#i have actual older brothers but i dont...claim them??
anonbinaryweirdo · 1 year
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tossball-stick · 4 days
heyy i saw your latest post about john's aromantic trutherism and i didn't exactly understand what you mean by that... could you explain? i too don't think he is actually in love with abigail if that's what you were saying...?
hiii!!! 1: thank you for asking about this im excited to write and analyze him in this way
2: plsplspls get the idea outta ur head that aromantic people cant love. noooo i couldnt have been misunderstood more. i wanna clarify that i do think john loves abigail. i just dont think that love is all that romantically motivated and ive got a few reasons to believe so.
3: uhhhh uhhh this ended up being like 2.5k words of analysis on john im sorry. no one on tumblr has asked me my thoughts about him before so this is the first time im talking about a lot of the stuff here and theres so much ive thought about johns character and its all messy and intertwined. itll be a little all over the place. i am deeply sorry.
okay. first reason? hes otherwise not much of a romantic. whether he wants to be or not, he falls flat on his face every attempt there is at being romantic with abigail (rarely do we see him be romantic with other women) is usually met with disdain, if there even are many to begin with. its rare to hear john say something pleasant about having a woman, and its rare to ever witness them having a good time together while in the gang. 
...up until the epilogue and john gets his shit together. but by that point i could argue further analysis as to how john isnt wholly himself by that point. hear me out.
john and arthur are two halves of one whole to me. its clear theres some sort of void in john after arthur dies, and he still holds the memory of arthur very very dear. he does his best to keep the memories alive, in fact, in a way to keep arthur alive. 
this starts extending to some kinda interesting parallels, though. writing and drawing in arthurs journal like he did, the hat being placed on johns head, john proposing with marys ring, the phrasing and tone of johns proposal is also shockingly familiar to arthur telling john that itd make him happy if john went to his family... after arthurs death, i find john taking on many of his traits even. he becomes more quiet and closed off, we see it even in rdr2 with arthur telking him to "knock it off with the whole being mysterious thing" or whatever. arthur claims its to act like dutch, but ill do you one better, its clearly just john idolizing his older brother and trying to be like him to be a proper man. this brings me to my next point...
the time period of rdr2!!! yayyy cowboys, the victorian era, Did u know. being a man was something you had to do in previous american and european cultures? this slowly started fading as we roll over into the 20th century, but there was a lot of emphasis placed on performing your role as a man. to be a good man, you must do xyz. otherwise, you are seen as immature, as a boy, as a child. 
throughout the entire series of red dead redemption, both 1 and 2, theres a lot of stuff pointing towards jogns struggle to Be A Man. arthur and dutch frequently refuse to let him grow up, still calling him "little john" and still treating him like hes a rowdy unruly boy that needs to learn better, not a man who should know better. hosea is the only man treating john like hes a man, and even then id say hes fairly lax with the guy. only as the story of rdr2 progresses do we see arthur start to shift his view towards john. not as a boy to stay a boy, because the gang isnt gonna be around forever. john cant keep being a boy. he needs to become a man, take care of his family. 
working off a distinctly gentleman influenced view of masculinity, johns inability to be a man is almost directly tied to his inability to be a proper romantic for his wife. compared to arthur, who is seen taken women on dates and flirting with them just to make them laugh at times. hes dancing with the ladies and helping them up and down the coaches, wagons, and horses. john like. just barely remembers to do that for abi in the epilogue. again, his failings to be a true romantic are tied with his failings as a man. 
in rdr1, this even extends to bill having the bit of dialogue, "you always were a scared little boy!" continuing to imply that john is not a man, hes never been a man. the only reason we can read him as a man Now is because we are going by arthurs definition of manhood. we can extend this further and say bill still views john as a boy because john does not live up to bills expectations of manhood- while arthur may view being a man as something chivalrous, more gentlemanly, bill clearly views masculinity as power and violence, without much to do with women. john does not live up to that, to bill, until the end.
if you read "masculinity" as "being romantic and chivalrous towards women", then, as john fails at being a romantic, he too fails at being a man. there are a lot of other ways john is immature and childish but this is a really easy one to point out if you know the time period and just how much emphasis was placed on both romanticism and manliness, and how they intertwined.
third reasoning for aro john: his family wasnt his for so much of his life. this one is another one that needs a bit of elaboration i fear.
the story of john and abigail getting together is simple enough. she joined the gang at 17 as a sex worker, slept around with some of the gang, then for one reason or another, very clearly believed that the pregnancy was johns. john runs away for a year.
in this time, we dont know a whole lot about what gang life was like without john. however, with arthurs comments about marrying abigail himself and loving her, and his close relationship with jack, i think its pretty clear arthur was the one being a man in johns place. when john left, there was a john shaped hole arthur had to fill. (i also like to think this because the potential misery of arthur having to lose his family a second time once john returns is fun to me.)
even in the story of rdr2, we see john Love and Care For his family, but its never in the same, romantic way arthur seems to involve himself in abi and jacks lives. john will defend them with his life, but when it actually comes to pulling himself up by his bootstraps and being a father or a husband, he kinda just drags his feet and gets lost. he has to be told to reunite with his family at jacks party, despite, in my eyes, his love for jack being very clearly displayed while they were looking for him. 
this is only bolstered by the conclusion of rdr2, with john and arthur on the mountain. arthur, in all his holy parallels, like jesus passing the virgin mary off to john the beloved, arthur tells john it would make him very happy if [john] went to be with his family and left. arthur is passing his family off onto john, the same as jesus passed his family onto saint john. (this one hits harder if you know the rest of the "arthur is jesus" parallels and symbolism but i feel like those would be more impactful as a web weave, and i cant make one right now haha. most obvious one i can think of to support this though is arthur being a scapegoat, dying for the gangs sins.) remember these points they are the most important and will come back later.
reason number four: "but javier-!" shhhhshshsh lemme talk. yes. john is infinitely more intimate with javier than abigail. however, again, we must take the time period into account.
not that far off from many disgusting redpill communities today, back in the 1800s it was typically expected for men to socialize with men and women with women. there was a certain level of bonding you only had with your wife, as well as a certain level of bonding you only had with the men who were close to you. 
i have got to grab this fandom by the shoulders and say rockstar did not make these men as affectionate as they should have been with each other, and thats completely platonically. this is taking romance out of the equation, these men considered each other brothers and family. they were all in a cult together. they would have been very close, and also very affectionate! they would confide in each other and hold each other and cry to each other. they would make gifts for each other and sing and dance together. you can at least see them all pass around beer bottles between each other.
do i think john and javier are closer than most? yes absolutely. do i think javier is in love with john in some way? yes absolutely. do i think its romantic? ehhh maybe. do i think john loves javier? yes absolutely. do i think its romantic? ....noo not really. their whole dynamic reads as one sided through and through to me. even if they ever got together im sure they were quickly apart again, and i doubt the relationship would have been fulfilling in the ways javier would want, leaving him longing still.
the "ive always loved you, even now" immediately funneling into a crate being shoved onto john to knock him over can also be metaphorical- javiers love is disarming to john Because he does not know how to react to it. hes never known how to react to it. hes never known how to react to love from anyone, because "love" seems to feel so much different for everyone but him.
reason ff. fiiiiive. dear god. im sorry for this being this long: john loves. he clearly loves very hard. he was clearly wrecked by arthurs death, he would clearly crawl through hell for his family, he was clearly hurt because his love for javier eventually stabbed him in the back. however, to me, a lot of this love feels similar to the love john has for dutch, or arthur, really. its familial, its platonic, it sure as hell isnt romantic. (even if the games themselves like to joke about it being so lol.)
its just clear to me that he loves. he cant not love jack and abi after everything hes done for them. he cant not love javier after being so close for so long. but in the same vein, he cant not love dutch for the same reasons. ysee what i mean? his devotion to his wife and child feels identical to the devotion to dutch, compared to arthur, whos devotion to eliza and isaac directly went against his devotion to dutch.
much like with dutch, where john was still seen as a boy, he will ferociously do the big things for his family (saving jack, defending the ranch, tackling gangsters and robbers). he will almost always fail to do the little things that would make him a true man, though. yknow. winding down, relaxing, just working, not getting involved in fights. spending some time with his family maybe. 
he can shape up and be good, he just never does. 
and i think thats why hes so torn between leaving on his own, leaving with his family, or staying with the gang. theres no difference between romantic, platonic, or familial love for him. when arthur tells him to go be with his family and john replies "youre my brother" its not only announcing arthur as family, but i think it only reinforces that blurred line of what love is for john. "i love you the same as them, why must i leave you behind? if they are family and i love them, then you too must be family, for i love you."
point six: i hope you remembered the first few points like i told you to. you did remember right
this brings us back around to john not being a man by not being a romantic, arthurs family being passed off to him, and also john not wholly being himself later on. in the epilogue, between 1899 and 1908, we hear about how john has been unable to avoid trouble and has them on the run still. whenever abigail asks something of him, he instead goes and does what he wants. its only after she leaves him (ultimate failure of being a man) do we see him start to shape himself up again, and i would argue this shaping up increases substantially after he reunites with charles. charles sets him on the right path and reawakens that memory of arthur. i imagine being close to blackwater also helps here. id argue due to charles' apparent closeness with arthur, and then sudden closeness to john due to john being all thats left of arthur... it makes john also feel like hes all thats left of arthur. i believe after speaking with charles and thinking to himself, he decides to fulfill the one dream arthur had, seemingly, at the end: take care of the family he had lost. well, eliza and isaac are six feet in the dirt so next best option: abi and jack. 
john starts to become quieter and more in his own shell- by rdr1 hes struggling to even really ask people for help with the most basic things. he becomes a lot more of a romantic speaker. he had always used fancy words with the gang, but never with charismatic purpose in the way i feel he does in rdr1. he starts making the decisions he thinks arthur would make. as a result, the hole that arthur left behind when he died, does not get filled by john. instead it simply gets filled with whatever arthur john can muster from within himself.
id also like to bring up john being the favorite, but not the golden boy. he was the youngest and most spoiled, but he was not the one dutch turned to for just about everything. he was still living in arthurs shadow, so i imagine all of that also plays a role in johns choice to live like arthur to get his family back, to be a man. he failed at being a man by his own merits. arthur was a real man by his own merits, lets just do what we've always done and look up to our older brother about it. copy what he does. clearly hes got it all figured out, even though you know he didnt, after reading the journal. 
this all is finally bolstered by john making the choice to kill micah and repeat the VDL cycle of violence, which ruins the perfect life he made for himself. he makes another decision HE, not arthur, HE would make, and thus has to deal with the consequences. 
in conclusion: i think john loves a lot and very hard. hes passionate about these people. but in his own words towards javier that start to become readable as projection, "hes a cynic that wants to be a romantic" and "hes all passion, no love ('no love' being how he perceives it, due to the views of those around him. he loves abigail and jack, he loved arthur, though because his version of love was different than theirs, its not read as love. therefore, he has none in his own eyes)." 
all of this coupled with a detached attachment style that leaves him cold and distant leaves him being tugged along in romances he truthfully does not feel the same about. he says he does, because he loves, but he doesnt know why the love isnt the same. so, clearly, since he loves, he must want the romance. he has to perform it for love regardless of if he truly does want romance or not. if he loves, he must be a romantic, and hes failing at being a romantic, so he cant be himself. he must be someone else in order to convey his love to his family.
i hope i got everything across alright ^-^ feel free to ask questions or send more asks ive got plenty more where that came from
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lime1991 · 10 months
hold on i have to recraft my trolls age hc... i just learned there was a brozone website and on said site we have:
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January 2nd 1999 is, maybe, Branch's birthday? And instead of being like "awesome im a big brother" Floyd just goes "thank god im not the baby anymore" after hes born.
Baby Branch's oldest message is this:
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February 26th 1999. He's over a month old at this point, but the phrasing of "tonight's show" leads me to believe he was part of the band from literal birth (also why Floyd's first reaction to his birth is "thank you for saving me") and therefore this isnt his first show.
The last logins for all of the brothers is March 11th 1999
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And just a day before, according to John Dory, new merch dropped
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Soooo i think its safe to say around March 11th 1999 is when the band broke up after their ruined performance, which makes sense that it was also the last time any of them logged into the website. (though i think it would be sad and sweet if it showed branch had logged into it sometime recently but whatever)
So that brings me back around to the age thing.
The trollspedia page states Poppy is around 21-23, and I agree and am more inclined towards 22-23 personally. Seeing as Branch was born in January 1999, he'd be 24 in 2023. But the only thing that confuses me a little is Branch saying its been 20 years since the band broke up:
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For 1999 to be 20 years ago, that would mean the movie takes place in 2019. And... honestly that's not too far off from 2023 so i don't mind that being the case, its always vague about what year its meant to be, a lot of animated movies are like this. Also i wanna bring up that the song Bridget and Poppy sing in the beginning (Good As Hell by Lizzo) came out in 2019, SO... its not impossible that the movie is meant to take place in 2019.
SO... with this all in mind... my new theory/headcanon:
As of 2019...
John Dory - 39 Bruce - 38 Clay - 33 Floyd - 28 Branch - 20
And as of 1999...
John Dory - 19 Spruce - 18 Clay - 13 Floyd - 8 Branch - 2 months
ALSO lets not forget the fact that troll age stages are different from humans', a 2 month old is singing and dancing in a boyband. They tend to mature past their actual age really quickly.
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(i know these are country trolls, but the idea is still there. as soon as they pop out the egg, trolls are basically toddlers)
And I've tried to keep my theory compliant with what the wikia says (like how Clay's 1999 self is referred to as a teenager, therefore i made him 13) because i believe theyre mostly right. however. i also believe the movie takes place in 2019, not 2023. even if that wasnt the intention of dreamworks, they wrote in the script that its been 20 years since 1999... that can literally only be 2019 lol.
But if we want to imagine it takes place in 2023, heres age hcs for that too:
John Dory - 43 Bruce - 42 Clay - 37 Floyd - 32 Branch - 24
Btw this means, in my hc, Poppy is 19 in 2019 and 23 in 2023, as is implied in the wiki. Which makes sense to me, because Branch is obviously older than her by at least a year. With my hc that Bruce and JD are only a year apart (again, in compliance with the wikia that claims JD was a teenager in 1999 and therefore not 20 like i want him to be. and making the "heart throb" not a minor bc thats weird to me) the moment where Poppy calls JD the "old one" but later fawns over Bruce is made extra funny when the two of them are so close in age.
But i want to say for the millionth time so nobody gets confused bc of all these numbers: I THINK BAND TOGETHER TAKES PLACE IN 2019!!! not 2023. And don't even ask about how the first movie truly fits into this, I DONT KNOW, they definitely did not fully think through a trilogy in 2016. Some things are just a product of when they came out and thats ok.
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AITA for basically being my cousins' 2nd/3rd parent and actually doing my aunts/uncles job for them
I (19 ???), have six young cousins on my mom's side who i see pretty often given everyone's schedules. Im really close with 4 of them, having grown up almost like siblings mainly with the two oldest. The two youngest dont care for me especially since one is only like 4 months old
Ive always been the reliable older brother/sisterish figure to them even when i was younger, it just came naturally. But in recent years ive had to pick up the slack in alot of things related to raising my cousins in a way. A goodish example is with the oldest, she's 16 and a few years ago I had to give her the sex and period talk cuz her school barely did anything about it (long story short they literally just gave out a basic (outdated) packet that basically just said "dont have sex, girl bleed once a month" in a horrible shameful way), and her parents just said "we'll explain when you're 18".
Ive done everything from teaching them internet safety to cooking to explain topics such as the sex talk because my aunts and uncles just dont do those things.
But enough context heres the main things,
One of my cousins called me dad in front of our relatives while we were all on vacation which caused a scene to say the least. It ended with me absolutely tearing into my aunts and uncles, which i admit wasnt the best choice but still, i basically tore into them about intentionally or not have almost completely abandoned their roles as parents. (Also one got tore into for basically forgetting their oldest in favor for their youngest so much so the oldest didnt get new clothes for two years)
The fight ended with me and my cousins storming back to the room we claimed and locking the door. We basically camped out there for the last two days if the trip, only leaving for food a night (had a bathroom connected to the room thankfully) we only really spoke to my mom and our grand uncle and aunt during that time
Its been about a month since it happened and things have atleast superficially calmed, still receiving the stray vague call out on social media and getting called an selfish asshole in a polite socially acceptable way. The only people on my side are my grand aunt and uncle, my mother, my cousins, and my friends
Im torn, because on one hand i care for my cousins and dont regret finally standing up for them all including myself.
But on the other its not completely my business on how my relatives raise their kids. I didnt have to do all that i do/did. I choose to do all those things and im still choosing to do them
I would speak to a professional or something but my last therapist dropped me cuz of stories bout my family (no joke she literally said "you're family is fucked up i have no hope in helping you, you're a lost cause") so tumblr what's your thoughts this probably out if yalls pay grade but still
What are these acronyms?
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doppel-doodles · 6 months
Watch me ramble on about Leshy, because I dont have time to doodle all of these-
The way Leshy "helps" Heket with cooking is basically she uses him as a trashcan, got any scraps? Just dumperoo it into your little bros mouth, doesn't matter if it's vegetable scraps,chunks of animal or follower meat. The little guy will happily consume anything.
Leshy is also very active during the night and prefers to take long naps during the day, but of course not in his home, naaaah homeboy is making himself comfortable in the sunniest spot there is, bonus points if there is a lot of nutritious dirt for him to lay in.
Building on that one, ever since his crown was taken he actually doesn't just do this because its nice but because he NEEDS sunlight and nutrients from the ground or else he'll get sick, normal food won't cut it in healthily sustaining him for long periods of time.
And of course he needs lots of water, him and Kallamar will often collect it together, though let’s be honest he carries the bulk.
Speaking of Kallamar he once caught Leshy being horribly malnourished as he was still adjusting to his mortal body, he was no longer used to the whole sun routine, and immediately Kallamar dragged him screeching and clawing tooth and nail to the nearest farm plot and proceed to bury him up to his neck in the dirt. Leshy was knocked out into a power nap almost instantly.
One can only dream of having an older brother that cares for you a delicately as Kallamar fr fr♡
Can we all spread the headcanon that if the seasons were to change Leshy's leafs would also change color and he would basically go bald in the winter?- I dunno man I just think that's such a funny idea. Also I'm not sure what idea would be better, him just being a bunch of sticks under his leafs or there being like actual flesh-
Also this in autumn:
Leshy:"It's not a phase shamura! "
Shamura:"Right you are younger brother, it is not a phase, but a season." *pats head*
And instead of getting acne berries would just start growing all over his face(for the love of the gods do not eat them-).
Out of all the Bishops he actually gets along the most with the Lamb, like you could call them friends??? even as he has no problem insulting them to their face five seconds later. Mainly because they also are pretty chaotic, which he respects. Leshy would even go as far as claim they could've been a worthy acolyte or even a favored disciple if they hadn't been born a Lamb.
He is the most aggressive towards Narrinder, he basically takes any opportunity to mess with him or pick a fight and if there’s none he will create one himself.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
i need to know what you think about uta being ace's and sabo's sister too... like imagine a perfect world where uta existed without the mess of film red (i did enjoy it but also uhhhhhhhh there are a lot of weird things abt it bc i dont think shanks would actually take in uta like that considering he did experience piracy as a kid. so why would he put uta through that even if she'd stay put on the ship–) ANYWAY. so lets say shanks found uta after obtaining the devil fruit and takes her to the nearest island (dawn island.) then found makino and luffy and convinces her to stay w them or whatever.
i imagine that ace and uta do bicker w each other a lot. however sabo is very kind and excited to have a sister!! he's protective of her and enjoys her songs. (which brings out a surprising singing side from sabo ehe...)
i also imagine that uta is as rowdy and gluttonous as her brothers tbh. i mean, she's the only girl there so she's more than likely to be influenced by them. ALSO imagine uta being raised by dadan wheewwwww.... i think if she was raised alongside asl bros, she'd end up way different than she did in film red and well- actually become a pirate– (maybe rivaling with her brothers? that or she acts as luffy's biggest rival to be pirate king as her way of supporting his dream) (idk im just thinking as i type)
so everythings the same but uta is there with three insane brothers (shes as insane too... she is their equal). though it's lowkey clear dadan has a favorite (she loves a tough daughter) and god everything w garp would be so insane too like. before sabo was accepted and started living with the bandits, garp was happy to have a granddaughter (till she said she wanted to become a pirate too 😭) BUT he makes sure ace and luffy treats their sister right and is again being a favorite– however, she wouldn't suck up to him like that. like how the brothers would shield each other from garp, she would also shield them from garp !!
"leave my little brothers alone, old geezer!"
and yes, even if uta is a year younger than ace and sabo, she still would call herself a big sister (especially for knowing luffy longer than the other two. shes just used to being the older one)
anyway... lets say asul au is a tjing, now consider ASUL + S as we love talking about asl+s. with uta around, sanji likely thinks that all sisters are good because shes nice to him too. and how she clearly loves her brothers too. but ofc, uta surrounded by brothers while claiming to be the big sister, makes sanji incredibly jealous about their sibling relationship. it reminds him of reiju and his brothers, how they never really got along. while asul got along really well. they fight a lot but it's never with the intention to hurt each other or make the other feel worthless.
and who am i if i dont bring up sabosan at some point LOL. (also mb that this ask is so long i just love uta sm and i love aus sooo bad <<3) uta is definitely one of the first to notice her brothers' fondness of sanji. she is fond as him as well but not the same way as them lol. she tells sanji some secrets about sabo and sanji just cannot tell if shes actually serious or not because of how mischievous her smile is. and uta absolutely teases sabo about sanji, especially when hes not around like– that little song that little kids sing when it comes to someone havinf a crush.
"sabo and sanji sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g !"
and luffy definitely chimes in while sabo is beet red and begging them to shut up fkldjfldj. makino and uta Looooves gossiping about sabo and sanji. makino does ask to tone down her teasing, which she does, but she can't help but push each other's buttons.
idk theres just a lot to think about if uta was raised with asl brothers and uta growing up to be a pirate :^)
THIS IS SO CUTE !!!! Honestly, Film Red never sat right with me but not exactly because of Shanks' decision of keeping Uta. I see that pretty much in character for the guy-- What I don't like is the way they rushed the ending and the way it all ended, in general. It's just obvious they wanted to do Uta's story but in a way that didn't affect the canon and it's just- Stupid. Idk.
But let's say Shanks meets Uta and spend some years together and she does consider him her father (as I see it, because in this sibling group all of them have to have daddy issues. Except Luffy. Because more than daddy issues he just. Doesn't care-) but he leaves her with Luffy because he says it will be good for her. I think she wouldn't agree with his decision and something like in the movie would happen. Where he just... Leaves. And Uta ends up hating him or at least resenting him a bit. And it's obvious he did for her and he had good intentions but she's just a kid, so she genuinely takes it personal. So, yeah, the girl stays as Luffy's older sister, basically. At least this is how I see it.
Then Sabo and Ace appear and- It's chaotic.
Imo, she's still a diva and she still loves music because it's in her blood and also, she spent some time with Shanks so she already has a bit of her personality made. But being with them makes her learn more about protecting herself and being a bit ruthless, although I think she's more of the type to ler her brothers do the dirty work and only follow them in their shenanigans if they go "You only say that because you can't do it!!" (<- Ace, definitely) and she has to prove she can be as strong as them. So she's a diva but she's a bit more impulsive and reacts in a more violent way. Especially with food too.
I think she wouldn't get along much with Ace at first because he's a mess and she's also a mess and they're really similar when it comes to being Luffy's older siblings so they wouldn't agree on most stuff. But daddy issues are a good way of bonding and I'm pretty damn sure that if Ace ever said "Should I have been born?" in front of her, she would go insane trying to make him see that everybody deserves to live.
With Sabo, though, I think they'd get along pretty well. Sabo is still chaotic but a bit calmer than Ace and he has a strong ideology that Uta would definitely share. He wants to make a statement for freedom and Uta agrees and tbh, he's a writer and she's a singer and there's no better friendship than that one.
Her relationship with Luffy is pretty much the same, except that she now acts way more as a sister and not only as a past friend. Of course. She joins them drinking too!!
Ngl, you can hate me for this but I think the events of Red could easily happen... Again... I mean... Not exactly those events but-- Uta's dream would obviously be to reach everyone with her music. To make them feel seen and loved and making them see they should live. Because after spending so much time with her brothers, she wants to sing songs for the rest of the people that feel the same way they do. She always has them in mind when she sings and she always, always, tries to make them have fun and enjoy life. I think Uta's perception of living and freedom would clash a lot with Ace's and she'd try to make him want to live through music. Same with with freedom and Sabo/Luffy.
But then Sabo dies. And Ace dies. But Sabo comes back and-- I am sorry, and I know it partially was the mushroom's fault, but she's kind of unstable mentally (who isn't in this show tbh) and it wouldn't surprise me that her blatant optimistic views would make her want to do exactly what happens in Red again. But I think this time it should be Sabo and Luffy the ones saving her and, you know, idk, maybe Shanks is there too but this isn't about him today. Whatever. She doesn't hurt anyone and it has a good ending, but it's not the point of the post--
So Sanji is there with them! Following what we've already been saying about Sanji staying with the ASL bros but now adding Uta!!
Uta would absolutely. Adore. Sanji. He's the perfect little sibling. He's cute and knows how to cook and he's literally everything that's right in this world. She complains about Luffy crying but when Sanji does so she only says it's cute and that he deserves to cry-- Uta likes cute stuff canonically and Sanji is the cutest thing, so it makes sense. Also, Sanji just assumes every woman in the world is perfect from that very second because between his mom, Reiju and now Uta he has only had good experiences with girls. He does feel kind of left out at first remembering everything that happened with the Vinsmokes, but Uta always tries to include him in every little thing!
She really likes teasing him and Sabo, though. Uta might adore Sanji but that doesn't mean she isn't a little bit mean to him. It's obvious that they like like each other because, you know, they're kids. Look at them. It's obvious. Uta knows, Luffy knows, Ace knows... Sabo and Sanji spend so much time alone and Sabo always tries to be next to him and he looks at Sanji with like, literal heart eyes.
Uta: Do you like Sanji? Sabo: Sanji? No. No. No. Sanji's just a friend... Uta: Why are your eyes shaped like hearts? Sabo: Allergies...
Uta is an artist. A singer. She's 100% a hopeless romantic. I will die on this hill. So while Ace is extremely "ughhhh" *disgusted noises* by Sanji and Sabo's flirting and Luffy couldn't care less (he just likes teasing them because it's fun to see them panicking), Uta tries HARD to get them together. They're listening to her songs? She will sing a romantic one. They're alone? She will gently push one of them closer to the other. They eat spaghetti once and she goes all the way to try to do the thing where they eat the same one so they kiss. Etc etc etc. She won't stop being a little brat about it too, teasing both of them. And it's driving Sabo crazy. Makino asks Uta about the kids because she knows the girl is as invested as her in the relationship. Funniest thing in the world.
Now I can't stop thinking about them spearating when Sabo dies, following what we said etc etc etc And Uta becomes a famous singer. She doesn't kill anybody, okay? Let's leave it on her just- Doing a huge concert. Sanji and Sabo have already reunited but please, imagine these two not dating just yet. They're in love and pining but not dating. Everyone hates it. And then Sabo joins them for the concert, ofc, and when Uta sees them again (and sees Sabo is alive?? Because what the fuck why didn't they tell her???) one of the first thing she says is "Okay, okay... So you two are... You know?" and they don't understand what she's saying but literally all the crew is like "They're still pining. Please. It's awful". Girl makes it everyone's problem so she does this kiss cam thing to get them together finally. Like I said, good ending.
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charbles · 1 year
What are your headcanons on what the missing children sound like?
My headcanon is that Cassidy sounds similar to Coraline but a tad bit younger.
Actually, thinking about Coraline there are some similarities between the two, associating with the color yellow, they have black hair (well technically not since Coraline’s hair looks like she dyed it but still), they went through traumatic shit, and they both technically killed the one who put them through basically hell.
I havent really thought about it but alot of my headcanons are just used in au, and the missing children (minus susie) are the bullies from fnaf 4, Your cassidy headcanons are cute though :]] i love them
so, gonna take this opportunity to talk about them
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This is Clyde Reyes, hes the bonnie bully and the missing kid possessing Bonnie, the dudes 13, generally he is very aggravated and hostile due to his raising, this amplifies when he is killed by william, however, he does take over the older brother role for Susie after death, and makes sure she is ok overall, despite circumstances. I dont have a voice claim for him, but i have a very clear like, idea of what he sounds like, hes got a raspier voice
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This is Susie Morgans, Little sister to the Chica Bully and the missing child possessing Chica, She is 8, she is very kind! She happens to be a bit too trusting when it comes to people, which led to her murder, her main issue as chica, the one that gets many people killed, is that she has a habit of PlayTSD, mainly believing nightguards and staff are playing hide and seek with her at all times. I DO HAVE A VOICE CLAIM FOR HER! She sounds like Darla Dimple from Cats dont dance https://youtu.be/yRcdLztYdeY
I Also have a few other missing kids but im assuming you just wanted the fnaf 1 missing kids :]
@galacticaldisaster is in charge of Gabriel and Fritz, so If he wants to add voiceclaims, im gonna @ him
Thank you for the Request and hc!!
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it seems like im gonna be a guy who talks about my experiences with antisemitism bc atm its a lot easier to talk about that than disability.
anyway i think one of the strangest things some gentiles believe is that ethnic jewish people dont exist. which not only undermines thousands of years of history, it is so so easy to disprove because we have things like DNA tests. If i took one of those right now it'd say 50% jewish. Im not sure if it would get more specific than that, but i do know that if it did it would say im mostly Sephardic and a tiny bit Ashkenazi. My mom took a dna test years ago and I dont remember the details but i do know that it said she is 100% jewish. I've noticed that gentiles who claim ethnic jews dont exist are so obsessed with "facts", but ignore evidence thats right in front of them. and yeah i know DNA test companies can do some shady shit but i promise you they didnt make up jewish ethnicities to sell more kits. If they did that it would probably sell less bc a lot of yall are antisemitic as fuck.
ok I wanna start this part by saying there is no actual "look" to being jewish. Anyone can be jewish regardless of appearance. However, my mom, brother, and I are all people that look pretty stereotypically jewish. We all have features that goyim associate with jewish people, such as dark, curly hair, sunken in eyes, and wonky noses. this is even more apparent in my older relatives like my great uncle and late grandmother bc in my family you look more stereotypically jewish the older you are. and it is embarassing to hear these gentiles act like ethnically jewish people cant possibly exist when I know their antisemitic asses would clock me and everyone else on my mom's side of the family as jewish the second they met us. please fucking stop assuming that ethnic jewish people talking about our lives is just white people pretending to be quirky and oppressed bc we do exist and we experience antisemitism because of it.
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randomwriteronline · 7 months
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ever since i described the hellish possibility of a lesovikk-varian-chiara-zariah-orde-krakua (+ gelu) toa team as an emo band the thought "ok but what if they WERE a band" has plagued my thoughts and hands, so here they are!! in human form bc ive just discovered anatomy and i cant do proper bionicles yet. i dont trust myself
i also have like. Lore about them. sort of. also pls help i need to figure out their clothes
Lesovikk (guitar) looks like he crawled out of a dumpster at all times but he does actually have a place to stay, he's just Not Doing Good. He can shred the angriest riffs you've ever heard but at heart he's a melancholy boy forced (by himself) to be Fucking Mad. Leader on the sole basis that the others would be worse. Usually cranky but turns into a bashful sunshine the second his friends Idris and Sarda show up, and it's super weird for everybody else to see him like that
Chiara (bass) is an old school punk who has bitten at least three people this month and fistfights Orde daily. They met at a concert while she was trying to swoon his sister and he kicked her in the knee. Fixes up the instruments constantly because their hq is a humid basement that messes the wires and stuff all the time. Most competent musically but hellish at human relations
Orde (keyboard/keytar/guitar) swears he had a psychic experience at a rave because the music was just So Good. The only ones backing him up are a bunch of guys who claim he brain blasted them during it and hate him. Cyberpunk guy. The band is named after a 26-books-long mystery-horror-sci-fi-psychological series he failed to write and Chiara will tell EVERYBODY about it much to his hatred
Zariah (drummer) hit a growth spurt at 13 and the rest of his body is still trying to catch up to it. Heavy metal goth who funds the band via his job as an ironmonger and metallurgist. No clue what he or the others are doing, he's just here to beat the shit out of the drums. Despite looking Not Approachable when people want to talk to the band they go to him because he's the least off the shits
Gelu is technically part of the band in that he drives them to places because none of them have a license or a car. His own car is a mad max death trap he built himself in his old days as a member of a fairly peaceful motor gang. Sometimes he still dresses up in "uniform". Universally beloved by the members of the band. Actually likes hanging out at their gigs to watch them perform. Also helps Lesovikk via therapeutic make out sessions (they're not together)
Krakua (vocalist) can fit so much volume in him. He needs to stand six feet away from the mic or he'll blow it up. Every single time he pulls out the heavy metal growl the audience is Blown Away. Scene kiddo, youngest here. His hair is Like That because it used to be shaved and he's growing it out. MIGHT have been in a cult but nobody is sure, it remains that he lives with Zariah for now
Varian sings with them sometimes but isn't a stable member of the band. She and Orde are siblings and he loves her very much but is too angry to express it normally. Goth who hangs with a bunch of normal people and her friend Norik who might have a crush on her which is why the rest get roped into going to concerts of her older loser brother's screamo cover band
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Imagine being Ronin Mikey in Eclipse Across Dimensions.
You lost your brothers, your father, you live in an apocalyptic police state run by the Footclan (who are why majority of your family are dead) with your sister and your niece. You want revenge against the Footclan's leader (you are also actively suicidal and constantly hear the voices of your dead family haunting you)
Then one day two mutant turtles literally fall from the sky. Both wearing orange masks (familiar orange masks, like the one you used to wear) they both fight with nunchucks (just like yours)
They are yelling the names of your dead brothers as they travel through the remains of your city, as if expecting an answer from the dead.
As soon as they two turtles see you, they full on CHARGE AT YOU AT FULL SPEED
You cannot escape them. They are FAST little fuckers. (And considering the fact that the smaller of the two threw an entire flying BUS at Foot Police...yeah you dont wanna tick him off.)
It doesnt take long for them to catch you. And then they are attached. Literally, you cant get them off of you. They are strong as hell.
You begrudingly head home (with the two turtles still clinging to you like leeches)
Once at home the duo start the rapid fire questions ("Have you seen our brothers?" "Raph is this tall and he's like a chihuahua!" "Donnie has a forehead bigger than Montana! You can't miss it!" "My Donnie has a gap tooth like Michael! Its more in the center so have you seen him?" "Leo is hurt really really badly but when I find him Im gonna wring his neck! So do you know where he is?" "Dark blue eyes? Twin katanas? Any tornados recently?") So you end up learning a few things.
One-The multiverse is real
Two-These turtles are alternate versions of YOU
Three-They are looking for alternate versions of your dead brothers.
Four-They have mystic powers
Five-Their brothers all got separated after the biggest deadliest fight of their lives to prevent an ACTUAL APOCALYPSE from happening. (Also one of their brothers, Leon, is most likely on the brink of death)
Its...a lot to take in.
These poor kids look exhausted, battered and injured (the younger one's hands are wrapped in bandages up to the elbows, his hands trembling nonstop, while the older one has an arm completely wrapped in a cast and a thick piece of gause covering most of his plastron) the least you can do is let them stay with you.
They take up residence in your home, claiming a pile of old pillows and blankets as their bed.
Neither of them leave each other's side. And considering everything they went through, you dont blame them.
The next week or so is spent searching New York for their missing brothers, because you will be damned if you'll let two versions of you experience the same pain and grief you did. You dont find the missing turtles.
And while the two turtles are terrifying to watch as they help you fight the Foot Police (despite the massive injuries the younger turtles have)
So eventually the two turtles leave, with sullen faces.
You feel bad for them, you really do. These poor kids are going through the worst time in their lives. Their family is missing, there was an attempt at Alien dominion, everyone is badly hurt. The entire world almost got destroyed. All in a day.
(The older Mikey gave you a cellphone shaped like a turtle shell. "If you find them or hear anything about them, please call us ok?" And then the two left)
You look through the phone's gallery (you dont go further than that) it was an older version with all the data already backed up. There are pictures, videos. Pictures of a family so similar to the one you lost, videos of eight turtles all having fun and beeing teenagers. It makes your heart ache. Your family used to look like that, before everything went to shit.
You can only hope that these two will be alright.
Then about a month later the two turtles return (in significantly better shape than before)
Maybe they found their brothers? Before you can ask they both look up at you with bright smiles on their faces.
You chat with them for a bit before...
"You're coming with us." The older one states. Its not a question, you dont have a choice.
Something's...off about them. (Maybe its the way their smiles looked strained, or how blank their eyes look.) Then you notice that their veins are jet black in color, visible on their skin all the way up to their cheeks. Its in their bloodshot eyes too, making the veins pitch black. It was unsettling.
You naturally back away, something clearly happened to these two since they left. The Mikeys approach, drawing their weapons. The smiles never leaving their faces.
You fight them, they move MUCH faster than before and they are so much stronger.
You don't stand a chance. Despite your decades of fighting and experience, your years of training, every single skill your worked hard to master.
It didn't matter.
For some reason these kids were whooping your ass into next Tuesday, every hit hurting more than the last.
It doesnt take long before your head is slammed into a wall, knocking you out cold.
The next time you wake you are tied to a surgical table, thick metal restraints keeping you pinned. You are in a lab of some kind, a dark lab that reeked of old blood an chemicals.
As you lay there struggling to free yourself you hear whistling that rings like bells. A tail being dragged across the floor, aow excited sounding growl mixing in with the two precious sounds. Theres also the click-clacking of high heels against the floor.
Four women enter the room. Three are wearing lab coats and appear to be mutants (The first one a ghostly white and lizard like, with long curling horns and four green eyes, she looks bored of you. Her hands have been replaced by what look like mutant wolf paws with claws long enough to slice your head clean off.
The second being shorter, a rosey pink colored salamander with matching green eyes, she looks mildly amused at your struggles. Bat wings that clearly do not belong on her body have been attached to her back, judging by the mystical looking band around her chest that probably lets her actually use the wings given the wire connecting to the back.
The third and tallest of the trio appears to be the most humanoid, she looked amphibious, with the webbed hands and the gills on her neck. Her skin was a dark blue, near black color covered in rainbow freckles, like water and motor oil. Her hair is black black smoke, wisping around like a snake. Her eyes are a bright red, framed by thin gold glasses. She has a massive burn scar on the right side of her face. She grins menacingly, her sharp pointy teeth glinting in the dim light)
The final woman is the shortest of all four, older looking with purple skin and wearing an expensive purple dress, blue coat with green fur. She moves her silver bangs out of her eyes before looking at you, a bright red gemstone on her chest practically glowing. She taps it, turning into a giant spider mutant.
"Hello my turtly boo!" She coos, having the audacity to boop you on the nose with her claw. "My havent you grown into a befuzzled behemoth! But so dull, where's the dazzle? The excitement?"
Oh jow you want to deck this giant spiser in the face.
She turns to the amphibian lady. "Dr. Bloodmoon, I expect this brute to be Battle Nexus ready by tomorrow night! Feel free to get as creative as your dimblely little heart desires, just make him more attention grabbing please. I need a new champion to replace the Shredder Beast after all."
The Shredder WHAT?
The amphibian smiles, her lizard assistants joining her with a sadistic look in their eyes. "Of course mother! I would be honored to create your newest champion. However I will need access to only the finest parts and materials. I'm assuming I can retrieve such things from the Nexus?"
The spider nods before leaving. "Do not disappoint me again, or you can go back to the disgusting little prison cell you were staying in!" Now you were left alone with the scientists.
The amphibian claps her hands. "We have much to do and so little time! Katrina, go retrieve a mamba scorpion stinger from the Nexus! As well as some Lycan claws and perhaps a few bat wings."
The white lizard nods before disappearing down the dark hallway.
"Anastasia, would you be a dear and fetch the bonesaw?"
"Yes Doctor." The pink lizard says, strutting over to a far shelf. The amphibian leans over you, watching as you struggle helplessly in your binds. Its like they get tighter the more you pull at them.
"When I get out of here-"
"You're going into the Battle Nexus Arena, and you will become the champion!" She suddenly grabs your face really tightly, her claws digging in your skin. "I am NOT going back to that prison cell, do you understand me? I am not going to sit there waiting to be executed because YOU refuse to cooperate. So you will do as I say or I will show you new levels of agony that would make you WISH you were dead! Am I CLEAR!" She hisses evilly while trying to crush your face like a stress ball.
"I already wish I was dead. So do your worst. Because I'm getting out of here and then your head will be rolling across the god damn floor." The woman looks shocked at your threat as her assistant returns.
The pink lizard holds up a large circular saw, probably twice the size of your head.
And it was literally made out of bones. Lovely.
"I want his liver." The pink lizard says, and you cant help but shudder.
The amphibian locks eyes with you. "You can have it, in fact you can have anything else you want besides the brain, heart and lungs." The lizard laughs, revving up the bonesaw.
"I was going to be nice and use a bit of anesthesia, but I much rather listen to your suffering." The bonesaw starts to be lowered to your exposed plastron. "Be sure to scream nice and loud so I can hear you over the saw ok?" You struggle harder in your restraints, trying desperately to break free.
As the saw comes closer and closer you can't help but think 'Is this it? Am I actually going to die like this? Without even avenging my family?'
You shut your eyes, bracing for whats to come.
It seems that even after all these years turtle luck is truly a bitch.
All you can do is hope the two Mikeys will somehow be ok.
The saw makes contact with your plastron and you can't help but scream.
It only gets worse from here.
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blood-injections · 1 year
talk 2 me about H Shoe Crab... (if u like) (I'm in a... Crabby... mood... heh)
I will GLADLY talk to you about Crab!! also fucking amazing pun i love puns. Okay so as you maybe know ive been putting the suitehearts through the genderweird beam between Sandman being. I mean just look at that guy hes so genderfluid and going oh what if i saiddd she/he Donnie but while Donnies thing is just like she doesn't care shes not transfem shes just, well, Donnie. Unfortunatly Benzedrine's the token cis guy until I maybe change my mind. Anyway I've been thinking about hitting H Shoe(is it Horseshoe or H Shoe is there a difference or is H Shoe just like shortened? I mean the canon is the last thing about any of this but what actually is it because I've seen it every way is there a right way?) Crab with the transfeminator because. Why not. Plus look at her. Also Crab and Jet Star would so be transfem partners in crime.
Okay I'm just gonna dump all the Crab things I've come up with while fleshing out my suitehearts stuff. So I think he'd be the only suiteheart that doesn't mind the fab four and that the fab four don't mind bc the crews totally have a weird rivalry all the suitehearts hate the four except for sandman but thats sandman. And also Crab bc hes just like cool like that. And the fab four all hate the suitehearts except for Crab bc again. He's cool like that. Like they respect him more where they dont the others and Benze especially. Again sandmans kinda an outlier tho the fab four dont hate him they just all think hes fucking annoying. Except for ghoul and kobra but thats ghoul and kobra. But like benz and party? At eachothers throats all day every day and not in a cool sexy way. But they all like crab and i think crab and jet would be best friends i think party would be like jealous of that but theyd like crab anyway cause hes just a cool zonerunner with a sweet face and you cant stay pissy at that. Kobra probably wouldnt care for him that much but he wouldnt mind him either and then ghoul would be like lowkey obsessed with him in like an annoying little brother that NEEDS to prank him kind of way but crab lives with sandman and is literally. Untouchable by mischief. Ghoul tries to prank him and Crab somehow Knows and always turns the situation around and Ghoul's just the one that ends up getting pranked instead or hes caught in his own boobytrap. Its bc ghoul and sandman are the same flavor of little shit.
Anyway. Horseshoe Crab fuckinggg. That guard dog post i think you know the one. Hes the loyalest fucker ever to Benze especially, I'm still deciding what like suitehearts ship to put for background shit in my funsandkid frankenghoul thing oh man whatd i title it. Um. Haunted and Holy. Yeah. Like. Benzecrab... but also with the way benze is characterized in that and what i have planned for like crab and ghouls interactions idk if itd work in it. Still tempted to try it though. But like Benzecrab or should have there be something between Crab and Donnie hhhfhh i cant decide. But yeah Crabs so fucking loyal to his friends especially Benze, in Haunted and holy not so much because benze going crazy and making a person and not treating him like a person is like. Not trustworthy behavior. But until that happens and in anything else. Super loyal especially for benze. And totally a big brother to Sandman like after meeting him was like okay this guys my dude now and claimed him as like a little brother so hes also fiercely loyal for them but more like protective rather than like. For benze hes loyal in that guard dog way where he has such extreme loyalty its become devotion and he'll obey his every command way, while for sandman hes loyal in protective older sibling way and like not guard dog but rather stray dog that sandman fed one too many times and so now hes claimed him and will protect him with his life but won't stop doing so if it commands him to. Protection out of chosen love not earned loyalty. If all that makes sense. And I kinda really want to write what would happen if there was a divide in the suitehearts and Crab had to choose between those things like if he had to choose to take the side of the guy hes devoted to and maybe loves if its benzecrab or the side of his little fucking brother even if theyre not related by blood it would be so sadistic of me to him and myself writing to make him choose between the guy he saved and pulled off the streets and who was his first crewmate versus the guy that saved him and kept him alive and actually made their crew. His leader thats earned his loyalty and respect versus the guy who was family to him before he ever met Benzedrine. But both equally loved by him in their ways. Imagine if he had to choose between them hehhehehege supervillian cackle.
I feel bad for not mentioning Donnie as much in this but i think crab and donnie wouldn't have as strong of a connection like they're best friends and crew theyd kill for eachother like anyone yes but i think theres not as strong as an emotional connection there as there is with sandman or Benzedrine because i feel like theyd both kind of be like. the underdogs of the suitehearts? Like they both have their own thing going on sometimes with crab being a zonerunner and donnie being a busy mechanic and not having met donnie until later like benze they wouldnt have bonded as much and i also hc Donnie as like distant? Like eventually thatd change but i think it takes Donnie like years to fully come around to them all. By then crab and her could be super close but i just dont think donnie would hold as big a candle compared to benze or sandman in crabs mind in the theoretical suitehearts split thing. Anyway can you tell I'm normal about them.
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thewarnerbrothers · 2 years
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uncommon (?) hc time. upon rewatching some of the og series and reboot ive become fairly certain that the warners (even the youngest) are, in fact, inteded to be teens. in this bulleted list i will
no but really
when i was younger i used to think 'huh these kids act weird for their age sometimes. its like theyre not even really little kids.' as much as i coo over their cute shenanigans, i can't really see them as anything 12 or under?
the warners are all at least teens. here's why
[youtube countdown video intro music]
their ages are never actually explicity stated in canon
their heights are pretty much meaningless. the tiny toons cast are meant to be teens yet are often half or even a third the size of bugs bunny. he's also small for the record, like many other adult toons
playing child or childish roles on the in-universe show is similarly meaningless. older kids/teens are easier to direct than younger ones (though the warners are difficult at times lol)
they constantly break character and the fourth wall in ways that betray older sensibilities, taste, and knowledge
having pitched-up voices isn't an age-specific thing for toons
in the reboot their voices aren't even pitch-shifted, making them sound older
the teen-level potty humor and dirty jokes (do you remember being 13? i do. if you think some of the innuendos in animaniacs are bad, i can guarantee you real middle schoolers were/are far worse)
wakko drinking grog. his 'liquorice' [liquor-ish] problem. also stating he'd 'try anything once' (bet he enjoyed woodstock lol)
i think people mistake wakko's wackiness and earnesty for stupidity and youthful ignorance. fanon really flattens him to just being 'the dumb cute puppy' sometimes
i don't think a case really needs to be made for yakko. he's the archetypal teenage boy character in many ways
dot is just as bad as her brothers LMAO
the warners all flirt like teens
they've referenced going on 'serious' dates before
literally just watch the show. what 9-11 year olds consistently act like that lmao
this part of the series bible (which as a whole i don't consider entirely canon but the bible is obviously is the basis of the entire og series)
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personally, i dont care what tom said in that podcast episode. i relistened to the part where he claims they're '9, 11, 14' or whatever and it sounded like he threw those numbers out on the spot LOL. the actual show gives an entirely different impression imo
not to mention its boring always being beholden to word of god
[as a sidenote, the hc that the warners are actually fully grown adults playing children is really fucking funny to me. imagine being a dwarf toon, sounding like chip and dale's chipmunk voices, and you run around the rest of your immortality getting away with murder because everything thinks you're a cute kid. like baby from WFRR but rubberhose. big 'woman who played a 9-year old in orphan first kill' energy too]
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in the end it doesnt matter a ton to me? im still gonna play around with their ages in fic like always. this new teen hc mostly informed how i see wakko and dot now, because they start making a lot more sense in my head
ive also started taking a liking to the 'wakko and dot are twins' headcanon but that's for another post
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saintbehemoth · 1 year
On the topic of Vhagar and Caraxes 💚❤️(see my answered ask from @korovievs)…let’s talk Daemond…
Need to know your thoughts on them. Personally, they give me hives (in a good way?)
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^ veryyy much this LMAO. and very specifically just the chorus from ethel cain's two children in a motel.
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on a more serious note. the second sonism of it all..... i think daemon occupies this idol space in aemond's mind, like this powerful fighter who wields dark sister, this monstrous sceptre who exists on the edges of aemond's world. he surely wouldve grown up with tales of daemon in the stepstones etc, then experiences his fathers rage at daemon and rhaenyra marrying. i think aemond would v much relate to having an older brother who hates him, and who the court percieves as violent and occasionally terrible. of course, unlike daemon, aemond doesnt actually do anything except stalk around (until luke). like hes daemon if daemon was a flop. what alsoooo gets me is how they both try to make themselves copies of visenya - daemon has the sword but aemond has the dragon; daemon has the fighting ability and aemond has.... the hair? (aemond styling himself after daemon...) as i said flop and imo hes painfully aware of how he doesnt measure up, hence his obsession with daemon during the war. destroying your god to become him etc etc
also IM obsessed with the fact that despite daemond's apparent longing for the throne neither of them actually depose of their brothers...... the way they both are misunderstood by the general westeros population oooouughh. something about loyalty. i think aemond would try to make this point to daemon, that they both support their brothers' claims, but daemon would never be able to move past 'but you have rhaenyra. she is your eldest sister. your loyalty should be to her'. even when viserys is dead daemon defaults to rhaenyra (and jace, which ..... ), but when aemond and criston search for aegon he's all like 'i intend to be found' as though aegon's son doesnt exist lmaoooo
like i do think that theyre mirrors of each other and that they would recognise that..... (this being in some au where they fuck). aemond would be like 'this is what i want to be... wild and free' but not really capable of recognising the deep sadness daemon has to him? (imo daemon's always got this... something, he doesnt actually like revel in his position, yk? hes violent, but not like psychopathic gleeful about it, i guess). on the other hand daemon would look at aemond and be like oh my god boy you are pathetic. full of arrogant bluster. i think daemon would still fuck him but there wouldnt be the obsessiveness on his side that aemond would have. like half of the pleasure would be from aemond being viserys son. the other half would be from him liking aemond being a psychotic little baby freak. depends on the dynamics i think there are several good ways. actually rethinking about it the ONE thing about aemond that would actually send daemon crazy (in a bad way) is vhagar. i think he'd be so obsessive about finding out WHAT it is about this boy that's similar to his laena and his father.....
anyway as a ship i dont ever think theyd be 'in love' (see lyrics) but like. theyre the same. except theyre not. except they are, but theyre not 😵‍💫 like i very easily see daemon being aemond's whole world while to daemon his nephew is a like a little pet to amuse him when rhaenyra is upset with him. hmhmmng toxicity <3
even in like a modern/well-adjusted au i think aemond would be like uncle daemon pls like me pls pls pls and daemon is jsut a bit like. and which one are you
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lots of thoughts..... i have more im pretty sure but thats all i can think of for now!!!
thank you for asking i hope this was at least a little bit interesting! would lvoe to talk about them more. kisses kisses
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sammygender · 5 months
thinking about that bit in the s10 episode i just watched where dean (and sam but i think mostly dean) recounts john taking them to new york and how there was SO MUCH in it. everything made me feel so vindicated i love love looove when spn suddenly lines up with something ive been thinking about. so much there.
dean being 'really underage' so i was thinking like 15 (not that id even describe 15 as REALLY underage, but these are americans) and sneaking out to a sick rock venue... <33. coolest kid around i love him. i like the establishment that dean did do things like that - it both makes me feel happier for him and slightly vindicates me against the people who claim dean was more sam's parent than his brother. thats not true. sure, he raised him, but he also snuck out to go to bars and dumped sam at random places and acted like an idiot older brother. and im glad dean got to do that.
15 year old dean (or some other young dean) being intentionally gotten drunk and implied to be roofied or drugged or whatever by a bunch of girls who were immediately all over him... hello... thats AWFUL..... god he must've been such a looker and i like it when canon acknowledges that. i have this idea in my head of like. 'funny looking' kid dean who's about twelve when he suddenly graduates from funny-looking to like relentlessly beautiful by just growing perfectly into his features. dean is always so aware of the way hes percieved physically in any given situation and always uses it in this specific way, from flirting with every girl around to responding to male aggression by way of cops etc by also like fake flirting or pretending they're sexually interested in him..... i dont always know where i land on 'precanon dean did sex work' hcs but this is something that does intrigue me about it. plus the weird and very sweet protectiveness he always has about sex workers - also just watched that ep where hes like trying to talk the soul-wanting sex worker out of it. ANYWAY. and the extremely casual way dean recounts this like its just?? something that happens to him??? hello???
then dean telling john he'd embarrassed him and he hated him...... doesn't really stack with everything else we've ever heard of child/teenage dean, but it's kind of interesting to consider. i guess he was incredibly drunk/potentially drugged. also this is from dean's perspective, a dean who was intensely gone and probably barely remembers.
and then we get a classic early-seasons style moment where dean recounts something about john winchester and goes Ha! Classic dad! What a great guy! and sam's like Dude wtf?????? except sam isn't snarky anymore so he just does a Look. i mean come on dean. ten minutes ago you said 'john winchester isn't winning any parenting awards' and now you're saying 'he raised us right!'. Dude. You KNOW that is not true. sam also knows you know.
that being said. i like seeing a moment of john winchester just being... a human guy. taking his kids to new york bc they kept begging him to and seeing all the fun sights. scaring the hell out of a bunch of terrifying punk teenagers who got his teenage son drunk. its more interesting to me to think that john is, like, a decent guy, aside from the child abuse, and probably would've been a much better dad if it wasn't for the trauma and the hunting and mary's death (though. i have to say. The way he deals with it is still his character!!! Putting it all on your very young son and venting to him is still like. Not something that a hell of a lot of people would do, even if they got just as revenge-driven. i reckon that specific type of parentification/spousification would've still have happened to dean. mary would've probably done it too.). the young john we see seems like a cool guy and he has strong as hell opinions about his future self's parenting (admittedly while not knowing it's his future self, lol). i reckon, on one level, john and dean did actually really get on. that makes the awfulness of it all so much more interesting to me <3
this post is all over the place but like. what an interesting scene. ill replay it and actually talk about in more depth and a more structured way someday.
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meear · 1 year
The Dumbledores as Cain and Abel
I spent years being confused at how you were supposed to spell "Aberforth", because I kept seeing different spellings for it.
That was before realising Aberforth's name was actually only Abelforth in the French version.
Once I noticed that, I had to wonder why such a change? And then I thought hold up... the translator is onto something.
It's very common for names to be changed in translation, especially in Harry Potter: you could ask anyone who didn't read the books in English, and they'd give you a bunch of examples. But most of the time, proper nouns are translated because:
1) there's some sort of pun in the original name, like "Ravenclaw", "Longbottom" or "Slytherin": these names were constructed from english words, so it makes sense to change them in other languages
2) the original name fits the character's personality. The names "Snape", "Moody" and "Umbridge" all carry negative connotations, so they're all a perfect fit for their owner. But naturally a non-english speaker wouldn't register that, so the names need to change
In short, HP names tend to have meaning, so it's natural to translate that meaning for a foreign reader.
But as for Aberforth, why would you only change one letter? "aberforth" doesn't seem to mean anything anyway. Google says it's Gaelic for "from the river", but I don't know how reliable that is, and this doesn't seem so important.
The only explanation is that the French translator wanted to insist on the biblical reference.
Aberforth (or Abelforth in French) does share many similarities with Abel from the Bible:
1) their name, for one
2) sheep-herding: Abel was a shepherd ("Abel became a herder of sheep while Cain was a tiller of the soil"), and we know Aberforth was fond of goats and tended to them as well
3) much like how God favoured Abel's offering over Cain's, we know that Aberforth was Ariana's favourite, not Albus
4) both Aberforth and Abel were the (more admirable) younger brother.
Cain was the traitorous older brother who spilled the blood of his own sibling. Albus admits his own guilt in HP7 and claims Aberforth was a better person than him. This leads us to the most important point:
5) Albus blames himself for Ariana's death. the story of Cain and Abel is known as the first fratricide in abrahamic religions: it is very likely that either Albus or Aberforth (and I'm convinced it was Albus) was guilty of that sin, which led to their sister Ariana's death.
So yeah, I don't believe for a second any of Grindelwald's spells hurt Ariana. Of course, they're all guilty nonelethess, but I think it's important that Albus directly killed his sister too.
So I looked around to see if this possible connection was already well-known, but I could only find traces of it on a French thread from 2007. It was before the release of deathly Hallows, so the guy only suggested it based on Aberforth's fondness for goats (ahead of his time fr). He wasn't taken seriously because well, someone pointed out Abelforth wasn't Abelforth in the original language. Now we have the Dumbledore lore though!
Rowling's a Christian, and that religious influence can definitely be seen in Harry Potter (especially HP7, there are even some biblical verses in that one). It doesn't seem far-fetched to me.
If she intended it, it's still interesting that the translator took it upon himself to make that connection explicit (i dont see why else he'd change the name). Then again, while I like the translation (I never would've realised the Abel thing otherwise), what if it HAD been a coincidence? Did the translator only create meaning from his own interpretation? Much to think about
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
Even though this was just a Drabble I feel as if I should still send in my thoughts 😂😂 tumblr still seems to have it out for me…though I’m not sure why. All that matters is that you get my words of appreciation for our precious musuem tara. Starting of the chapter strong with Tara (whose doing late Christmas shopping…amazing job on staying true to Tara’s characterization Bing! And having her make a call to Nate (I believe that’s who she was trying to call) and having her mistake Nate for Eddie was superb! It can definitely be tough when you’ve got twins. I’ve got a set of twins in my family and when I was younger would mistake them and my cousins would be fuming. I know the struggle Tara!! Nate and Eddie getting on each others nerves was the cherry on top. The duo that is Nate, Eddie, and Tara….I loved the interaction between them, the dialogue, I really enjoyed Tara actually taking the time to spend time with the boys and heed there advice when it came to reader. Nate being my favorite (I’m sorry Eddie) I adored his banter with his brother, Eddie made me laugh by trying to get Tara to buy reader a puppy. Good thing Tara rebutted with her claim about reader being too busy. When will eddie ever not be self conscious about his name? It’s a wonderful and great name!! I am interested to see what Tara got her. Again thank you bing for giving us more musuem tara! I truly believe she is a great staple when it comes to your work. We love her greatly and the universe you have built- HouseofWindosr77
why is tumblr being so mean to u smh
nate and eddie love each other, i swear, but yk how siblings are…it just felt right LOL
there will DEF be more tara, eddie, and nate all together, dont u even worry
nate seems like a crowd favorite thus far 🫣 and i think eddie will finally take pride in his name when he gets older and realizes how lovely of a name it is. plus, it makes him sound more…sophisticated when in social settings as an adult, i feel
the gift reveal will come in chapter 9 🤠
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