#i have MS hands so text from notepad will have 2 do sorry
blenselche · 6 months
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Bubbline comic based on my demon neurochem HC.
AT didn't explain demons much so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ fair game, right? They have 4x the amount of love chem receptors compared to a human/mutant and since they can change form they recognize one another by smell, not sight. Think uhhh prarie voles ig. I wanted to explore how a species with so little empathy can experience love. It can cross their wires/become obsessive or violent if they're not full demons or if their creator isn't Hunson (so they have "cracks"/the craftsmanship isn't perfect).
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter 7
YN took a deep breath and now went into Dr. Akihiko's clinic, she requests a leave for today at the office so that she will be able to ready herself and take more time to understand the treatments she needed to do. Her eyes wandered around outside the clinic and the guard smiled at her as soon she got in, she bowed and smiled back, not a minute later, a nurse went to her and instructed her to see Dr. Akihiko already. She nods and went into her clinic room, now seated, and waved at Dr. Akihiko who is still taking on her telephone with someone, she waited patiently.
Then her phone rings, she quickly gets it and open it, a text message from Kenma.
'How's your spa day?' YN smiled and texted back, she needed to lie for her appointment for today, 'I just got here, stay safe okay? don't stress yourself too much.' she texted and without a minute he replied. 'I will want me to pick you up? you can send me the location.'  YN quickly texted back, 'No need let's meet at the house, plus it's your schedule to do a stream with a special fan today. '
'Yeah, sorry for not picking you, you jealous?'  he texted back making YN giggled.
'Maybe,  I will make sure she/he won't flirt >,<, who's the lucky fan anyway. So that I can cut her/his throat. Joke~'  
'Secret.' Yn frowned and pouted.
'Fine! don't you dare close or lock your door in your room or else I'm going to burn you with her/him inside!'  YN texted pouting.
'I'm going to think about it.' YN pouted, even more, she going to murder this fan if they try to flirt with him.
'KENMA KOZUME.' and after she texted that he never got a replied making her even poutier.
"So! Sorry about that Y/N." Her doctor said as she put down her telephone and gathered YN's files, she stands up and guided YN on the bed making her seat, her doctor pulled her own chair in front of YN, she fixed her white robe. She gets her pen and notepad.
"Are you really sure you're going take this transplant and treatments?" she said worriedly, YN sighed and smiled happily. "yes. It is still a chance and I'm taking it. It is now or never." her doctor nodded and open her files and give them to her.
YN read it and her doctor explain it thoroughly to her.
"The preparation will take 2 months on taking it because your current heart must slowly stop pumping and weaken so that the bacteria causing the infection to other organs and veins will be lessened. It will also make us saw if the medications you are taking that we know are too strong  will work on your body." YN nodded.
"It will give huge side effects," she said then stopped looking at her. "Major pain in your heart, some of your senses will shut down, breathing will be hard," she said observing YN but she still nods and smiled.
"Some parts of your body will be paralyzed and.." she stopped again looking at YN who's looking at the files, " causing it for you not to move like before," she said softly.
"It means that I will be bedridden?" she asked,  her doctor nod, YN smiled. "And the transplant will not be held here," she added. "Where?" YN asked. "America." YN don't know what to say but again she nodded and smile.
"1 month before the transplant you must be there," she added, YN eyes shut and try to process everything. "So I'm leaving early than expected," YN said holding her tears. "yes." Her doctor answered. YN nodded and now looked at her.
"Okay." she smiled.
"Do you really need to be alone? we need support from your friends' family. Especially if this medication you're taking. You can't fight this alone.' Her doctor said, YN now tears are flowing and she smiled again.
"They don't have to know, I don't want to be a burden to someone ever again, especially to my new family, my family threw me out telling me over and over that, I'm a huge burden for them especially the cause of their divorce, not minding or knowing I have this sickness. I carry my own fights ever since they broke up. If I live then thank you if not then still thank you, still I'm doing my part. I don't want their happiness will vanish because of me. They already support me, the memories I had with them, the courage and sight of being with them if this transplant work will be my motivation itself. ' YN said and hold her Doctors hand tightly.
Her doctor hugged her, after that YN wiped her tears and continue listening for her preparation, how the transplant will go abroad, and the after treatments, a total of 3 years of medication if the transplant and treatment work.
YN walked away from the clinic,  not minding the coldness she was feeling because of the weather, her medication will start first thing in the morning and continuously, side effects will occur in a short amount of time, her days with Kenma family will be cut short for sure, making sure that they will not know what's happening to her, excuses and major change of plans she needed to do, definitely she needs to talk to Kozume's mother tomorrow.
YN went into her car, taking her time, it was 4 pm wherein at 6 pm Kenma's stream will start. She twists the key of her car and drives to the nursery playground that she attended, making her way out of her car, she watched the kids play around while their parents wait for them.
She seated on the grass as she let kids play around her and waved at her, she hugged her knees, tired with crying and helplessly exhausted. Digesting all of that information makes her feel weak yet hopeful at the same time. A fear envelops her the thought of it won't be successful and can lead to her sudden death. She gets her notebook wherein she put her to do things before she died, she wiped her tears and scratched, erasing 'things before I die' and replace 'things I will do after the treatment.'
As she continues to look at kids slowly lessened playing around her, her tears won't stop flowing as she smiled, knowing that she needs to leave early. Still, seating on the grass, she put out her pen and paper and start writing to the people special to her, in case if she didn't live.
Shoyo, Bokuto, Atsumu, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kiyoko, Yachi, Yamaguchi and so on.
Mr. and Ms. Kenma
And lastly, Kozume
She finished every letter and filling it with her sorry for not telling what she going through, dealing it with her own and thank you for everything, little did she know it was almost 6 pm the start of Kenma's stream. YN is not in the mood to go home just yet and just let her mind wandered a bit. Planning her last days before she left Japan.
"for our special stream, meet Shoyo Hinata the chosen fan." Kenma smiled as he pulled Shoyo beside him,  Shoyo give his warming smile and waved his hands. "Thank you Kozume for having me here! Hello everybody, I'm an MSBY former player! Great Decoy!' He said happily, the chat goes boomed and goes crazy for Hinata, Kenma smiled and nodded.
"Let's start in 5 minutes for the game, feel free to ask Shoyo." Kenma smiled as he stands up and went for treats and drinks downstairs, as he got down, her mother just got in from her work, meeting Kenma at the stairs.
"Streaming?" she asked Kenma nodded as he gathered treats on his fridge and drinks. "Oh okay, By the way, Hinata is your chosen fan?" she asked, Kenma put almost all of the junkies on his hands, "Yes," he answered as he makes his way to the bottom of the stairs."Tss I literally thought YN will be chosen. She likes you know." She said making Kenma widened his eyes. Her mother laughs, "I'm very keen and observant my dear Kenma, Don't worry I won't be against your relationship you two." She said as she patted Kenma's head. "I like the idea of her being my daughter, but I love when she will be your wife weeee~!" her mother swings around and twirl happily, making Kenma blush and red. Her mother stop and looked at him, Kenma looked away, her mother gasped. "Did you two do 'it' already?" her mother asked almost in a shout, Kenma looked at her again with wide eyes, he can't shake his head but her cheeks grow redder, her mother smirked even patted his head. "Naughty Kozume.' she teased. "Stop it!' Kenma whined making her laugh even more. She continues teasing him, "Oh! right talking of YN, is she home yet?" her mother asked, Kenma stopped and looked around, he shooked his head, and looked at his clock, she said she will be home before his stream begins but she's still not home. Maybe she extended her spa appointment? He thought.
"Oh okay then. " Her mother said, Kenma just nodded, they parted ways while his mother keeps teasing him afar, he just ignored it, Kenma went back to his room, putting the treats down beside his gaming table. Shoyo keeps on answering some questions as Kenma seat beside him.
"HELLOO BOKUTO-SAN! KUROO-SAN HI!" Shoyo yelled as he vigorously waved his hand on the camera,  Kenma laughed.
He grabbed his phone and texted YN.
'Do you extend your appointment at your spa? Be safe okay? Don't drink without me~ or just don't drink heheh~' He pressed send and was about to start the game but he grabs his phone again.
'I love you.' and he pressed send again and started the game with Shoyo.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
Stages: The Cake
Stages: Acquaintance Pt.1: The Cake (Chapter 2)
Pairing: Amy & Shadow (Friends or lovers you decided) 
First part: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/189990806500/new-years-dress-shadamy
"Please, just give me one more week! I'll pay!"
"I am sorry Ms. Rose but we have been patient enough. The government needs this facility."
Amy tried to keep calm, she didn't want to lash out of the government worker. She needed to stay calm if she wanted him to give her more time.
"Look, Zen, we have known each other for some time now." Amy touched his shoulder and smiled seductively. "Don't you think it will be better to talk about this with some coffee?"
Zen, a black cat, and government worker smiled at the pink one.
"Saturday night?"
"Very well then, I'll see you." Zen then was quick to shout out to the rest of the employees who were already inside the Resistance. "Let's go, boys, we will come for this place later!"
With that, the workers stopped from dismantling the Resistance HQ.
Amy smiled and waved at each worker as they left.
"Well, who could have thought that Amy Rose could use her sex appeal to get the things she wants?"
Amy turned around to find Rouge waving at her. "I am so happy that you learned something from me."
"I had to put your teaching into practice," Amy added. "How are you doing? I haven't seen you since the ball."
"I came to see how you were doing after G.U.N paid you." Rouge took a look at the outside appearance of Resistance HQ. The painting was going away, the wood was decaying and it was just falling apart overall. "What did you do with the money, anyway? Everyone was happy with your cakes, I am sure G.U.N paid you extra even."
"I had to pay the members of the Resistance." Amy added, "And the rest is going to the monthly payment of the Resistance...I'll work more shifts at the restaurant this week to make up for the rest of the payment."
"Why would the government even want this place?" Rouge and Amy began to walk inside the Resistance. They greeted the few members that were there. "I mean no offense but...this place is trash."
"Yes, but one day, I'll have a lot of money and I'll make this place what it used to be before!" Amy said excitedly, she opened the door of the Main Room, where her desk was waiting for her.
"I just don't understand honey, you are a war warrior, you helped save the world and this is how they pay you?" Rouge was angry, she knew better than anyone that Amy went through to hell during that period that Eggman attacked with the Zombot virus. "All heroes worked here, Sonic, Tails, Team Dark, Whispered, Tangle, everyone  currently working at G.U.N."
"Don't remind me," Amy said as she typed on her computer.
"Honestly, with your experience, you could land a job at G.U.N. and easily-"
"G.U.N. charges people, people who may not have money so they can send their agents to help them." Amy rolled on her chair to look at the white bat, "I don't want that for this place."
Rouge sighed as she understood Amy's ideology. G.U.N was a private agency after all and their revenue mostly came from rich people who paid for the missions or anonymous, members who were interested that kept in existence G.U.N.
And so, what happened to the people who were in trouble and didn't have the money to pay?
"I am just saying, that I could buy you this place, it's honestly no bother. -"
"We have talked about this Rouge," Amy smiled. "Thank you, but this is something I want to do by myself."
Rouge went towards Amy and she placed her hand on her shoulder, "Same old Amy...Well, if you are going on a date to save this place, then let's make it the best out of it."
. "Plate for table number 3!"
"I am ready to pay!"
"Yes, ma'am!
"Plate for table number 7!"
"My food is cold! Could you heat it up?"
"Yes, sir!"
It was just like any other day at the restaurant, Amy was busy like always but still gave the best of her. She heard the door of the restaurant open, she was busy and after attending one client, she went ahead to attend the new guest.
"Hello, how may I help you-" Amy placed the restaurant's menu on the table. The person was wearing a long black coat with a black cap. Although he was trying his best to go unnoticed, Amy knew exactly well who it was.
"Shadow?" Amy whispered.
"Shh...how do you know it was me?" Shadow said as he looked around the place, making sure no one was paying attention to them.
"You reek of your cologne."
"What? I don't wear any." Shadow added, "Anyways, I am here on an important mission.
"And that is?"
"I need one slide, wait no, a whole dark chocolate cake. Like the one you made at the ball."
Amy giggles a bit, Shadow really took the 'keeping his cool' very seriously. "A whole cake? That's going to take a while."
"I can wait."
Amy nodded, she gave Shadow water while she attended the other tables. Shadow watched Amy work, it was a weird sight to see. He always saw her as a leader and one to not take orders from anyone.
"Must be hard to be an owner of a restaurant," Shadow whispered to himself but a sight distracted him.
"Could you hurry up? I've been waiting for ten minutes!" Said grey fox boy, who was sitting with a group of friends. A blue wolf and a red bird.
"Yes, sir!" Amy said as she headed over the table. "How can I help you?"
"We want three burgers, making it a combo for all of them. One chocolate milkshake and two vanilla. Hurry." Said the fox boy.
"Yes," Amy said as she finished writing the order on her notepad and began to walk away.
"Ops." The wolf boy said as he purposely threw off the water cup. "Hey, waitress! Clean this up, now!"
Amy tried to control herself, she perfectly knew what they were doing but she really needed this job.
"Yes." Amy took an old rag that was in her mantle and bent down to clean up the mess. When she was done, she bends back up but that exact moment, she felt her butt being smacked.
"Well, you do have a really nice ass to be a waitress!" The red bird boy said as he laughs, "I should come here more often."
Shadow expected Amy to take out her hammer and send those guys flying out the restaurant.
But she didn't.
"Thank you." Shadow heard her said and she walked away back into the kitchen.
Amy came back with some plates full of food for the groups of jerks. However, she found that they had felt the table. She noticed that some that they had paid their food however and left her a very nice tip of...
"500 rings?!" Amy almost screamed, there has to be some kind of mistake.
"Amy?" Amy turned her body around to find Shadow behind her. "G.U.N. called me, I need to go. Save me the cake for later."
"It's almost done, are you sure?"
"Yes, just send it over my apartment later," Shadow said and for some reason, he seemed to be in a hurry. Amy thought that it must be something really important for G.U.N.
"Alright, I will!" Amy smiled, her mood changing completely after that tip. "Wait, I don't know where you live."
"I send you my address over a text message."
With that Shadow nodded and walked towards the exit. Amy went back to the kitchen to put the extra plates away but remembered something.
"Wait, you don't have my phone number!"
But Shadow was already gone.
It was 11:30 p.m and Amy was finally done with her shift. She puts on her pink coat and said goodbye to her boss before leaving the restaurant. She walked a few meters down until she passed a large dumpster.
But she stopped immediately after she heard someone moaning in pain on the inside of it. She opened it and checked on the inside.
And there she found them, two out of the three guys who were troubling her at the restaurant. The fox and wolf boy.
"What are you two doing here?"
"That guy...with the black coat..."The grey fox said in pain. "He just came to our table and said 'trash belongs in the trash."
"I don't even remember what happened." The blue boy said as she looked at his friend, who was trying to gain his consciousness back.
"Shadow?" Amy asked loudly, more at herself, more surprised than anything.
"Shadow as in Shadow the hedgehog?!"
Amy heard a voice come from above, she looked up and she found the red bird who harassed her being hanged from a light pole by his underwear.
"My dad is a private member of G.U.N!" The bird said angrily, "When I get down from here, he is so going to pay!"
Amy sighed, a bit embarrassed, "Let's try and make a deal."
Shadow had to admit that he was really looking forward to that cake. However, he decided to leave the restaurant as soon as he could as not to give Amy any more problems.
When Rouge told him that Amy worked at a restaurant, he imagined she would be the boss or manager due to her good leadership skills. But tonight he learned something new, that Amy was a hard worker and really could contain her feelings when the situation required her too.
She had his respect.
He was ready to go to sleep but he heard the door ring from outside his apartment.  
He sighed frustrated as he went back to his living room and angrily opened the door, "At this time? Who the hell do you think you are-" "Oh, Amy." Shadow instantly changed his tone of voice as he saw Amy standing in front of his door.
"Sorry, Shadow. I just thought to give you these extra cakes I made to you." Amy smiled as she showed Shadow the plastic bags she was holding, three dark chocolate cakes in each one.
"Extra cakes?" Shadow asked.
"Yes, I just made them."
"Alright, come in." Shadow opened the door for her and she entered, taking a look at Shadow's apartment.
"When Rouge texted me you lived in a small apartment, I thought she meant something different," Amy added, Shadow's apartment was very modern. Wooden floor, crystal stairs, bright lights, and beautiful black kitchen.
"Well, I'll be taking my leave now," Amy said as she placed the bag of cakes on Shadow's kitchen counter.
"Let me pay for the cakes, I'll bring my wallet," Shadow said and walked away from a few steps before Amy stopped him.
"No need! After you left, a lot of clients came and..." Amy looked around nervously, "Asked for dark chocolate cake but didn't eat them, so don't worry they are free!"
"Six clients asked for the same dark chocolate cake?"
"And out of those six, none eat the cake they paid for?"
"Do you want the cakes or not?" Amy asked annoyed, she placed a hand on her hip and Shadow rolled his eyes.
"Would you like some?"
"I would love to, but I can't stay too long. Tomorrow I need to go to work early so I can clock out earlier to go shopping. "Amy was just tired by just thinking about the long day that was ahead of her.
"Shopping?" Shadow wasn't expecting to ask that, he honestly didn't care about Amy nor what she does. The question came out of his mouth without thinking.
"Yes, with Rouge. She is insisting that I buy clothes for dates I don't even want to go." Without thinking, Amy sat down on one of the kitchen chairs.
"Dates?" Shadow said as he opened a small cabinet and pulled out two forks and handed one to Amy.
"Yes, I need to go on a date Saturday with a jerk to save the building of the Resistance," Amy said as she opened one of the boxes that contained the cake and placed it in front of both of them.
"To save...The Resistance?"
"Yes, I am trying to buy the building...but as you can see, I don't have much luck with money." Amy added, "The mortgage guy comes every month to charge me the payment...I was late this month and to give me a little bit more time to get money, I told him I would go on a date with him this Saturday."
"That's a nice strategy," Shadow said as he took a bit of the cake. Very delicious indeed. "Sounds like something Rouge would do...don't do it too often, it could bring you trouble."
"Indeed, and next Friday I also need to spend two whole hours with that bird boy! Thankfully, it's just a movie."
"Bird boy?"
Damn it, Amy was speaking too much.
"Oh look at the time!" Amy said as she looked at the kitchen's clock.  "I got to go now, don't worry stay here, I know my way out!"
"It's late, don't you want me to give you a ride? We could take my bike." Shadow asked as he opened the door for Amy.
"No need! I'll take the last bus!"
"Have it your way, then." Shadow didn't want to insist. Amy smiled at him and calmly left his apartment.
Shadow went back to his kitchen and began to eat his dark chocolate cake once again. He thought for a second and laugh,
"As if I'd let her ride my bike."
Next part: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/190053368955/stages-the-bike
A/N: I still don’t know if I should make this a series or just small one shot series in which I will be developing Amy and Shadow’s relationship. Oh well, I think that’s what a slow burn story is all about. I enjoyed writing this, so expect a new chapter really soon!
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lordofassgard · 6 years
Requested: | yes | no |
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x f!Reader
Summary: home isn’t exactly a place with four walls and a roof. to you, jinyoung was home but what happens when you're left homeless?
Genre: non idol!au, arranged marriage!au, run away bride!au is this even a thing???, angst, fluff
Warnings: mentions of sex, cursing
Word Count: 6.2k+
A/N: happy very late birthday to jinyoung. i’m sorry that this wasn’t up on his actual birthday but i’ve been exhausted. next i’ll start working on play pretend 3 and five times 2. i tried to make jinyoung as bf material as i could bc that’s what he is and these are facts lmao. either way, here it is. i hope you enjoy :)
masterlist in bio
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gif credits to gyeomdrop
You walked into your father's company, greeting people on your way to the elevator, some of them you had known for years, way before you worked there. Other employees piled up in the elevator and you pressed the 45th floor button. Every couple of floors, the doors opened and people would get off the elevator, others getting in. On the 38th floor, the door opened and three people walked in. One of them definitely caught your attention, making you smile.
It was weird how the other people in the elevator didn't notice you stealing glances at each other. Maybe you were just that good. Luckily, everyone but the two of you got off on the 43rd floor, leaving you alone.
“I missed you.” Jinyoung crossed the small space over to you.
“I missed you more.” You pulled him by his tie crashing your lips into his.
His hands immediately found their way to your hips pulling you even closer as your hands cupped his face. It wasn't often that the two of you had some time alone, especially outside yours or his apartment. Keeping your relationship hidden when everyone knew you or your father wasn't easy. But you managed to do it through weekends spent at hotel rooms on the outskirts of town and numerous road trips where your brother covered for you.
When the annoying ‘ding’ echoed through the closed space, the two of you pulled away before the doors opened.
“See you around Mr. Park.” You smiled before stepping out of the elevator.
“See you around Ms. Kim.”
Your Louboutins clicked against the marble floor as you walked towards the conference room where a meeting was being held. But before that, you stopped by the break room to get yourself some coffee. Mrs. Jeon was preparing coffee and tea for the meeting and even after she declined it several times, you ended up giving her a hand.
When you finally walked into the conference room, you spotted Jinyoung sitting at the coffee table. His suit jacket was draped across the chair he was sitting on and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Saying that he looked good was an understatement. Jinyoung seemed as surprised as you but he couldn't help but smirk at the fact that you were shamelessly checking him out.
You helped Mrs. Jeon handing out coffee to everyone in the room, your hand staying a little longer than it should on Jinyoung's shoulder when you placed his coffee in front of him. Meanwhile, your brother, aware of what was going on between the two of you rolled your eyes from across the table.
After Mrs. Jeon left the room, you took a seat in the only available spot between your father and your brother, Mingyu. Once you sat down, you realized that Mingyu had left that seat available on purpose so that you could sit in front of Jinyoung and he seemed pretty proud of himself for doing so.
Trying your best to ignore Jinyoung sitting in front of you looking like that, you got your notepad out of your Chanel bag and started taking notes. Honestly, you weren't really interested in the meeting, but you had to be there since one day, in a not so far future, the company would be run by you and Mingyu. Glancing over at your brother, you realized that he was as bored as you as he scribbled some information down on his own notepad.
Once the meeting was finally over, people started leaving the room, shaking your father's hand by the door. You and Mingyu stayed back since your father mentioned he wanted to talk to you. When there was no one else in the room but the three of you, he closed the door.
“So (Y/N)” Your father started “Are you seeing anyone?”
You visibly tensed up at his words. He knew. It's not that you were embarrassed about your relationship with Jinyoung, but your father had a strict policy when it came to dating co-workers. And obviously, he wasn't going to fire you so everything would fall on Jinyoung's shoulders. Besides, if your father ever found out that Jinyoung had broken the company's rule with his daughter, you were positive that Jinyoung would never find a job in another company.
“No.” You shrugged “Why?” You raised your eyebrows suspiciously.
“Great.” He was over the moon with your answer.
“What do you mean great?”
“You'll see. Do any of you have plans tomorrow night?”
“No.” You and Mingyu shook our heads.
“Then we can set up a dinner at our house tomorrow.”
Mingyu exchanged a confused look with you, your eyebrows furrowed as you turned to your father, waiting for him to elaborate.
“Don't worry (Y/N), you're going to enjoy it.”
It couldn't be good. No. Since when did your father care about your love life? Something was off and you had a feeling you weren't going to like it.
After parting ways with Mingyu, you grabbed your phone and texted Jinyoung.
[You]: Meet me in our spot
[Jinyoung]: Be there in 10
The elevator ride up to the roof was filled with anxiety. Your father's sudden interest in your love life worried you. But once Jinyoung's lips were on yours, your worries melted and the slight breeze carried them away. Your expensive bag was long forgotten on the concrete floor as your hands cupped his face lovingly.
When Jinyoung pulled away before leaving one last peck on your lips, his own stained with your lipstick, he smiled at you.
“Do you have plans tomorrow?”
When you were reminded of your plans, your anxiety came back and you unconsciously squeezed his hand that was intertwined with yours.
“Yeah, I do.” You looked down at your feet.
“What is it?” Jinyoung brought his free hand to your chin, gently lifting your head up so that you could look at him.
“It's just…” You sighed “My dad asked me if I was seeing someone and…”
“Does he know?” Jinyoung cut you off, wide-eyed.
“No, he doesn't.” You reassured “But he invited me and Mingyu to have dinner at his house tomorrow night.” You paused “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Jinyoung relaxed, glad that you hadn't been caught and pulled you in for a hug. You took a deep breath and inhaled his scent. It felt like home, more than the house you spent your childhood in, more than the expensive apartment your father gave you when you started working at his company. Home isn't exactly a place with four walls and a roof and you only realized that when you met Jinyoung. Home is a place where you feel safe, happy and comfortable. To you, home was Jinyoung.
He pressed soft kisses to your temple as his hands rubbed your back soothingly.
“It's okay.” He reassured you “Don't stress about it.”
You only moved when his phone rang in his pocket. You tried to pull away but he kept an arm around your waist as he accepted the call with his other hand. His chest vibrated as he spoke, probably to his superior who was asking yelling where he was. After Jinyoung assured him he'd be back soon, he hung up.
“I have to go.” He pouted “But how about this. Tonight after work I’ll come over and run you a bath so that you can relax.” He suggested.
“Sounds good.” You smiled.
After a couple of kisses, he finally left although he whined like a little kid before you convinced him that he had to get back to work or else he'd be in trouble.
Jinyoung kept his promise. He came over that night with a bag full of different bath bombs and candles for you to pick. While he got things ready, you sat on the counter in nothing but a bathrobe looking at him. Jinyoung was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants but he still managed to look breathtaking. Once he was done, you got in the bathtub, the warm water immediately relaxing your tense muscles. Letting out a loud sigh of relief, you looked up at your boyfriend with a smile.
“Thank you.”
“Do you need anything else?”
“Stay.” You pleaded.
Jinyoung complied and sat on the floor next to the bathtub.
“No. Get in here.” You pointed at the bathtub.
He smirked before standing up to take off his clothes, slipping into the bathtub behind you, your back against his chest.
You turned your head to kiss him and he happily kissed back as his hands traveled down your torso. Later that night, the two of you ended up cleaning a lot of water from the bathroom floor in between giggles with a pleasant soreness in your thighs.
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The next day went just fine until you went home to get ready for that mysterious dinner party your father was throwing. As you picked an outfit, the same anxiety from the day before settled in your chest again. You tried to keep Jinyoung's words in your mind so that you wouldn't call your father and tell him you were sick before inviting Jinyoung over so that the two could watch some Netflix cuddled up on the couch.
You were the last one to arrive since you lived a bit further away when compared to Mingyu. There were a few unfamiliar faces at the table but your father was quick to introduce them to you.
“(Y/N), this is Mr. Im. He's one of my business partners.” You gave the older man a handshake “This is his wife, Mrs. Im.” You smiled at the woman before shaking her hand “And this is their son, Jaebum.”
Your eyes followed your father's finger landing on a man around your age with black hair parted in the middle and dark brown eyes. His body language showed how tense and uncomfortable he was with being there and you couldn't blame him. You felt the same way, but you did a better job at hiding it. But when his eyes met yours, Jaebum shot you a warm smile making him look like a completely different person and also making you wonder how fake that smile was.
“Nice to meet you.” Jaebum spoke, bowing a little.
“You too.” You bowed as well.
When you glanced at your father, out of the corner of your eye, he looked so happy with the little interaction between you and Jaebum and bad feeling you had, came back but stronger. There was a high chance your father was trying to set you up with Jaebum.
And you really didn't have a choice. In your lifestyle, ending up marrying people you didn't love for the sake of business partnerships was common. You were pretty sure that was how your parents met although they always dodged your questions about that subject. You just thought that by being forced to end up with someone they didn't love or at least knew enough to love would've pushed them away from the thought of doing the same to their kids. Apparently, you were wrong.
Throughout dinner, your parents kept telling you random achievements Jaebum had. Oh, Jaebum graduated college top of his class. Oh, Jaebum is friends with the famous fencer Jackson Wang. Oh, Jaebum cured cancer. Oh, Jaebum went to the moon. It was so obvious what they were doing that you just wanted to roll your eyes. But instead, you smiled and replied that's great because what else could you say? You didn't know him and you weren't interested.
When the dinner party was finally over, you were the first one to leave, desperate to sleep and for the comfort of Jinyoung's arms. After throwing your keys on the bowl by the door and taking your shoes off, you grabbed your phone and texted Jinyoung despite it being almost 1 am.
[You]: Are you up?
[Jinyoung]: Yeah. How did the dinner go?
[You]: My dad is trying to set me up with someone
[Jinyoung]: Do you want me to come over?
[You]: No, it's late. Get some rest
[Jinyoung]: I'm on my way. Be there in 10
[You]: Thank you
Ten minutes later, your front door opened and Jinyoung walked in while you were in the process of lazily removing your makeup. Without saying a word, he took the makeup wipe from your hand and gently started to rub your face removing all traces of makeup. Your eyes were half-open as you played with the strings of his hoodie. Jinyoung's presence was enough to calm you down, making it harder for you to keep your eyes open.
“I don't like him.” You mumbled against Jinyoung's chest.
“I know.” He reassured as he gently placed you on the bed.
“They're business partners. His father and mine.”
You stared at Jinyoung's back as he rummaged through your closet to get you something comfortable to sleep in.
“Let me guess. Your relationship is supposed to strengthen their partnership.”
“Probably.” You yawned.
“So you guys really like supposed to date?” He asked as he turned around.
“Yeah, I think that's how my parents met.”
“So does that mean you'll end up marrying him?”
Your lack of response surprised him. But to be honest, you didn't know it either. You hoped not, since you were going to be forced to marry someone you didn't love especially if it meant letting go of the one you loved.
“I hope not but…” You hesitated “It's a possibility.”
It was his turn to stay silent as he set the clothes he picked on the bed.
“We’ll figure it out.” He reassured you.
But by the look in his eyes, you knew he wasn't too sure of his words. And God knows you weren't either.
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The excuses your father would make up so that you could spend time alone with Jaebum were ridiculous. Sometimes he'd invite the two of you for lunch but then get stuck in a last minute meeting when in fact there was no meeting at all, you checked. That got you dozens of awkward lunches alone with the man your parents picked for you.
After a while, Jaebum got the hint and started inviting you for lunch. And over the time you got to know each other, you started to like him. Not in the same way you liked Jinyoung, far from that, but like a friend. In other circumstances, you could've been great friends. Your parents were delighted that you were spending time with him. You, on the other hand, weren't. It was inevitable what was going to happen, you knew where everything was leading to. But you kept ignoring it, spending every free second you had with Jinyoung knowing that you were running out of time.
Jinyoung knew about your lunch “dates”. Not from you, but because it was the talk of the company. Everyone cooed at how cute it was that you fell in love with someone in the same lifestyle as you and especially because Jaebum's father was one of your father's business partners. What they didn't know was that in your lifestyle, few were the ones who got to marry who they truly loved.
You kept reassuring Jinyoung in every way you knew how. But after a while, you knew the things you said sounded more like excuses. Fights started happening offer. Harsh words were thrown at each other and it'd always end with the door slamming.
“Then why the fuck are you still with him?” Jinyoung yelled.
You opened your mouth to reply but he beat you to it.
“Because you don't have a choice, I know.” He answered his own question, a sarcastic tone evident in his voice.
“I really don't.” You yelled back “But if you don't want to believe me when I tell you that I only love you then it's your fucking problem!”
You stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, breathing heavy and hearts racing, hoping that the winner of your stupid fight would be determined by a staring contest.
Your phone ringing on the coffee table made you look away from each other and the both of you glanced at your phone. Jaebum's name was displayed across the screen deepening the frown in Jinyoung's handsome features.
“Why is he calling you at this hour?”
“I don't know…” You didn't like that his question sounded more like an accusation.
Jinyoung glared at you as if you were lying to his face. You glared back aware that your phone kept ringing. The sound that usually sounded pleasant to your ears was annoying you in that moment.
With a sigh, you grabbed the phone, not missing the way Jinyoung's eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“Hi (Y/N), how are you?”
“I'm good how about you?” You tried to sound cheerful although you were far from it.
“I'm good, thank you.” He paused “Listen, my parents, asked me to invite you and your family to a dinner party at my house Friday night.”
“Friday?” Jinyoung perked up “Uh, sure. I'll talk to them.”
“Great see you Friday.”
“See you Friday.” You said before hanging up.
You hadn't even put your phone down when Jinyoung started arguing again.
“We have plans on Friday.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“I know, I'm sorry but this involves my family as well.”
“So you're just gonna cancel our plans?”
“I don't have an option.”
“Bullshit. You could’ve said no!”
“Jinyoung, please understand that…” You tried to reason with him but he wasn't having it.
“How do I even know that you're not fucking him behind my back? Because after all, he's your boyfriend and not me!”
If his words weren't enough to hurt you, the look in his eyes was. Your fists clenched and you took a deep breath before you said something that'd make the situation even worse.
“Get out.” The cold tone in your voice surprised the both of you.
His expression softened and he took a step towards you but you stepped back. With a sad sigh, he grabbed his things and left, quietly shutting the door behind him, unlike how it had been lately.
Jinyoung's words made your chest ache and tears well up in your eyes and for the first time in a long time, you allowed yourself to cry.
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Friday came quickly, although you felt every second. Jinyoung's words didn't leave your mind and you were sure that they didn't leave his either. You knew that from the amount of unopened texts on your phone. You knew that from the cups of coffee and the boxes of pastries from your favorite bakery on your desk every morning. You knew that from the little post-it notes he left asking you to meet at your spot. You didn't text back, you didn't drink the coffee or eat the pastries and you didn't show up.
As you got ready for the dinner, you decided to wear a full face of makeup hoping it'd conceal your tired expression and your sadness. Jinyoung was still the only thing on your mind as you drove to Jaebum's house. Jinyoung was still the only thing on your mind throughout the entire dinner. Jinyoung was still the only thing on your mind when Jaebum asked for a moment after dessert, grabbed your hand making you stand up, went down on one knee and pulled a little velvet box out of his pocket. Jinyoung was still the only thing on your mind when you said yes.
From the time you got to know Jaebum, you learned to read his eyes. His face didn't show all lot of emotion but his eyes betrayed him most of the time. And in his eyes, you saw the same thing he probably saw in yours. Neither of you wanted to do it. Yet, in front of your families, the two of you forced yourselves to smile and hug after he slipped the shiny ring on your finger. In front of your families, you were nothing but puppets who played your part to keep them entertained.
And when you were finally free from them, wanting nothing but to cry in Jinyoung's arms, Mingyu shot you a sympathetic smile as he got in his car. That was enough for you to break down in tears as you started the car.
You drove to the only place where you knew you'd feel safe, the fight you had with him a few days prior was long forgotten. Knocking on his door, you wiped your tears with your left hand. Jinyoung opened the door, his eyes immediately spotted the ring.
“I'm sorry.” You sobbed.
He pulled you into his chest and closed the door. To be honest, you don't remember much of what happened that night, only that you cried yourself to sleep until the early hours of the morning as Jinyoung rubbed your back and whispered sweet nothings into your hair.
And little did you know that things were going to get worse for you. Because when you woke up later that day, the heaviness in your chest still present along with a newly arrived headache Jinyoung was nowhere to be seen. And when he finally walked in, dressed up for work, loosening his tie, he seemed surprised that you were awake.
No one said anything and the tension in the room was palpable.
“We need to talk.” You both said at the same time.
You sat at the kitchen table, fumbling with your hands in your lap as you waited for him to talk.
“I think we should stop seeing each other.”
Your head snapped up to meet his eyes, finding them already on you. There was no trace of happiness, jokes, sadness or anger. Nothing.
“You're going to get married, it's the right thing to do.”
“But I love you…” Your voice weak like a child being scolded.
“I love you too.” He paused “But that's not enough.”
“We...we're from different worlds, things could never work between us. I'm surprised how we lasted so long.”
You blinked your tears away but your efforts were in vain. Once tears started streaming down your face, Jinyoung looked away from you. Seeing you cry would make him cry and then you'd end up crying in each other's arms apologizing over and over.
“Please...don't do this.” You shook your head.
“You're going to marry Jaebum, you're going to fall in love with him, you're going to have kids that will be as beautiful as you and you'll forget all about me. One day my name will be nothing but a faint memory of the one who loved you before you realized what true love was.”
“No…” You sobbed.
“(Y/N)” Jinyoung's hands reached for yours across the table, giving it a light squeeze “It's for the best.”
But it wasn't. Breaking up with you was the worst thing Jinyoung could do to you or himself. And no matter how much you begged, he didn't change his mind. When you left his apartment with a box of all your stuff in your hands, adding to the heaviness in your chest and your headache, you had a broken heart.
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Over the next two months, you were barely at the company. Your mother insisted you were involved in the wedding preparations. Flowers, venues, bridesmaids, dresses, guests, invitations, band, the wedding theme, you handled everything. Jaebum tried his best to help you but he looked really clueless as you gave him a list of flowers you could have at your wedding. After that, you'd just inform him of what you chose and only required his presence when it came to the food served at the wedding and the cake.
When you were at the company, you were in and out of meetings. Jinyoung was also there. It was hard to sit in the same room as him when you weren't together anymore, it was hard to look at him. You hadn't spoken since he broke up with you and it was almost better that way. That didn't stop him from stealing glances at you though. During the meetings, his eyes were either on you, on the ring on your left hand or on his notepad where they should be all the time.
Mingyu was a great support to you throughout the entire process of planning a wedding you didn't want while brokenhearted. He was here when you broke down crying from stress mixed with anxiety and sadness. He was there for the bad moments and for the rare good ones.
During the rehearsal dinner, your parents and Jaebum's were trying to decide where you'd live after the wedding.
“I'm guessing you don't want a house too big at first am I right?” Mrs. Im asked.
“Nonsense.” Your mother replied before you even opened your mouth “They're going to need a big house for when they have kids.”
Your eyes widened and without noticing you dropped your fork making it clink loudly against the plate. Everyone at your table stared at you and you smiled nervously as you tried to come up with an excuse.
“How many kids do you think I'm going to have to need a house that big mother? Besides, my apartment is perfect for now.”
“(Y/N) dear, you can have as many kids as you want. Money is not a problem and you can hire as many nannies as you need.”
You clenched your fists, the metal of the fork digging into your skin as you glared at your mother. But before you could say something that'd probably ruin the rest of the dinner for everyone, Jaebum spoke.
“(Y/N) is right. Kids are not our number one priority right now. It's going to take us some time to settle in so a smaller apartment would be perfect for now.”
You sent a small smile his way and raised your eyebrows when your mother scoffed under her breath. And before the two of you would start arguing, Mingyu raised his glass and proposed a toast.
“To (Y/N) and Jaebum.”
Everyone clicked their glasses, fake laughs all over the room. As you sipped your drink, you and your mother glared at each other over your cups.
Why was she even talking about kids? She knew damn well that you didn't love Jaebum. Why would you have kids with a man you didn't know?
Besides, Jaebum wasn't the father you wanted for your kids. Jinyoung, on the other hand, was perfect. You imagined coming home to Jinyoung as he greeted you by the door with your child in his arms. Raising them together. First teeth, first words, first steps, first day of school…
“Why are you smiling (Y/N)?” Your father's voice woke you up from your dream about your impossible life with Jinyoung.
“Uh, nothing.” You shook your head.
Too bad that your dream would never come true.
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A few days before the wedding, Jaebum showed up at your apartment with a couple of soju bottles in his hands. You let him in, worried about his appearance since he looked like he had aged ten years in a couple of days. After getting two shots glasses, you sat down at your kitchen table talking and drinking.
“You look really tired.” Jaebum randomly commented.
“I am tired.” You chuckled “Planning this wedding is kicking my ass. I'm not sure if I still fit in my dress.”
“I don't care about the color of the flowers, to be honest.”
“Me neither but it's not like we have a choice.”
“I know.” He sighed.
After a couple more shots, you found out that Jaebum's tolerance wasn't as high as yours.
“Can I admit something?” His speech was slightly slurred.
“I'm in love with someone else.” It didn't come as a surprise but you were relieved, at least you wouldn't start your marriage with do something to hide.
“Me too.” You confessed.
“She's engaged.” He poured himself another shot.
“Does she love you back?” You dared to ask.
“Yeah, she does. Her parents don't really like me though.”
“I'm sorry.”
“What about you?” Jaebum leaned his head into his palm listening attentively.
“He's not apart of this...lifestyle. He works at my father's company.”
“Does he love you?”
“He does.” You smiled but it didn't quite reach your eyes.
It was sad that two people who didn't love each other had to be together while the ones they truly loved were out there, suffering and heartbroken. You couldn't even imagine how Jinyoung was feeling. You pictured him at his apartment in bed reading a book but eventually putting it down since he had read the same paragraph several times but didn't pay attention to it because you were the only thing he could think of. Then you imagined him laying down hoping that your scent was still clinging onto his sheets.
Shaking your head and pushing back the tears that started to well up in your eyes, you poured yourself another shot. You had to move on.
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The day before the wedding was spent with your closest girl friends at a spa, as they gushed over how lucky you were for marrying such a successful handsome man. Truth to be told, you didn't feel lucky at all. But you let them believe you did, you played your part well. After all, that was what everyone expected from you.
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On your wedding day, you were a ball of stress and anxiety. Yet, to everyone around you, you seemed calm. Too calm. You felt miserable, you felt like crying and screaming but you couldn't.
“Did you and dad meet the same way Jaebum and I met?” You asked your mother as she zipped up your dress.
“Yes.” She finally admitted.
“Were you in love with someone else?”
“No, why?”
“Nothing, just curious.” You shook your head.
Your bridesmaids walked into the room, their high pitched voices were heard before you even saw them and they were giving you a headache. After they all complimented you on how good you looked on your Vera Wang dress, you walked if they could give you some time alone since you wanted to relax. It wasn't exactly a lie, but you just wanted them out of your face.
You hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours, your fingers itching to call Jinyoung. He was probably home feeling like shit, knowing he was minutes away from losing you forever.
And it wasn't like you could divorce Jaebum later on. Divorces weren't really a thing in your world. You knew a lot of married couples who acted as if everything was fine but the love had died years ago if it was even there in the first place.
You glanced at the hotel room door behind you. And all it took you was twenty seconds of insane courage for you to grab a notepad and a pen that were laying around. You wrote two notes. One for your parents, your family, Jaebum's family, the guests.
Don't look for me
Then another for Jaebum, the man you were going to leave at the altar. The man who was as broken-hearted as you.
I'm sorry
After placing both pieces of paper in a place where they'd be visible, you placed your engagement ring next to Jaebum's note. Then you grabbed your bag looked back. You were aware of the consequences of what you were about to do but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
“(Y/N)” The door opened revealing your brother “Mom sent me here, she said you were acting weird.”
You looked at him as if you were a deer caught in headlights. Mingyu took a quick look around the room, understanding what you were about to do.
“Are...are you running away?”
At his words, you broke down in tears letting out all be sadness and stress you had pent up for so long.
“I can't do this.” You sobbed “I can't.”
Mingyu locked the door and walked over to you, a serious look on his face.
“Do you know what happens if you go through with this don't you?” You nodded “Do you think Jinyoung is worth all that?” You nodded again.
Your brother sighed and ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair. He looked at you one last time before mumbling under his breath.
“Fuck.” He opened the door and peeked into the hallway “C’mon.”
“What are you doing?”
“I'm getting you out of here. C'mon hurry up you idiot.”
Without thinking twice, you followed him out the door. One of your hands held on to the dress preventing you from tripping while the other grasped your bag tightly.
Mingyu chose the stairs instead of the elevator and you were thankful that the hotel you rented out for the wedding was less than ten stories high.
Everyone else was in the back where the wedding would happen and the only person in the main lobby was the receptionist. Mingyu held up a finger to his lips and the man nodded. Once you were outside, Mingyu called you a cab.
“Wait, what about you?” You asked once you realized in how much trouble you brother could get by helping you run away from your own wedding “Why are you doing this?”
“You're my sister and I love you. And if you know that Jinyoung is the one that's going to make you happy, then…”
“Thank you.” You wrapped your arms around his torso hugging him “Thank you so much.”
Mingyu opened the car door for you. You glanced at the hotel door to see if anyone was coming after you. No one. Inside the cab, you looked up at your brother who smiled fondly at you.
“Thank you. I love you.”
Those were the last words you said to him before he closed the car door. You gave the driver Jinyoung's address and as the car drove away, you looked back at your brother who was still watching you. You waved and he waved back before returning to the hotel.
The car ride to Jinyoung's apartment was filled with anxiety but there was so much adrenaline in your veins that you barely noticed it. For the first time in a long time, you felt alive and you were loving every second of it. The driver stole glances at you every once in a while, probably dying to ask about the dress but you ignored him.
Once the cab came to a stop, you paid the driver and got out of the car as best as you could when more than half of you was a dress. People walking by gave you weird glances but you were only focused on one thing.
You knocked on the door and waited for what it felt like forever for the door to open as you prayed that Jinyoung was home. When the door opened, Jinyoung let out a shocked gasp and you smiled.
He looked you up and down a couple of times trying to figure out if he wasn't just imagining it. Maybe it was just his brain playing tricks on him, just to make him suffer and realized the mistake he had made when he let you go.
“Aren't you going to let me in?” But the moment he heard your voice, a sweet sound to his ears, he knew it was real.
“Fuck yes.” Jinyoung pulled you in for a kiss closing the door behind you and pressing your back against it.
You were pretty sure that your dress was stuck on the door but you didn't care. Not when you were back in Jinyoung's arms, not when you were back home. Because that's what it felt like. Coming back to Jinyoung felt like coming home after a day out in the cold, like a warm feeling that spread to your chest and brought a smile back to your lips.
All your worries, all the sadness, and stress from the previous months were gone like they were never there in the first place. You had turned your back on your family to allow yourself to be happy for once and there wasn't a single fiber in your body that regretted it. You knew that things were going to get hard for you after what you did but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Not when you had Jinyoung back in your life. It'd be the two of you against the world. But it was okay. After all, you were his home too.
feedback is appreciated :) i’d link my ask box but tumblr is a dick
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
More Than You Bargained For (Part 2)
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Summary: The reader isn’t too thrilled about all of the rules Jensen has for her...
Pairing: Bodyguard!Jensen x reader
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language, stalking
A/N: Such grrr Jensen...
You would have been shaking probably if you still weren’t pissed as hell.
“Why does someone want to hurt me?” you said, Jensen still looking like he did in the foyer, inspecting every detail of the room.
“It’s probably some crazy fan just trying to scare you,” said Alex, sitting down next to you on his couch.
“No. Someone wants to capture, torture and kill you, Ms. Y/L/N. Your life is in danger. Serious danger and the sooner you come to accept that, the smoother this goes,” said Jensen, looking out a window now, not even bothering to look at you as he spoke.
“Alright,” you said, standing up, running your hand through your damp hair. “I guess if I need a bodyguard for events until this whacko is caught, I’ll have to be okay with that.”
“Mr. Calvert, may I please speak to Ms. Y/L/N in private?” asked Jensen, Alex nodding before he stood and left, pulling the door shut behind him. “Ordinarily when I deal with spoiled princesses, they don’t have psychopaths after them. Just rich daddies watching out for their daughters or some pop queen that thinks the sun shines out her ass. It’s why I stopped working those details. Uncooperative clients are a danger to themselves and to me.”
“We need to work on your fucking people skills, Jensen,” you said, storming over to him, ready to spin him around when he side stepped out of the way before you ever touched him.
“This is not a game, Ms. Y/L/N. This is 24/7. I will be by your side at all times. You will limit your social engagements both inside and outside of your home. You will have a full time security team put in place to monitor these grounds. You will not go anywhere unfamiliar. You will not interact with anyone you do not already know. Most importantly, you will do exactly what I say without question. And my name is Mr. Ackles. Do you understand?” he asked, staring you down, obviously waiting for you to break down.
“Those might be your rules, Jensen, but they sure as shit aren’t mine,” you said, lifting your chin up, nothing showing on his face. “I will play along with this for my brother’s sake for now but I would highly advise you find this person and quickly.”
“Or what? Going to go crying to big brother?” asked Jensen, bending down to smirk at you.
“Fuck you,” you said.
“Now you’re acting like a real client.”
Jensen stupid face Ackles had moved into you house that afternoon. Normally everyone was gone at the end of the day, just you on your own on to enjoy the little bit of quiet time where you could ignore the phone calls and the texts and emails. You could be alone in your house and it was so amazingly nice. You could sneak down to the kitchen for some ice cream, whip up all the foods no one in this industry was supposed to eat, just be normal.
Except Jensen stupid face Ackles was sitting at your kitchen counter, sipping on a cup of tea on your favorite barstool, reading over a stack of files.
“Don’t you ever stop?” you asked, being as loud as possible as you trudged into the kitchen, flinging open the fridge to grab a pint of fudge chocolcate ice cream.
“No,” he said, jotting something down on a notepad.
“You know, I don’t really like strangers sleeping in my house,” you said.
“Well too bad I have a bedroom then, isn’t it?” he said, looking up with a squint, his eyes bloodshot.
“You’re actually making me look forward to going to work bright and early on a Monday morning,” you said. “You can have all the fun playing with blueprints you want.”
“I will be going with you to work,” he said, returning to his files, ignoring your scoff.
“I’m on a film lot. They have security there,” you said.
“Part of being a body guard means the person doing the guarding, me, needs to be near the body they’re guarding, you. Your new security team has already been made aware of security sweeps they’ll need to do of your trailer and sets daily,” he said.
“Security sweeps? What, someone going to kidnap me in front of a crew of 100 people? People I’ve worked with for four years?” you asked.
“Unlikely but they could. The person after you might decide to blow you up, shoot you, stab you. No craft service food either from now on. Only home cooked meals,” he said.
“You’re a wee bit paranoid, aren’t you?” you said.
“It’s what you pay me to do,” he said, cocking his head. “I would like you to cancel your appearance at your friend, Ellie’s birthday party tomorrow evening.”
“Uh, no,” you said, Jensen dropping his pen, glaring at you. “Cut the tough guy shit Jens, I’m not buying it.”
“There will be several hundred guests and-”
“And it’s my best friend’s birthday party. I’ve been helping her plan it for months. You know how many real friends I have? She’s about it so sorry bud but I’m going,” you said, stabbing into your ice cream more than eating it at this point.
“I will need to attend and stay by your side at all times. I’ll also need a floor plan and-”
“Whatever,” you said, tossing your spoon in the sink and the pint back in the freezer. “You’ll need a tux.”
“Of course I will. I’m going with a spoiled princess after all.”
“Oh my god, you did not say you were bringing freaking Adonis as your date,” said Ellie, wrapping you up in a big hug, giving Jensen a wave he ignored, eyes scanning the backyard where the partygoers were. “Where did you find him and does he have a brother?”
“He’s my bodyguard,” you said quietly, Ellie’s jaw dropping. “It’s fine. Just...someone’s playing a prank and Alex is being all paranoid. Tricked me into letting this guy follow me around all day.”
“Well if you don’t want that puppy, I’ll take him,” she said, eyeing Jensen up and down.
“Trust me. You don’t want this one,” you said, giving her a smile. “Come on, let’s get a drink.”
“Ms. Y/L/N,” said Jensen, growling when Ellie was handing you a glass of champagne. You cocked an eyebrow and downed the glass. “Ms. Y/L/N you are not supposed-”
“I’m pretty sure my best friend isn’t the one you’re after, Jensen,” you said, rolling your eyes, throwing your arm over her shoulder. “Come on, El. Let’s have some fun.”
“You know, for an asshole, you are really fucking hot in that tux,” you said, laughing as he helped you up the stairs to bed more than a few hours later.
“You have a knack for doing flaming tequilla shots at an alarming rate,” he said.
“Was that a joke Mr. Ackles?” you said with a grin, Jensen sitting you down on the bench at the end of your bed, watching him take off to check your bathroom and closet, already knowing both of them were empty.
“Good night Ms. Y/L/N,” he said, quickly leaving, his door opening and closing down the hall quietly.
You were humming happily the next morning, glad for the day off after wasting Sunday afternoon with your new bodyguard going over the gajillion rules he had for you and the people that worked for you. It wasn’t a large team of people but you hated how formal Jensen was towards them. Sure, they were technically hired help. But you still cared about them and how they were treated.
Maybe you could try to get him to lighten up some today. He had a very, very nice face after all and you were sure it’d look even better with a smile on it.
“Hey, Mr. Big Bad Bodyguard,” you called as you headed downstairs, spotting Jensen working at your kitchen table. He lifted his head up, watching you play with your phone as you tried to pull up what you thought was the funniest video of all time. But a text interrupted that and made your stomach turn.
Looked so good last night. Bet you look pretty on the inside too.
“I am working you know,” he said, taking only a second before you heard his chair screech on the floor, his body hovering over yours as he read the text. “Son of a bitch. I need a guest list of everyone at that party last night, every person working there,” said Jensen, his hand on his ear, your eyes flickering up to notice the little flesh colored piece sitting inside of it for the first time. “Ms. Y/L/N, do not delete that message. We might be able to track it if we’re lucky.”
“It’s just a prank dude,” you said, putting the phone in his hands, going back to making up a quick breakfast, Jensen talking on his radio with someone, typing away at his computer while he practically barked orders. He went quiet eventually, his body tense but no other signs that he was concerned.
“We need to be more careful,” he said.
“Okay then,” you said, standing up when you finished, changing out of your pajamas and into your work out gear. Jensen wasn’t in the kitchen when you got down there and you went out the back, starting your normal jog. You’d just started your second lap when you heard feet stomping behind you, your head turning to see him in shorts, a tee, sneakers, and a face that said he had half a mind to kill you.
“Do you want to fucking die? You get a message like that and then go outside by yourself?” he said, turning you around when you slowed, coming to a stop just before the tree line.
“It’s my fucking yard. It’s all good,” you said. Jensen growled and you felt his hand grip your shirt, tightening in it so hard it started pressing against your neck. “Let go of me.”
“I told you that you do not, under any circumstances, go running out here by yourself until security is completely installed and even then you check in with me before you do it,” he said. You shrugged but he held on tight. “If I wanted you, I already caught you.”
“I’m not a child, asshole,” you said, bringing your foot up and kicking him in the nuts, his hand still holding your shirt as you slipped out of it, panting as he forced himself to stand upright. “I told you, I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“Prove it. I want you in your home gym in thirty minutes. You beat me, I’ll get off your back,” he said, tossing your shirt back at you, his eyes never once glancing down.
“You’re in way over your head Jensen.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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We Got This, Baby John Laurens x Reader: Chapter 2
T/W Breakup, mention of alcohol
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6  Chapter 7    Chapter 8 Epilogue
       “Sorry you got stuck working with me. Alexander just said you would be the best person to work with, and I got excited about meeting the person who finally makes him go home to his family, so I didn’t even think to ask if you wanted to. I’m so sorry, we didn’t even think about your feelings.” John had talked a mile a minute to you over the last two weeks. The last few weeks had been hell for you, personally, but you’ve pushed passed it. Charles still hasn’t come home or even responded to your calls or text messages, but that’s not surprising for his character. He always has been cowardly, so when you told him about the baby, no wonder he went running.
       Over the last two weeks you hung out (more like they forced their friendships on you) with John, Laf, and Hercules a couple times outside of work hours to have a game night, movie night, and even “family dinner” with the Hamiltons. You declined alcohol every time without blowing your cover. Even on the two Sundays off you and John went to go volunteer at the charity you were partnering with. It’s been awhile since you have had such a fun time with people; you did not have a lot of friends before you gained this job but you sure lost them after you started in the Treasury building; you spend most of your days and hours of the week on Capitol Hill. But John, Laf, Hercules, and even Alexander (you still call him Mr. Hamilton/Secretary at work) definitely helped distract you over the last fourteen days, but you were four months along now and it’s do or die time for the relationship with the father of your child.
       You snap out of your own thoughts and try to return to John and his conversation. While most of what John was saying is necessary to gain insight in what needed to be done, much of it was babbly in nature, although you secretly didn’t mind. His voice, with a soft southern drawl, was extremely soothing and easy to listen to. His hazel eyes are easy to get lost in, and oh so easy to make contact with for long periods of time. Today John had tried to gain more insight into you, and you have to admit it feels nice to be listened to, but unfortunately it wasn’t your own boyfriend who was listening. You sigh for what feels like the hundredth time today, and it prompts John to ask,
    “Is everything alright?” You look up from the papers strewn across your oak desk, and glance to your left where John is sitting a few feet away. Thinking for a moment, you answer,
              “It’s just personal issues. Not currently important.” Rather than dismissing it like you hoped he would, he sets his legal pad down and scoots a bit closer- still leaving a good distance between the two, but enough to signal a change in conversation.
       “No offense, and if you truly don’t want to talk about it I’ll drop it, but you spend as much time here as Alexander does. If you cannot process your personal issues while you are separated from your personal life, then you don’t have time to process it at all.” You take a moment to think about the statement. Right as John starts to scoot away, you speak.
              “My boyfriend hasn’t been home for the last month.” For the first time in the span that you’ve known him, John doesn’t take the conversation by the reigns, but waits for you to speak. You continue, “A month ago, I told him I was pregnant and he hasn’t been home since or answered any calls or texts.” John’s response was his eyes widening, but he still managed to stay quiet. “Oh, yeah!” you inject as you notice his facial expressions. “I have a boyfriend. Maybe. I’m not sure at this point. I know it’s shocking for me to even date with my work schedule, and yes I’m pregnant. Charles’ schedule is similar to mine, though, since he works on Capitol Hill, so he should at least be getting home around the same time, but I haven’t seen him in person since I told him about the baby. It’s making me more anxious about this pregnancy than I should be, but honestly I’m not surprised.” You take another deep breath, and continue. “I’m four months pregnant, and cannot freaking get a hold of the father of the child.”
       John’s face goes from confused to empathetic, and clearly thinks about what he’s going to say. When he speaks, his voice is again, soothing and easy to listen to.
       “You know, I’ve heard the Leader of the Free World, a French Ambassador, and the Treasury Secretary are all very fond of you, and would happily help make him answer, and if he doesn’t answer well, he’ll disappear.” You giggle, and with that giggle a smile appears on your face and the tears forming in your eyes started to disappear.
              “I honestly might have to take you up on that offer. Thanks,” you answer, finally feeling a bit better. “I think I’ll go to his office later to see if I can get a response. He can’t run away if I come to him, right?” John nods in agreement but looks very pensive. You start turning towards your work and for a few moments it’s silent.
       You and John solidify the 5K fundraiser for the local charity he’s working with, also a few volunteer opportunities that the people on Capitol Hill can participate in like serving meals, running yard sales, and packing gifts for underprivileged families. Posters were the next on the agenda, but it was lunchtime, and you were scheduled to attend a meeting with Mr. Hamilton at the White House, so your work day with John was done. As you put everything in its proper place, John clears his throat and you look at him. Your hands were still planted on your desk gathering papers, but a warm, comforting hand covers your left hand that’s gripping firmly on the papers.
       “You know, Y/N. Charles will be extremely idiotic to not come crawling back to you. You’re phenomenal and the way you’re handling everything shows that you are a strong person. Charles doesn’t deserve you, your badass personality, or the fantastic baby you’re sure to have. If i can do anything to help you, please let me know.” Before you can say anything, John is walking out the door and Mr. Hamilton is sauntering towards you. Gathering your bag which is filled with two notepads, plenty of pens, two water bottles, cough drops for when Mr. Hamilton screws up his voice, and some fruit when you get hungry from the meeting going over time, you smile. As you and the Treasury Secretary walk out of the office, the building, then into the car waiting you ask
       “What type of meeting is this?” Hamilton responds
               “It’s a cabinet meeting between us, the president, and Jefferson.” You nod, but internally you feel cold because Secretary Jefferson meant seeing his assistant, Charles. You breathe deep, and rub your stomach, playing it off as straightening out your dress.
       “Baby, I hope John is right.”
       You and Mr. Hamilton strut into the White House (you really actually stride quickly to keep up with your boss’ strut) and towards Mr. Washington’s Oval Office. When you approach the office, Mr. Washington’s voice carried out the doorway and you can already tell that Secretary Jefferson was there. Once Mr. Jefferson spotted you his face lit up, and he reached his right hand out to shake your hand in greeting,
      “Ms. Y/N, I’m so happy to see you once again. Your presence certainly deafens the harshness of Secretary Hamilton’s. Are you sure you won’t come work for me?” You plaster on a smile and retort,
            “Oh Secretary Jefferson, you’re too kind, but I’m afraid I stay with this job because of Eliza’s wonderful personality.” You can picture Mr. Hamilton’s eye roll, but Secretary Jefferson’s laugh filled the room. Secretary Jefferson physically filled the room easily, considering he’s six feet tall, whereas your boss is only about 5’7’’, Hamilton’s voice will overpower verbally and logically when the debate happens, which is truly why you stay with Hamilton’s office. While Jefferson is definitely a piece of eye candy, Hamilton’s politics is what you can get behind. Eliza, her cooking, and their children are definitely plusses, though.
      Behind Jefferson’s tall stature you see Charles visibly trying to shirk away from you. You mentally roll your eyes, and decide it’s not worth it at this point. You’ll talk to him later.
      Three hours of arguing back and forth, it appeared that you, Charles, and the president were all nursing a headache while Hamilton looked victorious, and Jefferson looked pissed. Secretary Jefferson did smile and kiss your hand as you left with your boss, but other than that, it looked as if Charles was going to have an awful rest of the day of work. When you and Hamilton get back into the car, he holds his hand up and says
      “High five!” you grin, and enthusiastically respond in kind.
            “You did well as always, sir.”
      “Thank you, Y/N. In other news, I have a question for you.” Your attention is pulled towards Mr. Hamilton
            “Yes, sir?”
      “This is not my business at all and I know you try to keep your personal life separate from work so you have every right to not answer, but did I witness some tension between you and Jefferson’s assistant Lee?” You sigh.
            “Do you actually want insight into my life, sir, or are you trying to be kind?” He thinks for a moment and says,
      “You’ve been my assistant for the last six and a half months. I actually care, Y/N.” This statement brought tears to your eyes, but you continue looking forward.
            “Yes, you did sense tension between Charles and I.”
      “Do you care to expand a bit more?”
            “We’ve been dating for the last two years, living together for the last four months, but he hasn’t come home in the last month.” You take another deep breath, “And while I know what I’m about to tell you does affect my work status and I’ll actually create an official form and everything, but… I’m four months pregnant.” To your surprise, Secretary Hamilton didn’t seem shocked. When you bring this to his attention he chuckles and explains
      “Eliza has been pregnant three times. I do admit I’m not the most observant person in the world, but when it comes to the people who are consistently in my life, I do pay attention.” He lets that sink in for a moment and he adds, “If you need anything, please let us know. When you’re ready to tell Eliza, she’ll be ecstatic. Otherwise, I firmly believe you deserve better than that coward.” You giggle a bit. “Also, running to the restroom every morning isn’t necessarily sneaky.” Your eyes open wide and you snap your attention back towards your boss and he’s shaking from holding back laughter.
            “Well excuse me,” you retort, completely and utterly shocked with how this has gone down. You look at Hamilton and ponder for a moment before coming to a decision. “Actually, there is something you can help me with.”
      The favor you asked of your boss was pretty simple. Drop you off at the Harry S. Truman  building, to meet with Charles out of the blue, and have a car waiting to take you back to work so if you were going to cry, you didn’t have to do so in public. Walking into the building, you steel yourself mentally and place a smile on your face to keep up your image and not give anyone the idea that you were here for personal matters. As you walk into the main office outside of Secretary Jefferson’s, you notice the curly haired man talking to the father of your child. Oh, this is perfect.
    Walking up to Jefferson and Charles, both men notice you, and the former’s face lights up, and the latter pales. The Secretary of State of course is the first to speak.
    “Y/N! Please tell me you are here because you changed your mind!” You grin and play along with his flirtatious manner but respond,
        “Actually, Secretary Jefferson, I am here because I need to steal Charles away for a moment. Is that possible, sir?” Jefferson’s facial expressions remain the same when he complied, and gestures for Charles to follow you into an empty conference room. When he sits down in a leather chair, you contemplate doing the same, but all your thoughts and concerns come rushing to your head and you just think to yourself; Is this the man I really want to help me raise my child? You look towards Charles once again and his head is tucked down and your decision was suddenly so clear. You clear your throat and Charles’ head pops up to look towards you. Had he always seemed so timid? You loved the fire and passion he had for his politics and beliefs, but you think about all the times he’s just gone along with what everyone else was doing. You think about how he basically left you for the wolves without any help with the baby. You think about the fact that Charles’ brown eyes that used to always be in your mind had been replaced with hazel ones.
    “You don’t want this, do you?” You ask, resigned, and a little sad. Charles shakes his head and answers,
        “I’m not ready to be a father Y/N. You know that. I’ll help financially with whatever I can, but I cannot be responsible for another human being.” You nod.
    “You realize that this is the end of us right? I’m keeping this child. This child is important to me and no one can stand in my way of taking care of them.” Charles’ brown eyes, somehow lacking any connection you’ve ever felt with him, make contact with yours and you sigh, “Yeah. This is the end.” Without another word you turn, walk out of the room, wave goodbye to Secretary Jefferson and into the waiting car.
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