#i hc that their bond surpasses that though
moudeux · 2 years
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What do we do now? I love you, but I’m not myself.
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star-glass-coffee · 2 years
Yes! You write for soul eater ! Do you think you could write Yandere black star HCs please (he’s my favourite )🌺
Yes finally a soul eater request 🥲😌 where taking a slight break from tmnt and jumping into animes specifically soul eater and hunter x hunter, maybe sprinkle in some avatar and Korea in there as well
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Black star is what you expect from…. Well black star, he’s very loud and open with his love for you, basically saying your already his girlfriend as you sweat in the corner, he’s a convincer and kinda a dick about it
Saying that when he surpasses god himself he’ll become unstoppable, having you by his side as he chuckles about how he’ll have the burden of protecting a weakling like you, he’s actually kinda sweet for it as you have your own personal bodyguard. Slicing and dicing away at any kishin that get in your way.
Mission have to always be with him, he needs to protect you from those hard jobs anyways so why not be a double team? If your a myster then he’s definitely going to lord death himself to get you partners up
But if your a weapon…. It’s a completely different story, now I wouldn’t say he would abandon his weapon completely but he would end up using you more often then tsubaki 
It’s more intense battles with him as his soul completely destroys yours, having you coughing up blood after the intense soul bonding, blackstar doesn’t see anything wrong with it thought, as his queen you’ll need to be soul bonded to the myster
Black star would be touchy too, grabbing you by the waist anytime your near him or basically jump scaring you as he comes out of no where to hold you, it doesn’t help that he’s persistent. Breaking the windows of your apartment as you scream
He won’t really care though saying to just live with him if it’s such a hassle. He’s threatening too, sometimes you think madness overtook black star as he flares at some men who dare to hit on you
That’s how you needed up dating, blackstar saw how so many guys where asking you out that he cornered you into a wall, blood lust pouring out of his soul as you shake in the corner, the male giving you a smirk as his eyes show bright stars
“since a weakling like you can’t fend for yourself, why not date me? The amazing black star will treat you nicely when he surpasses god. Heck, I might even keep you close to your family!”
From that I can tell you that black star is a very jealous and extreme man, fighting whoever and whatever he can to keep you in sight, never letting you go as his heart goes every best for you, the star of his life
His y/n
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the-poke-nebula · 3 months
HC: Mikune and Loss
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It's no surprise that Mikune is a very gifted Trainer. Being able to train so many types of strong Pokemon made her somewhat cocky and haughty, believing her bond with her Pokemon would win her every battle.
Eventually, against her battle with Red, she saw she had no chance. Red could command his Pokemon without a single word, and they had tactics and talent that FAR surpassed her own. She was absolutely crushed.
It's safe to say that Mikune does NOT take loss of any kind well- especially against strong Trainers like Red. A close loss would tick her off a lot, saying certain conditions just met at the wrong times for her... but being completely crushed like Red did with her? That tears her and everything she knew apart.
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I will be clear though- Mikune is NOT a bad trainer by any means- she does treat her Pokemon with love and respect, but she was getting a bit too over-confident, and life decided to give her one hell of a curveball.
The Loss against Red shook Mikune to her core- where she took the time to try and find out why she lost- so she can better herself for the future of herself and her team.
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That way- when, If, she faces Red again- she'll be a WHOLE other beast!
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kunoichihatake · 3 years
Request are open finally!!! can I request parenting hcs for each of the legendary sanin with a adoptive girl?
sure thing! 🥰
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He would spoil her so badly
Anything his little princess wants, she gets
He’s pretty strict about training, though
From the day she can walk, his daughter is learning how to be a shinobi as strong as her father
Once she’s able to perform her first jutsus, he takes her to Mount Myoboku to meet the toads, and they adore her
(They don’t even make her eat bugs like her dad)
She learns sage mode pretty early on and perfects it by her mid to late teens, and her dad couldn’t be prouder (:
Jiraiya would try to hide his pervert side from her as long as possible, knowing that she’d find out about it one day
One day, she finds a book with his name on it and buys it to bring home to show her father
Of course she reads the first chapter and her excitement turns to shock and disgust
Jiraiya sits her down and has a talk about how men are gross, how she needs to watch out for them, how she’s not allowed to date until she’s 30, etc.
Though it does break his heart knowing his little girl doesn’t see him as such a great dad anymore
I can see his daughter growing close with Tsunade and bonding over how much of a goof and pervert Jiraiya can be
Jiraiya pretends to hate it, but secretly he loves that his daughter is bonding with the strongest kunoichi he knows
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Like Jiraiya, she would start training her daughter as early as possible
She would start with taijutsu -- her daughter would have her mother’s monster strength by the time she started at the Academy
After that, I feel like Tsunade would let her child choose her own specialty
If she decided to take up medical ninjutsu, great! Tsunade would train her to be the finest medical ninja in Konoha, with the hopes that her daughter would surpass her some day
If her daughter decided to pursue another type of jutsu, Tsunade would seek out the top specialist to train her
(Even if she wasn’t Hokage, Tsunade would have no trouble getting someone to do her such a favor)
One specialty she will be sure her daughter knows, though, is how to deal with perverts
Tsunade has had years of experience with Jiraiya and can spot a perv from a mile away
Her daughter will know from a very young age how to deal with creeps
The teachers at the Academy have talked to Tsunade multiple times about how her daughter nearly knocked a boy in her class out again, but each time Tsunade would only beam and tell the teacher that the kid must have been pulling some pervy stunt and that he probably deserved it
Overall, Tsunade would be the proudest mama bear, and her daughter would be as strong (and strong-willed) as her mother
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Though he doesn’t show it as outwardly as Jiraiya or Tsunade, he’s certainly in awe of his daughter
From the moment he adopts her, he’s entranced by her
The way she blinks at him as a baby? Absolutely adorable. Even when she fusses, he can’t help but be in awe of how perfect she is
“I couldn’t make an experiment this perfect if I tried”
Orochimaru would definitely be a laid-back type of father, in my opinion
His daughter would be able to pursue her own path without any pushback from him
However, he does keep a close eye on her at all times
Once, a boy at the Academy was picking on her, and he decided to make an appearance
His daughter was embarrassed, but no one ever picked on her again
He’d certainly be invested in the love triangle (real or perceived) between his daughter and her teammates
Would probably ask her about which one she liked better, much to her chagrin
“So, Ryota or Shigeru?”
“Dad, I’ve already told you I don’t like either of them like that.”
“I’m team Ryota, for the record.”
No matter what type of jutsu she decided to specialize in, Orochimaru would help his daughter train
He would try to learn as much as he could about the jutsu she liked, and might even try to do some experiments to get better at the jutsus so he could teach her more
10/10 supportive dad (even if he creeps his daughter’s teammates out)
if you enjoyed this, feel free to send me some requests or donate to my ko-fi (link in bio!)
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grelleswife · 2 years
*quickly sends you an ask* Mey Rin for the ask game please frien?? 🥰🙏
Sure thing! 🥰
1. My first impression of them. Sweet and adorable, albeit rather klutzy.
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like). I liked Mey Rin right off the bat (the Phantomhive servants add a lot of heart to the storyline), and that appreciation only increased when she revealed her badass sniper skills during the circus arc! I love it when kind characters also have a ferocious side. 🔥
3. A song that reminds me of them. “almost home” by mxmtoon (which I first heard on @catraears ‘s wonderful Mey Rin playlist here on Spotify)
4. How many people I ship them with. Grelle, Sebastian, Hannah Annafellows, Paula, Agni, Ronald Knox, Madame Red (the three red ladies could make a very cute polycule!)
5. My favorite ship of them. Grellerin, because the vibes are immaculate. You have Grelle helping the maid embrace her femininity after a childhood and adolescence spent stifling it, and offering Mey Rin a passionate romance that surpasses anything found in the pages of her novels. You have Mey unconditionally loving and staunchly supporting Grelle, affirming the reaper’s identity even when so much of the world refuses to understand her. If they fought side-by-side, death scythe and rifle at the ready, these queens would be an unstoppable force! Sebagrellerin is also great…the perfect bisexual trio. 💖💜💙
6. My least favorite ship of them. I seem to recall spotting some nasty nonsense like Mey Rin/O!Ciel in the AO3 tag a while ago; anything like that is a hard pass from me, for obvious reasons. 🤢
7. A quote of them that you remember. “I obey young master’s command to the letter! To greet my master in a tidy manor every day—that is a maid’s duty. The housemaid shall purge the filth from this manor!”
8. Your favorite outfit of them. This dress from the official Gfantasy Sebamey cover!
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9. Your least favorite outfit of them. Mey Rin looks fantastic in any outfit Yana chooses for her! 💕
10. Describe the character in one sentence. Though she presents a cheerful countenance by day, the Owl bares her talons by night!
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character? How cute she is and how badly I want to cuddle her. 😭
12. Sexuality hc! Bisexual. 💖💜💙
13. Your favorite friendship they have. Her bond with the other servants; I’m a sucker for the trope where outcasts and misfits join together to create a little found family. 🥰
14. Best storyline they had. Her backstory in the maid arc. Those chapters gave us a better understanding of the harsh times that shaped her into a fearsome markswoman, as well as her resilience and ability to retain a beautiful soul despite those trials. Mey Rin’s come a long way from the bleak life in which she was trapped, which made it even more rewarding to see her thrive in the present!
15. Worst storyline they had. I wish she’d been aboard the Campania during the luxury liner arc. It would have been epic to watch her take out those bizarre dolls! 😈
16. A childhood headcanon. When she felt sad or discouraged, child!Rin would hum fragments of the tunes her mother used to sing to her in order to calm herself down.
17. What do you think their first word was? The Chinese word for “flower”
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc). Based on the glimpse of babey Mey in canon, I’d say she was a naturally sensitive child forced to toughen up fast in order to eke out a living on the unforgiving London streets.
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen many ships involving Mey that were too bizarre, though I’m sure those crack pairings exist somewhere!
20. A weird headcanon. Maybe not weird, but spooky…Mey Rin loves telling ghost stories with the Bard and Finny on long winter nights, even though she often ends up scaring herself in the process. 😂👻
21. When do you think they were at their happiest? Those times at the manor when there are no attacks or other catastrophes to worry about, and she was free to enjoy picnics, fun outings in the city, and other bonding moments with the rest of the Phantomhive household.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest? Working as the Qing Bang’s assassin. Mey was surviving, but she wasn’t living.
23. Future headcanon. Partially as a consequence of working with her during their undercover mission, Mey Rin eventually becomes good friends with Ran Mao. At one point, the other woman gifts Mey a panda plushie identical to her own, which the maid treasures.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? The exact number of people she’s killed over the course of her work. That death count comes with the territory, but Mey Rin doesn’t like to dwell on it.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc. Her character’s been pretty consistent (at least in the manga), though I wish Yana had let her show her true colors earlier on in the story.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most? After becoming a maid, because she could finally express her identity as Mey Rin, rather than being callously treated as Rin, valued only for her keen eyes and deadly aim rather than her personhood.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet? I’d love to see an AU where she could interact with Jeanne from Vanitas no Carte because they have a lot in common—wonderfully endearing ladies who also have an intense side, past trauma, a well-deserved reputation for being frighteningly talented at putting enemies six feet under, in service to a young master who offered them a brighter future, etc. I just think they should eat macarons together and be besties. :’)
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did? Nothing really comes to mind? 🤔 Anything my girl does is significant to me! 💖
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?) An amazing mom. Since she’s prone to anxiety, Mey could definitely benefit from a partner to lend a hand (raising kids is stressful work), but her fierce protectiveness and warm, affectionate demeanor would carry the day more often than not. She’d be patient and gentle, and give the best hugs!
30. The funniest scene they had? Her stunned reaction to Finny’s spine-breaking tackle! 😂
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kodzumie-archived · 3 years
please can u spare a couple of mikan hcs w an s/o who adores her?? please my crops are dying,,, tysm
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Synopsis; Mikan with an s/o that adores her.
Featuring; Mikan Tsumiki x GN! Reader
Warning(s); None! Just fluff with best girl, Mikan.
Kodzumie’s Note; Your crops shall live for another day! I always, always, always will spare writing for Mikan. Ahh, thank you so much for requesting for her! I hope you’ve had a great day today. Take care, anon! <3
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⤷ To say she was astounded is an understatement. Mikan is truly unable to fathom how you someone like you could like her. Much less, adore her.
⤷ But, from the bottom of her heart, she appreciates it and cherishes every ounce of your affections entirely. And she attempts to reciprocate it in full, but it’s hard to compete with your overwhelming conveyance.
⤷ Showering her in metaphoric seas of compliments, it’s never a challenge to fluster the tenuous nurse. Her delicate, pallid features brushed upon with roseate as she attempts to withhold her composure. But your ministrations are too much for her poor, little heart to handle.
⤷ For every time you’ve made a momentary stop at the nurse’s office between classes, she swears her heart melts with every moment she sees you. Some breaks, you walk into the office with a rose twirled between your thumb and index finger, holding it out before you towards the bearer of your heart.
⤷ Of course, Mikan will deny taking the flower at first, claiming that it’d be much better given to someone else rather than her. But you silence her upon clasping your hands above her own, ever-so gently placing the florescent blossom between her fingers. Truly, it mesmerizes her the sheer dedication you’ve shown to someone as meek as her.
⤷ Some days, you stop by the office with a piece of paper between your hands; a drawing. Presenting it to your girlfriend with an eager grin upon your face, you explain that it was, in fact, a drawing of her.
⤷ Instantaneously, she begins to compliment your drawing, regardless of your skill level. She’s genuinely enamored that someone would take the time out of their day to draw her, of all people.
⤷ But her questions are answered with your rambles; your rambling about her. It’s strange. Foreign, even. It’s an entirely new situation for her to be put in as she listens to you gush about all that you admire about her. Vividly describing that the enchanting flecks of stardust within her eyes were simply too beautiful not to draw.
⤷ From your words alone, Mikan’s heart resonated within her chest as she attempted to muster coherent sentences, but the shock was still fresh within her mind. You thought she was beautiful. And, by your very own words; “No drawing or photo could ever capture your beauty, Mikan.”
⤷ And yet she’s surprised to say that-that isn’t even the best of them. You’ve surpassed her expectations and have smothered her in a love she’d deemed foreign; care she could only describe as exotic.
⤷ The days in which you’d stop by the nurse’s office with empty hands were her favorite; that day, you’d brought nothing. Only yourself to greet her presence, and yet, you still manage to engulf her in your adorations with a tidal wave of pure passion.
⤷ Those days, you’d draw her in close. The smile settling upon your lips was once she hoped to be blessed to see for years to come, a gentle smile reserved solely for her eyes as you cradle her face within your hands. Your touch was delicate; holding Mikan’s face as though she were glass, ready to shatter. And sometimes she truly believed that under your intense love, she’d crumble.
⤷ And that’s what she’d adored about you; the way you’d overwhelmingly underwhelm your affections so that she could handle them. You understood that sometimes the abundance of affection was hard to handle, flustering her to the brink of a mental breakdown as she processes the―unfortunately―foreign compassion.
⤷ Thus, you envelop her lips within yours, pulling her in for a serene, fleeting kiss. Within that moment, time had slowed. The seconds ticking in subtle reverse as she savors the sensation of your lips atop her own, occasionally parting to overlap once more.
⤷ And yet, even as you leave, the love that frolics within your eyes doesn’t cease. In fact, it intensifies. The glow of adoration emitting from your hues as your lips part from hers is a hypnotic sight for her, nearly forcing her within a  trance as she swallows in the affection within your gaze alone.
⤷ So it surprises her that your affection never seems to cease; an eternal flame of your desire burning solely for her. An ember in which she promises she’s undeserving of, yet you cling onto the belief—the truth she’s been hindered blind to—that she is deserving of this love. She is worthy of affection.
⤷ Even as you take her out to the café she’d subtly informed you of, hoping to visit it one day, she’s perplexed as to why you’d bother keeping in mind such an unimportant detail. Furthermore, why would you take her to the place she’d claim she’d been hoping to see?
⤷ But as you take her hand within hers—gently—allowing her to let go if she wishes, you inform her thay you wanted to see her reaction. To be able to witness her excitement from a front-row perspective, and bask in your girlfriend’s excitement over the pastries.
⤷ Mikan attempted to insist that a date spent on her would be a mere waste, but you’d opened the door for her with a grin before she could protest. Bowing your head in caricature to formality, giggling as your girlfriend hesitantly entered, following after her.
⤷ Amidst the comforting atmosphere, baristas calling out names of customers per order and the lofi beat droning within the background of the clatter, the café had been comforting. Mikan’s tender, lavender hues inspecting the confinements of the shop with the faintest of smiles.
⤷ Resting your chin within your hand, you gaze upon her features. All of which illuminated by the hanging lights of the establishment, accentuating her regal locks as she twirls a strand around her index finger. Her gaze fixed upon the doodles of the chalkboard announcing today’s special.
⤷ She appeared at ease; delight engulfing her within the confinements of the café. And with your eyes trained upon her contentment, you couldn’t help but bask in her ripples of joy that’d passed upon you in wishful washes; a wish to capture this moment forever.
⤷ So that’s exactly what you do. Retrieving your phone from the compartments of your bookbag, you swipe left of your lock screen, opening the camera app.
⤷ And without a moment of the ethreality to waste, you raise your phone and snap a picture; capturing wht you deemed as the essence of true beauty. Yet upon the shuttering of a camera, Mikan swiftly directs her head towards you, a somewhat panicked expression upon her fragile features. You almost feel bad for startling her, however, the photo within your phone album is the sight of a lifetime.
⤷ With furrowed brows, Mikan questions what you’d taken a picture of. To which she hadn’t expected you to flip your screen towards her, displaying the photograph before her very eyes.
⤷ It was her. Sitting across the table with a far-off gaze upon the front counter, within her hands resides her own phone as a faint smile laces her lips. Her free hand twisting her hair between her fingertips as she seems so peaceful; at last, she’s at ease. It was a picture of your girlfriend—Mikan—amidst her most serene of moments.
⤷ At first, she’s silent. Simply gazing upon your screen as though she were attempted to decipher whether or not she was encaged within a dream; a vividly torturous dream in which she’d been fooled with the illusory affection you’d always provided her.
⤷ But that silence morphs into mumbles; questioning. It’s a repetitive and Pavlovian reaction from your lover, yet you never seem to alter your answer to her inquiry; why had you taken a picture of her?
⤷ Because why would your answer change? If there was one thing you’ll leave this world with a true belief in, it’s that your girlfriend is an enchanting individual. Her heart a garden of kind blossoms for those in need; eyes painted with stardust as the underlying euphoria within her orbs rivaled every constellation; the brush of her fingertips upon yours eliciting a jolt through your heart. In every way imaginable, Mikan was utterly celestial.
⤷ So, with your head held high, you reply with such confidence it’s as though the words that escape your lips are from the heart—in which they are—spoken only to her. “Because you’re beautiful, of course.”
⤷ And it’s words like these that Mikan has noticed you’d chant. Time and time, again, you insist that she’s one-of-a-kind; a treasure truly unforgettable.
⤷ With such frevor, you douse yourself in the mantra of her worth, promising her value is beyond that of what she’s been deluded to. It’s your persistence—your unwavering sense of veracity—that pushes Mikan to believe that perhaps she’s beyond that of a disposable being.
⤷ She’s pushed to believe that perhaps there’s a mutual gratification within your love; she’s not the only one who’d fawned upon the possibility of being wanted, especially by someone of the likes of you. She’s pushed to believe that perhaps the love you’d withheld for her was true.
⤷ A bond—in its entirety—as genuine as the feeling of your hand atop hers within that very moment. Clasping your hands atop hers, you cradle the limb with such an overwhelming amount of care, Mikan couldn’t fight against the quiver of her lips as you tenderly gazed within her eyes.
⤷ Your voice subtle as it barely resonated within the encompass of the café, yet ever-so assertive. Without a fraction of hesitation—gaze unwavering from her own—you allow the Pavlovian words to escape from your lips. Yet, unlike every other moment you’d voiced them, for once, they’re processed.
⤷ Months spent in denial of your fragility towards her; your contrasting tending to her needs; indulging in her wants; smothering her in endless conpliments; lovingly longing gazes cast upon her. After months of having spent within the confines of doubt, it seems that the shackles had finally been broken.
⤷ In that very moment, within the café you’d took the liberty to remember in order to appease to her personal interests, you’d confessed once more; “I love you.” And it’s a confession finally processed by your lavender-eyed lover; a confession finally processed after months of denying the veracity of your love.
⤷ And as you cradled her hands within your own, the ever-lasting love laced within your eyes as they meet hers, she reciprocates your affections at long-last as the words that doused her lips interlocked with the tears cascading from her eyes. “I love you too.”
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
I love the Otaku todoroki and Bakugou hc's! Maybe part 2 where they meet the characters voice actor and they look EXACTLY like the character and the bois are like 😳😳😳 HAVE I BEGGED GOD ENOUGH FOR HIM TO TURN MY ANIME CRUSH REAL and maybe the voice actor asks them out on a date sksksk— lol love your writing! (you don't have to do this btw, just a suggestion! 💕)
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My first thought was the webtoon True Beauty 😳😳 I don't know if you guys know it, but it’s a great story (and free to read online!) and the author is kinda infamous for looking exactly like her MC!! Though Iida’s VA, Kaito Ishikawa, 👀 👀 looks exactly like his character IMO!! 
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The headcanons in question are here, and since the character is already referred to as [Name], I’ll be referring to the voice actor as [V/A] only, but it’s still the reader 😊😊.
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“Shitty Half-and-half.” 
“Bakugou,” Todoroki replied, turning fully to face his former classmate. Several years had passed since they both confronted each other over Todoroki’s [Name] acrylic charm, and even now, both Pro-Heroes deep into their careers, their love for the anime character never waned. 
The series had finished up during their last year at U.A., leaving both boys a mess while Aizawa could only wish that he was able to nurse his headache with half a bottle of ibuprofen. Todoroki mourned the fact that they were able to defeat the last arc’s antagonist at the cost of [Name]’s powers leading to their ultimate retirement and Bakugou raged from the ambiguous epilogue where [Name] was seen laying their head on the protagonist’s shoulder while looking out into the sunset.  
“Don’t play dumb with me, you damned trust fund kid,” Bakugou spat, pushing himself off the spot where he leaned against the wall and striding over to the taller male. He had filled out in the past several years, nothing but toned biceps and broad shoulders. “You’re thinking exactly what I’m thinking.” 
“What?” Todoroki asked innocently. His time with Uraraka had paid off, but the cutesy look would only let him get so far. Bakugou was eye-to-eye with his “eternal” rival. Todoroki had only gotten taller recently. Still slender and toned, he was nearly his father’s height and had already surpassed Natsuo. 
“Might Con.” Bakugou really had grown from the way he didn’t rage from Todoroki’s feigned ignorance. “You’re going to be there aren’t you?” 
Todoroki froze. 
The blond smirked at his expression. “I know for a damned fact that your manager scheduled your panel at the exact same time my panel is held —” 
“We’re hosting the panel together with Midoriya, Bakugou —” Todoroki tried to say.   
“At the exact same time as [Name]’s fucking seiyuu’s autograph session, huh?” 
At Bakugou’s words, both boys were at a standstill. 
Due to the popularity of the anime, the voice actors were going to have their schedules jam-packed the entire con with panels, interviews, and meet-and-greets, but due to scheduling conflicts, every voice actor was allowed only one autograph session at a time. Bakugou didn’t care about any of those other shitty extras. He only wanted to meet [Name]’s seiyuu. 
The voice actor was infamous for hiding their face during the anime’s run, only doing radio shows or paper interviews. They cited that since they were still a minor by the time the anime came out, they wanted to preserve their privacy, but now that they were of age, they were going to reveal their face at the con for the first time. 
But they couldn’t make it. Their entire Pro-Hero career was stabbing itself in the back. 
He held a hand out. 
“If one of us can’t see [Name]’s voice actor the other can’t.”
It was otaku solidarity.  
After a pause Todoroki reached out and shook it once. “Fine.” The two boys dropped their hands as fast as it came. 
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Todoroki Shoto: 
Tries to go incognito, but he sucks at it. 
He’s wearing shades indoors to hide his heterochromia and his scar, a bucket hat to hide his half-and-half hair, and he’s wearing regular, but not so inconspicuous clothes. 
Once he gets to the front of the line, he nearly drops his gigantic load of [Name] merch. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s a Pro, he would’ve needed a wagon to carry the entire thing. 
His face immediately flushes. 
You’re wearing glasses and a large sweater while smiling and waving happily at the last fan that walked away. His mind is seeing every equation. You look exactly like the High School spin-off your mangaka made after the protagonist wished that everyone was able to live normal lives.   
He stutters out, “C-Cosplay...?” softly the moment he gets to your table. 
This dude is blushing so hard his face is as red as his hair. 
Were you a secret love child, perhaps? 
You brighten up and laugh. “Oh, wow — you have a lot of merch,” you laugh and he nearly swoons. “And oh, no! I just look like this normally.” 
He mentally thanks his mom for giving birth to him. 
You compliment him on his casual Idol!Shoto cosplay and he’s so embarrassed that he nearly lets go of the left side of his Quirk. 
“Yeah! You make such a handsome Shoto!” You use your [Name] voice to say, “I love you, Shoto-kun!” and he nearly dies right there. 
He uncharacteristically even puts his face into his hands ;; and just screams internally. 
You hold up your pen and look at him with such wide eyes and ;;; YOU’RE SO FUCKING CUTE!! 
None of the fanfictions have ever prepared him for this. 
[“So who should I put these out to?” 
He inhales once and quickly goes, “Todoroki, please. Written with the character for ‘a roaring fire.’ I have admired [Name] since their character introduction arc and felt a bond from [Name]’s tragic history and my own. I hated my father for the longest time and wanted to forage my own path similar to [Name] and they gave me strength —”] 
You fight to keep the largest grin off your face, but then the door busts open and in walks Ground Zero. The security are all scrambling to stop him, but he barrels through them like dominoes. 
“Oh, Bakugou —” 
Bakugou takes him by the collar and his shades and hat falls and everyone’s immediately fangirl shrieking as Bakugou forcefully drags him away. 
“Wait, Bakugou — ! My dakimakura — !“ 
“Fuck that!”] 
After his panel, he’s smugly going through all of the merch you were able to autograph with Bakugou sulking in the corner because he managed to go and Bakugou didn’t and he nearly drops his figurine when he realizes what you wrote in the corner of the box. 
“You seem pretty cute, handsome stranger! ;) XXX-XXXX-XXXX” 
He discharges his Quirk and Bakugou could be heard shouting, “WHAT THE HELL, HALF-AND-HALF!” in the background. 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
He doesn’t even bother hiding the fact that he’s there. Everyone’s so stunned by the fact that the Ground Zero is just storming through the autograph session that the autograph line splits like the Red Sea and he goes right up to you. 
When he sees your face he just stops in his place and he does the face above for like five whole seconds. 
Did he die and go to heaven? 
AND YOU LOOK SO SOFT!! Who gave you the motherfucking right to look so cute??? You look exactly like the panel in volume twenty-one, page 105 where [Name] were first seen wearing glasses. (Yes, ofc he remembers the exact page and volume. What was he, a fake fan?)
He didn’t have a thing for megane 😳😳😳 until [Name].
[“You...You fucking look exactly like [Name],” he manages to stutter out. 
You blink out of your stupor at the Ground Zero at your autograph session because your manager just elbows you at your side and you nod quickly like an idiot. 
“Y-Yeah!” You laugh nervously. “Hahaha, I guess that’s why they chose me to be the voice actor, you know because the voice matches the face — or-or is it the face matches the voice??” The two of you have matching red faces. “I-I even have a Quirk like their’s!” You hold up your hand and activate your Quirk slightly and he goes still.] 
H-His wifu/husbando... in the flesh... 
All those years of reading metas and watching analysis videos and calculating the compatibility of your Quirks are coming into fuCKING FRUITION!! 
And he just grabs your hand out of nowhere, running on pure instinct, wrapping his hand around yours in a vice grip like a claw game and the both of you freeze. 
”S-So what would you like me to sign??” you say quickly because he’s holding up the line, but everyone else is watching his go down like a soap opera. 
He asks you to sign the manga. The first volume, the volume where you’re introduced, and the last volume. 
[“They fucking did [Name] dirty in the series finale,” he says while you sign the manga for him. “They don’t belong with the pissy protagonist.” 
“Yeah?” you ask, looking up at him. You gesture for him to lean closer and he does while you whisper in his ear. “Between you and me I don’t ship them either.” You lean back in your chair. “I don’t think the mangaka developed their relationship enough for me to root for them. Personally, I think that that they should just settle down with someone who’s going to make them happy and protect them — “ 
“I can do that.” 
“What,” you blurt out. 
“What,” he replies.] 
He’s in such a daze that when Deku and Shoto barge into the autograph signing and drag him away he doesn’t even fight back. 
Even through his panel that he nearly missed btw he’s so confused. Equations are spinning around his head. 
When he finally has free time and looks at the manga you signed, it read, “Ground Zero, you’re my favorite Hero! Glad you liked the anime! Wanna talk about it some more? XXX-XXXX-XXXX” 
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r6shippingdelivery · 3 years
headcannons for hobbies? Like what they do on their off time?
Hi nonnie! I actually did a Hobbies HC for “all” ops a long time ago. But seeing that was before the expanded bios, and it only reached up to Gridlock and Mozzie, I’d say it’s time for an updated version, don’t you say? 
Some of the answers are unchanged from the old post, because I already nailed it or the new info didn’t disprove my ideas. But I had to revise a lot of the answers I gave the first time around! In order to find their hobbies and/or get a glimpse of their lives beyond Rainbow and what they might like, I read all the bios, and looked up concept art, and elites, and past battlepass content, etc. And when none of that was enough, I just went with my gut instinct 😂 Thank you to @grain-crain-drain, @dagoth-menthol & @todragonsart for bouncing ideas with me when I was stuck! 💕
Hobbies Headcanons for ALL ops (up to Neon Dawn)
- Ash: According to her savta, shooting things is not a hobby, but Ash disagrees. And since according to her expanded bio she knows Hebrew, Arabic, English, French and Greek, I’m willing to bet she enjoys learning languages as well. - Thermite: He grew up on a ranch and loves riding. He’s also taken an interest in improving gadgets it seems, so my old proposal that he dabbles in forging/smithing stuff seems plausible. And based on this concept art, demolition derbies attending and maybe even competing himself too? - Pulse: He’s interested in a variety of topics and goes through phases of intense, nearly obsessive focus, until something else captures his attention. He still has a lingering fondness for building muscle cars, since it was something he used to do with his father. And like Thermite and Hibana, it seems he might enjoy demolition derbies. - Castle: He’s a language nerd, studying/reading/practicing new languages is his hobby for sure. Since the expanded bio says he rescues abused dogs, I don’t think it would be far fetched he volunteered at animal shelters too.
- Thatcher: Aside from repairing his boat, The Iron Maggie, he also enjoys fishing. He used to do that with his dad & brothers, and tried to take the rest of the SAS fishing as a bonding experience. It didn’t go very well - Sledge: He plays rugby, and has an inexplicable fondness of trying the wildest ideas that tend to end with something broken, be it one of his bones or a structure or wall (just read his extended psychological profile and you’ll see, lmao) - Smoke: Boxing, it helps him focus all his chaotic energy. And chemistry in general, it’s not just a hobby but a passion of his. - Mute: he enjoys tinkering with stuff, taking it apart and then putting it back together in a different way, just to see if he can improve it or make it work in his own way. Flying drones plays perfectly into that, with the added bonus of being able to do the flying part just for fun too.
- Montagne: His main passion is working with people, teaching and mentoring others, and therefore when he’s not on duty, his main passtime still is mingling with people and getting to know them. I could see him making overtures with Castle, interested in the American and fascinated by his knowledge of various languages, an area Monty feels insecure about due to only knowing French and English.  - Twitch: Engineering, robotics and developing an empathic AI is her life.Twitch is a workaholic passionate about those topics. She also greatly enjoys traveling and, according to her expanded bio, people watching.  - Doc: He surely had some hobby at one point, but he can’t remember it, or the last time he had free time for it. Doc is also a workaholic, although one that loves to complain about it.  - Rook: Apparently he’s passionate about cycling, auto racing, and rock concerts. Mainly cycling though, since he dropped out of university to cycle around France.
- Tachanka: He collects and repairs old weapons. Mostly soviet, but he has some interesting pieces from other countries too. And he dances surprisingly well.  - Kapkan: Aside from a certain interest in psychology, his main hobby is hunting, of course. But he also whittles and carves wooden figurines.  - Glaz: Quite obviously, painting. He’s an artist, and quite a good one. He also likes playing cards, especially poker. - Fuze: He builds new weapon prototypes for fun. And tests them, if he can convince Six of it. He also likes to bake from time to time, a skill he learnt thanks to his grandma - and because he has a sweet tooth.
- Jäger: Planes. Model planes, repairing old WWI & II planes, you name it. And watching copious amounts of documentaries.  - Bandit: His bike is his main hobby, both taking care of it and riding it. He also likes playing pool; and, if pranking people counts as a hobby, that’s his oldest one, dating from when he was a kid. - Blitz: He was and still is an athlete at heart, and Blitz loves running. - IQ: In order to disconnect from engineering pursuits, she indulges in rock climbing, spelunking, and writing science fiction stories.
- Buck: He crafts mechanical puzzles, and enjoys all kinds of physical activity that can take place outdoors. - Frost: She just loves being surrounded by nature, and often goes mountain climbing or diving.
- Valkyrie: Swimming and diving, of course! She wanted to be a professional swimmer, but now it’s just a hobby. And apparently she enrolled for a helicopter pilot license, and language classes. - Blackbeard: According to the expanded bios, he likes sailing and even participated in a championship. And since he climbed Mount Everest, it’s safe to say he also likes mountain climbing.
- Capitao: He loves football, playing or watching it, doesn’t matter, he’s all for it. - Caveira: Spends a lot of time practicing Jiu Jitsu, in the gym and also on unofficial tournaments.
- Hibana: For her it’s traditional Japanese archery (Kyūdō). And probably demolition derbies too accounting that concept art from before with Thermite and Pulse. - Echo: According to the expanded bio, he has few interests outside work, but I always imagined he’d be into gaming and e-sports. Hacking too, and that’s a direct influence from Dokkaebi.
- Jackal: He plays the acoustic guitar/spanish guitar, and sings too. And now we also know he volunteers with at-risk youth. - Mira: Fixing cars is second nature to her, and thanks to her expanded bio we know she also does metal sculptures that incorporate used mechanical parts.
- Ying: Extreme driving, which can sometimes trigger her PTSD, and traveling. Especially exploring cities by randomly jumping in public transport and just going anywhere. - Lesion: He is also one to volunteer in underprivileged areas (like Junk Bay, where he grew up), and clearing mines and other unexploded devices. I also imagine him with a certain gusto for playing blackjack.
- Zofia: If obsessing about her father’s supposed suicide and the oddities surrounding it, and desperately trying to reconnect with her sister count as hobbies, sure, she has those. - Ela: She’s also an artist, one with a very particular vision that some have called narcissistic. Apparently she also does some “freelance” volunteer work, roaming the streets at night and offering help/comfort, or a willing ear to the people she meets.
- Vigil: He likes to take walks around the forest, just aimless exploring and marvelling at nature and any animals he might come across. Often listens to relaxing music while doing so, and he might pick a pretty rock here and there to bring home. - Dokkaebi: Hacking is her hobby, of course. She also has several social media profiles and is an active member in a couple of hacking forums. As per a previous battlepass, I believe she enjoys mountain trekking too. And dancing to electro beat, due to her elite.
- Lion: His rebel years left him with an appreciation for rock music and a dream to be in a group. Lion still plays the electric guitar, when he’s not off volunteering at the local church. - Finka: Pushed by her parents from a young age to try different sports, just like her siblings, she eventually discovered a strong love for fencing and ice-skating.
- Maestro: Cooking, and boxing, an interest he shares with Smoke. But mostly cooking. - Alibi: She’s also a marksman, engages Ash in friendly shooting competitions.
- Clash: She’s very involved in different activist causes, mostly surrounding racial issues and inequality. - Maverick: Photography, mostly nature or candid shots of his fellow operators. I also think he likes horses and riding. And Buzkashi of course, but he hasn’t played since he left Kabul.
- Kaid: Playing chess, he’s a good strategist and it shows. And  while dozing off with a cat on his lap is not a hobby, he also loves that. - Nomad: Traveling to all sorts of remote locations, she’s an explorer with a thirst to prove herself. She also keeps a travel journal, which includes maps and some drawings of the places she’s seen.
- Mozzie: Dirt biking, of course. The more dangerous the jumps and stunts are, the more he likes it. He knows his limits and works to surpass them. - Gridlock: Robotics. She still wants to compete again in robot championships, just like she and Mozzie did so many years ago. She would consider that fixing cars and vehicles has become more part of her job than a hobby, but still loves it too.
Phantom Sight
- Nokk: Fencing, as evidenced by some of her concept art, she participated in fencing tournaments. - Warden: He knows appearances are important, and he cultivated a very specific image, so he likes to take care of that, be it by buying luxury or antique cars, or designer suits, etc.
Ember Rise
- Amaru: Archeology and exploring the Amazon jungle is her passion. It used to be her whole life and job, but since she joined Rainbow, she’s been busy with training and missions, yet she never lost her love for adventure, history and protecting her country’s cultural artifacts. - Goyo: He’s a really good chess player, and enjoys other games where he either has to think, or his usual poker face and calm demeanor can throw his opponents off.
Shifting Tides
- Kali: When she’s not writing reports about her underlings progress, or making lists about who should be ascended/rewarded, who needs to be punished or chastised, etc, she’ll be doing yoga, since it helps her focus. Or hardcore pilates when she needs to burn away some frustration first. - Wamai: Diving and being underwater in general, be it on his special immersion tanks or on the actual sea, it doesn’t matter. He finds it calming (and he’s addicted to the anoxia sensation)
Void Edge
- Iana: Space exploration fascinates her, and she’s always trying to learn everything she can about the cosmos, watching documentaries and conducting her own in-depth research. - Oryx: Wrestling helps him hone his physical prowess, and it’s also a measured outlet for his deep seated rage. He also greatly enjoys reading poetry.
Steel Wave
- Melusi: She’s committed to the conservation cause, which stems from both her love of wildlife and nature, and her protective instincts. She likes to explore too, although she’s not driven by a will to prove herself or reach certain goals, but simply for the joy of seeing natural spaces. - Ace: Social Media. He’s obsessed with his public image and popularity. While he travels quite a bit, it seems he does it more to share new and exciting selfies on Instagram than for the pleasure of visiting new places.
Shadow Legacy
- Zero: He knits and crochets, it’s an engaging hobby that helps him clear his mind, plus he enjoys making stuff too. Not many people know about this side of him though. 
Neon Dawn
- Aruni: She and Hero, her giant pouched rat, volunteer on landmine detection and removal efforts. She also likes to travel extensively, and has done so in the company of Twitch and Nomad.
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
All works are my own, all rights reserved. Re-posting, modifying, copying, or translating(without proper permission), is not allowed. Don’t Plagiarize, just ask if you want to do something, have an idea, just ask. (picture found on google and edited, unsure of source, if you know base image let me know I’ll gladly give credit) Enjoy reading! 
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Updated: Feb 19th, 2021
Katsuki Bakugou!:
i. My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader Masterlist:  You're finally getting to attend the school of your dreams, meeting great people along the way. You're ready to prove to everyone you have what it takes to become a pro hero. You're not looking for any love, but when does that stop it from finding you on it's own? Reader insert centered around 3 main boys, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya.
ii. A Knight’s Honor Masterlist: You’re a female squire, the only female training to be a Knight. You are not willing to give up your dreams of Knighthood to become a slave to society to save face. No matter what anyone says, you’ll prove them wrong. You’ll show him who he’s messing with.  !ON HIATUS!
iii. Bomber Jacket: Who knew that old bomber jacket of his would lead to this.
iv. “You’re cute when you’re angry”: Request, Prompt 53: “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
v. Something Witchy is going on: Request, Witch Quirk, Prompt 30: “It was you the whole time.”
vi. Something Witchy is Going on II Request, Witch Quirk, Prompts 25. “I got you a present” 41. “Why choose me?”
vii. Undrunk: Request, Older!Au, Prompts 32: “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.” 30."It was you the whole time."
viii. Curly Hair is Captivating  Request, Bakugou won’t ever admit it but there’s something about you and that hair that drew him in
ix. Second Chances Masterlist: Request, When he watches you marry someone else, he knew he screwed up all those years ago. If only there was something he could do to get you back, if only there was a way... to have a second chance at being yours.
x. Thiccer than a Snicker Request, you may have a great body but that doesn’t mean you’re confident in showing it off, so you hide it. Your boyfriend lets you know that he doesn’t care either way what you wear
xi. For the Love of a Daughter Request, Bakugou loves your guys’ daughter beyond belief, and he never wants to see her hurt. Ever. But when push comes to shove, he’s left remembering every moment he’s ever cried.
xii. No Biggie Request, you’re just too chill and Bakugou is not. He freaks out, and you learned how to shut him up. 
xiii. No Biggie Part 2 Request, some headcanons for the dramatic katsuki and his nonchalant partner
xiv. What a Daddy’s Girl Request, this was just a regular morning for your family, with the fussing and glares; your little girl was way too much like her daddy. You loved them both anyway
xv. Who said pickup lines don’t work? Request, Prompts 52. “Can I kiss you right now?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
xvi. Say Uncle! Eijirou surely didn’t expect this when coming over to your place for dinner.
xvii. Still Remember-Bakugou POV Request, Part 2 of Still Remember, You still remember how it all happened, and so does Bakugou.
xviii. Ocean Eyes, or Something More? Pirate!AU, Commodore(officer)!Bakugou, Pirate!Fem!Reader, nothing will ever beat the view of your ocean blue, but why do his ruby eyes captivate you so?
xix. Persever Though Forsaken Soulmate!AU, you didn’t want your soulmate--did’t belive that there was such thing as a perfect match and it sucks because yours has been by your side for years
xx. Ground Zero Reads Thirst Tweets Collab, you and Katsuki are both Pro-Heroes, brought onto a film set to read some thirst tweets
xxi. YouTube Challenge! Request, youtube couple relationship, youtube couple challenges, prompts 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
xxii. The Barbarian King Request, Katsuki want to marry you and the only issue? He has to beat you in a fight for you to even think about accpeting his hand
xxiii. It’s an Ordering in Kind of Night Request, Dad!Bakugou, Mom!Reader, bakugou and his brat have cute father/daughter bonding moment--to bad it went south as soon as you walked in, prompt 31 "This is why we can't have nice things"
xxiv. You Got That Right Request, cute cuddles with your boyfriend lead to more than you ever thought, prompts 21. “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” 47. “Will you marry me?”
xxv. At What Cost? Sparked from a theory youtube video where it says Bakugou is the second holder of OFA, you were a hero... but at what cost?
xxvi. Trust Fall Maybe you took your trust fall exercise a little too far, but at least he didn’t let you fall
Shoto Todoroki!:
i. Unsettling News: Request, Pro Hero AU!, Prompts 34: ”I feel like I can’t breathe.” 48: ”I’m pregnant.”
ii. Jealous Much?: Request, Prompts 20: “Wait a minute… Are you jealous?” 58: “Are you flirting with me?”  
iii. “I want an answer goddammit!”: Request, Pro Hero AU!, HC, Prompt 29: “I want an answer goddammit!”
iv.  My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader Masterlist: You're finally getting to attend the school of your dreams, meeting great people along the way. You're ready to prove to everyone you have what it takes to become a pro hero. You're not looking for any love, but when does that stop it from finding you on it's own? Reader insert centered around 3 main boys, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya.
v. Second Chances Masterlist: Request, When he watches you marry someone else, he knew he screwed up all those years ago. If only there was something he could do to get you back, if only there was a way... to have a second chance at being yours.
vi. Ice Skating Drabble: Request, ice skating scenario with shy s/o
vii.  YouTube Challenge! Request, youtube couple relationship, youtube couple challenges, Prompts 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
vii. Selfish Request, you both want to be selfish, Prompts 1. “Is it possible to love too much?” 33. “I might never get another chance to say this.”
Izuku Midoriya!:
i. I’m Home: Request, Pro Hero AU!, Prompts  36. “Here. You can have it back.” 52. “Can I kiss you right now?” 54. “We’d make such a cute couple.” 59. “Is that my shirt?”
ii. I’m Obsessed Based on the song ‘Fangs’ by Matt Champion. Izuku contemplates you and recalls the moment he fell in love.
iii. I’m Obsessed Part 2: Request, second part to ‘I’m Obsessed’, can be read alone, Prompt 52: “Can I kiss you right now?”
iv.  My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader Masterlist: You're finally getting to attend the school of your dreams, meeting great people along the way. You're ready to prove to everyone you have what it takes to become a pro hero. You're not looking for any love, but when does that stop it from finding you on it's own? Reader insert centered around 3 main boys, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya.
v.  Bittersweet Findings, in that Order Part 1: Request, prompt 20. “Wait a minute... Are you jealous?”
vi. Bittersweet Findings, in that Order Part 2: Request, prompt 20. “Wait a minute... Are you jealous?” 
vii. It’s Deku! Request, you’re a single mother raising twin boys, let’s see how that trip to the mall goes.
viii. Second Chances Masterlist: Request, When he watches you marry someone else, he knew he screwed up all those years ago. If only there was something he could do to get you back, if only there was a way... to have a second chance at being yours. 
ix. All in the Name of Pranks Request, Prompts 23. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while...” 24.”I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
x. Ice Skating Drabble: Request, ice skating scenario with shy s/o
xi. Not Stories After All Mermaid!Au, Adventure!Izuku, Mermaid!Reader, all Izuku wants to do is sketch and take note of the beautiful area around him--he didn’t expect to meet you 
Denki Kaminari!:
i. “It’s not what it looks like...”: Request, HC, Prompt 26: “It’s not what it looks like...”
Eijiro Kirishima!:
i. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”: Request, Prompt 53: “You’re cute when you’re angry”
ii. Never be the Same: Request, Prompts 4. “Look at me-just breath, okay?” 57. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”
iii. Get Fuc-Cleated: Request, Kirishima fawns over his cute soccer player of a girlfriend, only to watch you get hurt during a game
iv.  YouTube Challenge! Request, youtube couple relationship, youtube couple challenges, Prompts 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
Hitoshi Shinsou!:
i. TikTok Queen Materlist: Social Media AU! You’re a normal barista but your heart longs for the title of the queen of TikTok. You post cutesy latte art that has given your channel a lot of followers over the years, but your roommate and friends have long since surpassed you and you are desperate to fix the gap. When your over energetic Tik Tok star of a friend offers you his help, you jump at the chance. Who knew that the challenge you did would get you THIS much attention-and why do you now have an bad boy who is no good for your health trying to force his way into your life? !ON HIATUS!
ii. A Little Lesson Request, Prompt 27. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
i.  “I want an answer goddammit!”: Request, HC, Prompt 29: “I want an answer goddammit!”
Shouta Aizawa!: 
i. Let it Out Request, HC, Prompt 4. “Look at me-just breathe, okay?” 
ii. His Kids Request, Dad!Aizawa, Daughter!Reader, father/daughter fluff, Aizawa takes you to school to meet the other kids he babysits all day
Tenya Iida!:
i. Still Remember You still remember how it all happened, discord collab
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merakiui · 4 years
i don’t remember actually sending a request, sorry about that- anyway, how about the noctu team realizing they’re crushing on the manager? make it like a puppy crush for aiyachi bc the baby is only 14
(Here are the hcs! Please forgive me. I don’t know why they took so long to post. :< But I’m happy with the result! I hope you’ll like it too. Thank you for requesting! These are really cute to think about.)
Noctu Team With a Crush HCs (Aitachi, Kirr, Nine, and Day)
🎯 Aitachi 🎯
Aitachi looks up to a lot of people. He’s not bothered by the fact that most of them might be older and taller. That just means they’ve got more years under their belt and plenty of wisdom to share with him.
He’s so used to being around adults that your presence doesn’t faze him in the slightest.
Intimidation? He knows no such thing! Aitaichi hardly considers fear when you treat him with the same respect as everyone else.
Just don’t baby him. Aitachi may be the smallest and youngest out of the group, but that doesn’t mean he’s a child. He’s a mature Reaper with the courage and strength of a true, pure-hearted warrior!
That’s why he’s always willing to put his life on the line if you’re ever in danger, which is extreme and illogical considering he’s already died once and is now immortal.
He means well, but you’ll still clarify that he doesn’t need to go to such lengths to ensure your safety.
“I’ll be fine,” you told him after a vengeful spirit tried to attack you. “You don’t have to worry so much. As long as no one’s hurt, we can continue with our work, right?”
The very next morning you find a talisman on your desk, along with a small note telling you to keep it close whenever you’re in danger.
Since then, you’ve kept it as a good luck charm, knowing that as long as you’re careful you won’t fall prey to any wandering spirits.
Aitachi takes up the role as your unofficial errand boy ever since he discovered the special spot on your desk for the doll he made. He insists on bringing you every important document because it’s a warrior’s duty to provide for those in need.
His fellow Noctu Reapers think it’s quite charming that he does this, especially Day, who makes all sorts of comments doting on how his “little brother” is so helpful and sweet.
You’re grateful that Aitachi’s so willing to lend a hand without a single complaint, and you make sure he knows just how thankful you are.
Even if the gesture is reserved for that of a child, you still pat him on the head. Aitachi pouted about it at first, saying that head pats aren’t suited for warriors.
Now he just blushes at the contact, proud to have gotten your recognition.
He’s almost like Day in a sense, unintentionally following you around like a lost hound.
It’s quite obvious that he’s got a case of young puppy love.
He’s making another talisman doll for you when he comes to the realization of his wholesome feelings.
Are warriors even supposed to feel this way?
He’s stuck thinking about it the whole day, and he’ll probably be less confident to admit to it.
In the meantime, though, he’ll continue helping you to the best of his ability, secretly doing everything he can to be considered your number one. Almost like a teacher’s pet, but in this case it’s manager’s pet.
All of those talisman dolls are starting to pile up on your desk, as well as his innocent adoration for his hard-working manager.
🏹 Kirr 🏹
Having a crush is such a foreign concept to Kirr.
When he first heard the word, he took it quite literally, wondering why anyone would want to crush another person. That should only happen in a survival scenario where life and death is at stake and you’re facing an enemy with negative intentions.
Yet as he learns more about what it means in a romantic sense, it gives him more confusion. So a crush is a strong sense of admiration for another person?
In that case, wouldn’t it be his manager who he holds in high esteem?
He doesn’t really know how to bring this topic up with the others, so he’s debating it internally. It’s definitely a struggle for poor Kirr, who can’t seem to figure out whether or not what he’s feeling is a crush or just simple respect for his colleague.
So he ends up watching how the Reapers act around you. They’re so kind and sociable. And he acts the same, albeit at a serious level where most jokes go over his head.
Kirr is so busy troubling himself with these inner debates that he doesn’t even register when someone’s trying to talk to him, and it’s a bit concerning.
One afternoon he’s sharpening the arrowheads on the ends of his arrows when he sees you crossing the field. And you look serene as you walk, not paying any mind to the wind that rustles your clothes.
He’s shared plenty of conversations with you before, but during those times he never had a chance to appreciate you in all your astounding form.
It’s almost too much for him, and a slew of feelings catch his heart in a vice.
Maybe he does have a crush after all.
But where are all these emotions coming from? Based off of what he’s heard from the Department, Kirr knows that a crush is normal for everyone of all ages. It’s a sign that you’ve taken romantic interest in someone.
He wonders what one does with feelings like these. Obviously he could confess or get to know you more, but something’s holding him back. Suddenly, he’s become indecisive.
Normally, when he’s hunting, it’s easy to rely on logic and instincts. Now he’s not so sure which will help him out in this situation.
When you catch his staring and wave, a smile on your face, Kirr holds up his arm, returning the gesture. You really are a great person; your personality glimmers underneath the glare of the sun, and he’s glad that someone so amazing is his manager.
Logic might fail in this case, and instincts won’t get him anywhere as he has no idea where to begin. So maybe he’ll settle on his heart, following it like it’s a searchlight in the blurry haze of confusion that’s overtaken his reasoning.
Kirr’s definitely going to gravitate towards you more as he tries to navigate his newfound feelings. He’s doing his best, so please encourage him.
🎼 Nine 🎼
He catches you slacking off one day, absorbed in the videos on your mobile device.
Nine isn’t one to snoop, but he does happen to catch the swish of a colorful pen against a sheet of unwrinkled paper. He knows what it is at once.
You’re watching calligraphy videos.
“Do you enjoy that, Manager?” he’ll ask, awaiting your answer.
Once you confirm that you do like it, Nine’ll be happy to know that his manager shares similar interests with him.
Since then, the two of you have bonded over calligraphy, and Nine’s even showed you what his skillful hands can do. Just give him a pretty pen and some paper and he’ll be scribbling all sorts of gorgeous words.
He finds that the best word to write is your name, which is a tad confusing, but you seem honored.
Before he can even register the extent of your relationship, you’re already inviting him to places. Whether it’s in your office talking over paperwork or rendezvousing in the human world during a successful mission, Nine enjoys your presence.
Nine realizes that every day spent in your company is fun, albeit a dangerous erosion to his heart, which is beginning to wear at its foundation.
He manages to stay composed, but there’s something strange in how he hopes of eventually surpassing the border known as friendship.
He’s not used to getting so close to others; usually he keeps his distance, only upholding a conversation when needed. But now he feels as though he’ll lose you if he doesn’t stick around, and the idea of that is crushing.
You’re already such a ray of sunshine, a soothing force against the hectic work days, so he wants to ensure that you’re also content.
He’s writing down the remnants of a composition he recalls, testing his memory of his distant past life, when everything starts to click into place. The stars align as he writes in the final notes, reviewing the completed composition with tranquil eyes.
If he’s right, it should be played slow and steady, transitioning between notes of melancholic hope and satisfied bitterness. Quite a tragic piece, if he’s being honest, but maybe that was his intention. Or his memory might be faulty. Either way, he’s certain that this composition describes his inner turmoil perfectly. Bittersweet like chocolate and uncertain like his intuition.
Nine can’t remember the name to this particular composition, so he writes the first thing that comes to his mind.
The moment he finishes writing your name is definitive proof of what he’s feeling.
Some would say it’s a crush, and others would say it’s unfiltered endearment. Regardless of what it is, it holds the same implications.
Nine’s in love.
Though his previous life was cut short and he refuses to sort through his cracked past, he has all the time in the world to start anew. And that’s all he needs to act upon these feelings that have blossomed.
It’ll take time, but he knows that he’ll be able to confess when he’s certain that his love isn’t completely one-sided.
In the 14th Department, Nine seems to wear his smile purposefully, and there’s a bright shine in his gaze.
🍦 Day 🍦
He’s with you 24/7. At least, that’s what it feels like to you.
Realistically, it’s because of your role as manager. But at some point he just starts to forget that that’s your job and he begins to consider you a friend.
He’s in your office all the time, sitting on a swivel chair or trying to lounge on your desk while you’re writing up reports.
In the beginning, you would always kick him out, lightly advising him that work hours are not play hours—even if there aren’t any ongoing missions.
But Day is so loyal, constantly flitting around you like a butterfly. He seems to smile even brighter when you address him, and despite his carefree demeanor he wants to provide as much help as he can.
“Let me carry that, Manager!” or “Hey, hey! We should get ice cream to celebrate your hard work. I want to take you to the best place. You have to try the new flavors with me!”
You give up pushing him away and start to welcome him into your office.
The other Reapers begin to suspect something’s up, especially those who are more perceptive than the others. Day’s own team members can’t help but wonder what’s got him so fascinated with you.
He claims he can never be bored when he’s around you, which proves to be true because this man can talk about anything and everything.
All it takes is for you to mention that you’re in the mood for something sweet, and he’ll be on that topic faster than a moth to a light.
Without meaning to, he memorizes all of the information he learns about you, accidentally mentioning some facts during a conversation.
It makes you realize just how close he pays attention to you.
Even Nyang Lead Manager has noticed his attachment, but he’s uninterested for the most part. As long as Day doesn’t let himself get distracted from work, he’s not bothered.
But it makes things harder for you. Your focus diminishes whenever he’s near, so much so that you begin to take in different aspects of his actions.
He rarely blushes, but when he does it’s usually whenever you do something that warrants bashfulness. And he’s started to compliment you a lot now, always recognizing changes to your fashion.
Day happens to be relaxing in his dorm, reading an ancient tome about magic and its connection to the heart, when it finally makes sense.
Wait. Hold on.
He peers at the symbols with undeterred intensity, recalling memories of you and him. Eerily, his feelings fit the exact description in the book.
He really does spend a lot of time with you, and you’ve been occupying his thoughts day and night since he first got to know you. Some would say it’s too much, but you can never have enough of something you love.
Love. That’s the word he was looking for.
He’s in love. True, real, authentic love.
Day pops up from his sitting position so fast it almost throws him off balance. The other Noctu members look at him in confusion, but he’s too busy to even give them an explanation.
Now wired with too much excitement to feel worried, he rushes through the 14th Department, completely shirtless and in a hurry to get to your office so he can give you a rambling soapbox speech about his inner thoughts and feelings.
Someone give him a shirt before he gets himself in trouble with Nyang.
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arofili · 4 years
some Turgon thoughts
so @siphilemon asked on discord for Turgon headcanons and I, a known Turgon apologist, was all too happy to oblige! I rambled for awhile and thought that maybe some other people might be interested in my thoughts, so I’ve gathered them here. under a cut because it’s a Lot.
General Turgon HCs
Turgon is fiercely devoted to his family, whether that's his siblings or his dad or Finrod or Elenwë and Idril...and he outlives. all. of. them. except for Idril and the Fëanorians, who he does NOT like
He's grumpy, more of an introvert than Fingon and Finrod are for sure, he was never really fond of the Fëanorians (esp Maedhros) but that was more because “someone in the family has to stand with Dad against them and it isn't going to be Fingon or Aredhel, so I guess it's gonna be me” and then add the whole thing with Fingon and Maedhros being in love on top of that...he's protective of Fingon
And then. things get bad.
There was never any question that Turno was going to follow his family to Middle-earth, he's devoted to them above everything - and I think he and Elenwë were very much in love and devoted to each other (some of my personal Elenwë hcs is that her parents weren't very excited about her marrying Turgon, and she kind of chose him over them, hence her being the Only Vanya who leaves with the Noldor) and he knew Elenwë would go with him
That's why Baby Idril went along on the Second Most Dangerous Road Trip In All Of Arda (which after the burning of the ships becomes the Most Dangerous Road Trip, surpassing the Great Journey)
but I don't think that (at first) Turgon was very excited about going to Middle-earth for himself? it isn't until Ulmo gives him the dream about Gondolin that he really gets the idea of creating a city of his own, a land of his own
And Gondolin is said to be Very Much reminiscent of Tirion - and Turgon is the one who keeps sending messengers back to Valinor - he missed his home
And he blames the Fëanorians for everything that went wrong. Morgoth too, but he's always kind of resented the Fëanorians, and then Elenwë died and it's all Fëanor’s fault but then when he arrives in Middle-earth Fëanor is dead so he shifts his anger onto Maedhros instead. Maedhros is a very sore spot between Turgon and Fingon.
And after Fingon dies.....well, Turgon blames himself, but he's angry with Maedhros. IMO Turgon is very much a hypocrite - he hates and hates and hates but does the same damn things he hates people for doing (i'm a sucker for Finrod/Turgon which is a juicy parallel to Idril/Maeglin...)
Turgon & Idril
Turgon is intensely protective of Idril, almost suffocatingly so
he was always kind of inclined to be an anxious helicopter parent but after Elenwë dies (it's fucking canon that both of them nearly die but Turgon has to choose between saving Idril or Elenwe, which fucks me up to no end) he's literally Never Letting Her Out Of His Sight
In the immediate aftermath of Elenwë’s death / the rest of the journey across the Ice, that's fine? it's a survival strategy, a coping mechanism, and Idril is traumatized and doesn't want to leave her dad
but then they get to Middle-earth (and Turgon loses his little brother, which makes him cling to his daughter even more) and Idril starts to grow up. IMO she was pretty young when they left Valinor, and she comes of age in Middle-earth. She can finally walk around barefoot in the grass again, and she starts making friends and learning to live without her mom.
which is something that terrifies Turgon, because he doesn't know how to move on without Elenwe, and he's always always looking back to Valinor but Idril barely remembers Valinor by the time she's older, and he's terrified she'll forget her mother
Idril loves her dad but he's very controlling and overprotective - and the dangers of Beleriand only make him more paranoid, even after the Dagor Aglareb ensures the Long Peace...
When Turgon builds Gondolin of course Idril is coming with him. He doesn't even ask her. She wants to go, she loves her dad even if she kind of resents that he still treats her like a child, but she wishes he'd asked her how she felt about the whole thing instead of assuming
(In general Turgon is really really bad at communicating. Elenwë was good at teasing out what he was feeling and getting him to talk but after losing her he shuts out the world. Finrod - whether we're going in a shippy context or not - is also good at understanding Turgon, and that night at the river they have an almost breakthrough together... but then Ulmo visits them and clouds their memories and they forget about it until way later)
But back to Idril: once they're in Gondolin and she can Literally Never Leave, Turgon relaxes a little bit, gives her some more freedom, because this is his city and she's safe here, right? But then everything happens with Aredhel and he's terrified again because if he can lose his sister what about his daughter---
Except now he has Maeglin to take care of too. Turgon is torn between parenting both his daughter and his nephew and ends up not doing a good job of either even though he tries...and Idril doesn't want to be parented at this point, she's a grown ass woman! Maeglin however does need a parent-figure and Turgon "Bad At Communicating" Nolofinwion horribly miscommunicates a lot of his intentions toward Maeglin
Anyway - I think Turgon is oblivious to Maeglin's feelings re: Idril? Until Tuor shows up and he can see "wait this mortal is in love with my daughter and is acting suspiciously like Maeglin...oh shit"
part of his motivation for letting Tuor marry Idril (aside from her being like "Dad I am gonna do what I want and you need to accept that") is fuck she can't marry MAEGLIN
Turgon & Aredhel
So I think that Turgon and Aredhel were the middle siblings who always kind of picked on each other in a loving sibling way? Like Finno is the Golden Child, the Responsible One, the Big Older Brother who adores them both - if they try to nag him it just bounces right off
but they know exactly how to push each other's buttons
and in Valinor that means they get into a lot of low-stakes petty fights that always resolve with them fiercely loving each other
after the ships burn Fingon is just...broken by Maedhros' betrayal. Aredhel, however, is fucking furious that Curvo and Tyelko would do this to her and she starts to channel that fury into hating them as much as Turgon does - which brings her and Turgon closer together
they forge a very deep bond on the Ice, especially with Aredhel kind of stepping in to help parent Idril after Elenwe dies
but unlike Turgon, when they get to Middle-earth Aredhel starts to heal (like Idril). she fights with C&C and then forgives them, and they go back to being friends. she gets to be carefree and happy again. and she'd still die for Turgon, she still looks up to him and loves him, which is why she follows him to Gondolin, but it was inevitable that she would get restless in Gondolin
Turgon resents Fingon for having Maedhros (i think he knows about their relationship and hates it but won't like, spill their secret bc he does love his bro) and he resents Idril and Aredhel for moving on from Elenwë & Argon's deaths because he can't do that, he feels like he's shouldering all the responsibility among his siblings
But most of all he resents himself for not being able to save them, and not being able to move on like a normal person (he's got some massive undiagnosed anxiety/depression). He kind of feels like he's suffering so his family doesn't have to, and since he loves his fam so much he thinks this is the "right" decision
(He's very hung up on morals for someone who is bad at following his own moral code)
So yeah he's angry that Aredhel wants to leave this safe place he created, but they fight and she pushes his buttons and he pushes hers except they're hurting still (aredhel is affected by everything that's happened, she just tries to focus on the positive) and they don't have time to makeup before Aredhel up and leaves
But he's not going to tell her she can't go because he does respect her decisions and her autonomy. and then when she disappears he's worried and then she comes back and he's overjoyed (and disturbed about what happened with Eöl) and then she dies and it's his fault and he blames himself....but Maeglin is also blaming himself and their self-pitying and grieving is magnified by being close together and they both come away worse for it. Maeglin thinks Turgon blames him, and Turgon thinks Maeglin blames him
And yeah, there is some I told you so in there, Turgon feels he was right, but he hates that because he'd rather be wrong than have his sister be dead
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theoniprince · 3 years
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
First of all thank you so much for asking me!!! 8D It was a pleasure to answer all these questions. During this I got quite emotional (haha Stanpat, Eddie). It showed me again how much I love this 8DDD
( I apologize in advance for all misspellings and my sloppy English =_=)
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Oh, what a start XD I'm not that into nicknames. Generally people using my first name to address me or my username which is mostly onyprince (in reference to a character from Hakuouki) ID Sometimes they say Oni or J(ay) (Nickname for my first name). Do as you wish (though I like ‘J’ the th most) 😉
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
Twitter. But everything I post there is also here. Feel free to follow my account, but you don’t have to. https://twitter.com/oniprince_
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
Oniprince_ (Twitter) yeah… you see, I am pretty boring XDDD
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
Actually 23 years ago (haha I am old XD) When I was eleven I saw the miniseries with my cousins for the first time. The horror factor wasn't that important to me or maybe I didn't see it that way. It was more like an adventure story with an unfunny and nasty clown. A group of friends who had to endure an adventure. In any case, it entertained me well, even if I was not aware of some elements like that it’s a story about growing up, friendship, love and all these issues around becoming an adult XDD Then with 13 I read the book. It was a  new experience, and I loved every single word. Over the years I talked with friends and Kingsianer (XD) about it and read it for a second and a third time. At this point I could start a list with things I don’t like about the movies, but I’d rather mention on thing I really appreciate about them: they are a good opportunity for a new generation to explore this universe. Every adaption like the book itself is a reflection of a specific decade and what is more yeah… immortal, universal and diverse than a story about growing up. It was a discussion with a dear friend about book to movie adaptions some weeks ago that probably brought me back to this fandom
Nevertheless there are things from the book I would have loved to see in the movies. Let’s be honest at this point if you want to adapt such a brick of a book you simply have to cut some elements. You can’t please everyone
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
Stanpat - orz q__q they are such a sweet couple and it is so heartbreaking, they never ever had a real chance to become parents. They would have been excellent parents. Imagine them on a beautiful summer day. They have a picnic with their children and Stan would watch birds with them. He would tell them all about the birds and keeps a journal about their observations with his kids
Reddie - Despite the constant teasing their realtionship seems like a natural, casual und easy thing from the start. And Eddie likes the nicknames. These secret names are like another identity. He can be someone else. They take care of each other. Their relationship is a deeper friendship that runs mostly on an emotional level and is sometimes expressed through small, physical gestures. The chemistry between them is indescribable. It is cute when 90s Eddie immediately starts to giggle as soon as Richie makes a dumb joke at their reunion. And thing about the little moments when Richie pokes Eddie and calls him cute. I am won’t quoting this one passage in the book that leaves much room for speculations, but there is no doubt their special bond is official. In any case, the decision to make Richie gay in the movies gave the ship another push. I don’t complain. I love it. Though I still think Eddie would have been a better option. There are already some scenes in the book which are like an invitation to speculate about his sexualityTheir chemistry is very obvious and believe me, there is nothing I would more appreciate than a happy end for them Q__Q
Benverly  „Your hair is winter fire
                   January embers
                  My heart burns there, too
This is one of sweetest things I have ever read in a book and that is all I need to explain why I love this ship.
Fav, Characters:  Hmm when I read „IT“ for the first time I had a crush on Bill. He ist the born leader and in my childish, pre-teen way found his stuttering cute. There is something about him that cast a spell on you. It is perfectly understandable that he was a role model and an inspiration for his friends – especially for Eddie. In my personal opinion book!Bill ist the best Bill.
Richie - I love this chaotic megane dude. He is this silly type who use jokes, pranks to protect himself. His voices are like safe heaven (the same goes for Bill, whose stuttering almost disappears, when he pretends tob e someone else). He hides himself and his insecurities behind them. It is a shame that he doesn’t know what an impact he had on his friends. Richie seems to never ever shut up and sometimes his trashmouth is still talking, when he better should be quite. And I am famous to fall for funny characters. He can lights up the mood immediately ( and OMG…. I love Harry Anderson in the miniseries. A real entertainer, BUT BILL HADER…. Bill Hader…just to make it clear BILL HADER  did such an amazing job. He rocked the movie and I still think, not just because I love this dude since over a decade, without him… the movie wouldn’t  have been so entertaining)
Eddie - He is in these abusive relationships. First with his mother, who keeps him small and makes him believe that he is weak. At the end her own fears of beeing left behind prevented her son from becoming a self-confident adult. Eddie always thought he is weak and fragile. Although he knows that he doesn’t need all this medication, his childhood experience were the reason for his coping-behavior as an adult – he still uses his inhaler. He married a woman who is like his mother. Mike's call was something of a turning point. Until this call Eddie could not overcome his fears and had to face them again as an adult. I can remember. While reading the book there were several moments of silence and I stopped reading and thought: poor Eddie.
Ultimately, his story is about a hero who surpasses himself, overcomes his fears and by sacrifice himself he protects what is most important to him - his friends. It just touched me. Eddie gave his life for his friends and I think you can say he's my favorite character. His death may be a tragedy, but it was necessary for his character arc. My theory is that Eddie represents someone who has lost track in his life and prefer to stick on old but unhealthy patterns.It is almost like Eddie stands for missed opportunities, but at the same time it is never to late to change something. He is a hero. There are so many things I would like to talk about, therefore I should start an own thread XDDD
Oh and Bev - I could always identify with her (not bc of abuse or domestic violence. My childhood was amazing). She is the only girl around the losers and I was the only girl in my  favourite clique too. We spent most of our time outside  - it was great. Of course I had other friends (female) as well, but with my boys… it was always special).. As you know as an adult she falls back in old patterns. Her husband is tyrannical man like her father. Again Mike’s call is a turning point.  Maybe the Benverly arc is the most satisfying. I was… I am very happy that Bev got her happy end.
Last but no least - I like Ben, Mike and Stan too. They have all there unique character treats and you sympathize with all of them. The Loser’s club is bunch of adorable idiots who just doing their best to become adults. I think it is normal that their friendship feels more intimate in the book – I highly recommand the book.
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Mostly fanarts, but recently I thought about posting my own theories and sharing my hcs and random stuff about the characters and the different relations.  
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
The fandom is full of amazing artists and writersand actually it would be a, but i want to name those who inspired me the most (mainly artists – hopefully I copied the links correcty):
https://slashpalooza.tumblr.com/ ( you have to check out ‚Loose Ends‘)
(oh.. the list got longer than expected IDDD)
Do you know this?
Have you ever seen something as cozy and cute before I///D? – me neither XD
Trust me they are all worth a visit and I am sure most of us already know them 8D
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
My art I provide on tumblr can be found here:
Honestly I like these the most:
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Oh… unfortunately I am not feelin‘ very confident about my own artworks. Sometims I have the feeling I am not creative enough and that my ideas are more or less boring. Nothing special ID Totally dumb – I know. As I mentioned before I came back lately to the fandom… I guess I missed many amazing IT weeks. I participated in some weeks/mainly shipweeks in other fandoms (Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku, FFXV) If I find an interesting annoucement I can imagine to participate in the future ; )
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
In general… the fandom is really friendly – I hope so. Lately I have seen some salty comments on different stuff, topics… and well.. I have just an advice: life can be exhausting enough and time is always running. Don’t spend time on things you don’t like. Discussions can esclate quickly and worde can hurt too. So, just thing about before you jump in.
Thanks again! <3
(Special lil sketchy piece of art I did for this ask)
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des-draws · 4 years
1-A autistic hcs!
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Alright it’s already past midnight here but. I’m still posting this.
Back in my 1-A pride hcs post I also mentioned my autistic hcs, and said I might elaborate on them in April. But because I am a master of procrastination, of course I left it for last minute. 
But either way, here you go; over 3k of projection and infodumping. I’m gonna leave an AO3 link in the replies if it’s easier for you to read there.
(general tw for some mentions of ableism, and specifically tw for ableism/child abuse/ende*vor in the very first bulletpoint)
Ende*vor absolutely refused to believe that there could be something “wrong” with the one supposed to surpass All Might, and so he ignored any and all traits Todoroki would show, punished him for the ones he couldn’t ignore, and chalked up the meltdowns he caused him to Todoroki being a brat.
As such, Todoroki spent a lot of his life masking and hiding and suppressing himself.
Thankfully, much like with everything else, after moving to the dorms he’s starting to unlearn all that internalized shit and instead accept himself for who he is- including indulging in suppressed stims, special interests and other autistic behaviours in a safe, accepting environment. 
He’s found that cold soba is apparently a samefood for him- he knew he liked it enough to eat it all the time without getting bored of it (not that he actually does, since with their hero training a balanced, diverse diet is important), but he didn’t know there was a word for that.
Monotone voice and trouble with facial expressions, you know how it goes. He actually tries to use the “correct” tone and make the “correct” expression, if only so that the people he’s supposed to protect don’t think of him as “aloof”, but he gets easily tired of going back to the masking. He cares, he cares so much, this is just not one of the ways of showing it that comes to him naturally.
Can people please stop talking in metaphors and idioms around him and expect him to know the translation to everything. Thank you.
He’s reluctantly letting himself indulge in his recently discovered special interest on a certain manga series; he’s been buying the volumes, and at some point Sero found him reading one and they started bonding over it. Now Todoroki goes to Sero when he feels like infodumping- though, he has to be careful not to spoil anything. Sero is a way behind since he doesn’t go through the volumes like someone’s chasing him. He has, however, helped Todoroki make a blog where he can infodump about it, spoilers and all. He’s quickly becoming “fandom famous”, Sero says- and even though Todoroki’s not sure what that means yet, he’s very happy to see others as into the series as he is.
Iida gives him stim and fidget toys all the time- Todoroki is reluctant to keep them as the other says, since he could buy them himself, but Iida insists. Todoroki especially likes the tangles. He’s building himself quite the collection.
He’s also invested in some high-quality sound-cancelling headphones. Long overdue, but better late than never.
Favorite stim: TBA, although clenching his fists around his thumbs is something he’s always done- even before he had a name for it, or knew why it was so comforting. 
His special interests are Quirks and All Might (the Hero Persona™ rather then the person)! He can infodump about different quirks and theories on how to use them and “what if x quirk exists how would that work” for hours. He’s spent entire evenings arguing on forums about which of All Might’s hero outfits was most efficient and useful for what was needed. Inko, on more than one occasion, had to lure him out of his room with the promise of a rare comic book so he would eat something.
On that same vein, he is appalled by some of his classmates’ hero costumes. He’s too polite to be that crass about it out loud, but in his brain he’s always going “what in the everloving fuck is this???? Who let a teenager go into battle naked???? Did she just go ‘oh yea give me a pair of gloves and boots and I’m set’ and they let her??? Who agreed to this?? Nothing tracking her vitals, nothing keeping her warm in fucking December????? This is just irresponsible”
So you can imagine the rants he goes into when one of them does ask him for advice on how to update their costume.
He likes visual stims a lot- you know that thing where you shut your eyes and wave a bright phone screen in front of them? He loves that
Having trouble emotionally regulating means lots of crying. Not a bad thing, just. A thing. That a lot of people don’t expect when they first meet him.
Inko has always tried her best to accommodate him, but there’s only so much to do when they’re just getting by. He’s very understanding though. She gets into making DIY stim toys for him, and as he grows up he joins in and it’s a very pleasant pastime for the two of them (to the point that he’d rather keep them as mementos of the time spent together than use them for stimming).
Favorite stim: Hand-flapping and back-and-forth rocking!! Classic and good!
No volume control we die like men (he’s trying to work on it but a lot of the time he’s louder than he realizes. His friends never fault him for it tough.)
Always loved putting his toys in a line- lines are neat! Don’t you see how tidy everything looks now? This is fun! Unfortunately, kids his age didn’t have the same opinion and just chalked it up to him being a “neat freak”.
The kind to separate his food into sections. He had to get used to eating with company in school, since no one wanted to sit with him during lunchtime before, lest they be subjected to his “bizarre eating habits”.
His family is, thankfully, very supportive and accommodating. They were a little worried when he moved into the dorms, but he reassured them that his classmates are just as accepting and understanding. And besides, he’s not the only “out” neurodivergent kid around anymore!
Has copied the language habits of his parents around Important Customers and never stopped. No one in his family talks quite as formally as he does in casual settings, but hey, better to be too formal than too informal and be considered rude, right?
Owns quite the collection of stim toys. Cubes, squishies, tangles, slime, kinetic sand- you name it, he has it! It’s not so much for himself, since he has a few favorites and sticks to them, but keeps the rest more so for anyone else that might need them.
He’s partial to the fidget pen- he likes fidget cubes too, but they’re usually a little small for his hands and harder to work with.
Doesn’t use memes quite right, but is always eager to learn where they originated from. Kaminari (always good-heartedly) never misses an opportunity to explain them to him, and gets so proud when one of Iida’s attempts lands.
He was kind of worried he’d look out of place on stage in the Cultural Festival, but with his friends reassuring him it’s alright, not only did he go out there, but had lots of fun as well!
Very routine focused. He loses half an hour of sleep and he’s already thinking about re-structuring his entire schedule.
Orange juice is a samefood. That boy need his orang juice
Special interest in the mechanics that go into hero costumes and quirk-assisting gadgets. It’s why he was so eager to accept help from Hatsume during the sports festival (he has mixed feelings about this one), and he’s sure they would work well together if only she stopped trying to make him a test subject.
It’s also something he and Midoriya can spend hours going back and forth about. Iida doesn’t usually lose track of time, but he can’t help it when such an interesting conversation is happening!
Screw “quiet hands”. In this house we wave our hands around intensely enough to almost smack someone (“but not actually smack them!! Always be aware of your surroundings!!”)
Favorite stim: Believe it or not, running! The wind resistance, the stomp of his feet, is all Very Good!!
He used to chew stuff a lot- first as a way to get used to his new, sharper teeth, and then because he just liked how very stimmy it is! But he’d also chew stuff that’s not really supposed to be put your mouth so his moms helped him find healthier stim alternatives, since actual chewelry were either a) not stimmy enough, b) wrong texture or c) destroyed too quickly and he’d just go back to chewing unhealthy stuff.
Since he’s grown enough to not go through chewelry at a breakneck pace, he keeps a couple at hand for when he’s studying- helps him focus! He was kinda embarrassed to bring one to his and Bakugou’s study sessions at first, but after Bakugou admitted that he’s also autistic he started keeping one on his person during them- assuring the other that he’s taking proper care of washing it and everything.
He used to bite on his hands as well- still does when he's under extreme stress (imagine summer camp/AFO showing up at Kamino levels of stress) even though he's grown out of it for the most part.
Hyper-Empathy Station. Makes him good with people (and animals) but leaves him exhausted more often than not.
“Hey don’t you get tired of sticking your hair up like that every d-” “It’s routine bro you can’t just quit it that would be chaos”
Whether he wears it up or not, his hair always seems to be a very good tactile stim, both for him and, surprisingly, Bakugou. When it’s up, the pointy spikes are very satisfying to run one’s hands over, just rough enough to slightly scratch the palm, but just light enough to not completely bring them down. When it’s down, Bakugou doesn’t miss an opportunity to touch it, which works for Kirishima too, since having people run their fingers through his hair is very relaxing to him.
He Cannot handle kinetic sand and most slimes. It either feels grainy and dry or too wet and sticky. The crunchy sound sand makes when it’s cut is like nails on a chalkboard in his head. It’s just not for him.
Gullible. Please be nice to him he just wants to believe in the good in everyone
Special interest on Crimson Riot!! I mean, come on; basing his hero persona on him, naming himself after him? Turning to interviews of his in moments of doubt and uncertainty, finding comfort in media about him? Yeah
Has a couple Comfort Sweaters™ and a single comfort plushie- a shark one, the first gift his Ma got him when she met his mom. It’s been patched and stitched up dozens of times, and barely holds itself together, which is why he never takes it out of its safe place in the closet unless he’s seriously in need for some comfort and has already exhausted all other options.
Bro, We Are Autistic . Its Ok To Stim Around Me . Im Ur Best Friend . I Love You . ... Bro, We Are Infodump ing Now . . No Dont Stop Bro .. Bro ...
Favorite stim: Bumping his hardened fists together!! Sometimes he’ll simply rub his hardened knuckles back and forth together- it’s more discreet, and while not as satisfactory, still good for emotional regulation.
Branded a problem child early on, Bakugou had the majority of his meltdowns called “tantrums” instead. So he decided that if everyone treats him like a brat, he might as well be one.
Even before he started losing his hearing, he had some auditory processing issues- which is why he hates hates hates when Midoriya mutters (and similarly, why he didn’t immediately turn his back to Kirishima- the guy talks loud and clear like 95% of the time. Bakugou can appreciate that, even if he won’t say it).
Face blindness is inconvenient as all hell, which is why he gives people ridiculous nicknames: connecting names to faces is difficult enough, and at the beginning he doesn’t really care to try and memorize them anyway, so he just finds a prominent characteristic to remember each of them by. 
[Insert Smart Guy Meme] “You can’t be deceived by fake politeness and sarcastic compliments if you react aggressively to everything people say to you”
Loves his routine and having everything planned. If you drag him into something out of nowhere and disrupt his schedule he will be mad at you for a week minimum (something his friends found out the hard way)
Prolonged human interaction is absolutely exhausting, more than any quirk training exercise, and he gets cranky at the speed of light when he reaches his limit. As time goes on he does find a few people (first Kirishima and then progressively the rest of the Bakusquad) that aren’t as exhausting for him to be around for longer and longer. He still needs his alone time, but now he knows that he can recharge around them as well, if he feels like having company.
Drumming is Very Good stim-wise. So is spicy food, which is why he likes it so much.
Pressure stims are The Worst for him- weighted blankets, tight vests, anything at all that might constrict him in any way? He Will react like cats do to cucumbers. The only exception is that once in a while, when he’s exhausted but can’t seem to ground himself enough to drift off, he’ll ask Kirishima to just. Lie on him, also like cats do, just until he falls asleep.
This is a No Socks Zone. These foot prisons are absolute sensory hell, and with how sweaty he gets it’s only made worse. 
How Can People Talk About Emotions While Simultaneously Looking Each Other In The Eye This Feels Disgusting I Will Blow Something Up: an autobiography
Favorite stim: Tiny explosions popping in his palms. Sure, grand light shows are fine and all but small ones, just big enough to feel through the roughed-up skin of his palms have a certain calming effect. Sucks that people immediately jump to assuming he’s threatening them when he’s just trying to cool down.
Very blunt. She doesn’t mean to be rude, but sometimes it comes across like it when she’s only trying to be honest and offer advice.
Raptor hands 24/7. what an icon
Has trouble with physical contact in the sense that she’s??? not really sure how to do it??? She offers hugs and hands to hold left and right but it always feels like she’s just. doing it. Like how one would tie a loose shoelace or button up a shirt. It’s not like she hates it, but her nonchalance when someone does hug her makes people assume she’s being cold- which is not the case at all! She’s just offering comfort in a way she knows other people will understand even if it’s not really doing much for her.
Jelly is a samefood! She likes sour apple jelly the best 
Kind of a black-and-white mind. She’s working on seeing the world in shades of grey though, since she saw how her Absolute thinking can impact her friends.
Low/no empathy. She hates that to some people’s eyes that automatically makes her a bad person. Kindness is a choice, one that she doesn’t need empathy to make every day.
Favorite stim: Her near constant kero-kero-ing is very much a vocal stim, as well as echolalia!
Makes her own stim toys using DIYs rather than her quirk, and is very eager to make any personalized ones for her friends! 
She also likes experimenting with what kinds of textures she can make using her quirk.
Has a semi-popular account where she uploads videos of her playing with slime and kinetic sand regularly.
Much like Iida, she adopted the more formal ways of speaking from her parents and house staff and has trouble toning it down (not that anyone faults her for it).
Very picky about who touches her. She genuinely does not want to come off as the Snobbish Rich Girl but sometimes when someone touches her with no warning or consent she feels like crawling out of her skin 
In the exact same vein, she was extremely hesitant to admit that the futons at the training camp drove her up the wall with that hellish texture. She didn’t want to be the nitpicky one and make a new one using her quirk, either. If anything good came out of the disaster that was the training camp, it was that she didn’t have to sleep on it another night, she thinks (and then feels terrible about it).
Her special interest is tea! Like, actual tea that you drink. Just look at how she lights up when she gets an opportunity to talk about it, or make some for others!! It’s also a samefood for her- she tries to be diverse, but there are a couple with juuust the right combination of smell and taste that she will always go back to.
Sometimes she won’t even drink any- just the process of making it is extremely comforting.
Favorite stim: Double-sided sequins! Tactile-visual stim combo!
Largely nonverbal. Talking to people is too stressful 99% of the time. Animals are way better listeners anyway.
No volume control we die like men part 2 (but it’s the complete opposite from Iida, in that he can never seem to raise his voice enough)
Likes his peace and quiet, and can easily go into sensory overload if one too many sounds are happening at once. He wants to invest in some headgear for his hero costume that helps him tune out distracting sounds so he can focus on matters at hand while still being able to hear and help those in need.
A plushie hoarder if I ever saw one. His room is the Ultimate Comfort Corner. 
Favorite stim: Humming to himself. Reluctant to do it in the presence of others, but increasingly comfortable around friends.
Samefoods with those juice pouches he always keeps around
Permanently exhausted due to having to interact with people
Talks in a monotone and has trouble making expressions
His sleeping bag is very good pressure stim. It’s also very hard for him to replace it, because it has to be Just Right, so by the time he does find one that is Just Right, the old one is practically falling apart.
The only reason he’ll sleep in a bed is if Mic is there to share it with him. Otherwise it’s too cold and exposed and weighted blankets can only do so much.
He kinda misses the time before he got top surgery for the sole reason that binders offered a very comforting pressure stim. However, he acknowledges that it’s for the best he got it, since a lot of the time he’d bind for longer than it’s safe. He was lucky to still have the option of getting surgery.
(this has been a safe binding psa, please don’t do what he did)
He does however, tend to wear a tight, though still breathable undershirt at near all times. 
As much as he complains about Mic’s mustache, he actually likes it. He tried to kiss Mic once when he shaved it for the first time in forever and instantly went “yea no. This isn’t working. Feels wrong and bad, Put It Back™”. Didn’t kiss him again until it grew back.
Everything Happens So Much
He talks back to cats. Like, actually meows back at them. Very good echolalia, makes Mic’s day to walk into a scene like this
Favorite stim: Petting cats! The fur of different breeds offers a variety in texture and when they start purring a very good auditory stim is added to the mix! And when they sit on him and add a pressure stim? Cats are the whole package!!
That’s all (for now?) Thanks for reading!! Hope you had a nice Autism Acceptance Month!!!
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deer-time · 4 years
let’s a goooo
1) Longtail’s cockiness didn’t come from nowhere, he was a fast learner whose skills surpassed that of his mentor (though will say being better than Darkstripe wasn’t exactly the most challenging thing). After blowing his assessment out of the water and becoming a warrior a bit early, his ego was at an all time high.
Of course, he was quickly brought down to earth when he got his rump kicked by a kittypet (u can find a more detailed analysis of that battle here)
2) When he was an apprentice, Darkstripe got real sick for a while and Tigerclaw was put in charge of training the apprentice temporarily. It’s where Longtail got his massive amount of respect for the warrior, seeing firsthand his sheer power. He flat out asked Tigerclaw to become his mentor but the tabby turned it down, said Darkstripe needed the experience.
Longtail never forgot those days of working with the warrior, wondering what could have been if Tigerclaw had never killed Redtail.
3) Swiftpaw’s death hurt Longtail hard, really hard. He had trained apprentices before but Swiftpaw was so much like him, the two bonded in ways they couldn’t imagine. Longtail became a father figure to Swiftpaw and Swiftpaw was like a son to Longtail.
At first he would spend the anniversary of Swiftpaw’s day alone, mourning the loss of the young cat while occasionally allowing another warrior or two to accompany him (him and Firestar bonded a lot during these days). When they moved to the new territories and Longtail couldn’t visit Swiftpaw’s grave, he fell into a bit of a depression.
Firestar was the one to coax him out of it, reminding him that Swiftpaw’s spirit was still with them and ThunderClan would always honor the young apprentice. Now on the anniversary, the apprentices get a bit of a day off from elder duty or queen duty, a fun day for stories and games.
4) When Longtail was first blinded, he was down on himself...until he went for a walk. With a big realization, he realized he still could guide himself with ease around the territory - he knew every scent and pawstep by the heart! It was simply a matter of adjusting after that point to hunting and fighting.
However when the lake territories came, he was a fish out of water. Also I know this is just hcs bUT IN AN AU?? I think Firestar would have approached Longtail to train Jaypaw alongside Brightheart and the two would learn together, memorizing scents and how many pawsteps to each landmark :)
5) Longtail is a member of Firestar’s council, a group of warriors the Clan leader has chosen to help assist in making difficult decisions. Firestar had seen what had happened when the voices of warriors were ignored far too many times, he put together a council of his senior and trusted warriors. 
Longtail was surprised when he was invited but Firestar insisted that the long-tailed tabby had wisdom and experience that was more valuable than he realized.
so yep!!! feel free to send me more characters and i’ll give 5 headcanons about em
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maddenedsanctity · 4 years
To live and die by the sword (Felix HCs)
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✦ I love this idea Anon, and I’m so sorry that I took so long to write this! IN this one, I opted to do it headcanon style, because there’s just so many things I want to say... Thank YOU for suggesting this! <3 I may rework it to a fanfic in the future. 
✦ There’s quite a bit of headcanons in here, all by yours truly. But I hope you don’t mind. 
✦ Hopefully I nailed his personality well, he’s a very complex character and goes beyond the uwu tsundere trope in my opinion. It turned a bit deep somewhere in the middle for some reason - Ahaha...Enjoy!
≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ 
✦ To a stranger, Felix Hugo Fraldarius and the concept of love - or relationships, in general - might be two terms that would never meet. To a friend, the words would be long forgotten due to their lack of use; and to Felix himself, yearning is a painful process to go through. Extremely painful.
✦ He is not the most emotional person in the world. But still, when he falls, he falls deep. So deep, even, that he has never experienced such an explosion of feelings within himself - it overwhelms him to the point where he becomes erratic, anxious, angrier, even.
✦ And he despises it. 
✦ He thrives in his strength. He hates weak people. So why, Goddess, why does s/o reel him in so mercilessly? They’re weaker. They’re useless. Why must he protect them? Knowing he would die by the sword he was born on, hacked by the enemy’s forces like his brother. Why must she make him fall in love? Why make s/o mourn his inevitable demise? Has he done so much bad that his divine punishment is not only for him, but also for his love?
✦ A bittersweet romance, and a rocky one at that. Felix has devoted his life to the blade and battle, and he knows nothing of anything else. His feelings are as unknown to him as they are to you/o, and that can and will lead to complications. 
✦ You’re weak. And you’re boring. And that is his premise to pull away from your spell. He avoids all contact, and his words seem even more venomous when directed at you in the beginning. It’s not out of spite, mind you, merely himself directing his hate to someone else. 
✦ He can’t help but bottle his feelings up. His words become softer, less harmful. He begins to actively seek your company in the monastery.
✦ As the bond develops, Felix’ coarse exterior falls apart to reveal some sort of mother hen, always hovering over you in an overprotective manner - though the maternal feelings had never been there, lending you a hand in basic issues was simply a way for him to be around you without making it obvious that he fancied you. (In his eyes, of course. Everyone else was certainly not blind to his antics.)
⇾ “s/o, that axe is way too big for you. Have a head, won’t you? Just ask me to carry it next time.” 
⇾ “s/o, are you an idiot? What are you doing, holding the sword like that? You can injure your arm very easily. 
⇾ “I’ll tell you how to hold it ONCE, but after that you’re on your own. I’m not saving your ass in battle.” 
✦ And, truly, he does not kid when he says that, he knows that he would never be able to protect you in war. He’s too reckless, too harsh, too devoted to dying for his cause to truly care for you and cherish you as you deserve. He goes to all battles as if it were his last, and everyone knows it. As much as it brings tears to his citrine-tinted eyes, the boar or Sylvain, would be a much better fit for someone like you.
✦ That is why, you’re as poisonous to him as you are an antidote to his troubles. In you and him, he sees Glenn and Ingrid, and the inevitable fate of drifting apart because of the slash of a blade. He is terrified of deep bonds, and equally terrified of losing them. Losing you. And though your budding romance was inevitable, he still wishes he could forget you - so that you could have found someone better to place your trust in.
⇾ “s/o, I can’t...I can’t love you like everyone else. I have battles to die on.”
⇾ “Felix, why do you always say that? Can’t you reconsider?”
⇾ “That’s all I am, s/o. I’m an empty husk of a swordsman. Were you really as stupid as to love someone like me?”
✦ Glenn’s death had changed him. He cannot see through himself - all he can think of is the shadow that looms over him menacingly, even if the source of the shade is long gone, the man cannot help but refer to himself as a barren shell of a could-be swordsman, a cheaper Glenn - a replaceable pawn in the game of war. That is why, when he sees you, he falters. He doesn’t deserve to love. What could you see in him, other than a prickly asshole with an inferiority complex?
⇾ “s/o…”
✦ Sometimes, he delves in too deep into his mind. Pulling him out is hard, though not impossible...His almost kamikaze mindset is embedded into his mind strongly, but it is a mix between your concern and affection that makes him even consider the fact that...maybe he’s not made just to kill. 
✦ You can reach an agreement. Because his undying love for you is stronger than the desire to fulfill his quota of greatness and surpass Glenn’s. But it won’t be easy, not for you, not for him. Learn how to protect yourself, spar with him, share his struggles as you two grow closer and stronger. The battlefield will only be a test to see if love truly overcomes all.
⇾ “You have my back, and I have yours...Maybe when this is over, we could take some stray cats in…”
⇾ “I’ll fight. Not to die, but to live for you, s/o.”
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kaigashi · 4 years
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things i gotta hc soon.
- kagome’s bond with kaede. how she acknowledges her past life, her eventual duty as the protector / no one gets through the village until you challenge me kagome higurashi / head of the entire province / authority of the village of musashi as head miko / priestess, and mentorhood to control frankly, frighteningly unheard of (since midoriko if rumiko’s interviews which are official are true. she did canonly surpass her past life and that isn’t a ‘dig’ it’s just facts. though kikyo is way more experienced.) spiritual powers / and ever improving marksmanship. how calling kaede ‘grandmother’ seems utterly insulting and sacrilegious with their bond. even if her heart and soul are different, she is different, she and kikyo were fire and ice. they are not the same at all. as inuyasha says ‘kagome IS kagome.’ she isn’t the person she was 50 years ago? she wants to give kaede kagome. the girl whose powers are her own. nothing was ‘lent to her’ all was worked on by herself in terms of her training and kaede’s wisdom. their bond is so underrated.
- kagome and ptsd. how she inevitably gets this in heavy doses. after all she’s seen who wouldn’t? her family of friends just....helping her out of episodes.
- kagome and being an empath. how she’s spent nights in the modern period straight up crying in pain for the suffering her friends have endured, yes, every friend. not out of pity, but of love and purity. not being strong for sango and breaking down finally in private at modern home about how much she’s suffered and how she wants to guard her and take it all away. her bottled up anxiety and grief over miroku’s condition and adamant determination to kill naraku. her grief over shippou losing his family so young, wanting to do what she can to fill it. 
inuyasha, broken by so many and hurt by everyone. wanting to show him what she sees. wanting him to know he has her unconditional acceptance. after all, while i don’t follow much movie lore, i love the line. ‘there’s nothing wrong being just the way you are / i like you just the way you are / i love you the way you are.’
- kagome straight up bawling so hard about it her mom has to lie on her bed and ask her to lay the burdens she bears in privacy down. kagome, a hero, not afraid to be soft and cry for her friends and family in the sengoku jidai. kagome protecting them emotionally as much as physically. both mom friend and little sister friend. 
let kagome weep in pain about her friends, let her wish she could be atlas and take it all into her body. let her hide it with the sun smile everyone knows even as she is steadily accumulating her own pain but feels selfish to have it in the wake of her feudal family.
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