#i have 5 holes in each of my ears and i just keep reopening them every 3-4 years getting bored taking the rings out letting them close
piduai · 2 years
i feel like reopening my piercings again but it's the devil talking
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restapesta · 3 years
Piercings. 5+1 ficlet, but with piercings. I have a problem.
Ian thought he knew pretty much everything about his husband. He knew him, inside and fucking out.
How could he not? Ian's pretty much been with him for a better part of his life, and they've had enough late-night talks to share all their demons with each other, however hard it may have been. They knew each other.
There was no doubt about it.
But, well. Ian should have known Mickey kept secrets.
He also should've known that one of those secrets was bound to put him in the grave one day with the inscription on his tombstone saying that he died from horniness.
Because one of these days, he would. There was no doubt about it.
It wasn't the most conventional way to go, but Ian didn't mind it.
Because, holy fuck, Mickey just admitted he used to have his ears pierced.
"Sorry," Ian balked at his husband who was standing in the bathroom, eyeing himself in the mirror, a pair of black studs in his right hand. "Did you just say you had your ears pierced?"
"I probably still do." Mickey grabs an earring and places it against the healed-up hole that is so faint, Ian needed to come impossibly closer to see it. Mickey had pointed it out to him after he initially said he was getting his ears pierced again. Right after Ian was left with his mouth wide open, staring widely at him, not trusting he heard him right. "And if not, I'm just gonna reopen them."
How did Ian never notice it? How did he never see Mickey, the love of his life, with earrings in his ears? With little patched-up spots of skin that were so plainly visible to the eye, now that he really looked at it.
Mickey grimaced as he pressed the needle against the hole, pushing and prodding against the uncooperative entrance. He eyed Ian in the mirror, eyes narrowing. "What are you staring at?"
Ian was stunned speechless. Of course he was. Of fucking course Mickey was about to bust out some crazy thing two years into their marriage that would make Ian finally break. Like having his ears pierced, making every single yet-undiscovered fantasy come to life.
He couldn't help but imagine Mickey with a nose ring, now. Tongue piercing. Eyebrow piercing.
Holy fuck.
Blood was rushing straight to his dick, and goddamn it, this was it. Ian was about to die.
Because holy fuck, the earring went through.
So did the other one.
And now, Ian was staring at Mickey, who was sporting black studs in his ears. Two dark diamonds that were obviously fake but could've not been, because this wasn't Mickey anymore. This wasn't the Mickey who rolled his eyes at anything gay—except getting pounded, obviously.
No—this was Mickey with earrings.
Ian's mouth was dry. It was dry as Mickey turned away from the mirror to face him. He stood in front of him, a determined look on his face as if waiting for Ian to call him out. Him, in all his fucking glory.
"Did you, uh," Ian finally stammered out. "sterilize the needles? I don't want you to get an infection."
"That really all you gotta say?"
Ian swallowed. "How come I never saw you with," He pointed at Mickey's ears, unable to even say the word. "those?"
"I was really young. I got 'em pierced when Mandy did. Took them out fairly soon, 'cus, you know." He shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
Ian knew.
He gripped Mickey by the shoulders pulling him closer. His eyes were on Ian's, but Ian's were on the earrings, and Ian never really knew he had a kink for jewelry.
Well, there was the wedding ring, but fuck, this had nothing to do with their relationship, and yet Ian was still sporting a raging hard-on Mickey had yet to notice.
"I love them." He said truthfully, mentally noting to get Mickey real studs once he got the chance. Not the cheap grocery-store ones, but actual diamonds that he wouldn't mind spending money on. Not when they would look so good on his husband.
Mickey blushed, pushing Ian away immediately, not getting away far, arms practically out so Ian could pull him back in. And he did, squeezing him tightly against his chest, careful not to place too much pressure on the newly-reopened piercings.
Mickey mumbled something against Ian's shirt, incoherent.
"What? I didn't hear you"
"I love you."
Ian smiled. Pulled Mickey away so he could stare into his eyes.
"You know you gotta let me fuck you with those on. Pretty sure it will be the best orgasm of my life."
Mickey only smirked, eyes lighting up immediately at the suggestion. He looks fucking amazing, Ian thought.
"Lead the way, hotshot."
Ian was right. With the earrings and the smugness—
It took him less than a minute.
When Ian saw the photo, he was pretty sure he was going to die.
No, not pretty sure. One-hundred percent sure. Death was awaiting him now, ready to pull him in. He was already feeling faint, ready to just slip away into unconsciousness. He was going to die, for sure.
Or maybe it was just the loss of all the blood that was heading way down south that was making him feel this way, because holy shit.
Holy shit.
When Mickey took the earrings out after a few days of usage, claiming how they sucked, Ian thought that was it. Mickey was never going to do anything that reminded him of being gay ever again. He had probably been embarrassed and wanted to take them out, and Ian was feeling at such loss when he saw his ears vacant that he was ready to throw hands.
But, oh God.
Ian was now staring at a picture of Mickey—a picture he posted on goddamn Instagram for everybody to see—and it was him.
Him with a fucking nose piercing.
Ian checked the comments first. It would've probably been saner to call his husband and ask if he actually got a nose piercing and if he was ready to be a widow because Ian won't be lasting much longer, but there were a bunch of comments on the photo, and fuck if Ian wasn't going to leaf through them all. This could be a joke for all he knew.
Some sick joke to get Ian's hopes up, just to get them crushed down until he never had any hopes in life ever again.
Mickey with a nose piercing. Mickey with a nose piercing.
Carl said it looked 'fuckin' sick'. Lip was putting 😲 emojis all throughout the chat, sometimes even adding the 😏 one, probably a reference to Ian (at least Ian hoped it was). The other comments were just about how good Mickey look, which was really no surprise, but holy shit, did that mean this was real?
Mickey was out running some errand. Said he had some shit he needed to. That sneaky bastard. Ian didn't care if he was in the middle of the goddamn line at the Costco aisle or in the middle of a drug run.
He facetimed him.
When Mickey's face came into view, the nose ring present and very much real, Ian was lost for words. Mickey was biting his lip to keep from smiling and once he noticed Ian was just going to continue and stare, he scoffed.
"Man, it's just a piercing."
"No," Ian said. "This is much more than 'just a piercing'."
Mickey chuckled. "Well, I figured since I didn't really like the earrings, I could do this. It felt right."
This was the Mickey Ian knew and loved. The Mickey who wanted to try new things, get to know his own style. Mickey, who was finally confident enough in himself, and hopefully comfortable in their marriage, that he didn't even consider this a big deal. Ian was filled to the brim with emotions, and he was ready to explode.
"You need to come home now."
They met each other's eyes through the screen, blue glimmering in mischief. Mickey smiled. "Why?"
"This piercing shit really gets you going, huh, Gallagher?"
It did.
It really did.
"If you're not home in ten minutes, I'll get the whip. So better be fucking home." With that he hung up, getting up to ready the supplies.
Mickey was home in eleven.
Ian knew it was fucking intentional.
Ian might've been getting used to the fucking hotness that Mickey Milkovich with a nostril piercing was, but that didn't mean others were.
In the end, it probably didn't even matter that Ian was one million percent down for any types of piercings Mickey wants to get—he might have even been pushing him for a nipple piercing, but the why of it was for another time—what would eventually decide whether or not the earring stayed in was the reactions of somebody other than Ian.
It was unfair, really, that others would be able to affect Mickey's decision to finally do whatever the fuck he wanted to do, despite his ever-growing confidence. Still, Ian had a way of making sure that nobody made him feel shitty for doing something he wanted to do. Something for himself, without fearing the judgment of others like he had his entire life.
He was an arsonist, for fuck's sake. Let them try and eye his husband the wrong way.
Ian perhaps expected it from old, batty women at the grocery store who didn't have a clue what century they were in or Karens who were homophobic pieces of shit—but he never would be guessed it would be his own family poking fun at something that probably took guts to do. Because it took guts to actually get something like a nose piercing if you were a Milkovich with a past of growing up in a homophobic household.
"So, uh, you gone full gay now, Mickey?"
"Watch out, Ian, I think he might out-twink you."
"You look like Sandy now. Don't be surprised if I jump you."
"I think you look cool, Mickey."
"Uncle Mickey, what's that in your nose? Can I have one?"
Mickey didn't seem to really care about the Gallaghers' opinions. It was mostly just him flipping Lip off at the twink comment and winking at Franny for that last one. Ian, on the other hand.
Ian was the one who was getting fucking offended.
What if Mickey decided that all the teasing and sideways glances aren't worth it and he takes the nose ring out? What if Ian's deprived of sexy, liberated Mickey because of assholes like his own siblings?
It didn't matter how selfish it sounded. There was no way in hell Mickey was ever going to feel conflicted over something he didn't need to feel conflicted about.
So, the second Mickey was out of the room, and the Gallaghers were still unrelenting at the teasing, Ian knew what he had to do.
"Okay, that's enough," He said simply after the eight-hundredth joke about how the ring looked like a booger in his nose—what the actual fuck, Lip?—his voice stern.
"Come on," Lip said, despite the others clearly relenting, palms going up with sheepish expressions on their faces. "We're just joking."
"Well, enough jokes. You could be more like Liam. Tell him he looks good."
Lip snorted. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I asked you to?"
"He knows it's all jokes. He doesn't even care."
"I do." Ian narrowed his eyes. "I care whether or not he feels like he's done the wrong thing because you won't shut the fuck up after the joke's not even funny anymore."
That was what made the smile on Lip's face thin. He lowered his head sightly, as of bowing it down in shame. Ian knew he had finally caught on. Finally understood that, sometimes, even jokes could hurt people's fucking feelings.
Maybe Mickey wasn't at all touched by this. Maybe he really didn't give a shit about what Lip or some old-ass grandma at the store thought. Maybe it was only Ian who gave a shit.
But fuck it, he could give enough shit for the both of them.
If it meant Mickey would always feel comfortable in his own skin, then fuck yes he could.
"Okay," Lip said simply, and Ian smiled at him, thankful.
And when Mickey reappeared with a slight frown on his face and a, "what, no more jokes?" followed by a wide smile, Ian knew he had done the right thing.
Because Mickey looked good.
And the ring stayed on.
"What is it with you and the goddamn nipple rings?"
Ian bit at his lip. Okay, he may have gone a little overboard. With all the research and the reference photos and all the places you could get one... But fuck, he had a fantasy, and he needed to see it come true.
Mickey with nipple rings.
Mickey with nipple rings.
Come the fuck on.
"Babe, listen," Ian started, moving so he was positioned against the headboard of their bed. It was almost midnight—what better time to lay it down on Mickey that he would look really fucking good with piercings in his nipples and that it would be Ian's dream come true. "They'd look so good."
"Then why don't you get them?"
Ian made an incredulous face. "Because they wouldn't look good on me. They would look good on you."
Mickey swiped at his nose, diverting Ian's attention once more to the perfection that was his black nose ring. How could Ian not see all the possibilities with multiple piercings when Mickey looked like that with just one?
"Come on," He said again, the image in his head even more vivid than before. "I googled it. It doesn't even hurt that much."
"I have a feeling like that is a very obvious lie."
Ian rolled his eyes. Okay, maybe it was.
He pushed himself back down onto the comforter, shifting so he could have access to Mickey's chest. He trailed a finger from his neck, then slowly down so it rest in between his nipples, laying out his palm so it could feel the beating of Mickey's heart.
"Imagine the sex," He whispered, trying out a new technique. Seduction. It had to work.
"Probably not until it's healed up and stops hurting," Mickey scoffed. "Also, I really don't think I'd like it. I'd look like a bull."
"You'd look like a very sexy bull. Oh, by the way, septum piercing." Ian wiggled his eyebrows. "Don't you see it? Don't you think it'd look awesome?"
Mickey looked like he was on the verge of either laughing or punching Ian straight in the dick. "I think," He began. "that I've created a monster."
"A monster who is extremely horny for your ass."
"Why do you have to have a kink for this? Ian, out of all the things. Just look up porn with a bunch of jewelry on the guys if you need to get off."
Ian frowned at the imagery. "It's not the jewelry, Mick. I've had hookups who wore a shit-ton of jewelry and it never made me all hot and bothered."
Mickey smiled at the hot and bothered part. "Dork. Then what is it?"
"Well, fucking obviously it's you."
Mickey's face lit up. "It's me?"
"Ugh, Mickey, we've been together for a while. Don't make me feel shy over this."
The exasperation made Ian's cheeks pink. Suddenly, Mickey was leaning in and pressing his lips to the heat, smiling all the way through it.
When he pulled away, there was a wide grin stretched across his face. Ian was a sucker for that grin. That grin was everything he needed in life. Nothing more.
"I won't get a nipple piercing."
Sadness. All Ian felt was sadness.
"But maybe we can check out other options." It was Mickey's turn to wiggle his eyebrows. "Tongue piercing float your boat too?"
Happiness. All Ian felt was happiness.
Eyebrow piercing. It ended up being an eyebrow piercing.
And God. Ian was done. He was completely done with everything. This was it. This was all he ever needed to see in life. Now, he could die peacefully.
He was married to the hottest man alive. Ian could pride himself in that fact. Mickey truly was the hottest person Ian had ever laid eyes on.
Especially now that he had a nose and eyebrow piercing at the same fucking time.
Ian knew there would never be another man to get his attention again. Never anybody else to make Ian feel like he need to avert his gaze. Not when all eyes went to the Mickey with the hot body, amazing ass, great face, and perfect piercings.
"Maybe you should get some piercings, too," Mickey said as they sat together at the table, munching on cereal. "I mean, if you act this way over my shit, who knows how I'll act over yours."
Ian smiled. "I can't pull anything off like you can."
"Bullshit. You're hot as fuck."
Ian's cheeks pinked. "Shut up."
"No seriously," Mickey said as he got up to get more coffee. "Hottest guy I know."
Ian licked his lips, slowly running his eyes down his husband's body. "Well then, guess we both got lucky."
Mickey smiled and the piercings come into view again.
Ian really was a complete goner.
+ 1
"No," Mickey said once he saw Ian come into view. "No. No. No."
Ian grinned widely, tilting his chin slightly so he could showcase the tiny diamond—actual diamond—studs in his ears. "You like it?"
Mickey knew then that this was what heaven felt like.
He barely stopped himself from tackling Ian onto the floor.
Oh, who the fuck is he kidding.
He didn't stop shit.
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birdsaesthetic · 4 years
Jane’s sketchbook
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Summary: Jane freaking out over losing her sketchbook, my participation for 12 Days of Blindspot.
A/N: I wrote this a while ago then ignored it... But then I saw these prompts from @holidayblindspot which reminded me of already having written something that goes with one of the prompts, so I thought this was a sign for me to edit it real quick and post it. I’m so exited to be sharing this here because it’s beautiful and really worth sharing. ENJOY! 
Day 5: A ruined day. 
“Kurt,” Jane called from across the front room, to which Kurt immediately looked up and responded, “Yeah?”
“Have you seen my sketchbook?”
Looking around him quickly yet carefully, Kurt murmured, “No,” he then looked up at her, who seemed stunned at having heard the No from him. 
The two were in the middle of unpacking the boxes they brought up with them from their old apartment in New York all the way to the new one in Colorado, which, after managing to unpack the majority of the boxes and placing their contents ever since morning, it finally started to feel like home. Like their old apartment in New York. 
Doing so had been so fun at first, each one was having a glass of red wine in hand and there was loud music playing in the background and, since there weren’t curtains covering the windows just yet, there was the beautiful addition of bright and warm sunlight streaming inside the spacious front room that felt so rewarding and motivating. But when the sun went down, taking with it its light and warmth, the work got monotonous, and so by now they were both exhausted and hungry. 
Jane was also confused now. 
She looked down at all the boxes scattered on the floor around her, which were almost empty by now, and she felt the world spinning around her in confusion and fear for having been unable to locate her sketchbook among all these boxes. 
“Why? Couldn’t you find it?” Asked Kurt, seemingly confused too as he approached her.
Creases were starting to form on her forehead as she shook her head in confusion. “No,” she said quietly, then jumped from one box to another, double checking each one, randomly, quickly and with both hands, as if she were digging into a hole. And then, after all of that, which was in a span of thirty seconds, she shook her head yet again, though this time in disappointment, and looked up at Kurt in a plea for understanding. “I don’t know why I can’t find it because it should be here. I put it here. I put all my small things here, and I didn’t have a lot of things!” 
Kurt was standing right before her by now, hunching over to check inside the boxes again. It was helpless, he knew; she’d already rummaged in all those boxes with eager hands and big eyes and yet found nothing... But if there was a one-in-a-million chance, he would absolutely take it when it came to her.
When his eyes, wide open, met hers, he suggested, “Okay, maybe you’ve just got confused. Try to remember where you’ve last seen it.” She swallowed hard and tried to do as told, mouth slightly open. She settled her gaze at a random spot on his chest as both of them stood close against one another, then she pushed her mind so hard to visualize where she’d last seen the sketchbook and what she was doing, so she could retrace her steps in the process and hopefully remember something. 
But it was after a long, unbearable moment when Jane pushed her lower lip out in a sad pout and gave a shake of her head. Kurt hugged her loosely then. “It’s okay, we still have another set of boxes to be delivered here tomorrow morning.” He reminded her. “Hopefully we find it within one of the boxes then.”
Jane pulled back to look up at him, the sad look remained on her face. “But those coming boxes only have the kitchen supplies!” 
“You don’t know, maybe you forgot it there!”
“It’s not possible... I put it here,”
“Everything is possible.” He encouraged, then added, “Aren’t you hungry by now, though? Because I’m so hungry! How about pb&j for dinner, huh?”
“I don’t mind.” Jane muttered with a shrug. 
Together they decided to call it a day after dinner and climbed into bed, crawling close to each other as they lied down against the mattress. Their foreheads were touching as they shared a loving gaze, then Kurt whispered, “Can I get my good night kiss, or you don’t feel like—”
“No—yes, of course you’re getting your good night kiss!” She rushed to say, reassuring him just before she smiled the tiniest of smiles and kissed him hard on the lips, to which he kissed her back even harder. After that, she placed her hand over his arm that had been wrapped around her waist beneath the blanket, lifted it, rolled over to her side, and again let his arm be wrapped around her waist. This was how she’d always loved to sleep with him: she’d turn her back to him and he’d take the cue and cuddle her from behind with a light arm across her waist beneath the blanket and a soft kiss right behind her ear that would make her hum and snuggle deeper into his embrace until they’d look like two spoons in a drawer, very tight against each other. 
As she closed her eyes and tried to sleep, hoping to raise up to a promising morning that would bring with it her sketchbook, she could swear she saw the vague afterimage of the sketchbook in her eyes, but then she opened her eyes and only saw the darkness of the bedroom...
She didn’t own a lot of things, really. The only things she owned and loved so much were that sketchbook and her marriage ring. The engagement ring was as if glued to her finger ever since she had worn it years ago. As for the sketchbook, she had always made sure to keep it within her hand reach, though this time around it oddly disappeared! 
It was the very first purchase she made solely for herself when she started to receive a regular paycheck after working formally for the FBI. At first she didn’t know what to do with such a decent amount of money since she’d already been provided with a place to stay in, clothes, a cell phone and food—usually her detail had dropped food at her place without even asking for anything back, which made her really embarrassed.
It could be the crack of dawn or early morning when Jane fluttered her eyes open the next day, and after a long moment of gazing at Kurt’s sleeping face, she gave him a soft kiss on the temple then eased herself out of bed. With her eyes half closed, she managed to step the few paces toward the bathroom, rinsed her face in the sink, brushed her teeth and finally put on a comfy sweater she gripped from the hanger. 
Yawing, she stumbled across the front room that was messy with boxes they hadn’t even bothered to flatten or push away last night, until she made it into the kitchen. There she stood in the center, stretched her neck, and yawned some more with her eyes pressed close. When she reopened her eyes, the sight of a can of cocoa shoved in the far corner suddenly inspired her. And so, as if drawn by a magnet, she stepped toward the refrigerator, opened it and examined its contents, though there wasn’t much to see. There was random stuff and among them was a brand-new bottle of milk, which she only needed to fix a cup of hot cocoa for now.
She took it out then brought up a pan. There she poured some of the milk, dissolved cocoa powder, and finally put it on the stove to simmer. Standing with folded arms in the dim lighting in the kitchen, she stared down at the pan as the milk boiled within it, and after a full minute of waiting, small curls of steam rose into the air and the scents of cocoa powered revolved all around her, to which she felt torn between wanting to savour it immediately or just stand there and inhale it. But she awaited a bit more. Next she poured everything into an oversized cup with a faint smile. 
Warming her fingers with the cup, she made her way to the dining table, then settled on a seat there as she began taking small sips of the hot cocoa before it had even cooled off, to which it took her by surprise at first at how hot it was, scalding even. 
During such times, when she woke earlier than she would and was by herself, she would bring up her sketchbook and sketch on it whatever she was feeling at the given moment. It was the perfect timing and place to do so; her thoughts would emerge so originally in the early mornings, they wouldn’t be conflicted nor affected by the day’s activities just yet. 
She hadn’t known how good she was at sketching until one day she held a pencil, a very sharp one, and began sketching without any struggle. Back then, when solving her tattoos had been what her life was basically all about, she used to sketch them individually in hopes of finding any connection that might help figure out what they actually meant. But then as the days passed, she thought she wanted to do something else, something that was in a good way stirring her heart down to the depths, just like the way her spoon was stirring her cup of cocoa now.
And so, with her pencil sharp, she began with a light outline of a face, next she worked on the eyes, which she made them like the shape of almond. She let out a sigh then,  knowing that the eyes must be the toughest part, before continuing with them. She drew the first pupil, purposely making it darker than the eye, then did the same for the other eye. She added a little shading underneath the eyes and from there she started with the nose, extending two lines where the inner corners of each eye were located. 
The rest went easy: she did the eyebrows, the lips, the beard and then the hair, creating a solid and visible looking hairline from the sides of the head. 
It was Kurt’s face that she sketched and it looked impressive at the end. She made him look as if staring at her, and made his expression soft with a faint smile—the way he’d usually look at her. 
It was quiet around her now, not a single sound, until she heard running waters within the bathroom and, a minute later, she saw Kurt emerge and approach her. “Mornin,” he smiled, his face awash with decent sleep, his hair... so fluffy she couldn’t help but think it needed a trim, so badly.
“Mornin,” she replied. 
He bent down and stole his morning kiss from her then hummed. “You taste like a really good hot cocoa!”
“Because I was drinking one.” She told him, showing him her cup, almost empty by now. 
“Can I have the same?”
“Sure.” She got up and started doing the same thing she did earlier, taking the same measurements. 
“Did you sleep well, Jane?” He asked as she waited by the stove for the cocoa to simmer. “Yeah.”
“You don’t look like you slept well.” He claimed. 
“I slept well, Kurt. Now tell me, when is our ship  gonna get here?”
“Maybe after a bit.”
She served him his cocoa in a brand-new cup, and he took it with all smiles after thanking her. 
When their another set of boxes arrived, after some time, Jane tucked all of her hair back behind her ears and, kneeling down, she eagerly began looking thoroughly in each box along with Kurt. As she’d said before, the boxes contain kitchen supplies: dishes, cups, mixing bowls, knives and spoons, a cutting board, blender, vegetable peeler and a number of whisks. 
But even after all this effort, they couldn’t find it, Jane’s sketchbook, among all of those things. 
She stood up on her feet then, and took a deep breath, tired and disappointed, her palm wiping away the sweat on her forehead and her eyes, helplessly, maintained searching in the mess of boxes on the floor. 
“It’s alright, I’ll get you a new one, I promise.” Kurt tried to soothe her, to which she looked up at him and, shaking her head, she complained, “It’s not about getting a new one, Kurt. I need my old one back. It carries lots of memories and...” she trailed off with her head falling down, but after a moment of silence Kurt approached forward until he closed the gap between them and cupped her face in his hands, lifting it to his level. “We will be making new memories here. Beautiful ones.”
“I know, but...there’s just one drawing of you within the sketchbook that I just love so much and I want it back.”
“You have lots of pencils and papers here. You also have me here. I will sit still the whole day so that you can draw me, I really wouldn’t mind, you know me.” He suggested, to which she smiled the way one corner of her mouth tilted up whenever she felt affection for him, then chuckled. “You don’t have to. I can draw you easily without having to look at you.”
He grinned. “Right, because you’re the most talented person I’ve ever met.”
“It’s not wholly because I’m that talented though. I wouldn’t be able to do that with anyone else except for you, because I always have you in my head—this is how and why I drew you in the first place. I know your face very well—even more than my own, I would say—and I know how you would look from every angle.”
He pushed his lower lip out in an impressive pout, feeling awash with affection for her. “You know lots of things about me! Do you also wanna know what I know about you?” He asked, having already slipped both hands from her face down her neck, shoulders, and finally her waist. And before she could say anything in response, he was tickling her there. “I know how to make you laugh, and laugh, and laugh.”
She was laughing then, pleading him to stop it, squirming her body out of his arms, and calling his name aloud and repeatedly, but that was only for him to reward her with more stroking against her waist, the area where he knew was very sensitive for her. She tried to fight his firm grip around her, tried to push him away, tried to run away, but seconds later she was, almost instinctively, clutching into him hard, as if holding for her life, and kept laughing nonstop, like she never had in her whole life, head dropped back exposing her neck for him to bury his face there, mouth open to the fullest, and eyes squeezed. Her laughters rolled about the front room in the early morning, like a child's spinning top, vibrant and heart-warming as it moved around them in its chaotic way. It came in fits and bursts—loud to soft to nothing when she was gasping for breaths in-between, then back to loud again and so on.
Just like this, her previous, sad face was replaced with a happy and laughing one.
He really knew how to butter her up. Always had.
A/N: I don’t really support the idea of Jeller moving out of New York after canon. I love them to be there and I think it suits them perfectly to be New Yorkers. But I had to fake it only for this fic’s plot. So they’re still in New York in my head now, enjoying themselves...
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minnochu · 5 years
Lustrous (Pt. 17)
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Hybrid!Kook x Fem!Reader AU
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Pt 17 | Pt 18 | Pt 19
 Warning: Blood and Violence? LOL somewhat. And a spicy beginning scene :’)
Note: Hey guys! I had this ready like a few days ago but I got busy lol. Sorry for any errors or mistakes I might’ve missed, but hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving week - I have school today till Wed yikes - or week in general if you don’t celebrate that and enjoy!! :’)
Ps!!! I’ll update links tonight maybe 0-0
“This is why we never leave it up to the humans to deal with a witch’s dirty work,” Eris sighs, placing the crystal ball on a cushion held by her servant. Shooing them away, she turns towards her bed. Her dark eyes dragged over the male lying in wait on the mattress. 
“Won’t you entertain me Colhen? Who knew that Minerva taught her in secret... that defect is becoming a pain in my ass,” she whispers with a curl of her red painted lips. The length of her porcelain robe brushes along the floor as she steps carefully towards the bed. Crawling onto the mattress, her slender legs shift to take place on either side of the warlock’s hips. Her back curved, bending over his body to press her forehead against his. Colhen’s hand rose to push a lock of her long raven hair behind her ear.
“My apologies, that thing is your daughter,” she hums sarcastically, sitting up to allow his hands to push her robe off her shoulders, “Usually I would have had Minerva and you be punished, but only you I would make an exception for.”
“I have no daughter,” Colhen mutters, lips grazing over the flesh of her shoulder as strands of his messy dark hair brushed over her bare skin.
“Good answer, “ she muses, hands grasping at his cheeks to adorn a kiss to his lips, “Just don’t get too sentimental when I kill her along with that stupid little mutt.”
He didn’t speak any longer, pursing his lips before erasing thoughts of Minerva and his daughter from his mind and indulging in his wife instead.
Jungkook’s eyes lowered to your neck, the skin of his cheeks flushing as you squeezed your eyes shut in preparation. You tilted your head to the side but he couldn’t help but hesitate with the way your fingers tightened around his shirt, trembling as you awaited his next movements. The warmth of his breath wafted over the expanse of your exposed neck, the sensation causing you to shiver. 
Eyes softening, his hand raises to cover yours clutching on his right shoulder. The muscles twitch at his touch, to which his thumb grazes soothingly over your knuckles. Turning his head to the right, he exhales as he lifts your hand from his shoulder, bringing the inside of your forearm towards his lips. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, tongue laving over your wrist. Face burning, he gulps down the knot in his throat, guilt weighing down on his shoulders as his mouth opens to reveal his top two fangs. 
“I’m so so sorry.”
A gasp leaves your parted lips, the fingers of your left hand tightening around the fabric of his shirt. The pain is a sharp pinch as his fangs pierce your skin, breeching the walls of the arteries lying underneath. 
Euphoria fills him, nearly drooling at the taste of your blood meeting his tongue. The packages of pork blood had nothing compared to your sweet taste. Eyes falling closed, he savored the liquid, adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he ingested more. 
More. More. More. More.
He’d almost forgotten his surroundings until you made a strangled whimper. The initial pain had subsided, but he was beginning to suck your arm dry to the point of it hurting. Fingers releasing his shoulder, you pushed weakly at his chest, “Ju-jungkook, that’s enough.”
Eyes widening, he recoiled immediately, examining your appearance. You gaze back at him tiredly, face slightly pale, breaths still coming out bated. Below, blood trickled from the two holes on your wrist. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” He chanted lowly, voice reaching no more than a whisper. Fingers curl around yours as he lowers his head to roll his tongue over the marks. You watch as the wounds slowly weave back together and heal quickly. Not a scar is left.
His eyes flit upward to regard you softly when you feel a wave of dizziness, exhaustion consuming you. Jungkook catches you without fail as your body succumbs to the events of today. Biting his lip, he can’t help the growing ball of guilt growing in his stomach as he shifted your body in his arms and continued to rush you to the cabin, now invigorated with the help of your blood.
Trees pass as he shoots past each, he finds his way to the back door where Yoongi is waiting for him with Seokjin. The warlock’s face is contorted with worry, a frown at his lips and eyebrows drawn together. Worry reeks from the magician, a scent pungent to only Yoongi with Jungkook blocking his wolf gene. 
Slowing down, the hybrid comes to a halt, sharing a look with the elder wolf.
“Barrier, the Blackwells sent bounty hunters and nearly destroyed the forest… She got hit pretty hard from the explosion, maybe a broken rib or two… I can barely hear her breathing…” He spoke quickly, panic and guilt settling in his golden irises.
Yoongi stopped him, sniffing audibly with a wrinkle of his nose, “You smell like fucking wolfsbane, what the hell happened?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Seokjin frowns, motioning for the two men to follow after him and into the cabin, “I’ll clean up later, for now… I’ll heal you both.”
The rest of the pack are full of unanswered questions, filing into Jungkook’s room when Seokjin prompts the hybrid to lay you down before ordering him to change out of his soiled clothes. He makes quick work, with glowing palms hovering over your chest, to mend the three broken ribs, others bruised or fractured slightly, and minorly damaged lungs. Your breathing stabilizes and returns to normal soon after, and he places his palms over your neck and ankle to heal the burned skin. Not a scar is left as he finishes and leaves momentarily to grab a necessary item for the cure.
“You drank from her, didn’t you?” Namjoon pointed out bluntly as Jungkook returns from the bathroom, dressed in a new pair of sweats and a shirt. At that remark, Taehyung and Jimin sputter audibly before snickering. The hybrid glares at the two, although no denying the claim.
“Can’t believe you got a taste before I could Kookie, you sneaky wolf,” the younger smirked, “And with wolfsbane in your system, how’d you even manage?”
“He blocked his gene you stupid bloodsucker,” Yoongi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “This is becoming so troublesome.”
Jungkook frowned, glaring down at his sock-clad feet, “If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have made it home, I could’ve gone out of control again too…” Shaking his head, he looked at each of his pack members, “Trust me when I say I kept trying to push her away, but she offered and I couldn’t say no.”
Hoseok smiles softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Don’t blame yourself man, there was no other way around it.”
“I just can’t help blaming myself when all I do is hurt her,” Jungkook sighs exasperatedly, glaring down at his hands. His skin has been stained pink from the blood, a reminder of his status as a killer. He could’ve hurt you worse. He could’ve killed you.
“Stop worrying about that useless crap,” Yoongi frowns, flicking at his temple, “You’re both safe and that’s all that matters.”
“He’s right!” Seokjin hums, reentering the bedroom with a kitchen knife in hand. The image of the warlock smiling cheerily with a weapon in his grasps is not a savory one, but the others don’t question it as he orders the two vampires to leave the room and take you with them to rest downstairs. They don’t speak any complaint, but the werewolves remaining are all deftly aware of the tense smile on Namjoon’s expression that screams fear before leaving with Taehyung carrying you in his arms. 
“Alright, get on the bed Kookie-ah,” the warlock hummed without fail, the cheery tone sending shivers down all four of the wolves’ spines. He clamors onto the mattress without a peep, afraid of what he was going to do to cure him. Lying flat on his back, he gulps as Seokjin instructs the males to hold him down. A spell falls from his plump lips and the hybrid’s sheets wrapped around his ankles and wrists like rope. Hoseok takes position at his right arm, Jimin at his left foot, and Yoongi at his left arm. Seokjin stands at the side of the bed, brandishing the knife wickedly.
“About that wolfsbane procedure, hyung,” Jungkook mentions meekly as the warlock grins widely.
“I’m going to need you to reactivate your wolf gene, okay?” he says, ignoring the wolf’s initial question. 
He doesn’t know what to do initially, but after years of blocking his vampiric side and now lycan side, he closes his eyes and feels his body pulse. Reopening, his eyes appear blue and gold once again and he groans. The poison takes effect almost immediately upon the reactivation of his wolf side. His body grows paralyzed and he struggles to keep himself conscious with the amount of wolfsbane dosage. After how long the poison had been in his system, the effects take a turn for the worst as he begins convulsing wildly. His eyes are wide, burning brightly up at the ceiling as he clenches his teeth, fangs canines extended.
The movements prove tough for the other three wolves as blood and yellow foam emerges from his mouth. At his arms, his claws extend and he grabs wildly at the sheets to keep himself grounded while his body spasms out of control.
“Hold him tight, this is going to hurt, if I don’t do this quickly, he might actually die.”
The three try their best to steady the violent spasms of their youngest, struggling as Seokjin slices his shirt open and positions the blade over his chest. Pressing down, he makes an incision down the sagittal line of his chest down his belly. The cut opens wide and a thick and yellow smoke unfurls from inside the hybrid’s body. The wolves shield their faces from the vapor, watching as it fades slowly and Jungkook’s body soon falls lax with the disappearance of the wolfsbane. 
A whispered spell brings a towel flying in from the bathroom to clean up the frothing and blood. With the poison gone, Jungkook’s body is able to heal normally and the cut down his front mends together again. 
He lays there exhausted, chest falling up and down in parallel to his harsh breathing. The sharp nails of his fingers begin to recede and his eyes return to their normal mocha hue. 
“I never want to go through that again.”
Seokjin chuckles as he twirls his finger, a whispered spell causing the mattress and sheets to return to normal, “Then don’t take a knife like that.”
The younger pouts, watching as his bisected shirt is mended together by the spell.
“Come on, you’ve got some explaining to do down stairs,” Yoongi says, squeezing his shoulder briefly before exiting with the other three. 
Jungkook didn’t realize that after the whole fight, it didn’t change the awkwardness between you and him. You certainly didn’t forget about his hidden pasy with Hyejin. It didn’t even make it any better that he’s fed off of you. The thought brings pink hues burning at your cheeks. Neither one of you could look the other in the eyes. 
Jimin and Taehyung notice this exchange and elbow nudge one another. They shake their heads at the shyness, expecting things to be cleared up after you two talked and even had to fight to survive. However, you two were proving to be stubborn.
The two opt to take a seat at either of your sides, this action doing little effort in making a growl erupt from the hybrid. Clenching a trembling fist, he sighed and relented. He took a seat with Yoongi and Hoseok, while Namjoon stood with Seokjin. 
Both of you took turns explaining the sequences of events, leaving out your talk and mind meld and bloodsucking. The boys listen attentively with pensive expressions.  Seokjin steps behind you to place a comforting hand over you shoulder.
“You poor thing, to get thrown into battle like that without practicing your magic practically… I’m so proud of you holding your own… Minerva would be so proud,” he says with a soft tone, “When you rest up, I need to start teaching you some self defense.”
“It was weird. But it was also empowering. I’ve never used magic like that before, outside of your training. And it just seemed to flow inside me so easily,” you reply, glancing down at your hands and amulet. Seol had abruptly interfered with your skill, you wonder what would’ve happened if you had gone through with it. Would you be a killer? That thought made you frown. Maybe you’d have to resort to that if Eris was going to keep targeting you and putting your friends in danger. You looked up. Putting Jungkook in danger. 
You hated not being able to do anything. Hated that he was putting himself on the line for you. You weren’t even his imprint or whatever they called it. A fated soulmate. Perhaps Hyejin is his soulmate. Your chest tightened. That thought hurt.
“Don’t worry too much,” Seokjin smiled, “Rest up, go to school, and we’ll start teaching you how to protect yourself in fight when you feel better, okay?”
The meeting is adjourned and Seokjin leaves with Namjoon to restore the forest while the others disperse to their rooms. Glancing at Jungkook, you nearly sulk when he spares you no look. Looks like you’ll be in Yoongi’s room again. It’s not until later on when you’re about to retire to Yoongi and Hoseok’s room when the former stops you in the hallway. 
“Yoongi? Is something wrong?” You ask curiously.
He shifts from one foot to another, “Talk to him, I can’t take whatever the hell is going on between you two anymore.”
“He won’t tell me anything!” You fling your hands up in exasperation, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I thought we were okay, he told me about his family, but as soon as I find out he’s got a past with Hyejin, I’m locked out once again! What am I supposed to think or feel?” 
“What do you feel?” Yoongi asks.
“Hurt. Confused. All I know is that Jungkook liked Hyejin… and that he has a fated soulmate or whatever that means…”
The male winced at that. He nearly smacked his palm over his face out of frustration, ‘Oh Kookie-ah, you really need to learn how to explain and not leave your own imprint hanging like this.’ 
“What do you think you know about this fated thing?” He asks with pursed lips, crossing his arms over his chest as you explain how you saw in Jungkook’s memories about his father imprinting on his father and how he was fated to a she-wolf, and then the hybrid had forced her out of his head when Hyejin came into his life.
“That idiot,” he groaned, sagging his shoulders. Fingers pinched at the wrinkled bridge of his nose before he shook his head and waved you to follow him. Exiting the house to the backyard, he nodded his head towards the roof. “Good luck.”
“O-oh wait, real quick... do you mind?” You stammer, tapping on the surface of the stone on your chest. He blinks but relents and holds out a hand for you siphon from.
You manage a sheepish smile, nodding in response as your amulet resonated with a glowing hue. In a blink, you appeared atop the covering with a trail of black mist. Turning over your shoulder, you shoot the older wolf a quick thumbs up, to which he offers a quirk of his lips before shoving his hands into his pockets and heading back into the house to give you two privacy. You wonder how much privacy you two could get with their enhanced hearing. That didn’t matter, you think with a shake of your head. Right now, you needed to know the truth whether you or he liked it or not. 
Climbing over the tiles, you peer over the apex to find the hybrid sitting idly and staring up at the sky. 
“I know you’re there (Y/n),” he mumbled, making no move to regard you nor run away from you.
Your heart sped up, feeling nervous suddenly as you climb over and slide down and beside him. He didn’t spare you a look, and maybe that was for the best for the both of you. His cheeks burned as well as his whole body feeling as though it were up in the clouds. You breathed in, heart pounding in both yours and his ears and suddenly, it was like someone had grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him down to earth. The forest melted away, the house didn’t even feel like it was there. It was only a world where you were there and both of you watching the stars beginning to align and shine bright above you both.
He could smell your insecurity and anxiety, your sadness and worry. He hated that. Nothing mattered more than making you feel safe and making sure you were happy. 
“About today—”
You both start at once, turning to glance at one another simultaneously. The realization sets in and both of you turn red immediately before quickly turning away. 
“I have one question,” he mutters softly, glancing down at his sock-clad feet. 
Averting your eyes in his direction, you gaze in awe at the way his chestnut hair appears darker, nearly pitch black. His chin raises and he turns his eyes back up towards the night sky and you no longer remember how to breathe. The small flecks in the sky appear like diamonds in the glimmer of his eyes. It reminds you of his true eye color, a bright pool of blue with specks of gold scattered within his iris. 
“Why?” He asked, eyes sliding down to gaze at you, “Why are you so persistent?”
“Why do you keep pushing me away?” You retort with a pointed look.
“Don’t answer me with a question,” He frowns, fingers twitching to flick your forehead as punishment but he knows if he touches you, he’ll want more contact.
“Sorry…” You purse your lips, “It’s just kind of unfair you know… you show me your past and it feels like I’ve gained your trust and we’re okay! And then something like Hyejin happens and you can’t bear to be in the same room as me anymore…”
It’s not that he couldn’t be in the same room. He wanted to be anywhere you were.
“I...I just don’t want to be left in the dark Jungkook.”
“Why does that matter to you?!” He snaps, although regretting it immediately when you flinch, body quivering slightly, “I… I’m sorry… I just don’t see why any of this matters to you when you’re just here to be protected until the Blackwells are no longer a threat to you. After that... you can go back to living with Yahiko, you won’t need us.”
Your shoulders sagged and the scent of hurt and sadness hit him like a train, and suddenly he felt like he was suffering the same emotions.
“Moreover that Jungkook, it’s just as Taehyung said before… I find family in you all… that’s why I care so much… I don’t know what else you want me to do or say…” You sigh exasperatedly, “I don’t even know what you want me to make of all the loose ends I’ve been getting, you just cut me off before I can get any real grasp of what’s going on… Like Hyejin? Was she a girlfriend from the past? Fated she-wolf? I just feel so—” You stopped yourself before you could say it. 
Sad. Heartbroken. There was only one reason why you would be feeling such a way in response to such things and that scared you. Not because of what he was, but because of the high possibility of rejection. 
“What?” You ask, leaning closer to hear his low voice. 
“It’s not only other wolves…” He muttered with pursed lips, turning his head to look away, “That we could imprint on…”
“So… you could imprint on humans too?” You ask, cursing the lilt of hopefulness in your voice.
He nods.
You’re almost ecstatic at this revelation, but then you remember. 
“You imprinted on Hyejin, didn’t you?” You stand abruptly.
His brow drew together, frowning at your conclusion, “No… that’s not… yes, I did previously date Hyejin but—”
“But what Jungkook?” You interrupt with a frown, “She’s your fated, huh?”
Just tell her, he thinks, tell her and this whole misunderstanding will be over. 
But he doesn’t. He’s too afraid and he feels his heart drop at it’s result.
“Why are you getting so nosy?” He snaps back.
“Why? Because I lik— …” You trail off, knowing why you feel the way you do. Frustration settles in your chest, twisting at your heart as tears create a sheen layer over your optics. Jungkook nearly feels like he’s being torn apart when he notices the minuscule tear that rolls from your bottom lid and is absorbed into the skin of your cheek. 
“(Y/n),” He whispers, but you shook your head and phase. His hand is too late as it reaches out to grab you, but only grasps at the black smoke you leave behind. Reopening his empty palm, he shook with guilt and anger at himself. A trembling fist smashes down, crumbling the roof tiles underneath.
@twilight-loveer​ @reinyrei​ @mistytail​ @mygukandonlyficrecs​ @xanny91​ @unpocodesoledadywisky​ @xxqueenwxtchxx​ @lildemonangele​ @gukworld​ @sunnyoongles​ @serendipity-secrets​ @ilaria-np​ @jules-park​ @treetops68​ @mischiefmakerliesmith5​ @jeonkooksgirl​ @coffeeismylife28​ @nshitae​ @bookoffracturedescapes​ @ellsbells72​ @zamirayinyue13​ @hannahdearr​ @tiredjedi
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pernatius · 4 years
Lost in Space Part 4: Ch 5
Ch 4
Summary: Having lost Earth, an unnamed Space Explorer is haunted by a mysterious, black figure as she begins to drift away from those closest to her.
Part 1: ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
Part 2: ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
Part 3: ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
Her horse comes to a halt. She gets down and turns to help me off. Lit before me is the ship. Hesitantly, I headed towards it. With every step I took my feet sunk into the sand, making a soft crunching noise. The closer I came to it, the larger its mouth, its doorway, became. I felt immensely small compared to it. Instead of creating a warm atmosphere the light from my crown causes it to become even more haunting. As I turn my head, I shine it across the ship’s interior and as I do I see the ghostly figures of Skeema, Mikrovos, Saamuki, and Ashley all laughing. The feeling that it gave me should be nice, but it’s empty. We never got to laugh together and maybe we never will. Thinking about it, about Syco, has my grip tighten on the ship’s doorway. Hearing her get back on her horse, I turn around and ask right when she’s about to head off, “Wait.” Stopping her horse, she turns to me. I gulp as I can feel my dark companion looking at me, judging me, from the darkness behind me. I point at my crown. “Don’t you want this back?”
“No, I made that for you. It might help you out again soon.”
Again, she’s about to leave, but I stop her for the second time. “No, wait, that’s not it. What did your brother mean back there? What kind of punishment?”
She shrugs before responding with, “I don’t know. Probably removing my head again. Maybe a little longer than last time.”
“He’s done it before?”
“Yeah, remember how I said that wasn’t the first time he acted that way? I brought another off-worlder a couple of years ago.”
“Does it hurt?”
She takes a moment to think about her answer. “A little-No, a lot, actually, but it’s whatever. It’s not like it’ll kill me.”
“Why are you acting nonchalant about this,” I flail my arms in the air, “I get he’s your brother and all, but that isn’t caring, and trust me I know when someone is.”
“Even if I do agree with what you’re saying, what am I supposed to do about it? Leave him? Where am I supposed to go?”
Placing my hand on my chest, “You can come with me. I mean I don’t have a planet unlike you. I don’t know where I’m headed to now, but all I know is it’s certainly better than staying here.”
“Thanks, the offer is tempting, but I’m sorry. I can’t accept it.” Hearing her say that, breaks my heart, but I try not to show it. Smiling, though not as real as S1Y’s, I accept her decline. So, I turn back towards the ship. As I do, she continues with, “I hear it’s getting intense up there. Be careful.”
“Same to you...um.”
“Licata. My name is Licata.”
“Be careful, Licata.”
“Thank you. Maybe one day we’ll meet again.”
The door closes. I’m left to wander inside the ship alone, but not blinded thanks to the literal health hazard above my head. Heart racing, as I move towards the glowing, blue screen, my hand shakily touches it. The ship’s lights turn on, giving me a sigh of relief because the ship isn’t utterly damaged. Then, I motion for the ship to ascend out of its sandy prison and as it does I find Licata on her horse racing off back towards her brother and friends, towards a pain I hope doesn’t last too long. 
I’m hundreds of feet off the ground, but I wave at her anyway. I know it’s silly. I mean there’s no way she could see it up here, but she turns and looks up at me. If she had a face I imagine it to have smiled. 
I look down at Vecta and I remind myself that sometimes we have to lie to ourselves so we can forget the painful truth, so we can keep going. So, I lie to myself that I’ll be able to see her again because I don’t know what’s next. All I know is that the impossible lies ahead because I don’t know when or even how, but I plan to get Syco back for this. From him starting another war to causing all of them to be in that zombified state, I plan to fix all of that. However, I don’t know where to even start. 
Circling the ship, circling me, is the unknown. I stand in the middle of some black canvas with hundreds of glowing paint splatters. Each varies in color and size. Further out in front of me, a faint dot is seen exploding. It shoots out a ray of colors from brown to yellow and sparkles of purple. I had witnessed a supernova, which gets me to conclude that it’s probably a sign I shouldn’t start there. So, I steer the ship to the nearest dot, planet.
Proudly landing the ship perfectly, I stride out with my chest puffed out. When I step onto the planet, I see someone exit their ship in the corner of my eye. With us making eye contact, especially them looking at me funny, I hurry back into the ship. I’m reminded that I’m a human, a species low on the universe’s totem pole, thousands of lightyears away from where her homeworld is supposed to be. I can’t just walk out like I own the place. Like I’m not doing anything illegal. I have to think of something soon unless I want to get kicked off this planet as well, or worse. Pacing back and forth, I remember about Saamuki’s spacesuit. So, I rush to get it and when I pull it out I see two large holes punctured through the chest area. “Oh, yeah. Right.” 
Remembering the last and final time it was used, I throw it aside. With that being my only option, without a disguise, I take a seat and slouch with my arms crossed. That’s when my faceless companion makes their appearance. Beginning to quit this whole insane plan, which I need to repeat and emphasize that it’s absolutely impossible, especially now, I look at them with annoyance.
They replicate my crown on their head, grab it, and fling their arm. A staff similar to Licata’s is now wrapped underneath their fingers. 
“I can’t believe I’m attempting to try to have a conversation with you again, but I don’t need some staff. I don’t need another weapon. I need something to cover me. Besides, I don’t want to burn my hands anytime soon.” My attitude gets them to swing their staff at me. I rub the now pained site. “What the hell?”
Instead of answering me with words, they have their staff vanish and grab my crown. Again, they make a staff. This time, they swing the end that’s being swallowed by fire at me. I yelp, but the fire goes right through me. Upon my shock, they turn the staff into a rope and fling it at me. I catch it right when it’s about to hit me. 
“Okay, I get it. I think. It’s just an illusion. Magic? Maybe it’s hi-tech? I mean either of those explains how it’s able to float on my head, but whatever. That doesn’t matter. Just tell me how you made,” I nudge towards the piece of rope in my hands, “this.”
“Relax? How on Ear-space can I relax? After everything I’ve been through.” Someone on the other side of the door is heard knocking. “And now with that? How can I relax?”
“Ashley. Mikrovos. Saamuki. S1Y. Skeema too. They all believe in you. They may not have acted like it half the time, but they do. You know they do because if they didn’t I wouldn’t be saying these things.” They morph into a complete copy of me. It weirds me out, but it’s not the weirdest thing I’ve seen. 
“I-,” for a moment that figurative saying about a cat getting one’s tongue happens to me, “That’s the most I’ve heard you say, but thanks. I needed that. Well, I mean thanks for me reminding me? You’re me, apparently. God, this is so weird.”
After they smile, they disappear once again. Another knock is heard. I let out a long, soothing exhale. I tell myself it’s time for me to learn. It’s time for me to mature, or at least learn to finally calm down, so I can think with my head rather than rely on my impulses. If I want to do it. If I want them back, or at the very least try, I have to relax. I close my eyes. 
Reopening them, I don’t get what I imagined. What I hoped, but it’s still useful nonetheless. Getting out of the ship once again, I greet the woman that was knocking on the ship as Licata’s species. The woman is slimy, light green, and covered in red dots. She could be considered completely naked if it wasn’t for the several badges on the right side of her chest. On each, they’ve been etched with words, but they’re much too small for me to read. In a rough, scratchy voice she asks, “I got a report you have a human on board this ship.”
“Human? I’m certain I have none of those. Why would I?” I let out an obviously fake laugh, which gets her to look oddly at me.
“Well, I can’t merely write your word in my report. Move aside.” I do and she checks around. Seeing her slime drag across the floor, across what’s now my ship, grosses me out and annoys me because I somehow have to clean that up later. “What a surprise. You don’t. I told that man it’d be impossible to find a human this out in space, especially after Earth’s imprisonment.”
She opens her mouth and slides her hand down her throat. A pen and paper, which are drenched in her slime, are taken out. She points her pen at me before saying, “You haven’t read about it yet? It’s all over my feed. Everyone’s been talking about ever since this morning.”
Earth isn’t gone. I didn’t cause the death of millions. Ashley and I still have a home. 
“Do you know where Earth is? Do you know where it’s being kept?” I grab her shoulders and give her a slight shake, which I soon regret. 
Grabbing my wrists and moving my now slimy hands off of her, “As if that kind of information would be public. Besides, it doesn’t matter if it was because it’s only a matter of time before Earth gets what’s coming to it. Those humans broke one of the highest laws of the universe.” She writes down some notes for her report. 
“Okay, do you at least know how to get to Saamuki?”
“She’s The Eyes of the Underworld’s sister.”
“Why in the universe would you want anyone that has to do with one of the universe’s worst criminals?” She squints her eyes on me, suspicious. 
“Ugh, I don’t have time for this. I’ll go ask someone that does.” 
Pushing her out of the way, I head towards the bridge leading to the city ahead, but before I’m an earshot away from her I hear her mutter, “Why do I always get the weird ones?”
The city up head is a combination between New York City and Tokyo as the buildings are squished together with bright neon lights attached to them, but subtract the rectangular shapes their buildings tend to be and replace them with circular and triangular shapes. Also, there’s a giant, white celestial body a bit too close to the highest skyscraper. Midway through my concentration of walking towards the city, I hear someone giggle. Turning to the sound, I see a child, who looks like a human mixed with a fish, standing on their tippy-toes with a red balloon in one hand and the other holding onto the bridge. I first write it off as just them being weird until I see a group of gigantic fish splashing from point to point in the water below us. It’s scary to watch, as their size reminds me of the serpent, but because of how elegantly they move they replace that with a sense of awe. Getting closer, moving next to the child, I see the waters change color every time a fish hits the water. Every second of their show then on has me as hooked as the child. As much as I’d like it to last just a tiny bit longer, it ends with one of the fish shooting out water into the sky, which has the child clap. I clap too soon after. 
Once the child turns away I too turn away. As they head elsewhere, I continue my walk towards the city. Even though my face doesn’t show it I’m smiling because, as random as that was, I take that as a good sign. I take it as a sign that the road ahead won’t be as terrible as I first thought because it showed me that even in the darkest times, when things seem impossible, they’ll always be something beautiful, something absolutely amazing, to help you get back to the light. To remind you that the unknown is just that. Just the unknown. Bad things will always happen on the roads you don’t know, on the roads you’re not comfortable with, but that doesn’t mean good things will never happen while on them. The unknown attracts both the bad and the good. You just have to keep walking forward until you find what you’re looking for.
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thepensmight · 4 years
Reflections- A Good Omens Fic
This is madness… In a certain bookshop in Soho, a certain angel sat across from a demon sipping wine.1 None of this was unusual. In fact, it had been going on for as many decades as the bookshop had been established. Decades had come and gone, automobiles clogged the once quieter streets, and bebop continued its attempt to permeate the windows of A.Z. Fell & Co. to no avail.2 And A.Z. Fell and Anthony J. Crowley or as they were more occultly and ethereally known, Aziraphale and Crowley, had spared a few hours for each others’ company. More often, in recent years, given their mutual investment in the boy, Warlock Dowling. Warlock, for his part, had had a rather unusual childhood of influences, including an imposing nanny, a gardener, and two tutors. 
Aziraphale reflected on those days as he stared at his wine, swirling it to slow his consumption. Back then, they had had to spend more time together. Even the Arrangement had been more cooperative from a distance. Though of course, they had always offered each other help when needed. Or rather, Crowley had. Aziraphale certainly wouldn’t help with any sort of temptation that would require the aid of two metaphysical beings. He simply couldn’t. The Arrangement was simply a matter of convenience.
 They had grown familiar, so that by the time they had elected themselves for the upbringing of the Warlock, their time together felt almost natural. Certainly more natural than his time Above. He shivered slightly. It contrasted every written record, but Aziraphale found heaven cold, almost sterile in the never ceasing white walls and windows. And then there were his comrades-in-arms. Aziraphale’s gaze lowered further. He knew he wasn’t a proper angel. Not given his preferred company, the joy he took in human indulgences like food and books and wine. To him, the bookshop seemed a more enjoyable world than heaven had ever seemed. And now the clock was ticking. He had declared a side. Or rather refused what should have been his side. Aziraphale had been glancing above for some sign of Divine Wrath for the past twelve hours. If I’m already on Earth, where would I Fall? He had wondered where Crowley had Fallen. Had he simply landed on Earth? Or had Hell swallowed him once the sulphur had done its work. He glanced back woefully where he knew his wings lay hidden. I really do prefer white to black.  “It would work...” Crowley’s voice jolted him back to the present. It had a way of doing that. In fact, sometime between the Blitz and discovering the actual antichrist child, Crowley’s presence had started something he was pointedly ignoring. Or trying to. I’m an angel. He argued to himself, there is no difference in my feeling for him than any of Her other creatures. Aziraphale sighed, he’d never been good at lying to himself for very long. Centuries at most. “What Dear?” Crowley hissed softly by way of reproach, leaning closer, “Look, Above and Below will be looking for blood, a whole vat of it in my case, and that’s just a start.” Aziraphale had been more focused on the Fall 3, he hadn’t given much thought to an execution.”It’ll be Holy Water for me...” HIs oldest friend shrugged, “Oozing about in the Underworld for Eternity.” Crowley took an unceremonious gulp of wine, “Hellfire.” Aziraphale replied glumly, “That’sss my point!” Crowley always did hiss a little more when he was stressed or drunk… or drunk because he was stressed. Aziraphale found the tone slightly comforting. He then dismissed the thought. “They can throw me in a vat of the stuff, won’t do anything. I’m already burning.” “Yes but they wouldn’t do that to you.” Aziraphale said tartly, “You’ll get Holy Water,” Crowley leaned even closer, and it was all the angel could do to not look at his lips. Dear Lor- On second thought, probably best not to call the attention of the Divine. He failed miserably as Crowley pulled that sinful smirk of the Serpent thinking of something terribly clever, “My body will.” Crowley’s eyes roved his body and he felt his decided to beat pulse quicken. Aziraphale frowned, What was he- His eyes widened as he realized what Crowley intended, the precise way the snake was looking at him. Not as a meal, as an assessment. Like deciding on a suit. “You mean...” The color rose on angelic cheeks, he stood abruptly, “No.” Crowley stood to follow him, “You’ve possessed people before-” “That was an emergency and she willingly shared-” “So’s this. And it won’t even be body sharing. More like body swapping.” “No.” Oh the thought of what Crowley would could do, what he would see of himself, well his given body. “There must be another-” “Can you think of a better idea?” He couldn’t, “You don’t even know if it will work.” “But it might. Besides,” Again, that smirk crossed his lips and Aziraphale failed miserably at ignoring his lips, his gaze drifting lower to a long lean neck. “You must’ve wanted to take this for a drive,” Crowley was simply teasing,  but his thoughts were too flustered of late. “I-I-” “We’ll get to stay on earth...” There it was, that softer tone he’d always worked so hard to ignore. “We’ll get more time. More bookshops. More music. More everything.” Everything. It reminded him of when the demon had said they could go off together, and how much it had taken to say no. He’d never felt worse. He swallowed harshly. “I-I- suppose it’s worth a try...”
The first thing he noticed was the silence. Aziraphale was so used to the continuous drone of God’s Love and Divine Will, it was simply the background noise of his existence. The constant hum telling him what to do, what his purpose was at all times. It was still there, but Aziraphale realized for the second time in as many days, how much his body had become an echo chamber for the pressures of the Divine.4 With Madame Tracy, it was quieter. This was near silence. He had to focus to even register the drone. He sighed in relief, or rather he would have, had his clothes not constricted his breathing. Just how tight are these jans?5 Black nail polish coated the tips of slender, almost feminine hands. He touched them carefully, He has such lovely hands. A throat cleared, “Right, see you tomorrow,” Crowley was nodding him out of his own bookshop. The nerve! Though the wink tempered the gall of it quickly, “Tickety Boo,”
Shaky breath, he’d tried to go to his private rooms quickly. Longer legs provided a faster stride as he reached the cold stark reality of his counterpart’s quarters. He froze as he passed a full length mirror. Something he avoided as a general rule. He liked his clothes, he made sure they were straight and rather ignored what was underneath. He claimed out of avoidance of vanity. That wasn’t entirely true. The echoes of a thousand ethereally voices sniping at the state of his form, rang in his ears. He’d rather thought there was no harm in making his appearance more comforting. Humans made such lovely food, and his rounder shape had made people more comfortable than the harsh angels that existed in most angels… and demons… and most of the occult and ethereal universe. Over time, the voices had been added to the echo chamber of his form, noise he chose to try to ignore. But today… hands that weren’t his own, ran over thighs that weren’t his own nervously.... Today his reflection would show his spirit. But above it was something more, something beautiful. Urgently stripping off demonically summoned garments. He drank in every inch of his not his own body. Long lithe muscle, a flat abdomen, and fiery hair. Aziraphale shakily ran a hand along not his lips. Touching the mirror pensively, “I love you,” His soul shivered at the voice that formed the words. Wiping tears as he realized he had caused Crowley’s form to cry. Mortified, “No no, this won’t do.” It was overwhelming, the amount of love he felt surging through his veins. Selfish love. Love without borders, love without end. Not a service to the Purpose or the Plan. A love that was his, alone.
Across town, in a bookshop more familiar than the Gardens of Eden, an occult filled body was currently in a state of shock. Love. Divine love. And Purpose. The ultimate torture of Falling was experiencing the hole left from God ripping Her Love from your soul. The fire and brimstone bit was nothing compared to the void. Most demons forgot it to cope. Unfortunately for Crowley, he’d orbited the only ethereal being on earth for millennia. Aziraphale simply oozed with Love, he reeked of it. The angel truly adored all God’s creatures, excepting, of course, for the Evils he had to thwart and occasionally keep as company, given their arrangement.  Angel had given the poor serpent such emotional whiplash over the centuries. A thousand nos, twice as many yeses. Each played in his mind like a broken record, each given with no regard or reason for the methods of the last answer. And yet, simply being near Aziraphale had forced his Falling to remain fresh. A wound constantly reopened by virtue of accompanying the virtuous. And now, a gambit that neither side would approve of. A plot that was both so Heavenly and Hellish it could only be described as Human. Crowley had anticipated some slight discomfort, missing his familiar body and so on, but what he hadn’t counted on was the residual traces of Love as he walked across a rug in the bookshop. It hit him like a ton of bricks and he dropped to the floor as though Falling again. It ate at his being 6, but for a moment, he felt it again. The Divine Purpose. The desire to create and give… the feeling of the stars at his fingertips. A portrait for all to see, but all in Service. All according to Divine Will and Power. Will... Free Will.  Crowley sat up, remembering precisely why his wings no longer glowed a pearlescent sheen as he stared in the mirror. “Bastards.” The word sounded less guttural in Aziraphale’s soft posh voice, but the tone reminded him of his purpose. None so Divine, but perhaps focused a bit on the ethereal. Or specifically, one part of it. He pushed himself off the floor. “I only ever asked why.” Dusting off Aziraphale’s coat, because he knew he’d want it so, he busied himself around the shop. Not moving so much as a page to a different position, because he knew he’d have Hell to pay from a certain angel.  1. Not so much sipping, as “drinking as fast as was angelically and demonically possible to do”. 2. Not for any practical reason. Aziraphale simply believed his bookshop should be quiet, unless he chose to play music. Therefore, it was. 3.And the things he’d prefer to do beforehand. 4.The first time had been with Madame Tracy, which had felt rather like the volume getting turned down to a tolerable level after constant shouting. 5. Or jeans as the rest of the universe would have told him. 6.What Crowley didn’t know was the feeling he was currently suffering through would have killed nearly any other demon.
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dimpled-gukkie · 5 years
Blossom Preview
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Warning: violence, foul language, implied sex, descriptions of murder 
A/n: This is just a snippet of the yoongi/jungkook gang au I’m working on
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The bell above you chimes as you enter the flower shop, the tension in your shoulders leaving as soon as you smell the floral scent. Ever since you were little you’ve loved flowers, earning yourself the name blossom. It’s a little ironic to be named after something so delicate in your profession but you prefer the irony. Nothing like showing those arrogant little boys how the big girls play. Your eyes dart to the yellow roses sitting in the corner and carefully you make your way over there, your boots thudding as you walk. You take a brief moment to brush the pad of your finger over the soft petal, pondering taking them home. The sound of approaching footsteps startles you and you jerk away from the flowers, the small smile on your face morphing into a scowl and eyes hardening. 
When the figure rounds the corner, you don’t even offer them a greeting before blurting out, “I need three bunches of monkshood.” 
“Ahh, so I see common courtesy isn’t your forte.” The figure smiles sharply at you, eyes glinting like the point of the knife tucked into your belt. You grunt and roll your eyes, arms crossing over your chest as you stare him down. The man holds your gaze, brown eyes darkening to nearly black, his body language matching your own. You quirk an eyebrow at him and he holds your gaze for a beat longer before sighing and turning away. Only then do you let your guard down enough to take in the man before you. He has platinum blonde hair, the strands nearly white, and his dark roots peak through when he leans forward to wrap your bouquet. He’s wearing a white sweater and a simple silver bracelet although it looks quite expensive. He must have some other business besides this hole-in-the-wall florist shop. Like he feels your eyes on him he looks up and for the first time in a long time you feel intimidated.”That’ll be $30.” He says gruffly, punching the number into the register before turning it towards you. 
Your eyes flick to the spot where he grabbed them, the sign reading ‘$5 a bundle’ catching your attention. 
“The sign says 5 per bundle.” 
“I’m charging extra for pain and suffering.” He deadpans, sticking his hand out to you, palm open. If this were in your area you’d have him on his knees with a knife to his throat and him begging for mercy by now. The disrespect and attitude he’s giving you is infuriating and yet you do nothing. Well, maybe you’ll do something later. You’re in a hurry. 
“I don’t think that’s legal.” 
“I don’t think buying flowers that mean death is near signifies you’re doing something legal either.” Touché. You don’t say anything else to him, throwing the money on the counter before swiping the flowers and storming off. “Hope to see you again sometime!” He calls, the sarcasm so pointed that you feel it cut right through you. 
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The bundle of flowers is clutched tightly in your hands, the brown wrapping crinkling as you shift the bouquet from hand to hand. Jungkook is late and you’re running on a tight schedule. “Where is that prick.” You mumble to yourself, jumping when lips press against the shell of your ear. 
“You talking about me sweetheart?” Jungkook whispers, laughing breathily as you shove him away from you.
“You’re late.” You deadpan, already heading inside. The security men on the main floor of the building pay you no mind as you head straight for the elevators, their heads turning in the opposite direction as you wait for the doors to open. 
“Time is relative you know, maybe you’re just early.” Jungkook winks, a smirk pulling at his lips. You roll your eyes and press the button for the top floor, repeatedly pushing the button for the doors to close. 
“I think you’re confused. It’s me who calls the shots not you.” His smirk widens, eyes darkening as he shoves you against the elevator wall, his body flush against your own. 
“That so?” He quirks a dark eyebrow up, his midnight eyes boring into your own. The lust swirling in them makes heat pool in your stomach and you struggle to hold his intense gaze. Your pride makes you lean forward, your eyes fluttering at the proximity. Your lips are a centimeter from his own and you find joy in the way he sucks in a shaky breath. 
“If I say you’re late, you’re late.” You whisper, relishing in the way your lips brush his own with each syllable. When you pull away, Jungkook licks his lips and his cheeks are now the same color. “What?” You smirk back at him, placing a hand on his chest. You can feel his heart pounding against it, the elevator static with the electricity buzzing between you two. “Cat got your tongue?” You ask, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you lean your upper back against the wall. 
Jungkook glares, a warm hand wrapping around your waist and landing on your lower back, harshly pulling you into him. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders as he presses his lips against your own. Hungrily he pries your lips apart with his own, his hands gripping your hips as he slips his tongue into your mouth. He groans and your hand moves to the nape of his neck to pull at strands of his hair. It’s been so long since you’ve last kissed, neither of you finding time to be alone since the last time your group went out. You missed the weight of his hands on you, the heat of his body pressed against your own. 
The elevator dings and it takes everything in you to pull away, especially when Jungkook looks like pure sin. His lips are swollen and bright pink, hair mussed in the back from your fingers. You swallow loudly as you stare at him, the movement of the doors beginning to close catching your attention. Jutting your hand out, you slip out of the elevators when the doors reopen not checking if Jungkook is following. You know he is, you can feel his heavy stare on your back. You check your reflection in a nearby window, smoothing out your clothes and hair. Your eyes linger on Jungkook’s reflection behind your own, standing tall and protective behind you. 
You ache to reach behind you and grab your hand in his own, to claim him as yours and you his, but as you feel the uncomfortable press of your knives on your thighs you know it’s impossible. You and Jungkook will never amount to anything more than lost lovers, broken souls taking comfort in each other. He’s your temporary home, one that’s always on the verge of foreclosure. You can’t have him forever and it keeps you awake at night.
“You okay?” Jungkook asks reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder before retracting it. 
“Just fine.” You snip, adjusting your clothes one final time before heading into the board room. “Hi boys.” You smile, taking a seat at the head of the table as Jungkook flanks you. 
“You’re late.” The man across from you snarls, and you throw the bouquet to him. 
“Got you a present. Besides, isn’t time relative?” You can hear Jungkook snicker behind you and you smirk. The man across from you looks you over slowly, and you cock your head at him. “Can I help you?” You growl just wanting to get this over with. 
“Next time you want to have a quickie before a meeting, make sure to fix your appearance.” 
“The fuck you just say to her?” Jungkook growls, his gun cocked and loaded before you can even blink. The man appears to be unphased by the gun aimed between his eyes but you can see the slight tremor in his body. You raise your hand to Jungkook and he reluctantly drops his arm down but keeps the weapon at his side. Standing you smile at the man, brandishing the knife you’d been holding since he looked at you funny.  
“What was that?” You ask, coming behind him to place the blade against his throat. He swallows, gasping slightly when the knife presses into his skin and a trickle of blood flows down his neck. “Sorry I didn’t hear you. I think you’re gonna have to repeat it.” You say lowly. 
“I-I said you- you look lovely!” He stammers and you nod at Jungkook stepping away from the man and returning to the head of the table. The man visibly relaxes his hand coming up to his neck to press against his small cut. 
“You wanna know something?” You ask him and he and his colleagues nod frantically in a means to appease you. “I hate liars.” As soon as the words leave your lips a bullet is in between the man’s eyes and his body slumps back in the chair. The two men flanking him are frozen before they turn to you with wide eyes, pleas leaving their lips so quickly they’re unintelligible. “Enough! Do you know why I’m here?” You ask and the man on the right smiles weakly. 
“To bring us flowers?” He tries to joke, laughing awkwardly before closing his eyes at the sharp look on your face. 
“You know why I bring flowers? It’s not just because they call me Blossom.” The mens' eyebrows draw together and you smile wickedly at them. “I bring them as a way of warning. If only people studied their meanings.” You drawl, walking around the room to grab the bouquet. You wipe the blood staining its brown wrapping on the nearest man’s jacket sleeve and bring it back with you to Jungkook. “You know what these mean?” You ask and both men shake their head making your smile widen. “Death.” Another knife lands in the man to your right’s chest and he slumps into the chair, his eyes still wide open. You might close them later, it’s creeping you out. The last man standing shakes violently in his chair and you place the flowers back down on the table. “So tell me, just what happened to my last shipment?” 
“I-I don’t know.” His voice shakes and a small part of you pities the man. What a horrible way to die.
“Jungkook did I not say I didn’t like liars?” You ask and Jungkook grunts lowly. 
“You did.” 
“So tell me, just why did my shipment go to cypher? And just where did my money go?” 
“I-I don’t know. Boss mentioned something about them paying a higher amount. I- I had no part in it, I swear.” 
“So you sold my order.” 
“Ye-yes.” The man puts his head down in shame and you nod acceptingly. 
“So where’s my money?” You ask, grabbing the man by the back of the neck to pull his head back up. 
“Processed already. They-they probably used it to buy more equipment for the weaponry.”
“I’m sure you know I want it back. So what’s the password to the account?” 
“killerpt.3.” You let go of the man as he trembles and text the password to Taehyung, your resident hacker. He’s lucky and can do all his work from home and you smile at the thought of all the money that’ll be in your account when you get there. You’re gonna milk the place dry. “Any last words?” 
“What?” The man exclaims but the feeling of Jungkook’s gun placed against his skull quiets him. “But I told you the password.” You can’t look at him in the eyes so you turn away, hand on the door. 
“Yeah but you still lied and I hate liars.” The only thing you can hear is Jungkook’s finger pulling the trigger, the silencer doing its job and not alerting the other workers to the murders that just occurred. “Call Jimin to come down and finish the boss off. This is as many killings as I can take today.” You murmur to Jungkook, leaving the room quickly. 
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You end up walking home, wanting to busy yourself rather than sit in a car and relive what just happened. You should be okay with homicide, immune to guilt, but the human part of you is horrified by each murder you commit. You can’t stand to look at your hands, the metaphorical blood caked on so thick that they’re a twisted maroon color. Feeling your hands shaking you clench them tightly at your sides, trying to steady your breathing and relax. In your business you can’t show an ounce of weakness, a sliver of vulnerability, because the snakes around you will exploit it. The only person who’s really seen the real part of you, Y/n, is Jungkook. Jungkook is the only one who can slip off your mask, see the scarred and broken girl hidden behind the name Blossom. But because of who you are, the monstrosity of your mask, he’ll never give you what you want. He’ll never make a life with you. You’re just the girl he sees behind closed doors, the one he only whispers he loves to amongst bedsheets. And the lonely part of you clings onto this, your love for him drowning out the doubt, the fear of the heartbreak to come. Because as much as you wish for it, Jungkook’s loyalties will never lie with you. 
A car honks at you as you continue you walk down the street and you roll your eyes expecting Jungkook to be hanging out the driver’s window but stiffen when you notice a pistol instead. You drop to the floor in a second, the glass from the window behind you shattering on top of your body. Shaking from adrenaline and fear of being alone with a gunmen you push yourself off the ground, wincing as the glass cuts into your hands and take off down the street in the opposite direction. You can hear tires screeching as the car u-turns and push yourself to run faster, hands fumbling with your phone as you call Jungkook on speed dial. He picks up instantly and you strain to focus on his words while trying to find a shop to duck into. “Hey where are you? You okay?” Jungkook asks as gun shots ring behind you. You gotta find a place to hide and fast. “Shit. Are those gunshots? Where are you!” Jungkook yells and you recite the nearest street name as you turn to run down it. You spot the flower shop from earlier and sprint towards it, not bothering to try and listen to Jungkook. “Y/n? Y/n!” Jungkook screams as you slide onto the floral shop’s floor as the car speeds by. Panting you lay on the floor, the phone lying limp in your hand. Jungkook’s now talking to himself, a string of curse words leaving his mouth. You smile a little, heart warmed by the fact that he’s worried. 
Bringing the phone to your ear you mumble, “I’m fine.” He lets out a loud sigh of relief before demanding your location. “Uhhh… I don’t know the name actually. Just the flower shop on the same street.” 
“Is there a reason why you’re laying on my floor?” A deep voice rumbles and you crane your neck to find the snarky blonde from earlier. Groaning you lay your head back down ignoring him. He taps you with his shoe repeatedly making you swat his leg away. “Get up. You’re making my floors dirty.” Glaring at him you reluctantly stand up, moving to crouch behind the bunches of flowers in case the car circles back around. “Is someone after you or something?” Yoongi asks skeptically. Turning away from the window you stare at him and he sighs before running a hand through his hair almost nervously. “You get ten minutes before I want you out. I don’t need anyone like that coming here.” You’re not sure what Yoongi means when he says anyone like that but the slight worry in his eyes intrigues you. You glance back to his rolex that’s at least $10k and can’t help but wonder if flower boy is more than just your local florist. 
True to his word flower boy lets you stay for ten minutes exactly before pushing you out of his shop like some unwanted animal. Jungkook stops the car in the middle of the street, getting out to pull you into his arms. He lets out a shaky sigh, almost like he’d been crying, and you can’t help the way your heart stutters. Maybe you and Jungkook do have a chance. You don’t get long to ponder it though because he pulls away just as quickly, nodding to flower boy who stands in the doorway of the shop before climbing back inside the car. His face is expressionless and makes you a little uneasy. “Thanks for harboring me flower boy.” You joke and he rolls his eyes. 
“Just what I need, a fugitive on the run.” He says dryly. The corners of his mouth quirk up and you grin at him. 
“I’ll see you around flower boy.” 
“Yoongi!” He yells over Jungkook’s honking as you turn to get back in the vehicle. 
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“Who was that?” Jungkook asks, his jaw ticking. His fingers tap against the steering wheel in an annoyed manner and you lean back against your window to smirk at him. 
“Be careful there Jeon, some people might think you’re jealous.” He glares at you and you giggle. “Aww do you care about me?” You tease, reaching over the center console to pinch his cheek. He slaps your hand away and flips you off which only makes you laugh harder. When you settle down and wipe the tears from your eyes you say, “he’s the owner of the shop. I think we’re friends.” 
“You have a friend? I’m shocked.” You slap his bicep, completely offended. 
“I mean we’re friends aren’t we?” 
“Yeah. Friends.” Jungkook says the word pointedly, almost like it’s left a bad taste in his mouth which confuses you. It was his decision to stay friends, saying he could only be friends with benefits at most. But now he says the word like he wants more. Does he? Or was he simply reminding you of what you both are? What you’ll only ever be. Why does this have to be so confusing? 
“Jungkook I-“ 
“Get down.” Jungkook interrupts and your eyes widen. Twice in one day? Well you shouldn’t be surprised since you’re the leader of a big gang and all. Folding your upper half against your thighs you hold your breath, your heart racing in your chest. Even though you’ve faced near death many times, you’ll never get comfortable with death knocking on your doorstep. Ironic since you’re a killer yourself. You should be comfortable with dying and yet it’s one of the things you’re scared of the most. But you trust Jungkook, so as he gets his gun out of the waistband of his pants you take a deep breath. You’ll be okay as long as he’s with you. Jungkook curses under his breath and you panic when you notice him roll his window down, his gun pointed out of it. Is the car pulling up next to you? Sitting up despite Jungkook’s command you pull out your knives, hoping to at least nail your attacker with one if you and Jungkook are ambushed. In some instances a surprise knife can win in a gun fight. But at least if you and Jungkook do die you’ll die trying. Reaching over you squeeze Jungkook’s hand in reassurance and also to feel his hand in yours for what could be the last time, your chest tightening as the car idles up beside you. The passenger door opens and you launch your knife, blinking confusedly as you hear a voice very similar to Jimin scream. 
“What the hell blossom?” Jimin yells, appearing in front of Jungkook’s window. He pays no mind to the gun resting in front of his face or the surprised look on Jungkook’s, only to the knife lodged in the exterior of his car. “I just got this wrapped.” He whines, stroking the side of his car with a pout. Yanking the knife out with a huff he hands it back to you, reaching into the car to unlock it before climbing into the backseat. “Why would you throw a knife at me?” Jimin asks as the car behind you honks, breaking you and Jungkook out of your haze as he presses on the gas, his gun lying on his lap. You take it from him and stick it in the cupholder, uncomfortable with it lying so freely with the safety off. 
“We thought you were someone else.” You say, looking through the car mirrors. “I got shot at earlier.” 
“Oh really?” Jimin asks excitedly. “It’s been so long since I got any action.” 
“That’s because the last time you got a little too carried away.” You turn in your seat to scold him.
“Okay so I got a little trigger happy, sue me. I got the job done though didn’t I?” Jimin huffs, raising his palms in a defensive manner. 
“Yeah but there was so many casualties that the police thought there was a serial killer on the loose. We don’t need that kind of press.” 
“You make me sound like some kind of psychopath.” Jimin whines and you and Jungkook look at each other knowingly. 
“I hate you both.” Jimin glares with his arms crossed as the two go you burst into laughter.
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Let me know your thoughts (what you liked, what you thought could be better even that you just thought it was good). I appreciate all feedback 
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jaunes-erotic-world · 5 years
How Long Can You Survive Against The Undefeated Queen
It was that time every two weeks the schedules and scripts were being handed out. Jaune was out on the main floor during that time so he got see many people handing out papers. He looked across the floor to see everyone reacting to their up coming jobs Ren had sighed as Yang and sister made hand motions around his hips clearly he would be dawning girl's clothes again. Everyone else had normal reactions Weiss and Winter talked to the photographer etc. The only thing that caught his eye was Jinn who was looking at her papers and she had a huge smile it was also a smirk as she licked her lips.
He was handed his schedule, no scripts meaning no storied films. He read through, "Photoshoot, Kali an Blake erotic massage, sloppy blowjob from Neo, and ...."
"How long can you hold can you keep going, with Jinn," he heard the gorgeous 7ft tall woman said, "Finally, we'll be working together I believe. I for one am very excited."
Jaune turned around nervously and saw the World's #1 Pornstar, Jinnene "Jinn" Nibor. Men and women alike would kill to have sex with her. She was often called the 'Undefeated Queen' or 'The Spirit of the Orgasm' because she never 'lost' during sex. By never 'lost' they mean her partners have all been left unable to continue before she was. "It would seem so, it's going to be an honor working with you," he replied.
She bent down a bit and said, "No no the word you are looking for is," she whispered slowly in his ear, "pleasure". When she moved her face back her cheek lightly brushed against his for but a moment causing him to shiver, when she stood up fully she made it so her very large chest bounced and finally she gave him a flirty goodbye wave before walking away with a sashay, her butt jiggling with each hip swaying step, Jaune was insanely hard. There was a reason she and Jaune had never performed together yet, despite fans constantly requesting it and Miss say he was extremely talented from day one and his coworkers telling him he was very good. Miss specifically forbid any writer from writing scenes for them, her reasoning he needed two things one experience, it didn't matter how talented you were Jinn would find you weaknesses in seconds, The second was a proper time to release it, sure it would do great if they released it any time but no they needed it to be big. And now there were both those conditions were met roughly a year of experience and the perfect launch, Top Pornstar several years running and this year's Number 1 Newcomer (Male) performing alongside one another for the first time, it was the perfect opportunity.
"Be careful sweetheart there is a reason Jinny took my thrown as all time best," Salem put a hand on his shoulder. "This will be the toughest thing you will ever do alongside her that's why that's always do it together first, when people would shoot with her normally first they think they would be able to handle it properly so they would go in cocky and get taken out very fast, that's why we do 'The Challenge' first now."
The Challenge, it was a popular series and a kind of right of passage, it was at its core a simple one on one shoot with Jinn. However, it was way more, Jinn was "Undefeated Queen" "the Spirit of the Orgasm" she could make anyone pass out before her. The concept was how long could someone last against her. There were three things tracked: Time, number of times you cum, and number of times she cums.
The day of the shoot
Jaune was fully clothed and most of the female coworkers were gone for the time being, nothing that could arouse him till Jinn arrived and that was after the cameras were already rolling, there were no do overs no cuts, just the one continuous take. He heard the director call and the cameras roll he got his calm and professional attitude up as he heard her steps as the music played. While her was normally dressed she came out only in a thong and a 'Pin me down and fuck my tits' shirt however it was a 'Jinn variant' 'I'll pin you down and fuck you with my tits'.
She wasted no time and immediately she was kissing him passionately, while her breasts smoshed again his chest and she began to stroke his bulge. 'Her lips are so soft, she smells so good, her hand feels amazing, how is her hair so silky and her curves her heavenly as I feel...them,' Jaune though before realizing he was so caught up in this he didn't realize his hands had moved or how much time had passed.
He was able to out last her handjob until she stopped and broke the kiss. She got down on her knees in front of Jaune. Jinn pulled his pants all the off and slid his cock into the hole of her shirt and began to do as the shirt said. Jaune moaned and groaned like as she did this it was only made better when she ran her tongue around his cockhead. At this point the only keeping him from cumming was the pressure of her jugs around his shaft but that proved not enough when she took the tip into her mouth and began sucking on the exposed bit. "Fuuuuck I'm cumming," Jaune shouted as his thick semen entered her mouth, she let it hit her face and her pool in her cleavage. The camera behind them zoomed in over Jaune's shoulder so both he and the audience could see show the load in mouth, swallow it and then reopen to show it all gone.
She got up pulling Jaune's shirt over his as she did leaving him naked. She took her own top off using the back to wipe the cum off. She pushed Jaune down, pulled a string on her thong and let it hit the floor before she straddled his face and sat. Jaune wasted no time and began to eat Jinn out, she made a pleased noise as he did before she knelt down and took him down her throat in one motion, Jaune almost immediately came again but he held back and continued to pleasure Jinn, don't be confused by her one nickname Jinn had normal sensitivity and came as easily as other girls, and Jaune was given so help. The other day Blake had slipped him a piece of paper directly from the top ranking male of the challenge and the number two female, Ghira and Kali, giving him a few tips. He went for the spots they mentioned making her moan around his cock. Soon he came again deep in her throat however he managed to keep going as he came and managed to cum just after he finished.
They continued with foreplay until it was 5 to 3, but it was now time for the real thing. He bit his lip and clenched his toes and eyes as she began to ride him. Her insides were warm and tight and drove him mad and because she was gripping his hips he couldn't rely on proper movements to make a counter assault he came again but as he did Jinn kept going and hit against a sensitive spot and she came soon. She lifted herself off letting cum drip out of her before she got on all fours presented herself to Jaune letting him take the reigns if he still could.
He took her from behind and aiming for the weak point near her cervix slamming at in over and over. He spanked the ass he always dreamed of and even managed to reach a mutual orgasm again. But that was when things got bad and Jinn's switch got flipped.
She turned him around and trapped him in an Amazon position till she added an extra three to him and two for her. A reverse anal cowgirl lead to one a piece. Things ended with her letting him take her in a mating press which lead to a three to two before Jaune passed out between her breasts.
Jinn sat up leaving his face where it was. The camera zoomed in and Jinn gave a "Shhhh" and a wink at the camera as she stroked the sleeping boy's head.
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50funny · 4 years
Mage: Chapter 80- Landing In Lemia
Written By 50Funny 
Part 1- Head First Into Hell
The light hanging from the ceiling suddenly flashed to green and there was a loud beeping. The speakers in the corner of the room began to let out a slight static sound.
“We’re passing over the drop zone now, prepare for the jump,” a voice said through the static.
The back of the cabin began to drop down revealing the blue sky and clouds outside. The door continued to drop down forming a ramp leading up into the cabin. The group all unbuckled themselves from their seats and pulled off their masks before turning around, pulling their parachute off of the wall and strapping it on. They made their way towards the edge of the ramp looking down at the world so far below. Adam stood at the front of the group holding his hand up waiting to signal the jump. Liz looked off of the side of the ramp now becoming fully aware of just how high up they were. Her breathing began to grow heavy as her legs started to shake. She felt something tighten around her hand. She turned her head to see Alex looking at her.
“It’ll be fine… we’ve got this!” Alex yelled over the wind.
Liz nodded trying to swallow her nerves.
“Ok everyone, this is it, on my mark!… three!… two!… one!… Go!”
The group all began to run towards the edge of the ramp and one by one leaped.
Part 2- A Long Way Down
The group dropped through the sky feeling the cold wind forcefully pushing against their faces. They looked down at the sea of clouds beneath them soon passing into them having their vision completely obscured by the thick white mist. They passed through the clouds now being able to see the land below.
“Ok everyone group up, we don’t want to land to scattered over the place, not to close though or we won't be able to activate the shoots,” Adam yelled at the top of his voice, barely being audible over the air rushing past their ears.
The group all swam through the air into a wide circle leaving a large gap in between each other. Liz looked down seeing the earth bellow quickly getting closer and closer. She desperately tried to keep her eyes looking forward. Her breath started to get short as her body tensed up. Alex looked over to Liz noticing her panicked state. He moved closer to her.
“Are you gonna be ok?!” Alex yelled.
“I don’t know how you’re so calm about all of this, we’re plummeting towards the earth and all we’ve got to save us is a backpack!” Liz yelled.
“I never thought you would be so afraid of heights,” Alex Chuckled.
“Yeah well, I've never been this high up before.”
“Just try not to focus on the ground too much, look around you.”
Liz looked around at the clear blue sky. As she stared out into the vast blueness she felt her tension and fear begin to dissipate slowly.
“It… It’s beautiful,” Liz muttered.
“I know right, we’re probably some of the only people to ever see the world from this angle before, it's kind of surreal,” Alex responded.
“It’s just a shame it won't last longer,” Liz said as she looked down at the ground bellow once again.
“Just try and enjoy the moment while it lasts.”
The pair went back to enjoying the view, trying to put the thoughts of the struggles to come out of their mind for the time being.
“So where’s Bip?”
There was a squirming under Alex's shirt before Bip’s head emerged from the neck of the shirt. Liz could see his mouth moving but couldn’t make out his soft voice over all the noise around her.
“They didn’t have a parachute in his size so he had to catch a ride down with me.”
“Alright, people… we’re approaching the point to activate our shoots. We pull on my mark!” Adam ordered. “If you pull too early you’re more likely to get noticed by their instruments.”
The group all reached for their parachutes and firmly grabbed the rope ready to activate their shoots.
“OK, we’ll all pull one by one. We’ll move clockwise around the circle, ill pull first then count to three, and the next person pulls. Ok ready?” Adam yelled.
The rest of the group nodded in understanding.
“Alright, let's go.”
Adam pulled on the rope. His backpack shot to life sending a large parachute flying out the back the rest of the group continued to plummet down to the ground as Adam slowly drifted down.
“Alright me next!” yelled 10.
10 pulled down on the two ropes coming from his pack causing an extra-large parachute to shoot out still barely able to handle his enormous weight. The group continued to pull in order till only Alex, Liz, and 5 where left. 5 turned her head to look at Alex and Liz and gaze them a cheery smile.
“Guess I’m up, good luck,” 5 said before pulling her shoot leaving Alex and Liz alone.
“Well… I'm next I guess, here goes nothing,” Liz said after a few seconds.
Liz closed her eyes tightly before pulling down on the rope. After a brief second, she reopened her eyes, shocked to see she was still falling. She turned her head to look at the roped before pulling on it again and once more this time much more firmly.
“What’s wrong?” Alex asked.
“It… it’s not working!” Liz said, an obvious panic in her voice as she continued to pull on the rope.
“Well, try pulling harder.”
“I’m pulling pretty damn hard!” Liz once again yelled her panic now much more obvious. “The thing is broken.”
“Shit. What the hell are we meant to do!”
Liz looked all around, her mind desperately trying to come up with a solution. Her eyes locked on Alex’s parachute.
“We’re gonna have to share!”
“We’re gonna have to share a parachute, you grab me then activate yours.”
“Are you insane, this thing isn’t designed for two people. That’ll just drag us both down, we have to figure out something else.”
The radio connected to Liz’s backpack began to let out a static sound. Liz cocked her head to the side to look at the radio.
“Liz, what the hell are you doing? You two are getting dangerously low, you need to pull your shoots now unless you want to end as a bunch of red chunks on the ground,” Adams's voice cut through the static.
She turned back to Alex.
“We don’t have many options here.”
“Fine, but if we die because of this I’ll… well I won't be able to do anything but you get the point.”
Alex moved through the air over to Liz as she unclipped her parachute and let it go. Alex grabbed hold of her wrapping both of his arms around her chest making sure to hold on with everything that he had. The radio on Alex back sprung to life with static.
“Seriously you two need to pull your shoots now!” Adam yelled.
Alex grasped for the rope while still holing Liz, Barely able to reach it. once it was in his hand he pulled on it with all of his might the parachute shot out of the backpack, pulling the pair up as it opened. The pair continued fell much slower now however they were still dropping much to fast.
“Crap we're going to fast!” Alex yelled.
“Just wait, I'm sure it will slow us down just give it some time.”
The pair looked down to the ground as it continued to grow closer and closer still moving to fast to land safely. Alex closed his eyes and looked away.
“Here we go!” Liz yelled as they were about to impact the ground.
Part 3- Landing In Lemia
Adam set foot on the ground and unclipped his parachute, chucking it to the side. He looked around to the rest of the group who all similarly unbuckled themselves.
“Is everyone alright?” Adam asked 4, 5,6, 9, and 10
“Yeah,” said 4
“Yep,” 9 agreed
“Never Better,” 6 said
“A bit hungry but I’m alright,” 10 said as he struggled with his parachute
“Mhm,” 5 grunted.
Adam walked over to Liz and Alex who laid face down on the grass. He squatted down next to Alex and poked him on the back of the head.
“You two aren't dead are you?”
Liz cocked her head up and turned to look at Adam.
“I used magic to protect us… doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt still,” Liz groaned.
“Well as long as you’re not dead… come on let's get a move on.” Alex raised his hand and waved Adam away.
“Just give us a minute."
Adam stood back up a let out a quiet sigh.
“Fine, you have one minute.”
Adam walked back to the rest of the group who stood in a circle around the discarded parachutes.
“We need to get rid of these, if anyone comes across them we’ll be found out instantly.”
He looked up to the sky catching a glimpse of the plane making its way back home.
“looks like we’re on our own now.”
The rest of the group all looked up to see the plane taking one last look at it before it was gone. Suddenly there was a loud bang off in the distance. Seconds later the plane exploded into a massive ball of flame sending chunks of metal flying out in all directions. Alex and Liz stood up and Bip flew out from under Alex's shirt. The group all looked on in horror as the remains of the plane continued to plummet down. Off in the distance, a high pitch siren started to sound off over the mountains. Adam looked down to the ground trying to maintain his composure. He turned around and began to walk off.
“Come on… we should get moving,” Adam said.
“What about getting rid of the evidence so they don’t know we’re here?” asked 4.
“By the sounds of it that’s out of the question now, we should move before they find us.”
Adam continued to walk off into the distance followed shortly after by the rest of the group.
Thank you for reading chapter 80 of mage If you like what you see consider checking out my AO3 at this link https://archiveofourown.org/users/50Funny to see all new chapters 3 days early.If you feel so inclined please consider following my tumblr for all updates and other tid bits. Until next time , have a good one.
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laulau95 · 7 years
Play Your Ace (Part1)
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» You are forced to cooperate with your worst enemy at the station to solve a murder case. Only, nothing’s going easy, and Jungkook certainly isn’t either. » Jungkook x OC x Taehyung » 6.2k words. » Warning: Smut & graphic content.
Shit happens, I would say. For me to end up in this position, it must do. The temperature was climbing above the ‘bearable’ level and I bit into the shoulder of the man above me. The skin never tasted so sweet. Only when he was covered in sweat, balancing his hips back outside in, did his nerdy look could turn into an alluring sexual aura.
“ D-Deeper,” I whispered into his ear as he was busy spreading me in two. I licked the sweat coming out from his pores like it was some kind of divine water and he groaned at the feeling of my tongue across his neck.
“ Naeun, babe, I am so near. “ He said, accelerating the movement. For over 35 minutes the man had been making me see stars in the most body shivering sex session of my entire life. I was considering myself extremely lucky to have such a dedicated lover, knowing that he was able to last infinitely longer than the average.
“ Come and fill me up then. “ The ghost of a smirk came to brush on my lips and he haltingly breathed against my temple, finishing the session with some powerful thrust, pushing me so hard on the mattress that I was pinned on it.
“ God damn it Taehyung. “ I swore under my breath as my back arched and he used that movement to spread his seed into me.
For a nerd, Taehyung surely had the moves. More than just the average ‘ i will fuck a girl’ moves. More like ‘I am a real pornstar’  ones.  I surprised myself to sometimes fall asleep in his arms out of exhaustion. Not necessary to mentioned that he more than fulfilled the role I asked him to occupy. Over a minute passed before Taehyung rolled on his side, letting me put my head on his arms as we both got on our sides, facing each other.
He pulled on his cover to bring it higher to the level of our torsos. I kept quiet as I stared at him, forehead sweaty from the only sport he ever did. He was handsome, to say the least, and I enjoyed one of the very few moments I could admire his face without those big glasses of his obstructing the view.
He stared at me as well, smiling shyly at me. That was one of the things I liked about the man. He was surely a good shot in bed, but he was a little cutie outside. That allowed me to control whatever relationship was going on between the both of us. “ How was it?” He asked and I chuckled softly. I placed my head a bit better above his arm, like getting ready to sleep.
“ Exhausting. “ I said while closing my eyes. He scoffed playfully and then the silence fell. Once it was silent for a bit too long, I reopened my eyes, only to catch him staring at me oh-so-fondly. “ Tae?” I asked and he blushed, licking his lips.
“ Sorry, you are just really beautiful when you sleep. “ He admitted, staring at the ceiling quickly to make it look like he wasn’t staring at me the whole time. Although he failed and came back to my eyes before I had the time to snap away.
I was touched. I never asked him to sign up for the ‘ boyfriend’ part, simply because I couldn’t allow myself to have one in my position, but he sometimes made it hard to remain fuck buddies. “ Thank you,” I whispered with half-open eyes.
If the relationship we maintained wasn’t forbidden by our actual work, I could have seen myself giving the guy a chance. I can’t say it would have eloped into something more than friendship but I would have tried. I got pulled out from my trance when I felt Taehyung lean in and aiming for my lips. I shivered and turned my head just in time. He almost broke the most important rule. “ W-What are you doing? “ I asked and he placed a soft kiss against my lip’s corner. This kiss felt so strange.
“ N-Nothing.” Then he did it again, this time, a bit closer, slowly aiming for my lips. There were reasons I didn’t want him to kiss me. Reasons I couldn’t allow myself to forget.
“ Taehyung. “ I pushed on his chest. He stared at me, biting his lips that he clearly wished would have grazed mine. “ Don’t do that.” He seemed affected by my words but I stood by them. “I don’t think I will stay the night. “ I pushed a bit more on his torso, allowing me a quick access to the edge of the bed once I rolled on my back.
Obviously, Taehyung caught up with me and grabbed my wrist while I sat up, naked. “ Why can’t I kiss you? “ He asked and I felt the stares he threw at me piercing holes in the back of my head.
I quickly glanced over my shoulder. “ You know why. “
“Come on, nobody will know at the station. “
I cursed and liberated my wrist at once. “ I just got the promotion, Tae, I can’t allow myself to be all lovey-dovey with someone. You agreed with that. You said, and I quote, ‘ no affectional link whatsoever’  “
I grabbed my clothes, starting to pack up my things one after the other. I could see the panic in his eyes, he was afraid that I might put a stop on whatever was going on between the two of us like it had a name. He started to breathe heavily. “ I-I am sorry, Naeun…” He called out my name and I looked at him. I took my leather jacket and put it on, signaling I was ready to leave.
“ Listen, Taehyung, I really think we should leave that the way it is. We have fun now, don’t we? I just don’t want it to be complicated, okay? If we start any type of relationship and we end up breaking up, it will affect both of our jobs. “ I was listing all the reasons of ‘ not-to-date-your-coworker’ even though I knew it affected him. He eventually raised as well, wrapping what was left of the wet cover around his waist.
“ What tells you that we would break up? “ He asked with a certain vivacity in his eyes. He came closer, placing a hand on my waist. “ I am sure we could make it work. I would take great care of you.” He smiled at me full of hopes. “You would give me a reason to wake up and go to work. “ I scoffed at that cheesy line.
“ I am bad at this shit. “
“What shit? “
“Relations. “ He hardened his stare. “ I don’t doubt you would take care of me, I am the one who would fuck that up. I am like a ticking bomb, Taehyung. “ I stepped back and took my purse on the ground of his bedroom, that I had previously thrown away in the hurry of feeling him. “ Believe me, you better stay away as much as you can. “
Without a word left to say, I turned around and left Taehyung behind, aiming for the parking lot where my black Mercedes was parked. I worked so hard to get where I am today, I wouldn’t let a fuck buddy screw it all just because he couldn’t keep his feelings for himself. Of course, I dreamt about his lustful lips before, that’s not the point, but I strictly don't want to get attached. I was doing a stressful job and so was he, we needed some kind of stress reliever and that’s where it led.
I didn’t lie about the fact I sucked at relationships. I really do. Last time I was with someone, I ended up forgetting anniversaries, not taking care of him and overworking myself to the point of sometimes forgetting his existence. I corrupted the sweet little nerd that was Taehyung enough already with my twisted plans of turning him into a fuckboy, I didn’t want to touch his heart as well.
I turned on my car from a distance, entering it only once I arrived next to it. I sighed once I closed the door and was welcomed with the smell of new car that I liked to keep for as long as I could. the dark binnacle was burying me in the deepest of thoughts about my bad ideas and actions when I heard my phone buzzing from my bag.
I took it out, irritated to be disturbed at nearly 2 am. “ What is it?” I answered without even looking at the ID.
“ Good night to you too, Lee.” I held my breath and placed my hand above my mouth. Hell, well done, Naeun.
“ Sorry, Mr.Choi “ I apologized to my boss and he sighed. “ I didn’t watch the caller’s ID and it’s already- “ I tried to explain myself but he chuckled and stop me.
“ 2 am, I know. Usually, I don’t request your presence that late but I really need you right now. We have a new case that we need to investigate on and this one is a little bit special. “ He said the last word on a tense tone. It got me curious.
“ A case? Where?” I asked as I turned on my car, getting ready to leave.
“ Royal Garmin’s Hotel. “ I widened my eyes to the name of the 5 stars hotel brand. “ This is an emergency case.”
“ An emergency case?” I inquired.
The silence on the other end of the line got me even more curious. “ The Prime minister’s daughter was found dead in her hotel room.”
From the moment I entered the hall, I spotted police officers everywhere and I understood there was something abnormal. I wasn’t a normal officer anymore. Months prior to this, I was granted to the post of profiler. If I was called to a scene directly, it was to observe some evident things photos couldn’t allow me to see from my office. Moreover, I wasn't called to any death scene. Only the murders because that was my job. Discover the murderer before he strikes again.
Many of the officers would know me as their ancient partner since I worked with them before. Some I liked and others I loathed. I smiled to a few visages I recalled and walked all the way to the entrance where I spotted my boss nervously speaking to some men dressed in suits. “ Mr. Choi. “I said and he looked up, almost lifted from the ground when he saw me arrive.
“ Lee.”  He sighed and walked to me. “ Thank god you did fast. “ I looked over the shoulder of the old man to see the suited men who remained further in the entrance. “ Come with me.” He announced as he started to walk.
I still couldn’t stop looking at the men. One of them was older while the others seemed a lot younger. I followed my boss, almost on his heels, as he headed for the elevators. The younger men looked at me like a piece of meat ready to be consumed. I couldn’t deny that it made me feel weak for some reasons and I forgot to think straight for a second.
The doors of the elevator opened and we entered as it was completely empty. The doors closed on the image of the men still looking heavily at us. From the moment the doors locked us from the hall, my boss pressed the 16th level button and sighed. “ It was about time you arrive, I couldn’t stand them.” He announced and I frowned.
“ The men in the suits? “
“ It was the Prime Minister and his men. “He clarified. “ Of course he was one of the first to be called to the scene but I feel like it was more to cover the mediatic extent it could get than for the murder of his daughter itself. “ I pursed my lips. That was so classic for a man like that to act like the first thing to count was the business. At the same occasion, I could only understand. The more the media would get into it, the harder the investigation would be for us. “ He didn’t even come up to see what happened. When I told him it was a suicide, he immediately told us it had to be a mistake.”
“ Maybe he is still in denial. It must be hard to lose a child. “
“ He sure didn’t make me feel like he was feeling anything. “ I sighed and looked at the interior of the elevator. I didn’t really want to know much about it in all honesty. I wasn’t there to fix some family issues, I was there to get my job done and I was usually pretty good with that. how long would it take me this time? Around a day or 2 to figure out if it was indeed a murder or a suicide. From that point onward, I would take another 2 days trying to figure out before usually found out.
“ Who did you put on the case? “ He stared at me. “ I mean, apart from me.”
My boss placed both his hands behind his back for a moment. “ I asked for the whole squad to secure the perimeter, only Kim is still at the office. But the squadron is led by Jeon. “ He didn’t need to look at me to know my facial expression. “ I need my best man on the case, Lee, this is not as easy as it seems. “ Even though I loathed the man I was about to collaborate with, preferring to work the police dogs instead of him, I was forced to remain professional. I wasn’t the one to throw the shit at his face, although I would gladly return the hit if he was the first to attack.
In any case, even though I didn’t appreciate his presence, I knew Jeon Jungkook was the best officer of the station, after me, of course.  It would be a big hour of my life in his company then we could make like if we never met before. Like if he never tried to hit on me and never caught me having sex with Taehyung during my service hours.
Of course, the young boy had to nag me about it, reminding me each time we would meet. Oh, but it wasn’t only that incident. Jeon and I came from the same promotion. We went to the same police academy and he spent the entire time trying to befriend various female officers, in hope to get in their pants. And he did succeed for a few of them. This was his own business but the thing that bugged me the most was that he used to kiss and tell back in the days. One time, at our graduation, he tried to hit on me, but I was too stuck up for him and refused his drunken touches and cheesy pickup lines. He had the odds for me ever since apparently since he bugged me a lot more than I ever wanted him to.
It looked like he chose the station he applied in depending on my personal presence. I ignored that fact, still not thinking about him at all. After that, it was always a competition. Him against me to see who was the best officer, the most efficient, the most professional and so on.
Looked like it was a war I won since I got that promotion we both aimed for. He never talked about it directly, but I knew it was bugging him. At least he let go of the ‘I will bug Naeun so much she will be disgusted by my very own presence’ stick after that. But when he caught me and Taehyung in the medical laboratory the other day, I knew I had given him exactly what he wanted. He had that little thing he needed to bring me down and take my place. The office had that strict rule of forbidden relationship in between the employees. If ever Mr. Choi was to know that I was fucking our station’s medical examiner, I would be kicked out, or, at the very least, retrograded.
However, even 3 months after that incident, he didn’t really talk about it to anybody. I was surprised, acknowledging the fact that he was the biggest mouth for rumors and he would even get benefits from my ass being kicked out. But he simply didn’t. I didn’t talk to him ever since, only letting him nag me when we were alone in the office. Even though on the very edge, I preferred him nagging me personally than knowing he would tell all my coworkers and make me lose my credibility.
I was the first one to exit the doors when the elevator came to the destination. I waited for my boss to lead the way, however, as I felt like I would go the wrong way anyway. He walked on a decisive straight line to one of the suite room at the end of the hallway. I followed him and closed my mouth when we entered the suit. That spoiled child.
That girl must have had a beautiful life if I based myself on the luxurious suite room that she had rented. It was classic from a Prime Minister’s daughter. The room was distinguished and well decorated. The large living room could have been the place for various types of party, thing my little finger was telling me she must not have been an unknown for. The further we got into the room, however, the more my nostrils were filled with that bad smell I recognized a bit too well. The body wasn’t far.
He turned to what seemed to be the bedroom and I gasped interiorly. The poor girl.
Even though she was laying on the bed like she was asleep, her upper body showed the signs of damages. Eyes wide open and a hand placed near her head was frightening me. A hand holding a gun.
So it indeed looked like a suicide. The gun was still there. If it was a murderer, he would have taken it with him, or at least clean the arm of conviction so we would not find traces. I analyzed the place like I was so used to do. Every little detail coming into my brain at a fast pace. My boss left my side, allowing me to have the full place as I walked to the side of the bed, grabbing the pair of plastic gloves another one of my colleagues gave me. “ When did the body was found? “ I asked as I carefully took the gun and examined it.
“ About an hour ago. The hour of death is suspected to be around midnight.“ I hummed, not turning to see the person talking to me.
“ Please bring the medical examiner before we send the corpse for the autopsy. I want to have as many details and proofs as possible before we move it.” I said, finally putting the gun inside a plastic bag I took out from the police bag placed at the entrance of the bedroom.  “Send it to the lab, I want to know if there are any fingerprints belonging to anyone else than the victim,” I asked and gave it to the officer who gave me the gloves previously.
At once, all the officers left the room, some to bring the proofs to the labs for the inspections, some to fill up the files they needed to fill in. After a while, I was left alone, contemplating the body of the girl, trying to figure out what a girl like her could have felt to come to this point. Surely, she didn’t seem like the type of girl who would fall into depression but then, again, anybody could so it was still a possibility.
I tried so hard to focus at that point. I wanted to figure out what might have happened if I was to exclude the possibility of a suicide. I analyzed the room, although nothing was screaming murder. Literally, the only thing odd was the gun and the blood on the sheets and pillow. Apart from that, you would have closed her eyes and you could have fooled anybody, making it seems as if she was still asleep.
“ Look who we got here. “I heard an arrogant voice echoing from behind.
“ Shut up, Jungshit, I am trying to think,” I said without even turning around to see him. I kept my gaze on the poor body of the girl while frowning and biting my nails.
“ I am pleased to see you too, princess.” He walked to my side and stared at the scene as well. “It’s too bad she died, she was really pretty.” I almost froze on the spot.
I raised my hands in the air, looking innocent. “Oh-I’m so sorry, do you need some time alone with her? Because I can totally come back later.” I finally stared at him. Too bad that he was a real jackass because he surely was hell of a good looking man. This officer suit making him look even more arrogant than what he really was.
“ Oh come on, princess, don’t be jealous already. If you wanted a piece of me, all you had to do was ask. No need to start a scene, someone is staring. “ He eyed the girl and then I sighed.
“ Shut up. “ I cursed under my breath. Really, that man was born to piss me off, that was for sure.
“ Make me. “ He smirked and I changed the subject.
“ What do you think about this? “ I nodded my head towards the corpse. Jungkook followed my gaze and tensed up his jaw.
“ I think that it’s odd. It really does look like a suicide but something tells me it’s not quite it.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“ Not quite it?”
Jungkook was known to be really observant and I trusted him on finding clues that might escape my eyes. Okay, that was really the only thing I trusted him with. I admired his muscular body walk until he arrived at the nightstand and looked around. “ No suicide note. No motives to die either.” I hummed and stared back at the girl's legs. There were bruised at the level of her thighs that one wouldn’t have seen if not carefully examined.
“ Look at that. “ I said, walking closer to him. “ Her thighs are bruised.” Jungkook scrutinized her whole body until he came to the same conclusion as me, or at least I thought he did.
“ Wow, she must have liked it rough.” I wanted to slap the hell out of him. Was it supposed to be funny? She is freaking dead, be a professional man.
“ You really are a dumbass, aren’t you? Go look for Mr. Choi. I am opening a case. Whatever happened, she was with someone when she died or at least was with someone not long before.” He frowned at me, judging my very words. In any case, he would have to obey since I was the one in command now.
When Jungkook left, I focused and massaged my temples, thinking about how I will build that case to prove it might not be a suicide. Of course, the bruises were a good proof that she was touched, before or after her death, enough to be hurt at some point and still have marks after it. If anything, that showed one thing. She wasn’t alone that evening. The marks were too fresh to have been made days before. Either it was really a suicide or not, somebody saw her before it happened and would probably know more about her motives, if ever she had any.
I had to make sure she was here alone when it happened. Of course, no cameras were placed in a private suit, but surely there was some at the entrance and the hallways. This way, I could make sure if somebody came and left the place or not. Then I frowned. I needed these videotapes.
“ Lee? “ Mr. Choi came. “ Your thoughts?” He asked as he stopped in the doorway of the bedroom and I perceived the stupid head of Jungkook behind him.
I sighed and took out the plastic gloves. “ I think this is a homicide. There are bruises on her body and I suspect them of being post-mortem or really prior to the incident.” Mr. Choi smiled, proud of my development. “ I will need photos from all the angles possible, the videotapes from the lobby as well as the ones of the level’s hallway and the elevators. “ Mr. Choi hummed.
“ Do you need anything else? I will ask all of that to be sent to your office.”
I walked to them and placed my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket. “ A good night of sleep and a team of officers ready to investigate starting tomorrow. 1 or 2 should do the job, the fewer people there are, the better I work. “ He nodded.
I waited for him to say something more. He was more direct usually. “ Do you have a preference? “
I nodded my head, ready to take my leave. “ Maybe Seulbi or Nana. “ I raised my shoulders innocently. “ Someone I collaborated before and whom I will be able to trust. You know how these operations can be delicate sometimes. “ He once again, nodded, visibly deep in his thoughts.
“ I will make sure to send you my best officer I have on the bench.” I took my leave soon after, leaving my boss to the scene of the murdered poor girl on the bed. Once he stepped in, I walked by the door.
I came face to face with my dear friend, Jungkook, and rolled my eyes at him and passed by him. Many other officers were there, running around but he seemed to look only at me as I took my leave. “ You are going already?” He asked and I sighed.
“ My job is to evaluate the scene and find the guilty person if ever there is one. I am not an officer anymore, Jeon. “
“Oh, that I got it. “ He scoffed and I turned around once I neared the entry of the suit. We both stared at each other intently and I honestly tried to think how could I possibly kill him and make him look like just another victim.
Jungkook smirked at me over the short lapse of time I kept the stare with him. “ You were with him tonight. Admit it. “ He said like if he was proud of himself.  
“ Mind your own business, Jungshit. “ He placed a hand on his heart and frowned heavily.
“ Oh, my poor heart. Don’t say things like this to your prince, my love, you’ll make me suffer. “ I laughed heavily at his words.
“ Okay, first thing first, you have nothing of a prince, if anything, you look more like a poor hooker.” He bit his lips. “ Second, the more you suffer the better so- “
“ Arggh, bawdy, I like that. “
Always as arrogant, wasn’t he? He crossed his arms on his chest. “ So, am I right? Was he good? “ I widened my eyes. What was he getting on with now? My sexual life didn’t concern him for the least bit. “ I am just making sure of your satisfaction, honey, nothing more.” I was about to turn around but, when I faced the hallway, he followed me and I ignored his presence completely.
The least I would talk to him, the better I would feel, that was for sure, but he wouldn’t leave me be. Once we were far from the scene and out of our colleague’s sight, he grabbed my arm and made me turn around his way. “ What’s your problem? “ I almost yelled at him but he was quicker and proceeded with his plan.
“ Is the nerd good enough? I mean, I can hardly see that little mama’s boy fulfill your needs, darling. If you're only half as rough in bed as you are in real life, I can’t even imagine-”
I pushed aways his arm immediately, freeing myself from his grasp. “ What does it have to do with you anyway? My sexual life doesn’t concern you.” His smirk was still plastered all over his face so I came to the final question that I knew I would have to ask ultimately. “ Why do you even care? “
He sighed dramatically while walking closer to me. I dreaded that behavior, even more from Jeon Jungkook. When he was about an arm of distance from me, he stopped, tilting his head to the side. “It is bad enough that you can’t choose your fuck friend adequately, princess, it would be a shame that all the office learn about your little taste for dummies with big glasses on top of that, wouldn’t it?”  
There, that son of a bitch would taste my fury eventually. I clenched my teeth, looking away from his dark stare, not to let him see that he somehow won over me. “ What do you want, Jungkook?”
He smiled widely at the question and backed off a bit, allowing me to breathe a tiny bit better. “ I want to be your partner for the case.” He said while crossing his arms once again proudly.
I eyed him with enmity, trying to picture how I would feel to be able to just take out that pretty head of his and make it turn on my finger like a basketball. “Why do you even want to partner up with me? “
Jungkook licked his lips and stared at me.  “This will be my chance to show Mr. Choi what I am really worth. I have yet to make my proofs to him and you know it. He knows I am good but he never saw me as something more than an officer so I want to show him I got some leadership too.” Of course, even if we knew he was the best, Mr.Choi didn’t particularly like him, part of the reason why I got the promotion and not him. Even though he let him lead squadrons from time to time, he never considered him anything else than what he really was. Which, to me, means a big shit. “ And, of course, you will give an awesome report to him about my undeniable help.”
“ You are crazy and it’s not going to happen. “  I thought my words were strong and meaningful to him but he laughed them off.
“ Fine then, have a nice evening with your dude. I am sure Mr.Choi will be happy to learn what his little favorite is up to. “ Okay so now it made all sense. I wondered why he never told about it to anybody. He was playing a game as old as the world, he was keeping it longer to use it better. “ So? Do we have a deal?“
“ I fucking hate you. “ I said while passing by him to go back to the crime scene where I could found my boss. Of course, Jungkook had to be right on my heels to make sure I wouldn’t fail my words, even though I never spoke them out. Is that trust? I can’t believe we will be partners, for the names of all saints.
I ran through the officers. Anyone could have been perfect, really, but I had to force myself to work with a looser, of course. “ Mr. Choi,” I called from the entrance of the bedroom once I arrived. He turned his attention from the officer he was directing for the pictures to look at me.
“ Aren’t you gone already, Lee? Is there anything you forgot?” He walked to me and took out the plastic gloves he had on his hands as well.
Jungkook was right behind me and I sighed when I felt like trapped between the two. “ I want Jungkook to be assigned on this case with me. “ I couldn’t ignore the smile on my boss’s face. Was he happy about it? Usually, he would be the last to assign me with Jungkook, to my biggest pleasure.
“ Perfect then. I was thinking of assigning Jeon with you anyway. “ Both Jungkook and I were speechless at his words.
“Y-You were? “ I asked and he hummed.
“ Not that I had a choice anyway. Pretty much all my other men are busy and Seulbi is on vacation until the end of the month. “ I smirked at his words since they must have fallen heavily over Jungkook’s ego. In your face scumbag.
I nodded to him and stared at Jungkook over my shoulder. “Then I’ll be going.” I finally said. “ Goodnight and thank you, Mr. Choi “ He smiled at me and wished me the same before I passed right by Jungkook again.
“ Goodnight, princess. “
Two words and I already wanted to hang myself with a rope. And here I thought it would be a sweet day, I confronted my fuck friend, had to open a new case that would be hard to hide to the media and now I was to collaborate with such a rat.
So much for my happy ending, I am afraid.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Wicked Games (Chapter 14)
We won the game the next day by only 5 points. Redding gave us more of a fight than we anticipated. Luckily, my team bounced back and finished the game strong. Our play was pretty sloppy in the first half. Away games were always subject to some lethargy, but espescially one right before Thanksgiving. I think we were all more mentally focused on the holiday than our opponent. Coach Tommy bluntly pointed this out at halftime and demanded better from us (with a few expletives). We responded and we got the win.
Once again, Lauren was indifferent towards me. I guess this was how she was going to act from now on. All about me at night when we’re alone, but totally uninterested in me during the day infront of everyone else. If that’s how she wants to handle the situation, fine. I need to focus on basketball anyway.
I slept peacefully in my bed that night, exhausted from the current day’s events and excited for the next day’s events. My family was flying out to “celebrate” Thanksgiving with me. We didn’t really celebrate the holiday itself, but we always took advantage of an excuse to have a big family feast.
I ran down the stairs when I got the call that my family had arrived. I swung open the door and little Sofi ran into my arms. “Mila!” she shouted happily. I grinned, picking her up to place on my hip. “Ugh,” I groaned. “You’ve gotten bigger.” It definitely wasn’t as easy to pick her up as it had been before I left for school a couple months ago.
“I’m more sophisticated now,” Sofi boasted. She emphasized each syllable of ‘sophisticated’.
I chuckled, “Learn a new word?”
“Yeah, cause I’m more sophisticated,” she repeated.
“Alright,” I laughed, “I get it.” I kissed her cheek and turned to look for my other family members.
My grandmother came up to me first with a breezy smile plastered across her weathered face. We embraced and then a booming voice arrived at my ears. “Mi hija!” the voice yelled proudly. I looked up to find my father rushing towards me with wide-open arms. He eneveloped me and Sofi in his arms and gave me multiple kisses on my cheek. I loved when he did this, although I wouldn’t admit it. I giggled and then shoved him off playfully, “Alright, Dad, calm down.”
There was one more member I was anxious to see. Once my dad backed away, she finally came into my line of vision. A dopey grin spread across my features. I set Sofi down and then fell into the arms of my mother. I buried my head into her shoulder and let myself get reacquainted with the embrace and the smell of the woman who is my rock. Once I pulled away, my mother looked at me affectionately, her palm against my cheek. We exchanged the usual greetings and 'how are yous’. Once I was satisfied, I looked at my mother dearly, knowing she was the one who could answer my question.
“How’s Emma been doing?” I carefully asked her.
My parents were incredibly accepting of who I am. They never judged me, they never looked at me differently. They simply opened their arms and told me they were happy to understand me better. Emma was not so lucky. Emma’s parents went ballistic when they found out about me. They told her that she was a disgrace to their family, that she was disgusting. To this day her parents refuse to help her pay for college, or anyhing really. Luckily she’s on an academic scholarship at a small school in Miami that covers all of her tuition and books. With help from my parents and working most days, she is able to pay for rent and food.
Her parents still refuse to accept Emma for who she is. They totally cut her out. The worst-case scenario that every LGBTQ member fears, came true for Emma. She only occassionally speaks to her mother, but otherwise there is zero contact. Thankfully, my parents adore her. My mom especially thinks of Emma as another daughter. She took it really hard when Emma and I seperated over the summer. Almost as hard as I did. Emma’s parents were overjoyed when they found out. They actually started talking to her again. They thought Emma was going to stop the 'homosexual nonsense’. When she stood her ground and told them that she is still very much homosexual, they grew angry and ceased contact with her again. My mom has a very difficult time understanding how a mother could turn away from her child as Emma’s has done. She’s cried to me multiple times about it since she loves Emma so much and hates to see her in pain.
Emma has been a part of my life since the seventh grade. My best friend and then my girlfriend. That’s about 9 or 10 years of being over at my house constantly if we’re not in school. She’s an important part of my life and piece of who I am today. I can’t blame my mother for loving her. From the moment I met her, I never stood a chance but to love her too.
Since I went to school all the way in California, both my mom and Emma grew exponentially closer. They helped eachother deal with the distance. My mom helped Emma deal with basically losing her parents. Emma helped fill the hole that I left for my mom. She’s as much of a mom to Emma as Emma is a daughter to my mom.
Sofi adores Emma as well. She doesn’t understand quite yet what Emma is to me, but she loves having the girl around. Em babysits Sofi a lot and although she always tries to refuse to take it, my parents pay her for her services. Emma is also like the mediator between me and Sofi while I’m away. Emma sends me cute pictures and then she tells Sofi the little messages I want to tell her. In some ways, I feel like Sofi loves Emma more than me. Again, I can’t really blame her.
Emma is ingrained in our family. She’s become one of us now. She may not be blood, but she’s about as close as you can get.
It’s amazing to have a girlfriend the whole family loves and approves of. It’s extremely validating. It makes it harder though when things go wrong in the relationship. The disappointment in my family’s eyes when I had to explain to them that we were broken up was difficult to take.
My parents never stopped taking care of Emma though. Emma still comes over to see them constantly and my parents still watch out for her and make sure she stays stable and out of trouble.
Being all the way in California and with my busy student-athlete schedule, it’s difficult to keep tabs on Emma. The girl could also very easily lie or omit the truth so that I wouldn’t worry. My mother would know best if something was wrong with Emma.
My mother looked back at me kindly. “Oh, I think you should ask her yourself.”
My brows creased in confusion. “Huh?”
My mom turned and waved at the car, which only confused me more. Then the car door reopened, and white vans shoes appeared. A girl with light brown hair stepped out and I recognized her immediately.
I side-stepped away from my mother and crashed into the body of the new person. “Emma,” I exhaled softly.
Emma’s arms wrapped around my neck and she hugged me tightly. A wave of tranquility swept through me. She was warm and she was safe. “Camila,” she spoke slowly and lovingly.
A thankful smile spread across my face. I squeezed her tighter for a few more moments and then pulled away so I could see her face. I had a front row seat to those ocean blues again.
“I thought you weren’t coming until Saturday,” I said.
“Well, I knew your family was coming up for Thanksgiving so we figured I might as well come with them.”
“I suppose that makes sense,” I giggled happily.
I helped Emma and my family bring all of the cookware into my home and up the stairs. Once it was all put down on the counters, my mother walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Camila, are there any teammates that don’t have anything to do for Thanksgiving?”
I knew where she was going with this. “Yeah, there are a few I believe.”
She seemed pleased by that information. “Invite them!” she instructed. There was really no point in arguing. My mother enjoyed hosting big dinner parties.
“Ok, Mama, I will,” I said quickly before she could get too high-strung about it.
I excused myself to get my phone out and quickly type out a message to my teammates letting them know they were more than welcome to join us for dinner.
Just after I hit send, my whole body froze. I suddenly recalled overhearing Lauren tell Ally that her parents wouldn’t be able to come up to visit. No doubt she has no plans. No doubt she won’t turn down a piece of home since we’re both from Miami. No dount she’ll show up at my house.. and I will be confronted with having both Emma and Lauren in the same room together.
'Well, shit. I’m fucked’. It’s too late to turn back now. The excitement I had been feeling about the day instantly turned to anxiety.
It’s no big deal right? Lauren and I aren’t serious and she knows fully well what Emma is to me. She wouldn’t try anything with Emma around right? And as long as I act normal, Emma won’t know anything about Lauren.
The real challenge will be hiding this from my mother. No matter how good I think I am at keeping secrets, my mother always knows when something is amiss. She’s always been good at reading me so I have never been able to keep a secret from the woman. She knew I was gay way before I ever came out. She always could tell whenever I started crushing on someone and she always knew when I had a bad day no matter how hard I tried to hide it. She’s got incredible intuition I guess, atleast about me.
I slumped back into the kitchen and laughed as my mom was already bossing people around, directing them to where she wanted her kitchenware to be. She came prepared as there were multiple sets of equipment at the ready to make the feast for the day.
I shared knowing smiles with Emma as we watched her fret back and forth. My dad and her ended up bickering because he forgot one of her favorite mixing spoons. It was so ridiculous and over the top. I couldn’t help but laugh. I had almost forgotten what it was like back home and the nostalgia was starting to hit me hard. When I started laughing, both of my parents’ heads shot towards me. A flash of realization went across their faces and then we all laughed together. That was one thing I always appreciated about my family. We had no trouble laughing at ourselves. We very rarely took ourselves seriously.
The next few hours consisted of a shit ton of grocery shopping, getting ready for the meal, and then of course, cooking the meal. In my family, everyone helps out with the cooking. Not just one or two people. Everyone. Even little Sofi. Though we keep her with the simple stuff, like bringing us salt and pepper or setting up the table.
The time rolled around for my teammates to start arriving and my anxiety upshooted once again. The business of the day had distracted me enough to forget about it for awhile. Then the doorbell rang, and I could feel my heart sink.
“Ay dios mio, go get the door!” Mama shouted over her shoulder as she was stirring a spoon around in a pot.
I went downstairs and stopped infront of the door. I could hear the chattering on the opposite side of the wall. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I was confronted with 6 sets of smiling faces.
Missy, Micah, Emily, a freshman named Kyla, Normani, and.. Lauren were all huddled together on my small front porch. Pretty much all of them were those of us not from California, so we didn’t really have enough chance to fly home for the holiday since we only get a day off.
I greeted them with a pretty disingenuous smile, struggling to mask my apprehension. “Hey guys,” I said, stepping aside to let them in. I led them upstairs and my mom immediately rushed over. Excitedly she hugged and introduced herself to every girl, although she was already familiar with Lauren and Normani.
“Miami girl, right?” she asked after hugging Lauren. Lauren nodded with a smile and my mom smiled back. “I think you’ll like the food then.”
We had your standard spiced turkey and mashed potatoes. My grandmother made her specialty, pork and rice and beans. There was Cuban spiced griled corn, long lines of fruit, and a dessert table that nearly made me cry it looked so good. Sweet plantains and flan! Mami knew what I would want. There was so much food and my stomach grumbled in anticipation.
I wanted to dive right in, but I knew my mom would smack me if I wasn’t a good hostess. I directed my teammates to the plates and told them to get started. I didn’t have to tell them twice. They all rushed over with excited murmurs. Lauren smiled at me as she walked by. “Plantains,” she said, putting her index finger and thumb together as an O and holding the other fingers up, conveying that she thought it was quality.
“I know,” I laughed. As a fellow Cuban, I knew she would appreciate it.
I peeked over at Emma after the exchange and she hadn’t been paying attention whatsoever. She was playing hide and seek with Sofi at the moment and I sighed, relieved. My plan was to ignore Lauren as much as possible. That would work right?
The chaos in my heart did not match the welcoming and comforting party going on around me. It was starting to get loud as people conversed with one another.
I could not steady the pace of the organ in my chest. The two girls in my life were both here, with my family, and Emma is none the wiser about the other. Plus a handful of my teammates who are none the wiser about Lauren and I. I could not relax. What if I gave myself away? What if Lauren says something incriminating? My shoulders started to ache because I was so tense throughout the entire meal. I could hardly even enjoy the food I was so worried.
Emma was sitting to my right. My mother was sitting to my left. Lauren just so conveniently had to sit across from me. Emma kept trying to engage in conversation with me, but I was highly uncomfortable and was unable to really focus on much of what she was saying. I could feel the green eyes on me. I couldn’t help but glance at Lauren more often than I should’ve. The light was hitting her just right and her face was practically glowing infront of me despite her dark eye makeup. I didn’t want to look at Lauren too much though because my mom would figure it out. It usually doesn’t work if I try to keep something from her. Yet, I’m still hoping I can fool her about this.
“Mrs. Cabello, the food is wonderful,” Lauren suddenly enthused. There were murmurs of agreement all around the table.
“Oh, please, call me Sinuhe, and thank you for the compliment Lauren,” my mom replied cheerfully. She loved getting compliments on her cooking so I just knew her day was made. Lauren just upgraded her approval status with my mom to a substantial level with that one statement of praise.
Lauren didn’t stop there. She started asking Emma about what part of Miami she was from, where she was going to school and what she was majoring in. My appetite was leaving me the more Lauren continued to talk to Emma. My stress levels were rising and I could feel nervous perspiration developing in my armpits. I started to zone out, just wanting to block out this terrible situation altogether when Lauren said something that shook me to my core.
“I’ve gotten to know Camila a lot better this year and I can definitely tell you, you got yourself a catch,” Lauren expressed to Emma.
“Oh.. well.. thanks,” Emma responded, clearly caught off guard by the comment. “But we’re not together.. right now..” she trailed off, unsure of what else to say.
“Oh, right,” Lauren said. She diverted her eyes to me and blithesomely continued, “I almost forgot.”
I stared daggers into her as I felt my cheeks getting warm. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Emma moving her head to look in my direction so I quickly turned towards her. I forced a light smile on my face, hoping she wouldn’t start questioning things. I was so mad at Lauren. What was she doing? Was she trying to expose me? Why couldn’t she just sit there and enjoy her freaking food in silence? In my rage I blurted out something really stupid. “Maybe we’re not together now, but maybe we will be again soon.”
It worked. My desired effect arrived successfully.
Emma’s puzzled expression went away. In its place came bewilderment. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed slightly. I peeked at Lauren and she wasn’t smiling any more.
My mother gasped behind me. “What did you say Mila?”
The full reality of what I just said sunk in. I cursed myself for letting Lauren get under my skin. “Nothing Mama.”
Emma’s eyebrows knitted together, clearly perplexed by my conflicting words. I didn’t know how to resolve the situation so I did the only logical thing. I escaped. I excused myself to my room and went to the bathroom.
Once inside, I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror, trying to regain my composure. I splashed some water on my face for good measure.
After a few minutes, I decided to text Lauren. I needed to nip this in the bud before Lauren incriminated me.
Camila: Come to my room, we need to talk. Tell them you need to go to the bathroom.
Once the door shut behind Lauren, I stepped towards her.
“What are you doing?” I hissed at her.
She looked back at me with an amused expression and then nonchalantly said, “I’m just making conversation.” She ran a hand through her hair which only made me more mad. She knew she looked sexy when she does that.
“Can you please stop?”
“Stop what?” she asked as if she was completely unaware and completely innocent.
“Can you please just be normal?” I pleaded with her.
She tilted her head to the side, “Why?”
I pursed my lips and decided to just tell her. “Emma doesn’t know,” I confessed, being extra quiet.
Lauren’s eyebrows raised lightheartedly, “Oh.” She cracked a smile, “that’s pretty obvious.”
I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation.
“Maybe you should be honest with her,” Lauren shrugged, like it was no big deal. It was driving me insane how apathetic she was being about this whole situation.
I snorted. “Why should I tell her about a one night stand that meant nothing?” I jibed in a hushed tone. I really didn’t mean it, but I was so angry I was trying to say anything to wipe that arrogant look off her face.
Her eyes narrowed, but only for a moment. Then she smirked, “It wasn’t just one night.”
I groaned, seriously frustrated. I dismissed her comment entirely. “Lauren fucking Jauregui, if you give a crap about me, please just act normal the rest of the night, ok?”
She was clearly taken aback by my outburst, but she nodded, relenting. “Ok, I’ll try.”
“Thank you,” I sighed wearily. I stormed past her and put my hand on the doorknob, ready to do damage control now that I know Lauren won’t cause me any more trouble.
“Just one more thing,” Lauren suddenly piped.
I turned with an eyebrow raised and was knocked back into the door. More trouble was exactly what she gave me. A pair of soft lips were tugging on mine emphatically. Just like usual, I couldn’t help but kiss her back, despite how frustrated I was with her. A part of me wanted to take her to my bed and show her just how angry I was with her, but then Emma flashed across my brain.
I shoved her off of me. “What the hell Lauren?”
“I’ll act normal, don’t worry,” she winked at me. “If you don’t want to look suspicious, we better go,” she added, nodding towards the door.
I wiped my mouth, fumingly angry with her, but mostly I was ashamed of myself for letting her get my guard down once again. Emma was in the other room and I had just kissed another woman. Worse, I didn’t want to stop kissing the other woman. I felt almost nauseous thinking about how she’d feel if she knew.
“I’ll go first. You wait a few minutes and then come out,” I instructed her before slipping out the door.
The rest of the night went on without a hitch. Lauren kept her distance and didn’t speak to me nor Emma the rest of the night. I didn’t leave Emma’s side after me and Lauren left my room. I didn’t even want Emma to have a chance to get curious and start asking questions. I did my best to compliment Emma and make her laugh, trying to ensure that she’ll stay comfortable and forget about Lauren’s suspect comments.
My teammates eventually filtered out and we started cleaning up the kitchen. At the sink I was cleaning dishes and humming to myself. I think I actually did it. I think I got through the dinner without making anybody suspect anything. I was seriously about to pat myself on the back when my mom called my name.
“Mila, can we talk?” she requested softly.
'Nevermind’ I sighed internally, my shoulders drooping.
Wattpad: munkeytutu
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