#i hope this doesnt come off as pro-life
page551 · 10 months
What trope would you put Joongdok in?
i honestly think that when it comes to joongdok it would be much easier if i answered with the tropes i WOULDNT put them in 😭😭
oh boy here i go! let's start with two of the most obvious first:
1. matching outfits with opposite color schemes, and 2. opposites (leo & aquarius) attract (<- attract as in lowkey bordering in codependency)
yin & yang - not only are joongdok aesthetically yin&yang but narratively too (i mentioned in a previous ask that they're sky & earth too)
star-crossed - (if you believe in orv's sad ending)
life (and death) companions - is probably a trope on its own considering the meaning of the title. not only does it mean (i ran the term through a thesaurus so yall don't have to 👍🏻👍🏻) "a romantic partner with whom one is exceptionally or uniquely compatible or has a special connection" but the synonyms are also of the romantic variety ranging from (but not limited to) life partner, best friend, soulmate, spouse, true love, one's promised, significant other, love of one's life, beloved, heart's desire etc (long story short, pretty sick tbh. no wonder kr dudebros threw a fit in singshong's comment section over it. i get it) and what makes it infinitely funnier is that it started as crack being treated seriously 😭😭😭😭
anyway, continuing where i left off, Soulmates - kdj is the reason yjh exists. yjh is the reason kdj lives. (hsy wrote both of them in a way that they became each other's salvation hence their position of reader-protagonist gets switched in the epilogue and both of them have admitted that reading about the other's story has saved their lives)
everyone ships them/everyone can see it - uriel, gabriel, ljh, hsy, jhw, lsh, anna croft, persephone/hades (the third eligible candidate to marry kdj was yjh and you will never be able to convince me otherwise. also if you have an answer other than yjh ur wrong), yma (if webtoon dares not to draw the "oppa looks happy when thinking about that ahjussi" you'll see me on the news) the wenny king. heck even gong pildu, upon some consideration and by method of elimination, deduced that theres no way kdj has enough rizz to pull neither ysa nor hsy therefore who was left to be the one who helped kdj birth his "child" (kidified sp) ??? yjh obv 😭😭 and why would he question the possibilities of mpreg when hmo is right there anyway. heck hmo even told kdj that he should try it.
when one is hurt/dying/dead, the other rages, panics, is extremely distressed - (maybe there's a shorter way to say this like "who did this to you" but joongdok have ascended past cheesy romances 😝) disaster of flood arc, aftermath of dark castle, the fight with surya, 1863, aftermath of sp's kidnapping etc
hates everyone but you - sure yjh doesnt hate All constellations but he for sure hates all demon kings. (mini fun fact about me, up until joongdok rebranded my brain, i didnt like this trope)
aloof x low self-esteem = both emotionally constipated 🙄🙄
derogatory term becomes a term of endearment - fool/sunfish (bastard)
bickering like a married couple - is this a trope? well it is now
denial of attraction/closeness - just two men who most definitely never lie when it comes to their feelings
identity theft - without malicious intent (i hope!! *stares at all the atrocities kdj has committed using yjh's name*)
masterchef x disaster in the kitchen - very, very, very simplified version of the trope. wouldnt call kdj a disaster but definitely a worse cook than yjh (subtrope would be [pro-gamer x game tester])
famous x fan - lol "famous"
annoying x annoyed - (kdj: breathes. yjh: ugh drop dead. kdj: drops dead. yjh: wait no-💢)
A thinks B will be happy without him / B doesn't know how (doesn't want) to live without A - 51kdj seeing 49kdj leave with yjh and the others, thinking that he and yjh will set on a journey together to find tls123 / museum fight
will sacrifice everyone/everything for the other - *cracks knuckles* when 41st sys tries to give yjh a 2nd chance to save himself and his old companions and all he had to do was say that kdj isn't his companion. when kdj admits that 1863rd hsy's plan to see the ending of the scenarios is smart and well-thought out but because that world doesn't need yjh he doesn't cooperate. (side story spoilers below, but when you think about it long enough the side story came to be because yjh spread orv to lhh's worldline. all the deaths happening because yjh needs to collect a fragment of kdj's soul from that world)
speaking of lhh, reincarnation - now hear me out. not your typical reincarnation but bcs we know that 49kdj's wish was to reincarnate into someone that doesn't have anything to do with kimcom -> subtrope: doesn't want to be found / is found
amnesia - 0 is also not your typical amnesiac
god x god's favorite
age gap - theyre both the same age and simultaneously have age gap(s) make of that what you will
important symbol - (object) pocket watch
glucose guardian - listen!! listen!! sp/kdj and 0/51 exist okay
harem - sorry i couldnt help it
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gender-isafuck · 5 months
I wanted to say, that I’m pro-Palestine, pro-peace really, anti-war. That’s how I was raised, I’ve spent my life surrounded by historians who are a bit anti-yankee.I can’t do much more for this conflict, except spread kindness. I feel like it’s silly to just reblog pictures of martyrs on the internet, it borders on porno-misery.
But I want to say, I hope you know, most of my community doesn’t think Israelis or Jews should die.
I hate when people scream nonsense, and just ask for Israelis to die on the internet when we’re trying to defend and free Palestinians from a genocide.
I feel like such calls radicalise people on both sides of this conflict and radicalisations lead to world wars. Yes fighting for a cause must be done relentlessly but let’s not forget to be kind, to have empathy.
I wanted to say that, because I went through your blog, and no, most people with sense doesn’t want to see more dead or displaced people. I’ve only read one book on jew history by Paul Johnson, which doesn’t make me an expert or even knowledgable, but I can see why you think it’s the world against the jew community.
I want to see a free Palestine, and for people to stop dying from carpet bombings, I want to see peace in the middle east. I want to see a two state solution and Israelis and Palestinians living peacefully and safe, but what power do I have in all of this?
All I want to say is, I do see the Israeli suffering, the hostages, and the threat of terrorism. And insufferable losses. I don’t think you are all represented by what the western news and internet trolls say.
Please don’t succumb to anger and hate, anger turns us mean and blind to suffering. (That can be say to both pro palestinians and pro israel) and someone has to give and break a cycle of violence that started since even before the egyptians.
And have some kindness, maybe the internet doesn’t keep the best of people fighting for palestine. And let’s be honest, tiktok is just plain stupid. So don’t forget the others on the opposite side of this conflict, even if sometimes people will wish you merry christmas by accident, is not done out of malice. 😅 I’m agnostic, so I don’t really celebrate.
I like to think people are generally good. So this is me, wishing you a good day. Thanks for letting me rant in your askbox.
i think you might be looking at your community through rose colored glasses.
i appreciate your kindness but with the massove rose in antisemitic hate crimes using palestine as their excuse the free palestine movement has kinda become the new "the jews killed jesus"
and while i understand why you would tell me to be empathetic and not succumb to anger and hate, i cant rly control my emotions in response to things this completely life shattering. i dont hate palestinians, i have made this clear, but i cannot be empathetic to them on any level. it doesnt matter at all. i see what you were trying to do here but it honestly doesnt come off very well
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genderstarbucks · 4 months
i really hope this doesnt come off negatively, i am saying this from a place of empathy. i really liked the addition you made in response to the pro-choice post you reblogged. i dont think you need to edit it or delete the line, but i wanted to just kindly point out that this is far more a religious thing than a gender thing. unfortunately, there are many women in our politics who are also voting against abortion. i know people mean patriarchy when they say "if men could get pregnant, this wouldn't happen" but unfortunately i dont think thats true, and saying so can distract from the actual causes (white imperialism via religion, for one) again i am not trying to be nitpicky and i really hope you understand im coming from a positive place (also pro-life) i just think that we should be a bit more careful saying stuff like that because it gives those women in power a pass for what they're doing
Yeah it's pro choice dw
I didn't even realize that when writing that, I was just pissed LMAO
But yeah you're right, there's way too many women trying to take away abortion rights from other women
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badger-bear · 1 year
Hi happy 28th! I thought it could be fun to appreciate some underappreciated fics! If you want, answer with one of your fics and one of someone else's you wish more people would read, and then send this anonymously to some writers whose answers you'd like to see. 🥰
Hello! Happy 28th! I love this idea!!! I am going to share the wips I am currently reading!
A Gift In Grieving
Harrys a bunny hybrid, just hoping to find an owner who cares about him. He doesnt know what to expect when hes bought at auction at nearly twice the asking price. Before he knows it, hes wrapped up like a present, and given to a stranger; a sad man named Louis. Despite how Harry tries, he cant seem to get his new owner to warm up to him. Little does Harry know that he was a gift to Louis to soften the blow of losing his last hybrid. And Louis is in no state to open his heart to Harry any time soon.
Just a smaller lower stakes fluffy story about Bunny Harry trying to help Louis get over loss.
Oh, To Be Vulnerable
Disgruntled nurse Harry is, what some would call, a bit of a loner. Aside from work, he spends most of his time alone, either taking trips to the Boston library or going for walks around Quincy Market, or wallowing in his own sadness. He doesn’t seem to mind too much though. He takes his job seriously, and he likes it enough that he shows up every day, so what could be worth threatening his peace that he has worked so hard to create?
Louis, an overly-chipper and easily excitable orthodontics resident, can’t help but instantly fall for the boy in the photo that Niall shows him. With his education soon coming to a close, he is ready to get back into the dating game, and what a wonderful sight to begin with.
The relationship between Harry and Louis has all the highs and lows of a standard relationship, but will Harry learn to trust Louis enough to let him in? And will Louis be able to manage his life turning every which way while also figuring out all that is Harry?
The Pros and Cons of Breathing
Omega Harry has always known he'd be married off someday, so when he's betrothed to the prince, he's anxious about having to leave his life behind, but hopeful for a happy marriage.
The hope doesn't last long, with his husband avoiding him at all costs and Harry being left to fend for himself.
Can he find happiness even in a broken marriage?
(n.) the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.....
Harry is a kind, sweet and scared omega who was hurt along with his daughter, Harlow. Louis is a self-made billionaire and hitman. Their paths cross.
Home, Harry thought was a place you live in, but one day he understood that home is not a place, but a person.
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cruzmerida · 1 year
fic: with friends like these
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Revs Appreciation Week, December 28th; "Friendship" / Courage / Hope
//(SKIDS IN AT 11:30PM) HELLO YES this is part of @fl-revs-appreciation 's revolutionaries appreciation event! and god i just want to preface this with the fact that i am INSANELY PRO-REVOLUTIONARY i just couldnt resist the opportunity to put "friendship" in big fat scare quotes.
maude is an import from @caseybanning's personal timeline of events, and i hope i've done her justice working her into cruz's story as well. she is just one stinker among the revolutionary movement.//
Cruz hears a knock at the door. It is a knuckles on metal, reverberant, cold, unforgiving. They think of a wooden door that doesnt stick right, the muffled sound of fortune below them, and feel so powerfully homesick they get queasy all over again. Cruz draws the scratchy covers over their head, and they don't answer. 
The knock comes again. 
They again don't answer, but Maude has the keys, and before long light is spilling into their cramped cabin, onto the bunk that only fits to the ankles if they don't curl up, into the mildewed odd-angled corners and the room bucks and spins around them just from having light enough to see by. It doesn't help that their new captain goes around lighting up the gas-lamps, throwing every detail into stark relief. It's horrible. Cruz glares out from beneath the covers at Maude, who has set a tray of tea on the table. It clatters about with the rocking of the tramp steamer, never still.
"Honestly, Merida, one would think you were laid up with fever, and not bloody zeesickness," Maude says in an exasperated huff, tossing the blanket off of her nauseous comrade and foisting a mug of tea into their hands. Cruz continues glaring, now with tea. It is served sugarless and milkless, and as Cruz nurses it, it is powerfully bitter and tinged with catmint. The effect is altogether unpleasant, and it shows on their face, apparently, to which Maude sighs again. "Go on, drink up. It'll settle your stomach, you enormous fussbudget."
Cruz stares down at it. Takes another, bitter sip. They still haven't spoken. Maude helps herself to the bolted-down chair by the berth and starts on her own tea. It's across the room, but in the cramped quarters that hardly means much. She is so close if Cruz were to rise from the bunk there was barely enough room to stand nose-to-nose.
"Fussbudget," Cruz repeats. "I just had to leave my entire life behind with no notice, and you are calling me a fussbudget." 
Maude blinks at them, looks incensed for a moment, but she takes a breath, measures herself, and her expression softens. At least, they think it does. Cruz's vision has adjusted to the dark, but even still, they cannot much judge the expression in the wan light. It turns her eyes into hollow pits, her hair a frizzed and amber halo around her head. A long moment passes between them, during which Maude takes another hearty, conspicuously loud drink of tea, as if trying to convince Cruz it tastes good.
"We all have to leave it all behind, one way or another," she says, eventually. She has the look of someone who's finally resolved to say something that had been hidden, and launches into it, eyes glinting in the dark. "We all do. But what could be done? The poets flirt with death but never look it in the eye. And your friends have such strong senses of justice -- I envy them. But they'd think you'd been lying about it this whole time."
The words hit like knives. Cruz's teacup clinks as their hands begin to shake. Maude carries on speaking.
"Your reputation would upend in an instant, Merida, and I respect you for wanting their last memories of you to be good ones. The man you were trying to be." 
The porcelain handle snaps between their fingers. The cup itself is spared, its contents continuing to sway and taunt Cruz, dark and bitter as the peligin depths that surround the boat. Never still. Always in motion. Always somewhere between equilibrium and the tilt required to allow the ship to capsize, to allow the liquid of the cup to spill over into the saucer. Maude reaches across the gap between them and claps a hand on their broad shoulder. "I'm glad you could give them that, Merida, I really am. But I know the man you are, beneath all that, and I haven't left you yet."
Cruz's gut twists. They take a heavy breath, which Maude seems to have taken as bracing, because she gives them an encouraging slap on the shoulder and stands. "You're needed on decks. We've coral on the hull, and we need every pair of strong hands to dislodge it before we go any farther."
"Thank you for the tea," Cruz mumbles, automatically. They think Maude smiles.
"Don't mention it. What are friends for?"
She leaves the tray with the tea on the table, heading up above decks. Boots on the metal stairs follow her out, and Cruz can hear as well the rhythmic tapping on the hull that they'd assumed was some manner of creature.
Cruz stares at cup in their hand, releasing their grip on the handle and allowing the pieces to clink into the porcelain saucer. Regrettably, it is working, but the pit in their guts hasn't faded with the nausea.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
The Pregnancy - Overhaul + Chronostatis
Request: ive been thinking abt don't move+sequels reader, i can only see them being more hostile if they get pregnant, how do you think it would go, would overhaul and chrono be more understanding like the they know best fic or would they stay trashy and mean like in a bundle of joy , especially in a scenario where reader self harm or try to end the pregnancy/hurt the baby
Warnings: Self-Harm Implications
A/N: Headcanons because it’s easier for me to brainstorm with this idea rather than a fic. Hope you don’t mind<3 (also not related to bundle of joy!!) Also please read the request, it can get a bit heavy for the last half!!
Kai and Hari would be very involved in your life. While you have freedom to wander around the base,you must do so with either one of them or someone that they have entrusted to walk you around. They won’t be risking you wandering by yourself in their base and potentially getting hurt in any means. Pregnancy or not, you are important to them, and for you to be hurt under their supposed watch is something that they won’t have. They want to make sure that you’re safe, taking any necessary precautions to ensure that no harm does befall on you.
They both view themselves as the parent in the child’s life. To them, it doesn’t matter who is the biological dad as long as they are involved in the raising of the child. They hardly compete for your attention- only truly seeing each other as a competitor when there is intimacy involved. Other than that, they both go to the doctor’s appointment with you and even help buy items for the child and the room. They realize that any sort of competition that could arise would result in stress for you and could harm the child, so they decided to work together, to be the partners that are most suited for you and your own wellbeing- including the baby.
During your pregnancy term, their protectiveness and need to be involved , make them come off as overbearing and often lead to you being overstimulated because of them. You’re grateful that they’re caring in this process and that they’re trying to maintain the healthy nature of the baby, but it's all too much. They involve themselves in your life- nothing of yours is private. You are monitored constantly, watched and treated as if you are proecielan that sits at the edge of a shelf. The only added benefit of having your life shared between them is that they also now fully involve you in their own lives- everything intricate, personal and even the workings of the Shie Hassaikai. You know what time their meetings are- having to work them around your own appointments- and who they are dealing with and why. You are now treated as their equal rather than a pet- or at least now you’re able to know more than before.
In order to ensure the safety and health of the child, Chisaki makes sure to plan all your meals accordingly. He’s precise, cutting certain portions and making sure to eat the food before he has Kurono deliver it to you. He spends his time making sure that the food is prepped and contains nutrients that are best while also making sure that it’s something that you are allowed to eat. Your cravings are the worst of it- he can handle the cramps and the moodiness, but you just get some rather unhealthy cravings for certain food that he won’t allow you to eat. He can handle your whining and pouting, but he won’t allow you to eat something so high in sugar. Though, if you were to start to tear up or give him the silent treatment, Chisaki would be willing to find some sort of alternative to your cravings, not wanting you to be in a foul mood- especially towards him.
On the other hand, Kurono is much more easy going. He's still very observant about you and protective towards you and the baby, but he is more willinging to sneak you in a few pieces of candy for you to eat. While Chisaki may be the one to prepare the food for you, he’s busy with items that pertain to the business which leaves for Kurono to sit with you and enjoy a meal. He’s there for his own enjoyment but to also make sure that you eat most of the food that has been prepared for you. If you are unable to, he is forgiving on that part, knowing that your pregnancy has made it difficult for you to enjoy certain foods and has worsened your appetite. There is no real solution to this that he can offer other than bringing you a nutritional shake for you to at least give you some energy. After you’re done with that, he’ll surprise you with pieces of candy, telling you to savor them because he's unsure of when he will be able to bring more. While you eat them, he’ll play with your hair, telling you that he’s glad he can have some alone time with you.
If you were to self harm, your partners would not react well. They’ll constantly question what signs they missed that you were unhappy, blame outside forces and even your pregnant]cy, citing all sorts of hormonal change that’s been going on. They’ll fix whatever they can, taking you to a parper hospital rather than treating you at the base. While Chisaki would be able to heal any of your wounds with his quirk, he’s fearful as to how his quirk and your body would react with a pregnancy. He isn’t going to risk the child’s life with something so serious. Instead, you’re taken to the hospital, a lie agreed upon by all three of you that you simply had injured yourself while prepping dinner.
However, if you were to try to terminate the pregnancy, they would be furious. You’re the child's parent as well, they’re the child’s fathers. They support any decision that you want to make about your body, but to do somethin so reckless- and to a family member, no less- they are beyond angry. You’re lucky for the baby to be well, the attempt in vain. They, however, cannot do anything to you before or after, so they simply try to move past it. They can’t strap you down to a bed until you come to full term due to exercise being important and they can’t restrict your access to the child because that’ll only ruin the bond between the entire family. They simply have you take melatonin, talking besides each other once you are in deep sleep, trying to figure out what they can do to ensure that this incident doesn’t happen again.
The base is baby proofed. Your room and the area that you reside in are placed under complete care- corners rounded out with plastic grips, cabinets locked and only members given the codes, anything sharp placed inside of locked cabinets, even pens and other writing utensils are carefully monitored to make sure that they are not left out in the open. Your privacy is taken away, the only privacy that you are given is in the bathroom and even that comes with a time limit. You are not allowed to do things yourself, you are watched and taken care of. Your glass cups are replaced with plastic, your eating utensils softed and food already pre-cut. You have lost all autonomy with your stunt.
Possibly the worst thing to arise from this is losing their trust. You have to earn it back and it’s entirely difficult to do so. You have no free will and they walk you around, deciding that no one else can take care of you like they can. No amount of pleading nor tears will have them change their mind so soon. Their words are always the same- “they aren’t trying to punish you even if it seems like that, but you have to understand that what you did wasn’t right.” You’re talked down to, told that you don’t know what’s right for you. They’ll sleep beside you, a lock on all the doors and their arms above you, keeping you trapped with them and forced to sleep in the same bed as them.
Due to your declining mental health, both Kai and Hari decide to be your therapist, or at least your outlet. They want to help you but it’s difficult for you to be let out- who knows what lies you would spread, they muse. It doesn’t matter what you say- you could insult them, cry and beg for death, or even just talk about a meal you dislike- all that matters is that you speak to them. They want to help you and having you suffer with your thought salone, believing that no one is there to help you, is something that they simply will not have. They care for you, but you must understand that your lack of freedom is something that you brought upon yourself. If it were anything else but this, they would have allowed you freedom much quicker, but you put the child in jeopardy and for that, you have to suffer the consequences and sit in your guilt until they feel that you’re better.
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sum dating pro-hero!bakugou thoughts
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- bakugou has an extreme taste for the finer things in life. think nice sweatshirts, soft blankets, good cologne. mans keeps it on the dl, but trust when he goes home he’s wearing silk pjs. it’s his money afterall
- sometimes drops dinner off for u in the middle of his patrol. he thinks ur unaware of how ridiculous a deviation from assigned route ur house is, but u totally kno. u dont tell him tho :)
- doing PR stuff is the bane of his existence. even the thought of an autograph/panel day literally has him throwing a fit. u watch him throw said fit almost constantly.
- loves when u set his uniform out for him. he likes the way it still faintly smells like your lotion when he puts it on the next morning
- the only PR stuff he willingly does is help make PSAs for schools. very much a wooden board when he says his “stay in school, study hard” lines, but by god does he mean it when he says it such a nerd i love him
- a video of him gently petting a cat he saved from a tree goes viral. he swears to you that this is what will finally make him turn to a life of villainy
- very ritualistic ab his day. he gets up at the same time, eats at the same take-out places for his break, calls you at exactly 5:30 PM,,,, villains have to knock him out cold before he’ll deviate from his routine
- bakugou rlly rlly likes when u wait up for him to get home. lies thru his teeth n says he doesnt, but he also sends u an excessive amount of ETA txts hoping u’ll get the hint and be there to greet him
- he gets unreasonably angry at villains who make him late getting home. he’s got a schedule okay!!! n if his dinner needs reheated bc of some extra, jesus christ is it gonna be that villains worst day ever
- has a habit of playing with the wedding band on his finger during interviews. slides it on/off, twists it etc
- constantly watches play-back of his own battles and critiques them mercilessly. if u even try telling him to give himself a break, bakugou will bite ur head off
- incredibly careful when fighting around schools/residential areas. he knows his quirk can be scary/loud and tries to tone down the explosions around small children,,, he can’t remember when he started caring ab that kinda thing, but now he couldn’t imagine not
- rlly grumpy about works trips. usually can’t take u for obvious danger reasons, but u’ll be getting a phone call every night to make up for ur lack of physical presence. of. he lies n says its bc he needs to “vent” ab his mission, but katsuki is entirely see-through when he refuses to talk and only asks ab ur day. falls asleep listening to ur voice,,, n u do it all over again the next night, for his sake pretending u don’t know why he’s calling
- ruthless in his product reviews. PR tries to force him into endorsement deals, but it goes terribly if he doesnt like the product ,,, (he tanked an entire energy drink company once bc he called it “tasteless, embarrassing, empty sugar-water. unfit for even the laziest fuckin’ humming bird)
- only attends galas if u bribe him. btw, the bribe is u promising to wear orange,,,, but he’s not possessive, he’s not, he swears
- surprisingly devoted to his work/life balance. u’d think he’d be a complete workaholic, n for the most part he is, but bakugou actually takes self-care rlly seriously. (“It starts in the body.” said by bakugou in an advert for protein bars. he was so proud bc bby put that line in the script himself. n he lives by those words!!!)
- if he’s ever late coming home, katsuki is def picking up some sort of apology gift,,, its always weird n janky tho. like an ugly, off-brand, shitty figurine of himself or a bouquet of nearly dead flowers (mans has a weird sense of humor what can i say)
- sometimes u’ll go out to your balcony and wave to him as he jets across the sky during patrol. he’s happy it’s dark and you cant see him,, bc if u could, u’d see him grinning like a dork
- spends an entire day off work, w/ u, before going on a rlly dangerous mission. its somber and makes u nervous and sort of breaks ur heart, but the way he looks at u just before he leaves makes it almost worth it
- thinks its hilarious when u send him dating rumor headlines ab himself. was literally in stitches over the one u sent to him supposedly confirming his ‘secret, salacious, relationship with chargebolt” (for reference, the pic was the blurry back of bakugou and denki’s head as they walked into the agency they literally both work at)
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miutonium · 2 years
Thinking of them again ahahsjaahskka. Im obsessed with the thought of them started dating. I mentioned that the one who eventually asked to go for a date is Utonium and ahhh he probably brought her to a roller skate rink first because she mentioned how fun it looked like when they see people skating at a park once. What he didn't know is Chloe never skate once in her whole life so she couldn't balance properly and had to hold his hand almost the entire time. He tried to keep himself calm because she keeps almost tripping and he had to catch her and he is losing his mind over being so close to her and holding her waist and arms to keep her safe. She did ended up manage to get on her foot though and skate and proudly show at him "Utonium,look! I'm a pro now!" And tried twirling but she almost fell and Utonium have to catch her again hhhh. When Utonium stares at her after catching her in his arms, they had a brief eye contact and both of them are blushing but Chloe flicked Utonium's nose to snap him out of his trance and jokingly teased him "Caught your nose~".
They went to another diner downtown for dinner because they wanted to try something new other than their usual spot and both of them doesnt want anyone from uni to spot them and starts whispering about them from a distance. Utonium is nervous but more nervous than he usually is because he never goes on a date that went well and Chloe noticed it so she asked if he's feeling alright. He admitted that he's still a bit nervous about it even though they probably hanged out together many times before since this time they're technically on a date. She giggled and tell him its okay and say just pretend theyre hanging out just like usual but they give googly eyes to each other and smile a lot this time. He felt relieved afterwards and they chatted and chatted late until they noticed the crowd is getting bigger in the diner so they left.
On their way back to dorm, Utonium asked if he can hold her hand while they're walking and Chloe thought it was sweet and funny because she never had anyone asked her to hold hands after a date and boys usually just hold her hand during dates. She reached out for his hand and hold it as a response and hskdjalak I think Utonium probably exploded inside especially when she locked her fingers inside his and mentioned "Huh, your hands are big but it fits me perfectly." They walked slowly just so they could talk and be together a bit longer before the night ends. At this point, Utonium is a lot less nervous than he is earlier and Chloe felt more relax knowing he doesn't feel that nervous or uncomfortable, she just wants him to know she had a good time with him.
As usual, he walked her back to her room first because he wants her to return safely and when they reached her front door, both of then are a bit sad that they had to let go of their hands now. Utonium apologized to her if he screwed up and admitted it was his first date that went well and hoped they could do it again. She interjects him and say it was good and she really had a good time and feels a bit sad that it was over. She then paused for a second, before turning around, scanned her room and remembers her roommate are away since it's the weekends so she asked,
"Hey, do you want to stay with me for the night? Lisa's back at home so I'm all by myself tonight."
Utonium was taken a back and made an audible snort because he wasn't mentally prepared for that even though at that point he knew Chloe returned his feelings and Chloe quickly corrects herself "nO NO OH NO i didn't mean to come off that way I'm sorry! I mean like do you want to cuddle and fall asleep with me? It's okay if you don't want to...."
At this point, Utonium is screaming in his head because not only did he nailed his date, his date even asked him to stay over. He's arguing inside his mind whether or not if he should stay. A part of him says he should because it's late at night and if he returns, his roommate either asked him bunch of questions on how it went and try to pick on him and poison his mind by saying it didnt actually go well or he probably asleep with another random girl on his bed and he has to sleep at the top bunk again. Another part of him says he shouldn't stay because he still has work to do and he doesnt want to postpone his work and sacrifice his goodnight sleep.
He did in the end agreed to stay with her, there's no harm staying with Chloe just for a night and accompany her. And it's basically just like any other night where he hangs out in her room until late at night talking mindlessly about everything.
Both Utonium and Chloe are always close to each other when they hang out. She likes to lean on his shoulder when she feels tired or she just wants to slouch comfortably. Their legs touches each other and Utonium had no issue with skin contact before. Sure he definitely does have feelings for her and sometimes he feels really warm and his chest feels right when she's around but most of the time both of them ended up feeling pleasant around each other.
With that being said, when they're now in bed together, with Chloe being so close to him, resting her head on his chest, their hand intertwine comfortably and her leg on top of his, instead of feeling very nervous and anxious about being so close to the person he really liked, he finds it to be comforting and pleasant. He still wonders what their relationship are now and softly asked her, "Hey, so what are we now?" And Chloe lightly giggles, probably feeling sleepy but still awake, "You're my boyfriend,duh...." and she can only hear a pleasant hum from Utonium before he slurred "Boyfriend....I like the sound of that" and they both fall asleep like a baby the whole night close to each other ;w;
In the end, it became a weekly activity for him to stay over for the weekend just to cuddle with his girlfriend now ahhhh
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libidinous-weeb · 3 years
Just Because (Bakugou x Reader)
Tags: 18+, dub-con/non-con (but it’s got a lighthearted(ISH) ending), overstim, degradation, mind break (kind of??? i guess?? not really), unspecified gender but reader has a puthy
Summary: Reader is a villain and annoyed that Dynamight won’t get off their ass when they do crime. So they capture him and decide to fuck about it. This started as me just wanting to lewd Bakugou in a discord server, but as per usual, i got carried away.
enjoy. or don’t. your choice ig lol. also not beta’d so sorry the capitalization is stupid.
when you perch your self on top of Dynamight’s lap, he’s confused at first. when you slide so close you’re sitting on his crotch, he starts to get the picture. he wants to ask you what the fuck you’re doing but he’s suddenly tongue tied. he’s confused about what you’re doing as he tries to wriggle away, but you don’t let him up. you have him on a bed somewhere, with his legs bound and his wrists trapped in quirk canceling handcuffs.
you start to grind on his cock, moaning quietly in his ear. he vaguely knows you, and you’re making him so hard, harder than he swears he’s ever been in his life. he vaguely knows you, and you’re making him so hard, harder than he swears he’s ever been in his life. he’s so embarrassed you have this effect on him. he’s Dynamight! a big time hero! he should have control over this situation, and someone like you with your soft lips and even softer thighs and perfect little ass that rubs up against him in the best way possible...you shouldn’t be the one that’s able to make him lose his iron like grip on his self control.
when you shove your tongue down his throat, it shouldn’t feel this good. he shouldn’t be moaning like a goddamn girl. he shouldn’t feel so good that part of his mind goes blank when you touch and kiss him. he shouldn’t get so flustered and his face shouldn’t be turning cherry red just because of some fucking extra. he shivers, and tries to fight the urge to tilt his head back as your hands move from his chest down lower and lower...
when you finally touch him through his pants, he bites his lip, hard. it’s just your hand, but it feels amazing. you aren’t even directly touching him, and he feels like some kind of pathetic teenager. he starts hoping you don’t notice how his hips are slowly rolling towards your touch.
“H-Hey! Stop—I said stop it!” he cries out, as your mouth moves from his lips to his neck where you kiss and suck and bite.
“I’m gonna have so much fun breaking you like this,” you whisper in his ear. “You’re not—you can’t...be thinking you’re gonna—“ you cut him off. “I’m gonna fuck you. Hard. And you’re gonna beg me to let you cum. I’ve wanted you inside me for so long, and I’m finally gonna make it happen. You’re not gonna stop me—you can’t. I’m gonna make you cum over and over again, no matter how much you beg me to stop.” his eyes widen a bit in surprise. “Y-You what? Why? Fucking cut it out! Let me go, you fucking freak!” he feels trapped, panicked. still, he’s not scared of you. he’s scared of the effect you have on him.
he’s kissed before. had sex, even (not often, but he’d die before he ever admitted that out loud), so why does it feel like he’s on fire right now? why does his body want this so badly when he doesnt? you pull his shirt over his head and bunch it up by his hands, which are restrained with the cuffs. then you slide your hand down his pants as your mouth moves to his nipples.
“Fuck, n-not there...” his nipples were sensitive and you sucking and teasing and biting at them makes him feel like he’s going to lose his goddamn mind. you aren’t even jerking him off, just groping his dick while you toy with his chest. he’s trying (and failing) to steady his voice while he yells at you. “S-Stop fucking...touching me already!” his voice is loud but it trembles when it escapes him. the way he lies beneath you, eyes clenched shut, his face hot and red, panting and trying to turn his face away from you as if the sight of you is too much for him...it’s too fucking hot. the way quiet moans slip out between words and the way he’s biting his lip to keep himself quiet...it’s all too irresistible. you need to have him, now. you slide his pants down and position yourself over his dick. “Don’t fucking—“ you cut him off with a harsh slap to the face, then grab him by his chin. “Shut. Up.” you momentarily stun him into silence as his eyes meet yours.
you hold his cock steady as you slide down on him and his eyes roll to the back of his head as a loud, desperate moan leaves him. “F-Fuck, wait! I can’t—!“ he cums. Dynamight, the pro hero, cums the second he bottoms out for the first time like a goddamn virgin. he gasps as his orgasm rushes out of him, surprising you both. he gets even redder still, something you didn’t think was possible. he keeps his eyes shut, brows furrowed as he tries to catch his breath. you laugh. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Big bad Bakugou’s so pathetic that my pussy makes him cum in under 30 seconds? Not so scary now, are you? Where’d all that attitude go? Come on, let’s see it!”
he still doesn’t open his eyes. he’s made of tougher stuff than this. he shouldn’t be brought to his knees by some extra’s fucking pussy. even with the way you slammed down on him out of nowhere. you’re just so tight and hot and soft and feel so fucking perfect...
his eyes shoot open in desperation when you start moving. “W-Wait! I can’t! I-I really can’t! Do-Don’t fucking—nnhg...fuckfuckfuck, stop fucking moving!” you wrap your hand around his throat and apply pressure. he’s grimacing now, all angry and squirmy, trying to free himself from you. you look him directly in the eyes as you choke him.“I told you. You’re not gonna stop me. I decide when it’s over. I’ve just gotten started. I’m gonna make you cum over and over and over again. And you’re gonna lie there and let me. You don’t have a choice. Got it?” you start gyrating your hips, fucking him in earnest. you keep your hand on his throat, letting him breathe but reminding him who’s in control.
he clenches his hands into fists, legs and body shaking as you take what you want from him. he bites his lips so hard to keep himself quiet that he draws blood. you kiss him and clean it up with your tongue as you run it over his lips. his cock feels like it was made for you, long and curved and thick. he still won’t look at you as you keep fucking him, getting close to your first orgasm. “I’m gonna—I’m gonna cum!” instinctively, katsuki opens his eyes and looks at you. you sitting atop him, back arched, breasts pushed forwards, thighs shaking, head thrown back with bliss written across your face...
“AAAAH FUCK!” katsuki cums again. it hurts but it feels so good. despite the fact that he hates this, he can’t deny how fucking hot you look, perched on top of him, cumming all over his cock. “You-You got what you wanted...right? so get-get the fuck off of-mmmh-off of me.”
you open your eyes. katsuki sees how hazy they look as you regain the ability to form words again. “N-No. Not done yet. Wanna come more.” Your airy, lighthearted chuckle confirms what katsuki had suspected. you’re fucked out but still drunk with lust. your first orgasm made you only want more. you started moving your hips again.
“F-Fucking shit...fuck...”at some point, bakugou couldn’t think anymore. he didn’t know up from down. the only thing that mattered was you, your fucking pussy, and how much your torture hurt in the best way possible. he stopped begging you to stop and started babbling about how good it felt, and how perfect you are. “God, FUCK you feel so fucking good, fuck, don’tstopdon’tstopdon’tstop. Please. Just keep fucking me, pleasegodpleasepleasepleaseyesyesyes—FUCK! Fuck, it feels so good. Love it, I fucking love it, FUCK! I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t fucking stop, please! FUCK, I can’t stop cumming, I can’t! I fucking love you, fucking love your pussy, fucking love, FUCKING YOU!”
when your hips gave out and you slumped over his chest, bakugou slid his cuffed hands behind you and flipped you both over. “Don’t fucking stop, pleasepleaseplease—“ you were in the same state as he was. you positioned his cock to your hole as he forced it inside you. your legs shook as he started thrusting in you, short sharp movements like a fucking dog. he was so desperate he was humping you like a fucking dog, and you loved it. “please bakugou, dynamight, katsuki, please fuck me more. i want it so bad, please! fuck, it still feels so fucking good, you and your perfect fucking cock, fucking me up over and over and over again—“
when you finally decided to stop you had both made yourself cum so many times you lost count. bakugou’s cock hurt. he’d cum so much he’d started having dry orgasms. and you were a mess. your pussy was sore. you’d squirted and dripped all over his cock so much there was a puddle underneath you both. you tried to stand but your legs kept shaking. the cuffs around bakugou’s wrists made a beeping sound and then opened, but neither of you registered it.
by the time both of you had regained some sense, you had sat up, and reached into a bedside table near the mattress in the abandoned warehouse you had him in. you shakily handed him a bottle of water as you grabbed one for yourself and did the same with some vending machine peanut butter crackers or some shit. You didn’t look that closely when you bought them. “Here. This is all I got right now. Take it.” without thinking, bakugou reached out to take them, then froze as he looked at his unrestrained hand dumbly. “How...?” “S’ on a timer. Wasn’t gonna kidnap you forever.” he blinked, then took your offering. you both sat in silence as you ate. you pulled out a large sharp knife from the same drawer and katsuki immediately tensed, worried you were going to attack him. “Hey. Here.” you handed him the knife. he stared at it, then you, then stared back at the knife. “It’s to free your legs, stupid.” he stared at you. “What? I’m a villain, but I’m not a monster, Katsuki. Not my fault you’re so fuckin irresistible.”
“You...You’re not gonna kill me?” “Nah. Just wanted to fuck ya. And it was totally worth it. you can arrest me now or whatever. Oh, and there’s some clothes for you in this drawer too, and some baby wipes. No shower though.” you sniff your armpit. “Eugh. Didn’t think to bring deodorant.” katsuki looks to you, and blinks at you owlishly. he finally speaks. “W-What the fuck was that? Why—How—“
“Reasons.” you say, and leave it at that.
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kaaytea · 3 years
Helloooooo~~~~ how are you doing? uhm,if it's not much, can you do hcs/drabble angst miyuki kazuya x reader where they were fighting and he said something that makes the reader insecure/upset? and can it ends with fluff, please? it doesnt matter if the reader is fem or not hehe. thank you in advancee! <33 have a nice day and i love youuuu~~~ ❤️❤️❤️❤️
A/n: hello lovely! I'm doing very well, thank you for asking 💕 I'm so sorry this took a bit to get out, I couldn't find any inspiration to write for high school Miyooks so instead I went for an older version of him! I hope you enjoy!
(P.s. I love you too 😤♥️)
You could never really recall a time that you and Kazuya had a serious fight. Sure there were squabbles here and there, tedious things that were forgotten the next day, but never anything like this.
"Look (y/n), there's nothing we can do about it, I can't control when the league plans games. I'll make it up to you."
'I'll make it up to you' was a phrase you were painfully familiar with. Countless missed dates, phone calls, and family events have been followed by that dampening string of words ever since Miyuki entered the pro league three years ago. You always had to settle for something else; most plans or invitations you had gotten were either canceled or politely declined. Kazuya just didn't seem to notice that no amounts of dinner dates, gifts, facials, or massages would make up for the lost time spent together.
Miyuki sent you a sympathy smile as he turned his attention back to the scorebooks he had laid out on your kitchen counter. In his mind, the conversation was done and dealt with while you were simmering in a pot of emotional turmoil.
"I don't want you to 'make it up to me' Kazuya," your voice cracked as tears began to prick at the corners of your eyes. Miyuki reluctantly met your gaze again with a bored look at your prompting; somewhere inside him he felt a pang at the sight of your glossy eyes. It had never been easy for him to watch people cry, especially when that person was you. "I can overlook missed dates but our Wedding anniversary?!"
The man ran his hand through his hair with a tired sigh. Miyuki didn't have the energy to keep talking about this, the dates were already set so you just had to accept it and move on.
"I can't skip games, you know that. It's just a date anyway, we can plan something that weekend." Miyuki's voice teetered off into a mumble at the end of his sentence, it's like his subconscious knew his words were wrong but you still heard them and they stung like hell.
"Does that make our marriage just some arrangement then? When did you start letting a sport dictate our love life?!" Tears were flowing steadily down your face at this point as you and your husband stood your ground. The building tension in the room was suffocating you slowly. Your heart desperately screamed at you to flee from Kazuya's dangerous eyes as it broke more and more with each minute.
Miyuki's jaw clenched at your words. The irritation was finally starting to get at him and while he was generally a level-headed guy, his temper could be shockingly short when pushed enough.
"This is my career, (y/n)! We both knew how difficult me going pro would be. This isn't Seidou, I can't just ask our coach to reschedule things because you're upset!"
Miyuki's eyes never left you as he spoke, like a predator stalking its prey he watched your every move and minuscule flicker of emotion. His words were cold and just short of a yell, "If you've had this much of a problem with my career choice before maybe you shouldn't have agreed to marrying me."
The tension in the room evaporated the second those words left his lips. At that moment you didn't care about your anniversary. You didn't care about baseball. You didn't care about how the aggression in Kazuya's face melted from shock to fear as he processed what he had just told you. What you did care about was the overflowing dam of pent-up emotions finally cracking as you hurried off to your and Kazuya's bedroom.
Miyuki flinched at the sound of you slamming your shared bedroom door shut. The fridged silence that now hung in the apartment was deafening as the man sat rigidly at the kitchen counter, staring at the small glittery object you had ripped off your hand and slammed down in front of him when you left the room. Hesitantly he reached forward and held the ring between his thumb and pointer finger. The catcher’s hand trembled as he held the small trinket. Flashes of your happy smile from when he proposed were haunted by the vision of the angry tears he had seen sliding down your face just moments ago.
For once, it seemed, that you had instilled a sickening fear into Kazuya as he was forced to sit with his head in his hands at the kitchen counter, tears slowly dripping down onto the lenses of his glasses while listening to your muffled sobs in the next room over.
You had eventually passed out from fatigue after crying your eyes out only to wake up feeling empty. Your body was tangled in a mess of sheets as you laid on your back blankly staring up at the ceiling in the dark. Your bed felt oddly large without Kazuya sleeping in the space beside you, the bitter feeling of loneliness clawed at your chest as your mind floated in a void of stale emotions.
The metallic sound of the room’s doorknob shaking pulled you from your thoughts and on instinct you flipped onto your side facing away from the door, pulling the sheets tighter around your shoulders in a last-ditch effort to hide yourself. There was a pause in the advances followed by a soft click! and a small trickle of light pouring in as the door crept open.
You heard the door close gently then soft padding of feet across the carpet. Another soft click! resonated in the quiet room, followed by the soft glow of light over your shoulder. The mattress creaked at the added weight of your husband as he sat down near the edge of the bed.
You didn't want to look over at him so you could keep up the act of being angry but curiosity mixed with the need to be near him resulted in you hesitantly peeking over your shoulder to look at him.
In the dim light you could just make out the frown etched onto his face, as well as the redness around his eyes and at the tip of his nose. Miyuki looked a mess but you didn't have much room to talk as you're sure you looked just as bad right now.
You could see the pain and regret swimming in his eyes when he caught you staring, in seconds he was cradling you in his arms and burying his face into your hair. It was like a magnetic force had pulled the two of you together, clinging onto one another in fear that the other would leave.
"How did you get in?" You said, your voice coming out muffled from where you had pressed your face into his chest, "I locked the door."
"You get free courses on lock picking when you're friends with Kuramochi."
His response lightened the mode as you let out a weak laugh, curling further into Kazuya's touch as his hand ran up and down your back.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier."
You lifted your head from Miyuki's chest and looked up at him. His gaze was focused on your hands, letting his own slide down your arms to loosely link your fingers together. He refused to make eye contact with you as he twiddled with your hands.
"Our anniversary isn't just a date to me, I'm sorry that I made it seem like baseball is more important than our marriage....like it's more important than you," Miyuki said in a low tone. You could hear the shame over his actions with every word and the lone tears silently slipping down his face reinforced just how torn up he was. Kazuya wasn't a crier and he definitely wasn't someone who enjoyed apologies. It was rare for him to outwardly express his emotions this harshly.
"You can't just blame this fight on yourself when I was at fault too," you pulled your hands from his and cupped his face, lifting his head up to look at you as your thumbs brushed away any remnants of his tears. "I'm sorry for making a big deal out of something you can't control, it was immature."
Miyuki turned his head to the side and pressed a kiss to your left hand before slowly guiding the both of you to lay down. Tucked safely into your husband's side and head nestled in the crook of his neck, you breathed in his comforting scent as you twirled his short hair around your finger. His hair was significantly shorter than it was in high school but just long enough for you to run your fingers through it.
Miyuki shifted slightly before guiding your hand away from his silky locks. A warm feeling bloomed in your chest as you watched him slip your wedding ring back onto your finger. He looked down at you with a soft expression and kissed you gently on the lips.
Eventually, you both fell asleep with you clinging to Kazuya's side and him rubbing his thumb over your wedding ring.
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gone-daddy-gone · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Villian! Kiribaku x reader
Word count: 4,752
Rating: Mature! (noncon/dubcon, anal/ vaginal penitration. oral. refrences to kiddnaping. slight yandere) Violence, mentions of death. I DO NOT CONDONE THESE ACTIONS IN REAL LIFE THIS IS FANTASY, NOT REALITY. All characters aged up.
Genre: Smut, slight Yandere, perhaps?
DT: @writerbyaccident and their fics here (1), and here (2), and @the-grimm-writer piece here
                                    Tag team. 
 Being a pro hero is all fun and games until you run into Bakugou Katsuki and Eijirou Kirishima. The two were an absolute power house couple. Kirishima’s hardening quirk made it so he never got hurt by his overzealous partner. Something that only bonded them stronger. 
 You had heard they both wanted to be heros at one point, and now look at them, the biggest douches in the world. Or you could call them villains. Either one worked really. They take whatever they want, or whoever they want whenever they want. The two were a disgusting tag team. You didn’t want to think about what they did to those who were unlucky enough to not escape their grasp. 
 Your job was simple. Take out a few bad guys, make some kiddies smile and go about your day. You trained hard, but not so much to the point where you were too big of a hero. You had been raised to be grateful for what you have and if you get blessed with more, then the lord had smiled upon you. 
 However, you find it increasingly difficult to be thankful in your current situation. Feet pounding on the ground, chest heaving up and down, throat sore from breathing so fast and hard. The explosions and objects being thrown at you didn’t comfort you in the slightest bit either. 
 “Get back here!” The loud one yelled from the top of his lungs, explosions propelling him even closer. 
 “Common now! You gotta be tired sweetie!” The red one commented, while a street lamp was thrown your way. 
 You of course were of the right mind, and were not gonna respond. 
 You weren’t even sure how you got in this situation, really. 
 You were on patrol for one of the smaller cities, mostly old people and families occupied this city. When you arrived, there was no sound. Everyone was gone, nobody was out at the park like they usually were. The bakery, old Mrs. Moniko ran was closed. The eerie feeling of danger began to settle into your tummy. 
That’s when you saw it, a kid, and she was crying. She was peering at you through blinds, wiping her face of the snot and tears. You began to walk towards her, acting on impulse to a child in need. 
 She viciously shook her head. 
 Causing you to be more worried, the next step was to pick up the pace. You always did have a weak spot for kids. But the closer you got, the better a view of her mouth you got. 
She was mouthing something. 
None? Mom? Done?… and if on cue it hits you, the cold feeling of fear. The realization dawned, mixed with the need to protect.
 Before you had much of a chance to do anything, you heard a thundering voice call out to you. 
 “What do you think you’re doing here, hero?” It was Katsuki. It was the first time you ever got a good look at him, in person at least. He was tall, and built. You felt guilty in admitting to yourself that if it wasn’t for his scowl, he would have been attractive. 
 “Well, I could ask you the same question, villain.” Your attempts to sound cool and brave were coming off more like a bratty kid. Even you can tell that. 
 “Tsk… Kiri? Why don’t you tell the girl what we’re lookin’ for?” Your eyes widened in fear. They couldn’t be together right now, why were they together right now? Of all the villains to run into, why did it have to be that team? The stories of how they like to take their time reverberated in your mind. 
 “Bakubro!!!” You frantically looked around for the red head. It was a mistake on your amateur part, they knew they had you right where they wanted you. He came out of the shop, hardening himself and bursting through the wall. You couldn’t help but gulp at that flashy way to make you feel scared. A cheap move, but subtle enough to get the fear growing. And they could smell it. 
 “Well we’re looking for money. Gold, drugs, whatever these nice rich people have.” He said to Bakugou before laying his eyes on you. “Wow and who do we have here? What’s your hero name again?” He smiled and cocked his head, just so that he could have almost looked innocent, almost. 
 “Well it’s actually-“ 
 “I don’t think it matters.” The curt words commanded your attention back. “You certainly don’t look familiar, so you must be a loser!” The ash blonde shut you up. “I mean really, look at you! You were shaking like a leaf when it was just me and now you look like you’re gonna piss yourself! I mean how pathetic can you hero’s be!” 
  Hearing him be cruel in person was way worse than the stories. At least in the stories they left out how evil Bakugou could be, how low he could scoop. 
“Aw are you gonna piss for us? Go on do it hero slut!”
 The words “slut” coming out of his mouth felt so accusatory. “Are you a little hero slut?” 
 Kirishima let his face drop his smile, replacing it with a slant. Like he wanted to scold him. Like he cared how you felt. 
 “Oh common Baku that’s a bit harsh, huh?” 
 “Common it’s gotta make you mad doesnt it? How unmanly these guys are? How self righteous they are.” The words of manipulation rolled off of his tongue as beautiful as it ever had. 
 Kiri pondered, letting the thoughts hit him. Before letting his gaze wonder all over your body shamlessly. Thoughts struck his head. The thoughts Bakugou knew would stir him up. 
 “Yeah… they do think they’re so much better, and if you believe in something you should fight for it! I have a good idea Bakugou!”
 “And what’s that Kiri?” 
 “Why don’t we make her prove herself, and if she’s really a coward she’ll run.” He looked so sickeningly proud of his own little sadistic idea. His hand forming into a fist. 
Realizing you’re either gonna have to get pounded to a pulp in a battle you would never, and could never win. Or run for your life and become an absolute failure, and give these monsters the satisfaction of seeing it. 
 It was a beautiful plan. A fun plan. Bakugou loved winning, dominating really. The thought of getting to take down and humiliate a self righteous hero, well that clearly made him excited from your view, and Kiri’s view. 
 “That might be a great idea, shitty hair.” 
 “Ok slut you win, we let you go. You lose, you die.” The conditions weren’t in your favor, no matter how strong you wanted to be; you broke. Tears welted i’m your eyes as your knees threatened to just give up on you. 
 “I don’t, I don’t wanna-“ Was all you could muster, mind racing to find a way to survive.  
 “Don’t wanna what?” Kiri asked, a dark smirk growing. 
“I don’t wanna die.” You said meekly, tears flowing freely at this point. 
 “Well then, you are weak and pathetic.” Bakugou said effectively kicking you while you were down. Like the bully he always was. 
 “Let's make her run for it then! Don’t you think it’ll be fun? Like a little race, and she’ll be our prize?” His optimism is ever present. 
 “I don’t know if she even deserves that hope. She’ll never win, and she’ll never out run us either. We’re gonna dominate her either way. She can run until her soles are bleeding and her lungs give out. She’s weak, and pathetic.”
 “But It’ll be so fun to watch her little ass run until she’s all red in the face, heaving and begging us to stop. That’s the best part.” You felt a cold realization how excited he was too. 
 And if you saw it, Bakugou saw it too. 
 “Alright, that seems like fun. You have to count of ten to start running. One,” One second was all you needed to process what he was saying.
 “Two.” Your eyes frantically look for the safest route for not only you, but the civilians. Maybe you could run and find help. But Bakugou was right, you were weak. 
“Three.” The seconds were slipping away faster than you could ever hope to grasp them.
 “Four.” Sobbing as you forced yourself to choose a path and run for it. Mind going numb with the only thought being survival. 
 “Five.” The smallest, trivial amount of hope bubbled up in your belly from how far away the “five” was.
 “Six.” It was barely audible now. Placing a hopeful smile on your face and wiping away the tears, you forced yourself to carry your legs farther. Being clear and out of the way of the hollering made it easier for you to think. You decided that running as hard and as fast as you could was the best plan for survival. Didn’t matter what direction. While the buildings were flying by, the two began to tail after. While you were daydreaming of escape, they were swapping ideas on what to do to you. That was the optimist in you, deep down, you knew you were as good as gone the minute they saw you.
 “Where do you think you’re going!” A tense sense of dread overcame your whole body. You begged yourself to just carry on a little further. You could make it out! You could get help and all this would be behind you. 
“You look so pretty from the back!” The sickenly sweet taunting from the red one made your stomach lurch. Their angry and skilled footsteps were coming even closer, and at a faster rate than you were ready for.
 “Come on now stop running you’ve already lost! We can get to the fun part now!” When he finished his vaguely perverted threat he threw a mailbox straight into your back causing you to tumble and spin. Ripping parts of your hero costume up, leaving you vulnerable in undesirable places. 
 “Damn Kirishima, didn’t know you had it in you.” You could feel the smirk in the way he talked. Every single part of your body begged to just lay down and take what's coming to you. However, that was not the hero's way. On bloodied knees and elbows, costume already half falling off of your body you made yourself stand. Getting into position to fight. The two were not that far from you, letting their eyes take in all of you. You went to force your costume together, anything so they’d stop staring and getting ideas. 
 “We already saw love! No use in hiding from us now. And besides…” Kirishima took another step forward. “We’re gonna be seeing more of you later anyways.” 
 Feeling fully threatened and backed in a corner the best you could do was talk out of your ass. “You’re disgusting.”
 “Well that’s not very nice.” Kirshima pouted, like he was a child. It made you wince in disgust.
 “I don’t have to be nice to the likes of you! Now, in the name of-”
 “Shut up you aren’t taking us in anywhere you damn hero whore. In fact quite the opposite, you’ll be coming with us. It’s been awhile since we’ve had pretty plaything.” You knew the words were meant to make you scared. You knew you shouldn’t show any weakness. But that was becoming increasingly difficult. 
 “You’ll have to knock me down first.” The smirk on the blonde's face caused you to get this itchy, angry feeling. He had always been so goddamn smug. Before you had time to process he had punched you square in the stomach. Causing you to collapse onto your knees. Letting out an agonizing whine, letting your fingers grasp your abdomen. 
 “Wow that was fast! Nice going Bakugou!” Kirishima yelled out, pushing his fist out with an obnoxiously childlike enthusiasm. 
 “Spoke too soon Kiri.” Bakugou retorted back to his partner, watching you as you pulled your knees off of the ground. You ran towards them, throwing out a small jab and uppercut in the direction of the loud one. He dodged them, almost too eager to put you down. He let his knee come up in an attempt to hit you in your already sore abdomen. You reflectively stepped back, avoiding the hard ligament. That was a short lived victory before Kiri, striked, making you stumble back not quite falling flat on your ass. You held back your tears, trying to focus on standing your ground to fight. 
 “Just give in… common I don’t wanna hurt you like this…” Kiri cooed, laying his fake sincerity on thick. You grimaced.
 A last ditch effort, using up all the anger and strength you had left you launched your foot into an attack. The confidence you had in yourself was the most powerful thing about the attack. And for a few seconds, you felt you could actually win. That was until the bone crushing grip on your ankle snapped you out of your day dream, and you were left standing there. Foot in the air and losing balance. Weak from pain and exhaustion. You felt your body lurch backward, the tight grip on your ankle the final debilitating blow of excruciating pain as you finally fell to the ground with a hard thud. They had won. And you had lost. Something you had already known, deep down inside of you if you were being honest. 
 “Look at you… pathetic.”
 “But she sure is pretty! Look at her…” “Kiri” made his way to your crumbled form, letting his intrusive fingers grip either side of your cheeks. Pinching them together, making you unwillingly pucker your lips out. 
 “Look at those blow job lips… can we keep her Bakugou?” Bakugou smirked down at your terrified form, letting out a mocking chuckle at your fear.
 “I don’t know shitty hair… you broke the last one really fast.” Your mind raced, your facial expressions refusing to help you out in this situation. As they both could easily tell what you were thinking. 
 “How did you do it again, you fucked her to death didn't you?” He sneered at the word death.
 “Yeah well… sorta. She wasn’t very willing to do what I wanted.” You let out a moan of agony at his disgusting words. 
 “I hardened my… ya know. I warned her! I told her it would be ok if she would just stop crying. I asked her nicely to listen to me! I swear.” He said, with an almost guilty look. Letting his eyes leave your form and go back to the one who clearly held the reigns of the relationship. You let yourself sob. Tears running over his fingers that held your face in place. 
 “Bakugou I’ll be more gentle this time! I swear! I wanna keep this one. Just look at how useless and defenseless she is!” You watched in absolute horror as they talked about you like you were some stray dog. Again, to your horror he spoke again.
 “Alright. We can keep her. Why don’t we test out how good she is…” This caused another surge of adrenaline to surge through you. Feeling the weight of a possible sexual assault, and enslavment weghing over your head, you bit his fingers as hard as you could. Instead of letting you go, he hardened his fingers. Causing you to cry out in pain, and you let go.
 “How feisty… but I think that little defiant outburst is grounds for a punishment. Wouldn’t you agree, Kiri?” The red one let his face fall from hurt to one of lust. 
 “Couldn’t agree more…” That was all you needed to hear as you rolled over to try and crawl away on your hands and knees. Muttering no to yourself like a madwoman. It was a cute attempt at freedom as you felt someone’s hard boot dig into your back, pushing you down. 
 “And where do you think you’re going, whore.” You struggled for words, anything to make it stop. But nothing was coming to your petrified mind. All that came out was another whine as he dug his fingers into your hair. “You’re gonna take what's comin to ya, and you’re even gonna thank us.” 
 After he finished his sentence he yanked you up by your hair, pushing your face near his crotch. Pants tighter than ever.
 “Take it out and suck.” You swallowed deep, shaking your head no. Begging him with your eyes for him to just let you go. That wasn’t gonna happen. Not today, not ever. Your defiance was met with a harsh smack to your cheek. Letting out a “stop” and a whimper, you let your nimble fingers work the button and zipper on his pants. Pulling the fabric down, as his erection basked in the slight freeness it was experiencing. With one last glance upwards into his eyes, you watched as he raised his palm in a silent threat. Quicker than he thought you would, you pushed his boxers down, letting his erection spring out in the open air. He hissed in relief, waiting for your lips to wrap around his large appendage. 
 You followed his orders from earlier, first gently suckling his tip with your mouth. A slight grimace made its way onto your features as you tasted his salty pre cum. Slowly but surely, letting your whole mouth engulf his member. He let out a guttural moan before letting his fingers find their way back into your locks. Pushing your head down further, causing you to choke and grip with desperate fingers, clawing his hips. You sputtered on pre cum and saliva. While he stood above you, smirk plastered on his features.
 “You got a nice mouth hero, ah. Now suck if you want it to be over faster.” With nothing else to do but submit, you put your mouth to work. Letting his moans encourage your lower region to warm up. It was ridiculous, your body preparing itself for what it knew would come next. That’s all it was, you weren’t enjoying it…. You weren’t.
 “Bakugou…” While still sucking like your life depended on it, you averted your eyes to see Kirishima stroking himself in full view. He was rather thick and long, the tip of his shaft starting to glisten with pre cum. A flush of red returned to your face before you got another smack to the cheek.
 “Pay attention to what you’re doing dumbass!” You moved your eyes back to him, keeping the tears that were forming in your eyes from spilling over. His angry hands still in a vice grip in your hair, a silent command to do more. You pushed yourself to take in more, even if it would only please him a little. 
 To your dismay, he was not very pleased and he decided to take it out on your throat. With his hands practically ripping out the strands of hair embedded in your scalp he forced his cock all the way down your tight throat. Your little whines and begs were muffled with his cock buried inside of you. A groan of pleasure came from him as he felt the vibrations from the tip of his cock, to the base.  He continued pulling you so that your lips were just wrapped around the tip before shunting his hips to the point where your face was forced to breathe in his hair. The feeling of precum dripping down your throat as his member was steadily bruising the back of his throat. 
“Do you want a turn Kiri?” The red heads already hard cock twitched at the idea. 
“That sounds great bakugou!...but I think I’m going to use a different hole.” After the words fell out of his mouth and slipped into your ear you couldn’t help but groan out in agony. The groans only made Bakugou that much more pleased, he let out a deep moan before pulling his cock from the back of your throat. 
 “I was just thinking the same thing…” You let your hands find their way to the ground, digging your nails into the dirt. “Please...please I’ll get you whatever you want...money...I’ll do anything just please-” 
 “I want you to shut up and take what's coming to you. And you better get used to it because this isn’t going to be the only time it happens. We’re gonna fuck you every time we feel like it, till all you can think about is how to make yourself wet fast enough for us.” Bakugou took your hair in his hands and pushed your face back into the ground as you felt Kiri lift your hips into the air. You heard your hero suit rip in two; your low whimper could also be heard if anyone would have cared to listen.
 Kiri got to fast work ripping off your panties, letting a finger find its way into your tight insides. “Wow look Bakugou!” He pulled out his finger with an almost childlike glee watching as your wetness came out in a trail. 
 “Well, I’ll be damned, she is a little slut. Do you like being raped, slut?” The words he was saying shouldn't have made you wet, but it was dribbling out of you. You could feel it, you could feel it. You felt the finger return and begin to play around with your insides, he curled his finger and you let out a shameful moan. You tried to push your legs together, hoping that somehow it would make him slip his finger out, maybe put up a barrier between you two. It was short lived before he pulled your legs apart, rutting his knee in between them to make sure they stayed apart. He kept scissoring into you until he felt like you were ready for two cocks. That was of course a long while of you whimpering and moaning as he found every spongy spot of ecstasy he could. He let out his fingers one final time, letting all the juices he had accumulated dribble off his finger and onto his cock. He moved to take the tip and play with it in your folds, he let out a nice, loud moan of pure ecstasy from your velvety walls. You couldn’t see it but he looked at his partner and nodded, he nodded back before teasing your walls with his own cock. It took you about one second to realize what was about to happen, for the second second you spent in complete shock, and the third, the third was when the agony set it. You howled in pain and agony, you could immediately feel the blood begin to drip down your thigh. You had never taken two guys at one, let alone two guys that were so well endowed. Your sobs to stop and to take at least one of them out was ignored. The pain was so much you could have swore you were going to throw up. 
 “God you’re so fucking tight and wet…” Kirishima muttered under his breath, as he forced his cock in all the way to the base.
 “I think that’s actually blood Kiri.” You let out a desperate “Please…” But all that earned you was a harsh smack on the ass. Your pussy reacted for you giving them a good squeeze. 
 “Hey I think she likes it!” Kirishima shouted as he did it to your other cheek. 
 “Please be gentle…” You begged for mercy to the sadistic villains. 
 “Please be gentle.” Bakugou mocked before he landed another painful smack to your behind. “I can feel that you’re enjoying this, I can even hear your whimpers you’re trying so hard to repress.” He was right, the sick sadistic bastard. You were beginning to feel a sick twisted pleasure as one big cock would come out and one would move in to take its place before it was barely out. They were pumping you stupid and all you could do was moan and hiccup. Bakugou let his fingers find their way back into your hair before gripping it and yanking you back so hard you could barely breathe. 
  “Open your mouth.” He commanded. When you didn’t immediately do as you were told he gave you another harsh smack on the ass. When you squealed out in pain he spit directly into your mouth. 
 “Swallow it and say thank you.” You could barely process the request as you felt yourself begin to come closer and closer to an orgasm you never consented to. You did as you were told like a good hero whore you were.
 “Are you a hero slut?” A hum escaped your lips as you got fucked harder. “Answer me whore!” He took his oher hand and wrapped it around your throat, giving a tight squeeze. 
 “Yes! I’m your hero whore!” 
 “Who do you belong to?” 
 You let out another pitiful moan as their two cocks pounded into your sensitive pussy. They were coming undone and so were you. “I- I belong to you and Kirishima!” 
 “What’s my fucking name whore?” 
 “B-AHH!” You didn’t get the chance to reply to him, your orgasm cutting you short. They both stopped moving inside of you, causing you to open your eyes, the look in their eyes told you that they were not happy with you. 
“Did I say you could fucking cum?” You felt a surge of cold fear run through your veins.
 “I didn’t-I-I I’m I-”
 “Shut up!” He smacked your cheek once, hard enough for your nose to bleed. With his grip still in your hair he began to rain smack after smack on your already sore ass. It didn’t take long for you to start crying and whispering apologies, some begs of mercy mixed in.
 “That’s right you’re gonna be fuckin sorry!” He ended his words with another harsh smack. “Kirishima, spread her little asshole open.”
 “NO...nonononono please I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!”
 “You’re damn right you won’t do it again.” 
 He let another smack fall onto your now purple ass cheeks. You could feel a thumb and a pointer finger begin to spread you open, it was painful and uncomfortable. You moved and squealed like a pig beneath him, hoping to escape his grasp. You only got so far as your hair in the villains grasp would let you. Before you had time to plead more Kirishima was already shoving his cock inside of your tight asshole. You let out another painful scream, your throat was beginning to feel sore from how loud you screamed earlier and how loud you were screaming now. 
 “You’re splitting me in two!” The pain was too much and you began to black out, feeling Bakugou pull out was the last thought you had as your head hit the ground. The feeling of Kirishima's boney hips painfully smacking at your abused ass lulling you to sleep. It was a short lived break before you felt him grip your hair and pull you up. He used his thick fingers to pry your jaw open, letting his cock find its home in the back of your throat again. You winced at the taste of your pussy juices, throat already numb. Even with a cock in the back of your throat you began to drift off again, not without receiving another smack on the cheek to keep you awake. 
 “Ah, fuck I’m gonna cum, and you’re going to swallow it” You hummed in quick response not wanting to get abused anymore. 
 “Good...that’s a good girl, you’re starting to catch on now.”
 “I’m-I’m gonna come to Bakugou...her asshole is so tight.” And they were right only a few more pumps and you felt your asshole being filled for the first time. Soon feeling hot sticky cum go down your throat, you swallowed it all while looking into the eyes of the man who had just used your unwilling body however he wanted. After his cock was good and limp he finally pulled out of your throat, letting you finally fall to the ground in peace.
 “I like this one a lot Bakugou! I haven’t had this much fun fucking someone in a while!”
 “She was alright.” Bakugou replied, a smirk playing on his lips.
 “Does that mean we can keep her?”
 “Like I’d ever let a whore like that walk free after that. Of course we’re gonna keep her...can’t wait to see what else we can do to her.”
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
Painful Stings & Sweet Apologies
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Yandere! Izuku Midoriya X Fem! Reader
Summary: Rage fueled by failure, Izuku finds comfort in a bar, only to come home to a broken promise and a furious darling. He didn’t mean for this to happen.
WARNINGS!: blood, violence, alcohol (Izuku under the influence)
Category: Angst, one-sided fluff
Word Count: 9k+
A/N: This is my first yandere fic! I’m nervous as hell, I have no idea if I got this right lol. Though I did spend months perfecting it to the best of my abilities! Hope you enjoy~
Just To Clarify:
You’re both adults
It’s Friday
It’s cold and rainy (naturally--)
Izuku’s bedroom has a walk in closet and a bathroom
the kitchen is off-limits
Izuku is an obsessive yandere~
Cold, burning liquid rushed down the male’s throat as he gulped at the drink within the short glass.
Whiskey, or more specifically - a Jack Daniels, the honey-brown alcohol that delivered a bitter slap to all those who drank its refreshing nectar. 
It wasn’t his usual drink, and certainly not one he’d ever guzzle like a parched beast.
Hell, who in their right mind would do that? Even with a single sip, it left your chest burning with its heat.
But desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
Or, more of, self-loathing times call for a quick, one-way ticket to Forget-Me Ville and Cringe Island.
The bar he sat at was lively, filled with drunken laughter and slurred speeches of men and women who have been out for far too long.
But it was Friday night, so who cared?
A rainy, cold, sucky, depressing Friday night, one of which his friends tried to make a bit better by taking the pissed off, green-haired hero out for drinks.
They certainly hadn’t expected Izuku, an innocent little guy who couldn’t handle his liquor for shit, to shoot down an entire glass of whiskey.
At first, he ordered a simple beer - a starter drink if you will.
It didn’t take but ten minutes for him to gulp that glass down, and he was onto his next drink - a sangria wine cooler. His typical drink. He always was more of a fruity guy, after all, preferring the sweet tang over the bitter bite.
But as the night raged on, and so did his inner turmoil, he kept ordering stronger and stronger drinks, until he got to the whiskey. You could say he lost his sense of reason a while ago.
He was still seething with rage, not as much as before but the mixture of anger and frustration swirled hotly with the alcohol pumping through his veins and sitting in his belly.
You could say it was keeping him warm in this lifeless atmosphere.
For the first time in what felt like forever, he didn’t think of you, his precious little darling. He could barely think straight, mind occupied with too many thoughts to be able to understand any of them. It was all a garbled mess, one he chose to ignore.
Was that a good or a bad thing? He’d find out later.
But for now?
He needed another drink.
In the beginning, this Friday seemed like it was going to be one of the best he’ll ever have.
For months this pro hero has been working alongside detectives with catching a murderous villain known by the name “Ghoul.”
They were sick and twisted, their motives unknown, their trail hard to tract.
He had only one encounter with them, but he was too late to catch them.
That’s the day he was brought in to help aid the case.
But, that day haunted him for weeks. He knew that if he had arrived at the bloody scene sooner, he could have captured that cannibalistic fuck, brought justice to those who had already died by their mangy hands.. and prevented the deaths that would ensue after.
He’d known horrible villains before, but this one was different. Their teeth were sharp, blood permanently stained their clothes, and they gave off a wolfish vibe. Yes, a hunter. One who tore flesh from human bones and munched on it until someone screamed in terror for help.
For months he helped gather intel, piece puzzle pieces together, aid with location predictions and stakeout missions, until finally - they found that bastard.
It was more of a hunch than anything really, that Ghoul would show up to that site.
Ghoul, while hard to track, left a pattern in their wake. They avoided certain areas, thrived where the poor were at their weakest. The murders always seemed to happen at the exact same time behind run-down fast-food restaurants.
It was unclear if the sicko liked a hearty human meal with their victims own stomachs filled with greasy, fattening food, or if it was just convenient to them, either way - the perp was too damn sloppy.
To regular ol’ police personnel, the murders would just always happen there, behind restaurants.
But after Deku’s team began tracking where each and every murder occurred, it was quite easy to tell they were drawing, funnily enough, a circle around the city’s map.
It was stupid, childish, and downright idiotic, but damn if that didn’t lead the team to find the cold-blooded killer.
Adrenaline and pure hatred for the villain fueled Deku’s onslaught of attacks, each seemingly more powerful and less calculated. His mind was muddled.
He was filled with rage, finally being able to see the shitty excuse of a human again, but it affected his movements. He was being hasty, careless, not his usual calculated self.
And that’s what brought him his demise.
His shoulder was harshly bitten, razor-sharp teeth tearing through the fabric of his suit and shredding up the skin on his shoulder. Their quirk pumped through his blood instantly, making him collapse onto his knees, paralyzed. He hissed in pain as the sickeningly warm liquid flowed down his arm, unable to stop himself from face planting onto the dirty gravel of the alleyway.
He had lost, and Ghoul got away.
He still remembers it, after all, it was only hours ago that it happened.
The sun had long since set, the crescent moon hung high in the sky as her stars shimmered around her. His wound was stitched up and healed by doctors, leaving only a bitter scar to remind him of his failure.
He failed not only himself but those who counted on him.
God, he sucked.
And so, he ordered another drink.
He wanted to forget. He didn’t want to feel the failure sting at his fragile heart anymore.
It was too much to take.
What type of hero let the villain get away, knowing full well that they would kill again?
They couldn’t track Ghoul’s trail anymore, for the circle had been completed - and they were left with nothing with the numbing feeling of brutal loss.
Hours blurred together as his mind went hazy. His speech slurred together, dull, green eyes unfocused and mouth blabbering out nonsense to his friends that he couldn’t even really hear. It just- came out. 
Soon enough, he was being dragged out of the bar by his annoyingly sober friends.
The night had gotten colder since they first entered the warm bar, rain pelted down like freezing bullets flying from a machine gun. A dirty old awning kept them dry as they stood still at the front of the bars entrance, the loud music bouncing off the walls inside echoed down the empty streets.
Heavy streams of salty rainwater poured off the edge of the awning, splattering down into a mud puddle that emptied into the sewer grate below.
Who doesnt love the musty stench of rain on asphalt?
Hell, the smell itself, combined with the strong yet savory scent of the Korean barbeque joint across the street was enough to make him nauseous. He had drank far too much, and his stomach was suffering the consequences. He should have eaten more before drinking. How foolish.
 “It’s pretty late, you should head home.” Reasoned his best friend, Todoroki, puffs of condensation leaving his mouth as the warm breath met cold air, pressing a freezing hand to the back of the freckled boy's sweaty neck to jolt his drowsy, drunken self into a more alert state. Nothing but time could sober you up, but damn if that hand didn’t help slap some energy into him.
“Yeaahh, ye-yeahhh.. I gooht you Todooroe.” God, he sounded like someone high on anesthesia after being awoken from a surgery - which he definitely would be able to compare this experience to. Being a hero meant at least a few surgeries a year. Comes with the job.
Plus, this wasn’t the first time he’s been drunk.
He sure as hell hated the aftermath, but some nights it felt as if the hot burn of alcohol was the only thing that could keep him sane.
This was just one of those nights - or perhaps it was multiple nights slammed into one from just how stupidly drunk he was. The world was blurred, and Izuku doubted he could even walk straight at this point.
The half and half hero waved down a stray taxi, street water splashing up onto the sidewalk as the yellow vehicle came to a screeching halt.
“Get home safe.” Todoroki sighed out his nose at seeing his friends out-of-it state, helping the giddy and jelly-like hero into the back seat.
Izuku pouted, grabby hands clinging onto his friend's shirt in protest.
With a half-hearted chuckle, Todoroki pried himself free from his grip, handing the cab driver more than enough yen to get the drunk boy home.
He gave the taxi driver an address, and soon the car was rolling off down the street, Izukus flushed face pressed against the cold, fogging glass and staring with eyes full of tears at his friend.
Though, it seemed as if he had forgotten a promise he made to someone very important to him. Someone who he devoted his entire life to.
Someone who he risked everything for.
His princess who had been locked in a small, dark room all day, wrists tightly cuffed to loose chains on the wall. The only light provided was a rusty oil lamp Izuku had gotten at a yard sale one day. The flame was dull, and left the room covered in shadows.
The tile below was as cold as it had been since the morning when Izuku had forcefully chained you there for misbehaving the night before.
You had deserved this punishment for disobeying him.
That’s what he tried to convince, anyway.
He was only trying to keep you safe! He hated punishing you, hated the way you thrashed and screamed at him in protest - that only meant he had to be rougher with you. You had broken into the most dangerous room in the apartment, afterall.
The kitchen.
There were far too many harmful objects in there!
Knives that could slice your delicate skin to shreds, forks that could jab into your body, hot stoves that could leave you with a nasty burn, and canned food stored too high up on the shelf that could fall and hit your head.. It was for your protection that the kitchen was off-limits to you!
Plus, Izuku, your oh-so kind and sweet boyfriend, had no problem with cooking you meals to eat together. In fact, he loved it!
He felt accomplished whenever you'd hum in approval at his cooking, or even turned on if that slutty mouth of yours just so happened to moan around your utensil. 
Those were the nights dinner was forgotten.
But you had been foolish, entering the kitchen for a midnight snack whilst Izuku was out on patrol. Your sneaky little self thought you were clever, leaving no trace of your betrayal.
Until you were awoken hours later by a green glow, blood running cold as a pair of murderous neon eyes stared into yours.
It had to be one of the scariest sights to date.
His pupils were shrunk, green electricity buzzing around his large body. He hovered over your trembling body, a wrapper in between his two gloved fingers.
He was so close, your noses brushed together.
You swore he could see into your soul, as well as see the fear in your (E/C) eyes.
“What is this, (Y/N)?” He had asked innocently, hurt coating his words.
“I-” you wanted to make an excuse, protest, say it wasn’t yours, but every single letter died on your tongue as his face pressed closer, a sadistic smile overtaking his features.
“You didn’t.. You didn’t go into the kitchen, did you?”
His hot, minty breath blew all over your face as he spoke, and you shriveled back in fear as insanity crossed his expression in that way you were far too familiar with.
The giggles bubbled in his throat as he tried to fight logic with delusion, “It wasn’t you, right? Someone broke in, didn’t they? You wouldn’t break my trust, would you?”
His voice was cracking, fingers digging into the flesh of the bed beneath you as his eye began to twitch.
He stared down at you, curly green hair brushing against the sides of your face, waiting far too long for an answer he would never get. His bottom lip wobbled, feat tears welling up in his eyes and falling onto your pale cheeks as his body shook with anger and sadness.
He was already stressed about the following mornings mission, and to come home to his princess betraying his trust was not something he enjoyed.
And so, you were punished.
But he had promised you wouldnt be locked in there for long, he knew how you feared the dark. He had conditioned you to fear it, after all. It was his greatest accomplishment.
You were always so willing to cuddle into him when the lights were off.
A few hours turned into nearly an entire day, the only indication you had of this was past experiences, skin around your wrists rubbed raw from the metal cuffs, and the unusual sting of your ass and bare legs burning from the freezing tile beneath you.
That was the least of your worries, though.
Worst of all - the flame, which was holding you together and keeping you from crying out for help to those who might hear you in this soundproof room, which would no doubt get you a harsher punishment, was about to die out.
That flame, albeit small, was your only hope of surviving this.
Izuku was typically a very reliable person, it was strange for him to not keep his word to you. He devoted his being to you, worshipped the ground you regrettably walked upon, why would he break his own promise?
The thought of being trapped in the dark, the echo of your chains taunting your delirious mind had you close to tears. You didn’t want to be alone here anymore.
You watched in horror as the flame got smaller and smaller, tears now rolling down your cheeks as you pleaded under your breath for it to last longer.
The air vents around you provided enough oxygen for it to survive, but that damn oil..
Where was he?! 
Suddenly, the door to his apartment flew open, giggles seeping through the house and teasing your ears.
Then, there was no more light.
A screech tore from your throat, a desperate call of his name as you thrashed around, tears pouring from your eyes.
You felt as if you couldnt breathe as your head whipped around the space, desperate for more air and light as your lungs seemed to scream.
You couldnt feel the cold chill of the floor anymore, body numb as adrenaline pumped through your veins.
What was in the dark?
How big was this space again?
Rather, how small was it?
What was that noise?
Did something just touch you?
There was wind, there was wind, no. A cold chill?
Oh god what was that-
Loud, clumsy footsteps made their way closer and closer to the locked metal door. You sobbed as your heard the jingle of keys, metal scraping against metal as he fumbled with inserting them into the lock.
Until finally, you were basked in the honey-dew glow of the bedroom.
You fought to control your breathing as he dropped to his knees, taking far too long for your liking to get the cuffs off.
But at least now you know why he took so god damn long.
You could smell the putrid miasma of alcohol wafting off him the moment he stepped into the darkroom, tainted with the salty effluvium of rainwater as it dripped onto your skin from his damp, messy hair.
Rage bubbled inside you as he giggled once more at your tear-stained cheeks, “D-did yoou miss mee?” He slurred, a giddy smile on his face as the stale stench of what he had been drinking all night circled around your head like a rotten wreath.
Instead of answering, like you knew you should have, you turned your head towards the door, soaking in the light you were previously deprived of. Even if it was just a mere minute.
At your silence, his smile quickly turned into a frown. Big, forestry green eyes welled up with sadness, bottom lip trembling, “(Y-Y/N)?” He couldnt help but reach out, scarred fingers wishing to wipe away those stray tears from your face.
You missed him.
That’s why you were crying, surely.
He wanted to comfort you, say that he was there now and that you could both cuddle until twinkling dawn.
You weren’t alone anymore.
He was all you needed, and he was right beside you.
He’ll always be there for you, and you’ll always be there for him.
Because you love each other.
“D-Don’t cry-”
His cold hand was smacked away, and his usually sturdy body was shoved back so that you could scramble out of the freezing closet.
You needed space.
More room to breath.
To be on flooring that didnt feel like ice cutting into your flesh.
Hell, you were sure the skin that had the unholy misfortune of touching the floor were burned red at this point from how long you had to sit there.
Not to mention your poor wrists, you couldnt even bear the sight of them being so raw. You were pretty sure they would bleed if you even touched them. Your body was screaming in pain, stomach growing for food, mouth parched from not being given water so that you wouldnt make a mess on the floor.
You were weak, shaking, and afraid.
That bastard had the gall to say not to cry, to look concerned when he knew damn well how much you absolutely despised the dark.
At first it was a childish fear, but the moment he snatched you from your regular life, that fear became a reality. There were countless nights you’d be punished by being left alone in the dark.
He didnt want to hurt you, no, and he never has, but damn if he hasnt conditioned you to be afraid. 
Storms were the worst.
What was once a peaceful white noise turned into a terrifying nightmare once the moon rose in the sky.
There were times you were locked in that closet during violent storms, screaming and begging to be let out.
Sometimes you were, other times you werent as lucky.
Though it was only raining right now, each pitter-patter of the droplets against the window or balcony made hairs on your neck stand up. The sound was previously muted in the closet, but now it was hitting you like a freight train on a track that never seemed to end.
You heard him scramble to his feet as you wiped your tears away, the creak of the floorboards as he stumbled towards you.
A subtle bang made you jump, his foot no doubt hitting the chest at the end of your bed. Everso the clumsy one, even in an illuminated room.
Suddenly, he was right behind you, arms wrapping tightly around your middle as his head dropped to your shoulder, nuzzling his cheek against your neck.
Perhaps it would have been pleasant, comforting, even, if he wasnt soaked to the bone. The cold water from his dark grey, long-sleeved sweater was now seeping into your own thin clothes, freezing wet hair sending shivers down your spine and it presses against your heated, sensitive skin. Some drops even went down your back, ripping a gasp from you.
This wasnt comforting at all.
This was suffocating.
You squirmed in his grasp, desperate to get the hell away from him.
You were already pissed, and him wrapping around you and squeezing you tight like a snake to its prey was the cherry on top of your disastrous sundae.
With a grunt, you used the rest of what little strength you had left to rip yourself free from his ‘hug,’ nearly tripping on your own two feet as you rushed away from him.
He pouted at you as you shoved yourself into a corner of the room, finding comfort in being able to see all around you, no surprise attacks from behind, only what was in front of you.
Your breath was heavy as you glared at him, nostrils flaring and jaw clenching.
Truly, you had some nerve.
But it was hard to help it.
He broke a promise.
He never does that, and yet in your time of need- he wasn’t there for you.
For once.
He knew damn well you were locked up, scared shitless, expecting him to return home in a few short hours, yet here he is - looking absolutely clueless as to why you were suddenly so angry at him.
Tears streamed down his drunkenly flushed cheeks, hurt by how you shoved him away again.
All he wanted to do was snuggle you, his body exhausted yet numbed by the alcohol still burning in his tummy.
“Where..” you started, voice low, scratchy, and dripping with venom that reached deaf ears. “Where have you been!”
Just as he was about to open that mouth of his, no doubt about babble nearly incoherently - form logical excuses with evidence to back him up, say he lost track of time which you know damn well he never did, you shut him up.
You hated dealing with him when he was drunk, hell - you hated dealing with his obsessive ass most days.
But drunk? Drunk he got worse. He was clingy, more emotional, and worst of all? He didn’t have a filter.
He always managed to hide those more sinister desires under that sweet mask of his - until alcohol brought it out.
God, the smell of it made you sick to your stomach, but luckily you didn't have any food to throw up.
No thanks to him.
“What the fuck, Midoriya?!” You leered at him, noticing quickly the way his eyes darkened in that way they always did when you referred to him by his family name - the name he hated being called by you of all people.
“I’ve been trapped in that room all goddamn day! You said it’d be a few hours? What the hell happened to that! Look at the fucking time! Nine hours! Nine hours I’ve been stuck in my own personal hell! I can’t feel my fucking legs because of you!”
“I-” he attempted to start, the firm grip he had on his sanity quickly loosening with every shout you threw at him.
You cut him off, again, pent up rage now overtaking your sense of reason and fear, “What the hell happened?! You know what! I don’t even care! Not only did you,” You pointed a trembling finger at his stilled body, “break a promise! Something you swore you would never fucking do, you also had the nerve at laugh at me as I was trembling in fear!”
You looked like a mess, body shaking and bent over itself, one arm clutched around your waist as if to hold yourself together as that accusing finger stayed trained on him. Your hair was messy, frizzy, soaked with sweat and oily as hell from being denied a shower. Your clothes, thin and girly - much to your utter distaste, but to his satisfaction - now damp thanks to his carelessness.
All of this was because of him.
It always was.
Every single thing that went wrong in your life always seemed to be because of him nowadays.
You couldnt believe you let yourself fall for that misleading smile all those years ago, only to end up like this.
A mouse in a lions den.
But hell if that would stop you from squeaking your heart out till his razor-sharp claws ultimately caged you back in.
“Do you see my wrists?!” with a strangled sob, you held up both of your arms to show him the mess he already knew was his fault, “look at them! They hurt so fucking much because you left me in those disgusting handcuffs! This is all your fault!”
Your knees were wobbling so bad you swore your legs would give out at any second, but you’d be damned if you didnt hold your ground to this lunatic.
True, some days he was nice, normal, even. But days like these, or days much worse, you were reminded of just who he really was.
A monster was stretching it. He never intentionally tried to hurt you, your friends, or even your family.
No, he just stole you from your apartment in the dead of night, convinced the reason you were crying was because of the thunderstorm and not because some psycho snatched you from your window like some sort of 1970’s movie trope. That night he cradled your thrashing body to his hard chest with his strong arms, cooing at you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you begged to be let go. You were just scared of the storm~ He would keep you safe~ He is the number one hero, afterall~
That was all utter bullshit, straight from the beginning.
And even now he was still wrapped in the delusion that you loved him as much as he loved you.
A fated pair.
But you still held on to the pathetic hope that one day he’d snap out of it, return to the Izuku you knew from the beginning and not the person who now stood a few feet in front of you, staring with cold, emotionless eyes.
“I’m sorry.” he says impassively, face as blank as a new canvas - unreadable and dangerous in every way imaginable. It was hard not to feel as if he was just waiting to strike, already calculating his next moves like he always seemed to do. It was far easier to deal with an angry Izuku than one where you couldn’t read his already complex emotions, thoughts, anything. He was the definition of expressive, and it truly took a fuckin bullet to the back of his head for him to be like this.
So clearly, you hit a nerve.
“Oh?” Despite knowing the implications of the situation you found yourself in, it was impossible not to laugh at such a pathetic fucking apology.
Knowing him, he probably was sorry, deep down inside. You knew he didn’t like seeing you hurt, especially if it was because of his doing, and yet- you pressed on. 
Pent up anger was a nasty thing to deal with, especially since it’s been brewing inside you for so long.
“Are you now? You don’t fucking seem sorry! If you were really sorry, you wouldnt have done it! But look where we are! You’re such a fucking-!”
“Shut up.” he growls out borderline maliciously, stumbling slightly as he turns to walk out the door. He was clearly fed up, his strong hands clenched into threatening fists, but so were you. Even if you were undeniably frightened to confront him, you wouldn't let that stop you from pushing yourself off the wall - your safe space - and wobbling after him.
“Look at you! You can’t even walk right! How drunk are you, huh? Washing away your feelings again, are you? What about my feelings! Huh?!”
You were pushing it.
You really were.
The entire house felt it, the air chillingly still as Izuku had to grind his teeth together so as to not lash out at you. 
He didn’t want to.
That was the last thing he wanted to do, but all that stress and self-hatred previously washed away was coming back up to the burning surface that cages his discretion.
Heavy breaths blew out his nostrils as he made his way to the living room, desperate for you to get the hint from his hunched over body that he wanted you to fuck off.
Yeah, he messed up, deep down he knew he did but currently his mind was far too clogged to even begin to comprehend it.
You were like an annoying mosquito, your words morphing into a persistent buzz.
He was ignoring you, and that made you livid.
He always ignored you when your problems were deemed irrelevant, or when he found you were being far too vexatious.
He always did this, always.
You were trapped in a cell with some asshole who didn't even want to listen to you.
Obviously, you had enough.
Typically you’d back off, go fume in another room or punch the wall till the skin around your knuckles tore open and dripped blood everywhere, making him snap out of whatever state he was in just to suffocate you in his toxic love.
Oh how life proved to be full of surprises.
A low growl of your own slithered passed your teeth, eyes practically burning red as if you prayed you had a quirk that could do something against him.
“You’re a selfish bastard! You fucking piss-poor excuse of a hero-!”
A shrill scream tore from your raw throat, the echo of skin burning against skin dizzying you as you were thrown back onto the floor.
Boiling hot tears streamed down your face as you sobbed out of pure fear, body shaking uncontrollably and you shuffled backward, desperate to get yourself as far away from him as you could currently manage.
It had all happened so fast, you didn't even have time to register it as it occurred.
One moment his hands were gripping the back of the couch with such strength you could see his knuckles turn a ghostly white, and the next, crackling, neon-green lightning surrounded his body, illuminating the dim apartment in a slimy glow. Before you even had a chance to register just what happened, he whipped his head around, his eyes, typically blown wide with sickening love and sparkling under delusional illusions, were narrowed and glowing in a way that sent shivers of immense regret down your spine. His arm whipped back with his hand, the very hand that delivered a painfully paralyzing slap.
He always spoke with his hands, and you just happened to be too close to him at that moment.
The reddended skin of your cheek burned, and you swore you could feel more than just tears streaming down it.
You were stuck shaking on the floor, imaginary bile rising in your throat, and all you could do was stare at him with wide, bloodshot and terrified eyes.
He had never laid a hand on you like that before, you didnt know what to think.
He always promised to do you no intentional harm, to never lay a finger on you with intentions of making you cry out in pain.
He had never acted so feral and out of line before.
It.. it scared you in a way you never felt before.
The gap between you grew, you really were just a mouse trembling in a lion's den.
“P-princess-” he shakily called out, voice weak and uneven, quirk diminishing into thin air like it never was there in the first place.
His own eyes were wide and filled with immense regret, tears already pouring down his flushed, freckled face.
He took one step forward, and you scrambled back, hand coming up to touch at your cheek, shock making you feel faint at the sight of blood coating your trembling fingertips.
You felt sick once again, empty stomach feeling as if it was collapsing in on itself to push even the tiniest bit of nonexistent food out.
You didnt know what to do.
Choking on your own sobs, you tried desperately to shuffle away from him, but he only came closer.
You cried out the moment he dove at you, your hands clasped together tightening against your chest as if to hold yourself together as this bear of a man wraps his arms cold, soaked arms protectively around you, his large shoulders violently shaking as he buried his snotty, tear stained face deep into your unruly tresses.
The stench of alcohol burned your nostrils, edging you on to try and push his heavy chest away. You tried, but you failed miserably, resulting in his arms pulling you even closer to his sweaty and damp body. It was disgusting.
“L-let go of me!” you wailed, your own tears stinging your eyes as your vision blurred and you could no longer tell just what you were staring blindly at, the dimness of the living-room paired with the suffocating embrace of your captor swallowing you whole.
You couldnt take it.
You could barely breathe at this point.
“p-p-ple .. plea-s-se..!” your cries intertwined with his own desperate ones as he babbled nearly incoherently on about how sorry he was, how he never meant to do something so horrible.
“I’m not a monster!” he howled out, desperate words seeping with ululation.
He was desperately trying to convince himself of that.
He wasn’t talking to you at all.
He was talking to himself.
He wasn’t a monster.
He wasn’t a monster.
He’s not like him.
He’s not like that piece of filth.
No, he’s so much better.
He’s a good man.
No, no, he’s not a monster.
He’s your hero.
He could never purposely harm you.
It was an accident.
An accident.
You’d understand.
He knew you would!
You always understood him.
You were like two peas in a pod!
You forgave him, surely.
You did the moment he hugged you, the moment he started comforting you.
He was a good man.
How could you not forgive him?
He loved you so, so, so much.
You knew that-
You knew he would never do such a thing.
His breathing was even, eyes wide and straining as he stared at the floor, a crooked smile on his face as he repeated the words over and over again in his twisted mind.
He never met to hurt you.
He didnt.
“Plea-” you tried once more, biting your wobbling lip as he squeezed you even tighter.
“No, no, no, no, no, no..” he heaved out, hand coming up to gently pet your oily hair as if to calm you. His head shook back and forth in your hair, “It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m so sorry, honey.”
There was nothing you could do.
You were stuck alone in a mouse trap, the cold, metallic bar snapped down on top of your frail neck.
There was no escape.
There never was.
His form of ‘love’ far too strong for you to even attempt to.
And so, you gave up. 
Just like you always did.
There was no point in resisting him.
Sticky blood trickles down your raw cheek, dripping down onto the chilled bare skin of his neck, still cold from the damp clothes he wore, instantly catching his wondering attention.
“You.. you’re bleeding?” he whispered guiltily, already feeling a new wave of salty tears building up in the corner of his eyes.
His large left hand trailed up the skin of your neck, idly collecting the thin trail of red liquid onto his fingertips and smearing a path up to your jawline, stopping the moment your shivering form flinched.
He frowned at the red mark taking up half your beautifully innocent face, a small cut resting in the middle of it where no doubt the ring he foolishly wore as an accessory swiped.
Guilt made his stomach churn, the familiar burn of acid rising in his throat.
A deep inhale, and he swallowed it down, arm still wrapped around you, languidly rubbing your back as he stared with nothing short of pity at your wrecked state.
Your lips wobbled, holding in a reply as you force yourself to look into the vast abyss of darkness that was the hallway of your apartment instead of his orbs gleaming with concern.
Concern for something he caused.
At least he had a heart, but you were still scared shitless and wanted nothing more than to run away. You were still fighting to regulate your breathing.
His thumb suddenly pressed against the slap mark, ripping a yelp from your throat as your head flung back to avoid any more contact. It was then that you noticed a pounding headache echoing inside your skull, yet another reason to aid in the water running down your face. Pain consumed your body, and you wanted nothing more than to escape this shell you were trapped in.
Openly chewing on his lip, both of his arms went back around you, cradling your delicate form to his chest.
Without a word, he stood up, practically forcing you to have to wrap your bare legs around his waist to keep yourself steady, something you were trained to do by him. He loved it when your legs were around his waist whenever he picked you up.
It became a regrettable second nature.
Heavy foot steps brought you back to your bedroom, and then into the bathroom connected to it.
Your fears crept up your spine at the pitch black room you were forced into, remembering how you were in a similar position just a few minutes ago.
When would this cycle end?
It wouldnt, would it?
You were set delicately down atop the cold marble counter as if you were a fragile piece of glass, which, in many ways, you were. The tears had at least stopped, but your body continuously shook like a chihuahua, your breathing still hard to control as fumbled around mindlessly with your fingers to serve as a distraction.
He flipped the light on, momentarily blinding your sensitive gaze with its bright light.
Sniffing, you wiped at your nose, watching as he walked about the bathroom, grabbing a wash cloth just to run it under cool water. The rain was still heavily pouring just outside the wall mixed with the loud splatters of the stream against the white sink. It would have been calming had cold water not splashed up onto your bare thighs, making goosebumps prickle along your skin. Your thighs were nearly numb at this point.
After ringing most of the water out, he held it up to your cheek, staring at you.
Taking the cue, you hesitantly took the cool, wet cloth from his grasp and gingerly pressed it to the swelling skin on your face. You hiss out in pain, dry sobs wracking your body at the stinging pain and the fact that he was still far too close for you to currently handle.
The pain on your cheek paired with the numbing cold was a good distraction.
You chewed on your lip as you squeezed your eyes shut, freehand gripping tightly at the hem of your shirt as you listen to him fumble around in the cabinet hanging over to the left.
You jumped the moment you felt his larger fingers ghost over the ones holding the cloth to your cheek, cautious (E/C) eyes opening ever so slightly as you looked over at him.
You couldnt help but feel idiotic as you suddenly felt flustered at the intense gaze he was giving you, eyes now gleaming viridescent in the white light of the bathroom almost staring right into your soul.
It was like he was reading you, pulling words off your own frail pages just so he could recite them to you.
He did this often.
Keeping silent, staring for long periods of times as he tried out scenarios in his head of the words he was going to say.
It gave you chills, but yet, it made you feel like you were the center of his drifting attention.
The sun his planets revolve tirelessly around, repeating the same cycles like a record forever skipping on repeat.
In these moments, though, he became an enigma.
Not exactly something your fragile state of mind entirely needed right now.
You shivered when his palm came to cup your soft jawline, thumb absentmindedly tracing over your parted lips.
His mouth opened, ready to say something, but he stayed quiet.
Mouth shutting, he leaned forward, tentatively bringing you into another hug.
“I’m sorry.” he repeated, the words nearly as quiet as your stilled breath, but you had nothing to say to it. And he knew it.
He was used to you staying silent.
He would prefer it most of the time.
So he could sink into his fantasies, the deluded fantasies that you loved him wholeheartedly, that you chose to stay silent as to not hurt his feelings, and always forgave him no matter what.
That you would forever and always be his.
He wouldnt give you the choice not to be.
He wouldnt let you leave when you’re his favorite person in the whole wide world.
The only one he needed.
And he was the only one you needed.
Of course.
You didn’t need anyone else but him.
And he didn’t need anyone else but you.
So what if a few more people died because of his mistake, he would capture Ghoul eventually. Regardless, he would always come home to you.
And that’s all he needed.
He chucked against your neck, having buried it in the crook as his mind slipped through his shaky fingertips.
The Big Bad Wolf and his Little Red Riding Hood.
God how he loved the comparison.
Perhaps he was addicted.
Addicted to you.
Even now, as he inhaled your sugary sweet, natural scent stained with the metallic smell of dried blood.
Pulling back, he gazed into your hesitant eyes, delicately resting his forehead against yours.
His hair, now dry and no longer dripping with salty rain, tickled your skin, making you involuntarily take in a deep breath.
Closing his eyes once more, he soaks in the moment of your warm body in his frigid embrace, nothing else mattered to him.
Just you.
Only you.
“L-let me see your cheek,” he asks softly, words not as wobbly as before,  afraid that if he spoke too loudly in such a thin atmosphere, everything would shatter abruptly like glass.
Your body moved on instinct as if you were used to doing as he asked immediately no matter what, pulling the cool cloth away from your burning cheek.
Resisting the urge to sniffle and flinch away, you allow him to rewet the cloth, holding still as he dabs lightly at the small wound.
“I know it hurts,” he breathes out, “shh, shh, it’s okay.” it was always so strange how his voice still managed to calm your nerves even after all you’ve been through.
Deep down, you knew he was still that loving and energetic boy you met back at that coffee shop.
If only you knew how sinister and twisted he could really be.
Perhaps.. perhaps you wouldn’t be in such a situation now.
But there was never any point in pondering the what-ifs.
All you could do was fight your mind from seeking normalities in such a relationship as this, if you could even call it that.
You wouldn’t succumb to his desires like you always did.
You wouldnt lose yourself.
You couldn’t let that happen.
Or was it too late already?
You hissed when you felt the stinging seer of rubbing alcohol dotted onto your cut, cleaning the wound.
“It’s okay.” he repeats, cooing to you with a reassuring smile that should have made you feel sick all over again.
You let him apply antibiotic ointment and a small cheek bandage, his hands shaky yet careful. You could say he has experience in applying bandages.
It was uncomfortable as it sat on your raw skin, but it’s not like you were going to go and rip it off. That would feel like ripping off a wax strip on a sunburn.
Humming, he gingerly wipes away the dried blood on your neck with the same washcloth, not minding how blood-stained the innocently white fabric became. 
Next came your still aching wrists. There wasn’t much he could do for your legs, but at least he had roll-on bandages on standby.
Turning the cold tap on, he lets you run them under cool water before gently dabbing the stray droplets away, careful not to press too hard.
He really needed to invest in softer handcuffs, it’s just- those were the only ones he had, and he didn’t use them often. Besides, it never got this bad before. But that wasn’t a good excuse.
He’d have to order some online tomorrow..
Applying more ointment around the area, the kind that offers instant relief, he wraps your smaller wrists up as best he could, cringing himself whenever you’d flinch.
He’d make it up to you.. Pancakes in the morning, perhaps?
Izuku then begins to sluggishly put away everything he brought out of the cabinet, tossing what needed to be tossed into the trashcan.
He was slow, almost as if he was trying to keep his balance, which he no doubt was. 
Standing in front of you once again, he wrapped his arms around you, whispering “up” in your ear.
It was something he would always say when he wanted you to wrap your arms and legs around him so he could carry you like a baby.
But who were you to refuse?
It wasn’t as if he couldnt pick you up without your limbs wrapped around him, it was more for your comfort rather than his convenience.
So, tentatively, you wrapped your still shaking arms around his neck, doing the same with your legs around his bent waist.
“Good girl.” he praised as he began walking back into the bedroom, stopping just at your side of the bed to place you down at the edge.
Numbly, you let him remove your rain-soaked clothes from all the hugging, sitting on the bed in just your panties as you watched him toss the clothes in the hamper by the door
It wasn’t the first time he insisted on treating you like a child who needed help changing, but at least you didn’t have to walk.
It was hard to remember if it was a good or a bad thing that you didn’t care about being nude in front of him anymore, not even bothering to hide your chest as he came back over with a fresh set of clothes - the strawberry patterned pajamas he always seemed to adore you wearing.
You always looked so innocent in them. The shirt is far too large for your frame, the sleeves hanging off your hands and the large v-neck exposing your collar bones and parts of your shoulders. The bottoms were the regular run of the mill pajama pants, soft as cotton and comfy as hell.
The top truly was the part of the look that tied it all together.
He couldn’t help but smile as your arms immediately raised as he pulled the shirt out of the pile, making quick work of slipping it over your cute head and helping your arms into the sleeves.
He liked to take care of you.
You needed him to, after all.
You were his innocent, helpless little darling, after all.
Pulling your pants up, he guided your body down into a resting position, dragging the thick, grey, and black patterned comforter over your stilled body.
Such a good girl.
He tucks loose strands of messy (H/C) hair that fell across your face behind your ear, being mindful of the wound.
He stares at it for a moment, his expression holding that of worry and regret.
Pushing off the bed, he stumbles his way to the kitchen in the dark, having turned off the light as he went, the layout of the apartment burned to memory so he could easily avoid furniture.
In the kitchen, he opened the freezer and grabbed an ice pack, one he would commonly use on his own sore muscles and bruises. It hurt his heart knowing he was the reason you had to use it for the first time.
After wrapping it in some paper towels, he trudges his way back into the dark bedroom, eyes wracking over your balled up form, covers bunched over you like a shell.
“Put this on your cheek..” he whispered, placing the pack just in front of your face.
He would love to be the one to hold it to your cheek, but his mind was still hazy, and his words were still slurred. Events could sure as hell sober you up a bit, but damn did that nausea always come back crashing in through the brittle window full force when you’d least expect it.
Rummaging through the drawers once more, he picked up some of his own fresh clothes and made his way into the bathroom again.
All he wants is to sleep, but he also didnt want you to smell dried sweat and rain on his being throughout the night.
He knew you missed him, him and his warmth, you always did, right? No question about it. You must be longing for him even now. 
Wanting him to hold and comfort you just like always.
Numbed adrenaline pumped in his veins as he stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away his filth and regrets.
God, it felt so good to be able to somewhere warm for once.
The entire night he’s felt nothing but cold.
Not even the fire in his belly or the breath stolen from his lungs could’ve warmed him up.
He was mad at himself. Mad that he lost control and hurt the one thing that mattered the most to him.
Mad that he let himself get disgustingly drunk.
Mad that he walked in the rain like a dumbass just to soak your clothes and make you feel as cold as him.
But at the moment, too many thoughts were flying in his mind for him to properly think, no, he couldnt really even say he was thinking at all.
He was just letting the water splatter on the back of his neck, forehead resting on the cold shower tiles and he watched as water swirled down the drain like a whirlpool. His hair stuck to his cheeks like glue, but he couldn’t find himself caring.
Absentmindedly, his fingers brush across the fresh scar on his broad shoulder.
He swore the longer he stood there, watching the clear flow of water, the looser his grip on himself became.
He couldnt really say he felt anything at all anymore.
When did he lose himself?
Was he ever even really found?
With you.
You were the missing piece in his complicated and skull biting puzzle, the one who made him whole and lit up his dull life. You were the reason he felt things anymore, you were the reason he still managed to get up and save people with a clear conscious.
You always had such a positive impact on his life, and he knew he had just as good a one on yours.
A wobbly smile tore his flushed face in two, you both really did need eachother.
He was so happy to have you in his life.
Knowing you’d never leave him.
Turning the boiling hot water off, he stepped out, the plushness of the bath-mat embracing his wet feet as water continued to pour down his nude body.
It felt, it felt so hot suddenly.
His breath came out in exaggerated pants, hands sweeping his hair from his face as the burn of bile rose in his throat.
Lunging for the toilet, he emptied his stomach into the glistening white bowl.
Gasping for air, Izuku whipped his mouth on the back of his hand, still trying to catch his breath as he fumbled to flush.
God, he needed to sit down.
Shakily turning the bathroom faucet on, he washed his hand, making quick work of brushing his teeth before lazily drying himself off.
Ignoring the other clothes he brought in, the toned hero simply pulled on a pair of black boxers before walking out of the bathroom.
Green eyes immediately looked at your form, just to see the soft rise and fall of your chest as you soundly slept, the ice pack sitting comfortably on your cheek.
You looked so adorable.
You always did.
Smiling once more, he walked over to the bed, pulling back the sheets just to slide his larger, warm body in and next to your own.
He sighs blissfully the moment he tugs you into his embrace, relishing in the feeling of your soft body against him.
Removing the icepack from your cheek, not wanting you to awake to a cheek burning from the cold, he places it on the nightstand before snuggling closer to you.
You always fit so perfectly in his big arms.
You were meant to be by his side.
And you loved it, didn’t you?
Eventually, he fell asleep, soft snores echoing around the quiet room filled with the downpour of rain still pouring down outside the large glass windows,
But you were still wide awake.
It was hard to remember the last time you got a good night’s rest, especially when the room was spine-chillingly dark..
Hard to remember what life was like before you even met your own personal nightmare.
You were used to the exhaustion, the dark circles kissing at the skin under your eyes becoming normal the day you were brought here.
Oh, how foolish you were.
You should have locked your window that fateful night.
But heroes are quite stealthy, aren’t they?
Was this even reality at this point? Or all just a figment of your imagination, protecting you from the true horrors before your very eyes.
Either answer wasnt one you wanted.
But you never had a choice.
Tears slipping from your eyes like they always seemed to do, you stared longingly off into the distance, the warmth pressed against your back pulling you further into your own bubbling madness.
All it took was a signal thought for this to all become normal.
For the pain to wash away with your tears.
‘Maybe this is ok.’
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Omg could you please make a part two of an S/O who's stupid good with kids but with Shinsou, tamaki, deku, and aizawa??
This is a lil long bc it was 4 characters! And I kinda changed Aizawa up a little bit so I hope you still like it.
• Shit happens
• Shit happens all the time
• This specific incident involved a quirk manifestation and a child.
• You and two had just been walking
• Just chilling out after a rigorous training day
• Then there was screaming and panicking. Your head snapped in its direction, he hadn't fully processed it before you'd taken off
• Some kids quirk had manifested. It seemed pretty severe.
• It looked like some kind of energy quirk, like a force field or something.
• The kid was scared, she was panicking and thrashing from her place in the air
• He stood behind you, surveying the environment to find a solution
• And he almost missed you jumping in until her heard your voice.
"Okay baby, look at me, just look at me and breathe. You'll be okay, Just breathe."
• You were walking towards her, trying to get her to slow her breaths. The more she panicked the worse it would get.
• He stood where he was, he didn't want to overwhelm her, he decided he'd let you take care of it.
• He watched quietly as you breathed with her, again reassuring that'd she'd be just fine.
• And he watched as the field flickered away and the girl fell. His body lurched foward on instinct and he was beyond relieved when he saw that you had caught her.
• He let out a breath as the girl gripped your shirt and sobbed into your shoulder.
• A hand reached up to hold the back of her head
• "it's okay," you murmured and he smiled
• It seemed to come easy to you, nurturing people. It seemed to come easy calming this girl down.
• He turned his attention to reassuring the bystanders that the two of you were okay and that you'd be taking the girl home. They dispersed slowly after his urging for them to leave.
• You were standing now, the girl still in your arms, holding on for dear life.
• Poor thing was still shaking
• "Look," you hummed. "This is my friend, he's going to walk with us to get you home. That okay?"
• Your hand was rubbing her back now and your cheek was pressed against her temple
• Dekus heart fluttered
• God you were beautiful
• And strong
• And just everything he ever wanted
• The small girl nodded, keeping her face hidden, whispering a soft sorry
• "Don't be sorry princess, you didn't do anything wrong." You pressed a kiss to the top of her head and Deku sees the girls grip tighten.
• He has a hand on your lower back during the walk to the girls house, you'd somehow managed to find where it was even with all the crying the girl did
• He watched as you hand the girl over to her mother who profusely thanks you
• Information is traded as she says she wants to make it up to you even after your assurance that it was no trouble at all
• And he's holding your hand again when the two of you leave, going on and on about how well you did in the situation
• He's so proud
• He realizes just how good with kids you are when he she's you interact with Eri
• I mean everytime the two of you are together its wholesome
• He takes note when Aizawa tries to apologize for her always being with you and you brush it off
• You enjoyed her company and found no problem in it
• Shinsou tucked that piece away for later
• The girl adored you, genuinely
• And you stopped at nothing to make sure she was okay
• She'd spend a lot of time in the 1-A dorms with you, just as he would.
• If she said she was hungry, you'd be up to make her food in no time
• If she cried, you'd have her on your lap, wiping the tears from her cheeks as you assured her it was okay
• and he'd watch, soft smile gracing his lips
• She'd spent the night with you on more than one occasion
• Nightmares were prominent with Eri
• Staying with you seemed to help that
• He'd sit beside you as you braided her hair
• He'd listen to her ramble to you and he'd watch you nod and hum in response
• He'll lay on one side of you and Eri will lay on the other side, curled into your side as she watches whatever disney movie she picked
• and his heart will swell when the two of you sing along to the songs
• When Eries feeling down, she comes to you for comfort
• You'll tell her how beautiful she is
• He'll watch you hold her to your chest and rub her back
• He watches you play with her hair, kiss her cheeks, telling her how amazing she is
• How you're lucky to have her with you
• He'll watch as she falls asleep in your arms, content
• And it always makes him realizes just how lucky he is to be with you
• How lucky he is to have /you/
• How lucky Eri is to have you
• I mean this man fr fr in love w you
• This one time, you and shinsou had fallen asleep watching a movie, it was about 3am when there was a small knock on the door
• You get up to answer it and Shinsou wakes up to you getting up
• Sure enough its Eri, she's sniffling and holding her stuffed animal
• And immediately your kneeling in front of her wiping her cheeks
• "Baby what's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare...I didn't want to wake mr. Aizawa up. I didn't want to make him mad..."
"Oh honey," you kiss her nose and pick her up, rubbing her back in response to her small whine. "You want some tea? Then you can stay with me for the night? We can tell Mr. Aizawa in the morning, he won't get mad."
She nods, laying her head on your shoulder. "Hi Shinsou," she waves weakly. "I'm sorry for waking you up too."
"Hi Eri," and he gets up too, walking over and running a hand through her hair. "It's okay, you're safe here. We won't let anything happen to you."
She nods again
He follows the two of you down the hallway and to the kitchen
Mina, Kaminari, and Sero are still up on the couch. He snickers as you glare at them.
"You guys should be asleep. Get out."
Mina groans and Sero grins knowingly, pulling the other two out.
• I mean shinous heart is melting rn
• you're like totally momming out
• You've got Eri in one arm, humming by her ear as you turned the stove on to get a kettle boiling
• You're swaying gently, readjusting her so she's in the center of your chest
• you run a hand through her hair and she smiles
• And Shinsou swears he could die right there
• Just looking at you interacting with the kid he considers a little sister is enough to kill him fr fr
• His poor heart can't take much more
• Eri lifts her little hands up to cup your cheeks. "You're not going to leave right?"
"Never ever," you smiled, touching your nose to hers.
Then she looked at Shinsou and this man about passed out. "Never." He puts a hand on her head. "We'll always be here,"
• The tea is made, the three of you drink it at the table, bent on getting Eris mind off her nightmare
• And then you carry her upstairs again and down the hall into your bedroom.
• the three of you settle down and you out on a movie (volume low of course) that she can fall asleep too and it's not long before she's out, pressed into your side.
• Shinsou smiles and kisses your temple. "I love you, you know,"
"I love you too. Now stop being a sap, its gross." You stick your tongue out and he let's out a low chuckle.
"You're good with her."
"I want her to be happy," you mumble. "She deserves that at least. And if the world doesnt have anyone else doing it, then I'll do it."
He kisses your temple again. "I know."
• Ever since Eri came to live in the dorms, you've gotten up earlier, mostly to make the girl breakfast
• The whole class realizes it, sometimes they'll try to steal some but you'll obliterate them for trying
• You've always got Eri in some proximity to you when you're cooking. Usually she'll watch
• Shinsou finds himself sneaking into the 1A dorms in the mornings (much to his classes distaste) but how could he not?
• He realizes that you talk a lot of shit about how much you 'hate kids' but when it comes to them, you're always doing your best to make sure they're comfortable and happy
• Its another pro hero moment
• His class is attacked and you happen to be there and this man watches you go FERAL protecting these fucking teenagers and his heart swells and he'd filled with so much fucking pride
• The dumbass villain who fuckin tried is now on the ground in front of you completely beat to a pulp
• Poor guy had no chance
• As soon as you knew he was out your attention had turned to the kids behind you
• You checked for injuries, concussions, made sure they felt okay
• Mina looks like she's on the verge of tears, deadass hits you with 'can you be my mom?????'
• Kaminari and Sero are nodding in agreement. 'Pls'
• He tried to tease you about it
• "Shouta I'll knock your ass out too, shut your fucking mouth,"
• 'Reluctantly' becomes class mom
• Deadass
• You find yourself bringing snacks or making them something and Shouta brings it in 🤢
• Ur like oh god ew
• 'Shouta take this shit in for ur fuckin kids'
'You mean OUR kids'
• That was instance one
• Happens again but this time in the city during a robbery with smaller kids, much smaller
• And you don't waste a second, you're by their side
• Checking to make sure none if them are physically hurt
• So then you work on calming them down, telling them to breathe and just look at you
• Gently rubbing they're cheeks and keeping them close to you
• Shoutas 🥺
• Midnights 🥺
• Hizashis 🥺
• "M scared-"
"I know baby, but its gonna be okay. We won't let anything happen, okay?"
• And you carry these little fuckers out
• Ones on your back
• You've got one on each hip
• And another sitting on your shoulders
• Aizawa see's right through you
• "So...you say you don't like kids??"
"Hizashi I will LITERALLY hang you by your underwear, get away from me."
• God one time he see's you singing to this kid who's panicking and he deadass thinks he's gonna cry bc you're so precious
• And then Eri comes into the picture and you dont even pretend to hate kids anymore
• This child becomes your daughter
• And he's v happy about it because he wasn't one to really think about having kids
• But he's not gonna let Eri go, she's been through to much
• Not to mention practically adopting shinsou
• He's glad you're doing well with them
• They've seen your soft sides, much to your distaste, but they dont know that
• speaking of shinsou
• You do lowkey mom him
• Not to a super extent
• You're more like the cool aunt w mom tendencies
• But they're both happy to have some consistencies
• Shinsou knows that he's always welcome to come talk to you (and Aizawa but you know sometimes shit pops up that he's not particularly comfy w and you seem to be good at that)
• And he does
• Aizawa has accidently overheard his fair share of conversations between you two
• It always makes him happy that you all connect on that level
• I mean he wouldn't mind having a biological child
• But he's content with the family dynamic they have rn
• as much as you deny it you'd be a great mother
• Tamaki isn't /bad/ w kids but he's not super great with them either
• Anxiety do be a bitch
• You always seem to ease up around kids
• He likes to watch
• Kids just seem to gravitate towards you, regardless of where you are, genuinely
• At the park? Oh boy he's ready to watch you interact with the kiddos
• Restaurant? Oh yeah, he's ready for some 5 year old to waddle up and talk.
• But in particularly rough situations, he's always super impressed. You seem to do WONDERS to calm kids down.
• The other pro heros could never.
• Endeavor? No.
• All might? Who she?
• No baby, it's all you.
• Anyway, one time, yall were out on a date.
• Y'all were f i s h i n g
• Aka you had been itching to go outside and decide to teach Amijiki to fish and he agreed bc why not
• So there you are, outside in the hot sun, in a crop top and shorts on a dock
• He's about 6 feet away, still talking distance, but far enough so your lines wouldn't get tangled
• He's not having a bad time at all, he's trying to ignore anyone else that might be there
• bc he wants to be w you and is tired of his anxiety getting in the way
• anyway, he almost misses the little girl that walks up.
• He looks over and she looks like she's gonna cry.
• She prolly has anxiety too tbh
• "Um...can-can you help me?"
• you look down and smile, "yes ma'am, what can I do for you?"
She held up her own small rod. "I uh...I lost my hook and I forgot how my dad tied everything on.."
"Want me to show you?"
"Yes please," her gaze flickered down.
"Okay first things first, do you have sun screen and water?"
She shook her head.
• So before you do anything, he watches you spray sunscreen on the little girl and give her a water bottle, which she only takes after you reassure that it's okay for her to have
• Then you call him over
"Amajiki, baby come here so I can show you how to do it too."
And he listens, reeling his line in and sitting next to you
"This is Amajiki, he's my friend okay? I'm teaching him how to fish too."
• The girl seems to relax at that and you get to work
• But he's not paying attention to what you're actually doing
• He's watching you
• You've got a bright smile on, your voice is soft as you show her the steps
• And once you get done tying the swivel on and putting a hook on, you hand her a worm
"Go on, bait it,"
• The girl does so with a small comfortable smile
• His heart melts
• You're just so damn good with them like you're literally a goddess already
• And this just makes it better
• You show her how to cast right and then she's all set
• She ends up sitting with you two for a little over an hour
• Then she waves goodbye and bounds off
• Amajiki kisses your nose gently. "You're so cool, bunny."
"You big sap, she told me you were her favorite hero. Did you zone out or something."
"Yeah," his face flushed. "I did."
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fredheads · 3 years
I would like to hear your thoughts about parentdale and the new killers album
thank god i have many!!!!
all the songs about opioid addiction.... enough said on that point
wow i rly thought i could answer this without a read more but i have LOTS TO SAY!!!!!!! everything else under the cut:
quiet town... how it's about the dark underbelly of this small town and how people willfully look away from tragedy and how tragedy manifests itself in that kind of community and how it does or doesnt fit the narrative already scripted for this place... "things like that aint supposed to happen in this quiet town, families are tight, good people still dont deadbolt their doors at night" like shut up!! parentdale... this one to me is about the generational trauma handed down from their own parents and how it repeats itself... and how the narrative of "this is a good town nothing bad can happen here" existed for artie and bunny and prudence and everyone too and some of them (fp) know that was always bullshit but others (fred) were fed the narrative that the good old days were better and bought into that to an extent until they couldnt anymore... its about all the bad shit that happened to them when they were kids and how it was swept under the rug. oscars death comes to mind too...
terrible thing.... would it be unkind of me to call it fps song... i mean really its all of them when they were teens locked away in their bedrooms fucked up and the terrible things they were on the verge of were many (the abortion alice didnt get comes to mind but there were much worse things too) and also the way the first lyric ("the parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks/ at the jones rubber plant where all the guys end up/beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck") HITS!!! for fredsythe. and its a masterpiece of 'this town is a machine and spits you out into this hopeless mold where you just drink with the boys after working all day' and how thats fps story but also how its subtly about masculinity and the failure to fit that mold is also a failure to live up to a masculine ideal... much to think about.
cody is almost my favorite track off the album I love it so much. there's no character I think of specifically for it but the way Brandon flowers said it was an amalgamation of guys older brothers he knew is making me go batshit feral. "Bottle rockets on an August night/Raid the coolers in the trucks/If we're lucky, we'll get loud and we'll drink/Whiskey from a plastic jug" is excellent parentdale small town tomfoolery imagery too...
when sleepwalker said "everyone is afraid of something even the strongest man alive" that was for hiram lodge 🥺i cant say more its just a feeling
runaway horses can be any of their relationships that almost worked out but did not
in the car outside is another of my favourites FRICCKK the first 2 verses give me halice (especially "She's got this thing where she puts up the walls so high/It doesn't matter how much you love/It doesn't matter how hard you try") and then the 3rd is fremione ("I dropped a line to a flickering high school flame/We laughed about all the ways that our lives had changed/She’s up the road, about thirty-five miles north/Got two little boys in school, just had a real bad divorce/And in a moment of weakness/I told her if she ever needed a helping hand/I would lend, swear to God") wow glory days who... and then "it's like the part of me that's screaming not to jump gets lost in the sound of the train its a lot" ... footloose screaming at trains hours
in another life.... is so deeply parentdale it hurts!! its for all of them realizing they turned out these small town cliches because they didn't have a choice and looking back on all their missed opportunities... ("I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight/They reminded me of us in another life" could literally be any of them..) ("When that jukebox in the corner/Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine" SCREAMS SHUT UP!!! its about class too....) and then the killer... "I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line I wonder what I would have been in another life" that's FOR FRED ANDREWS BABY! and to an extent artie... like how his father made all these sacrifices for him and might have been anything in another life but fred carries this guilt around.... it runs so deep...
desperate things gives me such bruce springsteen state trooper ballad type vibes but I skip it every time anyway lmfaoooo.... that said...... sierra and tom??? ok....
pressure machine is for all of them!! the way it's about having your hope slowly crushed, ("hope will set your eyes agleam" is them when they were young teens so hopeful.... fp thinking he could be on the football team and pretend to be northside, Penelope thinking she was being adopted by a loving family, alice thinking she could overcome her roots, fred thinking he could play pro ball, etc) growing up in this small town where everyone expects something different of you and you lean into some expectations, you fight against others, but either way your surroundings and upbringing and that pressure forms who you are and then you've lost your innocence and your life is just slipping away faster and faster ... i think this is the best song on the album by far I adore her
and then the getting by ("I know some who've never seen the ocean" ) and these small town people, how there's dignity in this simple living that their parents had and all they can do is get up every day and "hold on till the getting's good" and that's what they've always done... tis parentdale
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awsugar · 3 years
Weird question but could you possibly list some pros and unexpected good things that come out of see a therapist. I'm uhhh going through a bad time and everyone is trying to get me to go talk to someone but the thought of talking to someone about those things gives me such anxiety that i start to shake, which i know is definitely a reason to go but i just can't get myself to do it.
im putting this under a cut cause it got long
ok well first of all i will say for me, i think the medication i'm on is doing the heavy lifting of like making me a lot less suicidal on a daily basis which was like. the thing keeping me constantly in crisis. but therapy is still an important part of my treatment. so i would say i do recommend looking into medication and honestly it can take ages to find something that works but if you have really bad anxiety and depression i think medication, if you find the right one, can help a lot! and more quickly than therapy as well bc medication can start working right away or up to a month but therapy is kind of a long haul thing. i get that not everyone wants to take medication but for me it really really works now that i finally found the right one. so for me the combination is really important. just putting that out there. (however if you're just going through a specific hardship rn thats making things difficult for you and it's not a chronic mental illness then therapy alone will probably be great!)
anyway, your real question, pros of therapy. what i talk about a lot with my therapist is reframing my thoughts. she gives me strategies to think about my life in more positive ways bc one of my issues is thinking negatively about basically everything and also catastrophizing. so i would say a pro is being able to think about things in a different way that doesn't make you so upset/makes you feel better about the situation. along that line, a good therapist willl be blunt with you and tell you when the stuff you're coming up with is bullshit. a lot of the stuff i worry about is not based in reality so she helps me realize when i'm just pulling worries out of thin air. also healthy coping mechanisms! i personally have a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms what with chronic substance abuse and binge eating and self harm and i'm not like perfect with those things still but she helps me come up with a plan to cope in better ways. i think you'll also find that it really helps to have someone you can be totally honest with. there are things i won't tell my friends or my parents obviously but with her i know i can talk about those things and not be judged and sometimes just getting things off your chest helps a ton. i think it also can help a lot to improve your relationships. i struggle with a lot of black and white thinking so my therapist is able to tell me, if i explain a struggle im going through with one of my personal relationships, if i'm being too stubborn or not seeing the big picture she helps with that. i think they can also help you to realize the people in your personal life that might be. bringing you down/toxic and help you to remove those people from your life or learn how to better deal with them if it's someone you can't cut out like a family member etc. a friend who i asked for input also said that therapy can help you get into things that you didn’t even realize were issues to begin with, and then they can help you deal with those as well. and she said and unexpected pro for her was finding out that some chronic physical issues were related to anxiety, and through treatment they went away. i know you said you have a lot of anxiety so i think that’s a big one.
anyway, with all of that, i'm just going to tell you that going to therapy once a week isn't going to make you happy. it's something that requires work and dedication from YOU. you have to take the things that you learn from your therapist and implement them in your life in order to notice a difference in how you feel and it really is all about changing the way you think about the things that are causing you stress/pain.
additionally, i see a lot of people i know talk about how they don't tell their therapist anything or they don't tell the truth or they give only a little bit of information to keep them from prying. if you're going to do that you shouldn't bother paying for therapy. you need to be honest and open about your problems if you're going to get any help in return on how to improve them. therapy is honestly all about what YOU put in to it. it's not a magical cure that you get just by talking about your problems. it took me a really long time and many therapists to learn that.
the last thing i'll say is that if you do start therapy, it's important to find a therapist that you like and you think you can create a good rapport with and that makes you feel comfortable enough to be open and honest like you need to be. a lot of times that isn't going to be the very first person you see. it can take a few (or more) people to get someone who really meshes with you and that's ok, you just need to not give up. if you start therapy and you're not vibing with them after the first couple sessions you need to be honest with them about that and look for someone else. dragging your feet with a therapist whos style doesnt work for you is just as bad as not being honest with them. you won't get what you need out of it.
so that's what i have to say about therapy basically. it can definitely help in a lot of ways as long as you are willing to put in the work, in combination with finding the right person. i know you're scared and anxious about talking about that stuff with someone, probably especially someone you don't know, but most therapists will not delve into your deepest issues in the first few sessions. they'll want to get to know you on a more baseline level and create a level of trust so that you DO feel more comfortable telling them everything on your mind in the future.
i hope this was helpful at all and i'm sorry you're having a bad time and i hope you can find something that helps!!! <3
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marvelmymarvel · 4 years
Or HCs about adorable stuff Aizawa, Present Mic, and/or Hawks do when they're alone with their s/o? Even stuff they do completely alone that their s/o still catches them doing? Again, please and thank youu 💕💕💕💕
There are other requests before this one, but I couldn't resist! Sorry it's so late but hope you like it. I'm going to do hawks in a separate one but it's going to be an imagine!! Thank you for the sweet request :)
Synopsis: Pro Hero by day, your lover by night. Two sides of the same coin, yet you didn't know which side you loved more.
Shouta Aizawa
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While he was not necessarily a pro hero anymore after becoming a teacher, it didn't change the fact that he was different around you.
Shouta is the pure definition of "two sided coin" when it comes to you.
First off, you're a teacher as well and while he is a bit... Softer on you then he is with other teachers... You aren't coddled.
Like. Not at all.
He'll talk to you normally and won't act on his (secret) over protective nature. Nor will he try and make your life easier when you both are in teacher mode.
But when you two are home?
Oh boy.
This man doesn't let you lift a freaking finger. He's not as tired thanks to his daily naps, so this is the time where you two cook, cuddle, or.... Ya know *wink wonk*
Overall, he's a sweetheart when you two are alone at home. And while you can't tell his mood during school, you can tell when you two get home.
If he sings in the shower, it was a good day.
If he grabs you and cuddles you close, it was a hard day.
If he wraps you up in his binding... Well, he needs to let out some frustration. 👀👀
No matter what happens in those blissful 6 hours at home, you two always end up in bed and fast asleep by 9pm.
Hes usually the first one to fall asleep and has a habit of sleep talking.
You recorded him once and showed Hizashi...
Let's just say you never recorded Shouta again.
Hizashi Yamada
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You're not a teacher but man are the teachers at UA thankful for that.
Hizashi doesn't shut the hell up about you, and even though you haven't gotten close to any of the teachers (except for Shouta), they still know everything about you.
No joke, they even know what color your underwear is somedays...
So while you don't see him talk non stop about you during the day, you can tell how cuddly he's going to be through out the day. This is because he texts you non. Stop.
Non. Stop.
You're in a meeting??? Buzz buzz bitch, your annoying loud mouth just sent you the 50th text in the past hour.
Lunch break?? Haha cute, you mean face time lunch date?
By the end of the day, you're exhausted from all of your hard work so when you see your stupid idiot of a boyfriend.
Well, you too want to collapse into his arms and that's what happens.
Coming back to the teachers dorm still causes you to receive weird looks, but those are from the teachers who don't talk to Hizashi.
The other teachers will groan and moan about everything hes been saying to them, causing you to heat up in embarrassment.
Yet your stomach still flips thinking about how obsessed he is with you. This feeling only aides to the "I need to cuddle you for the next 10 hours" need that you have every day.
Coming into your apartment, you normally find him making you guys dinner and dancing to some music. He isn't allowed to sing in the building because of his quirk, but that doesnt stop his dancing.
It's hilarious to see him dancing around the kitchen, but it's even better when you see him sporting a pink apron.
Once he realizes you're there though, he'll instantly pull you close so you can dance with him. Its normally upbeat music, but sometimes its slow and romantic.
Which of course, sets the mood for the rest of the night.
After your nightly dance session, the food is scarfed down and you both are either relaxing in the tub together or cuddling on the couch and watching a show.
The after party is nsfw or sleepy times. Most of the time it's both.
Overall, the sides of his coins aren't that different, but it's different to you since you don't see his "day side" that often.
No texting doesn't count, because trust me, he is talking about you more than you think he is.
Trust me.
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