#i hope this helped :)
the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
Fem!Male reader getting judged in public and ghost defending him
I wore heels for the public for the first time and got plenty of weird stares so i need comfort rn </3 /nf
Oh, I'm so sorry that happened to you. People are jerks.
The first part of Feminine!Reader is here.
TW: People being assholes.
You and Ghost were out in the park and it was summer, so you were wearing a sundress and some cute little high heels that matched the color of the sundress. You felt pretty and Ghost thought it too.
Just as you two were walking hand in hand, you started noticing you were getting odd stares for being so feminine. It made you uncomfortable, but luckily Ghost knew whenever someone was looking at you and he glared right back at them.
"Don't worry, love," he told you, his gruff voice softer as he spoke to you. He pulled you closer by the waist, a protective arm around you. "I won't let any of them talk shit about you."
So you two continued to walk around and even though people were still staring at you, you learned to tune it all out. There were more pressing things to focus on, like how Ghost would stop every so often to give you a flower he found on the ground.
Eventually, Ghost had to take a quick run to the bathroom and he left you alone. You were sitting on the bench near the restrooms, waiting for him.
Now without Ghost, you were painfully aware of the stares, the most prominent coming from this one man. He walked up to where you were sitting, a sneer on his face.
"Who let you out of the house wearing that?" he asked, scoffing. He spat at your feet, curling his lip at you. "Disgusting."
You opened your mouth to reply, but your boyfriend appeared out of seemingly nowhere, standing behind the man. He let out a growl from deep within his chest, startling the man.
Ghost clearly was sneering at the man from beneath his balaclava, his brown eyes full of fury. "Didn't you get taught to not say anything if you had nothing nice to say?" he asked, his voice cold and threatening. "Now, I'll spare you if you leave my boyfriend alone right now. But if you don't... Well, they won't find your body."
Ghost's threats seemed to shake up the man, as he quickly apologized to you. As soon as the words "I'm sorry" left the guy's mouth, he took off running in the other direction, leaving you and Ghost alone.
You stood up from the bench, stepping into Ghost's open arms. You sighed and relaxed when feeling his strong arms wrap around you. "Thank you," you murmured.
"Of course, my love. I'll always defend you," Ghost replied, leaning forward to press a kiss against your forehead. His gloved hand lifted upwards, petting your hair to soothe you. "Don't listen to what the haters say, baby. They're just jealous of you, your beauty, and your confidence."
With those words, he let go of you until he was only holding your hand. He gently tugged you along, his eyes crinkling as he smirked beneath his mask.
"Now how about I take you home and show you just how much I like you in a dress?"
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and request something! (Check the rules in "Rules for Requesting NSFW" before requesting.)
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cthaehart · 2 months
you're really good with colors, I'm especially interested in how you color skin (I'm bad at it), would you ever post a speed paint or description of your process?
Hi!! Thank you so much, I saved a bunch to post but tumblr will only let me post one :/ my process varies depending on the piece! A lot of what I draw is directly referenced from a pic (like this one) so i mostly just paint instead of experimenting with layer modes and stuff
My most common process that idk is clear in the video is:
do base colors
duplicate that layer twice
Lower the opacity of the first one a bit (this one for example is at 70%)
Set the second one on Multiply
Fill your layer with a color, I usually go for oranges/blues or in this case grey! It helps set the mood of the drawing so you can just try whatever and see what you like!
And I usually also add a main soft yellow light for the focal point
I also like to change the line art layer to Overlay or Soft Light so it’s not fully black and goes with the colors :]
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semisolidmind · 8 months
I've been going back and forth w/ my bestie on Monster bf lore, so I've come to the master for sage advice.
Yandere or not, monster bf would help accommodate Darling with a disability. Maybe even cure if thats what she wishes for and ONLY she wishes for.
Bestie claims that they could comfort and coddle them, but not help them in ways that truly benefit them.
Any advice??? This is going on 17 days of the group chat going off.
ah, a matter befitting my expertise
i think, perhaps depending on the monster in question, both options could be possible. if the monster in question is a bit more of the feral side, then your bestie’s claim could happen.
however, if your monster is more socialized and civilized, then your option is more probable. also, the monster in question has the magic abilities to cure said disability, whatever that happens to be.
there’s a great many factors to consider in monster specificities.
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littlemoriflower · 4 months
hii im new to mori kei and havent had much luck thrifting atm, do you have any keyword or search ideas to use when looking for skirts? im struggling to find one but i might just be picky .. thank you if you decide to answer 🍀
Heya there, dear! I hope you are having a wonderful day! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
For starters, I am so glad you are trying mori kei out! I welcome you to the community with open arms, and hope you find joy and happiness in mori ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Now, shopping online for mori can be tricky, because all you want to do is search up "mori kei" or "mori girl" and hope for the clothes to magically show up in front of you. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
However, soon you'll see very few people know of the style, let alone tag it, so here's some easy keywords you can use instead:
• Lace/Linen/Cotton/Denim skirt
-> Not all skirts used in mori need to be super convoluted! You can have some basics (and I urge you to do so) that you can use underneath other pieces to create that classic layered look. The fabrics I listed above are the most common in mori, but you can also find corduroy skirts, for example, that would work wonderfully with mori as well!
• Striped/Polka dot/Gingham/Plaid/Scandinavian skirt
-> The patterns I listed above are some of the most common to find in mori kei outfits. But remember: you are not limited to these patterns. Anything with "natural motifs" like animals, flowers, leaves, trees, etc can be and would fit wonderfully with mori! Like I always say, this part always boils down to personal taste, at the end of the day! (*^▽^*)
• Tiered/Layered/Patch work skirt
-> Sure fire way to find those cute, multi layered skirts with a bunch of different fabric and patterns on them! These skirts are usually "statement pieces", which means they are often used as an outside layer. Of course you can layer something else on top of them, like a dress or a tunic, but hiding these often beautiful skirts is a disservice to them. You could use a base cotton skirt underneath this one to create a more fluffy, layered look if so desired, for example!
• Boho skirt
-> This also works wonders if you are trying to find that lacey, often layered look for skirts. The boho style had a big boom some years ago, so there's a lot of variety not only for skirts, but for dresses, tops or tunics!
• Cottagecore/fairycore skirt
-> I know, I know. How dare I mention the Big Bads™, but truth is that mori gets often pilled up with these, and to those who don't really understand the fashion, they will tag these two bad boys in a very cute skirt you wouldn't find otherwise have you not used the tags.
I hope this little list helps you in whatever way possible, and if it didn't I hope I am able to help you even further if you wish! (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
But before I go...
Gentle reminder: Don't expect perfection in the beginning. The initial stage of slowly building up your wardrobe might be a little awkward, but the more you put outfits together, the less you'll want to take them off. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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blappel · 2 months
big fan of nora please tell me more about her
HIIIIII i am always surprised when nora has fans bc obviously the party gets a lot more attention and also. well. she sucks kinda <3 but she is also my girl so here is a rundown of nora events. sadly i can't comment publicly on much more than this as it is spoilers. But just know it gets crazier yay
nora is first introduced to the party right after they all run into each other and end up trapped in Kobold Dungeon. eventually she is forced to admit she is exploring the dungeon in order to claim part of a strange artifact which "belongs to her" and allegedly, once reassembled, will lead her to the campaign's big legendary magic sword
the legendary magic sword in question was once used by the ancient hero Astora, who conquered the continent with it & went on to found the Astoran Empire, before sealing his cool sword away and leaving behind the legend that only one of his bloodline could unlock its true power and be worthy of wielding it
at this point about half the party realizes Nora is, in fact, the missing princess of the empire, Aelinora ven Astora. the rest of the party does not because they are kinda stupid, but by the present day they have all now learned the truth.
Nora, who has up until this point been flopping miserably in the dungeon due to the fact that she seemingly has no weapons or skills or HP, asks the party to accompany her on her quest.
At this point she believes at least half the party to be aligned with an enemy state so she feels very cool and epic for convincing them to ally with her so she can use them as meat shields #mastermanipulator (they just kind of felt bad for her + had their own reasons for going after the sword)
Soon after this Anari shows up, having been hired to protect Nora by a mysterious employer (who turned out to be nora's missing cousin....but what is his deal?? still unknown. But not to me) nora begins to develop a crush on her which becomes stronger and more obvious as the campaign goes on
With some encouragement from the party (blitz giving her his dagger, anari training her in self defense) she starts to learn how to fight for herself, but is still noticeably weaker than the others...however she does do some cool shit every now and then. She killed a plant good for her!
Nora is usually very soft spoken and polite and gets along well with the party ^_^ ....but they also start growing uncomfortable with how power-hungry she seems sometimes
She's very driven (and desperate) to find The Sword, stop the war, and save her country from being conquered and destroyed. how will she do that? hahahaha dont worry about it ^_^
Eventually she becomes a little more self assured, and decides to start fighting with a sword...which she's unusually good at?! haha oops she forgot to mention she actually did study the blade and she's been fighting with suboptimal weapons this whole time. Why did she do that
oh also around this point she gets almost kidnapped, then thrown down the stairs, then literally dies from being thrown down the stairs, but they bring her back to life
eventually they also meet nora's Mysteriously Missing For Five Years cousin. he is weird as hell. nora trusts him completely. neither of them will explain what's up with them??
Finally, the party assembles all the pieces of the compass needed to find The Sword, but decides not to assemble them yet because they don't trust Whatever Is Going On. and also nora..?
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desire-mona · 14 days
mona if i were to make you a playlist how long should i aim for? i only ask because i have a habit of making stupidly long playlists (a few nights ago my best friend who moved away from me told me to make him a playlist of what i've been listening to cause i used to play my new music i liked in the car with him but obv now he doesn't drive me anywhere and i was aiming for maybe two hours but it is SIX HOURS LONG SOB) and want to know what kind of listening you like to do :3
idk the one i made u is like 3 hrs long (u never responded to my msg :-( ) so i suppose aim for there but i dont care one way or the other :3
i mean for the past month ive been straight creeking nothing else butttt u can look at some monthly playlists of mine to get a vibe
top 3 from each:
september - falsetto, i made this for you, how to grow a woman from the ground
august - goddamned saint, helena, hey pretty girl time to wake up
july - im not laughing anymore, wrong way, lithonia
june - falling on deaf ears, pirate radio, jackie onassis
i also have a playlist of all my top songs of the year since 2018 (2024 not yet included, top song this year so far is too shy by kajagoogoo)
comprehensive how to make desire mona a spotify playlist guide
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moonchild-in-blue · 10 months
who is this sleep token band?? i am interested and would love to know about then 👀
this is also a bad ice breaker of trying to make friends on here
Hello friend! 💙💫 Thank you so much for this question - you have no idea what can of worms you just unlocked! So you want to join our cult uh? Welcome, there's no way out hehe (kidding. well, half-kidding).
This is just an introductory post, and by no means comprehensive. I'll point you to THIS POST by our lovely resident band archivist/librarian @sleepanonymous for a more in depth and full-fledged explanation on who are they, their story, etc. A long, but very worthwhile read!
So, Sleep Token are an alt/experimental metal band from England. They fuse a lot of heavier rock/metal elements with pop, jazz, funk, the most beautiful piano ballads - even some rap ! Genre is unimportant - the music is great!
They are anonymous, and wish to remain so, which is something we are very serious about, using masks and body paint to conceal their identities, and go by the names of Vessel, ii, iii, and iv (like the roman numerals).
From left to right, in order: iv, ii, Vessel, iii.
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Vessel - The frontman, vocalist, pianist and composer/writer. He uses a white and red mask, different from the rest of the band, with a matching shoulder piece. His mouth and tits are always out, you'll get used to it. Vessel composes and writes all of the songs, sings, and plays most of instruments on the albums, with the exception of drums, and bass on occasion. He's a musical genius, and has just the warmest, most beautiful voice ever. Vessel never talks, but has giggled like, 3 times already and it's adorable. He dances a lot on stage, like a 5 yo kid on a massive sugar rush. I love him a normal amount <- lies.
ii - our short king, our boba-eyed bean, the best drummer in the scene and I'm not even exaggerating. He is the only one aside from Vessel who is part of the studio recordings, and has composing credits as well. He has the most beautiful round, sparkly blue eyes ever 🥺
iii - TALL AND LANKY, he's the bassist. The most chaotic creature you'll ever meet - he can be seen dancing and twirling, kicking his feet, and being just extremely goofy at all times (except when he's kissing the homies). Sometimes he shouts to the audience and is just hilarious. He's usually on the stage right (our left) in front of the choir. Like iv, he takes no part in the album recordings, but has been with the band since day one.
iv - the fuckboy. The cuddler. The guitarrist. iv is the second shortest of the group, and he's usually on stage left in front of ii (drummer). While he's usually more chill than Vessel and iii, he's also a smooth mofo. It's common to see him fiddle with the mask to tease the fans, or be dragged around stage by iii. He's constantly being kissed by everyone and honestly? Valid. Aside from guitar, he also does the live screams with Vessel, and just like iii, has no part in album recording. iv is actually the 3rd "iv" - he joined them around 2020/21 if I'm not mistaken - but it's safe to assume he's here to stay.
The Vesselettes/Choir - including them because I love our queens. They are the 3 backing vocals/choir who accompany the band on tour. They have been on/off since not too long ago, but they seem to have a more permanent presence lately. They are the only ones who have their personal identities disclosed to the public. They are the Espera group, who are also association with the band Exploring Birdsong.
They have a bit of lore, but most of what you find is fanmade, based on their lyrics, some messages from the band, and just general vibes. According to the band, Vessel (the frontman) was visited in a dream by an ancient deity called Sleep, who dwells within dreams. Sleep promised to bring glory and fame, in exchange for Vessel's worship (which is a tag line used by band and fans alike!). The band serve as living vessels for Sleep, with Vessel being the "main one" (the others are technically called Vessel 2/3/4 but they just go by their roman numerals). Each song is a "token", or offering to Sleep, hence "Sleep Token".
There are many, many people here who do song analysis and connect them to the lore, or offering different perspectives. The songs, mostly romantic/sad in nature, have really no set meaning - everyone's free to interpret as they wish! There are some really amazing posts around here (some by me even oop), if that's your thing!
They have 3 albums - Sundowning, This Place Will Become Your Tomb, and Take Me Back To Eden - who form a story trilogy, Sundowning being their official debut and the start of the story. There are many recurring themes and references, especially in the last album. Before that, they released 2 eps, One and Two, and 2 singles, Jaws and The Way That You Were.
I always reccomend you start with Take Me Back To Eden, their most recent album, as its a perfect showcase of all the different genres and musical artistry they incorporate. After that, you can either start with the albums (the trilogy) and then the eps, or go back to beginning with One (which is how I did it). Either way is perfectly valid! You can also just listen to random songs and then go from there, but I strongly advise you to listen to the albums in full for the best experience possible.
There's really only one rule in the fandom so to speak, that I really need to mention, which is do not reveal or mention any of the members' irl identities. Unfortunately, it's increasingly impossible to not come across their names and faces on the internet - Google and Pinterest are not your friends. Twitter is also not the best. If you do see something, or stumble upon any side-projects of any of the guys aside from Sleep Token, do not mention it. Just pretend you didn't see anything, and leave it be. The band has been very adamant in their wish to remain anonymous, so as fans it's our responsibility to respect their one request.
This is a bit to take in, but hopefully it can point you in the right direction! If there's anything at all that you wish to know, or are confused by, do not hesitate to ask!! I'm always glad to help more people get into our favourite cryptics, and there are plenty of lovely, lovely people around here who do too! Tumblr is usually pretty chill and friendly, so don't be afraid to interact with people. Everyone is welcomed in the Tumblr Creechur Corner 😚
And of course, above all, have fun!!! Worship 🖤
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cloudycleric · 10 months
Hey hey
Because of all your Hanukkah posts I remembered that we never really talked about Hanukkah in school. I think we did once but I was like 8 and as an atheist I just hated religion lessons back then. So now I wanted to ask if you could maybe explain what Hanukkah exactly is (I do remember parts of it but not enough) and maybe, because I could also google that, what the most important part about it for you personally is?
Thank you very much and I wish you a happy Hanukkah <333
hi hi hi:)
hanukkah was also never discussed in my schools growing up, so i feel ya. so, here's a little rundown!!
hanukkah is also called the festival of lights, & in really simple terms it celebrates when oil that was meant to last for one day lasted for eight days. this happened during a time where the greeks were trying to force jews to believe in greek stuff. the leader of the army had taken a temple, killed pigs there (big no no) & told the jewish people that they had to worship their gods. the jewish people fought back & eventually won, & when they went to reclaim the temple, that was when they realized they only had oil for one night.
basically hanukkah represents religious freedom for jewish people & is a story of hope. i don't really believe in a lot of the religious stuff but my heritage is jewish so thats why i celebrate hanukkah. plus hanukkah is a better story than a baby being born but im not sure if everyone is ready for that conversation yet.
chag sameach! (happy holiday!) <3
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pokeficdaily · 1 year
Im thinking about making my own pokefic in the style of the ones here based off of a rp that some friends and I have been doing. Do you have any recommendations to draw inspiration from?
first of all, oh my god!!!! please share it with us if you do do it! we're really excited to see!
as for the question itself, sure!
im thinking you should check out these four pokefics especially :
pokemon high school by emopaul56
keeping up with the kalosians by sleepwick
a true love of a senpai by greninja youtuber
hoenn ward bound by cool opabinia facts!!
the first one comes from a very long series (you can find a playlist with every episode on the channel). it's purposefully very funny, just like the second one, except the first season of the second one has been deleted. the new season is still very funny though! as for the third one, its a classic dark ash fic. one of the first ones we found with mod seal. and the fourth one is also purposefully funny and has been submitted to us! it's also hilarious :3
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tim-ee-sis · 9 months
How has dating been after getting out of an LTR? I’m newly single after a 10 year relationship and the thought of dating again terrifies me!
It's been weird and full of ups and downs. I've been explicit with any date I've been on that I have some healing to do and I'm not looking to jump back into anything, but rather go on some dates and establish a friendship before anything else. There have been a few guys who get a lil clingy, but I keep my communication direct and firm because I'll know when I'm ready. I've also grown/matured a lot since I was last single, both from the relationship with my ex (which wasn't all bad; it was largely good, just ended super poorly because of his choices) so I'm approaching dating way different than when I was last single. There's a lot of new apps out there which is a great place to see if there's a rapport but also provokes some anxiety 😅
Long story short: do what's comfortable for you, communicate directly about your headspace and what you're feeling, but don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things!
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museeofmoon · 8 months
hi zainab - sorry to bother you but i was curious if you had any tips on editing photos for your studyblr? yours look really good and i can never get mine to quite look so good. is there a specific photo editor/set of presets you'd recommend? or just generally any tips?
Hi hi! Oh its not a bother at all, i use epik for editing, i personally liked it better than other apps out there and my setting usually depends on lighting but the main key is:
Sharpness, highlights,contrast:⬆️
Shadows,saturation: ⬇️
I keep all the adjustments under 40 because i don't want anything to be too harsh, rest is just a bit of curves if needed and blur w mosic! [It have a couple of options!] Lmk if you have any other questions <3
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Any tips on making cod ocs?
First establish what part of the COD universe they're in. Like are they 141, SpecGru, KorTac, Shadow Company? Or hell, you could go to other COD universes like Ghosts, Black Ops. Whatever universe/squad/military branch you want.
I know my last two OCs are the exception to this considering they're not really a part of the 141 of Shadow Company like the rest of my COD OCs, but they're in the same universe and I've decided to cut myself some slack for that because I thought I deserve it.
Anyways, the next thing to do is think about what type of character are you thinking about making? Are they stoic, happy, neutral? What is their backstory? Get into the very nitty gritty details of them and don't stop until they've completely overrun your brain.
Don't feel like you have to use just one medium or a specific medium. I know there are people who draw their OCs, write about their OCs, draw and write their OCs. I personally only write about my OCs because I'm a writer and I can't really draw.
Also, I know I said get into the very nitty gritty details of them and you should eventually do that, but don't feel bad if you know only the bare bones. I've felt that it takes time for you to get to know the OC really really well.
I mean it might because I'm not a person who plans out things at all so I just think about things as I go.
The most important thing is to have fun, it shouldn't really feel like a chore to create OCs. After all, they're because you want to put a piece of you into the fandom you love so much.
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autismrelatabites · 1 year
Um, quick question. Well, maybe not really. See, I’m wondering why some Autism blogs say Autism is not a sepectium. I just, I fall into the High-Functioning category and it sort of made me felt isolated when I see posts like that. Like I belong in-between two worlds. Still does sometimes, though I don’t want to act like a victim. I guess my question is, why do people with Autism claim it’s not a spectrum? Thank you.
This is a very complicated subject that I am admittedly not fully educated about, but I am going to do my best to explain with the knowledge that I have. I'm also going to aim to make this explanation as clear and concise as possible, since it can get a little confusing sometimes.
The problem with functioning labels (which I assume this is what you are referring to) is that they are disingenuous and at worst, actively harmful. Words have connotations and assumptions that go with them, and sometimes they get oversimplified or too rigid. Humans are complex, and you can't define someone by one word alone, which presents one of the main issues with these labels.
Having only two labels for functioning: high and low, is not an adequate description of the support needs someone would need, and does not encompass enough. Someone who can speak articulately and mask well may be labelled "high functioning" (because a lot of weight is placed on how well someone with autism can speak for some reason), despite having sensory issues that leave them unable to exist in the world comfortably, or executive dysfunction extreme enough to impede their daily life.
Likewise, an autistic person who is incredibly empathetic, creative, emotionally intelligent, and able to take care of themselves on their own, but who is semi/non-verbal and struggles with maths and writing, may be labelled as "low functioning". By nature of autism being a learning disability, everyone who has it struggles, just not in the same way. And people labelled as "high functioning" by society may not receive the help they need because people assume that they are universally or mostly "fine" and "not that impacted by their autism". People labelled "low functioning" may be treated like they are completely incapable. This is why some people claim that autism is not a "spectrum", because it implies there is a certain level of autism you can have, which is not true, you are either autistic or you or not, and that manifests differently for a large range of us. There just isn't enough nuance that can be captured with "high" and "low" alone. They are too vague and in essence, don't provide enough information about a person. When someone can hear one word and instantly assume many things about you, most of which will probably be wrong, that is harmful. Regardless of the few that feel the label fits their experience.
And lastly, functioning labels do not benefit us as autistic people. They benefit those around us, they benefit neurotypicals that want an idea of how easy we are to deal with for them. And ultimately, we should not be defined by how "easy" we are to "handle".
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how-to-scug · 1 month
Hello, hope your having a great day!!
Do you have any tips regarding stylising slugcats in different ways?
HI thanks, i am indeed having a good day thanks for asking!
as for your question, im not entirely sure how to go about answering it, however i can give some tips for developing a style, just in general
do you have any artists you like? im sure a lot of you guys have heard the "take what you like about your favorite artist" speil, but i find its a little more that that.., a lot of times what i find myself doing is taking an image that i like, and well, trace it (its not just tracing work with me here lmao)
alternatively i draw against it, if that makes sense, like use a reference, which is also really helpful because im not relying on the image that much (especially because i cant focus on looking at the drawing and the picture at the same time, so usualy i just look at it and draw from memory, would suggest, sorry for the tangent tldr use reference sometimes too! dont just trace lol back to tracing though ig lmao)
for this im going to be using this image
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and the program i will be using is firealpaca (its a nice free software i like using for digital art, but thats not important right now)
i start off with this generally, as you can see, the image is lower opacity, on a separate layer, and although its not rainworld, its the first thing i saw mildly interesting on pinterest lol
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alright now i have the iddy biddy bits done, i traced over the general pose, and now im ready to move on.
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here is where its a little more than tracing
i turn the original picture off, and lower the opacity of the traced version, and then just, draw over it i guess.
i like to try to think about how the body would, idk, fit there, like if i was there how would i look? would i be stiff? relaxed? so on and all that. the goal here is to learn from tracing it, not just trace mindlessly if you get what i mean. be mindful about what your drawing
anyway heres the next stage, as you can see i wanted to deviate from the original image, that way im not making a carbon copy of the image. i do think the image is pretty good for practice though, as its a pretty dificult pose (at least for me) and i can use the (albeit very little) knowledge i have on foreshortening on the arm, idk man its a really cool image and i like how challenging it is, i really had to struggle to make it look right.
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i wont be adding any more detail to this, but its generaly how i go about learning and tracing art
side note, im sure you've heard of this before, but dont post art you traced as yours, and if you do, add the original image before your drawing, and give a disclamer
awf man i lost my point, but i put too much effort into this to delete all of it
anyway im gonna be making something else to make up for this im sorry lmao
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the-casbah-way · 1 month
What do you think the answer to the trolley problem is?
i have three potential responses to this 1) i am not someone who cares about hypothetical philosophical shit my brain is tiny and my immediate response is always who cares 2) the obvious answer is that there is no answer that’s why it’s a problem it’s intended to provoke thought or debate not to be solved 3) the more i talk about it the more i’m not even sure i remember what the trolley problem actually is but this leads me back to point 1)
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vanillesprincess · 2 months
hello! i love your blog and i have a question. (someone recently tried to reenter my life 'it's been 5 months') if someone has hurt you in the past, and then they try to come back into your life to apologize and rekindle your old friendship, how do you forgive them but also say that you don't want them in your life?
Hii love! thanks for the question. honestly that has never happened to me but recently I have simply been trying to be more honest. I feel like you will never regret being honest and speaking your truth. So, I guess you should tell them basically what you said here: that you forgive them but don't wish to rekindle the friendship
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