#i have always loved crystals and its been like. a bit of a childhood love of sorts. and i love cats so raha beloved !!
writing-for-life · 2 months
Dream's Therapist
I’m not sure if I should apologise for this brain fart in advance, but it just found its way to the page after this. Yes, this is how my brain works (or rather doesn’t)…
Intake Session
The client presented for his intake session on 22/04. When he made his appointment, he showed particular interest in the fact that this is an integrative therapy practice which uses cognitive, behavioural, somatic and Jungian approaches and is also versed in sex therapy. Naturally the ethical kind.
He was extremely on time (that is to say, close to three hours early), but he insisted on spending that time in the waiting area instead of coming back later. My receptionist assured me he did not move from the offered chair during that time and that he, in fact, did not move at all. She occasionally had to check (inconspicuously of course) if he was breathing.
Upon entering my office, he was polite if slightly aloof. He was dressed all black and refused to take off his coat. No problems with personal hygiene could be perceived from a distance. After getting seated, he enquired whether I could dim the lights ever so slightly because it was too bright, to which I agreed.
I noticed his staring at the crystal paperweight on my table for an extended period of time before he, seemingly out of nowhere, asked: “I trust your office is a mere illusion, a fleeting moment in existence?”
DT: Something like that I guess. What brings you here?
Dream: Well, I have these recurring nightmares. Not while I am sleeping, since I obviously don’t sleep.
DT: Obviously.
Dream: I create them.
DT: The nightmares?
Dream: Yes. And all of a sudden, they all suffer from… existential dread instead of helping to get rid of it. Also, my hair keeps getting tangled and knotted all the time, but I am not quite… certain if this relates in any way.
DT: Interesting. And how does that make you feel?
Dream (deadpan): Feel? I don't “feel”. I weave narratives, conjure nightmares, and occasionally attend celestial tea parties. Emotions are for mortals. The hair is inconvenient though.
DT: Right. Let's explore your childhood. Did you have any issues with your family?
Dream (I notice uneasy shifting in his seat): My family? My father, always running late. My mother… (I notice a slight tremble in his bottom lip)… well, she is… dark. My sister, Death, tells me I am a buzzkill, especially at family gatherings. Truthfully, I believe all my siblings are just trying to gaslight me into believing so because I can be… quite entertaining? (I notice uncertainty). Plus, one of them is… let's just say: they are the reason I have commitment issues.
DT: Commitment issues. Let’s expand on that a bit. Have you ever been in love?
Dream: (I notice extreme rigidity): Love is a quaint human invention, like gluten-free pizza or reality TV.
DT (I don’t know what that means and ignore it): I sense reluctance around the topic?
(He stares at the paperweight for a good 3 minutes)
Okay, let's try word association. I'll say a word, and you respond with the first thing that comes to mind. Ready?
Dream: Proceed, mortal.
DT: Sand.
Dream (I notice a raised eyebrow and a slightly tetchy sigh): Golden grain sifting through my fingers.
DT: Pillow.
Dream: A convenient weapon during astral battles.
DT (I momentarily feel confused and lose my footing, to which he reacts with)
Dream: I could show you? (I notice he makes a move to get up from his seat)
DT: That won’t be necessary right now… Word association: Unicorn.
Dream: (I notice grave seriousness) My ex-wife. I think.
DT: That should suffice for now. Let’s briefly discuss coping mechanisms. How do you handle stress?
Dream: Stress? When the universe unravels and the fabric of the Dreaming tears, I binge-watch reality shows. The Kardashians, mostly.
DT: Why the Kardashians?
Dream: Distraction. Inspiration. For all manner of things. Mostly nightmares.
DT (I notice the recurring theme of nightmares): Do you hold any hopes or dreams for the future?
Dream (I notice a nervous twitch around his mouth which he tries to hide unsuccessfully): I am the King of Dreams. Dreams shape reality itself. But if you must know, I dream of a world where everyone flosses regularly and understands general relativity.
DT: Why is flossing important?
Dream: I just like good teeth.
DT: Why general relativity?
Dream: Because it would help. With ships.
DT: What ships?
Dream (I notice eye-rolling and bridge-of-nose-pinching): Never mind.
DT: It’s okay, we can talk about anything that seems important to you.
Dream: It is of no import. Is time up yet?
DT: No.
Dream: Good, I shall leave then.
DT (I feel confused but try not to show it and respect the client’s wish to leave. I’m getting paid either way): Same time next week?
Dream (who is already standing): Time is a mere construct. But yes, let us pencil it in. And remember, reality is just a draft…
Further notes: The client suffers from insomnia and thinks he creates nightmares. He potentially has internalised he is one. He seems detached from his feelings to the point he believes he does not have any emotions and does not seem to relate to being human. He feels misunderstood by his whole family and suffers from the delusion that his sister is Death. He makes another of his siblings responsible for his failed relationships, which has led to the ingrained belief that love is not for him. He seems to compensate with believing he is above others and refers to himself as the “King of Dreams”. I notice a tendency to shirk potentially painful topics. He seems to communicate diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities apart from binge-watching TV, but he seems quite enamoured with the concept of astral battles and general relativity, which requires further exploration…
Next Session >
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noxxchive · 3 months
✦ Dazai and Chuuya childhood headcanons (1/2) ✦
part 2
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♫ Tell Me What To Swallow - Crystal Castles
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✧ warnings : mentions of s*icide, death, depression, mental health struggles, etc.・loss of loved one・mommy and/or daddy issues・ooc (???)
✧ a/n : 15 dazai, tdipud dazai and dark era dazai are all my personal Roman Empire it hurts… its hurts so much hes just a kid </3
w/c : 431
!!! these are just personal headcanons and are not accurate to the canon story !!!
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✦ Dazai :
He was an only child. As a semi-only child, I can tell. Trust me.
And like the real Dazai Osamu, he was raised in a highly respected and powerful household—though I headcanon Dazai to have been born in a noble family
BIG mama’s boy. Was very clingy to his mom
One of the reasons he grew super clingy to his mom was because of his father being mostly absent (again, like the real Dazai Osamu)
He was in Dazai’s life, but he was rather…grayish, transparent in his life; not in the picture, busy with work blahblahblah
Dazai did try to create some sort of father-son bond with his father—but he just gave up after a while, noticing that his dad didn’t show interest in putting effort into building a bond with him the way Dazai did
Dazai would/did try to make conversation about his interests in false hopes of his father making time for him
But his dad would just brush him off with comments like “that’s nice, but I’m a bit busy right now. Why don’t you go and tell your mom the rest?”
After a while Dazai even grew to hate his dad… no specific reason given. Perhaps how he never wanted to be a true father to him—his own son.
So, yeah. Big mama’s boy. Would give his mom random hugs, come back from their garden with some of the prettiest flowers picked and in his hand for his mom (along with his clothes covered in mf dirt)
And again, like the real Dazai Osamu, his mother was ill.
I personally like to think that his mom wasn’t the best mentally. Maybe because of her relationship with her husband and depression…
But she was always full of love for Dazai, pampered him, spoiled him and treated him with so much care that you’d think of Dazai as someone fragile and easily breakable.
Always defended Dazai with her life, seriously
He was a golden child and I will die on this hill
Dazai was perfect in everything he did, but he only did things he or his mother liked.
Couldn't care less about others or whether he would hurt their feelings (unless it would upset his mom and his mom only obviously)
And the reason he could no longer see the point in life or living at such a young age (+his ‘obsession’ with s*icide and death)
Was because of his own mother taking her life and Dazai having to witness it… The only person he held so dear…
…these are my headcanons, at least </3…
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Who are they"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about who are the people that are around you or will be soon (either 3d or 5d). it works mostly for group of people (friends, colleagues, classmates, family, Guides/energies), and it completes my old triptych idea: if you want to check my pac mastelist you can find the old readings about "Who is he" and "Who is she" (the first two parts).
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
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1 2 3
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 1
This is people mostly in your 3d but that you don't feel connected to. Or you feel inferior to, somehow.
Honestly it could be that something happened (even not directly with them but in your past, and made you behave differently and close off or fear being judged) or it's simply that you don't believe too much in yourself (you know... I think you totally should do that: we're all different, there ain't no worse or better. Those who are "better" than you in math may be worse than you in gym, you know... it's only differences, things some of us may like more and do better than others who may need to work more to get the same result). Anyway, it feels like you took this situation for what it seems to you "they will never like me" or anything on that wavelenght, but if you dared to come a bit closer, to try and let them in, to see the real them, to turn on the light (also on you, and be vulnerable about your fears), you would see a different reality. Sometimes we don't let communication do its job, or we use it wrongly by just saying things halfway and hoping the other understands what we mean but... the other doesn't have a crystal ball. They cannot read our mind, only our body language and random fearful speeches (and both of these do yell specific subconscious messages to the other). Take courage, be brave and try. Be the first starting a communication, and don't be scared to have to hold it first for a while. Let yourself know the other, be interested in them, and let them do the same. Some walls need effort to be thrown down, just learn to let go off the ones that you aren't supposed to bring down. Be respectful of them and you too (learn when it's right to give up and try with someone else).
song: that girl is you | dave matthwes band
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 2
These may be people (for only a bunch of you it can be one person) from your childhood, people you have been knowing for a while; people from a past life of yours or even your ancestors looking over you.
Their purpose is to support you, to help you go through life's hardships and joy, and feel less alone. Actually: you're not alone, they're always there, they never leave your side, either if you acknowledge them or not. They're always there for you. I do feel a very supporting warm friendly/brotherly/loving protective energy around you, no matter if you can't see these people yet, they're around you energetically. They help you, guide you, try to lessen your stress and think straight, be more clear and determined, balanced, in your mind and how you experience life. They're teaching you a lot. I do think for most of you it's your Guides or ancestors we're talking about, but it could be people from your soul family you still have to meet. They are now literally trying to guide you through some harsh decision you need to take, or out of a pretty difficult moment in which you may have felt stuck and fallen back into some old mental pattern that you need to leave behind, in order to be able to experience new things. New beautiful things. I think they're also trying to put someone on your path in some way, or you on the path of someone else, so that maybe you two can help each other. Just keep being hopeful and don't worry: things will change the moment you allow yourself to think they can and take the right action (starting with leaving the past where it belongs).
For some of you it could be your romantic soulmate higher self guiding you together with your ancestors/guides.
song: hold on | the internet
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 3
These are people or energies that may be spiritual or can be part of your ancestors/Guides/Angels group.
They are probably guiding you through an awakening or some sort of tower moment. They're trying to bring clarity in your life, helping you see through all the overwhelming emotions and the overthinking. They're helping you see the light again from in between the darkness, by moving their wings around you. Always rely on them, ask them for help and guidance. And if you have someone in the 3d that you can consider a mentor or that you feel you can talk to and ask for help to, please do that. Especially if it's a community and you feel better after talking with the people there. Seek comfort, you need that at this time. Tese energies want you to trust your inner guidance too. To trust that things are only momentarily and that you can get out of this situation. Despite it feels scary and you feel lost. Things will improve. They're always by your side, giving you signs of their presence and signs that can help you get out of this moment (which may be happening many times in your life, but if it's the first or one of the firsts, it may be pretty scary, ik) and understand it. These energies and people are always connected to you (or you can reach for them anytime you feel down), call on them if you need help in making things clear, if you cannot see the light. They'll guide you through. Try. Give it a try.
song: angel of mine | monica
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʏᴜꜱᴇɪ ꜰᴜᴅᴏ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ...
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Pairing: Fudo Yusei(YGO!5DS) x Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: What would it be like to date the Satelite Rising Star, Yusei Fudo?
Warnings: pre + post grand prix headcanons
A/N: Meet my childhood crush, yall.... there is absolutely no demand for this man. Literally none, but its 10pm and i was reminded of my love for this series from going to c2e2 last weekend. So. If I have to reminisce, I'm taking
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Yusei is one of the guys that literally every girl wants; He’s kind, compassionate, and has an unnerving drive for justice and equality for his people.
Yusei is the kind of guy who’s comically nervous about asking someone out
It’s not like he had any examples of healthy romantic relationships, or any relationships at all for that matter, growing up in the Satelite. He was more focused on survival since it was every man for himself in that literal trash heap
He may attempt to reach out to Martha for some advice, but it would not help in the long run considering her views are a bit...outdated.
He’s not going to Crow or Jack, that is out of the question - they can’t even take care of themselves.
The twins’ view on love and relationships is more refreshed for the times but still, with no offense intended, childish
The only person he virtually had left to even think about asking for help was Akiza, who, like in any cliche case, just told him to ‘be himself’
With virtually no other option the boy asked you out for a night-time ride. It was the only ‘romantic’ thing he could come up with, so he was glad that you enjoyed it regardless
Dating Yusei requires lots of patience, not just because he’s always working to upgrade his runner or practice new duel tactics, but because he’s just never done this before.
He’s aro-ace to me, and I think it's further backed by that one episode where Martha tries to set him and Akiza up and he's very much against the idea, because a) the world is quite literally on collapse, and b) he never sees akiza like that. He was indifferent to the idea of love and romance, having been so fixated on survival for all his life, and so he needs time to get used to the idea of caring for someone in more than just a friendly way, and vise versa
He’ll probably gift you with little things you find interest in, like flattering rocks or crystals he just so happens to pass by on his rides - “I saw this crystal-looking thing on my patrol the other night, I thought you might like it.”
Will almost always be looking for you in a crowd if he’s in a duel for encouragement and good luck. Offer him a good luck kiss on his forehead or his deck, it will calm him down (even tho he knows hes gon win regardless) while inadvertently flustering him, but he’ll promise to make the duel quick so as to not worry you
As the years go on, his priorities change. After finding out the truth of his birth parents and what happened in the Ener-D reaction incident, he opts to lay down his deck and take up his fathers unfinished research in Neo-Domino City
He misses his old life and is still in contact with friends like Crow and Jack, and often goes to visit them and you back in the satellite every once in a while
Yusei still takes you on those late night rides, and still does things to show you how much he values your relationship even after years of turmoil and the world literally almost ending like twice
Yusei is probably one of, if not the most genuine people in the world, who wants to see the good in everyone and be the person people can rely on
The one thing Yusei will ever probably ask of you is to help him zone out if he’s overwhelming himself, which he will because he’s a workaholic by blood, and needs a daring little lady to bring him down to a chill level when he’s overworked himself.
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
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I present to you, Jenna and Ethan :DD
(also since you asked to be tagged, @alizibtheterrible)
(pssst, here are the ref sheets for these kiddos)
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before I get into anything, here are my timelines in this AU:
2 years between moto and season 11, atleast 5 months between s11 and s12, 5 more months between s12 and s13, 4 months between s13 and the island, a month between the island and s15, canonically a year between s15 and crystallized, 2 years between crystallized and the merge, 5 years between the merge and the events of DR
and jenna and ethan's ages during these times:
jenna: a year old during s11, almost two years old during s13, turned three a while after nya left, four during crystallized, six when the merge happened, and 11 in current time
ethan: a year old when the merge happened, and 6 in current time
I..know it's probably confusing, but I can attempt to explain more if you don't understand!
my fic for these two is currently being rewritten!!
and now, time to ramble abt the kids!! (warning, VERY long)
their full names are: Jenna Edna Lilly Walker and Ethan Ed Raymond Walker (you can guess who was named after who)
jenna was born just a year after moto, and ethan was born also a year after crystallized!
and from that, the age difference between them is 5 years
jenna inherits jay's powers, and ethan inherits nya's
ethan has ADHD and lacks good social skills due to being surrounded by only 2 people for most of his childhood, while jenna has anxiety, trust issues and some slight ptsd
oh and I can't forget to sprinkle the t r a u m a on them both
they have a good dynamic and bicker normally like siblings always do, but jenna sometimes needs to have her alone time and hates when anyone bothers her so she can snap at any time
while ethan is sensitive and cant control himself, especially if he sees someone distressed, but if he himself is the distressed one either no one should even come near him or he needs a genuiene hug or encouraging words from someone
I'm not sure when jenna will get her powers and will get her true potential, but until I figure it out, she gets her potential when she saw a certain someone in danger (kinda placeholder!!)
she didnt have control of her powers much at first, but would soon learn its abilities
and when ethan gets his powers, it doesn't go smoothly at all due to nya having been turned into the sea, so all the sudden power is..quite a painful experience without control
his true potential? realizing his worth and saving his sister from danger
I don't have exact birthdays for them yet, but the placeholders for now are may 23rd (jenna) and october 8th (ethan)
when they got a bit older, jenna decided to dye some streaks of her hair blue (and one time had a pixie cut), ethan didn't take any creative liberties with his hair but would sometimes style it when he's bored
jenna was named by jay, and while nya had wanted lilly she didnt mind and just she told him ''as long as you don't name her nya junior I won't throw you off a building"
lilly in the end was just given as a middle name
want a fun fact? jenna was the one that named ethan, the moment she saw him in his little blanket she just kept shouting "ethan! ethan!"
and jenna has a HUGE obsession for drawing and painting, while ethan likes cooking and is declared 'the gordon ramsey of the walkers* by jenna lmao
Jenna: dude please just open your own restuarant at this point Ethan: for the love of the fucking fsm Jenna-
jenna's special nickname is JJ! long story short, it was at first a shortened version of 'jay junior' that was actually a joke but then it became her actual nickname lmao
jenna is aroace and will go by she/they in the future, while ethan goes by he/him and will come out as bi!
jenna was attached to both her parents but felt closer to nya, especially after seabound
she'd watch her and jay in the sam x cave for ages
never remembering nya nor jay, ethan was wary of nya at first and tried to stay close to jenna but the moment she hugged him? he felt safe and knew it was right (shoot I'm kinda spoiling the reunion uhh)
jenna says she has no favourite uncle, but it's secretly cole and only he knows that
and she bullies kai, even when she's not ordered to do so by jay 👌
she does have a good bond with all of them tho!
jenna, in dragons rising, is 5'0 and will stay that height for a while until she hits a sudden growth spurt at 13 and is literally 5'6
and she'd be 5'9 at 16
happens with ethan aswell, he's only 6 so he's about 3'8 which is average for his age, but he'll keep growing taller and taller and he stops growing once he reached 5'8
The Forest Of Walkers(tm) as a moot of mine once quoted (we both hc jay to be very tall, finn I am looking at you)
and yes, that small part of the drawing of them walking is them in the future, I have no exact design yet and just wanted to throw that in bc of the free space lmao (I will post their future designs tho trust)
fun fact: when me and my friend were still planning what jenna and ethan would be doing after the merge, instead of staying with lloyd they had ended up with sora and arin
in this au, maya and ray are a tad closer to nya than they are in the actual show, they visit regularly to check on her, jay and jenna (soon ethan aswell)
both them and ed and edna SPOIL HER TO DEATH. they'd gladly take jenna any day
..which actually happened, seabound stuff :")
from the way all the ninja grieved, it was extremely lonely for a 3 almost 4 year old kid, especially with how everything happened so suddenly and how she can't yet process grief well, she only had cole who'd stay with her alot when she wasn't at her grandparents
even at their places it felt gloomy, but she loved to distract herself when she'd be in the junkyard by helping ed collect scraps and build with him (when her love of mechanism began)
and she loved to take walks with maya or ray at ignacia, or watch ray blacksmithing
it calmed her down a bit, but she knew something was still missing
edit: jay was also not in the best place after nya left, and wasn't able to spend time with jenna because she reminded him so much of nya, so he went to the lighthouse before he got too far
crystallized was..not the best experience either
because of spoilers and still planning out some more stuff, time to jump to post-crystallized
jenna grew much closer to nya, and had went to school 2 months after ethan was born!
she started in first grade, and was chaotic as fuck
she beat a kid in her class once just because he didnt like her drawings, obviously did not end well but she won and she was proud af 😎
during the timeskip after the merge, when ethan hit 4, lloyd would do some sort of homeschooling for him since he and jenna never left the monastery
Lloyd: okay, what's 5+6?
Ethan: 10!
Lloyd, trying not explode because he was so close:
I have so much more, but this is getting long af and I'm tired lmao
for my moots that are in the combined au, feel free to ramble in the tags aswell if u want to btw!! I wish I could too but I don't have the fuckin energy :'))
I may add on once I have the time and energy in the notes (or another post), but for now here's some info abt these hellspawns :"DD
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eating-plastic · 11 months
Next Lesson: Marlon x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, age gap (reader is +18 obviously), fighting, minor violence, fluff, probably some grammatical errors
Word Count: 4559 words
A/N: Yay Marlon! He's kinda underrated in my opinion and needs some love. Also, I noticed that I'm not really following the canon of the game when I write for Stardew Valley. I hope that's not too infuriating. I'm just trying to add my own touch to things. Anyhoo, that's all. Have a good day!
You grew up with farming in your blood. You enjoyed aiding your parents whenever you could, but for the most part you would be hanging out with the animals. From the cows and sheep, to your father's hunting dog (who was a total sweetheart when not tracking deer), to the many barn cats that kept the rodents at bay. Even as you grew older and your other siblings moved away to the city, you were content where you were. And why wouldn't you be? Farming made you who you were, with a love for nature and an optimistic view on the world, if not a little bit naive.
Unfortunately, life isn't full of happy moments, as you learned when you got a letter containing melancholic news. Your grandfather had passed away, which made you tear up as you read the note. You had loved him, dearly. You could remember visiting him when you were very young, helping him, hanging out with his animals, him reading you bedtime stories when you'd struggle to fall asleep. At least he had passed away peacefully in his sleep.
When you gained your composure, the letter revealed to you that he had left his farm to you, his favorite grandchild. The one that never complained about the work, the one who appreciated what nature could give, the one who was always excited to visit.
It was bittersweet. You were planning on getting a farm of your own soon, and now you got one. Oh how you wished it was under different circumstances.
Eventually, after you had your chance to mourn and move on from your grief, you packed up your things and moved to his humble abode in the beautiful Stardew Valley.
The sight of the old farmhouse broke your heart. It looked like the little guest home you and your siblings would stay in had been demolished and the fields that once held flourishing crops and animals were now overgrown with foliage. Upon entering what was once your grandfather's abode, you find it almost completely bare.
A rush of memories from your childhood flooded your mind. You could almost hear the ghost of those moments long past. You think back to the plot's condition and how it most likely became the state it was because of your grandfather's debilitating health. It almost made you misty eyed again.
No, your grandfather wouldn't want you to feel so sorrowful. He would want you to make new memories, now.
And that was just what you were going to do.
On top of being optimistic and free-spirited, you were a very determined person. You weren't going to just sit here feeling miserable. You were going to hit the ground running with getting this farm back to its former glory.
Your friendliness made it easy for the other villagers to get along with you. Well...most of them. While you spent your first year or so just focusing on repairing your new home, you began to slow down on the renovations now that it looked almost like how it used to. Nowadays you were spending more time on leisurely activities and bonding with the friendly townsfolk.
Of course, your favorite activities always involved the outdoors, and you found yourself spending more time on the beach or in the woods.
That was where you are, now, with trees surrounding you and birds singing above. You were near the mountains. You always wanted to see them as soon as someone told you about them. There was a rumor that there was a cave in the mountains that held an old mine that mysteriously shut down. The cave was also the home of beautiful crystals and gemstones.
The thought has you curious, and you should be at its entrance right...about....
A chill runs down your spin as you are face to face with the large, dark opening of the cave. You feel frozen on the spot, like the shadows had hypnotized you. If you strained your ears enough you could swear the opening was calling to you.
You shake your head, slightly breaking the spell that the dim entrance casted on you. You look around and are met with what looks to be an outpost to your right. You move to check it out, but stop when you notice a closed sign.
You don't know if you wanted to go into the cave. Who knows what dangers were in there. Not to mention the darkness. Then again, if the cave was so dangerous, why wasn't it blocked off. The Community Center was dilapidated and blocked off to the villagers, so why wasn't this?
'How bad could it be?' you thought. 'I'll just explore around a little bit and leave.'
So you passed through the entrance, a chill consuming your body at the drop in temperature. It was relatively dark, so you turned on the flashlight on your phone. Even though you didn't see any sparkling treasures, it still was cool. You had never entered a cave before, so everything fascinated you.
You were going to turn around, until you found the "mine" part of the cave. A ladder that was descending into the Earth now faced you. Like with the entrance, it called to you. You look around, then at your phone. It was at 78%. That should be enough.
'I won't stray from the ladder,' you thought.
And so your curiosity made you climb downwards.
To your surprise, there were lit lanterns on the walls of the cave. That's odd. If this cave is abandoned, why are there ignited lanterns? This was another thing that told you that these caverns couldn't be that dangerous.
Either way, you still explored around, even when you would hear strange noises. You thought they were just phantom noises. Noises of past events that still lingered, just like when you first moved into your grandfather's old farm house.
Eventually, you began to get bored. The bland, brown walls quickly lost the charm they had when you first entered.
As you moved to head back though, you felt a sharp pain in your ankle. You let out a pained shriek and jumped out of the way. You looked at the dirt floor and thought you could see something moving around in the dirt. You look down at your leg, and saw a shallow, but still bloody laceration. You let out a shaky breath.
You should probably leave.
You move back to the ladder, this time at a bit of a faster pace. You didn't know what cut you, but you needed to patch it up in case it got infected.
Just then though, you heard a weird squelching noise behind you. You slowly turn your head and are met with...a green jelly...thingy?
You didn't know what you were looking at. How could you? You had never seen a bouncing, green jelly ball before. Not to mention the weird but cutesy face it had.
You analyze the...creature as it slowly bounced towards you. You don't move, until a bit of the green slime splashes onto your legs. You let out another shriek of pain. It felt like you had acid spat on you.
Okay, you definitely had to leave now!
You turned and broke into a sprint towards where the ladder was, trying to run faster when you heard even more squelching noises and shuffling in the dirt under your feet.
Once you got to the ladder, you practically scrambled up it as quickly as you could. When you got to the top, you just laid on the dirt floor of the cave's entrance. Your breathing was frantic and you tried to get it under control.
"What the hell?"
Your head shot up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Standing in front of you was an old man whose face was illuminated by a torch he was holding. You felt frozen on the spot and struggled to find words for the situation, then again your hyperventilating was making it difficult. His confusion and annoyance quickly turned to be more sympathetic, and he slowly knelt down.
"Hey...hey, it's okay, kid," he held his hand out to help lift you to your feet. You took it, finally starting to breathe like a normal person. "There you go. Just hang on and follow me out."
You did just that, trying to keep up with the older man despite your injuries, as the light of the outdoors got closer and closer.
Of course, the day that Marlon decided to go get some groceries for him and Gil, the new farmer he had heard so much about decided to do some cave exploring. As soon as he got back, Gil had told him that he thought he saw someone unknown wander into the caves, but didn't know if it was real or just a dream. Frustrated that he would have to go save a curious idiot or fetch a body if he could, he grabbed his sword and ran as fast as his bad leg would allow him.
Luckily, you were alive, but clearly shaken up after obviously having explored the first level or levels of the cave. He wanted to berate you, but after seeing your terrified face, he had softened up.
Now you both were standing in the warm sunlight, and Marlon got a good look at your injuries. He asks you what happened, and you explain what you experienced to the best of your abilities. You truly were utterly clueless about monsters, telling him that you really weren't from here.
"Yep, sounds like a slime and a duggy. You're lucky you stopped exploring when you did. The deeper you go, the more dangerous the creatures get," he explains.
"I...w-what?" you truly couldn't wrap your head around anything that was being explained to you. Marlon just shook his head.
"I wouldn't worry about it. Your injuries aren't severe. Come on, let's get you patched up," he turns and walks into the outpost by the cave.
You follow him, and notice that the closed sign had been flipped to open. The interior of what you were told was the Adventurer's Guild was cozy, with a warm fire going. Apparently cozy enough for an old man in a rocking chair to nap by.
Marlon tells you to sit in a stool by the front desk, while he walks behind it to look for a first aid kit. Once he retrieves it, he moves back to you and kneels down to treat your injuries.
"You got a name, kid?" he asks while bandaging the laceration on your leg.
You introduce yourself, telling him your name and how you moved to Pelican Town. Now in better lighting and being much calmer now, you got a better look at the old man patching you up. He was rugged, with a few small scars on his hands and face, facial hair, and most notably, an eyepatch. You had to admit, he was handsome despite his age. In fact, you would say that maybe his age added to his attractiveness.
"What about you, stranger?" you ask after explaining yourself.
"Marlon," he answers, simply. Funny, considering how you told him your whole life story. Looks like you're going to have to be an interviewer.
"How come you know so much about the mines?"
"Used to explore them," once again keeping his answer short.
"Research on what?"
"What do you think? Monsters, minerals, anything you can find. Lots of valuable things within those caverns."
You were surprised at the in-depth answer. Still, you'll take it. You decide to ask one more question.
"Who's he?" you point to the old man sleeping in the rocking chair.
"Gil," Marlon finishes up with patching your leg. Okay, looks like you were going to have to ask another question.
"How do you know him?"
"He was my research partner," he stands up from his spot on the floor. "So was your grandfather."
Your eyes widen.
"Ever since the mines closed, Gil, your grandfather, and myself wanted to know why," he puts the first aid kit back.
"I see...," you think. Your grandfather loved telling you stories, but he never mentioned anything about this. How odd.
You look up and are taken aback by what Marlon is holding towards you.
It is an old, weathered sword.
"Just in case," he explains. "If you ever wanna learn a bit about self defense, come on by. You'll need it if you decide to go into the mines again."
You hesitantly take the weapon.
"Believe me, I'll never go back into those mines ever," you let out a shaky laugh. "But thanks for the offer."
Marlon nods to you and you bid him farewell, leaving the Adventurer's Guild with your new weapon. Despite it being the first sword you ever held, it felt natural wielding it.
Marlon knew you would be back. If you were anything like your grandfather, then you would be curious about what the mines held and would want to learn how to survive.
And he was right.
It was only three days after your attack that you wanted to explore the mines once more. You wanted to know just what you'd find in those caverns and more about your grandfather's involvement with them.
You arrive at the door of the Adventurer's Guild around noon, with your old sword in hand. You made sure that the sign out front said open. You enter but are met with an empty front desk.
"Well I'll be, so you are real," you turn your head to Gil, still in his rocking chair but now awake and writing something in a booklet.
"Oh Hi! I'm Y/N," you greet.
"I know. Marlon told me about you, but it's nice to meet you properly," he gives you a warm smile, which you return.
"It is. Um, do you know where Marlon is?"
"Ah, that's right. You wanna learn a bit of fighting?" he asks, and you nod. "Yep, that's what I thought. There's a path in the back. Just follow it and you'll meet him."
"Okay, thank you, Gil!" you chirp before turning to leave.
"Mhm, good luck," he calls and returns back to his booklet.
Upon finding the path, you follow it. It's narrow , with few twists and turns, and leads you to a clearing. The open space is set up with training dummies, targets, and chests.
You see Marlon next to a sword stand that holds blades of different sizes and conditions. He picks one up, and swings it experimentally. You make your way towards him, but step on something that makes a loud crunching noise.
The old man quickly swivels on his feet, holding the blade towards you, causing you to jump back. When his eyes lock with yours, he lets out a sigh of relief and lowers his weapon.
"First lesson, kid: never sneak up on your allies," he scolds.
"Sorry," you mutter, sheepishly.
"Yes, well...now you know," he clears his throat. "It's good that you're making mistakes here instead of within the mines."
He holds his hand out for you to shake. It serves as a proper greeting at your arrival. You take it, feeling your brief embarrassment melt away.
"My grandfather always told me that making mistakes is good," you explain. "That mistakes are lessons to learn from."
"In most situations, yes," Marlon nods. That was something he always would say if he remembered correctly. "But in those mines, your mistakes can be fatal."
His voice is serious, making sure that you understand how dire your errors could be.
"I know," you nod, thinking back to your now healed up injuries.
"Good," he then walks towards a chest, and you follow close behind. "Now, then, let's get started."
You were only taught the basics of self defense and fighting. As such, you were awkward with simple swings and dodges, making numerous mistakes and learning how to correct them.
Marlon was a stern teacher, but it made sense why he was so strict. You had to know that your blunders could get you killed. He wasn't always so serious though, as he made sure to praise you on your improvements.
Now you were both walking back to the Adventurer's Guild. You felt a bit exhausted but proud of yourself. Back where you lived, you never had to worry about self defense or, you know, literal monsters, but doing something new made you feel good.
"Not bad for your first day, kid," Marlon states. "You aren't ready for the mines quite yet, but you'll get there in no time."
"Believe me, I'm as shocked as you. It's odd how natural swinging this sword feels now," you look down at your weapon. Sure it wasn't pristine and was old, but you liked it in a way you couldn't explain.
"I'm not shocked at all," he gives you a shadow of a smile. "It's in your blood."
This was the closest thing to a smile that the old man had given you, which causes you to beam.
"I guess it is, huh?" you think.
"It may help that you're wielding your grandfather's sword, too."
You quickly freeze up at that.
"Wait, what? Really?" you ask eagerly.
"Of course," he nods, smirking at your reaction. "It was used well in his hands, and now it will be used well in your own."
"Wow," you look back down at the sword in your hands. Perhaps that was why it felt so nice to wield. "Thank you."
Marlon nods, and continues to walk forwards. With this new tidbit of information, you had to know one thing.
"So when's our next lesson?"
"Whenever you're ready, Y/N. Although, I would recommend resting up a bit beforehand."
You nod. Truth be told, you wanted your next lesson to be as soon as possible.
Your skills had improved greatly. Ever since you stumbled through the basics, you quickly got the hang of fighting. As such, you started exploring the mines deeper and deeper, meeting with Marlon and Gil afterwards when you were curious about a monster you fought or a gem you collected.
You didn't really need to attend lessons with Marlon as often, but you enjoyed seeing him. Well, you enjoyed seeing Gil too, but this was different.
Not only was he attractive for his age, but the fact that Marlon was still an admirable fighter despite the bad leg made you rethink your taste in men.
You never thought you'd be smitten with a man so much older than you. You tried to ignore your crush on him, as you felt a bit disgusted with yourself. There was no way he could feel the same way for you. He probably viewed you as a surrogate grandchild or something like that.
Still, you tried to hang out with him as often as you could, and you always try to make him proud as you loved his praise. You also enjoyed making his day. At first glance one would think that Marlon was the stereotypical grumpy old man, and if you saw him walking around Pelican Town you would think that you were right.
But truth be told, he could be soft when he wanted to be, and you felt good to know that you were one of the few people he showed this side of himself towards.
That's why even now, despite being so under the weather, you still made your way to the Adventurer's Guild. There was a bug that was going around. Nothing too serious, it was just something that made you feel a bit feverish. You feel hot, but need to attend your lesson with Marlon.
Unfortunately for you, he notices just how ill you look as soon as you enter the clearing.
"Yoba, Y/N, you don't look so good," he remarks. He places a hand on your forehead and feels how you're burning up. "Are you sick?"
"What? N-No, I'm fine...I'm fine...,"you begin to sway, your eyes becoming heavy, and your legs give out underneath you.
Marlon quickly throws his arms around you to keep you from hitting the ground. He calls your name, worried. Even the simple walk from your farm to here was too much for you.
"Goddamn it," he mutters. This wasn't going to be pleasant. He picks up your limp body and carries it back to the Adventurer's Guild, despite his bad leg's protests.
Once he gets back, Gil instantly jumps from his chair.
"Marlon, what happened?" he follows him into the back room as he lays you down on the bottom bunk bed.
"They just fainted, alright? Look, go find a wet cloth, they're burning up," he commands, sitting down on the bed to rub his leg. Gil quickly leaves to do as he is told, returning as fast as possible with a soaked rag.
Marlon takes it and lays it over your forehead, before just looking down at your unconscious form.
"It's that damn flu going around. May need some medicine," he mumbles.
"Do...do you want me to go get it?" Gil asks. Typically Marlon went out into town to buy things, but with all the pressure put on his bad leg and knowing how protective he was over you, Gil knew he would have to be the one to go out.
"Yes," Marlon answers, still not looking up from you. And with that, Gil left the Adventurer's Guild after who knows how long.
Even after his leg started feeling better, Marlon still didn't leave your side. He didn't want to. He was never one to get worried about things, but this was different.
Perhaps it was because you were the first friend he had since Gil, or maybe it was because you were the grandchild of an old friend of his that was now gone. Hell, it could've been a combination of both. All he knew though, was that he wanted you to be okay.
He didn't even realize it, but he was now gently stroking your hair, occasionally brushing strands out of your face.
Eventually, you begin to stir, causing Marlon to realize what he was doing and pulling his hand away. Your eyes flutter open, blinking a few times as you wait for your vision to come back.
"Marlon...?" you mumble, realizing you are laying down on a bed and in an unfamiliar room. "Where am I?"
"The Adventurer's Guild. Now answer my question. What the hell were you thinking?" he tries to not come off as cross with you.
"I-I'm sorry...I promised to show up...I promised," you trail off as your delirious mind tries to come up with an explanation. The old man just shakes his head.
"I always told you, Y/N," he runs a hand through his white hair. "I always told you how important resting up is. You don't push yourself unless you are 100% okay."
"I know...I know...," your hand raises up to the wet cloth on your forehead, and run your fingers over it. Did he get you this? More importantly, did he carry you all the way here? How long were you out? Did...did he stay by your side this whole time? These questions make your heart flutter a bit.
Marlon just sighs, before removing the wet rag to feel your forehead. You feel much cooler now, which is good.
"How do you feel?" he asks.
"Better, I think," you reply. You no longer felt run down and your fever induced delirium was starting to fade.
"Good," he holds the damp cloth in his hands and doesn't move. It made him feel a bit awkward, which he never felt before. He still didn't want to leave your side, even though he knew he probably should.
"Marlon?" you wait for him to turn his head towards you. "How long was I out?"
"30 minutes I think."
"Did you...did you stay with me that whole time?"
"Yes, I had to," your eyes widen at that, which causes him to quickly add on to his statement. "My leg hurt after carrying you here."
"You carried me?" you are unable to hide the smile forming on your face.
"I...," Marlon quickly turns his head as he can feel his cheeks heating up, especially at your beautiful smile. "I...I couldn't just leave you there."
You sit up and move to the edge of the bed so you are now sitting next to him.
"Thank you, Marlon," with the sliver of delirium left in your mind, you lean over and place a kiss on his cheek. "That was very sweet of you."
The old man freezes up, and a shade of pink breaks out across his face. He looks at you and sees you still beaming up at him, but a bit sheepish now.
"You're um," he clears his throat. "You're welcome."
He slowly takes your hand into his and squeezes it, giving you a small smile. Well, this was a new feeling he was experiencing. He felt so...light? No, that couldn't have been the right word. That didn't matter though. All he knew was that he felt good. You made him feel good. It was like your kiss had made his mind fuzzy.
"I'm back!" Gil calls as he enters the Adventurer's Guild. Startled, Marlon lets go of your hand and moves away from you. You feel a bit hurt, until Gil enters the back room and smiles at you.
"Y/N, you're okay!"
You can't help but giggle at that.
"Yeah, I'm fine, now," you chirp, before noticing a bag in his hand. "What's that?"
"Oh, Marlon told me to go get you some medicine. Sorry it took me so long. I haven't been into town in a while," he rubs the back of his neck nervously.
"Aw, really?" you ask, turning to look at the old man sitting next to you, who was now trying to hide his face once more.
"Yeah, but uh, since you're okay now," Gil reaches into the bag to pull out your medicine. "Do you still want it?"
"Of course. I'll probably get sick again, you know," you quip, walking over to him to take it. "Thank you, Gil."
He beams at you and nods, until his attention turns to his friend.
"You okay, Marlon?" noticing his flushed face.
"Oh, I think he might've caught what I have," you add quickly, before handing your medicine back to Gil. "He might need it more than me."
"Ah, I see," he says, completely oblivious to how fast you had responded. "Do you need me to walk you home?"
"No, I'll be fine," you chirp. "You just stay here and make sure Marlon gets some rest, okay?"
"You got it! Take care, Y/N!"
"Yep! See you, Gil! Get well soon, Marlon!" you wink at him while Gil is distracted. The old man couldn't help but smirk back.
You leave with your spirits high, completely forgetting your ailment. After all, how could you feel ill? You had shoot your shot with Marlon, and scored. Under normal circumstances, you would've felt embarrassed, but seeing him react positively to your kiss melted it away.
Your lessons with him were probably going to be a bit more interesting now.
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beomgyw · 3 months
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quick recap; you confronted jintaek, which ended up in him humiliating you in front of his friends. taehyun intervened, ultimately punching jintaek. taehyun then apologized for his past behavior.
if you're new here; link back to the beginning
huening and you roll up to your place, dropping off yunjin along the way, and you can't help but feel a pang of guilt. you've pretty much devoured all the pastries you picked up, leaving just a crumbly evidence of our indulgence. grandma will probably be disappointed, having wanted to see your reaction to having those treats after so many years.
stepping into your childhood home, the scent of grandma's kimjicheon is the first one to greet you. the place hasn't changed a bit since you last left. pictures hang on the walls, frozen moments of family history, and the decor is still the same mishmash of patterns and colors that only grandma could pull off. there's also those jars of shells sitting on the shelfs, she has kept all of them, you smile to discover. huening and you used to scour the shore for the prettiest ones, just to see grandma's eyes light up when you handed them over.
"welcome home," kai says with a grin. "gran!" he calls out, his voice echoing through the house. "look who's here!"
from the kitchen, you catch sight of your grandma approaching, her arms wide open. her smile, though as wide as ever, tugs at your heartstrings a bit as you notice how age has begun to take its toll, shrinking her form and bending her back. you should have visited more often.
"y/n!" she exclaims as she pulls you into a tight hug. "you must be exhausted from the trip. come in, come in. kai, get her bag upstairs."
kai grumbles under his breath but does as he's told. you shoot him an apologetic look, to which he responds with a mouthed "whatever."
your grandma guides you to the dining table and practically forces you to take a seat. she cups your face so tightly she could've pierced your cheeks. "you look so thin, y/n," she says, eyebrows furrowed. "your mother hasn't been giving you a hard time, has she? you know you don't need to listen to her..."
"it's alright, grandma," you reassure her. "i'm sure you'll fatten me up this summer."
she chuckles. "no doubt."
your grandma goes back to the kitchen after making it crystal clear she doesn't need—or want—your help. she even implies that a murder might happen if you dare interfere. meanwhile, kai rejoins you at the table after throwing in a cozier sweatshirt. it’s somewhat worn out and faded, so you recognise the pattern. one thing about kai is that he's always got that one beloved sweatshirt he's practically glued to. like he'd sooner part with a limb than toss it out. 
"hey gran, do you need a hand!?" he calls out as he settles into a chair.
"and risk my kitchen going up in flames? no thank you, kai," she fires back, earning a chuckle from you. you start to rise, with the intention of helping her, but her head pops out of the kitchen door. "and what did i tell you, y/n? stay put. you've had a long trip, you need to rest. keep an eye on kai, make sure he doesn't wreak havoc."
kai shoots you a pleading glance. "alright," you say, "from now on i'm cutting down on the teasing. you could definitely use some allies."
before kai even gets a chance to respond, your grandma swoops back in, balancing a tray of steaming rice bowls. she sets it down with a gentle clatter, her eyes stern as she addresses kai. "you ever wonder why they pick on you, kai?" she asks.
kai, caught off guard, raises an eyebrow. "hmm, i dunno. competitive market economy, possibly... there's natural selection, too." he quips.
"its because you're too sweet," grandma tells him.
"that's lovely, grandma. but could you maybe be nice to me in return?"
your grandma simply shakes her head, "absolutely not. tough love builds character. that's how i raised both your fathers."
"and what about y/n? she could use some character-building too!" kai protests, shooting you a playful look.
"y/n's had a long trip. she needs to rest."
kai lets out an exaggerated sigh, "unbelievable," but it's all in good fun as laughter fills the room.
you sit down through a lovely dinner with your grandma and huening kai, realizing how much you've missed them both. grandma had gone all out, whipping up all your favorite dishes just to give you the warmest welcome. eventually, she's the first to call it a night, but not before she showers you with advice for your new part-time gig at the bookshop starting tomorrow. from the best route to get there to where to grab the perfect cup of coffee nearby, and even which customers to keep an eye on – especially those tourists, she cannot stand the tourists.
after she's tucked into bed, huening heads to the kitchen and pulls out a couple of bottles of soju. "alright," he says, with a grin, "time to do what we've gotta do. we never got to celebrate our coming of ages together, did we?"
"like we had planned," you let out a soft chuckle, the memories of little huening kai and you planning your 18th birthdays bringing a warm nostalgia to your heart.
you raise your glasses in unison, the clear liquid inside catching the light as you clink them together. you tip back the first shot, the familiar burn of the soju spreading warmth through your chest. only then to you decide to ask about him.
"kai-ah, i met a friend of yours on the train today."
"soobin?" kai guesses.
"no, actually... taehyun." you say, and you witness his expression become slightly more serious.
"oh, got it… so, you talked?" he asks.
"yeah, you could say we did. he's not exactly the most talkative guy, but we had a quick convo," you explain. "honestly, i was kinda surprised to hear he's friends with you, you know, with him being into the jintaek sports cult and all..."
"taehyun is good." huening says, like it closes the case.
"i know. if he's your friend, then i'm sure of that… but, i'm curious, how'd you guys become friends?" you ask.
kai looks at you with an expression you find unfamiliar in him. he's never that stern, that secretive. "yunjin might've spilled some details to you… she's dying to know about that summer. but seriously, it's not a big deal. we just promised someone to keep it low-key. it's not about me, or else i'd tell you straight up. just leave it be," he says firmly, and it leves you speechless. huening pours more drinks, lightening the mood. "don't let yunjin blow it out of proportion. it's really not a big deal," he adds with a grin, softening the atmosphere, probably picking up on your guilt for meddling where you shouldn't have.
you're intrigued, obviously. how could you not be? but as the shots keep flowing, the heavy conversation turns into a heap of jokes, getting sillier as you get drunker. you can handle my liquor pretty well, so you're rational enough to suggest to stop when huening starts to look a bit woozy.
"yeah... i think I'm gonna call it a night," he slurs. "not 'cause i'm feeling sick, i'm good. just wanna throw up in my own bathroom. night."
"need a hand?" you ask.
"promise you'll drink water?"
"sleep well, then, huening-ah," you chuckle as he heads out. you linger for a while and hear a blow coming from the stairs. "need help getting you your room?!" you shout.
"all good!" he shouts back.
with the room to yourself, you check the time and realize it's not too late. you could go for a walk in the warm night air, but honestly, after the trip and all, you kinda just wanna kick back at home.
now that you're all alone, you check the time and realise that it´s not that late. you could go out for a walk. the night is warm, and you could enjoy some alone time with your hometown, but you're also a bit tired from the trip, as your grandma had very accurately been reminding everyone, and you kinda wanna stay at home as well.
how are you spending your night?
go take a walk. have some alone time with your hometown, go down to the beach, maybe reconnect with the natives...
stay home. indeed, you had a long trip and you need to rest. besides, huening and grandma are both asleep, someone needs to watch the fort in case there's visitors.
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azusaluvclub · 2 years
Ok ok hear me out,, the hand post and bedroom post gave me LIFE and now I just gotta know what kind of music you think the boys would listen too?? If you’re taking requests and feel like writing it of course ❤️
hello !!! thank you sm for the request !! since you didnt specify what characters to include i just decided to most of eunjang + a few of the union boys since i felt most confident about them, but if theres someone you wanted to see that isnt in this post, feel free to let me know and ill be happy to answer !
music is a hugeeeee interest of mine so this was rlly fun for me to write !! hope u enjoy !!
gray yeon / yeon sieun
⋆ maybe its just me, but i feel like a lot of what sieun listens to would depend on his mood or what hes doing in the moment !
⋆ when hes going about his daily life or needs a mood-lifter ? definitely gravitates to genres like soft pop + indie ! for studying ? hes probably got those lofi music streams pulled up in the background- always has the volume super low though, otherwise he finds it hard to focus :,)
⋆ still, whenever hes missing suho or feeling down, he tends to put on some of suhos favorite songs :(( in a way its healing for him; it reminds him of the good times they shared, and even if he cant exactly be around him now, he can still be connected with him through song~
⋆ since i think hes more of a genre person than an artist person, i dont think he rlly has any favorite singers/groups ! but i do think hed like stuff by IU, Heize and a lil bit of Clairo, and other similar artists~
ben park / park humin
⋆ definitely a pop enthusiast imo !! i feel like he would enjoy more upbeat stuff that gets him in a good mood, or that he can work out to lol- (also would love listening to stuff he can do impromptu karaoke or fall over dancing to when nobodys around lmaooo) hes a pretty energetic guy, so it only fits that hed enjoy energetic music as well !
⋆ would also love latin music, w a soft spot for the oldies (and reggaeton) :)) i see him having been raised on a lot of his mommas favorite artists from her teenage years and enjoying them together being a fond memory from his childhood~ but also i think he would enjoy a lot of older music in general, as its very nostalgic for him (and who doesnt love indulging in a bit of that ?)
⋆ i dont think he has a lot of favorite artists, nor is he a superfan of any, but some of them would be Crystal Kay, Selena, Kali Uchis, Red Velvet and 1st gen groups like S.E.S + Shinhwa ! but a lot of what he listens to is whatevers popular or playing on the radio (or even songs his sisters show him !) lol, so he isnt too picky :,)
alex go / go hyuntak
⋆ listen . this guy canonically had an emo phase (if u can call loitering by the ocean "emo") so if that doesnt tell u where im going w this, thennn .. :,)
⋆ listened to a lot of classic emo/screamo bands like Pierce the Veil, Of Mice & Men, Asking Alexandria, as well as Bursters ! probably found the mv for caraphernelia while scrolling through youtube one night and fell down a major rabbit hole, but it introduced him to a lot of bands that got him through middle school :D
⋆ though hes older now i dont think he would ever really grow out of that phase, so his tastes are still similar ! definitely listens to a lot of rock/metal subgenres (post-hardcore, nu-metal, alt-rock, etc-), but i also think hed really like hip-hop too ! doesnt listen to much outside of these genres tho :,)
⋆ imo, some of his favorite artists + bands would be ones like Seotaiji (including his stuff in Seo Taiji & Boys), Bursters, Dynamicduo, Sevendust, Girugamesh and a bit of Pierce the Veil !
gerard jin / jin gayool
⋆ being the music junkie that he is, gayools likes would be broad for sure !! considering the fact that music overall is such a big part of his life and his arc in wh, i cant see him being picky about what he listens to~
⋆ still, he would definitely have his preferences ! ive always headcanoned Slam as being an alt-rock/indie-rock band and so i think a lot of their style would be heavily influenced by all sorts of rock and metal subgenres (i have many opinions about this if anyone was interested in hearing lmao), so i think his own musical interests would be similar to that ! would enjoy anything from stoner metal to midwest emo to post-hardcore lol
⋆ but again, his overall taste would be pretty expansive, so he definitely has a little of everything (pop, r&b, jazz, etc. etc.) rolling around in his spotify likes :,)
⋆ his favorite bands would probably be stuff like FTIsland, The Smiths (yeah ...), Citizen, The Rose, with a dash of Deftones thrown in there for good measure (mainly their stuff post atf tho) :D
rowan im / im juyang
⋆ similarly to how his personal style + interests would be, juyangs music taste is very eclectic !! not only because i think he would love engaging with a wide varity of genres (and just a variety of things in general; he gets bored easy lol), but partly thanks to the friends he made in aus- through them and his own pursuits, hes found PLENTY of killer songs + artists-
⋆ doesnt have a favorite genre/s either ! what he does love tho is obscure music- its become a hobby of his to spend his nights avoiding studying so he can deep dive on youtube for the most underground stuff :,) rlly good at finding it too !!
⋆ although he isnt picky, i think hed gravitate a lil more towards rock + r&b :,) with dashes of indie + reggae + hiphop thrown in there for fun !
⋆ i can see him enjoying artists like Brandy, 311, Blood Orange, Missy Elliott, Tame Impala, and The Strokes !
stephen ahn / ahn suho
⋆ ive mentioned it before in the bedroom post, but i wholeheartedly believe suho would be a major gg fan </3 probably has lightsticks and signed photocards and all the like from his favorite groups lmaooo- he esp gravitates towards a lot of the more fun and feel-good concepts a lot of ggs do, and has stayed up wayyy into the night learning the choreographies more than once :,)
⋆ outside of that though, i think hed be a big fan of dramatic pop ballads + acoustic, coffee shop type music :))) hes also a frequent enjoyer of having world tours in the shower, so songs of that genre are always his go to- but also, imo, he really appreciates the actual talent that goes into some of his favorite songs, and loves listening to ones with meaning or that he can relate to~
⋆ some of his favorite artists would be soloists like BoA and groups like Wonder Girls, GWSN, 9Muses, and some bgs like Seventeen + TXT (probably has some western pop divas in his likes for good measure tho lmao)! but overall ?? he would be a die-hard Twice fan , case closed :,)
jimmy bae / bae jihoon
⋆ undercover boy group stan for SURE. saw Tvxq’s performance of mirotic on music core when he was little and it absolutely changed the trajectory of his life- hes not embarrassed about liking the music but he IS embarrassed about being a fanboy :,) so his signed Shinee album and misc bg posters are kept wellllll hidden lmao (only jack knows about this, and has gone w him to many a concert as moral support-)
⋆ he likes other stuff tho !! mainly rap + hiphop, western or korean- so think Drake + Kanyes older stuff, Gang Starr, Drunken Tiger, Jinusean, etc~ stuff that gets him pumped up when hes working out, or that he can blast when taking his motorcycle out for a ride into the darkness lmao
⋆ his favorite bgs tho ? i can see him rlly liking groups like Shinee, Block B, Exo, and BTS !! (probably has a few of their earlier albums collecting dust on his bookshelf tbh-)
wolf keum / keum seongje
⋆ this is one where i feel like yall are gonna fight me on it but ... hear me out :D between an cluster of things — union stress, caffeine, heavy smoking + drinking, etc — i headcanon seongje as being rllly prone to headaches + migraines, which noise-heavy music wouldnt exactly help-
⋆ w that being said, i can see him gravitating a lot towards more softer, chill, easy listening type tunes ! i dont think hed be too picky about genres, surprisingly (?), rather the sound itself, so his likes range anywhere from old ballads he grew up hearing, to soft rock, to rap !
⋆ because of that, i dont think hed have many favorite artists either, if any lmao- but i also dont think hed listen to music a lot outside of like,, maybe studying/focus purposes, or more often as background noise when things are just a lil too quiet for him, soooooo :,)
⋆ (that being said if i had to name an artist/group ?? i think he wouldve listened to a lot of epik high in middle school, so he still has a soft spot for their music lol)
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rachelkolar · 1 year
2022 wasn't as killer a year for books as 2021, but I don't know how it could be; 2021 was my introduction to Clive Barker, Livia Llewellyn, and especially the Kushiel books, which made me wail "Where have you been?!" like Molly Grue. I still had no trouble putting together my top ten first-time reads and a couple of honorable mentions. There are so many good books, y’all!
Alphabetical by author:
Watership Down by Richard Adams, read by Peter Capaldi. This was technically a reread, but it didn't click for me at all when I read it in eighth grade. Boy howdy, it clicked this time. It's a classic for a reason, and Capaldi nails the narration.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. This is the only time I ever finished a book, flipped back to the beginning, and immediately read it again. I was crying at the end without quite knowing why. Just gorgeous and moving and wonderful.
Die by Kieron Gillen. Basically a hard R graphic novel of the 80s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon with some fascinating meditation on TTRPGS in general. It disappears up its own butt a bit, but it's still terrific.
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. This is everything I wanted AI: Artificial Intelligence to be.
Curse of Dracula by Kathryn Ann Kingsley. This is sort of the catch-all for my discovering Kingsley this year; I read *eight* of her books. She's my exact horror romance sweet spot for when I want a bit of creepiness and a lot of swoon. Sometimes you just want Phantom of the Opera where Eric gets the girl, okay? (Although that's more Impossible Julian Strande than Dracula, but how am I supposed to say no to well-done vampire smut?)
Boys Life by Robert McCammon. I did a trivia special about the Stoker Awards in October, so I read a *lot* of Stoker winners this year, and this was the best. Bradbury-like dark fantasy dripping with nostalgia. I cried twice. (CW: a dog and a child die)
The Call by Peadar O'Guilin. I freaking loved this book. Body horror plus the Wild Hunt? Yes please! Also, while this is coming from someone whose only physical disability is terrible eyesight, Nessa is possibly the best disabled character I've ever read. She has polio, and the book is crystal clear on two points: this *doesn't* mean the Wild Hunt is going to kill her immediately, but it's *horrible* for her chances. We never get any "if she works hard, then by cracky, she may as well not be disabled at all!", but it's always clear that she has a chance and anyone who says otherwise can kiss off.
Kings Rising by C.S. Pacat. When I was on a heavy Thrawn kick last winter, I asked r/romancebooks to recommend a book with a Thrawn-like love interest, and some saint mentioned this. Laurent isn't quite Thrawn–imagine Thrawn's angry teenage brother–but whew, he's close enough. The whole trilogy is good, but the power dynamics are so delicious in the third one that it wins the day. (CW: the first book has noncon, and there's repeated mention of childhood sexual abuse, although none on screen. The villain is into that sort of thing.)
Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse. Black Sun was one of my favorite reads of 2020, and this is a worthy sequel. It even made me like Naranpa!
The Hidden Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. Just…gorgeous. I loved this one.
Honorable mentions: Starless by Jacqueline Carey (speaking of great disabled characters), Prairie Fires by Caroline Fraser (the true story of Little House on the Prairie), NPCs by Drew Hayes (just a blast), Pride and Protest by Nikki Payne (a fun, spicy modernization that had me laughing out loud), and Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare (a gory romp that dares to ask: what if there were a clown in a cornfield?).
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mikoriin · 1 year
What's your favorite movie, if you have any?
so this is a long list of movies i have curated love for over the years so its under a readmore lmao not so much reviews but lots of gushing
now i cant choose an all time favorite. its just not possible im so passionate about so many different movies. but some of my fav fav fav movies ever are
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Studio Ghibli's 'Laputa: Castle in the Sky' (1986)
ghibli's first full length film and hayao miyazaki's second full length film (as far as im aware, ive seen nausicaa too) and it is honestly a masterpiece, like damn what a way to start off your animation studio. this movie is both wholesome and very bittersweet. it has amazing characters, both villain, anti-hero, and hero. plus the romance between pazu and sheetah is so innocent and passionate. theres really such a fantastical element about this entire film its so inspiring to me and i hold it near and dear to my heart, i cry every time.
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Jim Hensons 'The Labyrinth' (1986)
this was a childhood favorite of mine. my family LOVES jim hensons dark fantasy, and my brother and i grew up with this movie and the dark crystal (yes i watched the netflix series. yes i am forever bitter netflix cancelled it because it was truly so stunning) and the labyrinth was always my preference over the two even tho i do love both a lot. but this movie was just...so mesmerizing. my favorite scene is actually the ballroom fever dream scene. idk what most peoples' opinions on that scene is but it was soooo stunning to me i adored every bit of it. her whole LOOK THO!!!!!
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Studio Chizu's 'Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki' (2012)
STUNNING MOVIE I CRY EVERY TIME!!!! not only does this woman win mother of the goddamn decade but this is such a strong coming of age story for not one protagonist, but THREE. its a coming of age for everyone in that family and how to find your own path and acceptance with growth and change. plus the animation is sooo stunning studio chizu has been slappin since the girl who leapt through time and such before then, but i was just soooo stunned by this movie's ability to mix the fluidity of their 2D and 3D. 3D animes can be rly hit or miss but they did this so well. beautiful stunning amazing movie 12/10 very recommend
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Satoshi Kon's 'Perfect Blue' (1997)
this movie fucked me up and when i tell you ive seen it like 10 times LMAO its a psychological thriller and man the content warnings on this one.....its a bit of a traumatizing experience if youre a sexual abuse victim, but its Such a good watch. its got a rly good twist that i personally cant say is very good or not, its probably a bitttt dated. but its not focused on that one thing. this movie follows the trauma of mima and how she was treated by her higher ups and crew into doing things she was not nearly ready for or even wanted to do...but to make it to the top, what else can you do?
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Disney's 'Atlantis: The Lost Empire' (2001)
MY FAV FAV FAV DISNEY MOVIE EVER!!!!! say what u want about this movie but its one of disney's BEST!!!! the scene where kida is taken into the crystal light above the pool of water and becomes apart of the crystal? dude that scene Changed Me. so good i love it chefs kiss muah amazing fun movie
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Disney's 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' (1996)
probably disney's darkest movie idk there are some classics from the 60s to 80s that i havent rly seen, but this movie gives me chills every time. the soundtrack? slaps. animation? slaps (thank u james baxter) characters? slap. this movie is SO GOOD and hypnotizing!!! and its so bold.
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disney 2020s doesnt have the balls
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Disney's 'Tangled' (2010)
FAV DISNEY PRINCESS FAV DISNEY PRINCESS MOVIE!!! i watched this shortly after it's dvd release because my mom bought it cause we always been a disney household and i fell in love with this one. yes i did watch the series. yes i did cry a couple times. tangled has my heart <3
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Warner Bros' 'Cats Don't Dance' (1997)
FURRY MOVIE FURRY MOVIE!!! this movie got me into furries realistically. i love everything about this movie its so fun and charming and it has a very nice message of following your dreams while still being authentic to yourself. also lowkey about racism and prejudice in hollywood in the 1920s/1930s cough cough
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Studio Ghibli's 'Spirited Away' (2001)
HOW CAN I ALMOST FORGET THIS CLASSIC??? my first ghibli movie!!! and it was such an introduction to miyazaki movies. it is such a fantastical take on japanese folklore. i for one am fascinated by japanese folklore, mythology, and culture in general so this movie is always such a treat and i can never get enough of it. one of my all time favorite movies, such a masterpiece.
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Makoto Shinaki's 'Children Who Chase Lost Voices' (2011)
now this is one of shinaki's lesser known movies, but its my absolute favorite of his. this animation is still so stunning for 2011, and i can only imagine how impressive it was then considering how his stuff looks now lol but this is a high fantasy movie with miyu irino (♥♥♥♥) voicing the hero. dont ask me the rest of the cast i just hyperfixate on miyu irino specifically because he voices syaoran in the tsubasa series
ANYWAY!!! thats enough of that i could honestly go on and on but i figure i wont make this post any longer than it has to be hahaha thank you so much for the question!!!
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suzyq31 · 2 years
Maybe Tomorrow Chapter 1: Preview
Just wanted to drop a snippet from Chapter 1! It will be posted by November 2nd in full on archive.
Somehow in a blink it was the day before Christmas Eve. Harry looked over at Hermione, her sleeves rolled up and wand shoved in a messy bun as she surveyed her progress on removing the dated wallpaper in the master bedroom. 
Hermione had pointed out with excitement all the lovely features of the room that had gone over his head; all he had seen was a large room with a fairly impressive four poster bed and matching wood furniture. She saw so many more details, the crystal light fixture, the bay window seat overlooking the garden, crown moulding and hardwood floors “with lots of potential.”
There was also a master bath with a deep clawfoot tub that Hermione eyed longingly. He made a note that it would be the next room to return to its former glory.
The bedding was in the ancient washing contraption that had clearly once been run by tiny house elves. Hermione’s eyebrows had furrowed when they found the headquarters but she had said nothing. He already knew he wouldn’t be employing a house elf himself. 
“Do you want to sleep up here tonight?” he asked, eyeing the stripped but now clean bed. 
He turned to face her again when she didn’t reply.
“Together?” she finally answered. Eyebrows drawn in confusion.
His stomach dropped, not realising what that had sounded like, and he felt his cheeks heat. “Er—no…I meant…would you want to stay up here? It’s got er—a proper bed and I just thought—”
Her smile widened as he fumbled awkwardly.  He sighed, and rubbed the back of his head.
“I was trying to be a gentleman.”
“An excellent attempt.”
He rolled his eyes, but a grin tugged at his lips. “I try.”
“Honestly, I’d rather sleep downstairs—I don’t fancy being up here on my own,” she told him, pushing a curl behind her ear before her eyes met his. “Unless…of course, if you want to be up here. I’ll be absolutely fine on my own in the living room or—”
He shook his head. “No. No. I get it. I…I prefer that to.”
Her lips pressed together knowingly. “It will get easier, right?”
“Yeah. It’s bound to.”
She gave him a small smile before she focused back on the wallpaper. 
Hours passed and the room was already brighter, the afternoon light filtering through the now white curtains. Cool air came through, carrying the smell of winter and pine. 
Hermione sat with her reheated tea cradled in her hands on the cushion of the window seat. She’d told him she’d grown up with one in her childhood bedroom and had always loved reading there. Harry thought if he was to assign rooms to his friends, this one would be hers. Although he knew she would refuse and insist it was his. 
Harry did love the room. A warmth seemed to enter his chest whenever he crossed the threshold. 
He leaned against the solid four poster bed. “Anything interesting out there?”
She tore her eyes away from the back garden and smiled. “I think I may have seen a fox disappear into the trees. Hard to tell at this distance and with the sun.” She glanced back at the window. “It’s spectacular, you can see nothing but trees for miles.”
Harry hummed in agreement. There was a nearby village and a few other estates tucked away, but she was right, they were surrounded by so much wildness. It reminded him a bit of Hogwarts which was a comfort. He appreciated that it was nothing like the overlapping houses of Privet Drive.  
The contented silence was disrupted by a loud growl coming from his best friend.
“Was that a fox?” he teased.
Her cheeks went pink as one of her hands went to her stomach.
“No. I suppose I’ve worked up an appetite.”
“Pizza or Indian?” he asked, straightening and heading towards the door.
“I think pizza tonight. I want something with cheese—and olives.”
Harry reached for the door handle. A twist, nothing, even when he applied more force, nothing.
He groaned. “It’s happening again.”
Hermione sighed and muttered something under her breath. She came to stand next to him, arm brushing against his as she pulled out her wand.
“Alohomara,” she murmured.
After a long, tense minute, there was a soft click.
“Has that been happening all month?” she asked, brow furrowed.
“No. Just the last few days.”
It was the third time the two of them had found themselves locked in a room with one another. Another reason they had begun carrying their wands even to the toilet. Luckily the one time they’d been wandless, he’d crawled through the window of the living room and grabbed his wand.
“That’s so odd,” she replied, with a shake of her head.
“I mean…worse than having staircases that move on you?”
A snort of laughter escaped her and she reached for the door, opening it easily. 
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nanakibh · 2 years
Final Fantasy Agito NPC dialog Note: This isn’t a comprehensive collection, but I’ve translated everything I could personally find. I’ve included some screenshots so you know what each NPC looks like. Some NPCs will be familiar to those who played Type-0, while some others seem to be new to Agito. I’ve simply transliterated the names of the new NPCs. Some of these interactions read like mini stories of their own and provide a deeper glimpse into what life is like at Akademeia for other cadets.
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Karan Aruka: Agh, goddammit. I'm so busy. Our workload has doubled since the war broke out. Karan Aruka: They're seriously expecting me to serve and take care of the military Chocobos at the same time. Karan Aruka: ...Y'know, it's kinda weird. Since when has it been my job to take care of the Chocobos? Karan Aruka: I feel like somebody else was always taking care of them... Karan Aruka: ...Hm, must be my imagination. Time to get back to work.
Karan Aruka: ...Yesterday, I received an explanation from the military. Karan Aruka: Apparently there was a soldier from the same unit as me who was killed in the last battle. Karan Aruka: The Crystal erased my memory of them, so I don't feel sad when I think about them, but... Karan Aruka: I do feel a bit uncomfortable.
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Tachibana: We in Class Second put our lives on the line and our bodies in danger whenever there's a battle. Tachibana: That's why... I don't have many memories of friends. Tachibana: Take good care of your war buddies.
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Utsusemi: Good work out there, Player. Akademeia has finally reached a major crossroads, hasn't it? Utsusemi: The country's victory and the lives of its people - you can only secure a true victory when you have both. Utsusemi: If you have to choose one over the other, then it's like you've already lost.
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Ayame: I wish I could at least see my mom and dad one more time before we begin the mission.
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Enra: Love can come out of nowhere... You should fall in love and enjoy youth to its fullest, too.
Enra: Having someone you love is a beautiful thing... But I think you wouldn't want to forget them.
Enra: H-hey! Good morning, Player. Enra: This morning, Rem said good morning to me. Enra: Hehe. I've been on cloud nine since then~
Enra: I just saw Rem having lunch together with that Machina guy. Just the two of them! Enra: Sigh... My heart is aching so badly now, I can't find my appetite... Enra: Whenever I think of my precious Rem, my heart aches and it's hard to eat...
Enra: That Machina guy is always with her. Enra: I don't know if he's a childhood friend or what, but it pisses me off!
Enra: I wish I had one of Remmy's potions which are said to work well at times like this. Enra: If only I had one of my sweet Rem's potions, I feel like I could fight on the frontlines.
Enra: Rem is going to accompany my unit to help with recovery! Enra: I'm so happy, I could die. Enra: I'll fight to the brink of death and let my sweet Rem revive me!
Enra: I heard that Lady Caetuna is a beauty, but I think Rem definitely has to be above her. Enra: I mean, personally, I don't think anyone could be cuter or more beautiful than Rem.
Enra: No matter what happens to the world now, my feelings for Rem won't change. Enra: Come, my brethren of the heart! Let us shout our feelings together! Enra: I! LOVE! REMMYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
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Seseragi: The other day, King came to the pool and said "It's hot..." His cool-guy vibe is what makes him popular with the girls. Seseragi: When someone like him shows up in a swimsuit, it attracts a serious crowd! If you join our club, you can see all the guys nearly naked... Hey, don't run away!
Seseragi: This is the first time a girl has approached me to be my friend. Most of the time, it's a fan or somebody trying to ask me out... Seseragi: Yeah, it's my fault for seducing the girls. Seseragi: But unlike me, you don't seem to have an ulterior motive... Hmph. Y-you're a weird chick!
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Class Sixth Moogle: There's going to be a day when people say that Class Sixth is better than Class Third, kupo. Everyone will spin the gacha and become stronger, kupo.
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Class Eighth Moogle: The names engraved here are the names of only those whose names were left in the records, kupo. Class Eighth Moogle: Most people will forget about someone as soon as they die, kupo.
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Katori: Player! You were the first thing on my mind at the end of the battle. Katori: I remembered you... Hey, you should let me see you more often.
Katori: Hey there... I always see you here at sunset. Actually, I've found myself looking forward to it lately. Katori: I figured... If I wait here, you might show up. Haha. Does that bother you? Katori: Ahh, I really enjoy this... Watching the sunset and talking to you like this. Katori: To be honest, I usually avoid other people... But spending time with friends is nice, isn't it?
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Tamayura: Agito cadets are only human. We need to take a break from the stress of everyday and give our lives a good laundering~... Tamayura: Everything will get stained with sweat if we don't. That'd be a problem, you know~?
Tamayura: Hey, Player, do you know any cool, macho guys with thick beards~?
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Shino: Tokito... I wonder if he likes that woman named Emina...
Shino: Oh, I know! Player, I need you to help me practice confessing. Shino: ...Agh, no, I can't do it! It's too embarrassing!
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Tokito Oginaga: I think you should choose your comrades based on compatibility and ability, though...
Tokito Oginaga: I want to get a present for Emina, but what would be good?
Tokito Oginaga: Oh, I know! Player, help me practice confessing. Tokito Oginaga: ...Ahhhh, I can't do it! I get so embarrassed, I can't even speak!
Tokito Oginaga: I was going to confess to Emina, but then I stopped myself. Tokito Oginaga: There was a girl who loved me from the bottom of her heart... Tokito Oginaga: I can't respond to her feelings now that she's dead, but... Tokito Oginaga: I don't want to betray her feelings by confessing to Emina.
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Iwao: Actually, Carla is hosting a live music club event. Iwao: See, I was put in charge of setting up the stage, but Carla's demanding it to be as flashy as possible. Iwao: She said she wanted to do a "trident performance" and glared at me while she swung the thing around.
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Beni: Oh, hey. Player, right? Have you decided to spend the morning in the back garden like me? Beni: As an artist, I enjoy the morning atmosphere here and use it to expand my aesthetics. Beni: When lectures begin, it becomes even more serene... Beni: Er, I'm not skipping class. I swear I'm not, okay? Sometimes you just have to leave the world behind to restore your energy.
Beni: Hey, mind listening for a sec? The other day, this girl named Sice from Class Sixth-- Beni: I asked if she would model for me... But as soon as I told her that she had to be nude, she socked me in the jaw. Beni: It was the first time I'd ever been knocked unconscious. I thought she'd be flattered that I asked her... Beni: She sure does pack a punch, though. I just didn't expect her to reap my consciousness.
Beni: The drab red I can get on the shelves isn't enough to express my explosively hot image. Beni: I would like you to procure a "Knowledge of Flame Tongue." Your reward will come from the art club's budget. Beni: I'm counting on you. The completion of my masterpiece is resting on your shoulders.
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Quon Yobatz: "Fire" is fire magic, "Blizzard" is ice magic. All magic possesses an elemental attribute. Quon Yobatz: Likewise, enemies also have attributes. Quon Yobatz: Unless those attributes are opposites, your magic won't work effectively. Quon Yobatz: When in battle, you should always consider the attributes of both sides. Quon Yobatz: ...But I'm sure you didn't need a rudimentary lesson such as this.
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Ryid Uruk: I'm worried about the gacha tickets I have.
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Kasuka: A-are we really the superior power right now...? I received orders to march in a subjugation mission. Kasuka: If we fight, will we win? Will we survive? A lot of my friends have already fallen... I... Kasuka: Hey, Player, how can you be so calm? Aren't you scared of dying? I'm not that strong! Kasuka: I know that I can't start crying now. We have to fight in order to keep living. Kasuka: But it feels like my body is frozen... I'm not strong like you, Player!
Kasuka: I'm taking care of the cadets who were injured. Right now, I have to do what I can... Kasuka: If I don't, then I have no right to be here. I still want to be at Akademeia... Kasuka: We don't have enough people who can treat the injured. I'm helping because I'm good with healing magic... Kasuka: You, too, Player... Now is the time for you to do what you can!
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Hororo: Here you go, your cafeteria lunch filled with hopes and dreams! If you're going to fight, you need to eat well! Hororo: We make meals for the injured, too, so you better come back even if you get hurt out there! Hororo: I'll be waiting here with something hot for you! Hororo: I heard that the Militesi army were right on Akademeia's doorstep when they invaded. I saw a lot of people being carried away with injuries. Hororo: But when there are painful battles like that... That's why we in the cooking club have to support everyone.
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Ugetsu: We wouldn’t need them... If we didn’t have to fight... We wouldn’t need the Crystals...
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Oboro: Many of the Chocobos who were deployed were killed in action... For the sake of their riders, they were-- Oboro: I'm sure they must have fought bravely to the end. I can't remember what any of them were like now, though. Oboro: Still, I want to praise them. I wish I could tell them that they did a good job...
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Hotaru: Four years ago... My village was attacked by the Militesi army. Even the armed folk couldn't stand against them... Hotaru: The adults were killed and the houses all burned down. Then, in the midst of all of that-- Hotaru: There came a unit of cadets led by Sourai. Even though they were just passing through for an inspection-- Hotaru: With just three people, they managed to take down the guerrilla soldiers. I'm still alive today... thanks to them. Hotaru: I wanted to thank them no matter what! Please, could you help me look for a "Knowledge of Thunder Cry"? Hotaru: I'll be awaiting your return, Player.
Hotaru: My strength is no match for a l'Cie. But it's better than nothing!
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Sourai: Hey, I'll see to the enemy outside Akademeia. I'd like for you to check on the other situations.
Sourai: I don't know how long peace will last, but we should enjoy this moment of peace while we can.
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Tachinami Show: I can't say anything about the military's decision... Tachinami Show: I think you should all just do what you think is right. I'll be rooting for you!
Tachinami Show: The troops we sent to the cave where they're believed to be residing have not returned yet, and now it's beyond our control.
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Hishow: If it were for the Chocobos, I would gladly give my life.
Hishow: It's not only the fate of Rubrum which depends on you, but also the fate of the Chocobos. Hishow: People won't be the only ones who will resent you if you lose. Hishow: The Chocobos are also expecting a lot from you. Don't let them down.
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Aki Minahara: I must have been fighting in order to protect someone, but I can't remember. Aki Minahara: That must mean... that I wasn't able to protect them, huh? Aki Minahara: Then I guess I don't have to work so hard anymore... I am kind of tired.
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Migiwa: Kukuku... Just like I said, it seems like that guy regrets it now. Kuhihihihi...
Migiwa: That made me realize. What Akademeia expects from me isn't my work as a member of the Beautification Committee, but my participation as a member of Class Fifth!
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Utakata: If that happens... Then I might have no choice but to bake it with my magic gun...!
Utakata: Now I can finally make bread! How's this? Smells good already, doesn't it?
Utakata: The light of the setting sun turns everything golden--
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astrxealis · 2 years
bro my type at this point can be easily categorized into the fact they somehow at the very least manage to fit in -> little meow meow / malewife / just a lil guy / tsundere
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#yes this even goes for the villains#tbh tho in general my fave characters have personalities that greatly intrigue me and make me Think ... smth that just feels right to me#like yes i like raha and hyth and elidibus. but then i like fordola and fandaniel too#idk man i just love them all#✩.saved#also they still often have smth to do w the color red somehow#like uhm . dima w blood#tw blood#HELPEOEUWUQHKSBS ... not his tho haha#but raha w his hair and eyes n yeah sometimes its purple or pink instead of just red#tbh my top faves tho my top 5 ? they have smth specific i attach w them#i have always loved royalty au n blond w blue eyes and hence dima is my beloved !!#i have always loved crystals and its been like. a bit of a childhood love of sorts. and i love cats so raha beloved !!#angel stuff have always interested me n i love them n i like tsunderes n the whole vibe of wmtsb sm so sandy is my beloved !!#and then akiren bcs he reminds me of someone i genuinely wish to be my partner and hes also a cat and like. idk but also a childhood thing#akechi reminds me of me if i were just a lil deeper into the Bad ... idk i just rlly relate to him. and he IDK MAN BUT YEAH just <333#p interesting tho bcs sandy got me to subconsciously fall for akechi bcs of the similarities#and then i knew raha bcs i figured out who he finally was when i found this acct that i like of gbf that in fact also likes xiv n then boom#i think n talk abt this a lot (mostly just w myself in my notes or wtvr idk) OSHWIDHAKDN#it never gets tiring to think abt tho hehe#i cld go on and on still aaa
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
The huff is visible in the cold night air, glowing neon-bright against the club sign.
“Why am I not surprised to see you?”
“I don’t know. Why aren’t you surprised to see me?”
He thinks he’s so funny, doesn’t he. “Well, I suppose one’s childhood tendencies to follow their rival everywhere don’t really—”
“Oh, get over yourself. Pansy invited me.”
Eyebrows arch in surprise. “Pansy. Invited you. To their performance.”
“Yep, so, if you don’t mind, you’re sort of blocking the door…”
“Wait—” He follows him inside, barely even breathing, heart thumping to the electric beat and head fuzzy with smoke. “Bloody hell.”
“Me…” he leans his head on the sofa, eyes open wide. “Do you mean, if I could do anything in the world? Anything at all?”
“Yes. Anything.”
The flat smells like beer and sweat, like the party wasn’t over, but it’s just the two of them now, dreaming to the moonlight filtering through the blinds. “I don’t really know.” It hurts a little to admit, especially to these eyes, to that soft-soft smile he only recently discovered. But a hand reaches forward, softly stroking his hair.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to know anything right now.”
“But you do.”
“Well, I always have been one step ahead.” Bright laughter sends through his heart, luminous even in the dark. Was it always like this, and he’s somehow just… missed it?
“I like this. Whatever—this is. With you.”
The confession is just a whisper between them, until the hand slides to gently touch his face.
“Me too.”
A deep sigh. Where’s all his courage, now? Come on.
“Bloody hell,” he whispers, and dives forward.
“Me!” an indignant gurgle follows the spill of wine. “You sure have some nerve, going on as if it were my fault!”
“Because nothing’s ever your fault, is it? Because I’m always the one who has to...”
The remains of what had been a lovely date decorate the floor, flowers trampled, surrounded by shards of crystal.
“This was a mistake. I never should have… what a stupid mistake.”
“Wait, you can’t just—”
The door slams.
The candlelight flickers.
“Bloody hell,” he murmurs to the empty room.
“Me!” the laughter roars in his ears, and something clicks back into place in the turmoil that used to be his gut. “You should have seen your face. I can’t believe our friends pulled… god, what a mess, isn’t it?”
“I’d say.”
There’s hesitancy in the hand reaching from the fire, but none in him taking it, only relief. And some pleading, perhaps.
“Come over for dinner? I made pasta. Your favourite sauce.”
“Mm. Not just a comedian, are you.” He counts the seconds before his fate is sealed; three, two… “All right. One dinner. Why not.”
“Bloody hell,” he agrees with a smile.
Their hands clasped together, teary eyes chasing teary eyes.
“Of course, you ninny. I thought it was obvious.”
“Do you really—”
The air smells of lavender in the sunlight and of spring and of ever-nearing hay-fever, and the sky’s the clearest blue. The hand in his is warm, a bit sweaty. He presses a kiss to its back.
“Yes. Really. You, you, you.”
He keeps saying it, chanting, praying it as a warm body crawls on top of his, and the view of the sky is replaced by the face he loves, a worthy sacrifice.
“For me, as well. You.”
“Bloody hell,” he grins, heart beating so fast he’s dizzy, head fuzzy with happiness, “what a surprise.”
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shingia · 3 years
can i req suna,, akaashi and iwa (and anyone else u want!!) getting jelly abt the s/o hanging out with another guy and being touchy (like the playful smacking or smth) without knowing the guy was their brother? angst to fluff bc i want the ✨ pain ✨ if u dont wanna its fine too,,
thanks bby,, love ur works so much! stay safe and healthy 😫💗
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me receiving a request : 🥰 the request including suna :🤩 tysmm bby stay safe and healthy tooo <3
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-> suna, iwaizumi, akaashi
-> angst to fluff
-> reblogs help a lot <33
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• he hadn’t asked many questions when you told him you couldn’t come over to his house in the afternoon. but now, as he was replaying your snapchat story for the sixth time, he really wished he did
• maybe if he had insisted on coming with you, you wouldn’t have let this guy - that he had never seen, for the record - act so touchy with you
• was it his fault for not making you feel special enough ? to the point that you preferred the company of other men rather than your own boyfriend’s ?
• just the thought of this was enough to make a few of his usually well-hidden insecurities bubble up - most of them due to what his friends always joked about « suna doesn’t care enough to be in a relationship, they’ll all run away after a week ! »
• so yes, suna was hurt, but you didn’t have to see that. your opinion on him was the only one he cared about, he didn’t want to tarnish it. well... your opinion and his little sister’s, who burst into his room as he was about to watch your story for the seventh time to tell him that « someone’s at the door ! »
• not feeling like getting out of bed, it took him a few minutes to drag his feet to the door before finally opening it. and of all the people he could have expected to see, you were the last of them
• « surprise ? » you smiled as you let yourself in, not noticing the surprised look on his face as you greeted him with a tight hug. « i felt bad for cancelling our afternoon together, so i asked my brother to drop me off »
• you weren’t even done talking that suna had already recognized the man in the car that was leaving his driveway. his embrace immediately softened, and a smile crept on his face as he felt all his doubts vanish in a second
• « nuh-uh, don’t take your jacket off beautiful, i’m taking you out », he told you, determined to spoil you in the way he regretted not doing sooner
• at his words, his sister almost magically appeared next to you, coat in hand and ready to go. « you weren’t planning on leaving without me, right ? » she flashed you a toothless grin, grabbing both your hand and his to drag you two outside
• suna shared a deadpanned look with you, « of course not... » you both said in unison as she was already leading the way to her favorite ice cream shop
• iwa’s trust in you was infinite. but something about the way this guy had his arm playfully wrapped around your shoulders didn’t sit right with him
• his practice had ran late and he was exhausted. but he had promised you he would pop over to the birthday party of your childhood best friend, knowing how much it mattered to you
• but your behavior looked an awful lot like an attempt at making him jealous... and it was working
• was it your way of letting him know that you two weren’t working anymore ? were you just too much of a coward to be clear about it ? he hated to think about you that way. and most of all, he cared about you too much to not step in
• « ok now you got my attention » he told you after pulling you to the side. « if you want to tell me something, go ahead, i’m listening »
• still trapped in the euphoria of the moment, you didn’t really understand how upset he was. but maybe it was for the best, because it allowed you to defuse the tension lightheartedly : « i can’t believe i forgot to introduce you ! » you let out as you dragged him back to where your brother was still standing
• his jaw still clenched, iwa couldn’t even bring himself to shake this stranger’s hand, as friendly as he looked. at least not until you spoke your next words : « he was actually telling me how excited he was to finally met his future brother-in-law ! »
• iwa’s lips slightly parted in confusion, you could almost hear the cogs turning in his head over the music. brother? well that explained a lot of things
• « h-hi, sorry i was... miles away » he apologized before finally shaking the hand your brother was holding out to him
• but once the surprise had passed, another word stuck with him : brother-in-law ? as in « my sibling speaks so highly of you that i’m willing to let you put a ring on their finger even though i have never met you yet » ?
• well, it was good to know that your brother agreed with the plans he’d had for you since day 1...
• it was not unusual for akaashi to think that maybe he was not good enough for you. but being actually jealous was a first for him
• he had promised himself to never be too overprotective of you. but the facts were here : it was 3am and the only thing keeping him up was this unknown feeling of pure jealousy
• if he had not been in such a hurry when he witnessed your lighthearted banter and playful fighting with this man in the afternoon, he would’ve come up to you. introduced himself. maybe asked a few questions. if
• suspecting that this unpleasant feeling would not go away unless he talked to you about it, akaashi found himself dialling your number in the middle of the night
• used to his thoughts polluting his mind at unpredictable hours of the day and the night, your ringer was always on. which is why you picked up after only two rings
• « hi angel, i’m sorry to wake you up, i just... » he started, the clarity of his tone letting you know that he had not slept a wink. feeling his hesitation, you were quick to reassure him « it’s ok keiji. what’s going on ? »
• « who were you with ? i mean- this afternoon ? i don’t think i’ve ever met that guy and i was just wondering if... maybe i should ? »
• sitting up straight on your bed, you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders. if this was the only thing keeping him awake, he should be able to fall asleep in the following minutes. « i was with my brother. but i understand why you were confused, it’s a normal reaction so please don’t blame yourself for that, alright baby ? »
• the gasp you heard on the other end of the line made you chuckle. akaashi’s voice was much less tensed now : « well in that case, yeah i should probably meet him... if you’re ok with that »
• « i’m more than ok with that » you smiled, placing your phone down on your pillow « wanna stay on the phone for a bit ? »
• « that’d be nice », his voice sounded sleepy already, especially above the familiar sound of his covers being pulled up to his chin
• how could he put that in words ? he didn’t even know if he was allowed to be jealous because he knew how often you had to see him deal with his many fangirls
• and that was actually what bugged him the most : that he might have already made you feel as shitty as he was feeling now
• but atsumu wasn’t the type to sit down and seriously open up about his feelings. besides, it was much easier to look like a needy boyfriend rather than a vulnerable one
• so he resorted to what he was best at : physical touch as a way to get your attention
• sneaking up behind you, he didn’t give you any warning before wrapping both his arms around your waist and pressing his chest on your back so much that you almost had to bend over
• he really hoped you would be perceptive enough to understand that he wasn’t just being clingy, but in need of a lot of reassurance. and luckily, it was quick to come :
• « tsumu, let me introduce you my brother » you chuckled, understanding how and why he had been mistaken
• one hand still on your waist, he used the other to greet your brother. atsumu did not really seem fazed by the news. of course he was relieved to know that he had nothing to worry about, but this little experience had still been very eye-opening to him
• after your brother had left to give you two some privacy, tsumu’s grip on your waist tightened, but in a softer way
• « ‘m sorry if i ever made ya cry » he let out, completely out of the blue. you didn’t really understand the meaning of this, but it didn’t matter. your hand found its way to his cheek that you brushed lightly with one finger, admiring the how it was slowly turning red. « being jealous sucks... » he added.
• « it does », you approved, giving him a quick peck on the nose. « but there’s nothing and no one that you should worry about, i promise »
• a fond smile lit up his face. you looked sincere, and he really needed to hear that right now. quick as ever, his hands left your waist to come and rest on your cheeks. both holding each other’s faces, you stared at the other for a few seconds, wondering which one of you would give in to a kiss first
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TAGLIST : @toworuu @catwithangerissues @miyumiya @livy384 @k0u-minamo2 @fullsundear @hsjvwq @kelsuuki @hiraeth-z @velvetvirgos @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner @47meow @japanesevenom @geektastic84 @noir-blanches-blog @idontlikeyourjob @seiri-ami @atiny-grl-with-luv @admiringlove @nachotrash @kellesvt @aintyourholy @Moonlaeli @catchmewiddershins @duhsies @devilgirlcrybabiey @crystal-lilac @ijustwantfreenetflix @mimaki @maitenight
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beomgyw · 3 months
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quick recap; you met soobin on the train, and overheard him on a compromising call. still, he seemed nice, so you chose not to give it too much importance.
if you're new here; go back to the beginning !!
huening and you roll up to your place, dropping off yunjin along the way, and you can't help but feel a pang of guilt. you've pretty much devoured all the pastries you picked up, leaving just a crumbly evidence of our indulgence. grandma will probably be disappointed, having wanted to see your reaction to having those treats after so many years.
stepping into your childhood home, the scent of grandma's kimjicheon is the first one to greet you. the place hasn't changed a bit since you last left. pictures hang on the walls, frozen moments of family history, and the decor is still the same mishmash of patterns and colors that only grandma could pull off. there's also those jars of shells sitting on the shelfs, she had kept all of them. huening and you used to scour the shore for the prettiest ones, just to see grandma's eyes light up when we handed them over.
"welcome home," kai says with a grin as you give him a nod of acknowledgment. "gran!" he calls out, his voice echoing through the house. "look who's here!"
from the kitchen, you catch sight of your grandma approaching, her arms wide open in a welcoming embrace. her smile, though as wide as ever, tugs at your heartstrings a bit as you notice how age has begun to take its toll, shrinking her form and bending her back. you should have visited more often.
"y/n!" she exclaims as she pulls you into a tight hug. "you must be exhausted from the trip. come in, come in. kai, get her bag upstairs."
kai grumbles under his breath but does as he's told. you shoot him an apologetic look, to which he responds with a mouthed "whatever."
your grandma guides you to the dining table and practically forces you you yo take a seat. she cups your face so tightly she could've pierced your cheeks. "you look so thin, y/n," she says, eyebrows furrowed. "your mother hasn't been giving you a hard time, has she? you know you don't need to listen to her..."
"it's alright, grandma," you reassure her. "i'm sure you'll fatten me up this summer."
she chuckles. "no doubt."
your grandma goes back to the kitchen after making it crystal clear she didn't need—or want—your help. she even implied that a murder might happen if you dared to interfere. meanwhile, kai rejoins you at the table after throwing in a cozier sweatshirt. it´s somewhat worn out and faded, so you recognise the pattern. one thing about kai is that he's always got that one beloved sweatshirt he's practically glued to. like he'd sooner part with a limb than toss it out. 
"hey gran, do you need a hand!?" he calls out as he settles into a chair.
"and risk my kitchen going up in flames? no thank you, kai," she fires back, earning a chuckle from him. you start to rise, with the intention of helping her, but her head pops out of the kitchen door. "and you, y/n, stay put. you've had a long trip, you need to rest. keep an eye on kai, make sure he doesn't wreak havoc."
kai shoots him a pleading glance. "okay," you assure him, "from now on i'm cutting down the teasing. you could definitely use some allies."
before kai even gets a chance to respond, your grandma swoops back in, balancing a tray of steaming rice bowls. she sets it down with a gentle clatter, her eyes stern as she addresses kai. "you ever wonder why they pick on you, kai?" she asks.
kai, caught off guard, raises an eyebrow. "hmm, i dunno. competitive market economy, possibly... there's natural selection, too." he quips.
"its because you're too sweet," grandma tells him.
"that's lovely, grandma. but could you maybe be nice to be in return?"
your grandma simply shakes her head, "absolutely not. tough love builds character. that's how i raised both your fathers."
"and what about y/n? she could use some character-building too!" kai protests, shooting you a playful look.
"y/n's had a long trip. she needs to rest."
kai lets out an exaggerated sigh, "unbelievable," but it's all in good fun as laughter fills the room.
you sit down through a lovely dinner with your grandma and huening kai, realizing how much you've missed them both. grandma had gone all out, whipping up all your favorite dishes just to give you the warmest welcome. eventually, she's the first to call it a night, but not before she showers you with a treasure trove of advice for your new part-time gig at the bookshop starting tomorrow. from the best route to get there to where to grab the perfect cup of coffee nearby, and even which customers to keep an eye on – especially those tourists, she cannot stand the tourists.
after she's tucked into bed, huening heads to the kitchen and pulls out a couple of bottles of soju. "alright," he says, with a grin, "time to do what we've gotta do. we never got to celebrate our coming of ages together, did we?"
"like we had planned," you let out a soft chuckle, the memories of little huening kai and you planning your 18th birthdays bringing a warm nostalgia to your heart.
you raise your glasses in unison, the clear liquid inside catching the light as you clink them together. you tip back the first shot, the familiar burn of the soju spreading warmth through your chest. only then to you decide to ask about him.
"kai-ah, i met a friend of yours... earlier today, on the train?"
"taehyun?" he asks.
"no... soobin." you say, and witness his expression become slightly more serious.
"right... and you talked or..."
"yeah, we did! and he was so nice, we really hit it off, i think." you say. "but then later, in the car, yunjin mentioned some things..."
kai looks at you with an expression you find unfamiliar in him. he's never that stern, that secretive. "of course she did... she's dying to know what happened that summer. and i promise it´s not that big a deal. but someone asked us to keep it secret, so we have to keep our word. if it was about me, I´d tell you. but it´s not. so just let it go." he says. and you nod, unable to find any words to say. huening pours a second shot into both your glasses. "don't let yunjin convince you it´s a big deal, because it´s not." he now smiles, becoming warmer, probably after noticing your shame for meddling where you shouldn't have.
you're intrigued, of course. how could you not be? but shot after shot, that tense conversation goes morphing into a mountain of jokes, increasingly stupid as you get drunker.
you can hold your liquor particularly well, so after a few shots, you feel perfectly sane. still, you decide to stop when huening begins to get dizzy. "i think... I'm gonna head to bed." he slurs out. "not because I'm feeling sick, I'm totally fine. i just wanna throw up in my own bathroom. good night."
"do you need any help?"
"promise you'll drink water?"
"sleep well then, huening-ah." you laugh as he exits the living room. you linger for a while and hear a blow coming from the stairs. "need help getting you your room?!" you shout.
"all good!" he yells back.
now that you're all alone, you check the time and realise that it´s not that late. you could go out for a walk. the night is warm, and you could enjoy some alone time with your hometown, but you're also a bit tired from the trip, as your grandma had very accurately been reminding everyone, and you kinda wanna stay at home as well.
what are you gonna do?
how are you spending your night?
go take a walk. have some alone time with your hometown, go down to the beach, maybe reconnect with the natives...
stay home. indeed, you had a long trip and you need to rest. besides, huening and grandma are both asleep, someone needs to watch the fort in case there's visitors.
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