#now i gotta make my way back to the library where i just left to charge my phone
tricoufamily · 10 months
oh no i forgot that project rene thing is today i’m almost dead
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talesofesther · 7 months
what once was mine | ch 5
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: Writing a lovesick Loki is my new favorite hobby.
Masterlist | Read ch 4 here
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There was something about you. Still, he couldn't quite place what it was. But there was something. He's not sure if it's the way your eyes crinkle on the sides and you avoid your gaze when you smile or if it's the frown on your lips and the raised eyebrow look you usually give to him when he shows up at your desk.
Loki didn't know what it was about you, that got him in an absolute trance, and he felt the gravity around you pulling him in.
A sharp pain in the back of his head snapped him back to reality, a small grunt escaping his lips.
"I swear I'm regretting all my decisions right now," Mobius spoke from beside him, unrolling his jet ski magazine he had just smacked Loki with, "If I have to repeat everything I've just said just because you were too busy drooling over-"
"I was listening." Loki cut him off a little too urgently, finally moving his gaze away from where you had been talking with B-15 a few steps ahead of him. "And I wasn't drooling," he grumbled.
"Yeah, right," Mobius mumbled, leaning back on his chair as he followed Loki's gaze that had, unsurprisingly, returned to you. "Did you two get to talking already?"
Loki sighed, he watched as you propped yourself up on someone's desk, fiddling with the loose tie around your neck as you spoke with the hunter. "Not exactly," he frowned, "She still avoids me most of the time. She's difficult."
Mobius hummed in agreement, now mindlessly flipping through his magazine. "You're telling me."
Tapping against the arm of his chair, Loki craned his neck to look behind him where Mobius was sitting. "Are you two close?" He asked with genuine curiosity, "You seem close."
"She's a pain in my ass," Mobius threw the magazine aside and picked up a stack of documents, neatly placing them inside a folder. He briefly glanced at you, who now sat alone, swinging your feet back and forth as you watched people walk by, a small fond smile appeared on his features. "But she grows on you pretty fast," he spoke quieter, "I gotta give her that."
The ghost of a smile crept into Loki's lips too. He jumped slightly when the folder was unceremoniously dropped onto his lap.
"Now make yourself useful and take that to the library," Mobius raised an eyebrow at him, "Some of us actually have work to do."
─── ·❆· ───
Loki praised himself for being able to reach the library without getting lost. He read the date stamped on top of the file on his hands and browsed the shelves until he found said date, neatly stacking the file in between the others already there.
As he was about to walk out, he caught sight of the joyless woman who sat behind the desk in the corner; the permanent scowl still adorned her face as she typed away at her computer.
Loki took the sharp turn and came to stand before her. He waited a beat before pressing the bell atop her desk once.
The typing halted but only her eyes moved to look at him. "Yes?"
"I'm on the lookout for a few files, if you wouldn't mind assisting me." The smile on his lips was rather mischievous.
After about a minute of following the woman around the library, Loki was pleasantly surprised to be handed the file he had actually asked for.
"Happy reading," the woman mumbled, and left him be.
In between the cramped shelves, Loki turned the file in his hands, tracing his fingers under the name written on the first page. Your name.
He wondered for a moment if it would be inappropriate, an invasion of your privacy. Prying into your life as if it were a book for him to read. He tried to justify with the thought he'd only be reading the parts with him in it.
As he slowly made his way out of the halls of shelves, Loki took a brief look at the basic pieces of information on the cover of your file. Your picture at the front was… endearing—much as he wouldn't admit it out loud—you had your arms behind your back, your lips pulled into a line, and your eyes quite wide with apprehension, wearing the same TVA uniform that Loki got thrown into when he arrived. You were human and from Midgard, which already got Loki mildly confused as to why his future self would've gotten this close with a Midgardian of all people.
Loki rounded the corner of the last shelf with his eyes fixated on the file, and he nearly dropped it when something suddenly collided against him full force. Or rather, someone.
A small oof escaped your lips when you bumped face-first into him. You took a few steps back, blinking several times with a frown on your eyebrows.
Biting back a gasp of surprise, Loki quickly hid your file behind his back, mustering his most convincing innocent look.
Your eyes finally found him and you sighed quietly. "It's you."
A small, teasing grin stretched Loki's lips and he narrowed his eyes at you, "are you following me?"
You raised an unamused eyebrow at him, adjusting the lapel of your jacket and straightening your posture; "why would I follow you?"
"Because I'm terribly alluring." His voice took a slightly lower timbre, he leaned just a tad closer to you.
All you gave him was a roll of your eyes before circling past him so you could continue on your way. Loki turned with you, keeping his hands behind his back and away from your line of sight.
Much to your dismay, he fell into step with you.
"And now you're following me?" You asked, feigning uninterest as you made a point of avoiding his gaze, heading towards the elevator.
Loki hummed; "Not at all." He stayed just half a step behind you, trailing his eyes over the way your hair fell over your shoulder, just barely revealing the black earring you wore and making him wonder if it would feel as soft as it looked if he were to run his fingers through it. "We just happen to be going to the same place."
As you waited for the elevator to arrive, Loki managed to fold your file once and stash it inside the pocket of his jacket. You went in and Loki followed. The silence that lingered as the elevator slowly made its way up made Loki feel uneasy, he shifted in his stance and stole not-so-sneaky glances at you every few seconds. Has this elevator always been so slow?
"Would you like to stop for tea?" The words stumbled past Loki's lips on their own. "Or, coffee, whatever it is you drink." He felt the need to add, to feign nonchalance.
You kept quiet, but quiet was good, it wasn't a no. Loki realized, as he pretended not to be watching you, that what kept pulling him towards you wasn't curiosity anymore; at least not only curiosity. You were going to be his in the future, that much was clear, why or how he couldn't know, but his would-be future self had been lucky enough to be loved by you. And that was it, he realized. Loki never had anything to call his in his life, he never truly belonged. And when he first saw you on that screen, he just knew it had been his choice; he would have been lucky enough to find you and choose to call you his, to be yours.
Loki's breath hitched in his throat. That feeling in his chest, his heart knew where it belonged, who it belonged to; even before he did. And you were right there and Loki couldn't push away the thought that… he was yours, even if you weren't his. Not yet, and maybe not ever again.
You kept quiet. The elevator was nearing its stop when you hit the button that led to the cafeteria floor.
The place was emptier this time of day, almost peacefully so. There were only a few people here and there, sitting at the tables while enjoying a quick meal during their break.
You spared Loki a glance, "Go find us a table, yeah?"
Loki didn't object as you walked off to grab a drink. He picked a table in a far corner, away from any unwanted disturbances, and waited. This wasn't about drinking tea, not really; he didn't mind not having a drink.
You came back a few minutes later, holding two mugs; each steaming hot and with a bag of tea floating inside. You sat down in front of him and slid one of the mugs towards him.
Loki fought to keep his face impassive, to not make you uncomfortable by displaying how the gesture had touched him. He took the mug slowly, warm ceramic heating up his cold hands. When he took the first sip, his eyes briefly closed in delight, surprised that you knew exactly how he took his tea. But he shouldn't be.
When he opened his eyes again, he noticed your gaze was, for the first time today, fixed on him. Your lips were slightly parted and your hands hung loosely around your mug on the table. It was almost as if you were gauging his reaction, hanging onto every twitch of his muscles. To prove a fact or dismantle a lie.
"It's… lovely, thank you," Loki spoke softly.
You gulped at his words, then cleared your throat and took a generous sip of your own tea, that most likely burned its way down your throat given the way your eyes watered. "Yeah, sure."
Loki softly tapped his mug as it rested on the table, he glanced up at you, his eyes betraying him with the softness he tried to hide. "You know, I'm truly quite impressed."
He captured your attention, and you turned to him with slightly raised eyebrows.
"I wasn't expecting them to have such good tea around," Loki raised his mug to prove his point, "for a place that, literally, has access to all of time, their food options are rather limited." He complained with an indignant frown.
There was a smirk fighting its way into your lips that you gently ducked your head to hide. "I have to agree, sometimes I just wanna slip into the timeline to grab a milkshake or a smoothie."
Loki struggled to keep his voice working when he saw the hints of a smile on your face, but that's also the reason why he kept talking. "Right? And then there's the neverending paperwork. I mean, honestly, for a place like this they sure are so old-timey, aren't they?"
You laughed. Genuinely laughed, and Loki delighted in it. He wanted to bottle up the sound and keep it with him forever. His lips hovered in a dazed smile of his own, and he simply looked at you—all doe eyes and pink cheeks—engraving the image in his mind with the pride that he was the one who made you happy, if even for a second.
Shaking your head, you avoided his eyes. Biting your lower lip before you said; "Oh yes, that's one of my biggest critiques yet."
A quiet chuckle escaped Loki's lips, and he made it his mission to keep the conversation going for as long as you'd have him.
When you drank the last sip of your tea, which was most likely already cold given the time that had passed since you first got it, you looked at Loki with the ghosts of that smile still lingering—a little crooked and still a little hesitant, but beautiful to his eyes nonetheless.
"I have to go," you said, voice quieter, as if you spoke louder it would break the moment. Your eyes glimmered under the artificial lights, for a beat it looked like you wanted to say more but you bit it back. "But thank you for the company."
Loki nodded softly, "It was my pleasure." He hoped you could see it in his eyes that he meant it.
Loki watched you leave. He watched as you walked into the elevator and held his gaze from afar until the doors closed. The feeling hit him hard and square in the chest, making him close his eyes and exhale a shaky breath—he was falling for you, and it killed him to think that he might be falling alone.
He took the file still hidden in his jacket pocket, unfolding it only to see the picture of you staring back at him. He looked at it for a long time, yet never opened it. He wanted to do right by you. If he were to know you, know the story you would've had together, it would be because you choose to let him.
Later that day, Loki stopped by the library again. He took a single last glance at the cover of your file before stashing it back on the shelf.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 6 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @lokihaha34 @levanneisdumb @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @arunabrak @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks @alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune @ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter @navs-bhat @creat0r-cat @cinnamonbambii
@anundyingfidelity @creationcitystreet-em @or-was-it-just-a-dream @agustdpeach @oreo-cream @jollydeckk @agent-tempest @spidermantaylorsversion @127djarin @imthedoctorlove @duckwithsunglasses @lokidokieokie @cookieeecutter @anuncalledbridge @finechalamet
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 months
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, slight Sam Winchester x little sister!reader, slight John Winchester x daughter!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: the various times you’ve fallen asleep around the boys
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Your brain didn’t work the same way as your brothers. To them, four to five hours of sleep every night, or even every other night, was sufficient to keep them going, even through grueling hunts.
For you, that wasn’t even sufficient enough to keep you going through your homework.
Because of this, you’d developed the skill of falling asleep anywhere, at any time, in just a few minutes.
This skill led to some interesting stories over the years.
“Psst,” Dean Winchester hissed as he nudged his little brother.
Sam glanced to his left and saw Dean gesturing to the back seat, where you were curled up against the window, fast asleep.
“We left like four minutes ago,” Sam whispered with a grin.
“No kidding,” Dean pulled over, reaching into his bag and pulling out a Sharpie, popping the cap off as he leaned over the back seat.
Sam gave him a sideways glance, “What’d she ever do to you?”
Dean chuckled, “This is what she gets for stealing my jacket.”
Sam glanced back again, and sure enough, somehow you’d managed to snatch Dean’s jacket and were currently using it as a blanket.
Sam shook his head, an amused smile playing across his face.
“I’m not sure the punishment fits the crime, but go right ahead.”
After you awoke, it took you the rest of the day before you saw the mustache drawn above your mouth, and the “NERD” written across your forehead, and about half an hour of scrubbing to get it off.
When you confronted Dean about it, he just laughed.
“That’s what you get, sleepyhead.”
“Hey, we’re back, how’s…” Dean’s voice trailed off when he saw you, head down on top of your history book, put like a light. “The homework going,” he finished half heartedly, laughing softly.
“I don’t know how she sleeps on that chair, those things are hard as rocks,” Sam commented as he headed to his bed. It had been a long hunt, and he was desperate for some sleep.
“Poor kid,” Dean said softly as he began to pull your chair away from the desk.
“Is it my night?” Sam yawned, scooting over to make room for you on his bed.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dean said as he lifted you carefully into his arms. “I’ve got her.”
Sam splayed out on his bed as Dean gently set you down on his.
“Dean?” You stirred, keeping your eyes closed but reaching up to grab at the arms holding you.
“Shh,” Dean took your hands in his, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m right here. Go back to bed, sleepyhead.”
“We ready to go yet?” Dean asked, replacing the library book on the shelf as Sam stood.
“Yeah, as soon as we find Y/N,” Sam glanced around. “I thought she was right here.”
“She went over to the fiction section,” Dean led the way, and stopped short when he found you, leaning against a bookshelf, a book clutched in your arms, fast asleep. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“I still don’t know how she does it,” Sam muttered as he knelt next to you, reaching out to shake your shoulder. “Honey, it’s time to go.”
“Sammy?” You asked sleepily, blinking your eyes open slowly.
“C’mon,” he urged, helping you as you slowly got to your feet.
“Did you find what you needed?” You yawned, rubbing your eyes as you leaned against Sam’s tall frame. Sam smiled, throwing an arm around your shoulder and guiding you towards the door.
“You bet, sleepyhead. Now let’s get outta here.”
“Let her sleep.”
Dean looked over at his father, frowning.
“She’ll want to see you. It’s been weeks.”
John ran a hand over his face, sighing.
“I’m not staying long, I have another lead to follow up on.”
“All the more reason to wake her up. She misses you.”
“Dean, I said let her sleep,” John glanced over at you as you stirred, but you just shifted around and fell back asleep.
“Why?” Dean demanded. He didn’t often challenge John, but after you’d broken down crying the other night, confiding in Dean how much you missed your father and how much you worried about him, he’d decided that things needed to change.
“Because she…” John shook his head. “Just don’t. Let her be, I can’t.”
“Can’t what? If you want me to do this, I need a reason.”
“Because if she sees me, she’s going to ask me to stay,” John swallowed. “And if she does that, I won’t go.”
Dean stared incredulously at his father as he made his way over to your sleeping form. John leaned down, placing a kiss to the side of his daughter’s head and smiling gently at you.
“Goodbye, sleepyhead.”
“I told you we shouldn’t have brought her,” Sam complained as the Impala pulled into the motel.
“I didn’t think it would take so long,” Dean grumbled.
“She was exhausted, she couldn’t even stay awake for fifteen minutes. If that vamp had found the Impala, she would’ve been a sitting duck.”
“I know, I know,” Dean ran his hands over his face and sighed. “Look, it was stupid, but she’s ok, alright? Can we just go to bed.”
“Alright,” Sam reached back to shake you awake, but Dean grabbed his arm.
“Just let her sleep, I’ll bring her in.”
Sam shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’m gonna go take a shower.” Sam left the Impala and headed for the hotel room.
“Alright baby,” Dean sighed as he opened your door and carefully lifted you into his arms. It wasn’t as easy as it had been when you were little, but he could still lift you without much difficulty. He carried you inside and set you gently on his bed, before pulling the covers over you.
“Goodnight, sleepyhead. I’ll be watching over you.”
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖇 • 𝕰. 𝕵𝖆𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖗 : chapter one
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synopsis: for as long as he could remember, his life was music and his money, no time for anything else. The only love he had ever known was the studio. That was until one night, he met his greatest muse thus far.
cw: insta model/musician black !fem reader, a very antisocial engineer/musician eren (he’s seen as kind of an asshole but he’s really sweet) no hardcore smut for this portion! just some kissing, fondling and mentions of sex, alcohol and drugs, profanity of course, inappropriate behavior
wc: 6.4K
notes from the author 📝 : So I'm going to be turning one of my first stories I posted on here, Studio, into a full series. I’ve written a million drabbles for this so I’m finally finishing the actual first chapter. Don’t know how many parts it will have but fuck it, we ball.
“Yeah, I don’t care much for any of this..the whole club scene like that. Truth is, I rather be anywhere else but I gotta get my money and something tells me you would too..so, let’s make the best of it and get this bag together.”
next chapter
They say that music is the one thing that makes the world go around..that without it, life would be a mistake.
a lot of people can’t even function if they don’t have their favorite song blaring through the speakers on the way to work..or in their headphones while trying to manage the school day. Others couldn’t imagine a gym session without that one playlist to get them pumped.
and for one man…
“You can’t be serious right now.”
it was his entire life!
“What do you mean, bro? This shit gas!”
the brunette released a heavy winded sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. His glasses were hanging from his face as well. Anyone who knew him was quite familiar with that look and it wasn’t a good one.
another male with glistening chains, gold slugs and a black hoodie stood above him from the circulating chair. To say he had irritated his producer was an understatement but it wasn’t a rare occurrence in the slightest.
“Bro..we’ve been here for five hours..you show up late and then you bring me this? You’re just fucking with me, right?”
Eren Jaeger, or E.J..a name very respected and revered in the music industry. For as long as he could remember, music was his first and only love in his young life..if there was an instrument to be played, he not only sought out to learn it but master it as well.
if there was a song he liked, best believe he was going to end up inevitably out singing the artists themselves.
despite the fact that the career path wasn’t fully backed by his Ivy League, white coat wearing, scholar of a father, he was determined to turn that childhood passion into a very successful and lucrative dream.
working religiously to fine tune his playing skills, along with his voice. He practically resided in the chorus and band classroom; perfecting his craft in all areas..drums, guitar, horns, piano, whatever you could think of.
he became so obsessed in fact that it left little room in his life for extracurricular activities, including a lot of friends or dates.
writing lyrics during class, skipping lunch to go toy around in the library with his laptop create beats..he was a natural born prodigy. Fast forward to college, where he made the very easy choice to study music engineering and mastering…
it was one night while he was working at a shoe store to fund his education that his coworkers decided to record him singing and rapping (all free-styled by the way) while he was doing inventory as a joke. Little did they know, they had just propelled him right into stardom.
coupled with his good looks, sultry lyrics and popularity, everyone wanted their chance to work with him.
there was only one tiny problem..as much as Eren loved creating music, he despised the spotlight even more! How ironic, right? He had no desire whatsoever to be anyone’s next Bieber or Post Malone.
that fame shit was good and dead to him. He truly believed there was no point in making his art to keep up with trends and other artists if your heart wasn’t in it. Not only that, the attention was insufferable.
they were more concerned with if he had a girlfriend, what he looked like or who he was fucking. His talent was on the back burner and it frustrated the hell out of him.
it was the very reason he didn’t respect a lot of today’s musicians. A lot of them weren’t even true or authentic to themselves and fed into that bullshit. That’s why he chose to stay behind the scenes.
it was easier to focus on what he loved rather than the stupidity. Shame it couldn’t allude him entirely because he was left with instances such as today. Grabbing a nearby water bottle, the visibly frustrated brunette unscrewed the cap and chugged the clear liquid down halfway.
at this point, he had heard all that was necessary. It was back to the drawing board because no way he was about to co-sign or engineer this bullshit.
“You’re just not seeing the vision, bro. Trust me on this.”
“I’m seeing something and it’s my patience wearing thin. Twenty four hours…that’s all you have to come back with some heat like I know you got. You’re better than this, man. If you don’t tighten up, you can forget me working on this goddamn album. I’m not even playing with you.”
the rapper knew not to test his luck any further. Friend or not, he wasn’t going to waste anymore of his precious time. Releasing a heavy huff, he’d hop up from his seat and grab his phone.
it didn’t come from a place of malice or hatred but Eren did have the tendency to come off a bit harsh. He didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just how he was and everyone had learned to deal with it.
he was the type of person that accepted nothing less than greatness from his artists so if he deemed it lazy or lackluster, his stamp would not be on it.
besides, he still had three other artists to see today and he didn’t have anymore time to waste on listening to this man let the beat whoop his ass for four tracks straight.
“Same time tomorrow then, man?”
“That depends on you. You bring me a hot pack of ass like this and you’ll be standing outside the door. Now goodbye.”
with that, he’d take his leave, security tailing behind him and a scowl on his face. Left shaking his head, Eren just released a heavy sigh before looking down at his mixing board.
"..does anybody take this business seriously anymore?"
just then, he was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. It was his agent..or rather the one who ran the show. Hesitant and just not in the mood to deal with this, he’d release a deep sigh and say a silent prayer before answering.
“Jesus, you look like shit. When’s the last time you’ve slept?”
and it seemed his prayers weren’t effective enough because he was seconds from snapping. The first words from the snarky woman’s mouth like daggers to his soul.
“Well good afternoon to you too, Mikasa.”
the two of them had been friends for quite some time and even the center of some weird dating rumors but for anyone that knew the duo, it was the furthest thing from.
despite him not making many records in the past few years, Eren still DJ’ed and promoted, as well as performed at some clubs, in addition to engineering and producing..so naturally someone had to arrange these happenings as a middle man.
but, being him, he could never make anything easy and was labeled like that of a diva. Hard to work with and always turning down things that didn’t appease him. Which naturally made her job a whole lot harder..
she was just the only one who refused to tolerate his bullshit!
“Don’t good afternoon me. I’ve been trying to track your ass down for two days and to no avail, of course you’re holed up in that damned studio like a hermit.”
he could hear what she was saying but in all honestly, he didn’t care. More than likely, she wanted him to go and DJ at some stuffy lounge riddled with coked up college kids and aspiring models who eat Xanax for breakfast.
totally not his speed.
nonetheless, he’d lean back in his chair, nonchalantly chewing on the end of a toothpick as he listened to her ramble.
it was obvious that nothing was getting through to that thick numbskull of his.
“And? I’m working. You’d know that if you were a good agent.”
just then, the short haired woman broke into a chuckle, clutching the steering wheel of her S Class Mercedes. And something told him it wasn’t because he said something funny.
“Don’t piss me off more than you already have. Listen, I have a job for you tonight..the new club that just opened up downtown. They need another promoter to help host and I told them you’d be perfect.”
that seemed to have piqued his interest but not because he was excited or anything but because it was the last thing he wanted to do.
unfortunately, he didn’t have much of a choice!
“Yes, the IG model and dancer, (y/n) (l/n) she’s also going to be there tonight. Girl’s a pretty big deal and apparently, she brought out a lot of people.”
he was somewhat familiar with the name but he despised social media as much as he despised hosting. Besides, if he’s seen one, he’s seen them all: shallow, vain, Barbie types with nothing more than a BBL and vibes.
it wasn’t so much the looks that bothered him because they were absolutely beautiful but it seemed as if the whole industry was opportunistic and weird at this point. Everyone looking for a come up and a moment without true work..
“What the hell, Mika? You know I hate that shit. And I have two other recording sessions—
“Not anymore! My job is to get you paid and let’s be honest, the last two artists you produced for weren’t exactly cash cows. How long do you think this whole mysterious antisocial act is going to last? Sad to say, but your time is dwindling, my guy.”
just then, he’d roll his eyes emerald green eyes and just shrug it off but for once, he wasn’t about to pout and whine his way out of this..she was right.
EJ was one of the most popular artists in the world and although he had a pretty loyal fanbase, a lot of them were growing impatient and with new stars being made every three to five business days, people who were true to their craft no longer felt as if they had a place and people no longer reserved patience for artists taking years at a time to put out projects..
and she didn’t want him to be one of them! He belonged here just like everyone else but he had to show up sometimes!
releasing a sigh of her own, Mikasa just shook her head and hoped that he’d listen for once.
“We all have things we don’t want to do but I’m asking for once, stop being so goddamned selfish and only thinking of what Eren wants. There’s a world beyond your own little bubble and a lot of people are dependent on you. We’ll both get a good cut from this so I’m begging you not to screw this up.”
as much as this pained him, he did owe her this much for putting up with his erratic behavior. Besides, he’s put up with far worse in the past!
reaching into the pockets of his black Nike Techs, he’d retrieve two items: a pre-rolled blunt and a black lighter with his initials inscribed on it in gold. If they wanted him to interact with the outside world, he had to calm his nerves first!
“Alright, alright!..I’ll be there, damn..”
getting irritated with her voice and this entire conversation and honestly, the feeling was mutual.
“Let me find out you didn’t show up, I’ll kick down the door to that little hobbit hole of yours and break everything in my sight. Got it?”
and one thing he knew not to do was doubt that she would be capable of such a thing! He’d assure her that he’d be there..
“Loud and clear, drill sergeant.”
“Good boy. I don’t want to have to have this conversation again."
and with that, she’d disconnect the other line.
it was safe to say, he wasn’t thrilled about any of this but maybe stepping outside of his comfort zone would be good..maybe. But only time would tell!
meanwhile, on another side of the city, there was someone else dealing with the exact dilemma as the introverted engineer..
"So when we finish here, the car should be arriving shortly after..we’ll get you over to the club, let you do a walkthrough, get you changed and then you know what to do from there.”
the voice of a wiry and vivacious woman sprouted off the itinerary without so much as a second thought, scrolling through her iPad with the tap of a finger. Wired frame glasses dangling from the bridge of her button nose and her blonde locks styled into that of a high bun.
she was the hardworking assistant and right hand to upcoming model, influencer and dancer, (Y/N) (L/N) or (social media name) to her followers.
over the past couple of years, the esteemed exotic dancer amassed quite the following by posting videos of yourself dancing to several popular songs, even performing live with a ton of artists on stage.
you were the leader of a country wide collective of other dancers known as the Pole Assassins, who performed incredible routines. You gained quite the notoriety and in no time flat, you rose to instant stardom as social media’s newest vixen.
it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but it was quite the culture shock for the twenty something instructor who was just sharing your art with the world, only to now be thrust into a life of crazy living and insane work.
to having tons of strangers hurl wild opinions and insults in your direction unprovoked. Not to mention the millions of prying eyes on your every move..it was insane!
if you weren’t modeling and being sponsored for the newest fast fashion brand or some newfound tea company hoping to hook buyers on their repackaged laxatives, you were attending parties at some nightclub; hosting and hyping the crowd for whatever performer was headlining.
tonight would be no different..except maybe one thing.
“Yeah, I got it. Thank you, honey. By the way, do you know who this other host is?”
the woman, sitting cross legged whilst various people patted at her face with makeup brushes and sponges. You looked flawless already but they had to ensure that every part you was nothing less than perfection.
normally, you worked solo to make these events as lively as possible but the person you were set to work with was apparently a pretty big deal. A huge name in the music world was making a rare appearance tonight at this new grand opening.
“You haven’t heard? It’s Eren Jaeger, EJ, the singer..well he’s more of a producer now. He’s actually gonna be DJ’ing and performing tonight!”
that’s when your eyes nearly popped from yourhead. Now that was a name you hadn’t heard in a long time but it wasn’t due to him being washed up or outdated, he was just such an enigma in the music world now.
akin to something like a Frank Ocean or SZA..keeping fans sitting on the edge of their seats, wondering when he’d drop his next project.
his voice was beautiful, nearly enchanting and you had even used a couple of his pieces in some of your videos, dancing along to the slow, seductive sounds of the melodies. On the same hand, he made some of the hardest rap tracks you’d ever heard. And yet, for someone who made such music and as attractive as he was, he preferred to stay out of the limelight.
it seemed almost counterproductive but you also understood.
in the not so distant past, you saw horror stories of grown women grabbing at his privates on stage when he was only eighteen, girls sending him inappropriate pictures and just being weird.
watch one interview and even a blind man could tell it made him uncomfortable. The whole sex symbol allure wasn’t his thing.
in some ways, you resonated with him. You knew all too well what it felt like having your true craft pushed to the wayside all so people could create their own narratives. Rather than being recognized for the years of hard work and dedication it took to master the art of pole..you were now seen as nothing more than a cookie cutter Insta model with a pretty face and no substance.
some days, you felt like tossing that damn phone in the ocean and never looking back!
regardless, even though you didn’t know him personally, it was an honor to be in the presence of a musical great.
“I’m shocked they could even afford to bring someone like him out. That’s a huge name.”
“Yeah, well you’d be surprised. I seriously doubt it was something he was thrilled to do but we’ll see.”
(Y/N) mirrored his sentiment honestly but work was work and they had to do whatever necessary to pay the bills. As for you, you’d down a couple shots of liquid courage, throw on a tight body con dress, highest heels and work the crowd as per usual.
you just hoped that your co-host wasn’t a jerk as the rumors claimed.
later that evening…
night had fallen cast over the city's skyline and the party was merely at its inception. Guests were lining up near the entrance, lined up and ready to get inside to rub elbows with their favorite celebrities. All dressed up and at their best.
however, they weren’t the only ones..
a blacked out Audi R8 had just circled around the side entrance and killed its engine. The matte lights went dim and suddenly the passenger side door opened. Bystanders whispered in speculation as to who was inside but their minds would not be left to wander much longer.
followed by sounds ‘oohs’ and ‘oh my gosh’s’, out stepped a man in clothing resembling that of his car; all black with the exception of some silver chains, rings and studs in his ears. Combat type boots and cargos with a cut off black shirt showing off his numerous tattoos, along with a vest type harness. (inspo)
but it was the signature brown hair styled into a half up-half down bun that gave away his identity and it took no time for the fans to react. Screaming women of every variety began trying to surpass the barricade to get to him but were held back by bouncers and he was shielded by his security, who were eager to handle anyone approaching him, as he gave a swift wave.
underneath his black mask, Eren would muster up a faint smile and try to be as social as possible..all while praying that he’d get through this night quickly. His emerald green eyes were already glazed over from the blunt he had finished before leaving home and trust that it was much needed.
he was more than ready for this to be over with so he’d make his way through the side door and into the lounge where he was greeted by his agent and the energetic owner.
“There he isss, the man of the hour. It’s really an honor, EJ. Thank you again for this! You have no idea how much it means..”
the high pitched voice and effervescent personality belonged to Zoe Hange, a very affluent and well known promoter who owned many successful clubs and lounges all over the country. To have such big stars on opening night was a testament to their work.
gratefulness aside, he wanted to go home but before he’d end up saying something stupid, Mikasa would interject and cover for him.
“Likewise. We’re very happy that you reached out. We’re looking forward to it, aren’t we?” Shooting the musician a stern glare to assure he answered correctly. “For sure.” responding flatly. However, what would follow later would shift his mood entirely.
the vibrant owner, sporting their red and black pantsuit would exclaim, clasping their hands together. “Ahh, wonderful! As you can see, our stage is just to your left and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what to do. Just make magic up there, my dear. As for your co-host, she should be arriving shortly and we can get this thing started!”
his patience and social battery was already wearing thin so he hoped for this host’s sake that she didn’t disappoint either. That's when the momentary silence was interrupted by the sound of clacking heels.
"Hi, everyone. Hope I'm not late.." the soft voice spoke out, causing everyone in the room to shift their heads towards the right side. In came a woman wearing a short white dress, cut off just above the knees, tall clear heels and thirty inches of jet black hair flowing to her thin waist. Beautiful dark skin and nearly flawless makeup…the type of girl that turned heads when she walked in.
to say she was stunning was an understatement...and Eren could hardly keep his eyes off of her; definitely a first for the less than friendly performer. It took a lot to get his attention. "Not at all, actually you're just on time. Please join us."
Zoe would declare, waving a hand to bring the woman over. "This is (y/n) (l/n) or as some of you may know her, (social media handle). She’ll be working with us tonight as well. I’m sure between the both of you, it’ll be one hell of a show. Just give my new baby a proper welcoming party.”
“She is also my newest client and I’m very excited to have her on board. Thank you again for doing this on such short notice..” Mikasa chimed in as she swooped in to wrap you up for a tight hug. “I wish all my talent were as cooperative and flexible as you..” shooting the ever so silent singer a glare, to which he’d scoff.
but when you looked in his direction, his eyes shifted a bit and his cheeks raised from underneath that face covering before he turned his head. Inside, you were fangirling and freaking out. But you knew how reserved he was, not to mention his already annoyed expression..so you didn’t want to come off as a clout chasing groupie.
one thing you had noticed was how much more toned and muscular he had gotten since his hiatus. This man was swole to say the least!
as much as it pained him, he was still a professional about the whole thing. He realized there was no point in taking out his frustrations on the girl just trying to do her job as well. That and the fact he was taken aback by how stunning you were. He may have been a recluse but he was still a man nonetheless.
“..I just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan. So it’s really an honor. The Living Dead Boy mixtape is one of my all time favorites.” Truth be told, he didn’t know how to take your compliment because he wasn’t expecting that. Not for such a pretty girl such as yourself to even know his music. And considering that was one of his more underground projects..that was impressive! Now here he was blushing like a damn fool.
“I—uh..thank you. Well I guess I should go get set up. See you in a little bit. " bidding you all adieu before walking off towards the backstage area. You would've liked to think that you greeted him kindly but it seemed that he was no more impressed by you than he was anyone else.
"Don't worry too much about him. He just takes some getting used to, that's all. Deep down, he's really a sweetheart..when he wants to be that is.." Mikasa would reassure, flashing you a warming smile. Maybe so but you had no time to worry about personal feelings or ego, as the club doors were set to open any minute.
you’d make your way to the backstage as well, making any last minute touch ups to your makeup. You had about ten minutes before you’d be summoned so in that time, while you were getting your face patted, (y/n) thought silently to yourself about how things would go. What if this man really didn’t like you and things went south? The last thing you wanted was the gig to be unsuccessful. Suddenly, a stage tech would come and whisper for you, signaling that your cue was in about ten minutes or so. Sounds of music coming from the front, signaling that the club was officially opened for business.
things would undeniably be different as you’d have to command the crowd for the entire night and keep them entertained. Most of the time, you were more so of a side attraction to whoever was performing so it was time to break out of your own shell and really come into your own tonight.
now..it was time to go to work!
two hours later..
“Everybody having a good time tonight?!”
the voice echoing throughout the nightclub, courtesy of a microphone held by the one and only (y/n) (l/n) aka (social media name). Met back with loud cheering and applause. So far, everything was going exactly as planned. All the patrons having a good time, lots of energy, wonderful music and just an all around good vibe.
which was wonderful news for the owner, Ms. Hange, who was thrilled to see that another one of her clubs launched off with such success. She had obviously made the right call hiring the best talent agent in the country. As for you, you were thrilled that you were able to make this party as live as possible. But little did they know that it was only starting..
“Club Lapis, y’all been so good to me tonight. Showing me so much love and popping out. I see a couple of familiar faces from Instagram..hey girl!” which was true because once you posted the club flyer to your Instagram, a decent chuck of your almost one million followers tapped in that were in the area. There were a few gorgeous women that you followed as well who decided to show up off of your namesake alone. Obviously, holding more weight than you expected but influencers were the new idols, some would say. You had been snapping pictures, taking videos and singing along and dancing with a lot of people. They were amped and now, it was time to give them the real main event.
“So, because y’all been so good to me…I got a lil’ something I wanna do for y’all. A surprise for everybody..” some were already privy to what, or who rather was waiting but for those who didn’t, you’d give one hell of an introduction! “I was talking with this person backstage and they said they were a little nervous to be here tonight..and I’m thinking to myself, ‘the only one nervous is me. I’m in the presence of greatness..and a good looking ass man’.” Everybody cracking up at your little jokes because you were always naturally funny without trying, which was also part of your allure; something a lot of these insta models didn’t have. “Baby in the front here losing her mind, trust me, girl..I understand now.” One of which who was spotted earlier yelling for him as he walked in.
it was true..you had the honor of actually having a conversation with him prior to this and Ms. Ackerman was right..he was incredibly sweet once you got the chance to talk to him. That and the fact he was higher than giraffe pussy so he wasn’t as irritated and nervous as before! Regardless, he was so kind and even thanked you for hosting with him. Despite his personal feelings about these sort of things, he was a professional and knew he had to do a good job for not only his sake but yours as well. Besides, he really did thrive when performing. So you’d do the best job possible, hyping him to the crowd..
“Not that he needs an introduction..’cause he been popping his shit longer than I’ve been around. And for all my followers, y’all already know how I feel about this man and his music. We’ve been lucky enough to get him to come out for us tonight so y’all better make some fucking noise and show all the love for The Prince of Trap and B himself..the Underground’s Greatest…”
as you were in the middle of doting and giving your speech, the people would start going crazy. Girls in full blown tears, people screaming and jumping around..that’s when you’d look back to see the legend Eren Jaeger himself walking up behind you, brandishing a microphone and a smile on his face. He’s as charming and handsome as ever. “Well damn..don’t I feel special?” That ever so smooth voice ending shivers up your spine.
and it doesn’t help when he places his hand around your waist and look down at you. He really is every bit of the flirt his persona portrays..
“Miss (y/n), you keep talking about me like that and imma start blushing and shit..”
muttering into his mic as he cradled his palm around your waist. He better had stopped before he caused a problem he wasn’t ready for! The scent of his cologne wafting through your nostrils, his warmth against your body..you had met a million rappers, chopped it up with the industry’s biggest but something about this man felt so familiar and..comforting. Like the two of you could be friends. He didn’t treat you like a stranger or act all irritable like before. So you’d use it to play up the moment.
“I mean, I gotta let the people know..brag on you for a minute, boo.”
“Well, I ain’t mad about it, baby. But I guess I should give everybody what they came here for, right?”
his rhetorical question being met with a loud response from everywhere.
now, anyone who didn’t know any better would’ve sworn that you guys had not only known each other for years but had a little something on the low. That wasn’t the case, even in the slightest. Honestly, with you, it felt natural and you just worked well together.
Outside of the little exchange backstage of how things would go and the two of you properly introducing yourselves, there wasn’t much else to indicate that he was cool with you but such was life and industry politics. People played pretend all the time for a check..something you learned fairly on.
however, something he said to you did stick as he noticed you fidgeting with one of your brushes, a sure sign of your anxiety about being a lead host tonight.
“Yeah, I don’t care much for any of this..the whole club scene like that. Truth is, I rather be anywhere else but I gotta get my money and something tells me you would too..so, let’s make the best of it and get this bag together.”
you were appreciative of his kind words and assurance that you weren’t alone in this. It was going to be fine as long as the two of you had fun. He even offered you a hit of his blunt to calm your nerves.
but either way, now, it was his turn to take over!
“Then I’ll just step over here to the side and let you handle your business—“ but as you were walking off the stage, he’d flash you a smile and wink. “Y’all give it up for the ever so lovely…and beautiful (y/n). She really has done a great job tonight.” Sending your heart fluttering and butterflies all throughout your stomach. Why was this man playing so much?! Nonetheless, you were flattered all the same and you’d blow a kiss to him; watching your hips sway as you walked off the stage.
the energy and chemistry between you two was insane and the crowd absolutely loved it! Because y’all were enjoying yourselves, so was everyone else and that’s what mattered!
considering you were just as big of a fan as everyone else, you were excited to watch him perform. Taking a glance back at his DJ, they’d have a little exchange and he’d really start to blossom; like the stage was where he came to life and nothing else mattered except the music. “Play that shit.” As soon as he gave the signal and that track dropped, the whole place went crazy! It was one of his most popular songs, 1st Degree, and most energetic. It was a trap song and you had heard it played everywhere when it first came out. In a matter of minutes, he’s hopping around in stage and going off. The crowd singing it louder than he was at some point.
pointing the mic out to them, they’d scream his lyrics back at him in intervals and he’d just laugh because seeing a bunch of bad bitches yell about gun violence and drugs was so funny. Including (y/n)..he couldn’t believe everyone still fucked with him this heavily. By the time, he finished, Eren would be met with loud screams and chants. Laughing, he’d cup his microphone and move across the stage, engaging with everyone.
“DJ, did you hear that? They were going harder than me!..what the fuck?”
to say he was impressed, was an understatement. He had never imagined that after all these years, he still had this kind of impact. Some people would try and downplay or talk shit about the fact that he was in a venue like this but for someone who was over the pressures of performing, this felt much more intimate.
he’d rather have a hundred loyal fans than thousands of people pretending to know his lyrics and stand there with their phones out. Right now, he was really feeling himself and although you had just met, as a long time fan, you were happy for him. Happy that he was so well received by the audience and not being made uncomfortable. This really was his element.
the show would go on and he’d do a few more songs, this time some of the ones where he was singing, which you personally preferred. This man’s voice was something serious…many of times had you constructed pole routine to his sensual lyrics. However, that’s when he done something a tad bit unexpected.. “Alright, so for this last song..we’re about to get a little sexy. On that demon time, as they say..”
everyone immediately laughing and knowing exactly what track he was referring to…the one that had women going crazy for months and men using it to spit game. It was the first time he had ever made a love song and needless to say, the internet went stupid. It was so freaky that the blog sites were talking shit. That’s when he knew he had a hit on his hands..
suddenly, the lights would dim and the entire vibe would change.
“Club Lapis, I’m in such a good mood tonight. I ain’t gone lie to y’all, I was a little nervous to come here, but I feel the love…so I’m gonna do a little something special. I feel like serenading somebody’s daughter.”
the entire place erupted in screams and women pointing to be chosen. “A couple of you are here with your man, I don’t want no problems tonight.” But Eren had already clearly had his mind on one person in particular..and it was no question. Flashing a big toothy smile, he’d direct his attention over towards the right before singling his sights on the far corner.
“Miss (y/n)..if you’d do me the honor of bringing your fine ass back up to the stage, please..”
‘oohs’ and ‘aah’s’ sparking immediately after. Your cheeks began to burn something fierce…Eren fucking Jaeger was up on stage, flirting with you! This did not feel real whatsoever. Regardless, you made your way back up there. You’d look over to see people breaking their thumbs, sending out a plethora of tweets.
climbing the steps, he’d assist you with an extended hand. Right there underneath the beaming spotlights, the two of you would lightly clutch fingers as he stood there, smiling. Seeing him up close was like a dream. The fantasy of many fangirls who’d fawned over him since his debut and here you were getting the first hand experience. Those piercing green eyes glaring right into your own and sending your heart racing.
finally, the instrumental would begin to play and Eren began to belt out the tune. As per, he sounded amazing; those lyrics making things just that much better..talking about fucking until the bed broke, making movies and making her wet. Whoever the inspiration was behind that song was one lucky ass bitch! Pining over to the crowd, he’d let the lovely bunch of ladies huddled at the front of the stage mimic the song back to him before taking over the next verse and just for the occasion, he had slightly altered the words.
“Know I said that I can’t stay with you, no I can’t make you my wife but (y/n), if you let me in it, I swear I’ll change your life.”
crooning before running his finger underneath your chin.
sending the crowd into a frenzy. Mainly because everyone could see how fast you were folding on that stage, after having been so poised and professional all night! One thing stood true; he may not have been that way in real life, but EJ the stage persona was a whole slut and a half! No wonder the podcaster bitch boys talked so much about him. He had their dream girls about to faint.
once the song reached its conclusion, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. But he knew he better had booked it to the back before somebody’s hormonal girlfriend rushed the stage.
“Thank you Club Lapis, goodnight!”
leaving to a loud chant of his name, thunderous claps and cheers. Ending on a high note if he had to say so himself. Right now, he was on a cloud that he didn’t want to come down from and he had the perfect way to remain there.
meanwhile, (y/n) would address the audience once more, thanking them for such a wonderful evening, being so nice to both of them, to be safe and enjoy the rest of their night here. Once that was done and the DJ proceeded to resume his regular track list, you were since again stopped by fans and patrons alike, asking for pictures and saying how jealous they were that you were being sang to like that.
trust, it wasn’t something that you were expecting either but you played your role well. Now it was time to relax with a few drinks.
Ms. Hange had took the liberty of reserving VIP for the two of you once the show ended to unwind with complimentary and unlimited bottle service. You weren’t a heavy drinker by any means but why not take advantage?
honestly, once the adrenaline of the moment wore off, you grew fatigued. All of the stimulation of the loud noises and screaming people was a bit much. However, you had to fulfill your obligations.
ten minutes or so passed and it seemed that you’d be unwinding on your own..that was until you heard a familiar voice. “So this is where my beautiful co-host ran off to..”
it was the star himself and he seemed to be sporting a new outfit.. still all black with those silver chains dangling around his neck. He looked good, which was no surprise. As he kneeled to sit down, he’d scoop you in a tight hug in one fell swoop. At this point, there was no question of what his feelings were towards you. He could’ve easily dipped and had his security get him up out of here but he stayed.
“God, you sounded amazing up there! I never thought I’d get to hear the great EJ The Don in person.” Blushing at the mention of just one of his many stage names, that one being more so his producer tag. Truthfully, he just went up there and done what he enjoyed the most..sharing his music with the world.
as he took a seat next to you, he’d pour up a glass of vodka, matching your own. Casually shrugging his shoulders, he’d swirl it around a bit before knocking back a sip. “Just doing my job, that’s all. I gotta say, you did your thing too. Told you, you’d be fine.” Being reaffirmed by someone so iconic was the highest of compliments.
“I’d say you did more than that. I ain’t mad though.” Smirking in his direction before drinking from your own glass and giving him a side eye. It seemed that he was comfortable enough for you two make jokes and honestly, he had never felt that way about anyone, less known someone he had only met. Maybe it was the courage of being crossfaded but Eren truly felt at ease around you for some reason.
and you mirrored that sentiment. It wasn’t uncommon for these gigs to go left when some artist decided to get too handsy or be disrespectful of your boundaries but that wasn’t the case here. He was so sweet and down to earth.
“Aye, you said let’s entertain them so that’s what I did. Besides, you standing up there, looking all cute and shit..I couldn’t help it.” Before long, the pair was laughing and giggling, chopping it up as if no one else was around. The flirtatious tension was getting out of hand!
“You mind if I scoot a little closer, miss (y/n)? I don’t want to get in your personal space.”
“Go right ahead.” eventually letting him drape his arm around the back of the couch and move a couple inches towards you. Being all cozied up to a superstar like him was surreal and people would most certainly have their fair share of opinions and commentary, you were certain.
nonetheless, the evening continued on as normal. The two of you talking as if you’ve known each other for a long time. Rather than bore you with stories of how he got his start that could be found with a simple YouTube search of his interviews, he wanted to hear your background. He only knew of you through social media circulation but he figured there had to be more to the illustrious (social media name).
“So I gotta ask..how in the hell did you manage to get tangled up with mad woman Mikasa and let her talk to you into this?”
when you began to gain a little more notoriety, it was only natural to get an agent to help capitalize on this newfound fame and get the real money coming in. She didn’t have her reputation for nothing..Ms. Ackerman worked harder than the devil himself and she didn’t hesitate to take care of you so when she decided to team you two you up, little did they know just how much of a genius she was.
so that’s when you told him about your journey through learning pole, going on tour with a bunch of different artists and serving as a backup dancer. It was a lot of fun but outside of work, you never made it your business to be chummy with your cohorts. You done the job you are paid for and then went on about your business. It was lonely but for the best, considering how weird some folks moved.
and Eren felt the same. He didn’t have many friends in this industry. Hell, it was almost ironic because the fans adored him but a lot of fellow artists didn’t really have much to say about him as a person. Sure, they respected his craft but he didn’t make it his mission to get close to anyone..until now.
you definitely had his interest piqued, to say the least! Having a conversation with (y/n) was somewhat refreshing. You weren’t another groupie trying to play in his face or look for a come up. You didn’t treat him like you were trying to kiss his ass or anyone else’s..it was just a normal vibe and one he hadn’t shared with someone in a long time..so much so, that you had this man laughing and smiling like a fool. Maybe this whole gig wasn’t a bad idea!
“Wait a minute, you’re friends with Jean Kirschtein? I danced at one of his shows in Chicago last year.”
“Friends is a strong word, I prefer pain in the ass. No offense, but dude gets on my fucking nerves.”
the bold statement sending you doubling over in laughter. Not because you didn’t like the rock singer, he was actually very nice but the fact that he was just spilling all types of tea to you as if you guys were best friends! That’s when he explained that they were signed to the same label for a while and that he was actually engaged to his best friend and manager, Mikasa. Literally the only reason he tolerated him.
“Well damn. Can’t say I blame you..some people in this business will turn you against it real fast. Of course, I’m sure you’re the last person I have to tell that, but then there’s others who are…really sweet.”
swirling your fingertip around the perimeter of your glass as you shot him a glare, as well as a warm smile. One that made his cheeks immediately glow red, even under the fluorescent lighting. It was adorable..
scooting a bit closer, he’d glare down at your smaller frame and curl his tongue across his top row of teeth. This man was dangerously handsome that it made no sense whatsoever! “I agree..it’s not so bad all the time.” For a moment, you two were locked in an intense gaze; one that wasn’t typical of complete strangers but here you were!
suddenly, the eye contact was broken when he’d turn his head to the side and whisper something to you. “I think they’re staring at us..” referring to the group of girls pointing with their cellphones out, jumping up and down as if they were a couple of TMZ reporters getting the latest scoop.
this was the sole reason he despised being out in public, because this is what it always resulted in. Cue the hundreds of messages from nosy ass bloggers and messy people trying to get in his business but tonight? He was in a bit of a mood to match their energy and hopefully shoot his shot! Luckily, you were on the same type time he was..
“I think they are..wonder what they’re up to?..” questioning rhetorically with the coyest smirk on your face. It was insane how equally yoked you both were in just this short amount of time. But he had an idea that would really have them going crazy.
“You thinking what I’m thinking, miss (y/n)?” and it went without saying that you most certainly were. This liquor and weed had the two of you playing a very dangerous game but what was the worst that could happen? Hell, blow up the internet for all of twenty four hours before they fixated on something else? He needed a little excitement in his life..had been a while since he caused some controversy!
giving him a nod, you’d shift in your seat to stare right at one another. The chemistry was undeniable and as someone who was in a position that half the bitches here would murder for..you didn’t turn down the opportunity! Leaning over, Eren nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck; his breath causing the minuscule hairs to rise on your skin.
his right hand resting gently on your thigh but not moving too far up to where you’d be uncomfortable and proceeded to pretend he was kissing you. “Just play along..let’s give their asses something to talk about.”
breaking into a toothy smile, (y/n) shook your head and bit your lip at the feeling of this man’s hands on you for the second time tonight. “Mr. Jaeger, you are something else, you know that?” But like clockwork, flashes would begin to flicker from every iPhone in the vicinity. Even hearing a few people muttering..you most certainly had never experienced anything like this before!
“I’ve heard worse said about me..”
the last thing you needed was for everyone to spin the rumor mill that you were fucking rappers now but honestly, you wouldn’t know how to act if he really did kiss you, less known done anything else. But somehow, you didn’t care..you were really enjoying yourself. And honestly, didn’t want this night to come to an end. So your ever so charming cohort would make another suggestion..
“Y’know, I’m a little over all this and if I’m not mistaken, we’ve fulfilled our obligation for the night. So if you don’t have any plans, how ‘bout we go chill somewhere else? That’s if..I’m not being too forward or nothing..”
offering as he stood to his feet, stretching out his muscles before extending his hand yet again.
normally, you’d decline with the quickness and say you were tired but something told you, you’d be missing out on a good time if you did. And that he’d be super disappointed as well. So, you done exactly what you felt was right…
“Not at all..”
accepting his grasp, he’d help you to stand and keep your footing; continuing the theme of being an absolute gentleman. Time to keep the party going in a much more private manner.
“You just lead the way..”
.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*:。.・*: .・*:。.・*:。.・
if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! please check out some of my other stuff in the masterlist. Likes are appreciated but reblogs would mean the world and help me out a TON! Also, considering leaving a little something in the tip jar if you’re feeling extra generous! 🫶🏾
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tag list: @vixxennxx @bisexualfenty @whorrorifics @potofstewie @daisynik7 @hoohoohope @chickenwingsandfries3425
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jupiter-letters · 5 months
Dating Clark Kent would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: None
A/N: Felt like writing for clark lately, I'm down horrifically for this man. This can be for any incarnation of Superman but I based it off the comics and my adventures with superman
It all started with a random encounter at the library while he was researching an old historical site in Metropolis(aka busy work for the new guy). He saw you with a couple of books in your hand, eyes browsing the shelves. 
He worked up the nerve to start a conversation with you and actually managed to get your number. He left the library with butterflies in his stomach and an angry call from Perry asking his whereabouts. 
A good starter date for him was obviously coffee. He spends hours deciding where to meet up with you, trying to find reasonably priced coffee with a good atmosphere. He tries to come up with a bunch of different outfit combinations, making the attempt to look nice but not too dressed up. This proved difficult since his wardrobe is 90% dress shirts and slacks, he’s still gotta look casual. Clark is such an overthinker, he just wants things to go well ; v; 
Of course the date goes well cause he’s so perfectly himself and he charms you so naturally. He’s surprised when you ask to see him again, the whole time he was sweating bullets praying you didn’t notice. After that the second, third, and fourth date all are perfect. Well not perfect but the time spent together makes up for the hiccups. 
Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty: early days of dating Clark still tries to be perfect, he hasn’t become totally comfortable with you, yet ;)  I think for him he wants to wow his partner in the early stages, he feels like trying to get a city slicker like you he has to bring his A-game. 
When he sees you he tries to bring you little trinkets and flowers, he likes to spoil you every now and again. 
Touching! He likes to be touching you when you’re near, a hand on your waist, brushing his pinky against your hand, pressing his knee next to yours when you’re sitting together. His love language is acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch. He loves doing things for the people close to him. This includes: Taking out your trash, watering your plants, making your bed, putting a pot of coffee on in the morning, and fixing any holes in your clothes. 
Now when you're really in it with him he tells you about the Superman stuff, he feels like he can trust you but there’s still the risk of you knowing that’ll get you hurt. He doesn’t underestimate your autonomy but there are very powerful forces out there that want him gone, and you are very precious to him. 
Once you can convince him that you are willing to accept the risks and tell him how much you care about him, the last of the walls come down. You’re stuck with him forever now and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
When it’s a quiet summer afternoon he’ll take you flying just before sunset, he’ll go right above the clouds so you can see what he gets to see. However if you’re afraid of heights he won’t force you lol. He’ll make sure you’re properly dressed when he takes you to visit the fortress of solitude(He tries is the key phrase). You always underestimate how cold it’ll be and he has to go all the way back to metropolis to get your favorite jacket while you sit by a heater.
 Looking after him when he gets kryptonite poisoning from fighting bitch ass Lex Luthor, seeing him sweat for the first time with dark circles under his eyes. It’s more painful than what he’s feeling at that moment, and he still tries to tell you it’s not that bad. Once he’s feeling better he has to talk you down from murdering Luthor.
“Honey don’t-” “Nuh-uh call Bruce, I want a bazooka.” “You don’t need a bazooka sweetheart, I'm fine.” “No way I’m coming for his bald ass.” “Baby I’m fine, please calm down.”
Of course you’re not serious but you still want to protect him. Nobody messes with Clark and gets away with it. You and his friends will see to that, yes sir!
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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hope-drunk · 1 year
omg for the reqs…roommate!abby where she ~walks in on you~ if yknow what i mean sorry I’m going absolutely feral for her
i did this trope in my fic crush so i tried to make it a lil different lol. also this is modern!abby
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the second you got off of work you knew what you wanted to do when you got home. you’d been worked up all day due to what you had heard last night. abby would occasionally have girls over, which was fine; it was her place too. but this one was particularly loud, which made abby particularly loud.
you had heard it all. the filthy words that left abby’s mouth and the moans the girl responded with. you weren’t trying to listen in, it just happened that way.
you strip down to just your panties and lay down in your bed. you don’t bother getting underneath the blanket. abby’s out studying at the library, and with her course load, you figure she won’t be home anytime soon.
you pull the small pink bullet vibrator out of your bedside table and start to tease yourself. you trace it right above where your panties start, slowly dragging it down to where your clit is. the arousal has already made a small wet patch.
it’s not long before you’re done with your own games. you push your panties down to your knees; much too frustrated to take them all the way off.
when you connect the vibrator to your clit, you gasp. you grab one of your tits to deal with the sensation, gently rolling your nipple between your finger and thumb.
“oh fuck,” you mumble, only to yourself. “abby.” the name slips out, but that’s who you’re thinking about, she’s the one who caused this.
you wish she was here right now, holding the vibrator to your clit for you. the words she spat last night float through your head.
“that’s a good girl, bet that feels so good, huh?”
“want me to make you come? gotta ask nicely, bunny.”
your back arches off the bed. you’re a babbling mess as you approach your orgasm. what you don’t hear is the front door open. abby hears you though.
she sets her bag down by the door and slowly walks to where your bedroom is. you hadn’t even bothered to close the door.
“please let me come, abby.” you say, thinking you’re the only one in the room.
“was wondering when you were gonna ask, sweetheart.”
you scramble, pulling the blankets onto yourself and trying your best to regain some modesty.
your mouth opens and closes multiple times as abby inches closer to your bed.
“don’t need to talk. let me help, yeah? you asked so nicely after all.”
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
The little one seems like a adventurous one.
What if they have placed to be and they are a little late. Bucky put you on his hip so you would run around all the time while they try to get everything ready to go.
But when Bucky wants to get the stairs down fast, maybe a little to fast, he is slipping whit you and now rushing the stairs in his behind all the way down.
And little ones reacting would be like „AGAIN?! I was flying!“ 🥺😂
While they both try to calm down
This request gave me life. And made me laugh so hard. I love it. <3
Time is a Flyin'
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader (featuring Bucky)
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
He wouldn't look at the clock. He wouldn't look at the clock. He WOULDN'T look at the clock.
He looked at the clock.
Shit. Even later than he thought. Steve was gonna kill him.
"Baby, where are you?" Bucky hollered as he raced around the house. You suddenly popped up from the couch, the blanket slipping off your head.
"Here I yam!" you cheered. Bucky did a sudden about-face and raced back into the living room, making you giggle. You reached for him but squeaked in surprise when he hoisted you into his arms so fast the room became a blur.
"Listen up baby, Daddy's running really late to meet Papa," Bucky explained to you in a rush as he ran down the hallway, holding on to you tightly. "So I need best behaviors right now, okay?"
"Okay Daddy!"
"Good girl," Bucky muttered as he plopped you down on the bench by the front door and began quickly shoving your shoes on. He deliberately chose the ones with the velcro straps so he didn't have to waste time tying laces. He suddenly realized you weren't wearing a coat and just managed to catch the swear word before it left his lips.
"Bunny, go run and get your coat. Fast as you can, chop chop," he said, clapping his hands playfully at you. You squealed with delight at the new game and took off for your bedroom as Bucky flew back into the kitchen to refill your day bag with snacks. He cursed under his breath once he knew you were out of earshot; he just KNEW not refilling it immediately after yesterday's trip to the library was going to be a mistake.
He looked at the clock again. SHIT. He was so dead.
"Baby, got your coat?" he hollered loudly, throwing the backpack on and racing towards your room. He screeched to a halt in your doorway. You had put your jacket on, but had gotten distracted by your stuffies.
"Daddy can Jellybean come?" you asked innocently, turning to meet his eyes, but instead gave another squeak as Daddy swooped you up into his arms again.
"Not this time, Baby," he said, before giving you a long kiss on the temple to take the sting of not being able to bring your bunny along. "We gotta go meet Papa and fast, don't want Jellybean getting lost along the way." Knowing Daddy needed best behavior right now, you just sighed and waved to Jellybean as Daddy raced towards the front door.
"JARVIS, doors!" Bucky yelled as you approached. You heard the click of the locks right before Bucky practically ripped the door off its hinges, slamming it quickly. "Lock it up," Bucky ordered the AI as he ran down the hallway.
"JARVIS, PLEASE," you said deliberately, your voice jolting a bit as Bucky ran, which, in turn, made you giggle. You weren't allowed to run in the hallways- this was FUN.
"Of course, Mr. Barnes and Princess," JARVIS replied politely. You were already too far away to hear the clicking of the locks, but you knew JARVIS had it taken care of. You tried to pat Bucky on the cheek to get his attention as he huffed towards the elevator, but he was going so fast and you were bouncing so hard you accidentally smacked his forehead.
"Sorry Daddy!" you chirped when he gave you the side eye. "But did you see that I helped with the door??"
"Yeah, good job Princess," Bucky said with a quick grin, before focusing back on the path in front of him. He came to a halt right in front of the elevator. He mashed the button quickly, but it didn't light up. He pushed it again- nothing. "C'mon, c'mon," he muttered, practically putting his fist through the panel in his frustration.
"Excuse me, Mr. Barnes, but I'm sorry to inform you that the elevator is currently down for maintenance," JARVIS said apologetically.
"SHIT," Bucky hissed, then immediately held up one finger in front of your suddenly excited face. "Don't even think about it," he warned. "That's a no-no word."
"How's come all the fun words are no-no words? Dat's not fair."
"Life ain't fair, kiddo."
"Papa gonna wash your mouth out with soap, Daddy."
"I'll give you an extra cookie after dinner if you don't tell Papa what I said."
That having been settled, Bucky looked over at the stairway door. At least he managed to only think the swear word instead of saying it this time. He sighed heavily, and shoved open the door. He looked all the way down the stairwell. Your apartment was on one of the upper levels. It was going to take forever to walk down the stairs and make him even later and Steve was going to kill him even harder. He came up with a plan, but didn't have time to really think it through- except one thing.
Bucky's head snapped to you, looking you right in the eye. "Listen up, Private Baby," he said, using his Sergeant voice. You instantly paid attention, looking at him with wide eyes. "You hang on tight, you hear me? Don't let go for anything. I'm not gonna let you fall," he said firmly. "And don't you DARE try this on your own, got it?" You had no idea what he was talking about, but you were intrigued, to say the least. You had no fear of Daddy ever dropping you- he and Papa were the strongest in the whole world and you knew he would never let you go. So you did as he asked- you gripped him as hard as you could around his neck and locked your legs into place around his waist.
"Okay, Sergeant Daddy!"
The next thing you knew, you were flying through the air. Daddy was jumping over entire flights of stairs, holding on to you so tightly it took your breath away. Your focus kept snapping back and forth between the intense concentration on his face as he leaped and the whoosh of air blowing your hair back as the concrete stairs just disappeared underneath you. You were just completely at a loss for words or actions as you held on for dear life and the floors of the tower passed by in a blur.
Bucky finally made it to the ground floor where the garage was, and stopped. Super soldier or not, he needed a moment after that. Breathing hard, he craned his neck to look down at you. "Are you okay, baby?" he asked, trying to regulate his breathing as he swallowed hard. You didn't answer for a moment, you just stared at the ground, then slowly turned your head to look at him. You blinked twice, but didn't say anything. "Baby?" he asked again, starting to panic a bit. "Are you okay?"
"AGAIN!!!" you suddenly screamed joyfully, catching him completely off guard. "AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!!!! DO IT AGAIN DADDY!!!!"
Bucky's face couldn't have been more shocked if he'd tried. "Wh-what?" he said stupidly, not believing what he was hearing.
"CAN WE DO IT AGAIN????" you begged, bouncing in his arms. "That was the mostest funnest thing ever!!! We was FLYING!!!" You were wiggling so hard in your sheer delight that YOU were now shaking HIM. "Can we please do it again??? I promise to be good forever!!! Please please please again again again!!!!"
Knowing he now had TWO big problems on his hands, Bucky just started storming towards their car, which, of course, was all the way at the other end of the floor. The world was against him today. "Listen, Trouble," he said. "You remember how I said we weren't telling Papa about the no-no word?"
"Yeah, and da cookie!"
"If you don't tell Papa about flying down the stairs like we just did, I will let you pick out three new stuffies this weekend."
"WOW!! Dis many??" you asked, delightedly holding up three fingers. He couldn't help but grin.
"You are so smart," he said, kissing the side of your head as he hurried. "Yup, that many. But you CANNOT tell Papa. You tell Papa and the deal's off, got it?"
"Got it!"
"It'll be our little secret about flying, okay?"
"Okay! I am really good at secrets about flying, Daddy! Like how it's a secret when Uncle Sam is watching me and we go flying around the city with his falcon wings."
"Wait- WHAT?!"
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q-gorgeous · 2 months
The Fenton-Feel Giver
word count: 1579
This time, instead of making a weapon to hurt ghosts, the Fentons make a weapon that allows them to “get their feelings back”. Problem is, they already have them, so what happens when you take an already emotional ghost teen and amplify it by 10? @Amabsis
Danny sat at the kitchen table, tiredly eating cereal while Jazz read a book next to him as she ate her eggs. He held his head in his left hand and he was about to nod off when his parents erupted from the door to the lab. 
“Hey, kids! Come look at what we just finished!” His dad bellowed. Danny jumped at the loud sound of his voice. 
“It’s too early for this.” He groaned as he and Jazz forcefully followed their parents downstairs into the lab.” 
“It’s our newest ghost hunting weapon!” Maddie smiled excitedly. 
Danny flinched as his dad brandished his new gun.
“This bad boy will give all these apathetic ectoplasmic post human copies all of their feelings back! They’ll never know what hit them!” 
“Dad, how do you really know that ghosts don’t have feelings?” Jazz asked him, looking between Danny and their dad. “You’ve never had a conversation with a ghost. How can you say you know how their minds work?” 
“How can any ghost have feelings when they’re terrorizing the city all the time? Surely if they had feelings they would think about their actions and how it might be affecting the people around them.” Maddie said.
“Now you’re just putting your prejudice on them!” Jazz planted her hands on her hips. “Not all ghosts go around terrorizing the city all the time!”
“Also the ghosts just think it’s fun. They don’t care how we feel, even with feelings.”
The three of them looked over at Danny. His eyes widened when he realized they heard his comment. 
“See who terrorizes a city for fun?”
“That still doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings!” 
Danny rolled his eyes and stood up. This was ridiculous. He didn’t need to sit here and listen to his family argue about something that he knew was false. 
“Danny-boy! Where are you going? I haven’t even demonstrated it yet!”
He turned around to face his dad. “I gotta go. I have to-”
He gasped out a breath of cold air. And he inwardly groaned.
“Have to, to- go to the library and check out a book I forgot I needed! It’s about a project on Patrocolos!”
“You’re still learning about that guy?” Jack frowned. 
“Long unit.” Danny said as he backed up. “Very important to a lot of different cultures. What a guy.”
“Be back before curfew!” His mom called to him and he turned and dashed his way up the stairs. 
When he hit the top he transformed and flew through the roof and scanned the streets around him. Where was the ghost? 
“I am the Box Ghost!” 
Danny closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning.
“Tremble before me and my boxes of doOoom!” 
Danny flew in the direction that the Box Ghost’s voice was coming from. He came into view and he had a swarm of boxes flying around him.
“Hey, Boxy!” 
The Box Ghost turned around to face him. “Ah, Phantom! I see you’ve heard my war call! You will face my wrath and get boxed!” 
Danny scoffed. “As if. Your wrath is about a centimeter long.” 
“You will regret your words, young halfling! My boxes will leave deep cardboard cuts all over your skin! I will-” 
Danny sucked the Box Ghost into the thermos as he was talking. He yelled as he got sucked in and the sound was cut off when the beam disappeared. Danny capped the thermos as all the boxes fell into the street. 
He heard the screeching of tires below him and looked down. His parent’s van plowed to a stop and they were jumping out. 
“There he is, Jack!” His mom pointed at where he floated up in the sky. 
“This is the perfect time to test our new weapon, Maddie!” 
Danny’s eyes widened. Considering ghosts really did actually have feelings, Danny didn’t know what it would do to him. He didn’t think he wanted to find out either. 
They started shooting at him. His dad had the new weapon they showed off at breakfast this morning. His mom had what looked like a regular ectogun. 
He dodged as many blasts as he could, but they just kept coming. One flew past him and sent him spinning. He went back right side up but it was too late.
“Haha! Taste the Fenton Feel-giver!” 
Danny didn’t have enough time to jump and dodge the blast that his dad shot at him. He put his hands up to block his face when the blast made contact. It sent him hurtling towards the ground. The blast itself didn’t hurt nearly as much as he was expecting but his collision with the ground did and he peeked out from behind his arms to see his dad barely containing his excitement. 
Then his mom walked towards him, brandishing her Fenton bazooka and Danny’s heart started racing.
He covered his head and cowered away from her. 
“Don’t hurt me, Mom!” He shouted. 
“Mom?” Maddie exclaimed. 
“I promise I’m not a monster! Don’t hurt me!” 
Danny scurried backwards away from her. What was happening to him? His heart was racing and he was starting to hyperventilate. 
Maddie lowered her weapon, but she looked unsure about it. 
“Jack?” She turned to face him. 
“He looks just like a child.” Jack whispered. 
“Is he just a child?” Maddie asked him.
Danny looked up at his parents. He could tell by their faces that they weren’t expecting the consequences of actually seeing a ghost’s feelings. That they weren’t expecting him to be so human.
Maddie knelt down to be at eye level with him. She reached a hand forward and Danny fell back trying to get away from it.
“Don’t touch me!”
She pulled her hand back and looked at Jack. 
“Phantom, do you remember your human mother?”
He looked at her. How ironic was this. This was some cosmic irony here.
He wasn’t sure what he should do. So he just nodded. 
“Did she ever hurt you?”
Ectoblast burns. Bazooka blasts. Kicks to the stomach.
“Not on purpose. But she did.” 
Maddie’s felt settled into a sad expression. A tear ran down Danny’s cheek as they stared at each other. She reached towards him to wipe it off but he pulled back and jumped into the air.
“Don’t- don't touch me.”
“Phantom, would you like to come back to our lab with us? We could-” 
His heart rate continued to race and his chest rose and fell too quickly with each breath. Scalpels and dissection tables. Samples and tests and inventions and so many other terrifying things were down in that lab. He couldn’t- No. No no no. 
He felt his transformation rings appearing. He knew that if he was ever too hurt that he transformed back. If he passed out he’d transform back. He didn’t ever think he’d be too emotionally distressed that it would force him to transform back. He couldn’t. Not here. 
He pushed the rings back and they were gone for a moment but they just reappeared a second later.
“Jack, what are those rings? Have you ever seen anything like that before?” 
“No I haven’t. What kind of power could that be?”
He couldn’t keep the transformation rings back anymore. They traveled over his body and he watched as his parents confused expressions morphed into ones of horror. The ring passed over his head and he started falling towards the ground. 
“Danny?” His mom called in shock.
His dad ran forward and caught Danny in the air before he hit the ground. Danny scrambled to get out of his father’s arms and fell, hitting the ground. 
“Don’t touch me!” 
“Danny, how is this possible? How did this-”
“You can’t hurt me! Please!” 
Maddie faltered and took a step away from him. “We would never hurt you.”
Danny shook his head. “You wanted to. You always talk about how you want to hurt me so badly. About all the nasty horrible things you want to do to me.”
“But we never- if we’d known it was you, we would never have said those things.”
Danny looked her in the eyes. “Even if it wasn’t me, I’m still just a kid. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or not.”
Maddie and Jack looked at each other.
“We’ll make this right.” Jack said. “We’ll get you fixed up and-”
“No! You can’t take it! I don’t need to be fixed!”
“Take what?” Maddie asked.
“My core!” 
Maddie’s eyes opened wide. “You have a core?”
“You can’t have it.” 
Maddie shook her head. She looked like she wanted to reach out to him and touch him but she kept her hands firmly at her side where she knelt down. “We don’t want your core.”
“We need to reverse the effects that the Fenton Feel-giver had on you.”
“No experiments?” Danny asked. He looked back and forth between his parents. 
“No experiments.” Jack said.
Danny was still looking between the two of them. His heart rate was starting to slow. 
“You still love me?”
Danny could see the moment his mom’s heart broke. “Of course we do, sweetie.”
Tears welled up in Danny’s eyes and he held out a hand to his mom. She grabbed it and stood up, pulling him with her. 
“It’ll be okay. We’ll get you fixed up and then you can tell us how this all happened.” 
Danny nodded. He took a deep breath. “You still love me.” 
“More than life itself.”
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i have a request! can u write a fic where r just feels like crap like she has no motivation to do any work or study for uni and maybe steve just helps her out? ly <33
i’ve been in these similar situations where depression or a funk is soooooo bad i just rotted in bed in the dark. if you’re ever feeling alone you could always come into my inbox/dms to talk.
steve harrington x gn!reader
everything feels drab. draining. grey. there’s not an ounce of energy in your body to even lift your head from your pillow. the little shimmers of light filtering through your shut blinds felt blinding on your heavy eyes.
work sucks, taking every single piece of your soul everyday. school is stressful, having a breakdown after a three hour study session in the library. you want to drop out, you want to be unemployed- you just want to barely exist.
there was a gentle knock on your bedroom door, you couldn’t even mange a simple hum or “come in”, you just stayed silent. a faint creak of hinges signaled that your guest was peeking into your room.
“honey?” it was steve. his tone was soft, not wanting to disturb, “you awake?” you just did a light shuffle, moving your head from under your blanket. a nonverbal invitation to enter further.
steve closed the door behind him and made his way to your curled in side, the bed dipping with his weight. his palm rested on your covered hip, a comforting back and forth swiping. “how we feeling today?” a question steve asked when you were in a funk.
left cheek pressed into your pillow caused your lips to pucker and butcher your answer. steve leans in closer, asking for you to repeat yourself. even that felt like too much work.
“empty.” the one word pushed from your mouth, heavy on your tongue. eyes staring a hole into your wall, smile and laughing faces mocking you.
steve rubbed a line over your hip, “okay.” said in a tone a sad mother uses on their kid. you felt like you just disappointed steve. it’s not like you want to be down, it just happens and is a bitch to deal with.
a blur started to cover your sight, “i’m sorry.” throat getting choked by the oncoming tears. you wanted to bury yourself away.
“hey, no, no. it’s okay to feel this way. everyone feels this way at times.” hand leaving your hip to caress at your cheek, wiping away the few tears beginning to drop.
“it’s- it’s different.” “i now.” you both know that’s not the whole truth.
steve tucked a few greasy hair strands behind your ear, “why don’t we get a bath? feeling clean is always a nice step for a better mind. i could change your bedding as well, also make a snack to eat. what you say?” his thumb a simple weight on your cheek, his fingers pressing lightly into your neck.
a bath does sound nice. you were starting to feel the oil clogging your pores and you had a inkling that your room was starting to develop a smell that you were ignoring. you know what they say, a clean space helps a clean mind, or something like that.
“that… that sounds nice.” making eye contact with steve for the first time today.
his smile was beautiful. “okay, i’ll get it ready then come back.” before leaving he pressed a love filled kiss to your forehead and another before walking to the bathroom down the hall.
less than five minutes later steve reappears in your doorframe, a new glow following him. “your bath, ma’lady.” standing before you with a hand stretched out in waiting.
“will you stay with me?” pushing your comforter away and swinging your feet to the floor. steve took your hand, holding you delicately like glass. “for a little. i gotta do my other stuff. i can wash your hair if you want.”
“please?” already feeling your shoulders loosen at the feel of steve’s fingers messaging your scalp. he smiled, sickly sweet before presenting a kiss into your crown, “anything for you.”
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rainthespiritual · 3 months
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pt 1 , pt 2
Pre-death Tate Langdon fic PART TWO
btw some trigger warnings for the series as a whole are deffinetly: drug abuse, depression, suicide, and topics similar to that even if they don't show up in this specific part THEY WILL EVENTUALLY so I just want yall to be warned ty
TRIGGER WARNING : Tate langdon is a tw tbh and American horror story in general, smoking, talk of abusive dad and family slightly(it'll be talked abt more in other parts), angst, this part is more tame that the other parts will be, and alot of talk on bullying and angsty teen bullshit yk the drill
summery: Tate invited you to his house and talked to you about wanting to be friends again!
sorry if this is bad I didn't get to edit it cuz im using my phone PLZ ENJOY LETS GET INTO IT YUH
"Meet me here again tommorow, same time."
His words have been repeating in your head since yesterday. I mean yeah almost being caught by a teacher scared you shitless... and you didn't want it to happen again but it seemed almost worth it. the way he makes you feel is worth it. I mean this is the most validated you've felt in months.
You are pulled back to reality, to the smell of musty books and to the sound of the library, "___ you aren't listening again." sighing at your so called friend. you almost snap at her but she continues before you can knowing she now has your attention again. the sound of a distant clock ticking puts you more at ease as you try not to get too deppressed. The library is usually a nice safe space for you but sometimes you are followed, but you just have to deal with it. she goes on for a while before saying something that actually causes you to look up at her,
"Do you see that guy staring at me." she waves her head and your eyes meet Tates. he's sitting down at a distant table with a book in his hands but it's clear he isn't reading it. He smiles when you notice him and its also clear he isn't looking at your friend. He's staring at you.
"Yeah I do Heather.." you break eye contact with him hoping the hotness you feel in your cheeks isn't them turning red. Tate also stops looking in your direction and his attention goes to the book.
"I mean he's cute but he's all quiet and weird, ya know? ..kinda like you." she smiles as you sigh. you aren't quiet she just won't let you get a word in. You look back to the table where Tate was at but he is gone, you look around wondering if he was still in the library but there is no sign of him. not even the book he was reading, he must have taken it. it is common for kids at your school to take books to the tables and leave them if they weren't interested or more likely if they were just trying to seem busy. Tho it being frowned upon it happens quite alot.
"I've gotta go." You gather your things and start to stand.
"..where do you have to go?" Heather your friend scoffs slightly thinking you have nothing better to do.
"I've gotta go to the bathroom actually so.. And class is starting soon, see ya." with that you leave almost as fast as you did yesterday, mostly to avoid more questioning and bitching.
It almost being time to meet Tate you make your way to the bathroom you both were at yesterday. its pretty early but it's nice to have some thinking time. you stare at the door listening making sure no one is coming your way. you'd get questioned deffinetly, especially class starting so soon.. you fidget waiting for the bell to ring but it feels like time is going by way slower than it is. After thinking for a while and the bell not ringing still you decide to go in early, I mean maybe no one's in there? like Tate said almost no one ever comes this way. or maybe Tates there early too? maybe that's why he left the library so soon..
"Tate..?" you walk in slowly praying no one other than Tate is in this bathroom. You cautiously have your eyes closed just incase.
"___?.. You're early, hey." you open your eyes to find a nervous looking Tate.
"Hey yeah I am... is- is that okay, or?" you take a deep breath, the bathroom smells like harsh chemicals and it slightly irritates your nose. "Yeah no its fine, just surprised me is all." what he says makes you feel better and you look up to see him smiling at you, his eyes are red and watery and hes repeatedly wiping his nose.
"is there anything wrong?" you ask genuinely concerned. You seem to notice a wave of sadness on his face, or maybe it was just the smell of this bathroom you felt it irritating your eyes so maybe the same was happening to him? or maybe he was sad, he did tend to look sad. remembering all the small times you looked at him in the halls or at him if he was in the same room as you, he was sad. or atleast not smiling.
"Nothing at all, now that you're here." he walks closer to you, looking down at you.
"me? what do you mean?" you knew exactly what he meant, it just felt so surreal that this tall blonde good smelling guy that just so happened to go to school with you they you also used to be friends with could say this. I mean who would have known. all the boys you were used to interacting with never payed that kind of attention to you.
"I just mean I'm glad you're here. what else would I mean?" you smile again enjoying him saying these things. the validation you felt made you feel great, and he knew exactly what to do to make you feel special. not to say he was lying or anything, he wasn't. His confidence radiated off of him and he knew just what to say.
"well you could mean alot of things." he smirks at your response before pausing.
"Here, sit with me again." He climbs up on the sinks, making sure they aren't wet with his sleeve first. you notice a brownish red stain on his sleeve and decide whether ot not to bring it up. you choose to ignore it climbing up next to him. you take a deep breath noticing how your nose is now used to the harsh chemical smell that is all around the both of you.
"I'm surprised you came," he states looking into your eyes, a weird wave of guilt builds up in your stomach remembering how well you two got along. you truly regret not talking to him and hope you can make up for all the time you two have lost together.
" you know... I think about you all the time." he pushes a section of your hair behind your ear, admiring your face again.
you smile wider at him focusing on his pretty brown eyes. They are so dark and mysterious its not even funny. you also take notice of how dark his undereyes are, he must be tired.
"Is that why you were looking at me earlier? " you nervously smirk watching as he gets up off the counter to stand infront of you.
"we should go to my house." he places his arms on the counter making it so he is looking down on you slightly.
"your house?" you gulp.
"yep, my house," he nods, "we'd have fun I swear. I mean no one's even home." this catches you off guard. I mean a boy inviting you to his house was the last thing you expected to happen. Especially at school, a boy is not only inviting you to his house hes inviting you to ditch school with him at his house.. while no one's home.
"Sure, fuck it!" He leaves first making sure no one is around, you sneak out thanking God no one is around. and somehow you guys make it out without being caught. He leads you and you start to get nervous.
"is- is your house close or?" you gulp feeling a tad bit guilty. You've never missed school on purpose before.
"Actually I was thinking of going somewhere first.." he smirks and puts his hand around your shoulders.
"oh.. where?" the ideas of where he could bring you excited you slightly. The air was clear and the sun was hiding behind some clouds. its a gloomy day yet you were glad you were getting to spend it with Tate, something about him hypnotized you and made you feel ways you never felt before.
"The beach, trust me it's cool. especially on days like this.." he smirks more putting your hand in his, his warm soft touch made you blush. You never felt this way about anyone, he made you feel special.
You both walk in silence just enjoying eachothers company until you make it to the beach. You both sat in the sand admiring the ocean and the gloomy sky.
"do you play hookey alot?" you ask smiling already knowing he often does, you just didn't know what else to say.
"just when I get bored, or sad I guess.. I like to come here, y'know when everything gets too much? I come here.." he sighs looking off into the sea, his eyes are shining with the water and you can't help but to admire his beauty.
"No, I totally get that. I get sad alot too, thats why I go to the library. Usually no one follows me." he frowns looking away in the distance making you unable to look in his eyes anymore.
"y'know.. I don't get why you hang out with those assholes, it's clear they give zero shits about you. all they care about is themselves, even I can tell you that." you frown along with him, you want to tell him off but you can't bring yourself to because in the end... he's right. they don't and never cared about you. they never listen to you about your problems or your feelings. It's always about them them them.
"I know.. that's exactly how it is.. but I have no one else, I'm too scared to be alone." you open up a bit to him about how you feel hoping he will actually listen.
"you wouldn't be alone ___, I'd hang out with you. I mean trust me I'm cooler than all those bitches combined!" he laughs knowing he made you smile.
"then I guess I won't be hanging around them anymore. I got you now." you both smile walking the rest of the way to his house, talking about your past and goofing off.
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Wanna Be Yours |2|
Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Chapter Two: Gryffindor V Ravenclaw
Notes: Gonna be my last post for a few weeks, Modern AU, Fem!SlytherinReader, any characters you don't recall from the Harry Potter universe are my OC's
Warning(s): Swearing, throwing up, mentions of underage drinking & blood
Prologue|Previous Part|Next Part
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Stressful was definitely one of the many words to describe how the past few weeks have been. With exams and quidditch, Y/N has found herself swamped with work. Luckily she was able to keep up with her classes..except for one. 
It was the one subject she just couldn’t get. Ask her to brew a potion from scratch? Y/N has that handled. Want to know the name of every star? Y/N Y/L/N’s your girl. Need help in Defense Of The Dark Arts? She’s who to call. Just not about Arithmancy. 
So here she was, studying the materials for the hundredth time. Y/N had been sitting there for a good hour now and the numbers and symbols were starting to mix and blur. That was when she knew she should call it a night.
Y/N packed her things and left the library before walking through the school’s halls, half asleep. She had been up since two in the morning and it was now almost curfew. At some point, Y/N zoned out during the walk to her dorm.
I really need to stop pulling all nighte-
The Slytherin is pulled out of her trance when she feels a body knock into her. 
“Hmph- '' a girl let out in front of Y/N as both their books dropped to the ground. Y/N looked down to see the brown haired girl who she bumped into. Y/N instantly recognized her to be the Gryffindor she caught staring at her during the first day back at Hogwarts.
“I’m sorry about that” Y/N said as she knelt down to pick up the fallen books. 
“It’s okay.” Hermione then knelt down to help pick them up. Y/N finally looked at Hermione again when she gave the Gryffindor her book. They both stood up and there was an awkward few seconds of silence until Hermione held out her hand. 
“I’m Hermione by the way. Hermione Granger” she let out, introducing herself to the Slytherin. Y/N looked at Hermione’s hand and then back to her face. “I’m Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N” she responded, taking the other girl’s hand. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you Y/N. Even if it was by crashing into you” Hermione jokes which pulled a small laugh from Y/N. 
“Yeah, I really ought to watch where I’m going next time,” Y/N responded back as they disconnected their hands.
Hermione looked at Y/N for a moment. As she was about to say something Y/N’s name got called causing her to turn her head. Her gaze meets a bloody nosed Link being held up by Amelia and Leo. “What the bloody hell happened?” Y/N asked with raised eyebrows. 
Before Y/N went to them, they walked over to her. “Take a wild guess” Leo remarked, he was getting tired of Link’s antics. Y/N sighs and turns back to Hermione,“I gotta uh —she points back to Link— but I’ll see you around. At least I hope I do” Y/N looks Hermione up and down as she says the last part before walking away with the others.
“So let me get this straight–” Harry started as he sat down, “Y/N bumped into you, the others showed up, and she said that?”
“Yes” Hermione looked between the two boys, not sure where they were headed with this.
“She was flirting with you, Mione,” Ron simply said before biting into a chocolate frog. “Isn’t this the same girl you’ve been making googly eyes at since seco- ow!” Hermione hit Ron with the Daily Prophet before he could finish his sentence 
“Be mature Ronald. I have not been making googly eyes at her. And I can’t help it if I’m a naturally observant person” Hermione claimed defensively. Ron only rolled his eyes in response before Harry cut in.
“But you fancy her, don’t you?” Harry cursorily asked Hermione. She thought for a moment before answering. 
“Well, this is the first time I’ve ever even spoken to her,” Hermione responded, furrowing her eyebrows. 
“Well you certainly fancy her enough to stare at her hour after hour” Ron mumbled, earning him a kick from Hermione. But it didn’t wipe the smirk off the ginger’s face. 
Eventually the three went to bed, Hermione thought about the interaction over again before falling asleep. 
Y/N was sound asleep, peacefully dreaming about Merlins know what. Well, that was before Amelia woke her up. “Rise and shine sleeping beauty!” Y/N only groaned in response as Amelia clapped her hands. “Come on, it’s Raine’s quidditch day. They’re up against Gryffindor.” 
Y/N hesitantly lifted herself up, mumbling a few curses before finally standing up. She changed and put on the Ravenclaw scarf Lorraine had given her a few months prior. 
Amelia and Y/N made it to the quidditch field and sat down in the Ravenclaw stands next to Leo and Link who waved them over. Leo was still laying into Link about the previous day. “Oh come on, it wasn’t that dumb” Link defended as Amelia and Y/N watched with amusement.
“How is attempting to do a handstand on your broom, one hundred feet in the air, while not being able to do a handstand in the first place, not dumb?” Leo asked incredulously.
“Well when you say it like that..” Link trailed off while Leo rolled his eyes in response. 
“Bloody idiot” Leo mumbled, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.
Gryffindor won the match and they were holding a party in their common room to celebrate. The victory also meant a loss for Ravenclaw which meant comforting Lorraine. If she was anything she was serious about quidditch. It made sense considering Oliver Wood acted as her mentor when she first started out. It seemed he passed over some of his competitiveness.
When it came to parties at Hogwarts, everybody went. No matter what they were for, who lost, who won, people still showed up. Amelia asked if she was going to go but Y/N declined, not wanting “Lorraine to drown herself.”
By the time everybody left, Y/N was softly knocking on the Lorraine’s dorm door. “Go away” she heard from the other side. Y/N sighed and spoke up. “Oh come on, it's me. I even brought over some sweets I found in Link’s snack stash” Y/N said, raising the bag up as if the Ravenclaw could see it.
She heard shuffling and footsteps on the other side of the door before it opened slightly. Lorraine looked through the slither opening, looked down at the bag then at Y/N before opening the door all the way.
“Come in” Lorraine sighed before going back to her bed. “Don’t look at me like that.”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows,“What do you mean?”
Lorraine rolled eyes before answering. “I don’t want to be comforted right now, okay? I just want to forget about the stupid match. I’m sick of the pitiful looks I’ve been getting.” 
Y/N nodded in understanding, sometimes Lorraine wanted to talk and sometimes she didn’t. The Slytherin placed the bag on Lorraine’s nightstand before grabbing a few things out of it. “I made sure to swipe some of your favorites. How about a night in? Just you and me” Y/N offered.
Lorraine patted the spot next to her and Y/N happily sat on the bed. Lorraine grabbed her laptop and opened it. They spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating sweets. Eventually falling asleep.
Y/N woke up, looking at her surroundings confused before remembering where she was. She looked down to see Lorraine with her head on her chest. Y/N carefully got up while gently moving Lorraine not wanting to wake her up. She then reached into her pocket for her phone. She squeezed her eyes shut as the phone’s brightness shined at her. 
There were a few messages from Amelia and Link and a couple from Leo. But being too tired, Y/N just made a mental note to reply in the morning and instantly fell back asleep. What woke her up was the sun shining through the room's window. She winced a bit from the light as she covered her face.
“Look who decided to wake up” Lorraine said as she moved around the room. “None of my roommates are back yet but they will be soon encase you wanna make a run for it” she offered.
Y/N mumbled,“Good call, Rainey” before getting out of bed. The only roommate of hers that Y/N could tolerate was Luna. Eventually she left after saying goodbye and made her way back to the Slytherin common room. Unfortunately a certain professor was waiting at the door.
“Professor Snape.”
“Are you aware of the time?” he asked with an unamused expression. Y/N looked at her watch then back at the professor. 
“It is seven thirty six” Y/N answers, Snape humming in response.
“And do you know when curfew is?” Snape crossed his arms as he waited for a response. Y/N huffed a bit before answering. It was far too early for an interrogation.
“Ten pm” she sighed.
He was getting too old for this shit.
“Good, so you were aware of what time you had to be in your common room. You were also aware of what rules you were breaking. Twenty points from Slytherin and detention for a week, starting today.”
Snape walked away after giving her one more glare. Y/N flipped him off with his backside facing her, before heading to her dorm room. She walked in and heard somebody throwing up. Y/N went to the bathroom where it was coming from to find Amelia hunched over and puking.
“Drank too much I presume?” she rhetorically asked, not expecting her puking friend to answer that.
“Nobody likes a smartass,” Amelia replied before throwing up some more. Y/N got a water bottle then placed it on her friend’s nightstand. 
After a couple of minutes, Amelia walked out of the bathroom as she wiped her mouth with a towel. Y/N gave her the water bottle,“Thanks —she took a sip— oh and you know how you’ve been struggling with Arithmancy?” Y/N hummed in response. “Found you a tutor.”
“Who is it?”
“Hermione Granger.”
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ferris-the-wheel · 8 months
Hii! Hope you arehaving a goodday :)
Can we please please PLEASE get 💓❤️🖤 with Riddle where reader is unaware of the yandere tendencies in his bedroom after his overblot as an established relationship??
Ask and you shall receive! Thanks for the request, anon! And thank you for asking, I'm having a pretty good day so far 😊 I hope your day is going good as well!
gn!reader x yan!Riddle Rosehearts
ೃ⁀➷ 💓/❤️/🖤 (+ 💚 bc yandere)
ೃ⁀➷ You/your pronouns
ೃ⁀➷ Not proofread
ೃ⁀➷ Established relationship
TW: Yandere content, controlling behavior, manipulation, guilt tripping, a bit suggestive (nothing really past making out)
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You turned the corridor and nearly ran into an Octavinelle student, dodging out of the way. He stopped in surprise and stumbled backward, dropping a pile of books he had been carrying. The books scattered around him and he stood up quickly. "I'm so sorry!" He said, stooping to retrieve his books.
"That was my fault too." You admitted. "Here, let me help you." You helped pick up the books. Once all the books were piled up into his arms, the stack was taller than his head. It was a wonder how he hadn't run into anyone or anything sooner.
"Um... do you want me to help carry those?" You asked. He gave a grateful "Yes, please," and you picked up half of the books, which weren't as heavy as you'd expected. "Lead the way." You said. He nodded and led you down toward the library.
. . .
"You sure like to read." You remarked as he finished returning the books.. He gave a comical sigh. "Nope, not really. They're all history books that Trein had us read for the test tomorrow." He said. You laughed with a sheepish smile. "Man, I have Trein first thing tomorrow and I haven't really reviewed at all. How screwed am I?" You asked.
"No chance from what I heard from Azul." He lamented. You spent a few minutes chatting, exchanging hopefully helpful information before he looked at his watch and sighed.
"I gotta go, sorry. Thanks for the help." You nodded, returning his wave as he left. I should probably have Riddle help me out. At least then I might stand a chance, you thought to yourself.
. . .
"Hey, Ace. Do you know where Riddle is?" You asked. Your lowerclassman shrugged from his sprawled out position on one of the lounge's couch. Deuce was sitting on another one nearby, his eyes scanning a book.
"Raging Riddle? No clue." Ace said, grinning probably because of the nickname. "Hey, want to hang out?" You shook your head. "No, not right now. I need to ask Riddle something. Do you know where Trey or Cater are?" You asked, hoping that they might know where Riddle was.
Deuce looked up. "I'm not sure where Trey or Cater are, but if you're looking for Riddle, try his room first. I saw him going in that direction earlier." Ace tossed one of the pillows from the couch at Deuce. "Aww, why'd you ruin the fun?" Deuce frowned, looking ready to say something back.
You left before you could witness the two start arguing. You decided to take Deuce's advice and check Riddle's room first. Once you reached his room, you knocked on the door. A few moments later, you heard him say, "Come in."
You entered his room, making sure to close the door behind you. You saw him sitting at his desk, some open books in front of him. "Hey, Riddle. I have a question." You said, deciding to get straight to the point. He turned around to face you. "Actually, I have a question of my own to ask." He stated.
You stopped in surprise but nodded. "Alright, then. What's up?" He stood up and crossed his arms with a scowl, which made it immediately clear that he was irritated. You began mentally running through the things you'd done during the day and anything that you could have forgotten. Your mind blanked.
"Who was that guy you were speaking with earlier?" He asked. You nearly laughed out loud upon realizing that he was talking about your earlier interaction in the library. "Oh, I don't know him. He just needed help carrying books to the library." You said. "You saw that?"
"I happened to be in the library checking out a book. But that's not the point." Riddle stated, his face reddening. He turned his head away slightly.
"You seemed to enjoy his company enough to continue talking to him. Not including laughing at whatever it was he said— though I hardly suspect it was that funny." Riddle commented.
"We only talked for like five minutes. We were talking about the upcoming test in Trein's class tomorrow, that's all." You said, not really understanding why he was acting so jealous all of a sudden. "Oh, that reminds me, I ne—" You started, but he interrupted again.
"No, I understand. You prefer a stranger's company to mine." He said, looking sad and turning away dejectedly. You felt a wave of guilt wash over you. "That's not it at all! If I'd known you were there, I would have went over and hung out with you." You said, moving closer to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.
He turned back toward you, appearing to feel better after your reassurance. "If that's the case, promise me something." He said. You nodded, trying to better his mood. "Whatever helps you feel better." You said.
"Promise me not to talk to anyone outside of Heartslabyul without running it by me first. Unless it's project or club related." He said. You assumed he was joking, due to the absurdity of his request. "You almost got me there, but I think you should leave the jokes to Ace." You laughed.
Riddle's mouth immediately turned into a frown. "That wasn't a joke. Promise me." He insisted. Your surprise must have shown on your face because he said, "What? Is it really that's unreasonable?"
"Yeah, a little bit." You remarked, taking your hand off his shoulder. "Do you really want to talk to other guys that much? I thought you loved me." He said, his mood souring again. "No, I do love you. Just... let me think about it, alright?" You pleaded, trying to appease his bad mood.
Riddle sighed and nodded. "Fine, I suppose." You instantly felt relieved that the ridiculous conversation was over. You hugged him, which he gladly returned. You felt his lips press a kiss onto your cheek near your mouth.
"You love me, right?" He asked, his hands falling to rest on your hips. You weren't used to the sudden boldness of his affection, but you weren't complaining. "Of course." You said.
He nodded as though he was satisfied with your response. "You'll always choose me before anyone else?" He prompted. Before you could give a proper answer, he kissed you on the lips, his tongue entering your mouth. You wrapped your arms around his waist. You felt your breath hitch as he reached a hand down your pants.
"Always." You said, your heart skipping a beat as he backed you up against a wall, pressing closer to you. His fingers traced light patterns on your upper thigh. He kissed you again, this time leaving a small trail of light kisses on your neck. He leaned up to whisper something in your ear.
"How about you show me?"
Guess who's done? Me. Because I'm just amazing like that lol. I hope you guys enjoyed this post; this type of content is a bit new for me, so I hope I did alright! 😅
In case you couldn't tell, I prioritize requests over WIPs, so requests get done fairly quickly. Thanks once more for the request, anon! Bye for now, you lovely people! 🧡
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Regulus who puts together that Remus Lupin is a werewolf. His insomnia causing him to spend his nights in the Slytherin common room's entry. A hot chocolate and a battered copy of Alice in Wonderland in hand as he occasionally gazes out the low window. A menagerie consisting of a stag, a mouse, and what looked to be the grim ran down to the Whomping Willow. Sipping as he then saw Madam Pomfrey half-carrying a ghastly looking Remus. Not even needing to check the sky to know it was a full moon. Regulus always found it odd that their astronomy lessons never coincided with one. Bestowed with the secret that his brother was hiding, and how far the Marauders would go for one of their own, he wanted in. Where else would he find the perfect excuse to become an animagus?
Casting a concealment charm on himself, he walked down to the herbology classroom. Taking a few attempts to discern which one held the mandrake from the current week’s lesson. Regulus made sure to put a pair of earmuffs on as he didn’t want to be found dead on the floor. Retracing his steps as he returned, casting a sticking charm once he placed the leaf in his mouth. It’d give him an entire month to figure out the rest of the process needed to turn into an animagus. Regulus didn’t plan on registering as one once he completed the task. If the precious Marauders can get away with it, why can’t he? Thus he spends hours in the library, hiding his research as simple homework.
'What are you up to dear brother?' Sirius mutters to himself.
'Thank you so much for agreeing to this.' Regulus told Professor Slughorn, taking the classroom key from him. 'No troubles. Now I'll be back later in the evening, you can just place the key along the door sill when you leave.' Regulus nodded, watching until the potions professor left the accompanying hallway. Downing the blood-red liquid after the last 'Amato animo animato animagus' left his lips. 'Ugh, that's vile. Only have to do it once though.' Regulus let out a groan of pain, his bones shifting into some form of quadruped. Hair of some sort shooting from every pore. 'Hopefully, this gets easier.' Regulus thought to himself.
‘Alright, who lost their cat this time?’ James asked, plopping the black cat into Sirius’ lap. ‘Huh, you like that kitty-cat?’ Regulus wanted to laugh so badly, but all he could do is purr as Sirius found the right spot behind his ear to scratch. ‘Oi, don’t jinx it now!’ James chastised Remus when the werewolf doubted that the night would go smoothly. ‘We’ve been doing this for 2-3 years now. Yea, stuff can go wrong but you’ll tire yourself out.’ As jealous as Regulus was, he was also touched at how much they cared about one another. Thus he watched, learning their routine.
‘Hey there lovely, that for me?’ Remus asked, seeing the black cat nudge a cup of tea towards him. The liquid somehow not sloshing over. ‘How’d you know the way I like my tea?’ And Remus questioned if he saw the cat shrug or if that was just his mind playing tricks on him. ‘Are you talking to the cat again?’ James sat down across from him, scratching Regulus’ head as he past, rubbing against James’ leg. ‘Gotta find your owner eventually.’ Regulus hoped they’d forget about that despite not wearing a collar. The Marauders adored the cat’s company but they had to remind themselves that the cat didn’t belong to them.
‘Hello Reggie.’ Sirius had figured out why the green eyed cat seemed familiar to him. It didn’t make sense to him. Countless hours spent thinking about it and he was still asking himself what Regulus got out of all this. ‘I know it’s you, shift back.’ Ugh, fine, if you insist brother. Regulus rolling his shoulders & cracking his neck. Standing back on two legs. ‘They don’t.’ His voice gruff from not using it. 'Then how have you avoided questions of where you go during the day?' Sirius gaze hardened, his questions coming across more akin to an interrogation. 'I tell them I'm in the library, they truly are dumber than they look.'
'Why have you been hanging out with us then? Not that I mind, honestly. It's the only question I've been unable to answer.' The elder registering how exhausted his little brother looked, a muted-ness to his every action. 'Because I'm in love with your friend, the werewolf.' Refusing to look at Sirius, expecting hostility. 'You like Remus?'
'Well, yeah. It's why I became an animagus. That and I was jealous of your friend group, how chummy you all are with each other.' His voice small as he admitted how lonely he'd been. 'I guess I approve, but you do know Remus has to know you actually exist for it to work, right? Not as a cat, but as Regulus.'
'Oi! I'm not that daft.'
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kayssweetdreams · 3 months
The Perfect Finale Ch9
The group's eyes widened in shock. They didn't expect to be attacked by what looked to be an angry maestro. They snapped their fingers as a red cloud of smoke surrounded Kaylo's face, before she stopped struggling and passed out. The figure then glared at them again. "If you so much as interfere, I will make sure you don't see the light of day." They warned before shooting off into the sky.
"KAYLO!!" They shouted. "This is bad. Forget Prim, we gotta tell Balan about this NOW." Mei said. "As soon as we figure out how to get back across..." Leo said. "Kids? Kids! Are you OK?!" Stefan asked, coughing from the dust left behind from his home. "Kinda. But Kaylo's been kidnapped!" Rebecca exclaimed. Thea then came running out, her heart pounding.
"Where is he?! WHERE IS HE?!" She shouts, looking wildly for her daughter. "He uh...shot off into the sky." Lora said slowly, breaking the bad news to her. Thea began to hyperventilate. "No. No! NO! NO NO NO!! NOT MY BABY!! NOT HER!!" She cried, Stefan just barely breaking her fall. Trisha Jane furrowed her eyes. "But the strange thing is Miss Bruno, is that he looked kinda like Balan and Lance." She said.
This made the kids wonder. Could Kaylo's kidnapper have been from Wonderworld? And if they were, what were they doing in the real world? That's when Haoyu and Yuri finally arrived at the Bruno household. "Mrs Bruno! What happened?" Yuri asked. "MY BABY HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!!!!" She sobbed. Mei looked Haoyu dead in the eyes.
"Haoyu. Change of plans. Round of the others and meet us at the Theater." She said. Haoyu nodded as he quickly lifted back into the air, and into town. "We got to get to Wonderworld PRONTO." Emma said. "Well...I don't think we'll have to go very far." Lora Jade said. In the midst of the panic and chaos that had occurred, Thea's sadness and pain had inadvertently called the Balan Theater to them.
"C'mon Hun...Let's go." Stefan said as he guided Thea to the theater doors. The kids filed in after them as they were met with the familiar hallway that lead into Wonderworld. "Balan? Balan? Where are you?" Rebecca called out. The group made their way through the theater until they were met by both maestros. Lance immediately took notice, as he felt the overwhelming negativity radiating from them.
Balan felt it too and his smile nearly dropped at the sight of them. "Goodness gracious! What happened to you?! You look like you were put through the ringer times 2!" He shouts. "Balan...we have a major problem. One that needs your kind of power." Stefan said, still cradling his still sobbing wife. "I can see that, but oh? You seem to he missing someone, Where is Miss Kaylo?" Balan asked.
That's when Thea started sobbing again, making both maestros look confused. "Balan! Kaylo's been kidnapped by someone who had Wonderworld Symbols in their eyes!" Lora blurted out. Balan tensed up and Lance cringed. Both maestros felt something that they haven't felt in a long time: Fear. Lora looked between the two "Um...Did I say something wrong?" She asked. Balan'a signature smile contorted into a frown. "Lora dear, I must know. Did this kidnapper look like a maestro?" He asked.
"Um...Yeah? He had eyes with Wonderworld symbols inside, and he kept calling Kaylo the 'Descendant of Mirabella'. And then he said that she was the key before he grabbed her." Lora explained. Lance's mobile tentacles stopped dead in their tracks. "After all these years...could it be?" He mutters "He couldn't have found it...Could he?" Balan muttered. The kids got worried. If Balan and Lance, the two ALL POWERFUL maestros were scared, then it couldn't be good.
"Um...Who exactly are we talking about here?" Leo asked. The two maestro looked at him before they said in perfect sync "Come With Us." As they began to walk. Shrugging, the kids followed the maestros deeper and deeper into the Wonderworld Library, past the forbidden chapters, and led them to a door with a sign that read "Maestro's Only! Nobody but the Positive and Negative Maestros beyond this point!"
Balan and Lance revealed two keys, each with side of a heart, and unlocked the door, revealing a very intricate, and dizzying lock. The lock finally opened, and revealed a book that was twice Balan and Lance's size, covered in drops, and it read:
The History of Wonderworld
"I never thought I would have seen this day...Who you have seen, is who should have been cast away." Balan said, before opening the book, and turning to a chapter that read:
The Banished Maestro
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
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meetmyothersouls · 11 months
Back to u 4 tonight ?
I have worked my ass off on this so I really hope you guys love it!
Back To You
Jonah Hauer-King x reader
Warnings: memory loss, being drunk, throwing up, not proof read
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Chapter 4
Jonah's POV
I sit in the library, leaning against my desk. I'm lost in thought, many of them. One of which is the information Jorge just threw at me. I scoff out loud even though no one is around to hear it. The idea of him taking y/n from me is so disgusting to me, it makes me sick to my stomach. I let him walk away unscathed only because I don't want y/n's new opinion of me to turn into a negative one.
Y/n. Then my thoughts go to her. I'm suddenly overwhelmed with a mixture of sadness, longing and love for her. I want our old life back so badly it hurts. I look around the library. It was her favorite room. One, because of all the books. I used to joke that she loved the books in this room more than me. Two, because of all the times we made love in here. I believe there's not one surface left untouched by-
A soft tap on the door brings me out of my daydream. I stand up straight, no longer leaning on my desk. It's Haven.
"Sorry, I was just looking for y/n."
"She's not with you?" I ask, immediately worried.
"No...I thought she was with you."
"Shit," I mutter under my breath. "Well, she's gotta be somewhere in the house. She doesn't know how to get anywhere else," I say, mostly to calm myself down.
Haven and I make our way down the hall, she's not too familiar with the layout of our house either, so she checks the downstairs amongst the guests Val invited, while I check the other two floors of our house. I wait and save my panic for when I'm totally out of sight. I check her room first, then the nursery; the two rooms I know y/n has seen with her own eyes. When those turn up empty, I scour the rest of the house. By the end of my search, I'm flying down the stairs and practically knock Haven over when I reach the bottom floor.
"No luck?" I ask breathless.
"No, but someone mentioned they saw her heading out with Val. Any thoughts on where they could be?"
I groan out loud, "I have an idea or two."
Y/n's POV
I'm downing my fifth shot, Val, Jorge, and several other people I don't know are chanting my name. I've never been much of a drinker, but according to Val, her and I go out and have drinks all the time. She shows me my favorite shots and drinks that we used to get together all the time and, to my surprise, I really like them. I apparently, lean towards the fruity ones with pineapple and strawberry purees. The shots are very bitter and nasty, but they burn going down which I kind of like.
"Okayyyy," I half yell/half slur. "Okay! I think I'm done."
Jorge and Val are talking, deep in conversation with one another and all of a sudden everyone is way too fucking close to me. The room is spinning and my heart is racing. It's too hot, my clothes are too tight, and I'm in England. I run out of the pub and the cool, now almost evening air hits me.
"I'mjustgonnagoonawalk," I call out to Val as the door to the pub swings shut. I wave to her as I turn the corner. I have no idea where I'm going and it's clear to me in my mind, but it doesn't stop me from walking on. The last...how many days has it been? Has been a whirlwind of emotions and information. I'm married, I was pregnant, I live in England and write for an apparently very prestigious magazine according to Val. For some reason the married thing and the pregnant thing have me laughing. I poke at my stomach. It's a little flabby and the tiniest bit sore, it's evident that something was there. That's when I notice that I'm not even wearing a wedding ring. I immediately feel kind of bad because of it. Jonah really is a nice guy and he clearly cares about me. And...I mean...he's very easy on the eyes. He's got the prettiest slightly curly hair, the bluest eyes I've ever seen. His skin is like this permanent sun kissed color that just occurs naturally. I start to wonder what his hands would feel like on my body and I'm reminded about how he grabbed the small of my back on the stairs today. I giggle out loud and have to grab a streetlamp post to steady myself. I look up and I laugh even harder, because I see him walking right toward me. I point to him and wave. Then he sees me, and he starts running. I'm almost on my knees by the time he gets to me. Jonah grabs me and pulls me against him.
"Thank god," he says breathlessly.
"You are real!" I giggle.
"Wot?" I imitate his adorable British accent.
"My god, y/n are you drunk?!"
"Yes, Jonah, it appears thatIam. Val and Jorge introduced me to some verygood drinks."
"Mhmm. Jorge." I start to walk and Jonah follows. I feel a bit better about walking now, since he at least knows where we're going.
"He didn't...try anything did he?"
"Y/n, I'm serious."
"Me too. I wouldn't have let him anyway. You're way hotter than he is." I'm a few steps ahead of him and I start to cross the street.
"Whoa!" Jonah yells as he pulls my wrist. My back is against him now and I'm very aware of how his body feels pressed up against mine. I make an effort to press harder against him, and if he notices he doesn't let on, but I wish he did. "Y/n, you can't just walk into oncoming traffic, Darling."
"Darling?" I look up at him, but he's looking forward, his eyes focused on the crosswalk, but he's got the slightest smile on his face.
Jonah's hand is resting on my lower abdomen, holding me protectively. It gives me a flutter in my stomach that I'd normally try to push away, but don't have the mental capacity to right now. He waits for the cross walk to change and when it does, he moves his hand. That's when I grab it and run across the street. We bump into a couple that's walking our direction and I accidentally knock the woman's coffee out of her hands.
"Sorry, I'm so sorry!" Jonah calls over his shoulder as I pull him along.
I'm doubled over in laughter as we make it to the sidewalk while Jonah stands next to me, his hands on his hips in disbelief. His mouth hangs open adorably, as he looks at me like he's seeing me for the first time. Then he's laughing. Hard. It's the happiest I've seen him look since I woke up in that hospital room a few weeks ago.
"You're really a piece of work, you know that?" Jonah says.
"Oooooh, is that a park? Come on!" I take off again, dodging couples and dog walkers and people on mopeds and bikes. Then, I'm on grass it's slightly damp and I feel it through my canvas shoes. It reminds me of the parks in New York. In the distance there's a pond with a fountain in the middle and several swans swimming against a sunset. It looks like a painting.
Jonah finally catches up, his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. "Where is everyone?" I ask.
"There's not a lot of people here."
"Ah, yes. They're all at home, most likely."
I'm so focused on the scenery in front of me I don't even look at Jonah. "But it's so beautiful."
"Yes. You are."
Jonah's staring right at me when I whip my head around. He clears his throat and looks off into the distance. "Yes it is. You know it's funny you came here."
"Why's that?"
"Well," Jonah says, as he begins to walk, "this is where you like to come when you need inspiration for writing. Sometimes I'll find you here laid out on a blanket with a book or a laptop. One time, ahh maybe two years ago, I couldn't find you anywhere. You left your cell at home, I checked every bookstore in London and you were nowhere to be found. I was about to call the police, when I drove past the park and saw a tiiiiny figure way out in the middle of the field."
"Was it me?"
"Mhm. It was. You came out here to read and guess what you did?"
"You fell asleep!"
"No way!"
"Yes! You had me worried sick," Jonah laughs. He's still looking out into the distance like he can see the memory in the skyline. And suddenly I feel terrible. I feel dizzy and lightheaded and sick to my stomach. Maybe it's all the alcohol or maybe it's because he clearly loves me so much and I can't recall all those feelings myself.
"You okay?" Jonah asks when he finally looks at me.
"Y-yeah, just need to sit down."
Jonah grabs my hand and leads me to one of the park benches. We sit down and my nausea calms down slightly.
"I'm sorry." I turn to face him and my breath hitches in my throat. His face is close to mine, much like when we were on the staircase today. He's so beautiful up close I just want to touch his face.
"What for?" Jonah whispers.
"For not being what I was before."
"You're still my y/n, memories or not. You're mine and I'm yours."
"But...but how could you still like me the same knowing I don't have the memories you do or..."
"Y/n, you are my wife. I love you. I'm sorry if that overwhelms you. You don't have to say it. I know you don't love me. Why would you? You don't know me. But I've got a month to make you fall in love with me again and I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen. And even if you never love me again," he swallows hard, and I can feel his breath on my lips as he sighs. His face is so close to mine. He licks his lips and I can't help but lean in. I press my lips against his. He kisses me back softly then pulls away, just as I expect him to.
"Y/n, I'm sorry I just...I want you to be in the right state of mind before I kiss you and-"
Jonah doesn't finish his sentence before I'm throwing up on the ground in front of us.
"Your shoes!"
"It's okay, don't worry about them," Jonah says as he's pulling my hair back. I throw up again and again until my vision goes out and I lose everything around me.
I wake up and it's daylight, but it must be early. I'm wearing new clothes, which is just and oversized t-shirt, and my shoes are off. I'm in the same bed that I slept in the night before. The room is filled with that early morning bluish hue. It's making the room feel cozy and soft and cool.
I sit up in the bed, still no memories...other than kissing Jonah, him rejecting me and then throwing up all over his shoes. I groan and run my hand down my face just as the bathroom door opens and Jonah walks out wearing only a towel around his waist, his hair and body are wet from the shower he must have just taken.
And suddenly I'm filled with even more regret than before.
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @wandamaximoffbae @twinkledinkleg-blog @anonyymoouussssss @nonsensical-nonsence @paramorelvrr @thedonswife13 @miniemonie2001 @jonahhauer-kingg
✨ If you want to be added to my Jonah taglist or I missed you on the tag list please comment here!✨
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tmntxthings · 10 months
*thinking hard bc wants reader to escape*
…I click the boo- library. Yeah. And I’d hide a book inside a book so the •cameras• wouldn’t catch my true book
I wasn’t even thinking about the cameras in a library!! Cause New York would probably have the fancy smancy decked out libraries with super rare books or just them being technologically advanced rather than where I’m at 💀
Now there is the dilemma with the cameras catching you grab two books…. honestly the best bet is reading whatever you’ve gotta read in the bathroom! No cameras in there 😌 just gotta worry about what they catch on your way there and on the way out! Keeping the covers of the books pressed tightly to your body.
And just thinking about all you have to do to be careful is just so dreadful! Like the easy life of looking shit up??? (On the computer) Out the window 😭 but yk maybe maybe, because the libraries do have public computers… that could be a route to take? It’s gotta be difficult to discern first of all where you went, which computer you got on, and then hacking into it before you get the info you need…
Donnie sits back in his swivel chair, sipping on a cold drink through a straw. Watching. Ever since he dropped you off at your home, you haven’t returned to the lair.
Sure you’ve messaged him. But anytime he invited you over, you always had something to do. You were busy. And Donnie was starting to get anxious. So he did the logical thing. To quell his nerves and not just force his way into your home.
No instead, he watched.
Through his monitor, he had plenty of cameras to choose from. Every time you left your house he watched from the cameras setup around the street poles. Surely government property. But it shouldn’t be so easy to hack into if they didn’t want anyone else using it! So far Donnie hasn’t had the need to setup his own cameras…though he was thinking it would be nice to get one in your house someday.
He watched from Camera One as you exited your apartment. Then switched over to Camera Three, since you took a left instead of a right. He watched you walk to the bus stop. Then he followed all the cameras available that kept tabs on the bus you took. It seemed like you weren’t lying today. You really were going to the library!
Oh how he wished you would have invited him. He loved the library. Now it wasn’t the Hidden City’s amazingly complex library, but still a place of knowledge nonetheless. He hacked into the cameras, which took some time since they had more than one. By the time he was in he had to keep flipping through each one to discern where you were.
To his surprise you weren’t in between shelves of books. No. You were at the public computers. And it was at this moment, Donnie felt uneasy. He placed his drink down. Scooting in his chair and sitting up straighter. Surely.. you weren’t messaging your ex? As far as he knew you hadn’t been in contact with them. But the doubt and suspicion was enough to have Donnie’s fingers flying over his own keyboard. He’d have to find out. Just to make sure!
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