#i hope he never gets therapy
rosesocietyy · 2 years
Modern Louis might be vampire of all time idk something about his cold, overly controlled mannerisms and house of concrete and stone is morbidly appealing to me sorry. He has his own wing at the airport, he has a blood farm, he shares the same private doctor as the prime minister, he has dozens of servants at his beck and call, he wanted to revisit the memories of his first marriage that destroyed every fiber of his being and his partner of 70+ years said yes of course baby let's do that, he's pyrokenetic, his walls are lined with stolen art, he's writing a novel-sized suicide note in purple prose, and most importantly, he wears matching blacks.
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biocrafthero · 7 months
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Based off of this
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sneez · 3 months
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more of them :D normally i do not care for modern aus but the concept of dea being able to read books in braille and gwynplaine getting an autism diagnosis is so appealing i am making an exception. please do not tag as body horror or anything similar [id in alt text]
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abowlofsourcream · 8 months
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💫⏳You got a country to save!⏳💫
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I find so interesting when i see people saying stuff like Simon and Britt would be an amazing duo because... I think their dynamic could be one of the most toxic ones if it's explored (Ofc they would get along at the end dw)
Brittany canonically is someone who push herself too hard to get what she wants, even if that includes putting her own well being aside to reach her goals. While Simon refuses to sleep or take care of himself when it comes to studying for a new project of his, or some invention and shit like that. I can totally see Brittany not understading what is wrong with Simon not getting enough sleep or not eating well if he is willing to get something. And at the same time i think Simon could be a total hypocrite by saying stuff like 'You shouldn't push yourself too much' while having the biggest eye bags on his stupid face.
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lordmushroomkat · 1 year
Anyway I have purged my queue of Ace Attorney (I posted it all, enjoy the the massive wall of nonsense from me.) So now it's just miscellaneous and then The New Brainrot.
There's already an image of one of these clowns on here so enjoy that.
But anyway... It's Vanitas Time.
I am unhinged about all of the characters but I am becoming absolutely unwell about the titular Vanitas himself.
He's an asshole and I like him so much.
He's unhinged. He's so disingenuous and so repressed but he's so bad at keeping his feelings in. I swear sometimes he's just dissociating in the middle of a conversation.
He's a bastard and a bitch. He hates both vampires and humans for their cruelty but not nearly as much as he hates himself.
He has completely given up on life and is sustaining himself purely on spite and guilt. He makes people hate him on purpose.
He is kind but not nice. He is the embodiment of that cat knife meme, you know the one. He is babygirl and pathetic little meow meow. I want to send him to therapy.*
His vibes are constructed entirely out of red flags. He's a bisexual man that you want to keep 20 feet away from all women at all times because geeeeez my guy learn to behave yourself. He's a sarcastic prick. He's incomprehensibly traumatized.
I want to run him over with a freight train. I want to wrap him up in a homemade quilt and give him a cup of hot cocoa. I want someone to hold him tenderly. I want that twink obliterated (gayly).
He looks and acts like a feral alley cat. His outfit is simultaneously iconic and absurd. I think he stole someone's gender. He wears gloves with claws on them.
He is terrified of genuine connection yet he craves intimacy so badly. He is a massive pile of trust issues.
He is doomed by the narrative, he is running out of time, he is destroying himself through every step of his objective. He knows he will likely destroy himself before he can ever succeed. He is terrified of losing his humanity. He calls his objective vengeance but I'm pretty sure it's actually absolution.
There is something very very wrong with him.💖💜💙
*(I want to send all of these characters to therapy.)
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vegaseatsass · 7 months
I was describing DFF to a friend from CQL fandom and she said New with Non sounded kind of like Huaisang with Mingjue, and it def clarified a lot for me about how I feel about both avenging brothers.
The ends don't justify the means, the cats and children and working class servants murdered along the way aren't erasable casualties in the name of a true justice, and these avengers are fundamentally unhinged, twisted, broken people, not righteous seekers of fairness in the world. But I love that both of them are driven by real desperation and are frantic and messy in how much they need to make their revenge happen at any cost; someone trying to burn the world down in their grief, and actually taking the good parts of the world and themselves down along with their target(s), adds so much texture and dimension to the narrative for me.
I love a justice story and an ethical revenge, but for example w/ The Glory, even though that's for me the best it's ever been done, we still have things like a woman being victim-blamed for her rape and drug addiction as narratively acceptable modes of vengeance. I find something freeing in a story that isn't about punishment and who deserves what, but just about the emotional depths people are driven to by loss and rage and the unfairness of a world with no accountability.
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berryblu-soda · 6 months
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local silly goofer was seething with rage and dumped it all in the tags, read at your own risk :3 <- personal stuff, wrote this after the tags, pretty okay now, just got it out of my system, love yall <3<3<3
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elytrafemme · 4 months
tldr stop using transformative justice as an excuse to watch your favorite twitch abuser
people are really fucking strange about redemption sometimes in a way that pisses me off. i'm a transformative justice girlie, i believe in abolition and the fact that in the end every person who hurt me has the potential to realize later in life what they did and never treat someone like me again (vs them rotting in our current carceral system, where consequences are displaced and self-reflection is obstructed, etc.). But we also have to acknowledge that abuse is a conscious choice, it's a continual thing a person does deliberately to hurt someone. and it hurts them for a long time. i am almost 19, i was groomed when i was 14, i told myself it "wasn't that serious" but I still have memory issues and struggle to talk about my emotions, black hoodies and a certain color of hair dye fucks with me. and i'm sure that guy who hurt me had pretty fulfilling relationships otherwise, but that does not mean he didn't hurt me, that doesn't absolve him of anything. Nobody else has the ability to forgive him for what he did to me, and I don't have to forgive him either (i don't intend to). And even if he saved my life today I stil wouldn't forgive him.
When people find out that their favorite content creators are abusers, they sometimes get the knee jerk reaction that this content creator is going to improve. They're going to therapy, they're self reflecting, they're taking a hiatus -- can't people be allowed to recover? But this guise of "people can change" is twisted and leads people to never really stop supporting someone who is an abuser, to keep platforming them, to defend them, etc. "People can stop being abusers, but they never actually were abusers, but even if they were abusers they're like actually not abusive, they didn't mean to do that, but they're going to stop doing the thing I'll say they never actually did, i just have to send them a couple Twitch bits!" <- what people sound like
If you want someone to change, you can't defend the shitty things they've done. And if you want a streamer to experience the consequences of being a fucking abuser you should stop watching him play Geoguessr or whatever that fucker's doing right now. And, most importantly, there is absolutely no world in which an abuser is "reforming" when they acknowledge having abused someone, but downplayed that abuse, and didnt apologize. They don't have the foundations to change. They might get those, later, but you can't act like they're already changing when they haven't done the fucking internal work to start.
I believe people can change, and that they shouldn't be ostracized from every last resource to do so. I also believe that constantly justifying an abuser's actions by saying 'they just need the right resources to change, it's not their fault they're doing this' feeds into that abuse. Storytime, that's the reason I stayed in a relationship that I didn't even realize was bad until I got out. I was convinced the bad things he was doing to people were because he was struggling and I, the victim, the person hurting at his hand, needed to help him. Sure, it takes money to go to therapy. But if you call someone out for what they're doing, the first step -- recognizing they did something wrong -- is free. You don't need to babysit an abuser to realizing they abused someone.
Victims don't owe their abusers shit. And if an abuser hasn't started that self reflection process-- which by the way, any fucking rational person who was self reflecting would get their freakass off the internet, quit their job go to therapy etc.-- there's no rationale behind defending them. A victim choosing not to forgive their abuser doesn't mean that the abuser should not change; an abuser losing their job, their fucking Twitch career whatever, doesn't mean they shouldn't be a better person. The reason a person should be a better person is because they should have a moral compass and realize what they did is wrong. Ball's in his court.
Mental health is correlated to moral health. Abusers might not be damned to being abusers forever, but that damnation comes from inside their own behaviors-- what they choose to do. An abuser starts to reform and change once they acknowledge what they did, to their core, and stop staking their life changes on getting the forgiveness of other people or their material things back. Supporting a victim isn't even a question, that's the basis of transformative justice. They will live with the pain that their abusers dealt them for a lot longer than you will ever miss the abuser's content.
Anyway, sorry if that's messy and poorly explained. I can elaborate on anything here! Just... being an abolitionist, for me, coexists with me having survived abuse. And I don't like this weird idea that "people can change" means you should watch someone's Twitch stream when they clearly do not feel sorry for abusing someone.
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emma-d-klutz · 1 year
You know I really do not need Jeremiah Arkham to be Black Mask at any time ever. Someone’s gotta fill the niche of mental health professional who is 100% not a supervillain. A guy whose evildoing comes only as an example of what a psych ward can do to you if they just choose. 
The tension of knowing he started out extremely dedicated and genuinely wanting to help people, seeing him victimized and bullied by rogues in his care until even the last shreds of professionalism that held place of his already run down empathy wear out, and despite being sympathetic to this hopeless state being nonetheless nauseatingly horrified when he turns to abusing his patients because in his position he can just do that and hypothetically could have chosen to do that over anything,
is way better to have in there to work with Batman’s exploratory themes of power, justice, corruption and institution, mental illness, and ‘Society’ ect ect
than just saying “and then he snapped too much so now he’s in a legacy costume and a straight jacket too.” 
No hate to my other villains who have lost their licenses. Some of those guys are some of my favorite rogues, and I love them dearly, but we need one uncostumed one. 
(Yes, I am arguing that something from a giant superhero franchise should not have another costumed villain because themes, as if costumed villains is not the whole genre. I am also the sort of person who gave up on No Game, No Life after reading more volumes than I’d care to admit, because I got sick of wading through the gross parts waiting for them to tackle the subjects of debilitating phobias, isolation, codependency, and family that I thought were promised to me before realizing that was never gonna happen. So. Take me however you will. Please pretend reblogs are disabled bc tumblr isnt giving me the option rn)
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good-to-drive · 6 months
John Lennon, Richard Nixon, and Presentism in Our Discussion of Mental Illness
So I'm reading a new book about Richard Nixon and it's got me thinking about presentism in how we discuss Richard Nixon's mental illness(es), and, because I have Beatles brainrot, it's also got me thinking about whether this same mentality could affect how we talk about John.
Both Nixon and John's lives were heavily influenced by their lifelong battles with severe, persistent mental illness, but understanding the historical context of that battle and how it was fundamentally different from what a person might experience today seems to be largely ignored.
We tend to talk about Nixon in particular as if a) he or someone around him had identified that he was exhibiting symptoms of depression, paranoid delusions, and (most likely) psychosis, b) that he or someone around him understood these conditions as so-called "no fault" illnesses that could/should be treated, and c) that this treatment would have been effective.
In other words, we still understand Nixon's mental deterioration as if it had happened today.
Now, to be clear, a LOT of people in Nixon's inner circle described behavior that they personally found unsettling, and the Pentagon had stopped taking orders from the White House by the end of Nixon's presidency because they were so disturbed by his degree of disconnection from reality. So I'm not trying to argue that his condition went unnoticed -- rather, we can reasonably say that almost no one in Nixon's inner circle believed he was "normal."
(I mean, he literally screamed at God and had conversations with portraits of former presidents. It wasn't subtle.)
But the entire conceptualization of mental disorders as legitimate illnesses that can/should be treated was nowhere near as prevalent during Watergate as it is today. Even if the people around him recognized that Nixon was "acting crazy", it's not realistic to project our own ideas about mental illness onto them and assume that they conceptualized that behavior as an illness that Nixon could not control and had not chosen, believed that it was possible to treat that illness, or even had any desire to see that illness be treated.
(Incidentally, the only significant medical intervention in response to Nixon's illness was to start dosing him with anticonvulsants, resulting in significant memory loss.)
It's less clear whether Nixon himself was aware that he was losing touch with reality (my guess is "kinda"), but even if he did have insight into his mental condition he almost definitely didn't have deep familiarity with terms like "PTSD" and "psychotic break" that might help him understand what was happening to him. We can also assume that, if he did have some inkling of what was happening to him, he likely felt an even greater sense of self-hatred and revulsion at his own condition than a person might experience today.
I know there's still a huge stigma around "bad" mental illnesses, but I also know I'm incredibly lucky to have experienced a psychotic break in 2014 and not 1974. Mental hospitals were still sometimes referred to as "snake pits" because they were so horrible, and the average person did not consider someone with severe, persistent mental illness to have any future or hope whatsoever. I'm not a doctor, much less a doctor from the 70s, so I truly don't know what the prognosis for someone like Nixon would have been. But Nixon himself most likely would have believed it was very poor.
To put this another way, Nixon’s ability to have insight into his own illness was impaired by the lack of insight in the society in which he lived, and the way he processed his own experiences would have been more heavily rooted in confusion, shame, and hopelessness. Also, the degree to which we can hold Nixon to blame for failing to manage his mental illness and pursue effective treatment definitely isn't zero, but it's certainly not on par with what you could expect of a person today.
Now I'm absolutely NOT saying any of that to give Dick a free pass for the horrible things he did and said (any more than I think we should give John a free pass). Nixon was a monster in many ways. But I'd rather understand a monster within their actual context than within an imagined one.
TL;DR I think it's worthwhile to ask ourselves whether we're looking at one of the defining factors in Dick and John's lives through a distorted lens, and, if so, how that distorts our perception of them as human beings.
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riellegaming · 8 months
shinjiro without the beanie might be thee scariest thing ive ever seen btw
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Reading up on the current Dream drama like a suburban mother listening to her kids explain the lore of the game they've been playing in the woods for a month
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my (virtual) meeting with my thesis advisor is in... 7 hours. I'm sort of almost finished writing the exposé that I was supposed to write. sort of. I'll probably need another hour or two until I feel okay enough about it to actually get any sleep.
unfortunately my left arm is realllly starting to hurt and I can't lift it much anymore (thanks to the covid booster I got today). hopefully I'll get it done anyway. and hopefully the pain won't be so bad that I can't sleep.
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
my thing now is that i only like to watch tv that makes me giggle. any show that doesn’t have me smiling and giggling up a storm is simply NOT for me <3
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if anyone needs me i will be rewatching trigun 98 and tristamp over and over until my brain explodes
#had a bad time in therapy today sigh#first time i cried in front of the new therapist wooooooooo#and we havent even started talking about the painful stuff yet. how tf am i gonna handle that#(spoiler: im not <3 we dont have to talk abt it if i never bring it up)#also being. slammed with nostalgia (/neg) and i cannot get rid of it and it fucking sucks#got a. bad taste in my mouth. from like. everything rn#anyway. if anyone needs me i will be bolting myself into a shitty tin can and sending myself to the bottom of the sea.#not to see the titanic bc im not dumb and full of hubris. but just like. in general#im down there now. i want to fucking explode#sorry bad joke <3 i wanna kms so bad. i wanna wake up tomorrow and be in a universe that is Not This One#aaughrggghrghr. im angry and j dont know what im angry at . i wanna. fling myself into space#so instead i will watch trigun and if i start posting about max in the next day or so well can you blame me.#i hope someone draws him for artfight. specifically. hes rlly cool#i have his page uploaded already but im sooooo bad at making descriptions#oh fuck i also learned how to fucking tag things on artfight now omg. i didnt know that was a thing.#how did i do three years of this shit and not TAG anything. what the fuck#anyway. wish i was a guy covered in blood rn. maybe i should watch hannibal instead#is it time to bring out ol reliable and watch the stab scene from mizumono on a loop again#and perhaps i will listen to sodikken misery meat and people eater. idk. spice it up a little#girls when they say they want to be held: screenshot of the way hannibal holds wills face before gutting him like a fish#im feeling rlly normal rn if you cant tell
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