#i have other thoughts but theyre scattered lol
I'm yet a third anon, and yet I also agree with the first anon a lot! And I'd use this opportunity to vent a little -- I love this fandom and its discussions but how much it assumes Paul was somehow the primarily guilty party in the J/P thing not to happen and that he hurt/rejected John in India is maybe one of the biggest thing that makes me feel confused and like an outsider. Because sometimes it feels like people act like that's as sure as canon, and to me it's frankly weird, because there's no objective evidence of that (that I know of). IMO the whole assumption that John was the one more consciously in love with Paul is a very wild guess, then the assumption that he expressed it and Paul rejected him is even more of a wild guess, and then the idea that that was the sole or primary reason for John to get depressed after India is just so much of a HEAVY and accusatury thing to put on Paul. It's not only without evidence but imo without reason. I mean, John was a complex intelligent person with a very complex present at the time of the India trip and a very complex past. There could have been so many reasons he was depressed! (f.e. Cynthia learning about his affairs and their family falling apart might have been one of them).
And then - sorry to go on venting - but one of the saddest thing for me is the impression I have that big parts of the fandom believe that ''what happened in India'' (aka Paul rejecting John or not being there for him) was the reason of all the things John later did to Paul. I guess written that way it's supposed to make sense, but I mean, there's barely any evidence of Paul doing something mean to John in particular in India or after (which he didn't do to all of the others as well, like being bossy in studio or suing them). And there are plenty of well documented little insances of John doing something mean to Paul - like How Do You Sleep, many little mean things he said in interviews, telling him that his idea for concerts is daft and that he wants a divorce, bringing Yoko to sessions even though Paul was obviously uncomfortable writing with her present. And ok, these might not have all been against Paul personally, but they were hurtful to him and fandom's explanation often is that John did anything overly cruel/humilliating to Paul because Paul was mean and rejected him in India! I mean, imagine a close friend writing a hurtful song for you or doing press against you and then the public saying it makes sense (i.e. you deserved it) because you rejected that friend during some trip you had together a couple of years ago... even though they haven't been on that trip and there's no evidence of anything like that happenind on it. And while your friend's song/interview is forever recorded and visible to see, your primal sin against the friend is not recorded or evidenced by anything but treated like a certain explanation of it all...
(And for the record I don't mean to hate on John, I understand people trying to empathise with him and find vulnerability behind the anger. But I find it wild that the accusations to Paul are so big that they even are supposed to justify everything bad John did. Even if it's not ''justify'' but just ''explain'', it's still wild. And I'm not saying Paul was never mean to John, just that the idea that he did something primarily evil/uncaring/rejecting to explain everything that happened later is very speculative and imo unfair.)
Sorry it's very late this was too much of a silly rant. I know that some of those things I'm venting against are just part of fanfiction, and they're understandable there anyway. Thank you if you read that <3
I'm the same anon who wrote the long rant starting with ''I'm a yet third anon'' some time ago. :D Just wanted to clarify something, because I wrote my previous message too fast and some of the things I said were not very true. Like I think I wrote that Paul never did something mean to John in particular. I know that's a very silly thing to say, and that of course it can't be true. I know he also wrote ''dis tracks'' for John, he wrote Too Many People first etc. But what I mean is just that I actually find it more likely that How Do You Sleep was an answer to these mean things Paul did at the time of the break up (like John said himself), instead of that supposed primal sin Paul made in India. And at the same time I think HDYS (and John's interviews at the time) was an obviously over-the-top of a response to the much milder TMP, more personal and cruel. And I think there might be many possible reasons for that over-the-topness of John's attitude at the time but I think people explain it with the India rejection Paul supposedly did... and that is what I'm against and that is what I say is imo unfair to assume. I also think it's not very logical because John wasn't saying such mean things about Paul after India, he recorded three albums with Paul after India. He was saying them after the Beatles break up. Which doesn't make Paul innocent in the break up at all... but it doesn't make him guilty in the he-never-returned John's love or tried-to-confort-him when he was depressed either. I just think that the accusation that Paul rejected John in some big personal way is bigger than what anyone in fandom blames any of them about those angry songs or law actions they did during the break up. Only Paul receives such a big personal accusation - that he was oblivious, loveless or too scared to reciprocate love and therefore (even if unwillingly) caused all the bitterness after the break up. That's what I think is very speculative. Although people have a right to speculate, I guess. :) Anyhow, thanks for reading again, sorry for the big spam! <3 (I'm sure there will be things I'll regret from this message as well)
So I don't entirely agree with every detail here, but I hear where you're coming from and agree with the main gist; a lot of things seem to be assumed as "canon" without much basis. It's difficult though, because there's no objective line to draw between "this is an educated guess" and "this is pure conjecture".
The reason for "What happened in India?" is that immediately following the trip, John tripled down on the erratic behaviour (specifically in his love life) + the conversation about the trip in the Get Back session tapes. I agree, though, that the fact John is still on friendly if strained terms with Paul in January 1969 makes the whole India thing sound a lot less like a Before/After moment than it's made out to be.
Personally I wouldn't call assuming that John was "more consciously [or at all] in love with Paul" a wild guess, because he said many things that Kind Of Sound Like That. We might be wrong about it, but IMO the evidence is more than strong enough to call it a reasonable theory. The idea that he expressed it and was not satisfied with however Paul responded in India is, I'd say, completely circumstantial but still relatively compelling. The idea that this would've caused all of John's subsequent issues, however, I agree is laughably unnuanced to the point I'd call it objectively false.
And again, I think if asked, basically everyone would say "No, of course not every single one of John's issues comes back to Paul not tucking his hair back and saying 'I love you' before pulling him into a kiss" but there's this undercurrent in how it's talked about that seems to presuppose that fact.
I do also want to say that I don't think Paul is directly affected by any of this, since he isn't on tumblr and probably barely even knows this site exists, but it does sometimes concern me how eager people are to force fictionalized narratives onto real humans, having seen people who do this to their IRL friends. And it's weird to constantly see people saying "WHY ARE YOU SO SERIOUS???" when I'm just trying to have a conversation lol.
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last-flight-of-fancy · 3 months
I would love to hear your trans alphinaud and lesbian alisaie headcanons or more about the subtext you see! Especially alisaie.
AHHH oh gosh i would love to answer!! Though I must admit that these are built from many (MANY) small moments across the whole game more than a few easily pointed at examples, which means its.. kind of difficult to pull up (and remember) all the evidence.
That being said, i do still have Many Thoughts about it :DDD
First off trans Alphinaud was set into my mind very early on by one simple fact: identical twins are almost always born the same sex. like almost invariably, with the very rare exceptions needing some wild extenuating circumstances. and you cannot tell me those two are fraternal.
now ofc this is fiction, and a fantasy world besides. who's to say the writers knew that particular fact? well good news! alphinaud presents a *lot* of other common trans experiances, which are scattered throughout the msq and optional side dialogue.
(shoutout to me for having the exact same thought four years apart before and after playing the game myself. i have absolutely no memory of the first post at all because i also have no memory of watching my partner play shadowbringers even though i definitely did. rare adhd memory loss win! i got to experiance my favourite thing for the first time twice!)
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post 1: dated 2019, talking about how alphinaud is extremely trans coded, being an identical twin of a different gender to his twin, cannot swim, is body shy and *extremely* hesitant about using public showers, and having interests that are traditionally coded as feminine in fiction.
post 2: dated 2023, the same thing but this time talking about how wonderfully alphinaud and alisaie are made to complement each other in opposite ways.
he cant swim: related to the body-shyness and hesitance around the showers, its VERY common for trans people to experiance these things due to dysphoria and societal perceptions. i myself started experiancing this (even though i LOVE swimming) when pubescence started to hit. (it sucks!) alphinaud was probably one of those ones who realised VERY early what he was (logic boy who is too dang smart for his own good) so he just.. never learned to swim at all. kept his nose buried in books instead.
traditionally feminine interests/abilities: sure it could be trope subversion, but personally i think theyre also things he just enjoyed before transitioning and thus continued to do.
and one more that i can remember off the top of my head: alisaie's reaction to estinian mistaking her for alphinaud.
"but alphinaud has no problem with being mistaken for-" let me explain, i swear it makes sense.
see, alphinaud is a little logic boy at heart, we know this. he knows he and alisaie share their features, that is simply a fact. alisaie though? alisaie is ruled by feeling, and reacts accordinly. most notably the Incident when she first meets estinian.
what i find especially interesting about this is that prior to that moment with estinian, neither of them appear to have much issue with their similarities. it's only after shadowbringers that alisaie reacts with such contempt
(probably not helped by her not liking estinian much in general lol)
what this says to me is that some time before or during ShB, alphinaud told alisaie that the way people mistake him for her does bother him, but he can't blame them for the mistake considering the circumstances, so he just doesn't mention it.
alisaie however can and will blame them and thus the next time someone mixes them up (rip estinian) she EXPLODES. because it's not about her. if it was about her i honestly dont think she would care nearly as much. but it's about her brother, and how dare you hurt her brother's hidden feelings by not being able to tell them apart.
(completely seperate headcanon but i do think that estinian is faceblind as fuck, which means he never stood a chance on this one, poor guy)
okay now for lesbian alisaie <3
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what WAS it that thancred said about battle scars and maidens? and whyfor are you thinking about this alisaie? :3
also: Tesleen.
also also: Emery (A Malm in her Shoes short story)
fr tho alisaie pays attention to and talks about girls a lot. in a way she never does about boys. bringing up my complementary opposites wrt the twins thought from before, it honestly could've been another way the writers COULD have done that, having alisaie attempting to impress boys with her athletic skills the same way alphinaud tried to impress girls with his artistic ones (something he is teased about repeatedly). like the absence of this potential parallel is almost suspicious tbh...
once again, any one of these things in isolation is probably simply a choice in writing, but all these things together spell out to me one thing: alisaie likes girls. exclusively.
(im sorry you wanted lesbian alisaie thoughts more and i have less of that than the trans alphinaud ones, but if you come back in 3-5 years when i've finished my second msq run i will have compiled a far more complete list of evidence for both complete with screenshots, probably lol)
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moroneur · 5 months
okok, hear me out on this rottmnt leo x reader au idea guys i swear:
Rottmnt separated au where Leo (named Kappa) was raised as the next battle nexus champion n owner (in case anything happens to big mama) by big mama and he had to fight (literally and figuratively) for familial affection and peace his whole life. Then theres Reader who was abandoned by her parents the moment they found out about her ability to see into the future via dreams (which isnt as straightforward as it sounds- her visions span across multiple alternate timelines and they vary in time making it hard to understand and navigate), so they gave their small child to big mama (human version) and lil yn is forced to become a servant bc her powers are ultimately useless.
small yn is basically forced by the other employees to serve Leo bc none of em wanted to. Yn is scared and shy at first but then they kinda become friends (She even names him Leonardo bc its a very characteristic throughout her dreams and she thought it suit him) eventhough he has to hide it in public and pretend he doesnt gaf about the human because the other yokai would make fun of him and call him weak n pick on them. They basically grow up side by side, developing extreme loyalty to each other.
He's prissy and picky and an arrogant brat and hes possessive and caring and would protect yn with his entire being. He had to fight Big Mama for her to stay and not get kicked on the streets, making Big Mama send Leo on field missions as a punishment, making him take Yn with him, purposefully making her dead weight, but he always came out on top.
throughout the years Yn became very introverted and showed her true self only to leo bc that was her one and only safe place. They go on outings in the hidden city and run from the bellboys tryna catch them when BM finds out they snuck out.
The other turtles are all scattered.
Donatello is with Draxum, YN and Leo being the only ones that even call him Donatello. (Drax calls him Purple bc he's horrendous with names). He used to be a full on turtle mutant but because of Draxum training him until he was drained n tired asf there was a lab accident, making him half cyborg. His shell is now replaced with a deadly metal 'shell', one of his eyes is artificial, and eventhough he's trained in multiple weapons, he prefers using technology and working on war weapons making Big Mama and Draxum collaborate. Whenever there's a meeting both BM and Draxum would take their sons with them as 'theyre the succesors and should be there for future reference' though Leo thinks Big Mama wants to have a good image and show Draxum off by dangling something that she took from him right in his face. Well, if Leo's going, that automatically means YN is coming with him; he wont let her out of her periphery, wont make snatching his pet away from him easy for Big Mama. They basically met at those meetings, though they usually sent the younger ones elsewhere while the adults spoke of veery important things. Donatello absolutely hated YN at first bc she was human so him n leo almost fought, but YN, being a little familiar with Donnie from her dreams, started asking Donatello questions to appease him, making Donnie tolerate her (theyre working on extending that tolerance to all of humanity). Leo and Donnie's and Yn's relationship is on thin ice, but it is getting better- they visit don when theyre in the hidden city and help him with gathering materials from the overworld bc Purple wasnt allowed lol Loser. (they snuck him out and showed him the wonders of human tech though, once or twice.) Leo got his mystic weapon from Baron Draxum as a gift (eventhough he actually didnt want to give it. Donnie convinced him to do so because Drax had a fight with Big Mama and 'giving a gift to her son would show your utmost apologies and mend your business partnership') a way to get back into good graces w Big Mama and Draxum. Just business.
Raph (or Beast) is with the Foot Clan. He was raised very lovingly (bc they were prepping him for the shredder armor), and reveres shredder as his god bc while his parents may have 'loved' him, he was at the end of the day, just a tool to help shredder's revival (everyone in the clan thought so about themselves, they were veery cult like). Leo only knows of them bc he spotted them breaking into a mall while he was 'shopping' gifts for YN :3. he found them hilarious so he watched on as they struggled to fit Beast through multiple doors in the mall. The guy was huge, bigger than he was supposed to be. wtf were they feeding him?? Leo ofc records it and shows it to YN and she can deduce the future from her dreams and the way things r going irl and goes like oh shit this is bad lol we're fucked if someone doesnt do anything abt this and leos like will it hurt you? yn: yes. yes leo it will. leo: oh okay dw then yn ill steal it from them hehe. so he trolls the foot clan whenever he can just for funsies (Leo is also slightly insane n arrogant, so being a little shit comes naturally to him). Whilst he was stalking the top execs he comes across a binding ritual for two or more people. He watched and listened as it was explained thru a book. He stole the ritual book and read through it himself, coming up with an idea himself.
He brings the book to YN and tells her he wants to souldbond with her. (their relationship is like: i belong to leo and only leo but we're not dating n vice versa... like kiss alr smh.) A soulbond is an irreversible binding contract between two people, which allows them to communicate their intent just by their thoughts and solidifying their involvement with each other. It can only be broken if one of them dies. Yn agrees and they make the soulbond without any regrets. No one knows about it but Donnie, whose eye had strong mystic receptors iy already. He saw the chains binding the 2 together and gagged the moment he found out what it meant LMAO.
Raphs fighting style are his body and tail only. hes a brute through and through, his older sister is Cass.
Mikey is with Splinter, who felt so guilty of being unable to save mikeys brothers he unintentionally started neglecting Mikey and developed depression. Mikey bless his soul has been doing his best to keep it together and bring his bros together. He doesnt succeed at it very much and only represses his emotions until he cant anymore, and when that happens lets say the city had a few buildings to fix. Mikey stole the Kusari fundo from Draxum, and its his main weapon.
April, who has Mayhem as her pet, is trying to become a journalist, so she's always at the fights, writing stuff down and then publishing them. Her main way of staying safe is Mayhem's portals lol. She's been saved multiple times by Yn begging leo to give her mercy lol. None of the turtles rlly interact w her.
YN is very shy and closed off. She can be very calculative and manipulative if dhe wants to, making her the perfect s/o for leo, who can analyse a situation and come up on top with the best outcome, as well as pull any information out of anyone, violently or not. He needs constant praise. Leo has a short fuse, and Yn is his perfect match, always calming the situation down before it could make leo explode; she knows all his triggers and tells and weaknesses, as does he for her since they yknow, grew up together.
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stickytrigger69 · 1 year
Fluff of poly breakdown and knockout reuniting with s/o reader who they thought was offlined but surprise reader is alive
Poly Breakdown and Knockout x GN Cybertronian Reader
Reader is gender neutral
Bot instead of mech or femme
Readers' frame type, paint job, etc, are unspecified.
Reader is hinted at being somewhere in between the two in terms of height (just cause it's cute that way lol)
Reader is in a polygamous relationship with Knockout and Breakdown.
There is a long list of bots that have gone missing and been offlined during the war. Since even the beginning, both factions started losing troops to the unknown. And though the list is long, many know that it should be longer, so many others have been completely forgotten, they just don't exist anymore. That almost happened to you. Everyone almost forgot your name and frame type, believing that you were utterly obliterated. But there are two mech who think about you constantly and want you to return to them, they know you will even if wveryone says theyre delusional.
Their berth is comfortable and warm as they lay together. They don't even have to talk to enjoy each other's company. Even without words, they both know and feel that something is missing, though. That something was a special someone, a gorgeous bot that got as much as they gave, and they gave a lot. With a deep sigh, Knockout got closer to Breakdown, holding onto him tighter. The weather on this bipolar planet is gloomy today, cloudy with the promise of rain and lightning.
And it does nothing but add to their moment. After the loss of their third, the two have become closer. More worried and afraid of losing one another, the loneliness they both feel, the cold that they feel in your place is too much. To bear it alone would kill them. It would just break them down and make them crumble into a pile of rubble. So they hold each other, they hold each other so tightly sometimes it leaves paint transfers on their arms and chassis.
You made things flow, and since you've "disappeared," they've had to adapt and have, begrudgingly, built up a new routine without you. They uncomfortably work through the space you've left behind. Even now, Knockout holds onto Breakdown with a small space in between them for you to squeeze yourself into. With a small sigh, Breakdown reaches over and pulls him flush to him, closing the gap. He receives an annoyed grumble in return, but he doesn't care. No one but him can fill the space right now.
As soon as they begin to drift into recharge, the alarm blares into their audials, and the emergency lights flash red. Did the Autobots manage to make it onboard again? They both shoot up and out of the berth to start making their way down the halls to the control room. The closer they get, though, they notice vehicons scattered around the halls, they're not dead, just incapacitated. A little odd, Autobots don't seem to mind killing them unless they've just chosen to switch it up this time.
Just a few corners from the control room, they notice more cons on the floor. Just one more corner to the entrance of the control room and they see a shadow on the wall.
"Out of my way!" A stranger yells as a vehicon is thrown against the wall where their shadow rests. The door whooshes open, and the stranger wastes no time rushing in. More clanging of metal fists hitting faceplates and the occasional grunt and blaster fire. The two turn the corner to see the stranger take down the last vehicon in their way only to face off Soundwave and lose almost instantly. With a growl, they are knelt down in front of Megatron.
"You abandon me on Cybertron, and now you attack me when I should be welcome?" They hiss.
"I did not abandon you. And it is only a precaution. You did land unannounced." Megatron replies nonchalantly, earning another growl.
"I thought you'd recognize your own craft, my lord. But you just left me there! Just forgot about me!" They shout.
"All we found was a piece of your armor, there was nothing more-"
"Or so you thought! You didn't even bother looking!" That makes Megatron angry.
"There was only ash and no time to spare! It was a battlefield!" He yells, but they don't flinch.
"You knew I was alive, didn't you? Just couldn't be bothered, right?" They sound sad? "And what did you tell my partners? That I was dead? Even showed them the spot that marked my grave, didn't you? Where are they? Did you abandon them, too?" They accuse. "They're here, aren't they?" Megatron says nothing, only stares at the stranger. Halfway up the steps of the walkway, they stop to look at each other, hope in their expressions before they continue back up the stairs with newfound vigor. Eager to see this stranger.
As they come into view, it's hard to see more than just a color scheme because of Soundwave blocking their view of said stranger, but for some reason, they're oddly familiar. Megatron nods his head at the silent mech who lets you go, giving you room to stand. With the room, you lunge at him, but he grabs your shoulder, stopping you mid jump.
"Please understand, I didn't have a choice but to assume you were offlined for the greater good. To risk a whole battalion on one would be foolish. You do have a right to be angry, but know where to aim that anger." Megatrons servo tightens around your shoulder before turning you around to see Soundwave take a side step to move out of the way. Your frown dissipates and is replaced by surprise. Before you is a short red mech and a tall blue one. The room is silent, save for the sounds of pedes as the vehicons pick themselves up.
"I knew it!" Knockout shouts, causing you to flinch. "We knew it! We knew you were still functioning!" He hastily approaches you to take your servos in his and small beads of coolant in his optics. You didn't notice when coolant began building up in your own optics, but you did notice when a drop trailed down your face. You're at a loss for words, processor running low on energy as your red lover rants to you about how he knew you would find them. Megatron stands there behind you, watching with a smug face as your demeanor is weakened at the mere sight of your lovers.
A servo presses to the side of your face, cupping your cheek perfectly, and you subconsciously lean into it. A somber smile on your face as your optics flutter closed. Breakdown finally comes back into his frame and steps over to lift you both into his big arms. You laugh heartily at the sudden pressure, optics snapping open to look at his orange face. He smiles brightly at you, and without a word, he starts walking out of the control room. Your and Knockouts pedes sway with every step he takes.
"Soundwave, I want you to pay very close attention to them, (designation) doesn't seem like themself." Megatron orders when the trio are far away enough. The shorter mech beside him nods.
You've been gone way too long, it seems. The two have already made their new ways without you. Perhaps...
"(Designation)? Are you alright, sweet spark?" Breakdown asks softly.
"Hmm? Oh, yes. Fine. Why?" Optics a little wider and voice a little higher than you mean for it to be, but you play it off.
"You're a little; I don't know." He shrugs at you. "I really can't say what it is, but I know something is off."
You frown and open your mouth to say something, "they're just getting used to things again. You feel out of place, don't you, love?" Knockout asks you with a small pout. You nod absent-minded. With the click of his glossa, he nods and pulls you into his chest, resting his chin on the top of your helm. You finally relax, frame slowing down after all this time. After so many years, your once tense joints and stressed lines loosen and open up. This is all you need and all that you've wanted. Always having been the physical type with your lovers, wanting their digits or servo intertwined with your own.
You let out a deep exvent, and Knockout hums approvingly. You sit there against Knockout, listening to his familiar frame him and Whirl with life. Breakdown watches and notices Knockout shift and brace his pedes on the floor. "Did they?" He asks. Knockout looks at him with a smile.
"They did. Help me move them, please." He pecks Breakdowns lips when he gets close enough to look at your face. Such a tired little face, he looks at every inch of your faceplate, dedicating the sight to his memory, he was scared he had been forgetting what you looked like but he still remembers. When he's satisfied, he stands tall and lifts you up off Knockout's chest with a small huff.
"They feel lighter." He states flatly only for the short red mech to hum in agreement. He looks down at him to see him staring at you.
"I've really missed them. I missed them so much. We won't let them disappear this time. We can't." He looks up into orange optics with a seriousness that would make most anyone shrink away. "Even if we have to put a leash-backpack-thing that human bitlets use, then so be it. But we can not let them out of our sight." He threatens before turning towards the berth. With a shiver and a light chuckle, Breakdown follows. Thank Primus you weren't awake to hear that, or you would have started fighting with the cherry red mech. Though he has kissed the sassy bickering, it's far too early in your return for an argument.
Later in the night, you wake up between them. 'When did I fall into recharge?' You muse. You lay there in thought, feeling their frames against your own. 'I'm never letting them out of my sight again, I'm staying with them even if it angers them' you settle your mind on that. Agreeing with yourself that you'll never leave their sides again.
"You're thinking too loud, go back to sleep." Knockout mumbles and presses his face into your neck. You turn towards him slightly but then settle back down with a hum. "Why do you feel so funny?" He inquires, "Just relax, would you? Stop overthinking."
"You don't have to worry," Breakdown stretches with a groan, "We're not going anywhere. Okay?"
"Okay." You whisper with a tired smile, your worries ebb away with their constant reassurance. You're happier, more comfortable than you've been in centuries, and it's because of these two mechs that have been missing for so long.
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puphoods · 7 months
im interestedin your zombie and superpower worlds..
SMILES SO BIG this took me ages omfg sorry
im gonna do it in order zombies -> zombie superpowers -> superpowers okay. i realised u maybe just meant the one thats both im not sure? but i already typed most of this up so too bad
first up egressregress babeyyyy we all know... i think its set in like. the 2000s/early 2010s... there was a poorly handled viral outbreak that caused zombies to happen etc. its pretty much your typical "society is broken down the government fell everythings a free for all" situation. theres pockets of civilization but much, much more small and scattered, there are areas with few or no people, there are areas that are controlled by certain groups or factions, etc. there is some form of self appointed government out there but they ghave no far reaching control.
the characters the story centers around are mostly isolated- they live close by but still a distance away from a well known main road that leads to an area controlled by the "government" and other safe zones and so is often traveled. cooper, dahlia, and elliot are somewhat a group, but they fucking hate each other so bad and they all suck.
the zombies themselves are pretty generic. disease spread via bite it over the course of days to maybe two weeks at most with no intervention degrades the body and eats away at the brain. theyre slow moving, generally die partway into the disease progression, and move out of instinct. theres not much of a focus on the zombies themselves in the story, but they do play a part in the mindset and morality of cooper
THA SECOND ONE my furry zombie superpowers world. smiles. so this is like my newest ocs so i genuinely dont have much but its one that i really really enjoy bc its very self indulgent lol. its... i want to say kind of futuristic? but its a different world as well so. like its not Futuristic but its set in a world w technology + stuff slightly more advanced than ours. its like Furry World. u get it
theres a very small subset of people who have or develop powers. it is there is a genetic factor to it but i dont really have that thought out yet... typically they develop around puberty but can and do develop at any time in someones life
the story starts at the onset of a zombie outbreak- there are very, very few cases, but it is widespread, and extremely dangerous. id say its been like a few months since the first case... the main characters are a part of a team sent out to investigate and study the disease in an attempt to figure out how it spreads and try to find a cure, or at least prevent it from spreading further. the main character, leah, is a "scientist" on this team- shes the one leading the research for her group. leah has powers that appear very similar to the physical symptoms of the disease. shes trying her hardest to keep it under wraps while they investigate, and desperately hoping that there is no link between her and the outbreak
leahs powers are... bio-manipulation? essentially. she cannot alter the mind but can do a lot of crazy shit to the body
the virus ive actually thought about this one pretty in depth okay hold on. its spread through body fluids primarily and is asymptomatic + will remain such unless its exposed to someone with a symptomatic infection (generally via bite but can also be spread through body fluids). if youre bitten by someone with a symptomatic case and you dont have the virus youll just die no zombie mess it iwll kill u... the progression of the disease once "activated" (idk) is slow it generally takes minimum a week before it reaches its final stage but usually takes closer to 2, with 4 weeks being the longest it can take. it causes rapid physical growth + mutations, mostly additional body parts, and causes a huge increase in metabolic processes and how much fuel the body needs that eating enough food is almost impossible, and it starts eating at the body and brain pretty quickly. eventually the person dies but the body is still driven on by the disease until it eats itself alive, and is unable to function anymore. common mutations are just growth of the body and replication of body parts, especially teeth, fingers, and stomachs, but it also commonly duplicates limbs eyes other organs etc. (SECRAT ACTUAL PLOT POINT SPOILER) in the circumstance the body mutates in a way that lets it take in larger amounts of food (more stomachs mouths teeth) and has access to enough food, for example a group of people dedicated to feeding it, it can, theoretically, grow forever. eventually the mutations will be so severe it will be unrecognizable as having been a person and can no longer move. itd be pretty much impossible to keep one fed for more than a year or so unless you were feeding it like. a ridiculous amount of meat.
last storuy ok the superpowers one. i dont have much additional to say wrt the powers than i did in the other post but i can tell u about the people... i actually have a fair few characters for this one but the story centers on adrienne. adrienne is a teenage girl with kinetic manipulation powers, she can store and use kinetic energy which generally comes out as some find of explosive force or something like that. i really am not happy with her story because shes a very old character now so i need to rework it a lot. some other characters:
kasey- a young woman with healing powers who was working as an EMT when her powers developed. she resents her powers and has the same mentor as adrienne, theyre narrative foils, etc.
sonar- adrienne and kaseys mentor. hes ex superhero + regrets his time as a hero, and is trying to get the girls on track. he doesnt want anything to do with the whole hero and villain sort of scene anymore but feels obligated to keep the others safe
longshot- ^sonars ex husband lol. hes a hero turned villain, in part because of their falling out, but bc of a lot of other things too. he has really good eyesight and shoots people. with guns
roulette, copycat, 2 more unnamed characters- a small villain group that are involved in the plot and that adrienne gets involved with while shes trying to do...whatever i decide she ends up doing in her new story. they arent anything serious and mostly just rob banks and shit
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acaciapines · 9 months
so....abt that adventure time daemon au....sits down with folded hands. im SO SO curious as to what your thoughts are and lowkey wondering if theyre anything like what ive been cooking up in my twisted mind...slash joke...YOU GO FIRST I WANNA KNOW!!
jkdfgdjfkg yeah im gonna focus on the fionna + cake aspects since thats what i posted but if you wanna know about someone else send a followup!! i have the strongest ideas for marceline and more scattered thoughts on everyone else but!! i turn this around in my head a lot lol.
under the cut bc i am incapable of being short
so. the reason fionna world is Like It Is despite nominally being a human au is bc i decided that in ooo, humans are the only people with daemons! everyone else has Something Else, but that something else isnt actually a daemon (this bit is still fuzzy lol since it would just be more bg in anything i write).
so that means the only characters in adventure time who have/had a daemon are finn (tossing around the name honey for her?? shes unsettled but mostly dogs bc they grew up with dogs lol), marceline (she lost her daemon upon becoming a vampire, gets her back at the end of stakes. do not ask me what she is settled as idk as of now lol), and simon (lost her upon becoming ice king, he does Not get her back. i think its fun if she is a penguin bc that makes ice king surrounding himself w penguins super tragic. he knows something is gone but cannot articulate what.)
also i guess people like susan strong and the humans on the human island but shhhh i dont have super strong ideas for them lol.
ALL THAT TO SAY. since fionnaworld was created by prismo (gonna be real idk what his deal is but he is obviously His Own Thing and as a deity type deal he probably is granted w 'can see dust' powers and thus has no idea what daemons are all about) and lives in ice kings/later simons head (one who doesnt know about daemons and one who is mourning the permanent loss of his own) when fionna and cake were "created" finn jake and finn's daemon were mashed into two characters, who are! human and daemon.
everyone else either never had a daemon in normal ooo (ex. pb) or didnt have them at the time fionnaworld was created and thus they werent carried over (ex. marceline.) of everyone tho probably marshall WOULD know the most, this is why he has a line in my fic where he's like, do you know what i'd do for a weird cat? as a sort of hint that he SHOULD have a daemon, but. alas.
uhhh. where am i going with this.
OH RIGHT so yeah basically when fionnaworld became de-magicked it took with it a lot of people's points of connection--everyone ends up way more isolated than they were. since simon is mourning his own daemon that translates to daemons just Not Existing, and so fionna and cake are very much isolated from each other. they dont have the words for their relationship. all fionna knows is she needs cake with her, and vice versa.
cake IS still a daemon, but without that framework shes stuck in the 'normal cat' role even though she does a lot of noncatlike things, n her and fionna are very very good still at sorta knowing what the other is thinking and reacting accordingly. the people closest to fionna (so, really just marshall and gary lol) have SOME idea of what is up but if asked its more leftover instinct than like, the ability to actually explain any of this. fionna and cake try to interact w the world as a human-daemon pair but that doesnt work when the world has no fucking idea what that is.
uh. that. probably answers some question!! i think the plot of fionna and cake itself is MOSTLY the same...really fionna and cake just find out there is a word for who they are to each other n get that relationship reestablished which isnt a far cry from canon. i really like the stuff they do with betty/simon so i wouldnt want to change that, though i imagine there is a bit of simon mourning his lost daemon too--idk i feel like you could tie those feelings in if you were to write a full adaptation but i!! dont think enough changes to do that so i wont be lol.
i mostly just wanted to do episode one bc again. daemon in a world that doesnt know wtf a daemon is. truly the funniest and most tragic thing in the world.
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neomedievalist · 11 months
in honor of apron boy talk about shirou and cooking... can you tell i miss today's menu
SO FUCKING TRUE. shirou cooking makes me so so so happy (I also love cooking) and i don't know how canon today's menu for the emiya family is (yes i know its hollow ataraxia canon so like, kind of) but the episode where shirou learns to cook for kiritsugu is sweet and then really sad when you think about it. he learned to do housework because kiritsugu always kinda sucked at taking care of himself and others, and taiga was Not helping, and. honestly. that's really sad that he was like 8 and managing a household while kiritsugu was off doing kiritsugu things (you know.) i think the episode itself is..really sweet. shirou trying really hard to make him happy is sweet, his determination to do well and make people happy is cute but makes my heart hurt. i'll have to save my thoughts on their relationship for another post tbh. but for me his cooking is something he started doing maybe not under the best circumstances, but grew to enjoy (to the extent that he can enjoy anything.)
i really love and find sweet how this ties into sakura as well, because she thinks from the outside that he's got it all together and he's super competent not knowing the emptiness that kinda led to him doing all this stuff for other people. they both kind of look to cooking as an escape from their thoughts and a chance to make someone else smile. it also means so much to me because of it being a more feminine trait (that and the cleaning) that he's a Little embarassed at and makes little copium comments scattered here and there about it but everyone around him loves his cooking so much that he can't be that embarassed about it. The cooking scenes in the vn are incredibly sweet but you have to note the amount of times he specifically tries to make an extra big or special meal when he's anticipating a fight (usually about his behaviour, lol). I love that he's just used to making an apology meal to try to distract people from the fact that he's being stubborn and annoying. i love him.
(Fate spoilers under the cut bc i know some oomfs do intend to read it)
i also think its reallyyy really sweet when archer is shown cooking like the fact that its something that still gives him satisfaction..that cute little hand on hip he does after rin says the tea is good in the anime LOL. and of course the archer cooking episode in todays menu. theyre all so sweet. hes lost so much but he still likes to make people smile and he still feels oddly competitive about it too. it's really precious. i think about that today's menu episode a lot. you have to think about how long it had been, for him, since he made a meal for saber. aaaaaaaaugh.
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embraceyourdestiny · 11 months
OK hold on re: possibly empty Sora!! I've had this thought ever since Remind came out but haven't dared to say it but fuck it. The Sora Kairi combo attack confuses me so much. Why are they not using their keyblades, why is there no combined keyblade like with Riku, why are their memory wings scattering, and most importantly, why is it called One Heart? Romance of course, people will yell, and then stone me for denying it. I have a tinfoil hat theory that it's literal. There is only one heart present here. Sora is already fading away. Sora's heart is somewhere else, there is only one heart here. Or it's nothing but it keeps bugging me considering KH3 is so ripe with hidden meanings and triple twists.
I think at this point they might be similar to vanitas in that theyre hearts arent strong enough on their own so they work together to become "One". And i think its bc of the velocity their hearts are traveling (metaphorically but also a bit literally) and the fact that theyre going in opposite directions: kairi quickly coming back to the world of the living and reforming her heart and sora RAPIDLY descending into unexistence, and i think their hearts met at the Perfect intersection in this suspended time to defeat xehanort once and for all. Poetic for certain. Romantic love, i dont think so, since thats never the case with them. (QPP?? likely). This connection is also likely why sora "helps" kairi in mom and they Become One. I think their hearts are forever connected and theyve had so much Fucky shit done with each other's hearts and who knows, maybe its gone as far back as kh1 and the fact that sora housed kairi's heart all those years (in our time, like 2 years for them lol) made it so their hearts Locked into place and were Forever One. God, i love kairi and sora and sokai in any capacity so much. I really really truly hope they'll be given their justice and come to understand each other properly and thoroughly in kh4. no more lies and full honest support. no more loft expectations, unintentional or not (bc we all know about kairi but sora also expects and RELIES on kairi acting and existing in the world a certain way. maybe i should write abt that one day hmm) i NEED it. i need them to learn each other's truths and love each other even more. i need kairi to stop being side lined bc shes always and only been a vital piece in the background and yet DIRECTLY impacts the mainfront constantly with no recognition, esp bc of how much she influences sora (AND SAVES HIS ASS MULTIPLE TIMES). i need. i need.
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treemintart · 2 years
If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear some of your head canons for Zanzo and Chai and how’d they be together. I really love the art you make of those two, some good fucking food lol 👌
holy crap thank you! i was a bit worried i was spamming them LOL i dont mind talking about them at all! apologies in advance if its not worded the best/a bit scattered!
honestly a lot of it is "theres potential here, i like their chemistry", but theyre also both big dorks in their own right
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im gonna ramble below of some ideas/headcanons i have for them:
kinda barebones atm but one is an AU/canon divergence with zanzo's whole fight after he gets defunded (we shouldve had a proper boss fight), which is basically "what if they convinced him to help fight against kale" (since he doesnt seem to really hold an attachment to spectra or the company? just does whatever he wants; chaotic neutral) and with that was the promise of studying chai, since he wanted to learn more about his enhancements and cause hes got nothing else to lose at that point he agrees (basically no one is happy about this but its better than nothing). hed also be interested in 808's and her connection to chai
this version of him is what im calling the Defunded! version (hair down/wires tied back; ngl it started off cause i thought it looked cool and i suck at drawing mohawks LMAO)
chai seems to be genuinely impressed with technology (ex: ar labs), and since zanzo likes being the smartest person in the room, he creates things to show off. i like to think that he would eventually make an attempt at creating upgrades for his arm, to push chai and his potential to the limit
zanzo also holds some respect for chai, as hes the only boss to not refer to him as a defect. examining chai would also help himself be able to build stronger robots, and to give him inspiration for new ones since chai is unique in how he functions. he tests them on chai and claims its "training" for him.
if given the chance i think the two would have some pretty good banter, they both seem to humor eachother without the other getting frustrated. they also both have brat energy and would definitely sass eachother on the most mundane things
i also love the whole "one person is interested in another one for 'buisness' reasons, ends up getting attached" trope which i feel fits these two pretty well. zanzo doesnt like people messing with his experiments/test subjects and would see chai as his and be very possessive
chais core changes rhythm depending on his emotional state, which zanzo then experiments to find out what causes the bpm change, much to chais embarrassment
definitely would take them awhile to realize "hey i kinda like them more than i should" and with that comes panic and denial. slowburn status
chai gets flustered easily, and is horrible at hiding it. zanzo i see him not being completely aware that his actions can come off flirty, but when hes by himself and/or realizes he overthinks and becomes a mess. they are both disasters.
chai seems to have a lot of self worth issues, which i think zanzo also shares to some degree? chai acts like he knows what hes doing when he really doesnt and is more insecure; and zanzo seems to want people to actually take him seriously and acts smarter than he really is. they both hide behind an outgoing persona. would they ever let their guard down and show that side of them? who knows :]
chai likes watching zanzo work on his robots, not understanding anything hes being told but liking the passion the other has for his work. chai would also mess with him given the chance, nothing actually damaging though.
since chai never got that gift basket, maybe zanzo would make him one as a confession
and thats all i can think of off the top of my head, i hope you like them!
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godza · 8 months
justin i need to hear your ag takes now
oh my god yes. i was just about to make a post. ill say a few opinions because they are all scattered.
problem one: from the founding of ag to 2014, everything was perfect. it all went downhill when the historical dolls were rebranded to beforever. all historical accuracy went out the window to cater to an even younger audience. all the playsets turned to plastic, there used to be wooden accessories! metal even! now its all cheap plastic, hunks going for hundreds of dollars. quality of items went down, as well as quality of stories. all the realism in the historical settings were wiped to have colorful smiles and happy colors. yes, some happiness is nice, but im still mad about kits redesign, wheres her flour sack dress! that was not made out of a flour sack!
problem two: girls of the year. they are running out of ideas! a second gymnast, really? im tired of the endless roulette of white girls! none of these girls stand out! they all have the same hobbies, and appeal to the same declining demographic of rich white girls. understandable, since the prices have ballooned so much people who arent rich arent buying them these days. each goty seems no different from the last. the current goty is both a gymnast and a horse girl. that is a desperate bid to tackle demographics. theyve done those a million times, the gymnast was mckenna back in 2012? and horses twice with nikki and sage. a horse does sell well, i always wanted a horse, but they really need to do something else. i honestly havent been paying much attention to recent gotys, but corinne and kavi were fantastic! the asian american representartion was great! but now the year after them, we are back to a white gymnast horse girl. im not privy to their sales, but i wish there were more diverse characters. but since the audience is mostly white rich moms who got mad at one of the characters having lesbian aunts, im not surprised they keep making them. i just want there to be more diversity!
id write more but my phone lags really really badly when using tumblr for too long. i have so many thoughts i didnt even get to truly me dolls but i dont have much to say about them honestly theyre fine
i was very obsessed with ag as a child, id spend hours looking through the catalogues at the pretty merchandise. i also followed their other endeavors like the self help and craft books. i was a fan in elementary school, 2010-2016 so that influences my opinions bc idgaf abt anything outside of that time frame
my fave dolls: kit (i have her! shes in just a coat since all my clothes are put away), julie, addy, rebecca (her collections the prettiest), nellie (shes the prettiest. also gwen but theyre identical with pretty hair), cecile and marie-grace, kanani, chrissa, mia, and LANIE. im so mad i was too young for lanie shes always been my favorite. faves are also heavily influenced by their books, lanies books are really comforting to me. i wanted to be her so bad as a kid! okay im sleepy i worked myself up lol. thank you for asking i love talking about it
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deathschool · 2 years
9, 13, 14 and 15 for Destiny, Iridian and Erin? ~ @scorpiolight-madd
HIII ooh these are really good ^_^ ok putting it under the cut bc its VERY LONG !!! (ramble alert)
9. how do monsters see your wizard?
well. as a very powerful but also dark and brooding freak of nature she is......intimidating. it depends on the Level of the creature in a way i think? and the sentience. i think generally more animalistic creatures would see her as a threat and be afraid of her, even if shes not trying to fight. Mostly she hates this lol
13. how does your wizard fight?
(ok i LOVE thinking about how fighting would work in various contexts; i dont think the traditional battle circle is utilized in EVERY fight. Like i dont think this fucking gummy worm knows the sacred rites of the battle circle. so in that sense i imagine theres a lot more.... freeform spell-slinging going on) destiny herself is usually a bit defensive and patient, and likes to build up towards a massive attack..!!! so itll often look like shes not doing much and just taking hits until she unleashes a wave of Fuck You Die. and she usually utilizes a weapon (knife/sword) as a wand so i think when it comes down to it she knows how to use it. and will
14: how would your wizard and nolan stormgate feel about eachother?
I like to think theyre friends actually!!! destiny befriended a lot of the wiz city students in her time at ravenwood. i have a concept where duncan follows her through krok.... but destiny likes nolan, even if hes a bit full of himself lol.
15. where in wizard city would your wizard spend the most time?
ooh this is a fun question.... as stereotypical as it might seem i think nightside. she's made a friend in dworgyn, and hes one of the only people in ravenwood who doesnt treat her differently due to her savior status. in fact he seems kind of oblivious to it sometimes. After a while she kind of avoids going to ravenwood as much as possible, but nightside is the exception.
9. how do monsters see your wizard?
fearfully. By the time they see him, they already know he's intent on killing them.
13. how does your wizard fight?
FULL AGGRO for a fire, they're very impatient. He doesnt really do DOTs usually, or if they do, they've got a detonate lined right up lol. the only time they'll utilize those properly is if they want to see someone suffer slowly.
14. how would your wizard and nolan stormgate feel about eachother?
they dont know each other, but iridian would probably kill him without much of a second thought. They'd see him as an insignificant speck. he'd be very offended by this
15. where in wizard city would your wizard spend the most time?
in their dreams, its merle ambrose's office as they kill him. But anyway.... i dont think they ever actually go to wizard city! Too busy planning schemes in khrysalis and chasing destiny across the spiral trying to beat her up to waste time over there.
9. how do monsters see your wizard?
theyre not intimidated. maybe a bit wary initially, but erin isnt really....a particularly strong presence. He's also kind of a pussy.
13. how does your wizard fight?
Not well ?!?? he's a life, so already disadvantaged.....but generally he much prefers the support role, so he's not very good with fighting. he's very scattered and panicked when he does so.
14. how would your wizard and nolan stormgate feel about eachother?
he's probably annoyed and intimidated by nolan. kind of the way a freshman would feel about a really annoying senior. although by the time erin would come across nolan he's probably chilled out a Little, so it's not really as serious
15. where in wizard city would your wizard spend the most time?
i imagine they found a little nook in the ruins of the death school that they climb down into, and they like to sit there and read... the view is really nice, if a little bit scary from the ever-present threat of falling into the clouds below. but yknow it spices things up
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coldvampire · 2 years
okay so some of you may be aware but recently i discovered a fun trick ts4 pulled on me, which was deleting like. half the fucking doors from san myshuno apartments. theres no way to get them back aside from starting a whole new save file, which ive slowly been in the process of doing. but instead of just shoving my ocs & their lis/friends into Places ive been trying to put some thought into where they might actually reside & more or less do what i can to replicate a basic idea of that. this is a very long way of saying that i keep getting stuck on nines' haven lmao. on one hand i feel like its a pretty comfy space, at least his 'main' one would be? (hc of mine that most kindred who have been in an area for a while usually have a could rooms scattered around for convenience if they have the means to do it & i feel like he probably would? theyre not nice places or anything just like. convenient if he needs a place to duck into for the day). but on the other hand,,, man idk lmao. it could be more utilitarian but thats not really where im leaning for some reason. its probably like,, comfortable in the way homes that look like theyre stuck several decades in the past are. very lived in. neutral palette but not in a Bland way, probably a lot of browns & desaturated blues. he seems like someone who probably owns a quilt fdghg. idk how to describe it because its Not grandmacore or like. pottery barn catalogue even if thats the general vibe of whats in my head?? i just feel like hes a pretty private person so it makes sense that the haven would be a place where that could be dropped & recharged.
kat definitely has a place for herself even if she doesnt actually spend a ton of time there. i think she would treat it more like a workspace?? like the whole dining area would just be her Office, extremely organized to the point its mildly intimidating. she would absolutely go on a hunt for a place with a view even if its impractical, ideally she would be able to see the ocean but i have no idea how realistic that would be in LA even 20 years ago (i have never been & my frame of reference for cities is Toronto lmfao if that gives you any idea of how i mentally work this out). its not quite as comfortable to be in, i think she probably keeps the space too curated for that. i feel like she probably leans towards a midcentury modern style with darker colours, but the shelves are just. filled with Stuff. she keeps her non-expensive jewellery out for quick access and has some like. kitschy touristy stuff from greece here and there if you look around. there is a throw blanket on her couch but its the weird furry kind that you dont actually use?
she likes living at his place better though lmao by a long shot. like its not really a place 'work' happens the way it does at her haven, you can actually Sit there and feel relaxed. i also dont think she would do the 'decorative takeover' even if her personal style doesnt align with his furniture? like she might do shit like get new curtains if they do a better job at sealing out the sunlight or something, but otherwise the most she does to change things is make space for some clothing and personal belongings. he also has some clothes at her place but its more like things that were Left instead of brought over on purpose, its not that he dislikes it exactly bc it looks nice, but i also think he feels like it gives off the same energy as 'the room you're not supposed to sit in' in your grandmas house lmfao. (makes sense that its so clean tho,,, shes hardly every fucking There these days ghgj)
i will probably end up doing Both of these buildings bc im sure theres some sort of character analysis here but im too tired to get more into it lol
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actualbird · 3 years
// very vague and unspecific spoilers for basically everybody’s stories everywhere, specific spoilers maybe in linked analyses, obligatory disclaimer that these are just my own opinions and interpretations
character analysis: the nxx boys and “bad things”
okay so ive made a chart and it’s gonna look like A Lot but i swear i can explain myself fully if you read to the end
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this chart is visualizing what each nxx boys’ tendencies, behaviors, and actions seem to lead back to.
on the left side, we have vyn and marius. 
i havent played too many of vyn’s stories, but thanks to some discussion with my friend kathleen @miladymiss​, somebody who HAS played a bunch of vyn’s stories, ive come to the vague conclusion that vyn has this general perception and belief that the world is cruel. he has an expectation that everybody has some kind of ulterior motive, that people will cast out those who are not in accordance with the mainstream, that people will hurt others. he does not want bad things to happen to him mostly because he expects that bad things will happen. to counter this, he leverages himself into a place of control more often than not (link leads to a prev vyn theory i wrote about this). 
marius on the other hand seems be the opposite in the sense that it’s actually his hope that people can/will be good that gets him into hot water. he employs facades and acts to protect himself from bad things happening to him (link leads to a prev marius analysis i wrote about this), because lol that actually has already happened a bunch, and yet he still has some a belief that people can change, something that makes him go to many lengths to try and prove.  if vyn expects that bad things will happen, marius does too, but marius, deep down, still wants to be wrong about that. to counter the danger his hope may cause, he puts up walls to mask his sincerity and true self.
vyn actively puts himself in control so that bad things do not happen to him. marius passively protects himself with his masks so that if bad things do happen to him, he’ll get out of it somewhat unscathed (or at least thats what he hopes, rip king). vyn is taking charge while marius is taking precautions.
but i want to immediately nix the thought of “i do not want bad things happening to me” being a purely selfish desire, because this desire, when pushed by friendship and/or love for another person, branches out into “i do not want bad things happening to you.” that’s pretty damn selfless! it’s protective! vyn and marius caring about another person would be them thinking something along the lines of “dont be too trusting, that will only get you hurt.”
now on the right side, we’ve got luke and artem
let me go to artem first (because i want to save my ultimate fave for last HAHA). the thing about artem and the “bad things” he doesnt want to do is that it manifests in the form of failure. ive said in a bunch of posts (cant link them bc theyre scattered over several posts hhh) that my vague conclusion on artem is that he holds himself to a merciless and meticulous standard because his life has been all about earning things, and the only way to earn things (sometimes things that do not need to be earned, like...happiness, artem, u good???), is to work tirelessly for those things. artem is scared of being underserving, and if he underserving, if he fails, he is a committing a sort of passive “bad thing” to those around him. 
luke, on the other hand, is in my opinion, frigging nuts. ive written an analysis on how luke perceives his existence and effect on other people’s lives as an inevitable negative. in this analysis, there is no “if i fail,” like artem. to luke, he thinks he’s already done it. and it’s not that he’s failed, it’s that he’s a bad thing completely (or at least a bad thing waiting to happen, and for him, thats fucking close enough). luke is both simultaneously scared of not being good and resigned that he is not good. he thus thinks that almost all of his desires are selfish and/or greedy somehow, because hey, im bad, why do i get to even want the rewards of being loved, thats not right! to luke, he is actively committing a “bad thing” to those around him at every given moment of his current life.
artem passively stops himself from being a bad thing by repressing aspects of himself he thinks to be faulty and/or not perfect (most of the time, emotions) to protect those around him. luke actively stops himself from being bad thing by putting the lives/desires of others above his own life/desires as some kind of penance for the people around him. 
now i want to immediately nix the thought that “i do not want to do bad things to others” as a purely selfless desire. it looks like that at first, but when this concept is pushed by friendship/love onto another person, it branches out into “i do not want to do bad things to you.” which, sure, is noble, but is also very focused on the self, on wanting to control the self and self’s effect on other people’s lives.
vyn and marius are worried about the threats from the outside while artem and luke are worried about the threats coming from themselves. all of them have their specific ways of dealing with this worry. all of them have their pros and cons, their strengths and weaknesses, but damn.
doesnt it feel great to see it all compared and contrasted on a chart???
....or is that just me HAHA
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vyeoh · 3 years
could i get the answer for 10?
My general mcyt hc for elytra is that they're like selkie skin; when a player find them in the end they're the default grey, but when you put them on the end magic causes you to have wings that are unique to a player. You can take them off by willing them to turn back, but the linger you keep them on the harder it gets.
Scott: Wing prosthetics!! He's been alive for a long time, and his wings have basically become a part of him. The gold bits are mobility aid and infused with magic, his wings got damaged decades ago
fWhip: he built his wings an exoskeleton with a mix of alchemy and engineering. Its crystal powered, and hes trying to figure out ways to fly for longer periods of time, and to fly faster.
Sausage: He didn't get his elytra from the end, but rather Xornoth. When he put them on, they reflected the corruption inside him. But after the Spirit Realm, others started noticing his wings lighten; a sign of him healing.
Lizzie and Jimmy: she doesn't have custom wings, but I hc that her and jimmy have elytra like flying fish; theyre not meant for flight after all. They can glide, but actual flight is very difficult to impossible.
Pearl: wheat wings! Her wings always remind me of bushels of grain, so i imagine she has wings made of grass and plants :)
Pixl: also doesn't have custom texture :( i imagine his wings don't look fully overworld; he seems to have some sort of connection to the dragon, and also based on the prophet!pixl hc, perhaps the king of Pixandria is more related to the end than we thought? (Hence no texture)
Gem: theyre less wings, and more crystals that float around her to allow her to fly and levitate. When she wants to deactivate her elytra, they peice together and turn back into the regular cloak like wings
Katherine: the fairy wings are more for the look than function; theyre not big enough to actually lift her. However, the Overgrown takes care of its own, and the wind spirits of the overworld are always willing to help out one of nature's gaurdians
Joey: mans got parrot wings. idk what else to say lol. They fit him very well. Joey loves to make sure his wings are always shiny and clean, and that every feather is in line. However, ever since he's started dating Xornoth, he just hasn't found the time to preen them.
Shubble: like the rest of her, mushrooms seem to grow from her wings, allowing her to scatter spores wherever she goes. Imma be honest. I love Shelby's wings but they make no sense whatsoever. They are just. Two mushrooms
Joel: His wings have also fused with him; building always requires one to he going up and down and up and down. The wings themselves are fairly standard; light green and feathered. He, however, loves to drape them in fabrics, with the magentas and oranges of Mezalea, and deck them out with mesa gold. Its pretty heavy, but he's strong from all the flying and carrying building materials
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rrover · 3 years
honestly i'd LOVE to hear more abt your ocs. they are so interesting and neat. if you have anything lying around oc-wise.... (grabby hands)
OH NO DONT ENABLE ME... i dont have much content drawing-wise that i havent already posted of my ocs and i have a few different worlds (technically two of them are the same world just at very different points in time) with scattered lore that stays in my head but. im going to talk abt soap and its pals and the world she lives in bc ive been thinking abt them today hohohee
> basically in soap's world it's split between the mortal world and the spirit world, but they're both connected. the people in the mortal world are fish people (in all other ways they are like humans theyre just also cute anthropomorphic fish) and the people in the spirit world are various weird creatures, and the spirit world is much more wild and colorful. most of the spirits are less silly than soap but they all have dumb names just like soap.
> soap is a moon spirit and is supposed to take care of the moon. it didn't sign up for that job though since whoever becomes the sun and moon spirits is decided by vibes, and they have to spend most of their early life training and studying before taking their mentor's place
>their coworker is the sun spirit who is currently unnamed but i plan for her name to be very silly and dumb as well, whatever it ends up being. it's very serious and works very hard and soap is his foil basically bc it does everything way better and seems to enjoy its job. she kind of acts like a disappointed older sibling to soap and has pet hounds that are like solar flares that he often uses to hunt down soap and bring them back to their responsibilities
>soap is VERY irresponsible, never read the law book (sun spirit coworker has the law book memorized by heart), got her smart owl friend to help her cheat on all its studies while in training, they hate their work uniform (long flowy dress thing) and prefer to wear their silly little outfits and run around town being a source of trouble for everyone
>spiriting away unsuspecting children with the excuse of needing help with grand prophecies was made illegal in the spirit world more than 100 years ago because isekai protagonists always end up traumatized one way or another and it's kind of shitty to make mortal children fix your problems for you. soap does not know this because she does not pay attention also she does not care
>soap's aforementioned owl friend was her pal when it was still in training, was super shy when they were young and had a huge unrequited crush on them (that's why they helped them cheat on everything) but after soap became the official moon spirit they kind of drifted apart. owl friend has been trying to get over their crush for years now LOL, they have their own nice little library, they're a bit closed off and grumpy now though and don't like to think about the past because they're trying to get over it. also they have four arms
>soap has little star assistants. i havent thought abt them very much but in my mind they are very cute. soap does not like them bc they are tied to its role as moon spirit
>the kid that soap spirited away that i mentioned earlier is literally just some random child, the first one soap saw in the mortal realm and she was like yep you are the Chosen One. please help me find the moon oh no its lost aaaaah youre the prophesied one who will save us etc etc (lying). theyre having a fun time exploring the spirit world with their new irresponsible parent figure but also they just want to go back home and finish their homework and not worry abt the imminent doom of the world
>the moon and sun in the spirit world are connected to the ones in the mortal world, and if the moon or sun in the spirit world goes missing for too long some kind of horrible cataclysm will occur in both worlds. soap did not know this before she threw the moon away because she Does Not Pay Attention but in this case they do care bc it cant cause mischief if it’s dead
>as you can see soap is the only one with a name so far because i have given her the most thought  fhffghfhf
>honestly soap in their current version is kind of unlikeable so i will probably have to make them more likeable but i very much enjoy its insufferable bastard vibes right now
>fish child will not be traumatized by this adventure, after all of this they will wake up and think they had a very vivid dream (i want to be nice to them)
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My quick&incomplete&unthought-out plot synopsis / summary for my crappy tcm (remake timeline, between the beginning and the first one) survival horror w Sirppi (refer to this post and this post) because i am that stupid & waste all my tme on daydreaming:
Beginning w a childhood montage. Kinda standard just, probably Sirppi & Thomas meeting, playing, finding comfort in eachother (sirppi defending Thomas from other kids etc kinda cutesy stuff). Finding fun cool places 2gether. Whispering 2 eachother at the dinner table and being home at the Hewitt household.
Ending where they're in their teens, standing looking at eachother and Sirppi is clearly leaving, just having packed their hippie ass van. Assuming some kinda saltiness between them?
Pov from the trunk of Sirppis car as they close it and some shitty 70s pop song starts playing,
-> a clear timeskip as we watch a car drive along roads and cut to the inside of the car, and it's sirppi (now clearly older) and some friends driving on a roadtrip on some rly hot day
Theyre talking abt returning to Sirppis hometown, and Sirppi is established as kinda meek and quiet as his friends question him abt all the fun things 2 do. There isn't the same smooth chemistry & everyone is kinda talking over eachother.
If i was not super lazy i would insert some bg abt history w traveling & give the other characters some roles in the theme of home & what it means but i AM lazy so theyre just hewitt food rn
Probably follow along similiar 2 the tcm plots here in GENERAL.... xept they run out of gas or smth and Sirppi glances over into the distance at the rising meat plant (dramatically) and is like "i know where we can get some help"
I literally don't kno
Maybe make it more dramatic. Fuck. I don't care I just wanna get 2 the thomas sap & fluff
-> anyways yeah they do get 2 the Hewitt household. Hoyt meets Sirppi, who he kinda did like before they left bc they were a friend 2 Thomas and Hoyt thought they'd be a future Hewitt, but got incREDIBLY bitter at for leaving. (Him as the one not understanding that different people have different needs; including him, someone who would have done better to live in a more accepting loving enviroment)
The friend group has kinda begun to split off. Idk. Some wanted 2 go swimming or shit, sm r making fun of Sirppis hometown & the people (them as the hatered for the place that you felt trapped in but also the nervous love for it because it was where you grew up, split themes. I guess.....) and Tommy gets back home from idk. Walk. And Hoyt, not sharing that they're Sirppis friends, directs him 2 take them out one by one.
So yeah lol slow stupid scene of cutting between Sirppi sitting drinking tea with Luda Mae (understanding, but bitter) and the other ladies of the house and Thomas just tcm styled awful chainsaw massacring som of the friends around the lot (*chainsaw noises and screaming* "what was that? 👁 — 👁" "oh don't worry about it's cicada season sweety <3 just a moment, I gotta talk with Hoyt about something<3" *cut to them whisperfighting abt the situation bc Luda wouldv just preferred to let them go*
-> just. Some shit happens. Idc. Skip skip skip i just wanna go nap. Anyways everyone ends up kinda scattering and Sirppi is left at the table alone at some point, and starts to kinda wander around. They find Thomas hella sweaty, confused looking, bloody in the kitchen (thinking its pig blood nat) looking at them like a ghost
Sirppi approaches, almost looking kinda like. Just so melty, like they just wanna hug him immediately, but r too shy to. (Hes grown so tall... and big... and handsome...) so they just do this slow walk towards him and he backs up to a freezer where he's just stuffed one of their friends :)
Sirppi having Thomas "cornered" over the freezer, but seeming kinda ready to back up, but some weak sounds come from the freezer or sm shit and Thomas has to lunge and he comes closer w the intent of subduing Sirppi but they understand wrong and just clutch hug him like they've wanted 2 do that for years (not caring that hes covered in blooe n all that) and its super cute and Thomas also kinda melts into it 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 huffing n puffing against their hair and trying to calm down....
Hoyt comes back and ruins everything
Yeah essentially just cracks some shit joke but is genuinely upset that Thomas is so quickly just.... being so warm 2 this person that left the family.
They pull back and yeah there's some sjitty comedy abt Sirp now being covered in bloodstains. They grew up around a meat plant tho they're cool... esp since it's Thomas.
Luda Mae offers them some fresh clothes probs so they get lead out, bit only after some Super Longing Glances tm between them & Thomas, the besties ("yall can talk all you want but tommy has some work 2 do and you both need to clean up")
Hoyt barrades Thomas about being silly for being so attached. Standard hateful hoyt stuff. Thomas just stands there n takes it but smacks the freezer whenever they hear scrathing / whimpering 😭😭😭 (i hate this but yk)
-> uhhh idk what scenes could b here.more murder n shit i guess..... fuck it. Anyways Sirppi is now wearing some hometown looking clothes probs, and theres still some cutesy stuff,
-> before one of their friends who has been running around terrified catches them in the hallways or smth finally and its like a complete 180 and the Hewitt stuff is revealed,
-> n standard stuff.. they both get knocked out by Hoyt or smth and tadaa, ..... obligatory dinner scene
Im likw so tired rn i need a nap asap why did i start writing this this is so stupid
Anyways yeah the dinner scene is Sirppi & the friend the beginning style st the hewitt table and the family (mostly hoyt) finally in spoken word properly untangles the emotions and themes
Luda Mae probably tries to suggest Sirppi stay, which starts an argument between her & Hoyt (bitter but willing 2 let you try to live up to their standards again Luda Mae VS bitter and betrayed feelings Hoyt who believes that since he's had to stuff himself into the box of this enviroments standards, you should be too but bc u didn't u should be punished & killed)
Friend gets killed, defi. Some time passes.
The scene w Thomas cleaning the table & Sirppi talking (having cried a lot already), reminiscing on mistakes in a hoarse voice.
Also asking thomas to swipe off snot off of their face as like the comedic lightening but it's also like cute in a gross way and theyre super close and sirppi starts crying again ant Thomas is like ?? :( and Sirppi is like im crying bc i want to ask you to come look for home rn but I and You know I can't bc everything thats happened here <3333
I need a nap asap lets wrap this up.
-> SOMETHING happens, Sirppi gets away and the end chase scrne ensues, final boy/enby hours. Dunno. Its all horrifying & green colored and stuff, but at the last moment Thomas clearly lets Sirppi just run off after some dramatic shit. Idk. I dont have the energy to wrap up the themes either uhhh take it as uhhhh both of them accepting their own needs as people & parting ways IDK idk why i wrote this i just had visions for the more sappy moments 👁 — 👁
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