#i have so many headcanons about Iris like no joke
shidoukanae · 1 year
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Sketchpage of Iris ft. Leo, Tilt, and a little of my headcanons about the bomber gal
Leo is my current High Card fave but god is Iris such a treat. She may only have a minute of screen time total throughout all 12 episodes but there's so much to be curious about. I want to know more about her and her relationship with Tilt and why she's so loyal to him but also the fact she's Leo's foil in the Klondikes makes me very :Dc about her too
(also the rightmost drawing is from my lil fanfic "I Hate You (I Know)" because im very self-indulgent lmao)
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e-vay · 1 month
Hey E-Vay ! Before I say anything, LOVE your work.
Okay, so I know that you're in the process of showing us how Sonic and Amy's wedding and proposal is planned out (no pressure). BuT, just curious, how did Knucks and Rouge get married? Or even how did he get to propose?
Thanks for seeing this!
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Thank you so very much! 🥰 I’m so happy you like my work! 
I will not be doing a full comic or even a full fic of how their wedding goes down just because I have too many other projects I want to do (I’m only one person! 🥵). But I will give you a breakdown of how the Knuxouge wedding goes in my AU! And if anyone wants to do fanart or a fic based off it, I’d love to see/read it!
During the events of Boom!Baby, Knuckles and Rouge finally get engaged. I don’t have the exact proposal in mind, but I like to think that the two of them have been aggressively/playfully putting it off for awhile, with Knuckles constantly joking “As if I’d ever want to be married to HER” and Rouge jabbing back with “Please, you’d need to offer me the Master Emerald on a ring for me to even consider it!” But with Sonic and Amy taking this next major step in their lives, Knuckles is inspired and does end up popping the question (with a CONSIDERABLE ring full of gems that he scavenged himself!).
Knowing Rouge is an absolute diva, she’d have the most extravagant, over-the-top, dazzling wedding you could imagine. And it would definitely be a “no-kids-allowed” event. Have you seen the movie “Crazy Rich Asians”? Picture that. The wedding would be a spectacle that would last for DAYS! But, the wedding date would be expedited super fast (I headcanon that Rouge is actually very insecure and puts out a bold front to hide that about herself. She’d want to rush the wedding because she’s secretly afraid Knuckles will want to back out. She shouldn’t worry about that, he loves her very much and really wants to marry her!).
In my AU, Shadow is off-world during Boom!Baby, so though Rouge would have obviously asked him to be her “Man of Honor,” she wouldn’t be able to find a way to reach him and get him back in time for the wedding. Because of this, Omega gets pushed to the role of “Man (Mech?) of Honor” and Rouge asks Amy to be a bridesmaid instead. Note, Amy is nearing the end of her pregnancy at this time haha. I always write Rouge and Amy to have a very tense “friendship;” that’s just my personal preference. So Rouge asking Amy to be her bridesmaid was because Amy is her closest female friend, but also because she thinks it will make herself look extra fabulous when standing next to a very pregnant lady haha. She even picks out an awful yellow bridesmaid dress for Amy to wear (because Amy is still very beautiful, pregnant or not). Though Amy does agree to be a bridesmaid to support her friend, she’s actually quite upset and very self-conscious and it initially puts a damper on her enjoyment of the wedding festivities (Her feet hurt like hell, she feels like a bowling ball, she thinks she looks horrendous in this color!). Don’t worry though, Sonic cheers her up and reminds her just how radiant she is 🥰
[Sonic seeing Amy in her bridesmaid dress] S: “Wow!” A: “This yellow dress is awful. She did this on purpose.” S: “Well if she was trying to make you look bad, she failed miserably. You look like the sunshine!” A: “I look VERY pregnant!” S: “Sure, pregnant with MY baby. There ain’t a thing more beautiful than that 😉” [Rabid kissing ensues hehehe]
I picture Rouge having many outfit changes for every event that happens during their week-long wedding extravaganza, but for her actual wedding dress I imagine something super sleek, super sexy, and made up entirely of diamonds! My drawing doesn’t even do it justice. Just picture that as she’s walking, every single facet of every single diamond is sparkling! All the men would have to wear 3-piece black tuxedos complete with trousers (Sonic hates this), except Omega obviously. But he’d still wear a dapper bowtie and Sunflower & Iris boutonniere like the rest of the wedding party. (I chose Irises because Rouge seems to like the color purple and they’re a very elegant flower, and I chose sunflowers because they remind me of Knuckles for some reason. Maybe because they’re big and tall. Idk, I can see Knuckles really liking sunflowers and yellow pairs beautifully with purple). Sonic and Tails are Knuckles’ groomsmen, but Team Chaotix are also among honored guests so Vector and Espio (and maybe even Mighty) would attend all the groom-related events (like the bachelor party) leading up to the wedding.
Right before the ceremony, Rouge and Amy have a touching heart-to-heart moment and Rouge does thank her for stepping in and helping out, and she apologizes for making Amy feel bad. She admits that she has insecurities that she doesn’t like people to know about, so that’s why she goes over-the-top and sometimes puts others down in the process. Also (at least in my AU), Rouge doesn’t have very many close friends outside of Shadow and Omega, so Amy really is her next best friend. They make up, the ceremony is perfect and romantic, and everyone gets to have an absolute blast at the reception!
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Lastly, because Rouge is so over-the-top… after Shadow returns back to their planet 20+ years later, I can AB-SO-LUTELY see her throwing a vow renewal that’s even more extravagant than their first wedding as an excuse to have him as her Man of Honor and also as an excuse to throw another huge bash. Though this one would be even crazier and BIGGER, I think the vow renewal would actually be way more fun because everyone (including kids) can come this time, everyone’s families are bigger (even CC would be there!), and Knuckles and Rouge’s adopted kids (Ruff and Tumble) would get to be part of the ceremony, so it’d be very heartfelt even with goofy antics.
Sorry I’m not going to make this one into a full-fledged comic, but I hope you enjoyed this condensed version anyway! And I hope nobody takes the way I write Rouge as me not liking her character. I just like to add a little spice into why she comes off so proud all the time. I adore Knuckles and Rouge as a couple. Their rivalry and catty attitudes are just a hoot!
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Do you have a headcanon that you like so much that you practically automatically include it when you think of the character the headcanon is about?
i will try to list a few, as i remember best when i trigger an associated memory (i think-- i'd like to think my memory still works 🤣).
tbh i held off on answering this since i can't think of a good hc from the top of my head hahaha
it's not going to be substantiated by historical texts or information since i have very limited knowledge in those areas. these are silly little hcs i inferenced from the most random places.
- he has very nice names for his dogs. he thinks of each one very well as he walks back to camp after rescuing the animal from destruction. he constantly thinks about it, and of course they have meanings, but i'm unfortunately not greek so i can't dive deeper into that :') something like "child of vast plains" (one word) as in free. like his wishes for each dog. "never suffering a lack of", such and such. depending on his observations of each dog's personality.
- tired dad but also playful piece of shit uncle vibes.
- i like to think he genuinely enjoys the adrenaline of high stakes (gambling- which totally started as a joke because i saw a post saying he 'killed a boy over dice #gamblingaddiction') but doesn't participate much when the soldiers play because he has his dutiful side lol. when he decides to come out and participate, he keeps winning.
- voice smooth as honey and chocolate but he's a little tone deaf.
※ also, grey eyes patroclus truther over here. and that he probably got his medical talents from his mother, whoever it was.
- stays in his tent most of the time. the longer the war went on, the more he closed himself off, save for a few of his own men and his close friends (patroclus, antilochus, automedon, ajax, teucer...) he does get out for celebrations but he tends to get sick of merrymaking easier than others so he retires early. would complain to patroclus about several things in his day as they tend to their body pains and weapons/armor maintenance. this says a lot about my general impression of his personality. i don't need to spell out that i think he's dramatic lol
- has a green right eye and a deep black left iris (from thetis). i made this on accident with a sketch but i really like the idea of him being *slightly* unsettling when they see him the first time instead of a flawless blonde child. sure he still is, but i'd like in-universe characters to have more of a reason to not approach him. and well... pay thetis a little bit of tribute hahaha. i deleted other appearance hcs for him and patroclus, realizing i can just add those when i post my wip character design sheets. but here's a zoomed shot of his face as a 12 year old:
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- likes theater. would have tried for it himself if he didn't have to be a warrior. has made several songs throughout his life especially in childhood but has never documented them. forgets them in the morning.
- nearsighted. idk if there's anything to prove this otherwise, but i just slapped it on him. he doesn't recognize people super easily by their faces, but he goes by other things instead like height or voice, or their most prominent features. that's also how he hunts or kills. he doesn't really know this ofc, and has just been doing it his whole life. now he doesn't know his son's face very well, so i'd like to add this to the moral dilemma of throwing astyanax off the wall more than it already is.
- short king idk 5'1". 5'2" if he's wearing shoes hehe. has the same height with penelope. telemachus is 5'3" (without shoes). the genes are improving!
- diomedes and odysseus second father figure. this probably has a lot of contradicting evidence, but let me sit with the funny image that it started as a joke at first then they found menelaus just has very basic dad instincts. has, on many nights, gotten drunk and cried about helen leaving him.
- has to watch his blood pressure (sorry).
- values the concept of family higher than most. he doesn't spell it out in the open of course, but it's one of the things that sets him apart as well.
※ so i took a break, got curious about diomedes and looked up his future after troy. that hc does not bode well with his wife's status after his return 💀
- has red hair (sometimes a "duh" moment for me considering his name is literally fire-haired/red-haired; I've seen blonde depictions of him).
- 5'6". slightly taller than average, but shorter than his father because his god blood is more diluted than.
- very cold and steadfast when he first showed up. i want to believe that he was not that all throughout. he learned to commune with other soldiers, although awkward and unsure. somehow, he became like another achilles; the youngest of the soldiers, the man who would spearhead the attack by proposing the idea of the trojan horse (i read somewhere it was him, and then some say odysseus, some say both). he would look quizzically at handshakes but would accept. he'd be so confused by whooping and hugging and cheering after battle, but didn't resist the warmth of it. he unfortunately didn't have time to explore that side of life before he died.
i think i'll end it there 🤣 i'm not that well-acquainted with other characters, but you yourself wrote about automedon and balius and xanthus being tamed by patroclus, so i also believe that now actually.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 9 months
BONJOUR (〃^ω^〃)
if your requests are open and if you so feel like, I would LOVE (♥ω♥*) to hear your Connor Stoll HCS whether misc or x reader related I care very little, I just want more content of my fav.
Sincerely eternally yours - anon.
ciao! ヽ( 'ω' )ノ
Hey I know you requested this ages ago sorry about that. I've also decided to answer requests in order of which one I like the idea of the most instead of time because I feel like I'm stuck on a few old ones lol
Also this was so fun to write and I ended up writing a short story at one point or smthn.
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Conner Stoll Headcanons
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-He sometimes forgets Travis isn’t really his twin.
-As do most people that know them. 
-He’s so sick of the jokes about his last name he and Travis just pretend to not understand anymore.
-The poison sprayed T-shirt given to the Hunter Phoebe, stopping her from going on the quest to save Annabeth wasn’t just a prank on the stern girl. It was on purpose, so that Percy could go instead, but no one really realized that.  
-Once he moved to New York years after the books ended, he rented a flat with a smashed in window and a leaky bathtub. He had to live off one dollar pizza slices for about a year [he loved them] until he saved up and stole enough to afford a better flat with three bedrooms. One was for him, one was for Cecil, and one was for Katie when she visited with Travis. He has a bunk bed that he shares with Travis, but he makes his brother sleep on the top bunk like they did at CHB.
-Unknown to him, Travis’s room at Camp Jupiter has a bunk bed too, and he sleeps on the top every night. He’s studying Law. 
-Once Conner was able to pay rent by the deadlines and had steady shifts at work [and once his diet had gotten a bit better, although pizza slice Friday is a ritual] Chiron finally let Cecil move in.
-It was only really because Cecil wanted to go to highschool properly, and finish it this time instead of being chased from the year ten open day by feral harpy’s. He works at Starbucks part time and Conner drives him to every shift and then Iris messages CHB and talks to his friends in his car while he waits for Cecil to finish. 
-He’s actually really disappointed when Cecil buys a motorbike and doesn’t need lifts to Starbucks anymore, but then his little brother needs someone to pick him up because he crashed into a phone box and he’s back to annoyed chauffeurTM again.
-He owns the shittiest car ever, like, one of those falling apart pickup trucks with fluffy dice and he actually keeps it pretty clean because he’s so proud of it. He calls it ‘Mater’, from the movie Cars, because it’s Cecil’s favorite movie. It’s also covered in bumper stickers. Like, nearly every part of it, and people just hand them to him sometimes to fill in a gap. 
-He joined the local track team, and he’s actually pretty good.
-His guilty pleasure is Taylor Swift’s 1989 album and eating peanut butter MnM’s by the bag even though he hates real MnM’s.  
-He never really wanted to go to University, and the strictness of Camp Jupiter would’ve killed him, so he got a job at the lolly store Sally used to work at, but was fired when he let too many little kids shoplift. 
-Now he’s working at a backpackers lodge instead, and he actually really likes meeting all the traveling people that come through, even though he knows it’s because of his dad. His relationship with Hermes is questionable, mainly because of Luke. 
-He loved his brother but after the Titan war and all the shame put on their cabin he hated Luke with a passion, as did most of his siblings, even if they sort of did understand why he did it all anyway. Conner wouldn’t have joined the Titan Army, but he knows that if the majority of Camp Halfblood was to stage something like that again he probably would. He’s loyal to his siblings and friends, not the gods. 
-Chris Rodriguez agrees on that part. They’ve talked about it a lot. 
-Chris stayed over on the fold out couch enough for him to get a toothbrush in the bathroom and his favorite cereal in the pantry, which is weet-bix bites with honey and blueberries [if someone went to the shops for something other than pink monster energy drinks and grain waves]. He stills lives at Camp Half-blood with Clarrise most of the time and he’s going to University online but has to come in once or twice a week for tests and practical classes. He wanted to be a paramedic but he knew that would be too much stress on him and so would being a therapist.
-Chris is studying nursing and catches a ride with Pollux [who is studying to be a paramedic] sometimes.  
-Then Pollux began staying over sometimes as well.
-And of course there were times when Clarrise would come into the city with her boyfriend to find late night underground fight clubs and visit Coach Hedge [he was the satyr that brought her to CHB].
-Six months pass and Conner’s apartment is a mini Camp Halfblood stop by.
-This is confirmed when Lou Ellen bursts in at three am with a hellhound on her heels and the app Malcom Pace had invented that directed demigods to nearby safe havens when they were in danger.                                                                                                               She explained that his flat had come up and she needed to talk to Austin [who was sleeping on the couch] about how somebody from his cabin had stolen her voodoo doll of Will that they liked to tickle while he was stitching someone up in the Infirmary. 
-He’s accepted it now but sometimes when a random kid shows up covered in blood he sends them to Sally’s apartment [she’s on the app as well]. There’s only so many blow up mattresses and showers long enough to scrub monster grit off a twenty something year old can afford. 
-He gets promoted at the traveler’s lodge, and ends up sending a lot of demigods, nymphs, and satyrs there as well. 
-Chris’s nursing skills help out a lot more than they were hoping.
-So does having Pollux the paramedic on speed dial. 
-He pirates anything he watches, and his favorites are The Last Of Us and Ferris Bueller's day off. He is obligated to watch Cars at least once a week with Cecil, but his favorite Disney movie is The BFG [it used to be the Lion King but then Luke happened and it hit too far home]. 
-He also really liked watching The Hunger Games but then he realized what it reminded him of and now he steers clear. 
-That, and the fact the Castor and Pollux trope is used. 
-Conner hates musicals. 
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gotstabbedbyapen · 6 months
Hyacinthus Iceberg Meme EXPLAIN (P3)
Part 1 ✿ Part 2 ✿ Part 3 ✿ Part 4 ✿ Part 5
It's time for me to answer your questions about this Hyacinthus iceberg meme. There is a lot to tackle, so I'll divide it into 5 parts for the sake of my sanity.
Quick disclaimer: I am NOT an expert in Greek mythology, just a fan of Hyacinthus who wants to learn about him and anyone related to him. Most of the things I'm about to discuss are just theories and speculations of a passerby on the Internet, so do not take them as valid facts!
Daphne is Hyacinthus' sister
There is only one poet who wrote about Daphne being Hyacinthus' sister. Well, it's not explicitly stated but he claimed Daphne was a daughter of King Amyclas and lived in Laconia, so it's not hard to piece it all together.
"This is how the story of Daphne, the daughter of Amyklas (Amyclas), is related. [...] But she got together a large pack of hounds and used to hunt either in Lakonia (Laconia) or sometimes going into the further mountains of the Peloponnese." - Parthenius, "Love Romances"
I have a joke headcanon that Apollo loves Hyacinthus because he looks like Daphne (Hya's sister) and Hyacinthus loves Apollo because he looks like Thamyris (Apollo's grandson).
Some K-drama angsty level of romance, eh?
The accurate hyacinth flower???
This has been a debate for quite a while now. Is the flower born from Hyacinthus' death the modern hyacinth or a different flower?
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Even though most of us settle for the widely-known purple hyacinth (the flowers above), many argue that the flower can also be a larkspur, an iris, or a martagon lily.
I admit I prefer Hyacinthus' flower being the purple hyacinth or at least a similar ancestor. It's because Athena used to give Odysseus a curly hairstyle like the hyacinths, and that description is similar to the modern flower.
[...] Athena poured beauty on [Odysseus]— her abundance made him taller and more robust to look at. Then, on his head, she transformed his hair, so it flowed in curls like fresh hyacinths in bloom. - Homer, "The Odyssey"
Here is a detail that got me pondering.
In the "Abduction of Persephone" myth, when Persephone is returned to Demeter, she tells her mother about the abduction and we have this:
"[...] we were playing and gathering sweet flowers in our hands, soft crocuses mingled with irises and hyacinths, and rose-blooms and lilies, marvelous to see, and the narcissus which the wide earth caused to grow yellow as a crocus." - Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter
So Persephone is collecting flowers when she is taken, and one of those flowers is the hyacinth. It's unexpected to think Apollo and Hyacinthus got together before the seasons were a thing.
Zephyrus wears hyacinths on his flower wreath
There is one account I can find that talks about this detail.
"You can see [Zephyrus], I think, with his winged temples and his delicate form; and he wears a crown of all kinds of flowers, and will soon weave the hyacinth in among them." - Philostratus the Elder, "Imagines"
It might be a simple thing, but it had me thinking. Does Zephyrus wear hyacinths in his flower crown as a reminder of his former lover (like Apollo wears laurels from Daphne's tree)? Is it out of the guilt he has later or a sadistic triumph?
We'll never know.
Chloris creates the hyacinth flowers
For those who don't know, Chloris is the goddess of flowers and the wife of Zephyrus.
We all agree that Apollo created the hyacinth flower in the memories of Hyacinthus, but Ovid claimed Chloris (or Flora, her Roman counterpart) to be the creator.
"I (Flora) first made a flower from Therapnean blood [Hyacinthus the larkspur flower], and its petal still inscribes the lament. You too, narcissus, have a name in tended gardens, unhappy in your undivided self. Why mention Crocus, Attis, or Cinyras' son, from whose wounds I made a tribute soar?" - Ovid, "Fasti"
I don't like this version not because it's a Roman source, but because having Flora/Chloris creating the flower will reduce the heart-wrenching of Apollo and Hyacinthus' myth. Apollo lost his beloved to the hands of death, so having him make the flower as a tribute to their love and to always remember him will have a bigger impact.
Apollo is Hyacinthus' uncle/granduncle/great-grandfather
Look, almost all Greek mythology couples are related in some way. Apollo and Hyacinthus are no exception.
If we have Amyclas and Diomede as Hyacinthus' parents, Apollo will be Hyacinthus' granduncle on his father's side and great-grandfather on his mother's side.
Lacedaemon (Hyacinthus' grandfather) is a son of Zeus and Taygete.
"[Eurotas] left the kingdom to Lacedaemon, whose mother was Taygete, after whom the mountain was named, while according to report his father was none other than Zeus." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
Lapithes is a son of Apollo and the father of Diomede.
"Lapithes, the son of Apollon and Stilbe, the daughter of Peneus." - Diodorus Siculus, "Library of History"
"Amyclas and Lapithes' daughter Diomede had Cynortas and Hyacinthus." - Pseudo-Apollodorus, "Bibliotheca"
If we have Clio as Hyacinthus' mother, Apollo will be his half-uncle because the Muses are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the Titan goddess of memory.
I guess the only way to remove incest from Apollo and Hyacinthus is to have Clio as his mother but use the version where the Muses sprang into life from four rivers made by Pegasus.
Hyacinthus is the relative/ancestor of other heroes (Perseus, Heracles, Helen, etc.)
I used to make a family tree for ten generations of the mythical Spartan family (and an additional one for Perseus and Danae).
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And since Perseus is the great-grandfather of Heracles, this means Hyacinthus is an ancestor of Heracles as well.
Here are some sources to back me up:
"[...] Lelex, an aboriginal was the first king in this land, after whom his subjects were named Leleges. Lelex had a son Myles, and a younger one Polycaon. [...] On the death of Myles his son Eurotas succeeded to the throne.." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
"On the death of Amyclas, the empire came to Argalus, the eldest of his sons, and afterward, when Argalus died, to Cynortas. Cynortas had a son Oebalus." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
"[Oebalus] took a wife from Argos, Gorgophone the daughter of Perseus, and begat a son Tyndareus, with whom Hippocoon disputed about the kingship, claiming the throne on the ground of being the eldest. With the end of Icarius and his partisans, he had surpassed Tyndareus in power, and forced him to retire in fear." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
"To Acrisius and Eurydice, Lacedaemon's daughter, was born a daughter Danae [...] When Acrisius later learned that she had given birth to Perseus, not believing that Zeus seduced her, he cast his daughter out to sea with her son on an ark." - Pseudo-Apollodorus, "Bibliotheca"
Apollo and Hyacinthus in the Trojan War???
Oh boy. This is the part many of you are screaming for me to explain.
I'll have to disappoint you because there aren't many texts about Apollo/Hyacinthus in the Epic Cycle (at least, I can't find all of them yet). But if we bust our brains, we can draw out some shower thoughts.
1) Was Hyacinthus alive by the time of the Trojan War, and did he participate?
The timeline is shaky and depends on which source you're looking at. Euripides' play "Helen" mentions the Hyacinthia festival, meaning our prince was born, died, and immortalized before the Trojan War.
"They will be gathered in a dance, at long last, or in games, or in all night feasts, in honor of Hyacinth, whom Phoebus Apollo killed during a discus throwing contest." - Euripides, "Helen"
On the other hand, Lucian's "Dialogues of the Dead" said that Hyacinthus was still in the Underworld after the Trojan War.
"Menippos: Where are all the beauties, Hermes? Show me around, I am a newcomer. Hermes : I am busy, Menippos. But look over there, to your right, and you will see Hyacinthus, Narcissus, Nireus, Achilles, Tyro, Helene, Leda - all the beauties of old." - Lucian, "Dialogues of the Dead"
From Lucian's work, either Hyacinthus will be resurrected much later after the war or never at all.
If we go by the version that Hyacinthus was deified before the war, I'm sure he will side with his homeland. Hyacinthus is a favorite hero-god of Sparta and great-granduncle to Helen, so there is no reason he won't participate in the war.
That leads us to the next point:
2) Can you imagine the angst potential for Hyapollo???
National pride is a big thing for Spartans. You know how Spartans mock other city-states and uphold their people. Hyacinthus must feel utterly betrayed when Apollo is revealed to be siding with the people who stole from his homeland. He loves the god, but he loves his homeland more.
However, unlike the previous point where there are sources to draw from, we got zero records of how Apollo and Hyacinthus interacted during the war. So it has to be up to our imagination.
When Apollo sent a plague on the Greeks, did he purposefully spare the Spartans because of Hyacinthus? Did Hyacinthus tell his men to not kill the children, lovers, or favored mortals of Apollo?
Did they avoid each other when the Olympian civil conflict broke out? Did they even talk to each other at all?
And most importantly, how would they heal after the Trojan War?
3) Do the Spartans celebrate the Hyacinthia in Troy?
Now, this one is funny. The Spartans worshipped Apollo and Hyacinthus together, yet Apollo is now the enemy of Sparta.
In history, Spartans did form truces and leave the battlefields to attend the Hyacinthia festival.
"Now the Lakedaimonians (Lacedaemonians), as the festival of Hyakinthos was approaching, made a truce of forty days with the men of Eira [in Messenia]. They themselves returned home to keep the feast." - Pausanias, "Description of Greece"
But this isn't the case in the Trojan War. No sources say the Spartans desert the battlefield in Troy to go home for the festival (makes sense because they have to travel across the sea, and their queen is still trapped in Troy)
So the question is: how do they celebrate them in Troy instead? Do they even celebrate the Hyacinthia when one of the honored gods is siding against them?
Food for thought...
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yourbestpalpercy · 7 months
Iris’s opinions on the other cogs
Bored and was in class when I wrote this. Buckle up, I’m gonna try my best. As I don’t know a lot about the Cogs in ToonTown, I’ll most likely be going off of tiny headcanons and appearances. Warning, I’m mostly projecting.
Skelecogs: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Iris is terrified of them. Absolutely horrified by them. It’s not even funny how terrified of them she is. She’s just– she can’t look at them at all!
Goons: “...Awww, pubby thingy…” Iris learned the term ‘Pubby’ online and only knows it’s used to describe something cute.
Cold Caller: “What’re you? …A blueberry? Why are you such a deep blue…??” Iris doesn’t like them that much.
Telemarketer: “...Creepy…” Iris shies away every time she sees them.
Name Dropper: “WHY ARE YOUR LIPS SO DAMN BIG!?” Iris laughs every time she sees Name Dropper, she cannot contain her laughter.
Glad Handler: “...Stop smiling at me like that…” Iris also finds them to be creepy. She doesn’t like how they smile.
Mover & Shaker: “Deceitful guy…up to mischief that one is…” Iris mostly doesn’t trust them. It’s a light hearted distrust though.
Two-Face: Two Face scared Iris too. She hides every time they’re around. She’s not terrified of them though.
The Mingler: “...Are you Name Dropper’s cousin?” Iris thinks Mingler looks dumb too.
Mr. Hollywood: “...Stop smiling at me like that also,” Iris doesn’t trust Mr. Hollywood.
Vice President: “....where are your legs…??” Iris thinks Vice President looks silly and is more comfortable around him because of that.
Short Change: “...Did-...did you just get less blue??” Iris cannot tell the difference between Cold Caller and Short Change. She thinks they’re the exact same person.
Penny Pincher: “Oh lawd, it’s the blue man’s red cousin,” Iris is constantly sassy to Penny Pincher.
Tightwad: “You look about two seconds away from throwing a temper tantrum…” She puts in ear plugs.
Bean Counter: “Also a mischievous critter…” No one can tell if these are endearing terms.
Number Cruncher: “HE CONSUME!! MONCH!!” Iris teases them a lot.
Money Bags: “...where is your face….?? do i want to know???”
Loan Shark: “SHARK! SHARK! SHARK! SHARK! SHA-!” Iris loves sharks. She thinks Loan Shark is rude despite her love of sharks.
Robber Baron: “Is that a mustache or a nose…?” Iris can tell, she’s just mean to a good chunk of the Cogs. …It’s technically in her code.
CFO: “...Stupid looking little sh*t.” Iris says this with a big dopey smile on her face. It brings her genuine joy to insult this one.
Bottom Feeder: Iris has no opinions on this one. Genuinely has nothing to say.
Bloodsucker: Iris will not stop with the vampire references. She WILL NOT shut up about them
Double Talker: “OH GOSH NOT ANOTHER.” Iris hides when she sees this one too.
Ambulance Chaser: “Nurse hat but…” Iris doesn’t understand this one.
Back Stabber: “...Can you stab people with that pointy *ss head??” Iris makes dart board jokes around this one.
Spin Doctor: Iris has assumed SD likes spinning and will never stop spinning one when she sees them. It becomes straight up sadistic after a bit honestly.
Legal Eagle: “EAGLE! CAW! CAW! CAW!!” Iris just loves animals, okay?
Big Wig: “...Eh, I’ve seen bigger.”
Chief Justice: “whyyy are so many of you stuck in big chairs???”
Flunky: “You have a silly name and a silly face. You are a silly boyo.” Iris likes Flunky. I also like Flunky.
Pencil Pusher: “You and Back Stabber should be friends^^.”
Yesman: “Why. What is with the big grins??” Iris broke down upon seeing this one. She’s terrified of their grins.
Micromanager: “BIG LIP. BIG LIP. BIG LIPS-.”
Downsizer: “...What kind of schemes are you up to…?” Untrustworthy.
Head Hunter: “You need a head? Maybe that’s why you’re hunting for them!” Mean Spirited teasing.
Corporate Raider: She has no opinions on them.
Big Cheese: “No way! It’s the guy from Roblox!” This is actually how I discovered ToonTown in a way. No, no one knows what Iris is talking about what she says ‘Roblox’
CEO: “...Chair bound f*ck #3 I see?”
Manager Bots
Factory Foreman + Mint Supervisor + Head Attorney + Club President: Same reaction as Skelecogs.
Derrek Man: She thinks they look cool and she also thinks that they have a plane somewhere nearby
Land Acquisition Architect: She really, really likes how they look. She hasn’t really gotten to know them though.
Derrek Hand: “Are you a drill…? Can I use you as such…??” Derrek Hand’s appearance confuses her.
Director of Land Development: Same opinion as L.A.A, she likes how they look^^
Public Relations Representative: Felt like these ones needed a personal Iris reaction.
Director of Public Affairs: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!” Yeah, Iris is horrified by D.o.P.A.
Now onto the guys I actually like
Duck Shuffler: “Oh my gosh!! He’s so silly!” They frequently share :Ps between each other. She really likes Duck Shuffler and thinks he’s silly. “How can you see? I..I can’t tell!” “I can’t believe they don’t give you your own building. You’re much better than those weird CEOs or…whatever they are. The chair bound ones!”
Deep Diver: “...I’ve never seen the ocean before, is it pretty?” Iris constantly pesters Deep Diver about the ocean. Whether she knows about it or not. “I like your colors!” “What kinds of fish are there?” “Have you seen any purple ones?”
Gatekeeper: Personal headcanon, she plays DnD. Iris has played DnD with her before. She really likes Gatekeeper and wishes she wasn’t a Cog because she likes them so much. “Awww! I love your feathers!” “Does it ever get tiring wearing that armor?” “Are you the armor or just wearing it??”
Mouthpiece: I personally heard that she’s like a grandma. Iris adores Mouthpiece and despises H. Lesser for not letting Iris be around Mouthpiece more often. “D-Do you knit? I-I’m very sorry for forgetting…” “I heard from the others that you’re a great cook! I wish I could have a cookie…” “Sorry, Harold never lets us hang out! Says that elders like you don’t understand electronics…”
Firestarter: Iris likes Firestarter a lot! She likes the warmth he brings and thinks his shyness is kinda funny. She also constantly asks him about the snow. “Is it fluffy?” “How cold is it?” “Can I touch it without getting hurt?” “Can you bring some back for me to touch?” And so on.
Treekiller: “....I hate you…” Is often all Iris says.
Bellringer: “If I ring your bell, will it hurt you?” Meeting Bellringer is actually how H. Lesser found out that Iris could “slightly” use the wires in the building to do her bidding…when she started rapidly shaking Bellringer, sadistically. (I’m saying it now, I like Bellringer.)
Featherbedder: “OWL. HOOO. HOOOOOO. Hoo!” Iris really, really loves animals.
Prethinker: As Iris has access to the internet, they often talk about obscure facts. “..Literally no one talks about Cookie Cutter Sharks. I heard the term a few days ago and searched it up. Their bites are horrifying and NO one cares!” “Ever heard of a Sea Butterfly? They’re just as beautiful as the above world butterflies!” “So…didja know that butterflies sometimes are attracted to dead bodies and some drink the tears of crocodiles? Sadistic little things…” “So Dolphins right!?” Harold unplugged her so no one could hear what Iris had previously told him about Dolphins. Coward.
Rainmaker/Misty: You have no idea how much Iris absolutely adores Misty. Another headcanon, she draws sometimes. Iris would adore to draw with her but H. Lesser doesn’t often invite Misty over. Iris would jump into electronics closer to Misty but there’s not a lot down at the docks…also she can’t leave the building. “I really wish we could draw more..I love drawing with you!” “You would never drag me down!” “You’re the coolest person ever!” “I love thunderstorms, did I ever tell you that?” “The lightning you make is so much prettier than natural lightning!” “I love the sound of thunder and rain on the windows!” Another Cog she wishes wasn’t a Cog because she’s programmed to have a disliking for Cogs (to make her seem more trustworthy towards the Toons).
Major Player: Iris likes to dance with him. He’s fun! She really likes him! She also asks what kinds of music he likes.
Witchhunter: Man I didn’t even know this was a character until now. I got nothing… Iris likes witches and doesn’t understand the point in having a witchhunter if witches don’t exist. Supposedly.
Multislacker: “BEAN!” No one knows where Iris learned the term ‘Bean’ but no one really minds. Iris would adore to hug Multislacker and he’s actually one of the reasons Iris craves a body so badly. To give hugs! Iris also likes his Goon pet.
Plutocraft: “No way, just like minecraft,” No one knows what Iris is talking about. No one. She likes how Plutocraft looks but admittedly, she constantly bullies him because of his height.
Iris doesn’t like the Satellite Investors. “THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THE SKELECOGS!! GET THEM AWAY!!”
Chip Revvington: Iris finds him boring. She also thinks he looks ridiculous when he’s staring directly at her. She also also teases him because his face is a chainsaw. Chip just…barely looks at her, turning a blind eye and ignoring her insults.
Pacesetter: Iris likes Pacesetter as much as H. Lesser doesn’t. Pacesetter often compliments how Iris looks, making sure that H. Lesser doesn’t take the compliments for himself. They both adore being petty against H. Lesser together.
Litigator: “ALLIG-...you’re mean actually…” Iris doesn’t like Liligator, seeing him as an angry, ticking time bomb. Liligator makes Iris anxious. “D-Don’t sue me please!” “I-I haven’t broken any laws, I-I swear!” “I can’t even go to court, I can’t leave the screen!!”
Stenographer: She scares Iris almost just as much as the Skelecogs do.
Case Manager: Iris likes his design much more than his personality.
Scapegoat: “GOAT! GOAT! GOAT! BAAAH! BAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” I think I’ve stressed it enough how much Iris loves animals.
Everyone I’m mentally ready to write about^^!
And no I’m not doing the same thing for joykill. Iris knew or at least met all of these Cogs. Joykill wasn’t around long enough to meet anyone
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murder-iplier · 1 year
Headcanons that involve two of my mutuals muses!>:3 they have both been @d to see theses. (There's alot okay-)
With Kaleb and Marshall there's just so much opportunities with theses two flirty bastereds.
Dating or not i feel like theses two bastereds just always try to out flirt the other that and just Marshall some what surprised that Kaleb hasn't been flustered yet. everybody else at work is just done with them.
with Kaleb working, this also taking place when they both know their murderers just favors that don't give it away just Kaleb brings cleaning supplies to him and nobody expects a thing because kaleb just says he was asked to bring it for work or just a small favor for the boss.
Just a conversation with Kaleb being at Marshall like "what idiot worker or kid died today?"
definitely pick at each others methods, "you know *insert stabbing method* is a faster cleaner way." And "It's easier to carry the body this way you know."
I feel like Marshall would try to get Kaleb out in the public more since he doesn't understand hiding his identity like Kaleb dos, sometimes they hang out like outside and other places with Kaleb being very careful.
Both show of new equipment and weapons.
Theses two also have alot of opportunities but on a way more causal level.
I feel like Dia helps Kaleb out on hiding his appearance more so he can go out without being high alert.
Kaleb still prefers hanging out in more private locations so if two are hanging out it's mostly likely at places like that.
Kaleb sometimes rants about how annoying his targets can be and how some make his work so much harder for him to her. Like, "the guy would stop trying to fight back! I ended up stabbing him in so many different spots because of it." In return he let's her rant about her work to him while he's cleaning equipment or just doing nothing.
He doesn't really let her live down the needle thing. He jokes and picks at her about it.
He ended up keeping the coat from when he escaped, he forgot he had it on, he doesn't wear it often because blood and white coat, it just sits In his closet among many other coats and clothes of his.
He also shows of new equipment and weapons of his to her.
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coldflasher · 2 years
you know i have to ask about coldwest for the ship thing
hmmm yeah, this one isn't for me really :/ not my cup of tea
jokes, can you imagine haha. i am the captain of coldwest. yo ho ho and a bottle of why-the-fuck-didn't-they-get-more-screentime
What made you ship it?
Honestly I had never even thought about shipping them until Redhead's fic "Needs Must, As the Devil Drives" got me super into Coldwestallen, and from there I spent a lot more time thinking about the Coldwest side of that dynamic and what a fun and complicated relationship that would be... then the rest, ngl, was largely built from my own headcanons and bits of dozens of fics that hopefully, one day, I will actually finish...
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
So many things!! I think the first thing that comes to mind is that I feel like Coldwest offers a great opportunity to put Iris out there in the field. The show kind of tends to keep Iris out of the action a lot. Like she is a hugely important member of the team, obviously, but she's generally sitting in S.T.A.R Labs running tech support, and aside from occasionally getting temporary speed powers or occasionally aiming a gun at a threat, she often takes a back seat to the action. Barry in particular has this tendency to want to get Iris as far away from a fight as possible, and while I get it, I love seeing Iris kick ass. We know she can shoot, throw a punch, whatever, but she rarely gets the opportunity to get out there as much, and whenever she does, it's panic button time and she gets whisked to safety. I feel like Len, with his tendency to get into trouble, his love of adrenaline and a fight, and the thrill he clearly gets while fighting, would love to have Iris on his side in that kind of situation, and he wouldn't hesitate to get her involved. He'd actually encourage it, if anything. Which also provides fun conflict with Joe, who would already be seething that this criminal is dating his daughter, but now he's encouraging her to put her life at risk and possibly commit crimes? Oh, the drama >:) I love writing Coldwest team-ups where Iris gets to use her skills as a reporter while Len uses his skills as a thief, and they kind of play off one another... with lots of back and forth arguing and snark, of course.
I also personally like that, in my view, Iris would have a better handle on Len than anyone else. Like he's more willing to let her boss him around than he would be with another partner. As mentioned, she doesn't take his shit, she's not as amused by him and she will tell him to cut the crap if he's being a dick. In contrast, though, I also feel like he'd be softer than her than he would with another partner. Sure, he'll pull her pigtails and make mean, sly comments, he wouldn't be Len if he didn't... but he also admires and respects her, he's a fan of her work, and I think that Iris is just such a kind and gentle person that I think being around her would soften him. He'd never admit it, but in my head, he's so gone for her, and while it might take a while for him to let his guard down, if you'll excuse the terrible ice pun, he'd melt for her. Like. That small smile he gives to show he's proud of his sister---that kind of moment, all this affection and pride that he keeps private and only lets out when no one's looking, but when they're alone, he lets her see it. Just a little. Sigh.
Also, I kind of like that it's such unchartered territory wrt canon. Like GOD my kingdom for more coldwest scenes, but also, the fact that we get to see so little of them together on screen means that there is so much to explore there, and canon cannot tell me no (like it would stop me anyway haha). It really does give me free reign to think about how they would interact and what kind of scenarios they'd get involved in.
Oh yeah, and I also think they're both extremely hot and I wanna see them bang seven ways to Sunday, so there's that
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't really know. It's such a small ship, I don't really know what opinions are out there haha. Hm... I guess maybe that I think Iris would call him babe. Cos generally Len is NOT a petname person and I think if anyone else tried to call him babe, he would make them regret it, but with Iris, he's like a cat being pet and secretly liking it but pretending not to... he's like "I'll allow it. Maybe." but secretly smug like yes. I am babe
Send me a ship and I'll answer three questions based on whether I ship it or not
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boypussydilf · 1 year
[clears throat] HERLOCK SHOLMES (or Gregson) for the character ask meme
YEAAA!! i did gregson before heres his. technically i did one for dgs sherlock before but um. itd be fun to do again. its been a few months now thats enough for me to do it again even though probably nothing has changed
Sexuality Headcanon: gay gay homosexual gay
Gender Headcanon: This sherlock can fit so many gender in her!!!! shes nonbinary. hes genderfluid. theyre a trans guy. shes a trans woman. theyre a cis guy whos just having fun with it. sherlocks gender is "fun dad"
A ship I have with said character: you know. You all know. You gusysfucking know. what f there were dads. what if theyre were gay dads and they went through so much shit. and they were just holmes and watson but awesome in a differenrt way. aka homumiko win. ive seen some other extremely rarepairs w him that were vaguely interesting/funny (w hosonaga and w uhhhhh harebrayne) but nothing else i rly care about
A BROTP I have with said character: i said iris before ive talked abt him and iris so many times bc oh my god dotter win. 100% uouare my fufkign doaucghter. so i just wanna give respect 2 his friendshups w ryuu & susato theyre so good. tfw you meet your idol and he kind of would like to also be your dad but that could be weird and also he couldnt tell you why anyway so youdont know you just make dumb jokes together (susato). tfw you meet this random british guy and hes completely insane and he insists on making it YOUR problem (ryuu).
A NOTP I have with said character: if vanlock has 1000 haters i am among them if vanlock has 1 hater its me if vanlock has 0 haters i am not on this earth. they should interact its funny i just dont ship them at all.
A random headcanon: uhmmmmmmm. is there anythign ibn my brain that hasnt bee n said,. he keeps trying to invent brand new instruments and they keep coming out garbage. not remotely convenient to use and the noises they make cannt even be twisted into music of any kind
General opinion over said Character: i like this guy theyre a really really good sherlock holmes adaptation and a really really good characater and a really really fun silly dad who wears pink. i like her theme
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Yes hi hello I have been loving reading your blog, thank you so much for all of the choice S/holmes content! They have been simply *chefs kiss*
Could I maybe request how Holmes starts falling for/getting a crush on someone as well as how he would go about trying to express his feelings to them? How he would ~woo~ someone? I can't help but imagine some Period Drama-style pining and longing glances from this emotional boy. Maybe even... A Hand Touch™️? Anyways thank you for all the great work that you do!
a/n: hi anon ! thanks so much aaaaa i'm glad people enjoy my holmesie stuff !! sherlock pining is super fun to write so heheheee i hope you enjoy !
sherlock pining headcanons
sherlock is the kind of guy who just simply doesn't want to hide his feelings of love, but he does it anyways and my god is he good at hiding them. he's also very much so the person that sits at his desk for hours just zoning out, thinking about you. that is until iris snaps him out of his thoughts for dinner.
well, he's usually always upbeat with everyone he's with as that's how he is but if you pay attention veeeery very carefully to how he acts around you, he's more giddy, passionate and protective of you, but it's very subtle unless you could see through him like glass.
he goes home everyday and sighs because he's been pining so hard for you. iris notices and asks if there's something wrong and is met with silence, something she's very well used to with the likes of sherlock, so she assumes that it's just another one of those days... although something does feel off with him.
i think i've said this before but i like to imagine that sherlock does little acts of kindness for you at least every day for you. one day he buys you a cup of tea, coffee, whatever and the other he could shield you from the rain with his coat because yes he also forgot an umbrella.
one thing he remembers to do every day is bring you home safely and soundly after a long day of hanging out with him. he's always there for you and keeping an eye out for danger if you're out and about late at night.
he's so nice, especially to you ! it's just incredibly hard to see that he's so much warmer to you than to others. he buys you those nice little treats he knows you like from the nice sweet shoppe around the corner just to see your face light up as you nibble on them. it makes himself all happy just seeing you all happy !
sherlock tends to stick to you like you were tied to the hips together unless he's in his detective mode and deducing left and right, he can't seem to stay still during those segments but the rest of the time you two are inseparable.
he's always there for you and whenever you're having a conversation where you laugh or smile (most of the time because sherlock likes to tell you jokes and puns to see your reaction) it makes him pine more for you, all of his crops are watered, his skin cleared and all the birds in the world are singing.
oh !! have i mentioned that he likes to tell you stories from his old detective days ? he loves to ramble and it takes every fibre in his body to stop, and you don't tell him to because he's such a good storyteller and tells so many interesting stories !
most of which are bloated with white lies and words that make him more heroic looking tee hee.
since this blonde is very insistent on staying close to you at most times, there are times where you two are sitting down with each other whether it be on a bench, relaxing after a tiring day or in a cozy café while you don't realise you two are on a date until the moment sherlock drops you home.
in any case, there are moments where sherlock gently brushes his hand over yours (sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose) and he realises a second too late, the poor man flushes red the moment you turn to see him. it's quite entertaining because you've never seen him go red in the face before ! he is cute though...
another thing he likes to do, sometimes he buys you little flowers on occasion in attempts to woo you which, they do. these come on nice holidays like valentines day or on your birthday but if he gives you some flowers on a day that's not those two sherlock makes excuses, saying that it's 'international give your bestie flowers day' before smirking and giving you the beautiful flowers.
he's such a sweetheart and you tell him this in a platonic way (even if you wish it were more in the romantic way) and it's something that he thinks about for ever ! even when you two are in a loving relationship, living the life in your retirement years, sherlock loves to look back on the old days and talk about how you used to call him cute names when you two were younger. aww~
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littencloud9 · 3 years
part 3 of satoglad headcanons bc i can
| i don’t know, they seem like the dumbasses to fake date. except everyone thought they were actually dating. it makes gladion hella flustered to act lovey dovey in public though (he’s not against it, but still…)
| ash is a morning showerer and gladion is a night showerer. they argue about it until lillie brings up that she showers twice a day. then they combine forces to attack her
| ash loves vines so much and quotes them all the time that gladion completes them for him sometimes
| they like doing puzzles together! somehow it’s super chaotic but they still do a decent job
| they started making a photo album together about three months in when they first started dating. it gets filled up in like a year and now they have one for every six months or so. it’s full of photos of the alolan gang, but there’s always a special section dedicated to them (doodled with a lot of comments by both of them)
| speaking of which, lillie is obsessed with taking polaroids of them. she writes her own commentary and ash loves them. gladion gets bullied by her half the time but hey, memories
| gladion is deathly afraid of heights (‘i can fall any moment ash, do you want me to die?!’). ash tries to drag him to skydiving once but he earned a kick in the shins
| they’re super supportive of each other’s ambitions
| ash speaks in kantonese when he calls misty and brock. sometimes gladion’s there to listen. he’ll never admit it, but he finds ash speaking in his mother tongue soothing to the ear
| ash also uses kantonese when he doesn’t have the courage to say certain things to gladion. the first time he said i love you was in kantonese, but gladion wasn’t aware, of course
| ash introduces gladion to kantonian food and he falls in love. delia always makes sure to cook that cuisine when he comes over
| oh, and delia loves gladion. she thinks he’s a ‘very lovely boy’ and ash dies from embarrassment each time
| lusamine: here gladion take this money and get ash something nice
gladion: …this is enough to buy a wedding ring
lusamine: my point exactly
| out of all of ash’s friend groups, gladion gets along extremely well with brock and dawn (dp gang!!). dawn loves asking questions about their relationship and brock has to calm her down half the time
| silvally on the other hand, gets along really well with iris. nobody knows how or why, but it just took a huge liking to her the moment they met
| oh yeah, ash definitely has gatherings with his friends that gladion tries to participate in, even though he’s always drained by the end of it
| they’re both ‘organised mess’ types when it comes to cleaning. arceus save them if they ever move in together
| in those AUs where ash is champion and gladion is Aether president, gladion always forgets to eat because he drowns himself in work. ash brings food for him a lot and is always worried about his workaholic boyfriend
| not that gladion will ever admit it though. he thinks it makes him seem like his mother
| umbreon and torracat are best friends i don’t make the rules. they bitch about their trainers all the time
| they go to kalos or something together for their honeymoon. of course they pick lumiose city, and they spent their week just travelling around the districts and staring at the pretty night sky together. clemont offered his gym for them to stay since it’s on prism tower
| bonnie really loves them together too. she was also super fascinated by all of gladion’s pokémon and ash’s alolan pokémon
| ash and gladion go on runs together when they both feel like it (rarely though, because dragging gladion out in the sun is already difficult enough. ‘why do i need sun for, ash? do you want me to photosynthesise like a plant?!’)
| they share so many inside jokes that sometimes they have a full blown conversation that nobody can understand
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
YESSS. okay I am dying for some secret aliens love, could I get some relationship or kiss headcanons with them? They/them pronouns please!
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Tom Weathercock x reader; Iris Traiter x reader; Taromaru Rex x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but I finally got around to this one! I apologize in advance if they’re out of character, I wish they had more screen time honestly. Hope this is along the lines of what you wanted! I made them general relationship headcanons. Enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Tom Weathercock
Tom is the type of guy that you would have feelings for for a long time and when you finally confess, he says he’s loved you the whole time too
Tom has a strong moral compass and is always trying to do right by everyone, wanting justice to prevail
he’ll do the same to you when you’re in a relationship, always making sure that you’re staying safe and walking the right path of justice 
so much goofiness in one relationship
he loves to tease you just to make you smile and laugh, and is always willing to tell you horrible jokes to brighten up your day
he can be a little oblivious sometimes, so you’ll have to make sure you voice your desires/needs
but Tom is willing to put in the work to make the relationship wonderful 
and he also strikes me as someone who will go to the ends of the earth for the person they love
for every anniversary, birthday, holiday, etc., Tom is always going over the top, buying you gifts and taking you to fancy restaurants
he wants you to know how much he loves you and the best way he knows how is to share everything he loves with you
so he’ll take you on all of his volunteer trips to other countries and show you all of the things he’s passionate about
with Tom, it’s a whirlwind relationship of him constantly texting and calling you, asking if you want to go somewhere random with him and then spending the night exploring the city
he doesn’t like wasting his time so he’s always pulling you along to try something new with him
but when you do finally get him to slow down, he loves pulling you into his chest and cuddling with you in bed or on the couch while you watch TV
his kisses are usually playful and soft, teasing and leaving you wanting more
his favorite place to kiss is your nose, but he’s also quite fond of kissing your jawline too because it always surprises you
I feel like he would also taste really sweet, like strawberries and it takes you a long time before you figure out it’s just his lip balm
he loves kissing you though, and isn’t afraid to do it in public either
because he doesn’t really care about what other people think and all he wants to do is wrap an arm around your waist and pull you close
Iris is always annoyed by it, but T.Rex is always wide eyed and encouraging
if you’re in a relationship with Tom though, you definitely have to be close friends with Iris and T.Rex, otherwise I don’t think Tom would be able to keep seeing you
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Iris Traiter
Iris is the type that knows exactly what she likes, and if you’re dating her, it’s because she likes you
she’s not afraid to tell you this either and will talk at length about all the reasons she adores you
mostly she does it just to watch you get flustered and I can definitely imagine her enjoying teasing you
she’s also quite interested in you and curious to know more about you as a person, often times wanting to talk more about you than herself
she’s very perceptive and will remember the smallest details about you, which always leads to her giving you the best gifts and taking you out on the best dates
Iris can also easily tell when you’ve had a bad day, and she’s more than happy to comfort you
if you want to repay her, give her genuine compliments, Iris thrives under praise that’s well-earned
she strikes me as someone who like to take relationships fairly seriously so if you ever do her wrong, she won’t hesitate to end it 
on the other hand, because she takes it seriously, she’s incredibly invested in the relationship and loyal to you
she wants you to be happy and is willing to go out of her comfort zone to do so
I can imagine her taking you on nice dates to fancy restaurants, but then also to chill dates just going to the beach or hanging out at the park
Iris really just wants to spend time with you, so she doesn’t mind where you are or what you’re doing 
she often spends most of her days running around town with Tom and T.Rex, so give her your time and she’s adore you for it
volunteering dates! 
where the two of you go volunteer around town for different causes to raise money
and the two of you would go on volunteering trips abroad instead of annual vacations    
Iris hates to admit that she likes lazy days, and always takes advantage of a good rainy morning by cuddling with you in bed
her kisses are always warm and filled with love
she’s not the type to kiss you too much, but when she does, it’s because she wants to convey something
either as a ‘hello’ or a ‘goodbye’ or ‘I missed you’ or (your personal favorite) ‘I love you’ kisses which become very passionate very quickly
overall, the relationship is going to be a loving, comfortable, strong one with lots of loyalty and honesty
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Taromaru Rex
Taromaru is going to be the type of boyfriend that is also your best friend
the two of you do everything together and he’s always (literally) carrying you around
dates include running around the city and I can imagine the two of you going to park and swinging on the swingset together and running through all of the different games made for kids
his favorite dates are the ones that involve eating, so you’re always getting dinner together
if you guys are in the same high school, I can imagine him wanting to walk you down the hall in between classes with his arm permanently wrapped around your shoulder
so many laughs throughout the relationship - it’s just very wholesome
if anyone ever tries to bully you or make fun of you, Taromaru’s immediately at your side to protect you
he’s not the best with his words, so he’s definitely more of an ‘action’ person and is willing to go above and beyond for you
he always remembers things he thinks are important (i.e. your favorite food, your clothing style, etc.) but then sometimes forgets other big things like your birthday or anniversaries
he hates apologizing, so he won’t sweat the little thing, but if he’s messed something up in a big way he’s gonna pull out all the stops to make it up to you
definitely turns to Tom and Iris for help when he doesn’t understand the way your acting or if he needs relationship advice
he loves it when you call him T.Rex, but if you call him Taro, it’s gonna make him go pink and then get flustered
he’s actually quite shy at first when he kisses you, not really knowing what he’s doing since you’re his first relationship
after he gets used to it though, he finds that he loves kissing you and will take every opportunity to do so
one of his favorite things to do is pulling you into him and surprising you by peppering kisses along your cheeks and nose
he definitely brags about you to all of his friends and you have to stop from laughing because he acts super cocky but he was so scared to even ask you to hold your hand
he doesn’t like it when you tease him too much though, because it always feels like he’s being made fun of, even if it’s just for fun
so instead, just have lots of inside jokes and keep him laughing
he’s so grateful to have an s/o like you and when he finally takes you to meet Tom and Iris, that’s when you’ll know he’s serious about you
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inthehausofholbein · 3 years
and hmmm diego and ludmila for the friendship ask? answer as many as you want!! - iris
I'm rewatching seasons 2 & 3, but I'm only a few episodes into s2 and my memory is horrible, so I won't be able to remember a lot of scenes, so I'll try my best.
My favorite scene of them
I just got reminded of that scene in season 3 where Diego is mad at Ludmi, but lets her rest her head on him while she’s crying because he still cares for her. GOD IT’S SO GOOD.
A random headcanon I have of them
Ludmi and Diego just gossiping about literally everything while they’re not busy with their plan in season 2. 
“Ugh, Ludmila, what happened with Camila this time?” “Are you sure you don’t have feelings for her or something? You’re a little obsessed with her–”
My favorite thing about them/What makes me like their friendship (the first paragraph is the same answer for both questions)
I just love their dynamic so much. They’re both such snarky bitches and I love their banter so much. Also their intimate moments like the scene I already mentioned. And they’ve got such a history behind them that I want to know more.
Oh god, one more thing, but I love how the show never hinted at a romance between them. I’m pretty sure Diego made some comments here and there teasing her about the idea, but they were all just him joking and being his clown self.
A scene I wish we had of them
Maybe a scene in season 2 of them bonding over not knowing their fathers and a scene in season 3 of them bonding over how they used to be mean but redeemed themselves. I definitely just want to see more scenes of them interacting in general.
Who I think is the ”crazier” one
Both. Of them.
A song that reminds me of them
It’s very hard to find platonic f/m songs since most songs are about romance, but I just remembered @marciego’s post about the song Nothing Left to Lose from Tangled the Series fitting them. And like... it does almost PERFECTLY.
Oh, also Drown in my Mind by Story Unfold. It’s similar to Nothing Left to Lose in that Diego already redeemed himself before she did, but this time it’s almost like Ludmila’s reaching out to him.
A word to describe them
If I can picture them to be more than only friends
If I would want to be friends with them
Omg yes 😭 I’d imagine it’ll be fun to hang out with bitches that are absolutely full of themselves but still nice.
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greekgrad07 · 4 years
i blame @deepestempathllamalawyer and @zitzboy for this but this post got me thinking about malconnor and now i can’t stop i’m sorry
malconnor headcanons
they had always been friendly with each other bc of connor and annabeth but nothing worth calling an actual friendship
they never really talked unless annabeth was around until one day after the battle of manhattan
so connor had a bunch of summer assignments he has put off for the last minute bc a.) there was a fucking war going on and b.) procrastination is a curse
he went to the athena cabin hoping to find annabeth for some help but when he got there the only athena kid in sight was malcolm (annabeth was out with her new boyfriend percy alhdkjdk)
so it would be awkward at first but basically it would go something like this
“hey, annabeth isn’t here.” “oh sorry, i was just gonna ask her about some homework, i’ll come back later i guess haha.” and like right as he turns around connor hears malcolm say, “i mean, i could help you, if you want. annabeth isn’t the only smart kid in this cabin, you know?”
and connor is FLUSTERED bc 1.) him and malcolm have barely said three words to each other alone before and now he’s offering to spend gods know how long trying to explain algebra to him, 2.) he’s pretty sure he’s just offended him and if there is one thing connor knows, it’s that you should never, ever, make a child of athena think you doubt their intelligence, and 3.) well, actually, he ain’t sure what else is making him nervous
so after that it gets to the point where connor starts to seek malcolm out for help on all of his assignments, and once they are done with that, connor starts to look for new ways to spend time with him
this boy has no idea how to make friends without pranking them but for some reason connor can’t talk himself into doing anything that may embarrass or hurt malcolm (he tells himself that it’s probably bc he feels indebted to him but...)
not to mention the last child of athena he became friends with was basically desperate for attention at the time, it was easier back then. but malcolm is new territory, and just like annabeth, most of her siblings are intimidating.
obviously he knows that malcolm is willing to help him so connor decides that the best way to insinuate friendship is by making a mountain out of anthill problems just to ask for the son of athena’s help
and this works. malcolm was willing to help connor with almost all of his minor inconveniences.
one time, connor “dropped” his lucky ring during a volleyball match. thankfully, malcolm just so happened to be there
“mal! hey sorry, but my ring fell off during the tournament. i think it’s in the sand somewhere, do you care to help me find it before your cabin starts the next game?”
it was a while before malcolm found the ring. the ring that just appeared out of nowhere at his feet after about thirty minutes of searching, cracking jokes, and avoiding the gaze of the demeter cabin glaring at the two boys to hurry up.
(needless to say, the ring was in connors pocket the whole time)
another time was when connor snuck out of camp with travis to go to the 7/11 down the street and couldn’t decide which snacks to get for the bonfire that night
this resulted in the first of many iris messages to malcolm
“flaming hot cheetos or takis?” “why not both?” “you’re after my own heart, pace.”
connor did not see the other boy blushing at his words (and he did not spend the rest of the night overthinking about that sentence thank you very much)
travis did end up teasing his little brother about it though
“what’s with you and children of athena?” “dude what are you talking about?”
but the best incident was when one of connors problems involved annabeth- or rather, finding annabeth. and he didn’t even have to make that one up
he and annabeth were supposed to train that day, but she was late. normally he would be worried, but a part of him was glad that he had an excuse to go talk to malcolm.
turns out, he didn’t have to.
right as he walked up to the cabin, the boy in question opened the door.
the two bumped into each other and connor wasn’t sure why his face started heating up or why malcolm was looking anywhere but his face.
the blonde boy stuttered out how he was just on his way to the arena to meet him.
“wait what? i just came here to ask you about annabeth.” malcolm’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink and connor doesn’t know why he finds that so endearing, “percy planned a surprise picnic for the two of them, so i offered to spar with you in her place so she wouldn’t feel bad.”
when i say this boy was blushing-
so they spar together and then decide, hey why not hang out for the rest of the day?
and oh boy when the day came that malcolm started coming to connor for help
let’s just say that he was beaming
not to mention it was something that connor was more than happy to help with
apparently some kids of hephaestus were being dicks to one of the younger athena kids and malcolm was pissed, so he asked connor for some pranking tips
they ended up sneaking into the cabin, sabotaging the campers newest projects, and covering all of their tools with honey and feathers
after spending all night hearing malcolm’s laugh and seeing his pale blonde hair in the moonlight as he dropped him off at the athena cabin, connor was sure that friendship wasn’t all he wanted with the boy now
one day, while connor was trying to think of a new excuse to talk to malcolm, the boy walked up to him and asked if he wanted to pick strawberries with him
“yes! i mean- yeah, yeah sound fun”
the two spent the day at the strawberry field picking -eating- strawberries while they talked and laughed with each other
at some point during the evening, connor started retelling a story about him and annabeth from their youth at camp. it involved a prank against clarrise and some glue, and it had both boys cackling by the end of it
then malcolm said “i’m sorry that you got stuck with a walmart annabeth that day, but i’m kind of glad that my sister wasn’t in the cabin when you were looking for help with your school work. i’m not great with getting to know people but i liked how easy it was with you.”
connor would have taken the compliment in stride if it weren’t for malcolms first comment “what do you mean walmart annabeth?”
the boys stopped and looked back at connor “just that, i know you and annabeth are really close, and she’s been busy recently. i understand that you would want to hangout with someone who reminds you of her. i’m okay with it, really. i like spending time with you.”
connor felt his heart simultaneously swell and break at the same time. not once had connor thought of malcolm as an annabeth replacement, nor would he ever. the two children of athena were similar yes, but a lot of siblings are, it doesn’t mean they are the same, and connor definitely never associated them as being such. so he told him that
“i like spending time with you, too. you as in malcolm pace, not an annabeth replacement. i’ve never seen you like that and i never would. plus, you’re not walmart anything, you’re full channel baby. children of hermes only steal the best of the best.”
“what exactly would you be stealing?”
connor just smiled and grabbed the boys hand.
that night, connor stoll made a list including all the things he liked about malcolm pace. he made sure to add the things he liked that he knew differentiated the boy from annabeth as well
some things on the list include how his hair was a more pale blonde compared to his other siblings. connor liked how it certain lights it looked white.
the fact that he was the same height as connor, which made it easier to look him in the eyes
his eyes which were a dark grey and could be considered scary if it weren’t for the gleam they always wore
the way that he always blushed when romantics were involved, no matter how innocent
or how loud he laughed at a joke that he found funny, despite how he tried to muffle it into the collar of his shirt
connor likes how willing malcolm is to help people and how brilliant he is
he likes that malcolm tries to follow the rules but still knows how to have fun and let loose
connor stoll likes malcolm pace
but it’s even better when annabeth finds out
“you and my brother?!”
“you liked luke for who knows how long, i don’t wanna hear it chase!”
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renohasbigtits · 4 years
Oh my goodness those Ignis mpreg headcanons were so well written! I really enjoyed them they were really cute, if ya don’t mind me asking could you do Prompto next? I’ll leave all the details up to you but plz give us more uwu
Mpreg Prompto (Final Fantasy 15 Headcanons)
Omg ☺️ I’m glad you liked the Iggy one. Honestly While making the Ignis one, I was thinking about doing a Prompto Mpreg headcanon but I didn’t think someone would ask for a Prompto one.
But I will give the the people what they want!! PROMPTO MPREG!! Expect this to be very silly 🙃
Idk where this takes place, I’ll leave it to your imagination ;) just know that no ones dead! Yay everyone lives!!
One more thing: this does contain Mpreg (Male Pregnancy. Don’t like? Don’t read! Constructive feedback is welcome!)

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• He’s a lot of things (being adorable cinnamon roll is one 🥰) but stupid isn’t one of them.
• he’ll noticed 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 how he’s gaining weight and starts to become more insecure (someone hug him pls)
Minor Warning: mentions of eating disorder habits.
• he starts to exercise more but he pushes himself a little to far of what people consider “Normal” and stops eating around people. That caught Ignis’s eye.
• Ignis motherly instincts kick in (Noct ain’t his only kid ya know) he confronts Prompto’s lack of appetite but Prompto doubles down.
• Ignis asks Noctis to, as his Best Friend, To help Prompto. Noctis goes to talk to his Best Friend.
•Noct tries to talk to Prompto about his excessive exercise and seemingly lack of appetite but Noctis’s awkwardness and his unintentional nonchalant attitude, doesn’t help and Prompto just ignores his friends concerns.
•however, one day Prompto passes out while running and is rushed to the hospital.
•it’s only then, he’s given the shocking news; He’s Pregnant! Not just that, he’s already a month Pregnant!
•he’s in shock and disbelief at first. How could that happ-
•oh yeah he had sex (duh)
•to make a long story short, Prompto was at a party, met someone, was getting along great and...well yeah you guess the rest xD (tbh I’m not comfortable or good at describing sex scenes, so I’m not gonna torture you guys 😅)
•after that, Prompto never saw (or heard) from them again.
•Gladio was like “Welp, it least you got laid!”
• meanwhile Noctis and Ignis: 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯
•Now, in a hospital bed, with the news that he’s Pregnant, Prompto feels alone, confused and scared. So he, reluctantly, turns to his friends for help.
•Noctis jaw was on the floor, he wanted it to be a joke. It wasn’t a joke.
•Gladio was: 📉📈📉📈📉📈📉
•Ignis, being the most calmest and levelheaded, tells Prompto to try to contact the baby’s other parent (can you tell I’m trying to be gender neutral? What can I say I love my he’s, she’s, and they’s 🥰)
•this, however, proves to be a colossal failure, since Prompto doesn’t even remember their name!
•Out of stress Prompto begins to cry :’(
• Noctis finally sees the seriousness of the situation, promises his best friend to help him and be there for him.
•Ignis and Gladio as well! Yay Grandma and Grandpa!...I mean Uncles!!!
•One Month: Prompto begun to eat correctly again. He’s lucky that the baby wasn’t harmed.
•this poor boy...gets sick a lot!!
•morning sickness is his worst enemy!!!
• “Now I know what my Mom went through...”
• he has the most RANDOM cravings...poor Ignis.
•he has to make the weirdest shit for Prompto!
•it least he’s eating it, so it’s worth it...kinda.
•Noctis is very protective of his friend. He knows people can be... judge mental.
•if anyone gives Prompto weird looks or glares.
•Oh Hell No!
•Noctis ain’t having none of it!!
•he’ll glare at them back! “What? What the hell are you staring at?!”
•He almost fought someone.
•Gladio had to stop him, he’s making Prompto cry (and that shit ain’t acceptable)
•Ignis just sighs. (Being a single mother is hard guys)
• Second Month: Prompto’s belly keeps gets bigger. He proud and nervous. He feels like he’s getting fat.
•The Doctor assures him that he’s not getting fat, he’s womb is getting bigger, which means the baby is growing fine.
•plus his friends are the best support system!!!
•lris gets him baby clothes, baby toys, etc.
•you better believe he’s taking pics of his baby bump.
•not just because it’s adorable, but because he wants to document it! He wants to scrapbook it!! It’s one of his biggest projects and he wants it to be perfect!
•Third Month: he has to buy new clothes ;-; he’s already outgrowing the ones he has!
• Prompto’s insecurity: 📈📈📈
•Noctis still tries to fight ANYONE who even looks at Prompto.
•Even Gladio gets annoyed with Noct fighting people and arguing with security to not kick them out.
•”Noct stop trying to fight people or your getting nothing but vegetables!!!”
•oh and you just know Prompto is gonna buy some Chocobo plushies, he’s kid is gonna love Chocobo’s as much as he does!
•55% of the baby supplies is Chocobo related.
•Fouth Month: This is it. He finds out the baby’s gender!
•it takes a while cuz the baby was an awkward position.
•”poor little guy, he must feel uncomfortable as much as I do.”
•”she’s actually a girl, Prompto. Congrats it’s a Girl!”
•”AAHAHAAHAH! IT’S A GIRL!” lris had to scream that where Noctis, Gladio and “I haven’t had my Coffee yet” Ignis could hear.
•that’s how they celebrate the announcement of the baby’s gender.
•Noct wouldn’t admit it but he’s really excited to be an Uncle.
•Gladio and Ignis as well.
•however, Prompto does not have much experience with taking care of Babies, so he starts practicing.
•for the next couple months, he training to take care of baby.
•he gets better but he fears he won’t be a good father (or mother) to his unborn Daughter.
•he doesn’t want her to feel what he felt growing up; loneliness.
•he promises her that he’ll never let her feel alone. He wants her feel loved and safe.
Eight Months: She’s already kicking. Literally!
•Seriously, She’s the most active baby the Doctor’s ever seen!
•let’s hope she won’t be too energetic....
•lris decides to make a baby shower for Prompto. The plan is simple:
•Ignis makes the food. (So many new Recipeh’s)
•Noctis keeps Prompto distracted. It’s not that hard as it sounds, he takes Prompto to a Chocobo farm!
•all tho, Prompto can’t ride the Chocobros cause he might fall and hurt himself and his unborn daughter, but he’s really enjoying himself. The plan is going smoothly.
•meanwhile Gladio decorates with the material he’s given because Iris doesn’t trust him to bring his own.
•it’s small and not many people came but hey! It’s the thought that that counts.
•Noct gets a text to bring Prompto to the party. The plan is going great!
•Prompto was so moved by all the hard work and the effort his friends made, that he balled his eyes out.
•it went great! They eaten the delicious food (THATS IT! GRANDMA IGNIS ACTIVITY!)
•the gifts were adorable ☺️
•Noct’s gift (note: lris had to drag Noct to a baby store, so she and Noct could get a gift. Much to Noct’s embarrassment) was Rare Black Chocobo plush!
•it was so cute! (In a dark way)
•Gladio’s was an adorable baby book. (He would have gotten a book about Chocobos but they didn’t have any ;-;)
•Ignis’s was a strange one. It was a coffee maker.
•”Iggy...why would I need this l?”
•”Cause your gonna be up all night.”
•believe me. Ignis knows all to well.
•lris’s gift was an Moogle Plush.
•It went amazing! (Prompto got to take some left overs home)
•Nine Month: The last month. The doctor was put Prompto on bed rest. Don’t walk around too much, try to stay hydrated.
•Noctis has to come over to look after Prompto during the last days of his Pregnancy.
•to say Prompto is nervous would be an understatement!!
•he’s sooo scared to feel what labor is like. He knows it’s extremely painful. Yeah he’s having a c-section but....
•he wouldn’t have to wait long...
•during the night, Prompto was having a hard time sleeping, due to some back pain (you know where this is going...)
•trying to get up, Prompto feels something wet.
•”what I was drea-“
•”Prompto...did your water break?!”
•”I-I don’t know!!”
•unsure what to do, Noct (panicking) calls Ignis.
•”Noct, how about you call the midwife?” Said Ignis calmly. (Let me know if you got that joke 😉)
•Noct calls the midwife, she tell him to bring Prompto to the hospital.
•(weeeeeeeeee wooooooooooo 🚑)
•They figure out pretty quickly that, the baby is coming NOW!
•poor Noct, sitting in the waiting room with a pajama top on and unclean pants (no shoes btw) hoping that it would go well and nothing happen to Prompto and his niece.
•after for what seems like forever, A nurse comes out with a small bundle in his arms.
•”He wanted you to hold her.”
•Noct was stunned. In his arms with Prompto’s baby girl!
•and she was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen!
•this tiny little thing, has his blond hair, blue eyes, even his freckles! She was the cutest thing ever!!
•Noct even shed a tear. He’s definitely not telling anyone about that.
30 Minutes Earlier
•Prompto just woken up. He passed out after he heard her cries.
•now, waking up; he wants to see his baby girl.
•once he sees her again, he basically falls in love all over again.
•Crying while her eyes were looking at his.
•”Hi there...nice to meet you.”
•She cooed in response. OMG.
•everyone else fell in love with her too.
•”She’s Adorable.”
•”hard to believe she’ll grow up so big.”
•she was basically welcome with open arms.
•over the years, shes basically a mini version of Prompto with a bit of a shy streak.
•he takes so.many.pics that she becomes camera shy.
•She LOVES chocobos and love to ride them with her Daddy ^^
•Noct is basically her second favorite person. She’s almost always falling asleep on him. He’s not complaining tho.
•btw, that Black Chocobo toy? It’s her absolute favorite.
•Ignis has to be her third favorite.
•she always refers to him as Mama Iggy. Much to Iggy’s embarrassment.
•She likes helping him cook. She’s a little mini helper and even passes out food. Ignis greatly appreciates the help.
•Gladio gives the best piggy back rides!
•she helps him a little with his exercise.
•Prompto and his Daughter are the closest you’ll ever see.
•she’s his rock and he’s her Father.
•When he finds out his origins and his “Father” he doubt downs to make sure he’s never like him. Period.
•After Noct disappears, She’s helps him get ready for Noctis’s eventual return.
•while getting stronger herself.
•When Noctis returns (and brings back the light) he’s shocked and happy to see that Prompto’s Daughter, has not changed much (besides age)
•she now helps around the Citadel.
•Prompto? Well
•Prompto is truly great full for having his daughter in his life.
•”Hey D/N?”
•”Yeah Dad?”
•”I love you.”
•”I love you too Dad.”
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OMG! I did not expect this to be fucking long! 😅 well I hope I did this Justice. To who requested this, I hope you loved it!
I guess it turned more serious than silly huh? Welp, I still hoped you guys liked it!
Please Reblog!!
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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Dear youngbounty,
Co-Mod: I didn’t see any clones, but thanks!
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Dear BDC,
Co-Mod: That idea sounds interesting, but unfortunately, I don’t know enough about Dangronpa to be able to pull that off.  I can see if the other mods do, but I can’t promise anything more than that.
I agree with you about the Proto Badger, though.  I hate him more than Dr. Eggman hates “that hedgehog.”  Sadly, it looks like we’re stuck with him for now.  Why couldn’t you have taken him with you, the Mod?
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Dear MB,
Co-Mod: I’m glad (and impressed) that you were able to free yourself in such a creative way, but it’s all good.  I used to do the same sort of mockery with submitters’ letters before someone pointed out its potential rudeness, since some of them don’t speak English as their first language, so I've got no room to complain.  In fact, I’m a big stickler about getting my spelling and grammar correct, so please feel free to point out any errors you find.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Which ones, specifically?  I know that some of the ones from the Court Record are glitchy (and I failed to inform the new moderator about that), but I haven’t noticed anything unusual in any of the letters.  Show me an example, and I’ll see what can be done about it.
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(Previous Letter)
(Link in Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Mod Vera: That’s a good point! I must have missed that Easter egg. I was also originally going to make a joke about Ga’ran needing wigs for herself, but decided to keep it to something closer to canon.
For real, though, with Maya, Iris, Inga, Ga’ran and now Dhurke, it’s really convenient for spirit channeling disguises that so many people in this world have long black hair!
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(Previous Post)
Dear AnthonyDeadman,
Co-Mod: I don’t know if I used this sprite before, but it captures how I feel perfectly, so I’m going with it:
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Wait, not that one.  This one:
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Actually, they’re both pretty accurate.
This letter means a lot to me, not just because I love knowing that my work and dedication have paid off in some way, but because I’ve been going through some serious struggles lately (more on that in a later post).  Being part of a blog that brings fun characters from an fun video game series to life has been awesome enough, and watching it grow into something bigger than it was has been even more awesome, but being able to provide some much-needed opportunities to laugh, smile, and escape from reality during a time of sorrow, fear, and uncertainty has been nothing short of a blessing for me.  Not to mention it’s helped me to enjoy life in new ways, so thanks for that, Capcom.
What I really appreciate, though, is you and so many others wishing me the best for the future.  It just so happens that the future has been one of my biggest fears for a long time, so hearing this kind of support, even from people I don’t know, is precisely what I need right now.  Allow me to offer my heartfelt thanks for it, and to wish each and everyone one of you the same.  The world needs people who can withstand any sort of circumstance right now, so don’t give any less than your best!
Stay gold yourself, pal.
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(Previous Post)
Dear mungeondaster,
Mod Vera: Aw, thank you so much! I’m really happy to be here, and to have Co-Mod help me learn the ropes. I also love Vera! Her appearance is brief, but I do love the withdrawn artist trope, especially with a Pearl-level ignorance of the outside world.
Plus her design is just so dang good! Almost as if she drew herself.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear ajanisapprentice,
Mod Vera: Ahahaha, twas I who thought of that! I count that as my first report card as the new Mod!
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(Previous Letter)
Dear mungeondaster,
Mod Vera: Oh, you know Nick relied on Maya’s budding big sister energy while he was figuring out single fatherhood. As Maya would say, he’s hopeless without her.
Though my personal favorite new headcanon is Pearls helping Gumshoe win Maggey’s heart. (I still need that fanfiction to happen!)
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(The Previous Posts)
Dear yuesworld,
Co-Mod: It’s great to hear from you again!  Dang, it’s hard to believe your first letter was sent 2 years ago.  (As if turning 30 didn’t make me feel old already...)
I both appreciate and admire your dedication toward translating the letters we’ve answered here.  I hope you’re able to continue doing so in one way or another, but even if you aren’t, I’m still glad you’ve been so willing to share our character portrayals with a broader audience.  In fact, we might even have you to thank for part of our increased follower count, so thanks just in case!
I’m glad you enjoyed the essays, too.  I honestly hadn’t considered the possibility that I’d have to write some of those myself after the Mod left, but I’ve had some fun with them, and I hope they helped to make the characters they were about more enjoyable, or at least more interesting.  I’m still planning to finish the remaining requests after my departure, by the way.  Hopefully I’ll be able to post them a little more frequently than before.
I’m happy to report that I’ve been staying healthy and well (although I feel like I keep dodging bullets with people around me getting infected), and I hope the same can be said for you and for everyone else reading this.  I won’t lie, things have been tougher than usual for practically every human being lately, even aside from the pandemic.  Thankfully, we have someone who’s all too familiar with trials and tribulations to provide us with a helpful reminder:
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That’s Phoenix speaking, by the way, in case you forgot.
In other words, this too shall pass, as the Persian adage goes.  In the meantime, stay healthy yourself, and thanks for the reminder that we’re not alone in these challenges.
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Dear AnthonyDeadman,
Mod Vera: Thank you so much! I’ve also been a fan of this blog for years, for almost as long as I’ve wanted to be a writer! It’s such a weird elated feeling, to go from being a fan of something to working on it. I almost feel like those people starting their first day at Pixar or something!
Mod Kristoph: Thanks for the kind response! I’ll be sure to get some letters in there when I get the chance!
Mod Paups: Thank you!
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(Previous Letter)
(Video in Letter)
Dear BDC,
Co-Mod: Me too, except I’d add a few more “nope”s.
Mod Vera: Hahah, same. But I’ve have politeness so ingrained into my being, I’d probably throw in a few “no thanks” just to be safe.
-The Mods
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