#i hate ig but god am i happy that he made an ig because i'm not ready to let him go
doux-amer · 1 month
I can't believe I had such a massive headache and my eyes felt swollen all day because of the amount of crying I did this morning through the post-match farewell ceremony. I had to stay offline because everything would set me off, and like a fool, I just went on Instagram, thinking I'd be okay because I watched everything and for the new stuff, I could scroll past them and see them another day. But of course I cried again. The only way I'm getting through this week is because I have an overwhelming amount of work that's going to increase once the work week actually starts.
#i helped my dad plant some veggies and then went for a walk#and felt better and worse afterwards#i haven't felt this level of exhaustion in a very long time#my heart felt heavy and broken all day#and this isn't even me being dramatic lmao. i feel physically wrecked :|#can't watch any of the interviews. can't watch his interviews#i hate ig but god am i happy that he made an ig because i'm not ready to let him go#today cemented it for me that this was the right time for him to leave#last season would've been too early and maybe he could have done a season or two more but i understand#and i AM optimistic and excited for the future. it's like he said change can be a good thing especially if you embrace it#and it'll feel like a fresh start with so many staff and some players leaving#but at the same time i'm not fine whatsoever and this is going to hurt for a long long time#jürgen can you please come back to us? i can't handle this#i just love him dearly. we love him so much#we went from being a miserable bunch to watch to slowly believing#and then believing consistently and unless you were there for that change you don't understand#what that evolution was like. the wonder we felt. i will never ever forget it#and beyond the achievements...it's who he is that makes him special. take away everything and we'd love him anyway#as someone said he's a great manager and even better man and that's saying something because he's very very good#he's one of the best#i'm not as young as trent but jürgen was there as i became a REAL adult#he means the world to me and he means more than i can put into words and more than he'll ever know
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elysianymph · 10 months
🔥 anything about sirius because i am being a little hater towards some characterisations too
i've already talked your ears off about this on discord but i'm happy to talk to about it again bc i fucking HATE new sirius black with a burning passion. i hate him as much as i love my sirius black that marauderstok can pry from my cold dead hands bc i'm not letting him go. i don't know when it happened and why but marauders fans are particularly persistent on taking away any interesting traits sirius had and leaving behind a whimpering pathetic twink that cries when someone looks at him the wrong way. sirius has been scrubbed clean of any morally grey traits he might've had (he's not allowed to care for his family (unless it's regulus) or long for them bc they are bad, he's not allowed to have any prejudices even though he was literally raised with pureblood mentality and taught he was superior to everyone else from the day he was born, he's not allowed to be an asshole bc he's not like his family guys!! and when he is an asshole it's always used to victimize the character he's being an asshole to and sirius is painted as the villain with mommy issues that can only be fixed by getting dicked down apparently)
i cannot stress this enough: LET THIS MAN BE A COMPLEX CHARACTER!! and no, giving him mental illnesses that miraculously disappear when he gets together with remus and making him attempt to kill himself post prank because he feels bad is NOT making him complex! you're just weird. you're just romanticizing mental illnesses and i can't believe you don't see anything wrong with it. giving him bipolar to justify his actions is?? not??? representation??? it's offensive to people who actually have to deal with these issues in their day to day lives and yet here you are using something that will impact their life forever as a plot device for your uwu sadboy mlm fanfic.
and that's what new sirius boils down to. he's a plot device, an accessory to everyone else's story that's never given much depth other than "oh his mom used the cruciatus on him and now he's traumatized". no hate to jegulus but hate to specific jegulus fics that turn sirius into an overdramatic caricature of his former self for the sake of drama and angst.
also, some of these wolfstar shippers... wtf are you guys on?? idk when and why (that's a lie i do but i'm not gonna say it) remus became sirius black in a werewolf costume but here we are. oh sirius was cool and effortlessly smart and handsome and girls wanted him? well guess what? snatches all of those character traits and throws them onto remus they're his character traits now. ignore how it doesn't make any sense for the werewolf child who was isolated from the rest of the world to be a smooth talking alpha casanova who plays basketball actually. while we're at it, ignore how unrealistic it is for a boy who was raised in a family that believed they were superior to everyone else based on blood status, who was raised to be the perfect heir and checked off all the traits needed to be one to be insecure?? and unsure of himself?? and stupid??? and a loser??? i don't understand what the point of flipping the wolfstar dynamic was when you're left with a shallow copy of the original but ok. you do you ig.
to summarize, my sirius is cool and effortlessly smart and egotistical and a complete asshole who thinks he's the best thing ever. is it an act to cover up how damaged he thinks he is because of his family? possibly. but i also fully believe sirius thought he was a god amongst men and everyone should be glad to be in his presence. he talked down to other people because he considered himself smarter, he rolled his eyes when students asked stupid questions and made fun of them when they got an answer wrong. he's a teenage boy let him be a dick with no excuses.
(also i find it funny when people write about sirius getting into a fight with james or remus and crying because they said something mean. as if sirius wouldn't throw hands the moment someone started criticizing him. he's toxic and that's what makes him interesting. that's his purpose! characters exist to make stories interesting, to start drama, not to be your moral guide on how to act. stories become so much more fun once you let go of the need to make every character a good person. also liking a character doesn't equal liking them as a person. i love sirius but i would hate his guts irl)
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ax-y10 · 11 months
hiii!!! do you think you could do a young wilbur soot x gn! reader where they’re 16/17 and the reader gets her drivers license finally but you and wilbur have been broken up for a year so you drive past his house? or base it off of olivia rodrigos drivers license song because i’m totally not going through that in my life rn 😅
I Know (We Weren't Perfect)
I hope you feel better 💕
In which- You've been broken up for a year, but you can't help but go back and find out the truth.
A/N: lol where I live, we don't get our licenses till we're 18 or smth like that. Imma try my hardest cause I haven't listened to Olivia Rodrigo's music in ages and I don't have my license so... Also, I'm so sorry this took so long. I have my motivation back now. I'm also really shit at endings and I am on the verge of genuinely crying so I had to try and make the ending happy for me, I'm sorry. I did try my hardest, but I don't want to cry.
Chapter info: bittersweet, poor Olivia Rodrigo recall, sad reader, sad everyone ig, driving, reminiscing, swearing, loud music, somewhat alright ending (I didn't cry WOOHOO)
Pronouns: None (You/Yours)
Based off of this song:
You had always talked about this moment with him. You were both so excited for this moment. You had both talked about this since you were children, and how excited you both were.
But it didn't quite work out in your favours.
He had recently broken up with you. You weren't sure why. But it left you in shambles, your head screaming for an explanation. You genuinely loved him. So fucking much.
People you wish didn't find out, found out. And immediately spread rumours about why he broke up with you. He found another person who made him feel better, he didn't love you anymore, he hated you, he thought you were too much to deal with. You couldn't believe anything they were saying. You didn't believe anything. What blonde girl? Who is the blonde girl? Who are they talking about? What are they talking about?
You knew it wasn't the healthiest coping mechanism, and you knew it was hurting you more than helping, but you just couldn't help it. Driving through the suburbs was a struggle. Your mind kept drifting off and convincing you that you were driving home to him.
You didn't even know if he lived in the same city as you even more.
You still had his phone number, and you got confirmation from Tommy that his phone number was still the same. Time and time again, you tried your very hardest to contact him and ask about what happened, but you couldn't bring yourself to press the 'send' button.
Now, you finally have your drivers license, and oh my god, did it hurt. The minute you found out, you cried in happiness. "I HAVE MY DRIVERS LICENSE" you yelled over the phone to your friend. But little did they know, you curled up under the blankets each night and sobbed. Why was he gone? Why is he suddenly out of your life?
Is he alright? Does he still love me? Does he still know who I am? Does he think about me like I think about him?
These thoughts plagued your mind each night.
You can't even dare to drive past the coffee shop you visited every week, along the road next to the beach, near any of your mutual friends' houses, past your schools.
My goodness, you still love him, it hurts.
And no one understands.
Where is he now?
How is he?
Contacting Phil, your "father figure", your comfort now, you ask how Wilbur is, how he's doing, how he's holding up. If he still thinks of you.
And the answer you got back was certainly mixed.
The message read: (Don't worry, sweet. He is totally alright, he's doing well. I haven't heard anything different from him from when you both were together. And of course, he definitely still thinks of you. Would you like me to come over?)
And you replied: (Yes. Yes. Please. Come over.)
And now here Phil was. On your sofa, next to you, holding you close, letting you cry.
And the message entered your head again. And it all made sense.
Phil hasn't heard anything different. Wilbur used to ramble on and on and on about you to Phil. and nothing has changed. So of course he has to still talk about you. And he still thinks about you. So he is affected by it, but he may also be too scared to reach out to you.
"Phil" You said with a shaky voice.
"What's wrong, sweet?" He replied soothingly, almost entirely like Wilbur. He's learnt how to talk to you like a daughter, instead of a friend.
"Your message. You said you don't hear anything different, and he still thinks of me? But he used to ramble on about me all the time? So does he still do that?" You frantically asked.
He laughed a little, bringing down your hopes, and then he continued.
"Y/n. Of course he still thinks about you. Of course he still rambles about you. It's all positive I promise." And that's when you blurted your true question.
"Can you take me to him? Please? I need to see him." You pleaded, and Phil lead you out to his car, and off you went.
As soon as you got there, you raced up the front steps, and knocked slightly on the door, awaiting him. What you didn't expect was him on the phone, a can of some drink you didn't know, and a scruffed up house.
As he locked his focus on you, you noticed the weariness behind his eyes, the worry. His eyes widened, and he said goodbye to the person on the phone, and looked at you quizzically. Extending your arms sideways, like you always used to, he placed his hands on your forearms and pushed them back down to your sides.
Tears brimmed your eyes. Did he hate you? Did Phil lie? Does he not want you he-
You felt long, familiar arms wrap around you and lift you off the ground, spinning you around. You were glad he's alright and still thinks of you but you knew you couldn't just immediately go back to being attached at the hip. At the best for the moment, you could go back to being friends.
"I'm so fucking sorry. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. And when I woke up at my house, I was so confused. Please forgive me, I feel so bad for leaving you. I've meant to contact you and apologise, but I couldn't. Please. I still think of you. Please?" He started with no tears, and ended in a sob.
You waved off Phil and walked in with Wilbur.
"Of course I forgive you. Why wouldn't I? I just wish one of us asked or reached out. I really want to go back to what we were, but we can stay as friends, or whatever you want, okay?" You comforted. Now you understand.
"Please. I am happy with going back to what we were. I would like to be friends first but if we can't wait, which I know for a fact is unbearable for both of us-" He laughed. What a joyous sound., "-we can go back."
And that's where the relationship began (for the second time)
Again, I do apologise for making it a happy ending. I didn't know which you wanted so I went with what felt fright for me. Hope you enjoyed it.
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inchidentally · 4 months
Firstly just want to say I love your posts and opinions <3 Sorry this is a bit long, I only lurk around so I wanted to share my thoughts with someone (if that’s alright!)
As a Lando fan through all his teammates, I really love his dynamic with Oscar the most. I love that Lando always brings up how good Oscar is (even though everyone in the world loves to spread the narrative that Lando is washed because a rookie beat him*), and I love that Oscar is always supportive of Lando’s achievements too. They both put the team first before all else, and what happens in the race will stay in the race (no hard feelings after). Despite what the media pushes them to say or the narratives in articles, they both have a quiet understanding of each other and a lot of respect. What they have now is really sweet and I’m really hoping none of this would change for the years to come, even if they have a race winning car. Of course as a Lando fan first, I want him to win all the races, and I’m sure Oscar fans want Oscar to win all the races, but I hope that everyone can also learn to let what happens in a race stay in the race, just like them. For me anyone who shades/hates on either of them in any way just gets an instant block, I don’t want to hear it <3
*I hate how people always turn to shitting on Lando instead of saying Oscar is also good and equally competent?? I know Lando is supposed to be more experienced but he’s also young and he’s apparently never allowed to make mistakes. And I think not giving Oscar the credit is also disrespectful to him.
I also do hope this year they are even more comfortable with each other and will hang out more outside of races (even if they don’t share it). More than the media stuff, I am always so much more happy when they do something on their own, like how we found out Oscar was also in one of the planes from the recreating Instagram photos video, or that photo of them playing cards, that photo of them eating together in the paddock, or “what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas” that still haunts my mind….. (hate Vegas GP though, burn it).
tldr; Oscar is good for Lando and Lando has always been good in Oscar’s eyes, and can next season come faster
tysm anon and I'm sorry to be so late replying !!
god I am the same anon - I don't personally have favorites bc his dynamic with Carlos and Daniel was so much abt him being the baby duckling (and that on track Lando struggled privately w insecurity so much his rookie season whereas his confidence was building separate from what Daniel was experiencing). but what I love about the Oscar era is the way Lando just like, blossomed into McLaren being his home and his team when Oscar made such strong gestures to acknowledge Lando that way.
like so many ppl questioned Lando's ability to be in the senior/experienced/leadership role and wondered if he'd always prefer to be a little brother for a couple more years yet (and I think Lando wondered that too).
god yea I am so happy to leave ppl who try to pit teammates against each other in their own filth. like, enjoy being full of impotent rage ig?? bc apart from a VERY few instances these teammates are always able to be professional - and if they were already friends, remain friends. not only has Andrea instilled this from the start with Lando and Oscar, neither of them literally ever has had a history of friction w teammates or w each other. we've been through Monza before their relationship had even gotten settled so we're fine lol
and anon so far I'm genuinely amazed at how much content we're getting of them, of their own volition and McLaren's sm. the McLaren media fell off so hard right when the double podiums happened so I was worried that was how it was going to stay for 2024. hopefully stays this way!
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Life on Mars? (Dustin Henderson x Reader)
Chapter One: Fake Boyfriend
Description: The younger sister of Steve Harrington has a bit of a predicament, her best friends keep pestering her about not having a boyfriend so Dustin offers to pretend to be her boyfriend.
Warning(s): None, I don't think, kissing ig
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It's finally Saturday, meaning that I don't have to worry about your friends pestering you about not having a boyfriend. They keep asking if I have one but I always respond with an extremely vague answer.
I'm at Family Video with Steve, my older brother, and Robin Buckley, who is currently having a conversation with Dustin Henderson, he is my brother's best friend. I'm just glad that Tommy and Carol are gone, I hated them.
"I'm in a predicament," I tell Steve.
"What's the problem?" He asks.
"My best friends keep pestering me and asking if I have a boyfriend, which I don't. If I tell them that, they're gonna pester me even more. I don't know what to do," I explain.
Robin and Dustin look over and me and Steve, clearly interested in our conversation.
"Get a boyfriend?" Steve suggests.
"I would but I don't like most of the dudes at school." I explain, "My friends all date athletes but the only athlete that I'm okay with is Lucas Sinclair because he's actually a decent human being but he's one of my friends, and I couldn't see him any other way. Any other guys that I'm actually okay with are the Hellfire Club and that's it."
"I could pretend to be your boyfriend," Dustin suggests.
"I thought you had a girlfriend?" Robin asks.
"No, me and Suzie broke up," Dustin responds.
"Oh," Robin says.
"That's a good idea, Dustin," I say.
"Absolutely not!" Steve exclaims, "Not happening, I don't care if it's fake! No!"
"What? Why not?!" I whine.
"Dustin is my best friend, he's off limits," Steve tells me.
"That's why we're pretending," I respond.
"Fine," Steve sighs.
It's Monday morning and I go to pick Dustin up, I pull into his driveway and wait for him to come out. I see him open his front, walk out, close it, then run to your car looking oddly excited.
"Good morning," I say, "You look really happy."
"I don't why, but I am," He answers with a chuckle.
I back out of his driveway and start driving toward school. "We need a story and a plan," I tell him.
"Okay, about we've been together for almost two months and have been keeping it a secret," He suggests.
"That works," I agree. "We should walk in holding hands, I'll go sit with my friends when we get there, you kiss me, if you're okay with that, tell me bye with some cute name then sit with your friends. You can tell them the truth if you want, I planned on telling Lucas, Chrissy, and Eddie the truth."
"Okay, I'm fine with kissing you. I'm probably gonna tell my frien- wait, are you friends with Eddie?" He interrupted himself with a question.
"Oh yeah, we're friends. He calls me 'Certified Dumbass'," I tell Dustin.
"Why?" He laughs.
"He said that he was a metalhead and I wasn't thinking and said 'Oh my god is your head made of titanium or something?'," I sat the quote with a gasp, imitating how you said it to Eddie. "He was like, 'No, it means I listen to metal music!' and I was like, 'Oh yeah makes a lot more sense.' So his nickname is titanium now. I also call him Eduardo."
"That's great," He chuckles.
I pull into the school parking lot. I park and we both get out of the car.
He opens the door for me and we both walk into school. Dustin grabs my hand right after the door shuts, he walks you to the table that your friends are at, since it's winter almost everyone is in the cafeteria.
I let go of his hand and move to face him. He leans to capture my lips in a kiss that probably should not be this passionate, clearly getting caught in the moment, he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. I immediately feel butterflies in my stomach, but at the same time, this doesn't feel right. We both pull away out of breath.
"I'll see you later, Honeybun," Dustin says.
"Bye, Dusty," I respond.
He pecks my licks then turns to walk towards his friends.
I look at my friends and they all have very shocked looks on their faces.
I open my locker, fortunately the only friends that have lockers beside me are Lucas and Chrissy and my locker is sandwiched between theirs.
"Y/n, what the hell was that in the cafeteria?!" Lucas somewhat yells, his pitch sounds like yelling but his volume sounds like talking.
I explain everything to him, about what happened at Family Video, my friends pestering me, mine and Dustin's plan, etc…
"That was really acting, N/n," Chrissy compliments.
"Thanks, Chrissy," I respond. "Could you guys go along with this, meaning please don't tell Jason."
"Don't tell Jason, what?" Jason asks, suddenly appearing behind Chrissy. "About your new boyfriend, I'm pretty sure the whole school knows, Y/n."
"No, it's something else that you are not allowed to know, it's between me, Chrissy, and Lucas. Not you, sorry, bro," I say then close my locker and head to first hour.
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not-goldy · 7 months
I'm observing too. Either its baiting fans on purpose or its their quirky love language or Jk wants Jm's attention even when he leaves and Jm takes the bait everytime. And its a point made to do it publicly. Esp when we know they have each other's numbers and group chat. Inchresting. I'm pretty sure Jk has a secret IG too and this is how he times posting with Jm the last few times he posted on TikTok right after Jm posted on IG. He wants that connection to Jm. In music. His style. His dance, even when posting. He does it on weverse. Did it on IG, now on TikTok. Its an established pattern. There is no doubt whatsoever Jk sees everything happening with Jm. He told on himself by watching all Jm's content and saying he saw it all, even what he didn't watch with us. His posting after Jm tells on him. His algorithm told on him and played Jm videos automatically and his playlist told on him & played Jm songs automatically. It's interesting to see them keep this pattern up for years though. Number connection, posting back to back. Now Jimin leaving and Jk going live or posting ramen.
What gets me is Jm will make this public post and ask Jk to cook for him, but then turn around and say he hasn't seen him or he hasn't cooked for him when asked. He shoots himself in the foot doing that. Esp when JK told the world publicly already, YOU KNOW I WILL, OF COURSE I WILL DO IT FOR. So we know he is not the reason why its not happening. Same way we know he is not the reason why we aren't getting that Jikook live yet. He is ready to do all that. He was willing to cook it & go live. So if you are being truthful & he didn't cook yet or you didn't go over to get it, why even mention it publicly in the first place, just to turn around and say it didn't happen? Kinda sets them both up. (we know Jm got it though, but that's our little secret). Then we end up with "Jimin has to beg for food, but Jk won't cook for him, but cooks for others willingly blah, blah, blah bullshit from antis). Where was the 'willingly' in ITS2 where Tae basically had to drag Jk's ass out of the chair and annoyed him til he did cook? Straight up pulled the hyung card for food. Willingly flew out the window. He had no choice LOL. IDK, Unless Ramen as in food is not the Ramen Jimin wants or talking about. SMIRKS. IDK maybe I'm delulu and just overthinking everything.
I would like to talk about this in all seriousness but-
It's 2023, baiting fans is old and tired.
They shouldn't do that. Don't do that jikook.
Don't do that.
I'm over this whole fan service thingy and it's starting to get on my nerves each time I see it.
Playing tricks on us like who raised you!
We don't need two grown male adults to play pretend anything to be happy. Stop with the fan service just stop.
We want real organic and authentic interactions.
And Park Jimin didn't you say you hate fake interactions and friendships? Why you masterminding this deception 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I personally like to believe and hope they do these cute public interactions because they ACTUALLY enjoy talking to eachother in this way. Which is fine, no one is judging.
they've always given off that exhibitionist streak though over time they've learned to tone it down- which is cool- I just dont know how I feel about that- but it's cool. I SAID IT'S COOL.
You hear me JJK? IT'S COOL.
Keep your relationship to yourself don't share
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Since yall got your BB1 and you got everything now.
And you're professionals and disciplined keep your relationship to yourself then. Don't share.
No. No but why????
Why so stingy Jikook wwwwwyyyy😭😭😭😭
And I know the answer but whhhhyyyy🤧
I am not one to judge or shame couples who like to put their relationship on display- God knows we've all fooled around and screwed in places we shouldn't have. I have sucked titties, eaten my gf out in the back seat of our uber ride and gotten myself figured in a room full of campers at church camp. I am not one to Judge.
And you'd think I did all this several years ago- think just last week. A WHOLE ADULT. Sometimes you just can't help it. Things happen. When you are caught, you feel shame for a while a promise not to do it again because you are a home bred, disciplined and self respecting individual- then you go and do it again 😊
I know it does something for Jikook when they do these things but if they don't like it then they need to stop.
No one is forcing them to be "friends" so no need to put up a performance of friendliness for us. We are not hybe. You don't owe us anything.
Matter fact, yall could decide not to speak to each other again and there's nothing we can do about it.
Yall could decide not to post anything on each other's birthday.
What are we gonna do? Cry? Weep? Wail?
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The tantrums we throw over your non interaction does not warrant the wool you throw over our eyes😩
Set yourselves free and set us free
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
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Whether I'm neuro divergent or neurotic is really none of your business. But feel free and diagnose me.
Do I have an irrational fear that someday the Fandom will be overran by one member's solo stans and hooligans- YES.
But there's more to this than fear I assure you. I'm not one to be driven by fear. if I did I wouldn't be blogging about B. T. S for God's sakes!
And yes. I'm aware not all OT7 follow the members equally. There are Tae stans who follow all but Jimin. Jimin stans who follow just Jimin and Jungkook and some stans who don't follow any of them at all because they are on their personal accounts.
I took that into consideration too so power down.
And please I am not favoring Jikook because I ship them. I literally did the math there. If you assume that every member has a few bot accounts that reduces the gap between Jimin and Jungkook to almost zero!
While the gap remains significant compared to others.
The less gap between members, the more a sign that they have mutual followers. Did you fail in math?
The gap between JM and Namjoon is significant but not quite if indexed as a percentage of the total follower gap ratio between the members.
And yes. There's strength in numbers and I'd be a fool not to acknowledge how much leverage, social proof and power comes with a higher fanbase or following even on IG.
And yes I recognize IG is not the main or only proof of following for the Artists which is why I specifically said I was referencing IG or exclusively mentioned their accounts on IG.
Having such high numbers come with perks.
Tae stans were able to single handedly stall Hybe from trademarking borahae because Tae was the inventor of that.
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That's power right there!
Imagine what else they can do if they put their minds to it!
PJMs couldn't even get Hybe to apologize to Jimin for not telling him about the whole Marvel Eternals Friends gig. Let me not mention the flight thing too. Or the voice training. Or the constant anxiety out of fear he could get fired from his job at anytime
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And that was not from lack of trying.
So forgive me if I feel the need to 'compete' for those numbers- how else will I get Hybe to NOT TREAT JIMIN LIKE SHIT???
They bullied us all and got JM STANS to hate eachother. I know a lot of PJMs and Jikook stans that's fled the Fandom from bullying while tuktukkers stick together and regenerate like roaches as they eventually go solo cos no one hates Jungkook more than a scorned ex Tuktukker🥲
Jokers hate each other more than tuktukkers and are always pandering to them- well this is the results. Hope yall are happy now pick mes😊
Pick me. Choose me. Love me.
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This is also not to say JM is entirely at the mercy of the company either. Or that he or any of the members are tanking. There's more nuance to it.
And no. This is not a comparison of who has a bigger social dick, this is a comparison of who has a bigger nuclear weapon for the WAR THAT'S COMING.
BTS are powerful as a group. Let me not remind you Hybe butt shook once when they thought BTS was finna sue them!
"After reading the reports, we proceeded to confirm with the BTS members and their parents. It was revealed that the parents visited a law firm located in Kangbuk two months ago to ask about some issues regarding the exclusive contract (video content business related information). Their visit did not proceed any further, and the law firm also did not formally give them legal advice."
Not only can BTS sue Hybe. Hybe cam sue BTS TOO!
And hybe is equally growing larger and more powerful and pushing resources into other artists who can equally rise to fame and power and compete. So don't make this an Army on Army crime thing.
I only made those comparisons because I noticed the Fandom is growing alot when I was on YT and so I went to see their accounts on IG to see if same was reflected. It reflects for Tae and not necessarily the others. Allow every member is growing gradually too.
BTS official account has 68M followers accumulated from years ago. If it's that deep you can simply compare each members following to this number and index it as percentages to give you a clearer picture.
They've crossed so many milestones that took others a decade to accomplish and they are doing all this in under a year. We need to be sucking their dicks not bash them.
Just saying, it's nice to have ammunition in your purse when you go out.
And frankly it's my page and I can do whatever I want
Someone said JM has the most engagement.
I don't know how engagement is measured when we can only like their posts. And most of these trackers compare Like, comment ratios. I've seen others try to use this to invalidate those results. But JM is brand reputation king for a reason and I don't know how people keep underestimating him for this.
If you could see the amount of shares and saves on his posts you'd marvel. High engagement for him could mean he gets the most shared posts, most saved posts, most shared to stories, shared to apps other than stories or IG and ofcourse- the most likes to follower ratio.
If I have 50 followers and all of them tend to like my posts at any given time that's a 100% engagement ratio.
If 45 people out of my 50 followers like my posts that's a 90% engagement ratio. If 35 people like my posts there will be a drop in my engagement ratio as well.
Thus, the more followers a person has the lower their engagement ratios tend to be. 47% engagement for JM will look somewhere around 30% engagement for someone with followers higher than his follower count- even though the same number of people could be engaging with them equally.
This is not a pissing contest.
They are all doing great.
But yea, I'm looking at the 68m 0T7 and where they all went. I expect each member to have this for base followers at least and not the gaps I'm seeing 😣
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These days life has been toughhhhh
First, my ig friend finally responded after so long! He wasn't mad at me, he was just offline. Though he didn't seem too enthusiastic about texting me. He got a girlfriend some days ago! It makes me sad to think that i love him so much. It's really stupid. I wonder if he even remembers my name. I wonder why he even bother texting me.... I don't care if he has a girlfriend or not, it already happened, and he always ended up heart broken. Maybe he got back with her ex?? I wonder... I hope their relationship won't last long. I can't wait for us to grow so he can finally realize that I AM the one for him!
I think they met irl. I'm so scared. They probably kissed. With the tongue, even? IT FRUSTRATES ME. He probably had a lot of fun with her. She must be sooo pretty. What if they had sex? I'm so scared. What if they did? That would no more make him a pathetic loser. I can't aim at him anymore, he's too good for me now...
I'm so stupid! I'm probably not even in love with him. I just have no friend. I can't believe how fast i can fall in love. There's another boy that texts me sometimes. He's a friend of my bestfriend. I get happy when i receive a dm from him. I get happy whenever i receive anything at all.
I can't stop comparing myself to others, i can't help it.
There's that boy in my class that i really hate. He keeps mocking me just to make that one bitch laugh. He keeps picking on me, stealing paper sheets which i wrote on things that aren't supposed to be read by HIM. I hate him. He's not even funny. He just makes fun of me. Sometimes i really want to explode.
I want to explode on them, to insult them, to tell them how pathetic, stupid, narcissistic, unfunny, and awful they are. I want to kill them all. I hate all of them.
There's that boy, one of my two only "friends" at school. We know each other since kindergarten. He has changed so much, and i keep telling him that. He knows i feel bad because of his behavior and because of the way he treats me. He acts as stupid as i do in class, but never in front of his upperclassmen friends. I'm always mad at him for ignoring me outside of class because he's ashamed of me. I told him that we're not really friends if he doesn't have the balls to admit that we are in front of his stupid friends. He said that he really wouldn't care if he did. Everyone knows that's a lie. Even the other boy told him that, he's too ashamed to have me as a friend. Whatever. I think we made up, i always forgive him once he gives me the slightest of attention i sought. Which is pretty pathetic, i must be too gullible.
God! I don't want to be a loser anymore! I really don't! I never wanted to in the first place! I want to have many friends! Especially in real life! I want to be cool and popular! I want to be pretty and everyone's type! I want to be socially smooth! I want to be happy
Why must i be the way i am
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onthejadedjournal · 2 months
after i broke down school (the day of the deadline) because of how anxious i was about this whole ordeal - my best friend immediately tried to figure a way around the issue and told me he'll try to coax the teacher into listening to him which was so daring because that teacher is very true to her words and she had really high standards for all of us
it was so hard to talk that day. my head hung so low and i couldn't even hear the lessons because of how mentally distraught i was that day - i had to use my notebook to talk to him because if i talked, i know my sobs and hiccups will be heard and i hate attracting attention. he immediately noticed how distant i acted and it i quickly clicked back to the comic i made back then and. idk. I'm just surprised how accurate that was. i dunno. self projection works ig
either way. at the end of the day - my teacher acknowledged the concern and extended it up to sunday this week
i'm happy but i'm still really. not happy. happy because im given one more chance to work on it but unhappy because - i feel that this could've been worked out much better. or better yet. not a fucking animation
and. im also pissed. really pissed
the trailer wasn't mandatory.
the trailer wasn't mandatory.
i could've been. working on the story a week before if it werent for the fucking trailer
but. i cant even be too mad about it because at at least the trailer gave me insight on how i feel about animation?
well for one. im not taking the multimedia art course anymore in college. eye opening moment for me
and two - thanks to many people telling me this; you don't have to make it high effort just to please everyone. its okay to dumb it down because an artist's eyes isnt the same as a normal one. another eye opening moment to me
and i guess the trailer was only good for getting everyone to buy our movie tickets. idk
but. the trailer wasnt mandatory. i just learned that and i was really upset.
again. should i be mad or not? I don't know but it just happens. its a double edged sword
another thing that really made me angry was how everyone thinks this is going to be a walk in the park for me. its not. it's not. "she'll do okay because she can draw" "we're going to win some awards thanks to her" god i wish i never heard those i don't even know the first thing about animation im just really lucky to have nicole help me as she's a genuine aspiring animator.
either way im just so ready to forget all of this when im done. i don't want to share this project to friends because i'm more or less traumatized mentally and physically about this and I don't want to recall it again and i'm dead serious about it.
it also doesnt help that i keep getting called a slacker at home for not doing the animation. if only you understand what im feeling. did you not take the hint when i slept early twice? yeah. yeah maybe you should get it next time. just got told that while i was typing this . hahhah
i've lost my energy to be happy and even to selfship (but with one exception i guess) because the last 2 days i just find myself crying to sleep over how angry i am and it sucks because i cant catch up to what my friends are doing and I don't want to be the lump of coal that opposes their energy everytime i come to them which is why i'm just here to rot and complain about it. i know they're willing to be there to help me destress. i know they're worried about me. but i have to consider the external factors (which is. being accused of being a slacker when im in need of comfort from my friends). if i was the only person in the house then i would've done it in a heartbeat
i don't sound the same right now and it all culminates to this. it's almost a month and this is eating me alive consistently to no end. i get bursts of joy here and there but it doesn't outweigh how tired i am
but thankfully i'm given another chance to work on it so.
now im just praying i can make it. im praying
and leave this fucking school soon
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
oooooo 15, 22, 30 for the ask game 👁
15. Favorite fanart for SVSSS? Show us the amazing artist~! Feel free to plug~!
Kyle you know it's literally a hate crime for you to ask me this right . Ok so since there's no way I can pick a favorite SV fanart of all time I'm just going to showcase a favorite piece from some of my favorite artists, starting with YOU you little bastard
Kyle's genderbend sqh art fuels me please look at it it's so so so so sos so AGHGHH (cw a bit suggestive ig)
Kaya's in their unhinged era rn everyone just smile and wave (and also look at how adorable their art style is come on like everyone looks so so
BONES!!!! bones art my absolute beloved what can I even say that I havent screamed before in tags about their lineart and how funny they are. God. Cumplane for my soul
I can't pick a Goat art just look at their entire page please it's all incredible . I'll link another cumplane post just to stay on brand though and also because i love it so so SO much
Teazart's shen yuan design hits all the right spots AGH hes such a nerd I'm going to kiss him
every sharpie art instantly becomes a lourve candidate as soon as its posted but I do have to give special attention to this bingy which makes him look (deserved) SO happy and bright and content LOVE HIMM
of course I have to put another cumplane from my beloved Lace who isn't really a mainly svsss fanartist but who I will put in here anyway because I have 1000 fans that can possibly be converted to yuwu
this moose art I think about all the time because it's so incredibly tender and loving adn the colors and the posing and the ghhhhhhh makes me so soft
BERRY'S RAMHE the absolute adorablest sheep . I want to pet him more than anything in the world
festeringrian's bingyuan GRR BARK BARK BARK once again in my favorite category of "shen yuan's cringefail nerd charm has captivated me " AND sexy bingy...
SHATOU'S MOSHANG COMIC GOD shoving this in your face look at this and cry
late night cumplane the first sloane art i ever encountered and which got me HOOKED on this artstyle GODDD absolutely gorgeous art and hilarious ideas
Munchy's art is SO cute in general but I'm shouting out this one in particular because. binghe tits. yeah
Every sel au and art is a national treasure of course but I have to give special attention to this one because demon sqh is critically underrated and also SO cute
this Binghe piece by toffee-arts is simply beautiful, like a perfect renaissance painting its just so ..!! THE SKILL
I own quite literally every piece of sv merch phee sells on their site and I would buy them all over again . So so SO good. Bonus points for Shen Yuan with a body pillow and Bingy puppy eyes in this post though
THIS pxychta piece which I am buying asap when inprnt does free shipping friday again!!!!
Bo's fluffy sqh lives rent free in my head he is my world and he deserves everythign for being the cutest guy ever
If you're a moshang fan and not already following seiraheron then what are you doing !! It's getting harder and harder to choose favorite pieces but if I had to pick the atmosphere in this is so strong and their expressions are so warm I could stare at the details for HOURS
Like every other artist on this list, every tadpole_art piece is INCREDIBLE, but this one holds a special place in my heart with how vibrant and powerful its color story is <3 also it made me cry
C's tetris sqq art is an eternally loved classic but honestly all of their gouache paintings are so magnificent and deliciously textured that I think you should stare at them all for a million hours
It was hard deciding between this and the dnd au but Kelenia's demon squad designs are some of my all-time favorite in the game just AHH.. look at those cheekbones and the outfits and hair and shl's piercings and how they bitch to each other!!!
and SO many more honestly i couldn't even begin to list all my favorite artists on twitter too!! Sv fandom is filled with so many skilled people with amazing art and it's such a wonderful environment of creation I'm so thankful to share this space with everyone !!!
22. Would you or have you cosplayed as any of the characters of SVSSS?
Unfortunately I'm not super into cosplay in general just because I don't like attracting attention HAHA but if I was I would absolutely cosplay Ning Yingying bc I think I could pull it off so well
30. Who's personality do you think more closely represents yours in the SVSSS universe?
deep sigh
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
reviewing all 25 of my fics !!!!!
i have never read my writing! i just did. some was good, some was bad, here's my review and at the end there's a tier list C:
curiosity one
actively throwing up i hated every little bit of that i'm so glad i'm rewriting that oh my god why was that so popular?? 🤢
i can confidently say i no longer feel this way vvvv
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curiosity two
ehhh getting better but still not the best. but at least i didn't cringe my way through the fic this time!! :D
curiosity three
writing is iffy because i'm mixing two different writing styles together
HOWEVER i LOVE the h/c in this therefore it is so far my favorite chapter :D
"tommy calm down, it's just a drink, see?" is just WJKEJFNRDNF i love it for no reason :D the interactions in this i admit are really nice
curiosity four
supposed to be an exiting chapter but tbh i did not execute that too well
uhh yippeee he's out!!!
curiosity five
mmm mm m mmmm idk how to feel about this one
very fast paced i will admit
this whole series is so fucking rushed 😭
curiosity six
dialogue is pretty cool tho
overall this series is rushed and poorly made lmaooo
wilbur chocolate 1
okay this is pretty good
not lovely but it's readable and i honestly love this au so i'm not gonna diss it too hard
wilbur chocolate 2
i like this one
dialogue go brrr
also i feel like i executed wil's panic semi-well? i definitely made him have some trust in tommy way too soon but yk
i'll run away and hide with you
ehhh there's nothing technically wrong with it,,,,,
no real comments it's fine ig
spy au: unofficial prologue
idk there's nothing wrong with it like this fic !! :D
2022 summer exchange
again too rushed i need to draw out trust it doesn't happen in two minutes!!!
"you're pretty" makes me happy tho. don't ship dnf too hard but i like it :DD
ghosts are better than humans
writing is iffy but it's cute !!
company & repairs 1
first fic and it's mid. i got fanart for it though, that's pretty cool :D (i toooootally didn't ask for it, i got it just by pure chance. totally!)
mm i could've written his injuries better
i like my use of internal questions
dude in my earlier fics i was so scared to write like product names and the word "scream" and "yell" bc i didn't want it to come off as cringe like wth that is literally so bad
i let go, when i should've held tighter/an inconvenience, at best 1
typos are bad. bad bad.
writing can 100% be difficult
ended up deleting it to redo it bc after all this worldbuilding i need to redo some things :)
also dialogue is everything but accurate
never fucking again.
ok ummm i could've done his pain a lot better
i've gotten better at writing mental health so i'm going to rewrite this someday
but to be fair i wrote this alongside many other things that day---i was doing a bet,,,,
writing is actually kind of decent and i love how chill tommy is lmaooo "well, he fucked that one up" "at least he got his powers working"
apart from thattt i LOVE this au and am excited to write the first chapter :D
oh, george
okay time to see all the hype around this. 93 notes???? this better be good
not worth all the notes (sosososo grateful for those btw almost 100 notes that is AWESOME) but i can see why it was liked. i can usually tell if this community will eat smth up or not,,,
don't fall
i liked that
definitely my favorite so far
writing is decent and it's fluffy so i like it :DD good job me C:<
heavy is the head that gets no sleep
mm cute i like it :D
top for sure
2022 secret santa: too good to be true
okay the idea for this was like actually awesome, i loved having dream like kinda do into that trance thingy and having it fade in later. and i like how i incorporated "bitter stares" into it.
however there's a severe lack of dialogue and the action is drawn out, far too short and not properly there
it also felt rlly short so there's that,,,
the act of making noise 1
i like this one! it could be a little bit better but tbh it's a good au and i like the writing a lot more than some of my other fics so it s a win from me :D
i also think i has a nice flow to it? that could just be me tho
counting down the seconds
v bad i can see why this didn't do too well
deleting it cause this au is on hiatus,, might give it out as a prompt now :D
uhh writing wasn't too good and it was very boring, way too long asw,,,
mere monstrosity
it's actually well written??
this is such an underrated fic of mine istggg
top fics for sureee
the little things (written)
badly written, fluffy, one of my oldest fics
cory's notes give me life tho <333 "your writing makes me feel warm" AJGFSAJDGEFJDNF i love cory smsm :D
shroud, you savior?
good fic idea, poorly executed
and oh my god in my earlier fics i'm realizing how oblivious i was to how puncuation worked, especially for my dialogueeeeeee!! it makes me feel terrible reading it,,,,,
also the amount of fluff-to-angst ratio is good, but again i need to write panic better,,,,
hush 1
YES! I LIKE THIS! to be fair it's my newest fic but STILL i like this a lot!!!
good angst, suspense could be a tiiiny bit better but i still rlly like this!!! top fic for sure C:<
fluff. fluff fluff fluff. writing aside the mouthplay scenes are the best things ever i am so happy this exists !!!!!!!!!
wow i have an excruciating number of fics. i did not like reading them :'D
tier list time >:D (more under cut)
Keep reading
hush 1 (writing, dialogue, plot, everything is good imo)
don't fall (if the writing for this was better it'd be #1 !! the fluff, this entire au in general, "i won't hurt you" mmmm this is a yummy fic !!!)
mere monstrosity (speaks for itself. i loved this fic! it's a bit rocky in the beginning but i just love shane sm <3)
the act of making noise 1 (YES this is good. the overall plot is iffy but i like chapter one so far, hopefully i can take this au in the right direction !!)
curiosity killed the cat 3 ("it's just a drink, see?" mm yummy)
heavy is the head that gets no sleep (prime boys my belovedd)
spy au: unofficial prologue (i just have a thing for spy!dnf <33)
wilbur chocolate 2 (like i said, dialogue go brrrr, and it's actually a decent sequel. wilbur chocolate beloved asw >:D)
wilbur chocolate 1 (angst beloved)
ghosts are better than humans (it's simple. i didn't overdo it,,,)
i let go when i should've held tighter/spy au 1 (spy au belovedd!!!)
never fucking again (love this au sm, my opinion is swayed again)
switched (tinies overcoming their fear of getting nommed is such a high trope for me,,,)
oh, george (my opinion is swayed bc of the tiktok it's based off of)
2022 secret santa: too good to be true (honestly despite my lack of flow & dialogue its pretty good)
2022 summer exchange (honestly idk why i don't rlly like this---i'm making a part two so some part of me should enjoy it?)
shroud, you savior? (ok this fic is an era to me it brings back positive memories :] also ppl like this so i meannn)
curiosity killed the cat 2 (he and wilbur talk, what's not to like? i like this chapter a lot actually)
the little things (little streamer au my belovedd)
curiosity killed the cat 6 (everything is revealed!!!! and wilbur not being able to really do anthing cause a. he's in tommy's storage and b. he's a traitor, kidnapper and villain in tommy's eyes)
i'll run away and hide with you (idkkkk why i don't like this either. to be fair nothing's really wrong with it,,)
company & repairs 1 (again memories and also idk this was my first fic, i think nostalgia is helping my decision)
curiosity killed the cat 4 (he gets out, that's pretty cool)
counting down the seconds (eeeehhh this used to be a cool au of mine but that was before i just stopped working on it and i realized it wasn't that cool,,)
curiosity killed the cat 1 (No.)
i switched these around so much lmaoo but i was dead set on the last two. curiosity was so bad wtf??
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bylrndgm · 10 months
ok hi —
so, this is the most embarrassing thing i've ever done in a while, lol. i'm kinda back from my three days hiatus. i know no one noticed because i literally didn't want to yk post about it, cause a fuss, aaaand it would've made me look too much of an attention seeker so i just blended into the bg.
i thought it was getting bad again, turns out i was just overstimulated and in a bad mood. which is completely normal (idk if it is, but for me it is) and as i always do when i hate it in my head, i run away from things and hide until it gets better (just for instance, i hid in my bedroom for a week or so some years ago because of [redacted]).
and you know, a tiny drop of sadness causes a black ocean and my sky turned pitch black and i felt the earth opening wide beneath my feet and i was like uh oh am i gonna fall again? and from a tiny thing i started feeling sad about like everything and last night was my last straw because ugh.
did you ever had someone you loved but you were too heartbroken to? like you loved them deep inside of you, but you wouldn't dare to love them consciously because god forbid if you were to feel love or happiness when you were supposed to feel sorrow and despair? it's like you have these two forces and i, years ago, i succumbed to sorrow and lost that one person. lost in the sense that we were on our different ways and moved on, and i was left to wonder what could've been.
today i woke up fine (kinda, still thinking abt that person lol). like all the clouds were gone, a bright sky in my mind and i was like, yeah you're acting childish by leaving your friends on read or leaving your silly online blog because of one bad day. so dramatic of me. 🙄 so yeah, kinda back? i gotta fix up my blog graphic all over again but yeah, guess i'll be fully back in the next upcoming days. till then, sorry for the mess 👹
three days hiatus update: i fell into a reddit rabbit hole i.e., the most mysterious song on the internet rabbit hole and i wanted to ask my dad if he recognized the song because who knows (my dad, grew up in this tiny ass town in the mountains, of course he knows about an obscure 80s song from Germany /sarcastic) but he's been in a mood too. maybe this weekend will do! then um, nothing much else. uh, well, guts came out today and i gave it 2 listens and i love it - might head to the local record store to see if they have it ;)
k bye, gotta go, glad to be back ig? and can't wait to rb all the posts i liked these past few days (not many, like 3 but💀)
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crayondinos · 2 months
okay so i just kinda want to word vomit/rant a little and the only person who would be okay with that is like SUPER busy rn now so i don't want to bother them
i've been volunteering for the parks system the next county over and it has been awesome! i haven't told any of the people about the jw stuff and my mom hasn't joined me so they all just know me as an awkward homeschooled kid! i'm terrified of mom or dad telling them about being jehovah's witnesses and ruining what i have going. this is my only connection to the outside world since none of my job applications have gone anywhere and if i lose it...
speaking of the job stuff, i got told that the parks director might want to hire me!!!! most of the jobs available want you to have a drivers license and i'm waiting to get mine till i turn 18 (only 4 months till then btw) so we don't have to pay for classes cause its like 500 dollars.
i have a part tonight. i'm sick of this. i wasted several hours of my life working on it. the worst thing is, well the two worst things ig are 1: i am really proud of how good it is and 2: i'm looking forward to maybe being told that i did good. the last talk i did the chairman said i did 'incredible'. he said it from the stage and i really liked it. i hate that i liked it.
i hate all i have to do to keep up the appearance of being a good jehovah's witness. i hate doing service three to four times a week and doing my bible reading -actually i kind of enjoy the studying but i hate that i have to do it to avoid suspicion- and i hate having to be "neutral" and i hate having to pretend to agree with everyone's political views despite the fact that we are supposed to stay neutral! LIKE NO MR. BROTHER MAN I DONT GIVE A SINGULAR SHIT ABOUT WHOS IN OFFICE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE IM NOT FREAKING SUPPOSED TO!!!!!!! i hate that i seem to be the only one acting the way jehovah's witnesses are supposed to when i don't even believe this stuff.
there was a bible study, we'll call them R, who started coming to the congregation my family goes to and mom got really attached to them. then R blocked the person studying with them, my mom and numerous other people. I never got their phone number. R stopped their study. my mom cried alot about it. i had to pretend to be sad but in reality i was so freaking happy. they had just graduated high school and they had short cut purple hair and lots of ear piercings and they did marching band. they gave such gay vibes but i have no idea if they are. we ran into R at the grocery store after the meeting a few weeks ago and they were polite as was mom. mom avoided saying anything about the meeting to make us seem more approachable i guess? thats how she explained it later to me in the car. mom waited until we had walked far enough away and then hugged me, hard, when she pulled away her eyes were wet and i felt like a piece of shit for not caring about what had upset her.
i have a car, my aunt moved across the world to be a need-greater and she gave it to me. i'm paying her back by selling some stuff for her.
i don't like myself. i inherited both my parents anger. i feels like the anger twisted together to create a person whose muscle fibers and bones are made solely from hatred, hatred for others, hatred for myself, hatred for life and for death. hatred for almost everything. i don't want to be shunned by my family. i love my family just as much as i hate them. they are everything to me but i can't live in this awful religion forever. i can't serve a god i despise for my whole life. i can't tell people they will see the people they love alive again when i don't believe it. i can't pretend to agree with the hatred this organization is practically weaved with. im so fucking scared. i'm scared of my family hating me, of my mom, dad, little sisters and little brother not talking to me again. i know my dads not going to live for more then a decade. he has so many health problems. i hate that at his funeral i most likely will not be able to talk to anyone, i know that i will be disfellowshipped once i leave. i'm queer and planning on committing so much "serious sin" and i'm not going to be sorry, not one fucking bit.
i would kms if i wasn't such a coward
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wetpapert0wel · 4 years
#flick ticks#also i am aware that i'm not ready to commit to anyone. i won't for a While. i have friends and while i adore this one i'm not going to like#tie him into my stuff i guess??? like. i don't want to lock him down just to hurt him- i don't want to lock him down in case i do end up#hurting him!! i'm taking precautionary measures to make sure he doesn't get hurt!!! i am doing my absolute best to learn from my bullshit.#i am upset. i'm allowed to be. obviously he's allowed to be upset too but like. trying to restrict my feelings is what made me so awful lmao#i'm upset with him for his petty behavior. i'm upset with myself for not getting better soon enough. i'm upset with the situation as a whole#because fuck me for being worried/concerned about him i guess????? like. god forbid i feel bad about the shit i did and attempt to do#whatever i can to like. make up for it in some way or another. fuck me for worrying about whether or not he's going to be able to pay bills?#jeez. i? don't get it. i really wish i did though- i wish i like. Actually understood what he's going through and what he's feeling and just#yeah#i'm always going to hope he's doing ok and i'm always going to hope that he'll get the help he deserves#he deserves to be happy. i will never stop thinking that he does. Never. because despite everything i don't hate him at all. he hates me duh#but like. idk#idk! i just want him to be happy. i'm not going to be the one to make him happy and? i'm ok with that. Finally i am ok with that#the difference between him and my ex before him is that for a long fuckin time i Hated my ex. i was so angry at them for how i was treated#by them. it took me 3 years to get over being angry at them and it took me about 5 years to realize that they were kinda justified in#how they treated me; i was shitty. i was manipulative. i was toxic. i never stopped. but i was angry because the whole time i was thinking#''why does no one believe me when i say i dont mean to act out? why does no one see/realize that im Tremendously fucked up and try to help''#and i still think like that! i still don't? understand why it's so hard to believe me when i say that i don't mean to act out. trauma ig lol#idk. i'm gonna stop w/ this nonsense lmao#tl;dr i still care about him. i still care about his friends. i don't want him to be my friend anymore. i want little to do with him tbh!#but i still care about him. i want him to be safe and happy and well cared for. that's it. nothing else
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amjustagirl · 3 years
when i was reading chapter seven i know for a fact that you were revelling in the sheer chaos and unrest you caused from us bc that chapter was particularly painful. but ig that goes to show that you’re an expert at it at this point so what’s new? 🙄 i hate that i want more of it though so like screw you for putting me through the feels with bo’s story and the reader’s internal conflict
bUt theN!! chapter eight!!! had me smiling the whole way through!!! every scene and every thought bo had made me love him more! he’s such a persistent little shit and the reader’s mother is such an endearing character so everything came together really well and i was crying screaming throwing up and astral projecting because this ending was another s tier conclusion in my books! the cute little times lil you had too??? where bo with a smidge bit more chub had a baby strapped to him??? visiting the reader with a job that brings in the bread??? girlbossing an interview???? oh my god that’s the dream right there: to have- honestly that whole time when i read that line my head was empty and chanting MALEWIFE BO MALEWIFE BO 🤩💕😤😍😍 my heart couldn’t take it omg
i love this fic so much and i think you did a bangin job and creating bokuto’s story i love this so much!! i can’t wait to just reread this again sooner or later at an ungodly hour to spam your notifs again 🤩💗💕💖
HAHA quynh!!! yes i am indeed a little sadistic monster author reveling in her readers' anguish, but isn't the pay off in chapter eight worth it? heh. bo really is persistent (in the best way possible) and he gets along well with the reader's mama, and they're both conspiring together to love the reader HAH.
and their future - oh i just imagined a happy, wholesome future for them where they're both content with their family, with the choices they've made. the reader is a girlboss and i was leaving crumbs all over this fic to hint that bo would be a lovely (part time) house husband, and their home with three chaotic little boys wld be absolutely funny and adorable!!!!
also the mental image of sakusa the grumpy cat being subjected to the house of howling wolfchildren makes me die of laughter HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
thank you again bb - i'm just honoured that you love the story this much <3
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babluvsu · 3 years
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Eren doesn’t know: Chapter 2 (Jean x Reader x Eren)
Dating Eren is hard, especially when he’s in a band that’s constantly away. While your boyfriend is gone, your friend Jean decides to help out with your loneliness. Problem is, neither of you can stop.
Warnings: Cheating (lots of it), smut (also lots of that, like, a lot), angst, one-sided love, language
Written by me an my bestfriend @msack3rman 😌 We thought of this late night on a drive and it stuck
1.4k word count
Chapter 1, ((Chapter 2)), Chapter 3, Chapter 4
"Baby, what if we went and got dressed and went out to lunch, then walked around the park?" You turned to him watching as his normally dumb grin appeared on his face. "You're still asking me on dates, after 3 years?" You smiled softly and giggled.
"Of course I am, you're just too hot not to." His face tinted in the slightest shade of pink and you felt your heart flutter. It almost felt like the first time you went on a date with Eren. Nostalgia had you feeling like mush and you couldn't help yourself as you leaned over and kissed him.
Eren kissed back with the same gentleness you were using. He felt loved and cared for and he had already forgotten. Just like he wanted to. Moments like these make him feel like the flame between the both of you was still ablaze. "C'mon sunshine boy, let's go."
Eren's heart was beating so fast in his chest he could feel it in his ears. You two raced to the door of the house, stumbling inside and laughing at one another. You weren't always competitive. But Eren brings out that side of you. He brings out all the best in you and you love him dearly for it. Your chest ached terribly as you remembered you wouldn't be able to change around Eren or shower with him tonight.
Eren had chased you to your shared bedroom pinning you under him. You felt giddy as he kissed along your neck and marked the skin there. Thank god Jean didn't bite you there. You felt your heart start to race when he pushed his hands under your shirt and dragged his nails across your sides. In a panic you gave an excuse to him, "I'm on my period, we can't do anything." There was a pout on your face and Eren pulled back with a matching expression.
Then he smiled and shrugged it off. "That's fine, I can spend my time with you without needing to have sex." Eren was celebrating inside, he wanted so desperately to text Mikasa and say, "I told you so." Eren knew you hated having sex on your period and your periods last for a while.
"You can shower first then, I'll decide where to go for food." He sat up sitting between your legs on the bed as he scrolled through his phone. You rolled over and dropped off of the bed, getting a nice outfit for the outdoors before going to the bathroom.
Eren shut the car off after parking and the two of you got out, making your way to the trail that went around the park. It had taken much longer to get out of the house to eat because Eren's manager had called him. The man kept your boyfriend on the phone for over 20 minutes. You grew annoyed quickly. Even in his down time, when it was supposed to be you and Eren it ended up being you Eren and anyone else who wanted to join.
He quickly made it up to you, even though he shouldn't have had to in the first place. His manager called him, he didn't call his manager. You shouldn't have gotten so upset because it wasn't his fault. But you couldn't help it. On the bright side, you're now walking with him at sunset. Eren's eyes shined so brightly in pure sunlight.
His skin was radiant and god he's just so handsome. He's so breathtaking, but you forget so easily when you're apart for so long. The low quality video calls honestly make you feel worse but hearing his voice as you fall asleep makes up for it. Eren's hand waved back and forth in front of your face, "You've been staring at me for a whole minute, are you gonna blink yet?"
You chuckled and grabbed his hand holding it as you walked with him. "I just love you a lot Eren. Don't bully me for appreciating you." He smiled and squeezed your hand as you looked away blushing. He didn't mean to fluster you, but he doesn't feel bad, your reddened face looked gorgeous under the last few rays of sunshine in the sky.
You had already walked around the entire park 2 times, talking about everything and nothing. Your phone went off for the 20th time since your date started and you were starting to get really annoyed. Another intruder on your quality time with Eren. You pulled your phone out and quickly glanced at the notifications, as soon as you noticed Jean's name you frowned and shut your phone off.
Eren glanced at you and let out a sigh. "Angel?" You pocketed your phone again and turned to give him your full attention. "Would you make me choose between us and my band?" Your frown deepened.
Today, you can't give him the answer you usually do. You knew you'd be as patient as you could, but you couldn't handle this question tonight. "Eren, I don't want to answer that.. I feel like I have to choose between my happiness and yours."
"I love you, but I also love my family. You both mean the world to me, I'd feel lost without both of you." You squeezed his hand and took a deep breath. "I feel lost every time I wake up and you've left to go on tour without saying goodbye or when Armin will answer your phone and let me know that you've exhausted yourself until 5 in the morning every day for the past week while you're out cold."
You weren't angry, you were sad and you were tired. "I'm sorry. I don't want you to think of it like that." Eren's voice was soft and sweet. His heart felt like it had stopped and in his mind that flame between you two was starting to dim again. He tugged on your intertwined hands and it brought you to his side. You leaned against one another as you made your way back to the car.
This date was your idea and the whole point was to cheer Eren up and finally spend time with him. Now you just feel like crying because the majority of the date was focused around other people and it hurt that you had to choose what to sacrifice so Eren didn't sacrifice anything.
Moments like these make you remember why Jean is in your life the way he is now. You were doing something for you and you were being selfish. However, being selfish still feels shitty and suddenly you feel sick on the car ride back home.
After getting home, you left Eren’s side to go to the bathroom, pulling out your phone to look at the now 20 notifications from Jean. You rolled your eyes, he really couldn’t take a hint sometimes.
Are you up?
Do you wanna do smth today?
If you want we can go to lunch
I’ll pay
Ok ig not
Sorry for bothering you
Are you ignoring me?
Did I do smth? If so i’m sorry
Pls talk to me if smth is wrong
As you read through his messages, guilt began to build up in your throat. I mean, how hard could it have been to send a simple “Sorry, I’m busy” You knew you shouldn’t feel like this. You really did nothing wrong. All you wanted to do was spend some time with your boyfriend, who you rarely even saw anymore, and you could hardly do that today with all of the interruptions. You just wanted to be alone. No distractions, no interruptions. For just a moment to be rid of all guilt and shame. But, the knocking on the door brought you back, making you realize that it wasn’t possible.
“Yeah?” You call out through the door, not wanting to face Eren just yet. You could hear a sigh from the other side.
“I’m sorry for asking that earlier,” he sounded sincere and a little hurt, “I just love you and my band so much and I don’t want to ever have to choose between you two.” His voice was soft and you could feel a lump begin to form in your throat. “I know I’m gone a lot and I’m so sorry for that. I love you and don’t ever wanna lose you to something like this. Please just come out and talk to me.”
Letting out a shaky breath, you slowly open the door and when you see Eren and how upset he looks, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling. You wrap your arms around his middle, burying your face in his chest as you cried into his shirt. A hand came up to rest against the back of your head while the other ran across your back in soothing circles. “Shhh, it’s okay Angel, I’m here.” His voice was barely above a whisper and he rested his chin on top of your head. “I’ll always be here.”
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