#i hope she remembered her flamethrower
monsterfucker69420 · 7 months
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this is the only ending that's canon inside my deranged mind
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dem-obscure-imagines · 8 months
For the Longest Time
Steve Rogers x Reader
Fandom: MCU
Summary: In 1943, Steve was visited by his soulmate, a girl from the future who already knew him. Decades later, after waking up in a brave new world, Steve meets his soulmate again, except she hasn’t met him yet. And she won’t travel to 1943—or know he’s her soulmate—for another year.
Note: This is a continuation/prequel/whatever you wanna call it to A Long, Long Time, a Steve Soulmate AU I wrote a while back. Long story short, I watched Knives Out again and got Steve Rogers brainrot. Happens to the best of us. I might write a third part if there’s interest…
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Word Count: 2.2k
Reader Is: Steve’s Soulmate, Super-Powered, Female
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Steve remembered the day you’d met—for the second time, though he didn’t realize that right away—like it was tattooed on his brain. It was a few years after he’d come out of the ice and he had taken Tony’s advice to get out more, which had led him to the mall.
By some stroke of fate, it happened to be the day a pyromaniac with a flamethrower was there, but before he could even spring into action, you did, hands out in front of you and what seemed to be an invisible shield poised there, redirecting the flames and protecting the teenage movie theater employee that had nearly been caught in the crossfire.
A quick flick of your wrist knocked the attacker’s gun out of his hands, giving Steve the opportunity to step in and apprehend the guy.
You sat on a bench after, breathing heavy, a cut on your forehead from the shattered glass of the skylight. The paramedics were taking care of the civilians, and Steve wandered right over, impressed.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just glad everyone is okay.” You told him, meeting his eyes.
He finally got a good look at you and froze, looking bewildered. A deer in headlights. “You’re…”
It was you. Of course it was you. Since the moment he’d been unfrozen, he’d been looking for you. His soulmate. The girl from the future that popped in on his twenty-fifth birthday, turned his whole life on its head, and then left without warning, hours after their first kiss. Back when he was five-foot-nothing with asthma and more medical conditions than he could even remember.
Back before he was anything.
And you’d loved him anyway. You’d given him the day of a lifetime and hope for not only a future, but for love. That someone could love him for him despite it all.
“I know.” You knew? “I…I don’t know what it is or…why I can do it.”
Your powers, you meant. You thought he was talking about your powers and not your name, which was burning a hole into his wrist beneath the thick leather band keeping it hidden.
“Right. Well, it’s…” He sighed, gathering his words, hiding the elation and pain behind a warm smile. “It’s a good thing you were here. I don’t have my shield on me.”
“Mine is built in.” You chuckled.
“You, uh…have a cut. On your forehead.”
“Oh, do I?” You reached up and found it with your fingers and they came away a bit bloody. “Shit.”
“Come on.” He offered you his hand and you took it, letting him lead you over to the counter of the theater. “Hi, do you have a first aid kit?”
“Yeah, of course.” The girl at the counter said, rushing to grab it.
Steve patched you up with gentle hands, off in a corner on your own. Staring up at him, you finally realized the obvious. This was Captain America. And he was using a careful finger to spread a triple antibiotic ointment on your cut.
Play it cool, (Y/N).
“Do you do this often? The hero thing?” Steve asked.
“No.” You shrugged. “Haven’t had much opportunity thankfully. I mean…I’d like to, I just didn’t know how to…get into it, I guess. Any email I sent to Stark or S.H.I.E.L.D. or whatever would end up on a slush pile.”
“Well, I’ve got some connections. If you’re seriously considering it. I can’t say I recommend it, but…Obviously you’ve got that protective instinct and you seem to work well under pressure.”
“My heart is about to leap out of my chest.” You admitted, laughing as he carefully laid a Bandaid over the cut, closing the kit.
“That makes two of us.”
“But, yeah, if you think I’m really cut out for it…I’d love to help.”
It was those words that sealed your fate. Three days later, someone from Stark Industries got in contact with you and before you knew it, you were on a plane to the Avengers’ remote facility in Upstate New York with a bag full of clothes, a handful of books, and a dream. You met the others, Wanda, Natasha, Bruce. Eventually Bucky came into the mix, too, Steve’s friend from before the ice who…had a staring problem, you were pretty sure. He kept looking at you, seemingly bewildered you were there.
You never did figure out why.
After a particularly tricky mission in rural Kentucky, you had landed yourself in the infirmary, taking a pretty long nap complete with an IV and a heartrate monitor.
It was Nat that found Steve in there, wringing his hands, tears in his eyes. It was the one secret he still had: you were his soulmate and wouldn’t know it for another six months. Your name had been etched onto his wrist for seventy years, through the transformation, through the ice, through everything.
“She’s gonna be okay, Steve. Bruce thinks she might wake up soon.” Nat comforted, sitting in the chair next to him. She put a hand on his shoulder, confused by her friend’s sudden mood.
“I know, I just…” He shook his head. “I’m worried about her is all.”
Nat pressed her lips together, tilting her head. “This seems like a little more than that. You wanna tell me what’s really going on?”
That was her super power, he remembered. She was a human lie detector.
“I can, just…not here.” Steve nodded, leading her out of the room, out of your earshot, but still in sight thanks to the soundproof windows.
Nat’s hands settled on her hips, waiting for an answer. Instead, Steve took the cuff off of his wrist and held it out to her, letting her read the letters that had been etched there for the better part of a century.
Her jaw dropped. She stammered, arms crossing. She met his eyes and when she saw the sadness there, the guilt and longing, her expression softened.
“I should have told her. A long time ago, I should have told her but I can’t. In six months, on her twenty-fifth, she’s going back in time to 1943 to meet me on mine. And it…didn’t seem like she knew until she was already there.”
“So you’ve just been holding it in this whole time?” Natasha asked. “You’ve been in love with her…”
“Since the forties, yeah.” Steve nodded. “My great lost love, as Tony likes to call her when he rags on the band I wear.”
“Does he know?”
“No. Just you. And Bucky.” Steve amended. “He was there when she…”
“Right. Weird.” Natasha let out a long sigh, looking through the window. “Well do you need any help with that? I can get some information out of her. I’ll be super subtle, I promise.”
“I don’t know. She probably thinks my soulmate is dead, too.”
“No kidding.” Steve sighed. “Well, I guess if she says anything, let me know. It’s kind of a relief someone else knows.”
“We’ll get you through it, Steve. Six more months. That’s nothing.”
“Yeah.” Steve gazed longingly through the window. “I’m gonna sit with her for a while. I don’t want her to wake up alone.”
He slinked back into the infirmary and sat in the chair beside your bed, watching your steady breaths and listening to the beeping of the heart monitor. Natasha watched him through the window, heart strings pulled as tight as they’d ever been. Her best friend was in love and there was almost nothing he could do about it.
Three months later, you, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Nat got snowed in on a mission in Alaska. The little cabin you’d been sent to was unreachable by any of the jets the team could send and besides, it wasn’t worth the risk of Clint or someone getting stuck out there in this.
But despite the fireplace raging with fresh-chopped wood, you were still shivering, all wrapped up for the night.
Steve watched you, forlorn. Natasha nudged him, motioning towards you. He chuckled and shook his head. He couldn’t. Right? What, take advantage of you in your vulnerable state.
Bucky seemed to agree with Nat, grinning into his mug of coffee, giving him some caffeine for his night watch.
Steve got up off of his seat, walked towards the fireplace and adjusted the logs, adding another small one for good measure. He looked back at the others, who were aggressively encouraging him to go over to you, and gave in.
He knelt down in front of you, clearing his throat, which caused you to jolt awake.
“Is everything okay? Are we under attack?”
Steve chuckled. “No, uh, we’re all good. Are you cold?”
“Kind of, yeah.” You admitted. “I’ll be okay, though, I promise.”
“Do you…want some company?” He asked, unsure of how to word it. “I…run warm.”
“Do you mind?” You asked, sitting up a little.
His heart raced. This was going better than he thought. “Here, um…” He raised the blanket on top of you and wiggled in underneath you, letting you lead as the two of you settled.
“God, you do run warm.” You hummed, all but collapsing against him, a hand flat against his chest while you adjusted.
“I didn’t always.” He said, voice sincere. “Buck and I used to have to share a bed in the winter. It was brutal.”
“Sounds like it.”
“Yeah, he snores.” Steve joked, earning a laugh.
“Oh I know. I can hear him three doors down back at home.”
“And I can hear you from the other room!” Bucky called, sending you and Steve into a fit of giggles, like kids at a sleepover. “It’s a small cabin.”
You heard him and Sam devolve into a bickering match about the truth of whether or not Bucky actually snored that loud.
You looked up at Steve, asking “is it okay if I put my arm here?” while carefully draping an arm across him.
“Yeah, of course.” He nodded, leaning against the pillows and pulling the blanket up around your shoulders.
You rested your head on his firm chest, listening to the way his heart was racing. Cute.
The drowsiness took over almost immediately, his warmth lulling you to sleep after a long day undercover out in the snow. You were asleep in minutes, breaths slow and long and even.
But once he was absolutely sure you were out, Steve pressed the gentlest kiss to your forehead, grateful beyond words to have you in his arms again.
“You thought today was her birthday???” Natasha asked, incredulous in the kitchen.
“I got nervous!” Steve defended. “I saw it on her whiteboard in front of her door and I thought—”
“I think Scott wrote that the last time he was here. He keeps track of all of that.”
“Doesn’t surprise me.” Steve replied, shaking his head. “Well, does she have any birthday plans?”
“Yeah, Wanda and I are taking her out shopping this afternoon. Tony gave her his card. And then the party tomorrow night.”
Steve nodded. “Okay, good. That buys me some time.”
“You got a plan?”
“I’ve had a plan.” Steve admitted. “Been sitting on it for about seventy years, in fact.”
You got out of bed, got dressed, and headed to the mall with Natasha and Wanda. The same mall, in fact, that you and Steve had met in the first place.
“Where was it?” Wanda asked, wearing a very fashionable pair of shades.
“Right over there.” You pointed to the spot in front of the movie theater, up on the second floor of the mall. “Guy with a flamethrower and a dream. He’s in jail now.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what you get when you dream of arson.” Nat said, causing you and Wanda to laugh.
You shopped around for clothes, got some pretzels at the Wetzels, and window shopped. You already had what you were pretty sure you were going to wear the following night. It wasn’t every day one of the Avengers turned twenty five and met their soulmate. Tony was determined to make it a spectacle. He had a habit of doing that, it seemed.
In the food court, you seemed kind of down, chin resting against your fist. Wanda picked up on it first.
“It will all be okay, (Y/N). There is nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah, I know, I just…I don’t know. I’m stressed about it. Tomorrow I get the answer to the question I’ve been asking for twenty-five years. I just can’t believe it’s almost here. And…I don’t know, there’s just a lot of variables. What if they don’t like me?”
“Come on, (Y/N), what’s not to like?” Natasha said, digging her spoon into her blizzard from the Dairy Queen.
“I don’t know…It’s just a lot to think about.” You said, leaving it at that. You didn’t know how to begin to explain to them that you had feelings for someone already, one of your coworkers no less, and someone who already had a soulmate, despite the fact that he’d lost her nearly a century before.
You wondered why Steve never looked for her. Or maybe she’d passed before he even resurfaced. It was sad. A guy like that didn’t deserve the heartbreak. He deserved to be loved.
The three of you finished your shopping trip and then returned to the Facility, where you unpacked the new odds and ends you’d acquired. Steve checked on you again, offering you words of wisdom, a comforting hug. He promised that your soulmate would love you, whoever they were.
Little did you know, he already did.
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Real or Not (Pt 3/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
You and the boys meet up with Camila
@lacilou you wanted pain
A/N: remember before you get too mad at Dean there's 2 more chapters!!
If there was one thing you'd learnt in your life especially as a hunter was using the fake it till you make it method. Bobby always said to keep your shoulders squared and head held high, even when you were terrified because it put forth the idea that you weren't.
You'd been silent the entire two hour car ride. You didn't want to speak to Sam nor Dean. You'd even taken the backseat saying you just had a small headache and wanted a quick nap. Rather Dean believed you or not you weren't sure.
"Maybe he doesn't care" the moment the thought slipped through your mind you felt a little bit of guilt for having such little faith in the man You'd spent the last few years in the bed of and so long before that as a friend to. He cared he just didn't assume to think you would lie to him.
You actually almost dozed off about the time you felt the impala slow down and looked up to see Dean was pulling into a motel parking lot. You took a deep breath the moment you spotted Camila's mustang. You could do this, you were pretty damn professional when it came to the job, people were at risk.... kids. You could swallow anything you threw your way if it meant saving kids.
Sam glanced over his shoulder at you and you could see the unspoken question in his eyes "Sure you ok?" You gave him a small smile as Dean parked. You climbed out slowly, smoothing a hand down over your hair. You could do this.
The moment the door to room three twenty two opened you heard Donna's voice flash through your mind "No one can make you feel bad about yourself unless you let em"
Camila was well if you were being honest nothing short of gorgeous. She was five foot nine so she was leggy, dark black hair was braided back in an intricate style leaving her bright blue eyes clear. The moment she spotted Dean a smile split her face and you felt your heart drop. You could do this.
She walked over to the three of you, her attention clearly on Dean as she said "Thanks for coming. I knew I needed backup as soon as I figured out what I was dealing with" Dean nodded "Sure thing" then turned towards you "You remember Y/N don't ya?"
Camila's eyes narrowed slightly when she looked at you but schooled her features before Dean or Sam saw it "Of course! You're Vivians niece" you forced a smile onto your face "That'd be me" Dean reached out and pulled you into his side "Well since we're all caught up want to update us on the case?"
If looks could kill you'd either be in heaven or hell just from the way Camila stared you down once she realized you and Dean were indeed together and it wasn't just a rumor floating around the hunters mill.
"Of course Deany" you felt yourself bristle but held it in. Kids were at risk, you had to remind yourself that.
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The location of where the kids had to be was narrowed down to two places. You stood next to Dean, across the table from Camila and Sam. Like it or not this was her case and her lead. She smiled at you "Y/N, we both know these two work best as a team as why don't they take one location and we take the other" there was something in her eyes, a challenge. She thought you'd back down.
You returned her smile fully "Guessing we're taking your car then because mines home at the bunker" She nodded "Of course"
You were at the trunk of the impala taking one of the impromptu flamethrowers Dean held out. You were hoping your feelings weren't showing on your face but those hopes were dashed when he said "Y/N, you good?"
You nodded "Aces" he stared at you for a second then nodded "Be safe, come back to me in one piece" it probably shouldn't have bothered you but when he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead instead of your lips you felt your stomach drop. He kissed Jody, Donna and Charlie on the forehead, not you.
You refused to fight before a hunt so you smiled "You too" then walked over to where Camila stood, very much looking like she was planning to feed you to a changeling.
"Ready to go?" You nodded as you heard the boys shut the doors of the impala. The moment the engine roared to life her smile dropped "a little strange he doesn't kiss you before a hunt, he always called it a good luck charm when he was with me" you felt your mouth fall open at her comment but once again that overly friendly mask fell into place "I'm kidding of course! I know this is a little awkward"
You laughed lightly but the only thought you had was to knock her perfectly white teeth down her throat and say you were joking. Instead you climbed into her car and shut the door.
You walked through the abandoned warehouse slowly, checking every corner. The further you walked the more you were beginning to think the boys had caught the action. Camila was nearby, you could hear her footfalls echoing.
"Ya know Y/N, how long have you been with Dean?" You rolled your eyes before saying "Should we really be discussing my relationship mid hunt" she let out a bark of laughter "Oh come on sweetcheeks. It's apparent thr boys caught the fun. Why can't we talk a little"
You spun on your heel to see she was about two feet from you "I've been with Dean a few years" she nodded slowly "when did you move into the bunker" you shrugged "a few months after they found it" "so right after me and him broke up?" You shrugged again "Don't keep up with other people's relationships"
You started back walking, with intentions to head outside but stopped when she said "Funny that timeline is around the same time I told him to move on that I wasn't coming back to him" You felt your shoulders tense "What are you trying to say here Camila?"
She walked around you to be facing you before a smile slipped onto her face "Dean got with you because he couldn't have me. Want me to pull up the emails from us talking? Of him telling me how he loved me?" You knew your face had fallen even before she said "Oh honey did you think he followed up this" she motioned to herself then to you "With that?"
You'd taken enough, you swung on her felt a sense of satisfaction when it connected solidly. Instead of trying to swing back she simply cradled her jaw and smiled despite the blood dripped from her now split lip "I hit a nerve. You know I could have him back tonight. He loved me more than Lisa or Cassie. I went through thinking he wasn't what I wanted but he is, and you need to face it"
"If he still wants you why is he with me then?" You asked, mustering every ounce of false bravado you could. She took a step towards you "Did you know he was looking at rings at one point? He would've stopped hunting if I'd asked. Does that really compare to you and him? Has he even said he loves you?" You didn't reply but your face must have shown because she made a tsk tsk sound "You poor thing"
You could feel your hands shaking by that point and damn her she grinned "Oh feel free to hit me again! I can play victim then! Dean I don't know what happened she just attacked me" you motioned to the door of the warehouse "Leave now"
She motioned around "What, are you gonna walk?" You squared your shoulders and got nose to nose with her "If Dean wants a two faced bitch over an honest woman so fucking be it but I won't be disrespected" she cackled like a mad woman "You're a crazy bitch" before turning and walking out.
You waited until you heard her mustang pull over to let the tears that had been threatening to escape fall. She'd just picked at every fucking insecurity you had. Maybe she was right, if Dean loved her enough to even consider giving up hunting maybe you should take yourself out of the equation.
You walked out into the cool night air about the time your phone started ringing. It was Dean. You answered it "Hello?" The voice that hit your ears made your heart freeze over. Camila replied "Told ya" you hung up and stared at your phone before hitting Donna's number.
You climbed into Claire's car and knew she had questions from the look in her eyes but luckily she didn't say anything besides "You headed to Donna's?" You nodded slowly before turning off your phone. Dean's number kept calling but you refused to hear Camilas voice any more. She'd won, you'd lost the man you loved.
@lacilou @saranghaey @stoneyggirl2 @marimarvelfan @roseblue373 @suckitands33 @backtotheshitshow @jackles010378 @leigh70 @diagnosedpsychosis @badassbitch-21
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froot-batty · 9 months
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@sarseemd I still love the name Lightning Bugs for them so I'm yoinking that !! It's canon now !! Friendship name !!
Garfield Lynns was born and raised in Gotham - more specifically, in one of the many run-down apartment complexes in the Narrows. They had no idea what happened to their parents, for as long as they could remember they'd been raised by their three older brothers. "Raised" was a pretty strong word, though. Their brothers were a gang of well-known arsonists, and often either completely neglected Gar, forced them to do tasks for them, or yell at/bully him.
Due to how Gar was raised, they developed a fascination with fire from a pretty young age. They were never allowed to participate in the arson (or anything that their brothers were working on; they saw them as a nuisance), so Gar would watch as they made firebombs or flamethrowers - or watch the destruction their work would cause on the news.
One day, when Gar was 16, they decided that they had absorbed enough knowledge that they thought they could improve on their brother's weapons (and hopefully gain their approval in the process). They actually didn't end up being terrible at designing the mechanism or the weapons themselves - the problem came when Gar was attempting to mix chemicals. Gar was not the best at chemistry at the time, and their inexperience would result in an unexpected reaction in a mixture, one that let off sparks that would eventually reach the numerous HIGHLY flammable things in the apartment.
The resulting fire would not only render most of the apartment complex unlivable, but it would completely decimate Gar's home. It also killed all three of their brothers, who didn't wake up in time to escape the fire.
Gar, however, would end up living - in critical condition, with most of their body covered in burns. However, instead of being traumatized by the event, it would actually trigger a full obsession with fire in Gar. In their eyes, the fire had gotten rid of something that had kept Gar under lock and key for their entire life; it made them feel powerful.
So, the moment Gar was able to, they fled from the hospital. This is when their first crime spree would happen - little more than just them with a lighter and some gas setting things ablaze, but it was still destructive enough that it caught the attention of Batman.
Bats would recognize this was the same kid from the apartment explosion, so in the hopes that they'd be rehabilitated before continuing down this path, he took them off to Arkham (Gar was 18 by this point). Bats didn't know that this would eventually make even more of a headache for himself.
Maisy Zapropoulos Maxie Zeus was first born in Crete, though her parents would move to Gotham after they were both offered jobs at WayneTech. Her parents were strict, no-nonsense people, and had high expectations for their daughter right off the bat. They were the type of people that thought children should never step out of line, and that with enough punishment and reprimanding, bad behavior would be corrected.
So, when Maxie started acting out as a young kid - getting into fights, destroying property, stealing - this was unacceptable to them. But instead of getting her any kind of help for her then undiagnosed conduct disorder, they thought that with enough of a firm hand, they could fix what was "wrong" with her.
This obviously only made her act out even worse. She would take out the anger and the pain of her living situation on anything and anyone around her. She would start being an excessively cruel bully to her peers in school, when she would even go to school. Half of the time she would skip to go and shoplift or spray paint on the side of buildings.
Her behavior would eventually get so out of control her school decided to expel her. At this point, she was only 15, and none of what her parents were trying to do to "fix" her was working. In their eyes, this was the final straw that cemented her as a disappointment. A lost cause.
So they packed up her things and took her to Arkham Asylum. They didn't particularly care if it would actually get her help; they just wanted to get her off their hands. They signed custody of her over to the director of Arkham, Hugo Strange, and abandoned her there.
Maxie only kept acting out in the Asylum. She was alone, angry, and had even more of her life controlled by other people - hurting people or destroying things was the only way she felt like she had any freedom at all. At the time, Arkham still had a lot of outdated medical practices. Their goal is not to help people, and it certainly isn't Hugo's goal.
Maxie would end up being sent routinely to get electroshock treatment. The word "treatment" was mostly a cover, though - Hugo was interested to see what high amounts of electricity would do to the human body and mind. She'd spend so much time in there that the room they did the electroshock would be given the nickname Maxie's Room - as she spent more time in there than her actual room.
You'd think that this constant bombardment of electricity (oftentimes far too high than what is considered safe for an already dangerous practice) would just completely fry her brain. But, to the surprise of Strange...it didn't.
Maybe the shocks had triggered something in her DNA; some kind of inhuman gene most people didn't have. But her body slowly gained the ability to store electricity within it, to be expelled at will through her limbs. At first, they had no idea how this worked, and it led to a lot of explosive accidents when Maxie ended up not being able to control her newfound powers (this is when Strange got that scar on his arm!). Eventually, they'd make her those gauntlets and the sandals she wears, which allow her to safely and precisely channel her electricity.
By the time Gar was sent to Arkham, Maxie had already gained her powers. When Gar arrived, she saw another person she could make fear her - or, at least, that's what she thought. She was genuinely caught off-guard when Gar was nothing but friendly to her. They thought she was ridiculously cool!
It was the first time in her life that someone had ever been nice to her. And, for Gar, they lept on any chance to have a real friend (they were already used to being put down constantly by their brothers, it made dealing with Maxie easier). Their path to becoming friends was not an easy one, but they were both desperately lonely kids who just needed someone that got them. And they got each other!
Gar would be the person to give her the name Maxie Zeus. Maxie came from Gar accidentally mishearing her first name at the time, which they thought was funny enough to keep using, and Zeus was a play on the fact she's Greek, has lightning powers, and her last name started with a Z. Maxie would eventually completely adopt this name, since she'd always hated the connection with her family that her old one had.
Ever since then, they're completely inseparable. They go to Arkham together, they escape Arkham together, they cause destruction across Gotham together. If you ever hear that they've broken out of Arkham, you'd best get on the bridge to head out of Gotham, because it's going to be covered in fire and lightning before too long.
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hotbellepepaz · 11 days
ok so… was on the bus today…all of a sudden…
da Inside out journalism/undercover au???
In this AU, Disgust and Envy are the stars of the show! They’re an aspiring journalist duo who hope they can get their big break with a hit story. Alongside their partner Anxiety, they have their watchful eyes on a criminal group, The Rainbow Renegades. Made up of 6 members, these guys are tough cookies to deal with, and so Disgust, Envy and Anxiety will have to use their smarts to get intel and bust these outlaws. However, the duo doesn’t know that they have a secret weapon that can help them bust the Renegades, but it won’t come out to them that easily…
The lead investigator. Loves dressing up and writing about gossip. She’s been doing it ever since high school. Runs a small newspaper/magazine with her sister Envy called HotGloss News. Having sewing and fashion design as a hobby, she uses this skill to her advantage and designs all sorts of disguises for the trio to use. Her biggest weakness? Bias.
Disgust’s little sister and partner. She aspires to be just like her sister when she grows up, and run her own newsletter! Despite only being 9 years old, she helps her sis in investigations and does it amazingly. I mean, nobody expects a child to be an undercover investigator! She has a blossoming friendship with Anxiety, and often wants to tag along with her when she goes out, even though she keeps insisting that she shouldn’t. Huh.
A friend of Disgust’s that took this job to aid the duo in getting intel. Also, it’s just fun to go undercover and spy on people. Anxiety says she’s also trying to escape something from weighing on her, but the “something” she mentions is unknown. She goes out often to run errands of her own, but always comes back out of breath, tired, and nervous. Sometimes she even seems to come back hurt in some way, which makes this habit sketchier. Little do Disgust and Envy know, she has something bigger hiding behind their back…
The Rainbow Renegades
Sunshine (Joy)
The leader of the Renegades. Always comes up with a devious plan to smash and grab. Her specialty being the “sunburst” in which she pulls out a gun and spins while pulling the trigger. Sounds cute, but it’s extremely deadly.
Flamethrower (Anger)
The Renegade best known for setting the ransacked place on fire. For some reason, it comes out of his head. (!?)
Greg (Fear)
Instead of having a super-cool alias like the other renegades, this guy just goes by “Greg”. But don’t let his vulnerable personality and look fool you, as he has strength at unbelievable levels.
Au_revoir46377 (Ennui)
The renegades’ in house hacker. Going by her online username, she finds places that got the goods they want, and locates them for the renegades to ransack. Also usually turns off all security cameras as well.
Smasher (Embarrassment)
On the same floor as Greg, but Smasher is a bit more shy to throw punches. He’d rather just take the stuff.
The most important character, out of all of them, is actually Anxiety, and for a special reason. Remember how I mentioned that she goes out fairly often, and comes back suspiciously exhausted every time? Well, that’s because she’s secretly part of the Rainbow Renegades.
Zap (Anxiety’s alter ego)
When Anxiety goes out to “run errands,” what she’s really saying is that she’s going to go meet up with her comrades, the Rainbow Renegades, and go break the law. Under the alias Zap, she is probably one of the greatest criminals the Renegades have ever had. She can pull off a heist that would usually take more than one person, all under one minute. In fact, Sunshine considers her the bestest friend and partner in crime she’s ever had! However, both sides don’t know about her identity on the other. Disgust and Envy don’t know about her criminal life as Zap. The Rainbow Renegades don’t know about her real and investigator life as Anxiety. Yet, she’s way too nervous to come out to both. She thinks she’ll either disappoint or enrage either of them. So for now, she’s just going to figure out how to live a double life.
dw guys the bakery au is still alive and well :> just gonna have my head on this one for a while… AND IM GONNA WRITE IT ON AO3-
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
hi !! I hope you're well 💚
sorry if this is random but I need to scream this somewhere and i'm curious to hear what others have to say abt this aa
I gave myself the hope that the reason why Bo-Katan didn't seem to give too much of a reaction while she watched Din get captured was because she was holding herself back so Moff wouldn't know that she cares deeply abt Din and use that against her by hurt Din 😭
idk if I'm just delusional (I'm a sw fan so yes) or something waaah what are your thoughts abt this?
Su cuy'gar* my friend.
That's totally not a random question! In fact I was a little bit disappointed when I saw Bo-Katan's reaction as Din got captured. I found her reaction to Paz to be much stronger, but she also knew that he was certain to die. You could see her struggle because she probably vowed never to leave a Mandalorian behind again.
So I rewatched the whole scene for you, paying special attention to Bo-Katan's reaction. Unfortunately, she wears a helmet, which is why the analysis is of course a little more difficult like in the scenes where she's talking with Din without her helmet.
Din gets caught from Gideon's man, he tries to defend himself with the flame thrower and get's tied up. Right after you see first Paz and then Bo-Katan fire against the barrier.
Then she takes a step closer to the barrier, seems to pause for a fraction of a second. At that moment she is still lit by the light from Din's flamethrower. She hits the glass with the gun in her hand. A split second later, the screen wents dark. The perspective changes and we see Din fighting his opponents from her point of view. Then she hits the barrier again with her hand.
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One must always remember that Bo-Katan is an incredibly experienced and skilled warrior. She has seen many people get hurt or die. It wouldn't suit her to panic or scream. But despite the helmet, you can tell that she is shocked for a split second. Viewers are only shown her and Grogu's reaction to Din's capture because those are the ones that count. She hits the barrier twice and later several times again when she is no longer in focus of camera, but you can see it when you look very closely. This reaction that is irrational and in due of desperation because she can't do anything about it. I think it's dramaturgically wonderful done that Bo is first lit up and shortly afterwards her ''face'' gets dark. Maybe also an indication how she's feeling in the inside.
After Gideon appeared, she initially stands there relatively rigidly, but during the course of Gideon's speech you notice that her posture is super tense, which culminates in her slightly desperate exclamation ''No!'' after Gideon sends off the Tie Fighters and Bombers. Din is taken away and Bo says in an almost slightly trembling and angry voice:
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She responds to her likely rising panic with a threat. A relatively clear coping mechanism. She then threatens Gideon in a calmer and firmer voice to destroy him once and for all. And I'm pretty sure she will do.
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I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed with her reaction when I first saw it. But I had to remind myself that she's not a silly schoolgirl. And after looking this scenes again I'm sure that she cares pretty much! You just have to look carefully. I love how subtle the whole season is over and over again and what an incredible talent Katee Sackhoff shows in bringing us closer to Bo's feelings.
And finally, I wanna show you of how Bo-Katan reacted in the second episode when she realized that Din Djarin was in danger:
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And now just imagine what her face must have looked like when Din was captured after what they went through together.
Screenshots are mine. GIF's from @itberice, thank you!
This is the way!
*Su cuy'gar (Mando'a) = Hello (lit. you are still alive)
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theproperweirdo · 3 months
Okay, quest is finished! Sadly no graveborn boy but was honestly a pretty fun quest. Talene is the main character so it was fun finally getting to know her a bit.
Overall could have been significantly worse. There wasn’t any mention of her past, so there’s no way to know if it lines up with Arena or not. Her characterization wasn’t too bad and from what I can tell was consistent to Arena.
TLDR for the quest:
(spoilers, obviously)
Dolly informs you Talene had been to the mythical house looking for you. After tracking down Talene in Golden Wheatshire you learn she is experiencing amnesia and only remembers her name. Valen arrives and informs you something incredibly strange has happened in Holistone. Dura’s statue is missing. after investigating a bit you discover traces of hypogean magic not just where the statue had been, but on Talene herself. Someone from the Sun temple arrives to inform general Hogan that the Dura statue has been found, magically transported in front of the Sun temple
Now here’s the weird part: there’s two statues
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More dialogue later you determine that one must be a duplicate created by hypogean magic. Talene, using religious flamethrower magic can cleanse the dark magic while leaving the proper statue in tact. Valen helps cart the true statue back to holistone and invites you to have dinner with him and hogan to celebrate. Talene heads out to check on nearby villages and promises to meet you for dinner. (Again) these dinner plans are interrupted by Bryon sending a message that something odd is happening in Ivoryshade. Talene arrives and the party sets out to the Dark forest.
The deer statue has also been duplicated
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Of course just flamethrowering a major religious symbol gives Lyca some anxiety so Talene, sensing nearby hypogean magic runs off to give chase and there’s a quick battle with some minions as the hypogean escapes. Talene splits off from the group again. After returning to Ivoryshade and talking to townsfolk, you discover conflicting stories. One person they saw Talene traveling north, another says south. You continue on and meet up Talene, where she states she just arrived in the dark forest and had not seen you since Holistone.
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Plot twist: Talene was also duplicated, the spell also being the one that caused the initial amnesia. The Talenes flamethrower each other until the fake is destroyed. Now with her memory back intact Talene informs you she had been chasing down a powerful Hypogean when she was struck in battle and duplicated. The hypogean is obsessed with symmetry and has a fascination with religious objects, which is why he’s been doubling up everything, including her. After returning to Ivoryshade again the group sets an asymmetrical trap to lure Reiner out and then you duke it out of course. Reiner uses his spatial magic to escape while Talene thanks you for assisting her.
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Annnnnd that’s it! You get a free ten pull and a pat on the back
Overall solid 7/10 for a story quest
I see I see! Thank you for the question synopsis, super appreciated!! ♪(´ε` )
So she was hunting down Reinier, but he doesn’t have any personal connection to Talene. Makes sense! I’m assuming we don’t really get into the nitty gritty of Talene’s own backstory and what not, but seeing how this quest was a lot of chasing and solving, I’m hoping they’ve got more stashed away for later.
On a different note, did Valen really drag the Dura statue back to Holistone from the sun temple?? Deadass???? 😭😭😭 also I’m happy to see Merlin back in the Dark forest it’s cute ❤️
Not a very lore related quest, but still clarifies some questions we had initially. Thanks again dude!! 🙏🙏
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artemis-moon101 · 10 months
can somebody please help me find this fic?
i love this fic so much and i thought i bookmarked it but i guess i didnt? i want to re-read it but i can't find it! so i was hoping someone could help me. description of the fic below read more, its pretty long and i dont want to clog up the tags
it was tommy centric, specifically crimeboys. the backstory was that tommy's mother had married phil, but she was terminally ill and it got worse when phil left, and she eventually died. after she died tommy went to live with his uncle sam and he grows up n stuff and he wants to move out. remembers wilbur, his old step-brother, had offered him a place to stay a few years back and he decides to contact him again and ask if he can live there.
so tommy moves in with wilbur. the premis is him healing from his traumas, getting settled in his new home, making new friends and etc. he makes friends with ranboo, tubbo, niki, and aimsey, and i'm pretty sure jack manifold is there too sometimes. quackity and techno run the local bar and phil is a painter.
other things/scenes
i'm pretty sure the title had the word honey in it? i might be wrong.
it was a modern au, they had phones and lived in a normal beach town n stuff. they were all human.
a reoccurring theme of clementines or tangerines, im not sure which. it was comparing sharing slices of the fruit to sharing bits and pieces of information about yourself
tommy is an artist. phil teaches him and gives him sketchbooks n stuff
adding on to that last point, tommy goes to phils house a few times. one time they have an argument about tommy's childhood and how phil leaving affected him and his mother. tommy also notices all the bird statues n stuff around phil's house and gives him an idea for a painting he's working on.
tommy goes with ran, niki, etc to a abandoned playground (maybe it was the beach. or that was a different scene im not sure) and they drink alchohol and talk n stuff.
near the beginning where tommy goes on a walk on the beach in the morning and sees phil, but he runs so phil doesn't notice him.
niki runs a stand for a craft fair, and tommy helps her.
aimsey and niki teach tommy how to skateboard
when we meet tubbo, he's making a flamethrower
wilbur helps him not get a hangover
the last chapter is wilbur's birthday
thats it for now! i can probably think of more things if this isn't enough
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prototypelq · 8 months
GRABS YOU OHHH MY GOD I WASN'T HALLUCINATING YOU'RE A HORIZON FAN OUGH on all fours barking howling I love the series SO Much I'm unwell and have a shrine to Aloy.
I hope it's okay to ask you- who's your fav HZD/HFW character??
Oh WAS I mutual my dear
quick sidenote: sorry for disappearing a bit, I will shortly return to messages and fic commentary, january's been busy xD
HZD was pretty much my 'first big gamer pants' game, it was the first game I played on my ps4 and I sunk hundreds of hours into it, big thanks to photomode for that too! (some self-marketing, I have en entire #hzd photomode and #hfw photmode tags for that)
I remember first seeing an announcement trailer of it and then being really bummed out they changed the aim hexagon from that gameplay showcase to industry-standard circle xD.
So, uh, yeah I am a big Horizon fangirl, though let's just say the HFW story twists had me...somewhat loose interest in this series, it feels too much 'marvelised' to me now. Still, the games are great and I have no choice but to follow where it all will go next.
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Tomato Captain Husbando is my absolute fave. I lost all sense and went rabid when the HFW trailers with him present dropped, it was insane.
Normally I am neutral towards character shipping, like I don't care much for it. Then someone like Erend drops along and oh boy. I legit missed him when playing FW because it felt cold, and very far from base game and just damn, I missed him a lot. Fictional man obsession imprinted on him I swear
Varl is also great, his random bush jumpscare at the start of HFW was hilarious! I cannot make up my mind if I wanna burn him with a flamethrower if I see that beard again or if it's not too bad on him... The moment where he, Erend and Aloy all went on a mission together was comedy gold I would never ever forget, it was adorable.
Kotallo is great, no questions asked. I love seeing disabled characters being badass, and he had a great arc coming to terms with that disability, very good food. (member of a One Armed Nero Supremacy Gang)
I also love Horizon for giving us lots of cool side-characters and stories to explore! There was a sidequest with a captured Nora woman, who had avenged her offenders and then had to make due with surviving as a 'cursed' Nora, really liked that one. The young tenakth get injured by acid spitting machine sidequest was awesome, the musical banuk who played pipes in frozen dam like drums is my fave FW spot, the Lowland Tenakth grandma she is just the best...
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Yeah I love this series a normal amount)
Bonus, fav machines: Behemoths, Broadhorns, Dreadwings (their battle theme is sooooo goooooood)
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metalleafy · 8 days
TPOT 13 thoughts (spoilers of course)
This was a very well-done one!
It starts with Firey and Leafy. I mean I love Leafy to pieces and I CAN get into Fireafy but it's feeling overexposed lately with BFDIA 13 and now in a season they aren't even in. I want to see more of Leafy without Firey. Speaking of which One takes her and leaves us hanging. It seems like when there are Fireafy interactions it is Leafy that falls behind. In fact I'd say Leafy is better off with One than Firey! I do like the 5b music (Evil Leafy?)
What's up with the Robot Flower figure? Hey they're using a Stapy for posters :) This windstorm is worse than BFDI 5. I like the Two-shaped key. I forgot how much I disliked Four's voice. Stapy saying aww seriously was darling. X is nice. I voted for Liy so it's nice to see her join but I would prefer a BraceLiy debut to PENCIL who is in BFDIA!
Two is so unserious for having them pick teams based on names instead of membership. Ouch for Pencil! Liy was right to choose BAGGED over people she doesn't like! Golf Ball's concern for fairness always gets me. Two crying over feeling rejected... poor them.
TV using BFDI 15 Announcer saying Hello as his greeting made me wistful. Pencil being dependent and Pillow ripping Donut? So messy. TB saying "missing three" made me think Three would walk in. Pillow being safe is good because I VTS'd her. Liy got the Two-shaped key!!! Ouch for Barf Bag :( I hope she gets more BFDIA face time.
Basketball being safe is good because I VTS'd her. I would rather Donut be barfed on to be remembered. I love how TV celebrates being safe; he is moving way up in the rankings with these clips. ROBOTY??? Two in Bottle is adorable, and I prefer Bottle being safe to Needle because Needle is in BFDIA. But I liked Peneedle!
NOT THE FISH MONSTER!!! And Four and X just fluffing off to some beach (with 9shades) sent me. Oh there's the Seinfeld bassline as heard in 5c. I want to see how One plays with Needle and Barf Bag! I like the different angles of Liy being seen. THE GOIKY DRAGONS??? AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF FISH MONSTER?
The challenge is to stop One's creatures. Why is TWO on the THIRD floor? Two snoring in 2's instead of Z's is so cute. And a sleeping pillow aww. Pencil is so unhinged here and she wants to start a cross-team alliance! GB and Donut being destabilized without Barfy is interesting.
I love that TB speaks for TV's powerpoint slides. Pen and bottle eating popcorn aww. AND THE DAVID WILL BE DEAD! I kind of like Snowball using Icy to freeze the monsters out. And Booktaggy fighting them looks really cool. I think RF has a point killing those bugs, and her messing with her teammates is darling.
Eraser turning the fish monsters against each other reminds me of something but I can't remember it. YF going Scribblenauts for CloudYAY and I love it. LIY WITH THE TWO KEY!!! I thought that shot of the inanimate bottle would lead to something like II2 but no, Bottle just did something only a Bottle can do!! Yay for object specific tasks!
We get to see some recommenbies. GB calls Donut a first boot and I kind of like the theme of him never living it down. It was a SETUP! The other two were CoinPin! INCOME TAX RETURN DOCUMENT MENTIONED!!! I love TV getting wheels to distract David.
Finally the two robots interact! Liy using her previous pact membership to curry favor is so iconic. Pixel TB <3 PILLOW WITH THE FLAMETHROWER!!! Even dragons can do the dodging pattern lol. I chose to interpret the "private moment" line as Book thinking Gaty and RF were kissing.
RF stabbing Gaty with Pin was awesome! And the view from her cracked screen was one of those moments. She uses her petals as fan blades! The bacon and egg face was adorable and so is marker eating foam. RF DREW HERSELF A HAPPY FACE??? AND SHE MOVES INSTANTANEOUSLY LIKE EL??? She just killed battery D: Fanny taking down RF...
ONE IS SO UNHINGED XD and Book with the little gamecube was great. TAGGY PEW PEW! Basketball signs with a footprint lol. Basketbot... aww... Due to my strong beliefs about bodily autonomy I think Basketball changing RF would have been okay if she just used the BFB Flower.
I like how GB now seems to want TB to save her. eepy david :3 Pencil is so spiteful so now Taggy and Book are at risk of leaving despite their awesomeness. I liked the shot of the dragon on the David though. Fanny grinding up bugs in her fan and Basketball being bounced around are more fun object reminders. And the recovery centers talking using their screens are always cute!
NOT THE CLUMSY TENNIS BALL!!! BH still rules for stopping the storm instead of winning. And I kind of hate that we didn't get a Leafy appearance with One so we'll have to live with this torment fo a while.
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solarianradiance · 7 months
“Whoop!” The Peppermint looking Ice King hopped down from the top of the waterfall, sticking the landing. “Huzzah! Touch Down!” He then approached the pair, waving at them like they were friends, which they were not. “Howdy kiddos what’s the haps?! This a picnic?! Please say yes, cuz I forgot my trail mix back at the castle and I have got the munchies like ya would not believe.”
“Uh... who’s this, your friend?” Finn asked the Princess.
“NO!” Bubblegum said with venom. “That’s Ice King and he ain’t no friend of mine!”
“Oh Bubble baby, c’mon, don’t be like this, especially in front of the kids!” The Ice King retorted. “You’re gonna traumatize em!”
“NO! DAAA-” The Princess was about to swear again, but after side-eyeing Finn she course corrected. “-NG-GUM... V-VARMINT! Speaking of which, it’s high time I took you out like one.”
The Princess readied her Flamer, setting it to full blast, prepared to take the Ice Kings life. Then she remembered the Crown upon his head, HER crown. She lowered her flamethrower and sighed in livid frustration. She couldn’t risk damaging the Gem. She suspected it would be able to survive anything due to being a Magical Artifact of great power unto itself but did not want to risk it.
“What? Oh this?! ZONK NO! It’s mine! I found it and it makes me look regal as heck but in a subtle way, like I’m 500 and boyish again!”
“W-WHA-... Glob, give me strength.” Bubblegum said as she rubbed her hand into her face. She was so tired of his shenanigans that she was starting to lose her flavor. What was she going to have to do to get some peace, sacrifice a lamb?
“But seriously, you got any food? I’m starving!” Asked the Ice King.
“I ain’t gonna feed you, ya mangey... moon mongler!” Said the Princess, who considered torching the Lunatic as Finn walked past her. “What are you-”
“Here!” Finn offered up pair of bagged snax. “Would you like Chips or Cookies?!”
“Oh! Uh... thanks kid!” He said as he took both and opened them up to start chowing down on the unhealthy remedy for the Munchies.
“Hah! Good choice bro!” Finn said with a cheerful admiration.
“Oh. My. Flipping. GLOB!” Shouted Bubblegum. “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!”
“Hole up for a sec!” Finn said hoping for patience.
A giggle could be heard from the trees above, Bubblegum and Finn, both barely heard it, but it was there. But neither paid it any mind, assuming it was a bird.
“So... Ice King...” Finn began.
“Yeah, what you want kid?” The old man said in a grouchy grandpa way as he munched on some chips. “If its the snax back ya ain’ gettin em! Cuz they’re mine, see!” He said as he opened his gob showing what he munched on.
“Hehe, gross!” Finn commented, retaining a warming, gentle smile, which the Ice King took notice of, but remained cautious. “Listen, can you be a good neighbor and let my friend over there have that crown hers back? It would mean a real ton to her and stuff.”
“Pffft-hah... dork.” Said a hushed, muffled, breathy unseen voice.
Finn looked around but spotted nobody. He felt a sense of confusion, because he swore he heard somebody but retained his focus on the now.
“Hmmm...nah!” He said as he stuffed his maw. “I mean wafs-shinnit fa me!?”
“Uh... I dunno, what do you want? A hug?!” Finn offered. “I can give mega good hugs! See! Watch!” Finn hugged himself, looking all silly and ridiculous. Yet he was also wholesome and endearing at the same time. Bubblegum felt a smile crack at the sight, as did the other person that invisibly floated behind the Ice King.
“See!” Said Finn. “Mega good hug! Gimme that crown and I’ll give ya one a-these, just like a Gwandson to his Gwampapa~”
“Hmmm...nom!” The Ice King of the Crimson Red said as he took another bite of cookie, contemplating the boys offer. He did like the idea of being hugged by a total stranger claiming to be his Grandson.
“Okay! Counteroffer! I’ll give you this cute crown upon my handsome brow, in exchange for a hug... from Princess Bubblegum!!! Deal?!” He said with a wicked cookie eating grin as if he had made an offer of the century.
“NO!” Shouted Bubblegum with spicy venom. “AIN’T NO WAY I’M-”
“Deal!” Said Finn with great enthusiasm. “I’ll even throw in a hug from me! Now gimme the crown and she’ll give you the hug!”
“Okie dokie!” Said the Red Ice King as he granted Finn his desire, plucking the cute tiara off of his own head and planting it onto Finn’s head. “I’ll collect my prize... riiiiight after I finished these, scrumptious cookies!” He stuffed a cookie into his mouth and began to chew the treat. “Mmm, succulent soft baked. Ho-ho, boy do I remembah~”
“Cool! Thanks!” Finn paced his way over to Bubblegum, whose mouth was open in disbelief. Finn’s trick actually worked somehow.
“Princess, meet crown! Crown, meet Princess! Here ya go!” Finn offered the item to the Lady, who simply stared at him as if this was some sort of dream or illusion. “...Uh, take it? It’s not gonna bite ya! I think. That would be kinda cool in a real wack-a-doodle manner, but I don’t think something like that’s gonna happen!”
Bubblegum snapped back to reality at his comment, giving a mild snort at the absurdity of it all. She plucked the crown out of the boys' hands and planted it back on her temple where it belonged.
“Thank you... Fffinn! I...” She said trying to find the words. “I... appreciate what you did!” She then put on a smile, a slightly fake one, the Princess had business to tend to and did not want the innocent child to see it. “Now, could you please run along to the castle and get more help for me please! It’s really super urgent!” She said, hoping he would listen.
“Yeah fosure! Right after you hug that guy and I’ll be on my way!” He replied giving thumbs up with his tongue out and a smile.
This was the exact thing she did not want to hear and her slightly fake smile became a slightly more fake one. “N-...no I am... not going to hug him.” She said as her facade cracked a little with a tinge of disgust in her words.
“Hehehe, sure you are, a deal is a deal!” Finn said without skipping a beat. “Princesses always keep their ends of the bargains!”
“I... DIDN’T agree to hug him.” She said with clear anger. “Nor would I do so even if he was the last person in all of Ooo! How dare you expect me to fulfill a promise that YOU made!?”
Finn sensing the Princesses disdain felt a bit dour. He was a Boy of his word, but he also did not mean to overstep his boundaries.
“U-uh...u-u-umm... I-I’m sorry, I just... wanted to help and stuff!” He said with a timid voice. “B-but what’s wrong the red guy anyways?! Sure, he’s kinda weird and gross, but what’s one hug for him helpin to find your cr-?”
“HE’S A FLIPPIN LUNATIC THAT’S BEEN HARASSING ME FOR YEARS, KID!!!” She yelled with a viciousness comparable to that of an enraged Tiger.
“F-for realsies?” Finn asked, shaken slightly by the unexpected tone of the Adult. It wasn’t something Finn was used to seeing. Even the unseen 4th person that floated around had never seen Bonnie like this.
“YEAH! FOR ‘REALSIES!” She shouted. “He has been going around, kidnapping Princesses like me, like some twisted demented creep who doesn’t take no for an answer! So no! I am NOT hugging him! Instead...” She lifted up her flamethrower and shot a brief stream up into the air. “I am going to burn him to death!”
Finn gasped at the idea, the boy glancing back at the old man in red, obliviously enjoying the snacks he gave him.
“So if you don’t want to be traumatized while I bake his cake, I suggest you obey my command and walk away while you can. Otherwise, I’ll help you find a therapist.” She said in a voice most bitter. This is not a situation she wanted, but she was done being patient. She set the flamer to full blast and took aim. “So move aside! I got a problem to solve.”
The person that floated above them was in a state of shock and disbelief, a hot rage and a cold pain filled her body, her arms, her legs, her chest. She did not want this to happen, but now it was out of her hands to prevent. She lifted her Bass Axe over her, read to bring it down upon her old friend to protect an even older one. As she did this, ice cold tears welled up in her eyes as she prepared to do the hardest thing of her long life yet.
“No.” said Finn as he stood directly between the Ice King and the Candy Princess.
“Excuse you?” Said the Princess in confused disbelief.
“I SAID NO!” Yelled Finn with a passionate anger in his voice. “I WON’T LET YOU JUST KILL HIM!”
“Uh, that’s not for you to decide, kid!” Spat the Princess. “His fate was sealed when he decided to try to kidnap me for the last time. Now obey my command or get scorched with him!”
“I DON’T CARE!!” Finn yelled. “You can’t just kill people just because they’re an inconvenience!” He glanced back at the Ice King. “I don’t know that guy, but as far as I personally know, he hasn’t done anything wrong! And as my brother taught me, I gotta give peeps the benefit of the doubt! So until I see him do something donkin evil, he’s a person darn it, HIS LIFE HAS VALUE!”
His last words caused both the Princess and the invisible Axe Murderer to slowly lower their weapons. They didn’t expect him so say something with such sincere... conviction.
“So, you’re... just gonna stand there and be cooked alive with him?” Asked Bubblegum, wondering just how serious he was.
Finn showed a sense of fear on his face. He did not want to die, especially at the hands of the Princess. But then he showed his resolve. “...If I have to, I will! Because that’s what heroes do!”
The Princess was taken aback by his answer. A child willing to put his life down for a stranger that had a bad reputation, even if the face of death. It touched her, his sweet innocence and naivety caused her to blink back to a time she had thought lost. Bonnie did not want to hurt Finn, she wanted to protect him, causing her to lower her weapon even more.
“We don’t have to kill him! Or fight each other! We can, talk it out maybe? I dunno!” Finn offered, hoping the Princess would see it his way. “I got the crown back with snax, didn’t I?”
“You...” The Princess hesitated, she was still afraid of the Ice King and being wrong. “I... don’t trust you... OR HIM!!”
“Well... I trust you!” Said Finn.
“WHAT?!” Said Bonnie. “But we JUST met! You don’t even KNOW me!!”
“Why not though? You’re Princess and you haven’t done anything wrong, ever! So I trust you to do the right thing no matter what! Here, I’ll even turn my back to you!” Finn said as he spun around, doing as he said. “See?! Perfect trust! Ain’t no biggie!”
“WHA-WHU-...kid you’re crazy!”
“Why would it be cray-cray? You gunna do somethin evil?” Finn said as looked back, smirking.
“Na-NO! I wussent gunna!” Said Bubblegum as she blushed, almost as if she was a kid caught doing something naughty and embarrassing.
“Then it ain’t no biggie, see?” Finn said as he looked towards the Ice King, wondering what the big deal is with the guy.
The Ice King swallowed the last cookie and stood up, brushing off his beard full of crumbs. “All right, that... MMM! That was fattening good! Glad I found those snax!” He then belched. “Okay Princess! Time to go home, cuz you and I got a Wedding ceremony to catch!”
“Oh sweet! Who be gettin hitched, homie!?” Finn said, like the naive child he was.
“Oh, glad you asked!” Said the red man as he took his crown in hand. “Just Princess Bubblegum and her King that is I~”
He planted the crown upon his head and with it, a shimmering of magic all around him, his colors shifting, or burning, the red away and turning him in a variety of blues. His hands then flashed with white frosty light that was zap happy in its sound and he floated above them in a manner most menacing.
“Well.” Finn began as he glanced back at the Princess. “The-.... the Princess don’t wanna marry you, so... you gotta respect her decision, right?”
“Oh hahahahaaha!” The King cackled like a Madman in the moonlight. “Kiddo! Buddy! Her consent is of no concern to me! Now DIE! ZAP!” He hurled a bolt of freezing lightning that landed between Finn and Bubblegum, striking with such force they both were sent flying. Bubblegum even lost her flamer as she was made dizzy.
Finn was knocked down, but quickly got up with a groan. “DUDE! WHAT THE FLIP!? I WAS LITERALLY JUST VOUCHING FOR YOU!!!”
“Oh please, kiddo, I don’t need nobody vouchin for me!” Declared the Ice King with unironic confidence as he floated. “Not with these good looks and mad charisma stats! This Tumblin sexy man don’t need no wingman!”
“You were literally about to get a hug! From the Princess! Maybe. From me! DEFENINTLY!!!” Finn slammed his fist into his palm.
“Why settle for a hug when I can get MARRIED!!” He yelled as he zapped an Ice Bolt at Finn.
“NO!” Yelled Bubblegum, reaching out instinctively in a desire to protect the child.
Finn simply dodged it thankfully. “You’re gonna have to do better than that you old frostybuns!”
“Don’t you yell G-rated insults at me ya lil jumpin bean! NOW DIE LIKE A BIG BOY WORD!!!” He shouted as he launched a flurry of bolts at Finn again.
“NO! YOU-...Can’t...” Bubblegum yelled only to find Finn was dodging all of them with ease like he was a seasoned acrobat, performing flips and jumps as if it were nothing. “Wow, he is a lithe one. Didn’t think bear mutants could do such tricks.” She said to herself, actually impressed.
“Hold. Still. You. Little. You. Stale. GRAHAM CRACKER!” The Ice King threw bolt after bolt at Finn but could not hit him. Finn threw a rock at him, hitting his chest. “GAH!”
“That all ya got ya glorified kitchen appliance?” Finn taunted as he juggled a stone in one hand with his sword in the other. He then tossed the rock up and used his sword like a baseball bat and struck the rock at the Ice King, who dodged it. Well, actually, he barely moved, he just turned in the air to watch it fly out of the area.
“Looks like you just struck-GOW!” Ice King was cut off by Finn’s mighty foot to his blue face in a kick, causing him to spin in the air.
“Hahaha!” Giggled the young Adventurer. “This is too easy!”
“FINN!” Shouted Bubblegum, getting Finn’s attention. “RUN! RUN AWAY! NOW!!”
“What?! Why!? I’m totes kickin his tail all over the place!” Finn asked in disbelief as he did a little jig to taunt the guy. “Didn’t you see the way I decked him just now?!”
“He’s holding back Finn! He can easily kill you if he gets angry enough!” She explained. “So, run! Get help! NOW!!!”
“Nah, I think I c-WHOA!” Finn barely dodged a beam of ice from his opponent.
“You’re WAY outta ya league, kiddo!” Growled the Ice King. As he beamed a ray of ice at the child.
“You’re the one whose missing all your shots bozo!” Finn taunted.
“Who said I was tryin to hit ya?!” The King countered.
“Huh?” Finn said as he looked around. Everything was covered in sheets of sleek ice. But he didn’t understand the gravity of the situation until it was too late. “GAH!” He screamed as he slipped, hitting the ice, sliding a ways along. “Uh-oh” He said as he realized what it meant.
“Hehehe! Now you get it!” The King cackled in triumph. “Now for my prize!~” he said as he hovered over to Princess Bubblegum.
“Oh HECK no!” Bubblegum and Finn said in unison.
The Princess picked up a rock ready to rumble.
“Babygirl don’t be playin hard to get now! You know domestic violence is a poor alternative to talking it ou-OWHOW!” The Ice King took a rock to the nose, which he rubbed to soothe.
“I DON’T want to marry you, Ice King.” Bubblegum said. “I don’t want to marry you, I don’t want to date you, and I sure as HECK don’t wanna listen to your stupid songs about doing any of that stuff either! So please, for the last time, FFFLIP OFF!”
“Now now! No need for coarse language in front of the child!” The King Tutted. “They pick up some potty mouth wor-OW! All right, that’s it! When we get home you are gettin a timeout!”
“NO!” She shouted as he grabbed the Princess by the wrists and was about fly off with her, despite her protests of fists to his face, some which landed.
“UNGRAB HER YOU FLIPPIN FREAK!!” Finn screamed as he slid towards the pair on his belly like a penguin, rolling forward onto his feet and then launching himself head first into the Ice King with great momentum that it knocked both the King and the Princess into the shallow water. Finn then stood up ready for another go at him.
“EERRRRRAAAAGH!” The King growled like a beast. “WHY WON’T YOU STAY DOWN!!” He then prepared to fire another Ice Beam at Finn.
“Uh-Oh!” Thinking fast he ran towards the tree for cover as the Ice King fired his beam of Ice at him, starting from the Kings own feet, tracking towards Finn. It was much larger and slower than the last beam was and in it’s wake, left a thick rail of ice.
Finn however saw an opportunity, he ran up the tree as the beam spell finished, flipping at the crescendo and in the wake of the beam left a railing that was the dream of a grinder that Finn planted on, sliding directly towards the Ice King with speed and force.
“Oh fffudg-” Said the Ice King as he felt the full force of Finn’s kick to his forehead, knocking a daze into him as he landed face first into the shallow water. “Rrrrmmuugh” He groaned as he laid there.
“Wow...” Said an impressed Bubblegum as she had witnessed everything, which was the only thing she could say as she approached Finn. “You... y-you did it! You actually beat him! You defeated the Ice King!”
Finn panted, the fight taking a lot out of him. “Yeah! Pretty cool, right!? Hehehe! Pun.” He said with a thumbs up.
“Nobody has been able to do that since... Billy...” She said with almost disbelief. If she had not been here to witness this event, she would not have believed it.
“Billy?!” Said with a sense of distance. “I... did something here did too?”
“Yeah! He used to wrangle the Ice King whenever he got lose before disappearing. Always had a heck of a time doing it too!” Explained the Princess. “But nevermind that! Take your Sword and finish him off!”
“What?!” Said Finn like he had a little crazy in his ear. “You mean... like...”
“KILL HIM! Yes! Take your blade and cut his head off!” Commanded the Princess.
“ARE YOU CRAZY!?” Finn spat back, his voice cracking. “He’s defeated! Can’t we just leave? Or arrest him!?”
“No!” She said with a stern flatness. “Everytime he’s arrested, he escapes! Everytime he gets knocked down, he get’s up again! This whole shindig of him kidnapping Princesses and causing havoc? It will start over again and more suffering will continue! He needs to be put down PERMANENTLY!”
“But... but!” Finn said timidly.
“Finn... please... I don’t want to have nightmares of him anymore.” Said Bubblegum, putting on a sad face, bringing out her tears, hoping the boy would obey her so that she would not have to sully her own Royal hands with his blood while also having the detachment of the deed of taking the Ice Kings life. That way nobody could say SHE killed him. She just wanted the act done.
“U-um... well... I did give him the benefit of the doubt. I’ll... put him down.” Finn said, taking his sword in hand, his face sullen with oncoming sadness, approaching the Ice King who was still face down in the water, wearing his admittedly cool crown.
“Sorry bro, but you’re evil, I gotta do what Heroes do and... slay you.” Finn said as he and the invisible entity raised their weapons, prepared to take the life of someone who was unaware.
Finn with both hands on his sword stood there, frozen. He shook a little at the thought of taking the life of a defeated opponent, even if it was someone like the Ice King who just attacked him.
“Mmmmrm....mmmrmrm!” Finn hummed. “mmmmmRRM I CAN’T DO IT!”
This shocked both Bubblegum and the Invisible Girl, who lowered her axe as Finn turned to Bonniebel, lowing his sword to his side.
“I’m sorry Princess! But this is wrong! And I can-Huh?!” Finn tried to explain, but felt the chilling cold touch of something around his right wrist. Finn’s bolted around and saw it was the Ice King.
“GOTCHYA PUNK!” He shouted as a flash of freezing light enveloped both of their hands. Then he let go of him.
Upon his entire forearm was a block of Ice that covered Finn’s limb. “AAA!” He shouted as the cold stung him with mild pain, stumbling back away from the Ice King a little.
“HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Cackled the Coldhearted Clown. “That’s what chya get fer letting ya guard do-AAA!” Finn clocked the King with his frozen appendage. “MY SCHNOZ!!! YA BROKE MY SCHNOZ!!!” Yelled the Frozen Monarch as he grasped his face.
Finn stumbled backwards a distance away from the grazed King and fell onto his boy buns into the running stream. He too was grazed as he was coming to terms with his frozen limb.
“FINN!” Yelled Bubblegum who rushed to the boys aid. “Your arm!!!”
“It’s... fine!” Said Finn with a grimmace.
“NO! It is NOT fine! It is 100% not fine! It is ROUGH and COARSE! Because I should not have made you do that! Oh Glob!” She explained. She felt such guilt over manipulating him to do her bidding. “Look, this is just my problem! Okay!? Just get up and run! I won’t let you die for me, so-”
Finn place his hand on hers and looked her dead in the eye. “It’s okay, really! I promise that I will protect you no matter what, Princess! Even if it costs me my arm or my life, I will ALWAYS protect you! I swear it!” He said with a most natural sense of sincerity.
The Princess was speechless, he such conviction to his words and they were for her. Even though he was a bit unsettled and injured, he was still willing to protect her, even at the cost of his life. He was probably ignorant, a child playing hero, but she didn’t sense any sort of falsehood, he was dead serious. But it did leave a bit of blush on her face as it his words left her a little bit inspired.
“Finn...I...” She began in a soft voice as she held him.
“Need to SHUT THE HELL UP!” Shouted the Ice King, grabbing their attention with his invocation of an ancient Norse Goddess... with 2 L’s. He snapped his nose back into place and growled at the pair. “I... am... DONE! Time to finish this little game with a bit of a FROST NOVA!!!”
The King’s hands came alight with frosty magic and he spun his hands over one another like some sort of dance as he slowly floated upwards.
“OH NO YA DON’T!” Finn said in defiance, standing up rushing towards him to attack. But he was stopped as the Princess yanked on his free hand to stop his foolish bravery.
“SHUT UP AND LISTEN!” She shouted. “His Spell that he’s about to use is gonna freeze this river and we’ll be stuck! OR WORSE! We gotta book it to higher ground, NOW!”
“A-...OKAY!” Finn agreed as the two rushed hand in hand to the island.
“WHERE DO YA THINK YOU’RE GOIN?!” The Ice King hollered. “Why don’t stay for some CHILL!?!?” He slammed his hands into the stream and came forth a great sheet of rock solid ice, stopping the stream dead. The Ice traveled with speed towards the Princess and her friend.
Finn glanced back and his sense of danger told him that now was time for a judgement call. They would not make it back on the shore in time. So Finn instead stopped the Princess in their tracks and lifted her above himself with surprising strength.
“FINN! WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU DOING?!” The Princess shouted in protest as she was lifted.
“Fufilling my promise!” He said as he turned around, stepped back and took a firm stance.
The Ice then hit him and he was frozen from the waist down. “GEYAAAAA!” He screamed with a shock to his system. “C-C-COLD! SO COLD! IT’S LIKE WHEN JAKE POURS ICE CUBES DOWN MY PANTS BUT A MILLION TIMES WORSE!!! IT’S ALGEBRAIC BAD!!!”
Thankfully the Princess was safe, Finn gently lowering her to the ice covered shallow river. “Are you okay!?” She asked.
“M-m-m-my boy bumps are goin numb, but, yeah? I think?” He shuttered in the cold.
“AAA-HAHAHAHAHAAAA!” The Ice King cackled in triumph as he floated closer with menace. “What’s the matter, kid? Where’s that spunky bravado you just had a moment ago? Did it freeze and die like you’re about to?” He growled in a low, threatening tone.
“Dude! Take a hint!” Finn declared, trying to hide his sense of fear. “You ain-GUH!”
The Ice King slugged Finn with a fist to the boys face. Blood had spilled forth from his nose. Not much, but just little, enough to show that the blow wasn’t just for show.
Ice King then planted his hand upon the childs face, to muzzle him. Finn looked into the visage of the Lunatic and saw him bear a demonic smile filled with dark glee, his teeth sharp, on full display.
Bubblegum never saw this side of him before, he usually was just a cornball idiot that was more like a harassing kidnapping clown than an actual threat half the time. He was actually... scary, she was afraid of him now.
“Ya really should stayed down ya lil bastard.” Ice King said with a snow demons grin. He lifted his free hand into the air above his head, looking like claw about to come down, alight with crackling ice magic. “Now you’re about to be a frozen carcass. Any last words?”
Ice King lifted his hand off the boys mouth. Finn looked into the eyes of his soon-to-be killer and saw a genuine curiosity in them.
“I-...” Finn began. “I guess I always knew I’d go out saving somebody.”
“HAH!” The King laughed. “Nobody chooses how they go, kid.”
As he was about to land the killing blow, Ice King felt the hand of someone familiar grasp his wrist. “Stop.” She whispered, a desperation in her voice. “Please...”
“Huh?!” Ice King gruffed, he glanced back. But saw nobody was there, confounding the Royarch.
“WAIT!” Bubblegum shouted, getting the Ice King’s attention.
“Oh what now?!” Ice King moaned. “Can’t chya see I’m in the middle of turnin this child into a pint sized cadaver? Women am I right?” He asked Finn.
“If you let him go... I’ll...” Said the Princess. “I’ll...”
“Yeah? YEAH?! You’ll what?!” Ice King demanded.
“I’ll... I will marry you... Ice King.” The Princess said with a sense of defeat.
“Wha-, REALLY?!” King shouted.
“...Yes.” She said as she hung her head. “I will marry you, if you let that boy go.”
“PRINCESS N-N-N-NO!!!” Finn protested.
“... Well hawt dang! Wooo!” Cheered Ice King. “After so many years, I finally got one to say yes! Who knew child murder was what did it?! Pretty sure that’s a red flag and that I’m about to get stabbed, but I’ll take it!”
“NO! I f-f-forbid this a-a-act of union!” Shivered Finn. “Esp-p-p-pescially when it’s on mmmm-m-m-m-my bhalf!!”
“Finn shut up!” Shouted Bubblegum.
“Yeah! Put a sock in it!” Agreed Ice King. “You ain’t gonna ruin this for us, no way, no how!”
“He’s right, Finn... we’re... engaged.” Bubblegum said in a dour tone. “That means this now has nothing to... do with you.”
“But Princess Bubblegum, you don’t have to do this!” Finn said with sorrow. “I promised I woul-”
Bubblegum planted her hand on his mouth to silence him. “You’re just a kid, Finn. You don’t understand what you meant when you said that. Even if we both believed you.” The two stared at each other as she removed her hand from his mouth. Finn felt a tinge of cold pain within him, like he failed her. She planted a kiss on his cheek, causing the boy to blush. “Thanks anyways though...” She said with a half a smile. But it only lasted a moment before melting into a sad frown. “Now go home, and don’t follow us. That’s a direct command from your Princess.”
“Hey can I get a little sugar here myself?” The Ice King asked, offering his own puckered lips.
“Uh... why not save if for the ceremony? It’s... bad luck to kiss the bride before then, right?” Said Bubblegum, hoping the idiot would buy it.
“Mmmm, yeah you’re right!” Ice King agreed. He then grabbed her like a bride and began to float. “We got all of eternity to smooch, baby! Hahahaha!!!”
“W-W-WAIT! Hold up! Aren’t chya gonna free him!?” Bubblegum asked anxiously.
“What? Hecks NO!” The King spat. “Why the skrog would I do that?! Sucka tried to 69 me! I ain’ gonna let that slide!” A snort followed by giggling could be heard from somewhere, probably the invisible person.
“I’LL 69 Y-Y-YOU R-R-R-RIGHT NOW YA J-J-JERK!” Finn threatened, the invisible person doing whatever she could to remain invisible and not burst out laughing like a psychopathic clown hearing the best joke possible, sounding like a deflating balloon.
“But you said you’d let him go if I went with you?!” Decried the Princess.
“Nah-uh my dear~!” Said the King in a sly manner. “You asked me to just let him go, nothing about when or how! Monkey’s paw rules, honey! You really should think about how you word or phrase things! Save you a headache in legislation!”
“Then the deals off ya butt!” Bonnie protested.
“TOO BAD! Cuz I hold all the cards! Most of which I dealt to myself! BY CHEATING! WITH A LOADED DECK! AAAHAHAHAHA!!!” The King laughed. “Here kid! I’ll leave ya with a gentle snow ta ease ya into that good night!”
The Ice King flew over the Boy. “FINN!” Yelled Bonnie as she rached out for him. “PRINCESS!!!” Finn shouted as he reached back for her with his free hand with all of his might. The two nearly touched hands, but missed.
The King flew high up into the air and spun around and around and around like a record, clouds gathering to him in a spiral, laughing like a maniac the whole time.
Then suddenly, he flew off, towards the Mountains of Ice, leaving only cloud and a mostly out of season dense snowfall from the clouds.
“PRINCEEEESSS!!!” The Boy shouted again, thrashing against his helpless frozen state, long after she and her kidnapper fled from sight.
Snow was falling around him, his breathe could be seen in the chilled air as he was tuckered out. He felt the sting of ice upon his flesh, numbing him as he began to shiver. But now he felt a new pain well up within him.
“I couldn’t help her.” Said Finn quietly as tears began to run down his cheeks as he began to cry. Then he felt something upon his cheeks, a cool hand gently wipe away a single boyish tear, snapping him from his mourning over losing the Princess.
“W-what the?” His eyes darted around trying to find who did that. Then he spotted an outline of snow floating in front and above him. “Who the kronk are you!?”
The silhouette jolted and then floated around Finn, the boy tracking the entity with his head. “HEY! I SEE YOU!!!” Finn shouted.
“Wh-HUH?! HOW TH-” Said the voice of a girl, who stopped mid sentence as she noticed snow was on her, revealing where she was.
“Did you just... touch my cheek?!?” Finn demanded, his face blushing in confusion. “Cuz that’s... um...” He wasn’t sure what to say really.
“Ugh, whateves.” Said the Invisible Girl as she struck Finn’s iced hand and feet with her axe, cracking them. “Laters.” Said the entity as it floated off towards the Ice Mountains.
“WAIT! WHO-O-O ARE YOU?!” Finn shouted.
“Finn?!” Said a masculine familiar voice.
“You can’t be Finn! I’m Fi- wait, what the skroobles?” He said in confoundment.
“FINN!” Stretched Jake’s head into Finn’s sight.
Adventure Time Presents: The Good, The Fair & The Beautiful. - Chapter 8 - Zalloj - Adventure Time (Cartoon 2010) [Archive of Our Own]
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cloudbattrolls · 8 months
Gliese Benral | Gliese's Hedge Maze | Present Night
If you want to know what the creatures in this drabble are, I recommend checking out @nihils-trolls's plot!
The blueblood held the shears expertly, snipping away at her hedges with sweeps of long practice. How long had she kept these? Since she was six? Five, even? 
She couldn’t quite remember how long it had been, only that she’d planted them when her eyes were still gray and her horns were maybe half the length they were now. 
Gliese heard a very dramatic scream coming from a few hedge walls over and her ears flicked irritably. Couldn’t a girl trim her plants in peace?
It didn’t sound like Zeller or Kit, so who cared. Maybe Haredad had caught an intruder.
When a yell followed it the little highblood sighed deeply and supposed she’d better go check it ou -
What the fuck was that doing here.
A shadowy black blob peeped out of her hedge, one awful green and golden eye showing. She dropped her shears on the ground with a thud and swung out her flamethrower to blast it, not caring about the damage or the smoke now rising to the sky as fire licked through the plants. 
At least she kept them well watered; it wouldn’t spread too quickly, and she didn’t have time to worry about it right now.
She whistled high and shrill for her lusus, if he was in range, but if not she’d just have to solve it herself.
Her flamethrower away again, Gliese ran toward the voice now yelling and cursing again. Her eyes crackled with orange sparks as she called ghosts to her, skeletons as well. None of her plant constructs would be good here; better things that couldn’t burn, or wouldn’t do so easily.
Now she had to hope she wouldn’t have a fucking seizure. 
At least if she did, her skeletons were instructed to preserve her at all costs.
A few burst from the ground and gave her the lift she needed to leap over the next hedge and -
-swear like the soldier she’d once been as she landed, flamethrower out again as her angry and baffled glowing eyes took in the wreckage before her.
Bigger blobs had already consumed half the plants in this area and were still eating away at them. The ground itself was riddled with puddles of black, gleaming like oil in the moonlight. 
Cried a terrified voice.
Right, the troll.
She spun around and saw them; their bright red coat made it easy as they ran like hell from the biggest monster yet, but it was clear it would catch them in seconds.
Gliese opened fire on that blob, not getting all of it on her first go, but enough to slow it down, let the troll - let the troll whip out an umbrella and quickly rise up into the air with a shimmering aura of red magic as they clutched its handle. 
She grinned. Another mage.
Then she blasted at the big blob again, her skeletons and ghosts keeping the ones around her busy, but she could feel a seizure coming on. 
Ugh, it wasn’t fucking going down.
Fuck it. She had no choice. 
Gritting her teeth, Gliese pushed her psiionics further, her vision growing hazy, and the last thing she heard before she passed out was the howl of her ghosts inhabiting her skeletons, bolstering their power.
Then it all went dark.
She woke up in her hive.
On her couch.
Damn. How long had she been out?
She looked out the nearest window and realized not too long, the sky had barely lightened; the moons hadn’t yet set.
“Hello, I do hope this IS your hive and I didn’t just follow some skeletons that carried you into someone else’s. But I thought: big fancy mansion, blueblood, the two go together like salt and pepper. Oh, I put the fires out too, because widespread arson seemed like a bad idea.” 
She sat up and looked over, noticing the troll from before.
They didn’t have their coat on anymore, and their umbrella was nowhere to be seen.
“Say, do you know what those are? I haven’t the foggiest, but they certainly are nasty, aren’t they? Glad you came along and razed them to ashes when you did. I wish I’d known about that before.”
They nodded after saying so.
“Felt like rot to me. What kind, I’m not sure, but something along those lines. Very strange, don’t you think?”
Gliese blinked her orange eyes as they spoke, slightly surprised by how the maroon looked in just a fitted black tank top and purple skirt over black leggings. 
They were a little on the heavier side - unusual for a lowblood, though they were still more lightly built than several mid and highbloods she’d seen. They looked soft, but she saw calluses on their hands; they’d clearly labored before, were probably stronger than they looked.
They also had nice curves.
“Are you even listening to me?” They said with minor annoyance and bafflement after a brief pause, arms crossed. 
She noticed their coat had been flung on another couch and - huh, they had a blue bracelet on one wrist, only a few hues above her own.
“Yeah, yeah, I know about these things already.” The hare troll said dismissively, waving a hand.
They sputtered, and she enjoyed their shocked expression behind their big red glasses.
“Wh - why didn’t you say so at the start?” They demanded in their goofy accent. 
Seriously, they sounded like some of the characters on the shows she used to watch. It was funny, but kind of cute to listen to.
“Didn’t feel like it.” She said smugly, ears flicking.
They put a hand to their face.
“Brilliant. Brilliant! I’m dealing with someone who thinks it’s cute to waste my time! Oh, of all the luck…”
The blueblood smirked at their agitation, watching their ears flick up and down. 
“It is pretty funny. Hey, look on the bright side; I can tell you what I know.”
She paused as they sighed and took their hand away, looking at her mulishly. Then she addressed them again.
“What the fuck’s your name, anyway.”
“Crista.” They said, sullen. “What’s yours.”
“Well, miss Gliese, I hope you’re not just yanking my chain and you do know something about these little abominations.” They said irately. “I almost died out there! As you might recall.”
“Vaguely.” She said in a casual tone meant to irritate the other mage, who rewarded her with a huff and by putting their hands on their hips. 
“But yeah, I do. Friend of mine’s studying them right now, and I’ve learned the hard way to not put any magic close to them, or they’ll eat it and try to kill you getting the rest. They’re not alive, they’re not dead, they just…exist. Fucked up little things.”
“The real revelation here is that you have friends.” Muttered the lowblood grumpily, but with minimal bite, looking down at the floor. 
Gliese felt like she was being gently teethed by a scolded puppy who wanted to try gnawing at you again, but was too nervous that they might actually be kicked this time.
She smirked again. What a dork.
“Aw, try not to be too jealous. How many friends have you got?”
They squawked in protest and she laughed, which only made them squawk again.
“Enough! More than you, probably! With your charming personality and stunning gift for being a right pain in the neck!”
She grinned wider. “Wow, really laying on the flattery.”
They looked done, their hands gripping one another. “This isn’t at all important, I don’t know why I let myself get distracted…do you know anything else?”
“They have blood inside them sometimes.” She said, just as casual. “And my friend gave it a drop of godling blood to see what would happen.”
They gaped at her. “Where did they…I don’t even want to know. No! I really don’t want to know, at all. Insane. You’re both insane.”
“Hey.” She snapped. “Call me what you want, but leave Quil out of it. She’s doing her best.”
They snorted. “Fine, fine! It’s just you that’s insane, then. Happy?”
“I’ve been happier.” She quipped, flippant.
“I am weeping most tragically for you, you simply can’t tell right now.” Said Crista, sounding infinitely weary. “So what happened? With the blood?”
“Dunno. It revitalized it a bit, I think. I’ll ask Quil.”
The maroon considered that, then spoke again.
“Fire’s good against it, of course. Anything else you know of?”
“They can be contained with anti-magic stuff.” The blueblood replied, thinking of Quilis’s walls of force. “I’d stick with fire, though.”
“I see.” Sighed the lowblood. “Well! Can’t hang around, I’d best be going.”
Gliese blinked. 
“What, you don’t want to rest or anything?”
They looked at her.
“What makes you think I’m stupid enough to loiter in the hive of a blueblood I don’t know? And you’re a necromancer. I only trust one of those.”
Gliese scowled.
“If I wanted you dead, you would be.” She said scornfully, thin arms crossed. “You’re no match for me and you know it. If I was some wicked witch I’d feed you to my zombie or whatever.”
They snorted heavily, shaking their head. “Oh, she has a zombie! Wonderful. Yes, you sound more and more trustworthy by the moment. I’ll be leaving now.”
They went to put their coat back on, but before they could, the necromancer cleared her throat.
“Well, if you wanna leave without dinner…”
“You sound like you want to poison me!” Snapped the maroon, shaking their head as they (sadly for Gliese) put their coat back on and tied the waist ribbon. 
“At least try to be subtle about it.” They muttered under their breath.
The hare troll looked at the ornately painted ceiling. Maybe she was really rusty. Pity too, pitch had always been the quad she was best at.
Then she looked back down at the other mage.
“Look. I don’t want to fucking poison you, you idiot. You can watch me make the food yourself if you’re that worried. I’m trying to make up for the fact you got fucked up on my property. Why the hell would I have helped you just to kill you now?”
“Don’t ask me why I think bluebloods will act like bluebloods, miss, we’d be here til the sun came up.” Crista said wearily. 
Their ears flicked as they considered it, then they sighed and took their coat off again.
“Fine, since you’re so insistent. I won’t say I’m not a bit peckish. But I am going to watch you make it.”
She grinned. “Sure, sure. Hope you like vegetarian.”
They raised their thick eyebrows.
“Depends on the dish. Please tell me there will be dessert.”
She paused. “Do fruit bars count?”
Crista groaned.
“You’re killing me.”
She smirked. 
“Relax, I have dark chocolate if you’re that desperate. Just don’t take a lot of it, it’s usually for my moirail.”
“Rest assured I shan’t.” They said wryly, and the blueblood laughed as she turned away to walk to her kitchen, Crista shaking their head as they followed.
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all-the-things-2020 · 9 months
Finding His Way - Chapter Ten
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Summary: A showdown with Moff Gideon and some domestic fluff.
Rating: PG
Din locked in the coordinates for Bardos and sat back in the pilot’s seat. It had been a long time since he had been alone on the ship and it felt … wrong. Years he’d spent alone in this ship, or similar ones, traveling from one job to the next, and it always felt right but now he realized how lonely he had been. He glanced over at the co-pilot’s seat, remembering the time Ad’ika had sat there pressing buttons until he’d had to put the kid in his lap to keep him from sending the ship spinning out of control. Or the many times that Mariana had sat there beside him, not talking, just being there, keeping him company as they soared through the vastness of cold, dark space.
He knew he should be concentrating on the mission ahead of him, but it would be several hours before he reached his destination and he couldn’t make any firm plans until he’d gotten eyes on the situation, so he indulged himself. He closed his eyes and thought back over his conversation with Mariana. Had he done the right thing? Every word he’d said was true; he knew in his heart that she was his riddur, his wife, his soulmate. But should he have waited? Was it selfishness that had driven him to remove the helmet, a desire to finally see her face as he kissed her … or was it fear that this might be their only chance to look each other in the eyes?
He took off his helmet and sat it on the dashboard in front of him. The sleek lines of beskar reflected the lights in a kaleidoscope of colors. He rubbed his hand over his face, through his hair, trying to scrub away the doubts. “I will come back, cyar’ika,” he whispered. He hoped he was still telling the truth.
Bardos was a temperate planet. Leia’s intel had placed Gideon in a medium-sized city on one of the southern continents, so Din landed the Razor Crest behind a low range of hills a few miles from the city limits. His binoculars allowed him a decent view of the layout, and more importantly, revealed a number of suspiciously Imperial looking ships in the spaceport on the western edge.
Luke had offered him R2D2 for reconnaissance, and now Din wished he’d taken the Jedi up on the offer. The droid was annoying, but had proved itself harmless, and it would have made things a lot easier if he could get eyes on the Imp movements without risking exposing himself. Di’kut, he admonished himself. He’d just have to do his best to avoid notice until he was ready to reveal his presence.
He found a surveillance spot on the roof of a warehouse near the spaceport and monitored the situation until he had a pretty good idea of where the troopers were going. Not all of them were in armor, but they all seemed to be regular Storm Troopers, not Death Troopers, which was one bit of good luck. They were visiting several parts of the city, but one group, always in armor, always in perfect step, kept returning to the same building, a moderately grand private house surrounded by a wall topped with durasteel spikes. He watched for four days, making sure he had a good grasp of their routine.
He returned to the Razor Crest and prepared his weapons. Blasters, vibroknife, rifle, the last of his Whistling Birds, flamethrower, grappling hooks … his usual arsenal. Last, but not least, he clipped the borrowed lightsaber to his belt. He was ready.
Before he left the ship, he took one last look around, just in case.
It had been a week since Din left, and Mariana was getting jumpy. Every time she heard Luke or R2 come anywhere near her little house, she was certain there had been a message. She knew that Leia’s operatives were keeping an eye on Bardos but so far they’d heard nothing other than a brief confirmation that the Razor Crest had been spotted on the ground near the city where Gideon was believed to be.
She tried to keep busy, but there wasn’t much to do. Luke had already retrieved everything from the caves that there was to be found, and without proper archival tools, there wasn’t much they could do with the manuscripts at the moment without risking further deterioration. Ad’ika took up some of her time, but he was more subdued than usual, content most of the time to sit quietly and play with Froggy and Ball and the blocks.
“I’m going to the settlement to pick up some more supplies,” Luke said on the morning of the ninth day. “It’s a short flight. I’ll leave R2 here to keep you company.”
She heard the roar of his X-wing as it lifted off from the landing pad hidden behind the trees on the far rim of the valley. Knowing she was alone, she indulged in a good cry. It was foolish; crying didn’t do anything, wasn’t going to make Din come back any sooner, but it helped ease the anxiety and pain a little. She hadn’t realized how accustomed she’d become to his stoic presence during the day. She knew she missed his warmth at night, his voice softly buzzing in her ear as he whispered secrets and stories that were for her alone. But now she missed the simple fact of knowing he was here.
When Luke returned, there was a smallish transport craft with him. R2 beeped excitedly but Mariana wasn’t sure if it was a positive or negative reaction to the visitor. I really need to learn some Binary, she thought.
A tall humanoid with a reddish cast to its skin and long, intricately braided black hair followed Luke down the path from the landing pad. Behind them came two droids: one a basic mag-lev transport droid and the other a slightly battered bipedal droid with an impressive array of extra arms.
“Mariana, meet Klev,” Luke said, indicating the alien. “They are from the settlement.”
Klev extended a hand and made a complicated gesture. Mariana wasn’t sure what to do in response and was relieved when Klev laughed. “Sorry, I am not used to human greeting rituals. I believe you make do with a simple handshake?”
“Yes,” she said, taking the alien’s hand. It was warmer than she expected, and slightly furred.
“Female, correct?”
“Yes,” Luke said. “The Florianas have only one gender,” he explained. “When they found out you were here, they had to get a look for themselves.”
“You make it sound so voyeuristic, Master Skywalker,” Klev said. “I am simply curious about other species. Here on this continent we do not get the volume of offworld visitors that is common on other parts of the planet. I would have come visiting sooner if I had known that the other male was going to depart.” They inclined their head toward Mariana. “We do not have mated pairs in my species, and I would have liked to observe your interactions.”
Luke stifled a laugh, and Mariana shot him a look. “Now that sounds voyeuristic, Klev,” he said.
“I meant no harm,” Klev said quickly. “I did not mean that type of interaction, of course I would respect the privacy of the human mating process …”
“It’s okay,” Mariana said before things got even more awkward. “I’m sorry you couldn’t meet my husband, but hopefully he’ll be back soon.”
Klev inclined their head again and was about to speak when their eyes widened and they gasped. “What .. what is this creature?” They said. Mariana turned to see Ad’ika in the doorway with Froggy in his hand. She picked him up and turned back to Klev.
“This is my son, Ad’ika,” she said proudly. “He’s adopted, if you couldn’t tell.”
“Interspecies adoption,” Klev said with delight. “Humans are full of surprises.”
The bipedal droid stepped forward, its voice vaguely female. “I would like to examine it if I may. I have not encountered this species before.”
Mariana took an involuntary step back. “Do not be afraid of RN-42,” Klev said. “It is a nurse droid and responsible for the health and well-being of those in this section of the continent.”
The droid extended one of its many arms. “You may call me FourTwo. When I learned there were new life forms in my sector, I was compelled to check in.”
Mariana gingerly shook the droid’s appendage. “Pleased to meet you, FourTwo,” she said. “Sorry if I seemed alarmed.”
“But maternal instinct compelled you to protect the child,” the droid said. “Understandable. Biological life forms are constrained by so many emotions.”
“Well,” said Luke. “I’m going to unpack the supplies, if anyone cares. You all have fun.”
Mariana shot him another look, but the Jedi innocently ignored her. Klev held out their hands. “May I hold them? Sorry … him. Male is him, female is her, correct?”
“Yes,” she said, handing Ad’ika over to the Floriana. FourTwo began to scan the child’s body with a variety of instruments. The two of them were fascinated and Ad’ika was eating it up.
After several minutes, FourTwo swiveled its head toward Mariana. “Your turn,” it said.
“It is my directive to care for the physical well-being of every sentient life form in my sector. I must examine you for any potential health issues that may need to be addressed during your stay here.”
She hadn’t had a medical checkup in .. well, she couldn’t remember the last time anyone had done more than patch up an injury. “Okay, what do I need to do?”
“Nothing. I shall complete all the necessary scans without your assistance.” The various arms began to move up and down as different scanners and devices beeped and whirred. “Hmm.”
“What does ‘Hmm’ mean?” Mariana asked nervously. FourTwo hadn’t said “Hmm” when examining Ad’ika.
“I require a blood sample,” the droid said. Two arms shot out, one taking a firm hold of her arm, the other revealing a small needle. With a sharp jab, it extracted a small amount of blood and popped it into a compartment in its torso.
“Ah, good,” the droid said after a few moments. “As I suspected. Nothing out of the ordinary for a human female in the first trimester.”
“Wait .. what?” Mariana stammered. Her heart was pounding in her ears.
“I detected some anomalous hormonal readings in my initial scan but blood analysis confirmed that they are consistent with hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy.”
Mariana shook her head. “No, that can’t be right. I’m not … I have a contraceptive implant.” Three years ago, her owner had fitted all his slaves with the implants after one of them had to stop working in the fields after getting pregnant. The implants were supposed to last for ten years. She’d been up front with Din about it the very first night, when he’d expressed some concerns about the consequences of their intimacy.
FourTwo made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. “That thing?” The droid said. “It is useless. That type of implant was designed for species that have one or two breeding cycles per year. They are not very effective in humans, except in the first year after implantation. I assure you that you are most definitely pregnant.”
“This is good news, is it not?” Klev asked carefully. “This is the purpose of marriage, correct?”
“One of them,” she said shakily. “And yes, it is good news, it’s just … unexpected.” She laughed weakly. “Damn him, he’d better come back in one piece now, because I am not ready to raise two kids by myself.” She took Ad’ika back into her arms. “Looks like we’re going to be a clan of four, kiddo.”
“Come on, Gideon,” Din muttered. It had been almost two weeks since he’d arrived and so far Moff Gideon hadn’t taken the bait. After his reconnaissance, Din had entered the city from the eastern edge, not bothering to be discreet. He knew that rumors of a beskar-clad Mandalorian had to have reached Imperial ears by now. He occasionally saw a Storm Trooper on the streets, but no one had approached him yet. The inn he was staying at was not the most pleasant place, located directly behind the local stockyards, but it was cheap and offered a quick route out of town if necessary.
He stood now at the intersection of two main roads not far from the house he was certain Gideon was holed up in. He hadn’t seen the man yet, though, and there was always room for doubt. If the Imps didn’t make a move soon, he’d have to give up, regroup and wait for more intel from Senator Organa. Or he could make the first move.
“Rangir,” he finally said. To hell with it. He was tired of waiting. After one last weapons check, he strode down the street and approached the gates of the compound.
A Trooper immediately blocked his path, rifle cocked and ready. “State your business.”
“I’m here to see Moff Gideon,” Din said. “He has something I want.”
The Trooper cocked his helmet as if listening to a private comm. “Yes, sir,” he said after a moment. Straightening his helmet, he motioned with the gun for Din to enter the gates. “He’s been expecting you.”
Once inside the gates, Din let his awareness expand to take in the entire courtyard. He spotted several ways to get out, and several more places to avoid getting trapped in. He filed them away in case he needed them later.
A pair of smartly dressed Troopers with red pauldrons on their shoulders stepped forward, blasters in hand. “Come with us,” they said. “Hands where we can see them.”
Din held his hands up, away from his weapons. He thanked the stars they hadn’t insisted he disarm himself immediately, but he was under no illusion that he’d be allowed to walk right up to Gideon with his full complement of weapons. Three more Troopers fell in behind him, rifles trained on the back of his neck, and they entered the building itself.
Their boots echoed on the tiled floor of the hallway that led toward a set of interior doors inlaid in a variety of woods. It was an abstract pattern, angular and harsh. The lead Troopers pulled the doors open and ushered him into what had probably once been a dining hall or ballroom, a gathering place for guests. The far end held a raised dais, accessed by a short flight of shallow steps, at the top of which stood Moff Gideon, looking incredibly smug.
“Ah, Mr. Djarin,” he said, spreading his hands in welcome. “I wondered how long it would take you to give in and knock on my door.” He waved the extra Troopers out of the room, leaving only the two red pauldroned ones to guard the doors. “Please, come in. We can be civilized about this, if you’re smart enough.”
Din approached the dais. When he was about halfway there, Gideon raised one hand. “Far enough. Lay down your weapons before you come any closer.”
Din carefully removed his rifle, his blasters, the various knives and other small arms that hung ready, and laid them on the blue-tiled floor. Gideon raised an eyebrow. “Impressive,” he said. “You certainly came prepared. Pity you won’t get a chance to use any of them. A Mandalorian in battle is a thing of beauty.”
“What do you know about the beauty of Manda?” Din growled. He wanted to get Gideon off guard a bit, hoping he wouldn’t notice the lightsaber still clipped to his belt.
Gideon laughed. “More than you would expect,” he said. “But you said I have something you want. I wonder what that could be?” He slid a hand into the pocket of his uniform jacket. “Of course, you have something I want, so perhaps we can come to an arrangement.”
Although it pained him deeply, Din said, “I’m listening.”
Gideon withdrew his hand from his pocket. He held the hilt of a lightsaber in his hand. He lifted it in front of him and thumbed the switch. With a low hum, the blade sprang to life. Unlike the blade of Skywalker’s sabers, this one was black like the depths of space, with a faint white-hot glow around the edges.
“Do you recognize this blade, Mr. Djarin?” Gideon slowly rotated the weapon, admiring the strange perfection of it.
“Hair Dha Kad’au,” Din said reverently. The Darksaber. It was real.
Gideon smiled. “Very good. And I’m sure the sight of it in my hand is an abomination to a devout man like yourself.” He stepped down one step, coming slightly closer, still holding the blade in front of him.
“You would be correct,” Din said. His hand itched to draw his own lightsaber but it was too soon. He shifted his weight, as if taking an unconscious half-step toward the Darksaber. He saw the corner of Gideon’s mouth curl, and knew he had a chance to make this work.
“And you have something that I want, something that I believe you are quite fond of, but that really has no practical use for you. This, on the other hand … with this, you would be a hero. The one to bring the fabled weapon of the Manda’lor back to the Mando’ade. A leader, someone to be reckoned with.”
“Also correct,” Din said. He used the retinal controls in his helmet to target the two Troopers with his Whistling Birds. He took another half-step forward.
“So, perhaps we can come to an understanding,” Gideon said. He lazily swung the blade back and forth, and Din tracked it with his helmet.
“Perhaps we can,” Din said. He waited a moment, for Gideon to relax slightly, sure he had the upper hand. Then, he struck.
Activating the Whistling Birds with a glance, Din dropped to his knees and rolled aside. The Whistling Birds found their marks, taking out the two Troopers. Din freed his lightsaber and was on his feet, its blue blade sparking in front of him, before they hit the ground.
Gideon grinned. “Impressive,” he admitted, dropping into a fighting stance. “A Mandalorian using a Jedi weapon. You’ve been busy since we last met, Mr. Djarin.”
Din said nothing, just mirrored Gideon’s stance. He could be patient.
The doors behind him opened, the three remaining Troopers pouring in. Before they could aim their blasters, Din shook loose the small blaster he’d concealed beneath his left forearm plate and shot them all. Then he was facing Gideon again, saber still ready in his right hand.
Gideon’s smile faltered just a bit. “Shall we, then?” He said. He made a small bow toward Din, lunging forward at the last second to strike viciously with the Darksaber. Din parried and the two blades clashed with a horrific screech. Sparks flew as the blades slid against each other and both men stepped back to regroup.
Again and again, Gideon attacked, and each time Din parried. The Moff was shorter, and lighter, but damn, he knew how to wield a blade. “You can hold me off for a while, Djarin, but this isn’t your forte. You know it, and I know it. This can only end one way.”
Din did not reply, concentrating on the fight. He saw a chance to make his own advance and took it, but Gideon parried, nearly spinning Din’s blade out of his hand. He dropped back into a defensive position, content to wait for the next opening. Gideon continued his attack, pressing Din back step by step, away from the dais. Every time Gideon advanced, Din gave ground, hoping to lull his opponent into making another small mistake.
Then Gideon lunged forward, narrowly missing the side of Din’s helmet. Din raised his lightsaber to parry and stepped back. His foot came down on one of his own discarded weapons and slipped out from under him. He went down on one knee and Gideon raised the Darksaber for a killing blow.
“Say goodbye, Mr. Djarin,” the Moff said.
Din dropped his lightsaber and raised his hands in front of him. “Please,” he begged. “You can have the Child. You can keep the Darksaber. Just don’t kill me.”
Gideon laughed. “So the great Mandalorian warrior is a coward after all.” He raised his blade triumphantly.
Din closed his eyes and lowered his arms, waiting for the final blow. As Gideon’s arm swung down, Din’s hand darted out, grabbed the lightsaber, thumbed it on and raised the blade into Gideon’s chest. The Moff gasped in disbelief as he felt the lightsaber strike home.
“I am not a coward, Moff Gideon,” Din said quietly. They were the last words the Imperial bastard ever heard.
Gideon’s body dropped to the ground, the Darksaber rolling away from his slack hand. Din switched off his lightsaber and began gathering his weapons, including the Darksaber. It would not be long before more Troopers arrived on the scene.
“I know I said I’d try to get there for Ben’s birthday,” she heard Luke saying, “but Djarin’s not back yet. I can’t leave them alone.” The reply was muffled, and Mariana walked away. She’d heard enough.
It had been over two weeks since Din left, and still no word. She was beginning to lose hope that he was coming back. Just two days ago, Leia’s operatives had reported that the Razor Crest was still in place outside the city and hadn’t moved since it landed.
She felt bad for Luke. He had finished his business here on Florian but was unable to leave. She knew he wanted to head back to Coruscant, to see his family, but he was stuck just as much as she was. Until they knew for sure if Din was coming back or not, they were both in limbo.
Ad’ika was napping and she’d taken the opportunity to go for a quick stroll. She tried to take a walk every day, sometimes with Ad’ika in tow, sometimes alone. FourTwo had advised her on proper prenatal care, and exercise was one of the many things the nurse droid had suggested. It still hadn’t quite sunk in that she was going to have a baby. In fact, she was still coming to terms with the fact that she and Din were married.
The Empire had taken away her family once and now that she’d finally found another one, that blasted Moff Gideon was trying to take it away, too. She swallowed her bitterness; Luke had warned her that hate and anger were not healthy emotions, but how could she not hate the ideology that had killed her parents, sent her into slavery, hunted down innocent children like Ad’ika and might leave her a widow before she’d even had a chance to really be a wife?
She wandered down the trail toward the little meadow where Luke and Din had practiced fighting. There were more wildflowers blooming now, little blue ones scattered beneath the yellow ones and a few bright pink clusters here and there. She picked a bouquet for Ad’ika. They’d come here the other day and he’d enjoyed watching the insects buzzing around the flowers — and the little lizards that hunted the insects. She’d had to stop him from eating one, which had made him laugh and scamper away. She smiled at the memory and was straightening up when she heard the roar of an engine overhead. She looked up just in time to see a large silver ship drop toward the coast. The flowers fell from her hand and she began to run.
Luke was waiting with Ad’ika when she reached the village. “Go on,” he said. “We’re right behind you. But be careful!”
She dashed past him, but slowed as she reached the bottom of the steep trail. She couldn’t run up it but she began climbing as fast as she could, stumbling now and then but never quite losing her footing. She was out of breath and had a stitch in her side by the time she reached the top, but she only paused for a moment to look back and make sure Luke was following. He was, and she pressed onward across the scrubland.
The Razor Crest had settled down on nearly the same spot it had left two weeks ago. The engines were powered down by the time she reached it, but the ramp was still up.
For a long moment, nothing moved. Then the ramp slowly began to lower. She held her breath until it touched the ground and Din appeared at the top of the ramp. Then she ran forward, fairly leaping into his arms.
“Cyar’ika,” he said, pulling her into a tight embrace. “I told you I’d come back.”
Luke and Ad’ika arrived and she heard the child squealing, “Da!!!” Luke let him down and his little feet carried him up the ramp as fast as he could go. Din leaned down to scoop him up and pull him into the hug.
“I take it you were successful,” Luke said after giving them a moment.
Din released her from his arms and handed Ad’ika over to her. He unclipped the lightsaber from his belt and tossed it over to the Jedi. “Thanks for the loan, but I won’t be needing this anymore. I have my own,” he said. He unclipped another saber and thumbed it on. A midnight dark blade shimmered into existence, like a rip in the fabric of the world.
“Congratulations, Mand’alor,” Luke said with a bow.
Din shook his head. “Not for long,” he said, shutting the blade off. “This isn’t meant for me.”
They took their time walking back to the village. It was late in the day, and they all decided it made the most sense to spend one last night in the ruins and leave in the morning. Mariana could tell that Din was tired, even though he showed no outward signs of it and she was glad he’d get a chance to rest before they headed off planet.
Luke took Ad’ika with him into his building. “R2 and I will look after this little guy for a while,” he said. “And congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Djarin.” He winked before disappearing into the building.
“So,” said Din as they walked into their own building.
“So,” she said.
Din crossed to the table, sat down and began to strip off his armor. The helmet was first to come off and he ran his hand through his hair, which had been plastered down with sweat. It stood out in all directions, making him look like a little boy who’d just woken up from a very intense nap.
Mariana sank into the other chair and helped him undo the rest of the armor. They made a pile of beskar on the floor, but left the helmet and the Darksaber on the table.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.
He shook his head. “Not yet.” He reached out and tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear. His eyes were exhausted but happy. “We have plenty of time.”
She slid out of her chair and into his lap. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. “This is nice,” he murmured. He sounded like he was ready to fall asleep at any moment.
“You’re tired,” she said. “You should lie down.”
“Hmm,” he said. “If we lie down, I won’t want to sleep.” The effect was spoiled by a yawn that threatened to split his jaw in two.
“Come on, cyar’ika. Come to bed.” She stood up and tugged at his hand. He stood reluctantly and she led him over to the bed. He sank down onto the mattress with a groan. She removed his boots and by the time she was finished, he was asleep. She kissed his forehead and tucked the blanket around his shoulders, before leaving the room.
She walked to Luke’s, where she found Ad’ika and R2 fiddling with something on the workbench that had a lot of different colored lights. “He’s making a toy for him,” Luke said. “To teach him Binary. I told him the kid can’t even speak one language properly yet, there’s no need to throw another one at him, but R2 insisted.” He tilted his head at her. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.”
“He’s asleep,” she said. “I’ll take Ad’ika back, give you and R2 a chance to pack everything up. I can talk to Din later. Right now he needs to rest.”
“Get some rest yourself,” Luke said. “Trust me, get it now, because you’re going to need it later.” He smiled. “I don’t think Han and Leia got a decent night’s sleep until Ben turned two. Those two are not pretty when they are tired.”
She laid her hand against Luke’s cheek and pressed a quick kiss against the other one. “Thank you again, for everything,” she said.
He shrugged. “It’s what we Jedi do. We help people.” He kissed her cheek. “Take care of that husband of yours. And may the Force be with you.”
Din woke up with his face smashed into a pillow. He didn’t remember getting into bed. The last thing he clearly remembered was sitting at the table, leaning back against the wall, wrapping his arms around Mariana … he lifted his head a fraction of an inch and looked around the room.
Mariana and Ad’ika were packing things into their bags. Well, she was packing things, and Ad’ika was removing them. “Put that back,” she whispered. Ad’ika giggled. “Shh, we have to be quiet. Daddy’s asleep.”
“No, he’s not,” Din said, propping himself up on one elbow. He still felt a bit muzzy from sleep but at least he was able to focus on them properly.
“Da!” Ad’ika scrambled over the bed and into his arms. He lay back, settling the child on his chest. By the stars, he’d missed this.
“How long have I been asleep?” he asked.
“About four, maybe five hours,” Mariana replied. She lay down beside them and started playing with his hair with one hand and stroking Ad’ika’s ear with the other. “From the looks of you, you need about ten hours more.”
“I didn’t sleep much while I was gone,” he admitted.
“Still not ready to talk about it?”
“No.” He shifted onto his side so that Ad’ika lay between them and he was facing her. “Right now I just want to be here, with you, with my family.” He traced a finger down her face, tucking that ever errant strand of hair behind her ear again. “My clan of three.”
“Four,” she said.
“What?” He must be more tired than he thought. He mentally counted and came up with three again. “No, three. You, me, Ad’ika. Three.”
She took his hand and pressed it against her belly. “Nope. Four.” She leaned into his ear and whispered, “I’m pregnant.”
Din was suddenly wide awake. “Wait .. what? You said you had an implant …” He sat up, which made Ad’ika squeak indignantly.
“A crappy implant that wasn’t designed for humans. I was probably the cheapest one out there, knowing Toran.” She sat up and took his face in her hands. “The district nurse droid paid a visit while you were gone. It found out there were offworld visitors and one of its directives is to check out any health threats to the local population, so it gave me and Ad’ika a check up.” She kissed his nose. “That implant probably stopped working about a year after it was placed.”
Din took a moment to absorb this new information, then he smiled and kissed his wife. The Way ahead was even clearer now.
Mando’a words not explained in the text:
Di’kut = idiot, useless individual, waste of space
Manda = the state of being Mandalorian in mind, body and spirit
Hair Dha Kad’au = my clumsy attempt to translate “the dark saber” into Mando’a
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eddysocs · 11 months
Of Wounds And Wendigos (Bobby Singer x OC)
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Summary: Bobby and Krista are out hunting a wendigo in the area, but what they didn’t expect was two of them.
Word Count: 803
Warnings: Injury, Hurt/Comfort
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The cry of the wendigo rang out through the dense forest as Krista held it up in their trap and Bobby torched it with the flamethrower they’d packed in the truck for just this very thing. As the wailing finally subsided, Krista dropped the remnants of the burnt up net, climbing down and out of the tree, pleased with another successful hunt.
The moon hung low in the night sky as the two of them started their trip back out of the woods. Bobby couldn’t remember anyone who’d been a better partner for him since Rufus. He might have thought Krista wasn’t much more than a reckless kid when they’d first met, but she’d proved herself capable time and time again.
As they reflected on their hunt and their partnership, the edge of the trees just within sight, a loud crack echoed from behind them. Both Krista and Bobby felt the hairs on their necks stand on end. "Too loud for a coyote," Bobby remarked.
"You don’t think…" Krista broached, hoping she was wrong.
"God, I hope not. One wendigo in a night is enough for me."
Krista cast a glance back over her shoulder. Shit. Just as they feared. Krista looked back at Bobby and nodded down to the flamethrower in his hand. "That thing still got enough juice?"
"Only one way to find out. Go. I’ll stay behind and torch the damn thing."
With that, Krista began to sprint through the underbrush, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tried to outrun the second wendigo. How had they missed it? Her heart pounded, and her mind raced, but fear and adrenaline fueled her every step. Her only goal was to reach the safety of Bobby's truck and gather more supplies should it come to that.
Just shy of clearing the trees, Krista's foot caught on a hidden root, and with a painful yelp, she stumbled, twisting her knee in the process. She crumpled to the ground, clutching her leg, biting back another cry of pain. Tears welled in her eyes as she realized she couldn't get up.
She heard the flamethrower start up and hoped it’d be enough to kill off the second wendigo and that Bobby wouldn’t have to worry about his own safety as well as hers if it didn’t take.
"Krista, hold on!" Bobby's gruff voice called out, not far away. The experienced hunter navigated the uneven ground to the best of his ability as he made his way to her. He’d heard her cry out as she fell.
Bobby knelt beside Krista, his face etched with concern. "Looks like you twisted your knee, darlin'. We need to get you back to the truck."
Krista nodded, trying to keep her composure. "Only one problem. I can't move, Bobby. It's too painful."
Bobby assessed the situation quickly. He knew they might still be in danger, even with the second wendigo still burning about a quarter mile back, yet his priority was getting Krista up and out of there. "I'm gonna have to improvise a splint to stabilize your knee. Just hold tight."
Bobby scoured his hunter's bag, pulling out a length of cloth and grabbing a sturdy stick from nearby. He carefully examined Krista's injured leg and wrapped the cloth around her knee, gently sliding the stick underneath to serve as a makeshift splint. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do for now.
Tears still glistened in Krista's eyes, but she bit her lip and tried to endure the pain as Bobby finished securing the splint. "Hang in there, sweetheart. I'll get you out of here," he reassured her.
With Krista's knee splinted as best as he could manage, Bobby helped her to her feet, taking most of her weight as she leaned on him. They moved as quickly as they could back to the truck parked at the edge of the road. It was maybe only a half a mile or so off, but it felt like one hell of a trudge.
Finally, they reached the safety of the old pickup truck. Bobby carefully helped Krista into the passenger seat and took a deep breath, relief flooding through him. "We'll patch you up back at the house and get you fixed right up. Might have to take you in if it’s anything more than a sprain."
Krista managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Bobby." Then, muttered under her breath, she added, "Fucking tree root."
Bobby chuckled to himself as he climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine. They left the forest and the burnt wendigos behind. A job well done, all things considered. Now it was back home to rest. Krista needed it more than him for a change, so there may be a little playing nursemaid to do, but he’d managed with worse.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @bossyladies, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
wait have i sent anything for the hellcheer spotify thingy i don’t remember but number 8 in case i haven’t
I don't believe so, and thank you! 😁
Oooooh, y'all get to see one of my other hyperfixations of the year! Number 8 is "The Last Goodbye" by The Gregory Brothers, from the Youtube interactive special In Space With Markiplier.
Time loops. Alternate dimensions. The multiverse falling apart due to the consequences of your actions. *slaps ISWM* This baby's got everything!
I was never a fan of dying But I'm really not lying When I say that I don't mind doing it with you
"Chrissy, we gotta get out of here!"
Eddie can't see far past the entrance to the control room from all the smoke, but he knows they're still coming. All of Vecna's servants, the monsters he'd created, the people he'd turned. If they make it to the two of them, that can only mean the others are likely dead...or worse.
"I'm trying, I'm trying!" she shouts back frantically over the blaring alarm, pushing buttons almost at random on the main panel. "El said we have to cut the power, that he's feeding off of it!"
"Pretty sure it's too late for that."
"Don't say that," she begs, and he sees her teary eyes when she looks into his. "We're still breathing, it's not too late."
"Right, right, I'm sorry." It might be the last time he ever gets to apologize to her. But he should apologize. If it weren't for him insisting on being the one to seize the power plant, if he'd just stayed behind in Jonesboro and let the others handle it, she wouldn't be in this situation.
But she wouldn't let him go alone. "What d'you need me to do?"
"I don't know, I don't even know what these buttons do."
He notices she's avoiding the obvious big red button at his end of the panel. "What's this one?"
She looks over, eyes widening. "A bad idea, I'm pretty sure."
"Oh, but Chrissy-" He gets her attention, her forehead creased. "-bad ideas are my forte." Without warning, he rears his hand back and slaps down hard on the button.
Her eyes dart up to the ceiling as a second alarm rings through their ears. "What did you do?!"
"No idea." He grabs her hand, pulling her towards the door. "Let's not stick around to find out!"
They run for it, the weapons on their backs slapping almost painfully against their spines. Once they emerge outside, they don't have time to scan the bodies on the ground for their friends, the creatures noticing them instantly. Chrissy yelps in fear as they pivot to run in another direction, and the streetlights finally go out around them.
"It worked!" she cries triumphantly, but their hope is short-lived as a vine catches her around the ankle, yanking them both backward.
She screams, trying to kick free. "Don't let go!"
"Never!" Eddie maneuvers until he's at her side, holding her by the waist as he unsheathes his blade. He hacks at the vine until it snaps.
They fall to the ground, and it seems to happen in slow motion. He realizes once they're down that this is it, that there will be no getting back up.
Once his back hits, he turns on his side and grapples with the flamethrower on his back. He gets it free, only for one of the vines to snatch it away from him. "No!"
What's worse is when a vine wraps around Chrissy's waist, almost pulling her away, too. She screeches as they cling to each other, as he cuts the vine and gathers her into him.
He shushes and comforts her when she starts crying because now she knows it, too. This is it.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispers, feeling the vines wrap around them both.
She meets his gaze, giving him a watery little smile. "Hey...at least we're going together, right?"
"Yeah." His voice catches as he tries to smile for her, their legs now lashed together. "I guess it won't be so bad, since you're here." He kisses her one last time as the vines around their torsos tighten.
Her breathing quickens as their lips part, and she sniffles. "I love you, Eddie."
He never imagined he'd hear those words from her in his life, and he finds the will to grin after all. "I love you, too, Chrissy Cunningham." Their chests press together painfully, and he has just enough breath for one more thing.
"See you in the next one, sweetheart."
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idv-thespians · 2 years
Sooo I’m finally done with my first essence event! :D 
“In Waterfire, there is no place for unrest. We will not allow criminals to get away with crimes as despicable as this. That is a promise from me, and all the others back at Aquaignis. We are deeply shaken by the recent bombing at Nixon, and we will serve to restore order and peace.” - Aqua Vita
I am incredibly lazy with story writing !! and even if i did try it would take me a century so !! script-ish tale time!!
Basically Nixon is a luxury hotel that got bombed recently, and Aqua Vita, one of the heads in the government, which has the headquarters Aquaignis, has to make a statement to address the public. They can’t do too much but they have some clues! They point to a tall, lanky man with a deep knowledge of explosives. The Last Word and Black Velvet go to scout for more evidence and potential witnesses to no avail u-u
Stressed and worried, Vita goes to a bar and meets B-52, the owner of the place. They chat a little and Vita sees some of the customers like Michelada and Boulevardier as well as the small, somewhat adopted Rom Cremat.
Anyways Vita gets real sus of the bar because B-52 acts strangely and some of his customers aren’t just normal citizens, but actually rumoured to be spies or mercenaries. Amaretto, the second bartender, was actually confirmed to be a hired mercenary by his files. He has no grounds for actual investigation and he has bigger problems at hand so he WAS going to focus on that. He gets his drink and gets back to work and within the next two days they receive an anonymous tip that their mystery bomber has been dealt with. REAL SUSPICIOUS. It seems true when no new bombings happen for the next few days too.
Vita devotes more time to the bar with Black Velvet and Last Word going with him too. Last Word tries to intimidate her way through B-52’s rules but he ain’t having shit with her, and neither is she when she sees his little flamethrower fingers are more than just for show. Black Velvet tries talking to them but Heart’s able to out-talk and out-drink her really easily. Maybe that should be a part of their training, Vita notes to himself.
Their plans aren’t working so they do some DIGGING. Turns out B-52’s never had a criminal career, or anything notable in life, other than being friends with an inspector who was killed by someone from the underground. Then one day they meet Absinthe, whom they hadn’t seen since works at the bar more part time and Vita’s heart DROPS. He’s worked with her before. He remembers her status being reported as dead, so why is she here? Absinthe explains the situation privately. Turns out B-52’s actually the head of a spy organisation so secretive it doesn’t have a name. He carries out vigilante justice for what the government can’t because he’s lost hope for them.
Vita is torn because technically B-52’s organisation is as illegal as the ones it’s hunting down, but Vita decides to test out whether B-52 is truly as just as Absinthe claims him to be. In private, he approaches him and makes a strange offer…
“It’s an easy deal.” Aqua Vita dusted his hands gently.  “If you join the government, all your crimes will be forgotten.”
B-52 paused, tapping his fingers. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Your organisation based on espionage. It’s not legally allowed, and you should know that.”
B-52 was silent, before sighing, pouring a drink for them both. “So? Someone’s gotta do the dirty work. You’re so busy showing that everything’s clean that all you do is swipe dirt under the rug.”
Vita bit his lip, frowning, before the other chimed in. “I got an offer for you. How about you see how much you fucked your job up?”
“Pardon?” An uncomfortable silence followed, as Vita was about to speak up, but B-52 scribbled something down on a card, passing it to Vita.
“Red Lotus Theatre… midnight, Friday.” Vita mumbled to himself.
“Be there if you have any dignity to your name.”B-52 spoke coldly, chugging his drink and preparing to close down.
More story explaining time!! Basically Vita and B-52 go to Red Lotus Theatre disguised, and in there is a huge. HUGE gathering of major criminals, crime lords and mobsters and if all those are enough for the theatre to be a full house, it’s a bit evident that the government needs to put in more work.
They watch the opera performance by Pamina, who goes by the stage name Queen of the Night because she often conducts her performances at night. B-52 excuses himself to go to the toilet, saying he’s not a fan of opera. Once the performance wraps up, the audience applauds her before she leaves. Vita didn’t know what the whole invitation to the theatre was for, but when he and B-52 leave the building, it suddenly bursts into flames, much to Vita’s terror.
“The theatre-! Wait-“
Vita’s horrified face turns to the strangely calm bartender, who took out a cigarette, lighting it. “Mhm?”
“You… You planned this, didn’t you?”
“Did you have to doom everyone?!”
“The singer’s not exactly human, she’ll have her way to escape, as for the scum inside, it’s kinda the point.”
Vita glanced at the theatre, as the two of them walked away from the burning building. Vita understood B-52’s thinking, no mercy, for they don’t give any.
“Hey, don’t be too relieved. It’s just a bit of fire. I doubt it will kill them all, it’s more likely to take out their lackeys and leave the big bosses unscathed.”
The next day, Vita meets up with Last Word and Black Velvet for a top secret discussion about what he saw. Last Word chides him a little at first but when he explains the situation she kinda gets it. Anyone who had his level of spite would try to do something about it. Black Velvet’s surprised, not pleasantly, but not exactly in a bad way.
B-52 also discusses with Amaretto and Absinthe what he did. Amaretto thought he was being too vulnerable, but “risky is his style”, as she says it. Absinthe’s proud!! As the one who knows both organisations, she knew this was probably the best he could do.
Absinthe has a plan to bring them together, and stages something on a large scale. She invites one of the top mafia leaders to Hangman’s Blood Den, a bar known among the underworld for being a favourite of mercenaries. She also tips both the government and B-52. Vita thinks it’s another of B-52’s tricks but goes anyway, because maybe he does have a point.
The three factions are in the same place, Vita brought Last Word and Black Velvet, B-52 brought Amaretto and Absinthe and the mafia guy, well. His mafia boys. A big fight ensues with the government and the Death in the Afternoon staff working together. It’s a lot of fun dynamics going on. Last Word gets to be badass. Black Velvet’s puppets are adorable fighters. and Amaretto and Absinthe are so nimble and graceful even splattered in blood. They agree to make up and Vita actually says he’ll “make some arrangements”. It sets everyone on edge, but B-52 trusts his judgement.
Guess what? B-52’s organisation gets legalised (as in legally founded) and employed by Vita and Vita only. Vita even makes special arrangements to make sure the other government bodies can’t interfere too much in their work.
The DitA staff get to do what they always kinda been doing but legally, and with the government’s help. Lots of friendships are made, lots of fun dynamics I’ll explore in a separate post, and an overall happy ending :D.
Below the cut are the skins!! 
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