#i have worked with cannabis for over 4 years
puppygirldick · 1 year
Contrary to what every stoner will excitedly tell you, and what you will see in most every dispensary, there is technically only one species of Cannabis, Cannabis ruderalis.
"sativa" means cultivated, as in a cultivar of ruderalis
rūdus, rūder- (“rubble, debris”) +‎ -ālis "to grow" --- Interestingly implying it grows in disturbed areas (like a "weed").
"indica", modern Latin for “of India."
Taxonomy has changed a lot since they were initially identified, and the advent of molecular phylogeny
Phylogenetic studies showed both Cannabis "sativa" and "indica" share the common ancestor Cannabis ruderalis and that "indica" is a cultivar of "sativa" which is a cultivated variety of Cannabis ruderalis
For Cannabis sativa to be its own species it would need at least two common ancestors, Cannabis ruderalis being the only known en-situ unaltered native species of Cannabis
Unless we discover another
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Quitting Smoking, for myself and because Kenny can't (Because he's dead) and other kinda-widow feelings
Content warnings for smoking, vaping, cannabis mentions, death, and medications. Oh, and a wishlist of stuff I need to clean the cars of smoke-smell so we can quit probably.
We (my daughter, her boyfriend, Raven, and I) are all trying to quit smoking on May 4th, Kenny's celebration of life. May 5th we will no longer be smoking. I'm using a vape and patches to lower my cigarette intake, and then switching to lights for our last few packs.
I'm also TRYING to get on to varenicline, because it has worked for me in the past, REALLY well. I want, instead of the quit smoking setup, just a low maintenance dose - I can use it to get rid of two OTHER medications if I do.
I'm ready to quit, I've wanted to quit for years, but watching Kenny rapidly decline over his last two days, terrified, and needing our help for everything, has pushed me forward. I won't get what he had - I have complete and full use of my heart, because I have done a lot of recreational drugs in my time but meth has NEVER been one of them - but he died at 53. Even younger than my dad did.
And it hurts, so fucking bad. I forget and then I remember and it's a gut-punch. We hadn't been together for 7+ years and I have PTSD because of the relationship, but I still feel like a widow, even though I'm not. I never stopped loving him - it was just always... Platonic.
We'd gotten... Better. Not quite friends, but back on the way to being friends. I crocheted him a really thick, warm scarf to protect him from the cold when he went out to smoke. It had fucking pockets! He got to use it like thrice. But there was genuine love in every stitch - I always wanted what was best for him, even when we hated each other the most.
I bequeathed the scarf to his cousin, Rhonda. They were born at the same hospital, exactly one day, one hour, and one minute apart. They were, in my opinion, twins. They always knew when something was going wrong with the other, without fail. Kenny used to sit up straight, reach for his phone, and call her asking, "What's wrong? Something's wrong, I can feel it." The day after he had a major heart attack, she couldn't get ahold of him and messaged ME, because maybe I would know, because she knew something was wrong. They had the twin bond. So yeah, she got the scarf.
One of the harder parts of his death was Ziva. She's living the comfortable old doggo life with Kenny's mom and stepdad. They adore her. His mom brought Ziva over a few hours before he died and... She knew. She didn't wanna see him, but she also wanted to love on him one last time. I lifted her up into his hospice bed and even though he could barely function, he came to enough to pet her and love on her. He was so happy he could see her, one last time. She gave him tons of kisses and cuddles.
His jacket didn't fit him so I wound up just giving him my gray hoodie. I didn't wash it, I just gave it to him. So it smells like both of us. Ziva got it. She was so upset, but so happy at the same time.
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I found a half a pack of Pall Malls in the pocket after I'd given it to Ziva and I was laughing so hard over it. Adrienne smoked Kenny's last cigarette exactly one month after he died - at 6:50 pm, April 4. She's gonna do something artistic with the box.
I have a wet/dry shop vac and I was able to get an extractor for it, and some assorted mini cleaning attachments so I can clean spots out.
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We don't smoke inside, but one of my biggest triggers for smoking (and everyone else in the group) is getting into the car and driving. So I plan, over the weekend of the 14th of April, to hardcore clean and detail the inside of my car and Adrienne's car (formerly Kenny's car), because they both REEK of tobacco smoke.
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Vernon mother looks for more safeguards around transitioning after son commits suicide
By: Jennifer Smith
Published: Apr 28, 2023
Kaleb began transitioning in Grade 6 with the help of a Kelowna clinic
A Vernon mom robbed of her joy in life after her son committed suicide is speaking out against transgender policies in hopes of saving others.
Kaleb, formerly Joy, Fisher would have been 18 next month.
He was a straight-A student, an over-achiever, never did drugs or drank alcohol, had a job since he was 14 and was accepted into the RCMP Police Academy for the upcoming session.
But on April 23, Kaleb killed himself.
“I found him. I woke up in the morning and he wasn’t in his room. He had suffocated himself,” said Gail, a single mother who worked two jobs to provide for her son and herself.
He left a long letter for his mom and his girlfriend.
“He was afraid for the future. He said in his note he didn’t want to end up like me, working myself to death.”
Kaleb was transitioning from female to male, a decision Gail supported as she knew since the day he was born that he was destined to be a boy.
Gail thinks Kaleb’s decision was primarily sparked after a Grade 4 incident at school where he (she at the time) was molested.
He never wanted to be a girl after that and in Grades 6 and 7 started the transition.
“I supported him through it.”
Kaleb did his research and found a clinic in Kelowna that would help him be the man he wanted to be.
The problem was, Gail was never consulted by the clinic.
“At 13 he was able to do all of it without my permission.”
At 13 he couldn’t buy alcohol or cigarettes or cannabis, he couldn’t get a tattoo without his mom’s permission, but he was given drugs and injections and was even scheduled for a top reduction this year.
“He saw the doctor like once a year. It’s quite careless. They never even showed him how to take those injections.”
Kaleb was smart though, and he did everything right, even marking his calendar with injection dates.
In March, Gail said the calendar shows he stopped the injections.
That’s when she suspects things started to grow dark for her bright, bubbly child.
He never outwardly appeared sad or distraught in any way, but she learned how he was really feeling the morning she read his note.
“He was so angry, so sad, so hateful.”
He was on medications for years, and she knows there were stretches when he wouldn’t take them.
She doesn’t understand why a doctor or clinic would push these parentless procedures, with no real follow-up or support.
“There needs to be changes to safeguard these kids.”
She would like to see such youth, and parents, provided counselling before injections, so they are appraised of the dangers.
“Do we know the long-term effects of giving these medications?”
Kaleb isn’t the only one.
“I have friends in Kelowna that lost their daughter a year ago and she was on the same injections.”
And now she knows the harsh statistics of transitioning youth.
“Preliminary findings is one in five of these kids are taking their lives.”
Gail and Kaleb lived in Coldstream until COVID-19 hit.
“I lost my home, I lost everything,” said the entertainment director at the Longhorn Pub in Vernon who many know for her superstar karaoke.
She started a painting business, and Kaleb was her best employee.
“We were a formidable team.”
Kaleb attended Kalamalka Secondary briefly before going online with VLearn. He also attended Kidston Elementary, where he was given the Friendship Award.
Gail knows many students who knew Kaleb are struggling with the news and she has planned a Celebration of Life at Coldstream Creek Park for May 17 at 4:30 p.m. so they can come after school. She is trying to get approvals to plant a maple tree, as Kaleb wanted, in the park.
Respectful, kind and helpful are a few of the words loved ones use to describe him.
He was also incredibly creative – he had been writing novels since he was nine and was making costumes for the upcoming Comic Con.
“He was a beautiful soul with such a bright future,” said family friend Ricky Rochon, who thought of Kaleb like a son and created a GoFundMe for Gail.
“As a parent, I can’t fathom this kind of pain. It breaks my heart.”
More than $12,000 has been raised to date, a portion of which Gail plans to use for a bursary in Kaleb’s memory, and the rest to help her through this difficult time.
[ Via: https://archive.is/PaVCg ]
Note: Vernon Morning Star deleted this article.
"Vernon mother mourns lesbian daughter who was manipulated into a reinvention fantasy rather than deal with sexual assault trauma."
^ Fixed that.
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alexlesuagz · 1 year
Small Snippet of a Fanfic I’m working on! I hope you enjoy!
[TW: Mention of Drugs]
Feb. 13, 2018
10 more minutes until lunch.
Vicky raps her pinky against the desk repeatedly in anticipation.
Come on, damn clock, go faster!
She grabs her paper and scribbles some more answers onto her worksheet. It’s science, a subject she gave zero shits about, so she doesn’t care whether her answers are correct.
Once she finishes, she scratches her left cheek as she glares up at the clock, now continuously tapping her foot against the floor like it’s some belated kind of morse code.
8 more minutes.
She lets out a loud exhale through her nostrils as she puts her head down on her desk, her hands running through her wavy black locks.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots Chelsea, her best friend, giving her a small look of concern from the other side of the classroom.
Are you alright? Chelsea mouths.
Vicky nods quickly. I’m fine, she bullshits silently.
Chelsea looks back at her worksheet, and Vicky looks back up at the clock.
5 more minutes.
Fuck this. If she had to last another unbearable 5 minutes in Miss Goldfinch’s class, she was going to lose her fucking mind.
Also, it was 5 mere minutes, so why not just ditch? She thinks as her hand shoots up.
“Yes, Vicky?” Miss Goldfinch asks.
“CAN I USE THE BATHROOM?” Vicky exclaims in her best I-am-in-pain-and-I-must-piss voice.
Miss Goldfinch glances at the clock. “Vicky, dear, it’s 4 and a half more minutes until the end of lunch, can’t you just hold it in?”
Welp, that didn’t work. Time for the Trump card.
“I DON’T THINK I CAN, MISS GOLDFINCH.” Vicky says through clenched teeth.
Miss Goldfinch looks back at her and frowns. “What do you mean by that?”
Vicky walks up to Miss Goldfinch and whispers some words into her ear.
“Oh…OH…okay, then. Do you need anything?”
Vicky shakes her head rapidly.
“...Well, alright, then, go right ahead to the bathroom, and take your backpack with you if you must.”
“Thank you, ma’am!” Vicky shouts as she grabs her bag and power walks out of the classroom.
Great. Now that period 4 torture time’s basically over, now all I need to do is wait for…wait, what’s his name?
She pulls out her phone and checks her notes.
Julian Ramis “The Murderer Kid”
…Ah, yeah, him.
According to reports, the kid was arrested for murder around five years ago, which is why people tend to avoid him. However, she did not know everything that happened, and even information about the crime wasn't exactly what she wanted.
What she wanted was cannabis.
“Who’s that?” Vicky asks, pointing to the boy sitting alone at the less crowded side of the bleachers, typing on his laptop.
“Oh, him?” Chelsea asks.
“Yeah, beanie boy.” Vicky replies. “Is he a transfer or something? I haven’t really noticed him before until now.”
“Oh, no, he ain’t a transfer.” Chelsea responds, shaking her head. “That’s Julian Ramis. Apparently, dude, uh-”
Chelsea’s hesitating now.
“He what?”
“He, uh, ‘game over’-ed someone, like 5 years ago.”
Vicky could feel her eyes widen and her jaw drop. “Are you, like, serious about this?!”
“Yeah, like totes serious!” Chelsea exclaims as the two girls walk down the bleacher stairs. “Why else would he be so emo-looking?! Constantly smells of weed, too. I feel kinda bad for him, but at the same time, he’s like, really scary. Last time I tried talking to him, he immediately started getting high and mighty, calling me a ‘ginger, rat-faced bimbo!’” She shudders.
Of course, a guy who constantly smells of weed would have weed in his general vicinity, right?
Vicky rehearses her plan in her hand once again. Alright, once the bell rings, find Julian, drag him over to the gender-neutral bathroom, and force him to fork over the drugs. And if all else goes to absolute shit, then remember that one self-defense acronym!...What was that one acronym again-?
Oh yeah, ‘solarplex’, ‘instep’, ‘nose’, and ‘groin’. Alright, I’m ready.
When lunch comes around, the whole school grounds are open, so Vicky knew she had a lot of searching to do. However, considering where she had seen him the first time, she had a good idea on where he was going to be.
Sure enough, as Vicky clambers onto the bleachers, she spots Julian in the relatively uncrowded corner, eating a ham sandwich with one hand and typing on his laptop with the other.
He’s also hidden in the shade, like a true emo.
Vicky takes a deep breath in and exhales. Fuck it. Just introduce yourself and try not to get into trouble.
She walks over to Julian, who’s still too invested in his laptop to even acknowledge her.
What is he even doing, anyway? Writing fanfiction?
As quietly as possible, she looks over his shoulder to study his screen.
First of all, Chelsea was right, he does in fact smell like weed.
Second of all, what the hell is he even trying to type? “Rejected and despised by all, I walk a dark and tormented path, leading to despair…”
Julian suddenly shuts his laptop.
“You know I know you’re behind me, right?”
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Good memories and Good day for weed smokers , Read his Twitter post on that day we made history together thank you so much Governor Andrew Cuomo and Former Mayor Bill De Blasio for working with me and help passing my proposal of my laws into laws that is well documented into history now
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday morning signed a bill passed by the legislature the night before to legalize recreational marijuana in New York state. That makes New York the 15th state, along with the District of Columbia, to have legalized the drug for recreational use. Legalization of the plant is effective immediately but legal recreational sales are not expected to begin for one or two years.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday morning signed legislation passed by state lawmakers the night before to legalize recreational marijuana in New York state.
The state Senate voted Tuesday evening 40-23 to pass the legislation. Later that night, the state Assembly voted 100-49 in favor of the bill.
That makes the Empire State the 15th state, along with the District of Columbia, to have legalized cannabis for recreational use.
"This is a historic day. I thank the Leader and Speaker and the tireless advocacy of so many," Cuomo wrote on Twitter after signing the legislation.
He elaborated in a statement Tuesday night after passage of the bill. "For too long the prohibition of cannabis disproportionately targeted communities of color with harsh prison sentences and after years of hard work, this landmark legislation provides justice for long-marginalized communities, embraces a new industry that will grow the economy, and establishes substantial safety guards for the public."
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he supports the legislation on the basis of racial equity. "I think this bill goes a long way. I think there's more to do after, but it goes a long way," de Blasio said, according to WDTV ABC 11.
Black and Latino New Yorkers combined made up 94% of marijuana-related arrests by the New York Police Department in 2020, even though the city's statistics show that the proportion of white New Yorkers using marijuana is considerably higher than that of either Latino or Black residents. According to a New York City health department survey, 24% of white residents reported using marijuana, compared with 14% of Black residents and 12% of Latino residents, over the two-year period of 2015-2016, the most recent available data.
The decision to legalize weed comes after neighboring state New Jersey recently legalized the plant. Lawmakers' goal was to pass the bill as part of the state budget before the April 1 deadline.
The bill was sponsored by Sen. Liz Krueger and Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes. Senators debated for three hours, with Republicans alleging that the bill is dangerous and does not represent the wishes of all New Yorkers.
"We took endless meetings with anyone who asked us," Krueger said in response during the proceedings. "In truthfulness I'm not sure I have ever met with as diverse a group of people as I did over the seven years that my chief of staff and I were working on this bill."
Legalization is expected to eventually rake in billions of dollars in revenue for the state and for New York City in particular, with a hefty 13% tax, which includes a 9% state tax and a 4% local tax. The measure also includes a potency tax of as much as 3 cents per milligram of THC, the natural psychoactive component of cannabis that delivers the plant's high.
An estimate from Cuomo's office predicts annual tax revenues from legal weed sales could bring in $350 million a year and 60,000 jobs to the state when the industry is fully established.
The measure allows for possession of up to 3 ounces of cannabis and 24 grams of cannabis concentrate and allows for the growth of up to six plants at home.
The legislation also creates equity programs to provide loans and grants to people including small farmers who have been disproportionately affected by the war on drugs.
"My goal in carrying this legislation has always been to end the racially disparate enforcement of marijuana prohibition that has taken such a toll on communities of color across our state, and to use the economic windfall of legalization to help heal and repair those same communities," Krueger said in a press release.
"I saw such injustice going on, and for young people whose lives were being destroyed for doing something I did when I was a kid," Krueger said, while recording her vote in favor of the measure. "Nobody put a gun to my head and nobody tried to put me in jail, because I was this nice white girl."
Some officials are even calling for the bill to fund universal basic income and homeownership programs for communities most heavily affected by the drug war.
"With the legalization of marijuana on the horizon, we have the ability to enact legislation locally to make the concept of reparations through a UBI and home ownership a reality for Rochester and its families," said Rochester, New York, Mayor Lovely Warren, according to Rochesterfirst.com.
The bill will expunge the criminal records of tens of thousands of people, has a goal of 40% revenue reinvestment into communities of color, and will grant 50% of adult-use licenses to social equity applicants and small businesses.
The bill will also establish "a well-regulated industry to ensure consumers know exactly what they are getting when they purchase cannabis."
The measure will create an Office of Cannabis Management, which will be an independent agency operating with the New York State Liquor Authority. The agency will be in charge of regulating the recreational cannabis market and the existing medical cannabis programs. The agency will also be overseen by a Cannabis Control Board composed of five members — three appointed by the governor and one each appointed by the state Senate and state Assembly.
Police groups and the New York Parent-Teacher Association have openly expressed concern around the bill.
"Absolute travesty. All research submitted shows it will be harmful to children, makes the roads less safe," New York State PTA Executive Director Kyle Belokopitsky said, ABC 7 New York reported. "And I have absolutely no idea what the legislature is thinking in thinking they want to advance this right now."
New York officials are launching an education and prevention campaign to reduce the risk of cannabis use among school-age children, and schools will be eligible for drug prevention and awareness programs. The state will also launch a study that examines cannabis's effect on driving.
The bill will allow for localities to pass laws banning cannabis dispensaries and consumption licenses, with a deadline of nine months after legalization.
Legalization of the plant is effective immediately but legal recreational sales are not expected to begin for one or two years.
Correction: This story has been updated to reflect that the measure allows for possession of up to 3 ounces of cannabis and 24 grams of cannabis concentrate.
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thetaylorfiles · 7 months
Does your friend want to trade husbands? Mine is useless TS connection wise lmao You're winning the six degrees of separation game! Although you did have a friend who went on a date with Taylor years ago right? It's just a matter of time now before you run into her at a party or something. Girl, I'm here manifesting that for you!
This post is brought to you by my first dose of Concerta. I was recently-ish diagnosed (by a doctor) that I have HDHD. I tried another one that didn’t work and now I’m trying this. Today is my first day and, I must state that I had an espresso when I normally don’t, but I’m in the mood to organize, so things, and my mind feels clearer. It’s got to be placebo affect or the coffee but I’ll take it! Anyway this’ll be far too long I’m sure. (Oh hey, now you get why I’m so obsessed with t swift! Kaylor began as a special interest and thankfully, by the time I stopped believing, I was hooked on her music and personality. Oh my god what was my point? Okay, clearly adhd not cured! 😂 um it’s long? Don’t read if you don’t want?
Yes, but that doesn’t count as an actual TS encounter. And now that I’m Very Old, if I attempt to make that happen via any connections, it would be to get my daughter anything personal or signed from her or just anything as long as it focused on her.
I introduced her to Taylor slowly over the years. And now she’s obsessed. But in a 10 year old way. She doesn’t know much if folklore or evermore unless it’s exile because Mom was so fucking obsessed with it she had no choice to listen and assume I’m right that it’s best ever. She knows that hits and the deep cuts I make her listen to.
My love language is giving gifts. I hate getting them unless I’m so comfortable I’m married to you or you’re my child and you’ve written something. Ha. So I give her tons of makeup and what not. But I found my 4 lover books with the diary entries and the posters and left them out. She sheepishly inquired if she could look at them all…? I said, “they’re yours.”
There was a point. Oh, don’t forget the perimenopause. And the cannabis. That really contributes to being forgetful. Why am I writing so much?!?
Oh!!! Yeah, I was close friends with a guy that was a working actor and still is. He’s not recognizable by name unless you know actors really well. He’s a character actor that books all sorts of series and guest spots but always as a friend. He’s super hot. Well he was back in his 20s. He told us that he was daring her. We made fun of him (She wasn’t cool the ), but more just to annoy HIM. He wasn’t super super smart but he was so sweet but still had that bad boy swagger. You know? He was like a brother to me but I get whey women hit on him.
So back in early twenties he dates her for … I wanna say a few months. She didn’t live here on LA at the time as far as I knew but came out often. Maybe she had another house? Anyway, they were more friends who were attracted to one another who met up when both were in town. Only one of our group met her, his best friend. All we heard was that she was nice and far from a boring good southern girl. That she seemed like a city girl. Anyway, they hooked up off and on. They never went anywhere together as they weren’t together. They were each others last night call after date one and two failed to produce the necessary love spark. But they were both stupid hot.
That’s all I know. I never met her or saw pics. No wait. I did. I saw one of them together at her place wherever she stayed then. Why did I explain that? Please tell me you asked me to! I’m sorry. I’m so high and wanting to talk and like make and complete goals!! 🤣🤣🤣 k, night. Gotta watch some tv downstairs once kids have vanished. Shhh
I have a feeling I didn’t answer a single one of your questions, nor did I speak to whatever you wrote about. I apologize. If you were in person you’d love me. When I get high (vapes), it makes me so much damn more pleasant!
Oh my god. Go to sleep!! (Bethenny voice on Scary Island) I’m referring to myself by the way. K, night. Tv time.
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d-trashbandicoot · 9 days
The last 4 years : a retrospection (part 1)
I guess looking back it wasn’t the running away that saved me, it was the time living the easiest way available. All these years growing up imagining the way the real world would be. Unaware that my mind was skewed, biased, against me. There was a simple reason for the way I felt. In between; the bouts of youthful despair, in fear of there being nothing to live for in the future, and the moments of overzealous joy, where the world was so bright and full of hope.
Perhaps it was this reason one would always return to Star Trek TNG and Avatar TLA, in the darkest of times. To remember that fleeting feeling of hope. To grasp at the last threads of love and humanity.
In my bipolar support group the other day I brought up the idea that if there was ever a magical cure all of a sudden for bipolar, I didn’t think I would take it. I’ve ridden this bull this long and boy when the adrenaline hits, sure life is sweet. Granted at the lowest it is normal to question whether one's ride will end violently this time under the hooves of the bull.
The topic shifted onwards and we ended up on the truth that this illness, in part, cranks the emotional feelings and reactions up to eleven. Our emotions hit us so strongly, we often feel more than our "healthy" peers. And whilst the downs may be horrific the ups are emotions many could only access with by intoxication.
Alas, it is my circumstance of being a middle class Nepo-baby that has not only kept me out of institutions but dragged me along to get where I am today.
That paragraph makes me sick. But I guess that's where my illness festers these days. The only valid target of the darkness. Capitalism and its proprietors. Those who put profit above life.
At this point I have repeated the last 4 years to so many as a quick snapshot of movement. I have also written plenty on the past around the time of my diagnosis. But I never really looked at the 3 years of healing that I did. At the time it did not feel like healing, but hindsight also makes for pleasant surprises. At the time it was about survival, just finding a way out from that godforsaken tax haven.
But it gave me what I needed. Stability, schedule and money. All I had to do was go to work each day, keep my head down, get through the day and then I'm home. On the couch with the family smoking weed whilst watching Tv. Except half the time it would be football. That made it very easy to let the THC work its way and process my past, present and future. In the presence of my own family I have spoken thousands of words to myself. My change was happening right in front of them, in my mind, and then never even knew. After all, it's not something a mother should hear of her own child. At least not till I could say I truly know myself. Not till I knew where I began and where the affliction ended.
Now, many times these introspections were triggered by the theme of the film or show we were watching, or the news. The news was the worst. And for the latter year'n'half I had to work in an office with bloomberg or some other 24/7 financial news channel.
I would say this was also spurred on by the DMT I brewed and drank back at Uni. The cannabis had started to bring up the elements of the trip and each night I was filled with I get it now moment. At least that is how it feels now after another year and 5 months of moping around the mainland.
Realistically it wasn't every night, no...
surely it couldn't have been...
Whatever it was, it worked and kept me going. When the family dog died I felt the weighted reason to stay, on that island, go. A deciding factor, the thing that tipped the scale was removed and now the scales swung to the other side. So I decided to leave..
Consciously, this time. Mulled it over for some time, although my mind was set. I went to Bristol for a weekend and told my parents when I got back, that this is my plan. We talked, they had reservations and it felt like a battle. In the end I felt as if I had offended them, betrayed them in a certain way. More so my father, I think my mother understood. Her prime concern was for my welfare, his was more focused on financial stability. After 2 more months I left.
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beattycowan99 · 18 days
Water Sanitation And Well Being
MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) is a powerful, selective, widely used phenoxy herbicide. MCPA has been extensively used in agriculture to control broad-leaf weeds as a development regulator primarily in pasture and cereal crops area since 1945. PubChem is organized as three linked databases within the NCBI's Entrez info retrieval system. These are PubChem Substance, PubChem Compound, and PubChem BioAssay. PubChem additionally provides a quick chemical structure similarity search tool. These limits on pesticides left on foods are called "tolerances" in the us (they are referred to as most residue limits, or MRLs, in many different countries). The system is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a element of the National Library of Medicine, which is part of the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH). Millions of compound structures and descriptive datasets could be freely downloaded through FTP. PubChem incorporates substance descriptions and small molecules with fewer than a thousand atoms and a thousand bonds. mcpa assessment Chemical contaminants of drinking-water are often thought-about a decrease precedence than... For the management of broadleaf weeds in cereals, linseed, pastures, rice, sugarcane and turf. Chapter 12 of the Guidelines for drinking-water Quality (GDWQ) includes fact sheets on chemical contaminants, primarily based on comprehensive evaluation documents published by WHO. Information on analytical strategies and limits of detection, remedy options and extra risk assessment and management considerations may also be included. Now with over 70 stores in South Africa, Agrimark is steadily changing into a favourite one-stop-shop for a variety of agricultural and life-style products. From irrigation methods to gardening equipment, animal feed and pet equipment to prime quality instruments and a wide selection of outdoor and camping gear. Reregistration eligibility decision document (RED) for MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) . Enjoy a range of talks from bestselling authors and thought leaders. The MCPA Assessment is an internet variant of the total Career Path Appreciation, an interview course of initially developed by Bioss in the UK. The event is within the meeting room within the pink barn at the East finish of the car parking zone. There is all the time brushing work to be carried out on the townsite should you wish to venture there. About 40 persons in attendance, together with some new and just lately joined members. We had a fantastic dinner and tons of dialog, adopted by a short presentation of news and occasions referring to MCPA, adopted by Louise Lindgren’s presentation on historical artifacts in the Monte Cristo Mining Area. I hope to find a way to hyperlink to some of that content herein quickly.Thanks to everybody who attended and hope to see everybody again soon.We’ll be having our annual meeting and lunch in the June time-frame. Fred Cruger of the Granite Falls Historical Society just lately scanned 2600+ pages of correspondence between the mining corporation at Monte Cristo and their counterparts in Everett, WA and past. The letters have been painstakingly reproduced by Forrest Johanson over a interval of years, leading to a renewed copy of the 100+ 12 months old hand-typed originals. The Michigan Career Placement Association, in partnership with the Michigan Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education, offers an annual conference for professionals working within the placement course of. The MCPA conference offers an outline of key data and factors to additional sources, which are helpful when designing structured, well-organized applications on the workplace for faculty kids. If you've a health situation that could be handled by medical cannabis, you could be eligible for a authorized prescription. The assessments and subsequent validation course of is a robust tool that organisations can utilise to determine talent and select suitable candidates. The fact that the process is administered by an independent entity who're goal provides it even more credibility.
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that-kid89 · 2 months
03.24.2024 pt.2
a shit and a smoke. pleasures.
out here feeling like an artist, but that's just my ego though. really though, social media is in fact digital, but digital art not a thing? all that isn't made by the earth, is essentially made by us. i consider us as mere copy cats of what the earth has to offer. i am no god, or elite, just an observer. my observations do not have to mean anything to you, i live my own world. although it does not feel like a choice, as i may have always portrayed it as such. empathy is hard for me. i love to get deep with people, and learn through their feelings. a lot of what makes me who i am is from who i've gotten to meet in my life. such as the people who i've spent time, who i could get a better understanding of, and so all of these people and what comes from my end of communication is what i believe to be the majority of who i am.
i like to write for me. i grew to not care for texting, unless i need it. my moods can really vary. i can't say that i've willingly been single for over 5 years. truthfully what feels more like since 2016 it's been this way. i really miss the times that i was with heather. side note i learned to type without autocorrect or a care for capitalizing. blog style.
but to summarize, i really miss heather. with her was the deepest i had been in love with someone. i feel like i haven't been living since.
truthfully i have many positives for my last 5 years.
got skinny working at whole foods.
worked at a brand new dispo that was local, and had been asking the owners for a job for over 4 years. got lucky with them going rec. had a lot of pains with them, but my network grew very well along with my rapport with the team. so many amazing throwback photos, only a few i keep up with.
did some time that i call "trapping" and felt like a young rock star. got two cars from working at the dispo and the trap. moved around a few times, and ultimately came to a screeching halt after getting covid.
then got into working two cannabis jobs for some time.
got promoted and committed to one job, multiple locations.
great success with two store openings, and got a manager role at a big store. - great pains from this store took their toll on me, but by far my biggest role and did so many things that i've dreamed about. went to a few expo events, got a 14 day business trip, and got to learn SO MUCH about management working with so many amazing leaders. my network blew up, and with high degree professionals. made the most money i'd ever seen and had great benefits.
i sit here tonight, heartfelt, nostalgic, sipping nicotine vape, having just smoked a fantastic hash bowl, and drinking probs just a couple beers. cant settle on what to watch, but imma go find something.
consider this a letter to myself, and all that love me, to love myself.
at the unhealthiest i've ever been, and have aged a lot. feeling so old from seeing me, people i've known, and how the world used to be. what i'd give to go back 18 years.
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hippiemikelove-blog · 2 months
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vegangirldiaries · 3 months
Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Hi there, I'm 'V' and this is my journal. I plan on writing here as often as I can - whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly, I have no idea. My goal is to just write how I feel, what I'm doing and just to express myself in a healthy manner. Whether that means talking about my feelings, or just writing what I'm thinking and not making any sense... I'm not fully sure yet.
A little bit about myself: I have been vegan for the animals for over a decade. I was raised by traditional Mexican parents who immigrated here in the US in the late 70s. I am 36 years old. I married my high school crush in 2017 after having been together for nine years- is it weird to say that he's still my crush? (love him so much!)
I have experienced grief in the deepest sense, having lost two beloved friends, my mother, and my aunt all within four years' time. My mother's loss was the hardest, being that she passed away a mere three days from my 32nd birthday, after having celebrated my birthday with her in hospice.
I am apparently what is considered a 'Disney adult', having a Magic Key pass, and visiting the park at least once/month.
There are many things I dislike that only my husband agrees with: We don't drink alcohol, smoke or do drugs, and we feel disappointed that all of those things (particularly cannabis) lately are being normalized in every type of media these days. We also don't like that cosmetic surgery is being normalized. We think people have the right to do whatever they want - don't get me wrong, but most people who get lip filler, botox, facelifts, etc. are already beautiful and everyone tends to end up with that same 'kardashian' face when they're through. What a waste of natural beauty. We don't go to the movies anymore - haven't been for at least 12 years. Mostly because we don't like the ambience. Hearing people obnoxiously laugh at a not-so funny joke kinda takes us out of it. We much prefer watching movies in our 85 in. screen tv with surround sound while being cozy in our jammies, where we can pause whenever we need a potty break. It's just more ideal and practical for us. We are also childfree. We both agree that we do not want children, and I am so grateful that we've been on the same page with this since day one.
We do not have too many friends. Just maybe like four or five people we see every so often. When it comes to friendships, we choose quality over quantity. It's difficult to be a good friend to so many people, you can overstretch yourself easily.
I've been asked why I'm vegan, but I'll probably write about that later, since it's kind of a long story.
I've been told my music taste is weird... I hardly listen to anything that came out after 2016...ish? mostly, I like 80s music, and goth bands. Darkwave I think is my favorite genre. but I also listen to musical soundtracks and showtunes. 90s pop and 2000's metal. Souixie and the Banshees and System of a Down + NSync + Britney Spears + Switchblade Symphony + Marilyn Manson + the Singin' in the Rain Soundtrack, as well as some spanish music - no mexican banda but traditional Mariachi. It's an odd combination, but it's definitely me!
When it comes to video games, I love RPG's like Skyrim and ESO. Adventure games like God of War and the Batman Arkham games are top of my list.
Speaking of Batman, I've been obsessed with him since I was about 4 years old with the 90s animated series (RIP Kevin Conroy). Batman was my first crush and also the longest lasting crush to this day aside from my husband of course!
I've always worked in an office setting, but was always so unhappy and felt underappreciated and bored. Last year I quit my job and became a stay at home housewife with my husband's blessing. It's been fun, but the weight gain started, since I've had more time to cook more meals + desserts at home. So, I decided to start a home business of baking vegan sweets, breads, and even selling tamales. It makes just enough for me to have some fun spending money at Disneyland!
My favorite meal to make is a vegan mac n cheeze with spiced roasted potatoes, yum! eating mostly comfort foods which are high and fat, although vegan, can be unhealthy to have all the time, every day. So, I'm trying to get back to eating more veggies. Sounds weird to hear that a vegan isn't eating vegetables, but it happens! So, I'm trying my best to get back to my old habit of healthy eating and working out more. I'm currently at 180lbs and with my height being 5ft 3in, this puts me in the 'obese' category. yikes! I've never been this heavy, and honestly don't FEEL obese, but I really need to get my health back in order.
So is this a diary type journal? tracking my emotions? a weightloss diary? I honestly have no idea. I just get on here and type away, and I'm already feeling a bit lighter. If you have no outlet for your feelings, and keep them bottled in, of course an explosion will eventually happen. And I guess, I'm trying to avoid a mushroom cloud in my tiny house.
To anyone reading this, thanks for taking the time. I hope to write again soon.
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time4hemp · 4 months
Outlawing Cannabis Is NONSENSE
Time 4 Ending Hemp Prohibition!
- October 20, 2014 -
Hemp prohibition is on our front cover. It’s written about in newspapers, blogs and it’s all over social media. Now people are voting about it. The “It” is the ending of cannabis prohibition. Cannabis advocates for years have been saying that cannabis prohibition is more harmful to society than the plant itself and for me I think we’re now seeing the results of years of hard work.
As the world is aware Washington and Colorado are states where cannabis is legal and now Alaska and Oregon have joined them. The District of Columbia also voted overwhelmingly for cannabis legalization but apparently it has to be agreed upon by the U.S. Congress. Unfortunately there has been an indication by some that they won’t agree to the vote on hemp prohibition. If so it would be a tragedy for them to accept the 30% vote gathered on the No side as the majority and ignoring the 65% who supported the measure as the minority. This would be a most certain blow to democracy.
When it’s Time 4 Ending Hemp Prohibition it’s not time for us to walk away, it’s time to continue.
Read the entire magazine below or
click here and download as a PDF.
Joint Conversations Newslet... by on Scribd
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thxnews · 4 months
UK Border Force Shatters Drug Seizure Records
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A Historic Crackdown on Illegal Drugs
UK Border Force's Record-Breaking Seizures The UK's Border Force has achieved a significant milestone in the fight against illegal drugs. In the year ending March 2023, they recorded a staggering 25,834 drug seizures. This marks a 24% increase from the previous year and is the highest number of seizures since records began. This monumental achievement underscores the unwavering commitment of the UK authorities to combat drug trafficking and protect communities.  
Escalating War Against Drug Trafficking
Massive Surge in Seized Illegal Substances The sheer volume of illegal drugs intercepted is astonishing. Over 92 tonnes of narcotics were seized by police and Border Force, the highest volume recorded since 2003/4. This includes significant quantities of so-called party drugs like cocaine and ketamine. The total quantity of cocaine seized doubled to 3.36 tonnes, while ketamine confiscations surged by 189% to 500kg.  
Cocaine: A Prime Target for Seizures
Border Force's Exceptional Success in Cocaine Interception Border Force has shown exceptional proficiency in intercepting cocaine, with over 15 tonnes seized last year alone. This success is attributed to intelligence-led operations that have consistently enabled the seizure of over 9 tonnes of cocaine annually for the past three years.  
Appreciating the Frontline Heroes
Minister's Visit to Stansted Airport Border Force Recognizing the efforts of Border Force officers, Minister for Legal Migration Tom Pursglove is visiting Stansted Airport to extend his gratitude for their dedication to breaking drug supply chains. This visit highlights the government's appreciation for those who work tirelessly to prevent harmful substances from entering the UK.   Government's Firm Stance Against Drugs Zero-Tolerance Policy and Record Seizures The UK government maintains a zero-tolerance approach to illegal drug use, as echoed by Minister Pursglove. The record level of seizures is a testament to the relentless efforts of the police and Border Force to keep illegal drugs off the streets.  
Herbal Cannabis: A Rising Concern
Significant Increase in Seizures Notably, there has been a 96% increase in the seizure of herbal cannabis compared to the previous year. This is indicative of the evolving challenges in drug trafficking and the adaptability of law enforcement agencies in responding to these changes.   Collaborative Efforts Yield Success Partnership Among Agencies and International Allies The success in drug seizures is a result of collaborative efforts between the police, Border Force, National Crime Agency, and international partners. Utilizing intelligence and technology, these organizations work in unison to safeguard borders, thwart drug trafficking, and bring perpetrators to justice.   Investing in a Safer Future Government's 10-Year Drugs Strategy The government's 10-year drugs strategy, backed by a record £3 billion funding, is central to tackling the supply of illicit drugs. This strategy aims for relentless policing action and the establishment of a world-class system of treatment and recovery to transform lives and prevent crime.  
A Resolute Approach to Crime Prevention
Minister Chris Philp's Commitment to Disrupting Criminal Enterprises Minister for Crime, Policing, and Fire Chris Philp reiterates the government's commitment to disrupting criminal enterprises and taking a zero-tolerance approach to both the supply and possession of illegal drugs. The impressive statistics of drug seizures send a strong message to criminals about the consequences of their actions.   Making Strides in Organised Crime Disruption Since April 2022, law enforcement has successfully disrupted over 4,500 organised crime groups and closed over 2,000 county lines, surpassing the three-year target 18 months early. Additionally, over 50,000 drug tests on arrested suspects have facilitated their diversion into life-changing treatment.   Investing in Treatment and Recovery Building a Comprehensive Treatment System The drugs strategy also allocates £780 million towards developing a world-class treatment system, which is vital in breaking the cycle of crime. The government has bolstered the drug and alcohol treatment workforce with 1,670 additional staff and established 106 new Combating Drugs Partnerships across England.   Sources: THX News, Home Office, Border Force, Tom Pursglove MP, & The Rt Hon Chris Philp MP. Read the full article
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rennyji · 4 months
(Updated midway with a section on January 18, 2024 11:10 PM)
my tale, written between Sunday and Monday of 2024 - hopefully the last of it
How many lives have to be ruined for national security or whatever the visible or invisible government plans are (you might not even realize the government is involved), be it with brain mapping or something else?
So what can I intuit about my situation, from just being in it over several years, with the presence of not just my own life as a variable, but everyone and thing I come across?-
- There seems 2 be a similarity 2 a show 4 troubled kids I think I saw in passing, as I went upstairs, in my old house, where I remember mom saying harshly: some deserve it. It struck me @ time or was an ominous moment, b/c I was having trouble w/my parents believing me, 16 yrs ago, that I sensed trouble in my environment.-
- the show for troubled kids investigates troubled youth by likely victims of helicopter parenting.-
- 4 exposing children of these parents, if there is alleged drug use or some 1950s style of culture/behavior disagreement (b/c we live in day and age of legal cannabis use/House of Reps on verge of fist fights/plane doors flowing off in 2023-24 amidst modern day of supposed advanced tech), the show profits over putting them on TV, for the world to humiliate them. Yeah, they clearly don’t have the capacity to think farther in2the lives of already troubled youth that they broadcast.-
- over everyday nuances, just by being alive in this, I realize 1 or more levels of orchestrators look 2 expose me in vulnerable states. From things said in passing by Drs-w/o much info directly from me-like “being engrossed in appearance,” U suspect w/o interference 2 your functioning, the show for troubled kids probably shows you with acne spot treatment in the house. Meanwhile, the government may seize awkward moments like these to take away credibility and following of an individual, by allowing them to be made into a fool, spanning years. But that’s a separate point. -
-upon realizing these things or aware of possibilities, U think of ways 2 cope, in what should be sanctity of ur home. (At time of proofreading this, I'm hearing Nikki Haley's Town Hall: saying "we are a country of laws." I like what she's doing, but my life is testament to this not being a country of laws.) What do I do to deal with the very real possibility of being constantly on spot? You do things like walking around in ur boxers. The rationalization is, the perpetrators relaying ur life are exposed as that much much more scum, cuz ur depicted in an indecent manner. Doing these kind of things gives some sense of self defense, when someone else is on the offensive against you, without reason, through something like the show for troubled kids. Now there could be the real show for troubled kids. Or it could be an independent program that adopts the theme of a troubled kids show. If its through the theme route, it could be some cr*p about mind reading making someone naked in perception. However it may have arrived in my life, the literal or metaphorical troubled kids show probably didn’t find anything bad, in the life of my youth.-
- so, I’m just assuming they now need a way to justify their presence. They also want to cash in for spying on me. Maybe, to cover both those things, they see opportunity. They think maybe they'll show how good a person actually is, which is the opposite of what they normally do. and then as the years go by, for whatever reason that wasn't working out for them, they return back to: how bad, now an adult, is, through psychological abuse from treating him as a child. Maybe show for troubled kids was additionally ambitious to expand their reach to young adults or those 18 and above. Maybe they wanted to offer parents a way to snoop on their sons/daughters in the college life. And in something like that, they see a new way to make money-
To go on a tangent,
People see a doctor when they have something bothering them or affecting their functioning. Some people delay the visit to the doctor, whichever doctor, whatever the condition, for as long as possible. It’s an adult choice, for better or for worse.
For some reason, I’m seen as so ill, that my parents, at my 35 years of age, need to get involved, and there's this group of orchestrators, consisting of therapists in some shape or form, who see themselves as so saintly, that they “just” want to help me- but it’s not through the normal dynamic of face to face contact, where there’s mutual conversation. It’s them affecting the therapist you are seeing, and forcing them to convey their viewpoint and treatment. For talking about them and everything else, I was put through ECT or shock therapy, for the mentally ill, 20 times. Theyll say, while drugs like clozapine-like antipsychotics are diminishing my good judgment as well as the length of my situation is instilling desperation, it’s my fault "for going along" with the ECT. What happened to the "orchestrator overlords" and their pupeteering of my doctor/parents, in this regard? Knowing I’m aware of my situation and the chapter of my life before the Albany nonsense, was ECT (shock therapy) really necessary? But it’s a stupid world, and people, like those running it, are also stupid.
Does that make sense?!
(Now that I think of it, yeah, this definitely comes off as a show for troubled kids.)
The input, that the show for troubled kids, output to strangers, literally for entertainment, was from cameras spying on the victim, or the kids that they target. Now such shows, or maybe more specifically: such people - they now have the ultimate camera. They can see deep into a persons past - ammo given by the FBI and American government. I say FBI because I went to them, and instead of helping or acknowledging my situation, knowing I was into writing, they directed me to a financial internet crimes form that enabled unlimited updates. Was it something innocent or an honest mistake or something naively used to get rid of me, while I'm talking about stalkers and hacking?
Looking into my past, what was my biggest offense, to myself, my family, or others?
Out of their being nothing, are all the orchestrators just cherry picking what’s open to interpretation?
My parents can be: simply put: weird.
I remember an argument that was severe, with my parents, when I wanted a part time job in high school. My parents were furiously opposed, because that would mean I have money to possibly do something, for what counts as questionable to my parents. Strict parents.
I remember when I wanted to learn to drive. My parents see it as one more thing they need to worry about. They delayed me driving as much as possible, and gave me an endless hard time, tying in anxiety to the exacerbated experience. 
Something else that happened during those years, Around that time, my mother broke her arm, by standing on a "tipping-over" milk carton, in our, then, backyard garden. My father somehow blamed me for the incident, as God and/or the devil, punishing the family, for a bad or disobedient son. But what did I do? I think around that time, I got a bad grade on a test or it was their lack of processing towards my frustration with their perception of me driving. Could it all have been cyclical nothing?
Now, I tend to get angry with my dad, in general, because it’s just hard being around him, because of his magical thinking. Recently, from his bedroom, I heard him talking to someone on the phone, saying: "all we can do is endure, and forgive in these situations. If we make any effort, we risk making it worse.”
It could be about anything. But the thing is, this statement is a testament to his beliefs.
Recently, I addressed how to pray. Prayer is a tool for us to be introspective and understand what our flaws are, and make an explicit effort to ask for help, in inhibiting those flaws. But it seems my dad doesn’t want to make the effort to realize flaws, from a belief God knows what flaws are and about everything, in general, and He'll just wave his finger and make flaws vanish. He thinks we just need to ask to be delivered from Satan. But part of the process of prayer is for "man, him/herself to realize" what's wanted, needed, and to be corrected. His belief system makes me angry. Is my situation, lasting this long, in part, because, he’s trying to hide his flaws, by pinning the attention on me and something like my eating habits in a stressful situation?  The bigger question: Is my situation lasting this long, because dear old dad doesn’t want to creatively think outside the box and come up with something on his own, in place of a high level statement asking God to make problems disappear? Its like my parents don’t like actual and metaphorical effort. They think all they need to do is tell GOD to do the figuring and work for them, in place of the “doing your part” and then leaving God "to do the rest."
My parents mistake their part as throwing money to therapists and meds which they're not even sure, works. This is in part, because, they’re told to ignore me, when I talk about what I’m experiencing from "my SITUATION". This mode of action is encouraged by orchestrators, proxying through, and replacing: my therapists' actual diagnosis/opinions.
If its about mind readers showing how horrible mankind is, or a troubled kids show showing how horrible youth are: In my whole life, as the orchestrators have the record, what is my crime? It’s not because I’m a saint. If there's no detectable wrongdoing in my past, its because I had a purpose and a goal: to get through school, so that I can finally have a life and live life. I spent hours studying. Never opportunity for something bad.
You gotta ask: Did I shoplift, did I beat someone up, did I have sex in high school, have I ever done any illegal drug, have I drunk more than 10?! beers in my 35 years of existence, did I sneak out of the house in high school?, did I get bad grades, did I go to bars and party/use fake Ids, was I spending all my time hanging out with friends instead of prioritizing school, did I hit my parents?
Will my parents claim that I’m somehow mean to parents? What did I say, what did I do? What are the details/what are the specifics?
What's the conclusion we arrive at? The show for troubled kids basically saw an opportunity to extend their reach to 18+ year olds with "easy-to-manipulate" parents. They saw opportunity to go beyond cameras, and deep dive into someone’s past. 
The troubled kids show, realizing nothing was wrong, again,from being over ambitious and legally concerned, make the decision to show how good I am.
--I think this is where I intended to "leave the tangent"...
In my Freshman years at Binghamton, as an engineering major, there was one guy, who was transferring as a computer science major to SUNY Stonybrook, who happen to tell me, in passing, "Don't ask me how, but you're going to be famous one day." Never second guessed it, as its a randm/odd thing to say to someone, but it paints a timeline. That was in 2006.
There was a day in maybe 2007, or maybe 2008, where I was talking across a library coffee shop with my parents about the difficulties of engineering and they were consoling me. Now I noticed something odd that I again put out of my mind for years, since there was no reason to keep thinking about it, then. The staff at the coffee shop, from across the distance to the lounge tables where we were seated, seemed glued and very much touched by a conversation that I didn't understand as audible to them. I've wondered how they could hear from the distance. Was some level of relaying happening then? - That kind of moments in time throws the Albany hacking, out of sorts, on the timeline.
I later transferred to SUNY Albany, in 2010, as a computer science major, after a failed attempt at engineering.
In this chapter the strange kids and SUNY Albany faculty get involved.
-around time of attempt @ engineering @ Binghamton, I was struggling b/c there wasn’t long term/stable/long lasting focus aid likeVyvanse. I kept failing @ whatever i endeavered, b/c my focus was that bad, I got thru high school b/c of rote learning-what Indians call mugging up.-
- around that time in Binghamton, there was girl I liked. With us Indians, we generally hang around other Indians. In big America, it’s hard to find someone attractive to your interests, with a small subset or minority of people.-
-& b/c I'm corny, I look 4 things like a smile I don’t have, or a name that flows w/mine. Now around that time, there were people seen around her, and this is in Binghamton, that seem 2 be present or similar in appearance 2 people Ive seen in Albany, when i embarked on comparatively easier computer science major at the institution-
-when I was in India, from 2013-2014, after I gave up enduring and trying to figure out the craziness happening in America, I saw some similar looking kids there too. Now in brown India, these American caucasian kids really stand out. I was going from place to place, like Albany/Indida because I just wanted peace of mind and the sanctity of my own apartment and a job to occupy my time.-
- Fast forward past my Albany time from 2010-2013, and then to during my India period from 2013-2014, there too: themes keep coming up. “Let’s get him out,” “he’s always working.” I took a coding bootcamp there, which I happen to ace and be first in my class, and the students of the camp say: " "They" said we have to irritate him to get him to react." I’ve bumped into people with these kind of impressions, and it gets worse: when they act on them. Then what complicates it more, is when ur Indian mother, wondering why ur not going to the Indian Church, also hears these things from people she thinks are part of your circle or world. Your parents hear from strangers, like a complaint, that your son is mean and anti-social. Because they're medically oriented, the think you have some fear of going outside...I mean you're not going out to their Church.
But what the SUNY Albany and parents, made a fool by these kids, didn’t realize, was that the stalkers kids meant “going out” in the colloquial or slang sense. They want to know why I’m not partying or hitting the bars, at a time when, I, am again, advancing in years. I think the stalker-kids are still going on about in the present day.-
- the miscommunication is that bad. I talked about strange kids being in pursuit of me. There are kids proxying between Suny Albany and my parents at that time from 2010-2013. When I mention strange kids saying abnormal things in my vicinity, for some reason, no 1 thought "those kids" are "these kids." -
- what complicates it further is: apparently the incentive of these kids to get me to go out is so that their friend can not be concerned with me and move onto other people. Complete and total nonsense and I'm telling my findings to family, doctors, police. They were influencing my reputation on an everyday level, as a person, not on a professional basis YET, or street reps-
-I’m sure, at this point, school was tired of the bull sh*t they got involved in, and then succumbed to a project, to indirectly deal with me, so that they look less foolish.
- now those kids and school are talking about crazy things like me not going out of my way to say hello to strangers, when they were the only ones trying to...I dunno...reach me for some unknown reason, from a distance.-
-if it sounds crazy or the wording sounds crazy, I'm talking about actual crazy people through convoluted descriptions about the unknown.
At Suny Albany, I had a popular twitter account w/ followers I gained thru marketing software. These strange kids and then the school, get the idea, that the twitter account, without a well known face, meant I’m famous.-Yeah it’s that stupid.-
- Struggling with ADD and a failed chapter with engineering, I stuck to myself and tried to finish my college chapter as soon as possible.-
-It was my second attempt at college. Before Vyvanse, I was someone who failed Java programming 3 times. In Albany, with Vyvanse, I got an "A" in Java, advanced Java programming, and TAed Java programming.-
- I was stretching my parents finances and I couldn’t afford screwing up computer science, as they also had to send my brother to college. Now the problem with the show for troubled kids, SUNY Albany faculty: is that they keep “interpreting my actions.” I have no idea Y I’m even in their radar. They're probably responsible for perceptions that I’m in Albany because I’m there to work. I kept talking to people who for some reason thought I was pursuing a grad degree or was done with school and working. But it could be my mature face, by which I mean old, and not a skinny teenager.-
- Now those kids, one of whom I saw or could’ve sworn I saw, in Binghamton, in Albany, and in India (sounding crazy, right), got involved with the show in Binghamton in some way. If that's true, real responsible of the show for troubled kids to not even vet who these kids are...you'd think a show for troubled kids would know troubled kids when they see it...but then this all could be happening or not happening...Then the next crazy thing happens.-
- I don’t know what the fire is, that's fueling these strange kids. People on campus seemed to be interested when I’d so much as walk with a girl, and the girl friend of one of my first set of roommates at Albany, was overly interested why I was in Albany. You start wondering, could this be even crazier. Its crazy to assume any of this, but this seems to build/snowball-
- were these kids spreading the next load of cr*p, that I left Binghamton from a broken heart or something? Why would I think such a thing. I kept seeing women in cars give actual expressions of "Don't go" and there "was" this interest in seeing me walk around women. Stupid nonsense. These are things a person has floating in their head. But who acts on these things. You keep ignoring.-
- but then the next crazy thing happens. There’s the show, the meddling kids, and when I reached Albany, there was a Professor Berg, A Professor Haas, and a Sys Admin (last name Augustine) who saw my open situation as a good opportunity to play with high level hacking tech. The reasoning? Whatever was making me visible, would also show the effect of their hack...(I'm kinda happy we're shifting to talking about the more morbid stuff now...)-
- the tech hacks, in a traditional sense, can display computer screen contents (maybe like a white web page with a square in the middle displaying my computer contents, the hacking tech can hack phones (I called the FBI, since they deal with hacking, and a member of the demographic I kept having run ins with, at Albany, said vehemently says "stop calling." Would the FBI abruptly say this?!).-
- Now this gets a level crazier. There’s something that can projects sounds and see through my eyes.-
-Ages ago, I’m assuming the kids, somehow knew I was watching "Silver Linings Playbook, and the kids think, or the kid like voices think, I’m the obsessed guy in the movie, and they were condescending about it conveying it to me. Obsessed on who? On someone I don't know? Obsessed on someone I had one conversation with? -- I can only assume as the list is small. Is this about someone from several years ago, and I'm dealing with kids related in some fashion, 3 or 4 years later? Why does any of this matter and what does this have to do with the show for troubled kids or the hacking, since my time at SUNY Albany? How the h*ll are these kids getting involved in everything? They output cr*p, but everyone uses them. On one occasion, I heard "What do you mean they don't know each other?!) Of all the things..."Silver Linings Playbook"? Where highlighted in relation, did I give a picture (like I had one?) indicating who you're thinking? Who would that person be to Albany-ites? Is this person famous to be known everywhere in some way? Who are you referring to and who do you think I'm connected with? Do I actually have stalkers, in strange kids, across time and places? Are they spreading things and blaming me? Am I famous? Shouldn't I know if I'm famous? Use the word: "famous" with a psychiatrist. All sounds crazy. More importantly, how do people recognize me in the city of Albany, where I've never been? Is there a picture of me going around? Are people alerted to my presence somehow? Am I on the mark when I suggest: "people are aware of me, when I'm on the road?" Can that statement or question be misconstrued in any other way?
If I'm hearing something, are other people hearing something different that I cannot hear? Are they able to hear what I'm hearing? Is the content different?-
-Again, Obsessed over who? When I was in Albany, I was occupied with the YMCA, eating at Chipotles, my own apartment, my part time jobs, and of course: college academics! Why would I on a normal day, have any type of following, and that too, if I’m minding my own business? Is that why my apparent stalkers are wondering why I'm never out, colloquially speaking? and this sentiment must grow. Under the assumption of troubled kids show, they're probably like bingo: we found something to use against him. The hackers amongst SUNY Albany faculty? They need me to write, speak, go out and about, so that they can perfect their mind reading/mind control technology. Yeah, I said it: mind reading/mind control technology. And it continues snowballing...because when things go unchecked without consequences, things snowball to something so unbelievable, anyone with a reputation, responsible, would want to hide it under a rug.-
- now there a lot of stress from all this floating in my mind .It made me lose my hair in a year. little hair I have is from a hair transplant in the front. Stress can make U look old. When everything’s going wrong, diet may not be best either. and then these retard kids open me to criticism with comments like "he was discovered"-
-what's worse, my environment at SUNY Albany gets hostile. As far as I know, I was minding my own business. I'm overly polite when I'm with strangers, because I just want to return home and attend to what I like or responsibility. While I"m driving to SUNY Albany, on the day of 3 final exams in the year of 2012, the neighborhood kids waiting for the school bus seem on the alert. I hear someone in my apartment parking lot say maliciously: "Have a good day!" You wonder: if it's an auditory hallucination, how loud can a hallucination be? Can be like a megaphone in the midst of your apartment complex's parking lot? During my exams, in my exam rooms, outside my exam rooms, chaos ensues. While I'm walking to my exams, there seem to be faculty lined up along the way with phones, like they know they need to watch out for me. Did the world just end and decide to make me look crazy? During my first exam, something suspicious happens. I start twitching from bordering two realities in my situation. My professor sees this from the front of the lecture hall and alerts a student adjacent to me, "Get a drink of water." The student didn't ask. He's told. He goes outside, my professor looks at me like "look what you did", and I hear the guy telling people outside: "Enough, he crying." From the stress, I couldn't finish my exam. My professor allows me to finish an exam I didn't finish (who does this for no reason) in a conference room in the computer science department. I'm there with a TA watching me. From outside the door where you can see shadows through the screen, my professor, a professor with a limp, and the department secretary break into conversation. They say "is he okay? I don't know what's wrong with that kid; must be on drugs. Everyone is trying to help him." The TA is in the room with me. He's pale in complexion. I ask him if he heard the professors. He turns visibly red and tells me to focus on my exam. Once I leave the room, there's the ever suspicious Professor, I never had for a class: George Berg walking, disturbed, in the opposite direction.
Some time after, when I'm in my studio apartment in Albany, I’m watching “Being John Malkovich,” and I heard a claim that someone was somehow seeing what I was eyeing, by being in my head, like in the movie: "Being John Malkovich."- Were they trying to make me go crazy?
- Fast forward years later, I’m so furious with my situation, I punch a hole in my bedroom wall (Normal adult guy things, but I’m in a situation where I’m constantly depicted as aggressive & mean, all w/o evidence or basis), and I hear my mom walking towards my room. She stops midway/abruptaly. I get sense “something is seeing thru my eyes" and warns her from coming any further. I get a sense of the much denied: “remote viewing” done by governments.-
- Google “remote viewing” by governments or see my earlier posts. Now, going back to the story: I'm still in Albany, because I’m a computer science/"attempt-at-engineering" guy. But while I was engineering in Binghamton, 2-3 years before my time specified incident in Albany, I was part of the IEEE engineering organization & received their magazines. Their magazines are about the latest tech. 1 day, in magazines that I barely read, I saw a page on wireless hacking w/waves. If nothing, this opens my mind to what's possible and becomes remembered years later.-
- again things floating through a persons mind, that pop up in ur head, during impossible life circumstances. There was just a growing amount of proof about wireless wave hacking, troubled kid shows,-
-and remember: I mentioned these 3 comp sci faculty at SUNY Albany. They have some kind of toy, that they decided to use on me, while I was writing to twitter.- probably to verify that their tech worked by seeing what I outputted to twitter and what's visible to whatever program, focused on me, was happening at the time-
- I hear something about stolen tech, from...wait for the crazy: projected sounds! apparently, while someone’s in Germany, they stole or made a copy of something that gives hacking power on one or more levels. Now, if that's getting mixed up in my already convoluted snowballing situation, the argument that follows is someone trying to justify use of that or legalize it. Everything happening then till now, I explain with what I know and observe.
- The faculty with the tech were never my professors. So they probably thought I wouldn’t recognize their voices. The faculty were all in on it.
- Around this time in Albany, there’s news about anonymous social networking, while a school organizes to give me a day of h*ll in 2012. On the news, the NSA is talking about data collection. Someone at the FBI-when I tell them about all the oddities in my situation directs me to an unlimited complaint form: the IC3. So now I'm getting facts or perceived facts and a resource. Now remember, I mentioned three comp sci faculty at SUNY Albany. On certain days, when I’d write, a Professor Haas walks “past” the the student lounge I’m located in, and says “he doesn’t know if it’s the FBI or us, helping him.
-I still dont' get the obsession over "help" and what the "help" was about. I've said, if people are with me, why aren't they "with" me? I mean where are they? Why is no one talking to me?
- when I try 2 explain my situation, in all its angles on a complaint form, Professor Berg, on one occasion, does what all the faculty at the school does. While “in my direction/vicinity, he says “oh we we helped ‘them” we went in the wrong direction. people are so stupid. I got an idea to show how foolish people are. It’s going to be scary.” -
- now in his random message, that he says close to me, so that I can hear it, and maybe expected to read into it, probably to make me look crazy and save the reputation of the school, he says the word “them.” I’m getting repeated signs and confirmations pointing to strange kids again. And how do you react to strange professors you never had, not talking to you, in a one to one, but around you from a distance, so. you can hear.
I confronted the VP of the school about what I perceived. He said I was crazy. The school is a community. When it failed with the VP, I tried talking to the President of the school. For trying to talk to him, I was "put on disciplinary probation." The accusation was "I"m pursuing the president." Pursuing the president? Sounds like, because the school is a community, and the President was retiring, they didn't want me to mix the retiring President of the University with my escalating randomness. This could be one more reason whatever show I'm in, adopts a troubled kids theme. It could all be rooted in SUNY Albany. They hated me because they thought "who does this guy think he is, wanting to talk to the VP of Student Affairs or the President of the school." This could have been all that's needed to set the orchestrators on my tail with a spirit of vengeance.
- as my time in Albany progresses, I get a sense of some kids that I think are involved as the stalker kids I'm theorizing on. On one occasion, when I write about kids that I think R involved, through description about them or what classes they’re in, the school narrows these nameless kids and alerts them. Then I see them walk past me angrily. And if I say that I’m seeing and hearing unknown nameless kids, I’ll be viewed as crazy. On another occasion, I kind of become like a detective with that unlimited FBI internet hacking complaint form. I give my profile of certain professors I think are in on what's going on. The very next day, some of them walk past me, saying "Now our names are on "that thing." I mean ... I didn't say anything bad...Could all this be a hallucination, in its complexity, in the various people I never had contact with? For that professor to be irritated her name is on "That thing", it could be that the faculty member with the stolen hacking tech is lying about or carelessly reading what I wrote about the faculty. Maybe he or they are trying to involve more people at the school.-
- while describing my situation & what it’s coming off as, from what I’m seeing daily, over 3 years, from 2010-2013 at Albany, at about that time, Professor George Berg gets excited one day. He seems to suspect that I’m picking up on sounds he’s projecting to me, from what I'm writing on my FBI complaint form. I see him one day, excitedly going2 tell some1.-
- now again putting two and two together, I suspected he’s going to school of nanoscale engineering. That’s the only properly run portion of SUNY Albany and the most techy. Professor Haas walks by on another day, when I say stop hacking me on the complaint form, "The Freedom of Information Act" allows it. If I was hallucinating, how would I know about the "Freedom of Information Act?" Was it in my Google searches? Doesn't the actual FBI keep track of such things? or doesn't the NSA keep track of cell phone records. So I google it and the indirect dialogue continue between me and the computer science faculty. I realize, from memory, the Freedom of Information Act has Exemptions. I think I highlighted Exception 3. When I did, I indicated they can't hack and relay me. I was talking about perceived slander because something was making me notable in people's eyes or hostile towards me. I google and realize, if I'm notable, with or without knowing it, then slander becomes libel. Somewhere along the lines, I hear things about brain mapping.-
- I go 4 doctor visits & learn about fMRIs. I realized a crude form of mind reading & mind control can be accomplished, by mapping the brain, detecting which emotions light up to projected sounds/speech, and that you can recording things said externally in my head and then try to detect it.-
-The FBI directed me to an unlimited complaint form, where when I wrote, the audible orchestrators are getting excited and encourage repeated use, which one could intuit is to understand my speech and thinking. When I worked for PepsiCo, they instigate confrontations with-
- manager and me, where he’s told one thing and I’m directed another way, and they try to create situations where long emails are written or constant self defense conversations are given.-
- what the American government and FBI did, was provide a way for the show, the kids, and SUNY Albany, to get as much ammo on me to save them, by giving the very people I complained about, keys to my head. Why won't they save me?
- clearly when a group of white kids, with black faculty, at a school, and the local FBi office in Bethlehem(in the district of Albany, NY), want to rain h*ll on a brown man from NYC, they get the approval, and, not for 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, but something around 16 years.
- you wanna know something interesting amidst all this brain mapping/ mind reading situation? One of faculty who’d “say things in my vicinity” to, probably, make me look crazy, to at least my parents and doctors, a Professor Haas, happen to have died of a brain aneurysm. Coincidence? Death from something in the brain? When I'm involved in a brain mapping/brain wave project?-
- did professor haas die as consequence 4 letting enough info spill?It’s sounds like what the government is reported as doing, in all these fringe shows. They kill someone or make someone disappear. Then he also happens to be a Caucasian Buddhist, who happened to be cremated very shortly after death. Now you can't investigate the death either.-
-now Professor Haas may have suffered from high blood pressure. I think a semester b4, I saw him in a t shirt, jogging on campus. He was trying 2 do something about his situation. Prof Haas was notably outspoken & maybe ill tempered. I didn’t get the feeling he was admired.-
- when he died a semester later, after making attempts to attend to his health, a semesters worth of time before, the computer science faculty gave him, an advertised, memorial service, on campus. He was 1 of the 3 exposed to the stolen tech of probably the sys admin of the time.-
-I have reasonable evidence, this is now happening from "what’s seen thru my eyes" or from "detecting the content from the part of my brain, processing what my eyes are seeing." By replicating waves in this, U get an image. the public is probably tricked to thinking: it’s relaying my typing “as” I’m typing through cell phone or laptop hacking.-
- relaying, as I’m typing, thru hacking tech, happened a decade ago. Now it’s brain hacking. When it was tech hacking, I noted, when I’d use the lounge area, in my off campus Albany apartment community, and used their WIFI, that the hacking wasn’t limited to my IP or MAC address from the paid service in my studio apartment.-
- it was wireless tech hacking. It was happening with waves. I knew no one put any spy device in my apartment, because I had motion sensor cameras in my apartment. I I knew when maintenance staff came in and there was only a saved record of one maintenance record. My computer had monitoring software because I’m a techie. I paid for firewalls and antivirus. Things with hacking shouldn't have been so straight forward with me. When I made submissions to the FBI crime tip site, I saved the tips, I recorded data packets with WireShark, I took screenshots since the crime tip site doesn't send detailed conversations. I was really getting into my situation. It seemed like my phone was being hacked because its content was known by one or more people. I bought burner prepaid phones from Walmart. On one occasion, I texted my brother that I'm on my way home, in hexadecimal. It seemed like the hexadecimal was translated from what I heard from the projected sounds. -
- I never typed my passwords, and used a password manager, so that rules out keyloggers. Everything I know is from trial and error, and knowing what my world should’ve been and what it has become.-
- At that time, I’d remove the batteries from my Samsung phone, which had removable battery compartment, unlike iPhones and other Apple products, when I wanted privacy. I took out the wireless card from my nonApple products and used wired connections. But still, after something like Drs appntment, with my phone battery out, other people were still reacting 2 something On the roads. And it was the usual demographic: college age youth looking on their phones with certain expressions.-
- This leads way to brain hacking and "what my ears hear" or "hacking some other tech" in vicinity like an Alexa device. The school then decides to cover its tracks. My parents get duped into school telling them I’m a paranoid schizophrenic, despite all the things they engaged in.
- the George Berg faction? despite asserting he knew he was doing wrongdoing, tells parents and show, "we can prove all of it" or "fix allegedly crazy Renny" through getting him involved in a time consuming project, where memories and information allegedly become visible.-
- 2 further complicate things, no 1 can speak 2 me, I can’t talk 2 them about situation.
I remember in Albany, school abused use of community. People at school would get friends in community 2 check who was “following me” based on rumors of stalker kids.-
- But aren’t "those people" now following me to figure out who's following me? Are these people retarded? I know from first four years, of a car, and college experience, how people look on the road.-
-When that changes, & like how things are done things now( telling people when I’m on the road), how am I a schizo thinking people are following me? I’d see the strangest things. Police cars driving in area of my apartment, as though school or something told him, give him courage by driving by his apartment. But what does that sound like? It sounds like black helicopters or white trucks reported as being seen as scare tactics near military bases like the infamous Area 51. Was someone trying to give me "signs" to make me look crazy, scare me out of Albany, or the complete opposite: give me courage?-
- You have no idea the amount of stupidity & negligent use of resources. Like police cars or community members. All because of the very obvious truth behind a situation: -no one talks to the individual at the center of all this. -It’s just a snowball of justifications. -Now they want to to try know "of" me by allegedly mind reading me. the mind reading is the justification for never speaking to me or actually knowing me. They see opportunity like "hey this is perfect, lets see what kind of info we can fish for, through waves in his head-
-But again figures…it’s America…a circus. Because of negligent law makers and drug/alcohol abuse, you have people not properly checking, if trains in NYC, will derail twice in a week, or if plane doors will fly open mid flight,-
- or not vetting House Reps resumes, to see if lying, or if guy copiloting a plane, is mentally sound, and not on drugs, and not putting the flight at gunpoint.-
- what all these people have in common? They don’t care about consequences or someone convinces them of a lack of consequences.-
- Biblically it’s said, “whoever harms the innocence of these little ones, it’s better they tie a rock around their head and drown themselves.” This little ones are symbolic of an innocent mind. Someone that harms the sanctity of the mind burns in h*ll-
- isn’t America about protecting dignity of even 1 American life?! Isn’t justice system about releasing 100 guilty people, over throwing 1 innocent life in trouble/jail? Ive been in my situation longer than others in jail. Y is my innocent life not worth dignity of freedom?-
- a follower of Christ said, “Master, let me bury my father, before following You” Christ sharply responds, “Let the dead bury the dead.” The lesson is not to wait, to stop an injustice, especially simply b/c we’re closer to the end than the beginning. Stop injustice now.-
“Justice should be swift and indiscriminate.”
what am I not seeing, if you're thinking something else...foul play? Deceit? Trickery at its worst?!
0 notes
  Chapter 4: The First Load Arrives
“It’s the weather, Bob. They have to wait until it’s perfect. Right now it’s snowing in El Paso,” I told Bifocal Bob on the payphone call to New York.
“Snowing in El Paso?” he asked, “Is that even possible? I thought it was in the desert.”
“It’s the high altitude desert, Bob, and the crossers don’t want their movements tracked in the snow.”
“That’s ridiculous. Just get me the fucking load. Otherwise, I’m spending my money on what Neanderthal Ned brings me.”
“Neanderthal Ned” was a reference to one of my border smuggling competitors. He notably lived in a luxurious, retrofitted cave in the mountains overlooking Tucson and was able to amass substantial amounts of Mexican cannabis from independents operating along the Arizona border. Architectural Digest had written a favorable article about his Taliesin West inspired residence which was equipped with advanced automatic features like automated sky lights and floating stairways well ahead of its time. Ned, operating outside of cartel jurisdiction, retrofitted motor homes whose interiors had been altered to fit his shipments which averaged over a ton.
As well-known as Ned and his operation was, it was his girlfriend, Molly, who captured the most attention. Molly and I moved in the same circles. After she and Ned parted company, Molly showed up as a companion to Billy Mercedes, one of my main San Francisco distributors who lived in Marin County. After that Molly married a certain well-known television doctor, who wrote an anguished book, “Taming Molly” about his attempts to get Molly to conform to suburban life while married to medicine.
Ned was reliable, I explained, but this was on another level. We were sending the best genetics to Mexico. Commercial logistics were being arranged. The cartel had ensured a steady supply.
“Bob, you’re about to be on the other end of a pipeline,” I explained.
“Snowing in El Paso? That has got to be some bullshit. Get here as soon as you can.” Patience was not a virtue with Bob.
Waiting is the hardest part of the game. Tension continues to build as the wait goes on. The tension is composed of one or two parts anticipation and several parts fear. Fear that your warehouse might stand out, that crossers would be captured and the authorities might start working their way up the supply chain. Every day I spent at the Las Cruces, New Mexico Marriot was another day that law enforcement might start to wonder what I was doing there, comfortably ensconced in one of their suites in an area not known for tourism. Staying in one of the Marriot suites, playing the tourist and seeing the wonders of El Paso and Juarez? Hardly.
What to do with all that nervous energy? You couldn’t leave El Paso because the shipment was imminent. It could be seized at any point and then you were out whatever investment you had made and you might attract Federal attention. You couldn’t sit in your room or you’d go crazy with boredom. Every day, to avoid the anxiety, I would make the culinary circuit with Brian: breakfast at Lucy’s or Mi Pueblito with the great chili con queso, always followed by scrambled eggs with jalapenos or an egg over easy on one of their traditional red sauce enchiladas. Then we’d head over the bridge and spend the afternoon at the Florída in Juarez. The Florída restaurant was widely known to be owned by members of the cartel so we felt comfortable. Whatever the restaurant, Brian made sure that we were always supplied with an endless pitcher of margaritas.
If it was the right time of year, the Florída had cuitlacoche, the gray, stone-shaped fungus that becomes like tar when it is cooked and has an earthy, tangy, mushroom-like flavor with a hint of raw corn. Farmers call the dish el oro negro, or black gold. The Florída was also renowned for all of the classic Mexican dishes: turkey mole with three kinds of chocolate from Oaxaca, cooked for thirty six hours in clay pot, or carnitas tacos made the old fashioned way, carved from a roasting spit.
Later, after margaritas and a couple of joints of Mendocino homegrown, we would reconvene at Juarez’s renowned watering hole, the legendary border saloon, the Kentucky Club. The Kentucky was frequented by Generals Pancho Villa and Alvara Obregón, the first president of Mexico after the revolution. “The Kentucky” had a timeless quality with pictures from the Mexican Revolution of Pancho Villa riding majestically through town on a horse festooned with turquoise and silver bridles, Villa handing out chocolates or silver bullets to children, Villa with what looked like a cannabis blunt and of the U.S. general, Pershing, who led the Villa Expedition to find and punish Pancho Villa for his attack on Fort Bliss. If you stayed at the Kentucky Club long enough you hear all the stories about Villa. He was famous for his consumption of cannabis, celebrated in “La Cucaracha” and it was historical legend that Villa smoked his cannabis at the Kentucky.
Tables at the Kentucky, with the afternoon light casting shadows, reminded me of an elegant bar somewhere in the British Raj as the sun was setting on the Empire. Any table held court on an international assembly of stealthy high-end thieves, secretive smugglers, cartel lieutenants and Federal agents trying to avoid detection. The Kentucky was styled with thoughtful attention to detail from another era like the soft green-tiled trough that circled the bar which allowed their card playing patrons to urinate at will and not leave their cards unattended. Since the bar was constructed before refrigeration, every day at 4 PM, a skinny young kid, who looked as if he should still be in middle school, carried in the blocks of ice used for mixed drinks on his back. He was always accompanied by his boss, a seasoned four foot dwarf, who directed him and collected money for the ice. The dwarf danced back and forth with a nervous tick as he visited each table to offer an earnest “Buenas tardes”. He always stuck out his hand, expecting a tip in recognition of his status.
I formed a special bond with the Kentucky’s oldest bartender, Andrés, when I brought him a New York Times Travel Section article about him and the Kentucky Club. He framed it and to this day it’s still hanging from a favored location on the wall behind the bar. With great ceremony, he offered to give me his secret margarita recipe which I will reveal now for the first time: one part Hornitos Reposado tequila, one part squeezed lime, one part the Mexican orange liqueur, “Controy”. Andrés was insistent that I not try to substitute the French version of this same liqueur, “Cointreau”. It was finished with lots of hand-chiseled ice.
We blithely disregarded the DEA agents who would occasionally occupy a shadowy corner table, but later, when Brian’s partner Charlie was indicted, we found out that an entire Justice Department task force had been listening and waiting for just the right time. Brian and Charley had arranged for a planeload of Colombian cannabis, flown by some Southwest Airline pilots, that was abandoned before it was fully unloaded in the Palm Springs desert. Years later, the DEA confronted Charlie right in the Kentucky, laid out their evidence among the shots of tequila, and secured Charlie’s cooperation.
Still half-lit from the Kentucky, we would hop back into Leilani’s Cadillac and get in line to go back across the border. It was time for a nap to sleep off the tequila, to clean up and get ready for the evening.
Brian’s answer to the waiting doldrums was to honor a Texas tradition and visit one of El Paso’s multitude of topless bars. El Paso, being part of the South, with the Fort Bliss army base and the University of Texas, El Paso was a prime location for the industry. On my second day in town, Brian took me to lunch in a small downtown café called the “King’s X”. Just as I was biting into my turkey club, the clock struck one and the staff, with matching uniforms, came out to engineer a spectacular transformation. A small stage emerged from a hidden panel and four gorgeous college girls from UTEP walked out in sequined bikinis. It wasn’t long before I stopped eating lunch to watch the performance. Maybe I had led a sheltered academic life previously, but I was from California and had never seen anything like this: one minute I was eating lunch and the next there were college girls dancing topless with breasts unexpectedly inches from my face. Brian noticed my discomfort and immediately called over one of the UTEP girls and insisted she sit on my lap.
He introduced me as a “professor” and asked her what her major was. “I’m studying law,” she said and asked if I could help her with her homework as Brian slipped her a twenty.
“This is my friend’s first time in El Paso,” Brian explained, “I’d like you to introduce him to the way we do things in the state of Texas.” At that narrow, two-person table, she took some time to show me the affability for which Texas was famous. My wire-rimmed glasses were smashed and bent, but I was infatuated.
Unlike California, topless bars were everywhere. There seem to be an attempt to anchor shopping malls with the classic troika of Texas: a topless bar, a pawn shop, and a church. There were some that catered to those who liked heavier girls, to those that liked thin girls, to natural and artificially constructed girls and to every possible ethnicity. Some of them tried to overwhelm you with scale and sheer numbers of dancers and then there were others that were all nude. The latter required one to bring one’s own alcohol, because of an obscure Texas law that recognized the potential for social chaos if alcohol and complete exposure were sold in the same location at the same time. Another timely framed rule on the wall of every bar in Texas, “It is unlawful to discharge a firearm in an establishment where alcohol is sold.” Only in Texas would the constabulary feel the need to spell out the obvious. I gradually settled on two bars that stood out: the Lamplighter, and Prince Machiavelli’s. The Lamplighter became my favorite and it wasn’t long before all California propriety was gone and I started dating the dancers.
One morning, Brian showed up early at my room at the Marriot. Brian was always well dressed with a starched collared shirt, a selection of one of his Patek Phillipe watches and exotically skinned boots. “Del, it looks like we’re out of pocket today so I’ve decided we need to get you out of those tennis shoes.” Several of the cartel lieutenants had mumbled a comment or two regarding the informality of my choice of footwear.
“Man, you can’t wear tennis shoes unless you’re at home,” they told me. ”Why even your president wears boots,” Don Chui’s son, Armando, said, referring to George W. Bush. Over time, a growing consensus and low key concern from Leilani to our Mexican friends had determined that it was a matter of Texas pride, gentlemanly decorum and respect for local customs that demanded that I should immediately be outfitted with appropriate boots.
Brian had shown up with Charlie, his Mexican partner, who was dark-complected, short and heavyset, with a mustache reminiscent of Emiliano Zapata. Charlie always wore shorts and sandals which drew attention to his ample abdominal girth. He was dating the widow of a West Texas oil tycoon, Deborah, who just idolized the notion of her Charlie as a wild, pot smuggling outlaw. Deborah, the stylish blond Texas cheerleader, with her expensive outfits and jewelry, presented an odd couple when matched with Charlie. “My former husband was in the awl business,” she explained with a full Southern drawl, “But I just love my Charlie”. She loved showing Charlie the outlaw to her El Paso society friends and she made it clear to everyone that Charlie had improbably captured her heart as a virile Latin lover.
We arrived at Brian’s bootmaker who occupied a small shop in the old part of town near the border. The bootmaker was a small older Mexican man whose hands were yellow dyed and worn from years of working with leather and lasts. There was hardly room to sit as the shop was filled in every available space with the exotic skins of endangered species. The bootmaker took my measurements to build a last that would serve as the foundation for many future generations of my boots. Having taken my measurements, the bootmaker, under Brian and Charlie’s direction, began to bring in a selection of skins. Once again, with my California sense of propriety, I began to cringe in alarm as they showed me crocodile (endangered), lizard (endangered) and elephant (obviously endangered). The bootmaker mistook my wide-eyed examination of the elephant skin as an interest in the species, so he brought out an “elephant face” skin. Really? I thought, elephant face? There it was with a bullet hole right in the middle of this poor elephant’s skin face. I settled on ostrich, which I knew to be farmed.
“Del, you’ll need a second pair. You can’t just have one pair of boots,” Charlie explained, Pick one more,”
“Yes, you’ll need more than one pair,” Brian echoed. At this point, everyone was beginning to understand my reservations and laughed.
“Since you’re from California,” Charlie said laughing, “ you’d probably be happy with the alligator. Alligators are farmed. Unlike crocodiles, there’s plenty of them.” I settled on the alligator.
We decided to go out that night to celebrate my boot purchase. I selected the ostrich skin for a night on the town. We settled on the Lamplighter which was always our favorite spot. I called Theresa, my latest flame, and she came to pick me up in her classic 68 Mustang with her name, “Theresa”, written in sparkling sequins on each side of her car. My memory of the evening’s events was hazy, but I did remember a chorus line forming at one point with all the dancers joined together in a Rockette like performance.
I woke up early to the sound of a knock on my door. It was from Brian. He was up and ready.
“The crossers came through last night and the first load is in the warehouse, “ he said smiling.
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prismmediawire · 6 months
Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. (OTC: DUTV) Subsidiary and Nano Gas™ Environmental Agree to Exclusive Global License For Nanobubble Technology in Agriculture and Related Markets
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Mankato, Minnesota, November 8, 2023 - Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. (OTC: DUTV) announces that Nano Gas Environmental (Nano Gas™) has exclusively licensed the Nano Gas Technologies patents and intellectual property to the public company Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. future subsidiary of Easy Modular Manufacturing (EMM) for use in the Global Agricultural and related markets (other than a few limited countries). EMM is manufacturing the newest fully automated generation of Nano Gas equipment.  Nano Gas plans to use the first unit for a full-scale paid pilot in the oil industry, while EMM plans to use the second unit for the Golf and Agricultural Lagoon markets.
This equipment is part of a $1,000,000 package plus royalties that accelerates the growth of Nano Gas for the oil industry while simultaneously dramatically expanding the use of Nano Bubbles in Agriculture and related markets.   Len Bland, CEO of Nano Gas™ said, “Having a manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in building thousands of complex, fully automated systems for the demanding industries of feed and fertilizer gives us huge confidence that our equipment will meet the highest standards.”
Scott Fiedler, VP of Manufacturing for Nano Gas said, “Nano Gas™ has improved oil production in wells by over 200% for over 180 days with a single enhanced oil recovery (EOR) treatment.  This is the beginning of improving the production of hundreds of oil wells without new drilling, fracking, or chemicals.”
Publicly traded OTC: DUTV (via its soon to be subsidiary of Easy Modular Manufacturing, Inc.)  gains a high growth manufacturing client along with the Exclusive Global license for agriculture and many other related markets such as Golf, Cannabis, Biofuels, Fertilizers, Chemicals, Hydroponics, and Swimming Pools, excluding a few limited countries.   
Mark Gaalswyk, CEO of both DUTV and EMM said, “We’re excited about using the technology to enhance our Easy Nano Void™ system.  Our Easy Nano Void enables farmers, livestock producers and golf courses to clean their stinky algae, sludge infested ponds and lagoons while growing crops bigger and faster with better nutrient uptake.”
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Nano Void ™ test cleaned up HOA pond in only 4 days - and even cleaner 1 month after
This adds to EMM’s existing rights to sell Nano Gas solutions for the oil, gas, mining and wastewater treatment to its own customers.
Jeff Hardin, Chief Science Officer of Nano Gas™ said, “I love that as a rapidly growing leader in regenerative agriculture, EMM will enable farmers to improve plant health with less fertilizer.  The negative charge carried by the nanobubbles attracts cation-based nutrients to the roots.  ‘The most common soil cations … are: calcium (Ca++), magnesium (Mg++), potassium (K+), ammonium (NH4+), hydrogen (H+) and sodium (Na+).’ 
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About Nano Gas Environmental
Nano Gas™ Environmental provides eco-friendly and cost-effective wastewater treatment solutions with innovative nanobubble technology. The company specializes in cleaning shallow lagoons, recycling produced water and increasing oil production. Nano Gas™ customers receive everything they need to solve environmental problems, including analysis and equipment operation. Part of this service is the company’s patented nanobubble technology, which cleans the dirtiest water on earth without clogging. These low-energy, chemical-free bubbles work with multiple gases and are highly scalable to large volumes.  www.nanogasenvironmental.com
 About Digital Utilities Ventures Inc.
Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. (publicly traded as OTC: DUTV) is working to become a formidable presence in the green solutions marketplace. We have identified strategic opportunities for acquisitions and joint ventures that will allow us to capitalize on existing and emerging opportunities in this industry. Consumers understand the significance of progressing from conventional assets to inexhaustible sources that produce no ozone harming greenhouse gas emissions from petroleum by-products and lessen air contaminants. Enhancing green solutions such as in energy supply and lessening reliance on imported fuels will assist with economic development by increasing occupations in manufacturing, assembling, and more.
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For more information on the Nano Void™ Technology – visit: www.easyenergysystems.com or contact:
Bill Bliler, Manager of Business Development and Investor Relations
Phone: 952-400-6045
Forward-Looking Statements: This press release includes statements that may constitute ‘forward-looking'' statements, usually containing the words ''believe,'' ''estimate,'' ''project,'' ''expect'' or similar expressions. These statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors that would cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, acceptance of the Company's current and future products and services in the marketplace, the ability of the Company to develop effective new products and receive regulatory approvals of such products, competitive factors, dependence upon third-party vendors, and other risks detailed in the Company's periodic report filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.
SOURCE: Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc.
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