notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
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Not At Odds
Ceasefire Now + Bring Them Home Now
Jewish & Palestinian safety & freedom are not at odds with each other; they are interconnected. These things can must coexist.
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chaikachi · 2 months
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"It's okay, it's okay, you're still here." "It's okay, it's okay, I'm right here."
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zegalba · 1 year
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actually sobbing abt this wtf
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spacedlexi · 6 months
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surprising absolutely nobody!!!!!
also i liked it with just the blocking :)
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angryaromantics · 1 year
Living under amatanormativity can be exhausting, but there are good people out there. I have this friend who sends me almost every aro post that she finds on her dash. I think she might only follow them because of me. I have another that spent three days straight researching aromanticism because they wanted to be a good ally. My sister has accepted me so wholeheartedly that the thought of me dating is now horrifying to her. And us aros have each other's backs.
And yeah, none of that makes up for the amatonormative world we live in, but it brings some light into your life, doesn’t it? Sure, the sky is black, but aren't the stars worth living for? 🌟🌙
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Like trees
We stand apart
While our roots entangle
Under the surface
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vigilskeep · 19 days
I’m obsessed with bea!! so how did get badasss rogue skills as a little chantry mouse?
her aunt!!
some extra bea lore, to explain the situation: her father was guilty and distant, never wanting to actually pack her off to the chantry or a marriage like he was supposed to, because he regretted what happened to her mother when forced into the wrong life too young. this made bea’s elder half-siblings anxious; he’d married her mother because it was politically advantageous, because she came from a much more powerful family than their mother. as long as bea wasn’t vanished off like a proper youngest sibling, she felt like a threat to their inheritance
as you can imagine, that was a pretty isolating big house to grow up in. she was a little bullied by her siblings when they were younger; she downplays this as kids being kids but she did learn to pick locks because she occasionally got locked in places. when they grew out of that she stopped getting any attention at all, and that was sometimes almost worse. she wasn’t really bold enough or socially gifted enough to seek company outside of the family. she was a lonely kid and she spent a lot of time with books, in the chapel, or with the trevelyan family’s beloved horses. (all trevelyans are horse girls whether you like it or not)
so what bea looked forward to more than anything were breaks from that loneliness: the occasional visits of her aunt.
her aunt was the previous generation’s youngest trevelyan sibling handed off to the chantry, and a templar. butch lesbian, very close-cropped hair, lot of muscle, heavier frown lines than she really should have had at her age. sad-eyed and serious whenever she didn’t realise bea was looking at her. but she was always very affectionate to bea, having been in that position of the youngest just waiting to be sent away. she’s the one who used to call her bea! and a variety of increasingly nonsensical nicknames. “lady bea, lady bug,” she used to say. “my little bumble bea. what have you been up to while i was gone?”
and bea would say, “ummm. reading?”
and her aunt would shake her head. “that’s no good,” she’d say. “that’s no good at all. it’s a dangerous world out there for a little bea, and books won’t protect you. you’d better learn how to sting.”
and bea would say, “but auntie, bumblebees die when they sting, i read about it!” and her aunt would laugh and ruffle her hair and say she was too smart for her own good.
but bea did want to impress her aunt and make her smile when she came, more than anything, so she went very bravely to... someone, maybe a fencing master kept on for her elder siblings, maybe her father or a roguish friend of her father’s, maybe even to one of her elder siblings, and she insisted on being trained. (it would be interesting if it was someone older, who’d also trained her mother, who was of course good enough to be noticed by the wardens.) whoever trained her, they were very grim-faced about it, never letting slip how good she was and insisting it was only the basics of self-defence that she was struggling to reach. not a particularly kind approach, but definitely one that made her work as hard as she did, for better or worse. and she loved the work. it turned out fighting was even better than horseriding for letting her quiet her busy thoughts and just move
i did not expect this response to get as long as it did so to round off this information... it was her aunt, tired of seeing bea pushed aside and kept at home, who insisted on taking her to the conclave to finally go out into the world and see something important happen. naturally, only one of them came back
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What is the Tree of Feelings SEKAI?
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The Tree of Feelings SEKAI (often called the Tree SEKAI within the fandom, and for the rest of this post) is a mysterious SEKAI that first appears in Miku's Where Feelings Come Together Colorful Festival story, although it reappears in the Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings and Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI! events.
The SEKAI isn't actually a proper SEKAI, but actually a Fragment SEKAI: it appears in response to shared feelings and will disappear again once those have been resolved. Additionally, it can be accessed through a Fragment of Feelings, the same way you would enter a Fragment SEKAI. Although, some characters are shown to be forcibly teleported there by their phones, something which has never been shown with other Fragment SEKAI so far.
However, whose Fragment SEKAI is this? It first appears in Miku's Colorful Festival story, so it must be hers, right? Well, not exactly.
Miku's Where Feelings Come Together story starts off in Shibuya, with Ichika watching a PV for an upcoming Virtual Singer fan festival (the one she later attends in the Scramble Fan FESTA! event). She considers participating in the festival with Leo/need, and her train of thought runs to Miku in the School SEKAI. Meanwhile, Kohane and Minori are out shopping together, and watch the same PV. Minori comments on how cute Miku is and how she sparkles on stage, thinking of her own Miku. Kohane, on the other hand, says that she likes it when Miku looks really cool, also with her own Miku in mind. At the same time, Kanade is walking home after visiting her dad, and sees the same PV. She's reminded that she wanted to pick up a Virtual Singer CD, and how she never would've been interested in Miku had it not been for the Empty SEKAI.
Between the SEKAI, Miku's base form senses warm and gentle feelings gathering, and starts to realise that something is happening, but doesn't reveal what it is.
In the Wonderland SEKAI, Tsukasa is trying to find Miku, since she promised to help him with rehearsals. He thinks back to his first meeting with the Virtual Singers, and how helpful they ended up being to the point he frequently visits the SEKAI now. After deciding that he should show them his appreciation, a ball of light appears, taking him to a mysterious SEKAI, the Tree SEKAI.
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As it turns out, Ichika, Minori, Kohane and Kanade were also teleported to the Tree SEKAI, although in their cases, it was because their phone flashed, similarly to how they (excluding Kanade) were first introduced to the SEKAI during the main story. While they all try to explain to each other how they got there, Miku reveals herself to the others (and confirms that Tsukasa was transported via a Fragment of Feelings).
Miku explains that the Tree SEKAI came to be because of the intertwined feelings of the five. She explains that it isn't quite ready to become a full-fledged SEKAI yet, outright confirming that it is a Fragment SEKAI. She adds that the SEKAI is filled with warmth that has a certain someone in mind, and asks what the five were thinking about before coming to the Tree SEKAI. They realise that they were all thinking about Miku, or their respective Mikus, and in response, Miku beckons them all over to the tree.
In the tree, all of them find items belonging to them. Kanade finds sheet music for her songs, Kohane finds flyers for STAY GOLD and RAD WEEKEND, Tsukasa finds the script for Pegasus Odyssey, the first show he wrote for Wonderlands x Showtime, and Minori finds a promotional photo for MORE MORE JUMP! that she had Kohane take after the group was formed. Ichika then finds the wish plaques that she and the other members of Leo/need wrote at New Years, as well as some of her sheet music and lyrics. Miku concludes that the tree must be a wishing tree of sorts, made from their feelings together, as well as their hopes and dreams.
Ichika then questions how the fact they were all thinking of Miku connects to this tree. Miku explains that they - the Mikus from each SEKAI, and not just this Miku - want the feelings of the people they watch over to keep growing and moving forward. So the Wishing Tree isn't just their tree, it's also Mikus' tree, nurtured by their hopes and dreams for everyone.
Everyone was able to find their true feelings thanks to a Miku, and as a result the tree was able to flourish. Miku thanks the five for placing their trust in "her", but the five agree that they should be the ones thanking her. The SEKAI begins to disappear once they have exchanged thanks, and Miku explains that since this is not a full SEKAI yet, it will return to being a Fragment. However, it won't be gone forever, and one day, when the sapling becomes a fully grown tree, they might be able to...
The five return to where they were before, with no memory of what happened.
We actually learn a lot about the SEKAI from just this card story despite it being its first appearance. We know that despite the fact that there are several SEKAI in existence, this one was born from the shared feelings specifically between the people connected to the School, Stage, Street, Wonderland, and Empty SEKAI, as well as the base form of Miku who exists between SEKAI. Even though the SEKAI is currently only in a Fragment state, it can grow into a full SEKAI from there. Interestingly, it was confirmed in Miku's Street SEKAI 2* that SEKAI grow over time, and this new information heavily suggests that all SEKAI actually can be accessed prior to fully forming via a Fragment of Feeling (for example, the five main SEKAI in the game may possibly have been accessible prior to their full formation, although as far as we know, this didn't happen).
The second time the Treet SEKAI appears is in the Virtual Singer-focused event, Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings. This time, only the first Virtual Singers to appear in each of the five main SEKAI go to the Tree SEKAI though.
In the Empty SEKAI, the N25 members are talking about cherry blossoms with Miku, Rin, MEIKO, and Luka. The group offers to show the cherry blossoms to the Virtual Singers, although it won't be the same as seeing them in person since they will only be able to see them in their hologram forms. Miku then decides to see if there are cherry blossoms in the SEKAI, since Mafuyu's feelings have made other things appear there before. While she doesn't find anything due to the SEKAI being, well, empty, she realises that she's happy that the SEKAI still feels more lively than it did before, and that she wants to continue supporting Mafuyu. As she thinks to herself, a Fragment of Feelings appears, and transports her to the Tree SEKAI.
Meanwhile, in the Stage SEKAI, MORE MORE JUMP! helps the Virtual Singers brainstorm for their next performance. Once a spring theme is chosen, Rin decides that she wants to include falling cherry blossom petals in their concert. Everyone looks across the various stages to try and find a cherry blossom tree, but they don't have any luck. In the end, they opt for using pink lighting, so Rin goes backstage to find some lights. Rin hopes the show will go well after everything everyone has done to accommodate her cherry blossom idea, and happens to find a Fragment of Feelings at that moment.
In the Street SEKAI, MEIKO and Rin have made a new cherry blossom-themed spring menu for Crase Cafe. Vivid BAD SQUAD arrive, and discuss having a picnic under some cherry blossoms in An's neighbourhood, although this makes KAITO and Luka a bit jealous, since there are no cherry blossoms in the SEKAI. Meanwhile, Len wants to find a way to thank MEIKO and Rin for their hard work, so he tries to find a cherry blossom tree for them. He isn't able to find one, but does find a Fragment of Feelings. MEIKO walks out into the street just after he finds it, and it takes them both to the Tree SEKAI.
School SEKAI Luka finds herself already in the Tree SEKAI, and remembers finding a Fragment of Feelings on the school roof. She recalls that Leo/need and the Virtual Singers had been trying to find a cherry blossom tree for a picnic. They had been trying extra hard because cherry blossoms reminded them of Luka as well, and were disappointed that they couldn't find any. Wanting to support Leo/need and their feelings, Luka went to look for a cherry blossom tree herself, and that's how she ended up in the Tree SEKAI.
Finally in the Wonderland SEKAI, WonderlandsxShowtime are trying to create an effect of a cherry blossom petal shower for their next show. They want to use real petals, but there aren't any cherry blossoms in the SEKAI, and they don't want to use the petals from the singing flowers. In the end, Emu suggests taking some petals from the cherry blossom tree in her garden. KAITO is thankful that they're always bringing fun and interesting things over to SEKAI, and thinks of a way to repay them, deciding to look for a real chery blossom in the SEKAI. Whilst looking around, he finds the plushies. They say they have a gift for him, and present him with a Fragment of Feelings, transporting him to the Tree SEKAI.
In the Tree SEKAI, there are cherry blossom petals falling through the sky. Miku goes over to the tree to see if that's where they're coming from, and spots something sparkling on the tree. Rin spots the same sparkly things, identifying them as Minori and the others' feelings, before spotting feelings belonging to other people too. Len and MEIKO also spot that there are other feelings here, with MEIKO making the assumption that they are from other SEKAI. She also has a feeling that where they are isn't an ordinary SEKAI. Luka feels that there are other people in the SEKAI, although she can't see anyone else there. KAITO has the same feeling, but is happy that the tree is proof that everyone's feelings are growing.
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Suddenly, there is a very strong wind, and Empty SEKAI Miku briefly sees the original Miku. Empty SEKAI Miku wonders if the original Miku has been watching over everyone's feelings the whole time. The SEKAI then starts to disappear.
The original Miku briefly appears again, commenting on her surprise at everyone being there. She concludes that their individual desires to help brought them all together, and wishes them luck in future.
When Rin returns to the Stage SEKAI, she is greeted by Len and MEIKO. She tells them that she briefly saw other versions of them, and MEIKO realises they must've been from other SEKAI, and adds that nothing like that has ever happened before. In Street SEKAI, MEIKO mentions having been able to see peoples' feelings through Fragments before, but never anything like that, and she wonders if the tree SEKAI is a sort of nexus between SEKAI. In School SEKAI, Luka says the same thing, wondering if that was some sort of special fragment. In the Wonderland SEKAI, KAITO realises that they must have all been brought to the same place because of their connected feelings, and realises that they must all want to help people very much.
This event reveals that the Tree SEKAI is also controlled by the feelings of the Virtual Singers from the five main SEKAI. Despite not being the actual reason they were brought together, they managed to create cherry blossom petals in the SEKAI because they were all looking for cherry blossoms. We also learn that this SEKAI can be accessed by any shared feelings between the five SEKAI. While the five human characters accessed it because they wanted to give thanks to Miku and original Miku wanted to thank them in return, the Virtual Singers accessed it because they all wanted to help the owners/inhabitants of their SEKAI.
The MEIKOs also bring up some interesting points. They say that this has never happened before, which tells us that in the multiple years of SEKAI existing, no group of people has ever had feelings this strong and intertwined. MEIKO's idea of the Tree SEKAI being a nexus, along with Luka wondering if it was a special sort of fragment, makes a lot more sense, and could suggest that the Tree SEKAI, is neither a Fragment SEKAI or a full SEKAI, but a mysterious third type.
Also both Luka and MEIKO mention having seen the feelings of the humans in their SEKAI through Fragments before, despite neither of them having appeared in a Colorful Festival story at this point, implying that there may be other Fragment SEKAI that the human characters never accessed.
The most recent appearance of the Tree SEKAI was in the second Virtual Singer-focused event, Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI! event. Although this time, things were a little different.
After everything that had happened in the past year, the Virtual Singers want to do something to support and encourage the owners of their respective SEKAI as they move forward in their journeys.
While all of them are discussing ideas and planning shows, the original Miku is watching over them from between SEKAI. She's then joined by the other original Virtual Singers, who were also curious about what's going on in the different SEKAI. Miku wishes she could do more to help the "them" in SEKAI who are trying hard to support the people in their SEKAI.
In the Stage SEKAI, Luka and the others are practising a special performance dedicated to MORE MORE JUMP!. Luka wants to keep trying harder because MMJ has always done the same and she wants to support them. At that moment, a Fragment of Feelings appears in front of her and teleports her away.
Meanwhile, in the Wonderland SEKAI, Miku and the others are rehearsing a play for WonderlandsxShowtime. Miku is so happy that the members of WxS were able to smile and chase their dreams together, that she's brought to tears. It's then that she hears a mysterious voice wish her luck. This voice was actually the original Miku, speaking to Wonderland Miku from between the SEKAI. She isn't sure how she was able to do it, but she wanted to support them all a lot and just said what she wanted to. The other Virtual Singers voice their agreement, and a Fragment of Feelings appears before them.
In the School SEKAI, Len is practising his singing so that he can perform for Leo/need. However, he can't quite get it to sound the same as when Miku sang with L/n at their concert. Miku explains that she wanted to support the girls and give them a push forwards, which Len keeps in mind. After Miku leaves, Len spots a Fragment of Feelings on a chair.
In the Empty SEKAI, Rin is singing Kanade's song to herself. Rin wants to be able to sing the same way as Miku can, the same way Miku was able to sing to Mafuyu and ease her loneliness. Nearby, Miku and Len approach MEIKO, trying to find Rin. MEIKO explains that Rin is focused on something else, and says that they should leave her alone. Once Miku and Len are gone, MEIKO joins in with Rin, although she doesn't think she can sing the same way Rin can. As they sing together, a Fragment of Feelings appears, and transports them to another SEKAI.
Back in the Wonderland SEKAI, Miku talks to KAITO about the voice she heard and the feeling of being watched. KAITO is able to relate to that, and says that it might be the other "them" cheering them on. This gets Miku excited, and she says that she wants to meet the other "them". And as luck may have it, a Fragment of Feelings appears.
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This time we're somewhere slightly different though. It's never actually stated if this is the same as the Tree SEKAI or somewhere totally different, although it is a fairly similar landscape.
Wonderland Miku has a look at the fragments floating around, and spots the Wonderland SEKAI in one of them. Excited, she then has a look at the other fragments to see what SEKAI they contain.
The original Virtual Singers find themselves in the same mysterious place. KAITO reckons that the place is made of someone's feelings, and Rin concludes that it's a Fragment SEKAI, although they're not sure exactly what feelings it was made from, or whose SEKAI it is. The group then spots the floating fragments, and realises that this is a SEKAI that connects other SEKAI together. The group splits up to investigate some more, and end up running into "themselves".
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The original Rin meets Empty SEKAI Rin, and asks if they can sing together because Empty Rin is such a beautiful singer. The original MEIKO joins Empty MEIKO at the same time, and thanks "herself" for always watching over N25.
Street SEKAI KAITO is here too, and runs into his original self. Street KAITO thinks "himself" is very cool, and admits he isn't really sure what he's doing here, but he's glad that they were able to meet. The original KAITO thanks Street KAITO for always working hard to help Vivid BAD SQUAD.
The Lens meet next. The original Len thinks School SEKAI Len's maturity and musical skills are really cool, and says that they both have to try their best in future. Then it's the Lukas turn. The original Luka thinks it's wonderful that Stage SEKAI Luka is able to bring hope to people as an idol, and says that she was able to give her hope too. Hearing these words, Stage Luka is motivated to try even harder.
Finally, it's the Mikus turn to meet. The original praises Wonderland Miku for her exciting shows that are able to make everyone smile. She believes that as long as Wonderland Miku is by everyone's side, everything will be fine, and she tells her to keep doing her best for them. Wonderland Miku asks to know more about the original Miku, but as soon as she starts to respond, the SEKAI begins to disappear.
This instance of the Tree SEKAI appearing actually leaves us with more questions that answers, and obviously the big question is if this is even the Tree SEKAI.
As mentioned, the appearance is fairly similar. Both SEKAI have a large field, and the sky is identical between the Tree SEKAI illustrations and Rin's Another Version of Me untrained 4* above. Aside from the lack of a tree, which could easily be excused by this possibly being a different part of that Fragment SEKAI, the field is noticeably different. The SEKAI in this event has flowering, bright green fields, while in Sakura Across SEKAI and Miku's Colorful Festival story, the field is a different shade of green and lacks any flowers. The grass is also a bit patchy in those older stories. A last detail that suggests these might be different SEKAI is that Miku doesn't recognise it.
However, I do believe that these are the same SEKAI. Firstly, both SEKAI are a bridge between the five we see in the game. GIven that the Tree SEKAI already exists, it feels very unlikely that another SEKAI serving the exact same purpose would be born, let alone looking extremely similar. As for the differences in appearance? The SEKAI grew of course. As mentioned earlier in this post, Street SEKAI Miku explains very early on in the game that SEKAI grow and develop over time if the feelings that created them don't dwindle. The original Miku alludes to it in her Colorful Festival story as well. I think that that could easily explain why the fields look healthier and are flowering now - because they grew with the feelings of those from the five SEKAI.
And a bit more on the meta side, I want to mention the flowers specifically. Obviously, between the second and third year of the game, this SEKAI went from being an empty field aside from a single tree, to being filled with flowers in it's next appearance. While this is already explained by the theory that it's the same SEKAI growing with time and feelings, I would like to draw attention to the tagline for the third year of the game: Journey to Bloom. All the units made significant changes and developments in order to go further down their respective paths and get closer to their dreams. As a metaphor, they went from being small buds to blooming flowers. I think the same might apply to the Tree SEKAI as a visual metaphor.
So what is the Tree of Feelings SEKAI? Well, it's not entirely clear. Not even the Virtual Singers are entirely sure what it is, because something like it has never existed before. What we do know is that it's a sort of Fragment SEKAI that acts as a nexus between the School, Stage, Street, Wonderland, and Empty SEKAI. When the inhabitants and owners of those SEKAI have the same strong feelings at the same time, they will be transported to the Tree SEKAI and allowed to meet. Virtual Singers are able to retain their memories of being in this SEKAI, although humans cannot.
Currently, the SEKAI is still a Fragment, and can only be accessed for short periods of time. However, it is still growing, and it has been implied that it could one day become a full-fledged SEKAI.
As of posting, Miku never met the original five who unlocked the Tree SEKAI again, although this post will be revisted if any updated are made to the lore of this Fragment? Nexus? SEKAI.
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Val probably learned from Angel somehow but kept it hidden from Vox because, well, Alastor Budget
(referring to this ask)
(and context for the budget is this ask.)
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flyingcakeee · 5 months
Can we go back to the 2012 SuperNationals karting competition in Vegas please? I'm sure we all knew Lance beat George but he also beat Dalton AND Logan Sargeant? And Colton Herta? Also Marino Sato who used to do F2 and now does WEC. Also Pato O'Ward, Max Verstappen, and Charles Leclerc were in other series?
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kyonshi-8610 · 1 month
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trying sometin out // id in alt // unrelated babblings in tags
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Sorry for the terrible zoomed in screen grab but hello buck in a white tee yet again!! This is starting to get worrying and interesting in equal measure!
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So white tee above from new bts but he’s also been in a white tee in every other bts non uniform costume we’ve seen - except 2
We have this one
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This one
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And this one
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The two non white tee featuring costumes are this one
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And golf Buck
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First up - lots of white shoes - which means scenes about Buck and bucks journey to find happiness.
Then we have the fit of all of these costumes. With the exception of the golf one and sort of the vertically striped shirt one (and possibly the brown shirt one but as I can’t see much of it it’s hard to tell), they are all what I would class as loose fit and oversized. Which is not Buck at all. I wrote a lot about bucks clothes being intentionally too small in previous seasons - and how it represented him not fitting in his skin and being constrained and confined by his life. And that held true because as soon as his bisexuality was unlocked he was wearing clothes that fit him better and we saw him wearing jeans for the first time since season 1 (technically he was wearing jeans before but they were all coloured jeans - black or grey etc, but now we have him in proper indigo coloured jeans which is what I mean).
Now we’re in the territory of oversized and ill fitting. And that is pretty telling - especially in tandem with the change in colours we seem to be seeing for buck. The dark blue jacket and the greyish striped shirt are the most in keeping with bucks previous wardrobe we have seen. Everything else - including the coloured trousers is out of his wheelhouse.
Buck has pretty much always worn much bolder brighter colours - more in the jewel toned spectrum.
But now we have all these browns greens and tan colours and that’s very interesting to me. The choices made for buck for this season is starting to paint a picture.
The tan of the new bts and all the washed out and lighter greens are much more colours we associate with Athena and Eddie than Buck. They all point to the idea of conflict and combat as their colours associated with the military (which is why Eddie and Athena wear them - Athena because the police are a type of military in a literal sense)
Tan as a colour has several meanings but the two key ones that I think are most likely connected with buck are growth and healing. The lighter almost khaki greens - which have brown undertones are connected to blending in or going under the radar. There is also the meaning of growth, renewal and rebirth attached to it as a colour as well. These are all themes that seem to be likely arcs for buck this season. His bisexuality awakening g can be seen as a moment of rebirth and therefore it is fitting g to see him in these colours. Growth healing and renewal also fit with the idea of him learning about himself and because I have my theories about Tommy as a narrative device, healing seems very likely an important aspect of bucks story as well.
As for the oversized nature of the clothes - I’ve talked about it before, but it’s implying buck doesn’t yet fit in his new skin - he’s unlocked this new part of himself and now he’s figuring it out and what it all means for him.
The oversized choice is about growth - he’s got room to grow into who he is - it’s an extension of his too small clothes constraining him and I’m expecting to see a couple of things happen over the season with the oversized element of his costumes. From early on I expect to see better fits in places and around people he’s comfortable with - so around the firefam. But I also expect to see the oversized clothes when he’s uncomfortable or around people he is wary or not comfortable with- which means Tommy and possibly on some occasions around Eddie or even Maddie and Bobby. Buck doesn’t know Tommy so this is expected - especially as Tommy is connected to the newest part of buck he’s discovered. This also does fit with my theory about Tommy being a manifestation of parts of buck that buck needs to deal with - in order to live himself and embrace who he is.
The other thing I want to talk about is how so many people are claiming buck is stealing Tommys clothes or dressing like him. I want to debunk this as a concept, because it really isn’t the case at al and it creates a false narrative about bucks clothing. Tommy has worn a khaki colour way once. That’s right just the once - and it was his first non uniform costume of s7. All of his other costumes have been reds, blues, greys, or dark greens. Much more in line with bucks normal colour palette and nothing like the colours we’re seeing buck in right now. I remain convinced the first costume is also meant to be a red herring and as 7x04 is from Bucks perspective it means that costume isn’t necessarily a true representation of Tommy - it’s coloured by his jealousy.
What I’m really intrigued by and interested in is the amount of white t-shirts. Buck wearing white spells trouble in his life and to have so much of it is rather alarming! What form the trouble is going to take we have no idea - beyond Gerrard. But it seems season 8 is not going to get off to the happiest of starts for Buck!
And that’s not even going into the blue - green of it all - which I don’t have time to get into tonight but may pick up on tomorrow if I have the time!
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sunflowerius · 2 months
nothing like reading the line "one of us has to make it, mom" for the first time.
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arom-antix · 1 year
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Viktuuri week day 3: Home
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
I do think there's something special about the way that audio drama creators seem to love including cameos of voice actors from other popular audio dramas. Obviously, part of the reason why actors from one show might pop up in another is because the audio drama creator community is relatively small and interconnected, and also because those actors are very talented.
But there's also often such a sense that creators are having fun with these cameos. Like Greater Boston casting audio drama heavyweights Briggon Snow, Zach Valenti, and Felix Trench as famous film actors Matt Daemon, Ben Affleck, and Mark Wahlberg respectively. Or Faux and Stallion having Tom Crowley (who plays a Victorian detective in Victoriocity) pop up as Dr Watson. Or Unseen casting Beth Eyre and Felix Trench as characters who are twins. Or Arden getting Emma Sherr-Ziarko to play an actor impersonating a character played by her former Wolf 359 costar Michelle Agresti (with Michaela Swee also appearing as an actor impersonating the other main Arden lead).
In these cases, it's not just that there's a cameo, but that the cameo is given particular (often comedic) significance to those who are aware of the featured actor's other work. The vast majority of people wouldn't recognise any of these voices. But by doing these very intentional cameos, these creators show confidence that a fair chunk of their audience will know these actors and enjoy the link. There's an awareness that listeners of one audio drama are fairly likely to listen to (or at least be aware of) other fiction podcasts, even when the shows in question aren't of particularly similar genres. Recognising these cameos feels like being in on a secret. It feels like these shows are giving a little nod to listeners to say that we're part of the same club.
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