#i have A LOT of thoughts
bonewraith · 8 days
btw harrow made gideon promise to outlive her and return to the locked tomb if anything were to happen to her
btw gideon couldn't keep that promise because she instead kept the promise of "one flesh, one end"
btw harrow was so certain she would die before gideon but gideon just had to put a damper on those plans, like she does with all of harrow's plans
btw gideon was the first (living) person harrow bared her entire soul to, so after gideon died, harrow felt she had Nothing left
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thejudeduarte · 4 months
A load of people sort of view Jude as being kind of mean and grumpy a lot of the time and I do agree she doesn't have that natural humour Cardan has and can be overly sarcastic (which I absolutely LOVE about her, she has the best roasts 😭) I feel like these consumptions are wrong.
Jude is actually so nice. She is kind and a nice person especially towards humans because she's mortal herself. There's a bunch of examples of this throughout the series including when she saved Sophie in tcp, chose to help Taryn and her hanging out with the court of shadows when we get to see her friendly side shine through. I feel like we make her "meaner" side a bit too dramatic sometimes as a fandom 😭
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chironshorseass · 8 months
the thing is, we were never meant to sympathize with luke when he betrays percy. we aren’t meant to see his inner turmoil. we aren’t meant to see hesitancy, or regret. it’s meant to be a slap in the face. luke takes percy to the woods knowing full well what he’s about to do. in tlt kronos orders him to kill percy because he’s too volatile; kronos said so himself when percy hijacked luke’s dreams and began to figure out there were bigger things at play. the thing is, when kronos orders luke to kill percy, he doesn’t hesitate. that’s the point!!! it is essential that luke is so blinded by rage and vengeance for the gods that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants (the god’s destruction). percy accuses luke that kronos is using him, but he just retaliates that the gods do the same, and they do!!! but see, the thing is, luke’s whole point is that he’s so focused on the god’s injustices that he forgets what’s important. he goes for the “greater good” but he destroys his family, his life, in the process. by attempting to dismantle a system, he turns to another system that follows the same oppressive logic. THAT is why luke fails. THAT is why it’s so important he be blinded by rage, because it’s his inevitable, tragic end. he’s doomed by the narrative from the start. yes, we’re meant to be surprised by his betrayal because of how cold and calculating it is, but also it’s important to set the grounds for luke’s character to be this angry, vengeful boy because later on we come to understand why it is that he made those choices. we see annabeth’s side of things and percy’s side. we see luke’s side. we see many sides. we see a man who is too far gone yet comes to understand, in the end, that he’s been doing more harm than good to those he was supposed to protect (annabeth is the most obvious example). we get a complex character who won’t hesitate to kill but who also won’t hesitate to sacrifice himself so that he can save the family he has left.
the thing is, luke was supposed to be angrier in the show. percy was supposed to be angrier in the show. they’re both foils. luke is what percy could become, if percy lets his anger win. so, to change—even if it’s only slightly altering—their characters, is to change the point of the story. because luke tries to kill percy in his betrayal and later percy tries to kill luke but then percy starts to understand luke…until luke is gone and kronos is gone yet the gods don’t change but percy does. and percy’s initial anger is supposed to transform and he’s supposed to see what luke saw and the cycle continues. the thing is, it’s not even one of the worst changes the show made, yet it’s still so, so telling that they failed to see why it’s important to let your characters do bad things, to make mistakes, because that’s how a story can carry on. that’s how you give a story depth.
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6blackfilin9 · 2 months
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PAIN - My misery
Megaherz - An Deinem Grab
He might have the body and face of a man in his prime, but the eyes of his reveal his true age and experience of the hell he went through
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ofwordsandcoffee · 2 months
“What if the unsub sees a freedom in his victims he wishes he had himself”— JJ 3x17
I can’t stop thinking about JJ’s character being such a poignant example of comphet. I know in canon she is “straight”—though the above example happens to be directly from canon— and for those of us who ship Jemily she is generally portrayed as bisexual, however, to me she’s such a subtle but extremely accurate portrayal of a closet lesbian.
Will is a good husband and a great dad, I don’t want to discount that, but JJ being with him doesn’t discount her being gay, it might actually reaffirm it. For me the little clues like this scene above, her wearing Emily’s watch starting when Emily “dies”, her reaction to the conversion camp in “Broken” (8x15), her hallucinating Emily, all the way to the absolutely stunning and slightly heartbreaking delivery of the line “It gives me you” in 17x6 paint a totally different picture. It feels like a trail of bread crumbs for us to follow.
So let’s talk about how a woman who was married to a man for over a decade never loved him—not as she should have. She may have even thought she was bisexual for a long, long time, trying to reconcile her attraction to women with the life she ended up in—these might have even been feelings she recognized very early on but tried to push down because they were confusing. Maybe she even had strong feelings for a close female friend, but felt rejected and in that rejection bottled those feelings, that realization that she wasn’t quite ready to deal with, back up and rushed into the arms of a guy who was right in all the ways she had grown up thinking a partner should be. Because sometimes, especially when we feel vulnerable and rejected, it’s easy to confuse the desire to feel wanted, and liking male attention with attraction. And even though she recoiled from his touch, shrunk away at the idea of being with him all the time, didn’t want her friends to know, spent years terrified of actually committing to him she cared deeply for him and it was easy to ignore those signs. Something inside her was telling her that it wasn’t right, that part of herself, that fear was trying to speak to her—yelling stop. But they had a child she never planned, but loved with everything she had and she couldn’t imagine parenting that child alone. So life kept going on around her, feeling out of her control. And her relationship was hard—work— but that’s what it’s supposed to be right? When you grow up without real examples of what a loving relationship is supposed to look like it’s easy to think that actually desiring your partner, feeling giddy when they are around, wanting to kiss them or tell them about what’s going on in your day that’s a fairytale, that only happens in the movies. And living in parallel to someone you have developed a comfort with through years and years of togetherness is fine, until it’s not. Until you realize that it’s killing you inside and you need more.
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kiloxy · 5 months
“Omission is the easiest way to lie.” Neil said. “You could have corrected me.”
“Could have, didn’t.” Andrew said. “Figure it out for yourself.”
(The Foxhole Court, p. 28)
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^ Neil about to internalize it and tell no one about a certain countdown two books later.
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nasty-bog-boy · 6 months
it's just one of those days when it's raining and I really have to talk about Anne Elliot in Persuasion and how much i love this woman with every single fibre of my being.
i just want us to have heroines like Anne Elliot. in my opinion she's one of the best heroines of English literature, especially for when you're a bit older and wiser and you have experienced the unfairness and heartbreak of life.
Anne is miserable in many ways. she's stuck in a life she doesn't want, lacks agency in her life and was persuaded to not only turn down the love of her life but also a good man that could've taken her away from this. Charles Musgrove may not be captain Wentworth but he's a decent man with a family who cares for her and had she married him Anne would at least have a home and independence.
yet despite this she doesn't resent Lady Russell and continues to count her as a close friend. she understands that Lady Russell was genuinely acting out of concern for Anne but is also a flawed person who carried her own predjucides into her judgements of that men.
instead of being witty or confident or optimistic Anne's virtues are patience, kindness and forgiveness. she isn't a doormat but she is a person and does get worn down by the circumstances of her life. she keeps her head in a crisis and looks out for the wellbeing of her friends. she actively listens to people and cares for others. her virtues are all things we can cultivate within ourselves if we try.
Anne doesn't carry her heartbreak with melodramatic, teenage angst like Marianne Dashwood. she mourns what she's lost but understands that it was the result of her own actions and she must accept that. i think this is a feeling readers can understand when we get older. Anne has loved and lost in a way that can related to but she doesn't allow it to corrupt her character.
having romantic heroines that perhaps don't light up a room with their beauty or win heart with their charisma but instead become endeared to both other characters and the reader through their patience and kindness just warms my heart. i think we should try to be more like Anne in our lives. despite the sadness she's living in at the start of the novel her life ends happily, because her kindness and care for others eventually becomes noticed, not just by a man but also by herself as she finally understands her value.
idk i just have a lot of feelings about Persuasion and i could talk about it for days
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modelsof-color · 6 months
not saying to throw shade at the model ( I won't credit them for this exact reason) it's a simple question : is this wig helping the model to tell a story? NO ! it's just there
( this editorial don't even have a concept plus look terrible)
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the only reason the wig is there it's cause they consider the afro textured hair a fashion element just like clothes ,bags and shoes . it is what it is
many black models , facing this tremendous amount of concern and apprehension about it... ( wearing wigs or box braids bc hairstylists dont do black hair at fashion shows )
it's fucking 2024 , you got countless black models out there willing to empower others by proudly showing their natural hair
so what is the excuse???
I don't even like when people say " it's a magazine no one cares about magazine nowadays" no baby , it's on internet, Once you post a picture online it is public forever.
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aka-indulgence · 7 months
Man of the Hour
Decided to make a lil snippet of that J&H idea…
Dr. Sans Aster has been gone for a concerning amount of time, so you decide to pay him a visit (only because you’re a good neighbour.) Instead, you see a face you hadn’t hoped to meet.
It was a miserable night. You tuck your coat tighter around you as you approach the Aster Manor. It looks so welcoming during the day, but at night… it looks haunted, almost. You wonder how Sans likes living here.
It’s been a while since you’ve seen the good doctor. Usually you take a detour to or from the morning market, passing by his residence, and calling up to him in his room on the 2nd floor. After a few times, usually you’d be greeted by the window opening and the skeleton leaning out. Sometimes he’d appear from his labroom window, after an overnight bout of unknown experiments. (The monster kept much to himself, and in a roundabout way instead made him more popular.) For the past few days, however, the window has remained shut, and you haven’t heard any sound of activity from the upper floors.
You would’ve asked others but after a conversation with a friend,
“You talk about Sans a lot. Do you have a thing for him?”
You’ve decided against making your infatuation with the doctor too obvious.
Nevertheless, your morning conversations with him has been a comforting consistency that you miss severely. You’ve tried ignoring it, but today you caved. After another morning of no response, you decided to visit the abode after sundown- if the doctor was busy during the day, surely he’d be resting by now?
You walk up to the dimly lit door and reach for the knocker.
 … You didn’t have to wait long before you hear what sounds like smart shoes approaching the door on the other side. You get excited, gripping your coat.
But when the door opens, it isn’t Sans that answers the door.
A deer monster looks at you, his outfit that of a formal servant’s.
You try not to show your disappointment. But surely… this didn’t mean Sans was absent.
“Good evening, sir… I’m sorry to have bothered you this late at night, but, is Dr. Sans home?”
“Dr. Aster?”
You mentally smack your face- you can’t seem too intimate with him. Your friends would tease you while other people would think you’re being disrespectful.
“I’m sorry, miss. The doctor has been away from home for three days now.”
“Th… three?” Concern floods your voice. “Did- did he tell you where he went?”
“I’m afraid not. The doctor goes on many excursions, often without telling his servants. Just last month he traveled for a week before returning.”
“A week…?”
“He returned every morning. But he informed us only to look for him if he’s been gone for more than a month.”
A month?! That’s even worse than you thought!
He could disappear for a whole month…?
“What is he doing?”
“He does not tell us, miss.”
You frown. “So I assume he isn’t here tonight?”
“No. I’m sorry I could not be of more help to you,”
You sigh. “That’s alright. At least I know a bit more about what he’s doing. Thank you for the information.”
The deer monster bows and closes the door as you walk out of the yard.
You have a bad feeling about this. Not to mention the nasty rumors around town…
There was a new face in town. One unwelcomed by everyone. A man named Horruer just… appeared one day. You’ve never met the man, but you’ve heard nothing good about him. There were rumors of him having ties to Sans, though the story varied from person to person. Your friend believed in the rumor of him blackmailing the doctor.
“He has servants and a house, and I think Dr. Aster funds him..? That sounds highly suspicious to me.”
She said he had a frightening appearance, but hard to describe. Just that he was also a skeleton monster. Some people thought he might be an estranged family member. You don’t know what Sans has to say about it all, though. You hoped Sans was safe, that he didn’t owe the man any favors.
You were deep in your thoughts. Missing his smile, how his soft eyelights would glow when he laughed during the few times you met the doctor out of home, drinking tea together. He was such a smart man… a conversationist, liked by all. His topics were engaging, and he was surprisingly humorful.
Would it be too hopeful to imagine him liking you back..?
Distracted, you don’t register the large body in front of you, and crash into a wall of a man, and stumble forwards.
Before you could mutter apologies, the man starts snarling, a primal sound.
“idiot- don’t you use your eyes when you-?!”
You startle, standing at attention after you turn around. What you see isn’t a face, but a chest. You swallow before you bring your eyes up to see… a new, but known face.
A big red eye is looking down at you. You watch the pupil in its center shrink into a pinprick, edges sharpening. You’re frozen under his stare- despite never having seen him, it’s obvious who this stranger was.
Mr. Horruer.
He was maybe twice your size, in height and width. Almost as big as the large front doors of Sans’ manor. His shoulders were broad, and so was his chest. He was built like a fortress of bones. Though he wore proper clothing, he didn’t look the part. His outer coat was unbuttoned and lopsided. His waistcoat covered more, but the top and middle were unbuttoned. His tie was undone, draped under his collar. His coat didn’t seem old, but it was crinkled.
His teeth was jagged- you aren’t sure if they were sharp canines or if they were simply messy. His eyesockets were mismatched, unlike Sans’. One socket housed the large red orb that peered down at you, while the other was dead, devoid of light. Your eyes trailed up to his head, seeing something peek out of his hat…
The monster gasped, teeth becoming set as he holds it down, covering whatever it was. You flinched- you weren’t thinking. You’ve heard that Mr. Horruer was neurotic about never being seen without his hat. You heard of Mr. Enfield having a rough bump with the skeleton and almost knocking his hat off- the altercation almost turned violent.
You felt your fingers grow cold. The man was more terrifying than what you’ve heard the townsfolk have said. You’ve met many monsters in this town but Horruer was truly monstrous. Just looking at him made your spine tingle unpleasantly, like there was instinctual in you that told you this man was dangerous.
You hear a crack, and see his bony hands turned to fists beside him, and his breathing grow louder, every breath causing his upper body to rise and fall. His teeth was still set, and his eye hadn’t moved.
Your body screamed- you were in danger.
“I-I’m so sorry. I di-didn’t see anything. So sorry, Mr. Horruer,” you stuttered, taking a few frightful paces back before you turned on your heel and ran home.
It was crass, clumsy, impolite, and frankly, unladylike. But you didn’t want to know what Horruer could do with his hands, and you didn’t want to find out if the rumors of his aberrant ‘hobbies’ were true or not.
He looked like he was itching to kill me.
You felt something red burning a hole into your back as you fled.
“... (y/n).”
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ohlexa · 7 months
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#ma'am please
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fluffylord · 5 months
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PETER CAPALDI as CARDINAL RICHELIEU The Musketeers - 1.10 “Musketeers Don't Die Easily”
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lizard-zombie · 17 days
I don’t condone smoking but the idea of Snape with a cigarette as a last resort when he is super stressed is irritatingly attractive to me
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lampochkaart · 8 months
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Gonta Gokuhara Week, Day 6 — Postgame
Gonta really wants to reconnect with all his friends, but many people are busy with their own problems, and with two specific people it's especially hard to do. One of them startles and shrinks away everytime she sees him, and the other pointedly ignores and avoids him as much as he can.
It makes Gonta feel very alone.
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Fang being able to be so sure of Tan's love, so certain that he is loved and that Tan is there to be a safe place to land.
Phum being able to go to Peem, and know that he can ask for comfort, without having to explain himself, and that he will be given what he needs.
Tan recognizing that Fang needs to be loved loudly, and happily being loud.
Peem giving Phum the green light, so that he knows he is wanted.
And their friends all cheering them on (and giving them the right amount of shit about it) because they all love each other so much and so openly.
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st4rcz4r · 1 year
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I unfortunately think they had a rocky patch at the start of the 7 year gap. So uh🧍
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year2000electronics · 10 months
A follow-up to my question: What would be the three brothers's reactions to John Dory Joining Rock and witnessing Barb turning Branch into an Rock Zombie? And What are John Dory's feelings through the whole world tour?
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i did a little sketch comic of the bros finally meeting face to face with glamrock john dory cos of this ask :] it's a very awkward reunion
i think john dory would have a lot of pretty interesting feelings through the whole world tour, in trolls 3 he's under a lot of pressure to provide from his fans and be perfect and i feel like he actually does miss his brothers but he's just a little caught up on being able to be perfect with them again instead of just letting them be themselves, and when barb says the ultimate power chord can bring them back together he thinks that can reunite brozone for good- so what if it's not pop music? it could still be perfect!
i also imagine him and barb get close during the story because barb feels a lot of pressure being queen, and shes an only child whos around branch and poppy's age, so john dory's big bro instincts just kick into OVERDRIVE and he really wants to help her succeed
the bros would probably be HEARTBROKEN seeing rock zombie branch, thats their little brother! hes not allowed to get tattoos!! </3 but john dory would probably say not to worry because they'll be joining him soon enough ;]
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