#but also her and Leo DO NOT get along because they see themselves in each other and hate it
shidoukanae · 1 year
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Sketchpage of Iris ft. Leo, Tilt, and a little of my headcanons about the bomber gal
Leo is my current High Card fave but god is Iris such a treat. She may only have a minute of screen time total throughout all 12 episodes but there's so much to be curious about. I want to know more about her and her relationship with Tilt and why she's so loyal to him but also the fact she's Leo's foil in the Klondikes makes me very :Dc about her too
(also the rightmost drawing is from my lil fanfic "I Hate You (I Know)" because im very self-indulgent lmao)
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natureismynature · 1 year
More rambles about Jaiden and Foolish because they actually make me so fucking emotional.
One thing I need people to know is that qFoolish is selfish. He's power-hungry. He's an ASSHOLE. He treats this whole thing as a fun game, he WILL throw anyone that isn't his family under the bus if he thinks it would benefit him. He cares, he considers all the Islanders his friends, he values their opinions, and he respects them, but he also sees them as pieces in a game. I wouldn't say he sees them as dispensable pawns, but he does like playing around with them. He just would not mind fucking them over for his own benefit.
And at first, he was like that with Jaiden too. When he lied to her to see what she'll do. When he told her his secret to see if she'll spill. But as time went by, maybe it was when she showed him Bobby Fields, maybe it was when she swore her silence to him, maybe it was when she told him the truth behind her disappearance. Somewhere along those lines, she became part of his family.
And further along those lines, she became his only family.
He lost Vegetta first. Leo second. And his relationship with Roier has been getting worse by the day.
Suddenly, he doesn't want to fuck her over. Suddenly, she's the only person he doesn't ever want to cross. Suddenly, she's the one he first thinks of when he has to spill his secrets.
His literal first thought when he got promoted was "I'm definitely gonna tell Jaiden." before he even asked if he should keep this a secret. Because that's just what they do now, they tell each other EVERYTHING about themselves.
Everything she knows, he knows. And everything he knows, she knows.
And Jaiden. Jaiden who values Foolish so much because he was there for her when she felt alone and never left since. Who is not fond of the Federation past Cucurucho. Who knows the fucked up shit the Federation is doing behind the white walls and the smiles.
And yet she's so. Fucking. Supportive. Of everything he does. Even if it was becoming a cop for the Feds. Even if it was him trying to climb the ladder of hierarchy.
Because she knows him. She understands why he's doing what he's doing.
It's nothing noble. It's nothing heroic. He just wants to be chaotic. He just wants to have fun. And she's all for it.
Foolish wants to work for all sides while Jaiden wants to work for no sides, but they are on each other's side. They will always be on each other's sides
They are both fucked up. They are two sides of the same coin. They are best friends. They are family.
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mathclassd00dles-blog · 8 months
Hi can you tell me more of your Rise Alopex whst relationship she has with each of the turtles
Omg yes!
My original plan was to make a rise comic series that had Alopex as one of the main story branches. I have been busy with work and haven't had much time to work on it lately but things are starting to slow down so I might have time to go back to it soon.
Much like the other iterations of Alopex, she was created on purpose, but this time she was created by John Bishop as some kind of animal super soldier for the EPF(she's not the first one he’s created either) and she was raised in the EPF by her ’handler’(think like a K-9 handler in the military or police force, someone who raises, trains, and ’handles’ the animal is usually considered a handler) he is currently unnamed for the time being.
⬇️More under the cut⬇️
Her first time in New York was just before the invasion, John Bishop ordered that she(along with some other EPF mutants) were needed in the base in New York so she was flown in from the California base. She was there during the invasion and for a short while after before she was flown back home although she found it a little suspicious how Bishop seemingly knew about the invasion beforehand. Koya and Takeshi(tiger claw) are also mutants in the EPF.
Almost a year later she is requested to come back to NYC for a mission. She was raised on the belief that she was a soldier to protect the earth and all its residents from aliens. This is also when she meets turtles up close for the first time.
Her relationship with the turtles starts off a bit rocky because she is technically working for ’the other side’. To the Hamato clan she's a villain and to her, they are a thorn in her side every time she sees them while on a mission. She generally tries to avoid them as much as possible rather than engage.
The first turtle she meets is Donnie and oh my stars do they start out hating each other guts. It was a fight at first sight for those two. A pull of a tail and a bite to the arm, chaos ensued. The animosity does cool down a little between those two(eventually) and their quarrels fall into some kind of rhythmic rivalry. They throw punches and insults at each other. The first time Leo sees how they interact he calls them an old married couple and they both get offended by this statement (she doesn't meet the other turtles till months later).
She won't get to meet Mikey or Leo for a good long while, at least not while she is still working for the EPF under John Bishop. There’s a lot of character development that has to happen inbetween before she really meets the rest of the brithers a bit more personally.
The first time she meets Raph is when she falls into hidden city and accidentally bumps into him. It's only a quick interaction but she looks at him and thinks he's a dinosaur because he is just MASSIVE. but that is the only interaction that happens between those two for the time being. They don't introduce themselves or anything at this moment they won't even see each other again till she is out of the EPF.
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The first time Leo meets Alopex, she is critically injured and ends up getting help from the team medic(Leo).
Mikey would probably meet her after she gets some medical attention and he would realize that she is the one who was annoying his purple-clad genius brother Donnie lately but she was always left unnamed during his rants. Mikey secretly ships it thinking that his brother stepped into an enemies-to-lovers trope. Which in all honesty is true. But those two don't get there for a long time.
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But I think for the most part they would all get along. She and Donnie will also get along too... eventually… their bickering arguments are always a good show, remember to bring popcorn.
Alopex hates Bishop's guts, she always has since she was a kit. She was mutated at a very young age by Bishop because his research showed that the younger the subject is at the time of mutation the more control they have over it and the better they can train certain habits of their species in or out.
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She has trauma regarding certain punishments while growing up, one of which is the muzzle. To Bishop, the muzzle punishment has shown to be the most effective towards her. (it's not a normal one either, she can't take it off herself)
She's about 17 years old present day, 16 during the invasion. She's technically a red fox but since she has melanism her fur is mostly black with a few white areas, on her chest and stomach, each paw, tail, mouth, and dots for eyebrows and bright yellow eyes.
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She doesn't have powers since her mutagen is not from an oozesquito but from a research institute called TCRI, or at least that's what she's been told.
She loves pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, and just about any kind of pumpkin-flavored treat, however, she's also a fan of fried chicken. Favorite color is green.
She also loves motorcycles and has a good understanding of how machines and engines work because of it. (this is something that Alopex and Donnie could possibly bond over)
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She hates heights(specifically when flying, planes, jets, helicopters, all of it), the muzzle, John Bishop, and Takeshi(mutual hate, more story on him later if interested), and tomatoes.
(my art style changes multiple times throughout this post, some sketches are from months ago and some are more recent)
Please let me know if you have any more questions about this au!
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slightlytoastedbagel · 8 months
It's time for the winter sekai gift exchange!! My gift is for @mccnstruck and it's a polyneed fic :D
They're building snowmen (Snow Mikus specifically). I hope you enjoy it!! (And also tagging @winter-sekai-gift-exchange so they can put all of the gifts in one place) (the fic is also under the cut)
"Ichi! Did you get the scarf?"
"Yes Saki! Hold on a second."
Stubby legs carried her up the hill to her three friends, a blue scarf bundled into her arms while she tried to not trip into the snow. Shiho had already laughed at her once for it. Plus, it would get Snow Miku's scarf damp, she doesn't deserve a cold, wet scarf! She would have offered her own but Honami insisted she kept it on.
Ichika had just about reached the top when her friends' work came into view. A snowman, about the same height as Shiho, stood at the centre of the hilltop. Two sticks where stuck into either side of the head, stones for eyes and the mouth, Honami's apple sliced up to make the hair bands and nose, a tie made from the last few leaves off the tree. She thought it was amazing.
"There you are!" Saki greeted her at the top, a giant grin on her face. She grabbed onto Ichika's arm to drag her over to Honami and Shiho, who were adding the final touches to their joint effort. "C'mon! You can put the scarf on!"
Honami giggled at their friend's enthusiasm and Shiho just grinned at them all. Ichika nodded and went to wrap the scarf around the snowman's neck. She stepped back to see their finished Snow Miku, a smile creeping onto her face.
"Ah! She looks perfect!" Honami cheered to her left, Saki nodding in agreement.
"Great choice, Ichika." Shiho commented on her right, she turned to smile back at her.
"Thanks Shiho! Although..." Ichika turned back to Snow Miku and finally realised what was missing. She ran back up to her and took off her blue mittens, putting the sticks used for her hair into each one. When she knew they wouldn't fall off, Ichika walked back to her friends.
Saki gasped happily to Ichika's last minute addition, Shiho chuckled along. Honami, however, started off worried.
"Ichika-chan, won't your hands get cold now?"
"Don't worry, Honami, I have my coat pockets!" Ichika shoved her hands into said pockets to prove her point. It convinced Honami, at least, because she relaxed and looked back to their creation.
"It is a lovely finish, good idea Ichika-chan."
Ichika giggled at her compliment. By then Saki and Shiho had gotten themselves into a snowball fight, which ended with them both tumbling down the hill. Honami ran after them with concern. Ichika stood at the top for a minute to watch the three of them.
She loves her friends.
Ichika found the scarf at the bottom of her closet.
It was in a box full of things she couldn't bear to look at anymore, but could never bring herself to throw away. Photos, piles of sheet music, friendship bracelets (one of which was actually Shiho's, she must have left it here on accident) and the scarf. Miku's scarf.
There wasn't a need for it to be in the closet anymore, she was friends with Honami and Shiho again, Saki was out of the hospital and they had a band now. Leo/Need. Representing the Leonid meteor shower and how they need each other. Ichika thinks it's perfect for them. Plus, the four of them share a Sekai together! With a version of Miku in it! It's everything she could ever hope for!
She looks down to the scarf in her hands. Saki wanted to start doing more outside of just the band, right? Things friends would do, like shopping or visiting places together. Or maybe a walk in the park. The weather forecast said it would be snowing over the weekend...
Ichika sends a text to their group chat. Three replies come in fairly quickly. Everyone is free for Sunday.
She smiles and hopes they enjoy the surprise.
Ichika only sees a blur of yellow latch onto her before she's trying to keep Saki and herself from collapsing into the snow. She succeeds, however now Shiho is laughing a them, so did she really? Honami is chuckling as well now that she looks at them both. Seriously...
Shiho moves to drag Saki off of her. The latter pretends to resist but turns to hug Shiho instead. She let's her.
"So what did you want to do today?"
Oh right, she did bring them outside for a reason. The scarf is wrapped around her neck, she clutches it and blushes slightly. A gasp is heard to her right, and she turns to see Honami staring at the scarf.
"Isn't that..."
She remembers? Saki clearly doesn't, at least not a first, turning her head like a confused cat. Or maybe a dog would be more appropriate with her. Shiho also looks confused. She may as well get on with it.
"I was looking through some of my older things the other day, and I found this scarf. Remember that night it snowed really hard and we all went to the park and built a Snow Miku?"
Saki gasps as if she was just told the truth behind Rin's disappearing cookies (Kaito ate them not knowing they were her's and now feels really bad and has been trying to make some as an apology) (he confessed to Ichika and Honami last week). Shiho's eyes widen.
"You kept that scarf this whole time?"
"I couldn't bring myself to throw it away... After everything I wanted to keep as much as I could about our time together. Even if I never actually used them since."
"Awwwww, Ichi!!!" Saki returns to bear hugging her. She flushes.
"So I'm guessing you wanted to build another snowman?" Honami asks, possibly out of mercy. Saki stops crushing her to instead gasp and jump about in excitement.
"Ooooh! Yes! Is that what you wanted to do, Ichi? Yes I want to build another snowman!"
Shiho laughs, Ichika somehow feels herself becoming even more flushed. She doesn't take notice of it, instead allowing Saki to drag her through the park. Up a certain hill.
"Huh. This is where we built the last one." Shiho pipes up before Ichika could say it. She just nods in agreement instead.
"Oooooh. Wait, we have the scarf, but a snowman needs more than one scarf. Hona, come with me!" Saki talks so quickly Ichika struggled to keep up, but then Saki was leading Honami away by the arm. Despite the initial shock, Honami went along with her to the closest tree. Saki said something to her before kneeling down onto the ground. Honami began looking at the tree branches that had broken off.
Shiho nudges Ichika, she looks away from the other two.
"We may as well get started." Shiho said, already moving to build the snowman's body. Ichika nods despite the fact Shiho can't see her and moves to roll up a head. She was halfway there when Saki and Honami returned. The latter handed her sticks over to Saki before assisting Shiho in forming the body. Saki starts jumping on the spot in excitement, one hand full of sticks and the other full of rocks.
Before long, Ichika had built up the head and moved it towards the body, waiting to put it on top. Shiho had paused, pondered for a second, before nodding and stepping back to let Honami and Ichika move the head on. Once that was done, Saki walked up to the snowman to put the rocks into the head for eyes and the mouth. She also stook the two sticks into the side.
"Hmmmm. Can I have the scarf Ichi?"
Ichika nodded and handed over the blue scarf to Saki, who proceeded to wrap it around the snowman's neck and tied it up at the front.
"There! We have no leaves this time, but Snow Miku has her tie!" Saki presents her work to the other three with jazz hands, Honami clapping along and Shiho trying to hide a chuckle. Ichika smiles, but ponders the Snow Miku for a second. They were hit with a cold breeze and she put her hands into her coat pockets to keep them warm. As she did so she felt something in her right one. Her old mittens. That's what was missing.
Ichika walked up to the snowman and, once again, put the mittens onto the sticks used for Miku's hair. Then, she stepped away again and smiled.
"You kept the mittens as well?" Shiho asks teasingly.
"I suppose I did. I hadn't realised they were in that pocket." Ichika blushed again. She was doing that a lot today.
An "awww" could be heard from Saki and Honami smiled warmly. The four looked at their second Snow Miku together.
"Thank you, Ichika-chan."
"Thank you for inviting us to build another Snow Miku." Honami explained. Saki and Shiho are quick to agree with her. Ichika feels warm watching the three of them.
"Your welcome."
She would build a million Snow Mikus if it would make them happy.
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demons-and-demigods · 6 months
Demons and Demigods Part Ten: Written Scene #6: The Hunt for Victory
Here it is! This will probably be the last part for a little bit while I get some more writing done as this'll pretty much get us caught up to what I had written before starting this blog.
Now, this part starts out kind of hand-wavey transition-y, but it's not enough to warrant its own post and it gets into proper writing pretty quick. This is probably the longest part yet, so be prepared. I also had some fun with making Percy a little eldritched in this one, hope you like it!
To return to our demigods, they’ve dealt with the ghosts and shit in Ithaca, Annabeth was antsy the whole time being away from Percy, Jason had his ‘oh look, I’ve been impaled’ moment, they met Hera who told them to subdue Nike, they got back to the ship to find that Percy had exploded all the plumbing while anxiously pacing the deck waiting for them to get back. Annabeth immediately went to his side to help them both calm down while Piper helped Jason down to the infirmary. Leo is cursing in Spanish somewhere within the bowels of the ship about Percy exploding the plumbing. Frank is hanging out with Percy and Annabeth to help them regulate again now that they’re back together and Hazel is helping Piper with Jason. 
They set out for Olympia, and everyone is lowkey freaking out about Jason having been impaled and trying to figure out how to help him. Jason is annoyed with everyone hovering over him but too exhausted to do anything about it. 
Finally, they’ve reached Olympia, about to face Nike and shit. They try to figure out who to send that Nike won’t be able to immediately pitch at each other’s throats. They’ve decided four of them need to go, two Greek and two Roman to hopefully help balance the unstable goddess. Percy and Jason shouldn't both go together, the Poseidon/Jupiter rivalry is pretty strong and they both already almost killed each other in that Kansas cornfield so it’d be best to avoid a repeat of that. Piper shouldn’t go because Nike, all about victory and competition, might see her as a threat because of Aphrodite also being about competition in a way. Annabeth and Frank probably shouldn’t go together since Athena and Mars don’t exactly get along either. That pretty much makes their decision for them, leaving them with two team options: Leo, Percy, Hazel, and Frank, or Annabeth, Leo, Jason, and Hazel. 
Jason is still dealing with his Impalement Predicament, so that also knocks out the Annabeth/Jason/Leo/Hazel team.  
Neither Percy nor Annabeth are happy with this. They’re still fresh outta Tartarus, and they have not been handling it well if the other is out of sight for very long (see the exploded plumbing when Annabeth went to the palace in Ithaca and Percy had to stay on the ship). They get jumpy and anxious, quicker to snap, sitting on a hair-trigger of violence, ready to lash out at any moment.  
Nobody is sure that splitting them up for an unknown amount of time and keeping them probably miles away from each other is a good idea, but it’s the only option they’ve got.  
So they split up to get ready to face Nike.  
Percy and Annabeth wait on the deck for the others to gather what they need. While they wait, Percy and Annabeth try to prepare themselves for being separated. They stood silently, foreheads pressed together as they breathed slowly, soaking up the other’s presence. They squeezed each other’s hands tightly, slowly opening their eyes and pulling back slightly to just look at each other for a moment.
Percy soaked in the way Annabeth’s hair glittered in the morning sun, her blonde made gold and her streak of gray turned silver, as her curls just barely brushed her shoulders when they swayed in the gentle breeze. She had started to regain her natural tan and freckles dusted her cheeks. Some of the weight she’d lost in the Pit had returned, but she was still painfully thin. Her gray eyes met his and she stared at him just like she always had, picking him apart with her mind and gazing into his soul. Her lips, no longer cracked and bleeding from dehydration, were full and pink again as they quirked up in a small smile.  
Annabeth let her eyes rove across Percy’s face, committing every detail to memory. His inky raven hair stood in stark contrast to the still too pale color of his skin and his streak of gray made nearly white in comparison. There were new scars scattered across his face, little white lines among jagged red ones still trying to heal. His eyes were as bright and vivid as ever, watching her as they always did, filled with a depth of warmth and love that always left her breathless. He smiled softly down at her, and she loved the way one just-too-pointy tooth poked over his bottom lip. She reached up with one hand to cradle his jaw and he leaned into her touch, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.  
She resettled her hands on his waist as he reached up to cup her face. His hands were rough with calloses built from years of sword work, but his touch was gentle on her skin. He leaned down and kissed her brow, letting his lips linger there for a moment before pulling away.  
He took a half-step back and reached one hand over the railing and an orb of water floated up to his palm. He looked at it and tilted his head, and the water began to shape itself in his hand until a miniature guinea pig hovered there. He squinted his eyes and it turned to ice. He broke out into a wide grin. He grabbed one of Annabeth’s hands and placed the little ice figure in it.  
“Here,” he said softly. “Now, even though I’m in the city, I’ll still be right here with you.”  
Annabeth gave him her patented ‘Percy, what the fuck are you talking about’ look, but he just smiled, waiting for her to get it. She squinted at the ice guinea pig, assessing it, before her eyes widened in realization and she laughed. She’d almost forgotten. The little ice figure looked exactly like Percy had when he’d been turned into a guinea pig by Circe when they were thirteen, right down to the indignant expression on his little rodent face and the spikey mess of his fur. 
“It won’t melt. Well, I’m pretty sure it won’t melt, anyway.” He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “But, y’know, I thought it might help.” he ducked his head as his cheeks flushed.  
“Thank you, Seaweed Brain. I love it,” she laughed, and leaned in to kiss him. “Here,” she said, carefully setting down guinea-Percy and reaching up to unclasp her camp necklace to put around Percy’s neck instead. She smiled, settling the beads, her father’s college ring, and the coral pendant Percy had given her against his breast. The leather cord of her necklace was longer than his own, so they layered easily enough. “Now, even though I’m on the boat, I’ll still be right there with you as you take on Nike.” She patted his chest and her grin sharpened. “And remember, we need her. Don’t get carried away, okay?”  
Percy gave her a shark-like grin. “Of course, Wise Girl. We’ll bring her back alive. Can’t promise that she’ll be in one piece, though.”  
“Uh,” someone said, and Percy and Annabeth both turned their heads to see Leo staring at them with wide eyes. “I didn’t hear anything,” he said quickly, holding his hands up in surrender. “I heard nothing about you guys casually talking about potentially maiming or killing a goddess. Nope. Wait, is that a guinea pig ice sculpture? Where did that come from?”  
Percy and Annabeth both just laughed. 
A few minutes later, the others arrived on deck ready to go.  
Percy and Annabeth shared one last kiss before Percy disappeared into the city with Leo.  
Leo, who’d held a healthy dose of fear for Percy since the whole eidolon-possession-firing-on-Camp-Jupiter thing, was not ashamed to admit that that ‘fear’ had morphed into full-blown terror now. Like, Percy had always been a little scary. He was insanely powerful, even for a demigod kid of the Big Three, and he was scary good with a sword. At a glance, Percy looked like the type of kid that would have beat the shit out of Leo behind the school. He was tall and made of pure muscle with weird scars covering almost every inch of exposed skin. His eyes were unnervingly bright, his gaze intense in a way that made Leo feel like he was staring into his soul. He had the meanest rbf Leo had ever seen, and it somehow paled in comparison to the nightmare that Percy’s face became when he was actually angry.  
After spending some time with the guy, though, Leo had been able to relax around him. Percy was super down-to-earth for someone who’s supposedly done some rather insane stuff, and he was funny. He was laid back and always willing to help out. He was smarter than he let on, too, Leo had noticed. He was more than handy to have in a fight and honestly, he was weirdly easy to talk to.  
That is, until they got him and Annabeth back from the Pit. Something had changed in both of them down there, which was understandable. But . . . it was terrifying. Leo could feel that something was different about Percy, about his powers. His instincts screamed at him that Percy was dangerous, like a wild animal or a cornered beast. When Percy entered a room, Leo’s senses went on high alert, he was hyper aware of everything going on around him, desperate to keep Percy in a good mood. It was stressful.  
Part of Leo felt bad for being so afraid of Percy now. Percy and Annabeth needed support from their friends and Percy had never been anything but kind and friendly to Leo since they sorted out the eidolon thing. But he couldn’t help it.  
So, now, going into the city with Percy, alone, Leo was barely able to stop himself from freaking out. Especially after hearing Percy and Annabeth on the ship, joking about not getting carried away and making sure to bring a goddess back in one piece. Like, what the fuck. Leo had never questioned whether Percy could take on a god and come out on top, he’d just also known that Percy never would. Now, however, Leo had the feeling that it was less a matter of ‘would’ and more a matter of ‘when.’  
Anyway, they’re wandering around Olympia, trying to find Nike, and Leo is just, so nervous. So nervous. Percy is just strolling along, hands in his pockets, chill as can be, and Leo is fighting hard not to run away screaming. Leo knows that Percy knows that he’s acting weird, and he knows that Percy knows he knows that he knows, and etc. But Percy is just too nice to bring it up, so Leo doesn’t bring it up either and they continue wandering around awkwardly while neither of them acknowledges the weird tension between them.  
It’s a stressful time.  
After wandering for a while, Leo and Percy sat down on a bridge that spanned some river or other and dangled their feet over the edge while they waited for Frank and Hazel to meet up with them. 
Leo really wished they would hurry up.  
Look, he’d already mentioned how nervous Percy made him, but he figured it bears repeating because at that moment? It was just downright eerie. Percy stared intently at the river below them, his eyes a perfect mirror of the rippling water. Before the Fall, Percy had been a lot like Leo, always moving and trying to fill the silence. Since he and Annabeth had come back, though, it was different. Percy was quiet, he didn’t talk as much anymore and moved silently. He would sit, eerily still, so still that Leo could swear that he didn’t blink or even breathe, and always with this glazed sort of look in his eyes, like his mind had left the building or something. Despite that, though, Leo was under no illusions that Percy was still hyperaware of his surroundings.  
Leo wanted to say something, anything, to break the awkward, tense silence between them. But what the Hades do you talk about with a guy who just clawed his way out of Hell and had no doubt faced unspeakable horrors? It’s not like he could go, ‘hey, did you catch the new episode of Dr Who? Oh wait, sorry, you were fighting for your life through the Pit of Eternal Damnation.’ I mean, come on. Talk about insensitive.  
Leo was just gearing up to say something stupid, probably like ‘nice weather we’re having today’ or something equally as idiotic, when Percy spoke up first.  
“You met her, didn’t you? Calypso.”  
Leo whipped his head around to stare at Percy with wide eyes so fast, he probably gave himself whiplash. “H-how did you—” he sputtered.  
Percy shrugged, still staring at the river. “Someone mentioned that you’d gotten blasted off the ship and disappeared for a few days only to come back looking healthier than ever in clothes that were suddenly fireproof.” He shrugged again, and finally turned his piercing gaze from the river to meet Leo’s eyes. “It wasn’t hard to figure out.” He shook his head and sighed, looking back at the water. “I guess that means the gods broke another of their promises.”  
Leo wanted to be mad at Percy for promising to find a way to break her out and then not following through, but Percy’s comment gave him pause.  
“What do you mean?” he asked.  
“I’m sure you’ve heard stories about the Titan War and the Battle of Manhattan,” Percy started. “Most of them were probably exaggerated, especially if they were about me. But one thing you might have heard that wasn’t exaggerated, was that after Luke sacrificed himself to kill Kronos and the war was won, the gods offered me a reward. They offered me immortality. And I turned them down.”  
Leo’s eyes widened. He’d heard about that, sure, but he’d just assumed it was the other kids pulling his leg; like some sort of hazing ritual or something, trying to convince the new kid of something ridiculous so they could all laugh at him when he believed them.  
“Instead, I told the Olympian Council to be better parents.” Percy scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Fat lot of good that did. I told them to claim their kids and make sure they made it to camp by age thirteen. There were four months between the end of the war and Hera’s bullshit, and I get my memory back and find that two sixteen-year-old demigods had not been led to camp or claimed until after I’d gone missing.” Percy let out a low snarl and Leo shuddered. “That’s strike one.” he scowled down at the river that seemed to be reacting to his anger as it foamed and bubbled. “How many other demigods are out there, that should have been led to camp and claimed but haven’t been? If Aphrodite and Hephestus, two gods on the Olympian Council, and powerful ones at that, have already failed to do so, how many children of minor gods have slipped through the cracks too?”  
The sky darkened above them, and Leo felt the air grow cold and damp, surrounded by the feeling you got right before a big, coastal storm rolled in. The river below them swirled, and a quick glance towards what Leo could see of the beach from where they sat showed that the sea was affected, too. Waves crashed into the shore with large white caps and the boats in the marina rocked dangerously on the suddenly choppy water.  
Percy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and the water calmed as the sky cleared, returning them to the bright, sunny day they’d been having before.  
Percy continued like he hadn’t just almost caused a tropical storm.  
“I also made them promise to free Calypso from her island.” He gave a bitter laugh. “I should have known better than to trust that they’d do it. I had four months to check that they had followed through on their promises, and I didn’t.” He shook his head and let out a derisive scoff. “I can’t exactly blame her for being angry, but I’m not going to forgive her for what she did, either.” Percy clenched his fists and took a few more deep breaths. “Strike two.” Percy lifted his gaze to the sky and glared. “Honestly, I’m not fighting for them. The gods can go get fucked for all I care. The only reason that I’m fighting this war is to protect my friends and family. At the moment, the gods are the lesser of two evils. Compared to Gaea and her Giants, the gods are almost harmless. But one of these days, they’re going to stop being the lesser of two evils, and I’m going to stop protecting them by way of protecting those I care about.”  
Leo held his breath, his heart thundering in his chest. He was a little amazed that Percy hadn’t been hit by lightning or otherwise smote {smitted?) for talking like that. Percy finally looked up from the roiling river and locked his gaze on Leo, his eyes full of steely promise and Leo heard nothing but the truth in his next words.  
“They have one more chance to get their shit together before I stop playing nice. They’ve already hurt my family enough. One more mistake, and they won’t live to hurt them again.”  
Leo gulped. 
Thankfully, he was saved from having to respond by the arrival of Frank and Hazel.  
When they shared that they hadn’t had any luck finding the goddess either, Leo sighed.  
“Well,” he said, standing up and brushing off his pants. “I guess we just start wandering around together and let trouble find us. It’s always worked before.”  
Percy, too, got to his feet and stretched before shrugging. “Might as well. Come on, let’s go see the sights.”  
The four of them meandered through Olympia, visiting ancient ruin after ancient ruin, each pile of rubble as impressive as the last. Which is to say, not very. Frank had a tourist map/guide thing that he used to lead them around and point out ‘interesting’ stuff.
They looked around for hours, but still nothing. Leo, for one, was ready to call it a day and get back to the ship. He could tell that being away from Annabeth for so long was really taking its toll on Percy, too, though he hid it well. He figured it wouldn’t take much provocation for Percy to snap and he wanted to avoid that at pretty much all costs.  
He was just about to suggest they head back to the ship and pick up the search again tomorrow, when something Frank said made him stop.  
They were at the ruins of an old temple of Zeus, and Leo thought he recognized it from somewhere.  
“Hey, Percy,” he said, turning to the son of Poseidon. “That Nike statue we saw in the museum, the one in a bunch of pieces,” he gestured at the temple ruins. “Didn’t it use to stand here?”  
Percy tilted his head and studied the ruins. “Yeah, it used to be inside before the temple started crumbling and the locals moved it to the museum to try and prevent further damage to it.”  
“That makes this as good a place for her to be hanging out as any, right?” Leo asked, feeling his energy return a little at the prospect of maybe, finally finding the goddess they’d spent most of the day searching for.  
Frank and Hazel traded glances and shrugged.  
“I don’t see why not,” Hazel said.  
“Alright, but if she is here, how do we draw her out? Promote Adidas shoes?” Percy said, crossing his arms and scanning around them consideringly.  
Hazel gave him a confused look, and Frank cracked a smile. Leo snorted.  
“Yeah, I bet that’s totally against her sponsorship deal,” he said, faux serious. “Those are not the official shoes of the Olympics! You will now die!” he shouted in a terrible falsetto. Percy laughed and Leo grinned. It had been too long since he’d seen Percy joke around and smile like that.  
Then, a thundering voice said from behind them, “YOU WILL NOW DIE!”  
Hazel squeaked and a horde of precious stones popped up around her, Frank yelped and poofed into a bulldog, and Leo’s pretty sure he let out a rather girly scream and jumped about a foot in the air.  
Percy, however, had Riptide in his hand and was swinging his sword with a nasty snarl on his face before the rest of them had even reacted.  
Leo watched in morbid fascination as Percy swung his sword in a glowing bronze blur at who had to be Nike. The goddess flapped her massive golden wings and jumped into the air, hovering just out of reach of Percy’s sword. Percy growled low in his throat and dropped into a crouch as Nike glared down at him.  
“How dare you try to attack me, you insolent child!” the goddess cried. 
Leo bit back the urge to make a snarky comment in defense of his friend, figuring it would only land them in more trouble, but it seemed that Hazel had no such compunctions. 
“Hey! You’re the one who went and snuck up on a traumatized demigod teen who just escaped the Pit,” she said sternly, one hand on her hip and the other pointed accusingly at Nike’s face. “Don’t you go blaming him for reacting violently to something like that. He just spent who knows how long in a place where letting someone get the drop on you was a death sentence. If I’ve learned one thing about this time, it’s that we do not victim blame.” 
Gods, Leo loved that girl. (Not like that, his heart lay solely on Ogygia, but, you know, Hazel was just fucking awesome.) 
Nike sputtered indignantly as Hazel walked forward to carefully place a hand on Percy’s shoulder. 
Percy blinked and lowered his sword, slowly standing from his crouch. He looked down at Hazel and gave her a soft, thankful smile before returning his gaze to the goddess. 
“Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I guess,” Percy said with a shrug, but Leo noticed that he didn’t sound very apologetic. He hadn’t put Riptide away, either. 
Nike huffed, seemingly not keen on accepting an apology from or giving an apology to a demigod, but settled her feet back on the ground regardless. She was pretty, in her white sleeveless dress with her dark brown hair piled in braids atop her head beneath a laurel crown. 
But those wings. What Leo had first taken to be golden-yellow feathers looked like they were actually made of gold. They glimmered and shone as they reflected the sun. They were near impossible to look at with how bright they were. He could feel the air around them heating up. He squinted and shielded his eyes when Nike shifted her wings slightly, redirecting a sunbeam directly into his face. 
“Could you fold the flappers, lady? You’re giving me a sunburn,” he said. He also couldn’t imagine the intense heat was helping Percy’s headspace much and he’d really rather they not send the poor, terrifying guy into a flashback or whatever. 
Leo heard the goddess huff and lowered his arm when he felt the heat lessen only to find her staring at him with dark eyes, a crazy glint lighting them up from within. He repressed a shiver. Man, this lady was intense. 
She shifted her gaze to Hazel and Frank and her form flickered. She groaned and clutched her head. It looked like she was splitting in two. On the right side, she didn’t change, with her glittering white dress and laurel crown atop a head of dark braids, her golden wings folded behind her. On the left, she had changed; her dress was purple beneath her armor and her wings were a snowy white. On her head rested a tall, plumed helmet from under which peaked auburn hair. 
“I am Nike!” the one on the right shouted. 
“I am Victoria!” the one on the left cried. 
“Woah, Nelly,” Leo said. “That’s trippy.” 
“Shut up,” both sides of the goddess growled at him. He held his hands up in surrender. 
“This is impossible!” Nike said. 
“You are giving me such a headache!” Victoria said. 
“There must be a winner!” They cried in unison. 
Nike’s eyes locked on Leo and Percy as Victoria’s locked on Frank and Hazel. 
“You must kill the Roman traitors!” Nike demanded. 
“The graecus scum must die!” Victoria roared. 
Leo felt the anger rising with him and clenched his fists even as he fought against Nike’s influence. He saw Percy’s face twitch, but the son of Poseidon otherwise remained calm. He risked a glance over at Frank and Hazel and saw that they weren’t doing much better than him. 
Frank had a nasty glower on his face and his fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. Hazel had closed her eyes and was taking deep breaths, her grip on her sword tightening. Gods, they were probably thinking about how easy it would be to take him out and the only reason they hadn’t tried already was because they knew they stood no chance against Percy. He should show them just how easy he’d be to defeat. 
He felt fire wreathe his hands and shook his head. Stop that, he chided himself. They are your friends, not your enemies. You may have had your rough patches in the past, but you guys are over that now. They trust you and you trust them. 
Percy snarled beside him, and Leo jumped, temporarily knocked out of whatever trance or some shit Nike had put him in that made him want to kill his friends. 
“No,” Percy snapped, and the sharpness of his voice cut through the tension in the air like a knife. “There will be no killing each other. We are friends and we trust each other. Now, enough with your fucking mind games, because I have had it with gods trying to get me to kill my friends.” 
A different pressure surrounded them, a smothering intensity that built up and up until Leo almost found it hard to breathe. The air turned cold, the temperature dropping until Leo could see his breath in front of him. He shivered. 
The goddesses glared down at them, but Percy just glowered right back, his eyes darkened and his lips pulled back in a snarl. His teeth glinted in the dwindling light as clouds began to cover the sun. Even though they were miles from the shore, Leo swore he could hear the roaring of the tide, the crash of waves as they slammed against a rocky cliff. 
And just for a second, Leo could have sworn he saw his friend change; Percy’s mouth filled with rows and rows of elongated teeth that morphed into sharp, serrated fangs. His eyes became swirling pits in which Leo could see the horrors of the ocean depths and all the monstrous creatures that dwelled so far from the light. His hair was an inky black that seemed to swallow up all the light as it floated eerily around his head, the streak of gray hanging limp and lifeless in his face. The scars that littered Percy’s body seemed to glow with a dark, golden light and his skin turned almost translucent, flickering and insubstantial where it looked to be stretched far too thin over his hauntingly skeletal frame. 
Then Leo blinked, and it was gone. Percy was his regular (if absurdly attractive) looking self, no eldritch-horror-creature-features here, no siree. 
Leo glanced to the side and saw that Frank and Hazel looked as shocked and lowkey horrified as he felt, so at least he wasn’t losing his mind and seeing things. Nike and Victoria, it seemed, had also been taken aback by the momentary shift in Percy’s appearance. Their mouths dropped open in simultaneous shock and their eyes near bugged out of their heads. 
Their forms flickered again, so it was less like they were splitting in half and more like two separate images overlaid atop each other (like those 3D movies with the red and blue layered over each other so when you put on those cheap glasses the pictures pop off the screen, Leo thought). She leaned forward, so she could scrutinize Percy up close. 
“You are more powerful than you should be, little half-blood,” she said, and her voice had taken on the same distorted, layered quality as her appearance. It made Leo’s head pound. “What are you hiding beneath that veil of Mist, little hero?” 
Leo wiped a hand across his top lip, and it came back bloody. He shared nervous looks with Hazel and Frank, who both had matching nosebleeds. They needed to end this. Quick. 
“NOthInG YOu wANt tO FiNd oUt ABoUt,” Percy growled in response, and his voice had gained a layered quality too. It was at the same time so deep that Leo could feel it reverberating through his bones and so high that it made Leo’s ears ring. He had a sneaking suspicion that Percy was broadcasting his voice at both ultra- and sub- sonic levels that were beyond the human body’s ability to register. He glanced back at Frank and Hazel and saw blood beginning to trickle from their ears. He was sure that if he checked, his ears would be bleeding too. 
As Percy and the split goddess continued to glare each other down, the air continued to thicken and grow heavy with power. It was cloying, sticking to Leo’s skin and making his hair stand on end like the air was charged with static electricity. It was also suffocating, making it hard to breathe as the air in his lungs grew heavy and leaden. He tried to speak, but his throat closed up, choking on the power-soaked air. He let out a strangled gasp and staggered to his knees, two soft thumps telling him that Hazel and Frank had done the same.  
Percy appeared unaffected, locked in his staring contest with the goddess and paying no mind to what was going on behind him. They had to find a way to get Percy’s attention and stop this before it went any further sideways for the rest of them or any mortals unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire.  
Frank managed to grunt and pound his fist into the pavement. (At least, Leo thought he did. It was hard to hear properly over the ringing in his ears.) Thankfully, that noise was enough.  
Percy’s head whipped to the side, his eyes widening when he saw the state his friends were in, and just like that, the power he’d been exuding snapped back into place within him. Leo sucked in a desperate breath as the air grew lighter again. His ears stopped ringing and he could hear Frank and Hazel panting beside him.  
Percy ran over to them, kneeling at Leo’s side as he muttered curses under his breath. His hands fluttered around helplessly, unsure how to help as his gaze flicked between Leo, Hazel, and Frank worriedly. He spared the goddess one more look, a glare that said, ‘try anything, and I’ll kill you,’ as that oppressive aura slipped out for a moment to surround them, before he drew it back in and turned all his attention onto his friends.  
“Shit, fuck, fuckity fuck, gods I’m so sorry guys, are you alright? Shit.” Percy babbled, tearing a strip from the bottom of his shirt and dabbing at the blood dribbling down Leo’s chin and the sides of his face before moving on to give Frank and Hazel the same treatment. His brows were creased in concern and he gnawed on his lip anxiously. “Gods, I’m so sorry,” he repeated.  
Hazel reached out and laid a shaking hand on his arm, making him stop. She gave him a weak smile.  
“It’s okay, Percy. We’re alright. A little nectar or ambrosia and we’ll be good as new. No harm done,” she said softly. When Percy still looked skeptical and guilty, she tutted at him and tugged him in for a hug. “Really,” she insisted, though her words were muffled from where she had buried her face in Percy’s chest. “We’re okay.” 
Percy closed his eyes and buried his nose in Hazel’s curly hair, breathing deeply to try and calm himself down. If Leo didn’t know that they were both dating someone else and were ridiculously devoted to their respective partners, he’d have thought they were dating. As it was, he figured it was more of a sibling relationship that the two of them shared. 
(He had to admit, he was a little jealous. He’d had plenty of foster siblings over the years, but none of them had ever tried all that hard to make him feel welcome or be his friend. Sometimes he wished that he’d had an older sibling growing up, someone who’d take him under their wing and teach him how to make the best of the foster system, to be there for him and show him that he wasn’t alone. After meeting Percy and spending some time with the guy, seeing him interact with the others and all the stories he’d heard about the son of Poseidon at Camp, well. In his private moments when he was alone and his insecurities were getting the better of him, he let himself imagine that Percy was that someone, let himself fantasize about Percy being there as he grew up and acting like his older brother. They were always nice dreams.) 
Nike/Victoria looked on silently, watching them carefully. Her form had stopped glitching, and had instead settled on, Leo squinted, a sort of combination of the two? She looked mostly like how she had when they first met her, as Nike, but Leo could see some bleed over from Victoria in the handful of white feathers mixed in with the gold of her wings and the purple accents on her glimmering white dress. The goddess still wore the breastplate she boasted in her Roman form, and her hair was the same auburn color he’d noticed peeking out from beneath her helmet though it was now done up in the elaborate pile of braids with a laurel crown like her Greek form had it. 
The crazy light in her eyes had faded away and been replaced by something curious instead. She tilted her head at them and watched as Percy slowly pulled back and helped Hazel to her feet, then walked over to help Frank up and then Leo as well. 
“Interesting,” the goddess hummed, and they all turned to look at her. “Why did you come to find us, little demigods?” she asked, and though the question was directed at all of them, Leo had the feeling that she was really only talking to Percy. 
“The Earth Mother is waking,” Percy said, calmly stepping forward. “Her children, the Giants, are rising to help her. We are working to unite our two camps to fight against her. There are seven of us, a mix of Greek and Roman demigods, that have set out to try and put a stop to the Giants’ plans to raise her in Athens. Juno herself appeared and told us to come find you. Well, technically, she said subdue you, but at the moment you don’t seem to need any subduing. When we first found you, sure, but you appear to have calmed down.” Percy gestured vaguely and raised an eyebrow before continuing. “Anyway, I figure we need you, or at least your blessing while in a more sound state of mind to get on with our quest and hopefully, y’know, achieve victory and all that.” He shrugged. 
The goddess hummed, considering, before nodding once to herself. “Alright. Take me to the rest of your group.” 
What? Leo thought. 
“What?” Percy asked. 
The goddess gave him an indulgent smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “You’ve impressed me, little heroes. I’d like to meet the others on this quest with you.” 
Percy glanced over his shoulder to share a bewildered look with the others. Leo shrugged helplessly in response. “Uh, okay. This way, I guess,” Percy said, and they began the walk back to the docks on the other side of the city, Nike/Victoria trailing along behind them. 
“Hey, what should we call you, by the way?” Leo asked, glancing back at the goddess. “You don’t seem like you’re fully Greek or fully Roman at the moment, and I don’t wanna upset whatever balance we’ve managed to achieve here by calling you the wrong name or something,” he elaborated when she merely raised an eyebrow at him. 
She tilted her head, thoughtful. “I suppose you may use either my Greek or Roman name. I don’t believe it would ‘upset the balance,’ as you called it.” she shrugged. “Either name fits just as well as the other, and I haven’t a third name you could use instead.” 
“Okay, cool,” Leo said awkwardly. And hey, cut him some slack, what else was he supposed to say to that? 
The rest of the trek back to the Argo II was made in relative, awkward silence. 
When they reached the boat, Nike nodded approvingly, and Leo tried not to beam too brightly, proud that his ship met the approval of a goddess. 
Annabeth must have been waiting anxiously for them because she came flying down the ramp as soon as they were close enough and threw herself at Percy. He relaxed as soon as he had her in his arms, practically collapsing into her just as much as she had collapsed into him. They clung tightly to each other, muttering softly. 
They stayed like that for a while, completely oblivious to the world around them until Nike cleared her throat. 
Annabeth pulled back just far enough to look over Percy’s shoulder and glare at whoever had interrupted them. Leo, even though the glare wasn’t directed at him, flinched back. Nike just raised an eyebrow, resettling her wings behind her. Annabeth didn’t relent in the face of the goddess and instead just narrowed her eyes further. 
“Nike? Or Victoria?” she asked, her stormy gray eyes raking over the goddess’ form, no doubt picking her apart and cataloging everything about the goddess. 
The goddess merely smirked. “Either name works, daughter of Athena. I am neither one nor the other at the moment but am rather a mixture of both. You have your,” she swept her hand out in a vague gesture at Frank, Hazel, Leo, and Percy, “friends to thank for that.” 
Annabeth ignored her and turned a questioning look to Percy, silently asking him to tell her what had happened. Percy leaned in and whispered something in her ear before kissing her cheek as he pulled away. Annabeth’s face betrayed nothing about what Percy might have told her. She just nodded and turned on her heel, grabbing Percy’s hand and tugging him back up the ramp and onto the ship. 
Leo, Frank, and Hazel had no choice but to follow, and Nike, it seemed, deigned to join them. 
Percy and Annabeth waited for them on the deck before leading everyone down to the galley where Piper and Jason were talking softly as Piper tried to get Jason to eat something. 
“Look who I found,” Annabeth said as they walked into the room. “And they brought a new friend back with them.” 
Piper barely spared the goddess a glance before turning her gaze onto her friends, looking them over for any injuries. Everyone looked to be as healthy as they’d been before they left aside from some dried blood crusted around Leo, Hazel, and Frank’s ears and noses. She’d have to ask about that later. 
“My lady,” Jason said from beside her, though he made no move to get up and bow. If he had, she’d have wacked him upside the head for being stupid and forced him back into his seat. 
The goddess merely hummed and swept forward to pull a chair out from the table. She sat down, looking every bit as elegant and poised as a goddess should, and crossed her legs. She looked down her perfect, aquiline nose at them with curious eyes. 
“The deep bond of friendship and comradery between the four of you who found me was strong enough to heal my mind and bring my two aspects together, even if only momentarily, and for that I owe you my thanks,” the goddess spoke, and to Piper’s surprise she dipped her head at Percy where he’d found his own seat beside Annabeth. “And as my thanks, I shall tell you this: one of you four,” she locked eyes with Percy, Hazel, Frank, and Leo in turn, “Is fated to die fighting Gaea. There will be no victory for you without death.” 
The goddess’ eyes were sharp and cold as she swept her gaze across them all, her face a neutral mask as she no doubt gauged their reactions. 
Piper’s heart sank. She heard a couple of the others draw in sharp breaths and saw Percy stiffen, tightening his hold on Annabeth where she sat practically in his lap. 
“There has to be another way,” Hazel said shakily, tugging nervously on a lock of hair until Frank reached over to take her hand in his and squeeze it reassuringly. 
Nike/Victoria or whoever she was regarded Hazel consideringly. “I suppose Hecate taught you that, little witch,” she said, and sighed. “One of you will die. One of you must die if you are to succeed.” 
Piper opened her mouth to protest but the goddess held up a hand to silence her. 
“There is, however, a chance that perhaps the one who dies may be brought back. The physician’s cure. It is a powerful and dangerous potion, near impossible to obtain. Much stands in your way: the poison of Pylos, the chained god’s heartbeat in Sparta, the curse of Delos. Overcome the trials, and maybe you could cheat death.” The goddess stood and spread her large, glimmering wings behind her as far as she could in the galley of the Argo II. “I leave you with this: call on me when the time has come for your last stand, and I will come.” 
She disappeared with a rustle of feathers like falling leaves and a flash of gold. 
That was when Piper’s mind made the connection: To storm or fire the world must fall. They’d been operating under the assumption that ‘fire’ was referring to Leo, and that ‘storm’ meant Jason, son of Jupiter, the Lord of the Skies. But Jason hadn’t been one of the four to find Nike. She turned her gaze to where Percy now held Annabeth fully in his lap, his head tucked into the crook of her neck as she brushed her fingers through his hair. Piper locked eyes with the daughter of Athena and suddenly knew that she had realized it, too. 
She and Annabeth had made the same connection, something they had overlooked before, something that had been practically staring them in the face. There was someone else on this ship the prophecy could have meant, someone else who had been there to find the goddess of victory, someone else who might be fated die. Piper couldn’t believe that they hadn’t remembered it sooner. 
Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, lord of the seas. The Earth Shaker. 
The Storm Bringer. 
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wortsandall · 5 months
The Others- the lies we tell ourselves au
masterpost | prev
very iffy on writing this one as I feel like no one cares because I'm basically inserting oc's into canon but that's what au's are for! and yall might not care but I care so I'm sharing it anyway!
under the cut is an introduction to leo's and rose's backstory and role in the moon knight system and how their existence affects the boys dynamic with each other and the system as a whole
tw for allusions to abuse, sa, and self-harm
starting with leo:
essentially he is a teen alter whose trauma stems from the time that marc was in and out of psych wards as a teenager. one aspect that he and marc share is not understanding or realizing that what happened during that was traumatic even if it's different ways. namely for marc, because of his amnesia surrounding it he genuinely doesn't know that anything unsavory had happened. on the other hand leo holds most of those memories (shared with jake) and due to being a teenager he doesn't understand the impact it has on him nor does he see anything wrong with conceptually.
in my head, marc most likely had a fragment around the time that his mother started her abuse whose sole purpose was to not piss her off. I feel like parts of this fragment would be incorporated into steven as time went on and the parts that steven didn't take would end up being leo when they are teens.
as a fragment-the goal was to do whatever they could do to please their mom and part of that came with the idea of longing for affection/love instead of the negative attention. so the fragment would also occasionally front while at school in order to get praise from teachers as a replacement for the lack of parental praise. which as steven continued to grow into his own person, the parts longing for that praise and attention started to exist solely for that.
enter the psych ward: and this fragment, now leo, starts to become more of a full fledged alter as the system needed someone to go to their therapy sessions as steven and jake were not suited for it. so it was leo and marc in most of the sessions (though marc only has vague memories) and jake hold memories of any fights due to being a gatekeeper knows what both marc and leo were doing. and the desperate attempts for attention and praise unfortunately made leo an easy target for those in the psych field who joined not to help people but to have easier access to vulnerable populations.
due to them being in the psych ward for long periods + the periods of time they were in regular therapy from like 13-18, leo is an age sliding alter. he will always be a teenager but his maturity ranges particularly because there's such a developmental difference between someone who is 13 versus 17/18. he also has two different abusers, one someone from the psych ward and another the therapist they were given once they left.
leo has a lot of anger because of his circumstances. specifically towards marc and jake for removing themselves from therapy. as it removed leo from a consistent form of praise and affection that he wasn't getting anywhere else. he ends up as a persecutor alter because of this. any attempt to remove or challenge his view of things leads to leo lashing out against marc and jake in ways that harm the system and body. the second part of my au/series goes deep into detail here on the dynamics between the system so I don't want to spoil it here. but steven and rose are the only alters that leo currently likes and gets along with.
I do think that over time leo will not be a persecutor anymore and come to understand that the choices that marc and jake were made for the betterment of everyone in the system and not to hurt leo. and that he's better off now because of those choices. in the end he helps out with various smaller roles in the system like helping to take care of rose as well as any task that any of the other alters aren't able to do.
overall I think that the moon knight system is terrible at recognizing triggers so leo helps with specific triggers that they never realized they had as well as helping the system become less touch starved overall. he'll also learn to move towards a middle ground rather than swing from one extreme to another.
now for rose:
unfortunately she has a smaller role but that's due to her age. I stumbled onto the knowledge of an alter in the moon knight comics referred to only as "Inner Child" and that's how I got my inspiration for rose. she is a little around the age of 7-9 years old.
in this au, rose is actually the first alter to form but one of the last that marc realizes exists. mostly because DID forms from severe repeated childhood trauma. getting blamed for your brothers death and then being abused for it certainly fits the criteria. and I understand that DID is caused by any severe childhood abuse, but one of the main traumas that people with DID share is sexual trauma/abuse. and I wanted to explore that specifically because it's less talked about with male victims. and I imagine someone like marc and jake would struggle with that knowledge and I again wanted to explore how that would affect existing dynamics and relationships.
on to rose specifically, in Marc's memory it seemed that his parents had a good relationship with each other and they seemed fairly happy. I think I mentioned this in another post, but I Imagine they used to go on dates and leave Marc and his brother with a babysitter and that was normal. writing this out, now I'm imagining they had a dedicated babysitter who moved or went off to college or something so they had a new one. and with the new one is where the trouble started.
I imagine this was maybe 1-3 years before Randall's death and stopped right around that time. as the parents struggled with grief that made their relationship falter and then the way Marc was treated by his mother, there just wasn't much need for one anymore.
rose's personality is world's different from the rest of the system. she's very shy and reserved. she's actually selectively mute and tends to prefer being on her own. she is a girl, but looks androgynous. when marc first meets her, he's unsettled by her presence and her general vibe. but she's very sweet when she's comfortable enough to talk to you. she mostly interacts with jake and leo due to not really fronting and staying in their inner space.
in the beginning rose fronted more often without marc realizing it due to their age. he has no memory of this but they actually went to speech therapy for a couple months (before randall's death) because rose would front and not speak which their father was concerned about. she only speaks when she feels safe, and due to not feeling safe due to her trauma when fronting, she really ends up speaking in the inner space. the first time she speaks when fronting is something very serious as it shows how comfortable and safe she feels. (it'll probably be around layla)
rose's trauma probaby won't ever be in extreme detail but jake does know and it might come up when it's his pov. leo knows the basics as well so if he ever gets a chapter, it might pop up.
rose turning up in the system is a sign of positive growth for them. her starting to front more and be allowed to act like a child will show their healing journey. as well as their ability to be a more cohesive system
jake treats her like a daughter and is very protective. a sentiment that leo shares, though it is an older brother kind of protectiveness. leo likes jake more than marc only because of his treatment of rose. rose and leo are kind of inseparable due to being in the inner space most of the time and only fronting on rare occasions. though rose rarely wants to or tries, while leo is constantly fighting jake for more time to front.
steven takes both to leo and rose very quickly. though he lacks experience with children and ends up more of an awkward uncle, but it's endearing to them. rose does not recognize steven as a threat in any capacity. but it did take her time to warm up to both marc and jake. she's more wary of marc than jake which marc is originally baffled by. he then chalks it up due to proximity basis which is true but not the whole truth. but marc's relationship with rose will be explored. for now-he has no idea what to think of her and tends to steer clear as her existence makes him uncomfortable which he feels guilty about.
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random111sposts · 1 month
OK, so I finished watching Mutant Mayhem WAY BEFORE and my favorite character is of course Leo
And I was like "Hey Casey Jones isn't in the movie" so I made an OC named Casey
And Casey would be this character that really loves sports especially hockey and stuff like that
And the thing is Casey actually just showed up because they were hospitalized for a long time (Their teacher keeps nagging about how they should rest) because even though they love sports they are physically weak
They’ve been trying to improve on their physical state by exercising more and eating more
But because of something that has to do with their genetics, they get hospitalized a lot so they have to stop pushing themselves and they have to be careful
Casey is also best friends with a girl named Karai (The class president)
(And yes, this Karai is also secretly the daughter of the Shredder and is trying to infiltrate the school to defeat the turtles thus her getting President role, but she ends up getting really attached to Casey because she has never had a friend before, and obviously Casey knows nothing about the Shredder)
Casey and Karai are best friends in a sense where they are kind of dependent on each other, especially Karai who gets so dependent on Casey to the point where she gets jealous and really insecure and even lashes out on Casey when she sees Casey interacting or having other friends
And Casey knows that this is an unhealthy friendship, but Casey still with her because they don't really have any other friends
They only have one other friend who is a guy (no name yet but he's the leader of the hockey team) but he's the person that would tell Casey “Hey Casey, you are being mistreated by Karai. This is not healthy like bro she shouldn't be jealous constantly like come on this is not OK”
Casey would go on and say “yeah, I know, but I don't really have anyone else”
And then when Casey meets up with Leo and the other turtle brothers - when they officially enroll in the school
Casey initially meets them thanks to April
April doesn’t know Casey that much aside from the fact that their BFF is Karai and that Casey is in the hockey team and gets hospitalized a lot
And of course Casey is a fucking geek and would get along with the turtles
Donnie cuz anime
Mikey cuz comedy and improv
Raph cuz trolling
But the person that Casey ends up being interested in the most is Leo, mostly because despite the fact that Casey has a personality like a jock, not an asshole but more like “I'm gonna have fun and all that stuff”
Casey actually really admires people that try their best to help people and try their best to treat the situation seriously, kind of like a leader. Leader doesn't have to be like super strict and stuff as long as they are reliable
Casey seeing Leo trying his best to be reliable and help others despite his shortcomings inspires Casey
As the story progressive some more and more Casey will be curious about Leo and of course Casey would know that Leo has a crush in April
So Casey is like “All right, I'll help you. I'll help you with April. I'll help you ask her out in dates I'll help you with your confidence and blah blah blah”
And this is because Casey genuinely wants to help Leo like they genuinely genuinely want to have Leo succeed and have Leo be happy
But then later on, Casey ends up developing feelings for Leo so it ends up going from “Hey bro” to “Oh shit, I am actually in love with you”
So Casey ends up confessing to Leo SPECIFICALLY so Leo could REJECT Casey
Basically this
“Hey I have a crush on you but I know you like April so I just want you to know that you are amazing and I have a crush on you and I wanna help you because I want you to be happy and you could rely on me. You don't have to like me back. I know you don't like me back, but I wanna help you as much as I can”
And Leo doesn’t know how to react properly, but he still tries to help as much as he can
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blindseer0 · 1 month
Echo X Magic the Gathering: Colors, Themes, and Legendary Lands
Been busy so no new Echo analysis, but because I can't help myself, I've decided to combine two of my brain worms and make custom Echo MtG cards. To make things even more difficult for myself, I've decided to make a set of five commander decks, one for each Route character. That means a deck each for Carl, Leo, Jenna, TJ, and Flynn and because I love cycles, I've decided that each will be a different three-color shard/arc combination:
Colors: Black/Red/Green
Theme: Food and Treasure
Comments: Probably one of the more controversial character/color choices, I decided early that Carl fit most in Red/Green (being a stoned artist) and that as the rich heir of an Ice Cream company Treasure and Food tokens were a natural fit. Black might seem an odd choice, but it plays into the fact that you're sacrificing tokens and allows for the inclusion of everyone's "favorite" gay ghost serial killer.
Colors: Red/Green/White
Theme: Vehicles (?)
Comments: Like Carl, Leo wants to be Green/Red (and is definitely not Blue). While I think he could also be Black, I thought White was much more fitting for him and could lead to more interesting designs down the road. The theme is still in flux, but I like the thought that the mechanic does things with vehicles, so hopefully I can come up with some good designs.
Colors: White/Blue/Black
Theme: Hand and Deck Manipulation (?)
Comments: Jenna is definitely core Blue, and while you could argue for including Red or Green, I think her repressing her feelings/trauma and rejection of her biological family/hometown lend themselves more to Esper. As a psych major, Jenna being able to know what the other players are doing just seems like the obvious route, but we'll see if there's enough fun design space there.
Colors: Green/White/Blue
Theme: Group Hug
Comments: TJ, obviously White, and going full Bant for him just makes sense. His whole route it about how he can't help but help, so Group Hug was the natural choice. This is the other theme I'm most sure of and the deck I have the most designs for.
Colors: Blue/Black/Red
Theme: Investigation (?)
Comments: I don't think it's controversial to say Flynn is primarily Black, and as the character I most connect with, he gets my favorite color combination. His route is all about trying to find the truth of what happened to Sydney, so clues and investigation seem like the perfect fit.
Overall Comments: I tried multiple different types of color combinations, including wedges, four-colors, and a mix of wedges and shards, but ultimately the shards fit the most characters the best. Some of the themes are still up in the air, but I'm excited about what I have so far.
And lastly, actual cards; a cycle of legendary lands, one per deck (Everything, especially how much the abilities cost, is subject to change):
Hendricks Manor
Legendary Land
Tap: Add Colorless.
BG, Tap, Sacrifice a Creature: Create a treasure token.
Echo Trainyard
Legendary Land
Tap: Add Colorless.
RW, Tap: Exile the top card of your library. Until the end of turn you may play the exiled card.
Jasmine Street
Legendary Land
Tap: Add Colorless.
WB, Tap, Exile a card from your graveyard: Create a 1/1 colorless spirit creature token.
Lake Emma
Legendary Land
Tap: Add Colorless.
GU, Tap: Mill a card. If a land is milled this way you may put it onto the battlefield tapped.
Echo City Hall
Legendary Land
Tap: Add colorless.
UR, Tap: Investigate.
If you happen to share my combination of brain worms or just find this interesting let me know what you think. Would you have chosen different color combinations and/or themes? What do you think about the cycle of land? What would you like to see? (I'm continuing along this path regardless of if I get any responses because it's too late for me, but it would still be fun to hear what others think.)
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noriaki-kak · 10 months
Ooh actually I’m wondering now, are or were PeneLeo ever a thing? 🤔 Or was it more akin to a political marriage? :0
A little bit of both, but they were definitely a thing! The entire dynamic between all the Braithen kids is complicated but can be boiled down to “In a better world, in a better time, y’all would probably be one big happy polycule.” sdfgh
Penelope and Leo have known each other for as long as they can remember. Leo's parents were the rulers of Braithen and Penelope's parents were from a set of noble families in the kingdom second only to the crown. Her noble house had historically close ties to the church and her father was especially devout.
There were already talks of arranging a married between them, and thanks to them actually getting along really well growing up, their parents betrothed them to one another at a pretty young age.
There was real love between them, but the pressure of their marriage being arranged caused strife and tension between them as they got older. Penelope especially, she always loved Leo but the lack of choice caused a lot of unresolved pain.
All the Braithen kids ride the line between platonic and romantic love and those feelings shift and change with time. It's hard to put a definitive label on any of it! Especially considering the environment they grew up in made it hard to even recognize the budding feelings Penelope might've also had for Giselle or Leo might've had for Caspian as well.
Leo was a bit more oblivious, and even though he struggled with feeling controlled, he never fully saw the extent to which Penelope struggled. Penelope's father was deeply authoritarian, religious, obsessed with tradition, and ambitious. He treated her like a tool for his goals and didn't tolerate anything he viewed as disobedience.
His misogyny was rampant. Penelope's mother had always been extremely passive and deferential to him. Her own parents marriage along with her father's constant insistence she learn nothing more than how to be a good wife to the future king made it difficult for Penelope accept her betrothal to Leo, afraid she'd become like her mother.
It was always tough because of course they snuck out, of course they had moments to themselves where she felt free, they loved each other immensely. But at the end of the day they'd have to return to answer to their families, they'd have to go back home, and she feared a future where she was stifled even if Leo protested on her behalf.
Him not noticing her feelings didn't help, but she certainly wasn't a slouch when it came to hiding them. On top of that, Leo was preoccupied with his own internal struggles.
His dad was kind of an inadequate king. He wasn't malicious or awful, but he was a little incompetent. His father (so Leo's grandfather) died when Leo was young and he became almost mythologized as this legendary figure, lauded as an excellent king. Leo's father flounders as ruler trying to follow him up.
He raises Leo with a lot of words about the kind of man he should be without offering much in the way of actionable advice. In his naivety, Leo finds himself always striving to impress a man who isn't even sure what he's doing.
All of this culminates in Penelope rejecting him when he shows up in his demonic form. I've been a bit vague but when he's first cursed it's not quite just "imagine a tiefling" sdfghj and more like "eight feet tall, two large sets of curling horns, half formed leathery wings, imposing silhouette." the only thing that stays the same about him are his eyes.
And when he first transforms it is painful. So he immediately rushes to Penelope deliriously seeking help, and when he crawls through a window of the castle at night, he terrifies her. He's incoherent and desperate and before Penelope recognizes him, she takes a nearby fire poker in hand to defend herself.
It's really frantic, neither having much time to really think things through. Her deeply religious upbringing makes her doubly frightened. She sees his eyes, finally does recognize that it is Leo, and in his desperation to make sure she knows it's him he approaches her too quickly.
She knows it's him, but in her fear, she lashes out with the fire poker. She's not aiming for anywhere in particular but she ends up taking out one of his eyes and when he crumples in pain, she flees the room, sealing his curse.
In his pain and anguish Leo, runs through the castle trying to find his parents. Unfortunately uh, his dad sees him, has a heart attack and dies from the shock. After this Leo runs from the castle entirely, fleeing into the night. Leo's no good very bad day.
There's a lot simmering under the surface before this point but this night is the first event that marks the true end of their carefree days as friends.
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realmadridfamily · 4 months
what happening between Eder & Karoline 👀👀?? i saw karoline’s stories i did not understand👀👀 !!
Oh, I don't know if I'll be able to explain it because it's so stupid that I don't know who is the child here, Cecilia or her parents? Let's start with the fact that the relations between Eder and Karoline changed for good, they got along and spent time together. Militao didn't even mind letting Karol live with Ceci in his house when he got injured. Everything was fine until she started dating Leo and he started dating Taina. I have the impression that Leo and Taina's conflict influenced Eder and Karoline. Suddenly they stood on opposite sides of the barricade, and their stupid fans who interfere in everything added fuel to the fire by childishly comparing Karoline and Taina, humiliating them - depending on who was in which "team". April came and the whole "scandal" about Taina's abuse of Cecilia - I talked about it here. Maju (Eder's sister) said that it was not Taina, only a nanny, but Karoline's fans took the opportunity to humiliate Taina once again. Karoline was not innocent here either because she spoke to them in such a way as to make it clear that it was Taina and criticized her concept of "raising children". She just lied, which makes me very disappointed in her and I'm starting to agree with her critics that she's manipulating the facts, so now I don't believe everything she says. Taina recently said that it wasn't her, that she was attacked in a nasty way and of course, Karoline's fans still don't believe her, although as I said, Maju immediately said it was the nanny! The nanny who was fired. And now the fun begins … Eder wants his parents to take Cecilia to London for the Champions League final, but Karoline said no. She set one condition: Cecilia can go, but only in the company of someone from her entourage. What's more, she will only let her go to Spain with this person. Eder didn't agree to this because he doesn't want any stranger in his house. Someone who could be a "spy". He wanted them to settle such matters between themselves, away from the media, but as we know, Karol cannot do that and once again she talks about everything on her Instagram, of course presenting the best version for herself. So Eder went to court again. And if that wasn't enough, it turned out that Karoline wanted to live with Cecilia in Rio de Janeiro, with her new partner Leo Pereira. Eder said he didn't agree because it is her another "romantic adventure" that might negatively affect Ceci and her routine. I think he wanted to take revenge on Karoline and also disagree with something. I just… don't know whether to laugh or cry because they BOTH are ridiculous and they provoke each other to more and more stupidity. Now Karol is showing private conversations, claiming that Eder wanted her and Ceci to come back to him in Madrid … to record some kind of series about their family? O.o But what's funny is that it was at the same time that people noticed that Karol was acting like she wanted to go back to Eder. So I think she might have taken that into account. But the perspective changes when you fall in love again. And that's it … falling in love all over again. When Karoline is in a relationship with someone, she behaves like an independent and strong woman fighting with her ex-partner. This was the case when she dated Gui Arajuo. Then, when they broke up, her relations with Eder improved, it was perfect. Now she is dating Leo Pereira and history repeats itself. I don't wish her bad, it's the last thing I would think about, but what if the relationship with Leo doesn't work out either? Leo was unfaithful to Taina and also behaved outrageously. Then what? She and Eder will always be connected, so I don't understand why they try to destroy each other's image! They are adults, they should get along, away from the media that loves drama. I thought they became wiser and came to an agreement when the emotions subsided, but I see that fame is more important than their private life and child.
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photogirl894 · 2 years
"Sun and Rain Part 2: Age of the Empire"
Chapter 1
"One More Mission"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: Well, lovelies, welcome to Part 2! Strap in for a wild ride! 😁 This is only the beginning...
Also, the timeline of events mentioned later may be a little skewed since there's a lot of things happening at once at this point in time in all the different Star Wars visual medias and it's hard to keep them all straight...just roll with it 😅😁
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @tmnt-leo-simp , @tech-aficionado , @ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettroseog , @tech-deck , @thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink , @l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49
《 Part 1
》 Chapter 2
All chapters (Part 2)
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Explanation: Months have passed and the Bad Batch find themselves taking a new mission that will change everything....
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A few months later...
After a brief bout of downtime, the Bad Batch were given another mission and after that was completed, the missions just kept coming. For months, they were busy with mission after mission, taking them all throughout the galaxy for all sorts of different reasons. Though, true to form, they were successful with each one, keeping up with their reputation of having a one-hundred percent success rate. 
Currently, they found themselves on yet another mission, dealing with a fleet of Droids that were attempting to overrun a village.
“Go, go, everyone into the cellars!” called out Kimber to the panicking townsfolk, rushing them towards the cellar entrance behind one of the buildings.
Echo was helping her corral the people and helping them down into the cellar. 
“Hurry and get those people to safety,” they heard Hunter order over their helmet comms. “The Droids are almost here.”
“We’re doing our best, Sergeant!” Kimber replied. 
Then they heard Tech speak up, “We’ve got a problem. I’m clocking about three tanks incoming along with the Droids.”
“That complicates things,” said Crosshair’s voice. 
“We can’t hold back all the Droids and also deal with the tanks,” said Wrecker. 
Kimber pressed a finger to the side of her helmet and suggested, “We’ve almost got everyone in. Hunter, Wrecker, Tech: if you three just let the Droids into the town, Echo, Crosshair and I can handle them while you three deal with the tanks. 
“We’ll still have to get through the Droids first to reach the tanks,” stated Tech.
“Kimber’s right, though,” said Hunter. “It’s the only way we can take care of both. Echo, Kimber, Crosshair: you three hold off the Droids for as long as you can. Tech, Wrecker and I will take out those tanks and then double back to give you guys a hand.”
“Get ready because here they come!” cried Wrecker.
Before long, Kimber, Echo and Crosshair, who was up on the roof of a factory building nearby, could hear the sounds of blasterfire in the distance. 
Just as the last of the people were getting towards the cellar, a woman ran up to Kimber and frantically cried, “My children! I can’t find my children!”
“Calm down, ma’am. Where did you last see them?” Kimber asked her.
“I left them at home so I could run some errands, but then the Droids showed up! I think they might still be there!” the woman exclaimed, her eyes darting back and forth over her shoulder. 
Taking the woman by the shoulders, Kimber questioned, “Where is your house?”
The woman pointed in the direction of her home and said, “It’s over that way, a few streets down. It’s a house with a red door. Their names are Jaron and Shana.”
“All right, I’ll go find your kids. Get to the cellars, ma’am. Now, hurry!” She gave her a light push in the direction of the cellars just as Echo was jogging her direction. “We’ve got some missing kids. I’m going to go find them. Will you be okay?” she asked him. 
Drawing a blaster, Echo replied, “I will be for now, but hurry back.”
Kimber nodded to him and then said over comms, “Crosshair, give Echo some extra cover fire. I have to find some missing kids.”
“No problem,” he said back. 
With that, Kimber took off in the direction the woman had shown her, keeping her eyes out for a house with a red door. She could still hear the blasterfire of the Droids near the front of the town and hoped that they weren’t giving the other Clones too much trouble. Hopefully Echo and Crosshair would be able to hold them off all right until she got back. 
Soon, she spotted the house with the red door and made her way towards it. She grabbed the door handle and tried to open the door, but it was locked. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard the sound of a tank firing.
“Incoming!” she heard Tech’s voice call out on her comm.
Then she heard the explosion not too far away. Looks like the tanks were beginning to take fire on the city. Kimber had to act fast and find the kids. To speed things along, she took out her blaster and shot the handle off of the door, shoving it open with her shoulder and barging into the house. 
“Jaron! Shana!” she called out, looking around for any sign of the kids. She moved throughout the rooms on the first floor of the house, calling out for the kids, but couldn’t find them. There was a set of stairs leading to another level, so she ran up the stairs so where she could see were some bedrooms. She cried out their names again, ducking into one room.
“In here!” she heard a voice cry.
It came from the next room. Kimber burst into the room and saw two human children; a boy and a girl huddled up on the floor on the other side of a bed. They appeared to be around the ages of five and eight, with the boy being the oldest. Seeing her come into the room, they both shrinked back towards the wall underneath a window, the boy, Jaron, holding onto his shaking sister, Shana.
Kimber removed her helmet to show them her face and told them, “It’s okay, your mother sent me. You’re not safe here.”
“We heard the Droids were coming. We didn’t know what to do and Mama wasn’t here and we got scared…,” explained the boy, Jaron, almost on the verge of tears.
Coming forward and crouching down in front of them, she told them gently, “It’s all right, you two. I’m going to get you out of here. Your mother is waiting for you in the town cellars. Come with me and I’ll take you to her.” 
With fear still in their eyes, the two children nodded. Kimber put her helmet back on, helped them both up and sent them towards the door just as she heard another shot being fired from a tank close by. She looked out the window and saw it was coming their direction. 
“Run!” she shouted at the kids, running up to them.
Right as she shoved them out the door into the hallway, the blast from the tank burst through the far wall behind her, destroying it, and the force of the blast sent Kimber flying into the closest wall. She hit the wall hard on her back and then landed on the floor with a thud, grunting in pain from the impact. She was definitely going to feel that in the morning. As much as she hurt at that moment, she couldn’t stay there. She had to help the kids. She forced herself up and raised her eyes, seeing the kids were getting off the floor of the hallway.
“Come on, let’s go!” she called to them, rushing over, scooping up Shana into her arms and taking Jaron by the hand, pulling him along as they darted down the stairs. Kimber heard Shana’s frightened whimpering as they continued to run. “It’s going to be okay, little one. Just hold tight to me.”
Shana then put her arms tightly around Kimber’s neck, burying her face in her shoulder. 
The three of them dashed out of the house and onto the street, running as fast they could. Another house just a few yards away suddenly exploded as another tank blast was fired into it, making Jaron and Shana scream. 
“What is taking the boys so long with those tanks?” Kimber wondered. 
As they turned onto another street, they were met by a group of Droids a few feet away from them.
“Over there! Blast them!” exclaimed one of the battle Droids.
Kimber was quick and went back until they all found cover on the other side of the building as the Droids started firing. 
“Blast it!” she cursed as she set Shana down beside her brother, who took her into his arms. That street was the only way to get back to the cellars. She withdrew her blaster, came out from behind the building and started firing at the Droids. She hit a couple of them, but there were too many firing back at her for her to stay out long. She moved back for a few seconds and then resumed blasting them. They were getting closer and soon, she’d be overrun. Kimber activated her comm. “Boys, I’ve got two young kids with me, but I’m blocked off two streets away from the cellars. I could use a hand over here.”
“I’ve got your location, Kimber. Hang on,” she heard Tech respond.
“Better hurry, sunshine. I can’t provide cover fire by myself for long,” then said Crosshair.
After taking a couple more shots, she replied, “I’ll get back when I can.” A blaster shot hit the corner right by her head and she flinched. “These Droids aren’t letting up.” 
She peered once again around the corner just in time to see a grenade fly over the crowd of Droids into the middle of them and then blow up, destroying most of the Droids. Once she saw a good majority of them were gone, she jumped out in the open and blasted the remaining Droids, making them all drop one by one. Through the smoke on the other side, Tech emerged, blasting two more Droids himself.
“Thanks, Tech!” Kimber called out to him. 
“I’ll take the children to safety. You go help Crosshair,” Tech replied. 
Nodding, Kimber turned to the children and told them, ushering them forward, “Go with him, he’ll take you to your mother. Quickly now!”
Jaron and Shana ran over to Tech and he ran off with them.
After watching them leave, she took off towards the factory where she knew Crosshair was. There was a ladder on the side of the building that she climbed up to get to the roof. A couple of Droids spotted her climbing and shot at her, their shots coming close to her. Dodging one of the shots caused her to lose her footing and she was about to fall off the ladder. However, her descent was halted as she saw Crosshair appear over the edge of the roof and catch her by the wrist. With his help, she braced herself against the rung of the ladder and shot at the Droids firing at her, taking them both out, just as Crosshair hoisted her up onto the roof.
"Glad you could make it, partner," Crosshair said sarcastically as they both got down behind the parapet of the roof.
“Just had to be fashionably late, you know?” she replied, setting her rifle at the ready and firing at the Droids below. As she shot three Droids down in a row, she then said, “I’m going to beat you this time.”
He snickered, firing another shot. “In your dreams.”
Kimber smirked under her helmet and looked back to the street. She saw Echo helping Tech give cover for the two kids as they ran across the road to the other side where the cellars were. Hunter and Wrecker, having taken down the tanks, were now further up the street fighting the Droids, Wrecker blasting them with his big gun and Hunter cutting through each Droid with his vibroblade. Then she and Crosshair were the eyes in the sky as always, continuing to provide cover for all of them from up on the factory roof where they could see everything.
“There’s one coming up on Hunter,” Crosshair warned her.
“I’ve got him,” she stated right away, readjusting her aim.
Even from the distance away she was, Kimber was able to take out the Droid, protecting Hunter. He heard it drop behind him and looked her way. She gave him a two-fingered salute, indicating it was her. He gave her a salute back before backflipping over another Droid and slashing its head as he flew over it.
Things between her and Hunter as of late had been…different. They were on better friendly terms, at least and that was wonderful, but now, he was back to staying distant from her and she couldn’t figure out why. He had been that way since they had parted ways with the Koriena Force, Kimber’s all-women squad. Had one of them said something to him before that or was it just coincidence? Though, as she had reflected on it in recent months, their time had been swamped with missions. Things with the war were really picking up and they were needed on a more constant basis right now. It could be that Hunter didn’t want to really get into anything knowing they just might not have the time, but even still, what little time they did have, whether it was flying through hyperspace to a different planet or between missions, he just wasn’t speaking to her as much. They would talk, but their conversations would be short before he would get awkward and looked like he wanted to say more before relenting or walking away. There was something on his mind, she could feel it…she just couldn’t figure out what it could be exactly. However, she was determined to get it out of him eventually.
The Bad Batch kept fighting off the Droids coming into the town as one cohesive unit; one team. It felt as though they could do anything as long as they were all together. They all had each other’s backs and they individually fought in the way they knew best, knowing they had each other to rely on and that’s what made them successful.
Before long, the last of the Droids were taken down and the town was now safe. Wrecker, Echo and Tech started cleaning up all the Droid wreckage while Hunter went to the cellars to let out the townspeople. Kimber and Crosshair made their way down from the roof to join up with him. The people thanked them for saving their town, though Hunter did have to apologize for the few buildings that had been partially destroyed by the tank blasts. The people simply insisted that they would rebuild. Soon, the woman and the two children Kimber had rescued emerged from the cellar and they approached her.
“Thank you, miss, for rescuing my children,” she said with grateful tears.
“It was no problem, ma’am,” Kimber replied. Then she looked down at the two kids, crouched down in front of them, removed her helmet again and said with a warm smile, “You two were very brave today. Be proud of that. Take care of each other and your mom, okay?”
Jaron and Shana both nodded at her.
She stood back up, bowed her head to the mother and then the three of them walked away, making their way home.
Hunter came up beside her, sheathed his knife, took off his helmet, as well, and said to her, “Well done, Kimber.”
“Well done, indeed,” added Crosshair.
“Thanks, guys,” she said back. “Just doing what I do best: looking out for other people.”
“You do it well,” Hunter said, a soft look on his face.
The sweet look in his eyes made Kimber’s heart swell and she felt a warmth in her chest. She adored that look. There was no denying that her love for Hunter was still strong, even though currently, they were no longer together. Whatever happened next with them was all up to him now. She was determined to wait for him for as long as it took for him to come around or, if he decided against giving their relationship another try, then she would never be with another man again. There was no one else she’d want to be with; no one she would want to give her heart to.
Although…there was Jesse.
She had inadvertently fallen for the ARC Trooper during her time away from the Bad Batch and at one point had thought that she could potentially see herself being happy with him…though perhaps in another universe where she had never met Hunter. Unfortunately, Jesse would only ever remind her of Hunter; her loyalty and love would always remain with the Sergeant and that wouldn’t be fair to Jesse. Knowing that, she kept her true feelings hidden from him for his own good and figured it was best for both of them to move on from each other.
Pushing those thoughts aside, Kimber started walking down the street, with Hunter and Crosshair following after her, to meet up with the other three Clones.
"Nothing like busting up some clankers! That never gets old," exclaimed Wrecker.
"Good thing or else you would've gotten tired of it long ago," Kimber said back, dusting off some debris from her shoulder.
"That would require him to get tired ever," Echo commented.
Crosshair then asked Kimber, "All right, how many did you get this time?"
"Eighteen," she answered.
He was silent for a moment.
"How many did you have?" she asked back, curious about his silence.
There was a sigh from him. "Sixteen."
She dropped her jaw in shock. "Are you serious? Did I actually beat you?"
"Looks like you did," said Hunter.
Kimber couldn't help but cheer and pump her fist in the air, joyful at her triumph. For the first time, she'd beaten Crosshair in their game of taking out Droids.
Crosshair gave her small, playful shove in response before saying, "It looks like I have nothing more to teach you, sunshine."
"You've been a great teacher, but you're not getting rid of me as a partner anytime soon," she said with a wink.
"How touching," he said.
“We’re the eyes in the sky, Crosshair. I’m not about to give that up. Not ever,” she declared proudly.
He shoved her arm again and droned out, “You’re getting sappy, knock it off.”
She enjoyed teasing the grumpy sniper she loved like a brother, so she responded by nudging him back with her shoulder and saying with a grin, “Oh you love it and you know it.”
Crosshair simply looked away and avoided the subject by putting a toothpick between his teeth.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready for a break,” stated Wrecker, rubbing the back of his neck and shifting his head from side to side.
“Commander Cody did say this would most likely be our last mission for a little while,” said Tech.
“We should count ourselves lucky that we get breaks at all,” Kimber said in reply. “I don’t think Cody, Rex, their squads or really any of the regs ever get any downtime.”
Echo nodded in agreement. “That is a fair point,” he said.
They then reached the Marauder and let down the ramp so they could all get inside. Wrecker was the first one to enter the ship and called out in a singsong voice, “Oh, Gonky!” which meant he was going to do some lifting for a bit.
Gonky, the gonk Droid of the ship, made his standard gonk sound that almost sounded like he was saying “Oh no!”
Though, as they all filed in, their control system started beeping, signaling an incoming transmission. Tech went up to the console, activated the transmission and a hologram of Commander Cody appeared before them. They all straightened up ever so slightly at seeing the Marshal Commander..
“Hey boys. I’m sure my face is the last one you want to see right now,” he told them, “but I have to make this quick. I have one more mission for you. There’s been an attack on the Capital and we’re redirecting a lot of our forces back to Coruscant. Reinforcements were supposed to be heading to a system close to your location and I need you guys to go and help.”
“Which system?” inquired Hunter.
Cody replied, “The Kaller system. Jedi General Depa Billaba, her Padawan and Captain Grey are dealing with a Separatist occupation on the planet, but their forces are getting pushed back. They need aid as soon as possible. Think your squad can handle it?”
“I assume that’s a rhetorical question,” replied Tech with confidence.
Cody smirked. "I knew I could count on you boys. I'll send you the coordinates for the rendezvous point. The Padawan will meet you. Hopefully, this will be your last mission for a good while...if not entirely."
The last three words he spoke puzzled the Bad Batch and they all looked at each other curiously.
"Entirely? What do you mean?" Kimber asked.
The Commander spoke confidently, "There are a lot of pieces at play right now and the tide of the war seems to be shifting in our favor. If things continue this way...then it looks like the war might end sooner than we think."
Kimber's jaw fell slightly at his response. The war...was almost over? The thought had been so far from her mind that it was almost impossible for her to fathom the chance of it now being real. Then judging by the looks on the other Clones' faces, as well, it seemed they had similar thoughts.
Then Cody ordered in conclusion, "Get to Kaller, assist General Billaba and report back to me as soon as you can. I'm counting on you."
"Understood, sir," replied Hunter with a nod.
After that, the transmission ended and Commander Cody disappeared.
Kimber was the first to speak, "Do you believe what Cody said about the war possibly ending soon? Could it really be true?"
"It's almost hard to believe. It's felt as though this war would never end," said Echo, a far-off look of astonishment in his own eyes.
She understood how her best friend had to be feeling. After all of the things he'd suffered in the war, he had every right to wish it would end. He'd gone through enough and yet continued to fight because he was a true and loyal soldier. If anyone deserved respite after the war, it was definitely him.
"Don't get your hopes up just yet," said Crosshair in reply to the both of them. "We need to finish the mission first."
Tech was already in the pilot's seat putting in the coordinates for Kaller when Hunter came up and asked him, "Will it take long for us to get to Kaller?"
"Not at all. Once we make the jump, we should be there in no time," Tech answered him.
"Good, then let's go," said Hunter.
With the Sergeant's go-ahead, Tech powered up the ship, took them up into space and then made the jump into hyperspace, on their way to Kaller.
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Before long, they made it to the snowy forest planet of Kaller. However, as they flew towards the location Cody had sent them, they saw a younger male Jedi being cornered by a group of battle Droids.
"Looks like we found the little Jedi," Wrecker pointed out.
"Get us down low, Tech, so we can help," Hunter ordered.
Tech steered the ship down towards where they could see the skirmish while Hunter lowered the ramp and the rest of the squad made ready to jump from the ship. At his call, they each leapt from the Marauder down to the snowy ground. With weapons drawn, they fired at the battle Droids, catching the Jedi Padawan by surprise.
"Who are you guys?" the boy asked as he continued deflecting blaster shots.
"We're your reinforcements, kid," Hunter told him, coming up beside him.
"Just six of you? Aren't there supposed to be more?" the Padawan questioned.
Hearing that, Kimber replied, "Plans have changed, but you don't need more. We can handle this."
The boy was startled for a brief second before taking out a couple more Droids. "You're a girl? I thought Clones were all men?" he inquired, looking her way.
As she kept firing her blasters, she told him quickly, "Not a Clone. Long story. Focus!"
Wrecker was going around just smashing Droids with his fists while Echo blasted them and, on occasion, used his scomp arm and stabbed them with it. A minute later, Tech had landed the ship and joined back up with the squad, using his own electric stun grenades on the Droids and taking them out of commission. Before long, they were all dealt with and the area was covered in disassembled, smoking Droid remains.
Deactivating his lightsaber, the Padawan looked around, wide-eyed in awe of what he'd just witnessed. "Whoa...! You guys are amazing!" he cried.
"Not the first time we've heard that," stated Tech, walking over to them along with the others.
"I guess maybe we won't need more Clones. You guys are pretty good on your own," said the boy.
Wrecker laughed boisterously. "That's why they sent us!" he cried.
"What's your name?" Echo asked the Padawan.
With a grin, the boy answered, "My name is Caleb. I was sent to meet you and bring you to my master."
After introducing everyone else to Caleb, Hunter went on to ask, "What's the situation?"
Caleb pointed off in the distance to his right. "They're just down the hill that way." Then he pointed to the left. "The Droids are coming from that way. A big group of them along with some tanks. We were getting hit pretty hard."
Hunter got a cocky grin on his face and looked around to the others. "We know exactly what to do," he declared.
"Oh yeah!" Wrecker exclaimed.
Resting one of her blasters on her shoulder, Kimber smirked back at Hunter and asked in reply, "What are we waiting for?"
Hunter looked to Caleb and said, "Head back to your master, kid. Leave the rest to us." After the kid dashed off, he looked around to the others and stated, "All right, Bad Batch. It's go time. We've got one more mission. Let's give it all we got."
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cljordan-imperium · 10 months
@moon-and-seraph host the event HERE
This week's optional theme is "First & Last", so I'm making it my interpretation of what song started as a theme for my First WIP (oldest) @theimperiumchronicles and hits everyone to the newest @sehnsuchtrising (even if I haven't posted yet).
Since I heard it @ 2017 ESL Masters
With every breath and every stride
I still need you here by my side
And take me by the hand when once again
I'm blinded by the light
We won't back down from a fight
No, we won't back down from a fight
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
After everything that we've been through
We won't back down from a fight
If we would stay alive
Why below cut
@theimperiumchronicles - Back in 2017, we are talking the CORE group here, and they were not Horesemen. Brie, Cruz, Dez, Talon, Talia, Raquel, Arioch, and Arch. There were a LOT more fight scenes, which will be coming back soon, too. They were fighting each other, fighting themselves, and fighting demons/evil. Lots of battles of all kinds. This was the perfect song.
@behindthesemasks - During the RP phase of Melania's existence, she was paired up separately with a Bucky Barnes and a Brock Rumlow. You can see how those pairings helped shape her current team some. 🤣 While my friend and I wrote some complex and twisted storylines, when she left RP, I chose not to pair Mel up again with anyone and so began her solo adventure in a story. Since bombs, guns, and mercenaries have always been part of her past, along with her cursed relics...it morphed easily. From RP to current posting and writing, the song fits with the theme of the storylines and staying alive as they battle adversaries.
@bendingthelaws - You have a whole law enforcement entourage at all levels, taking on (at least one) organized crime family. Pretty self explanatory. I'd say this fits the LEO community more than the mobile.
@the-andromeda-effect - I see this is more from Caliban’s crew regarding taking care of Adira and getting revenge on the Kalavati’s. Also, ferreting out those who helped Kondrat try to kidnap Adira, and a few things that happen in the future.
@devil-in-the-details-ay - After their honeymoon, Astaroth and Yara are going hunting for her parents. They will find then...and a few extra relatives. Her parents and relatives thought she was dead and are NOT happy with old Luc. Lucifer is also plotting against them. So, Royal Rumble anyone?
@magical-mistakes-vm - If you're following along, you're soon going to meet Balor. He's going to reveal something that the others should have realized, who Mahala’s dad is. Hint - it's not a good thing. From there, the news gets worse, and it is going to culminate eventually in a major conflict where Vollrath’s death is asked for in exchange for Mahala’s life. First, though, there are going to be a lot of smaller confrontations, as well as Mahala being trained how to use her magic to be deadly. You know, stay alive.
@princess-of-thieves-id - Right now is groundwork and worldvuilding. Soon comes the actual pirating. Then my little trio are going to depend on one another to stay alive.
@sehnsuchtrising The idiots are going to need each other because they all seem to have a death wish. It's not that they consciously try to get themselves killed. They just all are inept. But they don't back down from a fight and do want to stay alive.
@tapperhet-em - If they are found, they will have to fight to survive. Meeri has a price on her head , and now the other four do for helping her. None of them will back down, all are ready to die for one another, and all want to stay alive to take down her uncle, pay back her father, and figure out who put the idea in her father's head she betrayed him.
Soft tagging - @aohendo @winterandwords @flowerprose @kaiusvnoir @ceph-the-ghost-writer
My peeps - @blind-the-winds @saltysupercomputer @aziz-reads @outpost51 @pheita @writingmaidenwarrior @late-to-the-fandom @thebejeweledwatercat @dreaminggoblin
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leonsi · 2 years
Sucks about the no lactose-free stuff at that restaurant (as someone with some specific diet stuff at times I understand. In my case though, quite often, I just go like, screw it that, I like this food, it might make me sick, it might not; I am going to eat it anyways, lol). If u're still taking requests; I would love to see, Leo being petty/salty about Raph or someone else winning at something and/or pouting and/or trying to get him/her to lose (thinking about some actual 2012 stuff). 1/2.
yeah, this is the second time i’ve had “dairy-free”gelato & the second time i’ve gotten a killer stomach ache, so i think it might be something on my end. but this was a very nice request to have tonight, thank you 😭😭
“Leo!” Raph jerks to the side to avoid Leo’s elbow, taking a precious second to glare at him before returning to the screen. “The fuck is wrong with you?”
Leo shrugs with a smug chide of “language.” He waits until they come along a turn to shove his fingers into Raph’s neck; only a place he would know is ticklish.
This is an age-old game of theirs, where Leo sucks and knows he sucks and does everything in his power not to suck, relatively, by bringing the others down with him. He takes advantage of every opening he has, like videogames are a fucking battlefield.
Usually, Raph would be annoyed.
But Leo hasn’t even laughed since he woke up from his coma. Two weeks, no laughing. And - Leo has always been the serious older brother to his rebellion, but he was also a dork who practiced shitty puns in front of his Captain Ryan action figure.
So it’s a little harder than normal to muster up his grouchy persona when he sees Leo smiling.
“You fucking dick!” he shouts, because he knows it’ll get on Leo’s nerves, before easily surpassing him at the next curve. Leo may be the safer driver, but in video game land where consequences didn’t matter, Raph was far superior.
He still finds himself going a little easy on the gas.
“Don’t -! You’re so mean!” Leo shouts back. He kicks out at Raph’s side, balancing precariously on his shell on the couch to do so. Raph could knock him over with a slight movement. “Stop! Stop winning!”
Raph wins.
Leo pouts.
“You cheated,” he grumbles. He throws the controller on the couch, a little harder than necessary. “That’s the only way.”
“Maybe I’m just better than you?” Raph counters. The car runs an animated victory lap on screen, and Raph takes the moment to wiggle his upper body in celebration. He was superior. He deserved this.
Leo’s head sinks into his shell, just slightly. Raph’s worried he ruined his good mood until Leo kicks out again, catching him solidly in the gut with his foot. “You don’t need to rub it in!”
Uh, yes he does. “Yes I do.”
Leo kicks again. “No, you don’t.”
“Yeah, I do.”
In the course of their argument they had slowly shifted themselves onto their shells, legs poised in the air for battle. Leo stares at Raph in a silent challenge, the clear message of “don’t you dare” hanging in the air.
“No,” Leo says. His voice shakes.
Raph strikes.
Soon they're kicking at each other, devolving into chaos as they giggle and squirm like children over a video game.
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turtleboyz · 2 years
Character Analysis: 2012 Season 5: April
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There LOTS of different options about 2012 April.
I don’t hate her. I just think she could have been better. Good idea, bad execution.
There 2 major difference this April and others.
1 she’s a teenager and has a weird romantic plot with Donnie and Casey
2 she’s half Kraang. AKA half alien half human.
Thoese 2 idea could have been so cool to explore. It could have been a weird coming of age with supernatural elements type of thing. While the story forces on the turtles, it does try to have April play a important plot. If this was written better, it could have done different idea for her. Have April find out from the beginning she’s a alien, see her panic and have mixed feelings about her parents and the Kraang. Have her find out about her powers pre-turtles and having to his it from her dad or not. Have her love space and be obsessed with it but not knowing why. Have her being into cryptic and see her being an outcast at school. LITERALLY anything else then what canon gave us!
Like, when April found out she was Kraang, what if she had a human design and when she found out her origins she has a “kraang” form with tentacles and pink skin and yellow eyes! Have her slip into kraang tongue.
I think the reason why people hate April is because she has so many ideas, but they didn’t work out. She’s half alien, she was physic ability, she’s a female ninja! Like all those things can work by themselves. Or have it be 2 things, not all three. Because trying to do all of them, it end up underdeveloped her powers and her kraang heritage. Like oh! April is literally a alien. And the alien race she’s from is trying to take over the world! Oh! She has powers. And while they have moments of her being a alien, and her trying to find her mom, it never really developed. Even though that was the literally plot of the first 2 seasons. Like the Kraanh wanted to use April for her mind powers. But then the Kraang were defeated without April being there.
Apparently on the fandom wiki April’s powers are:
Danger Sense
Immunity to Mutagen
Tracking Telepathy
Extrasensory Perception
Enchanted strength
She can also make sound waves/energy waves? I think that’s part of her telekinesis but idk.
With her being a femal ninja, while it make scene, she’s a teenager girl living in New York and aliens are after her, she needs self defense. The Kraang and powers reveal should have made April question if she wanted to keep being a ninja. If she has powers to keep her safe, why train? Is it because she likes Splinter and the boys? Have her developed her relationship with them! Like the only 2 turtle that she interacted more then once is Donnie and Leo.
Why is April only seen having out with 2 of the turtles? Both on the fandom wiki, and canon April thinks of the turtles as her brothers and Splinter as a father figure. Which giving the fact that she misses Donnie and keeping giving him odd signs…..Not good.
From the fandom wikis, April is described as smart, shy, and a tomboy. She’s determined, stubborn, judgemental and resourceful. From these descriptions, how can April be closer to the boys? She didn’t have any scenes with Mikey, and while from the description it seems like she could get along with Raph, the two don’t interact much. With Leo, she help him talk about Karai in a cute gossip way. The when she was having a physic link with the bird monster and could see, and Leo with his hurt knee, the two work together. Besides that, and April having a cute each phone contact for Leo, the two don’t interact.
With Donnie. It’s all over the place. I the first two season, she was creepy out by Donnie flirting/crush. But she didn’t directly talk to him about it. In season 2 she leaves the turtles and meets Casey Jones. These two had a immediate connection and it actually seem like they were dating. In season 3, that were April’s relationship with Donnie change. Donnie realized his actions are creepy, try to apologizing but then April kissed him. After that she gives him little kisses and hugs. It’s very mixed signals. Personality I think April did this because she doesn’t have any friends, and the thought of Donnie, her “best friend” not being around her, paying attention to her, it seem to make her upset. With Casey though, while Casey was a bit pushy with April, think all their outing were dates. He never really seem to do anything bad to her, but he maybe have cool her a weird nicknames (can’t remember). But in the later seasons, it seem like all romantic subplot with the three just….ends? Without any closer.
physical? This girl is good! She’s a average healthy teenager. Mentally this girl is a wreck. She’s been kidnapped, seen her dad mutated twice, her mom is dead, she found out that she’s a alien with powers. She been kidnapped and had her brain be use against her will/consent by said aliens. Watch the world gets suck into a black hole/watch her dad die. Had to fights bad guys, watch her mentor die TWICE, one directly in front of her. Got possession…..Yeah, it’s a lot. Not wonder in season 5, the crystal made her have a addiction and have her be unstable. She definitely has trauma.
With the crystal and her murdering Donnie. I have a bit of mixed feelings. On once hand, she’s physic why didn’t she realize that there a magical being trying to kill the world? Or did she corrupt the crystal and angel? On the other hand, what with everything that happen to her, it’s no wonder she got possessed. I think April, unaware or not, agree with the angel to whip out the bad stuff from the world. She hurting and been through a lot. As for killing Donnie, I think it was her emotions that did it. While she thinks Donnie as her friends, probably deep down inside her, she didn’t like that Donnie was so obsessed with her, she these feeling came up when she was possessed and yeah. But the thing is, she was more or less awake when she killed Donnie. She even said sorry before it happen. So who know what the writers were trying to do with that whole scene?
Do I like April? She’s ok. Don’t hate her, but I don’t think she’s the best April. Neutral. She’s has a really cool plot, but the fact she wasn’t use right, was in the background from most of the time that wasn’t Kraang related, has powers and is a ninja. It’s a lot. I wish the writers just did her better?
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nani-nonny · 1 year
CH 12 OF WDS!!!
And am now worried a bit in the first part when the 3 were out especially to blue's case; blue is still worried and probably more insecure now because of the loss of his arm, i hope spending more time with CJ and F!LEO - and ghost april - will help him get better to stand on his legs again.
Am so surprised when i read they went to get pizza puff from meat sweat! Like aren't they worried it can be poisoned? Is that what you meant when you wrote " he talked kindly " to him?
The gang come back home and damn am enjoying how the 3 are like mama and her little ducklings.
Splinter caught them and am thinking about metal gear's bad end sounds " sneak? Sneak! SNEAK!! "
I don't know if it was F!leo's plan but bringing out the other snacks for his dad was smart! And when splinter said " you're my favorite " i just laughed at how blue and purple reacted XD
" Leonardo smiles at Casey as he sneaks into the kitchen and holds back his laugh when he sees Blue looking at him in pure disbelief " I LAUGHED SO FUCKING HARD!! BRUH THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL!!
" handing each one a piece of candy he snuck out of the gift bag for Splinter " Yo!! Isn't that what grandparents do?!🤣
Also when splinter scolded them wasn't only yellow and red on it? And for how long the 3 went out? How many hours?
" he hands Red a small plush unicorn that was hidden in a gap in his prosthetic shoulder. " BRO IS A WHOLE INVENTORY GAME!!! WHAT'S NEXT?! BAZOOKA UNDER YOUR ARMPIT?!?/J
1st, i awe when i heard blue said that purple had been eyeing the keychain i was like 'Aww!'. 2nd, i laughed when he said " you're forgiven! " xD
“I tried to get Stone’s autograph for the photo, but he almost had a heart attack seeing me.” lmfao i will just wish he didn't crash their date xd
WDS F!Leo wins the award for best dad of the day!
When splinter shouted at leo i was like 'Did he knew all along?!', and when he pat orange was that like an approval that he really adopted him??🤣
I just felt immediately guilt when i knew CJ and blue were left to defend themselves against splinter's scolding XD and leo really won the kids over by presents
" The elder slider opens his heavy eyelids and looks down to see Blue outstretched on his plastron as the teen rests on him " YO I REMEMBERED WHEN YOU TALKED ABOUT HOW TGE PEEPAWS VANISHED SND TELEPORTED TO 'I'm blue' FIC!!
TBC (too be continue)
*evil hand rubbing* F!Leo is home at least, for real this time, so he finally gets to witness how everyone was doing in his absence
And yes, “kindly asked” refers to scaring the crap out of Meat Sweats, even slightly threatening the pig mutant into giving F!Leo what he wants hahaha! If the kids were in any kind of danger, F!Leo would be on top of that immediately
It was definitely part of his plan to bribe Splinter with all the food he brought home hahaha! He’s a Leo, he can easily predict how his family will react and that doesn’t exclude Splinter! He knew they were out for too long when he saw the sun setting
And what was it? “Triple betrayal!”
Splinter definitely got Yellow and Red to spill the beans for why F!Leo, Blue and Jr were missing so everyone knew by the time the trio of duckies came home
WDS F!Leo best papa! I’m speaking it into existence, writing it into existence!
And F!Leo doesn’t plan on adopting Lil Orange, the head pat was just because he can’t resist the lil round guy
WDS has an I’m Blue reference!!! *plastic toy horns blast from every angle* /j
Anyways, lots of silly moments in this chapter hahah! I’m glad you liked them! They made me smile a lot when I wrote them, I even snuck some moments I’ve had with my own siblings hahah
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mosslarose · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy AU
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This is my world of Hogwarts legacy, the characters me and my (non binary) sister created, who they are and the people around them. We’ve added whole personalities, relationships/friendships, headcanoning characters birthdays etc.
In some of the little one-shots I right, they will take place in sixth and seventh year. :)
You can find my masterlist here
We fully tried finding birthdays that would make sense and match the personality of the characters.
Anne and Sebastian: April 2nd 1875 - Aries (Sebastian definitely tells people he was born on April first because it’s fools day) (Bash height 6’1 and Anne is 5’6. Sebastian's Patronus is a Beagle. When he see's what he wants, he runs for it and doesn't look back - being very goal oriented. The patronus itself represents focus, nature and opportunity. They also get lonely if alone for too long :)
Poppy: February 23rd 1875 - Pisces (height 5’1) - Her Patronus is a Field Mouse. She is very in tune with the feelings of others around her and her own. She has the best listening skills and very perceptive, very able to see if something is upsetting someone before they realise themselves.
Natty: October 4th 1874 - Libra (height 5’8) - we imagine her patronus matches her animagus.
Ominis: December 21st 1874 - Capricorn (born on winters solstice) (height 5’10) - his Patronus is a Mongoose. (i actually found this by a reddit user called VenusWindstorm on reddit and completely agree) He doesn’t think he can produce one at first because of his past and that no one in his family can. So imagine how sweet it would be when he realizes that not only can he do it, but it’s an animal famous for fighting snakes!
These are the characters me and my sister made:
Soren and Maisie Addams. They are Irish twins, born within a year of each other. They are both in the same year at Hogwarts.
Soren’s birthday is the 7th of September 1874, making him a virgo. He’s 6’3 tall. He’s a very un emotional character, finds it difficult to express them and sees them as weak - also misunderstanding others emotions and not fully knowing how to deal with them. He is very smart, perceptive and can be very straight to the point. He values knowledge and power and can at times be quite arrogant, appearing to judge people on simple things (probably is). He is extremely introverted and keeps himself to himself. He’s a Ravenclaw. His Patronus is Nightjar. Finding comfort in overcoming hardship, along with great ability to go invisible and blend into his own surrounding. He's an extremely clever and resourceful person, and no matter what disadvantage is thrown his way, he is always able to overcome it.
Maisie’s birthday is the 11th of August 1875, making her a Leo. She is 5’3 tall. She can be very kind, however also quick witted, blunt and sarcastic. She can also be a very ambitious person and do whatever it takes to reach her goals, especially if it means helping the people she cares about - knows how to be resourceful and use what she has to her advantage. At first she appears introverted and reserved, but get to know her and she becomes very extroverted. She is quite intelligent, however, can sometimes lack in common sense. She is a Slytherin. Her Patronus is a Russian Blue Cat. They are very cautious and shy with others, but find comfort in the people they trust the most - picking friends very carefully and only those closest see them truly. Russian Blues are also known for having very ancient energy.
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Some perspective. Gonna get my sister to do more characters and their head canon heights :)
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