#i have 2 done and ready to go but theyre for day 5 and 7 respectively XD
giddyfenix · 9 months
Thing is, Etho had never been a dog person.
Dogs tended to be too loud, too clingy, too excitable—the tinier the worse. He didn't dislike them per se, except he kind of did.
He liked cats better. They were smarter, they knew themselves better, they had a level of spatial awareness even he couldn't comprehend. They were vigilant, but not obnoxious about it.
Where a dog would uselessly bark and go wild, a cat would sit and stare at the offender until it pissed itself. A dog would try hard, too hard, until its energy became useless in its overabundance. A cat would chase down a possible threat for fun, and it'd succeed.
Etho could appreciate cats and their values. The same could not be said for dogs.
Until Joel, that is.
He wasn’t trying to imply that Joel was a dog. Not necessarily. But the descriptors fitted and, for the first time, Etho found it all infuriatingly endearing. 
Maybe he was a bit more like a wolf, with sharper canines and predator instincts. Either that or a poodle. He just couldn’t seem to stay quiet. Or calm. Or content. At all.
“You suck,” Joel yelled at Bdubs.
Maybe closer to a poodle, Etho thought.
Joel turned to him. “Let’s go kill him,” he said.
Wolf. Maybe.
“We’re yellow, we can’t.”
“You’re no fun,” Joel whined.
Poodle. Definitely poodle.
He watched Joel huff and turn to leave and idly wondered if this was what dog owners felt, the thing that drove them to dogs in the first place.
He had never understood them, except he was starting to believe maybe he could, and that was both an interesting and concerning realization.
“Well, don't stay behind,” Joel said impatiently. He had stopped walking the second he realized Etho hadn't fallen into step behind him, almost like having him out of sight was an unfathomable problem rather than a minor inconvenience.
And look, he still wasn't trying to say Joel was a dog, but…
“Come on,” he said, tapping his foot. “Someone will touch you and I won't be around to bite them. Hurry up.” 
It was probably a joke, but his voice sounded just annoyed enough that Etho thought he should maybe believe him.
Etho just stared at Joel for a few seconds longer. He could perfectly picture Joel's bloodied teeth closed around someone's throat, and the sadistic grin that'd follow. So perhaps, and just perhaps, there was merit to the earlier wolf theory.
Joel walked back to Etho, scowling. “Come on,” he repeated, then proceeded to grab his wrist and pull him along.
He was a poodle that believed itself to be a wolf, Etho decided.
He let himself be pulled forward, and it was only when he saw Tango scurry away upon seeing them that it clicked.
No, he realized with dawning horror. Joel was a wolf with poodle tendencies. 
And Etho—proud cat person, proud of himself in general up to that very point in life—found that endearing. 
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pencilscratchins · 4 years
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three wip pages drawn in september from that very silly mini comic that will probably take four years to complete lmao [id under the cut bc its very long]
PAGE ONE: panel 1: an overhead sketch of the blue, checkered dance floor from the wedding in the finale of LOK- couples are dancing, seeing pema and tenzin, korra and asami, bolin and opal, and mako and wu.
panel 2: Wu, in a fancy green velvet jacket, has his arms around Mako’s shoulders, who is dressed in a more simple formal grey suit and his right arm in a sling. Mako’s face is visible and he’s looking sweetly at the prince. dialogue:
Wu: See, I told you you don't need two hands to cut a rug.
Mako: I wouldn't say we're exactly cutting a rug right now.
panel 3: the pair is slightly turned, as if theyre spinning while dancing- wu now facing the camera as mako’s back faces it. Mako’s uninjured arm is around wu’s waist.  dialogue
Wu: See, that's where you'd be wrong. Have someone bring a rug over, put it under our feet, we will destroy it--
panel 4: Wu’s still facing the camera, but now on the other side, hand holding mako’s shoulder. mako’s face is tucked in wu’s neck. dialogue:
Mako: wu
Wu: I'm serious, you're horribly mistake-- we probably shouldn't ask Zhu Li, it is her wedding
panel 5: A longer panel, wu and mako smiling at each other face to face, both in profile. theyre lit by the moon light and lanterns peaking through the trees. Wu’s hand is on mako’s shoulder.
Mako: wu
Wu: what? I’m kidding. (mostly)
Mako: wu
panel 6: close up of wu’s face, as he says what?
panel 7: close up of mako’s face. he’s smiling coyly.
PAGE TWO: panel 1: Mako captures Wu’s lips in a passionate kiss. Wu looks surprised, his hand moved to the back of Mako’s neck. Theyre both blushing, the tops of their heads breaking into the white of the panel.
panel 2: a close up of Wu’s face, no longer kissing. he looks swept off his feet as he asks “mako?”
panel 3: a close up of mako-- he looks soft but determined. dialogue: 
Mako: Wu, I can't ignore this anymore. I have feelings for you-- I don't think I realized it until you told me you were gonna abdicate, but... Wu, you're my forever boy.
panel 4: Wu and Mako are in profile again, still in their dancing position. dialogue: 
Wu: Mako-!
Mako: And you have great hair.
panel 5: A close up of Wu, waving off the comment with his hand faking modesty. dialogue:
Wu: I... it's just good genes and coconut oil...
panel 6: a close up of mako’s face-- he still looks determined, but shaken a bit by nerves. dialogue:
Mako:  Please, Wu, I have to know... do you...
panel 7: a close up of wu, mako’s shoulder in shot. dialogue: 
Wu: Yes?
panel 8: Again, the boys are in profile, dancing-- but their position is intimate. Their lips are just barely apart, sharing the breathe before a kiss-- both their eyes are closed, ready to kiss again. dialogue:
Mako: Do you agree that putting funds into technical education will reap the most benefits for impoverished students?
panel 9: a long panel, mostly empty-- only wu is visable over mako’s silhouetted shoulder. wu looks confused, brows furrowed, saying “What?” in the background, the word “Wu?” fades into full opacity, until it forms a nearly fully rendered speech bubble that says “Wu?”
PAGE THREE: panel 1: Wu, now dressed in his princely outfit (green ascot, forest green jacket, yellow sash) looking like he just woke up from a day dream the panel around him looking like a popped bubble. he says: “huh?”
panel 2: president moon, korra, and asami are sitting at a curved, diplomatic table. they’re clearly in a meeting, mako’s uniformed torso barely visible in the background. moon looks like she’s waiting for a response; korra looks amused; and asami looks like she’s barely keeping back a smile, pointing at Wu. dialogue:
Asami: We were just finalizing everyone's thoughts on the lower ring rehabilitation? 
panel 3: Korra and Asami are shown in 3/4 view, Asami in the foreground and Korra, with her arms crossed dressed in her blue tank top. she looks throughly amused. dialogue:
Korra: Yeah, You were really ruminating on it.
panel 4: under the table, asami’s foot (dressed in a maroon, 1920′s style heel) kicks korra’s brown booted foot, the sound thop! emphasizes the movement.
panel 5: above the table again; asami looks at korra looking like “really? come on,”, korra is mid covering her smile with her right hand, still grinning, snorting and clearing her throat.
panel 6: Wu looks flustered, blushing as his shoulder go up shocked. dialogue:
Wu: Oh! Right! ... uh...
panel 7: Wu is gesturing wildly with both his hands, the corners of some other advisors at the table are on either sides of him. Wu looks unsure of himself. dialogue:
Wu: Oh! Right! Uh-- Ms. Sato, your plan was impeccably thought out. I-- couldn't think of a better one myself. Full support.
panel 8: a close up of president moon in her official uniform-- she looks pleasantly neutral. her speech bubble splits off in several ovals, extending past the next three panels. dialogue:
Moon: Good, then we're all in agreement. I believe that's all we had on the table today. Which is good, because I think my husband will go catatonic if we don't find something shiny for him to play with. I think we're ready to call it a day.
panel 9: Wu is shot from far away-- mako’s perspective. He looks unsure, nervous.
panel 10: a close up of mako’s face-- he’s dressed in his fancy uniform. he looks concerned.
panel 11: korra cracks her neck, hand against the back of her shoulder. she looks thrilled to be done with the meeting: dialogue:
Korra: agreed!
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wuhwoahhh · 2 years
ok so ive been wanting to do an in depth review of Dimension: Answer by Enhypen for time and i guess today is the day, here are my thoughts on this I think KILLER sophomore album from a kpop boy band:
We open with Intro: Whiteout. I love this song because it doesnt make any sense. "My eyes are closed. No, wait, theyre open. But i cant see"??? It takes you on a journey right from the beginning, and Jake's Australian accent really delivers it. Plus the pulsing beat in the background feels like you're running to an undisclosed location. Ends with the words: "what do you think?" Its inviting and narrative and just a great opener.
Track 2: Tamed-Dash is next - song of the summer. They mention summer and in the choreo do a hand fan motion indicating hot weather. Great beat, fun lyrics, catchy chorus, good choreo as well with the music video. Jungwon really stands out in this one; overall a great single no flaw track.
Track 3: Upper Side Dreaming: UNDERRATED. This song is constantly stuck in my head and the beat is so good its just catchy, the little chorus "doo, doo doo doo, doo, doo doo, upper side dreaming like. YEAH no exactly. Also the interspersed English words are really fun. perfect transition from Tamed-Dashed.
Track 4: Just A Little Bit: Not a bad song by any means, but much lower key and more acoustic than the others, not my fave, a little boring but they have pretty good vocals. Plus its a good lead into...
Track 5: GO BIG OR GO HOME. This is my FAVOURITE song on the whole album and it just delivers EXACTLY what it is trying to do: pulsing beat, club early 2000s vibe (kind of usher-esque in the beat??), good mix of English and Korean and fun lines (don't get away, I need a diamond ring, im feeling lucky) and then the chorus hits, great buildup to extremely catchy chorus (we going going going we RIDE) like it just delivers so well. The bridge is really good too, good beat drop. Nothing excessive or innovative but i LOVE this song I think I've listened to it at least 50 times its just so well done
Jumping into Track 6: Blockbuster. Right off the bat we get "hop in, big bills" and you KNOW its gna be a banger with some shredding electric guitar in the back. Simple verse but chorus pulls thru with a beat change, Jay with good vocals, Yeonjun feature for the rap is so killer gives a grungier sound, he brings good ad libs "are...you...ready?" Just a fun song, again, does what it's supposed to do. This album overall just delivers a clean, upbeat, well produced pop album. Like yes the members probably had ZERO SAY in anything they did but i kind of don't care bcuz the production is so good.
Track 7: Attention, Please! is another solid track, good clean chorus, nothing innovative but great fun, the "panic, panic, here we go" in the chorus is fun. Well produced.
Track 8: Interlude: Question - this follows similar format to the intro but different background, more relaxed, same kind of narrative feel and arc though. My one critique is that the interlude is only two songs before the end, but to be fair i can't really think of where would be a better place to put it.
Track 9: Blessed-Cursed - solid single, i've heard it way too many times though and don't like it as much as the others. They were def going for an edgier feel, it is a solid track, good pre chorus, good choreo (easy to remember, learn, and representative). I think they definitely took this songs popularity as the inspo for their next album which sadly is not nearly as good. They do fun pop so well idk why they felt they had to go edgy and autotune but it seems a lot of the groups are doing that these days i guess.
Another note: this album is supposed to be in their vampire boarding school era (re: webtoon) but not enough vampire boarding school nrg. Like theyr really set up all this lore and having the other group be werewolves but very little delivery. I mean drunk dazed was VERY vampiric and slay and that whole mini album was but overall it was not as good an album imo and fever i don't like for them. They should have brought more in here.
Ok i am writing a lot because I am stalling talking about my least favourite track: Polaroid Love. Basic, classic, happy acoustic nothing song, repetitive chorus and verses, NOTHING innovative. I guess they wanted to show the kids actually had vocal ability because the audition show focused so heavily on dancing, but its not a good song imo even though one of the members Heesung says it's his favourite. But it kind of fits the theme, I don't like the transition from Blessed-Cursed bc it just softens out so fast and for what
Last is Outro: Day 2: Very similar to Intro and Interlude, the instrumentation on this one is very fun, reminds me vaguely of some kind of Lorde inspo (VAGUELY) and then builds up, he kind of rambles about "writing his day two", idk what plot they were going for honestly but it closes the album out well, fading out.
Ok wrote more than I thought but those are my thoughts. I need to give Day 2: Manifesto (their new mini album) another listen, but Im just not feeling it. It just doesn't have the same precise production and immaculate vibes as Dimension: Answer.
Overall this album is imo a pop masterpiece, and one of my favourite overall kpop albums, and maybe just albums in general. With one HARD skip and that's it, we are doing pretty well, plus the first half bangers make up for it. Its camp, its concept, its well produced and well delivered, and thematically very fun. Recommend to all :)
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 32
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i tried to find a good gif for this of him right before a show and i couldnt. i know some exist but its almost 7am and im tired lol so yea.
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! :i love the requests you guys send me theyre amazing! thank you! 💖
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Chapter 32 : Her chapter
March 10,2018
I kept playing with my fingers and glancing at the door as I waited for Dylan to arrive. My foot started shaking under the table and I kept checking my phone to see if Niall had sent me a message or anything. I knew he was busy and I wasn't expecting him to call but I knew it would be awkward if he did while I was with Dylan. It was the very first time we were seeing each other since I broke up with him in Italy and I still felt like crap for the way I had treated him. I knew I was the bad guy in the story and I didn't even want to pretend otherwise. I took the blame, literally all of it, but I couldn't pretend I regretted it. It was better to stop things then, than to keep this game going on. I wouldn't have been able to resist Niall anyway and the whole cheating thing was not for me. It only made me feel like shit.
The door tinged and my head moved up so quickly I could have snapped my neck. He was there and I held my breath but when his eyes met mine, the smile he sent me made something stir in my stomach. Did I really break up with this guy?
I got up and he walked closer. I felt his hand on my upper arm as he kissed my cheeks before we both sat down, facing each other. He called the waitress and asked for water and a meal while I took my glass of wine and brought it to my lips. I needed it to survive this conversation because I felt like it was about to get heavy. I didn't know how he felt or what he thought, and somehow, I was scared. I didn't want him to hate me and at the same time, I couldn't blame him if he did.
We hadn't talked at all and he hadn't said anything mean about me, at least nothing I had heard about, but it wasn't really surprising. It was not his type to shittalk other people. It was also not his type to share his personal life or anything. I frowned, realizing he had quite a few things in common with Niall and that, perhaps, I had a type.
"How are you?" he asked in a soft tone, leaning his forearms on the table and crossing his fingers together.
I sent him a small smile and titled my head. "I'm... i'm okay, and you?"
"Oh, I'm good."
I nodded and started nibbling on my bottom lip from stress. He noticed and I saw the left corner of his lips raise up slightly as his lips twisted into a small smile.
"No need to be nervous, you know." he explained. "It's me. Just me. You've seen me naked before, and you've seen me with food on my face. Pretty sure you also heard me when I went to the bathroom. You're safe."
I laughed and shook my head, pressing my lips together. He was always so funny and I just nodded. I had no idea why, but I suddenly felt like everything would be alright. I knew Dylan, and i knew the kind of man he was, and I trusted him.
"Thanks, I just didn't want things to be awkward between us. We didn't really talk since that day in Italy and I was not sure... how you felt, and what you thought." I tilted my head, staring in his eyes, and I smiled at the incredible shade of brown they were. It made me think of how blue Niall's eyes were and how much I missed them. "We're filming together today and.. I don't know, is there any way we can make this less awkward or.. more comfortable?"
His smile turned into a sad one and he nodded slowly. "That's why you wanted to meet." he pointed out, as if he was realizing something that he didn't enjoy. He sighed and rubbed on of his eyes before slipping his hand in his hair and leaning against the chair. "We're both professionals, I mean, I was not going to start any trouble, Liv. I love working on this tv show. That's why I messaged you the first time."
I chuckled and raised my eyebrows, using a teasing tone. "Oh? I thought that was because you saw me act and thought you just had to meet me!" I joked with a small chuckle.
He shook his head slightly and looked away before sighing again.
"The truth is yea, I did message you at first because you caught my eyes. I mean, it's something that emanated from you in all those videos. Through the camera you were just.. I can't explain. I don't know many people who can just send that kind of vibe through a camera, but you did." he admitted, making me frown slightly. That was something he had never told me before and I was in shock. "The show was interesting, of course, but you were the reason why I messaged you. I wanted to act with you. But I watched that tv show because it was good."
My lips curled and then parted slightly. "You... you thought I was a good actress?" I asked, not expecting that and making him chuckle.
"You think it's surprising?"
"Well, yea." I shrugged, looking down at my hands. "I've never really done anything, i'm just a boring french girl who didn't learn acting in school or anything. I didn't think anyone would actually try to act with me, at least not someone like you."
"Someone like me?" he asked with a smirk. "What kind of person am I, exactly?"
"Fishing for compliments?" I asked with a small laugh.
"Or just curious, you know me."
I tilted my head but sent him a fond smile before licking my lips and clearing my throat. We got our meals just as I was about to answer and finally, I asked for an other glass of wine, taking a mental note to stop after that or I'd have a hard time to film my scenes.
"I mean, you can't deny that you're popular. And yea, you're pretty hot, but people actually like you for your talent. Your good look is just a bonus. You can't blame a nobody like me for being starstruck."
"Oh so you were starstruck when we met?" he asked with a chuckle.
"From the day I got your tweet, until that time we sang together after an 18 hours of filming." I admitted. "I was starstruck the whole time."
"That's the first night we had sex." he pointed out, making my smile grow as I nodded.
"It was."
"So you were not starstruck when you saw me naked? I'm offended."
This time, i let out a louder laugh, letting my head fall slightly on my shoulders before looking back in his eyes. I felt reassured that we would just get along, even if we weren't dating anymore, and I wouldn't let anyone else make things awkward between us.
"The truth?" I asked, raising my eyes as his eyes moved from his plate to my face. "I wouldn't say starstruck but... impressed, yea."
"I know right? That's what all the girls say." he joked, making me laugh and shake my head before rolling my eyes.
"I saw a few rumors about you and Jody." I pointed out. "I know you're not with her but, are you seeing anyone?"
It took him a while to answer and he finally pushed his plate away and grabbed his glass, taking a long sip of water before shaking his head a bit. He was avoiding my eyes but I knew him well enough to guess he was probably trying to formulate an answer correctly in his head before letting it out. He was a funny and sensitive guy, and he had tact, which I greatly appreciated.
"I'm only talking for me, but honestly, I can not get over a break up that easily, and I don't really want to date anyone right now." he looked up in my eyes and sighed. "This is no surprise if I tell you I'm not over you, right? I mean I was ready to marry you, Olivia. This is not something you just brush away and move on from in the spam of a few weeks."
I felt extremely guilty and when he stopped talking, I held my breath and pressed my lips together. There was no right answer to this and I decided to keep quiet, only letting out the air from my lungs when the waitress came with my glass of wine. I thanked her and after she left, I took a very long sip of it before putting it back on the table. I couldn't pretend I was totally over the break up with Dylan but at the same time, I had Niall, and with him, nothing else seemed to matter, or almost. I didn't want to blindly love him the way I used to before, but I couldn't pretend I was not happy in his arms.
"I'm sorry I asked." I said in a low tone, clearing my throat. "I mean, it wouldn't be any of my business anyway."
Quickly, Dylan brought the discussion back to the show and the scenes we were about to do together and we started laughing again. I had no idea how he did it, but he could always turn an awkward situation into a comfortable one. That was why it was always so easy to be around him.
We paid for our food and walked out of the restaurant as he checked his watch.
"We're supposed to be there in half an hour." he let out, looking around the parking. "You need a ride or you got your own car?"
I raised my nose up. "I planned on taking a cab. I hate driving back when we're done filming, i'm always so tired."
He raised his eyebrows and pointed his car with both hands, his keys hanging from one. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, moving my head a bit before deciding that it was just a car ride and we were going at the same place anyway. It reminded me that Dylan was always my ride home when we filmed the first season and that's one of the things that had brought us closer. We would always chat about what had happened on the set or laugh at each other for the mistakes we made that would be good bloopers. The first time we kissed was in his car, and I remembered like it was yesterday. It was the first time someone made me feel as strongly as that after Niall. Or even before. In fact, I could remember clearly why I wanted to marry Dylan.
He handed me his phone so I could choose the songs that would play while he was driving and when we got there, we walked inside together without really thinking about it. Not many people noticed but those who did sent me a weird look or a surprised smile but I just said hi and left, not wanting to discuss it at all. Sometimes, I forget that people in general love gossips, and that it's not just the paps I need to hide from.
Gladly, no one dared asking me questions and when I was ready to play the scene, I felt nervous all of a sudden. Dylan walked to me with a frown and bent down slightly, giving me a whiff of his deodorant. It made me smile and he whispered.
"Why so nervous?"
"We're supposed to kiss." I pointed out in a murmur, feeling slightly embarrassed by my own words and fear.
"Yea, we did that plenty of time." he replied back. "Relax, it's not even intimate, you know it, there's 25 persons with us on the set."
He was right and I breathed in and out to get some courage. I just thought it was different to kiss someone for a tv show when I was single versus when I was not. It made something jump in my chest when I remembered I was technically still single and for some reason, it didn't sit right with me. I suddenly wanted to be official with Niall. To fly back to Ireland right now and tell him I wanted to be his girlfriend. It was not a rational thought and I pushed it back, trying to focus on the scene I was about to be in. I was still not used to being an actress and I didn't know that much about all of it yet, but I knew that if I wanted to keep doing this job, I would probably have to kiss other people at some point. Perhaps, after a few years, it wouldn't be much of a deal anymore. Hopefully.
Everything went well and I tilted my head while biting my bottom lip as I looked at Dylan. It was incredible how 'in character' he could get and he sighed, raising his eyebrows up as he kept saying his text.
"You know you drive me crazy?"
I smiled proudly and shook my head. "My goal in life!"
I saw him take a few steps my way quickly and it couldn't have been more different than our first kiss was. This on-screen kiss was quick and hard and although it was totally different than the kisses we used to share in private, it still brought a bunch of memories of us in my brain. It was hard to think he was not thinking about the time we spent together too and when his hands reached the sides of my shirt near my waist, I shut my eyes tighter. He gripped my shirt in his fists and I kept my eyes closed when we stopped kissing before he brushed his nose against mine.
The first kiss I had had with Dylan was shy at the beginning and deep after a while. This one didn't come close to the real deal but I guess when feelings are involved, it's always stronger.
"That was the only way I could think about to shut you up." he whispered as I nodded slowly.
"Mm, I can't think of a better way."
He chuckled and I did too, my eyes fluttering open and I couldn't help but blink a few times when my gaze met his. I knew it was all acting but it felt weird to play that scene with him anyway. I sent him a smile and chuckled low and when I heard the 'cut!' I breathed out as all the stress evacuated from my body.
"You're fucking good at this, Olivia." Dylan just complimented me, making me smile a bit.
He patted my shoulder and I checked the time on my phone, grimacing when I realized Niall was probably not done with his show. I wanted to check the video he promised he would do while opening my envelop but I felt like it was too personal and decided I would wait until I was back home.
The rest of the scenes we were supposed to do went fast. Dylan was an incredibly good actor and a hard-working man. He rarely missed his lines or forgot his text and I always tried to be as good and professional as he was. It was crazy but he turned out to be a model for me but I had never taken the time to tell him.
He brought me back home and I was slightly sad when I realized I couldn't ask him to drop me at Niall's. It would make things so awkward and although I knew I could just take my car and drive there, It was way too late for that.
"Thanks so much for the ride, Dyl." I smiled and tilted my head. "I appreciate it."
"You're welcome, babe." I raised my nose up and he chuckled. "Okay, no cute names, I get it."
I waited a few seconds and licked my lips. "I never thanked you for teaching me so much about acting. So thank you. I look up to you a lot. I aspire to be as good as you are."
He sent me a smile but there was something in his eyes that I couldn't seem to decipher. Slowly, he nodded and I grabbed my purse, turning to him again.
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Sure, do you want me to pick you up?"
My lips parted and I took a few seconds to think. I really needed to talk to Niall about it, or else I would feel like I was lying to him, and I hated that.
"Oh, uhm, sure. Thanks, text me?"
He nodded and I got out of the car and I glanced at him a few times, knowing he would wait until I was safe and sound inside to actually leave. I waved at him and closed the door behind me, surprised that Louis was still awake and mostly, that he was alone.
"Hey my queen, how was the filming?" he asked without even looking at me.
"Nice." I admitted, taking my shoes off and walking up to the couch, letting myself fall next to him.
He moved his arm on the back of the couch, near my neck and I leaned my head against it.
"Tired?" he asked, finally turning to look at me as I nodded. "Go to bed, then. There's a gift waiting for you on your bed."
"A gift?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and sitting back up, suddenly interested. "From who?"
"Yours truly. I literally ordered it on ebay."
I frowned when I saw his smirk and felt my heart skip a beat. What stupid thing had he done again? I rushed to my room and opened the door but I stopped dead in my track and my jaw dropped. I walked slowly to my bed and chuckled before making a grimace. I grabbed the cushion and turned around only to see Louis, his hands in his pockets and leaning on the door frame as he sent me a bigger smirk.
"Are you fucking serious?" I chuckled, shaking the cushion with Niall's face on it. "He's like 18 on that damn picture!"
"More like 20. And hey, I picked one where you can actually take the cover off and wash it in the machine. If you want to... you know."
My eyes got bigger and I walked quickly to him as I hit him a few times with the cushion, making laugh even more as he tried to dodge my hits with his elbows and hands.
"What? You're gonna ride it, won't you?"
I started hitting him harder with it and he laughed more as he started running away. I followed him to the living room and raised my nose up again when I saw his smirk.
"You know what, Louis? I will. I'll ride that cushion naked, my damn cunt right on his face, and you'll know I'll do it because I'll fucking scream his name!"
His smile faltered and It made mine grow. "Yea about that, darling, you can wait 'til I'm out to do that yeah?"
"Yea, I don't think so." 
He groaned and I laughed. "Good night, Louis!"
I didn't wait for his answer and walked back to my room, closing and locking the door behind myself. I took a very quick shower and when I finally got under the covers, I quickly checked the instagram I made for us. My heart jumped in my chest and my lips curled when I saw the first video posted. I licked my lips and finally clicked on it as Niall started talking. He looked amazing and just seeing him made me tear up.
"Hey my love." he started with a smile. He was totally ready to go on stage and it made me smile. He had his guitar and his ear monitors and I could see he was close to the stage. He had put his phone on something and was smiling so big that it made my smile grow too. "I fucking miss you. The flight was horrible, you know."
The truth was, he should have left probably a day earlier but we didn't really want to be separated. Now, however, he was jet lagged and tired and I felt a bit guilty about that.
"Okay so, I'm in Ireland and I wish you were here with me. Let's see what your note says." He quickly ripped off the side and I groaned. I didn't know why but watching someone open something in a way I didn't feel was the right one always bothered me. He took the paper out and I saw his face change and his lips part in surprise.
"Jesus Christ this smells like you!" he let out a bit louder. "How did you do that, petal?"
I chuckled alone in the darkness of my room and squirmed a bit as he read the words quickly, his facial expression changing as his eyes moved on the paper. He looked up and shook his head.
"I thought about you the whole flight, Liv." he admitted. "You're in all my thoughts too, lovely. I'm about to go sing a bunch of songs about you and damn, it's not gonna be easy. You call me as soon as you come back home okay? You step foot in the damn house and you pick your phone. I need to hear your voice. I love you."
The video stopped and I raised my eyebrows, quickly hitting on his name to facetime him. It took him half a second to answer and I chuckled. Seeing his face made me want to literally cry.
"Pet, fucking finally!" he let out, making me chuckle. "Hey, your hair's wet, you're in bed... you didn't call me as soon as you got home like I asked! Wait, is that your bed?"
I breathed in and sighed. "Yea I'm sorry I just watched your video. And I'm home because Dylan gave me a ride, so I couldn't really ask him to bring me back to your place."
Niall groaned and I sent him a sad smile, tilting my head.
"I wish he knew that you're with me now." he shook his head. "I know we're not... together but, you know..."
"I know, Nee. I know."
We stared at each other for a while, just happy to talk to each other live and after a while, I pressed my lips together and started the conversation again.
"So how was your show?"
"Great. Fucking amazing, in fact." he admitted, playing with his hair and making my heart twist in my chest. I wish I could slide my fingers in his hair, too. "I'll be in Dublin tomorrow."
My face changed and I sat up. "Are you gonna go through Mullingar?"
I held my breath and my lips parted slightly.
"If you see someone I know-"
"Yea, I'll call you."
My eyes fluttered and I finally found my smile back, leaning against the wall behind me. I could spend hours just sitting in bed, facetiming with him but keeping silence. Just knowing he was there was enough for me.
"Is there a secret written in every envelop you wrote or was it just for the first one?" he asked, a smirk forming on his lips.
I felt my cheeks burn slightly and nibbled on my bottom lip, making him laugh.
"It was not a secret just... something I never told you."
"Well if you want to tell me of all the times you masturbated thinking about me, please I'd love it." he explained, making me hide my face with my free hand. "Make a list and send it to me. I'll do that same."
"God you're impossible!" I laughed, rolling my eyes. "You tell a guy you rode his pillow one time in the morning when he was out for a run and suddenly you're naughty!"
"You are naughty, Liv." he laughed too. "Are you gonna show me?"
"Mm, Maybe."
We stared at each other for a few minutes and it made me realize how much lighter I felt whenever Niall was around. I knew he was not physically there at that moment but I still felt better, calmer and happier. It made me realize that I was in a perpetual state of stress since he had left and I felt even lighter now than after that kissing scene with Dylan. No one could make me feel good the way Niall did.
"It's morning there?" I asked as he nodded.
"It's 10 in the morning. Which means it's about 2am where you are? Go to bed, petal, you need a rest."
"Aren't you glad that I waited to call you? I probably would have woken you up!"
"You did." he pointed out with a soft smile. "That was the plan. I wanted to wake up seeing your face, sort of like you were here with me. Fuck, I wish you were here with me."
I felt myself tear up and tried to swallow my tears but it was too hard. I blinked a few times and a few tears slid down my cheeks. I didn't even try to stop them, I just kept staring at Niall until he frowned and shook his head.
"Pet, please, don't." he sat and his phone moved as I tried to stop a sob from escaping my lips and when he appeared on the screen again, he was rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger and I held my breath when I realized he was crying too. "We'll be together soon enough, okay?"
He breathed in and I heard him sob slightly, making me bring my hand to my mouth as I nodded. "Mmhm yes." I whispered, trying to swallow my tears and pain.
It had only been a day and it was already tough. I had no idea how we'd go through weeks without each other but it scared the shit out of me. I brought my hand to my phone and let my fingertip run on his cheek, over the screen. It was ridiculous but I was desperate for his touch. I just wanted to be in his arms, just a few seconds, I would have done anything.
He chuckled sadly but his eyes were still red and I knew I probably looked the same. "I put your note under my pillow and now it smells like you." he admitted. "You're not physically with me, Olivia, but you're in my head and my heart okay?"
I nodded quickly. "You're in mine, too."
"We've always been connected, you and me." he added, licking his lips. "Nothing is ever going to change that, and certainly not distance. I fucking love you, petal."
"I love you too." I whispered before repeating it louder. "I fucking love you too, Niall."
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mayatheamazon · 4 years
Whats your workout routine? Im an absolute stick of a girl but i really want to be strong and plan on going back to the gym when things open up 💚 (i have some workout equipment here at home)
Oh SWEET! I love when fellow women wanna be strong! 💪🏽 😄💓
First of all I’m excited for you and luckyyy you got some workout equipment at home so that’s an awesome start :), secondly, just a disclaimer: I am in no way licensed for personal training or anything haha so without further ado:
For strength training I aim for at least 5-7 reps (repetitions of the exercise), which is good for warming up so you don’t waste your energy of doing 10 reps of weights you already feel comfortable with. It’s also a good amount for lifting those challenging weights.
My general guideline is if you feel comfortable doing 7-10 reps of a weight, you should try to move up to a weight that’s a lil heavier. That’s called progressive overload baybee! Because you’re progressively using weights that kinda overload your body a bit so you get stronger. I try to conserve my energy by taking breaks, drinking water, etc in between each set of reps.
Having a spotter / another person to save you from crushing your skull n shit really helps for making PRs (personal records) so you can lift heavier weights than you normally use, without yknow dying if the weights get to be THAT heavy, for your major exercises such as benching, squatting, etc. They only really help you usually by lifting 5-10 lbs of the weight youre trying to lift, sometimes not even that. Im about 100 lbs heavy, and made a squat PR of 155 one time without my mom even touching the bar!!! She was there tho, right behind me, so psychologically I felt 10000x more ready and brave enough to squat. And I went for 12 whole reps. Sometimes spotters help you to re rack your weights or unrack. I’ve gotten stronger from having my parents help me, and I’ve also done the same for my huge buff parents. Works well. Accepting help is the BEST!!!
So here’s my split and here’s what I do. My workouts are different every time but I always train LARGEST muscle groups - SMALLEST muscle groups/ isolate a muscle. Descending order of energy burn.
A lot of these I can’t even rly do because gyms are closed. I mostly improvise with homemade weights now or the dumbbells my mom shares w me now ; I do not have a homemade gym tho :,)
Green = core workouts, that I always include no matter what. They’re the “largest” muscle groups and are often seen in powerlifting competitions because they’re the most crucial for building strength.
- squats (front & back, changing foot position from straight on & shoulder width apart, to toes facing out wards, to legs being wider apart, to legs being super wide apart (sumo position))
- deadlifts (changing my foot position the same way as squats) — these do LEGS and BACK
- leg press (leg press machine & sled machine)
- hacksquats
- walking lunges, reverse lunges
- hamstring machine
-calves (I sometimes do it after leg extensions)
- leg extensions (isolating your quads this shit BURNS! I love to do DROP SETS (in which I do progressive overload and then do as many reps of my heaviest weight as I can before I can’t, then I DONT TAKE A BREAK I DONT STOP as I drop the weight down by a little bit, do as many reps as I can before my legs give out on this safe machine, and I repeat until I’m legit down to using like 5-10 lbs and can barely do reps of that. That’s how you get a SICK pump btw, by doing drop sets for pretty much anything if it’s safe of course don’t be dumb and do that for benching with no spotter and then kill your chest and die)
- sometimes I mix in more glute workouts like hip thrusts, hip abductions, donkey kicks, fire hydrants w a booty band, or I do wall sits for a few minutes at a time to kill/ pump my quads.
- then I do the stepmill machine squeezing the hell outta my butt and legs going up 2 steps at a time after my leg workout, pretty slow, just to get blood flow in all of my legs again. Or bike. Or any other cardio. Even some sprints. I don’t do much cardio when I’m bulking because I don’t like to lose my gains but some cardio is good for strength building.
BACK & BICEPS (my split does the complimentary opposite muscles, meaning to contract back muscles I use biceps too; and for chest pressing I’m using my triceps):
- lat pull downs with free weights (the plates) on a couple different machines because the change of hand position is EVERYTHING
- lat pullbacks with free weights (I do one arm at a time sometimes because short arms and that’s the only way I can do that)
- lat pull downs with different bars/ handles make all the difference in cable machines
- lat pullbacks with cable machines
- lat pullbacks with dumbbells
- pull-ups (not powerlifting comp exercise but still a core exercise for me; I do drop sets in the assist machines by adding assistance each time after doing it unassisted is too difficult), or if you’re doing it from home I use my kitchen counter.
- any other back or bicep machines gyms may have; I like to explore
- curls ( classic curls, curls where you stop and start at a certain point (not full range), hammer curls, standing vs sitting with your back to a bench, preacher curls, one arm at a time vs both arms)
- bench press w bar (I switch my chest days between incline and decline; often doing flat benching after either)
- that with dumbbells now
- chest press machine ( again, incline or flat/decline)
- Arnold’s (I do those on chest AND shoulder day) theyre hard to master
- chest flys with dumbbells, cables, and / or machine
- [for incline chest I have my head on the bench and my body hanging off, knees at a 90° angle, torso parallel to the ground, holding 1 end of a dumbbell making a diamond shape with my fingers without my Versagrips on and I lift a dumbbell over my head kinda like skull crushers except straight arms and I go past my head, fuck I forgot what the exercise is called]
- pushups (changing hand position by width does a lot. Sometimes even having hands together making a diamond shape w the thumb and index finger works the triceps like you wouldn’t believe)
- tricep dips
- tricep extensions behind the head with dumbbells
- cable tricep extensions
- skullcrushers ( gosh that name is so hardcore)
- tricep machines if they have anymore
SHOULDERS: (mix n match with arms)
- shoulder press with dumbbells (preferably sitting so no assistance from momentum but standing is cool too :))
- press with the smith machine, esp if no spotter
- once again Arnold’s
- lifting dumbbells from your side or front, having hands either vertical or horizontal, arms straight, til the hands are extended and right at shoulder or eye level
- holding a free weight like a steering wheel arms extended kinda above head level, turning the wheel left and right, slowly.
- shrugs (machine or dumbbells or barbell )
- handstand push-ups against a wall
- downward dog pushups
- any other machines I may b missing
CORE ( I do everyday because it’s all about burning the abdominals as consistently as possible if you want definition, same sorta w biceps; the weight you use doesn’t matter as much as just the act of pumping them):
- crunches ( lower ab crunch, full crunch, normal crunches)
- sit-ups (in the fitness gram pace test, not to brag but I fûçkin won for those so 😎 LMAOO)
- Romanian whateverthefucks Where you sit back reclining, feet on ground, knees bent, slowly bringing a weight/ kettlebell/ weighted ball left n right across the hips
- bicycles
- planks
- mountain climbers
- leg lifts holding onto an overhead bar
- anything else on the Internet; there are infinite ab exercises guaranteed and that’s the beauty of it
So that’s pretty much an exhaustive list of all the exercises I can think of; I don’t always get to all of them because I like to prevent overtraining and getting to eating ASAP after I get a pump to build my muscles and recover as fast as possible. Plenty of food, plenty of rest rest, plenty of water, plenty of stretching does the trick my guy. I like to do yoga at night before sleeping sometimes so I’m not sore as frick the next day (sometimes doesn’t work)
Anyways I love it all. The burn, the pump, the soreness the day after ... it’s all a sign of hard work and it actually working. Consistency is your bff. I believe in you. Time for being strong bb
Best of luck for your strength journey !!!!
💖- Maya
PS: have this pic I posted on my insta ( same url as my tumblr)
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11 months can do HELLA
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gothicmisa · 5 years
mikalight :)
hi alex ily im assuming you want. all of them. valid of u. ill be answering as if this was an au where theyre both prosecutors, not kira.1 - who is a morning person and who is a night person?mikami is extremely routine-oriented and wakes up at the same time early every morning. light hates mornings but he does most of his work in the mid-morning/early-afternoon, so not exactly either.2 - who is more romantic?light! light likes big gestures and grandiose displays of affection. he likes the attention. 3 - who goes out of their way to pick something up from the store just to surprise the other with their favorite thing?mikami likes to stop at the grocery store and get light little snacks!! light loves knowing that mikami was thinking abt him.4- who usually cooks?light is the better cook, but i think they cook together on occasion :-)5 - what’s their favorite way to spend time together?mikami and light are both very focused on their work and enjoy being productive. i think they both rlly enjoy just. working in the same room together. they talk a little or ramble about their latest cases while typing up documents or sending emails. they order ubereats and silently wonder if the other person is judging them for their choice of meal (light gets a salad and mikami gets a sandwich)6 - do they celebrate couples’ holidays? (valentines day, sweetest day, christmas in some cultures?)light doesn't like to admit it because he thinks it makes him look frivolous and shallow, but he secretly thinks couples holidays are wonderful. it takes mikami a while to figure out why light looks so disappointed every christmas when he doesn't go all out with some grand romantic gesture, but he does eventually and starts making an effort to get light little gifts. 7 - where did they meet?in university! they met in an upper-level ethics class where there was like. twelve students total. they were in a lot of prereqs together but never noticed each other-- light was too wrapped up in thinking he was too smart for the basic classes and that he should try to test out, mikami was taking extremely intense notes. 8 - who made the first move?light. absolutely. do you think mikami is capable of making a life-changing decision like that? light starts by flirting relentlessly and mikami stays up late at night googling things like "is it flirting when he plays with your hair?" 9 - who does the PDA and who gets embarrassed about it?i dont think either are very fond of pda-- its kind of inappropriate and unsightly in japanese culture to be all over your significant other in public. however, i do think light occasionally pats mikami on the butt. 10 - do they have pets?hmm. maybe if they moved in together they'd get a cat! i just like the idea of light having a cat ok11 - if they fight, what do they argue about?they share a lot of opinions on politics, ethics, and morality, but i think they butt heads pretty frequently. they both can be confrontational at times, what with mikami's unwavering opinions and light's tendency to think he can do no wrong. light polices mikami's tone on occasion. light gets prickly when mikami doesn't respond to him exactly the way light Thinks he should. mikami usually won't start a fight, but he can get frustrated with light when light wants to disrupt his routine in favor of doing some spontaneous activity.12 - who kills the bugs?light refuses to. mikami gently captures them and puts them outside. its inhumane to kill them! 13 - who steals all of the blankets at night?light. they actually have two different blankets on their shared bed now, which is for the best, anyway-- light prefers a thick comforter and mikami likes a thinner blanket.14 - who is cranky before their morning coffee?mikami is used to getting up at a certain time and he likes it that way, so he doesn't get cranky in the mornings. light tends to be a little more random with his sleep schedule (staying up late to finish his paperwork, researching specific cases for references at one in the morning, etc) and gets less sleep because of it. he's very cranky in the mornings. 15 - who is the gay who drives?they can both drive.16 - who gets jealous?light is a very jealous person. he gets very passive aggressive at times, which goes completely over mikami's head. 17 - who is the most patient?mikami. light likes to do the Most to hurry things along because he hates wasting his time. 18 - does one of them do most of the housework, or do they share the responsibilities?mikami does a lot of the cleaning, but they're both pretty organized people, so it isn't a lot. for some things, they split the chores-- if light cooks, mikami washes the dishes after, etc.19 - who is more uptight?mikami... 20 - who says “i love you” first?light says i love you first and mikami gets so flustered he says "thank you?"21 - who argues with the manager?light demands that his salad at the restaurant is free because he asked for reduced fat shredded cheese and they gave him regular cheddar. 22 - how does the other one respond while the first one argues with the manager?mikami just folds his hands and waits for light to be done before tipping the waiter generously for being so gracious throughout light's temper tantrum.23 - which one has improper knife safety and which one drives the other to the hospital?i don't think this applies to either of them, sorry!24 - what pizza toppings do each get and are they able to compromise?i love this question because i had to google "popular pizza toppings in japan" and was met with very exciting results. mikami is pretty tame when it comes to his pizza-- he prefers margherita pizza 100%, very simple, healthier than other choices, just slices of mozzarella, only a little bit of sauce, and basil. if they're ordering out, light just splits mikami's pizza with him, but light secretly likes mayonnaise, white corn, and grilled shrimp on his pizzas. guilty pleasures. 25 - who takes longer showers?light loves taking obscenely long showers and they're lucky mikami prefers to shower after he goes to the gym, otherwise their shower schedules would clash.26 - who takes the longest to get ready?light. he deliberates over every outfit. he has to look his best.27 - who is the most concerned about their appearance?light cares more on a day-to-day basis, but mikami gets worried about light being embarrassed to be seen with him, so he has a whole selection of outfits and suits just for the days they're going to be out in public together. 28 - how do they take care of each other when they’re sick?neither of them are incredibly doting, but light will go out of his way to pick up some soup for mikami, and mikami will dictate light's business emails as light verbally tells him exactly how to write them even though he called in to work that day.29 - where was their first date?i think the line between dating and not dating was a little blurry for them but it was probably something very low key. a coffee shop or a cafe. 30 - personal random headcanon?light is very amused by mikami. at first it was kind of mean, like, light just being entertained by this weirdo in his ethics class, but eventually light fell head over heels. light still loves to fluster him and finds his odd little habits and routines rather charming. mikami, several years into their relationship, is still shocked that someone like light is interested in him.
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pathetic-loss · 5 years
Back to School Weekly Schedule
Going Back to college Jan 20th. decided to make a weekly schedule of eating times (ha ha jk) and exercise times and other things of that nature
this is tailored specifically to my class schedule and my own sleeping schedule
Instead of a calorie limit, I want my week days to be to eat as little as possible. if that makes sense… I feel like if I challenge myself with my mindset it will work out better? Weekends are cheat days where I have more freedom, but still calorie limits to prevent binging!
- Wake up at 6:30 am, Stretch until 6:50 am. one bottle of water by the time you’re done stretching
- Drink water and walk around the DMZ three times (big loop around dorm buildings)
-Be at the rec center by 7:45 and warm up on treadmill until 8:00
-Cardio for 120 minutes AT LEAST. (dont spend your flex money on gatorade or smoothies either. even if they do have protein in them >:[ )
-Class starts at 11:00 am. Make sure all work is done. Double check. Make sure you have those papers!! 
-Leave your room no later than 10:30 am. If you’re hungry, drink water or bring unsweetened hot tea.
- Your day is done at 2:00 pm. Refer to your list of things to do besides eating. Stay busy! Get all your work done! Go back to the gym if you have to!
-If you ever go to get breakfast, get egg whites. No bagels or bread. No more than 5 tater tots if you’re really craving them. Really really craving them..
Tuesday (Busy Day)
- Wake up at 6:30 am, Stretch until 6:50 am. one bottle of water by the time you’re done stretching.
- Drink water and walk around the DMZ two times (at least once). Class starts at 8 am so hurry up!!
- Get to class no later than 7:45. Use extra time to make sure all work is done!
- You’ve been in classes since 8:00 and its 11:00. Make sure you have water and drink and walk around upper campus until 1:30 pm class.
-You’re free!! Get apple(s) no more than 3 from dining hall and relax in library/walk around campus until biology lab at 6:00 pm. Sucks being a biology major huh..
-Its 9:00 pm. Go to dining hall, grab some apples and have your fruity dinner in dorms and get your homework done. Don’t touch your switch until everything is done!
-Be in bed no later than 11:00 pm. 
- Wake up at 6:30 am, Stretch until 6:50 am. one bottle of water by the time you’re done stretching. 
- Drink water and walk around the DMZ three times Listen to music so it goes by faster!
-Be at the rec center by 7:45 and warm up on treadmill until 8:00 am
-Cardio for 120 minutes AT LEAST. (dont spend your flex money on gatorade or smoothies either. even if they do have protein in them >:[ )
-Class starts at 11:00 am. Make sure all work is done. Double check. Make sure you have those papers!!
-Leave your room no later than 10:30 am. If you’re hungry, drink water or bring unsweetened hot tea.
-After your 11:00 am class you’re done for the day!! Either go to the gym, walk around town, or take a well deserved nap! Look at your list of things to do besides eating!!!  Go back to the gym if you have to!
-Make sure to go to the food bank to get more varieties of low cal snacks to keep in your dorm room!! 4:30 every Wednesday.
-Be in bed no later than 11:00 pm.
- Wake up at 6:30 am, Stretch until 6:50 am. one bottle of water by the time you’re done stretching
- Drink water and walk around the DMZ two times (at least once). Class starts at 8 am so hurry up!!
- Get to class no later than 7:45. Use extra time to make sure all work is done!- You’ve been in classes since 8:00 and its 11:00. 
-Time for club meeting!! GSA meeting in the center at 11:00 am. make sure your presentation is ready if you’re doing one!
- You’re free from 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm. Chill in the center but only drink water/unsweetened tea!!! Don’t eat any snacks there unless theyre under 100 cals.
-At 3:00 pm you’re free! Get some fruit and low-cal food. (no more than 500 cals together) and go get work done at the library!!
-Get back to your dorm before dark!! Relax and drink water/tea and chill until 11:00pm. Dont stay up any later!!
- Almost to the weekend… 
- Wake up at 6:30 am, Stretch until 6:50 am. one bottle of water by the time you’re done stretching.
- Drink water and walk around the DMZ three times Listen to music so it goes by faster!
-Be at the rec center by 7:45 and warm up on treadmill until 8:00 am
-Cardio for 120 minutes AT LEAST. (dont spend your flex money on gatorade or smoothies either. even if they do have protein in them >:[ )
-Class starts at 11:00 am. Make sure all work is done. Double check. Make sure you have those papers!!
-Leave your room no later than 10:30 am. If you’re hungry, drink water or bring unsweetened hot tea.
-After your 11:00 am class you’re done for the day!! Either go to the gym, walk around town, or take a well deserved nap! Look at your list of things to do besides eating!!!  Go back to the gym if you have to!
-Be in bed no later than 11:00 pm.
Saturday (On-Campus)
- Sleep no later than 10:00 am!
- Rec center for at least 120 minutes!!
- No more than 750 cals today.
- If you want soda, go for it. But no more than one cup if it’s not diet!!!
- Get all work done!!!
-Be in bed no later than 12:30 am! Get to bed!
Sunday (On-Campus)
- Sleep no later than 10:00 am!
- Rec center for at least 120 minutes!!
- No more than 1000 cals today.
- If you want soda, go for it. But no more than one cup if it’s not diet!!!
- Get all work done!!!
-  Pool has long hours today!! see if anyone wants to go swimming!
- Be in bed no later than 11:00 pm! Get to bed!
If at any time you need to find things to do, Look at your list of things to do instead of eating!!! Dont go to the dining hall if you’re bored!!
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ok so i feel like telling the world my bias list (kpop) for no reason and i was a little scared to but oh well lol
im gonna do this in parts. this list is my bias’ in boygroups pt.1
soo yeah if you wanna see some beautiful asian men you can keep reading lol
kinda turned out long oop
imma do nct on another post bc thats fucking loonngggg
1. kim hongjoong; stage name: hongjoong (leader of ateez, rapper, lyricist, producer and composer (i forget if those are the same thing) )
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king of the lesbians
personally i think hes SOME type of gay but, y’know, you do you baby (’good lil boy’ is the song he wrote on their new album akjsdl)
prince of mullets in kpop (king is minghao from seventeen)
so?? pretty???
he paints his nails for the polished man campaign!!! (this was before the group became ambassadors.) v socially aware as well
his voice is very high for a rapper but i rly love it
wanna hear what he thinks of atinys?? (the fandom) listen to ‘aurora’
korean big minion 
very very good at english, despite what he says
is so caring for his ‘children’ ugh such an amazing leader
also a little brat sometimes but we dont talk about it
fuck gender roles
5′7 skirt guy you’ve probably heard of in the kpop tiktok community
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the official campaign pic:
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2. han jisung; stage name: han (main rapper of stray kids, lead vocalist, producer and composer, lyricist, ult bias uwu)
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heres the tea
this man literally saved my life
he has been through so much and i relate to that. seeing that he made it through the worst gave me hope.
his music and lyrics just speak to me (wanna see me cry? send me the song ‘19′, its written by him)
on to the happier things
his s q u i r r e l   c h e e k s
hes honestly so pleasing to look at ugh
vocals????? fricking great???? listen to ‘hellevator’ and ‘district 9′ for his vocals
jEoGiYa NoOnA HoKsI nAmJaChInGu IsSeOyO (’wow’ 3RACHA)
part of 3RACHA, a rap group between him and two other members
his american name is peter and he loves nat geo wild and cheesecakes and honestly if thats not amazing idk what is
lived in malaysia??? for 6 years???? lovin the melanin y’all
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3. im changkyun; stage name: I.M. (lead rapper of monsta x, sub-vocalist, maknae (the youngest), producer and composer)
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fam im WHIPPED for this man like honestly i dont like subbing or sex in general lol ace things but i’d let him r a i l me
lived in america for 3 years and israel for 4; speaks fluent english and its SEXY
rapping skills??? on point???? both in english and korean ugh
is one of those people that does n o t like to be touched but then he’ll kiss your cheek out of nowhere
confident in his own skin and super open about it
“For IM, ‘Wearing a harness is just to express our song concept. Showing the audience what we want to show is the most important thing. We’re not ashamed. We’ve done a lot of sexual items, like harnesses and chains. We’re comfortable.’ “ 
“But, for argument’s sake, where does your own sense of masculinity come from? IM pauses for a long moment. ‘Having a dick,’ he says bluntly, sipping coffee as his bandmates’ jaws drop and shocked laughter ripples around the table.”
that interview is here 
kinky lil bitch
i can go on and on about this man but im just gonna stop there
i lied he has tattoos (one on his wrist [ :): ] and the one on the nape of his neck, it reads “the one who wants to wear the crown must bear the crown”)
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i like this picture bc its his hands and theyre pretty and fuck gender roles from a kpop idol
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thats enough of him 
4. kim wonpil; stage name: wonpil (pianist, synthesizer, and keyboardist in day6, lyricist, vocalist, also a a dj and mc for a podcast)
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was the maknae but then dowoon came along and now hes not lol
honestly like hes such a good pianist and is really great on the keys
is really good at making song lyrics out of thin air
like, he can hear the sentence “i really want chicken rn but i can’t have it im on a diet” and he’ll get “i crave your taste, but there is a wall i built myself blocking you from my love” like literally
im pretty sure he wrote the chorus for their song ‘zombie’
honestly bruh his vocals are so good
like pls go listen to ‘emergency’ and ‘congratulations’ (theres an english version for that song alsjdk)
guys hes just a big babie honestly
so pretty to look at omg
“i dont really care what my spouse looks like or what gender they are, as long as we’re happy and they love me” (wish i could find that photoset)
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5. kim namjoon: stage name: RM (leader of bts, main rapper, sub-vocalist, lyricist, producer and composer)
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literally the reason im into kpop, so thank you namjoon
a 5′11 babie, tbh
i remember finding out he had his own like, mixtape (’mono.’) and iT WAS SO GOOD AND IT STILL IS KAJHDJ
an amazing rapper and leader
can sing and i do not CARE what anyone says
so as you can see by now i kinda of have a type (except wonpil, idk wtf is going on there with me biasing him laksjk #no regrets)
anyway yeah he was the first kpop boy i found, and it was on his birthday
so every year on september 11th 11:50 p.m., i start i planting a tree in my backyard (bc then its on his birthday in america and korea lakajs so quirky i know) also bc its the day i started listening to kpop so its an anniversary for me lol. 
very very psychological
also very inspiring and loving (to the fans)
doesn’t really show affection, hes better with words than actions, and i really relate to that
dimples aGAIN
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and last but not least for this list bc its already so frickin long
6. byun baekhyun; stage name: baekhyun (main dancer of exo, main singer, sub rapper, pianist, actor)
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he’s so talented???? and amazing???? and overall just kinda perfect??????
dated another idol in the past but personally i think he’s a little *hand goes limp* if you know what i mean
my sister (4) calls him bacon he said it in an interview one time and it stuck to her
is a solo artist too!!!!!!! go listen to his albums!!!! theyre really good!!!!
hes so frickin funny omg like i can laugh at with him all day
understands english but refuses to speak it
honestly kokobop baek was amazing idc what anyone says
is in like 3 different groups damn (like two of them are sub-units of his group and the other one is superm lol)
pls go watch the ‘men on a mission’ episodes with exo bc hes so fucking hilarious i will never get over it
a clown ass bitch that is always ready to square tf up a caring and v nice person that wont fight anyone ever
can also tapdance
lots of video games
very very very very very loud when playing video games
another man i endlessly love
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well. if you made it this far, congrats!!! and thanks!!! i honestly dont care if no one sees this lol i just kinda wanted to do it, so, yeah lol. theres still more groups (superm, nct (seperate post), seventeen, vixx, pentagon, the rose, annnd oneus)then like idk if i’ll do a soloist one, so yeah. this kinda gives me something to do its one big infodump and im sorry lmao. yeah, love y’all !!!
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reysexualkylo · 5 years
1/? Rey lives with her alcoholic parents who can’t seem to decide if they do or don’t care what she does with her life. The best thing in her life is her boyfriend Ben, who’s a successful businessman. How she, a college student making minimum wage, managed to get him she has no idea, but they make each other feel whole. She knows he wants her to move in with him, but she can’t let go of her parents for reasons she can’t even figure out herself. One day, Rey isn’t feeling well. She decides to
2/? try a pregnancy test and it’s positive. She’s carrying her and Bens baby. When her parents find out, they throw her out. That’s when Rey finally realizes that they don’t care about her. Ben is out of town on a business trip so she has nowhere else to go but her friends Finn & Rose’s place. She calls Ben. Ben says “Hey sweetheart. I’ve only got a minute before I have to...” He stops when he hears what sounds like Rey sobbing. “Rey? What’s wrong?” Rey responds “My parents. They kicked me out.”
3/? Ben is shocked. He knew they were awful but this? “What?! What happened?!” Rey stutters and sniffles “I... I’m pregnant Ben! They found the test I took and threw me out immediately!” Ben cant believe it. He has so many conflicting emotions at the moment. “... okay. Rey. Everything’s gonna be ok. Where are you now?” Rey says “I’m at Rose and Finns.” Ben replies “Ok. Ok good. I’ll be back as soon as I can sweetheart. I promise. I’ll get on the next flight back.” Rey sniffles again and says ok
4/? and asks “So um... how... what do you...” She can’t even finish. Ben says “Rey, we’ll talk more later. You should get some rest. I’ll be back as soon as possible.” Rey replies “Ok. I’ll see you soon.” Ben tells her he loves her and hangs up. He sits down so he can collect his thoughts. Rey, the love of his life, is pregnant with his child. On top of the conflicting feelings of fear and joy about the baby, he also has a lot of anger over what her parents did. How could anyone do that? His
5/? parents sent him away when he was young, but at least they sent him to his uncle to try and work out his anger issues. That in turn makes him realize that they did it because they were worried about him. They were scared for him, not of him. Yet he resented them for it. Before buying a ticket home, he calls them. He doesn’t want his child to not have a relationship with their grandparents. They don’t pick up so he leaves a message. “Hey Mom. Hey Dad. Yeah. It’s me. I know it’s been a while
6/? but I wanted... needed to talk to you. Something big just happened and um, just call me back. Please. Bye.” Ben heads to the airport immediately. Ben later arrives at Rose & Finns. They tell her she’s asleep in the guest room. He walks quietly into the guest room. She looks exhausted and he can tell she’s been crying. He kisses her forehead and says “Rey. Wake up. I’m here.” Her eyes flutter open and she immediately wraps her arms around his neck. She starts sobbing into his shirt. He starts
7/? stroking her hair. “Shh. It’s ok. I’m here. I’m here. I’ll always be here for you.” Rey says “Take me home.” After thanking Rose and Finn for looking after her, he takes her back to his condo. He hugs her tight again. “I hate that this is how you’re moving in with me. I wanted you to choose it when you felt ready. Not like...” he is on the brink of tears. Rey replies “Maybe it’s for the best it’s like this. If it wasn’t, I’d still be with people who never loved me.” He kisses her softly and
8/? says “Hey. Look at the bright side. You’re pregnant. I know you’re scared and I am too, but this is still the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Well, next to when you came into my life.” She chuckles. He kisses her, picks her up and takes her to bed to make love to her. After theyre done, they lay in bed just cuddling & kissing softly. Rey strokes his cheek & he says “I dont deserve you.” Rey says “Yes you do. What you did before doesn’t matter. Youre better now. If anything, you
9/? deserved better.” He sighs. “I called my parents. They didn’t pick up but, hopefully they’ll call back. It’s about time I made things right. For my sake & you twos. No child should have a life without grandparents. I...” He’s interrupted by his phone ringing. It’s his parents calling back. “Guess here’s your chance.” He answers & they start talking things out, often times bringing him to tears & Rey their to comfort him. Their baby girl is born just in time for Christmas, at which point
10/? everything is great. Ben has patched things up with his parents & uncle, & Rey feels she’s finally found a true family, people who care about her and want to be there for her, but most importantly, she has Ben, a gentle, understanding & tall lover & she knows will be a loving father to Baby Hanna. Rey feels whole. Leia says “You are part of our family now Rey. I can’t thank you enough for healing my sons heart & giving me a grandchild.” Rey says “Thank you for letting me join your family.”
11/11 Christmas morning, Rey has one last gift to open among the many she received from Ben & his family. The last one is from Ben. It’s a ring. Before Ben can say anything, she jumps into his arms whispering “Yes. Yes!” They get married on New Years Eve. Sorry this took so long. I got held up by some things & I had some trouble figuring out a few parts. But anyway, I hope my fluffy ramblings make you feel better. It was almost therapeutic to write this out. Merry Christmas.
This is perfect and so fluffy! It’s just what I needed. Thank you so much ❤️
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cockbiteproductions · 5 years
primed to scream PRIMES! PRIMES! PRIMES!!
f i just typed the answer to most of these questions and chrome crashed so christ i have to fucking retype all these but much condensed because i am lazy.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
chocolate bars. but only milk. my mom buys exclusively Very Dark Chocolate though so i usually just stare at those and Wish.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
well bubblegum or cotton candy flavored stuff neither they both taste nauseating. if we’re talking about the actual stuff then bubblegum because i can pop it. this actually reminded me i have gum in the pantry from the beginning of the semester i havent even opened yet so now my roommates have you to thank for popping noises the next hr or so
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
soda bottles because i dont like to drink soda quickly and so i want to close it and not let the carbon dioxide escape. soda cans a close second because it’s satisfying to open the tab.
7. earbuds or headphones?
wired earbuds because headphones are too big and clunky and you cant easily lay on your side with headphones on. but if my next pair of earbuds break within a month i might consider Switching because ive had 3 break on me in the past month and half and im at my wits end with earbuds.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
i dont eat much for breakfast cause i want to sleep in until the last possible moment and i get stomachaches when i eat a lot in the morning but ill eat a piece of bread and yogurt maybe.
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring but that’s just because i havent used a lanyard before. i think i would like a lanyard. im constantly looking for my keys in bags.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
this pair of black sandals that i have tan lines on my feet from how much ive worn them
19. sleeping position?
ill sleep however... i like sleeping on my left side. on my stomach with my head to the right. on my back with my arms crossover my chest to keep warm. at the end of the bed with my head where my feet should be. i dont move at all when i sleep so freshman year when i had a lofted bed i think my roommate was a bit concerned in the beginning when i refused a bedrail because she thought i might fall. i never fell which was nice.
23. strange habits?
oh man idk i probably have a lot of those but nothing i can think about right now when im being put on the spot.
in elementary school i used to refuse to step on the yellow tiles at school.
29. best way to bond with you?
talk to me about the stuff i love!!!! and watch the stuff i love with me!!!! i am always down to [whatever the rabb.it replacement is these days] stuff with people and just generally both yell at each other and be passionate about stuff. currently what im passionate about is the stuff im screaming over at @winstonbillions​ so talk to me about that stuff!! please. i am always 3 seconds from screaming about ANY of that stuff.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
idk about outfits to kick ass and take names but i have outfits where i get my ass kicked and name taken aka what i wear to exams. which is my tower of pimps shirt which ive deemed lucky. is it lucky in any way? no, but i’m hoping if i wear it enough to exams it might.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel bag. suitcases are so large and unwieldily. that reminds me i have a suitcase of winter clothes in my trunk i need to take out.
41. last person you texted?
as in actual texts on my phone? that would be my dad. asking him if i should drop my class im failing. 
as for the last person i instant messaged, that would be one of my mutuals through my musical theater sideblog im currently yelling at about [musical theater related interest]. im not kidding guys talk to me about the stuff i post about on @winstonbillions​ PLEASE
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
2 months ago i would have said hoodie but im kinda becoming a cardigan kind of person now. theyre just Soft and and Long and Casual and i love them. hoodies are too hard to take off.
47. favorite type of cheese?
mild cheddar, american, and mozzarella. i actually only Recently started cataloging cheeses in my brain to their actual names so for my entire life i was like i just like cheese even though there are certain ones i hate like swiss and blue cheese.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
a bit cold and a bit tired from typing all the answers to all these asks tbh. but other than that good. i just cut my nails because they were atrociously long. 
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“worm” or “fuck” or “no!” according to my roommate
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
oh my ogdokh oym ogdos sd fdospohm to mo edf ucmign fugod mfyo uacant just ask me this im going to absolutely die
in absolutely no order, all from completely from memory, and favorite for a variety of different reasons
“fuck you, math man. if you’re such a genius why can’t you count to loyalty” - mafee in 4x11 lamster billions
“captain, he think, and feels that much more powerful” - luminousbeings in you don’t have to (say yes) the star trek fic
“more than you know, i understand wanting to walk away from the jedi”“i know.” - anakin skywalker and ahsoka tano in 5x12 the wrong jedi star wars the clone wars
“i won’t leave you, not this time.” “then you will die” - ahsoka tano and darth vader in 2x12 twilight of the apprentice star wars rebels
“there is nothing so pure as a man on a mission. when faced with the fire, never quivers or runs. there is nothing so noble as sticking together, for lonely is the life lead when sticking to its guns." - narrator in bloodsong of love by joe iconis
“now i’ve got myself a name and i’m ready to risk it with a battle cry disguised as a sing-along” - never heard nothing by joe iconis
“i’m frickin done with being the loser, the wuss, the underdog. being the misfit, the old school analog. being the oddball, the weakling freak. the failure, the sucker, the please-don’t-speak. oh i can’t hardly wait for the moment when i’m not the loser the geek or whatever, ever again” - jeremy heere in be more chill by joe iconis
“i’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that i am” - various in be more chill by joe iconis
“q is for quantitative, baby!” - winston in 4x12 extreme sandbox billions
“the cheering is just as important as the song” - lisa and ms. werring in the black suits by joe iconis
“first, best destiny” - spock in star trek ii wrath of khan
“be proud of your place in the cosmos. it is small, and yet it is. how unlikely. how fantastic, and stupid. and excellent.” - cecil in welcome to night vale old oak doors part b
“are we living a life that is safe from harm? of course not. we never are. the questions is are we living a life that is worth the harm?” - cecil in welcome to night vale parade day
“as I turned and my eyes beheld you, i displayed emotion. i beg forgiveness.” - spock somewhere in star trek tos
“the sky collapsed without a sound. these broken pieces hit the ground.  the rain fell down around me and i drowned, but i will save you.” - part of me from dear evan hansen
“this is, after all, the story of how i died” - epsilon in the rvb13 trailer
“and while the law has many punishments for the atrocities we inflict on others, there are no punishments for the terrors we inflict on ourselves.” - the director in the s6 finale of red vs blue
that was in no way an exhaustive list but all i could think of at the moment
67. good luck charms?
not really any tbh. i try to wear my tower of pimps shirt whenever i take an exam but that’s about it.
71. least favorite pattern?
what does this even fucking mean?????? i will say the observer design pattern in programming because i don’t understand it well despite having used it twice now.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
oh god idk why are all these questions getting harder. nothing i can think of at the moment.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
i say school id tentatively, but neither of them looks great. my school id photo was a selfie.
83. writing or drawing?
writing. i wish to GOD i could draw and i probably could if i put in the amount of time i need to to learn how to draw but im a lazy bastard. but i’m not that great at writing either as i’ve found out. everything is way too short and out of character and too venty and i am weird about letting people i know read what i write (sorry @ all the people who keep asking me to let them read my writing.  it’s not that great you’re not missing out at all and i hate the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known) and i abandon ideas literal minutes after getting them.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
what the fuck kind of question is this?????? i GUESS the answer should be me but uh i am not even putting myself before myself as i am procrastinating on a shitload of homework with this. i guess my “close” friends. they’re pretty chill. but generally ill do anything for anyone all you have to do is ask.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
4, my own, my home landline, my dad’s cell, and my dad’s work.
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chimcharstar · 5 years
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
dec 9
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
bc canada. my great grandparents are from russia
9. How tall are you?
5 something
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3 that i actually use
12. What was your last dream about?
i dont remember my most recent one but i had a banger of a dream i described in another post
13. What talents do you have?
i think expressing myself, or music, i have some talent that needs discipline
14. Are you psychic in any way?
well i am a spiritual person, in a way. and growing up in a toxic drama filled family, i have Developed the Skill of guessing how people are feeling and what they are gonna do. and i analyze dreams. so not psychic but i am really interested and intuitive whats goin on in there
15. Favorite song?
for some reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilVq8-F4_Q colours by roosevelt ive been obsessed with lately i just loop that shit. loop loop loop. blaringit into my ears and speedwalking down thestreet. the beat.!!!! i feel like I  took all the colours
16. Favorite movie?
spiderverse. i really enjoyed always be my maybe.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who doesnt make me feel like im Too Much
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
i have no idea actually. id want a special wedding definitely.
20. Are you religious?
yes, i honestly feel like i just come like this, i dont go by any books and i dont want to be associated with christians. if i be too religious i start getting the Bad Feelings
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes visiting sick relatives. and one in a psyche ward.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
i got a parking ticket
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
no. maybe i did and i had no idea who they were because id never heard of them
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
alien socks that are green and black
26. Have you ever been famous?
no. what does that even mean !!!!
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
yes because money but noooooo. its hard when one person definitely doesnt like me. if im famous some people just wont like me and theres going to be more of them
28. What type of music do you like?
stuff with electric guitars in it. funk. bops. i cant get enough lately
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
one. and sometimes NONE. i dont fucking know why its just more comfortable. id lie down on a floor and pass out
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i usually cant fall asleep unless im on my face with my arms tucked under me for warmpth and general log shape. after that though its chaos. dreamin
32. How big is your house?
BIG!!!!!! so many rooms. so many people. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
on a Functional day, cereal. not because its my favourite thing but it doesnt require a lot of attention and its easiest to tolerate. my appetite is just. like this
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
HELL no.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
in my child days i shot my hair elastics around and pretended i was fighting aliens. this is definitely archery.
36. Favorite clean word?
i dont really think about words like that. pizza is a nice word.
37. Favorite swear word?
bitch. its really fun to say.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
not all that long. if i was up the entire night i am usually sleeping in midday no matter where i am. ive disappointed many teachers. its called not caring.
39. Do you have any scars?
yes, but theres no dramatic stories to them, just me not leaving scratches and bites alone as a kid. they look kind of cool though. and theyre so mysterious. youd think id have scars from self harm but no.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
i believe so...
41. Are you a good liar?
yes, when i am 100% like morally committed to lying.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
NO. my thought process is: its rude to assume someone is going to behave badly, and they will be offended and have hurt feelings if you anticipate that. i have to like. treat everyone with exactly the same respect unless theyre a dick. otherwise its being judgmental. and it ends up as naïveté. but im okay with that . the price of being a good person
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
i could do a british one once i guess LOL and it looks like now ive Absorbed a mexican accent but i never really try to talk in other accents
44. Do you have a strong accent?
i dont know how to answer this
45. What is your favorite accent?
idk i like new things i havent heard before. and thinking about how other languages work. theres a lot of different accents at my work and i honestly enjoy listening to them
46. What is your personality type?
that.... INFJ. see. psychic
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
one of the gay jackets
48. Can you curl your tongue?
dont think so
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
depends. i had these big house spiders in my dungeon at my parents house, and id just be “hi” and set them free. but if i see one where im not expecting it i might yell a lot and tell everyone and run around and then set it free
52. Favorite food?
tacos from my old work. i was indeed. screaming, lost in the sauce. i waited until i was away from the restaurant because i knew all my dignity would vanish
53. Favorite foreign food?
idk... i need to eat more curry. i need more curryin my life. bring it on.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrased?
“this slaps” i feel like ive been saying that a lot
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
a whole entire fucking hour (when i wake up) otherwise 5min
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i do, but i hide it. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
chomp chomp. i am not a patient man.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
yes, when i know no ones around, or when im not worried about seeming like a crazy person at work
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
no. i can sing and it sound okay.  nice even. but good??? like beautiful?????? no.
63. Biggest Fear?
someone dying, natural disaster, new illness
64. Are you a gossip?
maybe. i feel like i have the Tendencies and then im like “am i being a bad person right now”. i want to know the deets though.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
i Simply Dont Have the Attention for Those
66. Do you like long or short hair?
BOTH . long hair is more fun to draw. short hair is hot
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
fuck no. why would i. fuck off. i dont care about your states.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
people who are not Definitely Cheerful
72. Are you scared of the dark?
no. unless i think about things to scare myself on purpose
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
no unless they need to know. because im not a fucking ANIMAL
74. Are you ticklish?
depends. i can be not ticklish if im determined.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
i dont think so... i started a rumor i was from mars
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
maybe i was supposed to train some girls and then i probably didnt do a great job and they didnt listen. they say my job now is somewhat authority and im like...... ok...... 
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
someone whos OUTTA MY LIFE
80. How many piercings do you have?
two? i got them pierecd at claires lmao and i didnt get an infection because im  so salty. then i took them out because they were from claries
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
hell yes
82. How fast can you type?
so fucking fast. faster than my work finder helper. im fast im very fast
83. How fast can you run?
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
im still trying to figure that out. whatever it is gives me hives
87. Do you keep a journal?
yes. so i can get better at handwriting and just talking in general and hear what my voice sounds like. and to have a space away from other peoples needs and pressures
88. What do your parents do?
my mom is a stay at home mom and my dad shoots pop bottles into the sky
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
everything. cabbage. i swore about cabbage for a long time the other day. i am just full of anger. 
91. Do you like your own name?
YES. i mean i chose it i better. honestly my first name ......... i feel self conscious about it sometimes. i think it was the only name for me though. it wasnt the ideal most wonderful namei could find because those didnt fit, it was MY name.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
im going to have two sons and im naming them brick and rusty.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
yeah, i want a boy a girl
94. What are you strengths?
my strengths doing all 100 questions, this is serious muscles
95. What are your weaknesses?
the exhaustion of jumping from one question to the next especially when they are vague. im not complaining this was my idea
96. How did you get your name?
i pfound it in the baby name book and i was lie  “hey yyy, i saw that name in black beauty, lets use it for my gay coded villain what the hell!”
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
no but i did have some ancestors who lives i a mansions andhad fucking SERVANTS. before you call me problematic my other part of family was like sewing things and not going to school 
98. Do you have any scars?
weve been over this. when im older im going to get a cool scar fighting a dragon
99. Color of your bedspread?
pink, white, blue
100. Color of your room?
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writsgrimmyblog · 6 years
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Rec List #1 Theme: 2018 Favourites
One of my fandom resolutions is to rec more in 2019. I’m going to post rec lists for some of my favourite Nick fics divided up by theme/content/ship or whatever I fancy throughout the year. It seems fitting that my first rec post of 2019 should be my favourite Nick Fics of 2018. If you’re interested in my Harry Potter themed recs, you can find them over on my other blog @writcraft under the tag #writ recs where I’m undertaking the same initiative.
This is by no means an exhaustive list - I’m limiting myself to ten recs per list and it is very difficult, I could have recced many more. I’ve read and enjoyed a whole raft of terrific stories and this rec list is simply based on my personal tastes which may not be everybody else’s cuppa. Please heed the content warnings the author has flagged on AO3 in each case, none of my recs include the content tags.
#1. Ten Track Sophomore Album by @junkshop-disco​ 
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 4,228
Nick has always lived in noise, been the cause of a lot of it, but one day a boy writes him into a pop song and the whole world dissolves into static.
It doesn’t happen like that, not that easy, not that linear, but that’s the heart of it, the soul, if these things have such a thing.
My Rec: The Nick fic of 2018 is undoubtedly the final installment of junkshop-disco’s incredible Doodle of a Surface Life but that has quite rightly garnered so many recs by now if any Gryles reader hasn’t yet indulged, run, quick, what are you waiting for? I love DOASL with all of my heart, but I’m also a sucker for angst and I wanted to highlight this equally terrific fic in my rec list. The structure of this story, in which Nick loses his ability to hear music, is so cleverly done. It’s a very skilled writer that can create an entire fic around sound and make it come alive, and junkshop-disco manages it brilliantly. The fic reads like music, even as it describes the absence of it and it’s a stunning piece of writing. If you like your Gryles contemplative and angsty with confident, lyrical prose, this is the one for you. Junkshop-disco has such a terrific way with words I highly recommend reading all the works by this author. Every single one. But when you do make sure you take a moment to stop by this beautiful story and leave it all the love it deserves.
#2. Tell Me It’s The Strongest Shape by @louandhazaf
Nick Grimshaw/Elgar Johnson/Louis Tomlinson | 73,224
Nick and Elgar have it all. They’re famous, successful, and engaged to be married—and sometimes they play with others.
When uni student Louis gets street cast by Elgar for a GQ photoshoot, he's drawn into Nick and Elgar’s complicated relationship.
They've always invited mates into their bed. It doesn’t ever mean anything. Until… it does.
My Rec: This is such a great exploration of polyamory and the complexities of open relationships, and the author took a great deal of time developing the relationships between the characters and really working on highlighting some of those difficulties. I tend to gravitate towards fanfic where I care deeply about the characters, and although Elgar seems terrific I don’t have the same fannish relationship to him as I do to Nick and Louis so I was curious to know how I would respond to this fic. Basically, the author killed it. I felt such a deep investment in Elgar, Nick and Louis throughout and everything just flew by as I was reading. It’s also really fucking hot. Like, REALLY. Brilliantly done. I loved it. 
#3. Let The Boys All Sing And The Boys All Shout For Tomorrow by @lunarrua​
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 18,429
It's February 1988. Thatcher is in power. There's a new drug sweeping through the clubbing scene. In Manchester, it's the eve of a major protest and a new musical movement. And when Nick finds Harry looking lost outside his favourite chip shop, it's the start of a weekend that will leave an indelible mark on both their lives.
My Rec: I saw the summary for this fic and actually yelled at my screen when it popped into my inbox. Gryles, set in Manchester in the 80s? Hell yes. The fic itself certainly didn’t disappoint, it’s absolutely beautiful. The author writes a well-researched, confident piece and the result is stunning. The atmosphere of the whole story is captivating and you can feel yourself transported to the heady days before the Manchester music scene shifted, the anxieties of the AIDS crisis and the fragility of the relationships formed during that period. The Harry of this fic has a transient quality which evokes the nostalgic reflection on a different time in our not so distant past. A real triumph. I loved this story with my whole heart. 
#4. Séjour by @silveredsound
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 6,288
It is so quiet, which should be conducive to concentration, but Nick is bored and listless and lonely. He’s been there for two days and wants to know where the helpful lady is who’ll deliver him a gamine but takes-no-shit housekeeper who he can fall in love with without words. Words are not his friend.
“Where is my Love Actually moment?” he asks the ceramic kitchen sink as he pokes holes in the cover of one of the M&S ready meals he brought over with him.
Nick’s got writer's block. Louis is a master of distraction.
My Rec: I’ve loved a number of stories by Silv this year and I was swinging back and forth between this and others, but there’s something about this little fic that has wormed its way into my heart and has taken hold so this is the one I’m choosing. As I said in my earlier reblog rec, this has such lush, evocative prose it perfectly captures the sense of a fleeting summer. There’s a seductive quietness to it, and a lovely unfolding of the story through snippets of tasting notes left by Louis on bottles of wine and Nick feeling a little bit lost and searching for words as he struggles with writer’s block. Two boys find one another in the warmth of a sleepy French town and it’s beautiful. Really wonderfully done.
#5. Fists & Flowers ‘Verse by @jiksax
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 1,613 (Make It Worse) and 2,322 (I’ll Do What You Like (If You Stay The Night)
He’s looking at Nick with that soft, terrible look in his eyes, the look that tells Nick the two of them are probably something.
My Rec: If anyone other than Jiksa had told me they were planning an angsty fisting fic series I would have been like umm really? But of course, it’s Jiksa, so naturally I found myself sobbing at the raw, devastating intensity of the story. Jiksa deftly weaves the intensity of the physical act itself into the emotional tumult of Harry and Nick’s relationship in a way that’s incredibly beautiful. A bold, brave, superb piece of hot, confident writing, rich with emotional complexity. Gorgeous.
#6. Constantly on the Cusp by @shiftylinguini
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 6169
It’s 5 in the morning, and Nick’s got an alarm going off, an unexpected bed full of pop star, and a nation to wake up.
It’s far too fucking early for this.
My Rec: UNFFFFF. I love Shifty’s writing. Like, an obsessive amount. I was so thrilled when Shifty started writing Tomlinshaw I didn’t know quite what to do with myself. It’s actually hard to believe this was Shifty’s first Tomlinshaw, because everything about the fic felt like they have been writing them for years. Louis is sleepy, horny and pissed off, Nick is awake, horny and wondering what it all means, and together they have this scorching hot, sexy moment. Nick’s internal monologue  gives us so much insight into their relationship and the fic offers a lovely, warm, hopeful moment at the end. Fantastically written and a sexy delight from start to finish. Loved it!
#7. this cookie’s baking by @disgruntledkittenface 
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles (Genderswap Femslash) | 8,148
Harry’s eyes flicker between Nick’s eyes and lips. “I just want to be your–”
“Baby,” Nick says softly, cupping Harry’s jaw, “you already are.”
Nick and Harry have a long-overdue conversation.
My Rec: This was the first genderswap Gryles fic I have read and I absolutely loved it. The relationship between Nick and Harry feels so perfectly them and there’s a lovely warmth to the whole story. It’s light and funny but also contains moments of real emotional depth and those first time explorations and the hesitancy of admitting to being something more than friends is handled in such a terrific way. It’s a gorgeous story with wonderful writing and I loved every minute of reading it.
#8. let’s make some new rules by @camiii 
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 12,743
A coffee shop, a Christmas party & a fake date to make sure no one gets laid at the end of the night.
My Rec: This was such an enjoyable read. I love camiii’s Tomlinshaw, and seeing this pop up was a wonderful surprise. Barista Louis agrees to be Nick’s fake boyfriend as he pines over an ex that definitely isn’t worth his time, and they become closer in the process. The pace of the story is wonderful, the flirting is brilliant and despite some misunderstandings and Nick’s no good ex trying to fuck things up, the ending is warm and hopeful. A lovely story, full of festive cheer. Thoroughly enjoyable.
#9. I’ll be seeing you by @daretomarvel​ / renlyne
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 11,481
It’s 2028, and Nick’s bought a house.
My Rec: I love Ren’s writing and this Notebook inspired Gryles is a beautiful treat of a story, in which Nick starts buying little bits for his dream house. It’s hard to believe this story is just over 11,000 words because the world the author creates is so rich, detailed, layered and complex. The relationship between Nick and Harry has all of these gorgeous details and nuggets of history as it grows and develops, seedling-like, into something that might just be everything they’ve both been searching for. It’s a warm, hopeful, beautiful story but as it’s Ren, it manages to still tug at the heartstrings in the best kind of way. I read this again as I was putting my rec list together and did so with a lump in my throat, full of feels for the Nick and Harry of Ren’s universe. Gorgeous writing with bags of emotional intensity. I loved it.
#10. All I’ve ever had are love songs by @candybarrnerd / icarusinflight
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 21,688
Things are finally coming together for Nick.
Nick is the DJ of his uni's radio stations, and he passively aggressively dedicates a song to Louis.
My Rec: Icarusinflight is another author who was already on my periphery from Harry Potter fandom who wrote their first Tomlinshaw fic this year and I was so thrilled to see them writing in this fandom and I’m very excited about their upcoming 2019 projects which also includes fics featuring the 1D boys in various ship combos. I love uni AUs and I hadn't read one for a while, so this was such a treat. I loved how Louis is sharp, sassy and confident but with niggling insecurities. Harry was so affectionately humorous in this story and Nick’s voice is wonderful. This is a really well-paced, enjoyable story with a hot af first kiss that deserves a mention all of its own. The music references, the tea and the cameos from various 1D members are all terrific and the writing is brilliant. Can’t wait for more from this author this year.
Bonus Rec: I was meant to limit this to just 10 recs but I also wanted to give a quick shout out to @nightwideopen. I’ve said this in previous rec lists before, but I am constantly impressed by the quality of @nightwideopen‘s writing and the way they explore things such as asexuality and gender dysphoria which can be harder to find in a relatively small fandom. I’d particularly rec so far (it’s alright) and i’ve been thinking lots about your mouth from this year, both Tomlinshaw.
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1112lw · 5 years
Every question!!
1: Name: Arche/Jupiter, my close friends know my real name so!
2: Age: High school has just been done so try to guess
3: Fears: Heights, oral presentations, the dark
4: 3 things I love: Drawing, men- concept art n stuff like that
5: 4 turns on: Oh here we go- uhh thighs, messy hair? when they give u The Look or when they. say things i will not talk about here HHGBDF n uhhh Arms 👀👀
6: 4 turns off: weird macho attitude, overly confident bullshit, being selfish and fuckboys in general
7: My best friend: not sure what this means but my bff is named Daphnée n i love her and ive known her my whole life so 
8: Sexual orientation: homosexuale
9: My best first date: :))))))) as if
10: How tall am I: sigh. I’m 5″4
11: What do I miss: sometimes i miss the feeling loved ig
12: What time were I born: 12:19
13: Favourite color: pink!
14: Do I have a crush
15: Favourite quote: My senior quote!! “if what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, I’m telling you I’m immortal”
16: Favourite place: well? my room ig? I like my yard too
17: Favourite food: ugh ramen,,,korean dishes are TASTE as fuck but i also like classic ass spaghetti so like lol
18: Do I use sarcasm: does it look like i dont
19: What am I listening to right now: dr.phil LMFAO
20: First thing I notice in new person: Hair and eyes!! also how they laugh
21: Shoe size: Like. a 7-8 in women’s 6 in men’s 
22: Eye color: Hazel/Golden yes bitch let me be special
23: Hair color: it’s either dark brown or golden brown idk
24: Favourite style of clothing: bruv its either kpoppie fuckboy or uwu skirts pastels
25: Ever done a prank call?: no i have anxiety
26: Meaning behind my URL:
27: Favourite movie: rise of the guardians and HTTYD
28: Favourite song: Comeback Home (BTS cover)
29: Favourite band: looks in the camera i dont know nan molla huh
30: How I feel right now: I’m fine im hungry
31: Someone I love: shoutout to my babeys in my server ily
32: My current relationship status: Single(tm)
33: My relationship with my parents: theyre fine ig just a bit tired
34: Favourite holiday:
35: Tattoos and piercing I have: Ear piercings? that’s it
36: Tattoos and piercings I want:
37: The reason I joined Tumblr:
38: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I sure hope not?
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? A bit ig?
40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Literally no
41: When did I last hold hands? Like last Friday
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i havent shaved in like months
44: Where am I right now? in my room, in quebec, canada
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? bitch i sure hope my friends would
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? fuck my ears 
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yeah
48: Am I excited for anything? yeah? yeah
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? ig? always
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? just at work tbh
51: When was the last time I hugged someone? not long ago i cant tell but my friends r cuddle monsters so 
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? i havent kissed anyone so 
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? lemme think uhhh no not rlly im not dumb 
54: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up n i thought i had school lol
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? oh john cock i want to be ur best friend
56: What do I think about most? i daydream 24/7
57: What’s my strangest talent? uhhh i can put my thumb behind my hand?
58: Do I have any strange phobias? trypophobia, if thats “weird”
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? depends on what the video is, mostly behind
60: What was the last lie I told? idk answering to my deadname
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? online
62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I slightly believe in ghosts? also aliens GOTTA exist so 
63: Do I believe in magic? i think!
64: Do I believe in luck? yeah
65: What’s the weather like right now? very pretty i filmed a video outside!!
66: What was the last book I’ve read? L’Étranger d’Albert Camus in french class
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes my dad’s a mechanic
68: Do I have any nicknames? a lot a lot
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? bitch @ my birth #neverforget 
70: Do I spend money or save it? i have 40$ in my name right now
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? yes highlighter
73: Favourite animal? cats or otters
74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? FBISDFD NO WE DONT TALK ABOUT IT
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name idk he can have any last name he wants!!!
76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? everytime i start hearing “waiting for you anpanman” or “i just wanna go home” 👀👀
77: How can you win my heart? aaahh. be a twink. b fashionable. b funny. cheesy. pls romance me like a npc in the sims 2
78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? s(he) died smh
79: What is my favorite word? cunt is SUCH a satisfying word
80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr? oh great uh honestly cant be fucked 
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? please have brain. PLEASE
82: Do I have any relatives in jail? i sure hope the fuck not?
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? either invisibility or mind reading
84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? ahaaa “what are your intrusive thoughts”
85: What is my current desktop picture? my lesbian sims getting married LMFAO
86: Had sex? no
87: Bought condoms? no
88: Gotten pregnant? NO
89: Failed a class? i think yeah maths last year
90: Kissed a boy? :(((
91: Kissed a girl? no
92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no
93: Had job? I have a job rn so 
94: Left the house without my wallet? yeah when i go to school
95: Bullied someone on the internet? define bullying?
96: Had sex in public? virgin squad
97: Played on a sports team? yeah
98: Smoked weed? no ew
99: Did drugs? no ew
100: Smoked cigarettes? NO EW
101: Drank alcohol? yep 
102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no i’d die
103: Been overweight? i’m twig
104: Been underweight? i think i was underweight when i was young? i was very Small
105: Been to a wedding? yes very long boring
106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? bruh. everyday
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? probably?
108: Been outside my home country? ONCE
109: Gotten my heart broken? TWICE !
110: Been to a professional sports game? yesss canadians game!!
111: Broken a bone? no
112: Cut myself? not technically 
114: Been in airplane? once
115: Fly by helicopter? i am not rich bitch
116: What concerts have I been to? noneeee- WAIT NO MARIE MAI
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? not sex but for the purpose of pretending i have a penis yes plenty
118: Learned another language? yeah!! i learned english, i almost learned spanish and i’m trynna learn korean now
119: Wore make up? i try!! but i’m not super good
120: Lost my virginity before I was 18? not 18 yet but it’s goin that way
121: Had oral sex? as if 
122: Dyed my hair? i wishhh
123: Voted in a presidential election? I WISH THE ELECTIONS R ONE MONTH B4 MY BIRTHDAY 
124: Rode in an ambulance? nope
125: Had a surgery? yes at a week old 
126: Met someone famous? i think yes but i was super small
127: Stalked someone on a social network? define stalked?
128: Peed outside? yes
129: Been fishing? YES
130: Helped with charity? i think? we do volunteering so 
131: Been rejected by a crush? not directly
132: Broken a mirror? no 
133: What do I want for birthday? boyf......boy..boyff
134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? oh man uhh maybe 2-3, i dont know their names yet honestly
135: Was I named after anyone? MY DAD NAMED ME AFTER A FUCKIN CLIENT HE MET. as for my actual name now I named myself after my fav video game character. lit
136: Do I like my handwriting? yeah!!
137: What was my favourite toy as a child? bitch hot wheels
138: Favourite Tv Show? hells kitchen,,,,judge judy,,,anythin like that
139: Where do I want to live when older? honestly i wish i could just live in japan or tokyo, or new york? but i will most likely end up in montreal 
140: Play any musical instrument? i used to play the clarinet last year!!
141: One of my scars, how did I get it? the one on my knee, i scratched my desk with my knee 
142: Favourite pizza toping? my dad makes AMAZING sea food pizzas,,,
143: Am I afraid of the dark? a lot
144: Am I afraid of heights? A LOT
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? idk prolly? im a bit of a goody two shoes or however u spell it
146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end: dont we all
147: What I’m really bad at: organizing my anxiety n shit i get overwhelmed
148: What my greatest achievments are: finishing high school 
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: honestly has to be that time someone dug up my vent post about being dysphoric to try to say i hated myself with some dumbass DySphorIa Is SelF HaTRed argument
150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents’ debt off, buy 284223$ of BT21 merch, pay my whole college/uni and transition
151: What do I like about myself: idk i like how i literally do not give a fuck anymore and ive learned to love myself instead of trynna care
152: My closest Tumblr friend: @peptobismol-official​ @ace-landofthesun​ @dorkalisious​ and ana but idk her @ anymore :((( ana pls
153: Something I fantasise about: we dont talk about that
154: Any thoughts on the paranormal?: lit. please stop crawling in my ceiling !
ok now that u know my whole biography. go doxx me ig. bye bye
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HOB ch.23-24
FINALLY, i’m back to hob’s universe. i had to stop reading this because university, but now that i’m freaking done with my exams, i can enjoy it as i wanted *^*
aaaaah, i missed xie lian and hua cheng SO MUCH- just look at my beautful san lang taking that strange plant and going to cure his gege’s hand immediately as if that’s the only thing that matters. god, i love him
San Lang didn’t respond, and after applying the powder he let go of Xie Lian’s hand. Xie Lian couldn’t help but think his attitude and this weird atmosphere between the two of them was really off, but didn’t know how to ask about it without sounding weird. This wasn’t something anyone else would notice either and couldn’t possibly understand.
(he just hates you putting yourself in danger for the sake of other people, he waited too much for you, gege! aaaaah they are beautiful, help me-)
EDIT: awkward hualian is making me wanna hug those two, i need them to remain alone and more of san lang protecting his gege 
EDIT 3: omg okay, if i already didn’t love san lang, i would fall in love with him right now. he went for a version of that plant that had not been fertilised by humans ‘cause he knew xie lian wouldn’t like it, and that’s so thoughtful and beautiful and i feel blessed. BLESSED.
Ever since Xie Lian had gotten stung by the scorpion snake, San Lang had behaved like this. A couple days ago it was all ge ge this, ge ge that, but now he barely called him ge ge anymore. When they first met, San Lang had avoided his touch and seemed weary of contact with Xie Lian, but that seemed to have gone away after spending so much time together. Now, besides sucking poison and applying herbs, San Lang was once again avoiding touching him, and that made Xie Lian feel weird. He’s not used to this distance.
i am getting so freaking emotional, this is so angsty and bittersweet, i love hearing sl calling him gege, it’s what keeps me alive, so i want them to talk and figure this out pls make it possible please please please-
EDIT 4: 
The mud face replied, “There’s someone amongst you I’ve seen before… fifty to sixty years ago.”
A shiver went down everyone’s back and made their hairs stand.
No mortal in present company should be aged over fifty. That means whoever this person was that was here then was not human.
this is getting creepier by the minute, what the fuck- i love this. I LOVE THIS.
EDIT 5: i think the face is talking about san lang? since, you know, he is a big deal in the demon world and long. HE WON’T HURT ANYONE AS LONG AS THEY DON’T HURT XIE LIAN, CHIIIIILL.
EDIT 6: 
Xie Lian pushed himself off the ground about to walk away before the mud face raised his voice, “Do you really not want to know who it is? He will kill all of you.”
yeah, i think he really is talking about him. though i don’t trust some of the merchants? and a-zhao? mmmmh
EDIT 7: okay, tha face? that face is getting unsettling me so much WHY DO THOSE MERCHANT IDIOTS GET CLOSER??? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Xie Lian grabbed the merchant by his collar and backed up, but the tongue that flew out was freakishly lengthy and barged right into the merchant’s ear!
Xie Lian felt the body in his hold convulse violently, the merchant’s limbs writhed nonstop, and the man let out a short agonizing scream before falling to the ground. That long tongue dug out a large chunk of something bloody from his ear and and brought it back to the mud face’s mouth.
sorry, see you later, i’m gonna throw up-
EDIT 9: 
He was about to attack the repulsive monster when the mud face screamed again, “GENERAL! GENERAL! THEY’RE HERE! THEY’RE HERE!”
A deafening cry more savage than beasts blared in the distance.
EDIT 10:
The massive nine feet man they called ‘general’ seemed to have found the squirming mud face deeply disgusting, and swung his mace towards him, smashing his face into a bloody mess, the teeth of his mace piercing his brains. When he pulled up his mace again, the entire body was pulled out with it, fulfilling his wish of “let me out!”. And the body that was unearth was not a full human body, but a skeleton.
(okay, now i feel... uhm, i feel a bit sad. yeah, sorry annoying-face-in-the-mud, i think i jinxed you?
THAT FACE IS STILL ALIVE WHAT THE HELL. well, “alive” is probably too big of a word, but... *sugh* i am gonna refer to this as the annoying-face-in-the-mud arc from now on.)
The mud face countered immediately, “That wasn’t odd! It was just… a tongue a bit longer than average!”
*hysterical laugh* SERIOUSLY?
EDIT 11:
He said in a small voice, “Don’t worry. If anything happens I will go forward first.”
Xie Lian thought if they must all fall, then he might as well be the first one to check things out. It couldn’t be worse than venomous snakes and beasts, menacing ghosts and demons. He couldn’t die from falling, he couldn’t die from poison, he couldn’t die from bites, and he couldn’t die from getting hit. As long as it wasn’t some pool of corpse dissolving water, his body shouldn’t be damaged too horribly.
NO OKAY? NO. SOMEONE STOPS HIM RIGHT THIS INSTANT I KNOW SAN LANG WON’T ALLOW SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN OR WILL AT LEAST GO WITH HIM OMG why does xie lian talk about himself like that, i hate this, just because you can’t get hurt doesn’t mean you have to care so little for yourself, babe, i love you so much-
EDIT 12: okay, wow, a-zhao went down and i... did not expect that, since i was suspicious of him too, so now i feel guilty. again. ugh. also, that pit sounds even more scary now that, supposedly, a-zhao’s body has been teared apart.
EDIT 13: THE SOLDIERS ARE INSULTING HIM AND I AM GETTING MAD HOW  D A R E  Y O U- also, bitch? you wanna die, you are freaking asking for it-
EDIT 14: 
There was no helping it. Xie Lian was ready to jump if all else fails anyway. Behind him San Lang stepped forward.
Xie Lian’s heart lurched and turned around.
With his arms crossed, the boy was nonchalantly looking over the dark, bottomless pit with an air of intrigue. This wasn’t a good sign, and Xie Lian called out, “San Lang?”
Hearing his call, San Lang looked over and smiled softly, “Don’t worry.”
(WHATEVER YOU ARE GONNA DO, DON’T DO IT. I’M NOT GONNA READ IT SO IT WON’T HAPPEN. I AM FREAKING SCARED BUT- well. san lang won’t get hurt, right? BUT I DON’T WANT HIM TO SUFFER EITHER. just look at this cutie pie smiling at his gege and telling him not to worry i’m done-)
San Lang took another step forward and was teetering dangerously on the edge. Both Xie Lian’s head and heart started pounding, and he called again, “Wait, San Lang, don’t move!”
At such height at the brink, the boy’s red clothes danced in the night breeze. San Lang glanced at him again with a smile, “Don’t be scared.”
“Come back here. Come back here and I won’t be scared.” Xie Lian said.
why did no one tell me this was so painfull-
EDIT 16: okay, why is a dead girl throwing them all down-
EDIT 17: 
He thought he was going to crater and flatten like a pancake like many times before when suddenly, in the darkness, there was a flash of silver.
A pair of hands lightly caught him.
Whoever it was caught him perfectly, as if this person was made just to catch him at the bottom. With a hand across his back to grasp his shoulders, another under his knees to support his weight, the dreadful gravity of the fall was dissolved to nothing. Still dazed and confounded from falling at such a height, Xie Lian unconsciously held on tight to that person’s shoulders and called, “San Lang?”
The pit was filled with darkness, nothing could be seen, including the person. But Xie Lian still called that name. The other didn’t respond so Xie Lian patted and squeezed the chest and shoulders just to make sure. “San Lang, is that you?”
I am not sure a posses the words to explain how i feel, but even if i knew san lang was gonna catch him (that he was fine), my heart is pounding so hard and i love how strongly xie lian is reacting to him, unconsciously feeling him up to make sure he is fine. i didn’t know it’d be like this, they are gonna be the end of me.)
It took a moment before he heard the boy’s low voice from very close to him, “I’m ok.”
Xie Lian didn’t know why, but this voice was curiously different than before.
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irishagganixd · 5 years
My Three Ideas
Idea One:
Dog Friendly App
My first idea is a 'dog friendly' app. This app would consist of lots of information on areas which are dog friendly in Belfast/Northern Ireland. Belfast specifically, is continuously becoming more dog friendly - therefore I believe people need a more easily accessable way to find out all of the pooch-friendly places.
A huge pro is that I am part of the target audience! I have two dogs of my own, and I am always looking for dog friendly things to do. I have joined Facebook groups, and researched deep into the internet to find fun things to do with my pups. Therefore I not only understand how much of an unnecessary hassle this can be, but I also am widely knowledged in this area!
This is something that has little to no competition as it has not been done before within Northern Ireland. The information is online, however this means people have to go out of their way to find it, and it is very difficult to find specifics such as whether they want to find a dog friendly hotel, or a dog friendlt cafe etc. I would include a filtering option on the app, so that users can filter by area, type of venue or activity.
I would use Adobe XD for the design creation of this app - which I am completely new to. I would need to do vast research on how to use the programme efficiently - which is fine because I have a huge interest in learning XD anyway, this just gives me a push!
This will be my first time creating an app, so I will need to research further into User Experience, and how to make the user journey as easy and as fun as possible! I will also need to consider accessability issues, so that the app is free to be used by all!
Target Audience
This app would be specifically for dog owners/lovers in Northern Ireland; however, I do believe most users will come from Belfast as that is the more popular area for dog friendly activities at the current time.
What's the business model?
If I created this app, I would like it to be free. This is because the information is already out there, I would just be making it more user friendly. Making it free could also then boost the amount of users, therefore helping me gain exposure! I could attempt to get featured in articles, since this is new and specific for the local area, news companies may be interested in featuring this new and exciting application.
As the app grew, I could start to earn money through some dog friendly advertising. Such as dog day cares, dog bakeries, and even the dog friendly companies who maybe have events going on.
Idea Two
Paw Prints
The idea of this product is dog themed printables. This will include digital drawings of multiple different dog breeds with dog related quotes, dog memorials and maybe even birthday cards!
Being a dog lover, I have looked a lot into this type of product myself. Being the target audience for your own product will definitely aid the creation process, as I will be making things that I would want to buy.
I already know typography basics, which will benefit me for any text focused posters. I am also reatively experienced in Illustrator and InDesign - therefore, I will not need to learn any new programmes.
I worked with Belfast Met for 7 months on full time placement, creating posters and other things for print. Therefore I generally know the rules for print, like what resolution is required and how to stay within the bleed etc.
One of the designers I keep up to date with, Alice Thorpe, just opened her own printables site on Shopify, I have kept up to date with her journey and I have been very inspired! I could base my knowledge of watching her journey, to help with my own!
I have not made anything like this before, therefore I know I am going to struggle with with a few things. Being a perfectionist doesn't help either, and I know I am going to spend a while trying to perfect this new 'skill' of making printables.
Even though I am relatively good at using Illustrator, that does not mean that I am any good at drawing. Therefore, this will be something that will be very challenging. The drawings may be downgraded to silhouettes rather than detailed drawings. However, I am willing to challenge myself as this may be a project that could pay off if the additional hard work is put in!
There would be a lot of world-wide competition, especially if selling on Etsy. I would try to stand out with my different aesthetics, and also my contribution to animal charities could aid my ability to stand out.
I would also need to use my own money to do multiple test prints
How will it be built?
As I mentioned before, I will be using Adobe Illustrator and (maybe) InDesign. Illustrator will be used for the custom text and drawings, then InDesign can be used for positioning of everything and making sure the documents are print ready.
I also mentioned that I have been following a girl called Alice Thorpe, who released a similar product on Shopify, therefore I know that this is an option. However, I think it would be easier and more efficient to open a shop on a site like Etsy, and let people download the PDF printables to print at home, rather than to have it printed and sent out to them? Maybe there could be an option for them to download them on the promotional website as well?
Target Audience:
This product is definitely not for everyone, however it is widely targeted to dog lovers. Dog lovers are not age specific, however I'd say between 18 to 40 would be the main target audience of the type of products I would product. This may also only be targeting to an audience who own the breed specific products I design, therefore I am aware to make some more neutral dog themed products in order to widen the number of people who may be interested. The audience would be world-wide, since the product is just a PDF.
What's the business model?
Since I am only interested in making PDF printables, I believe the price should be very low. I considered free but then I had an idea to give a percentage of the profit to an Animal Rescue Centre? Not only is this something that I would love to do, but it is also something that could get the product more exposure! Being a dog lover myself, I know of some of the best Animal Rescue Centres in Belfast, and they have some impressive audiences themselves. If every print goes for £2, then the Rescue Centre could get £1? I could also work on a specific print where 100% of the profit goes to the chosen centre, maybe with "adopt dont shop" quote etc.
If I make rescue specific prints, I could print a few myself and give them to a few centres, for them to sell to new rescue dog owners. They would keep this money, but I could attach my business card and a web address to where they can buy similar prints. Therefore I am loosing money, but potentially gaining more exposure.
I could have an email list set up on the promotional website, and anyone who pre orders one print, gets it for 50% off, or something similar in order to try and boost the initial sales.
Idea Three
Quirky Quards
This product would be cards for all kinds of events. I have always been fussy when buying people cards, I prefer the simplistic and funny cards to the over crowded tacky cards. I therefore would create cards similar to those that I would love to buy people myself. These cards would be fun and creative, I would include lots of different options for different audiences. Cards for dog walkers, people with foster parents, congratulation cards for transgenders and much more!
I would once again be the target audience and therefore all I need to do is make things that I would like to buy! Cards like these are relatively hard to find, or when you do find them theyre usually about £4/5 for a basic simplistic card. I would like to try and do the same style of card, for a much cheaper price.
"The average person recieves 20 cards a year". Cards are always being purchased, and different types of cards are always required!
I already know the software in order to create the design of the card.
Learning to draw, and learning how to print these cards in the most cost effective way.
There is also a good bit of competition when it comes to making cards. Although I will be trying to stand out with the ability to create unusual cards and keeping them affordable.
How will it be built?
I would use illustrator for the creation of the illustrations and typography of the card. I would consider printing these myself, however I know it would be an investment. If this was not possible, then using websites like Shopify and Printify to print on demand might be an option.
Target Audience:
People like me who have a certain aesthetic when it comes to cards, I always shop at Urban Outfitters and Paperchase for cards, this is where they are usually priced at around £4/5 for a basic small square card. I would use these shops as inspiration, and target the same audience. This audience would definitely be mostly teenagers, probably 16 to 23. As I said previously, I would also be targeting these cards to minority groups who do not usually have many card options, although this is not the specific audience.
What's the business model?
As I mentioned before, these would need to be sold somehow. As it is going to cost money one way or another to create.
I could also promote the cards by making them out of recyled paper and envelopes, not only is this a great thing to do for the environment, but it will gain interest of those who wish to help the environment also!
If this idea does not go to planned, I could always create the graphics and come up with a new technology focused way of sending cards! Rather than E-Cards, I could create the graphics so people could share the card over messenger and text etc. I could maybe even create some sort of Instagram story template for peoples friends to post and tag them on their birthday - many people wish their friends and family a happy birthday over social media now, so this could be a more fun way of doing it!
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #208
Don’t forget to vote on the season 7 polls!!
BTVS 7x21 End of Days
Stray thoughts
1) So this is how Faith is doing as the leader…
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…and this is how Buffy is doing as the outcast Slayer…
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder who’s the boss… (maybe we should ask Abed.)
2) I don’t like seeing Faith hurt, but I do get a very sick (I admit it) satisfaction at seeing all these girls hurt and scared because they kicked Buffy out and they screwed everything up in the worst possible fashion. I know that by having Faith lead them into yet another trap the writers were trying to prove the point that what happened at the vineyard could’ve happened to anyone and that it wasn’t Buffy’s fault (Buffy will make this same point herself later on the episode.) Both Buffy and Faith were trying to do what they thought was best, yet it backfired. Shit happens yada yada yada. Yet I just can’t help but feel personally vindicated when I see Faith and the potentials fuck everything up so spectacularly.
On the other hand, not only was Buffy able to pull herself together after the group (and her friends! Her family!) kicked her out and made her feel like the worst piece of shit in the whole world, but she also managed to A) get the scythe and B) make Caleb nervous, which was a first. So yeah. #teamBuffy
3) So why exactly were the Scoobies looking for Buffy? I mean, didn’t they kick her out literally the day before? And now they’re suddenly worried about her or something? The only person who followed Buffy after they all kicked her out was Faith. Faith! Do you see how wrong/ironic that this? Do you see how painful it must’ve been for Buffy not to have NONE OF HER FRIENDS – not Xander, not Willow, not Giles, not even her own sister! – go after her to see if she was okay? To ask her where she was going or what she was going to do? The only person who showed any concern whatsoever about her was probably the only person she would’ve labeled a potential enemy. 
Damn you all, I’m still pissed off. I hate this. I hate having to feel this way about the characters I’ve loved for seven seasons in the FINAL EPISODES OF THE SHOW. It just feels so wrong, but I can’t help but HATE THEM. What the hell was this fucking writing choice? I hate it. I hate everything about it.
4) If I have to say something in favor of Kennedy is this, when shit hit the fan, she was the only one who wasn’t screaming like a moron and who was actually trying to fight off the Turok-Han. So yeah. The girl got spunk.
5) But she’s nothing compared to our designated BAMF.
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6) No one is kicking Buffy out now, HUH? HUH???????????????????
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Yes. Yes, you did.
8) And this is exactly why they shouldn’t have kicked her out or “rebelled” against her or whatever the fuck they thought they were doing.
BUFFY You guys, it was a trap. It's not her fault. That could've just as easily happened to me.
9) While I do appreciate the pun and the side glances between Buffy and Willow…
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I still feel it’s very wrong they’re all just talking and Giles is playing around with the scythe as if the last time they’d been together they HADN’T HUMILIATED BUFFY AND KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN FUCKING HOUSE???? LIKE SERIOUSLY??? In Willow’s own words, you're not gonna jokey-rhyme your way out of this one.
Like, I know the apocalypse takes precedence, but maybe say “sorry for kicking you out” and “thank you for saving us AGAIN”.
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11) Again, I get the same feeling with Xander. Like, did they all suddenly forget they had left Buffy alone and kicked her out of her own house? Xander is all like, “I don’t need you to protect me just because I lost an eye” but literally a day before he was telling her it was HER fault he’d lost it, and using that as a justification not only for removing her from her role as a leader but also TO KICK HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. And now it’s just like nothing ever happened? How is that possible? How is literally no one apologizing to Buffy? And not only is he not apologizing, but Buffy is telling him that he’s her heart and the reason she’s still alive, which okay, it’s all kind of true, but he’s also the guy WHO BLAMED YOU FOR LOSING HIS EYE AND WHO KICKED YOU OUT OF YOUR OWN HOUSE THE DAY BEFORE?!
I didn’t know that End of Days could make me as angry as Empty Places but here I am.
We’re 14 minutes into the episode and still, no one has apologized to Buffy and they’re all pretending like they didn’t turn their backs on her and it’s pissing me off. I hate feeling this way in the episode prior to the series finale. This is not how a fan should be feeling right before the show ends!
12) Not only do I know what a glottal stop is but I’ve also learned how to pronounce it. Or at least I was able to pronounce it a few years ago. 
13) And hence the fate of Miss Kitty Fantastico was finally revealed…
DAWN Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly. Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.
If you must hate Dawn, it should only be for this.
14) Did anyone really believe Xander would hurt Dawn?
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15) What was the point of this scene…?
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…I mean, other than to give us Nathan Fillion’s orgasm face?
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16) And this is the difference between Buffy and the rest… just remember how everyone reacted and treated Buffy after the vineyard, and see how she acts here after literally the same happened with Faith in charge…
FAITH What do you want me to say? I blew it.
BUFFY You didn't blow it.
FAITH Tell that to—
BUFFY People die. You lead them into battle, they're gonna die. It doesn't matter how ready you are or how smart you are. War is about death. Needless, stupid death.
She’s understanding and reassuring, she’s not pointing fingers or kicking people out. And that’s why she’s a hero and the rest are a fucking bunch of morons. I’m sorry, I’m still so angry about Empty Places and this episode is not making things any better.
17) But I do love when my two slayers see eye to eye…
FAITH So, here's the laugh riot. My whole life I've been a loner.(…) No ties, no buddies, no relationships that lasted longer than... (…) Me, by myself all the time. I'm looking at you, everything you have, and, I don't know, jealous. Then there I am. Everybody's looking to me, trusting me to lead them, and I've never felt so alone in my entire life.
FAITH And that's you every day, isn't it?
BUFFY I love my friends. I'm very grateful for them. But that's the price. Being a slayer.
FAITH There's only supposed to be one. Maybe that's why you and I can never get along. We're not supposed to exist together.
BUFFY Also, you went evil and were killing people.
FAITH Good point. Also a factor.
BUFFY But you're right. I mean, I... I guess everyone's alone. But being a slayer? There's a burden we can't share.
FAITH And no one else can feel it. Thank God we're hot chicks with superpowers.
BUFFY Takes the edge off.
FAITH Comforting.
BUFFY Mm-hmm.
This is something that had been a long time coming. Since day one, Faith had envied Buffy. Just like Buffy saw in Faith her road not taken, Faith saw in Buffy the life she could’ve had but didn’t. She envied it and she wanted it for herself. She literally tried to steal it away several times. So if she couldn’t have it, if it wasn’t meant for her, then she could take Buffy away from it, drive her to the dark side, where she lived. Every attempt was futile, even stealing Buffy’s body and literally taking her life. It only made her feel more undeserving, more inadequate, more unworthy. But every time she’d taken a shot at being the leader, it was by playing tricks, by taking what it wasn’t rightfully hers. This time around, she had somehow earned it. There was no foul play on her part. Others made the decision for her and gave her the role she’d craved for so long. And she finally understood that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Yes, Buffy did have friends and people who looked up to her and cared about her. But when push comes to shove, when tough calls must be made, the Slayer is always alone. The weight of the world is only on her shoulders, and she can’t share the burden. It took four seasons but Faith finally got it. And she could finally let go of all the envy and jealousy.
18) I just love the fact that for the first time Buffy is the one who opens up to Spike. She’s always been the one who pretends there’s nothing between them and who skirts around her feelings and dismisses his. But not this time. And for me, it was enough that she acknowledged that it meant something, even if they – and we – don’t know exactly what that was.
BUFFY You're a dope.
SPIKE I'm a what?
BUFFY You're a dope. And a bonehead. And you're shirty.
SPIKE Have you gone completely carrot-top?
BUFFY Do you see this? This may actually help me fight my war. This might be the key to everything. And the reason I'm holding it is because of you. Because of the strength that you gave me last night. Look, I am tired of defensiveness and weird, mixed signals. You know, I have Faith for that. Let's just get to the truth here, OK? I don't know how you felt about last night, but I will not—
SPIKE Terrified.
BUFFY Of what?
SPIKE Last night was... God, I'm such a jerk. I can't do this.
BUFFY Spike...
SPIKE It was the best night of my life. If you poke fun at me, you bloody well better use that, 'cause I couldn't bear it. It may not mean that much to you, but—
BUFFY I just told you it did.
SPIKE Yeah... I hear you say it, but... I've lived for soddin' ever, Buffy. I've done everything. Done things with you I can't spell, but... I've never... been close... to anyone. Least of all, you. 'Til last night. All I did was... hold you, watch you sleep. And it was the best night of my life. So, yeah... I'm... terrified.
BUFFY You don't have to be.
SPIKE Were you there with me?
BUFFY I was.
SPIKE What does that mean?
BUFFY I don't know. Does it have to mean something?
SPIKE No. Not right now.
19) Update: 29 minutes in and I’m still waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
20) Am I the only who thinks this speech is okay but like, the writers were trying too hard to give Anya her “Anya Speech Moment” of the season and it kind of feels a bit, I don’t know, forced?
ANYA Well...I guess I was...kinda new to bein' around humans before. But now I've... seen a lot more, gotten to know people... seen what they're capable of, and... I guess I just realized...how amazingly screwed-up they all are. I mean really, really screwed-up in a monumental fashion. And they have no purpose that unites them, so they just drift around, blundering through life until they die...which they...they know is coming, yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. They're incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other, which is clearly insane. And yet, here's the thing. When it's something that really matters, they fight. I mean, they're lame morons for fighting, but they do. They never... never quit. So I guess I will keep fighting, too.
21) #priorities
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22) And in another episode of Plots Totally Pulled Out of the Writer’s Ass… (a.k.a. Joss Whedon Tries to Rectify the Fact that He Wrote a Bunch of Men Violating the Original Slayer by Putting a Demon Inside of Her and Thus Utterly Destroyed the Whole Slayerness Equals Feminism Theme)
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WOMAN We forged it in secrecy and kept it hidden from the Shadow Men, who...
BUFFY Yeah. Met those guys. Didn't really care too much for 'em.
WOMAN Ahh, yes. Then you know. And they became the watchers. And the watchers watched the slayers. But we were watching them.
BUFFY Oh! So you're like... what are you?
WOMAN Guardians. Women who want to help and protect you. We forged this centuries ago, halfway around the world.
Okay, I get it, I get what you were trying to do, but it was so fucking obvious, it was so transparent. Like, I know most of the so-called metaphors in this show were not so subtle (think the fucking monster-penis in Doublemeat Palace, for instance.) But the feminist struggle in the slayer vs the council struggle was always something that I personally enjoyed. And this is how Joss’s brand of “feminism” began to crumble down, in my opinion. This is what a white dude who is a self-proclaimed feminist believes to be a Good feminist storyline, but it’s so clichéd and self-evident it's almost cringe-worthy. Like, you get a bunch of Evil Men quite literally raping a Poor Woman, who is faked Empowered (her powers were lent to her by the Evil Men and the source of her powers is Evil, Demonic in nature because  duh! she is a Woman)  so that they can Manipulate her and Use her for the benefit of the Patriarchy. But oh wait! This is a Feminist Show! So in spite of what the Evil Men who were supposedly the Powerful ones did, there always were These Great and Powerful Women behind it all, the True Guardians of the Slayer, This has been a Matriarchy all along, you see?! PLOT TWIST!
The worst part? I can imagine all the writers patting themselves on the back for writing such a groundbreaking and Feminist storyline and for sticking it to the Men.
23) And btw, just to show you how big a Feminist Show this is, we get this…
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I guess since this is a Feminist Show and Angel is the hero here and Buffy the damsel in distress, that makes Angel a woman, right?
But hey, at least he (or she?) literally let Buffy deliver the lethal blow…
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24) And yes, this totally makes sense!
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because Angel has not claimed to be in love with Cordelia and Buffy has not just had her more honest heart-toheart with Spike. Let’s just disregard whatever arcs have been developed in both shows in order to deliver a Ship Moment for the Bangel fans, right? Who cares about character development, right? Because I’m positive this is what former lovers do after not seeing each other in over a year, being currently emotionally unavailable, and facing the greatest evil of all. Suck face.
25) Update: minute 42 and I’m STILL waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
26) Sorry for the bitter rant! 
27)  If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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