#i had to put in a bunch of sugar to make it less crazy. and lime juice
mildmayfoxe · 1 year
i didn’t post about it here yesterday but i made masala with a whole bunch of stuff in it (chickpea paneer AND tofu) (because i’m the boss and i get to do what i want) and it came out only ok (too much coriander, really old garam masala, weird taste) (edible but not ideal) and i just ate it as stew yesterday but today i made myself make basmati and eat it again as leftovers instead of ordering pizza. everybody clap
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mezmer · 10 months
Here I will explain why my blog banner describes me as an anti sugar activist. I try to be as "scientific" as my brain and heart allow, but I value my experience over scientific studies even if they support my view, huge ridiculous autist sugar post incoming
Sugar is highly addictive for most people. The problem is way more dire than we act like it is. Added to foods you wouldn't even think to include sugar. The link between sugar and obesity, endocrine disruption, general inflammation and malaise, disease, diabetes, your teeth rotting out, and even cancer, is undeniable no matter what articles or studies you try to dig up. not many people want to admit how bad it is. People who enjoy sugar, who might say "you only live once! It's not like I'm shooting heroin" suffer weird problems and assume it's something else. Children set up for a lifetime of failure because their parents don't pay attention to their sugar intake at all. I have a very drastic example of this I won't go into much detail about, but a set of parents close to me are feeding their daughter extreme amounts of sugar. She has a learning disability and is a very intense child. I've hinted at the sugar link and everyone is in denial.
I have baby sat this child and gotten her to eat organic wheat bread PB and J with a no sugar added, all fruit jam.. happily told her parents who did not care at all. It was such a feat to me. Everyone knows a picky child. It's worse than you think. This is a gateway drug and I'm totally serious. I said I would not go into great detail... I too was raised on welch's fruit snacks, "pancake syrup", sprite, Kool aid, and worst of all I was allowed to put as much sugar that I wanted into my tea. My parents were wonderful, they just didn't think or know how bad it was to do this
I've struggled with a sugar addiction before and since getting clean from drugs and seen the effects of it firsthand. The most obvious to be seen from the outside that I can make people believe is my struggle with acne. We know bacteria feeds off of sugar. This is why people who drink sugary drinks are at risk for UTIs. If bacteria enters their bladder, sugar makes it grow. Well no amount of washing my face, bentonite clay masks, washing my pillow cases, wearing a bonnet, would make the acne go away. Recently I tried to only eat a certain pint of ice cream thinking less sugar would help. It didn't and I'm over two weeks off of all sugar that isn't naturally occuring in honey and fruit. Crazy how natural sugar does not feed the bacteria and hormonal disruption. I've been in this cycle more than once. Not only does the acne go away, my face appears radiant every time. Breakouts as soon as I relapse. Maybe you are thinking, this is a bunch of hogwash and I eat little cakes often without a problem. That's fine. I know addicts who have used meth for 30 years and you wouldnt wonder much about them. Smokers who lived to 80. Sugar doesn't do me any good at all.
Neither my mom, who was just put on a medication with awful side effects because she is developing diabetes. Her doctor (doctor she's had for decades who is a total piece of garbage and prescribes dangerous cocktails of conflicting medications !! That's a whole other post!!!! Put my grandma on pills which nearly killed her! Plus other people HAHAHA) saw her coming up with high blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol without thinking to suggest a diet change first. My mom is overweight and likes to eat sweets. My mom told me, I can still eat sweets, I just have to eat less. I did tell her that didn't work for me. I quit because I don't want to end up sick this way. Diabetes runs in our family. The prescription is making my mom nauseous and dizzy. Insane to me right?
Why aren't the dangers of sugar recognized? Why am I the only advocate I know? I would shut the fuck up if the dangers were believed by more people. Is it Because Sugar Taste good? Not seen as a vice. We accept that corn syrup is not so good. Canola oil pretty bad. Dyes in food causing children to develop ADHD and autism, or whatever. Is there no risk in consuming sugar? Many health professionals don't want to admit it? I feel strongly. I feel sick when I eat sugar but I can't find myself able to stop unless I truly try. We are all convinced that it's just a danger to your teeth if you don't brush enough. MIL is a sugar addict who buys birthday cakes on clearance and clears the whole cake in a few days, a twice daily flosser and brusher, who has lost over half of her teeth to extractions, sees the link, and has no intention to quit.
Finally, I bake yummy dessert recipes excluding half the sugar while using honey, maple syrup, brown sugar for what is left (which is slightly better than white sugar from my understanding) and I have never made a baked good that is ruined by doing this. You can't even tell that I've excluded sugar and the foods have more flavor because sugar doesn't overpower the dish. They don't make your teeth hurt. You can eat more cookies because there is less sugar and they taste better. The texture is the same. Bakers will tell you this isn't true and you need to use the whole amount of sugar so the cookies and cakes arent ruined. Yes, you need torched sugar on creme brulee. Fine.
Do you ever find yourself scraping icing off of a cake? I have baked more than one birthday cake for loved ones excluding sugar and adding natural alternatives (NOT stevia or monkfruit which taste like shit and suck) and ive gotten nothing but compliments. My brown sugar maple cake with cream cheese icing using very little sugar was a hit for my partners birthday that everyone probably ate too much of. This isn't a brag, it's an idea for anyone who bakes to try and change your recipes. It hasn't failed for me. Ok SOrry
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jess-moloney · 4 months
$200,000 in debt?! In a matter of just a couple of years? I agree with you, her financial mishandlings are probably exactly why Ice seems to be going under and selling everything off. It's obvious she has no idea how to handle businesses or money or anything for that matter. The woman is a scam artist! Jamie needs to jump ship immediately before she brings him down with her. I hope this isn't the reason he's been working so much and doing so many appearances. I hope he isn't working to pay off her debt, considering collectors are probably hounding her by this point. Unlike her, he actually works hard for his money, and he doesn't need her squandering it all away to fund her wannabe celebrity lifestyle. It's starting to make sense why she targeted Jamie of all people. Ruby quit her job to follow Jamie, and he didn't mind. Jess probably saw that and assumed Jamie was paying for Ruby, even though she probably had at least some of her own money from the years she worked before that, and wasn't hundreds of thousands in debt. But Jess doesn't take that into account. She just sees this rich man who didn't mind having a jobless partner following him around the world and wanted that for herself. Jamie seems like a very giving person, but Jess is all take and no give. She doesn't want a partner, she just wants a sugar daddy to give her this lifestyle she thinks she deserves without putting in any of the work!
Ruby has always has the talent to have a job and clients. She still has one now. Tattoo artists when they are good at it (and she is) make really good money. It's also something they could do at home or on the road (since they can travel with the gear to almost anywhere). There's nothing to say Ruby wasn't still being a tattoo artist whilst she was with Jamie. Maybe she didn't do it as much (and maybe she didn't make as much as him) but I still think she was probably doing some work. Artists like to do art and since she has continued to hold this same job even after breaking up with Jamie I'm going to guess that she was always working in some capacity.
Jess on the other hand, no one knows what she does based on her own account of events or what it is she says she does. The best that it can be narrowed down to is personal assistant and not even to a bunch of people. If she does work, it's not a high paying job, and her being in so much debt is crazy. I don't know the reason specifically but looking at what is going on with Ice Studios and how the business shut down and she's seemingly being erased from it, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened.
The problem is that she seems to get away with whatever she wants when she wants all the time. Sadly, back when everyone else was accusing Jamie of being in a severe financial crisis (remember that?) it appears the person who is having actual problems is Jess. If he was doing all of that work to pay off her shit and bail her out, it sickens me. Especially when she can't even do anything normal to support him and it shows.
Jess will continue to be bailed out of her situations because Jess surrounds herself with enablers and people blind to all of her bullshit. She's more or less going to get away with this forever because she choose people who are easy to manipulate with her mind games (or intimidated by her, of just genuinely nice people who aren't stupid but easy to walk all over because they are so kindhearted).
Sadly, women like this who are borderline professional criminals get away with it all the time and are never caught. I really, really hope that Jamie at the very least, breaks up with her if karma refuses to touch her horribly toxic dumpster personality in any other realistic manner.
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dragonpigeons · 2 months
Hey guys, I wrote two accounts of my time in hospital and after for anyone interested. The first is posted here. The second I will post separately.
Update: Link to Part 2 is here.
Account I.
Hospital & After: The Physical & Medical Aspects of My Recovery
CW: bodily fluids, blood, needles, minor injuries.
》 Written with Twitter format in mind, edited for Tumblr.
My family and I, we lived a normal existence. My mother was healthy. My father enjoyed a laid-back life but was otherwise healthy. My brother had lactose intolerance but was otherwise fit and healthy.
I had lived a normal life for the past three decades. I was regarded as fit and healthy. I liked to be active. I went for walks often. I ate a balanced diet. I got over illnesses normally. I had no allergies.
The symptoms began 2-3 years ago. More worries started to accumulate. There were more things to consider, more to do, and more to take responsibility for. And, damningly, what seemed like less time to have to deal with them all.
Everything was piling up in me physically. My body was hoarding all the things I wasn't facing and running away from. My body began to suffer under the weight of it all.
My body was slowly dying.
In May ‘24, my ankles started swelling. It built up quickly over the month and reached up my legs and hips. I finally went to my GP. She saw how serious it was via blood & urine tests. My results were off the charts. I was sent to the hospital right away.
At the hospital, they saw my blood count dropping. I had to have a blood transfusion. It helped my bloods somewhat, but I was still building up fluid and wasn't passing much urine. There was still something wrong with my body. I was still unwell.
They did more blood tests and found an antibody reading, which was also off the charts. The doctors told me I had SLE lupus nephritis. My own body was attacking my kidneys, which meant I couldn't pass urine and get rid of the fluid retention.
I was given a number of injections and IVs over the next few days. A boost to my low WBCs and neutrophils, prophylactic antibiotics, insulin to lower my potassium level, glucose to keep my blood sugars up, steroids to stabilise the lupus and stop the levels from rising higher.
Soon after, they put me on daily steroids in tablet form, along with a bunch of other pills - antibiotics, antifungal, antirheumatic, minerals, diuretics. They seemed to help keep my body stabilised. Though I did start getting side effects and symptoms.
I had insomnia and woke up often in the night. I also began having strange dreams. They felt like everything was submerged underwater. I couldn't understand what people were saying or doing. Also, my bowels were acting up, and I had to go to the toilet often.
All the while, my swelling continued to increase. I had to wait a few days to be transferred to another hospital. It became more difficult to stand and walk day by day. It was like moving with a bunch of clay wrapped around my feet and legs.
The only people I ended up talking to on a daily basis were my mother, who came to visit me every day with home cooked meals, and my brother via DMs. Everything just got too much, too fast. I had to make a lot of life-critical decisions in a short span of time.
Despite all that, I did find myself with time to think. I found myself thinking how crazy it was that my own body would choose to attack itself. I also found myself accepting that it did and what it meant.
Lupus was here to stay. Lupus would be my companion for life.
In the meantime, my kidney function dropped to 10%. I had a kidney biopsy done. The results were on the lighter side. There was no scarring but a lot of inflammation. The glomeruli were damaged quite severely, but they would be able to recover. My kidneys could heal.
Something interesting happened during all of this mayhem. I had small swollen lymph nodes for the past two years, which finally went away after the first antibiotic and steroid IVs. It was like the trash had been taken out. I felt I could think clearly for the first time in years.
One of the things I realised was that for nearly all my life, I had been caught up in the most trivial of things. Am I being ignored? Did I do something wrong? Do people even like my art? Does anyone actually like me?
I had used my energy on the wrong things. I came to realise, within the four white walls of my minimally-furnished ward room with a crappy plastic bed to sleep on, the more important things in life. Family. Friends. Community. Network.
The doctors proceeded to the next phase of my treatment. Though lupus had been stabilised by the steroids, my immune system needed to be suppressed in order to lower the levels.
Cyclophosphamide is a chemotherapy drug and, at standard doses, is the standard used to treat lupus patients. They explained the procedure and the risks. The first main risk was hemorrhagic cystitis. The second was infertility.
Since I didn't want children, it was a simpler decision for me to make. I had my first dose of the drug the next day. I didn't feel anything. The doctors told me it would kick in after 7-10 days.
Throughout the days, they continued to poke me like a pin cushion, checking my daily blood levels. My arms and hands were covered in bruises by the end. Some nurses were better than others. One had a shaky hand. I bled and bruised with them the most.
On my last day, the trend in my blood results showed improvement. My kidney function went from 10 to 14%. I was discharged that afternoon and waited for my meds. I chatted with an elderly man. I had chocolate biscuits. I was content.
My father picked me up and drove me back home. I took my first step out of the hospital after two weeks. Though it was summer, the weather greeted me with a cool, cloudy ambience. I opened my arms and welcomed it. I breathed in the fresh air. I smiled.
I was happy to be back in a comfortable bed and in the company of my family again. The environment was much better, more peaceful. I wasn't disturbed at odd hours of the night by nurses checking my vitals or giving me meds to eat.
My troubles weren't exactly over yet. I continued to have heart palpitations, and my swelling continued to increase over the next two days. I got worried that I would no longer be able to move. I feared I would have to be bed bound.
On the third day of being home, I finally felt myself getting lighter. I was passing more urine and going to the toilet more often. I gained 20kg+ since the start of the swelling. I went from 70+ down to 67 by day five.
On day six, things hit me like a truck. The chemotherapy drug had kicked in. My heart palpitations were hard and numerous. I grew exhausted. Even getting up to go to the toilet took so much out of me. I was down for the count for the following days.
I had to think about how to spend my energy each day. I prioritised eating, resting and going to the toilet. If I had an appointment, I'd try to prepare the day before. There were periods where I'd have more energy, and I'd make use of those.
Eventually, it did get easier as I learned how to manage my symptoms. Eat well, but don't overeat to reduce my palpitations. Eat fibre to keep the bowels moving. Drink fluids to keep hydrated. Rest often to conserve my energy.
Since then, I've been getting better as the days go. It's been a rough and bumpy ride throughout. My symptoms and needs seem to change by the day. I have to adjust through trial and error.
Sometimes I get it wrong. Sometimes I get it right. Often, there's conflicting info on the Web. I have to take it all with a grain of salt (which is almost literally all I can have with my kidney injury) and find what works for me. I've learnt a lot. There's still more to learn.
Every day brings something new. I still get scared when something unwanted or unexpected happens. I still panic and rush to resolve the problem as if a meteor is about to hit the planet. I'm learning to just stop and do nothing. Calm myself. Observe.
I'm a high-strung person who tends to jump to the worst conclusions. I believe that with enough discipline and focus, I can change this for the better. It will take patience. It will take time. Something I thought I didn't have enough of. Now I know that I do.
There is time for everything. I just have to make it by cutting out the unnecessary and focusing on what truly matters.
Before, I squandered my time and energy. Now, I will spend them wisely as I recover and return to a new normality.
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irismfrost · 2 months
July 22 - Chengchi (ZhengDa) University, Taipei Zoo, and YaoYue (Maokong) Teahouse 
Today, we had quite a busy day. We started our day bright and early at 9:20am with the second best university in Taiwan (with the first being the government-funded National Taiwan University). We visited the international student dorm and the library there. The dorms are single rooms with their own bathroom, balcony, bedding, and mini-fridge, all things that don't come with a typical dorm in the US. They have a nice common area with a large fridge/freezer. The Dah Hsian Seetoo Library on campus was built in 2019 and is a beautiful building. Each floor is tiered and is very open. They have areas to watch tv and movies, designated group and solo study areas, and so many books. They have a super cool "maker area" with a 3D printer, wood laser engraving station and a heat press. They also had a fire coffee shop next to the library and I had caramel chiffon cake. They added a bunch of toppings too - very light and airy cake and the toppings were also very light. 
Our next stop was the Taipei Zoo. They have a very cute panda and they put treats out so that it would show itself to all of the people. Its enclosure was a little sad but most of the other animals had some great space compared to other zoos. We were there for 3 hours and I still didn't get to see everything. 
Our last stop was the Taiwanese tea house. We had some jasmine tea. Our amazing tour guide, Peter, performed the tea ceremony for our table. It is a very complicated process and taken very seriously. You put the tea leaves in the ceramic pot and then fill up the pot with hot water all the way to the top and put the lid on. At this point the pot is overflowed. Then, you pour out the liquid into a special ceramic cup. You pour the tea you just made from that ceramic cup onto the pot you just emptied the tea from (lid is on the pot). The pot is sitting on a plate with holes in it so the tea water just drains. The pot is also ceramic so the wetness just absorbs. Then, you fill up the pot again with regular water, wait 30 seconds, and pour the new tea into the ceramic cup. This is the tea you drink. You pour the tea into "aroma" cups which look like little shot glasses. You don't drink out of this cup, but instead have a little cup that looks like a mini tea cup without the handle. You put that cup upside down on top of the aroma cup and then flip it. So now the tea is in the tasting cup and you are holding an empty aroma cup. You twist the aroma cup in your hands (I think this part is optional) and smell it. Then you drink the tea. Very complicated. 
The dorms at Chengchi University had some nice amenities that I did not experience in my at a UF dorm. The balcony and private bathroom is awesome. I haven't had a bathroom that connects to my room in 3 years and that would just be super nice to have. The pastries here are not as sweet as the US. The ice cream on the other hand has some crazy added sugars. I keep getting mango flavored things and it tastes like sugar with a little mango. The caramel chiffon cake wasn't very sweet though, more fluffy and mild than a typical US cake which I think is a little denser/richer and sweeter. 
Out of all the zoos in the world, I think the one in Taipei that I visited today was probably one of the most humane. The panda enclosure was a little smaller and less open than the others, but overall I was impressed. Most of the enclosures just had a tiny fence around them and the animals had space. I felt really bad for some of them though because they looked uncomfortably hot. It is the same temperature here as Florida but more humid. Every day I am shiny from sweat. 
The tea ceremony was interesting. It's all about disconnecting and enjoying something simple in the moment by focusing on the process of making tea. It is very complicated and I'm sure there are different variations. I think I may have to get myself a tea set. Maybe I I can disconnect from the world and find some in we peace once or twice a year. Who knows?
I also did laundry again today, as well be heading to Yilan tomorrow and I'd love to have some fresh clothes for that. The laundry lady was there again today! This time I went with some other people from the trip and she was showing us her exercises. People here are really into calisthenics. I saw some people to tai chi in the mornings here, and this lady literally just straightens her body and holds it for like 3 minutes. Literally just presses herself up against a wall, calves raised, hands above her head all in a straight line and holds it. And apparently you can do the same thing without the wall and just go from normal standing to the straight up position like 300 times. I may have to try it and just see how I feel after. She's an interesting lady; I'll miss her for sure.
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evanjinx · 3 years
alternative universe buddie fics recs :)
note: the links weren't working the first time i wrote the post but i edited and they're okay now!! if it still isn't working for you is probably because you're trying to open from a reblog from before i edit it, so try open directly from the original post on my profile.
Blind Date by @sassypopstar [complete | teen and up audiences | 3.8k words]
Buck feels a little ridiculous dressed in a jacket and a shirt. But Maddie had insisted on him dressing up for the occasion and even Chimney had quipped that it’s the right thing to do. So Buck, who never went on a blind date before in his life, listened to his big sister and her boyfriend because apparently that’s who he is now. Or the one where Buck goes on a blind date with someone called Eddie.
Buckley's Bouquets by awashleyno [complete | teen and up audiences | 23.4k words]
A world where Buck owns a flower shop and manages to develop a huge, massive, ridiculous crush on a handsome firefighter that comes in for a visit one day. Or, 5 times Eddie gives flowers to other people and the 1 time he gives them to Buck.
Call It What You Will - Fate? Destiny? (A Tsunami) by @abow123456 [complete | mature | 20k words]
Evan Buckley's day of relaxation is cut short when a tsunami hits the beach he was relaxing at. He has to fight to keep himself and a lost little boy safe from the water, as well as anyone else he finds. After, he meets the boys father and family, and it causes a snowball effect of good things for him, for once.
Capuccino with extra, extra sugar by buckbng [complete | teen and up audiences | 2.7k words]
Buck is the cute barista and Eddie is the grinch that hates coffee. Until, he doesn't. Because if Buck says he looks like the kind of person that would love a cappuccino, who's Eddie to disagree with him? OR Eddie really doesn't like coffee but pretends he does just so he has an excuse to see the cute barista at the coffee shop.
Confirmation Bias by strifechaos [complete | mature | 31k words]
After the fallout with his ex-wife, Eddie believed he could only trust his family with his son. He hadn’t imagined falling for his son’s sweet-hearted nanny, Buck. With his own family so distant, Buck never considered that he’d be lucky enough to find a home for himself, let alone people he could count on. Not until he meets the Diaz boys. AU: Buck was never a firefighter, and becomes Christopher's sitter when Shannon's job takes her away from Eddie and Chris for the summer. Eddie tries to not fall for his son's nanny, he's not very successful.
dream of some epiphany by extasiswings [complete | mature | 7.3k words]
Evan Buckley is lost. It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door. Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name. Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black [complete | mature | 13.4k words]
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer. (Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
Gave me no messages, gave me no signs... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 7.4k words]
"Buck is beyond nervous, and he’s really trying to convince himself that the familiarity of the situation is not some sort of bad omen. Just because there are parallels of the start of his relationship with Eddie to that of his relationship with Abby doesn’t mean that this new adventure is destined to end in the same miserable fashion. He hopes it won’t, has to believe it won’t. Because even with Abby, he hadn’t fallen this hard for her before their first official date. With Eddie, everything is already intensified by a thousand." Or, Buck covers a shift for a firefighter at the 136 and it leads to a budding relationship through text messages.
Gotta Find My Corner (Of the Sky) by doctornineandthreequarters [complete | general audiences | 31.3k words]
It was the last day of 2016 and two lost souls found themselves in a quiet dive bar, as the loud noises of the city celebrating New Year’s Eve buzzed around them. Most people chose loud, flashy bars with DJs and entrance fees and promises of champagne for New Year’s Eve. But both occupants of the dive bar preferred the quiet. They both didn’t need the added chaos when everything around them already felt chaotic. --- Or, Buck and Eddie meet on New Year's Eve, 2016, a meeting that sets of a series of events that changes the trajectory of both of their lives.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Till I Saw Your Face by @hmslusitania [complete | general audiences | 10.4k words]
After the ladder truck and the blood clot and the tsunami, Bobby makes Buck go to therapy before he does something stupid (like sue the city). Buck's not totally comfortable being alone with a therapist, but fortunately he makes a friend and ally who's willing to help him out - Eddie Diaz from the 136 who's just been caught in an illegal fight club. OR Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
i want your midnights by allyasavedtheday [complete | teen and up audiences | 36.3k words]
In which Eddie decides to rent out his spare room to help with mortgage repayments right around the time Buck decides to move out of Abby's place after some not so gentle prodding from Maddie. It's a coincidence. Or serendipity. Or maybe just really good timing.
i wanna be know (by you) by @starlightbuck [complete | general audiences | 12.5k words]
“I didn’t mean to do it.” Hen glances down at Eddie’s phone then back up at him in disbelief.
“How do you ‘not mean’ to download a bunch of dating apps but still have them on your phone?”
Or  In which Eddie delves into the intimidating world of online dating.
if i got locked away (would you still love me the same?) by @firefighterhan [complete | general audiences | 3.7k words]
Buck gets accidentally thrown in jail after meddling in a fight outside of a grocery store. There, he meets an unexpected guest, famous music artist Eddie Diaz, who is being suspiciously quiet about how he ended up here in the first place.
if only in my dreams by @buttercupbuck [complete | general audiences | 5.4k words]
Years before Eddie joins the 118, Buck meets him at an airport bar on Christmas day.
in a week by @buttercupbuck [complete | explicit | 78.9k]
in which Eddie joins the U.S. Forest Service and in the meadows of California, finds the things he thought he lost and the things he thought he'd never have.
It Started With A Bang And A Hostage Situation by JayJay__884 [complete | general audiences | 6.6k words]
Buck goes to the store one late night to buy food because of Maddie's pregnancy cravings. Whilst at the store, Buck accidentally gets caught in the middle of a robbery and gets knocked out. After waking up in the backroom, Buck finds himself as a hostage with a handsome and caring stranger.
Leading with the Left by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 84.7k]
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico." And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
Lift me up by @captain--sif [complete | teen and up audiences | 5.5k words]
Buck gets stuck in his apartment building's broken elevator with his good-looking neighbor from the sixth floor.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 11.2k words]
Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck."
*stupidly handsome and annoyingly talented rival spy
Mr. Buckley's After Hours Detention by aresaphrodites [complete | mature | 11.4k words]
It’s not like Eddie Diaz planned on this. Really, there was no scenario in his mind where he would ever be bringing his son’s teacher a freaking goody basket to class; a homemade goody basket, no less. Then again, Christopher has never had a teacher quite like Evan Buckley.
MukbangsWithBuck by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 19.3k words]
After growing tired of eating alone in his loft, Buck decides to start a YouTube channel where he records himself eating dinner and telling stories about crazy things his team has encountered on calls. He eventually gains a substantial fanbase, and he is led to the channel of another LA firefighter who uploads informational videos and also casual vlogs with his ten-year-old son. It isn't long before the two start a friendship through messages, both of them secretly hoping it will turn into something more. Or, Eddie and Buck are both firefighters/YouTubers and they end up falling in love.
Objects in the Mirror by SevenSoulmates [complete | explicit | 139.1k words]
The voice had always been around, Eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where Eddie just tuned it out.  But then the voice started speaking directly to him. Conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. Like he could see what was happening around Eddie. Eddie shook his head. No one was talking to him, and Eddie most certainly was not talking back. He wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. There was no boy in his head. 
Passive Aggressive Flirting by @starlingbite [complete | general audiences | 4.5k words]
Buck and Eddie have never met. They both work at the 118 but just on different shifts. That's all about to change when Buck finds a sticky note message, signed E.
String of hearts... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 11.1k words]
“Now. Eddie is this incredible presence. He’s funny and smoking hot, and he has a son who sounds wonderful. And he’s serious and vulnerable at times. But so enjoyable to be around, every single second that he’s there. And how can I put myself out there when the expectation is so high? When the thing I might lose is so beautiful?”
In which Buck owns a plant shop in LA, and Eddie becomes his new favorite customer. Pining ensues.
check out my post of buddie fics with dad!buck
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miekasa · 4 years
stay (with me)
+ pairings: eren yeager x (fem) reader
+ genres and warnings: modern au + fluff my favorite combination obviously, eren is an asshole but i think we all knew that by now, this isn’t proofread i’m sorry
+ notes: i am once again giving you reworked drabbles until i finish my longer fics <2 the good news is i finally finished his birthday fic but i won’t post it until it’s closer to his actual birthday... as for everything else... well... i’ll get there eventually (hopefully) lmaoo
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“You’re such a little piece of shit.”
Eren can’t help but smile, both rows of teeth on display as he takes in your out-of-breath appearance and less than happy face.
He thinks you look stupidly cute. You think he’s just plain stupid.
He leans against the doorframe, crossing one leg over the other and his arms over his chest; that stupid, shit-faced grin on his mouth growing by the second, “Pray, tell, my love, whatever do you mean?”
You’re huffing and puffing—both out of anger, and because you’re out of breath from stomping back up to Eren’s apartment (because, of course, the elevator would be broken). You swear you’re going to go to prison for murdering your boyfriend.
“Don’t give me that, Eren. I know you turned off my alarm when I was napping, which made me late, which made me miss my bus, and left me stranded here.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say you’re stranded.”
“I would. Because I am. And you’re admitting to turning off my alarm you little bastard.”
“I’m doing nothing of the sorts, in fact, I don’t even know what you’re talking about—what’s an alarm? I’ve never heard of that before,” Eren chuckles, far too angelic for someone with the soul of a demon, “But since you’re stranded, do you wanna stay the night?”
You blink. There it is. Only Eren fucking Jaeger would sabotage your nap alarm, and your one shot at taking the last bus back to your apartment because he’s too prideful (and shy) too ask you to stay over like any other normal boyfriend. Or normal human being for that matter.
“Are you—did you plan this? Do you think I won’t high-tail it out of here and get an Uber because I—”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m going to let you get in an Uber at this time of night.”
“Ten minutes ago you were perfectly fine with me dashing out here like a madman to catch a bus you knew I would miss. In the dark.”
“That’s because I knew you would come running back to me, my dear,” he grins, pushing himself to stand upright. He reaches out to put his hands on your shoulder, slowly pulling you closer to him, “Besides, there are street lamps. And I could see you from my window. Very safe.”
“So now you’re a stalker.”
“I just had to make sure my little honey bunch sugar plum baby girl didn’t get abducted looking for a bus that already left. Not to mention you looked pretty fucking funny running—”
You slap his chest to shut him up, but he chuckles with his head thrown back.
“What? Would you prefer that I didn’t?”
“I would prefer to be in bed,” you retort. Eren runs his hands down your arms, and eventually rests them on your waist, pulling you that much closer towards him.
He hums, “Mine is available.”
He’s got a hint of that boyish grin on his face, but there’s an expression in his eyes beyond genuine amusement of your failed efforts. He looks a little tired, happy, perhaps even a hint bashful.
“And what about in the morning?” you question, “I don’t have a toothbrush.”
Eren’s eyes flutter from your eyes to your lips, then back again, “I have extras.”
“I don’t have a hairbrush.”
“I do.”
“Alright, go out looking like a rabid raccoon for all I care.”
You slap his chest for the comment, but he only laughs it off. “You’re an asshole.”
“And yet I’m your boyfriend,” he recounts, hands gently applying more pressure at your waist, “Says more about you than it does about me, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty embarrassing when I think about it.”
He only rolls his eyes at you, but there’s that pool of emotions resting in them still; still tired, still happy, still a bit bashful, but now, maybe a little hopeful, as well.
“Come on, the only thing you don’t have is a reason to not come inside and cuddle up next to me,” he leans forward to dips his head into the crook of your neck, sliding his hands to your lower back to encase you in a hug, “We can watch your boring Netflix drama and you can help me kick Jean’s ass in Overwatch.”
He pulls back from your impromptu hug with his head tilted at the perfect angle, wisps of his hair falling in front of his eyes, “Please?”
“You’re such an overgrown puppy,” you squint your eyes. You can’t believe he’s swindled you into this. “Fine, I’ll stay, but tomorrow you have to—”
You don’t have to time to finish, because the moment he’d heard the defeat in your voice, Eren’s already slung you over his shoulder, and locked the door behind the both of you.
He all but runs towards his bedroom, cheering about how you’re about to have the best sleepover of all time; and he’s so genuinely happy that you almost forgot that he’s the same person that sabotaged you and stood in front of the door with a devilish grin on his face minutes before. He’s a piece of fucking work, that’s for sure.
Eren ungracefully tosses you on his bed, hardly taking a breath to himself before flopping directly on top of you.
“Wait, Eren, I don’t have pajamas or—”
“That’s fine,” he cuts you off, “You can just sleep in your underwear.”
You pull at his hair, forcing his head up. “Would you stop being a dog for two seconds.”
“I’m kidding,” he flashes you a smirk, shimmying himself further up your body until he can press a kiss to the tip of your nose, “You can borrow mine.”
He proceeds to plant a series of kisses all over your face—your nose, your forehead, your cheeks, your chin—tickling you in the process to elicit squeamish giggles out of you. You’re so laughter-stricken trying to get Eren off of you that you don’t notice the sound of footsteps approaching, or the figure standing in the entrance to Eren’s bedroom.
Poor Armin looks groggy and drunk on sleep; blonde hair sticking up in every direction, and flannel pajamas too large for him that leave him with sweater paws.
“Listen,” Armin croaks, severely unamused by your antics, “I’m very happy for the both of you—I’m glad Eren finally got the balls to ask you stay over. With that being said, I kindly ask that you shut the fuck up now and let me sleep.”
You take Eren’s frozen state as the opportunity to push him off of you and sit yourself upright, offering Armin an apologetic smile, “Sorry, Armin. Don’t worry, we’re going to bed—I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Eren follows suit, “Yeah, sorry, Min, my bad.”
The blonde nods in acknowledgment, clearly not upset by your noise level, just a bit inconvenienced.
He turns to head back to his room, before backstepping and looking at you one more time, “Eren’s a liar, he doesn’t have extra toothbrushes, but I do. Top shelf in the medicine cabinet. Goodnight.”
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queencoldart · 2 years
Sorry for the lack of art. Have some recipes!
I'm starting to sound like a broken record but things really have been crazy. We had a pending sale on our home in less than two days after listing it and we're scrambling to cover as many items as possible on the repair addendum while looking for a new place AND preparing for school, on top of managing the household and a bunch of health appointments.
I wanted to give you guys something, so here's a few recipes that use self-rising flour:
Biscuits: Preheat the oven to 450°F. Mix roughly 1 cup of self-rising flour with about ¾ cup of heavy whipping cream, more or less, depending on how the dough feels when mixed. Do not over mix or over knead. Your dough is ready to be rolled out and cut when it stops sticking to your fingers. Roll out the dough over a lightly floured surface and use a biscuit cutter or drinking glass to cut the shapes. I like thick biscuits, so the dough is ¾"-1" thick when I cut it. Bake the biscuits for about 15 minutes. Adjust the cooking time if you prefer a different thickness. If your dough is closer to half an inch thick when you cut it they only need about 12 minutes.
Fruit cobbler:
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Melt a stick of butter in a 9" square baking dish. Glass is best. Mix 1 cup self-rising flour, ½ cup sugar, and ⅔ cup 2% milk together. For cherry cobbler add 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract or 1 teaspoon almond flavoring to the mix. For apple cobbler add between 1¼ and 1½ teaspoons pure vanilla extract and ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon to the mix instead. Pour this mix over the melted butter as evenly as possible and don't stir. For cherry cobbler, gently press 2 cups of pitted cherries into the batter. For apple cobbler, peel and core three small granny smith apples and cut them into eight wedges each. Gently press the wedges into the batter, broad side up, until you run out of wedges. Don't press the fruit in there very deep; the self-rising flour makes the batter rise up and surround the fruit pieces during the baking process. Bake for 45 minutes.
The best orange chicken you've ever had:
To make this you gotta cut boneless, skinless chicken breast or thigh meat into bite-sized pieces and then velvet them. You do this by coating the pieces in baking soda for fifteen minutes, then thoroughly rinsing the baking soda off and drying the pieces with paper towels. Set aside. Make the sauce: Pour 330 ml orange soda (1 can) into to a medium sized sauce pan and dissolve 1¼ tbs cornstarch in it. Then add 2 tbs sugar, 2 tbs soy sauce or tamari, 2 tbs butter, 1 tbs sriracha sauce or sambal oelek, ¼ tsp (or more, to taste) garlic powder and, lastly, the zest and juice of a mandarin orange. Thoroughly mix these ingredients and bring them to a boil while stirring. Simmer for one minute, then turn off the heat. Preheat a frying pan with vegetable oil to 350°F and prepare your station to bread the chicken: I used heavy whipping cream but you can use egg wash instead if you want. Put some of this in a bowl. Grab another bowl and mix just a bit more than a cup of cornstarch with a tsp of baking powder, a tsp of salt and half a cup of self-rising flour. Dip the chicken pieces in the whipping cream and then thoroughly coat them with the flour mix. Do not double dip! Fry the pieces for 8 minutes, turning them over once. Bring the sauce to a rolling boil and let it keep boiling to thicken it, stirring it occasionally. Serve the pieces and the desired amount of sauce over rice. Optional: garnish with sesame seeds or fresh green onion.
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darkmulti · 4 years
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-> 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞
-> 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝.
-> 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
-> releasing this a bit early because we reached 4K+!! Thank you guys so much! I love you all<3
It was a Saturday night — the busiest day of the week. You worked at the strip club, not as an exotic dancer but as a waiter. The money you were making was just enough for you to survive on your own.
Tonight, you wanted to ask your boss if you could start working as a dancer. You packed your new dancewear and everything you might need in case the boss says yes. It was around 4 pm when you arrived. You walked to your boss’s office and gently knocked on the door.
“Come in”
You grab the door handle and push the door open, revealing your boss Taehyung with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“Hello, little one. What can I help you with?”
You thought the nickname was creepy at first, and when you politely asked him to stop calling you that, he said that he had a nickname for every employee. Over time, you’ve grown used to it. And you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t give you butterflies in your stomach.
“I know this is sudden, but can I start dancing?”
Taehyung squeezed the glass cup tightly, almost shattering it with his bare hand.
“But why? You’re just a little angel. Angels don’t sin, little one.”
“Sir, I really need money. I want to go back to school and get a degree so I can have a permanent job.”
There was a pause of silence before you spoke up again.
“I-I can show you my skills. I’ve been practicing. I even brought my dancewear.”
Taehyung shoots you a glare. It was intense and almost threatening. He sighs as he puts the glass of whiskey on his desk and walks to the couch, where he sat down with his muscular thighs spread apart.
“Go wear your little outfit and come back here.”
You innerly smile and leave to the dressing room to change. Once the door closed, Taehyung let out a chuckle. He’s never going to allow you to be a dancer, he just wants to watch you for his pleasure.
After adjusting your straps and fixing up your hair, you sprayed some perfume around your neck and walk back to his office.
“Sir, I’m ready.”
“Good, now come in and lock the door.”
You did as told then remove your robe. It didn’t take long for Taehyung’s member to harden after seeing your body on full display. Taehyung turned some music on then said “the stage is all yours, little one.”
You’ve been practicing for months, just for this moment. Bending over and whipping your hair back, showing off your beautiful body to him. Taehyung motioned you to come to him, so you can give him a lap dance.
He placed his hands on your hips and made you grind on his bulge. Your face warmed up after feeling his boner that you caused. Taehyung started moving his hips with yours, making you whimper.
His hands moved to your breast and gave it a light squeeze. “Sir, I thought touching is not allowed.”
“I’m the boss. I make the rules. Right now, touching is allowed.” You were too naive to understand that he was manipulating you.
30 minutes pass and you finally stop and take a step back.
“So... what did you think?”
You were expecting a positive response and even a praise but you got the complete opposite.
“I’m sorry, little one. You’re not good enough. I can give you a raise but I’m not letting you become a dancer.”
“But what if I practice more? Could you reconsider?!”
“No is my final answer, little one. I’m a very busy man and I don’t have time to watch you dance just for you to fail.”
Embarrassed. You felt so embarrassed. You genuinely thought Taehyung was enjoying your show. Well, it sure as hell looked like it. A gloomy look took over your face and you walked towards the door to leave.
“Don’t give me that pouty face, little one.”
Taehyung abruptly pulled you on his lap and attached his lips to yours. You didn’t respond until Taehyung’s hand spanked your butt, causing you to moan.
“Grind on me, baby. I know you want it just as much as I do.”
You rubbed your clit harder against his bulge until you released. “Keep moving, little one. Help daddy cum too.” He growled, before grabbing your face and kissing you again. Deep moans left his mouth turning you on even more. His hands all over your body — it felt euphoric.
Taehyung let out one last groan before cumming in his pants. “Fuck! You’re so fucking good.” he kissed your jawline and moved down to your neck.
“How about this, little one. You become my personal dancer and I pay you money. You can stay with me, I’ll buy you everything you need as long as you accompany me and satisfy my sexual needs.”
“Like a sugar daddy?”
No dating
No lying
No revealing clothes
If something is wrong, tell him
No swearing
Don’t be bratty
Obey him
Never reject his kisses
Don’t leave without his permission
Answer his calls and texts immediately
How he’s like:
Taehyung’s a charming, gentleman
He treats you like a queen
He never ignores you
You’re his first priority
This man spoils the shit out of you
He buys you luxurious clothes and accessories
For your birthday, he bought you a brand new Porsche convertible
Taehyung’s very possessive, but you honestly don’t mind
You love spending time with him anyways
Anytime another male is too close to you, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him
If you hug him, his hands will immediately go down to your ass and grab it
He’s very affectionate
Even at important events, Taehyung will always hug you, kiss your lips, cheeks and forehead in front of anyone
Sometimes you forget that you’re his sugar baby because he treats you like his wife
Your opinion matters to him
Whether it’s a big or small decision, he always wants to hear what you think
In the morning, he makes you breakfast
Especially if you had a long night with him (if ykyk)
When he’s doing work, he makes you sit on his lap and do some cock warming
Taehyung loves travelling with you
He’d rent out expensive villas or hotel room
Taehyung loves swimming with you
The man enjoys your company
You’re so lovable, sweet and innocent
It was almost like you were made for him
Yandere Taehyung:
Taehyung was secretly obsessed with you
After he hired you as a waiter, he wanted to know everything about you
Since the job application required your address, Taehyung knew where you lived
He broke into your apartment and hid tiny cameras in places you’d never see
There were cameras in your kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom
He did this to keep an eye on you and make sure that you’re not seeing another man
When you’re at work, Taehyung stops by your apartment and takes some of your underwear to get off
He hacked into all your social media accounts, unfollowed guys he didn’t like and checked your dm’s regularly to make sure nobody was trying to get with you
If you made plans with your friends, Taehyung would show up (in disguise) and watch you from afar
Whenever you had plans or even a date, Taehyung would call you and say that more waiters are needed and he will pay extra because it’s an emergency
So you end up cancelling on your friends/date which angers them
Soon, your friends stopped inviting you to hang out because you always cancel last minute because of work
Taehyung’s plan was too isolated you from your friends which gives him the perfect opportunity to swoop in and be your one and only companion
And what do you know, his plan worked
Not only that but since you have no friends anymore, you’re always with him
So he never has to worry about you fooling around behind his back
Sex Life:
Taehyung was incredible in bed
He never failed to satisfy your sexual needs
You’ve both tried so many kinky things in bed and it was honestly fun
He was addicted to eating you out
Hickeys all over your body. Between your thighs, on your stomach and chest. All over your neck, collar bone and jawline.
Taehyung loves marking what’s his
Traditional rough sex + doggy
But hey, it gets the job done
Three round minimum, 7 rounds maximum
Taehyung will always cum inside of you
He loves watching himself cum into your little hole
He gets more turned on when watches cum his leaking out of your hole and running down your thigh
Dry humping is something he’s into
The idea of both of your coming without having actual sex drives him crazy
Blowjobs for days
He loves watching you suck him off
Make eye contact with him while you suck and he’ll have an orgasm
You must swallow all of his cum
Don’t spit it out
Before Taehyung got you, he used to use your underwear to masturbate
You eventually started to notice that a bunch of your panties disappeared
Therefore, Taehyung returned most of them (except for his favourites), some washed, some not
Taehyung could literally cum to the thought of you wearing panties covered in his dried-up cum
It made him hard just thinking about it
Over time, you notice Taehyung becoming more aggressive in bed
It would get so bad that you’d have to use the safe word to get him to stop
You noticed he started doing things he’s never discussed with you before
Sometimes, you cry under him because he scares you
He’d pin your hands above your head and fuck as hard as he could
You were not used to it nor were you a big fan of it
He was taking everything out on you
Taehyung would start at 21:30 and finish at 04:00
Unknowingly, Taehyung’s yandere side took over him
Some may know him as V
His cruel and sadistic side who felt no remorse whatsoever
V’s kinks are dark and heavy
He choked you until you couldn’t breathe, tied you up so you couldn’t move, and slapped you when you asked him to stop
V enjoyed watching you cry too
Overstimulation was the worst part
Your core was crying for a break but V couldn’t care less
The man fucked you until you passed out
Minimum 7 rounds, maximum... there’s no maximum
In the morning, he’d still be deep in you and depending on his mood, he may or may not fuck you again
At this point, you didn’t care if it was Taehyung or V, you needed to leave him
Trying to break off the (3 years) contract:
This is when Taehyung goes fucking insane.
After nights of relentless sex, you finally decide to break the contract. You couldn’t handle the abuse anymore. Sex every night to “remind you of your place” was complete bullshit. You stayed with him for two more months, hoping that the old, sweet Taehyung would come back and save you.
Unfortunately, he never did. After you lost all hope, you wanted to get away from Taehyung as soon as possible. He can keep all the gifts and money he’s given you if that means freedom.
You woke up only to see Taehyung missing from the bed. He must’ve gone to work, you thought. You get ready and pack all of the clothes you brought to his mansion. You write a small message on a notepad, saying that it’s over. You didn’t dare to tell him face to face because you knew exactly where it would’ve lead to.
You left his mansion and took the bus back to your apartment. An hour later, Taehyung was blowing up your phone, spamming you with messages.
“Where the fuck are you?!”
“Answer my calls!”
“Explain the message on the notepad!”
“What do you mean that we’re “done” ?”
“The contract’s not over yet! I still fucking own you.”
“Get your ass over here!”
“You’re making your punishment worse for yourself.”
“How can you say goodbye to me like this?! Do I mean nothing to you?!”
“You’re going to regret this!”
“Come back here, now!”
“Stay where you are, I’m on my way!”
You started to tear up because you were petrified. You drop your phone in fear and ran into your closet. You hid in a basket full of your clothes so no one could see you. Not even a minute passed and Taehyung was banging on your apartment door.
You covered your mouth, stopping the sobs from coming out. You needed to find a weapon. You looked around your closet and that’s when you spotted something.
A camera.
A tiny camera is hidden in plain sight. Your heart dropped to your stomach. How long has that been there? Who placed it there? Your mind immediately went to Taehyung. You were trying to connect the dots but how could he have possibly gotten into your apartment?
You stopped questioning when you heard Taehyung break down the door. He came right to your bedroom and opened the closet door. He pulled out the basket you were hiding. “Get up.”
That’s when you knew the camera belonged to him. He knew your exact location. You couldn’t help but wonder how long he’s been watching you.
You take a deep breath in and stand up. Taehyung’s fierce eyes encountered your terrified ones. He grabbed your jaw and pulled your face close to his.
“What the fuck were you thinking?! You nearly gave me a heart attack! I thought one of my enemies kidnapped you but no! You just left me with a shitty ass note.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?!” Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose. “SORRY?! THAT’S ALL YOU FUCKING GOT?!”
He picked up your glass jewelry box and threw it on the floor. The whole thing shattered, causing you to burst out in tears. “T- Taehyung! Stop! Stop it! You’re scaring me!”
“Good bitch. Seems like I haven’t scared you enough because you still have the nerve to fucking leave me.”
Omg, I finally wrote something after months of being an unproductive piece of shit.
This is bad, but I still hope you enjoyed 😊
Oh and I apologize for any mistakes. Like always, I’m half asleep:)
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter is the only one of the Avengers who doesn’t tease you for being a little slow 
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Now you weren’t exactly dumb.
You were just a little slow.
When you joined the Avengers last year, the team learned pretty quickly that your mind moved at a different pace than everyone else. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing and it didn’t keep you from doing your job, it just meant you were the butt of most of the jokes. Every time one of your blunders happened, your intelligence would be mocked in some way. You knew it was all in good fun, but it hurt to it feelings every now and then. The only person who never poked fun at you was Peter. And for that reason, he was your favorite on the team.
“How are there 23 minutes left in this movie and I still don’t know any of the characters names?” Steve wondered as you all sat in the couch in Stark Towers, watching a movie on a particularly rainy afternoon.
“I think the main kids name is Phoenix. That’s all I got though.” Sam shook his head, just as confused as Steve.
“The dogs name is Benson.” Bucky mumbled quietly.
“Who names their kid Phoenix?” Peter wondered out loud as he shoveled popcorn into his mouth. The two of you were tucked into the corner of the couch, sharing a blanket and bowl of popcorn. You looked at him like he was crazy when you heard his question.
“Ummm, Joaquin Phoenix’s parents.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You turned your attention back to the movie as a silence settled in the room. You felt everyone’s eyes on you after a minute and looked around to see everyone staring at you with a dumbfounded expression.
“What?” You asked shyly, shrinking down a little in your seat in discomfort.
“That’s his last name.” Sam stated, chuckling a little under his breath. You realized your mistake and felt your face heat up.
“Oh.” You mumbled, your voice getting drowned out as the rest of the Avengers laughed at your expense.
“Did she really just say that?” Nat looked at the group with a playful smile. Everyone, excluding Peter, nodded as their laughter died down.
“Oh my God.” Steve chuckled. “That’s so stupid.”
There was that word again.
He didn’t mean it maliciously. Steve was the kinda of guy who ushered spiders into a magazine so he could let them outside. And yet, it still stung when he said that word.
You smiled sheepishly and tried to focus on the movie, snuggling closer to Peters side until it ended. You were fully aware that he was the only one who didn’t laugh, and you loved him that.
And maybe you loved him for a few other reasons too.
“Alright. Who has money for the subway?” Sam asked the group as he patted his empty pockets. You were on another late night trip to get cookies from a specific shop in Times Square, leaving without Tony’s knowledge. Everyones hands went to their pockets and collectively made a face.
“Not me.” Rhodey shrugged.
“I don’t have any.” Bruce added.
“I don’t even have pockets.” Nat realized.
“I have gum.” Peter proudly produced a silver wrapper from his pocket. “Oh wait, it’s just a wrapper.”
“You’re telling me we’re earth’s mightiest heroes and we’re broke?” Sam shook his head is disdain.
“I gave my last dollar to a guy in the subway for playing music.” Peter defended himself.
“What was he playing?” You asked him as you tiredly leaned against his arm.
“A mandolin.” Peter answered, making your face scrunch up.
“That’s a language.” You laughed at him slightly, feeling empowered by having the upper hand. Everyone looked at you and a few of them snorted.
“Mandarin is a language.” Bruce said gently, not wanting to embarrass you further. “Not mandolin.” 
“What?” You blinked in confusion and looked to Peter for answers.
“A mandolin is an instrument, dummy.” Sam chortled. You smiled tightly as the group laughed at your mistake, looking down to hide your blush.
“Oh. Sorry. My bad.” You laughed shyly as you tucked your hair behind your ear and pretending to read a nearby sign.
“That’s okay.” Peter spoke up in your defense. “They sound really similar. Plus like, French, French Horn. Who knows what’s going on?”
“Yeah.” Bucky said softly. “Or like, bra’s aren’t pointy anymore.”
Bruce nodded like it made perfect sense and Sam just shook his head as he texted.
“What?” You whispered to Peter, not knowing what he meant.
“He’s from the 1920s. He’s still adjusting.” Peter whispered to you out of the corner of his mouth before looking at Bucky. “That’s the spirit. Kind of.”
“FRIDAY is sending a car.” Sam informed the group. “This is never happening again. The cookies aren’t that good.”
“They’re pretty good.” Rhodey shrugged, but wanting the late Nate tradition to end. Sam looked at him for a moment before breaking into a smile.
“Hell yeah they are. Let’s do this again tomorrow.”
Bruce found you in the lab the next day with a pin between your teeth and a pencil behind your ear. Papers with drawings of suits were scattered around the table as you measured a piece of black fabric.
“What are you doing?” Bruce wondered as he took a seat across from you. You glanced up at him before marking a dot on the fabric.
“Mr. Stark asked me to help him with the new suits. I’m trying to make a fabric template for Nat’s gloves.” You told him as you smoothed the fabric out.
“Is it hard?” He asked, watching you intently as you worked.
“Not really.” You shrugged and took a step back to examine your work. “Okay. How many holes do we need? 1,2,3,4,5.” You counted your fingers. “Okay. Five holes.”
You sat back down and put five dots where her fingers would be to mark where you had to cut. You heard a slight chuckle from Bruce and looked up at him curiously.
“Did you just count your fingers?” He asked slowly, wanting to make sure he saw what he thought he had. “To know how many fingers Nat has?”
Your face burned when you realized how dumb you looked, in front of a scientific genius no less.
“Oh, Uh, yeah.” You stammered, feeling very insecure with him watching you now. You moved slower than before and second guessed moves you’d already made a hundred times. Bruce sensed your discomfort and got out of his seat, tapping the table twice as he thought.
“Have you ever heard the expression “the lights are on but nobody’s home’?” He asked you and you were grateful he changed the subject.
“Yeah, I think I have.” You smiled, proud of yourself for knowing something.
“It reminds me of you.” Bruce said so politely that you didn’t realize it was an insult at first. He left the lab to find Tony, leaving you feeling embarrassed and a little hurt. Everyone knew Bruce could hurt you ten times worse with his words than the Hulk could with his fists, you’d just never been his target before. You slumped down in your seat and continued making the gloves, your mood significantly dampened from before he came in the room.
You walked into the kitchen the next morning, sleepily rubbing your eyes. You pressed a chaste kiss on Peters shoulder as you passed him, also more affectionate to your best friend when you were half asleep. You smiled at Rhodey, who was seated at the bar and skimming through a newspaper.
“Did you eat yet?” You asked him through a yawn as you got out yogurt and fruit for yourself.
“No. I needed my coffee first.” He smiled sleepily at you and held up his mug.
“Oh, you mean your sugar with a spoonful of coffee?” You teased him. “Yeah, it’s good you got that out of the way.”
“I prefer it this way. The sugar wakes me up.” Peter defended his drink as he took a sip.
“That’s what the caffeine is supposed to do, mi amor.” You laughed as you ruffled his bed head ridden hair. He was about to make a comeback when his stomach rumbles loudly.
“Someone’s hungry.” You remarked. “Do you want eggs?”
“No thanks.” Peter shook his head. “I can’t eat eggs alone.”
“Well I’m here. And Rhodey’s right there, so you’re not alone.” You told him. “And I can grab Steve and Bucky. They’re just in the other room.”
Rhodey looked up from his newspaper with raised eyebrows and looked at Peter. Peter set his mug down and made a face at Rhodey that told him not to say anything. You looked between the two of them in confusion as you wondered what was going on.
“I meant alone as in without toast, sweetness.” Peter said gently, not wanting you to feel dumb for misunderstanding. “But I am glad you’re here.”
“Oh.” You faked a smile and shrugged like it was no big deal. Peter had handled the situation with ease and you didn’t feel as embarrassed as you normally would. That is until…
“You know, Y/n, it’s a good thing you’re pretty.” Rhodey nodded before going back to his newspaper. You froze with your spoonful of yogurt midway to your mouth and looked at him. He didn’t actually call you dumb, but it was implied. You looked at Peter to see if he was thinking the same thing, but his face had nothing but kindness on it.
“You are pretty.” He agreed with Rhodey. “But you’re a lot of other things too.”
You cracked a smile and rubbed his back for a moment in appreciation.
“Thanks Peter.” You said softly and went back to your breakfast. Not wanting to worry him, you ignored the way Rhodey’s comment made you feel and tried to push it from your mind. But no hard you tried to focus on other things, you had one thought prodding at the back of your head.
You were dumb.
A week went by without anyone poking fun at your intelligence. You had a sneaking suspicion Peter had something to do with the lack of comments, but you said nothing. It was nice to have a break from all the teasing and it made hanging out with the team more enjoyable. You all lingered around the kitchen one day, eating all different kinds of lunch when Tony came in the room.
“Eat up, funky bunch.” He clapped his hands. “We have a mission in Alaska to train for and I need all hands on deck. Cap, do you think you can teach Peter that spinny thingy you do?”
“I can try.” Steve looked at Peter and nodded.
“Great. I’m getting a manicure. I’ll be back around noon.” Tony informed you all.
“Wait, I thought you said all hands on deck.” You tilted your head at him.
“I did. Which I why I have to make sure my hands look the best.” Tony waved flirtatiously, wiggling his fingers around like a teenage girl. He smirked as his action was met with some eye rolls and a few chuckles before leaving the room.
“I can’t believe we’re going to Alaska.” Peter nudged you excitedly and you smiled with glee.
“Is Alaska the same as the North Pole? Or am I thinking of Antarctica?” Sam wondered out loud.
“No. The North Pole is all the way at the top. Alaska is below California. Like by Texas.” You said confidently, proud that you knew information that someone else didn’t. Your pride quickly dissipated when you saw the teams faces twist in amusement.
“Wait a minute.” Steve looked at you like you were joking. You shrugged, letting him know you weren’t. Sam burst out laughing and clapped his hands as the rest of the team began to laugh.
“Absolutely not.” Sam grinned as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“Yes it is.” You insisted. “Look at any US map. It’s on the bottom by Hawaii.”
You were getting angry now. You knew you were right this time and they were still teasing you.
“No.” Bucky shook his head is dismissal. “No.”
“Alaska is below California on every map I’ve ever seen. You’re telling me I’m wrong?” You our your hand on your hip and stared at them.
“100%. I am 100% telling you you’re wrong.” Sam said between his laughter. Peter came to your side and showed you a picture of a map on his phone.
“Alaska is US territory but it’s not connected to the rest of the states. They just put it below California on maps to show it’s a part of the US. Thats not actually where it’s located.” He said quietly. You looked at the map for a few seconds before you realized he was right. And if he was right…
You were wrong.
“Oh.” You smiled apologetically and averted your eyes. “Oops.”
You turned around and pretending to clean up the kitchen to hide your searing blush. Your fingers clenched around your sponge when you heard the teasing laughter from behind you.
“Sometimes I wonder how you made it out of high school.” Steve joked as he threw out the crusts of his sandwich. The comment stung you and you began to scrub the counter faster so you could leave the room sooner. Peter could see your shoulders tense and put a reassuring hand on your back. You gave him a tight lipped smiled before putting your dish in the sink.
“I’m still wondering how she made it out of first grade.” Nat teased you and she poked your side.
“I can’t believe she made it out of the womb in the first place with nobody telling her where to go.” Sam said, making everyone laugh loudly. You abruptly threw a dish in the sink, making everyone go silent. You tuned around slowly and faked a smile.
“Haha. Yeah.” You forced a laugh. “I’ll catch you guys later.”
You swiftly left the room before anyone could catch your tears. You felt stupid for even getting upset over it, but their words hurt. Feeling like you were always the dumbest person in the room was taking a toll on you, especially when you weren’t the only one who felt that way. Peter watched you leave with sympathetic eyes, feeling his own frustration bubble at the sound of the team laughing at you. He thought they had listened the first time he told them to stop making fun of you, but they clearly hadn’t. After seeing the pained look on your face, Peter made a decision.
It was never going to happen again.
“Ugh. I’m never gonna get this right.” Peter groaned as he messed up the move Steve was trying to teach him once again.
“You’re getting too much inside your head. Just let it happen naturally.” Steve instructed as he resumed his stance. Peter tried the move again, wiping out and landing on his side with a thud. You watched him out of the corner of your eye as you spared with Nat.
“I can’t.” Peter got up and rubbed his arm. “I can’t do it.”
Steve nodded, like he was accepting Peters defeat. You stopped sparing and looked at Peter.
“Yes you can. Come on, Peter.” You encouraged him. “Everyone told Van Gogh that he couldn’t be an artist because he only had one ear but he did it anyway.”
The room feel silent, as it often did when you spoke, and everyone looked down.
“Oh dear Lord.” Rhodey sighed and hung his head and he snickered. You could see everyone else fighting back laughter or cracking a smile, yet saying nothing.
“What?” You crossed your arms in annoyance, looming to Peter for help.
“He chopped his ear off after becoming an artist.” Peter said kindly. “He wasn’t born without one.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Tony beat you to it.
“Speaking of ears, do you think of you shone a light in one of Y/n’s ears, it would come out the other ear?” Tony quipped, making everyone laugh. The tips of your ears burned as that feeling of stupidity sunk in again. You undid the Velcro on your boxing gloves and pretended to wipe sweat from your face as you rushed to the bin where the gloves went. You kept your back to the group and pretending to be putting your gloves away when you were really concealing your pained expression.
“Yes.” Nat jeered. “Yes I do.”
Your shoulders slumped with exhaustion as you turned around, making every effort to keep your face neutral. Your face didn’t give away any signs of sadness, but your knuckles turning white from how hard you were gripping the bin gave your true feelings away. Peter noticed this and felt his jaw clench. If you weren’t gonna tell them to stop, he was.
“Leave her alone, guys.” He commanded the crowd before looking at you. “Thanks for the encouragement, Y/n. I’m gonna keep trying.”
“It’s fine.” You nodded curtly. “I’m gonna hit the showers. I’ll see you guys at dinner.”
You walked out of the gym, pausing in place when you heard Sams voice.
“Hit the showers?” He laughed. “We just started.”
“Shhh. Don’t confuse the poor girl any further.” Bruce joked back. You looked back at the gym with your eyebrows knit together, taking a quiet step closer to hear what they were saying about you without you there.
“She’s probably like, ‘whats this magic closet that makes rain?’” Rhodey imitated your voice, making you sound as dense as possible.
“Knock it off guys. It’s not funny.” Peter snapped, but the teasing continued.
“Or like, ‘this shampoo says it adds volume, but I used it and I can’t hear any louder than before’.” Tony mocked you, skipping around a little like a child. Your face contorted in misery as they made fun of you. You knew who they really were, and they were good people. They didn’t intend to hurt your feelings, they were only joking around like they did with everyone. Steve was teased all the time for his old fashioned dialect and no one lets Tony live down the kimono incident. Still, all their insults and mockery cut you like a knife.
“Ahh, I love that girl.” Nat shook her head with a smile. “She’s so dumb.”
“She may be slow, but she’s entertaining as hell.” Sam nodded in agreement.
“I said knock it off.” Peter repeated, getting a reaction this time.
“Aw. Peters mad because we’re teasing his girlfriend.” Nat pouted and pinched Peters cheek. She quickly realized how wholesome she was being and punched Bucky in the face to maintain her lethal assassin persona.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Peter grumbled. Now that you were out of the room, he was the next target.
“He’s right. Hey, maybe that’s why you guys haven’t gotten together yet.” Rhodey shrugged. “She’s too stupid to realize you’re in love with her.”
That was all you had to hear. You ran towards your with tears running down your face. Thanks to Peters advanced heating, he heard every heavy footstep.
“Okay. Maybe she is a little slow.” Peter shook his head in disdain at the team. “But you guys are idiots.”
You were quiet the entire way to Alaska, keeping to yourself and silently looking out the window. Peter attempted to talk to you once or twice, but he could tell you wanted to be alone. The Avengers completed the mission within a few hours with minor damage to the area. Peter focused on his job but found himself looking for you every now and then, being as you usually stayed together during missions. He didn’t see you anywhere and assumed you were doing your own thing on the other side of the field. He heart rest assured when he saw you boarding the jet, still looking reserved and aloof from the rest of the team. You took a seat by the window and rested your chin on your hand, looking out at the bleak landscape in front of you as the jet took off. Peter didn’t engage in small talk with the rest of the team and wistfully stared at you instead, silently willing you to cheer up.
“I think that went pretty well.” Rhodey nodded and the team agreed. “But where were you the whole time, Y/n? Picking daisies?”
Peter held his breath as you slowly turned around. You gave Rhodey a frigid smile and shook your head.
“We came during a blizzard so I used my powers to create a heated force field around the area we were in to prevent frostbite and give you guys and easier time seeing in the snow. We were also at a higher altitude than any of us are used to so I kept the air pressure to sea level standard.” You said simply. “And I assumed there would be smoke from the battle so I rounded up the nearby animals and made a separate for field around them to protect their lungs.”
The room went silent, something you were used to at this point. But instead of everyone falling silent because they were laughing at you, they were impressed.
“Oh.” Rhodey blinked in surprise, not expecting the answer he was given.
“I also picked this flower.” You smiled proudly as you produced a Forget Me Not from your lap. Peter couldn’t keep the grin from breaking through on his face. You were the center of attention once again, but in a good way this time. Everyone was pleasantly surprised with what you had done and it showed.
“I didn’t think about the altitude.” Nat realized.
“I had no idea there was a blizzard.” Steve added, looking dumbfounded.
“Because I kept you from knowing.” You shrugged. “I wanted you guys to focus on the mission.”
“I mean, I knew. I just didn’t tell you guys because I was so distracted by my buffed and polished nails.” Tony twiddled his fingers again, showing off his freshly manicured nails. You all laughed, breaking the tension in the jet.
“Well look at that.” Sam looked impressed. “Y/n knew something we didn’t.”
It was almost a compliment, but it still made you feel insecure. You didn’t want it to be this mind boggling every time you did something useful.
“Thanks, Y/n. That was really smart.” Peter said softly as he patted your knee. You put your hand over his and squeezed it. It was the first time someone called your smart, and it made you feel good.
“It was really smart.” Sam said skeptically. He stared at you for a moment before poking your side.
“What are you doing?” You swatted his hand away.
“Just making sure you’re still in there.” He eyed you suspiciously. Peter could sense the attention was making you uncomfortable and changed the subject.
“Are we almost home?” He asked Tony before peering out the window. The flight was a little over 7 hours on a normal plane, but the Stark jet was much quicker. The flight would only take a few hours, but Peter was not known for being patient.
“Yes, Peter. We are almost back at the tower. You can get your diaper changed and your bottle as soon as we get back.” Tony sassed him, making him shrink in his seat. Your body language had completely changed and your were now sitting straight, facing the group. Peter was glad you were feeling better and didn’t even mind Tony’s comment.
“Guys, let’s be civil. We’re all tired. We all want to get home.” You said calmly. “Let’s just focus on how pretty the sky looks tonight. Isn’t is pretty, Peter?”
He gazed at your profile as you looked out the window at the stars, admiring how pretty you looked from the side.
“Yeah. It’s beautiful.” He conceded without ever taking his eyes off you. You shot him a smile before looking straight ahead at the dashboard.
“Wow, the moon is huge!” You pointed time a large yellow crescent that could be seen through the window.
“That’s literally the reflection of my banana on the windshield.” Tony deadpanned. He may have been right, but it still looked pretty.
“Should we make a wish?” You asked Peter, ignoring Tony’s comment.
“On the banana?” He asked.
“Yes.” You nodded. “On the banana.”
“Why?” Rhodey asked. “It’s not like people wish on the moon.”
“It feels like we should.” You said with confidence.
“Yep. She’s still in there.” Sam chuckled. And just like that, your confidence receded.
“I hate it here.” Bucky sighed heavily and tuned out of the conversation.
“It must be so peaceful being you, Y/n.” Tony remarked.
“Why do you say that?” You wondered.
“Because instead of thinking about your problems and mistrials, you simply don’t think at all.” Tony said suavely. In only a better for minutes, you’d gone from being the hero to the laughing stock of the group. The sly comments and taunting laughter made you feel like you should stop opening your mouth entirely. You faked a smile and turned back towards the window, tuning out the rest of the way home. Peter chewed his lip as he stared at you, feeling useless to helping you out. The team just wouldn’t let up, no matter how many times he told them to stop. Knowing you weren’t in the mood to talk, he scooted closer to you and put a comforting hand on your back. You smiled warmly at him and rested your head on his shoulder, listening to him point out the constellations the whole way home.
The next day, you and Peter were sitting in the balcony, working on some new gadgets for Mr. Stark when Peter made a startling discovery.
“Where’s my right web shooter?” Peter stood up in a panic when he realized it was missing. “I left it right here.”
“Maybe a bird carried it off.” You shrugged as you twisted a tiny screw into Peters left web shooter.
“I’m being serious, Y/n.” Peter stated. “Mr. Stark is going to kill me and turn me into a decorative rug if I lost it.”
“I’m being serious too. We live in New York and I see birds around here all the time.” You told him as you continued your work. “And you know the pigeons here are feral. A bird probably stole it to pay for his child support.”
Peter usually entertained your antics and joined in with his own batch of sarcasm, but he wasn’t in the mood. His web shooter was missing and their were actual stakes involved. Without his web shooter, he couldn’t be Spiderman. And without Spider-Man, he couldn’t be an Avenger.
“Can you be serious for once?“ Peter whined, picking up everything on the table to look under it.
“I’m just saying it’s possible, Peter. You never know.” You insisted as you put your screw driver down to help him look. You began looking in the flower pots on the windowsill that you and Peter had planted. Peter stopped his search for a moment, growing angry with you for wasting time. He didn’t know if you were joking around or genuine believed his web shooter was in the flower pots, but it made him frustrated nonetheless. A combination of his lack of sleep and stress over losing the webshooter manifested into a moment of unchecked rage.
“No, it’s not possible.” He snapped. “A bird didn’t steal my web shooter. God, do you have to be so stupid?” 
 The word hung in the air for a moment, settling in to the both of you. Peters eyes immediately softened, feeling instant regret for what he had said. You stopped trifling through the plants and slowly turned around.
“What?” You asked quietly. Peter tightened his lips into a line and tried to justify what he had said.
“I try to defend you but you make it so hard. Can you help me out a little here and not be so…” He trailed off when he realized he had only made it worse. Your face hardened and you looked disappointed in Peter, which killed him. He would have preferred anger or even sadness, but the disappointment killed him.
“So what?” You shrugged. “Finish your sentence Peter.”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“No, really, go ahead.” You stated coldly. “You got this far. So what, Peter?”
He looked at you for a moment, getting that feeling of wishing you could turn back time just a few seconds to fix a mistake.
“So dumb all the time.” He finished his sentence with an unsteady voice. Your face scrunched up in a pained expression as you sucked in and let out a shaky breath.
“You were the only one who never called me that.” You whimpered before moving past him and going inside. Peter watched you through the open balcony doors as you disappeared into the hallway with a heavy heart. His mouth was open to apologize, but you were long gone. He’d seen you being ridiculed so many times already, and now he was the one doing it. All that talk about it never happening again, only for him to be the reason it happened. Peter couldn’t live with himself for another minute without you knowing how sorry he was. He took a step towards the doorway until he heard a pigeon land on the table. He watched it curiously for a moment as it pecked at the screwdriver you had been using before picking it up with its beak. It flew over to the edge and began to walk along the railing, still keeping the screwdriver in his mouth. Peter followed the pigeon, walking all the way down the balcony to find a large nest in the corner. He watched as it dropped the screwdriver into its nest, right next to his web shooter.
“Holy shit. A bird stole my web shooter.” Peter said in disbelief. Peter watched as baby pigeons poked out from inside the web shooter to greet the other pigeon.
“Holy shit. A bird stole my web shooter for his kids.” Peters eyes widened even more than they already were. Realized struck him and his shoulders slumped.
“She was right.” He mumbled, angry at himself more than ever. “I yelled at her and she was right.”
Peter wasted no time in rescuing his web shooter from the birds, offering them a nice biodegradable coffee cup in its place, and ran to the kitchen to make you a peace offering. He knocked softly on your door and didn’t wait for an answer before going in.
“I made you this cup of tea as an apology.” Peter stiffly held out a mug with an awkward smile on his face. You looked at Peter from your bed, eyes puffy like you had been crying. You stared at each other for a long time, you with a death glare and Peter with his awkward smile. Neither of you said a word as Peter continued to hold out the mug. After two full minute of silence, a bead of sweat ran down Peters face as he looked around nervously, never breaking his smile. You let out an angry sigh and decided to throw him a bone, crossing the room to accept his mug. You looked into the cup for a moment before looking back at Peter.
“This is empty.” You deadpanned.
“I don’t know how to make tea.” Peter whispered, never breaking eye contact.
“I’ve seen you make it.” You snapped.
“I forgot how to do it.” Peters eyes shifted nervously to the side.
“Bucky was in the kitchen, wasn’t he?”
“I know he hates me.” Peter talked over you as you groaned. “I know he does.”
“Just go away.” You tried to close the door but he kept it open.
“No.” Peter said firmly. “I came in here to apologize.”
“You see this?” You held up the mug for a Peter to see. “It’s my cup of care. And look at that” ,you dumped the cup over, “it’s empty.”
Peter stared at your demonstration with raised eyebrows, surprised that you were still able to be sarcastic when he hurt you. Peter took the mug from your hands and set it on the ground before slowly looking up at your face.
“You’re not stupid.” He said softly with all the sincerity his heart could give. You scoffed and folded your arms, looking to the side when you felt tears sting your eyes.
“Yes I am.” You said like you fully believed it, which was Peters worse fear. “Everyone says so. Even you.”
It hit Peter like a sheet of glass when you looked at him like that.
Like he was someone you didn’t want around.
“I didn’t mean to say that.” Peter apologized. “That is not how I feel. At all.”
“Don’t act like you’ve never thought about saying that before.” You laughed sadly. “Everyone on the team calls me dumb. It was only a matter of time before you did it too.”
“I didn’t mean it.” Peter repeated. “I don’t think you’re stupid.”
“Bullshit.” You snapped. “You’re so full of bullshit.”
“I’m not full of bullshit.” He whined like a child and gave you puppy dog eyes. “I’m full of regret.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek as he gave you his best pout, willing you to forgive him. Finally, you caved and cracked a smile.
“I hate you.” You stamped your foot and hung your head, frustrated with yourself for not being able to stay mad at him. Peter opened his arms and you walked into them, arms still folded angrily. You bumped your forehead against his shoulder before moving to rest your chin on it as he wrapped his arms around you. Peter nestled against your hair and sighed, happy that you had forgiven him but still saddened that he had hurt you in the first place. He could see the pile of used tissues on your bed and it killed him to know he made you cry.
“I didn’t mean to call you that. I really didn’t.” He said softly. “I’m the one who’s been trying to stop people from saying that.”
“But they still do it.” You sniffled. “Everyday I get called dumb or stupid or scalene.”
“I think it’s obtuse, not scalene.” Peter reluctantly corrected you. You pulled away and little and let Peter wipe the tears from your face.
“Maybe they’re right.” You shrugged and looked Peter in the eyes. “Maybe I am dumb.”
Peter kept your face between his hands, staring at you for a moment before sighing.
“I once sneezed so many times in a row that I peed my pants.” Peter deadpanned. “I was 17.”
“What?” You chuckled as you wiped your nose.
“I saw Bucky try to take a piece of toast out of the toaster with his metal arm and electrocute himself.” He continued. “And I constantly see Tony bumping into glass doors.”
“I don’t understand.” You squinted your eyes, but sure what point he was trying to make.
“Steve still picks up the phone and asks for the operator. Nat leaves her curling iron plugged in all the time. I do not think Sam knows the address of where we live and I’m pretty sure Rhodey can’t do laundry. He gets all his stuff dry cleaned, even his socks.”
“Why are you telling me all of this?” You asked.
“Because were all dumb.” Peter concluded. “We all do and say dumb things. You don’t know where Alaska is and no one in this tower can read analog clocks. If we’re all dumb, then maybe none of us are dumb. Or we all are. Who cares?” Peter shrugged, making you laugh. “And you were right. A bird did carry off my web shooter. So no, you’re no dumb. Or stupid. Or obtuse. You’re, uh, you- you…” Peter looked down at he fumbled over his words.
“I’m what?” You raised an eyebrow. You could finish his sentence last time, but this time you were lost.
“You’re…” Peter tampered off again, staring at your confused expression for a moment before pulling you into a kiss. Your hands clenched into a fist and slowly uncurled as you relaxed into the kiss. Peter pulled away too soon and let his eyes flutter open. They met yours and you shared a moment of hesitation, not knowing what happened rest next.
“I’m gonna be honest lovey, I didn’t really have an ending to that sentence.” Peter chris joes softly, his breath fanning your face. “That was mainly improv.”
“You’re pretty good at improv, Parker.” You cracked a smile and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I did a little bit of theater in high school.” He shrugged smugly, making you giggle.
“Mmm. I severely don’t want to hear about that.” You teased before kissing him again.
“Oh, I think you do.” Peter remarked. “Because I once went to the bathroom during intermission with my mic still on and the entire audience heard me peeing.”
“Oh my God.” You laughed. “You’re so stupid.”
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @damnyoudameron @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @maryjanee23  @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @jillanaholland @unbelievableholland @rebekkah4766 @flixndchill @sovereignparker @wendaiii @thisisthebiplace @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @where-art-thau-romeo @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @parkerboop @smilexcaptainx @hes-amarillo @quaksonhehe @kelieah @silteplaittais-toi @kickingn-ames @purefluff @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @love-sick-blues @electraheart-3174 @lou-la-lou @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @ohnothezombies @spideyanakin @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @anapocalypseinmymind @quacksonfics @marshxx @heyheycharlatte​ @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff @buckybigbutt @cookiemonstermusic258 @awesomebooklover17
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johnsamericano · 3 years
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Hi everyone! As promised, here’s one of the two most voted fic continuations. There will be more chapters to this story though I'm not sure how many yet. Thank you for reading!
warnings: sugar daddy jae, mentions of injuries and hospitals, language.
taglist: @thoreeo @trustmahluv
Sugar rush m.list.
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
Where did everything go wrong?
Your string of thoughts was cut off by a call from your aunt.
Your string of thoughts was cut off by a call from your aunt.
“Hello?” Your voice was raspy from not using it. There was no one to talk to in the quiet, hospital room but the nurses, who weren't especially keen on chatting.
“How’s your dad, sweetie?”
“They let him out of ICU, but he doesn't look good to me.” Your fingers traced the cuts in his chiseled cheeks that would soon turn into scars, ruining his perfect skin. Your eyes then diverted to his head, thoroughly covered in bandages to protect his damaged skull.
“Honey, I've got bad news...”
“They rejected the case, didn't they?”
“Not precisely.” She deeply inhaled before continuing. “It’s a tough case, almost impossible to win, nonetheless, they're willing to take it. But their fee is a little...”
As expected from the best firm in town, they wouldn't take less than $8,000. Your bank account didn't have enough money to even cover half of it, and with your job at the convenience store, you'd only earn so much to cover your expenses.
“We can take the lawyer that the government provides us with, it would be free.”
“But then I'm sure we’d lose.” You groaned in frustration, using your free hand to rub your forehead. “Don’t worry, I'll find a way to get the money.”
“Why don't we just accept the compensation they're offering? It could pay for the hospital bills and you'd still have some left to pay for your tuition.”
“That would be like putting a price on my father's life. I don't want their money, I want them to make themselves responsible for what they've caused.” The sound of wheels approached the door of your father's room, signaling the nurse was outside with his meds. “It’s okay, Auntie, I'll take care of everything. You can go back home, I know my uncle isn't doing so well.”
“Are you sure, darling?” It was undeniable that she wanted to head back to her little ranch fat away from the hectic city life to take care of her sick husband, but still, her brother was laying down on a hospital bed, fighting for his life.
“Yes, I'm an adult, I'll find a way.”
“Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to call me if you're having any difficulties. I'll be there in the blink of an eye.” She said before sending a kiss into the speaker, proceeding to hang up.
You sighed. It was never usual for you to ask for help, as you were an extremely prideful and independent person, and you doubted this time would be different.
“Don’t worry, dad. Everything will be alright.”
Three failed job interviews and one more to go. Your feet were killing you, the high heels covering them already worn out from walking to avoid taking the bus. Every penny counted, and as long as your legs worked, you weren't spending any more money than what was necessary.
You sat down in the waiting room of the company, massaging your neck to relieve some tension. College was becoming a burden. Maybe you'd take a semester off to focus on working, that is if someone wanted to hire an inexperienced student.
“Y/n, Y/l/n?”
“Here.” You darted up, gathering your belongings to enter the room on which your life almost literally depended.
You gave all the right answers, earning a polite ‘we’ll contact you’ in return. But you could see that they weren't convinced with your lack of experience, no company in their right mind would be.
As soon as you arrived at your apartment, you slid out of the uncomfortable pencil skirt, tucking yourself under the covers with your phone screen almost hitting your nose.
To take your mind off things, you decided to watch some videos. Halfway in, an ad popped up, interrupting the interior deco video you were watching.
A picture of a girl about your age hugging an older man was right in the middle of your screen. Written with fancy letters, the words ‘make your life simpler’ could be read, followed by what you guessed was the title of the app. Sugar rush.
Out of pure curiosity, your finger tapped at the small icon that led to the app store, absentmindedly clicking the download button. A few seconds later, an icon with the letters ‘SR’ was added to your home screen.
“Log in?” You murmured out loud, squinting your eyes to adjust your eyes to the bright, white homepage.
Just as you were about to click out, the phrase from the ad reappeared, stopping your finger from moving any further.
You could always delete your account if something went wrong, right? Nonetheless, you decided to use a false name, and that's how Melanie Kim’s profile was created. You left the circle of your profile picture empty for now, only filling the spaces that asked about your likes, dislikes, age, and all that stuff that people care about so much.
You knew what the app was for, but that didn't stop you from being surprised when a list of men and women of different ages greeted you. Right then, a small rectangle obstructed your sight, two buttons offering opposite things.
‘Pick the role you'd like to develop.’
Sugar daddy/mommy / Sugar baby.
Clearly, you didn’t have nor the money or the years to be the first, so you clicked the opposite button without giving it more thought.
‘Welcome. You've been registered as a sugar baby at Sugar rush. Meet thousands of men and women willing to finance you for free!’
You hummed.
‘As we're always looking to make our users’ experience better, we've developed Sugar Rush premium, a membership to meet the richest and hottest people in your surroundings. Get the premium version for only $5.95 a month. Click here to get Sugar Rush premium.’
Your finger pad was dangerously close to the blue button, almost grazing the screen of the phone. It was then when you were pulled out of your trance, blinking as if just then you'd realized what you were doing.
“I must be crazy.” You turned off your phone, not bothering to turn on an alarm for the next day. You had no interviews left. You had nowhere to go.
Waking up was getting harder with every passing day. Not being able to call your dad to go out for breakfast or even sending a simple good morning message hurt you deeply. You missed him. But seeing him laying down on a hospital bed, unable to do anything by himself, was even worse.
A notification filled the silence in your room.
‘Come back, you haven't finished setting up your account yet!’
You scoffed at your past self. What were you even thinking when you downloaded the app?
You simply turned off the phone before standing up to take a relaxing shower. As the water soaked up your tense body, your mind started wandering off back to the app. A million what-ifs filled your head, nonetheless, there was one that remained the most persistent.
‘What if this can pay for a lawyer?’
Your part-time job surely couldn't, and you had no one to assist you financially speaking. The whole idea of paying that ridiculous membership seemed more tempting as your fingers started getting wrinkly under the showerhead.
You decided to take some time to consider it, after all, you still had a week to give the lawyers an answer.
Hot soup seemed like a good option to comfort you, and thankfully, there was a store right in front of your place that claimed to sell the best soups in town.
It wasn't bad, but not nearly as good as the one your dad cooked when you were a kid. You sighed, wondering if you'd ever be able to eat it again. Just then, a woman about your age came into the shop, carrying a couple of bags where names of popular brands could be read. A pinch of jealousy made your heart stir as you glanced at yourself through the reflection in the glass at your side. You looked devastated, your skin pale and your cheekbones slightly sunken, a sign of the lack of rest and food you'd been getting.
Out of pure impulse, you pulled out your phone, clicked on the app you'd recently downloaded, and finally accepted the charges for a premium membership.
‘Welcome, new member of our wide community, click ok to get started!’
Well, no turning back now.
Right after pressing the blue letters with your thumb, you were presented with a list of potential prospects, some of them including pictures, some of them only including name and a brief description of what they were looking for. The minority included their ages, but most left the space blank.
A bunch of old men looking for a youthful, pretty woman to be by their sides, some of them even went as far as writing the weight and height their ideal partner should have. Of course, there were also some women in the look for young meat, but the number of men overpassed them.
About to exit the app in defeat, a profile caught your eye. His pale pink hair was parted, allowing his thick eyebrows to stand out. His high cheekbones made him look like a statue, the details in his face almost too perfect for a mere human. He must be the incarnation of a Greek God, you thought.
‘Jung Yoonoh. 41 years old. Owner of N & C.’
“Should I...?” You asked yourself in a voice lower than a whisper.
He has probably gotten hundreds of messages, so what would be the point of sending one yourself? Your eyes scanned the picture over and over again as the remains of your soup started getting cold.
He was probably the only acceptable man in the whole app, so why not give it a try?
You already spent five whole dollars on it, might as well make it worth the money.
‘Hi.’ Sent.
“Holy crap.” You breathed out, regretting every single action that led you to take such a stupid decision. “Ah!” You squeaked as three small dots appeared beside his profile picture, signaling he was writing a reply.
What if he rejected you right from the beginning? God, that would be so humiliating. His message stopped your train of thought.
Followed by:
‘How are you?’
Sweating like a pig, thank you for asking.
‘Fine. You?’ Read.
‘Thrilled. No one had messaged me since I created my account two weeks ago.’
‘How is that possible?’ You imprinted your thoughts on a message.
‘It’s hard to trust people nowadays. I guess people might think either my picture is photoshopped or I'm lying about my job.’
‘Their loss, ig.’ Read.
He was taking some time to answer. Had you said something inappropriate?
The conversation stopped there, as you didn't know how exactly to answer his message. But a few minutes later, another text from him popped up at your chat.
‘If you're okay with it, we can start talking about a possible arrangement.’
Already? You've known each other for like five minutes. But then again, arrangements were the whole purpose of the app.
‘May I ask your reasons for joining the app?’
‘I need urgent money, but my job doesn't pay nearly enough.’ You omitted the part of your agonizing father, he didn't need to know that. ‘And you?’
‘I need someone to be my partner at public spaces.’
‘Alright.’ Read.
‘Do you happen to have some free time tomorrow at lunchtime? I think it’d be better to meet first before making any decisions.’
‘Yeah, I'm free.’
‘Great, I’ll send you the address.’
You thought a day would be enough to prepare yourself, but time passed by quicker than usual, and soon enough, it was time to get ready for your meeting with Mr. Jung. He was only a few years younger than your father, and calling him by his first name wouldn't feel right.
Unsure if you should wear something formal, you threw on a beige (the color you'd agreed on wearing so it’d be easier to recognize each other) summer dress, pairing it with the gold hoops you'd inherited from your grandma to make it look more elegant.
The hardest part of your routine was makeup. Your sunken cheeks couldn't be covered, and only after a few layers of blush and highlighter, you could bring your skin back to life.
On your way to the cafe, you went through the things you'd say when you met him. It was your chance to get your father what he needed.
You stood at the entrance with wide, scared eyes, shyly scanning through the place to look for your date.
“Melanie?” A hand on your shoulder had you jolting. “I’m Jung Yoonoh, nice to meet you.”
What you saw after turning around was breathtaking. A handsome, healthy man, with the most beautiful pair of dimples.
“Nice to meet you.” You managed to blurt out without stuttering, extending your hand to make the greeting more formal. The fake name didn’t seem necessary anymore. “It’s actually y/n, I didn't want to use my real name.”
“I understand. Let’s take a seat.” He offered with a kind smile.
He left you seating at the terrace while he made your order, a latte, and a chocolate cookie. Your fingers played with your hoops anxiously, trying to regulate your breath.
“They’ll bring our food in just a sec.” He offered a warm smile. “Your dress is pretty.” Yoonoh said out of nowhere.
“Thank you.”
“I see you're not a chatty person.” You were about to object, but he started speaking again. “It's not a bad thing! I usually talk a lot, so it’s a nice way to balance things.”
You nodded, seemingly uncomfortable with the man sitting in front of you.
“So, uhm, this is my first time doing this, so I'm not really sure where to begin.” He pulled out a folded paper from the front pocket of his dressing pants. “It’s a bit creased, but I can always print another one. I brought it so you could take a look and let me know if you wanted to change anything. I don't mean to pressure you, but you said it was urgent, so...”
You read the paper under his attentive gaze, making sure not to miss a single word. Everything seemed correct, except...
“Six months?”
“Is that too much?” A small wrinkle formed between his eyebrows, a sign of deep concentration. “Okay, so let's do this instead.”
He took back the contract, pulling out a pen from the pocket in his dressing shirt to correct the original stipulations.
“Four months, and if by the end of them you don't absolutely hate me, we can extend the time. Deal?”
“Just one more thing.”
You cleared your throat, conscious that your following words might jeopardize the whole arrangement.
“Are you sure you want to make it official already?” You had to stop for a moment as the waiter left your orders on top of the wooden table. “I mean, it's not that I have a problem with it, but it's your money and maybe you'd like to give it a better thought.” You resumed.
“The fact that you're concerned about me proves I'm making the right choice. Now, tell me, how much would you like to receive as a weekly allowance?”
Would it be too reckless to ask him straight up for the $8,000?
“H-how much are you willing to give me?” You felt dirty, accepting a stranger’s money like that.
“Whatever you need.” His hand suddenly reached forward to yours, causing every ounce of blood in your body to rush to your face. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, I'm here to help you.” His voice tone dropped, acquiring an almost soothing feeling.
“I need eight thousand by Thursday, next week.” His eyes were wide open, mouth having difficulties remaining closed. “I-I know it's too much, but...”
“I can find a way to give you that money, but I'd like to know the reason why you need it. Just to make sure it's nothing illegal.”
You puffed your cheeks, trying to find an excuse good enough to justify the amount of money you were asking for.
“It isn’t illegal, is it?”
“No!” You retrieved your hand from below his, now embarrassed at the possibility of him having a bad image of you. “I need it for my father.”
“I suppose you don't want to talk about it.” He started at his palm, lips pressed in a thin life. “But when it comes to arrangements like this, we need to trust each other, alright?” You barely knew each other, yet, he demanded to know a very personal detail of your life. Not that he didn't have a good reason for wanting to know, it wasn't a particularly small amount of money.
“He had an accident at work...” You started, fearful of looking up to find pity in his eyes. “I need a lawyer to make his company legally responsible. They intend to throw it under the rug and pay a somewhat decent amount of money to make it go away. The firm I intend to hire is supposedly the best in town, probably my only chance of getting justice.”
“And why don't you just accept it? There's no guarantee that your lawyer will win the case.” You fisted the delicate fabric of your dress, eyes watering as you tried to hold back your anger.
“My father’s life is priceless, and if you think what I'm doing is a waste of money, then fine, we can both look for someone else to help us.” It sounded more aggressive than you'd first intended, but you meant every word that came out of your mouth.
Before you could even stand up, his slim fingers had already wrapped themselves around your wrist.
“I never said that.” He whispered with an almost sad tone. “Come on, sit down.”
He tugged at your arm the slightest, showing off his charming dimples once again.
“I’ll give you the money on one condition...” He raised one of his thick eyebrows. “I’ll go with you to see the lawyer.”
“That’s my condition, take it or leave it.”
The days before your meeting with your potential lawyer were nerve-wracking. You'd seen Yoonoh another time to sign the contract, which finally made your arrangement official.
You’d visit your father every day, always hoping he'd be sitting with his arms wide open, ready to hug you. But nothing had changed ever since he first came into that room.
“I’m here to see Mr. Kim.” The secretary's gaze lingered on Jaehyun a few seconds before he finally snapped out of it. “Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Just a second.” He opened his agenda and quickly found your appointment. With a warm smile, he guided you through the corridors of the building, all the way to the elevator. “It’s the only office on the last floor, I'll be at my desk if you need anything.”
Once again, he shot Jae an uneasy glance before the metal doors slid close.
“What was all that?” To be honest, you couldn't care less. But a small chat might calm your nerves and prevent you from throwing up all over the place.
“What do you mean?” He grinned, pressing the button to the top floor.
“You know what I mean.” You scoffed, annoyed at his evasive behavior.
“We just happen to know each other, nothing special.” Before the conversation could continue, a loud ding resonated through the metal cubicle. “Let’s go.” His hand found its place at the small of your back, pushing you towards the glass door. Through it, you could see a black-haired man reading a pile of documents, occasionally raising a photo to examine it with his gold-rimmed glasses supported at the bridge of his elegant nose.
Jaehyun extended his arm over your shoulder to knock on the door, earning an almost annoyed ‘come in’ from the man inside.
“Let’s go.” Once again invading your personal space, he reached for the doorknob with you trapped between his arms.
As soon as the door opened, the man raised his eyes from the documents he was checking.
“What are you doing here, Jung?”
“I knew something was off...” You murmured, loud enough for the man at your side to chuckle.
“I brought you a client, you should be happy.”
“Miss y/n, I suppose. Have a seat.” His demeanor completely changed while speaking directly to you. “I spoke with your aunt last week, she explained the details of the lawsuit, but I must say, it isn't an easy case.”
“I know that, but I've been told you're the best firm in town, I know I'll have more possibilities of winning if you're my lawyer.”
“Best firm in town my ass.”
“Be silent or I’ll kick you out of the building.”
That was enough for Yoonoh to zip his mouth. For a while at least.
“I suppose she also told you about our fee.” He pushed his glasses up using his thumb. “We’d also keep 25% of the lawsuit money assuming we win the case, is that okay with you?”
“Okay, stop.”
“I’ll call security, Jung.”
“Look at me, y/n.” He squeezed your arms. “This clown is trying to scam you...” He pointed his finger at the lawyer without breaking eye contact. “You’d be spending loads of money for someone who isn't even confident in his abilities. It isn't worth it.”
“And I suppose you'd do better than me, then.” The black-haired man scoffed. “If that's the case, then you can both leave. I'm quite busy at the moment.” With a turn of his wrist, he signaled you to leave the room.
You were fuming, stomping out of the building with Jaehyun right behind you.
“I found a great restaurant nearby, we can go there and-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Calm down-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down when you just fucked up my only chance to give those bastards what they deserve.” The sun was starting to set, yellow light casting shadows over his tender cheeks.
“Can you listen to me for a second?”
“Are you laughing right now?” You bit your lip, hard, trying to hold back the tsunami of tears threatening to come out of your eyes. “Asshole.”
“Ouch.” He furrowed his eyebrows mockingly. Oh, how close you were to punch that pretty face of his. “Can I explain now?”
You remained silent, staring at the ground with the smallest frown between your eyebrows.
“How do you think I know Kim Doyoung?” Before even giving you a chance to answer, he continued. “That son of a bitch has been stealing my clients for ages.”
“Your clients...?”
“He isn't even that good of a lawyer compared to me.” He scoffed with fake arrogance.
“You're a lawyer?!” You slammed your palms into your face, whining at the newly acquired information. “Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?”
“Just wanted to swing by and annoy him a bit. Don't worry, I wasn't gonna let you accept his deal.” He winked playfully.
The sun was now hidden, the sky darkening as the moon rose to take its shift.
“Though I gotta say, I'm kinda offended I wasn't even an option. I'm a pretty great lawyer, you know?”
“I’ll forgive you if you join me for dinner. What do you say?”
As you walked into the darkness of the streets, his shoulder occasionally bumping yours, you wondered if meeting him was a casualty. Maybe the world was finally smiling at you.
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romanticrry · 3 years
Part 2
a/n: happy new year!! I hope everyone had a great and safe new year’s eve!!
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She gasped.
The sun was peaking through the windows of her bedroom and she genuinely thought she was still dreaming, even though the chilly air let her know that she’s awake. It was the first time when her bedroom looked so incredibly bright and soft. It’s been over two weeks since she’s moved in, but the weather was mainly foggy and rainy, especially in the mornings. Today it was different. The sun was shining, blinding her, when she sat up on the bed, putting her silky black robe on.
Her feet still felt asleep when she lazily moved to the window, yawning with her hand hovered over her mouth. She looked at her phone, seeing that it was almost eight in the morning. Today was going to be the first day when she was about to really go out and walk around the neighborhood. For the two weeks that she’s been in New York, most of her time she spends on organizing every single thing, cleaning around the apartment and basically trying to get used to her new house.
It still felt weird, not being able to go to her favourite little market across the street that she used to visit almost every day when she lived in London, mostly because of the lovely old lady who was a cashier. She was taking baby steps because she knew it didn’t look like in the movies and that she needed to do everything slowly and be patient about it.
She was blasting 70s music all the time, while cleaning and looking for some new, cozy decorations online. So she didn’t really mind not going out. Actually, however it could sound, she feared doing this. This city felt so big and almost overwhelming. She was afraid that she might just get lost in the middle of the street. Daisy obviously insisted on hanging out somewhere all the time. There wasn’t a day when she didn’t bring up going to a party, but Pepper every time was saying no. She needed to get her life together at first.
Her fingers rubbed her puffy eyelids while going out of the bedroom. She was proud of the way she designed everything. Most of the items were her own, but she just styled it differently, changed decorations and added a little of spice in her own way.
Her stomach was loud enough for the entire street to hear, so she ate some fruits. She never really ate breakfasts because she was never hungry right after waking up and she ate her first meal, usually around the noon. Although after moving to the States, she started eating some light food in the morning because she simply started getting hungry earlier.
She put some sweats on and a hoodie, trying to figure out what the weather is. Before going out she caught a long, black coat and put some sunglasses on. She held her phone tightly when the cold, November air brushed over moisturized face. It was Friday, so Daisy and automatically the only person she knew in New York, was at work and couldn’t catch up with her. She was all by herself but decided to somehow not freak out too much.
She went to the little café, ordering flat white with double sugar. A bad habit that she always wanted to get rid of, but the coffee never tastes good, with less than the two teaspoons of sugar. She was strolling by the pavement while sipping her hot coffee and enjoying this chilly but sunny morning. She was making mental notes on what she has to do today, which definitely included calling her grandparents that she missed more than ever and looking for a small building to rent.
She knew that her entire idea of opening a vinyl store could sound crazy and impossible, but she was determined. She wanted to try something on her own and if that was a thing she was fascinated about, then why not just do it? The fact was, she had absolutely no idea how expensive that would be in New York, and she was sure that she didn’t have a lot of money to spend on it. Fact, she saved a good bunch of money from her previous job, but it was barely enough to buy food and pay her rent.
Her coffee became cold before she even drank half of it. Her fingers were shivering, the cold air hitting her skin. She regretted not putting any warmer clothes on her or at least a cap and gloves. The sun was shining, giving her a bit of warmness which caused a little smile on her face. She noticed how little things now used to make her happy. Every sip of tea, bite of a good food could actually make her the happiest person on earth.
She was walking slowly, with no rush, just enjoying the moment, but obviously it was only in her own plans to have a good start of the day. Her phone started ringing like crazy, which made her furrow her brows and stop on the side of the pavement. She took her phone out of her pocket and her eyes widened slightly when she saw who was calling her.
“Mom? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?” her voice was worried because it was barely a second time when her mom called her during past weeks and to add more, it was a deep night in England.
“I couldn’t sleep and figured that you would already be awake,” she said, her voice tired.
“Are you okay? You’re usually going to sleep early,”
“Yes, I am, honey, I am. Just felt guilty that I wasn’t really checking in on you lately. I’m sorry, I have some issues at work,”
“What issues? Is it something serious?” she blinked a few times, her eyes burning from the cold air.
“No sunshine, it’s not. Don’t worry about it. How are you doing? Everything finished already?”
“I’d say so, yeah. My flat is almost done and now I only have to get my life here together. It’s harder than I thought,”
“Oh, I can imagine that. At the end of the day, it’s New York. You knew what you were signing up for.” she rolled her eyes while fixing her leather jacket, feeling chilly.
“Yes mom, I know.” she breathed. “Are you sure that everything is okay?”
“I am. We’ll catch up later, alright? Have a good day and just know that I’m always here if you need me,”
“Sure mom, sleep tight,” she smiled awkwardly to herself and the line went dead.
Her relationship with mother was… complicated. When she was a kid and then a teenager, they had a great bond. Maybe it wasn’t a perfect relationship. Pepper was always rebellious and liked to do things just because her mom told her not to. Her mom was also impulsive and liked to say something without thinking first. However, they both loved each other and had a lot of great times together.
It all changed a few years ago when she announced she wanted to move to London. It was always her dream to live in a big city full of new people. She loved Whitby; she was born and raised there but everything just seemed so known. She was used to this town, to these people, and she needed something fresh. London was always one of her favourite places in England. She used to go there a few times a year with her family.
So when she was nineteen, she decided to move out. Found herself a flat, started looking for a job and everything seemed perfect… Until she told her family about her new plans. Her grandparents, who she loved to death bursted into tears and her parents didn’t speak to her for hours. It hurt them that their little girl wanted to move out, but instead of saying it out loud, they replaced words with pure, silent anger.
After weeks, they finally accepted her decision, but nothing was the same anymore. During these few weeks, they fought more than during her entire life. She was crying every night, her mom was always pissed and her dad became cold. So even when they finally came to the point when they somehow understood her decision and stopped fighting all the time, their relationship became a bit harder. They didn’t talk this much anymore, stopped being this affectionate with each other. It all just seemed different. Came back to their old relationships but it felt like a big piece of it was missing.
When she finally moved out of her family town, they still kept in touch, but she knew they were hurt. She knew, and she felt bad about it, but tried to not think this much. She did this for herself, for her own mental health and happiness. She kept repeating that it was a moral decision, that she’s not regretting it but still had a bit of sadness in her heart every time she thought about how hurt and sad she left her family.
She used to live with her parents and grandparents, so it definitely was a big change to move to the little flat where she was all by herself. It felt good, though. She never understood why parents could be so selfish to not let their kid be happy. And even when they finally felt like everything was good because they were happy with their choices, the thought of disappointing their parents with it felt awful.
And well, this is how their relationships came to the point when they could talk once a week. It was different with her grandparents, though. They always loved her and wanted the best for her. They talked very often and were always very comfortable with each other. That’s how it was since she was a little kid and she was forever thankful for that.
Now she’s living her new life and could not be more happy about it. She decided to try and fix her relationship with parents, but that was about to come later. Now she just wanted to focus on herself. That was definitely something that have been missing in a really big part of her life.
“Hey, watch your legs!” she heard too familiar voice on her left, which made her snap her head in that direction immediately. Soft red hair and a cheeky smile flashed in front of her eyes.
“What are you doing here? I thought you’re working,” she puffed with a smirk, fixing her coat.
“I just went to grab some lunch. They have delicious croissants at the end of the street. You want to go with me?”
“I won’t be stopping you. I’ll just go around for a while.” she said, looking around the street. “Are you free tonight?”
“I can’t believe I’m finally hearing this. Of course I am, you wanna go out?”
“Actually, I thought maybe you could come over? I’ll buy some good wine and we can watch some movies or something,” her hands dipped in her pockets, desperately looking for a hair tie because she couldn’t bear any more hair in her eyes because of the wind.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll be there around seven.” she nodded slightly. “I’ll see you later, babe. Take care of yourself and don’t let any car hit you!” she pecked her cheek with a grin on her face and ran away down the street.
Pepper sighed with a relief when she finally found a hair tie in a pocket of her hoodie and grabbed her hair, tying it in a quite messy bun.
Now her only mission was to not get completely lost in this city and don’t let anyone kill her. At least, that would be great.
It was way past midnight when her ass was completely numb from sitting on the floor, a glass of white wine in her hand and a slice of pizza in the other. She wasn’t drunk. Well, tipsy. It was worse with Daisy, though. She drank at least one bottle of wine all by herself and her thoughts were a mess. Well, a happy mess.
“Did you call the uber?” she asked, looking at her drown in the phone friend.
“What?” she furrowed her eyebrows looking up at her. “Oh, no I didn’t. I called my friend instead. He’ll be there in five to pick me up,”
“Your friend? Isn’t he mad? It’s kinda late, you know,” she sipped her wine slowly, looking at the clock on the wall.
“Don’t think so,” she shortly shrugged and came back to her phone.
Pepper nodded and got up, walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She felt drowsy because of the alcohol she drank. Wine always made her sleepy, and she never understood why.
She poured herself some cold water and downed it quickly when she heard a ring to the door.
“I’ll open!” she heard from the living room and she cleared her throat, putting an empty glass on the table.
She slowly made her way to the door, hearing her friend’s voice. And the other, unfamiliar, deep voice. With a british accent.
What an irony.
“Pepper, this is my friend Harry.” her joyful friend smiled in her direction. She looked up to meet his slightly tired green eyes and a warm smile.
“Harry,” he repeated quietly and shook her hand.
Well, he was hot.
Why would she lie and call him some kind synonyms when he was just extremely hot? Or maybe it was just the alcohol she consumed. She hoped so, because checking out a guy standing in her own door when she was on her way to get drunk at past midnight wasn’t a thing she found really appropriate.
It’s not like there was something inappropriate in doing this in general, but… Yeah, maybe she should shut up.
“I’m Pepper.” she hummed nicely. “Nice coat.” she said, and it sounded quite awkward. No one seemed to notice it, though.
“Thanks. Nice… hoodie.” he pointed her red hoodie with Mickey Mouse, chuckling lightly.
She looked at her friend, and she was afraid that she knew what was on her mind. But she still prayed she was wrong.
Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it.
“Do you wanna come in?”
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)  Part 2
Marinette sacrifices Adrien and then steals his alter ego.
With the help of the staff Marinette is directed to the room she will be sharing with Chloe and Kagami. It was meant to be two to a room, but yada yada Lila yada yada medical condition yada yada tears= Lila gets her own room.
“Marinette,” Kagami spots her first, rising from the couch.
“Mari!” Chloe vaults over the couch and hug tackles her, Marinette barely moves an inch, “You should have heard all the shit Lila was saying on the way here, you’d think it be enough she got the class to leave you behind!”
“Perhaps it’s best if you do not,” Kagami pulls Chloe off her, “You didn’t answer your phone,”
“Well lucky for you housekeeping dropped this by earlier,” Chloe hands her a box, inside filled with essential items, tooth brush, hair brush, even a pair of pyjamas, along with a note
‘Courtesy of the Waynes, for Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng’
“Must be a generic package,” She had shrugged off the bellhops earlier saying her bags were lost.
“Well since you don’t have to unpack, help me with this,” Chloe leads her over to their kitchen that might actually be bigger than her houses.
On the counter beauty products are lined up along with random ingredients.
“We’re making face masks!”
“Correction, Chloe is making face masks,” Kagami scolds, “I argued that sleep would be more effective,”
“And yet you didn’t go to sleep,” Chloe teases, mashing up avocado.
“Well not without you,” Kagami smirks, making Chloe blush, but it’s not like her to back down.
“Awe, you’d wait for me~” Chloe relishes in the blush dusting Kagami's cheeks.
Marinette dry heaves, wondering how long they were going to keep pretending to flirt like this, each too stubborn to back down. They have been doing this more and more recently, great that they were more comfortable around each other but…
“How about we go to bed,” Marinette disturbs their challenging stares.
“Not without Kagami,”
“I already used that one,”
“I never said we’d use the bed for sleeping~”
“Hey!” Her exclamation doesn't get them to drop their staring contest, “Do either of you know what room Adrien is in?”
“End of the hall,” They both answer, not looking at her.
“Great,” Marinette hastily grabs her bag and the box, she could get ready in Adrien's room, away from the weirdness.
She practically runs down the hall, ignoring her Kwami’s snickering.
“Mari!” Adrien throws the door open for her, “Did everything go ok, you didn’t answer your phone, you look upset,”
“Sorted everything out with security no problems, Phones dead, Bag stolen,” She plops down on the couch next to Nino, “Chlo and Kags are driving me crazy,”
“How long have you been back?” She looks down at her watch.
“Three minutes,”
“Are they doing that thing again?” Adrien, Kwami bless him hands her a mug of coffee.
“Yep,” She takes a sip from the mug, she retracts that blessing “Betrayal! This isn’t coffee!”
“It’s hot chocolate,” Adrien is in the kitchen fixing another mug, “You need to go to bed, and coffee will keep you up,”
No she needed to go on patrol, and a coffee is vital to her surviving it.
“What’s up with Chloe and Kagami?” Nino takes off his headphones.
“They started teasing each other by jokingly flirting but their both too stubborn to back down," Marinette sighs, downing half the mug of hot chocolate so she can get herself a damn coffee, "So they get uncomfortable then we get uncomfortable and its overall very uncomfortable,”
“I think it’s kind of funny,” Adrien sits down next to her, mug in hand.
“It would be if they both weren’t horrible at flirting,” She steals the mug away from him taking a sip.
That is not coffee, that is sugar disguised as a liquid
“That’s the funny part,” Adrien smiles as she hands back the mug,
“Touche Agreste, Touche,”
“If you wanted you could sleep in my room,” Nino offers, oh so innocently.
“Thank’s Nino, but I would rather Alya not kill me,”
“Nah dude, I was going to stay with Alya anyway Madame Bustier wont mind,” Yeah their teacher really should learn not to trust teenagers, "So you can have my room,”
“Nino you are a godsent,”
Nino cleans up his few thrown about items and bids them adieu. Marinette was glad they could still talk, maybe they were even still friends. When you have the devil in one ear and her loyal sidekick in the other it is actually kind of impressive they still have a friendly relationship.
“So how’s your day been?” Marinette gathers up the strength to start a conversation after making her own coffee, and her mouth was only very burnt from chugging a hot drink.
“Good, Chloe took us to a supermarket, I brought a bunch of american snacks!”
Indeed he had, Marinette watches in mild horror as he plops bags full of junk food in front of her.
“I didn’t realise we were feeding an army,” Adrien starts rooting through the bags, “If a super villain comes after you because you brought all their favourite snacks in Gotham I’m not protecting you,”
“I’d just share with them,” Adrien hums, chomping down on a chocolate bar.
“... Yeah that could work,” Dear Kwami I have to protect this sunshine child,  “Maybe,”
“Oi, don’t eat too much, I don't want to have to re tailor your outfit for the runway,” She teases, regretting it immediately as Adrien's shoulders sag.
“Adri I’m kidding,”  She places a hand on his shoulder smiling gently, “I already made the measurements a bit bigger so you’re good.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best?”
“Not enough you haven't,” Marinette huffs in mock offence, “Now eat,”
She shoves the chocolate bag in his face, getting it all over his cheek. They both start laughing as Adrien tries to get his revenge. They end up falling off the couch, Marinette on top of him. Adrien is blushing a bright red, Marinette just grins and shoves the chocolate in his face before getting up.
She could almost laugh at how her younger self would react to that. It wasn't as if she didn’t like Adrien, well maybe not in that way anymore, she honestly hadn't put that much thought into it lately. Things just got busy she supposed, Akumas got harder, then she became the guardian, she started her fashion career. Actually her fashion career might be at fault.
Gabriel had started lending Adrien to model for her more and more. The man stepping further and further back from the fashion world, or the world in general, over the years for whatever the reason. At first she had been a blushing mess around Adrien, not directing him properly and making her work suffer for it. Overtime she had learnt how to handle it, getting less flustered every time they worked together. Now that she thought about it, when she had revealed her identity as MDC Adrien didn’t seem surprised; maybe her work attitude had bled into her regular life well before then.
Marinette is washing the chocolate off when a knock sounds at the door. Neither feel like walking to it so shout out ‘come in’. That turned out to be a mistake as Lila bursts into the room. How were they supposed to know Lila would actually knock?!
“Marinette you slut!” Lila all but screeches.
“Lila, you don’t have an audience and neither of us believe you,” Marinette comes out of the bathroom, already bored of the conversation she really needed to go, Lila and Marinette both.
“Well just wait, tomorrow the whole class is going to know what you did,” Lila gets up in her face, so close she can smell her perfume.
No not Lila's perfume her perfume.
“Right, sorry to say but there’s worse rumours than sleeping with a supermodel,” Marinette tries to edge her way around Lila, good excuse as any to dip out for patrol.
“Not if I say you forced him,” Lila looks way to self satisfied for what she is implying
I think the fuck not
“Nah,” Adrien shrugs, getting Lila’s ire turned on him, a noble sacrifice indeed.
“Nah?” Lila looks livid, “What do you mean Nah !”
“I’d just say I wanted to,” Adrien stays calm with Lila's face inches from him, Marinette gives him the thumbs up as she edges closer to the door, Adrien nods back.
She loved this version of the high road
“After all Marinette's super pretty and talented,” Adrien gushes, Marinette grins at the face Lila must be making, “Honestly your lie is so unbelievable, why would she ever go for someone like me?”
Marinette closes the door on Lila’s cursing response, saying a quick word of praise for Adrien's bravery and sacrifice.
At least he gets to see Lila’s reaction when she realises I’m gone
Marinette uses a back door of the hotel to get to the street, not wanting the staff to stop her and warn about the dangers. She skips along looking for a good place to change. The city was actually kind of beautiful at night, she feels drawn to it in a strange way.
“Marinette!” Tikki looks out from her scarf, “You forgot the Miracle box,”
“Shoot!” She looks back to the hotel, a few blocks away from it by now, “It’ll be fine Tikki I leave it at home all the time,”
“You’re not at home right now,” Tikki looks worried, those are her friends after all, “It’s a guardians duty-”
Marinette tries not to groan, she really does.
“I know Tikki, I know,” She looks over the buildings surrounding her, feeling a deep itch to see Gotham from the rooftops “But can’t I just be myself for once, not the guardian?”
“You are the guardian,” Tikki insists, before sighing, “Which means you can make your own decisions regarding the miracle box,”
“Thank you Tikki,” She hugs the little Kwami, “I promise to be back super quick, I just have to stop one bad guy, an eye witness account of Starling so I don’t just appear randomly, I won’t even need to go on patrol again after this,”
“Alright Marinette, I trust you,” Tikki nuzzles her cheek, easing Marinette's conscience.
With that she ducks out of sight to get changed. Her costume is pretty simple really. All she had to do was pull her infinity scarf up, discrete holes allowing her to see. She turns her skirt inside out to a black side, with white, purple, and blue detailing to stick to her Starling namesake. The skirt pulls over her shoulders, a zip down the middle allowing her more movement, and a zip to form a secret hood.
Ready to go she climbs up to the roof, super strength and speed making roof hopping easier. She supposed if someone looked too hard they would be able to piece together pieces of her costume but her ‘cape’ hides the detailing of her shirt. Besides if she has her way she won’t have to use this identity ever again, but she rarely has her way.
About ten minutes into her search through Gotham she spots a broken window. Not notable except that the lights are on. She lowers herself onto the fire escape and sure enough someone is being held at gunpoint.
“Excuse me,” Both people jump, spinning to look at Starling casual sitting on the broken glass on the window sill, “You seem to have a very rude house guest on your hands,”
“Who the hell are you!?” The burglar turns their gun on her.
“Just a stray passing through,” She gives a bright smile, and a very Chat like bow, “Starling at your service… milady,”
If I’m going Chat I might as go full Chat Noir, hope he doesn't file a lawsuit against me
“Ummm,” The woman looks very confused, but not as confused as the burglar.
“Would you like me to remove him from your home?”
“Ah… yes?”
With another smile Starling makes her move. In the split second it takes the burglar to register her offer she's standing in front of him. The gun moves a second too late as she ceases his arm, her strength being as good as handcuffs. She hits a pressure point her Aunt taught her to make him drop the gun, kicking it away. Pinning the man's arm behind his back she spins him around, zip tying his hands.
“What the fuck!!”
“That’s no kind of language,” Starling reprimands, pushing him towards the window, “Now apologise,”
“What?! No way fuck you!” Starling grins, hooking a bungee cord to his shirt.
“Alright then, bye!” She pushes him out the window.
His screaming doesn't stop even when she watches as he bounces back up, dangling out the window. She grins.
Ladybug would never get away with that
Tying the other end of the cord to a post, she double checks to make sure everything is secure before turning back to the victim.
“So sorry about the rude intrusion milady,” She bows again, in jest, “Have you contacted the police?”
“Yeah… what are you?”
“A Starling bird,” Starling spins, showing off her cape, the patterning placed to resemble wings, “I though the name would be a dead give away,”
“Yeah, but what are you? A Bat? Vigilante?”
“Vigilante yes, Bat not so much,” Starling can see as she looks more cautious after that, “Just happened to be passing through Gotham when I saw you in need of assistance,”
“Right... ok then...” She sits down, letting herself slump over the couch, “Ugh, this has been a terrible day,”
“How so?” Starling eyes up the kitchen, “Besides from mister bungee jump out there,”
“I was almost out of work this afternoon when a new rumour about the Wayne's blew up,” Starling nods along, turning the oven on and picking out ingredients.
“I work in the PR department at Wayne tower, do you have any idea how hard that is?!” Starling shakes her head finding a bowl but no measuring cups, she could just estimate.
“They have new bruises everyday,” Starling does look up to that, very concerned, “Don’t worry it’s not abuse or anything, they really are just dumbasses,”
Starling snickers a little bit at that, pouring in ingredients like second nature.
“I once asked mister Drake why he had a giant bruise on his forehead, he told me he passed out at his desk and just slammed into it!” Starling does laugh at that one, “Like?! How am I supposed to tell people that without sullying the Wayne name?”
“I think its funny,” She did clearly not agree, Starling changes the subject as she starts mixing “What was the problem today?”
“Nothin much really someone took pictures of mister Drake talking and giving a ride to some girl with black hair and blue eyes, and now everyone thinks she’s a Wayne,”
“That’s all it takes?” She starts placing the cookie dough on the baking tray, “Maybe I should apply?”
“Nah, you’d sooner be Batman's kid than Bruce Wayne's,” She cracks the first smile Starling has seen so far, “He’s got the same amount of kids, if not more,”
“Maybe they should share custody?” Starling puts the cookies in the oven, “Double the number each,”
“Yeah, how about no?” She smiles more, which is good, “I can’t imagine having to explain away the bruises the Bat kids get,”
Starling smiles, the sound of sirens now drawing close.
“I guess that's my cue to leave Milady,” Starling jumps up onto the window sill, the burglar still shouting below, “Take the cookies out in fifteen minutes,”
“Hey,” Starling looks back, “Thank you,”
“No problem,” Starling sends a dazzling smile, “Good night, Milady,”
Taglist (guess I’m doing these now, please let me know if theres any issues):
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda
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fairyhee · 4 years
Chocolate eclairs (pt.1)
“Aren’t you a Valentine’s day hater, though?”
“Only because I don’t have a date and I’m bitter about it, but you can change that.”
🍫optional bias x reader (h/n means his name)
🍫enemies to lovers, kinda slow burn?, flirting (smut in pt.2)
🍫inspired by: 5sos-valentine
[I know Valentine’s Day has already passed but I got this idea while daydreaming a few days ago and I couldn’t help myself. And also maybe I love this made-up celebration a bit too much and I don’t want to accept it’s over. If you dislike cheesy stuff this might not be for you lmao]
When it comes to Valentine’s, people are always either hardcore fans or hardcore haters. While you were definitely part of the first category, you just couldn’t understand how anyone can dislike a celebration that’s meant to spread love. And also, the pretty lingerie, the sweets, the champagne and the sex, hello?? You would have them any day of the year if you could. And if you had someone to celebrate with, in the first place.
As for people in the other category, they could hate it all they want but in your eyes they were probably just painfully single. Not that you weren’t, but you never wanted to let that spoil the fun. So what if you were single? What one can do with a partner, you could very well do on your own. So every year you made plans to do everything you wanted, but on a solo date instead of with somebody else. Love yourself first, right?
So on the morning of february 14th, after you were done with your self-pampering ritual, you stepped out for coffee and pancakes. The plan was that after breakfast, you would stop by the lingerie store and treat yourself to a nice set, then buy some sweets from the french bakery, then go home and get all dolled up for the evening, when you had reserved a table at a pink-themed restaurant, beautifully situated on the top floor of one of the highest buildings in your town. It was definitely among the most popular spots for that day, but you couldn’t care less that you were going by yourself. You could have gone with one of your girl friends, if they weren’t all already taken and spending the day “watching netflix”.
Thinking about the peaceful day that was ahead of you, you had almost reached your first destination. Your favorite cafe held an event today and served red pancakes with chocolate hearts as a special menu, as well as v-day themed coffee cups that you couldn’t wait to take photos of. As you entered the cafe, you spotted a familiar silhouette by the counter. He didn’t have to turn around for you to confirm it was him, because as soon as you heard him order his ice americano, your perfect day was already ruined. It was h/n. 
Instead of saying hi, you groaned as you approached the counter. “Who drinks iced coffee in february? You have serious issues.”
He turned around, seemingly suprised to see you at first, but he quickly got to back to his usual self. “Only cool people can drink iced coffee, you wouldn’t understand. And also, a ‘good morning’ would have been enough.”
“It was good until I saw you, so now I can’t say that anymore, can I?” you said while scanning the menu. “One rose lemonade and the special strawberry pancakes with fresh cream, please.”
From where he was standing, you heard a dramatic gasp. “How can you tell me I have issues when you ingest so much sugar from this early in the day? If this is what you have for breakfast, what the hell are you having for dinner?” You wanted to slap that overly exaggerated shocked expression off his face.
“None of your fucking business. Now if you don’t mind I’m gonna walk to my table and go on with my day. If I spend another minute with you I’m afraid it might turn bitter and cold, like you and your beloved americano.”
You were beyond irritated that you had to put up with his shit today, too. You had met h/n at a party during university because of a mutual friend, and you immediately found out you had absolutely nothing in common, except both wanting to excel in your field and to be right at all times. Both of you had strong opinions and just wouldn’t back down. Every time you met, your personalities clashed, and the useless arguments and snarky remarks wouldn’t stop coming. It certainly didn’t help that he was so handsome and so good at what he did (he was a singer in a band) and that everyone else always complimented and admired him, because that made his ego grow and everything just annoyed you even more. Handsome boys always had to be over-confident and you hated that with a passion. The worst part was that he had every right to be confident, but you would never admit that. You weren’t sure what his opinion was of you but you didn’t care to know.
While you were sat at your table, scrolling through your phone and trying to block the previous conversation from re-entering your mind, he just casually sat down across from you at the table, putting down not one, but two iced americanos.
For a few seconds you stared at him blankly. “Can I know what the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m gonna try to convince you that americano is the best coffee.”
“Ha, nice try. What makes you think I would even try it? It’s way too cold outside to drink. Haven’t I told you I don’t want bitterness in my life?”
He smirked. “I asked the barista to put 3 pumps of sugar syrup in it so it can be at least remotely drinkable for you. You will also need someone to watch over you, since I expect you to have a heart attack from all the sweetness, so, before you ask me to, no, I don’t want to leave your drink here and fuck off. So since you’ll be stuck with me until you finish your breakfast, tell me, what have I done to make you dislike me so much?” he placed his chin on his left hand and took a sip of his americano. “I’m curious.” rather than annoyed with you, he looked rather playful.
“Wow, you seem to be having a lot of fun interrupting my day. Glad at least one of us is having a good time. If you want me to touch that drink, you better take out at least half of that amount of ice cubes. After that, we can talk.”
You didn’t expect him to actually do what you said, but he stood up without a word and slowly walked to the counter to ask the barista to fix it. He was so tall, that the strings of the heart shaped helium balloons that were floating around the ceiling reached his eyes, so he walked around the cafe shielding his face with his hand. Why did you find that cute all of a sudden? It’s like you had just realized that his height was very attractive to you. When he turned around, you were smiling at him.
He gave you a wide-eyed look while he was placing your drink down for the second time. “Now you’re smiling at me? Did the sugar from those pancakes get to your brain already?”
“It’s just kinda funny seeing you between all those heart-shaped pink balloons after our last argument.” He had argued that all these holidays, like Halloween, V-day, Mother’s day and so on are made up for purely capitalist purposes and people who celebrate just feed into the consumerism. Besides, his social media posts had appeared on your feed the other day, because he had shared a bunch of memes poking fun at the cheesy traditions. “So what are you doing here today anyway, I thought you were a Valentine’s day hater?” 
“Only because I don’t have a date and I’m bitter about it, like you said. But you can change that.”
You quickly looked up from your plate to check for any sign that he’s joking, but he definitely wasn’t laughing. His eyebrow was cocked up and an annoying smirk was planted on his face. He looked so hot, it was absurd.
His proposal, combined with your own thoughts, made you burst into laughter. You were annoyed at the fact that you were considering it. “Aren’t you getting a bit ahead of yourself? Of course I can change that, but do you really think I will?” you asked ironically. You took a sip of the iced americano, hoping it would cool down your brain and help you think straight again.
He smiled. “I don’t know, but the fact that I just made you laugh is a good sign. Also,” he said pointing at the coffee, “you just drank that and didn’t complain. You just accepted my drink and I got you convinced it’s not bad, both at the same time. That’s three wins in a row for me.”
Shit, he was right.
“I love it when you talk back to me, so I’m almost feeling sorry I left you without any comeback to that.”, he laughed. “So what other plans do you have today? What else do I have to try to ruin?”
“Oh, just a bunch of uninteresting things. I’m sure a self-proclaimed cool dude like yourself would be bored just hearing about it.” That was it. Your defense had fallen, you were actually starting to like him, but you still wouldn’t admit it, so now you were adamant to prove you were completely uninterested in him and he didn’t affect you even in the slightest. You were even willing to accept him tagging along when you went shopping if he wanted. Half because you wanted to spend more time with him without actually accepting his half-hearted date proposal, and half because you wanted him to think you don’t care even if he tries to bother you.
“Well, I don’t have anything better to do today. You asked me what I’m doing here, I actually simply came to get coffee. So do you mind if I come with you? Annoying you is more fun than doing nothing on a sunday.” 
Perfect, you thought. You fake-rolled your eyes. “Whatever. You’ve already ruined my day, it can’t get worse no matter how much you’ll talk. Let’s go shopping, I know men are absolutely crazy over this activity, so let’s see how much fun you’ll have there.”
“Try me.” he said while finishing his drink. 
You smiled and, having finished your breakfast, you stood up.“You might want to have another americano to-go, to keep you from getting tainted with my sweetness. Get up, we’re going to buy chocolate eclairs.”
part 2
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mask-of-anubis · 3 years
#2 with Fabian and Amber
In which Fabian can’t catch a single break:
In hindsight, Fabian really shouldn’t have put so much faith in his own abilities.
- two weeks ago, at a party -
‘“Fabian,” Alfie said, high on overconfidence and sugar, “I bet you 25 pounds I can beat you in Scrabble.”
Fabian raised his eyebrows. “Really? 25 pounds?” Alfie nodded. It was an outrageous amount of money to bet on a game he would absolutely lose. “And if I beat you?”
“Um… you have to let Amber dye your hair!” Alfie said with a gleam in his eyes. “Any color she wants.”
Amber gasped and got the same gleam in her eyes.
On principle, Fabian wasn’t someone who took bets, or who dyed his hair, but he was feeling confident. He sat down at the table and shook Alfie’s hand.
“Okay, deal.”
- now -
Fabian sighed from his seat in Amber’s vanity chair in the girls’ bathroom. “How was I supposed to know he would get a 50 point bonus at the last second?” he grumbled.
Nina, who was there for moral support, just shrugged. All week she had been reminding him that she told him it was a bad idea to make the bet, but now that the moment was actually here she looked just as nervous as he was.
Amber finished getting out all her supplies. “Don’t worry Fabian,” she said nonchalantly. “It’s gonna look great. Right Nina?”
Nina tried to wipe the terrified look off her face. “Uh-huh…” she said, extremely unhelpful.
“You’re getting less convincing by the minute,” he said.
It’s just hair dye, he said to himself. Nothing is permanent.
Plus, Amber was good at all this stuff. If Jerome was dying his hair that would be a different story. He would probably end up bald.
When all was said and done, he trusted Amber not to destroy his hair. But he was terrified of what he would look like. He didn’t always know what to do with his style, but he liked how he looked. Brown hair suited him.
He took one last look at himself in the bathroom mirror before Amber spun him around.
“Ready?” she asked, excitement evident in her voice.
“Absolutely not,” he said.
“That’s the spirit!” He heard her rip open a box of hair dye. His skin prickled.
All of a sudden, Nina’s phone started ringing. Fabian perked up.
“What? Is it an emergency? Should we leave right now and not finish what we’re doing?” he asked, crossing his fingers.
Nina waved him off. “No, it’s just Gran.” He slouched back into his seat. “This might take a while. I’ll come back later.”
“Wait, I need you here for, uh, moral support?” He gestured to Amber. What he really needed was a voice of reason to stop Amber if she tried to dye his hair pink.
“You’ll be fine,” Nina said. “Amber: don’t do anything crazy. Fabian: I’ll still like you even if you look insane.” She left before either of them could protest.
“Unhelpful!” Fabian called after her.
Amber snapped on some gloves. “Let’s do this!”
“All done. Ready to see?” Amber asked him two hours later.
The short answer was no. In fact, he wished he could just continue on with life never knowing what his hair looked like. Instead he said, “I guess.”
“Okay! 1 - 2 - 3!” She spun him around in the chair.
He couldn’t describe the exact feeling he felt when he turned around, but it was the closest thing he had ever felt to a heart attack.
“Oh god…”
“Fabian, it’s really not that bad!” Amber exclaimed.
“Not that bad?” he yelled.
They were so loud that Patricia and Mara came to see what the noise was. When they saw him, Mara was so shocked she actually screamed. Patricia, on the other hand, burst out laughing.
“Amber, what have you done?” Mara shrieked.
The color was slowly draining from Amber’s face. “I thought it looked okay…” she said. “I mean, it’s not what I intended.”
“Amber my hair is RED!” Fabian yelled. “You’re telling me this wasn’t the plan?”
It was true. His hair was red, full-on red. And it was not his color. He ran back to the mirror to look at it again. It hurt his eyes. What had she done to him?
Now Amber sounded panicked. “Well, I only meant to lighten it and give it some, um, highlights. But I left the lightener on too long and then the highlights were weird so I had to make it all that color…”
The rest of her explanation was drowned out by Patricia’s laughter. She gripped the doorframe of the bathroom for support.
“I don’t know what you’re laughing at, this is practically your hair color,” Fabian said to her.
Patricia's smile dropped. “It is not!” She raced to the mirror to compare and her eyes widened. She blanched. “No, no, no, no!” Fabian rolled his eyes. “Everyone get out I’m gonna be sick.”
Nina appeared in the doorway. “What’s going on – oh my god!” She dropped her phone. They could hear her Gran talking on the other end, asking what was happening. “Amber, what is this?”
“A mistake…”
Once everyone was calmer (and Patricia was no longer threatening to vomit), the girls helped Fabian sneak downstairs. The plan was to leave, go buy a bunch of beanies and hats, and return like nothing happened. Obviously, that didn’t work.
Jerome and Alfie spotted them in an instant.
“You’re kidding!” Jerome yelled. He was already laughing. He and Alfie rushed into the hall. Fabian accepted his fate. Both of them doubled over laughing. "If it isn't Ed Sheeran"
“This is the best day of my life,” Alfie laughed.
“Kill me now...” Fabian said.
“Hey, I think it looks great!" Nina said, coming to his defense. It was not convincing. Even she could tell, because a second later she said quietly, “But I love you regardless.”
Fabian needed this to be over. “Okay, you’ve all had your laughs. I’m leaving,” he grumbled.
“Whoa, whoa! Hang on a second,” Alfie said. Fabian turned around. He did not like the look on Alfie's face. “I believe you owe me 25 pounds.”
“You don’t remember?” Alfie said. “2 years ago?”
- 3 years ago, at a party -
Alfie, high on sugar, shouted to all his housemates, “I will bet anyone in this room 25 pounds that I can get Fabian to dye his hair!”
Fabian walked up to him, dumbfounded at the stupidity. “Uh, okay? Sure, I’ll bet.”
- now -
Fabian deadpanned. “I’ll kill you.”
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Raise yourselves up (We’re done)
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Two prompts in one; let’s do this. I tweaked the ideas a bit though.
 It was Bustier who broke the news to Marinette and Chloe, and she did it once again the most inappropriate fashion, “-And so the class feels it would be best if both of you were excluded from the class trip at the end of the year.” She finished. The class was just about to let out and she told the two girls in front of them all.
There were mean snickers and smug looks from the other students. The ones who just avoid the girls’ gazes; Adrien, Juleka, and Rose. The three had decided to stay out of it and just side with the majority. Marinette and Chloe had become best friends after Lila had gotten her hooks into class the year before. She turned all of Marinette’s dearest friends to ex-friends and turned them into bullies. That was fine with Marinette. She was done with two-faced people; done with turn-coats, and cowards. Marinette didn’t need them. Or want them. Chloe at least had the guts to stand on her own two feet and for what she believed in. It was a new year and a new Marinette.
Neither blond nor bluenette blinked.
“That’s fine,” Marinette shrugged. “It will be a relief not to have to fundraise for the trip.”
Chloe smirked, “Ditto. A trip to New York City, completely unfunded by the school, is going to be a lot to pay for.”
“They’ll have plenty of time though,” Marinette hummed. “A little less than a year.” The two girls cast them cool looks, “Good luck!” They chimed as the bell rang.
No one understood why they didn’t react the way they thought. Alya had expected tears from Marinette. Rage from Chloe. Then apologies and promises to do better. In fact, they all did. But they didn’t get it. Instead, they were left wondering why the two girls laughed their way out of the classroom.
It would take them months to realize.
Both girls knew though. Chloe always managed to convince her parents to fund thirty percent of whatever grand trip the class took every year. Marinette managed to put together enough amazing fundraisers to raise sixty percent of the funds needed. Everyone else in class only ever managed to pull together the last ten percent. Barely.
The next day the brand new World Travelers’ Club announced their formation and invited anyone to join. A few members of the class perked up until they heard Marinette and Chloe were the presidents. Instead, the class bashed the club and joked it was the girls’ lame attempt at making friends.
That was the last they heard of the club.
To the rest of the students of Bustier’s class’s credit, they attempted right away to start fundraising plans. However, no one in the class knew just when they should start and no one had any unique ideas; they only had a car cash fundraiser, the usual bake sale, maybe a raffle. Standard stuff they were sure would work. After Marinette, the former class president, and resident bully as far as they were concerned, always started off with those. Never realizing that she only started out with them at the very beginning of the year, and never stopped there. Nor did they realize just how much planning went into each event.
 The class's first event was a car wash in November. It was a poor idea, as the weather had begun to take a turn for the worst and barely any cars showed up. They hosted it at the school figuring people would want to help out school children. Nino played music. And all the friends had a blast. But the kids made a total of 143 dollars a days’ worth of work. They vowed their next fundraiser would be better.
During the two months, Marinette and Chloe and the rest of the World Travelers’ club; Kagami, Claude, Aurore, Marc, Luka, Ondine, and a bunch of other students who always wanted to see the world fundraised like crazy. They decided that their class trip would be to six different places; Los Angeles, Star City, Central City, Metropolis, Gotham, and finally New York City. It would be a tour.  They would spend two weeks in each city, touring and visiting, before moving on to the next. Each city had its own highlights and hotels that need to be arranged and paid for. Marinette did the math; they would need to raise a little less than $35,000 to pay for everything. She made it an even $40,000 to be safe.
Marinette set up a go fund me page an hour later. It wouldn’t be easy but Marinette knew they could do it if they worked hard and fast. (She only half-heartedly glared at Chloe when two grand mysteriously was donated to the club’s go-fund-me five minutes after she announced it the class. She did glare when Jagged and Clara both gave five grand each to their favorite designer and faux-niece. But stopped when Kagami said her mother was also donating $3,000 to the club.)
A week after the club’s formation, they had their first fundraiser. A car wash. Marinette knew it was best to get that one done as soon as possible while the summer heat was still around. It went great. They had it at a local park. Chloe played music off her phone. During the event, they sold ice cream and other cold sweets. Ondine had the great idea of selling full water balloons to children so they could run around. Marc sold quick funny Caricatures of customers. They raised a total of $2752, minus the two hundred for expenses that Chloe and Mariette fronted themselves.
The second fundraiser Bustier’s class held was a bake sale. It was in the middle of December and more or less a last-minute idea. Alya spearheaded the event, remembering how much money they pulled in from the last bake sale. She had the smart idea of doing it during a pep rally. Only to remember at the last minute that Marinette usually supplied all the best goods freely given from the bakery. Or made them herself. It didn’t take a genius to know that Alya nor any of the class would be welcome in the bakery based on the cold looks Tom and Sabine had given Alya last time she went in with her mother. So Alya declared all the kids would make their own goods.
…Four people got food poisoning; one of them was Kim. Most of the baked goods were dry and hard and virtually unappealing. Rose’s sugar cookies sold well but mostly because they were one of the few things that tasted and looked good. The class made a total of 128 bucks. They were lucky they weren’t sued.
The World Travelers’ club’s second fundraiser was actually a pool party at Chloe’s. She had led the entire event. The weather was still hot. They got Luka and his new band My Shadow’s Wonderland to play; Kitty section had sadly broken up due to Lila’s schemes months before. The club members sold tickets to get in. They also sold food: hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, ice cream, and funnel cakes. Kagami sold Balloon which caused her friends to do double-takes. Because Kagami knew how to make balloon animals, what in the world? Marinette and Marc did face paint and temp tattoos. Nearly everyone from school showed up. Even Bustier’s class, though they hadn’t seemed to realize The World travelers’ club was hosting. They earned a total of $3101. Marinette had long since learned the greatest trick of the fundraiser; don’t let make it obvious it’s a fundraiser. Make it fun and people would come.
Their third fundraiser happened two weeks later just at the beginning of October. It was Claude’s idea and he called it; “Can you Arcade it?” No laughed but he thought it was hilarious. They had got permission to use the gym to set up a video Gamers’ paradise. He got this idea when he heard the old arcade had finally shut down after Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone had opted to retire. He got the couple to donate the old game machine for a day to help them out. Claude only had to babysit their pet Parakeet for two weeks while they were out of town. Old arcade games line the walls. New games with TV borrowed from the club members were set up with the new game systems. They sold food and anything they thought a gamer would want. Aurore somehow got the local Taco Bell to sponsor the event so ever twenty minutes or so they had a deal with commercial playing in the background. This fundraiser attracted most parents with younger children; though a good percent was just nostalgic dads who ended up playing the games as much as the kids. $1700 was earned; most of it in quarters.
 Their next fundraiser happened at the end of October and it was a haunted house; or rather a haunted school. They teamed up with a few other clubs to put the event together. They didn’t earn that much money; $300 after it was split between the clubs. However, all the kids had a ton of fun.
When November hit, and the weather turned cold, and everyone wanted everything pumpkin spice. (And Bustier’s class first fundraiser was about to happen) Marinette held did her bake sale. She with the help of the other members of the club made all the sweets; for once she didn’t have to get her parents to donate the baked goods. In additional, Marinette and the gang sold handmade little dolls of Ladybug and Chat Noir and the new miraculous heroes that had replaced the last team. The dolls were a big hit. Such a hit that Chloe got the idea of marketing them online for a much better price. The fundraiser earned about $600 bucks which weren’t bad.
Chloe and Marinette started selling the dolls for $10 bucks each plus shipping and handling. Chloe and Marinette made the dolls. The others took care of the shipping part. The
dolls only cost 2 bucks to make, as they were mostly yarn, so they profited 8. Chloe said that was how the business made money.
By the time December hit, they were had raised more half of their overall target goal.
During the fundraisers, each kid used their own influence via social media to get people to go their Go-Fund-me page. Luka and his band, all of who members of the club anyway, used Youtube and Instagram to promote their bands also asked fans to make a donation. Aurore used her Ladybug site Bugout to ask her fans. Ondine did swim training videos did the same. Marc who did drawing tutorial asked too. They didn’t get a lot from; a dollar here, three there, maybe a five if they were lucky but every bit count.
Their next fundraiser was a raffle in one of the empty unsure ballrooms of Chloe’s hotel, and it happened not long before Christmas break. This was spearheaded by Aurore. The strategy was sound; most people were still rushing to get presents. All they have to do was bid on the item they want. She got local businesses to donate. A fancy dinner from one restaurant, a bouquet of roses, expensive perfumes, a massage chair; a bunch of gift cards of various stores. Chloe got her dad to donate two items a spa day and a luxury Spa weekend. Marc offered art lessons. He also auctioned off some of his portraits. Ondine offered swim lessons. Aurore got offered a meet-and-greet with Ladybug, who even showed up to make an appearance. Kagami offered sword fighting lessons. Luka offers guitar lessons. His bandmate, Naomi, offered drum lessons. Another girl, Bridgette offered piano lessons. Marinette offered her usually big-ticket item; a custom design by MDC. The night was a hit. Once again, Marinette’s item was one of the highest bid items of the night. All in all, the kids brought in a total of $4728.
January came and Bustier’s class decided it was time for another fundraiser. Just as the World’s traveler’s club decided it was time for a break. Though they still sold the dolls; which had brought in $1800 since they had started selling them; Ladybug and her crew apparent had fans all over the world. This meant by the time February hit, they had just over $10,000 left to raise and five months to do it. They would leave at the beginning of June. They already paid for all of their plane tickets and paid for their hotel rooms. All their tours booked and paid for. All reservations made. And then reconfirmed by a rather stern Chloe. Passports were bought.
Bustier’s fundraiser idea was once again headed by Alya, the new class president after Lila decline the role as she would be far too busy. Alya decided a raffle would be perfect. The one they did the year before had been amazing. Again, Alya forgot that Marinette and Chloe handled nearly everything which was why it was such a big hit. Alya had to use the school gym.
“It’s not like I’d ask Chloe,” Alya huffed to her boyfriend. “I’m just glad I won’t have to deal with her or Marinette on our trip.”
“You said it, babe,” Nino leaned back in his desk. “No need for that kind of drama.”
The raffle was their most successful fundraiser so far much to Alya smug face when Marinette and Chloe walked into class on Monday.  All the kids in the class participated and offered their own talents for use; offering lessons or gift cards from their parents' businesses. Their biggest hit was a picture and an autograph from Adrien Agreste.
“We raised over a thousand dollars,” Alya crossed her arms. A satisfied look on her face. She had worked hard. They had all worked hard. “Beat that!”
Marinette and Chloe shared a look before they literally fell to the ground laughing. “I can’t!” Chloe gasped for air. “I can’t breathe!”
Marinette struggled to contain herself, “This! I!” She couldn’t even get out the words. She was laughing so hard.
They didn’t even bother to pay the glares they received any attention. It was just too funny.
For the rest of the week, it was the running joke between them. Every now and then, the other students in the class would “Beat that!” And laughter from the back of the room.
February came and the kids decided in anticipation for Valentine ’s Day. They would do a Date Auction. It was Ondine’s idea and it was a huge success. Surprising considering it, it was supposed to be simple and easy and something to get them back into the fundraiser's mood after a month's breath. Most of the kids now had a strong online following and become popular among the youth of Paris for their awesome parties. So when word spread that the World Travelers’ Club was doing a date auction; a lot of students from school showed up. A lot of students from other schools showed up. One girl traveled from England specifically for Luka.
Marinette, followed by Chloe, Then Luka, then Kagami, then Aurore was the highest auctioned date of the night. Claude and Felix were both a little put out. Marc didn’t mind. Mostly because of the best looking guy at the auction bid on him.
All in all, they raised $2100.
The next fundraiser was in March. The spring warm weather had hit in full. Flowers were blooming. The fundraiser was a carnival Luka planned. Everyone set up carnival booths and games and fun prizes. Live music. They had it in on the school soccer field. A lot of parents with their kids showed up, looking for a family-friendly event to enjoy. Total they raised $2421.
Marinette’s dolls brought in an additional $900. Then it was official they only needed 5,000 more.
Bustier’s class tried another fundraiser; a dance party in the school gymnasium; hosted by Nino. They sold tickets to get in, snacks and drinks. They put off filers everywhere and did everything they could to promote the event. They made $750 dollars. And were proud.
 In April, the World travelers’ club did another bake sale and another car wash and a ping pong tournament was a really big hit for some reason. By the end of April, they had met their goals. All loose ends tied up. All the tickets bought. Permissions slip signed.  Four teachers, who were more than excited to volunteer to spend near all-expense-paid vacation in the most popular cities in the world, would be chaperoning. They were done.
By the first Monday of May, Chloe and Marinette breathed a sigh a relief as the stress had finally left their shoulders. The only thing they had to worry about was packing, and they had a month to do it.
The two girls once again arrived to see the smug grins of the classmates' faces. Bustier’s class had been fundraisers like crazy so much so that even the teacher was looking over her students proudly.
“We’ve raised $5,829,” Lila announced. The Italian girl looked smug as she had done al the work. “Fundraising was hard but we did what we had to.”
“Way better then we did under the last class president,” Alya hissed.
Marinette and Chloe looked at each other again. It was Chloe who spoke, “So you’re not going to New York?”
The question caught everyone off guard.
“What?” Alya hissed. “Of course we’re going to New York!”
Marinette sighed, “No, WE” She pointed between her and Chloe, “And the World Traveler’s club is going to New York and a bunch of other places. We raised over $40,000.” Most of the students turned green.
“$40- $40,000,” Nino stuttered. “What? how?”
“We worked hard, like we always,” Chloe flipped her hair. “That was our goal since September. Its how much it would cost to pay for the entire trip. For every member and required chaperones to go. Why? What was your goal?”
It went quiet. Alya spoke next, “Goal?”
           Again, Chloe and Marinette
“Goal,” Marinette nodded. “The amount you needed to fund the entire trip to New York?”
“We didn’t have a goal,” Rose answered.
The two girls stared at them.
“What airline are you using?” Chloe asked. “How much do the tickets cost?”
No answer.
“What hotel are you staying at?”
No answer.
“Did you get your passports yet?”
“Have you made any reservations?” Marinette asked. “Any down payments?” No answered. Just pale faces.
           Chloe just shook her head, “Did you at least get approval from the school board to clear the trip?”
“We need them to approve it?” Kim asked. “Why it’s our trip?”
“Safety and legal concerns,” Marinette said slowly. “It takes weeks to get approved. Permissions slips have to be signed and turned in. Chaperones found.”
“Miss Bustier’s our chaperone,” Mylene said brightly, and the teacher nodded eagerly.
           Marinette fought the urge to scoff. Bustier couldn’t chaperone a ping pong tournament. “Fine but with a class this size, you need at least two more. Maybe three.”
           Chloe crossed her arms, “How were you getting to New York? What were your plans? Did you book any tours? What were you going to do in New York?”
           No one said a word.
           Marinette smirked, “Good on you, I guess. You must have some killer fundraising ideas with only a month and a half until summer break.” She sighed. “I couldn’t do it myself. Way too much stress. The World Traveler’s club was killing ourselves since September to get everything done.”
“September,” Rose gasped. “Really.” She deflated. “We didn’t start till November, and the car wash was pretty bad.” There were nods.
“Yep,” Chloe said. “I think we did about fifteen or more fundraisers. Little ones and big ones. How many did you guys do?”
           Nino frowned, “Five.”
“We worked really hard, though!” Alix slammed her fist on the desk. “Nothing worked.”
           Marinette and Chloe shared another look.
“Shame,” Marinette said as they glided to their seats.
“Last year, the class did so well,” Chloe smirked. “Wonder what changed?”
“Nothing!” Alya shouted. “We did the same thing we do every year. Bake Sale, car wash, Raffle, Dance Party; everything!
           There were nods.
“It’s not fair!”
“We didn’t do anything wrong.”
           There more shouts and complaints.
           Bustier calmed everyone down, “Now class, let’s not give up hope. Our trip last year was a success. And I know we can pull it off again. What did we do then that we aren’t doing now?”
           The class went silent as they thought up what they were doing wrong. Surprisingly, it was Juleka who answered, “Marinette did most of the organizing,” She whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear; one of the few brave things she did all year. “Her and Chloe come up with all the fundraiser ideas and they plan them out too. They always did; every year.”
“This year they didn’t,” Rose frowned.
           And just like that, it was like that, it was like a balloon burst inside the students.
“They always plan the best fundraisers,” Kim frowned. “And we always met our goals.”
           Lila glared. She didn’t think that when she convinced the class to kick the girls off the trip that they’d be getting rid of anyone who did any real work. However, the glare quickly turned into a frown with a few crocodile tears, “Then we didn’t they help us? We needed them obviously.”
           Before any of the other students could direct their anger to the girls at their betrayal, Nino shrugged, “Because we told them they couldn’t come with us, remember? So they didn’t help out. They told us they wouldn’t. Why should they? It wasn’t their trip.”
           Frustration and rage built inside Alya. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. The class should’ve been headed to a glamorous trip to New York, with Marinette and Chloe left to suffer alone in Paris wishing they had been invited. Where was justice?
“I bet you're happy!” Alya growled at her ex-friend. “Our trip is ruined thanks to you.”
           Marinette smirked, “No. I didn’t do anything. I was and am in no way involved with your class trip. Just like you wanted.”
“You could’ve helped us!” Alix yelled.
“Why?” Chloe asked.
“You made it clear we couldn’t go to New York with you,” Chloe said. “Why would we help you? It’s not like we’re friends with you.”
           Angry eyes and red faces filled the classroom. No one wanted to admit that they got themselves into trouble.
           Alya had to be held back in her chair by Nino, “You could’ve warned me how hard being class president was. Or what we needed to do to go on the trip. But you didn’t care about us. You don’t think about us at all.”
           Marinette leaned back in her seat, an easy smile on her face, with frost in her eyes, “Sweetie, I haven’t thought any of you for months.”
           Before anyone could say anything else. Bustier decided to try to take control again, “Marinette, Chloe; there must be something you can do. Maybe the class can tag along on your trip.”
           Hopeful expressions overtook the students' faces.
           Both girls looked at the teacher like she was stupid.
“Even if that was possible,” Chloe narrowed her eyes. “And it’s not. We had everything booked for months, reservations made. How will they pay for it? We only raised enough for the World Travelers’ Club.”
           It was Adrien who answered, “Can’t you do something?” He said with hopeful eyes. “Our friends are really looking forward to it.”
“No.” Marinette snapped. “They are not my friends. And even if they were, it would take another 40 grand to get everyone in class on the trip. There’s no time to get that type of cash. Even if there was, it would still be weeks to get School board approval. The World Travelers’ leave on the first. There’s nothing to do.”
“We’re not risking our trip for yours,” Chloe and Marinette chimed together, looking very much like the Ice Queens the students had called them behind their backs.
           That was that. Alya and the other students would shoot glares at the two girls, and make mean comments for the next month; mostly about them being selfish. The girls didn’t pay them any mind. Lila tried to join the World Travelers’ club at the last minute, only to be unanimously told to come back in September. Damocles, at the urgency of Lila and Alya, tried to intervene and stop the trip the ground, it wouldn’t be safe. Boy, was he surprised when the school board called him into a meet to speak about his future employment and the rampant bullying and oversight that had been going on in the school.
           Bustier’s class ended up going to Disney World Paris for the weekend, before the end of May. And posted tons of videos, most of which had comments about getting away from bullies and the drama of the class.
           The World Travelers’ Club left on schedule on June 1st. They would return for two months.
           The pictures they posted was the talk of the school. Which was saying something since the school wasn’t even in session. The first pictures were of the grand hotels they stayed at, the amazing strange American food they ate. Carne Asada fries, yum!
           In Los Angelus, the club toured Warner Brothers studios and ran into the cast of the new Star Trek movies. They attended the world premiere of the Joss Weadon Superhero movie. They got all the classic tourist pictures of Los Angeles. Though Marinette and Chloe, when they had explored by themselves, ended up running into the Rock and had a picture of themselves hanging from his biceps as he posed.
           Their next stop was Star City. They toured the local museum, toured Queen Industries, met Oliver Queen himself. Then they even got to meet the Green Arrow.
           Alya nearly broke her phone when she saw Aurore and the superhero.
           After that, the Club went to Central city where they visited Star Labs.  It was Aurore’s idea. It was the most meta-filled city in the world; known for the most outrageous heroes and rogues in the world.
           It didn’t take long for the club to run into the flash, in this case, he was fighting against Captain Cold, Heatwave, and the rest of the rogues.
           The fight wasn’t favoring either side. But the class watched eagerly from where they stood on the sidewalk.
           They had to duck quickly when Captain cold was blasted into the wall next to them.
           Leonard Snart was surprised when a young girl helped him up. He looked and saw a bunch of kids standing there, torn between watching him and watching the fight.
“Are you okay, Mr. Cold?” She asked, with a heavy French accent, her blue eyes big with worry.
“…Fine, kid,” He answered. “Shouldn’t you lot being running off.”
           The bluenette and the blond girl next to her shared a look.
“Can we get a picture?” The Bluenette asked.
           Leonard Snart paused, “…Sure.” There was, in fact, a first time for everything.
           The kids cheered. And each one started scrambled with their phones to get their picture. It wasn’t long before Heatwave showed up to see what was wrong, only to be pulled in by a push blond to take pictures as well.
           That was when the flash Showed up but Aurore quickly pulled him into an interview. Slowly but surely, the rogues and the team flash found themselves entertaining and signing autographs for a bunch of French kids; answering all their questions and telling stories.
           Later when Aurore and the rest posted their pictures, and the interview with the Flash and his rogues, Alya did break her phone. As far as she was concerned life was fair.
           In metropolis, They met Superman, Supergirl, Krypton (the former superboy), and the new Superboy. Superman had heard from the other league members of the French class touring different cities and how great they were.
           They toured the Daily Planet and Aurore got one on one time with Lois Lane. They got to see LexCorp and had a tour given by Lex Luthor himself. Lex had heard about the class from Queen and Wells, the CEOs of Star Labs and Queen industries, and decided one-up his competition in any way he could
           Then the kids' wen to Gotham. The pictures from that trip made half the kids in Bustiers’ class cry. The best pictures were of Marinette sitting in the Batmobile; Batman looking stern next to her. The ones of the club with Bruce Wayne and his kids were pretty epic too.
           Finally, their lasts destination was New York City. And the kids saw everything. They did the entire tourist thing; The statue of liberty, times Square, New York Times. Everything. However, the highlight was the tour of Stark Tower/Industries; led by Tony Stark, with Pepper to manage him.  Because Tony Stark didn’t get one-upped by Lex Luthor or Bruce Wayne. Then the kids took a surprise trip to the Avengers compound.
           Marinette and Chloe decided walking into the training room only to see Captain America, Thor, and Bucky Barnes working out with their shirts off was the best part of the entire trip.
           Pictures and videos were taken of each member of the club holding various Avenger weapons. Chloe refused to admit her hand trembled when she was given over Captain America’s shield.
           The funniest video was supposed to be each member of the World Travels’ club struggling to pick up Thor’s hammer. It was pretty funny. Until Marinette lift it like it weighed nothing. Mouths dropped. The Avengers were stunned. Who was this small bluenette worthy of Thor’s hammer?
Then Thor shouted that Marinette would come to Asgard with him.
           Then Tony had to tell Thor that he couldn’t kidnap kids.
           To which Thor said, “What about Peter? Where did he come from?”
“I’m his mentor,” Tony groaned.
           Thor nodded, “Then I shall be the girl’s mentor. The Captain shall train young Chloe. Natasha will have Kagami as they are suited for each other; mostly because they strike fear in hearts everyone. Pepper will get Aurore; as they were meant to rule. Hawkeye will get Claude. The Soldier of Winter will get young Luka. You shall have Peter. The rest will be divided among the rest of the avengers. There. All done.”
           A moment of silence, and then Tony yelled, “That’s not how this works.”
           It was all on video.
           It went viral in an hour.
           Marinette had to portal back to Paris to deal with several different Akumas several different times; most were just about jealousy.
           When the kids returned to Paris. They wasted no time relaying the stories of their adventures.
           When September came and school started. Marinette and Chloe once again walked into class together, with smiles on their faces, only to meet glum looks on the students' faces. They paid no mind as they headed back to their seats in the back.
           Before class could begin, Rose approached them, a hopeful smile on her face, “Marinette, Chloe; we were hoping you’d come with us on your next trip.” Her smile widened “And Marinette, maybe you’d like to be class president again.”
           None of the other students looked happy at the idea but all of them could admit that the World Travelers’ club had been amazing. And if they ever wanted another great trip, they had no choice but to deal with the Ice Queens.
           Marinette and Chloe shared a look and then shot the class cold smirks, “No!”
“We’ll be far too busy,” Chloe smiled, coolness in her tone. “We decided we can no longer want to go on any more class trips. With you.”
“The World Travelers’ club takes a lot of work,” Marinette added.
“Good Luck though,” The two girls chimed together. “You have plenty of time to fundraise though.”
“A little less than a year,” Chloe said. “Our club starts planning in about two weeks. We’ll start fundraising right after. We’re thinking about Japan. Luckily this trip won’t be as expensive as our last.”
“Good luck with your trip though,” Marinette leaned back in her seat. “Who knows? If your lucky, it’ll be as fun as your last one. We know you worked so hard. Earned over $5,000 right?”
“Beat that!” Chloe added.
Then both girls burst into laughter.
Marinette wiped her eyes, “Besides you don’t want us there on your trip.”
“Too much Drama, right?” Chloe offered.
           The bell rang. And the class’ resident ice queens sat in back with smiles on their faces and ice in their eyes.
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