#i hope im making sense LMAO
twopercentboy · 1 month
I'm a firm believer that Edwin does NOT have internalized homophobia ☝️ repressed his sexuality? sure, obviously. but internalized hatred for himself? NO!!!
My man immediately confessed his love to Charles once he realized what his feelings were. He was going to even earlier but literally got dragged to Hell in the middle of it !!! He did not question the validity of his feelings and he definitely didn't question whether he was allowed to feel them !!!
Edwin has a lot of complexities when it comes to dealing with and acknowledging his emotions, but this is not one of them. Charles is not one of them.
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konfizry · 8 months
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Barring a few exceptions, all of Rinwell's books show the same two pages when she opens them. One such exception is Oblivion Ring, which if you look closely, you might notice has the two pages, but upside down. Below is a closeup on it with heightened contrast for your convenience. Feel free to compare it to the other books at you leisure. (notice the winged seal at the bottom of the right-hand page? you'll find it at the top of the left-hand pages of the other books, with the larger wings pointing up instead of down)
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Interestingly enough, the details of Oblivion Ring featured in the art book show its pages depicted the same as the other books, suggesting that this might be an actual error where the texture for this one book got flipped in mysterious circumstances. (either that or Rinwell is holding it upside down, not that I would blame her given how all over the place Oblivion Ring is)
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Oblivion Ring in the bottom right corner, along with the textures from a couple other books for comparison, as shown in the artbook. Now for the books that actually display something different. There's 3 sets of 2, corresponding to the six books that can be obtained via beating challenges that were included in the free Special Training Grounds DLC.
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First are the Avian Tomes A and B, meant to accompany Rinwell's Demonic Stole costumes (not pictured), with the vertical text and stylized owls and trees.
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Then you have Waterproof Notebooks A and B which go great with her Rapscallion Swimsuits (not pictured) and give off a cutesy bullet journal vibe once opened.
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Finally, Birds of Dahna Handbook A and Creatures of Dahna B that harmonize perfectly with Rinwell's Owl Uniforms (pictured: Owl Unifor B with Pigtail Beret C (does not include a beret)). Blocks of text along with an illustration of either a bird or a rappig can be seen, as well as a map that takes up most of the left-hand page and (assumedly) informs the reader about the distribution of Dahnan animals. The map itself corresponds to Dahna's western continent, as seen in the beginning intro of the game. Compare:
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One last thing of interest (to me) is that it seems most of the books are meant to be read from left to right, but there are a couple exceptions:
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(graphic design is my passion) Indeed, when viewed open and from the back, the vast majority of her books have what seems to be the front cover on the right, meaning the spine would be on the left if one were to look at them closed, with the front cover on top. The only two books I could find that had the front cover on the left when viewed from the back were Birds of Dahna Handbook and Creatures of Dahna. This configuration seems to imply that the "modern AU" (so to speak) books read from right to left. Finally, there seems to be three books with perfectly symmetrical covers: Secret of the Stars, Artes of the Cosmos (not picutred; is a palette swap of Secret of the Stars) and Book of Owl Wisdom. Interestingly enough, Secret of the Stars and Book of Owl wisdom are respectively implied and stated to be heirlooms of Rinwell's mage clan, in their description. The symmetrical look may thus be intentional, leaving the question of whether Rinwell's clan read from left to right or right to left unanswered on purpose, for extra mystery. NB: 1. You could argue that Oblivion Ring's cover is ambiguous as well, but if you look real hard, I think you'll find that that the right part has more going on than the left part, so I think it belongs in left-to-right like the others. 2. Not all of Rinwell's books are included on the pictures of this post but I think I got a sample that was representative enough. (i know, i know, Records of the Fallen should have been in there, it has black pages with white ink, it looks so cool yadi yadi yada well if you really wanna see it just open your own Tales of Arise go look at it im not stopping you) 3. There is no Birds of Dahna Handbook B, just like there is not Creatures of Dahna A. A and B make sense with the other sets since they're books with identical titles, but since these two have different titles, they should hace ditched the A and B to avoid any confusion, idk what happened here.
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vanweek day 2 - knife
does anyone else remember the knife game or have i finally gotten too old
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the-snowfall · 9 months
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design for a techno lanyard keychain i was working on
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carpathiians · 5 months
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very late happy new year wish from me to you 🎆
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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siliconforbrains · 5 months
Okay, it's like 10pm on a work night and I haven't had any coffee today so my thoughts are a little scrambled BUT. I WAS THINKING.
(About In Stars and Time of course I'm always thinking about that game)
A couple of years ago, at the height of Steddie -my sister was big into it and recced me some fics okay- I read this fic about Steve dealing with time loops ("The one in which a time loop is fucking exhausting" by badpancake) and there was this specific detail about the epilogue that stuck with me.
It was the idea that, once the time loops were done and over with, people would slowly start to remember bits and pieces of what happened in earlier loops. After being fractured for so long across dozens of timelines and experiences and outcomes, time was finally healing, and broken shards of lost memories would find their way back into people's minds.
And that got me thinking about a post-game what-if scenario where the same happens to the gang as they travel through Vaugarde.
Like they still don't remember everything -just bits and pieces. Experiences so emotionally charged that they found a way to cross the sands of time and reach them again.
The question is, what would those memories be? The first answer that comes to mind is some of Siffrin's deaths, of course. I can't imagine watching your friend get pancake-d by a boulder would be pleasant, nor witnessing them turning their own dagger to themselves. Or offering him a slice of your favorite snack only for him to go into anaphylactic shock in front of your very eyes, for that matter!
But there would be other instances too, wouldn't they? Death is not the only thing that shook them to their core. What about their first death to the King? Or Bonnie's fate at the end of Act 3? What about basking in the blissful feeling of victory against the tormentor of your land only to turn to look at your friend and know something is very, very wrong?
What about fighting through the House with a party of 4 instead of 5, bloodied, confused, staring in the face of the King knowing you're about to die and wondering why your friend left you all when you needed them most?
I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this, but I've been rotating this concept in my head since this morning and thought I'd get it out on here so y'all can suffer with me tehee
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pagesofkenna · 3 months
me days ago: i want to get some marcille/falin figures to match, but theres no falin merch yet :(
me: i'll get the marcille popup parade figure for now, in the hopes that someday they release a falin popup parade figure to match
goodsmile company, making my day and taking my money:
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dunkinbublin · 1 year
I want to know your opinions on Nine! I know I could ask you on discord but I like doing stuff like this through asks xD 's more fun that way!
oh hey! heres a boy for the road
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i love nine hes so. baby. im assuming u watched sonic prime so im just gonna go off
i love nine because just the idea the kinda person tails would be if no one ever gave him a chance. just like rolling that thought around in my head. poor guy. just a guy whos got no loyalty to any one because he only knows how to look out for himself since no one else would.
also that idea that the paradox prism split the characters into different aspects of themselves. so theres a piece of the real tails that has this bitterness internalized that he doesn't acknowledge or bring up to others. makes me uhhhhahgsgs.
this next parts purely theorizing because we still got no part 2 so:
sonic prime seems to be implying nines got some master plan in store and *perhaps* that he might take on an antagonist role in the future which im all here for. like sonic being nice to him doesn't just resolve all his issues. he's still hurt and wants to lash out. he's just baby to me.
also might think that sonic's insistence on being best friends might lead to some resentment since like. nines' supposed to be sonics best friend but sonics always insisting that they help people that have nothing to do with them. and nine doesn't know what its like to look out for others so he just doesn't get it. i could see nine of accusing sonic of only seeing their relationship as transactional since so far nines only heard from sonic how he has to help him and others. that would be a fun conflict i can be normal about.
in conclusion nine is baby and did nothing wrong have a nice day
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strawglicks · 1 month
do you understand just how peak flint and cosmos dynamic is . and how their designs also play into it . cosmo being a tiny ass angry loud dude while flints a huge quiet shy guy is so funny. if cosmo was the bigger one and flint was small it wouldnt be nearly as hilarious
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
fnvjfnbjgnjb I really hope this isn't weird but I am actually so desperate to hear some of your rosekiller headcanons (the more fucked up the better < 3)
hello!!!! i am. actually…. would you guys murder me if i said i didn’t think about rosekiller like all that often….. when i do think about them it’s normally prompted by things that saints @foursaints (lord and saviour of the rosekillers) posts. but. just for you, my dearest futurequibblerjournalist, i’ve been racking my brain for some vaguely interesting things to say. so:
to start off, in terms of characterisations, in my mind, barty is a ‘worshipper’ and evan is an ‘investigator’ if that makes sense - like my barty (and again this is heavily influenced by my whole barty michelangelo variant thing which i never shut up about) is someone who will completely offer himself up to, in this case, evan, like he’s trying to get under evan’s skin both idiomatically and literally, there’s this whole kinda masochistic self-dispossession thing going on which is him just entirely putting himself in evan’s hands, at his disposal, a ‘whatever rosie wants, rosie gets’ kinda thing (and all the things that rosie wants are a little fucked up… like evan wants. a rib, let’s say, and barty is immediately offering his up, like take mine please take mine i have a few to spare, and they do the surgery, no anaesthetic, lots of eye contact, and it’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to either of them… evan likes to run his fingers over the stitches before they’re fully healed up, maybe pull a few out, just to see….)
anyway i digress but also kinda not a huge digression bc that leads me on to evan as ‘investigator’ - disclaimer!!! evan as a character is a lot more nebulous to me than barty, like i feel like i haven’t entirely grasped him yet so allow me some wiggle room please and thank you but. evan is curious, that’s his central characteristic in my mind, he just wants to like… see, to understand. i think he doesn’t care much for people in terms of them being like actual people, he cares more about. how they work i guess biologically, like how their bones connect to allow them to move in particular ways, how the neurons in their brains do things (i’m really not a steminist i’m sorry guys) to make them say things and act in particular ways. his like. life mission. or whatever. is to figure out how ‘humanity’ works if that makes sense….
and barty is a bit of an aberration in some ways bc he doesn’t interact how he’s supposed to interact and he doesn’t move how he’s supposed to move and evan is curious, bc he normally doesn’t allow anything to bother him but barty is just. a bother. like in general. and evan wants to crack barty’s head open and get a good look at his brain, prod at it, investigate it, and barty would let him. barty would genuinely actually let him and that sort of power, someone being that devoted to you, is a little heady in a way that evan has never really experienced and barty would do anything bc he sees evan and he sees someone who wants to dig deep beneath the surface of him, someone who wouldn’t flinch away from whatever ugliness their digging revealed, bc both of them are so rotten at their cores imo, and he sees a sort of ascension, a higher purpose maybe… it’s absolute body and soul devotion, it’s ‘he could physically cut my heart to pieces and put it under a microscope and that would be divinity’
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Have you noticed Leon always says you owe me one to Ada and Luis and they respond the same, I think the only one that doesn't respond like that to him is Ashley like actually she tells him they're a team and working together as partners, there's nothing to owe.
So this is a REALLY super interesting ask, actually. I don't think that it's as simple as "he keeps score with them but not her." There's a lot of different layers and moving parts to this. All of these scenarios are very different from each other, and they all come from different places. It's not just about how he views the people in question, but also how he views himself, especially within the context of their dynamic.
We'll start with Ada.
If you notice, he only says that to her in RE2make and at absolutely no other time in canon. There's a reason for that. In RE2make, Leon is kind of a bumbling dipshit. He's fresh out of police academy and has no real, practical experience to speak of. He's basically just making it up as he goes along and hoping for the best.
And then there's Ada, who's more skilled, knowledgeable, and competent than he is by basically every conceivable metric. And not only that, but in RE2make specifically, he thinks she's fucking FBI. So, in his mind, she outranks him in every sense of the word. He spends a not insignificant amount of time chasing after her and asking her for help and answers, because he trusts her as an authority.
So, when Leon tells Ada that she owes him in RE2make, that's his way of seeking her approval. It's his way of going "hey Ms. Big Shot FBI, I can stand on equal footing with you, too. See? Please tell me I did a good job oh god."
And then when RE4make comes along, the only person between them who says "you owe me" is actually her to him -- and not only does he not acknowledge that comment from her at all, but he also never tries to even the score. And that's because, in his mind, she still owes him way, way, WAY fucking more than just a simple information tip. She took advantage of him on the worst night of his life, lied to him, used him, led him on (at least, as far as he can tell; he has no way of knowing she actually caught feels), and then abandoned him for six years. And upon their reunion? Holds him at gunpoint without so much as a "hello."
So, when he calls her for help at the start of chapter 14, he's not asking for a favor. He asks her a question, and he expects her to answer it -- because she still owes him, and he feels he deserves it.
The difference in his confidence levels in his interactions with her between RE2make and RE4make are really striking, and this is actually a really great example of it.
Luis is a different story.
Leon actually never keeps score with Luis; it's Luis who tries to pull it on him, and Leon immediately pays him back out of a desperate desire to not be indebted to him in any way, shape, or form. In his mind, Luis is also someone who's already taken too much from him, as an Umbrella researcher.
Of course, it's also much harder for him to make that case, because Luis wasn't actually there in Raccoon City and had nothing to do with the actual outbreak. Leon is actually very hypocritical when it comes to Luis in a lot of ways. OG Leon tells OG Luis that he was in Raccoon City, but remake Leon doesn't do the same.
So, remake Leon demands that Luis be straight with him about his motivations while hypocritically hiding his own. In fact, one of the biggest tragedies surrounding their relationship is that Luis dies without ever having known that Leon wasn't just being affected by his Las Plagas research -- but that he's also suffered from Luis's contributions to Umbrella's research, as well.
For the vast majority of their relationship, Leon feels like there's absolutely nothing that Luis can do to pay him back for his direct contributions towards ruining his life. So, keeping score is pointless.
And yet when it comes to Ashley?
Leon has nothing to prove to Ashley like he did with Ada back in RE2. And she's never hurt, betrayed, or taken advantage of him like both Luis and Ada have done. So, for him, despite him having basically all of the power in their relationship, he sees himself and Ashley as being on completely equal, neutral ground with one another.
But here's what's interesting. He does actually keep score with her, to a certain extent. When Ashley goes over walls to unlock doors from the inside, Leon will occasionally thank her with an "I owe you one."
From Leon's perspective, Ashley is going out of her way to help him. She's not obligated to assist in her own rescue -- and, if she chose not to help, he would eventually find another way to navigate through shit, regardless. It'd just be a way bigger pain in the ass. So, when she helps him out, he feels that he owes her.
Saving her life and bringing her home isn't a favor; it isn't something he ever expects or wants her to repay. He has his role, and she has hers, and when she steps out of her role to help him, he's grateful.
And, even though he pays her back again and again and again, he never sees it that way. If, on the plane ride back to the US, Ashley asked him for something and pulled out a "hey, you owe me" -- Leon would very likely just shrug and say "I guess I do."
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ghost-bard · 6 months
Ahaha jrwi riptide 115 is out publicly gang does anyone remember the caspian traitor theory from a while back ahahahaha
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b-yyearns · 9 months
i want to experience seeing someone flirt with my bf and me being able to walk up to them, hug my boyfriend close to me/kiss him n see the realization of 'hes taken :)'
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snobgoblin · 6 months
ik I keep coming back to this but man. phase 7 charactization of Ace is still so odd I'm not entirely convinced Murdoc didn't make the whole thing up BUT THAT SAID
>from a story standpoint. what's the significance of The Endless Dark. why bring it up in the first place
-Ace has never been a particularly paranoid character. skiddish at times, yes, but never delusional. so we could assume Ace is telling the truth (or that what he's saying is based on truth)
-you know how in speed demons when the girls traveled to the future? and HIM had taken over and everything was fucked up because they weren't there to save the town? well my theory now is that CURRENTLY Townsville is going through the event that would lead to that future (aka HIM is trying to take over for real for real). the girls are defending the town, yes, but there's a looming threat. and things are really terrible for Townsville right now. maybe Ace isn't entirely sure the girls are going to win and he isn't gonna stick around to find out, which would explain why the gangreen gang is completely absent from Speed Demons
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sweatyrickgrimes · 1 year
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