#i hate this bc im stuck living with my parents so i have to deal with this 24/7
giverofempathy · 1 year
I hate men !!!!!!!
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dovveri · 4 months
could you love me while i hate myself?
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synopsis: y/n, nayeon, momo, and sana are in a polyamorous relationship. momo walks in on y/n self-harming for the first time in 7 months. they all try and talk and work through this together.
warnings: we got depression, suicidal ideation, self-harm (cutting), blood, sexual references, cursing - also this is poly!namosa if ur not into that but i love getting comfort from everyone i love so
w/c: 6.9k
a/n: sooo i wrote this in a day bcs im utilising my #depression as inspiration and lwk we love writing as a coping mechanism - i’m so fine tho i just need my meds to start working again LMAO and they will vvvv soon trust - but in the meantime i can pump out the sad stuff hehe! lwk forgot abt boo and dobby until like halfway thru writing this IM SO SORRY #fakefan and i wasn't bothered to write them back in so they js don't exist here oops!
fuck. fuck fuck fuck. the thoughts were coming. you wake up hazily, dream forgotten, arms wrapped around nayeon, legs entangled with the three people you loved most in the world. you don't deserve them. shut up!
you shut your eyes, trying to will away the thoughts. they were always there, always in the back of your head, always nagging, telling you that you didn't deserve to live, that you were a worthless piece of flesh born only to cause others suffering, or born with no purpose at all. there's no point to it all. just die. they'd be better off without you. they'd be happier without you.
you feel tears prick the corners of your eyes. it was so loud. you needed them to be quiet. to return to the depths of your mind. you curl in closer to nayeon, trying to breathe in the scent of her to distract you, feeling sana's breath on your hand, listening to momo's soft snores, they were the only thing grounding you. they pity you. that's why they've stuck around for so long. they know if they left you you'd break. they don't love you. it's pity. they'd be happier together. just the three of them. they didn't need you. you needed them. you were a burden to them. you need to leave so they can be happy. you want the best for them don't you? SHUT UP.
you couldn't take it anymore, you slowly unwrap yourself from your girlfriends. slipping your arms from around nayeon's waist and pulling your legs away from the mess of limbs. you look back at them, sleeping peacefully, watch their chests rise up and down with each breath, it's bittersweet. you had so much love for them. you turn around again and slip out the door, closing it softly behind you.
you pad softly towards the bathroom, entering it quietly and sighing, looking at yourself in the mirror. dark circles under red eyes, messy hair, disgusting. look at you. how could anyone love you? the thoughts were louder in the bathroom. almost echoing off crisp white walls. your grip on the sink tightens, you tear your gaze away from the mirror, letting your tears fall into the sink silently. why did i have be born like this? born like this? honey you're not different. everyone else is able to cope fine with trauma, with all the shit that happens in the world. you're just weak. weak, crying little bitch who can't deal with a couple sad emotions. don't think you're special. you're not. why can't i feel normal? you're not normal. you never will be. you'll always be that weird kid on the playground that no one wants to play with. grow up and get used to it already. why won't you leave me alone? i can't leave you alone. i am you. you are me. we're stuck together.
your head's splitting, you don't even realise you're crouched in on yourself now. hands gripping your head, nails digging into your scalp, anything to try and stop thinking. you wish you could just go back to sleep. sleep was easy. you didn't have to think when you were asleep.
that's right. sleep. sleep forever. run away from your problems. that's all you'll ever be good at right? running away. you ran away from your parents when they found out you were dating not one, not two, but three girls! whore! you left your brother and sister with them. they probably got the brunt of their anger. or maybe not. maybe they hate you too for being a fucking disappointment. it doesn't matter. they don't care about you. you left them. now leave your girlfriends. it'll be easier. leave. leave. run. do it.
your lip is trapped between your teeth. you're biting down so hard it draws blood. you're rocking yourself on the floor of the bathroom. pathetic. all you do is cry. grow up already. you can't take it. it was too much. you needed- needed-
you're reaching for the loose tile you know is second from the towel rack, opening it and finding your stash of emergency goods. you had meant to throw it away you just kept avoiding it and now... well you needed it now.
you take out a scalpel, go into the old routine of cleaning it down with an alcohol wipe, the motions that are familiar to you helping you drown out the thoughts already. they're still there though. they were always there. you'd be lonely without us wouldn't you? you actually enjoy being mentally ill don't you? take some sort of sick pleasure in it? is it comforting? it's easy to fall back into old habits isn't it?
once it's clean, you can see clearly again. you remove your pants, spreading your legs and look down at the scars that decorate the insides of your thighs. you take a breath, clearing your head as best you can, and bring the tip of the scalpel to start a new line.
the immediate relief when the blade enters your skin and you watch the scarlet liquid pour out of you is incredible. you're like an addict, drinking in the pain and using it to clear your mind. suddenly, the only sound you hear is the quiet of the bathroom and your own shallow breathing. you've never felt more at peace.
but it's only temporary. like everything is only temporary. seriously? this again? is this the best you can do to try and get rid of me? we talked about this you idiot. you're never getting rid of me. because we're the same. you just made yourself even uglier. congrats. good luck getting your girlfriends to ever touch you again after they see those.
fucking hell. you can't help it when your hands move to the start again, just under the new line you've created. you're about to push in again when you hear a gasp.
you look up in alarm, bloody scalpel in your hand, fresh cut on your thigh.
"y/n- what-"
"it's not what it looks like i swear- fuck- oh my god- mo- please-" you're scrambling, trying to pull up your pants and cover yourself, dropping the scalpel onto the floor with a clang.
she's on you in seconds.
"no no sweetie it's okay i'm not- it's okay it's okay-" she's pulling you into a hug, and you start sobbing.
you're burrowing your head into her neck, sniffling and crying, she wasn't meant to find out. they were never meant to find out. now you've done it. good luck keeping them now. no way they're going to stay with you after this. better breathe her in while you can because she won't be yours in the morning.
you're squeezing her tight, crying and blabbering into her and she lets you. hushing and brushing through your hair, pressing light kisses along your forehead.
when she starts to pull away you panic, shaking your head against her, terrified she's leaving you and this is it.
"no sweetie i'm not going anywhere. i promise. we just gotta clean you up okay?"
she pulls away from you gently, opening the cabinets next to the sink to grab the first aid kit and comes down to sit next to you.
your sobs have ceded but you can't bear to look at her, staring down at the ugly scars on your legs.
"can i?" momo makes a gesture towards your legs and you shrug, moving closer to her so she can work.
she's quiet when she cleans the wound, focused.
you idiot you stupid fucking idiot. she hates you she thinks you're so gross and-
"do the others know?"
you don't trust your voice to speak so you shake your head.
"is this why you never let us touch you?"
you blush bright red, gripping the bottom of your shirt.
"you know we wouldn't have judged right?"
the tears are coming back, you feel them building up in your neck again, clogging it up, choking you.
"i'm sorry if we made you feel like we would have." momo's voice breaks then, and you look up. momo wasn't one to cry. sana tended to be the more emotional one, nayeon and momo cried too, just less often and definitely more private, momo just took a little longer to come to conclusions sometimes.
"y-you didn't." your voice is croaky when you speak up.
she sniffles a little, finishing cleaning and grabbing the bandages.
"a-are you mad?"
she sighs. "not mad. just... confused."
"i-i- i'm sorry. i'm sorry i didn't tell you guys i didn't- i thought you would think- i thought you might leave or think i'm too much or i don't know i-"
she finishes wrapping the bandage around your thighs, looking up at you then, her eyes shiny. "i could never leave you y/n. i love you. all of you. you, nayeon, and sana are my family."
you're crying again now, hands coming up to wipe at your tears. she gently helps you put your pants back on then pulls you into another hug, breathing shakily as she lets herself cry as well.
you cling onto her shirt, the confirmation that she was still here and she still loved you grounded you.
you both sit on the bathroom floor there, tightly wound around each other. you memorise the way her breathing comes in and out, focusing on the little hiccups, every single movement. it was quiet.
she pulls away from you, hands coming up to cup your cheeks, thumbs swiping along them. "do you want to talk about it?"
you shake your head.
"do you want to come back to bed then?"
you think a little, "i might sleep in the guest room tonight. i don't really... it's not that i don't want to sleep with you guys, i just-"
"is it okay if i join you in the guest room then?"
you look surprised, "why?"
"it's okay if you don't want me to. i just want to be with you if that's okay. to make sure you're safe for one, but also just because..." she sniffs, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear gently, "i love you and i want to make sure you sleep well."
the tears well up again. "of course. it's not you i just- i don't want sana and nayeon to find out like this."
momo nods, pressing a gentle kiss onto your nose, "i understand. do you want anything before bed? water? a snack?"
you smile tiredly against her, still in a sort of disbelief she was still here. "i'm okay. let's go to bed."
momo nods again, standing up and pulling you with her, but she stops again suddenly, looking down, "does it hurt?"
you wince, "not really. i mean the point is kinda for it to hurt." your eyes widen when momo frowns, "but it doesn't! not anymore i mean. i kinda got used to it." her frown deepens, "i mean no not like that! like- well yes- but-"
"it's okay y/n. i want to know these things. if you're okay with sharing them." she's sincere when she looks at you, and then she's pulling you along towards the guest room. your heart drops a little when you pass by the master bedroom, thinking of nayeon and sana sleeping peacefully inside, wrapped around each other blissfully unaware, but momo squeezes your hand and you look back towards her, following her into the guest room.
she turns on the lamp light and starts removing all the extra pillows and everything that were only really there for decoration. once she's done, she starts ushering you into bed and you laugh a little at her earnestness, "you don't have to treat me any different momo. i'm still the same person."
she frowns, climbing into bed after you, "i just found out about a massive part of your life that you've been hiding from us. you're not the same person to me. not when i've only known half of you."
you still at that, unable to look her in the eye as she fumbles around with the blanket, covering both of you and then sliding an arm over your side.
"i'm sorry." you whisper once she's turned off the light and snuggled in close to you.
she takes a breath, "you don’t have to be sorry. i'm here now. i'm sorry it took me so long. but i'm here now. and i'm not leaving."
"even if i'm not the same person to you anymore?"
she finds your eyes in the darkness, "y/n i didn't mean it like that. i fell in love with half of you. i just found out there's another half that i can also love now. you're the same person, you just have more to you than we knew. and i want to know more about that so i can be a better girlfriend for you."
"you already are a great girlfriend."
she sighs, a hand trailing down your back, drawing random shapes, you curl in closer to her.
"i wanted to throw it all away. i wanted to tell you all. i just-"
she hums, letting you think out your words, continuing to trace patterns into your back, eyes locked on yours.
"it was hard. and i didn't think i'd need to say anything because i was doing good. i hadn't done it in so long. i don't know why today i just- i lost control again."
"y'know nayeon would say just because you haven't done it in so long doesn't mean you were better. it just means you stopped thinking about it but that didn't get rid of the problem. which is why eventually the problem came back."
you smile at her, poking her cheek, "you've been hanging out too much with nayeon."
momo whines, "we're girlfriends! of course i hang out with her!"
"you're right though. i'm sorry. i stopped cutting when we all started dating. i think i got swept up in all the excitement and the love but once the novelty wore off and i grew more comfortable with being in a relationship with all of you, some of the bad thoughts started to come back."
"what sort of bad thoughts?"
"...like that i'm not good enough for you- or that the three of you would be happier without me, or that i don't want to... that i didn’t deserve to live or that it’d be better if i wasn’t- y’know… alive-"
you can see the shine in momo's eyes and feel your own start to well up again while you talk. she lets you speak though, just lays there, stroking your back softly while listening to you.
when you're finished its quiet save for the occasional sniffle from either of you.
"do you still think that? that you're not good enough for us?"
you hum contemplating whether to be honest or to try not to hurt her, you decide you’ve hurt her enough and it was time to be honest, she was still here after all, she wasn’t going to leave you, "...yeah."
she's pressing her lips gently against yours, barely there, almost as if she's asking permission, and you press against her softly back to say yes. you can taste the salt of her tears in the kiss, its short, reassuring. you break away with a tender smile.
"i can't speak for the others. but i don't think we could work if we weren't the four of us. you know that sana and i tried to date when we were younger right? and it didn't work out? because we always felt like there was something missing. but once we all got together, it feels right to love each other like this. i think it'd be the same if you left. i think it'd feel like something was missing and i wouldn't be able to stay either. i'm not saying that to pressure you into staying like a 'if you leave i leave' kinda thing. i'm just saying that you are needed in this relationship and i don't think we would be happier without you, i don't even think we'd work without you, without any one of us."
god you didn't deserve her. you loved her so much.
"and the other stuff... we don't have to talk about that now but... if you're open to it in the future, i want to help you find some outside help if that's okay? you don't have to answer me now, just think about it, because i want to help, but i don't think we can do this alone."
you nod, lips quivering while she smiles at you, noses touching.
"thank you momo."
"of course sweetie. i love you."
"i love you too. so much."
she pecks you again, then places your hand over her chest, and you can feel the calm thumps of her heart.
she closes her eyes, lips only centimetres apart, you follow her lead, focusing on the feeling of her heartbeat rather than the thoughts, letting that fill your head, and slowly, you drift back into sleep.
you wake up with a dull sting on the inside of your thighs. you curse internally when you realise that it was because you had self-harmed for the first time in months. but then you feel a familiar hand tracing lines down your back, and the smell of soft peaches and you recall that momo had found you cutting yourself. but the way she's tracing your back means she's still here and she hasn't left and that you're still okay.
momo realises you're awake, moving her hand to your hair and brushing the pieces that have fallen over your face. "hi sweetie."
"mm morning. what time is it?"
she giggles a little, "its 5pm actually. i didn't want to wake you. nayeon and sana should be back home soon."
you startle, "what?! 5pm?! where did they go? did they-"
"shh shh no it's okay. i woke up early and made everyone breakfast. when they came in they asked where you were. i told them you slept in the guest bedroom because you weren't feeling well. they wanted to see you but i told them to let you rest. i don't think you should hide this from them for much longer though y/n."
you sigh, relaxing back into her embrace, "i know. i'll tell them when they get back." you can feel the anxiety beginning to chip away at you as soon as the words leave your mouth. you'd thought about it before in the past, about how they'd react. on the worst end of the spectrum, they'd leave you, thankfully momo hasn't done that yet. and realistically you don't think nayeon and sana will either. but there was always that fear in the back of your head. it was more likely that sana would feel hurt and start crying and nayeon would get angry that you didn't trust them with the information. both of which you didn't really want to deal with because you didn't want to cause any of them any negative emotions. but if you didn't tell them, it would mean forcing momo to keep a secret for you and have her constantly go around on tip-toes while worrying over you. it wouldn't be fair and you’d essentially be self-sabotaging your own relationship.
momo breaks you out of your thoughts when she uses her hand to rap lightly against your forehead, "what's going on in there sweetie?"
you shake her off giggling and she smiles, "nothing i'm just thinking about how to tell them is all."
"do you want me to be there?"
you look up at her, her eyes are sincere and caring, you could stare into them for the rest of your life, "yes please, if that's okay with you."
momo squeezes you against her even tighter, planting a kiss on your forehead and murmuring against it, "of course it's okay with me. i'd love to be there."
you smile against her, reminded of your eternal gratefulness and love you have for her, before your stomach starts to growl and you pull away embarrassed while momo starts to laugh that adorable, contagious laugh of hers.
you whine, climbing out of bed as she toddles along behind you, still laughing when you enter the bathroom.
you pick up your toothbrush and start to brush your teeth when you notice that the bathroom's been cleaned up since last night. there's no more blood on the floor and you look briefly over at momo who's standing on that tile looking at you carefully, the hint of a laugh still on her face.
she giggles when some toothpaste dribbles out of your mouth, tilting her head indicating she didn't catch what you said.
you spit out the toothpaste and repeat yourself, "you don't have to watch me y'know."
"i know."
you squeeze some of your facial wash into your hand, staring at her in the mirror when she doesn't move, still looking at your reflection with a gentle smile.
you shrug, closing your eyes and beginning to wash your face. you go through all the motions of your morning routine, and when you finish up and turn around to wipe your hands on the hand towel, she's still standing there watching you.
you clear your throat, leaving the bathroom and moving towards the kitchen. you hear her footsteps padding along behind you.
she overtakes you once you reach the kitchen, going towards the fridge and pulling out a few things. you sit at the kitchen benchtop and watch her reheat a few dishes that she must have made for breakfast and lunch.
"where did nayeon and sana go?"
"to the shops. we were meant to go check out that new bakery together in the city but i figured may as well let you rest, we can go another day."
"oh crap i'm so sorry i forgot! i would've woken up i'm so sorry-"
"it's okay sweetie don't worry. they were both fine to reschedule, they were more concerned about you than missing out on the bakery."
"why didn't you go out shopping with them?"
"i wanted to stay home with you."
"i was asleep."
momo hums, taking the food out of the microwave, "i didn't mind. here." she sets a bowl of sundubu jjigae in front of you and then goes to scoop out a bowl of rice from the rice cooker as well. you spent a lot of the last 24 hours crying but you can't help the tears that well up in you again at the smell. this was one of the first dishes momo made for the four of you when you moved in together.
"do you want me to feed you?" momo's joking as she slides the bowl of rice over, but when you look up at her and she realises you're crying she quickly panics, "i mean i can! if you want!" she's frantically rummaging for a spoon and scooping out some rice and stew and holding it out to you.
you laugh, wiping at your eyes with your sleeve, adoring the way she tilts her head like a confused puppy in bewilderment, a small pout appearing on her lips.
you lean up and take the spoonful into your mouth, chewing and swallowing before leaning across to peck her on the lips. "i just love you is all you idiot."
momo blushes and you take the chance to grab the spoon from her and start eating the meal yourself.
she pouts and is about to whine when you both hear the door open, the telltale sign of keys jangling and the happy chattering of your other two favourite people in the world.
"momo! we got that ice cream y/n likes but i still don't think it's a good idea for her to eat it if she's sick!" nayeon's yelling from the door, probably taking off her shoes and you can hear a short squeal and something crash followed by laughter and you know sana has probably knocked something down or fallen over.
you raise your eyebrows at momo who shrugs and grins sheepishly, grabbing nayeon and sana's mugs and filling them with water.
when they come into the kitchen all loud and giggles its a sight for sore eyes. nayeon's kissing momo hello and setting the bags of shopping they have down. sana rounds the corner with more bags and that infectious smile. you loved all of them so much.
nayeon spots you first, frowning and walking over to you immediately, placing the back of her hand on your forehead. "hey baby, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well last night. are you feeling better now?"
you blush, nodding your head, your mouth still full of food.
sana's next to bound over to you once she's kissed momo in greeting as well, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and kissing the top of your head, "we missed you today. i got you this top i think would be really cute on you though! and momoring we also got you one of those draw-on shirts but we thought we could turn it into a date or something so we have four!" she's rummaging through her bags, producing items of clothing and talking about each one with her endless energy.
you swallow your food and look up at nayeon who has a fond smile on her face while watching sana, when she notices you looking at her she smiles and leans down to brush her lips against yours.
"wait... you're not sick with anything contagious are you...?"
"what if i was?"
she's squealing, running behind the counter before momo laughs and hands her the mug of water she filled and urging her to drink it. she also passes sana her mug who kisses her again in thanks.
you hum in content, happy to be around the people you loved most. its almost as if... they'll leave you. you don't deserve them. this is all temporary. don't get comfortable. you clench your spoon a little tighter, trying to will away the thoughts as you shove another spoonful into your mouth, focusing on the taste and the love behind the person who made it for you.
"-and i almost fell into the fountain and she just stood there and laughed at me!"
look at them enjoying themselves. you’re the odd one out. the one who’s about to break everyone’s happy mood.
you can make out nayeon's cackle, "in my defense! it was pretty funny! you had all your bags and everything and you threw your phone at that little boy!"
"wait sana you did what?"
you should just leave. leave them. look how happy they are without you. all you bring is sadness and anger. you can’t give them anything they’d want. what could you offer them?
"momoringg!! don't join her in this! he pushed me!"
"yeah because you were trying to steal his girlfriend!"
useless. hopeless. there’s nothing you can do. you can’t get anything right. not your job, not your friends, they’ll realise soon enough you know? that they’re better than you. that they’re too good for you. then it’ll be them leaving you. do it first before they realise that and break your heart.
"i was not!"
"that definitely sounds like you actually."
"y/n! you're on my side right?"
you look up in a daze, confused at what the context of the conversation was. "sorry?"
momo's frowning, trying to meet your eyes but you avoid her, looking at sana who's pouting, "were you listening? are you okay y/n?"
"y-yeah sorry i was just- just thinking about something. can you tell me the story again?"
suddenly sana's all in your space, basically climbing into your lap and cupping your cheeks with her hands, squinting at you. "what were you thinking about?"
you blush immediately, "oh y-y'know, just work."
"work's more important than me?"
"no sana i didn't mean it like that i'm sorry. of course work isn’t more important than you. can you tell me the story again? i'll listen this time i promise."
sana hums, nudging her nose against yours gently, "i'll tell you if you tell me the truth."
"what truth?" you feign indifference.
you can tell nayeon is looking at momo, asking for an explanation with her eyes but momo shrugs, turning away and going towards the sink to do the dishes.
"we've been together for 7 months y/n. and i've known you for much longer than that. i can tell when you're lying honey."
you gulp, clutching the spoon tighter with your hands when you feel someone else, nayeon, unwrap your fingers gently and take the spoon away, interlocking your fingers with hers instead.
you stand up quickly, unable to be interrogated at such close distance anymore. sana looks a little hurt when you do, pouting but letting you go. you look at nayeon who's eyeing you with a concerned curiosity. momo still has her back to all of you with the tap on but you can tell her shoulders are tense.
you rub the back of your neck in nervousness, avoiding all of their gazes. "u-um... i actually kinda... have something i needed to talk to you all about..."
you can feel the anxiety ramping up, the adrenaline and urge to run away pumping through you, your palms beginning to sweat.
momo saves you when she turns off the tap and wipes her hands clean, "let's all go to the living room and have some ice cream and we can talk about it yeah?"
you smile at her gratefully and she returns it, grabbing the ice cream nayeon and sana just brought back and a few spoons and bowls.
nayeon and sana exchange looks of confusion but help momo bring the utensils over and eventually you're all sitting on your couch in the living room with the television on for some background noise so it wasn't too awkward.
you fiddle with your hands, not looking at any of them while the random sitcom you have plays in the background. momo notices and grabs a hand, intertwining your fingers and squeezing gently, reassuring you that she was there.
you take a breath, clearing your throat and looking up at nayeon and sana.
"so i- um- i don't really know how to say this-"
"it's okay baby take your time. it's just us right?"
"yeah we're not going to judge you honey. we're here for you whatever this is okay?"
you take a shaky breath in, mumbling incoherently to yourself before deciding, "u-um it's probably a bit easier to s-show you." you let go of momo's hand and start to undo the tie at your pants.
"um... y/n if all you wanted was sex i think there were other ways to-" momo slaps nayeon who yelps, rubbing her arm where she was hit mumbling a "what?" but momo shushes her and gestures back to you.
you stand up and drop your pants, immediately feeling the cool breeze against your naked legs, shivering a little and fighting the urge to cover yourself. you stare down at your feet when you hear the little gasps. you decide to start talking, refusing to look up, "i'm sorry i made momo lie to you. i wasn't sick last night. i woke up and started thinking some… not so great things and i needed it to stop so i- um- i went to the bathroom where i hid some of my old stuff and i um- well-“ you awkwardly gesture at your thighs before continuing, “momo woke up and found me after the first cut. i would’ve kept going if she didn’t find me. she helped me clean up and bandage it and then i asked to sleep in the guest room because i didn’t want to um- i wasn’t ready to uh- to tell you guys yet- i’m sorry for keeping this from all of you for so long.“
when you’re done, you risk a glance up, and find the three loves of your life, tears running down their faces.
sana’s the first to move, she gets up and practically jumps over to you, but she stops short right before you touch, “c-can i- c-can i hug you?”
you smile at her, feeling your own tears well up at the sight of your three girlfriends crying. “of course darling. i’m still the same. i still love cuddling with you.”
she doesn’t give you a second thought and buries her head into your neck, wrapping her arms around your waist. you realise you’re still standing in the middle of the living room with your pants down which is a little absurd but you wrap your arms around her, sagging into her a little when she squeezes. you can feel her soft crying and the tears wet your neck.
nayeon stands and comes around as well, a little hesitant but you look at her and offer a wet smile and she breaks, enveloping the both of you in her arms as well with a muted sob. momo joins in as well because of course she does, you look at her gratefully as she sniffles, fiddling a little with her fingers before coming around behind you and moulding herself to your back, hands coming around your waist and holding onto sana’s hands, giving them a squeeze for reassurance as well.
you're surrounded with all the love you wanted. so why do you still want to die? you don't listen to that voice, pushing it down and trying to stay in the moment. eventually, someone breaks away, and you awkwardly shuffle your pants back on, glad to be able to cover up your scars.
nayeon speaks up first, a hand still holding yours, squeezing gently, "how long have you been... y'know-"
"since before i met you. the thoughts started getting really bad when i was still in high school. and all the pressure with doing well and all the extra curriculars i was picking up, it just got too much. the only thing that worked was the pain. it got me through high school, and i started to rely on it. but then... the first time i slept with someone... she was appalled. i had almost forgotten the scars were there until my pants were off. she got scared off and i told myself i wouldn't let anyone else see this side of me."
"it's okay. it got better after i met you guys. and when we all started dating i stopped. i felt happy." you smile up at your girlfriends, tears still streaming down your face, "being with all of you made me forget those things. but they came back. and worse this time because- because i have so much more to lose now. i can't- i can't lose you-" you can't control the sobs when you break down again. pathetic.
the girls are surrounding you instantly, whispering reassurances, brushing through your hair, tracing shapes into your skin, you try and focus on your bodily sensations rather than your internalisations, try and focus on them.
"we'd never leave you honey... we're not complete without you, you believe me right?" sana's tilting your face up to meet hers, her eyes are watery, nose red.
"i'm trying to believe you."
she places her forehead against yours and closes her eyes, sighing slightly, "i'm going to tell you that everyday from now. that i love you and that i'm not going anywhere. until you believe me." she smiles and tries for a joke, "you're going to have to deal with clingy me for the rest of your life."
you let out a broken laugh, kissing her sweetly. "i love when you're clingy anyway."
she laughs as well, wiping at her nose.
you peek at nayeon. you know she has more questions, the frown on her face and the little pout she has breaks your heart. you reach a hand out to her, she takes it after some consideration, and you pull her into your lap.
"you can ask anything. there's nothing off limits. i'll try answer everything i can and i promise i'll be honest with everything. that goes for the both of you as well." you look over at sana who's moved to your side to allow for nayeon to sit on your lap, she's got a hand on the eldest's waist, playing with her shirt, her other hand on your shoulder.
momo moves to your other side, lifting nayeon's legs and placing them on her own, tracing her calves and brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
nayeon's biting her lip, you focus on the small mole under her left eyebrow.
"w-why didn't you tell us?"
you sigh, "i didn't really think i needed to at first. because i hadn't done it in so long. i thought i was better."
"is it because you thought you couldn't trust us?"
"no baby that's not it."
"why did you keep your old stuff hidden then? when we moved in together? a part of you must have thought you weren't entirely better."
you bring a hand up to caress her cheek, she leans into the touch. "you're right. i'm sorry."
"is it still here?"
you look towards momo for an answer and she nods, "i didn't want to throw everything away. i wanted you to make that decision on your own. i thought that if we forcefully got rid of your things you might just try and hide it from us the next time the feelings come up. it's there but i... i don't really like the idea of leaving you alone y/n..."
nayeon's squeezing one of momo's hands, "pretty baby's so smart. i'm thankful you found her momo."
you nod in agreement, "is that why you kept following me around?"
momo nods shyly, her eyes still wet.
"i'm okay with that. i don't- i don't really trust myself right now either. i think it'd be good if someone was with me. if that wasn't... a burden or anything of course..."
sana jumps in, "honey no. you're not a burden. i hope you don't think that about yourself. i love taking care of you. i'd love being able to be there for you while you get better."
you smile at her gratefully.
"what are some of the bad thoughts you have baby?" nayeon's bringing your attention back to her, you can tell she's struggling to formulate these questions. but you're glad that she's asking them.
"a lot of it is about you guys. because you're all the reason i'm still here today."
"what about us? what can we do sweetie?"
you shake your head, looking down at your hands which are quickly taken ahold of by momo and sana. "i guess it comes down to... wondering if you can still love me while i hate myself." your grip tightens around their hands.
"you hate yourself?" nayeon's voice is shaky now, she's trying her best to hold back her emotions, wanting to find out everything she can do for you.
you nod, tears dropping onto her pants.
"there's this song. i think- i think it might be easier to play that for you guys if that's okay? i'm not really- i don't really know how to talk about this..."
they nod and quickly try and find your phone. momo finds it and hands it over to you. you quickly unlock it and search for the song you're looking for. could you love me while i hate myself - zeph.
you press play, clicking into the lyrics and staring at them to avoid looking at your girlfriend's reactions. it's a short song.
could you love me while i hate myself?
could you love me though i don't deserve it?
could you love me like there's no one else
even though you know i can't return it?
could you love me when the water's rough?
or when i leave you in a desert?
could you love me, though i speak with knives?
knowing all to well that you'll get hurt
if you can't answer 'yes' just go
i'm more trouble than i'm worth
could you love me while i hate myself?
because i don't know how this works
i never learned how this works
when it ends, you awkwardly tap out of your app, putting your phone down.
"thank you for sharing that baby."
you hum.
nayeon takes a shaky breath in, then quietly asks, "is it okay if i sing for you?"
you're surprised, looking up at her, her eyes are red. you nod.
she closes her eyes, humming a note to start, taking a breath in again and steadying her voice.
i'll love you while you hate yourself
i'll love you because you deserve it
i'll love you like i love us together
until you're ready to return it
i'll love you when things get rough
no matter where you leave us
i'll love you even when you're
working out all your thoughts
i'll get hurt if it means
some of your pain comes onto me
i'll love you while you hate yourself
and we'll figure out how it works
together we'll learn to get better
when she finishes and opens her eyes, you're sniffling again, tears streaming out of your eyes.
sana's the first to speak up, bringing her hands up to wipe at the tears on nayeon's cheeks, "our little musical genius. of course you came up with a response exactly on pitch after listening to a song once."
nayeon lets out a broken laugh, leaning into sana's touch.
you meet her eyes, a bright smile gracing your face, and you probably look a little silly, wet cheeks and red nosed with tears still dripping out of you, but nayeon laughs again in relief, coming in and kissing you.
you kiss her back gratefully, trying to convey how much you loved her in your action. you can feel sana's hand on your arm and momo's fingers in your hair. you loved them.
the thoughts are still there. you think they’ll always be there. but you don’t have to take them on on your own anymore. it would take time, but the people you loved were going to help you through it. you needed to put some trust in them as well, trust that they wouldn't leave, trust that they loved you just as you loved them, you wanted to get better, for them and for yourself, you believed you could get better with their help, for now, that was enough.
an extra a/n bcs its important: hi! i recognise that all experiences are unique so i just wanted to say the descriptions here aren’t meant to be generalised and i didn’t intend to write any stereotypes or misconceptions and i apologise if i have - i try to draw upon my own experiences to be able to write - in saying that i hope that anyone who feels they relate to similar themes etc seeks the help they need from professional sources - my dms are open ofc but i am not a professional and it is best to speak to someone who can help you in real time and in physicality. stay safe love y’all practice some self care today if u get the chance! <3
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
Invitation to talk about Sayuri and Nymie?
:D CAN OF WORMS: OPENED!! i'll tell u abt how they got found as Jedi
ok so Sayuri is one of the students that doesn't rlly go home bc there isn't much to go back to. Basically her parents were Rebellion pilots (or one was a pilot the other a mechanic. kinda unsure) but were both killed in action against the Empire abt 3-4ABY ish. obvs the Rebellion couldn't look after a 7-8yo while fighting the Empire
so the remainder of the squad manage to get her back to her parents' home village/ where she was born. so having like Everything change all at once leaves her pretty ?? and gives her some serious trusting-her-environment issues. her coolgirl "i dont care" persona is very much a result of this bc she's worried abt getting too comfy in smthn. (which is at odds w the OTHER issue she got from this event which is "deathly afraid of flying" an issue not helped if Master "traffic laws are just guidelines" Skywalker is piloting. but she tries 2 act like shes fine)
this is gonna get kinda long so im gonna smack some unposted art here and then go into a readmore
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anyway fast forwarding to when Sayuri's abt 13 (roughly 9aby) she's visiting her parent's old squadron on a New Republic bc they'd all come visit whenever she could and after the Empire's fall they did a lot more pick her up and fly her to a base to ALL see her. and they're like omg Sayuri you came at the PERFECT time bc this rlly amazing pilot war hero who's also some like. mystical whatever is here!! he's on his way to some magic place we heard. maybe u can meet him!! which sayuri meets w her usual whatever bc she's not that gassed abt war heroes.
very worth noting that the squad's probably all seen her move shit with her mind, but theyre like oh you know how it is with teenage girls. the "nobody knows what a jedi is" + "the empire existed for a decent bit of her childhood" thing has kept anyone from being like yeahh sayuri should like. talk to someone abt this.
anyway she goes along when the squad are like c'mon let's see if we can see him. ok the only way i can describe this is you know the spiderverse like... spidey-sense recognition thing? that's basically what happens LOL Luke and Sayuri both have a FORCE USER RECOGNISED?? moment and Luke then makes a beeline for her then realises oh shit tiny teenager not jedi. would you LIKE to be a jedi?? and sayuri who hates her village and is feeling the strongest emotional connection she's felt in forever w this stranger she met 2 seconds ago is like okay fuckin sure yeah. and woo jedi!!
i posted my unposted nymie art yesterday but likkeeee pretend theres some here <3
So Sayuri falls into the "one of the Jedi found them thru the force or by chance" category of students who get found. However Nymie very much falls into the second category, which is "CAN SOMEONE DEAL WITH THIS WEIRD SUPERPOWERED CHILD FOR US????"
So 2 things about Nymie: 1. like i've said before, she's from a very rich high class pantoran family. super stuck up, mostly raised by nannies & tutors, but somehow Nymie just didn't get the stuck-up genes like all her (4!!) siblings who are just obsessed w their social standing etc and is instead just :D all the time. 2. her proficiency ig is the living force esp in the 'good at connecting to animals' way (which I think means I legally need to draw her w Ezra).
so the former often led her to escaping her family's stuffy parties and galas or whatever (usually to whoever's house it is' garden or somewhere she wasnt meant to be) to find something interesting. usually a pet <3 one particular time when she was 9 she was following her Pet Sense but couldnt find anything in the house. so she kinda just reached out more and long story short thats how Nymie managed to call this hugemassive beast (i'd tell u what it was if i knew pantoran animals LOL) out of the nearby countryside to her. massively distressing for everyone, all these rich ppl were like "OH MY GOD I NEARLY DIED" (it didnt attack anyone). very funny exciting time for Nymie who was enjoying this new beastie friend til animal control showed up. saddening. everyone is confused bc HOW did that happen
a dude old (and cool) enough to have seen more than one jedi in their heyday (+ idk uni researcher knows his shit) noticed what happened w it going straight to Nymie and overheard her account and realised what happened and was like hi nymie's parents. i think u need to get into contact w the new republic bc thats a jedi right there (which they take and go oo social climbing. we have a jedi child people will think we're cooler. bc theyre assholes)
and yeah im losing steam now but luke shows up and she joins the academyyay!
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one-abuse-survivor · 11 months
i feel kinda shitty rn because i was almost convinced my dad had. like. stopped? being an abusive asshole to me? i told myself that he did it because he was so stressed and upset bc of stuff happening and that now it was over even though i know he goes through stages where he seems fine and then abruptly turns into an asshole. i was telling myself it was over and it was going to be weird that i had a period in my life where my dad abused me but now it was over and i could just lowkey hate him for it but it was over.
but then, of course, because i'm a dumbass, the other day, my dad started making fun of me for literally being a cripple? (i am crippled, to be clear, he was just making fun of me for how i walk and being slow and using a cane and how it makes him have to wait for me to get out of the way, which inconveniences him or whatever.) and i was feeling so bad that day that i got pissed at him and then i got in trouble for telling him that making fun of my disabilities isn't okay. (because that's petty somehow ._. )
and now he's avoiding me bc he knows he was an asshole and didn't apologize and he doesn't want to do that. and im just so done. like. i used to think i couldn't call him abusive bc we were all in such a stressful situation and he was just dealing with it like a dickhead but we're out of it now, almost 2 years, and he's still on/off treating me like shit, avoiding me so he doesn't have to apologize, and then trying to come back and chat like nothing happened. i feel like im going insane or maybe im just stupid for letting him do this to me. im just barely an adult but still an adult, i should know what to do in this situation right? but my family just says 'forgive him' and i don't know what else to do when im stuck living with him. :/
Hi there, nonnie.
I'm really sorry this happened to you. You were starting to feel that you were safe around him and he turned around and abused you again. That's awful beyond words, and sounds so scary and confusing. I don't think you're a dumbass for believing the abuse was over. I think downplaying what happened and believing it wouldn't happen again might have been a coping mechanism/survival strategy, because you can't exactly process his abuse while still living with him, so your mind might have resorted to just hoping for the best so you could keep going.
Good job standing up for yourself when he made those ableist comments! And I'm sorry he didn't budge and painted you as petty for that. Any good parent would be proud of their kids when they stand up for themselves, even against their own parents when they say something insensitive.
You're not stupid for struggling, nonnie. Being an adult doesn't automatically mean you should know how to handle being abused. For one, the abuse-victim relationship has been established between you since you were a minor. That's not a dynamic you can just snap out of. Even as adults, victims of child and teen abuse can very easily fall back into that dynamic, even if it's been years or decades since they got out. In my case, whenever I run into my mother, I still fall back into survival mode, and I'm in my mid-twenties. And, until I was able to move out of her house at 20, I kept living in survival mode constantly in her house. Being 19 wasn't any different than being 16 when it came to living in that house. I was exactly the same amount of traumatised and helpless until the moment that I left.
And, moreover, there are many adults who become victims of abuse in adulthood, for example within the context of romantic relationships, workplace relationships, or friendships. Being an abuse victim isn't a minor-only thing. Sure, it's not the exact same experience, but adults are definitely not immune to abuse. So, no, nonnie, you shouldn't know what to do in this situation. The vast majority of people of all ages wouldn't know how to escape from an abusive relationship if they found themselves in one.
It's horrible that your family isn't supporting you and is telling you to forgive him. They're basically telling you you don't deserve boundaries, respect, or reparations when you're hurt, and you should just let others mistreat you without complaining. They're condoning and facilitating his abuse of you when they should be supporting you and confronting him instead. That's incredibly unfair, and you deserve so much better than that.
Sending a virtual hug ❤️
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4uru · 1 year
(Tw: Vent post)
I went thru some of my worst depressive, suicidal, self hating episodes during quarentine. Teenage angst fuelled to the max by gender dysphoria, internalized homophobia and transphobia. In 2020 baby me wrote several letters addressed to future me, telling me to kill myself . I will be 16 soon, those letters were addressed to me. I know if anyone reading this who is an adult feels like this is just a kid complaning. And ur not wrong.
This is probably not even thing i will ever face in my life. And that thought scares me.
I was a different, very miserable, angry and tiny person in quarentine, i was brimming with hate and sadness, i had no friends. I was a kid who was stuck in a house 24/7 with my (suddenly) religious mother who i stupidly came out to, my parents werent even a little bit supportive back then, they thought i was fetishizing being LGBTQ my dad thought i wanted to be trans and gay to be different. (Lets not even open that can of worms)
What im trying to say is, it took alot of work to get where i am this year. I tried hard "loving myself", i worked hard to look at myself and not see a complete fucking monster. I tried very hard to believe in a future.
But all my work is down the drain bc of this fucking system. I dont want a future anymore. I am fucking done hearing critism from the generation who had adequate study plans. Who didnt have the life drained out of them everyday. My parents talk so brazenly about my generation about our studies like its the same. 30 years ago the Curriculum was in their favor, now its evil and twisted and i dont want to go through wjth it.
I legit fantasize suicide just to avoid dealing with it. Everytime i go to school or coaching all i hear are different voices telling me how much hard work i have to do to pass SSC, then get into a good college, then HSC, then University etc etc etc.
I tried to look forward to a future, i forced myself to imagine a life for myself, i swear i tried. I just dont want to anymore, i told myself i want to be an animator, or just work in an artistic field,
I dont want a future anymore, i cant keep going on, its fucking exhausting, i dont want anything from my life. I have nothing to look forward to, everytime i try its always an exam to prove to people that im worthy of existing. Every fucking time.
It never ends, it wont ever end, i will just be wrung out and burnt out of everything i ever cared about. I cant go on a day without being berated and if i do, i cant go on with out feeling guilty for using my free time to be at peace. They hardwired my brain to hate myself then they yell at me for it
I dont know if ppl know how easy its for me to be desensitized to death, i have no qualms about it, i didnt literally since the day i turned 8. I have read ppl saying ppl sho commit suicide are cowards, and i remember feeling worse about it. Bc somewhere deep down i do feel like a fucking coward and a quitter.
But i genuinly dont care anymore, i cant keep doing this, i dont think i am strong enough. My friends talk about how i have a clear cut future with my art and stuff. But holy shit no i dont, i dont think i will live to see 18. I dont want to live to see 18. I dont want to keep doing this.
Sometimes i wish i was religious so i would have someone to pray to, to believe in, but i dont. I never did, i could never believe in someone. I wish i did rn bc maybe that can be my salvation. But its not.
I just cant anymore with this shit, yaar. I feel like i am going to shatter like glass if i even move.
I dont think ppl know how much their tiny jabs build up on my skin to become a large gaping wound that i just cant stitch back up.
I sometimes think that, if i do it, if i do kill myself, they are just going to blame it on social media and other teenage angst bullshit.
I dont want to live like this, i dont want to prove my existence. Kill me, i will accept it, just let me go.
It hurts so much to go on with life knowing my inevitable failure. And even if i dont fail, if i somehow by some miracle get to college, the cycle will start again, in every step of life theres some new competition i have to win to have the right to exist in society.
I dont know whats the point anymore its all the same shit in repeat. "OH but life has so much to offer" no thank you, i will take the receit and see myself out. If you say its about ppl? Family? Friends? Desi parents of queer children are hardly the point of life, and friends? What friends? The person who came to school and told me that she dreamt of dieing and was disappointed when she woke up?.
The people who to my face said they tolarate my existence?
"It doesn't matter what you think" it matters when i spend 5 days a week 6 hours a day with these sons of bitches.
I just fucking cant anymore, bro.
And i dont think i deserve to die, i dont hate myself that much anymore. But its so exhausting. Before i used to look for painless deaths, just quite and painless. Now i dont even care about that, make it quick, get me out of here, i dont care how much blood and gore i will turn into just let me leave.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
what the fuck is up with akire ocs. masterpost made way too quick while i need to sleep. i was going to add images but im tired feel free to look at the toyhouse pages tho
723 - behavioral issues. by choice. shes just like that.
aira - trapped in xeir own personal ever changing hell. like literally xi is stuck in a world that feeds off of & changes based on fears.
aisha - killed by her best friend.
alstroemeria - selectively mute until an injury made her permanently mute. often mistreated by people who think they know best bc she can't verbally argue with them
amari - she is willingly in such a fucked up relationship. constantly being framed by and the subject of bad rumors from her gf (fuyue)
amaryllis - no one listened to her or took her seriously so she ran away & when no one came to look for her realized no one really cared anyway! (isolation)
ash - was trapped in the same hell world as aira but made a deal to get out. her morals are destroyed from it & she tries to trap others in the world so she doesnt have to go back
cestria - idk what her deal is. shes just violent. hashtag influencer things i guess
cherry - u know what i dont think she has any. hm.
chime - no sense of self. theyre exclusively a mirror, intentional or not, of the people around them
chira - commits to the bit too much. will exploit people for views
cleo - refuses to get involved even when she can help. she only wants the scoop on drama
crian - currently, she beats herself up over not being able to help void before they ran away & thinks its partly her fault
daelryc - trust issues
dusk - naturally more violent than ur average person. also trapped against her will
feisha - family issues only fushia knows about. they wont talk about it to anyone else.
fjahva - his mom hates him. he gets kicked out if he tries to come back home. among other mistreatments
flora - trapped against her will & forced to participate in ethically questionable experiments
fushia - mild childhood bullying
fuyue - everything (no). malicious, petty thief, constantly lying for her own amusement, frames her gf for her crimes, blackmails, etc etc etc. why? shes bored
glacia - bully. manipulator. potential murderer but she hasnt stooped that low yet
greeml - theyre self conscious of their ears bc theyre pointy. thats like their worst problem. bc i love them
hanabi - social media poisoned mind. shes not an influencer she just needs to get offline
helix - playboy. self obsessed. used his own blessings on himself enough the other deities demoted him to demigod.
iono - despite neither of her parents being qualified to care for a kid she surprisingly doesnt have any serious problems
iraidis - carrying the weight of being rejected by several generations of people & erasure of proof of her existence
itsumi - shut in by choice & lost all her communication skills. very familiar with escapism
jade - idk i havent thought about it enough yet
keppi - also carrying the weight of generational rejection and erasure
kin - theres just so much wrong with her. she's taking herself down and the world with her. or just kinako. either works
kinako - straight up no will to live she endures whatever kin does to her. or doesnt. she dies a lot.
konome - orphan? lives in the woods with his sister & causes problems for people (""natural"" disasters)
kumo - god complex (they are not a god). the fact they arent dead is a miracle bc they are so stupid and bold and rash
kyeslu - weird girl. no one hates her per se but no one really gets along with her either.
lavender - also trapped in her own hell world
lilium - cave explorer. in the tundra. i think that counts.
linesus - (my sister :) ) well. shes dead. guess she had worm farming trauma too idk
lyra - bullied :(
lyrica - also in personal hell world
maien - shes just massively unlucky.
malshay - power complex (is that what its called??) needs to prove shes better than everyone.
manayo - causes problems on purpose. shes a fox demon she can do what she want tho
meimu - haha trauma of dying repeatedly while the worlds falling apart etc etc shes an aru sekai fan oc thats all i need to say
meision - idk i need to think about her more
meringue - got mad once (unfairly discharged from her job) and now shes a serial killer. hashtag girlboss or whatever
meshika - orphan? lives in the forest with her brother causing problems for people. has definitely killed people but good luck proving it
mkoom - victim of capitalism
nuria - disrespected & killed. now carries the stress of maintaining an entire world with her mind
oken - trauma (?) of turning into a cat against his will
paolo - would rather be a bird than a person
pomgara - distrusted & frustrated by it so shes rather sharp
refrichi - trauma of using her ability. not only accidentally killing people but also casual self harm so she can protect herself (she controls blood. if that makes it make more sense)
rhonda - unsuited to her home country & the problems that come with that. not necessarily stockholmed but she did fall in love with a serial killer
roselii - bad home life. she's overprotective bc of it
ryuusei - isolation of being in space only to come to earth & have to act like a celebrity
sarlina - blank spots in her life bc her ability consumes memories if shes not careful.
saturday - petty.
saturn - burden of maintaining balance in the world. emotionally isolated bc of it
scarlet - bully manipulator liar etc etc and all for her own gain. started bc she didnt want to get punished for bad grades & then she never stopped
sepheria - trust issues. emotional isolation bc shes from a different time period & no one will understand
sera - forced into a sort of celebrity type role he didnt want
seyla - idk what to say here she doesnt really cause problems & she doesnt really have any. mischievous at most
shaia - abandoned his duties as the weight of them was too much. somehow still a deity regardless
sometya - doesnt like people. scaredy cat. yet theyre always off exploring other worlds
sora - ability related trauma. naturally a kind hearted person but she's killed people & it haunts her
teila - tired of rejection she'll promise anything to get her way. ironically shes a shitty mom who rejected her son
tobio - trust issues & quick to argue.
towaka - accidentally got herself trapped in a video game & no longer has control over herself or a way to communicate
vanilla - fear of the unknown & stays in an area that frustrates her bc of it
viridia - victim of her own sister, verbally tormented, tricked into going places she shouldnt & losing important items bc of her only to come home and get told her sister wouldnt do that she should be more like her.
void - we've been over this. bullying into a mental breakdown into 8 years of physical and emotional isolation
wyndi - also carrying the weight of generations of rejection & erasure
xeli - victim of various poisoning attempts that dont work bc theyre immune
yuclenya - isekai'd into a world she knew nothing about, didnt speak the language, was cornered by people looking for a fight, only found out she had an ability when she used it out of fear & it thoroughly cut up her hands
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smilingelm · 1 year
Sighs idk im dealing with family issues and i feel like the best place to talk abt this rn is tumblr. So i hv a pretty dysfunctional relationship with my mother and its a parentified child - child like parent thing, i also have a brother who is unfortunately stuck in this family, he is depressed, a very hateful person (bc of the years of abuse) and pretty irresponsible, its understandable ig.
So my mother is in debt for around 400k and i feel in some way responsible of dealing with her financial issues bc i dont want her to bear such a great burden, when shes under pressure she lashes out and is abusive to me and my sibling. I think it will be better if I somehow manage to pay it off or at least aid her financially, but I also have my own rent to pay, so I dont know how long it will take for me to pay 400k. I know she expects me to give her 10k a month for some reason, and she believes that she did a great job in raising us, i dont really agree with it.
idk,, i just want to solve this problem, but everyone has their own hurdles and obstacles to jump over and there is a lot that i can do, but ill be too giving and too helpful to if i really did everything i can. they are family but in the end its just me dragging them out of the hole that they dug themselves in and at this point i dont find life enjoyable, i dont know how a proper relationship works without trying to bear more responsibility and helping more, if i worked harder maybe things will be better? i wish i didnt went through this in my childhood, but i know i didnt hv a choice, and uhhhh, idk sighs
she called me this morning in a hurry saying asking me what college should my brother choose, since my brother didnt do enough research when it comes to choosing between two associate degrees or something, she sweared at me and i felt like i shouldve cared more for my brother but i am in no position of bearing that type of responsibolity in this moment, with rent to pay and the house to take care of, i feel like itll be better if i dealt with this problem in primary school, i shouldve realized that itll roll into a bigger problem earlier, i dont know, im trying my best but it always feels like it is not enough, for some reason the people whom i live with is always incompetent and requires extra care when it comes to living, im tired of being so forgiving, but i feel the responsibility to care and be caring, i dont know how life looks like in their point of view, and i just wanna give up, lol
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
saw my london bestie yesterday, she came for the weekend. and she's going thru a lot at the moment with her parents' divorce and everything. it really sucks :/
long story short, her mum has had a boyfriend these past like 5 years. he's this military guy who served in afghanistan, he has a tattoo of his blood type and everything. and the mum was the breadwinner of the family, she's a banker. while the dad is an architect of some sort and he made good money at one point (he has his own wikipedia page lol) but it was the mum who's been consistently bringing in the money and he was living off her salary. she bought a house in like 2015 when they were still married and now that they're getting a divorce they need to split it up but it's not fair bc the dad never contributed to it, so she doesn't want to split it with him. and in the end they sold the house to my bestie's sister and her racist husband who honestly sounds like a dick and an opportunist. but the sister hates the dad. so he's not getting anything from the house in the end. and he's like 10 yrs older than the mum, doesn't have a place to live anymore and no money of his own basically. and the mum is fucking off to a different city to pay less taxes and be with her military boyfriend. the whole situation is a mess.
and the house obvs has a lot of emotional value for my bestie bc this is like her childhood home more or less. meanwhile her sister's racist husband jumped on the opportunity to buy it for a good deal and doesn't give a shit about the family mess. and they're gonna refurnish it and everything and my bestie feels weird about it. oh and also i am sure her sister's husband is gonna leave her in a couple of years. like it's such a typical story, i don't want to get in to it. but like they married in their early twenties, his dad is a bank higher-up so he got him a fancy job, so like when the guy was in his early twenties he was already head of some department at the bank like... and my bestie's sister is a housewife with two kids now. like you can sense the disaster coming.
on a good note, my bestie's other sister is 3 months sober! and honestly i feel like later in life the "messy" sister is the one who's gonna have her life together, meanwhile the housewife sister is gonna be the "messy" one.
but yeah this whole situation really sucks... and my bestie is stuck in london. which is good i guess bc she doesn't have to deal with all of it firsthand. but now she doesn't have a place to call home anymore, you know? like where is she gonna stay the next time she comes back here? her refurnished childhood home with her sister's husband? i feel so bad for her.
i wish she could be free from all of this, just forget london, forget her boyfriend, move to canada or wherever she wants... maybe even come back to switzerland for a couple of years to spend time with her dad, i don't know, just do whatever she wants. but her boyfriend needs to stay in the uk until at least 2028. and then we'll be 30 and it's gonna be harder to move somewhere else with all the new responsibilities and stuff.
im scared that she's not gonna be living her life to the fullest and that she's gonna miss out on so many opportunities. but it's also arrogant of me to think that way. cos maybe her boyfriend is good for her, idk it shouldn't be my place to judge. but i wish she could be free and not feel like she has to stay at her shitty job in london. :/
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ketchup-monthly · 3 years
Sanders Sides D&D 2
Ooh fresh take: Jan is virge’s patron and that’s why there’s beef
Also: Jan is some sort of fae related being
Jan: i need you to do something for me Virgil: no Janus: that's not how this works!! Virgil: watch me :P
Okay so I was thinking of Patton as a cleric cuz ooh healer however, Patton as a Druid makes me so happy
I want logan to have Rage
(Also that could tie nicely in an arc about Logan learning to accept feelings)
but barbarian logan is going to be a scholar again and is gonna be smort
bc hes logan. he cant be not smart
Oh I figured he’d be the bbeg that eventually joins the party (hurt/comfort baybee!)(Remus)
he was the bbeg but then joined the party as a bardbarian or just a bard
plus, actual bard who accidentally casts vicious mockery instead of bardic inspiration
Side note: please include a scene where Remus attempts to seduce the dragon
also with this second au, i can start them at like level 5 so people can multiclass
Pat as cleric/druid
gasp logan as artificer/barbarian
janus sorcerer/rogue
because basically everything but alchemist would work well with barbarian, but alchemist feels very Logan
bc mad scientist being actually mad
alchemist logan making an experimental potion and going "here im not sure what this does but im sure its fine! someone drink it"
Remus does it voluntarily, but Logan usually tries to get Roman to drink it
Virgil will occasionally drink it when he's on his last legs and is just like.....100% done with the party
remus as a wild magic path barbarian and just fucking teleporting or doing something equally ridiculous whenever he rages
Oh my god Remus with rage would be a force to be reckoned with
You gotta describe the first time he goes into a rage really dramatically
obviously virgil is trying to "escape" his patron, Janus (really just do whatever he says to not do out of spite)
Eldritch knight roman
Feywild warlock virgil
hey so in the second d&d au, should roman and remus be actual full siblings but like remus went darkside and like romans just trying to get back at him for putting a dark stain on the family name
hey hey hey what about warforged Logan? (essentially a robot)(so like "i dont feel anything" becoming real)
okay hear me out. elf roman and elf base simic hybrid remus. so like maybe the reason remus went darkside was experimentation? so like. hes elf but special
virgil just transforming in the middle of a combat scenario and like his eyes turn into black pits and flightless skeletal wings appear on his back and like everyone near him has to make a charisma check and like he deals extra necrotic damage
Pat is the one human stuck in a band of misfits
so with it, roman would be a full elf, and remus would be an elf that has tentacles bc octopus
So robot logan
i meant literally he doesnt feel anything
like he has all the emotions, but he doesnt physically feel the need to like eat or sleep or stuff like that
he just.....he pretend he don't have the feelings.....but he do.....he feel so much and he hides it all in his littol mechanical heart <3
plus......if he warforged, then like.....AC huge
he stands in front of friends.....he protecc...."no, i don't have feelings, i am physically incapable of affection" but he do!! he do! he take hits for them because he do!! he care so much
Bro he spouts all this and then he uses a reaction to dive in front of someone and everyone’s just like oh
hey hey everyone needs to grow
and logan standing up for himself and other people stepping in and saying no stop thats not right
plus if canon wont give me roman facing the consequences of his actions towards Logan......
but also Roman learning how to properly handle his own emotions and how he interacts with others
logan who doesn't view himself as anything more than a machine to be useful to others
the party giving logan love and affection until he slowly learns his own worth as a person
Roman and Logan not getting along (maybe Roman has a Lore reason to distrust Warforged, maybe not) and slowly learning to trust each other
when Logan is feeling real down or having some issue, Roman actually comes through to help him, showing how far both characters have come
Okay yes but also can we please give Roman more confidence than canon? Like I’m sooooo sick of low self esteem being played for laughs or just being really really sad
this boy is going on a mission and will slap his brother upside the head and tell him to shut tf up remus youre not a monster just come back home and he will do it alone if need be
im unsure as to how, but it happened when he was an older teen/young adult. a simic scientist either picked him (read: kidnapped), or remus volunteered (potentially to escape court life, unaware what exactly the experiment was going to do to him physically
bc also, remus and roman are royalty
so like. how best to get at the nobes/royalty/rich famous people than by turning their kid into a monster
wait, wait, wait, because i'm lowkey a sucker for this trope, but i'm not sure if it fits Remus: the experiments left him with some fairly significant physical pain/uncontrolled magical reactions. through some combo of trying to deal with that and trying find a cure for his pain, he keeps like....absolutely wrecking random towns on accident but also deliberately wrecking certain places looking for either a) vengeance on the guy(s) responsible or b) someone who can make the pain stop
Yknow, for simplification purposes, we could say the True Bbeg just gave Remus lycanthropy and Remus hasn’t managed to control it yet
lycanthropy but simic shit?
Mr. I-Don't-Have-Feelings sees the poor dude in pain and also Roman in emotional pain from seeing his brother in pain and is absolutely like "i must resolve this like right now, immediately" because he definitely doesn't hate seeing his friend suffering, or his friend's brother whom he's just met
he definitely doesn't relate at all to the idea of someone else shaping your body and absolutely does not sympathize with Remus's plight
i was thinking the grappling thing and either manta glide or the ability to breathe underwater for the simic stuff, but like he doesnt have control over the tentacles yet?
Manta glide seems like we could have fun battle scenes
he just jumps off a cliff to avoid mushy talk/dealing with his actions/roman
Roman: Remus just because you're a monster and though i wish i was an only child-- Remus, jumping off a cliff: byyeeeeee Patton: Roman, look what you did! Virgil: dammit jan what did you do? Janus: why do you think i had anything to do with that? im a fae, not a genie Logan, thinking: what an asshole. i wish i could do that
oh my god Logan always being tired mentally bc he cant sleep
Oh my gosh I love that. So Remus got kidnapped super young, (from royal family) they never found him, as a result Roman had to grow up super fast (side effect: lowkey inconsiderate and forgets to ask for others input). Meanwhile, Remus was experimented on by True Bbeg and came out with some trauma and super cool additives
yep! chronic pain and ptsd and all sorts of other shit!
so like, simic hybrids are usually created when they're adults. but what if the true bbeg decided to go younger to see what would happen, and thats why remus has chronic pain and stuff
he was still growing when his genes were spliced, so hes dealing with growth plates shifting and his body maturing and puberty and body changes and stuff
Pat is going to have a lighthearted story. Im saying that now. Hes the one without all the baggage
Sure, but his parents have to lowkey be the really kind people who are surprisingly always down for violence
everyone: multiple crises Pat: y'all need help Pat: love and affection in spades for his little band of misfits
Patton (which I think would be pretty simple, honestly he might just see danger and jump in and suddenly everyone in the party has Feelings)
Mhm. So how did he grow up? Was he just poof created? Wait
What if he was created by the king?
To make up for remuss disappearance
wait, wait....angst......he was created to fight (hence the barbarian stuff) but alchemy is his real passion
wait so like. a second son???
hes there to replace remus?
Yea! (But like in a sympathetic grief way) But that causes a bit of a complex in Roman and ergo Roman and Logan have a bit of a beef
okay so like. hes there to be a companion for roman, and like take remus' place, even though hes not actually in line for the throne?
and just......the conflict of being created for a specific purpose (plus being, you know, robot and technically incapable of deviated from said purpose) vs the fact that he actually does have independent consciousness and like....wants to live life for himself
the parents made Logan a barbarian in hopes that him and Roman would be safe
okay. so logan was created by the king with the sole purpose to take remus' place as romans brother/companion, and to be his like guard? protector? and fight, but logan wants to be an alchemist and study shit
wait, wait, wait.....thinks about Asimov's Laws
he.....his first operative is protect (specifically protect Roman)
oh man. so hes literally just a shield
his second level operative is just like.....care for Roman's emotional well-being, but he doesn't really know emotions because he was kinda just spawned and nobody told him how
and he just....kind of....lets Roman treat him like garbage and take all his grief out on him because he's staunchly in denial of both having feelings or knowing how they work
Anyway Yea so Logan created by royal family in place of Remus which created angst between the two “brothers” and identity issues in Logan. Their arcs are learning how to healthily process emotions plus Roman apology and Logan commits to alchemy
So big question: why did virge make a deal?
he gave janus his name
and instead of janus like killing him or whatever the fae do to people who break the rules of dealing with the fae, jan was like. hey. i'll give you magic, but do what i say
Janus is lawful neutral, but leans towards being selfish
hes self serving, but he has a strong set of morals and rules he follows
Tho I want to Virgil to also not be pushover so let’s say loophole happened and Jan has to stay with virge (hence why Jan is a part of the party)
okay so a couple of the rules are dont give a fae your true name and don't try to figure out their true name
what if virgil accidentally gave up part of his true name, and got stuck in the deal, but then figured out janus' true name
so in the same vein that janus had control over virgil, virgil now has more control over janus
he still gets his magic from janus, so he cant break free completely, but virgil has more freedom and can occasionally tell janus what to do or when to shove it
there should a running gag where virge can explain how he learned Jan’s true name but Jan can make something loudly censor him every time
(he learned his name bc once he heard janus practicing his evil genius voice and talking to himself in the mirror and janus said his true name)
so maybe janus sent virgil on the quest to protect a town or stop something related to remus, but virgil dragged him along
he might just be trying to protect a town thats close to a ley line, or something fae-related, and they just happen upon the whole thing
janus is selfish. but lawful vs chaotic is where he comes through, in morals vs doing whatever. janus has a strong set of loyalties to the fae, and to himself
so like....Remus is just too close to Jan's stuff and he wants to take him down
Virgil is just like....exhausted and said "fine, but if i gotta do this, you're coming, too"
or at least figure out a way to protect his place, even if it doesnt mean fully taking out remus. just moving him would work for jan
Janus: virgilllllllllll hes going to mess up my magic storage locker Virgil: Jan, its empty Janus: but its mine
Yea. Remus attacks a city away from the fae: Jan: Yknow I’m gonna sit this one out Virge: oh no you don’t, get up
Janus vs Janice
so his real name is Janus, but Virgil calls him Janice
Virgil: This is Janice Janice: with a “U-S” Virgil: mhm, sure Jan
I'm a big fan of just like any of the old theory name being various aliases for Jan
Damien, Dante, Ethan, Declan, etc, etc
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Hi ratsoh!! heres my match up info!!
Im p open minded but im generally p shy to people i dont know and really hate starting conversations. im also p introverted and have really bad anxiety sometimes. Especially in crowds/crowed rooms....im the type of person who likes to go slow in a relationship. Id really like to be friends and get to know each other first before we date/become a couple
Some of the things i love are cozying up on the couch with blankets and watching movies or reading a book while the tv plays in the background, watching others play video games and watching YouTube videos. I dont mind sitting hours on end with someone and never actually saying anything. Those are honestly some of my fave moments lol. Music is a huge part of my life, too, and I also have a kitty named gabby who i love v much!!....but she can be a lot sometimes. there probs isn't going to be a time where i dont have a scratch from her!
...I also really really like food and i dont mind cooking from time to time.
Some of the things i really dont like are fighting, or just people yelling in general my ears are really sensitive, someone judging someone else before even meeting/talking to them, making fun of someones appearance, and leaving the house if i dont really need to lol. I also really really hate doing the dishes. I will do literally any other chore besides dishes i mean...ill do them but ill hate ever minute of it lol
Some deal breakers for a relationship with me are forcing me to do things i dont want to do, not giving me space when i need it, and not liking cats.
Some specific qualities im attracted to are someone who will stand up for me bc i honestly cant lol, someone who's kind and easy going, and someone who's willing to help with the house work if we end up living together.....mostly dishes. Also...if they can help me learn to open up that'd be a really big plus lol
My flaws are that id just rather do things on my own instead of asking for help. I can be really stubborn over the smallest of things and sometimes if i really really dont want to do something i just wont do it. It doesnt matter what it is, i cant be persuaded or bargained with. I have a hard time talking about my emotions and if i end up fighting with someone i would just let the subject drop and forget about it instead if talking it out.
My strengths are that im v loyal and supportive and would go to the end of the earth for my loved ones if i had too. I have endless amounts of patience and understanding and am very forgiving of/for them too. Im very respectful of others and try to treat everyone with kindness if i can.
Also, if it matters, im five foot, chubby, and i have shoulder length brown hair.
Thank you!!!
Alright, I have just the guy for you!
Let’s match you with…………RED (underfell sans)!
If you like the slow burn, then he’s definitely the slowest burn of all my guys. A relationship with red always has a rocky first meeting, but if you stick around and actually get to know him, slowly he softens and opens up. Then you’re stuck with the most loyal friend you can possibly get! You’ll have to be the one to confess though
Red makes a good match for you because he’s both protective but also loose with his SOs. When he’s with them, he’ll always stick up for them, but his SO is also free to make their own decisions whenever they want. He’s good for a pushover or shyer SO since they can feel safe but still keep their independence
Red also has a kitty named baby bones! He’s a little tuxedo kitten who can get along with pretty much anyone. You two can be doting cat parents together lol. Sometimes you do wonder if fed loves you or your cat more though.
Reds ideal date is a cozy movie night in. If you don’t mind cooking, he’ll do the dishes no problem. He can cook as well, but he’s kinda limited to bbq or Mac and cheese.
The only issue I can see in this relationship is the communication. Part of that is helped by red only dating those he’s already close to, but you two will Ha be to find a way to address when one of you is bothered
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heleizition · 4 years
This one is probably rlly random and you dont have to answer, but if you made like, your own Robin oc (like an OC who was/is Robin) what would they be like?
OK LISTEN i dont like making characters inside a universe that already exists but i can make AUs for my ocs who already exist !!!!!!!! so pls meet (part of) my oc’s batfam/dc au i guess!!!!
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let’s start with big bat noah !!!! the Mom, batman bc fuck gender norms and batwoman is a mouthful, and also most people didn’t notice she was a woman for months..... like bruce she’s the heiress of a big company that made her a billionaire after her parents died, im not rly clear on her background so like, let’s just roll with the usual turned into a furry to deal with her trauma. she is known to be a Wild Animal, parties a lot, does a lot of extreme adrenaline sports, not really a airhead but mostly never outgrew the rich kid thing . . ... OR DID SHE ?
shes a big lesbian and i actually never designed her partner in her original universe but u can assume that they’re the super of this world maybe,,,, and that they have huge unresolved sexual tension,,, u know,,, the usual
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next u got the two big birds..... abel was the first robin, adopted by noah after she rescued him as batman. im not exactly sure what to do with his original background in the dc au but his family was deep in crime stuff, and she threw him out of danger and he just stuck with her. had probably some assassin training going on, not to the level of damian but still there. a flexible boy !!!!! pretty enthusiast and cheerful bc if he stops he’ll just break down and cry bc he hates himself !!!!!!!!!! man the boy has trauma!!!!!!!!!! when noah takes him in he just itches to do stuff, he’s seen a lot, he wants to help her, and at first she doesn’t want to but he keeps sneaking out and figuring our where she’ll be to help... stubborn boy.
cody is a metahuman, was part of experiments and one of the only successful ones, and the last one, since she burnt the laboratory down to ashes when she broke free !!!!! shes a rogue i guess ?? her powers involve white fire and also flight, she’s been killing and hurting mostly people involved with child trafficking as she was a victim of it, and ends up on the bats’s radar a lot bc she’s dangerous. she was 14 (and abel 13) when she broke free, and she’s been in and out arkham at some point too, and the older they grew the more these two flirted, and they’ve sat and talked abt each other a lot and they’re ennemies to lovers but also the lovers part is on and off bc they’re scared of commitment and what it’d mean between abel being a bat and cody being. an ennemy, most of the time. noah actually doesnt mind as long as she doesnt hurt her son (her kids in general) and she has seen cody fighting to protect the people of this family before so. she approves. abel is just a coward. i love them so fucking much man
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THEN u got nell !!!!!!!!!! he’s the main of my oc’s story and he ANGY and EMO and listens to skillet while crying in the dark. he rly rly fits the red hood/jason’s story in general tbh... it makes me emo... anyway he’s lived in the shit part of town for all of his childhood, he was abused by his dad after his mom died, and he had to protect his lil sis and eventually he killed his dad, except his lil sister, belly, came home just to see it and he panicked and left. he’s been living on the streets since then and has gone through rly shitty stuff to survive and he’s seen belly living with who used to be their neighbor whos a really kind woman so he jst, doesnt worry, drops some money on her window sometimes but never interracts w her bc he’s scared and an idiot,,, anyway noah finds him in a stupid way similar to jason’s and he’s angy and dont trust anything or anyone or the soft bed waiting for him at the manor and no one asking for anything in return and slowly opens up,, abel is rly good with him and noah is patient and kind and doesnt want him to be robin at first, she just wants him to be her son, but he wants to be useful and he thrives on fighting and the justice, he needs it, needs justice, and noah lets him join her, and they’re so good, so so good, but then he dies. he dies and they’re devasted and thats when noah says it, no more kids out there, not on her watch, and he dies and its so sad
(but he doesn’t stay dead, and it adds to his many many issues, and he comes back, and he’s even more angry than he was before, and he knows noah has adopted another kid, and he hasn’t even looked to see if robin was out there, he’s just angry and feels replaced and he’s not even sure where this anger came from because it feels misplaced and foreign but he just gives in, and when he’s finally face to face with noah he fights and she shields herself and ends up pinning him on the floor and hugging him and crying bc she’s so happy he’s alive, and they just cry and nell realises his anger is so confusing and not his)
he does become an equivalent to the red hood, wants to toe this grey line of giving justice to those who always escape it, a definitive one, and noah accept it with time, bc he’s her son and she just wants him to be okay, and if it’s his way then she’ll accept it, bc she knows she cant save gotham alone with her own way.
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SAY HI TO BATGIRL probably the only batgirl bc none of my other characters would Fit the title >:0 !!!!!!! her parents are politicians in gotham, not exactly the best  kind of people but they’re good loving parents,,, she grew up going to galas and having to interract with the pompous people, knew noah before she knew she was batman. shes sweet and has a big sense of justice but hates the way politics affected her parents and growing up she noticed all the stuff they let slide and did just for the sake of winning and decided to just, do her things. her parents got her self defense lessons starting young and she had some notions of fighting so she just, threw herself out there, got her ass handed to her but kept going and noah got tired of seeing this little girl doing That and being Not Safe so she just (adopts emotionally). she and abel started out together and they’re tight and he helped her a lot to train and she broke through his emotional walls bc she Knows how to read people,,, they’re pretty tactile n loving together :((( she’s also a Lesbian and gets a metahuman gf later ... shes nell’s big sis and gets a bit frustrated when he’s Worse than abel with letting people in . but eventually they get rly close before he dies lmaoooo
sO there are a lot more characters i wanna get in it like, nell’s little sister finding him again and eventually becoming part of the batfam, and also the third kid noah adopts is called eden and he’s super smart and picks up on medical studies and tinker with engineering and has no desire to go out there and fight but he’s great support and he’s also angsty and comes from a rich family from gotham - yes again lmao - and also jasper who’s a meta who doesn’t know how to control his powers and whos the goodest boy,,, he does end up becoming a vigilante !!! and also titania who’s lena’s gf soon to be wife...... and eden’s siblings .... AND VIK who would . basically be roy . and nell’s bf . anyway . so much to talk about but ill just stop here fJOSEFOSEFJO
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cicinicole-14 · 4 years
Hi for the ship thing and headcanons, please do jolex 🥰
Who is a night owl:
dont get me wrong, they both most definitely will stay up late together or both pass out before 9pm on a Friday night, but some days when the depression hits, its jsut different and Jo is definitely more of the night owl. Alex is more of a morning person and Jo would rather sleep like the dead. 
Who is a morning person:
as we’ve discovered, more so Alex esp when they have kiddos. Alex is the one to get up with them early and let Jo sleep, he makes breakfast with the kids’ help and keeps their room quiet for jo to get some extra sleep but will unleash their evil spawns when he deems she’s slept in long enough. 
Are they cuddlers:
some days, yes, mostly. jo definitely loves the affection from someone who genuinely loves and wants her back. but there are days where she literally is like “do not come near me with your (temperature) hot body Alexander Michael Karev, you are a heater and I am already too warm” 
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:
Alex is def the big spoon. Jo likes cuddling into him because sh feels safe, he feels like home. but she def has big spooned him too it’s a 50/50 relationship we have equal roles people
What is their favourite sleeping position:
no lie, both spread out like starfish in their bed. 
Who steals all the blankets: 
Jo. Alex is a space heater and doesnt need blankets she freezes and likes being snuggled up and warm
What they wear to bed:
I mean some nights, nothing, but like jo def loves Alex’s old Iowa state shirts or his wrestling shirts from HS that smell like him. an old worn in t-shirt, anything with a pair of booty shorts or his boxers even. and Alex will just wear a t-shirt and boxers or flannels in the winter. 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:
Alex wholeheartedly loves when jo wears his shirts unless its his favorite flannel and she steals it “come on, jo. you know that’s my favorite one. I wear it all the time.” its exactly why she takes it. 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:
jo, unintentionally. sometimes the insomnia hits and she won’t have slept for a couple days so when life catches back up to her she will fall asleep randomly. even more so while pregnant and right after their daughter is born. she just “night night Josephine” 
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:
they both have their fair share of horrid nightmares. Alex’s deal a lot with his trauma of growing up. his mom pulling various knives on his siblings and dad attacking them. even nightmares of jo leaving him like Izzie did and he wakes up without her. 
jo’s are terrifying as well. she dreams that Paul’s death was just an illusion and that hes still out there and he’ll still come and get her. she wakes up drenched in a cold sweat and Alex holds her and they pull up his death certificate on the gsm database to prove it. she also has nightmares about being abandoned again. dreams of herself as a baby, dreams of her mother leaving her at that firestation. horrid nightmares. and Alex just holds her. she also has many nightmares about Alex abandoning her too just like her mother abandoned her but he’s never done that he’s always there when she wakes up and everything is okay again
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:
jo is an absolute horrible bed partner. she does NOT sleep still. she will move around so much during sleep its dangerous. yes, Alex did wake up with a bruise across his cheek one night from an elbow to the face...
Who can’t keep their hands to themself:
both of them. theyre notorious horndogs no autocorrect they are not corndogs please stop correcting me when you’re wrong 
and just because, im throwing in the parenting meme one too bc my heart melts
packs the lunches
Alex. he gets up with the kids in the mornings and also we do not trust jo to make their children food. she’d feed them boxed Mac n cheese and take out the entirety of their lives. and while they love that and Alex wouldn’t care if it was jsut them, their kids need real food. he packs them lunchables and uncrustables but at least its a little more of a variety. 
blows raspberries while cuddling
jo, more so. they both do, but jo LOVES a good chunky baby belly she can blow raspberries onto. and yes she leaves maroon lipstick marks on chubby cheeks and bellies. 
is the tickle monster
Alex. and she runs to mommy to save her from daddy! “oh, now you want mommy, huh? as soon as daddy is the tickle monster all you want is mommy? not when I wanted cuddles, or we picked you up from daycare or I dont know, I gave birth to you and wanted snuggles you cry and want daddy but now hes the tickle monster you want me?” and jo scoops her up and tries saving her but ultimately they lose and get attacked in their very large bed by the tickle monster. 
gives life lesson speeches
they both do just depending on the situations. 
when the girls start dating, jo sits them all down separately, and explains to them a bit of her past. letting them know that no man should ever lay hands on them. she teaches them how to defend themselves and Alex ofc shows them in example how women should be treated. Alex makes it clear that if a guy or girl ever should treat his daughters or his son in any other way than he treats jo, that he needs to know and gOD forbiD one of them lay a finger on one of his children there WILL be hell to pay. jo obviously consoles him in front of her children but tells him “u already have a record. if anyone lays hands on our children I will be putting them in the ground not you”
kisses the boo-boos
Alex he is a pushover and 100% makes sure all boo-boos are kissed and even when the kids are way too old for having their boo-boos kissed, he makes sure the bandaids that are no longer avengers or dinosaur or unicorn or princess themed, have been properly kissed. even through protests of “dad, im not five anymore I dont need my bandaids kissed” “how do you expect them to heal, then, CJ? you’re my most clumsy kid, and I have had to kiss all your boo-boos and never once have I not. thats why you’re still in once piece” 
breaks the bad news
jo makes Alex do it most times. she claims she’s the fun parent and tries to stay the fun parent by making Alex break bad news like “we cannot get another dog” she blames it on Alex but then brings home a puppy the following week. 
joins the PTA
listen. LISTEN. when Greyson started big kid school, in kindergarten, they placed her in private school to give her everything they didnt have growing up. jo was determined to make sure she gave her daughter everything made sure she felt loved and was spoiled it was terrible. so jo, of course, sent her to Seattle Elementary academy and was not paying attention when she signed some forms signing up to be in the PTA. she loathed it so much and “Alex im sorry I cant do this. I know we wanted to give Gracie everything we didnt have growing up but I cant take it I cant take the private school. the volunteer hours the strict dress code violations? she is FIVE. I also have to volunteer FORTY HOURS this year alone. no! I am a surgeon, a mother of two and im pregnant! I do not have time for this! all these PTA moms are stay at home moms who have nothing better to do than gossip about their neighbors and drink wine. and I swear to god if I have to hear about Jessica’s fucking essential oils pyramid scheme one more time I will shove those oils so far up her a––” “Jo! Look, Ali, mommy’s here!” Alex interrupts her just in time. he doesnt blame her. those private school moms are quiet the handful. every time, one of them has the nerve to hit on him. “and I swear, if one more of those moms hits on you in front of me, im going to backhand her with my engagement ring on. no hate to most of them, but theyre too much” they end up ending Gracie, and Ali and the rest of the kids to public school just like they had grown up in and did just fine. 
crashes sleepovers with embarrassing stories
oh one hundred and ten percent Alexander Michael Karev. he will find any moment to break out embarrassing stories and photos. hell, even when Zola, Bailey, ellis, Sofia, Harriet, scout, any of the bunch come over he’ll embarrass them too!  
gives the crazy nicknames
not really either of them (that ive figured out in the moment) (the kkc kids do not have crazy nicknames yet) (we jsut have Gracie for Greyson, Ali for Alice, and CJ for Cristina Jo. Alexis goes by Sissy because of Alexis and Alexa and Eli usually goes by bubba seeing as how that’s what the twins have called each other growing up with Izzie and that stuck) 
thank you so much for these! I loved loved loved doing them! even threw in some KKC universe things so if yall have questions about that feel free to ask I will share! tho there is yet to have a fic out about them yet… its been a bit difficult with writers block /: 
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 // the kidnapping
okay yall heres this! see you in two weeks! 🥳
-ik george called everyone to help but i get such a thrill from people asking nancy for help bc they know she can do it. (its a real contest sometimes between nancy over-inserting herself into peoples business bc she thinks she knows better vs her actually being the one to call)
-maybe an interesting facet to nancys tendency to lack emotion comes from mystery solving- being able to stay calm and objective when people like george are frantic and anxious. think rationally. search for clues. follow logical footsteps. this is where her predicting human behavior scientifically and not socially prevails. you might think youre behaving rationally but it takes a cold clocked brain to really do it (the 'wall' that carson mentioned)**
-owen is so cute lmfaoooo
-once again bess's particular attention to detail wins the day
-they totally stole this sharpie + back of menu thing from victoria
-wonder what gomber asked for from simon
-chief has absolutely zero hesitation to sharing things with nancy now lmfaoooo
-"just dont slow me down" all im picturing is nancys face when carson says how bout a father juxtaposed with s2 ryan and carson stalking her and pretending to hide in their car when they got caught
-"commentary rescinded" lmfaoooo we all judge him for the weekend sweater vests but he is undoubtedly the most capable character on this show for taking care of a kid
-"your memory is relentlessly specific" would honestly hate to be raising that kid lmfaoooo no winning arguments here. thats probably why carson is the way he is though, soft, small, open and unguarded - no reason to start arguments. perfect calm happy family
-okay lbh. was karen a dick for snooping in nancys room y/n?
-nancys face when carson offers advice on the phone call lmaoooo
-**so now wonder if that "calm" carson mentions as a survival mechanism is manufactured. that would be an intereting parallel to s2 premiere when nancy confesses to the wraith that shes afraid. then with nancys constant conflict of wheter to engage with mysteries or not when they are such a part of her is brought to scintillating focus if we consider this cold clocked calm during panic is actually based in something painful and tragic, and the real truth is that nancy is too afraid to even solve mysteries anymore (afraid of what tho? herself? hurting others? her own mystery-solving ability?)
-carson still has his supernatural nope hat on
-her frustration with her "memory in pieces" become so much more interesting considering it as a control mechanism- nancy is obsessively in control of what shes thinking and feeling and executes that control firmly in pretext of solving mysteries - she controls and solves them, they dont control her. like cancer was "the mystery she couldnt solve" and she just spiraled from there. like in the first ep she says "it was more than just a hobby, it was part of who i was" past tense. shes trying to reclaim parts of her identity that she thought were unshakeable, like mysteries and who her parents are, yet these parts of her identity that she still picks up and engages with turn out to be destructive both to herself and those around her. does her ability to draw the line differ? like the mysteries are a comfort/lacking stillness to avoid dealing with emptiness: did mysteries always hurt her parents/friends/others when she was younger, and she just never noticed because their lives werent permanently damaged like nancys picking apart these secrets did?
-"superstitions and rituals are all part of human behavior, its not proof of something inhuman" -discuss 🧐
-this ep and that hug made me ship george/nick
-love this bess/owen bonding time 💙
-love the contrast between nancy rejecting nicks help to george with "my trucks outside" (THE TRUCK omg foreshdowinggggg)
-damn casting did a good job finding a creepy bitch to play moira (shes sooooo weak tho lmfaooo)
-wonder if mcginnis can sense anything when gombers arm starts to bleed
-"TED!" "...yeah?" 😰😴🤦🏼‍♀️😂
-wonder what a relief nicks help is to george when even her own mother cant help her
-love this branch swinging bit for nancy. one hit for every memory taken! reminds me of our good ole tazer ep. and loving these physical outbursts from nancy.
-carson saying "i'm here" just like he did on the bluffs 😭
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: "just out of curiosity..." and gomber indulges her! what an interesting weirdcreep nancy/gomber (+simon as an extension) for a what if scenario. "i can still smell him on you" 👀...something about the children who were chosen first as little girls that come back as grown women (like an addiction/cant stay away/been marked/curiosity)
-owen holding bess's coat for her 🥺
-"we can enter our homes justified tonight" nancy would love that.
-irony: asking where kate will be in heaven bc lucy never made it to heaven/stuck as a ghost in purgatory (and why nancy always feels so lost bc she cant find kate bc kate's not hers)
-nancys old notebook is the same blue just like her blue car 💙😚
-mcginnis reaches out to nancy physically during/after carsons handcuffing by karen but just barely makes contact- so physical after meeting with mcginnis/him saying "work together" and seance/ceremony - now that opposing forces of mcginnis' law and nancys ability to get results have mixed and "been resolved" - emotional conflict nullified which allows for more genuine emotion/"paternal" instinct of older man-younger woman dynamic to come through (ironic since her actual parent is getting carted away)
and lastly
-"tell them you didnt kill her!" karens look at carson when he doesnt/cant say anything speaks volumes.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Rn i feel lonely like i cant really talk to anyone like my parents i think know my mental health is shit but i guess they dont really know how to deal with it because when some shit happens with some other person they freak out and get mad like you dont talk and make me feel bad for not feeling great like im sorry if i could be happy i would and its the same with like eating they will be like you are getting a bit big you know watch what your eating go walk blabla bla but when i say my relationship with food is shit bc of you they get offended and make me back out and be like no im fine with food and the shitty thing is i cant leave because im too young and moving out is to expensive like broo i hate it but i guess they are concerned right?
And i hate the fact that i dont really go outside and do nice things because of the pandemic so now im just stuck with them for the last year and dont really have friends to rant to or even a bf because now i think im just this horrible person that nobody likes and deserves all the bad thing but now and then i think now im great interesting and deserve good things but i just never hold on too that thought wich sucks like i confuse myself i thought i was awfull dont think anything positive about yourself and i feel so stupid
Bbyyyyy🥺🥺🥺I’m so sorry you’re going through that with your parents!! I know how hard it can be to live with the people who don’t understand or listen to you. And that’s only intensified by not having anyone else to talk to. So I’m rlly sorry you’re going through your struggle with food and your mental health all alone. And you’re not this horrible person that nobody likes and deserves all the bad things...you deserve the absolute best babes and you just haven’t found your people yet, that’s all. But once you do, everything will fall in line and it’ll be great for you. and it can definitely be hard to stay positive, especially about yourself. I’d suggest maybe self affirmations in the morning and throughout the day to keep those positive ideas about yourself fresh in your mind so that you can feel good, even if it’s a little bit babes. But ilysm and if you ever need to talk my messages are open🥺❤️
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peaceandegg · 5 years
green eggs and ham headcanons (mostly about food bc im hungry)
Guy loves sweet foods
Sam loves warm foods
Michellee likes cold foods
EB also likes sweets
Guy and EB go halloween trick or treating together
But he’s only there to “supervise” her
.. he’s there to eat candy with her
Michellee dislikes candy a lot (she refuses to use hate)
One time Sam found Guy eating cookie dough at 12:00 AM
Sam promises he kept it a secret
EB already knows
Guy told her
Oh, EB and Guy are also friends in my book because I think it’s sweet
Sam talks about Guy a LOT
Michellee is fine with it
Sam suggests they should all live together cause they have sleepovers so often
Gluntz ran into Sam at the store once and they were there forever just chatting
EB was very bored
Sam and Gluntz have tea parties
E.B. and Sam also have tea parties
Gluntz is the one who bought the set
It’s very soft and pink :)
they gossip about family matters, crushes, school (EB), and y’know normal things
EB likes having three parents
Guy joined the tea party once,
they made him wear cute outfits (lacey things)
He didn’t mind
He just liked hanging out with them
Gluntz has fun
Sam and Guy hog the blankets and make pillow forts with EB
Michellee doesn’t mind
Guy doesn’t like popcorn
yes- he’s tried it
Sam loves cheddar popcorn
Michellee dislikes popcorn
She doesn’t like how it gets stuck in her teeth though
EB is fond of the feeling, and the satisfaction of getting it OUT of her teeth
one time Guy let EB see an R-Rated movie cause it didn’t seem like a big deal
EB is now obsessed with Deadpool
Michellee can never know
Gluntz and Michellee are friends
Michellee loves the tea party but she never joins
She has mom things to do
Michellee constantly cleans
Michellee’s favorite food is carrots
She l o v e s carrots
she secretly watches PG-13 movies
she thinks very sneaky of herself when she does so
she giggles to herself when she lets EB have sweets late at night
then she regrets it
EB is hyper
She does it only on special occasions , though
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regalisventi · 4 years
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this isn’t even all of my vaati ocs in general but ANYWAYS let’s have a brief introduction to twin princes au because i said i would. someday i should redraw these guys.
click on the pics for their names!
Regent: The first Vaati in twin princes AU, the second prince of the kingdom of Windhm. His brother Octavo abdicates his right to the throne when they’re around 20 years old, leaving Vaati to take the throne. Regent is also the most powerful of any of the Vaatis, his magic is like. my mans could cause a literal hurricane. and did on one occasion when pirates attacked octavo’s ship!
He’s a good person who tries his best as king but he’s an absolute stick in the mud who has no idea how to have fun. Also he sleeps for like 2 hours a week, if you saw this post it’s actually abt regent’s fucking abysmal sleep schedule. He does a good job leading his kingdom tho
Amethyst: the second incarnation of Vaati in the au! Amethyst was born very weak and sickly, often stuck in bed as a kid. Also, his brother went missing and was presumed dead when they were like, ten years old, but he was in extreme denial
tbh if you’ve seen barbie princess and the pauper this era is literally an AU of that so you’ll have a good idea of the plot. it’s a good movie. also amethyst is a massive nerd who spends even more time time studying than regent did.
Wrath: The divergence point for canon, and who the vaati on this blog is based off! Wrath grew up severely neglected... and decided the best way to deal with his trauma would be to kill his brother Octavo. This is the start of the ‘age of separation’, a period of time where the kingdom of Windhm was actually divided into the kingdom of winds on the surface, and the kingdom of rhythm beneath the surface. loyalists to the old king ran away with him underground, where they stay for a While.
Wrath takes over as king for a short period of time, but is eventually betrayed and sealed into the four sword by the captain of his royal guard. in order to preserve the cycle of reincarnation, his soul is split in half, leading to...
Vaalni: wrath’s son! a literal fucking angel who did nothing wrong but is hated by his entire kingdom for being the child of a demon. thankfully his adoptive father (the same man who sealed vaati) supports him and helps him learn to love himself. its soft.
Also, as a result of how he was born, vaalni only actually has a fragment of a soul. it develops and heals somewhat over his lifetime, but it’s never going to be fully complete until wrath comes back. this is an important plot point.
Light: Born in the midst of the age of separation, Light is a good boy who knows he’s the descendant of a demon but he doesn’t let it stop him. the kingdoms of wind and rhythm are kinda in a cold war with each other- they don’t interact but they hate each other, and vaati is very scared that meeting someone from the underground would somehow resurrect wrath
he manages to befriend the octavo of this era (who’s from the kingdom of rhythm), and together they help stop the cold war. the kingdoms still dont really interact, but they’re on much better terms. 
Reborn: Unlike Light, Reborn decides that resurrecting wrath is a Good idea and wants to take over the world! his soul finally gets recompleted at the cost of turning into a demon, but its ok the power of friendship with that era’s octavo brings him to his senses and fixes the day
after he calms down the kingdoms reunite to end the age of separation, and tbh wrath is just the weird gremlin friend who floats around the palace and likes to annoy octavo. he >:3c
Redeemed: He’s from an AU where Wrath didn’t do a murder, and also the guy in this blog’s icon. don’t ask me why i decided to make a blog for the au of an au. i just. i support him. 
redeemed is basically just a weirdo who lives in the woods in a tiny lil village, and dont worry he does see octavo again! they talk sometimes, octavo comes by to have tea. he’s king now.
Fallen: he makes me sad. he and octavo’s parents died when they were kids, and neither of them coped well! at all! this kinda culminates with octavo murdering vaati, 
fallen is just chronically depressed. he’s really sad. please give him a hug because he needs one.
Resonance: because of plot shenanigans, after fallen’s death, his spirit actually goes back in time! he pulls a zero escape time travel and is now 6 again, and lives out his life in hopes of preventing his murder. this time he practices his magic and prevents octavo from doing a crime... he becomes strong enough to stick up for himself and im proud of him
resonance is a good. he’s just trying his best. mom said it’s his turn to be the hero.
anyways, that’s a tl;dr on the vaatis of twin princes au. i won’t talk abt the octavos bc my friend is the one who made them all up, but i promise ever octavo is just as good. tbh i have plenty more i could say if asked and also all of them are valid if u have questions for them on the blog, just say who it’s to!
and for fun, an old page i made while we were still developing tpau. the names on the far right are the names of the corresponding octavo in each era.
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