#i had to with my fav group of vamps
fabulous109 · 7 days
Hey queen! Can we have a story where Leah and reader are super close best friends and she knows the wolf and vampire lore even though she's not supposed to. Sam agrees to let her come over with Leah and EMBRY IMPRINTS ON HER!!!!! AHHH!
I knew I said this would take a while but then it hit me! My first request thank you! 😊
Listen, I know you will think they are idiots like I do, but Jacob can actually fix a car. Just bring it for him to look at Friday night when we go to the party.
“Like those guys can do something productive besides catching the sparkly people?” You respond to Leah with a playful smirk.
Leah has been your bff since 8th grade. College was a little rough when she stopped replying to messages, so you made sure to confront her about it. Before you made it to her house through the shortcut between the woods, you were accidentally almost getting eaten alive by Victoria and almost having a heart attack getting rescued by Leah. Although the pretty red hair was worth a compliment, your almost death was how you were able to be in the cool kids group. Except…you knew a little more than what people knew since you were on the front lines of the action. Like literally you saw Leah phase and that almost made you pass out or have that heart attack. Once Sam found out, Leah was able to tell you the rest..that included all the tea! Yeah that was a fun way to come back for the summer from college!
And no- Leah didn’t imprint for a few years later on a really cool dude. Honestly he is even better for her than Sam just because they are soulmates in all ways. You were always on her side about the Sam/Emily/Leah drama until you were in the know about the tribe. You understood all sides, but doesn’t mean it still isn’t a cringe conversation. Luckily Leah let a lot of it go when she met her imprint. They even all go out for dates nights together. I’m still mind blown about that one, but the wolves and vamps totally are 85% of that mind explosion.
Speaking of the wolves, Emily and Sam are having a big dinner for the pack and their imprints of any close friends. Sam knew you moved back to town for work and planned to stay permanently so you received an invite. You kinda didn’t want to go. Leah used to complain about them never wearing shirts and showing off. Not that you minded a great looking guy, but the image you had in your head was clones of Seth. Cute and cuddly but not very appealing unless you wanted to date your little brother.
“What am I supposed to wear anyways?” I was kinda excited to go Friday night, but was really nervous for some reason. “Wear that bubble gum pink dress you bought with the sparkly shoes.” I gave Leah an “are you for real?” Look. She responded with an excuse about the weather being nice. Also all I wear is shorts and tees so I guess I might as well wear something nicer with people I’ve never met. Still felt like a set up for a blind date or big joke.
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As Friday night rolled around Leah picked you up with her boyfriend. Honestly everyone was expecting fiancé any day now but ya know. You wore the outfit picked out and curled your hair. Leah turned around while her man was driving for an inspection you assumed. “What’s that word you would say?? Oh yeah! Fabulous. You look perfect!” Wow that was a surprise as Leah doesn’t give out too many compliments. Even in this joking manner you still could tell you looked great. Your anxiety subsided as you all started singing to your fav band.
Shortly you arrived at Emily’s place where you could hear music and laughter. Also the air smelled amazing like steak. Leah said it’s a special occasion since you picked a day to attend where steak was being served. These guys can chow down so everyone usually chipped in when it wasn’t simple or cheaper meals. Emily was saint to put up with all this ruckus as Seth ran by wrestling Brady and Collin. He was actually winning and not by cheating either. You were lost in watching them while walking when you accidentally bumped into one of the supposed wolves.
Leah started cackling, “what a great way to make an entrance”. I rolled my eyes while apologizing to Jacob as I was introduced. Leah brought up the subject of the car. As it turned out the car quit this morning so Jake would have to come by and work on it at your house enough to get it to his garage or tow it. You planned to have him come by tomorrow since you are off weekends.
Leah started dragging you deeper in the back yard. You said hello to those you knew- Emily, Sam, Paul, and met Rachel. Jacob you just met too but already knew Seth, Brady, and Collin. You remember some of the guys around the Rez as kids like Quil and Jared but one guy was a stranger. As Leah formally introduced you to the guys, Quil of course put on the moves instantly- as Leah predicted. Jared said hello and promised to introduce you to Kim when she got off work and arrived within the next half hour. As I turned to the last one- wait what name? Never heard of that one but Leah said his name was Embry and he was fine (you kept that thought to yourself). Suddenly you felt scared to look into his eyes but as you did, you met his, but he just stared. Not a smile, nod, or hello. You dropped his hand from shaking it and were embarrassed thinking you must have done something wrong as you turned and went to grab a drink of water.
As you walked off you didn’t see Leah literally grab Embry by the neck and threaten his life if you were not kept healthy, happy, and safe. Embry did look incredibly frightened from her sudden declaration, but she also looked into his eyes and knew his life was made up right there. He didn’t ever tell you but he saw everything. Some of it he couldn’t wait for and others he knew life would throw you hard things but he was always there. And he wanted to always make that promise to you come true every day.
Jared in the mean time face palmed at how embarrassing his friend was and Quil was again rejected. Jake turned up then and came to his rescue by mentioning that you have a car to be worked on…and a partner would be acceptable. Embry didn’t even want to be paid for the mechanic job, he just wanted to take you on a date. Leah noticed and mentioned to ask if you can help Jacob to break the ice…but mentioned smiling would be less frightening.
Embry came over at the moment I turned back to talk to someone I actually knew. I almost bumped into him too. I started to apologize for whatever I did but at that moment he simply smiled and asked for my number. Then he look embarrassed for being quite to the point. I grabbed his hand and told him don’t worry that’s all I wanted when I saw you. He informed me that tomorrow he would like to come to help Jake so that maybe we could go out for dinner to really get to know each other after. That evening we spent a while talking, but I did beat him at monopoly. Finally the night wrapped up and as I was riding home my phone dinged.
Hey it’s me.
Embry. It’s me Embry.
The one from the party. That Embry Call.
Leah was dying laughing by this point and gasping for air as her boyfriend was telling her to breathe.
I rolled my eyes and responded.
*I know it’s you silly. Glad you didn’t forget about me.
I think that’s impossible since I think you will want to forget about me with how much I text you from here till forever.
*Haha not likely but if you call everyday and be someone super close in my life than I’ll forgive you for alllllll those messages. Hey don’t be afraid- I need friends!
As long as one day I might have a chance at being more.
With that I felt my heart almost burst and I couldn’t sleep with excited for tomorrow. 🩷
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
vampire kid backstories please!!! i love ur vamp au and wanna know more :]
(also maybe where flippa comes in cuz shes my fav 👉👈)
aaa thank you so glad you like it so far!! I'm gonna talk about juanaflippa in the next ask I answer bc the next ask actually ties into what's going on with her, so I'll just use this one to talk about the rest of the kids who are present at the start of the story
so to start off, we'll contrast Chayanne's story of Missa saving his life with how Bobby ended up with Jaiden and Roier. again, remember that Jaiden and Roier are both very young vampires and as a result don't make the best decisions. one day the two of them were hanging out in a coffee shop or something when this kid wandered up to them and just went "whoa you're vampires!" with 100% seriousness. bc they are both dumbasses they sucked at playing it cool and the kid only became more convinced as both Jaiden and Roier rambled trying to say they weren't. eventually they both gave in and swore the kid to secrecy, and he agreed only if they would both tell him what it was like to be a vampire. Bobby happened to live near them, so over the next month or so he kept popping up at random trying to hang out with the duo asking them all sorts of questions about vampires. Eventually they figured out the reason this kid had basically zero parental guidance was bc he didn't have a great home life, so when Bobby asked if they could turn him into a vampire Roier wanted to do it while Jaiden cheered him on in the background because Jaiden loves to enable Roier and vice versa. after all, they both had grown really fond of Bobby at this point, and his family was shit and he wanted this so why not? well there were a lot of reasons why not but Roier turned him anyway, and yeah they did just kind of end up kidnapping him. good job guys. Bobby seems pretty happy at least.
I'll put the others under the cut!
Leo has a very different story to Bobby. One night, Vegetta was out trying to hunt when he heard a fight going on. He discovered a group of vampire hunters attacking a vampire and their recently sired child, so he jumped in to help but the adult vampire was killed before Vegetta could chase the hunters off. he got the hunters to run off before they could hurt the child though, and since Leo had no one else, he took her in as his own. He doesn't know why her sire turned her and like I mentioned before, vampire children often don't remember much from their human lives so Leo doesn't know either. Foolish was a bit hesitant about them taking in a kid at first, but he bonded very fast with Leo and now takes care of her the majority of the time. Also technically Roier, and by extension Jaiden and Bobby, are part of Vegetta and Foolish's coven because Vegetta turned Roier and they still talk all the time, but Roier likes having a bit of his own independence so he lives on his own with his family
Bad and Dapper possibly have the most interesting story out of most of the parents and their kids. I mentioned before that the vampire hunter groups are pretty scattered and disconnected from each other, so they all have different rules and regulations. One vampire hunting group happens to train children which no one is happy about. Bad is an extremely kind vampire (strictly feeds on animal blood) who tries to help out anyone he meets—human and vampire—so when he noticed he was being followed by a human child with a wooden stake on his belt he decided to let the kid try his best to kill him because he didn't wanna discourage him y'know? Dapper spent months trying to kill Bad who would never fight back, he would just kind of jump out of the way while being like "whoa you almost got me! good job! :D" the two start talking during these attempts, and Bad quickly grew fond of Dapper and Dapper realized Bad was nothing like what the hunters had told him vampires were like. One night though Dapper met a vampire who wasn't so nice, and Bad found him as he was bleeding out. Bad chased the other vampire off and Dapper—who had realized vampires weren't what he thought they were—asked Bad to turn him because he didn't want to die. Bad complied and the two have been inseparable ever since.
Fit has been a mercenary/assassin for hire for the better part of a century now and used to have a policy where he'd work for anyone if they paid him enough. He even worked for vampire hunters a few times. One time he was completing a job with another mercenary friend of his—Spreen—where they had to kill another vampire. During the fight the vampire grabbed a random kid who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and tried to feed from him to get extra strength. Fit and Spreen killed the vampire, but the kid was severely injured. Fit was considering just letting the kid die, but Spreen said they could turn him and train him together and all that stuff. Fit ended up going for it and turned Ramón, but Spreen dipped almost immediately despite saying he'd help out. Fit was pissed to say the least, but he bonded with Ramón and has ultimately become a lot more chill than he used to be thanks to needing to take care of his son.
Cellbit is a bit of an unhinged guy. Like, he's good, but he also definitely has a flair for the dramatic and a bit of a temper. One day he was just hanging out in a public library when he noticed this really cute young kid crying. He comforted the kid and the two began to talk, and over the next few weeks he found himself growing fond of Richarlyson. He started watching Richarlyson's family from afar to see how his parents were, and although Richas' parents were technically fine, Cellbit witnessed them yelling at Richas one (1) time and decided that was unacceptable (he was kind of just looking for an excuse though) and, uh, killed them. He made sure Richarlyson didn't see anything though and turned him quickly after. Because he was so young at the time (4) he doesn't remember anything from his human life which is probably for the better. Also Cellbit hadn't told the rest of his coven about this kid he met at the library, so the conversation when he got back to the house was basically "whatcha got there?" Cellbit, holding a 4 year old in one arm and starbucks in the other, "...coffee." Thankfully the rest of the Brazilians bonded very quickly with Richas, Forever especially who got flooded with mama wolf protectiveness. Richarlyson is the only one who can get near Forever during full moons, with Forever often curling up around the boy and licking his face until they fall asleep together.
Before joining the Big Group, the French coven lived very far out in the middle of the woods by themselves. There were roads, but they were very twisty and steep, often on the edge of mountains. One day, Baghera was out hunting for animals when she heard a car go through one of the road barriers. When she got to the crash site she saw the only passenger who survived was a little girl, but she was bleeding badly and wasn't going to make it. Baghera turned her to save her life, and then realized she didn't know shit about raising a kid, and the guys in her coven definitely didn't know how to raise a kid—let alone a vampire kid. She does her best with Pomme though, and after they join up with the others Forever gives her a lot of parenting advice
Tilín had a bit of a sad story. Wilbur left Quackity only a few days after he turned him, and Quackity was slightly relieved because he's very bad at the whole commitment to someone else thing since he's been alone for so long. But then he found a recently turned vampire kid who had been abandoned by their sire, and since Quackity was abandoned by his own sire (even though he was an adult when he was turned), he knew what it was like and couldn't just leave the kid to die. He really didn't know what he was doing though, and again, had a lot of internal issues with that sort of stuff. He left Tilín alone too much to go off and do his own stuff, and they got killed by hunters as a result. Quackity blames himself so much for it.
Max had a similar situation to Quackity with Trump, except he turned Trump himself because he was desperately lonely after not having a coven for so many decades. Trump was also a pretty lonely orphan kid, so in a way they were a good match for each other. But Max got caught up in his own programming work a lot and sometimes forgot to check on his kid. As a result Trump tried to hunt on his own, ended up exposing himself to some humans, and the Federation had to step in. They killed the humans involved, and then killed Trump as well because he'd put their secret at risk. Max only found out after the fact and was very heartbroken, but also gained a grudge for the Federation after that.
Like I said, I'll talk about Juanaflippa in my next ask. Also as far as Tallulah goes, she wouldn't come in till later in the story, but obviously yes Wilbur does end up taking her in at some point :)
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Every other week/ once in a blue moon I listen to songs from artists/groups i used to listen to when I was little to get like a sense of nostalgia . Like mindless behavior (if you listened to mb please tell me what ur fav song was) , omg girlz, matty b, cameron dallas, justin bieber, old maroon 5, old willow etc
So who were some of your favorite artists/groups from back then that still gives you that feeling when you listen to their old music?
This also made me realize that the newer gen of kids wont really have their own little "sub genre" of music made for kids by kids. Like I know hearing music thats targeted for adults is inevitable but still we had our own "area" made by kids older than 6 that seemed to enjoy doing it. (literally the other day my niece was watching something and the little girl rapping was 3....why are you coining off your 3 year old daughter when she can barely speak). idek how i got here but yea no.
You unlocked a memory when you said Mindless Behavior- Oh god, um… young Willow definitely. I still rock out to her newer music, I have the biggest crush on her. Queen. Anyway-
Jonas Brothers, Big Time Rush, The Vamps, China Ann Mcclain.. there’s probably others but I can’t think of them. ZENDAYA! There’s another haha
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drthugitout · 3 months
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┆ ♱ Since I've had this account for a while I feel like I should prob introduced myself!!!! 🦇
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐈𝐃!!!!! <-----𝐌𝐞 𝐛𝐭𝐰
╭───── ⊹🦇⊹ ─────╮
Yo this is my blog/vlog/art place idk what to call it but ye! I'm mostly online almost everyday jus not a lot of postin cus I'm lazy. Smh but this is ofc my trying to introduce my self n give you some fun facts bout me n stuff I don't like allow? ----𝐒𝐨. 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐠.
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☆ they/them-she/her-literally Him. ((Or yk pretty much anything.)) 😼
★FAV ARTIST/ GROUPS- Tyler the creator, ice cube, Eazy-E, MF DOOM, Steve Lacy, ICP, OFWGKTA, Jack Stauber, Tv Girl, yuno miles ((there's prob more lmao))
★I have the most exzzageratratrd swagger on this app ((if ykyk)
★FAV YTERS/// Moist critical, Sml, Spilling the milk, Wackawackamunv, Kwite, Loves Art23, Coryxkensin, Bereleezy, Dwayne n jazz, Lol Perfect VLOGS
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DNI ((don't interact with me))
Don't interact if your racist. I'm pretty sure I make it obviously that I am black. Blacker then black, happy kwanzaa, merry Christmas, wakanda forever. Type shi. ((THAT INCLUDES OTHER RACES AS WELL))
Just like have common fucking sense don't be a gross pedo, sexualizing kids ect I don't care if there real kids r not. And just DNI if you think rape is like cool or funny like wtf?
Turfs, I don't like you leave.
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🫀-I SWEAR LIKE A LOT INCLUDING THE N WORD SOMETIME IT PROBABLY WON'T BE ALL THE TIME ((because I don't say it every sentence)) but yeah jus something
🫁-I MIGHT MAKE A SEX JOKE OR TOO LIKE (ha boner) OR (big Booty bitches) something dumb if u want I don mind stopping dudeski
🦇- I can't get like shy? Whitch is weird but I just so even with asks but I do still like them so I might like wait untill I know how to answer it or just never will sory- it's like I weird nervous thing type ahi
🔪-back on thought on being shy I do not fw compships n sometimes will go something dumb like (eww Stinky incest.)) Or something dumb idk I kinda have gotten into online fights abt it but ye I'll prob jus block or sum in the end
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🥩-I am a vampire.((it's has nothing to do with this section I just thought that was worth saying)).
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lostplotbunniesbg3 · 5 months
skip bg3 start..... bunny
I hear some folks tired of the act 1 start of tav fics (im not personally act 1 is my fav) here is an idea /solution: it WAS an origin run, but things are not going well. Tav/Durge is instead pulled under the artifacts protection as a last ditch effort from the emperor to keep the group from falling apart, I'm talking at each other throats can't agree on anything, constantly bickering and dieing and just not working together. maybe karlach and wyll are chill with each other but there is unresolved weariness (sure wyll has horns but tav wasn't there to smooth over their meeting, and wyll is especially uncomfy with his new body) shadowheart and leazel DO kill each other semi regularly, astarions vamp secret is still under wraps and gale is just a wreck of orb pain and tension.
the tav/durge is almost installed as the leader by the dream visitor right away, and they rise to the challenge ect is whatever way is fun for you-
I think it'd be a cool way to really knot the og group up them spend time unraveling them with urgency to get their crap together enough to fight the absolute
ideally, this would happen at moon rise towers, possibly in the colony on the way to kethric, but it could pull a 'rando' in from any point in the story you want to concentrate on. fun bonus of dealing with freshly unenthralled character
and be long short sexy or no free free to expand as you like
A Fast Bunny Has Run In! Tav/Durge sitting out of Act 1?
A very interesting take on how to leap in to the middle of the fray with a different kind of tension to the group!
How would the Tav/Durge be able to reconcile everyone's differences when they've had so long to build the animosity between them? What was it that stopped the group from splitting up before their leader came back to fix everything?
This feels like it could really dig in to those "what if nobody stepped up to keep everyone calm" vibes where a lot of the cast begin to sink to their worst selves. Which of course means you have even more room for character development in whichever way you want to take it!
Is anyone up for the challenge of wrangling this swift little bunny into a fic? Good luck!
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dazaiaiko · 3 years
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So not all of my mutual are here since I haven’t had the courage to talk or know them yet so this doesn’t really contain all my moots
But here you go (my lovelies) :-
- @chuuyasboots (FLAIR)
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- Her writing ✍️ is awesome!! Fight me on this
- cute, silly (sometimes) but nevertheless cute
- she has a good vocabulary teach me
- your picrew gives me chuuya’s girlfriend vibes tbh
- anyway ILY 🤟
- fav writer moot!
(2) @ravenina14 (NINA)
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- you used to intimidated me tbh (sorry!!)
- but i admire you right now!!
- love your mood board and aesthetic ✨
- I don’t know you irl but I know you would be my fashion fiesta friend
- your wardrobe? I can only imagine!
- would love to talk to you more sometime 🙌
- trendy moot!
(3) @jessbeinme15s-notebook or @jessbeinme15 (JESS)
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- one word : nocturnal vampire
- get some sleep pls 😴
- I love you but I would love to see you take some rest first 🥱
- I love how you are that one loyal moot who reblogs everything even flopped posts ❤️
- my desi friend ✋
- we both are under the rule of ✨Asian parents✨ btw so we relate
- loyal moot!
(4) @ikin-y0u
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-- I met you when u were some of the people who commented on my content! - I was feeling real insecure that day so your message helped a lot!!💕
- funny and quirky to be with!
- fun to be with and gives a good listener vibe!
- Again you picked me up that day and hope to do the same to you love!
- love ya~
- talk to me more!!👉🏻👈🏻
(4) @xavieraoreo-chan (Oreo chan!)
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- cute and sweet af (dont worry she is just sad in the pic above)
- just like her username
- amiable and easy to approach tbh
- I moot you (pls talk to me about your interests more!!)
- you are that one person I would love to meet and talk irl but we know that ain’t happening so let’s stay moots forever 😎
- don’t stress about your exams too much. Everyone loves you the way u are lovely 🥰
- cute moot!
@nullified-kiss (MEI)
- You were my second friend on Tumblr
- credit for guiding me around goes to you!! 👀
- I think irl you would be a really quiet but sweet and honest person
- your real life character shows here and that’s what I admire (which I definitely can’t)
- I love you beauty ❤️
- gentle and honest moot!
@lily-of-the-i-think-not (LILY)
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- my first friend on tumblr!!!
- Fellow Dazai simp 🛐
- another vamp of the group (sleep my friend!!)
- my Dazai pics provider and brainrot giver
- come to Tumblr more if u can!! (Miss u❤️)
- simp moot!
@cloudoffloof (UNNIE) <- only I call her that!
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- big sister among my moots
- gives me caring and loving vibes whenever we talk
- I stan u!
- the mortal bonds of study and capitalism are keeping her rn so don't blame me for no picrew
- I love her and hope her exams end soon
- Hope u are back again unnie!!
- unnie moot!
——————MORE COMING SOON—————-
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boba-beom · 3 years
Hi~! No need to apologise! I'm always happy for your replies. 🥰 I totally agree regarding the aesthetically pleasing movies! Also, it's actually the other way round for me; I haven't watched the Shadowhunters series, I've only watched the movie. I rarely watch Western shows these days, I feel like I can't commit myself to multiple seasons. 😅 I'm glad you enjoyed the series though. If you look at it this way, the fandom was lucky enough to choose from a movie or a series to watch.
Oh my gosh, what a coincidence! I had such music phases in my life, too! I've had my boyband phase with One Direction, Union J, JLS, Big Time Rush, The Vamps and 5SOS, then I've had my more emo phase with All Time Low, Imagine Dragons, the Arctic Monkeys, The 1975. I still listen to some of them though. Maybe kpop fans all started there. 😅 I got into kpop in 2015, I guess? It was through kdramas, the first band I listened to was Infinite because of L's acting. Then came EXO, VIXX, GOT7 and BTS.
With BTS, I started stanning them because of Dope, but I fell hard when I heard Let Me Know. I was so floored that the band with such title tracks has a song like this. 😭 The most beautiful moment in life era was my favourite, they were my ult group at that time. *-* Oh, it's totally okay! I stayed in Nottingham, I studied at NTU during the 2020 fall semester. They were one of the few UK partner unis I could apply to with the Erasmus+ scheme, and it's been my dream to stay in the UK longer
Sadly, it was cut short due to the delta variant. I couldn't go back in January, but the uni managed it well, so it was okay. Plus, while I was there, I could actually get my hands on The Vamps' new album, so even though there was no concert, I could get my first The Vamps album in the UK, so that was pretty cool. I've also seen some pretty cities before lockdown happened, so I've gotten the most out of it. *-* Where in UK are you from (if that's okay with you to share)? What's your fav UK city?
The Day6 concert was awesome! I sang so much that I could barely speak the next day haha. You were beautiful is indeed a beautiful song, I cried when the MV first came out. 🥺 Oh, les misérables, that must have been spectacular! I actually went to a Christmas market yesterday. I finally felt like I could get myself into the Christmas spirit. I hope you'll enjoy the market with your friends! 🥰 Your new year's eve sounds lovely! It's only me and my sisters who stay up late, my parents can't. 😅
Do you have any wishes or aspirations for next year? It doesn't have to be anything huge, just something that you're hoping for. Obviously, I hope covid will go away, but also, I'll try my best to stress less next year or do more self-care. *-* Anyways, I've seen your blog is 1-year-old! Congratulations, and also congrats for 800+ followers! 🎉🎉🎉 And don't worry, I talk so much, too, but it's because it's so nice talking to you. 🥰 Hope you have a lovely week ahead of you! Take care! ❤️ - ❄️
hi hi secret moa~
i agree with you on that, it's not all the time a fandom receives both a series and a movie so yes, we were lucky and spoiled for that hahah. i'm honestly fascinated by the fact that our music tastes were so similar before and when we got into kpop! listening to the 1975 always made me feel ✨things✨ and i'll do it again! and now there's chase atlantic with similar vibes and i'm not mad about it ^^ BUT OMG VIXX, I LOVED ERROR >< i would play it on the speakers from my ipod 1st gen HAHAH and my sister would literally hate me for blasting it aloud, but she ended up listening to kpop with me around that time too ✋😌
let me know was also one of my favourites!! honestly, i just loved all of their early songs, even though i wasn't really stanning them yet, but i like it and i like it pt 2 were always on repeat, i kid you not!! 🥺 omggg at Nottingham?! I'm just an hour away up north from there! how was the experience?? i'm happy you enjoyed staying in the uk even for a short while! i've just been wanting to leave and i was planning on going to san diego for a placement / internship but of course with covid in the way i wasn't able to do that, so i might go after i graduate just for some experience ^^ but i've always loved Manchester!! I was wanting to go there for university but I felt like the city was a bit too much for me to stay so I resorted to Sheffield which is the halfway point between where I live and Manchester~
regardless, i'm so glad you managed to get your hands on the vamps album!! my 13 yr old self is quaking rn 😭😭 i had a phat crush on bradly but then it was bradley, then connor then james after watching their cover of miley cyrus' we can't stop aaaaaaa <<< evidence they still have that little place in my heart, but i haven't listened to any of their new songs since i listened kpop AHAH but you're so lucky to have gone to day6's concert!! i wanna experience that one day, just to sing without having a care whether i have a voice the next day or not omg
i went to the christmas market too a couple of days ago with my friends, and there was this swing ride that only a few of us went on. ngl i haven't been on a ride since late summer and the last ride was the claw 😭 it was truly something because i felt like screaming but i didn't want to at the same time AHAH we had the cheesy sausage and shared some giant churros ^^ and i mean— the parents usually drink to their heart's content and use the karaoke machine, but me and my friends usually just chill in their rooms and talk about anything and everything! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NEXT FRIDAY:'D
I think my wishes are just for the safety and health of my friends and family, along with university going well! self care sounds good, and definitely, the first step to self care is to stress less hehe~ AAA AND THANK YOU! i'm so glad I managed to keep this blog for a year despite all the shenanigans going on irl, but truly, thank you!! I'm just so excited to know who you are in just a few days, and that we can stay in touch here and interact more hehe i'm intrigued to read your works too! talking to you takes me so long to type but i love it HAHAH I hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you<33 sending hugs ^^
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jisungsmochi · 4 years
-how was your day/ week?
-what’s a song you’ve had on repeat lately?? I fr only listen to ariana grande nowadays haha
-recommend me a show/ movie too please🥺❤️❤️
have a good day nat🥳❤️❤️ also love your vamps song series, the group itself just brings back so many memories from my childhood haha
- my day was okay! i didn’t really study as much as i wanted to. but i had work anyway and it was pretty busy, i was wayyy to tired when i got home. my week overall has been decent, my uni classes are in full swing and i swear i’m behind but it’s been like 2 weeks 🤩
- songs i’ve had on repeat lately:
butterly by p1harmony (BUT IT GOT SNAPPED OFF SPOTIFY SMH)
the entire treasure effect album by treasure, musical geniuses
nct 127’s loveholic album
& lots of taylor swift!! (my queen)
- show / movie rec? - i haven’t been watching much, but i love love one tree hill (now on season 8), superstore and new girl are some of my faves. i wanna rewatch teen wolf as well! i haven’t seen many movies lately )):
thankyou for sending in asks 😭🤩 it puts a smile on my face every time!
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wychive · 4 years
tagged by : @neo-shitty​ (toffee! ilysm hehe)
tagging: @noya-sannnn , @vitriosan , @hwanami , @luthenia and anyone else who wants to participate
slight warning : mentions of food
this is kind of long so it can help you relax if you want to do this!
[ one ] tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
wave // ateez
when jane showed me and fely (she already stanned ateez) the mv i was like :00 this song is really good and it goes with my type of music; pumped up and really fun. i decided that i wanted to stan them because of this introduction video that they did during pirate king where san broke the toy hammer trying to smack yunho’s ass SHHSSIJS,, i found them really funny and comforting! they made me so happy and that’s why they attracted me so much. + their amazing music ofc 
forever // exo
alright so i originally just casually listened to exo from wolf era up till 2017 when the kokobop teasers came out. they looked really pretty and so i watched them up till kkb was released. it’s what baekhyun’s voice in the forever teaser that captured me into stanning them. everything about the exo’s attracted me, their vocals, their dancing and ofc their visuals. bonus: their time on the ‘360 show(??)’! im not sure of the actual name for the programme but it was where yixing kept pronouncing jurassic park wrong pls that was so cute and funny how could you NOT stan them!
[ two ] answer the ten questions given by the previous person and write 10 of your own for the next person!
what’s your favorite season and why?
we only have two types of seasons here but if this includes western seasons, i would pick spring! flowers give me a sense of calmness whenever they start to bloom so being in a season where it’s just different coloured plants all around you? sign me up pls
are you a cat person or a dog person?
im a cat person! i currently have two cats as pets
what’s your current favorite song and why can’t you stop listening to it?
it would probably be fever by ateez! this is because it gives off freedom vibes and i’ve been stressed lately so the song is a little oasis for me
if you had the ability to do either of the following, would you rather change something in the past or see into the future?
i would choose to see into the future so that i could change what i do now, whether its related to me being lazy or me being selfish,, i would like to keep the past the way it is even if i had some scarring moments. it’s nice to look back on those and see how far you’ve come as a person.
what’s your favorite movie?
my favorite movie would either be spirited away or paper towns,, i actually don’t have a favorite movie because all of them have affected my life in different ways so yea :D
what did miss rona ruin for you this 2020?
probably the food fair this year,, my group of best friends were supposed to go there to celebrate jane and another friend’s birthday. the food fair happens yearly so it wasn’t anything big to anyone else, but to us it was something special. there are a lot more things but this was one of the major things she ruined :/
what’s your favorite album? (you can name one for each genre you like or you can just name one, it’s up to you.)
toffee why my top three would be day6’s sunrise, bts’ you never walk alone and lauv’s ~how i’m feeling~
if you could talk to your past self (person who lived your past life), what would you tell them?
“hey, dude, i hope you’re doing okay. stop being so selfish all the time alright? and stop comparing yourself to others, it wouldn’t do you any justice. make sure to spread A LOT of positivity even if no one acknowledges it. its okay to cry sometimes too. is my soulmate doing okay? i hope they are. i’ll make sure to find them in this timeline, and the next. whatever it takes. learn to love yourself.”
do you have a go-to person? who is it?
uh i dont have a go-to person,, i can’t vent or rant without feeling like burdening the other person or spreading negativity to them. instead i just kind of rant to myself on discord.
if you could tell your younger self something, what would you say?
“hey, kiddo. don’t fall in love too much nor fool around. it’ll affect you badly. appreciate the things your parents do for you, okay? don’t take anything for granted. ignore the people who call you names, they don’t matter here in the future. just be you.”
how do you spend your free time?
who or what is your biggest inspiration?
if you were a character in a horror movie, which stereotype do you closely resemble? and why?
your top 3 fanfiction tropes! (can be nsfw)
do you believe in soulmates and why?
painting or sketching and why?
what is on the top of your to-do list right now?
list down the top 3 things that make you happy.
who are you simping for right now?
what is your first core memory?
[ three ]  bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
[ four ] the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot.
name: [REDACTED], alachi nickname: teja, kai birthday: april 11 zodiac: aries nationality: malaysian languages: english, malay,  learning korean gender: female sexuality: biromantic height: 160 cm / 5"2’ or 5"3’
blog stuff
inspiration for muse: music, other people’s work meaning behind my url: fever (current fav song) + core (aesthetic??) blog established: around 2018 but i started becoming active in late 2019/early 2020 followers: 146  ( i love you all )
favorite animal/s: anything connected to the cat species  favorite book/s: the authentics (abdi nazemian), satellite (nick lake) favorite color/s: lighter shades/mid-tones of cool colours, a dash of yellow
average hours of sleep: 6 cats or dogs: cats coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea current time: 11:34 pm dream trip: south korea, japan, europe dream job: song producer, lyric writer hobbies: listening to music, browsing the internet hogwarts house: ravenclaw last movie watched: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban last song listened to:  no. of blankets you sleep with: 1 random fact(s): my favourite subjects are biology and english!
[ five ] 10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
eternally - txt
fever - ateez
blue - keshi
lights out - exo
00:00  - bts
strawberries and cigarettes - troye sivan
maze in the mirror - txt
i loved you - day6
 illusion - ateez
 stolen moments - the vamps
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blairwaldcrf · 5 years
I am definitely obligated to ask Shadowhunters for the game! ;)
oof you really went for it, huh! haha
Top 5 favourite characters: Simon, Magnus, Clary, Maia, Jace
Other characters you like: Izzy, Sebastian, Raphael, Meliorn, Luke
Least favourite characters: Valentine, Maryse, Alec
Otps: Simon/Jace, Clary/Izzy, Clary/Maia, Izzy/Maia, Raphael/Izzy/Simon, Raphael/Simon, Jace/Maia, Jace/Simon/Maia, Magnus/Ragnor (that’s book influenced though, haha), Clary/Simon
Notps: Magnus/Alec (i said what i said), Jace/Clary, Camille/Simon, Victor/Izzy, Simon/Faerie Queen
Favourite friendships: lightwood siblings (that includes jace), clary/izzy, clary/simon
Favourite family: Lightwood Siblings, but the Garrowfray+Simon family was done dirty and could have been so much more
Favourite episodes: Don’t know what this really says about me, but the one where Valentine is torturing Jace on the boat, because it really points out the trauma he grew up with and doesn’t disclose (which the show did horrible of showing the aftermath of btw ugh), and then obviously the episode where Jace sacrifices himself to save Simon and lets him drink his blood a little too much........ I haven’t watched most of s3/4 so I haven’t seen the later Jimon scenes but I’m sure those too
Favourite season/book/movie: lol, none of the show is a fav, necessarily, but i do like some of s2. my fav book is the City of Lost Souls
Favourite quotes: Can’t think of specific ones, but pretty much anything Simon says
Best musical moment: Simon singing Fragile World. I downloaded it and listen to it still
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: jimon blood feeding
When it really disappointed you: i was mad about them not exploring jace’s trauma after the boat. i was upset they didn’t let the malec breakup last longer for alec to grow as a person before they got back together. just so much. so so much.
Saddest moment: Um, I don’t know about sad but the most poignant was when Simon was talking about his Bubbie having been through the holocaust and that was why he wasn’t about to do the shadowhunter bullshit tracker thing
Most well done character death: they did Jace’s okay. I think Simon’s was good too.
Favourite guest star: Lydia the Lesbian
Favourite cast member: Alberto 100%, although Kat is a sweetheart too. And Isaiah is hilarious.
Character you wish was still alive: Um, Jocelyn, I think. She deserved the Maryse “redemption” storyline more than anyone else after the abuse and manipulation she went through as Valentine’s wife imo
One thing you hope really happens: well the show has ended, but I guess I hope Clary/Jace break up just to break up Izzy/Simon and switch respective partners.
Most shocking twist: There wasn’t one, really, after reading the books. I guess the most shocking thing was the show actually incorporated Simon’s Judaism in a serious and respectful way? And that they let Maia talk about police harassment as a black girl vs shadowhunter harassment as a werewolf
When did you start watching/reading?: Um, reading the books would be circa 2012 I think? The show I watched when it first aired
Best animal/creature: any downworlder
Favourite location: Magnus’ flat
Trope you wish they would stop using: redemption storylines
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: showing Simon’s Judaism as a part of his life
Funniest moments: most things Simon or Magnus related
Couple you would like to see: see all above non canon otps
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a
Favourite outfit: the little black dress Izzy puts on Clary because gayyy
Favourite item: Stele
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: in this world, weirdly enough, I think vamp
Most boring plotline: haahahahahahahahaha
Most laughably bad moment: Valentine’s “lair” being in Chernobyl for absolutely no reason
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: i don’t remember most of them, but I guess the lightwood siblings ones? or valentine’s? god it’s been too long. also this doesn’t count really but the alternate universe where Jimon are friends and Alec has a personality
Most layered character: if they had actually explored his psyche, Magnus
Most one dimensional character: Alec
Scariest moment: I had read the books, so really nothing?
Grossest moment: Sebastian going in to kiss Clary. Incest isn’t a good look...
Best looking male: Isaiah, but Alberto is up there. Dom.
Best looking female: all of them
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Alberto and Kat. I miss Kat’s red hair too much
Favourite cast moment: all the stupid cute domberto videos
Favourite transportation: portals
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Alicante
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: no one has time for that list
Best promo: n/a
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: the show? the minute I saw Simon’s smile and him changing his shirt. Also the part where Clary and Izzy are actually friends but also check each other out up and down while changing clothes.
—Send me a show/fandom and i’ll answer
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cawcawp · 5 years
Hello! Hello! I’m Looking for some discord rp!
My Writing samples: (These are all females but I play males and NB characters too)
The lights flickered almost with intention as the sharp clicking of heels on linoleum floors approached the door slowly. Accompanied only by the hypnotic hum of the sputtering fluorescent lights and the sterile smell of alcohol. The sleek pounding of heels stopped right outside the metal door, the rustling of papers and the crinkle of a brown paper bag reached a peak as the door opened swiftly.
Walking through the door stood a woman of cold and commanding stature, her black eyes narrow like a predator; an arched eyebrow  practically leading her face towards the strapped up figure. The woman's black hair was tied back neatly and her glasses rested observantly on the bridge of her nose, as if already in position for her to look down on  someone. Her black nurses skirt and apron followed her every step inside the white room. She held a manila folder and a brown crinkled bag that smelled of raw meat and had little puddles of liquid  on the bottom, practically taunting a restrained girl in the far corner.
She laid the file and the bag down  on a small metal counter near the front of the room and swiftly grabbed a chair to sit behind the table. For a few moments she watched, like a snake stalking its prey. Her commanding presence and seemingly all seeing eyes stayed focused on Olivia, as she grabbed a pen and opened the Manila folder.
Another 2 minutes had gone by, yet she never spoke, only watched. After finishing up some carefully written observations she slid on a pair of Latex gloves, snapping them at her wrist, still eyeing the girl in the straps. She reached into the brown paper bag and squished a tender chicken breast in her hand,  the juice running down the glove and into the bag once more before pulling it out  and placing it on the end of a metal rod with a squish. She sighed and slowly hovered the meat towards Olivia's face.
"Go on, you must be starved..." *She said in a deep, whisper like voice, her stern attitude reflected in her commanding tone.*
Zoe walked down the residents hall, some of the lights sputtering out as she stepped beneath them. Her cheap gas station headphones blared wild drum solos and guitar riffs, loud with electricity. Only looking at the floor or the doors as she walked down the chaotic hallway, she sent a strange chill down the spine of anyone unfortunate enough to graze her shoulder. Her ripped, drawn over jeans were covered in strange scribbles, a language almost, looking ancient and old. 
As her combat red combat boots pounded the floor, she paid no mind to the odd looks from happy families moving their children in. Her tattered T-shirt and worn down clothing screamed "out of place" as she finally reached her room and slipped in through the door, her small suitcase of belongings following her inside. Zoe flicked on the lights and looked at her odd reflection in the mirror, the girl staring back felt unfamiliar, forgien almost, the sharp black and purple bob cut, the strange birthmark, it all felt like a mask she wore poorly.  
Zoe was always one to seem odd to outsiders, a quiet tall girl whose clothes were tattered and torn. Her gymnast-like figure was hidden behind her baggy mom jeans and an army jacket with unusual patches poorly sewn into it. After taking a breath to re-center herself and shake off that imposter-like feeling, she began to finally unpack her small bags.
 She never expected to be in a place like this, or even on a planet like this one.. but behind the cynical, deadpan girl sat a secret. Behind her tired adolescence sat a warrior, someone tasked by her ancestors to save the planet, maybe even the entire realm. This was the other side of Zoe, this side was dubbed Omen by the public. 
They all thought Omen was some kind of enhanced human, not a hero, not a villain, just someone who was always there, always watching. But Omen stuck to the shadows of the streets and in similar way, so did Zoe.
With a flick of a hand her suitcase opened wide and her eyes turned entirely black as strange mist emanated from them. In a matter of moments her small bag of belongs unpacked and swirled around her room like a controlled storm, each item of clothing folding itself or setting itself down nicely in a cabinet or on a desk. It was a beautiful, swirl of shadows, like spilled ink in water, and like a master puppeteer Zoe manipulated each string.
 As it slowed, her eyes returned to normal and she took a deep breath in, the lights flooding the room taking away from the effect of her abilities. She flopped into her chair and pulled out her inhaler from her purse, taking a deep breath and then letting it out. Maybe this whole College and hero thing was harder then she thought.
A beautifully sunny day soon turned sour, storm clouds gathered above the once clear skies of the field, rumbling with electricity. A bolt of lightening cracked through the clouds striking the open plains below, the impact warming the area with an array of heavenly light rather than a burning fire. From The sky above following the path of the bolt, fell a strange grey ball, tucked, spinning and falling fast. It hurled towards the ground, only picking up speed as it started to rush towards the treeline. Unknown to the unconscious Val, she was soon approaching the ground, her lifeless body hurling towards the earth.* 
“Wake UP!”
Shouted a booming voice in her head, causing the falling Valkyrie's eyes to shoot open accompanied by a startled yelp as she soon realized the predicament she was in. With the ground slowly approaching the young woman  unfolded her powerful wings and prayed to Odin that one strong flex would be enough to lessen the impact of her fall.  She flapped her wings, the dust of the ground rushing away from the might gust of wind, She frantically flapped and managed to slow to a hover mere inches above the ground. With a sigh of relief the Valkyrie  slowly lowered herself to the ground, her brow furrowing as she elegantly folded away her wings. After a few seconds of the original thrill passed the young woman burst out into a soft laughter, looking around the field for any recognizable landmarks.
“I’m 40 percent sure this I’ll work.” The young engineer chirped from behind her desk, her goggles still pressed to her face as sparks flew from her tinkering. “Only 40?”  The Jedi behind her called, she could practically feel the raised eyebrow from across the room. 
“Okay, Um… 100 percent sure it’ll  help you out, but only 40 percent that it’ll do what it’s intended to. That any better?” She called back, grabbing the small device and tossing it towards the Jedi.
“That’s impossible, how could you’ve already fixe-” “I didn’t, I said-” She interrupted in a sing songy voice. “40 percent sure it’ll give your saber a little boost, but if, and only if, it fails, then there is a 100 percent chance it’ll explode.”
Her comment was met with the wide, slightly angry eyes of the Jedi staring her down like a hawk ready to pounce, his breathing quickening like a panic “Just chuck it and run Jedi.” She smirked turning back to her table and turning an unnecessary generator on to avoid the oncoming barrage from the vexed Jedi.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can write to match your length if needed but I never typically pass discords character limit unless I see it’s necessary. I also like to keep things moving and I will sacrifice length, but never quality, to keep us rolling along. Platform: Discord (I like setting up servers for the rp)
Preferred length and Style: Literate, Para/Multipara
Genres of interest: Slice of life with a genre twist is normally my fav but I’m really down for anything!
 Intro: Hi I'm Ai! I love rp and creating unique storylines and character dynamics! I am overly passionate about making ocs and I love bio crafting and making a well fleshed and rounded character! All of these prompts can be expanded into a small group DM of 2-4 people so don’t be afraid to bring that up to me in dms! ALSO! If you have any plots you’ve come up with that you’d think I’d like to join or any plots that require characters I play at the end of my sheet let me know!
What I'm looking for in (a) Partner(s)
- Responsible rpers (people who follow through with actions, plotlines, arcs etc, no god-moding or power playing)
-Players who are literate
-Creative rpers who are genuinely excited by the plot or even players who have their own ideas or spin on it -Distinct pairings, let me know if you have pairing preferences for romantic plots or even platonic pairings. I play all genders and most sexualities.
When dming me Let me know which prompt inspired you! Shoot me ideas and ask me about world lore, I love those kinds of intros! If you thought of a char automatically then send me that too! <3 Specificity is key, the more you write in your opening dm the better **TBH**.
For now let's keep it pg-13 but if we both agree and grow comfortable with each other then we can move onto MILD R+ On the topic of FCs- I don’t mind if you use drawings or realistic FCs so go ahead and use whichever you prefer. On the topic of bios- I’m willing and open to use any detailed bio format you prefer, just send it to me once we settle the rp and I’ll happily fill out your preferred form (as long as its detailed)
NO SELF INSERTS PLEASE My personal don’ts (Meaning I won’t do’em)- Futa, or strange kinks (Like weirdly specific kinks talk to me before hand), Incest, beastiality NSFW with minors (Minor x Minor and Minor x adult both in character and out of character, I will not erp with minors!), Pure monester sex (Im talking like ogres n shit. Things that appear human such as werewolves in their human form, shapeshifters in human forms or vamps are fine) 
Pure Smut no plot RP with self inserters or their chars Anything that involves me tailoring my characters appearance to what you want, dick size, cup size etc, it’s just something I’m not comfy with.
Now on to the prompt gallery…
Prompt 1: “Two Halves Of The Apartment”  
A supervillain and a superhero are roommates, but they don't know each other's secrets.  They both live their little secret lives, but mostly I would want to focus on the out of costume dynamic. I tend to play villains but if needed I can flex to hero. OC X OC Genres: Comic Book/Slice of life (Sub cat- Young heroes)
Prompt 2: “A Whole New World?” Sirens, the  mythical half humans  from the sea and lakes were only supposed to be legend, but some legends ring true.. In this I'm looking for someone to play human, at least 18 or older. I'd rp as a merperson who saves your char from drowning after a night of partying at the beach. The plot I had in mind was rather Ariel-ish, but with a modern twist.  Like all other prompts if you have any ideas to bring to the table then dm me and we can chat! OC X OC Genre: Slice of life with a twist Extras: idk im just excited by this one and I have some cute/interesting Sirens planned
Prompt 3: “In Your Wild Mind.” 
Borderlands 2 Krieg X Maya, I'd be happy to play whoever. Based off the advertisement "A meat bicycle built for two," where we learn the inner workings of Krieg's mind. CANON X CANON Genre: Predetermined Universe (Borderlands, Borderlands 2 etc)
Watch the trailer here 
Prompt 4: “Jump to lightspeed” I’ve had some hopes of playing a star wars oc either with another oc or canon character. I was hoping to find someone to help plot this as well so we both get what we want from it! I’m down for any time period but I’d prefer, but it’s not a deal breaker if we work out the time periods that we like the most. PRE EMPIRE ( if you want to play a Jedi) CANON X OC OR OC X OC Genre/fandom: Star Wars Extras: Any time period will work but I’m looking for a sort of straight character like a Jedi/Mandalorian to pair with an excitable little energy ball.
 My oc: She is a little mechanic/inventor girl who gets way too excited to watch things blow up or when her crazy plans always somehow work out. I was hoping to have a more relaxed or even serious character play against her so they’d balance each other out, maybe a Jedi or Mandalorian.
Prompt 5: “Bringing down a God.” Your father was the CEO of Athena, the company that single handedly monetized the internet, while Athena's methods were shady you never gave your families success second thought until your computer was hacked by the infamous hacker Ghost. No one knew who their real identity they only knew one thing, Ghost was good- very good at their work.. The next morning you bumped into a dusty pink- haired classmate, observantly quiet the girl moved on with her day, but something about that interaction sent shivers down your spine...
Currently looking for someone to Play the child of the Athena CEO as I have a neat hacker character planned out. We can talk lore and world set up once in dms but I'm super excited about this one! OC X OC (TDLR Master hacker X Biggest fraud company CEO’s Son.) Genre: Cyberpunk/ Dystopian Extras: Let's talk tech in dms, if you have any cool ideas LMK!
Prompt 6: “Hint of Magic.” https://open.spotify.com/track/18DaSMSqc40nV8cDhdLemj?si=5wUcyTvlR2Ctl9Mw3k3JrQ Slice of life, religious with a sprinkle of added fantasy (but its based on IRL witchcraft).  They were always a quiet person, blending into the background of your school, never going to parties, never going to football games, they were just one of those people. So when you ran into them in the forest meditating with a strange green-ish glow around her like a halo you stopped dead in your tracks.The glimmering green glow and ribbons of brown and red leaves swirled around their head. Their typical monotone voice came out as a mix somber and harmonic hums. Their chants soon turned into small grunts of effort, causing smaller twigs and branches to orbit around them at increasing speed. The objects blended with the green glimmers, spinning around them in different directions. The scene built to an eerie climax, the energy seemingly rushed in towards them, leaving all the items it had swept up to fall sharply back into place. Their eyes were forced open and they took a gasping breath, the shock causing them to fall to the  grass bed below. Green magic sizzled out of them like a fried, overused electronic as they struggled to sit up, still attempting to catch their breath. Backing up you heard a crack crack, looking down at your feet you saw a twig snapped in half thanks to your hiking shoes. With a sharp twist they turned around, looked at you with wide fearful eyes and passed out..  OC X OC (TDLR- Witch X Human high school/college age) 
Genre: Slice of life with a hint of a fantastical twist Extras: The non witch character can be anything really, Human, Lycan etc. But I’d rather play a human X a witch and I’d be happy to play either role. Prompt 7:”Steal your heart.” Locked in your tower you felt safe from the bandits, your father the king, made sure you and your siblings were well protected, educated and trained in magic. One night, it almost all fell, you saw a hooded figure down the hall after peaking out of curiosity ~~`even after your father told you to hide.~~ You saw that symbol, the bear under the golden star on the figured cloak, it was the thieves guild.. Footsteps approached your door before it swung open, a perfect copy of your father reaching his hand out finally saying it was okay to come out. He said you had go flee into the families safe, as it was the safest place in the castle. Something about him felt **off** and the figure looked at you, not with stern love in his eyes like your fathers but with a certain hunger reserved for thieves and stalkers of the night. The figure’s confidence started to shatter, slowly dropping the disguise, his clothing changing into the green and brown rouge suits of the thieves, a hood over their face. “Not so easily fooled, I like you (Prince/Princess/NB-Royal), maybe I’ll get you next time…” You could only see a cheshire like smirk before the figures form turned into a little black crow and flew out the window. OC X OC (TDLR- Shapeshifter leader of the kingdoms band of Thieves X Magical Royal/ next in line for the throne **OR** a castle guard. Genre: High Fantasy
Extras: Looking for a sort of cheeky vibe Like Aladin and the guards, something where both of out chras have a strange internal conflict about the situation after learning each other's secrets. I love my lil shapeshifter boi and I miss playing them. Prompt 8: “Ghost down the hall.”
The apartment next door had been empty of ages, that’s what the landlord said at least, but on some nights the door rattled and lights flashed into the hallway. One morning  someone walked straight through the door. (TD-LR) Ghost X Human who just learned they could see said ghost Genre: Slice of life/Fantasy/Platonic Extra- Im down to play whichever char and I would like to brainstorm with my partner on this one as it is a bit more personal. I can see this one turning into a small group dm of about 2-4 if my partner is open to that, if not then we can Multi-RP. OC X OC (X OC) Prompt 9: “In the arms of the ocean.” Much like prompt number 2 this prompt involves a  Human (Pirate of any gender) and a Siren (of any gender ) Who become friends/lovers/enemies (whatever we want. I would like to brainstorm with my partner on this one but I’m super excited about it. OC X OC Genre: Historical Fiction/Fantasy Extra: I would be down for playing either character so if you have a preference, just let me know when you dm me. Prompt 10: “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” It was supposed to be easy for the angel, just go down, make sure hell hadn’t taken any extra souls. The angel carefully set themselves down at the entrance of the first circle of hell, then saw them, a demon.. (Basically Angel meets demon, one falls for the other) (please note this was a 3am idea but I just wanted to write it down and maybe expand upon it later) OC x OC Genre: Romantic/Fantasy/Modern- Bickering lovers, I can see this prompt going multiple ways so it’s something we should discuss in dms. Extra: Bonus points if in dms we can work out a way to get them to the human world and looking human. Again 3am thought, might come back and amend this portion.
Prompt 11: Beautiful creature
"They were brought here for a reason.... some of them didn't understand how to control their power, some of them were  skilled, but made frightening choices.... but all that mattered to Blake was that they were safe... or  the world is safe from them and It was her mission to figure out what made each and every one of them tick..."
The mansion was hidden deep within the Canadian woods, but on the inside it felt more like a prison. Madame Blake ran a tight lab. They were brought there because they possessed some ability, some power that frightened the normal world. So they were locked up, but the rusted metal bars on the room didn't feel like a cage, it felt like home. And no matter how many times Blake prodded and poked them , she was still their mother.... in a strange twisted sense..
From the moment they arrived they were being fashioned into something, something destructive... well they have always seen government officials around, maybe that was their  purpose. Blake was always pushing them  to their limits, breaking them from the inside and out, pitting them  up against each other in the basement, but still preaching that they were teammates, family. Some of them have gone on missions, against their will of course, not much to fight over when there is a bomb in their neck... but she still preached she loved them, that she understood them. Despite all the horrible things they've been put through some small part of them  still called it home...
Ever since the UN was disbanded a small secret faction of nations started to notice strange cases across the globe. They funneled their resources and created a top secret facility to study these enhanced humans.They called it Blakes orphanage.
After years of secrecy some of the children managed to escape and tell their stories, showing the world what they could really do. Some feared them, some hated them, some took pity, and you can choose how your char feels about these genetic anomalies but, one just saved your characters life and is now asking for help integrating into society....  OC X OC
Genre: Sci-Fi, Gritty psych, hint of platonic/romantic dynamics.
Extra: Im rather excited about this one and I’d be willing to play either character tbh, I just phrased it that way for ad purposes. I'd prefer playing the escapee but if you'd rather then we can talk about lore and stuff!
Prompt 12: Teenage Heroes Basic idea: Peter Parke/Other teen Cannon hero/ or teenage hero OC r x OC/ Raven, Zatana/ other teen hero  We should have a little convo in dms and plot together but I do have some ideas  OC X OC, CANON X CANON, OR CANON X OC Whatever you’d prefer Genre:Marvel/ Superhero/teen/possible romance Extra:Just super excited about this one!
Prompt 13: Tame the hive
Basic idea: Guy meets girl, guy falls in love, guy meet sanother guy and falls in love again, guy finds out he fell in love with a hive mind. OC X OC
Genre: Sci-fi/slice ofl ife
Extra: idk I really like this idea….
Prompt 14: The Speedster and the ____
Basic Idea: Just looking for some Flash (TV show) rp I don’t care if its cannon or OC as long as you don’t care either! OC X CANON, CANON X CANON Whatever you’d prefer Genre: Fandom (DCTV The Flash) Extra: Extra points if you play Barry or Cisco!
Prompt 15: The Rifts
Basic Idea:  The rifts and dimensional tears from Into The Spider-verse are bleeding through Manhattan, allowing character from any comic reality to join forces. If we do this plot we can adjust the main villain, who made the collider etc. I’m just hoping to try unique pairing of either, OCs and Canon Characters or Canon Characters from different universes.
Genre: Superhero (Marvel/DC
Extra: OC X CANON OR CANON X CANON **Groups** I also run a unique power rangers rp so if you’d like to join that please feel free to dm me!
 -Characters I can play
OC-  (Universe- Original) Pan- Escapee from a Human Experimentation Prison with the power to mimic others, but slowly forgets their true self
OC-(Universe DC/Marvel) Darwin Blake, Ballerina with a fuck you attitude (in her universe she can walk through walls and phase but I can play her Vanillia/no powers as well)
OC-(universe- BNHA/DC/Marvel) Ai Hikari, Hero in training with a troubled past.
OC-(Universe- DC/Marvel) Lucas Dobbs Artistic Boy with cataracts who has slight light manipulation abilities
OC-(BNHA/Cyberpunk) Tamashi Mortus-Yurei, a cold and distant tinkerer with a knack for computers.
OC-(Universe DC/Marvel) Omen- Dark anti/hero with a strange set of powers tryna live her life and maybe, maybe do some good.
OC-Starwars/Scifi/Space Adventure-  Pele Elidi (goes by P or phoenix), Engineer/Pilot with a knack for blowing things up. She’s not the best “people person”  but she’s much smarter than she lets on.
OC-Harry potter/Fantasy- A Metamorphmagus/Shapechanger, who is adept at flying. OC-Lyria-Fantasy/Pirate/Historical Fantasy- A siren with a vengeance for pirates. OC-Fantasy/Harry Potter-Cassandra Dellisopolous,a  Bard with prophetic poetry. Clumsy, shy but rather smart. OC- Fantasy- Valencia Eros- A fallen Valkyrie on a mysterious quest. OC- Fantasy- Nieve Iglas- A disgraced/ runaway princess OC- Dystopia- Mars Erivas-  A non binary human, snake hybrid, who fights for equality, by playing both sides. OC-Historical/Pirate- Kieras Nighte Actually a rather smart one, well, if he was sober enough to think, like, ever. OC- Justin Fletcher- A ghost who is stuck living in his old apartment as he tries to solver his murder from the other side.
OC- Dystopia- Devon Aeroni- A black panther/Human hyrbrid and domestic terrorist, who thinks the only way to equality is through the destruction of pure blooded humans.
OC-Percy Jackson or historical- Kassandra Pythia- a clumsy daughter of Apollo, who eventually learns that she can be strong and kind at the same time. OC-Percy jackson- Espina Tierra- Daughter of Gaia
OC- Superhero/BNHA- Neb Evanescet- A cloudy boy OC-Dnd/High Fantasy- Warforged Cleric who is Oblivious baby
Oc-Dnd/high Fantasy-Pixie rouge
OC-DND/high fantasy- Clumsy Artificer who is also baby
OC-DND/high fantasy- Tiefling Aerialist of Rakdos.
OC-DND/High Fantasy Faelyn ranger (Rabbit)
OCs- Power rangers-
*Canon Chars*
(if I missed some chars or there are any you are wondering about please ask!! <3)
Lena Duchannes- Beautiful Creatures
Marceline-Adventure Time
PB-Adventure time
Sirens-Pirates of the Carribbean 
Hermione Granger-HP
Ron Weasley-HP
Weasley Twins-HP
Steven- SU
Pearl-SU Garnet-SU
Literally any umbrella academy character
Percy- Percy Jackson
Grover-Percy Jackson Annabeth-Percy Jackson
Violet- AHS Murder House
Black Cat-Marvel
Poison Ivy-DC
Harley Quinn-DC
Terra- DC Caitlin Snow- DC
Blake Belladonna- RWBY Yang Xiao Long-Rwby
Ruby Rose-RWBY
Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim
Kim Pine-Scott Pilgrim
Wallace Wells-Scott Pilgrim
Literally any character from The Magicians
Lightning round- sentence starters “Don’t give it all up for me.” “Before you read this there are things you should know about me.” “Where you go now, I can’t follow.” “For the love of god will you stop shutting me out!” “Why should I ever listen to you again?” “I gave you my infinite trust, you give me this?”
A: “Why didn’t you tell me?!”  B: “I wanted to avoid this!”
“You figured it out didn’t you?” “You know sometimes I want to stab you, like really stab you” “Yea but we both know that wouldn’t do much.”
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pbscore · 5 years
Jrock is soo good omg!! Who are your fav groups/ artists so far?
Hey, anon! Thank you for asking because this is the first time in a long time I’ve ever even talked about it in a non-anime context 😂
I’ve always had a few bands/artists that I loved since I was a teen:
- Abingdon Boys School
- The Gazette (visual kei, primarily, but still jrock)
- One Ok Rock
- Uverworld
- Maon Kurosaki
- Lisa (has a lot of beautiful ballads but also A LOT of kickass rock songs)
- Rookiez is Punk’d
- Aquatimez (a classic!)
- BABYMETAL (jmetal/jrock and they are all my children!)
- Asian Kung Fu Generation (another classic!)
- Veltpunch
- Silent Siren (lighthearted and fluffy jrock all girl band)
- Unlimits
- VAMPS/Hyde/L’arc~en~ciel (don’t even get me started on all these groups and just...Hyde himself 😄)
- SCANDAL (another classic, all girl jrock band)
- Bump of Chicken
I’m sure I have PLENTY more where that came from, since I listened to so much of it during high school but these are the most prominent ones that I cycle through right now!
Feel free to ask me more about jrock/jmetal/visual kei whenever! 😊✨
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condoraball · 7 years
since i did this with reaction thing with meet the vamps and wake up as well i thought it would only be fair if i did it again so here we go fam!!! once again i haven’t really listened to any of the teasers etc so im like going in blind i don’t know what is COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i just gotta say it’s literally midnight here rn and like this situation could use a bottle glass of wine but i ain’t got that so we just gotta go with the flow!)
middle of the night: once again a wise thing to do just start with the ones i have already heard one million times on repeat and then just let me die after the Familiar™ ones lol anyways i rlly love motn it’s a god damn ANTHEM!
all night: honestly all night makes me feel all kinds of things like it’s such a Safe Home™ song for me it just makes me feel all good inside cuz like idk it came out when things were a bit crazy and new in my life so the song really showed me how to find myself when i needed it the most idk lmao i just love it SO MUCH and it’s the only vamps song i have heard on radio in finland so it really is a special one for me personally!!!!
hands: i thought hands would be the one really making it in Finland but i guess i was wrong cuz idk no one knows the vamps STILL!! it’s been so long!! they been out here! but y’all sleepin on them! anyway it’s not exactly my fav vamps song but it’s a fun bop!! ANYWAY let’s get to the new stuff on this album i am PUMPED
same to you: wow! wowie! WOWIE!!! honestly no wonder James is stanning this song so hard this is some GOOD STUFF!!!!! i agree with him same to you for a single!!!!!!!! (ok I haven’t heard the others yet lol) ya better know imma be on that group text (shout out to the olive squad ily my girlies!!!!) about my ex (if I had one lol)
paper hearts: ok honey this beginning is such a Classical™ slow vamps song like honey don’t try to come at me with that “ooh my good they changed so much!!” oh no honey they did not! they still be doing these guitar indie pop songs!!!! this song is so cute tho i love that they always have these cute lil songs on the albums even tho let’s be real i often skip them cuz im not a slow song kinda gal but sometimes u just in the Mood™ for these!!!
shades on: NOW THIS IS THEB KINDA MUSIC I ABSOLULTTELY FUCKIGN LOVE MAN I HAVE HEARD LIL BITS OF THIS BUT MAN I AM BOPPING SO FUCKIGN HARD!!!!!!! I GOT MY SHADES LIKE IM ROCKING BARBADOS ALL NIGHT AND EVERYBODY THINKS IM HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hunny brad u can take ur jeans off any time i am not mad about it!! but that blue eyes booty line sooo is about connor don’t even try me bronnor is real IM VIBING SO HARD AT THIS!!!!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
it’s a lie: alright alright alright okay okay oh wow ANOTHER BOP! WOWIE!! this feature is so good! probably the best feature the vamps ever has had im just saying i ain’t even heard of her before but she sounds so good she really fits this song THIS SONG HAS SUCH A GOOD VIBE LIKE IM DANCING HERE!! REALLY! VIBING!!!!!!!!
stay: remember when we all tried to figure out what the fuck brad is even saying in this song from all the live versions yeah me too lmao this goes to the cute ass lil slow songs category and I LOVE IT brad u don’t needa change for anyone
my place: yes brad we can go to your place im 100% down any day any time i am free just lmk and hmu and i’ll be there
sad song: ok yeah spoiler alert but this doesn’t sound much of a sad song lmao this has a nice vibe i love how this has like the p traditional vamps vibe but then it also has that new fresh vibe they been going to lately like this! is some good stuff!!
summary: im a tad bit disappointed connor’s song wasn’t here on spotify but besides that I think this is one good album like i definitely need to give this another listen tomorrow when it is not almost 1am but it really has all the vamps ingredients there’s some wild bops and there’s some more slow songs they really do know how to deliver an album also SHADES ON AND IT’S A LIE ARE MY FAVES
also another thing i want to say is that my reactions really have gotten lamer by the years but like… im old now im literally 20 im basically a grandma.. when the first album came out i was 17 i was still a fresh ass fangirl like i was fucking crazy now im just chillin u know!!! back then i didn’t need alcohol to be hype but now if u wanted a similar reaction from me as from meet the vamps back then u gotta give me a couple drinks first my man!!
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boba-beom · 3 years
Hi~! I haven't watched/read the girl on the train. It's more of a mystery/thriller kind of story, right? I think I always prefer movies to books when it's a romantic story without anything big to imagine, and when it's a fantasy/magical/dystopian story, I usually prefer the movie if it's done well (but if they change the story line, then not so much). For example, in terms of The Maze Runner, Shadow & Bone, Harry Potter, I prefer the movie, but City of Bones and Divergent, I prefer the books.
I was so sad to see Kai being pissed because you know someone's done TXT dirty if he's pissed. I totally agree! It's such a good feeling! Speaking of which, when did you get into kpop? Did you have ult groups before TXT? I feel you though. Kpop groups barely come to my country, and even if they do, tickets are sold out before I can get one for myself. 😭I actually spent a semester in the UK last year, I was hoping to see my fav UK band (The Vamps), but then I didn't manage to because of Covid.😭
I've been to a Day6 concert in Berlin, but that's the only kpop concert I've been to. Sadly, not many international acts come here, and I don't really listen to local music, but hopefully, once the situation gets better, I get the chance to travel or have a mini trip to a different country because of a concert like I did with Day6. *-* But I love orchestra concerts and theatre plays, musicals. Do you like them? *-* Yeah, I'm planning on visiting a Christmas market as well, and going home. 🥰
Going to a Christmas market and lighting scented candles, drinking cinnamon-apple-winter spices tea are my Christmas time traditions because I'm trying to get myself into the spirit, and it's working so far. *-* Aww I'm so glad you'll be able to have a different new year's eve this year! I always spend it with my close family, we play board games until midnight, have something to drink and eat, and just watch a movie or spend the day together, so I can't wait. *-* Hope you're taking care! 🥰 -❄️
HI SECRET MOA!!! I'm so sorry this is so late fgnek
I agree with the romance and the fantasy and magical genres as movies, I feel like I'm easily fascinated by the cinematography and the whole lot, plus I know that when reading we can literally imagine it all in our heads, but I do enjoy some good aesthetically pleasing movies!! however, I haven't read the city of bones but I did try watching the movie, but personally, it didn't hit the same as shadowhunters, which I loved with my whole heart. I think because it was a series and I'm more into series than movies these days, but it may also have been because I loved each of the characters and just the anticipation of waiting for the next episode to be released! I remember me and my sister finished season 1 and loved it, but we had to wait for season 2 and then plenty of months later, we forgot about it entirely and stumbled upon it again on netflix hehe and we had season 2 and 3 to binge watch 😌
I actually got into kpop around 2014/2015! one of my friends introduced me to bts and the first song I listened to was war of harmones. at first I honestly didn't know how to feel about it because I just left my one direction and lowkey ' emo phase' fjngekj I think I was listening to a lot of avril lavigne, pierce the veil and sleeping with sirens so kpop was all so new to me🧍‍♀but I got into them pretty quickly actually, I started listening to big bang, vixx and I think a few exo songs too. I started stanning bts properly just in time for their the most beautiful moments in life comeback andI guess that's also when I knew I'm in this kpop shii for life HAHHAHA when did you get into kpop? (I'm sorry if I've asked you this before!)
but yoo!!! where abouts in the uk did you stay? (if that's okay) I find that so intriguing when people say they've come here to visit, I still get very much intrigued when I meet fellow british moas too hehe but covid sucks a*s :(( I'm sorry you didn't get to see the vamps. fun fact actually, the vamps were also my favourite group growing up, second after one direction LMAO but I feel like I was more of a vampette than a directioner ^^ and I can't believe you've gone to see day6 as well 😭 my sister's been trying to get me into them for the longest time, but I really like their songs esp you were beautiful like it breaks my heart, but I love it:(( it's truly amazing how you travel to see these artists!! but it's definitely worth it for sure, I would if I could hehe
ngl I haven't been to an orchestra concert or theatre plays since I was still in high school, and I think the last thing I went to see was les miserables as a trip with my music class! I've seen plenty of others like annie and the wind in the willows when I was around 10/11 yrs old!
I hope you go home safely when you do!! I'm so excited to go to the christmas market :'D our christmas market had been cancelled for 2 years because of covid and I'm just happy that I get to go there again but this time with my friends :> I think that's such a cute way to get into the christmas spirit 🥺 I just really get the cheesy sausages and the churros at the christmas market hehe, but I also admire the lights and decoration in the city centre, so that's another thing! and that sounds so chill and exciting hehe, we usually stay up waaay past midnight, sometimes until 4am just because our family friends haven't seen each other for so long and we just spend more time with each other and catching up and talking about random things here and there hehe
it was nice hearing from you again secret moa! take care also and talk to you soon~
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random-esfp · 7 years
I love Music Tags
tagged by @jeffl1364 thank you very much :) 
the game is this: put your music on shuffle and tell us the first 20 songs that come up! then tag whoever you want
Arctic Monkeys - Crying Lightning (suuper lit; also my fav group)
Lana del Rey - Brooklyn Baby (queen)
My Chemical Romance -Welcome to the Black Parade (classic)
The Vamps - Windmills (teen time)
Imagine Dragons - Dream (my aesthetic; everything’s a mess)
London Grammar - Help me lose my mind (chillin’)
Lana del Rey - High by the beach (love her)
iKON - #WYD (seems cheesy but has actually a cool rap part)
WINNER - IMMATURE (this always reminds me of Enneagram 7)
BTS - Boy in Luv (LIT lmao)
Passenger - For You (beautifully magical)
LuHan - Lu (if you like dirty; you’ll like this one lmao NOW BLOW IT LIKE A FLUTE ok but with the face of this guy you can’t say no)
Jake Bugg - The love we’re hoping for (y’all should love this guy)
Dead Man’s Bones - Lose your Soul (cool one. forget I had it)
Two Door Cinema Club - This is the life (uuuh nice vibes)
One Direction - Wolves (probably the worst song of their last album)
One Diretion - Night Changes (what is this complot)
The Last Shadow Puppets - My mistakes were made for you (GO ALEX TURNER GO GO GO) 
Etta James - I just want to make love to you (thank God my love for soul, jazz or bues is represented)
Twenty one pilots - Headydirtysoul (yas)
Well and one of mandopop but it is not the same since the guy is chinese but he sings in english so heh.
I tag @leiabenna @istj-hedonist and @neon-lake
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♥ Blue Jeans ♥- Sam Winchester Imagines
Tumblr media
* the only thing I own is the outfit viewed and this story all videos and or pictures are not mine! TY*
Undercover….Oh how you hated it, but it was a must if you were going to get the jump on the vampires terrorizing Lafayette, Louisiana. The boys were in there casuals but you had to be dolled up because you were “vamp bait”, it was Friday, you were going down to the bar nearest your motel 6 to see if you could score a lead on these lamprey, overbite bastards. Y/N sighed “is this all a beauty school drop out is good for, vamp bait”? Well you weren’t a drop out per say long story short you had a bad feeling, stayed home sick a few days before winter break and went to school the next day to a mass murder, turns out it was a group of really pissed up spirits that some bimbo decided to resurrect after reciting some half-assed hocus pocus that actually worked. And that’s when you met them…..Sam and Dean Winchester.
You stepped out of the shower, your HL, purple (or what ever your fav. abnormal hair dye is(purple, pink, bright red, green blue etc.) hair dripped down your hourglass figure, tickling your skin. You got half way done when three pounds were placed on the door. “Y/N HURRY UP, WE GOTTA GET A LEAD ON THESE BASTARDS” Dean said shouting as if you were deaf. You rolled your beautiful E/C eyes“ Well Dean, when you make a girl “vamp bait” she kinda can’t just show up in sweats and a tank top, ya know? Gotta “act the part” so to speak right, and what kinda girls to vamp boys like, 5 dollar whores, sooo shut the hell up and let me work!” I said cheerfully hearing Sam laugh his ass off in the background. You smiled ahhh, Sam, your loving moose in denim armor, he hated the idea of you being bait, but it was the only way to draw the vampires out. Slipping into your outfit as quick as you could you rolled your eyes again as Dean started whining again. “Y/N, JUST HURRY UP, I WANT TO GO TO THE BAR SOMETIME THIS YEAR!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know your dying to get some blood in your alcohol system, hustle some poor unfortunates souls and end the night by getting the clap, same ol’ Dean routine” you said smirking as you exited the bathroom after fixing your hair. Sam having just recovered from your previous comment was sent back down to the floor in another fit of giggles, wiping tears from his eyes, he finally opened them and was stuck like a deer in headlights...just like Dean was. You could tell Dean was trying to keep his comments to himself because after all you were Sam’s girlfriend, cocking your hip to the side, you smirked “see something you like gentlemen”? A dose of their own medicine, if that was ever one, these boys run around practically naked in the motel and give you eye fulls like someone wouldn’t believe...not that you were complaining but its good for the tables to turn.
“I don’t just like it, I love it” Sam said growling in your ear like some animal and he was as he wrapped his arms around your waist….Don’t let his vegetarian, jolly green giant act fool you, Sam was a devil in the sack, in more ways then one. You quickly turn around and give him a quick peck before retreating for baby at full speed, Sam right on your tail, probably trying to get another or as he would call it a “proper” kiss. You hop in the backseat of baby, panting lightly with a smile on your face and locked both doors in time to look up at Sam and stick your tongue out.
You ended up at Dix Daiquiris and stayed there for two hours and still nothing, of course you couldn’t sit with the boys because then the vamp’s wouldn’t try to get you, but you were within sight of both of them if some guy got freaky. Watching drunk people failing horribly at karaoke was fun but only for so long, they were after all 100% tone deaf, not that you could talk, you never let anyone hear your voice, you sung well enough but if was a secret you would have hoped to take to your grave but you had to draw these bad boys out, so what better way then to have the spotlight on you for 4 minutes, getting an eyeful of your anti-possession tattoo on your collarbone?
When the karaoke host called for the next singer you stood up and walked on stage. “All right, guys and gals it looks like we have a volunteer, what’s your name honey?” You smiled “Hi, my names Stacy” you said with a smile and wink. “Well hello Stacy and what will you be singing tonight?” You looked and Sam for a second and took in his appearance before fake pondered for a moment then smiled “I think I’ll have a go at Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey * Not me or my video, all right belong to Alice Kristiansen* , but do you have a guitar I can borrow, I don’t need the lyrics or background music”. I was handed a guitar and was giving a stool to sit on. Guitar in position I started singing and playing:
(Lyrics written as Alice Kristiansen wrote it)
Your E/C orbs landed on Sam and stayed as you started
“Blue jeans, white shirt”, the look on his face was like he’d been splashed in the face with cold water, and he was completely transfixed on you, just like everyone else. “Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn” you saw his cheeks redden slightly making you smile in the song as you continued. “It was like James Dean, for sure You so fresh to death and sick as cancer” you sent him a wink, cause the redness to spread, oh how you loved your moose, he could rock your world all night long in the sheets, but you wink and the man and he’s like a blushing bride. “You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop But you fit me better than my favorite sweater, and I know” He smiled at that, he loved to cuddle, he was the cuddle monster and more importantly, he was YOUR cuddle monster. “That love is mean, and love hurts” Thinking back to all the past ex’s he told you about, but the one that hit him the most was Jessica, he still beats him self up over that and it’s been years. “But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby” December 13, 2007 – you were both 24, after being witness to what killed your whole school you raised hell on the brothers until they took you with them, you’ve been like Bonnie and Clyde’s ever since, but you didn’t start dating Sam until after Jessica died because Sam and Jess were still together at the time and you felt bad.  
“I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years” Sam looked at you and smiled through glossed eyes, he was getting emotional, very typical of your favorite moose. “Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears? Love you more Than those bitches before” As you sung this, you know you both thought of Ruby, you had so much fun sticking that bitch it wasn’t even funny, not only that but it wasn’t a quick kill either, you personally tortured her for three days for playing Sam like a well tuned fiddle before stabbing her right in the heart with her own dagger...oh the irony. “Say you'll remember, swear you’ll remember I will love you 'til the end of time” Sam tried to smile as water dripped from his eyes.
“Big dreams, gangster Said you had to leave to start your life over I was like, no please, stay here We don't need no money we can make it all work But he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come on Monday I stayed up waitin', anticipatin' and pacin' but he was Chasing paper Caught up in the game, that was the last I heard” Okay so not the truth but close enough to his situation...when Sam was on his demon blood spree he left your sight every which way he could, you knew if wasn’t his fault and that Ruby had poisoned him, but it hurt to know what he had done, but you forgave him because at this point, you knew you couldn’t live without him. Looking at Sam, he looked away with a guilty look, now he was a sad Sam moose/dog hybrid...and it was killing you to look at him.
“I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears? Love you more Than those bitches before Say you'll remember, swear you'll remember I will love you 'til the end of time” More tears cascaded down his face in a tornado of emotions between guilty, sad and happy, he looked up and didn’t take his eyes off me again.
“He went out every night And baby that's alright I told you that no matter what you did I'd stay by your side Cause Ima ride or die Whether you fail or fly Well shit, at least you tried But when you walked out that door, a piece of me died I told you I wanted more- not what I had in mind Just want it like before We were dancin' all night Then they took you away- took you out of my life You just need to remember” Again referring to his time with Ruby, yes, yes he used to leave the house everyday to either train or drink Ruby’s blood and who knows what else and you didn’t ask, because you would rather forgive and forget then forget to forgive. Moose/dog resurfaced himself on Sam’s face and it hurt to see him like that...it really did.  
“I Will love you till the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that your mine Baby can you see through the tears? Love you more Than those bitches before Say you'll remember, swear you’ll remember I will love you till the end of time”
Pure silence through out the run down bar and then the roof about got blown off by the amount of applause, whistling, howls and any other noise these drunken idiots could think of. I wanted so much to see and hug Sam but I couldn’t not now, since I’m supposed to play bait. It seems I was rewarded when a guy came up to me smiling and ordered me a drink. I thanked him for it before excusing myself to the bathroom on purpose, I “did my business” and went back to my seat and took a drink, what ever he put in here had already dissolved, now it was just a waiting game, my time was ticking before I ended up doing something.
“Hey , why don’t we ditch this place and head down to this old warehouse about 5 miles from here” the vampire said to me smiling. Playing the “dumb blonde” act, I smiled and wrapped my arms around his offered one, trying not to throw up or kill him now with the machete I had strapped to my back, which was concealed by my jacket. I walked with my fanged host towards the exit and “tripped” over Dean’s foot. “ Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry, me and my friend were just leaving”. Dean smiled, playing along, Sam couldn’t even look at me right now, his head was in a book. “ Don’t sweat it..uhhh, Y/N right, helluva voice you got there doll, have fun now” he said with a wink and we went on our way...after I was situated in his car, I saw Sam and Dean quickly sneak to baby and start to follow us.
The idiot really had no idea we were hunters, he must have been newly turned, cause there isn’t a ghost, ghoul, demon, or angel out there that doesn’t know what a star inside a circle indicates. Took me completely back to the nest, at least 15 more were here...not to bad. Anyways before we got to the door, I decapitated him before he could get inside and alert the others of my presence and drug his body behind a bush before running full speed down the dirt road, where Sam and Dean were waiting for me outside the car. I ran into Sam’s arms and kissed him.
He let out a sound between and growl, moan and purr before hoisting me up around his waist and holding me there. Once we parted we both gasped for breath “sorry love, been waiting a long time for that” he smiled shyly “hey, I’m not complaining”. Anyways lets roll before they find, you know, motioning with my finger as I slid it across my throat with my tongue sticking out in a “dead man’s” face. The next morning we got rid of the whole nest and just in case, burnt the house to the ground, then called the fire department anonymously to take care of the fire, vamps dead, tracks undetected, case closed. The boys and I went to a different bar and celebrated our success before heading back.
I was about to enter the room before I had an idea….a horribly terrible terrific idea. Cheshire cat grin on my face I booked it to the front desk and order a room and for kicks, I asked for the room next to what will now be just Deans room. Ran back, knocked on Dean’s door, Sam answered with his stuff in hand, getting ready to just hit the road tomorrow, I grinned at him ear to ear and pulled him to the next room and unlocked the door. Seeing where this was going, Sam grinned and tackled me to the bed. Caution thrown to the wind and soon so were the clothes, turning the tables, you sat unabashed completely naked like a new born babe, just above his groin and massaged his torso, Sam made sounds of enjoyment, not so quietly triggering Dean’s rant next door. “ GOD DAMMIT, SAM, Y/N, A MAN’S GOTTA SLEEP, ESPECIALLY WHEN WE START TOMORROW EARLY AND I’M THE ONE DRIVING” he roared as he pounded on the wall.
Just to piss him off you gave a fake moan, pretending to not hear him. Sam was snickering “your evil” he lipped to you clearly enjoying the situation. You smiled and winked at him before bending down and kissing him lightly, before traveling to his ear:
“I Will love you till the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that your mine Baby can you see through the tears? Love you more Than those bitches before Say you'll remember, swear you’ll remember I will love you till the end of time”  
You sung gently in his ear as you continued to worship his body with all your tender kisses and touches until you drove him crazy. He flipped you over in second flat after your tender kisses started heading a little too far down..south. He growled and flipped over on top…let the games begin.
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