#i have real feelings for shinjiro maybe
sourfwuitgummy · 6 months
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happy shinjiro (looks at writing on hand) shthursday
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yusuke-of-valla · 12 days
The thing about conflicting headcanons re: Yusuke's financial situation post Madarame (ie is he actually poor, does he make money but spends it all on art because he has poor impulse control, is Kosei a money laundering scheme etc.) is that like Yusuke's financial situation is written to facilitate a running gag so it's not consistent.
The school gives him an allowance, but he's also being charged for utilities despite being on a scholarship and so showers in the cold and works in the dark and worries about the electricity bill.
We know he bought those lobsters that one time but realistically how much of his money is being spent on supplies for class vs non-necessities he feels inspired by? Because canvases are expensive and if there's a certain size expectation/requirement you can't save by getting a smaller canvas. So when someone says "he just spends all his money on art" what are we really talking about?
By Strikers he's very excited to have money from an art contest to spend on his friends but was that true during the course of the base game when he was in his slump? Because I have a hard time believing he was even entering competitions
The details don't really make sense because most of these details come from jokes that are never elaborated on into cohesive worldbuilding.
And even if you want to say the issue is just he's got bad spending habits, that's still a situation that would require intervention by an adult probably because uh, no shit?
Yeah of COURSE Yusuke is completely unprepared to live on his own and is incidentally starving himself, he was raised by a dude who convinced him that the only purpose he served was helping his Sensei. In what way would it have benefitted Madarame to prepare Yusuke in any way to live on his own or know how to balance finances, he actively wanted Yusuke reliant on him, because that's how abuse works.
I'm pretty sure Yusuke has never even conceptualized living on his own, and that's not even adding in the detail of Nakanohara being concerned he'd commit suicide if he stayed with Madarame. NO SHIT HE'D BE BAD AT IT? People don't just emerge from the womb capable of money management
In that situation is the proper response really "oh that Yusuke, he just doesn't understand money, it's not a big deal"?
And like regardless, he IS still starving. Like the extent to which you think it's self inflicted aside, he's a 16 year old who will constantly talk about skipping meals and eating sprouts from the park and that sucks. Someone should maybe like talk to him about the root cause of that!
TL;DR: Yusuke's financial situation doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to, so it kind of doesn't matter to me how people headcanon the nature of it, and I fundamentally think it's incorrect to say one option of "poor vs has bad impulse spending habits" is more correct than the other because arguably they both raise the question of "holy shit why is no one stepping in here" if you think about it all the way through
PS. Also I wrote this whole thing because I saw a tweet that was like "one big misconception i see about yusukes character and how he’s treated is people saying “Why doesn’t Joker/Haru give him money when he’s poor?” and the real fact is that he’s not poor (post madarame). He’s just EXTREMELY irresponsible with his spending and spends it all on art," and I was like "idk if that's a misconception really I think a case can be made for both because it doesn't make sense" and then AFTER I wrote it I remebered that I have repository of every Yusuke scene uploaded into my brain and was like "wait if you call Yusuke poor in PQ2 during the Akihiko/Shinjiro/Yusuke quest he'll agree" and then there's also the scene in Tactica where Marie calls him dirt poor and he doesn't disagree with the poor part, just that she insulted dirt
So like my point still stands but I'd ESPECIALLY not call it a misconception to say he's poor when canon material supports it.
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narrators-journal · 2 months
The SEES sexuality (plus a bonus)
To break up the persona 2 content and feed my persona 3 fans, have some thoughts on the SEES’ sexualities. Excluding ken, of course, and koromaru lol.
Yukari Takeba
Possibly a hot take for the p3 fans, but Yukari...isn’t my cup of tea. So, I don’t tend to comb over her character the same way I do Minato lol. So, the only real thing I have to go on for her sexuality is vibes, and the movies to say that she seems like she’s a bit of a man-hating lesbian type. Maybe she doesn’t know it, but she’s got that vibe to me.
Mitsuru Kirijo
Mitsuru vibes like she’s got too many gender issues to be dealing with sexuality too, but I think she vibes like she, like Yukari, likes women more than men. But, she also vibes to me like she doesn’t exactly look to date, maybe is some flavor of asexual and/or aromantic.
Akihiko Sanada
Akihiko is so fuckin’ gay. Namely for Shinji, but he doesn’t seem to show any interest in women in general in my opinion. I mean, he’s got a whole fan club that he seems to avoid more than anything, and while part of that is his tunnel vision on fighting shadows and protecting his friends, him and Shinjiro definitely have somethin’ more there lol. So, I think Akihiko is pretty solidly gay. At least for the most part, I’ll give him some bisexual wiggle room with Kotone.
Fuuka Yamagishi
Fuuka is a weird one. Like Yukari, she doesn’t really spark a lot of combing through and picking apart, but she also doesn’t give any strong energy. I can see her going either way, being hetero, or being bi, or maybe even having no real interest in relationships. But, if I had to chew on it, I’d say she’s maybe bisexual, or lesbian. She seems to have a fat ass crush on her best friend, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she got flustered about Aki being shirtless, or seeing Shinjiro being a sweetie.
Minato Arisato
This is gonna be another slightly heated one, but I think Minato is pretty firmly gay, or maybe grey-ace or some level of aromantic. Because in the game, his relationship with men seems just...so much more intimate. Like, Kenji gave him a damned choker, and Hidetoshi refused to frame him for power. Mans gave up his life goal to protect Minato. Something’s there. In contrast, his bonds with the women, while not stiff, don’t feel like they develop natural chemistry. Plus, in the movies, I just never got the vibe that he liked damn near anyone outside of Ryoji. So, I can’t really see him liking women almost at all. He’s either grey-ace, gay, or ryoji-sexual to me lol.
Shinji Aragaki
Shinji strikes me pretty strongly as unbothered by relationships. He doesn’t seem very interested in dating, since...well, y’know, his personal shit. That being said, he does strike me as pretty firmly bisexual. He has no real desire for a relationship, but he’d sleep with a woman or a man, Aki or Kotone, doesn’t really matter to him.
I don’t think Aigis’ asexual like some might assume because she’s a robot. After all, she ends up basically growing a proper sense of self/a soul in the game, so she’s pretty well human. But! I do see her as demisexual and biromantic. She takes emotional connection to develop any sexual feelings, but either gender can get her romantic attraction.
Ryoji Mochizuki
There’s no competition. Ryoji is aggressively bisexual. He’s not choosing shit, he wants both lol.
Junpei Iori
I think Junpei is heterosexual, but bi-curious. Because, naturally, he seems very interested in women, but he seems to have a big ol’ crush on Akihiko, and maybe Minato. Would this grow into a proper bisexuality? No clue, but let’s be serious, we all know it doesn’t matter.
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whentvsfly · 6 months
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S.E.E.S, but Pokemon. (Kudos to those who can tell who's who without the readmore)
More info after the cut!
Tried to make everyone look like themselves without adding clothing/accessories. More difficult than expected, but a nice challenge!
I imagine either only persona users can use their moves (at all, or effectively, not entirely sure which) or when they use their personas (personamon?) they appear as an altered version of their fully evolved forms. Kinda like the second one better, as a way to use more powerful attacks and keep in theme with Persona games
Tried to keep them with their elemental affinities:
Mitsuru Kirijo: Sneasel. It just had the right vibe for her, and I curled the tail (feathers?) to make it look like her hair (although Akihiko is standing in front of most of them).
Akihiko Sanada: Pawmo. I needed electric type, and with his affinity for boxing and being fit, I figured an electric/fighting type would work well for him! Didn't want to do Pawmi because it wasn't yet fighting type (maybe he evolves sometime after The Fire) and didn't want to do Pawmot because no one else is evolved, so having him be max evolution would feel *weird*.
Shinjiro Arakgaki: Scraggy. A solely phys skill user HAS to be fighting type. There were several choices for him - Mankey was one, I believe - though something about Scraggy's appearance made me go with it.
Minato Arisato / Makoto Yuki: Castform (Sunny). I like to make the wild cards pokemon with several forms, or the ability to transform in some way. His 'base' form in Tartarus is Sunny, since Orpheus has fire attacks, but he shifts with whatever element he's using.
Yukari: Ducklett (Shiny). She was just going to be normal ducklett, but then I remembered the shiny was pink, and it makes her more 'special' and talk of the school, so I decided that's fine haha. Flying is the wind equivalent, here, so it was hard to Not make her some sort of bird. It works though, I think!
Junpei Iori: Charcadet. Needed a fire type, and charcadet seemed spunky enough to be him, out of the ones available. After Chidori [redacted], his personamon changes from an Armarouge-equivalent to a Ceruledge-equivalent.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Psy attacks don't exist in p3, though they do in p5, who I also already pokemoned, but Psychic still fits both psy attacks and navi abilities, so I'll let them overlap. She was able to avoid being killed in Tartarus for 10 hours, so she would have been using teleport to keep herself safe, as well as other psychic moves to detect where shadows lurked. Wanted a pokemon not usually known for attacking, to fit more with the navi role.
Aigis: Iron Valiant. Another phys-heavy user, so I wanted fighting type, and Iron Valiant happened to be just that. Looks like Gallade/Gardevoir (*is* Gallade/Gardevoir but in the future/ an alternate dimension?) but is also distinctly Robotic. Luckily most people pin the oddness about her as 'why is she fully evolved and in highschool' rather than 'hey, that's not a pokemon I know, what the hell'.
Koromaru: Houndour (Albino). There are not too many fire/dark pokemon, to go along with Koro's fire/curse attacks, and one of them just Happened to be a dog. I had to. I also made up an 'albino' coloration, based off of real albino dogs. If shiny, as a genetic mutation exists, then others can as well!
Ken Amada: Dedenne. Very similar to Koro, there are exactly two (2) pokemon that are electric/fairy, as I equate bless to fairy type, and one of those was a legendary. So Ken is Dedenne. It oddly works out, since he looks up to Akihiko, and they're both small, rodent pokemon (who happen to be their pkmn generation's equivalent of pikachu :P)
I have Many more thoughts on this crossover, if anyone wants to talk about it! I have a few more P3 characters planned out (Strega, pharos, ryoji, nyx avatar), P4's Investigation team, and P5's Phantom Thieves, though I need to actually Draw them all.
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senblades · 6 months
To follow up on my comment about Fftsr + pq2
would futaba go behind everyone’s back to form her own “revenge squad” alongside ryuji and makoto, maybe including Ken, who would definitely sympathize with her
what if sumi and haru pop out of one of the labyrinths with kotone in tow, and now futaba’s revenge squad have blocked off the door to that screening room, and now Fuuka and Ann are trying to talk everyone down
oh ho ho I love fucking around with pq2 au's- there's just so much potential for fuckery! (and judgement from the other persona teams HA)
(this is also a good opportunity to analyse everyone's behaviour in the latest chapters of fftsr lmao)
Hm... Ken is an interesting one, since I think Akechi has a lot of similarities with both Shinjiro AND Ken, and I think they'd both recognise that. Additionally, it's not an exact 1-to-1 situation, so I think that if Futaba stayed in a state of "FUCK THIS" long enough to try and get revenge, I think a solid chunk of the p3 squad would want to stay solidly out of it (or, damage control- I think you're right that Fuuka would be with Ann on this one)
Ultimately, though, Futaba in the most recent chapters of fftsr is being impulsive. She's angry, hurt, and most of all: confused. She doesn't have the full situation. She made an irrational and impulsive descision in the midst of her panic, and the rest of the thieves are either feeling too betrayed (Ryuji, Makoto), or too panicked/confused (Yusuke, Morgana, Ann) to not enable her. Point is, that getting q2'd is a GREAT opportunity for Futaba to calm down lmao. In saying that, though, I think that "calming down" is more synonomous to "crashing", in this case. Even if Futaba gets her answers, she isn't going to be happy about them. I think Taba in this pq2 scenario wouldn't be a super effective Navi for a while
As for Sumi and Haru- I think that once everyone gets forcibly thrown together, the misunderstanding would clear up pretty quick. In saying that, though, that just brings on a whole lot of OTHER questions- main one being "time travel???" second one being "Why are you buddies with an assassin, again?"
Oh ho ho the wildcards...
Ren! is fucked! HA- getting q2'd directly after chapter 45 would really just leave him disoriented to hell and back, and it would probably take some time to convince him that what's happening is actually real. I also doubt he'd be in an emotional state to lead... anything. So that's a solid 7-ish persona users without anyone to direct them.
Akechi! :D he's also fucked! HA yeah Sumi and Haru aren't getting any direction outta that one- so that brings our "unattended persona user" count up to 10
So Minato, Yu, and Kotone need to pick up the slack. great! I actually think that Kotone in this situation is best choice for "full group leader". Why? Well, I don't know when exactly the p4 squad gets q2'd, but it definitely takes a while for the "moral greyness of it all" to actually sink into the plot for them- so when confronted with the shitshow that is the p5 squad at the moment, I think Yu would be at a loss.
p3, on the other hand, is very used to morality soup! In saying that, Minato is on that whole "2000's emo boy" bullshit, and doesn't have the assertive force to get everyone under control- considering it's pre-October-4. Kotone meanwhile, though still in "pre-October-4" land, definitely has more of that "Aight! Shut up! Everyone get your shit together!" energy, that the p5 squad would really benefit from HA (and, enough compassion to balance both sides of the equation)
I think at first, everything would be a shitshow of pointing fingers though LMAO
Sorry for the very long answer... I have a lot of thoughts, and I didn't even cover half of them LMAO. I pity the pq2 writers
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beantothemax · 4 months
Aerospace: A collective term used to refer to the atmosphere and outer space.
“Deep breaths.” 
That voice... So familiar, yet unknown at the same time. As though he heard it in another time, another place, months or years away from where was now. 
“That’s right, great job! Keep breathing for me. Try to wiggle your toes.” 
He couldn’t open his eyes, couldn’t open his mouth. But he could wiggle his toes. 
“Thank you. Now... Do you know where you are?” 
Somewhere. Somewhere he couldn’t reach his friends, somehow he could only breathe and listen and want. 
“More or less, yeah. You and I... We’re the same. We share a power. We did the same thing.” 
Did the same thing...? 
He recalled floating... Feeling a surge of power, using his love for his friends to seal a great power away. He had become one with that power. 
“Yes, that’s right. We both did that. And now we’re both here. But this place only needs one of us. I think it’s going to use half of each of us.” 
Half of each? What, would he wake up half-dead in a hospital surrounded by his friends? 
“Maybe. We won’t know until it happens, but isn’t that the same with everything? We won’t know until it happens.” 
Yes, he supposed the voice was right. Neither of them would know until it happened. 
“We have names, you know. I’m surprised you don’t remember mine.” 
Remember? He didn’t remember much of anything. He remembered hearing his friends’ voices, SEES and otherwise, and he remembered a rush of warmth. 
He remembered falling asleep on the rooftop, surrounded by everyone. 
He couldn’t recall their names, but he rememberes their faces. There were two in particular that stood out to him in his memory. 
“So you do remember. That’s good. It’s good that you remember there was someone else.” 
Someone else? Who would that have been...? 
“Yep! Hi, Makoto. Took you long enough,” Kotone’s voice said cheerfully. 
Makoto. That was his name. His name was Makoto Arisato, and he had a twin sister named Kotone Arisato. They had sacrificed themselves at The Fall to save their friends. 
And they were dead. 
“No, we aren’t dead. Just... Not quite alive. An in-between of sorts. We should wake up any minute now.” 
Makoto took a breath. A real, genuine breath. His body felt heavy, like he had just gotten out of a pool after floating in it for hours. Something inside him felt... Loose, like a too-big sweater. 
It wasn’t uncomfortable, by any means. It almost felt better than the constant tightness in his chest that he had felt for almost the entirety of his time at SEES. 
He opened his eyes slowly. He was in a hospital room, and there were people beside him, all around him. There was someone in a bed next to him, too. A girl with auburn hair. 
Kotone sat up. The boy beside her did as well. All around them, the people at their bedsides were frozen. A few were crying. 
The boy beside her blinked, then fixed his gaze on her. Makoto. Her brother. 
“Are we... Are we alive? Are we okay?” He asked.
She nodded. “We’re okay, Makoto. We’re okay.” 
She looked around her. She recognised everyone, every face crying and staring. Yukari. Junpei. Aigis. Koromaru. Ken. 
No Shinjiro. 
“Hey, everyone. Miss us...?” She tried. Junpei and Aigis were on her in a second, hugging her (and in Aigis’s case, pressing a kiss to her cheek). 
“We missed you all,” Makoto said from underneath Ken and Yukari’s bodies. 
“You two are terrible! Worrying us like that, falling into comas until goddamned October-” Yukari sobbed. 
“October...? How far into October-?” Kotone asked. Ken went still in Makoto’s arms.
“The fourth, as of today,” Yukari responded. Her voice shook, and Koromaru nuzzled her leg. 
Suddenly, Akihiko came barreling into the room, eyes wide. 
“Guys! Come quick, Shinji’s woken-” 
His gaze landed on the twins, and he froze. 
“...Holy shit. It’s October the fucking fourth, and everyone is awake,” he whispered, eyes shining. 
“Senpai- Did you say Shinjiro-senpai is awake too?” Junpei asked incredulously. Akihiko nodded slowly, never once taking his eyes off of the twins. Makoto shot him a grin, and Kotone waved. 
What an odd day.
On October 4th of 2009, a man fell into a deep slumber after being shot twice in the left shoulder in the alley behind Port Island Station. On March 5th of 2010, two siblings, a boy and a girl, fell into twin comas on the roof of Iwatodai High School surrounded by their friends. 
All three were predicted to never wake up again. Yet here they were, in separate rooms but awake at the same time. 
The event had doctors in the Tatsumi Memorial Hospital scratching their heads for weeks, desperately trying to find any sort of explaination for the strange and sudden bought of wakefulness of their patients. 
They moved Shinjiro Aragaki to the same ward as the Arisato twins, and assigned the same doctor to all of them. After all, the three of them were under similar circumstances as each other, and were likely to need similar treatments. 
Kotone was starting to grow restless in her bed, constantly shifting and squirming and asking for different things to keep her occupied. It reminded Shinji of Aki, with his constant bouncing around and desire to do and act and go. 
Makoto seemed content to read and listen to music and sleep. Even though the guy had been asleep for months, he didn’t seem satisfied with the amount of sleep he was getting. 
Or maybe there was just nothing else to do. Shinji could understand that. 
On October 10th, the three of them were discharged. The Arisato twins moved back into Iwatodai’s dorms, and Shinji moved in with Aki while he retook his third year. 
Somehow, the world had gone from ending, and three good friends being on the cusp of death, to everything thriving again. 
Somehow, everything had shifted back to a way similar to how it used to be. 
Shinji still cooked for everyone. The Arisatos still did everything together, now accompanied by Aigis. 
A year ago, Shinji had been dying in the same place he had killed someone. He had said his death was supposed to happen. 
It was how things were supposed to be. 
But now, surrounded by warmth and love in light of a new, Nyx-less life... 
Shinjiro couldn’t have been more wrong. 
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callmearcturus · 2 years
OKAY I'M AWAKE, actually i woke up like 2.5 hours ago, tried really hard to go back to sleep but was mostly thinking about the ending of that game lmao
I don't know if I'm interested in playing The Answer because it's locked to male PC only and by now I am extremely invested in my FeMC. If I had to play an Epilogue that was about a dude who didn't even have the option of having social links with half the cast, I don't know if I'd be invested. But Storm informed me that per the Answer, the PC is in a perma-coma to ward off Nyx and Aigis and some others are trying to find a way to save them so they can have a normal life. .
I'm torn between the fact that I called the fact the PC would die at the end and the reason they would die (mostly) ages ago, so that part was forecasted, with my confusion on why the game just.... gave me more time? Like, I don't understand the Why of "why did the PC come back, live for another month, then fall into a perma-coma." Why did that not just happen when she became the Great Seal to start with. That's really not explained and it's not super clear that she's even dying until the scene where it happens, on the roof with Aigis. .
On the other hand, i do like the resolutions that I got. Junpei and Chidori will find each other, Akihiko is eagerly waiting for Shinjiro to come back, Fuuka is preparing to be more social and leader-ly in the final year, all the little tie-ups with everyone. It's good! I do like that. .
I guess I feel like because they didn't Just Do It and kill the PC when the Great Seal happens, it... cheapened the ending a bit for me? The glimmer of hope offered at the end that's taken away just seems weird to me. Because at that point, because that hope was set up and everything was literally normal for a MONTH, why is that being yanked out from under me, yanno? .
In my head, the real ending is FeMC mentally relinquishes the Universe arcana and loses her memory like everyone else (sans Aigis). Shinjiro comes home from the hospital. Akihiko takes a gap year before college to take care of his boyfriend and girlfriend while they recover. Mitsuru tries to run her company but has a creeping feeling of unease about everything, causing her her research the company's past with Yukari. They find out about the HUNDRED KIDS and dissolve the Group and maybe go rebuild their lives in another country altogether. Chidori finds Junpei as he's working some weekend job at the Mall and asks him out on the spot. Fuuka invents Discord and makes millions. .
Despite all that: it's still a fucking great game. As someone who failed out of P4, I devoured this one and liked it a lot more. On the queer front, I vastly prefer this kind of dated media that basically does everything except say gay than the No Homo of P4. It was really welcoming and nice. I might play it again someday, but this time skip the Hierophant link and focus on Yukari and Mitsuru now that I know I like them. Good, coherent, fun, heartfelt game! I did cry at the big finale! Akihiko for best boy!
That's it for now! If you wanna read my whole liveblog, it is tagged appropriately. I would add /chrono to the end of the URL and start from the top so you can see my hiiiiiilarious experience with Ryoji in chronological order.
ETA: GOD YANNO WHAT MAKES EVEN MORE SENSE would be FeMC falling into a coma every full moon as she wards off Nyx. but whatever, what do I know.
ETA2: I said on discord "i still really like the game, i think it's shockingly well written, the cast is great, it's heartfelt and has actual things to say about life and death but i would have preferred either just kill the player off and let the tragedy be how she's forgotten, that's tasty or just let them live at that point, i feel like the message about the inevitability of death is made"
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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still, very cute
okay so I FLEW through this place. Yosuke is doing 350-420 per special attack, which is even more than Kanji lately, and he dodges I would estimate about 40% of all attacks. I even wondered if I accidentally fucked with the difficult settings but no, everything is on normal, Yosuke is just a murder machine?????? wild
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We knew that Namatame bounced out via the TV, this is not shocking.
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ALSO KANJI AND NAOTO HAVE A DUAL-MOVE CALLED "THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" and listen I have wanted to swat Naoto before for being particularly rude but I'd never call them a beast personally
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Green is not this guy's color, can I just say that?
But Namatame has Nanako, and it's November, and shit is Fucking Weird.
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Namatame keeps talking about the Midnight Channel like it's putting a hit out on these people and he's reacting to it. So he's not especially informed about how the fucking thing works.
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I... cannot figure out his angle here, and what he means about "saving" people. Does he understand that people left in the TV die? Like, how does he explain what happened to the announcer lady and to Saki? Why did he threaten Reverie to try and get him to stop rescuing people?
Is this guy so deeply confused about what the TV World does that he doesn't get that it kills people... or is he so far-gone on some righteous plight that he interprets their deaths in the TV as a salvation?
I have NO fucking idea!
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When his Shadow emerges, it's already a part of him???? This... proposes a lot of questions. Is he unified with his inner self and is doing what he genuinely wants? Is there zero part of him that understands that shit is fucked?
Also, he thinks of the TV World as safe and clean while the real world is tainted. Why?
WHAT IS YOUR ANGLE MATT MERCER i mean namatame (matt mercer is v capable of being a chameleon voice but this time I was liek "oh hi mercer whaddup")
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Yosuke and Kanji force Namatame back so we get Nanako away from him and then shit gets Weird. Like Mega Weird.
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Teddie and Rise say all the shadows are converging on Namatame, and he turns into a big weird angle with "love and peace" typographically on his robe and a huge halo made of peace signs.
What in the absolute fuck.
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Namatame is weird to fight. Not particularly difficult, feels very much like a Story Set-Piece. I can't help but notice that even more than other fight arenas, his looks like the central backlot area of the TV world, the 'hub' area. And his more dangerous attack is not offensive but when he seems to use a TV antennae to mind control party members to turn on Reverie.
A TV antennae that controls minds. Very intriguing.
Anyway, Yosuke kills the fuck out of him while Knaji plays back-up and Naoto and Reverie heal.
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At the hospital, Nanako is in such bad shape no one is allowed to even see her, which is..... concerning. Teddie says she was too young to have a shadow self. WHICH REALLY? FEELS LIKE A COP-OUT. I WANTED TO SEE SHADOW NANAKO SO BAD.
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..... Adachi is still giving me the heebies and the geebies but maybe I'm just being paranoid because he actually volunteers to do something and stays with Dojima so Reverie can go home and rest. Which.... okay. Did I misjudge Adachi?
I mean, I didn't misjudge Shinjiro, Ken The Murder Child, or Ryoji, SO I THINK THERE IS SOMETHING UP WITH ADACHI. I just have no proof yet. 8\
I know one thing for sure: Namatame doesn't know shit about fuck, so the actual mystery of wtf is the midnight channel is STILL completely in the air, so he's maybe the tool the killer is using but is not the, like, mastermind of wtf is happening.
OOF. Anyway.
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bi-naesala · 1 year
(Kinktober day 8: Breeding | Gore | Master & Slave)
Trans Akihiko, Breeding Kink, Bottom Akihiko, Top Shinjiro, Vaginal Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Squirting
Shinjiro discovers a new kink, and Akihiko wants to indulge him.
(AO3 link)
(Fic under the cut)
With time, Akihiko has discovered that Shinjiro has a thing for breeding. No, you haven’t suddenly gotten crazy. Yes, you heard that right. Akihiko has even searched the word online, he knows what he’s saying.
He’s discovered it by chance, and Shinji too since he wasn’t really aware of this particular “fondness” he had for the topic, while they were discussing the possibility of maybe, down the road – very down the road – getting Akihiko pregnant, if they ever felt the need to broaden their family; while Shinjiro’s answer went more or less like this “it’s your body, you can do whatever the fuck you want with it”, his body seemed to have a different opinion, expressed by popping a huge boner that was dealt with rather swiftly, but also with great embarrassment from Shinjiro’s part.
Akihiko was greatly amused by this – although he was also flustered a bit – because that meant that he had finally found a weakness of Shinji that he could exploit – Shinji knew a lot of his, so it was only fair.
Still, he was also happy when Shinjiro reassured him that this absolutely was not a way to pressure him into actually begin a pregnancy, not at the moment, not in the future; that’s the real reason why he was so reluctant when Akihiko suggested taking care of his boner.
It’s nice to know that he cares, and respects his choices regarding his body and what to do with it.
For now, there are no plans of pregnancy in sight… but that doesn’t mean that they can’t get to have some fun with the idea of it.
“S-Shin… Ah!”
It’s hard to tell who’s making more noise, if it’s Akihiko, or the bed, hitting the wall each time Shinjiro hammers his cock inside him. Thankfully, Ken is at school, meaning that he can’t listen to the sounds they’re making – they wouldn’t be this loud if he were present.
Akihiko was feeling particular mischievous, that morning, when he beckoned Shinjiro back to bed – neither of them had anything urgent to do that day – under the guise of wanting more cuddles, only for then drag him between his legs, begging to be bred. Shinjiro’s response came immediately, as he gave Akihiko a bruising kiss, hands immediately scrambling to remove his clothes.
Now, here they are, with Akihiko on all fours and Shinjiro behind him. He’s already made Akihiko come once, but it doesn’t look like he wants to stop any time soon. Good; Akihiko wouldn’t have goaded him like this if he wanted this to last just for one round.
Fuck… He’s close again.
“I-I’m…” he tries to warn him, but he can’t even finish his sentence before coming a second time, shaking as Shinjiro continues pounding inside him. Oh, this is going to be long, longer than Akihiko had anticipated.
As he hears Shinji cursing, grabbing his shoulders to have better leverage, he can’t help but to smirk, however; he can bring it on.
Shinjiro surely has “brought it on”, because Akihiko’s not even bothering holding himself up – he doesn’t have the energy for that – instead lying down on the mattress as Shinji keeps fucking him. It’s not that Akihiko didn’t know he had stamina, but man, it still surprises him that he’s still going.
He barely has the energy to let out weak moans, each time he feels Shinjiro’s cock push inside him, and yet, he doesn’t want him to stop.
He tries calling for his name, but he doesn’t have the voice for it, so he weakly reaches out for him with a hand, twisting his arm to a position that isn’t exactly comfortable, but as long as Shinji gets the message, it’s fine. Thankfully, he does, and he leans further down, hungrily kissing his lips despite the awful angle.
“Aki… I’m close,” he moans, closing his arms around the other in a tight embrace, holding him but also trapping him – as if he’d ever try to escape.
“In… side…” Akihiko manages to mutter, already bracing himself for what’s to come. Not that he thought this was going to go any other way, not considering the premise…
He wants Shinji to come inside him so bad, he wants him to breed him.
Shinjiro knows this all too well, and after grabbing Akihiko by the throat – not tightening his grip too much, yet, though Akihiko can feel it – he starts whispering filth in his ear.
“Gonna hold it all inside like a good little slut, won’t you?”
Akihiko moans, then nods affirmatively. Of course he will.
Shinji’s pacing gets even more unforgiving, to the point that Akihiko starts to fear that they might break the bed. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want even more, and he knows exactly how to obtain it; if they do manage to actually break the bed, so be it – they can always get a new one.
“Please… I need…” If only talking could be easier at the moment. “Make me… pregnant.”
At that, Shinjiro growls, tightening his hold on Akihiko’s throat. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t need to; the way he’s hammering inside Akihiko speaks enough by itself.
It’s so good, so much that Akihiko goes a little cross-eyed – he’s lucky that Shinjiro doesn’t notice it, or else he would’ve gloated about it – and he feels himself reaching the fourth orgasm that night. He doesn’t feel in control of his body anymore, and actually barely notices that he’s squirting, if not for way it trickles down his legs.
“Fuck… Aki…” Shinjiro moans, his body shaking like he’s the one actually squirting. He lets go of his throat, allowing him to breath again, but keeps holding him, and with one, two thrusts, he too…
“Gonna… Ngh!”
After what feels like forever – maybe it was – he finally blows his load inside Akihiko, who moans and shivers at the sensation.
It’s probably Shinjiro’s influence, but the idea of him getting him pregnant is starting to excite him as well, and not just because it gets Shinji going when he proposes it to him.
Maybe he should think about whether it’s wrong or not feeling like this about pregnancy, especially considering the way he is, but eh, in the end, what’s the harm in it? It’s not like they’re actually trying for a pregnancy. It’s just a “game”, a way to spice up things in bed, that’s all.
“… Hey.”
“Mh?” is the only sound Akihiko’s able to make. He slowly closes his eyes, feeling tired and sleepy, when Shinjiro turns him around, delicately this time, and hugs him, burying his face against his shoulder.
It’s almost with an apologetic tone that he, then, speaks:
“I love you.”
He always gets like this, when it’s all over; no matter how many times Akihiko reassures him he’s into this as much as he is, that he’s not forcing him at all, his words still haven’t gotten through his tick skull, and he’s still convinced that he’s just keeping up with it because he loves him.
He could argue, but frankly, he’s too spent for that, so he just returns the hug, breathing in Shinjiro’s scent – they should probably get clean up soon, but eh, it can wait.
“I love you too.”
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yushandholder · 2 years
I was going to reblog the post with all of the headcannons I have for P3-P5, but I realize now how fucking *many* there are, so they each get their own asks. Starting with P3:
Minako plays piano, and in turn Minato plays violin.
Minato has autism.
Koromaru is a secret alarm clock, and if anyone in the dorm has yet to wake up by the time nearly everyone else is up he has permission to go into their rooms and jump on them.
Yukari reads and writes fanfiction.
The entire school knows Aigis is probably a robot, but anyone who questions it is shushed by Mitsuru.
Akihiko probably sells protein powder like drugs lets be honest.
Fuuka hacks into the schools database regularly just for fun and Minako once told her to change the nurses name to "Mr.Egg" and then never tell anyone. No ones noticed to this day.
Aigis is warm like a human, she was designed to be like that :)
Ryoji is a tumblr sexyman. I will not be elaborating further.
I have this concept that Wildcards can talk to their personas, even in the real world, but no one else really can. Other personas and persona users use vibes to communicate.
Orpheus is patient and kind of quiet, Orpheus is a chatterbox compared to Izanagi, and Arsene is a strong believer in "be gay do crime". Hes also a suspect in arson. They're all probably Theater kids but different flavors of theater kid.
The more Aigis becomes human, the less she can understand Koromaru verbally. She still gets the vibes and stuff, she just has to take a guess at what he means.
I want to see Tanaka get punched by Yukari
Minako is a blackmail master. Shes got dirt on every confidant she has and is ready to use it at a moments notice.
Theodore loves kids.
On the contrary, Elizabeth loves teenagers. She thinks theyre strange. She wants to study them like bugs.
Theo might have some issues and permanent scaring after getting pushed around so much by his siblings.
Thanatos gets bullied by the other personas in the compendium and you will not tell me otherwise. But like, its lighthearted bullying. The only one actually bullying him would probably be Orpheus, but he gets that right after getting torn apart by him once lol.
Mitsuru needs to try dino nuggets.
Shinji needs to make dino nuggets.
Minato's favorite food is chocolate. He will fight you over it too.
The only straight members of the dorm are Koromaru (dog) and Junpei.
Okay this list is getting kind of long so I leave you with a question: Could Nyx Avatar possibly be negotiated with? Like, hes a shadow and all that and I think Joker would be insane enough to try.
They are so cute, I will react to my favorites but I'm gonna say they are truly wholesome and I love how most of them focus mostly on them kids being kids, Its just something I love a lot since especially the p3 cast, doesn't get to be kids and have fun :')
Fist I want to have a concert with Minako and Minato playing respectively violin and piano (and Minato having autism so true so true)
YUKARI READING FANFICTION PLEASE QBWGWH I WHEEZED. Mitsuru being overprotective its adorable, maybe she doesn't want Aigis to feel self concious about it and Aigis being warm and hugable
Pls do elaborate on Ryoji being a Tumblr sexyman (but yeah it's true)
MINAKO BLACKMAILING AND THEODORE BEING A MALEWIFE AND LOVING KIDS AWWW mayhap he babysit the Justine and Caroline (but also I can see he might not enjoy being pushed around his siblings too)
And Elizabeth wanting to study teenagers so true
ALSO CAN I SAY I DO LOVE THE HC THAT WILDCARDS CAN TALK TO THEIR PERSONA I THINK ABOUT THAT ALL THE TIMES, Imagine them just resting after a long day fighting shadow and venting to them, because in the end who can understand you more then your literal soul
(I do love how you gave them personas a Lil personalities as well, with Thanatos being bullied by Orpheus lol)
P3 Cast is a fruit basket and they are so fruity that the only straight member is a dog (and Junpei)
ALSO I WOULD LOVE TO EXPAND on that question but for personal reason I had to take a Long break from p3 and I haven't reached Nyx part at all, but when I do I would really love to analize it and respond (though, I don't mind spoilers at all since I got spoiled like 90% of the big stuff in p3)
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ragecndybars · 2 years
🥀🍎🔥⚡️? :D
<3 thank you for the ask :)
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
“Your responsibilities, uh,” he said breathlessly, feeling increasingly lightheaded with each blare of the alarm, “seem―seem to have begun quicker than we thought.” He capped this explanation off with a slightly hysterical giggle. Young Constance raised her eyebrows at him judgmentally. The mental image of her small frame writhing within the grasp of a grinning McCracken chased him into unconsciousness.
i was and still am very proud of this parting shot from my whumptober day one fill lmao
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
Minato’s wide eyes were locked onto some point in the distance. Rather than the twisted picture of agony that Akihiko had envisioned, though, his face was frozen in an expression of surprise. When his mouth opened, all that escaped was a wet, whistling breath that made Akihiko’s heart drop into his stomach. Slowly, Minato’s eyes meandered over to meet Akihiko’s yet again. There was no relief in them this time. Just incomprehension and the slightest tinge of fear. Sen― he mouthed soundlessly, and then his body was racked with a series of weak, wheezing coughs.
aaand this one will probably be my next bad things happen bingo fill, unless i end up finishing a different bthb wip first
🔥 wild card: dealer's choice of quote from a wip
That’s… what people do with dads, right? Talk about... girls? Wait. No. Was she thinking of siblings? Was this a sibling-exclusive type of conversation? Should she be trying to hide the girl talk from her dad, instead of actively seeking him out for it? Well, whatever. Reynie was out shopping for bigger apartments with Ms. Perumal and her mom, Sticky was buried in an avalanche of books from Mr. Benedict’s enormous collection, and Constance was going to mock her relentlessly. Milligan would have to do.
title of this document is "two girlbosses walk into a cliche fluff fanfic. you won't believe what happens next". (i wanted to do a fluffy quote and this was the only place i could easily find one lmao)
⚡️ wild card: dealer's choice of quote from a completed work
“Now’s not the time, Aki,” he said, trying to sound extra caustic even though he knew that it would only spur the idiot on. “Get lost. I’ve got shit to do.” “Like what?” Aki demanded. “Homework? You were clearly going to Hagakure.” “You don’t know that,” Shinjiro deflected, even though he definitely had been. “Maybe I was on my way out. Maybe I was on my way out of the bookstore, for all you know.” At that, Aki scoffed. “The bookstore? You hate it in there. I thought you were going to jump out the window when Mitsuru brought us there back in middle…” He trailed off. “Don’t try to sidetrack me! Listen, are you alright? You turned around before I could get a good look, but it looked like you had a real shiner.” Dammit. The sidetracking thing almost always worked on him.
decided to do a funny one. i think i'm hilarious btw
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persona345 · 4 years
Shinji survives in Minako’s timeline ‘cause p3p is wish fulfillment- narratively, it really goes against the theme of p3. The whole point is that death is inevitable for everyone, not just the people you really dislike, so I’ve always felt that being able to save Shinjiro and Chidori while Strega and Mitsuru’s dad and Ikutsuki still die kind of betrays the original themes.
Before anything else, let’s talk about exactly what the theme of P3 is. Is it just about the inevitability of death? No. That's only one of its themes. P3 isn't just about death death death- heck, I'd say it's more about the meaning of life. Persona series as a whole, after all, is about the connections you have made with others, and thus making P3 what you make of your life with the limited time you have.
I have the P3 artbook and there's an interview there that talks about how they originally planned to have the protagonist's funeral in the game. Depending on who you've S.Linked with, they'll be visiting you. Now, even if it doesn't really deter whether or not you reach the ending, wouldn't it feel better to see more people visit your funeral than an empty one? You’d work on your S.Links for that, yeah? The feeling they wanted to convey for this game was: ‘Ah, yes... I lived a good life’.
So, where am I going with this? P3 isn't just about death- it is also about life.
When you start the P3P, it tells you that choosing the female protagonist gives you a different perspective. No, it's not just about being female, but the overall atmosphere of the game is wholly different, isn't it? It's upbeat and bright, compared to P3MC's blue. Does it betray the theme? No. We're just presented with a different perspective.
P3MC grew up to be apathetic to the point of not caring for his own life (as seen in the P3 movie). He's unfriendly and seemingly uncaring. As he meets more people, he starts feeling attachments and finds something important in his life. Something to protect. By the end of it, he doesn't give his life because he doesn't care for it- he gives his life because he wants to protect those he had cared about. He found the meaning in life.
Now as P3MC, you have found meaning in life... what's next? You jump to a new perspective that is the P3FEMC. She's cheerful and upbeat, positive and friendly; quite the opposite of P3MC. If P3MC is death, she is life.
The thing is, P3MC didn't interact much with the male cast of his own team the way FEMC did. Had he just tried to talk with Shinjiro, maybe he would have learned that the guy had lost his pocketwatch- a very small, yet decisive item that could have saved his life. Now, for the P3FES addition... Chidori. P3MC may not have an S.Link with Junpei, but all you really needed was to talk to Junpei. Talking to Junpei lifts up his spirits and encourages him to visit Chidori, bringing her flowers that would later save her life. Now... isn't that how S.Links have been like? You talk to people and inspire changes in them to face their lives head on; it just so happens that these two are a matter of life and death. Does it betray the theme of Persona 3? I wouldn't say so. These narrative choices only further explores the theme of finding meaning in life. That even though death is inevitable, it's okay. It's not about how you die or what you die for, but it's all about what you do in life.
Now, what exactly does it mean to say that it 'cheapens their death'? The emotional impact on the player, perhaps- or maybe the meaning of Junpei, Akihiko and Ken’s resolution in the face of death? But remember, it’s only later that Chidori revives, while Akihiko had already lost his sister, and Ken lost his mother. Is the point really their death? Or what they fought for to put their life on the line? Chidori sacrificed hers to save Junpei, and Shinjiro for Ken, as well as to atone for his 'sins'; but would them dying lessen the result of their sacrifice? Would it weaken the resolutions of those they’ve influenced? Again, it’s not about death, but rather, what they’re willing to give their life for- and yes, they really really could die... if not for you. They can be given a second chance by YOU. Were the choices of saving them not present, you feel helpless. You feel the inevitability of death... but with these choices? You are given the opportunity to make a change- to bring purpose to yourself, that with the life you have... could you save someone? If anything, it deepens the idea that 'your choices matter'- that while in the end, you may not be able to change your own fate, but you know that you've protected your friends, saved the world... and well, saved two other lives because of the seemingly insignificant choices you've made; that maybe, all your friend needed was encouragement? That maybe, another friend just needed your support?  Tldr; the point of P3 has never been the inevitability of death.  P3 is about the meaning of life and what you make of it.
And let's all be real here: videogames are wish fulfillment. Even P3.
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starryoak · 3 years
Massive Persona 5 Royal Spoilers
Starting to prefer Akechi having genuinely died in Shido’s Palace, not because I dislike him, but because it feels like the most narratively satisfying story, having him argue against Maruki’s reality with the conviction to die free rather than live a lie.
I mean, that means a conjured version of him dredged back up from the Sea of Souls has that resolve, that his belief in free will is that baked into his entire being, and that Akira has to make that decision to save the world at Akechi’s expense, even with his permission it’s no easy task, and it feels so satisfying to me to have to make that choice at all.
The emotional stakes are higher, more genuine, and it creates the tragedy of knowing that Akira’s desire was to save Akechi, that it brought him into reality, and Akira has to make that decision to prevent Maruki’s reality from coming to be, knowing that he’s condemning Akechi to death. If it just turns out that ‘whoops, lol, he was actually alive this whole time’, the convictions to live and die free are cheapened, and it just feels a little bit like an unsatisfying cop out, and it makes the choice between the true ending and bad ending have less meaning.
It only really works if there’s a real purpose to reviving him that makes up for the loss of the catharsis there, some meaning to it, like reviving Shinjiro or Chidori, where I argue it adds nuances to the theme of the game...
... I mean, if it’s just “whoops lol he’s alive now, now he can make out with Akira and suffer no consequences for the direct murder of dozens of people and indirect murder and maiming of hundreds more, we pwomise he’s sorry even though textually he is far less regretful than we’re making him out to be”... it just isn’t my kind of story. Sorry, that was a little bitter. Maybe I just stick so closely to text that I kinda find insinuating he felt as bad about it as some people portray... kinda going against what I liked about him? I love that he seemed like he was only a little regretful, and how he seems to find his actions entirely necessary, if distasteful. I like how he’s kind of a violent, feral asshole, it’s what I like about him in the Third Semester.
I get that some people find it cathartic, and they’re valid, but honestly, I’m just not the kind of person who finds letting someone get away with crimes of his magnitude very narratively satisfying. I like consequences for actions, and if you can’t adequately provide them when you revive him, I prefer him dead.
EDIT: I should have been clearer about this, I don’t dislike people for writing things I personally don’t enjoy, and I completely understand why people write stories about characters who have suffered getting a happy ending, I just, entirely personally, don’t find it very satisfying, because that’s not the kind of story that I personally enjoy. I actually can think of several stories that I’ve enjoyed where he survived, it’s just that I find the idea of Akechi in the Third Semester being fake just such a fucking cool concept that it takes a lot to ‘make up’ for the loss of that.
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ancient-day · 3 years
i know we talk about our ships literally all the time but you have the best thots so! your favorite p3 ship and your least favorite p5 ship for your ask game?
Ashe out here asking the Tough Questions, but I'll do my best!
[ Kotone/Shinjiro ]
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Shinji's always been one of my favorite (if not my favorite) P3 characters, so just having the option was pretty predictable for me to get attached, but then the SL itself was just. So sweet? She can go all ten ranks without romancing him, and even if it's obvious he's developing FeelingsTM, they're not the focus. Kotone helps him be the person he wants to be, and he looks out for her and supports her the best he can. It was kinda no question to do the silly "Lovers" rank with those two after maxing out because it just made sense (plus, I love to get my heart crushed by the inevitable tragedy. clearly.).
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The mutual support is a huge reason why I got attached (I think about Shinji's smiling sprite asking her about her day and genuinely enjoying listening to her and asking her to keep going), so that plus the potential. I remember when I played P3P that I turned down every Christmas invitation because in my heart, Kotone went to visit Shinji in the hospital often and would let herself be vulnerable in those moments alone with him, even if he couldn't answer.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not sure if it's unpopular, but I really don't like when I see them depicted as like... Tragic Man and Manic Pixie Dream Girl or whatever 'cause I definitely don't see 'em that way. Or if he's always like NO FUN ALLOWED 'cause yeah he's a worrier and would express that she shouldn't go run off and do reckless shit, but I think he'd hate to be controlling, y'know?
P5 is a lil more complicated 'cause I have four ships blocked because I dislike them all for essentially the same reasons, but I'll just talk about one of 'em 'cause it has both that common reason plus other issues.
[ Goro/Sumi ]
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
Classic clash of headcanon immediately since I hc Goro as gay, but their dynamic/potential does nothing for me in general. Usually I'm not a fan of m/f ships with the whole "grumpy man/sweet girl" dynamic, and I just can't see either of them going for it. Sumi ships for me are rough because I know she's only a year or two under the characters, which ordinarily really wouldn't be an issue at all, but because she spent almost a whole year of her life pretending to be someone else and only very recently returned to herself, she... comes off as much younger than she is. I just don't think they have that kind of chemistry, and I think it'd do more harm to them both than good.
What would have made you like it?
Not really sure there's anything that would've made me like them, but maybe I could understand it more if they had more going for them than "Goro didn't want her to die." (I completely understand shipping things based on potential, so I get it, but for me personally I tend to need some real Stand Out Moments)
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I think they're both great characters who could certainly relate to each other! I really, really love the idea of them being friends, and I think they could easily bond over similar feelings of wishing they were someone else/feelings of inferiority. I wish Royal had given them more time to get to know each other as their real selves in the third semester because it would've greatly benefited them both. If only we got a 3rd semester update scene of the trio at the cafe, now with all masks dropped and able to be more honest with each other, but alas.
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kumeko · 4 years
Tumblr media
A/N: For the Persona @wegotyourbackzine! I decided to write about Mitsuru and her changing the relationship throughout the game. I also couldn’t resist putting some Akihiko/Mitsuru hints. XD
Summary: Friendship. That had a nice ring to it. Mitsuru stared at the group of people living in the dorm and realized she wasn’t as alone as she thought.
 The hot summer sun beat down with no reprieve and Mitsuru shielded her eyes with a hand as she walked home. Not escorted, not driven, but walked. She didn’t even have a bodyguard behind her, trailing her inconspicuously from five feet away. And while that was all strange enough, it was not as strange as the two boys walking slightly ahead of her. Her associates. The word didn’t sound right but Mitsuru wasn’t sure what else to call them. Certainly not friends or even classmates—neither Akihiko nor Shinjiro were in her school, let alone her class.
 Holding his jacket over his shoulder, Akihiko looked over his shoulder. The bandage on his face looked like it was glued there, she couldn’t remember seeing him without one. “What did you call those monster things again?”
 “Shadows,” Mitsuru answered quickly. “What you summon with the Evokers are—”
“Personas, right?” Shinjiro filled in, his hands in his pockets. Mitsuru resisted the urge to correct his posture, to straighten his slouched back. Like this, he seemed as tall as Akihiko instead of towering over him. “I can’t believe this is real. It sounds something out of a fantasy book.”
“Or a video game.” Akihiko grinned cockily, swiftly jabbing the air in front of him. “Secret identities, fighting at night, saving the world—we’re like superheroes.”
 “Superheroes?” Shinjiro raised a brow, his expression wry. “Can’t think of one that has to shoot themselves in the head to use their powers.”
 Mitsuru rubbed her forearm uncomfortably. It was mildly disturbing how easy it was to press the cold metal to her head, to pull the trigger. To watch them do the same. Maybe she had something in common with her grandfather after all. “It does sound…silly, when you put it like that. Unfortunately, the design is required. It has to be stress-inducing.”
 “More stress-inducing than fighting monsters in the middle of the night while surrounded by coffins?” Shinjiro asked. She couldn’t tell if he was serious or just rhetorical. His dry tone didn’t help.
 “Quit complaining.” Akihiko cracked his knuckles. “At least we can fight them.”
 “Fighting addict.” Shinjiro rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to her. “Where’d you say the dorms were?”
 Mitsuru looked up at him. “They’re…”
 She stared. Just when had Shinjiro gotten so close? Even Akihiko was, for that matter. At some point, they’d started walking abreast one another, the two boys flanking her, and she didn’t know what to make of it. Of the sound of her footsteps being echoed by two others. Of her voice being answered by another. A dog barked nearby, breaking her from her thoughts, and Mitsuru masked her unease with a polite smile. “Just past this temple.”
 The sound of laughter echoed through the halls and Mitsuru paused as she closed her bedroom door. From the third floor, she couldn’t clearly make out their voices, only a messy cacophony as her companions teased one another. It was a sound she’d been hearing more often these days. Involuntarily, her lips curled into a smile and she locked her room.
 Heading toward the stairs, she glanced at the nameplates as she passed them: Aigis, Yukari, Fuuka. The floor below was equally occupied, and her feet felt light as she descended to the ground floor. When they’d first arrived here, it had felt almost ridiculous to have three people in such a big building. Now they were nine strong and the building was more full than empty. Though it seemed the majority of residents were all crowding around the lobby. “What’s happening?”
 “Mitsuru-senpai!” Crouching next to Koromaru, Junpei waved eagerly as she stepped onto the landing. “You gotta see what Yukari bought Koromaru.” He slowly rose, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Have you ever seen anything so stupid?”
 “It’s not stupid!” Yukari flushed a bright red and swatted Junpei with a rolled-up paper. “Aigis said he likes it!”
 “Of course he would, he’s a dog.” Junpei cracked up again, undeterred. He covered his head with a hand, blocking her attacks. “Like he knows what’s cool or not.”
 “Is that relevant?” Aigis asked, bemused. She cocked her head. “He is a dog.”
 “What are you…” Mitsuru glanced at Koromaru and blinked. Then she blinked again. Perched on his head was a white headband with a pair of fluffy, white, distinctly not dog-ears. “Are those cat ears?”
 “The pet shop put out their Halloween costumes,” Yukari defended weakly, averting her gaze. Quietly, she mumbled, “And I…never had a pet before…”
 “I think they’re cute,” Fuuka agreed, squeezing Yukari’s shoulder. She gave a sympathetic smile. “Even Koromaru should get to dress up for Halloween.”
 Mitsuru glanced at the plastic bag by Yukari’s feet. The overly stuffed plastic bag. Just how many costumes did she buy? Koromaru cocked his head, the headband staying on firmly. It was a little cute, she had to admit. Just a little. “I suppose so.”
 “Ugh, is this a girl thing?” Junpei turned to Makoto with a grimace. “You don’t like them too, do you?”
 Makoto crossed his arms, studying Koromaru seriously. As usual, he took his time, scrutinizing the whole affair with more gravity than needed. “They—”
 Cutting him off before he could finish, Junpei groaned. “Why’d I even ask you, Mr. Popularity. Where’s Akihiko when you need him? Wait…” He stared at Koromaru and a wide smile spread across his face. “Hey, Koromaru, I’ll take you for a walk today.”
 “…huh?” Taken aback, Yukari snapped her head toward him. “You hate taking him for a walk.”
 “What lies! As though I could ever hate walking Koromaru. He’s saved my life so many times. Besides, I should do my part to help out.” Already heading toward the door, he whistled lightly as he picked up Koromaru’s leash. “Come on boy! And keep those ears on!”
 Fuuka started at his receding back for a long moment before she leaned closer to Yukari and whispered, “You don’t think he’s—”
 “Picking up girls?” Yukari sighed, crossing her arms as she glared at his departing figure. “Oh, he definitely is going to try.”
 “It’s cold.” Mitsuru adjusted the scarf around her neck. Even layered up as she was, winter’s chilly bite clung to her bones and refused to let go.
 Trotting quickly on the sidewalk in front of her, Koromaru yipped softly, his tail low. Not a single part of him resembled the dog Mitsuru was used to, the excited canine who lived for his evening walks. Then again, with everything that happened in the past year, she couldn’t blame him. Between the numerous sacrifices to stop Nyx, Mitsuru wasn’t sure she could smile anymore either.
 “He says…” Aigis stared blankly at Koromaru. The wind picked up. She blinked. “He says…”
 “It’s okay, I can guess.” Rubbing her hands in front of her mouth, she tried to warm them with her breath. “It’s been a while since anyone took him out for a walk. Everyone’s too busy, I guess.”
 Aigis softly added, “The dorms are really quiet now.”
 “I suppose now that we no longer have to fight, there isn’t really a reason to stay.” Mitsuru forced a crooked smile and patted Aigis on the arm. “I’m glad you came. I can’t remember the last time you left the dorms.”
 “Yeah.” Aigis stared straight ahead. “Normally, he…”
 A long beat passed. Mitsuru lowered her gaze, blinking back tears. It wasn’t too hard to picture a quiet boy with headphones strolling next to them, a sympathetic ear ready for their problems. Loss was a waterfall, ever pouring, and it leaked into every aspect of her life. She had a company she wasn’t ready to manage. Friends whose deaths she couldn’t explain. Everyone would remember Shinjiro as a delinquent. And no one would remember Makoto.
 Even now, she hadn’t managed to remove their nameplates from their doors, the finality of it all too much. She’d peaked in once, just once, the rooms left as though their owners would return at any moment. Shinjiro’s cookbooks stacked messily on desk. A CD case left open on Makoto’s desk.
 Koromaru whined, pressing his body against her leg and Mitsuru crouched down to pet him. “I miss him too,” Mitsuru murmured, burying her hand in his fur. “All of them. My father…” Her voice cracked and despite it all, it was still too hard to talk about him.
 “Miss,” Aigis repeated, stretching out the word. She gripped her chest and looked down at Mitsuru. “Is that what this pain is? Missing? Longing?”
 It was sometimes too easy to forget how new Aigis was to emotions. To being human. Standing up, Mitsuru embraced her gently. “Yeah. That is exactly what it is.”
 The key turned with a soft click. There. It was done. The dorms were closed. Everyone had moved out and they had even managed to clean out every room, including the chairman’s. Somehow, his loss hurt more than anyone else’s, even her father’s. Despite what he did, her feelings toward him couldn’t settle, rage and loss warring with every thought. She wished it was more clear-cut, that it was easier to hate him.
 “Are you done?” Akihiko asked, pulling her out of her thoughts. “Or did you forget something inside?”
 “No, nothing.” Reluctantly, Mitsuru pulled the key out of the lock. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and down the steps. “It’s finally over.”
 “Yeah. The dungeon, that time loop, everything.” Akihiko stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking on her left as they headed to where she’d parked her bike. “Can’t say I won’t miss it; it’s been, what, three years since we moved in?”
 “A little more than that.” Mitsuru brushed her hair off her shoulder. It was longer now than when they’d first met. The distance between them was shorter than was back then too. If she wanted to, she could reach out and touch him. “I always thought it was too big for us.”
 “Too big?” Akihiko snorted, amused. “More like too small—do you know how hard it was to find food when Junpei scavenged the kitchen?”
 “Yes, because I’m the one who had to stock the fridge.” Mitsuru laughed and that also was something that changed. “But it served it’s purpose.”
 “Yeah, I guess it did.” He rubbed the back of his neck, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “You know, when we first came here, I didn’t really think much of it. But now…it’s home.”
 “Home,” Mitsuru echoed. Yeah, that was the word for it. Home. A bittersweet feeling bloomed in her chest. “I’ll miss it. How close we were to everyone.”
 “Me too.” He patted her shoulder comfortingly. “But my college is just ten minutes from your university, and well…we’re all still friends, right?”
 She reached up and squeezed his hand. It had been scary, after Makoto died, when everyone was drifting apart. Now Aigis and Yukari were roommates, now Fuuka was organizing monthly meetups, now Ken was getting ready to join them in high school. They were still connected, despite everything. “Yes.”
 They were all still friends and the future didn’t look as dark and scary as it used to.
 Reassured, she smiled teasingly. “So, what was that about you becoming a cop?”
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skyflyinginaction · 5 years
Shinhiro Aragaki Transulations from the Persona 3 Portable Fanbook
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[handwritten title at top] Gaki-san Cafeteria
Profile Name: Shinjiro Aragaki Sex: Male Birthday: 1991/8/11 [This profile uses year/month/day format.] Blood type: A Group: Gekkoukan Academy Upper Class Year 3 Class C (Suspended) Club: Unaffiliated
Ugh...  Me? Having a blog? So lame... Still, everyone's doing it, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Dunno what's with the goofy title. I'm just gonna write whatever I want. So uh, maybe gimme some ideas for posts?
Well... Might as well pass the time while I'm here. Anyway... enjoy?
Favorite Sites: [banners] A Dog's Heart [in snail] Sea slug [to right] Umiushi Family Cooking [white text, bottom right] Official Site
[large white text below blog page] I'm keeping my eyes peeled. Because there's an unimaginable way back...
[main body]
Aragaki, the lone wolf who sticks out like a sore thumb at nightly meetings, is from the same orphanage as Sanada. Three years ago, Aragaki was a member of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, where Sanada awakened the power of Persona within him. However, he wasn't able to fully control his powers. One day, a horrible accident occurred and a number of people were driven mad. Aragaki's Persona went berserk and snatched away the life of an innocent bystander. Despondent, Aragaki dropped out of school and began aimlessly roaming the streets at night. In order to restrain his Persona ability, whenever Aragaki is faced with danger, he takes a suppressant drug - although it has its side effects. Aragaki only returned to the SEES to bear his past deeds. Aragaki gave his life as a final apology to those tied to the past and unable to move forward, saying: "I'm the only one who deserves to rot in hell."
[at bottom:]
Shinjiro Aragaki
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Like A Whole Nother World
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/3 (Thu) 23:18
People are taking my return to the SEES really nicely... What the hell happened. Back when it was just me and Aki and Kirijo, the lounge felt way too big... But with all the new members, it's stuffed. Girls, a little kid, and even a dog... Some real variety in this lineup. Did Aki and Kirijo just get swept up in all that?
And on top of that, they're all treating me real good, even though they barely know me. The 2nd years think I bailed their asses out at the meeting place, when really I was just chasing off some pests. Either way, they're being real nice to me.
I don't bother with school or club activities or whatever, so I can focus all my energy on battle. Hit me up whenever you're heading off to Tartarus. I mean, that's why I came back here in the first place.
COMMENT Comments (4) ・ Trackback (0)
2009/9/4 (Fri) 01:23 JUN☆P-
Never gonna forget the hero at the meeting spot, dude. You totally bailed us out. With Aragaki-san on our side, we're like a hundred-man army!
2009/9/4 (Fri) 18:51 Yukaricchi♥
So you helped found the club, Aragaki-senpai... Thank you so much for saving us. I think you might actually be a really good guy, deep down...?
2009/9/4 (Fri) 21:00 Aigis
Koromaru-san reports that you often give him treats. It seems you two have become fast friends. Aragaki-san, you are rather reserved.
2009/9/4 (Fri) 23:06 Gaki
Oh come on, are you guys really kicking things off with a bunch of embarrassing comments? Hundred-man army, good guy... Don't just make stuff up about me. Ugh, I dunno how to deal with this.
[righthand column]
Boy's & Girl's Event
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Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/6 (Sun) 21:55
Under the full moon, a Shadow appeared, as promised. I hang out at Escapade plenty, but this time everyone on the floor was complaining about the power being on the fritz. I guess that was an omen or something that a Shadow was about to appear. Can't let things like that slip you by.
But man, there were some real annoying tagalongs last night. Junpei thought he was gonna party his ass off, the poor guy. That chick from Strega was totally stringing him along, but Junpei still managed to be worried about her. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but pure-hearted guys like him are the ones that fall for that kind of thing.
But still, the chick's Persona was really something... Might be worth worrying about. I think I'll pop my head into the hospital too.
Junpei Iori
Hey, uh... I just wanna know one thing... Was that really all just an act?
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2009/9/6 (Sun) 22:23 Yukaricchi♥
I mean, Junpei's so unsubtle about things like this... I bet he's going to visit at the hospital again today. Maybe if Junpei keeps talking to her, Chidori-san will start to open her heart... Or maybe I'm naive for even thinking that?  
Boy's & Girl's Event
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Passing the Persona Torch
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/15 (Tue) 22:36
Man, you guys are a real pain. Though I guess I can't be so quick to judge if Koro-chan hangs with you...
⬤ Questions From Persona Users ⬤
1. How did it feel when your Persona awakened?
I don't remember anything from back then...
2. What did you think when you saw your Persona?
Don't really care, that's just how he looks. He's Aki's Persona's brother. I mean, me and Aki go way back. You couldn't separate us even if you tried.
3. What's your favorite attacking strategy?
I'm not a big fan of whittling enemies down bit by bit. Better to give 'em one big hit and knock 'em dead, all in one go.
4. Any Shadows you have trouble with?
I don't got any weak points. I mean, if your Persona is weak, that just means your heart is weak.
5. What do you want to do when we're done fighting?
Hell if I know. I just want to take responsibility for what I've done. I think I'm just about there. After that... Aki, it's your turn.
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2009/9/15 (Wed) 19:47 Aki
So it's my turn... Got it. Shinji, it may very well be because of my influence that the power of Persona was awakened within you...
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Boys & Girl's Event
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What Are You Weirdos, a Cosplay Group?
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/9/16 (Wed) 22:58
Come on... I am not gonna participate in your little cosplay thing. The bus stop was one thing, but this time you want me to wear a tailcoat? What? Is that a butler costume? Like I'm gonna play some servant role.
Oh, and when we're going off to Tartarus, don't expect me to act like we're going on a picnic, or whatever. When a Shadow pops out, I want to look like a grown-up warrior. We didn't get this far by being stylish.
I mean, if you're fighting to win, then I'll quit whining. Just don't mess around too much. And don't forget that lives are on the line.
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2009/9/17 (Thu) 19:48 Yukaricchi♥
Please don't call us all "weirdos"! Our leader is the one who's into dressing up. I'm a victim too.
2009/9/17 (Thu) 22:39 JUN☆P-
That's the first time I've seen you hatless, Aragaki-san. ...And your head looks totally normal. So disappointing...
2009/9/17 (Fri) 19:29 Aki
I've never brought this up, but... Junpei, what do YOU look like with your hat off? I mean, even when you went swimming at the beach, you refused to take it off.
2009/9/17 (Fri) 21:46 Gaki
What kind of weird ideas are you having about people's heads... Hey Aki, meet me at the strategy room for a tactical debriefing on stealing Junpei's hat.
[right column] Boy's & Girl's Event Public Post
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Haven't Seen a Movie In Ages
Category: Posts 2009/9/23 (Wed) 22:26
Man, I haven't been to the movies in ages. It's a lot nicer to go on your own, but... Well, if you're inviting me, you must be kind of a weirdo. I guess I don't mind coming along though, kills some time.
But like, did you pick that movie on purpose? "Woof-Meow Kingdom"... We were surrounded by family, made me weirdly sweaty. And the climactic scene where they got dragged in the river... That was... Well, whatever...
Right, I need to give Koro-chan the special dog food and assorted bones I got on the way home. The leash we use on walks is filthy, so maybe I should get a new one, too... Oh, and I'm going to give him a bath later tonight. Shoot, I forgot to get a massage brush...
Anyway, do you think Koro-chan's good at doggy paddling? Never know when something bad might happen around water...
> Somehow, Aragaki's eyes seem red...
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2009/9/24 (Thu) 10:00 Aigis
Koromaru-san is profoundly moved by your exceptional treatment of him, Aragaki-san.
2009/9/24 (Thu) 19:13 Fuu*ka
Aragaki-senpai, you're a real animal lover, aren't you? Nobody who likes animals is a bad person, or so they say. I'll have to cook up something nice for Koro-chan too!
Garlic ・ Olive Oil ・ Pepperoncini
Family Cooking
Airing Weekly, Sunday 7 PM SMATV Network Kismet Publishing
September edition of the textbook now on sale. If not at your local bookstore, go here → to order online.
[button:] I Want It!
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Boys & Girl's Event Public Post
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Evening Walk
Category: Posts 2009/9/26 (Sat) 23:14
You guys keep going off about how taking a walk at night soothes the soul, and I kinda have to agree. I used to kill time at night by hanging out in back alleys or clubs, but I guess it's not so bad doing something more healthy with my evenings. And this is so weird, but taking a nice walk makes me want to make dinner for Koro-chan.
It's fall and everything's being harvested, which makes it the season for eating. You guys need to remember to eat up and stay healthy. Or else you're gonna end up bedridden, like our leader was. What would you even do if a shadow popped out then? Well, I guess everything's going good on that front, so it's fine for now. Just remember to get a nice square meal in every day.
Shinjiro Aragaki
You hungry? I'll fix you something when we get home.
Girl's Event Public Post
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The Trick to Cooking
Category: Cooking 2009/9/27 (Sun) 23:47
Fall's the season for eating, but I don't think that fancy kitchen we have is getting any use. The fridge is full of sports drinks and milk, the cupboards are crammed with protein shakes and cup noodles and junk food... It's messed up. Do you people seriously never cook? We didn't even have a good set of utensils, so I brought some in. Yamagishi's the only one who seems excited about cooking, but she doesn't have the basics down yet. Don't get me wrong, enthusiasm's great, but...
Well, if you've heard someone say that cooking is an act of love, it probably came from someone who's mastered their basics. Doesn't matter how much love you pour into your cooking, if you mess up some fundamental part, it's not gonna taste good. A super common mistake beginners make is ignoring what the recipe says and improvising instead. Get your basics down pat, then you can switch things up. Remember, you don't gotta rush it. Doesn't matter what you're doing, taking it one step at a time is key.
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2009/9/28 (Mon) 18:51 Fuu*ka
Aragaki-senpai, thank you... You put it pretty bluntly, but you're trying to help, aren't you? I'll start working my way up with simple things like onigiri. If you'd like, feel free to come sample my work?
2009/9/28 (Mon) 19:52 Mitsuru
Aragaki, I'm rather surprised at how good you are at cooking. I wouldn't say you surpass my family's professional chef, but your food was indeed exquisite. Perhaps eating together with everyone isn't so bad, every once in a while.
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Girl's Event
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Making Things Right
Category: Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad 2009/10/3 (Sat) 02:45
Shinjiro Aragaki
...They're in your hands now. I believe in you.
[post body]
So tomorrow's the long-awaited full moon, huh. And you know another huge Shadow's gonna pop out. But I never thought the full moon would fall on tomorrow's date, of all days... I can't bring myself to call it a coincidence.
It's not like I think I won't be coming back, but with what I have in the palm of my hand... Well, I can't tell if it's a coincidence or a cruel prank. And the whole time I sit here agonizing about it, the pocketwatch in my palm keeps on ticking. If I had to name the one thing I can never change, it'd be my past self. Who's bound by their past now? It's not just me... So, the only thing left for me to do is to make things right. Because no matter what I choose, I don't got much time left...
I'm not gonna write anything more here, I promise. You don't have to forgive me for my selfishness. And no matter what happens, don't you dare cry...
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2009/10/7 (Wed) 18:36 Fuu*ka
Aragaki-senpai, they said you wouldn't wake up... When I first read this post, I didn't get it at all, but... Looking back, I think you knew what you were about to do...
2009/10/7 (Wed) 20:28 Mitsuru
Of course I was aware of the situation between Aragaki and Amada. It was a failing on my part that it came to this. From hereafter, the Kirijo family will dedicate all available resources to his medical care. Perhaps Aragaki's strong spirit will grant us a sliver of hope...
2009/10/8 (Thu) 01:36 JUN☆P-
I know you were ready to give your life in this battle, but... Now that it's actually happened, it hurts like hell... Aragaki-san, please wake up...
2009/10/8 (Thu) 20:38 Aki
When I thought Shinji was all but gone, he whispered, "This is what I wanted." While some may dismiss his way of making things right, I would not count myself among them. Everyone, we need to face forward!
2009/10/9 (Fri) 18:46 Amadaman
I've decided to keep fighting here. Until Aragaki-san returns, I will protect his place.
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[bubble at top left]
If You Get Into A Relationship...
Social links with Aragaki don't turn romantic until you max out your S. Link rank with him. But once you do get to max, if you call him one more time, you can have the protagonist confess to him. After a short period of heated questioning, you can enter Aragaki's room. Acting much unlike the Aragaki you've seen so far, he will embrace the protagonist and make an unexpectedly bold move. While it's quite the mushy event, if you do get in a relationship, he'll actually be quite assertive. By the way, the protagonist confesses to him in the dorm lounge. If you think about it, Yukari and Junpei and all the other members would be right next to them the whole time...
Shinjiro Aragaki
You're uh... not married, so don't get this wrong, but...
[bubbles at top right]
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Break
[center of circle:] Shinjiro Aragaki
[by tarot card:] Moon
[spiky bubble at bottom:] Shinjiro Aragaki
[to left of portrait, beneath "Persona capable to summon once Moon's commu rank reaches the max:]
Sandalphon, the Angel That Conveys Prayers
[tag labeled 27]
From the Iwatodoi Dormitory Lounge ......Edition 27
[junpei:] Man, Aragaki-san's cooking is the best. [koro:] Woof!! [aegis:] Koromaru-san says he enjoys it too. [aragaki:] H, hey. You guys suck at eating balanced meals. Try to take care of yourselves. [mitsuru:] I agree completely. Akihiko could stand to eat something aside from gyudon. [Rice with beef and vegetables.] [sanada:] I, I eat more than just gyudon! I get plenty of protein shakes in too!
[next column] [mitsuru:] Ugh... You're giving me a headache. [junpei:] Gyudon and protein shakes and nothing else... That's uh, really... [aragaki:] Don't act like you're any different. You basically live off cup ramen. Balance your diet. [junpei:] Uh, well... I uh, how do I put this, just like, think it's good... [fuuka:] Okay, I'll keep balance in mind and cook something up! [aragaki] How about you focus on learning how to cook, first. ...Although, you can go ahead and start practicing.
[vertical line of text in center:]
Brotherly Lines
[column on right]
S. Link Rank 3 Female Protagonist
Look at the balance in these meals... Do you guys live off this...?
S. Link Rank 4 Female Protagonist
...You're not going to leave those vegetables on your plate, are you?
S. Link Rank 7 Female Protagonist
Get some good sleep. ...'Night.
S. Link Rank 9 Female Protagonist
Feels like I got a place to come home to.
S. Link MAX Female Protagonist
Now that you're here, I don't have a care in the world...
[screenshot to left:] Shinjiro Aragaki
Does everyone here eat like crap...?
[block labeled Girl's Side] Like An Older Brother
Shinjiro Aragaki always makes sure his fellow club members make it home safe. While he comes off as rather blunt, he's actually deeply worried about everyone's unhealthy eating habits. Following the protagonist's advice, he throws a party. While putting everything together for the party, he teaches Fuuka (who is hopeless at cooking) how to cook. Drawn by the smell, their dormmates gather, and the lounge springs to life. While everyone enjoys the meal, Aragaki steps out for a bit, and asks the protagonist for a private chat. Then, gazing at the protagonist with a gentle smile, he says, "I'm leaving Sanada and everyone else in your hands."
[screenshot to right:]
Koromaru-san is distraught.
[caption below screenshot:] Even Koromaru-san can tell how bad Fuuka's cooking is. But with Aragaki teaching her, she'll be able to make delicious food someday.
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