#i have another gay pose i wanna do
adriancatrin · 2 years
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i’m drunk and made the gay content we all deserve
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petew21-blog · 18 days
Let me take your sunglasses
Another story form inbox: I love all yours body swap stories! They are so hot! Would you maybe do a story involving an obese businessman swapping bodies with a hunky cop that pulls him over.
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Imagine getting pulled over by this cop. Hot right? Yeah, that's who I want to be. I just can't find the right moment for the swap. All I need is to just look into his eyes. Which was a problem the first two times I got intetionally pulled over. He was wearing those stupid sunglassess. A minor mistake in my diabolical plan
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Oh, sorry. Forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Phillip Kingston. I come from a high class family, but as you can't see I am not a very desirable person that would fuck many women. That's why I found a way to swap bodies. i got all I need, the only thing left is to make an eye contact.
Today is the day it will work. I am sure of it. I get into my car. It takes some time with my body as you can imagine. I drive to the highway and speed as much as possible. And just as expected. The same police car's sirens start and the get near me.
We both stop. I open the door of my car.
"Stay where you are sir! Don't move."
"No, please, officer. You have to help me, it's my medication. It(s my heart. I have to take it or I die." I do my best to make the story believable and sound like I am in agony.
He rushes to me and opens the door. "Ok, hold on sir. I'll help you. Where are those pills. Under the seat?"
I nodded and he stretched over me to get a better view. Now or never. My right hand shot out and grabbed his glasses. The shock of the situation only allowed him to look me in my eyes.
I blinked and then looked at myself sitting there, hyperventilating.
"Looks like you should walk home instead of driving you fat fucker!" I said to my ex body and laughed him in the face. I left him there in the state of pure shock. He tried to get me, but he wasn't used to this new obese body and couldn't even get out of the car.
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I can't believe it actually worked. I smiled at my new beautiful face in the rearview mirror and put on the sun glasses.
"Well officer. Looks like we got a lot of exploring tonight. How about we visit some old friends of mine?" I couldn't help but keep looking at my new reflection.
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I arrived to my favourite gay bar. Why favourite you ask? Well, all the customers there were incredibly fit, sexy and horny as fuck. All of the have already swapped an they were the ones who got me this opportunity for a new life.
I smashed the door open. "Police. Everybody on the ground!!!" I screamed holding my gun aiming into the ceiling.
Nobody moved for a moment and then they all cheered.
"No way, we thoughtyou'd never get him. Come here, let's check you out. Give us some posing action, officer!"
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Yeahhh. You can imagine how the evening continued right. And hey. If you wanna join our club, just head straight to the bar. We'll help you pick a new body of your dreams
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cherrirui-official · 5 months
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 3/7)
PART 3 RAAAAGH!!! SO SORRY THIS ONE TOOK SO LONG AAAH!!!! But it's here now, yippee!!! And just in time for Christmas too, wowie!
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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Designs under the cut!
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The light scars/ cracks on her body were injuries formed while she was accidentally sent through Turo's time machine. Unlike the paradox pokemon/ miraidon, GrAce's body isn't made of iron or metal, so her body wasn't able to withstand the large amount of tera energy used to power the machine as easily as the paradox pokemon were.
Luckily, she was just barely able to hold out against the time machine's energy until she made it to Turo's lab in the present day. Unfortunately, she can't be sent back because she would literally die if she went through the time machine again. Sooooo she's stuck in the modern era.
Very familiar with Area Zero and the various pokemon that reside down there, but moved out in order to continue producing music as well as familiarize herself with current-day Paldea.
She only vaguely know Clavell back when he was a rebellious teenager, though she didn't know his name. Clavell, on the other hand, was one of her biggest fans back in the 50s-60s.
Funny enough, when she sees "Clive" for the first time, she recognizes him! But not as Director Clavell, she just barely recognizes him as the random teenage fan that would occasionally ask her to sign various GrAce posters he had bought. She is also under the belief that he too, was sent from the past into the present, unaware that he simply just grew up.
Likes doing random poses for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
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Believes that everything can be solved without violence, but can and will throw hands if need be.
Everyone in Braidy's family greet each other by playfully ramming into one another. So when Peppy and his team were getting chased down by Braidy's family during their journey, they weren't trying to attack them, they just wanted to say hi!
Braidy is really good with kids due to his experience with being the eldest sibling, as he'd often have to take care of his younger siblings.
Mykyie and Braidy shop at the same clothing store.
Speaking of Mykyie, the lighter parts of Braidy's fur appeared only after Mykyie passed...
As of now, he's still an apprentice, but he has great potential to become an all powerful wizard... someday.
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Artist's note: I couldn't fit their children in the bio sorry girls and gays. I'll probably draw them out later on after I'm finished with everyone else.
Their stomachs are basically voids, so every time they eat the food just disappears, which is why they're ALWAYS hungry.
HIGHLY flammable.
It is speculated that they're poppets, but you don't have any proof of that, do you?
If you listen closely, you can hear soft bell noises every time they walk. It is unknown why this happens, but I believe it is best not to ask.
Aaaaand that's it! I plan on taking a short break from these bc I wanna draw some other stuff. Dw, I'll continue to work on these very soon!
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plan-3-tmars · 6 months
Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart.
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Hey I think the framing of this scene is really fucking cool and I wanna talk about it because I haven't seen anybody do that. yet so. yahooo!! let's get into it
BUT FIRST. Symbolism:
an empty chair can symbolise the absence or memory of someone dear who has passed away. This is very obviously meant to represent Hinako in this scenario
In my interpretation, this scene is Kazui saying goodbye to Hinako and apologising for the circumstances of her death.
The lyrics that play are:
"I’m sure nothing will change and we’ll laugh together and call each other stupid names, so many things I wish i hadn't known, I'm just a coward."
The first part of this verse sounds like he's wishfully thinking about what could've happened after he told her the truth - if anything a bit naively.
Kazui wanted (and still wants) to get the weight of his lies off his chest, but he wasn't ready to face the consequences of that confession, most likely making Hinako's death hit even harder.
Here, he bows to the chair before turning around leaving, a silent goodbye.
But what about what's going on in the background of this scene? Well!
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As Kazui leaves, these two scenes flash in the background. On the table in the first shot is our good friend the green apple, and Background Kazui picks it up, analyses it, before biting it.
So let's go for another symbolism refresher!!
Green apples can sometimes represent platonic relationships, like friendship, but in Kazui's case this takes the form of a sin - as not loving Hinako romantically is what he's lying about - making it a reference to the Garden of Eden story.
Going from that, biting into an apple can represent feeding into temptation.
My interpretation of this scene is Pre-Marriage Kazui indulging in his 'sin', which in my opinion is the fact he's gay.
Let's go back to that lyric shall we:
"I’m sure nothing will change and we’ll laugh together and call each other stupid names, so many things I wish i hadn't known, I'm just a coward."
So many things you wish you hadn't known huh.. Not knowing you were gay would sure make lying to your wife a whole lot easier wouldn't it?
"What I gave up a long time ago, why is it questioning me now? So many things that I should now have known, I'm just a coward"
Woohoo evidence for Background Kazui being Pre-Marriage Kazui!!!
I think this scene is the last time Kazui let himself be free before marrying Hinako. This could possibly have been when he noticed she had a crush on him at their work.
He's indulging one last time. Embracing his sin instead of hiding it away one. last. time. before giving it up for good, almost like a. goodbye.
So. I think this scene is framed this way in order to show the parallel of Kazui giving up his sin, and Kazui mourning Hinako's death.
As established, they both have a "goodbye, I'm sorry things turned out this way" atmosphere to them. Kazui is apologetic, in a way, that he has to give up on being his true self and he is apologetic of his lies murdering Hinako, so Milgram conveys this by showing the two scenes posed the same way in front of one another.
This framing also gives the scene a Beginning Vs End feeling that I think is really cool, and the use of Dark Vs Light colours only heightens that! (Though that's slightly off topic rip)
Conclusion? I love this scene it's awesome and amazing and super cool
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kangel-official · 3 months
KAngel is like the best fucking character ever. If she was a real streamer I would watch her everyday. every second. I would be her number one fan. I would buy every piece of merch she had if she would ever sell any, I would buy everything she would want her fans to buy, I don't know, maybe I'm a bit obsessed but I really like KAngel. I also think ame chan is nice, too, I really like her design. I think KAngels character design is also pretty recognizable, which is good. It's also really fucking cute. Plus, KAngels hair is very recognizable too, although if I was designing her I wouldn't have thought of doing the dna twirly things, so that's something. I also think KAngel is very relatable, and I don't understand how some people don't relate to her. I actually relate to both ame chan and KAngel a lot. I think they're both really good characters, and I can see myself in both of them. If I could, I would spend a year only looking at KAngel. every gif, fanart, official art, video, picture, whatever. She's also really pretty, too. If she was a real streamer she would definitely get popular pretty quickly, I think. Doesn't it make sense, though? She'd be really pretty if she was real. I'm not like lesbian or anything, but. Yeah, she's really pretty. So is ame chan, they're both extremely pretty. I think you can appreciate another girl being really pretty without being gay, right? Maybe I'm just in denial but. I also really wish I had a KAngel and or ame chan cosplay. KAngel and ame Chan's character designs are really just that great, honestly. I would definitely be extremely careful with the cosplay, too. I mean, KAngel and ame chan's outfits are extremely cute and pretty. I wish KAngel was a real streamer, or at least have someone go on twitch or YouTube and stream as her in a cosplay or something. I do wish I had a KAngel and ame chan cosplay, but I barely have any money to buy it myself. I could make it myself or something, but I'm not that talented. I also think ame Chan's hair is very cute. Honestly, everything about KAngel and ame chan is cute. I wouldn't mind being her platonic girlfriend if she was real. We could be like mentally ill girlfriends in a not gay way. if that exists. I don't get how some people don't like KAngel. I mean, her design is recognizable and cute, her hair is also recognizable and cute, she's a mentally ill streamer, she has a pretty face, what is there not to fucking like? I love KAngel and ame chan so much. I relate to both of them a lot, and I draw them a lot, too. I also think the needy streamer overload soundtrack is really, really good. Maybe one of the best game soundtracks I've listened to. I think internet overdose and internet yamero are both very good songs. I mean, they're both very catchy and have good lyrics. Plus, Internet yamero has a trend or something. Even people who have no clue what needy streamer overload is have even done the trend. I think this means that even though KAngel isn't a real life streamer, she's still really, really popular. This must mean that if she was a streamer in real life, she'd most likely get very popular very fast. aghh, KAngel is just so perfect. I wish I could be her and at the same time I wanna be her wife forever. (platonically.) Also, all the KAngel cosplays I've seen have been very good and pretty. I also love seeing how they do KAngel's twisty DNA hair things and how creative they get with it. If someone were to pose as KAngel in streams though, they'd probably have to come up with a lot of ideas on their own, since KAngel's in game streams are so short (since, well, they're streams in a game, so they can't be that long.) Also, which KAngel streams would they do? cause there's no fucking way you can do all of them and still be alive afterwards. I wish there were more songs than just internet overdose and internet yamero, I've listened to both of them sososoosososososososoosososo many times. KAngel is definitely my favorite character and I fucking wish she was real. She brings me sososososo much joy. KAngel is pretty neat, I guess.
again! keep going anon! copy that copypasta! spread it! somewhere else!
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Okay Mimi, I know you asked like... ages ago for stuff to entertain you and I only just now thought of something. But in case you're still bored today or tomorrow: do you wanna do a ranking of your top 10 favorite Omar outfits??? Maybe even favorite summer outfits and another one with favorite winter outfits??? I'd be very interested in knowing your answer to this. Have a good night or day, depending on when you read this! 😌🥰💜🫂
Simoooonn you are the kindest person honestly 🥺💕
Ok here’s the thing. I do not have a favourite outfit because I truly enjoy most of them. I’m really easy when it comes to clothes, I enjoy high fashion most of the time and love colours and patterns and Omar really truly delivers usually. I tried to sort his outfits into winter and summer clothes but then he goes to Paris‘ ~1°C in shorts and wears sunglasses inside so I gave up on that.
I’ll list you ten of my favourite outfits in no particular order tho, if that’s ok :>
You will also realise that it’s not so much that it’s whole outfits but mostly specific jumpers ehehe also my choices might seem boring to most people probably.
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Left: The Lyko outfit will always be iconic. It fit him so PERFECTLY and the colour is also PERFECT I will never be over it
Right: I loose turquoise cardigan so much. He looked absolutely stunning.
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Left: Love this jumper, mostly because this is my favourite favourite hair and performance and picture and he the whole event he was just sooo lovely
Right: pink pink pink pink
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Left: I adore this pwf outfit mostly because of the trousers. Flower pattern yesssssss god their gorgeous on him
Right: the off grid jumper is so lovely I want it for myself
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Left: this is my favourite jumper of all time. A different picture from this shoot has been my phone backround since it’s been first posted
Right: the whole gay time shooting is lovely but I especially adore this outfit. The colour of the shirt and trousers the tie the pose the whole fit is perfect
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Right: amarni jumper my beloved I just want to touch it I bet it’s fuzzy in a not nice way and I would hate to feel it on my skin.
Ok this truly turned into a ‚list your favourite Omar jumpers post‘ sorryyyyy. Might do a post about just stage and event outfits?
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kangeldaily · 3 months
KAngel is like the best fucking character ever. If she was a real streamer I would watch her everyday. every second. I would be her number one fan. I would buy every piece of merch she had if she would ever sell any, I would buy everything she would want her fans to buy, I don't know, maybe I'm a bit obsessed but I really like KAngel. I also think ame chan is nice, too, I really like her design. I think KAngels character design is also pretty recognizable, which is good. It's also really fucking cute. Plus, KAngels hair is very recognizable too, although if I was designing her I wouldn't have thought of doing the dna twirly things, so that's something. I also think KAngel is very relatable, and I don't understand how some people don't relate to her. I actually relate to both ame chan and KAngel a lot. I think they're both really good characters, and I can see myself in both of them. If I could, I would spend a year only looking at KAngel. every gif, fanart, official art, video, picture, whatever. She's also really pretty, too. If she was a real streamer she would definitely get popular pretty quickly, I think. Doesn't it make sense, though? She'd be really pretty if she was real. I'm not like lesbian or anything, but. Yeah, she's really pretty. So is ame chan, they're both extremely pretty. I think you can appreciate another girl being really pretty without being gay, right? Maybe I'm just in denial but. I also really wish I had a KAngel and or ame chan cosplay. KAngel and ame Chan's character designs are really just that great, honestly. I would definitely be extremely careful with the cosplay, too. I mean, KAngel and ame chan's outfits are extremely cute and pretty. I wish KAngel was a real streamer, or at least have someone go on twitch or YouTube and stream as her in a cosplay or something. I do wish I had a KAngel and ame chan cosplay, but I barely have any money to buy it myself. I could make it myself or something, but I'm not that talented. I also think ame Chan's hair is very cute. Honestly, everything about KAngel and ame chan is cute. I wouldn't mind being her platonic girlfriend if she was real. We could be like mentally ill girlfriends in a not gay way. if that exists. I don't get how some people don't like KAngel. I mean, her design is recognizable and cute, her hair is also recognizable and cute, she's a mentally ill streamer, she has a pretty face, what is there not to fucking like? I love KAngel and ame chan so much. I relate to both of them a lot, and I draw them a lot, too. I also think the needy streamer overload soundtrack is really, really good. Maybe one of the best game soundtracks I've listened to. I think internet overdose and internet yamero are both very good songs. I mean, they're both very catchy and have good lyrics. Plus, Internet yamero has a trend or something. Even people who have no clue what needy streamer overload is have even done the trend. I think this means that even though KAngel isn't a real life streamer, she's still really, really popular. This must mean that if she was a streamer in real life, she'd most likely get very popular very fast. aghh, KAngel is just so perfect. I wish I could be her and at the same time I wanna be her wife forever. (platonically.) Also, all the KAngel cosplays I've seen have been very good and pretty. I also love seeing how they do KAngel's twisty DNA hair things and how creative they get with it. If someone were to pose as KAngel in streams though, they'd probably have to come up with a lot of ideas on their own, since KAngel's in game streams are so short (since, well, they're streams in a game, so they can't be that long.) Also, which KAngel streams would they do? cause there's no fucking way you can do all of them and still be alive afterwards. I wish there were more songs than just internet overdose and internet yamero, I've listened to both of them sososoosososososososoosososo many times. KAngel is definitely my favorite character and I fucking wish she was real. She brings me sososososo much joy. KAngel is pretty neat, I guess
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antiv3nom · 2 months
asuka ask game? pick your favorite one
ok so i do enjoy asuka guiltygear but i have been thinking REALLY hard about asuka tekken as of late so we're talking about her today
also this took me WAY too long to post i apologize but it Is out here so yaaaay
favorite thing about them:
ok so legally i have to mention asuka's tekken 8 design because motherfucker WHAT were they thinking with that one. what the fuck was the inspiration. but i love it so much i cannot lie
other than that, i really enjoy her rivalry with lili and how moderately insane that bit has gotten, and i like how they've kept her a character who is a) defensively focused in her gameplay even among the generally aggressive play of t8, and b) has a generally down-to-earth feel to her despite. Everything. happening in tekken
least favorite thing about them:
so i was actually talking to a friend about this recently and she explained my feelings really well, its like. asuka feels like the protagonist of another story that isnt being told.
it feels like she has so much stuff that COULD be a really interesting plot focus for her but it just. hasnt been? like everything between her and feng COULD be so neat but its just been sort of...by the wayside for the past few games in favor of keeping up with the mishimas (new sitcom there btw)
favorite line:
asuka's quotes are fun but most arent super noteworthy unfortunately? its mostly pretty standard fare for fighting game open and win quotes unforch :( i will say though, i do really enjoy this win line in t8 from her:
It's not good to fight all the time. Well, see ya!
bc like. girl. what do you think youre out here doing rn. girl please
(note: i dont speak japanese so i couldnt say anything towards this, but i wonder if asuka speaks with a kansai accent/dialect in game? her being from osaka and all, itd be a cool little addition)
omg actually ive seen stuff between leo and asuka that's been fun before i really enjoy that, iirc theyre not super close in the main canon but i wanna say in the non-canon webcomic theyre friends? i think thats right? either way its a fun concept
fellas is it gay to buy your rival's dojo and fill it entirely with roses to get their attention? certainly not. certainly.
i do wish we saw some amount more narrative tension between them since most of it has sort of dissolved by t8 but i do think theyre really cute and as mentioned before i really do enjoy their whole bit its awesome
i do not think i have been around long enough to see another pairing for asuka, let alone one i dislike, so i cannot answer this question LMAO
random headcanon:
spun my mental wheel of headcanon topics and it wouldnt stop spinning for like half an hour unfortunately so im just telling you that i think asuka would play baiken or may in strive
unpopular opinion:
i still havent been here long enough to know whats unpopular regarding her :,) although i think in terms of gameplay i think she's cooler than most people believe, though i do agree that her current iteraiton in t8 isnt very strong within the meta unforch :(
song i associate with them:
i can nigh on guarantee that it's because ive been listening to this song while thinking about her really hard recently but absolute zero by natori (banger btw go watch the music video it goes unbelievably hard), i think the lyrics arent entirely unfitting though!!!
favorite picture of them:
i really like this profile art option for her, the posing is fun and the textures on the clothing are really impressive
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and then also i have to mention her preset 3 outfit which i LOVE SO SO MUCH
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(apologies as i cant find a better example pic and do not feel like opening t8 at 2 in the morning on this day)
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 4 months
Adding on to the info dump that you have kindly graced me with, my first though when I heard that Abyss can make drugs out of their venom when diluted and then after reading what relations they would have, or lack of, was that is angel just so happens to stumble upon them making a batch to sell off. Angel could be like peeking into their room (oh yeah this is when they become a member of the hotel officially) and so when Abyss decided that they had enough to sell and goes on break, leaving their room unguarded, I think angel would be the curious soul that he is would check out what bro was cooking.
If Angel found out that it was a drug they made form their venom by just a small test, personally—and you are free to correct me if you want—I believe that Angel would basically try to ask for drugs off of Abyss for free since it’s a nice thing and that’s what the hotel is aiming for and if that doesn’t work he’ll try to pester them (which wouldn’t last long I bet) and if he still gets ‘no’ for an answer, he would try to steal them which made abyss start hiding their batches, getting a lock on their room door or just making the batches outside the hotel and an instant delivery. That’s my personal take tho and I thought it would make for something funny but could be used for some slight bonding or something? However way you wanna go with this.
Secondly, Alistor just picking up Abyss from seemingly out of nowhere was just funny and the image I saw in my head was like him pinching the “scruff” of Abyss as they freeze up, cuz y’know, bro was just picked up no warning. Oh yeah forgot to mention that I can see this happening in both normal sizes as well as their shrunken state which would probably be the most obvious choice hehe. Okay onto what I was not here for cuz I just thought of this right before I was inches away from sending! >:p.
You said that you would be unsure of what could lead to any Vore scenarios because he is chill with Abyss and such, unless he was PISSED. (Based off memory so could be wrong but Anygay-) now I’m not one who knows what abyss is like, like the back of my hand, but form what I do know and a half awake brain the only scenario I see working is that maybe Abyss could be in an annoyed mood from like one buyer that asked for drugs didn’t exactly have any plan to pay in the first place and made it seem like they would pose a threat to their life which they had no intentions to but it was a way to avoid paying and getting a lot of free drugs. This would couse their panic mode to activate slightly and they would shrink (causing rumours to go around about abyss and harming their business since demons can now use that to their advantage) so when they return maybe a little shrunken and in a little pissy mood they could retaliate if Alistor was to like do his usual thing of spooking them or something of the sort which wasn’t too much appreciated and thus the final straw was snapped and maybe an insult or two slipped out, voice slightly raised. Abyss heads back to their room and flopping down onto their bed to just cool off and not even 5 minutes later Alistor comes back to be a bother but something seems a lil off with him (bc bro took that one personally).
Leaving the rest to you (mostly cuz my lesson is gonna start rn. Woo, college ) Anygay hope this helps you at least, go wild with it.
Have a happy day and always stay gay!! That’s my new motto now, Sue me.
- 🌽 anon
Alright, everyone, buckle up for another long response!
I was thinking more like Abyss sold their pure venom to drug makers and dealers rather than making the drug themself, but I'll give them a small drug setup themself for extra cash
As for your Angel Dust idea, the most logical trail in my mind was to have him trying to find a drug stash since he's left them scattered all over the hotel, hoping that the furniture he used to hide his own drugs were still there. Of course, they're not, but he comes across their dilution station (WIP page below)
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Abyss honestly wouldn't care if Angel Dust wanted to try some of the drug and would probably offer him a batch for free. They're not super in it for the money and just do it as a way to pass time and stuff. They could probably use their network of buyers to figure out information on people if they ever felt interested in trying to start gathering their own territory. But, given that they were kind of depressed in life, you can imagine the amount of motivation they have, lmao
They're definitely getting a new lock for their room though
Also, the Alastor scruffing them and presenting Abyss to everyone was the idea. But, in my head, he uses his shadow abilities/tentacles to snatch them from wherever they are and just materialize them in front of everyone else. I also have the headcanon that he can nullify other demons abilities somewhat, so they wouldn't be presented shrunk. This also mitigates them trying to calm themself and regrow inside of Alastor, soooo, you know. I feel like he’d occasionally scruff Abyss like he does Nifty 
And, your big paragraph is the paragraph that brought up an animatic idea of the potential drug deal. I’m gonna be honest, I’ve thought way too much about everything, haha
Abyss has almost definitely been killed a couple times since falling into Hell. I imagine the majority of demons have been killed at least once since falling, and since we hear Velvette literally say that she “can’t wait for that unlucky bitch to put herself together”, I’m thinking they either regenerate/stitch back together or re-fall depending on how pulverized the body ends up being. As such, they’re not unused to threats. They’re small and have been considered an easy target since first showing up
In the animatic, if I get to it, will be a stand off between a bunch of shark demons (I just like their designs in the show) and Abyss. In it, the sharks are more than happy to try and kill them to get the goods, but it’s basically just a show of how agile/quick Abyss can be on their feet while also using their shrinking to their advantage with part of a banger song in the background. Sort of, like, the stress apathy takes over, you know? They would definitely need to spend a few days in the hotel to destress though, I imagine you never QUITE get used to being killed over and over again
Also, I can’t imagine rumors really holding much stock on their rep? They don’t really have one and try to remain low-key anyways to try not to appear like a threat, and they don’t tell anyone they sell to where they get the ‘pure stuff’ to avoid the potential of other demons attempting to capture them just to use them as a literal cash cow for their venom concentrate. If people want to think of them as weak and an easy pushover because they can shrink, they’re fine with that because that usually means they get left alone unless someone feels like kicking the demon equivalent of a puppy. I also feel like they’re likely to be overlooked a lot despite being bioluminescent
And, I still don’t even know what kind of comment Abyss would realistically make to piss Alastor off (I know he hates being told about or thought of as having less control than he exudes, but Abyss would definitely not really see him as not having a full deck, so to speak), but that won’t stop me from drawing them together. Maybe they asked a bit too much about him because he’s a contradictory fuck who loves people wondering about his deal, but refuses to talk about it to drum up the mystery. Abyss would definitely feed his ego a bit with curious questions
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Anyways, that’s all for now! I have a bunch to do if I don’t want more to pile up and leave me in a stressed paralysis
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weed-angel · 3 months
KAngel is like the best fucking character ever. If she was a real streamer I would watch her everyday. every second. I would be her number one fan. I would buy every piece of merch she had if she would ever sell any, I would buy everything she would want her fans to buy, I don't know, maybe I'm a bit obsessed but I really like KAngel. I also think ame chan is nice, too, I really like her design. I think KAngels character design is also pretty recognizable, which is good. It's also really fucking cute. Plus, KAngels hair is very recognizable too, although if I was designing her I wouldn't have thought of doing the dna twirly things, so that's something. I also think KAngel is very relatable, and I don't understand how some people don't relate to her. I actually relate to both ame chan and KAngel a lot. I think they're both really good characters, and I can see myself in both of them. If I could, I would spend a year only looking at KAngel. every gif, fanart, official art, video, picture, whatever. She's also really pretty, too. If she was a real streamer she would definitely get popular pretty quickly, I think. Doesn't it make sense, though? She'd be really pretty if she was real. I'm not like lesbian or anything, but. Yeah, she's really pretty. So is ame chan, they're both extremely pretty. I think you can appreciate another girl being really pretty without being gay, right? Maybe I'm just in denial but. I also really wish I had a KAngel and or ame chan cosplay. KAngel and ame Chan's character designs are really just that great, honestly. I would definitely be extremely careful with the cosplay, too. I mean, KAngel and ame chan's outfits are extremely cute and pretty. I wish KAngel was a real streamer, or at least have someone go on twitch or YouTube and stream as her in a cosplay or something. I do wish I had a KAngel and ame chan cosplay, but I barely have any money to buy it myself. I could make it myself or something, but I'm not that talented. I also think ame Chan's hair is very cute. Honestly, everything about KAngel and ame chan is cute. I wouldn't mind being her platonic girlfriend if she was real. We could be like mentally ill girlfriends in a not gay way. if that exists. I don't get how some people don't like KAngel. I mean, her design is recognizable and cute, her hair is also recognizable and cute, she's a mentally ill streamer, she has a pretty face, what is there not to fucking like? I love KAngel and ame chan so much. I relate to both of them a lot, and I draw them a lot, too. I also think the needy streamer overload soundtrack is really, really good. Maybe one of the best game soundtracks I've listened to. I think internet overdose and internet yamero are both very good songs. I mean, they're both very catchy and have good lyrics. Plus, Internet yamero has a trend or something. Even people who have no clue what needy streamer overload is have even done the trend. I think this means that even though KAngel isn't a real life streamer, she's still really, really popular. This must mean that if she was a streamer in real life, she'd most likely get very popular very fast. aghh, KAngel is just so perfect. I wish I could be her and at the same time I wanna be her wife forever. (platonically.) Also, all the KAngel cosplays I've seen have been very good and pretty. I also love seeing how they do KAngel's twisty DNA hair things and how creative they get with it. If someone were to pose as KAngel in streams though, they'd probably have to come up with a lot of ideas on their own, since KAngel's in game streams are so short (since, well, they're streams in a game, so they can't be that long.) Also, which KAngel streams would they do? cause there's no fucking way you can do all of them and still be alive afterwards. I wish there were more songs than just internet overdose and internet yamero, I've listened to both of them sososoosososososososoosososo many times. KAngel is definitely my favorite character and I fucking wish she was real. She brings me sososososo much joy. KAngel is pretty neat, I guess
weed is pretty neat, I guess
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
fic recs | pjm
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updated june 9, 2022
💀 angst
🌸 fluff
🔥 smut
✨ favorite - aka fics that have me in a chokehold
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cloud nine - @suga-kookiemonster 💀🔥✨ horror
↳ “he’s here again,” viv whispers. “you know who. the hot guy who’s totally into you.” and he is hot–devastatingly hot enough that you know he can’t actually be into you, because the universe simply doesn’t work that way. that still doesn’t stop your heart from pounding when he smiles at you from across the room.
flowers & sex - @7deadlysinsfics  🌸💀🔥✨  fwb/f2l
↳ you’re in need of a warm body and a good fuck. who better than your friend park jimin?
do i wanna know? - @lookingforluna 💀🔥 established relationship
↳ Who knew a pair of red lacy panties could cause so much trouble? Definitely not Jimin. After returning from a long day at the studio, an outburst from you is definitely the last thing he expected. Words get thrown around and things begin to get heated between the two of you. 
hooked - @parkdatjimin 🔥 college au
↳ things get carried away with the campus good boy after you agree to help him have some actual fun at a party. but hold up now because you're not the one supposed to be hooked.
love the way you wear that - @here2bbtstrash 🔥 trans m!jimin
↳ you can’t resist the handsome stranger that approaches you at your favorite gay bar, especially not when he’s wearing that skirt.
what it’s like - @jimilter 🔥✨ college au
↳ You’ve always heard great tales about how good the infamous fuckboy on campus, Park Jimin, is in bed, and wondered if there could be any truth behind these claims when the guy looks like an angel with his cheruby cheeks and precious smiles. So when a new gossip starts to circulate about how ‘hard he hits’, you have had enough of the suspense and decide to finally sample him yourself.
two in one - @here2bbtstrash 🔥✨ hoseok x reader x jimin
↳ you finally have a much-needed smoke session with your best friends, just like old times. you’re also pretty sure they’re gay… right?
freaky deaky - @jjkeverlast 🔥✨ switch!jimin x switch!reader
↳ you’ve been having casual sex with jimin for a while now, but one night you decide to spice things up.
the midnight pack - @jjungkookislife 🔥 wolf au
↳ Park Jimin had it all; the looks, the brains, the athletic ability, and the pack. As a Senior in college, there’s wasn’t much he cared about except his last spring break coming up in a day and which pack bitch he was going to use to get through his heat so he could actually go out and party on the beach with the rest of the wolves of the Midnight Pack.
turn to stone - @jjungkookislife 🔥 gorgon!jimin 
↳ Childhood best friend turned boyfriend has only wanted one thing in his life, to be able to look you in the eyes without the risk of turning you into stone. The last (and only) time it occurred, it was nearly fatal for you but with your anniversary coming up, he’s willing to give it another go.
lovely demons - @kpopfanfictrash​  🌸💀🔥 prince of hell!jimin 
↳ As penance for a crime committed long, long ago, the Witch Council banished you to the feared Tholoss forest. Your sentence was one hundred thousand days of solitude – or death, whichever came first. Your only hope of salvation comes from the demon names routinely sent your way; creatures who escape the inner circles of Hell and pose a threat to the mortal realms. For each demon you kill, days are removed from your sentence. For years you’ve existed, biding your time, until one morning you receive a name which throws your entire world into chaos: the name of Park Jimin, High Prince of Hell himself.
temple of adonis - @yoon2k​ 🔥 adonis!jimin x phoenician!reader
↳ Swearing your life to serving as a priestess in the Temple of Jimin, your city’s patron god, is no easy duty – especially made difficult when you have a run-in with the coquettish god.
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lakesbian · 10 months
21, 22 and 7 for the Alec ask game thing
yaaaay :) you all support my autism
21. their favorite place to be?
due to having spent his entire childhood in a cult which was constantly uprooting him and moving him around to random ass overcrowded households, alec is big on remaining as unattached 2 places as he is to everything else. life pro tip from alec you can't be sad about losing something if you never cared in the first place. so just dont care. about anything. ever.
anyway he likes his own base a whole lot it's comfortable and has cool decorations like a real castle for a real prince and it's All His. it makes him feel very successful in life and pleased with himself. speaking of alec's home. let's all look at him in his mcmansion again
22. do they sleep well at night?
alec vasil brushes his teeth (badly), puts on his fancy gay little pajamas, gets into his comfortable little king-sized bed (ft. nest of 4-5 pillows), tucks himself in, absentmindedly holds yet another pillow like it's a stuffed animal, drifts off within 10-20 minutes tops, sleeps for 7-9 consecutive hours, and has horrific deeply cerebral trauma nightmares the entire time. and then he wakes up and peacefully eats his captain crunch with 0 idea that anything is amiss.
(don't be fooled by the comfortable set-up he could sleep in the family guy death pose on a hostile architecture bench and still catch enough hours if he had to)
7. favorite animal? why?
i'm gonna be real i don't know if he has one :( i think he might not :(. he's not opinionated enough about random shit for that. but if he was going to pick smth he'd go w/ smth he finds funny like geese because they're evil bastards who bite ppl or whatever.
ask me more things about alec ooh you wanna ask me so bad
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How do you think the show would’ve been different if Lestat made Lily and Louis vampires?
hmm is this in lieu of claudia or annie? I personally cant see Lily not leaving. she was too obsevant to stay in my opinion. she picked up on things like loustats attraction to one another right away and read between the lines. “you’re his destiny louis” reads that way to me as well as her trying to keep the peace and make her money you know? She was aware that she was in between them as a buffer. im sure louis isnt the only john she’s dealt with hiding/denying what they really want and coming to a swer to fill that need in whatever way—in louis case being able to just talk freely making him more palatable to her, but still.
i like to think she would have got that power and left like claudia wanted and she would have been able to bc she presented as an adult in a way claudia couldnt. maybe louis and her would have caught up to each other later. i actually think if lestat presented her with the option she would have said yes and he wouldnt need to make the choice dubcon. tho idk if that can be avoided since it seems they cant help but be violent about presenting the option. i think the reality would have been a traumatic adjustment as it is for all of them, but i think she would have endured quite well. now if it was forced on her i think she would leave sooner rather than later after she learned what she could from them. but she wouldnt have been stuck with them and just like louis letting claudia leave, he would have let miss lily leave. and shes not dependent on either of them for survival the same way claudia is. also i dont think lestat would force her to stay bc as an adult woman she really does pose the threat he’s irrationally afraid of in claudia. not that it would change louis’ stance he gay. but i digress.
i think she would have to leave eventually bc irt to lestat, sharing louis with her would have put lily in danger. thats why he killed her so swiftly. no, louis cant even have someone he pays to confide in over him. he has to come to lestat yk? and the fact that lily had to be there for the first night to lure louis in all the way would begin to eat at him. like “why did it take her for you to give me a chance, you’re in love with her” type thing.
i think their mess is something she wouldn’t wanna put up with anyways she’s seen it all. swer are in a position where men tell them the worst of things about the relationships they’re sneaking around and cheating on and to have to be eternally stuck in between that shit for free? hell nah. in my head canon if she gets turned she leaves bc the alternative is her death and i wanna know she out there using vampirism to her full advantage and here in the modern age in a nice condo after a long successful career as a top model. maybe she would have been a refuge louis ran to. he would go back to lestat but just that possibility is why she died in the first place. the way she connects to louis in ways lestat doesnt. her blackness being a key component. i dont know that her undead life would automatically be easy. she is a black woman so all the things that come with that would still be true, but she’s a swer. i feel like she would be resourceful in a way say ……Grace!…might not be able to bc of how her circumstances are different. miss lily didnt have a choice but to be resourceful. Grace grew up affluent and taken care of you know it would be different. thats not a dig at grace just an observation. and that’s not to make it absolute that Grace wouldnt figure it out. i just see her being more dependent for a lot longer and that would pose an issue…you did not ask me about grace lmao moving on.
i think lets say she got away and annie still happened and claudia still was roped into this. louis is forthcoming with her in ways lestat isnt (he has his reasons. dont come at me i know). so i think if she’s asking about other vampires and the only other one louis knows is miss lily he would tell her about her. claudia would fixate on her. she would go looking for her. a mother a companion who understands her in a way she cant be understood at home. one who knows loustat and what it is to be in between them. i think she would go out and find her. and i can see lily being receptive to that. i think this would alter the tragedy of claudia’s story the most. so idk if annie would be needed for that long. she might actually have seen that incinerator a lot sooner. bc claudia would be with lily and i think louis would have been good to at least know where she is. lestat might not have needed to die but then it would just be loustat to face all their issues and idk if lestat would see a reason to adjust and change if he was never plotted agaisnt and left to feed off rats in the junkyard after having his throat slit. that would change the trajectory of the whole last half of iwtv. hmm yeah soo many things would be different. what would get him to paris to meet armand? (no loumand 🥺)i think eventually theyd end up meeting sure there isnt many vamps. then how would loumaniel/armaniel come to be?? it could still happen [i say desperately] but yeah so many things would change now that i really think about it.
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grokebaby · 1 year
🌼🎹🎯🌂❤ for Nan, Grandefel andd Maiju maybe :333 answer as many as you want I just wanna know more about the ocs of all time <3 (also hi me again)
(Hi you again !!)
🌼 = How old? / age group
🎹= Hobbies?
🎯= What do they do best?
🌂= What genre are they in?
❤️= Best memory/ies?
I'm not sure if you meant that all these questions for every single character, or like?? Some other way?? But you said I can do however I want so I shall °w°
Nan being an elder is somewhere between 50-60, I think developmentally she's the oldest character here (not chronologically bc Grandefel has for sure existed for over a thousand years but ykno. What's equivalent to their species). Ofc nan has likely also existed for a little longer than that chronologically speaking? Can't say for sure but she's in the Early elder category. Maiju is AT MOST (equivalent to) in her 40's but I'd put her in late 30's. Middle aged to some capacity. Grandefel is funnily enough youngest of everyone despite having existed the longest lolol, for an angel she'd be considered to be in her 30's approx. She's in the generation between Kxxxtr and Lamera.
Grandefel - What hobbies? 😔 Yall got free time from your all consuming societally enforced role in life? Most her free time is spent with Deirdre and the kids, but if not she's out in the sky exhibiting cat behaviour (lounging on sunny clouds, napping in strange poses and knocking stars off counters their course just bc)
Nan - Something very grandma esque probably. I mean I'm sure she does alot of "hobbyish" activities but moreso because it's been a vital part of her duties growing up (sewing, gardening, cooking ect). But how she entertains herself? Pinecone cows. And talking to them. (Google Käpylehmä, it's a thing wi/ Finns)
Maiju - What hobbies? Looking at picturebooks. Not bc she can't read or doesn't care about reading but she likes to look at nice things especially if she hasn't seen them before. Either that or sitting around and thinking about cool things. If she's feeling extra adventurous probably going on a walk or something, stopping to smell the flowers and all that jazz
Maiju - I feel like I could put so much here and it'd be really obvious. Like decapitation. Wielding a Warhammer. However I think she's the best at being an advisor and second in command to Xerxes when he's Going Normal™ about things (as he does), and keeping the anchor down on stuff. However she's also great at supporting him in his decisions so who's to say..
I'm honestly a little unsure how to answer this for the other two, I'm not saying there aren't things they're good at but I can't think of something they excel either. I think I'll just say both Nan and Grandefel are great at defying the will of unfathomable cosmic forces, whether that be deities Or societal expectations (guess which one is for which character I dare you)
Funnily all these characters exist in the same setting haha? Minus for Nan being an intersectional character in another story of mine as well. Anyway I will go off of vibes
Grandefel - Gay workplace drama
Maiju - Doom with animal crossing music
Nan - that brand of horror where you're stranded in the forest and find yourself in a strange village.. / maybe the monster was the generational trauma all along
(prepares myself emotionally)
I don't think Maiju could pick just one, she can't pick favorites in anything. The first time Xerxes took her to earth to show her sunflowers? Having a ladybug land on her nose? Learning her hair isn't red but Maroon? Getting a tie in a duel against a Power angel? Seeing herself in a mirror for the first time? There's just so many
Grandefel would probably claim it was the day she was made the primary Persecutor after her mentor (father) stepped down, however in reality it was her opening up about her feelings to Deirdre for the first time and crying in the presence of another person. For the first time also.
I feel like.. Nan's favorite memory is still yet to come, because.. (side eyes my story outline) bc ykno (starts tearing up) because b
Future memories aside I too think she can't pick just one. The choice floats between the rare few heartfelt moments with her dad, the support of her relatives after That Tragedy, getting Siru some friends (at all), messing around with her friends at the cow barn, ykno..
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joviantwelve · 1 year
beat the Live A Live remake...I bought it when it came out but my ADHD ass didn't wanna play it until I braced myself fully for all the secret bosses, because I wanted to be completionist this time around...
...was very worth it though! what a good fucking game! everything they added made it even better; the QoL to the battle system alone is just huge. ("there were weaknesses and resistances in this game??" I say, having literally beaten the original)
almost feel like I should get a music player on my blog again so I can throw the new mix of Megalomania up there, because I had it on my blog like 10 years ago and had asks like "oh my god what is that song from??" LMFAO. full circle
I wish every cult classic could get another shot at life with this much love and care. and hey, now it's on Steam, so this is me telling you you have no excuse!!
full game spoilers below, but I had a few screenshots I wanted to take. also some additional, equally spoilery commentary:
...mostly of boss kills, because I started with Prehistory (I like going chronologically, it pleases my brain), so I figured "well I'm grinding forever to take down the mammoth, as well as other superbosses I heard were Hard, I might as well get screenshot trophies of everything"
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poop throw MVP
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adding voice acting really makes you confront a few things. why did they make ou di wan lee sound hot.
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oh my god FUCK THIS SWORD GUY. I was trying to go for oboromaru no kill route so I had to just...grind on ghosts...then this ghost sword guy keeps killing my ass...sob...sob...I actually almost gave up here
then I didn't
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the fish was so much easier in comparison man
oboromaru why is your chapter like this
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then I blanked and didn't take a picture of killing gamahebi because I was too overcome by the fact I 1) successfully did the no kill run and 2) never have to do this again
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awarded myself with gay cowboys next. I didn't go into this thinking "time to award myself with gay cowboys" but like, I last played this game before I realized I was gay. so like. it kind of just hit me all at once. oh no this Did something to me didn't it
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I took this screenshot because I was stoned as hell and mad dog's stupid little smug gayboy pose just really got me
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hey can I also say I just really like the HD2D style? I never played Octopath so this was my first....and like...this really fucking blows pretty much any SNES FF remake out of the water. I know they don't do this for every game because of Budget I'm sure, but like, God I Wish Every SNES Square RPG Could Get This Treatment
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is it just me or is odie o'bright the hardest final boss of the individual character chapters????? fuck this guy
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out of context live a live
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I love that they added voice to the combat too. hearing Akira go "YOU SUCK!" in a giant mech as he evades an attack is just
so fucking funny to hear in a final boss fight
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ok OD-10 had THE biggest glow-up though
every time my eyes got to grace this battlefield/boss I was like mMMmMMMMMMMM
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normal final boss fight :)
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i love masaru he's just a completely normal dude
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actually can I just say I LOVE how they localized the middle ages to be all shakespearean
which means that not only do oersted/odio get to be the hugest drama queens, every boss in the area in general just has the most delightful dialogue
FFXIV has taught them well. did you know the dialogue in FFXIV is NOT like that in japanese?! I can't even imagine
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it was around this point that I realized doing EVERY character dungeon probably overleveled me hardcore
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and, in that respect, I can see why you may have accidentally stumbled upon the fact that running from 100 encounters nets you a secret boss. I got sick of that shit around when Lei was one-shotting everything first turn
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not in a bad way necessarily. like I knew going in this was definitely going to happen since I'm doing EVERYTHING in a chapter where you can technically bumrush the final boss of the game
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so I guess my advice is, if you find the battle system a bit difficult during boss fights, leveling solves most ills
the other ills can be taken care of by Cube
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I admit I didn't vibe so much with Pure Odio upon first playthrough, mostly because it's hard to compete with Megalomania being there, but I really vibed with the new mix
but THEN
but THEN!!!!
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it's like something out of fanfic??? in the best way??? just this small little thing that really makes an impact on the character arc BUT NOT in a way that destroys anything that was there previously
just a small little detail...this is what I kinda wish for more remakes honestly?? expansion isn't BAD. some of the issues with modern remakes of games from 20 years ago is that they DON'T change anything. being TOO loyal can hurt sometimes
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also oersted's VA just fuckin KILLED it good job my dude
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gay cowboy dad giving the saddest boy in the universe some sympathy
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these credits were really nice. always gotta love Montage Credits
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live a live is so good.....................
i'm so glad this game can reach more people now. definite 10/10
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kangel-official · 3 months
KAngel is like the best fucking character ever. If she was a real streamer I would watch her everyday. every second. I would be her number one fan. I would buy every piece of merch she had if she would ever sell any, I would buy everything she would want her fans to buy, I don't know, maybe I'm a bit obsessed but I really like KAngel. I also think ame chan is nice, too, I really like her design. I think KAngels character design is also pretty recognizable, which is good. It's also really fucking cute. Plus, KAngels hair is very recognizable too, although if I was designing her I wouldn't have thought of doing the dna twirly things, so that's something. I also think KAngel is very relatable, and I don't understand how some people don't relate to her. I actually relate to both ame chan and KAngel a lot. I think they're both really good characters, and I can see myself in both of them. If I could, I would spend a year only looking at KAngel. every gif, fanart, official art, video, picture, whatever. She's also really pretty, too. If she was a real streamer she would definitely get popular pretty quickly, I think. Doesn't it make sense, though? She'd be really pretty if she was real. I'm not like lesbian or anything, but. Yeah, she's really pretty. So is ame chan, they're both extremely pretty. I think you can appreciate another girl being really pretty without being gay, right? Maybe I'm just in denial but. I also really wish I had a KAngel and or ame chan cosplay. KAngel and ame Chan's character designs are really just that great, honestly. I would definitely be extremely careful with the cosplay, too. I mean, KAngel and ame chan's outfits are extremely cute and pretty. I wish KAngel was a real streamer, or at least have someone go on twitch or YouTube and stream as her in a cosplay or something. I do wish I had a KAngel and ame chan cosplay, but I barely have any money to buy it myself. I could make it myself or something, but I'm not that talented. I also think ame Chan's hair is very cute. Honestly, everything about KAngel and ame chan is cute. I wouldn't mind being her platonic girlfriend if she was real. We could be like mentally ill girlfriends in a not gay way. if that exists. I don't get how some people don't like KAngel. I mean, her design is recognizable and cute, her hair is also recognizable and cute, she's a mentally ill streamer, she has a pretty face, what is there not to fucking like? I love KAngel and ame chan so much. I relate to both of them a lot, and I draw them a lot, too. I also think the needy streamer overload soundtrack is really, really good. Maybe one of the best game soundtracks I've listened to. I think internet overdose and internet yamero are both very good songs. I mean, they're both very catchy and have good lyrics. Plus, Internet yamero has a trend or something. Even people who have no clue what needy streamer overload is have even done the trend. I think this means that even though KAngel isn't a real life streamer, she's still really, really popular. This must mean that if she was a streamer in real life, she'd most likely get very popular very fast. aghh, KAngel is just so perfect. I wish I could be her and at the same time I wanna be her wife forever. (platonically.) Also, all the KAngel cosplays I've seen have been very good and pretty. I also love seeing how they do KAngel's twisty DNA hair things and how creative they get with it. If someone were to pose as KAngel in streams though, they'd probably have to come up with a lot of ideas on their own, since KAngel's in game streams are so short (since, well, they're streams in a game, so they can't be that long.) Also, which KAngel streams would they do? cause there's no fucking way you can do all of them and still be alive afterwards. I wish there were more songs than just internet overdose and internet yamero, I've listened to both of them sososoosososososososoosososo many times. KAngel is definitely my favorite character and I fucking wish she was real. She brings me sososososo much joy. KAngel is pretty neat, I guess.
anon? anon.
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