#i have to be. i don't know what to do anymore so i might as well just. yeah. whatever
adora-but-ginger · 1 day
Terminal Lucidity
pairing: spencer reid x gender neutral reader
synopsis: you were going to get out of there if it was the last thing you did.
warnings: typical cm violence, kidnapping events, mentions of torture, death mentions in relation to the reader and the unsub, barely some medical talk, reader saves a teen as well, all that comes with a fic about this sort of stuff, happy ending!! angst until then though
word count: ~850
a/n: wrote this in one setting whilst listening to the rep stadium tour 'i did something bad,' so that's the energy we're bringing to the table today. not proofread, and i might forget that i made this by tomorrow morning whoops.
You don't know what came over you. You had a guess, but it didn't feel right. In the medical field, they call it a surge.
A slice of time before a person's final moments where they regain an amount of energy which can lead others to believe that they have regained their health. It's fairly common.
It's also the closest thing that you could call what you experienced.
You could feel yourself dwindling, the last drops of hope leaving down the drain along with the significant amount of blood you lost. You were tied up to a chair, your wrists rung raw from trying to escape.
You didn't know where you were or how long you'd been gone, but maybe it was that fact that made you have your burst of energy. Or maybe it was the fact that you weren't the only person in this position. There was a younger person, name unknown, in a similar position to your right, and you weren't going to let what the unsub did to you happen again.
Your concussion was making everything slanted and your bones were screaming. You thought that was it, that you were at the end, until you felt a breath of fresh air. Not literally, but it felt like it.
Oddly enough, Spencer's voice ran through your head directly after.
Terminal Lucidity.
A surge.
Of course, in what was probably your last minutes, you thought of him. You hoped he knew that this wasn't his fault, that he was loved and deserved the best. You knew they had been looking, but it wasn't looking good.
If this was it, you were going to make the unsub pay.
That was how you ended up with a broken chair leg in hand, splinters shaving through the rope on the other individual. You had checked their pulse to make sure they were still breathing, much unlike the unsub now twenty feet away from you.
Like you said, a surge.
Once they were freed, you shook the teen's shoulder in a futile attempt, but you could feel yourself starting to crash. Just a little further. Get them outside with you, get to someplace with a phone, anywhere but here.
It took quite literally your all to stand them up, but thankfully they started to come to as you did so.
They reasonably panicked, but it seemed like they were a little better health wise than you. Good, they will make it out. Once they took notice of the situation, you nodded your head. "We don't need to worry about him anymore. We just need to get out."
"We're on a first floor." Oh, thank goodness.
"We are?"
"Your arm looks bad." You threw their arm over your shoulder, yours mirroring. Even if you two had to drag the other out, you were getting out of here.
"You should see the other guy." One step. Another. "Do you have a phone?"
It was getting harder to walk. "No, he took it."
"That's okay."
You didn't know each other's names, but that didn't matter. They were clearly in a better stance than you, and so when your face hit the true fresh air, you made sure to have them repeat Spencer's number to you, knowing they had it memorized, before sending them off to the nearest payphone. They could walk better than you could, and you could feel the energy crashing. You were on the ground now, them long gone, and you made note of the soft grass between your fingers, the sounds of the birds welcoming your exit.
All you could do, as your eyes shut, was hope.
Your last moments were of the one you loved, the genius who you would plead to the stars to not blame himself for this. They were of the last night you spent with Spencer, watching the stars. You were going to see the stars with him again, you had to.
Death was giving you a headache, and it was making you fed up. Your name was continuously being yelled into your ear, and for some reason death sounded like...Spencer? What kind of joke was that?
Until your eyes opened, and his started to cry.
This was why you were confused. You thought you went through a surge. If it wasn't that, then what the hell was it? Maybe just the innate yearning for survival, which you were incredibly glad for. The shouting of your name turned to whispers as you felt your partner's arms holding you, rocking you back and forth.
"It's okay, you're okay."
And for the first time in who knows how long, a smile fell across your face. "Is the kid okay?"
"Yeah, yeah they are. You will be too. EMTs are on their way, just stay with me."
"Spencer?" Your eyes fluttered, sleep beckoning you.
"Hmm? Keep those eyes open for me."
"You came." His hand was rubbing your arm, and you could vaguely see a stray curl of his fall from his head into his face.
He pressed a delicate, feather-like kiss to your forehead. "You called."
You answered sleeps call, and were pleasantly surprised to wake to the sounds of a machine beeping. A hospital.
Squinting, you could make out your partner asleep in the chair next to you bed, hand in yours.
Things were going to be okay.
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hyuuukais · 3 days
heyllo :3
can i request reader x chan? reader is overwhelmed but keeps it in because that’s what they see chan doing a lot of the time. but eventually it builds to a breaking point where the stress causes them to completely shut down. chan doesn’t know exactly what’s wrong so it might be cute if he just sits on the floor in front of reader and plays clips from a song he’s working on and asks for their opinion (by basically talking out loud to himself) and then after reader calms down they are able to verbalize they just need a human weighted blanket and to be told they are doing amazing and their efforts are not going unnoticed.
im fine. 🥲
just hold me, tell me you love me
pairing : chan x reader
notes : me vs the long title. anyway thank uuu for being my first request! i hope this lives up to ur expectations and can provide u some comfort 🫶 sending u hugs and love 🫂💙 sorry it's taken a bit long to get back to! kind of was getting this feeling myself and have been unable to write, but i think i'm getting back
warnings : reader is overwhelmed, mentions of anxiety, fear of opening up to someone, reader is called pet names (love, baby), reader breaks down
wc : 1.4k
All week there's been a growing pressure in your chest threatening to spill all over the floor and leave you a mess, lying on the ground with nothing else to give. Give, you've given all you can, and now that you're home, you can't do it anymore. You seek peace in the quiet of your shared bedroom, your boyfriend still at work in his studio.
Your boyfriend, who works hard day and night. Your boyfriend, who's loving and caring and sweet. Your boyfriend, who you're scared to open up to when things get really hard, because he doesn't share with you either. Although the relationship isn't fresh, going on a year and a half, there are still things you don't talk about. You don't want to burden him with your struggles when you've always been able to power through by yourself.
Fisting the sheets under you, you can feel the need to cry in your body, the hollow feeling in your chest and the tightness in your throat, but nothing comes. It's like your body knows you're too tired for even that simple of an action, for even one tear to slip. So instead, you sit the the blanket over you, face peeking out to stare at the wall with tired eyes. You can't sleep. If you close your eyes, you know you won't drift off and wake up feeling better, you'll just lie there for hours.
Something spikes in you when you hear Chans voice ring out through the apartment, curling into yourself more. He shouldn't be home this early and yet, here he is, calling your name and wondering where you are; you're never in bed this early. Chan continues to call out for you until you hear the bedroom door opening quietly.
"Love?" Chans footsteps get closer, and you can feel the edge of the bed dip with his weight as he sits down. "My love..."
His hand brushes over your shoulder, but you can't face him. When you bring the blanket over your head more, he seems to get the hint, shifting to lean against the headboard next to the statue that is your body, unmoving and heavy. You can feel him fiddling beside you, and soon, a soft melody fills your ears. It's enough to distract you temporarily from the raging storm in your head, focusing on the beats, and when Chans voice comes through, it's like you can feel a sense of comfort washing over you. Although it's not enough to completely take these feelings away, you're grateful for what he's doing.
"This song has been giving me trouble," Chan comments over the music, sighing heavily. "I can't figure out if I like the chorus or not, and it feels like it's missing something in general, but I don't know what. What do you think, baby?"
Unable to answer verbally, but still wanting him to know you're listening, you roll around so you're facing him. He chuckles as you bury your face under his thigh when you see he's sitting cross-legged, the pressure on your face oddly comforting. Chan places a hand on your back, his arm resting behind your head as he rubs small circles over your thick layer of blanket. Another song starts playing after a while, another soft one, too. You relax under his touch, feeling the vibrations through his body as he hums along to this one and makes occasional comments about changes he'd like to make.
Exhaustion hits you like a ton of bricks, your eyes fluttering shut as he keep playing different songs and telling you all about them. Both of you are aware that he shouldn't be playing so much unreleased music, but all Chan cares about in this moment is you, helping you, calming you, loving you. The company will never know anyway.
"Chan," You whisper, voice barely audible. His humming stops and he pauses the music, looking down at your limp form with furrowed brows. Moving your head slightly, you're able to look up at him on an angle, the cool air of the bedroom breaching your blanket cocoon.
"What is it, baby?" Chan moves some hair from your face, leaving this palm to rest on your cheek.
"Can you just-" You clear your throat, one hand coming up to play with the hem of his shorts at his knee to calm you more. "Just hold me, tell me you love me?"
Without words, he shifts down to your level and nods. Carefully, Chan guides you to face away from him and brings you close to his body, your back pressed tightly against his chest. His chin rests on your shoulder, now enveloped inside your blanket as he holds onto you tightly, scared that if he let's go, you'll fade away. The thought of you being in so much pain, whether physical or emotional, is something he can't bear; he can't sit on the sidelines and watch you wither away. Neither of you speak as you lie there for what feels like hours, although it must only be a few minutes. The feeling of Chan's breath on your neck is oddly comforting, your own hands finding his arm around your waist and holding onto him.
Something about the way Chan is holding you, comforting you without the pressure of being asked what's wrong, has you finally breaking down. It starts small, holding back a few tears, but a few escaping despite your efforts. Then Chan shifts closer, pressing soft lips on the skin behind your ear.
"I love you, you know that? So, so much," He whispers, inhaling the scent of your shampoo as he buries his face into your hair. "You're doing amazing, baby, and I mean that. I thought... I thought something might have been wrong, but I didn't know how to go about this. I'm sorry it got to this point, I should have asked. I want you to know you can always turn to me, okay?"
His words have the dam breaking and soon enough, the sobs ripping from your chest have you gasping and hiccupping like there's no tomorrow. You don't register the way Chan tries to soothe you as he pulls you around and into his chest. Subconsciously, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and roll his body onto yours, his head sitting in the crook of your neck. The weight feels nice, grounding, and you can finally hear Chan speaking again.
"Shhh, it's okay, you're okay." Chan whispers into the skin of your neck, one of his hands smoothing back your hair. "You're okay, I'm here, now breathe, alright? Breathe, baby."
He inhales deeply, and you do your best to mimic his movements. It's shaky, but you're doing it.
"Good job, you're doing great," Chan keeps his voice low as he speaks. "Keep breathing."
It gets to the point where you don't need to think about breathing anymore, your head throbbing slightly from the sudden outburst of emotion. Chan's body stays on yours, but he props himself up enough to look at you, his palm on your cheek and his thumb wiping away any remaining tears. You can barely look him in the eye.
All he does is stare at you with those pretty, dark eyes, but you realize there's a dampness under them matching yours. You open your mouth to question it, but he shakes his head, a soft smile on his face.
"I don't want you to be in pain alone ever again." His thumb continues to caress your cheek, even though the tears have dried. "I love you too much to let you go through that. Whatever's going on, tell me when you're ready, yeah? For now, just let me gush about my beautiful partner until they're feeling better."
You can't help the small laugh that escapes you as Chan surges up to pepper your face in kisses, saying praises in between each one. With every kiss, you can feel your face heating up until you try and cover it, but he just grabs your wrists and pulls your hands away. Eventually, he slows down, pressing one last kiss directly on your lips, and settles back onto you.
"Let's stay like this for a while," Chan suggests, knowing you need it, but so does he. "My favourite place is in your arms."
─── taglist : @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom
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ssahotchnerr · 10 hours
Jack still sort of maintaining a relationship with Roy the first few years after Haley dies (Aaron thought it was important to maintain those connections for Jack even tho it hurt Aaron to do 😭 it was easy with Jess who he loves but SUCKED with Roy) but he gets extremely exclusionary once Ellie is born. Him being like “I will spend time with MY grandson who belonged to MY daughter but I will not be wasting my time, energy, and money on a child you’ve had with another woman. A child who – might I point out – would not have been born if you stayed married to my daughter and didn’t get her killed in the first place.”
Aaron being pissed on Ellie’s behalf (and his feelings are hurt tbh) and you being pissed on both of their behalfs. But, unexpectedly, Hc that Jack overheard this conversation and basically says to Aaron the next time Roy wants to take him somewhere (Aaron didn’t want to make HIM feel bad on top of everything else by banning him from seeing his grandfather, so he was gonna let him go), “I don’t want to spend time with grandpa Roy if he’s gonna be mean to Ellie. Thank you, but I’ll stay here.” SUCH A GOOD BIG BROTHERRRRR you and Aaron are so proud 🥺❤️
roy just completely refuses to acknowledge that ellie exists 😭
it happened right from the start: when aaron shared the two of you were expecting, roy brushed it off, muttering something incoherently in response. after she's born, aaron invites him over for family dinners, he refuses to come. he's invited to ellie's first, second, third birthday party, doesn't come. every time he comes over, he acts like he's never seen her before. disregarding her completely.
it becomes very clear very fast that he wants to spend time with jack and jack only. as much as aaron hates to admit it, in a way, he understands. roy's bitter about what happened to haley, so this was somewhat expected. it's a different situation that's hard to navigate - ellie isn't related to him, so if roy doesn't want to bring her along to places, whatever, aaron's not going to force roy to do anything. the issue is what an issue it is. how ellie is being treated.
it's more of a problem when ellie is a bit older, and wants to tag along with jack wherever he goes. she just wants to be included 🥺 sweet ellie simply says hi when roy comes over to pick up jack, he ignores her. the next time, she draws him a picture, and he doesn't accept it.
aaron gently confronts him, and that's when roy brings up haley and how this child is a disgrace to her. imagine he full-on admits he wishes she never existed?? 😭 ellie's a product of what happened to haley, he'll never forgive aaron for getting her killed, so he'll never accept this child's existence. she shouldn't exist.
that angers aaron and he starts going off - ellie is a part of this family, whether you like it or not. and fine, you don't have to love her (saying that SHATTERS aaron's heart) but do not treat her like she's nothing. aaron won't let that stand.
it starts a huge argument 🥺 roy refuses speak to aaron, except when it comes to arranging his time with jack, and the conversation is very short at that. he doesn't speak much to you either (never has). again in his eyes - you're haley's replacement. jack's new "mom"
and it's especially sad because ellie knows about haley too :( - not the story, but the simple, good things: jack has another mommy, she's not here with us anymore but you can talk to her with a candle. haley has never been a avoided topic in the house, she's encouraged. and so ellie loves haley in her own way :( so to call her a disgrace in haley's name?? when she's also keeping haley's memory alive? :((((
you feel awful. you know how hurt aaron is but he doesn't allow himself to show it. he hates talking about it, and he's always in a mood whenever roy's with jack. you feel awful for your daughter who doesn't know what's going on. you feel awful for jack who's taking an unnecessary weight on his shoulders in terms of this too.
ellie's confused and upset, this is the first person who's ever shown her unkindness. aaron gently tries to explain, but also, how do you explain this to a toddler? so he simply apologizes and scoops her up into his arms and holds her close :( he feels awful, and as if he's failing her in someway. this is "his fault", isn't it? 😭
so if roy's taking jack out, aaron or you, or both combined, take ellie out for the day to do something fun. or try to keep jack heading out on the down-low. it sucks, you still both encourage jack to spend time with his grandfather - maintaining that important relationship - even though it's exceedingly complicated behind the scenes.
and jack, being the sweet sensitive kid he is, picks up on the tension immediately. and he's torn 🥺 he wants to appease his grandfather, knows what he's doing isn't right, but also doesn't want to betray his little sister, letting behavior like this continue. he feels guilty :( he takes the initiative and brings it up to roy himself, asking if ellie can come with them someday, like to the zoo or to a movie. but roy's pretty level-headed and his mind is made up - absolutely no ellie.
so jack gets really upset :( he gets home one day and cries about it :((( you're trying to console him, as is aaron (who's close to tears himself), and ellie wanders over :( she gets sad whenever jack is sad :( and while she has no idea what's going on exactly, she just buries herself right up into jack's side as he's crying. to comfort him too 🥺🫶🏻
overall it's a reallyyyy messy situation, one that you can only hope resolves with time :(
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bonefall · 2 days
Thoughts on Wasp? I like the idea of cats joining that turn out that the Clans aren’t great… but also it feels… weird? Like it seems like another “lazy cat bad” on some levels. I don’t mind him not joining the Clans but these “outsider learns they’re not fit for the Clans” things always give me a pause from the Erins. Also interested in how you would handle him!
Moonkitti's video on him is really well worded, if you haven't seen it yet. I do think he's different from the way that other books tend to portray outsiders in that they are saying that he was driven away by the xenophobia of the Clans... but.
They still make him extremely disinterested in Clan life while he's in ThunderClan. I think that was a massive blunder to write, if the thing they're trying to say is "XENOPHOBIA PREVENTS OTHERWISE ENTHUSIASTIC MIGRATION"
It would have hit harder if it was Wafflepaw who tried to run to RiverClan, got assaulted, and then didn't want to be a Clan cat anymore.
Wafflepaw WANTS to be a warrior. Wasp did not. It reads more like Wasp getting hate crime'd was a "last straw" more than THE reason why he won't stay.
That's where you're getting that vibe they're saying "lazy cat bad," imo. It's a bit different from usual, but it still seems like the narrative is saying that Wasp really didn't belong here anyway.
(no, Nightheart's moment where he looks at the camera and says "he could have been fine!" doesn't change that they showed, in their text, with the actions they wrote, that Wasp was not enjoying being part of the Clans anyway. If that was their intended thesis, their writing was sloppy.)
It feels especially weird that Bee didn't go with Frostpaw. Bee was the character with a lot more setup and that strange dream. A lot of people were confusing Bee and Wasp when the book first came out and I don't blame them.
Most importantly, you can't talk about Wasp without also mentioning one of THE worst lines I think has ever been written into a Warrior Cats book. The part where tigerHeartstar says, "Those cats who just committed a hate crime were perfectly good people before the evil dictator took over. If we kill the evil dictator, I'm sure they'll CHANGE BACK"
CHANGE BACK... me bringing my evil dollars up to the villain store and exchanging it for racism coins... change back...
So when I get around to it, I'm going to evaluate if Wasp is even actually necessary in the form he's in. BB is already about xenophobia and bigotry and the harm it does. Frostpaw has no shortage of examples to witness what Thistle Law is, and what it does to those excluded from Clan Culture.
When I first made my Family Tree for RiverClan, I actually ended up making Splashstar's MOM, Havenpelt, an ex-rogue. I think seeing him order a hate crime against his own mother would be a LOT more impactful here, actually.
What Frostpaw DOES need is allies and friends. I'm already starting by expanding her little "DND Party," a word I'm using to affectionately refer to some cats who will be following her home from her pilgrimage to the Park. 99% chance that Nightheart is going to become a permanent member of this party, joining RiverClan at the end of ASC. Waffle will be another. She'll probably also pick up a Tribe cat.
Wasp will be on this party, but I won't decide what happens to them until I see what that last book has in store. Who knows, he might come back (though I hope not, run as far away from these ghouls as possible Wasp!!)
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How do you think TR boys would react if they accidently hurt their s/o, like, in a fit of anger, or during a couple fight?
Preferably, Baji, Chifuyu, Mikey, and Kazutora? But anybody you want is fine!
Like physically? I don't think any of them would swing on their partner even if they were annoyed so I came up with a scenario I think could happen which results in the reader being accidentally physically hurt!
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He was so angry right now, the two of you had been arguing over the same thing for the past hour but nothing was getting better. The two of you were just going round in circles and it was starting to frustrate him further. He punched the wall in anger, momentarily not caring about the sound of a frame smashing to the floor. He didn't even turn around to look at it, not until he heard a different noise.
You hissed in pain as the glass cut your finger, you were only trying to clean up the mess but now you were bleeding.
Frowning at the noise, Baji immediately comes rushing over to you, elevating your hand and applying pressure. He can't bear to see you in pain so quickly tries to sort it out himself.
He's still a little mad at you but not enough to ignore you like this. Truthfully he's more mad at himself, cursing his impulsiveness under his breath.
Apologises then tells you to sit down while he cleans his own mess up.
He still intends to discuss the problem with you tomorrow but decides to try and not let his anger get the better of him this time. But for the rest of today he just wants to be close to you.
After hearing your sudden hiss in pain, he whips his head around so fast you think he might hurt himself in a second.
Immediately comes over to you, trying to stop the bleeding and profusely apologising.
Feels extremely guilty and is on the verge of tears the whole time, it's his fault you got hurt!
He doesn't do a very good job with your injury because he's panicking so much.
You both end up kinda having to reassure and comfort each other
The problem is entirely forgotten, he doesn't even care anymore.
Becomes even more caring after, he just wants you to know he'd never do that on purpose and he really is sorry.
Doesn't actually undertake what that hiss noise was at first. You have no reason to be in pain so he's sure it isn't you. Looks around with a confused look until he notices you kneeling on the floor, holding your now bleeding hand.
Sucks in sharp breath as his eyes widen, did he do that???
Jumps into action after a moments pause, grabbing as many tissues as he can and running over to you.
Asks you how it happens exactly, like he still can't believe it was a result of his actions.
Get's such a hurt look on his face after you quickly tell him. He feels so guilty, like he just ruined everything. He's the worst.
He continues helping you while apologising in the saddest tone you've ever heard from him. Avoids eye contact with you until you tell him to look at you.
Needs reassurance that you forgive him (if you do).
Promises to never punch the wall again, then runs out to buy a new frame as well as taiyaki for both of you. The argument is completely forgotten.
Freezes the second he hears the sound come out your mouth, he's heard similar noises enough times to know what they mean.
Turns around immediately, eyes going wide as he sees you.
Panic and dread sets in, he freezes and time feels like it's slowed down for him. He did this, he hurt you. He really is just like his father.
He wants to run away, out of the room and from the situation but he can't, can't just leave you there.
Taking a deep breath, he moves towards you, trying to be as gentle as he can with your injury while he helps you.
You have to say his name a few times before his attention is on your words. It's then that he suddenly realises he was so focused on your injury that he hasn't apologised yet.
A string of sorry's slip out, as he tries to tell you how he never wanted this to happen.
Definitely needs you to communicate your forgiveness and reassure him that it was just an accident (if you do forgive him).
Spends the rest of the day trying to make it up to you in little ways, even after you tell him he doesn't need to.
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mariaace · 2 days
gut wrenching angst. rin. insecure rin. do it. PLEASEEEEE 😭😭😭
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Warnings:angst (w/comfort); insecure Rin; established relationship
Genre:Angst (w/comfort) Type:one-shot
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'Was it really worth it?' 'What if i never make it?' 'What if Yoichi is actually better?' 'What if...' What if. Those were the thoughts running through Rin's mind right now. Did he often think about that? Yes. Does anyone know? No, well at least he didn't want anyone to know. But at the same time...
Ugh he couldn't keep up like this anymore. *Can you come over?* Was the texts you got from him. *Yeah, sure.* Rin is currently sitting with his legs crossed on his bed thinking and thinking and thinking...
What if things don't turn out the right way? What if Sae hates him forever? What if he fails to be become the best??? What if?? What if... "Breathe." He said to himself. He took a deep breath, bust still couldn't get these thoughts out of his head.
They just kept going. It was like he was having flashbacks. Was he all alone? Against everything and everyone? No. He had you- he thought and suddenly his eyes widened. What if you leave him? What if you think he can't be good enough? What if he isn't good enough?
This wasn't the first time he have these kind of thoughts. About soccer. But now it about you. You, who were with him all the time. You, who always spend your time with him. You, who supported him in everything at every moment. So what if he loses you know?? What will he do?? What if... He started panicking. His hands started to shake, his breathing got heavily. Oh no-
"Rin!!" You quickly shut the door, when you saw your boyfriend in that state. What was happening with him? He got up and walked up to as soon as he heard your voice. You were suddenly wrapped in his arms, that were still shaking. His head rested on your shoulder, he was squeezing you tightly.
As you putted your hands around him, still in shock of the situation, you heard him. Was he... crying? What happened? You knew Rin tho. Things should not be punched with him. He will tell you once he is calmed. "Let's sit on the bed, okay?" He nodded as you both sat and you took his hands, that were still a little shaking.
"Rin?" "Yes?" "Do you want to talk?" You asked hesitant. If he didn't want to, you wouldn't force him to, but how could you help him without knowing what's happening?
Rin took a deep breath and he started explaining the situation. All the times he had different thoughts, about everything that could happen, about soccer, his competition, Sae... How he didn't know what to do, how he was scared of what might happen. His voice was shaky as he spoke, eyes watery.
"Now the thoughts were even about you." Your eyes widened. "Me? But..." You would never hurt Rin, you would never leave him. And he knew it. "I can't control it. There are just some times i can't stop thinking about things." You suddenly pulled him into a hug. "Things like this would never happen, okay? I will always be here with you." "You promise?" "I promise."
He smiled as you kissed him. "Never hesitate to tell me when you think about this, okay?" Rin nodded and you smiled.
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I don't know girly what do we think? @sanaexus
© mariaace 2024 pls do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
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mschievousx · 2 days
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she loves her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
series masterlist
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xii. twelve: let it go
benedict bridgerton has not left his room for days now. he laid down with his agony, curled on his sheets. his pillow wet in the tears that served as witness of this torment.
most people grieve for those who don't know what they have until it is gone. but, what about those who do know? those who tried their hardest to hold on, yet could only look on helplessly while they lost the thing they loved the most. isn't it so much worse for them?
how many sleepless nights now, he does not know. when they were together, he avoided sleep so he could have more time with her. and now that she is gone, he wishes to sleep more so he might know fewer hours of her absence, and perhaps, spend longer in dreams with her.
it took him days to even talk, forgetting his own voice as he got so familiar with his cries. he wanted to be happy but found it painfully hard as her love was his happiness.
yet, what if love is not here to make us happy? perhaps, it exists to show us how much we can endure.
but benedict did not want to endure anymore.
for the first time in a long while, he was terrified. oh, how terrifying to face the future without the one you planned it with. how can you wake up from a nightmare if you are not asleep?
someone knocked on his door, one that he has recognised as anthony's knuckles by the firmness of the sound. he did not want to stay on his bed forever, so he desperately pushed himself out, trying to see what has been of the others. he neared to open the door slightly ajar before sitting down on a couch defeatedly, his brother surprised by the turning of the knob.
he stepped in, noting the desolateness of the room. he wanted to be there for him, but losing a loved one you were never able to fully love was a different kind of pain—one that anthony was not familiar with at all.
so, he did the only task he was left with. he walked to him, giving the pad he has been holding unto to his younger brother.
"her journal," he maintained his voice in a serene one, seemingly afraid that anything higher would trigger something from the other.
benedict turned to him at that with shock. he did not know she writes. he often thought the girl preferred saying her thought out loud than put it to paper. he opened it, reading from entry to entry, word by word.
a small snicker left his lips when the most he could read about was how the young little silva had fun infuriating him. it was clear on her handwriting—the curve of the letters, the stretch of its end. she was full of excitement when she was writing this. it was written in her point of view. he turned the twelfth page over, only to find that no entry follows anymore.
"why did she stopped writing when she was eight?" he turned to the older, eyes still with traces of redness. it was around the time armand had snitched his daughter to benedict, saying that the girl likes him.
"she said there was no longer a need to write what she felt because she can say it to you directly." anthony offered him a small smile, leaning down to turn the pages to the last, "she wrote on the day she left for the parliament."
the viscount watched as his brother traced each word with his fingers, afraid that it would be lost before he even realises it. noticeably, this one is written in the way her words talked to him directly. anthony placed a hand on his shoulder before stepping back again.
"i guess she knew she could no longer say it to you again."
my artsy,
i think i have loved you since i met you. i just mistook it for curiosity.
there are so many forms of love, and although it may have begun unromantically, i knew you were someone special to me. i would like to apologize—for coming into your life just to break your heart to pieces and leave you in the night.
i really would have loved to be able to attend the astronomical convention with you. we spent a night talking about it. if i knew i will not even get to go, i would have rathered spent the time with my lips in yours.
and so, if regrettably, the gods had it planned that this life of mine will never be enough to show you all my love, i promise—i will find you in another. and hopefully then, i still wouldn't run out of love and continue to pester you on to the next, and next, and for eternity.
because my love, we were never a match made in heaven. i am afraid afraid we are made in both far ends of the farthest cosmos.
and i will search every star, every galaxy, every universe, and every timeline until i find you.
know that i love you, down to my last word.
until we meet again,
forever your loraine
he pushed the pad farther from his eyes, afraid that the ink would smudge and her words can no longer be read. he held his head down, anthony going to his side at once and offered an arm at him.
benedict leaned weakly to him. he had told her before, and now it became his reality. the young lady was a fire—his fire—and he does not find himself worrying even if she will burn him. despite her absence, she still set him ablazed. he longs for nothing but her. how many life does he have to burn before he lives with her? and he could almost hear a whisper.
a hundred more. just a hundred more.
and he almsot felt relieved at that. a hundred more would be nothing. he was even prepared to burn thousands. that was how bewitched he was.
she was lovely—extremely, completely, entirely.
yet, even if it is full of love, all a ghost can do is haunt.
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
the following day, lady bridgerton could not hold it anymore. her son was spiralling away. she missed him. so, she ascended their stairs, aiming for the room of the said son.
anthony has told her that he was, at the very least, responsive. she did not want her son to be reduced as someone thankfully responsive. benedict has always been full of colors.
he was an art himself.
she knocked, turning the knob and was surprised it was not locked. violet entered slowly, seeing the figure behind a canvas.
she called out to him, "my son, come with us."
there was no response, continuing to walk towards the man. entering the room fully, she could see random sketches of the young silva.
picking up a paper, his mother commented, "she was beautiful."
violet could hear a small hum from her son, still not tearing his gaze away from the art he is currently working on, "she will forever be."
she warmly smiled at that. the son who has repeatedly told her before that what she and edmund had was rare, now utterly taken beyond mortal relations.
she placed an arm around his shoulders for comfort as she took a look at the painting, "you love her so much."
he added a detail on her features, "if i could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint."
her heart broke for his son she almost felt like it was her fault. maybe, that was why the two met each other and loved each other when they were still too young. they were not meant to grow older together.
she placed a peck on top of his head, "will you come out with us soon?"
benedict placed down his brush, exhaling defeatedly. nonetheless, he turned to his mother with a weak smile, "after i finish this."
violet nodded at that before giving him back his solitude. it took quite the days before he completed the artwork. the sun rose and set, yet the stars only dimmed.
on the night he finally finished the painting, the dead of night was clear and the stars began to find their shine once again. a hopeful thought graced his mind.
perhaps, someday, somewhere, at a less miserable time, they will see each other again.
he turned to his table, scrambling to get a paper and pen. he will not let the night go on as if it was just any other night. this darkness shined a light, one he only recognised when the girl was present. and maybe, you can call it a pathetic attempt of hope, it was the young silva watching him as his hand gripped the pen.
my loraine,
i will remember you longer than i knew you, and i will never come to terms with that.
thus, i will find you when you return, even if you are a thousand years late.
give me your permission and i will continue to love you in another. believe that i will run amock across the universe until i find you.
and so, when you see the world ending in the newspapers, trust that it is my work because i still have not met you again.
let us make us happen, some other time.
until we meet again,
forever your artsy
perhaps, they were right in putting love into books and poems—perhaps, it could not live anywhere else. they did say that everything will be fine in the end. and if it isn't, then it is not the end yet.
he has learned that grief is not accepting that she died. it is acknowledging that she is still alive in everything that he does.
and so he hopes—he hopes that all this grief stays with him because it is all the unexpressed love that he did not get to tell her. he will never let this go.
indeed, what is grief if not love persevering.
the pain will remind them of each other. when they meet later, if there is a later, they will recognise each other by it.
and just because this life is painful, it does not mean the next one will be.
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks @perseny @everavenclaw @datingbtr @peetahpahkah @myo11 @idek-what-to-put @aysamuka
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unluckilyimnot · 15 hours
Love language - isagi, nagi, sae, kaiser, rin
m.list | rules
Note: that's realt something I love to do and since I gt ask for wind breaker I thought I'll do it for bllk too !
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Isagi - word of affirmation + act of service
He's the type to tell you all the time how he appreciates you and how grateful he is to have you in his life. That he likes your outfit and how well you handle this complicated situation at school or work. He just wants you to know that you're loved all the time, no matter what you did or how you look.
He spent all his time saying "let me do it for you !" Yes, he'll always bring you that glass of water if you're too lazy to do it yourself. He'll carry things for you with a big smile and always, always let you know that he likes doing it.
Nagi - quality time + physical touch
He likes to do nothing, so obviously quality time is a must for him. He wants to just lay down with you next to him but doing his own things and you doing yours. He doesn't want to force you to play with him or anything. As long as you're in the same room, it's acceptable for him.
Which leads to the physical touch part : he prefers to have you against him at least. He wants to feel you next to him, it doesn't matter to him it's just his leg wrapped around yours or you laying on top of him. He wants to feel your touch and he is able to hug you when he wants.
Sae - quality time + act of services
He likes his personal space, but he likes to share a room with you. Your presence feels comforting and he finds himself looking for you when he doesn't hear you anymore. He checks on you regularly and maybe he'll kiss your head if he passes by you. But that's not that common.
The second he notices you clicking your tongue or looking for something, he's asking you about it. He always makes time and pushes what he's doing aside to help you. He'll get up and get you that cup before returning to what he's at. He'll buy what you mention was missing or when he notices that you ran out of your favorite treat or stuff like shampoo. He will always cut food for you and apply your sunscreen for you because you hate the feeling. You don't have to ask.
Kaiser - physical touch + gift giving
He probably struggles to show love in the right way, he's not so good with words or at least with compliments. So he'd rather hold you close every chance he gets. It helps him feel more appreciated as well if you return it or at least accept it most of the time. When he's really down, he might just crush you into a hug and never let go because he rarely got to experience this.
He wants to spoil you as well. He has a lot of money and he wants it to go to you. He never lets you pay anything and gets mad if you suggest that you can pay. He wants to pay everything for you if he's with you. He loves going shopping with you.
Rin - quality time + physical touch
It was rough for him to be alone all of sudden so he really appreciated knowing that you're here all the time. The fact that he can turn around and always see you put him at ease. He rarely felt this calm in his life.
It's even better if you two spend the night together, cuddling up to each other watching the last horror movie that came out. Or simply one that you two like. You're sitting between his legs or yours laying on his. He gets frustrated if you move around a lot but as long as a part of your body is on top of his, he can deal with a lot of things.
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Let me know if you liked it !
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ao3commentoftheday · 13 hours
Hello. I was wondering if you could offer some advice for me even though it's a common topic :) I used to write all the time and had a huge flow of ideas that kept overlapping each other which made me super creative both in writing and in drawing. But for the past few years (vaguely stopped at the beginning of 2020) I've had no desire to write at all. A cynical part of me has convinced me that it won’t matter to even begin as I don’t finish and barely write the stories and so I don't achieve the satisfaction of deeper immersion into my stories. I know I’m not a bad writer but that my writing suffers when I have no passion.
Previously I would brainstorm/rant with my friend (vice-versa) who was also a writer but we've drifted apart since (and my other friend has no mental energy for writing anymore because of life). I find it very difficult to keep and maintain any growing passion when I'm alone and unable to share with like-minded people - my passion/motivation seems to die when I can't share it. So how do I regain and maintain it? (Obvious answer is to find someone to share ideas with but... how...? And how do I learn to motivate myself when I'm alone?)
It might be a common topic, but each individual situation is still unique. You're going through a lot, anon, and I'm glad you reached out to get some support 💗
Let's start by looking at the factors you've identified that make it difficult for you to write:
Possible burnout - 2020 makes me think of Covid, stress, uncertainty, constant change, perhaps other factors that are more specific to you as an individual. All of these things are exhausting both mentally and physically and can lead to burnout
Limited support from your community - 2 friends are less involved in your writing than they used to be
Limited empathy for yourself - your frustration is turning into self-blame where you're focusing on the fact that your stories aren't finished rather than on the fact that you lack passion for them
I'm drawing some pretty big conclusions here based on two paragraphs of text, so please do push back against anything that feels like an unfair reading of what you wrote. But it seems to me that you've been through an emotional wringer over the last few years between 2020 and your friendship drifting and not having the same supports in place that you used to have.
I think the thing you need to focus on right now is giving yourself the love and kindness you're not currently getting from others. You're beating yourself up for not finishing a story, but you say that your passion comes from immersion in it. Immersion doesn't require an ending. It just needs you to find a way to get deeper into the characters and/or the plot and/or the world.
You used to be able to find that immersion by talking about your stories with your friends. I agree that you should seek out people again since that's clearly really important to you, but while you do that you should also try to identify ways that you can immerse yourself without someone to talk to.
Try stepping away from the idea of writing the story down and instead allow yourself to just daydream about it. Think about the story. Imagine what might happen next. Play with scenes and explore the possibilities instead of deciding for sure what will happen next. When the story isn't written yet, you have an infinite choice of ways that it could go. Perhaps leaning into those myriad options will help you find the fun in it again.
As for finding a new community of people you can talk to about your writing? That's going to take some time and some work. Finding a discord server of like-minded folks. Commenting on the works of writers you find interesting. Replying to comments on your own stories. Posting ask games on tumblr and sending asks when other people post them too. Making friends online isn't always easy or fast, but those are some possible ways to go about it.
But also consider seeing if your local library has a writer's group. Join a local hobby group unrelated to writing where you can find people you enjoy. Your community doesn't have to revolve around fandom. It can also just be people who like you and who you like in return and you all feel comfortable sharing what you love.
Since you sent this ask in, I reblogged a post about rehab for writing injuries. I think you might want to take a look at that too. I think you might find it helpful. ❤️
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soaps-mohawk · 1 day
Something popped up on my page and it was about Ghost.
The person who posted proceeded to say how they've had enough of the mischaracterization of him. And other people in the comments have said the same. How whenever they see Ghost written as a cold mean guy, they think, "oh you've never read the comics or played the games."
Now, I'm not here to bash anyone. I just wanna know what you think of people who write OOC {insert character}? Or what do you think about it in general?
Okay, this is one of the things that bothers me the most about the mainstreaming of fandom and fanfiction.
The whole point of fanfiction, is to write the characters however you want to write them. Fanfiction does not have to stick to how characters are presented in fandom. Some might choose to, others might not. Some might choose to in certain fics, and then not to in others. OOC exists as a term for a reason. It's okay. You can write/draw/headcanon/whatever any character however you want because that's your interpretation, or because it's how you want the character to be in whatever situation you're putting them in.
I know I said I was done talking about this, but this circles back around to the whole dark fic issue. "X character wouldn't do this" according to who? The fandom police? That's the whole point. The whole point of fandom and fanfiction is to present the characters however you want. That's always been its purpose. Fix it fics, OOC, crack ficks, dark fics, AUs exist for a reason. Not every character has to act exactly as they do in canon. If you want that, then just watch/read/play the canon media and stay out of the fanfiction side of fandom.
People that get all up in arms about FANFICTION not sticking to canon events and portrayals are ruining fandom. They are. People wonder why creators and fans are leaving fandom, it's because it's not fun anymore. You write a character how you want to write them and there's 50 people complaining in the comments about how "that's not how they are in canon." Yeah? And? That's the point. It's like whole ship thing with people being mad about fans shipping characters that aren't together in canon. News flash, people have been doing that for ages. Since the dawn of fanfiction. People ship characters that aren't even in the same movie or show or game. You gonna get mad about a crossover fic because it's "not canon?"
If you can't accept that FANDOM and FANFICTION aren't always canon compliant then you need to not be in these spaces. Leave us alone and stick to just watching the show/movie or reading the book or playing the game, whatever. You're ruining fandom spaces for everyone. Most of us creators have been in these spaces for a lot longer than the people ruining them. I've been involved in fandoms for 18 years now. Far longer than I should have been, and honestly, if I didn't love writing fanfiction and use it as an outlet for myself so I don't go crazy, I probably would have left too.
These pearl clutchers and mainstream people flooding into fandom that refuse to learn the "rules" and accept how things have been for literal decades are ruining fandom for the rest of us and killing people's passions for writing and creating. Us creators don't have to share. We do it because we want to and because we enjoy seeing others reactions and the interaction that comes from it. We are all very capable of just writing or drawing and keeping them to ourselves. Soon there won't be such a thing as fandom because all the joy will have been sucked out of it. Creators are already leaving in droves because interaction is down to nothing. Add on people getting mad about things that are normal in fandom and soon there won't be anything left. People will be complaining about there being no fandoms and no fanfiction and fanart and video edits and gifs, even though we've been screaming why from the high heavens for years.
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thehollowwriter · 2 days
I thought this would be smt fun to post the night before Silas' birthday XD. Blame @the-trinket-witch who was inspired by my Finn shitpost/j
Silas Clearcove x Reader HCs
•Firstly you're going to have to be at least 40 because Silas views young adults as kids, and the idea of dating them is out of the question
•You'll need to have tough skin because Silas is blunt and to the point. He's not purposefully cruel or mean, but he doesn't see the point in tip toeing around things and trying to soften the blow
•Don't be clingy. He's busy, so you won't see him as often as you may like, and he's not very talkative either. He won't ignore you, of course, but he's a man of few words, and if you're chatty, you'll have to carry most of the conversation.
•Don't think he's ignoring you, though. He listens carefully to every word you say and is genuinely interested in what you have to say, even if it's as mundane as accidentally dropping your toothbrush while brushing your teeth or something
•Finn has to like you. It's like a major requirement. Not only has he sat through enough drama in relation to stepparents with Morrigan's family to last a lifetime, but he's simply not going to make Finn go through that
•So yeah, he makes it quite clear that you're second to Finn priority wise and be does not sugar coat it
•Other than that, your gender, species, etc doesn't matter at all to him
•It's impossible to tell if he's interested in you romantically because he acts the exact same as he usually does unless you initiate some form of flirting first, and if he catches on his flirting is a bit weird
•He's pretty to the point, just like Finn, except all he does is give you a courting gift, and if you aren't merfolk, he probably forgets you don't know what that means lmao. But he will clarify after he realises you don't get it
•Silas isn't lovey dovey in the conventional sense, but he loves deeply and fiercely and holds you in high regard
•He's protective and will absolutely kill for you, no questions asked. As long as you're safe, he's happy.
•He gives you things he's found or made that he thinks are interesting or useful, usually weapons
•You will be given lots of food and you will eat it. Nah, he'll just eat it if you don't want it
•This man does not believe in wasting anything, and if there's something you don't want to use anymore, he'll probably find some kind of use for it. There are very few things he can't reuse
•Doesn't mind getting into tussles with you at all and would be quite delighted if you are willing to
•He's paranoid, though he hides it well and frequently checks up on you to make sure you're aliv- *ahem* doing ok
•His toxic trait is that he will compare you to Morrigan internally. He doesn't do it on purpose, but it's a bad habit
•He doesn't take off Morrigan's courting gift either and that might cause some... issues if you have a problem with that
•You'll have to be chill with a lot of things because Silas is by no means morally ok and he does a lot of fucked up shit
•Silas is very loyal and supportive and if there's something you want to achieve he'll help to the best of his ability
•He takes immense interest in your culture and home and will pester you with questions about it
* * *
This started as a joke what happened 😭
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind
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hockybish · 1 day
will mas talk to luke soon about them getting back together ?
I Can't Do It Like This Anymore
l the cute photographer au l luke x maisie l masterlist l
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This girl had really been laying on the charm with Luke at the concert. She was trying to get him to come back to her hotel room with her, but he didn't want to.
"You know my hotel isn't to far from here. Whatdaya say we ditch and and go back?" The girl -Mallory as Luke had learned- flashed him a glimpse of her smile and a hotel key.
"Oh no thank you. I'm can't. I'm here with my brothers and friends. And you know it's kind of rude to um leave them?" Luke started off strong in his attempt to get Mallory to leave him alone.
He looked around at the group he had been with hoping one of them would come over and save him from this interaction, but no one was coming.
He felt Mallory slip the key card into the pocket of his pants and lightly pat the area. Letting him know he can have it, just in case her door is always open.
"I said no. I'm taken." Luke tried giving the key back, but she was already gone by the time he had gotten it out of his pocket.
Sighing he shoved it back into his pocket instead of throwing it away, an action he might regret later, and returned to enjoying the rest of the concert. But he couldn't, he couldn't get the interaction with Mallory out of his head.
During Fire Away, he walked out without saying anything. There were still so many people walking around, but Luke managed to find a quiet corner. He dialed the number of the person on his Lock Screen, the only person for him.
Maisie flopped on the couch, Roger the cat was making his way over to sit on her chest. It was the end of the day for her she was ready to climb into some comfy pajamas and continue her rewatch of grey's anatomy.
That was going to have to wait when her phone rang. She sat up and scrambled to answer before it went to voicemail.
"Hey Lukey! How's the concert? Wait you're still at the concert aren't you? Why are you calling? Is something wrong with you or Jack or Quinn? Or?" Maisie's happiness at the fact he called quickly turned into worry that something was happening and she wasn't there.
"Everything's fine Maize. I just miss you, that's all." Luke sighed. He slid down the wall he had been leaning against. There was another purpose to this call, but he'd get to that later. "How was your day?"
"My day" She paused for a second "was a day. Spent most of it with your mom trying to get her to like me and I just got back to the house when you called. And aside from talking to you, I'm heating up dinner." She grabbed the left overs from the fridge to heat up.
"What are you having?" Luke asked to keep her talking, building up his own courage to ask her something else.
"Fried rice from that one restaurant we like in town. I have a tiny bit leftover from when I got take out the other night."
"Is that it? You should really have more than that. I think there's some dino nuggies left in the freezer, eat those too, and a banana."
Maisie appreciated Luke taking care of her by reminding her of what she should be doing. Sometimes she forgot.
"What song is he singing now?" She could still hear the music in the background. Luke held the phone back to he identify it.
"Broken Halos"
"Oh I like that one! You're missing it, I should let you go, so you can listen." He knew that but he didn't care. He'd rather talk with her. He'd rather be with her than that Mallory chick.
"Luke? Are you okay?"
"No" He whispered
"What's wrong?" Maisie became alarm, and was ready to message Jack or Quinn while still talking with him.
"It's nothing bad. Please don't freak, but I can't do it like this anymore Maisie. I want us to be us again. Because I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I know, I know I promised I said I would wait for you for forever long it took you to be okay with us again. But I can't. I want you. I want to love you now."
"Luke .." Maisie knew this was going to be coming soon. She was going to have this talk as soon as he got back to Michigan. She believe's she is ready again.
"I got hit on tonight. Well I get hit on all the time, but it was different this time Maize. She openly told me she wanted to sleep with me and gave me her room key. I tried to give it back, but she was all like just in case and walked away. I didn't want to and I couldn't stop thinking about you and those nights when you snuck into my room at the house. And you're the only one I want"
Luke laid it all out on the line, hoping, wishing, praying that she would say what he had been dreaming she would.
"Are you done? I was hoping to have this talk in person, not over the phone." Luke's began to race, this was it. "I want us again too. I think I'm ready. If we go slow. Because I love you too. And I'm becoming too emotionally attached again for us just to be friends again."
"Really?" The biggest smile etched on Luke's face. He needed someone to pinch him, just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
"Really Lukey"
"God I love you Maisie. But I gotta go now. Concert's over. I'll talk to you later, mkay?" The couple bid their adieus. Luke already had plans to look at rearranging his flight plans, but right now he needed to find his brothers.
"What's got you smiling?" Quinn cocked an eyebrow when Luke returned.
"Oh nothing." Luke tried but failed at hiding his smile which the guys teased him about on the ride home.
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fromkenari · 6 hours
For the love of Buck, this fandom hasn't been chill since Season 2, and their choice of introducing Eddie in a classic love interest way with Buck being the lead it was aimed at and then pretending we had ship goggles, which was beyond disingenuous. But please, as a steadfast fan of the show, can Buddie fans wholly ignore the Tommy part of Buck's longtime evolving love arc instead of arguing about which ship is better? This fandom usually ignores Buck's onscreen love interests. Why is this one dude so different? I know why on both fronts, but please consider that the BuckyTommy ship is new and has only a few interactions from this season. Just let them ship it. So what? Where is the harm? Most of us have had blinders on for even the longest-lasting love interests of Buck, which were never significant beyond Abby, and that's because she was significant to Buck and not the other way around. You don't need to rip anyone to shreds by sending links to each other of people talking about BuckTommy or Buddie with a snide, "I'd love to hear your thoughts. <3" because it's not the one y'all ship. Buddie is still going to be the largest ship for the show. So please lay off because I have seen some actual homophobia happening from Buddie fans and that's not okay. Telling a queer man he is a predator for liking BuckTommy is gross. What are you doing? Can we all be happy that Buck is a canonically on-screen bisexual man? For Buddie, that is halfway there in what you want, and the statement already out there that they were going to make Eddie the bi lead, which makes it the second time Eddie's planned multiseason love arc has not happened. They also took his son away from him, so something has got to give on the Eddie front next season. Nothing is holding back changes in his life, and if something queer does happen, Tommy might not even matter anymore. There's also nothing wrong with enjoying the scraps of a new ship, especially a queer one, because that's usually how it goes for queer ships on these shows. Do y'all even pay attention to what has happened to Henren in seven seasons? Do you know the crumbs they have had in most of those seasons? I love Buck. Period. Y'all tearing each other down because you like different ships is so tiring and so disheartening. Just stop. Please.
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flocy-sims · 20 hours
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Daisy Flores for @akitasimblr's Mad about Dodo BC!
Sending one of my spares from my bpr legacy, y'all don't know her yet because I couldn't catch up the posts but here she is.
Traits: Generous, Self-assured, Dance Machine
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Likes: dancing, chatting, nature, animals, good people, long walks, sunsets, deep conversations, romance, charity, house work, baking, close-knit parties with friends and family, gardening, fitness, waking up early, good jokes
Dislikes: mean/argumentative sims she thinks everything can be discussed calmly, self-absorbed sims, pranks, loud sims,
Daisy grew up on a ranch spending her childhood filled with nature and animals. She was surrounded by a big family with several siblings, and she has a very close connection with her parents. She bacame a very kind, generous person she always tries to help people out and she knows for sure that when she finds her true love she will give them everything in the world. But she always wondered what's it like to live outside the ranch and Chestnut Ridge, she always wanted to go on a big adventure to explore the world. She doesn't have everything figured out yet, she still lives with her parents and doesn't know what career she wants, but the only thing she knows is that she doesn't want to live on a ranch anymore, she wants to have her own life, career and family. So, when she saw the ad for Dodos BC her heart skipped a beat looking at that fine man, and when she discovered that it's gonna be on an island she was all in! This is the adventure she always wanted and even might return home with the love of her life, it's everything she ever dreamed of. There was always something to do on the ranch, so she's really used to hard work and became quite fit because of her chores, so I don't think she's gonna have any problem surviving on an island.
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cbrownjc · 12 hours
I apologise in advance for the length. I wanted your take on one specific part of 2x5 that bothered me a little and is partially why my little DM shipper hope wavered (that and being burned by ongoing shows in the past). Both you and @nalyra-dreaming have brilliantly pointed out how the episode does a great job at recreating the horror origin where Daniel is kept in the cellar and I wholeheartedly agree. However, what has bothered me about it is that, in the episode, it is not Armand that chooses to let Daniel live. Granted, in the book it's more a stay of execution than anything else, but it's still his choice alone. In 2x5 that choice is now Louis'. And while I know that in the novel Armand considers Daniel a gift from Louis, part of me is bothered by this slight lack of agency. It felt to me like just another thing Armand did to comply to Louis' wants in his desperation to not lose him. And that any Chase that happens is not necessarily out of genuine curiosity but because Louis called Armand boring and Armand just wants to know what set Daniel apart for Louis.
And then my brain goes "fruit of the poisonous tree" and am then afraid that Daniel's meaning wrt Armand (which, to my great frustration, I have already seen other book readers diminish) will literally be: oh he's just the scraps Armand gets because he couldn't have Louis or Lestat (because of the horrors, he did all of it, etc). I don't WANT it to be that and I guess I'm a little terrified about it.
Idk what to make of any of it and I'm nervous because I REALLY want to see this pairing develop as they deserve. So please, tell me what I'm missing in my rambling and borderline incoherent concern. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my sanity's only hope. ^_~
Okay, well, I will try to be your Ben Kenobi here, but remember, even he failed to see what was going on with Annikin before it was too late . . .
Yeah, okay that isn't very confidence-giving, is it? 😬 🙃
Anyway! 🤭
Okay, so on the first point:
I have actually seen one or two people point out the fact that it was Louis who basically intervened and stopped Armand from killing Daniel, and Armand didn't do so himself. And I'm not going to say I can't see yours and some other's point about this. All I can say about that point for now is that we don't know what happens right now between Daniel and Armand after Daniel was let go and dropped off at the drug den. Because there might actually come a point when Armand thinks he very well could kill Daniel and Louis would have no idea, as Louis only requests that Daniel live out "this night." There was no request from Louis to Armand for Daniel to live out his whole life.
So we might actually get a moment, in the future, where we see a time when Armand decides to just kill Daniel -- but, just like with Louis in the tunnel back in the 40s -- stays his own hand via his own decision to do so.
So, I think on this point right now, the only thing any of us can do is take a "wait and see" about it. But there are still doors open to Armand deciding on his own to spare Daniel's life in a significant way I think. With him not even being in love with Daniel yet at the time too IMO.
So, on to the second point:
No, I very much do not think Daniel is going to be seen as "scraps" that Armand gets because he couldn't have Louis or Lestat. And I think what is going to come into play to make that clear is the slight change the show has done wrt Armand's character and the Great Laws. After the Children of Darkness/Satan coven busted up, Armand in the book really didn't hold those rules in any high regard anymore. But the show has very clearly changed that, to where Armand was ready to kill Louis because Louis broke many of the Great Laws.
Assad himself made this clear that Armand really was going to kill Louis and only didn't do it because he chose love instead.
And if you take a look at the full list of the Great Laws that someone was amazingly able to translate, as well as this gifset of a specific scene from 2x03, a vampire being with a human in such a way is a direct violation of those laws that Armand in the show clearly holds to.
So for Armand to break that rule and choose to be with Daniel? Will not be a small thing.
So I think that alone will show that Daniel is not just a scrap. Armand's love for Daniel will be so much that he will, once again, ignore a rule he once held fast to in order to, once again, choose love.
And then, of course, there is the fact that Armand chose to actually break his biggest rule of all for Daniel, which is to never turn someone into another vampire -- which is also one of the laws the cult drilled into him. Yes, Armand's main reason for not doing so in the books was because he didn't want to damn someone into vampirism, as well as not believing that the Maker/Fledgling relationship can ever really work. But the other reason that I feel the show will also touch upon will very much also be because of the Great Law that older vampires should never work the Dark Trick upon someone, less that fledgling be too powerful in the blood.
But Armand's love for Daniel will be so great that he will not bear the thought of Daniel actually dying. And so, when the moment comes, he will not only break that Great Law, but his own personal reason why he doesn't want to turn someone. And he would rather face having to truly put his fear and belief about Markers and Feldglings to the side (and maybe still lose Daniel that way -- which in the books, he actually did for a time!) than lose Daniel forever via death.
Again, that has never seemed to me as Daniel just being a "scrap" to Armand, even when it comes to the books. But I expect the show will put an even greater emphasis on this, both when it comes to Armand's backstory and how now Armand in the show actually holds to those laws in a serious way.
So yeah, just some of my thoughts on those two points. I hope they can calm you somewhat but, if not, just know that, because of the format this story is now being told in, that will very much lend to things -- the characters and their relationships with each other -- to be even more fleshed out, along with character arcs to be planned out overall as well. (Which yes, not every TV show does, but this one is clearly doing so.) We won't get every answer to these things right away, but I think there are many doors open to exploring these things in a satisfying way over the course of the show. 🙂
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skepticalarrie · 2 days
I think there is very little talk these days about Cowell and what a garbage person he is. I mean, many of the new fans don't even acknowledge or accept that Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn were part of One Direction, some even hate the idea. what happened to that fandom? It's part of the boys' history, and keeping this information “alive” may make Simon unable to create another band without having the weight of the past on his back.
Those were horrible times with that man, I think it's not something that can be ignored and more so when in the middle of 2024 he comes to say that he regrets not owning the band's name, showing that he's still the same, a man who just wants money and doesn't mind having exploited a bunch of teenagers to get it. I worry that he wants to form a new band and I worry about who might fall into his hands just for the dream of being famous.
Well, it's been nine years since One Direction was an active band—that's a long time! There's very little we can still keep discussing after such a long time, and new fans didn’t live through that era. So, it's natural to move on and focus on other things.
I understand the indignation, but both Simon Cowell and x-factor have been sued multiple times, he has been exposed, Sony dropped him, and he is basically bankrupt nowadays. He's still going to do whatever he wants to do... it's not like 10 people screaming about it on tumblr that will stop anything from happening. It's very unfortunate, but that's how it is. Given his history though, not many people want to work with Simon anymore, so he probably doesn't have as much power and influence as he used to.
And listen... Simon is just one of the people we know the face of, but he didn’t single-handedly control all the boybands and artists who have been exploited for decades. He’s just the tip of the iceberg.
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