#i have one i talk to regularly and she is not even close to obsessed with anything else i like
xxfrankiesteinksxx · 6 months
does anyone know how to make friends that are into all the things you also like
i mean theres gotta be some ppl else out there that have unhealthy relations with at least some of the things i like
is there a discord for phannies that also like good omens
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irkimatsu · 7 months
Okay I’m obsessed with how you write husk…specifically his dick🙈
What if we got a scenario where husk has a ….i don’t wanna say partner because knowing him and his hate of labels ….we’ll call it someone who he hooks up with regularly and does have feelings for but can’t admit it to himself yet. She or they usually come to the hotel after hours when everyone’s asleep and husk is closing the bar. She/they help husk relieve stress after a long day of work. Maybe he was particularly stressed out so things were a little rougher than usual (still a gentleman though we love our caring king). This lead to some bite marks and scratches on both husk and his hookup buddy. The next day, when Husk comes down to work since he doesn’t typically wear a shirt, he just wears the slacks and suspenders the marks, of course, on his neck and back are visible. I love the dynamic of nobody knowing about this and then just like Angel, Charlie, Vaggie…you know the gang seeing these marks and being like 🤨🤨🤨 and husk being himself and playing it off. I feel like the only person who would get to the bottom of it is angel because he’s persistent. So husk admits to seeing someone which then allows him to admit to himself the feelings he feels for her/them 
Omg sorry that was so long I just love your writing😭🩷
Thank you so much for enjoying my writing, and thank you for the request! I hope this is worth the wait!
Husk/female Reader; reader uses "she" pronouns and has breasts. Explicit sex scene, absolutely NSFW. First half is second-person while the second half is third-person. About 2k words. Enjoy!
It’s well past midnight as you enter the front doors of the Hazbin Hotel. Despite all the scenes of chaos you’d heard about taking place here, all courtesy of Lucifer’s misguided daughter, it was always quiet by the time you showed up in the hotel’s lobby. That silence came down to you always waiting for most of the residents to be asleep before you showed your face. The only living being here to see you now is Husk, who is currently standing behind the bar and scrubbing one final batch of glasses in the sink, a “closed” sign displayed prominently on the counter in front of him.
“Good evening, Husky,” you coo as you approach the bar and take a seat on one of the stools. He acknowledges you with a grunt and a quick wave before turning his attention back to the dishes. “How’s your day been?”
His only answer is another grunt. Well, that’s not good. You know he doesn’t like being pushed, so you let him finish his cleanup duties in peace. In the silence, you notice how agitated his body language seems, his ears pinned back as his tail lashes. He mutters something under his breath - something like “fucking asshole”, you think - as he scrubs at the glass harder and harder. The shattering of glass catches you both by surprise as a chip breaks off of the glass and tumbles to the floor, where it breaks apart further.
“...sorry,” he growls as he slams the glass down on the counter, the impact shattering it into several more pieces. “Been a rough day.”
“Did you wanna talk about it?” 
“No.” His response is curt as he moves onto the next glass, anger still apparent in the force he’s using to scrub it.
“Residents bothering you again?” you ask. Even without meeting any of them, after everything you’ve heard, you’re sure the crew here don’t make Husk’s life easy.
“Alastor,” he says simply.
You bite your lip in concern and decide not to pursue that line of conversation further. You know that Alastor owns Husk’s soul, and while you’ve never pressed for any further details than that, you can only imagine how someone like the Radio Demon treats Husk when you’re not around.
Or how he’d treat him even if you were around. From everything you’ve heard, Alastor doesn’t strike you as the type to hide what a sadist he can be.
“Fuck!” Another glass slips from Husk’s hands as he wipes it down, joining the last one in the shattered pile on the floor. “Christ, I’m too tired for this shit. Niffty can clean this up later, she likes broken glass…” He carefully steps around the mess he’s made as he leaves his station and heads to the hotel’s stairs. “I’m going to bed.”
You remain at the bar for a moment, wondering what you should do. Husk seems to be in a worse mood than you’ve ever seen. Perhaps you should leave him alone for the night and go find entertainment elsewhere?
Before you can leave, though, he stops and turns toward you. “You coming or what?”
Trying not to show too much excitement in the face of his foul temper, you spring up from your stool and join his side. “Want me to help you work out some of that stress?” you ask seductively.
He smirks back as you head for the stairs together. “Sounds good.”
Husk isn’t wasting any time once you both reach his room. The instant the door is shut, he has you pinned against it, his sharp claws digging through your top and into your shoulders. His mouth is on yours, nibbling your lower lip and suckling your tongue, and his waist is grinding against yours.
“If I went too far, would you tell me?” he asks, breathing heavily.
“Of course,” you tell him. You link your hands behind his neck, lightly digging your own claws into his flesh, as you pull him in for another rough kiss .
“You trust me?” he asks as he inches your pants down, dragging your claws along your thighs as he does.
“Of course,” you repeat. “Go on, work out your stress however you want… I’m all yours.”
I’m all yours. Those words unlock something primal in the cat demon’s psyche. He clumsily rushes to undress you, trying his best not to damage your clothes but still making the occasional tear. As soon as you’re both nude, he lifts you up by your knees and pulls you onto his cock, bottoming out in one fluid motion.
“You’re all mine…” he reiterates as he fucks you against the door. “Mine… mine…” He leans his head down to nip at your breast, hard enough to leave bite marks around your nipple. You moan and scratch below his wings, and he bites even harder.
His frenzy lasts for hours as he takes you on every surface in the room; on every table, against every wall, and of course, a good amount of time spent fucking you into the mattress. The only consistency is that he always insists on having you face him.
“Look at me,” he commands as he drills you against the bed. You’re so sore, so overstimulated, and yet, still so fucking needy.
How could you take your eyes off him? His eyes are wide and wild, his fur a ruffled mess. His fangs are bared at you, and in his current state, you feel as if this beast could tear you to pieces.
You’re more than happy to be his prey.
He howls as you rake your nails down his back, but it doesn’t stop his harsh thrusts inside you.
You comply, making sure to run from one sweet spot to the next, drawing lines with your claws from the base of his wings to just above his tail. “Fuck-”
He scoops you up and pins you against the nearest wall with his whole body. Both of you are slick with sweat and just a bit of blood, a hot, sticky mess, and yet you can’t imagine not having every inch of your body surrounded by him.
You bite down on his shoulder to muffle your next orgasm. He doesn’t tell you to let go, and so you don’t. He pulls you away from the wall and embraces you with his arms and his wings, his nails digging to the base into your back.
You can no longer tell where you end and he begins. You let him keep thrusting up into you until your thoughts melt into nothing.
You don’t exactly remember when the two of you stopped fucking. If you think really hard, you can recall some pieces of him cooling you down, his tongue lapping at the wounds he left behind as he gently asked how you were doing.
Could you even answer with words? All you really remember is holding him tightly as he kissed and licked your shoulder. Hopefully that got through to him well enough.
Now you’re laying in his bed, your entire body burning with the most delicious soreness you’ve ever experienced. He’s laying beside you, not taking his eyes off you. Was he watching you this whole time?
“How are you doing?” he asks, both his expression and voice so much softer than they were earlier in the night. He’s almost a completely different person.
“Amazing,” you say as your eyes drift shut. “You’re amazing…”
“You are too, baby,” he answers. “I feel a lot better now… thanks for that.”
You lay in satisfied silence, wondering what his next move will be. You know you have to go soon, but you wouldn’t mind a little more intimacy with him before you disappear.
“...hey,” he asks, his voice quiet. “I was wondering, um… I wanted to ask…”
You slowly open your eyes to see his own fixed on you, his tail slowly waving. “Hm?”
“Wanted to know, if, um… you wanted to stay the night here?”
You laugh in surprise. “I thought we were just fuckbuddies. We have a good time, and then I run. Besides, I don’t want Charlie catching me here and trying to recruit me. You know I’m not interested in heaven.”
“I just… don’t wanna be alone right now,” he says. Has he always been this vulnerable and just hiding it from you all this time? Up until now you assumed he was only a cold shell who needed someone to fuck into every once in a while. A considerate cold shell who cared about his partner’s feelings in the moment, but still.
“You can sneak out before anyone else wakes up,” he promises. “No one needs to know you’re here. Just stay a few more hours?”
You’d feel like such an asshole to turn him down. “Okay. I’ll stay.” You snuggle into his chest, and wonder if his fur has always been this comfortable…
You wake up before he does, and you’re careful not to disturb him as you put your clothes back on and slip out the door. By the time his alarm goes off, you’re gone.
“Husk?! Husk, are you okay?!”
Husk is barely conscious as he enters the lobby, and already a panicked Charlie is all over him.
“What?” He’s too fucking tired to ask what the hell she’s talking about. He robotically makes his way behind the bar to start his shift. If he could actively remember a thing from last night, he might have noticed that Niffty had indeed swept up the glass, but for now his only thought was about when coffee would be ready and how much whiskey he’d have to add to it to survive the day.
“You’re covered in scratches!” Charlie continues, panicked. “You look like you were bleeding! Did you get in a fight last night? Are you okay?!”
He finally snaps awake as the previous night’s events rush into his head like a speeding train. “Oh, uh… it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Telling Charlie not to worry about something only makes her worry even further.
“You lay down, you don’t need to run the bar today. I’ll go get a first aid kit, an ice pack… do you need painkillers? I’ll get you some that’ll make you drowsy so you can rest in your room today-”
“Relax, princess, he’s fine!” Angel says from his spot on the couch where he’s scrolling on his phone. “He had a rough night, but he’ll be fine.”
“You know what happened to him?” Charlie asks.
Angel laughs in response. “Oh, I have an idea. You guys weren’t exactly quiet last night, Whiskers!”
Husk growls as his ears flatten against his skull. “It’s none of your business.”
“Then keep your voice down and don’t make it our business!” Angel says. “Ain’t like it’s the first time I’ve heard you two! Last night, though… damn! If I didn’t see her leaving at some bullshit hour this morning I’d wonder if there was anything left of her!”
“There was someone else in the hotel?” Charlie asks.
“Just a friend,” Husk mutters as he turns his head, ears still flattened.
“...oh. Ohhhh.” Even Charlie is able to piece together a good enough read of the situation. “Right, um… Husk, if you need that ice pack, you let me know, okay? For now I’m just gonna… see how Niffty is doing with breakfast!” She hasn’t even finished speaking by the time she’s scurried away toward the kitchen.
God, Husk hopes she brings back coffee.
Once Charlie’s gone, Angel approaches the bar and sits with his chin in one of his palms.
“I ain’t making you a drink until I’ve had my own,” Husk snaps, wondering if it’ll help to skip the coffee and go right for the whiskey. Fuck his head hurts.
“Fine,” Angel says with a shrug. “Well, while we wait… who is she?” His sing-songy voice does not help Husk’s mood.
“Does it matter?”
“If you’re gonna be inviting a stranger into the hotel, the least you could do is tell us who the hell she is,” Angel says.
“Ugh… fine,” Husk says. “I met her at a bar a few months back. We hit it off, got drunk, and… well, you know.”
“Oh, trust me, I know. Kitty likes playing rough, huh?”
Husk growls in response.
“So, what, is she your girlfriend or somethin’?” Angel asks. “Can’t believe you didn’t introduce your girlfriend to us… and here I thought we were a family.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Husk says. “She’s just…” She’d been using the term ‘fuckbuddy’, and maybe he would have used it a few months ago, but in that moment it feels too crass. “She’s just a friend.”
“A friend whose brains you’ve been fucking out a few nights a week,” Angel said.
“How the hell long have you been listening in on us?!”
Angel shrugs as a shit-eating grin covers his lower face. “I wonder if she lets other guys fuck her like that or if you’ve got special privileges,” he says.
Husk doesn’t respond, though his muscles grow tense, and his wings draw in close to his body. Other guys…?
“Oh ho ho! Someone looks jealous!” Angel laughs.
“What do I care what she does when she’s not here? It’s not like I own her.”
“Funny, coming from someone who kept screaming ‘mine’ last night.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m just sayin’, you’re the one who’s always talking about honesty and shit. So if you really like this chick and don’t want her to go off screwin’ someone else, why not tell her that?”
Husk’s whole body droops. “I don’t know… I’ve fucked up enough relationships. Maybe it’s better that I don’t let her get too close to me.”
“Eh, suit yourself. Like you said, it’s none of my business. I’ll help you drink it off if she gets bored and leaves, all right?”
Husk isn’t sure if Angel is being sincere or mocking him, but he doesn’t bother to ask as Angel stands up from the bar.
“What’s takin’ Niffty so long? I’m fuckin’ starving,” he says as he heads for the kitchen to see what the holdup is.
If she gets bored and leaves…
He needed to have a talk with her next time she dropped by.
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lylian333 · 2 months
Yandere fem senior crush x fem junior reader
a/n: I was kinda inspired by this song and i just found out that I am bisexual so i want to try writing about Bia/les scenarios/headcore
warning: stalking, a little pervert behavior, love obsession, crazy lesbian behavior(English isn't my first language)(please tell me if I missed any warning or spelling mistake)also this story will be about your high school era
-yandere senior crush who has had her eyes on you ever since you started your first day at school
-yandere senior crush who is an extrovert around everyone expects around you and always blushes when you are around her and can't control her feelings around you
-yandere senior crush who always thinks about you well smiling
-yandere senior crush who observes you every chance she gets even if it means risking and always finding her staring at you
-yandere senior crush who finds out that her older brother is actually your older brother best friend and uses this advantage to try to befriend you without feeling like she a creep
-yandere senior crush who finally talks to you after a whole year of stalking you and trying to find every detail and schedule that you have
-yandere senior crush who smiles and blushes as red as a tomato the entire time you guys talk which makes you concerned
-yandere senior crush who loves your smile and tries her best to make you laugh which she actually accomplishes
-yandere senior crush who found out about your interest in basketball but you have nobody to teach you. Don't worry your senior has your back just come to her mansion every weekend
-yandere senior crush who teaches you at her private mansion basketball and gets very close to you well teaching. which makes you a little uncomfortable but you ignore it since you thought it would be fine since you guys are girls and you thought she was into males and that she was just trying to teach you
-yandere senior crush who eventually becomes bestie with you and even convenience you to join the basketball club with her and you eventually also gain feelings for her
-yandere senior crush who started getting touchy with you but you just couldn't say no to her
-yandere senior crush who you still visited every weekend for a another whole year but then she realized that she was about to graduate but she was afraid that she would not have you by her side so she decided to risk it all
-yandere senior crush who took advantage of you visiting her at the weekend and pushed you against her bed and forced herself on you that's what she thought
-yandere senior crush who was extremely surprised that you kissed her back so you guys end up-(scissoring)
-yandere senior crush who you guys now are friends with benefits and regularly fuck at every weekend visit
-yandere senior crush who sometimes couldn't control her urge to just fucking fuck you so she would call you aside to "accompany" her
-yandere senior crush who pulls you into the changing room and pushes you into one of the stalls and process to finger you till you're your legs basically are shaking
-yandere senior crush who swears to you and herself that she will take care of you and you guys would be a happy family
-yandere senior crush who gets extremely jealous when the guys would non stop flirting with you and would be very aggressive during sex to get her small revenge it would leave scars that she purposely left on the most revealed area which will be very difficult to find a cloth that can cover it
-yandere senior crush who tells you to always pass the ball to her and only her unless it is at a significant event then she'll perhaps allow you to pass to others
-yandere senior crush who's not ashamed to show you off to others by her always hugging you and holding hands together almost all the time and she touches you inappropriately jokingly but you knew that it wasn't
-yandere senior crush who hugs you from behind as a cute small jumpscare
~ I thought she was crush then i remember ,crushes suppose to break you instead she doesn't she make me feel whole~
(This poem i find it on Pinterest) i know this is short but at first I wanted to do it as a novel but I was lazy if you guys very love it i'll try to find a time and write a novel about it since I'm not sure if this is good but I hope you guys still understand this and love it .Thanks ~! ;3
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I wonder… Zoo Siren AU but reversed? MC is the siren stuck in the zoo and the skeletons are the workers? How would that work out? 🤔
owHOOPS tripped and fell in love with the pretty local siren girl
Sans: He's a researcher studying siren communications. When the local aquarium offers for him to interact regularly with their resident siren for his research, he's delighted, and jumps at the chance. She's initially very hostile toward him but nothing can cool his absolute fascination with such a beautiful apex predator- he wears her down with his consistency, always visiting and giving her snacks and talking with her. He also wears her down with his obvious admiration and delight... it's hard to hate someone, when they think everything about you is perfect and worth its own individual peer-reviewed paper. She often finds herself blushing at his clear googoo eyes.
Over time, they do build a genuine connection. And Sans feels that. He's always visiting, and he's making great progress with his research. But... he starts to realise that he isn't even paying that much attention to his research anymore. A lot of his growing obsession with his field... well. It boils down to an obsession with her.
Red: He's her 'trainer' technically, but he dislikes the word. He's the one who spends the most time in the tank with her, his job description is pretty much just to make her do tricks for the crowd but he goes out of his way to try and keep her entertained and mentally stimulated, with tank games and complicated routines they can perform together underwater. If anyone else tried to get her to do 'tricks' she'd bite their hands off, but she allows it with Red, because he makes it really fun. She still does bite him every now and then- but it's much more playful. Much more flirty. Red seems chill... but secretly, he fucking hates the idea of anyone else being in the tank with her, because everyone else seems to treat her like a performing monkey.
She may have a little bit of a crush on him. He's always so confident, and he's always spending time with her. His teeth remind her of a big shark- a big predator, just like her. She trusts him.
Skull: He's in charge of her feeding schedule and health. Something of a vet and a chef, he makes sure she's healthy, stable, regularly eating nutritious food to keep her safe. She likes him a lot and not just because he's always bringing food- at first he was intimidating, but nobody can resist the Skull Rizz and she grew to consider him a close companion. She likes that he lets her gnaw on his hands... she also likes that if she offers to share some of her food with him he'll literally eat it on the spot. She admires the intense dedication- no one else will eat raw fish like him.
He'll sit on the edge of her pool, and she'll come spend time with him. Most siren doctors who try to give her checkups end up losing a few knuckles here and there, but Skull can simply hold out his hand and she'll let him examine wherever he needs to. He feels deeply responsible for her safety and health.
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omegaverse-seeker · 7 months
I've created two conditions for my Omegaverse: Rejection Syndrome and Pseudo-Mate Syndrome.
Rejection Syndrome is technically a variety of Depression that is triggered by being rejected by your Mate. It ranges from just feeling sad and thinking about what they got rejected for for a few hours, to spending years obsessed with the rejection unable to focus and even in physical pain from how strong the emotional pain was. The easiest cure is for your Mate to comfort you, because they aren't rejecting you entirely, but sometimes it becomes prolonged and they require medication to assist (think anti-depressants). It is possible to cure by taking their mind off of it, but due to the fixation element it's very difficult to do. Sometimes Rejection Syndrome kicks in alongside grief (like, your Mate died) and those situations are always very complex... The in-universe explanation is that it developed as a way to ensure the harmony of the relationship. You have to think about how your actions could affect your Mate. Because there can be consequences if the relationship becomes difficult
Pseudo-Mate Syndrome is basically what happens when you are so in love with someone that your body is convinced you are already mates with that person. This typically can only occur after YEARS of wanting to mate with someone. All the normal Mate stuff applies: heats/ruts sync up, you become way more intuitive to their moods (actually mating causes an empathic bond), other people's scents (especially aroused) become repulsive, etc. of course since by definition you are not in a relationship with this condition your "Mate" may reject you, causing the aforementioned Rejection Syndrome. The cures are: Become Mates, or fall out of love.
I have three people with Pseudo-Mate and all three experience Rejection Syndrome.
All three are Alphas coincidentally, but all dynamics are able to develop these conditions.
(one has RSD and low self esteem and so experiences Rejection Syndrome very easily. One loses his intended Mate to, what he thinks is Death, but she turns out to be alive and experiences the Grief variant of Rejection Syndrome. And the last has a very volatile relationship with his beloved and they fight often.)
One of these (the Last one) actually has a different Omega whom he is very close to, and regularly spends Heats with in a non sexual manner and oh boy isn't it going to be interesting when he can't comfort his friend because suddenly he stinks
As a hurt/comfort bitch, this is just great. I wish I could give you a prize. Literally 10/10.
I will be applying this to any future fics.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 5 months
A taste of you~(Part 2)
Part 1
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere OC) x reader
TW. general yandere behavior, possessive behavior, vampires, blood-drinking, kidnapping, manipulative behaviour
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"Finally! I was starting to worry that I might have gone too far...haha"
You barely understood what the voice had said, your ears were ringing, and when you tried opening your eyes, it looked like everything around you was spinning. Hesitantly, you raised your hands to confirm your head was still there by how light it felt. "How are you feeling, love?" This time the voice felt clearer, it was low, sweet, and feminine. Your vision stopped spinning as much and you finally managed to make out the figure sitting next to you...it was Lynx, and you were in her room, in her bed. It would have been embarrassing and panic-inducing if it was anyone else's bedroom you had woken up in. However, you guys had regularly watched tons of movies, played games, and talked about life cozied together up on that bed, mostly when you were younger and had far more free time on your hands. The only thing bothering you was that you couldn't recall how you got there; you were at that party, then you were talking to that woman, and then...
"Here love, drink this, it will make you feel better." Lynx grabbed a glass filled with some red liquid and held it out for you to take. "Lynx, no offense dear, but how is wine supposed to help me recover from a hangover?" She giggled in response. "You really think I'm that stupid? I might have failed my chemistry exam last year, but that was just one time!" She said, faking a frown. "Ok then, enlighten me, what is it?" "It's obviously watermelon juice." You raised an eyebrow, couldn't she have just given you water instead? You knew she had an obsession with that drink, she brought a bottle of it to school every single day since you had known her; for some reason she never let you take even a little sip when you asked to try it. Too nauseous to question her choice any more than that, you took the glass from her hands and carefully brought it to your lips. "Oh, what the fuck, it tastes nothing like watermelon" "I forgot to mention I added some ibuprofen, I figured you would need it." You weren't too convinced, it wasn't just the taste, the consistency didn't add up. A part of you was telling you that something was wrong, making you nervous. Either way, despite your skepticism, you kept feeling a deep desire, a primal craving for that drink since you first smelled it. So you chugged it down, licking your lips afterward. You almost instantly regained your focus, nothing hurt anymore. Actually, you could distinctly tell apart the chirping of the birds flying outside, their wings flapping, and their hearts pumping blood through their bodies. Blood... why were you so fixated on that now?
Then memories hit you like a ton of bricks. Lynx dragging you away, kissing you, and... biting your neck?? Instinctively, your hand shot to where you recalled the sharp pain you felt last night originated, and there it was. Under your fingers, two small holes were present, they hadn't closed, and yet no blood was seeping out despite how deep into your flesh her teeth had dug into you. Her teeth, her long, needle-like sharp teeth. You looked at your best friend in horror and were met with an apologetic expression, which you didn't take too well. "You have been a fucking vampire this whole time and you never told me bitch??" She wasn't too shocked by your reaction. "Excuse me if I didn't want to scare you away, also I promised my father to never tell a human my secret so-" "But we have known each other for our entire lives! You know you can trust me with anything, you could have told me-" "I tried to drop hints but your dumbass somehow ignored all of them! Nobody fucking likes watermelon juice!" You stopped yourself from throwing a few insults at her and continuing the screaming match that would have lasted forever otherwise, knowing your best friend's temper. After taking a big, long breath, you speak again. "Ok ok, whatever, we'll talk about this later. Now to my next issue...what the hell was that? You kissed me, but also bit and sucked all my blood out right after that. You are kind of bipolar but this is too much hypocrisy even for you."
She avoided looking you in the eyes, seemingly embarrassed. "Yeah, about that. I was actually pretty drunk and I wasn't able to think straight...that horribly worsened after I saw you with her." The irritation in her voice when she mentioned the woman at the bar was difficult to ignore. "That wasn't something I had planned to happen this soon. I had a whole ceremony in mind for the day I would have finally turned you into a vampire: a creepy abandoned church, the moon high in the sky, a camera recording the moment so I could watch it later, our servants playing the violin in the background for a solemn atmospheric feel... all that just went out of the window because of a stupid party night." Her cheery voice and dreamy eyes, as she spoke about the ceremony, dipped back down and lost their spark at the last sentence. "Huh, wait. Does that mean I'm a vampire now?? Why didn't you tell me that from the start!" She stared at you with a deadpanned, slightly concerned face. "Darling, sweety, love of my life, I assumed you had already figured that out. I find your human stupidity cute but this kind of concerns me."
Overall, she was glad you had taken the whole vampire thing well. She had prepared a whole speech to ease you into accepting the idea but it revealed itself unnecessary. Unfortunately, she did have some other news she knew you wouldn't appreciate. "So, how am I supposed to walk to school now? Do you have to wear special sunscreen every day or is the whole burning under the sun thing a myth?" Her reaction perplexed you, she looked very much amused by your question, but your now heightened senses helped you easily pick up on other things you were unaware of before such as the aura of malice surrounding her and...something else you couldn't make out. "Oh no no dear, you won't be going anywhere for quite a while. You see, I'm still unsure if I can trust you keeping shut about this, what if I lose sight of you again? You're such a precious thing, you could get hurt out here if you don't know how to navigate with your new body." It always creeped you out how she would so easily subtly switch her tone in the middle of a conversation, she went from sweet to threatening to lock you up in an instant. "But I still need to go to college, I have an exam next week and..." "Love, I don't think you fully understand the situation you are in. Do you know how the spread of the vampirism curse works?" You shook your head. "Since I was the one that turned you, you are under my control, I am basically your master. If I wanted I could turn you into one of my family's many servants, use you as a maid, and you wouldn't even get a say in the matter. You are bound to follow every command I give you from now on." The situation took a dark turn really fast, but you couldn't understand why, why was she talking to you like this? "But you would never do something like that to me...right? Lynx?"
"It all depends on the answer to my next question. Do you love me?" Well, that was easy, you thought.
Unfortunately for you, no matter what your answer was going to be, she didn't need to restrain herself anymore now that you had no way to run. Why would she let you roam around free when you could sit obediently in her lap, where no one would ever dare harm you? Why go to school and distract yourself with others when she was all you needed from now on? You didn't need a degree or a job, she was basically royalty amongst vampires, money was never going to be an issue. Of course, she wouldn't actually turn you into a maid, she had decided on a far better fate for you.
You were destined to be her spouse, you were going to be tied to her for the rest of your eternal lives. Refusal wasn't an option, a no wouldn't be accepted, you are her most prized possession and resistance is futile.
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Im not sure how this works but can I request Steve for the secret admirer bingo square if it's still available? I can just picture him being so sweet and thoughtful with notes and gifts or drawings. Thanks<3
Oh, this was such a cute idea! I don't know if I did it justice with the little piece I created. I hope you enjoy anyway. 💗
Secret Admirer (Bingo Game)
College!SteveRogers x Reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: fluffy, shy Steve, just very sweet
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✨ college steve playlist ✨
A small knock on your dorm room door and another piece of paper slipped through the gap at the bottom of it. It wasn’t the first one you’ve gotten. It happened all the time, to be honest. Sometimes it was a note, saying something along the lines of ‘You look beautiful today’ or ‘You make me smile’. Sometimes it was little drawings, hasty sketches but laced with so much precision, you could really see the talent behind it. And they were all signed by ‘Grant’. 
It was super sweet, but the problem was, you didn’t know a Grant. 
The first time it had happened was a Friday, about two months ago. Wanda had picked up the paper on her way to the closet and handed it to you with a smirk. 
“Wo’s Grant?” She had teased with excitement, thrilled to finally see you getting yourself out there again. But her face had fallen when you answered with an equally surprised look on your face. “I don’t know who Grant is.”
By now, you had gotten used to the little messages you received almost regularly, even missing them a little when ‘Grant’ had not sent you anything that day. It was exciting to figure out the mystery of your secret admirer, as Wanda had proclaimed, you wanted to know who it was. Who wouldn’t, right? 
But you had no idea. And after another two weeks of Wanda obsessively searching for your secret messager, you slowly began to give up, just enjoying the little gifts and accepting the forever unknowing of this mystery. You made peace with it. And besides, it wasn’t like the people you wanted would want you back, anyway. There was this one cute guy in your elective class, Steve Rogers, but he was kind of ignoring you. And who would blame him, you’ve heard many people talk about how cute he was, he had plenty to choose from. The people you’ve seen him hang out with on campus were very hot, too. And super nice. But they never held anything more than small talk with you. 
You weren’t very lucky when it came to relationships and dating. Which was why it was so nice to have those little messages passed under your door from time to time. It showed you that you weren’t totally undesirable. Which you weren’t. There had been one guy that had asked you out last semester but he was a total weirdo. And then there was A girl named Yelena, but she just disappeared halfway through the date - said there was an emergency, well, you knew what that meant. 
So yeah, to say you were lost was an understatement. Which was why you resumed pining for the hunky blonde in your class that smiled at you from time to time. Today, you had said class again and after yet another uneventful lecture, your professor had asked each of his students to sign up for the fundraiser he organized this semester. And as you stood in line, someone suddenly tapped your shoulder. 
“You dropped this.” You turned and came face to face with Steve who was holding a pen out to you. You were frozen for a second, just looking into his blue eyes and fighting not to get lost in them. 
“Oh, thank you.”
“No worries.” He smiled and then looked away, almost shyly.
You turned back and made another step as the line in front of you got shorter. But your mind was racing, your hand clenching the pen in your hand as you thought about the tiny interaction with Steve. This was your chance, right? He was literally standing right behind you. 
You turned around again. “Steve, right?”
A small smile snuck on his face, his eyebrows raising slightly, “Uh... yeah. And you’re Y/N, right?”
“Yeah... hey I don’t want to come off weird or anything, but would you maybe wanna grab a coffee with me?”
“Now?” He asked surprised. 
 You laughed nervously. “Well, preferably after we signed up. I’m not standing in this line for fun.”
Steve chuckled as he bit his lip and it was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen. “I would love to.” 
Now you were smiling like an idiot as you turned around to hide the little fist bump in excitement. You would mess this up, this was your chance! You stood next to Steve as he leaned over the table to write on the sign-up sheet. 
“Do you have a favorite coffee shop?”
“Stan’s place is nice,” you mumbled with your arms crossed, glancing over the way Steve carefully signed his name down. 
“I’ve heard of it...” He said concentrating, but you were too distracted by the name he scribbled on the dotted line beneath yours. 
Steven Grant Rogers
Could it be? Your heart began to race as you saw the way the G curved on the page. It was engraved into your memory by now. This was the ‘Grant’ you had been seeing for weeks, scribbled at the bottom of countless messages. 
“Your..,” you began, but your throat felt dry. “Your middle name is Grant?” Your voice had done a weird squeaky thing at the end of your question, and when Steve stood up straight to look at you again, his smile faded. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah... I’m just a little surprised. I’ve been getting some messages lately.” You told him carefully. Curious as to what his reaction would be. It seemed as though Steve realized, at that moment, just what you had discovered. And to your surprise, the too-cool-for-you facade you had prescribed him fell off his body like a curtain. He was blushing, his hand immediately rubbing at his neck, but he couldn’t hide it anymore. 
Quite frankly, you didn’t know what to do with the revelation. Secretly, you had wanted it to be Steve. But at the same time, the person you had crafted in your head with the help of the notes and drawings, didn’t match the man standing in front of you. It was confusing and exciting, and scary, and nice.
“Uhm, I guess there’s no use to pretend anymore, is there?” He asked embarrassed and your heart fluttered. 
“I... I thought you never noticed me.”
Something hushed over his eyes then. It was gone as soon as it had come, but it made Steve look sad. “Never noticed you? You’re all I ever think about. I just didn’t know how to tell you...”
“Oh.” You smiled, willing your giddy heart to calm. 
You were quiet for a moment, and Steve was fidgeting with his arms, trying to place them somewhere else. And when he finally settled on holding his elbows in front of his chest, his biceps bulging and drawing your attention, he spoke. “So, about that coffee,” he pressed his lips into a line nervously, “can we make it a date?”
You bit your lip while chuckling slightly. “I would love to.”
If you've come this far, please show this post some love. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated 💕
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
hi hi! since you blessed us with some nothing happens headcanons would you maybe be able to give us some possessive insane nothing happens james headcanons too? i’m so obsessed with him
hi darling!! and yes, ofc i can!! i feel a lil repetitive bc . u guys already are more than aware of how unhinged he is but . here we go
there have been a few instances of . boys trying to bully reg or be mean to him bc he's, objectively, a bit of a freak. kinda has some unsettling vibes, and he's . very shy very quiet . but this never really turned into anything bc james always found out (thanks to evan) and then cornered the little shits and threatened them. one time he even actually kicked their asses a lil. reg doesn't know about this
james checks reg's social media accs semi-regularly. and i mean, he uses reg's password to get into his accs and check . chats or comments and shit like that . not so much when they're young but after reg starts dating yk
he physically fights two of reg's bfs, and the other one he comes close to, but others hold him back before he can get far
when they go out clubbing, james never loses sight of reg, not even when he's in the mood to flirt or get laid, and the second he sees someone asking to buy reg a drink or getting a lil too close, he interrupts and gets super touchy, straight up says he's reg's bf if the guy is too insistent
offers to drive reg absolutely everywhere as soon as he gets his license
actually gets mad when pandora or evan or even sirius know something about reg that he doesn't, and makes reg feel guilty for not telling him/not telling him first
already mentioned this one but . one of the times he's fucking reg he forces him to call his current bf and keep a conversation with him while he's litelly . inside him . fucking him into the mattress
covers reg in hickeys when they make out or fool around and gets all pouty if reg decides to cover them up afterwards
calls reg or comes up with fake emergencies or excuses to text reg when he knows he's out on a date or hanging out with his current bf
coaxes reg into sleeping with him the first time while he's still with barty even tho reg is . a bit reluctant at the beginning bc he really doesn't want to cheat on barty since they're friends. with his other bfs, reg's the one who initiates the cheating quite often, but james had to . do some convincing the first time they had sex simply bc reg was with barty
barty finds out about the cheating bc james can't keep his fucking mouth shut and can't stand barty saying that reg is his etc etc
genuinely can't go more than a couple of days without seeing reg
when he knows reg is interested in someone, or finds someone pretty, he always finds something wrong with them and talks reg into not giving them a chance (this doesn't always work ofc, since reg ends up having 3 bfs before he and james get together)
even after shit hits the fan, james can't keep his distance from reg (although it's definitely what they both need after what happens)
he chooses reg over pretty much everyone else in his life
he's so fucking insane about him that even tho there was a brief time when he was interested in lily and lily was also interested in him . she decided to reject him bc she did NOT want to be involved in what was bound to be an absolute trainwreck of a relationship. james doesn't find out about this until a few years later, when lily confirms what she already suspected back then
and that's enough for now i think !!
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cherrysweather · 1 year
I’ve been obsess with this idea for a while, so I’d I’m one of the lucky Ducks … Anyone from the original AA trilogy who has the Medical Examiner as an S/O, but the medical examiner is selectively mute and prefers to talk to their deceased “patients”.
Heey anon! Nice to meet you <3
I choose two "new" characters to this blog, but I hope my choices will please you.
Enjoy and drink water regularly! ^^
Phoenix Wright, Mia Fey, Dick Gumshoe and Jake Marshall x medical examiner S/O with selective mutism, but talk with their patients:
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Phoenix Wright:
Since starting his law career (and Mia's case), Phoenix never handled the presence of dead bodies well;
Or whatever reminded him of one;
So you two rarely talked about their work;
Phoenix was one of the few people to whom they talked the most;
They felt free from all the things that blocked their voice and Phoenix quickly learned what tone of voice to use with them;
He also understands that they may have moments in which they prefer to just stay silent, even when with him;
When out with him, however, things drastically change;
They always stay close to him, let him do all the talking in every context and when people they don't know approach them and try to establish a conversation their throat tightens, they just stare and let their trembling hands talk;
All these problems, however, seem to disappear whenever they're at work, in their gown, hands tight in the gloves and religious silence;
Every day a new story, everyday a new someone to be with for hours;
Someone who doesn't talk, doesn't judge;
That's probably the reason why they find it so easy to talk with them;
It's strange, and they know it, but in some way they release all the stress in them;
Phoenix came to know when Gumshoe told him they heard them speaking inside the morgue, noticing there were just them and the "patients";
Phoenix never said anything, he tried to understand but never confronted them in a judicious, disgusted way;
He was just curious and didn't find it that strange, considering what he had been through and those around him.
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Mia Fey:
Mia knew a bit of psychology, so she noticed almost immediately that they weren't able to speak in certain social contexts;
She tries to prevent them from getting into an anxious state by observing both their behavior and the people around them;
She likes to have them around when she works, so when it's sure that no one else is supposed to be in the office, they follow her and help with cases;
Mia likes to follow them to work as well, but she isn't allowed in the morgue or the laboratories, so she just waits somewhere nearby, making them know that if needed, she is in the area;
They told them about their habit, both because they wanted her to know and to ask for some advice to overcome this problem;
Surely it helped that she spoke outside the house, but maybe trying to have conversations with someone a little bit more lively would help more;
When together, Mia always tries to connect them with the outside by asking them to do something for her, if she's speaking with someone she tries to engage them too, in the conversation;
If they aren't able to do it anyway, Mia knows how to respect that and just let them interact with her.
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Dick Gumshoe:
Gumshoe was always interested in their work;
He never understood a word about medicine, or anatomy, or anything of the sort;
But whenever the victims of his cases are handled by them, he makes sure to never miss a detail and if he doesn't understand, they will gladly explain to him;
However he finds it a little "strong" to be constantly inside a cold, silent room with a corpse you have to analyse in minimum details, even cut them if necessary;
Whenever they have business at the police station, he tries his best to be around them and spare them any kind of anxiety attack;
He never understood completely their difficulty with speaking in public, so sometimes he might be insensitive, but not in a malicious way;
He just doesn't get it, give him some time;
He once heard them talking to themselves when he was on his way to their "office";
But then he peeked at the door and saw they were talking while working;
Strangely, he completely got how much easier it was for them to "talk" with someone who didn't give them any kind of feedback, and thus no anxiety;
They tried to explain to him everything, so he wouldn't think badly of them;
But, sincerely, Gumshoe saw worse in his career, and as said, he didn't find that strange at all;
But probably they felt embarrassed knowing that Gumshoe knew their "habit";
So he always makes sure that whenever he wants to come visit, he warns them and doesn't burst in without them knowing.
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Jake Marshall:
Jake was the one who introduced them to this work;
When they started specializing , he often posed as their professor of anything concerning the law and the investigation field;
He mostly did so whenever they had questions that couldn't bring themselves to ask his actual professors;
When they finally managed to graduate and get the job in his same division, whenever he could, he was with them;
He was always fascinated by this kind of work, so the two of them often started conversations about it;
(Mostly them explaining medical things to him, since he doesn't understand anything);
When together, he makes everything possible to keep them comfortable, but he also spurs them to overcome their anxiety, both at the office and in public;
That's because he clearly sees their difficulties in everyday life;
One day, when they were together at the morgue, he was checking some documents when he heard them talk;
He turned to answer but saw that they weren't talking to him;
Few seconds of silence before he giggled it off;
"What do they say about it?";
They shushed him and just hid their embarrassment, but at the same time were glad he didn't mock them;
If they thought talking with their patients could help, he was more than happy to leave them alone;
Even if he'll miss seeing them at work.
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fbfh · 2 years
francis as your bf, just imagine 💗 i need an obsessive hot loser 😇
you are so so real for this anon. bc he is SO obsessive and SUCH a loser. his brothers are probably the only ones that think he's cool. like at all. like, he thinks things through so well when it comes to you, then as soon as he's actually around it???? no chance. he loses all decorum, all logic, all those playful carefully planned out words and talking points. they're all out the window. instead he's dragging you into the pantry so he can pin you against the wall and beg you to let him be your boyfriend and maybe smell you up close. again. that's at least the third time this week that he's pulled this. you're not trying to lead him on, you're not trying to make it worse. it's just that he's already cute from a distance so when he's suddenly pouring all his attention on you and literally begging for a chance with you, completely shamelessly, you get all flustered and you can't look him in the eye and you don't know what to do with your hands, so you run. and every time you run it makes him chase you more.
when you actually agree???? when you finally finally say yes and let him date you?????? oh my god someone hose this boy down. if he could spend 24 hours a day with you he absolutely would. real shit, he probably starts atteninding school regularly instead of skipping like he normally would just bc you're there. if he could pull off having the same schedule as you he would. and like most of that should be a red flag, and it would be on anyone else, but he just... likes you so much. and you know this. you can tell, anyone can, just from the way he acts around you. even if you're super oblivious, you can TELL that Francis likes you a whole ass lot. he's incredibly clingy and will ABSOLUTELY stare at you as much as he possibly can. Lois is very very very in favor of you two dating because now Francis is spending all his time with you and thinking about you and talking about you instead of yk... being a delinquent. Lois really can't complain too much. Now all she has to worry about is the possibility of you getting pregnant (if you're afab) and that alone is enough to give her gray hairs. Francis acts relieved when you kiss him, like you make the room stop spinning when you touch him. it's like he needs you, because he does. don't get me wrong though, as good of an influence on him as you are, he's still Francis. remember when Malcolm beat the shit out of that one kid for talking to his girlfriend????? Francis is.... worse. there's like a 50/50 chance that if some dude flirts with you Francis will try to light him on fire.
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
Hi could you do a Tywin Lannister x Targaryen reader where the reader is the surviving daughter of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen ( aegons twin) saved by Ned stark and raised by the starks she'll be know as Robb stark twin sister an arranged one shot where the two are married
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twyin lannister x female!reader
pretty much the same as the ask :)
word count: 1024 words reading time: about 5 minutes warnings: mentions death. Very, very brief mention of what happened to Elia Martell
The Starks were a large, mismatched family with a bastard and a ward that they looked after amongst their own children. Amongst the various secrets in their family, the was a large looming secret that was kept with the utmost importance. That their oldest daughter, twin to Robb, was not truly their daughter. Instead, one of the last living Targaryens, living in the North and as a Stark. Her hair was dyed a deep black to help hide the otherwise snow-white hair. It was of the utmost importance it was regularly dyed to ensure it was she was safe. No one outside of the family knew of such a secret, many believing she was simply (Y/N) Stark.
You were married to Tywin Lannister after the man realised he needed a successor. Jamie nor Tyrion was fit to rule over Casterly Rock. They did not have the drive or power to rule House Lannister, thus he needed another. It was well known the Lord of Casterly Rock was obsessed with the betterment of his house. When the opportunity arose to marry a Stark, excelling his relations in the North and producing an heir, he took it.
Your wedding was extravagant, a large feast with many notable houses invited to wish the best to the pair. Many wishes and gifts were given, even before the wedding commenced. Though you seemed less than excited at the festivities, a fake smile sat on your face for most of the night. It was not that Tywin was a hideous man, much the opposite, you simply had no knowledge outside whispers and tales about the man. A dictator. A murderer. A widower. You had heard of what he planned to do to the Targaryens, what his son did to the King. To hear the murders of your family had always put you on edge, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. But you never had the misfortune to be close to the people who had murdered them. To marry someone who allowed the rape and murder of your mother and siblings. It was fear that fueled you, though he knew not of your true name, you feared if he ever did your fate would be the same as your mother.
During your relationship with the man, you dyed your hair more than usual. Doing it an almost unhealthy amount, that you feared what might happen if he saw even a strand of your natural hair. He was a smart man, easily reading people and putting two and two together. You knew even the slightest whiff of something he would be on it like a bloodhound.
Yet over the years, you both began to grow true feelings for one another. You began to become more relaxed around the man you had feared for some time. Going back to dying your hair less, being more open about your life instead of the shell of the person you were when they met. You both share quality time together, simply going through the steps to falling in love.
But with comfort came carelessness, as things began to slip. Truths were slowly coming to the surface. Tywin begins to take more notice of certain things. How you dye your hair. The fear and wariness when the Mountain was just mentioned. Whenever asking any question about it, you stirred away from such a thing, moving the focus to anything but the topic at hand. Tywin was not one to entertain secrets and lies within his family. Treating them like weeds in a garden, needing to be uprooted and taken out before they grew too much.
Deciding he had had enough of the games, trapping you in conversation before springing the questions and demanding the answers. "My Lady Wife, I have a question for you?" You had been chatting about what happened that day, how you talked through the garden, what you saw, and who you talked to. Simply thinking the question would be based on that, you nodded happily "Of course, ask me anything." You looked at him so innocently, a soft smile on your face. "I want to ask about your hair. Is black its natural colour?" You laugh slightly at his question, but there was an underlying worry. "Of course, my love. Why would you think it was not?"
He took notice of the worry in your voice, no matter how small or slight it was. His eyes bore into your own, his face void of emotion, you felt like a mouse going up against a cat. "It just seems to dull one day and then the next it is much deeper. Can you explain?" His words were chosen carefully, stringing them together, eyes burning you into your seat. You wanted nothing more to get away from this conversation, but you knew it would only bring more questions. You knew your husband was a tactical man, piecing things together in his mind, wanting to catch you in a lie.
"Perhaps it was simply the light that day? The weather had been strange as of late." It was a lie wrapped in truth, hoping it was enough to set him off his trail. But he did not falter eyes looking at you questioningly, as if he was asking if that truly was your final answer. But you attempt to stay stone face, mirroring your husband. "Do not lie to me. I do not take well to lies." It was meant to evoke fear within you, to use your fear to get the truth from you. But you would not crack so easily to be scared of the consequences of telling the truth than telling a lie.
"I do not speak lies. It is the truth, my love. Why would I lie to you?" Your voice was sweet as you lean in closer to him in the hopes it would ease the tension. But he was still like a stone, not giving her an inch. "But you do lie, you think you are a little minx. You think the sly old fox will not catch on. But it does. It always does, my sweet little dragon."
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headcanon of dog dad andrei with dog mom reader!!
*no actual human kids though just a puppy that they treat like a human baby lmao
*also totally understand if you wait to do this until if/when we know the name
i love that andrei is in his dog dad era and i hate that he literally immediately dipped without telling us the puppy’s name or if it’s a boy to girl 😡 i’m gonna give my thoughts even though we know nothing lol
i don’t care this man is a girl dog dad
like when he first floats the idea of getting a dog you think he’s going to want something big and like manly while you want something smaller
he loves gigi though so you really shouldn’t be surprised when he picks out a small-ish girl dog with curly brown fur
the new puppy could definitely be gigi’s older sister
andrei’s obsessed with her from the second you get her from the breeder - he refuses to put her down and cuddles her close
“look at her little face, solnyshka! she’s so happy to be with us”
“you guys literally have matching puppy eyes, i’m never ever going to win an argument again, am i?” you laugh, snapping a picture of man and his dog
the puppy comes from a breeder in wilmington, so you name her willa in honor of her home city
not that you call her willa regularly
andrei has two dozen nicknames for her, in both english and russian, and calls her every term of endearment that he can think of, including talking to her in a baby voice which is hilarious with his deep voice and accent
he’s literally whipped by this tiny puppy and doesn’t care who knows it
when he’s in town, he insists on being the one to take her for walks and always cleans her paws carefully when they get back
he and marty have definitely taken willa and gigi for puppy play dates complete with pupaccinos
she loves to curl up on his lap or feet when you’re watching movies or relaxing on the couch and andrei’s always scratching behind her ears
she has dog beds in every room of the house and more toys than she knows what to do with
andrei brings home a new toy every time he goes to the pet store for food or whatever and he spends hours playing with her
he hates putting her in the kennel or with the vet when you go on vacation, so more often than not, willa stays with elena and igor while you travel
his phone’s lock screen is a picture of you and willa cuddling during a nap
she’s not supposed to be on furniture, but andrei definitely is relaxed with enforcing that rule and willa has definitely slept in bed with you two
he feeds her people food all the time and will regularly get her a vanilla soft serve ice cream on a cone and hold it for her to lick
you love the puppy, but andrei definitely loves her more and doesn’t care who knows it
every time he teaches her a new trick, he proclaims her “the smartest puppy in the whole entire world”
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chaoticpuff17 · 1 year
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Chapter 7
“I think I need to move.” Margot admitted, her fingers curled into the fabric of her sweater as she talked to Maria. 
“Move?” the older woman asked, her eyebrows shooting into her hairline. “Why would you move? You’ve always lived in our other apartment. Is there something wrong?” 
“I had…” Margot hesitated for a moment, unsure just how much of the situation she should actually tell Maria. On the one hand, she wanted to tell her everything. Maria was like another mother to her, and she was used to telling her everything that was going on in her life. On the other hand, Maria had her own stresses to worry about without worrying about Margot and her problems with Yoongi. She settled on a half truth. 
“I had a break in.” 
“A break in?” Maria asked, sitting up a little straighter in her hospital bed. “Did you call the police?” “Of course I did.” She had called Namjoon, which she considered close enough. He was technically a detective. “They said there wasn’t much they could do about it.” 
It wasn’t a lie either. Namjoon had said there wasn’t much they could do about it. They could change her locks, but locks hadn’t been a problem for Yoongi to begin with, and he doubted that changing them would do any good to keep him out if he decided to make an impromptu visit again. Still, he’d helped her to get the locks changed just in case, but like he’d said, it didn’t stop Yoongi. 
Gifts appeared in her home regularly, and she could only assume who they were from. 
Along with the initial bouquet of flowers she’d received from him, there had been three more in the following week. Each bouquet was different but just as luxurious as the last, and each bouquet was composed of a flower that she liked. There had been some jewelry as well as a new purse that had been delivered to her home. Fruit mysteriously appeared in her kitchen that she didn’t buy. 
Margot was at her wits end, but changing the locks again would do just as little as changing them the first time had. The more logical solution was to move and pray he left her alone at her new address.
“Does Tae-il know?” Maria asked, the furrow between her brows seemingly fixed in place. 
Margot shook her head. “I haven’t told him yet, but I don’t think he’ll mind too much.” After everything they’d been through, he’d probably encourage her once he knew she was moving because of Yoongi. “I’ll still go by to help at the restaurant and visit though. He won’t be alone. 
“That’s not why I’m worried.” Maria sighed, fussing with her blankets like a nervous mother hen. “I don’t like the idea of Tae-il being alone, but I don’t like the idea of you being alone either. Are you sure about this? I think it would be better for you to stay with us still.” 
“I don’t feel safe anymore, not after the break in.” 
She wasn’t stupid. She knew there was a good possibility that Yoongi would find her no matter where she went, but there was also a possibility, a slim one, that he wouldn’t. It was that slim possibility that kept her going despite the gifts continuing to appear and her increasing paranoia. If there was even a possibility of her being able to escape the odd obsession that Yoongi seemed to have with her, she was going to take it, even if it meant moving to a different apartment when she didn’t particularly want to. 
“Maybe think on it some more?” Maria suggested, reaching over to pat her hand. “Hmm? For me?” 
And that’s what broke her. Margot was at heart, a people pleaser. With Maria being as sick as she was and looking at her with that pleading, guilt inducing mom-like expression, she couldn’t say no. 
“I’ll think about it, but I can’t promise I won’t start looking. Okay?” 
Maria beamed at her, suddenly looking much more lively. “That’s fine.” 
“Sung-mo,” a gravelly voice called from the door to the hospital room, and a wide smile spread across Maria’s face. 
“Yoongi-ah,” she called happily, beckoning him into the room even as all the blood drained from Margot’s face. “Come in! Come in! How are you?” she asked, clearly unfazed by his visit. She was even eager for it it seemed.
“Maria?” Margot asked, anxiously glancing between them. 
“How are you feeling today, sung-mo?” He asked, calmly walking over to her with a bouquet of flowers in hand, not as fancy as anything he’d sent to her home but still a nice bouquet. “Any news from the doctors?” 
She waved him off, a bright smile still fixed in place. “Same as always but better now that I have such nice visitors.” 
“These are for you.” He placed the flowers on the side table.
“They’re lovely, Yoongi-ah. Thank you.” She looked over at Margot whose hands had begun to shake in her lap as she watched the exchange. “Aren’t they pretty, Margot?” 
“Yoongi-ah has been nice enough to come visit me.” Maria explained, gesturing for Yoongi to make himself comfortable. “Isn’t that nice of him? I told him he doesn’t need to bother coming to visit an old woman like me, but here he is!” 
Margot’s mind was whirling with the implications of that statement. 
Yoongi had been to visit Maria before. Maria hadn’t told her about it despite Margot sharing her apprehensions after her first encounter with Yoongi. In fact, it seemed like she’d flagrantly ignored them. 
Maria was treating Yoongi like a beloved member of the family, and Yoongi was playing right along calling her “aunt” much to Margot’s consternation. 
“Of course I had to visit.” he smiled charmingly, and the rolling in her stomach grew worse. “You’re family to Margot. How could I not?” 
Maria tittered, a pleased flush coming to her cheeks as she cast a knowing glance between the two younger people and a smug glance towards her roommates who were all looking on in interest as her “neice” and the young man interacted. 
“Margot is like the daughter that Tae-il and I never had. I’m glad she has such a caring friend like you.” 
She put a special emphasis on “friend” that made Margot deeply uncomfortable and made the other women in the room a little less subtle in their snooping as they turned their full attention to eavesdropping.
She knew that Maria thought that Yoongi had liked her back in college, but she didn’t want him to have any encouragement to pursue the obsession he seemed to have now. Maria, unfortunately, seemed set on providing that encouragement. 
“And so sweet too!” 
Yoongi shot Margot a smug look at Maria’s words. 
Maria was clearly on his side in all of this, and despite her being ill, Maria was very much the head of the family. Tae-il would fold in an instant to Maria, and with her health as poor as it was, no one was willing to upset her too much. If she believed that Yoongi was a nice boy trying to court her beloved “niece”, then there was very little that either Tae-il or Margot could do to change her mind. She was a more stubborn woman than even Margot herself, and she was firmly of the belief that Yoongi was a nice young man, and that it was lovely that they were reconnecting. 
But this wasn’t one of Maria’s cheesy novels from the romance section of the library. This was something much darker. The way Yoongi acted wasn’t normal. It wasn’t normal to break into a girl’s house. It wasn’t normal to have her followed or to continually break into her home to leave her gifts she hadn’t asked for and didn’t want. Normal wasn’t running a criminal enterprise that terrorized people you loved. Maria wouldn’t be convinced that something was wrong, that Yoongi was bad news. To her this was a rekindling of a relationship that almost was. It was a romance where what could have been had a second chance. In a way she was almost as delusional in this as Yoongi himself was. 
“You know, Yoongi is doing quite well for himself these days.” Maria informed her proudly. Her hints at Yoongi being a good prospect were anything but subtle. 
“That’s nice.” 
Margot flashed a wavering smile along with her bland reply. All she had to do was survive the visit, and then she could leave. She just had to put up with Yoongi for a little while, and then she could make an excuse and an escape. She’d already been visiting Maria for a while. She could reasonably leave soon without causing too much upset.
“He owns a business of his own, you know?” This information was stated a little more loudly than necessary so that her roommates could hear just what kind of young man was calling to see her and her niece. She was bragging, and Margot didn’t quite know what to think of it or how to put a stop to it.
Margot kept smiling to keep the peace. She wasn’t blind to what Maria was doing nor was she blind to how Yoongi was sitting there smug as the cat that caught the canary, but she wasn’t willing to break the peace of Maria’s hospital room just for the sake of getting Yoongi out especially when Maria was convinced this was an a friends to strangers to lover trope when it most certainly was not. 
“You two should go get some coffee some time, catch up.” Maria suggested, quite pleased with her captive audience. 
“I would love to.” Yoongi's smile was more of a smirk as he watched Margot squirm in her seat. 
“Maria…” Margot began, scrambling for a viable excuse as to why she could not under any circumstances go for coffee with Yoongi now or at any point in the future. “You know how busy I am, and Yoongi-ssi,” The honorific was added quite pointedly, a reminder that they were not close and that if she had her way they would not be close again. “Has to be quite busy as well.”
“Nonsense.” Maria declared, looking every bit the imposing matriarch despite her frail state. “Yoongi-ah has already agreed to go to coffee with you. If he can manage it despite how busy he is, you certainly can.” She admonished, ready to push them both out the door with her match-making schemes. 
“Auntie…” Margot began to plead, but one sharp look from the other woman stopped her in her tracks. 
“Yoongi, you know sometimes Margot brings me these lovely treats from a cafe not too far from the hospital. Maybe you two could go there?” 
“I would love to.” Yoongi agreed, standing from his chair. “Shall we go, Margot-ah?” 
Her palms were clammy as she wiped them against her jeans, unsure of how to get herself out of the situation now that Yoongi and Maria had ganged up against her. 
“Go and have fun!” Maria ordered, reaching out a hand to comfort Margot even if her encouragement did the exact opposite. “I’m sure you two have plenty to catch up on.” 
Yoongi reached down, gently taking Margot by the arm and half lifting her out of her chair as she tried and failed to find a way to extract herself from the situation Maria had constructed.
“I’ll take good care of her, sung-mo.” He promised, handing Margot her purse which had been slung across the back of her chair. 
“I know you will.” Maria smiled, quite well pleased with herself and ready to gossip with her roommates as soon as the pair left. “Now have fun!” She shooed them out. “You two can tell me all about it the next time you come to visit.”
Chapter eight
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dtmsrpfcringe · 1 month
You really are a dumb fuck, aren't you? You repeated exactly what I said, then told me I was wrong for saying what you parroted back to me. Living in your brain must be fucking insufferable.
Your own words were that they did not know each other ten years ago. Incorrect.
They have both said that they have known each other socially (i.e., friends) since 2001. They did not become close until they were in Good Omens. Yes, that is what I said. That's what you agreed to after I corrected your initial false statement. My god, little wonder you think this blog is a good idea when these are your thought processes.
Nothing else you said makes the slightest bit of sense. I can't even decipher the point of that word salad, and I am a teacher. Why would Michael use the names of the characters when he is talking about the show that the characters are in? What? You are reaching so hard that it is comical.
You are a class act making jokes about a congenital defect that kills newborn infants. Is that the kind of thing the mother of a newborn infant who claims to be a nurse would do? We have established that you are lying about both of those things. You are just an awful person. When it comes down to the real point of this blog, you don't care about the greater good of the fandom. You only want attention. You are shouting about a tiny corner of Tumblr that draws no attention to itself. You bring attention to it. You make it loud. Even when it disappears, you keep bringing it back. What's the real point here? You want attention for yourself. You want to be the hero in a war that doesn't exist.
Maybe you don't ship the hairband. Maybe you just have bad taste in music? I don't care. Either way, you have no place calling out anyone when you support those losers. They are the epitome of the scum of society. Actual misogynists. One of them even murdered someone while driving drunk. That is just the tip of the iceberg. But someone no one knows said something mean about Georgia Tennant on Tumblr? Someone suggests that two men who keep talking about having sex and being in love might be in love. Better clutch your pearls over that! Pathetic.
bae that isn’t what you said. You said they’ve been friends for almost 25 years. Do you write things and just fucking forget them? Or can you just not stop lying?
Tumblr media
I can’t imagine being a teacher and just constantly being so goddamn wrong, I bet your students can’t stand you.
also saying you don’t have a brain isn’t making fun of a congenital defect babe. I’m neither lying about being a mom or healthcare professional. Most people I talk to pretty regularly here have seen my baby, and it would be pretty hard work to have an entire baby to…fake being a mom??? I’m not going to put my baby’s face on here to prove to someone like you that she’s real, and frankly I think it’s a little strange you wanna see that bad babe. Like? Your obsession with an internet stranger’s newborn (i guess infant now omfg) is kinda creepy.
As for my health certification, you don’t know shit actually. I busted my ass in high school to be licensed because of the people who helped me as a kid. Also I’m not a nurse😉 you are right about that. There’s more to healthcare than your RN and MDs lol. You seem like you’d yell at underpaid healthcare workers in the worst way possible.
you obviously did understand, but didn’t want to lick your wounds and slink into the corner.
btw this group absolutely does draw attention to yourself. I found these people by looking for cute Georgia and Anna stuff and finding hate and misogyny spread about them. As for Motley Crue, I hardly listen to them anymore, if literally ever. I haven’t posted anything about them in over a year and that is why I removed 2000 of my followers on instagram and made it private to have a personal acc. I just never bothered changing the username lol. So try again I guess.
Anyways here’s my daily reminder to you that David and Michael would be disgusted with you. Hope you have the day you deserve!
Keep sending these I think we’re falling in love boo🚨🔵🚨🔵
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river-muse · 4 months
That WIP ask game is seriously an underrated concept tbh, authors should be able to air out their works and ideas if they want to, even if those are unfinished.
Since I've been bugging you a little about MH I think I have to ask about the Monster Hunter Derelict WIP. MH Is an interesting setting for sure, but it's also hard to think of something to write in it, except maybe a dnd-like hunter party? Anyway, I'm rambling, definitely interested what you had going on There.
Also, I'm a filthy cheater and a sucker for time-themed fiction, so I definitely have to ask about Whatever Time May Bring. Feel free to ignore my filthy cheater double request tho
I agree! Being able to show off stuff we're working on without perfection being expected is super fun because I can pick out highlights and hold it up without needing to go "is this polished enough to be read?"
Since one is sort of a mini-fic that's an AU me and one of my close friends are messing around with for the funnies I'll answer both of your requests! I'm giggling and rubbing my hands together.
Monster Hunter Dereliction is the working title of a DMC MonHun AU that centers around a small Guild outpost in the Old World that pretty much has its shit figured out due to there not being many settlements in the area that need to be protected. My friend and I went "fuck it minimal family loss trauma in this department" so a lot of the cast is Around(tm) except for Sparda(we haven't decided what happened to him yet if anything).
There's sort of a plot figured out, though most of it's up in the air because we haven't had too much of a chance to talk more thoroughly about it and are just in the brainstorming department. We really just wanted to come up with our own biomes and monster designs for fun. It would involve a clash between two Elders breaking open a crevice in the earth that reveals an underground cavern system- and unknowingly awakening an Elder that has almost cosmic horror-esque traits to it. There's a sketch but it's not mine so I'd have to ask my friend later if he'd be cool with me sharing it.
For a little insight into some character placements, since I'm a bit obsessive about how lore in MonHun goes xD I won't go into what everyone is doing but I will share a handful.
I don't have much in way of writing, since I just got a few key ideas down- but have at it!
I think we decided Dante was the master in that area? He's mostly chilling around the outpost unless something super dangerous comes up that he's needed for.
Vergil is a high-ranking hunter who tends to do tasks for the Scholars that takes him into dangerous areas for the challenge and potential to explore old ruins. He's in and out of the outpost a lot on a whim so unless he's requested specifically good luck finding him.
Nero is an established hunter who tends to get a little babied by the others, which leads to him being more adamant about pushing his limits to prove himself and get them to stop worrying.
Eva regularly travels, recording locales and monsters in general peace.
Kyrie acts as the guild sweetheart for the location, handling quest assignments and making sure the hunters are properly prepared.
Credo is one of the residing guild knights, which is a rank in the guild that handles upholding guild regulation and deciding on punishment for anyone caught illegally poaching monsters.
Nell is the residential smithy! She's been training Nico for a long time now to take over in the future.
For now Nico tends to tag along behind Nero on a lot of hunts to observe them, swipe some new materials for herself, and experiment with equipment that diverts away from standard expectations.
Patty is a guild sweetheart in training, if I remember right? I only wrote her name in all caps in this post-it note and nothing else fdsgfbsdxjkgbj
Dante’s late to leave his room today, not expecting too many requests to come in if any. It’s been quiet since they’d sorted out the sudden influx of larger wyverns that had migrated South from their own territories. Which isn’t a good sign. It could mean something bigger is on the way soon. However nothing’s turned up. So to him the problem’s been solved. The peace lasts about as long as expected though, because the door pushes open without so much as a knock from the incoming visitor. It’s Lady. Not even in her armor yet but scowling as if she’d just gotten tossed around by a Diablos. “Where’s your fucking brother?” “Not even a good morning?” Dante yawns. “Passed morning a few hours ago.” Lady crosses her arms and leans against the doorframe “Now about Vergil-“ “Do I look like my brother’s keeper?” When It’s obvious Lady isn’t accepting that as an answer he groans and rests his feet on his desk “Out. On an expedition. That’s why one of the aptonoth aren’t in the stable. He’s North, checking out whatever caused that Wyvern displacement. Should be back in a few days.”
Vergil lingers by the ledge of the massive crevice, peering into the darkness to see faint shimmers of light that waver as if moving. It’s odd. With most of the trees decimated there should be plenty of sunlight shining down to show whatever’s down there. The darkness opens its eyes. Swirling colors and glowing light as faint pupils shrink to paper-thin slits when they focus on him. From the positioning of them Vergil isn’t sure if he’s looking face-to-face with a creature or with multiple. He doesn’t recognize any visible traits and stumbles away from the ledge. There’s a snapping noise and Vergil looks back to see the aptonoth has broken her binds in her attempt to flee, taking all of Vergil’s gear with her as she disappears into the treeline. A rattling, warbling noise that resembles a broken horn echoes loud enough that it hurts Vergil’s ears. He covers them with his hands and regrets not bringing earplugs. Something cold enough to leech the temperature through his armor wraps around his ankle, and drags him into the crevice. He grasps at the rock. His gloves dig in and he struggles to grab his blade. It slips from his hands and he falls with it. Darkness engulfs his vision made to feel darker by the eyes that fill his peripheral. One more eye, larger than all the others, opens up in front of him to blot out his last view of the sun.
Nero’s the first to volunteer and the first to be ready to depart. He shuffles about, fretting over what equipment to take and how long of a trip it will be. “Don’t you dare authorize that mission.” Credo objects, smacking his hand on the table “There’s no telling how long he’ll be gone, and if there is a wyvern strong enough out there to take Vergil down then I don’t feel comfortable sending him out.” “He’s qualified. Just as capable as the rest of us.” Dante insists “You need to stop babying him or he’ll never get his feet under him.” “How dare you accuse me of coddling one of our hunters?” “You’re not really beating the allegations. Especially since he’s got a crush on your sister.” “Do not-“ Nero objects. Dante stares, raises an eyebrow, and Nero clicks his tongue. Nero looks away while his cheeks flush red.
NOW onto-
Whatever Time May Bring. You have sniffed out the ONE NASNAH part that I think you're going to love the most, because it takes place when Nero's 15 and a certain 8 year old girl finds her way into Dante's life. It skims through the anime timeline and a bit beyond, since for reasons not yet revealed in the plot Dante decides to keep Vergil and Nero out of most of the details of his demon hunting work. It's a scene compilation like how "In Leaps and Bounds" was for little Nero. It's also finally the time where Nero starts questioning his family's behavior and secrets more than before.
Vergil watches the ensuing exchange with all of his attention he can muster. There’s something comedic about a young child pushing Dante to wits’ end when Nero at that age earned nothing but Dante’s adoration. He then notices Nero’s uncharacteristic silence. It takes just one glance to see Nero’s eyes are wide, watching Patty with an expression that he hasn’t seen before. “Nero?” Nero startles out of his thoughts, straightening up. “Uh, hi.” Nero says. He picks up his coat from the floor and dusts it off. “A little slow on the uptake. Did you overheat trying to wear that over here?” Dante asks. “No just-“ Nero looks away and seems to get his bearings “-wasn’t expecting to see you taking care of a kid. He’s being nice to you, right?” Nero looks at Patty with his question. “He’s horrible! He doesn’t clean, never explains anything until after it happens, and won’t eat anything but pizza and strawberry sundaes. I’m surprised he even knows what tomato juice is let alone drinks it.” Patty pouts and motions at Dante with a pointed finger.
Patty is- energetic. She’s outspoken and from how she speaks her mind is sharper than she leads others to believe. Yet she’s very much a child in how she behaves. Much like how Dante had been at her age to an extent. It had been obnoxious to deal with when younger, but Vergil can rationalize it as normal behavior for children in hindsight. Nero’s odd phase of having become quiet and calm as a child must have been a special case. “Would you advise I rescue Nero now, or later?” Vergil questions. “I think they’ll get along just fine without us hovering.” Dante pushes up from his chair and nudges a box of stuffed animals to the side with his foot. He tilts his head to the hallway door “Let’s leave them to it.” “And what will we be doing, instead?” “If you don’t want to know the weird details of the job, then I guess we can stay here and listen to Patty go on all day about that stupid show.” “Hey! I heard that.” Patty speaks up, looking over from the couch. “I wasn’t talking to you.” “But you were talking about me, so that’s pretty much the same thing.” Patty sticks her tongue out.
“What happened to my mom? Who was she?” Vergil’s gaze flicks away. Guilt passes over his face and he keeps cleaning without giving an answer. “Hey, you can’t just ignore me. I asked you a question-” Nero objects. “I can, and I will.” Vergil holds out the sauce pan “That is a topic for another time, Nero.” “Another time? Seriously?” Nero scowls as he uses a bit more force than needed to dry the pan “You’re gonna dare say that to me after years of this? I don’t even know what her name was.” Vergil pauses washing the dishes, resting his hands on the edges of the sink.
Thank you for letting me go insane and giving me a chance to share with you some Patty Propaganda! I had to seriously dig around and be careful with what I show since there's quite a few parts between the fic I'm currently uploading and this one, but I would be damned if I didn't give you something to look forward to. <3
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 8 months
Nice ask! Do you have any frivolous lone star headcanons? (ie, something that doesn’t matter to the plot and maybe there’s no real evidence for but you believe it anyway)
Hello! Thank you for this very nice ass(k) 🍑
I do!!
Paul lived with Owen and TK for the first couple months when he moved down to Austin. That’s why he’s got such a close easy-going relationship with TK and why he’s not phased by any of Owen’s idiosyncrasies.
Paul is a diehard Michigan football fan. This is because his father went to University of Michigan, and would drive 3.5 hours from Chicago to Ann Arbor for every home game. When Paul was a kid, his dad would bring him to games sometimes. He has very fond memories of those long drives with his dad, listening to music and chatting. If they won his dad would stop at a roadside diner and get him a blackberry milkshake. (He would if they lost too, but then they’d also split a piece of pie). He and TK drove over to Houston on Monday to watch them win the National Championship. On the way home they stopped for pie and blackberry milkshakes, and Paul told TK stories about games his dad took him to.
TK loves spicy food. Carlos was teasing in that pho scene in S3. He grew up eating all kinds of international cuisines in NYC, he loves chicken feet with his dim sum, and habanero hot sauce on his tacos and jerk chicken and egusi with scotch bonnet.
Paul & Carlos have eaten at all the West African restaurants in Austin, and they are on first-name basis with all the staff at this point.
Paul has been trying to recreate/perfect his grandma’s goat curry for years, and Carlos is his most eager taste tester.
In episode 3, after the police station scene & Carlos’s chat with Michelle, he’s still hesitant to reach out to TK. But then they have that scene where the woman falls on the car. And TK is so sweet, talking to her and rubbing her arm. I always kinda headcanon that Carlos saw him being all sweet with her and he was like “damn, okay worth it to put myself on the line for another shot with him.”
TK learned to drive when he moved to Austin, and he’s a very good driver, but he doesn’t particularly enjoy it. He’d much rather catch a ride or even take public transportation or walk if it’s not too hot. Carlos, on the other hand, spent a lot of money on his car and he does like to drive. So he’s usually the driver. But! He knows TK’s a good driver, and absolutely lets him drive the Camaro.
TK & Marjan have a ritual where they meet for pie & coffee at a diner in East Austin whenever one of them has had a tough day and they need someone to talk to, or even just to sit and be sad with. They have an unspoken pact that, no matter what they’re doing, if one of them calls or texts with a pie emergency they drop everything and show up for pie.
TK is a music nerd. He grew up immersed in the NYC indie music scene, he’s seen LCD Soundsystem play like 20 times, Gwyn took him to see Prince when he was 12, he’s got an extensive vinyl collection and also a box of old band T-shirts in Owen’s garage. Also he could wire any speaker system.
Paul’s sister has visited several times since we first met her. The Catan crew has adopted her, she thinks TK and Carlos are really weird but she loves them. She’s obsessed with Marjan and Nancy.
Paul has an extensive record collection ranging from 70s afrobeats to disco to classic rock n roll.
Marjan’s father was diagnosed with a rare, treatable but incurable cancer a couple years ago. When she found out she was devastated, and TK insisted on flying to Miami with her and staying with her family for a while to help out. One night he tried to make Andea’s chili relleno, because it always make him feel better when he’s sad, but he destroyed Marjan’s mom’s kitchen. He called Carlos out of desperation, and Carlos laughed and told him to toss everything and then ordered them all his favorite comfort foods to be delivered to the house. Carlos and Marjan now regularly make “fold in the cheese” jokes when TK cooks. Which is often!
Sorry this was very long!
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