#i hate the concept so much I'm not even gonna tag it by its name (also bc I don't want to actually rain on anyone's parade)
theartofangirling · 2 years
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lara635kookie · 9 months
I didn't even watch "WISH" yet because in my country it will only be available at january, but people are saying it's a bad cliche so I probably won't watch at the cinema.
The thing is, even though I am a hopeless romantic, not everything has to have romance. There are princess who are perfectly fine without a prince, like Mirabel, Elsa, Merida, Moana and Raya(I do kinda like the idea of Raya with a girl, just not Namaari). But we were so robbed of seeing Asha and the star boy(he is literally a staR so I don't doubt Disney would call him StaN or something like that, so his name is Stan from now on, I am gonna call him like that, is easier than star boy). Asha and Stan had the potential to be the next Tianaveen and Rapunzel&Eugene (I don't know their ship name). The concept arts are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Also "At All Costs" (bop) would have been a love song between the two!!! Them singing it man. The pain I will feel when I don't see them passionately sing it, very "I see the light" coded, in the actual movie. Somehow, now is not feminist for a strong female character to have a male partner by her side. Like...This doesn't make sense! You can be a strong female character and have a man at the same time! Have y'all forgotten Mulan and Shang? Anna and Kristoff? Ariel and Eric? Jasmine and Aladdin? (There are more examples and I could go on all day, but you got what I meant already) I hate Disney for throwing good ideas at the trash and playing safe just for money(like Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk said "it's a metaphor for capitalism"). And as the guy looked blonde with blue/green eyes in the arts I have seen, and Asha is a black latina, they lost the opportunity of having a biracial couple ACTUALLY DONE RIGHT (Pocahontas and John Smith don't count, he is a collonizer with the most common name in the world, she deserves so much better). Like, if the thing is show how inclusive you are by having a black latina female protagonist for little girls to see and feel represented in a good way, you could have increased that feeling by making someone fall in love for her. Little girls would feel like they are beautiful and desired/desireable in a positive way and that they worthy of being loved and love and be with whoever they want to be with, even someone who has a different skin color.
I am also mad because we could have seen Disney's first evil villain COUPLE with King Magnifico and his wife, the queen(still don't know her name, sorry). Can't you guys imagine the HITS, THE FIRST PLACE OF BILLBOARD HOT 100 WORTHY songs, they would proportionate us? Even if only one song, it would be enough for me. But someone thought having a female villain would be anti-feminist and they discarded an original and authentic idea, which is what Disney built its empire on the first place. Come on Disney minorities don't want to be portrayed as those unrealistic superior beings, they want to be portrayed as real human beings with emotions, struggles, qualities and flaws. Having an iconic female villain like you guys always had(like Maleficent, Cruella De Vil, Ursula, Mother Gothel, Lady Tremaine, etc) and set her up with an iconic male villain(like Gaston, Doctor Facilier, Shan Yu, Jafar, Hans, etc) it would have been top notch, god tier. King Magnifico and the queen could have been like the Gomez and Morticia of evil. You could address so many topics by it. Like the kingdom being ruled by evil would have been a great social critic of some politicians out there, for example. And we could have had an iconic final boss battle between Asha and Stan VS Magnifico and the queen.
Anyway, what I mean by this is that if someone has fanarts or just ANY CONTENT, of Asha and Stan, tag me, reblog this or comment, I don't care, just warn me, because they are my new obsession. I will also write a fanfic about this movie with these ideas, but only after I have watched the movie so until them, please feed my hyperfixation in Stasha (Star boy/Stan×Asha), I'm begging y'all
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
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Doodle Dump
Been a while since I've posted a collection of bad sketches. Notes under the cut~
1-2) AC:OS Seals. So, I didn't want to give up on making those seals for you guys even though my enthusiasm for it kinda went away~ The melon soda seal feels like it's missing something, and I think the sea captain seal is giving too much Admiral Bobbery for its own good, so I might redo that one entirely. I don't hate them, but somehow they're not reading as very "Animal Crossing" to me. I think I need to get more creative about the facial features.
3) Pudding. Another attempt of designing Yuru's main mask. I think it's cute, but I'm still not sold on it. I like the colors at least, but I think I want the mask to have a big gaping mouth so he doesn't need to take it off to eat. I'm just having a hard time keeping it cute when the mouth is open.
I dunno if Pudding is gonna be their final name, but I guess it suits them.
4) Kun3h0 ver. 4(?). I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but I just can't stop trying to redesign Kun3h0. Lately, I've been thinking that I'd like to try and make her a little less symmetrical for more visual interest. Originally the change was as simple as just adding the gauntlet to one arm (similar to be VERY early iterations of my "vtuber sona" with their one-paw glove), but then I started changing her more, and ended up with this. It's cute, but somehow I think it makes her theming even less apparent XP (her tummy lines were doing A LOT to sell the fact that she's a robot and not someone just dressed in sci-fi-ish gear).
I changed her eye color to green to draw in focus to her face (which is important for a V-Tuber design). Originally I thought I was achieving that by making the hair so much darker than everything else, thus drawing attention to the head, but I think changing the eye color to something unique helps even more with directing your eyes straight to the face.
I dunno. I like it aesthetically, but I feel like I'm losing the story here. In the last design, even though it was kinda generic, just having the clear indicator that she was inhuman did a lot to inform her character, but when I lose that, I lose the one real point of interest she had.
Then again, I've never truly had a good grasp on Kun3h0 as a character, so maybe that's what's wrong. Maybe if I sit down and actually write even a basic backstory for her, then I'd have some more direction besides, "girly robot Y2K inspired game character with a heart/bunny motif".
5-6) P2 Kliff (Banana Split/Original). So, I wanted to make a version of Kliff that fits more into my aesthetics. (Read: I wanted to make him pink). It isn't meant to be a replacement for him, just an alternate palette. In fact, I kinda liked this outfit enough to try it in his original colors too, and I think it works~
However, I dunno if I completely like the Banana Split colors
The outfit is based on this sketch from Kliff's original concept drawings.
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I have NO idea what's going on in his chest area. They can't be the buttons on the top because he's wearing a turtleneck (unless it's a vest, and he's seriously wearing 3 layers in this fit). I don't think it's a lanyard because he already has a name tag on his shirt.
So I interpreted it as a necklace. I dunno, I've always felt like one of Kliff's understated traits is that he's clearly fashion conscious given how much he accessorizes and that he has the confidence to even run around in a coat that yellow, so I don't think it's out of the question that he'd wear more jewelry.
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nakitengoku · 4 months
Hi I see u reblog posts all the time with 'vex' and 'vance', who are they?
I'm so glad you asked! Buckle up, this'll be a long one.
In Short, Vex is my cyberpunk 2077 self-insert turned oc through Character Development and Quirks that I don't possess! You can find all the posted drawings I've done of him here, here and here, but I can give you a rough summary bc I love talking about him and he makes me ill <3 I've even made him his own Spotify Playlist
First off, Vex's original concept came a while ago when I had first watched Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. (Original designs below) I named this self insert Ghost and he was supposed to operate as a shady BD dealer
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I wouldn't come back to this idea for a whole year, where a friend of mine who had been posting about the game convinced me to play. I decided to revamp Ghost, including his Name Change to Vex (to fit the theme of the main characters name starting with V). Through many back and forth a between me and my friend, and through playing the game, I had eventually fleshed out Vex.
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Crash course in Vex Lore, due to rough circumstances and having no other options, he signed a contract with an upstart xbd (hyper-realistic 3d experiences plugged straight into your brain. Vex's specifically was in the pleasurable kind (he's a pornstar)) producer. For Nine year, Vex worked under this Producer, slowly becoming more and more of a hit star, especially among fanatics. But he wanted to be done with it and move on with his life, and lean into his side gig of being a Merc for hire. The producer, learning that Vex was gonna quit, begged him for once last recording. During which, the Producer tried to have Vex killed by the hands of his co-actor. Vex learns this in the middle of a scene and flips it around, instead Killing his co-actor and his producer.
He then hides the body, moves and tries to make a job for himself in Atlanta, but after nearly 2 years of miss after miss, he's forced to return to Night City, thus kicking off the start of the game!
Other than his backstory, he is part of the Worlds worst polycule composed of the Canon Characters, Kerry Eurodyne, River Ward and Johnny Silverhand, and the Non Canonical (though they're both canonical in my heart) Vex and Vance.
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You may now be at the point of 'Phoenix, you've only been speaking about Vex, who the hell is Vance' Well, my dear beloved Mutual, Vance is @mail-me-a-snail's V! They're more inclined to talk about him and if you're really curious, they have an entire tag about him on their blog! Just know that I love Vance so strongly that Vex has to deal with it
(They've also recently posted one of their drawings of Vance and Vex and I'm over the moon about it)
There's also our mutual Bad Ending for Vance and Vex that you'll occasionally see me mention in Tags. That's the ending where Vex never escaped his Producer, instead continuing his work and becoming extremely popular and Vance never leaving Arasaka (a huge corporation). This ending is just for the two of them to rip each other apart in mutually assured destruction done out of love, commitment and understanding <3 (of which has its own Spotify playlist)
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General rule of thumb is if you see a Vex with short hair and a blue collar, that's normal Vex. If you see him with long hair and he's missing his collar, That's the Bad End Vex.
That's it for Major Plot Points! He's a pretty kind and caring guy, but Hates Johnny's guts and will only refer to him as Silverhand (for multiple reasons). He's main weapon is a katana. He'll eat random food off the street bc of ingrained habits and won't think twice about how nasty that it. His preferred mode of transport is a motorbike bc he can't drive a car for shit. He's my sopping wet cat of an oc that I shake around like a limp piece of prey between my teeth.
Hope you enjoyed this rant about him! Thank you so much for asking ! (And feel free to keep asking, I love talking about him)
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zipegs · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @cedarbranch thank you so much!!
tagging: @valentinsylve @wastrelwoods @shachaai @chaotic-plotter @thedarkmongoose
@luvbef @abstracteeveewrites @det395 no pressure though!!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
28! back in the good old days (especially when i was mostly writing oneshots) i used to be able to do one work a month but now i'm a lot slower and much more sporadic. definitely think i can break the 30 mark this year though!
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
right now it's hannibal and the heu. i have also written for star trek aos, the terror s1, and supernatural, and will probably revisit some or all of them at some point in the future
4. top five fics by kudos
A Treatise on Touch (or Lack Thereof) (Star Trek AOS) - 883 Murphy's Law of Cohabitation (Supernatural) - 594 to the victor go the spoils (Hannibal) - 578 of all acts for which you must atone (Hannibal) - 554 kalos kagathos (Hannibal) - 522 my two crack fics coming in first! lmao. just goes to show that being silly and self-indulgent can pay off 😂 especially considering that top kudos'd fic is rated T! also was a surprise to see my terror yuletide fic coming in the number six spot, since that's a much smaller fandom compared to the others i've written for (or it was, at least. i know it's grown a bit since i started there)
5. do you respond to comments?
yes, all of them! unfortunately i'm an even slower comment responded than i am a writer but i do respond to each and every single one eventually. i appreciate people leaving the time to let me know they enjoyed my work so much and i definitely want to show that. plus i just enjoy the conversation!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well! the book of jonah (hannibal) is definitely high up there, as are some of the oneshots in take the longing and give it a name (the terror). oh also ad finitum (the terror) and maybe elegy (the terror)? some of those (and a few i mentioned) are more bleak horror endings but the hartnell death oneshot in take the longing and give it a name and ad finitum are definitely just straight angst
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
a lot of them have happy endings, and some are just fluff oneshots! but i'm gonna say A Treatise on Touch (or Lack Thereof) for its very slight angst and eventual supremely happy ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
i do not! i've found a nice little niche i suppose lol
9. do you write smut?
yes! i used to hate it but since joining the hannibal fandom i've started enjoying writing smut and dabbling in pwps. actually most of my recent work has been pwps dkfhdgh
10. craziest crossover?
i haven't done anything crazy i fear! my only crossovers have been heu.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i've noticed! i've had one suspicious incident of concept-ripping BUT it could have very well been a coincidence, so overall i've made out well!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yes i have!! Stacy_likegravity translated A Treatise on Touch (or Lack Thereof) to Chinese and Jane_Ka translated i am my beloved's (and my beloved is mine) to Belarusian.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not. i used to be too much of a control freak to consider it—the thought alone was off-putting. now, though, it's something i'd love to try with a writer i'm comfortable and have a rapport with.
14. all time favorite ship?
you can't ask me that because my current ship always is my all-time favorite!!! so, yeah, gotta say hannigram.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mmmm i have a bunch! there's an old supernatural horror fic i had about anna milton being a terrifying and off-putting child (thanks to, you know, once being an angel) that i'd love to finish and spruce up bc i felt really good about it at the time. that's five years ago now though so who knows if i'd feel like the writing held up!
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i'm pretty good at setting and description—establishing a place and/or feel/tone for a piece. i like to think i'm pretty decent at capturing speech patterns but i do find dialogue a lot harder than narration personally.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i tend to get rambly and overexplain when it's unnecessary (and sometimes gloss over what i should space out a bit)! pacing isn't always the easiest for me and i'm not great at story structure.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i don't mind it, as long as it's easily navigable! i used to be all for the hover-translations people would do but now i love linked footnotes. scrolling up and down for translations can be a little taxing for me personally.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
phantom of the opera. i tried my hand at writing a phantom/christine sex scene way back when and got about as far as "her corset 'magically' became undone". needless to say that never saw the light of day! first published fandom was a galadriel lotr oneshot i posted on ff.net (completely forgot about that until right now, actually lol)
20. favorite fic you've written?
i think i have to say the book of jonah, because i'm really proud of that one!
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aether-friskets · 4 months
wip questionnaire tag game yay
thanks @ap0stle for tagging me in this!! :D
The WIP im gonna talk about is uh. well it doesnt really have a name i just call it "that game i want to finish eventually" or "the survival horror game idea" lol, I'm bad with names so itll prob remain that way for a while
What's the First Part of Your WIP that You Created?
I can't recall exactly when this was, but I remember I was specifically listening to this video which, judging by its age, would've been around 2 years ago now. Something about the black and red blair witch game art used as the cover (which, i... totally legally... played that game out of curiosity later on, wasnt big on it as a blair witch fan or a horror fan in general, but you will see one little element from it as one of a few inspiration points for whats kind of becoming a major mechanic in my game at this point lol) mixed with the music itself gave me this mental image of someone driving on a road through the woods with that very black and red lighting, and i had this feeling that they were looking for someone. That's technically the very vague basis that sprouted into my game idea, which has changed a lot since then, and now I don't think a scene like that will even happen. Aside from that, my first concept that's actually stuck around, is the protag looking for their sibling (usually my brain leans sister so i may go that route, but i tend to imagine characters w/out gender in mind til later lol) and sorta ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time as a result. I have some more stuff in mind of course, but a lot of stuff is still pretty vague lol
If Your Story Was a TV Show, What Would the Theme Song/Intro Be?
Oh man this is such a fun thing to think about conceptually, I feel like the WIP is almost too much of a WIP to be sure... But it'd probably have to feel very 2000s, maybe have some kind of industrial edge? Something to capture the idea of an ordinary person descending into something they couldn't possibly be prepared for i guess loll Those things aren't necessary, but the setting is mainly going to be in this as yet unnamed city during the mid-late 2000s? I haven't settled on the exact year yet so that may not be fully accurate lol. The game probably will get some kind of intro style thing, because I absolutely LOVE that in the silent hill games (and also twilight princess had something like that!! which is very nostaglic for me lol) so I think it would be awesome to do in mine lol I feel like the closest I've heard to the vibe I imagine are like. 1. Into to The Mine from Lost in Vivo 2. Broken ALSO from Lost in Vivo (i swear something abt the music in this game just has the vibes) 3. Theme Of... by Drackfreeee I guess it makes sense because it's a silent hill inspired song that you can even hear bits from the game's intros in there but. man. it's got a dreamlike quality that fits the more surreal elements i have in mind well, plus i can totally imagine it playing in an intro thing showing a bunch of scenes from the game and setting that scene of descent When i get to that point in making the game, ill probably look back at songs like these for ideas on what'll work
What Are Your Favourite Characters You Made, and Why?
Since this thing is still so much a WIP, I don't have a tonnn figured out about the characters, so it's kinda hard to pick. But I can talk a little about what I DO have figured out! As I said previously, the protag is gonna be looking for their sibling. The basic idea being that they're visiting their sibling in this new city they've never been to before, and things go all wacky sideways real fast. I feel like I'm either gonna love 'em or hate 'em because due to the unintentionally personal nature of this story that I've been embracing more as time went on, they're probably gonna be the most like me out of the cast. I'm hoping to make them an enjoyable protagonist to play as tho, not annoying but not TOO bland or anything. The sibling is probably gonna end up reflecting a lot of my sister, cause, as i said, accidentally personal story that I'm kinda just embracing at this point lol. I wanna not make any of the characters 100% like a single person I know, so I'll probably mix in traits from other people I like lmaooo. but we'll see what they're like by the end. One thing i already DO know is I really wanna circumvent the idea of the person you're trying to find/save being this "damsel in distress" type, so I think it'd be great if when you finally reunite, they're dealing with the whole situation way better than you LMAO. or at least on par. The hardest part about that tho... Is I'll probably have to make a half-decently competent partner NPC for that part of the game... I've also had this idea for a guy based on a dream I had. I think they will be playing a part but I'm not sure yet, as stuff is still very vague at this point. The idea is of someone who is "helping" you for part of the game, only to fuck you over later on because, what can I say, I love the heartbreak of getting totally screwed over by a character you trusted sometimes :3 The idea being you'd make remote contact early on and they'd promise to help lead you to your sibling but in reality either A) they've just been trying to lead you to your death subtly lmaooo or B) more likely option, theyre tricking you into helping them instead, and then will leave you for dead once you actually help them. I feel like it'd be fun to write a guy who is a total opportunist and probably a smug asshole, idk lol There will probably be other characters? but these are the only ones I have in mind so far, and as you can tell, they arent very fleshed out at all yet
What Other Pieces of Media do You Think Your Fanbase Would Share?
Jeez, the idea of garnering any kind of fanbase in and of itself is kind of cool but scary lol I figure they'd probably like a lot of the stuff that's inspiring me in the first place, like Silent Hill (duh), Cry of Fear, Jacob's Ladder, a bit o' Twin Peaks... Basically if you like some guy going through some weird fuckin' psychological shit lmaoo More specifically, i want the vibes of stuff like. standing in a subway station at a weird hour, feeling like the only person left on the planet. Opening a door into a room that shouldn't logically connect. Cryptic phone calls and texts that don't seem like a person would make them. Desperately trying to reach someone, to find the answers, but it seems like the place itself is fighting against you. Stuff like that, I guess
What Has Been Your Biggest Struggle With Your WIP?
Man, what hasn't? I don't have much experience making games so I'm learning a lot mechanically as I go, but I also have never properly finished an entire original story before. I think the main thing, is like... I'm scared whatever I create will feel too derivative of the works that inspired me, that the thing I create will ultimately fade into the shadow of other things that did it better. So every time I have a new idea, I worry about if it'll come off too much like [x thing] and that's been making the process even slower loll Aside from that, I know the character's primary goal, and I have certain locations I think would be cool to include, but I don't know SHIT about any of the details of getting from the start to the end and what will fall in-between, which does make it tricky lol. I need to really consider what kind of path I want them to follow, and what will happen after they reach their goal, stuff like that. It's all just very vague right now and trying to work out the details is almost intimidating even tho thats the main part of making a story.
Are There any Animals in Your Story? Talk About Them!
At the moment? Not that I'm aware of. There may likely be enemies with animal-like appearances, though. I could see that being a thing I do. But I haven't really gotten into monster design just yet.
How do Your Characters Travel/Get Around?
At the moment I'm suspecting primarily on foot, however my concept for the intro of the game involves the protag taking the subway. So there may be some subway shenanigans too, idk.
What Part of Your WIP Are You Working on Right Now?
I'd say the main reason the story is still so vague, is I've been trying to get the main technical/mechanical elements set up before I get too much into the details. Or maybe I'm just stalling. So, I'd say I'm mainly working on stuff surrounding the non-story parts of the game. But in terms of the story, I want to flesh out the protag and the sibling more into proper characters first and foremost, I'd say.
What Aspects (Tropes, Maybe?) do You Think Will Draw Your Audience in?
I'll be real I got no idea but... I guess if I think about it from the perspective of what I think would draw me in from an outside view...
Use of classic survival horror stuff like fixed camera angles (plus I'm going to have both tank and analog controls so more people can enjoy it :])
Putting a guy in A Situation
The general atmosphere and setting (as I sorta said, mid-late 2000s urban enviro with weird illogical stuff happening and potentially kind of dream-like elements, i hesitate to say liminal but maybe a bit liminal? I also want to go for a ps2-ish graphics quality cause i feel like its criminally underrated lol and some people may feel like me on that part and like that)
Vaguely queer protag? like i said i dont have much fleshed out but if they're gonna be based on me at all u KNOW that bitch aint gonna feel cis or straight i'm sorry it's simply fact (also admittedly I've been wanting to make them like some kinda genderqueer or somethin because its my video game and i can do what i want, and seeing human protags that are nonbinary in some way gives me life)
Weird-ass shit??? like if you vibe with weird silent hill dialogue or the weird stuff that just. happens in twin peaks, im hoping to bring a similar energy in my own way
Possibly more stuff as I flesh things out more lol
What Are Your Hopes For Your WIP?
Honestly I just hope I make something that I feel proud of. I wanna make something that makes someone feel the same way that stuff like Silent Hill, Cry of Fear, Lost in Vivo, Twilight Princess, hell, UNDERTALE did, where that shit changes you. Where you can feel the love for the genre or medium it's based upon. But at the very least, I just hope at least one person likes it, I guess That'd be enough for me
Uhhh erm I have no idea who to tag I am so bad at this part.... If you want to do this consider yourself tagged :]
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siekey · 1 year
hi i uh usually don't post personal things but i don't really have anyone to talk to about this but I'm so fucking anxious rn
so i work in a pretty casual office space of about twelve people that intermediately has to work front desk type work with a different organization. technically im supposed to wear a particular polo when I'm at this location but i don't typically do cause its a pretty chill environment and no one seems to mind.
however, this last week I've been on vacation and I've been kinda salty with work contacting me about non essential things during that time (I'm hourly). but today i came in on my day off of my own free will to help cover one of the front desk positions
my director, whose management style is very micromanagey and I've had issues with boundaries before and has been the topic of discussion in various capacities with my peers and other higher ups for a while, was very weird about me being there even tho this is the one that was mainly contacting me the week before. i was gonna stay a bit later to catch up on some general office tasks after covering the position when i was informed that "you need to do that when you're actually scheduled"
which fair, but this is the first thing they said about it when my general manager was fine with it in the morning and i had done something similar before going on vacation and my cfo and another director were fine with it
anyways I'm like. alright fine I'll head out then and tell my other coworkers bye
then my general manager pulls me aside to speak privately in the hallway to the bathrooms before i leave and informs me that the next day i was to have a meeting with the director and cfo about my dress code because the other organization had made a complaint
okay, i understand that I'm at fault and I'll apologize and be like my bad, no big deal
but my manager kept prefrencing that I'm not getting fired. while i know they most likely said this due to me noticeably and verbally voicing about how i hate having to have private meetings with superiors (lots of past trauma with authority figures) even if they haven't ever been bad or negative at this job and also my just very public dismissal (we have an open concept desk arrangement and my manager sits behind me while this director sits in front of me)
so now I've been fretting and analyzing every little thing that could be what got the complaint sent in about me which would have had to be either yesterday from my first day back or from like three weeks prior the last time i was at the front desk
was it just about the polo? was it about being perceived as showing too much cleavage as an overweight big tiddie person with the recent heat? was it the funny name tag that said frog man that was a good conversation starter with visitors that one weekend? was it the asexual shirt i wore under an opened button down that one time? is it that i don't shave my legs but i sometimes wear skirts and sundresses? is it my piercings that I've had since before i got hired last year? is it because i have beef with one person in the other organization for always mansplaining and ignoring me even when they expect things that would go against not just my work's policies but actual federal law?
am i just over thinking it? yes. but also is this something that's an honest mistake, a fuck up by me, or something that is not something that i should have had a complaint filed about?
(i do typically wear business casual when at the front desk places, usually a patterned button down and jeans, or skirts / dresses with some shirt / shawl to not have bare shoulders since i see a lot of old white men when sitting at the front desk and also im slowly but surely working on my body image issues and gender dysphoria.)
i do really like this job, but if I'm going to get in serious trouble over something little like this do i even want to work here? the pay isn't great but i love the team there (outside of that one director) and the work i do.
and yeah my fashion sense is a little eccentric but it's more your dad from the 80s meets miss frizzle than anything offensive, but I've literally been thinking about this for almost eight hours after crying on the drive home and i just needed to say something to the void about my feelings and honestly i feel a bit better now
thanks for coming to my Ted talk, hopefully the next one is funnier or about my specific blorbo of the week
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i'm sure i just spammed your notifs but sis!!!! usurper!gojo!!!!!! i'm in love with your writing ugh and i have a question. have you thought about the reader in canon? is she a sorcerer? a civilian? are she and gojo still together?
ADJFHDB ur good i think its so cool when i can tell someone's going through a specific tag of mine, im flattered u like the concept & my work that much!!!! ironically up until i got this ask i hadn't thought abt that reader in canon but after some pondering i kinda fell in love with the idea n here's what i came up with.
i think she is a sorcerer! not like special grade, id put her at around nanami's level; that is to say, having achieved black flash but not Hugely powerful (have i thought abt her ability? no i do not have the brain power for that sorry kajhbdf). now in the au she n gojo r childhood friends—i don't rlly wanna apply that here, bc his childhood in canon is implied to be v heavily influenced by his status & his clan and i imagine her to have come from a non-sorcerer family (or perhaps one only vaguely involved with the society, like maybe one of her parents was one of those people who could see curses but not a sorcerer??? idk, trying to apply the low-ranking-noble thing here) but either way not someone who he would've known since an early age. however since they're the same age theyd be in the same grade in hs! so i like the idea of her going to the kyoto school, while hes at the tokyo one, and they meet at the goodwill event thing they do every year where he.....
well, in essence, falls in love right away and in classic gojo fashion decides the best way to express that is though aggressive pigtail pulling in the form of beating her ass 🙄 bc of course. so she Hates him at first, and he is Madly In Love
now i v much like the idea of them spending the next many years in that oh-so-classic frenemies situation where hes silently pining after her while being A Menace and shes slowly falling for him despite herself lmfao. maybe she even transfers to tokyo after their initial meeting for whatever reason??? idk! not gonna get too into it but i do think by the time they graduate it evolves from him pestering her while shes annoyed into a close friendship where...... he still. pesters her. bc hes gojo pfft do also like the idea of her becoming a teacher (or otherwise working for the school) when theyre adults as well <333 bc i am a cliche and i simply adore it <333 i love the idea of her being a radical progressive wrt the society much like him n nanami, n thats one of the reasons he's so head-over-heels (sometimes...... he gets her to rant abt how the higher ups suck and the system is broken...... and watches with heart-eyes as she's angrily rambling.....) but yeah. also i rlly like the idea of her n nanami being v close solely bc theyre very similar KJAHSBF (this is also true in the au btw hes one of gojo's royal advisors i just havent mentioned it lol).
ANYWAYYYY i think!!! round abt the time hes idk 25 he comes to her and is like listen so the elders in my clan r rlly riding my ass to get married and pass on my genes and shit (not a lie, he just doesnt really care) and like shoko said she wouldnt do it (blatant lie he never asked her) soooooo u wanna maybe get hitched??? n reader's hesitant at first but then hes like look u n i share the same ambitions abt sorcerer society, we both wanna change it, its good for us to get married yanno? i give u the gojo name and suddenly theyve got two of us to contend with, two of us to send off on missions if they dont want us around, whaddya say?
and as established in the au one-shots, miss reader is an ambitious lil thing. n sure this might pose some issues (despite herself she is in fact v much in love with this fucker shes not super sure her heart could take being married to him......) but hes right, marrying the strongest sorcerer puts her in a position to help him change their society for the better and also hes Loaded who tf Wouldnt want a piece of that gojo fortune so she says fuck it why not.
and cue the agonizing "we're literally married and pining but havent even figured it out yet" slow burn as shoko and nanami and megumi and literally everyone who even somewhat knows them is tearing out their hair watching them KSJDHFB
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
tag memes
(don't mind me as I do these literal WEEKS later but it be like that. if I don't do them immediately, they get buried in my notifs and I forget 😂)
tagged by the lovely @draphrawrites and @bittermoonswrites. Thank you both! I love writer memes even if I'm not much of a writer rn
Name(s): thyandra
Fandom(s): bnha (derogatory)
Where you post: Mostly ao3. Sometimes just here on tumblr tho when I write ficlets that I don't feel are good enough for ao3
Most popular one-shot (by kudos): things change, things stay the same (4k, KamiKiriBaku), which has a whopping... 825 kudos, holy shit. When did that happen. I had a feeling this one would be on top since it's the name I see most often in my kudos mail but I haven't actually checked in so long ssajkfsak
Most popular multi-chap (also by kudos): Butterfly effect (116k, DabiHawks). Which also doesn't surprise me, lol. It has been my longest and most ambitious work so far, and you can tell by comparing the first chapters to the last ones just how much I've grown as a writer thanks to it. The feedback I've gotten from it was also mindblowing. I didn't expect much to come from my very first longfic. It was a project I started mostly for myself, to explore all the routes I knew were never gonna be told by canon... maybe that's why it got so popular. Maybe this fandom is just full of people who wish canon went differently, LoL
Favorite story you've written so far: people always expect BE to be my fave but it's actually not, lol. I spent too long fistfighting that one to truly love it 100%, and in general I always have a love/hate relationship with my fics. So I'm gonna suprise even myself and state that my fave is probably Hoist the colors (14k, DabiHawks).
The friends I complained to about this know that the process of writing this fic was excruciating. My first big bang experience and a horrible one at that. But maybe that's why I was able to write a fic I'm fully happy with, cause I was so salty at the universe that I think it was the first time I spite-wrote a fic entirely for myself. I wasn't worrying at all about how it was going to be received, if my partner or the mods liked it, and I think that's what got me to write a story that checked all of my boxes (even as I literally had to fight several writers block along the way). The only regret I have with this fic is that my original concept was meant to be much longer and have several arcs, but thanks to the aforementioned blocks I was only able to write the first one, and had to wrap the story up with an open ending. Maybe one day I'll come back to this universe and write the rest tho.
Fics you were nervous to post: Honest? any chapter in a multichap project. But especially butterfly effect updates. I kid you not, it was my FIRST longfic and it got an overwhelming amount of attention from the very start, which I totally wasn't ready for, and that influenced me a bit. I wrote that fic under a lot of stress (that I put onto myself by trying to meet nonexistent "expectations" and hoping not to disappoint readers). For however happy I am with that story, I'm glad it's finally done.
How do you choose your titles: there are writers who know the title before even starting to outline the fic. I am not amongst them. I choose titles either after finishing the first draft or when I'm about to post. What I typically do is looking for the point where the tension in the story is at its peak and try to come up with a title that references that specific bit of the fic. Sometimes it's lines taken straight out from the text. Sometimes it's a descriptor of the vibes of that climax. Sometimes it's a single word that just feels right.
That's why I don't have any fancy or eye-catching titles btw, lmao. I literally choose them on the spot
I put some more thought on zine fic titles cause zines don't have summaries or tags so titles are all you have to promo your story if you don't want the buyer to simply skip over it... but tbh my process is still the same
Do you outline?: It depends highly on the fic. Outlining is fairly new to me, I only started doing it when I began BE, so only 2 years ago. And I'm not much of a plotter, I'm more of a plantser, so to say. I do outline but I try to keep plot details more generic and spend a lot more focus into the characters' backstories, goals and motivators. I find that outlining a plot too rigidly doesn't work for me because I base my stories off strong emotions and internal challenges, so my characters evolve a lot and sometimes I don't predict well where they'd go from there until I write it. So my version of an outline is just giving myself a guideline on who that character is as an individual, where they come from / where they're headed, how they interact with other characters, what sort of push will make them go in a certain direction and how to achieve it
Complete: right now just two zine fics that I can't post yet (a dabihawks dororo AU and my Miruko zine piece). I am ashamed of this but I haven't written a single line ever since I finished BE. Idk what's happening to me but despite having ideas I'm hitting a stage where I completely lack the motivation to sit down and outline or write them, or even discuss them. Maybe cause I'm too burned out
In-progress: *shrug*
Coming soon: I'd like to know it too, @ brain. *taps on watch*
Not started: haha. you don't wanna know how many ideas are in a larval state in my brain and then die because I don't feed them OR forget them
Prompts?: I'm not sure what this means but I'm not participating in any challenge
Upcoming work you're most excited about: I wanna share my dororo AU bc a couple of people on ctabb showed interest in it and suprised me (I thought it was going to be super niche content like my demon slayer AU that was maybe read by three people, but guess not)
Tagging: all my writer friends probably already did this since I'm so late to the party but I guess I'll try anyway. Feel free to ignore! @starship--phoenix @linkspooky @theycallmebol
annnd another one!
Tagged by aphra again
Indoor plants or gardens / cloud-watching or star-gazing / water or fire / paperback or hardcover / running or hiking / sleeping with socks or without socks / fruit or vegetables / hanging plants or succulents / dark wood or light wood / handwritten or typed / instagram or pinterest / braids or pigtails / books or movies / oceans or meadows / forests or fields / sweet or salty / ice cream or chocolate / hoodies or sweaters / long hair or short hair / piercings or tattoos / summer or winter / boots or sneakers / cars or motorcycles / curls or straight hair / castles or cottages / sunny days or storms / reptiles or birds / disney or nickelodeon / strawberries or watermelon / essays or posters / phones or laptops / glass or stone / dark or light / photos or paintings / circuses or theaters / reading or writing / dogs or cats / poetry or novels / monsters or ghosts / thrift shops or libraries / fiction or non-fiction
tagging (feel free to ignore): @todosiblings @haleigh-sloth and uhhh anyone else who wants to do it
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
thinking abt that ask u once got abt outpost! michael finding out he's interviewing a little kid and. i'm not w e l l. my heart is swelling just from imagining the scene,,, ma'am, no pressure, but if u would be so kind as to give us even a short blurb abt it 🥺❤
hey 🥺 
i loved that concept too omg ty @ anon who had originally sent the ask!
i just used the name Noah for the little boy bc i looked up “boy names” and it was #2 (plus i like the biblical theme) so yeehaw
tw: this is a little angsty @ times. talks about the child having a bit of an unstable and rocky childhood that makes michael 🥺
Michael didn’t really care to know how the people in his outpost got there. He could assume were people who bought their way in - the wealthy that made generous contributions to The Cooperative. 
He waited behind the mahogany desk in his dim-lit office, waiting for the residents to trickle in for his interviews. He had to admit, this was the most entertainment he has had since the bombs struck. 
Messing with the likes of Coco St. Pierre or her stylist fueled him. Making them believe that they actually had a shot of salvation - making them believe they were special? He could laugh. 
He opened the file for the next resident. 
Odd... he thought. Normally the Cooperative did an excellent job of providing him with as many details on the lives of the residents, but this file was different. 
There was no photo attached, no age or description. Just a name stamped in red ink like the others. The inside of his file had the name of an elementary school along with various families and addresses. At the very bottom of the page, the department of social services was listed. 
It was common for the files to have information on the residents' childhoods, but this file had nothing beyond his younger years. No parents listed. No information on how he was admitted. Nothing he could use. 
This kept Michael intrigued. Who was this mystery man?
He heard the door timidly open. Michael didn’t look up from his paperwork - feigning to be uninterested. 
The door shut and he heard small footsteps approach. Was it a Grey that had mistaken her interview time? Michael looked up to reprimand her, but the words caught in his throat.
This was no Grey. And certainly not a man.
But a child. He couldn't have been older than ten. The clothes Venable had put on him were far too large for his small frame. He had ashy brown curls that framed his chubby cheeks and sad green eyes. 
He stood near Michael’s desk, looking down at the ground. 
“Are you Noah?” Michael was surprised at how soft his voice came out. 
“Yes, sir.” the child kept his eyes down. His heart was racing. He was scared. 
As much as he hated the Outpost, this was the first time in his life he’d been able to stay in one place for longer than a few months. Before the dropping of the bombs, he had bounced around from foster home to foster home - a permanent ward of the state. 
The cubes were gross, but there were constant. The other residents and greys kept an eye out for him. Gallant would trim his hair every few weeks and Mallory would do her best to pin his clothes with what little she could find. 
Secretly, Venable’s right hand, Mead, would even check on the boy before bedtime. He strangely reminded her of a familiar feeling she wished she could remember. 
It had taken the end of the world for this boy to in some twisted fate, find a family of sorts. 
He’d heard the whispers about Langdon’s visit. He worried Langdon would toss him out much like other fosters had. 
Michael cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. 
A child?
“Take a seat.” the boy did, letting his feet dangle off the chair. “How old are you?” 
“I’m eight, but we don’t have birthdays here.” he looked up at Michael for the first time. 
Michael grimaced. His heart felt like it was being grasped in a tight fist, almost making it hard to breathe. There was a knot in his throat that he pushed through. He’d just met Noah, but he saw so much of himself in the young boy. 
Scared and with nothing but a sliver of a family - if either of them could even call what they had that. 
“I never had much of a birthday either,” Michael answered out loud without meaning too. He saw the boys face drop. 
“Are you gonna hurt me?” he tugged at his too large sleeves, a tear forming in his eyes. 
Michael shook his head no, slowly getting up from his chair. He kneeled in front of Noah, getting eye level to make him more comfortable. “I’m not here to hurt you,” he reassured him, patting his knee. 
“Do you know how you got here?” Michael’s mind flashed with the boys' memories - his mom not being able to care for him leading to years of toxic and unstable relationships for him. 
“I don’t wanna get in trouble,” he whispered. 
“No one will get you in trouble,” Michael promised. “Not as long as I’m here.”
“I ran away,” he looked at Michael, “I only remember being in a cage next to Emily and Timmy,” he sniffled. 
Michael nodded. 
“What is something that you want, Noah?” Michael stood back up.
He shrugged, his gaze back on the floor, “I don’t know,”
“Are you scared of me?” 
Noah took one long look at Michael, really thinking before he answered. 
“No, sir.” the boy shook his head. 
Michael ruffled the boy's hair a little. “I’d like for us to be friends, Noah. Would you like that?”
He hesitated, unsure if Michael meant it. Michael walked to his suitcase and opened up the zipper. He dug through it silently until he found what he was looking for. 
He pulled out a brown horse toy. One from his childhood room. He was never able to fully part with bits of his childhood. 
“This is for you.” he handed him the toy, watching his face light up. 
“Ms. Venable said there were no more toys!” 
Michael chuckled, “Well, there aren’t a lot, but this one right here? It’s special and I want you to take care of it. Can you do that?”
“Yes!” he beamed. 
“Good,” Michael sighed. He glanced at the clock. “It’s late. You should go to bed. But I’ll visit with you tomorrow, alright?”
“Yes, Mr. Langdon.”
Michael scrunched his nose at the name and sent him off to bed. 
The look on the boy’s face when he walked in reminded Michael of his interview with a detective many years ago. It made his stomach turn. 
The apocalypse was about new beginnings after all. Why couldn't he start by giving this young boy a fresh one? 
its been a lil bit since i’ve written something + i decided to try something that isn't really michael x reader so i wanted to tag a few blogs that might be interested in this 🥺👉👈
lmk what you think or if you’d like to expand on Michael and Noah concepts.
@xavierplympton @lvngdvns @langdonswhoreprobably @desertsunflower00 @sadhoecentral @getdevils @moonanonwriting @rpwithjayn @chloewinchester13 @shyvirgoanon @littledemondani @little-grunge-flowerz @ritualmichael @wroteclassicaly @shenevertricks1831 @duncansshephard @midnightontheearth @leatherduncan @xavierplym
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thechillicount · 5 years
Bungou Stray Dogs Questionnaire
Rules: Complete all the questions you want, expand and explain your answers as much as you want, and have fun!
If you can, tag some people you want to join in on the fun!
So I tag anyone that sees this and wants to do it to have fun! Everyone is welcomed!
Thank youuuu @usagiomega
What ability would you have in the BSD universe?
(That one's hard~!)
Melodic Speed: The more I listen to music the faster and agile I get. Pretty simple, I like simple. It could get to the point that others are unable to see me because I'm that fast. (I combined two things I do most often, listening to music and being slow. Totally not inspired by Hamatora.)
If you could claim someone's ability in BSD, whose ability would you want?
(Don't say Chuuya's, don't say Chuuya's)
I'm really tempted by Edgar's ability. To trap people in books until they solve the mystery inside? I'd say dope! That would also make me write more as I have a few people I'd like to trap, just for fun~
What group/organization would you join?
Port Mafia for sure as I'm a villain at heart but still want to have a reliable and strong family around me. Also because I can wear a lot of black. But Mori can stay locked in his room.
Which BSD character do you identify with the most?
Honestly Ranpo. I do the exact same things that he does, laze around and eat baked goods. But that's only on the outside.
On the inside I identify with Chuuya a lot. Him hating betrayals is something that hits too close to home. Him wanting to protect Port Mafia that took him in after his previous group pushed him away. Him being loyal as heck not even knowing if he'll be able to stay forever or not. Like I said, hits too close to home.
Who are your top five favourite BSD characters?
(Surprise surprise)
Dazai: The very first time he appeared I took him for an asshole, which he kinda is. But then I quickly grew to like him as I was getting interested in his character on a deeper level. I like his two faced personality, he acts derpy and cute only to turn into a mischievous sadist that he truly is. The Dark Era also made me gain respect and much more love for him.
Chuuya: He introduced me to BSD when I first saw him in this MEP (bless and R.I.P MDS). So in 2016! I even remember watching BSD during Christmas Eve dinner under the table! Not gonna lie, his looks hooked me in. When I finally got him after so many episodes I was interested even more. He has some history with my boy Dazai? Show me, tell me! Until recently I've been thirsty for some more Chuuya and got it in the new season, I'm still gonna read the actual light novel though. But nonetheless, I'm satisfied. I actually hope BONES doesn't make him an another main character because I like him as he is. I like redhead hotheads like Chuuya or Taiga Kagami. Also, I was already a huge fan of GRANRODEO in 2016 so hearing Kishow was a blessing. All thanks to Kuroko no Basket. ♡
Oda: His precious heart made me love him! He just wanted to write, to take care of the kids. Each time I remember my heart cries a river. And each time something new comes to the BSD universe with him in it I love it but also can't take it.
Tecchou: First of all, I really like the concept of Hunting Dogs. Second of all, this boy is precious. Justice fighter who respects people that want to protect others. The whole scene with the cafe owner moved my freaking heart, I kid you not. Unlike other members of the Hunting Dogs he doesn't want to bring down ADA just because they're supposed criminals but because it's his job to keep the country and it's people safe. And so he's doing it, no matter what he must do. I'm pretty sure that if he would find out the truth he'll try to stop his teammates and explain who's the real villain here. I hope it happens! His habits are also hilarious.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Michizou: I don't know if I can count him as a "favorite" yet but I really liked what Asagiri-sensei and Harukawa-sensei did with him. The reveal is one of my favorite manga scenes ever! I'm looking forward to seeing more of him as I was dying to since I started watching BSD. I won't forgive him for hurting Gin though, that's one huge minus.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Are there any authors that you'd want to bring into the BSD universe that hasn't arrived yet? Or do you have OCs?
Oh boy, here we go!
I do have one author that I think would fit very well. He's a polish poet from a romanticism era (my fave) that wrote poems, epics, ballads. His name is Adam Mickiewicz ladies and gents. Why do I think he would fit? Well, he was born in Poland that didn't actually exist and people were fighting for its freedom. So fight was already in his blood which he later on proved by becoming a commander in a battle. He was in a lot of conspiracy groups. And because of that I feel like fitting in BSD is just a matter of what kind of organization is he going to be in. He even had contact and made friends with Russian Decemberists, made enemies with Pushkin (who already is in BSD). If Adam would be in BSD I believe he'd have contact with the Rats before they fled to Japan. And because of his conspiracy origins I say he spied on the Rats from within. As for his ability I believe it would be some fighting type one as real life Adam took part in battles. I wanted to give him an ability that has something to do with his play "Dziady" but I haven't really decided yet.
Favourite Scene(s)?
Dazai floating in river; Dazai nullifying Atsushi's ability; Chuuya's reveal; Atsushi and Akutagawa fighting Fitzgerald; Atsushi hugging Kyouka; Any scene with Oda; Any scene with 15 year old Chuuya and Osamu except for the hand holding one; Fyodor killing Karma, (I'm so sorry)
Chuuya shooting bullets using gravity; Tachihara's reveal; Yosano's backstory; Mori and Fukuzawa's fight; Fukuzawa and Fukuchi scene; Any Tecchou scene; Hunting Dogs being chaotic; Chuuya getting tired and punching everyone; Dazai getting shot; Edgar getting scared by his ringtone; Dazai and Fyodor in a chess duel; Any Sigma scene.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Favourite Quotes from the Authors/Characters?
(Thank Gods there's bsd-bibliophile~ Great help!)
Mine has been a life of much shame.
- Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human
To love someone is to put your life on the line. I don't take it lightly.
- Dazai Osamu, "Female" from Self Portraits
Bad people are to be found everywhere, but even among the worst there may be something good.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The House of the Dead
It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The Idiot
A fool with a heart and no sense is just as unhappy as a fool with sense and no heart.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The Idiot
(I'm currently reading Dostoyevsky in my literature class sooo)
Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it.
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worth while.
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
People laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
(One of my favorite books ever)
That threw me for a loop...is that my ringtone?
- Edgar Allan Poe getting scared by his ringtone, Chapter 55
(I had to)
Certainly, people are sinfully stupid. But what's so wrong about that?
- Dazai Osamu, Chapter 46
(Can I wait till Friday for that? I'll try)
Who would you want to bring to life to be your best friend? Waifu/Husbando?
There are a lot but I'm gonna go classic and say Chuuya. I'd love to make fun of him for being shorter than me and watch him go berserk. Like I said, I'm a villain at heart. I love him tons though! Dazai is also a pick as he's already very similar to my best friend. I have weird friends.
How has Bungou Stray Dogs changed you as a person? Did you learn anything from it?
I learned that I strive to write as good as Asagiri-sensei because his writing is amazing in my opinion. BSD also introduced me to a ton of Japanese authors as it's the case with most of its watchers. And even though I don't have a lot of time to read their books now (school and grade chasing as I only have 3 weeks to improve them), I'm going to read EVERYTHING I CAN during summer vacations. Good luck to me~
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franeridart · 6 years
Hi hello love ur art is amazing and inspiring! Sorry I'm hyper. Also I have question! Been wondering for a while actually but like Diamond Bakugou right? Like how tall is he? Cause I know the diamonds have different heights so I was wondering exactly (actually both him and Kirishima) if he is like Blue and Yellow or like Pink?? Ily💜
Thank you so so much!!! And I guess more around Pink’s height? But to be honest with you while doodling those sketches I was like “...it’s su no one will get on my case if I go off-model” lmao so I can’t say I have any set height in mind, he’s just... tol lol
Anon said:it took me two straight days to hit the bottom of your blog in just the bakushima tag- then I realized in the tags for it you said "I promised myself I wouldn't draw for this fandom" - hmm, your art is amazing btw
LMAO anon you don’t get it, the fact that since then I spent two whole years doing little less aside from drawing bnha is exactly the reason why I didn’t want to start hahaha I could feel this was how it was going to end r i p
Anon said:I pre-ordered TMH zine and I'm super excited cause there's so many amazing content creators involved and just... Kiri and Baku you know? What's not to love! Anyway just wanted to say I'm most excited for your comic! Since I absolutely adore all your art and comics and from your preview it looks awesome!! So yeah! Thank you for all the amazing things you've created so far and I'm really looking forward to whatever you feel like making in the future too!! Oh also I love your OCs!
OH MAN thank you SO MUCH for buying it!!!! I really hope youre gonna like the comic, I worked so hard on it !! ;^;
Anon said:i'm sorry that i'm throwing this at you but concept: bakusquad goes to an amusement park ft. spinning teacup rides where baku and kiri spin it so fast it breaks while kaminari's crying, sero's laughing, and mina's recording it
hAH the only way you can get Bakugou in a spinning teacup is to allow him to turn them into an extreme ride there’s no doubts about that hahaha
Anon said:hey! I know you don't allowed respots but, can I use your art as icon? like for tumblr and twitter? if I can't I'll understand and respect. thank you for your time ❤️
It’s cool as long as you credit!! Thank u for liking my stuff enough to want to use it like that!!
Anon said:I love all your art!!! And ahhhhh your new costume sketches are so freaking good!!! First, thank you for being amazing!! And second, I was wondering if you'd be ok with it if I used one of them as my phone background? Totally understand if not! Thanks!
NO PROBS AT ALL thank you SO MUCH for liking them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:What do you think of BKDK?
Don’t ship, but I’m highly invested in their canon relationship and its development!
Anon said:I am way more invested in Luca and Nico than I should be. XD I really love Luca a lot, your ocs are really interesting and the art is so pretty.
Thank you so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch ;O;
Anon said:The only thing I can think on Kiri's hero costume on winter, is Bakugou getting extremely flustered and yelling that Kiri is gonna poke someones eye out. 'Cause them nipples hard baby.
That seems to be the general feeling of the whole fandom, doesn’t it hahahaha it’s real tho, Kiri it’s winter pls don’t die
Anon said:Ever heard of Bo Burnham? In one of his sketches, he says "The issue is, I got my father's temper and I'm emotionally inarticulate, so rather than being honest and vulnerable I did a quick switch because I'm hurting inside and I'm trying to hide it, so eat a d[u]ck man"; swap "father" with "mother", and isn't that the best description of Bakugou anyone could have ever offered?
Never heard of him before, but this is pretty damn accurate haha
Anon said:You said you think Katsuki's ticklish (which is just too much fun to imagine), but what about Kiri? Does he take advantage of it? Do they strike you as a couple that would engage in tickle fights, which maybe start as sparring? or the opposite, a tickle fight becomes a full-blown grappling contest?
Kiri definitely takes advantage of it and the worst thing is that it’s not even a fight cause with Kirishima’s quirk he’s completely immune to tickling (and also attempts at other types of attacks in general - explosions - to make him stop) so once he manages to get a hold of Bakugou and start tickling him all Bakugo can do is yell and cry-laugh and hate him a lot hahaha
Anon said:Date-Dave Anon here. Since Dave isn't really the date type, do /you/ wanna go on a date? Somewhere classy. Like the cheesecake factory or something.
A n o n ple a s e ................... !!!!!!!!!! (a cheesecake factory does sound pretty neat tho :O )
Anon said:Could you draw Momojirou cuddling please? Thank you! ♡
Yes I could! I’m not taking requests nor commissions right now tho so I’d ask you to wait till I got a moment to spare I don’t wanna waste on the usual krbk de-stressing doodles haha
Anon said:i bought the tmh zine just so i could have a physical version of your art :3 and krbk of course
;;;;;;;;; omg thank you so much!! I really hope you’ll like the whole zine, it’s such a good one imho !!!
Anon said:Do you know what mbti/16 personality test is? And if so do you know what yours is?
Seems like I’m an INFJ :0
Anon said:Im so happy you shared the names of your ocs because i absolutely love them! There one of my favorite things on your posts! I was really interested in Tony and Ila so it was nice to finally know there names!!! Keep up the good work your amazing!!!
SOB I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE THEM THEY’RE MY SOFT KIDS specifically Ila and Tony they’re very very soft and I’m very very happy you’re interested in them ;^;
Anon said:hi I like ur art and ur awesome ❤
Anon said:Do you have any other ships that are as strong as kiribaku for you?
They’re my otp so no lol in the past I’ve had ships just as strong as them, but currently they’re my main source of entertainment and strong feelings - I do have other ships that make me go !!!!!!!!!!!!!! a lot, both in bnha and in general, but none as strong as krbk are :D
Anon said:that drawing of nico with his hair up i wanna cry. i am now thoroughly invested in luca and nico both as a pair and individually and i really hope to see more of them in the future because THEY BRIGHTEN MY DAY AND FUEL MY SOUL AND YOU ARE A LOVELY HUMAN.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope to draw more about them, so thank you SO MUCH for being interested!!!! ;O;
Anon said:do you have an opinion on the ship ocha*mina (ashido and uraruka)??
I guess they’re cute? But I don’t have any strong opinion about them, I have a lot of mina ships I like better and generally I’m at best lukewarm about ura ships ngl 
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