#i haven't done one of these in a loooooong time
limacrisps · 1 year
All pronouns... The:
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I haven't done a Splatpost in a loooooong time! So I wanted to make one again ^^ Timmy was my last one:
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stupidloafofbread · 6 months
Hey! you doing ok? You haven't uploaded anything rcp related in a loooooong time.
so um- maybe you could be lacking motivation BUT LEMME HELP
can you make a one shot similar to the "save helly" episode and instead of helly falling in the ravine it's poli that fell down and roy comes to save him?
Hallo :D
And to be honest, no not really- I'm currently dealing with packing for a move, possibly failing highschool and trying to keep my mental health in tact
But yes, Im also losing some motivation to write stuff :,D (I have like, three unfinished drafts lmao)
Oh, and sure! I could try my best, even if I do sometimes suck at writing and/or having them be in character lmao
I've never actually done a oneshot before, unless those stupid little "lore" posts count-
Thanks darko! ^^
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whysamwhy123 · 9 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Tagged by the wonderful dynamic duo that is @aerodaltonimperial and @perhapswhoknowsvamp and it's very fitting that those two lovely people tagged me because they're a big reason why I wrote much of anything this year! Took me a while to get this done because I wanted to get my last fic of the year out the door first. I'll put the rest below the cut, and fair warning - it's loooooong. This bitch doesn't shut up, so I rambled on. A lot.
Words and Fics
76, 222 words published on AO3 in 2023
15 fics published on AO3 (16 if you count that one kinkmeme prompt I filled and posted anonymously)
2 little tumblr ficlets
Top 3 by Kudos
Voice in the Dark - Hookhausen (not super surprising, considering it was a popular pairing at the time, and it was the fic I wrote for the anniversary event)
Kids These Days And Their Darn Phones - Hookhausen
Half Your Age Plus Seven - OrangeHook (I continue to be incredibly surprised how well this fic did, like...huh?!)
Top 3 by Hits
Voice in the Dark - Hookhausen
Voice in the Dark, Part Two - Hookhausen (how fitting, LOL)
Half Your Age Plus Seven - OrangeHook (Seriously, what was it about this fic that drew people in? More so than any of my other OrangeHook fics? Like, I'm grateful and all but also confused, like this fic is way too long?! And weird about the age difference?!)
Author's Favourite
As much as I'm loving writing OrangeHook now, I think Voice in the Dark, Part Two is probably the best thing I've written? Even though it's also overly long and gets weird at the end (very much did not expect it to go in that direction when I started writing it), I'm actually pretty proud of how that one turned out. I had a clear vision in my head for how each scene would play out and what I wanted to get across, and man, I remember how most of the Hook/Evilhausen dialogue popped into my brain late one night when I couldn't sleep, so I spat it out into a doc and then about a month later when I actually wrote the scene, I don't think I changed a single word? I just added everything else around it, all the not-dialogue parts. And it was just a lot of fun getting to carry on that story, especially as someone who hasn't managed to crank out a proper multi-chapter fic yet. Who knows, maybe I'll return to that world someday...
Fandom Events in 2023
Uh, well, I guess I did the whole Hookhausen Anniversary thing? And...that's about it. I'm pretty disconnected from the fandom at large, whoopsie daisy 😬
Upcoming Projects
Hoo boy.
I have over 5k words of a Ricky/Christian Sugar Baby AU thing written already. I haven't posted it because it kinda needs some smut and that's still not something I can really do. I might post it someday, if I can make something work, or alternatively do what I normally do and put an annoying fade to black in there. Or maybe I'll think better of it and never post it because it's very self-indulgent and I highly doubt anyone else would really be interested or want me to continue it or anything. But I have Ideas for it...so many ideas...
Also, in my ill-fated quest to try and make myself write smut, I kinda started a Ricky/Bill championship celebration fic. Maybe I'll revisit that? Try to get it done?
And then there's that one fic I really want to work on, but have barely started. I've vague-posted about it here before - it's an incredibly fucked-up Dead Dove fic about Daniel Garcia and a Very Bad, Not-Good thing that happens to him, and the subsequent complete mental breakdown that follows. I've had the idea rattling around in my brain for the better part of a year at this point, despite not making much actual progress on it. Every time I think about it though, I have new ideas for scenes or dialogue. I'd like to make it work, but I don't know if I have the writing chops to handle it, plus it would probably end up being super long and nobody would want to read it, so it'd feel like a huge waste of time on my part? And I've had the idea for so long, it's out-dated too. But still, the urge remains...
Oh, and I still have a ton of OrangeHook ideas I'd like to make happen. Some are, of course, about their age difference. Some would (ideally) involve smut. And others... *nervous laughter* Others would likely result in an ''Everyone disliked that'' situation...
Writing Reflection
I was thinking about making a sappy post about this and whoops, here's my excuse! I don't talk a lot on here about my tragic backstory because honestly, who cares? But I will say this - before January of this year, I hadn't written a word of anything in years. Fic or otherwise. I used to love writing, but Stuff Happened and it killed all enjoyment I got out of it, and I thought that's how it would be forever. Then, for reasons I can't even remember, I started reading fic again, specifically in this wild little fandom of ours, and y'all are just so talented that it made my untalented ass want to give it another shot. So...I did.
I remember when I posted my first fic in ages back in January, I thought ''Maybe about three people will read this and no one will leave a comment or anything, but whatever, I wrote a thing and that's something I haven't done in years so that's enough for me!'' And to be honest, I still think that whenever I post stuff now? It's crazy to me that anyone actually reads my stuff and gets some kind of kick out of it. But every kudos and comment floors me and brings me so much joy, I can't even express it properly. I have to say a huge thank you to anyone who's ever read one of my fics, left kudos or dropped a comment. Whoever and wherever you are, you made my day!
And look, I ain't delusional. I know that calling myself a small fish in the fandom would be too generous. But I'm fine with that - because I'm genuinely enjoying writing again and that's what matters most to me. Even though I've also rediscovered how stressful writing can be (🙂🙂🙂) when it comes down to it, there's joy and happiness in my life that wasn't there last year and that's all because I started writing again. And because some lovely folks here decided to let me know they liked what I was throwing out there. The years have not been kind to ol' Sammy Sam-Sam and this year was no exception, but getting to forget about all that shit and write my silly little wrestling fanfiction has been a great distraction and a comfort through this whole year.
So...yeah. Thanks to everyone who's ever commented on my writing, thanks to the folks who follow me on here (I don't know how you manage that though, I'm such an annoying bitch, aren't you sick of me yet?) and thanks to anyone who I've had the chance to chat with about writing and ships and whatever silly little ideas pop into my head (any of y'all feel free to message me at any time, I am always down to blab about whatever blorbos/ideas take your fancy). I'm hoping I can keep this train a-rollin' a little more next year. Still thinking back to when I started writing again, I made my new AO3 account expecting to write Dustjim only, but then I quickly decided I couldn't write those two well enough, and since then I've bounced around a bunch of different pairings, with a few rarepairs shoved in between for good measure. God only knows where my head will be at this time next year, LOL. I'd love to finally be able to attempt some of the bigger ideas I've been cooking up for a while now. Maybe I'll even write a proper multi-chapter fic? We'll see, but this bitch can dream, at least.
Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please do eat glass, I’ve heard it’s good for your gums.
I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm pretty sure everyone I know who writes has already been tagged? So if you're reading this and you haven't, go ahead and do it! By which I mean, eat glass. Eat all the glass that you want. Accidents happen in the dark.
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere would be bright and happy, if not for the dark vignette effect and messy scribbles on the outer edges of the image. Gendaen's eyes are blacked out with a scribbled rectangle. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID] fanart for @mtqcomic!
I've been trying to draw something for this comic for like forever but I keep messing up TwT
This took forever to make but I'm pretty happy with it! It's not perfect but I had a lot of fun making it so I'm gonna count that as a win :D (I think Tumblr might've ate the image quality a little though...)
Here's a version without the vignette and messy scribble effects because I also really like this one!
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere is bright and happy, and light yellow sunlight is shining from the bottom right of the image, where the top right would be if the image was flipped the right way up. The mountains in the background are blue and green and birds are flying in the distance. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID]
Anyways here's an obligatory long post warning plus spoilers for the comic because I'm gonna go on a LOOOOOONG rant about this comic >:) *rubs hands evilly*
I've been wanting to talk about this comic for like a LONG time now but I've been saving it for when I finally posted a piece of fanart to go along with it. Now that I finished the art though, I'm free to yeet all of my brain thoughts onto a tumblr post!!!!!
Okay, first thing, LORE. LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE (sorry I like lore haha)
There's so many cool things going on here! You've got the whole thing with the Crimson obviously (plus the other evils but they haven't really appeared all that much yet aside from the Corruption), but then there's also the Order-Dryad thingy and the whole thing with prophecies and Destiny and of course the whole Gendaen mystery.
Speaking of Gendaen, he's a really interesting character! He hasn't appeared all that much, but he's one of the main sources of motivation for Eth! I have a few – well, more like one big convoluted and probably incorrect one – theories on what happened to him, but I wanna talk about everything else first :)
Mysta! I like how resourceful she is, and how she uses all sorts of weapons in combat! You never know when she's going pick up a random lampost or something and bonk someone over the head with it ^^ That said, I'm really curious about the whole thing about the "powerful soul". So far Mysta has done some pretty incredible things with soul magic, and it's logical to assume that they'll get more insane later on in the comic. I wonder if it will play an important part in finding Gendaen? Since she was able to sense the "undetectable watcher" who I assume is Zaïl on page 205, there is the (although rather unlikely) possibility that one day she'll get strong enough to sense wherever the heck Gendaen went.
Also, Zaïl is cool :D They seem to be sent by Yele to keep an eye on Mysta? Most likely to update her on Mysta's progress, probably. Anyways, they're cool, I love their color scheme (and design in general), and I can't wait to see them show up again later in the comic :)
Yele! She's really cool, and her beef with the Order is very interesting to read about! Also, page 173 was hilarious lol *rainbow sparkles and confetti rain down from the sky* More on her later in my conspiracy theory hehe
Eth. Eth. This guyTM. I saved him for last because WOAH there is a lot to say about Eth (plus this is where I start talking about my conspiracy theory lol). First, epic special agent war commander guide. Amazing, 100/100 idea, I love it :D Though the comment on him being "equal parts ally and enemy" is very intriguing... According to his character sheet, he's unnervingly loyal to the Order of Learning, which is a very interesting trait to single out, as it seems like it's a core part of his character. Soooo conspiracy theory time! Finally! (I've held onto this for so long oh my goodness it's probably incorrect but it's very fun to think about >:) )
So I think the Order of Learning might be evil.
*vine boom*
Okay okay okay I'm gonna explain I promise, but like, a super-powerful government organization that also controls knowledge? That's a little suspicious not gonna lie. Very Suspicious. *amogus music plays*
Maybe it's just because the Sumeru Akademiya just happened in Genshin Impact when I made this theory (yeah I like genshin please don't judge) but I feel like I don't really trust the Order? Like it's hard to explain. So you know how so far all the lore documents are canonically stuff from the Order's archive? Well one of the most important things I learned from social studies class is how to analyze sources for reliability (teachers are you proud of me) and right now I see a bunch of different sources from ONE perspective which may very well be biased, especially after what Yele told us about the "accidental" Dryad genocide which I think might not be completely accidental? Like, how convenient is it that you just "accidentally" committed genocide on the species meant to guide the Heroes of Terraria and then just conveniently replaced them with your own Guides? Like, they didn't even apologize for it either! Something fishy is going on here cmon. Maybe they want to be able to control how the future of Terraria turns out through the Heroes? IDK just something to think about I guess.
Going off of that, it may be possible that the Crimson isn't entirely evil evil. Like obviously it's bad to humans and eating away at the purity and whatnot but so far we've met several Crimson demons and only Malvox seem to be outright malicious; the other ones feel like they're just doing their jobs (especially the Imperator guy – give xem a break XD). Nelun Soma'o even had a whole conversation with us (AND answered our questions!!!! Eth take some notes please) before he officially challenged Mysta to a duel(?) If anything, they feel kind of like half mentor half rivals testing Mysta's strength than evil world-conquering warlords. Like yknow how in Pokemon you battle with people to grow stronger? Kind of like that. An antagonist but not necessarily a villain. They're just trying to exist, yknow? I do wonder what their perspective on all of this is... what's their half of the story?
Speaking of Nelun Soma'o, that lore bomb he dropped about Gendaen is really interesting (and also what started this convoluted conspiracy theory in the first place haha). So yknow how on page 229 he said that the Crimson didn't do anything to Gendaen? Well, so far he's been pretty friendly all things considered, and we don't really have any reason to distrust him, as he pointed out. Just the fact that he's leading the Crimson, and he said that "each of us fights to help someone", which is very very interesting for someone the Order deems to be evil evil. So that got me thinking, if the Crimson wasn't involved in Gendaen's disappearance, who else could? The Corruption is nearly nonexistent, the Hallow is still sealed away, the Gloome has long since been neutralized, and it's certainly not the Dryads since they're still recovering from "accidental" genocide. Oh wait, there's a super-powerful government organization that controls all knowledge who could conveniently kidnap Gendaen and just not tell Eth about it! Oh wow! I do wonder if this means we'll have to bust Malvox out of nonexistence prison though, since it seems to be the only one that might be able to tell us what happened to Gendaen since if the Order did it they're definitely not going to help us find him. Maybe Gendaen found out some terrible secret about the Order or he was starting to doubt them so they decided to take him out of the equation. Eth is not having a good time though, someone please go and give him a hug :(
Speaking of Eth, as I said earlier, his unnerving loyalty to the Order and his idolization of them seems to be a core part of his character. If the Order is indeed evil in this hypothetical scenario, it's possible for Eth to be a mislead protagonist like Zuko from ATLA. His heart is in the right place but he's helping the wrong people kinda thing. Additionally, this might mean that we'll eventually get a separation arc where Mysta does something not in accordance with the Order's will or something, and Eth's loyalty to the Order wins against his loyalty to Mysta and he becomes an antagonist. Yele could even step in as a mentor so that Mysta gets both Order guidance and traditional Dryad guidance! And then Eth somehow finds out what happened to Gendaen (Zaïl maybe? Subterfuge and cool spy stuff), maybe we get a dramatic emotional reveal scene where he is shocked and then starts to question everything the Order has ever told him, and then he either finds some way to contact Mysta or just rescues Gendaen by himself and rejoins Mysta, now fully against the Order. Plus we can get a cool reunion scene, both with Eth and Gendaen and Eth and Mysta! Yele would definitely distrust him at first, because what if this is a ruse from the Order and Eth is like double-agent-ing or something but then she sees Gendaen and goes "oh wait he's serious about this isn't he"
I'm probably wrong about all this (it's my first time making a theory out of anything plus this is super convoluted and there's a high chance that I'm connecting dots that doesn't exist), but it's still very fun to think about! I might've missed some stuff since I've been thinking about this for a very long time so I probably forgot to add some things, but either way I'm very excited to see where the comic goes! :D
Great comic, if you haven't read it go read it, it's very very good and I like it a lot :) *insert a bunch of sparkles here*
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blackfairy312 · 3 months
If they were a character from inside out, who would each be? Have any of them had an anxiety attack before? (If you watched the movie, it’s good) (Fnac)
🍷/ gooood morning :3 i got donuts and coffee
i first watched inside out a loooooong time ago, and all i can remember is that i didn't like it that much. it wasn't a BAD movie, i just personally didn't think it was great. i didn't like Joy. however, i enjoyed the idea of how the "mind" looked it. it's a little similar to how innerworld in DID/OSDD systems work (some of them), honestly i think the idea of Inside Out would work better as a story if it was about alters/parts working together instead of being about emotions. limiting the characters to one singular emotion can make it difficult to make characters interesting. if they were alters/parts instead, then they'd have the creative freedom to make some of them fleshed-out characters and some of them two-dimensional, as sometimes alters/parts won't have fully developed personalities. i dunno. again, i haven't seen the first Inside Out in a long time, and i haven't seen the sequel yet. i might only watch it for Maya Hawk, to be honest 🤭
(sorry for the rambling 😢😢 back to answering the questions)
who would they be from Inside Out:
🐀Toni - Anger
🐱 Richie - Riley's Dad
🎭 Vincent - Joy
🎁 Vinnie - Sadness
🎹 Komi - Disgust
have any of them ever had an anxiety attack:
🎹Komi already has PTSD. She's had an exhausting amount of anxiety attacks that were triggered by the paranoia of something bad happening to her again. Being an immortal non-human doll/snake reincarnation doesn't make her immune from mental breakdowns. She's got an incredibly fragile mind, and she copes with it in the worst ways (alchohol/weed/impulsive actions). She REFUSES to let herself break down in front of other people. If she knows she's about to crumble, she just excuses herself and goes somewhere else to try to calm down. Music actually helps her a LOT. So she'll sing to herself to relax.
🐀Toni has had few anxiety attacks throughout his life. Instead, he's had very violent mood swings, due to his childhood being the way that it was. He's got a lot of anger issues as a result. His anxiety is triggered by the thought of children, or people he cares about, getting physically hurt. (How ironic, considering what the Rat animatronic has done.) Though, instead of having an anxiety attack, Toni reacts to his anxiety by attacking whatever triggered it if it's in the room with him and his hands are free. Think again of Mike Schmidt beating up that guy in the mall because he thought the man was kidnapping a small boy who reminded Mike of his little brother, Garret.
🐱 Richie probably hasn't had an anxiety attack in his life. He doesn't understand those kinds of things. He's the type of guy to respond to someone saying they have depression with, "Then just go outside." He's not ableist, he's just ignorant. He'd point at someone if they had a visible disability or uncommon physical trait(missing limb, wheelchair, scar, etc) It's 1961. Do you know who was president in the United States at that time? John F. Kennedy.
🎭Vincent is the exact same as Richie except he CHOOSES to be ignorant. Anxiety isn't something that Vincent struggles with. He doesn't have an anxiety disorder. He sees emotional instability as a sign of weakness in someone. Ironic, considering that he himself is very emotionally unstable. They called mental health hospitals and treatment centers "looney bins" during this time period, by the way.
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thetigerinspace · 3 months
tagged by @woah-thats-haikyuute - haven't done a post like this in a hot minute but when one of the besties tags, I'm here for it~
Last song: "Mama" by My Chemical Romance but my alarm this morning was "The (Shipped) Gold Standard" by Fall Out Boy.
Favorite colors: Purple and black
Currently watching: I'm working on a backlog of WWE, currently in September of 2019. I started this last year with April 2009, if memory serves. Currently, doing mostly Raw and the PPVs but that changes from time to time. I don't watch much real TV these days 🙃
Spicy/savory/sweet: Usually, sweet but lately, been into savory. Depends on the day, my mood and whatever else aka I like dinner and dessert lmao
Relationship status: Single, been single for a loooooong time. I've had a few crushes but nothing ever came from it. Which sucks but it's whatever. I'm lucky enough to have an amazing group of friends.
Current obsession: Mmmmmmm 40+ year old men. Currently, it's Fall Out Boy and most recently, My Chemical Romance. @woah-thats-haikyuute took me to 3 Fall Out Boy shows in March and April, as well as lovingly pressured me into attending When We Were Young Fest this October so I'm all in for these emo men. There's also WWE, which is kinda taking a backseat to bandom these days but no complaints. But all of that also leads into RPF. I have no regrets. It's keeping me alive lmao
Tags: I don't know too many other people on here anymore so like...you wanna? Go nuts 🥰
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tboy-boone · 10 months
1-8, 24-30
Hi golf!!!
1. How many words have you written this year?
6,370 words!!!
2. How many works did you publish this year?
Five works so far but who knows... number six might be coming
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I was proud so proud of 'Til One Day They Just Cut It Loose. I was sooooo miserable writing it but once I was done, I liked it!
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
I Saw Your Ghost Tonight had the most hits. I didn't realize there were still people who thought about these movies..... where are they. Actually don't tell me, I don't wanna know
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
I was so surprised by the feedback I got on 'Til Someday They Just Cut It Loose because I got comment from someone who wrote one of my favourite fics on there! I was so shocked!!!
6. Favorite title you used
I Saw Your Ghost Tonight was soooooo perfect and it's like the best song ever
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
It's a tie between all of them.... one from mitski, radiohead, Bruce Springsteen, and blink-182
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
That one is another tie between Abigail/Ben/Riley and Margot/Claire
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
Nope, maybe next year?
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
YEAH <3 angsty jack murdering Kate fic
26. What’s your most common category?
General for sure
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Sometimes I'll make playlists that makes me think of a character(s) and I'll listen to that on repeat
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
I loooooooved I'll Pay for My Place. I haven't had a work consume my brain like that in a loooooong time
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
THIS ONE "There is a burning rage in stomach because he can’t hate him the way he did as child. However, Ethan can’t love him the way he did as child." I was so proud of that one
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
How many nice comments people leave <3 SO KIND!!
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strangenewwords · 10 months
(this is Indeedcaptain!) 9, 14, 35 for the ask game :)
9) What division do you think you'd most likely be in if you were a Starfleet officer?
Engineering. Hands down. A thousand times. Holy SHIT let me at that engine. At one point in my life I thought I'd like command, but I'd rather be able to bitch and slap at things and have the pressure of making everything work without having to be like who dies.
14) Favorite characters?
Alternatively, do you have all. day.
Okay, we'll break it into series. I'm picking one from each. But know I really love like everyone.
TOS/TAS/AOS - The three of them (Kirk/Spock/Bones) go together and can't be separated, however. I'm gonna say Bones. I'm in love with that man.
TNG - Shit this is so hard. Ro Laren? She wasn't really there for very long. Miles? No, well only kind of kidding. Q? This is an insight to my feelings on TNG. We'll go with ... Worf.
DS9 - HOW. CAN. I. PICK. OUT. OF. MY. FAMILY. Dax. Of the Jadzia variety. Poor Ezri, but I don't like you. Fuck you Rick Berman.
VOY - So my first ever crush in life was Gambit from the cartoons in the nineties. My second ever crush was Tom Fucking Paris. (Another of the wait do I think he's hot or do I want to be him). So he was my fave for a loooooong time. Now it's probably the Doctor.
ENT - Phlox. I think. I really just genuinely love him as a character flawed and funny and different.
DISCO - Saru. Wow that was insanely easy. But I really really like so much about him.
SNW - SPOCK. I am -not- okay. (Although once Bones pops up I think all will be lost).
PIC - SHAW. Because I straight up want to climb that man. Worst reason to love a character. and He's fucking awful. But hot. Damn.
LD - MARINER. I'm perfectly normal about her.
I haven't actually watched Prodigy.
I think that's everyone.
I'm kinda surprised there aren't more women on the list, but I'm gonna go with less internalized misogyny and more I id more strongly with masc.
35) How would you feel about a mind meld?
Hook me up. I am that crazy person that's like OH IVE NEVER DONE/TASTED/FELT THIS and then I dive in head first even if i have no idea what I'm doing. So would I be totally nervous and freaked out and pushing all the worst thoughts forward not at all on purpose but just because I was trying to shove them down and doing the opposite? Yes. But I'd also not want to pass up the opportunity.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
this isn’t a request or anything I just wanted to say how much I love the animagus reader stories!!! it’s such a cute little universe, I’m not sure if you get bored or annoyed when one particular trope or scenario gets particularly popular so there’s lots of requests in that variation but I’ve really really loved every addition you’ve written and I feel like *for me* it scratches a similar itch to the hybrid!reader/character blurbs!
it’s like hybrid!reader 🫂 animagus reader ❤️❤️❤️
hi love! i'm so glad you like it :D i haven't done hybrid stuff for a loooooong time but i've been ruminating a little on hybrid anakin so if anyone has any hybrid anakin thoughts you just let me know 💪
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wingedcatgirl · 1 year
Do you have any favorite plural characters in fiction?
Of the top of my head I think the only ones I really know would probably be Touka/Boogiepop and also some of the YuGiOh characters
Oh and Moonknight but I haven't read or watched that yet
There aren't a whole lot of options to choose from especially since we don't. actually participate in as much media as one might imagine bUT ANYWAy..
The WoL in FFXIV is canonically plural, kind of, and *looks at everything we've done with Vivi* is this cheating? This feels like it might be cheating, a little bit. Whatever still one of our faves.
Madeline Celeste, of course, though one could argue that Badeline is more a metaphor for anxiety and/or mental health problems in general than she is a proper headmate, still works though.
:thonking: ... The Girl and The Nightmare from Level Up could maaaaaybe be read as plural if you stretch? (Yes we do roleplay them as a straight-up system but the actual game doesn't depict them like that at all, we're extrapolating a possible future for them.)
And while it's been a loooooong time since we actually looked at any canon YuGiOh media, we have always been fond of Yugi and Atem.
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dramatization of the last five minutes
"Ah. It's nearly 5 in the morning, I should probably get to bed. ...You know what, I'll check tumblr real quick, haven't done that in a hot minute."
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"whaT THE FU-"
Yo, thank you all so much for the reblogs and likes, I appreciate it very much! Sorry I haven't posted content... Like at all for a loooooong time, it's been hard motivating myself to do the frames stuff. I overdid it a tiny bit with The Thing and just sorta burned myself out on it, but... Well, I definitely wanna get back to it. So if any of y'all have any horror movies you'd like to see a few frames of, ask me to check them out! I'll try to make things more manageable on my addled brain by reeling it back a bit and not doing a metric fuckload of frames for every movie, focusing on the absolute most interesting and impressive ones I can pick out. Especially since I'll be going back to college soon. I'll try and pick back up with The Thing where we left off!
Also, for quick horror opinions, Malignant is the best horror movie of the decade so far and probably my favorite MOVIE of the last 15 years. Go watch it. Also watch NOPE and Skinamarink. Fucking incredible shit. Smile and Barbarian were also great, Barbarian more so, but seriously nothing has been as downright fucking terrifying as Skinamarink. shudders
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alyxrae · 1 year
That feeling when you have 51 pages written for a fic, but it's not the fic you started in 2018 and haven't updated it over a year and you think 'I can't upload this new fic when I have another, loooooong fic that isn't done yet.'
And it feels worse cuz its different a fandom that's you've never written before and you don't know of you actually can write these characters for one and two, it might make you look like your abandoning your old fandom, which just isn't true.
AND ALSO, you kind of don't want to upload anything unless it's already done so you don't fall into this hole of guilt and whatever for starting something, getting a nice little following and then not having the time to continue. Because work and school and life won't let you work your way out of the corner you wrote yourself in years ago.
tldr: ficwriting is hard and I have 51 pages of an Untamed role-reversal that I can't bring myself to upload.
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aeniqmata · 2 years
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I am three muses out of twelve on the new carrd. Once it's done, I will likely be dropping some threads. This really shouldn't impact anything as they will mostly be ones for Akira that haven't been reblogged in a loooooong time.
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lossie92 · 3 years
Hiiii!!!! Madara for the ask game😁
Hello! My fave Uchiha? Sure thing! 😌
favorite thing about them
Is "basically everything" an option? Because if so, then that lol
least favorite thing about them
That he let himself be so easily manipulated by Izuna and Zetsu. And yes, I think Izuna manipulated Madara emotionally, using his terminal condition to push for more conflict because of anger and spite. I believe it was, for the most part, caused by Zetsu (or at least that's my theory, since canon, as always, gives us scraps only), and I understand that Izuna has trust issues, but still, I don't like it.
Also, I've read this super interesting MadaSaku fic a while back where Madara was revived after the Fourth War and decided to take a trip over the world to retrace his footstep and find out when Zetsu actually started manipulating him. The theory was that it happened much earlier than he imagined and yeah, that just made me hella sad for him, but also made me realize that Madara has a tendency to try and please everyone, which in the end ends up pleasing no one, including Madara himself.
favorite line
I have two, because despite being unhinged for the majority of his screen time, Madara actually says a few very smart things imo.
1. "Talking about peace, whilst spilling blood, it's something that only humans can do." This hits soooo hard and is very, very true. Nothing like starting a war to bring peace, eh?
2. "When you fall in love, you love with all that you’ve got. You must learn to bear anger, hatred, keep your ego and attitude aside and handle things with care, calmness, and love." This, once again, is very true. It also makes me sad for Madara. He certainly had a lot of capacity for love. If only the was no Zetsu and if he hadn't made some very questionable life choices...
Again, I have two: HashiMada and MadaIzu.
The first one... I simply prefer them as friends nowadays, largely because I think they work better this way, at least in my head, and also because I ship them romantically with other characters.
The second, because I obviously dig brotherly bonding and we got so little of it with these two, which is a shame, but I still love it.
MadaTobi! Obvious answer, I know. They have been living in my head completely rent free for close to a year now and there are no signs of it ending any time soon, which I'm very happy about, actually. Tbh I haven't drawn or written this much for a ship before, and I have been in this fandom for a loooooong time, so...
The other Madara ship that I enjoy (if done well!) is MadaSaku.
Anything with even hints of incest is automatically a no and, as mentioned before, I prefer HashiMada as a platonic ship these days.
random headcanon
Madara smokes weed to help with stress management. The specific mixture he uses was prescribed to him by a medic and this is actually what he puts in his kiseru.
unpopular opinion
Gotta be honest here, I don't care for the overblown flailing. There is very little evidence of adult Madara failing, even though he certainly has a temper, and I just think it doesn't particularly work with his character. Nothing wrong with it if you like him this way, obviously, but I just prefer him being written closer to what I gathered about his character from canon, I guess.
song i associate with them
Hmm I'll go with Razorlight's "Hostage of Love"
favorite picture of them
Not a picture, but a gif. I love this fight scene in general, but this particular fragment is just immaculate imo
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Send me a character...
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srarlight · 2 years
Just how exactly do you juggle so many skills/disciplines at once, and do you have any advice on how do so? I've been trying to improve at art/music/editing for years and haven't made much progress, so the fact that you're way above average in all of those (way better than most people who just do one of those things) is utterly mindblowing!
Hey there!! ahaha this is quite the nice ask! I am happy to hear you think so! ;v; I left some thoughts under the cut!
For me it's usually been an experience of seeing something I like, and wishing there was more of it and realizing if you want more of that thing or vibe, sometimes you have to make it your self and then getting pretty dang tunneled into the idea of making it -v- Juggling everything in my free time hasn't always been the easiest, something will always pop up and slow me down, but I tend to get so easily excited by ideas, that I end up with enough hype for a project to keep going for loooooong periods of my life, even if that means get only a handful of hours here and there to work. Something I have done is try and set time aside to learn and although it doesn't always end up happening on the days I want, having a little, "lets mess with editing or music day" helps me form habits.
As for how it started, I love multi media, so if I wanted to make videos with art and a little motion + music and editing, that kind of forced me to try and learn a little of everything. When I was trying to pick up a new next skill set, the first hurtle was always the program and figuring out all the ins and outs. I've spent a lot of the time learning just on forums and tutorials to get past what I consider the first huge initial hump of- "how do I get this technology to do anything I want it to??? so many symbols and buttons for which I have no idea what they mean or do". After I finally brute force my way through that, it comes down just to the artistry of it which is usually harder to pin down. I don't usually have a strong initial idea of how to replicate a good aesthetic and draw/write/edit it to look how I want at the start. A lot of that just comes down to research and looking at lots of examples of similar projects with vibes I like. Seeing how other things sound or look and aiming to try and make my own version of that thing and being okay if the project is a little off, but I still got some aspect of it how I wanted so that'll make it all the easier for the next project.
But if anything for advice, I feel like the reason I've been able to keep at it for so long out side of my brain just tending to get fixated, is that I tie learning a skill set to things I really enjoy. So my personal stories or projects, not aiming to have it be a lively hood or built to appease a certain crowd. It's like hitting two birds with one stone in my mind and can be properly encouraging to keep digging in and seeing what else I can try. I can learn in a safe no stakes environment making pmd stories or other content that's mostly to push my own enjoyment-buttons. Come flaws or struggles, that thing of my project exists now cause I gave it a try hah. I found that slowly, but surely if I keep up studying examples I like while making my own thing, eventually more informed detail and aesthetics emerge.
I have no idea if this information is helpful, but it's how my life has been with art for a long while! Thank you again for the nice ask ;v;
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mariana-oconnor · 3 years
So, I love your fic(s) Lost and Found // The Wolves of Timely. Clint's hope for Barney, his guilt, Bucky's terror at being injected, all so beautifully written
But I was wondering, how do you go about writing such a long fic?
And if you outline your fics at all, do you look at your outline and go 'this'll be 50k words' or whatever or what?
Thank you! I'm so glad you like that fic. I love werewolves, and that fic was really interesting to write.
Oh boy. This is a weird one because the way I've done this kind of thing has changed so much over the years and I'm still in a place where sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and there's really very little rhyme or reason to when my brain decides that 'yes, this is good' and 'no, I can't'.
I've been doing Nanowrimo for years. Since... 2002? I think? Maybe 2003. Either way, it's been a long time. And while I haven't always won it, I have always tried. And in the beginning, I just started writing and whatever came out came out and that was that. Because when I first started writing, planning stories out just took all the joy of writing out of them for me. I wrote to discover the story, and if I'd already planned it then there was nothing to discover. I still sometimes find that planning something out makes it bore me when I actually come to write it. But I have got significantly better at finding interest in the smaller details, and constructing scenes, sentences and characters. There is a joy in finding the exact right phrase to convey your meaning. The perfect phrase is an elusive beast, but when you find it...
I know some people who use the Snowflake method, or plan every single scene and just... really go hard on the planning. I cannot do that. My mind rebels. There is no quicker way for me to kill my love of a story than to overplan it. Having said that, I do now plan, and in a lot more detail than I used to.
BUT that's not what you actually asked. You wanted to know how I now go about planning fic, particularly long fic. Sadly Lost & Found was planned on a past computer, so I don't have my initial files to hand, or I'd give you examples from that. But here's a sort of description of my 'method'. (Inverted commas because any individual project might have all, none, or some of these steps.)
(Under a read more because this got loooooong).
The Basic Premise
The general method of planning that I've sort of constructed over the year is I start by just... writing out the basic premise and then expanding it. I just type it, or write it longhand if that's easier at the time. It's not exactly a summary. It's more...
OK, for an example, I'll copy in one of the ones I did for a recent Tumblr ficlet:
SO - Another sort of college age fic. Bucky’s been trying to ask Clint out but Clint is oblivious so somehow, when they’re all drunk, the subject of lapdances comes up and it turns out Bucky actually did learn how to lapdance once, from this online course, but he broke up with that SO before he actually did it. They sort of dare him to do it - otherwise it’s a waste of talent, right. And Natasha suggests Clint, as he’s the only unattached person there or something. It’s hella awkward and Clint’s all like ‘No thanks’ and things get… even more awkward.
Clint sends a message to Bucky by accident - to the wrong chat? He thinks he’s deleted it in time, because it’s about how Natasha is the worst friend because now he can’t stop thinking about Bucky… gyrating, or something like that. Bucky has seen it, though, and he gets Natasha to let him in one night and he just… there’s the lapdance and there’s the threat of handcuffs or something. And Natasha sends a text that she’s not coming back until tomorrow and they’re welcome.
I was working that all out as I went along. It's pretty much stream of consciousness. Because this was a short fic and I had a clear prompt, this is a lot more coherent than they usually are. Often I'll just have questions in capital letters in the middle of them, like "BUT WHY IS CLINT EVEN ON THE CRUISE?" or "HOW DID BUCKY KNOW ABOUT THAT??!?!", where I know where I want the plot to go, but I don't know how to get it there. This flags the earliest plot holes that I can see them and also means that when I'm stumped I don't stop writing, I just write down the question that's stumping me and keep going with the plot. Sometimes I answer the question in the next line, sometimes I go 'fuck it' Future!me can answer the questions. Current me is just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.
Often there will also be things like "NO, Natasha knows before that, of course she does." and then I backpedal with an instead or something.
With some of my longer fic, I write multiple of these stream of consciousness things, because there are sticking points that I just can't get my head around. I come at it from different angles. "WHAT IF Bucky actually is from an alternate universe?" idk. Sometimes I end up just writing swear words. I try not to call myself an idiot because Postive Mental Attitude and all that, but I will not deny that I occasionally just type long screams.
Is this helpful? This doesn't feel helpful.
But anyway, that's step one. Write down premise and try to mould it into some sort of mutant zombie plot. Include all the awkward, dumb questions and comments.
Step 2, is where things get more ordered, but they're still pretty vague.
This is where I list things from the plot. Roughly in order of when they should happen, but not necessarily. Sometimes I do this in an excel/google sheet, sometimes at the start of the document I'm writing in. (I do try to delete this before my betas get into the file).
So I have this list - it might be numbered or bullet points, or every 'plot point' in a different cell in Excel. I call them plot points, but that's not necessarily true. If there's a snippet of dialogue in my head, then I put that in. If there's just a scene or an action I know has to happen. I didn't do this for the ficlet I mentioned above, because I didn't need to, that plot summary was enough. I did do this for my Cap-Ironman Big Bang last year - The Highwayman's Baronet.
That fic ended up at 125k, the longest thing I have ever written, and my step-by-step plot summary had 34 'plot points' on it. Here are a few:
10. Steve decides to become a highwayman to uncover the secret of the inn.
11. Informal meetings between Tony and Steve. Tony and the piano!
12. Obadiah and Steve are not fond of each other
13. There is a highwayman, Tony is intrigued
14. Steve sketches the landscape.
15. Balls. There are balls. Of course there are. This is a Regency drama. Netherfield hall is let at last, mama
16. Indries Moomji is introduced. At a ball? Probably?
17. Highwayman Steve is always a gentleman. Holds up Tony’s carriage. Tony chases after him. Steve is more daring behind the mask. Kiss to the hand.
As you can see, most of these are pretty vague. "Obadiah and Steve are not fond of each other" doesn't tell me any specifics, but it does tell me that I need to add in at least one scene where this is evident, preferably more than one. Ideally, every time the two of them share a scene together, this should be the subtext behind every one of their interactions.
Other things like "Steve sketches the landscape" are pretty specific scenes, but not plot related. In the end, that did tie in with the plot (which actually surprised me), but at the point when I was writing this, I was just 'Steve draws, a scene where he sits and broods regency style while sketching would be cool'. Likewise "Tony and the piano!" makes little sense to anyone but me, but I knew that I wanted the piano in Steve's house, and in particular Tony's playing of it to be important thematically and symbolically.
As I get closer to the end of the fic, I know fewer details about what's going to happen, so the bullet points tend to get... weird and more vague. I have one bullet point that is "Tony goes investigatin'" and another that finishes with "SHOCK GASP HORROR".
I don't tend to take my planning process very seriously. Don't get too precious over your plan.
Estimating Word Count
Particularly if I'm writing for a challenge, I doing my step-by-step list in a spreadsheet, so I can add a column called "estimated word count" or "EWC", and then, based on what I know of my writing, I estimate to the nearest 1000 or 500 words how long I think each of my plot points will be. I am usually wrong. I go by a rule of thumb that a standard, none climactic or pivotal scene for me is around 2000 words, a climactic scene is roughly 5000 words and other things I sort of... guess. This is almost always wrong. Things are longer or shorter. But this isn't meant for me to stick to, it's just so I can see roughly how long the fic might be.
When I'm doing this, the plot points do tend to be more specific, as well. The vaguer ones I try to work into actual scenes or merge into other points so I can get a better estimate.
When I was about 40k into The Highwayman's Baronet I did a separate spreadsheet of "Scenes left to write". Because I was already writing it, I had a better handle on where things were going, and I estimated there was about 74k left, which was actually roughly correct. Go me!
Honestly, most of the time, with estimating word counts, I horrendously underestimate. The number of times I have sent someone a message saying 'This was only meant to be 5k and now it is 20k and I'm only halfway through! Help me!', well... It's a lot. I find that I want to add in scenes to illustrate character development and especially with slow burn you need to add in more scenes to establish the relationship (often my beta reader will suggest adding in even more scenes to do this. Beta readers are great). Estimating word count is hard. Sometimes you start out with something you think will be 50k and every scene is shorter than you think, sometimes the other way around. Experience has made me better at guesstimating, but there's no real science to it. Sorry.
Actually Writing
The important part of planning is remembering that if I don't stick to the plan, no one's going to arrest me or go 'ANA! How dare you take a fifteen thousand word detour into Clint's tragic childhood?! This wasn't in your plan!'
The plan is there for me, in case I get lost. The important part of the writing is to enjoy it. My rule of thumb is that if I'm bored writing a scene, I can't expect the reader to enjoy reading it. This isn't always the case, but something that's fun to write is far more likely to be fun to read.
This means that if I find myself writing something from the plan and every word feels flat and I just want this scene to be over, please when will it end? I do one of two things. I either jump to a scene from the plan that excites me, and come back to work out why that earlier scene wasn't working for me at a later date (sometimes it's because it's the wrong scene entirely. Sometimes I need to write it from a different POV, sometimes I need to drop it as a scene entirely and just write a sentence or a paragraph to cover what happened and move on). OR, just have something happen. Something off script. Something weird and crazy.
In Lost & Found, from what I remember, I never intended Wanda and Pietro to show up. I just wrote in a coyote because I was bored of 'Clint works on fixing up the B&B', and that... turned into Wanda and Pietro's entire subplot. Often, when you're writing you'll write yourself the answers to questions you haven't even thought to ask yet without realising it. Or you'll come to a scene later on and you'll be thinking 'But how do I get him out of this?' and you realise that the throwaway comment you wrote six thousand words ago is actually foreshadowing for this very moment.
So, I guess, what I'm trying to say is plan, but the plan?
It's more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.
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And then sometimes I don't plan at all, I just have a clear idea of a scene in my head and I start writing and see where it goes. Those times are some of the best. It's like my own personal adventure into the unknown.
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