#if there is anything better than old men yaoi
iwantflyingpigs · 7 months
what is old men yaoi? and why fukufuku is the best?
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just look at this- like?! do you see? the expressions?? fukuzawa at the end of the chapter??? his face??? his pain????
apart from these two tearing my heart to pieces;
what's up with fyodor getting himself caught on purpose🤨? also, lord bram the cunt, ugh😌
and hey- HEY!! uhm.. so just curious; WHY DIDN'T FUKUZAWA IMAGINED DAZAI IN HIS MIND WHEN HE THINKS ABOUT ADA🙂?hello?! haha
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its-crisps · 4 months
thinking abt old men #2 and #3 bludgeoning each other to death w/ their mobility aids..... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Dream's son is getting married, and to deal with the impending emotions of seeing his ex wife, Dream has a one night stand with a brown-eyed hottie he picked up in a bar. Shenanigans Twist --- Dream unintentionally slept with the father if the bride. Well, he intended to wreck the hot guy he met at the bar, he just didn't know it was the father of the bride. 🤷🏽
Listen, Dream has been estranged from his family for longer than he would care to admit, and longer than he likes. But he has been working on himself and his relationship with his son. So when Orpheus told him he was getting married, Dream had already met the lovely young woman with the fabulous smile, sweet face and friendly brown eyes. She was great and seemed to really love Orpheus; and Dream was pleased that his relationship with Orpheus had gotten better to the point where he was invited to the wedding in joy and not rancor.
Still, Dream hadn't spoken to Calliope in years and their parting was bad. He's not sure how he will deal with seeing her again (he heard she was happy now with someone). He doesn't want to make a scene at the wedding,,,,but argh!
So instead of going straight to his room at the wedding hotel, he stops off at a bar in the area. He didn’t mean, necessarily, to pick someone up, but he got to talking with a surprisingly hot (for the dive bar they were in) guy at the bar. One flirty thing lead to another and Dream and "Hob" spent hours blowing each others backs out.
And Dream didn't want to run out on the gorgeous man with the fantastic ass, but his first alarm didn't go off. His 2nd alarm gave him just enough time to get cleaned up for the Meet the Parents Wedding brunch.
Dream didn't feel so bad that he was running a few minutes late to brunch, the father of the bride was running later. What Dream did wind up feeling bad about was ......... hot ass bar guy was the bride's father, and he could only just barely cover all the hickies Dream littered his neck with --- (Oh, sh*t! He looks mauled. 🤦🏽).
When Robert "Hob" Gadling and Dream are finally, formally, introduced,,, Dream only hopes people don't realize why they are so awkward..... And why they keep ducking out together,,,,to the men's room, to the coat closet (pay no attention to their puff lips).
Ooo, yes!! Fem!Robyn and Orpheus are just out here trying to have ONE day that's all about them... alas the old man yaoi is happening whether they like it or not.
Hob comes into the "meet the parents" thing half an hour late - he's still adjusting his tie to try and hide those hickies, to no avail. Robyn rolls her eyes and teases her dad for being such a whore - all friendly banter, but Hob is blushing so hard as he inevitably makes eye contact with Dream across the room. He's trying so hard to do his fatherly duties, knowing that Robyn needs him to be extra supportive because she's missing her mum so much. But when he and Dream shake hands he's pretty sure that he whimpers. It's going to be a struggle not to trip over when he walks Robyn down the aisle, when he knows that Dream is watching.
Of course Calliope deduced the whole hookup situation within 2 minutes and is laughing her ass off at her dumbass ex husband. In her opinion, Orpheus and his bride are obviously the priority, but why shouldn't these 2 sad old dads have a bit of fun too? At the reception she practically shooes them both into a private room so they can "talk". They come out just in time for the speeches, both of them sweating and rosy cheeked, and Hob’s hand stays tucked into Dream’s back pocket for the rest of the night.
At least Orpheus seems pleased that Dream managed to smile on the photographs! Even if it did have more to do with several good orgasms than anything else...
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kaliido-s · 1 year
Well, the kaiju ship I ship most is Mothollante, but everyone’s already given their thoughts on that so yeah. Has a lot of the pros of Mothzilla with few of the cons, as well as the wonderful aesthetic of a genetically-engineered abomination and a goddess of nature. There’s also the obligatory puns about flowers and butterflies, and Mothra-based hurt/comfort and fluff which is one of my favorite kaiju fan plots.
Mothzilla’s… alright when handled in a certain way, but it’s a “the ship is fine but why is it everywhere” type of thing. And with the MonsterVerse especially, their relationship is better if it’s platonic. All in all, I don’t really ship it, unless a particular person’s take leans to the “humanity’s sins and nature’s virtues” aspect of both of them.
Gong’s pretty good. Tired old men being tired together.
Rodorah’s pure arson and anarchy and I value it for that, but no way is that dynamic anything approaching healthy. I ship it for the lolz.
I’ve jokingly shipped Legion from Gamera and Destroyah together before. Two big buff arthropod ladies.
Angzilla has the same benefits as Gong, really, but with more Showa craziness. I find Kongzillra to be a funny threesome, esp. because GvK would have been over in ten minutes if Mothra was there to slap some sense into Goji, to calm Kong down, and to alert the humans to Mechagoji/Ghidorah.
2MUTO is the kaiju ship I like second most, it gets points for being the only canon kaiju couple I can think of outside of the two OG Rodans, and also because I just love the MUTOs in general. Fr though, those two bugs were so sweet together, and I do think they had as much if not more chemistry than the human leads. Anyone who says that Femuto would have committed mate cannibalism on Hokmuto can face my wrath. MUTOs are clearly designed to fight, hunt, and live in pairs (therefore it makes no sense for her to kill and eat him), and it’s entirely possible they’re like crocodilians (i.e. female raises the kids and protects the nest, male brings her and the wittle babies food. Babies stay with the parents for several years until they can live on their own, and may stay within the parents’ territory for several more years. But now I’m going on one of my MUTO ecology headcanon rambles again…)
That’s all I can think of for now, have fun with these and have a nice day!
ooh this is a long one
- I think the funny thing about the hurt/comfort fluff is I only really like it with the Heisei Mothra. For some reason, maybe because she starts out as a larva, she always seemed a bit less like a goddess to me and more like a really caring person just fighting for what they love. While I read other Mothras as more closed off and unsure in social situations because of their attachment to world peace, Heisei Mothra feels more sociable and peppy, and thus capable of committed relationships
- continuing that, Mothzilla I have never really been a fan of, and I think Goji and Mothra being friends is far more interesting. They care so much and mean so much to each other, but it’s because they value their friendship, and neither of them have really had a relationship like that before. They started off as a business relationship and got closer over time, and I think their friendship is very sweet.
- Kongzilla is (usually) very relaxed old man yaoi and I like that a lot
- If you read my other previous ask about Rodorah, you’ll know how I feel about it. Very wacky very goofy very arson.
- Y’know what, I totally think Legion could get it. She’s pulled tons of arthropod ladies before.
- Again, relaxed old man yaoi, I like that a lot. For them it’s way more like, they’ve been friends for so long and have only gotten closer over time, and everyone’s wondering whether they’re official or not, and maybe they won’t say it out loud cause they don’t want the attention, but they are.
- I had a pretty brief Kongzillra phase and that was pretty fun. Mostly used for laughs and silly shipping dynamics where there’s no bad blood. They’re a power throuple.
- The MUTOs are so cute to me, the part where they meet each other in Chinatown, call to each other, nuzzle, and sync up their vocalizations when they kiss lives in my head rent free. It’s too bad Godzilla hates straight romance, because they were a very adorable and committed couple. (I also would be super into any MUTO ecology posts if you’re offering)
(this clip. this clip right here. the sound design, the cuteness, chefs kiss.)
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brokenjardaantech · 10 months
a very un-professional analysis of whispers in the walls' soundtrack because i think they deserve a special mention
my feelings after completing whispers in the walls (spoilers hidden below)
ik a lot of people have already screamed about old men yaoi so i won't repeat that here and instead scream about the soundtrack. my memories are fussy so pardon me if i get anything wrong and feel free to correct me in the comments/reblogs.
don't get me wrong, warframe has always (to me, at least) had a dang good soundtrack. from the new war's 'F - C - G A♭ B♭' and the obvious mockery/corruption of 'we all lift togther' into 'for narmer', to the terrifying screams of the angels of zariman, then to the tranquility and peace of drifter's intrinsics, and finally to the wailing operatic(?) soprano of the orowyrm fight. DE knows how to use music to facilitate storytelling.
whispers in the walls is no exception.
the login music being the same as the music played when you first step foot into loid's laboratory? the sense of mystery and meloncholy behind the notes and the vocals? (i would dare say, as if it is loid's lament?) the throat singing in the combat music obviously connecting the murmur to the man in the wall? the this is what you are leitmotif playing when the operator is forcefully transferenced out of their warframe? magnificent. but not just these.
you know how, towards the end of the quest, the operator transferences into the vessel(?) in the lab and reaches out for the other vessel (i presume to be inhabited by the man in the wall)? and when the vessel in the lab touches the other vessel's face i.e. when the qte is done, the music suddenly changes from the combat music to the lab's theme? the lab's theme which, to me, sounds like loid's sorrows? the gestures of the vessels are the exact mirror of the very first cutscene of the quest. in the initial cutscene, it was albrecht caressing loid's cheek and loid leaning into his touch; with the vessels, it is the vessel in the lab caressing the invading vessel's. and you can kind of see the moment the invading vessel no longer carries the man in the wall but albrecht himself: when the vessel's face changed from anger to disbelief, then to the obvious relief as he leans into the lab vessel's touch. that's when they hit us with the harmony, the second voice that is distinct from the original one from the login theme or loid's lab, weaving the notes together with the original as the invading vessel finally closes his eyes and rests. loid and albrecht seeing - or at least feeling - their love for each other again after albrecht's departure since void-knows-how-long. also, the fact that the voices are singing together in the last line(?) of the soundtrack, and the camera is focused on loid, the man himself? (like he finally, at long last, got the final piece of the puzzle and realise that albrecht truly loves him back and wants to be with him?) i don't have words for the emotions sweeping through me apart from quietly sobbing and screaming into a pillow. i would say 'beautiful' but it's far more than that. it feels intimate; the sadness is still there because albrecht is still gone, but i feel like there's also hope that just one day, albrecht will break through, and he can go back to this world without threatening loid with the presence of the man in the wall.
a person with proper musical training can probably analyse the soundtrack much better than me. probably. but even without it, the way warframe utilises their soundtrack as part of the storytelling and play with our heartstrings - and not just to pump our blood during combat - is marvellous. i would even say that without the soundtrack being composed and arranged like this, the emotional impact of the quest wouldn't have been the same, so bravo + standing applause + thundering footsteps for those who worked on the soundtrack, and extra applause for the people in charge of the vocals. the soundtrack is a work of art.
and DE please release the soundtrack soon please i'm begging you. you bet i'll be looping the shit out of it in my orbiter.
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animentality · 8 months
Hello, my most favorite Durgetash connoisseur,
I have one question - what age do you think Gortash is? (If this was already answered I apologize.)
It's hard to picture him anything under 45, and I saw some fanmade timelines but the numbers didn't seem very reliable.
I guess that all his stress and exhaustion and mourning could add five years or even more to his appearance, and there is also the fact that in fantasy political setting "young" could easily mean 50. Then his questionable posters, which are inaccurate for reasons, but still...
So despite the fact that he looks like a well maintained racoon, I can't be objective. I mean... I like my villains older, so there is that, but I'm also very puzzled about Enver and his canon age. I desperatedly need another opinion and/or any of your wisdom.
Have a good day and thank you!
I have seen people who speculate he's forty, and I think he's at least 40, if not closer to 50.
Now I personally side with you. I love old ass men.
Gortash being 60 is not a problem for meeeeeeee.
Old man yaoi is the best yaoi.
But. BUT.
I know the Dark Urge is at least 40. And I suspect Gortash is younger than them.
So I'm going with a healthy 44.
Closer to 40 than 50, but still trying to cling desperately to his youth.
He'd buy a Maserati to cope with his mid life crisis.
Or to feel better about his wife passing, I don't know.
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cosmos-philia · 6 months
So expect more of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z here, including me posting more often. I've been more on Twitter due to my political engagement, but I'm in serious need of a temporary break from the news altogether.
I'm really autistic, so it wouldn't surprise most people I was completely unaware of the Goku x Vegeta pairing. I mean, as a shipper myself, I imagined people were also finding ways to write yaoi in DBZ, but I didn't see anything remotely queer during my infancy, opposite from shows like Sakura Card Captor, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya (my first yaoi pairing was Shun x Hyoga), and even YuYu Hakusho (remember Hiei x Kurama?) - those are among my favorites from that time.
After the sad, major news from these last few weeks, I've come in contact with screens from newer series, edits from the old ones, and new fanarts and commentary, especially the humorous ones, containing a queer reading of the series.
As the show is targeted at cis, white, heterosexual men and boys (not even disputing it), surely I expect people not to grasp queerness out of this quickly. However, if we consider most of western and eastern medias through time were engulfed in misogynistic treatment of women, it's no wonder homoeroticism in shades of grey is depicted and it is also a possible interpretation based on an unconscious delivery by the author.
The icing on the cake was when I discovered DBZ is found within the "Enemies to Lovers" section in one of the many streaming services out there. Of course they are indirectly mentioning Goku and Vegeta.
Man. How. Did. I. Not. See. It. Then???
Kakavege is an integral piece of the narrative as much as Goku x Bulma friendship, Goku's gentleness and love for mankind, and the friendship and familial bonds established post conflict resolutions.
I just loved the invented ship's name. Way better not to confuse people when we consider talking about fusions, even though they are also more evidence to the shipping - and all.
Kakavege is so in character, important narrative-wise, and good for their developments later on the series! They were also predecessors of many ships I deeply love, even more than Kakavege, such as Zukaang (Zuko and Aang). They are old queens indeed, and I'm gonna prove it. Hahaha.
The fan works of this pairing are surprising me positively! I'm thrilled.
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mintbees · 6 months
What do you play as in BG3? Could you share a little bit about your character?
oh my bg3 character is kind of "boring" in that sense since im playing as my dnd character Misko! He's a thiefling rogue who in the campaign is a charisma based arcane rogue but bg3 doesnt let u do that so im just a regular ole rogue. He's a nosy dumbass who loves to talk to everyone and its why ive had half the camp confess their love to him so far. I'm romancing astarion because personally a mean sassy twink is excactly my type (not to say astarion isnt miskos type, he is.) but misko would absolutely fold for Halsin in .2 seconds because his type is Big Strong Men with long hair
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^^ miskos husband (Parun) and his former toxic yaoi situationship (finnigan) for example. My personal beef with bg3 is that the face selection is super limited and none of the faces even remotely looked like Misko. The fact there isnt a hooked nose option larian studios when i Get You
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The horns i get theyre super weird theyre not gonna be in any character creator i get that but that face. that is NOT my boy.
I made the dream guardian Finnigan rather than Parun because i knew going in that the dream guardian would be a manipulative fuck so it fit better. And coincidentally making an accurate finnigan in the character creater took less than a minute
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I'll explain as brief as i can that Misko has total amnesia of his life before he woke up in a forest where finnigan found him and finnigan took advantage of how gullible and kind misko was. Putting him in an emotionally manipulative "relationship" where he was fully dependent on finnigan and was discouraged from finding anything out about his past lives. Making the emperor mask as finnigan just felt a natural choice ykno? Misko is a mostly goodie two shoes character but he has crazy intimidation stats and isnt afraid to use them if you get on his nerves. He's like a crusty white dog that old ladies have. There's also Desmond.
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My friend desmond is playing along to help me through the game and he is playing the most evil looking twink ive ever seen. A few days ago he ran off to do a "side quest" for 10 minutes while i was buying outfits and when i checked in on him he was doing a ritual in a blood pool for the god Bhaal? Normal things. Misko thinks hes cool though
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whenthechickencry · 6 months
Angel of 17 Years / East Shi-44a
Released after Episode 8
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We start with some people excitedly waiting in line, including "Battler Absolute Bottom"
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Then cut to Ange and Virgilia being together in a hotel room, excited about how many copies they sold of their Umineko yaoi.
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To be honest, the concept of Umineko Yaoi is kind of funny to me... I can't think of many m/m ships in Umineko that I would personally consider as very exciting or interesting.
I guess they are not allowed to say Touhou in the console releases.
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Ange and Virgilia start discussing about which pairings to include next time, hey I was just thinking I can't think of many yaoi pairings here. Please enlighten me here.
Ok well, I guess that's obvious, I am stupid.
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I guess Kinzo having similar dynamics as George had with Shannon is something that you already saw in the main arcs....
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Ange disagrees with Virgilia's vision and instead writes Kinzo as the bottom.
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Ange doesn't like old man yaoi.
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Virgilia brings up Gohda x Kanon which is certainly not something I had ever given up a single thought about. They get into the same issue of who should be the top vs bottom. Thank you for your insight Ange.
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They both talk about how they are into Will x Battler, which, sure. Better than Gohda x Kanon, I guess.
Then they go into Will x Lion and then they argue about who is the top and bottom and about whether old men can be hot.
Ok well, I wasn't expecting that ok.
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After a disaster conversation about who should cuck who in this scenario, they move unto... Hideyoshi x Battler
Virgilia tries to get Ange into top battler by... doing Battler x Black Battler. Ange complains about old men as Virgilia gives more ship ideas and like, I feel if you were to be into Umineko yaoi you would have to be into old men?
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Ange and Virgilia decide to stop being co-writers.
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Oh no I haven't read Higanbana, I will probably not get anything of what's about to happen.
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They made little chibis for this.
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This one had a lot of unfunny jokes and a lot of jokes I didn't get but it had some funny screenshots so who can say if it's bad or not. The wiki page for this arc is funny because it dedicates all the notes to doing things like explaining what a bottom and what a shota is.
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
If you could make a few changes to Dream Daddy to make it more to your tastes, what would they be?
I take it that scrapping the whole concept and starting from the beginning would constitute more than "a few" changes? All the characters being literal fathers, with so much time devoted to their relationships with their children, is downright weird in what is supposed to be a dating sim, and dad jokes absolutely cannot carry an entire script and get old very fast. I also hate the Dadsona as a concept, and find that customizable main characters sharply limit what can be done with them (including sex scenes). However, if I had to stick to those parameters, and also avoid any explicit content lest it no longer be safe for social media:
Get rid of at least some of the child characters. Maybe one or two of the love interests can still have children for extra development or whatever, but they don't all need them. As much as I don't care for Amanda or for how the game uses her to fill in time that would be better suited to giving the Dadsona a personality beyond bad puns, I imagine she'd have to stay to preserve the theming.
Most of the minigames can be removed, as they add nothing whatsoever to the experience beyond tedium. Brian's route will need to be completely rewritten to not revolve around gimmicky minigame set pieces as much as it does, and to actually feel romantic. Given his physique, he'd be a good opportunity to have the game discuss what "daddy" actually means to queer men, and how Brian feels about that as a part of his relationship with the Dadsona.
Damien needs to be trans beyond the single missable line of dialogue. There are multiple angles to work that in and still keep his Victorian cosplayer who's secretly a boring IT guy characterization. Maybe cosplaying and feeling like he was born in the wrong century got him realizing some things, maybe his love of yaoi fanfiction had something to do with it...just something. Also, while we can't do anything explicit, those ending pinups could stand to be a bit spicier all around. Let Damian show off one of the binders he talks about!
Robert and Joseph's routes should not punish the player for pursuing sex. It's unexpected, prudish, and frankly suggests a rather juvenile understanding of the role of sex in romantic relationships. If the Dadsona sleeps with Robert early but continues to do well on their dates, have him come to the realization that he was wrong to be so disrespectful toward his casual hookups, and that he appreciates the Dadsona for continually making the effort to get close to him even after they've had sex. Joseph's good ending has to be rewritten entirely to not be as awful as it is; have him and Mary agree to an open relationship, or decide to get divorced since neither of them are happy in their marriage (here's one place where the kids not existing would allow for a tidier resolution, if that's a problem). Personally I'd be fine with the thrill of an ongoing adulterous fling, but I know many would consider that inappropriate.
Also with Joseph, if he's going to be a Protestant youth minister his faith needs to actually come into play in the story. How does it affect his perception of his sexuality, and of his failure of a marriage? The answers will of course depend on what denomination he's supposed to be, so clarifying that would be helpful. This would be a nice opportunity to explore the mind of a queer religious person, because they do in fact exist. (Carefully nonspecific American Protestantism may very well be the most boring religious background ever conceived, but at least it's better than nothing?)
Oh, and for the cult ending - Calvinist Protestantism has branches that are essentially death cults already, so lean into those for your wacky non-canon horror scenario instead of dressing Joseph up like a Catholic priest just for the aesthetic.
Craig could stand to feel more bisexual. He already gets hit on by multiple women throughout his route, but throw a man or two in there as well so that when he finally gets with the Dadsona it feels less like he randomly decided to experiment.
Hugo and Matt are more or less fine as far as I can recall. Possibly one or both of them can have fade-to-black sex with the Dadsona before their ending, for extra spice. This would mean that the Dadsona could have sex with multiple men before getting a good ending, but there shouldn't be anything wrong with that. These people should all be mature enough to handle the concept of casual sex.
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robins-den · 1 year
Helloooooo~! I'm another anon, contacting you to ask if you've ever heard about Gashudouin, or rather, the ship between two 60 year old men: Gashu Satou and Mr. Chidouin! I'm aware that you haven't played their media yet, but I think that they transcend their game. No worries if you haven't, ehe! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ₊‧°
i've Heard of it but I couldn't tell you anything about it ? its like colorado where people are split on whether its a good ship | real state or whether its incredibly cursed and must be burnt | fake state
my opinion is that old woman yuri is better than old man yaoi. trans those men make it even more ????
is gashu the guy wrapped in bandages. wait isnt shidiuuoun sarah 'bad bangs' last name why is her dad relevant enough that we know wwhat he looks like . is he involved in the death game at all or does she have familial trauma that involves him because i know there's an old man scientist and if you wanted plain old old man yaoi youd ship him and gashu satou. the fact that youre shipping gashu and bad bangs dad means that there's something To His character or old scientist is So Bad that he cannot be old man yaoi shipped.
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aerialsquid · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023 Day 26: Last
Last, as in both 'to endure' and 'final'. Old man yaoi continues and possibly concludes? I might fill in more later when I go back to make this a properly edited fic.
Time and historical peace treaties waited for no man. 
They did not make it back to Wineport for the tasting, or Costa del Sol for the firedancers, and in fact did not make it back to Costa del Sol at all that week. Carvallain pulled some strings to have their bags shipped over from the resort, bought them proper clothes so they didn't stick out 'like delicate pansies in an armory', and stuffed them both into an inn at Aleport while he went back to his meetings with the Sahagin in Skull Valley.
Aleport wasn't the most backwater scummy of backwater scum La Noscea had to offer, but that was only because La Noscea set the 'scum' bar very high. The money in their pockets (reclaimed from the pockets of the Sharks' Teeth) that they would have spent on fine wines while they surveyed the view from atop the vinyards now went to battered cod, fried potatoes, and disappointing beer at a pub just off the harbor. Everything, including the beer, smelled faintly of salt and fish, but it seemed better than trusting the water. 
Edmont had never put a meal away faster in his life. 
Dressed in rough lace up shirts and linen trousers, the only thing marking the two men as different from the rest of the patrons was the intricate metal of Edmont's cane and the fact that they weren't loudly chanting the words of an increasingly filthy melody.
Lay down your burdens, son
Come drain a pint with me
We'll have a grand ol' time
Find ye a lass or three
"Take it from me, three lasses is at least one two many. Possibly two," Edmont muttered into Charlemend's ear. Edmont could sense the tension orbiting his friend, the way he kept flicking glances towards the inn door as if watching for Carvallain to walk back through it. Twenty years wasted, and he could see why his friend was so nervous about wasting a drop more. 
"I suppose you'd know, but I could maybe settle for two," Charlemend replied, leaning against Edmont's shoulder. In the dark back of the bar, nobody noticed the way their wind-chapped thin fingers folded over each other under the table. Edmont's cane, reclaimed
"I'd settle for this." Edmont's hand patted Charlemend's thigh, making the other man laugh. 
"You calling me a lass? I don't exactly fill this shirt out."
"I'm calling you 'enough'."
"Can't tell if that's extremely romantic or a backhanded insult."
"Do you want to get out of here or not?"
By Ishgardian standards the evening chill was pleasantly refreshing as they walked alongside the harbor. It was hard to fully relaxed, surrounded as they were by rough spoken strangers. Part of Edmont's mind kept frantically bracing for the next attack - a knife to the throat, a club to the head, rough demands made in his ear for his money or his life. 
Part of him also wished the evening would stretch out further, and leave just the two of them alone and anonymous before the vast reaches of the ocean, wide and dark enough to drown all else.
"I asked to stay with him, you know," Charlemend said, completely unbidden. "I could let my steward take over running the household, and then in a few years my nephew will be of age to hold the reins himself."
"You want to run away to sea and be a pirate?"
"It's a family tradition now, isn't it?" 
"What did he say?"
"Said I was being silly, and besides it'd ruin his business deals with us if I just up and left." Charlemend looked chastened, eyes wandering down the coastline to the seawall dividing Limsa's lands from those claimed by the Sahagin. Distant pinpricks of light burned at the forts there, flickering as Maelstrom soldiers passed before them.
"I rather think, if you were stuck on a ship together for months on end, you'd drive each other mad," Edmont pointed out. "And you don't know anything about sailing."
"I know, I know. It was an impulse, after all, and I'd hardly be of much use to him. Still, the way he spoke of it I can't help but see the appeal. Traveling to far off lands, living only by your wits and the strength of your arms, all that. He's not had an easy life but one can't say he's not lived. And I wanted to make up for the time we'd lost."
"I think…I think your best chance might be to give him his space. Let him see you won't rush in and smother him at the first opportunity he gives you."
Charlemend grumbled, kicking a stray pebble into the water. "But what if I want to smother him?" he muttered. "Just a little bit. He's still my son, after all."
"I could find something to smother you with instead, perhaps. As a distraction."
"Edmont."  Charlemend looked so scandalized in the dim harbor lamplight that Edmont wondered if he'd gone a little too far. He started in on an apology before Charlemend dragged him in for a hard kiss, fingers entwined in the laces of his shirt. 
Right there on the quay, in front of the sailors and dockworkers and Llymlaen herself, until a Lalafell fishing off the pier coughed politely and made a gesture for them to move along.
Edmont flushed. "I thought you might be not in the–it's been quite the day, after all–"
"A day where I thought I'd lose you? Here, I think there's some stairs down…"
They found a small alcove, just above where the water lapped at the stonework, shadowed by a scaffolding that hid it from the sight of anyone further ashore. Neither man suggested going back to the inn room, not when their blood was pounding in their ears, when the sound of crashing waves encouraged their hands to linger. 
Edmont didn't think twice until his attempt to get up under Charlemend's shirt met with a flinch and a reflexive recoiling. 
"Are you all right?" Edmont asked, immediately trying to search him for some overlooked injury.
And now Charlemend's eartips were reddening, nervously grinning like a schoolboy caught in mischief. "Well, you saw all the marks Carvallain had, and I was asking after them, and I thought…another fool impulse, but he learned to do them when he was enlisted, and said he'd fill in the rest later…"
His fingers were nervously undoing the laces of his shirt, pulling the loose fabric down to expose the area just below his collarbone on the right side. 
"You cannot tell Barendouin."
Freshly inked into his peach-colored was the dark, crude outline of a squid, its tentacles reaching in thin lines toward his heart.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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15-lizards · 2 years
ALSO hmmm ships/pairings you like? platonic, romantic, psychosexual, fucked up, etc ♡♡♡
NOW THIS is truly The Question of all time ur literally the best for asking
-Theon/Robb: something so intimate about betraying your best friend for your own identity and personal gain. They are so Greek tragedy I am obsessed. I should’ve been with him I should’ve died with him GOD the pain of it all
-Brienne/Jamie: I LOVE THE INVERSION OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST it is just so good. Jamie is a fucking loser maiden trapped in a tower and Brienne is his savior. And just the idea that they make the other person better after spending so long either being terrible (Jamie) or just being shunned by the world (Brienne) makes me want to cry I love them they deserve happiness
-Stannis/Davos: old man yaoi activate! Literally something so crazy about a guy cutting off your fingers so you decide to name your son after him. Such a strange dynamic and not healthy at all but man oh man is it good. The idea that Davos has no power and is always wondering if Stannis is going to listen to him or lock him away? Unstable! Toxic! Just what we all need!
Dany/another girl: I literally don’t care who but men have done NOTHING but disappoint her she needs a gf and some peace of mind
Dany/Jon (platonic): I know they’re def gonna end up together but me personally I think that Dany wouldn’t be romantically attracted to someone like Jon, who tends to disrespect other ppl in authority or just fly off the cuff in general. Also I’m tired of everyone sexualizing Dany the minute they come into contact with her but them as buddies would be so good! Autistic dragon girl with depressed nights watch member #38764 is just a recipe for best friends
Ned/Cat: mom and dad. The pinnacle for healthy relationships if we ignore the whole “this is random my bastard son no I won’t tell you anything even though we’ve been married fifteen years”
Cersei/Ned/Cat/Jamie: they can split off into pairs or do it as a foursome idc but they need to hate fuck at least once. For me
Alicent/Rhaenyra: nothing more personal to me than a isolated loser of a lesbian trying her best to repress her crush on the social butterfly who has her eye on someone else. I love them so bad. They also need to hate fuck.
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hello!!! here's a background post about me
i am an engineer of sorts with skills in technical writing, likes guns, attempting to be a fanfic writer, and a bit too obsessed with robots
this blog is NOT 18+, but i am 19 so expect to see ship art and characters getting mouthy or suggestive, i will not reblog weiners or anything
Tag system
LP's - me
speaks - major posts from me
murders - Murder Drones
kills - Ultrakill
lands - Borderlands
life 2 - Half Life/Valve Software games
bonkle kick - Bionicle and Hero Factory
fourms - Transformers
I LOVE YURI - things that include lesbians
I LOVE YAOI - things that include gay men
i need her to ruin my life - Murder Drones V posting
the cynner - 🙂
New hobbies will be posted at the top of this post as i get them
26-02-2024 - new hobby! Murder Drones, something about these robots gets under my skin in a good way and also theres this photo of some Half Life 2 promo art but Gordon is replaced with N and its hilarious for absolutely no reason
XX-XX-2023 - new hobby! Borderlands, she border my lands til i 3, which is more to say than what Half Life has (13 YEARS)
17-09-2023 - new hobby! bionicles. how the fu-
If you go on ModDB right now for the bionicle heros game, you will find a mod that replaces Kongu's weapon with the SPAS-12 shotgun from Half Life 2. the comment under it is me, yea, hi
SD Gundam was a main one, SDG is better than normal gundam because the suits are actual robots so we get fun robot action
transformers, mainly via parallelism from friends but i watched all the way through rescue bots academy which was fun!
old tech, big blocky beige computers or the frutiger aero of the 00s, i like it all!
cars and car manga like wangan midnight, not only do i read about going fast, i try to go fast on my motorbike! which is currently inoperable. I am now radicalized and just want a fuel efficient motorcycle and a kei truck
yakuza, because ten years in the joint made you a fu
half life, ive been a fan even before HLVRAI and ive finished EVERY game except for Decay
Other accounts
My main account is Gundamned_ on Instagram where ive been procrastinating posting SD Gundam Force clips remaining offline since social medias are horrid for mental health and attention span. you are legitimately more likely to receive a message from me here than there anymore.
I have a DeviantArt under Gundamn-ed which i basically only used to find people who liked SDGF, and i never use now due to DA's AI policies.
my youtube channel will occasionally have a random upload of some old tech stuff that ive been messing with, that also goes under the Gundamned name
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