, honey?” he asked, his voice gravelly. You could feel his heart beating as you laid against his chest. 
You hummed, “Better than I have in a long time.”
He smiled. There was a soft silence for a while as you just looked at each other, his hand stroking the skin of your face, kissing your cheeks and forehead, down the bridge of your nose, and ending at your lips. Finally, he said, “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.”
Your easy grin faltered for a moment. “It’s okay. I just…” you breathed in, “I thought you were dead.” 
He pulled you into his chest. “I’m okay. ‘M right here, darlin’.”
You leaned into his touch, basking in the knowledge that you weren’t going to lose him again. 
“Come back to Jackson with me.” 
“Jackson? In Wyoming?”
He nodded.
“Joel, that’s far…” 
“I’ve made the trip twice now.”
You were silent for a few moments, thinking. He spoke again. “I know this is your home, and it’s been your home for years. And I-”
“Joel,” you cut him off. “Anywhere you go is my home. I’ll come to Jackson with you.”
Joel Miller’s smile was something rarer than diamonds or gold, but it appeared on his face as real as ever. 
Joel kissed you like the world had never ended, like you were his world. That’s because you were. 
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A week of bliss later, you had packed everything you’d possibly think you’d need on one horse and two backpacks. You’d set all your cattle free to roam and disarmed your alarm system. You had made Joel map out your route to Jackson, ever the planner, going through every minute detail. Nights were spent wrapped around each other, and mornings were spent wrapped around the blankets. You spoke of the life you would have together in Jackson, spoke about Ellie, spoke about everything. 
Often, you’d look up at Joel and be met with a punch to the gut. The idea that the man you spent two years of your life praying for, standing right in front of you? It hit you out of nowhere sometimes. It was hard to be thankful in a world like this, in a world that did nothing but take and take and take from you. It was hard to believe that he was really here, that the world gave you something good for once. Sometimes, you’d have to touch him, really touch him, just to make sure he was really here. Just to make sure you hadn’t finally gone crazy and started to imagine him. 
You began to fear that the world was going to whisk him away from you. Maybe a clicker would get him, or maybe a stalker. Maybe you’d react too slow, too quick, too late, too poorly, and he’d try to save you. Maybe he’d get another infection. God knows that man does not take care of himself. 
These fears plagued your mind day and night, awake and asleep. They brushed your thoughts when he touched you, fingers working you into a puddle, you melting into him. These thoughts were unspoken, never would they be said aloud, or they just might seize you in your sleep and become real.
When you got to Jackson, the fear of losing him never ceased, but you did come to realize something. 
You realized that what you were feeling, this utter, disgusting dread and fear of losing the one you love the most, was completely natural.
You loved Joel with all of yourself, and you knew that if anything happened to him, you’d lose all of yourself too. 
After so long, your hearts were molded to one another, holding on for dear life. And you’d spend that life together. Truly and forever.
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series taglist: @winters-fairy @charlyrmv @gvfslayallday @cloudroomblog @lol-im-done @freyafriggafrey @jasminedragoon @daddy-din @dealswiththedevilsblog @coolchick333 @rizzetteee @m3laniehearts @fuglyputa24 @daixylie @mi0o @kissykris @c0wb0ym3nace @snixx2088 @randomstory56 @mmeerraa @doublevirgogirl @daydreamerblues @onlyrealjoy @happinessinthebeing @leathargic @violenttsoho @gingerdarkroast @intoxicatedapple @callsign-athena @cherriebat @sofiparallel @textsfromeponinet​ 
tlou taglist: @jordie-gvf @sunxflowerxx @themusingkitten @anxiety-made @mmerraa 
permanent taglist: @winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs 
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Rescue pt. 1: knight!price x princess!reader
Warnings: talk of pregnancy, medieval standard for women, attempted kidnapping
The king was worse than you imagined, but perhaps you were being dramatic.
He had done nothing but spoke of himself, the money he had and everything else about him. You don't don't think you'd ever met a man who was more full of himself than the king and yet no one seemed to find an issue with that.
You had barely spoken to him, not that he gave you a chance, and he didn't seem to notice. You instead just spent most of you time smiling and nodding, not even wasting your energy to open your mouth.
You had also noticed that he seemed to eye the maids who walked past, paying them more attention than you, his future wife.
Was this supposed to be the rest of your life? Were you supposed to be an accessory that was decorated and put on display, being spoken at but never spoken to while your husband chased after other women?
Did your mother hate you? Why would she do this to you?
"For security." She had told you. "We need a strong ally and you are far too past the age to be unmarried, our people adore you but they talk."
It was naïve but you wished you were born in a time where you could marry for love instead. This security felt like a prison, this marriage would be your chains. You were already alone but you'd be more isolated than ever once he stole you away to his kingdom.
It took everything in you to keep yourself composed.
"I hope you're as excited as I am." The king finally addressed you later than night at dinner and you smiled instinctively.
"Of course, your majesty." Your words were like poison and left a bad taste in your mouth.
"My family and our kingdoms will grow. Soon we won't have to worry about any war."
His family.
You were paralyzed by that notion, disgusted by thinking about the man in front of you touching you or laying with you. You were sure that he'd forget about you if you were pregnant with his child or that would be the only time he'd pay attention to you. You'd be thrown to the side once you gave him an heir, you were sure of it.
Fear gripped your throat, your entire being and it became too much.
You had pushed these feelings away for months, you had ignored them and tried to convince yourself that you could do it for the sake of your kingdom and your people but you couldn't. You were terrified.
After dinner, you were supposed to make your way to your bedchamber, but once you were out of sight, you ran towards the garden.
You somehow slipped past the guards and ran to the river, but you didn't stop. Instead you ran into the forest and let the setting sun guide you far from the castle in hopes that maybe if you couldn't see it your problems would disappear as well.
You stopped when you realized there nowhere you could go. You could run to the nearest village and someone may recognize you or you'd be caught eventually by the knights. Any neighboring kingdom was too far and you'd die in the wilderness before you got close.
You were trapped.
"Are you lost, my lady?" A voice called out to you and you jumped.
A group of men stepped onto the path you were on. They looked as if they had been on the road for a while and judging by their destitute clothes they might not have a place to go to.
However, what sympathy you had for them quickly disappeared when you noticed the strange look in their eyes. You took a couple steps back, but noticed a couple other men appeared behind you.
"No." You said firmly, lying through your teeth. "I was on my way to the village."
One of the men scoffed and raised an eyebrow, not believing you. He seemed to have special interest in your dress and jewelry you were wearing, no doubt knowing exactly who you were.
"We could show you the way." He offered but you shook your head, slowly finding yourself being cornered by the men.
"I can find my own way, thank you." You swallowed hard.
"You'd be much safer with us, your highness."
You stepped away from them as quick as possible and grabbed a stick, brandishing it front of you to keep them away. You face burned when they laughed and you're not sure what it would do to help you but it was the only thing you could think of.
You could bargained them with money but they'd get more out of you if they held you for ransom.
One of the men lunged at you and you swung the stick, smacking him in the middle of the face, causing him to cry out. You hit another before one grabbed your from behind and forced your to drop the stick. You struggled and screamed before you felt something sharp poke underneath your jaw.
"You'll come complacent or dead." The man threatened as he made a show of the dagger.
Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest and you began to panic. You thought this would be it before you heard approaching hooves.
An arrow flew threw the air and hit another man square in the back before another sunk deep into a man's arm. Price rode in on his horse and drew his sword before he jumped off, engaging with the men.
He was much quicker than them and far more skilled. Iron clashed with each other and the men let out cries when Price cut them with his blade, going completely untouched.
You used the commotion to stamp your foot on the man and elbow him in the gut. You managed to push away from him, not before getting cut with his blade on your arm, before you ran away from him.
Price grabbed you and pulled you behind him. He stood in front of you protectively and kept his bloody sword brandished to deter the bandits from moving any closer to you.
"Stay behind me." He told you lowly. "I'll keep you safe."
You blame the reason why your chest was set aflame on the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Some of the bandits were dead, lying in a pool of their own blood, while others held onto their bleeding wounds. Their leader glared at Price but he didn't falter.
"Bastard knight." The leader spat.
"You wouldn't want to lose more of your men would you, eh?" He stood tall and kept a fierce, but confident look in his eyes. "I'm more than willing to let you if that's what you want however."
The bandit thought for just a moment they all ran away into the forest.
Your arm stung and you placed your hand over the wound while you watched them run. Warm blood stained your hand but you were more focus on Price in front of you, unable to take your eyes off the back of his head.
The warmth in your chest only grew as he turned to you, his eyes sharp but laced with concern.
a/n: i think i know who fell first or at least who i want to fall first
Tags. @deadbranch @makayla-666 @glitterypirateduck @dumbbitchgalore @m0chac0ffee @dragonbe-writing @sleepyoriana @twismare
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Dream Of Me
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Chishiya Shuntarō x reader
Your last night in the Borderlands
Fluff / Angst
“Have you seen Chishiya?” I heard Kuina ask.
My eyes lit up as I slid in beside her, all of us crouched down and hiding behind cars.
“Shuntarō? You’ve seen him?” I asked as my eyes began to quickly look at my surroundings, “Where?”
“A couple blocks that way.” Arise admitted, but began to panick as I stood up, “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to go find him.” I stated, but before I could run off Usagi grabbed my arm.
“We need you here to help take down the King of Spades.” She spoke calmly.
“But…” I trailed off.
My eyes held worry for the man that has always been within arms reach since the start of the games. I couldn’t help the knowing anxiety that has flooded my chest since we got separated by the very King of Spades who means to end my life now.
I shook my head, “Chishi could be hurt. I’m not going to lose him to this stupid game-” I stated as began to move.
“He’s fine!” Arisu assured me, his voice sharp and panicked, “He’s safer where he is than here with us.”
I felt torn as too much turmoil struggled inside me.
“We need you.” An said seriously.
After a moment of heavy debate, I relented my mission with a sigh. I knelt to the ground, keeping a look out for any chance of the King of Spades seeing us.
“If you say he’s alright Arisu then… What do I need to do?” I asked.
“We need to draw him away from the other players.” An suggested.
“Alright.” I nodded, “Fine, but as soon as we beat this guy, I’m going to go find Shuntarō.”
“Ah, to be young and in love.” Kuina teased.
I gave her a look, “You’re younger than me?”
“Only by two months.” She muttered.
I raised my eyes before returning my attention back to our friend, “Let’s do this.”
I couldn’t feel the concrete underneath my body as I coughed up dirt and blood. My mind felt fuzzy and my breath labored as I listened to the King of Spades chase after Arisu.
I hope he will be alright.
I knew I needed to get a hold of myself and fast. I was loosing too much blood from the two bullet wounds I bore in my stomach. Not to mention the few cracked ribs I received from the ruthless beating. At least I was able to break a few of his fingers… I humored myself with the thought.
I wiggled my own fingers to see if I would be able to get up and felt relieve in the small movement.
I grunted in pain as I slowly sat up. I lifted my arms to take off my torn shirt and use it as a gauge to wrap around my stomach. Once I felt it was secured enough, I grabbed on to a railing beside me and heaved myself up with a frustrated cry.
The sound of my name stopped me from taking anymore steps out of this cursed alleyway.
“Kuina… An.” I breathed out, “Are you alright?”
“Could be better.” An hummed.
“I agree, this hurts like a bitch.” Kuina grunted in pain the moment she laughed.
Worry flashed over my face at the two, “What can I do?”
An shook her head, “There is nothing you can do.”
The sound of the blimp exploding shoved us signaled that Arisu had won and the King of Spades was no more.
An continued, “Only Arisu can save us now. Soon this hell will be over…”
“I need to…” My face trailed off as I gripped the railing, a new found urge to get to Chishiya taking over my heart.
“I know.” Kuina smiled, “Say hi to him for me.”
I nodded with a small smile before beginning my journey in the direction Arisu had pointed towards earlier. I could only hope that he was still somewhere over there… I wasn’t exactly sure on how much time I had left.
It was night by the time I reached a large opening filled with multiple abandoned cars. The blood from my wound was beginning to seep through my shirt from the exertion. I was worried that it wasn’t a clean shot through and that the bullet could still my inside. It sure felt like it was.
“Shunta?” I called out his name again, it coming out as a cry as I struggled to keep myself standing.
I was beginning to lose faith from the thought of never see him again. Never hear his condescending gravely voice or his beautiful patronizing eyes. Would never be able to see his intelligent mind work or the way he would look like a cute chipmunk when he ate. Or feel his lips against mine that he poured every ounce of feelings and love he had for me.
“Please…” I tried to wipe the tears from my eyes to no avail.
I was beginning to lose hope… Until…
“Over here.” He said and it was then that I saw his outline.
He was on the ground, leaning against a car and it was when I stumbled closer that I could make out dark patches in his jacket. He held his side protectively, but his face looked as calm as a clear sky.
“Oh Chishi.” I cried out, stumbling to the ground beside him.
My hands shook over his wounds, unable to do anything as I gazed teary eyed at him, “What happened?”
“Niragi.” He lightly shrugged, “My conscience decided to get the best of me today I suppose.” He gestured to my lack of clothing, “Though I didn’t realize you’d have your shirt off.”
I shook my head with a short laugh, wincing at the pain as I fell into him, careful not to touch his side. My head fell onto his uninjured shoulder as I allowed myself to cry.
“I thought I’d never see you again.” I spoke as well, “I wish I would’ve jumped out of that car that day.”
“You would have been killed, easily.” Chishiya spoke simply.
I scoffed at the blunt honesty, immediately regretted it afterwards as I held onto my side.
Chishiya ignored me. “I need to check your wound.”
“My fate is up to Arisu and winning against the Queen of Hearts.” I stated, “What happened to Niragi then? Did he…”
“Still hear.” I heard his voice a little bit away.
“If I was able to get up right now, I would-”
“You’d kill me. I know.” Niragi’s voice was sarcastic and I swear I could see his eyes roll.
Chishiya brought my attention back to him, “I need to remove your shirt.”
“This isn’t the time for that.” I tried to joke, but I could see the glare in his eyes, “It’s nothing, really.”
“Don’t tell me it’s nothing, I can tell it’s a bullet wound from the blood seeping through your poorly wrapped excuse of a bandage.” Chishiya sat up a bit with a grunt, “At least you made it this without dying. Means that the bullet didn’t hit anything vital.”
“Such kind words for a dying person.” I rolled my eyes.
Chishiya only raised his eyebrow, “Do you want to know if the bullet is still lodged in there or do you want to die?”
After a pause he did something I never thought he would do…
“Please.” Chishiya pleaded, something very unlike him.
I saw the worry held in his eyes a relented with a soft nod, “Okay.” I turned away, my face hearing up as his fingers gently grazed my skin.
He gently untied my shirt and peered closely to see an exit wound, “You’ll live.”
“Thanks doctor.” I muttered.
I could hear him grunt as he tore a piece of his shirt off and properly bandaged my wound.
“I’m… Glad that you didn’t… That I got to see you one last time.” He spoke softly.
Tears filled my eyes, “Me too Chishi…”
I leaned back against him, taking in the cool night air.
“Do you think he’ll do it?” I wondered.
“It’s Arisu.” Chishiya stated plainly.
I pressed my face into the crook of his neck, “I don’t mind dying like this…”
Chishiya didn’t say a word opting to secure his arm around my side. Minutes seemed to turn into an hour. My eyelids felt heavy as I began to doze off.
A gentle nudge prompted me awake, “Seems like he had it in him.” Chishiya said as a voice echoed above us.
“Choose to remain here as a citizen or leave the game.”
“What will it be?” Chishiya asked as if the answer of our fates belonged to me.
I already knew my answer, I just hope that we would still be together regardless of the outcome.
“I… I would like to leave.” I admitted.
“Then it would seem that I would like to leave as well.” Chishiya gave his final answer.
My grip tightened around his jacket and I couldn’t stop the overwhelming flow of tears, sorrow, and relief.
His hand brushed gently over my side, “Why are you crying?”
“I don’t…” I sobbed, “What if we forget about this place? I don’t want to forget you. Please tell me we won’t forget each other.” My words were grasping on pleading as I clutched onto him.
“I can’t tell you that.” Chishiya answered truthfully causing my heart to break.
I buried my face further into his neck and cried.
“I can tell you this.” He said and my ears picked up on the sound of his calm voice, “Nothing will keep me from finding you.”
“Promise?” I asked, my voice cracking.
“On Niragi’s life.” Chishiya chuckled, earning a scoff from afar.
Seemed Niragi was still alive as he spoke his wish of wanting to leave.
“Chishi…” I whined.
“I promise.” He stated truthfully.
I say up so I could look him in the eyes as I said, “Then all I ask of you until then is to dream of me.”
He nodded as our foreheads touched. His lips softly brushed against mine before my eyelids began to grow heavy once more.
“See you soon my heart.” Chishiya whispered.
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Chishiya opened his eyes being faced with a bright light. Everything felt soar and numb all the same. He released a sigh before looking around the hospital room. His roommate for the next couple weeks had been sleeping and so he rang for a nurse to fill him in on his condition.
It wasn’t too long before he heard rustling beside him. Chishiya glanced over to his roommate without the faintest recognization.
“Why are you staring? Do you want something from me?” The stranger asked.
“Apparently, your heart stopped too.” Chishiya stated.
He stared up at the ceiling as he asked, “How the hell do you know that?”
“It seemed to have happened to me as well.” Chishiya answered.
He chuckled, “What a fucking coincidence.” The burned man glanced at his roommate, “I’m Niragi.” He introduced himself.
“Chishiya.” He returned.
It was silent for a minute before Chishiya spoke again.
“Since… you almost died Niragi.” Chishiya tilted his head towards him, “Do you feel like something has changed to you?”
“I’m not entirely sure… I guess I looked a lot flashier before the incident.” Niragi mused, “How about you? Do you feel different?”
“I have wasted my life until this moment. From now on I think I will live a more useful life.” Chishiya hummed.
Niragi took a breath, “You were a good for nothing jerk too then, huh?”
Chishiya stared at the wall ahead of him, “Yeah.”
“You also mutter in your sleep.” Niragi continued, “I couldn’t make out anything except the word, promise.”
“It’s strange, I don’t remember what the dream was about.” Chishiya answered his brows furrowed slightly, “But it felt important.”
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purple-babygirl · 4 months
Hi! I just discovered your blog and i love your writing so so much! I wanted to ask if it's not too much work if you could give us a Sambucky version of something lent instead of it being Sebastian and Anthony? It's totally fine if you don't want to or don't have time. I hope you have a wonderful day!
something lent (SamBucky version)
Pairing: Mob!Sam Wilson x f!reader x Mob!Bucky Barnes Word Count: 8,326 (i know) Summary: Sharing is caring, no? Warnings: 18+ content. pure smut with little plot, nsfw, Mob AU, mention of a safe word, petnames, use of a butt plug, oral (m and f receiving), deep throating, vaginal and anal penetration, fingering, cuckolding, exhibitionism, voyeurism, choking, dom/sub dynamics, sir kink, threesome (m x f x m), multiple orgasms, squirting, one face slap, slight degradation. This is nothing but self-indulgent filth. A/N: thank you for being so patient, nonnie i know it's been a week. i understand that not a lot of people are comfortable reading RPF especially smut and that's okay. i rewrote you a SamBucky version like you asked. please enjoy xx💜 ~~~~ She didn’t mind being Bucky’s pet. She actually loved it. She was a nobody when he first found her, an innocent, feeble soul for him to corrupt and own. She didn’t put up much of a fight when he told her he wanted her because back then she needed what he’d offered. But now she couldn’t imagine being without him.
Bucky stole her heart and she gladly let him, never having felt safer. He gave her a life, made her the princess of his mansion and heart. He had all that he could possibly want in the palm of his hand but she remained his most precious possession.
“Do you trust me, puppy?” Bucky asked, his hand cupping her cheek gently.
“With my life, sir.” She gave a genuine smile, leaning into his warm touch. She was in position, on her knees for him by the front door just the way he liked. Bucky had told her to wait there and she obediently has been for the past hour, just awaiting his arrival to their home.
She was his obedient, little puppy; his submissive, good girl. Bucky loved her more than anything in the world and he never thought a day where he’d want to share her would come. But Sam needed to be persuaded if Bucky wanted any part in that new deal. They were friends, yes, but business was business. And it wasn’t like Bucky missed how his girl would secretly check the man out whenever he would stay for dinner. How dare he deny her whatever her heart desired?
So maybe for one night, just one, for these ‘compelling circumstances’, Bucky could manage to share her with Sam. Just one night.
“If I wanted you to do something, you’d be a good girl for me, wouldn’t you? You’d make me proud?”
Sam was at the end of the room with a devious smirk on his face, knowing he had Bucky right where he wanted him. This deal wasn’t going to be his unless Sam let him have it and Sam’s price was high. “Babygirl, come to the office. Daddy's angry.” Bucky said into the phone and the man before him swallowed harshly. In less than a minute, there was a shy knock on the door and she peeked before sauntering inside, but Bucky tsked, shaking his head. “You know better, puppy.” She dropped to her knees on the hard marble at the mention of her pet name, crawling like an animal till she reached Bucky's chair. “Good pup, open,” he ordered, tapping his hard cock on her cheek. “Sir, is this really necessary?” The man gulped when he heard her gag under the desk. “I'm putting my cock down her throat so I won't put a bullet down yours. Would you like that better?” Bucky growled, withdrawing from her mouth briefly before sliding back inside, making her gag. “N-No, sir. Forgive me.” “Continue talking then.”
Later that day, Sam got the courage to ask for what he really wanted while he had the chance. “What's it gonna take for you to give me that deal, Wilson?” he asked, stretching his legs out on his large desk. “A taste of your puppy.” “What!!” Bucky let his legs down, his eyes throwing daggers at Sam. “I want a night with her.”
“She's no whore and she's mine.” “I know. Makes me want her even more.” Bucky only glared in reply. “Just one night, have her at my mercy and do whatever I want with her, and then we'll talk about that deal.” “Yes, sir. Always.” She didn’t know what he was talking about, but no matter what he wished from her, she knew that would be her answer. She existed to make Bucky pleased and proud.
“Sam is with me. He’s waiting outside,” Bucky informed her, thumb caressing her cheek and soft blue eyes gauging her reaction.
“Would he be staying for dinner?”
She was kind of screwed if that was the case because she’s only prepared dinner for two, knowing how much her sir hated it when they wasted food.
“If you’re the meal, yes,” Bucky chuckled darkly.
“I’m thinking about lending you to Sam tonight, baby girl. It’s business-related. What do you say?”
Lending. It was only fitting, considering she was Bucky’s property. She knew that and she treasured it. She didn’t need him to explain how this was related to his work or why she was expected to help. She trusted Bucky. She also couldn’t deny that Sam was hotter than the hell she might end up burning in because of all the things she let and continues to let Bucky do to her.
“Whatever you want, sir. You know best,” she echoed his words to him, wanting him to know she trusted him and was up for whatever he wanted to do with her. And if what he wanted just happened to be lending her to Sam Wilson, whatever that meant, then who was she to say no?
“Baby girl, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to, tell me now,” Bucky calmly told her; wanting her to refuse now if she had it in her.
He didn’t want to pressure her into doing anything, especially this. If his girl didn’t want to do this, then to hell with their deal; he was sending Sam home.
“It’s okay, sir. I want to,” she muttered shyly.
“What was that?” Bucky smirked.
“I-I want you to lend me to Sam tonight,” she stuttered.
“You’re one good slut, puppy.” Bucky sighed in pride, his touch leaving her.
“Sir,” her smaller hand got hold of his before he could walk to the front door to let Sam in, “you’re gonna be there, right?”
“Of course, baby girl. I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured her, kissing the top of her coconut-smelling head.
“Okay.” She nodded and let out a relieved huff as she watched him welcome Sam inside.
“Hey, baby,” Sam warmly smiled at her, as if she wasn’t literally kneeling at his feet and he wasn’t there to bang her brains out.
“Hello, Sa-” She stopped herself, not sure if she was allowed to call him Sam.
“Sir?” Her lost eyes found Bucky’s, not wanting to be anything but good for him. He immediately understood.
“She wants to know if she can call you by your name,” Bucky explained to a slightly confused Sam.
“Oh, yeah! I was hoping you’d be screaming it tonight, babe, so,” Sam shrugged flirtatiously, giving her a lopsided smirk that made her heart flutter. Bucky felt a minor tug at his own when he saw her bite back a smile.
Was this a good idea? Even if it wasn’t; it was sort of too late to go back now.
“Alright, do you remember your rules, puppy?” Bucky asked, changing subjects.
“Yes, sir.” She nodded with a smile.
“Wait, what are her rules?” Sam raised an eyebrow.
“Why don’t you tell Sam about our rules while I get a drink, baby girl?” Bucky suggested before reluctantly walking to the kitchen to fetch glasses. He needed something to help him bear what was about to happen.
She looked up at Sam with her wide, puppy eyes, waiting for him to second her permission to speak. He realized that must be where she got her pet name from now. “Go ahead, baby,” Sam told her, his thick fingers twirling some of her waves around his fingers, playing tenderly with the hairs.
Shit, she was nervous.
“I- um- I’m not allowed to speak unless I’m spoken to, or move unless sir tells me to. I’m not allowed to touch sir or myself without permission,” she recited like the good girl she was for Bucky, and was soon to be for Sam, “not allowed to address sir by his name, and I’m not allowed to- to cum without permission either.”
Her face was flushed when she got to the last rule as Sam’s fingers, now fully immersed in her scalp, moved her head upwards to face him. She wondered if Sam’s eyes were originally this dark or if they were darkening like her sir’s did during their scenes.
“Good girl. And you know you can stop us both at any point, any second, just whenever you feel like it’s too much or if you’re overwhelmed,” Bucky reminded her. He was very protective of her, and her safety was his first priority.
“I know, sir.” She nodded, smiling lovingly at the caring man reappearing before her.
“What’s your safe word, puppy? He asked her, handing Sam his drink.
Sam let go of her hair and took the glass, sipping on the drink as he intently eyed her sundress-clad body.
“Red,” she said her word out loud.
She was so proud of herself for never having used it before, and she wasn’t intending on using it anytime soon either. Bucky never pushed her to the point where she needed her safe word. But it made Bucky feel better to know she remembered she had a way out; the option to stop. It was important to him that she knew that he would never let anything happen to her without her consent and desire, so she didn’t mind when he did this every time before a heavy session. If anything, the anticipation of what she presumed to come made her leak in her panties.
“That’s right. And you’re gonna use it if you need to, yes, puppy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And what if you can’t talk?”
Sam raised an eyebrow at the question.
“I tap your nearest body part 3 times.”
“Show Sam how you do it.” Bucky nodded towards his friend.
She obediently lifted a hand up and tapped the back of Sam’s thigh three consecutive taps.
“Did you feel that?” Bucky asked him, wanting to make sure her touches were recognizable.
“Yeah.” Sam nodded.
“Okay, and what if you can’t move your hands, baby girl?”
“I close my eyes shut and sir will stop right away.”
“That’s right. And other than that?”
“I’m never allowed to break eye contact with sir if my mouth is busy,” she told him her last, unofficial rule.
“Good girl. Now go wait in the bedroom while I have a word with Sam, puppy.” Bucky kissed her forehead.
Without another word, she got up and left, her heart beats racing her up the stairs.
“What kind of shit do you do to your girl, man? Why wouldn’t she be able to talk or touch?!”
“Be a little patient and you might find out tonight.” Bucky downed the rest of his drink.
“Now, for your rules,” Bucky started.
“My rules?” Sam chuckled.
“You’re not allowed to cum in her pussy. That’s mine to fill,” Bucky continued, looking as stern as Sam’s ever seen him.
“Alright, fair enough.”
“I want you to make sure she’s using please and thank you or else you punish her.”
“Copy that.” Sam smirked. He was almost as sadistic as Bucky was. Almost.
“If she says her safe word you stop at once. I don’t care what you’re doing, you stop it.” Bucky’s tone left no room for messing around. He was serious about this. If they were going to do it, they were going to do it right.
“Alright, man. If she says stop I stop.”
“Oh, no, that’s not what I said.” Bucky smirked, shaking his head.
“If she says stop, keep going. She doesn’t mean it.” Bucky smirked wider, “if she says red, however, your touch instantly leaves her.”
“Are you sure about this?” Sam frowned.
“Yeah, she loves to beg.” He smiled fondly at the thought of his perfect girl pleading before walking to the stairs, “You comin’?”
When both men entered the room, Sam’s eyes darkened even more at what they were met with.
She was out of her dress. Her hair was now tied up in a ponytail, her cheeks glowing, arms bent behind her back and her folded knees parted. Her rounded breasts were on display, hard nipples hiding behind the thin lace. She looked delicious, ripe and ready for the taking. And boy was Sam ready to take.
Her heart was thrumming in her ears. She knew all the gentleness from downstairs was about to vanish. She knew she was about to be treated like a fucktoy by both of these mob men and she couldn’t wait.
“Damn, you’re beautiful,” Sam whispered, taking in the simple, rose lingerie hugging her body and licking his lips.
“Show Sam what you got for your birthday, puppy,” Bucky ordered, closing the bedroom door behind him.
She swallowed shyly before turning around and bending forward to give Sam a full view of her ass and the red jewel peeking out from between its cheeks, the thin string of her thong doing nothing to cover it.
Bucky’s gotten her a lot of stuff on her birthday, but this glass butt plug was among her top favourties. It was big enough to hurt just the right amount. He knew she couldn’t feel pleasure without it being mixed with a little pain. He knew everything there was to know about her inside out.
She had no idea why Bucky told her to slip the plug in that morning but she knew better now and she was dripping wet with excitement. Her face was hot because she knew this wasn’t a mere show. Bucky was letting Sam know he could fuck her ass if he wanted to and she was more than ready for him to do just that.
“Holy fuck.” Sam felt his pants tighten when he saw the toy held inside her ass. The grown man almost made grabby hands at the sight.
“You can turn back around now, baby girl.”
She did and her eyes looked up to Bucky as a matter of habit, her heart running a marathon in her chest.
Bucky couldn’t help but smirk proudly at Sam’s reaction, jealousy no longer that present in his system. He gave his girl one adoring, reassuring smile before walking and sitting down on the couch facing the side of their bed. He was more ready than he’d realized he was to sit in the only front row seat available and enjoy the show that was about to start.
She, on the other hand, didn’t move a muscle, her eyes looking back down at the floor after meeting Bucky’s, focusing on Sam’s shiny shoes. Her hands remained behind her back and her thighs remained open while she kneeled on the floor by the end of the bed.
“What am I gonna do with you, baby?” Sam whispered lustfully, one finger lifting her chin up.
Her eyes wanted to flicker to Bucky for permission, but she reminded herself she was Sam’s for the night. Bucky has lent her to him. She was to take her orders and get her permissions from Sam now.
“Sam asked you a question, puppy.” Bucky’s voice snapped her out of her trance, indirectly reminding her of the rules she was supposed to follow. She had to focus if she wanted to make Bucky proud. She had to be his good girl even if it meant being so for another man while he watched. Especially if it meant being so for another man while he watched.
“A-Anything you want, Sam.” Her answer drew a wicked smile on Sam’s full lips.
“You know I respect you, right?” He asked, his tone serious, confusing her for a second.
“Good, remember that ‘cause I’m gonna fuck you like I don’t tonight.” Sam smirked and patted her cheek before walking and taking a seat next to Bucky on the couch. She swallowed at the not-so-subtle warning, anticipation rising inside her belly and wetness rushing out of her core.
“Com’ere,” Sam called for her, remembering her rule: she wasn’t allowed movement without permission.
She was quick to get her hands on the floor, crawling to where Sam sat, kneeling by him and waiting for more instructions. She could feel two sets of eyes burning holes into her as she got closer to the couch but she refused to let it intimidate her.
Sam kept her kneeling before him, just basking in his newfound feeling of authority. He then took his jacket off, finding his Cuban cigars and a lighter before leaving it on the arm of the couch.
She looked so innocent even in such revealing lingerie and Sam wanted nothing more than to see that innocence ruined. He lit up his cigar, watching her closely, waiting for her to look up without permission; to break a rule. But she didn’t.
“Bring me that ashtray.” He pointed to the ashtray on the bedside table.
“Yes, Sam.” She instantly crawled back to carry out the order.
She stared up at the ashtray for a second, trying to figure a way to get it back to Sam. She knew she couldn’t get up on two feet, and she couldn’t carry the heavy ashtray in her mouth either. So instead she lifted one hand up to get hold of the glass object, and then carefully placed it on the center of her back. She put her arm back on the ground as slowly as possible before crawling back to Sam.
“Fuck me,” Sam breathed lowly but Bucky heard him.
“Come’ere, sexy,” he smirked, beckoning her with his finger.
She eventually arrived by the man’s knees, not moving a muscle; her body serving as Sam’s own table, offering him the ashtray and everything else under it.
“You’re such a good pet. I see why your sir never wants to leave the house.”
“Thank you, Sam,” she whispered shyly, giving a shy smile.
Sam removed the heavy glass from her back, setting it between himself and Bucky on the couch and tapped his cigar over it. She sat back on her knees in her default position.
“Take those off, baby.” Sam ordered, the tip of his shoe rubbing between her legs over her baby pink thong, “you don’t need ‘em.”
Keeping herself from whimpering, she did as she was told and kneeled back, feeling the air hit her wet cunt. She was more exposed now and a chill ran through her back when she felt Sam eyeing her wetness.
“Look at your pussy glistening when no one’s even touched you yet!” Sam mocked, bringing the tip of his shoe back under her core.
“So you’re not allowed to move without permission, huh?”
“Yes, Sam,” she mumbled.
“Not allowed to cum either?”
“Yes, Sam.”
“Let’s see how good you are at following your rules then.” Sam smirked devilishly, taking a long puff from his cigar as he brought his foot up, nudging her clit with the front of his shoe, “eyes on me.”
She bit her lip and looked at the man, trying not to squirm as the frictionless leather shoe started slowly moving back and forth between her thighs. Sam glided his foot all the way back and her clit got caught on the pointed tip again, making her breath hitch in her throat.
The patent leather was sliding so smoothly under her pussy, almost making squeaky sounds with how wet she was. A shiver slightly shook her thighs when her bud was nudged again but she kept her posture and let out a pleasured sigh. She was getting close and her face and neck were hot.
Bucky knew that look too well and he bit down his lip at the thought of Sam getting his girl so flustered so fast. He hated watching her get teased by another man and hated the raging boner it was giving him.
“Maybe you are as good as Bucky tells me after all.” She didn’t even notice the shoe was no longer touching her until Sam’s impressed voice filled her ears.
“Th-thank you, Sam.” She smiled proudly, finally able to breathe, though her clit still throbbed.
His shoe was now glossy with her arousal and she stared at it in slight embarrassment. She wondered what Bucky was thinking. Was he proud of her? Was he going to punish her for getting so wet for Sam?
“I also heard you were good with your mouth.” Sam cupped her cheek and traced his thumb along her lower lip. She nervously nodded in confirmation.
He took his touch away from her, “show me then, clean the mess you made on my shoes.”
Her mouth opened and closed at the instruction, but she quickly got back on her hands, bowing by Sam’s feet to lick a strip on top of the shoe she’d dirtied. She nearly made a face at the taste of herself tainted with the taste of leather.
“Don’t forget the other shoe too.”
“Yes, Sam.”
She was licking and slurping like his shoes tasted of her favourite ice cream, switching left and right between both shoes. She just wanted to be good. When Sam eventually let out a low “enough”, his pair of shoes was shinier than it ever was with her saliva coating it.
She lifted herself up and involuntarily looked at Bucky for approval. He gave her his ‘good girl’ smirk and she bit back another smile of her own, licking her lips and casting her eyes down.
“Good girl, so obedient,” Sam voiced Bucky’s thoughts for her before taking her by the neck to press his lips to hers, licking her taste off her tongue.
The kiss was gentle despite the tight hold he had on her neck. It was Sam’s way of emphasizing that she shouldn’t keep looking at Bucky. She could taste the cigar on his tongue and hoped hers didn’t taste of leather.
Sam’s dark eyes gazed at her hungrily when he pulled away, “now get that mouth on me, baby. Show me what it can really do,” he whispered against her lips, letting her neck go.
Not needing further urging, she sat up on her knees and her fingers did quick work of the man’s pants. He lifted himself up, helping her push his pants and boxer briefs down his knees. And once his hard dick sprung free, she sat back and stared with a slack jaw. That was one beautiful cock right there and it was about to be in her mouth. It was hers to suck for the night.
Bucky noticed and his jaw clenched as he made her a silent promise in his head to remind her who she really belonged to later.
“What? Too big for you?” Sam teased cockily, pushing her chin up and closing her mouth for her.
She licked her lips and shook her head. Yes, Sam was longer than Bucky, but she could definitely take him.
“What are you waiting for then? Get to work.” Sam opened his legs and sat back and she had to fight the urge to look at Bucky again.
Given permission to touch, she moved her warm hands up Sam’s strong thighs, trying to stop herself from imagining riding them to focus on the real prize in between.
One of her hands wrapped around his hard length and gave a small squeeze, hearing him sigh already. She started slowly moving her hand up and down his cock, more sighs leaving Sam’s lips as he relaxed more into the couch. Her mouth watered at the sight of precum dribbling out of his head and she gave no warning before she flattened her tongue and licked a strip along the underside of his cock and over the tip. She closed her lips around it and let her tongue flick over Sam’s slit, softly humming at his musky taste with the tinge of saltiness she would always remember as Sam’s. It was different from her sir’s but it was fucking tasty. Sam moaned at the sudden warmth surrounding his sensitive tip and bucked his hips.
She managed to take most of Sam in her mouth, her hand stroking what she couldn’t yet fit. His big hand was on the back of her head, below her ponytail as he gently thrust half of his length in and out of her mouth.
“Keep going. She can take it.” Bucky could tell Sam was holding back, but he knew what his girl could handle. He knew she loved to be used. And he also knew he needed to stroke himself over his pants to the sight of her deep throating Sam.
“She’s so good. Fuck!” Sam groaned, keeping eye contact with her all the while as his hips snapped deeper. She looked admirable with tears gathering in her wide eyes, and his cock filling her mouth.
Sam pushed himself deeper and she did her best to relax her throat but he had her gagging anyways. Definitely longer than Bucky.
She hollowed her cheeks and held on to Sam’s thighs, letting him use her throat and hearing the sexiest groans leave his. Her clit was tingling with need.
“Oh yes, baby. Choke on it,” Sam growled when he held her by her ponytail and gave a deep thrust, making her gag again.
Tears left her eyes as she focused on sucking and breathing through her nose. Her tongue teased the now very prominent vein on the underside of Sam’s cock and his hands tightened around her locks; it almost hurt. She loved it.
Sam pulled out for a minute to let her breathe before grabbing her head again, pushing her mouth down his cock until the hairs above it tickled her nose. He kept her there, his cock deep-seated in her throat and she held still. She didn’t dare do anything other than relax her throat for him.
Sam let up, giving her a minute to breathe before getting himself sheathed back down her warm throat again.
“Look at you chocking on another man’s cock like the little slut you are,” Bucky whispered, leaning forward, his hand finding the jewel peeking out of her tighter hole and lightly tapping it.
She gasped but it turned into a gurgle around Sam’s cock, making him moan and Bucky laugh.
“She’s drenched just from having your cock down her throat, Sam.” Bucky chuckled when his friend groaned, his index pushing down on the jewel and circling slowly, making the tip of the plug twirl inside her. He intentionally avoided checking how wet she was, depriving her clit of any relief his fingers could possibly provide.
Her moans around Sam were muffled and she could do nothing but kneel there and take it. She knew better than to squirm or try to move away from Bucky’s torment or Sam’s cock.
“Shit, make her do that again,” Sam panted, feeling himself get close to release.
Hearing them talk about her like she wasn’t there made her pussy pulse. Bucky pulled on the jewel, only getting an inch of it out before shoving it back inside her again, holding down hard and rolling the jewel. The bulbous head of the plug massaged circles inside her tightness.
She choked on another moan, the sensation of the glass dildo swirling on the inside of her ass was maddening. It was all new to her. It felt so good but not at all enough and she could feel her wetness ooze down her thighs as her cunt clenched around nothing.
“Fuck, gonna cum,” Sam grunted as she continued sucking and mewling around him. “You know what to do, puppy,” Bucky warned, although he knew she wouldn’t spit, pushing the toy further in her.
Sam’s hot cum shot down her throat and she moaned when she tasted more of him. Her swallowing around Sam’s tip made his hips stutter through his orgasm. He tugged her head back by her hair, slowly slipping his cock out of her mouth, but she still bent forward and cleaned him up with her tongue.
“Thank you, Sam.” She licked her lips and smiled timidly at the man.
He just chuckled, still having trouble breathing, “my pleasure, you perfect little thing.”
“Good girl.” Bucky possessively slapped her ass, making her whimper before sitting back and smirking down at her state.
Her face was hot, cheeks slightly moist with her tears and chin with her spit. Her lips were swollen and her hair was a mess, ponytail no longer in place.
“Very good,” Sam gulped, “goddamn, girl!”
She smiled wider at the praise as Sam wiped the tears off her cheeks.
“Fix your hair so we can take a look at that wet pussy, baby girl.” Bucky interrupted.
Her gaze alternated between his face and strained cock, silently asking what about you?
“I’ll have my fun with you, puppy. Don’t you worry your greedy, little holes.” Bucky grinned and she blushed, raising her arms to her head to redo her ponytail.
When Bucky went back down to get himself another drink, thinking it’d help him cool off, and it was just her alone with Sam, he told her to get up and stand by the bed. He loved watching her ass as she walked now that he knew she had a plug in. He walked over to her after pulling up his boxers, shoes and pants off and forgotten.
“What do you want, baby?” Sam asked, his fingers playing with her right bra strap.
“I wanna please you, Sam.” She knew her answer, her tone hushed as his hands started kneading her soft boobs.
“You don’t want me to return the favor?” Sam tilted his head to the side with a smirk, the pads of his thumbs swiping over her barely covered nipples, circling and teasing.
“O-only if you want to.” She was trying her best not to squirm under his touch or at the thought of his lips on her. Sam’s lust-filled eyes kept eye contact with her wide doe ones while his hands pushed her bra straps down her shoulders, slowly reaching back to unclasp the whole thing. He let it slip down her arms as his stare moved lower to take in her naked chest.
“You’re too perfect,” he whispered to himself, squeezing her boobs again as Bucky opened the door and walked back in, but she heard him and blushed.
Bucky’s jacket was gone and his cock was tenting in his pants. Cooling off didn’t work.
Sam pulled hard on her nipples when he saw her get distracted by Bucky’s entrance, making her gasp. Sam wanted to punish her. He wanted to see her break a rule but she was too good, so well-trained. She didn’t squeak the ‘please’ that was on the tip of her tongue at the feeling. She didn’t let herself beg for more. She didn’t stumble forward.
Bucky smirked, knowing she would always want him and only him no matter who was with her. He sat on his spot on the couch and sipped on his drink, dark eyes watching her naked body be played with by Sam.
“Get on the bed, baby.” Sam ordered with a nod, “on your back.” And she wasted no time before obeying.
“Open your legs for me,” Sam murmured after positioning a pillow under her head. He wanted her to watch him devour her.
He circled the bed and a shiver ran through her when the chill air hit her wet core again as she did like she was told and spread her legs.
Sam held her ankles, getting on his knees before her at the end of the bed and setting her shins on his broad shoulders.
“Turns out I’m in the mood to return the favor, so let me hear you, baby. Don’t hold back,” Sam said, giving her permission to make noises as he slowly pulled the plug out of her ass.
She let out a soft whine that had him craving more. Sam didn’t waste a minute, immediately diving in between her legs, licking up a stripe from her opening to her clit before slipping his tongue in her pussy.
Sam moaned at her sweet taste and she threw her head back, mewling as she felt his tongue poke inside and his lips vibrate on her.
Sam’s thick index traced her rim, filling the place her plug has been, feeling around before being joined by his middle. He sucked her clit between his lips as his fingers scissored inside of her ass. Her back bowed off the bed with a loud whine, the coldness of his rings strongly felt against her hot insides.
She didn’t have permission to touch Sam so she grabbed on the sheets under her instead, whimpering and trying to remain in place.
“Sam,” she moaned when he slowed his movements on her holes.
“You like what I’m doing to you? You like getting your ass fingered while my tongue flicks your little clit?”
“Yes, yes, please,” she whined desperately.
“Please what, baby? Be specific.” Sam smirked before licking up and down her taint.
“Please don’t stop,” she squealed, opening her legs as wide as they’d go on the man’s shoulders.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, baby,” Sam said as he slipped a third finger next to the two already inside her ass.
Bucky couldn’t take it anymore, dreading that her attention was no longer on him, completely hoarded by Sam at the moment. She was squirming and mewling like a bitch in heat, and palming himself over his pants did nothing for him. He put his glass down and got on the bed by her head, noticing her eyes already looking glazed over. Her mouth unstoppably let out the softest pleads and whimpers.
Bucky unbuckled his pants and pushed them down just enough to get his dick out, desperate to feel her mouth around him.
“Open wide for your sir, puppy,” Bucky demanded and she promptly let her tongue out as he guided himself closer to her face.
Bucky was straddling her head, his back to the headboard, and when he sheathed his entire cock down her throat, he swore he could see it bulging on the outside of her neck. She gagged at the sudden intrusion, but wrapped her lips around him still. Bucky threw his head back, feeling her wet throat hug his cock. She was so good for him. She was always so good for him; he’d burn down the world for those teary, doe eyes.
“I wanted to hear her,” Sam complained when he lifted his head from her pussy to see her mouth stuffed full, fingers reaching deeper inside her ass. She mewled and gagged more around Bucky’s cock, making him groan before smiling smugly at Sam.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to fuck her throat.” Bucky smirked, thrusts going languid and deep.
“Fine, have it your way.” Sam put his tongue back inside of her, and started sliding it in and out of her heat, lapping at her like a starved man.
She would gasp Sam’s name every time Bucky paused and took his cock out for her to breathe, making him shove himself back in her mouth with little gentleness. He stopped using her mouth when he saw her stomach tensing though. He knew when she was about to cum; he knew all the signs.
“Can I please cum, Sam?” She gulped as Bucky caressed her face, wiping any residue tears.
Looking into her teary eyes, Bucky felt himself fall in love with her all over again. She always looked so beautiful when she was about to lose it.
Sam’s merciless stimulation of her two holes and Bucky’s cock stuffing the third drove her to a near edge quicker than ever. Sam was everywhere. His fingers fucking her ass and his tongue fucking her cunt all while his lips sucked her clit.
“Cum for me, puppy.” Sam purposefully used Bucky’s pet name for her to rile him up before sucking harder on her bundle of nerves, pushing his fingers deeper in her and curling them.
Bucky, naturally, slid his dick down her throat once more, forbidding Sam from hearing his name be shouted.
Her thighs shook, involuntarily closing around Sam’s head. With a scream muffled on Bucky’s cock, her ass fluttered around Sam’s fingers as she came, feeling him drink her release right up from the source.
“That’s a good puppy.” Sam smirked up at Bucky, who still stood with a hard cock on him, only now it was wet with her saliva.
“Thank you, Sam.” She panted, feeling her toes uncurl and her muscles start to relax.
“You’re welcome, baby.” He pecked her clit one last time before towering over her, caging her between his muscular arms. He slipped his tongue in her mouth and let her taste herself again. She tasted much better on his tongue than his shoes.
“Do you mind?” Sam broke the kiss, “I’m gonna fuck her now, go back to your couch.” He pressed his lips back to hers again, swallowing her shocked gasp.
She knew she’d probably be the one to face Bucky’s wrath later and the thought left her whimpering against Sam’s lips.
Bucky scoffed and got off the bed, giving her a menacing smirk. He’d let Sam take what he needed for the night because he knew whose cock she’d be begging for later anyway. A deal was a deal and he wanted to get this over with too.
Sam slid down her body again and gave her pussy another kiss, “gonna fuck this ass real good,” he whispered to her core.
“Let me see you live up to the name, puppy.” Sam pinched her side and got off the bed.
She heard her order loud and clear, getting on all fours for Sam and looking at herself in the mirror. Her ponytail was ruined once more from her squirming on the bed and the baby hairs on her forehead were stuck there with sweat. Her cheeks were burning and lips puffy. She whimpered and her limbs shook, her stare lowering as she blushed at how hungry she felt for another man.
“Eyes on the mirror.” She looked back up obediently and saw Sam taking his shirt off.
The man looked like museum art. His defined, muscular arms and buff, sculpted chest had her pussy drooling all over again. And good god that ass was just exquisite.
She watched Sam climb on the bed behind her form, pulling her ass to him and grinding himself on her. He was rock hard as if she hasn’t touched him all night. Then his tip nudged her tighter hole and she bit down.
“You got lube?” he asked, alternatively slapping his cock on both her holes.
“F-First drawer.”
“Gonna fuck you so good your little puppy holes would be gapin’ for days.” Another rush of wetness left her cunt at Sam’s promise; she ached to be filled. Sam lubed his cock up, poking her ass with the tip before carefully pushing it past her rim. She let out a shaky breath, head dropping as she felt her muscles stretch with little resistance to accommodate Sam’s length. The man was blessed.
“Eyes on the mirror I said,” Sam grunted, bottoming out inside her ass.
She instantly lifted her head up and her eyes met the reflection of his dark ones.
“Don’t make me repeat myself again.” He smacked her thigh, rolling his hips to push himself deeper in her ass, “you’ve been good so far.”
“’M sorry, Sam.” She whimpered. “Such a good puppy.” Sam began moving in and out, taking his time with her, letting her adjust, his fingers digging into her hips, most likely bruising the soft flesh.
“Fuck, your ass is tight, baby.” Despite being previously stretched on the plug, she was still so tight and her walls gripped Sam so needily every time he buried his dick in her.
When he felt she’s gotten used to him and heard her breathing get louder, Sam stilled and locked eyes with her in the mirror while his middle and ring fingers pushed inside her wet pussy without warning. He smirked when he watched her breath hitch in surprise, mouth falling open further and eyes struggling not to shut. She’s never felt so full. “You’re so wet, baby. Who made you this wet?” Sam asked, his cock delivering a harsh stab to her ass, fingers moving in and out of her cunt.
It took everything not to turn her head to Bucky to seek his permission for what she knew she was supposed to say. “I asked you a question, puppy.” Sam took his cock out of her ass and before she could even register or protest, he shoved it in her pussy, filling her up in one thrust.
She screamed out, pain mixed with pleasure just the way she liked and there was no way stopping her mouth now, “you, Sam, you. You made me wet. It’s all for you.”
Her squealing was a bucket of ice on Bucky’s head. It’s all for Sam? Was it now?
“That’s a good puppy,” Sam grunted behind her, fucking into her in hard, fast thrusts. She could feel his tip kissing her cervix with every push of his hips. She was floating, unable to silence or manage her screams.
Sam switched again, sliding out of her wet cunt and plunging his cock back in her ass, “who’s making you scream?” he slapped her ass before his fingers found her swollen clit.
“Y-You, Sam! You!” She clutched the sheets, barely able to keep herself up.
“Damn right.” He gave one harsh thrust and her orgasm peeked at her from around the corner.
“Can I please cum? Please.” Her teary eyes pleaded with him in the mirror.
“Gonna cum for me again already?” Sam chuckled, his fingers relentless on her clit.
“Yes, Sam, p-please.” She whined, pussy clenching around nothing as he filled her ass.
“Cum.” One word and her orgasm was washing over her in waves.
Her arms involuntarily stretched above her head and clutching the bedding, her face lowered and hidden in the sheets as her ass pushed back against Sam. Her orgasm rippled through her and her thighs quivered again.
Sam bit his lip at the sight of her cumming with his cock stuffing her ass, fingers still playing with her clit to keep her trembling until she whined, chest heaving and tummy still clenching.
“So it’s all for Sam?” Bucky’s voice echoed throw the room and she could barely breathe now.
“Sir-” She forced her head up from the mattress, teary eyes already begging for forgiveness.
“Do I need to remind you who owns you, pup?” Bucky gently touched her cheek, “do I?” he slapped her before painfully gripping her jaw.
“No, sir, I-I could never forget.” She shook her head, instant tears filling her eyes. Shame filled her as she could still feel herself fluttering around Sam’s cock.
“Seems like you did, puppy.” Bucky let go of her jaw, his own clenching in held in ire.
“Get off her.” He nodded to Sam, who was still snug inside her.
“I thought you said I was in charge tonight? C’mon now, you don’t wanna confuse this poor puppy, my cock is already fucking her dumb enough.”
“Get off,” Bucky said between gritted teeth.
“Not before she gives me another one from her pussy.” Sam smirked coldly, making a growl vibrate through Bucky’s chest.
“Dangle your head off the bed, puppy,” Bucky ordered her instead and she looked back at Sam, silently pleading that he pulls out of her.
Sam pulled out with a chuckle as she whimpered. He moved off the bed and let her lay on her back, hanging her head off the mattress like Bucky wanted. As soon as Bucky's thighs were around her head, Sam straddled her waist, rubbing the head of his prick over her drenched pussy lips. She could feel the heat of both men’s gazes as they stared at each other challengingly.
“Open up.” Bucky tapped his dick on her lips without sparing her a glance, his hard eyes on Sam.
She obeyed and Bucky was shoving himself down her throat in no time, Sam simultaneously pushing himself inside her slippery cunt. She gagged and moaned as both her throat and pussy contracted around the huge cocks filling her up.
“If you wanna act like a cock slut so bad, might as well treat you like one, puppy,” Bucky growled, thrusting in and out of her throat with a punishing force. The harder Bucky fucked her mouth, the harder Sam went on her poor pussy. She was soon reduced to a whimpering mess around Bucky, her cunt sensitive but still insatiate as it swallowed Sam and clung to his cock.
Bucky momentarily pulled out of her mouth, “who do you belong to?”
“You, sir. Only you.” She could only say as much before he was back to filling her throat.
“That’s right, puppy. I own you. I fucking own every inch of this body.” Bucky’s fingers danced over her collarbones before pinching her nipples.
She squealed, choking on his cock as she felt herself getting close again. “Oh, you like being stuffed from both ends?” Sam taunted when he felt how hard she was clamping down on him.
Bucky left her throat and she coughed a little, her neck slightly hurting from the position she was in. Sam took the chance that Bucky was letting her breathe and drove his cock inside her, his tip hitting her spot.
“Ah, Sam!” She cried out, making Bucky push back in her mouth with minute sympathy.
“At least make me cum first before screaming another man’s name, you dirty little puppy,” Bucky growled, slapping her breasts, making Sam smirk as he fucked her throbbing pussy.
His words, though uttered in a moment of lust, made her heart lurch. She didn’t want Bucky to think she’d put her pleasure before his or that she was enjoying Sam’s treatment of her lower half more than choking on his dick.
She started sucking harder, ignoring the tension building in her lower abdomen and turning all her moans to hums on Bucky’s cock. She did all the things she knew made her man’s eyes roll and his ringed fingers wrapped about her throat in confirmation. She stretched her arms past her head, her fingers trailing up Bucky’s inner thighs, making him shiver. Her fingers gently played with his balls and Bucky groaned, his hand squeezing her neck more. Soon enough, he was filling her throat with his cum, his mouth agape and his rings bruising her neck. She swallowed every drop, licking her lips and gasping when Bucky pulled out, “thank you, sir.” She panted, her lungs greedy for oxygen.
Bucky only nodded, kicking his pants off before sitting beside her head. Sam grabbed her by the waist so her head wasn’t hanging off the bed anymore before he resumed the movements of his hips.
“I’m sorry, sir.” She whispered, more tears leaving her eyes.
Bucky sighed, leaning forward to kiss her trembling lips and she knew she was forgiven. His hands roamed her chest, thumb rubbing over one nipple as he watched her cries grow loud for Sam again. Her throat was sore and her whines were weaker but she was much happier knowing her sir wasn’t mad at her anymore.
“Please,” she whispered when Sam’s fingers flicked her abused clit again.
“Please what, baby?”
“Please let me cum, Sam,” she begged, her hands clutching the sheets as her tummy tensed.
“Cum all over my cock, puppy,” Sam groaned and thrust his cock harder in her.
Her back bowed, clit chasing closer to Sam’s fingers before she saw white and it all became too much. Sam pulled his cock out of her and a rush of her release followed.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more perfect,” Sam breathed as he watched her quiver and squirt, fingers still rubbing her clit to help her ride it all out.
She quickly became sensitive and her waist jerked, her body settling on the bed, aftershocks buzzing through her core.
“My turn, baby,” Sam said before sliding back in her ass, her wetness helping him glide right in.
“You gonna let me cum in your ass, puppy?” he asked as he fucked her through the aftereffects of her orgasm, her pussy and ass still fluttering.
“Yes, Sam. Please cum inside me, need your cum,” she moaned, letting Sam fuck her into the mattress and loving it.
“Such a good puppy, letting me use you to please your sir- ahh,” Sam grunted, pushing her legs to her chest to have a better view of his cock disappearing in her ass.
“Please, Sam.” She felt herself get close again.
Sam could see her toes curling again before him and a smirk drew itself on his face, “cum for me, puppy. Cum with me.”
Her muscles tensed yet again and her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she felt Sam’s warm cum fill her up.
“Thank you, Sam,” she let out, her voice above a whisper.
“Thank you, baby.” Sam carefully pulled out of her and kissed her forehead sweetly, “that was amazing.”
“It really was.” She smiled tiredly and the man chuckled.
“Okay, get out,” Bucky said impatiently.
“Woah, I’m not walking out of here pantless. Chill.” Sam patted his shoulder as he walked to the couch to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
“How are you feeling, pup?” Bucky cradled her face and she turned to kiss his hands.
“Really exhausted.” She smiled, “did I do good?” “You did perfect, baby girl. Like always.” He kissed her swollen lips softly.
“That deal is yours by the way,” Sam interrupted as he shrugged on his coat.
Bucky just nodded with a smile in appreciation as he watched Sam walk himself out. He got up to carry her to the shower and saw Sam’s cum leaking out of her ass hole.
“You just love getting your ass fucked, don’t you?”
“I guess I do.” She blushed.
“Well then let’s clean that shit out so I can properly fill your holes.” ~~~ Taglist:
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