#i hate pb so much like 😭😭😭
wonder-falcon · 1 year
I cant believe they literally ended immortal desires with mc and her vampire besties frolicking into the sunset 😭
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sluttysnowangel666 · 2 months
The Wolf & The Wildling
Part 2 to The Woman Beyond the Wall, last part.
Summary: One year after Cregan’s near death experience with the wildling woman he met, he returns beyond the wall to find and recruit her in hopes of fighting alongside him for Rhaenyra Targaryen at the start of the Dance of Dragons.
cw; smut af come on you know me, really rough cregan, overstimulation, bit of angst but a happy ending :3, talks of SA, childbirth, no use of Y/N but an x reader,
stop not me getting emotional at my own story bc i imagined the end of scott street by PB playing at the ending😭am i a cornball?? anyways, thank you to the anons in my asks for the inspo, i wasn’t even really sure how to continue this story, although i knew i wanted more for cregan and his wildling, you guys gave me the inspiration i needed to give them their ending! tag list: @rebeccawinters
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Every day Cregan hadn’t gone back out there felt like another day wasted.
He struggled to do his duties, struggled to sleep, fight, listen, do anything that required attention from him.
And yet despite their rather harsh separation, Cregan still thought of her with every free moment he had. It didn’t help many lords were also insisting the Warden of the North marry a noble daughter. He knew he had to do his duty, but couldn’t find the strength to do it.
It had been so long since he’d seen her that he’d begun to forget his favorite parts about her. It felt as if her strange laugh no longer echoed in his mind, as if he could no longer envision her scarred yet still smoothed skin.
He had the dagger with him always. It was like keeping a piece of her with him. He remembered the pain so vividly, could still feel the throb in his shoulder if he thought about it too hard.
Yet, the ache was nothing compared to the painful thought that always seemed to stay in his mind.
Would he ever see her again?
He couldn’t help but wonder if the Gods had greater plans for them. He prayed that they did.
“My Lord.” A voice interrupted Cregan from his thoughts. He stood, turning to face the person. “A raven has arrived from Dragonstone.”
Cregan took the scroll from the maester, quickly opening it to reveal its contents. It was a letter from Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was sending her son in hopes of gaining the support of the North, and requested Cregan have an audience with her heir, Jacaerys.
He would have to return to the Wall.
He hadn’t returned, much to the dismay of the Nights Watch, since he had nearly died from his wildling’s arrows. Even the thought of going near the Wall made his heart skip a beat. She would be so close, yet so far. He knew he could no longer avoid the wall. His duty to the men there was dire, and he had let his own fears get in the way of that.
As for his lover, he wasn’t even sure she still wanted him. As far as he knew, she hated him; she wanted to put an arrow through his eye, his dagger through his chest. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to see her again. No lady had ever compared to her. He had found his other half, and now felt empty without her.
If he did find her, what would he even do? They were bonded by love, yet separated by more than a Wall.
The separation would soon not matter anymore.
Winter is coming.
A fortnight later
Castle Black
Cregan had welcomed the prince to Winterfell, then accompanied him to the Wall.
The young men walked, discussing terms of Cregan’s service.
“In winter, my duty to the Wall is even more dire than the one I owe to King’s Landing. I need my men here.” Cregan says to his prince.
“Whilst your men guard against wildlings and weather,” Cregan twitched at the word wildling. “the Hightowers plan to usurp the throne. If my mother is to defend her claim to hold the realm united, she needs an army. War is coming, to the whole of the realm my lord. We cannot wage it without the support of the North.”
Jacaerys trails off, standing against the guard that overlooked the entire outside of the Wall.
“My father brought King Jahaerys and Queen Alyssane to see the wall. His Grace stood at this very outlook and watched as their dragons, the greatest power in the world, refused to cross
 Do you think my ancestors built a 700 foot wall of ice to keep out snow and savages?”
“What does it keep out?” Jacaerys asks.
Cregan finally looks beyond the Wall for the first time in a year, his mind thinking of her for a brief moment, and then the darkness that lies beyond it. “Death.”
“I have thousands of graybeards who have already seen too many winters. They are
 wellhoned. I can ready them to march at once.”
“If your graybeards can fight, the queen will have them.”
“They’ll fight hard.” Cregan says, his mind once again thinking of his love as he says his next words. “Like Northerners.”
Jacaerys senses something; more words that the Warden of the North wished to speak.
“Is there something else you can offer us, My Lord?” Jacaerys asks.
Cregan hesitates. “There is a woman
” He looks. beyond the wall again. “She is fierce, deadly with a bow. If I can find her
 I can ask her to lead the graybeards into war.”
“Should she accept, my mother will be more than pleased to have her.” Jacaerys asks.
“My Lord!” Cregan turns, “A raven has arrived
 Urgent news from Dragstone.”
Cregan looks at the man holding the scroll, who holds a sight of worry on his face. Cregan quickly opens the scroll, reading its contents.
Cregan looks at the prince, and Jacaerys tries reading the man’s stoic features.
All Cregan can do is hand Jacaerys the scroll, and let him read for himself.
Another fortnight passed following the news of the death of Prince Lucerys Velaryon. Jacaerys had left the Wall at once to return to Dragonstone, whilst Cregan began to prepare his graybeards to march.
“My Lord, why must you go back beyond the Wall? The graybeards do not need a leader. I do not think it wise to let them be lead by a woman beyond the Wall, let alone the one who killed the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.” His maester tells him, worried of how the people of Winterfell and the men on the Wall will react.
“They will not know she’s a wildling. Tis’ not important information. All they need to know is she will lead them well into battle. I trust you’ll keep this information I’ve shared with you private, Maester Windell.”
“Of course, My Lord. You can count on my discretion, always, but I fear wonder if this journey is for more than a leader.”
Cregan stops his packing, not wanting to share more information than he already has with his maester. “No, maester. I only am going to help the Queen. I will be back shortly, with or without the wildling. Winter is coming, and I will not get lost beyond the Wall.”
The maester didn’t argue, so Cregan made his fortnight journey back to the Wall, and then beyond it.
He felt fear when his horse took its first steps onto the icy tundra outside the Wall’s gate. He feared he would not find her, feared she may have died, feared she would kill him before he got to kiss her one last time.
The late summer snow was not too harsh yet, but Cregan knew he did not have long to find her before Winter came.
He searched for days for her.
He returned to the spot where he first set up camp, finding the bark where he had carved a dire wolf had been completely torn and shredded by a knife.
When he returned to the cave it was dark, and no trace of her had been left behind. It made it feel like the moments they shared in there never happened.
He felt lost. He set up his camp in the cave, but she had not snuck to it during the night like last time. If she had, she truly left no trace. But, he knew he hadn’t felt her yet. She wasn’t there.
2 weeks into the journey, he had dreamt of her.
He dreamt he was a wolf, hunting, when he finally saw her.
She was sleeping, ever so soundly, beneath a bright red weirwood. He growled at her, and she awoke quickly, immediately grabbing and aiming her bow at him.
She gasped quickly, catching her breath as adrenaline coursed through her veins.
She released the arrow into his eye, and he awoke.
He was sweating despite the cold, and the burning feeling in his eye was lingering.
He rubbed it softly, but then directed his attention back to her in the dream. It was really her. She looked different. She looked stronger somehow, and her hair had grown greatly. She had it in a long, thick braid. There were bags under her eyes, like she had been exhausted from something.
He stood and exited the cave. The sun was slowly rising, but there was a blue hue that made the snow on the ground glisten. He closed his eyes, stretched, and yawned when he heard a sound.
It was a familiar sound
 the sound of a bow string being pulled tightly.
He lowered his arms from his stretch, and opened his eyes.
There she was.
There she was.
She knelt on one knee, aiming her arrow at his eye. Her eyes burnt with a fire that he’d never seen, her breathing was quick and angry, her lips turned in a sad scowl, she was fueled with adrenaline.
He smiled, laughing softly. He couldn’t believe she was here. She pulled the string tighter at his sweet smile, her heart breaking at seeing him truly here.
He took a hesitant step towards her, but stopped.
A soft whining sound came from her back.
His smile faded.
She lowered her bow slowly, eventually dropping it completely. She had a fabric diagonal across her body. She moved it underneath her arm, and then twisted it around her body.
Her hands gently found and cradled the babe.
Cregan gasped. He couldn’t believe it.
She softly hushed the babe, tracing her fingers over its face. She whispered soft, comforting words to it. The babe made gentle little noises.
“Is that
” His voice was barely above a whisper. She looked at him solemnly. His hand covered his mouth.
“This is your son, Cregan.” She finally spoke. Her voice was smooth and melodic, different from how he heard her last time. He stepped towards her, falling to his knees. His whole body was shaking, and not from the cold.
“Does he have a name?” He asks, holding his arms out, hoping she’d trust him enough to hold his son.
She nervously hands him his child, fearful he might take her little babe, her only piece of Cregan, and never return again.
“No.” She says. “I only birthed him a moon ago.”
Cregan can’t hold it in anymore, and begins sobbing. All of his emotions pent up from the last year pour out. He holds the babe close to his chest, sobbing relentlessly.
He’d missed her so greatly this past year and now seeing her here, alone with this little babe, he’d realized how badly he erred. He wasn’t there to comfort her, hold her, help her. She had suffered it all alone.
“I’m so sorry.” He sobs.
She stares at him, her face unwavering. She was so angry. She wanted to kill him so bad, to take back her babe and cut his throat.
But, she couldn’t.
He’d broken her heart in such an unimaginable way. She’d cried over him for weeks, and when her blood hadn’t came she knew the worst had happened. But now he was here, holding their babe and sobbing like a child. She didn’t even know Cregan was capable of such emotions. She didn’t truly know him, and he didn’t truly know her.
Her hand found its way to his broad shoulder to try to comfort him. Her other hand moved to cradle his cheek. He rested his face into her hand, spilling wet tears on her.
“Oh, Cregan.” She whispered, wiping the never ending tears from his cheek. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead to his, hushing him like she did their babe. She wrapped her other arm around him, bringing her warm body against his while still being careful of their infant.
“I’m so sorry.” He repeats. “I should not have left you. I should have killed those men and brought you home-“
“Sh, sh, Cregan.” She whispers again. “I’m yours, as you are mine.”
Her words send him back into tears. She presses soft kisses to the tears on his cheek, weaving her fingers in his curls that she desperately missed.
“Where have you been?” He asks, minutes after calming down. “I’ve searched these whole damn woods for you.”
She smiles softly, “You think I don’t know that?” He smiles. “Why did you come back here, Cregan?”
He looks down at their sleeping babe, then back at her. “I’ve wanted to come back every day since I have been apart from you
 But, I couldn’t find the strength. I regret it more than anything. I regret leaving you, I regret not coming sooner, I-“
She cuts him off, placing her warm lips onto his. Not breaking the kiss, her hands take the babe from him, setting him aside next to them.
“What are you-“
She slaps him across the face, with such a strong hand that he can’t help but stop and look back at her in total shock. She pulls his lips back into her, confusing him with her back and forth attitude. “If you ever leave me again, I really will put an arrow through your eye.”
He smirks, pulling her back into him with his strength. “Now we’re even.” She whispers.
“We were even when you nearly killed me last year.” He says, she growls at him, but they continue kissing. “I wear these scars with honor.”
She tears into his soft clothes, “Take him inside, and then come back out here and make me yours again.”
He pulls away with haste, grabbing his babe gently and walking back into the cave. She follows, right on his heels. He finds a safe spot for their babe, setting the sleeping child down.
He turns, grabbing her by the neck and kissing her, pushing her backwards out to the cold.
“Be gentle with me.” She whispers into his lips.
“No.” Cregan says, ripping off her furs and throwing them on the ground. She smirks, not wanting him to anyway.
He grabs her by her hair and she shrieks. He pushes her down to her knees, and she sits in the cold snow once again. He unlaces his breeches, and she quickly tugs them down with his soft clothes.
She presses her cold fingers onto his pelvis, and she places gentle kisses along his length. She looks up at him with her big, doe eyes. He pulls her head back by her hair again and she gasps. He pushes himself into her mouth, immediately groaning at her warm tongue. She moans around him, placing her hand at what she can’t fit in her mouth. He grabs both sides of her face, thrusting his hips into her mouth, not realizing his roughness. He had missed her so much, and he was so lost in the pleasure of her mouth.
She gagged repeatedly, her eyes flowing with tears. Her free hand rested on his toned stomach for balance, and she scratched her nails into him from time to time.
He pulled her head back with a pop of her lips, and looked down at the little mess before him. Her cheeks were stained with tears, drool spilling from her lips, her thighs rubbing together to relieve the tension between her legs.
He pushed her back into the snow and got on his knees, placing himself between her legs. He wrapped his hand around her throat again, rubbing his fingers at the wetness between her legs.
“You’ve missed me?” He asks.
“I’ve missed that cock.” She teases.
“Don’t worry. There won’t be much to miss soon.” He presses a harsh kiss to her lips, sliding himself into her. She gasps into his lips, trying to pull away to cry out, but he refuses to let her go. He pulls one of her legs to his chest to give him a deeper angle and she whines into his lips. He starts thrusting, fast and harsh, into her healing cunt. His hand moves from her throat to her breast, now round and large with milk than the last time he’d had her.
“Cregan!” She cries out loudly, finally breaking free from his lips. She throws her head back into ecstasy, her hair becoming wet from the snow. Cregan moans loudly, his thrusts sloppy and quick.
“I’m putting another babe in you.” He moans, forgetting why he was there to retrieve her in the first place.
“I’ll fucking kill you.” She says, slapping him across the face. He looks at her angrily, a wolf awakening inside him. He grabs her face, his fingers digging into her cheeks as he fucks her harshly and angrily.
“I’m gonna cum.” She whines, squeezing her eyes shut tight.
“Don’t.” He says. She gasps, begging and pleading for her release. He slows his thrust, leaving her in agony. She bucks her hips towards him, but he pushes them down, locking her in place with his strong arm.
“I fucking hate you.” She moans.
“Cum for me then, and we can see if that is how you feel for me after.” His thrusts go back to their fast, sloppy pace, and she moans. Her hands grab his wrist, clawing her nails into his forearm.
She hits her peak and moans his name repeatedly. Her fingers dig into the snow again, the other hand digging into his arm. He growls, not stopping and continuing to thrust.
“Stop it.” She whispers, her body shaking at the sensitivity. Cregan doesn’t listen, only maintaining his harsh pace. He lifts both of her legs to his chest, his length touching her womb. “Please, Cregan, fuck!” She whines, tears spilling from her eyes at the overstimulation.
Her fists hit his chest, and yet he continues. She slaps him across the face, over and over again, and he still continues, his face stoic, desperate for nothing more than to see her writhing beneath him.
She sobs as she cums on him again, slapping and hitting him harshly. Her body is a trembling mess, peaking with pleasure and pain. Finally satisfied, he lets his own peak wash over him, filling her to the brim with his seed again, right against her womb. He rests over her, moaning and biting her neck, despite her nails scratching and drawing blood against his neck.
“Cunt.” She moans into his shoulder, holding him tightly against her shaking body. He pulls out, gently, allowing her to rest before he carries her back into the cave, stepping into the hot spring with her in his arms.
She rests against him, and it’s as if they had never been apart. He looks over at their sleeping babe on the ground, smiling gently. He looks back down at his love, his smile fading.
“There is a war brewing in Westeros.” He finally tells her.
“What for this time?” She asks, drawing little shapes on his chest, not seeming to really care about his answer.
He decides to wait to tell her, instead wanting to enjoy the moment with her.
“I’m sorry for what I said to you
 before I left.” He says. She sighs.
 Do you wish to know why I killed the Lord Commander?”
He looks down at her, confused. He assumed her only reason was she hated crows. She looks up at him.
“Why?” He asks.
She waits before explaining. “He’d come out there before with some of his men. They often hunted wildlings for fun. They’d tell the men back at the wall it was for a hunting exhibition, but really
 They were tired of the women from some place called Mole’s Town.”
Cregan was still confused.
“That was years ago, when I was in a tribe
 But, the crows just kept coming back
 And our tribe refused to leave, because our ancestors had settled there hundreds of years before.” She pauses, “The Lord Commander always said I was his favorite
 I left eventually. Turns out I’m safer alone. That’s when I started killing crows.”
Cregan realized he was gripping her arm too tightly, and loosened his hold. What she said changed everything. Men were coming beyond the Wall to force themselves on wildling women. He wanted to be sick. Cregan’s last words to her before he left
 that he would kill her for what she did.
Anger ignited inside him, but there was nothing he could do. The Lord Commander was dead, she got her revenge. But, the thought of that happening to her, the words he spoke before he left her alone. It was too much.
She noticed his tension, and placed her hand on his cheek. “My wolf.” She whispered. He closed his eyes and turned away from her touch.
“I’ve failed you
 Again, and again, and again.” He says, tears spilling from his eyes.
She straddles him, forcing him to look at her. “Aye. You have.” He looks at her, not expecting brr bluntness. She wipes his tears. “But you’re still mine, Cregan Stark
 and I’m not perfect either.”
He presses a soft kiss to her lips, wrapping his arms around her.
“So, what were you saying about the war?” She asks, resting her head on his shoulder.
“There is a war forming between the dragons. It is growing more and more dire.”
“Dragons?” She asked. “Like in the stories?”
“Aye, my lady. Except these are no stories. The dragons are dancing, and the North must stand ready to fight with the true Queen.”
“Queen?” She asks. “Aren’t you King in the North?”
“No, my love. Starks bent the knee over a century ago.”
She leans back to look at him. “Bend the knee to me.”
“I do every time I stick my cock in you.” She laughs, a sweet and gentle laugh, no longer the chaotic one she used to do.
“You’re different.” He says, a smile on his face.
“I am a mother now. My child has softened my witch heart.” She jests.
Mother. The mother to his child, specifically. He couldn’t ask her to lead the gray beards no longer. She needed to return to Winterfell with him to raise their son. His smile fades and she notices.
“You’re different.” She repeats his words. “Why did you come? Truly?”
“You are a warrior
 and the North must stand ready.” He looks at her, his eyes worried.
 You want me to fight?” She asks, stepping off him and standing. The water stops at her hips, and he tries hard to keep his attention focused on her face. “Just a moon after I nearly died pushing out your fat little babe?”
“No, no, my lady. I do not want you fighting no longer.” He looks at her, taking her hands in his. “I want you to come home
 with me. To Winterfell.”
“My home is the North.” She says, taking her hand away.
“No, no.” He stands, resting his hands on her arms. He looks over at their sleeping son. “He changes everything.”
His son would be considered a bastard, by all traits, but he was his son nonetheless. He would raise him as a Stark
 as his heir to Winterfell.
“Home is not a place.” Cregan says. “A home is what you make it
 My place may be in Winterfell, but it is not my home if you and my son are not with me.”
She sighs. “I’m no lady, Cregan.”
“I know
 and I don’t care.”
“I will not watch you marry a noble while I am your whore that you force to work in your castle and fuck at night.”
“I would never ask that of you.” Cregan says, putting his hand on the back of her neck to pull her closer. “Starks are honorable men. You will be my wife, and my son will be my heir. I will kill any man who ever dares harm you again.”
She stares at him as he continues. “I needed an excuse to come back out here
 If I told them I came out here to get you to lead the Northern army, then it raised less suspicion. But, I care no longer. I only care about you.”
“What if I say no? That I won’t join you?” She asks.
“Then I would accept.” He looks at his son. “All I ask is you let me bring him.”
She looks at their son. Cregan continues. “He will never know a cold night, he will learn to fight among men, he’ll have a full belly every time he goes to sleep, he’ll be respected by all those around him
 and if you came, so would you.”
She looks back at Cregan. “He will join you.”
Cregan closes his eyes, her hand resting against his cheeks.
“As will I.” He opens them to look at her again.
“Truly?” She nods. He laughs, breathlessly, pulling her in for a deep hug. His fingers weave into her hair, holding her tightly against his chest.
“I will fight for you as well.” He pulled away to look at her.
“No.” He says. “No, I need you with me at Winterfell.”
 A queen! You honor me, choosing me to lead your Northern army.”
“I don’t want you to.” He says. “What of our son? You could be gone for years
 You could not return.”
She laughs, “My Lord Stark
 You’d be a bloody fool to think any man could kill me.”
“This is hardly a war between men, my girl. This is a war between dragons, and none will ever be so bloody.”
 I am of the free folk, which means I will always be free. Being free means I have the choice to fight for you
 and for a Queen.”
Cregan returned to Winterfell a week later, carrying his babe in his arms on his horse, with a wilding woman behind him.
His maester was bewildered at the sight before him. “My Lord
 Who is this babe you carry?”
“Maester, this is my son and this woman here is his mother
 and my betrothed. She will be leading the graybeards in the war. Call upon wet nurses and maids to help foster our son while she is gone.”
“A-At once, My Lord.” The maester stumbled over his words, giving the wildling one last look before going to do his task.
Later that night, her and Cregan sat in his chambers. His lover couldn’t help but explore and ask questions about everything in the castle.
“What is this?”
“A pen and paper.”
“What does it do?”
“Well, you tell the maester a message and then he writes it down and gives it to a raven to send off.”
“And this?”
“A tub.”
“What does it do?”
“Bathes you.” It went on like this for hours, but he didn’t care. He was glad to share with her his way of life. Her naiveness at noble life was sweet.
When they cuddled up in his furs in their now shared bed, she laughed with giddiness. “Ask them to bring more.”
“My love, you’re under four bear pelts and the hearth is at full flame, you’re going to get hot.”
“Warm, my girl. Too warm.”
“I don’t care. This is all so exquisite. You should’ve brought me here much sooner, you know.”
Cregan simply smiled, looking down at their son in his arms. “Did you have any names in mind for him?”
She hums, resting on her elbow to face them. “Cregan is quite a handsome name.”
“We can name give him a Stark name if you like mine.”
“Like what?”
“How about
 Benjen Stark.”
“Benjen.” She whispered, sitting up and touching her son’s dark locks. “I love it.”
Her and Cregan locked eyes, staring at each other in silence. “You don’t have to go, my love.”
“I do.” She says, cradling Cregan’s cheek.
“I wish to marry you, make you Lady Stark of Winterfell.”
“I will be your
 when I return.” She says, unsure of the proper term to use.
He laughs, “Wife. You will be my wife. I can have the maester teach you to read and write upon your return.”
“Truly?” She asks. “Like stories?”
“Stories, history, anything my betrothed wishes to read she can.”
“It means we’re to be wed, at some point.”
She presses her forehead to Cregan’s. “I can’t believe I am here.”
“Neither can I, my love.”
He presses a gentle kiss to her lips, and they fell asleep like that, Benjen full and warm in his father’s arms.
Cregan and his love were only able to share a few nights together before it was time for her to march with the graybeards.
“You are strong, my lady. Command these men like you did me, and they’ll follow you anywhere.”
Cregan lifted her onto her horse, and she nervously settled into the saddle. He stepped onto his own, Benjen tightly secured to his chest as the babe was to his mother when Cregan stumbled back upon them.
She took her hand in his, and he pressed a gentle kiss to it. “Come back safe to me, my girl.”
She smirked, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to kill some Southerners.”
“Goodbye, my sweet boy.” She says, touching Benjen’s hair one last time.
“Take care of our son, Cregan.” He nodded, tears welling in his eyes.
“I have a gift for you before you go.”
His master at arms came to him, handing him the freshly made dire wolf crest. He pinned it on her chest, and she looked down, tracing her fingers over the craftsman ship.
“You are a Stark
 from this day, until your last day.” He said. She looked at Cregan, pride in her face.
“I’ll make you proud, my Lord Stark.”
He handed her the dagger, the very thing that brought them together. “I know you will.”
With that, she turned and slowly began to leave with her horse.
She turned to look back at them. “By the way, I killed your horse last year.”
Cregan’s smile faded, but then she laughed, and he couldn’t help but laugh too. She turned back around, and he looked down at his son, his beautiful little pup. The babe’s big gray eyes staring back at the ones he inherited from his father.
Cregan rode the opposite direction from her. He turned again to look at her one last time, and she turned to look at him too.
He smiled at her, letting the tears fall. She smiled back. He watched her ride the opposite way, and she watched him as he rode back to Winterfell until they could no longer see each other.
He would miss her greatly, but he knew she would return. This parting would not be forever, for they knew that they were bonded by love, seperated by only distance this time. No wall, no duty, no pain would ever come between them again.
He couldn’t wait for her to get back to them so they could start their life together.
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leonsdoll · 11 months
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just silly hazel hc's!!
warnings: nothing!
word count: 0.3k
notes: I'm gonna give y'all this while I work on part two of birds don't sing!!:3 also it's 3am so sorry if there's some spelling mistakes
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-loves ketchup and hates mustard
-biggest star wars fan, she watched one of the movies when she was a kid and since then has been obsessed, def will make you watch all of them
-only shops at urban outfitters!! she's an urban outfitters addict!:3
-converse lover!! her mom bought her some at the start of freshman year and she hasn't changed them since then
-had a HUGE creepypasta phase!! she would tell her parents and friends all about it and no one cared😭
-is always wearing grandpa sweaters!! even if it's summer that girl does not care!! she'll always be wearing them
-if I dare to say she had a moment in middle school where she'd post aesthetic photos of Tumblr🌚 like her jeans with a pepsi and a dark filter
-lovesss pasta, especially red pasta! loves it even more with chicken meatballs (the Ikea ones)
-pepsi stan for life!!! girly will chose a pepsi over 100 bucks
-i think her favorite color is baby blue or light yellow:3
-she definitely had a bracelet making phase and she's still in it, before you started dating she would make you bracelets and that was her "flirting"
-loves PB&J's like she could have 5 back to back, she likes the peanut butter more then the jelly
-cuts her own hair because she doesn't want the hairdresser to fuck it up and then have to tell them or lie about it, so she cuts it alone in the bathroom (with baby scissors)
-she's definitely one of those people who thinks about very alive people's funeral at 2am while listening to mitski
-her favorite season is autumn because it has her favorite color in the trees and she just loves the vibe in general
-for halloween she always does silly costumes, I think she has 100% gone as batman one year!!
-she likes cats more than dogs, because they're much calmer and smaller, she thinks dogs are too much work, but she still loves dogs!
-she's literally just a cutie frfr😞💔
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hellonearthtoday · 6 months
3, 5, 7, 14
Thank you ïżœïżœI needed a break from this damn drawing
3. Who is your favorite character outside the main 7?
This is kind of harddd man 😭 born to say Cherry forced to say Curly. Cherry's a character that we actually saw more of, but I have this idea of Curly in my head that's so perfect to me...he's like half my oc...I'm superrr attached to Cherry but I do have to be real w myself cuz whenever I see Curly's name mentioned in any fic or any post it's like a wild lion sighting i get sooo hype
5. What are your favorite ships?
this is NOT hard. My favorite ship is purly I'm an evil purly shipper. I don't typically do shipping because I'm that aroace who is romance repulsed not just for myself but in the media I consume too, but idk something about their dynamic I've half made up in my head abt them...I guess I just really like the dynamic of 2 bros who are friends who might also fall in love We dont know
MARBIT. I really like couples who just giggle together. Couples who justtt rock w eachotherrr something about them....Also they got that forbidden love thing going on and idk the power of laughter could save them. But other than that I'm a platonic power ranger
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
This thang is about to get so long. I love non romantic relationships sooo bad I'm romance's biggest hater.
TBH can i say purly here too....they got a friends to lovers thing going on I'll shut up abt them for once this time though.
Johnny and Pony are really the best friends ever, and my idea of them might be fandom crutched more than what's shown in canon, but It don't matter anyway that book came out a bajillion years ago.
Johnny and Dally. I know the jally nation is huge and unstoppable and I can kindaaa see where you're coming from even w how I am...but in my head they aren't brotherly or romantic they're a secret third thing. No labels no nothing. They have something that none of us can touch and it's not romantic to me but they're tgt in every universe
Dally and Ponyboy idk they're funny to me. Like 2 cats put into a fighting ring and one is evil and one just want to sleep and go home idk
CHERRY AND PONYBOY I START CHEWING ON THE WALLS WHEN I SEE THEM PIT AGAINST EACHOTHER IN FICS OR WHEN CHERRY IS BARELY THERE goddd i msis them so much there's something so special to me about an opposite sex friendship that prevails even though it's not seen as a normal thing people do at the time.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
POC shepards. It's just kind of real man. I like seeing all the different versions the fandom comes up with but they're a black latino family to me <3
Johnny and Curly hating each other so bad. I think it's the funniest thing ever. Especially if they just don't like eadchother solely off of vibes ...or Curly doesn;t like Johnny bcz Johnny doesn't like him and he's like wtf 😕
It's never said outright but Johnny has anxiety disorder to me.
Ponyboy has low empathy and he just does things out of the kindness of his heart and not bcz "treat people how u want to be treated" bcz whatever LOL! he's autistic to me whatt who said that
PB talks really casually but also somehow rlly awkwardly, and u think he's just chill like that but he's just autistic. He could hate your ass but he talks like some unsocialized forest nymph so you dont know bcz he sounds so docile
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scaredycatqlt · 4 months
HII idk if your requests are still open but PLEASE can you do bojack/ mr peanutbutter dating head canons or any of your choice, the fandom needs more fanfics đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»
awwWWW YEAH BABYYY. You already KNOW it’s gonna be toxic.
WARNING: Potentially triggering content. Nothing graphic, but talk of toxic/unhealthy relationships, questionable shit, BoJack being BoJack. SUPER MEGA FUCKING ANGST WARNING!!!
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BoJack X Reader! Headcanons [ROMANTIC💔]
woah boy.
where do I even start with this guy?
okay, so, first things first; bad idea. What the absolute fuck were you thinking.
You probably have a fix-it mentality don’t you?
You’re probably the first person to talk to him. He either doesn’t care about you at first, or absolutely despises you.
chances are you are/were a fan of the show. (Eughhh,,,,)
If you weren’t he’s like ‘>:0’
It’s not really explicitly labeled as a romantic relationship. You guys probably hooked up before you even knew each other.
So being in this (more so situation-ship than anything) is toxic, to say the least.
He’s got a whole bunch of problems and he doesn’t want to ruin you to. But he ends up doing just that anyways.
He guilt trips you. I don’t even need to say that.
He rants to you about silly things that don’t even matter. It’s kind of endearing (if he weren’t a total piece of shit.)
He’s actually really good at making conversation. You two always have something to talk about.
He can’t believe someone as ‘not-him’ as you would ever waste your time with him. He explicitly tells you this at one point.
The red flags are BLARING GIRL.
In your defense, you really didn’t know how awful he was. You just thought he was a deeply flawed man. And he is, but he’s also just an ass.
*a horse
The relationship doesn’t last. It never does with him. Either you decide to cut it off because it’s too toxic, or he cuts it off. Probably in some drunken stupor.
typical BoJack.
Mr. Peanut butter X Reader! [ROMANTIC]
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I’d like to start off by saying it would be much less toxic than a relationship with BoJack.
But still problematic

Mr. Peanut butter and you knew eachother before you were dating, probably friends for a little while.
You two end up dating and the beginning of the relationship is idealistic and perfect!
But problems quickly arise.
like for example, Mr. Peanut butter is kind and friendly but he isn’t exactly considerate or caring. He may care about you, but he ignores your needs sometimes. More often by accident.
For example, if you don’t like people-you’re still not getting left out of parties. Mr PB is more sympathetic and much less empathetic.
His love language is gift giving and words of affirmation. I think this is made very clear throughout the show.
Whether you like it or not
He’s very open with people about your two’s relationship and how he feels about you. He’s quick to praise you.
aside from some of the inconsiderate mess he is literally a golden retriever boyfriend <3
he is VERY quick to ask you to marry him. But I feel like if you told him you’d think about it or ‘no’ he’d understand. It’s a big decision HE might be ready for, but you’re not.
Scratch his ears.
I feel like you’d date him at a point in time where Diane isn’t a problem anymore. He learned after the first time
Sometimes he puts his needs infront of yours-without realizing it.
If you want to have a serious conversation-you’re going to have to initiate it. He HATES those, and prefers to pretend like it never happened.
I feel like there’s honestly a chance of a long term relationship with him! Or you two break up like, maybe a year or so into the relationship.
sorry I haven’t responded to requests in, like, over a month. I’ve been kinda busyyyyfhhjjjgjg 😭
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rosemxze · 11 months
about the 10/19 update:
reminder: criticism is okay but do not be hateful, or send PB or anyone hate.
so, apparently a lot of players are really mad right now. the CN players pointed out PB's lack of transparency in their emergency maintenance notice. they pointed out that they were reducing store benefits while increasing exchange prices. to some players, they feel like PB is turning WHB into a cash cow.
additionally, allegedly some people have lost money from the shop passes where if you had previously made a purchase, you would have to pay again since PB had made adjustments to the rewards 😭 also they've also hidden the old levelling reward in shop passes according to this tweet. overall, it's super confusing so i'll just leave this topic as it is.
honestly, i do understand that PB needs to earn money to pay their employees but i think the way they package their bundles and paid gems are terrible and just doesn't seem to be worth the money.
for their 113+7 gems pack i can't even afford 1 lesser key, whereas for around the same amount of money i can spend it on arknights's monthly card which gives 11 pulls or genshin's welkin pass which gives 16 pulls.
so i just come to the simple conclusion that i'm going to stay f2p. it's just not worth it if i can spend it on a different game and get more. it's not a big deal for me as long as banners eventually get rerun ahahah
some were also upset about no maintenance compensation which i think is fair because the maintenance would usually have some sort of compensation in exchange for their player base not being able to play/grind during that time period. i feel like PB could have gave guilty gems, lesser keys, or solomon's tears. or even gold/books or jelly or any of the upgrade materials that is difficult to farm for right now. or even pies which is even more difficult to collect than tears atm.
there should also be compensation for those who have lost their money through this update :')
there were also some criticism regarding how they "fixed" the store instead of the bugs. not only that but more bugs appeared such as some units are now unable to be deployed after the update or how the secret shop's vortex will appear every time you log in but the shop itself never appears.
the more common topic at hand is the solomon tears. some players have argued that this is what you're supposed to expect when you are an f2p player. however, i would like to also argue that it shouldn't take months to fully max a single character— which includes promotion, skills (2 for most, 3 for L-tiers) and unholy board (for L-tiers).
reminder that this game is eventually going to have 80 casts (or more if they add the angels and humans like obey me has done) in the future. that is a lot of characters and they will each have different copies and versions of each of them in the future too.
using arknights as an example, that game is farmable for f2p players like myself. i never spent money on arknights but i was able to upgrade multiple characters much faster which is good for tower defense games where you need to strategise with different characters. albeit WHB is easier in that aspect of strategy, it still doesn't change how it is definitely a little more challenging in WHB to build characters.
though, i can also go on the other side and argue that perhaps PB didn't mean for us to speedrun the content either.
i'm personally okay with grinding and being patient as long as the event stages are reasonable and can be cleared without very high difficulties.
also i'm also personally okay if their gacha banners have a reasonable pacing and pity system. since that is my personal main concern as a gacha addict :p
though, seeing all the others' feedbacks also kind of influenced me a bit and made me skeptical of PB. this single update kind of made me look at them in a different light and not the positive kind 😅
but!! they still have another update on 10/25 so i guess we'll just have to see how that one goes. maybe there will be improvements? who knows. i'm just praying for the better because i do enjoy this game so far and want it to do well in the future too 🙏
reminder: again, it's okay to criticise and give feedback but please do not be malicious and hateful đŸ™‡â€â™€ïž
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 days
How do we think Curly would take charge in situations where it’s necessary for him to like take care of Pony like say Pb comes to school sick as hell one day bc bro has a test or something and doesn’t want to skip and Curly finally drags his ass out after he finds Pony like throwing up in the bathroom would he take pone to his house or his own house would he drop him off and let him sleep or stay with him if no one is home just like how does Curly take care of his mans when he rly needs it
OKOK the way i see it is curly isnt the BEST at it, and its mainly bc in his house they dont actively take care for each other??? they dont just lay in bed and get rest, while the others r at their bed side like the curtis’, theyre up and running and acting all annoyed and that goes on till they get better, most they would do is like, ask if they want anything from the store or get them vicks vapor rub and ginger ale
SO when it comes to curly taking care of pony, id say hes still carrying on doing those things, but hes more attentive??? or at least TRIES to b, hes seen what darry and soda do for pony so he attempts doing that as well to make him feel better but its obvious hes out of his element
hes not sitting at ponys bed side bc he finds just being in one place boring and theres not much to do anyways, if pony needs him, he calls for him, or he just checks in periodically, “feel any better yet” like every 10 minutes cause he just wants to hang out again😭😭
he gave pony the vicks, the ginger ale, and some medicine, and if pony asks, he’ll warm up canned soup, though he never understood how that helps sick ppl, he tries fixing the bed so ponys not too uncomfortable, and if ponys throwing up, he HATES throw up, but he’ll give pony a lil bucket to do it in so hes not always getting up, think of curly as like ur 13 year old younger brother ur mom told to stay home to take care of u and thats it
he doesnt know what hes doin but hes tryin w the lil info he has
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masadd · 1 year
all my simon AUs [half are shower thoughts]
vampire simon multiverse world AU
‱ pretty self-explanatory!! simon is a vampire. it played out pretty similarly as our simon at first; he got the crown, betty left, mushroom bomb went off, and he met marceline.
‱ that's where things change. simon had to wear the crown to protect marcy, again. marcy panicked when simon wouldn't take it off and bit him without malicious intent, instead turning him into a vampire.
‱ since this technically killed simon, he broke out of the crown's grasp, now undead. marceline thought she killed him, panicked, and ran away. simon lived on his own ever since for like 1,000 years and kind of lost it being alone!!
HMS simon au
‱ this one is kind of like a crossover ?? with another one of my favorite things. it's based off chonny jash's characters, heart, mind, and soul. the whole plot of CCCC [chonny's charming chaos compendium] is that this guy's consciousness split into three [heart mind and soul], and they needed to reconcile.
‱ so . this goes basically the exact same as our simon. our simon, now like 1,059 [or however old he is], is in his little exhibit [same as the start of fionna and cake!!] he's chilling but keeps getting pressed closer to the edge each day.
‱ the main difference is that simon never actually ends up trying to make a portal to golbetty, and reaches his limit after like a series of unfortunate events.
‱ simon splits off into his own HMS. that's . essentially it . i dont wanna spoil much....
winter king worldswap AU
‱ i don't have it all planned out on how exactly it happened, but basically, winter king ends up in our ooo [aka just where our simon is from]. obviously this one is incredibly confusing for most residents of ooo, specifically marceline, finn, pb, and others .
‱ eventually, they figure out [pretty quickly] that this is NOT their simon . they try to ask where their simon is [who is out traveling with fionna and cake], but winter king has no clue !! he likely tries to pretend he does know though .
‱ ultimately . marceline ends up hating winter king
simon / F&C world interception AU
‱ is it obvious i don't have names for them
‱ ok so . basically, somehow simon ends up in the F&C modern au. which . technically should be impossible since it's inside his brain,,, but i have thought of a solution
‱ simon somehow [accidentally] projects his consciousness into the F&C world, leaving his real body just kinda There [probably unconscious]. think of it like that one adventure time episode where magic man makes jake go inside himself, and he explores his own little city and stuff . it's kind of like that!!
‱ his deal is similar to fionna and cake concerning his effects on their world . like for example how fionna touched winter king's crown and the magic went away, or when cake turned that one dude into a literal hotdog. basically, simon is doing the same on the F&C world, except he's doing the opposite!! he's magic-ifying it.
‱ shit starts to go down once people actually notice him. since he blends in so well, it takes a bit,,, just starts to get obvious once that one cookie turns alive or smth 😭
‱ simon is eventually overcrowded by a ton of curious [and terrified] people, and runs off to just the first inconspicuous place he sees. this leads him to running into marshall lee, who's chillin with gary. simon, gary, and marshall lee kinda chill for a while !! marshall and gary probably talk abt how fionna's gone, which prompts simon to feel guilty and he reveals where he's actually from, and what happened to fionna.
‱ gary and marshall lee don't believe him at first, until simon turns something [idk what!!] into magic again. they then try to get to our ooo
‱ marshall lee and gary make it, but simon's still kinda trapped in his own consciousness . likely in the candy kingdom hospital with marceline bc he just passed out unexpectedly 😭
‱Wooooo his fate is unknown [dont worry its a happy ending]
* i also won't be very surprised if these have been done before just know i do NOT mean to steal any ideas . if that happened it was purely unintentional cos i just made these up based on my minds silly desires
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wonder-falcon · 1 year
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snickerzanddoodlez · 9 months
The “Emotional” Wordgirl Episodes
Wordgirl has the occasional episode that just feels
different. Perhaps with somber undertones, or a bittersweet feel, or just feeling generally
.different. I was always waiting for those episodes, and they remain some of my favorites.
For anyone else who’s like me and wanted o hunt them down, I’ve compiled a list of said episodes. Spoilers will be included. (Suggestions Welome!)
Note: while many of these are my favorites, I am not claiming they are “the best” (although some of them are!)
Where is The Remote? - A personal favorite of mine, this episode always hit different. The plot follows Tobey and Wordgirl, as they scour the city for the remote to Tobey’s robots (unbeknownst to Wordgirl, Tobey has a tracking device for it- he just wants to spend time with her). It’s cute to watch them genuinely have fun, especially since nobody was really in danger.
Yes Monkey - Any long-time follower of mine will know that this may be my favorite episode in the whole show. Leslie, fed up with Mr. Big’s self-centered attitude, finally resigns- and Huggy, who is fed up with being put down, does the same. Seeing Leslie so sad without her boss and Mr. Big so happy to see her at the end is rather sweet, especially with the smile they exchange at the very end.
Rise of Miss Power - Of course this is on here- the movie that focuses on a newcomer encouraging Wordgirl to antagonize her foes, leading to some pretty rough moments (my heart goes out to Tobey). Two-Brains nearly gets publicly executed, Tobey shuts down after being bullied
.and nobody talks about how, when Sally says that the city “can’t stand (the villains)”, all of the villians- INCLUDING THOSE SUCH AS GRANNY MAY!- droop a bit and seem saddened by this fact.
Showdown At The Super Secret Spaceship Hideout - THE Dr. Two-Brains angst episode. Boxleitner is mentioned often, both by Two-Brains and Wordgirl! The scene where he recognized the book he wrote
.this is a PBS Kids’ show, those eyes should not have been so emotional!
Dr. Three Brains - Most episodes would have been demoted to Honorable Mentions if their bittersweet feel came only from one scene- however, that didn’t feel fair to this episode. The episode stars Dr. Two-Brains and Wordgirl working together to stop Glen Furblam. This has one of my favorite scenes in the whole series at the very end between Wordgirl and Dr. Two-Brains, with them reminiscing on their old partnership (something that scarcely happens outside of Showdown at the Super Secret Spaceship Hideout), and when Wordgirl leaves, we see Dr. Two-Brains look very sad and slink off into the shadows
.so melancholy and bittersweet, and it’s a season finale!
A Questionable Pair - Nobody talks about this episode! Brent and Ms. Question are very underrated, yet somehow not nearly as underrated as Reginald and Ms. Question. I love how she likes listening to him talk, and he just likes actually being asked questions 😭
. I don’t know why, but the way this episode ends always made me super sad. In the end, Reginald feels so betrayed by what her (and Invisi-Bill’s) original plan was that he pretty much cuts off their little friendship. Reginald seems so hurt, and Ms. Question looks so so sad
Even more melancholy is Reginald looking agh the pictures of the two of them, and seems like he’s trying not to cry. Wordgirl what the frick why would you make me feel things
A Few Words from Wordgirl - An episode that I maybe should’ve swapped with a certain episode in honorable mentions? But I think it juuuust earns its place here. I love this episode, and there are so many cute dad!brains moments in it. It’s nice to see them so civil.
Rhyme and Reason - The show finale, and overall a great pair of episodes. There’s not a single moment without some sort of almost-uncomfortable subtext or even details just shown loud and proud. You’re WAITING for Reason to snap whenever he and Rhyme are onscreen, and then the Violet-Wordgirl plot
.I hate Violet with a burning passion, and this episode is a big part of why, but it is extremely emotional and earns its place here.
Becky Knows Best - I don’t remember this one well, but it’s the episode starring Ms. Question and Brent. A very different episode as far as its tone and story. I’m a little iffy on whether it should go here or in honorable mentions, as at the moment I don’t remember it very clearly and can only find clips, but it would be in this post either way. The happier ending to “A Questionable Pair”.
Honorable Mentions:
By Jove, You’ve Wrecked My Robot! - The episode that got me into this fandom, and one that remains a favorite. “The same sparkling smile! The same ruby lips! The same
..I realize I’ve said too much.” I didn’t think this episode fit with the others, but was absolutely worth a mention.
A World Without Wordgirl - I don’t remember this episode very much, but it was worth a mention for DtB’s alternate universe self and the general uniqueness of the episode. You really feel bad for Becky.
When Chuck’s Mom is Away - Not an emotional episode, but one very focused on character dynamics and very standout. I figure that anyone who’s looking for the more emotional character-driven episodes would enjoy this one as well!
Tobey Goes Good - A normal episode changed by one scene, but to a lesser degree than Dr. Three Brains. Tobey genuinely seems willing to change long-term, and I’ll admit that seeing him entertain some smaller kids was really cute, but when Violet (unfairly lol let’s be real) wins the contest he’s been competing in, he completely snaps. Oddly enough, he seems genuinely hopeless and even cries. If I’m not mistaken, this is the only episode where he actually tries to kill Wordgirl. Aside from maybe Miss Power, this is absolutely his lowest point.
Oh, What a Tangled Knot You Tie, Amazing Rope Guy! - Not emotional, but this episode does make me a little sad for some reason. I don’t know. It is character focused, though!
It’s Your Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To - This is a sweet episode. Tobey, for once, ends up unable to fulfill his goal, which today is destroying the birthday party of a classmate (as he was not invited). He seems to feel quite bad at the end and even tries to make it up to her, and it’s cute seeing him and Wordgirl bond over the situation.
Invasion of the Bunny Lovers - Here only due to Scoops discovering Wordgirl’s identity. Scoops exemplifies everything Violet *should’ve* done in Rhyme and Reason. Maybe I’ll make a post about that.
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604to647 · 2 months
Hi there, how are you? I hope you are doing great and life treating you well. I was wondering how Din and Pretty bird are coping!! I‘m a huge fan and this series is my go to comfort reads. I‘m still recovering from the last chapter, but I need to know how these two are doing! Sending lots of love.
Hi love!! Oof things are busy but not too shabby here 😊 Hope you are also doing well and that wherever you are you're staying cool (or warm?!)
I'll be honest... Pretty Bird and Din are not doing well đŸ˜«đŸ˜«
Separately, they are going THROUGH IT. SwY is the first fic I ever started writing, and accordingly, there are parts that are very self indulgent - PB is going to self blame (even though she shouldn't), and be mad and sad mainly at herself because that's the kind of nonsense I would pull.
You had accepted dishonesty as part of your so-called relationship right off the bat, it was no wonder that none of it had been true.  Stupid, stupid. 
Din is... full of regrets but a resolute and practical man - he's made his bed and now he has to lie in it, you know?
Din knows that if he allowed himself to be in your presence for even a moment, he would throw himself at your feet and beg for forgiveness.  Plead and grovel until you took him back and then everything, the very reason for all this misery, would be for naught. 
I suspect some of his stubbornness on this is self punishment plus underneath it all, he still doesn't believe he deserves to be with someone good. I know we hate a lot on Din's dumbdumbness, but I have such a soft spot for him đŸ„č Like the way I imagine Pretty Bird, she's strong and will always, in any iteration of the story, be fine. But Din - oof! He's not ever going to be fine without her. 😭
Ok! I'm sorry this got depressing - but I guess that means I answered your question?? đŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł Thank you so much for reading and saying it's a comfort read of yours! I'm sorry if the next chapters are not so comforting đŸ˜„
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gilmores-glorious-blog · 3 months
okay okay okay so i just watched the pbs great performances hamlet and it was. SO GOOD. oh my god. here are my many, many thoughts:
- the singing starting the show is fucking amazing
- the opening funeral scene and then the transition to the wedding goes so hard
- ophelia’s song having lines from hamlet’s letters to her .. 

- this polonius casting is GOD TIER like yeah. that’s what he looks like. that’s correct.
- i don’t like that they cut the opening ghost scene :/
- omg this horatio <33 i love him sm
- horatio’s black nail polish is everything to me
- ophelia is so hot oh my god
- i love a production that plays up the sibling dynamic between ophelia and laertes
- on that note, ophelia and laertes making fun of polonious is always so fun
- the modern aspects with masks and stuff are so interesting
- the ghost possessing hamlet???? oh my god i’m obsessed why have i never seen that done before
- the actor rolling his eyes back so that you only see the whites of his eyes while he’s possessed is so fucking cool
- i love productions that have hamlet cut his hand on his sword idk why i just do
- also horatio not even hesitating to cut his own hand? i’m insane
- ah fuck,,,, hamlet and horatio grasping each others bloody hands
 horatio clasping hamlet’s hand with both his hands,, i’m unwell 😭
- gertrude and claudius being super horny for each other always makes me so uncomfortable
- these ros and guil costumes are great
- big fan of productions that make claudius be super charismatic it’s always such an interesting choice
- god this polonious is so good, he’s so fucking funny
- i love hamlet’s rings <3
- hamlet taking a selfie with the stacie abrams poster is crazy
- hamlet’s personalized handshakes with ros and guil are so cute
- it’s interesting that it’s fully set in america and that all the lines referencing denmark were cut out/changed
- i’m trying to figure out what hamlet was reading but i can’t and it’s driving me crazy đŸ˜©
- hamlet smacking polonious on the ass was crazy
- god i love a production that leans into the comedic aspects of this play,, it may be shakespeare’s most famous tragedy but it’s also funny as fuck sometimes
- the incorporation of singing/rapping throughout the show is so good
- also polonious as the one white guy in the room being like. ‘erm actually i don’t like the rapping đŸ€“â˜ïžâ€™ ,,, stfu man
- i need to know who wrote the lyrics for these songs bc they’re so good and they incorporate the original text so well
- fucking hell man,, his to be or not to be was amazing
- the “where’s your father” moment was so good
- oh my god horatio’s costume change,, the pink suit,,, i love him :’)
- i wish productions didn’t cut down the passions slave speech as much as they tend to do :/
- god ophelia’s dress is GORGEOUS
- polonious being the only one wearing a mask was wild but also so real (as someone who has often been the only person masked in a room)
- god this claudius is really good i appreciate the depth he brings to the role
- hmm interesting place for an intermission idk how i feel about this
- polonious in comfy clothing,, rest in peace peepaw đŸ˜­đŸ«Ą
- polonious’ body lying on the bed during the entire closet scene is so fucked
- sometimes i wish i didn’t know this play so well so i could watch adaptions without noticing every single line they leave out,,,
- jfc,, hamlet wiping the blood off his knife onto the bedsheets,,,
- gertrude not hugging claudius back 👀
- claudius punching hamlet >:(
- idk how i feel about the decision to make ros and guil know about hamlet being sent to his death
- let’s be honest i’m mostly here for solea pfeiffer’s portrayal of ophelia’s madness
- the running makeup and the messy hair. YES.
- i hate that i have a certain melody to ophelia’s songs in my head so when i hear other versions with different melodies i’m like. hmm. incorrect.
- holy fuck she’s so incredible
 the ophelia ever oh my god
- YESSSS INCLUSION OF THE HORATIO LETTER SCENE FUCK YEAH (i hate when adaptations don’t include this scene)
- horatio is reading the letter like omg pirates my boyfriend is so cool
- it’s always so funny to me that claudius and laertes make a plan, a backup plan, and a backup backup plan for killing hamlet and it still backfires and kills them both (i mean it does also work to kill hamlet. but still.)
- the portrait of king hamlet watching the entire show goes so hard
- this gravedigger is so amazing i’m obsessed
- ugh 😭 the singers singing the same song at ophelia’s funeral as at the king’s đŸ˜©
- oh FUCK ophelia coming out at her funeral.. the watery lighting
 i’m going insane
- horatio holding hamlet and comforting him :(
- laertes apparently being able to see the ghost of ophelia makes him as a narrative foil to hamlet all the more juicy
- the eat a crocodile line is always so random lmao
- aw fuck
. laertes singing really got me
- oh my GOD this osric is so fucking funny
- lmao osric beefing with horatio
- horatio in the background of the fencing match cheering on hamlet <3
- claudius standing and rubbing gertrude’s shoulders knowing she’s about to die :( this isn’t fair i’m not allowed to be emo about them
- hamlet offering laertes the sword and then laertes stabbing him with it,,,
- gertrude’s realization of what happened right before she dies was so good
- claudius cutting his own hand on the sword was a powerful choice
- it’s always funny to me when productions completely cut out the fortinbras plotline
- horatio catching hamlet as he falls :(
- horatio singing to hamlet after he dies
 i am so incredibly unwell 😭😭
overall, amazing production. i loved the musical elements. definitely my favorite ophelia and polonius i’ve seen, possibly my favorite laertes and claudius as well. the hamlet/horatio relationship wasn’t quite as prominent as i would’ve liked it to be, but it was still really great, and i enjoyed analyzing all the little moments they did have.
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mvalentine · 2 years
ive been on the choices app A LOT lately (đŸ«ŁđŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł) & i have some unpopular opinions to share even though literally no one asked for them <3:
- the royal masquerade is SO criminally underrated, it deserves way way wayy more love. and honestly, trm has a way better royal plot & storyline than the entirety of the royal romance.
- speaking of the royal romance, i would choose arthur/artura anyday over liam. they’re based off of very similar archetypes, but for some reason i truly adore them even if i seem to be in the habit of having my mc date the intended love interests’ closest confidants <3
- look, i love immortal desires. no one’s doing it like my girl cas! but especially after replaying bloodbound recently, id simply cannot compare!! bloodbound is a masterpiece, the mc is literally one of the best mcs on the app, the lis are all SO good, the plot is so much more engaging and unhinged
.. also rheya as the villian & the whole mc being descended from her blood keeper storyline? yeha that’s history. like sorry to id but you simply cannot compete where you don’t compare.
- the phantom agent is SO underrated it actually makes me so sad 😭 also my bby agent grey people hate them & for WHAT! i literally love them so much they are my precious little angel <3 also the mc? yeah an icon! the whole rowan situation and the drama of it all?!? such a solid book come on now people!
-speaking of lis who get way too much unnecessary hate— loml miss monroe from ms. match! they were SUCH a fun li & the book was such a fun read & honestly monroe is SO justified in being pissed i mean hell i would be so fuckin pissed if i was in their situation?!? anyways yeah i love them also she’s one of the prettiest sprites pb has ever made <3
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imptired · 1 year
Fionna & Cake (unpopular) opinions
The series had finally ended!! It was so well written. I loved it. I loved all the easter eggs they included. But the fandom gotta fandom so a lot of opinions are around, and here are mine,
1- Marshall Lee and Gary shouldn't have dated so quickly.
It was super obvious they were a fan service (suddenly throwing away everything even though they've just met)
I HATED HOW MONOTONE MARSHALL'S VOICE WAS..... like everyone loves Donald Glover's voice acting already, but the way they kept Marshall's voice so low unlike the og made him purely a fan service imo :(
Not to even mention (i will anyways) how unlike PB Gary was. Marshall, despite being monotone, was at least as Marceline as possible. While Gary was just sweet as a candy and selfless, both which are not PB at all 😭
I honestly think like the og series they're gonna break up and date again after a while. Because in the og, they dated purely because of their admiration of each other and it ended badly because all they admired all they turned out to hate about each other until they realized what they love about each other is simply loving each other, caring a lot. I wish they didn't rush but i hope they at least get to build a romance again?? Not be a fanfiction
2- The ending was AMAZING
I don't generally like endings of series because i place too high of hopes, but this one showed me that's exactly what i was doing wrong. They wanted to live on their own, by their own, and they decided to do so. It showed to the audience that you should get to enjoy what you have instead of whining for more. Fionna spent every second of first episodes whining how her world sucked, only for her to reject any changes that could happen into it. Because she doesn't get to dictate people's lives. She may be a main character, but her world is as alive and conscious as she is.
3- Betty&Simon's closure was perfect.
Throughout the series, even the characters in it claimed what Betty&Simon had was perfect. And it was not. Just like in real life, they're not stereotypical. Betty sacrificed a lot for Simon (her life THREE times[going to find the book, travelling into the future without hesitation to find him a cure&turning into a chaos entity just to make sure he is okay] to begin with) . We have seen Simon hopelessly in love with Betty, but that was it. Simon loved Betty(even when he is about to confront her to say his thoughts, he doesn't say "thank you" or anything, he starts with the "I have been searching for a cure for you, but I couldn't find it.") That is sweet and wonderful and i am not blaming him for anything. Neither did she. Betty, after all the sacrifices, just wanted to be acknowledged. That's it. She had no regrets as she had said, which was a beautiful altogether. I loved them. Simon acknowledging Betty was not Betty being a bitch, but rather Betty getting the closure she deserves as well(honestly, a GREAT written character.). Simon got his closure as well, because he thought he had dedicated himself to Betty, but it was just him destroying his own life. I think they were perfect. Right people, right time.
4- This is Fionna&Cake's series. Not anybody else's.
People were super upset by the lack of cameo's. Even though we got a lot. Finn was in the series because Simon talked to him, and other easter egg's were because Fionna, Cake or Simon interacted with them. Not to mention Simon was there just to help Fionna&Cake, and realizing he should help himself instead of sitting and whining. This is THEIR series. Yes, would love to see more Adult Finn, PB&Marcy, FarmWorld, other worlds etc etc.. but it's not their time. It's not their issue. There were already so many many cameos and easter eggs in the show, and i'm honestly satisfied they bothered to even put so much into it.
The series was done with love&attention. I love Adventure Time. Seriously. But just like the series had showed, the decisions have been made and instead of hating what you have, you should enjoy it. We will most most likely have many more short series regarding the show in the near future, maybe with less Fionna&Cake's world but we, as the audience, got our closure. They're alive, they're happy and they are learning how to enjoy themselves.
The characters are so well written, that i cannot even imagine the writers heads through writing. The work is done with so much love that they basically wrote themselves.
A great, heartwarming and cozy series. Hope to see more in that universe in near future :)
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kikker-oma · 7 months
Alr it’s march now which means

So here is what I think the chain’s favorite penut butter combos will be:
Time: smoothie with peanut butter, banana, and Lon Lon milk. Go to breakfast when with Malon. He will always want to savor it because he loves it so much but then like 2 hours later it is room temperature pretty much melted (?) and he only got halfway done. At that point Wind would probably steal the glass and chug it just to annoy him
Twilight: peanut butter on almost burnt toast, he toasted it too high one time and now absolutely loves it. Everyone judges him for eating burnt toast and is not convinced he actually likes it but generally does. Bonus points if it’s smooth peanut butter.
Sky: allergic to peanuts will eat it if someone makes it for him because he can’t say no but typically doesn’t eat it for obvious reasons. Surprised he’s still alive
Warriors: will take a slice of plain bread, not toasted, coat it with three times the amount of peanut butter and stuff it down in 0.2 seconds flat as he is used to not having enough time to sit down for a meal ( :( )
Legend: Makes the sandwiches but never eats them. He will only ever eat chunky peanut butter if it is smooth he will hate you. It is also 80% jelly and only 20% peanut butter because it’s “spicy”.
Hyrule: peanut butter and dirt mud pies. No other comment.
Wild: will spend 12 consecutive hours in the kitchen making a perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich with homemade pb and same with jelly. Will get bread from Malon, toast it just right, butter it, and assemble it in the perfect format
 only to accidentally drop it on the ground (we all know he’ll still eat it anyway)
Four: He needs structure, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich has to be perfect, a nice layer of smooth peanut butter, with a thin layer of the crunchy stuff on top. He also adds some almond’s for ✹aesthetic✹ he also uses the strawberry jelly that comes in those little packet things.
Wind: If he is not chugging Time’s old have drunken smoothie, he will legitimately reach into the peanut butter jar and scoop HANDFULS out. No spoon. Everyone hates him for it because he literally contaminates the jar for everybody but he does it anyway. Oh if he is “buying” his own peanut butter it’s probably stolen.
Ok I completely approve of Legends peanut butter to jelly ratio😌😌 especially if it's home made jam MMM. Delish
Any time I make a smoothie like Time I also usually only end up drinking halfđŸ„Č I wish I had a Wind around to steal the remains 😂
What's your favorite way to eat peanut butter Blare?? I usually eat a spoon of it aloneđŸ€— no bread or sugar for me😭 (I'm on a diet LOL)
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geffenrecords · 8 months
I see your posts about tim and dally and i think they're hilarious so I was wondering if you had any hcs for them?? they're so underrated it's criminal bc I'm honest to God obsessed w them 😭
whoevr the ffuck asked this thank you somuch I LOVE TIM AND DALLAS.....ARGHHH theyre so fucking interesting to me forever....okay in the book its stated that dallas and tim were always kind of buddies . pb specifically notes that even though dallas got angry and slashed tim's tires for no real reason and then tim retaliated by breaking his ribs that they were still friends. tim goes to see dallas in the hospital, which dallas claims he only does to rub the rumble in his face but i (choose to) believe it was like...more .
tim isnt really a character in the books very much tbh . he has 1 single appearance in the outsders and one in that was then this is now. most of what we hear about him is word of mouth, but when he is onscreen hes described as very cold and scary. ponyboy notes that tim reminds him of an alley cat, and tim praises pony and johnny for killing bob. he kind of just stalks around and talks to everyone a little bit and thats the most we see (besides him breaking his nose again LMAO). pony mentions him A LOT in this book. something thats kind of a '''fandom'''' thing that pisses me off is how people say that darry & soda wouldnt like pony hanging out with curly because he's a ''bad influence'' but this just..isnt true ? pony is always mentioning both the shepards and even says he actually is friends with curly and likes him. the cigarette burning in the hands incident (i think its so cute and funny that tim stopped them. like curly robbing a liquor store is something hes lowkey proud of but curly and pony burning holes in each others hands pisses him off?) and even mentions when he was with curly one time and how he broke something while jumping off a pole. its also noted that despite all the differences between the shepards and the curtis', theyll always help each other and they truly do have each others back. no one makes any comments about how they distrust tim or anythign. in That was then This is Now, tim also shows up once but is mentioned a lot. curly and angela have the most screen time obviously in this book, but i do LOVEE tim's appearance in this book. after mark shaves angelas head, he and curly go and beat up bryon and tim is described as a very frightening person. bryon says that curly is mostly just kind of dumb and violent but tim is genuinely a mean person, noting that curly threatens a lot of people but tim really does mean everything he says and that whatever he says he'll do to someone, he really will. i think this is great! but yeah. twttin also says that the shepards live with their mother and stepdad but i kind of like. ignore this. i think their dynamic is so much more interesting if they live by themselves. i think tim is particularly fascinating BECAUSE of angela and curly. like even tho tim is a terrrible violent person he still raises and takes care of his younger siblings. adds so much more..i think..
but as for him and dally....fuckkkkk dude. the way i view them is that tim is like, genuinely very in love with dallas. like he knows it everyone knows it. usually when i do stuff with them dallas is affectionate towards him in a mostly joking manner, but doesn't really seem aware of tims feelings. obviously i dont think tim or dallas ever really like..talk about their feelings but they have subtle ways of letting each other know. i think theyre most interesting when they hate and love each other. they get in a fistfight and curse each other out b4 going behind bucks and making out for a couple hours . that sort of thing. ponyboys words about them are that theyre "two of a kind" which is CRAZZZYYYYY . like i dont even know where to begin with that one . so anyways . to me, dallas is some little weird nyc freak whos had various on/off relationships, like with sylvia. they kind of cheat on each other and mostly just argue so thats how he views his relationship with tim, and he doesnt really stay with him. however tim does. tim doesnt really have any romantic experiences or anything ( i know that the outsiders says he got the scar on his face from 'a tramp hitting him with a bottle" and that this is most likely implied to say he was trying to get sex from her but i think of it as he got into an argument with some random prostitute. which is honestly kind of funnier. whys he beefing with this poor lady) so to him, dallas is very real and sort of his only thing he has going for him. he takes everything dallas does to and with him VERY personally. if dallas shows up at HIS doorstep after a fight instead of the curtis', tim basically takes this as dallas' version of saying he loves him, even if dallas only did it because his house was closer or whatever. however dallas also will tell him about things going on with sylvia and this pisses tim off so theylll beat each other up about it. and have like car sex after idk. since dallas grew up in the nyc streets and was LITERALLY JAILED AT 10(?) i think of him similar to neil mccormick from mysterious skin . most likely abused at a young age, has sex with a lot of random people to cope with it, "young and willing", that sort of thing. so to him, tim is his buddy hes close with in a really weird way, who cares if they have sex. except tim like really falls in love and dallas is kind of like oh . okay word. i dont know if dallas being in love with tim would really be like...realistic but hopefully it is . hehe. the worst people youve ever met are madly in love with each other...dallas cracks a bottle over tims head when he gets pissed off but they cuddle all night (after almost killing each other fighting it out). itd be like the first time either of them have ever like..experienced a relationship so theyre total weirdos but so sweet in a way ? tim would give dallas stitches after a fight and lay with him all night to make sure he doesnt have a concussion . dallas helps tim get home drunk even when tim tries to shove him away . that sort of thing. i also think curly interacting with dallas is SUCH a funny ass concept and i wish people did stuff with it more. im aware the shepards are boderline my ocs atp but i dont even care . dallas walks in and is like ummm wheres tim and curlys like why đŸ€šwtf do u want...and dallas just gets So angry. hes literally like beefing with this 14 year old for no fucking reason . dallas would lock curly in the bathroom and forget hes in there when pissed off enough but angela would bully dallas . and he cant really do anything actually harmful to them bc tim would beat his ass so hes just So pissed off.
idk . big fan of whatever se hinton mildly laid down in that book lol.
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