#i have stockholm syndrome idc
tricoufamily · 1 year
oh no i forgot that project rene thing is today i’m almost dead
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unamused-kookaburra · 2 years
Enemies to lovers slow burn me x the disco game in yakuza 0
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explorevenus · 1 year
something permanent ♡ yandere!leon kennedy x reader
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nsfw (18+) - minors pls dni i will scream
this is a dark fic for a multitude of reasons. if any of the following bothers/triggers you, do not read: yandere!leon, stalking, kidnapping, drugging, corruption/training, forced daddy kink, noncon, forced breeding, body horror, gore, & blood
in other words-- DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT.
ahem. now that that’s over.
word count - 4.4k
description - nothing in leon’s life was ever permanent and his life circumstances made sure of that. over the years he was beaten down from a bright-eyed rookie police officer to a weary and angry shell of his former self. when a chance meeting brought you into his life, he knew what he had to do. he knew you had to be something permanent.
tags/warnings - yandere!leon, dark!leon, leon being patronizing and condescending and sickly sweet, fem/afab!reader, stalking, kidnapping, drugging, corruption/training, forced daddy kink, pet names (doll, sweetheart, princess, baby, puppy, etc.), noncon, forced breeding, housewife kink, body horror (spoiler alert he rips your IUD out with his bare hands), slight gore, blood, noncon, stockholm syndrome if u squint, dollification if u squint, descriptions of vomiting, no use of (Y/N)
a/n - ok i genuinely don’t know if anyone even wants this but i personally find it egregious how little yandere!leon content exists out there in this world because listen. i know a lot of people consider leon submissive and breedable but personally i believe this broken angry man just wants a sweet little thing to dote on and take care of to make him forget about the horrors of his life and he will stop at nothing to make that happen ♡ anyways. enjoy. and if it’s not ur cup of tea idc keep scrolling :^)
p.s. this is obviously a very canon-deviant, borderline crack fic so it’s not really established which leon this is outside of referring to the events of re2 being a long time ago, so go wild with your interpretation of that to read this as whichever leon is ur favorite ♡ i personally like to imagine post-re4 or infinite darkness leon !! ;w;
read part 2 here !! ♡
my masterlist ♡
my ao3 ♡
fic under the cut, thanks so much for reading and i hope u enjoy ♡
-venus ♡
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You were slow to wake, which wasn't particularly unusual... as of late, but your body felt so heavy, like your muscles had dissolved into mush overnight. Consciousness gradually took its hold of you, and as it did, you began to realize that something seemed off. Different. Wrong, even. You peeked your eyes open, vision blurry with sleep, but you could see you were beneath your pink comforter, a plush of yours held closely to your chest, all normal so far...
But your walls aren't navy blue, they're white... They're supposed to be white--
You jolted wide awake, panic coursing through your weak body as you struggled to even sit up. That's when you noticed an unfamiliar, muscular arm draped over your waist, and that dialed up your anxiety about tenfold. It was hard to move, but you were able to turn your head enough to catch a look at the man it belonged to.
Strong, blond, maybe a bit tired in the eyes... maybe a bit familiar looking... but you were crying now, blurring your sight all over again.
"Shh, shh... you're okay, sweetheart, you're safe now," He hushed, holding you closely to him as you struggled. Smooching the top of your head, he spoke into your messy hair, "I've got you. I've got you, princess."
But... how? The last thing you remembered was tucking into your own bed, in your own apartment, and falling asleep there, how could you have possibly wound up in a stranger's bed with zero recollection of ever leaving yours? Your head spun as you tried and failed to fend off the unwanted affection with weak arms. His hold on you didn't dare budge as he continued to coo softly into your ear, to reassure you that you were safe, that he wouldn't let anyone, or anything, hurt you.
The anxiety stewing within you finally reached a tipping point, twisting your stomach into tight knots, and that's when you spoke your first words since you'd awoken. "I-I'm gonna throw up," You wept, clawing weakly at the covers and, well, at him, for freedom. 
Thankfully he was quick to act, scooping you into his arms as he sat up and rose from the bed, carrying you to the adjoined bathroom. When he turned the light on, you managed to get a better look at his face as you passed by the mirror, and it took you a second to recognize him, partly due to your state of delirium, but primarily because you only knew him very vaguely. You had only met him once at work many months ago, when he'd sparked up a conversation with you as you made him his coffee. After that, he became a regular at the café you worked at-- you remembered his name was Leon.
So why were you waking up in his bed, with your belongings lying around like you'd lived here the whole time?
Your knees hit the tile and you began retching immediately, flinching as he reached forward to collect your hair away from your face. Puking on an empty stomach is never a fun time, but your nerves were alight with panic and every time you reminded yourself of your predicament, a new wave of nausea would crash over you. He rubbed your back sweetly, but it didn't help.
Once the vomiting eventually subsided, an awful, hollow pain took place of it. Your thoughts were running at a thousand miles per hour. You didn't have the time to acknowledge it, let alone nurse it, outside of clutching your shirt at the waist. 
"Let me get you some water, babe," Leon said as he hesitantly stood from your side, eyeing you worriedly like you'd just fall to pieces if he let you out of his sight. "You poor thing..."
But all you could think about was getting out of here. "N-No, no, what time is it? I have to get to work--"
"I don't think so, sweetheart," He interrupted. "You're sick, you should be in bed."
"I'm fine," Much to the protest of your jellied legs, you pushed yourself up from the floor and fought through the head rush in an attempt to slip past him, but he simply caught you at the waist and brought you to a halt. Your ears were ringing, the room spinning around you, and you still weren't sure how to interpret what was even going on here. "L-Let go of me!" You cried out.
He simply hushed you, holding you tightly to his chest and petting your hair as you writhed, failing miserably to get him off of you. "Don't worry about work, okay? Just rest up and get better. I'll call them for you."
Your stomach sank even further-- what the fuck is happening right now? 
Despite your thrashing he managed to lead you back to the bed as gently as one would fine china, scooping you up into his arms so he could lay you down exactly where you'd awoken earlier. Your chest heaved with sobs as you shrank into yourself in an effort to get away from him.
His eyes left you for just a moment as he reached for the covers, no doubt to tuck you in-- in a split second decision, you seized that time to scramble out of his bed and break for the door. Sadly, as perhaps you should have seen coming, he was more than strong and fast enough to catch up to you, even caught off guard. As soon as your shaking hand made contact with the cool metal doorknob, he halted you where you stood with a bruising grip on your bicep.
You cried out, trying in vain to peel yourself away from him, but it was no use.
"Come on, silly baby, you heard me," He tsked, dragging you back toward the bed. "No need to be running off anywhere, especially on a sour stomach."
"P-Please--" You gasped through tears.
"I'm sorry, little one, but that's final," Leon hummed with a patronizing but oddly sweet tone. It was as if he were scolding a temperamental child.
He basically wrestled you back into the bed, enveloping you tightly in his arms as he laid down beside you. You struggled against his grasp, but again, it was absolutely no use. He simply pet your hair and pressed soft kisses along your cheek and jaw, attempting to soothe you with restraint and unwanted affection. 
You sucked in a labored breath, hiccupping, "Don't do this to me, please don't do this to me... I-I just wa-wanna go home, jus' wanna go h-home... Leon please--"
"Shh... oh, good heavens. You are home, princess," He mused, brushing away a stream of your hot tears with his thumb. "You'll see. Just relax and let me take care of you."
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Nothing in Leon's life was ever permanent.
All he'd ever wanted was the American dream, to serve his community and meet a pretty girl to share his life with, to settle down in a big house with a fenced yard and two or three little Kennedys running around, maybe a dog. What he wouldn't give to come home at the end of a long day to his beautiful wife, belly swollen with his children, preparing dinner in the kitchen while the existing little ones play with their toys in the other room.
He would enter, slipping off his shoes with a relaxed sigh and a "Honey, I'm home!" to which the aforementioned little ones would rush to the door to hug him at his knees. He'd put one up on his shoulders while the other tugged at his hand, turning into the kitchen to give his beautiful wife a kiss. She would ask of his day and he would say it was good, but better now that he's home with her. With his free hand he would cradle her belly and ask "What's for dinner, you two?" to which she would reply "Your favorite," and as he smiled and thanked her with a kiss he would be silently plotting to thank her properly after the kids are asleep by fucking her full of his cum.
That was all he'd ever wanted. But, day after day after god forsaken day, the chance grew slimmer and slimmer until it had shriveled into something molecular. He didn't even get through his first day at the police station before everything went to shit.
Because of this, Leon began to lose himself over the years. He was no longer the bright-eyed rookie officer looking forward to his even brighter future. He was a broken man, worn down to the bone by years of death, plague, losing everyone he'd ever loved in one way or another-- Leon couldn't take the loss anymore. He wanted-- no, needed-- something permanent, something to give him even the slightest taste of that dream he once had.
When he met you, it wasn't even a question anymore. He knew you were the one. One way or another, he would have you.
He couldn't court you in the traditional way, of course-- it was too dangerous for you to be seen with him. After all, everything he'd ever touched had a way of turning to shit. So, it began with following you home after work so he'd know where you lived. Soon after that he would let himself in when you weren't home-- you weren't smart enough not to keep your key under the mat, furthering how sure he felt that you needed him to take care of you-- he would take little things of yours home with him just to have your scent around.
At first it was just little things like near-empty bottles of shampoo and stray pairs of panties from your laundry basket. Then it was sweaters from your closet, chewed gum and used flossers from your trash can. He'd pay close attention to your grocery lists and what you kept in your pantry so he'd know what kind of food you liked. 
When you did come home, he would sneak out quietly and watch you through your windows, familiarizing himself with your routine. The first thing you'd do when you came home from a long day of work was kick off your heels and change into something comfortable to do your yoga. After a while, you'd pull yourself up from the pink mat and cook dinner. After you'd eat, you'd relax with a book or a video game for a bit before taking a shower and changing into pajamas. Then, you'd brew yourself a mug of tea and retire to the bedroom for the evening where you'd watch documentaries or put on white noise until you eventually fell asleep.
At 7:00 a.m., you'd wake up in the morning and do it all over again.
All he could think about was what he'd do when he finally had you all to himself. Under his roof, you would never have to work another day in your life. Gone would be the days of pouring coffee and baking pastries for random idiots who treated you like shit. All you would ever have to worry about is being pampered, having your entire day to yourself, waiting for him to come home, spending all the money on his credit cards.
And carrying his children, of course.
So, as he held you tightly in his arms while you sobbed and begged to go back to that tiny apartment, all he could think about now was how to fix this. How to convince you he really loved you, how to make you feel truly at home.
The first few weeks were hard for him. Really, really hard.
You were refusing to eat, laying wide awake at night, swinging rapidly between sobbing, screaming and complete apathy. Sometimes he would come into the bedroom and catch you fiddling with the window, or attempting to circumvent the lock on the door by stuffing the mechanism with tissue. You would hit him, kick at him and spit in his face, even as you grew weaker and weaker with malnourishment, not that you really stood a chance before that anyway.
Still, it was hard to watch you shrink in your clothes. It was hard to see your cheeks hollowing by the day. It was hard to hold back your brittle hair while you'd vomit from the nerves, still trying to fight him off of you. It was hard to watch your body tense every time he entered the room.
Just when he'd began to lose hope, he discovered a neat little tool to help you behave. In some countries it was called "devil's breath." The slightest bit of powder could be sprinkled into your water, or over your food, or even into your clothes-- it absorbs through the skin-- and within minutes it would render you quite pliable. Leon didn't want to drug you, of course-- he liked you better when you were lucid-- but it certainly felt like a good place to start, a helpful tool to train you.
When he'd give you a dose, you would let him coddle you without incident. You would lay limp on his chest while he played with your hair and felt your soft skin beneath your shirt. You would allow him to spoon food or tip water into your mouth. You would let him dress you up like his perfect little dolly. You would blush and whimper and whine, and more importantly, not fight him, while he fucked you full of his cum, just like his dream.
There was just one problem-- after about two months of trying daily, it would seem his seed wasn't taking.
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Your heart pounded in your ears as the sound of Leon's footsteps nearing the bedroom door grew louder. You glanced over at the clock-- it was 6:15. He was off work for the evening and you knew what that meant.
The lock clicked quietly before the door creaked open, revealing your captor.
"Honey, I'm home!" He smiled excitedly, approaching the bed with a glass of water in hand.
You knew it was for you. You knew he had done something to it. You also knew you didn't intend to drink it.
"W-Welcome home, daddy," You said in a near whisper, forcing a half-smile. While you had definitely lost the majority of the fight in you, that didn't mean it didn't nauseate you to comply with his wishes. "Did you have a good day?"
Tucking your hair behind your ear, he offered you the glass of water while he replied as he always did, "My day was fine, but it's so much better now that I'm home with you, princess."
You smiled at him like it was the first time he'd ever said it, taking the glass with a shaking hand. You stared at it for a moment before mustering up the courage to say, "D-Daddy, I don't want the medicine anymore. I don't think I need it, and it doesn't make me feel good."
"You don't want your medicine anymore, baby?" He asked, tipping your chin up to look at him. You shook your head, rounding your eyes to convince him that much more. "Well, alright, but you have to promise to behave for me."
Now you were nodding, a little bit too eagerly. It was sort of humiliating. "I promise, daddy, I'll behave! I don't want the medicine anymore. I promise I'll be good."
With a proud grin he took the glass from your hand and set it on the nightstand, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "That's what I like to hear, babydoll. You know, good little girls get rewarded..." His large hand spread over your thigh, inching up toward the hem of your baggy shirt.
You stiffened, but didn't push him away. He smirked, dipping his head down to kiss at your neck, large hand sliding up your shirt until he nudged it up enough to pull it off. You were bare for him now, save for panties, and given your experience with him you knew it wouldn't be long until those were discarded somewhere across the room. With a gentle hand at your shoulder he pushed you onto your back, your legs hanging off the side of the bed, and you were curious where he was going with that until he sank to his knees in front of you and began pulling your panties down.
Your eyes screwed shut, thankful that he couldn't see your face as he spread your thighs and greeted your cunt with a slow lick up the length of you. You gripped the sheets with white knuckles, pretty much holding your breath to keep yourself from kicking him away from you. His fingertips buried into the plush skin of your thighs to hold you apart as he began to eat you out more passionately, suckling your clit up into his mouth and lapping at your hole like he was starving.
If there was one thing you would give him credit for, it would be his skilled tongue. Perhaps he was crazy and obsessed, but he certainly knew how to translate that obsession into something that benefitted you both. You wouldn't have succumbed to it so willingly if he weren't at least good at it.
Still, it was hard to feel any enthusiasm. His attention might have felt good physically, but it certainly didn't feel good mentally. 
You flinched when you felt a fingertip prodding at your cunt. He pulled away just far enough to tsk, "Relax and let me make you feel good, puppy. You said you would behave for me."
"Y-Yes, daddy," You muttered, continuing to clutch the sheets as you tried to control your breathing.
His thick index finger sank into you down to the knuckle, almost immediately curling up to brush against the spongy spot within you that made you see stars. As much as you tried to fight it you gasped, quickly bringing a hand up to cover your mouth, but the sound you'd made hadn't slipped past Leon. You felt him smirk against your skin as he pressed sloppy kisses to your thigh, reaching up with his free hand to force yours away from your face.
"Don't be shy, princess," He spoke against the inside of your thigh, trailing kisses up to your clit. "I want to hear just how good it feels."
You whimpered, hips squirming into his affection, and he chuckled approvingly, bringing his mouth back to you fully to continue eating you out while he fucked his finger into you. Soon after his index finger was joined by his middle, and you keened as he reached more deeply into you than he possibly ever had.
He pumped his fingers in and out for a moment, alternating between lapping at your cunt and kissing your thighs, and just as the coil inside began to tighten he suddenly... stopped?
You waited for a second, catching your breath, expecting him to continue any minute. But he didn't. Instead, he took on a tone that froze your blood as he asked, "Sweetheart, what is this?"
Then, you felt a sharp tug at your insides that made you yelp.
"Leon!" You shouted at him in a break of character, attempting to scoot away from him, but he grabbed your hips to still you. "That hurt!"
Another tug. You cried out, trying as you might to snap your thighs shut and push him away, but he wasn't budging.
"You never told me you had an IUD."
"Well, I do, so stop yanking on it! It hurts--"
The next words out of his mouth truly fucking broke you.
"That just won't do. It's no wonder you're not pregnant yet."
You sat up immediately. "Pregnant?"
He ignored you, tugging at it again. You screamed.
"L-Leon, don't! I can get it taken out by a doctor, I swear, I'll get it taken out!"
He shook his head. "And wait even longer to knock you up, pretty girl? Not happening. It's coming out now."
You screamed again, thrashing in his hold. He withdrew from inside you for just a moment, pinning you to the bed by your hip while he reached for your panties on the floor and shoved them into your mouth to silence you.
"There, there, angel. It'll be over before you know it, like ripping off a band-aid," He hummed, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you screeched through the cotton. "I'm gonna give you my babies, I promise. Gonna make you a mommy, and we’ll be so happy."
Before you could properly react he forced his fingers back inside you, yanking at the device until you felt a sickening tear and the unmistakable heat of blood rushing out of you. You curled into yourself, wailing, gasping for breath through the panties in your mouth as he withdrew his blood-soaked fingers, holding up the gory IUD in the light.
"There you are, princess. All better," He smiled contently, discarding the device on the bedside table. "You did so good. You were so brave for me."
You were bawling, shrieking through your gag as your vision blurred into white. Leon kissed up your thighs before standing to unbuckle his belt, and he didn't get much further than that before the panic and agonizing pain got to you and you lost consciousness.
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You woke up the next morning with your thighs sore and sticky with blood. You lifted the comforter to see a deep red pool seeping out from between your legs, and the more you started to wake up, the more aware you became of the pain. You were cramping terribly, sweating buckets, your ears were ringing and you felt weak. Leon had left for work already, so it was up to you to get yourself to the bathroom.
Your entire body was trembling as you stumbled out of the bed, dripping blood in a trail behind you as you dragged yourself to the bathroom and crawled into the bathtub. You peeled off your pajama shorts and panties, watching in horror as a mixture of thick blood and cum spilled out of you and ran slowly toward the drain. Once again, you began to cry. Obviously he'd had his way with you after you passed out, buckets of blood be damned.
Even with your foggy, staticky brain, you couldn't stop thinking. Thinking about the fact that he had no intention of taking you to a hospital, so there was really no telling what might happen with your profusely painful and bleeding sex. Thinking about how fucking screwed you were now without your IUD, your best defense against falling pregnant with your captor's child. Thinking about the fact that if he wouldn't even take you to a doctor for this, he must be expecting a home birth if you were to become pregnant, which you doubted he was qualified to handle and therefore had a very good chance to result in your slow, painful death.
You couldn't stand the shivering anymore, so you filled the bathtub with hot water. It felt nice, though it was rather gross that the water was stained a glassy rose color with your own blood, not that you really had the strength to care in the moment.
In fact, you didn't have much strength at all. It wasn't long before you found yourself losing consciousness once again.
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"Fuck, princess, can you hear me?"
You were trying to open your eyes, to twitch a finger, anything, but it was so hard.
"Shit. Stay right here, babydoll, I'm gonna get you some help, okay? I promise. I never meant to hurt you... shit...”
You heard some shuffling, pacing and possibly Leon talking to himself in the other room. You figured he was trying to decide whether or not to take you to a hospital. Part of you hoped he would and the other part of you hoped he would just let you die there. More than anything, you just wished you would have let him drug you in the first place so maybe you wouldn't be in this level of pain.
After what could have very well been 20 seconds or 20 minutes, Leon kneeled beside the tub and draped a cold washcloth over your forehead, reaching into the bloodied water to pull the drain. With what little control you had over your own movement you managed to crack your eyes open, which seemed to please him.
"Oh thank god... thank god, baby. I almost thought I lost you there," He huffed, voice shaking. "Listen to me closely, princess. Stay with me. I'm going to take you to a doctor but you have to be a good girl, okay? You have to be good for me and go along with what I say, even if it isn't true. I'm just doing what's best for you so you can get all better, okay?"
You nodded weakly. You weren't in any position to put up a fight, and all you really wanted was an end to the pain. Besides, he couldn't supervise you constantly at the hospital. There had to be at least some opportunity to tell someone what he'd done to you.
He somehow managed to dress you in some comfortable clothes of his, a soft black t-shirt that hung halfway down your thighs and a pair of black shorts with some little socks of yours to protect your feet. Then, he carried you princess-style out to the car where he bundled you up in the passenger seat and buckled you in.
As he pulled hurriedly out of the driveway, he made a phone call to someone.
"Hey, it's me... I need the best people we have in the infirmary, stat. I'm on my way now," He spoke sternly into the phone, white knuckling the wheel. "I'm fine, it's not for me, it's my girlfriend. It's a long story that I'll tell you when I get there, but she's bleeding pretty bad. I found her unconscious when I came home... I appreciate it, thanks. See you in 10."
Leon reached over the center console to squeeze your thigh in reassurance.
"You're gonna be just fine, princess. I'm gonna make sure they make you all better, okay?"
Your stomach sank. He obviously wasn't taking you to a hospital. From the sounds of it he was taking you somewhere he had a good amount of leverage, somewhere everyone knew him, held him in high regard and wouldn't dare challenge his word, let alone take yours over his. You slumped to the side, resting your head on the cool window with a quiet bonk. Leon was quick to ask if you were okay but you couldn't muster up a response. Your ears began ringing again and the world around you collapsed into tunnel vision.
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part 2 !!
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phefics · 8 months
idk if this is problematique but i have a finnick x capitol!reader idea (possible series?) in mind so i want opinions:
capitol!reader who isn’t super rich or influential but is friends w ppl who are as she has a huge crush on finnick so her friends surprise her by buying finnick for the night. she’s horrified and says she isn’t going to sleep with him bc he’s being paid to and they literally just hang out and its fluff/angst maybe a series where she starts going to buy him for the night so he doesnt have to do that but they end up having feelings for each other .. is this too close to like stockholm syndrome transference etc vibes?? like i think it could be interesting to write/explore but i don’t want to pervert finnick’s trauma
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slushi-chan · 4 months
I get so pissed and annoyed with this fandom drawing art of Bo hating Vincent and being cruel as adults! Could I see Bo resentful or cruel at a young age towards his twin? Yeah, of course! But for near 20 years all they have is each other in a damn near toxic co dependent unhealthy way because of their shitty parents
I'd be fucking pissed too!!!
And Bo STILL in that moment felt guilty for calling his brother a freak just to hurt him and tried complimenting and reassuring him.
Trust me, I am not good with forgiving ppl that can't apologize bc I personally suck up my pride and do it if I care but then again Bo goes out of his way to talk to Vince right away when my sister would've called me every name in the book, we would've argued and left without a word
And this man that suffered so much trauma and so much hate at such a young age STILL has a soft spot for his twin and STILL tries in his own fucked up way right away to make amends for snapping at him
I'm sorry, yes, Bo is shitty. He's a rapist, sadist, murderer, toxic, manipulative, controlling.
But I physically cannot see fanart of Bo abusing Vincent cruelly bc idc he would never. Istg ppl just saw Bo be mean to his brother in a shitty situation and since he didn't apologize (He tried in his way) then he must be abusive to Vince too! If anything they both resent each other yet if one dies the other might as well die too
No hate to the author who will be unnamed (I don't remember their name anyways 😅) but there was one fanfic of Bo beating his 'wife' reader because another man said hi to her and he does this regularly then ties her up when they got KIDS and I cannot see it. Not for a guy saying hi that was gonna get killed anyways. Could I see Bo 'taking what's his' to mark reader sexually? Sadly yeah his boundaries with women are non existent but a WIFE? He would have to be insane with jealousy and idc I can't see someone finally loving him and putting him first over his twin for the first time ever being his punching bag. A captive reader that develops stockholm syndrome and disobeys? Yeah probably bc he doesn't 'love' them. But a wife with kids???? Uh uh. That man would seperate his domestic life and violence as much as he could just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own renditions and dark material but I feel the fandom makes Bo way more hateful than he is
Carly was a woman he instantly looked at as prey and was a victim he knew was dying so if he had to have fun cutting off a finger or SA her in the basement then in his warped mind why not? That imo is ttly different than his brothers or fictional kids or S/o IM JUST SAYING!!
(Sorry for the rambling I have a hard time finding others that see Bo is more than the unreliable narrorator Carly is in the film that is done so subtly and Bo IS a pos that's its easy to overlook)
Also Vincent is shown to be strong and he kills more than Bo does in the movie, he could stand up for himself but he doesn’t, because Bo isn’t abusing him, not to mention him holding Bo’s dead beaten body and cry yelling to the best of his ability, they clearly care about each other.
I feel like people see that one scene and the opening and assume Bo is angry and abusive all the time (also people can write him however they want but I feel like I see a lot of people boiling his character down to just being angry and violent and mean) and he had behavior problems as a kid but just because he did and is mean in one scene doesn’t mean that’s just how he is, people change as they get older, I had anger issues as a kid (I now realize it was probably related to my ADHD I didn’t know I had back then) I acted out when I got mad, I was violent sometimes, now as an adult I don’t act out anymore, I don’t even get as angry, there’s no reason Bo couldn’t have changed or learned to cope as he got older, even with all the shitty toxic shit as a kid, once he was older he could have worked on it himself, we don’t know but like people just assume oh he was an angry kid with behavioral issues and he yelled at Vince as an adult and don’t take in any other context from the scene and decide he’s angry and has anger issues and that’s his entire character.
Also I agree he wouldn’t treat a wife like that, man was not given love as a kid he wouldn’t risk the person who actually loves him, plus we see he clearly cares about Vince, when he tells him ‘Ma would be proud’ he’d be the same way if he fell in love with someone I think, he’d try his best to make up when he did fuck up, he’d show he cares
Is Bo a bad person, yes he very much is, he does horrible things including heavily implied SA, and he has no problem murdering people, but he’s not rotten to the core with no redeeming anything who’s only bad with no good
No one take this as you’re wrong or bad for your interpretation of Bo, if someone wants to write him like that go ahead, you do you, it’s your writing and you should do what you want, I just wish more people looked deeper into Bo’s character and thought more critically instead of just accepting Carly, a victim who only sees a small window of the Sinclair’s life and behavior, as the truth
Actually I think it was one of your posts I saw that made me see Bo this way, you were the one who converted me lol
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does she have ptsd?
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submit your own characters here to be featured!
reasons under the cut. involves major spoilers for the witcher franchise. tw for suicide, sexual assault/rape, kidnapping, abuse, incest; this one deals with heavy topics.
reason: her mother died when she was young and her father disappeared. her entire kingdom was razed, and the knight escorting her out of the kingdom was killed right in front of her after her grandmother, the queen, committed suicide to avoid being killed by nilfgaard (the kingdom attacking cintra). ciri was later on kidnapped by a gang, in which she was sexually assaulted, then forced into an abusive relationship that caused her to develop stockholm syndrome. her father attempted to marry her and i think you know where that's going.
even just partway through the aforementioned, she's clearly impaired often by intense anxieties, constant self doubt, and self esteem issues. she has a lot of mental breakdowns, and in the show she has a panic attack scene. it's heavily implied that she has ptsd but i'm yet to see an official confirmation of this
submitted by @angelellipsis-devilofdots
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septembersghost · 1 year
I am starting to think that her and Harry are in contact or talking again after she played question...? And we ALL know that song is about him
generally i try to be careful about publicly treading too close to rpf levels of theories over people's lives, but we're living in topsy-turvy land right now so idc - harry with the gold rush sign and adding stockholm syndrome back onto his setlist, she's played hygtg/ootw/this love/question...maybe they are sending signals. let us have this delusion 😭
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stitched-mouth · 1 year
Ok so… I want to do Kinktober this year. I’ve never done it before because I didn’t think I could stick to a deadline, if you properly follow my works on here you’ll notice that they are MONTHS apart.
But fuck it, I want to to do Kinktober. And if I’m late with a few fics, idc.
So please make some suggestions in the comments, I’ll credit you for the idea (if you want to be anonymous send it to my inbox). And if you make a request (character, kink(s) and plot line) obvious credit too and more interaction with the fic.
Not all will be fics, some with be imagines and hcs to. Requests will be fics.
So here are the rules.
Kinks I Will Write For:
- Breeding.
- Lactation.
- Daddy/ Mommy Kinks.
- Age Play.
- Blood Play (my request page currently says I don’t write for this, I do now and I need to update my request page)
- Slight Degradation .
- Praise Kink.
- Masterbation.
- Overstimulation.
- Crying Kink.
Kinks I Won’t Write For:
- Incest (including pseudo incest).
- Minors (not exactly a kink but you get it, I also don’t age kids up).
- Intense Degradation.
- Rape.
- Necrophilia.
- Piss Play.
- Beastility.
- Stockholm Syndrome.
I think that’s it but this might be added to.
Who Do I Write For:
Now listen, I do write for more characters/series than this. However for Kinktober I just want to stick to these characters/fandoms. I don’t write for every character in every fandom so I suggest you check my masterlists too, they have all the characters I do write for and the ones missing are characters I don’t write for.
- My Hero Academia.
- The Umbrella Academy.
- Black Butler.
- Soul Eater.
- Moon Knight.
- She-Hulk.
- Locke and Key (only Gabe/Dodge).
- Death Note.
- Cowboy Bebop.
- Ginny & Georgia.
- Stranger Things.
- Squid Game.
- Sex Education.
- The Flash.
- Wonder Woman.
- Kill Bill.
- Pulp Fiction.
- Last Night In Soho.
- Big Hero 6.
- Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.
- Shameless (US).
- Rick and Morty.
- Blue Beetle.
- Terrifier (only Art the Clown).
- The Black Phone (only the Grabber).
- Encanto.
I think that’s it, more might be added later. The masterlist for Stitched’s (first) Kinktober 2023 will be posted whenever the Hell I feel like it (before October thou I promise).
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crybabychim · 11 months
okay so I read through your rules & preferences beforehand & I really hope I got this right:
how about kidnapped mc who used to fight tooth and nail to get away from jimin but has now fallen to stockholm syndrome. He calls her his little kitty bcs she looks so sweet but is super feisty (or at least used to be), he used to have her caged up but now he has her well trained and she’s his precious girl. I’m not sure how you feel about having her actually acting like a cat? Like she crawls to him on all fours & rubs her head against his thigh? small little kitten licks to his crotch? As I’m reading this I originally thought of a kidnapping situation (she’s an adult but I’ve always thought adult napping wasn’t a word) but now it’s kinda starting to sound like a possible werewolf au ..? (I suck at ideas if you can’t tell but I’m trying here😭) but to finalize jimin who has a breeding kink and wants to see his little kitten all swollen with his baby & possible some inner dialogue from mc about how she feels about the change between when she was first kidnapped & now. Whether she’s just pretending or actually loves him, I’ll leave you to decide.
thank you for reading the rules and my preferences!!! I appreciate it so much. not a lot of people do it, so thanks <33 🥹
yesss 100% 👍🏻 I already have something similar with mafia jimin where he calls her kitten, but I definitely can go deeper with the pet play 😼 idk about the werewolf/hybrid jimin, but I'll add some breeding kink of course.
(she'll love him because if I was her I'd love him idc it's jimin)
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feelyourno1z · 1 year
Idc if this is kinda a petty rant because the people who it would be petty towards probably aren’t going to see it and if they do, then they’re on my blog for petty reasons most likely (or not then in which, sorry, but also it my blog, I get to rant when I’m annoyed, it’s been a shit week, and I’m a very opinionated person)
But anyways, I don’t understand people who base their whole enjoyment around hating characters and then claim that that’s loving the character. Like, if the only way you enjoy the character is by dunking on them and talking about how disgusting they are 1) you need to find more positive hobbies because I cannot imagine that making you enjoyable to talk to and 2) you’re. You’re obviously not actually enjoying that character. You obviously dislike that character and you’re talking about how much you Do Not Like that character. Why are you claiming that it’s living them???
Don’t get me wrong, enjoy how they affect the plot/story and how they’re written all you want, I have plenty of shitty characters that I can’t stand but I do enjoy how they affect the plot. But at the end of the day, that’s the only way I enjoy them. Overall, I dislike that character and I’m not going to claim I like them just because I like analyzing how fucked up they are, that’s some Stockholm Syndrome sounding ass shit.
And why do people only fly to their own defense of it when it’s a character that has like, zero redeeming qualities too? Like, for instance, most Silco fans out there know he’s fucked up and what he did was shitty and they acknowledge that and understand why people hate him, but the people who dislike him (like me) can also understand why there are people who sympathize with him or enjoy his character. But the second you start point out why someone terrible, who actively abused and groomed and manipulated a child or children, and then in the end practically got of scot-free and showed absolutely no remorse for his actions? All of a sudden people are coming to defend themselves using the “I love to hate” defense. Which, as stated above, in the end you’re not actually enjoying the character, you’re creating an unhealthy obsession with being negative and, in worst case scenarios, romanticizing their shitty behaviors.
Idk, I know it’s something small and petty of me to gripe about at the end of the day, but personally I find it extremely worrying and creepy when people are so adamant on trying to redeem a character that. Ultimately doesn’t deserve it.
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 2 years
I’m so happy to hear that the idiots are gonna fall in love 🥰 I’m such a sucker for happy endings it’s almost embarrassing omgg
Also I literally cannot wait for PUMPKIN CARVING!!
So am I, I love a good unlikely romance. Is it Stockholm syndrome? Idk and idc as long as it’s a happy ending 🤣 (I do not condone these actions in real life, just a fantasy).
Pumpkin carving is gonna be so cute! I hope that Michael actually shows he’s having a good time in his own way 🖤 waiting with bated breath!
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moon-cakezz · 4 days
+18demigirl looking for +18 partners(idc about your irl gender) for a long term, fandomless oc x oc rp (warning for nsfw, dead dove🪦🕊️, and possibly 🍪 content under the cut!!)
i'm looking for a dark romance roleplay, where i play as a (possibly 🍪, if desired) trans person, either ftm or mtf, against a cis man or woman, you!
my original idea is yc being some sort of "yandere" and being obsessed with mc to the point of taking them hostage, and brainwashed into believing mc is trans(or even make them detransition! who knows?), so, they'd start as cis and progressively start transitioning against their will.. but slowly start to like it~
please note that my character will NOT be a subby, cutesy, pick me girl/boy. I like to give them actual personalities, despite whatever position they take during smut(if you need to know, switch bottoms mostly, but i also like sub tops- i'll do anything EXCEPT domtops).
They won't submit so easily and will most likely hate the idea of transition/detransition at first. I like to focus on the mental and realistic aspect, the feeling of confussion and hopelessness of being trapped, i hate unrealistic representations of stockholm syndrome.
drawn and realistic face claims, as well as some basic info about my ocs will be granted in dms. I write in third person past, and i'm a semi to literate writer! more information about what i have to offer in my linked post!! i prefer to plot and write in discord
Interact or dm if interested <3
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judethswrld · 3 months
the fact that this is so true
oh this is sooo true and i actually wanted to rant about this bc it pisses me the fuck off.
firstly fabrizio constantly posting about that abuser and rapist makes me sick like stop posting about him.
secondly everytime we try to call out mason greenwood on twitter, these fucking footybros get mad at us and resort to their insults calling us a “whore” and saying “did he rape ur mom?” and shit like that and u guys don’t understand how much that pisses me off
we all saw the proof, we all seen what he did so why are these men still trying to defend him. they were never defending him this hard before the whole thing happened so it really does just show they like him bc he’s a rapist and abuser
and what pisses me off the most is when ppl say
“oh his girlfriend forgave him and is even having a baby with him so why can’t u just forgive and forget about it?”
sorry please search up stockholm syndrome before saying something like that
just because his gf is still with him and is having a baby does NOT dismiss the fact that he still raped and abused her. idc who forgave him he still did what he did and he needs to rot in hell for that. he will forever be a piece of shit i don’t care what the conversation is.
makes me sick when these men go these lengths to defend such a bad person
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elliott-the-creature · 4 months
Woke up this morning and immediately wanted to be back in my dream. It was really fucking weird, but I was so intrigued that I wanted to continue it.
It started out with my family stealing stuff for Christmas (super weird because that’s something they would absolutely never do), and then progressed to me being in someone’s 3 story apartment complex thingy.
We were just chatting and then the guy got really mad or something (I don’t remember why) and I started running away from him downstairs into the basement. I ended up realizing this was a lucid dream, but I couldn’t end it or change it so I just hid there like “well, shit, I’m screwed”. I hid under the stairs, but when he came down to look for me he turned on the lights and immediately found me. I then realized that the dude was one of my ocs from a Danganronpa based fanstory that I’m currently working on. I got super scared but was able to fight him off and run back up to the 3rd story and hide in the bathroom in his bathtub.
He found me AGAIN and was able to lock me in the room with him. And for some reason he turned on the shower (maybe to disorient me, idfk). And then on a dime, he suddenly became super sympathetic and nice, and I have no idea why. I was soaked from the shower, so he got me fresh clothes and let me dry off (obviously he was on the other side of the door to make sure I didn’t leave).
Normally, somebody would probably calm down and let their guard down, but I WROTE HIM, so I knew that he was a master manipulator and would do anything to make someone feel safe, and then do whatever he wanted with them. So I stayed on edge and freaked out every time he put some unknown object near me, fearing that he would have some syringe that would make me pass out (because he was threatening to do that earlier when he was chasing me). But weirdly enough, he didn’t really do anything else. At one point he was brushing my hair, and I was internally flipping out because people brushing/playing with my hair is my ultimate weakness and calms me down very quickly, so I was trying not to calm down and get relaxed but kinda failing at it.
I don’t remember much past that, but when I woke up I was so disappointed because I wanted to continue and figure out what would happen next. And yes, I probably would’ve ended up with some form of Stockholm syndrome, but idc, it was a dream and I was enjoying it. Lol sorry for it being so long, I wanted to record it so I wouldn’t forget it.
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
now my question is. why do people have the audacity after harry just curated the best set list of his life to go “omg he cut daylight😣” “omg little freak😣” like yes you can be disappointed that he didn’t sing your fav song but at the same time idc be grateful for what you got like you just got stockholm syndrome i don’t want to hear you complaining sorry🤷🏼‍♀️
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confusedgeek · 2 years
i watched my first thai BL and here's how i go crazy over it // kinnporsche
let's start w the characters, shall we? *bangs table* ARE YOU AWARE OF HOW ILLEGAL IT IS TO MAKE THEM SO EASILY ATTACHED TO???!!!!! [arm and pol are my babies god they're such a side ship and so qt with tankhun] AND HOW MUCH I RELATE TO TANKHUN MAKES ME QUESTION MY ENTITY (´-ω-`) a literall self-put character of me in a thai bl (×_×)
AND ACTING-WISE, everything was played realistically, there was sm real emotion, production is VERY WELL MADE AND THE PLOT IS INTERESTING W MULTIPLE PLOT TWISTS AT THE END (near ep 13-14)
NOW THE SPICE STUFF *throws spice everywhere* the kissing was *pfffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* SO FUCKING GOOD OH MY GAWD (/。\) [ngl the sex scene where kinn and porsche jacked each other off scarred me but also um,,, makes me wanna rewatch it FOR KINN'S EXPRESSIONS PLS I NEED THAT FRAMED ON TOP OF MY BED IN 4K]. before i started this drama, there was this one comment that stuck w me that said "all i remember was buttons flying everywhere and shirts getting ripped" and I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH I AGREE WITH THAT PERSON OML Σ(°△°|||)︴ i love porsche so much, just how much resemblance there's between me and him is too much ( ̄ ;; ̄) this drama portrayed entp [porsche] so realistically accurate i feel attacked for being MYSELF _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ like SERIOUSLY HIS SMUG FACE ANYTIME HE HAS THE CHANCE TO SHOW IT, IT KILLS ME LIKE IM WHEEZING BLOOD AT THIS POINT he's so entp my heart hurts;; AND OH GOD WHEN HE WAS LIKE TALKIN AB KINN'S "other gun" I WAS MAKING AN O FACE SO HARD 3/////3
and pls KINN AND PORSCHE CAN LITERALLY BE ON A DESERTED ISLAND HAVIN SEX WHILE HALF OF THE MAIN FAMILY ALONG WITH THE MINOR FAMILY ARE FALLING APART and they won't give a single SHIT!! TT0TT (it made cry-laugh so hard when pete was FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE WHEN VEGAS TOOK HIM AWAY and next scene you see those two braincells [kinn and porshce] GOIN ON A FUCKIN VACATION (;;;*_*)
now ab the soundtrack???!!!! THIS ONE SPECIFIC PIANO BGM PLAYING WHENEVER THEM TWO BRAINCELLS IN LOVE ARE HAVING A LIL EMOTIONAL LOVEY DOVEY TIMMMEEEE??? *cause of death: too good piano playing* (╥﹏╥) AND THE OP SONG IS CLAPPING SOME MAD BALLS TOO (x_x)⌒☆ also just how sweet it is to see mr. korn accept kinn's relationship with porsche is just OWAHHHHHH (((><)))!!!!
like YE OLD MAN GO WILD UNDO HOMOPHOBIA REHEHEHE~ unlike vegas' dad who's like *slaps* WHAT DO U THINK YOU'RE DOIN??!!!! (beinga a smol sex freak)  [how i wish i could replace pete mmmmhhmmmmm ..・ヾ(。><)シ ]
talking ab pete and vegas’ whole “side story” at this point, I CAME TO CONCLUSION THAT I DO SHIP THEM DESPITE THE “stockholm syndrome” the relationship between has;;
(sobs) i ship them so hard despite how much vegas hurt pete at the start :,)) IK ITS WRONG BUT IDC THEY LOOK TOO CUTE CUDDLED UP TOGETHER >////< ON THE CONTRARY, HAVING MY BABY GET HIS BALLS ELECTRIFIED CHANGED ME AS A WHOLE (cleans the saliva off my chin 👁👁)
*whispers* but the scene in ep 13 where vegas put a knfie to pete's neck and pete started venting was SO FUCKING GOOD THE ACTING, THE ATMOSPHERE???!!! *chefs kiss* NO BRUH AND THE SCENE WHERE MR. KORN REVEALED THE TRUTH AB PORSCHE'S FAMILY AND HE WAS LIKE "AM I AND KINN RELATED??" :skull emoji: :skull emoji: I WAS IN TEARS I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY FOOD (╬`益´) NOW A SMOL PLACE TO BABBLE AB THE FIGHT SCENE IN THE LAST EP??!! it was so hot how porsche and kinn "hugged" while shooting the others left alive (was so damn hot) (╥ω╥) AND WHEN PORSCHE TOLD KINN TO GRAB HIS GUN AND KINN GRABBED HIS "GUN" ( ̄  ̄|||) [what a braincell move]
i think now imma get a lot more into thai bls cause those men know how to COOK (kiss a homie right) ;>>
honestly can't believe i finished this series, it has such a special place in my heart and im so glad i found out ab it (more thai bls down the road we goooooo) overall, i HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS THAI DRAMA it was a masterpiece as is told to be around this cultured community ;))
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