#i hope mori gets in the action soon
iwantflyingpigs · 4 months
what is old men yaoi? and why fukufuku is the best?
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just look at this- like?! do you see? the expressions?? fukuzawa at the end of the chapter??? his face??? his pain????
apart from these two tearing my heart to pieces;
what's up with fyodor getting himself caught on purpose🤨? also, lord bram the cunt, ugh😌
and hey- HEY!! uhm.. so just curious; WHY DIDN'T FUKUZAWA IMAGINED DAZAI IN HIS MIND WHEN HE THINKS ABOUT ADA🙂?hello?! haha
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rash0mon · 10 months
reason of living: akutagawa ryūnosuke
debatably, bungou stray dogs is easily the most existentialist anime out there, as the main premise of existentialism (in a rough sense) - that reason of living is something individual to man, is an underlying compartment of the series, making it as awe-inspiring as it is. each character is seen to either have, or be striving towards finding their distinct reason for living. now, i wanted to retrospect a bit into akutagawa's character and how his reason affected him, his actions, morals - as well as how it possibly shifted (especially in recent chapters of the manga and anime episodes). keep in mind that at i am just laying down my opinion and observations of akutagawa`s character - some things may be fairly obvious, some uncertain or not matching your opinion, which is why i leave space for conclusion, theory, discussion.
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generally, we know little about akutagawa`s life before the mafia, other than small snippets shown throughout the main manga as well as in beast (although beast is an AU, it can still effectively aid in understanding his character in the canon universe). as akutagawa's companions were annihilated, it seemed that he had no reason to live. where, as we all probably know, this soon happened afterwards. from then on, everything changed.
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after that night in the forest, akutagawa's life completely shifted - or moreso, he got a new life. his whole new reason of living being - pleasing dazai, getting validation from the person who gave his life a new meaning. exploring the relationship and dynamic between these two is a whole another post, which is why i shall keep it short. now, i would like to note that even if akutagawa has an unhealthy attachment to dazai, and is being emotionally manipulated by him - he is very much sensible of it. in fact, akutagawa is remarkably self-aware and perceptive, especially of the people around him, just more subtly, through his cold layer of stoicism. he is not the cold-blooded murderer with no sense of morality that many like to paint him as. yes, he is intently focused on achieving dazai's approval, pursuing that ideal in a way familiar to himself. he knows that it is not what is considered "right" by general moral rules, but he does not do much about it, as his reason of living would then diminish. dazai leaves him with a looming sense of inferiority, as he feels he is worthless no matter what he does, unless he is to achieve dazai's attention and approval. this sense of inferiority haunts him, and guides his recklesness and death-or-glory actions.
he sees the ethical issues in his own actions, and he knows there is a better life for him. he just doesn't pursue it. this is also portrayed well in his relationship with kyouka, which could have been yet another repetition of the abuse cycle started by mori and continued by dazai - but it was not, as kyouka found the world of light. he is even happy for her, as we can see. this is one of the few snippets where we can see his sensibility when it comes to others. when he stated "i knew a man with the same eyes as yours", referring to himself, in a way, he sees that he also could`ve found the world of light. but at that point, it seemed to be too late... or at least that is what he thought.
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akutagawa doesn't hate atsushi. he sees him as a reflection of himself, himself if he had a different reason of living, if he met dazai a bit later, if he pursued the world of light. he is jealous of him in a sense, yes, but he does not blame him for the fact that he didn't get dazai's approval as many like to speculate. atsushi is the first person who challenges akutagawa's "way", philosophy of living. as he sees himself in him, he fulfills their promise of not killing anyone for 6 months... perhaps because of a faint hope for the world of light? he holds onto this even as a vampire, which shows his pure determination. and it makes me think, that he did not go and protect atsushi only because of dazai, as often speculated, due to the points stated beforehand. as dazai stated: “Akutagawa—he’s like a sword without a sheath.” Dazai grinned from ear to ear. “He’ll surely become the Mafia’s strongest skill user in the not-so-distant future, but for now he needs someone who can teach him how to put that sword away.”
perhaps, atsushi is that person for him rather than dazai.
chapter 88 and vampirism
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as stated beforehand, akutagawa obviously does not go to save atsushi only due to his wish to be approved by dazai. there is something deeper underlying, and we have seen numerous times before that akutagawa genuinely cares about, and admires atsushi in the same way he admires and is happy for kyouka - although he would not admit it explicitly, of course. akutagawa fights fukuchi alongside atsushi, leaving himself in a completely vulnerable state, in a simple wish as to redeem, or prove himself in a way. to fulfill his meaning. he is in a special rush to do so even so because of his lung disease, which has a severe impact on the intensity and ruthlesness of his actions throughout entirety of the series. he lays his life down, but he does not go down without a fight. he stays true to his purpose...until his last moments.
at his last moment, in the given panel, however, something changes. we see a different vision of akutagawa. as he lets go of his coat, and is able to manifest his ability without it, i would say that his reason shifted. he states "i don't need words, but only actions", which is the most important sentence in understanding his character and development if you ask me. words being dazai`s words of approval, which he lets go of, like the coat he gave him. a new reason emerges, "actions". he does not need dazai anymore. he only needs himself, raw. this is further emphasized as his coat is lost in the sea by atsushi, who he gave it to. there is no reason to hold on to the past anymore... as a new era emerges.
a new era where akutagawa is not alive, apparently. he is a vampire. however, we can still see that he holds on to some of principles that caused him to change in the first place, such as not killing aya, and keeping the promise he and atsushi made. even when not concious of his actions and controlled by fukuchi, he still holds on to it. which leads me to believe, that there is truly hope for him. atsushi shares the same line of thought... as his perception of akutagawa gradually shifts to a positive one, which is why he wants him to snap out of his vampirism. atsushi understands akutagawa to the core, as they are two sides of the same coin. which is why he hopes for him. if possible, i wish for him to let go of the vampire curse and continue on developing his new reason of living... his new life. we can only long for that at this moment.
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we have seen the gradual evolution of akutagawa's character throughout the series in terms of seeking his reason of living - something that is central to each character in bungou stray dogs. which leads me to end this post with what dazai stated to kyouka, which quite well describes his, and all of the other characters ordeals in striving to find a reason to live:
Your anguish isn’t yours alone. What should one do, when what they want to be isn’t what they’re best at? Everyone fights, searching for the correct way to live their lives. What do they seek by fighting? How ought they live? No one can say. All we have is the right to waver. Like stray dogs that have hit rock bottom.
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sharksnshakes · 2 years
Wesker Tormenting A New Survivor! HCs
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It's too bad that nobody taught you, the new survivor, not to make a fool of Albert Wesker. It looks like he'll have to teach you himself.
A/N; every day y'all become more and more psychic. bc this was sitting in my drafts and @vasani was like 'yo can u take a crack at wesker???' so this is me, here, taking a crack at wesker. can't get over the fact that RE's most fearsome villain is named albert
Wordcount; 700ish
TW; dbd typical violence, death, mentions of mental and physical violence, suggestive themes, toxic behavior, narcissistic behavior, cursing, albert wesker is The Worst
Wesker thinks he's above everyone and everything, so let's make that clear right off the bat. Mans legitimately thinks he's unparalleled, please someone tell him to humble himself??
That being said, Wesker's not the type to single out specific survivors. UNLESS, of course, the brand new survivor calls him a bitch to his face. Then, all bets are off...
What ticks him off the most is when he's made a fool of, especially by someone he sees as below him. Especially when you, a mere survivor (and a new one at that!) manage to somehow beat him at his own game, distracting him while the rest of your team escapes.
When you make it through the gates, he's 1) stunned and 2) furious. How had he been so shortsighted? How had you managed to actually outsmart him?
He swears to never let it happen again--and what better way to do that then by teaching you a lesson?
Trials with Wesker are immediately 1000000x worse than any other killers. The ambiance totally changes:
The air feels thick, unbreathable; there's a sense of complete and total dread that sucks the breath right out of your lungs. Tree branches sag, heavy with the promise of a bloody trial to follow.
Takes out the rest of your team as soon as he can in favor of focusing on you, like, they're Mori'd within three minutes.
You don't exist to him until any potential interruptions (your teammates) are eliminated, and will be straight-up ignored until they're out of the picture. Will Mori your teammates right in front of you in increasingly violent ways, staring at you and only you while he does the deed.
Aggressive, but in a weirdly calm way. He's cold and precise, very calculating, but won't hesitate to lash out in a moment of fury. Though logic guides most of Wesker's actions against you, emotion takes over more often than not...
Ex; Wesker would Mori you with his hands, but he thinks you're too far below him to deserve it, so you'll get Uroboros instead.
Not only does this scare you shitless, but it prolongs that feeling of helplessness he's trying so desperately to instill in you.
Also, he was literally the head of an elite tactical force, so not only is Wesker ruthless, but he's incredibly methodical. Knows how to wear down an opponent in every way and will do it to the point of overkill--he wants to watch the hope drain from your eyes on repeat. Nobody makes Wesker feel like a fool. Again, he's trying to teach you a lesson.
Studies you in and out of matches (everything from healing your teammates to fixing gens).
Not dumb enough to get close to the campfire, but when you're swapping stories with other survivors, you often get the feeling someone's watching you just out of sight.
I hate to say it, but Wesker's one of the killers you have, like, zero fighting chance against. Will actively laugh at you if you try to fight back, then slam to you against the nearest wall with Uroboros... ouch.
He's kind of a paradox tbh, because he doesn't want to give you attention (everyone's below him, remember?) but wants to knock you down a peg, effectively, painfully, over and over and over again. The only way to do that is to study you, so mans is suffering from INTENSE cognitive dissonance. Please send him to therapy.
Unlike other killers, he won't really get attached to you over time?? He is, however, royally pissed off when other killers mention how they Mori'd you, and will be twice as intense in the next trial he has with you. Mans is lowkey territorial.
TLDR; when Wesker targets you, he will target every aspect of you. He'll tear you down physically, psychologically, emotionally, and he'll do it to the extreme. He feels a need to regain his stolen honor, and, just like a bully on the playground, he thinks the best way to redeem himself is to push others around. And if anyone threatens that--whether they're a killer or a survivor--he'll take them out, too.
To say the least.
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morimakesfanart · 7 months
Dead End 01 -SP Ch04
This is am early draft of ch04 from Sindria's Prophet. 
It is very different from the final version
*CW-suicide attempt mentioned
I hadn't slept well. I knew what was coming so I couldn't stay in bed. I ate a quick breakfast, and went to check on Aladdin. Sure enough, Alibaba had already left to start the coup. I waited to give him more time before I'd go see Sinbad. I had decided to not change things, but I couldn't stop myself from wanting to help somehow.
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I knocked on the door. Ja'far opened it after Sinbad agreed to let me in.
I got straight to the point. "As soon as your allies get here, you need to head to the palace with them." I could see the nerves growing on his face as Sinbad figured out the implications of my words. "Alibaba has stormed the palace. He will defeat the man that turned into the elephant monster the other night while Morgiana holds off the everyone else. Once in the throne room, Alibaba will win over all of the guards there, and the coup with be successful. However, the Kou Princess will appear, and Alibaba will need your support." I hesitated for a moment. "Do not take the stage from him. Alibaba won't give an inch to the Princess."
The current picked up.
For a few moments they both just watched me. Sinbad regained composure. "Is there anything else you're willing to tell me?"
News of Alibaba's actions would reach us soon. I looked back at the door. "Before Aladdin wakes up, his condition will get worse for a bit. Oh, and..." I fully faced my exit. "You'll want to bring medics with you to the palace. You will be getting your metal vessels back later today." I started towards the door. If I wouldn't prevent things than maybe I could help save some of those affected.
"Mori." Sinbad sounded serious yet soft.
I stopped.
"Thank you for the warnings."
It didn't take long to start hearing tells of Alibaba's battle to the throne room and growing support outside the palace. More people hurried there to see the change happening in their country.
A dark laugh escaped me. "You won't want to thank me when today is over." I opened the door. "Just know that I'm sorry."
A part of me wanted to watch everything in person, but I knew I'd only get in the way. I could feel it in the flow.
Fear clenched my muscles into knots.
I went to my room and moved some furniture in front of my door. I didn't want to worry about someone taking advantage of the commotion when the fighting really starts -like in the manga.
Sinbad would be rushing to the palace soon if he hadn't already. I knew he'd be questioning Alibaba's reasoning as he went, and probably questioning mine as well. 'Was this really something he shouldn't prevent? So much so that I wouldn't tell him about all of this in advanced? He could have prevented this!' At least I imagined he'd have such thoughts as he rushed to fix the situation with diplomacy.
I saw a bright light shine from a tower in the city. No doubt Ugo was summoning Aladdin and Judar's Rukh -at least trying to. After the light died down the people quieted, but only for a bit. I hoped that the negotiations were going as well as they did in the original. And hopefully, Sinbad would still be impressed by Alibaba's decision, and actions.
More and more people flocked to the palace to hear of the outcome. There was no way to stop human curiosity, and of course, the results here would affect the rest of their lives.
The current felt stronger. I couldn't deny that these were the same waves that Sinbad felt.
And then I saw that dreaded procession.
The fog troop was coming with Cassim at it's helm. There was so much black Rukh that I could see them. I knew if I had warned Sinbad, then potentially Banker and the other dark magicians could have been prevented from helping. And maybe some of the casualties could be prevented. But if I was unable to prevent Sinbad from rewriting the Rukh with his own will...
I covered the window.
In stories, characters are always forced to watch when someone risks their life, or people die due to their decisions. The stories seemed to say it was the more honorable or noble thing to do. But I wasn't about to traumatize myself more than I already was for the sake of noble aesthetics. I only had about five years left to try to change the ending -less if I wanted to prevent it completely- and I'd need to limit my traumatic experiences if I was going to have a chance of achieving any of it.
The black Rukh were filling the city, some had even entered the room. There was so much that even regular people could see them.
One of the black Rukh landed on me. Tears started streaming down my face and sharp pain cut through my stomach. Back home I was the type that couldn't enter certain types of haunted locations because I could feel the pain of the ghosts trapped there. Hospitals were some of the worst. Some ghosts would attach themselves to me to leave their spot and I would be stuck with them until I could convince them to move on.
Was my Rukh black? That would explain why they were circling me. When I was a young teen, I had nearly succeeded in taking my own life. I was better enough to count now, but maybe it had made my Rukh black. Of course, if my Rukh was black it was probably because I didn't pass through the Sacred Palace when I was Isekaied, but I wasn't thinking about that.
"I'm so sorry you died that way." I sobbed. "You don't deserve this."
Spirit Magic might be the only known way to directly affect Rukh type but I wanted to try something. "If you want you can try passing through me. Since I'm still alive maybe I can help."
The Ruhk vanished. I couldn't tell if it entered me or if I just couldn't see it any more.
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More Black Rukh landed on me and repeated the process. I hoped whatever I was doing was helping them. At least, I could convince myself I was doing something useful.
I could hear the screams, crashing, and destruction from my room. Should I go and try to help the wounded even though I'd be risking my life? Was I actually thinking about the future or was I just a coward who avoided making a decision?
A sound pierced through me to my bones. I couldn't see the source, but I knew in my heart that it was the sound of Cassim merging with the dark Djinn.
I moved the furniture not blocking the door in front of the window to try to muffle the sound. It worked a little, but it blocked the remaining light from getting in my room more than the sound.
It was clear that the amount of black Rukh I was engaging with wasn't enough to change fate, but I hoped it was doing something. How could I have actually allowed this to happen? Sure the future was important, but why did I have so little faith in myself to change it?
Why did the the shift in the flow have to remind me that I didn't have plot armor?
How much would I cry before the day was over? What about after? Was there any normal person who could sympathize with someone who knowingly let others die like this? Was this similar to how the singularities felt?
David became self righteous because of his knowledge of the path of fate. Now that I was here, would the same happen to me? If I had a power of my own maybe I could have helped. If only I had been stronger. Maybe I should have told Sinba -
**C r A c K**
The distinctive sounds of thunder and lightning boomed through the space. Sinbad had gotten his metal vessels back. It was almost a shame I didn't get to see his Djinn Equip in person, but I didn't deserve such a gift after what I'd done.
If everything was following the script, that meant Cassim was dead, and the battle was over.
The room was quiet and no new Rukh appeared. I unbarricaded my door but didn't bother with revealing the window.
All this because Alibaba needed to absorb Cassim's Rukh, Judar needed to receive that "gift" from Aladdin, and Aladdin needed to get Solomon's Wisdom. Was it worth it?
The flow of the Rukh change with the battle over. I could finally help. I grabbed as much supplies as I thought I could carry and started making rounds.
The city was a mess. Crying filled the air. Many were still in shock and mourning their dead in the streets. There were still some injured unattended. I could help those people.
My body had been screaming in pain from the stress and fear all day, but that pain was gone. Even the pain from the Ruhk that landed on me was just a memory. Fear and stress were meaningless during times like this; my mind cleared as I got to work.
I was tying on a splint for someone when Aladdin called the Rukh to descend to their loved ones. The morale raised for many.
I kept working. There was no one in the great flow to visit me anyway.
A few others started helping me treat the wounded.
I had only been bandaging people for about an hour when I felt the current beginning to pick up again. And this time it was moving towards me. It wasn't just moving towards my location, whatever was causing the shift in the flow was aiming for me specifically.
I opened the door on my own before they even had a chance to knock. I couldn't look up to make eye contact out of guilt.
As soon as I finished helping the person I was working on, I excused myself from the rest of the medics, and bolted for my room. I had a promise to keep after all.
The whole day I had heard footsteps running back and forth, but somehow I could tell that the current set of steps were heading towards me. The pit of my stomach and bones felt icy. There was no point in trying to run away or hide when that man was the one chasing you.
Sinbad clasped both of my shoulders. "You knew about the dark Djinn!!" I was forced backwards and he staggered into the room with me. The current came rushing in with him.
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I hadn't had time to light candles, and had left my window blocked earlier, so the only source of light was coming from the door behind him. His face was cast in shadow, but I could still make out the rage and betrayal on his face when I stumbled backwards.
I caught the vague sound of Ja'far telling him not to push himself.
Sinbad was so close I could smell the blood, dirt and sweat on him. That was my fault. Sure it was originally what was going to happen, but I could have stopped it. His pain was my fault through my omission.
"Why didn't you say anything?!"
Did it have to be Sinbad yelling at me? He had been my comfort character, and now he was towering over me and shoving my sins in my face. I was scared. I tried to be brave. "If I told you any of the details then you would have prevented it, and I couldn't let you-"
"Of course I would!! Are you with them?! You promised you'd explain! So explain!" The current was filling the room.
How much was okay to say? "When I said today needed to happen I meant it. Aladdin needed that new power, and Alibaba needed to take in his friend's Rukh. In a few years there's going to be a war that will trigger a worse dark spot than the one that formed in First Sindria." Sinbad's grip tightened on my shoulders, but he didn't scare me. "Aladdin and Alibaba will be among the first responders, and their help will be key to destroying the dark spot. And only a few more years after that, there will be an even greater threat. Only those with altered Rukh will be able to fight it! Today's events will lead to more than just Alibaba having their Rukh altered so they can help. I didn't want to do this! I hate that I couldn't find a way out of this!" I knew that I could potentially force those fates faster if I said the wrong thing, but there was also no way to prevent either if I said nothing.
Sinbad and the others were saying something but I couldn't hear them over my own heart beat. His grip lighten on me. His trust deserved a more thorough explanation.
"Al Thamen's agenda was written by a powerful sorcerer that could read fate. Just like most of them, he does not have a body of his own but he's still trapped in a pocket dimension. David wants to break into this world and a specific different dimension connected to it." My voice shook.
Ja'far tried to sum up my implications. "So then we just have to prevent him from-"
I laughed. "'You can't out run what's already here.'" It was a quote from Homestuck, but it worked just as well to describe the situation with David. "He gained a door to this world 10 years ago, and is now just waiting." I could feel the room stiffen. "During the fall of First Sindria he connected to that massive influx of black Rukh, and can enter through it. In a few years the leader of Al Thamen will notice and work with his current vessel to realize his goal."
Saying it out loud made tears form in my eyes. I wasn't talking about something that happened to a character; it was the world I was living in. Was David listening through Sinbad right now? I could feel the waves around me but not what they meant.
Sinbad's voice was commanding. "Where is his vessel now?"
"Even if I told you, it's not something that can be destroyed so easily." There was no way Sinbad would commit suicide, so he could figure it out for himself.
His eyes were like molten gold even in the dark as he tried to find the information I was withholding. "Why won't you tell us where?"
I was scared of answering, but it didn't make my blood run cold. Every moment I spent with Sinbad made me less scared that he would fulfill the same fate. It was still possible, but there were more possibilities now. The flow was changing.
"Because ... when you learned where he is and some other information, you were the one to activate the spell and destroy the world." I felt one tear fall.
"What? Why would I do such a thing??" Sinbad's grip on my shoulders tightened.
"Sin is doing everything he can to bring about peace!” Ja'far defended.
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I put up my hands to calm them. "For the past 15 years, you have been fighting, and growing your power and influence. Sindria and the Seven Seas Alliance hold more power than 2 of the oldest and largest Empires this world has ever seen. Only an idiot would think you won't eventually become the person that stands at the top."
The waves around me urged me to continue. "When you have no more power to gain, and you reached your goal of peace, what do you do? Find a new ambition to work towards? Spend all your time maintaining the status quoe? Or do you continue doing what you've always done?" I shrugged and put my hands back down. "The answer is obvious. Upon learning that there was a way to reach other dimensions and worlds you took it. You wanted to bring your vision of equality to other dimensions." It was twisting the facts a bit, but not entirely wrong. What he had wanted was to imbue his will on the Rukh to achieve his goal of peace eternally, then he wanted to kill the gods above him to bring everyone to the same level.
The fact that they believed everything I said astounded me. I had just said that Sinbad would be the one to destroy the world. Even in the dark, I could see in his eyes the growing realization that I was right -that given the opportunity he would do anything to broadened his horizons and influence- and the silence of his generals was proof they agreed.
Sinbad's waves were swirling around me. My head was swimming. I didn't want him to hate me but it felt inevitable after telling him what type of person he'd become. Another tear fell.
"Those that fight against the spell, talk to you and make you realize there are other options, but it's too late. David will be there keeping the spell active. He is a cruel person who cannot see outside of himself and the fate he dedicated his life to. You sacrifice your life and take David down with you."
David was probably listening in. Even though letting him know that I know was dangerous, I felt like I had reached a check-mate. Sinbad now knew where David and fate would lead him if he didn't change his ways. I could feel the waves radiating out of Sinbad. He would choose a different fate. I could only hope it would be a better one.
I might not like the many of the decisions he made in the original but I liked Sinbad. He was kind at his core even when he became corrupted by pain and greed. That kindness was why he became a comfort character for me.
The tears I had been holding back began to fall and I shut my eyes -I could barely see anyway. "More than anything else, I don't want to watch you become someone you hate. You're waves are literally changing right in front of me but I still don't know if it can be avoided!" I knew Sinbad didn't agree with David, but language is power; there was no way he wasn't influenced by him.
The pressure on my left shoulder was gone, and my tears were being wiped away on that side. "You can feel my waves?" Any quieter and I would have thought I was hearing things.
I gave a half hearted attempt to shake him off; I couldn't accept a kind gesture from him. I didn't deserve it. "How could I not when they're aimed right at me?"
He had stopped wiping my tears but cupped my cheek instead. The warmth of his hand was more comforting than I could fight against. I found myself leaning into that warmth despite myself.
That's right; Sinbad could feel the waves of fate, and had so much influence over them that with his greed he became like a god before his death. How was I supposed influence him enough to save him? "I read your life so many times trying to figure how to change it! How can I prove that the ends don't justify the means when I just let people die so others can be saved in the fut-!”
I couldn't speak.
There was suddenly a soft warm pressure keeping my mouth closed and I was overwhelmed by the waves. I felt like I was under water -floating. This wave brought a strange sense of peace with it.
I didn't dare open my eyes. I didn't want to believe what I was feeling when I realized it wasn't one of his hands covering my mouth.
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To add insult to injury my dumb ass didn't even try to fight it; I didn't want to fight it, and it wasn't from fear. But there had to be a better way to get my attention.
((This is the first illustration I ever made for SP. I liked it so much I
Since I couldn't speak I was calming down, or maybe my adrenaline was dying. I was a bit disgusted with myself for playing that trope straight. I couldn't believe he had shut me up that way -it was Sinbad, but still- and in front of his generals no less!
Ja'far and Masrur yelled something, and I felt Sinbad's bangs tickle my face as he stood up right and I was able to talk again.
I opened my eyes, and the complaint I wanted to say got caught in my throat when I caught his expression.
He looked as shocked as I felt. I could barely see him in the dark of the room, but there was something else in his expression that I couldn't understand, or maybe just like the kiss, I didn't want to believe what I was seeing.
His hand caressed my cheek as it slipped off. It was only then that I noticed how much his hands were trembling. Of course he was exhausted. He had been badly injured fighting the dark Djinn, and used up a lot of magoi.
Sinbad leaned towards me again and closed his eyes, but he definitely wasn't aiming to lock lips again. His other hand slipped off of my shoulder as he fell on top of me. I managed to catch him and not crumple under his weight. I'd carried 6ft(183cm) tall men before so I wasn't unused to our size difference. They were twinks though. Sinbad's muscle put him outside of the range I could deal with for long. I knew I was out of shape, but, dang, he was heavy as dead weight.
Ja'far and Masrur took him off my hands -literally. On their way out Ja'far let me know that we'd "have to continue this conversation later" like it wasn't obvious, and apologized on Sinbad's behalf for his behavior towards the end.
After that I passed out from all the emotions and sudden lack of adrenaline.
((You can see which parts I was able to save and reuse in the final version. :3
The end got kinda rambly and preachy, huh? A lot of the dead end chapters have moments like that where they devolve into grief letters.
I want to post the ch5 and maybe ch6 from this Dead End too, but I'm stuck between 2 drafts from the ch5: Draft11(more violent) or Draft13(less violent). Where ch4 has Mori basically venting and processing my feelings about Sinbad to Sinbad, ch5 is the same but for Ja'far. Parts of ch5 were used in the start of final version of ch24. Also, the fears that lead Mori to act the way they did with Ja'far in ch19 are what happens in the Dead End of ch5. If you guys could let me know which version you're more interested in, I'd really appreciate it.))
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flokali · 10 months
Hi, I'm the anon that mentioned the ao3 copy cat. I'm really proud of you for taking up the courage to respond to it. I know it feels scary to do confrontation (look at me, I'm hiding behind anon face), but your fic was one I reread a lot and thought you deserved to know what's up and hoped you could get some action done despite that.
Hope you're having a less mentally jarring life besides that. ✌️
Anon, you are sososo sweet and also literally my hero 😭
Thankfully, they took it down pretty soon after but I legit looked at my message for a hot second before sending it because I was so scared they’d respond and be like, mean or something jKSND which is so funny because I am super opinionated in my day to day life and even online but for some reason I was like… “omg what if they call me a bitch”…. Like, Mori get a grip that is NOT important?! Maybe it’s because it has to do with this blog and I actually care about it and you guys and what I post on here - unlike people’s opinions on me and my life choices, like… believe it or not even though I suck at answering asks and being active, this place and the little community here means so much to me - like not to sound corny or cringey but I don’t see myself leaving this blog for a long time? Even if I disappear and take months on fics, I am constantly checking the blog and re-reading asks (TT)
And in terms of life… I got sick for a month and didn’t leave my bedroom and didn’t go to a single class and now I am so behind it is driving me crazy KDJDNW but! I’m getting back on the education grind because that degree will be mine by the end and I will literally kill someone if I don’t get that silly little diploma ^_^
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pansexualkiba · 1 year
I’m indifferent to the glue trap meme. It’s a little overplayed but I can understand the sheer joy to be found in the mundane so it’s obvious why Tumblr users would latch onto it, like a cockroach or perhaps a particularly small mouse. That being said, every popular Tumblr meme is soon to be co-opted into becoming merch. It happened to Crab Rave, it happened to the bug race, and it happened to vanilla extract. Soon, it, too, will happen to the glue trap. I do not fear this. I invite it in. I wish to see the form it will take. Crab rave was very easy to make marketable, for the delicate crab is the simple pinnacle of marketable shapes. Place one upon a shirt, and it is nigh impossible not to sell out. Vanilla extract was, perhaps, more difficult - it is costly to make, you see. So, in the vein of those posts where you pretend to drink Windex but it’s actually Kool-aid in a fake Windex bottle, they branded a water bottle with the McCormick Vanilla Extract label, thus potentially making all those around you gag as you chug jug a vanilla Pepsi-Cola. However, they cannot do such things to glue traps. It’s rather confusing to make a glue trap a print on a shirt, and no Tumblr user worth their salt would purchase a shirt with Dobby on it. Additionally, the Tumblr logo in the glue trap is in poor taste for the website to officially endorse, as it could be seen as a memento mori, a reminder that this site, too, shall die. No, it’s too anarcho-capitalist, the kids will never go for it. What Tumblr should then do, of course, is make physical glue traps, real glue traps you purchase at the hardware store and place within your home to catch pests like ants and weevils and mercenaries. Most important to this, however, is that the glue trap must be one of two levels of effectiveness: Either much too effective, like gorilla glue on a piece of flypaper, and the only dissolvent is a perfect ratio of sesame oil, vinegar, and nail polish remover that, if you get wrong, will reset and double the strength of the glue; or, of course, a water-soluble glue trap that cannot hope to contain anything, and any small amount of water will dissolve the flimsy card stock into a fine slurry that will stain the hardwood forever and ruin the purchaser’s deposit. I want a class action lawsuit over this shoddy craftsmanship to drive Tumblr to ruin, and, in desperation, they resell the domain back to David Karp for the fraction of a penny. Isn’t this vision one of peace? Isn’t it one of horror? I can deliver so much more to you. Take my hand. We have a world to see and so little time to see it.
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canmom · 2 years
assorted manga comments
Berserk is back! I imagine that will inspire some complicated feelings for Kouji Mori, but I’m glad he has the means to continue his friend’s life’s work. It is something I very much want to do for Fall - I can’t become a translator like her, although I am now making progress in Japanese, but I wish to try and keep alive her love of languages and attitude towards life. If any of my friends left an unfinished work, and I thought they’d trust me to finish it, I would want to do the same.
Anyway, these new chapters don’t really move things forward too much, but they do show that Mori et al. can hit the same incredible visual complexity that they were under Miura. Not surprising because I’m sure they were drawing a lot of the manga even before Miura died. I just hope that they’re getting to work at a reasonable pace, because one person dying of likely overwork is already far, far too many.
I started reading Fire Punch, the earlier manga by Chainsaw Man author Tatsuki Fujimoto. I also read his one-shot Goodbye, Eri. It’s very interesting seeing multiple works by the same author like this: you get a sense of what motifs they find especially interesting, which in Fujimoto’s case seems to be getting dommed by a girl who’s obsessed with movies, and characters with healing factors.
Fire Punch is a big step up in grimdark compared to Chainsaw Man - it’s rare to go a chapter without at least one of attempted (sometimes actual) rape, slavery or dismemberment. It is an amoral world where human life has become very cheap and those with power are unafraid to treat people entirely instrumentally - where people with superpowers are common but likely to be used as human batteries or sources of meat. In many ways it reminds me of the earlier chapters of Berserk, but there is a certain harsh dryness to it, in contrast to Berserk’s shōjo-influenced emphasis on emotion; characters state their desires and intentions plainly, and it focuses often on characters who treat violence dispassionately. It doesn’t yet have the dash of humour that came in with Chainsaw Man, and its action compositions haven’t quite reached the same unbelievable level, but you can see the ingredients of Chainsaw Man.
I think Fujimoto is a very interesting author; he has a deep fascination with the structures of domination and cruelty, but also a very interesting eye towards narrative structure and especially cinema. Much like the film nerd guy in Paprika, characters will talk about filmmaking in ways that will be reflected in the design of the comic itself. Both Fire Punch and Goodbye Eri feature the device of a movie-obsessed character wanting to make someone’s life into a movie by filming everything that happens; in Fire Punch she’s much more determined to direct and edit, while Eri is more of a critic bringing out the art in the main character, and it does some fun things blurring the lines of what’s ‘real’.
The visual style of all three of these manga - especially Goodbye Eri with its motion blur, and most of the panels diegetically being shot from the POV of a camera - also makes heavy reference to cinema. Fujimoto’s ‘camera’ is very cinematic: he’s very good at drawing faces in perspective from a variety of angles, which allows quite subtle body language to be conveyed. And he loves his huge special effects panels of a huge building getting smashed to pieces. But despite this, his drawings of characters - typically with minimal shading - tend to feel like they have an appealing simplicity with the very even, neat lines. He has a particular way of drawing eyes which is very characteristic, I think. I should do some studies of it. His fire effects in Fire Punch meanwhile are absolutely fantastic - incredible use of value and texture in a black and white medium.
Made in Abyss also updated - plus we have a continuation of the anime to look forward to soon so that’s exciting. It’s the start of a new arc, which seems to mean a really massive update of something like 90 pages, which bring a bunch of new characters, including a really big girl which is fun... the new guys seem surprisingly sympathetic at first glance, which means Tsukishi probably has something really horrifying waiting round the corner. That man can do some crazy things with tone and rounded shapes - the sense of depth in some of his backgrounds! The MCs are getting really close to the bottom of the Abyss, so I imagine some of those long running plot arcs might come to a head - if not in this arc then maybe in the next. Honestly I’m kind of looking forward of the anime treating the previous arc just because there were so many characters to keep track of, so a second run through would probably be good lmao.
And... It’s not manga, but also read a few pages of Finder by Carla Speed McNeill. I really want to get a physical copy, but oof, £40 per collected volume is a lot of money. I think this is definitely a series I want to be able to fully concentrate on, so expect detailed commentary on that later haha...
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cathy-plus-e · 8 months
(note: ****don't open until it's halloween****)
anyways ----
Trick or treat!! 🎃👻🦇
so in this game, I guess we give anything..
I'm giving you...
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<<Top 10 Things I Like About You (or your blog)>>
Your Mori analyses/posts about Mori (made me be willing to know him more)
Your honesty (like honestly slay. it's so good that you're being yourself and you don't try to act innocent lol)
Your interactions (aaa haha it's fun interacting w you)
you're CHILEAN!! (idk. I find people who can speak more than 1 language really really cool lol)
You're self-aware <3 (I love how you're just like, 'yea I have red flags. here they are' lol.)
you're a ✨ mathematico-humanista-artistico ✨(english translation: someone good in maths but also really likes arts and literature and history) but for you, you are a maths person who also likes music and literature <33 (i hope i got that right)
Your iconic "<<< >>>" (seriously, thats like ur trademark lol. its cool. i like it)
When you highlight your texts <like this>> (like u make it bigger and then you color it with a bright color like pink or something. I think thats cool)
You have a good schedule (8 hours of sleep!!). dang, I need to do that too lol. slay healthy and logical king haha 👑
When you helped me w math that one time lol.
You block and report rude people. (honestly slay. don't waste time on people who are rude 😩💅)
your honesty. (again!! sorry, I can't emphasize this enough. I love honest people so much. I love straightforward people 😊 cause personally it's so hard when people don't tell you what they *really* think and then you have to guess what they're feeling and drama happens because you don't know how they really feel. -- sorry for venting a bit hehe but yes. I appreciate honesty a lot 😊)
13. You're very nice and kind and decent 🤭 (Ik you're a mori kinnie so you do have some red flags lol [i mean who doesn't?] but I love that you're really decent when it comes to things -- you aren't rude for no reason, you respect other opinions, it's really sweet that you want to make your teachers happy 😊💓, etc. (Oh and that one time where you were calm and your friend gave you 1,000 pesos -- that was a really fun story hehe. congratulations again 🥳keep it up 😄😄)
14. and honestly like - even if you have 'low empathy,' your actions are more important than your feelings -- and ur actions/kind words made me feel good a lot 🤭 so thank u 💓
also based from your posts, I think you're a good student so your teachers must be happy to have a student like you hehe.
aaaand that's it, I think 😄. (I know it's 14 reasons and not 10 but whatever. TT. anyways...)
Happy Halloween!!! 🥳🦇👻👻🦇🦇
(no need to do something like this for me btw, I just wanted to give you something hehe 🥳🦇🦇🦇)
Have a splendid day/night cathy!!!🧛‍♀️🧛‍♀️🧛‍♀️🦇
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get well soon <3 (+ drink lots of water lol)
Thank you so much 🥰🫶🏻
I really appreciate those words and how you see through me. ✨ Have a good 31st of October! ✨
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finalshaper · 1 year
Thoughts About Destiny's End, The Witness, and Others
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Thinking about how Destiny's storyline feels like it's coming to an end. We have Lightfall, then The Final Shape, and then... what next? On one hand I feel like they might find some way to continue the storyline, like a big post-story or maybe delving into certain parts of the lore we haven't yet explored, or something like that. But everything, since D1, has been building up to Lightfall. I remember playing D1 and one of the first motifs we were given is "the Witness is coming." It's the overarching plotline of Destiny and by extension Destiny 2.
Now the Witness is here. The tagline is literally "Our End Begins." There is one more DLC before... what now?
Destiny is a 10-year-long storyline. I only got here in the August of 2022. I haven't been able to experience the best of it, the height of it. The Golden Age, so to speak. Even though we're approaching what feels like the Silver Age of Destiny 2 with Lightfall's incoming release. It makes my chest hurt in a weird, heartbroken way that I'm arriving several years much too late even though we're entering a new exciting time. I don't want it to be over so soon.
Not only am I a literacy nerd, I am also able to recognize patterns and string patterns together with extreme efficiency (see: Autism). I see the signs, I hear the death knell of Destiny's storyline with the arrival of the Witness. The story feels like it's almost over -- and I can only ask, "What now?"
I can hope that they'll try to continue it. Explore ideas not yet seen. Or maybe even that's it, end of, roll credits, no more story because there's no sound logical way to continue the story when the Big Bad has been defeated if that ever happens considering the Witness is basically an omnipotent god. Maybe The Final Shape ends with us losing, or perhaps accepting. Death is as unavoidable as Life, the Light as unavoidable as the Dark, the Night as unavoidable as the Day. Maybe that would be the concluding motif of Destiny. It would be cool.
Maybe they will play with the idea of the cyclical nature of all things, of the universe. Stars are born, stars die. The sun rises, the sun sets. People die, people are born. Life moves on even long after you're gone. Could the Witness and the Traveler ever live in peace, as two halves of one whole? The spontaneous and the inevitable. The planned and the sudden. Light and dark, Yin and Yang. Maybe we will get a fairytale-esque "And they lived happily ever after" ending. Maybe not.
Maybe it will never end. Maybe there's some survivors of species thought to be extinct, like the Lubreans. Maybe there's some Stone Ocean-esque universal collapse and everything resets back to the beginning. Maybe the screen fades from black to a ride in a horse carriage surrounded by wintery pines and the words, "Hey, you, you're finally awake." Maybe the inevitable happens and the Witness wins, and we're treated to a "bad ending." Realistically there should be no way to defeat what is essentially a god. Even if Guardians are god-slayers. Trembling before something truly unstoppable.
Maybe we have an ending that can be comparable in motif to my favorite poem -- Do Not Go Gentle by Dylan Thomas. Rage, rage against the dying of the Light. It's a poem about death, how death comes for us all, but that we should not be upset by it. We should make the most of life while we're still here. Carpe diem, memento mori.
Maybe we see the Collapse in action. Maybe the old is thrown away to give rise to the new. Is there acceptance? Is there anger? Is there grief? Or is it ended with a smile? Do we gladly do it all again, would we gladly do it all again?
Would we go gentle into that good night? Or would we rage against the dying of the Light?
Would the end of Destiny's storyline teach us that the end is inevitable alongside many other lessons the games' storylines have taught us? About emotions, about people, about letting go, about moving on. About ourselves and the world around us. Would the final goodbye be bittersweet or gentle and satisfying?
Would we cry in protest, or would Destiny leave us for the last time with a smile on all of our faces and a warmth in our chest from time well wasted, which is not time wasted at all?
Will Destiny remind us that we are alive, here and now?
How will it all end? With a bang, a whimper? A cheer?
What would Bungie do afterwards? Would they release Destiny 2 in one big package with all the DLCs (hopefully including Forsaken and the vanilla game) just like D1 was released? Or would it just... disappear?
I'm not ready to let go.
But maybe letting go is what The Final Shape is going to teach us.
Carpe Diem. Memento Mori. Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Folding was never an option.
You are alive, Guardian.
Fight like it.
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thatwritingho · 2 years
Kloktober Day 12
Use an OC/Self-insert
Finally, I'm posting the bios for Olive's siblings in the Momento Mori universe!
I don't have the energy to write anything new, but I was able to polish these up enough to post! Detial of the bios is completely reliant on where they appear chronologically in the story, and how far out I've outlined, so theres some variation in length. Eventually I hope to go back in and flesh them out more, but for now, enjoy!
As always, please let me know what you think🥺
Clove Axworthy
(birth name Soon-hee Choi)
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Birthday: November 17th
Age: 30, twin sister of Olive
Height: 4’11 
Gender: Cis female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Ethnicity: half Korean, quarter Japanese, quarter Mexican
Country of Birth: South Korea
Education/Career: Has a phd in bioengineering as well as biomedical sciences. Works at a branch of the Axworthy company based in Seoul which focuses on prosthetics engineering. She invented and patented the designs of Dick Knubbler's eye replacements and Dr. Twinkletits arms, as well as performed the installation surgeries on both.
Personality: Rule-abiding and driven, Clove decided early on that trying her best to fit in and appear as normal as possible was preferred to being ostracized for her ASD. This was only reinforced while in foster care as a desperate bid to improve the chances of finding a permanent home. Masking has became second nature, and though she can't seem to blend in as much as she wishes to, she succeeds enough to be satisfied. Like Olive, Clove is naturally inclined towards kindness, and truly desires to help others, which is a driving factor behind her career goals.
History: They were very close when they were younger, Clove being more adept at social situations and found masking her asd came much easier to her than it did Olive. She therefore had an easier time making friends, and would often be the one to drag Olive along for play dates and outings, as she felt safer with her sister by her side and didn't want to leave her behind.
The twins were separated while in foster care, but reunited once adopted, though a wedge had formed between them that they were too young to understand; Clove having not experienced the same violent trauma that Olive had. This made dealing with her sister's emotional issues a difficult task, especially considering Clove's own unresolved trauma surrounding losing her parents and being parted from her sister, going into foster care totally on her own.
Due to Clove's views on conforming for survival, she was very disapproving when Olive began to take on a more alternative style, not understanding her sister's fascination with the macabre and growing interest in dark themes, as this goes against the rules she has set in her own head. She also has a difficult time accepting Olive's lifestyle choices due to the danger involved, finding her sister's actions reckless and concerning. They frequently fight over this, sometimes not speaking for months, though they always make up eventually.
Clove is similar to Olive in many ways; they share an interest in all things math and science, and can feed off of each other to inspire new ideas and breakthroughs, Clove often calling Olive for advice when stuck on a project. She adores animals, and has 3 Great Danes she loves dearly- Apple, Blueberry, and Grape(yes, singular).
Clove doesn't like metal- its sad but true.
Violet Killian ne Axworthy
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Birthday: August 29th
Age: 34
Height: 5’8
Gender: Trans woman
Sexuality: Lesbian
Ethnicity: Romani
Country of Birth: Bulgaria
Education/Career: studied marine biology and oceanography, works as a Marine Field Scientist
Personality: Very, very type A, highly organized and meticulous, keeps a bullet journal. Very fun and personable, everyone she meets is a friend. Naturally mischievous, and developed a rebellious streak as a teen that she never quite grew out of. 
History: Gets along with Olive best out of all the siblings, also hates their adoptive father with a fiery burning passion. Forced into med school by him, but she quit and pursued her passion to get a marine biology degree, much to his disapproval. Has little contact with her family other than Olive and Mavuto.
Drinks a lot of wine, not uncommon for her to have a bottle hidden in her oversized purse "for emergencies." Is an alcoholic but hides it behind her fun personality and organized nature. Struggles with depression and OCD tendencies, and is trying to start replacing alcohol with therapy, though its slow going.
Met her wife Nova through Olive, fell in love quick and married within a year. They are very in love🥰
Dorian Axworthy
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Birthday: April 16th
Age: 31
Height: 5’10
Gender: Cis man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Quarter Japanese from his dad, the rest of his ancestry is old money British
Education/Career: Doctorate in finance, well respected in his field.
Personality: The only biological child of Alistair. Can be rather arrogant and self righteous, but has his moments where his kindness shines through. Feels like he has something to prove due to his father heavily criticising him his whole life. 
History: Olive and Dorian were very close as children, and he greatly helped her to come out of her shell when she was first adopted, and was the first person she was able to open up to about the trauma she had suffered from her parent's death and through her time in foster care. Dorian was a very sweet child, and wanted to do all he could to help his best friend. 
Unfortunately, this gave Alistair the perfect opportunity to manipulate his son into influencing Olive for his own benefit. He convinced Dorian, who was desperate for his father's approval, that the experiments and harsh training Olive was put through were in her best interest, and encouraged him to help lead her toward that path. This eventually caused quite a rift between the two as they got older and Olive began to realize she was only being used, while Dorian refused to see it. 
Despite this clash of opinion, Dorian still cared for her deeply, and was devastated by her suicide attempt as a teen, the event shaking him and causing him to realize his feelings for her had grown from that of best friend into something more. He was very instrumental in her mental healing process, and the two ended up dating for a few years while in college. But as they started to get older, and Olive began to lean more and more toward her revenge plot, they grew apart, Dorian becoming frustrated with her dangerous goals, and they suffered a rather nasty breakup, Olive leaving for Tokyo soon after they split.
Dorian moved back in with his dad for a while after this, and Alastair used Dorian's frustrations with Olive, as well as his heavy admiration for Alistair's accomplishments and contributions to the scientific field, to win his son back over, very negatively skewing his view of Olive in the process.
Unfortunately, this has caused Dorian to begin to excuse the torment Alistair put his siblings through in the name of scientific advancement, and he attempts to downplay how bad Olive and Dewi's childhoods were, and chooses to ignore how his father manipulated him as well.
Despite it all, though, Dorian still loves Olive and wants her back. He can be rather manipulative himself, and knows how to play her emotions, which he has no qualms over doing. The two got back together briefly as adults, once Olive came back to the states after retiring from the yakuza, and it once again ended badly, Olive finally realizing he had no issue with manipulating her into whatever he wanted, and that despite how much she still loved him, their relationship had become toxic and needed to end.
Mavuto Axworthy
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Birthday: March 7th
Age: 32
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 6’2
Gender: Cis man
Ethnicity: Chewa
Country of Birth: Malawi
Education/Career: Neurosurgeon, head of the West Coast branch of Axworthy Industries
Spouse: Abraxas
Kids: Vesper, Scarlett
Personality: The most stable one out of the family. Fun loving and easy going the majority of the time, though he tends to be a bit of a worrier, and wants everyone to get along and be a big happy family. 
History: Quickly became best friends with Violet after adoption, and the two are still very close. Overall he is very agreeable, and does his best to see the good in everyone. Can deal with Dorian's manipulative nature the best out of everyone, tries to give him the benefit of the doubt, even when he doesn't entirely deserve it. Always trying to get them all together for "family bonding," which no one ever agrees to. 
Met his husband Abraxas in med school, the pair dated for a few years before marrying and adopting two little girls, Vesper and Scarlett, ages six and ten. Their family is one of love, support, and happiness- everything he had hoped for he and his siblings to have.
Dewi Axworthy
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Birthday: June 26th
Age: 26
Height: 5’3
Gender: Genderfluid, uses feminine pronouns 
Sexuality: Bisexual, preference for men
Ethnicity: Indonesian
Country of Birth: Indonesia
Education/Career: Self taught malicious hacker for an undisclosed organization 
Personality: Very chill, though a bit of a loner. Dewi tends to keep to herself, and self isolates as her main coping strategy. Between depression, CPTSD, and working late nights, she’s perpetually exhausted, and has a bad habit of drinking too many energy drinks just to stay awake when she needs to. She throws herself into her work to avoid thinking about her problems.
History: Born mute, underwent multiple failed experiments to the hands of Alistair to “correct” it, one of which left her with a large, horizontal scar going across her throat, which she hides with a plain black choker.
She has an interest in robotics, which she and Olive bond over and discuss new designs together, though she tends to get caught up in her own projects.
Said "fuck school" and taught herself information technology and network security, became an international malicious hacker for an unamed underground agency. As the only other one involved in illegal activities, she and Olive have an understanding, and she doctors all of Olive's official documents/edits data available on her to keep her difficult to track. 
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bthump · 2 years
Yeah based what we are seeing at this point my biggest worry is that casca is going to play the role of a prop again (because I guess the 200+ previous chapter where she was already totally passive weren’t enough ??). The only option I see to not have this happen again is for her to wake up soon and react to the situation in another way than just fainting, but damn I’m worried if we just get Griffith kidnapping casca bc what a way to transform berserk into Mario on his way to save peach in bowser castle in less than 5 chapters. I mean at this point according to you, what would be the main possible course of action to get something compelling from this ? Also, some people already pointed this out but we are really missing some dialogues lines / plot bc the scenes we have are lacking so much of the emotional impact they could have if they just added a few lines to indicate the importance / the internal debate / the fears / whatever of the main character at this moment that is supposed to be kind of important
If we truly are trapped in the worst Berserk timeline then...
idk. I can think of ways other people might find it enjoyable, like if Casca meets other Falconia residents and tells them Griffith is evil and escapes herself or something, or meets Charlotte, but like, I personally would still hate it.
Like to be real, I've never actually wanted a Casca gets her mind back and becomes a character again who has to deal with her trauma consciously and in a (theoretically) realistic way plotline. That's one reason I was banking on the behelit coming through for me - I didn't have any faith in Miura's ability to handle it, and I have much less faith in the new crew's ability to handle it. And frankly, it's still not a plot I would actually enjoy even if the best writer in the world was writing it. I don't find stories about women dealing with rape trauma entertaining, I don't seek them out, and I was always kinda hoping Berserk would mostly bypass it by turning Casca into a monster and skipping straight to revenge mode lol.
That's just a matter of personal taste of course, ymmv on that. But yeah like if she ends up as princess peach but kidnapped by her rapist then I am probably not going to enjoy much about that plotline.
Oh, ykw though, I think if the story brings Casca to Falconia, then the one thing that might interest me, that I doubt very much we're going to get lol, is Casca actually loving the city. Some acknowledgement that the dream Griffith fought for was also her own dream, some emotional response to seeing that dream come to fruition.
And hey if Falconia needs to be sacrificed and we can waive the 2 century waiting period between godhand sacrifices, maybe Casca can do it at the climax of the story.
Like this still wouldn't make up for Casca getting kidnapped by her rapist because he's also her baby l m f a o, but it'd be something, I guess.
Also yeah, totally agree about the dialogue. It feels very un-Miura-like imo, and honestly based on Mori’s public statement about it, it kinda sounded like going on this might be more of a stripped-down version of Berserk, so I’m not really anticipating a lot of great subtle dialogue in the future, sadly. But I guess we’ll see - it could also be like, the new crew adjusting, so who knows?
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madquerade · 2 years
Um so here's a little preview of the MSR wip I'm working on rn bc I need motivation. Spoilers for post 4x14 (memento mori). Mulder pov, rated M, future 5x1 fic TW for cancer, suicide ideation
He doesn’t know what compelled him. Maybe some inexplicable force. The intense desire to give her everything he has. He’s not really sure. It’s ironic really because he spends his life chasing inexplicable forces, yet once faced with one of his own making, he obstinately, absurdly, refuses to look deeper.
He doesn’t have it in him to look deeper. To look deeper would be catastrophic. Life ending. 
As her life is ending. 
Her life is ending.
The shot ricochets through his body like it’s the first time Mulder has had that realization, and maybe it is. After all, he’s been the hopeful one. He’s been, or tried to be at least, her strength. It feels wrong to think that. To think he’s her strength when he knows she’s her own bulwark. But even bulwarks can crack. He doesn’t know what to do about it, so he’s settled for nothing and everything at once. 
She tucks her hair behind her ear, a nervous tick. He recalls the smell of her hair as he pulled her to him in the hospital hallway all those weeks ago. It smells differently now. He credits the theft to a change of shampoo instead of what he knows it really is. He misses how it used to smell of flowers and green tea. 
So here he is, bared before her, offering her the final comfort he can think of. Offering her his soul and body. Offering her his life. God, he’s offering her his life. 
And if he’s honest, truly deeply honest, it’s a self destructive action. It’s the only one he can think of to punish himself for his actions. He hasn’t decided yet if it’s a coward's choice or the bravest thing he’s ever done. He’ll finally show her how much he loves her, albeit under the guise of physical comfort, but all too soon she’ll be gone. She’ll leave him behind in this hell and he’ll be forced to continue, knowing all that he’s lost. 
He anxiously pushes his hair back from his forehead, awaiting her answer.
He’s made up his mind. It’s a coward’s choice. 
It only took him until his literal world was dying, imploding beside him, withering away beneath his fingers, to confess to her. And really he hasn’t confessed anything. He’s only offered her a lie. It wouldn’t be just sex for him. It would be rapture, the only worship he’ll ever perform. And after she’s gone it’ll be the only worship he’ll ever do.
She considers him for a moment. She doesn’t have the energy to coyly disguise her thoughts with a carefully crafted expression anymore. Though, if she’s caught his lie he can’t tell. She looks away, mouth opening and closing as whatever she was planning to say dies on her lips. 
Her lips seem darker than they used to be. He knows it’s just because of how pale she’s become. He reaches out and brushes his thumb across them, two velvety soft petals, hand coming to rest on her cheek. Thankfully, cancer hasn’t taken the warmth of her skin from her. The pressure on his hand shifts as she leans into his touch, soft curve of her cheekbone pressing into the calluses on his palm.
Her hands skate under his shirt as an answer, fingers dancing across the waistband of his jeans. He figured he wouldn’t get a verbal response from her and he knows better than to ask her for one. He helps her remove his shirt, reaching up to pull the back of his shirt over his head while her hands follow the hem up his body, leaving behind a wildfire path in their wake. They lock eyes and Mulder nods once, apprehension slipping into his body language. Can he actually do this to himself? To her?
She gives him a smile that doesn’t quite meet her eyes. There’s something sad there, or maybe just a part of her that’s been lost to him. Either way, she returns his nod and moves to work at the little buttons on her shirt. She hasn’t changed out of her work clothes, though she’s not wearing her blazer anymore. 
He stills her hands with his own, taking over the finicky task. If this is his chance, he sure as hell is going to give her everything he’s got. She needs to know how he feels, even if he’ll never say it. She needs to know how she’s his goddess. She needs to know how in the middle of the night, when things are screaming in his head, she’s the one he prays to for relief. 
And god is she beautiful. 
Her body radiates an energy he can’t pin down and it makes him high. It’s all he can do to stay present and grounded.
They don’t talk while they fuck… while he makes love…
The only sounds are the wet slap of their bodies joining and their sloppy kisses. Mulder tries to keep quiet, choking down his own moans in order to hear hers. He catalogs every little sound she makes as he loves her and he might come from just her noises alone. 
He helps her clean up afterward; changes her sheets for her while she’s in the bathroom. It’s the least he can do to make up for everything. He fidgets with her comforter, rolling the smooth polyester between his thumb and index finger, questioning where the best place to wait is. If he gets back into her bed, is setting up something she can’t follow through with? He smooths the comforter into place and collects his clothes, moving to the couch to let her set the pace. This isn’t about him after all. 
He hears her come out of the bathroom and shifts to greet her, only to be met with her back and then a shut bedroom door. He takes it as his time to leave and slips quietly out of her apartment.
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jackiebuttcakes · 2 years
A Way Out - Soukoku (NSFW/Fluff/Tiny Bit of Angst) Fanfic
Hey y’all! I’m a new Soukoku worshipper heehee. I love these two so much I couldn’t resist >.< This has a little bit of everything (first smut fanfic so I apologize if it isn’t up to your expectations) Hope you enjoy!! 
Word Count: 5,498
“To the stray dogs,” Dazai proclaimed, offering Atsushi a toast. They clinked their champagne glasses and sipped towards the sunset. With Fyodor captured and the Furokodani/Mori virus infestation situation resolved, the Armed Detective Agency hosted a celebration on the cruise, despite the possible axed punishment they were going to receive from the boss soon after for disobeying his orders. Dazai was clearly an exception to this since he got sniped after uncovering Fyodor’s hiding spot and was unconscious throughout the majority of the dispute  - an additional result that he had kept in mind when he encountered him. 
“How are your injuries Dazai-san?” Atsushi asked concernedly. 
“I can’t feel a damn thing haha! You think I could be easily taken down by a gunshot?” He laughed arrogantly.
“Well.. you were bedridden for the majority of the day so…” Atsushi mumbled, sipping the rest of his glass. Dazai looked at his reflection by tilting his glass towards him. 
Even though it was his plan to get shot, he partially wished it didn’t have to come down to it. He was thrilled by the action and wanted to always show off his tactical skills to destroy the enemy from within. But, most importantly, he missed doing it all with his beloved partner. Double Black swept the underworld by storm, the most infamous duo in the Port Mafia. He was always entranced by Chuuya’s ability and top tier martial art skills. His plans came to fruition so easily whenever he utilized him and he ENJOYED them. It didn’t feel like busy work whenever he was blessed by his presence. Just being by his side reignited his purpose in life, something that Dazai thought he would never be able to find. Unfortunately, he only realized this after the fact he left the Port Mafia and fought by Chuuya’s side just recently. 
“Do you think Akutagawa and I could be Double Black someday?” The sudden question from Atsushi caused Dazai to spill some of his champagne. It took him a moment to respond to this because he believed his young subordinate was able to read his thoughts, something that is very difficult to do because rarely anyone knew what he was thinking besides Odasaku and well…you know who. 
“I believe you both will be better than us,” He deeply sighed, chugging down the last drops of his champagne. 
“Haha… no pressure there…” Atsushi laughed nervously. “If we didn’t plan that death match in 6 months time maybe I would take your claims more seriously…” Dazai ruffled his hair playfully. 
“I’m actually quite intrigued. This could be a great bonding experience for the two of you!” He replied cheerfully causing the tsundere weretiger to blush immensely. 
“Oi pipsqueaks! We’re about to dock! Get over here!” Kunikida yelled from the balcony. Dazai’s response was only half the truth. There is not a doubt that his two boys will flourish into something magical and terrifying as the protectors of Yokohama, but they could never and will never be what Double Black once was. The bond that he and Chuuya shared was like no other. Once they became official partners, they were inseparable in every aspect. No one could make Dazai smile the way Chuuya made him smile. No one could aggravate him the way Chuuya’s annoying voice ringed in his ears. No one could make him a more capable and confident executive than his beloved Chuuya. He was his safety blanket. He was someone he could always rely on even if he felt like he didn’t deserve it. He was always going to be there no matter what he did to push him away. The more he pushed, the more he wanted him to come closer. 
Deep in his thoughts, he didn’t realize he had wished his coworkers goodnight before heading back to his apartment. He took his normal route home, cutting through the alleyway by the market plaza. He clicked his tongue as he pulled out his tie, allowing his throat to relax. It was the one thing that made him regret wrapping himself in bandages. He heard footsteps from a distance and as he looked up he saw the familiar silhouette of a man with a fedora and a terrifying presence. 
“I was wondering where you were Chibi~” He said with a smirk, stopping in his tracks as he approached him. 
“Ask that wimpy Four-Eyes,” Chuuya snarled, looking disheveled with eyebags around his eyes. 
“Ah. Ranpo-san did fill me in on the situation. Gotta say, I’m impressed. I was expecting to see you in a weeks time,” 
“Fuck you Makarel. Cause of that bastard, I’m gonna get an earful from Ane-san because of your damned organization,” Dazai noticed how he was lacking that snappy bravado he always greeted him with. That mystery book really did tire him out, he thought. Chuuya walked past him but planted his feet a few steps after. “Why did you make a poor effort to dress properly today?” He asked, his back still facing him. 
“Aw. Is that your way of saying I look sexy in a suit and tie?” Dazai cooed. In a flash, adrenaline surged in his body as he grabbed his collar roughly, ready to sock him in the face. 
“Are you deaf asshole!? I said ‘poor effort’! There’s no way you could ever look DECENTLY nice in ANYTHING ,” He spat, roughly releasing his hand from his now wrinkled dress shirt . 
“Chuuya… are you implying that I look hot when I’m naked?” He gasped mockingly, covering his chest dramatically. Chuuya hated himself for heating up, remembering how they would always change together. The way he would watch his younger self peaking at Dazai wrapping himself in bandages, and how the ones around his ass would loosely hang there, giving him a small peak of his buttcrack. 
“I b-blocked your mummified body out of my memories because of how traumatizing they were,” He scoffed, crossing his arms and pinching himself to stop blushing. 
“Boss and Mori-san recovered and Fyodor was imprisoned so the ADA decided to have a little celebration. The Port Mafia just finished their own party according to Akutagawa - so sorry you missed it,” Dazai lightly teased. 
“And having to hang around their drunk asses? No thank you,” 
“Well, you barely did anything anyways, so it’s not like you deserved an invitation,” 
The usual bickering they would have has officially started but it didn’t last long. Chuuya’s eyes hid under his fedora which started to worry Dazai a bit, so his smug look started to fade as well. 
“This is it,” 
“You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific than that Chuuya,” But, Dazai already knew what he was going to say just by the way he looked deep into his eyes. 
“After this, I don’t want to ever see your face again unless I’m ordered to,” The way he replied in a serious tone stung Dazai. He gulped subconsciously and bit his tongue. “Don’t act like I haven’t forgotten that you betrayed the Port Mafia.” You betrayed me, he wanted to say. But instead, he turned away from his gaze. “Nothing will ever be the same as before, even for Double Black,”
“Chuuya…” He croaked softly, so softly to try to mask the pain in his voice, but his partner knew him too well and was able to see right through him making it harder for him to finish. 
“This is it, Dazai. We’re right where we belong. Enemies. Nothing more, nothing less,” He clenched his fists before starting to take the first step away from the man he devoted himself to. 
“I understand… But before we go our separate ways, I wanted to give you this,” Dazai offered him a red envelope. Chuuya glanced at it, not daring to look into his eyes again. There were a million comments he could have made, but he wanted to get this painful encounter to be over with so he  swiped it from his hands and opened it. “I was gonna save this for your birthday but if we’re doing this now, then I might as well-”
“What the hell is this!?” He shouted, his trembling hands gripping the paper. Dazai expected his reaction, but it was still so terrifying, for once in his life, he had no idea what the predictable Chuuya was going to do after. His only response was panic, a feeling he hasn’t felt other than with his dear friend Odasaku dying in his arms. 
“I got the approval from Mori-san. It took months of convincing but once I presented the evidence, he had no choice but to surrender to my offer. Organizing these secret meetings with every one of your opposers was a pain, since you’re ordered to conduct mass assaults on a weekly basis. All that was left was to get my Boss’ response. He hesitated at first but after I told him about your skills you displayed in the 3 Way Organization war, he finally-” The red head dropped the paper on the ground, grabbed Dazai by the neck and slammed him against the wall, his dagger at the ready to slit his throat. This position was awfully familiar as Dazai slowly crouched to get a good look of his blue eyes of fury. However, it was different. His grip was weaker and shakier. 
“What the hell did you do Dazai!” He roared with a hint of whimpering behind it. Dazai took a deep breath, sinking his neck deeper in his ex-partners fingers. 
“A way out,” He answered. Dazai knew that Chuuya knew what was in that letter. All he wanted was verification from the man he trusted dearly. Chuuya gritted his teeth, trying his best to strengthen his grip on his neck even if it didn’t make much of a difference. 
“That’s impossible! Even for you.. That’s…” He said softly. Dazai hesitated but eventually went through with wrapping his hand around his arm that could choke him out at any given moment. 
“It seemed impossible at first. But I was finally able to give you options. You can live your life without the mafia blood tainted in your veins dragging you down or you can continue to serve this city you care so much about with the ADA… but you’re more than welcome to stay in the Port Mafia shadows that you thrive so well in… The choice is yours Chuuya… it’s all yours..” He said with a comforting voice. At that moment, he dropped his knife, gripped his trembling hands on Dazai’s suit jacket, and buried his head deep into his chest, allowing his hat to fall off. Dazai froze in place as the strongest executive wept in his arms. 
“I missed you dammit…. So goddamn much….” Dazai felt his warm tears soaking him, melting his cold heart that longed for such warmth for the longest time. “Why did you leave me… you couldn’t even say goodbye… I hate you for it! I’ll always hate you for it! It’s all your fault shitty Dazai…It’s all your fucking fault,” He choked on his words, leaning into him more as he became more vulnerable. Finally, for what seemed like an eternity, Dazai let him in, wrapping his arms tightly around his small frame, nuzzling his head on his shoulder. 
“Leaving you behind… was the hardest decision I’ve ever made in my entire life…” He whispered, fighting back his tears. Chuuya’s breathing slowed down immensely, so he could hear his partner clearly. “I missed you more than you’ll ever know,” Chuuya lifted his head up to gaze into his eyes with wet cheeks and a little bit of snot about to drip down. Dazai couldn’t help smiling at how adorable he looked. His eyebrows furrowed in embarrassment now that he just cried his heart out in front of the one person he didn’t want to cry in front of for the first time. 
“Tell me you’re joking with me Dazai,” He sniffled, squeezing his suit jacket tighter. He felt Dazai’s breath tickle his nose as he wiped the tears and snot with a pinkish hue emerging to the surface of his face as a result. 
“Would I ever joke about something like this, Chuuya?” He whispered softly, looking deep into his blue eyes. Chuuya would have stared longer and taunt him into another meaningless contest but he was more attractive than ever, and already too ashamed to be this close so he broke off first. 
“You cheeky bastard. I can’t believe you pulled this off,” He chuckled, about to break off their intimate and sudden embrace, but it only prompted Dazai to hold him tighter. “Let go of me, creep!” 
“No,” Dazai huffed, pressing his forehead onto his to resume their strong gaze into each other’s souls. “Not until you make your choice,” Chuuya gulped, heat emitting off of both of their flustered faces. He needed something to cool him off, and coincidentally, rain started to pour and flood the streets. They briefly looked up at the dark sky until they saw a single lightning flash. “Tell me already Hat rack. I don’t wanna be soaking wet all night,” He snapped at him impatiently, squeezing their already wet bodies closer. 
“Shut up,” He responded before swallowing his lips entirely with his. Dazai’s eyes widened at his sudden action but immediately melted into his touch. Chuuya wrapped his arms around his neck, gripping a chunk of his damp brown hair in each hand. Dazai rested his hands around his waist, fitting perfectly in the crook of his curvy waistline. It was like his hands were meant to hold him. They took turns sucking on each other’s bottom lip, sometimes nibbling them in the process. Dazai’s tongue entered his mouth first, exploring the crevices that he desperately wanted to taste ever since he saw his huge mouth yell at him for the first time. He smirked when Chuuya’s tongue played around with his in response, sucking on it to add an extra tease. Moans and breathless exchanging of their names were only heard by them and the pouring rain that grew more intense the more they kissed passionately. They parted their wet lips for a moment to catch their breaths. Chuuya rested his left cheek on Dazai’s shoulder looking at the contract that was on the ground, beyond salvageable. “Shit. The paper is-,” Dazai cupped his face and gave him a quick peck on his lips. 
“I have multiple copies at home, babe” He chuckled. Chuuya’s face flushed until they heard the ground shake from the thunder crashing from above. He yanked his hair just enough to hear him whimper an “Ow”
“Don’t call me babe,” He muttered before interlocking their lips once again. So much time passed that they didn’t realize they made their way to Dazai’s apartment. Dazai gracefully took off his wet shoes, giggling hysterically as he watched an angry and feisty Chuuya trying to wiggle out of his dark heels that were stubbornly stuck to him. “Wipe that smug look off your ugly ass face!” He roared angrily, running towards him once he was free from his shoes. Unfortunately, his smartass partner knew his moves like the back of his hand and successfully dodged his grasp. He then smoothly pinned his shoulders to the wall, his right arm planted right above his small stature and his left thumb and index finger touching the bottom of his chiseled chin. He tilted his head upward to face his lustful eyes. Chuuya was stuck between choking the living daylights out of him and fucking him to his core. 
“It’s my turn,” He grinned, diving for his lips once again. Chuuya closed his eyes tightly as he let his hot man lick him dry. Dazai’s curious lips kissed his jawline, then nibbled his ear, continuing down his wet neck, alternating between kissing, sucking, and biting. 
“Dazai.. y-you… ahh….” He moaned softly as he heard Dazai’s wet kisses getting louder and louder as he traveled down his collar bone. 
“Dazai you what?” He teased as he continued to mark his body with his kisses. 
“You sly conniving bastard… nnnnngggg” It was difficult for Chuuya to continue his insults once he felt Dazai’s bony knee rubbing his bulge slowly but enough to stimulate his erection even more. “Dazai you…. Ah…” 
“You’re ready to burst my lovely Chuuya. It’s too late to resist now,” Dazai hissed, replacing his knee with his hand, using only two fingers to massage his balls through his thin pants. Chuuya bit his lips but once Dazai hit his sweet spot, a moan ripped his throat out, soaking his crotch. Dazai grinned as he took his lips once again. Chuuya pushed him away only to grab him and barge him through his bedroom door. Dazai plopped on the bed watching the petit mafia unbutton his shirt, exposing his rock hard abs that he had missed seeing so much when he was a Port Mafia executive. Chuuya smirked at a jaw dropped Dazai and continued to take off his pants and soaked underwear. Dazai didn’t notice he was drooling and staring in awe at his not surprisingly long cock. Chuuya walked towards him slowly, running his hand through his soaked red hair back. If that wasn’t enough for Dazai to pitch a tent in his own pants, it was when Chuuya sat on his lap, wrapping his legs around his hips locking him into place. 
“Fuck me…..” Dazai confessed, mouth still agape. Chuuya pushed his shaggy hair back and kissed his forehead gently. 
“Make me then,” He whispered, his breath tickling his hair. Dazai immediately lifted him off his lap like a feather and pressed his body on the mattress. He gave Chuuya no time to respond as he bit his neck and kissed his jawline. Chuuya panted as Dazai tongue traveled down his chest and abs. Chuuya thrusted his body upward to resist moaning from the delightful pleasure he was giving him. He bent his knees as Dazai kissed his inner thighs. Once he was done marking them, he stared straight down, getting a perfect view of his cock. Chuuya’s lips quivered, seeing the way Dazai looked at it, as if he was a starving man who was ready to have the biggest feast of his life. His gaze met with his before the biggest smirk appeared on his perverted face. 
“Will this be enough for you to fuck me my lovely Chuuya?” Chuuya could tell how impatient Dazai was getting, and at this point, he was too. 
“Depends how good you are ,” He challenged, with a cheeky grin. Dazai had a glint in his eyes before proceeding to chug down his length down his throat. Chuuya didn’t bother restraining his moan as Dazai’s mouth slid up and down his dick. Dazai’s tongue made little circular motions around the tip to taunt him a bit. Chuuya grabbed a fistful of his hair to push his mouth down his length again, turning Dazai on even more. Chuuya’s eyes rolled back in lust , gripping his hair tighter and tighter as he felt and heard Dazai’s wet mouth sucking his length faster and faster. A pool of saliva and pre-cum dripped down his balls. Dazai decided to pleasure his partner even more by licking and sucking his testicles. Chuuya had given up trying to swallow his lust and melted into the mattress by his wet touch. As much as Dazai wanted to continue, he too was at his limit. He gave his cock one last suck before swallowing the fluids that lingered and leaked out of his mouth. He wiped his lips, staring at an exhausted Chuuya, whose chest was rising and falling at a steady pace. Dazai made sure to ingrain this moment of his beloved Chuuya, legs spread wide open for only him to enter. His moment of silence was soon seized when Chuuya lifted his head to see Dazai gawking stupidly at his naked body. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his throbbing wet cock. 
“How did I do?” Dazai panted,  about to fall over until Chuuya wrapped his hands around his neck, pulling him into a sloppy kiss. Chuuya rolled him over, not letting go of his lips so that he was now on top of him. Dazai was too distracted by his sudden aggressiveness, he didn’t notice that Chuuya was already removing his top. 
“Your goddamn bandages argh. It’s killing the mood,” He groaned trying to find the end. Dazai chuckled and found it effortlessly, wiggling it in front of him. “Tch. Suicidal maniac,” Just then, he had an idea as he was unraveling his soaked bandages. 
“It’s so much better when you’re doing all the wor-  ahh…” Dazai trembled at Chuuya’s warm lips sucking his neck as the bandages started to loosely fall off, exposing his skin little by little. 
“What was that, BABE?” When he got to his chest, his right nipple came into view, allowing Chuuya to roll the bud around the tip of his tongue, licking and sucking simultaneously. Dazai wrapped his arms around his head, pressing Chuuya’s lips harder into his chest. 
“Keep nngg… going…” Dazai flicked his head back, as Chuuya’s fingers slid down his slender torso. Once Chuuya finished unraveling him, he flipped him roughly on his back, removing the rest of his garments. He pulled his hips towards his entrance, forcing Dazai to kneel, his anus waiting for Chuuya to enter him. Chuuya stroked his cock a couple times before allowing the tip to make contact with his hole. He felt Dazai’s legs quiver, impatiently waiting for him. 
“I don’t think you’re ready for this,” He said arrogantly. 
“I was born ready,” Dazai snapped back, gripping the bedding. And with one push, Chuuya had finally penetrated him. They both roared a moan, as Chuuya’s thrusts got faster. The bed was soaking with their fluids and creaking from Chuuya’s powerful thrusts. Dazai wasn’t giving in, but he wasn’t resisting either. He wanted Chuuya to enter him deeper, so he started to grind against him too, matching with his rhythm. Once Chuuya felt him doing so, he quickened his pace, heaving at every breath. “D-Don’t stop,” Dazai groaned breathlessly, feeling his cock pounding against his insides. 
“Don’t you dare mock me shitty Dazai,” Chuuya grunted, thrusting into him harder until his knees buckled beneath him. Both him and Dazai were at their limit. Before they knew it, one last grind between their bodies, and their cum poured out of them and on the bed. They both moaned tiredly as Chuuya pulled out. They flopped on the mattress like two corpses who were being dumped into a pile of other corpses. 
“That was… the best sex I’ve ever had,” Dazai laughed hoarsely, still trying to catch his breath. Chuuya lying on his right side, having only a view of Dazai’s slim back. 
“No way in hell you weren’t a virgin before this,” Chuuya mocked as Dazai turned his neck to face him. 
“I will not confirm nor deny,” Dazai mumbled, sticking his tongue out. Chuuya chuckled and closed his eyes because he didn’t know how much he could take staring at his beautiful face. Dazai pushed the red stray hairs that framed his face back behind his ear. He leaned closer to him and pressed his lips on his closed eyelids. Then he kissed his nose, cheeks and down the side of his neck. Chuuya opened one eye to see a Dazai closing his eyes lovingly as he pressed his warm lips on his shoulder and left a trail of kisses down his arm. Chuuya wanted to utter something but he wanted him to keep going and he thought his loud mouth would ruin it. His touch was intoxicating and pure, something that he hated and loved about him. He would do anything to not hear Dazai’s yapping mouth but at times like these… he was the only one he wanted in his world. 
“I like this Chuuya…” Dazai said softly, as Chuuya wrapped his arms loosely around his waist and pulled him in so that his head fit snugly in the crook of his neck. Dazai breathed into his collar bone and smelled his addictive scent. 
“I thought I tired you out and yet you’re still talking out of your ass,” He mumbled trying to fall asleep. Dazai’s head popped out of his embrace and snuck a kiss on his nose. 
“I’m never tired of talking to you,” He whispered. Chuuya was too tired to fight back but his heart pounding against his chest was telling him otherwise. He sighed deeply, his breath tickling Dazai’s face. 
“What have you been doing all these years..” Chuuya placed his hand gently on his cheek, rubbing it softly with his thumb. Dazai held the hand on his cheek tightly, without breaking eye contact. 
“Trying to get you out,” 
“Don’t act stupid, Chuuya,” He chuckled pressing their foreheads together. “You’re my partner,” Chuuya’s eyes widened, with a gloss of tears ready to burst once again. 
“Partner my ass,” He muttered, pulling him for another passionate kiss. 
“So, have you made your choice?” Dazai questioned after they parted. 
“Ugh. You gotta give me more time than that. This ain’t an easy decision you just threw at me, idiot,” Chuuya groaned, forcing himself to lie on his side, facing away from him. 
“I know I know. You’re right. I’ll give you more time,” Dazai pulled his body close to him which was pretty easy to do since he was such a lightweight. “But..” He dragged his small figure on top of him and he was quite surprised that Chuuya didn’t throw him out of his own room. Chuuya groggily looked at him as he massaged his head with one hand. “You’re gonna have to stay with me tonight,” He heard a small chuckle coming from the sleepy redhead. 
“You selfish bastard” Chuuya intertwined his fingers with Dazai’s other hand resting on the mattress. “I wouldn’t be able to, even if I tried,” With one last squeeze, he passed out with muffled snores.
“Yup. I’m YOUR selfish bastard,” Dazai muttered softly, giving him one last kiss in his hair before falling asleep with the man who he desperately longed to be by his side and has now achieved. 
Chuuya was the first one to wake up the following morning. His head rose and fell as he was still lying on top of Dazai comfortably. He noticed that they never let go of each other’s hands, in fact, they probably held each other tighter throughout the night. His memories of the night were still a bit distorted but he had a feeling that it was one of the best nights he’s ever had. He tilted his head upwards to get a perfect view of a sleeping Dazai. Chuuya noticed his long eyelashes that shaded his eyes from the sun and the soft snores coming out of his partially opened mouth.
 Chuuya still couldn’t believe how much he loved this man and perhaps how much that man loved him, despite what he did. It terrified Chuuya to the core if this was all part of Dazai’s sick plan to manipulate him, but there’s no way Dazai could hurt him… again…
He didn’t want to overthink about this now. He just wanted to savor the moment for as long as it’ll last. He inched closer to his face and gently placed his lips on top of his. When he parted, a subtle smirk appeared on Dazai’s face. 
“Now THAT’s how you wake up Snow White,” 
“Very funny, asshole,” Chuuya scoffed, removing himself from the bed. Dazai wanted to follow suit but his body betrayed him. Chuuya looked back to see how much Dazai was struggling. “Don’t strain yourself, slick. It’s still pretty early in the morning anyway,” And with that, he left the room in a flash. Dazai groaned in defeat, wrapping himself tighter under the covers. He couldn’t help smiling sheepishly, replaying how sexually intense the night was. He had always wanted to touch him and see him the way no one else did and he still couldn’t get over how much he saw his beloved Chuuya wanting it to. Now more than ever, he wanted to see him everyday after work, make love to him, comfort him and enjoy a simple life even if it was only possible within the confines of their home. 
He pressed the blankets to his nose, smelling the lingering scent of Chuuya. He giggled quietly, blood rushing to his face from pure happiness. “I’m never washing these again,” Before he knew it, he fell right back asleep. 
Some time had passed until Dazai was awakened by the strong aroma of waffles that was coming from his kitchen. He propped himself up and tipping quietly to the door that was opened slightly. He took a peek to see his chibi who was only wearing his briefs and his kitchen apron. His back was completely exposed  and the way he shook his ass casually made Dazai salivate. The only thing that turned him off was his stupid hat perched on his head. 
Dazai went to his closet to throw on a comfy shirt and boxers. He also decided to throw his and Chuuya’s discarded garments in the hamper so he had another excuse to meet up with him after work. 
He sneakily approached Chuuya from behind, and snaked his arms under the apron and around his waist giving him a peck on the cheek. 
“Good morning my lovely- BLERGH!! “ Dazai croaked as he felt Chuuya’s elbow stab in the stomach, sending him to the floor writhing in pain. 
“Don’t sneak up on me again, asshole” Chuuya yelled before walking over him to get to the table. 
“Aa da da da da. I should have expected that. Ugh…” Dazai winced as he got up with the support of the counter. He joined Chuuya at the table who was eating his waffle. 
“This was all I could make from your pigsty of a fridge,” He muttered, pointing to the other waffle, waiting patiently for Dazai. It left a warm fuzzy feeling in his heart that Chuuya made breakfast for him just like old times. 
“I miss your cooking, Chibi~,” Dazai said delightfully, eating every last crumb. Chuuya was a bit on the slower side so he stared at him lovingly and quietly until he finished. Chuuya glanced at him from time to time, trying to focus on eating but getting distracted by his addictive eyes staring into his soul once again. 
“Quit staring at me Dazai,” He grunted. 
“How can I not when you’re practically wearing just an apron and looking like a snack?” 
“Tch!” He hated how much of a smooth talker he was, but he hated that he loved it even more. 
“So…” Dazai took his hand and started sucking on his fingers to taste the residual maple syrup on them. “Did you have time to sleep on it?” Chuuya flinched at Dazai’s mouth, consuming his fingers and feeling his tongue wrap around each of them. 
“Shitty Dazai… you -“ Before he could finish, Dazai grabbed his wrist to pull him on his lap. Chuuya instinctively wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him in for a French kiss. He opened his mouth wide to allow Dazai’s tongue to explore his insides. While doing so, he felt Dazai’s fingers reach behind to untie the apron, leaving his body completely bare. Dazai started a trail of kisses on his neck, and suction cupping his shoulder with his mouth. “You want me to stay with your needy ass so badly huh?” He chuckled at how Dazai’s stray hairs tickled his chest and neck. Dazai paused to look up at the beautiful man perched on him, breathing heavily. 
“I need you Chuuya,” Dazai panted desperately. Chuuya smiled at him dearly and pressed his lips softly on his. 
“Well. It looks like I gotta have a chit chat with the boss then,” He said with a smirk seeing an excited Dazai looking at him like a puppy, something that Chuuya always found endearing. Dazai squeezed him tightly, Chuuya returning the favor. Their snuggle lasted for a few minutes until  they heard their phones buzzing on the couch. They rolled their eyes simultaneously, knowing that their moment alone was coming to an end. 
“I can’t wait to work with you, Chibi,” Dazai snickered, finishing wrapping his bandages. After Chuuya finished putting on his garments, he tippy toed to kiss Dazai on the cheek. 
“Don’t push your luck, Mackerel. I plan on making every day of your life miserable,” This remark only prompted Dazai to pull him in for one last deep kiss before they headed back to reality. Hopefully, a new reality that they both wanted, side by side against the world and remind the city just how powerful Double Black truly is. 
“I’m looking forward to it”
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
There's a Will; There's a Way (Book 3) Chapter Four
Chapter Four: Cannibalism
      (Y/N) paced around the office, frowning in irritation. Everything was going terribly wrong for the Agency. Fukuzawa had been attacked by a mysterious gifted assassin. Now he was in the hospital, suffering from a strange illness. Yosano and Ranpo had tried to figure out whatever they could, but nothing could be discovered. On top of that, (Y/N) had gotten more texts from Fyodor.
[Fyodor]: I know this is not something you would prefer to happen, but for a better world, it must be.
[Fyodor]: The hour approaches for us to meet again, angel. I hope to see you soon.
            (Y/N) did not want to see Fyodor again. She had of course shown them to Dazai, who made the connection to the attack on Fukuzawa, but there was nothing they could do. Now was time to focus on discovering who did this to the president and if they were planning to hurt anyone else around Yokohama.
            “Is it true that the president was attacked?!” cried Atsushi, running in.
            “Unfortunately…” answered (Y/N).
            “He survived, but he’s unconscious and suffering mysterious symptoms,” said Kunikida, “He isn’t improving, even with Doctor Yosano’s abilities.”
            “There have been a lot of similar attacks recently,” said Dazai, leaning back in his chair, “Gifted being attacked at night with no one around to see.”
            “Some have died already,” said (Y/N) sadly.
            “What do we know about the attacker?” asked Kunikida.
            “Only that they use an unknown ability and that they wear a mask,” replied Dazai.
            “A masked assassin,” murmured Kunikida.
            “Of course, the attacker may be dead before we start running around,” said Dazai. He was lying. He knew that if Fyodor was masterminding this, the assassin would remain present in the city. “Atsushi, which organization do you think stands to lose the most if a killer of gifteds were to go in a massacre in town?”
            Atsushi considered for a moment. “The Gifted Special Operations Division?”
“Wrong,” said Dazai, “It’s the Port Mafia. For the Port Mafia, masters of the night, the relentless killing of the gifted on whom their existence depends is an insult akin to having a knife swung around at their nose. If one of the Port Mafia were to fall victim…”
      ��     “Their credibility would suffer,” finished (Y/N).
            “But will they take action before there are any casualties?” asked Kunikida.
            “The first to make a move wins,” said Dazai, “That’s what Mori would always say.” He narrowed his eyes. “I guarantee they will act. They may have even discovered the attacker’s hideout by now.”
            Everybody stayed quiet, pondering what would happen next.
            “Well!” Dazai perked up suddenly, going back to playfulness. “I’m going out!”
            His colleagues sweat-dropped. After going on about how the Port Mafia are out for blood and a gifted-targeting assassin ready to kill, the brunette was suddenly carefree.
            “Are you sure that’s smart…?” asked Atsushi hesitantly.
            Dazai waved a hand nonchalantly. “I’ll be fine. Bye~!” He left the office before any of the baffled detectives could do anything.
            Man… (Y/N) sweat-dropped. Dazai can be really strange… She did find it amusing, however, and smiled to herself. Her smile fell when she got a text. It was the stalker. Her insides twisted in disgust.
[Fyodor]: This may displease you, but it is necessary, angel.
            The president is sick, and yet something else is coming?! thought (Y/N) worriedly, God…how can this get worse? What is going to happen? I don’t want anyone else I care about to get hurt… Unfortunately, (Y/N)’s wish could not come to pass.
            In an isolated alleyway of Yokohama, Dazai walked calmly while wearing an ushanka. He had taken it from where Fyodor had it hidden.
“Is this what you’re looking for?” teased Dazai, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Hey, Demon Fyodor.” He acted playful, but in reality, he was not pleased to be dealing with Fyodor again. If the Russian was in Yokohama, he was undoubtedly an issue for the entire city and all who lived in it. Not to mention, Fyodor would try to take (Y/N) for himself again. Dazai wanted to try to stop that from happening. To make that happen, he’d have to figure out what Fyodor was planning beyond what he’d already done. So, to seem casual, he tossed an apple to himself. He took a bite.
            “It’s you,” said Fyodor. “I haven’t seen you since Mukurotoride.” He smirked, recalling all that had happened during the incident. “I must say, I didn’t exactly miss you. I had hoped you were truly dead. However, you have a habit of evading death while simultaneously seeking it out.”
            “A double-pronged attack that used a masked man as bait,” said Dazai, ignoring Fyodor’s comments and trying to get him onto the topic of his plans. “I expected as much from you, so I took the liberty of figuring out your escape route and waiting.” Dazai shrugged and grinned like this was the most natural thing in the world to think ten steps ahead of everybody else. He pointed to the ushanka he stole. “How do I look?”
            “Terrible,” answered Fyodor simply.
            “Oh, fine. Have it back then,” pouted Dazai, tossing the hat to Fyodor’s feet. As the Russian picked it up, Dazai said, “This has your name written all over it. You tinkered with a poor priest’s head, turned him into an assassin, and had him attack the leaders of two organizations.”
            “And what business do you have with me today?” asked Fyodor. He already knew, of course, but both he and Dazai had a tendency to pretend they were just casually chatting, not toying with each other to get information.
            Dazai smiled with closed eyes, relaxed and confident. “I think I’ll have you tell me what poison you used on my boss and what you’re planning on doing to (Y/N).”
            Fyodor’s eyes darkened.
            “I know what your goal is,” said Dazai, “In order to obtain the Book you need, you’ll purge Yokohama of all its gifted, except (Y/N), of course. But you Rats don’t have the manpower to burn down the entirety of Yokohama the way the Guild did. That’s why you tried to assassinate the heads of the Detective Agency and the Port Mafia.”
            “Why do you think that?” questioned Fyodor.
            “Because that’s what I would do,” said Dazai, smiling and shrugging.
            “So we’re two-of-a-kind, in many ways,” said Fyodor, “Very well. I’ll tell you about your boss.” Dazai’s eyes narrowed when the Russian purposefully omitted information about (Y/N). “The poison I used is a cannibalizing ability. It’s a viral ability belonging to a certain criminal. A miniscule supernatural lifeform grows in maturity in forty-eight hours and eats through the two hosts’ bodies. However, if one of the hosts dies, the ability stops.”
            “To save the president, the only option is to kill the other host, Mori,” murmured Dazai.
            “You’ll have to give up trying to nullify the ability. To try to find the virus hiding within the vital organs and touch it directly is suicidal.” Fyodor smirked cruelly. “What will you do? Will you discuss it with the Port Mafia?” He sighed mournfully and held his ushanka to his heart. “People are sinful and foolish. Even knowing that it’s part of a trap, they can’t help but kill each other. Someone must cleanse them of that sin, thus I seek the Book.”
            “And (Y/N)?” promoted Dazai, determined to try to get information of Fyodor’s plans involving her. “What makes her so important to you?” He was hoping that by approaching the topic as a question of why Fyodor obsessed over (Y/N) instead of a question of his plans would garner results.
            “I’m sure you and I have similar answers,” said Fyodor, eyeing Dazai knowingly.
            Dazai frowned inwardly. Fyodor was more intelligent than most, so of course he saw through Dazai’s act of pretending (Y/N) was just another friend. That wasn’t good…it meant the Russian knew a weakness of Dazai’s. Still, the brunette played dumb. “Similar answers?”
            “We think of her the same way. (Y/N) is the angel to our demon. You may not use the same words, but the idea is the same, isn’t it?” said Fyodor.
            Dazai didn’t want to admit he thought of (Y/N) in any way like Fyodor. However…he understood what Fyodor meant. Dazai was darkness; (Y/N) was light. She was kind and forgiving. She brought beauty and meaning to his life. She was all the good in the world to him. While Dazai begrudgingly admitted there were similarities between his view of (Y/N) and Fyodors, the brunette could proudly say he was not obsessive or cruel. He respected (Y/N)’s independence as an individual and didn’t view her as an object. He would never treat (Y/N) like that. He saw value in her beyond being someone he wished he could be with romantically. “If you call caring for someone as a person the same as desiring them as a trophy ‘similar,’ then yes, we’re the same,” said Dazai coolly, disguising his inner disdain towards Fyodor.
            The Russian smirked. “(Y/N) is not like the foolish sinners most gifted are. She always fights to help the common people. Her motives are pure and good. She truly is an angel on Earth. As such, she needs to be protected from corruption.”
            Dazai scoffed. “You clearly underestimate (Y/N). If you continue to believe she is naïve and innocent, she’ll destroy you. She may not be cruel, but she knows when it isn’t helpful to be overly merciful.”
            “My angel is strong, there is no denying it, but I have to make sure that strength which comes from the urge to help others isn’t defiled by the wickedness and selfishness so many gifted demonstrate, especially sins such as yours,” said Fyodor disdainfully. “You don’t deserve her,” he spat, his anger getting the best of him. He clearly disliked how close Dazai and (Y/N) were. Fyodor closed his eyes for a moment and then smiled cruelly. He held up his ushanka. “I will be taking my angel, and you won’t be there this time.”
            A shot rang out. It pierced Dazai through the chest. He coughed up blood and fell to the ground. The apple fell out of his hand, rolling to Fyodor’s feet.
            Dazai felt the pain rushing through him. A sniper… He predicted my actions, too.
            “I directed him not to shoot your vital organs,” said Fyodor, “I need you to carry out your role to report the conflict with the Port Mafia, and I don’t want my angel to be mourning for your loss. To have her thinking of you would be…unfortunate.” It was obvious he meant “disgusting.” He wanted (Y/N) for himself and disliked having Dazai having a connection with her. Content with his plan working out, Fyodor strolled past the brunette’s body.
            “People may be sinful, and I may be one of the worst…” said Dazai, shakily pushing himself up.
            Fyodor looked back at him questioningly.
            “But…” Dazai looked up at Fyodor with a smirk. “That doesn’t mean they can’t do good. So watch out. I’ll save (Y/N). No matter where you run and hide, I will find her, and I will free her.” He allowed himself to be severely hurt for information, yes, but that did not mean he would let go of (Y/N) easily.
            Fyodor’s eyes narrowed before he smiled in realization. “You knew about the sniper, didn’t you? You came here knowing that, in order to obtain information. I suppose that explains why (Y/N) seems so…distracted by you. You are quite interesting.”
            “What a compliment,” said Dazai, struggling to his feet. He smirked and looked at Fyodor, attempting to get information one last time. “The Book is a single-volume novel. A piece of literature wherein whatever is written becomes reality.”
            “Yes. I’ll be using that book to create a world without sin…Without gifted,” stated Fyodor.
            “I thought you were planning on sparing (Y/N),” said Dazai. That type of power in the hands of someone like him would be dangerous…
            “Take away a gift…someone isn’t gifted anymore,” said Fyodor simply. He was implying that he would use the Book to remove (Y/N)’s ability. Then, in his twisted mind, she would be even more “pure” than he thought she already was.
            “Go ahead. Give it a try,” challenged Dazai darkly.
            Fyodor’s eyes narrowed, and he was about to respond when a female voice rang out.
            “Dazai! Dazai!” It was (Y/N). She was looking for him.
            Don’t come yet… thought Dazai. He’s still here. His eyes widened minutely.
            “Don’t worry,” said Fyodor. “I’m not taking her next. She has to save you before I can do that.” He turned and began walking away as footsteps echoed down the alley. “Well, then, we’ll meet again in the promised land.”
            Dazai tried to smirk and say something witty, but instead, the blood loss got to him. He collapsed to the ground. As he lay bleeding out, (Y/N) appeared from around the corner.
            “Dazai!” cried (Y/N). She was horrified to find him laying in his own blood in the alleyway. She rushed to his side. Carefully, (Y/N) checked for a pulse to ensure Dazai was alive. She sighed in relief when she found he was. Opening her phone, she rang for an ambulance. Yosano wouldn’t be able to use her ability for Dazai since his own gift would cancel hers out.
            Dazai could feel his eyes closing as (Y/N)’s hand rested on his cheek. He couldn’t tell if he was losing consciousness from the comfortable feeling she gave him or from the injury. Delirious from lack of blood, Dazai smiled and tried to burrow further into her hand. “Warm…”
            “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say,” said (Y/N), not really paying attention while she put pressure on the wound. “Stay with me, Dazai…”
            “I’ll try for you…but I dunno…how long I can. I’m tired…” complained Dazai, his words slurring as his vision unfocused.
            Sirens could be heard, and footsteps drew closer.
            “There! The ambulance is here,” said (Y/N). She leaned her forehead against Dazai’s and murmured, “You’re going to be okay…”
            “You’re here…so of course I will be,” As the blood loss got to his head, the brunette’s control on his emotions slipped away. “Don’t leave me…I’m here because you are…Without you…who knows what I’d do…”
            Before (Y/N) could ask what he meant, the paramedics arrived. They loaded Dazai onto a stretcher and wheeled him to the ambulance. (Y/N) followed them into the vehicle, accompanying Dazai. As they drove through the city, (Y/N) held his hand. It was probably more of a comfort to her than it was to him, if she was honest.
            At the hospital, he was rushed through the halls. (Y/N) was about to be locked out of the surgery room, but Dazai had regained his wits and ordered them to let him speak to her first.
            “Make this quick, Dazai, you need to get to surgery,” said (Y/N), concerned for his health.
            The bandaged man rolled his eyes. “I’m stable enough for a couple minutes. And I have important information you need to relay to the rest of the Agency. I need you to go immediately to tell them.” He was serious. “I know you want to make sure my operation goes well, but I need you to take care of business, do you understand?”
            “…Alright,” said (Y/N), nodding. She wasn’t pleased, but she knew from Dazai’s tone there was something important was happening.
            “The president is being affected by a cannibalizing ability. It has also been used on Mori, the Port Mafia’s boss. It will kill both of them unless the gifted deactivates their ability or…if one of the two are killed. Then, the one still alive will survive.” Dazai clearly explained the unfortunate situation.
            (Y/N) frowned in worry. This was a concerning issue. The Port Mafia and Detective Agency were being pitted against each other. Such a battle would cause havoc and bloodshed.
            “Go and explain this to our friends.” Dazai coughed, and the nurses came to roll him into the operation room. “Now!”
            “I will…” said (Y/N). She squeezed his hand one last time before hurrying away, looking back for a moment to see the doors closing behind Dazai.
            “A cannibalizing ability affecting the president and the Port Mafia’s boss…” murmured Kunikida, deep in thought.
            (Y/N) had explained the situation to her colleagues. With the new information, Yosano conducted another examination of Fukuzawa.
            “Yes…and we have no idea who uses it, meaning they could strike again,” said (Y/N).
            Jun’ichiro scowled. “I wish we had answers…”
            “Here comes Dr. Yosano, perhaps she has more information now,” said (Y/N), looking to where the woman was approaching.
            “The president’s examination is finished,” she said gravely. Evidently, there was very little good news. “It sounds like the enemy’s warning was true. The ability is draining the life out of him. I’m not sure whether he’ll regain consciousness or not.”
            “So it was true,” said Kunikida, frowning.
            “Let’s save the president, Kunikida, (Y/N)!” cried Jun’ichiro forcefully. “Let’s kill the Port Mafia’s boss! That’s the only way!”
            “Jun’ichiro!” said (Y/N) in a harsh, reprimanding tone.
            “It’s true that we absolutely must prevent the president’s death,” admitted Kunikida. “But…Dazai is currently undergoing surgery for the bullet wound at another hospital.”
            “Kunikida!” implored Jun’ichiro.
            “Dr. Yosano, where is Ranpo?” asked Kunikida.
            “He was devastated,” said Yosano, “He’s still with the president.”
            “Who can blame him,” said (Y/N). She knew that Fukazawa and Ranpo had a close relationship. They were like father and son.
            “This is bad!” cried Atsushi, arriving on the scene suddenly. “The Port Mafia has surrounded the building!”
            Not good. (Y/N) frowned and narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, the lights went out. The power had been cut.
            “They’re already here?” muttered Kunikida.
            “They’re holding the front and back entrances,” said Atsushi.
            “A well-rounded strategy,” said (Y/N).
            “They are the masters of raids and killing,” said Yosano.
            “What’s our plan, Kunikida?” (Y/N) turned to him questioningly. There was no doubt in her mind that he was who should lead them while Fukuzawa was sick.
            Kunikida looked down at his notebook, thinking deeply. Undoubtedly, he was reviewing all the information he possessed and weighing the consequences of different approaches. His hands began to tremble.
            “Stay calm, Kunikida,” commanded Ranpo’s clear voice. He had arrived to do business. “You call yourself the president’s apprentice?”
            “Ranpo…” said Yosano, “Are you alright?”
            “The president told us to get a grip,” said Ranpo.
            “He’s awake?” asked (Y/N).
            “No,” stated Ranpo, “But I could hear him.” He pointed to Kunikida. “Give us our orders, Acting President.” Kunikida looked at him, surprised. “I’ll deduce any information we need,” said Ranpo.”
            Kunikida looked at him seriously and nodded. “Alright, I know what we need to do. Junichiro.” The redhead stood at attention. “This relies on you taking a risk. Will you do so for the Agency and the President?”
            “Of course,” said Jun’ichiro.
            “Then listen up. I have a plan.”
            (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and smirked. Alright…let’s go up against the mastermind: head on. We won’t be used like puppets.
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moririki · 3 years
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it's rare for the second-year catcher to find his emotions getting the best of him
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CONTAINS -> needy miyuki bc i have an agenda, just some plain ol' short and sweet fluff, you call him pretty boy :)), spoilers for like the end of season 1 think?, ooc miyuki asf
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> head empty just pretty boy catcher <3
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MIYUKI KAZUYA WAS ALWAYS A LITTLE EMOTIONALLY DISTANT. whether just by being closed off or always insisting on letting himself be along by the end of the day, he had always held people at an arm's distance.
of course, these meticulousy constructed preconceptions had all been knocked down when it came to you. through some persistence on your side, you had weaseled your way into claiming your stake in the catcher's heart.
friday nights were no longer a time spent alone, but the designated date night for you and him. instead of bottling up what bothered him until it went away he found a new solace in you. when he needed something to pick him up when life got a little too much to handle, you were the perfect person for it. and with the week that he had been having, this would be one for the books.
his team had lost to inashiro at the finals. he'd been made the new team captain. his exams were coming up. there were so many stresses piling up, and he could only shoulder so many before the weight began to crush him. miyuki was exhausted, not that he would ever outwardly admit it to anyone.
he had been looking forward all week to receiving the text from you that told him you're outside his dorm on a friday evening, ready to kill a few hours with him. while there were the occasional more active dates like ones to the arcade or spent hiking, judging by your outfit of miyuki's baggiest hoodie and sweatpants the plans for tonight would be bound to staying indoors.
in fairness to miyuki, he was very collected and refrained from revealing just how exhausted he was until the door had fully closed behind you and just left the two of you in his dorm. as soon as the door clicked shut behind you and you sat yourself down on miyuki's mattress, your boyfriend was on you.
you had your arms wide open for him before he even turned to face you. as much as he had insisted on pretending that everything was fine, you didn't miss the eyebags that darkened his face or the way his eyes didn't look as bright.
miyuki was quick to melt into your embrace, his face pressing into the side of your neck as his arms found purchase wrapped aroud your torso. the boy pulled you close to him, simultaneously guiding you down so that you rested with your head against his pillow. miyuki followed you down, not hesitating to let his full weight press down on you as he let out a long sigh of satisfaction. you only hummed, squeezing him back as you both got comfortable.
"what's up, pretty boy?"
"nothing," miyuki responded, voice muffled by your skin. there had once been a time where your boyfriend would only scoff at your nickname for him, but now it never failed to make his eyes light up as you called him it. you only hoped that it could also lighten the burdens of the week as your boyfriend appeared to properly relax for the first time in a while.
you knew he was too proud, and a bit too tired, to really talk about what bothered him so you just let your boyfriend rest for now. you guided his face out of its hiding spot, cupping it with a hand before deftly removing his glasses for him. you finished it with a sweet kiss to his forehead, watching as a sleepy smile spread across miyuki's face at the action. you placed the now-folded glasses on the table next to miyuki's bed before returning all of your attention to him, specifically focusing on his hair. your hands continued their movement, combing through his hair in lazy strokes that had him sighing again, your bodies melding together once more.
"looks like tonight's a nap date, huh?" you giggled. you were only met with a hum as a response from miyuki. you scoffed as you continued your ministrations, noting just how effective playing with his hair seemed to be. "in that case, let me set an alarm real quick, kazu." your hand left his hair and you wiggled out from underneath him in order to grab your phone which you had shoved into one of your pockets. you didn't exactly expect miyuki to be elated about the loss of contact, but what you weren't expecting of your boyfriend was for him to let out a whine.
you blinked at the sound, amazed that the guy who had always been so cool and collected was now reaching such extremes like whining when you ceased to play with his hair for a few seconds. he peeked up at you, lower half of his face obscured as you felt his arm tighten around you once again.
"sleep over? please?" your hand smoothed back his hair, and you shuffled down a little so you were now face to face with miyuki.
"what about your roommates?" miyuki just shook his head, a small smile quirking on his lips.
"i don't care if they see." you nodded, opening your arms once again and peppering kisses to the side of his face as soon as he got close enough.
"ok then, pretty boy. go to sleep."
that was all miyuki needed to hear, and with the small patterns you traced into his back he was quick to be lulled into unconsciousness.
"love you, kazu."
"mm, i love you too."
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take a look at the menu - ,, 🤍 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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♡〜hey is it possible to request a nsfw (making out) hc scenario for kyoya from ohshc x male reader, where they get caught making out in the club room by the rest of the host club?〜♡
Kyoya Ootori x male reader
Kyoya would never let this happen but for the sake of fic let’s go. Honestly, I don’t want to write a full making out scene atm so..
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 730
Warnings: making out
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“(y/n)...” Kyoya breaths out. His tone tells you he wants you to stop, but his hands push your head further against his neck.
“Yes?” You know consent is important, so you pull away from him; a little part of you did so because you wanted to see the marks on his neck.
“You know I put time away for moments like these.” God, he has a schedule for anything. If it’s not a schedule, it’s a vague yet coherent thought of what he wants to do after doing this other thing. He gives you a look, while he meant it to tell you that you should stop, it tells you the opposite. He wants you to continue, but he still thinks you shouldn’t.
“These moments,” You take his hands in yours, hoping it changes his mind; that is for planning out ahead for certain things such as these. “are not meant to be scheduled.”
“Alright.” You’re about to question what ‘alright’ means when he brings you in for a kiss.
Making out - spontaneously - had always been this way with him. He gets lost in it for a second, then tells you that you should reconsider the moment and finally gives in to his urges.
Though they’d never gotten interrupted before.
“Yo Kyoya!” Hikaru stumbles into the backroom rather loudly. It was clear he was looking for him. “You’ve been taking a long time in here.”
Soon enough, he rounds the corner and finds you just about pulling away from each other. Not that the action would have mattered anyway, since the hickeys, disheveled hair and swollen lips would’ve given it away.
“Ha.” He lets out a weird laugh that sounds sorta sarcastic but then bursts out laughing. In the blink of an eye, he runs out of the backroom, screaming, “GUYS YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!” He’s back in a matter of seconds.
Kyoya can do nothing but fix his hair with a comb he got out of nowhere and accept his fate; he offers you the comb when he’s done. For a man that is about to suffer, he’s awfully calm.
“What is it?” Tamaki is the first in the room. Obviously with Hikaru hollering that loud, there had to be something interesting back here. The king looks like he’d ran over here.
When his eyes land on the two of you, he gasps dramatically; then again, he does everything dramatically. “Mommy, what are you doing here?! Who is this man?!” He knows the fact that you're dating very well.
“I’m sorry but we’re getting a divorce.” Kyoya plays along. You gotta entertain Tamaki or else bad things happen.
“I heard divorce!” Next is Kaoru, who jogs in. He stares at you two before he looks at the fake-sobbing king. “Mom and dad are getting a divorce? Absolutely preposterous.” It’s sarcastic, you can tell.
“What?” Honey walks in, closely followed by Mori. Mori, as always, is nonchalant; though he seems to smile a little at the situation. “Does that mean no more cakes?”
“Well, the funding all came from me,” Kyoya states, which seems to make Tamaki sob louder. “but it’s most likely that custody will fall onto me.”
“What is this, roleplay?” Haruhi looks tired, though you can really blame her. This club and its energetic members are utterly exhausting at times. Everyone looks at her, expecting her to cooperate; which miraculously, she does.
“Alright,” She sighs. “Who’s our new dad?”
“What do you mean who’s ‘our new dad’?!” Tamaki shrieks, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her. “You’re my daughter! You’re staying in my custody!”
“By the way you’re grabbing her, I don’t think so.” Kyoya says, reading from a manila file folder he’d brandished out of nowhere. Peeking over his shoulder, you can see that they’re papers about the club, but you know that they’re pretending they’re something like divorce papers.
“Yeah, ex-dad!” Kaoru chimes in, pointing his finger at Tamaki as if he were making a Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney accusation. You’re not sure if ‘ex-dad’ is a word though.
“Stop grabbing our sister like that!” Hikaru continues. He, quite roughly, pulls Haruhi away from Tamaki’s grasp like a ragdoll; though she looks like she’s used to it.
“Anyway, who’s our new dad?” Honey asks.
“Him, of course.” Kyoya points his thumb in your direction. 
You’ve never felt so betrayed in your life.
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