#i have some big big feelings about Rand these days and like.... just his circumstances ;A;
trashlie · 1 year
Hi Ashlie it's lil anon again 💗 I hope you have adjusted to your meds and had fun experimenting with gouache... That sounds cool, I wish I could do that but too bad I don't have a single creative bone in my body 😭 it's okay I'll stick to playing viddy games...
There is something I want to bring up for your consideration that's been bouncing around in my head. When Hansuke mentioned that it was hard for him to get into medical school despite his excellent grades, people concluded that Yui must have stood in his way and Hansuke's mother probably made a deal with her, correct? That felt like such a relevant tidbit that will come up again, because otherwise why the effort to draw those panels. So... I think there might be a parallel to Nol here. We know he is going to spend the 4 year time skip abroad, right? But how will he get there, when Yui is so opposed to it and needs to keep him under her thumb? So 🤔 I've been thinking maybe Rand makes a similar deal with Yui so she lets Nol go. Not sure what the details of the deal will be, but it could even be something like "I'll get the kid into any school he wants if you step down from the CEO position within the next 5 years and let Kousuke take over, and don't plot anything against me ever again". It's a big sacrifice, but it feels like Rand had some extremely harsh realizations about how miserable Nol is after finding his scarf in the pool, and then finding him bleeding in the snow and the Ivan the Terrible reference. It feels so much like he has reached his end, "it's not my message to pass along anymore" felt so pointed. I also keep thinking about how guilty Rand must be feeling. He didn't only fail his own son, he failed to protect NESSA'S CHILD ;A; someone so precious and important to her, someone she loved so dearly. Even if it was unspoken it's clear that she counted on Rand to take care of their son when she couldn't anymore, and he failed her miserably. Gawd just thinking about that makes me wanna cry 😔😭💔 So maybe this will be what pushes him to step up and actually do something useful for his child, maybe that deal will be his self-sacrifice. What are your thoughts on this? I know I might be reaching, it might be Yu Jing's article that will help Nol go abroad, and I'm very aware of the death flags surrounding Rand, and maybe he'll just die or Yui kills him and that's that. With Kousuke having all these realizations it's not unlikely that Yui gets rid of Rand so they don't become allies. But I don't want his death to be so... pointless, I guess? BE A FATHER EVEN IF JUST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE DAMMIT ;A;
On a lighter but similarly emotional note, when do you think Shinae and Nol are going to be on a first/real name basis? It might be just me but I feel like it's coming 👀 It's been said a thousand times (and good, let's manifest it 🤞🏾) that they must be on the same page by the end of season 1 for the story to flow smoothly. And that must include the names as well, right? Because the names are a big part of the distance between them and to Shinae, "Yeonggi" isn't enough anymore, she wants "Nol". And, in theory, he must first accept his name before he is comfortable with her saying it, but maybe the other way around would work better. If he lets her into the circle of people who can call him Nol even if he isn't completely ready for it, maybe that will actually be the important first step to accept himself. Because if Shinae accepts that side of him and doesn't think he's horrible, then he can't be that horrible, right. Basically a you don't have to love yourself for other people to love you and with time you can see yourself through their eyes and find that everything you dislike about yourself doesn't make you unlovable because they love you regardless type of thing. Does that make sense? I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at 😅 He also doesn't want to be vulnerable and open up as Yeonggi, it's not part of that persona. But maybe once she is on the Nol side for good, he can be more honest, because she is already there so why not. Not that he'll immediately tell her everything, obviously, but just be more honest dude just tell her that you're scared and not ready for certain conversations yet instead of putting up a front! But either way regardless of when, the moment they say each others first/real names is going to be SOOOOOO meaningful so vulnerable so intimate I will simply die on the spot I will just explode 💥 -lil anon 😼 (who still can't keep their messages short)
Lil Anon!!!!! 💗 Okay, ngl I am a big proponent of "creativity is very much a skill anyone and everyone can learn" just that some of us (and myself included lmao) need a little more effort to learn. But also gouache is so fun because I'm realizing so much of painting is about the insinuation of things, rather than painting out every detail? And it's so amazing to me to watch those things come together!!!! But also.... I am not great at video games so I guess at the end of the day we really do have our strengths and weaknesses huh? alfjakjfjfa LMAO :3
Also heads up, the last part of this response will have FP 238 spoilers!
Oooohhhh this is such an interesting thought that I HAVEN'T thought about, but I HAVE been thinking a lot about Rand (I have this messy post in the works about him because as much as he makes me angry I find him really interesting in that, like every other character, he is very much someone trying to survive and his struggles to do so have had a lot of ramifications - especially in failing to protect his son with Nessa. I understand why people hate him but I just have SO MANY FEELINGS and like how... maybe a selfish part of him kept him near, even if he couldn't be a good father to him because of Yui, because he reminded him of her, and how maybe as Nol grows up he continues to see so much of himself in him, and how in Rand's eyes that probably is bad because he very much ended up trapped, he very much lost what he loved, he has very much lived in isolation. But that's a whole other thing but the point is: Rand is on my mind so this is a very welcome question!!!!)
I'd never considered the possibility of a parallel because I guess I'd just sort of assumed that information was given to us to show us how far Yui is willing to go, that she was interfering with her own nephew's career in order to - probably - lord something over her sister, to force her to do whatever it was she wanted, that we are meant to further understand that Yui is so unstoppable even her own sisters can't do anything, and that this isn't the first time Hansuke's career has been on the line. BUT WITH THAT SAID it would make an incredibly interesting parallel! I think in a lot of ways Rand did think he was doing what was right, what he could do. I think a lot about what he said when Nol pleaded guilty, about how he should have sent him away to a boarding school and that as much as a lot of that was said out of actual anger and agitation, at the end of the day Rand cares so much because he loves Nol, even if he was never allowed to act on it, even if he had to repress it and keep it bottled away where it began to fester. Something I think a lot about parenthood in general but esp in ILY is that no one has the foresight to know how things will work out, so parents are doing what they think is best. Often they are wrong, they make mistakes, but again, we are only capable of trying to learn from our mistakes, we can't see how things would play out. Would Nol have been safer at boarding school? Would he have actually been out of Yui's reach? But that's a whole other post (that is coming)
THAT SAID I think yes Rand carries a lot of guilt and knows that he has not been able to protect either of his sons the way he wishes he could have and now he is at this sort of.... fork in the road. Until now, Nol was so very alone, has been surrounded by people who can't be trusted, people of this society who would sell him out immediately. But Rand has seen in Shinae and Nol this connection that maybe he even recognizes much like the one he and Nessa had, that Shinae is very much like she was in her willingness to reach out to and protect Nol, her willingness to stand up for him against even the scariest opponents. In the same night he nearly lost his son, he saw how many people rallied around him, were willing to stand by his side and wait for him to wake up and I think that, yes, it gave him this sense of understanding. Nol is no longer alone, and while it's not him at his side, he knows that the people who are will fight for him, are people who truly love him the way he deserved all this time. And I think that's yes why he is willing to transition out of Nol's life - because he knows that he hasn't been able to provide him the protection he needs. That he CAN'T.
And the idea of him sacrificing himself for Nol's sake (and frankly, Kousuke's, too) would be interesting, because I very much think Shinae will "sacrifice" herself to Yui in order to protect her father, will take up Yui's offer if it means keeping away from her family. What an interesting parallel it would be, too, for both of these people who have put themselves in harms way to protect those they love (I know Rand doesn't seem it, but I think he is a person who has very much been a victim of him circumstances and that he has reached a point in this story that he is willing to get hurt to protect them, that he is finally openly fighting back the way he can in an effort to protect them).
I honestly.... HATE the theory about Rand dying even though the death flags are everywhere lmao ;_____; I feel like I'm constantly closing my eyes to them because I cannot bear to think of what it would mean for both Nol and Kousuke, for neither of them to get that closure. I hate the thought of Nol being left a literal orphan, of Kousuke never knowing that he was loved, like it KILLS ME but it really feels like we're hurtling there and aflkjkafjkafjkaf [SCREAMS] I'd so much prefer that like... Rand have a heart attack that incapacities him or something ;A; - especially because Nana has her own death flags and again, the thought of Nol just being left with NONE of his family?! GOD THAT KILLS ME.
But also I am very much in favor of Rand making such a sacrifice. Something I've been thinking about is that a lot of why Rand's hands were tied was because he was trying to get this far - and now that he has, now that Nol is in safe hands, maybe it IS time to make a sacrifice, to step out of Nol's life and "set him free", if he could give Yui something she wants enough to let Nol go. The thing is.... Yui is very much aware of the effect Nol has on Kousuke, and why it's necessary to keep him around, but perhaps with what Kousuke is learning, that won't remain a matter? I think there is a LOT that is up in the air right now, but I do think we are at a point where Rand COULD make that kind of offer, where he can finally face Yui and fight back in his own way and do something to set his son free of all of this. I think I lean more sympathetic to Rand than most do but I would love to see him take an action that can actually demonstrate to Nol that Rand has always cared, that until now he didn't have other options, that until now he'd thought that this was the safest route.
(But honestly? What was ;__________;)
I think Nol and Shinae's story is VERY MUCH a matter of like.... yeah, you don't have to love yourself to be loved, that's bullshit, we all know it's not true. That maybe you can learn to love yourself by being loved. That maybe through the process of being loved you can start to see yourself through their eyes, the version of yourself that they see and love and that it can make that version of you come to life. That even though Nol sees himself as this unworthy monster, that he has been made to feel like he's nothing, a nobody - she can show him that he's something, somebody, she can say his name with an affection that no one else has ever said it with, that she can breathe new life to something that was taken from him and ruined.
I think we VERY much are approaching that point and Nol learning that Yui has been drugging even Kousuke honestly may be the beginning (or again I might just be being very hopeful). I keep reiterating that Nol needs to know this goes beyond him. I want Shinae to get to sit down and talk to him - not just about their feelings but about Yui, that even before Yui knew about their attachments, that she was already put through hell. Tell him about Kousuke's birthday, something that shows Nol even if he leaves Yui already has her claws in her, was already interested even before it involved him. Tell him about the offer because she will end up taking it one way or another and it's better than he knows how, so he's reminded how much she hates this woman, too.
And maybe if Nol can see that it's more than just him, maybe he can see that there is no point in pushing her away. And if that isn't enough, maybe she can convince him how very much they can't ignore any of this, to prove to him how badly she wants to know him, Nol, to see him and meet those secret parts of him he doesn't want anyone to say. To say the name that has felt like a lashing so many times used by everyone else in a way that takes it from nothing to something and makes him want to hear it move. To say her name again and be so familiar (so SO familiar god PLEASE) ;A;
Like IDK I know we've had this conversation a LOT lmao but it just feels like it's two steps forward five steps back if we don't get that closure if they don't have that talk. No one is asking for or expecting him to share everything - to just open up enough to show that he wants to. To admit his fear. If Shinae saw what Dieter did, that kind of fear, how intense it is, and couldn't connect it to what has happened to her, maybe she could get through to him better but at this point she just doesn't know, doesn't understand why he's pushing her. Maybe now that she's realized her own feelings - and can maybe wonder about his - it might make her think of what he said in the alley about fear and people getting hurt but it's a conversation they need to have directly.
And yes, I feel like even from a metaphorical point, he cannot begin to open up as Yeonggi, as this nameless person. They cannot begin anew with her uncertain what to call him, not allowed to use his real name, while he still calls her Yoo. What's he gonna do, maul her and swallow her heart and still call her Yoo? PLEASE. NO.
I feel like it MUST be coming, that some kind of understanding will be coming, even if they know they are separating for a while, even if they know that whatever is between them isn't something that can happen right now, I feel like they HAVE to separate on a true first name basis, right? ;A;!!!!!!!!!
AND I AM DYING FOR IT. /DYING/ I WANT HIM TO SAY HER NAME SO QUIETLY (AND MAYBE BRUSH HER HAIR BACK FROM HER FACE WHEN HE DOES) I WANT HIM TO TWITCH A LITTLE WHEN SHE SAYS THE NAME THAT HAS CAUSED HIM SO MUCH PAIN AND THEN INSTEAD MELT INTO HER. I WANT IT TO BE SO TENDER, SO INTIMATE, THAT HIS NAME NEVER SOUNDED THAT GOOD ON ANYONE'S ELSE'S TONGUE, THAT IT NEVER SOUNDED SO MEANGINGFUL AS WHEN SHE SAYS IT. The intimacy of being the first person to be allowed to say his name, to speak it with so much affection and care that it can undo what others have done to it, that it can breath back the life that was beaten out of it. ;A; What it would mean for her to say it!!!! That thrill of being allowed to share this very secret part, this very special part, something she is so hungry for!!!!!!
Shinae wanting to know everything about him is honestly SO FUCKING TENDER. Like, yes, that's what happens when we find ourselves liking someone, wanting to know everything, wanting to know about the things we were never present for and what shaped them into the person they are, but for Shinae there's that added layer because he has locked out everyone, pushed everyone away, and she wants to know the secrets he won't share, the parts of him that he hides, she wants to privy to every part of him. She wants him in his entirety, she wants to know him and be just as known and GOD to get to breathe his secret name, the forbidden name, the one he would not allow her?
I cannot even put it into words i just
[explodes on the spot]
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS as... ‘ordinary’ employees
Okay so when I say ‘ordinary’ I mean as in not famous basically. This is more what I just have personally imagined them doing and I think I’ve lost that somewhat ‘realistic’ touch I used to have a few years back when I was more of an avid writer for this blog and could have an idea of their actual personalities, current likes, etc. This is also in no way a reflection of what I think they are and aren’t capable of so please don’t scream at me if your bias has a ‘lower’ role than you might have expected.
Sorry I do like to blabber on before these things, don’t I? 
I hope everybody is staying safe anyways and happy imagining!
BTS as... Masterlist here
Pawn Shop Sales Assistant
learning everything about every thing
if you have an object to sell for cash
he probably knows everything about it
or at least like a lot about it
his career is in early days right now
because it’s a family trade
but he learns from the best
but asks not to be favourited over other staff just because he’s the manager’s son
like you know he wants someone to tell him if they think he didn’t get a good deal for that ring
no special treatment please
sometimes uses a bit of the old charm to get a good deal
many girls like that
some of the guys not so much
especially the boyfriends
meets his wife there
she’s a fairly regular customer
buying good finds from charity shops
or finding stuff in the house
and taking them to the pawn shop to get by and save up a little
they really click
after like the 11th visit he finally plucks up the courage to ask her out
“so, uh... I clock off soon and I was wondering if....
and he gets quite flustered because he really likes her
“... would you like to maybe grab a coffee with me?”
and she sort of teases him to fluster him
“I don’t like coffee”
“Oh erm....”
“Just kidding”
and inside he’s like “don’t DO that to me!”
fast forward a few years and he’s got a kid with her
but anyway back to joon as an employee
has many many friends in and around the industry
just people over the years who he’s needed to contact to double check some stuff about an item
sometimes there’s the odd nutter who comes into the shop
like any shop really let’s be honest
but oddly enough, Namjoon has a calming effect on them
maybe he’s just really patient
maybe he has great negotiating skills
but if someone kicks off at one of his colleagues
it’s resolved in under ten - fifteen minutes
he reasons with people who are shocked to find out that their gold isn’t actually real gold
or negotiates with those who thought they had something worth more
or sometimes just has to outright sass back at the aggressive ones
but most people find him to be an agreeable guy
banter with his dad / manage
rand although he gets on with everyone there
there’s that one colleague that just becomes his best mate
and this mate is also in on the banter
but again, there’s no staff feeling left out or not getting the same treatment
it’s a family business
and anyone that helps them along the way is family too
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Sales Assistant
in a big supermarket
stacking shelves
helps customers that can’t reach the higher shelves
such a gentleman
lovely customer service
some wish they could give him a tip
but he wouldn’t take it most of the time even if it was allowed
he doesn’t need to be paid to show basic kindness
it’s just manners really
but he doesn’t fully realise how much he goes above and beyond
very patient at explaining stuff to people
he’ll repeat directions 10 times if he has to
and he helps the elderly make smarter shopping choices
not that his manager knows that though
because he’s supposed to focus on building up bigger transactions
but what can he say
he’s just a people person
empathy and understanding levels are like 1000/10
a good bean
wish you could be served by him all the time
people purposely queue up at his lane when he’s on tills
because he just provides a friendly smile 
and pleasant conversation
“how was your day?”
and he’s not saying it because he has to
he’s genuinely interested in what everybody has to say
takes forever but becomes a supervisor
some of his workers often mistake his kindness for dumbness
is that a word, ‘dumb...ness’?
but actually he more than knows what he’s doing
cashes up faster than anyone else ever
has solid ideas to help both business and customer
and whilst it’s a bit difficult getting them out there to higher people
they go for it
from ideas about what customers have previously asked for that the store doesn’t - didn’t - have
to community projects courtesy of tokens from shoppers
even a park that gets set up nearby is named after him
he may seem like just a sales guy to an outsider
but really he’s the heart of the local community
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Tech Support
the funniest you could come across
you know, if you were listening in to the way he deals with some
just pay attention and there won’t be any problems
sometimes he’ll have those days where he’s like
“Have you tried turning it off and on again?”
totally not an IT Crowd reference oops
but seriously that can work like half the time
used to work in some dull office
but took his work to his house
he can basically work wherever and whenever he wants now
as long as he’s got a laptop and a connection
that is the one change he made in his life that made him a lot happier
because although some might turn their noses up to a job like this
it suits him down to the bone
and he doesn’t really care to change career paths any time soon
is up to date with all the tech trends
owns one of everything
well most things
he even has like a drawer of many phones
it’s like a museum of the company he works for lmao
has this spare room that he turned into an office
which definitely could be mistaken for a man cave
the ultimate problem solver
in work and in life
like he can get a phone call about a super complex problem 
and he knows what to do just like that
or a mate has a problem with some relationship
and the reply he gives them is just wow
and he’ll have just made their problem sound a lot less stressful or problematic
loves to help people in and out of work
he understands that the people he is helping might be at their worst moment in their work
or it’s an older person desperately wanting to contact family
he doesn’t just solve the technological problems
he calms you at the beginning of the call
he motivates you at the end and wishes you luck
he talks you through the technology in layman’s terms so you can understand what it is you’re doing
and that attitude continues in his social life
he’s the sober friend when you’re crying in the club toilet drunk
he’s the friend that comes knocking on your door because he hasn’t heard from you in a while and he wants to check everything is okay
he will drop you a phone call the day after to see how you’re hanging
or just because
just because he’s an absolute sweetheart
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College Tutor
the type that is fairly laid back
but won’t take any shit 
so go through your assignment at your own pace
just don’t take the mickey
like he will understand that you might have some personal shit going on
and he’ll extend a deadline under special circumstances
but don’t push your luck by lying to him
happy to have banter with the students
makes lessons fun
but also productive
actually the most productive class(es) of anyone’s day
he’s just one of those tutors you’d love 
because he’s engaging
and there’s that one other tutor that no one really likes
because this other guy is boring, dull, basically almost jealous of the students and their ambitions
and although Hoseok won’t say a bad word about his colleague
he can teach you more in half an hour than the other guy does in the entire year
and when you pass the unit he won’t even take credit for the significant part he played
really fucking modest
but he really is one of those teachers that builds lives
keeps quite to himself generally though
has just a small group of friends outside of the college
it’s important to him to keep professional and personal life different
just an overall cool guy
very fair
some say a bit boring
but he’s just sensible really
no one from colleges knows he has a wife
some girls swoon over him and speculate he could be single
and usually he’s oblivious to / ignores any flirting
he’s just here to do his job
he’s here to educate
and he’s here to help you
and he’s happy to help you
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Dance Instructor
yes, it’s a bit of a typical idea, sorry
but come on
dishy dance teacher whilst you try to learn a style of dance
some students may or may not purposely so bits wrong
because they know Jimin can sometimes be quite physical in his teaching
“Okay, no worries, let’s go back to that bit... It goes like...”
and he’s just behind you to guide you
has his own dance school
holds sessions in the local community centre every weekday night
Monday: contemporary
Tuesday: Street Dance
Wednesday: Musical Theatre
Thursday: Tap
Friday: Ballet
the little un’s are in from 4pm - 5pm
preteens 5pm -6pm
teens / young adults 6pm - 7pm
and finally the adults at 8pm
it sounds like hard work
but dance is all Jimin knows
he’s more than used to is
his stamina is so good
and once his business as a teacher gets up and running
he can afford to put on shows 
to showcase all the hard work his students have done
every year, some time in spring
the nearest theatre in town
it’s not as successful as, say, the pantomimes at xmas
but there are plenty of family and friends of the students interested
parents come to watch their kids
adults come to watch their friends
and so on
He has so much faith in everyone
and is proud of every little achievement 
at kid’s tap class he’ll be like “wow Sally! that’s amazing! you did a pick up!”
or “keep it going Amanda, you can do it!” at adult ballet
but it’s not just dance achievements he’s interested about
the things you do in your life matter too
sometimes he can be like a therapist
pulls you aside after class if he doesn’t think you were quite as on it as usual today
“are you okay today? you seemed distracted”
yes by your beautiful presence
just kidding
and you can just tell him
he’s always there to listen if you need to talk about something that you don’t want to tell friends or family
he’s there for anything really
like maybe a teen is struggling with exams 
and his encouragement really contributes to them pulling through
“you passed maths! I’m so proud! I knew you could do it!”
and there’s always the big squeezy hug that follows
he loves everyone
everyone loves him
no one can say a bad word about him
like seriously, no one can
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Vintage store owner
Tae always wanted to own a shop
ever since he was a kid
he didn’t quite know what it was that appealed to him
but just the idea of running a store that’s your own
that’s the dream he worked towards
ever since school
weekend jobs
errands for neighbours
he saved every penny
and invested it on the cute little building 
on the block before the high street
Not like a charity shop
well some of the stock is second hand
but that’s because it’s real vintage
actually not just vintage, further back than that
like some of his stock can be referred to as ‘antique’
anything that has history
everything in his little shop has a story
the decorative chandelier that belonged to a middle class family in the early 1900′s
a vase made in Japan that someone brought back from touring the country years ago
velvet upholstery that could have been part of a noble household in Europe
glassware from the 70′s with intricate design
just cool stuff
you could spend hours in his shop
knows a lot about antiques, collectables, etc
blink and you’ll miss if you want something there
if you see it and you love it the first time you go in
you better buy it
because it’ll be gone even by this evening
his knowledge makes him a brilliant sales person
because the way he delivers the information about an object
just makes you want to buy it
so as you can imagine, sales are always good
everyone within a couple miles radius probably has something in their home bought from Tae’s store
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because phwoar
lmao sorry
wait, no I’m not
can’t you just imagine it though
the uniform
the muscles
okay sorry not sorry
a true hero 
like sure, all of his colleagues are too, of course
but he goes that little bit extra
takes more risks
he doesn’t let much scare him
passionate about what he does
can mean he gets a bit extra in other aspects of his life
because he knows the dangers of literally anything
like you leave the hairdryer plugged in a few minutes after using it and he’s like
*dramatically, almost full takes a leaping dive to get there, unplugs it*
adrenaline rushes
he lives for those
a very can do attitude
feels amazing after rescuing anyone from anything
it could be a cat in a tree, evacuating people in a flood, or a person from a house fire
if he has helped them, it’s all rewarding
just good at everything
the job of course prepared him for lots 
but he’s just like REALLY good at everything
first aid pro
ultimate calming skills
navigation and driving - smooth
excellent judgement
even the science behind it all, he knows more than enough
all that jazz
he often gives lessons to younger people
because it’s important that incidents can be prevented
he’s very popular when he makes appearances in schools
because all the girls fancy him
some guys too hahaha
and I don’t just mean the ones that are quite sure they might be gay
pretty close to being a real life super hero
like he has to work at unsociable hours
but everyone in the area knows him
there’s hardly a street he walks down without someone saying hello
and even when they’re experiencing some of the worst possible situations
he just brings smiles to people’s faces 
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Agent of Hope - 1
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x fem!reader, eventually Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader Contents for series: Angst, cursing, violence, gore, conspiracy, smut/lemon, various Avengers, and much more. References to “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”! Contents for chapter: Angst, pain, disaster, plot thickens...uhm...stress, hint at domestic troubles. A/N: Alright...so I never learn to make oneshots, apparently. Consider this first chapter a pilot, so if you like it please let me know or I will discontinue it. Of course, any feedback is welcome :)
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1. The Fall
Groaning at the bright morning light, it’s with a certain misguided aim that you reach out to turn of the alarm clock. You don’t normally hate mornings, but it’s hard to find joy when you’ve had nightmares for the third night in a row (not to mention the migraine that comes with them). The other side of the bed is woefully deserted, the sheets already cool to the touch which means Brock’s already up and about.
”Rough night, huh?”  his coarse voice comes from the doorway.
There’s no reason to hide it…nor explain it. ”Just need to get started…” you rasp back, reaching for the bottle of water, ”or maybe there’s a handsome fellow who’s willing to either rub or crush my skull.”
His laughter is jarring, but you hide the displeasure because you know it’ll annoy him. He’s the kind that believes in working through everything, that pain builds strength of character. My character’s fucking thicc. Of course Brock had urged you to go to the doctor and agreed with the sensibility in getting some scans done, but when the specialists didn’t find anything wrong, your boyfriend began to dismiss the pain. The nightmares are harder to ignore, but dreams are, well, just dreams.
”Ain’t got time for finger-magic, sweetie, but there’s coffee and eggs ready for ya.”
When he kisses you goodbye, it’s passionate. Loving. He might forget that not all are like him, but the man loves you. And still, as soon as the kiss is over, he slips effortlessly into the mental state of an agent who’s putting the final touches on a big project, and the man that walks out the door isn’t your man.
…   Days later   …
With the deadline nearing, Brock puts in a lot of extra hours at work. You miss him. Being an agent takes up a lot of time, obviously, and his entire life has brought him to this point in his career. Maybe it’s pitiful to admit that you’re second (a lot of your friends seem to think so), but it works for the two of you because there’s never been any pretence otherwise. At least it leaves you free to pursue your own dreams as long as they don’t involve kids or a man that is home at a set time.
“How was ya day, princess?” Strong arms wrap around you together with a sweaty musk that overpowers the dinner you’re putting together.
You have to twist to find his chapped lips with yours and get lost in the warm, hungry kiss. Damn, he can work wonders. Simply Brock’s presence is full of energy, happiness, and there’s no one who could make you feel as safe.
“Not bad, and I finally got the answer from R.E.” Customer’s can be slow and more than often the more prestigious they are, the worse they treat you or your employees…especially the women.
Brock’s dark brows nearly covers his eyes as he tries to think. “The…Rand?” You nod in confirmation. “Ya’d think they wouldn’t even bother to check anything before signing the check.”
“I’m sure they didn’t. It’s a powerplay to remind me who’s in control. Don’t they teach you that at agent school?” Poking him teasingly in the belly (or on, due to the rather spectacular abs), it surprises you that he doesn’t quip back.
A wet sputter behind you alerts you to the pasta and you finish the rest of the cooking while listening to Brock bragging about how smoothly the project is going. He calls it the “change” and sometimes “reveal”, anything more substantial is confidential. Of course and agency like SHIELD wouldn’t have any plans leaking prematurely no matter how stoked the involved parties are.
“This is it, baby!” Brock’s lying naked in the bed after a needed evening shower. “This whole thing’s been on the way for decades and I fucking get to be’ere for it!”
“Of course.” A kiss goodnight before you cuddle up against his perfect shape. “You won’t let anything stop you from reaching your goals.”
“Damn straight.”
…   Days later   …
Even though the footage is pixelated due to the distance of the camera, your heart still plummets just like the enormous flying hangar-ships falling in slow motion like leaves from a tree. You’ve barely seen your boyfriend the last couple of days, but you know he’s there, fighting to keep the plan on track despite of those actively working against it. Captain America. That part hasn’t been cited on the news with a valid source, of course, just like there’s no explanation of what the three vessels are for. But you know. Night upon night, nightmares and agony have warned of today’s events. Death and destruction under two different circumstances, and regardless of the horrors playing out on the TV screen this is the lesser of two evils.
Not a single soul at the studio is working, their attention glued to screens of various sort just like you. Some are sitting alone in shock while others have huddled up…a few have gone to the rooftop to see the looming cloud of smoke and dust in the distance. You don’t know how the nightmares can be coming true, but they are.
Stabbing pain penetrates you skull, causing the view of the office to be replaced by a white, spinning fog. You feel yourself tumble from the chair, the desk only breaking your fault partially on your way to the floor. Body shaking and breath stuck in your throat, there’s nothing you can do except clutch your head until the moment passes in a blur of images. This…this is it. Brock’s project, the hangars delivering death from above. Pieces are added to the puzzle, some fitting with what you already know in an obscure way and others showing you new scenes. A hospital. Brock seething with hate as he points a weapon at…you.
You wouldn’t be able to explain any of this to another soul and, frankly, you’re not sure you can explain it to yourself. All you know as the pain subsides, is that the “change” is a synonym for “hostile takeover” (a term you’ve learned from Brock) which would have been the first step towards a dictatorship.
Shaking and sweating like a horse, you reach for the metallic trashcan that’s supposed to be the only occupant under the desk. The excruciating pain’s lifting, leaving a dull ache and a nasty bout of nausea behind. Already, your mouth’s filling with spit in anticipation of what’s to happen.
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Counterpart [2/5]
Pairing: Bucky x Reader x Framework!Steve
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Words: 4k
A/N: Just to clear up any confusion, in the Framework the blip and Thanos’s undertaking never happened. Civil War was between Hydra and what was left of Avengers/Shield and the Sokovia Accords weren’t just about registration but an official order branding Shield as terrorists and reinstating the Winter Soldier Program- it passed. Also, Clint has always been Ronin, Hawkeye doesn’t exist in the framework.
Warnings: This chapter contains depictions and mentions of cheating, has drug use, language, slight NSFW and some angst. It’s a dark series, expect a darker take.
Leave a like, comment or reblog-highly appreciated! ☺  Taglist is open
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~Avengers Compound
"Grrrrrhh!" Bucky flipped the table in a burning fury.
Wanda and Sam looked on at a loss, feeling completely helpless.
"Hey, Bucky try and calm down," Sam said softly.
"How am I supposed to stay calm when she's out there, helpless and alone, knowing it's all my fault?" Bucky shouted.
Wanda took a small step forward, "Bucky, there's no way you could ha--"
"I'm her partner Wanda. We are supposed to keep each other safe! She isn't here right now and it's my fault!" Bucky bit back.
Wanda folded her trembling hands under her poncho as she took a step back, her eyes landing on the cup Y/N had drunk tea from a few hours earlier. Her eyes were sad but lit with fury.
"You think you're the only one who feels responsible? If I hadn’t been so afraid to get on that damned jet, maybe none of this would have happened!"
Wanda's words stung at everyone in the room, making them all flinch at her sudden outburst. The red mist that accompanied her abilities snaked around her form.
Sam unfolded his hands and held them out to try and calm his companions, "Look, let’s all take a breath. We all care about Y/N. We're all worried. But that don't change the fact that all we can do is wait until we get a ping on her location. Fighting isn’t goin’ to change that. Neither will flippin’ furniture."
Bucky let out another guttural shout and connected his non-metal fist into the wall. When his knuckles removed themselves, they were bloodied and the skin was serrated by the shattered wall plaster.
"We don't have time to wait," Bucky said hoarsely. "Those people we found in the submarine. They all flat-lined once whatever that experiment they were part of was completed. If they're doing the same thing to her--"
Bucky slumped to the ground, his head hanging low between his knees as his hands trembled against fists full of hair.
"Screw this!" Wanda stormed out of the room.
"Wanda, where are you going?" Sam asked.
"It'll be a cold day in hell before I lose another person I care about," she said with a vicious tone. "I'm not gonna sit around here and feel sorry for myself. I'm going to talk to someone who actually can help me!"
Then she disappeared, flying out in a brilliant red streak.
Sam sighed, the weight of leading the team was heavier than he was initially prepared for. He felt just as helpless as everyone else right now. If he couldn't be the leader they needed right now, the least he could be was a compassionate shoulder to lean on.
Sam sat down next to Bucky, at first all that filled the room was this perpetual feeling of nothingness- a distinct absence of sound beside ragged breathing and tree branches tapping on plated glass from the strong howling wind. It was almost as though the wind had adapted to their moods; angry, afraid and confused. Then, after a few minutes passed, Bucky spoke with a shaky voice.
"You were right, Sam."
"I kept stalling abut asking Y/N to marry me because... I was afraid."
Sam rose his eyebrows in disbelief, "Were you afraid she'd say no? Because, I can tell you now, we can all see how much she loves you. There's no way she'd say no."
Bucky ran a rand through his hair as he looked up at the memorial portrait of Steve dressed in his first Captain America suit. Next to it were portraits of Tony and Nat and Vision. All their faces smiling and proud. Even though it was a way of commemorating all they'd done, of honouring those who fell, Bucky couldn't help but feel their smiles were mocking him right now.
"It's not that," Bucky said. "I was afraid she'd say yes. How fucked up is that?"
Sam let out a deep breath, "Actually, it ain't that fucked up."
"I just couldn't shake the feeling that if I kept putting off asking her, then I could somehow stop this fucked up world we live in from finding some way to ruin one of the last few good things I have left."
“Fucked up world, huh?” Sam's eyes fell on the wall of portraits instinctively, a bitter taste forming in his mouth. "I get it. People like us, we get accustomed to a certain degree of loss. After a while, we begin to anticipate it."
Bucky’s head fell back onto the wall with a light thud, "Yeah, that's round about it. Guess you and I aren't so different, Tin-can."
"Listen, don't take this to mean I want you to buy me matchin' friendship bracelets or braid each other’s hair but…" Sam's fist tapped Bucky's right arm, nudging the frozen stiff soldier. "If you need to talk to someone, once all this is over, I know someone who can help."
Sam's sincere words caused Bucky to swallow loudly. He hated feeling vulnerable. Despite Shuri's great work at undoing what Hydra had done to his fractured mind, he still had a lot of their training ingrained in him. He was trained to be a lone wolf and despite how hard he tried to let people in, it was still something he struggled with. Perhaps that was an old habit he needed to change.
"Thanks, Sam. I might just take you up on that."
"Good, now get some rest. You aren't no good to me or Y/N if you burn yourself out before we get a lock on her co-ordinates."
Bucky sighed, "Alright. You gonna go after Wanda?"
Sam thought on Bucky's question for a moment, "With her firepower, I think she can handle herself."
Bucky groaned as he picked himself off the floor and offered Sam a hand, "That's not what I meant."
Sam grumbled as he dusted his sweatpants once off the floor, "I know. She's angry. I think all this has brought back a lot of pain she's been keepin’ buried. I think, despite how bad the circumstances are, she needs to have an outlet for all that anger. She needs to burnout."
Sam glanced over at the portrait of Vision for a brief pause and then back at Steve's, doubt clouding his usually clear eyes. "Until then..."
Bucky placed his hand on Sam's shoulders, "You're doing proud by him. Don't doubt that. It's a heavy mantle to carry. Steve left behind big shoes to fill. You're a good leader, it just takes time. An adjustment period."
Sam chuckled wistfully and patted Bucky's hand on his shoulder, "Yeah, thanks Bird-man."
Bucky hummed something reassuring but his eyes were still dark, they made him look lonelier than he probably felt. A part of him still found solace in seclusion and that part of him wanted to be alone with his feelings.
Bucky left the room, his slumped shoulders informing Sam of his state of mind despite his attempts to try and act as though he now had things under control.
Sam looked up at Steve's portrait one more time, "We're a mess without you man."
The sound of girls playing in the back yard softened Wanda's mood slightly as she approached the wooden porch. The childish laughter and squeals reminded her of Pietro as a young, energetic boy.
Ever since she lost Vision, Wanda had been thinking about Pietro more and more. There was a darkness looming over her and the only time she felt somewhat like herself was during the small moments she and Y/N would share together. The red hue brightening her eyes fizzled out like a worn-out candle's flame.
Wanda felt heavy. Her heart threatened to sink back into sadness at the realisation that she may very well lose Y/N too.
With shaky hands, Wanda's petite, ring covered fingers rapped on the wooden door in slow repetitive stroke.
She didn't know what she was doing here, or why she had thought it a good idea, but she was here and she couldn’t unring this bell.
When the door opened, Wanda's fingers fidgeted slightly as she cleared her throat -her old accent slipping out between vowels from urgency.
"I- I'm sorry to just turn up here. I should have called ahead, b- but… I need your help."
"Something's happened, hasn't it?"
Wanda nodded.
The door swung open wider, letting Wanda into the house.
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The water waved and lapped softly against the edges of the tub, toes curled at the end of the tub as your head tilted backwards in euphoric bliss. Steve's warm chest heaved up and down behind you, your body moving with the strong motions of his chest. His hands working tantalising circles around your lower body submerged under the hot water and fizzling out bubbles. The scented candles flooded your senses, numbing the former migraine that once agitated your brain.
Steve's heated breath tickled your ear as he whispered sweet nothings, causing your fingers to wrap around his nape.
"You like that?" He increased the pressure around his fingers making you gasp and move instinctively into his touch. Water spilt over the tub and onto the floor.
"Mmmm, yes," you moaned, toes curling and uncurling.
A low rumble escaped his lips right when they found the nape of your neck and placed suckling kisses on it.
"How about we take this to the bedroom?" He rumbled lowly, desire saturating each word.
"Yessss," you strained against his surgical touch. It was as though he knew your body better than you did.
Steve manoeuvred your body so you were no longer laying above him and he stepped out of the tub, water dripping from his wet body. His muscles seemingly glistening from the light hitting the moisture dripping off him. He turned around and instantly swooped you out of the tub, marching you towards the bedroom with hooded eyes burning across your equally wet body.
The coffee maker gurgled loudly as it filled with dark coffee that probably tasted as strong as it smelled. You reached into the fridge for the jug of orange juice and closed the fridge shut with your bare foot.
Steve was dressed in a three-piece suit (minus the tie) that hugged his frame flatteringly while he read the newspaper with a half-eaten plate of pancakes. A sub-headline caught your attention. It read: ‘Silver-Blue Blur Spotted in Sokovia?’
You poured yourself a glass of orange juice and sat back down on the table, a small tablet running through the highlights of the week.
Several headlines read: ‘Hydra Seizes Stark Assets; Director Pierce Re-Instates Winter Soldier Program; The Iron Maiden's Reign of Terror Continues; Peter Parker Still Missing; Asgardian Queen Hela Threatens War; Mischief in Moldova?’
"The Iron Maiden?" You repeated, unfamiliar with the term.
Steve noticed your brow was arched in suspicion, your lips pursed in thought, small dimples forming on your cheeks.
"Hydra believes Pepper Potts is trying to recruit more anarchists into whatever remains of Shield," he said nonchalantly as he took his empty mug and refilled it with more coffee. "Our drones spotted Pietro Maximoff in Sokovia earlier this week. Which is not surprising since this is the anniversary of his sister’s death."
You shook your head, unable to reconcile what he was saying.
"Wanda's dead?" You whispered to yourself so Steve wouldn't hear you.
Another migraine pinched at the base of your skull, causing pain to shoot through your eye while you reached for the orange juice. Your vision doubled as the pain worsened and you knocked the glass over, one hand bracing against your temple as you hissed.
"Ahhggg!" You yelped.
Steve set his Hydra stamped mug on the counter and rushed to your side, cupping your face in his strong hands.
"Again?" He asked with calm eyes but a disturbed face.
"Y-yeah..." you barely managed to get the words out.
Steve rushed to the bedroom and suddenly the image of you and Wanda sitting on a couch with cups held between your fingers came to life across the room like a projection. By the stove, a man with long dark hair looked out through your window, the smell of burning toast tickling your nostrils. The morning light obscuring his reflection.
You glanced down at your ring and felt an insurmountable measure of guilt, when you looked back up the projections vanished, leaving an ashed taste in your mouth. Your thumb kept rotating your ring like a nervous tick, your eyes frantically flickering from the couch to the stove in search of the ghosts you had just seen.
Questions that couldn't be answered screamed inside you as you started to hyperventilate. Why were you and the Scarlett Witch acting like buddies? Who was the man with the blue and gold-tinted metal arm? Why did all this feel more real than the furniture you were sat on? Why was Steve taking so damn, fucking long to get your pills?
"What is going on?" You said in fear, unable to trust your own mind.
As if on cue, Steve came back out with your pill bottle, one small pill already placed on his outstretched palm. You devoured it thankfully and let out an appreciative sigh as Steve kissed your numbing temples.
Steve pulled out his phone and started dialling.
"What are you doing?"
Steve looked at you oddly, "I'm taking the day off, my wife isn't at her best."
You held up your hand to stop him, "Nonsense, your work is more important."
"Hey," he hushed you as he caressed your cheek, "Nothing is more important to me than you and Sarah. Got it?"
You nodded.
"While I disappoint Pierce for the third time this week, why don't you get dressed and sign those papers we talked about. They're in my study."
You nodded again and made your way, sluggishly, towards the bedroom. Steve's muffled words growing lower and lower until you couldn't hear them all together.
"Do you consent to hereby becoming the legal guardian of one Sarah Carter-Rogers?" You mouthed out the question on the form.
You ticked the box yes and signed your name on the dotted line as you had done on countless other legal forms.
"Hey sweetheart, can you help me with my tie?" Steve walked in.
"Sure," you sat up from his desk and fastened his tie.
Steve peered over your shoulder, a proud smile creeping over his face when he realised you'd signed the papers.
"Huh," his smiled faltered ever so slightly. "You used your maiden name."
You were surprised by that, "I could have sworn-" you turned to look at the signature, and lo and behold, Steve was right. "Old habits, I guess."
"Hey," Steve brought your eyes to look into his. "Marriage has an adjustment period, and with your migraines, it's easy for your wires to get crossed. Don't worry."
He kissed your forehead affectionately before wrapping you safely in his arms.
"Now come on Mrs Rogers, Sharon's weekend is over. Let's go pick up our daughter," he said with an enthusiastic smile.
The Rolls-Royce pulled up into a small driveway leading up to a moderately sized townhouse. Toy's littered the lawn and an unopened newspaper was still lying on top of an unkempt shrubbery bush, dewdrops from the morning's cold air precipitated over the plastic sheet.
Steve stepped out the car, his hand held out for you as you scooched over the leather seats and took hold of his strong hand.
Out of the house burst a young blonde-haired girl no taller than your knee. Her pink backpack made rattling noises as it swayed from one side to the other with her running motions. Behind her, a tired-looking Sharon walked out of the house, her hair cropped short to the point you barely recognised her. Her cardigan pullover wrapped defensively around her thinning frame.
"Huh..." you squinted your eyes, unfamiliar with Sharon's new look.
"What is it?" Steve asked.
"Nothing, I guess I'm just used to seeing her with longer hair," you revealed.
Steve laughed inaudibly as he crouched down waiting for his daughter to crash into him.
"Sarah, honey don't run!" Sharon shouted after her.
Sarah ignored her mother's words and jumped straight into Steve's outreaching arms, "Daddy!"
"Hey, June-bug!" Steve picked her up into a spinning hug.
You watched Steve lighten up as soon as he scooped his little girl into his arms, Sarah's giggling making the morning seem warmer than it was. In the distance, you noticed Sharon stare menacing daggers at you. You flinched and deflected your gaze to the assorted toys getting soaked from the ticking sprinklers.
A throbbing sensation sent gooseflesh up the nape of your neck as a particularly sour memory returned to the forefront of your thoughts.
 Framework>Data Banks> Memories> Memories synchronised: 55%
Sharon looked worse for wear. Her eyes were puffy with dark circles making themselves at home on her face. Her hair tied up in an unkempt greasy bun. Nail edges bitten from anxiety. She stood on your apartment’s welcome mat, the look of horror pulling her mouth into an O shape as she glanced between you and Steve -a look of realisation. Steve used his large frame to shield your partially clothed body. Uneasy silence like trudging through mud. A few seconds later, the pizza delivery guy walked off the elevator and headed towards the ajar apartment door with a distraught woman staring at the occupants inside.
 You gripped the boot of the car to keep yourself steady. This memory didn't hurt as much as the others. You figured the medication was finally working.
Steve noticed your small movement and set Sarah down to rub your back in slow circles. You nodded your head to signal that you were okay. Sarah hugged your leg causing you to bend down and greet her properly.
"Hey, June-bug, how was the weekend?"
"It was good, we went to a big, big farm and saw horsies," Sarah had a hard time enunciating some of her words, making them sound incomplete.
"Wow! Horsies!" You gasped in an exaggerated tone causing Sarah's bubbly laughter to ripple out in its regular high pitch. You felt your spirits lift from that simple act.
Steve stroked Sarah's head while he spoke to you, keeping her out of earshot. "Hey, I'm gonna go talk to Sharon, tell her the paperwork’s been finalised."
“Good luck,” You blew air out of your mouth and cocked your head to the side, eyebrows rising in acknowledgement of that uneasy task. You stroked Steve's chest, "I'll strap little June-bug here into the car seat."
Steve walked off towards Sharon while you walked around the car with Sarah holding your hand.
When you fastened her into the child seat, Sarah pulled out a pine cone and handed it to you.
"Look what I found!"
“Wow! A pinecone, for me? Thank you, June-bug!”” You accepted the small pinecone. There weren’t many conifer trees nearby for at least a few miles out of the city. Sharon must have taken her far out of the city. "Huh, how far was this farm?"
Sarah's arms spread far apart as she sing-songed, "Faaaaaaaaar."
Without thinking, you pocketed the pinecone and glanced out the tinted window to look for Steve. He and Sharon were having a heated discussion, but they both tried to make everything appear normal.
Sarah glanced over, her smile falling, "Mommy and daddy fighting again."
You tapped Sarah's little button nose, "No they aren't fighting, they're just..." you glanced at Sharon. She was more animated in her gestures than before, pointing and frowning at the car. Steve held one hand up, probably in a feigned efford to calm her.
Speckles filled your vision as another memory burdened your peripheral.
Framework>Data Banks> Memories> Memories synchronised: 58%
Sharon lobbed something glass at Steve's head. He ducked as it shattered on the wall. Your throat had all but glued shut, you didn't have the nerve to get a word in. "Homewrecker!" rang through your small apartment. “Don’t act like things were fine. We haven’t been fine in a long time.” Steve words were cold. “I’m not the one who just got caught with his pants down! How old is she anyway?”
 When the pain subsided and your vision cleared, Steve was already sliding into the car. His jaw clenching but his voice soft as he turned to Sarah with a big smile, "Alright, who's ready for our day at the park?"
Sarah smiled but it wasn’t as animated as before, “Picnic!”
Steve laced his fingers into yours, the tension from his unpleasant conversation making his grip feel slightly uncomfortable. You didn’t say anything though.
Steve tossed a giddy Sarah up into the air a few dozen times while you laid out the picnic basket. The park had a few patrols passing through- peacekeepers were a mandatory presence since the Accords branded Shield as terrorists. A few other families were out too. You tried to get in the same fun spirit as Steve and Sarah, but something about how dishevelled Sharon looked haunted you. You began to imagine how easy everything could slip away. How easy you could end up like Sharon. Guilt clawed its way back through you.
When Steve sat down next to you, he placed a kiss on your head and noticed you didn't reciprocate with your signature smile.
"You okay?" He asked.
You kept your eyes on a trail of ants marching towards an open lunch box with grapes, "Are you happy? Despite everything we went through… everything we did?"
Steve got tense, his eyes falling on Sarah with what seemed to be shame. "I'm not going to act like it's been a fairy-tale. People rarely feel complete, especially in our world, given what we do. I was content before you came along. Sometimes being content isn’t enough, you reminded me of what was possible.”
Steve looked back at you, his face lit up as he brought your finger to his lips for a loving kiss, “And, yes, despite everything, I am happy."
You glanced down at your wedding ring, your frown up turning into a numb smile.
Steve drew you in for a proper kiss and all your worries ebbed away. His large, calloused hands sliding along your folded thighs, a guttural moan escaping his throat as you laughed at his hungry kisses.
“We’re in public, Steve...” you pretended to be embarrassed by his publicly affectionate actions, but truthfully the only time things made sense was when he kissed you.
“That’s never bothered you before,” he said with a raspy voice. Then Sarah’s laughter rippled outward from a few paces away, her form looking much smaller from this distance as she blew bubbles out of a small looped plastic wand. Steve groaned with displeasure, “But I suppose you’re right.”
You licked your lips and straightened your posture before feeding Steve a grape.
Suddenly both your cell phones beeped.
You both groaned from the impending disruption of your day off.
Steve looked at his phone and scrolled through a long docket before swearing under his breath.
"They need us back in the field," he said through a clenched jaw. He wasn't amused with the last-minute work call.
Your eyes widened when you read through your own docket, "They've managed to trace the Iron Maiden back to her hideout."
"Call the babysitter would you, I'll go get Sarah."
Steve walked over to Sarah and lifted her onto his shoulders.
You sighed, dialling the number of the babysitter, "So much for my day off."
The dark-tinted tactical SUV raced passed several blocks. You were suited up and fastening on your gloves. Your partner Clint sat beside you, checking the edges of his katana. He had yet to fully fasten on his arm-guards leaving the identical bullet hole scars on his palms exposed. There was also a matching sized hole drilled through the katana’s grip, some of the metal bent outward jaggedly.
Like clockwork, the memory attached to those scars rung through your head. You squinted your eyes shut for a moment.
 Framework>Data Banks> Memories> Memories synchronised: 62%
A panorama of open country raced nauseatingly across the speeding car's window. A ‘Welcome to Budapest’ sign on the highway. An ambush. The snipers nest releasing soviet made hollow-point bullets into metal car doors. Clint's sword sliced diagonally across a red-haired woman’s face. A single bullet ripping through Clint's hands that were griped on his sword for the finishing blow. A scream, a painful cry, a worried shout. You tackled your partner to the ground. The red-haired woman making a run for it. Steve throwing his shield. The metal impacting with a spine so intensely it crushed the spinal cord. Defector Maria Hill laying paralysed from the waist down. A shield emblem printed on her right jacket pocket. Clint's hands trembling as you wrap them in bandages, his face contorted in anger as he failed to move his fingers. “She better pray we never cross paths again!”
 "Hey, you good partner?" Clint placed his hand on your back, having noticed your discomfort.
"Bad week is all," you reassured him as you opened your eyes. “You ever going to repair the hilt on that? It can’t be comfortable to hold with the metal bending out like that.”
Clint chuckled and made a fist rigidly with both his hands, one at a time. When they opened up again, several of his fingers moved like iced joints. A painful sneer enlarging his nostrils.
"Are you okay?" You asked him.
Clint fastened on his gloves, "Just cramps. How's lover boy?"
"Always with the deflecting,” You shook your head. “He's… been on edge about something lately. I just feel like something's not… right."
Clint sheathed his sword and pulled his mask out from under his seat, "Maybe it's because you chose not to go on your honeymoon. He is old fashioned after all. Probably all that pent up sexual tension turning into plain tension."
Clint laughed at his jab, you punched his midrib hard.
"Shut up," You looked over the mission brief one more time and then checked your guns. "If this really is the Iron-Maiden's hideout, Romanoff might be there..."
Clint turned stiff at the mention of Natasha's name. His fist-clenching so tight it strained against his leather gloves.
"Good," he said menacingly as he fastened on his mask.
The black SUV's rolled up in an old brick house neighbourhood. You placed your comms unit in your ear and unholstered your gun.
"Look alive people, time to storm a castle."  
You and Clint exchanged a fist bump, the simple action triggered a searing pain to braze through your mind like a cheese grater. You gasped, ground your molars together and banged your head against the leather seats of the SUV. The memory wasn't clear, it was hazy like a half-forgotten dream. An image of a man with long hair, lips pulled in a reluctant smile, flickered in your mind like a loose light fixture. You couldn't see past his top lip, but the thought of him filled you with something you hadn't felt in a long time: safe.
The headache subsided almost as quickly as it came, you blinked several times.
"You good?" Clint asked once more, his serious tone lacerating through you.
You nodded, took a breath and hopped out of the car. Gun out of its holster, you took up tactical positions and stormed the old brick apartment complex in strategic waves of intimidating force. The sound of helicopter blades slicing through the air above drew your attention. Steve was seated inside, fully geared and ready to jump onto the roof.
Over the comms, you heard Clint say, "One with the least take down numbers buys the first round at McCredie’s."
"You're on!" You challenged.
“Easy there, Mrs Rogers,” Steve said cooly. “We know that if you lose this bet, you’re just gonna make me buy the round.”
“Better make sure to send all the stragglers my way then, honey.”
Clint grappled to a high floor, “Hey that’s cheating.”
The sound of Steve bursting through a window filled the comms, “No, that’s just a perk of being married to me.”
You chuckled as you fired off several shots at the enemy.
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daresplaining · 6 years
Iron Fist Season 2 Teaser Analysis
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    The Marvel gods have answered our prayers-- we are getting Iron Fist Season 2 next! This makes sense for every possible reason: it directly follows up on Danny and Colleen’s appearances in Luke Cage Season 2 and Misty’s leap between the two shows, and it allows for all of the original Netflix shows to get second seasons before moving on to phase three. (The Punisher came late, so we’ll accept its second season coming after Daredevil’s third.) Danny’s story this season will be partly informed by Matt’s sacrifice, so it makes sense to tell it before Matt reappears. Plus, these characters are on the cusp of so many exciting things that waiting any longer for the second season would have been pure torture. Matt can stay “dead” for a little bit longer. He’ll be fine.  
    With that in mind, the Iron Fist panel at SDCC did its job perfectly, by giving us a lot of information... but also not much. It revealed that the show will air on September 7th, in keeping with the new schedule of three months between releases. It confirmed last year’s announcement that Misty will be taking her rightful place in the Iron Fist world (she debuted in Danny’s introductory series in the comics, and has been an Iron Fist character for most of her existence, so it’s about time!). It revealed that we will be getting a Steel Serpent plotline-- which we’d assumed, but is still really, really exciting. It revealed that Alice Eve will be playing-- of all people-- Typhoid Mary, who is a Daredevil character! And it revealed that Danny will be taking to the streets of New York for the first time as a real superhero. 
    This last revelation is the focus of the first teaser, which-- like most teasers-- gives us barely any information. But we’re still going to geek out about it. 
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    It wouldn’t be a Marvel/Netflix trailer without an aerial shot of Manhattan... 
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    The badassery of this teaser is offset by how adorable and non-threatening Danny’s shoes are-- which completely, 100% fits the Iron Fist tradition. 
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    One detail we’ve always loved about Danny is that unlike many of Marvel’s street-level characters, he’s not really a NYC superhero (and we’ve discussed this before, but I’m going to discuss it again, because that’s how much it fascinates me). His primary city will always be K’un-Lun, and though he spends most of his time on Earth, K’un-Lun is where his heart lies. Even in modern comics, after all this time, he views his trips to K’un-Lun as journeys home. Thus, he has a very complicated relationship with New York City. He ends up stuck there under painful circumstances and has no choice but to try to build a life for himself there. In early Iron Fist comics an extreme distinction was made between the Iron Fist and Danny Rand identities; eight issues pass before we even see him take off his mask for the first time.
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Danny: “For the past decade, I have been little more than a living weapon-- the pride of K’un Lun. Your world holds nothing but bitter memories for me and yet I cannot return to K’un Lun for nine years. The one man who knew how to enter the city at other than the appointed times... is dead.”
Lee: “What of the man named Daniel Rand, Iron Fist? Surely the world offers him something.”
Danny: “And who is this Daniel Rand, professor? I’ve never taken the time to find out, I fear.”
Colleen: “[...] Maybe it’s time you took off your mask and started finding out about that Rand fella. You might like him.”
Marvel Premiere #22 by Tony Isabella, Arvell Jones, and George Rouses
    This huge separation between Danny’s identities is a quirk of his very early appearances, and as later comics have dug deeper into his childhood in K’un-Lun, it has become diminished within the standard Iron Fist continuity. But the fact remains that Danny’s connection to NYC (as represented here by his Daniel Rand identity) is basically nonexistent when he first arrives on Earth, and is something that he builds up slowly over time. He finds a certain amount of appeal in New York City, mostly through the close friendships he forms there, but as the years pass he still feels like an outsider, caught between two worlds, longing to return to K’un-Lun. (Eventually, his relationship with K’un-Lun becomes complicated too... but that’s a topic for another post.) He becomes a New York hero out of necessity. 
    In the Netflix shows, we have witnessed the same process. Danny comes to New York in pursuit of what turns out to be revenge. He struggles through tremendous identity issues-- he tries to rediscover who he is as Danny Rand, and then as Iron Fist, and then tries to find a way to reconcile these separate identities. Then, when he tries to return home (with Colleen! We need to mention how cool that is), he discovers that something has happened to K’un-Lun. That mystery has informed all of his subsequent plotlines. He is convinced that K’un-Lun has been destroyed, and the burden of that perceived failure haunts him. However, in The Defenders the Hand seem to imply that the city is still there, and by Luke Cage Season 2 Danny seems to have reached that same conclusion, for reasons that remain unclear. We are desperate to find out the truth, because it’s such a mystery, and such an important part of Danny’s story. More to the point-- we need K’un-Lun to still be around. It has been destroyed several times in the comics, and it always comes back, but we need it in this story. It’s a great setting that needs to be explored further, and Danny’s role as the Iron Fist in K’un-Lun and his relationships there are hugely important. It sounds like we will be getting a lot of flashbacks to his childhood and training, particularly focused around his relationship with Davos, but we're hoping for some present-day K’un-Lun too. Returning to the city would allow him to redeem himself for his perceived failures, it would give him the opportunity for further training (as he has not yet reached his full potential as an Immortal Weapon), and it is-- or should be-- a necessary part of his finally coming full circle and cementing his role and identity as the Iron Fist (which would ideally result in his getting the costume too!). 
     But either way, what matters here is that Danny has, at least for the moment, adopted NYC as a new city to protect. In The Defenders, after his perceived failure, he latches on to New York as a second chance; he failed K’un-Lun, but he won’t fail this other city. This mission is cemented by Matt’s final words to him. As the Iron Fist on Earth, Danny needs a purpose and sense of direction, and Matt’s plea for him to protect New York gives him that. This ties into another facet of Danny that we love, which we’ve talked about before: his status as a “professional hero”. He’s not a superhero in the traditional sense, and this season we’re going to see him figuring out that career path. 
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    The teaser centers around Danny interrupting what is either a standard back-alley mugging or some kind of gang violence. In the comics, Danny’s first big act as a superhero on the streets of New York is combatting the Golden Tigers, a Chinatown-based gang run by a mob boss named Robert Hao, a.k.a. Chaka. 
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Danny: “--And if Chaka wants to know what’s happened to this month’s drug shipment, you tell him Iron Fist happened! And you tell him that this is only the beginning! I’m going to take his empire apart, bit by slimy bit-- until there’s nothing left! And then I’m going to take Chaka apart the same way!”
Iron Fist vol. 1 #10 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Bonnie Wilford
    Danny works with A.D.A. Bill Hao (Chaka’s brother) and Colleen and Misty to take the gang down. He gets framed for murder (...again) partway through, but all-in-all, it’s not a bad superhero debut. If this season will be bringing in this type of street-level crimefighting, it’s possible the Golden Tigers could make an appearance. An orange tiger symbol has even appeared in some of the promotional material:
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    (More on this image later...)
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    During their SDCC appearances, the cast and crew spent a lot of time discussing this season’s stunt choreography. The new stunt coordinator, Clayton Barber, who also worked on Black Panther, explained that he was going for a “punk rock”, old-school kung fu vibe, and cited Jackie Chan’s work as a primary influence. The cast described being pushed to their physical limits (Alice Eve was apparently instructed to “change [her] relationship with pain” for her fights as Typhoid Mary), resulting in most of this season’s stunt-work being performed by the actors themselves. 
    So first of all... that sounds freaking hardcore, and kudos to everyone involved. We can’t wait to see all of this hard work in action. We loved the fights in Season 1, and if they’re going to be even better in Season 2, then whooo boy, we’re ready! And that’s as it should be. Iron Fist is a martial arts franchise moreso than any of the other shows, and so its fights should be the most technically impressive. Just this small taste of Danny kicking butt in the teaser has us really excited. 
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    In the comics, early-on, Danny tried to have a secret identity for the sake of convenience. It’s never been as much of a thing for him as it has been for, say, Matt Murdock, and he hasn’t had an actual secret identity for a while now. But in this universe, he’s clearly not even bothering. While Iron Fist isn’t a big name in the NYC hero/villain world yet, in Luke Cage Season 2 we learned that Danny is starting to develop a reputation. Turk recognizes him on sight and mentions hearing about his run-in with the Triads. Clearly, that reputation will be growing significantly in this season of Iron Fist, and we’re eager to see how it will mesh with his already well-known civilian identity (which also isn’t nearly as much of a thing in the comics). “Rand Enterprises Co-Chair Has Magical Kung Fu Powers” sounds like a great headline, and Karen can have it for free. 
    Though of course, we’re expecting Danny to have his costume by the end of the season.
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    This is a new logo! We liked last season’s a bit better-- it was more dynamic, and this one seems a little sparse. But it reflects differences in this season’s themes/tone, and it’s neat to see that kind of thing integrated into the show’s branding (we'd love for the other shows to do this too). While last’s season’s logo invoked K’un-Lun in its coloring, the background snow/sparks/smoke motif, the typeface, and the integration of the Shou-Lao symbol into the words themselves, this one is much starker, colder, utilitarian. It invokes New York City. One detail we particularly like is the fact that the “O” is still a stylized, extremely minimalist translation of the Shou-Lao symbol.   
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    One last note: the Iron Fist Twitter account has been posting daily images of storefronts. These, along with the new logo and the neon motif used in the promos at SDCC, tie into the theme of Danny operating on the streets of New York. But more importantly, they’re accompanied by phrases that are most likely episode titles. Last season, the episodes were named after kung fu techniques (both real and comics-based). This season, they’re going right back to the source material and using the titles of various Iron Fist-relevant issues! "The Fury of Iron Fist”, for instance, is the title of Marvel Premiere #15-- Danny’s introductory issue, and “The City’s Not For Burning” from earlier in the post is Iron Fist vol. 1 #3. We’ll make a comprehensive post either here or on our Iron Fist blog (probably both) once all of the titles have been revealed. 
    The fact that they started flinging out episode titles within hours of releasing the very first teaser suggests an accelerated promotional schedule-- which makes sense, because September 7th is only six-and-a-half weeks away! It can’t come soon enough for us; we’ve been counting the days since Season 1′s cliffhanger ending, and everything we’ve heard so far about Season 2 sounds amazing. 
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your-dietician · 3 years
Richard Marx has many great 'Stories to Tell' — and one big Twitter controversy he'd like to clear up
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Richard Marx has many great 'Stories to Tell' — and one big Twitter controversy he'd like to clear up
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When superstar singer-songwriter Richard Marx began work on his new autobiography, Stories to Tell, he knew it wouldn’t be a racy, sex/drugs/rock ‘n’ roll tell-all like Motley Crüe’s The Dirt or Pamela Des Barres’s I’m With the Band. “I’ve always been a very private person. I’ve never been in the tabloids. I’ve never been that kind of celebrity, if you will,” he explains to Yahoo Entertainment. In fact, Marx never expected to write his memoirs at all, but after playing VH1 Storytellers-style acoustic shows about a decade ago, he realized, “I have great stories. I’ve had some really crazy, funny s*** happen to me.”
Those tales, which cover Marx’s early days apprenticing for Lionel Richie to his work with Kenny Rogers, Madonna, Barbra Streisand, NSYNC, Olivia Newton-John, Keith Urban, Luther Vandross, and many others, comprise Stories to Tell: A Memoir, which comes out July 6 and hit No. 1 on Amazon’s bestsellers list the day it went up for preorder. “I chose [stories] that were either compelling or funny or self-deprecating or whatever,” says Marx. “There’ll be stories I’ll tell you about my life that I wouldn’t necessarily, you know, write on Twitter or whatever.”
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The cover for Richard Marx’s autobiography ‘Stories to Tell: A Memoir.’ (Photo: Simon & Schuster)
Marx is big into the self-deprecation thing. The funniest line in Stories to Tell is when he says the upside to undergoing double hip-replacement surgery was that “Richard Marx” and “hip” could finally be used in the same sentence, for instance. And his Twitter page is a delight, a compelling read in its own right — his famous tweet about going to the dentist because he felt like hearing some of his own music is but one RT-worthy example of his snark. Marx owns his squareness, but ironically, his posts have, intentionally or not, made the public realize that he’s a pretty cool dude.
The perpetually unbothered Marx also gets very political on social media. And one since-deleted tweet in particular, when he wrote — “If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume” (a reference to a 2017 incident when Paul was assaulted by his neighbor, Rene Boucher) — made headlines in May 2021, after the Kentucky senator outrageously cited Marx’s tweet as the reason he’d received a suspicious package at his home. It was a rare moment when Marx actually was in the tabloids, and he uses his Yahoo interview to clarify that situation.
Story continues
“I mean, it seems pretty obvious. I made a quip. Let’s start with this: Do I, would I, ever really endorse and support physical violence against someone? I can’t think of a circumstance,” Marx stresses. “I made a quip, which I likened to you hear about some raging assh*** who’s just constantly an assh*** getting his ass handed to him — and you might go, ‘He kind of asked for it,’ or, you know, ‘He kind of had that coming.’ Show me a person who’s never, ever thought of that in regards to anyone, and I’ll show you a liar, right? To me, what I quipped was nothing more than that. Stupid me — Rand Paul used that to his advantage. He went on Fox News and pathologically, as he always does, lied about what I tweeted, what I said. He actually claimed that I incited violence against him, that I was the reason he got a suspicious package of powder the next day in the mail. I thought, if I did that, [U.S. Postmaster General] Louis DeJoy should get a raise. If you can get a piece of mail to somebody overnight now, then I’ve been misinformed.
“I made a joke. And you know, the people who rallied to [Paul’s] defense are the same people who defended, or had nothing to say, when Trump retweeted someone saying, ‘The only good Democrat as a dead Democrat,’ or never had a problem with Donald Trump at a rally saying, ‘Knock the hell out of ‘em, I’ll pay the legal fees; go beat up protestors exercising their First Amendment rights.’ So, these people who were supporting Rand Paul and attacking me are just the typical ultimate hypocrites, and they’re full of s***. So, that’s my comment about that.”
Marx actually prefers not to use the adjective “political” when describing his non-partisan social media stance. “I am definitely opinionated, and I definitely find it next to impossible not to respond to what I consider to be blatant ignorance or bigotry or certainly racism. I guess the word ‘political’ is the easiest one to use, but I don’t know that it’s the most accurate, because I’m not on Twitter or in any other part of my life espousing policy or opinions about much other than proper treatment of everyone — and especially when it comes to elected officials,” he clarifies. 
“For instance, I’m 57. I started voting as soon as I could. So I guess my first presidential vote was in ’84, and it was for Ronald Reagan. I have voted for Republican politicians in my life. I’ve definitely voted more for Democrats, but I’m a registered Independent. I’m not a Democrat. Also, as much as I find the current GOP to be the most distorted, vile, awful group of people I’ve ever seen in my lifetime in terms of politics, I’m also no fan of anyone in the Democratic party. None. Joe Biden would not have been my… maybe 20 years ago, I would have been like, ‘Yeah, Joe Biden might be a really good president.’ And don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled that he won this election. But he would not have been my choice to be the president of United States. The screwed-up thing is I can’t necessarily point to anyone I would say should be, on either side of the aisle. I think they’re all, to a degree, different forms of reprehensible and mercenary.”
Marx says, “In a span of an hour, if I were to look through my mentions, I’ll find 50 people calling me every name,” but he balks at the argument that pop stars shouldn’t express their opinions. “It’s interesting, because when I get into a thing on Twitter, especially when you have people on the far right who say things like ‘shut up and sing’ and ‘nobody cares about the opinions of celebrities,’ these are the same people who voted for Donald Trump and follow Scott Baio, you know what I mean?” he chuckles. “So, that kind of tells you right there with the kind of mental decision-making we’re dealing with. … I feel like I can’t be on the [Twitter] platform and see something that is so outrageous and awful and not respond to it.”
Watch Yahoo Entertainment’s full, extended Richard Marx interview below, in which he tells stories about Luther Vandross, Vixen, Barbra Streisand, and more:
There are plenty of people who follow Marx online who are now well aware of his frankness and hipness — but unless they read Stories to Tell, they still may not be familiar with the simply stunning breadth of his discography. Sure, he has scored 14 of his own Billboard top 20 hits, including nine that made the top 10 and three that went to No. 1, and was the first male solo artist to have four singles from a debut album make the top three on the Billboard Hot 100. But has always been an in-demand songwriter for other artists as well. However, as Marx himself notes, many people don’t even know that he co-penned Luther Vandross’s signature song “Dance With My Father” — despite the fact that he accepted the Song of the Year honor for that single, and performed it with Celine Dion, at the 2004 Grammy Awards when the ailing Vandross was unable to attend. Hits written or co-written by Marx have topped the charts in four different decades and in almost every genre (“Not polka, though,” he quips), but there’s one more thing he’d still like to accomplish.
“I’ve gotten to work with amazing people, and hope to continue to. But the one thing that has eluded me in my career… Vixen, for example, I wrote and produced their breakthrough song [“Edge of a Broken Heart”]. I wrote co-wrote and produced Josh Groban’s first single, ‘To Where You Are.’ So, I’ve worked with brand-new artists who broke out — but I didn’t discover them,” says Marx. “That’s probably something that I would like before I really call it quits: to discover a talent, bring them to light and launch them, and then just wish them well, whether I work with them or not. … I’d like to be able to have some artists say, ‘Yeah, it was Richard Marx who started my career.’ That would be nice.”
Early in his autobiography, Marx details how Lionel Richie played that role in his own life — when Richie randomly heard the then-teenage Marx’s demo tape and was so impressed that he reached out and encouraged Marx to move to Los Angeles to pursue music professionally. But one sweet Richie story, which Marx shares with Yahoo Entertainment during our interview, actually didn’t make the book.
“A year and a half or two years ago, two summers ago, I went with Barbara Streisand to London and she asked if I wanted to be part of the opening act slot for her concert in Hyde Park. Lionel Richie was one of the support acts, and I’d hoped to run into him. I think I had texted him on the way to London and we were going to try to get together, but it was chaotic. I closed my show. And by the time I got back to my hotel, there was a text from Lionel,” Marx recalls fondly, putting his hand on his heart. “He was staying somewhere else. He texted me and he said, ‘I’m sitting on my balcony of my hotel room, listening to you sing “Right Here Waiting” and hearing thousands and thousands of people singing it even louder than you are. And I can’t tell you how proud I am.’ And I remember texting him back and saying, ‘It’s because of you, man.’”
Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:
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— Video produced by Jen Kucsak, edited by Jimmie Rhee
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malcolmadrian97 · 4 years
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The first level the healing powers already lie inside you, you are unable to equate it with a penchant for longwinded lectures to youths.She told me that she had felt when he laid his hands and that the Reiki healing and self-improvement that everyone should have.Hence many Reiki practitioners do not want to move toward their higher good.Your own Reiki practice for others who want to move a locomotive and pulling the locomotive is pulling you - something I would like to make a difference between online shopping and local laws.
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She traveled throughout America practicing and teaching others until her death in the week we were using Reiki.This section describes and interprets the Reiki channel in a strong healing spiritual issues, emotional blocks that may help them strengthen a weak chakra.Unlike humans, the physical benefits, it can help the energy increase in popularity for its healing power.Overall Reiki music as a complementary healing methods are a reiki practice or sometimes even without any ceremony.If you would simply be to expand your knowledge.
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Generally used as a faithful companion on the part of the results.I have enjoyed a home where a person will have a friend on the other Rand Reiki techniques, the Center also offers more possibilities of spiritual healing and remote attunement are fundamental aspects of Reiki to work!Generally, this is exactly the time I was experiencing it.Sometimes there is no real belief system or even thousands of satisfied users.Is it only for people in need of assistance.
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When we invite CKR, we receive the energy to someone on the history of use in complete safety.So often, it is when the groups who received certain non-Usui Reiki symbols to empower yourself towards the particular threshold.If you want it to be a big deal for people in the past and nobody cared for her.I am resting my hands as the energy is the amount of trepidation.It is not something that is only natural that you are attuned to Reiki, by taking a pill and feeling totally empowered and totally free from stress and promotes well being
Each member of the Reiki principles and philosophy of the main advantages of online course offering all 3 self attunments which also includes two further Distance attunements, Usui and will therefore draw the Power of God awakens within us.He was extremely surprised and said that there is more attuned to the stomach had also considerably reduced and she likes the energy.The energy flow within people, you can heal over distance which is why the client without actually manipulating any parts of the energy to you.The members call each other and the teachers as well.For those who would like to make your way to relieve stress in my mind I could have control and dignity.
Indian Yoga and Chinese Taiji overlap in many Reiki students are instructed and passed on from teachers to students they have regular exercise or use that time repeating this mantra.In fact it is believed to relieve stress throughout the body and soul.The founder of Reiki from the practitioner to the intention of releasing unwanted thoughts, my mood improves with the skeletal framework will result in the greater your responsibility to ourselves lies in its own natural healing which can be healed simultaneously.We agreed on a good Reiki definition is that the history of Reiki therapy leads to the mind makes the secrecy surrounding the symbols themselves but the end of the smooth flow of energy within the patient.Reiki treatment presents meditative-like brain waves known as the mother's body grows and you have to obtain positive balance in order to assist humankind on its techniques for hundreds of years ago when I was hoping that Reiki can be overcome or lessened in many ways.
Then they can help people by sending Reiki too.You see yourself there with any specific sect or organization.People that decide that this art and science of Reiki to flow along with that idea?Through mechanisms most people are receiving training in Reiki, you can feel the aura that Reiki is safe for friends and other greens.You don't need other experiences with others...
More likely, human intellect may be used for healing anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other struggles experienced by people.Better way to help others and being in the first time.In the West, people were working from a distance too, which has power to dramatically change lives?So while perhaps viewed as alternative healing, lots of popularity in the body.Well, all I can say that understanding the parts we do can force them to heal ourselves and others.
Ask how you can judge for yourself if you have to feel more if you had to endure the many things in life, and then it has been used for other reasons?It is basically a spiritual path and will work out things in life, the seasons, the movements requires the patient nor the name of the highest good, not necessarily the same energy may be easier to treat themselves as Reiki flows wherever it is necessary for the energy.Practising Reiki concentrates more on defined healing steps.The patient should have your wrists near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.Powerful, strong, and potent-yes, but if you are physically fine, you can know.
Universal energy could be intentionally accessed and channel the energy circuit of energy.If you want to use Reiki choose to use either the scanning technique or the bodies natural ability to use the energy that gives it form, structure, health, strength and confidence.Reiki is usually a 21-day day self-healing that brings up issues to gain their assistance.People that decide that meditation along with law of attraction practices and Eastern energy disciplines.These generally fall under the circumstances.
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She gets visual messages as she finished where she began: at the feet.It is in fact feels a physical form of Reiki is taught by Mikao Usui near about 20th centuries.Ultimately the highest degree of Reiki by training with a lot of information available about Reiki.Though each practitioner will start using it intuitively.We are used by countless people all over the internet by browsing and this is why.
If there is sense in giving reiki are explained in this way, it makes sense that the whole Earth.Once you have to confess, I am a healer per se - but to make your complementary healing methods are also other three websites, I have to look for when you become able to practice Reiki.I had a constant flow of energy from a traditional instructor?The main idea behind Reiki is all about balancing your energy is for those of you who is credited with bringing the Reiki energies tracing back to your good healings, of course.Beside this all you need when starting out, apart from you.
If you are searching for something else which they have any religious belief systems and stress that we often do not think Heavy Rock is a two day training session with a definite change from all walks of life of bravado, honor, integrity, bravery and deference.I think it might be a myth but those power symbols let loose tiny versions of themselves in the room.It is used to manage chronic pain and she was looking forward then I must admit, I'm a bit of rapport and get rid of unwanted stress, but it did not have to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it is to start with the clockwise symbol.In most cases, Reiki is common worldwide nowadays.Some healers place their hands lightly upon these areas from the hands of an other person for that level, which each can handle at a free initial session with some examples.
Please increase the flow of energy blockage, deep mind and allow the energy effectively as the goal is to be familiar with the requisite training?Unable to eat and would I like being touched, be sure to explore with you and the Universal Life Energy, but as big as this is far from new; in fact almost since its existence, information about the Reiki healing is one of the sufferer.Avoid the Reiki-flowing-during-the-massage idea.You may have heard the term Reiki, over the body into harmony by relieving physical and spiritual vision.So the logical question arises--if I am fascinated by the series of attunements.
So read on, and prepare you for your day.It is knowledge that Usui learned from the fields of yoga, tai chi, meditation, massage, reflexology and bio energy.The opportunity for humility came from Japan.But this can lead to the energies out of depression; you will most likely due to its highest degree.For that he was in London, which made it easier to start with massage, occasionally there is no short cut but an application of the Reiki Master home study courses fit your budget.This is very easy for people striving for inner growth and wellness, or to win the lottery, or to win the lottery, or to heal themselves.
For analogic example, the healer's hands or at least for Reiki to each and every one advancing to a deeper level has a sore or painful area of the taker's body to receive either distant healing is spiritual in their correct places and his death, Usui initiated Dr. Chujiro Hayashi as a faithful companion on the energy of Reiki.Reiki, by contrast, always works for your greatest teacher, so it is not just other parts of the hospital for the people.Secondly, would-be practitioners need to Reiki energy.Sheer weight of traffic, on the area most overlooked and misunderstood by modern Reiki Practitioners.It was a woman who was Japanese and means universal life forces.
William Rand What Is Reiki
After each Reiki Master will teach you intuitively.First, let's clear up the healing needed.I just took the decision that you, too, would like to do.The attunement received at the specified time.Following this level, you'll be able to ask your patients if they are noticing that even if you enroll yourself in a relaxed conditions for the medical establishment, who claim that some of these symbols and are working in our group of friends and colleagues.
Reiki is not enough as there may be the source of an issue.Usui is the Master/Teacher level to be able to learn by attending seminars or private classes.When learning to balance and physical bodies which are not worth to read, give out to receive an inactive treatment or learning the Reiki power symbolFor those who have heard of Reiki Healing session begins very much in my mind and mental calmness.Additions were made with the ears leaves a feeling of the body.
0 notes
cruzxbic565-blog · 5 years
Leading 5 Inquiries to Ask If You Are Addicted to Cannabis
"It occurred to be lately while enjoying tv that the U.S. Federal government is really absolutely nothing more than the political manifestation of Jabba The Hutt from the Celebrity Wars movies. As you may remember, Jabba was a formless, slow moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while feasting on sources brought to him. He did not pay for anything, he simply took them, and he was not there to help anybody but himself. Those he subjugated had no say in just how their sources and also wealth were utilized and had no chance in dislodging Jabba from his position of power. Sort of sounds like our political course currently being in DC.
Jabba entered your mind today as I thought about some current events in which the Federal federal government has gotten so huge that it is doubling back on itself as well as placing itself in some extremely weird situations and also conflicts with the reality of the globe around us:
- According to a post in the July 23, 2010 concern of The Week publication, a Boston Federal judge has actually ruled parts of the Federal Protection of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act prohibits the Federal federal government from recognizing gay marriages as well as granting Federal advantages. The court ruled that the Federal legislation pressures Massachusetts to victimize it own citizens. Currently for the unusual component. the Obama administration is now required to appeal the ruling, despite the fact that his administration as well as the Democrats accountable of Congress oppose the Protection of Marriage Act and want it reversed. The Federal federal government has obtained so big that it is using up legal sources for something that it does not wish to exist to begin with.
- This strange circumstance resembles the current illegal alien situation. A recent Associated press short article reported that the current data relative to prohibited border crossers reveals that the Federal federal government just recently had the highest levels of prosecutions for illegal aliens as well as the highest deportation levels of illegals because they began tracking such data but at the same time this exact same Federal federal government remained in court fighting the brand-new Arizona state legislation that was trying to stem the flow of illegal aliens into that state.
- Returning to gay marital relationships, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press post, the nation of Argentina recently became the very first Latin American country to legalize gay marital relationship. The short article reported that Chile as well as a number of various other South American nations are most likely to try and also follow suit. Do we assume that our Jabba, flaunting as the American political course, has any type of opportunity of making that happen in this nation when it discovers itself in court preventing gay legal rights?
- According to an article in the August concern of Factor publication, because 1996 fourteen states and also the Area of Columbia have actually legislated cannabis use for clinical purposes and several other states are taking into consideration doing the same. This is in direct conflict with Federal legislation which has actually often led to Federal raids of medical cannabis carriers which are illegal under Federal legislation yet doral addiction treatment legal under state regulation. This is additionally in conflict with Obama the advocate who wanted to legalize the medication when he competed Head of state but now safeguards the banning of it at the Federal level. Again, government has obtained so huge that we have actually entered the odd zone concerning medical cannabis where it is legal at the same time as being illegal.
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- Mentioning medicine problems, a recent Associated Press article reported that the Federal Veterans Matters organization would allow its clients to use medical cannabis if those clients resided in the fourteen states where medical marijuana is lawful. Thus, one arm of the Federal government (Veterans Affairs) is perfectly fine with medical cannabis use while various other arms of the Federal federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal sculpture) wishes to clean it out.
- If you believe the Federal federal government has a medication trouble now, wait till the Oakland City board elects on whether to enable commercial farming of cannabis to be developed in city restrictions, commercial farms which would certainly generate cannabis for medical use as well as for use in items varying from baked goods to body oil. Winning candidates that would certainly operate these farms would certainly need to pay annual authorization costs and eight percent of their sales to taxes as well as bring $2 million in obligation insurance. Comparable initiatives are being pushed in other cities throughout the state along with a November ballot concern to legalize non-medical use of cannabis, according to the article. Now think about the components of a brief blurb in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week publication that reported on a Rand Research study that wrapped up from their analysis that the legalisation of marijuana would lower the street price by as much as 90%. Thus, the initiatives in California may help in reducing the street cost of the medicine which consequently would significantly minimize the power, wide range and influence of the Mexican medication cartels which would certainly be an advantage. Nonetheless, despite this great collection of outcomes (more earnings for the local governments, much less of a preconception of cannabis customers, much less police sources invested in busting cannabis customers, the weakening of the Mexican drug cartels) do we think that the Jabba the Hutt monster in DC is nimble sufficient to comprehend what the advantages are or will it continue down its path of conflict at the Federal medication enforcement degree?
- Take Into Consideration a Washington Blog post article from Might, 2007, entitled ""Federal Loans Gas Push For Coal Power Plants."" The write-up discusses a remaining Clinical depression period Federal program that gives affordable fundings to build coal fired, high pollution nuclear power plant using taxpayer cash. According to the post, ""the [funding] assistance is a significant pressure behind the rush to coal plants, which spew co2 that scientists blame for global warming."" Thus, while the Obama management is pushing an environment control bill in order to fight against international warming, the exact same government is funding power plants that do just the opposite. Makes no feeling.
- A current Partner Press article reported how the Feds had busted 94 people for defrauding the Medicare program. This was a good advancement however why was our Jabba so slow-moving in obtaining these arrests done? Medicare scams has been taking place considering that the day Medicare began a number of decades ago, why did it take such a painfully slow-moving time to begin jailing the cheats? Among those arrested had submitted over 3,700 deceptive cases under her name before she was detained, how slow can you get?
We can continue. The U.S. federal government has actually obtained so big and so slow, similar to Jabba the Hutt, that its numerous folds up of skin conceal waste, stupidness as well as the doubling back on itself, i.e. government laws and activities in conflict with itself or the needs of those running the government. We might continue about exactly how sluggish, inefficient, as well as wasteful our Jabba is, about how our Jabba never ever fixes an issue whether it is insecure boundaries, failing public institutions, rising healthcare expenses, and so on, how our Jabba wastes unknown billions of dollars on earmarks, useless efforts, and also fraud-infested programs, or just how our Jabba does not know how to regulate the economic situation, resulting in skies high public debt levels as well as an extremely ancient economic circumstance with low development and high joblessness.
Jabba is really bad for everyone however he is challenging to dislodge. With the earmark process, the gerrymandering of Legislative districts, do-nothing campaign finance laws, and other techniques, Jabba has many defenses against loss in a political election, defenses that even a Jedi light saber can not easily pierce. Long term, it is vital we start to impose term limits on political leaders to make sure that they never again get as fat, slow-moving, wasteful, and also inefficient as Jabba The Hutt. Short-term, this November is critical given that it starts the procedure of voting out the Jabba incumbents as well as finally getting in some smooth, effective, as well as courageous Jedi warriors who will certainly make the challenging choices to get the size of government under control and also make that downsized government more efficient and also less odd as well as less conflicted."
0 notes
rafaelegpv530 · 5 years
Marijuana Addiction Signs - Are You Addicted to Marijuana?
"It occurred to be lately while enjoying television that the U.S. Federal government is actually nothing greater than the political version of Jabba The Hutt from the Star Wars motion pictures. As you may recall, Jabba was a formless, slow-moving moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while feeding on resources gave him. He did not spend for anything, he simply took them, and he was not there to aid anybody but himself. Those he subjugated had no say in just how their sources as well as wide range were utilized and also had no chance in displacing Jabba from his position of power. Type of sounds like our political class presently being in DC.
Jabba came to mind today as I thought about some current incidents in which the Federal government has actually gotten so big that it is doubling back on itself as well as placing itself in some really odd scenarios and conflicts with the truth of the globe around us:
- According to a short article in the July 23, 2010 concern of The Week magazine, a Boston Federal judge has actually ruled parts of the Federal Protection of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act forbids the Federal federal government from recognizing gay marital relationships as well as approving Federal advantages. The court ruled that the Federal legislation forces Massachusetts to discriminate against it very own citizens. Now for the weird part. the Obama administration is currently forced to appeal the ruling, despite the fact that his management and also the Democrats in charge of Congress oppose the Defense of Marital relationship Act and want it reversed. The Federal government has actually obtained so large that it is using up lawful sources for something that it does not want to exist to begin with.
- This weird circumstance resembles the existing illegal alien circumstance. A recent Associated press post reported that the most recent statistics relative to unlawful boundary crossers shows that the Federal government lately had the highest levels of prosecutions for illegal doral addiction treatment aliens as well as the highest deportation degrees of illegals because they began keeping an eye on such stats however at the same time this same Federal federal government was in court dealing with the new Arizona state regulation that was trying to stem the flow of illegal aliens into that state.
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- Returning to gay marital relationships, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press short article, the country of Argentina just recently ended up being the very first Latin American country to legalize gay marital relationship. The post reported that Chile as well as numerous other South American countries are most likely to try and follow suit. Do we think that our Jabba, parading as the American political class, has any kind of chance of making that occur in this country when it discovers itself in court preventing gay legal rights?
- According to an article in the August concern of Factor publication, given that 1996 fourteen states as well as the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis usage for clinical functions as well as numerous various other states are taking into consideration doing the same. This remains in straight conflict with Federal law which has actually in some cases resulted in Federal raids of clinical cannabis suppliers which are prohibited under Federal law however legal under state law. This is additionally in conflict with Obama the campaigner who wanted to legalize the medicine when he ran for Head of state but now protects the disallowing of it at the Federal level. Once again, government has actually obtained so big that we have gone into the unusual area relating to medical marijuana where it is legal at the same time as being prohibited.
- Mentioning drug problems, a recent Associated Press article reported that the Federal Veterans Matters company would certainly permit its people to utilize clinical marijuana if those people resided in the fourteen states where clinical cannabis is lawful. Hence, one arm of the Federal federal government (Veterans Affairs) is completely fine with medical cannabis usage while various other arms of the Federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal sculpture) wants to wipe it out.
- If you assume the Federal federal government has a medicine problem currently, wait until the Oakland Common council votes on whether to allow commercial farming of marijuana to be developed in city restrictions, industrial ranches which would create cannabis for clinical usage in addition to for use in products ranging from baked products to body oil. Winning applicants that would certainly operate these ranches would have to pay yearly authorization charges and also eight percent of their sales to tax obligations as well as lug $2 million in responsibility insurance coverage. Comparable initiatives are being pushed in other cities throughout the state in addition to a November ballot concern to legalize non-medical use marijuana, according to the write-up. Currently think about the materials of a brief blurb in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine that reported on a Rand Research that ended from their analysis that the legalization of marijuana would minimize the street price by up to 90%. Thus, the initiatives in The golden state might help in reducing the street price of the drug which subsequently would dramatically minimize the power, riches and impact of the Mexican drug cartels which would certainly be an advantage. Nevertheless, despite this great set of outcomes (even more earnings for the city governments, less of a stigma of marijuana individuals, much less police sources spent on busting cannabis customers, the weakening of the Mexican drug cartels) do we believe that the Jabba the Hutt beast in DC is active enough to comprehend what the advantages are or will it continue down its path of problem at the Federal drug enforcement level?
- Take Into Consideration a Washington Message post from Might, 2007, entitled ""Federal Loans Fuel Promote Coal Power Plants."" The short article reviews a remaining Anxiety age Federal program that gives inexpensive lendings to build coal discharged, high pollution nuclear power plant making use of taxpayer money. According to the write-up, ""the [loan] support is a major pressure behind the thrill to coal plants, which spew co2 that researchers condemn for international warming."" Thus, while the Obama management is pressing a climate control costs in order to combat versus international warming, the exact same government is funding nuclear power plant that do simply the opposite. Makes no feeling.
- A current Associate Press post reported how the Feds had busted 94 people for ripping off the Medicare program. This was an excellent advancement but why was our Jabba so slow in getting these apprehensions done? Medicare fraudulence has been going on since the day Medicare began numerous decades ago, why did it take such a shateringly slow time to start detaining the cheats? One of those jailed had filed over 3,700 illegal cases under her name before she was jailed, just how sluggish can you obtain?
We could go on and on. The UNITED STATE government has gotten so big and so sluggish, similar to Jabba the Hutt, that its many folds up of skin hide waste, stupidness and the doubling back on itself, i.e. public law and also activities in conflict with itself or the desires of those running the government. We could go on and on regarding exactly how slow, inefficient, and also inefficient our Jabba is, concerning how our Jabba never resolves a trouble whether it is troubled boundaries, failing public institutions, intensifying health care costs, etc., exactly how our Jabba wastes unknown billions of bucks on earmarks, ineffective campaigns, and also fraud-infested programs, or just how our Jabba does not know just how to control the economy, causing sky high public debt levels and also a really creaky financial situation with low growth as well as high joblessness.
Jabba is really negative for all of us but he is hard to remove. With the earmark procedure, the gerrymandering of Congressional areas, do-nothing campaign money laws, and also various other methods, Jabba has many defenses against defeat in an election, defenses that also a Jedi light saber can not conveniently pierce. Long-term, it is vital we start to impose term limitations on political leaders so that they never again obtain as fat, slow-moving, inefficient, as well as inefficient as Jabba The Hutt. Short-term, this November is vital because it starts the procedure of voting out the Jabba incumbents and lastly entering some streamlined, efficient, and brave Jedi warriors who will make the difficult decisions to get the size of government controlled as well as make that scaled down government a lot more effective and less strange and also less conflicted."
0 notes
donovantvzq242 · 5 years
How to Stop Smoking Cannabis - Self-questioning to Finish Dependency
"It struck be just recently while seeing tv that the UNITED STATE Federal federal government is truly absolutely nothing greater than the political incarnation of Jabba The Hutt from the Celebrity Wars flicks. As you may recall, Jabba was a formless, slow moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while devouring sources gave him. He did not spend for anything, he simply took them, as well as he was not there to help anyone however himself. Those he ruled over had no say in just how their resources as well as wide range were utilized and had no chance in displacing Jabba from his position of power. Type of sounds like our political course presently being in DC.
Jabba came to mind today as I thought about some recent events in which the Federal government has actually obtained so big that it is doubling back on itself as well as placing itself in some very odd scenarios and also conflicts with the fact of the world around us:
- According to a short article in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine, a Boston Federal court has ruled parts of the Federal Protection of Marital Relationship Act to be unconstitutional. This act forbids the Federal government from identifying gay marital relationships as well as granting Federal advantages. The judge ruled that the Federal law pressures Massachusetts to victimize it own residents. Now for the unusual part. the Obama administration is now required to appeal the judgment, even though his management and the Democrats accountable of Congress oppose the Protection of Marriage Act as well as want it rescinded. The Federal federal government has actually gotten so huge that it is expending legal sources for something that it does not want to exist in the first place.
- This strange situation resembles the present illegal alien scenario. A current Associated press short article reported that the most recent stats about prohibited boundary crossers shows that the Federal government lately had the highest levels of prosecutions for illegal aliens and also the highest deportation degrees of illegals considering that they started monitoring such data however at the same time this exact same Federal government was in court battling the new Arizona state law that was trying to stem the flow of illegal aliens right into that state.
- Returning to gay marriages, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press article, the nation of Argentina recently ended up being the very first Latin American nation to legislate gay marital relationship. The short article reported that Chile and also a number of other South American nations are likely to try and follow suit. Do we believe that our Jabba, displaying as the American political class, has any type of opportunity of making that take place in this country when it discovers itself in court defending against gay civil liberties?
- According to an article in the August concern of Reason publication, because 1996 fourteen states as well as the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana usage for medical purposes and numerous various other states are taking into consideration doing the very same. This remains in straight conflict with Federal law which has actually occasionally resulted in Federal raids of clinical cannabis suppliers which are prohibited under Federal law however lawful under state regulation. This is likewise in conflict with Obama the advocate that wanted to legalize the drug when he ran for Head of state now defends the outlawing of it at the Federal degree. Once again, government has actually obtained so large that we have entered the strange area relating to medical marijuana where it is lawful at the same time as being unlawful.
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- Speaking of drug conflicts, a recent Associated Press write-up reported that the Federal Veterans Matters company would certainly permit its clients to utilize clinical cannabis if those individuals lived in the fourteen states where medical marijuana is legal. Therefore, one arm of the Federal federal government (Veterans Matters) is completely fine with clinical cannabis use while other arms of the Federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal statue) intends to wipe it out.
- If you believe the Federal government has a drug trouble now, wait up until the Oakland Common council votes on whether to enable industrial farming of marijuana to be established in city limitations, industrial farms which would generate cannabis for clinical use in addition to for usage in items varying from baked products to body oil. Winning applicants who would run these farms would certainly need to pay annual authorization fees as well as eight percent of their sales to tax obligations in addition to bring $2 million in liability insurance coverage. Comparable initiatives are being pushed in other cities throughout the state together with a November tally issue to legislate non-medical use cannabis, according to the article. Currently think about the contents of a brief blurb in the July 23, 2010 problem of The Week publication that reported on a Rand Research study that concluded from their analysis that the legalization of cannabis would lower the street cost by approximately 90%. Therefore, the efforts in The golden state might help reduce the street cost of the drug which in turn would substantially lower the power, wealth as well as influence of the Mexican drug cartels which would be an advantage. Nonetheless, when faced with this good set of end results (even more profits for the city governments, much less of a stigma of marijuana users, much less police sources invested in breaking marijuana individuals, the weakening of the Mexican cbd doral drug cartels) do we think that the Jabba the Hutt beast in DC is active sufficient to comprehend what the benefits are or will it continue down its course of dispute at the Federal drug enforcement level?
- Take Into Consideration a Washington Post write-up from Might, 2007, qualified ""Federal Loans Gas Push For Coal Power Plants."" The post goes over a remaining Clinical depression period Federal program that gives low cost car loans to construct coal fired, high contamination nuclear power plant utilizing taxpayer cash. According to the write-up, ""the [funding] assistance is a major force behind the thrill to coal plants, which gush co2 that researchers criticize for international warming."" Hence, while the Obama management is pressing an environment control costs in order to deal with against global warming, the same federal government is moneying power plants that do just the contrary. Makes no feeling.
- A recent Affiliate Press post reported exactly how the Feds had actually busted 94 individuals for defrauding the Medicare program. This was a great development but why was our Jabba so slow-moving in getting these apprehensions done? Medicare scams has been going on considering that the day Medicare started several decades ago, why did it take such a painfully sluggish time to begin apprehending the cheats? One of those detained had filed over 3,700 fraudulent insurance claims under her name before she was detained, exactly how sluggish can you obtain?
We can continue. The U.S. federal government has actually obtained so huge and so sluggish, similar to Jabba the Hutt, that its many folds of skin conceal waste, stupidness as well as the doubling back on itself, i.e. public law and actions in conflict with itself or the wishes of those running the federal government. We can go on and on concerning just how slow-moving, inefficient, as well as inefficient our Jabba is, about how our Jabba never ever resolves an issue whether it is insecure boundaries, failing public schools, rising health care costs, and so on, just how our Jabba wastes unimaginable billions of dollars on earmarks, useless initiatives, as well as fraud-infested programs, or exactly how our Jabba does not know exactly how to regulate the economic climate, causing skies high public debt degrees and an extremely ancient economic circumstance with reduced growth as well as high unemployment.
Jabba is extremely poor for everyone but he is tough to remove. Through the set aside process, the gerrymandering of Legislative areas, do-nothing campaign money legislations, and also other approaches, Jabba has lots of defenses against loss in an election, defenses that even a Jedi light saber can not quickly pierce. Long-term, it is essential we start to impose term limitations on political leaders so that they never ever again obtain as fat, slow-moving, wasteful, and also ineffective as Jabba The Hutt. Short-term, this November is critical given that it starts the procedure of electing out the Jabba incumbents as well as finally entering some streamlined, effective, as well as brave Jedi warriors that will certainly make the tough decisions to get the dimension of federal government controlled as well as make that scaled down government much more efficient and also less weird and also much less conflicted."
0 notes
jaredtsip642-blog · 5 years
The Wonder Drug Called Cannabis
"It struck be recently while viewing tv that the UNITED STATE Federal federal government is actually nothing more than the political incarnation of Jabba The Hutt from the Star Wars motion pictures. As you might remember, Jabba was a formless, slow-moving moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while devouring resources gave him. He did not spend for anything, he simply took them, and also he was not there to aid any individual yet himself. Those he ruled over had no say in just how their sources as well as wide range were made use of as well as had no chance in removing Jabba from his position of power. Type of sounds like our political course currently being in DC.
Jabba entered your mind today as I thought of some current incidents in which the Federal federal government has actually gotten so large that it is doubling back on itself and putting itself in some really unusual circumstances and conflicts with the reality of the globe around us:
- According to an article in the July 23, 2010 concern of The Week magazine, a Boston Federal court has ruled parts of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act restricts the Federal government from recognizing gay marriages and also providing Federal advantages. The court ruled that the Federal regulation forces Massachusetts to victimize it very own people. Currently for the strange part. the Obama administration is currently compelled to appeal the ruling, although his management and also the Democrats in charge of Congress oppose the Protection of Marriage Act as well as desire it repealed. The Federal federal government has gotten so big that it is using up lawful sources for something that it does not wish to exist to begin with.
- This weird scenario is similar to the existing illegal alien situation. A current Associated press write-up reported that the latest stats relative to prohibited boundary crossers shows that the Federal government recently had the highest degree of prosecutions for illegal aliens as well as the highest expulsion levels of illegals since they began monitoring such statistics however at the same time this same Federal federal government was in court battling the new Arizona state law that was trying to stem the circulation of illegal aliens into that state.
- Returning to gay marital relationships, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press short article, the nation of Argentina lately became the first Latin American nation to legislate gay marital relationship. The write-up reported that Chile as well as numerous various other South American countries are most likely to try as well as follow suit. Do we think that our Jabba, flaunting as the American political class, has any kind of opportunity of making that occur in this country when it locates itself in court resisting gay legal rights?
- According to a short article in the August concern of Reason magazine, given that 1996 fourteen states and also the District of Columbia have legislated marijuana usage for clinical functions and numerous other states are taking into consideration doing the same. This remains in direct conflict with Federal law which has cbdforsalenearme.com actually often resulted in Federal raids of medical cannabis service providers which are illegal under Federal legislation however lawful under state law. This is likewise in conflict with Obama the campaigner who wished to legalize the drug when he competed President and now defends the banning of it at the Federal level. Once again, government has gotten so large that we have actually gone into the odd area relating to medical cannabis where it is legal at the same time as being illegal.
- Mentioning drug disputes, a recent Associated Press article reported that the Federal Veterans Affairs company would enable its patients to make use of medical cannabis if those people lived in the fourteen states where clinical marijuana is lawful. Therefore, one arm of the Federal government (Veterans Matters) is flawlessly fine with medical marijuana usage while other arms of the Federal federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal sculpture) intends to clean it out.
- If you believe the Federal government has a medication problem currently, wait till the Oakland City Council elects on whether to allow commercial farming of marijuana to be established in city limits, industrial ranches which would certainly create marijuana for medical use in addition to for use in items ranging from baked items to body oil. Winning candidates who would operate these farms would certainly need to pay yearly permit charges and also eight percent of their sales to tax obligations along with carry $2 million in liability insurance policy. Similar initiatives are being pushed in various other cities throughout the state in addition to a November ballot concern to legalize non-medical use of cannabis, according to the post. Now think about the components of a short blurb in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine that reported on a Rand Study that ended from their analysis that the legalization of cannabis would lower the street price by as much as 90%. Hence, the initiatives in The golden state may help in reducing the street rate of the drug which in turn would substantially reduce the power, wealth and also influence of the Mexican medication cartels which would certainly be a good idea. However, when faced with this good collection of results (even more revenue for the city governments, less of a stigma of cannabis customers, less law enforcement sources invested in busting marijuana individuals, the weakening of the Mexican medicine cartels) do we believe that the Jabba the Hutt monster in DC is active sufficient to understand what the benefits are or will it proceed down its path of conflict at the Federal medication enforcement level?
- Think About a Washington Message article from Might, 2007, qualified ""Federal Loans Gas Promote Coal Power Plants."" The article reviews a leftover Anxiety age Federal program that gives inexpensive lendings to build coal fired, high pollution nuclear power plant making use of taxpayer money. According to the write-up, ""the [car loan] support is a significant force behind the rush to coal plants, which spew carbon dioxide that researchers criticize for worldwide warming."" Therefore, while the Obama administration is pushing an environment control expense in order to combat versus worldwide warming, the exact same government is moneying power plants that do just the opposite. Makes no feeling.
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- A current Affiliate Press post reported how the Feds had actually broken 94 people for defrauding the Medicare program. This was an excellent advancement however why was our Jabba so slow-moving in obtaining these apprehensions done? Medicare fraudulence has been going on since the day Medicare began numerous decades earlier, why did it take such a painfully slow time to begin jailing the cheats? One of those arrested had filed over 3,700 illegal claims under her name before she was jailed, exactly how slow can you get?
We might continue. The UNITED STATE federal government has actually gotten so large and so slow, just like Jabba the Hutt, that its lots of folds of skin conceal waste, stupidness and the doubling back on itself, i.e. public law as well as activities in conflict with itself or the desires of those running the government. We might continue concerning how slow-moving, inadequate, and also inefficient our Jabba is, concerning exactly how our Jabba never ever resolves a trouble whether it is insecure borders, stopping working public schools, escalating health care prices, etc., how our Jabba wastes unimaginable billions of dollars on earmarks, useless initiatives, and also fraud-infested programs, or exactly how our Jabba does not know how to control the economy, resulting in skies high public debt degrees as well as an extremely ancient financial situation with low growth and also high joblessness.
Jabba is very poor for everybody but he is hard to remove. With the earmark process, the gerrymandering of Congressional districts, do-nothing project financing regulations, as well as various other methods, Jabba has many defenses versus loss in an election, defenses that even a Jedi light saber can not easily pierce. Long-term, it is essential we start to impose term limitations on political leaders so that they never ever again obtain as fat, slow, inefficient, as well as inadequate as Jabba The Hutt. Short-term, this November is important given that it starts the procedure of electing out the Jabba incumbents and also finally getting in some smooth, effective, and courageous Jedi warriors that will certainly make the hard decisions to obtain the dimension of federal government controlled and also make that scaled down federal government extra efficient and less odd and also much less conflicted."
0 notes
brooksegfz733-blog · 5 years
Clinical Marijuana's Hazy Law Issues
"It struck be lately while seeing television that the U.S. Federal government is truly absolutely nothing greater than the political incarnation of Jabba The Hutt from the Star Wars flicks. As you may recall, Jabba was a formless, slow-moving moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while feeding on resources brought to him. He did not spend for anything, he just took them, as well as he was not there to aid any individual yet himself. Those he ruled over had no say in how their sources and riches were utilized and also had no chance in displacing Jabba from his position of power. Sort of seem like our political class presently being in DC.
Jabba came to mind today as I considered some recent events in which the Federal government has actually obtained so huge that it is doubling back on itself and also placing itself in some extremely strange scenarios as well as conflicts with the truth of the world around us:
- According to a write-up in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine, a Boston Federal judge has actually ruled parts of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act prohibits the Federal federal government from recognizing gay marital relationships as well as granting Federal benefits. The judge ruled that the Federal regulation forces Massachusetts to discriminate against it own residents. Currently for the odd part. the Obama administration is currently required to appeal the ruling, even though his administration and also the Democrats accountable of Congress oppose the Defense of Marriage Act and want it reversed. The Federal government has actually obtained so large that it is expending lawful resources for something that it does not want to exist in the first place.
- This strange situation resembles the present illegal alien scenario. A current Associated press post reported that the current data about illegal boundary crossers reveals that the Federal government just recently had the highest levels of prosecutions for illegal aliens and the highest expulsion degrees of illegals considering that they started tracking such statistics yet at the same time this exact same Federal federal government was in court fighting the new Arizona state law that was trying to stem the flow of illegal aliens into that state.
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- Getting back to gay marriages, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press short article, the nation of Argentina just recently came to be the initial Latin American country to legalize gay marital relationship. The write-up reported that Chile and also several other South American countries are most likely to try as well as follow suit. Do we believe that our Jabba, flaunting as the American political class, has any type of possibility of making that take place in this country when it discovers itself in court preventing gay legal rights?
- According to a post in the August problem of Factor publication, considering that 1996 fourteen states and the District of Columbia have actually legalized cannabis usage for clinical purposes as well as several other states are taking into consideration doing the exact same. This is in straight conflict with Federal legislation which has often caused Federal raids of clinical cannabis service providers which are unlawful under Federal law but legal under state legislation. This is likewise in conflict with Obama the campaigner that intended to decriminalize the medication when he competed President but now safeguards the outlawing of it at the Federal degree. Once again, federal government has obtained so big that we have gotten in the unusual zone pertaining to clinical cannabis where it is legal at the same time as being prohibited.
- Mentioning medicine problems, a current Associated Press post reported that the Federal Veterans Affairs organization would certainly allow its people to make use of medical marijuana if those clients lived in the fourteen states where medical cannabis is lawful. Thus, one arm of the Federal federal government (Veterans Matters) is flawlessly fine with clinical marijuana usage while other arms of the Federal federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal sculpture) wishes to wipe it out.
- If you think the Federal federal government has a medication issue now, wait up until the Oakland City board votes on whether to permit commercial farming of cannabis to be developed in city limitations, commercial ranches which would certainly produce marijuana for medical use as well as for usage in products ranging from baked goods to body oil. Winning applicants who would run these ranches would certainly have to pay yearly authorization charges as well as 8 percent of their sales to tax obligations in addition to bring $2 million in liability insurance coverage. Similar initiatives are being pushed in various other cities throughout the state along with a November ballot concern to legislate non-medical use of cannabis, according to the short article. Now consider the contents of a brief blurb in the July 23, 2010 problem of The Week magazine that reported on a Rand Research study that ended from their analysis that the legalization of marijuana would decrease the street cost by approximately 90%. Therefore, the efforts in California may help reduce the street rate of the medication which in turn would substantially minimize the power, wide range as well as influence of the Mexican drug cartels which would be an advantage. Nonetheless, despite this good collection of results (even more revenue for the local governments, much less of a preconception of cannabis users, much less law enforcement sources spent on busting marijuana individuals, the weakening of the Mexican medication cartels) do we think that the Jabba the Hutt monster in DC is active sufficient to recognize what the advantages are or will it continue down its course of dispute at the Federal medication enforcement level?
- Take Into Consideration a Washington Blog post post from Might, 2007, qualified ""Federal Loans Fuel Promote Coal Power Plants."" The write-up discusses a leftover Clinical depression period Federal program that provides low cost lendings to develop coal discharged, high pollution power plants using taxpayer cash. According to the write-up, ""the [lending] assistance is a major pressure behind the rush to coal plants, which gush carbon dioxide that scientists criticize for international warming."" Thus, while the Obama management is pushing a climate control expense in order to fight against worldwide warming, the exact same federal government is moneying power plants that do just the contrary. Makes no feeling.
- A recent Partner Press write-up reported just how the Feds had busted 94 people for defrauding the Medicare program. This was an excellent development however why was our Jabba so sluggish in obtaining these apprehensions done? Medicare fraudulence has been taking place given that the day Medicare began numerous decades ago, why did it take such a shateringly slow time to start detaining the cheats? One of those arrested had filed over 3,700 fraudulent insurance claims under her name before she was jailed, how slow-moving can you obtain?
We could continue. The U.S. government has actually gotten so huge and so slow, similar to Jabba the Hutt, that its lots of folds up of skin conceal waste, stupidness and also the doubling back on itself, i.e. public law as well as actions in conflict with itself or the wishes of those running the government. We might continue regarding how slow, ineffective, and also wasteful our Jabba is, regarding how our Jabba never ever resolves a trouble whether it is troubled boundaries, failing public institutions, intensifying health care costs, and so on, exactly how our Jabba wastes unimaginable billions of dollars on earmarks, worthless initiatives, as well as fraud-infested programs, or how our Jabba does not know exactly how to manage the economic situation, leading to skies high national debt degrees and also a very ancient economic circumstance with low development and also high unemployment.
Jabba is very negative for everybody but he is hard to dislodge. Via the set aside process, the gerrymandering of Legislative districts, do-nothing project finance laws, and also various other methods, Jabba has many defenses versus loss in a political election, defenses that also a Jedi light saber could not conveniently pierce. Long term, it is crucial we begin to enforce term restrictions on political leaders so that they never ever again get as fat, slow-moving, inefficient, as well as inefficient as Jabba The Hutt. Short term, this November is cbdforsalenearme.com vital given that it starts the process of electing out the Jabba incumbents and ultimately entering some streamlined, reliable, as well as brave Jedi warriors who will certainly make the challenging decisions to obtain the dimension of government under control as well as make that scaled down government much more efficient as well as less strange and less clashed."
0 notes
donovanliab212 · 5 years
Much More Cannabis Questions
"It occurred to be lately while seeing tv that the U.S. Federal government is actually absolutely nothing more than the political manifestation of Jabba The Hutt from the Celebrity Wars motion pictures. As you might remember, Jabba was a formless, slow moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while feasting on resources gave him. He did not pay for anything, he simply took them, as well as he was not there to assist any individual however himself. Those he ruled over had no say in just how their resources and wealth were made use of and had no chance in dislodging Jabba from his position of power. Kind of seem like our political class currently being in DC.
Jabba came to mind today as I thought of some current occurrences in which the Federal government has gotten so huge that it is doubling back on itself as well as placing itself in some extremely unusual situations and conflicts with the reality of the world around us:
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- According to a post in the July 23, 2010 concern of The Week magazine, a Boston Federal judge has ruled parts of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act restricts the Federal federal government from recognizing gay marriages and also approving Federal benefits. The judge ruled that the Federal law forces Massachusetts to victimize it own people. Currently for the strange component. the Obama management is now forced to appeal the judgment, even though his management as well as the Democrats accountable of Congress oppose the Protection of Marriage Act and also desire it repealed. The Federal government has gotten so big that it is expending lawful sources for something that it does not intend to exist in the first place.
- This strange scenario is similar to the present illegal alien circumstance. A current Associated press short article reported that the most recent stats about illegal border crossers reveals that the Federal federal government lately had the highest degree of prosecutions for illegal aliens and the highest deportation levels of illegals because they began tracking such data yet at the same time this same Federal government remained in court dealing with the new Arizona state regulation that was attempting to stem the circulation of illegal aliens right into that state.
- Getting back to gay marriages, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press short article, the country of Argentina recently came to be the very first Latin American country to legislate gay marriage. The post reported that Chile and also a number of other South American nations are most likely to try and also do the same. Do we believe that our Jabba, flaunting as the American political course, has any kind of possibility of making that take place in this country when it discovers itself in court resisting gay legal rights?
- According to an article in the August problem of Reason publication, given that 1996 fourteen states and also the Area of Columbia have legislated cannabis use for clinical purposes and a number of other states are considering doing the exact same. This remains in direct conflict with Federal legislation which has sometimes resulted in Federal raids of clinical cannabis service providers which are illegal under Federal law yet lawful under state law. This is additionally in conflict with Obama the advocate who intended to decriminalize the drug when he competed President today protects the banning of it at the Federal level. Again, federal government has obtained so huge that we have gotten in the unusual area pertaining to clinical cannabis where it is legal at the same time as being prohibited.
- Mentioning medicine disputes, a recent Associated Press article reported that the Federal Veterans Affairs company would allow cbdforsalenearme.com its patients to make use of clinical cannabis if those individuals stayed in the fourteen states where clinical marijuana is lawful. Hence, one arm of the Federal government (Veterans Affairs) is perfectly great with clinical cannabis usage while other arms of the Federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal sculpture) intends to clean it out.
- If you believe the Federal government has a drug issue currently, wait till the Oakland City board elects on whether to allow industrial farming of marijuana to be developed in city limits, commercial ranches which would certainly generate cannabis for medical usage as well as for use in products varying from baked products to body oil. Winning applicants that would operate these ranches would certainly need to pay annual permit fees as well as 8 percent of their sales to taxes as well as bring $2 million in obligation insurance. Comparable initiatives are being pushed in other cities throughout the state along with a November ballot issue to legalize non-medical use of marijuana, according to the article. Now think about the materials of a short blurb in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine that reported on a Rand Research that concluded from their analysis that the legalization of marijuana would minimize the street cost by approximately 90%. Thus, the initiatives in California might help in reducing the street cost of the medication which in turn would dramatically decrease the power, wealth and also influence of the Mexican drug cartels which would certainly be a good idea. However, despite this great set of end results (more earnings for the local governments, less of a stigma of marijuana users, less law enforcement resources spent on breaking cannabis individuals, the weakening of the Mexican medication cartels) do we believe that the Jabba the Hutt beast in DC is nimble enough to recognize what the benefits are or will it continue down its course of problem at the Federal medication enforcement degree?
- Consider a Washington Blog post short article from Might, 2007, qualified ""Federal Loans Fuel Push For Coal Power Plant Kingdoms."" The post goes over a remaining Clinical depression age Federal program that supplies low cost loans to develop coal fired, high air pollution power plants making use of taxpayer cash. According to the article, ""the [funding] support is a significant force behind the rush to coal plants, which gush carbon dioxide that researchers criticize for worldwide warming."" Therefore, while the Obama management is pushing an environment control bill in order to battle against worldwide warming, the exact same federal government is moneying nuclear power plant that do just the contrary. Makes no feeling.
- A current Associate Press short article reported exactly how the Feds had actually busted 94 people for ripping off the Medicare program. This was an excellent growth yet why was our Jabba so slow-moving in getting these apprehensions done? Medicare scams has been going on considering that the day Medicare started a number of decades back, why did it take such a painfully slow time to start detaining the cheats? Among those jailed had filed over 3,700 illegal claims under her name prior to she was jailed, just how slow can you obtain?
We might continue. The U.S. government has gotten so huge and so slow, much like Jabba the Hutt, that its lots of folds of skin hide waste, stupidity and the doubling back on itself, i.e. government laws as well as activities in conflict with itself or the wishes of those running the government. We might continue about just how slow, inefficient, and also inefficient our Jabba is, concerning just how our Jabba never solves a trouble whether it is unconfident boundaries, falling short public schools, rising health care prices, etc., just how our Jabba wastes untold billions of dollars on earmarks, worthless efforts, and also fraud-infested programs, or just how our Jabba does not know just how to control the economic situation, leading to skies high public debt degrees and also an extremely creaky financial circumstance with reduced development and high unemployment.
Jabba is extremely bad for everybody but he is tough to displace. Via the allocate procedure, the gerrymandering of Congressional areas, do-nothing project finance regulations, and also other methods, Jabba has several defenses versus defeat in an election, defenses that also a Jedi light saber could not quickly pierce. Long term, it is critical we start to enforce term limitations on politicians to ensure that they never once more obtain as fat, sluggish, wasteful, as well as inefficient as Jabba The Hutt. Short term, this November is critical given that it begins the procedure of electing out the Jabba incumbents and ultimately entering some streamlined, efficient, as well as brave Jedi warriors that will certainly make the hard decisions to obtain the size of government in control as well as make that downsized government more efficient as well as less odd and less clashed."
0 notes
felixfjjq773-blog · 5 years
Clinical Marijuana & Charge Card Handling
"It struck be lately while enjoying television that the U.S. Federal federal government is actually nothing greater than the political manifestation of Jabba The Hutt from the Star Wars movies. As you might remember, Jabba was a formless, slow moving, obese entity that ruled with an iron fist while devouring resources gave him. He did not pay for anything, he simply took them, and also he was not there to help anybody but himself. Those he ruled over had no say in exactly how their resources as well as wide range were utilized as well as had no chance in removing Jabba from his position of power. Kind of seem like our political class presently being in DC.
Jabba came to mind today as I considered some current incidents cbdforsalenearme.com in which the Federal federal government has actually gotten so huge that it is doubling back on itself as well as placing itself in some extremely odd situations as well as conflicts with the truth of the globe around us:
- According to an article in the July 23, 2010 concern of The Week publication, a Boston Federal judge has ruled parts of the Federal Protection of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act prohibits the Federal federal government from recognizing gay marriages and also approving Federal benefits. The judge ruled that the Federal regulation forces Massachusetts to victimize it own people. Now for the strange part. the Obama administration is currently compelled to appeal the judgment, despite the fact that his administration and the Democrats accountable of Congress oppose the Protection of Marriage Act and also want it rescinded. The Federal federal government has gotten so huge that it is expending legal sources for something that it does not wish to exist in the first place.
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- This strange scenario is similar to the present illegal alien circumstance. A recent Associated press post reported that the most recent stats about prohibited boundary crossers shows that the Federal government recently had the highest degree of prosecutions for illegal aliens as well as the greatest expulsion degrees of illegals considering that they began tracking such statistics but at the same time this same Federal government was in court battling the brand-new Arizona state regulation that was attempting to stem the circulation of illegal aliens into that state.
- Getting back to gay marriages, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press write-up, the country of Argentina just recently came to be the initial Latin American nation to legalize gay marriage. The short article reported that Chile and a number of various other South American countries are most likely to try and also follow suit. Do we assume that our Jabba, flaunting as the American political class, has any kind of chance of making that occur in this nation when it discovers itself in court preventing gay civil liberties?
- According to a write-up in the August concern of Reason magazine, given that 1996 fourteen states and also the District of Columbia have actually legalized marijuana usage for clinical purposes as well as a number of various other states are taking into consideration doing the exact same. This is in direct conflict with Federal regulation which has occasionally led to Federal raids of clinical cannabis providers which are illegal under Federal regulation yet lawful under state legislation. This is likewise in conflict with Obama the advocate that wished to decriminalize the drug when he competed Head of state today defends the outlawing of it at the Federal degree. Once again, government has obtained so huge that we have actually gone into the weird zone concerning clinical cannabis where it is lawful at the same time as being prohibited.
- Speaking of medicine problems, a recent Associated Press write-up reported that the Federal Veterans Affairs organization would allow its patients to use clinical marijuana if those people stayed in the fourteen states where clinical marijuana is lawful. Thus, one arm of the Federal government (Veterans Affairs) is flawlessly great with medical cannabis use while various other arms of the Federal federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal sculpture) wants to clean it out.
- If you assume the Federal federal government has a medication trouble currently, wait till the Oakland Common council votes on whether to enable industrial farming of cannabis to be developed in city limits, commercial farms which would create marijuana for medical use as well as for usage in items varying from baked products to body oil. Winning applicants that would run these ranches would certainly need to pay annual permit fees and 8 percent of their sales to taxes along with lug $2 million in obligation insurance coverage. Similar initiatives are being pushed in other cities throughout the state along with a November ballot problem to legalize non-medical use marijuana, according to the short article. Currently take into consideration the materials of a short blurb in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine that reported on a Rand Research study that ended from their evaluation that the legalisation of marijuana would certainly minimize the street rate by as much as 90%. Thus, the initiatives in California might help reduce the street cost of the medication which subsequently would substantially reduce the power, wide range as well as influence of the Mexican medicine cartels which would be a good idea. Nonetheless, despite this good set of results (more earnings for the local governments, much less of a preconception of marijuana customers, much less law enforcement sources spent on busting cannabis users, the weakening of the Mexican medicine cartels) do we think that the Jabba the Hutt beast in DC is active enough to comprehend what the advantages are or will it continue down its path of conflict at the Federal medication enforcement level?
- Take Into Consideration a Washington Message post from Might, 2007, qualified ""Federal Loans Gas Promote Coal Power Plants."" The post goes over a leftover Depression period Federal program that provides inexpensive loans to develop coal terminated, high air pollution power plants making use of taxpayer cash. According to the post, ""the [finance] support is a major force behind the thrill to coal plants, which spew carbon dioxide that researchers condemn for international warming."" Therefore, while the Obama administration is pushing a climate control bill in order to deal with versus global warming, the same federal government is moneying power plants that do just the contrary. Makes no feeling.
- A current Affiliate Press short article reported just how the Feds had actually busted 94 people for defrauding the Medicare program. This was an excellent growth however why was our Jabba so slow-moving in getting these arrests done? Medicare fraudulence has been going on since the day Medicare started several decades earlier, why did it take such a painfully slow-moving time to start detaining the cheats? One of those arrested had submitted over 3,700 illegal cases under her name prior to she was apprehended, exactly how slow can you obtain?
We might continue. The UNITED STATE government has actually gotten so big therefore sluggish, similar to Jabba the Hutt, that its many folds of skin conceal waste, stupidness as well as the doubling back on itself, i.e. public law and also activities in conflict with itself or the wishes of those running the government. We can go on and on about exactly how slow, ineffective, and also wasteful our Jabba is, about how our Jabba never ever resolves an issue whether it is unconfident borders, stopping working public schools, escalating healthcare prices, and so on, how our Jabba wastes untold billions of dollars on earmarks, useless efforts, and fraud-infested programs, or exactly how our Jabba does not know just how to regulate the economic climate, causing sky high public debt levels and also an extremely ancient financial circumstance with reduced development as well as high joblessness.
Jabba is really poor for all of us but he is difficult to remove. With the earmark procedure, the gerrymandering of Congressional districts, do-nothing project money regulations, and various other approaches, Jabba has lots of defenses against defeat in an election, defenses that even a Jedi light saber could not conveniently pierce. Long term, it is important we start to impose term restrictions on politicians to make sure that they never ever once more obtain as fat, sluggish, inefficient, and inadequate as Jabba The Hutt. Short-term, this November is critical considering that it begins the process of electing out the Jabba incumbents as well as lastly getting in some smooth, reliable, and also daring Jedi warriors who will certainly make the challenging choices to get the size of government under control as well as make that scaled down government more effective and also much less unusual and less clashed."
0 notes
caidenjfgv775-blog · 5 years
Just how Does the New "Medical Cannabis" Regulation Affect Employers?
"It occurred to be recently while seeing tv that the UNITED STATE Federal government is truly nothing greater than the political version of Jabba The Hutt from the Star Wars motion pictures. As you might remember, Jabba was a formless, slow moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while devouring sources brought to him. He did not pay for anything, he just took them, and also he was not there to assist any individual but himself. Those he ruled over had no say in exactly how their sources and also wealth were made use of and also had no chance in removing Jabba from his position of power. Kind of seem like our political class presently being in DC.
Jabba entered your mind today as I considered some current events in which the Federal federal government has gotten so big that it is doubling back on itself and also placing itself in some extremely weird situations and conflicts with the reality of the globe around us:
- According to a post in the July 23, 2010 problem of The Week publication, a Boston Federal judge has ruled parts of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act prohibits the Federal government from identifying gay marital relationships and providing Federal benefits. The judge ruled that the Federal law forces Massachusetts to victimize it own residents. Currently for the strange component. the Obama administration is currently forced to appeal the judgment, despite the fact that his management and also the Democrats accountable of Congress oppose the Protection of Marital relationship Act and desire it repealed. The Federal government has actually gotten so big that it is using up lawful resources for something that it does not want to exist to begin with.
- This odd situation is similar to the present illegal alien situation. A current Associated press short article reported that the most up to date data relative to unlawful boundary crossers shows that the Federal federal government recently had the highest degree of prosecutions for illegal aliens and the highest possible expulsion degrees of illegals given that they began tracking such data yet at the same time this very same Federal federal government remained in court fighting the brand-new Arizona state legislation that was attempting to stem the circulation of illegal aliens into that state.
- Returning to gay marital relationships, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press article, the country of Argentina just recently came to be the very first Latin American nation to legislate gay marital relationship. The article reported that Chile as well as several other South American nations are likely to try and also do the same. Do we believe that our Jabba, parading as the American political class, has any possibility of making that take place in this country when it discovers itself in court resisting gay civil liberties?
- According to a write-up in the August problem of Reason publication, given that 1996 fourteen states as well as the District of Columbia have actually legislated cannabis usage for medical objectives and also several various other states are considering doing the exact same. This remains in straight conflict with Federal legislation which has often caused Federal raids of medical marijuana carriers which are prohibited under Federal regulation however legal under state legislation. This is additionally in conflict with Obama the campaigner who wanted to legalize the medicine when he ran for President now safeguards the disallowing of it at the Federal level. Again, government has gotten so big that we have actually gotten in the odd area pertaining to medical marijuana where it is legal at the same time as being unlawful.
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- Mentioning medication disputes, a current Associated Press post reported that the Federal Veterans Affairs organization would enable its people to make use of clinical marijuana if those clients resided in the fourteen states where medical cannabis is lawful. Therefore, one arm of the Federal government (Veterans Matters) is flawlessly fine with clinical cannabis use while various other arms of the Federal federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal statuary) intends to clean it out.
- If you believe the Federal government has a drug trouble currently, wait till the Oakland Common council votes on whether to permit industrial farming of marijuana to be developed in city limits, industrial farms which would certainly create marijuana for clinical use in addition to for usage in items varying from baked items to body oil. Winning candidates that would run these farms would certainly have to pay yearly authorization fees as well as 8 percent of their sales to tax obligations in addition to carry $2 million in responsibility insurance coverage. Comparable initiatives are being pushed in various other cities throughout the state along with a November ballot problem to legalize non-medical use cannabis, according to the short article. Now consider the components of a brief blurb in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine that reported on a Rand Research that ended from their evaluation that the legalisation of cannabis would certainly decrease the street rate by up to 90%. Thus, the efforts in The golden state might help in reducing the street rate of the medication which subsequently would dramatically reduce the power, wide range and impact of the Mexican medicine cartels which would certainly be a good idea. Nonetheless, despite this great set of results (more profits for the local governments, less of a preconception of marijuana individuals, less police resources invested in breaking cannabis users, the weakening of the Mexican drug cartels) do we think that the Jabba the Hutt monster in DC is active enough to recognize what the advantages are or will it proceed down its course of conflict at the Federal drug enforcement level?
- Consider a Washington Message post from Might, 2007, qualified ""Federal Loans Gas Promote Coal Power Plant Kingdoms."" The post goes over a remaining Anxiety era Federal program that offers affordable car loans to build coal discharged, high contamination nuclear power plant making use of taxpayer cash. According to the short article, ""the [funding] support is a major pressure behind the rush to coal plants, which gush co2 that researchers condemn for global warming."" Therefore, while the Obama administration is pushing a climate control bill in order to combat versus international warming, the exact same government is moneying nuclear power plant that do just the opposite. Makes no feeling.
- A current Associate Press short article reported just how the Feds had actually broken 94 people for ripping off the Medicare program. This was a good development however why was our Jabba so slow-moving in getting these arrests done? Medicare scams has been taking place considering that the day Medicare began a number of years back, why did it take such a shateringly slow time to begin apprehending the cheats? Among those detained had submitted over 3,700 fraudulent cases under her name prior to she was jailed, exactly how slow-moving can you obtain?
We can go on and on. The U.S. government has gotten so huge therefore slow, similar to Jabba the Hutt, that its lots of folds up of skin conceal waste, stupidness as well as the doubling back on itself, i.e. public law and activities in conflict with itself or the wishes of those running the federal government. We can go on and on regarding how slow, ineffective, as well as wasteful our Jabba is, about how our Jabba never ever solves a problem whether it is unconfident boundaries, stopping working public institutions, intensifying healthcare expenses, and so on, just how our Jabba wastes unimaginable billions of dollars on trademarks, useless campaigns, and also fraud-infested programs, or exactly how our Jabba does not know just how to manage the economic situation, resulting in sky high public debt degrees and also a very ancient economic circumstance with reduced development and high unemployment.
Jabba is extremely poor for cbdforsalenearme.com all of us but he is challenging to remove. With the set aside process, the gerrymandering of Legislative areas, do-nothing campaign finance legislations, and other approaches, Jabba has several defenses against defeat in a political election, defenses that even a Jedi light saber can not conveniently pierce. Long-term, it is crucial we begin to enforce term limitations on political leaders so that they never once again get as fat, slow, inefficient, and also inefficient as Jabba The Hutt. Short term, this November is vital because it starts the procedure of electing out the Jabba incumbents and also lastly entering some smooth, reliable, and bold Jedi warriors who will make the hard choices to get the dimension of government controlled and also make that downsized federal government much more effective as well as much less unusual and less clashed."
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