#i have this channel in my personal discord server
ariaste · 2 days
[gets out guitar case to busk on the streetcorner a bit]
Hello friends! I am Alexandra Rowland, a queer fantasy author of some books you might have read in the Chantiverse (including: A Taste of Gold and Iron, A Conspiracy of Truths, Running Close to the Wind, Some By Virtue Fall, etc).
Over the past few months, my Patreon income has fallen by about a third (no shame to my patrons, sometimes financial situations change!). I do Patreon a little differently from most people, because I know that the amount of support that people pledge isn't based on how much they value me and my work, it's about how much they personally can afford that month. For some people, giving one dollar is as impactful on their finances as giving ten dollars would be to someone else -- in either case, even though the monetary amount is different, the amount of generosity and kindness in the gesture is equal. Therefore, I don't restrict access to my works based on tiers of support: Everyone gets access to everything, regardless of how much they've pledged. It just doesn't seem fair to do it any other way and implicitly "punish" people for not being able to afford more. And those one-dollar-a-month pledges REALLY stack up.
Currently on Patreon there is a great backlog of sneak peeks of my WIPs, including everything that currently exists of my next book, Yield Under Great Persuasion (a queer fantasy romance between a prickly tea shop owner named Tam and his childhood nemesis, Lord Lyford, who he definitely isn't in love with; it's got nosy busybody gods who refuse mind their own business, vegetable-related dick jokes, a supposed-to-be-epic quest to the mountains to capture the Ram of the Highlands, and reflections on the fact that sometimes apologies aren't good enough, the struggle towards personal growth, and how to learn to love yourself enough to allow other people to love you too). I also do tarot readings from time to time, and supporting me on Patreon also gets you access to a secret channel in my Discord server.
If you love my books and my nonsense on tumblr and you'd like me to continue doing those things... Here's the link, and I'd be really grateful for your support (and for any signal boosting!) 🙏 Thank you!!!
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padfootastic · 1 year
Hey! Love your content and asks. Can I ask what the ppb tag you use is for?
hehehe why did i think no one would notice that lmao
ppb is ‘pen’s paper bag’ and i use it to track all the nice things people say to me. reference to a while ago when i used to say ‘i need a paper bag to breathe into’ bc im terrible w compliments and people were saying v overwhelmingly nice stuff to me 💀💀
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mystical-one · 2 months
guys if I started using my youtube channel to do infodumping asmr and showed you my records and books would you still love me
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benrybenrybenry-chr · 7 months
dude EVERY Sherlock Holmes discord server is the most stressful environment for someone like me to be in I swear- I'm not used to big public servers where anyone can see your opinions and every channel HAS to be used in a specific way and if your conversation drifts you have to move like holy. shit
the chill autistic man's nightmare, additional anxiety about not being where you're meant to be in a DISCORD SERVER
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coralei · 17 hours
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coffeebanana · 1 year
I love rewriting. I love it love it love it (even though i sometimes avoid it) because nothing's more satisfying than turning something that's just not quite right, something that just doesn't quite work for you, into something you LOVE
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aro-ortega · 1 year
desire to make a discord server for fhr mutuals to join if they want to vs knowledge that i never talk in discord FIGHT
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horrorlesbians · 2 years
you all gotta make my youtube channel successful bc i need to use it as leverage when i eventually tell my parents I'm going by 'helena' and working towards a legal name change
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Just once I’d like Jack/Ed content that isn’t Izzy related.
#Izzy can be a background character but so much shit has Izzy plastered all over it#scrolling through the calico jack/edward teach flag on a03 looking for a single fic that isn't actually just about izzy#that I haven't already read#lookin at you too calicobeard discord server#riddle me this why is there a stizzy channel in you#i go in there and it's izzy izzy izzy#I need to rewatch episode 8 and write my own fic apperantly#calicobeard#i love calicohands as much as the next guy i really do#but when I also love calicobeard#infact I'm more of a calicobeard bitch#If I filter out non ofmd fandoms past Jack/Ed Stizzy Blackhands Calicohands and Jack/Ed/Izzy and the r*pe tag I'm down from 117 to 57 fics#and even that for some reason doesn't filter out past blackbeard | Edward teach/'calico' Jack Rackham - relationship for some reason#which should not be a different tag from past Blackbeard | Edward Teach/'Calico' Jack Rackham but for some reason is#like even then there's 13 blackbonnet fics that are tagged past or implied calicobeard that have not been filtered out#one steddy hands fic with trans girl ed that you couldn't make me read with a gun to my head#no mater how many times like silk has been recomended to me I'm not touching it i'm sorry#transfem ed and steddy hands are two of my personal icks#and one that discloses that the Jack/ed is like 2 sentances#and then one in russian#so that is a grand total of 41 viable Jack/Ed fanfics 3 of which are mine and a good 30 of which I have read#and guess what#looked through all of them#2 are still about Izzy#one is about Ed and Izzy's relationship they just don't have sex#and one my friends is about Izzy being hornigold's bedwarmer#it's a great kink flex but I'm not into it#so actually its more like 39#and again I've read more than half of them so
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qeyond · 1 year
does anyone know if theres a death note discord? nothing too huge... like if its 500+ ACTIVE ppl ill probably be too scared to say anything... but I think it'd be fun :3!
Please only adult/19+ servers. I'm NOT looking for nsfw exclusive servers, tho there being nsfw channels is totally fine, I would just feel more comfy in a server with no minors. <3
or... if anyone with some experience running servers and wants to collab, I'd be down to help build a discord! I think it'd be a great way to share art and wips and fanfics and joke around and make friends!
I will be honest and say I CANNOT be an interpersonal/confrontational/dispute type mod tho, so if there are ppl that are more suited for that, that would be perfect! :3
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duckmumbo · 2 years
Y’know, if there’s one thing I’ll always recommend, it’s making a compilation of mood lifters for yourself. Like, take a screenshot of anything someone says to or about you that makes you happy, and put it somewhere you can easily find if you need it. Make it a channel in your discord server, make it a google docs, put it in your notes app, print it out and put it in a fancy box or make a scrapbook, just put it somewhere that you know it is and you can go look at it whenever you’re sad or insecure or just need something nice to look at
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trifolium-aries · 1 year
I have alot of thoughts abt p03. Not just gay ones
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
actual footage of me whenever people say they like my ideas or ocs
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[Image Description: A picture of a cream-colored cat being pet by a person with pale skin. The cat’s head is tilted back and it seems to have a smile on its face as though it’s enjoying being pet. The image is slightly blurry, implying that it’s being pet very quickly. End ID.]
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twilightgoldenhour · 2 years
i have another fic series in the works (that has been in the works for like at minimum a year) and i’m like frothing at the mouth wanting to post it for that sweet, sweet dopamine but i also don’t want to post it until i have the plot and more than like, a singular chapter written out and i’m like
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furrysmp · 2 months
congrats to everyone that is still following me after I saw I had way too many followers to not have at least one antisemitic person following me, the fact that you don't think I murder children for fun is truly a comfort
#I wish this was /s but no genuinely#Had 22 followers. Every time I reach past 20 at least one is antisemitic#I now have 15 followers#thanks for not hating me for being born in a country once btw#Like listen I don't mind if you mass reblog propal stuff. That's good#Just please make sure it's not the posts that talk about how israelis are all evil and want to murder everyone#And maybe reblog. One post about how there's a lot of antisemitism in propal spaces#And how you don't want to make the jews on your blog scared or uncomfortable over that#Just one post. It doesn't have to be praising israel bc fuck knows I hate our current government so much#But I see posts about how secular jews in israel are actually european colonizers roleplaying#And I think about how 100 years ago my great grandparents moved here#And how I'm genuinely scared for my sister who is visiting friends in the uk in a month#And how I'm scared for myself if I ever leave this country again#Because apparently me not wanting to die is controversial in all my political spaces#Except for pro israelis leftist spaces#And that's really sad#That I don't feel safe with yall anymore#Idk#I once joined a mcytblr discord server#The first day I'm there someone asks to “censor i/p” and gets the response “just don't look at the vent channel”#So. I looked.#Not a single person in that server cared enough to say “but it's not all israelis” at the people raving about i/p#Like people out there saying I on a personal level would be happy to murder people because of where I was born#I still get squirmy killing spiders that have rather painful bites. I could never hurt another human on purpose#And they just kept agreeing with each other in the most echo-chamber-y way#So. I left that server#And now I barely do mcyt fandom stuff because I'm scared of getting attention#I don't want attention on my blog or on me as a person#Because at least one in 20 followers will cheer if I get murdered#And that's fucking heartbreaking
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area51-escapee · 3 months
Brainrot so severe I gave a pair of my oc’s one of those cutesy shipping names that would trip up someone not familiar with them just because it fit them so well I start giggling and kicking my feet when I think about it
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