#i have no clue what i'll have for lunch at work tomorrow but i can't worry about that now i'm sorry future me ;_;
slippery-minghus · 1 year
ah. have officially hit the point of exhaustion for this move that unless someone literally sets a plate of food in front of me, i'm not going to be able to feed myself.
well... i will be able to feed myself. because i'm amazing at breaking through my own limits no matter the cost, because support is not something i get to have. it's fine. i'm great at this. having support needs is irrelevant when there is no one *to* help. so i just gotta figure it out.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
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He shot DG point blank and didn't shoot the clone and it was a curiosity and people wonder why and it's because they need the stuff and his people would grab both of them out of jail or the morgue and it's ridiculous there's stuff is gross and I'll tell you what we need to get rid of this a****** next door you stupid he starts to smell and he did some dumb and BG is going to kill all of his people he starts working it tomorrow
-my son says you're setting it in stone our son and for no reason it really is not much of a reason and you are sitting hatred of you and your people Dave AKA Dan in stone you called everybody to that location and your own people hate you and want you gone now you're going around committing stupid Acts completely dead and you're an AI junkie and you don't have it everybody knows it now and Paris Hilton and crew are keeping you off it and you don't have a clue do you yeah you know so what you're an actor your time it doesn't you see them all day all day long you have to have power in your dangerous it's a little different but you're still just an actor and your father does it all the time it's really gross
-we have to get you two out of here and we're working towards it in for you so when you will be gone and Stan will be gone and Jason and Lily and all these people that say they're doing stuff and they're not and they're wonderous assholes because they're lying and everyone can tell and they're killing them that's really something it's like a kid on the street okay Calcutta but we really should not insult them so much and he says it too it's really not a great analogy cuz those kids learn quick or they die and some of them are quite good at stuff they pickpocket like madness and they're effective and you people can't even pickpocket you suck I need you out of here you blow you just annoying as hell you're bothering us all the time so going to come after you idiots there's some news about you too jackasses and it's around here. You're sitting at the table at lunch blabbing about him and he's telling you what is going on and that warrants their issuing and that you're scofflaws and you start talking about how you going to have him blown away from over there and all sorts of junk came out of you and you then said when you left he's a real scary guy didn't do anything the whole time didn't say anything and the police came up to you and said we told you not to sit near him over there and you came over and sat near him and we heard what he said the whole time and you're having him say it and it's dumb for you to say you're calling your people and we know it then they said this what kind of allowing it cuz we're grabbing them and now I'm going to grab you and they said you had to sit over here by saying not to and they said wow you're figured it out how that happened and they walked away with him and says to our son you should be in jail I said you have no idea do you. I've gotten rid of more people and one afternoon than these idiots have their whole life and they looked at the idiots and says you're encouraging him he said yeah they are and so are you because you can't do the job for this reason or that reason or you need them to do stupid s*** apparently they did some stupid s*** and Daniel said this line all the time so you don't have your brain on straight and my brother is more of a criminal than anyone cuz he's smarter and they said this he's a dangerous stupid b**** Dave and they ran around talking and they got in trouble and they said we think he's around and came back to our son and they said he didn't know yet and he can't send it back and you're on your own for Christ f*** sake you ruined that s*** in your bunch of assholes you're treating like s*** and go to f****** hell so that went on today and they pulled them in and they said we're really not beating you we're not having to sit there and we told you not to and we meant it and there are warrants on you for treason. They were held for 2 hours and questioned off and on and we'll see about devices here and then they said something else you're planning on leaving the planet and blowing it up and we need to know where the devices are and it starts squealing someone finally figured it out and they're telling him he's dead the others are there and they said this is what we needed to know and are you squealing it and yelling and they're full of happiness and joy and our son shows himself with tears crying it says you're finally going to die and you see you don't get it like he's sad and stuff and they looked around and said I wonder what this looks like and they took them down town no they took him down the road and they were holding them for hours questioning them grabbing their people and went through it and they found several locations and they're going to publish where shortly and we think they got it out
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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bi-bard · 2 years
Riding on the Line Between Acceptable and Angering Your Girlfriend - Allison Cameron Imagine (House M.D)
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Title: Riding on the Line Between Acceptable and Angering Your Girlfriend
Pairing: Allison Cameron X Reader
Based On: orange show speedway
Word Count: 977 words
Warning(s): threats, argument, a single punch is thrown
Summary: (Y/n) never really enjoyed Chase’s company. Not just because they loved his girlfriend, but also because he was a terrible person. (Y/n) was happy to watch the man watch as Cameron and (Y/n) walked a very thin line between being very close friends and moving toward something very different.
Author's Note: This ended up being a crap ton shorter than I thought it was going to be. Also, I don't know how well this follows the song's lyrics, but hey, this whole thing is about my interpretation.
Lizzy McAlpine - “five seconds flat” Writing Challenge Masterlist
I was in the middle of the hall when I heard someone yell my name. I turned around to see Chase storming up to me.
"Hey," I said, clearly confused.
"You need to back off," he pointed a finger at me.
"Excuse me," I asked.
"You need to stop flirting with Cameron."
Okay, in all fairness, I wasn't trying to flirt with her. I had a tendency to give people gifts when I cared about them, so I had gotten into the habit of getting Allison coffee in the morning. I liked spending time with her, so we would have lunch together sometimes.
I knew that there were times when I had gotten a little too close, but I hadn't tried to cross the line with her. She was with Chase. I accepted that. So, I just tried to deal with it all on my own and let the feelings die.
"I'm... I'm not," I denied. "We're friends."
"Friends do not look at each other the way you look at her," he snapped. I had no clue how long he had been holding this rant in. "You need to take a damn step back. She chose me, get over it."
"Do you want me to not look at her? We work together, there's only so many situations where I can avoid her."
"Are you really trying to be a smartass?"
"No, I'm trying to explain that nothing is happening-"
My breath was knocked out of my lungs when he grabbed the edges of my jacket and slammed my back against the wall. I felt the back of my head hit the wall. I stared at him with wide eyes. I knew he was a bit aggressive, but I never pictured him being violent.
"Back. Off."
"What the hell is wrong with you," I asked, shoving him backward.
"You're trying to fuck my girlfriend, that's what!"
"I brought her coffee," I replied. "And we are in the middle of the hospital. We can't talk about things like this in front of patients-"
I was again cut off by a punch landing on my cheek.
The rest was a bit of a blur.
I just kind of blinked and tried to process the feeling of getting punched. I just knew that Chase had been dragged away from me.
"Hey," I focused again as Allison grabbed my shoulders. "Are you alright?"
"I don't think I've been punched before," I muttered.
"Come on," she guided me out of the hall. "Sit here."
I just nodded and sat in the chair she had pulled out.
We were silent as Allison set out the first aid.
We were sitting in the team meeting room. I couldn't help but remember the other times that Allison and I had spent together. I had fallen for her in this room. It was weird to be the only person in the room with her knowing that I didn't have a shot.
I tried to not look too disappointed.
I had an ice pack held against the back of my head.
"I'm sorry," I muttered after a minute.
She sat down in the chair next to me and turned to face me, "You didn't do anything wrong."
"I overstepped-"
"In Chase's eyes," she cut me off. "We were friendly. I'll talk to him about it later."
I nodded.
She touched my chin and leaned over, starting to clean the cut that was on my cheekbone. It was a small cut, really, but she insisted on cleaning it and making sure that it was okay.
"I could always talk to him tomorrow," she muttered. I hummed in response, admittedly distracted by how close she was. "I just don't feel like fighting tonight. I'll make sure you get home, and we can get some takeout and watch a movie."
"I feel like that's going to piss Chase off more."
"He pissed me off," she replied as she leaned back. "You don't see me punching people."
"Allison, please don't do this," I said. "Please just go home."
She let out a sigh, "At least let me make sure you get home?"
I shook my head, "You should go home."
"Why," she asked.
"I don't want to cause any more trouble," I replied. "At least not tonight."
"Okay," she nodded.
"Thank you."
There was a long pause between the two of us. I eventually put the ice pack on the table and tried to relax.
"Why did Chase hit you," she asked. "Genuinely. I know this was far more than work."
I felt my heart drop. I stood up and started walking toward the door.
"He knows how I feel about you," I explained. "How I've felt about you for a long time. He thinks that me being nice to you is my attempt to get you to pick me. I'm not trying to do that, but... I do love you. I'm... I'm in love with you. I have been for years. When I saw you and Chase develop feelings for each other, I backed off. And I'll continue to do that."
She just kind of stared at me.
"Good night, Allison," I awkwardly nodded. "I hope you and Chase can sort things out together. You deserve to be happy."
With that, I turned around and left the room.
All I wanted was for those feelings to go away.
I knew it would never be that easy. I just had to sit in my self-pity until my brain decided to pull itself together and move on.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, but it would happen.
Because I knew that loving someone sometimes meant they wouldn't love you back. And I was happy to accept that reality and fall out of love if it meant that I got to see Allison be genuinely happy with the person she loved.
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
Maisie Peters - “You Signed Up for This” Writing Challenge Masterlist
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pretoriafics · 3 years
If I wasn't a goddamn werewolf - Pt. 6
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Heyy! The series is ending, but we still have more chapters to come! Enjoy it while it lasts!
You are so done with all of that drama with men! Word count: 2.573 Pairings: Reader x Derek; Reader x Platonic!Laura Contain: Some angst, Original characters (Daniel, your boyfriend; Lafayette, your friend)  Warnings: English is not my main language <3; Inappropriate language TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST PART 1 |  PART 5
Seventeen years later, Santa Monica, California
"Yeah, girl, I know it's annoying. I mean, live in Beacon Hills? C'mon! There's nothing there!"
Lauren was lay down on her mom and dad's bed, talking with her best friend on her cell phone. The room was entirely filled with boxes: Lauren and her parents were moving to Beacon Hills, which had left her completely annoyed. It's hard for a 15 years old teenager to moving away from her friends to live in a completely different - and smaller - city. Then, she heard a voice calling her.
You were at the door frame, with your arms crossed and a serious face. When Lauren saw you, her eyes got widen, and she talks with her friend.
"Uh, Brittany, I have to go. You know, my mom is here giving me that glare. I'll call you later, okay? Bye."
Lauren turns off her phone, and you stare at her.
"I thought you were putting the rest of the things from the cabinet in the boxes."
"I was, but Brit called me and-"
Daniel stopped close to you, looking at Lauren with arched eyebrows.
"What's happening? Lauren, I thought you were putting the things from the cabinet in the boxes."
The teenager rolled her eyes.
"I'm going to do it right now, dammit!"
Daniel looks at you, trying to avoid Lauren's sudden bad mood.
"I'll gonna wait for you downstairs."
You nod for him while Daniel moves away from you. Then, you look at Lauren that was taking a few boxes out from the cabinet.
"Look, I'll go downtown with your dad. I'll be here soon, and then we'll leave. Be ready. I'm serious."
You let your older daughter alone in your bedroom, with your stuff being put in the moving boxes. Then, a suitcase caught Lauren's attention. It was beautiful, made with red velvet. She never saw that thing before. Moving by her curiosity, she opened it. Inside it, Lauren found a few things: a photo album, a necklace with a triskelion pendant, and a diary. The first thing Lauren took was the diary, and when she opened it, she saw a plane ticket to Vegas. That travel was made exactly seventeen years before she was born. With that plane tickets, Lauren also found two polaroid photographs. There, she saw you and Laura Hale with eyeglasses on a sunny afternoon in front of the famous "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. On the back of that specific photo, a handwritten quote that made Lauren gave a fun smile:
Who cares 'bout the men?
Today, Beacon Hills
Well, Daniel was not Derek's favorite person at all. Was It due to his jealousy? Oh, probably. However, Derek still has his own moral values. It wasn't fair with Daniel what happened between you and Derek, and Hale was completely sure about it. He felt guilty, and if your relationship with Derek wasn't the best earlier, now it seems to get worse. You were feeling guilty about sleeping with him while being in a relationship with Dan, as well as Derek was. He was a nice guy. Daniel didn't deserve it.
Derek was in the hospital where Daniel was working, inside his office with both sitting at the chairs. He made a few questions that would help him to solve the supernatural problem in the city, and despite he had noticed that Daniel wasn't also his biggest fan, he was being pretty collaborative.
"...And this is all I know and saw. I was lucky, I mean, I could have died that night."
Derek nod. Yeah, he could. Despite all, Derek was glad nothing had happened with Daniel.
"Well, a friend of mine managed to escape, so I'm just trying to understand what has happened there."
Daniel stares at him while sitting in his chair, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"You know what, Hale? I don't believe you."
Derek arched his eyebrows. He was surely not expecting that.
"...I think I haven't understood you."
"I don't know much about you, but I know you the Hales are different than the most. Inside that bar, I saw things that I can't understand, just like I can't understand things about you and your family."
Well, he really was not expecting that. After a few weird silent seconds, Derek stares at him.
"There a few things outside that could be better for you if you stay away from."
"I noticed."
"I know. You're smart."
"Yeah, Hale. I am." Daniel stood up from his chair, as well as Derek. Daniel gives him a glare, almost deadly "I'm also smart enough to know there three people in my relationship, am I right, Derek?"
Jeez... In that room and in front of that serious man, Derek could feel what feels like a punch at his stomach. Daniel's words made him dizzy.
But he wouldn't let Daniel affects him.
"I don't know, Daniel. You should talk with (Y/N) to find out. I don't have the answers you want."
"Are you sure you haven't?"
"Yeah, I'm sure." Already too annoyed to care, Derek gives his back to Daniel and walks to the door "This is not high school, Daniel. Go talk with her."
And when Derek finally opened the door to leave...
"Derek, wait."
When Derek looks at Daniel, he felt heartbroken. Daniel wasn't with a cold expression anymore. He was surely lost and... heartbroken as well.
"I'm sorry." He started to talk. "I know any of this is your fault. I just know that she is in love with you. She always has." Daniel stares at the floor, melancholic "I envy you. I wish she could love me just like he loves you."
If Daniel's goal was to let Derek without words to say, he achieved it. With the door's handle in his hand, Derek just stares at Daniel without any sign of what he could say. Dammit. It would be the right choice to put all the jealousy to the side to help him someway. Before he could stay anything, Daniel asks:
"Do you love her? Just be honest with me. I need some... Clue of what I should do."
Derek hesitates. However, if it would help him, he would answer. He nods positively, and Daniel lets out a long sigh. This time was Derek's turn to say something.
"I'm serious when I say you need to talk with her."
"I will." Daniel let out a short and humorless laugh. "I'm the intruder here."
"Daniel, I-"
"I will talk with her, Derek. Thank you."
You were heartbroken. You broke up with Daniel. You knew he was bad with it, but when you talked with him about it, you were pretty sure that was the right thing to do. He didn't ask you why you did it or how you decided it. Well, it wasn't like you didn't want to break up with him. It was just the way things happened between both of you. You knew you were being unfair and unfaithful, and that was the reason you felt so bad.
So, he decided to give you a break. You could be back with time, and he was pretty sure he could make you forget all about Derek. And talking about him... Well...
Everyone in the pack knew about you and Daniel, and that's why everyone gave you a break from everything. Without saying things directly, everyone was trying to help you to trespass this phase: Laura appeared at your house with chocolate bars and some movies suggestions to watch. Talia made your favorite food and called you to have lunch at her house. Derek gives you a break about all the supernatural stuff and about himself, and Peter gave you a lot of alcoholic drinks bottles.
But the fact was: You was so done about men! You were so done about all of that drama about Derek and Daniel! Crap! You need some rest.
Two weeks after your breakup with Daniel, you called Laura. It was 1AM, and the older Hale quickly answered your call.
"(Y/N)! What happened?"
"I know it's late, I know." You started to say, sitting on your couch with a glass of wine in one of your hands "But I needed to ask you something."
"...So this is not an emergency? You know, you're not in danger, you didn't say anything-"
"Do you have money?"
Laura's mind got a lack with your question.
"Do you have money? I mean..." You let out a long sigh "Girl... I'm so done with all this shit."
"Wait" Laura sat on her bed "Are you with financial problems or something like that?"
"No, girl. I was thinking about making a trip. We can buy the tickets tomorrow."
The older Hale's sister arched her eyebrows.
"Where do we wanna go?"
"Vegas. You know, who cares 'bout the men? I just want to give me a break, stop feeling guilty and all this shit."
A smile takes form on Laura's lips. She admires your will to move on, and she surely will not let you alone. And Vegas? Oh, it would be fun girls' travel.
"That's my girl. I'll buy the plane tickets right now."
And the next morning, there Laura was! Her suitcase was close to the main door of the house when Derek came from his loft. Confused, he stares at the suitcase and then his sister.
"I didn't know you would travel."
"Neither do I. But you know what? I'm kinda excited. It will be fun."
Derek arch his eyebrows. It was certainly not the answer he was asking for. Then, the doorbell rings. Talia appears from the doorframe of the living room.
"I'll open it."
And when Talia opened the door, there you are: A car was waiting on the street, and you were with a huge smile on your face. Talia's heart got warm when she saw you that way.
"Hi, dear. Laura's ready."
"Oh, really? Great, because I'm already am too."
You got into the house, and despite Derek's heart failed a beat when he saw you, he still with a huge interrogation point on his head.
"Do you talked with that friend?" Laura asked for you while she takes her suitcase from the floor.
"Yeah, he is waiting for us outside. He knows everything about Vegas. The best places to eat, to have fun..."
Completely lost about that matter, Derek followed you and his sister outside.
"Wait, are you going to Vegas?"
Before you could answer him, a car stopped behind your friend's car: It was Daniel, running in your direction. You let out a long sigh in annoyance, and Derek got even more confused. Laura looks at you with wide eyes.
And this is how things exploded: In front of the Hale house.
"(Y/N), wait!" Daniel runs in your direction "I know things got complicated between us, but can we please talk? Wait." Daniel stares at Derek, and then he stares at you "What are you doing here?"
Without any patience for all of that and already too tired to care, you stare at him.
"I'm here to take my goddamn best friend on a trip. Daniel, please, you were being great during those days, but please, don't try to create drama now."
"I'm not trying to create any drama, (Y/N). I just want to talk and solve things. I think you already had time enough to put things straight on your head, so we can talk and try to solve the things that are going wrong between us."
Oh, man... You couldn't believe it.
"Are you serious, Daniel?! What part of "we're done" you couldn't understand?!"
All that drama made the entire pack suddenly appear in the front door: While Talia watches everything with wide eyes and Laura stares at you and Dan like a tennis play, Cora, Isaac, Boyd, Erica, and Peter had run to know what the hell is going on.
Yeah, it was such a scene. A worthy soap operas drama. Oh, and things got even worse when Derek invaded your arguing with your, now, ex-boyfriend.
"Look, leave her alone. She already said what was needed."
That was enough to make Peter look at his niece Cora.
"Well, I miss pop-corn right now."
Derek's presence made Daniel blush in pure rage. His eyes stare at Hale in a homicidal way.
"No one asked anything for you, Derek. This is all your fault! We were great before you come back!"
Your eyes got widen, already knowing what all of that would result in. You knew Derek and Daniel so well to know things probably would evolve. They were two stubborn men wanting the same woman. Things would get worse, surely.
"Look" Derek approaches Daniel, with a low and threatening voice "I'll request you politely one time, and I just do it once: You'll get the hell outta here and leave (Y/N)'s alone, or I swear that I'll rip your throat."
Your yell was what they needed to finally look at you. The arguing between Derek and Daniel ended with both of them looking at you. It was your turn to say a few things:
"Daniel, look at me: You're being stubborn as hell. I don't want to come back to you. I don't feel anything other than a friendship about you. That's why I broke up. I don't love you."
"You are telling me a thing that I already know, (Y/N). I'm just saying that we just need some time to-"
"We don't need time, Daniel! Do you know what we need? We need to not date! Do you got it, or do I need to draw it for you?" You stare at Derek, talking with him now "I appreciate your gentleman manners, but I know how to defend myself. And you know what?" You look at both men now, raising your middle fingers. "Fuck you both! I'm choosing myself. You guys can punch each other if you want. I don't give a fuck."
Both of them were looking at you in shock, and your face was warm in rage. Actually, everyone was looking at you in shock because you were freaking out. You yelled again, looking at your friend's car.
From the car, a stunning black drag queen with pink hair came out.
"Hi, dear!"
"We're leaving. Could you please help Laura with her bag? Thank you!"
Lafayette approaches Laura and took her suitcase, bringing it to the car. Then, you grabs Laura's wrist and started to drag her to the car. The older Hale sister looks at everyone with wide eyes.
"Let's get outta here, Laura. I'm done with that shit!" You both got into the car, as soon as Lafayette, and you look at Laura "If you bring a man to our hotel's bedroom, I swear by God that I'll get your heart out with my hand."
You were definitely freaking out. You really were so done with all of that shit!
"Girl..." Laura stares at you, scared "You're definitely spending too much time with my family. You even learned how to threaten someone."
"Hey, girls" Lafayette looks at both of you in the backseat "No men, no drama! Let's go!"
Lafayette turns on the car, and Be Happy by CLMD starts to play loud. Then, the three of you were running to LA in the direction of a relaxing and fun trip. And to be happy.
TAGLIST: @teen-wolf-obsessed4life
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m-jelly · 3 years
jelly you told me too and I couldn't help it!
Dearest Levi,
do you remember years ago when we first got together? It was quite the mess, wasn't it? I had all these wonderful plans for us and thought maybe you didn't want the same.
Silly me. I know you have a hard time with these things. At that moment I couldn't see through the act. I'm so glad you were able to come around so quickly.
Reading your letter had me in a happy fog all day. I almost couldn't wait until you showed up, without running towards you instead. I'm happy I waited though, since you seemed to like what I was in when you showed up. Can I tell you something? I had some help with that outfit. I still had a lot to learn, then.
I was so happy that we didn't wait long to make it official. Selling our own places and moving into the quiet home on the edge of town together. Took you forever to agree to a cat, but you love him now.
I love going out with you and also staying in. You always make me so happy. Whether letting me get all the things at the farmers market that you used to roll your eyes, to then helping me bake with what we buy in the kitchen and not complaining about the mess I make. Not much, anyway.
Whether it's a lazy morning in with lots of cuddles that now you ask for more than I do (don't deny it) or a hectic morning with one of us running late and having to help the other into work clothes and make lunch, every morning I get to wake up with you makes my heart beat a little faster.
And now, here we are. It's been 3 months since you asked me to marry you. You were so creative and made me cry so many happy tears. I think I asked if you were really okay with this, but everything I did is hard to remember as I was so focused on you. But you made your case for marriage being what you want too, and I've been so excited.
Tomorrow we send out our invitations. I'm glad we're keeping it relatively small. Most big plans are almost done for the event, the honeymoon, my dress. Hope you're ready to help with the finishing touches. If it's too much, I'll have the girls help narrow it down and we'll just pick between two.
I just wanted to write to you so you always know how I was feeling at this very moment. I don't know if there even is a word, but we'll go with over the moon. You are my everything Levi, and I can't wait to continue our life together. I love you, sweetheart.
- Eliza
Darling Eliza,
You are just the sweetest brat ever and I am so glad that I wrote that letter to you so long ago to confess how I felt. I have to admit, I was terrified that I hurt you too much for you to let me into your home, heart and life. You mean more to me than you know. Truly. I will never let fear enter my heart again when it comes to us because it delayed us getting together as a couple. If I hadn’t fucked up and slowed this down so long ago…the mind wanders about where we’d be. However, I’m glad it worked out the way it did because we found a new way of communication. I love letters.
Don’t ever call yourself silly, you little brat. You’re not. You’re charming, beautiful, smart and wonderful. You opened up your heart to me and I practically shit myself. If anyone was silly, it was me. You did and never have done anything wrong. I have a lot to learn still, but I’m glad you’re with me every step of the way because there’s no one I want more at my side.
That outfit is still a favourite of mine. I love it when you wear it to surprise me. I know I’m supposed to take it off, but you just look so fucking stunning in it that I just like looking at you as you wear it. You know, I had no clue someone helped you into it. I’m a little jealous that someone helped you, that they saw you, my Eliza, in that way. However, it’s rather cute. I can just imagine you ow getting all flustered about wearing it.
Why wait? We love each other and we’d been so close for so long. To me, it made sense to get our house together as soon as possible. I love our house. I like walking around and seeing all the little things that are you in there. Reminds me that you are mine, no one else’s. We just had to be at the edge of town, you know how I like my peace and quiet. Plus, I get you all to myself. Well, not all to myself because of the cat. I do love him, but I must confess I get jealous of him. It sounds so stupid writing that and reading it back, but it’s true. I’m fucking jealous of the cat sometimes Eliza. That cat climbs all over you, sleeps on your lap and cuddles up to you. Should be me. However, I respect the fuzzball because of how it loves you and I love you too.
I love making you happy darling, but those farmers markets? There are some stuck up pieces of shit there trying to prove a point that they are a gift from whatever fucking thing they believe in. Now I know you’re going to tell me off for thinking the worst of people I don’t know, or for swearing my ass off, but I know deep down you agree with me. They do have some great fucking tea at those markets, so I’ll give the organic weirdos that. You better not stop baking though. I love your baking. Don’t worry about the mess. I clean up all the mess in the house, because cleaning is my thing on the chores list. I love cleaning so much. Oh, but I don’t love cleaning more than you. You always come first.
I’ll admit darling, it’s my fault we are late to work so often in the mornings, but can you blame me? You’re so damn adorable in the mornings that I just want to cuddle with you. Nothing is better, in my mind than waking up next to you and being able to hold you and kiss you. I used to be shy, but not anymore. I know what it’s like to almost lose you because of when you confessed to me for the first time. I won’t ever lose you. So, I have to shower you with love with every chance I get. So, fuck it. We’ll keep running late in the mornings.
I was shitting myself when I asked you to marry me. I thought maybe you were going to get your revenge a little and pull a prank on me and say for me to get the idea out of my head. I know you’ll say you’d never, but you’re good friends with Hange and that four eyes weirdo lives to tease the shit out of me. I saw you two talking a lot before I asked you to marry me. You made me so happy when you said yes. Best moment of my life. I’ve always wanted to marry you, so don’t think for a moment that I don’t. I set everything up so perfectly. I planned it all because I really wanted you to say yes and you deserve the world.
Small weddings are for the best darling Eliza. Big ones mean mess and I hate mess. As for the wedding planning, give me more things to do. Remember Eliza, I told you that I want to be fully involved with the wedding plans. I love planning this wedding with you. The only thing I didn’t want to be involved with was the wedding dress because you wanted it to be a surprise, and so do I. So, give me all the work you can. You work way too hard, so let me help you out.
I love these letters and I want to keep them as a regular thing in our lives. They help us understand each other, and when we’re old and wrinkled we can look back on these letters as perfect memories. I just want to grow old with you. I want to hold you in my arms until our last breath. I love you. I love you forever and always sweet brat.
Love your very excited and soon-to-be husband,
Levi x
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voliyu · 3 years
HI3 Spoilers!!!
Translation of Seele ,Bronya and Kiana parts 23-1
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After Seele training, Bronya and Seele go to the cafeteria 
Seele: I'm sorry, Bronya, it's all because of me that we're late... 
Bronya: It's okay, we're on time. This is a good time for fewer people. 
Seele: Well, that's true! There seems to be no one left. Huh? Is that ...? 
Bronya: Kiana? 
Seele: Excuse me, can we sit with you? 
Kiana: Huh? 
Kiana: It's you guys. Of course, there's no one here. 
Bronya: Kiana, is that all the food you have today? 
Kiana: Haha, I have no appetite today. I'm not usually like this, don't worry.  Did you just finish training?
Bronya: Hey, Bronya's just teaching Seele some combat skills. 
Seele: This is the first time I have dinner with Miss Kiana.  I have known you for so long, but I haven't got to speak with you much.
Kiana: Just call me Kiana, and I'll call you Seele, is that okay?
Seele: Of course you can! That's what everyone called me.  Hehe, I feel like we'll become closer by calling each other names.
Seele: Speaking of this, I have never met Kiana in the cafeteria before, is it because our lunch schedule is different?
Kiana: Ah, well, I usually come at this time.
Seele: (So...Did she deliberately avoid the rush hour? Or is the training too hard...)
Bronya: Kiana, how's the class monitor situations now?
Kiana: Still no trace of the Herrscher of Sentience was found, and she said she would keep tracking.
Bronya: Since that time, no one has ever heard of Herrscher of Sentience, nor has she ever appeared again. Shickcal also has no clue of her.
Kiana: Shickcal? Can Otto's words be trusted?
Bronya: When Herrscher of Sentience appeared Otto went missing. It is said that Durandal is now acting as the commander of the Valkyrie Troop.
Bronya: In this situation, AE and Shickcal reached an understanding, the two sides temporarily became allied, and conducted a minimum exchange of information.
Bronya: All we can do at the moment is to deal with the recent frequent honkai activities.
Bronya: Principal Theresa acts as a mentor to Rosaliya and Liliya, and takes them to learn combat in the battlefield.
Bronya: Although the twins were enthusiastic, they were difficult to discipline, and the Principal had a terrible headache.
Kiana: Haha, I feel like seeing us in the past. Aunt Teri always said that she was not good at educating children, but in fact, she was very professional.
Seele: (Sign, I can't find anything to talk with them…)
Veliona: (isn't that natural? You're not one of them. )
Seele: (But they take good care of me. I can't talk because I don't understand what they are talking about.)
Seele: (As long as I work hard to get to know them more, I will definitely become good friends with more people!)
Veliona: (.....)
Bronya: By the way, Kiana, are you going to Yanhu city tomorrow?
Kiana: Yeah. Recently, I have received several reports of mecha losing control for no reason. I'll go to check the situation.
Bronya: That's good. Seele will also go to Yanhu City tomorrow. You can go together.
Seele: …..Eh?
Kiana: Okay, then I'll go back and get ready. I'll see you tomorrow, Seele.
Seele: Ah, see you tomorrow!
Kiana walked away.
Seele: Could it be that this is what Bronya wanted to ask for my help?
Bronya: Seele's really sharp. I'm sorry I made the decision without your permission.
Seele: It's nothing, I'm very happy to be able to go out with Kiana.
Bronya: It is also because of this that Bronya asked Seele to accompany Kiana to relax.
Seele: Me? But Bronya and Kiana have been together longer and knew each other more than me?
Bronya: It's because we knew each other too well that some words cannot be said.
Seele: Huh?
Bronya: In the beginning, Kiana came to eat with us.  But at the same time, there were many Anti-Entropy employees who came to the cafeteria. When they saw Kiana... they expressed concern.
Bronya: The tables near Kiana were always empty, even if Dr. Einstein tooks the initiative to sit next to her.
Seele: But ... Kiana could control herself, and she was trying very hard to protect everyone …
Bronya: We all know these things.  But for ordinary people, fear and worry are not emotions that can be easily overcome--this kind of situation will sooner or later be encountered.
Bronya: So Kiana didn't defend herself, but chose to give in and avoid many people.
Bronya: Of course she doesn't care about the eyes of others, but she doesn't want to add more things to the situation.
Seele: No wonder Bronya interrupted me just now because you didn't want Kiana to talk about this topic.
Bronya: Kiana really has changed. She became mature and calm, and she no longer held everything in her heart.
Bronya: But for her, the world has changed more…
Bronya: She understands our thoughts. What she needs more now is kindness from other people.
Seele: You considered so much, it turns out that Bronya is a reliable person, and I am far from that…
Bronya: Seele has Seele's advantages.  You are sensitive, sympathetic, always aware of things that others did not, so Bronya judged you as the best choice to give Kiana to you.
Bronya: Seele should be more aware of her own strengths and be more confident.  After all, Bronya's world was also changed by Seele.
Seele: Bronya...okay! I understand! Leave her to me!
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shinyrockalaska · 3 years
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Acceptance (or: Charlie's incident)
Summary: Charlie decides to drink Amortentia, just to see if it could affect him, so he could feel the same things everyone else around him seems to feel. Unfortunately, he didn't check who's Amortentia he was drinking...
Word count: 3.3k (my longest fic so far!)
More about the inspiration for this at the end of the post!
Enjoyy <3
He didn't plan it.
Well, yes, he thought about it a few times before, but only theoretically. He never intended to try and do something so drastic to change himself.
But he was in the sixth year and he was seventeen and everybody already had too many expectations of him.
They all acted as if they knew everything about him, who he was going to be, what he was going to do... he couldn't change it, he couldn't tell them they're wrong because he didn't know what was right. Yes, he's a kind and caring person. Yes, he sucks at school because he just can't focus or stop daydreaming. He's messy and obsessive and is definitely going to work with dragons after graduation. They all knew it, and so did he. But that's it, the rest was a blur.
He should've felt lucky. At least he always knows what he wants to do after graduation. Some of his friends, like Tulip and Ben, still had no clue, and they were all stressed out about it. But they all somehow fitted in. With the outsiders, yes, but most of the time Charlie felt like he's an outsider even to the outsiders.
Some may say it's because no one has ever seen him wearing any short clothes, not even in the summertime. He always walked around hiding in his big green coat. Or maybe because of his weird specific fears, that no one else seemed to share or to be scared of it as much as he did. Not even Ben. Or probably, because he never dated anyone and never talked about it with anyone. Charlie thought it was all of those things, that made him himself, but, weird. He never hated himself and was quite proud of being different. But in the end, it doesn't matter. Even the proudest quirky kids would choose to be normal - to fit in - if they could. So you can see why now, at seventeen, he felt that desire to fit in.
Every dinner with his family, his mum would nag him to try and find a nice girl. More for herself than for him, really. Because most wizards and witches find their partners at school. All of his friends already started to go out with each other and whatever student they liked at the moment. There were couples everywhere. EVERYWHERE. And he still couldn't figure out what's wrong with him and why he's not interested in any of that. Even the religious kids, the anxious kids, the awkward kids- all talked about their crushes non-stop. Not everyone dated, of course, but they all talked about it, and the pressure was high. All he ever heard around him was sex, kissing, dates and love. Whatever that was.
The worst part was that his friends were actually supportive.
At first, they would beg him to tell them who his secret crush is, which student he liked. They wouldn't listen whenever he told them that he doesn't have one. But they all calmed down after a while and he explained that he just doesn't care about this stuff. He just doesn't.. feel the need. And they accepted it. Accepted him. But now he was just being put in another box. They stopped talking about their crushes with him because they knew he wouldn't understand. And that was just not true. But could he argue with him when it's so clear they know him better than he knows himself?
So that was the situation he was in. That's why after a super frustrating Amortentia class, where everyone around him kept blushing and giggling at the smell of their own and everyone else's cauldrons, where his friends all sent him sad smiles and kept telling him how jealous they are that he has nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, where he had to lie and tell Snape fake smells because, of course, he smelled nothing, he just couldn't take it anymore. He decided it was time for a change.
So when the class was dismissed, he stayed nearby. And when Snape left the classroom, he scooped some leftover potion into the weird-shaped glass bottle and drunk it without thinking, without hesitating, and without even knowing who's cauldron it was.
It's Amortentia, after all. The strongest love potion. If it increases those love feelings to others, then he might actually feel something, be somewhat normal.
He felt guilty for doing it and had to stop himself from running to professor Snape so he would give him the antidote right away before anything bad will happen. He knew the potion just cause obsession and trouble, but he had to know, at least for a little while, what's it like to be kind of in love.
At first, he didn't feel anything different. Lunch was normal, Care of magical creatures was normal. He felt dizzy at History of magic, but maybe it had more to do with the boring lesson than the potion itself. Charlie was disappointed but somewhat relieved when still nothing had changed by dinner time.
That is, until, Merula has entered the room.
He forgot that tiny, little, important detail that now he was madly in fake love with whoever brewed that potion. Which was, how unlucky for him, Merula. But now he didn't care about it. All he wanted to do was stay with her from now on and forever.
"Charlie, are you okay? You look a little sick," Barnaby commented about his appearance. "And a bit pale," Tonks added, but Charlie preferred to ignore his friends' concerns. "Have you ate something bad?" Rowan questioned, "is it because of potion class?" That question made him nervous, of course. "N-no! I'm just tired.. w-why would it have to do anything with p-potion class?"
"Because you smelled nothing, right? You're not upset about it, right?" They all looked at him with that same sad-apologetic smile as always. He hated it. Just because he's different doesn't mean he needs to be treated differently. "Guys, I'm fine. I don't care. It doesn't matter. Being yourself is the best thing anyone can be! Why would I want to be anything else but myself?" Maybe he was trying too hard to hide it. He sighed, "please just stop giving me those sorry faces. I don't need your pity, I-"
From the corner of his eye, he spotted Merula leaving the room. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said and hurried up after her.
He couldn't pick up the nerves to talk to her so he just followed her around to the Slytherin house in the dungeons. Then, he had to go to sleep, but he couldn't stop staring at the ceiling, smiling, and dreaming about Merula.
"What's up with him?" Ben asked as he entered their dorm. Jae shrugged, "I think he's been drugged." And when Ben's face showed panic he laughed, "just kidding, he's probably thinking about dragons."
Normally, Charlie would be tired after sleeping less than six hours, but he had an amazing dream about him and Merula on a date with candles and chocolate and all he wanted was to feel her hand in his own.
"Are you alright, Charlie..? You still look pretty sick," his friends told him at breakfast. "I'm more than fine, I've never felt better," he said with this wide fuzzy exaggerated smile and the fake spark in his eyes. He barely touched his food, he just kept staring at Merula. And his friends noticed.
"Why are you looking at the Slytherin table? Who are you starting at? Awwww did you finally got a crush?" Normally he'd be embarrassed by this question, which always made him feel unease. But this time, he wanted to be with Merula so badly, that he welcomed any help. "It's Merula, can you maybe get her attention? I really want to kiss her! And maybe.. more? I already thought about names for our kids! Human names even! We'll have a perfect life near the dragon reserve!" He babbled.
"What?!?! You can't be serious! That's- that's just- no!!" They were shocked and a bit disgusted. "It doesn't make sense, Charlie.. you hate Merula!" Talbott said, making Charlie angry, "well, maybe you don't know everything about me!" He shouted, and many students' heads turned around to look at him. "Ever thought about it? That maybe I am more than the way you see me? More than the things you see in me?!" He kept shouting, making his friends feel embarrassed, as they lowered their heads. "Yeah, that's what I thought," Charlie frowned. "Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to ask out Merula!" He shouted this sentence too, causing Merula to look at him, disgusted, and run out of the great hall immediately. He shot one last angry look at his friends, before storming out of the room, after Merula.
"As you all know I'm an expert in love and-" Andre started to say quickly but got cut off by Diego. "I think we can all agree I'm the love expert."
"True," Jacob's sibling said, "you promised to get me dates at the third year and you still haven't! Diego's been more helpful than you.."
Andre was irritated, "That.. that doesn't matter!! Can't you see that Charlie is-"
"Poisoned!" Rowan cut him off, "he's drugged on Amortentia!"
"No way! It's too hard to- oh no! He probably drunk it yesterday after class!" Penny was frightened.
"Dang it, Charlie! What do we do now??"
"We'll have to tell a professor. Even if he'll hate us. We have to do it before he does something stupid like actually making a move on Merula!" Rowan stated, horrified.
"Merula wait! Please, let's talk!" Charlie shouted, running behind her, and she surprisingly stopped. He caught her a few halls past the great hall, on the way to the dungeons. she almost got away from him. He took her hand and started talking, blushing, stumbling on his words. "I can't imagine my life without you! We will be so perfect together, don't you think? Let's run away and start a family together! Do you like dragons? I was thinking we could live next to the Romanian dragon sanctuary and have at least two kids. Do you like the names Violet and Jade? I think they're perfect! I picked them because it's like your eyes and the Slytherin colour. And also not dragon names! Oh, I feel so safe and happy around you. Can you tell me about yourself and your family and life and beliefs and every little detail possible?" He was now hugging her, clutching to her as close as he can.
"This is unsettling in so many ways, Charlie. Stop it now. I don't know what sick game you're playing but cut it now before I'll have to hex you, or call someo-"
"Game? No, no! This is love, baby! Don't you see it?" Charlie felt heartful, in a way he never felt before. And he liked it, being fearless. Feeling warm and being somehow full of love. "Did someone dared you to do it? Have you been drinking elixir to induce euphoria? Oh no, don't tell me you're-"
"Merula! I'm so sorry for Charlie's behavior." McGonagall called out from the end of the hall, followed by Charlie's friends. "What are you doing here?! Go away! I don't need you! I have my Merula! Don't ruin this for me! I deserve to have love too!" Charlie screamed and clung to Merula even more than before.
"Charles Weasley come with me right now!" McGonagall was furious. No student has ever acted like that.
"No! I'm staying here with the love of my life!" He tried to kiss Merula's hand who just pulled it out of his reach immediately, disgusted and uncomfortable. "Don't talk to me ever again, freak." She said and walked away.
"No! Don't leave me! We can make it work!" Charlie screamed as he hurried up after Merula, who now went from fast walking to running. McGonagall grabbed Charlie's arm and stopped him. "you're coming with me now, I cannot believe you!" she said loudly, disappointed.
"No!!! You can't stop me from being happy and in love! This is me, just go away! I have to get Merula back!" He was hysterical, tears running down his face. He cried so much his head started to ache, but he didn't care. he had to follow Merula. Had to be with her. He'd rather die, give up on dragons even, than not spend every single minute of his life now with Merula.
But McGonagall pulled him away from any hope to fulfill his dreams, all the way to her office. He kept cursing his friends, who looked very ashamed and worried, as he got dragged away from them. None of them laughed at the scene he caused.
"Drink this. NOW." McGonagall ordered, but Charlie refused. "I will not let you drug me and prevent me to have this! Let! Me! Go!" He screamed, caughting McGonagall off guard. But it wasn't the first time something like that happened, it just never got out of hand to be like... Charlie's case.
"Stupify." McGonagall cast the spell on Charlie, with a heavy heart. She hates using magic on students. Still, she poured the love-potion antidote liquid down his mouth and watched as he slowly got back his consciousness. She looked at him, all confused as he tried to remember what happened.
"Who did this to you? Was it Merula? She didn't look quite satisfied with your obsession but that doesn't mean it's not her. So tell me, who drugged you with love potion?" McGonagall asked him in both compassion and anger.
"What? Oh you mean the Amortentia.." he lowered his head, "it was.. me?"
"What?! This is beyond belief, Charlie! Why would you do that to yourself? You know it's a dangerous potion! You know the consequences! I expected better than yo-"
"That's exactly the problem!" He cut her off, rudely, "Everyone always expecting all sorts of things from me! I can't be everyone's version of me! I don't want to! I barely even want to be me! You wouldn't understand but I just had to fit in!!"
Charlie never in his life yelled like that at anyone or anything, especially not a professor. But he didn't care anymore. He was sick of everything. McGonagall was surprised again, it was very unlike him to behave that way.
"I- Charlie, listen." He looked at her a bit worried and ashamed. "You don't need to be fixed. You know that using potions and magic to change yourself is bad, especially if it's illegal.." she gave him an alerting look. "I can't tell you how to feel or who to be, but I want you to know that every person is different than the others and there is absolutely not a thing that is wrong with being yourself. Being different is good-"
"As someone who's been different his entire life, I can assure you it's not. Everyone always says it's wonderful to be extraordinary and different and special and whatever, but even the proudest weirdest kids would choose to be like everyone else and fit in if they could.." Charlie said, focusing on the wall rather than McGonagall's eyes, playing with the zipper of his coat.
"Maybe you need to have more pride, Charlie. You're a very unique person, let those special things about you define you by your choice, instead of being ashamed of them. I encourage you to find that strength to let go of the shame and fear in you and to just.. be yourself."
"Pride is stupid," Charlie murmured quietly, "it's something I had no control over. it's not a drawing I made that I put a lot of effort and time into it, so I'm proud of it. No. It's something I couldn't even choose, something I can't change. There's no pride in having no control."
"Well, could you have chosen to be a Gryffindor?"
"Uh, no, but.." Charlie went quiet, thinking.
"I know, you wanted to be in Gryffindor, but if you happened to be in Hufflepuff, wouldn't you still have some house pride in you?" McGonagall asked him.
"I guess.." Charlie shrugged, still upset.
"We cherish pride in us, based on what we learn from our surroundings as we grow up. But society is not always right. In fact, most of the time it's even wrong. And so, you need to be your own society, sometimes. Be the change you want to see in the world, and even if you're different than the way it seems society tells you to be, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. You need to accept yourself just like you would've accepted any of your friends, and just like you would want the world to accept you. Even if you turn out to be completely different than the person you thought you are. understand?"
Charlie nodded. He felt, not for the first time, like McGonagall can read minds. She answered all of his worries and questions and feelings, with her calming words.
McGonagall let him off of his classes for the rest of the day and he decided to write a letter to his family, explaining how he feels. He asked them to be kind and understanding, as he has no control or any choice over his feelings. He wrote down everything that bugged him in the past years. The letter was far too long, and contained seven full written pages. In the end, Charlie decided he won't send it yet. he felt better, but still wasn't ready to face his family's reaction to his incident and different behavior. He felt as if it might disappoint them. it was ridiculous, he knew, they would love him no matter what. Even so, seeing those words, his words, written down in those pages, in his own handwriting, made him smile. It was his choice, to write them, to use them. And he won't let anyone tell him it's wrong.
At dinner, he sat with his friends as usual, worried about what his friends might say. He didn't want them to be worried about him, but he knew they were, after what he did...
"Hey guys, thanks for, uh.. you know... watching out for me.." he said, nervously.
"Sure thing! How are you feeling, Charlie? Better? You're not mad at us for calling McGonagall, right..?" His friends were just as worried as him.
"I'm feeling much better, relieved. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't call McGonagall.. you really saved me.."
He could see Merula sitting next to Ismelda, and glaring at him, furiously.
"You could've chosen a better person to fake fall in love with," Andre joked.
"Yeah, even in this I didn't have a choice or any luck," Charlie laughed, a bit uncomfortable as this subject was still upsetting sometimes.
"How much trouble did you get to from that talk with McGonagall? We haven't seen you all day, so we figured you've got punished real hard.." Ben said, carefully.
"Well, I need to write an apology letter for Merula.. but I got off easy."
"Your mother's not going to like it.." he heard one of them saying, but even that part was okay.
"McGonagall promised not to tell my parents if I'll agree to meet her once a week and talk to her about what's bothering me, instead of bottle it inside me... she wants me to have more pride, and she trust me to choose the right time for me to tell my parents about this incident."
His friends smiled at him, and he smiled at them back.
He tried not to feel nauseous, remembering how foolishly he acted that day, convinced he has to fit in. He still sometimes thought it would be better for him to be like the rest. But he can't. So when he felt that way, he reminded himself of McGonagall's words and named all the good things in his life, and the things he does have control over.
Charlie knew from the moment he drunk the Amortentia, that life might not be easy for him, always having to be the odd one out.
But it was his own life, and he should be proud of what he has.
Wow! Finally! I had this idea for like a year and I've been trying to write it ever since, so this definitely took time...
I really like how it turned out, I hope you'll like it too. This is how I see Charlie.
The fic was inspired by another beautiful fanfic (here's a link) where Charlie almost drinks the potion but ends up not doing it.
Even though it's not canon, to me, Charlie is the closest thing we have to an aromantic and asexual representation, and it's just so, so important to have that. It took me years to feel comfortable with me being like this, I'm still working on it, and I think a big part of it is because we don't see anything about it in the media or anywhere else really.
Self-acceptance is harder when it comes to aros and aces because it's just so different than other romantic/sexual orientations, it's hard to define lack of attraction, but it doesn't mean it's bad!
Everyone is valid, and I know knowing this doesn't make it immediately better, but it helps to remember it. I don't want people to be afraid of who they are, to feel like they need to be fixed, to have to hide away.
So now, it's the end of pride month but you and I- we're still here! And we can still shine bright and be proud of ourselves for coming so far! The truth is always right, don't be afraid of it. 💜💚
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mymemoirs · 3 years
Unrecorded Memories and Missing Taiwan #8
This is gonna be my last post for this series because I am left with only one week worth of story. Yes, my 2018 summer exchange story is coming to an end. I'm so glad it's going to be over because there's so many things I want to write in my next post.
32) Monday came and each groups presented their presentation in front of the class. My groupmates and I presented our presentation. It went smoothly and there were no real pressure compared to my AI presentation. Unlike the AI presentation, there was no grading for our presentation and thus no recognition of who's the best presenter in our class. Well, I think this way we can just be neutral and enjoy everyone's presentation. Although, to be honest, I can't remembered any of the presentations during this class compared to the AI class.
Okay, this is really out of context, but I have to admit that the Indian students I met are confident and good presenter. One presenter in particular presented like Steve Jobs. His talk is inspiring and full of hope (well, his expressions especially) even though he's just explaining about an AI that creates lyrics for music.
Now, back to topic *laughs*. So, after everyone in the class finished their presentation, I think we were dismissed quite early. I don't really remember what I did that day. The only clue I have of that day is a photo of the 7-Eleven near the campus. I think knowing well that I will miss that place, I just took a photo of it for my memorabilia. Well, sure enough, I do missed that convenience store. They have everything! I always bought my breakfast there. Sometimes I even have my lunch or dinner there. It's such a memorable place. I really love how the convenience store really depicts 'convenient' very well. It's very different from the convenience store in my country. Oh, and I think it's open for 24 hours. Like, seriously, this is too convenient!
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7-Eleven store besides Asia University Campus. Look at that infinite supply of foods with chairs and tables. I just love so many selections of foods to choose, I really miss Taiwan's 7-Eleven.
33) On Tuesday, our professor suddenly told us that we were going to have a campus tour. So, off we go around the campus with our professor as the tour guide. It's not like we don't explore the campus but after the tour, I realize how big the campus is and how little exploration I did. There were so many places, BEAUTIFUL places around the campus. But the only thing I did whenever I finished classes was to go back to my room and rest. I don't really explored much except when I get lost. I also didn't visit other friends in different dorm buildings which is located quite far from my own. Now, that I think back, it's really too bad that I don't do much exploring but that's also one of the reason why I would still want to go back to Taiwan if I had the chance. I'm only in Taichung before and there were a lot of cities in Taiwan I haven't explored yet. I'll love another chance to explore the country.
The first half of our class (before lunch) was spent on touring the campus. After that, on the second half of our class, we went to an art museum in Asia University. I think our professor was out of ideas on where to take us and since most of us never visited the art museum that was actually located in the campus. He suggested that and we all went along, although, we must pay for our own entrance fee to enter the museum. However, I think it was discounted. I vaguely remembered paying 100 NTD for that.
The museum itself is called "Asia Museum of Modern Art" located in Asia University's premises. I actually had to pass through the museum every time I went back to my dorm. It have this amazing architecture that's also one of its selling point in my opinion. The architect of the building is a Japanese man named Tadao Ando. I just have to go gaga on him after searching more about him and his works. What a talented man he is! It even shows in the museum I went.
He's a King of Concrete because his works mostly uses concretes and the museum I went was made of concrete. It was also not painted and that's really interesting to see a building not painted but still exudes such a classy and modern look. There's also one spot in the museum that's very popular. Since the building is triangle, the corner of it have this eye fish effect if we took a picture from that corner. Just take a look at this picture below!
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In one of the corners in Asia Museum of Modern Art.
As you can see, being in the corner allows people to see both sides of the wall, making an effect of using a wide lens or fish eye lens. I saw Tadao Ando's other work too in the internet and I am officially a fan of his work now. He really have piqued my interest in the world of design. I'm in love. *laughs*
Since it was an art museum, there were a lot of art works ranging from pottery, paintings to very abstract object. According to the guide, the museum have different arts displayed there depending on the exhibitions. I don't really remember what exhibition or what theme I am seeing when I went there but I was mostly focused on the architecture of the buildings. Walking around and seeing people taking pictures. I don't really take pictures which is kind of a bummer but I don't think I feel comfortable asking people to take a picture of me. Most of my pictures are taken in a group or by my classmate's initiative.
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I took a picture of this because of the meaning behind the words which is very simple but deep. You read it downwards and from right to left, it would be translated as: "In Beauty, there are great pain and ecstasy"
34) After our trip to the museum, we can go back to our dorm. That Tuesday was actually the last night for my roommates since their classes had finished. So, we decided to eat outside and find a cafe where we can chill near the campus. The campus is actually very convenient since there's a lot of shops near it. I actually enjoyed eating around there to be honest. Ah, now I really miss my student's life. Hahaha.
When we went to the cafe, we ordered waffles and shared it among the four of us. While we were eating, the cafe owner suddenly approached us and offered another serving of waffles for free. That is actually quite surprising for us but we received it with delight. Who wouldn't like a freebies right? However, I had a feeling the reason we got that free waffle was because my roommates were attractive. Or maybe it's just because we were new customers and he wanted to gain repeating customers. Which is me *laughs* cause I brought another friends to that cafe again but we weren't lucky to receive a free waffle again. Oh yeah, the name of the cafe is 唯享时刻 (Enjoy Moments) which have a very cute exterior. I think that's the reason why the four of us is interested to try out that cafe.
Anyway, while being on the topic "being treated/ getting freebies" cause you're attractive, it's only when I went to Taiwan that I do saw this kind of thing. I mean back in my country, it's really rare to see my friends being treated or offered by strangers 'cause we're really scared if that actually happens. Heck, I even saw it twice happening with my roommates since one of my roommates were especially attractive. Aside from the cafe, there's this one time when we went to a minimart to buy our breakfast for tomorrow. The cashier actually didn't charge one of my roommate for something she brought it was as if he was treating her. It was actually amusing for me to witness that, their conversation goes like this:
Cashier: *scans barcode of the stuff, leave out an item and then says the price*
Roommate: Um, you forgot to scan the banana.
Cashier: Oh, no, it's alright. It's for you.
Roommate: Um, okay... *while giving the money* Thank you.
This is not really the exact conversation since I forgot if the cashier even said anything at all about giving it to her. I am not beside or behind her when this happened and I remembered the cashier being meek but he was definitely attracted to my friend. Because after going out of the minimart, the rest of my roommates who also went to the same class with her, tease her and said that this is not the first time the cashier treated her. And I think that's also part of the reason why they chose to shop at that minimart.
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Last picture together before my roommates leave Asia University.
Anyway, back to to the cafe moment, I was really sad that we had to part ways tomorrow. Iris and Karen were going to stay in Taiwan for a while but they will go to a different cities tomorrow. Vincy, on the other hand, will be going back to Hong Kong. I can't remember every conversation we had, but I do miss them from time to time. I don't know if they feel that way towards me because our meeting is really such a short period of time and I actually rely on them as my roommates. We still had the WhatsApp group chats but it's always me who initiate the conversation in the group but even if we're not close, they really leave behind such a deep impression on me. I do hope I can meet them again.
35) The next day, on Wednesday, we have our class as usual. Our professor invited other lecturer to teach us about Fintech that day. There weren't much to mentioned for this day except that my roommates all went to their respective destination and we parted ways. I did have the chance to eat my lunch with Vincy before I sent her off in front of the campus. Aaaah, now I really miss them and the moments I had with them but life must go on and that's the thing about making friends across countries. You need to go back to where you belong.
On Thursday, the professor told us that we're going to have a farewell party and ask us to gather in a cafe near the museum. The cafe was actually managed by an alumni of the university and I think that's the reason why our professor wanted us to go there. Although, I don't know if the cafe still exists since it doesn't show up in google maps. With the pandemic that's happening, I felt it cause businesses to go bankrupt but at the same time new kind of businesses went viral during the pandemic.
During our farewell, everyone is having a light snacks and coffee, conversations, picture taking, etc. I don't quite remembered how the event unfolds in the Entrepreneurship and Creativity class farewell compared to the AI class farewell. I think the professors only gave some short speech and we also watch some videos before we received our certificates. The owner of the cafe also gave her speech about the cafe which really fits our class.
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Receiving the certificate of completion from the professor.
After the farewell party, everyone is free to go. I usually hang out with my Thai friends when I'm on this class but instead of going out with them, I went out with my classmates who came from the same university as I am. It's funny that I only get close with them on the last day. I think they've told me that they felt I was not really approachable especially since I always hang out with my Thai classmates. I don't really deny that because I personally felt the time is so short to be friends with everyone and I'm the type to focus on one group of friends rather than getting along with everyone which I think is impossible for introverted me.
It's a good thing that I do get along with them eventually. I am also grateful that they invited me to go out with them 'cause I don't think I'll go anywhere that day if they didn't invite me. Although, initially I think they just invited me to get a picture together in front of the campus as the representative of our university. After that, they find me approachable enough to ask if I had any plans and would like to join them. Since I love travelling and am not the type to plan most of my days, I gladly accept their offer.
So, off we go to their dorm since they had to take care of some stuff (like preparing to go out, do a little packing, pray, etc). Since, I'm ready to go out and have done most of my packing, I don't mind going along with them to their dorm. It's also the first time I visited other dorm buildings aside from my own. Their dorm rooms are actually quite different compared to mine. They had inner toilet in their rooms while in my dorm the toilet is outside of our rooms. While I am there watching them, one of the classmates actually offered to do some makeup on my face and I let her do it. Although, I don't really have a picture of it unfortunately.
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Me and my classmates from Airlangga University
After that, we went downtown to get our lunch since the food in the cafe is just light snacks. It was quite late when we grabbed our food, I think around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. We went to subways since they're craving for it and I also think it's halal for them. I actually enjoyed talking with them, they're funny and expressive. However, in terms of a travel buddy, I don't think I can get along with them because they only visited shops and more shops to buy the stuff people ask them to. Of course, they charge for it which is very business minded of them but I can see they're struggling with their baggage too.
We were outside for the whole day. Since, I had no makeup remover, I had to follow them to their room to use it. Afterwards, I left their dorm because I had prior plans with two of my Thai classmates (Phoom and Benz) to eat together since this is our last night in Taiwan. I remembered only eating with both of them even though there are other Thai classmates who didn't joined us that night.
While walking to our meeting point, I actually thought how beautiful the night view is around the campus. There were couple of places I went during daylight but it looks so different and beautiful with the lights. The moon was very bright that night too. Tbh, those kind of moments actually reignite my desire to travel again and even during that time I already missed Taiwan. I'm sure people who travel or on a holiday have those kind of moments where they miss holidays even before it ends.
Now, back to our dinner. We ate our dinner in a beef noodle shop near the campus which is actually very popular because it's close to the university and it also tastes quite good. Although, I don't think we can eat that everyday because it's quite costly compared to other available options (around 100 NTD). But when's the perfect time to eat a bit costly dinner than the last day, right? I personally enjoy talking to both of them even though they are much older than me since I knew they were a master's student around their 30s. After eating, we went to a minimart where they bought beers and then we walked back to our respective dorms since my dorm buildings aren't the same with them.
36) Friday, my last day in Taiwan! Everyone who's going back that day went to the meeting point in front of the campus where we will board on a bus that's heading to the airport. We say our goodbyes to the remaining friends who's going to stay, taking pictures together and just spent some time chatting before the bus arrived. Most of my classmates are going back directly to their countries but I was heading to Singapore instead because I have relatives living there.
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The moon is so tiny but trust me, it really caught my eyes. Seeing it with your own eyes does feels different.
We all went home that day. It was really a memorable month for me and I am grateful that I get to experience all of this. I have always wanted a student exchange experience while still balancing my college life and this opportunity came through. Having this summer exchange on 2018 was one of the best highlights I had during college. While on the plane back home, I sat near besides the window and I was able to see a full moon shining brightly and beautifully. Although my phone didn't do much justice to the grandeur I saw, I really wanted to share with everyone the picture of it to end this series.
- Reina
PS. Thank you for reading this series, if anyone ever read it. I really appreciate it. Even though there are certain events or timelines that I'm not completely sure of, I find writing and sharing about the memories I had in Taiwan as a fond thing to do because it's really a memorable one that I just had to write about it. I also find this process - digging up past memories - to be a good exercise for my brain.
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mycatshuman · 4 years
A Risky Mystery
This is heavily based on an ask on @the-officially-kat 's blog about how prinxiety got together in their Scooby-Doo au. You can find that ask here
Art by @the-officially-kat
Colored by me
Masterlist | More
Warnings: There is a moment when the others think Thomas and Virgil have gotten seriously hurt, so look out for that. Let me know if I missed any.
Thank you to @icequeenoriginal for reading through this for me!
A lone van drove along the twisted road into the town of Letchworth. The people of the town watched the van through their curtains as it passed by while on it's way to the town's only hotel, Brooks Inn. The town was on fear induced lockdown during the night. But the people in the van couldn't possibly know that. 
The people in the van were actually kind of professional sleuths. They had handled countless different mysteries before. Each one ranging from predictable to bizarre with various different monsters as the cause of each one. Of course, the townspeople couldn't possibly know that. So they watched with fear-filled eyes as the van pulled into the Inn's parking lot. 
Out of the van came a small odd little group consisting of two glasses-wearing figures, a princely looking fellow, a fellow with dark eyeshadows under his eyes, and a dog. Together, they walked inside the Inn and the townspeople lost sight of them. 
An older woman sat at the front desk to the Brooks Inn. The inn was empty, not a guest laid in her rooms. It was to be expected, the recent events have scared away any previous guest and most others left after one night. The old woman, whose name was Agatha, sighed. She wasn't sure why she didn't just close the inn. After all, it was late and recent circumstances provided a bit of a risk in staying open at night. Just as she decided to close the inn, a small group walked in. She quickly put on a small, reserved smile and greeted them. "Hello, welcome to Brooks Inn." 
The one in darker blues and glasses stepped forward. "Yes, hello. We would like two rooms for the night please." 
The woman nodded. "That will be $75," she said as she moved to grab two keys for each room. She placed the keys on the counter and took the money the man in front of her had placed down. "Can I have a name for the records?" 
One of the others spoke up, "Virgil Rogers." 
The woman frowned a little before filling out the information on the computer. "Alright," she said. Let me take you to your rooms. She led the group up the stairs and then to their rooms. "Here we are." She handed the keys over. "Rooms 2B and 3B." 
"Thank you!" One of the group called. He had glasses and lighter colored clothes. 
The one from earlier, Virgil, spoke up as he glanced around suspiciously. "This town seems awfully empty."
The woman bit her lip. "Oh, that." The group became alert and they all turned their attention to her. "Um, recently, we've been having some trouble in town." 
"What kind of trouble?" The last human of the group asked. His look seemed to consist of colors one would associate with a prince. 
"Well.." The woman hesitated. She didn't want to sound crazy but she decided to just tell the group, it wouldn't be right to keep it from them, they were at risk too, even if they didn't know it. "A phantom has been terrorizing the town recently. They scared off my last paying guest." 
The bubbly one's eyes lit up as Virgil groaned. "Well gang, it looks like we've got a mystery to solve!" The woman's eyes widened in surprise. The first one of the group, the one wearing the ascot, spoke up. "We are sleuths. We've solved a few mysteries before. This one will be a breeze. And I assure you, there is most definitely a logical explanation for this." 
The woman nodded slowly, not quite believing them. "Well, enjoy your stay," she responded before turning and leaving to go shut down the Inn. 
The group watched her go before turning to each other. "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well!" The bubbly one exclaimed and took one of the rooms with the other glasses-wearing figure following him after giving his own good night. 
The other two and the dog turned to their own room and closed the door. 
The next morning, the gang gathered in the inns dining room to discuss their next move to begin their investigation. "Alright, let's start by looking around for any clues and if we find anyone willing to be interviewed, we'll interview them," Logan explained. 
"Sounds like a plan," Patton agreed. 
 "We're not going to split up, right?" Virgil asked as he scratched behind Thomas's ear. 
"Not, yet," Logan answered and pulled a journal out of his bag. "I've written down a few questions and things we should look out for while we're investigating." 
Roman rolled his eyes. "Come on, Logan we've been through this a million times. We know what to look out for and what kind of questions to ask. Let's just get going already." 
"Be nice," Patton chided. 
The group got up and left the Inn and began walking around town. They found it a little weird that the town now seemed so lively. When they had arrived last night, it was still fairly early, far too early for everyone in town to be all locked up in their homes. After walking for a fair amount of time, the gang noticed a few people walking around as if they were on eggshells. Virgil bit his lip before jerking his head at one of them. "Maybe we should ask one of them." 
"Alright." Logan walked over to ask if they could interview them while the rest of the gang waited. Soon Logan waved them over. The gang approached as the person before they inspected them carefully. "You said you saw the Phantom," Logan started. "Would you mind telling us about that?" 
The person bit their lip and glanced around. "Well," they started. "I was just taking my evening walk. When I started to hear this loud wailing." The person before them shivered. "It was really unsettling, so I turned to go home only to run into the Phantom. It looked like they had stepped straight out of a scary movie. They had pale bluish-grey, ghastly skin and it terrified me." The person sighed. "Ever since then, the Phantom has walked around every night. And two nights ago, they nearly pushed someone off the roof of the library." 
The gang shared a glance, they had never dealt with a mystery like this. Sure there were some terrifying monsters they had to deal with but none of them ever put people’s lives at risk. "Did the Phantom say anything to you?" Patton asked.
They nodded. "Yeah, they told me to leave and never return before I regretted it." 
Roman's nose wrinkled. "That's interesting. Is there anything else you can tell us about the Phantom?" 
The person shook their head. "Nope, I'm sorry." 
"That's okay, thank you for your help," Patton said and the gang walked away. 
"Do you guys think whatever this phantom wants is something that involves getting all of the people in town to leave?" Roman asked. 
Virgil shrugged. "I mean, it seems like it, but why?" 
"Let's head back to the Inn for lunch and then I'll do some research on the town and see what I can dig up." 
"Sounds like a plan," Virgil said as he ruffled Thomas's head. The gang head back to the Inn. Patton ordered a pizza while Logan went to get his tablet. Roman, Virgil, and Thomas wandered into the dining room to wait for their friends. Soon they were joined by Logan who immediately began working on pulling up the town records, recent articles, the most recent town map, and an older town map. By the time Patton came in with the pizza, Logan had about three different theories about why the town was being haunted and a few different suspects. 
"So, what have you discovered, Logan?" Patton asked as the group ate. 
"Well," Logan began. "I have found that recently, a wealthy business owner had offered to buy the whole town. But they refused. So he offered to buy single bits of land at a time." 
"I thought it might be something like that," Roman piped up. 
Logan nodded. "Yeah, I think our most likely suspect is Carl Livingking. He's the business owner. Although why he would want to buy up the town, I haven't a clue." 
Virgil bit his lip, "I have to agree, that seems like the most likely situation. But why would he go to the lengths of risking people's lives to get the town? I mean, it seems like he's trying to scare people off, and you can do that without putting people's lives at risk so why is he doing it?" 
Logan shrugged. "That's what I can't seem to find anything on. The land isn't even that good. But something tells me that we're missing out on an important clue."
"Hey, L," Virgil started. "Can I borrow your tablet for a minute?" 
Virgil quickly opened a new tab and did a quick google search. Soon he found something that looked promising. "Maybe you can't find anything, because this town is fairly new." He spun the tablet around to face the rest of the table. Thomas hopped up on a chair to get a closer look. "It says here that apparently, the land that this town sits on is part of a larger area that is said to be the hiding grounds of the legendary Sanderson Gang." 
"Oh, I've read about them!" Logan exclaimed. "They were train robbers. They stole over two million dollars worth of coins and precious stones. But they were never caught. No one knows where the loot went. Rumors spread that it was somewhere in this area but most people thought the gang had fled the country with their treasures and settled down on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific. Eventually, the rumors died down and some people settled down here and started a town. Since then, the Sanderson Gang faded into legend and most people forgot they were real people." 
"So Mr. Livingking must be trying to find the treasure," Patton exclaimed. 
"And what better way than to buy up all the land, evict the town and start a massive expedition."
"He could keep people out and avoid anyone trying to steal the loot." 
Logan nodded. "Yes. It seems so, he isn't doing a good job of covering his tracks. He was actually able to buy a nearby abandoned factory." 
The gang went silent as they looked between each other. "Should we set up a trap?" 
Roman asked. 
Logan bit his lip. "It would be wise. During my research, I found that the Phantom has put two people in the hospital with near-death experiences. Even if it's not him, the Phantom is clearing trying to scare people out of the town so they should still turn up if we are out at night." 
"Yeah, I'd rather have a trap for the most likely culprit already then not have one and risk someone else getting hurt," Patton agreed. 
"Alright, so what's the plan?" Virgil asked as Thomas hopped up on the chair beside him. 
Logan quickly opened the drawing app on his tablet and began to sketch out a plan. 
"Okay, Patton, Roman and I will set up a trap in the town square-"
"Oh don't tell me," Virgil started. "Thomas and I are gonna be the bait." 
"Well, you two are the faster runners out of all of us," Logan explained. "It's only logical." Virgil and Thomas pouted. Logan rolled his eyes. 
"Would you do it for a Thomas Treat?" Patton asked Thomas. The dog's ears perked up a bit but he stayed still. 
Roman poked Virgil with his foot. "Do it or you're straight." 
Virgil sputtered. "Don't threaten me!" 
Roman snorted. "Then do it." 
Logan rolled his eyes at the two childhood friends. As Patton finally convinced Thomas. And it only took ten Thomas Treats. "Okay, I need you two to go on a walk around town. Virgil, I need you to talk out loud about buying the whole town with Thomas. It'll be like you surveying what you're going to buy while taking your dog for a walk." Virgil cringed, not likely the idea of acting like one of those rich people. "I want you to eventually end up at the abandoned factory and if you happen across the Phantom, lure him back to the square. Okay?" 
Virgil groaned. "Yeah, I guess." 
"Great," Logan said and the gang continued to flush out their plan. In the end, they came up with an elaborate trap, one of the few things Logan allowed himself to be elaborate in, that included the entire town square. They were to block off all other entrances into the square except for the one leading to the factory. Virgil and Thomas would lead the Phantom into the square where they jump on a trampoline in front of the town hall and jump up onto the balcony and when the Phantom tried to jump on it, Logan would click a button to release the mechanism which would cause the trampoline to be pulled along a track and drive him right into a giant ball out in front of an apartment building where Patton and Roman would drop a large net over from the top of the building. The plan was flawless.
Virgil and Thomas walked through the old factory apprehensively. "I don't know about you, Thomas, but this place is really too scary." Thomas nodded his head in agreement as they walked. "Like, I think there's no one here, so let's go." Just as Virgil and Thomas turned to go, a loud wailing sounded throughout the factory, bouncing off old machinery and creating a terrifying echo. 
"Get out!!!!!" Virgil and Thomas froze. The wailing got louder until the Phantom stood right in front of them. "GET OUT!!!" It screeched. 
"Don't worry, we are!" Virgil shouted and he turned tail and ran with Thomas running along beside him. The Phantom chased after them with a terrible that grated at their ears. They raced through town but ended up getting turned around. Eventually they scaled up a fire escape and ended up on the roof of Town Hall. They skidded to a stop as they got to the edge. They gulped as they looked down at the trampoline below them, a jump from this height would still be risky. But soon the Phantom was behind them. And before anyone could blink, Thomas and Virgil jumped. 
Roman groaned as he waited. "Where are they?" He asked Patton. The other shrugged. Just then, as he glanced around the square, he noticed Thomas and Virgil on the opposite roof with the Phantom close behind. Roman's eyes widened in fear. Before he could say anything, the two jumped off. "Virgil!!" Roman screamed. 
It all happened in a blur. The Phantom jumped off too and bounced right back into the air after landing on the trampoline. They flew in an arch and landed into the ball pit. Roman and Patton dropped the blanket in shock and raced off the building quickly as they could. Meanwhile, Logan raced over to the ball pit with the police. The Phantom was indeed trapped. "Just hold on," Logan told them before meeting up with Roman and Patton. "What exactly happened?" 
Tears streamed down Roman's face as he answered. "They jumped off the roof!" 
"What?!?!!?" Logan exclaimed. "Where are they????" Roman went to answer only for a shout to draw their attention. 
The gang turned to find Thomas and Virgil stumbling out of the doors of town hall. The world around Roman stopped. The noises and flashing lights of the police cars fading into the background. Images flashed through Roman's mind. They have been best friends since birth. This was the boy who dyed his hair neon green on a date, the boy who ran to his house to show him his new dog, the boy who continuously jumped into terrifying situations willingly for his friends despite his fear. And suddenly the realization that he was so irreversibly and incredibly in love with. 
Roman marched as fast as he could to Virgil without running. His hands cupped Virgil's face as soon as he reached him. He slowly leaned in and kissed the other softly. Virgil returned the kiss without hesitation. It was so much better than either could have imagined. 
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Thomas howled approvingly as Patton and Logan clapped. Eventually the two pulled away. "How did you-" 
"I found some rope and tied it around my waist and a hook on the roof before I jumped and we swung down into the open window." 
"I was so worried." 
"I'm okay. I'm okay."
"I think we should just hurry up and wrap this mystery up and get out of here," Patton said. 
"Agreed," Roman and Virgil said in sync. The gang moved over to where the police handcuffed the Phantom. Roman clung to Virgil, which made it a little difficult for them to move, but they managed. 
Logan walked over and grabbed the mask. "This is none other than Carl Livingking!" He exclaimed. 
"What?" The sheriff asked. 
"Carl had learned about the legend of the Sanderson Gang's loot and decided to look for it. So he offered to buy up the town. But when he was refused he decided to try and scare everyone out so he could begin looking for the treasure."
Carl huffed. "Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog." 
Roman sighed as he laid in the back with Virgil, clinging to him like a kola. "I'm sorry again, Thomas." Thomas turned his head back to face them from his spot in the front seat as if to say it was okay. Roman smiled and nudged his face into Virgil's chest. Virgil pulled him closer and they slowly fell asleep. Content being in each other's arms. 
Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws @odette-ssbu
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chwesolai · 4 years
change up. | lee chan
inspired by change up by seventeen and grease, yes, the movie (you’ll understand why in a second don’t you worry)
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university au!
nerd!chan x class clown!y/n
chan spent his times in his books, in his studies, in ‘always looking in the future’. he never took a break. but towards the end of his senior year of high school, his parents wanted to reward his hard work and studious efforts. it was post-finals, he finished, he got into the university he dreamed of. 
he was free, finally.
so the trip began, his family packed their bags and the road trip to Daecheon Beach from Iksan. chan and his younger brother remained silent most of the ride, chan's brother playing on his phone, occasionally showing chan the new character he unlocked.
"you're going to fry your brain because of those games," chan scoffs, lifting his head up from reading.
"you're going to become evil because of all those scary books you read."
"then, let me."
the two brothers laugh and slowly immerse themselves into their activities and as the sun sets, the two fall into a deep sleep.
four more hours later and the sun began to warm chan's face, they have arrived.
y/n's parents allowed her to pick this year's summer family vacation, her older sister picked last year and her older brother did the year before. they've been to the us, europe, japan but she just wanted to stay home. but her family just didn't allow that so she picked the beach. 
"THE BEACH? Y/N ARE YOU KIDDING?" her sister wasn't here for that, but her brother backed her up, "hey less money spending for us then. we wouldn't need to exchange money, buy flight tickets, bla bla blah."
"exactly." y/n proud of her decision.
"alright, i guess we could go visit my hometown's beach then," y/n's dad shrugs looking at her mother, who was nodding in agreement, "ok, saving money this trip, I like it. we could stay at mom's house then," it was set.
y/n packing her bags, excited to just bathe in the sun, swim, eat her grandmother's food again, this was her trip.
the car ride was absolutely chaotic.
y/n gained the entire back seat to herself with her two older siblings stuck ripping each others' heads off in the middle seats.
"ok bet," her brother held out his hand as his little sister handed him a strawberry pocky packet and her older sister then received her chocolate pocky.
"thank you," y/n bathes in the silence as she goes back to her drama.
the two met at y/n's grandmother's restaurant. y/n was peeling oranges as chan's family walks in, if you're offered to earn some money on vacation, you take it, y/n dropped the peeler, telling her grandma she can take this table.
chan pushed up his glasses as he looks up at the possibly cutest girl he's ever laid eyes on. she was definitely she was shorter than him, her hair held back in two braids, she kept her pen behind her ear and she looked just like how chan envisions the female characters in the classic novels he reads.
"hi welcome to kitchen by paradise, i'm y/n and i will be your server today and if you have any questions about any items on the menu, i'll be more than happy to recommend you anything! now, could i get you all anything to drink?"
chan's mom ordered water, his dad got a cola, his brother banana milk and chan didn't have a clue.
"and for you?" y/n says as she turns her attention towards chan.
"u-um. um. do-do-o you guys have any specialty drinks?"
"oh yeah! we grow our own oranges so we have a whole specialty of drinks. we have an orange-hibiscus iced tea, an orangeade, an orange-pineapple refresher and an orange mint sunrise."
"could i get the orange-pineapple one? please?"
"of course, that's my personal favorite," y/n smiles and chan could've sworn his heart melted, "i will get those ready for you guys and again, if you guys have any questions, call out for y/n!"
"thank you!" chan's parents chimed in as y/n walks away.
"channie has a crush channie has a crush." 
"i will drown you." chan glares at his little brother as his cheeks began to flush.
chan never knew he could fall so easily, i guess this is what happens when you're not focused on studying instead of girls, but this charismatic waitress got his attention.
chan watched y/n peel oranges and make the drink he had ordered, almost feeling bad because the drink looked so tedious to make. he saw the tray of drinks coming their way as she finishes pouring the yellow-orangey iced drink.
"here we go!" she places the drinks at the table, handing each drink to its rightful owner, "so are we ready to order?"
y/n took everyone's orders and y/n couldn't help but giggle at this nerdy guy stuttering ordering his seafood bibibimbap.
he's cute i can't deny it.
"alright let me repeat your guys' order and i'll send this to the kitchen!"
chan's family finished their meals and had left while y/n was on her break, disappointing chan, so he jumped to this opportunity. his 18 y/o heart couldn't believe himself that he left his number for this cute waitress he just met, i mean she probably is a local here and i'm here for the next two weeks.
y/n couldn't believe either. she smiled that that dorky kid thought she was cute, so she saved his number, texting him around sunset.
to orange boy: hey! this is y/n!
to server girl: hi! i'm chan i can't believe you actually saved my number ha
to orange boy: i just had to thank the guy who called me cute and also thinks my favorite drink is good because its our least popular haha
to server girl: thats surprising its rly good omg
to orange boy: so are you free tomorrow?
to server girl: i think my family is just hanging out tmr why?
to orange boy: my grandma is sending me to the market tomorrow to pick up some ingredients and i know you're here for vacation and i know im just a stranger but idk want to explore the coast tmr?
chan couldn't believe it, in his 18 years of his life, he is being asked to go out. with a girl. and she isn't trying to steal his study book.
y/n couldn't believe herself, she just asked a stranger to go out with her.
to server girl: i'm down wanna pick me up?
to orange boy: tmr 12pm i'll bring us lunch 
to server girl: sounds like a plan, so whats your favorite color?
the two spent all night getting to know each other, learning they're the same age, chan was older by a month and a half, y/n's favorite color is every color and said some picasso joke making chan laugh in his hotel room. they both felt like they've known each other for years.
the next day came and y/n packed her backpack and her scooter for the day, writing down the list her grandmother has told her the night before and then sending a text to chan for his address.
"I'M TAKING THE SCOOTER!" y/n yells as she runs down the stairs, "TEXT ME IF YOU NEED ME!"
her family all replying as they hear her leave.
as she makes it to the garage, she ensures she brings the second helmet.
this is a vacation. the wind blowing in her hair as she follows the directions to chan's hotel. her dark blue scooter shimmering in the sunlight and she arrives in front of chan's hotel, rich kid huh?
to orange boy: outside by the lobby!!
chan was already in the lobby for the past ten minutes, didn't want to look like a complete weirdo and come out right when she texted so he waited for a good minutes before walking out. he was wanted to be casual, didn't want to screw anything up with her.
"hey! chan over here!" he walked out seeing the pretty girl from the restaurant on a blue electric scooter? taking off her helmet waving her hand around. he smiled and waved back as he walked towards her.
"this is tomi, my trusty stead," she smiles proudly at her scooter making chan stifle a laugh, leading y/n to laugh at his poor hiding of a laugh, "this is yours, hop on!"
"did not expect this to be the start of my day," he laughs as he puts on the helmet, he gets on the back of the scooter and before y/n turns on the scooter, she grabs chan's arms and to his surprise, wraps them around her stomach, "we're going fast so i don't want you falling off," she turns and smiles at him. what am i feeling right now? butterflies swarm around the two teenagers' stomachs, falling in love before they've even gone out.
"oh o-ok."
and they were off. 
y/n parked the scooter in her usual spot, the noise of the market sang to her and before getting off, she introduces the market, "welcome to daecheon market where old men try to peddle tourists and where local teenagers find the best clothes AND one stand has the BEST fruit produce." 
"y/n i think i should just call you fruit girl because you seem very enthusiastic about them," chan smirks
"i dare you to, orange boy."
"alright fruit girl."
the two laugh as they barely even notice chan's arms are still around y/n, y/n begins to take off her helmet right before she bumps chan in the face with her helmet.
"OH MY GOD! i am so sorry chan oh my god im sorry oh my god i-"
"y/n its ok really," chan laughs at her worried look, "i'm all good no bleeding see?"
"alright im still super sorry i kind of forgot i had a passanger with me," she nervously laughs, im such an idiot what is wrong w me wtf y/n
chan hops off and helps y/n down, "thank you, sir," y/n bows.
"you are very welcome madam," chan bows back, leading them both to laugh once more because of their dorkiness.
"here hold this," y/n opens the scooter compartment and hands chan a camera, "thats my prized possession, keep it safe." she pretends to glare at him but ending up laughing anyways, "you're on picture duty and i am on food duty," y/n pulls out a picnic basket and a large water bottle, "before we explore lets eat!"
y/n leads chan down to a secluded area next to the market, "my siblings and i love coming down here and eating lunch and playing ball. its our secret hideout, and you are a new member of paradise cove, mr chan."
"i'm honored," chan couldn't believe how comfortable he felt around her, a stranger that he had a very long text conversation last night about their favorite colors and whether or not aliens exist. y/n couldn't believe either. why did she feel so bubbly around a kid she met on the job at her grandmother's restaurant?
chan helped her put out a small picnic blanket from the basket and y/n began to pull out the food, “so i remembered your order from the other day and grandma pulled through and made some more this morning and a special touch, an orange-pineapple refresher. dig in!”
their picnic was nothing but boring, time passed so quickly while they talked more about the city and high school and where they want to go for univerity, and what they want to be. a convesation nether of the two have had with another human being. they both took some pictures while they were at it, y/n always doing some silly pose when chan had the camera and chan always looking away from the camera. they were comfortable with one another. 
“so, let’s explore the market shall we?” chan standing up, offering his hand to her, she was hesistant at first, “come on y/n i don’t bite,” he laughs, looking away. feeling odd with  his hand out for so long, he looks back at her smiling this time, “i’m feeling a cramp coming on”
standing up, she grabs his hand and pulls him close to her, both of their faces flushed now. y/n had NO idea what she was doing, “can i?” she looked at his lips and then back up at his eyes, prepare for any reaction
“yes,” once y/n heard his answer, his hand caressed the side of y/n’s face and pressed their lips together, almost melting into the kiss. y/n felt her cheeks burn up, the kiss lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. pulling away, the two laughed with their eyes closed and foreheads pressed against each other, “so the market?” y/n slowly opened her eyes, seeing the flustered boy in front of her interlocking their hands together.
“i thought you were the romantic,” he smiles back.
two spent nearly everyday together. y/n told chan she didn’t live in daecheong, they both knew they were both on vacation and the day one of them was leaving was soon appoarching them. “what will you do without me?” “cry.” “shut up chan” “you asked i answered~!”
chan didn’t want to believe but neither did y/n. their two weeks was up, y/n helped chan pack. “are you really going to cry?” “y/n you’re my first kiss, my first love, my first crush, the first girl that actually has gotten my attention so what do you think?” “now, you’re going to make me cry.” she pouts “y/n you have my number, i have my license, you have a kickass scooter. we have ways to still see each other even if that means our universities are miles apart, we can do this.”
to orange boy: i miss you
they couldn’t do it. the long distance lasted about a month and then school started.
to server girl: i’m sorry
chan was at yonsei university and back to his old ways. head in the books, no partying no social interaction just studying. this physical therapy major wasn’t moving an inch.
now, what chan didn’t know was y/n was ALSO at yonsei. this visual arts major was the biggest party animal on campus. she ruled frat parties and she was a good students. her professors loved her and her charm.
- ten months later -
“CHAN! you have to come dude!” chan’s roommate, xuxi, begs him. xuxi was the polar opposite of chan, same age same major COMPLETELY different social class.
“no ‘xi for the last time, i’m not a party guy.”
“chan please dude, its a costume party, nobody will know its you.” chan began to consider it, when was the last time i had fun?
“what are you dressing up as?”  “i’m going to be capt. american because im going as the avengers with mark and the other guys. if you don’t want to be recognized then wear a mask, be a masquarade ball dude? idk wear a suit and a mask, be that DUDE”
“i’m in.” here we go lee chan
to server girl: finally going out with the boys for the first time hope you’re well i miss you
y/n read the text almost immediately, “i wonder where he’s going?”
“who?” y/n’s roommate jungeun asled as she’s doing her makeup.
“some summer fling, he just texted me after like three months.”
“he’s more than a summer fling hon if you saw his text so fast.”
“shut up”
“kiss me,” jungeun stuck her tongue out at her, “so what are you dressing up as y/n?”
“poision ivy, mark said they’re going to be the avengers and so i’m showing him up and being dc’s sexiest villian.”
“you’re such a heartbreaker miss y/n let the boy breathe, he may have cheated but-”
“but nothing! he treated me like a one night stand and i wanted more! im going all out!”
chan looked at himself one more time in the mirror and xuxi walked behind him in his captain america outfit, “my son you look so fucking good,” pretending to tear up
“shut up,” chan rolled my eyes, sitting back down on his bunk, “should i still go?”
“YES! you look good dude! can’t even recognize you, you look so different and the contacts? you’re really hiding your identity with this one channie.”
“this is the only night we get to be other people so,” he puts on his lacey masquarade mask he bought from target, ‘let’s go.”
xuxi wraps his arm around him, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
jungeun and y/n nearly in shock of how well this costume curves around her body.
“green is your color girl,” jungeun sighs, “you knock them dead baby.”
“you look amazing yourself j OMG ms daphne over here.”
“I’m finding my fred tonight ok?” she smiles as she ties her scarf around her neck.
y/n places her red mask on, “i’m heading out!”
“HANG ON!” y/n was practically out the door before jungeon runs out, “ok ready.”
“let’s go fuck shit up.”
the party was everything chan was not used to, drinking, loud music, people EVERYWHERE, you could say he was slightly overwhelmed. 
you could say he also wasn't used to the attention around him, girls coming up to ask if they wanna hook up or take a shot with him which he declined all of them until she walked in.
ms poison ivy walked in.
it was about 30 minutes after the party started and y/n walked in like she owned the place, jungeon next to her, y/n walked in red heels and green latex in its full glory.
"i'll go get us drinks!" jungeon pracatically screams in y/n's ear.
"OK!" now alone, chan saw this as an opportunity, still not knowing who that was or even who he was in this moment he walked up to her.
"hi!" y/n was drawn back but the handsome stranger in front of her
the music got increasingly louder as this conversation went on so chan yelled back, "NOT EXACTLY, IM A MASQUERADE BALL HOST"
y/n felt eyes beaming her up and down and she saw him, mark, and before he could come any closer, y/n kissed this handsome stranger in front of him.
chan had no idea what was going on but he really didn't care anymore, this kiss began to be a full makeout session in the middle of the dance floor.
 both of them walk out of the loud frat house, "so who do i owe this honor to mr masquerade man?"
"chan, i'm chan. how about you?"
"i'm sorry did you say c-chan?"
y/n hasn't heard that name in what feels like ages until today.
"yes? is something wrong?"
was it really him?
"no its just i knew someone named chan awhile back, ha." she sadly smiled.
it can't be him chan was never this bold.
"ah i see, how about you ms poison ivy?"
"y/n huh?"
"yes, what about it?
"do you still have that blue scooter?" chan takes off his mask and turns to face the girl he's been wondering about for so long.
"long time no see huh?"
"i-i-i didn't even recognize you? where're your glasses? did you get your braces off too? your hair's lighter, you look really good, chan," she sighs in disbelief.
"college does stuff to you i guess," he nervously rubs the nape of his neck, "and you? wow. i didn't think someone could look so gorgeous in latex." he smiles all goofy.
pulling herself into his chest, "i've missed you, im sorry for being an asshole, im sorry for saying those things i shouldve held on im sorry im-"
"nothing is your fault y/n, look at me," he pulls her out of his chest, "i'm here now! we just needed time i guess," he lets out a small laugh.
"now you're the jokester mr lee."
"lets restart. hi im chan."
"hi im y/n," she smiles and takes his hand in hers, "lets never leave again."
"yes ms poison ivy."
“never call me that again.”
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: What it is, right, your twin left her coat at CG earlier & it's my neck if it's not back in her hands by me next shift Jimmy: pass it on Janis: Hmm Janis: Are you sure you've got the right person here? Jimmy: Grace Cavante is your sister isn't she? One of Janis: Unfortunately Janis: No doubt she'd rather you gave it to her yourself and that feeling is mutual, like Janis: Get a clue, lad Janis: couldn't be less obvious 'less she left her knickers Jimmy: Stop your chatting, a sec Jimmy: nowt's mutual that's why I'm asking you to get it, not her Jimmy: The resale's nowt either, I had a look Janis: You're in my inbox? Janis: Knew you were lost Janis: Poor Gracie, first you pie her then you call her cheap, gutted Jimmy: I've been round your family tree about 4 times Jimmy: Can't call myself lost Jimmy: You gonna grab this or nah? Janis: Unlucky, but I ain't gonna cry for you Janis: Wrong twin, again like Janis: What's in it for me? Already told me I can't flog it Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: well I'd shout you a muffin but if you're anything like her, I'll be the one eating it when you don't & I'm watching my figure meself Jimmy: guess the pleasure of my company works if you are? Janis: Tell you ain't from 'round here Janis: No 🍀 Janis: Nothing like her Jimmy: sounds more like my luck's finally in Jimmy: got enough stalkers Jimmy: more than I've done shifts Jimmy: what you want then, other twin? Janis: Not that I doubt how special you are Janis: I completely do, by the way Janis: You get to thinking how you can make me having to fucking regale every detail of this frankly riveting convo to my sister worthwhile and I'll get to walking, yeah? Jimmy: You wound me, girl 💔💔💔💔 Jimmy: I sought you out, whereas she's been in my inbox unread since my moving in date, that'd do for starters Janis: If the situation's a dire as you reckon, you'll have plenty consolation, boy Janis: Welcome Janis: State, honestly Jimmy: You're my consolation if you do me this delivery Jimmy: feeding me to the wolves in lipstick if you don't, basically Jimmy: 'ave it on your conscience if you want, mate Janis: Fucking Hell, if I start atoning for all her cringe or offering myself up as 'consolation' to every lad she makes a tit out of herself in front of I'll never get anything done Janis: Ugh, alright, brains, do your job for you as well, shall I? Just put your mate's number on her to-go 'stead of yours, yeah? Jimmy: alright but how many of 'em are coming to you direct for help, I'm making myself look as much of a tit here, aren't I? Jimmy: brutal you Jimmy: newbies don't have mates to throw under buses Janis: Well, don't be fooled by how available I seem Janis: phone never stops, like Jimmy: I'll find another way then Jimmy: if you stop by for coffee I'll misspell your name like we never chatted, don't worry Janis: Barista bants, how cute Janis: Whatever, it's on my route, I can get it tomorrow AM Jimmy: what you prefer, Janet or Janice? Let me know Janis: 😑 Janis: If you want my sister to ride you, keep on taking the piss, she'll love that, like Jimmy: if you want me to be nice to you, keep using your sister for that A+ excuse Jimmy: 'cause nah, there's nowt more appealing than her getting on her bike Janis: Ha, fuck off, you're the one with a tips jar and manager to keep happy, dickhead Janis: I'm not saying she's not fussy, I'm just saying it might take me several cups of coffee to give you enough 3rd degree burns for her to be #overit Jimmy: funny Jimmy: & im just saying I'd rather give me ex a bell & have her do her worst ruining my life long distance Janis: Worth a shot then, isn't it? Janis: Just try and be less Janis: this Janis: she might reckon you're a changed man Jimmy: is it gonna change your sister's mind about me if I do? Jimmy: 'cause her mates have homewrecker written all over 'em Janis: It was a poor choice of friendship tat, yeah but they ain't the brightest, bless Janis: idk, probably help if the girl was real, mate Jimmy: she is real but shes also real far away Jimmy: & really hates me Jimmy: that's mutual unlike the attraction your little twin is harboring 💔 Janis: 💔 Janis: fuck someone here then, ain't gotta be all 💕 just look enough like it that they write you off their hit lists, yeah Jimmy: proper romantic you Jimmy: I'll go back to the drawing board if its all the same Jimmy: don't need another lass falling for me, do I? Janis: 🙄 Janis: If I had such an easy out, I'd use it Janis: fucking blood ties, such bullshit, along with romance but there we go Jimmy: Easy? yeah alright, Juliet Janis: Not saying you've gotta off yourself with the poor bitch, steady on, though peak 💘 so it is Janis: You're either a 😻 magnet or you ain't, can't have it both ways Jimmy: I just wanna be left alone Jimmy: shouldn't be a lot to ask but until I master leprechaun for fuck off, it apparently is Janis: Preaching to the choir...nah, fuck that, preaching to the big man himself Janis: You work it out, you've got my details now you fucking stalker so hmu then and not before k Jimmy: you know the saying, get stalked enough, become fucked off enough by it to become the stalker Jimmy: or summat Janis: Tragic Janis: No doubt you coulda been something, kid Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: still could Jimmy: if you help me Janis: I don't know how to make a latte, soz Jimmy: not a requirement of dating me, and yeah, my boss is gutted Janis: you what? Jimmy: go out with me Jimmy: you said yourself it don't have to be a love story Janis: um yeah but you should both at least be somewhat into it, ideal world Janis: know you already called me out as the romantic here but Jimmy: nah, you're what I need Jimmy: I won't get tempted Jimmy: keep it easy, like you also said Janis: 🖕 Janis: Like I said, show me how it's worth my time and I will Jimmy: your sister would hate it Jimmy: not like I'm asking you to marry me, you look enough like her that'd be like asking myself to honeymoon in Vietnam Janis: You're a cunt, also, obviously not well-traveled Janis: say what you like Janis: it would be amusing to piss her off and I'm always up for finding new ways Jimmy: so you in? Jimmy: 3 date minimum Janis: You mean I actually have to spend time with you? Jimmy: as long as people think you are, do what you want Janis: Fill your boots Janis: but don't just be saying I let you finger me on your lunch break, like, that isn't working on anyone, least of all my sister and her stupid mates Jimmy: come get your sister's coat and we'll make the magic happen Jimmy: coupley pics and #s will work Jimmy: all they do is sip & scroll Janis: How magical can you really be, then? 😏 Janis: Fuck it, worth it just to piss her grafting you down the drain Jimmy: I'll fake rock your world, Jasmine Janis: Sure 👌 Make me forget my name half as many times as you have and you'll have fucked enough brain cells out to make me a thick Northern twat, clearly Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: hope you're a better actress than you are sweet talker, love Janis: That ain't the one, fucking hell Janis: pick a better petname if we ain't taking time to remember Jimmy: let me know what you want me to call you Jimmy: Baby, right? I bet you're one of them girls Janis: 😒 Hilarious Janis: My daddy issues are pretty non-existent, soz to report Jimmy: what then? Jimmy: Can't call you Juliet if you aren't ride or die for me, darling Janis: I'm remember your unfortunate accent now Janis: it's probably best you don't speak Jimmy: strong, silent type Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: It's your fantasy, kid Janis: Big yourself up however you gotta Jimmy: fantasy? nah Jimmy: necessity Janis: You've not gotta warn me Janis: Not swooning over this chat Jimmy: 💔 Janis: We're all gutted Janis: push that down and smile for the 'gram Jimmy: 😁 Janis: That's the spirit Jimmy: I know yours is more 😏 Jimmy: control yourself if you can, Jenna Janis: Make no promises to control myself so Janis: 👊 behave or deal Jimmy: make one or its off Jimmy: your sister & his mates break enough of my boundaries Janis: If the problem is they're swinging for you, I'm gonna go right ahead and victim blame Jimmy: probably keep that off the 'gram, girl Janis: We laying down ground rules here and now, yeah? Jimmy: you got something else on? Janis: It's the Easter hols Janis: so no Janis: fuck all Jimmy: then may as well Janis: Alright Janis: No posting without getting the other's go ahead first Jimmy: done Jimmy: same goes for agreeing to go somewhere/do something as the power couple we're pretending to be Janis: 'Course Jimmy: & if you tell your sister summat let me know too 'cause she loves questioning me over her coffee Janis: Ha Janis: I do my level best to avoid her but easy Jimmy: you're not gonna brag about what a good boyfriend I am 💔 Janis: We'll have to work out how good you are first, like Jimmy: good enough that I'm off limits your sister & her mates Jimmy: no more no less Janis: Can do that Jimmy: don't fall in love with me for real, can you do that? Janis: 😏 Are you for real? Janis: Ego to go with the accent, is it Jimmy: just checking you're not like your sister for real Jimmy: could be protesting too much for all I know Janis: And this could just be a really bad come on for all I know Janis: we'll have to trust on this one thing, deal? Jimmy: Yeah Janis: Sorted Janis: Make me sound good, as I will be for you Jimmy: how good? Jimmy: nobody knows my dating history, what's yours? Janis: Likewise Janis: all you gotta do is make it realistic enough that people stop asking if I'm a dyke Jimmy: Easy Jimmy: Are you a take it slow girl or hook up on date 1 type? Janis: Won't be getting that graphic on the 'gram, leave it out Jimmy: But it won't stay on the 'gram, will it? Jimmy: People chat Jimmy: what reputation do you want? Janis: Probably better to not be a slag init Jimmy: but don't be keeping me waiting too long if you don't wanna sound gay Janis: alright, irresistable Janis: 2nd date, like Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I ain't, by the way Jimmy: Don't matter Janis: Does Janis: Who needs the pressure of being a beard? This ain't what this is, got it Jimmy: It'd be less pressure, probably Jimmy: you'd be better at faking it Janis: Sorry to disappoint you and all the girls 😒 Jimmy: if its the only time you're gonna, I'll cope Janis: Naturally Janis: Aim to please Jimmy: save it for the 'gram, Judith Janis: Reckon I'm being nice rn? Janis: Poor boy 💔 Jimmy: nice matters less than gay Jimmy: Don't wanna be your mate Janis: Good thing too, aiming to please here, keep up Janis: just saying, starting to doubt how 😍 they are now Jimmy: come see for yourself Jimmy: I'm working as we speak Janis: 😏 Wow so hot Jimmy: it could be if you're ready to kick this off Janis: Why not? Janis: Sooner we get it done sooner we'll see results Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: Laters, babes Jimmy: Cute Janis: That's why you're with me Jimmy: I'm not yet Janis: You're gonna be salty 'cos I won't ride you in your hipster hangout today? 😂 Jimmy: I'm getting paid to be here, you're the one hanging out Janis: I'm picking up the bitch's coat, piss off Jimmy: You could do that when we close Jimmy: You're coming to see me Janis: You do this much? Janis: Suspiciously good at it Jimmy: Which bit? Janis: The bit where you fake a relationship Janis: Good tactic to get bare girls, like or what Jimmy: You're my first 💕 Jimmy: don't let it go to your head, Josephine Janis: as much as that'd get 'em throwing out the #goals Janis: secret's safe with me, boy Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: don't have to go to these lengths up north Jimmy: girls just get if you're interested or nah Janis: 💔 it's a shithole, mate Janis: didn't you get told before leaving t'mines Jimmy: must've had too much coal in my ears or summat Janis: Don't know what you got 'til it's gone Janis: interested and interesting bitches included, obvs Jimmy: not only a pretty face you Jimmy: got it going on in your head too Jimmy: lucky me Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍 Janis: Yeah yeah Janis: Better take back what you said 'bout the leprechauns now you're coming up 🍀&🌹 Jimmy: if you save the humble for the #s I'll think about it Janis: Never been accused of being humble Janis: I guess the gay or nay is more pressing Jimmy: never checked a mirror or nowt, neither? Janis: 'Course, gotta spot myself at the gym, ain't I Jimmy: you can agree you're pretty then Jimmy: not an ugly duckling story either Janis: What's it matter, like Jimmy: im not fake dating one of them girls Jimmy: hates herself but still takes selfies Janis: that's another rule? i'll be thinking on my next then Jimmy: Can't prop up your self esteem Janis: Don't worry 'bout me, fake worry or otherwise ain't necessary Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: all worried out Jimmy: fake & real Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: customer service deserves a pity orchestra Jimmy: alright for you, rich girl Janis: I'll hire one out for date three if you earn it Janis: so 💸 Jimmy: just gimme the money Jimmy: if this was a naff teen rom com, I'd charge per date Janis: If I was richer, older and lonelier, you mean Janis: and you were desperate enough to be a rent boy Janis: you'd actually have to put out though so let's not Jimmy: only if I wanted top money Jimmy: the in it for the chit chat option would be more than I make at CG Janis: Then I hope to fuck you're a better fuck than you are bringing it with the chat, darling, no one is paying for this Jimmy: I'm not trying to impress you Jimmy: pay me and I'll be charming Janis: I'm not trying to pay Janis: Not that hard up, but tah Jimmy: don't complain about what you get then Janis: You ain't telling me what I can and can't do, babe Jimmy: I'm telling you I'm not here to listen to you whinge, babe Jimmy: Get a real boyfriend for that Janis: Have you tried talking to any of my sister's mates Janis: I really think it'll solve this whole thing Jimmy: I talk to 'em every shift Janis: That's not real Janis: that's wage slave robotics Jimmy: neither is this Janis: Whatever, do this at them then Janis: However fit you are, it ain't worth all this Janis: though, probably had worse, hm Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: bad boy baristas are this year's...whatever last year's fad was Jimmy: whatever I say that's brutal I'm playing hard to get Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: 🤢 Ick Janis: last year's fad was the clap so like, careful Jimmy: I repeat, you're what I need Jimmy: nothing else has worked Janis: 😍 Janis: I said yes, didn't I Janis: it'll be sorted Jimmy: are you on your way? Jimmy: 'cause it won't be 'til then Janis: Keen Janis: Yeah, though, gimme 10 Jimmy: try and look like someone capable of getting my attention Janis: I'm not giving myself a shit fringe for you Janis: get some taste Jimmy: you don't know my tastes, Joanne Janis: I can guess Janis: and be right Jimmy: go for it Jimmy: try Janis: any bitch described in any indie song ever Janis: not like other girls 'cept like all the other girls at the shitty pub/gig drinking pints 'cos you'll think it's dead cool, like her tongue piercing and real leather jacket Jimmy: thats racist Jimmy: just 'cause I know all the lyrics to Wonderwall Janis: 😂 Janis: like glass, boy Jimmy: I hope you're better at pretending to know what I like Janis: I know I ain't wrong but you can have the automatic upgrade for free Jimmy: Funny Janis: What, now I'm TOO confident? Jimmy: Nah, too obvious Janis: Err, me or your lack of taste? Jimmy: you Janis: How Janis: Fucking cheek Jimmy: You've pulled the first cliche you could out of your arse Jimmy: is how Janis: I'm sooooo sorry Janis: sure she seemed really special and unique at the time Jimmy: I'm sorry that you're just like your sister Janis: Now who's chatting out their arse Jimmy: still you Jimmy: she don't know me either but she reckons she knows my tastes too Janis: and you don't know me, you barely know the bits of her she wants you to, like Jimmy: I'm not trying to even fake know you Janis: Mutual, hence idc what you fuck Janis: and it was a joke, fucking hell boy Jimmy: funny you Jimmy: like I said Janis: So you keep saying Janis: go do some work, i'm just killing time on the bus Jimmy: I'm working harder than you Jimmy: this chat is a slog without all the coffee I'm slinging between the lines Janis: Do one then? Save it for the 'gram, rule no.1 Jimmy: 👋 Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: what do you do that isn't shit coffee there Jimmy: drinks or food? Janis: Drinks Jimmy: shitter tea, tasteless milkshakes & minging smoothies Janis: 🙄 Joy Janis: if you can make the smoothie at least healthy as well as minging, do that Jimmy: I can make it taste alright if you keep that off the 'gram Janis: That's big talk, babe Jimmy: secret menus aren't just for starbucks Jimmy: I'm here all day I have to make some shit edible for myself Janis: Fair Janis: I'm willing to be impressed by the smoothie skillz at least Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: I'll be brutally honest, idc if you are bae Jimmy: calling me bae is more brutal Jimmy: hate that Janis: 😂 awh bae Jimmy: leave off, Jill Janis: hot and cold, you Jimmy: 💔 Janis: tell me 'bout it Janis: planning our fake breakup already Jimmy: Are you? Janis: that's the fun bit, right? Jimmy: make me look better than my ex did and it'll be a start Janis: i'll break your heart Janis: that's the reputation i'll take Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: steady Janis: 🤷 Janis: i want what i want boy Jimmy: you think you're having my heart? how many dates we going on? Janis: work fast Janis: faster than i'm letting you Jimmy: up yourself you Janis: rich 😏 Jimmy: yeah you are, don't rub it in, girl Janis: I ain't though Janis: like you said, her coat's shit Jimmy: means she's got shit taste not a lack of funds Janis: You can't be rich with 10 kids Janis: trust Jimmy: you could Jimmy: could be a princess for all I know Janis: 😂 what kind of deep cover is this Janis: living in this hole Janis: going to that school, sure Jimmy: #humble Janis: funny Janis: you wish Jimmy: Why? Jimmy: I don't care what you are, do I Janis: 💸 and clout would be an undeniable bonus, regardless Jimmy: I told you, I wanna be left alone, clout is the opposite of that Jimmy: & I don't need your money, girl Janis: Okay so you can't be bought, get you Jimmy: that's not what we're doing here Janis: I know Janis: Serious Janis: you're just easy to take the piss outta Jimmy: piss off Janis: I'll turn around now, like Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: I'm not having the threat of you walking hanging over me head Janis: So serious Janis: Not a princess with a driver, there's no changing the bus route on the rest of this lot now Janis: no matter how moody you get Jimmy: I've got a kid sister I ain't babysitting you too Jimmy: Be serious Janis: Yeah yeah Jimmy: Or call it off Janis: Nah Jimmy: It's not a yeah or nah question Jimmy: it's me saying don't half arse fake dating me Janis: I ain't going to Janis: like you said, this ain't real, and ain't how it's gonna be but can't prove that 'til I get there Jimmy: 👌 Janis: That ain't a response either Janis: I ain't the only one with something to prove Jimmy: Show your face & I will Janis: Try not to look too disappointed Janis: don't doubt some of your fangirls will be watching Jimmy: How many times do you want me to tell you you're pretty when nobody's listening? Janis: Shut up Janis: That ain't what I meant Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: See? Don't start Janis: 😍 only dickhead Jimmy: calm down, dickhead Jimmy: I've got this Janis: First time, you admitted as much Jimmy: Faking it, yeah Jimmy: I've done it for real, that's harder Janis: You reckon Jimmy: I don't care what you think so yeah Jimmy: As long as it looks good it don't matter if it is Janis: That's same as the real thing let's not lie Jimmy: Nah Janis: Agree to disagree, darling Jimmy: Disagree and tell you to shut your face, Jodie Janis: Save it for your ex, Romeo Janis: 💘 such a romantic Jimmy: If I was, she wouldn't be an ex, would she? Janis: Giving you benefit of doubt Janis: LDR never works, you're a 15 year old boy Janis: got like what, 13 more before you find the one, isn't it? Jimmy: what makes you think long distance is what ex-ed her? Jimmy: I never said that Janis: Guess not Jimmy: You don't have to fake knowledge about me Jimmy: nobody's asking who came before Janis: You don't know girls if you think that Janis: undoubtly scoping their profiles as we speak Jimmy: don't doubt they have but they won't find owt Janis: not gutted for 'em Jimmy: only yourself Jimmy: you'll have to keep faking knowing everything Janis: suits me fine, boy Janis: the truth don't interest me none Jimmy: spoken like a decent liar Janis: you know it Janis: truly your lucky day Jimmy: 😍 Janis: Ready? Jimmy: If you are Janis: Fuck it Janis: Why not Jimmy: see, romance ain't dead 💕 Jimmy: how could I refuse? Janis: in it for the smoothie Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: got time to spit in it still Janis: Don't you dare Janis: Will actually fuck you up Jimmy: Get used to it, you're gonna have to kiss me Janis: Disgusting Jimmy: Sweet talking again Jimmy: Jeez, June, steady on Janis: You're the one bringing up necking when I've not even got in the door Jimmy: Are you ready or aren't you? Janis: 'Course I am Jimmy: then I can talk about it, can't I? Jimmy: it's too late for a no kissing rule Janis: If that's how you deal with bricking it Jimmy: piss off Janis: Too late now, babe Jimmy: it's not Janis: ? Jimmy: we don't have to do this if you're shitting yourself Janis: bitch, please Jimmy: I'm not gonna be your bitch, babe Janis: Not the pet name you want then? Jimmy: 🖕 Janis: Have plenty of time to think on it when you're swooning 😉 Jimmy: It's so funny that you believe you'll able to think on anything Janis: 😏 Mhmm Janis: catch me mentally writing my shopping list to pass the time during Jimmy: You aren't even a good liar in private Jimmy: We're doomed Janis: Shut up Janis: Not seen such a romance since Kate and Leo Jimmy: 🎻 doomed, mate Janis: you wanna go down with the ship so bad Janis: drama 👑 Jimmy: I want you to put your riches where your big mouth is Jimmy: Stop your chatting and come on Janis: Keen as Janis: I'm nearly there, stop pining, it's embarrassing Jimmy: You're such a dickhead Jimmy: Maybe I should just date your sister Janis: Go on Janis: I ain't gonna save you from the literal slag pile of exes, you ain't deserve it Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: you don't deserve me Jimmy: well snide you Janis: You love it Jimmy: not having my 💘 Joan, I told you Janis: i don't want it Janis: just gonna 💔 it and bounce Jimmy: 😂 Janis: k i'm coming in guard your 💘 and 👀 'cos i look 🔥 Jimmy: I'll judge that Janis: you forgot what we're doing here or what Jimmy: If we're dating you gotta bring it as my girlfriend Jimmy: so nah Janis: 🙄 Janis: 'cos you look so fit in your stupid uniform 👌 Jimmy: We're meant to be improving your rep not trashing mine Jimmy: & yeah I do 👌 Janis: Really? Nothing to do with how scared you are of these crazy bitches k Jimmy: fed up ain't scared Janis: still Janis: you need me Janis: don't forget it, pal Jimmy: I won't if you don't, mate
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ankitadaw16 · 3 years
The lovely smile
Jason is being frustrated by working on his day to day job. Don't have any interest in staying at this job. But you know the situation made you into a person that you aren't. His father grew older, wrinkles started to show on his face and nowadays can't even go for a morning walk. He used to be a primary teacher, when Jason was a child. Living his magical childhood. Don't have to work. Days were passing smoothly by playing video games all day long. But now he has family responsibilities, Have to work hard for everyday's bread.
Daydreaming got broken by an unexpected hand on his shoulder. His manager leaned down to the desktop and yelled “You haven't finished half of the product design." Apologies by saying “Sorry sir, I'll get this done by tomorrow." He said “Who said that? You aren't going before finishing your work." He interrupted, “But sir it's late at night, probably 12:30, I don't going to get a bus home, if I stay here a bit longer." Said “I don't want any of your excuses, do this work and go wherever you want to." The manager left, without listening to a word from him.
His mind is not working anymore. Everything is messing him up. He can't even type a word on his computer. If he stays here more than a minute, he could black out. The lights, the chairs, the laughter from the manager's room, everything doesn't seem normal. No, he can't take it any longer. Removed his spectacles, and rubbed his eyes constantly, that it went dark red. Grab the coat, laying beside, tiptoed not making a hair drop silent. People often say pindrop silence but I like to say hair drop silence. Peeked through the window to see his manager busy over a phone call. The right time to sneak out. Nobody ever gets a clue. Anyone could never know someone has left this place.
Waiting at the bus stop, lightening up a cigarette.he thought What he was and now what he became. Never wanted to be like this. Just wanted to lead a happy life. But now all has been messed up, it'll never go back like the older times. The people he loved left him. The people he thought never gonna hurt him, broke him into pieces. The empty gay road is quite. Neither a living being walking by nor can he see a motorcycle. Everyone was in a deep sleep but he was feeling nothing. The outside. The street. It Has fallen into darkness. But it's feeling like there's more darkness growing inside of him. That he can't get rid of those negative thoughts.
The bus came after waiting a long time. Probably the last bus for today. Came up and sat down in the last row corner. It isn't filled with people because it's probably midnight. Opened his notebook, where he usually wrote poetry. To become a poet is all he wants. But didnt even have the time to write. So he tries to write whenever he can get spare time. Like while having lunch, before bedtime, traveling. His concentration got broken, looking at a little girl who leaned towards his journal. Gave a smile to her, but she looked afraid of him. “What's your name, beautiful lady." She whispered “Laila'' He shouted “That's a great name, I shall use it in my writing." She whispered “Shhh! My mom is sleeping, don't wake her up or it's gonna be a big problem for us." “Oh okay! I understood, '' he whispered.
She asked, “Uncle, can I ask you something?" “Yeah! Sure." “I was a bit afraid to say this but." “Do you think I am like other rude adults? Who will scold you for asking me what I am doing in my notebook?" “How do you know what I am going to ask you?" He blushed a little and said “I read your eyes."
“So you're the first one who's interested in my work and I am really glad to hear that." She said with bright eyes filled with joy and Innocence “What is it? Tell me nah!"
“A poem, do you read poems?" “Yes! I read a ton of poems, ``Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'', ``Baa Baa black sheep'', ``Jack and jill." He asked “Which one is your favorite?" She said “Neither, they're all boring." He asked her, “Will you read what I wrote here?" She replied “I love to."
She took the notebook from him, read with full concentration and a tiny glimpse of joy in her eyes, she replied “I love them! But I didn't understand that much!" He answered “You enjoyed it! It's all that matters." She replied, “If the poems in my textbook are like this, I'm surely going to get full marks in my exams then."
He said “You're a beautiful girl! I hope you'll be a great person in future." “No, I don't want to be a good person!" “Why?" He asked.
“Because good people always get hurt in the end." He said “Never stop being a good one, because of the bad things that happen to you, you'll meet many people in your life, but at the end of the day, How kind you're to those people, Is all that matters."
Oh no! A problem occurred. Looks like her mother woke up. She yelled at her ``How many times I have to tell you, not to talk with strangers?" Give a look at him, thinking that he's a pedophile and he's been molesting her for a while. Before he could interrupt, his destination came up. And he has to get down from the bus. But before the departure, he looked at her for the last time, saw tears rolling down to her cheeks and he gave a small smile that indicates that they will meet again for sure.
You know, sometimes you meet a person. Who helps you realize who you really are. And I surely believe the person will come into your life and going to change the way we see the world. Magic happens in our life. We only have to recognize it. He ran upstairs and saw his wife waiting for him at the dinner table. She's probably mad at him, he thought. But in a low tone she asked “Do you know what time it is? I have been waiting for three hours, where have you been?" He said “I have made a decision in my life." She asked “No! please don't tell me, you got another idea for a startup again." He replied “This time, I will only do what I love to do!" She asked, “What is it?" He said “I really don't like my job, it feels like I am suffering!" She asked again “Yes! I understand that you wanna leave your job but then how are you going to earn money?" “I want to write poetries and publish a book of my poems someday." “How are you going to take your family responsibilities then?" He came closer to her, hugged and said “If you're beside me! I can do anything." She murmured into his ears “I am always going to stay beside you! Always!"
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