#counterpart fic
ur-moms-blorbo · 9 months
honestly Counterpart by Cerasium rivals some of the best books i've ever read
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gammija · 2 years
ok since the Magnus Protocol is confirmed AU from tma, and jonny and alex have purposely not said that their voices are not reappearing in TMAGP, consider:
evil AU jon and martin. mostly because I just know jonny and alex would have such a good time acting that out. And also because i want to see a completely unhinged jon and a web!martin used to their full potential damnit
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kraken17 · 2 months
List of dimensional variants/counterparts of Enid and Wednesday introduced in my fanfiction Kooky Spooky in order of appearance.
This means that other characters that are counterparts such as Taylor Galpin, the Yoko and Weems from Agent A's dimension and the rest of the Adamos (High Fantasy Addams Family) are not on this list. Only Enids and Weds.
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(Artwork from Kris6758 on Twitter)
First, those with some weight in the plot:
Eamon Sinclair (Chapter 1): Initially named in Chapter 1, with no formal appearance until Chapter 43. Eamon is a male counterpart of Enid and husband of Friday (the Wednesday from the 1973 cartoon). Basically, he is "our" Enid if she had been born male. Standard lycanthrope, though exceptionally strong.
Thursday (Chapter 9): Wednesday Thursday Addams. As Eamon, a male counterpart to Wednesday and Friday's cell neighbor. He looks identical to a teenage Gomez but with no mustache and with Fester's pallor.
Enid Saint-Clair (Chapter 19): The Enid of Woe's dimension (the Wednesday of the '90s movies). Brunette, of Greek descent and werecat rather than werewolf. Affable and nice, though with psychopathic tendencies and a love for exacerbated violence. Loves to fight people who can keep up with her. To call her "kitten" is to invite death. Better just call her “Nid”.
Agent A (Chapter 22): Wednesday Tuesday Addams. The Wednesday from a dimension gone to hell (literally). She's a grown woman in her forties, dresses like she's a MIB and is a practitioner of magic. She's also one of the few Wednesdays who doesn't make use of her pigtails or pull her hair back in any way, leaving her hair loose. If you want to put a face on her, I imagine her as Hailee Steinfeld about 16 years from now.
Wodnesdæg (Chapter 35): Lord Wodnesdæg of the House of Adamo, Prince of the Kingdom of Nova Gersia. Wod to his closest family and friends. Trans male version of Wednesday. He collects his hair in two short but thick pigtails. Likes to wear black armor that makes him look like the stereotypical Dark Lord from a fantasy novel, but first impressions aside his personality is closer to that of a Gomez Addams.
Eneit Synklar (Chapter 35): Enid's variant from Wodnesdæg's dimension and his betrothed. A barbarian and werewolf princess Enid, extremely tall and muscular, usually dressed in furs or light leather armor. Very outgoing, affable and friendly, though she lacks a bit of tact and has no qualms about breaking in half anyone who messes with her loved ones.
[UPDATE] The Bright One: SPOILERS! Read the fic 😁
Now, the ones that are more cameos:
Chapter 43:
A golden tyrannosaurus Enid and her ape-like sidekick Wednesday, inspired by the original comic book versions of Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy.
A middle-aged futuristic soldier Enid.
A Wednesday who looks like a living marble statue with golden cracks adorning her skin and luminous white hair.
A Wednesday and Enid who look like stereotypical pirates.
Gargoyle Enid. A purple-skinned Enid with horns, tail and wings, inspired by the characters from the Disney series Gargoyles.
Chapter 45:
Cyborg-lycanthrope Enid.
Vampire Wednesday, armed with a spear.
Reverse Enid and Wednesday: A violent lycanthropic but black-furred Enid accompanied by a disturbingly extroverted blonde Wednesday.
The younglings: A group of five or six young Wednesdays, the oldest no older than seven.
Saiyan Enid: A brunette-haired martial artist Enid with ki abilities, orange robes, staff and monkey tail. Inspired by Dragon Ball, although it can be interpreted as a reference to Journey to the West as well.
Gunslinger Enid and Wednesday, as if out of a classic Hollywood Western.
Sasquatch Enid.
The witches: Two Enids, one of them in school uniform and wand-wielding, clearly inspired by the Potterverse novels/films or other similar works. The second Enid, with green skin and black clothes, pointy hat and broom is more inspired by The Wizard of Oz and Wicked.
Punk-looking Enid with cybernetic implants like blades in her arms. Inspired by Cyberpunk 2077.
Angelic Enid, alternates between a humanoid form with wings and a fire-wheel form with multiple eyes.
Hellboy Wednesday (Hellgirl?).
[UPDATE] Chapter 50:
A witch-like Enid with a talking cat familiar.
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pdalicedraws · 8 months
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It’s definitely just because he needs it.
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fistfuloflightning · 3 months
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“Your welcome was rather disappointing, Jiang-zongzhu,” Jin Zixun calls mockingly. “Even your husband here failed to make us feel at home.” The obvious baiting is answered with a dangerously still, silent courtyard. Jin Zixun throws a glance at the three cultivators keeping Lan Wangji kneeling, chin tipped in a wordless order.
The blade hooked beneath Lan Wangji’s throat digs deeper, drawing more blood and he knows without looking that the red on the front of his robes is growing. Still no response. Lan Wangji can feel his wife’s presence, along with a handful of other qi signatures he recognizes as Jiang senior disciples. And he prays she doesn’t come out.
Jin Zixun’s grin is feral. “Very well.” But before the blade slides home and ends it all, the doors are flung wide and Jiang Cheng emerges. A silent breath escapes him. He should have known his Wanyin would not stand by. It is not in her nature.
Hair unbound and eyes flickering with Zidian’s energy, she looks like a wrathful goddess of lightning. Even where he’s forced to kneel, Lan Wangji can feel the electricity thrumming through his wrecked meridians, thinned to the point of snapping. Sandu’s naked blade gleams wickedly in one hand. And in the other, she carries their son.
She is not like his mother, bowing her head with furious acceptance of her fate and allowing her sons to be dragged away from her. She is not like her own mother, vicious in her pride and arrogance, blind to the needs of her children.
Jiang Cheng would do the impossible for those she loves. That is her strength.
Lan Wangji knows that there is no safer place for their son than in her arms.
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puppy-steve · 12 days
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may fic rec
a monthly rec list to help me handle my tbr
<- april fic rec ❀ more fic recs ❀ my ao3
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King and Prince - M, 19/?, WIP (ao3) @apomaro-mellow
tags: royalty au, demon king eddie, slow burn, kidnapping, enemies to friends to lovers
Eddie is in the middle of a feud with an opposing kingdom. Running out of options, he decides to kidnap their prince.
supportive uncle wayne - G, complete @steddieas-shegoes
tags: title says it all, post canon, good parent uncle wayne
Wayne first saw Steve Harrington when he was on a class field trip to the plant. He couldn’t have been older than 9. Eddie hadn’t come to live with him yet. He only saw him for a minute, but it only took a minute to see that the boy had dark circles under his eyes that rivaled his own.
Sharing Smokes Outside the Snow Ball - T, 1.5k, complete (ao3) @augustjustice
tags: future fic, post canon, single parent steve, single parent eddie (he's raising his cousin's kid), pre-slash
It's the Hawkins Middle School Snow Ball...of 1999. Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington have some catching up–and reminiscing–to do.
linguistic phenomenon - M, 2/2, complete (ao3) @dodger-chan & @sharpbutsoft
tags: hellfire, the linguistics of the word 'suck', talks of blowjobs
Like a good number of things, it was Wheeler’s fault. Under normal circumstances, Eddie would have no problem sitting back in his throne and staying above the fray while his little sheep had their silly arguments. Talking is a free action, etc. etc. And they’d wrapped for the night, were only delaying clean-up. But Wheeler, pressed by his friends to join in the defense of their favorite paladin, had gone with a very explicable but awkward choice of phrasing. “I mean, Steve doesn’t suck.” Eddie bit down on his tongue. He wasn’t going to say anything. He was not.
(asking to have) you on their skin - E, 2.6k, complete @starrystevie | rogersharringtons
tags: mutual masturbation, truth or dare, handjobs, dirty talk
"truth or dare?" steve's looking at eddie expectantly while he waits for his answer, his eyes wide and cheeks pushed up from the grin pulling at his lips. he's shirtless from past dares and eddie's trying hard to not look at the hair covering his chest, to not look at the way his scars have faded into a pretty dusty pink, to not look at the flexed muscles in his arm from where it's slung over the back of the couch and he's definitely not looking at the way the movement pulls his pec up. they aren't high enough for this, not drunk enough for it either, but he feels intoxicated. maybe that's just what being around steve harrington at 2am does to him. it makes him stupid. "...truth?" steve's grin grows wide enough to challenge even the cheshire cat and eddie knows that truth was the wrong choice. see? stupid.
Between The Lines - M, 2.4k, complete @hitlikehammers
tags: protective steve, misunderstandings, established relationship, shovel talk, good parent wayne
“We need to talk.” Wayne wonders if this is the tone of voice the kid uses to fight the monsters they don’t talk about. “Say again?” ——— Or: Eddie gets hurt, so Steve and Wayne participate in…something of a shovel talk.
the anatomy of a home run - E, 5.7k, complete @tboygareth | hxneyfarmer
tags: established relationship, baseball terminology, bottom eddie, top steve, virgin eddie, barebacking, creampie no condom nation
Eddie doesn't know shit about baseball. He does know a few good euphemisms.
Pool Day - T, 1.9k, complete (ao3) @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe
tags: post canon, pool party, pre-relationship
It’s a clear, warm, sunny day in the late summer of ‘86. The whole ‘other dimension survivors’ party is in attendance at Steve’s place for the day; Hop, Joyce, Karen, Claudia now, and even Wayne are staying inside in the A/C, the kids are in the pool, and all but the one of the ‘older kids’ are lounging around on the Harringtons’ sun chairs. Argyle in particular is soaking up the UV rays. Jon is burning to a crisp under his and Nancy’s umbrella. It’s Eddie, however, that’s been in the pool practically all morning, and is currently hyping himself up to do… something.. off Steve’s creaky, probably dry-rotted, diving board. He does look good up there; drenched head to toe with his hair pushed back from his face like that. If he wasn’t covered in pool water, Steve would want to lick him.
A Punch In The Dark - T, 10.3k, complete @roguenancy | tentones
tags: post-s4, pining, fall festivals, first kiss, accidental injury, scare actor eddie
Eddie smiles through the blood. Grinning like the cat that ate the canary and not the nerd that just got decked, he nods. Then he throws his head back and howls in laughter. It’s a harsh sound in the too-small hallway. It bounces off the walls, making Steve wince as something coils inside him. “Fuck, Harrington! I pegged you as a hitter, but I never imagined you’d be such a screamer.” Or: Eddie Munson gets a job working at a haunted maze during the fall festival, and over the course of a single night, Steve Harrington's life turns into a series of struggles.
Twenty-one - E, 7.2k, complete @itcanbepalped
tags: alpha eddie, omega steve, heat sex, first time, eddie's soft and a lil mean too, overstimulation
Eddie is twenty-one and he finally gets to rail Steve like he’s always wanted to.
don't you hear me howling, babe? - E, 4/5, WIP @occasionaloverboy
tags: post canon, grief/mourning, vamp eddie
In the fall of '91 Steve comes home - and the past finally catches up to him.
What Glows In The Dark - E, 5.5k, complete @beetlesandstarss
tags: modern au, roommates steddie, prank war
“Steven,” Eddie breathes venomously. He gestures to the condom-scattered floor. “Would you like to explain to me why I had a guy leave my room unfucked half an hour ago?” (The prank war had started innocently enough, but it quickly devolved into a game of cockblocking, which in Eddie's opinion, is The Worst Game Of All Time.)
Free-Use Health Care - E, 2/2, complete QueenOfSwords1312
tags: omegaverse, omega steve, alpha eddie, heat clinic, mutual pining, true mates
Heat and rut clinics have been in-operation in Indiana since the mid 1800’s, but the new one that opens up just outside of Hawkins in 1987 is the first one that’s strictly a heat clinic. It’s considerably progressive for its time, the first of its kind to cater entirely to unmated omegas who would prefer not to risk an accidental bonding at one of the regular clinics. Honestly, it sounds like a dream to an unmated omega like Steve. —— Or: Omega Steve uses an omega-forward health clinic to help with his heat and learns quite a bit about himself along the way.
When I open my eyes to the future I can hear you say my name - E, 5.1k, complete @sidekick-hero
tags: established realtionship, mirror sex, married steddie
"Beautiful," he whispers again, and Eddie grabs his hand and brings it to his lips, kissing every fingertip before taking two of his fingers in his mouth, sucking them gently while holding Steve's gaze. The light of the setting sun has almost disappeared, leaving a dim twilight that barely illuminates their bodies. Steve doesn't think he needs any light for this, he knows Eddie's body by heart, all his senses so attuned to him that the absence of one of them wouldn't make much of a difference. But then he happens to look past Eddie to the ceiling, and what he finds there makes his heart stutter in his chest. A full-length mirror adorns their ceiling, reflecting their image perfectly. He can't believe he hadn't seen it before, too caught up in his husband it seems. But now that he's seen it, he can't look away, can't stop drinking in the way they look in the faint light that still filters in through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Or: Even after almost a decade together you can still discover new kinks.
safe under you - T, complete @hitlikehammers
tags: domestic fluff, sleepy steve, wedding vows
Steve purses his lips and tries—fails, but tries—to peek at the notebook on level with his temple. “What’s got you so invested, then?” he finally gives up trying to turn and read where Eddie’s hasn’t even bothered trying to hide, not least because there is nothing there, and just asks. And Eddie could dodge it. Steve would respect it if he did. But he…he doesn’t. Generally speaking he doesn’t hide anything from Steve. Big or small. Their life is a shared thing from top to bottom and Eddie loves that about them so fucking fierce, so. He just sighs and admit it. “My vows.”
Livin' in sin is the new thing - E, 2.1k, complete @hornedqueenofhell
tags: transmasc steve, cunnilingus, period sex, established steddie, kas as his own entity inside eddie's head, kas has a crush on steve
Kas purrs for him and leans into the touch as his tongue leaks drool all over the towel, Steve tugs him closer and spreads his legs wider. The purr shifts into a deeper growl as Kas’ tongue licks over him once, twice more, before delving between his folds.
Move fast, baby, don't be slow - E, 1.3k, complete @hornedqueenofhell
tags: established steddie+kas, threesome, switch eddie, dom steve, sub kas, spit kink, spit roasting
“He wanted you so bad princess, all growly and possessive over ‘our mate’. Thought I couldn’t see him fantasize about you fucking him.” Eddie purrs, watching Steve palm himself as he bites down on the spot between Kas’s shoulder and neck to leave a mark. “That what you want sweet pea? You wanna be a good boy for us?” Steve calls out teasingly, watching Eddie make out with his not twin was never a kink he expected to have but the sight was unparalleled.
deck of cards - E, series, complete @wynnyfryd
tags: robin+eddie meet cute, misunderstandings, fluff, robin has two hands let her have two platonic soulmates
“Ask me anything,” she says, bracing herself for a hard hitter. Eddie leans in, eyes too intense again as he holds her gaze. After a moment he says, “Be honest.” Robin gulps. “Promise.” “…Did you eat stale popcorn out of the popcorn machine in the lobby?” A horrible, startled snort-laugh explodes out of her so forcefully it kinda rattles her sinuses. “I meant you could ask a real question!” “Oh, that’s a very real question. I don’t think I can be friends with someone who’s too prideful to admit they scarfed down a handful of that buttery garbage when no one was looking.” “I totally did,” she admits on a laugh, and Eddie laughs, too. “I know, I saw you do it.” --- Steve, Robin, and Eddie kill time in a bar.
i could tell that you'd be on my mind tonight - T, 5.8k, complete @anniebibananie
tags: author eddie, writer steve, modern au
The room clapped, and Steve watched as a man stepped out from somewhere behind a nearby bookshelf to approach the microphone. Edward Munson. Steve wasn’t sure what he’d expected him to look like, probably some balding middle-aged man with a beer belly, but it was just… a dude. A guy, probably around his age, with dark hair pulled into a low bun, fingers stacked with rings, wearing a Metallica shirt with dark jeans and thick combat boots. He was, well, he was kinda hot honestly. Maybe Steve did understand why so many people were sitting in the crowd to get a glimpse of this dude. When Steve gets dragged along to an event for the author of the Vecna's Curse series by Nancy and Dustin, he isn't expecting anything to come from the night. He's definitely not expecting Eddie Munson.
Crave - M+E, series, WIP @eddies-artofsuffering
tags: modern au, coffee shop au, baker eddie, bookshop worker steve, flirting getting together, CWP (crack with plot)
At noon, as expected, the doorbell chimes. Eddie’s head snaps towards the entrance, mouth falling open as Hot Steve walks in. Eddie shoos his coworkers away with a frantic wave, straightens his name tag on his apron, and rests his chin on his palm and bends over a little, elbow on the counter. It’s go time. - Or: a stupid coffee shop AU in which Steve takes his break from his bookstore shift at noon to come to Café Byers every day, and Eddie loses his mind every time.
If It Has to Happen, Let It - T, 4.1k, complete (ao3) @steviewashere
tags: sickfic, hurt/comfort, emetophobia, migraines
"Worst of the worst, though, was the nausea. — He remembers the all consuming fear when his stomach would flip. When his mouth would begin to salivate and his throat would burn with the bile that came up through burps, and how his hands would shake. — Steve doesn’t do nausea. He doesn’t do throwing up. He doesn’t even do burps. That’s how afraid he is." OR Steve has a emetophobia and a bad migraine, Eddie helps him through the worst of it
because i care about you - G, complete @pearynice
tags: sickfic, established relationship, fluff
Steve is sick. Which might as well mean Eddie’s entire world is ending. 
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brynnmclean · 14 days
saw a post questioning shipping Senua and Thórgestr and started to reblog it with a tag novel-- felt weird about doing that since this is lengthy and potentially derailing, so making my own post instead. Spitballing under the cut:
First off, any time someone is like, "the real reason people ship this is because they find the dude attractive," this is SO funny to me as someone who doesn't find men attractive IRL and has fiercely loved Senua since I played the first game, like-- actually I find the dynamic between those two characters to be compelling and interesting precisely because of all the baggage between them re: their backgrounds, the rough (put mildly!) beginning of their relationship, all the things they don't talk about, and them finding a common enemy/common ground to work with. The explicit parallels between them stated in-game scratched an itch in my brain. The minute they pointed out the dark rot on his arm, it was like, "oh! hello there! NOW I'm interested in whatever your whole deal is" for me. Also, idk man, I too would follow Senua around after she knocked me into the dirt and then showed me a way to fight the giants that I very much wanted to fight instead of appease.
The idea that Thórgestr was part of the Orkney Raid that killed and mutilated Dillion is VERY interesting food for thought, even if I don't personally have that headcanon (surely there are more viking raiding groups than just the Bjorg). I think the Furies or the Shadow said something similar about Fargrimr (his kin murdered yours, you shouldn't save him, etc.) so I completely get that line of thought, but I think the game left it ambiguous enough that it's up for interpretation. Would I read fic with that premise? Yeah, I'd check that out. Could Senua forgive Thorgestr if his people were involved? Sounds fun to explore.
If (ha, when?) I write fic, I'd have to think more about it especially wrt timelines, like when did the Bjorg start specifically raiding for slaves for giant food sacrifices vs. killing people for resources and wealth? How far off are we from the old gods "dying" and the volcano erupting? Was it indeed a different group of raiders who made a deal with Zynbel, attacked Senua's home, and made the sacrifice at that time to Hela?
At the very least, I think there's a time jump between the end of Hellblade I and the beginning of Hellblade II since Senua wasn't alone on that slave ship and at least one of the (brief) survivors knew her by name. I wouldn't mind exploring that gap of time, too.
In any case I do agree that it would take a VERY long time for Senua to consciously catch feelings for anyone let alone Thorgestr with all their collective baggage. The idea of them having a relationship beyond friendship in the far off future of an AU where he survives is the only one that can make sense in my brain, personally. It would take time! Time they didn't get in the game! But I think there are a lot of different roads that could take, and some of them might be healthier than others. Shipping them certainly isn't forgetting or excusing what happened to Dillion-- or even mutually exclusive from still shipping Senua and Dillion. Or, frankly, also shipping Senua and Astridr, because I can see that ship too.
One of the nice things about all the details Ninja Theory didn't expand upon and that they left that ending so open is that the sky's the limit. I'm VERY interested in seeing fandom tackle this game as we get farther from the initial release.
#kate plays hellblade#senua x thorgestr#a friend did laugh at me recently and say there's always a weird guy i latch onto and i laughed back and said i'm a boy in my brain#i think i've felt that way forever and it's still true. i DO gravitate toward male characters#especially ones who are a bit starry-eyed over their female counterparts#anyway that's not what this post is about#it's more of me throwing thoughts out into the ether because i don't have the energy or time to write fic yet#but i am Thinking About It#what happens after the story left off? what if we changed ONE THING and gave them more time#i stopped using accent marks midway through this sorry i'm typing on a computer. my phone would catch them but alas.#i can't remember my video games tag#senua#thorgestr#hellblade#senua's saga#i'm really just excited to talk fannish things about this one#the first game was so neat and tied up that i felt no fannish inclinations beyond loving the game#but there's SO MUCH ROOM HERE with this second one#delightful#i'll read all the AUs even the sad ones#when it comes to thorgestr and senua i think thorgestr fell first and pretty hard but he doesn't talk about it until senua starts opening u#i really think those two are made for a glacially slow burn#maybe not if she becomes the tyrant seer. loved and feared.#could be quick and very unhealthy. ALSO compelling to me!#senua's saga spoilers#to be safe#these tags are about as long as the post. i'd better quit while i'm ahead.#hertan writing tag
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raayllum · 7 months
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RAYLLUM S5 MEME:  quotes [1/4] 5x04, “the great bookery”
Rayla, we've been through a lot. And a lot has changed. Well, some things have changed. But... not everything.
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staghunters · 1 year
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Sometimes I like to believe that @bandydear's fic is actually canon
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ceruleanslob · 1 month
really need fic recs of wrightworth being rivals to lovers... i swear i've scourged the whole of ao3 just searching for some with this premise...
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teecupangel · 5 months
Quick question. Would Sailor Pluto consider Desmond an anomaly? Also what do the senshi think of Desmond?
This is most definitely connected to the “Desmond wakes up in Sailor Moon world” idea
Sailor Pluto wouldn’t consider him an anomaly because he’s not messing with space and time. But she does know he came from another world.
To be more exact…
She believes he came from a different ‘timeline’ because his body is shrouded in the same ‘aura’ as the people of Moon Kingdom but not exactly.
Her explanation of how Desmond’s ‘time’ is deeply connected to the same race as those of Moon Kingdom is the hint Desmond needed to realize that the people of Moon Kingdom are the Isus of this world who decided that leaving Earth and staying on the Moon will protect them from the Solar Flare.
She would be the reason why Desmond believes ‘visiting’ the Moon Kingdom should be his priority (how was he supposed to do that though, be an astronaut? Desmond’s still trying to figure that out)
They’re not necessarily close but they talk a bit because Pluto knows more about Desmond’s circumstances than the others and because they’re pretty much the adults of the ‘team’. Any jokes of them being the Sailor Senshi’s parents are waved off though.
We already touched upon how the OG 5 Sailor Senshi think of Desmond (they have a crush on him and thinks he’s cool) and Chibiusa so we’ll focus on the Outer Solar System for this one.
Setsuna’s thought on him was already covered above so we’ll go for Uranus and Neptune. They know he’s hiding something and they don’t trust him. Desmond feels the same way and he usually sides with the original senshis when they get into an argument with Neptune and Uranus, mainly because he feels like the original senshis are kinda like his ‘kids’ in a ‘Ezio’s Bleed makes me think of them as my recruits’ kind of way, not the ‘parental’ kind of way… or so he would say. They’ll work together when necessary though but there’s a definite dissonance between him and the two. Hotaru though, she likes to call Desmond ‘uncle’ and Desmond thinks she’s adorable, patting her head whenever he has the chance. This makes Chibiusa jealous and try to pull Hotaru away from Desmond who just smiles because kids. Honestly? He’s probably remembering Petruccio and Claudia whenever he’s with Hotaru and Chibiusa.
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negativeyield · 6 months
runs cold, runs deep
chapter 1: skin to skin Summary: The ghouls happen upon you caught in a blizzard and nurse you back to health. When the blizzard snows you in, shenanigans ensue. main pairings: swiss x you / ghouls x ghouls / ghouls & you 2.7k words ~ rated M
Distantly, you wonder if you had that survival rule a little backward. Maybe you were supposed to wait in the car when stuck in the middle of a blizzard, not look for help on foot.
There was no turning back now. The swirls of howling snow had swallowed the path you came. With every step you trudged through shin-deep drifts, the space seemed to fill within seconds. You thought for sure there was a gas station just a little ways up the road. Now, you weren’t even sure you were still on the winding, mountainous highway.
Fucking perfect, you think, wrapping your arms tighter around yourself. I wouldn’t be dying in the middle of hell as it freezes over if I just cancelled this stupid trip.
This “adventure” was meant to be a birthday present for your partner— ex-partner, now. The outdoors weren’t exactly your best friend, but you were willing to invest in a pair of hiking boots off the sale rack for the sake of a surprise roadtrip to a few major National Parks. After all the time spent planning, booking lodging, and researching, you discovered your relationship was not quite as monogamous as you originally thought.
Unfortunately, their betrayal was revealed a bit too close to this trip. Deposits were nonrefundable, and heartbreak made you willing to entertain the delusional part of your brain you usually ignored. You convinced yourself you could do this week-long roadtrip solo, and so you did.
What you didn’t quite factor in was the reality of your winter-weather driving prowess. While your partner grew up in a cold climate such as this, you didn’t even own a winter jacket before this trip.
Unfortunately, that winter parka you thrifted was not as warm as it looked. You were soaked to the bone. Numb except for where your face burned as snow and ice pelted your exposed cheeks. So cold that when your boot snagged something hard beneath the snow you barely felt until you were falling face first into a deep snow bank. As the snow gave way to your weight and cut you off from the howling wind, the world grew much quieter. You took shaky breaths, trying to bring yourself back to reality. Think of a new plan. Find some help even though you drove for hours without seeing a single other soul on your route.
That realization furthered the dread pooling in your belly. Maybe you were as doomed as you feel. Who in their right mind would be out traveling in this weather?
_ _ _
“Maybe we should turn around?” Rain muttered, glancing out the window of the van with mild unease.
“A little late for that,” Dew grunted from the middle seat. He leaned forward, popping his head between the driver seat where Mountain was doing his best at navigating through the white-out and the passenger seat where Swiss was white-knuckling the safety handle. “How you doin’ Mountain?”
The drummer sighed. “Were almost there… I think.”
“You think?” Swiss groaned. “I shoulda gone with the girls.”
“The party poopers?” Phantom poked between Dew and Swiss.
“The ones with some fucking sense to leave early when we got the blizzard report,” the multi-ghoul said, swatting Phantom back to his seat.
“We’ll make it,” Mountain reassured. “There’s some lights up—”
“Wait, what the fuck is that?” Swiss interrupted, pointing out his window.
“What is—”
“Shit. Shit, stop the car,” his seatbelt was unbuckled and he was flying out of the car before Mountain could make a full stop. Dewdrop followed the frantic ghoul until he realized what Swiss had seen. He swore, hitting Phantom on the thigh to let him out too.
In the sea of fresh powder was a blob of red with a small dusting of snow starting to gather atop it. As the ghouls came upon the the blob it became apparent it was the figure of a human lying face down. Swiss knelt at her side, rolling her into his lap and covering her ice cold cheeks with his hands. Her eyes were closed, but there was a steady rise and fall of her chest that made the tension in both of their shoulders release.
“They’re breathing,” he said, gathering them in his arms and looking up at Dew. “Help me get them to the van.”
continue reading
_ _ _
this is part of the first chapter of my ongoing fic. it was meant to be a one-shot, but as of right now it's 5 chapters and 17k words with more on the way... so if you like ghoul shenanigans, mutual pining (with tropes!), and a little slow burn to the eventual spice, feel free to check it out on AO3 :)
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hood-ex · 2 months
Honestly amazing to me that fic crossovers between the same characters from different universes aren't more popular in our fandom. Like where's a fic where main universe Dick, Talon Dick, Earth 3 Dick, and Dark Knights of Steel Dick all end up in the same universe and have to work together?
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
If you dont mind me asking, on which season of 2012 tmnt are you at?
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and watch but I’m pretty sure I’m at some point in season 2? So still a long way to go but admittedly I’ve already been spoiled on more than one thing haha. I like the characters a lot though, they’re very prickly and react to things a lot more realistically than I thought they would.
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mysticmoondancer · 3 months
Omg! Omg! I just had an AMAZING, "what if?" scenario just pop into my head!
What if Sarah actually turns into Evil Sarah?! Like some spell or cursed object that she touched had brought out her more darker side, and now Ethan has to deal with it because like...they're dating and all. And Evil Sarah just loves making her little pet nerd of a boyfriend squirm uncomfortably because she finds it adorable.
Or maybe Evil Sarah returns somehow, as a separate entity (like in "Independence Daze") from regular Sarah. Thus making Ethan now have TWO girlfriends instead of just one. So, now he's caught between loving good Sarah and bad Sarah?!
Oh! And yeah, Evil Sarah still doesn't mind killing people if it suits her, but because of sharing the same feelings about Ethan as Sarah does, she's likely to want to hurt him, though. Although she does, on occasion, try to convince him to let her feed off him every once in a while. Or to let her turn him so that they can be together forever and ever while basking in the joy of feasting on other's blood together. Basically, trying to get him to turn to the dark side with her and be evil too. Of course, Ethan adamantly (and nervously/uncomfortably) turns her down every single time. Same with regular Sarah (in scenario #2) whenever she's around and hears her evil self bringing up the subject to him (on a regular basis). Only in a more stricter, harsher, and sometimes tired way than Ethan does when he rejects Evil Sarah's proposals.
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aurora-313 · 6 months
Random new year thought that I might make into a fanfic at some point:
Ichigo is meant to be this perfect culmination-slash-combination of everything but imagine an AU where Ichigo's contradicting origins (Shinigami/Hollow/Human/Quincy gag) actively handicapped him. Not the lazy 'Yhawch parasite holding him back' explanation. Simply by his very nature, its impossible for any of his powers to manifest to advanced levels without threatening to implode.
Try to advance his Hollow powers? His Quincy powers deteriorate.
Try to advance his Quincy powers? His Hollow powers deteriorate.
Try to advance his Shinigami powers? His Hollow powers love every second but his Quincy side weakens dramatically.
Try to advance Shinigami and Quincy together? Hollow wants a slice of the pie.
Try to advance Hollow and Quincy? Gets no where slowly because they're anathema - very nearly killing himself in the process.
No amount of 'achieving inner balance' would help him with it because by the nature of his existence, he lacks capacity to do these things. The only reason Ichigo managed to gain a high tier shinigami technique like Bankai in the first place? Yoruichi used a doll to force out a twisted malformed parody out of him.
Which would place a whole new spin on the asauchi trial when he fails: O'etsu reveals Ichigo's bankai shattered so easily because he was never supposed to have one in the first place.
Ichigo can never obtain a true Bankai or Vollstandig or Resurrección because the other aspects of his powers violently reject that from happening. At best he can mix-max his base stats to levels far beyond anything others could achieve but he would never obtain the advanced techniques of a pure Shinigami, Hollow or Quincy.
Ichigo could be like Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. Compared to the powerhouses of Kyle Katarn or Starkiller aka. Galen Marek, Luke is actually quite weak. But he brought balance to the force, he brought down an empire and his very name has the ability to shakes worlds (before Disney ruined him).
In my mind, that is the ultimate power Ichigo should've had. Not copious amounts of actual power piled upon him by being a cosmic paradox and freak of nature. His power comes from his symbolism, his feats of will, his ability to inspire change and unshakeable loyalty through sheer force of personality.
Especially since one themes of Bleach is how power shackles and isolates a person. The complete opposite of that theme would be not necessarily the most powerful character, but one with the greatest ability to forge bonds despite that?
It'd be interesting to see how Bleach's narrative would change from that perspective.
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